
AID - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.20

@00:20:39 uranium one iran human trafficking haiti
@00:28:30 ended up going to iran and went to a few
@00:28:43 keep in mind iran itself was an

Plastic - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.27.20

@00:11:58 at the same time you have iran cranking
@00:12:13 iran
@00:12:44 and it appears that iran is perfectly
@00:12:55 is it's getting china's foothold in iran
@00:14:26 we are working with iran who we all know

Column V - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.20

@00:10:28 so is china and iran the 2020 elections

Sure Shot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.20

@00:01:16 about china iran i want to talk at you
@00:04:31 you've got iran actually offering up
@00:08:44 lebanon you've also got iran coming out
@00:15:03 i can't help but think hezbollah iran
@00:17:45 down there in lebanon iran is helping

Shadow Diplomacy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.26.20

@00:05:34 figure in the iran-contra scandal to
@00:06:41 korea and iran and i've talked a great
@00:06:43 deal especially last year about iran
@00:06:58 in iran and it was working like a black
@00:07:17 extremism and iran ok well that's kind
@00:13:43 affairs to iran they were taken roughly
@00:15:22 carosi iran regime's foreign minister
@00:18:05 in iran state media so how the message

Spies Like Us - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.20

@00:21:09 countries like north korea vietnam iran
@00:25:48 north korea iran syria ukraine pakistan

What Matters Now - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.20

@00:04:58 reach cue iran is growing and fake news

Know Your Rights In Pursuit of Truth Presents 5 4 20

@00:11:15 towards dealing with iran but i think

Law Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.1.20

@00:32:58 immigrated from iran in her 20s to forge
@00:33:00 a better life for herself iran is smart
@00:33:04 iran isn't an irrational actor but they
@00:33:24 connections with iran herself as well as
@00:33:52 structs out there in iran you can see
@00:34:19 just with iran but with a lot of
@00:34:33 iran and i'm starting to wonder if lisa
@00:35:51 iran that led to their building of
@00:36:17 singapore and that was for use in iran
@00:36:38 applications for iran via china i think

Falling Down In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 29 20

@00:05:15 ties in iran and in the clown agencies

The Bite Pt. 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.23.20

@00:31:04 including provisions for iran korea

By Any Means - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.15.20

@00:16:43 sent to iran that was a good one too

Sick! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.20

@00:10:36 vp of iran was on tv just a couple days

Rats! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.21.20

@00:14:20 yanks turkey iraq iran kazakhstan

To Be Blunt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.20

@00:16:35 puppet hussein investigate iran i won
@00:16:39 not to be confused with iran and a wand

Silent War - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.7.20

@00:06:46 companies think ukraine think iran
@00:06:48 russia and iran allies russia iran and
@00:06:59 again we talked about iran and we talked
@00:07:25 that moved into iran volkswagen was a
@00:07:30 black money and iran it basically became
@00:07:57 of money out there and iran meanwhile
@00:08:24 corruption iran so there's a theme here
@00:08:30 denominator china russia iran closed
@00:08:41 like china russia and iran are a great
@00:14:58 iran here how many people removed from

Freedom Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.1.20

@00:12:55 their deep state proxies iran is another

KEKXit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.24.20

@00:04:44 of iran the people of hong kong which
@00:08:20 of this we've got iran we've got russia

Strictly Coincidental - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.8.20.mp4

@00:01:54 obviously what's going on in iran right
@00:02:02 we are on npr iran launches missile
@00:02:08 troops in iraq iran has launched more
@00:02:44 one 707 likes how about that iran and
@00:03:24 flights over iraq iran in the waters of
@00:04:05 government so tough talk from iran but
@00:04:39 iran and from a local iranian proxy
@00:05:06 if these jets attack iran iran will
@00:06:10 very unlikely that iran will be raining
@00:08:36 iran launched at least a dozen ballistic
@00:08:54 see cue head said watch iran something
@00:08:57 hassan rowhani the good people of iran
@00:09:19 why iran was struggling with their
@00:10:39 to the escalating situation with iran
@00:12:30 tonight after iran fired a series of
@00:16:45 with the words dear iran he's on the

Detroit Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.20

@00:02:16 lost control leverage of iran today
@00:02:19 potus took control of iran today with
@00:03:04 the best in the world if iran attacks an
@00:03:20 american hostages taken by iran many
@00:03:25 important to iran in the iranian culture
@00:03:27 and those targets and iran itself will
@00:03:42 52 iranian sites iran says that there
@00:03:57 congress that should iran strike any us
@00:04:12 going to talk a ton about iran today
@00:04:29 people of iran are pretty celebratory
@00:39:40 says iran next well this was something
@00:39:47 iran quite a few times and of course
@00:39:49 iran was in the news at that time too
@00:41:13 result of the attack on iran generally

Vase2Vase - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.4.20

@00:13:00 missions over north korea and iran like
@00:13:48 bunch of missions above iran and above
@00:14:21 these bad boys was shot down in iran
@00:14:29 course president trump warned iran
@00:17:28 this will likely involve iraq iran
@00:18:36 korea and iran so while they're out
@00:19:32 iran was getting a lot of their missiles
@00:27:35 russia iran north korea syria pakistan
@00:27:45 hillary iran next seven hundred billion
@00:34:33 the iran conflict which just started

MailBag - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.2.20

@00:23:07 formation is north korea iran and moscow

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.19

@00:03:33 thanks q restart we'll make iran great
@00:03:49 it's make iran great again together we
@00:05:08 friends out there in iran it's really
@00:15:40 accessing sensitive info for iran
@00:15:55 benefit of iran
@00:19:35 them at all times direct relay iran
@00:19:38 pre-post iran deal future marker now
@00:19:45 kerry direct relay iran pre-post iran
@00:19:52 regards to iran if you'll remember john
@00:20:23 iran was one of the largest black sites

Gonna Be Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.24.19

@00:05:15 what iran was iran was a black was a
@00:05:33 that's because iran didn't care as long
@00:05:51 accounts it was easy to do because iran

Q Anon/News - Rockets and Dockets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.14.19

@00:27:23 north korea or a syria or iran but it

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.19

@00:25:26 very much like iran very much like

D-Notice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.16.19

@00:28:50 pompeo accused iran of being behind the
@00:29:32 it's iran not sure whether it really was
@00:29:58 surprising to see iran turn up the heat
@00:30:11 course iran is something they're going

Q Anon/News - Cast of Characters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.26.19

@00:21:00 probably escalate in iran as well the

Q Anon/News - Once On This Island - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.10.19

@00:03:06 iran but i don't want to get into all

The WeatherMen - IPOT Presents - 6.21.19

@00:21:44 against doing business in iran these are

Q Anon/News - HoneyPot? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.19

@00:19:08 iran who will become a stake holder in
@00:26:52 ago in iran and i think it's important

Q Anon/News - A BORing Story - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.6.19

@00:20:23 and once again in iran which of course
@00:20:31 has been a stranglehold put on iran to
@00:20:52 on not just iran but definitely ramping

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:04:43 pakistan it could come from iran it

Q Anon/News - Parades or Restraints? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.11.19

@00:07:53 1 and we had the iran deal right

Q Anon/News - Thundercats - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.6.19

@00:03:41 pc on iran and then the anan has filled

Q Anon/News - Carpet Bombs are OK - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.2.19

@00:06:31 means and this is why china russia iran

Q Anon/News - One Step Closer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.23.19

@00:34:29 pre uranium one iran we talked all about

Q Anon/News - Handle With Care - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:22:41 kiss iran guilty of lying about racist

Q Anon/News - Survival Of The FITTEST - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.19

@00:04:39 like iran to write lots and lots of cash
@00:09:19 here is talking about iran us paid iran
@00:09:29 not replicated in iran of course many of
@00:09:34 how much cash was sent to iran what says
@00:09:45 administration paid iran the account for
@00:10:27 that are in iran now essentially trying
@00:13:42 iran over its human rights record they
@00:13:58 out there in iran which many people are
@00:14:21 about the fact that iran is a deep state

Q Anon/News - #WakeUp - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.19

@00:33:07 connect with you china russia iran fake

Q Anon/News - It's All There - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:14:10 to prepare for war with iran his office
@00:14:30 and harshly criticizing iran netanyahu's

Q Anon/News - #WinningBigly - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:19:00 prevent pre iranian one iran why are we

Q Anon/News - The Very Next Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.11.19

@00:05:35 violate us sanctions against iran hawks
@00:06:15 in asia with the iran talking in iran so

Q Anon:News The Clock Is Ticking In Pursuit of Truth Presents 1 7 19

@00:15:51 who illegally targeted iran iran are

Q Anon/News - Ahead Of Schedule - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.19

@00:25:19 think about army i think about iran
@00:25:26 there in iran it's even worse out there
@00:28:17 the netherlands iran you name it that

Q Anon/News - Sanctions Are Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.3.19

@00:02:22 date was referencing the iran sanctions

Q Anon/News - When the Ball Drops - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.31.18

@00:04:10 iran-contra affair so there you are

Q Anon/News - 7 Is Marginal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.27.18

@00:31:27 iran we also know that obama have lifted
@00:31:30 the nuclear restrictions on iran we also
@00:31:33 know that obama gave iran 150 billion

Q Anon/News - FAKE, FAKE, FAKE - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.22.18

@00:04:11 or not more importantly probably iran

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:38:05 to stay longer russia iran syria and
@00:38:47 read one more russia iran syria and many

Q Anon/News - Santa With a Hammer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.18

@00:13:44 iran exporter of terrorism they chant
@00:14:02 obama gave iran one hundred fifty

Q Anon/News - Rapid Fire - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.5.18

@00:09:27 uranium want iran deal entire cia
@00:09:31 networks in china and iran getting

Q Anon/News Who Is Scott Free? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.18

@00:09:18 illegal commerce and iran and laundering

Q Anon:News - MONDAY - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.1.18

@00:11:55 one canada eu asia iran north korea iran
@00:12:05 iran and again we have this why what

Q Anon/News - We Know - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.30.18

@00:29:40 putin plays ball in syria and iran

Q Anon/News - Where is Assange? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.28.18

@00:21:11 last year hussein iran connection bombs

Q Anon News - Practice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.24.18

@00:06:30 number ten saudi arabia and iran and

Q Anon - Buh Bye - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.19.18

@00:09:15 layers uranium one iran human traffic

Q Anon - Red Line Crossed? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.8.18

@00:32:30 know what's up in iran

Q Anon - Keep Your Eye Qn the Ball 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.4.18

@00:05:14 on iran that's when that all begins 1111
@00:10:57 iran ukraine and this is all going down
@00:13:31 syria and iran essentially right now his

Q Anon - Boom Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.8.18

@00:09:40 bowman were moved to iran to work the

Q Anon - Ready? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.5.18

@00:21:32 iran deal which had provided a windfall

Q Anon - Think "Football" - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.17.18

@00:06:56 of islam iran is the number one state
@00:11:03 really outspoken against these iran

Q Anon - DARPA /Google - Somebody's Watching Me - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.18

@00:32:08 like iran you go out there and outwardly

Q Anon - Peter Strzok Out! Antifa Terror? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.14.18

@00:25:16 captured in iran in 2077 while working

Q Anon We Have the ServerS Wonderful Day! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 4 18

@00:10:18 was just about uranium one iran north

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:03:52 iran human traffic haiti corruption etc
@00:42:00 ultimately everything was going to iran
@00:42:03 to iran remember they had mines
@00:42:26 with all that not just iran but syria
@00:42:55 uranium one and how it relates to iran
@00:42:56 we realized the iran was so much more

Q Anon - Watch the Wives. Nothing Happening? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.18

@00:02:59 hussein iran connection bombs away
@00:14:51 helicopter sales to iran in the early
@00:26:17 hussein iran connection bombs away merry
@00:35:03 and here you go with iran all during the

Q Anon Where's the Line? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 24 18

@00:18:45 rou-ha-nee the trump war with iran his
@00:18:54 could lead to war with iran america
@00:18:56 should know that peace with iran is the
@00:18:58 mother of all peace and war with iran is
@00:19:07 hostile policies against iran would only
@00:19:18 between the u.s. and iran have been
@00:19:25 iran but but those of you who've been
@00:19:29 that this is iran a sort of the the deep
@00:19:34 harshly with iran and unfortunately the
@00:19:43 up on iran it's only gonna get uglier

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 7.16.18

@00:00:43 syria iran many topics russian meddling

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Q Review/World Update - 7.14.18

@00:04:16 trump vladimir putin to sideline iran
@00:04:28 was just a very short time ago iran
@00:05:00 why iran dispatched ali akbar velayati
@00:05:17 iran and russia have forces in syria
@00:05:24 its forces inside syria iran is
@00:05:33 needs anything that iran has to give one
@00:05:35 reason for mr. putin supported the iran
@00:05:55 relations with iran had been simply for
@00:06:46 in state-sponsored terrorism from iran
@00:06:57 cell planning to bomb the free iran
@00:14:49 iran is no longer going to be able to
@00:14:53 regime and we've got people in iran who
@00:15:55 businesses into iran while we sit out
@00:16:35 running this whole black site in iran
@00:16:45 iran that was their black site remember
@00:16:58 into iran anymore it's not worth it it's
@00:28:36 senior just happened to be in iran in
@00:29:00 in iran his brother mark straw of mamo a
@00:29:10 a bet there's a struck in iran
@00:29:25 nuclear program of iran was reached in

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.4.18

@00:34:42 iran back to spamming larp boomer schizo

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.2.18

@00:35:31 middle east which ended with a free iran
@00:37:24 agreement to give iran everything it
@00:37:45 in iran why didn't l wanna confront

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.29.18/2

@00:30:37 from africa got people from iran got

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.28.18

@00:01:17 dead r.i.p and the on iran says this
@00:02:58 12 we stand with the good people of iran
@00:18:22 people of iran who are currently
@00:18:34 increasing numbers all over iran and of
@00:18:51 of this killed iran deal and now that
@00:19:15 the people of iran know that we are

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:10:16 neck so we've known iran his next role

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:09:21 iran fight fight fight

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 6.18.18/2

@00:20:23 here one divet aron x one to iran daily
@00:20:41 protect eu companies investing in iran
@00:20:53 withdrawal iran wants assurances from
@00:21:11 of screwed and this is off the iran
@00:21:14 saying that iran should attract small
@00:21:16 medium sized european firms iran should
@00:21:26 iran mine house and this can be kind of
@00:21:34 business in iran but also bar foreign
@00:21:50 european firms ten iran is gonna be
@00:22:10 maybe iran is gonna step up the rhetoric
@00:22:15 that iran is next so i wouldn't be

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.14.18

@00:07:44 we've got iran checking out q and on and
@00:08:37 intense focus on iran so this might be
@00:08:42 exciting that we've got iran in the
@00:13:53 done why why why why iran getting

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.12.18

@00:03:53 is safer iran developments q 28 minutes
@00:05:12 eu sanctions iran leader of eu not only
@00:05:20 / world iran deal orchestrated for the
@00:18:31 sanctions that were supposed to hit iran
@00:26:16 eu sanctions iran that's what we were
@00:26:49 mean and this iran deal q says
@00:27:48 bread by getting in iran because it was

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Pop...Pop! - 6.10.18

@00:07:27 iran deal going on and of course merkel
@00:13:55 investigation iran syria of course korea

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Deep State D-Day? - 6. 7.18

@00:15:24 intelligence bots saudi arabia and iran

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Memorial Day - 5.28.18

@00:04:54 the swap in january 2016 iran released

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.18.18

@00:28:32 of spacex and this iran nuke deal and of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.15.18

@00:33:43 of iran deal north korea dinu clear eyes

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.14.18

@00:00:51 iran reached 3.4 billion euros four
@00:01:10 have a link to the iran daily who
@00:01:18 what about preventing iran nuclear
@00:01:39 well iran exposed the name of names of
@00:02:40 between germany and iran reached 3.4
@00:02:59 this link here off of iran daily and i'm
@00:03:19 back into iran signing in july a five
@00:03:24 iran a chinese oil company also has a
@00:03:49 vehicles annually in iran it said
@00:04:09 this iran deal is going to affect them
@00:04:17 knee-deep up in iran doing whatever they
@00:04:54 because the iran deal has fallen apart
@00:06:50 united against nuclear iran calm and i'm
@00:07:20 in iran as it considers investing in
@00:07:22 iran the company is moving cautiously it
@00:11:03 into iran or wherever they need to go do
@00:14:16 iran nuclear capabilities not even close
@00:16:53 that iran will do just that the idea is
@00:18:38 preventing iran nuclear capabilities
@00:21:24 been cut the iran deal was the big big
@00:22:57 post post the iran deal once again
@00:23:16 iran deal who were these ceos that we're
@00:23:41 deals with iran yeah pretty well said
@00:24:00 this either through iran or
@00:29:24 warren buffett whom aberdeen iran

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.13.18

@00:02:37 reread crumbs regarding iran it was
@00:03:09 transferred to iran then we have in
@00:03:28 closed large deals in iran post deal
@00:03:38 people panicking about iran deal pull
@00:03:56 cross-check against ceos in iran post
@00:04:13 someone in iran has threatened to name
@00:04:46 says coincidence days after iran deal
@00:27:20 iran okay now there's a ton regarding
@00:27:25 iran and if i may i just want to see if
@00:27:34 mentioned iran post 39 back in november
@00:28:04 intel iran well it looks like you
@00:28:10 was done with iran under barack obama a
@00:32:32 cash transferred to iran for routes 15
@00:32:53 iran after hostages were released the
@00:33:00 to iran in january just as for american
@00:33:43 this money to iran that's also a little
@00:34:38 using the kickbacks to get in iran
@00:34:56 closed large deals in iran post deal and
@00:35:04 iran what now
@00:35:09 moved quickly to invest in iran after it
@00:35:32 iran many companies have already
@00:35:49 continue doing business in iran the
@00:36:01 giants to sell to iran
@00:36:06 maintain maximum sanctions on iran mr.
@00:36:13 iran represented a largely untouched
@00:36:44 united states from working in iran
@00:37:18 give iran the ability to get nukes in
@00:37:41 people panicking about iran deal pulled
@00:37:48 because that iran deal is no longer and
@00:38:23 companies in iran po steele you have
@00:38:39 are freaking out because someone in iran
@00:40:14 europeans stopped trading with iran and
@00:40:25 iran deal

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.11.18

@00:17:57 somehow aware of issues related to iran
@00:28:04 paved way for trump's iran deal

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.10.18

@00:00:08 what are you gonna do if iran starts up
@00:00:14 would advise iran not to start their
@00:00:39 the iran news and happy
@00:00:51 right here to iran daily calm roza tom
@00:00:55 had to visit iran an iranian delegation
@00:01:00 energy organization of iran a eoi
@00:01:23 president vladimir putin's trip to iran
@00:01:29 russia iran azerbaijan meeting likhachev
@00:01:44 from iran and russia met in moscow to
@00:01:53 iran nuclear deal okay well before we
@00:01:57 talk about rosa tom visiting to iran
@00:02:02 atomic energy organization of iran the
@00:02:09 energy organization of iran a eoi has
@00:02:40 the companies iran used for secret
@00:02:50 iran with access to foreign nuclear
@00:03:14 una basi divani announced that iran has
@00:03:31 organization of iran and incidentally if
@00:06:49 to iran which is scheduled for november
@00:08:30 company of iran nppd
@00:09:03 rosa tom you've got now this axed iran
@00:09:08 deal and now you've got iran and russia
@00:09:33 on 26 march 2002 that iran is covertly
@00:09:41 according to unidentified sources iran
@00:09:55 transferred to iran and processed into
@00:10:00 that iran plans to make nuclear weapons
@00:10:07 there with the trilateral russia iran
@00:10:17 on tuesday delegations from iran and
@00:10:26 new prospects under the iran nuclear
@00:10:32 it's it's fair to say that iran could be
@00:10:56 iran nuclear deal there has to be
@00:10:57 because the iran nuclear deal basically
@00:11:31 organization of iran a eeo i hopes that
@00:11:54 deal saying technically iran is king is
@00:12:15 not just a slogan that iran resumed its
@00:13:35 egypt iran and turkey are all to sign
@00:13:53 armenia belarus egypt iran and turkey

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@00:02:55 of iran today potus took control of iran
@00:03:04 watch the deal kept iran quiet the goal
@00:22:30 leverage of iran today potus took
@00:22:33 control of iran today with pending
@00:22:53 iran deal and israel calls high alert
@00:23:04 creole nuclear deal with iran the
@00:23:36 in syria israel accuses iran of
@00:24:17 control leverage of iran and but when
@00:24:23 iran well potus didn't strike iran potus
@00:24:30 the sanctions go back on iran and then
@00:24:58 against them don't against iran against
@00:27:39 iran deal is not getting any money and

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@00:21:11 korea that was iran that was it's

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@00:05:25 jk and iran i'm assuming that's john
@00:29:41 john kerry and iran important context
@00:30:16 kerry just ended up in iran and let me
@00:30:25 4th john kerry iran deal report sparks
@00:30:35 salvaging the iran nuclear deal has
@00:30:56 save iran deal with foreign leaders
@00:31:06 kerry was in iran why was john kerry any
@00:32:27 iran deal is most likely not gonna go
@00:32:31 iran deal president trump can't just axe
@00:32:38 gonna end up on the iran national bank
@00:32:52 eu into the iran national bank and they
@00:33:47 about iran it's all playing into this

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@00:00:37 post 1306 to find the terms of the iran
@00:00:45 republic of iran what if you ran created
@00:01:23 iran or syria war what does the uranium
@00:01:55 5% shared potus declassify syria iran
@00:03:24 define the terms of the iran nuclear
@00:03:32 iran will sacrifice two-thirds of its
@00:03:48 iaea iran will export all but 300
@00:03:59 be to place iran about 12 months away
@00:04:30 iran will implement the additional
@00:04:39 once the iaea has confirmed that iran
@00:05:03 non-proliferation treaty iran will
@00:05:14 of the iran nuclear deal then q goes on
@00:05:24 republic of iran now i'm not exactly
@00:09:27 iran did create a classified satellite
@00:10:10 could it be north korea iran could it be
@00:10:38 400 million in cash in iran in excuse me
@00:10:41 in cash to iran in unmarked plane obama
@00:10:48 paid them to iran the distinction is
@00:10:59 funding iran directly funds terrorism
@00:11:01 because the iran iranian regime is
@00:12:05 we just said one went to iran i think
@00:12:20 i would assume it ended up in iran syria
@00:17:07 uranium to iran in syria which remember
@00:17:46 stuff to iran korea
@00:20:13 ending up in iran north korea now
@00:20:40 to win there why was the iran deal kept
@00:22:59 netanyahu says iran brazenly lying after
@00:25:39 iran let me take you over here
@00:25:54 nuclear framework agreement with iran
@00:26:09 out before the sanctions against iran
@00:27:05 iran and they are not waiting for the
@00:27:17 iran germany seems to be leading the way
@00:27:22 branches in iran with 1,000 businesses
@00:27:40 services to iran by 2013 that number was
@00:27:48 future with iran the german iranian
@00:28:23 to get back into iran the french have
@00:28:52 iran for a while ok but the real prize
@00:29:02 iran possesses 10 percent of the world's
@00:29:16 are lifted iran hopes to boost
@00:29:23 daily if it had european help iran could
@00:30:02 from france and germany with iran ok
@00:30:04 potus declassified syria and iran plus

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@00:06:40 iran nuclear nuclear deal
@00:08:14 is seen as an anti iran hawk with
@00:08:23 iran hawk during his short confirmation
@00:09:07 pompeyo he is a tough opponent of iran
@00:11:21 to thought we were going to iran or do
@00:18:03 will all mean in regards to iran but

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@00:02:32 of state north korea iran russia china
@00:17:35 shift to me now how iran plays out i
@00:23:53 on north korea iran russia and china
@00:24:17 the against taxing the iran deal of

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@00:01:02 signal to iran and then we have again
@00:01:35 iran deal you decide q adding on that at
@00:03:15 iran is next marker reread potus today
@00:03:21 before signal to iran clipped and then
@00:03:33 know iran is next it's been in the news
@00:03:37 talking about iran now marker i'm not
@00:03:52 iran is some sort of marker well reread
@00:04:27 happening and the iran deal is a
@00:04:47 to iran especially look at what they're
@00:04:56 place in the middle east iran is behind
@00:05:53 iran you bet it is we've been talking
@00:06:48 exception of section 211 a of the iran
@00:06:59 211 a right there of the iran threat
@00:07:51 iran what i just said to you about the
@00:08:18 talking about the iran threat reduction
@00:08:50 attachment 3 to this anak annex iran
@00:09:30 into or out of iran and this is all
@00:12:40 the iran deal you decide well yeah of
@00:13:31 we do go into iran people are gonna want
@00:13:39 of different ideas about going into iran

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@00:00:26 reminder iran is next marker class - sec
@00:01:51 continue the iran deal as it currently
@00:02:52 korea armenia armenia iran iran any
@00:03:51 iran red cross pakistan red cross north
@00:07:09 well we know iran is next okay all the
@00:09:15 iran and he was he had no intentions of
@00:09:58 bank accused of 250 billion dollar iran
@00:11:47 entries or returned it to iran for wire
@00:15:08 why because they're trading with iran
@00:15:11 iran remember iran uses a euro and
@00:15:41 interested in having a stable iran
@00:17:05 to iran syria whoever was buying right
@00:21:43 continue the iran deal as it currently
@00:28:25 is iran right in the center of your
@00:28:52 iran is gonna start happening soon okay
@00:29:03 armenia armenia iran iran and then it
@00:29:38 armenia iran being next iran it's also

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@00:01:50 iran next trust the plan april showers
@00:30:38 iran is next folks all this is happening
@00:30:43 position to get ready for iran as far as

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@00:13:07 prince and iran but they're on these

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@00:26:24 by iran in the region let me read that
@00:26:29 posed by iran in the region the civil
@00:26:50 don't get anywhere without iran is i
@00:27:08 remember cue said iran is next okay now

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@00:03:37 to a picture that says iran threat to
@00:04:26 everything has meaning oh on tarmac iran
@00:33:37 we have this iran threat to restart
@00:33:55 max april 10th free beacon iran
@00:34:07 from the iran nuclear deal ahead of a
@00:35:42 iran is next we are going to you iran
@00:35:47 down exactly but we're going in iran and
@00:40:27 are connected iran it's all going down

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@00:02:02 iran russia flex through missile tech we
@00:15:55 syria iran russia flex through missile

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@00:13:29 in iran and you'll notice that cue says
@00:13:35 iran us next as of march 15th iran is
@00:13:38 next will iran is next iran is next we
@00:13:40 got to get to iran right well what do we
@00:13:42 need to get you to iran well we need a
@00:13:54 can get to iran because we have the
@00:14:15 on iran saudi arabia doesn't like you
@00:16:42 border towards iran and finishing up

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@00:03:20 everything has meaning a wom tarmac iran
@00:21:45 a one tarmac iran north korea uranium

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@00:02:26 eu russia iran north korea syria
@00:17:12 this uranium one canada eu russia iran
@00:18:02 iran in the next couple weeks okay i was
@00:18:03 actually working on an iran video when
@00:18:28 gonna have to work on iran syria and
@00:21:28 similar situation in iran i really do i
@00:24:12 going to shift to iran and thanks to q
@00:24:15 he's confirmed that by saying iran next

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@00:05:56 what about killing that iran deal which
@00:07:44 we're focusing on iran that's going to

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@00:03:27 control iran next hmm
@00:04:41 responding to the queue below iran next