
10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:04:16 clapper james comey
@00:08:32 1912 comey's status and then comey may
@00:09:03 then q says to james comey will you
@00:09:48 comey hrc email case loretta lynch

Nothing to See Here Ep#3 - F BOMBS & CROWDSTRIKE

@00:22:57 right now we have comey and brennan and
@00:24:50 saw those warnings comey
@00:25:42 comey or i told brennan if that's the

DECLASSIFICATION of Intel Documents - Nunes Says SHUT IT ALL DOWN if They Don't Release

@00:05:41 james comey
@00:05:45 because james comey is blaming
@00:07:08 but the leadership james comey and
@00:07:44 senator warner is protecting james comey
@00:07:56 saw james comey throw

It's About Time Something Happens, Red October, Marathon End

@00:00:07 they caught them cold comey either has
@00:06:13 what did jim comey sit on it more
@00:10:04 that's right uh first off if james comey
@00:11:41 everything that john brennan james comey
@00:13:45 did we learn from comey today
@00:14:05 knew that they knew james comey was even
@00:14:18 with false information and comey today

BREAKING: RIG FOR RED: JA, SR, JB, and "L"uccifer 2.0

@00:19:38 we get this how comey intervened to kill
@00:19:49 james comey fired fbi director senator
@00:22:05 but an unexpected intervention by comey

The REAL Reason for the Targeting of President Trump + Geopolitical Issues

@00:15:14 and then comey doing what he did and


@00:03:32 get ready james comey the ai director
@00:05:47 if james comey didn't get in the way of
@00:06:02 comey
@00:10:36 reported on james comey
@00:10:46 comey just put the put the shoe down
@00:10:49 brennan james comey and peter strzok and
@00:10:51 the doj needed because comey was
@00:13:17 to add comey here brennan comey peter
@00:13:34 john solomon how comey intervened to
@00:17:32 um but comey nick's the deal remember
@00:17:35 james comey mixed the deal how come he

More Spygate Released, Twitter Censors QAnon, and MORE!

@00:00:44 comey and andrew mccabe kept going kept
@00:28:37 with then fbi director james comey on

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:35:31 james comey still free

Crimes Against Children = Common Denominator = Mass Population Awakening (FULL EPISODE)

@00:00:57 this was two days before the comey
@00:02:15 two days before fbi director james comey
@00:02:30 comey sent that letter watch this
@00:07:33 when then-fbi director james comey
@00:08:10 comey later told congress that thanks to
@00:09:00 the day before comey again cleared
@00:09:13 original year-long case that comey
@00:10:07 why the fbi why comey had to do that
@00:14:02 making comey reopen that investigation
@00:32:25 at 10 a.m comey had a meeting with the
@00:33:00 general counsel suggested and comey
@00:33:04 that mccabe should leave the call comey
@00:33:18 comey said a letter over to the

The PEOPLE'S General. Soon!

@00:06:58 right people on the flynn case comey
@00:07:38 comey sally yates joe biden and
@00:07:55 this caused former fbi director comey to
@00:09:10 evidence james comey had no business
@00:14:06 jim comey sally yates joe biden
@00:14:24 this caused former fbi director comey to
@00:16:00 i know that jim comey actually admits

Intel Weaponization: Spies, Lies, and The Press EC, Grassley and More!

@00:03:03 was declassified director comey affirmed
@00:03:05 that deck director comey affirmed that
@00:03:13 national security perspective comey said
@00:03:23 description requires okay comey said
@00:03:31 obama asked if comey was saying that the
@00:04:37 director james comey the motive for
@00:04:48 we find the motive director comey
@00:04:55 comey was saying that the nsc should not
@00:05:40 the fbi from fbi director james comey
@00:05:49 james comey so when the president
@00:10:35 questioning comey about sarah sharing
@00:11:28 pinning fbi director james comey as
@00:11:32 james comey could claim president obama
@00:11:41 as having no idea until comey started
@00:11:48 from comey if things go sideways i mean
@00:13:51 themselves from comey if things go
@00:14:57 comey subsequent public testimony like
@00:15:56 by given to him by comey specifically
@00:16:59 keep james comey protected right and
@00:21:24 overlook the fact that comey went to
@00:30:36 call from the fbi director james comey
@00:31:32 prosecution because james comey said it
@00:34:01 official could it be james comey who
@00:34:03 leaked it it could have been comey it

Shall we play a game? Change of Batter coming? FISA = START week 3

@00:33:20 comey brennan yeah that will set the
@00:33:55 pawns first comey brennan yeah do you
@00:34:20 brennan and clapper and comey

THE HOOK AND SET UP = They thought they could prevent exposure and remain protected. Woops!

@00:01:25 comey and the subsequent disclosure that
@00:01:30 mr. comey to drop the investigation of
@00:19:42 undoctored comey memos and the flynn's

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1] FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

@00:09:48 director james comey and former fbi
@00:10:21 of the criminal conspiracy comey and
@00:18:55 director james comey and former fbi
@00:31:25 struck james baker james comey andrew

HRC & GOOG: Up Platt River without a Paddle

@00:07:05 comey were running the investigation
@00:15:44 comey andy mackay peter struck they all

A Tale of 2 Whistleblowers - and the Muslim Brotherhood

@00:12:20 comey gmail they all had them reread

QAnon - We are Ready, Q! Prepare for the Storm ( and a DEEP DIVE TIMELINE)

@00:16:11 comey and the appointment of the special
@00:23:35 overlay of the ig report on james comey
@00:24:45 trump fbi director james comey 'he's
@00:24:52 evidence then comey was fired
@00:25:00 tuesday may the 9th james comey was
@00:25:11 less than 15 hours after james comey was
@00:28:37 because jim comey was fired by the
@00:28:49 justice by firing comey and secondly and
@00:30:32 may 10th 2017 the morning after comey
@00:30:53 had not been xss by comey or anyone else
@00:31:21 not aware that comey had drafted the
@00:31:50 comey firing fresh in the headlines
@00:32:21 leaked by james comey about a dinner
@00:33:57 material and both rebecky and comey
@00:34:29 another area of the house with comey
@00:34:39 commis home skiff and comey did not tell
@00:34:54 the comey memos as evidence however no
@00:35:35 comey transmitted copies that very next
@00:35:37 day comey transmitted copies of memos
@00:35:50 the email and pdf attachment from comey
@00:36:49 of the former fbi director james comey
@00:36:58 prosecution by the same people comey if
@00:37:28 attorneys comey transmitted copies of
@00:38:53 comey stored in the reception area near
@00:39:15 document memo five that comey had sent
@00:39:49 morning of may 16th comey took digital
@00:42:34 directors comey termination and that the
@00:44:47 by the new york times based on comey
@00:44:53 trump asked james comey to end the
@00:44:55 michael flynn inquiry in february comey


@00:00:22 wrong person if you look at comey if you
@00:07:34 clinton truth reveal comey hrc email
@00:12:17 announcement was here's james comey
@00:14:28 reporter showed up was comey forced into
@00:20:11 we're vicki andrew mccabe james comey


@00:08:42 much letting us know comey and mccabe
@00:30:44 report that james comey and even andrew

State of the Union. Boomerang. THANKS DOJ!~

@00:10:07 james comey eventually told the
@00:10:16 dossier james comey the drude then
@00:12:46 comey decides he will leak a memo a big
@00:18:27 comey i'll leave it in the in the show
@00:35:08 james comey lacked candor that would be
@00:37:59 we heard comey laughing at him and
@00:38:06 director fired fbi director james comey

The Shot Heard Around the World. The GREAT AWAKENING. Rudy to testify?

@00:18:45 lynch hillary clinton james comey james

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:27:43 comey history will you okay history will

Nunes: "Republicans have an Active Investigation into ICIG Michael Atkinson

@00:30:12 in fact comey said we just assumed it

QAnon - The Silent WAR Continues... [Crowdstrike]

@00:35:07 comey and and clapper and barack obama

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:10:50 includes obviously james comey signed
@00:22:50 james comey was rated and authorized

Something BIG is Coming - BIGGER than You Can Imagine

@00:11:52 now yeah comey homie comey is a liar

Byron York - Devin Nunes Interview 12-18-19 SO GOOD!

@00:16:59 mean you've seen you know comey do these
@00:34:17 because that was where comey and all the

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:14:46 baker testifying against comey q and
@00:15:32 jennifer carter james comey the man who
@00:15:36 by comey clapper and brennan require

Monday Morning w/Joe DiGenova on Comey, FISA, IG, Durham and MORE...

@00:00:42 totally fine in fact here's james comey
@00:01:49 comey is an unabashed liar he was fired
@00:02:14 comey comey is nothing more than a liar
@00:02:52 comey can sit there with straight face
@00:03:48 disingenuous about comey suggesting that
@00:04:55 under the tutelage of j of james comey
@00:05:10 rice clapper brennan and comey so i hope
@00:06:36 you have james comey judge jennifer
@00:06:43 while you are listening to james comey
@00:07:07 nothing is truer than that james comey
@00:07:49 not an asset of the cia comey says
@00:07:53 that's a nothing berger james comey is a
@00:11:04 to understand that comey got away with

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:11:52 live with a lie so james comey has done
@00:12:38 vindicated comey was not a victory lap
@00:12:54 had well so james comey is one of the
@00:15:54 comey was despicable repulsive over a
@00:16:17 lindsey graham talked about comey kevin
@00:25:17 house james comey and loretta lynch

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:41:03 who else besides comey shared that

Y Flynn? Targeted and Silenced for a REASON - QPost 3625-3636

@00:38:46 here right he's saying james comey has a
@00:39:10 all worship him and even comey and his

QANON - The DS Players Caught in a Trap & Higher Loyalty to [Y]

@00:29:39 resistance not only did comey activate
@00:41:44 jim comey and mueller were also trapped
@00:42:50 be ready james comey be ready traitors
@00:46:20 he's not gonna comey alright for several
@00:47:05 comey status the one one five to seven
@00:47:42 and leadership by james comey right so
@00:47:54 right he was telling us that james comey

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:40:19 that had to be obama who signed comey
@00:42:54 comey helped unmask that that makes more

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:05:03 remember that james comey mixed the deal

QAnon is Back! Rigged for Red and Ready to Surface!

@00:18:25 then we had then we got the comey
@00:18:27 we got the comey post see if i can find
@00:27:32 darkness with our buddy our buddy comey
@00:27:49 for for for mr. comey that's just what

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:37:22 of james comey to the potus and then an
@00:37:27 of james comey provide the necessary
@00:37:57 she's talking about revealing comey hrc

Remember Romania? And Finalizing FISA, Durham Criminal Investigation

@00:16:36 corruption whether it's comey or struck

Durham/Horowitz Sets Sights on Senate Intel Committee - A Deep Dive

@00:10:01 comey etc they all leaked to the new
@00:24:54 and that was the one that comey
@00:25:48 rich and comey shut it down they didn't

Sacrifices will NEVER be FORGOTTEN - Role of Gowdy?

@00:04:21 says gaudi's comments on comey history
@00:05:37 comey and then deputy attorney general
@00:06:23 comey a week earlier and they say newly
@00:07:48 on how comey came out and really it was
@00:07:51 about how comey came out and was like
@00:08:46 to be much kinder to jim comey in that
@00:08:57 tarmac jim comey had access to
@00:09:26 a critic of jim comey in the past but he
@00:16:33 like comey


@00:42:23 loretta lynch rr and then james comey

FISA (spy) - Flynn - Sidney Powell Makes SMART Move

@00:21:48 it's according to mccord and comey hmm
@00:27:58 fbi director jim comey and deputy
@00:28:54 president asked comey to inform him if
@00:29:03 team comey said he would

AG Preparing to Deliver Evidence of "DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY"?

@00:02:16 when we don't prosecute comey they love

Origins of "Muh Russia!" - UKRAINE, CROWDSTRIKE, and a STABLE GENIUS!

@00:09:55 to him and they this is why jim comey
@00:36:58 absolutely remarkable that james comey

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:16:50 james comey fired bill pre stop head of
@00:23:25 james baker testifying against comey q
@00:33:48 truth reveal comey hrc email case yeah

The REAL Insurance Policy and it's Ties to JB's CIA Russian Asset

@00:22:36 james comey aides ordinarily allowed
@00:22:51 bryce hanes brennan clapper lynch comey
@00:26:09 comey to loretta lynch 247 times
@00:28:29 james comey those fours those for
@00:28:31 brennan clapper lynch comey
@00:28:34 brennan clapper lynch comey those were
@00:31:19 lynch and james comey they're all
@00:31:41 bulk of information but comey starts
@00:32:48 you have comey
@00:33:08 application comey said oh no as it was a
@00:38:55 comey called a mosaic it's the other
@00:39:56 because comey said oh no no it's a

Powell, Flynn, and the BRIDGE - Ezra Cohen-Watnick THE BRIDGE

@00:15:17 comey turned down which we knew what's

The REAL Trump Tower SCANDAL!

@00:00:09 jim comey jim comey's the guy opens the
@00:00:42 not gonna apologize jim comey owes the
@00:03:55 said the doj will not prosecute comey
@00:05:16 none comey with devastating impact
@00:05:49 important okay james comey as fbi
@00:06:08 to comey all this is justified because
@00:07:50 he's saying even though comey may try to
@00:10:23 so whether comey and his rogue team of
@00:10:35 determine if comey had adequate
@00:11:02 in short james comey is not out of the
@00:12:47 we learn is that comey and his top fbi
@00:13:01 when comey went to meet trump they
@00:13:31 after director comey met with president
@00:16:54 comey michael rogers
@00:17:35 james comey just blurted it out like
@00:18:09 officials athan comey linger for a brief
@00:18:17 obama biden rice so it was yates comey
@00:19:03 regarded by aten comey as a possible
@00:25:16 obama instruction to comey to inform
@00:26:00 director comey told congress the bureau
@00:27:06 community's russia report comey met
@00:27:38 after the day after comey went with
@00:27:42 the russia investigation was for comey
@00:28:28 okay and make no mistake comey was the
@00:30:01 when we look again at the comey memo
@00:31:02 understand what comey is doing the memo
@00:31:54 comey would now be in a position to
@00:33:47 such as jim comey you'd want to write it

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:16:35 under comey mckay baker is
@00:31:57 20th 2017 comey was scheduled to testify
@00:32:46 for comey to stay on as fbi director
@00:46:38 signer was comey rosenstein was andy


@00:37:01 james comey john carlin chuck schumer

TRUST GRASSLEY! Billionaire CEO Whistleblower! Stay Tuned...

@00:10:52 the comey report he was also about to
@00:17:12 investigation that comey and mccabe
@00:17:14 suppress understand this comey mccabe
@00:17:28 comey went out there and said no
@00:20:09 about how obama lynch comey yates mccabe
@00:25:07 and james comey but there was political
@00:33:31 descriptions of comey memos released
@00:34:24 the comey memos basically it's like his
@00:34:38 of the james comey memos which we've
@00:35:49 as the ig report on comey approaches
@00:35:54 comey tweets no softball interviews must
@00:37:04 comey memos within that courtroom fight
@00:37:35 to keep the comey memo content hidden
@00:38:22 james comey the issue at hand is
@00:38:28 through the aspects aspect of comey
@00:38:33 comey report first
@00:38:38 director james comey his writing of the
@00:38:49 number of memos that james comey has
@00:38:56 james comey surrounding contact and
@00:39:34 oh boy the comey memos are not just
@00:39:57 he says is that james comey kept
@00:40:20 filed by fbi officials why james comey
@00:42:30 development in the comey memos archie
@00:44:42 comey memo foia updates cnn files motion
@00:44:52 comey memos because we think

5 Buckets of Declas! We NOW Have Plenty of Space #Qanon

@00:29:00 james comey that started operation
@00:30:56 between loretta lynch and comey

SPYsa/FISAgate, Epstein,and Lawmaker Targets?

@00:08:54 investigation james comey when we
@00:13:22 attempt to replace james comey as fbi
@00:13:56 replace james comey because james comey
@00:18:04 in that meeting mr. comey termination no
@00:25:26 mid-year investigation james comey jim
@00:34:28 lynch comey q so they're all bruce or is
@00:44:08 comey hussein no name brennan clapper
@00:44:54 comey andrew mccade jr's james rebecky

Stealth Bomber and Covert Operations in DC - BE READY!

@00:00:39 james comey let's look at it this week
@00:02:16 this is more to mueller and comey and
@00:02:41 be ready mueller be ready james comey be
@00:14:28 best friend is comey

PAIN! #NewQ Epstein Placeholder, Connect the Dots!

@00:02:38 q leads to the comey report because it
@00:02:47 be a report on comey
@00:02:48 so horowitz leads to comey d 'class
@00:03:26 necessary prior to comey release so
@00:03:30 there's gonna be a report on comey there
@00:03:33 yet then horowitz plus comey equals d
@00:26:02 alex ross miller alison moe loreen comey

#ClandestineQ? Antifa & the NWO Featuring: New NEONREVOLT Article

@00:44:48 after comey okay so that's what key was

IG Horowitz Reportedly Nears End of Probe into FISA Abuse

@00:00:05 so should james comey be proud of his
@00:01:47 have a very definitive james comey who
@00:02:05 comey right is this just all for nothing
@00:02:13 the the the right james comey is after
@00:02:16 comey that road he didn't leak in a memo
@00:02:22 comey that said he didn't do weasel
@00:02:28 that the same james comey that said the
@00:02:41 think the same james comey the one that
@00:02:58 make sure it's the same james comey i
@00:03:59 looked at the unredacted reports comey
@00:04:53 misconduct look you know jim comey says
@00:05:16 and his trade pointed out director comey
@00:11:25 comey said he wasn't but i don't know
@00:17:24 about the comey report that coming
@00:17:35 thinking comey
@00:17:55 that mean comey is coming before d i
@00:17:58 you know the ds comey comes and then
@00:18:26 believe that comey is going to come

Whistleblowers and Mueller Witnesses

@00:26:28 director james comey it was the two-page

IT'S HAPPENING! Durham's Scope, Huber, and the Freedom Caucus

@00:25:13 you had comey and mccabe and that whole
@00:30:21 comey mccabe baker struck pages you've

All the Presidents Men (BHO) Treason!

@00:07:49 comey could be james clapper you know
@00:07:55 the jc a.m. text messages james comey
@00:32:08 comey mccabe josh can
@00:41:51 john brennan clapper and james comey are
@00:46:44 reid james comey who were unauthorized

CitizensIReport News Flash! IG Report Update

@00:12:31 seen firing jim comey is not obstruction

Predicate for FISA points to UK! PAIN is COMING in DAYS?

@00:07:26 between loretta lynch and comey
@00:10:00 james comey that started operation
@00:11:56 director james comey was not from
@00:33:18 releasing to classify all the comey
@00:33:31 trail was memorialized by james comey
@00:33:52 multiple previously unknown james comey
@00:33:58 within the filing we discover how comey
@00:34:21 the release of the comey memos to the
@00:36:42 reference to you know the comey memos
@00:37:18 and isn't contained within the comey
@00:37:31 comey memos must be sealed it is inside
@00:37:41 james comey documented the fbi
@00:37:43 investigation in essence comey created
@00:38:04 comey is a witness in the pending
@00:38:06 investigation the comey memos are his
@00:38:27 comey made notes of his meetings and
@00:38:32 conversations apparently comey also made
@00:38:38 would comey generate classified
@00:38:50 comey is keeping a diary for the use in
@00:39:42 have to fear from releasing the comey
@00:39:52 the comey memos which we thought were

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:00:50 right john brennan against comey co me
@00:02:58 testifying against comey q then he
@00:03:59 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:04:37 baker testifying against comey q this is
@00:05:49 against comey on the 11th on the 20th he
@00:05:57 before grand jury and comey is in
@00:07:05 stork okay i assure you mr. comey is
@00:08:45 comey coordinated to a point muller what
@00:08:58 against comey and rob rosenstein
@00:12:49 boom will be like comey gets indicted
@00:15:18 d comey i think before declassification
@00:17:27 comey out and about doing town halls
@00:18:19 that jim comey is really a much more
@00:21:17 jeff carlson why are the brennan comey
@00:26:41 brennan james comey and former national
@00:27:24 comey james jim baker they'll fail truth
@00:34:12 james comey is on a time he's on the

Italy & "Crown" Connections NeonRevolt Part 2

@00:05:48 that then fbi director james comey told
@00:16:54 so and it says gaudi's comments on comey
@00:16:57 history will prove that comey kind of
@00:17:55 foundation since then why did comey drop
@00:20:56 it's not jim comey it's not john brennan

Backstabbing CLOWNS & The Dispute over the ICA

@00:00:21 that then fbi director james comey told
@00:01:00 comey has got a better argument than
@00:01:07 official put the blame squarely on comey
@00:01:38 more growing evidence tonight the comey
@00:06:01 you have comey who has called this a
@00:06:21 used it in the fisa application comey
@00:13:08 comey
@00:13:40 official put the blame squarely on comey
@00:14:08 these emails between comey and brennan
@00:14:16 between the two and comey has the better
@00:15:02 brennan and comey are both correct it
@00:22:54 former fbi director james comey hmm and
@00:26:32 john brennan and james comey are
@00:26:42 comey has a better standing on this okay
@00:27:27 however whilst rock comey and others
@00:28:09 with moscow and while comey also
@00:28:19 oh and while comey also disagreed with
@00:28:25 liked strock comey and struck believed
@00:29:37 ultimate goal was he noted that comey
@00:32:40 james comey and the head of the cia john
@00:35:09 james comey called at least some of the
@00:35:14 unverified mean last year comey was
@00:40:49 right now but you can see comey and

Is the Comey Report the next BOOM? TRUTH TO LIGHT. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:01:04 james comey alone that will be out in
@00:04:11 conclusively that james comey
@00:04:24 james comey is now swinging these
@00:06:47 have to do with james comey james baker
@00:07:42 about james comey i think he's in some
@00:08:04 james comey knows everything he knows it
@00:18:18 comey signed off on that first fisa
@00:22:15 comey report well that was over two
@00:23:20 comey report should be coming out
@00:25:13 incoming and comey standing in the
@00:25:49 report on comey to come out some kind of

Joe D - Mike S. Rodgers - ITS HAPPENING! 4/25/19

@00:00:46 clapper and comey
@00:02:44 about involving james comey alone that
@00:03:27 comey sally yates and some of these
@00:06:56 clapper and comey and baker and all of
@00:08:02 james comey alone that will be out in

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:11:08 was went day who authorized comey to
@00:11:18 comey should decline to discuss which
@00:24:20 was fbi director comey and rosenstein x'
@00:24:31 and combing comey the april 7 signing
@00:28:09 this would be comey signing off on it

Scope Memo Unveiled, OH boy! Big trouble now...

@00:36:47 director james b comey in testimony

Spy/Leakgate : Part 2 - Crowdstrike, Contractors, Assange

@00:34:06 comey had hinted that the influence

Spy/LeakGate Origins PART 1

@00:13:54 fbi director james comey made a series
@00:15:05 kids out back playing ok so comey is the
@00:15:17 comey appointed mccabe as fbi director
@00:35:18 investigation on former fbi james comey
@00:35:49 dana blunt day and comey i promise you

It was SPYING! Panic. Q calls out FAKE MAGA AGAIN!

@00:06:24 comey was a perfect example yesterday of
@00:19:00 in the news think james comey server
@00:19:31 the servers and think james comey what
@00:20:29 the russia scandal james comey fired fbi
@00:30:22 news and i'm gonna get to the comey
@00:37:01 james comey the senator mark warner doj
@00:37:45 intervention by comey relayed through

1st and 10 @ the 50 = Predictable and Prepared

@00:02:33 crook obama comey the kalu derp hillary
@00:05:39 notably comey did not notify congress
@00:07:43 comey both demanded that comey commenced
@00:07:57 angrier and declaring comey to be in
@00:08:05 reports that comey had been considering
@00:17:52 media john brennan james comey leaks
@00:21:54 comey gave gave an a briefing to

MAXIMUM Transparency - Indictments Coming - These People Are Stupid

@00:30:36 and then fbi director james comey and

The Real Panic Comes in the Form of A Last Resort

@00:38:57 well hobbyist james comey and andrew

Dark to Light! GOOG -Crowdstrike - C_A

@00:23:24 comey outsource his job to crowdstrike
@00:23:30 comey refer to crowd starring as a
@00:24:14 news fbi director comey agency requested
@00:37:50 of director comey was in any way
@00:38:17 director comey were discussed


@00:18:48 director james comey told the senate
@00:19:01 focused on president trump comey
@00:19:24 evidence but comey actually took a copy

Garbage Files, B*TCHes & Unicorns: Whistle While You Work

@00:07:45 one where comey testified under oath
@00:18:06 james comey barack obama

Promises Made - Promises (soon to be kept) Let Freedom Ring! REUPLOAD

@00:29:00 the fbi chain of command you see comey
@00:35:31 comey was he was accusing hillary

Vault 7 - Potus Opened Door of all Doors: JA: Keystone, Magic Wand, Angelfire

@00:12:53 russia scandal james comey fired fbi
@00:14:32 basically he comey what julian assange
@00:14:49 intervention by comey relayed through
@00:17:52 this stuff goes on but basically comey
@00:18:22 comey intervention the episode so

Moves & Countermoves. Death Blossom. D^ARP*A = F*^B, G00G

@00:07:43 former fbi officials james comey andrew
@00:25:42 playstation xbox chat logs james comey
@00:29:04 isn't this interesting comey had

Prepare for March Madness! The Power of the PEOPLE

@00:31:44 comey signed all four i would imagine
@00:39:48 saying it was a typo james comey in

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created?

@00:28:24 brennan hussein no name brennan comey
@00:29:12 comey andrew mccade jr's james rebecky
@00:35:57 all text messages of james comey andrew

Big Name Coming? Nobody is safe. These people are sick!

@00:01:38 directors james comey the injured mccabe

LL - The Deal of a Lifetime? **FF** Anti$a, LL

@00:39:44 april 2018 3:15 just saying comey throws
@00:41:29 actions did james comey take days after
@00:41:42 comey announced that the fbi would not

Superbowl Will Look Like a Puppy Show! You are the News NOW WW!

@00:12:37 office along with comey as well he had
@00:14:17 remember as powerful as jim comey was as
@00:14:22 understand jim comey is not a prosecutor
@00:14:35 states attorneys jim comey gives that
@00:15:53 before as jim comey made the public
@00:17:39 the july fifth speech jim comey gives
@00:18:00 comey does that in the speech and says
@00:20:06 comey houston we got a problem here


@00:14:57 ed comey twitter status so i want you to
@00:15:51 that james comey is on talking about the
@00:16:22 so eleven thirty nine and comey posts at
@00:22:38 the special counsel 517 comey lies to

A Traitor’s Justice. Phase III. Panic in DC. RATS EVERYWHERE

@00:29:19 right after james comey was fired and
@00:29:21 why was james comey fired as the
@00:35:38 got pete james comey on the on the obama
@00:35:42 team is jim comey and brennan clapper

This will never happen again. Transparency & Prosecution the ONLY WAY FORWARD

@00:17:40 the day that comey sent a letter to
@00:18:03 call asap about the comey letter baker
@00:19:15 director james comey since fired then
@00:19:39 comey fbi intelligence analyst jonathan
@00:23:28 charge comey tells us top aides to be
@00:26:31 sent to then director james comey fired
@00:27:05 rebecky former chief of staff to comey
@00:28:55 investigation you got comey rebecky lisa
@00:32:02 that comey had with all these people

Blockade End, Good to Go, Dark to Light #2678-2681

@00:17:04 mccabe and jim comey and we're missing
@00:28:25 emails between comey and mccabe and like

Drip Drip: Sr. FBI Lawyer Trisha Anderson Did NOT read FISA?

@00:11:11 james comey despite having not read it

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:25:14 to recap bill precept was per comey the
@00:28:44 by hires hired but probably by comey
@00:29:43 on january 29 2016 fia director comey
@00:37:02 most everything comey mccade baker
@00:37:45 comey mccabe group seems a likely
@00:39:26 director comey i'm not motivated or
@00:40:01 comey brown said the show must go on
@00:40:10 recognized comey was an important member

Deep Dig: The Importance of CHINA CHINA CHINA in the Q Posts

@00:24:38 look at james comey and you look at john

Trump Prepares the Battleground - PROSECUTION Phase

@00:07:02 investigating letters about firing comey
@00:09:12 his firing of james comey

Deep Dig: A July 2017 Important Timeline and a Few Days in May

@00:01:02 firing of james be comey as fbi director
@00:02:57 so the first thing that happens is comey
@00:03:04 letter firing james comey he fires him
@00:03:33 dear director comey here's the office of
@00:10:09 replace joe james comey atop the bureau
@00:10:31 trump fired comey in early may the
@00:13:04 he fired james comey okay so andy
@00:14:24 comey to potus you're not being
@00:15:25 witch-hunt special counsel comey our our
@00:17:23 of 2017 gaudi's comments on comey i also
@00:17:27 have my suspicions on comey i think he
@00:17:45 gaudí comments on comey that his
@00:19:32 job comey his secret memos have been
@00:20:47 comey gets fired very upset then he
@00:21:05 fired fbi comey laun fischels became so
@00:22:54 called after the firing of comey
@00:23:52 know comey leaked his memos to trigger
@00:24:22 then fbi director james b comey and
@00:25:17 alright panic in dc comey in
@00:25:30 comey memos like cal comey leaked his
@00:26:23 the same thing they go into the comey
@00:27:21 so she says so let's recap here comey is
@00:27:33 very same time as comey is leaking his
@00:43:44 later so shortly after comey was fired

Nancy No Trip, Ohr, McCabe, AS Liar, Project Cassandra

@00:30:59 comey acknowledged it himself when he
@00:31:10 uhh clunk comey claims he didn't know
@00:38:32 after comey was fired right around the

Lights On! Grand Jury Testimony In Several States = Brennan Perjury!

@00:08:17 fbi director james comey depende
@00:09:07 less than two months later comey signed
@00:17:16 not a good situation for james comey did
@00:28:51 the comey mccabe emails which are the
@00:29:14 testifying about comey
@00:30:02 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:34:39 james article cardinal james comey the
@00:34:44 the treachery revealed by comey clapper
@00:39:58 means director comey said that the am
@00:42:31 basically the emails between comey and
@00:43:02 you know why are the brennan comey and
@00:43:26 transcripts of comey brennan and rogers
@00:44:02 by the fbi and doj brennan and comey
@00:45:07 comey is central so somewhat says us

News Update: Leak Wars? Woah Nellie!

@00:01:30 investigation right after comey we
@00:01:47 leaking comey so this starts out with
@00:01:57 trump fired james be comey as fbi
@00:03:02 comey absence constituted obstruction of
@00:04:56 fired la and james comey a total sleaze
@00:05:06 comey everybody wanted him fired
@00:05:40 james comey was a great day for america
@00:06:20 james comey andrew mccabe peter struck
@00:10:48 17th in may 2017 after director comey
@00:12:09 justification to fire jim comey and then
@00:12:39 fired comey and then days later comey
@00:13:31 and the 17th is comey gets fired that
@00:14:06 james comey all right then rosen scenes
@00:14:45 james comey said in may of 2017 okay but
@00:16:16 firing of comey as fbi director sewed
@00:20:23 comey was the predicating event as
@00:20:50 comey and it's a timeline to his firing
@00:41:42 day after you fired james comey and in
@00:42:25 lyin james comey because he was a

Boom! RBG, Lisa Page, John Carlin Future Proves Past

@00:10:13 and after fbi comey was fired hey i'm
@00:19:12 director james comey almost in real time
@00:30:37 at all you'll get james comey all right
@00:32:39 comey testimony do you believe in
@00:35:43 forcing mccabe to inform comey of the

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:46:01 digenova cardenal james comey the man
@00:46:09 comey clapper and brennan requires

The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

@00:02:19 james comey and her mccabe peter so
@00:03:24 to light was then given to james comey
@00:13:21 brennan comey hussein no name brennan
@00:14:07 comey andrew mccade jr's james rebecky
@00:24:22 mccain brennan comey and obama you see
@00:26:51 white house meetings james comey leaks
@00:31:23 director james comey recommended against

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:28:10 james comey under fire for his testimony
@00:44:11 he's talking about comey go to that

QAnon - Deep Dive #2562 NXIVM, Clinton Foundation, Come[y] #fastandfurious

@00:02:03 then comey and the why they're the why
@00:02:53 the drop so it's got james comey hrc

Qanon - Whitaker - Scaramucci Play, No leaks leads to Raid? Huber - Clinton Foundation

@00:02:13 well i'm told that james comey is one of
@00:02:34 is that james comey is involved in
@00:08:36 or a chain of emails james comey is on
@00:14:48 involved in this comey for sure i mean

QAnon - POTUS Risked EVERYTHING for US - Flynn is the Counter

@00:12:58 loretta lynch and james comey are the

QAnon - MONDAY! 11/11 WW Unified Waves, John P. Carlin, EU Riots

@00:44:56 james comey here it's talking about john
@00:46:31 referring to james comey it's referring

CF Whistleblower, GHWB & Comey Owls & Y's 322, The China 8, Monday!

@00:13:04 talking about comey do the math q well
@00:14:23 with comey okay in the context of comey
@00:14:29 the kill box comey time stamp regarding
@00:16:34 was of course the comey and then this
@00:21:22 place comey at the bohemian grove
@00:24:31 the comey with the why you've got the

LIVE W/KatieG 8pm EST - Re: Julian Assange

@00:23:20 from you know comey i mean you know he's

Qanon - Julian Assange to appear in US Secret Court on Tuesday?

@00:22:01 get immunity comey struck it down and
@00:22:17 hacking okay and comey was like yeah and
@00:24:31 okay and this was how comey intervenes
@00:24:39 the whole comey thing there was a deal

Panic at the DC Disco - RR, Mueller, Maggie D5 is Around the Corner!

@00:20:55 prosecute comey and clinton and here we
@00:26:36 that by then fbi director james b comey

QAnon - A Peek Inside the OIG FISA ABUSE Report Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:19:48 nunez though right comey mccabe etc oh
@00:19:55 so much comey i'ma cave and roses scene

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:34:10 ll loretta lynch hrc james comey james
@00:35:40 playstation xbox chat logs james comey
@00:36:03 interesting comey had sensitive fbi
@00:36:14 director former fbi director james comey
@00:37:26 messages comey complains that his mobile
@00:37:32 account comey said that the request was
@00:38:00 comey apparently emailed rebecky a link
@00:38:11 changes to comey security detail and
@00:38:32 as previously slammed comey for using
@00:38:43 whether the acu will condemn comey

Ep#8 - Never Forgive Obama, Fisa Declas Coming Soon, Whitaker on Immigration, Voter Fraud, Grassley

@00:06:45 comey andrew mccabe peter strock bruce
@00:31:51 that comey said to have enhanced the
@00:32:47 comey and it wouldn't matter so anyway

Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately?

@00:15:32 the comey mem on the kate

Mind Blowing Double Standards and the Curious Case of Rod Rosenstein

@00:13:25 between andy mccabe and jim comey well
@00:14:24 form of fbi director james comey andrew

Qanon - How do you navigate around? USE A STEALTH BOMBER

@00:04:45 confidant of james comey worked very
@00:06:28 of comey and it will be proved that's
@00:06:33 firing of comey and i think the american
@00:09:59 the ear of then director james comey and
@00:10:56 fired fbi director james comey to invoke
@00:12:19 of james comey which he recommended
@00:13:54 coup in revenge for the firing of comey
@00:32:00 already know james comey andrew mccabe

QAnon - New Narrative, Wrap Up Smear, Crimes Against Children, Justice K confirmed!

@00:27:02 fbi reported directly to james comey
@00:34:19 he said reports to comey and everybody
@00:36:52 all right meeting between comey and
@00:36:59 not recall this briefing with comey now
@00:37:56 briefing with comey so coleman notes
@00:39:52 means they're owned by them comey told
@00:40:01 course he didn't we asked comey
@00:40:37 to comey comey did not recall being

QAnon - Crowdstrike, Free Beacon, Shell Co's, Arrests Coming?

@00:20:20 other republicans comey talked about

QAnon - Feinstein Investigated? Sessions Unrecuse? Explosive Testimony!

@00:33:10 grand jury i can assure you mr. comey
@00:42:47 with former fbi director james comey

Ep #4 - Kavanaugh Hearing, Mistaken Identity? Rosenstein Meeting with POTUS

@00:07:40 pattern you know my comey is fired he

Rod Rosenstein Called to the WH and the Kavanaugh Circus

@00:12:09 which will be used to fire james comey
@00:12:35 imagine what rosenstein and comey have
@00:32:52 fbi director comey eagerly volunteering
@00:33:21 memo excreting comey rosenstein confided
@00:34:17 director comey proceeded excuse-me

QAnon - RR & Omarosa, The Redline, AM, JC

@00:04:07 lynch talking truths reveal'd comey hrc
@00:07:52 and he says comey and the cave talking
@00:08:27 familiar think the comey memos which is
@00:08:29 exactly what comey leaked to get the

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:01:22 james comey and then it's got his
@00:02:27 baker testifying against james comey all
@00:03:22 grand jury i can assure you mr. comey
@00:03:51 so we know who comey is right um so
@00:12:27 okay i can assure you mr. comey has been
@00:39:38 fbi director james comey was fired
@00:41:41 firing as james comey as fbi director
@00:41:56 asked mr. comey to pledge loyalty and
@00:42:15 comey by writing a memo critical of hint
@00:46:23 only wished he had terminated mr. comey
@00:46:43 this if i did one mistake with comey i

QAnon - Truth to Power, IG, Huber, NSA and Q&A

@00:23:31 messages with comey and mccabe and

Panic in DC and in the MSM! Ep #2

@00:15:27 fbi director james comey they're
@00:19:49 comey putting the knicks on it and you

QAnon - FISA DECLAS and Current Q Posts LIVE

@00:05:04 redaction of james comey andrew mccabe

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:01:42 james comey robert muller on and on and
@00:33:09 panic in dc comey in communication with
@00:33:40 you comey a nandi boy if they flip andy
@00:34:10 rosenstein yates lynch and comey oh

Anon - FISA, DIA, Hint of Flynn Spygate gone wild!

@00:18:30 clear picture to what director comey
@00:20:58 to 71 dana blunt day and 269 james comey
@00:32:11 plural will hold james comey being one
@00:43:37 comey to potus and then it gets a die a
@00:43:41 document cloud letter to to comey giving
@00:43:55 firing of james comey provide the

QAnon - DOITQ, EAS Alert, Collective Attacks, Panic in DC

@00:05:23 what comey did but the whole thing you

QAnon - @Jack, NP, No Name Replaced, SC, Clinton Girls

@00:02:17 with lyin james comey the devs all hated

QAnon - CIR LIVE CHAT @ 7pm EST w/KatieG

@00:05:23 with y and james comey the dems all
@00:19:07 same thing with bly and james comey the

QAnon - HRC/Alice in Bloody Wonderland, The Setup, Keys to the Kingdom

@00:30:24 james comey yeah just say and that's

QAnon - UK-Access No More, Utah/Huber, Google, Anons Questions

@00:18:30 represents mueller james comey five

QAnon - China Hacked (not) HRC Server = America For Sale

@00:18:02 the ic ig concluding that either comey
@00:28:53 general think comey and loretta lynch as
@00:33:07 he's basically challenging comey here

QAnon - Treason, Huber Interviews, Cooperating Witnesses 8/29/18

@00:07:05 comey was gonna testify all right and
@00:07:35 before comey testimony and what did or
@00:08:29 probably james comey because it was
@00:08:32 right before james comey was gonna
@00:10:19 james comey sally yates and fully
@00:11:08 sooo fbi supervisory agent comey dana
@00:12:06 comey signed three fisa applications in

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:18:29 wrote an exoneration letter jim comey
@00:43:07 messages james comey and andy mccabe

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:12:54 steal anxious over comey testimony hopes
@00:13:15 steele anxious over comey testimony
@00:13:26 james comey testified to lawmakers that
@00:13:43 hold when comey testified the text
@00:16:35 james comey bruce or christopher steele
@00:22:17 directly to james comey rub out his
@00:22:34 thing you know james comey at 11:14 a.m.
@00:22:45 yesterday comey tweets out truth exists
@00:23:18 1310 on august 19th comey responds and
@00:39:03 could be jim could be jim comey i'm not

ES/ES, Gmails, Bonus Round! Aug 14-15 Q Drops

@00:01:54 other things like perhaps james comey
@00:14:28 okay text so think james comey vo is not
@00:15:14 or so james comey bruce or christopher
@00:15:27 all of them but james comey loretta

Billionaire Island, Setups, Booms, Think Waves #Qanon Posts 1866-1875

@00:25:51 true his wires were tapped comey is a

CF, Haiti, Spy Ops, and FISA Comfy? #Qanon 8.10.18

@00:17:36 comey hussein no name brennan clapper
@00:18:22 comey andrew mccade jr's james rebecky
@00:40:39 director comey

QAnon - Reason why we needed to go mainstream prior to the EVIDENCE being dropped.

@00:06:28 james comey right jim rebecky chief of
@00:07:36 jim comey lisa paige who she's connected
@00:11:26 investigation he first approached comey
@00:15:34 director comey but he could not remember
@00:16:27 comey on october 4 showed that he had a
@00:20:35 james comey to talk about the laptop
@00:42:38 this means comey mccabe's stroke fbi
@00:43:01 explain it comey
@00:43:04 was never supposed to come out mr. comey
@00:43:19 mr. comey blunt times you've never

QAnon - The World is about to Change! #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM

@00:07:10 comey the director of central
@00:07:57 federal fbi james comey central
@00:09:39 comey hussein no name brennan clapper
@00:41:43 that comey shut down a deal for immunity
@00:41:48 james comey is complicit if you asked me

QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM.

@00:08:15 fourth date peter and comey cleared
@00:08:30 director james comey told lawmakers

QAnon - LP Keep your promise. When does a bird sing? 7/28/18

@00:05:15 foundation comey dropped this who was
@00:05:22 i'm sorry comey you know all this stuff
@00:06:28 up to do this job you know comey said to

QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack

@00:11:01 guys former fbi director james comey and
@00:11:14 james comey has been referred for for
@00:13:49 former fbi director james comey acting
@00:43:24 wasn't jim comey loretta len yeah

Qanon - Connecting Wolfe Indictment to Released FISA App

@00:40:51 does that say about comey mccabe yates

QAnon - 2016 FISA App Released...Here we go....

@00:12:34 james comey okay that release like this
@00:13:36 comey did under the obama administration
@00:13:56 he says when when comey brennan yates
@00:14:18 clapper yates and comey keep pushing
@00:24:11 comey signed three fisa applications in
@00:28:10 read it a lot better now hüseyin comey

QAnon - Blackmail and Dead Woman, theFBI/DOJ, RR, RM, Epstein, SR Witness

@00:13:37 clinton's emails a month before comey
@00:13:47 were forced to deal with it how comey
@00:14:18 about it here and here so james comey
@00:14:32 and here's comey talking about it so

QAnon - Seth Rich Witnesses/Flynn Hearing TODAY!

@00:23:47 mccabe and director james comey found

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:20:28 brennan hillary kerry clapper comey and
@00:27:50 brother because little mr. comey decided
@00:29:00 have any idea what comey was referring
@00:29:40 was wrong for mr. comey to take this
@00:30:21 comments on comey and commis decision to
@00:30:44 information and comey ran to the
@00:30:49 on comey history will dot dot dot potus
@00:31:12 is going to be much kinder to jim comey
@00:31:33 tarmac jim comey had access to
@00:32:24 comey in the past but he made the only
@00:33:08 time now that his stance on comey has
@00:33:18 comey into the water during the i doing
@00:33:25 doesn't feel that way about comey
@00:34:00 important it really is comey has some
@00:37:18 i hope that made it clear why comey
@00:37:21 that's the real reason comey went and uh

QAnon - Freemasons, Symbology, Therapy, Dream to Reality

@00:03:44 then we saw this how comey intervened to
@00:04:24 unexpected intervention by comey
@00:04:36 comey gave the the stand down order on
@00:05:30 and this is the original comey

QAnon - LIVE Q&A Tonight 9PM EST Katie&JimG

@00:06:30 to release vault 7 information and comey
@00:24:37 where are the jc james comey andy mccabe
@00:43:44 you guys earlier about how james comey
@00:43:58 next to it okay it was james comey so
@00:44:04 find it let's see thanks comey julian
@00:44:18 so why did james comey issue stand down
@00:44:27 given by james comey to kill an imminent
@00:45:00 comey killed advanced negotiations with
@00:47:20 for the hill to reiterate james comey
@00:50:00 then reached out to james comey well
@00:50:26 reached out to james comey who ordered a
@00:50:34 for comey is gone ok he told me he just
@00:50:40 talked with comey and that while the
@00:51:10 comey was
@00:51:29 consulted comey and passed along the
@00:54:02 yes think james comey
@00:55:24 got this james comey put gave a stand

QAnon - It's Time - Shift in Tactics! #WINNING

@00:10:37 number two james comey andy mccabe larry

QAnon - Scope & Size biggest in history! Trump Official Fired HAS TIES TO NXIVM

@00:01:51 gmail james comey eema and then it says
@00:08:34 comey and company have been playing as
@00:26:31 about and james comey talked about that
@00:30:05 obama james comey james clapper all
@00:41:35 the bottom of it like mr. comey was
@00:45:00 too uh it was james comey but no it's

QAnon - POTUS is not going through this for nothing! 6.15.18

@00:03:39 report james comey gmail they all had
@00:04:36 you got james comey james clapper i
@00:05:46 comey we identified numerous instances
@00:05:59 information provided by comey and

QAnon - Snowball [[RR]] IG Report Reaction and Huber Deep Dive

@00:08:34 hillary and slippery james comey
@00:18:36 ig report is a total disaster for comey
@00:18:40 his minions and sadly the fbi comey
@00:19:45 barack obama fire this guy comey asks
@00:21:36 was 100% right to fire james comey says
@00:41:07 with bill staff helping comey conceal
@00:41:14 including obama and comey we're both

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:12:32 james comey was fine with that yeah that

QAnon is Back! Another 187 PLOT FOILED! Fly RR Fly

@00:11:22 involved j james comey andy mccabe
@00:11:57 food etc comey let mccabe lynch precepts

QAnon - Leaker James Wolfe: The Bigger Story Behind the Indictment *RE-UPLOAD*

@00:23:06 james comey refused to meet with the

QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER

@00:04:45 jim comey has been taunting the
@00:04:59 comey in this upcoming ig report so what
@00:07:49 comey and former deputy attorney general
@00:09:37 were james comey hillary clinton loretta
@00:16:14 counsel comey our our state potus not

QAnon - Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated

@00:02:52 comey to the senate judiciary committee
@00:02:57 comey regarding michael flynn against
@00:22:38 falsified 302s knowing the comey mccabe
@00:24:00 andrew mccabe and james comey falsifying

QAnon - Sen. Grassley RE: Flynn and the Kettle of Fish

@00:12:24 former director comey also has made
@00:12:42 comey relayed to the congressional

QAnon - The Real Reason Comey was "Defiant" and "Insubordinate"

@00:00:24 doj watchdog finds james comey defied
@00:00:39 concluded that james comey defied
@00:01:45 reports specifically called out comey
@00:02:49 to fire comey last year deputy attorney
@00:04:40 reports mentioned this as well so comey
@00:05:41 comey lated later called it a tortured
@00:05:54 people the fbi was work separately comey
@00:07:31 real reason why comey
@00:09:02 at the statements from comey it's a
@00:10:06 have any idea what comey was referring
@00:10:46 was wrong for mr. comey to take this
@00:11:15 okay so comey says and i was wrong it
@00:11:40 said to him that comey said to him you
@00:12:23 exclusive interview with james comey and
@00:12:41 investigation comey notes unreleased
@00:16:48 know why comey did that why did he why
@00:17:16 what comey is talking about this is the
@00:18:13 to jim comey in that july press
@00:18:33 tarmac jim comey had access to
@00:19:24 of jim comey in the past but he made the
@00:20:00 comey i think there might be a big a big
@00:20:02 or you know comey and trey gowdy a big
@00:22:06 including james comey is chief of staff
@00:23:54 upon which james comey said he went

QAnon - IS BACK! Week to Remember, IG Report

@00:03:24 our fbi director james comey fired by
@00:03:41 director comey and deputy director
@00:13:22 kent james comey to make a public
@00:13:50 reporting where comey even said in one

QAnon - Spygate Update: Trey Gowdy WT..? Obama Angle

@00:01:09 comey said impeachments too good of a
@00:02:35 lot and why the comey fbi didn't do it i
@00:04:43 president trump himself in the comey
@00:06:06 fbi director james comey an fbi director
@00:07:17 comey he said i didn't collude with
@00:09:20 know what that's what i told comey i
@00:17:26 article is about comey violated fbi's
@00:36:47 to this gao dee's comments on comey
@00:38:10 here gaudi's comments on comey history
@00:38:23 to jim comey in that july press
@00:38:43 tarmac jim comey had access to
@00:39:33 a critic of jim comey in the past but he
@00:40:12 comey just came out with the email
@00:40:28 comey said it - what i've showed you

Sickened FBI Agents Ready to Testify #QAnon

@00:00:17 former fbi chief james comey appointed
@00:00:45 disgusted with comey
@00:01:18 comey exonerated clinton that they
@00:01:59 and then comey on the late-night shows
@00:02:11 comey is going on conan o'brien to talk
@00:02:48 chad it's not good for james comey he's
@00:04:09 rank-and-file there james comey
@00:05:55 up comey and clapper and brennan are a
@00:07:50 at it i mean going back to james comey
@00:09:38 former fbi director james comey and
@00:11:41 comey and mccabe i have no idea how to
@00:12:03 in a freefall james comey has destroyed
@00:12:35 they feel the same way about comey the
@00:13:43 know that it wasn't just comey and
@00:13:55 exclusive fbi agents say comey stood in

QAnon - Big Day for the Swamp! And the Dunce Widdle Donnie Wemmon

@00:05:29 director james comey former attorney

Qanon - E-mails Show FBI Brass Discussed Dossier Briefing Details With CNN

@00:01:16 james comey fbi director briefed then
@00:01:49 not just the firing of comey by trump
@00:01:56 counsel robert mueller comey claimed
@00:02:11 comey briefed trump
@00:02:22 that comey quote is coming in to
@00:03:19 unquote mccabe wrote to comey rebecky
@00:03:51 assessment given to trump comey claimed
@00:04:09 to comey and other fbi officials mccabe
@00:05:25 trump and comey
@00:05:29 news channel's bret baier comey scoffed
@00:05:43 no comey replies i don't know who leaked
@00:05:47 asked and comey said who leaked an
@00:05:59 not the dossier no comey said johnson
@00:07:22 comey briefed then president-elect trump
@00:08:13 director comey met with president-elect
@00:08:15 at trump january 7th 2017 director comey
@00:08:27 senior fbi leadership director comey
@00:08:41 comey wrote i then executed the session
@00:10:58 comey and james clapper or their staffs

QAnon - SIS good? Ask PS - EO Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:21:14 james comey that's huge you guys okay
@00:21:40 director james comey and was one of the
@00:22:36 effort undertaken to keep james comey
@00:22:51 heavily by james comey during his book
@00:23:03 the former fbi director james comey
@00:23:13 people yet comey repeatedly claims to
@00:23:25 comey in the dark on the hyuga abidine
@00:23:43 or working around comey
@00:34:19 it from jim jim james comey basically
@00:41:58 director comey and he was one of the

QAnon - Who Knows Where the Bodies are Buried? Rudy, Erik, Flynn

@00:15:18 october 27th at 10:00 a.m. comey had a
@00:15:56 counsel suggested and comey agreed that

Review Time with QAnon + NY AG Roadblock Gone!

@00:23:44 gaudi's comments on comey history will
@00:30:47 comments on comey caught and then he he
@00:31:37 comey in that july press conference than
@00:31:53 to jim comey in that july press
@00:32:14 tarmac jim comey had access to
@00:33:06 a critic of jim comey in the past but he
@00:33:49 that gets james comey believe me when i

QAnon - New Phase JUSTICE. JK Traitor, New Board, Your Fired!

@00:13:23 fired james comey fired up that i stood
@00:14:44 advisors to comey leave the bureau so
@00:15:19 serving under james comey and rob bob
@00:15:46 comey was also fired doj i don't believe
@00:36:56 and that that the comey had said he he
@00:37:29 that comey really did say that he

QAnon - The Plot to NUKE America and Blame Russia SUM OF ALL FEARS

@00:13:35 the post james comey i don't trust him i

QAnon - Mueller on/off Team? Time will tell. Who are We Talking To?

@00:05:31 comments on comey potus has everything
@00:09:14 director james comey the day before the
@00:13:14 a criminal target so you got comey read
@00:13:30 this where comey rode rosenstein and
@00:20:21 james comey on march march 20th 2017 to
@00:43:17 comey released of the part in three
@00:43:19 phases right comey released of memos to
@00:43:27 ton special counsel comey read

QAnon - Mueller, Flynn, Define Testimony, "On the Record" Understand Comms?

@00:02:51 reports former fbi director james comey
@00:03:36 james comey who was then the fbi
@00:07:37 that fired fbi boss james comey had
@00:08:00 comey
@00:09:30 defended flynn as he castigated comey
@00:09:34 destroyed while shady james comey can
@00:22:44 komi according to fbi director comey

QAnon - Precursor, MOAB Still Incomming, Renegade, Evergreen

@00:19:28 firing of james comey and then the

#QAnon - What Has Mueller Really Found? WOW

@00:05:03 time the democrats believe that comey
@00:06:36 day still blames jim comey and hillary

QAnon - MUST SEE! What will the texts reveal? MOAB or precursor?

@00:13:24 mccabe comey discussed the assassination

QAnon - "Wendy", Hussein, and Potus Warning Shot

@00:03:59 comey and others and i think that

QAnon - Heads Roll, They Will Lose Everything, NP in NK

@00:38:09 twitter memo trump told comey he had
@00:38:30 by former fbi director james comey on
@00:38:49 right so what does command comey say are
@00:39:21 we know that comey probably doesn't he


@00:01:14 have any idea what comey was referring
@00:01:55 for mr. comey to take this over and

Qanon - RR BOOM! Q Setup Response Coming

@00:00:39 7 comey memos now remember there was
@00:00:46 memos that comey released to his buddy
@00:00:53 classified so it's okay for comey to
@00:01:42 fbi director james comey 'he's memos to
@00:02:11 review and provide the comey memos to
@00:02:52 standard after comey went on abc wrote a
@00:06:52 which basically comey used so we're in
@00:07:14 with the tarmac meeting something comey
@00:23:43 of it relating to comey mentioning

#QAnon - LIVE Q Posts Update 4/15/2018 Jim and KatieG

@00:09:50 perhaps comey don't know the plan q and

#QAnon - Real vs Actual, IG Report, Potus Tweets Tarmac WOW!

@00:14:32 east coast comey throws attorney general
@00:19:13 director comey an early morning tweet
@00:19:19 twitter rant against comey ahead of
@00:19:58 later mr. trump claims comey sir his
@00:22:28 mean that is why comey did it because he

#QAnon - Syria Strike, Disinformation is REAL

@00:23:03 comey comes out and says oh she's also
@00:24:28 comey he told him he was not the source
@00:27:09 deputy attorney general james comey
@00:27:17 was kind of a poke in the eye to comey

#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

@00:22:06 ah see all these people comey they all

QAnon - Live Q Post Updates 1061-1076 April 7

@00:04:31 fbi director james comey which you know

QAnon - You Elected US to Keep You Safe. WE will NOT Fail.

@00:05:34 james comey
@00:06:41 a letter to comey requesting an
@00:07:18 kremlin urging comey to make the
@00:07:22 first reported on reed's letter to comey

#Qanon - Fire in the Hole, We are talking to YOU

@00:27:51 comey set up there and you're starting

#QAnon -How Bad is the Corruption? Big Development

@00:12:33 number one comey was it like position
@00:12:36 so mueller comey mccabe 29:16 sang
@00:26:47 sanctimonious james comey and his boss
@00:27:36 mccabe kept notes on trump as comey did

#Qanon - March Madness! Spirit Cooking, Angela WHO?

@00:15:37 like comey and those guys leaked and all

#Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1)

@00:18:29 is exactly what happened with comey oh
@00:19:22 just as bad as if comey did when comey

It's ALL Theatre - Quite Frankly #Qanon

@00:04:50 the the dossier that james comey himself
@00:10:29 with reports on comey i'm talking about
@00:18:48 comey and everybody else peter struck
@00:18:57 with anything because comey is not going

Qanon - YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE Getting Trump Trolled

@00:12:13 with the reports on comey etc isn't the

#QAnon - Page & PapaDop FBI DOJ COVERS? WOW! #MAGA

@00:28:49 comey then oh they must then be approved

#Qanon 666, Black Forest, Rothschilds, TREASON! #followthewhiterabbit

@00:00:50 washington right up there with comey
@00:01:49 again so he mentions comey warner
@00:01:52 brennan and clapper well we know comey
@00:06:58 you know they're leaking comey warner
@00:17:11 house lied about comey firings and he
@00:24:28 points in it james comey dismiss a
@00:26:07 know james comey dismiss a letter by

Qanon, Threats, Disinfo Be careful what you wish for #Qanon

@00:08:29 know we're gonna kill james comey i just
@00:12:56 james comey involving his interactions
@00:13:14 keeps the comey memos secret ridiculous
@00:14:19 remember when comey was hated by the
@00:14:33 saying fbi director james comey sprays
@00:14:42 this about director comey first this is
@00:15:15 different story now after comey notified


@00:05:11 jay jim comey and all his lackeys and
@00:07:13 get the comey for you know one thing he
@00:07:34 of mark rich go and look him up comey

#Qanon - Flynn, FISA, EO's, FREEDOM DAY #thestormisuponus #followthewhiterabbit

@00:07:03 line gowdy comments on comey history

#QAnon -Rosenstein Out?#FakeNews Narrative Change, Nation on Alert

@00:27:18 james comey cuz it's busting the slang i
@00:28:04 holder and comey are in there i don't
@00:28:33 this is a tweet that james comey decided

#QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary

@00:01:30 department of justice why comey and the
@00:03:17 talking about people like james comey
@00:06:55 comey goes to visit president trump at
@00:07:06 reason for comey to be doing anything if
@00:07:21 which comey admitted under oath there
@00:07:36 to stay in my job i mean this comey is a
@00:11:40 pretty clear according to james comey it
@00:27:54 james comey their personal and
@00:27:58 for many years comey is a target of this
@00:29:02 bribery did he go to tell james comey or

#QAnon - Kneading Bread, Skull & Bones Kerry #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm

@00:02:27 mr. comey did mr. mchabe did the
@00:29:08 mmm well comey rosenstein mccabe all
@00:29:28 mccabe former fbi director james comey

#QAnon Texts, Lies, and Secret Societies #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:02:53 fbi comey lied in his testimony to
@00:03:57 really james comey quote the bible on
@00:06:13 director comey you know when did he make
@00:06:20 director comey when he went to the press
@00:07:52 director comey before some you know 16
@00:10:07 that comey used in his press conference
@00:11:05 comey in the clinton investigation those
@00:12:14 we know that comey came forward and made
@00:12:25 exchange with james comey and
@00:12:59 don't think that former director comey
@00:13:49 comey if you're looking into decisions
@00:15:05 director comey was going to update the
@00:16:10 used by james comey that there was no

#QAnon - LIVE 8PM EST - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:30:48 clinton loretta lynch james comey andrew
@00:32:01 they're classified james comey loretta

#QAnon - Future Shows Past: SpaceX, Drain the Swamp, Pedogate

@00:07:40 lynch comey in the doj kind of in a very
@00:10:02 lynch and comey is dead meat i have to

#Qanon Patriots Inside the FBI Will Expose Mueller and Comey #draintheswamp

@00:00:33 crescendo we started off with jim comey
@00:00:58 know that they were part of the comey

Eric Holder's Red Line? #qanon #draintheswamp #followthewhiterabbit

@00:13:42 july 5th 2016 that's when comey was like

#Qanon Top FBI Officials Subpoenaed by House Judiciary #draintheswamp #followthewhiterabbit

@00:04:14 director under comey
@00:15:07 indicted if jim comey and loretta lynch

Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? Jim Jordan #qanon #draintheswamp

@00:02:59 when comey has the press conferences
@00:04:40 why i need you to fire comey you're the
@00:05:16 and i certainly do that the comey fbi