
Operators Are Standing By, Some Will Exit Early, Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 2286b

@00:14:36 that comey isn't as innocent as he says
@00:14:50 director james comey and his deputy
@00:38:32 comey

The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:05:41 comey
@00:06:17 now comey has already agreed to testify
@00:06:39 comey so corn and harvesting

Part 2 Of The Movie Coming This Fall, [Zero-Day] Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2273b

@00:10:46 comey is a disgraced liar and leaker now
@00:11:52 james comey why classified by intel

Patriots Have Known All Along, The Exposure Will Destroy The [DS] -Episode 2271b

@00:06:08 james comey and even others in the

Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty - Episode 2254b

@00:27:14 number one secondly james comey
@00:27:58 is comey he's sending a message that the
@00:31:09 and i do believe that comey is now

This Is Just The Beginning, Do You See What’s Happening, Go Back To The Beginning - Episode 2251b

@00:03:02 include james comey rod rosenstein sally
@00:03:43 james comey
@00:03:59 he sent comey a direct letter that said
@00:04:50 james comey knowingly knew this
@00:10:29 james comey last tweeted july 24th
@00:10:44 strzok lisa page james comey

11.3 Verifies The First Marker, LP/KC “Viva Le Resistance” - Episode 2250b

@00:07:39 he's the attorney so did comey know did
@00:10:54 and under it says jc for james comey

deleted Message Sent & Received, Time To Reveal The Insurance Policy - Episode 2249b

@00:06:59 i would say was clapper brennan comey

It’s Time, The Silent Majority No More, We The People, A Beacon Of Hope When Flown - Episode 2231b

@00:12:34 remember when comey said i wish andy
@00:12:57 james comey tweet translation special

Manipulation Exposed, [DS] Panicking Over Barr/Durham Investigation - Episode 2227b

@00:29:11 how comey how
@00:30:08 targeted by then director james comey

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:09:37 uranium 1 wasn't that muller comey obama
@00:11:28 clinton comey brennan muller obama

How Do You Introduce Crimes Against Humanity? The People Must See The Truth - Episode 2222b

@00:10:17 on my campaign do they care if comey
@00:14:51 treason sedition how brennan comey peter

Door Opened, [DS] Tricked & Trapped, Operation Legend Active - Episode 2220b

@00:22:43 horror show reports on comey and mccabe

Crimes Against Humanity, How Deep Is The Rabbit Hole, Patriots Turn - Episode 2217b

@00:05:24 know that comey obama and the rest were
@00:34:35 individuals obama brennan comey

Trumps Sends Last Warning To [DS]/MSM, Flynn Confirms, Silent No More - Episode 2216b

@00:19:19 james comey tweeted this out happy 240

[DS] Foot Soldiers Are Being Taken Out, Year Of The Boomerang - Episode 2209b

@00:10:00 comey it leads to all these individuals
@00:11:28 ray he took over from comey hugh has
@00:11:48 everything and also how comey was

Hunting Party Formed & Ready,Narrative Shifts,Treason,Sedition, There Is No Escape - Episode 2207b

@00:16:49 berman look at comey look at all the
@00:22:00 among obama comey yates biden susan rice
@00:22:07 people on fund case comey the flynn case
@00:23:43 comey acknowledged the obvious flynn's
@00:23:54 comey actually trump tweeted this out
@00:23:57 his james comey and his ban of dirty

The Hunt Is On, It’s Time, Senate Was The Target - Episode 2197b

@00:33:46 director james comey former cia director

[DS] Deploys All Assets, Trap Has Been Set, Flynn’s Calls Released, No Deals - Episode 2186b

@00:06:05 rosenstein it leads to comey it leads to
@00:18:32 comey obama susan rice sally yates how

New FBI Docs Show Obama Administration Spied On Trump And The Senate - Episode 2184b

@00:06:42 now this goes to comey this goes to

Everything Is In Place To Break The [DS], Ratcliffe Locked On, Everything Is A Go - Episode 2183b

@00:07:07 shown by struck's response comey denied
@00:14:44 individuals clapper brennan comey they
@00:32:14 was not a mistake comey didn't do this

[DS] Panicking, Fear Creeping In, Narrative Lost, Shadow Presidency Exposed WW - Episode 2182b

@00:04:33 brennan clapper comey because as more
@00:05:41 revealing neither the comey fbi nor
@00:14:58 where comey says they're doing it by the
@00:15:12 security perspective comey said he does
@00:15:19 russian ambassador kissling act comey
@00:15:25 president obama asked if comey was
@00:15:49 told comey keep the info about the

[DS] Event Has Failed, People See The Truth, The People Are Ready - Episode 2181b

@00:10:45 together right now and james comey he
@00:11:06 exhibit five 2017 comey transcript says
@00:11:28 testimony from comey he states that we
@00:11:30 were all tasked to find out so a comey
@00:11:44 comey notes that we were all tasked
@00:11:46 comey works for the ag who oversees the
@00:11:49 justice department comey says we were
@00:12:06 which is obama directed comey and others
@00:19:55 recall i recommended firing comey from

Treason Runs Deep With The [DS], Ratcliffe Next DNI, Buckle Up - Episode 2180b

@00:03:58 individuals brennan biden obama comey

Countdown Is A Go, We Are At Week 3 Of 10, Boom Weeks, Incoming - Episode 2176b

@00:07:32 interview the same day per comey

The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b

@00:26:39 comey that was december 15 2016 then we

Rain Coming, Targets Locked, Declas Of Obama Officials Who Unmasked Flynn, Pain - Episode 2172b

@00:22:02 it has comey sitting in the road and a
@00:22:17 grills comey in a congressional hearing
@00:23:41 what gowdy said in what comey is said if
@00:24:03 specifically asked comey

The People Are About To Find Out What Treason Looks Like, [Obamagate] - Episode 2171b

@00:21:27 and comey had a new commander-in-chief
@00:21:29 to report to comey continued to follow
@00:21:47 meeting in which obama counseled comey
@00:21:53 administration obama and comey discussed
@00:22:01 trump's inauguration comey remain

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:01:45 brennan comey clapper and the rest
@00:08:32 instruct comey
@00:08:48 seat and they're instructing comey
@00:41:24 james comey said you did under oath to

Targets Painted And Locked, Instructions Given To Stealth Bomber, Drain It - Episode 2169b

@00:16:22 comey deferred telling the trump white
@00:16:43 when she found out that comey had sent
@00:40:09 here's obama's signature here's comey

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:01:35 obama is panicking comey shift they're
@00:26:00 shows a moab hitting comey and it says
@00:34:08 and this is a video of clinton and comey
@00:38:54 see that james comey he's a little
@00:39:01 comey decided to tweet out and he

Targets Have Been Painted, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End - Episode 2167b

@00:20:18 they react how shift reacts how comey
@00:27:19 threw james comey under the bus in a
@00:28:43 think of him like the anti comey quiet
@00:36:51 schiff another and comey and i do
@00:37:56 knowingly did all of these things comey
@00:38:01 knowingly didn't follow procedure comey

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:07:46 on flynn for comey remember all these
@00:28:42 brennan and comey brackets bold

Boom Week Ahead, It’s About To Break, Enjoy The Show, For Humanity - Episode 2164b

@00:07:35 clapper you have mccabe you have comey
@00:20:20 this is james comey sitting on the
@00:27:02 obama biden mckay brennan comey schiff

Comms Compromised, Rule Of Law Day, Durham Is Coming- Episode 2162b

@00:17:17 tweeted this out dirty cop james comey
@00:17:24 into office comey was giving an
@00:17:44 listen to a comey said back then i sent
@00:32:41 obama loretta lynch james comey hillary

Times Up, Be Ready, All The Walls Are Falling Down On The [DS] - Episode 2161b

@00:17:37 verse brennan us a verse comey us a
@00:18:21 bureau of investigation's james comey he

It Has Begun, Those [Knowingly] Who Tried To Remove POTUS, Treason - Episode 2159b

@00:24:25 december 1st 2017 comey tweets this and
@00:25:01 that's december 1st 2017 james comey has

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:07:53 same day they decided to dispatch comey

Iron Eagle, Marker, The Silent War Continues.. - Episode 2156b

@00:10:16 when fbi director comey was involved and

[DS]/MSM They Know What’s Coming,The Entire Event Is Going To Be Turned Upside Down - Episode 2155b

@00:04:03 james comey he's in the center of all
@00:04:25 things really james comey let's look at
@00:05:41 hearing with james conant comey in early
@00:05:43 2017 when burr and comey did all they

The MSM Spin Begins, More Declassifications Coming, Another Trap Set - Episode 2154

@00:03:37 comey was doing and they can catch them
@00:11:32 comey fbi knew this all along but
@00:12:29 resource recruited by james comey fbi
@00:15:16 james comey relied heavily on the

[DS] Has Been Blocked, [Renegade] Is On Deck, The First Will Send A Shock Wave - Episode 2151b

@00:03:05 because is it gonna be against comey is
@00:08:15 important to comey mccabe and the
@00:13:02 off on all of this well we have comey
@00:33:10 comey maybe but everyone knows obama

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:05:16 soon we know that comey brennan and many
@00:21:38 john brennan it has james comey and one

Soon The World Will Understand, The Truth Will Shock The World - Episode 2143b

@00:13:04 back to kumys tweet because comey put a

Stay Vigilant, News Unlocks, Pain Coming, Godspeed - Episode 2139b

@00:02:02 that a lot of individuals like comey
@00:05:48 james comey and fbi deputy director
@00:31:32 we just have comey letting us know that

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:14:25 comey say in his tweet climbing is good
@00:25:48 comey drop this who was the fbi director

deleted Rig For Red, Everything Has Meaning, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 2136b

@00:03:56 that comey and the rest were using well
@00:11:05 twitter and comey recently put out a new

deleted Panic Accelerates, Exposure,The [DS]/MSM Are In The Process Of Destroying Themselves-Episode 2135b

@00:18:33 players they are panicking james comey
@00:19:12 use when they defect say at comey just
@00:19:42 to die so what is comey trying to say

deleted The World Is Watching, Silent No More, Time To Save America - Episode 2134b

@00:14:11 have james comey and we know we're
@00:15:39 is comey telling us that they lost atop

Message Sent [P], Panic Everywhere, Puzzle Almost Complete - Episode 2133b

@00:15:10 we have james comey he tweeted this out
@00:16:47 this is comey in the fields looking at

One By One All The Exits Are Being Blocked WW, Hold, Wait For It - Episode 2125b

@00:27:40 we have brennan comey mccabe now back

Red/Green Castle Ready, Clock Activated, Stage Is Set - Episode 2124b

@00:09:28 we had comey we had mccabe they all lied
@00:11:56 we've seen this with comey we've seen

deleted It’s Time To Unveil The True Enemy Of The People, Shutdown, Messages Received - Episode 2123b

@00:29:36 biden joe biden obama brandon comey

Countermeasures In Place, Think Emergency Alert System - Episode 2121b

@00:22:39 james comey he said even without
@00:23:05 comey is saying calling all family

Kansas Sends A Message, Renegade Will Pay The Price - Episode 2115b

@00:05:16 now we know that james comey we know

[DS] Pushes 16 Yr Plan, When Is The Right Time To Use The Trump Card? - Episode 2112b

@00:26:29 comey voted in first dem primary to
@00:26:55 that rejected comey but that's not the

Trump Moves Pieces In Place, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot Spring/Summer - Episode 2110b

@00:10:31 documents that indicate that comey and

We All Knew, Durham, No Report, Just Indictments, Panic WW - Episode 2109b

@00:14:23 comey just like all the rest trump

Future Topic Coming Into Focus, Wait For It, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2108b

@00:05:34 happening we see the comey report that
@00:06:43 comey and his deputy andrew mccabe that

Trump Just Signaled It’s A Go, It’s Coming, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2102b

@00:11:29 comey and he also leaked classified
@00:12:27 paige clapper brennan comey they're not
@00:41:47 people lied too just to mention comey

The Curtain Has Been Pulled Back, The Puppet Masters Are Revealed, Game Over - Episode 2100b

@00:03:22 who else is panicking james comey of
@00:04:33 trust no james comey bill barr is not
@00:05:13 individuals comey brennan clapper and
@00:26:01 same people comey fitzpatrick the same
@00:26:21 they were comey fitzpatrick
@00:27:55 message to comey and the others and to

Barr, Moves and Countermoves, Trump Sends Message To The [DS], Victory Lap Taken - Episode 2098b

@00:10:54 mccabe lied to comey may 9th 2017 lied
@00:13:07 comey mccabe peter struck he understands
@00:19:20 we had the comey report with the leaked
@00:19:24 memos actually the ig referred comey to
@00:19:39 but it let everyone know that comey

Optics Are Important, Barr’s Delayed Testimony Confirmed, Traps Are Important - Episode 2097b

@00:10:40 comey mccabe yates rosenstein among
@00:11:22 they didn't prosecute comey for leaking
@00:25:33 just like with comey

Patriots Maneuver Barr Into Position, The Second Act Begins, [I]ndictments - Episode 2096b

@00:06:38 comey this is what he tweeted out what
@00:07:05 very interestingly james comey he was
@00:07:16 james comey signed off on the fisa
@00:07:38 well james comey lied also multiple

It’s Time To Wake Up, Lines Are Being Drawn Between Patriots & Traitors - Episode 2095b

@00:14:58 look at comey and you look at the rest
@00:42:50 introduced the comey report then the ig

The Silent War Is Being Fought In The Shadows, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2091b

@00:32:28 individuals james comey andrew mccabe
@00:34:58 deep state if comey and brennan's crew

Follow The Pen, The Gloves Are Off,Trump Comes Out Swinging - Episode 2090b

@00:02:18 things about struck page comey and what
@00:02:40 you name it the comey report the ig
@00:26:12 comey he called him a sleazebag and he
@00:26:18 he not fired comey he did a dramatic
@00:27:09 loyalty y comey hunters become the

GOP Investigates Ukraine White House Meetings, SR Watch The News - Episode 2088b

@00:19:02 words remember with comey it was cor n
@00:19:08 an m so when you do a search for comey

They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Public Ready For The Next Drip - Episode 2085b

@00:06:23 the ig pfizer report that comey was on
@00:06:41 because comey signed off on the fisa
@00:17:19 brennan comey and the rest they were

Those Who Are Protected Are No Longer Protected, Nobody Is Above The Law - Episode 2082b

@00:17:45 brought up james comey
@00:18:43 comey and the rest lied to the fisa
@00:20:53 the tasked and volunteer chs a--'s comey
@00:21:40 it's going to show that obama comey and

[JC] Now The Target, [DS] Event Distractions, [-Cruz] Important Marker - Episode 2079b

@00:00:39 episode is james comey now the target
@00:31:52 see that right now james comey from

Drip, Drip, Pain, Then The Flood, FISA Court Declares Warrants Invalid - Episode 2078b

@00:01:59 comey we're going to be talking about
@00:15:58 comey shift neither all of them
@00:31:14 andrew mccabe dana buente james comey do

Nobody Gets A Free Pass, A Week To Remember - Episode 2075b

@00:22:12 comey report and then we have the

We Have A Witness,Durham Following Strong Paper Trail,But The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2074b

@00:16:57 comey handling of the fbi investigation
@00:17:01 clinton's email server and comey himself
@00:21:13 fbi director james comey x' memos about

It’s All About To Boomerang, [DS] Propaganda Falls Apart, [DF] Videos Countered - Episode 2072b

@00:21:18 than maureen our comey she is the
@00:21:23 daughter of james comey that is very

Protected, Key To Hack, [AWAN] Back In The News, Flynn In Jail, Exactly [30] - Episode 2069b

@00:07:11 because we already had the comey report

Panic Message Sent, Major Operation Remove/Replace Active, Enemies Removed - Episode 2066b

@00:01:44 think about iran think about the comey
@00:28:49 comey report look at the ig pfizer

[DS] Payoffs Threatened, They Never Expected Trump To Expose The Entire Scam - Episode 2063b

@00:03:38 happening right now we have the comey
@00:24:11 the comey report the ig pfizer report

JA Key To DNC Hack, Remove/Replace Operation Ongoing, Traitors Everywhere - Episode 2058b

@00:08:25 you see comey you see obama you see
@00:24:14 clinton ll loretta lynch james comey we
@00:25:09 is james comey loretta lynch move
@00:31:33 panicking right now comey right now he
@00:33:24 charges should be brought against comey
@00:33:55 comey the ig report on fisa was not good

Barr Exposes The [DS] Agenda, Haspel Cooperating, SR Back In The News - Episode 2057b

@00:41:27 memes and has comey standing in the
@00:41:52 referred comey to the department of
@00:42:16 this meme there's another meme of comey
@00:42:29 comey is a higher law loyalty this is

Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056b

@00:09:49 these individuals like shift and comey
@00:10:57 james comey and andrew mccabe in the igs
@00:13:15 then turned on comey and mccabe and she
@00:13:36 and points out that comey refuted
@00:13:52 footnote below in this document comey
@00:14:03 comey mccabe and lynch are lying and we
@00:14:14 attention to comey
@00:30:31 comey lynch and if we go to post three

[No Name] Involvement Confirmed, Durham And The American Revolution - Episode 2055b

@00:13:31 charges to comey he had to have known
@00:13:44 senator john mccain provided comey with
@00:13:55 they copied this over comey really is

Nobody Is Above The Law [Not Anymore], Justice Will Be Served - Episode 2053b

@00:23:50 picture of obama mccabe comey clapper

[DS] Warning People Not To Look, Patriots Getting Ready To Drop The MOAB - Episode 2052b

@00:10:48 to remember going up the chain to comey
@00:12:42 this list includes james comey then fbi
@00:12:46 director james comey signed the first
@00:13:25 james comey we know from bar where he
@00:17:13 brennan has said comey has said the

Something Big Is About To Happen,Think Admiral Rogers, Think Brennan - Episode 2051b

@00:03:33 durham is looking for what comey
@00:03:46 brennan to james comey because comey
@00:04:28 former fbi director james comey that
@00:04:48 refer to mr. comey
@00:06:00 clapper and james comey while the
@00:28:55 comey knew about it

Sacrifices Made, The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World - Episode 2050b

@00:29:27 clip has to do with comey saying he was
@00:30:11 information that comey
@00:30:27 so if comey and the top people in the

First Indictment Will Trigger Mass Awakening, Arrests Will Verify - Episode 2049b

@00:14:17 book comey said yeah there were mistakes
@00:15:44 comey can make his excuses mccabe can
@00:18:21 so there are no errors comey was
@00:19:26 says james 8 comey now that strange that
@00:20:36 translation comey is ready to be
@00:21:49 comey saying was the corn ripe for
@00:22:08 between corny harvesting and comey great
@00:22:43 comey release h plus c equals d d the
@00:23:20 report comey report declassify
@00:24:19 bombs the comey report that was released
@00:24:23 first showed that comey

Senate Trial Backfire, [Watch] What Happens Next - Episode 2048b

@00:37:57 the word comey which is really spell cor
@00:38:08 verse comey think recent doc release
@00:38:27 to make the rn in comey look like in m
@00:38:40 name comey corny has the kerning reduced

[DS] Narrative Disintegrating, RG Drops A Carpet Bomb - Episode 2047b

@00:22:19 so when comey was making the excuses
@00:22:51 director comey now says of the carter

The Call To Declas, Smear Campaign Alert, United We Stand - Episode 2046b

@00:01:35 many years now is completely wrong comey
@00:05:44 schiff and we had comey they were on fox
@00:06:38 apologize to all now what shiftin comey
@00:07:15 now comey is very good at making it look
@00:31:02 picture of comey homeless holding a cup

Obama Sends Message, Flynn Exactly [30], [GS] Makes His Move - Episode 2045b

@00:06:32 it and james comey his investigation
@00:06:52 us law or agency protocol nor did comey
@00:07:11 who's boss comey did not just try to
@00:07:21 criminality james comey didn't just help
@00:07:32 james comey in fact he declared war on
@00:07:39 which means comey waged war on the
@00:08:17 why would comey give up his high
@00:08:46 comey and his top fbi lord james baker
@00:26:41 was corroborated comey didn't lie and

FISA Is The Start, FISA Leads To Declas, Misspellings Matter - Episode 2043b

@00:16:08 now comey going way back he was letting
@00:16:44 quoted comey saying that the fisa report
@00:16:50 comey said this week your report
@00:27:46 bo oh sh or bausch think of comey what

Bait Taken, Trap Set, Carpet Bombs Incoming, Then The MOAB - Episode 2042b

@00:17:06 you listening comey mccabe lovers lisa
@00:27:10 remember james comey and andrew mccabe
@00:34:50 congress about comey

Cross Fire Hurricane, Clear Abuse Of FISA, People Will Be Held Accountable - Episode 2041b

@00:21:16 this is huge comey mckay baker and
@00:21:40 then director james comey
@00:31:15 that's his job now comey is out there
@00:31:35 comey was running the operation he was
@00:31:46 this the scope was to show how comey and
@00:32:09 remember the comey report that horowitz
@00:32:19 against comey but the department of
@00:32:30 that got the warrants comey signed off
@00:32:47 comey commis name does not pop up
@00:33:08 like comey but it's really corny now the

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice - Episode 2038b

@00:37:59 look at comey look at mccabe look at

New Evidence Gathered In Rome, Get Ready For The Knock Out Punch - Episode 2034b

@00:19:03 james comey that started the operation

[DS]/MSM FISA Narrative Control, Conspiracy No More, What Do They Fear The Most? - Episode 2033b

@00:10:35 remember when the comey report came out
@00:10:38 and comey was out there say i did
@00:13:07 action and like we saw with comey they
@00:14:53 comey report and you really start to dig
@00:16:26 separated the comey report because they
@00:16:28 wanted everyone to understand that comey
@00:16:46 knew that comey violated not just
@00:23:48 goes on the comey report comes out the
@00:24:27 the comey report then they released the

Patriots Leading [DS] Down The Path, IG FISA Is The Primer, It’s Time - Episode 2031b

@00:02:27 and this has to do with comey mccabe and
@00:02:36 for comey even oh comey was out there
@00:15:31 comey report to show that he did
@00:15:38 general referred comey to the department
@00:15:43 should be brought against comey the

MSM/[DS] On The Defensive, Evidence, Facts On Deck, Pain Coming - Episode 2030b

@00:13:18 against call me when the comey report
@00:13:25 they got comey on the fisa applications

The Harvest Is About To Begin, Suicide Watch, Panic In DC - Episode 2023b

@00:20:48 then we have comey on june 2018 and he
@00:21:31 it bold and on november 15 2019 comey
@00:22:39 that comey is a traitor and you haven't
@00:26:46 remember the tweet from comey this was

Playbook Known,Trap Set, Trump Meets With Barr ,Wait For It - Episode 2022b

@00:19:27 of these individuals is comey and what's
@00:21:04 about crooked hillary comey struck paige

Messages Are Being Projected By The [DS], Distractions On Deck, Incoming - Episode 2021b

@00:32:43 people think it's comey which we're
@00:34:05 we have james comey and remember with

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:37:14 comey and others and i believe we're

Report Will Be Damning, Criminal Referrals Coming, Hammer Is The Key To The Coup - Episode 2018b

@00:10:26 probe and then fbi director james comey
@00:11:58 to be comey
@00:23:51 fbi director comey took possession of 47
@00:25:40 comey went before congress and launched
@00:25:44 vestigation comey lied when he told
@00:25:54 comey was in receipt of montgomery's 47
@00:25:59 comey assigned fbi deputy assistant

[DS] Walked Right Into The Trap,Precedent Was Established,Epstein Coverup - Episode 2013b

@00:35:11 just arresting clinton or comey this is

Flynn Ready To Go Free, Egregious Government Misconduct, Covfefe, In The End We Win - Episode 2012b

@00:12:01 worked under james comey at the fbi but
@00:16:56 fire comey a complete fake news story

The [DS] Has Run Out Time, Expose, Drain The Swamp, Fire At Will - Episode 2008b

@00:28:39 fbi when comey and gang were creating
@00:28:48 deep state actions under obama and comey

[DS] Impeachment Plan Revealed, Patriots Counter, Plan Has Already Failed - Episode 2007b

@00:23:45 the horowitz report on comey yes there
@00:25:08 matters entailed in the comey memos the
@00:25:23 james comey provided his final memos to
@00:25:32 conversation comey likely edited his
@00:25:41 have the original memos from comey that
@00:25:46 which would prove comey committed fraud

[DS] Is Running Out Of Time, Patriots Set The Trap, & Are Nudging Them Into It - Episode 2006b

@00:12:09 2016-2017 he was talking about comey so
@00:12:13 we just hit comey let's go back to post

Treason Message Sent, Operation Documents Confiscated, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2005b

@00:02:14 to new zealand james comey is trying to
@00:02:33 criminal investigation now comey is
@00:03:10 james comey is very serious about this
@00:14:27 mr. comey still runs to the white house

Durham & Barr Found Something Significant, [DS] Hires Lawyers - Episode 2001b

@00:13:17 and his lover about brennan comey and
@00:15:15 also know that james comey and his fbi

Follow The Clues, Another Piece Of The Puzzle Added, [DS] Ready To Face Justice - Episode 2000b

@00:17:12 remember when comey was fired what do
@00:17:57 marked clinton emails comey did a white
@00:18:26 strategically and it caught comey

Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near - Episode 1999b

@00:04:11 clinton james comey john brennan barack
@00:26:19 bead on her bracelet we know that comey

The Panic Is Real, Middle East Plan Perfectly Executed, 17, Coincidence - Episode 1998b

@00:19:42 with comey with what happened to mccabe
@00:24:42 orange beads we had comey putting out a

[DS] Plan Fails, Strange Messages Sent, 17th Mentioned - Episode 1997b

@00:12:57 corruption whether it's comey whether
@00:23:57 with my family comey responded to this
@00:26:30 and if you put what comey said what

Fear Is Flushing The [DS] Out, The Only Way Forward, Expose, Transparency & Truth - Episode 1994b

@00:07:39 just like james comey no there was
@00:07:45 you were five just like james comey was

Harvest Confirmed, Pelosi’s Impeachment Irrevocably Tainted, Hammer Introduced - Episode 1991b

@00:18:21 and comey were friends
@00:18:44 of james comey in your discussion with

The Gathering, The Storm Is Here, It’s Happening, Time To Harvest - Episode 1990b

@00:11:21 to muller obama comey and the rest

The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b

@00:34:01 john kerry and many many others comey

Panic Sets In For Brennan, Schiff In Trouble, This Is Just The Warmup - Episode 1986b

@00:22:08 it orchestrated ambush comey mccabe she

The Patriots Are Over The Target, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 1985b

@00:15:41 collusion including firing comey for

Sleepers Present Problems,Trump Holds The Power,This Is Not About A 4 Year Election - Episode 1981b

@00:06:20 could wreak further havoc even comey is
@00:06:58 the truth remember comey committed
@00:07:16 so comey was not let off the hook then

[DS] Failed Again, Think Mirror, More Panic & Pain Coming, Next Wave Begins - Episode 1979b

@00:07:43 hillary clinton barack obama james comey

Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped - Episode 1976b

@00:28:50 starting to see it look at comey report
@00:30:21 against everything comey was saying in

Setup Complete, Ukrainian Scandal Revealed, [DS] Whistleblower Agenda Fail - Episode 1975b

@00:14:29 comey that includes this excerpt so we
@00:15:00 mr. comey was under investigation for
@00:15:47 james comey server unlocks seth rich

Setup Needed Before Declass, Tarmac Back In The News, Prisons Prepped - Episode 1974b

@00:01:59 have a separate comey report well now
@00:05:38 this is why they got comey mccabe and
@00:05:53 report on comey and comey how he
@00:13:33 comey
@00:13:41 this protected comey from the crime of
@00:13:46 unlawfully but comey was also protected
@00:14:01 were labeled classified comey would be
@00:15:17 that way was because comey
@00:15:30 this means comey screwed the
@00:15:42 they have to charge comey
@00:15:53 comey screwed it up he screwed up the
@00:16:11 director james comey they screwed their
@00:16:51 around james comey leaks to the media
@00:16:57 the ig report on james comey and meadows
@00:17:04 testimony comey gave in december of 2018
@00:17:18 question mr. comey said i don't think so
@00:17:27 report it says that comey purposefully
@00:17:50 that comey was saying one thing while
@00:18:27 comey had calculated plan that is he

Horowitz Delivers The Bad News To Comey, More Pain Coming - Episode 1973b

@00:05:38 just comey struck it's the swamp deep
@00:09:31 director james comey for prosecution
@00:09:49 why would james comey want an apology
@00:09:56 comey who didn't want to prosecute the
@00:13:50 the claim stated under oath by comey
@00:22:08 at comey who's who's out there saying

Operatives Hunted Down, [DS] Plan Backfired, No Place To Hide - Episode 1971b

@00:09:36 it's gonna be comey brennan struck all
@00:09:59 comey can't help mccabe because comey
@00:10:07 problems actually with comey the aclj
@00:10:20 determine what comey and a circle of
@00:10:58 the spying effort and what we call comey
@00:30:50 it's brennan comey obama and the rest

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:21:42 in the tank for comey brennan clapper
@00:21:49 comey pal shane harris washington post
@00:21:52 comey pal ben wits lawfare comey pal
@00:22:00 josh campbell cnn comey personal
@00:22:17 with comey
@00:39:38 we already saw comey that ig report we

D5 Avalanche, Could Gouge The Landscape, Take Cover, Incoming - Episode 1969b

@00:01:47 happened the comey report came out it
@00:06:15 james comey ig report which showed him
@00:09:48 all the evidence because look the comey
@00:12:54 prosecuted and so does comey the fact is
@00:14:20 tweeted out the following comey open
@00:15:32 comey

Prosecutions On Deck, This Is Just The Beginning, [DS] Pain Coming - Episode 1968b

@00:03:29 just released a report saying comey
@00:04:05 corruption comey report mifsud fisa
@00:04:50 where jim comey and other actors within
@00:05:18 brennan and comey and clapper and mccabe
@00:15:51 communications from james comey that
@00:17:35 came out first showing that comey
@00:18:45 started out with comey
@00:19:01 low lying fruit not comey but mccabe and
@00:19:29 remember when james comey tweeted out in
@00:29:34 law first it was comey this was the
@00:29:52 open this has to do with comey they
@00:29:54 needed the comey report first to back up

Placeholder Filled, Flynn Free Next, The World Is Waking Up, Attacks Intensify - Episode 1967b

@00:01:49 not really a big deal where we had comey
@00:08:32 the fbi rules and we know that comey
@00:19:28 findings this was on comey was a

[DS] Moves To Get Ahead Of FISA Story, Big Fail, Messages Sent About A Bad Man - Episode 1966b

@00:02:49 traitor and comey is out there and he is
@00:03:07 change america and comey is wondering
@00:14:18 from comey mccabe struck the record
@00:29:42 mind comey he is stressing over what is

Did You Catch Trump’s Messages, Optics Are Important, [DS] Doomed - Episode 1965b

@00:28:51 remember comey was the first act just

Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences - Episode 1964b

@00:13:33 holder think about all these in comey
@00:29:12 already have the comey report out there

Think Timing, Senate Locked, SC Locked, Locked & Who Is Loaded - Episode 1963b

@00:02:21 of the comey memo it set everything in
@00:02:27 firing of james comey as obstruction
@00:02:31 to fire james comey welp from the ig
@00:05:21 spies former director james comey sent
@00:05:53 paul sperry comey was running a
@00:05:59 on the sly comey didn't even need to
@00:06:27 and emails between or about comey and
@00:06:33 effort and what we call comey circle of
@00:07:32 director james comey reportedly placed
@00:07:39 now comey and the rest they're in
@00:24:16 with the comey report timing is

Confirmation, The Swamp Is Being Drained, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 1962b

@00:14:50 first was the comey report to show that
@00:14:53 comey was up to no good they didn't want
@00:15:23 actually who can hold comey in contempt
@00:25:23 comey not looking too good for comey
@00:25:45 they're doing this in stages comey is

Declas Brings Down The House, Equal Justice Under The Law - Episode 1961b

@00:03:01 comey sends a message to the rest of the
@00:03:18 thanks comey it's a scandal now a little
@00:03:24 comey responded despite two years of
@00:03:37 mission america needs you now comey is
@00:04:30 comey is trying to tell us that this is
@00:04:56 comey was doing how he thought he was
@00:06:15 lynch talking truth revealed comey hrc
@00:24:32 comey is saying listen

Trump’s Message Received, Evidence Must Be Compelling,The Majority Wins - Episode 1960b

@00:03:38 evidence one comey was taking notes
@00:03:47 counterintelligence investigation comey
@00:04:03 in the white house when comey met with
@00:06:13 replaced comey spy
@00:07:59 richmond you know that guy that comey
@00:08:04 out the following breaking comey granted
@00:08:18 fired comey even though richmond was
@00:08:31 around comey and we haven't even gotten
@00:11:24 the hearth report regarding comey he was
@00:11:34 to get an outcome comey wanted a special

Desperation Sets In, See Something, Say Something, Brace For It, Incoming - Episode 1959b

@00:05:35 investigation fbi director james comey
@00:05:54 the trump campaign comey has described
@00:06:08 so-called steel dossier comey had
@00:06:38 comey whoever paints a different picture
@00:06:40 comey told horowitz that the information
@00:07:06 comey had told trump at
@00:07:18 meeting with trump at trump tower comey
@00:07:30 comey told the ig that in advance of his
@00:08:09 agreed that comey should immediately
@00:08:33 drafted by comey as a document on an fbi
@00:08:42 to comey rebecky and mccabe on the
@00:09:05 that comey sent to rebecca mccabe and
@00:09:09 computer system comey used the
@00:09:27 wonders why comey felt compelled to have
@00:09:44 briefing that comey cia director john
@00:10:00 comey trump meeting almost immediately
@00:10:16 comey trump meeting but ultimately

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:01:02 comey report and it shows that he
@00:01:12 they're continually hitting comey over
@00:06:15 hitting comey over and over and over
@00:06:26 they're continually pushing that comey
@00:06:30 i was right about comey
@00:06:43 comey has been rebuked at the highest
@00:07:00 two more reports are coming comey very
@00:08:49 there letting everyone know that comey
@00:09:57 company comey is working for the fbi
@00:23:48 united states guys like him comey
@00:31:28 comey report showing that he violated
@00:32:53 these bad players with brennan comey
@00:33:04 comey did but a lot worse who is in

Placeholders Ready, Declas, Indictments, Will Force WW Coverage - Episode 1957b

@00:01:39 comey was above fbi policies pursuing a
@00:03:52 comey did not seek authorization from
@00:03:59 on page 2 comey did not seek fbi
@00:04:18 agreement page 3 comey told the oig that
@00:04:33 page 38 accordingly comey stated that he
@00:05:46 the report concluded that james comey
@00:05:55 information the comey report concluded
@00:06:00 james comey stole memos and kept them at
@00:06:03 his home but fbi officials cleared comey
@00:06:47 say comey violated fbi policies 25 times
@00:07:21 the fbi and comey wanted to use the
@00:07:37 findings suggest that comey was out to
@00:07:41 get the president now we know that comey
@00:07:58 obtained by judicial watch comey drafted
@00:09:41 james comey shows in the strongest of
@00:10:11 take comey and others to task makes no
@00:10:14 sense not to prosecute him comey got a
@00:10:25 out once again the fact that james comey
@00:10:40 taken an entirely different course comey
@00:10:44 so he's letting everyone know that comey
@00:11:24 to get comey
@00:11:38 call me comey thought he was above the
@00:11:51 regarding james comey today's report is
@00:12:10 firing mr. comey believed he was above
@00:12:49 for james comey so let's review what he
@00:13:16 management system comey never did that
@00:13:47 american people comey is quoted
@00:14:25 the thought process of comey
@00:14:52 attorney john durham whether comey and
@00:15:03 campaign they will determine if comey
@00:15:14 durham and his team will show that comey
@00:15:33 will inflict pain comey will feel pain
@00:16:24 report on comey shows that the muller
@00:16:37 lower then comey prosecution's will
@00:22:25 comey report was coming out they know
@00:23:45 and he defended james comey he tweeted
@00:23:47 the following jim comey is far more
@00:24:30 that he's defending james comey and he's
@00:25:08 remember comey
@00:26:48 comey

Fell Right Into The Trap, Next Wave Coming, Pain - Episode 1956b

@00:12:20 out on james comey and this was an 83
@00:12:30 comey violated department and fbi
@00:12:40 fbi records comey violated department
@00:12:47 fbi records and information comey failed
@00:12:55 comey improperly disclosed fbi documents
@00:13:06 so comey he violated the fbi policies
@00:13:25 the following breaking comey granted his
@00:13:41 after trump fired comey even though
@00:13:52 comey is out we conclude that commis
@00:14:13 ig report confirmed james comey violated
@00:14:38 james comey and the just-released
@00:14:45 now james comey he decided to tweet out
@00:15:59 this report found comey to be a liar and
@00:16:04 a leaker from the report comey violated
@00:17:14 this ig report it shows that comey
@00:18:02 judges will not prosecute comey for
@00:18:50 he said comey played his part as a liar
@00:22:20 just came out this was about comey how

The Chosen One, The First Wave Is About To Hit - Episode 1955b

@00:11:56 propaganda now deep stater james comey
@00:12:31 because the ig report on comey is coming
@00:13:39 report on james comey and the justice
@00:13:49 comey in the trump rush
@00:13:50 investigation the comey report is
@00:14:06 released later among other things comey
@00:14:23 comey memo matter to the justice
@00:14:43 the comey memos it will not be that
@00:15:19 comey on the other hand he'll be at a

Perfect Storm Confirmed,Horowitz Concludes 4 FISA Warrants Illegal - Episode 1953b

@00:08:26 which means that comey lied on the first

Panic, Message Evergreen, Public Discovers Illegal Surveillance - Episode 1951b

@00:06:27 comey as the top of an operation where
@00:07:56 free stab karlin mccabe comey
@00:13:02 blackmail clinton didn't struck comey
@00:19:40 johnson james comey failed to review
@00:19:48 comey would not give investigators

Ammunition Used, Failed, Wait For It, Military Timing - Episode 1950b

@00:19:58 firing comey getting rid of certain

Voter Manipulation, Message Sent & Received, Why Greenland? - Episode 1948b

@00:07:52 james comey server unlocks seth rich

Future Proves Past, Distractions, Timing Is Everything - Episode 1947b

@00:09:40 the obama administration comey brennan

Drip, Drip, Prepped And Ready, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1945b

@00:11:02 clinton james comey and went on

Did You Notice What Was Happening, Truth, Behold The Power - Episode 1943b

@00:05:35 integral role comey signed three of the
@00:05:44 though comey was led off with the leaked
@00:06:06 the for applications and renewals comey

It Was All Harvested, FISA Goes Both Ways, Sky Is Falling - Episode 1942b

@00:24:00 twitter which is comey which is not
@00:24:47 picture of comey it looks like standing
@00:24:52 a twitter link from comey but that's not

Define Game Theory, Are You Ready For The Streisand Effect - Episode 1936b

@00:16:37 comey tweeted out the following reading

Forever Message Sent and Received, We Have More Than We Know - Episode 1935b

@00:05:58 james comey now james comey is no way
@00:06:15 jodi said that comey is not out of the
@00:07:01 obama sally yates james comey mccabe all
@00:07:55 the real reason james comey needs to be
@00:08:06 compared to the real reason comey needs
@00:08:22 before the russian collusion hoax comey
@00:08:30 pursued comey on the memo leaking
@00:08:33 offense it would be like charging comey

We Knew It Was Going To Happen, Exculpatory Evidence, Boom - Episode 1934b

@00:09:07 of justice loretta lynch and the comey
@00:09:12 crimes james comey the former head of
@00:12:03 now tom fenton he got the goods on comey
@00:12:07 he tweeted out the following huge comey

Slam-Dunk Positioned, Expectations Are A Distraction From The Goal - Episode 1933b

@00:04:12 fbi director james comey and now that we
@00:04:35 specific to james comey and his leaked
@00:04:42 comey and how he handled a series of
@00:04:46 accounts written by comey covering
@00:04:56 has been given to james comey in advance
@00:05:20 report and james comey is going to
@00:06:40 report on comey approaches we're getting
@00:06:42 the sound of silence no comey tweets no
@00:06:56 james comey responded to mark meadows i
@00:07:17 brah now once again comey is out there
@00:07:47 former fbi director james comey has
@00:25:51 deep state to know now comey he might

Bigger Charges Coming, August Is A Hot Month - Episode 1932b

@00:22:13 comey for leaking memos after ig
@00:22:26 comey and they're looking at his conduct
@00:22:45 james comey for possible prosecution for
@00:22:55 or prosecute james comey with regards to

[24 Hr Warning], News Cycle Shift, Be Vigilant - Episode 1931b

@00:13:00 month after fbi director james comey was
@00:13:42 revealed that comey recalled two agents
@00:13:49 missing and according to comey one of
@00:14:01 before comey admitted leaking the trump
@00:14:51 directed comey to write the memos the

Voter Id Coming, Investigations Deep & Wide, Watch The News- Episode 1930b

@00:10:38 but comey is being investigated and
@00:18:52 comey that durham is focused on the
@00:19:42 comey is under investigation let's move

Firewall In Place, Sleeper Agents Present Problems, Declass Imminent - Episode 1929b

@00:32:09 comey his memos before the d class we've

Trials Begin Shortly, All Will Be Exposed, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1928b

@00:02:45 comey obama hillary brennan and the rest
@00:34:15 picture of comey in cornfields looking
@00:34:22 us a twitter link to james comey and it
@00:34:53 james comey was confirmed by a vote of
@00:35:07 times james comey said i don't know but
@00:35:21 fired comey in 1993 bill clinton fired

Placeholders, Patriots Positioning, Blocks Removed, Locked And Loaded - Episode 1926b

@00:04:33 and comey and obama it was to drain the
@00:20:47 is just a review james comey director

Year Of The Boomerang, Timing Is Everything, Force Of Nature, Sheep No More - Episode 1925b

@00:17:10 investigation james comey when we
@00:19:04 james comey lisa paige and her psycho
@00:26:17 comey briefed those allegations to
@00:26:46 leaking to the press after comey himself
@00:43:36 james comey as fbi director failed

Raids, Timeline & The Message Of Treason - Episode 1924b

@00:10:28 comey had a spy in the trump white house
@00:10:34 it with comey the question is did he try
@00:10:39 clear that comey spy anthony ferrante
@00:10:45 back to comey that is what spies do but
@00:11:22 something this tells you that comey

Be Ready, B2 Stealth Bomber, Roundup Begins Soon - Episode 1923b

@00:23:11 gave us a twitter link to comey and it
@00:23:35 comey does he loves to spin everything
@00:26:04 bold muller be ready james comey which
@00:30:15 indicating that comey was misleading the
@00:30:37 said comey was essentially running a
@00:30:51 communications indicating comey was
@00:31:06 the official fbi case file comey had an

Watch The News, News Unlocks, [RC], NYC Blackout Message - Episode 1916b

@00:12:38 weissman together with comey mccabe

Storm Has Arrived, Now It’s The Patriots Turn, It’s Happening - Episode 1912c

@00:02:47 to comey release h plus c equals d d
@00:03:34 is horowitz c which is comey d is d

Did You Notice What Was Happening, The Plan Was Designed This Way - Episode 1912b

@00:15:26 rich jc is james comey ms-13 to 187

Step Back And Really Look At What’s Happening, Can You See The MOAB - Episode 1910b

@00:08:21 hits comey very very hard when he tweets
@00:08:26 out he fired comey so marine comey is

Independence Day Message Sent & Received, Countermeasures In Place - Episode 1908b

@00:19:52 seen it with comey we've seen it with

Inspector General Investigation Complete, WH Says It’s Hammer Time - Episode 1906b

@00:16:13 comey was heading up the fbi yet in a
@00:16:15 recent cnn town hall james comey said

It’s Happening, Power Returned To The People, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1905b

@00:04:49 because look at brennan and comey
@00:05:45 applauding her i mean look at comey for

History Was Just Made, Watch Everything Fall Into Place, Panic Everywhere - Episode 1904b

@00:03:24 them brennan comey struck page and the

Here Come The Booms, Great Awakening, Patriots Fight, Placeholders Next - Episode 1901b

@00:07:44 2017 fbi director james comey now
@00:09:17 to sessions recusal it is james comey
@00:09:32 with james comey became evidence for

Patriots Are Now Dismantling & Defunding The [DS], Messages Transmitted - Episode 1899b

@00:05:12 muddle james comey senate testimony
@00:05:25 fired comey
@00:06:19 information comey testified that abaddon
@00:06:30 privately acknowledged that comey
@00:06:36 of emails by 8:56 a.m. comey chief of
@00:07:46 he was working on about james comey and
@00:07:58 this information showed that comey had

Did You Catch What Trump Did At The Rally, The People Now Know - Episode 1897b

@00:09:24 the brennan the comey mccabe struck lies
@00:09:31 january 12 2019 lyin james comey andrew
@00:20:55 hoax comey clapper mccabe muller

Scope Of Durham’s Investigation Broad, Trump 24/7/365, Message Received - Episode 1890b

@00:08:41 comey mccain baker struck page they've

What You Are Witnessing Is A Coordinated Effort To Block The Truth,This Will Fail - Episode 1888b

@00:04:45 former fbi director james comey now
@00:04:57 comey memos and number two the
@00:05:25 is documented by james comey now in the
@00:05:29 issue of redactions within the comey
@00:05:37 the comey memo aspect and the redaction
@00:05:47 by the fbi lawyers to keep the comey man
@00:05:59 within the comey memos where the
@00:07:29 court on october 13 2017 why that comey
@00:07:42 more exhaustive because james comey
@00:07:47 basically what comey did he created all
@00:08:01 section where we discover that comey
@00:08:10 conversations apparently comey also made
@00:08:17 would comey generate classified
@00:08:35 appears comey is keeping a diary for use

Did You Catch What Mueller Just Did, [DS] Sends A Message - Episode 1880b

@00:06:38 same thing with james comey i mean he's
@00:06:43 prove that trump is a liar so comey tour
@00:06:51 liar and comey is still running with the
@00:07:16 packs and comey is very concerned
@00:07:29 story of how this all happened and comey
@00:07:44 stories and as you can see comey brennan
@00:08:13 comey is awfully eager to hide documents
@00:14:11 establish that the termination of comey

The Movement Challenged Their Forced Narrative, Now Patriots Unleash Their Weapon - Episode 1879b

@00:12:34 james comey and the most recent
@00:19:06 breaking x fbi director james comey
@00:24:24 director who thinks he's james comey
@00:26:37 just like comey ray is stonewalling ray
@00:26:41 is doing exactly what comey wants

Behold The Great Awakening, Next Phase Coming, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1878b

@00:11:50 comey confirmed there was no connection
@00:11:53 between trump and alpha bank but comey
@00:11:59 know that comey knew that trump tower

The Age Of Enlightenment Has Arrived, Plan Executed, It’s Time - Episode 1877b

@00:12:32 protect brennan comey mccabe yates and
@00:27:14 implicates clinton obama yates comey and

Boom, The Hammer Just Fell, Justice Is On It’s Way- Episode 1876b

@00:09:39 surprised that's why you had comey out
@00:21:49 wrong person if you look at comey
@00:32:44 about the comey report and q responds
@00:33:03 he's pointing the finger at lynch comey
@00:33:07 clapper is pointing the finger at comey
@00:33:12 comey he's not tweeting out pictures

[DS] Already Lost & They Don’t Know It Yet,Transparency Is The Only Way Forward - Episode 1875b

@00:10:13 now to report back we talked about comey
@00:10:18 fingers at each other where comey said
@00:11:00 james comey story has already changed

We Are Now In The Build Up Phase, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 1873b

@00:11:39 director james comey to call the probe
@00:11:54 comey refer to the investigation as a
@00:12:03 that i had with comey we were discussing
@00:12:19 comey said otherwise
@00:12:32 one thing we have comey saying another

Declass Right Around The Corner, Patriots Control The Timetable - Episode 1872b

@00:15:49 for the comey memo and everything will

Operation Hammer Exposed, Closing Act Coming Soon - Episode 1871b

@00:02:37 mean let's take a look at comey for
@00:02:44 that comey tweeted out so here's the
@00:02:49 comey tweeted out a picture of him of
@00:03:14 designed to protect us citizens so comey
@00:03:35 comey
@00:03:57 so don jr. responded to james comey
@00:04:05 probably should now comey tweeted out
@00:04:40 can this is what comey tweeted out the
@00:04:57 who will stand up so comey is now trying
@00:05:24 opposite comey is panicking right now
@00:05:34 stand up comey no one's gonna stand up
@00:05:41 the question is is comey talking to ray
@00:05:59 days so i believe that comey is hoping
@00:06:45 fbi director james comey and former
@00:07:16 briefings were presented by comey
@00:08:09 dossier into question yet comey did not
@00:08:20 applications signed by comey himself to
@00:08:37 comey told trump at any time that fusion
@00:09:02 is all gonna fall back on comey which is
@00:19:01 that obama knew james comey was going to
@00:19:17 vice president biden james comey sally
@00:19:29 obama knew that james comey was going to
@00:21:36 and clapper and comey and baker and all

The Call Is Loud And Clear, Those Who Committed Treason, Go Directly To Jail - Episode 1870b

@00:15:32 to the fbi director james comey on
@00:18:13 individuals comey brennan clapper eric

WW Resignations, [DS] Scrambling, Wait For It, Boom - Episode 1869b

@00:11:19 former fbi director james comey or john
@00:11:33 comey told bureau subordinates that
@00:12:14 they're blaming comey so trey gowdy came
@00:12:19 out and said that comey has a better
@00:12:51 stories can't be true at comey told fbi
@00:13:00 cia claims comey made the recommendation
@00:13:07 meadows tweeted out amazing james comey
@00:13:15 assessment but brennan says no no comey
@00:13:26 baker is now ratting out james comey
@00:13:38 comey brennan is turned on comey clapper
@00:13:41 has turn on comey and we need to go back

[DS] Begins To Turn On Each Other, The Cover-Up Always Gets You In The End - Episode 1868b

@00:03:07 transcript from clapper comey brennan
@00:03:34 interviewed comey and mccabe and brennan
@00:06:38 said this is big brennan and comey they
@00:19:00 james comey is bashing struck in page n
@00:19:08 at comey andrew mccabe is attacking

[DS] Didn’t See This Coming, The Secret Weapon Revealed - Episode 1867b

@00:08:00 any emails between brennan and comey in
@00:08:08 emails between brennan and comey
@00:13:05 james comey they were all involved in
@00:23:26 out and i'm talking about the comey

Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC - Episode 1866b

@00:08:56 to that jim comey is proud and wouldn't
@00:09:52 comey they use words like embarrassed
@00:10:53 which means comey is being investigated
@00:16:44 brackets and bolt comey pre or post ig
@00:16:52 we're all expecting is that the comey
@00:17:49 are also linked we know that comey has
@00:19:02 comey knew brennan knew everybody knew
@00:19:31 comey he's standing on the street and
@00:19:33 comey says shit and below this it says

The Entire House Of Cards Is About To Come Down - Episode 1865b

@00:04:45 schiff now comey he was out there on cnn
@00:04:54 last thursday and comey recounted
@00:05:51 now comey he clearly stated that he was
@00:05:58 was over because comey seemed to
@00:06:07 around us comey claimed in in his memo
@00:06:13 whoever comey says that he was not alone
@00:06:32 said referring to priebus comey never
@00:06:48 one paragraph before comey describes the
@00:06:59 comey is getting caught up in his lies
@00:14:48 have the comey memo the d-class the oig
@00:17:14 coming comey tweeted out about jim baker
@00:17:30 that says why we didn't hate trump comey
@00:22:17 all this is we have comey baker and the

New Report Sparks Panic, This Is How You Know The Hammer Is About To Drop - Episode 1864b

@00:02:30 james comey who was on cnn town hall and
@00:03:12 following james comey is a disgrace to
@00:06:42 purposes james comey
@00:19:24 complete sense because as we know comey
@00:20:34 comey island and will use it to house

It Begins, [CB] Projecting, Getting Ahead Of What Is Coming - Episode 1864a

@00:15:35 talking about you know clinton and comey

Get Ready For The Fireworks, Power Returns To The People - Episode 1862b

@00:10:35 james comey memos from being released
@00:10:58 and comey didn't they both assure the
@00:11:17 the journal of james comey and now we're
@00:16:49 director comey has been fired deputy
@00:33:48 to turn out to be a lie like comey is
@00:34:22 no that's spine now now comey looks like

[DS] Black Sites In Process Of Being Removed, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1861b

@00:07:24 that james comey documented each
@00:07:34 comey included the idea of codename
@00:07:39 hidden for now full comey journal will
@00:08:06 let's go a little bit further with comey
@00:08:11 to examine carefully how and why comey
@00:08:22 or laws were broken comey will claim
@00:09:49 examination of whether comey was unduly
@00:10:49 this is problematic for comey in light
@00:11:26 filing the fbi fights to keep the comey
@00:11:46 comey started an investigation illegally
@00:27:54 the d class eventually when the comey

Unforgivable Acts, November Warning Is About To Drop - Episode 1859b

@00:08:46 comey and the rest doing they're all
@00:08:56 james comey he was giving a radio
@00:09:16 george papadopolis comey said the
@00:09:59 and comey is trying to explain how this
@00:11:16 the comey reports coming out and we have
@00:11:21 we have comey out there projecting ahead
@00:11:44 when the d-class the oig the comey
@00:17:56 them and these are the notes with comey

Patriots Are On The Hunt, Gloves Are Off, Placeholders Active - Episode 1858b

@00:08:46 comey report d-class oh i g sealed
@00:12:32 comey fbi failed to trap papadopoulos
@00:21:20 comey and his involvement on his
@00:21:27 take director comey out of the equation
@00:22:28 trump is letting it out there that comey
@00:22:35 james comey won't be sleeping much
@00:29:11 the d class the comey report the oig the

You Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard,Offensive Begins May 2019 - Episode 1857b

@00:12:33 continue we have james comey out there
@00:13:04 comey wrote how could he write and say
@00:13:49 our personal conversations comey tweeted
@00:14:26 comey and schiff and pelosi they don't
@00:40:09 that the comey reports coming out we

[DS] Fear, Hopelessness, Anger, Second Act Begins, Justice - Episode 1856b

@00:04:35 general james comey and jay and jack
@00:04:54 or gonzalez to have comey removed from
@00:09:17 going to see the comey report
@00:24:40 resident and comey was out there
@00:30:10 out in i g report james comey gmail they
@00:37:39 replaced we have the comey report coming

[5], [4] To Go, Patriots In Control, [DS] Is Being Shutdown - Episode 1855b

@00:26:47 remember the tweet that comey put out
@00:27:38 we know that the comey report is coming
@00:27:57 know that the comey report will be

Right On Cue, It’s Happening, Boom - Episode 1855a

@00:11:49 comey the witch hunt and everything else
@00:11:56 that clinton is responsible that comey

Trump Baits The [DS], Worked Like A Charm, It’s Happening - Episode 1854b

@00:01:47 get the comey report second we're gonna
@00:29:51 comey report which is going to lead into

Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

@00:07:22 clapper brennan comey and other
@00:08:28 obama did not know about the comey
@00:10:12 about involving james comey alone that
@00:10:58 a lot on comey
@00:25:57 the comey report the criminal referrals

Barr Knows It All, Pain, Panic, Something Big Coming In Weeks - Episode 1851b

@00:01:33 schiff maxine waters john brennan comey
@00:06:25 then fbi director james comey held a
@00:07:17 obama comey susan rice sally yates james
@00:16:35 removed clinton obama james comey the
@00:20:06 panic from brennan from comey from
@00:28:19 for brennan and clapper and comey and
@00:32:21 comey in two weeks or so now this should
@00:36:22 to comey the trail is found within
@00:36:30 the comey memos that documents the
@00:36:41 comey revealed in november 2015 through

It’s Time To Turn The Tables And Bring Justice, Pain Coming- Episode 1847b

@00:06:30 taken by former director james comey and
@00:06:56 comey 11 15 17 302 at 5:00 so in may of

[DS] Code Words, Panic In DC, Patriots In Control - Episode 1846b

@00:07:32 fbi director james comey was fired on
@00:19:15 comey
@00:19:19 comey changing the wording and
@00:26:21 comey put out a tweet and it was a
@00:26:57 forest so here we have comey in a forest
@00:27:26 then comey tweeted out another picture

Hidden Info Inside The Mueller Report Will Be Used To Expose The Email Coverup - Episode 1845b

@00:19:20 in the news think james comey server
@00:24:16 comey brennan clapper think about it all

Patriots, Time To Bring Down The House, Planned, WWG1WGA - Episode 1844b

@00:22:58 fbi director comey that he was an under
@00:27:55 day trump blasted comey and former fbi

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:13:20 james comey essentially courtin was
@00:13:22 commis personal pr man and comey spent a
@00:13:29 sanctimonious comey
@00:13:33 after comey became director in september
@00:14:22 comey assistant director courtin was
@00:16:12 comey on spying he tweeted out the
@00:16:16 following my former assistant comey says
@00:16:37 of these individuals like comey and the

The Patriots Have The [DS] Exactly Where They Want Them, MOAB Incoming - Episode 1840b

@00:14:53 out about comey clinton brennan shift
@00:27:30 what comey brennan clinton have all done

We Have The Source, Optics Are Important, PANIC In DC- Episode 1839b

@00:20:51 comey told an audience at the hewlett

Something Big Is Coming, The Hunters Move In On Their Prey - Episode 1838b

@00:08:53 against comey now joe digenova said the
@00:09:42 comey has been very silent in recent
@00:10:13 caps and james comey coordinated to a
@00:12:26 for a second remember james comey from
@00:12:54 court documents that confirm james comey
@00:13:11 comey memos could reasonably be expected
@00:13:16 russian investigation the comey memos
@00:13:42 fbi director james comey
@00:14:37 fbi or former fbi director james comey
@00:14:48 warrants comey signed off on was after
@00:15:02 media trump fired comey as fbi director
@00:15:06 on may 9th 2017 and comey immediately
@00:15:14 revenge comey admitted during a
@00:24:48 story comey is out there he's a little

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:04:53 maureen comey and she interned there and
@00:05:24 that trump fired james comey back in may
@00:05:26 2017 and trump has slammed james comey
@00:05:45 showing that comey certainly appears to
@00:06:11 on the website maureen ryan comey is
@00:06:24 is she playing in all of this now comey

The [DS] Prepares For Arrests, Damaging Videos & Evidence - Episode 1835b

@00:09:24 food then fbi director james comey

[DS] Trapped, Their Move Was Just Blocked, No Place To Hide - Episode 1834b

@00:08:37 staff to former fbi director james comey
@00:10:55 former fbi director james comey and

Confirmed [DC] Panicking, [DS] Attending Group Therapy To Deal With It - Episode 1832b

@00:01:48 another country we don't see comey
@00:04:30 comey not running out her colder sally
@00:13:54 to bring former fbi director james comey
@00:14:57 these individuals starting with comey

4am Talking Points, Comey Coded Message, [DS] Frenzy - Episode 1830b

@00:29:10 interestingly comey has tweeted out
@00:29:29 middlemen comey brennan schiff is he

When Do Birds Sing, Spring, Boom, Nobody Walks Away From This, Nobody - Episode 1829b

@00:08:58 james comey deputy attorney general ron

[Knowingly],Treason, Sedition, #Flagsout - Episode 1828b

@00:21:07 media john brennan james comey leaks

Marker [1], Marker [2] Set, [CLAS 1-99], Patriots On The Offensive - Episode 1827b

@00:17:11 twitter link to sever dangled 661 comey
@00:17:42 picture of comey in a forest you know
@00:18:44 comey and the gang think they're in
@00:18:52 he starts draining the swamp comey leaks
@00:18:59 then fires comey muller is appointed as
@00:28:18 james comey as a terrible guy former cia

[DS] Exposed, The World Will See How The [DS] Navigates Around The Laws - Episode 1826b

@00:03:39 interesting is comey he is very confused
@00:03:44 james comey wandered out of the woods to
@00:03:59 against trump comey called the moller
@00:08:54 clinton obama comey struck paige brennan

Keep An Eye On The Sword, Nobody Walks Away From This - Episode 1824b

@00:13:36 comey and his team in part so this never
@00:14:21 andrew mccabe james comey fuzion gps
@00:22:44 rosenstein comey yates who appointed

Blockade Dismantled, Counting Down, Patriots Turn, Rats Scattering - Episode 1823b

@00:33:29 all four trump advisors on whom comey

This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1821b

@00:05:07 know that muller and comey and the rest
@00:11:01 james comey a dirty cop leaked his memos
@00:23:12 pointing to comey connection
@00:23:17 mueller and comey he was the department

Promises Soon To Be Kept, Justice Is Coming, [DS] Cannot Stop It - Episode 1817b

@00:04:32 director james comey warned president

Placeholders Ready To Be Filled, Narrative Change Needed, Be Vigilant - Episode 1816b

@00:03:27 was fired ex fbi director james comey
@00:03:38 president trump comey testified and
@00:03:57 by the words of comey struck page we now

The First Wave Will Bring About Unity & Change, T [-6] And Counting - Episode 1814b

@00:14:41 individuals reported to james comey lisa
@00:14:49 for james comey jim baker was the office
@00:15:04 well comey mccabe baker rebecky pre
@00:30:50 bold james comey no charges are
@00:33:21 their other missteps comey mccabe struck

T [-7] And Counting, Prepared And Ready, Be Vigilant - Episode 1813b

@00:10:10 comey and the appointment of special
@00:10:13 so we know that comey was fired on may

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:09:09 clinton comey or pate you name it they

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:06:09 directly comey or any other fbi employee

War-Like Posture Activated, Backchannel Operational, Countdown Continues - Episode 1807b

@00:26:09 comey clinton email case loretta lynch

Stage Is Set, [DS] Ammo Depleted, Wait For It, Trump Card - Episode 1806b

@00:24:48 this would be rosenstein comey and the
@00:30:40 then fbi director james comey

Collusion, Investigations, Hoaxes Failed, Patriots Turn, DECLAS - Episode 1801b

@00:05:53 though comey had been fired and
@00:05:59 comey picked his old pal mueller along

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:38:16 2018 it says comey throws ag lynch under
@00:39:46 did james comey take days after less
@00:39:51 james comey announced that the fbi would

It Is Now Complete, Ding,Ding, First Alarm Ringing, Nothing Can Stop It - Episode 1796b

@00:04:53 know that james comey
@00:16:52 comey andrew mccabe peter struck lisa
@00:17:53 the open for mchabe comey struck or and
@00:19:07 trump and there's comey there's obama
@00:33:48 former boss fbi director james comey
@00:34:04 include comey comey however had already
@00:34:54 james baker testifying against comey

Barr & Placeholders Activated, S/M Blackout, Think EAS - Episode 1795b

@00:02:05 happened with mccabe with comey and the
@00:10:18 approval of link of leaking james comey
@00:12:48 comey sent a letter to congress
@00:13:12 6 comey sent a second letter reporting
@00:32:03 the board's comey watches the board q
@00:32:19 department of justice so comey mccabe

[DS] Out Maneuvered Again, Truth Overshadows Propaganda - Episode 1793b

@00:05:50 already out there so mccabe james comey
@00:27:33 the days after comey was fired by the

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking,Pain,Event Warning [10] - Episode 1792b

@00:21:27 comey z' press conference announcing
@00:29:10 clinton lynch comey mccabe and struck

Military Exercises In Multiple Cities, Arrests, We Have The Watch - Episode 1790b

@00:08:12 comey podesta all behind bars and the
@00:26:33 this onto trump when obama comey mueller

[HRC] Firewall Removed, Protection Gone, 3-2-1, Boom - Episode 1789b

@00:08:04 and these people been fired james comey
@00:09:26 sent to then director james comey since
@00:09:50 comey fbi intelligence and that analyst
@00:17:37 comey sent a bombshell letter to
@00:18:24 documents reveal that comey quoted the
@00:18:50 investigation james comey fired andrew
@00:20:24 deeps eight players comey james baker
@00:24:06 individuals that q mention mccabe comey

Confirmation, Countdown Begins, T-Minus, Optics Are Important - Episode 1787b

@00:36:47 director james comey and former national

Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Full Control, Panic - Episode 1784b

@00:24:12 emotional wreck look at what comey just
@00:24:24 be prosecuted comey said during a town

[Old Guard] Exposed, The Truth Overshadows The Propaganda - Episode 1783b

@00:19:46 clapper obama-clinton comey and the rest
@00:20:42 comey tweeting about clinton tweeting

Patriots Over The Target, Incoming, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom - Episode 1781b

@00:06:04 priest ab said mr. comey now this answer
@00:06:13 director comey now he said something
@00:06:20 testimony of comey he said congress was
@00:06:37 james comey so right there we have a

Trump Just Projected Into The Future, Did You Catch It - Episode 1780b

@00:20:54 leaked and james comey little adam shit
@00:25:41 will be done about comey brennan clapper
@00:25:52 what about lying done by comey brennan
@00:28:01 brennan plus harry reid pressuring comey

Fed Controlled,We Can’t Wait,Future Generations Will Suffer - Episode 1780a

@00:12:50 clinton with or with comey he's

Shadow Players Are The Deadliest, [Stealth] Has Its Advantages, [Boo] - Episode 1778b

@00:09:22 was leaked comey leaked james clapper
@00:28:40 brings me back to james comey and to
@00:28:47 remember when comey tweeted out the
@00:29:20 looks like comey was tweeting out the

Panic, [DS] Trolls Trump, Think Mirror, We Are Getting Closer - Episode 1777b

@00:24:57 james comey brennan clapper lisa paige

Boxed In, No Escape, Watch, Everything Is About To Change, Wait For It - Episode 1776b

@00:12:18 not just with clinton comey brandon the

Tactical Move, [DS] Trapped Themselves, The Power Of Military Planning - Episode 1775b

@00:09:40 hillary clinton james comey and james
@00:09:54 james comey lied
@00:12:35 raid the homes of clinton comey clapper

[DS] Digging Their Own Hole, Treason - Episode 1765be

@00:03:42 retaliated against trump for comey
@00:04:33 james comey and alarm that he accurately
@00:05:20 comey
@00:06:56 comey and the rest they are in trouble
@00:14:02 building the narrative that comey struck
@00:24:11 this includes the evidence for comey

The Agenda Behind The Shutdown, It’s Not What You Think - Episode 1765a

@00:09:32 stop the shutdown comey is out there and

As Predicted, Right On Schedule, Next Move Will Not Be Propaganda - Episode 1764b

@00:11:13 about james comey everybody wanted him
@00:11:32 post because of comey
@00:11:40 department my firing of james comey was
@00:11:59 just watch lyin james comey andrew
@00:12:20 continually says lyin james comey and in
@00:13:14 comey a liar there's a reason why he's
@00:13:25 so he is setting rosenstein comey and

Carpet Bombs Just Dropped, Incoming Booms, Timing - Episode 1763b

@00:15:02 after fbi director james comey was fired
@00:16:29 written by then fbi director james comey

[DS] Just Got Played, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1762b

@00:18:53 about comey about all these individuals

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:39:17 joe digenova cardinal james comey the
@00:39:24 treasury revealed by comey clapper and

They Didn’t See This Coming, Firewall Built, Now The Border Wall - Episode 1757b

@00:20:06 when comey was in the fbi and we had
@00:22:43 gonna be comey the clinton struck page

It’s Just Getting Started, Enjoy The Ride - Episode 1755b

@00:19:54 state was exposed actually comey was out

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition To Cover Up The Inevitable - Episode 1752b

@00:03:51 what's very interesting about comey
@00:03:56 says a lot comey has now confirmed what
@00:05:00 fears that comey may have cost their
@00:05:11 remember that comey was the man who
@00:05:54 the probe of trump finally comey has
@00:06:10 so in summary james comey approved the
@00:06:23 colluded with russia comey said in his
@00:06:32 whether we had anything comey reportedly
@00:14:33 that comey came out with his tweet

Flynn Signals Dark To Light, [DS][CB] PANIC - Episode 1749b

@00:01:05 now james comey once again was out there
@00:01:32 comey is out there saying that the fbi
@00:02:07 comey lied to the american people now
@00:02:58 coming and here comey responded by

Agenda’s Exposed, Senate Was The Key, 2019 Changes Everything - Episode 1748b

@00:18:13 if you know comey lied muller was

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:29:23 operators in government comey lynch

The [DS] Army Has Been Defeated, Anons Knew, It’s All About To Change - Episode 1745b

@00:03:02 james comey it looks like he's getting
@00:03:05 now because comey in a house testimony
@00:03:53 session comey repeated the offs stated
@00:04:05 opposed to trump mr. comey testified i
@00:04:41 course now a reporter asked james comey
@00:06:22 equals truth revealed comey hillary

Envelopes Delivered, Placeholders Created, Ready For The Plot Twist - Episode 1743b

@00:15:27 now comey is testifying behind closed
@00:15:35 think about this do you think comey

MSM Prepping For The Falling Hammer, We Knew This Was Coming - Episode 1742b

@00:05:21 comey said because comey told the house
@00:05:33 comey might be caught in a lie because
@00:06:02 against comey against truck and page
@00:11:14 does he keep bringing up clinton comey
@00:16:37 comey testifies again that's on the 17th
@00:18:06 start to hear about how comey lied about
@00:18:29 gonna continually tweet about comey

Carpet Bomb Just Dropped, Did You See How It Works - Episode 1741b

@00:22:13 with comey there's something wrong with

It’s Time, [DS] In Process Of Being Removed, Court TV Back, Coincidence? - Episode 1739b

@00:02:05 once and again we also have comey who's

Military Tribunals, Sealed Docs To Be Unsealed, Moves & Countermoves - Episode 1738b

@00:04:09 his tweets against james comey he
@00:04:14 director james comey under fire for his
@00:04:25 night he continued with james comey
@00:10:09 comey under fire for his testimony

Panic Is Off The Charts, No Escape & No Deals - Episode 1737b

@00:07:10 maybe comey doesn't know but mueller
@00:07:39 of course comey knows this he was the
@00:07:44 so comey also says that the fbi didn't
@00:07:51 first james comey interview with the
@00:08:00 comey claiming that the fbi never
@00:09:30 comey is lying now chuck ross expands on
@00:09:46 comey said i was briefed sometime at the
@00:09:57 four and the russian effort comey said
@00:10:53 misstatement comey lied hundreds of
@00:11:08 why aren't they bringing comey up on
@00:11:09 charges they should so comey is out
@00:11:59 can see that comey is panicking like
@00:30:07 comey clinton you can see what is

Clinton Foundation Investigation Complete, Operators Are Active - Episode 1735b

@00:01:26 now trump has been going after comey and
@00:02:17 james comey our best friends just one of
@00:03:13 james comey by the man in charge of the
@00:03:30 his lovely wife molly comey
@00:20:50 finishes up with comey with the y in
@00:20:53 brackets so comey is testifying behind
@00:21:17 comey is not answering questions he's

[DS] Stunts Will Attempt To Delay, New Dates For Hearing Set - Episode 1733b

@00:17:35 testify under oath comey was supposed to
@00:20:33 investigation james comey fired and
@00:22:40 ds control house james comey plus

Typos Are Deliberate, Is This The Team Around POTUS? Watch You Will See - Episode 1732b

@00:02:30 weasel out of this look what comey just
@00:02:47 comey wanted to be completely
@00:03:19 because even though they stalled comey

Lift Off On 1.1.19, Courts-Martial Around The Corner - Episode 1731b

@00:02:32 that these individuals like comey and
@00:04:52 mueller is completely corrupt comey

Boom, [HR[D]C] Panic, Dec 5, Another Whistleblower, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming - Episode 1730b

@00:12:38 bitches comey is shaking in his boots
@00:12:57 post testimony come comey timestamp our
@00:13:06 misspelled comey and then corrected it
@00:13:25 testimony comey corrected the
@00:13:35 comey in a non suggests @qm potus knew
@00:13:41 show and it was a message to james comey
@00:13:43 now comey is scheduled to testify this
@00:13:55 judge shot this down so comey has no
@00:15:31 comey mueller are not just protecting
@00:15:43 comey and robert mueller took advantage
@00:16:12 comey was paid upwards of six million a
@00:24:39 comey his twitter feed
@00:25:05 james comey posted this november 14th
@00:25:36 comey was supposed to be testifying on
@00:25:57 on the 5th and comey and the rest it
@00:26:17 and comey were all supposed to testify

Trump Warns DECLAS Bad, Something Public Should Not See, Start The Clock - Episode 1729b

@00:01:32 goodluck presented comey with an offer
@00:01:50 we knew that comey wasn't going to go
@00:01:52 for that we knew that comey
@00:02:00 comey filed a lawsuit thursday in the us
@00:12:42 comey has a hearing motion and that is
@00:12:51 december 3rd comey and lynch well
@00:22:49 it's almost as predictable as comey

We Know, Locked And Loaded, All In Place, Picture Worth Many Sentences - Episode 1728b

@00:06:29 comey was out there and he's saying that
@00:06:57 the real answers now we know that comey
@00:07:14 out i've just offered to director comey
@00:07:36 on to say mr. comey should agree to
@00:14:56 clinton james comey loretta lynch rod

Trump Just Signaled All Patriots, It Has Begun,Justice Under The Law - Episode 1727b

@00:15:44 obama clinton mueller comey bill clinton

Place Holders Ready, Prisons Prepped, [DS] Panics And Lashes Out, FEAR - Episode 1726b

@00:10:49 he worked in the fbi with comey he did
@00:31:17 it's obama you see its comey you see

[DS] Signals Their Operatives, Patriots Have Them Trapped, Dec Is The Month Of Panic - Episode 1725b

@00:06:10 james comey where comey saying i want my
@00:08:11 also is not going to let jim comey who
@00:08:19 notion that james comey all of a sudden
@00:08:33 james comey so gowdy is putting it out

The Trap Is Set, The Scope Of The Op Runs Deep, Retaliation Is Expected - Episode 1723b

@00:02:50 they've been doing this now comey he's
@00:04:23 tweeted out the following james comey
@00:04:38 after comey right there
@00:04:42 off on comey when he said he wanted a
@00:05:12 saw jim comey and a public congressional
@00:06:24 truth reveal comey hillary rodham
@00:06:59 that comey doesn't want to do this

[D]ec 5, It All Begins, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1722b

@00:11:41 revealed comey
@00:17:37 hillary and comey

They Know It’s Coming, Swamp Fighting Back, The Call Is Getting Louder, Tick Tock - Episode 1721b

@00:06:32 former fbi director james comey and
@00:06:55 russian investigation now comey

Think Projection, Time Is Up, Haiti Op Underway [C]? - Episode 1718b

@00:05:55 chairman good luck once comey and lynch

This Is Why Everything Needs To Be Put In Place Before The Hammer Is Dropped - Episode 1717b

@00:03:13 he got rid of individuals like comey
@00:16:09 comey mccabe lisa page and her lover
@00:17:08 you need to go back in time with comey
@00:18:09 james comey said they couldn't prove
@00:21:37 think comey when he came out with that

Let The Unsealing, Declas Begin, Let The World Witness The Truth - Episode 1714

@00:26:11 james comey and it the list goes on so
@00:26:24 xbox chat logs james comey bruce or
@00:26:41 interesting comey had sensitive fbi
@00:27:17 minute but first comey he had sensitive
@00:27:29 james comey private gmail account were

Message Sent, Message Received, Anons Now Know - Episode 1702b

@00:09:51 you know obama clinton comey struck

Think Timing, We Are At The Precipice, [DS] Mission, Prevent Hammer - Episode 1701b

@00:22:06 obama holder comey and the rest of the

Internet Blackout Warning For Next 48 Hours - Episode 1688b

@00:02:12 before firing comey and rosenstein wrote
@00:02:19 gesture that comey was fired due to that

Logical Thinking, Justice Will Be Served, Steps Need To Be Taken First - Episode 1686b

@00:21:45 the illegal treasonous acts james comey
@00:22:21 comey fired

Trillions Wasted On Scams,Waiting Is Over,The Pain Is About To Be Unleashed - Episode 1684b

@00:11:05 fbi reported directly to james comey
@00:20:32 bold meeting between comey
@00:20:39 briefing with comey komen's notes from
@00:21:58 4th to comey comey did not recall being
@00:22:24 coleman comey baker and the other the

It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

@00:18:05 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:18:27 rosenstein and james comey coordinated
@00:23:54 baker testifying against comey and then

Panic, Fear, The IMF Sends Warning, US Destabilizing The World - Episode 1681a

@00:16:57 like the clintons like comey like mccabe

Conspiracy No Longer A Conspiracy, Patriots In Control, Unite - Episode 1671b

@00:14:15 truth reveal comey clinton email case
@00:18:12 puts up post 21:55 panic and dc comey
@00:18:29 stupid so it looks like comey mccabe
@00:19:08 think comey memos so this is the plan of

Sting Operation In Progress, Swamp Fighting Back, Remain Calm - Episode 1670b

@00:10:59 testifying against comey put up a link
@00:12:01 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:12:14 be testifying against comey comey is
@00:12:21 comey is sending message through tweets
@00:14:31 baker testifying against comey and put
@00:15:20 assure you mr. comey
@00:22:28 struck and comey and others were
@00:23:01 and while comey also disagreed with the
@00:38:34 director james comey was fired
@00:39:52 firing of james b comey
@00:40:03 trump had asked mr. comey to pledge
@00:40:17 dismissal of mr. comey by writing a memo

PANIC, FEAR, Red Lines, Hidden Messages In Tweets - Episode 1668b

@00:17:44 james comey tweeted out enjoyed today's
@00:18:04 comey standing under well it's abe
@00:18:20 or another comey
@00:20:24 just these individuals clinton and comey
@00:23:06 schiff just acknowledged comey and his
@00:23:09 tweet remember comey was standing under

AUTH REQ, Attempts To Block, Carpet Bombs Dropped, This Is Not A Game - Episode 1666b

@00:03:23 yates lynch and comey so we can see how
@00:18:03 comey andrew mccabe

DECLAS, A Week To Remember, [RENEGADE] Exposed - Episode 1665b

@00:02:56 struck comey on all these individuals
@00:03:09 comey is running down the street he is

The Plan Is In Place, Prepare For The MOAB, Twelve Steps Ahead - Episode 1663b

@00:25:29 this president we know that james comey
@00:37:06 or about comey clinton and the rest

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b

@00:17:22 clinton comey mccabe and it looks like
@00:21:42 21:55 q put up panic in dc comey in
@00:22:04 against comey whoa
@00:22:28 rosenstein yates lynch and comey you can
@00:28:38 much about bruce or comey obama clinton

Attention On Deck, Battle Stations,Prepare If You Have Not - Episode 1661b

@00:01:35 been weakened look at comey he lied he

Message Sent, Sleep Cells Activated, The Plan Is Now Active - Episode 1659b

@00:10:11 comey to potus put up a document of
@00:10:14 rosenstein letter on comey firing and
@00:14:30 it's a tweet by james comey and he
@00:14:38 comey wrote special agent andrew mccabe
@00:15:51 up the james comey tweet about standing
@00:16:14 september so when we read this comey
@00:16:39 second so since comey said this and now
@00:17:09 confirmed the message from comey so the
@00:18:58 comey
@00:24:28 question mark 2016 ssa comey yates
@00:24:35 mark 2017 ssa comey yates department of
@00:24:40 four question mark 2017 ssa comey dana
@00:25:07 comey fired five nine 2017 mccabe fired

We Knew This Day Would Come,Conspiracy No More,Protective Measures Are In Place - Episode 1657b

@00:04:44 comey sent to congress notifying
@00:04:59 by the time comey sent a second letter
@00:05:16 notice letter from comey

The Public Has The Right To Know, It's Time To Expose The Lies - Episode 1656b

@00:14:36 encryption and we know from james comey
@00:14:45 and james comey was out there in front

Infiltration Runs Deep,Operation Counter Clowns,Congress Is In Session[s] - Episode 1655b

@00:19:56 four and most likely number one is comey
@00:28:47 with lyin james comey the dems all hated
@00:31:07 comey director fired andrew mccabe fired

The Central Bankers Attempted To Destroy The US, They Have Failed - Episode 1655a

@00:14:24 sessions clinton comey struck and the

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:25:45 fbi director james comey deputy attorney
@00:41:19 brennan comey and we might see civil

Plan Confirmed, It's A Go, Systems Terminated - Episode 1653b

@00:22:17 comey said that no one would prosecute
@00:22:29 comey lied to post 2006 hugh wrote

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b

@00:22:53 now the first four was potus james comey
@00:23:00 so potus was the president james comey
@00:23:08 february 6 james comey / the inspector
@00:23:17 2017 it was james comey and the
@00:23:27 day prior to james comey firing rod

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:25:48 james comey and robert mueller
@00:39:09 after all of their other missteps comey
@00:40:21 everyone comey mccabe struck page and

The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror - Episode 1649b

@00:13:45 side including deleted emails comey lies
@00:14:08 comey look into the lies in the leaks

To Know Your Enemy,You Must Become Your Enemy,Appear Weak When You Are Strong - Episode 1647b

@00:08:41 brennan comey clapper all these people
@00:14:28 going to be you think trump let comey
@00:20:06 comey lies and leaks mueller conflicts
@00:21:14 director james comey so 3077 of the six

If You Have Not Prepared For The Economic Transition You Might Want To Start - Episode 1646a

@00:09:40 been lying that clinton comey and the
@00:14:45 brennan and clapper and comey it's

Conspiracy, Treason, It's Time To Connect The Dots, The Great Awakening - Episode 1644b

@00:14:11 other than james comey coincidence guess
@00:15:06 fast forward to 2009 james comey leaves
@00:18:21 none other than james comey who secured
@00:18:56 2016 james comey drafts an exon
@00:19:17 comey is james steps out into the
@00:19:35 general comey gets fired based upon a
@00:19:37 letter by rosenstein comey leaks
@00:21:06 protege of james comey and robert
@00:21:18 mueller three times james comey five
@00:23:06 clapper leaks the comey leaks attorney

And Now, The Feature Presentation, Sheep No More, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1643b

@00:07:14 departures james comey andrew mccabe
@00:18:48 this peter struck or james comey could
@00:23:10 comey tweeted something very interesting
@00:23:42 comey said truth exists and truth
@00:23:48 matters comey says truth has always been
@00:24:02 lie are held accountable comey says
@00:24:09 comey says
@00:25:26 james comey is flipping maybe he's

Has The Parade Of Parades Been Canceled Or Is Trump Mocking The Deep State - Episode 1641b

@00:19:20 twitter link of comey something comey
@00:19:56 me just read what comey said in the the
@00:21:45 james comey did your email trigger a
@00:22:13 server comey used thus making the media

Deep, Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, It Goes A Lot Deeper Than You Think - Episode 1640b

@00:01:45 and things like that we know comey we
@00:03:15 comey told us in march 2017 and what he
@00:13:58 yesterday to james clapper james comey
@00:22:58 exclusive steel anxious over comey
@00:26:31 james comey jc barack obama bo chuck

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:02:47 james comey michael hayden sally yates
@00:14:51 all true his wires were tapped comey is

The Deep State Intelligence Is Not Going To Be Happy About What Just Happened - Episode 1638b

@00:02:45 pages september 2016 letter to comey as
@00:06:49 directly director comey fired deputy

The Pieces Of The Puzzle Are Coming Together, The More You Know You - Episode 1637b

@00:01:36 reputation so badly damaged by comey

The Previews Are Over, It's Showtime, The World Is Watching - Episode 1635b

@00:18:22 wasserman schultz and james comey
@00:19:12 and james comey were leaking
@00:19:26 james comey deputy director andrew
@00:24:53 director comey

Do You Feel It, The Deep State's Last Ditch Effort Will Be To Unleash... - Episode 1633b

@00:05:23 interviews obama comey mccabe lynch
@00:09:51 comey mccabe baker pete priest ab and

It's All About To Intensify, Brace Yourself, Divided No More - Episode 1632b

@00:03:42 instances in which comey used a personal
@00:03:53 sent mr. comey a letter asking him to

What You Are Witnessing Now Is Needed Before The Big Drop - Episode 1630b

@00:03:34 director james comey wasn't briefed on
@00:24:56 james comey fired rick rebecky fired i
@00:35:40 this means comey mccabe struck fbi knew

Something Big Just Happened & It's Going To Change Everything - Episode 1623b

@00:03:13 leaked the dossier to harry reid comey
@00:04:21 colluded with james comey who was at the
@00:05:23 partnered with lockheed martin and comey
@00:06:11 comey and the rest they can shut down

It's Happening, Silence, Disinformation, It Was All Necessary, It's Time - Episode 1622b

@00:04:20 clapper comey mccabe and rice now we see
@00:15:37 fbi director james comey and they went
@00:15:39 on to say on july 5th 2016 comey made a

Calls To Declassify Grows Louder, Deep State Panics - Episode 1621b

@00:09:22 reid's 2016 letter to comey citing
@00:10:21 comey
@00:11:57 hodgman and the rest comey left him out

The Deep State Is Surrounded, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1619b

@00:02:17 comey brennan and the rest obama clinton
@00:14:47 like comey struck paige clinton obama

Boom, The Entire Plan Has Been Taken To The Next Level - Episode 1618b

@00:01:32 comey andrew mccabe peter struck and

The Guilty Are Screaming Louder And Louder, There Is No Escape - Episode 1617b

@00:01:39 interesting we see comey is calling for
@00:01:52 james comey is very worried we also have
@00:15:26 individuals like comey and brennan and

The Moves Are Never Telegraphed, It's All Happening Behind Closed Doors - Episode 1609b

@00:18:11 the deep state with comey clinton stroke

There Is Coordinated Effort To Create Hysteria Designed To Instill Fear - Episode 1606b

@00:23:28 james comey announced the fbi would not

It's Time, The Great Awakening Is About To Begin - Episode 1605

@00:22:06 assistant to james comey fired

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:20:52 we look at this it looks like comey had
@00:26:07 out monday james comey personally killed
@00:26:59 unexpected intervention by comey
@00:27:28 to comey
@00:27:35 had just talked with comey and that
@00:28:11 would implicate comey in the cover-up of

It Just Happened, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 1599b

@00:02:49 give a date we know that comey skipped

It's All About To Change, The Time Is Now - Episode 1598b

@00:02:46 subpoenas for fbi director james comey
@00:03:10 now she says she thinks comey acted in
@00:03:35 brought in actually comey skipped out on

Abandon Ship! The Trap Has Been Set, There Is No Way Out - Episode 1596b

@00:33:59 is firing back at comey this whole thing

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:04:16 his testimony that james comey is under
@00:04:30 instances in which comey used a personal
@00:04:39 comey andra biggie
@00:05:05 investigations under lynch comey drafted
@00:34:47 comey fire department of justice david

The Movement Has Started, The Clock Is Ticking Down, Tick Tock - Episode 1593b

@00:10:24 report so in the report comey claims to
@00:14:39 say that comey was a martian who should
@00:15:07 director comey where they're saying he's
@00:23:17 clapper former dni director james comey

Deep State Modified Report Released, Next Phase DECLAS It All - Episode 1592b

@00:01:18 clinton email probe false comey notes
@00:01:42 comey for being insubordinate and
@00:02:23 surprisingly comey used personal email
@00:06:03 a little bit of what is happening comey
@00:17:38 hillary and slippery james comey

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:16:12 to say jc james comey number 2 mccabe ll

Boom, Full Speed Ahead With The Plan, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1587b

@00:04:16 that james comey and only the finest

Putin Is On To The Deep State, Calls Out Soros - Episode 1585b

@00:03:00 james comey and former attorney general
@00:04:10 fingers at comey he's gonna be talking

Going Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1584b

@00:03:54 testimony james comey was asked why the
@00:04:03 in july 2016 comey said he did not tell
@00:04:28 we have the fbi director james comey
@00:04:44 according to comey pre-snap carries a
@00:05:01 a full guy comey was ducking
@00:07:54 comey

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:03:34 started comey is pointing the finger at

Distractions Will Intesify As The Crimes Are Exposed - Episode 1582b

@00:02:25 brennan clapper comey and the rest
@00:04:10 now we see that comey was grilled and
@00:04:25 director james comey or former fbi
@00:04:28 director james comey as part of
@00:04:39 that comey mccabe have given conflicting
@00:04:43 mccabe's firing with comey calling his
@00:06:04 we could see that comey basically is

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:05:44 featured prominently along with comey in

North Korea Summit Has Been Canceled, Or Has It? - Episode 1576b

@00:09:05 see even with james comey with the memo

There Are No Coincidences, It Has Been Planned From The Beginning - Episode 1575b

@00:02:02 comey brendan clapper and the rest
@00:02:21 use of a spy or what comey describes it
@00:02:45 campaign according to comey human
@00:02:53 really now comey argues that the fbi was
@00:03:31 way out of this whole situation comey
@00:05:13 like clapper brennan comey and the rest
@00:06:46 maybe even comey but i think when we

The Countdown Begins, The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1574b

@00:03:20 mccabe and comey these are all the

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:05:37 comey and for mace former secretary of
@00:05:46 comey to mislead the american people on
@00:06:24 director james comey lied to congress
@00:06:35 interviewed when in fact comey had

Deep State Reboot, Donations Restarted To Regain Control, Will Fail - Episode 1566b

@00:21:53 comey when he wanted encryption open for
@00:22:10 there's ways to stop it and comey said

Is The Trap Being Set In The Middle East? Breaking Down The Plan - Episode 1565b

@00:01:32 director james comey the unverified
@00:01:49 james comey coordinated his june 8th

Prepare Yourself, Deep State Narrative Falling Apart - Episode 1562b

@00:03:49 james comey was recently caught lying
@00:07:35 see that former fbi director james comey

Blackhat Disinfo, Yes The Swamp Is Being Drained - Episode 1561b

@00:02:44 reveals that james comey contradicted
@00:02:48 bret baier comey mccabe and then deputy
@00:03:20 james comey spearheaded the ambush of
@00:03:29 interrogate him comey lied
@00:03:52 setup now director comey testified to
@00:05:10 the whole thing with comey and all them
@00:10:12 fired james comey fired and he went down
@00:10:51 comey fired department of justice david
@00:16:03 could see what's happening with comey we

Funding Has Been Cutoff, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1560b

@00:05:49 mueller and james comey it might be a

Apple, Planes, And The Mysterious Shipment - Episode 1559b

@00:19:11 when comey kept on saying we need to get

America Has Been Sold Out And These Are The People Who Did It - Episode 1557b

@00:13:20 and he posted james comey i don't trust

Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought - Episode 1556b

@00:02:28 saying and right now we see comey we see
@00:11:10 counsel special counsel comey rod rosen
@00:13:08 director fired james comey director

The Setup Is Almost Complete, Preparing To Move In On The Deep State - Episode 1555b

@00:03:02 comey who've lied to congress and p

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:02:38 law professor where comey handed off his
@00:03:17 for leaking as comey now so here a
@00:04:39 public information so comey when he was
@00:04:47 get that status comey testified that he
@00:15:41 obama stroke page comey you name it

Cornered, No Way Out, The Trump Card Is About To Be Played - Episode 1550b

@00:21:50 wasserman-schultz like mccabe like comey

Operation Corner The Deep State, Event Possible - Episode 1549b

@00:01:30 fbi director james comey x' memos
@00:01:39 comey actually passed the memos off to
@00:02:41 in those memos which shows comey
@00:03:00 comey and andy

Sleeper Cells Activated, Bad Booms Incoming, Threat Real - Episode 1548b

@00:03:49 media before said oh wait until comey
@00:03:59 tough for lynch clinton comey rosenstein
@00:04:17 asking them to investigate james comey
@00:05:07 following conduct james comey
@00:19:24 comey rosenstein clinton stroke page and

Behind The Scenes There Is Secret High Level Negotiations Between Syria & The US - Episode 1547b

@00:01:19 comey i'm talking about lynch i'm
@00:01:56 comey came up with this book trump has
@00:02:49 which it did now remember what comey
@00:02:58 with a reporter comey told the senate
@00:03:19 to richmond asking for the memos comey
@00:24:15 comey clinton and the indictments well

The Strategy Is Set, Strike Group On Its Way, Trust The Plan - Episode 1544b

@00:02:03 james comey in 2003 to investigate the
@00:02:25 comey was part of the team to destroy
@00:02:39 of comey is striking in its parallel to

Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State - Episode 1524b

@00:04:22 at the time was james comey now the
@00:04:24 problem there is that james comey said
@00:05:46 comey the corruption is bad with comey

Confusion Is Part Of Their Plan, Who Has The Ultimate Power? - Episode 1512b

@00:02:19 comey and the rest it's starting to fall
@00:02:40 the fbi about comey
@00:02:49 between fbi director james comey and
@00:03:24 comey and obama and they don't want to
@00:03:50 kind of other stuff between comey and

Everything Is Not What It Seems, It's All Happening Behind The Scenes - Episode 1497b

@00:05:27 obama former fbi director james comey
@00:06:36 comey to proceed by the book substantial

Is The Deep State About To Activate The Sleep Cells? - Episode 1488b

@00:04:36 explains a lot as to why comey never

Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 1481b

@00:03:57 under oath but comey never did that to
@00:04:50 comey he didn't even take notes and

The Cabal Begins Operation 'Wetwork', Time To Cover Their Tracks - Episode 1478b

@00:01:30 out front like the clintons like comey

Deciphering Fiction From Reality Will Push 'We The People' To Take Charge - Episode 1475b

@00:03:26 director james comey would dispute
@00:03:35 that comey leaked classified memos to

To Convince The Public This Is What The Cabal Does - Episode 1470b

@00:11:29 believe me and comey and the rest and a

Through The Darnkess We Can Now See The Light - Episode 1468b

@00:05:08 these people like maybe comey or any of

Something Devastating Is Headed Our Way, Which Is A Good Thing - Episode 1467b

@00:06:30 james comey original drafting from may
@00:06:45 decriminalizing her behavior when comey

He Who Controls The Creation Of Currency Controls The World - Episode 1465

@00:10:24 with james comey loretta lynch eric

This Could Be The Year That Justice Is Served - Episode 1464b

@00:03:52 there we also see the memos that comey
@00:04:23 stating that yes all the memos comey had
@00:04:35 therefore farrell points out that comey
@00:04:52 now that comey not only authored those
@00:05:16 comey arrived there with no memos

It's All Closing In Aournd The Cabal, Only Option Left Is.. - Episode 1463b

@00:02:59 look at comey for instance where he had
@00:03:24 7 comey memos that he reviewed at the
@00:03:46 comey was not allowed to bring out of
@00:03:58 problem for comey for richmond for the
@00:04:18 hearings the memos that comey released
@00:04:43 uranium one the comey memos the
@00:15:09 of the comey memos the email server

The Cabal Didn't Expect This To Happen, Next Event Locked And Loaded - Episode 1462b

@00:02:42 by comey and the rest now there is clear

The Battle Accelerates, The Truth Is Being Forced Into The Open - Episode 1446b

@00:01:37 one deal comey and everything else that

Something The Cabal Never Saw Coming That Will Shatter Their Entire Plan - Episode 1438b

@00:04:55 comey lied we have the uranium one deal

The Cabal Is Distracting The World From The Real Investigation - Episode 1412b

@00:04:45 director james comey in testimony before
@00:07:31 previous fbi director comey then the
@00:07:36 now that comey committed crimes for

Hold On, The Entire Globalist Economic System Is About To Come Apart - Episode 1376b

@00:02:27 fired james comey and it looks like
@00:02:30 comey is going to return to capitol hill

North Korea Can Withstand An Embargo, Is The Cabal Finished? - Episode 1374b

@00:01:32 find out information about james comey

Putin Warns The World Of A Major Event That Might Unfold - Episode 1369b

@00:03:29 and it reveals that comey exonerated
@00:03:43 that former fbi director james comey had
@00:04:09 cyber law comey began drafting a
@00:04:35 they indicate that comey did this before
@00:05:23 already fired comey kelly's in there and

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1350

@00:19:09 comey the leakers and we see aj sessions

When Will It All Finally Come To An End? - Episode 1349b

@00:02:19 fbi director james comey and deputy
@00:04:17 happened with lynch and comey
@00:06:51 just like with loretta lynch and comey
@00:19:28 wants to remove this person like comey

The Bad Guys Plans Are In The Process Of Being Ripped Up - Episode 1346b

@00:04:04 relationship with james comey and of
@00:05:19 in ch comey clinton that's where the

The Bad Guys Are Cowering In The Corner As The Good Guys Clean House - Episode 1344b

@00:07:04 shake-up now they got rid of comey
@00:07:21 comey lynch and clinton and they just
@00:07:36 to look into comey lynch the obama
@00:07:51 comey to mislead the american people on
@00:08:09 they're going to be looking into comey

The Moment Of Truth Is Upon Us, Which Path Are We Going Down? - Episode 1342b

@00:14:42 were all fake even the memo from comey

A Strategic Move By Russia Has Just Been Played, Check! - Episode 1341b

@00:03:12 do this just like he fired comey it's
@00:05:17 they were questioning comey they were

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1339

@00:06:44 director james comey and we have to

Multiple Warnings Broadcasted, Is Something Being Planned - Episode 1338b

@00:04:58 prompted james comey to restart the fbi

Taking The Fight To The Next Level, Going After The Elite's Dark Money - Episode 1337b

@00:03:33 wanted comey to testify and they thought

The Takedown Of The Elite Is About To Begin - Episode 1332b

@00:11:00 media if you notice comey really never
@00:15:32 comey and he took a lot of heat for this

The Elite Are On The Run, Lists Are Being Compiled - Episode 1331b

@00:09:17 with comey when he testified now the

The Entire Case Against Donald Trump Jr. Has Just Taken A Major Turn - Episode 1330b

@00:10:53 likely comey because we're getting word
@00:11:00 comey snitch so when we start looking at
@00:14:17 fired comey

The Bad Guys Are Grasping At Anything, Their Time Is Almost Up - Episode 1329b

@00:08:21 information that comey gave out this way
@00:09:16 on comey we have some type of

The Bad Guys Are Now Being Outed As More Evidence Pours In - Episode 1328b

@00:08:37 to the leaked memos comey also leaked
@00:08:46 regulation now comey just found himself
@00:09:02 comey right now and it looks like comey
@00:09:12 comey broke his own agency rules he
@00:09:23 election and we see that comey right now
@00:10:20 disk let you know comey is leaking of
@00:11:24 comey knows this he's been in the
@00:13:53 now is that comey is in trouble

If Congress Passes This Amendment It Will Change Everything - Episode 1326b

@00:01:26 this point everything from comey

The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1320b

@00:09:05 were unmasking this was a crime comey

The Plan, The Plot & How The Deep State Is Being Out Maneuvered - Episode 1316b

@00:20:29 look what happened with comey look

With Every Passing Day The Deep State Is Losing Control, The End Is Approaching - Episode 1314b

@00:04:31 investigate russian collusion comey
@00:05:27 that since comey mentioned loretta lynch
@00:05:30 since comey mentioned clinton since
@00:05:34 comey mentioned all of this well people
@00:06:23 according to comey lynch leaned on him
@00:06:34 investigation and comey felt that i need

Everything Is In Place, The Fed Unwind Is The Last Step, This Is The Warning - Episode 1314a

@00:16:43 on comey but we can see right now he is
@00:17:07 of comey who gained the narrative trump

Those In Government Just Revealed Their True Agenda - Episode 1313b

@00:04:48 conversations with comey now what's very
@00:05:02 comey he doesn't know if these
@00:05:14 and this is what he said when comey was
@00:05:48 trump used james comey better hope that
@00:06:48 now james comey the fbi they are being
@00:07:18 including comey the fbi and other
@00:07:44 comey based on the promise that he was

The Elite Can't Wait, The Event Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1310b

@00:01:23 james comey well it turns out and this
@00:01:32 fbi director james comey he never was

The Hunt Begins, The Strategy To Take Out The Elite - Episode 1308b

@00:02:26 firing of comey
@00:02:33 collusion not for the firing of comey or
@00:03:14 have been listening to what comey has
@00:03:56 didn't happen because comey was directed

It's Time For The People To Take Control And Remove The Elite - Episode 1307b

@00:02:40 phony story because we know what comey
@00:03:50 and director comey said in his testimony
@00:04:08 comey confirmed under oath that he'd
@00:04:46 they would say okay james comey who was
@00:05:01 never asked comey to stop any type of
@00:05:04 investigation comey admitted it so what
@00:05:50 james comey asylum that the former fbi
@00:06:09 comey recorded a conversation on paper

In An Act Of Desperation All Agendas Are Pushed, Prepare Yourself For The Big One - Episode 1306b

@00:02:03 testimony that comey gave and the
@00:07:40 comey was the director of the fbi under

The Criminal Empire Has No Where To Go, What's Their Next Move - Episode 1305b

@00:05:53 this mysterious meeting because comey in
@00:06:52 comey
@00:07:13 continued on with him because comey
@00:07:21 trump so trump firing comey has nothing
@00:07:34 negation it's not just comey sitting
@00:09:28 flynn comey they all had meetings behind
@00:11:32 used in these settings with comey with
@00:12:22 propaganda and we know that comey leaked

The Trap Has Been Set For The Criminal Empire, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1304b

@00:02:32 the hearing with comey comey said some
@00:04:16 the same thing happened comey he was out
@00:04:23 no comey he's going to testify he's
@00:06:20 senate intel committee now comey told
@00:06:53 timelines just like comey he's getting

Everything Is Not What It Seems, The Shift Has Begun - Episode 1303b

@00:02:44 fbi director at bi director james comey
@00:03:00 now is did comey violate the agency's
@00:04:40 comey fouled protocol and surrendered
@00:05:00 comey has been weaving a lot of it
@00:05:31 for comey right now there should be an
@00:05:34 investigation into comey and what he has

Plans Are Now In Full Swing To Locate And Expose The Criminal Empire - Episode 1302b

@00:01:17 comey he testified in front of the
@00:01:22 comey actually it went a lot better for
@00:03:10 didn't go well for comey and what we get
@00:03:17 investigation by the fbi james comey
@00:03:51 comey because of the leaked memos with
@00:04:06 and again comey says the new york times

We Are Now At The Tipping Point, The Economic Contraction Picks Up Speed - Episode 1302a

@00:01:21 can see from the testimony with comey

It's All Coming Apart, This Is Where It Gets Scary - Episode 1301b

@00:01:35 look like comey has gotten himself into
@00:01:48 memo because james comey he wrote a memo
@00:01:55 james comey said that he was concerned
@00:03:10 calling comey out on this and saying
@00:03:28 friends of mr. comey have stated he
@00:03:41 comey admitted that he leaked to friends
@00:04:02 now although mr. comey testified he only
@00:04:15 which seems that comey used this to
@00:04:56 russia and jim risch said to comey okay
@00:05:26 the firing of comey
@00:05:47 there was no investigation and comey is
@00:06:26 correct comey said yes those are his
@00:06:32 here and you put them in quotes comey
@00:06:40 comey not in his words no wrists said he
@00:06:45 did not order you to let it go comey
@00:07:39 that a fair statement comey says i don't
@00:07:54 remember this is coming from comey side
@00:07:59 only what comey is telling the senate
@00:08:21 but no comey didn't say that call me
@00:10:10 was not threatening or influencing comey
@00:10:29 basically comey is out there saying yes
@00:10:46 up nowhere but comey already admitted in
@00:11:07 comey is that he typed up this entire
@00:11:40 that comey would attach the memo to his
@00:13:24 james comey timeline on not informing
@00:13:31 up and this is when james comey in his
@00:13:58 comey meets with president trump in the
@00:14:18 the fbi director james comey february
@00:14:29 fbi leadership team in james comey be
@00:15:32 comey said something very interesting
@00:16:00 hillary clinton's email scandal comey
@00:16:13 matter which kind of confused him comey
@00:17:03 looks like james comey admitted to

The Plan Is In Action To Dismantle The Middle East, The Big Rotation Has Begun - Episode 1300b

@00:01:51 understand that james comey well he's
@00:02:22 director james comey informing him that
@00:03:17 director james comey is reportedly set
@00:03:30 comey told him multiple times that he
@00:03:42 comey is expected to explain to senators
@00:04:51 presidency and listen to what comey says
@00:05:58 comey
@00:06:14 up to what comey said and what trump has
@00:06:29 have to see what comey does and how he

It Has Begun, The Elite Are Not Holding Back - Episode 1299b

@00:01:13 now we understand that comey is going to
@00:01:30 expecting comey to come out saying yes
@00:01:40 what comey is going to say but i'm going
@00:01:58 what does comey going to do he's going
@00:06:19 because they knew that comey was going

With One Simple Meeting Trump Did The Unthinkable - Episode 1298b

@00:08:24 under obama with comey

It Is All Coming To An End, The Elite Are Terrified - Episode 1297b

@00:08:49 privilege and block comey well that's
@00:09:10 comey he can testify freely not a big

The Main Agenda Of The Bilderberg Secret Meeting, Trump - Episode 1295b

@00:10:34 of james comey and we can see it's all
@00:10:37 coming to a head right now james comey

It Is All Unraveling And This Is Why Everyone Should Be Nervous - Episode 1289b

@00:03:11 friend of comey who said i'd be scared
@00:03:58 it's completely unraveling because comey
@00:04:12 james comey decision to unilaterally
@00:05:27 the fbi director james comey to announce
@00:11:29 was what james comey was supposed to do

The Bubbles And Illusions Are About To Be Popped - Episode 1285b

@00:12:20 with commis father with what comey said

The Coup d'état Has Begun Which Will Divide America - Episode 1283b

@00:05:30 what's very interesting is that comey
@00:05:54 obstruct your investigation comey said

The Battle Will Only Get Worse, The End Will Be A Disaster Either Way - Episode 1282b

@00:06:12 listen comey has this memo we need to
@00:06:19 talk to director comey to determine how
@00:06:29 director comey hear how did he take the
@00:07:46 about comey drafting a note of his
@00:07:59 done so the mere fact that comey made
@00:08:06 just entered office and who comey
@00:09:18 flynn go mr. trump told mr. comey
@00:09:31 comey did not say anything to mr. trump
@00:11:05 memos if they exist that mr. comey
@00:11:50 comey might have kind of screwed himself
@00:12:16 a tough one now it looks like comey now

Desperation, Panic Has Set In, The Take Down Has Begun - Episode 1281b

@00:11:42 remember the hearings with comey when
@00:11:44 trey gowdy was grilling him comey
@00:15:20 we really think about this comey knew
@00:15:23 all of this comey knew exactly what was

Is The Deep State Holding The World For Ransom? - Episode 1279b

@00:03:03 remember comey was a banker he worked

The Deep State's Government Dark Secrets Will Destroy The Fabric Of United States - Episode 1278b

@00:04:18 has something on comey actually trump
@00:06:51 of the trump comey

Next Phase Of The Plan Will Be Chaotic On Purpose - Episode 1277b

@00:01:21 reeling from what happened with comey
@00:03:01 removed comey at this point even though
@00:04:37 that's why comey is gone right now trump
@00:04:40 should have removed comey from the
@00:05:58 well it wasn't just comey he was doing
@00:06:02 wasn't like comey was sitting a goat i'm
@00:08:09 former fbi director james comey and a
@00:09:01 abroad this is the real thing that comey
@00:09:41 about comey and picking about all these

The Plan Has Been Revealed And Everyone Needs To Brace For The Impact - Episode 1276b

@00:01:35 comey as we know he was fired now the
@00:01:44 comey was ready and prepared to ask more
@00:01:51 they're saying well this is why comey
@00:01:56 the russian probe comey has been
@00:02:09 clapper comey they had nothing
@00:02:26 that comey was asking for money saying
@00:05:14 before comey was fired so comey was
@00:17:06 rid of comey i tried to negotiate with

Trump Confirms, The Economy Will Be Brought Down & It Will Be Chaotic - Episode 1276a

@00:08:51 yesterday we reported that comey was
@00:09:25 terminate comey

Are Forces Being Put Into Place Outside Of Venezuela For Regime Change? - Episode 1275b

@00:09:00 just had enough of comey right now he
@00:09:10 director james comey that he has been
@00:09:25 comey cannot effectively lead the fbi
@00:14:58 just fired comey

Something Is Brewing In Jordan And It Mimics Past Events - Episode 1274b

@00:06:58 even done it mean comey wasn't even

Something Big Is About To Happen And This Fake Film Might Be Part Of It - Episode 1273b

@00:06:30 emails director james comey revealed a

This Is Not Going To End Well If The Deep State Gets It's Way - Episode 1272b

@00:10:36 director james comey he is going after
@00:10:57 right freedom of the press and comey

Intelligence Reports Indicate The Deep State Is Pushing Their Agenda - Episode 1270b

@00:02:50 now comey was in front of the congress
@00:03:17 in public james comey refused to confirm

The Confusion With Trump, How Will It All End? - Episode 1266b

@00:13:16 like james comey came out and he gave

The Event Of All Events, The Day When The Lights Go Out - Episode 1261b

@00:01:57 comey trey gowdy was out there saying
@00:02:09 course john james comey completely

The Deep State Is Getting Desperate, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1258b

@00:04:40 it now it looks like james comey the man

The Deep State Is Going All In With Syria - Episode 1248b

@00:02:20 as we know really put comey on the spot

Countries Begin To Prepare, But Preparing For What? - Episode 1243b

@00:11:40 it's not called james comey he has it
@00:12:21 is a personal friend of james comey so

America Has Become #1 Again, But It's Not What You Think - Episode 1237b

@00:09:47 all now nunez called comey and rogers
@00:10:50 comey on the spot to say listen there
@00:11:03 nothing and even had comey admit that

The Narrative Has Been Set For The Collapse And The Next Event - Episode 1236b

@00:01:12 with james comey and mike rogers we saw
@00:02:35 comey about the u.s. voters do they
@00:03:06 now who are looking at comey are saying

Is It A Coincidence That An Event Occurred The Same Day The Surveillance News Broke? - Episode 1235b

@00:01:50 which fbi director james comey referred
@00:04:47 now during the comey and mike rogers
@00:06:23 hearings of comey and mike rogers they
@00:06:31 james comey was out there saying that he
@00:08:56 comey and said listen how many people
@00:21:35 that entire hearing with comey and

The Deep State Sends A Subtle Message During Comey Hearings - Episode 1234b

@00:01:03 during the comey hearings now before i
@00:04:57 know that fbi director james comey he
@00:05:19 individuals and comey just sat there
@00:05:26 comey knows there was a crime he says

Comey Was Pushed Into Admitting Something, It Shows The Deep State Is In Control - Episode 1233b

@00:01:13 hearings with james comey mike rogers
@00:01:36 comey he confirmed that the fbi is
@00:01:57 comey he chose his words very very
@00:02:16 actually tapped my wires but comey he
@00:03:37 michael rogers fbi director comey also
@00:05:26 trey gowdy actually had comey admit
@00:05:36 surveillance apparatus comey says yeah
@00:06:19 comey said well it's about you know a
@00:06:33 security and comey said yes yes it does
@00:06:48 people and comey said while about a
@00:11:17 liberties right there once again comey
@00:12:15 and comey was like no not really
@00:23:21 what comey and the rest are actually

The Deep State Has Just Been Setup, Get Ready For The Awakening - Episode 1221b

@00:09:46 president obama with comey loretta lynch

Central Bankers And The Deep State Move Forward With The 'Internet Kill Switch' - Episode 1219b

@00:08:49 comey concerning the agency's
@00:09:37 not fbi director comey revealed any new

The Shadow Government Might Be Planning Something Bigger Than Protests - Episode 1127b

@00:01:22 to be talking with fbi director comey

TSA Will Be Expanding To Buses & Trains, Welcome To The Police State - Episode 1088b

@00:17:42 james comey out there the fbi director

DHS Reports That Hacking The Elections Is Nearly Impossible - Episode 1070b

@00:13:00 from james comey well the voting system

During A National Emergency Will You Be Able To Get Your Everyday Supplies? - Episode 1062b

@00:09:16 comey he warned that the fbi's inability

US Splits The Proxy Armies In The Middle East To Bypass The UN Resolution - Episode 1034b

@00:23:07 forces we see fbi director james comey

US And Saudi Arabia On The Verge Of Implementing Plan 'B' - Episode 974b

@00:02:08 director james comey warned of a war on

Militarization Of Police Has Accelerated For The Upcoming Civil Disobedience - Episode 969b

@00:01:35 not so the fbi director james comey now

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 941

@00:03:01 director comey who's so interesting and

US Is Now Shipping A Massive Amount Of Arms To The Middle East - Episode 903b

@00:04:37 was asked to the fbi director comey if

US Government And Central Bankers Have Now Indicated WWIII Is On Track - Episode 844b

@00:20:29 comey is out there letting us know that

US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b

@00:10:06 comey is blaming citizens with cameras

New PM Of Canada Tells Obama Will Withdraw Fighter Jets From Syria And Iraq- Episode 797b

@00:17:04 comey is saying that something strange

Officials Claim The Cyber Attacks On The Electrical Grid Are Intensifying - Episode 793b

@00:12:20 james comey he is out there once again

The Build Up To War Continues, Keep An Eye On Ukraine & Syria - Episode 738b

@00:08:17 now the fbi director james comey is

The Economic Indicators Are Flashing Red, We Are On A Verge Of A Collapse - Episode 729

@00:22:00 do james comey it didn't work out and

US Government Is Now Ready To Make Its Move On Syria – Episode 724

@00:43:03 the fbi director james comey says the

Greek People Take To The Streets To Protest The Austerity Deal - Episode 713

@00:23:53 we've seen james comey is the fbi
@00:26:10 just hearing about it james comey saying

Russia Ready To Help Greece, All They Need To Do Is Ask - Episode 712

@00:43:18 director james comey is testifying in

The Economy Is In A Death Spiral, Prepare For The Big Event - Episode 711

@00:24:10 have the fbi director james comey he's
@00:25:16 fbi director james comey is saying it
@00:26:16 nor safety this is what james comey
@00:31:10 comey james call me wants to open up

Greece Takes Another Step To Become An Equal Member Of The BRICS - Episode 696

@00:36:42 director james comey he is out there

FBI Warns Of A Major Cyber Attack On The U.S. - Episode 674

@00:28:27 from fbi director james comey logic

The Economic Recovery Is Pure Propaganda, Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 662

@00:43:51 hours after fbi directing comey told

Directive Outlines The President To Use Military Force Against Domestic Unrest - Episode 378

@00:34:28 director james comey says you can draw a

Why Is The U.S. State Department Shipping Explosives To Unknown Locations ? - Episode 364

@00:31:13 fbi director james comey is out there

Unemployment Is Down And Terrorism Is On The Rise -- Episode 260

@00:29:05 charged said fbi director james comey

FBI Reporting That 'Lone Wolves' May Be Planning Attacks -- Episode 215

@00:31:21 and now the fbi director james comey
@00:32:02 neighborhoods comey said national