Saudi Arabia


@00:26:53 soros journalists direct africa uh saudi
@00:26:56 arabia special access programs

Former USAF Intel Asset On Project LOOKING GLASS, HUSSEIN/CLINTON FEUD, & Much More...

@00:19:58 saudi arabia and he lived in iran for a

Did THEY Use Infiltration Instead Of Invasion?

@00:28:26 saudi arabia went to school in saudi
@00:28:28 arabia so just keep that in mind as well

Why Are We Engaged In This Battle?

@00:12:09 kingdom of saudi arabia i should say and

WHO Is Aiding And Abetting Our ENEMIES?

@00:26:51 places like saudi arabia and colombia

Is The HIDDEN ENEMY Directly Beneath US?

@00:11:49 secret funding from china and saudi
@00:11:51 arabia so who

Are We Watching A 'SCRIPTED' Movie?

@00:04:51 called the relationship between saudi
@00:04:55 arabia and russia and opec a cartel and


@00:11:11 of saudi arabia relevant to above who is
@00:11:16 underage sex think saudi arabia
@00:12:23 the arrests in saudi arabia the


@00:09:18 saudi arabia then we have video here


@00:17:36 from saudi arabia and then that side and


@00:11:43 in saudi arabia working with these you


@00:05:03 backdoor deals of saudi arabia through

Are THEY Prepared For What Is Happening?

@00:27:58 discovered in saudi arabia in 2012 by
@00:28:00 saudi scientists then studied in canada

How Far Are THEY Willing To Go To STOP The AWAKENING?

@00:21:16 shake from saudi arabia and you can read
@00:21:33 air conditioning salesman from saudi
@00:21:36 arabia like that's a hard job but as a


@00:07:01 his ties to whom abidine saudi arabia


@00:10:25 states that isil isis is funded by saudi
@00:10:33 arabia and qatar the governments of
@00:10:37 saudi arabia and qatar now this is a
@00:10:44 collection and perhaps because saudi and
@00:11:56 particularly to saudi arabia under
@00:12:09 was made with saudi arabia more than

Why Are THEY Pushing The IRAN HOAX?

@00:11:30 saudi arabia and iran so you have to
@00:14:37 powers such as saudi arabia who has you

What Aren't THEY Telling Us RE: IRAN'S SECRET PLANS?

@00:09:14 american allies like saudi arabia
@00:13:13 it started in iran then was in saudi
@00:13:15 arabia and was one of the

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:13:22 iran and saudi arabia and that his

The Beginning Of The END?

@00:14:08 the lists like ukraine england saudi
@00:14:12 arabia those names ring a bell i mean
@00:14:19 the connections with epstein saudi
@00:14:21 arabia prince alwaleed bin talal

Are THEY Desperate Enough To Keep IT Going?

@00:14:39 took over saudi arabia in october 2017
@00:19:17 china and saudi arabia seem to be in


@00:09:39 facilities in saudi arabia there is not

Comey's Commie Coup & The World's Largest Hedge Fund?

@00:14:52 pyramid is the sow dynasty in saudi
@00:14:53 arabia they can be represented or best
@00:16:41 corruption saudi arabia was the bloody
@00:17:02 saud the king of saudi arabia turned
@00:17:10 leaders to cabal in saudi arabia prince
@00:17:47 more q told us that the events in saudi
@00:17:51 arabia were to be replicated elsewhere
@00:18:11 saudi arabia being replicated around the

[MOS] Secret Plan To EXTRACT High Value Asset?

@00:15:09 saudi arabia by arresting the criminals
@00:21:03 that all the connections back to saudi
@00:21:06 arabia and how that ties in and saudis
@00:22:19 then connect the money to saudi arabia

Does Epstein Scandal Go To VATICAN CITY???

@00:00:04 because she takes her prize and saudi
@00:00:12 arabia giving 25 million dollars guitar

Billionaire Victoria's Secret Founder Disavows Jeffrey Epstein???

@00:11:15 removed saudi arabia u.s. asia eu
@00:11:24 happening in saudi arabia under saudi
@00:11:26 arabia under safe under same context
@00:11:39 saudi arabia why is this relevant
@00:11:42 saudi arabia one u.s. to asia 3uv

Mysterious Occultism Will Be THEIR Downfall...

@00:22:46 saudi arabia to smear her to then turn

How Did THEY Get Away With It?

@00:24:53 why trump's first state trip with saudi
@00:24:55 arabia which nation could provide the
@00:25:37 overthrow of saudi arabia new crown

Mysterious Secrets From Prince's Past...

@00:19:55 listed his residence as saudi arabia and


@00:21:28 saudi arabia access closed epstein i on

Deep Sabotage From The ENEMIES WITHIN?

@00:10:13 saudi arabia then north korea then it's
@00:10:47 here is a saudi arabia and and in the

NXIVM Cult Leader Found Guilty On ALL CHARGES...

@00:12:01 it's all connected to saudi arabia so q
@00:12:12 human trafficking arrests up saudi
@00:12:14 arabia cooperating nexium when does a

What's Actually Happening Behind The Scenes?

@00:13:47 saudi arabia that somehow they were able
@00:13:56 prince alwaleed bin talal saudi royal
@00:16:23 saudi princes where we basically went to
@00:16:26 saudi arabia and said look you need to

Global Dominance Is Being RECLAIMED...Power Of Peace!

@00:08:48 saud which would be the saudi royal
@00:08:49 family in saudi arabia

Did HUSSEIN Drop THE HAMMER On Political Enemies?

@00:22:16 saudi arabia so there's there's the

THEY Won't Stop Because THEY Know What Happens...

@00:05:26 brennan's background regarding saudi
@00:05:27 arabia does the cia hold blackmail on

Why Do THEY Want Us In The DARK?

@00:21:16 reserves in the world after saudi arabia

What If Nothing Was As It Seems?

@00:10:30 represent the house of saud or the saudi
@00:10:32 royal family of saudi arabia now looking

Should we be spying on ourselves?

@00:28:31 brennan's background regarding saudi
@00:28:33 arabia does the cia hold blackmail on
@00:38:44 is brennan's background in see in saudi
@00:38:46 arabia so what was his connection to
@00:38:48 saudi arabia it was his first assignment
@00:38:57 saudi arabia and he spent almost a

President Trump Warns Our Enemies Against This...

@00:09:42 will in fact saudi arabia yesterday you

Do you still think nothing is happening?

@00:09:45 speeches in china in russia saudi arabia
@00:10:30 saudi arabia earning a total of $600,000
@00:10:37 riyadh founded by the saudi investment

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

@00:26:25 involvement with saudi arabia which goes
@00:26:36 reference to hillary clinton and saudi
@00:26:38 arabia and how she let that influence
@00:27:03 saudi arabia since november of last year
@00:27:26 directly about saudi arabia and the

Who controls the past controls the future...

@00:06:40 cover-up of crimes in saudi arabia when
@00:06:49 embassy but or in a saudi embassy in

POTUS roasts the MSM!!!

@00:00:59 first saudi arabia if we broke with them
@00:01:47 i don't make deals with saudi arabia i
@00:01:49 don't have money from saudi arabia i
@00:01:51 have nothing to do with saudi arabia i
@00:02:23 so saudi arabia has nothing to do with
@00:08:55 military equipment from saudi arabia we

Top 25 Q Anon Proofs?

@00:36:04 he running in 2020 also what about saudi
@00:36:06 arabia our returning over going to
@00:36:12 prince in saudi arabia no i think
@00:36:16 with saudi arabia i mean they are one of

The reason why everyone is freaking out!

@00:02:31 what it's telling us is that saudi
@00:02:35 arabia had direct knowledge of the fact
@00:06:19 country of saudi arabia they would

They Are Freaking Out! Here's Why...

@00:04:18 saudi arabia i would know that and of

Q Anon | The world will know...

@00:16:20 hillary and hillary's allison saudi
@00:16:22 hillary in saudi arabia that's been been

Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story...

@00:12:44 to saudi arabia and the terrorist

"U.N.-American Speech"

@00:14:20 change following my trip to saudi arabia
@00:14:44 their own region the uae saudi arabia
@00:37:15 there is saudi arabia where king salman

Q Anon | "We serve at the pleasure of the President!"

@00:00:00 tonight saudi arabia the nexium sex
@00:02:56 says saudi arabia controlled us puppets
@00:03:06 saudi arabia don't you realize the war
@00:03:40 are up saudi arabia cooperating nexium
@00:04:44 saudi arabia and some sort of blackmail
@00:05:30 saudi arabia and if saudi arabia could

Q Anon | "[DARPA] aka GOOG"

@00:27:44 and saudi arabia and all this crazy

Q Anon "Who is HRC's MAD HATTER?"

@00:02:35 wonderland and hillary clinton in saudi
@00:02:36 arabia how does that all connect

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:00:10 hillary clinton in saudi arabia hi i'm
@00:02:00 saudi arabia and how that all connects
@00:23:38 wonderland hillary and saudi arabia
@00:23:42 by lewis carroll saudi arabia the bloody
@00:24:37 hillary clinton alice in saudi-arabia
@00:25:07 wonderland hillary clinton in saudi
@00:25:09 arabia and it goes over a lot of what
@00:27:20 ago and it says saudi arabia epstein
@00:28:29 saudi arabia equals wonderland it says
@00:28:34 regarding saudi arabia have faith for
@00:28:49 still an issue in saudi arabia so
@00:30:52 those people but hugh says here saudi
@00:30:55 arabia was a priority we wish this was a
@00:31:00 hillary clinton in saudi riyal what is
@00:31:14 what was she doing in saudi arabia all
@00:31:28 marriage arrangements in saudi arabia
@00:33:18 connections to saudi arabia in the
@00:33:35 and saudi arabia that's something we've
@00:37:41 saudi arabia somehow it only would make
@00:38:25 saudi arabia actually talked about all

Q Anon: "These people are stupid."

@00:09:04 saying saudi arabia access closed
@00:09:23 pending government saudi arabia us push
@00:09:30 access pending government saudi arabia
@00:09:41 saudi arabia us push q now what i think
@00:13:22 spearheaded by a saudi arabia us push as

Top 10 Proofs of Q Anon...

@00:16:41 saudi arabia more specifically this
@00:16:49 why did jared kushner travel to saudi
@00:16:52 arabia recently what a saudi arabia
@00:16:58 relevant what is relevant with saudi
@00:17:11 undisclosed trip to saudi arabia two
@00:17:13 days before the saudi purge here we have
@00:17:18 trip to saudi arabia and earlier reports
@00:17:22 that kushner were in saudi arabia
@00:18:43 still in saudi arabia assisting the new

"All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show."

@00:11:08 saudi arabia clinton foundation we have

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:14:31 similar to saudi arabia where it would

Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet?

@00:04:56 saudi arabia i'm not saying it does but
@00:20:14 saudi arabia what happened on 9/11 where
@00:22:19 a saudi arabia deal but with the eu so
@00:22:21 imagine like the deal we have a saudi
@00:22:23 arabia now where we kind of have turned

Q ANON: "The depth of THEIR TREASON is unimaginable."

@00:01:47 and it talks about saudi arabia but i
@00:28:29 in riyadh saudi arabia and that he is

Q ANON: Rocket Man.

@00:09:02 reflection why apple why saudi arabia
@00:09:38 and resolved saudi arabia and q1 681 but


@00:03:45 being used but the saudi arabia story
@00:03:56 saudi arabia events so it was it was


@00:01:26 false saudi-arabia
@00:01:30 questions were asked regarding saudi
@00:01:32 arabia prior to saudi arabia events why
@00:05:19 this is talking about the saudi arabia
@00:05:23 happened in saudi arabia of all the
@00:07:05 seek retribution from saudi arabia for

Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump.

@00:29:01 over in saudi arabia it's great here's
@00:29:33 saudi arabia and explained him that
@00:29:38 i'm asking that saudi arabia increased
@00:29:57 saudi arabia to raise the whole output

Q ANON: Anti-Trump FBI Agents Texts Revealed...

@00:31:55 saudi arabia and iran the post truth

The Real Reason "Roseanne" Was CanceIIed!!!

@00:17:09 saudi arabia you think huma and hussein
@00:19:31 the muslim brotherhood in saudi arabia

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think for yourself."

@00:17:03 happened in saudi arabia can you give us
@00:40:46 saudi arabia before it happened who told

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The truth of the deal.

@00:13:19 something like saudi arabia who's saying
@00:14:07 now i saudi arabia wanting this is
@00:14:20 been alleged by saudi arabia as having
@00:14:29 in to the saudi capital riyadh and at
@00:14:40 israel and saudi arabia seem to share
@00:15:43 it would benefit countries like saudi
@00:15:44 arabia in israel and that's what they're

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?"

@00:18:11 iran is more wanted by israel and saudi
@00:18:17 arabia than it is wanted by people in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

@00:03:22 war that is wanted by saudi arabia and
@00:03:48 saudi arabia and other countries at bay
@00:04:36 countries such as saudi arabia as we
@00:04:43 saudi arabia so this is not some game
@00:06:21 of people don't trust saudi arabia a lot
@00:06:35 out for iran and the the king of saudi
@00:06:38 arabia is looking out for saudi arabia
@00:17:27 obviously saudi arabia and israel have

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Define smuggle."

@00:13:35 he's saying q goes on think saudi arabia
@00:13:38 order is important saudi arabia then
@00:14:27 about saudi arabia talk about north

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Listen carefully."

@00:29:44 the prince in saudi arabia i will lead
@00:29:51 through her family and you have saudi
@00:29:52 arabia controlling so much here in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "America for sale."

@00:02:13 inside-out destruction saudi arabia
@00:02:16 saudi arabia saudi arabia ummah and
@00:02:22 who paid saudi arabia vidal q now we're
@00:08:15 it the inside out destruction saudi
@00:08:18 arabia saudi arabia saudi arabia prince

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What will next week hold?"

@00:25:33 news out of saudi arabia where it says
@00:25:36 that heavy gunfire in saudi king palace

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q&A w/ Q!

@00:21:38 who was captured in saudi arabia and i'm
@00:26:47 from the hobbyists in saudi arabia but


  • right into saudi arabia leaving the
@00:06:04 to saudi arabia there's some very
@00:06:29 the crown prince of saudi arabia which
@00:09:23 obviously the initial trip to saudi
@00:09:25 arabia he's fully aware with your
@00:09:35 prince of saudi arabia and why do we
@00:10:06 out of saudi arabia we you know they're
@00:19:57 broken up occupied by saudi arabia so


@00:01:49 happens to be in saudi arabia all of the
@00:07:24 the highest bidder happens to be saudi
@00:07:26 arabia and the gulf states at this point
@00:07:31 been meet with a saudi prince what

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Distraction."

@00:15:41 go back and understand think saudi
@00:15:43 arabia drops all of this is accomplished

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "No name panic."

@00:16:11 down in saudi arabia and and those hard
@00:24:17 there in saudi arabia but i'm not sure

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch the news tomorrow."

@00:15:24 foundation how much did saudi arabia
@00:16:02 saudi arabia and the clinton foundation
@00:19:06 refer to old drops the saudi arabia in
@00:19:21 where you see saudi arabia national
@00:20:43 one false saudi arabia true why was this
@00:20:51 tresor a bia prior to saudi arabia
@00:22:10 saudi arabia mentioned here in the same
@00:22:55 here about saudi arabia and the national


@00:00:00 tonight we cover the saudi arabia issue
@00:02:13 saudi arabia and israel i don't know if
@00:03:29 to be the resuming article is saudi
@00:03:31 arabia open up planes to israeli air
@00:03:58 is in syria and then get with saudi
@00:04:00 arabia and exactly and the whole thing
@00:04:14 relation to what's going on in saudi
@00:04:15 arabia i just want to tell you that i
@00:05:25 declared in saudi arabia why is this
@00:05:31 foundation by saudi arabia how much
@00:05:35 institute by saudi arabia how much money
@00:05:42 by saudi arabia what other bad actors
@00:05:45 have been paid by saudi arabia bribed
@00:05:54 what are the laws in saudi arabia versus
@00:06:01 is this important saudi arabia is
@00:06:10 is actively deployed in saudi arabia
@00:06:56 as the wahhabis inside of saudi arabia

Q AN0N: "Crumb dump incoming fast."

@00:01:02 talking about is saudi arabia and how
@00:01:10 understand saudi arabia you have to
@00:02:07 and you look at from saudi arabia to
@00:02:55 about saudi arabia so let's read through
@00:02:58 it how did saudi arabia welcome potus
@00:03:04 how did saudi arabia welcome barack
@00:03:06 obama during his trip how did saudi
@00:03:08 arabia welcomed hrc during her trip why
@00:03:11 is this relevant not suggesting saudi
@00:03:13 arabia is clean by any means but they
@00:04:21 missile attacks in saudi arabia and
@00:04:42 saying as the crown prince of saudi
@00:04:44 arabia is making a tour through america
@00:05:03 what's going on in saudi arabia right
@00:05:50 country of saudi arabia now i'm not here
@00:05:53 saying that saudi arabia's our best ally
@00:06:26 talks about saudi arabia now and why is
@00:06:44 about the barrage of missiles on saudi
@00:06:46 arabia which just happened a few days
@00:09:03 why did jared kushner travel of saudi
@00:09:05 arabia recently what is saudi arabia
@00:09:12 else is relevant with saudi arabia safe
@00:09:46 what we are seeing live today in saudi
@00:09:49 arabia so why don't you guys sit back
@00:11:27 lead the prince in saudi arabia who was
@00:11:36 battleships in riyadh in saudi arabia
@00:13:06 released what just occurred in saudi
@00:13:09 arabia
@00:14:02 saudi arabia how is this connected to al
@00:14:33 saudi arabia okay and in the harvard
@00:15:39 seeing missiles raining down in saudi
@00:15:42 arabia and then taunting us with this
@00:19:44 it'll be the us saudi arabia and israel
@00:21:31 right and then get my saudi arabia sand
@00:22:20 we're hoping for a more moderate saudi
@00:22:22 arabia that's the goal we have to i want

Q AN0N: Illuminatti Cards "Backlash"

@00:02:10 saudi arabia hussein

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:19:25 saudi arabia the outlaw prince outlaw or
@00:19:47 my guess is saudi arabia this is right
@00:23:12 how is the disconnected to saudi arabia
@00:23:16 this connected to las vegas well saudi
@00:23:20 arabia helped finance 9/11 our lead was

Latest Intel From Zach @ INF0WARS

@00:08:42 saudi arabia and israel and everybody
@00:09:27 it's all stuffed up sits out of saudi
@00:09:29 arabia a deep states out of there their

Q AN0N: Ides of March - "Learn the map."

@00:18:15 talking about saudi arabia and all
@00:19:17 about a corruption purge in saudi arabia

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "...the deeper we go."

@00:08:11 how does saudi arabia connect to the bin
@00:08:17 laden's is a prince who in saudi arabia
@00:08:41 what are the events in saudi arabia
@00:08:56 lot of different people but in saudi
@00:08:58 arabia that the financial backer it says
@00:09:02 incest think saudi arabia so that's
@00:09:42 what other people were arrested in saudi
@00:09:44 arabia all the other princes what are

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM"

@00:02:55 the purge in saudi arabia was based on a
@00:03:01 the purge in saudi arabia was kind of
@00:03:20 saudi arabia basically and what that
@00:04:05 saudi arabia and it was of the elite
@00:05:32 worked his intention of going to saudi
@00:05:37 arabia i think what he did was of course
@00:05:45 saudi arabia he sat down with the the
@00:07:07 saudi arabia and it's 10,000 square
@00:10:32 you look at saudi arabia they've been at
@00:12:39 so this is a plan by saudi arabia and
@00:12:54 saudi arabia you know women are given
@00:15:13 other corner are saudi arabia egypt the

New Intel From Zach on InfoWars!

@00:11:26 saudi arabia where why would you do that

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

@00:04:54 hillary clinton in saudi arabia and
@00:29:38 saudi arabia moving on now it says list
@00:33:41 to the muslim brotherhood and to saudi
@00:33:43 arabia and her role in the ballooning
@00:36:11 trip saudi arabia what was the purpose
@00:37:14 undisclosed trip to saudi arabia as far
@00:37:57 before trump went to saudi arabia i
@00:38:55 says how did saudi arabia welcome potus
@00:39:01 how did saudi arabia welcome barack
@00:39:03 obama during his trip how did saudi
@00:39:05 arabia welcome hillary clinton during
@00:39:09 suggesting saudi arabia is clean by any
@00:39:25 ceremony in saudi arabia and it's it's
@00:40:01 this trump and then how did saudi arabia

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Do You Believe In Coincidences?"

@00:02:32 make more public saudi arabia was

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Proofs Only Meant For You"

@00:08:26 public saudi arabia was strategic so the
@00:08:50 prince allah from saudi arabia who was

Q ANON: Latest New Posts..."Target Subjects Are Scouted"

@00:28:05 why is potus focused on saudi arabia

Q ANON: New Latest Posts..SECRET INTEL

@00:19:30 now it says rothschild clinton saudi
@00:19:33 arabia etc so these are all the people

Zach / Zack / Zaq Q Level Intel

@00:13:22 safe actions in saudi arabia these guys

Infowars Zach / Zack Reveals Plot Superbowl LII FF Plot!!

@00:09:20 carried out during the saudi arabian
@00:09:26 all those people in saudi arabia joined
@00:16:58 noticed the king of saudi arabia i've

1.28.2018 @Snowden EXPOSED! Op Mockingbird EXPOSED!! Latest Q Anon Posts January 2018

@00:03:49 saudi arabia who has been locked in a