Deep state


@00:19:59 is i think deep state as it gets and she

What Would Happen If THEY Won?

@00:12:11 uh redactions and what is the deep state

What Happens To This MAJOR LIE Now?

@00:01:29 deep state right ahead of the election
@00:17:02 deep state by the globalist by the
@00:18:36 information to the deep state
@00:18:56 the deep state globalists who satanists

Hunter/Chinese BACKMAIL Exposed? Comey/Epstein/Maxwell Connection? & MORE!!!

@00:15:47 how the deep state protects itself how


@00:20:48 that was run by a deep state-backed

Are We Under ATTACK From Directed Energy Weapons?

@00:29:51 of deep state globalist puppet masters

Who's Funding The Active 'COLOR REVOLUTION' In The United States?

@00:01:17 as to why the deep state is running this
@00:02:20 stories that expose the deep state
@00:14:38 this is the whole reason why the deep
@00:14:41 state is running this color
@00:15:10 there is an actual deep state run by the
@00:25:09 a deal with our deep state and obama and


@00:15:18 the deep state and all the their fake
@00:25:31 that works for the deep state not for


@00:20:15 deep state
@00:20:16 people these these these uh deep state

Why Are THEY Expending Their AMMUNITION?

@00:10:36 talking about the deep state
@00:21:40 trump which is the democrats in the deep
@00:21:42 state
@00:24:30 iia they're controlled by these deep
@00:24:32 state generals


@00:20:22 uh deep democratic state department


@00:19:38 trump exposed the coup that was a deep
@00:19:40 state operation
@00:19:57 to keep their deep state operations

What's More DANGEROUS To Our Republic?

@00:12:29 crimes of the deep state who tried to to

Why Are US Cities Becoming War Zones?

@00:23:53 deep state scandal secrets
@00:24:17 do so i hope that all the deep state

Is A '5th Column' Of SUBVERSIVE AGENTS Infiltrating Our Republic?

@00:10:11 darpa and the deep state to basically

Who Else Did THEY SPY ON?

@00:12:58 the deep state launched the hoax russian

Is The STORM Finally Upon US?!?

@00:12:51 deep state
@00:17:15 who is the deep state swamp as it gets

Who's Behind The Treasonous Insurrection Against Our Republic?

@00:03:36 by the deep state sleepers who you know

Why Do I Trust The Plan? Because It's Working...

@00:20:52 the deep state

Are THEY Purging All Dissent Off Social Media?

@00:23:16 the dems deep state intend to take the

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:04:56 crack down on this deep state corruption
@00:07:04 eighths so these guys are deep state
@00:13:46 some of them go to local and state
@00:13:53 eskew says the swamp runs deep
@00:19:36 that were kind of like deep state panic

Are We Entering The FINAL COUNTDOWN?

@00:21:05 the the deep state intelligence that

Are THEY Preparing The Ultimate Deception?

@00:09:44 goals of the deep state and who
@00:10:39 a deep state there is also a deep church
@00:11:10 deep state which you wisely oppose and
@00:13:15 the deep state to globalism - aligned

How Do You Circumvent The Controlled Narrative?

@00:12:48 to these criminals in the deep state and

What's Important To Know For FUTURE EVENTS?

@00:00:56 against the deep state and exposing
@00:18:18 whatever you want to call them deep
@00:18:19 state they're not really that elite as
@00:26:22 were communicating this is how the deep
@00:26:24 state communicated with the

Are You Ready For Our Next Mission?

@00:07:53 help him to take down this deep state in


@00:03:45 the deep state against a duly elected
@00:03:48 coup with unelected partisan deep state
@00:18:03 deep state but that's what keeps

What Don't THEY Want You To Know?

@00:20:10 with the deep state and the

Are We Forcing The EVIL Out Of The DARKNESS?

@00:01:51 deep state that only once this evil is


@00:03:22 i think it has to do with the deep state

Do You Understand What Will Be UNLEASHED?

@00:13:38 to call it deep state apparatus who


@00:12:51 corrupt you know cabal of deep state


@00:17:37 were exposing the deep state were
@00:24:33 officials in the deep state who have

Are THEY Prepared For US?

@00:01:12 trump calling out the deep state among
@00:13:07 easily identify with the deep state
@00:14:38 deep state and who expresses those goals
@00:15:39 deep state there is also a deep church
@00:17:09 subservient to the deep state to
@00:19:41 church or it's the deep state in the
@00:19:45 government and then there's a deep state
@00:19:47 there's a catholic church there's a deep

Is SHADOW GOV Secretly Plotting A MUTINY?

@00:35:59 deep state generals together


@00:27:46 president trump who was obviously a deep
@00:27:48 state or from day one but i just thought

How Far Do THEY Want To Take This?

@00:10:04 right or let's just say globalist deep
@00:10:06 state shadow


@00:00:07 deep state i'm fighting i'm fighting the
@00:00:29 happen to be a victim of the deep state
@00:02:35 the deep state and exactly what that
@00:07:54 peter struck the lisa page the deep
@00:07:56 state sleeper plan was activated right
@00:12:41 are the deep state obama era plants
@00:12:46 obama's deep staving we're talking about
@00:13:14 this massive deep state you know how do
@00:15:08 power they entranced a deep state
@00:24:16 this unelected deep state bureaucracy


@00:19:21 you know that their deep state you know

How Do You Set The Stage For HUSSEINGATE?

@00:13:16 pawns the pawns were the deep state

CLAS 1-99 & NAT SEC THREATS To Our Republic?

@00:12:00 trying to bring in the corrupt deep
@00:12:01 state lawyers who tried to manipulate
@00:26:05 our deeps deep state or the puppet
@00:26:06 masters - a lot of these deep state

WHO Benefits the MOST From This?

@00:09:06 deep state he was highly respected by
@00:24:01 you have this corrupt deep state fisa

Did The HUSSEIN Admin UNMASK Themselves?

@00:05:28 deep state was spying on him obama's

What TRUTH Scares THEM The MOST?

@00:14:20 deep state launching a coup against a

How Far Were THEY Willing To Go?

@00:03:15 the deep state operatives who was inside
@00:03:46 one so this inspector general deep state
@00:13:48 and take out the deep state that's been
@00:21:25 that the four seven is the deep state
@00:30:54 know deep state cabal this is where


@00:16:57 deep state cabal inside of our

Will We Let THEM Take Our Rights Away?

@00:05:09 amendment rights so these deep state
@00:25:56 who knows possibly traders deep state


@00:02:30 the deep state shield retired army
@00:03:44 this deep state general stanley
@00:04:18 democratic system so their little deep
@00:04:20 state pawn shield general that they were
@00:04:57 a deep state shield general from the
@00:09:41 their deep state backers and the rhinos
@00:12:20 of deep state cloud operation to release
@00:30:18 after trump we know about his deep state

Are You Ready To Stand Up Against THEM?

@00:31:07 who's in charge of the deep state shill


@00:01:33 that plus it's cute warning us of a deep
@00:01:36 state general who's coming out now
@00:09:18 deep state cabal right what trump's up
@00:12:18 basically combat q using a deep state
@00:13:42 this guy's deep state he's connected to
@00:13:52 to be about his deep state as it gets
@00:14:07 country q so you know obviously the deep
@00:14:11 state obama who's saying all his lackeys
@00:23:06 asset including their deep state shield

Did THEY Use Infiltration Instead Of Invasion?

@00:12:07 who ended up working for the deep state
@00:23:30 him signaling to his deep state cohorts

Why Are We Engaged In This Battle?

@00:20:40 possibility for these deep state actors

How Do THEY Secretly Communicate?

@00:08:44 expose deep state doj block regarding
@00:20:17 a transcript of these deep state guys
@00:23:53 acting in their capacity as deep state

WHO Is Aiding And Abetting Our ENEMIES?

@00:06:03 deep state push a coup against a

Are We Saving America And The World From Darkness?

@00:03:40 continues to come out against the deep
@00:03:43 state who tried to launch a coup against


@00:21:09 referring to reddish the deep state

Are We Engaged In A MAJOR BATTLE Against EVIL?

@00:16:11 deep state actors trying to enact a coup

Is The HIDDEN ENEMY Directly Beneath US?

@00:02:58 news and the deep state and we're going
@00:08:23 if they were being used by the deep
@00:08:26 state bad actors and others in order to
@00:08:42 only by you know the deep state bad

Are We Watching A 'SCRIPTED' Movie?

@00:22:41 trusted by trump because of his deep
@00:22:44 state ties to hussein and hillary and
@00:23:37 not looking good for the deep state


@00:06:55 about the deep state we're talking about

Globalist Plot To Destroy The U.S.A. Exposed?

@00:15:58 i mean the deep state cabal the

Are THEY Exploiting CV-19 PANIC?

@00:00:54 the deep state so you guys gonna want to
@00:02:47 which i really think that the deep state


@00:03:31 hypothetically say the deep state the
@00:14:55 this entrenched deep state bureaucracy

Can ANYTHING Stop What's Coming?

@00:11:42 terrifying time for these deep state


@00:01:14 deep state who tried to run a coup
@00:02:40 deep state coup plotters and how they're
@00:10:52 to remember they knew this deep state


@00:25:42 deep state cabal a swamp to you know

Is The PUZZLE Coming Together?

@00:18:10 the former dni deep state dan coates
@00:21:48 way for the democrats and the deep state
@00:26:00 against the corrupt cabal of the deep
@00:26:02 state they just end up disappearing


@00:06:44 because it just is another deep state

How Much DEEPER & DARKER Does This All Go?

@00:22:28 people who run the deep state who are


@00:04:01 those deep state bureaucrats who abuse
@00:04:37 and many other current and former deep
@00:04:40 state officials responsible for the

Are We Witnessing A VIRAL PURGE?

@00:19:18 in this this coup and this cabal of deep
@00:19:21 state globalist whatever this should be


@00:05:41 you can help the deep state help the the

Are THEY Prepared For What Is Happening?

@00:16:18 from this deep state cabal that's used

Is It Only A Matter Of TIME Before Major Arrests?

@00:14:59 people this is why cia and deep state
@00:15:00 protects him and this is why the deep
@00:15:02 state in the sea i do not want him to be


@00:24:08 deep state with people who are going to


@00:12:56 corruption and criminality of the deep
@00:12:58 state in trying to put a coup on against
@00:13:50 these these deep state you know
@00:27:35 basically an allegory for the deep state


@00:04:20 against the deep state against these


@00:09:15 this this system the deep state whatever

Are WE Seeing The PLAN Come Together?

@00:15:19 time since by the deep state leftovers

Can We Expose The COUP PLOTTERS Yet?

@00:00:35 informed talk as the deep state
@00:05:51 deep state swamp protecting creature
@00:10:32 globalists deep state cabal all they did
@00:10:53 thousands if not more of these deep
@00:10:56 state criminals these corrupt criminals
@00:18:56 possible blackmail upon him by deep
@00:18:58 state actors who most certainly know his
@00:25:49 inner workings of the deep state because


@00:07:09 ukraine playing deep state actors

Why Are THEY Pushing The IRAN HOAX?

@00:00:45 president trump for exposing their deep
@00:00:48 state globalist cabal crimes that they
@00:00:54 take a very deep dive into all of this


@00:00:56 and we have to ask the question how deep
@00:00:58 does the deep state go and how deep did
@00:01:12 being attacked by an unelected deep
@00:01:14 state intelligence community who thinks

How Do THEY Blackmail And Control STARS?

@00:11:20 telling on all of his little deep state

Secret Plot To Weaponize Impeachment EXPOSED?!?

@00:00:13 democrats and their deep state allies

Is Q A Secret Backchannel Preventing Global Disaster?

@00:09:57 about the fbi doj state department
@00:10:04 trump has removed all of these deep
@00:10:06 state swamp creatures little by little

A Declaration of OPEN WAR?

@00:05:25 acting on behalf of the deep state
@00:11:20 some deep state trick they've been doing

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:08:46 deep state as it gets in my opinion is
@00:10:59 deep state coup so the reality is this
@00:19:05 deep into the clinton foundation and
@00:19:09 else the fice abused the deep state ku


@00:22:21 here deep state bureaucrats named time

Why Do THEY Fear Our Movement?

@00:14:33 that obama is using his deep state
@00:19:07 trump against the deep state and this
@00:19:12 deep state was made up of satanic
@00:19:44 the trump fight with the deep state in
@00:20:20 fight the deep state some of it was
@00:20:22 about things of the deep state we're
@00:20:36 believe that this was a just a deep
@00:20:39 state attempt to take out a sitting


@00:02:03 referring to the deep state cabal who is
@00:09:35 by the deep state criminals who were
@00:16:34 over in the deep state right who love

Spy Tactics Used Against Trump Backfiring?

@00:01:14 deep state their blockade with the

You Are Cordially Invited...

@00:08:43 i have dylan lewis monroe from the deep
@00:08:46 state mapping project he's


@00:07:31 permanent bureaucracy deep state

Is The Media Preparing To PURGE Our Movement?

@00:24:31 only are the democrats in the deep state

Secret Insurance Files Hold The KEY To EVERYTHING?

@00:00:54 the question did the deep state
@00:02:46 you would call the deep state and global
@00:09:24 the deep state permanent bureaucracy


@00:03:55 deep state to go as hard as they can

What You Should Know About Google's 'AI Manhattan Project'

@00:19:28 the deep state and the way that i'm
@00:19:35 asset of the deep state and i'm exposing


@00:00:55 talking about how the deep state cabal

Are THEY Losing Control Of The NARRATIVE?

@00:08:09 deep state to continue to keep the

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming...

@00:08:11 you know deep state globalist coup
@00:12:09 deep state we're out there actually
@00:21:47 deep state they're all in bed together

Are Rogue CLOWNS Infiltrating EVERYTHING?

@00:00:59 the deep state intelligence community
@00:01:44 president trump and these these deep
@00:01:46 state factions who are putting on all
@00:11:59 engaged in against the deep state
@00:14:52 message sent by the deep state oh i see
@00:26:18 of power by this this deep state complex


@00:00:17 and often use term about a deep state
@00:00:23 for the deep state i mean i think you

Do You TRUST The Media?

@00:20:52 mean look deep state gets as deep state

The Untold Truth Of The Epstein Cover-up...

@00:05:39 reality is you have a bunch of deep
@00:05:41 state criminals right unelected
@00:06:12 the deep state and that means that they
@00:11:27 liberal lefty obviously part of the deep
@00:11:31 state complex going on national tv and
@00:13:36 and you know all these deep state actors

Q: 93 Days of Darkness Explained?

@00:24:45 the deep state and here's president

Was IMPEACHMENT A Part Of The Plan All Along?

@00:08:28 we all have there there's a deep state
@00:15:34 bureaucracy there and then the the deep
@00:15:37 state lead left behind or leave behind
@00:16:09 another pawn of the deep state it would

Why Did THEY Shut Down Every Embassy WORLDWIDE?

@00:01:44 israel's got a deep state just like the
@00:06:01 that's being enacted by a bunch of deep
@00:06:03 state cowards who are trying to take
@00:17:21 has a deep state has factions inside of
@00:18:02 is bad just because we have a deep state
@00:22:34 a deep state we talk about people like
@00:24:33 is there's a deep state i'm not saying
@00:24:37 deep state they're just like we have

TOP SECRET Mission Threatened By LEAKERS?

@00:06:42 globalist deep state cabal and all they
@00:18:35 emboldened because deep state ties have
@00:18:58 pelosi and shift both deep state you
@00:24:39 critical to exposing the deep state coup

Are WE Dismantling THEIR Global Control Systems?

@00:00:44 aimed at exposing the deep state and

DC Cult 'The Finders' Exposed By Newly Released Intel?

@00:04:45 individuals let's say deep state

Are THEY In Danger Of Losing It ALL?

@00:10:39 have a higher allegiance to the deep
@00:10:41 state unelected bureaucrat deep state
@00:19:08 deep state is shaking in their boots
@00:20:03 true pundit talking about the deep state
@00:20:47 coffers of crooked politicians at deep
@00:20:48 state pockets worldwide federal sources
@00:20:56 alleged deep state players have been
@00:22:22 global you know deep state cabal that is

MASSIVE Military Exercises Taking Place Ahead Of WHAT???

@00:03:18 the deep state have to blame when it all
@00:03:34 befalls the deep state has been in my
@00:03:36 opinion by design executed by the deep
@00:03:39 state themselves trump's got no fingers
@00:07:26 the deep state or whatever you want to
@00:20:24 basically our deep state the ones coming

Where Do WE Get Our Information?

@00:16:17 a rogue deep state a rogue intelligence
@00:18:07 there is a deep state there is a

Is Operation RED OCTOBER In Full Effect?

@00:12:30 of the president it's just another deep
@00:12:33 state puppet who is being played against
@00:14:28 these deep state actresses and we're
@00:19:35 deep state bases and we talked about

Where Are The REAL Criminals Hiding?

@00:10:24 messages for their deep state criminal
@00:11:48 the deep state and we know that the deep
@00:11:50 state will go as far as they need to to
@00:12:53 the deep state most of them just
@00:12:54 basically will do whatever the deep
@00:12:56 state wants and comey is obviously a
@00:12:59 part of that deep state now think about
@00:16:28 gentlemen and the deep state just got
@00:16:40 of the deep state in syria amongst the
@00:16:46 most strategic shipping port deep state
@00:16:57 nsa against the cia and the deep state
@00:18:10 other of these deep state connected

WE Know THEIR Moves Before THEY Do?

@00:12:57 democrats the radical left deep state


@00:04:04 deep state operatives weaponizing their
@00:22:09 that these deep state operatives are

Is Operation RED OCTOBER Going Live?

@00:10:01 of deep state players were gonna

Why Was A Path Cleared For HER Return???

@00:02:32 coming after the deep state and it is

How Can We USE What We KNOW?

@00:01:58 exposing these evil deep state globalist
@00:05:40 but then also to launch deep state
@00:20:37 the president so deep state panicking

Do We Have More Than THEY Know?

@00:00:46 the deep state in their fraud and
@00:02:19 between president trump and the deep
@00:02:21 state it's growing ever more and more
@00:04:23 everyone to make the deep state what it
@00:06:00 unaccountable deep state minions who are
@00:11:17 deep state criminals and that's what
@00:12:01 president trump is going after the deep
@00:12:04 state that speech that you saw president
@00:12:18 globalist deep state hacks who have
@00:18:16 as to why the deep state is so

What If Those 'PLACED' Were Being Investigated?

@00:09:49 where the deep state could say oh we

Why Are THEY Impeaching Now?

@00:07:04 deep state they're trying to attack him
@00:07:26 a deep state move why are they doing it

Did THEIR Secret Weapon Just BACKFIRE???

@00:01:48 manipulate the deep state into deploying
@00:22:32 own deep state attacked the president
@00:24:28 national intelligence now she is deep
@00:24:31 state as it gets coates as deep sea as
@00:25:13 these deep state crimes that were
@00:26:56 deep state who are protecting their

Are THEY Desperate Enough To Keep IT Going?

@00:09:28 deep state unelected deep state tried to
@00:23:48 what's new about that just another deep
@00:23:50 state obama holdover spy


@00:01:00 broker the deal with the deep state in
@00:06:25 run by the deep state which president
@00:09:58 inside the deep state who would want
@00:10:25 deep state connections and you got to
@00:13:36 testify before congress so the deep
@00:13:39 state has one of their secret obama
@00:14:42 administration but by using these deep
@00:14:45 state plans to just keep popping up
@00:15:22 same time we don't want joe deep state
@00:19:31 deep state because q has told us about
@00:22:43 the deep state because we have

Trump Rally After Thoughts...

@00:02:42 highlighted the deep state corruption in

Did THEY See The Insurance File?

@00:14:30 by the deep state in order to create an
@00:14:42 facebook is representative of the deep
@00:14:44 state cabal of globalist evil demonic

Is The STORM A Precision Strike Against THEM?

@00:25:42 deep seat and then weaponized and q has
@00:25:47 back from the deep state by president


@00:18:40 deep state and how they will not stop

Do You Still TRUST THE PLAN Is Happening?

@00:12:20 fed should just work for the deep state

Would THEY Sell Out America's Secrets?

@00:05:38 these deep state programs that have been
@00:19:51 aggregator of information for the deep
@00:19:54 state for the
@00:20:08 you're giving that all to the deep state

Obama's FBI Used CEO As SPY To SETUP Russia Hoax?

@00:01:06 by the deep state and obama's fbi to
@00:09:17 contention for the deep state and
@00:26:03 against deep state look ludicrous in the
@00:26:21 malfeasance of the deep state and their
@00:28:12 about exposing the deep state so and you
@00:29:49 these deep state global elitists people

What Are THEY Afraid To Talk About?

@00:27:14 spots for deep state people who are

THEY Are Powerless To Stop What's Coming...

@00:22:32 cuz obviously there's still deep state
@00:26:00 connected to a deep state cabal ku

Who Is Telling The TRUTH About This?

@00:00:13 keifa by deep state radical and their
@00:21:29 zero for the deep state influence buying
@00:22:52 force ran obama's deep state hillary and

SECRET FBI Raid On Epstein Island REVEALS...

@00:04:54 shot to the deep state claiming that


@00:16:33 the deep state against president trump
@00:16:35 to portray him as having these deep


@00:10:18 that the deep state has to understand
@00:11:51 disturbing dirt on the clintons and deep
@00:11:53 state politicians is being held without
@00:12:14 the deep state is going to let his
@00:13:07 is the deep state real oh man
@00:13:57 of you doom criers deep stays in control
@00:14:00 this is ridiculous if the deep state was

Elites EXPOSED By Newly Released Epstein Court Docs...

@00:10:42 was all covert deep state garbage being

When Will THEY Realize IT'S OVER?

@00:06:31 case because there is a deep state
@00:07:37 deep state cover-up a hack job by this
@00:09:35 who these deep state people are and it's

TRUTH About The MEDIA & The FBI?

@00:06:13 fact that the deep state was trying to
@00:14:30 defending donald trump from the deep
@00:14:31 state and not sure again mysteriously

When Will THEY Ask The Q?

@00:09:25 unbelievable really but the deep state

Guess Who They're COMING For NEXT?

@00:18:19 network that believes in a deep state
@00:19:22 a deep state conspiracy against
@00:24:21 conspiracy involving deep state actors

How Did THEY Lose The POWER To Control?

@00:08:23 deep state globalist big tech sensors
@00:22:44 the deep state so you know huh yeah

Do You Realize How Much THEY Did?

@00:25:23 now they're just deep state you know

How Do You Clean DIRTY MONEY???

@00:16:38 to communicate with his deep state pals
@00:20:50 big deep state battle if you guys have

Want To Know How DEEP All This Goes?

@00:24:33 message like to all the deep state obama

Mysterious Occultism Will Be THEIR Downfall...

@00:18:54 running cover for all these deep state
@00:24:37 papadopoulos so good luck deep state we

The TRUTH Is Right In Front Of You...

@00:05:51 the the obvious leftovers of the deep
@00:05:58 state they're cabal that exists they're

NOTHING Truly Is What IT Seems...

@00:00:22 pleasant we have a deep state we have

What THEY Don't Want YOU To See...

@00:07:26 the same little globalist cabal of deep
@00:07:33 state actors who would rather as i've

Secret Military Operations Cause PANIC IN DC?

@00:23:39 the rogue deep state which tried to

Why THEY Can't LIE Anymore...Stealth Moves?

@00:10:01 that america is controlled by a deep
@00:10:03 state that prominent democratic

How Did THEY Get Away With It?

@00:09:18 on the board the deep state reacts and

THEY Never Thought She Would LOSE...

@00:21:28 trump is taking down the deep state the

Sensitive Deep Sea Fiber Optic Network Attacked?

@00:00:32 deep state globalists who are trying to
@00:00:35 tap into our deep-sea fiber optic
@00:07:16 have a deep state including russia what
@00:07:26 putin's orders what if in fact the deep
@00:07:29 state attempted an operation on its own
@00:07:37 deep state global cabal has no access to
@00:09:49 crew as deep state operatives trump
@00:10:04 the deep state seems in my humble
@00:11:32 deep state mission and damage control as
@00:12:17 this deep state operation was going down
@00:13:04 cover story deep state is now absolutely

US Sub Sunk Off Coast Of Alaska?

@00:18:36 kind of rogue deep state operated sub

The PLAN Being Set In Motion...

@00:07:03 who were in basically in bed with deep
@00:07:07 state intelligence agencies globalist
@00:07:22 is this you create the deep state needed

The FUTURE Will Prove The PAST...

@00:00:40 assault on the deep state we're gonna

Everything THEY Won't Tell You On TV...

@00:20:44 tool of the deep state to basically

Do THEY Plan To Interfere In 2020 ELECTION?

@00:03:55 my opinion this is might be a state on a
@00:03:58 spot-on analysis saying the deep state
@00:13:57 and for the the corrupt deep state

Mysterious Explosion Near Billion Dollar Drug Bust...

@00:12:49 organizations these deep state actors

Rogue Actor Takes Down US DRONE? BIG MISTAKE...

@00:05:56 maybe there's some deep state influence
@00:12:20 brand other deep state actors that were

NXIVM Cult Leader Found Guilty On ALL CHARGES...

@00:16:45 to the deep state somehow connected to

How Far Will WE Go For OUR Country?

@00:11:11 the deep state traders who have

We Had Everything From DAY ONE...

@00:09:18 can't say that everybody in the deep
@00:09:19 state or all these people are bad people

Why Is Nobody Talking About THIS?!?

@00:17:18 working for the deep state to funnel the

How Far Are THEY Willing To Go?

@00:05:58 but it says for years the deep state has
@00:14:26 unclassified us state department emails
@00:14:34 woodward saying that since the deep

Global Dominance Is Being RECLAIMED...Power Of Peace!

@00:20:05 deep fakes here's another one internet
@00:20:12 talking about how state the sanctions

What Happened At The White House?

@00:07:59 coates is obviously deep state he's


@00:00:12 deep state has launched their
@00:01:31 deep state is in a full-on panic trying
@00:06:47 expose deep state doj block regarding
@00:08:29 these deep state corrupt criminals who

Everything You Need To Know About The SET UP!

@00:19:58 deep state obama plant leftovers who

Truth To Light. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:09:12 connected back to the deep state so that

Mysteriously Deleted Tweet Proves UNBELIEVABLE Story?

@00:05:05 cabal deep state whatever you want to

Are You Ready For The FIRST STRIKE?

@00:18:33 so as q's alluded to before the deep
@00:18:36 state these individuals were using very
@00:20:10 deep state they were all running flack

Hollywood Hills Mansion Uncovers UNBELIEVABLE SECRETS...

@00:06:34 connected to deep state connected all

Newly Discovered Evidence Proves We're OVER THE TARGET...

@00:10:24 our own deep state slash corrupt state

THEY Aren't Ready For What Is Happening...SO OBVIOUS!

@00:16:04 to share information about deep state

Prepare For What Is About To Be Unleashed...

@00:22:35 what the swamp bureaucracy deep state

What is Mueller's background? Military?...WE HAVE EVERYTHING!

@00:08:17 for the media for the deep state for

The Greatest Show Most Will Never See...IT'S HAPPENING!

@00:19:36 prove damning to the deep state julian
@00:19:48 information on the deep state julian
@00:19:55 must be covered by deep state organs

Hangout Session w/ Craig from JustInformed Talk

@00:22:01 brett says do you think the deep state

Do You Want To Know The TRUTH?

@00:07:14 today deep state target how i got caught
@00:12:38 today deep state target how i got caught


@00:06:45 to undermine the deep state aligned
@00:07:23 want to call it a deep state you know

Tech Tyrants: Showing Your Hand Was Intended Target...

@00:17:21 27th but q tricked these deep state

Everything You Need To Know About The 'SET UP'...

@00:16:48 they gave the surveillance state the
@00:16:51 deep state surveillance state gave to

If You Don't Believe Anything Is Happening...WATCH THIS.

@00:14:34 deep state establishment that we always

Secrets Sold To Our Enemies Can't Buy Safety Forever!

@00:15:36 surveillance of this corrupt deep state
@00:24:05 say they i mean the left deep state
@00:25:03 through the deep state so i mean look

The Q Movement & The Book About It ALL + MUCH MORE!

@00:09:41 limited hangouts of the deep state

Something MUCH BIGGER Is Coming...STAY TUNED!

@00:05:51 data on the deep state furthermore who
@00:08:43 deep state now that was trump president
@00:08:58 to call it against the deep state and

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:19:41 happening with the deep state but this

They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose!

@00:02:25 deep state neo liberal progressive

This Video Will Get President Trump Re-Elected #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020

@00:11:14 fanatics deep state bureaucrats and

First, They Came For The Social Media Influencers...

@00:04:52 clinton's and the deep state as serious
@00:05:57 along with the deep state the former uh

Do You Want To Know Secrets The MSM Won't Tell You? #Truth #FactsMatter #UnitedNotDivided

@00:16:46 around the deep state got an unrespected

Can Wire Transfer$ Really Sway "Patriot's" Opinions?

@00:05:18 crimes it also wraps in deep state

What THEY Don't Want YOU To Know...

@00:28:07 deep state loaded the bill with multiple

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:03:32 theories about seven b and deep d s i
@00:03:35 don't know if d s is referring to deep
@00:03:37 state possibly and seven b might be a

What If Nothing Was As It Seems?

@00:02:07 the pelosi deep state coup and it's it's
@00:07:55 her deep state friends among them former
@00:08:07 brennan this is 19 deep state public
@00:08:57 the deep state plan was a g f jfk
@00:09:12 conspirators it says the deep state

What Will Happen Tomorrow?

@00:08:23 that and it says now the deep state dems
@00:08:37 deep state removes both donald trump and
@00:08:42 q are all on top of the deep state plans

Are you following the news today?

@00:18:31 deep state individuals most of those men

Sometimes making a connection leads to uncovering...

@00:14:24 necessarily deep state or anything like

Should we be spying on ourselves?

@00:00:08 fisa warrants out against the deep state
@00:17:18 against the deep state right now and
@00:40:04 yeah i mean the deep state wants to put

What if this was always the plan?

@00:10:38 needed to expose the deep state doj
@00:10:51 could implicate there was a deep state

Why are WE a threat to THEM?

@00:05:19 because it's a democrat deep state

Mysterious Accident in NYC: What is happening?

@00:09:44 9:1 outage exposed a major deep state
@00:14:14 exposure of the deep state money and the
@00:15:37 involved who are supposedly deep state
@00:17:11 the deep state corporations which we

Q & A with Q

@00:13:34 i'm talking about the swamp the deep
@00:13:36 state dams republicans everyone right

A 'glimpse' into the shadows...

@00:14:26 well played deep state please allow us
@00:14:32 from q here saying well played deep
@00:14:34 state like oh you got us now everybody's

The World is about to change.

@00:22:57 used by apparently the deep state bad

Who's working to save himself?

@00:14:34 deep state the department of justice
@00:14:42 the deep state in order to keep that
@00:17:02 call it that the deep state whoever that
@00:28:53 you to look at russia the the deep state

A picture is worth many sentences.

@00:21:02 the deep state in the media to portray

Everything stated has a purpose.

@00:12:28 book called trump's enemies how the deep
@00:12:29 state is undermining the presidency and
@00:13:31 trump what they call the term the deep
@00:13:34 state now i love the writers a little
@00:23:32 backing the deep state with with the cia

Shall we play a game?

@00:19:31 system despite warnings from the deep
@00:19:33 state department security officials and

WHY? = "We knew then. We know now."

@00:15:48 deep state swamp whatever you want to

They are freaking out! Here's why...

@00:01:39 i guess the deep state and long story
@00:05:53 the high power players the deep state

Q Anon | Election Day Drops...

@00:24:44 the deep state i think we're both in

Q Anon Exposes The Inside Story Of What's To Come...

@00:08:51 in evidence needed to expose deep state
@00:12:04 needed to expose the deep state

Q Anon | "Are we subject to the Hatch Act?"

@00:06:19 over the fact that the deep state

Is this why everyone is freaking out?

@00:08:30 administration in the deep state in

They Know If They Lose It's Over!

@00:10:36 hardcore deep state lion leak in comey

Do Not Look Here

@00:36:51 expose deep seat so muller could take
@00:36:53 that evidence that would expose the deep
@00:36:55 state and say it's a part of his ongoing

Q Anon | "The Hunt For" dropped - why?

@00:11:12 deep state operatives to go out in the

Q Anon | Predicts Judge K Confirmed to Supreme Court?

@00:12:04 the deep state in your own country or

Q Anon | "Welcome to the POLICE STATE."

@00:11:17 run for local offices in state senate's
@00:11:23 because they want to get their deep
@00:11:25 state reestablished president trump has

Q Anon | "The rats are panicking."

@00:08:06 deep state it would seem and she took a
@00:19:03 ave and eddie working for is it the deep
@00:19:06 state democrats satan or all the above
@00:20:07 you know the the the deep state

Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week?

@00:12:51 deep state inside of our government to

"Anons are months ahead of the news." This Is Why!

@00:02:04 and everyone so now that the deep state

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:16:20 the democrat liberal left deep state

Mysterious case will make you question everything!

@00:11:20 now with his new series called the deep
@00:11:22 state unmasked we're already at the
@00:12:05 uncovering the deep state so the
@00:14:49 here you have this headline deep state

How did the DOJ & FBI spy on Trump's campaign?

@00:05:58 thank you says define projection deep
@00:06:00 state panic is real yes we agree with
@00:06:20 at the fact that the deep state whatever
@00:06:26 not the deep state as much as it is
@00:11:30 and when i say they i mean the deep
@00:11:32 state mainstream media fake news media
@00:12:47 examples of the deep state who is in
@00:16:56 order against his deep state which is

Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA

@00:19:04 deep state whatever you want to call

Q Anon | "Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED."

@00:38:18 communications between these deep state

Q Anon | "Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you."

@00:03:01 attacking trump they're the deep state's
@00:03:09 deep state intelligence communities so
@00:06:12 we're very proud of you here at the deep
@00:06:15 state fbi where we can are basically

Q Anon | "We serve at the pleasure of the President!"

@00:01:42 draining the swamp exposing the deep
@00:01:43 state corruption and exposing the the
@00:10:37 expose the deep state with bill benny on

Q Anon | "Division keeps them in power."

@00:06:28 definition of evil deep state corruption
@00:09:02 deep state through the doj fbi dnc
@00:22:14 many of the deep state stories you've

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:20:20 this mission to expose the deep state

Q Anon | Is "Mad Dog" worried?

@00:02:35 he's just trying if he's deep state all
@00:19:24 for the deep state cabal of globalist

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:15:43 was secret but wasn't to his little deep
@00:15:46 state compadres was that they were
@00:33:16 corrupt deep state officials that's
@00:37:08 problem is with the deep state and the
@00:41:30 memorandum the deep state excuse me the

Q Anon | "[DARPA] aka GOOG"

@00:04:13 overthrow some of these deep state crazy

Q Anon "Who is HRC's MAD HATTER?"

@00:15:06 for your deep state to spy on our

Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?"

@00:37:14 corruption this is the the deep state if

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:14:03 deep state operatives trying to start a

President Trump's Epic Troll of MSM + Deep State?

@00:00:09 deep state hi i'm craig and welcome to
@00:01:23 get the media and the deep state to work
@00:17:52 have a deep state attorney in front of a
@00:17:57 deep state sympathizers who now have the
@00:21:57 plan deep state mainstream media eating
@00:22:00 objective is to keep feeding the deep
@00:22:02 state mainstream media all this gossip
@00:23:33 deep state in the mainstream media are

Q Anon & POTUS Expose Deep State Cover-Up?

@00:00:18 to the deep state love letters from john
@00:11:55 government and deep state and he has

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:34:06 deep state or the state department

Secret Societies Join Forces Against POTUS...

@00:26:52 deep state secret government so why not

Q ANON | How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

@00:08:51 cailli an agent of this deep state
@00:25:44 fakery now here's no deep dive into the
@00:25:47 deep state unpacking the summer of trump

Q Anon: "These people are stupid."

@00:06:47 some kind of you know deep state
@00:09:58 obvious push by the deep state to
@00:15:43 complete embodiment of deep state
@00:16:40 deep state this organizer of chaos and
@00:37:09 against this deep state these these


@00:03:48 because the letter sound like the deep
@00:03:49 state talking directly to president

The biggest story the MSM won't tell...

@00:14:14 deep state officials there's it goes all

Q Anon: "Be aware of your surroundings."

@00:01:03 editorial in the deep state corruption
@00:01:14 deep state gift take the reigns of the
@00:02:48 was put together by those in the deep
@00:02:55 state trying to basically use this phony
@00:05:31 reporters are influenced by the deep
@00:05:33 state and if you don't watch that go

FBI releases new info on HRC investigation!

@00:04:40 conjunction with their unelected deep
@00:04:43 state globalist running officials like

"All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show."

@00:02:15 deep state scumbags one at a time and i
@00:14:29 in the deep state thus all speculation
@00:15:16 deep state i have no respect for your
@00:16:10 deep state or do you not are you that
@00:18:04 general approach from an anti deep state
@00:18:09 an anti an unelected deep state who
@00:32:24 forced because the deep state was still

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:11:18 implications because the deep state
@00:24:40 have their little deep state connections
@00:29:32 approves so much it proves that the deep
@00:29:35 state was working with the obama
@00:37:22 the deep state what was alleged in this


@00:15:31 but then you have the deep state and

"The choice to know will ultimately be yours."

@00:07:00 chinese in conjunction with deep state
@00:13:01 there who made deals with the deep state
@00:13:54 deep state that will be returning soon

"NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people!"

@00:06:05 should say the the proverbial deep state
@00:19:00 was fired by the deep state as if he
@00:19:04 but not only was a fired by the deep
@00:19:06 state but was fired with the intention
@00:20:50 some sort of deep state hand in it and
@00:20:55 basically the propaganda arm of the deep
@00:20:57 state that that was why it was washed


@00:24:35 insurance policy what part of the deep
@00:24:37 state did michael cohen crawl out from

"No Flags/No Logs/No Records"

@00:20:06 welcome to the deep state future to

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:01:47 propaganda arm of democrats and deep
@00:01:50 state feeling panic silence is golden
@00:28:38 leaker of deep state activities and

Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet?

@00:28:34 the deep state allows him to get when i
@00:32:19 deep state allowing them to make a
@00:39:41 obvious is trump warning the deep state
@00:40:13 the news these are the eyes the deep
@00:40:16 state does not want you to have so they

"Thank you United States Secret Service."

@00:11:29 the deep state back in the 60s and


@00:06:17 the deep state sending messages right
@00:16:25 trump sending a message to the deep
@00:16:26 state saying every this is so funny the


@00:06:37 in the atf who were involved in deep
@00:06:42 state operations were bragging to him
@00:07:20 this deep state and that they were
@00:16:37 the democrat competing deep state

Q ANON: "Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?"

@00:12:55 and the deep state in testing its ivs
@00:15:38 if the deep state has nuclear weapons
@00:15:46 imagine for a second what the deep state
@00:20:00 others i relentlessly pounding the deep
@00:20:02 state is a proof the independence we

Q ANON: "We have the server."

@00:11:30 security clearance welcome to the deep
@00:11:32 state future proof future to prove past
@00:12:51 but that is the deep state and and that

Q ANON: "Info shared highly sensitive."

@00:35:41 want you to think oh q's this big deep
@00:35:43 state we're all gonna you know run away

Q ANON: Eric Prince Laptop, Phones Taken...

@00:09:06 the the deep state tactics that he had


@00:13:10 being accessed by bad actors deep state

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:12:25 can now go after the deep state without
@00:13:20 anywhere in any deep red state from away

Q ANON: "Full moon coming."

@00:16:14 evil things at the deep state and others
@00:18:19 to be deep state who we gave them enough


@00:28:09 arm the the deep state with the
@00:31:03 deep state arm that's that's controlling


@00:10:00 factions tied to the deep state that
@00:12:55 of the deep state that exists within the
@00:26:20 different parts of the deep state

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:08:35 inside the deep state from congress and

Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona?

@00:19:48 a shadow type government influence deep
@00:19:52 state influence from the cia that had
@00:28:04 they have going from the deep state out


@00:13:23 the deep state shadow government / obama

President Trump Calls Out Former CIA Director's Lies!

@00:21:31 deep state that the shadow government

The Mysterious Connections: TG + POTUS = TRUST SESSIONS.

@00:05:46 is a deep state and that he's you know

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:27:06 of the deep state that is not cozy
@00:31:16 put in by the deep state these unelected
@00:34:54 deep state and the cabal and the

Q ANON: Latest News - [NK DEAL] ?

@00:19:21 against the deep state and what they've

Q ANON: Latest News - "Flood is coming."

@00:19:45 jail deep state justice department must

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed."

@00:06:14 the deep state to stay in power and they
@00:20:34 the globalist cabal and their deep state

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Be prepared."

@00:11:36 those in the deep deep state who are not


@00:07:08 established to fight this deep state
@00:07:26 deep state cabal they were making their
@00:18:26 working against the the deep state she's
@00:27:24 deep deep state stuff we didn't elect

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Already written?"

@00:37:17 pointing to the deep state i think
@00:37:22 sent over by the deep state in order to

Q AN0N: Latest Posts - "This is not a game."

@00:05:13 for the deep state to propagandize
@00:05:50 was part of the deep state allegedly he
@00:21:19 attorney general still if he was deep
@00:21:21 state critical thinking dismisses
@00:23:02 activities going on inside the deep
@00:23:04 state government so from what i've heard

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Prince exposes "Insurance File".

@00:02:52 part of the deep state who were a part
@00:03:42 have been harmed or killed by the deep
@00:03:44 state globalist luciferian pedophiles
@00:37:39 he was obviously a deep deep state

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "All for A LARP?"

@00:05:44 what's actually going on in the deep
@00:05:46 state in the corrupt swamp that we've

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:00:00 tonight q exposes exactly who the deep
@00:00:02 state is and he gives us an inside look
@00:08:06 deep state or there in the cabal or
@00:11:18 proven to be deep state slimeball
@00:11:28 saying the cia the deep state and the
@00:11:30 state department maybe is next i don't
@00:11:34 know if that deep state or state
@00:11:35 department but i'm guessing state
@00:11:38 could be the deep state in the cia in
@00:13:19 up what you would call the deep state
@00:19:17 this is the deep state this is the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Attempts to divide."

@00:17:39 inside the deep state so the narrative
@00:21:05 the quote unquote new q d is deep state
@00:42:58 deep state operative he's fighting with

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think for yourself."

@00:02:12 is a war going on inside the deep state
@00:10:54 exposing the deep state and doing what
@00:16:54 deep state it's quite amazing when you
@00:25:56 and on discusses deep state and this is

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Explore further."

@00:05:36 this broad conspiracy by the deep state
@00:17:23 to the deep state future proof asked you
@00:25:30 welcome to the deep state future for his

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "SKY EVENT."

@00:19:00 others in the deep state the cabal all

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?"

@00:16:10 very much so that the deep state had a

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:03:07 swamp deep state why are they cleaning
@00:18:07 swamp deep state why are they cleaning
@00:19:29 the deep state i think that they're my
@00:30:08 deep state globalists and the dnc

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "UNPRECEDENTED?"

@00:11:10 these people were working with the deep
@00:11:13 state with the fbi with the doj against
@00:17:50 through the deep state here in america
@00:18:17 there'd beholden to basically the deep
@00:18:20 state and the upper echelon so that
@00:18:22 control the deep state the soros the raw
@00:19:28 she still controls the deep state and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - AppIe EXP0SED!!

@00:06:28 he appease the deep state so it didn't
@00:13:32 what's been going on with the deep state
@00:13:47 to say that i'm endorsing that the deep
@00:13:50 state redacting information and hiding

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

@00:06:02 united states where you have the deep
@00:06:05 state going up against trump and what

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Timetables shift. [NEXT WEEK]."

@00:02:19 they were obviously deep state hardcore
@00:10:51 the scenes with the deep state brennen
@00:11:16 they're gonna roll over on their deep
@00:11:18 state courts and it's going to be

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:29:52 called the deep state with all your
@00:34:54 expose the deep state so now they have

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere."

@00:04:15 being a part of the deep state cronyism


@00:10:53 in the deep state and globalism in
@00:11:56 luciferians deep state actors who've

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Define smuggle."

@00:00:03 we're gonna cover how the deep state

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Listen carefully."

@00:07:43 because the deep state can just dictate
@00:26:24 real teep state against the big deep
@00:26:26 state there's a deep deep statements
@00:26:30 original deep state people that have
@00:26:33 of crap then there's the big deep state
@00:27:18 on folks you see the patriots and deep
@00:27:23 state warning you about the emp because
@00:29:59 and expose the deep state for what they

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What will next week hold?"

@00:27:38 seems that it was used a lot by the deep
@00:27:40 state in the globalists in order to do a

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "The world is watching."

@00:15:53 the bow for the deep state obama hussein

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "ARE Y0U AWAKE?"

@00:04:07 war that we're in against these deep
@00:04:10 state luciferian satanic pedophiles that
@00:04:18 control who have taken over the deep
@00:04:20 state and are running things on that end


@00:13:19 deep state is getting ready to make

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RESP0NSE C0MING."

@00:00:00 tonight latest new cue post is the deep
@00:00:02 state trying to frame the cue board for
@00:13:28 american people working against the deep
@00:13:30 state or there's another piece there's

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "WRAYs OF LIGHT."

@00:02:09 deep state he's a part of those who have

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Distraction."

@00:11:06 that this all relates back to the deep
@00:11:09 state and then their push to actually
@00:12:34 the deep state and shell companies and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - TARMAC DEAL

@00:04:37 pushing the the deep state operators the
@00:05:25 side because he's a little deep state
@00:08:35 be secretly a deep state puppet and a

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - *[SHOWERS]*

@00:06:52 been turned over by the deep state now
@00:23:56 deep state globalist luciferians


@00:01:00 compromised deep state back assad forces
@00:24:33 obviously deep state-backed
@00:35:01 for agalya or compromised and deep
@00:35:04 state-backed
@00:36:13 what do we do against the deep state how

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trust P0TUS."

@00:02:52 under attack by the deep state which is


@00:09:29 they're only standing up for the deep
@00:09:31 state and how they can undermine trump

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "H0NEYP0TS."

@00:00:05 between the deep state and honeypot
@00:11:13 pot is that's kind of like a deep state

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - SYRlAN CONFLlCT

@00:03:27 russia it's with deep state actors in
@00:07:18 deep state is monitoring the back
@00:07:30 somehow by deep state actors who will
@00:09:59 infiltrated our deep state are certainly
@00:14:25 hillary's sycophants and deep state
@00:15:02 toast and he was one of the deep state
@00:19:28 facebook is a cia or darpa deep state
@00:22:21 totally connected and then it was a deep
@00:22:23 state project by darpa and this is what
@00:24:23 believe that the deep state is so
@00:26:00 that he has freedom now from the deep
@00:26:03 state blackmail that was going on


@00:04:18 collusion okay but the the deep state
@00:05:09 and the deep state in corruption well i
@00:16:11 just written in killing the deep state

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Message?"

@00:08:04 with the deep state the luciferianism

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RR problems."

@00:03:16 against a sitting president by the deep
@00:03:19 state in order to get him thrown out of
@00:23:11 deep state you know we're only pointing
@00:23:53 deep state people who are have been
@00:25:49 de-escalate and the deep state and the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "No name panic."

@00:02:10 by the deep state which is rooted
@00:03:20 respond or that the deep state people
@00:04:16 then war in real life and it's the deep
@00:04:18 state versus the the good actors and the
@00:28:42 expose what's going on the deep state

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:21:44 have to understand the deep state works

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "B00Ms en route."

@00:04:06 deep state has taken control of certain
@00:19:44 the deep state or the raw child sounds

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch the news tomorrow."

@00:40:35 the deep state from advertising and then
@00:40:46 banning my book killing the deep state
@00:40:57 little book killing the deep state going
@00:41:08 excuse me banning killing the deep state
@00:41:29 book killing the deep state and then he
@00:42:03 killing deep state now you don't need no

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:18:34 obama loyalists and deep state actors

Q AN0N: "Crumb dump incoming fast."

@00:00:01 coming is the deep state trying to push

Q AN0N: Illuminatti Cards "Backlash"

@00:19:02 and all in the pocket of the deep state
@00:25:39 people in the deep state who could just

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We will not fail."

@00:23:48 deep state actors hillary clinton barack

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "/GA/ is terminated."

@00:17:18 this person failed it was a deep state
@00:17:21 play these people are deep state actors


@00:00:03 overtaken by the deep state hi i'm craig
@00:02:21 you use the term deep state you might as

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:03:59 pige enda anti-hillary in the deep state
@00:23:30 retaliation attack put on by the deep
@00:23:33 state against trump when he got in

Q ANON: Latest New Intel - "He is weak."

@00:12:23 actually monitored by deep state
@00:12:25 intelligence and when i say deep state
@00:12:28 the bad deep state that we're fighting

Q AN0N: "Booms" A New Theory.

@00:07:52 deep state knew this was happening i
@00:09:22 deep state has the ability to twist the
@00:11:10 and the deep state going after him mr.

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "BOOM" McCabe Fired!

@00:04:01 tear down an institution the deep state
@00:12:04 behalf of the deep state to start a war

Latest Intel From Zach @ INF0WARS

@00:08:17 is going on when the ci a deep state
@00:11:16 federation for the actions of rogue deep
@00:11:19 state actors who happen to be russian
@00:11:22 the same deep state that sabotages our
@00:11:43 deep state actors they're they're
@00:13:30 things behind the steam from a deep
@00:13:32 state level

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The LINK.

@00:08:44 for the deep state or the deep
@00:12:21 technology we had in 1960 the deep state
@00:15:23 as a sleep state and that's why they
@00:15:26 call it deep dream and it is used by the

Q AN0N: Ides of March - "Learn the map."

@00:08:58 dreamlike state and ultimately that is a
@00:09:05 put us into a deep dream as we use our
@00:09:15 does that put us into a deep dreamlike
@00:09:17 state and our inner televisions and

Q ANON: New Latest News - Trump Inspects Wall, Speech to Marines! Q = 17th Letter!

@00:28:38 state then trump can fire him with no
@00:28:45 deep state could say something trump

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "For God & Country & (World)"

@00:07:58 everything we still run the deep state

Q ANON: Latest New Post - " a way to escape."

@00:06:23 there is a deep state acting against
@00:07:59 operative to expose all of our deep
@00:08:01 state intelligence programs thereby

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Set the stage" "Clowns out" "Strings Cut"

@00:19:55 by the deep state that it just doesn't

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Shall we play a game?"

@00:13:53 deep state obama clinton collusion with

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Trust The PLAN

@00:16:52 by well the deep state okay that's what
@00:25:14 we went and we had our our deep state or

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - WATCH the water.

@00:02:22 these ways that he exposed the deep
@00:02:31 state tactics our our own country's
@00:26:39 kind of uncontrolled deep state project

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Careful Who You Follow."

@00:12:25 basis as he exposes that the deep state

Q ANON: New Latest Posts: Sheriffs, C.A.I.R., & FFs?

@00:22:59 pictures of on submarine jail deep state
@00:23:04 act deep state i mean he's talking
@00:23:37 tyrannical deep state that exists now
@00:25:13 in submarine jail deep state justice

New Intel From Zach on InfoWars!

@00:01:33 each state back bang so we may be
@00:01:36 helping them well this is the deep state
@00:06:24 to the deep state in the far-left
@00:06:43 relations which is really a deep state
@00:14:55 saying that this is part of a deep state
@00:22:49 deep state death hurdle going towards be

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

@00:15:52 for is the deep state the bent main
@00:15:58 remember the deep state is a bunch of

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.1.17)

@00:11:46 everyone into a dream state and i think
@00:11:49 project deep dream version to putting

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Payback For Today"

@00:00:03 deep state and cued by secret messages
@00:08:05 communicate these deep state messages so

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Do You Believe In Coincidences?"

@00:11:13 to be some deep state actors maybe i


@00:02:17 or what but it says deep state dream
@00:02:23 says deep dream equals twitter boom

Zach / Zack / Zaq Q Level Intel

@00:01:21 around uncovering and rolling up deep
@00:01:23 state islamic sleeper cells and the
@00:05:36 tethered at the hip for several deep
@00:05:37 state issues or an alignment with russia
@00:10:36 with deep state state backing a lot of
@00:12:20 them all so the first issue is the deep
@00:12:23 state islamic sleeper cell assets
@00:15:13 and isis the whole deep state thing to
@00:22:04 unfortunately for them the deep state
@00:33:14 stifled and sabotaged by deep state

Q Anon: Incredible NEW Posts - LATEST POSTS....

@00:02:37 ever do a lot of the deep deep research
@00:02:41 in that state a lot more than meets the
@00:08:04 of the deep state it says freedom of the

Infowars Zach / Zack Reveals Plot Superbowl LII FF Plot!!

@00:10:07 government's falling apart they're deep
@00:10:09 state infiltrations falling apart
@00:13:52 from the globalist deep state to trump
@00:14:47 but obviously the deep state has it
@00:14:51 and they are deep state ran this is
@00:16:41 group funding much of the deep state
@00:17:46 on the lesson and deep state actors even
@00:20:03 and r&r unfortunately in our deep state
@00:20:29 just operator this was a deep state
@00:24:17 there's a deep state operation operation
@00:24:22 part of the deep state operation are

Infowars Releases Top Secret FISA Memo Released! #MemoReleased

@00:05:30 the obama administration in the deep
@00:05:31 state spied on president trump this memo

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/22/2018 New Posts Triumph Tribulations Q is Real!

@00:08:59 patriot trying to to take down this deep
@00:09:02 state i believe you're in one fund