
Dems To Hold Open Hearing To Censor "Misinformation"- Information Warfare!!!

@00:26:42 last year with the whole comey thing
@00:26:51 going to happen to comey

Live Stream 10-2-20 - Something Big Is About To Happen!

@00:34:14 a lot of stuff with comey we know we
@00:34:22 comey and obamacare that's gonna make
@00:35:02 and comey and this tom malinowski
@00:36:20 yeah this whole thing with comey comey's

The Comey Mystery Is Slowly Being Solved- Testimony Brings Us Closer

@00:05:09 comey came out today optics are
@00:05:16 said here comey testifies
@00:05:20 already know hey mr comey
@00:05:22 let me show you something mr comey right
@00:05:27 question mr comey do you know what trump
@00:05:48 comey tried his best to defend
@00:05:56 and we know that comey attempted to back
@00:06:06 was essential laugh out loud mr comey
@00:06:36 page and comey says
@00:06:42 comey says no i would have wanted a much
@00:06:52 my name is comey i admit that the whole
@00:07:02 that out into the public oh so comey you
@00:07:16 where ted cruz is challenging comey
@00:07:54 there it is ted cruz checkmating comey
@00:07:59 mr comey on the record i'm telling you
@00:08:23 comey please ignorance regarding
@00:09:09 what comey was all about listening
@00:10:23 mr comey i call that
@00:10:59 who cannot remember anything mr comey do
@00:26:19 james comey's daughter maureen comey
@00:26:53 of comey and failure maureen
@00:28:41 the comey family we know about mr peter
@00:28:44 comey it's

Biden Camp Deceptive Debate Strategy Fully Decoded!!!

@00:29:43 director james comey and deputy

Avalanche! More Disturbing Corruption Exposed - Another MOAB!!!

@00:21:33 the whole situation with james comey
@00:22:20 that comey accepted
@00:22:37 with his brother peter comey
@00:22:45 taxes yeah this peter comey
@00:22:53 like it says peter comey serves as
@00:23:16 piper and as for peter comey
@00:23:23 but peter comey is not featured on the
@00:23:34 and it says here james comey was not
@00:23:38 about his relationship with peter comey
@00:24:22 there directly connect it to comey
@00:24:26 and peter comey and there's a lot more
@00:24:32 says peter comey
@00:24:34 brother james comey clinton foundation
@00:30:52 exposed fbi director james comey clinton
@00:32:30 comey takeover of investigation 2002.
@00:34:12 this dla piper comey peter comey

New Ballot Scam Operation Uncovered As Dangerous Rhetoric Continues!

@00:21:31 yeah no kidding james comey will be
@00:28:55 is either maybe james comey he's either

Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:53:03 yeah let's see what comey is saying
@00:53:09 so this was comey back on december 9th
@00:53:14 comey back then remember think gas

Boom! Graham "We've Got The Votes To Confirm" - Dems Go Psycho!

@00:03:07 comey and hillary clinton aren't the

Revealed! Sessions Hired Durham! LOL, Doubters Will Freak Out!

@00:05:34 and by may of 2017 comey gets taken out
@00:21:39 to investigate comey leak really
@00:22:11 then fbi director james comey according
@00:22:44 to investigate james comey and we know
@00:22:47 that comey was fired by may of 2017
@00:23:17 that comey asked the doj to make a
@00:23:52 a leak investigation into james comey

Live Stream 8-21-20 - We Are Inching Closer!

@00:33:40 comey to try to delegitimize trump

Haha! Marxists Launch Brand New Weird Panicky Conspiracy Theory!!

@00:06:32 may a couple things happen right comey

Wow! Barr Calls Out Marxist Cult - "Secular Religion ... Lust For Power"

@00:06:05 fires james comey in may of 2017

Live Stream 8-7-20 - The Eve Of Indictments!

@00:18:59 hey uh mr comey all you guys mr clapper
@00:20:51 comey say oh

Almost Time! World Awaits Obamagate Judgement Day!!!

@00:08:13 comey
@00:08:49 james comey under the bus on wednesday
@00:09:38 agreed that comey had gone rogue
@00:09:45 about comey as she was being questioned
@00:09:56 director comey didn't coordinate
@00:10:04 she said did and graham said did comey
@00:10:39 so little about dirty cop james comey

Live Stream 7-31-20 - [D] Day Approaches!

@00:41:30 but q says comey termination
@00:41:37 comey termination loss of power so
@00:41:52 comey
@00:42:07 where he's going to terminate comey
@00:42:33 i just fired comey you can't get me haha
@00:42:56 when they got rid of comey and they
@00:43:35 comey we are winning

Live Stream 7-24-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:29:04 is this the comey report
@00:29:07 whatever happened to this comey report
@00:30:40 is that the comey being brought down
@00:30:43 d-day comey and then everyone else comes

Battle Lines Drawn -DHS SEC "We Will Not Retreat" - Marxists Panic!

@00:21:51 mr comey don't you have like this whole

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:23:10 could this be comey and could this be
@00:23:20 addition to comey could be anything

Flynn Wins! Game-Changing Digital Soldiers Strategy Unleashed!

@00:16:22 right people on flint case comey came
@00:16:51 director right there comey flynn kissel

Stage Is Set! Committee Vote Clears Way For Senate Strategic Hearings!

@00:15:59 russia investigation including comey and
@00:17:26 already yeah comey brennan and clapper
@00:18:09 brennan and mr. comey and the others but

Shocking Developments Surfacing On Nursing Home Scandal!

@00:10:13 this lindsey graham comey mckay brennan

Huge! How Hussein Shadow Presidency Was Outsmarted By Trump Team!

@00:10:53 rice jim comey need to be heard from
@00:11:01 spying jim comey needs to talk about how
@00:13:36 being exposed comey is a dirty cop
@00:18:32 they're just comey is saying yeah i
@00:18:57 national security perspective comey said
@00:19:06 russian ambassador kisnya comey said
@00:19:19 asked if comey was saying that the
@00:19:53 prerequisite a hussein my name is comey

Hours After Barr Statement- BOOM! Damning Biden Audios Released!!

@00:20:56 on to say director comey affirmed that

Huge Chess Move! Barr Splits From Trump As Senate Subpoena Vote Looms

@00:19:50 comey brennan and dozens more in
@00:20:33 government officials including comey

Graham Reveals Spygate Hearings To Begin June! Swamp In Full Panic!!!!

@00:02:00 graham ledger biden comey clapper tried

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:24:52 comey with the bomb coming in the moab
@00:25:03 grills comey who has the power to unmask
@00:25:37 comey as you say it's vital you say it's
@00:27:32 that trey gowdy is challenging comey

Live Stream Friday 5-8-20 - American Revolution 2.0

@00:40:49 comey i bet you guys had this and then

COVID Medical Studies Brought To Light- Shocker! BAD News For Fauci!!

@00:16:50 now brennan and comey assessment clapper

Huge! Q-Team Bombs: Authoritarian Politicians Will Be SHOCKED!!

@00:27:08 biden mckay brennan comey schiff etc and
@00:27:32 because mr. comey paint it the target on

Battle For Narrative Goes Nuclear- Master Counter-Strategy In Motion!!!

@00:23:29 this is basically today comey is saying

Shocking Unsealed Flynn Docs Set Stage For What Is Coming!!!

@00:11:43 lynch and comey yeah and king and
@00:11:50 sally yates and comey and communication

deleted The Flynn Injustice And Coming Exoneration Decoded- Future Proves Past!!

@00:23:27 james comey with another deep state rat

Live Stream Friday 4-24-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:04:16 says whitmer is a comey all right let's

Live Stream Friday 3-13-20 - The Battle For Humanity

@00:40:29 somebody says comey hiding by now what

Closed-Door FISA Probe Depositions Begin ... As Dems Resurrect Biden

@00:06:22 former fbi director james comey former

Judge Orders Hillary And Top Aid Deposed On Use Of Private Email System!

@00:07:21 thanks to comey of clinton's private
@00:07:41 comey right there back in july of 2016

Dems Afraid To Admit Bernie IS The Front Runner- Sabotage Awaits!

@00:04:12 comey all of these villains they didn't

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:40:07 just put out just enough to make comey

HUGE Wave Of Trump Victories Hit As the Storm Intensifies!!

@00:10:37 chief blows whistle on comey mccain over
@00:10:53 the gate calling out what comey and
@00:11:13 james comey and his deputy andrew mccabe
@00:12:17 and comey and they didn't want to listen

Why No Arrests? Q Walks Us Behind-the-Scenes - Reveals Big Picture!!

@00:16:20 director comey and his efforts to
@00:16:24 right there and it says comey suppress

Durham Expands Probe Into Mueller Team Activities - Trump Hints Justice Coming!

@00:15:29 another comey and gang deal thank you to

Dershowitz Drops Bomb To Start Off Week- Has 302 Docs As Proof!!!

@00:11:19 under james comey underhandedly sent a

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:15:07 into james comey andrew mccabe peter
@00:16:30 on comey last year august 1st haha same

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:16:29 prosecute ex chief fbi chief james comey
@00:16:49 media you want to ask comey how did that
@00:19:45 around celebrating just like comey did
@00:35:05 state he is no happier than what comey
@00:44:16 said about james comey when he had his

Stone Case Lead Juror's Court Statements Revealed- Unbelievable!!

@00:19:02 same thing with you comey talking about
@00:19:04 crisis at the justice department comey

Barr Agrees To Testify On Stone Case, Giuliani Evidence And More!

@00:05:59 the meantime comey walks around making

FRIDAY 2-7-20 What Will Happen Next?

@00:23:29 it wasn't for comey we would all you

"We Caught Them In the Act"- Trump Hints Justice Coming In Acquittal Speech!

@00:05:40 had i not fired james comey who was a

Bondi Drops MOAB On Bidens, Dems Corruption Case- No Recovery Possible!!

@00:18:20 york times jim comey jim honey are these

GOP Set To Restore Rule of Law As Dems Stumble To Finish Line!

@00:16:51 breaking feds probing james comey four
@00:17:07 said yeah we're not gonna pursue comey
@00:17:09 you know after this comey report saying
@00:17:23 fired fbi director james comey leaked

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:27:55 mccabe comey and there's comey again
@00:35:09 james comey andrew mccabe peter struck
@00:35:29 comey loretta lynch hussein and wheat

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:14:23 comey mccabe yates rosenstein
@00:15:27 comey signed the warrant three times

Live Stream Friday 12-20 Patriot News Breakdown, Analysis!

@00:06:00 ago we had comey on tv saying he was
@00:20:24 hey mr. comey so and so but you said

Impeachment Coup Counter Strategy Revealed! Dems Won't Like This!!

@00:20:03 recognize comey this is from gateway

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:02:52 here trump is saying so if comey and the
@00:09:17 wow comey was running around the country
@00:13:20 comey is running around oh we're
@00:13:25 wolf blitzer saying quote jim comey said
@00:21:18 corny instead of comey this ridiculous
@00:21:21 alternative spelling of comey cor n ey
@00:21:45 see that comey like it says here anna
@00:21:53 versus comey
@00:22:01 comey if you do a search of the
@00:22:05 instances of comey but like it says up
@00:25:43 addition to comey with the cornfield
@00:26:33 of events horowitz report comey reports
@00:30:57 right here worth remembering and comey

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:08:38 he's deep say everybody james comey
@00:12:04 go ahead comey go on tv james comey and
@00:15:43 trump demands apology after james comey
@00:15:53 comey before and after listen it total
@00:16:29 before and after comey cannot help but
@00:18:30 he been too damn late for comey to admit
@00:27:27 then q shows us a meme with jim comey

With No Impeachable Offenses Identified Dems Stumble To Finish Line

@00:06:45 director james comey said although obama
@00:07:26 and they talked about comey told us he
@00:07:43 is all out of the ig report says comey
@00:08:32 here comey said he thought it was
@00:08:43 then it goes on comey said although he
@00:08:56 and that says comey has stated that

Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

@00:10:49 james comey no one is vindicated by my
@00:11:20 question on whether comey was vindicated

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:10:58 sealed and we have comey claims
@00:11:10 that again his his other headline comey
@00:11:24 and lies they know they're lying comey
@00:11:43 hey comey read the details of what you
@00:21:10 g report confirms comey briefed barack
@00:23:18 yay nothing is happening and comey could

Why Spygate? Question To Be Publicly Answered Soon!

@00:35:27 terms of comey and muller and strock and

Dems to Draft Articles Of Impeachment As America, GOP Unite Behind Trump!

@00:13:03 i think the obstruction of the comey

"President Pelosi" Speaks On Behalf Of US In Paris!!! Plus Explosive Q Proofs!

@00:26:53 jim comey walking with her and something

Trump Special Meeting With AG Barr, Staff Delays Flight 45 Min!!

@00:18:47 hussein's comey are you guys you guys

Q Returns! Mystery Drop Solved- Damning IG Report Confirmed!

@00:10:03 between possibly between james comey and

Live Stream Friday Nov 1, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:36:54 james comey saying i'm not worried at
@00:37:01 a mr. comey even if you claim and you

Schiff, Pelosi EXCLUDED From ISIS Raid Briefing to Save American Lives!

@00:09:49 did this to make people like comey and
@00:10:40 my god if your clapper and your comey
@00:17:20 comey on doj criminal probe i'm not

Live Stream Friday Oct 25, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:57:11 hillary brennan and comey he's coming

HUGE! Durham Probe Now a Criminal Investigation, Hillary Quickly Hints At Run

@00:08:07 coverage fox news her emails james comey

Barr Expands Probe, CIA Actors Lawyer Up- Brennan, Clapper Deposition Coming!!

@00:12:17 clapper comey oh you guys brennan the

DOJ: Defense Official Arrested For Colluding With NBC News!

@00:12:11 reporter 8 comey are you guys oh you

Live Stream 10-4-19 - Coup Attempt Update, Climate Cult and More!

@00:29:42 collusion who created it and jim comey

"It's a COUP!"- Trump Spells It Out For ALL to See!

@00:16:16 james comey officially opened the case

Live Stream Friday 9-27-19 - Interview with Barbara, General Flynn's Sister

@00:16:48 hearing with clapper brennan and comey
@00:20:31 brennan comey in each race samantha
@00:34:46 bad guys like comey and and muller there

28 FBI Agents Now Willing to Testify Against Hillary In Email Scandal!!

@00:05:11 comey and john brennan had the

Live Stream Friday 9-13-19 - Patriot News

@00:12:01 the comey report so the patriots are
@00:12:18 brennan and comey all of a sudden comey
@00:12:21 hey comey where are you this week
@00:12:26 mr. comey nobody knows and we have
@00:14:55 the comey quebec cabal so again the

US Atty Recommends Charges On McCabe As Nadler Continues Coup!!

@00:07:51 comey report from the office of

Trump's Forgotten Interview Following 9-11 Attacks … HUGE!

@00:03:41 about his scathing comey report this is
@00:04:58 comey he doesn't want it to be

Live Stream Friday 9-6-19 - Patriot News/Q /Storm update!

@00:29:38 great awakening and the comey report how
@00:29:40 the comey report is part of the great
@00:35:57 done we have the the comey report and
@01:16:00 act lawsuit against the fbi over comey

As Many As 1000 Will Be Implicated In Epstein Sealed Files

@00:07:23 director james comey former director of

Graham Submits 9 Point Declas Request to Barr- Trump Tweets On Same Topic!

@00:02:35 this country thanks comey yeah and then
@00:10:30 before comey fed details to fbi team
@00:10:51 the the purpose of the comey report and
@00:11:02 the comey report and now they're saying
@00:11:19 director james comey

Nunes Implies IG Report Designed to Make Comey Eligible For Larger Charges!

@00:08:48 charges against james comey no kidding
@00:09:04 james comey in the dl j decision not to

"The Worst is Still to Come" - Former FBI Assistant Director

@00:09:25 have the comey report
@00:09:28 on thursday and friday the comey report
@00:09:29 to me is in comey report operation yeah
@00:09:35 using this comey report to wake
@00:09:41 crying the comey wasn't he wasn't
@00:15:15 come for fired fbi director james comey
@00:15:40 james comey yep and he's talking about
@00:16:16 attorney john durham whether comey and
@00:16:31 determine if comey had adequate
@00:17:00 emerging indicators that comey may have

New Office Of Transparency May Launch By Next Week to Expedite Doc Release!

@00:02:08 inspector general report the comey
@00:02:21 down this comey report
@00:02:32 you have the comey report in and as far
@00:02:41 after comey but everyone should be aware
@00:08:34 inspector general releases james comey
@00:08:36 report conclusion comey violated
@00:09:13 william bar is not charging comey today
@00:09:28 have jim jordan now we know why comey
@00:09:57 comey is out quit and he gives you the
@00:10:17 getting in on it and responding to comey
@00:10:37 coming up today saying hey comey the
@00:10:41 from the report comey failed to live up
@00:10:43 to his responsibilities comey set a
@00:11:12 people here in the us what comey is all
@00:11:27 it's not about comey being charged only
@00:12:42 what comey did with this little
@00:18:00 partner-in-crime comey following release
@00:18:22 twitter jim comey is far more decent
@00:20:07 slams comey yeah for his corruption
@00:20:52 believe comey did what he did

Comey Report Likely Released Today! IG Will Refer For Federal Prosecution!!!

@00:13:55 james comey oh yeah jody is looking
@00:13:59 pretty good now the comey report it's
@00:14:10 comey in the trump russia investigation
@00:14:34 comey should be sweaty tonight hannity
@00:14:42 report on comey is imminent as early as
@00:15:05 findings on james comey are now imminent
@00:15:40 one month after comey was fired by
@00:16:11 without a doubt comey should be sweating
@00:16:20 to jim comey in the coming weeks when we
@00:16:29 reported jim comey is playing a starring
@00:18:02 criminal prosecution on the comey report
@00:18:37 to charge comey yet on this all the

LOL! Brand New Hoax? Overstock CEO: I Admit Hillary Was the Victim!!!!

@00:14:43 deep state offering up comey and struck
@00:15:44 karlin mccabe comey that was who sent

Victim's Attorney: "Prison Source" Claims Epstein Murdered!

@00:10:40 then we have this john solomon comey
@00:10:59 comey failed to review highly classified
@00:12:17 in one direction sorry mr. comey sorry

From Unhinged to Dangerously Crazy- Dems Push For Civil War

@00:23:50 comey and a lot of people are going to

MSM Actually Admits Trump-Q Anon Good Relationship- Focus Is On Antifa!

@00:13:56 whole thing with james comey again
@00:14:35 comey and conspiracy peddlers at

Tada! FBI Doc Predicted By Q Over 1 Yr Ago- MSM Deranged Anti-Q Attacks Follow

@00:01:54 talked about james comey yesterday take
@00:02:01 with comb comey took the fbi files he
@00:02:33 director comey was so self-righteous and
@00:03:28 fittings logic the moves that comey made
@00:03:41 that comey knew that the fbi had come
@00:03:55 comey where he explained to me you can't
@00:04:21 comey is in and yet you have in the last
@00:04:57 evidence they have against comey that
@00:19:41 is a fox news article about james comey
@00:23:18 happening and we know that comey is

Comey Just Got Some Good ... AND Really BAD News...

@00:07:02 we have this john solomon james comey
@00:07:14 comey will escape prosecution oh no i
@00:07:48 report on james comey conduct in the
@00:08:05 horowitz's team referred james comey for
@00:08:27 james comey right now he's dancing
@00:08:40 hey comey is dancing around but here it
@00:08:52 mr. comey that comey still isn't out of
@00:09:18 durham yeah come on back comey nice try
@00:09:43 prosecute comey on this lesser charge no
@00:09:53 here but comey and others inside the fbi
@00:10:51 comey under serious scrutiny we just

The Stage Is Set! GITMO Awaits!

@00:23:55 this comey reports coming out first and

This is VERY Damaging!

@00:25:22 what comey is saying now and there he is
@00:25:38 comey with his last breath gotten his
@00:26:12 is giving comey his last warning then q

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:11:55 was president trump's firing of comey
@00:14:19 investigation james comey when we
@00:16:09 director james comey briefed those
@00:18:34 james comey as fbi director failed

Black Hawk Choppers Seen Flying Secret Missions Over D.C.

@00:06:17 comey conducted counterintelligence of
@00:06:45 james comey was misleading trump about
@00:07:05 coming out saying comey was running a
@00:07:10 on the sly comey didn't even need to
@00:07:23 incidentally comey of course denies he

Checkmate!! Q Challenges Schiff, Comey and Co. On Mueller Hearing

@00:22:54 showing us this tweet here james comey
@00:23:07 we got comey coming out saying this week
@00:23:34 anymore james comey but and in response
@00:23:47 comey if attorney general barr has
@00:23:58 testimony mr. comey well attorney
@00:24:18 that tweet by comey that they are
@00:24:38 truth be ready mr. comey and nadler and
@00:24:56 comey and all these people be ready
@00:24:58 nadler yeah be ready comey because
@00:25:02 you are in the brackets the comey report

Beyond Epstein! Q Offers Explosive Clues On What Is Coming Next!

@00:01:43 and we have the comey report all these

THEY'RE BACK! Explosive New Q Drops Detail Upcoming Events!

@00:13:25 comey report and the d class and the
@00:14:17 to comey release question mark yeah

The Avalanche Begins! Epstein Arrest Carries Nuclear Capabilities!

@00:09:45 you know q has talked about a comey

Nunes: Something "Odd" About Mueller Upcoming Testimony ...

@00:05:23 while james comey was heading up the fbi
@00:05:28 comey said that he was proud of the way

Trump Atty Uncovering a Flurry Of New Incriminating Documents!!!

@00:03:05 calling comey brennan clapper page and

Timed Detonation! State Dept Drops Bombshell- 23 Violations In Hillary Emails!

@00:04:07 director james comey who was fired from
@00:04:23 however comey chose not to prosecute and
@00:04:28 and not malicious comey was heavily

5D Chess! Did Dems Just Take the Ultimate Bait?

@00:19:45 fbi director james comey did not
@00:20:03 director comey testified that he chose
@00:20:24 testimony of director comey that he

"This is straight up fiction"- Gaetz, Jordon Go Nuclear On Dean Side Show

@00:13:02 comey mccabe baker struck pages you've

Boom! Officer Arrested For Suspicious Inaction During Parkland Shooting!

@00:09:43 talking points with director comey to go

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:16:38 brennan all comey all of them in these

Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

@00:06:58 of this of what i'm saying comey goes
@00:08:23 happening my name is james comey believe

Spygate 2.0- Ted Cruz Bombshell Coming Soon!

@00:03:55 pig implicates comey mccain and yates
@00:17:55 confirm that there is a comey report and

More Secret Meetings and Chaos As DECLAS Countdown Begins!!

@00:16:53 between loretta lynch and comey but call

Meadows: Declas Of Key Documents "Right Around the Corner"!

@00:14:33 comey to refer to clinton email probe as
@00:14:52 for mr. comey we shall see this is how

What? Dems Set Up "Private Meeting" With Brennan- Very Suspicious

@00:07:30 comey report we have hueber coming out

DiGenova: Brennan is the Mastermind! ... Tick Tock ...

@00:13:05 acolytes work clapeyron comey and the
@00:13:10 comey let's not forget that all of the

Comey Turns On Brennan As Circular Firing Squad Continues!!

@00:12:25 theme comey turns on brennan fire fbi
@00:12:58 director james comey from december 2016
@00:13:36 and gentlemen james baker rats out comey
@00:13:54 yeah time officials quite worried comey
@00:14:20 baker ratted out james comey saying top
@00:14:25 worried comey would appear to be
@00:15:00 speaking to isikoff about james comey
@00:15:08 comey

(GULP)...Things Just Got Even Worse For the Deep State ...

@00:01:47 talking about this molap comey is
@00:08:58 that we have the comey report before the
@00:09:39 rosenstein comey seems to be acting as a
@00:10:36 coming out saying seems comey seems to
@00:11:32 d'état attempt and comey is not part of
@00:12:22 comey if i were in shifty shoes i would
@00:20:27 calling out comey and you know everybody

Update: U.S. to Receive All Of Assange's Documents, Personal Devices!

@00:19:28 comey yeah another one of these comey is

Very Strange Timing- Did You Hear What She Said This Time??

@00:11:06 at james comey during farewell now of
@00:11:18 and he's taking a shot at comey we
@00:12:42 fire comey but we'll see you know maybe
@00:20:47 james comey who we know it's over for

Trial Begins In Brooklyn- Many Will Go Down ... Future Proves Past!

@00:12:17 we know about this comey report that's

"Optics Are Important" - Post Senate Judiciary Hearing Barr to Snub House!

@00:15:16 comey viciously attacks bill barr mid
@00:15:47 2016 campaign and comey wasn't too happy
@00:16:00 comey has this great relationship with
@00:16:09 then it says here comey then turned
@00:16:27 comey cannot accept what is happening in
@00:16:34 no wonder why comey is sweating bullets
@00:16:37 yeah no wonder comey it's called the
@00:16:46 comey personally send you a link to the

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:17:18 on james comey and then we're gonna
@00:17:49 the jennifer selling of this comey
@00:25:57 report question mark comey pre or post
@00:26:11 jennifer told us the comey report was
@00:27:25 message to comey so that is what's
@00:27:30 this conversation comey chef take notice

Did You Catch What Trump Just Told Sean Hannity? The Proofs Are Everywhere!!

@00:06:37 fbi director james comey in a
@00:12:51 comey and him are best friends so if not

Boom! Everyone Is Sounding Like Q Anon As Mayor Arrested, Judge Indicted!

@00:14:44 clapper and comey and baker and all of
@00:16:00 future for mr. james comey listen in
@00:16:52 about involving james comey alone that
@00:17:57 james comey a
@00:17:59 lone comey gets his own report that is

The 'Trump Card' Begins to Play Out As Nadler Chases Thought Crimes

@00:04:04 comey mccabe lynch paige strut yates

Q Team Returns With 3 Words: "Mueller Blockade End"- Bad News For Dems!

@00:10:35 fbi director comey and michael flynn
@00:10:43 president's termination of comey nothing

Assange Dramatic Arrest! Here's the Behind the Scenes Breakdown

@00:16:47 then we have comey yeah let's see what
@00:17:08 idea and typical comey this is with

Coup Update: Nadler New Claims- Barr An "Agent" For Trump!

@00:05:55 asks comey if fbi should have shut down

Is Christopher Steele Being Extradited to U.S. From U.K. As We Speak?

@00:16:57 one comey and staring at the forests so
@00:17:24 comey and these people are stupid

Mueller Report Submitted- "No New Indictments"- Let the Panic Begin!

@00:12:25 and comey yeah it's good to see that the
@00:12:47 mueller and james comey worked with the

Q Goes Into Full Offensive Mode ... Hits Targets In All Directions!

@00:28:19 moeller and james comey and as deputy
@00:28:49 connection comey connection national

The "Countdown" Strategy Revealed- How Q Anon Trolls the Enemy

@00:18:06 name and then goodbye comey goodbye you
@00:18:30 mccabe and brennan and comey and sally

Rats On the Run! Walls Closing In From All Directions- "Think Lifelog Dump"

@00:10:22 meeting days later james comey no
@00:12:38 comey is one of them but thank you says

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:40:06 fbi director james comey 8 and comey in

Red Alert! Deep State, Hillary Launches Direct Attack On Patriot Twitter Accounts!

@00:12:51 what actions did james comey take days
@00:12:56 meeting comey announced that the fbi

"We Are the News Now"- MSM Quietly Runs With Q Drop About Coats

@00:05:45 after james comey quoting trey gowdy

MSNBC Finally Admits It! No Trump Russia Collusion- Plus Nice Q Proofs!

@00:16:28 comey fire mckay fired rebecky

Boom! Q Exposes Schiff With 2 Simple Questions- Adds Direct Message!

@00:21:49 james comey since fire then associate

Breaking: Major Voter Fraud Uncovered In Texas- Trump Says Problem Nationwide!

@00:09:22 saying to none comey that didn't work

Art of War! Trump Trolls Left With Countdown As Key Precedents Being Set!!

@00:06:57 comey brennan clapper leased a page in

Trump Grounds Pelosi's Flight!- Ginsburg Suddenly "Fighting for Her Life" and More

@00:06:43 comey many times until i fired him and

Senior Trump Official Drops Explosive Anonymous Op-ed!! Trump Tweets Link!

@00:03:53 trump for lawfully firing comey that has

How Cash Moves From Tax Payers to Pockets of Left

@00:14:42 like james comey last night with saying
@00:19:28 counsel comey rod rosenstein state potus

Trump Explodes On Twitter- Calls Out Rats, Attempted Coup!

@00:04:28 lyon james comey a total sleaze so what
@00:05:30 knowing what we know about comey and the
@00:05:40 funny thing about james comey everybody
@00:06:19 department my firing of james comey was
@00:07:34 james comey and drew mccain peter struck
@00:12:38 got a couple headlines we have comey
@00:13:09 they hijack me pick one james comey
@00:13:18 fake morality comey and then i just want

As Prospects of RBG Replacement Looms- Q Hints At Coming Battle

@00:07:16 why james comey was fired they ignore
@00:08:03 why i changed comey was fired we don't
@00:08:30 real results as to why comey was fired

Ginsburg Misses 1st Supreme Court Argument in 25 Years

@00:12:04 article calling out jane james comey
@00:12:07 saying treasury revealed by comey

As "The Plan" Rolls On In 2019 Which Group Are YOU In?

@00:13:19 leadership corrupt comey attacks

Q New Drops- "The Clock Is Ticking ... When Will the 1st Alarm Ring?"

@00:04:34 comey the righteous liar leaker and i
@00:04:43 st. comey who loves to quote these bible
@00:04:48 retweeting mike huckabee yeah st. comey
@00:04:57 morality that comey is always trying to
@00:12:50 questions than comey in certain topics
@00:12:54 to answer more questions than comey
@00:12:56 comey didn't want to answer anything but
@00:13:54 jim comey and buzzfeed yeah way to go

Judge Show Trial Comments Against Flynn Excites MSM ... As The Plan Rolls On!

@00:14:04 move on yeah says here meadows comey
@00:14:23 released transcript of comey seconds
@00:14:36 fisa gate comey was defiant and refused
@00:15:17 said to comey referring to omitting
@00:15:25 comey responded by saying who cares it
@00:15:36 metal said i asked director comey about

Brand New Anti-Mueller Russia Conspiracy "Report" Suddenly Surfaces!!!

@00:13:44 let's move on james comey trashes fox
@00:13:57 james comey right after his hearing
@00:14:14 should see is that comey who by the way
@00:15:03 values comey once again trying to play
@00:15:27 typical comey power move but it's not
@00:15:31 going to work mr. comey it's not going
@00:15:51 display of arrogance comey said quote
@00:15:57 there it is comey talking about the rule
@00:16:21 there goes your transparency james comey

Nunes to Submit Proposal For New "Transparency Type of Office"- Great Idea!

@00:15:44 fbi email james comey briefing was
@00:16:08 director james comey z' official
@00:17:08 comey meets with trump and then it says
@00:19:00 comey so now we can release these
@00:19:31 with comey and jordan here and then down

The Doc That Will Finally Exonerate Flynn and Expose Deep State!

@00:07:40 congress last week out he blasted comey
@00:07:49 this tweet war where comey comes out and

Q Drops Holiday Carpet Bomb- Huge Q & A Explosive Revelations!!

@00:12:07 you asked james comey about documents

"Lots of sealed indictments"- Fox Starting to Sound Like Q Anon!!!

@00:23:50 with mueller and aligned with comey

Another Bombshell Q Proof! Trump Fulfills Anon Request ... 17 Min Later!!!

@00:03:45 comey calls on americans to use every
@00:04:04 desperate than james comey tonight is

France "Yellow Vest" Revolt- The Beginning of the End of Globalization is Here!

@00:13:23 comey
@00:13:58 71 times and it knows 166 times comey
@00:14:07 about this comey situation but and we
@00:14:10 know that comey is coming back but you
@00:14:25 comey there it is
@00:14:34 have comey right let's go back to that
@00:14:36 right comey said i you know didn't
@00:14:52 after another coming from comey thank
@00:14:56 you comey and he hasn't even spoken yet
@00:15:06 because in this case now we have comey
@00:15:20 july fifth press statement comey i
@00:16:11 digestible and you have comey coming out
@00:20:17 protege of comey and cheap yeah for good

Reviewing the Bush Funeral Oddities- Was this Normal?

@00:06:19 james comey friday on a closed-door
@00:06:27 headlines comey transcript bureau brass
@00:06:40 release saturday i'm james comey is
@00:07:41 saying now so now comey says flynn was
@00:07:58 about james comey admits steel dossier

And the Callsign For Air Force One Is ... Q "0" = Q + !!!! Another Checkmate!

@00:16:27 we have comey declines to answer many
@00:16:34 he's refusing james comey refused
@00:16:51 yourself this is a saying james comey
@00:17:29 comey to answer questions under oath one
@00:17:46 come on comey so it's obvious that's
@00:18:24 watching and the world knows this comey
@00:18:33 being told well you know maybe comey
@00:26:35 comey
@00:26:39 what is happening today with comey in
@00:26:46 scenario possibly maybe comey is that

Q: "Bait Expends Ammunition " ... Take 2!!!

@00:07:27 email chain involving comey maybe most
@00:07:39 this whole email chain where comey is
@00:09:15 comey is right in the middle of it all
@00:18:52 probably trying to do and q says comey
@00:22:31 james comey and this email chain that

Explosive New Q Anon Drops Provide Many Answers- Full Breakdown Here

@00:05:16 comey withdraw a motion to appear in
@00:05:41 james comey agrees to private testimony
@00:05:58 us tonight and james comey gets it and
@00:09:28 over the comey one and they're gonna
@00:31:17 assume that's james comey and viva la

"Every Dog Has Its Day" ... Part 2? Or Coincidence?

@00:01:28 james comey he's trying to get out of it
@00:07:47 plate tweeting james comey back on

Pence Shares Image Of Himself With Pro Q SWAT Officer- Media Flips!

@00:22:24 stands for comey so it should reco me

Did This Recent Bongino Talk Pass the Q Test? Let's Examine

@00:10:16 he admits that well you know comey
@00:23:41 director james comey files lawsuit to
@00:23:55 comey wants to testify in public and if
@00:24:02 and so comey says house republicans can
@00:24:17 go for it all right comey and then we
@00:24:26 subpoena quote comey must appear before

NYT Article Mounts Huge Defense Against Storm that is "NOT Happening"!

@00:19:53 prosecute comey and clinton

Booom! Another Trump Tweet That Will Silence Q Attackers!

@00:11:59 comey lynch after thanksgiving and you
@00:12:07 ignore these people comey and lynch will
@00:20:30 reminding us that not only comey and

As Criminal Probe Continues Snipes Suddenly Declares "Time to Move On"

@00:05:35 the letter recommending that comey get

Bombshell Affidavit Surfaces- All Eyes On Broward County

@00:27:28 interesting comey had sent two sensitive

Q Firm Reassurance [CHANGE IS COMING]

@00:32:25 here meeting between comey and coleman
@00:32:37 not recall this briefing with comey
@00:33:25 comey told us that he did not recall the
@00:33:45 wiener wiener investigation comey stated
@00:34:24 comey
@00:34:24 comey did not recall being briefed on

Q Anon Update: "Are You Ready to See Arrests?"

@00:03:41 for perkins coie met with comey
@00:04:20 says here comey confide in james baker
@00:06:20 comey this is so this is a very
@00:23:04 rosenstein and james comey and the whole
@00:23:10 yeah maybe you should fire comey yeah
@00:23:12 fire comey and you know then went when

TA-DA!! Sessions Subpoenaed to Produce Unredacted Docs TODAY 10-4!

@00:18:53 comey confided james baker gives
@00:19:27 fired fbi director james comey so this
@00:32:21 to jenna both talking about how comey is
@00:32:39 rosenstein and comey coordinated to
@00:36:35 against comey q follows up tonight

Executive Order Will Launch Anti-Trust Investigation On Tech Giants

@00:17:28 cuz mccabe and lynch and comey right we

Deep State Panic and Chaos As Old Guard Self Destroys

@00:18:26 firing of james comey as fbi director uh
@00:26:39 equals truth reveal comey
@00:29:04 comey and mccabe talking everybody's
@00:29:43 story so very interesting that comey
@00:30:36 familiar yes it does think comey memos

Q Anon Foretells Of Coming Accelerated Awakening

@00:14:29 testifying against comey check out this
@00:14:41 james comey is on the run he is very
@00:17:44 says jodie genova mr. comey has been

Q Anon to Deep State Rats: "New Playbook Needed? We See You"

@00:14:05 comey tweets from mount rushmore after
@00:14:21 comey with the mount rushmore in the
@00:14:35 so comey playing this strange card for

Attempted Coup Officially Revealed As POTUS Declassifies Evidence!!

@00:15:44 without redaction yeah james comey is

Why Is MSM Obsessing Over "Fake" Q Anon "Conspiracy"????

@00:12:02 right omarosa james comey bob woodward

Q Anon: Rats Running, Timing is Everything

@00:21:44 comey and communication with mccain
@00:22:07 james baker testifying against comey the

Q Anon: Deep State Out-Smarted AGAIN! Awesome!!

@00:20:04 the james comey tweet about standing
@00:27:00 firing of comey to potus and here's a
@00:27:05 and did the firing of comey provide the
@00:27:25 appointed him but the firing of comey
@00:29:52 james comey came out of the gate see if
@00:29:55 we can make this bigger there is comey
@00:31:26 meaning of this tweet by comey back then

Kathy Griffin Tweets Support For Sessions! ... Popcorn?

@00:17:05 james comey the dems all hated him
@00:21:20 fired comey mckay rebecky

Trump Proclaims "National Preparedness Month"- Q Highlights Warning

@00:15:12 have basically people like james comey

Q Anon: "Think Server Access [granted] Money talks"

@00:17:26 potus and with comey and this attorney
@00:17:49 out of the gate and fires james comey
@00:18:20 potus going on with his day and comey
@00:18:23 see trump was trusting comey and then
@00:18:29 so anyway comey gets ends up getting

Old Movie Clip Reveals Disturbing End Game Scenario In Play Now!

@00:33:01 comey mccabe struck page or fisa dirty

Special Report: "No Name" Mystery Decoded With Q Clues

@00:14:21 corruption and comey and all that and

Storm Resumes? Former CDC Head Arrested In NYC!!

@00:08:59 james comey did he told congress and

Q Forgotten Reminder: POTUS ZERO Risk of Impeachment!

@00:16:17 that james comey robert mueller rod rosa

Trump Ruins Manafort Verdict Celebration With 2 Words: "No Collusion!"

@00:24:17 james comey coincidence yeah this person
@00:25:40 fast forward to 2009 then he says comey
@00:27:35 key to everything is james comey robert
@00:28:39 comey becomes the fbi director and he
@00:28:43 shows you that before that comey was
@00:29:17 show you how james comey by april of
@00:29:49 assistant attorney general comey gets
@00:29:54 comey leaks government information to

O’Keefe Promises "October Surprise" As Patriots Taunt Bad Actors

@00:17:22 comey is basically responding we went
@00:17:28 taunting james comey that's the theme
@00:17:47 because q is taunting james comey the
@00:17:53 or cower mr. comey resist opposition or
@00:18:26 james comey the other day and someone
@00:18:33 showing queuing on that james comey is
@00:18:59 we have james comey getting the message
@00:19:08 comey was talking about untethered to
@00:19:13 mind and that is why james comey is now
@00:20:18 taunting james comey it is happening

Why Are All These Men Wearing Red Shoes??

@00:21:41 and it's facing basically james comey
@00:21:54 coming right after comey and slamming it
@00:22:07 comey habit choses says lying for email
@00:22:41 talking directly to comey right to his
@00:23:00 comey did your did your email trigger a

Q Shocking New Drops- This is What Darkness Looks Like

@00:28:43 steel anxious over comey testimony hopes
@00:29:08 know james comey tweeting about andrew
@00:29:40 comey barack obama

"Listen Very Carefully"- Revealing 2016 Video Helps Paint Big Picture

@00:22:43 with fbi director comey
@00:26:04 village and her meeting with comey on

Senate Intel Committee Delivers Interview Invite to Assange!!!

@00:28:49 by james comey and john brennan and

Are the Recent California Wildfires Staged? Q Drops Shocking Details!

@00:23:50 name in all of these brennan comey

Q: What if UK Worked w/ Hussein Admin to Sabotage 2016 Election?

@00:17:24 comey stated quote crowdstrike mandiant
@00:18:32 james comey is telling you that

"Silence Is Golden"- Q Returns, Honks At Patriots, Drops New Proofs!

@00:10:04 jane james comey we've heard about this
@00:10:32 comey hillary secretary of state former

Newly Released Docs!! Obama State Dept Contributed to Anti-Trump Dossier

@00:16:52 showed us that how comey intervened to

"Keep Your Eyes On the Ball"- Did Q Smash It Out of the Park Again?

@00:11:59 deep state partner in crime james comey
@00:13:02 brennan and comey literally in a panic

Early Q Post Reveals THE "Biggest Inside Drop ... EVER"

@00:19:54 you know like some people like comey got
@00:20:28 people like james comey into this was
@00:20:56 force comey to reopen the investigation
@00:21:02 comey look we know of your investigation

Sessions Unleashed- Team Of 470 Returns 40,483 Sealed Indictments!!

@00:20:48 rosenstein and comey and the fbi refused

Winning!! Q Going Mainstream As Confirmations Pile Up!

@00:28:29 shows you here that how comey intervened
@00:29:00 that indeed it was james comey who

"We Have the Source" - Q Drops Assange,Wikileaks Bomb!

@00:04:03 comey maybe james clapper i think

Q Bombshell On Left's Recent Rage: "They Know We Know"

@00:17:46 mccain but james comey to loretta lynch
@00:18:02 clinton john brennan james comey of
@00:18:24 james comey am text messages says q nod

It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?"

@00:06:37 past there and who now says james comey
@00:09:49 of his cabinet members yeah like comey

WOW! Q Drops Laser Beam Precision PROOF- Future Proves Past!!!!!

@00:27:53 other day james comey himself all these

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:09:42 james comey gmail yeah they all had them
@00:09:54 out of the drop that james comey himself
@00:18:07 hillary james comey and ola not all

Release of "Modified" IG Report First Nail In Deep State's Coffin- Here's Why

@00:08:33 key moments then director comey chose to
@00:08:44 consult doing we found that comey
@00:09:20 terms of criminal indictment of comey
@00:17:57 james comey numerous delays hope report

Q New Warning: "False Flag Weather Alert Worldwide"

@00:03:42 different names james comey number two

4AM Clown Drops Fail As Big Swamp-Draining News Looms!

@00:09:34 before then fbi director james comey

Is Gowdy the Latest Great Awakening "Actor"? This Will Explain

@00:25:56 comments on comey history will and then
@00:26:07 storm coordinated a comments about comey
@00:26:32 about comey and then potus has
@00:27:10 historic comments about comey so there's

Q Drops Bombshell Eric Prince 2016 Interview On NYPD-Weiner Laptap!

@00:12:16 on on why the fbi why comey had to do

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:27:04 that like james comey did they get

Mueller Mystery Decoded- "Use Logic"-Q

@00:03:31 common denominator is james comey
@00:04:31 c comey testimony proves trump not under
@00:09:05 friends like comey and rosenstein but

Q Eye Opener- "What would be the purpose of creating confusion? "

@00:10:46 james comey so that's a big picture that
@00:10:52 would say is comey but you could read

Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch!

@00:17:10 like rod rosen scene and james comey and
@00:24:59 steel dossier jim comey denies this of
@00:27:23 and who was very close to james comey to

Next Stop- Storm Coming to Iran ... Israel Sounding Like Q!

@00:10:45 james comey on twitter i don't trust him

Breaking-Is Mueller About to Do 180 Degree Turn Against Deep State? (Podcast #44 PART 1 of 2)

@00:08:40 like james comey know this whole thing
@00:11:45 comey testimony proved trump not an
@00:11:53 to the same thing comey rosenstein
@00:15:57 comey release of memos to obtain special
@00:16:15 counsel slash comey rod rosa scene-state
@00:22:06 james comey goes on you have bill press


@00:04:15 topics like hillary and comey
@00:04:18 investigation and the memo the comey
@00:14:47 week for james comey right
@00:14:57 question is whether comey leaked any
@00:15:24 my recollection there you go james comey
@00:15:46 hands it's all out james comey is done
@00:15:55 talking about james comey illegally
@00:16:11 unbelievable so james comey in the hot

"We are being set up"- Q Issues New Warnings!

@00:04:34 says throws o comey throws attorney

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:15:02 not only comey and we're talking jail

Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Here's the Evidence

@00:40:53 comey her airplane meeting with

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:05:33 which james comey himself described as
@00:07:19 basically this comey memo the supposedly
@00:07:46 saying regarding this comey memo that it

Q Paints Big Picture- "Suicide weekend"!

@00:06:34 hillary investigation with james comey

Q Anon Explosive Late Night Update- 2-7-18

@00:02:14 obviously changed comey dismissed letter

Q Anon 2-5-18- "Welcome to the Global War"!

@00:02:04 with comey warner brennan and clapper

This ONE Factor Defines the Left and Unlocks Deep State Plans- 2-3-18

@00:26:02 director jim comey personally signed off

THIS Is Why the Deep State Is Terrified of Sean Hannity- Help Spread!!! #ReleaseTheMemo

@00:01:44 on government computers so comey broke
@00:05:15 comey and then at the doj the ag loretta

1-19-18 Q Update! Future Proves Past AGAIN!! Deep State Exposed!

@00:04:30 termination that being james comey of

Storm Update: State of Emergency, Indictments Revealed! Trump's Great Awakening 12-30-17

@00:39:49 comey apology to the american people for

Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here! 12-3-17 Podcast #21

@00:06:52 crooked james comey this is all blowing
@00:09:36 that is why comey is doing what he's
@00:25:54 crystallizing with james comey
@00:26:17 documents james comey responded to that
@00:26:51 have james comey now playing his little
@00:27:39 and this war with now this james comey

This Thanksgiving Rant Will Silence Trump Haters- 11/25/17 Podcast Episode #20

@00:22:51 that replaced james comey people mr.
@00:23:22 james comey he is a continuation of
@00:23:25 james comey
@00:25:34 comey and rotten and the entire fbi

Paradigm Shift is Here- Pray... The Swamp is Draining! 11/11/17 Podcast Episode #18

@00:23:14 comey uses as a legitimate reports

This Will Dismantle the Anarchy Paradigm Once and For All- 10/21/17 Podcast Episode #15

@00:31:55 comey did this is with in regard to the
@00:32:02 the james comey crimes of colluding with
@00:35:32 former fbi director james comey now in
@00:35:47 put this change comey in jail things
@00:46:52 with james comey

Trump Haters Didn't See This Coming! 9-3-17 Podcast #8

@00:41:29 director james comey actually wrote a
@00:42:42 i mean yet james comey already told the
@00:44:46 bombshell now we've got james comey

This Antifa-ISIS Stunning Comparison Will Shock You! (Podcast #6)

@00:07:44 investigate james comey and to

It's Happening! Trump Pushes Back Against Coup d'etat- Podcast #3 (7-30-17)

@00:11:22 comey admitted that he was told by
@00:20:45 investigate not only change comey
@00:22:13 fbi director james comey and former
@00:24:38 admit it leaks by mr. comey to columbia
@00:24:46 conversations between mr. comey and
@00:24:55 comey right in front of the senate -
@00:25:14 obama administration including mr. comey

Podcast Debut- Reviewing 1st 6 Months Of Trump- NWO Giving Birth?

@00:30:20 we're at former fbi director james comey

Deceptions Revealed! Scalise Shooting "Hoax" Claims Dismantled- Must Watch!

@00:00:56 the hearings the james comey hearings a

Breaking: Political Shooting Of Scalise, First Shot Fired?

@00:02:18 thing with james comey they continued to

Urgent Warning: Many Will Die Because Of This!

@00:07:00 comey speaking to the senate
@00:07:10 news we now know 100% the james comey
@00:07:56 comey this is the biggest story in a
@00:08:40 focusing on the tapes of comey
@00:08:57 house senate seat trump tapes comey memo
@00:09:58 comey tapes again all about the trump
@00:11:05 this whole thing with james comey and
@00:11:43 comey tapes wow like that's the real set

From 9/11 to Manchester Bombing: In-Your-Face Connections Revealed

@00:02:22 comey the criminal fbi director that's