
The [DS] Players Took The Bait, How Do You Introduce Haiti & The Children? - Episode 2287b

@00:05:24 flynn case
@00:25:43 flynn this was back march 27 2018
@00:26:03 when they went after flynn gives us a
@00:26:28 which means flynn most likely will be
@00:33:49 to target trump remember the flynn
@00:35:19 happen very soon flynn is going to be

Operators Are Standing By, Some Will Exit Early, Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 2286b

@00:13:17 the flynn case they had no evidence
@00:13:20 they had nothing on flynn and remember
@00:13:46 the fbi case agent on the flynn probe he
@00:15:59 to the flynn case and we move to
@00:16:13 flynn by seo
@00:16:20 razer the flynn counter
@00:16:33 accused flynn of leaving a 2014 event
@00:16:42 the flynn razor investigation lingered
@00:16:50 of the flynn investigation
@00:16:56 as the flynn investigation wound down
@00:16:59 suggested interviewing flynn in closing
@00:17:15 to keem to keep the flynn case open the
@00:17:18 flynn case
@00:17:35 after flynn
@00:21:50 and they just targeted flynn
@00:22:05 prosecuting flynn
@00:23:00 veteran michael flynn with the logan act
@00:23:02 an unmasking request targeting flynn was
@00:23:44 fbi messages to flynn these are internal
@00:23:51 flynn case agents
@00:23:59 how flynn was framed don't you think

The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:27:40 here's the original 302 for flynn all of

Watch The Comms, Playbook Known, The Architect Was Just Exposed - Episode 2278b

@00:08:05 take for example general flynn we've
@00:08:31 flynn case
@00:08:51 flynn is completely innocent i believe
@00:09:02 from general flynn from his attorney
@00:36:57 flynn case the department of justice has

People Are Breaking Free Of The Narrative, For The First They Can See Clearly - Episode 2274b

@00:02:44 it's the same thing with the flynn case
@00:03:15 they know that flynn
@00:04:14 individual general flynn
@00:04:45 flynn update amicus john gleason has
@00:05:15 flynn
@00:05:31 as to flynn and the carter page fisas

People Are Uniting Behind-The-Scenes, [They] Never Thought This Would Happen - Episode 2269b

@00:05:34 durham flynn as former fbi agent peter
@00:07:02 and that brings us to flynn flynn

It’s All Happening, Follow The Logs, Go Back To The Beginning For The End - Episode 2266b

@00:02:08 think about general flynn for instance
@00:31:39 when they were going after flynn it did
@00:31:53 with flynn everything that we're seeing
@00:41:28 collusion with flynn

deleted Trump Exposes The Invisible Enemy Hidden In The Dark Shadows,[DS] Panic - Episode 2265b

@00:03:43 general flynn and they're very worried
@00:03:59 the flynn case until after the election
@00:04:34 oh this is terrible for general flynn
@00:05:42 and pardoned flynn
@00:40:26 read a quote about uh with general flynn
@00:40:38 and flynn he is going through

Monroe Is The Message, Missing 302 On Deck, Law & Order - Episode 2264b

@00:05:26 they need to keep flynn quiet flynn
@00:05:46 drop the case against flynn do not let
@00:07:18 should pardon flynn because
@00:07:29 anything on flynn and all of this
@00:07:32 was staged to get flynn out of the way
@00:27:01 general flynn he is on deck and he
@00:27:09 from general flynn he said to breathe
@00:27:23 for it and i do believe that flynn is

Define Treason, Define Subversion, Enemy Combatants, Operators Standing By - Episode 2262b

@00:10:44 flynn in the white house and lied about
@00:11:22 interviewed flynn

This Is Just The Beginning, Do You See What’s Happening, Go Back To The Beginning - Episode 2251b

@00:09:21 to flynn to roger stone and the rest
@00:09:48 and the same thing with flynn it's
@00:09:55 flynn and to the american people
@00:09:59 barbara flynn redgate tweeted this out
@00:10:01 newly released general flynn transcripts
@00:10:04 general flynn never lied to anyone it

11.3 Verifies The First Marker, LP/KC “Viva Le Resistance” - Episode 2250b

@00:26:25 flynn to digital warriors and then

deleted Message Sent & Received, Time To Reveal The Insurance Policy - Episode 2249b

@00:06:23 flynn manafort
@00:32:19 general flynn he changed his twitter
@00:32:37 i do believe that general flynn right

We Are Safeguarded By A ‘Black Eye’, Buckle Your Seat Belts It’s Going To Get Rough - Episode 2247b

@00:09:31 judge sullivan about flynn
@00:10:07 general flynn
@00:10:55 they don't want flynn speaking
@00:11:43 case of flynn that
@00:12:30 support of flynn
@00:12:33 to drop the charges against flynn
@00:13:23 that flynn is completely innocent

It’s Show Time, The Swamp Is Being Exposed For All To See, My Fellow Americans.. - Episode 2243b

@00:05:23 flynn right now because
@00:05:28 it says important article on flynn case
@00:06:05 against flynn
@00:06:30 general flynn

Storm Right Behind Trump, It’s Coming, Get Ready, Batten Down The Hatches - Episode 2240b

@00:05:30 is that with flynn we know that they're
@00:05:50 is flynn the only person they unmasked

The Setup Is Complete, Is This About A Virus Or The Election, Delay Playbook Known - Episode 2237b

@00:07:54 it says flynn update the order
@00:08:25 flynn is
@00:08:40 to show that flynn was completely

Message Received, Flags Out, Treason, Sedition Arrests Coming Soon - Episode 2232b

@00:30:39 at general flynn at governor christie
@00:30:54 plus pianca who later questioned flynn

Never Seen Panic Like This, It’s Time, This Is Not About Another 4 Year Election - Episode 2229b

@00:06:44 and it seems that the whole entire flynn
@00:07:34 flynn in 24-page filing solicitor
@00:09:00 when the flynn case is dismissed
@00:09:07 flynn was made up and there is no case
@00:09:19 flynn he knows where the bodies are
@00:09:41 pandemic to the election flynn case to

Manipulation Exposed, [DS] Panicking Over Barr/Durham Investigation - Episode 2227b

@00:07:17 the case against flynn and they're very

The Truth Is Coming Hard & Fast, Law & Order, There Is No Escape - Episode 2224b

@00:07:49 flynn but most people who are coming up

How Do You Introduce Crimes Against Humanity? The People Must See The Truth - Episode 2222b

@00:05:26 is why we got flynn this is why we had
@00:11:13 dripping information out look at flynn
@00:11:22 out more information showing that flynn

Flynn’s Declass Planned Perfectly, [DS] Feeling Pain, Paid For Dossier Confirmed - Episode 2221b

@00:02:44 what can flynn do he can speak freely he
@00:06:39 that they believe flynn believed what he
@00:06:42 was saying was true fbi determined flynn
@00:06:56 michael flynn do not view as source of
@00:07:09 with fbi the day after the flynn
@00:07:11 interview fbi assessed flynn believed he
@00:07:16 fbi flynn knows we have tech cuts was
@00:07:58 out well it gives the flynn team more
@00:08:20 ordered to dismiss flynn suspended so as
@00:08:33 to flynn to use against sullivan the
@00:08:43 how far they will go to keep flynn from

Door Opened, [DS] Tricked & Trapped, Operation Legend Active - Episode 2220b

@00:03:20 one of the cases which is general flynn
@00:04:38 get flynn on perjury charges
@00:05:16 the flynn case allegation the dc circuit

We Were Told The Battles We Would Face, People Are Rising Up For Freedom - Episode 2218b

@00:05:09 flynn think about a year ago think about
@00:05:18 with flynn everyone thought he was going
@00:05:51 evidence coming out to help flynn
@00:05:56 flynn update the department of justice
@00:06:07 flynn interview january 25th 2017 to
@00:06:14 january 30th 2017 may have cleared flynn
@00:06:30 flynn was interviewed 125 2017 the notes
@00:06:44 flynn 302 at that meeting this was
@00:07:32 flynn the whole thing is falling apart

Crimes Against Humanity, How Deep Is The Rabbit Hole, Patriots Turn - Episode 2217b

@00:05:15 but first let's talk about flynn because
@00:05:17 general flynn we know that he's
@00:05:28 pushing to get flynn out of the way he
@00:05:50 she reported this flynn nearly two weeks
@00:06:32 flynn and it's time to dismiss this case
@00:06:39 flynn right now is that in post 337 -
@00:06:48 flynn news coming which means very soon
@00:06:53 we're gonna have news about flynn now i
@00:29:59 up they spin the case with flynn they

Trumps Sends Last Warning To [DS]/MSM, Flynn Confirms, Silent No More - Episode 2216b

@00:00:43 mainstream media flynn confirms silent
@00:33:14 now and it seems that general flynn
@00:34:19 so what did flynn say where we go one we
@00:34:24 go all flynn just confirmed queue and he

Did You Hear The Cannon, The Hot Summer Is Here, Evil Is Being Exposed - Episode 2215b

@00:17:35 where it said flynn doj dismissed week

Enough Must See, You Are Being Presented With The Gift Of Vision, Time To Act, Soon- Episode 2212b

@00:08:48 flynn because he knows where all the
@00:09:05 general flynn he was going to audit the
@00:35:45 general flynn he wrote an op-ed and this

Stand At The Ready, Fireworks, Backchannels Are Important, Tick Tock- Episode 2211b

@00:11:32 flynn cine pavel did an incredible job

[HT] Access Closed, [DS] Panic, The Final Stage Revealed From The Beginning - Episode 2110b

@00:38:17 but general flynn since he is now free

[DS] Foot Soldiers Are Being Taken Out, Year Of The Boomerang - Episode 2209b

@00:10:23 against flynn even though the appeals
@00:10:35 2020 hearing date in the flynn case we
@00:11:19 they are done for right now flynn is
@00:13:44 reporters were trying to get it flynn

[DS] Playbook Revealed, Ammunition Running Low, Shields Up - Episode 2208b

@00:06:20 right moment now we know that flynn is
@00:06:32 flynn know why were they trying to get
@00:06:45 flynn is safe we protect our patriots
@00:06:49 what is flynn know he knows it all
@00:10:05 flynn case just recently barr stepped in
@00:10:21 on with flynn until they hit a roadblock
@00:11:11 just like with the flynn case just like
@00:33:28 involved in getting flynn and we know
@00:33:57 flynn what about uranium one what about

Hunting Party Formed & Ready,Narrative Shifts,Treason,Sedition, There Is No Escape - Episode 2207b

@00:02:23 investigation of flynn the whole thing
@00:17:48 so michael flynn today he was set free
@00:18:07 lieutenant general michael flynn so
@00:18:11 flynn should be going free now remember
@00:19:26 justice motion to dismiss the flynn case
@00:20:03 flynn because now we have the department
@00:22:07 people on fund case comey the flynn case
@00:23:00 information on flynn this meeting would
@00:23:23 flynn just weeks before he was become
@00:23:36 were following the flynn case he was set
@00:24:01 michael flynn and many others for what

Swamp Creatures Exposed, Prepare For Shockwave, Silent Majority No More - Episode 2200b

@00:25:33 the country think about the flynn case
@00:25:41 appear and testify under oath flynn the
@00:33:14 flynn department of judges dismissed

Patriots Are 5 Steps Ahead, People Are Beginning To See The Full Picture - Episode 2198b

@00:04:26 flynn they said the same thing about the
@00:05:16 plan remember they can't have flynn be

The Hunt Is On, It’s Time, Senate Was The Target - Episode 2197b

@00:06:25 flynn case we know that this friday
@00:06:45 flynn in court i mean this is unheard of
@00:06:56 yates assist flynn amicus john sullivan
@00:07:07 as to flynn and the carter paige pfizer
@00:07:16 their lives now they can't let flynn off
@00:07:25 they had no case and now flynn is

Criminal Referrals Coming, The Wait Will Soon Be Over - Episode 2196b

@00:04:07 flynn it's amazing they've been trying
@00:04:12 to get flynn since the beginning and
@00:04:35 proof flynn was framed by commis fbi but
@00:04:56 dismiss the charge against flynn
@00:05:00 flynn update amicus john gleason has
@00:05:05 department of justice flynn dismissal
@00:05:19 recommending flynn be punished for
@00:06:03 sullivan for targeting flynn with a
@00:06:39 the flynn case and the dc circuit court

Do You See What Is Happening, Message Sent, Message Received - Episode 2195b

@00:06:40 understand flynn needs to go free first
@00:06:43 the deef state is holding on to flynn as
@00:07:00 released from flynn everything that they
@00:19:22 corruption mari pfizer russia flynn from

Optics In Place, Alert Readiness Severe/Critical, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 2192b

@00:03:50 flynn look what it took to show that
@00:03:55 they were railroading flynn that he did
@00:04:04 a corrupt judge to put away flynn this
@00:42:46 is a letter from michael flynn and it
@00:44:03 from flynn he's going to tell everyone
@00:44:07 everything michael flynn said i am not

The People Are Watching, They See Clearly, They Are Awake, They Now Know - Episode 2189b

@00:07:44 flynn do not authorize a court to stand
@00:08:19 indict general flynn they are over now
@00:08:36 general flynn is being persecuted now we
@00:09:32 planned to remove flynn you might even

The Second [DS] Event Just Failed, Exposed, Counterinsurgency Underway - Episode 2187b

@00:07:39 and this is hashtag flynn new calls with
@00:19:23 in flynn investigation so after a 38
@00:20:05 showing how the fbi targeted flynn from
@00:20:17 information out flynn would have gone

[DS] Deploys All Assets, Trap Has Been Set, Flynn’s Calls Released, No Deals - Episode 2186b

@00:04:48 flynn call what better way to keep the
@00:05:32 flynn including mcadoo gordon professor
@00:30:15 what they've done to flynn when all the
@00:32:38 michael flynn and rushers ambassador to
@00:32:49 between kiss lyac and general flynn and

Trump Signals Next Phase, Huber Enters The Ring, Game Over Jack - Episode 2185b

@00:08:34 the case against general flynn judge
@00:08:58 flynn case 2015 sullivan judicial
@00:09:37 flynn but against ag bar as well

Everything Is In Place To Break The [DS], Ratcliffe Locked On, Everything Is A Go - Episode 2183b

@00:08:14 like flynn catherine herridge tweeted
@00:08:17 this out about flynn flynn read at mark
@00:11:26 michael flynn replaced fbi with od and i
@00:12:20 michael flynn and then russia ambassador
@00:14:21 flynn wasn't unmasked oh this didn't

[DS] Panicking, Fear Creeping In, Narrative Lost, Shadow Presidency Exposed WW - Episode 2182b

@00:05:12 that general michael flynn had been
@00:05:21 admitted he had nothing on flynn he was
@00:05:30 who in 2013 fired flynn as dia head on
@00:15:31 to flynn kkoma replied potentially so it
@00:15:53 trump administration from flynn from

[DS] Event Has Failed, People See The Truth, The People Are Ready - Episode 2181b

@00:10:59 to go after general michael flynn this
@00:11:02 is from catherine herridge it says flynn
@00:11:35 obtain the call between general flynn
@00:12:09 to look in the general flynn justice
@00:12:30 the call with general flynn but the
@00:12:42 russia and general flynn so who gave the
@00:12:52 interesting now with the flynn case we
@00:13:31 flynn and the russia collusion host
@00:14:37 perjury and flynn that was a message to
@00:16:05 that they have that flynn was caught i
@00:40:18 they're panicking flynn is going to go

Treason Runs Deep With The [DS], Ratcliffe Next DNI, Buckle Up - Episode 2180b

@00:10:06 flynn case because it seems that the
@00:10:11 judge in the flynn case to explain
@00:10:56 by the rule of law flynn will finally go
@00:17:49 flynn case why were they going after
@00:17:53 flynn i mean yes q has told us he knows
@00:18:07 flynn was about to do the obama
@00:18:24 they choose flynn the answer is that
@00:18:27 obama saw flynn as a signal threat to
@00:18:38 know the one that trump canceled flynn
@00:18:49 and since flynn was on trump's team he
@00:19:01 stop flynn the outgoing white house ran
@00:19:06 iran deal they smeared flynn through the
@00:23:29 flynn might not have come from an
@00:24:04 how they knew what flynn was talking

When Do Birds Sing, [DS] Corruption Is Exposed, [DS] Using PAN[DEM]IC For Cover - Episode 2179b

@00:24:08 the unmasked errs of general flynn was
@00:24:39 unmasked flynn so who is this person so
@00:25:08 that position she unmasked general flynn
@00:25:23 flynn she wouldn't let's move on to post

FISA Is The Start, Think Chess, When Do You Attack The King, Think Optics - Episode 2177b

@00:04:48 flynn
@00:04:57 he blackmailed flynn
@00:05:54 technofog tweeted this out flynn amicus
@00:06:37 but flynn white house interview was
@00:06:44 see date drafted bottom right flynn
@00:07:08 because that's going to show that flynn
@00:07:22 flynn covington was involved

Countdown Is A Go, We Are At Week 3 Of 10, Boom Weeks, Incoming - Episode 2176b

@00:06:48 what's happening with flynn already with
@00:07:28 confirmation that the original flynn 302
@00:07:41 court by flynn prosecutor brandon van
@00:07:50 2017 interview of flynn flynn's original
@00:08:22 show that flynn didn't lie they didn't
@00:08:31 flynn and get rid of him and have him
@00:36:19 us and it says flynn department of

We’re Back, You Must Show Them, Only Then Will People Have The Will To Change - Episode 2175b

@00:03:18 after flynn showing that their
@00:05:43 the flynn case for example there are no
@00:05:47 prosecutors in the flynn case the
@00:06:22 flynn amicus john gleeson once worked
@00:06:37 coleman flynn amicus john gleason's law
@00:07:03 first general flynn was not charged with
@00:07:57 against general flynn third the
@00:08:38 violated repeatedly in the flynn
@00:09:28 stolen or destroyed general flynn is
@00:10:51 against general flynn we must determine

The Depth Of The Swamp Is Exposed,The Shadow Government Is Forced Into The Light - Episode 2174b

@00:05:36 keep this alive and try to get flynn may
@00:06:05 dismiss the charge against flynn this is
@00:06:27 general flynn for over a year and now
@00:06:36 whether flynn could be held in criminal
@00:08:57 with flynn yes the department joseph
@00:09:20 involved try to get flynn on perjury
@00:09:38 flynn no they want him to pardon flynn
@00:09:41 flynn just like they wanted trump during
@00:10:11 to unmask michael flynn but now since
@00:10:34 michael flynn she lied lea zeldin says
@00:11:02 they were going after stone flynn manna
@00:11:30 learned about the flynn wiretapping from
@00:12:22 records of flynn kiss lyac and the
@00:12:36 consider records show flynn kiss lahic
@00:12:46 showed flynn not under pfizer warned an
@00:12:56 flynn kis lack fbi intercept would be a
@00:13:03 flynn investigation by the fbi we know
@00:13:13 to say the flynn connect intercept was
@00:13:30 conducting surveillance of flynn as part
@00:13:42 unmasking list of flynn would be so
@00:14:30 information about flynn about the
@00:24:20 department lawyer in the flynn case to
@00:26:53 flynn case where there's still swamp

The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b

@00:11:07 says flynn update looks like judge
@00:11:49 flynn case now remember when obama is
@00:12:12 subject flynn
@00:14:01 flynn unprecedented why he wants to get
@00:15:40 flynn would get immunity for kidnapping
@00:16:13 flynn case dismissal watergate
@00:19:57 judge presiding over michael flynn
@00:20:09 security adviser michael flynn has been
@00:20:21 first hearing where flynn pleaded guilty
@00:20:48 the fbi agent that set up flynn q gives
@00:21:26 18th 2023 who signed the flynn fisa most
@00:21:32 likely contreras signed the flynn fisa
@00:22:32 his own words back adam that the flynn
@00:25:14 unmasking list flynn between late 2016
@00:31:53 flynn december 29th then we have kiss
@00:31:57 lyac and flynn again december 29th so
@00:32:16 asked ambassador kiss lyac to call flynn
@00:32:36 go after flynn let's move on to post
@00:33:53 those who unmask flynn during the
@00:35:36 now very interestingly general flynn

Rain Coming, Targets Locked, Declas Of Obama Officials Who Unmasked Flynn, Pain - Episode 2172b

@00:17:49 any obama officials involved in flynn
@00:18:13 on mast flynn remember grinnell right
@00:18:29 michael flynn in january 2017 after
@00:20:57 flynn so they have this information they

The People Are About To Find Out What Treason Looks Like, [Obamagate] - Episode 2171b

@00:19:27 flynn and kiss lyac this caused an
@00:19:32 about what whether to run the flynn kiss
@00:19:44 throw out the flynn kiss lay a call and
@00:19:53 flynn kissling leaks to entus on
@00:21:41 against flynn reveal this reality during
@00:22:18 interview flynn in the west wing on
@00:22:25 about flynn that shows they put damaging
@00:22:32 russian agents the flynn investigation
@00:25:12 michael flynn is continuing to help with
@00:25:18 drop the case against flynn us attorney
@00:26:12 trapped flynn and this goes all the way
@00:28:40 security adviser michael flynn now once

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:02:51 and with this whole flynn case falling
@00:02:58 that oh well flynn lied well didn't
@00:03:04 and did flynn really lie no he did not
@00:03:27 flynn they're working for the deep state
@00:04:45 with flynn
@00:04:46 how they were trying to get flynn how
@00:04:49 was not working for flynn how they
@00:27:32 has become strong impulse the flynn case
@00:28:17 flynn had previously pled guilty
@00:38:34 he's continually saying that flynn
@00:38:42 president obama is being quoted on flynn
@00:38:52 foremost flynn was not charged with
@00:38:57 charging flynn unto loganac
@00:39:57 general flynn story that he lied and
@00:40:00 remember that flynn
@00:41:18 obama on the flynn kislyak calls
@00:41:46 so if you're talking about flynn lying

Targets Painted And Locked, Instructions Given To Stealth Bomber, Drain It - Episode 2169b

@00:01:33 accelerating flynn now is exonerated the
@00:01:42 flynn is still a liar this doesn't
@00:02:45 just flynn got exonerated but what
@00:13:06 back because we know that flynn has been
@00:13:59 absolutely now since flynn was
@00:14:06 the usa congratulations to general flynn
@00:14:50 means now we know that flynn was
@00:15:05 against general michael flynn yesterday
@00:15:13 interview flynn and even if he lied it
@00:15:20 investigation on flynn in august of 2016
@00:15:29 into general flynn the investigators
@00:15:40 general flynn was required the deep
@00:15:49 this was after flynn had been identified
@00:15:57 flynn on the approximately 200 year-old
@00:16:04 before the civil war and because flynn
@00:16:26 investigation into general flynn the
@00:16:47 interview flynn the letter to the court
@00:17:00 the white house interview of flynn were
@00:17:06 was out to get flynn
@00:17:09 flynn and expressed uncertainty as to
@00:17:12 whether flynn had lied and not think he
@00:17:17 30th 2017 the mother gang indicted flynn
@00:17:26 flynn case and then on page 12
@00:17:54 investigating flynn so this whole entire
@00:18:22 won now we have flynn being exonerated
@00:28:04 flynn it's happening with cv 19 what
@00:31:40 flynn pled guilty to lying to the fbi
@00:36:10 she learned a flynn kiss lay a call from
@00:40:02 they were trying to get flynn i have the

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:00:45 flynn exonerated pain let's talk about
@00:01:39 all panicking why what happened flynn
@00:02:09 flynn it's not just about declassifying
@00:02:50 it's not oh just flynn they're panicking
@00:04:13 talking about flynn what's happening
@00:07:40 void now i know flynn was just
@00:17:21 declassification with flynn and what's
@00:21:22 manafort michael flynn george
@00:35:30 against x trump advisor michael flynn
@00:35:43 let freedom ring in all caps flynn has
@00:36:30 believe that flynn most likely is gonna
@00:36:52 something about flynn where enoch took
@00:36:55 all the different posts about flynn put
@00:36:57 it together showing that flynn he took
@00:37:07 general flynn only took a rubber bullet
@00:37:23 that flynn he was taking rubber bullets
@00:37:58 about covington now this new flynn
@00:38:31 firm's representation of mr. flynn and
@00:38:56 worried about what happened with flynn
@00:40:13 flynn pled guilty to lying to the fbi

Targets Have Been Painted, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End - Episode 2167b

@00:04:26 what's very interesting is the flynn
@00:05:46 looking for they wanted to provide flynn
@00:06:17 brutal the flynn case is not over van
@00:06:47 thousand new flynn case documents they
@00:07:42 were criminal that flynn was not
@00:27:23 statement on the new flynn documents and
@00:37:24 they've done with flynn what they've
@00:37:49 the the flynn case did they have

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:04:06 tweeted out this did flynn prosecutor
@00:04:48 vondrak that everything that flynn is
@00:05:12 judge that everything that flynn was
@00:05:33 flynn inhibited the fbi's ability to
@00:05:37 fbi had cleared flynn
@00:06:09 they were trapping flynn these were not
@00:06:23 issued a statement on the new flynn
@00:06:59 unreasonableness of flynn requests for
@00:07:29 national security advisor michael flynn
@00:07:46 on flynn for comey remember all these

Storm Is Coming, You’ll Love How This Movie Ends - Episode 2165b

@00:02:45 what's been happening with flynn it
@00:02:56 they blackmailed flynn and they have
@00:03:10 the operation against flynn including
@00:03:12 the flynn kiss lyac call provide pianka
@00:03:18 the fbi's conduct in targeting flynn and
@00:04:46 flynn and remember they caught him in
@00:05:07 for general flynn has heard the
@00:05:18 the false statement flynn told the truth
@00:05:43 were investigating flynn they are now on

Boom Week Ahead, It’s About To Break, Enjoy The Show, For Humanity - Episode 2164b

@00:19:06 this where flynn is going to be
@00:19:11 i think that's gonna be after flynn is
@00:32:41 flynn he kicks off the entire thing and

The 7th Floor Is No More, Trapped & Caught, The Truth Must Be Shown To The People - Episode 2163b

@00:01:58 we can see with the flynn case
@00:04:09 first let's start with flynn here and we
@00:04:28 one of the reasons they went after flynn
@00:04:34 nsa flynn could have certified the fisa
@00:04:51 the fbi concerns that flynn would throw
@00:04:55 motive for removal of flynn
@00:05:03 remember flynn knows where the bodies
@00:07:01 did to flynn think about all the other
@00:16:56 corruption pfizer russia flynn from
@00:29:47 collusion muller getting flynn he lied
@00:31:15 would be open to bring general flynn
@00:31:19 me like michael flynn will be exonerated

Comms Compromised, Rule Of Law Day, Durham Is Coming- Episode 2162b

@00:03:56 about flynn and trump and his
@00:08:41 flynn story they're spinning the stories
@00:09:29 flynn now this is greg miller he is the
@00:09:36 individual tweeted out about the flynn
@00:09:38 case general flynn was a devoted officer
@00:10:10 trying to save their buddy michael flynn
@00:11:20 curve on reporting news on general flynn
@00:12:31 flynn there is so much information
@00:12:48 interview of flynn what is our goal
@00:12:55 we can prosecute flynn or get him fired
@00:13:08 they plan to get and remove flynn get
@00:13:12 flynn to admit to breaking the logan act
@00:13:14 or catch flynn in a lie their end goal
@00:13:26 spied on flynn with kis lyac using a
@00:14:08 conduct the flynn interview they were
@00:14:11 coordinating all of this to get flynn
@00:15:22 operation that targeted flynn was called
@00:15:33 information on flynn and decided to
@00:15:43 targeted flynn don't close razor so
@00:16:02 derogatory information on flynn flynn
@00:16:37 the fbi said flynn didn't lie what the
@00:16:47 after flynn concord management manna
@00:18:41 general michael flynn a war hero should
@00:20:36 that they attacked flynn they made up
@00:21:19 same scammers as general flynn letting
@00:22:36 think about general flynn think about
@00:27:02 flynn is the beginning of it all once he
@00:27:19 if this happened to flynn it happened to
@00:27:46 interestingly flynn put out a video and
@00:30:59 going on does this mean that flynn is
@00:31:27 flynn document dump one wonders who was
@00:32:16 a general flynn crossfire hurricane

Times Up, Be Ready, All The Walls Are Falling Down On The [DS] - Episode 2161b

@00:03:50 comes out and flynn is exonerated watch
@00:06:30 general michael flynn he said simply
@00:06:44 relating to lieutenant general flynn
@00:06:54 to produce this because once flynn is
@00:07:07 the russian collusion roger stone flynn
@00:15:21 flynn who's a three-star general he is
@00:24:53 see we're starting to see it with flynn
@00:25:03 to free flynn currently being used to
@00:32:09 they talk about michael flynn where they
@00:32:20 michael flynn was mentioned in company
@00:33:52 let's put michael flynn back in the news
@00:34:25 setting up michael flynn getting the

Timing Is Everything, Drip, Drip, Then The Flood, Prepare For Information Warfare - Episode 2160b

@00:02:46 exonerate flynn and others because once
@00:07:29 take for example flynn remember he hired
@00:08:30 against flynn people are now seeing it
@00:08:44 techno fogg tweeted this out new flynn
@00:08:55 flynn and sidney powell response from
@00:09:04 communication are a flynn and produce it
@00:09:54 an about flynn the case would you hire
@00:09:57 flynn back if he was exonerated take a
@00:10:08 what happened to general flynn let's see
@00:10:14 general flynn should never happen again
@00:12:26 remember all those that went after flynn
@00:14:42 falling apart and trump flynn and the
@00:23:54 about flynn wouldn't you think a

It Has Begun, Those [Knowingly] Who Tried To Remove POTUS, Treason - Episode 2159b

@00:01:04 we can see with the flynn case that
@00:02:24 with flynn they're going to show that
@00:14:44 pfizer with flynn and everything else
@00:20:39 let's get into flynn because this all
@00:20:47 is flynn the shot that's heard around
@00:20:59 tweeted this out flynn attorney sin will
@00:21:07 interview flynn on january 24th 2017 was
@00:21:24 versus michael flynn i said mr. flynn
@00:21:35 to mr. flynn stunning brady evidence
@00:21:47 interview of mr. flynn on january 24
@00:21:59 conspired to destroy mr. flynn these
@00:22:17 this and flynn and phi's it in just a
@00:22:50 flynn will be completely exonerated this
@00:23:34 devon unas he says michael flynn was
@00:23:58 you and general flynn it's going to be
@00:24:20 flynn news attached december 1st 2017
@00:24:23 flynn pled guilty
@00:24:53 general flynn surfing again gives us the
@00:25:16 for it says flynn is surfing again and
@00:25:33 motion to dismiss by may 11th and flynn
@00:25:49 justice replied do from flynn by may 6th
@00:26:17 going to show that flynn was set up from
@00:26:25 flynn was fake if this is fake
@00:29:48 flynn paige cruz this is going to show a

Precursor, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Relevant Events Are About To Unfold - Episode 2158b

@00:10:13 were like oh look man affort look flynn
@00:11:48 mean let's talk about general flynn a
@00:11:59 general flynn and with everyone else
@00:12:42 susan rice telling general flynn to his
@00:13:04 get flynn out of the way now very
@00:13:37 the government just provided the flynn
@00:14:39 general michael flynn he obtained the
@00:16:16 was going on with general flynn which
@00:16:27 why would flynn plead guilty some to
@00:16:38 rid of him then it says flynn is safe
@00:16:45 2018 what is happening with flynn right
@00:17:06 flynn done in 30 expand then we move
@00:17:45 free flynn currently being used to
@00:17:59 counts fbi one p flynn interview if fisa
@00:18:36 exonerate flynn what else does this mean
@00:19:31 now being built and once we see flynn
@00:39:01 legal cases building with flynn and the
@00:39:43 look at flynn you think that's gonna be

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:10:01 a flynn update this is from techno fog
@00:10:42 government just provided the flynn
@00:10:59 flynn and then we come to find out and
@00:11:09 was a side deal not to prosecute flynn
@00:11:19 this whole thing against flynn is
@00:33:28 general flynn he already knew the
@00:36:05 we knew flynn would be challenged part
@00:36:09 of the plan flynn jr. riesen did not lie
@00:36:17 today information about flynn jr. and
@00:36:20 flynn timing plan sig event white house
@00:37:36 investigation we have flynn and that

It Was A Scam, "You Will Find Out What I Am Going To Do", Tables Are Turned - Episode 2153b

@00:12:33 general flynn was a highly respected
@00:13:03 suffered greatly general flynn i mean
@00:13:23 did to general flynn and you know it and

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:02:57 narrative right now flynn put up on his
@00:04:53 flynn against stone and what are they
@00:22:33 flynn he changed his twitter header and
@00:25:34 on and then we have general flynn he

deleted Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain - Episode 2145b

@00:05:19 and what about flynn well it seems that
@00:05:34 the new flynn filing flynn's former
@00:05:51 covington while they're defending flynn
@00:22:16 brings me to general flynn today on his

Patriot Stand At The Ready, The Start - Episode 2144b

@00:04:51 we've just learned with flynn that all
@00:05:07 defending who flynn who does cummington

deleted “And The Rocket's Red Glare, The Bombs Bursting In Air”, Remember 1917 - Episode 2140b

@00:07:40 who do you have you have flynn and cine

Stay Vigilant, News Unlocks, Pain Coming, Godspeed - Episode 2139b

@00:04:27 flynn i'm talking about the muller

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:14:59 know that general flynn changed his
@00:15:11 flynn put this up there he didn't put it
@00:15:24 why flynn put this up there and it
@00:16:21 that flynn is talking about these

deleted Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last - Episode 2137b

@00:26:43 have general flynn he changed his

deleted Rig For Red, Everything Has Meaning, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 2136b

@00:25:11 flynn in them that referred to done in

Habeas Corpus Ready, Mass Pop Awakening, Silent War Continues..- Episode 2132b

@00:10:41 flynn and it was a yellow sky and in the
@00:11:44 it seems that flynn sent out two
@00:28:11 mentioned this woman in honduras flynn

Yellow Sky, Timeline Important, Panic, Suicide Watch - Episode 2131b

@00:19:04 flynn he normally keeps his twitter
@00:19:14 michael flynn changed his header and it
@00:19:42 so is general michael flynn letting us
@00:20:12 in this post flynn is indicating that a
@00:21:38 happening general michael flynn is

Red/Green Castle Ready, Clock Activated, Stage Is Set - Episode 2124b

@00:09:23 going after flynn for lying you're going

deleted It’s Time To Unveil The True Enemy Of The People, Shutdown, Messages Received - Episode 2123b

@00:02:09 let's talk about general michael flynn
@00:02:21 flynn interview about his russia
@00:02:43 have to pardon general michael flynn but
@00:03:07 flynn because remember he wants to
@00:03:28 show that flynn is completely innocent

Patriot Operation In Full View,The 16 Year Plan Being Reversed, It’s Happening - Episode 2122b

@00:06:08 following about michael flynn general
@00:06:10 michael flynn and we know that sunni
@00:06:40 of general michael flynn how convenient
@00:07:27 department of justice exonerate flynn in
@00:07:29 memo missing 328 2018 q references flynn
@00:07:40 states flynn is safe done in 30 january
@00:08:01 justice the case against flynn it is
@00:08:26 flynn would not be charged at all so it

Kansas Sends A Message, Renegade Will Pay The Price - Episode 2115b

@00:15:59 interestingly with the flynn case techno
@00:16:07 techno fogg flynn update on a
@00:16:18 out breaking the flynn team and the

We All Knew, Durham, No Report, Just Indictments, Panic WW - Episode 2109b

@00:10:44 with the flynn case once the doj
@00:10:55 thing with flynn should be over in a
@00:11:06 i believe flynn is going to get it

Future Topic Coming Into Focus, Wait For It, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2108b

@00:10:56 ex flynn deputy katie mcfarland she is
@00:11:29 to say flynn may have talked to her
@00:12:59 flynn look what's happening to stone

Trump Countered The [DS], The Great Betrayal Is Over, America No Longer For Sale - Episode 2106b

@00:08:43 flynn look at mana fort look at all
@00:11:39 locate and this has to do with flynn

Drip, Drip, Pieces Of The Puzzle Come Together, The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2105b

@00:22:16 general flynn and it seems that techno
@00:22:28 ambassador or how the flynn leak
@00:22:33 remove flynn follow along here
@00:22:53 of the investigation december 2016 flynn
@00:23:16 of justice yates investigate flynn for
@00:23:35 flynn where they used the logan act let
@00:23:42 first reason she intervened in the flynn
@00:23:51 wanted to use the flynn call to secretly
@00:24:01 conflict the flynn calls leaked to the
@00:24:15 flynn for breaking the logan act here's
@00:24:26 action on flynn department of justice
@00:24:30 work an interview flynn are we to
@00:24:46 they had to remove flynn the leak set
@00:25:14 call unmasked flynn if so ask if baker

Prepare For The Storm, It’s Time To Bring Down The Corrupt System, Ready - Episode 2103b

@00:03:46 same firm that was defending flynn which
@00:21:03 think a good pick would be flynn once
@00:21:06 flynn goes free i think he would do an

Trump Just Signaled It’s A Go, It’s Coming, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2102b

@00:12:37 roger stone lied flynn lied all these
@00:41:17 to general flynn and it happened to i

The Curtain Has Been Pulled Back, The Puppet Masters Are Revealed, Game Over - Episode 2100b

@00:19:57 very interestingly with general flynn
@00:21:18 agent one p flynn interview if fisa
@00:22:31 flynn goes free boom just like that now
@00:24:31 security adviser michael flynn for
@00:25:08 flynn speaks to russia during the
@00:25:18 cases flynn is the only one that had the

Barr, Moves and Countermoves, Trump Sends Message To The [DS], Victory Lap Taken - Episode 2098b

@00:08:42 my read between that and general flynn
@00:08:49 look into the general flynn case so i'm
@00:16:30 general flynn amid turmoil in roger
@00:21:53 remember flynn changed his plea bar has
@00:22:01 let's review flynn and all the others to

Optics Are Important, Barr’s Delayed Testimony Confirmed, Traps Are Important - Episode 2097b

@00:07:42 will say why charge flynn and not mccabe
@00:09:48 against general michael flynn well let's
@00:10:04 general michael flynn is case right
@00:22:59 what's happening with flynn he's not one

Patriots Maneuver Barr Into Position, The Second Act Begins, [I]ndictments - Episode 2096b

@00:13:37 flynn and trump's longtime political
@00:30:22 now very interestingly general flynn
@00:30:46 and it seems like flynn q they are in

It’s Time To Wake Up, Lines Are Being Drawn Between Patriots & Traitors - Episode 2095b

@00:06:46 against roger stone man afford flynn the
@00:21:14 flynn case and if you notice all these
@00:21:20 the flynn case is not going the way they
@00:21:22 thought flynn changes his plea now the
@00:21:44 flynn had covington and what's very
@00:21:58 case against michael flynn for the
@00:23:06 of flynn why do you even care i'm gonna
@00:23:17 the case of flynn where they're trying
@00:23:20 to prosecute flynn this is coming from
@00:23:28 the flynn case arguing that the i g's
@00:23:49 with flynn but we know it does actually
@00:24:26 now below this it says think flynn fisa
@00:24:43 going to d class the pfizer for flynn
@00:24:50 flynn
@00:25:22 flynn goes free this happened with the
@00:25:35 case with flynn with manna fort with

Ammunition Running Low, No Step 5, Swamp Trapped And Drained, Panic Sets In - Episode 2094b

@00:01:45 against flynn roger stone and all the
@00:09:04 falling apart the same with flynn
@00:10:56 in the flynn case they decided to run
@00:11:24 public now with the flynn case
@00:11:51 the case against flynn and what's very
@00:11:54 interesting is that barbara flynn the
@00:11:56 wife of general flynn she posted a
@00:13:27 with the flynn case we come to find out

It Was A Trap, Barr Assessing RG Ukraine Info, Rudy Has The “Insurance File” - Episode 2093b

@00:08:03 flynn he changed his plea he's saying
@00:08:38 that they had on general flynn and once
@00:08:42 that is produced flynn is going to go
@00:08:53 for flynn setting flynn up those are

Follow The Pen, The Gloves Are Off,Trump Comes Out Swinging - Episode 2090b

@00:12:55 flynn details matter so it seems that
@00:15:45 we're watching flynn and they're been

Graham Activated, Message Received, Let The DEC[L]AS Begin - Episode 2087b

@00:12:14 they thought flynn's going to jail flynn
@00:12:31 really doing and soon flynn is going to

Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

@00:14:12 michael flynn is falling apart it's

Senate Trial Created A Trap, [DS] Didn’t Even See It Coming - Episode 2084b

@00:12:16 now general flynn he decided that he was
@00:12:48 why because flynn and powell they called
@00:13:10 we're working to get flynn and how they
@00:13:24 that flynn pled guilty and she filed
@00:13:35 flynn was set up and his law firm that
@00:14:01 defending flynn and powell in her motion
@00:14:15 later because q posted about this flynn
@00:32:17 would accept probation for michael flynn
@00:32:28 remember flynn reversed his plea he
@00:32:41 you think flynn and sidney powell are
@00:32:51 created to trap flynn and they tried to
@00:32:55 use blackmail against flynn to plead
@00:40:10 team flynn is going to be free today is
@00:40:21 says flynn will have no jail time and i
@00:40:28 here is that flynn is going to be

Those Who Are Protected Are No Longer Protected, Nobody Is Above The Law - Episode 2082b

@00:20:44 a trap for michael flynn and they were

[JC] Now The Target, [DS] Event Distractions, [-Cruz] Important Marker - Episode 2079b

@00:21:16 for mana for papadopoulos page flynn etc
@00:21:52 about the pfizer surveillance of flynn

Drip, Drip, Pain, Then The Flood, FISA Court Declares Warrants Invalid - Episode 2078b

@00:30:58 every case brought by muller hmm flynn

[DS] Attempting To Block The Truth, The Truth Will Be Their Downfall - Episode 2076b

@00:18:05 flynn barr has already hinted at the

Nobody Gets A Free Pass, A Week To Remember - Episode 2075b

@00:21:27 justice case against flynn is in trouble
@00:21:30 flynn just changed his plea deal he's

We Have A Witness,Durham Following Strong Paper Trail,But The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2074b

@00:18:28 with the flynn case we see a lot of
@00:18:42 effect that michael flynn was not lying
@00:19:10 the event that flynn attended in 2015
@00:19:18 prosecutor vondrak tried to get flynn to
@00:20:13 repping for general flynn now did
@00:20:16 cummington tell general flynn about
@00:21:33 cummington took on flynn doesn't this
@00:21:50 things were not going well for flynn and
@00:21:53 why flynn needed to get rid of this firm

It’s All About To Boomerang, [DS] Propaganda Falls Apart, [DF] Videos Countered - Episode 2072b

@00:19:48 now yesterday we talked about flynn and
@00:20:19 because his flynn going to go free in 30
@00:20:46 19th to clear flynn we'll have to see
@00:21:45 the fake impeachment we have flynn case
@00:31:26 to senate for a trial think about flynn

Senate Was The Key, Patriots Turn, It’s All About To Be Exposed - Episode 2071b

@00:02:06 rescinded the guilty plea flynn is going
@00:13:00 flynn which we'll be talking about in
@00:22:03 prosecutors already admitted that flynn
@00:22:58 in 2017 that general flynn was innocent
@00:23:19 and flynn this is what he tweeted out
@00:23:35 general flynn general flynn was trump's
@00:23:59 this is what it says michael t flynn
@00:24:09 agreement si ecf number 150 mr. flynn
@00:25:06 talking about jail time and flynn was
@00:25:41 that flynn was set up and flynn goes
@00:26:04 impeachment trial so flynn most likely

[DS] Pushes Same Hacking Tactic, The Coverup Already Failed - Episode 2070b

@00:18:51 wanted to move on to the flynn case
@00:19:05 setting up general flynn in the white

Protected, Key To Hack, [AWAN] Back In The News, Flynn In Jail, Exactly [30] - Episode 2069b

@00:00:43 the news flynn in jail exactly 30 now
@00:02:24 flynn will go free in 30 days exactly 30
@00:02:35 was going to affect general flynn but
@00:02:41 flynn to go free
@00:23:54 now and then we have general flynn now
@00:24:14 general flynn he is being sentenced on
@00:25:10 flynn is going to be sentenced on
@00:25:25 evidence to free flynn currently being
@00:25:35 is needed to free flynn is being used so
@00:25:43 have general flynn being sentenced on
@00:26:32 so for flynn to go free this information
@00:27:26 the one with the 27th flynn is going to
@00:28:18 flynn was going to be set free to be set
@00:28:53 flynn free it's time to deep glass and i

Prosecutor Outside Of DC Ready To Bring Pain, Patriots Set The Timetable - Episode 2068b

@00:10:12 right just like flynn they lied to
@00:10:16 congress they'll go to jail is flynn
@00:11:37 flynn frustrated by the fbi stonewalling

[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence - Episode 2067b

@00:14:14 flynn because it seems that the corrupt
@00:14:35 corrupt history of flynn prosecutor
@00:14:41 flynn as a member of team muller vondrak
@00:15:51 two counts to target mike flynn jr. not
@00:15:54 to prosecute flynn jr. but to force
@00:15:56 general flynn to plea flynn jr. became
@00:16:00 on october 20th 2017 flynn signed the
@00:16:03 plea deal on 11:30 2017 flynn intel
@00:16:13 flynn was not a member of the alleged
@00:16:17 tries to label flynn a co-conspirator
@00:16:36 violations rafkin from the flynn intel
@00:16:43 designated flynn jr. as a witness to
@00:16:45 intimidate flynn this was pure tactics
@00:16:48 flynn jr. was never called as a witness
@00:16:53 that flynn intel group member rafting
@00:17:02 turkish government threat against flynn
@00:17:10 in the rafkin case disagreed flynn has
@00:17:18 vondrak that flynn had agreed to plead a
@00:17:26 to the flynn agreement of the flint
@00:17:33 december 2018 that flynn could be
@00:18:21 flynn and his prior counsel conflicts

Iran and Kenya Come Into Focus, Marker Set - Episode 2064b

@00:05:08 now with the flynn case we just got an
@00:05:17 recommendation and asked that flynn be
@00:05:34 flynn substantially assisted the
@00:05:35 government in december 2018 flynn
@00:05:41 2020 flynn has not substantially
@00:05:46 people are saying i thought flynn was
@00:05:50 well yes flynn will go free at the right
@00:06:10 that will free flynn that is classified
@00:06:25 it says same evidence to free flynn
@00:07:28 declassified flynn will be set free and
@00:10:41 if we go back to 2015 general flynn he

[DS] Just Made Their Move, Patriots Knew The Plan, Watch Happens Next - Episode 2059b

@00:18:52 coming then we have joseph j flynn who
@00:18:54 is the brother to mike flynn and it says

Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056b

@00:14:24 flynn case us attorneys requested a
@00:14:33 lieutenant general michael flynn now
@00:14:58 flynn case update department of justice
@00:15:15 the book at flynn we need to remember
@00:15:20 the fisa warrant on flynn is illegal
@00:16:26 is says think flynn fisa brackets all
@00:16:52 allow flynn to go free and it seems like
@00:17:01 going to sentence flynn so i do believe
@00:17:06 happen and this will allow flynn to go
@00:17:15 flynn will go free because as we know q

[DS] Warning People Not To Look, Patriots Getting Ready To Drop The MOAB - Episode 2052b

@00:16:00 rogers flynn all these individuals that
@00:16:54 to put flynn behind bars because he

Something Big Is About To Happen,Think Admiral Rogers, Think Brennan - Episode 2051b

@00:29:42 flynn has it all the patriots have it

First Indictment Will Trigger Mass Awakening, Arrests Will Verify - Episode 2049b

@00:08:35 stone we have flynn and remember a lot
@00:30:33 reliable under this is says think flynn
@00:30:43 remember papadopoulos mana ford flynn
@00:31:05 up in other grand jury cases for flynn
@00:31:06 and i do believe that flynn is going to
@00:34:21 with flynn where said one count for this
@00:39:45 i don't believe trump will pardon flynn
@00:39:53 that flynn did nothing wrong and they

Senate Trial Backfire, [Watch] What Happens Next - Episode 2048b

@00:02:00 flip free flynn they needed this to show
@00:02:13 about flynn but first as we know the
@00:14:51 we have flynn of course we have page and
@00:15:00 class think flynn and we'll be getting
@00:15:08 flynn but first i want to head out to
@00:16:56 sullivan has denied the flynn motion to
@00:17:42 against flynn in a formal chargeable way
@00:17:52 provide leverage against mike flynn jr.
@00:17:54 to coerce a plea against michael flynn
@00:18:05 lieutenant general flynn as a target for
@00:18:17 accusers against michael flynn as they
@00:18:29 general michael flynn yes all of this
@00:18:49 flynn currently being used to indict
@00:18:58 to free flynn is being used in other
@00:19:49 brackets in bold flynn interview so fbi
@00:19:59 interviewed flynn and struck was with
@00:21:46 and q continually mentions flynn in 30
@00:22:00 sentencing flynn will go free well we'll

[DS] Narrative Disintegrating, RG Drops A Carpet Bomb - Episode 2047b

@00:13:31 the ig pfizer report the flynn case
@00:35:14 is happening at the same time the flynn

The Call To Declas, Smear Campaign Alert, United We Stand - Episode 2046b

@00:18:01 paige and flynn down below it says worth
@00:21:27 prior papadopoulos mana for page flynn
@00:22:33 pfizer's for mana fort flynn and

Obama Sends Message, Flynn Exactly [30], [GS] Makes His Move - Episode 2045b

@00:00:38 the episode is obama sends message flynn
@00:02:22 going to affect the flynn case we'll be
@00:06:58 page lieutenant general michael flynn
@00:09:52 michael flynn had pleaded guilty to
@00:10:00 counsel flynn sentencing was postponed
@00:10:23 improperly withheld evidence from flynn
@00:11:40 in this case against flynn so when we
@00:11:46 look at the case with flynn the judge is
@00:11:56 he's gonna look at the flynn case now
@00:12:30 of 2018 qed mentioned think flynn 30
@00:14:43 else the ig fisa report flynn where

Bait Taken, Trap Set, Carpet Bombs Incoming, Then The MOAB - Episode 2042b

@00:28:08 assisted with reopening the flynn
@00:28:16 been previously acquainted with flynn
@00:28:18 the flynn ci fara russia case was open
@00:28:26 flynn russian investigation
@00:28:36 accusations that flynn was having an
@00:28:57 flynn they didn't cooperate the dossier
@00:30:24 former trump aids mike flynn and george

Cross Fire Hurricane, Clear Abuse Of FISA, People Will Be Held Accountable - Episode 2041b

@00:20:00 get info on general flynn techno fogg
@00:20:07 general flynn fbi promised steele he
@00:20:38 individuals such as page or flynn
@00:36:27 important didn't they do this with flynn
@00:36:33 that would have shown that flynn was

The [DS] Crimes Will Be Publicly Answered Soon, Sheep No More - Episode 2040b

@00:33:42 guiliani devin unis flynn and the rest

New Evidence Gathered In Rome, Get Ready For The Knock Out Punch - Episode 2034b

@00:15:31 security adviser michael flynn that the
@00:19:46 efforts to indict general michael flynn
@00:19:51 muller's team that handled the flynn
@00:20:15 prosecution of flynn as a member of the
@00:21:26 flynn jr. not to prosecute flynn jr. but
@00:21:29 to force general tsin to play flynn jr.
@00:21:35 flynn signed the plea deal on 11:30 2017
@00:21:40 flynn intel group ferret case overseen
@00:21:46 judge that flynn was not a member of the
@00:21:50 then tries to label flynn a
@00:21:53 then tries to label flynn a
@00:22:01 flynn intel group member raf caen was a
@00:22:16 designated flynn jr. as a witness to
@00:22:18 intimidate flynn this was pure tactics
@00:22:21 flynn jr. was never called as a witness
@00:22:26 that flynn intel group member raf caen
@00:22:36 government the threat against flynn
@00:22:46 in the rafkin case disagreed flynn has
@00:22:54 vondrak that flynn had agreed to plead
@00:23:02 of the flynn agreement this is important
@00:23:06 sullivan in december 2018 that flynn
@00:23:31 claim flynn could have been prosecuted
@00:23:43 conduct in the flynn case they confused
@00:23:58 between flynn and his prior counsel

Flynn News Coming Soon [30], Bread & Butter, [DS] KO- Episode 2032b

@00:00:39 2019 and the title the episode is flynn
@00:01:35 that flynn is going to go free
@00:15:07 now let's move on to the flynn case
@00:15:10 because the flynn case is getting very
@00:15:16 is the attorney for flynn she filed a
@00:15:21 michael flynn was indeed set up by the
@00:15:58 requested a delay in the flynn case
@00:16:12 flynn sentencing hearing is off until
@00:16:27 now want to delay michael flynn
@00:16:38 delay flynn sentencing the government
@00:17:23 government's motion which flynn joined
@00:19:49 many people have to pay and flynn will
@00:19:57 flynn is going to go free i believe that
@00:20:05 flynn

MSM/[DS] On The Defensive, Evidence, Facts On Deck, Pain Coming - Episode 2030b

@00:19:57 general flynn and this reads as follows

Confirmed, Senate Was The Target, Hello, Here We Go!, Patriots Turn - Episode 2028b

@00:31:11 flynn might be freed based on new

The Harvest Is About To Begin, Suicide Watch, Panic In DC - Episode 2023b

@00:07:06 arrest flynn stone and others as of
@00:11:35 of flynn right off the bat because if

Playbook Known,Trap Set, Trump Meets With Barr ,Wait For It - Episode 2022b

@00:20:41 and we know if flynn
@00:20:46 presented which would allow flynn to go
@00:21:34 with flynn they're trying to figure out
@00:21:40 powell how's them flynn is going to go

Messages Are Being Projected By The [DS], Distractions On Deck, Incoming - Episode 2021b

@00:19:16 know is that general flynn was targeted
@00:19:28 because flynn knows where the bodies are
@00:19:51 gulin whom general flynn reported was

Report Will Be Damning, Criminal Referrals Coming, Hammer Is The Key To The Coup - Episode 2018b

@00:07:43 flynn sidney powell because the
@00:07:53 to get flynn they are in hot water the
@00:08:22 the fbi's interviews of flynn for nearly
@00:08:37 flynn interview for three weeks in spite
@00:08:59 flynn and there are many of these
@00:23:27 general michael flynn trump trump tower
@00:27:13 general michael flynn general michael
@00:27:16 flynn de tourny sonoma powell a search
@00:27:42 the michael flynn case and left the
@00:27:56 information on general flynn so when q

Message Sent, Caught The Swamp, They Never Thought She Would Lose - Episode 2016b

@00:14:25 for flynn and the rest well now it's all

Confirmed, Coup Is Real, [DS] Holds Report That Would Exonerate Trump Advisers - Episode 2015b

@00:12:56 with flynn yeah that's the way the deep
@00:22:59 think about flynn think about what
@00:23:14 to the judge to flynn to the people and
@00:34:23 they had flynn they had others helping

Flynn Ready To Go Free, Egregious Government Misconduct, Covfefe, In The End We Win - Episode 2012b

@00:00:40 episode is flynn ready to go free
@00:03:38 state now the case against flynn that is
@00:11:41 track on flynn adds further confirmation
@00:11:56 complicit ignatius to destroy flynn
@00:12:26 mr. flynn with accusations of having an
@00:12:30 national of russian descent flynn met at
@00:12:37 2014 flynn has requested the records of
@00:13:13 kill shot on flynn it cannot escape
@00:18:27 target flynn papadopoulos and paige they
@00:23:56 have the source this brings us to flynn
@00:24:17 happening flynn case updated sydney
@00:24:23 where is the original flynn 302 it is in
@00:24:47 argument flynn is entitled to compare
@00:25:06 appropriate time flynn will file a
@00:25:34 show that flynn is completely innocent

93 Days Of Darkness, Rig For Red, Stand By For Battle Surface - Episode 2011b

@00:14:10 revealing that general flynn was indeed
@00:14:56 2017 to the flynn 302 these blue line

The [DS] Has Run Out Time, Expose, Drain The Swamp, Fire At Will - Episode 2008b

@00:23:11 around them look at the flynn case look
@00:23:39 the flynn case to resolve defense issues
@00:24:26 flynn defense the opportunity to refute
@00:24:33 believe that flynn is going to go free
@00:26:08 patron and while the flynn case

[DS] Impeachment Plan Revealed, Patriots Counter, Plan Has Already Failed - Episode 2007b

@00:23:42 think of flynn think of paige think of
@00:26:17 general michael flynn and his attorney
@00:26:32 flynn it is clear that as requested by
@00:26:51 filing in the flynn case lisa page
@00:26:54 edited edited the flynn 302 documents
@00:27:02 kill shot on flynn powell describes how
@00:27:05 the flynn 302 was altered manipulation
@00:27:09 of the flynn 302 two weeks after the
@00:27:15 timeline key agent notes say flynn
@00:27:31 flynn powell that question and answer do
@00:27:47 the flynn kiss lyac call ona director
@00:27:56 ignatius the flynn 302 doesn't even
@00:28:06 3:02 flynn remembered making four to
@00:28:16 justice about her edits to the flynn 302
@00:28:33 flynn is so fundamentally unfair as to
@00:28:46 illegal interrogation of flynn in the
@00:28:57 is clear that they will exonerate flynn
@00:29:17 general flynn go to this link and now
@00:29:32 attorneys flynn is going to go free and

Treason Message Sent, Operation Documents Confiscated, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2005b

@00:14:00 following general michael flynn de
@00:14:12 reporter to take a kill shot at flynn
@00:14:16 michael flynn
@00:14:34 the president when flynn had been
@00:14:48 a michael flynn terrible city pavel this
@00:15:03 information just to trap flynn then they

Pain Coming, It Will Devastating For The [DS], Watch Those Who Scream The Loudest - Episode 2004b

@00:16:09 general flynn was indeed set up by the
@00:16:54 flynn has requested records of colonel
@00:17:27 flynn it cannot escape mention that the
@00:18:13 lisa page edited the flynn 302 james
@00:18:21 on flynn and this is exactly what

The Patriots Just Trapped The [DS] Again, Moves And Countermoves - Episode 2002b

@00:30:47 this individual with flynn and he was

Durham & Barr Found Something Significant, [DS] Hires Lawyers - Episode 2001b

@00:21:08 to flynn sidney pavel she tweeted out
@00:21:14 hashtag flynn reply in support of our
@00:22:24 flynn is innocent now it looks like

Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near - Episode 1999b

@00:19:22 get flynn freed she's pushing as hard as

The Panic Is Real, Middle East Plan Perfectly Executed, 17, Coincidence - Episode 1998b

@00:08:57 something like they did flynn like they
@00:15:15 2015 where flynn was photographed with
@00:16:20 well-placed source sympathetic to flynn
@00:16:44 flynn to receive this information and
@00:17:14 flynn goes free now we know that trump
@00:18:04 poster child flynn

[DS] Plan Fails, Strange Messages Sent, 17th Mentioned - Episode 1997b

@00:13:30 powell and general michael flynn because
@00:13:52 flynn lawyer city powell filed a motion
@00:14:13 general michael flynn documents related
@00:14:26 flynn attended which means that the fbi
@00:14:59 defense of mr. flynn and specifically to
@00:15:23 flynn is entitled to this information
@00:15:38 now flynn is going to go free she's

Declas Disinformation Projected, Chatter, JA Back In The News - Episode 1996b

@00:02:41 what they are planning flynn and trump
@00:37:27 flynn on his twitter page they both have
@00:37:36 where general flynn has a paratrooper
@00:38:00 believe that flynn and trump they're on

Fear Is Flushing The [DS] Out, The Only Way Forward, Expose, Transparency & Truth - Episode 1994b

@00:25:28 flynn targeted why he knows where the
@00:25:35 attorney sony pavel it looks like flynn
@00:25:38 is going to go free once flynn is free

Bombshells Dropped, HB, BO Missing? IG FISA Report On The Way - Episode 1992b

@00:07:52 remember flynn they arrested him they

Panic Sets In For Brennan, Schiff In Trouble, This Is Just The Warmup - Episode 1986b

@00:20:34 let's move on to flynn right now and it
@00:20:40 for flynn and sidney powell cine powell
@00:20:51 targeted flynn for concocted and
@00:21:03 resolution to the flynn case if the
@00:21:17 the first investigation of general flynn
@00:22:26 flynn goes free let's go back to post 33
@00:22:37 bar sd my free flynn yeah it's going to
@00:22:42 it's going to free flynn

Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, It’s PERFECT, Wait For It.. - Episode 1984b

@00:27:19 let's move on to flynn because something
@00:27:23 very interesting is happening with flynn
@00:27:32 security advisor michael flynn the
@00:27:37 the michael flynn case continues to grow
@00:28:01 flynn's former flynn intel group partner
@00:28:12 to call flynn as a witness in that case
@00:28:44 defendant flynn here signs in pleading
@00:29:02 in the criminal case against flynn
@00:29:05 flynn made to the fbi about his
@00:29:09 this is the charge that flynn pled
@00:29:14 in fact whoever flynn din and there knew
@00:29:27 statement of offense flynn also
@00:29:38 flynn intel group for the principal
@00:29:40 benefit of the republic of turkey flynn
@00:29:55 flynn never said in the statement of
@00:30:04 insisted flynn had admitted to knowingly
@00:30:09 flynn refused to testify accordingly ben
@00:30:35 authorization to target michael flynn
@00:30:53 flynn indictment just a few days before
@00:30:55 mr. flynn was to be sentenced in this
@00:30:59 that mr. flynn would withdraw his plea
@00:31:05 tutorial blackmail flynn senior better
@00:31:17 rafkin case and to make sure flynn
@00:31:33 offense but when flynn refused to
@00:31:38 retaliate and further threatened flynn
@00:31:43 putting flynn jr. on the witness list
@00:31:59 charges against flynn should be tossed
@00:32:09 today to the flynn motion for additional

Why Is The [DS] Panicking, There Is Only Word That Describes It “Treason” - Episode 1982b

@00:26:07 move on to flynn because something very
@00:26:08 interesting with flynn is happening
@00:32:19 flynn he changed his header on his
@00:32:45 the following general flynn is ready to

[DS]/MSM Scrambling, Patriots Getting Ready To Strike Again - Episode 1980b

@00:22:52 going on this is why flynn is going to

[DS] Failed Again, Think Mirror, More Panic & Pain Coming, Next Wave Begins - Episode 1979b

@00:29:45 bijan raph qian flynn intel group and
@00:30:17 freed that's gonna be flynn think about

Setup Needed Before Declass, Tarmac Back In The News, Prisons Prepped - Episode 1974b

@00:14:46 to let flynn go as outlined in memo
@00:14:51 letting flynn go was the basis the
@00:16:07 nor did flynn for that matter they set

D5 Avalanche, Could Gouge The Landscape, Take Cover, Incoming - Episode 1969b

@00:08:10 look muller got another one flynn oh
@00:08:29 they don't have evidence flynn has a new
@00:10:21 while when flynn was being charged for
@00:10:48 you mean like flynn think about it and
@00:10:56 full and mccabe is that flynn was set up
@00:18:18 general michael flynn documents related
@00:30:22 interestingly michael flynn general
@00:30:25 michael flynn changed his twitter header
@00:30:38 lieutenant are michael flynn and i
@00:31:00 it says flynn news coming and i do
@00:31:04 believe news is coming about flynn that

Prosecutions On Deck, This Is Just The Beginning, [DS] Pain Coming - Episode 1968b

@00:09:22 your work let's move on to michael flynn
@00:09:44 against flynn today it's a very
@00:10:10 on mr. flynn and miff sudz presents at
@00:10:20 helper set up flynn by placing the
@00:10:59 michael flynn lay at the heart of the
@00:11:34 though flynn had already pled guilty and
@00:11:58 regarding michael flynn svetlana likova
@00:12:46 spying on flynn and involved not just
@00:12:59 director then after flynn joined trump's
@00:13:05 a fake story that flynn was having an
@00:13:17 something else flynn took a polygraph in
@00:13:58 contacts flynn who was previously
@00:14:24 flynn briefed the defense intelligence
@00:15:00 january 24th and 25th at 2017 the flynn

Placeholder Filled, Flynn Free Next, The World Is Waking Up, Attacks Intensify - Episode 1967b

@00:00:41 episode is placeholder filled flynn free
@00:06:27 general michael flynn let's look at his
@00:06:38 exonerating flynn of any collusion with
@00:07:28 general flynn would not have been
@00:07:53 the flynn meeting with the fbi brass in
@00:08:18 interview with flynn a 303 o to report
@00:08:44 original flynn 302 cindy powell said
@00:09:10 who goes free flynn
@00:09:15 flynn is going to be completely
@00:09:37 flynn will newly discovered evidence ag
@00:09:40 bar sd ny free flynn let's fast forward
@00:10:10 and flynn is going free and this is
@00:19:48 gonna be a lot more with flynn it's

[DS] Moves To Get Ahead Of FISA Story, Big Fail, Messages Sent About A Bad Man - Episode 1966b

@00:16:04 following the flynn case and techno fog
@00:16:09 has been so updates to the flynn hearing
@00:16:50 getting closer and closer to flynn going

Did You Catch Trump’s Messages, Optics Are Important, [DS] Doomed - Episode 1965b

@00:15:30 interestingly general michael flynn is
@00:16:11 now if schiff wrote this to flynn and he
@00:16:39 flynn should be fully exonerating adding
@00:16:57 exonerate flynn sidney powell is pushing
@00:17:07 flynn doesn't want to switch his plea he

Think Timing, Senate Locked, SC Locked, Locked & Who Is Loaded - Episode 1963b

@00:14:42 absolutely free flynn because remember
@00:14:54 because it would clear flynn technophile
@00:15:03 general flynn the us denial of security

Confirmation, The Swamp Is Being Drained, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 1962b

@00:04:44 manafort and michael flynn and special
@00:04:59 fort and flynn was greg craig decided to
@00:06:15 see flynn completely get off and it

Trump’s Message Received, Evidence Must Be Compelling,The Majority Wins - Episode 1960b

@00:10:09 those targets was general michael flynn
@00:10:10 son michael flynn jr. so think about
@00:11:12 flynn michael horowitz process i want

Desperation Sets In, See Something, Say Something, Brace For It, Incoming - Episode 1959b

@00:11:04 to the flynn case because things are
@00:11:56 case against general flynn it looks like
@00:12:40 prosecution of general flynn but their
@00:13:04 flynn free and it will show that they're
@00:13:12 general michael flynn did not and this

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:14:51 flynn and it looks like sidney powell is
@00:15:03 those charges that are against flynn
@00:16:10 counsel for mr. flynn has repeatedly
@00:17:21 for michael flynn general michael flynn
@00:17:33 petrikov tweeted out the following flynn
@00:17:55 why because it would let flynn off the
@00:18:51 flynn lou is involved in this case
@00:19:24 pushing for flynn is going to be set
@00:19:35 flynn think about all the cover-ups and

Placeholders Ready, Declas, Indictments, Will Force WW Coverage - Episode 1957b

@00:18:07 to the flynn case because techno fogg
@00:18:14 deny flynn counsels request for security
@00:18:20 the details of how flynn debriefed the
@00:18:43 techno fogg tweeted out flynn update
@00:19:01 flynn so they can't even produce the
@00:19:40 patriots now flynn will eventually be

Panic, Message Evergreen, Public Discovers Illegal Surveillance - Episode 1951b

@00:22:58 interestingly we know that flynn he was
@00:23:23 washington post on general flynn
@00:25:22 classification yes sir general flynn was
@00:26:29 collection of with flynn and gave it to
@00:27:36 to flynn will newly discovered evidence
@00:27:38 ag bar as the ny free flynn yes it will
@00:28:07 is going to - to clear flynn completely

[24 Hr Warning], News Cycle Shift, Be Vigilant - Episode 1931b

@00:14:20 flynn and the next day muller was

Year Of The Boomerang, Timing Is Everything, Force Of Nature, Sheep No More - Episode 1925b

@00:32:58 now very interestingly in the flynn case
@00:33:06 appleton and the flynn intel group of
@00:33:25 finding against me jean rafkin flynn
@00:33:29 intel group she wrote general flynn has
@00:34:41 flynn now it seems that trump right now

Be Ready, B2 Stealth Bomber, Roundup Begins Soon - Episode 1923b

@00:09:16 against former partner michael flynn
@00:10:34 never did call michael flynn jr.
@00:10:36 as a witness nor michael flynn himself
@00:10:48 no intention of calling michael flynn
@00:11:04 arguing the flynn intel group f ig is
@00:14:21 from the u.s. vers rafkin flynn intel

A Week To Remember, Watch The Watch, It’s Time - Episode 1921b

@00:36:58 on to general flynn he changed the top
@00:37:13 said morning sun brings the heat flynn

Trump Sends A Message, [DS] Relays Instructions To [BT] - Episode 1919b

@00:19:15 interesting is happening with the flynn

Watch The News, News Unlocks, [RC], NYC Blackout Message - Episode 1916b

@00:10:05 let's move on to general michael flynn
@00:10:23 general michael flynn as we know he is
@00:11:17 hakeem apple kin and michael flynn and

[DS] Baited, The Island Is The Key, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1915b

@00:05:49 with flynn right now their entire case
@00:07:00 and flynn is going to be set free now of
@00:07:16 get flint because if flynn is set free
@00:07:28 russians did this with flynn the

Power, Control, Everything Has Shifted, Stealth Bomber Incoming - Episode 1914b

@00:14:11 was now that michael flynn is no longer
@00:14:29 where flynn is no longer involved is

News Unlocks, Info Scrubbed, Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall - Episode 1913b

@00:33:58 showing general michael flynn how he is
@00:34:04 dates and cue saying flynn news coming
@00:34:12 news about flynn q says do you believe
@00:34:17 now what has been happening with flynn
@00:34:24 general flynn in the flynn intel group
@00:34:26 fara case and as now alleging flynn is
@00:34:44 for general flynn after muller's thugs
@00:34:46 planned to designate flynn as as an
@00:35:14 co-conspirators flynn this is good news
@00:35:34 that turkey funded the work by flynn
@00:35:42 general flynn issued in order to x' day
@00:35:50 their decision to call flynn as a

Storm Has Arrived, Now It’s The Patriots Turn, It’s Happening - Episode 1912c

@00:17:17 q says flynn news coming remember flynn
@00:25:40 and it says michael flynn was forced to
@00:26:10 this because flynn was spied on and
@00:26:19 has just begun for flynn post 3389 q
@00:27:02 michael flynn changes his story putting
@00:27:13 coming out on flynn and q says so much
@00:27:15 flynn news today because sidney powell

Here Come The Booms, Great Awakening, Patriots Fight, Placeholders Next - Episode 1901b

@00:09:53 cover-up now very interestingly flynn as
@00:10:16 prosecutors has claimed that flynn was
@00:11:19 unwilling to commit but remember flynn
@00:12:06 can see that flynn he's gonna be going

Flynn Shifts To Offense, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1886b

@00:07:31 michael flynn fired his lawyers and this
@00:07:52 flynn there is a possibility with legal
@00:08:00 concluding that flynn may be shifting to
@00:08:08 show that general michael flynn has
@00:08:45 the targeting of flynn this might be
@00:08:48 connected to flynn strategy to stay in
@00:08:58 threatened flynn with prosecution of his
@00:09:01 son flynn jr. to coerce a plea agreement
@00:09:05 so think about this flynn outlasted
@00:09:59 bodies are buried flynn is safe we
@00:10:21 / view for which flynn has been
@00:10:38 pointing to flynn will newly discovered
@00:10:42 evidence ag bar s d ny free flynn and i

[DS] Moves To Hide The Evidence From Public, Countermove Already In Place - Episode 1885b

@00:07:55 the calls between general mike flynn and
@00:08:05 between flynn and kazak to be released
@00:08:32 keep the flynn kiss the act transcripts
@00:09:05 with what they did to flynn with the

[DS] Cornered, This Why The [DS] Will Be Exposed - Episode 1881b

@00:07:53 flynn were charged with making false

Did You Catch What Mueller Just Did, [DS] Sends A Message - Episode 1880b

@00:09:53 papadopolis general michael flynn do you

The Movement Challenged Their Forced Narrative, Now Patriots Unleash Their Weapon - Episode 1879b

@00:08:00 struck who set up general flynn in the
@00:10:00 recordings relevant to the michael flynn
@00:11:00 know that general flynn he was set up
@00:11:10 that the flynn case is still unknown we
@00:18:49 fara prosecutions of flynn and

The Age Of Enlightenment Has Arrived, Plan Executed, It’s Time - Episode 1877b

@00:08:15 michael flynn through fbi operative
@00:08:20 she said flynn was set up by the obama
@00:08:32 up michael flynn and she is doing what
@00:09:54 agency director michael flynn on behalf
@00:09:59 dinner in england in 2014 and that flynn

Operation Hammer Exposed, Closing Act Coming Soon - Episode 1871b

@00:13:54 michael flynn told investigators that it
@00:14:29 flynn recalled conversations with senior
@00:14:48 memo says trump team according to flynn

The Call Is Loud And Clear, Those Who Committed Treason, Go Directly To Jail - Episode 1870b

@00:10:05 interesting in the michael flynn
@00:10:15 mike flynn and ambassador kis lyac and
@00:10:20 audio recordings of mr. flynn including
@00:10:35 call will match statements from flynn to
@00:10:39 ergo flynn did not lie to the fbi now
@00:11:53 statement that flynn had no contact with
@00:11:58 statement from flynn would make pence
@00:12:01 appear compromised michael flynn is now
@00:12:09 security adviser flynn was interviewed
@00:12:17 before the flynn interview january 23rd
@00:12:20 2017 the day before flynn interview lisa
@00:12:54 day before they interview flynn why
@00:13:03 of the phone call between mike flynn and
@00:13:13 monitoring flynn that's why they were so
@00:13:28 possibility flynn was honest but his
@00:13:35 and flynn likely tried to dance through
@00:13:44 flynn is brutally honest the media now
@00:13:53 against mike flynn prosecutor brandon
@00:14:01 flynn interview on january 24 2017 and a
@00:14:35 302 report on the flynn interview likely
@00:14:55 involved in shaping how the flynn 302
@00:15:14 flynn was under investigation from the
@00:15:24 brennan had flynn as one of the early
@00:15:38 of general flynn never stopped
@00:16:01 prosecuting michael flynn and coring him
@00:16:05 so they trapped flynn they changed the
@00:16:38 seems the general flynn was under

WW Resignations, [DS] Scrambling, Wait For It, Boom - Episode 1869b

@00:17:36 flynn case obama's fisa court appointee

[DS] Begins To Turn On Each Other, The Cover-Up Always Gets You In The End - Episode 1868b

@00:20:36 who else has it flynn flynn has all the

Patriots Are On The Hunt, Gloves Are Off, Placeholders Active - Episode 1858b

@00:14:30 find that papadopoulos flynn man afford

[5], [4] To Go, Patriots In Control, [DS] Is Being Shutdown - Episode 1855b

@00:07:46 others went after flynn because he knows
@00:08:12 buried just like flynn this is going to

Last Resort Activated, No Blockade = Game Over, Tick Tock - Episode 1849b

@00:07:39 retired us army general michael flynn
@00:08:04 i put the flynn leak in that category
@00:08:36 of kis lyac flynn conversations and
@00:08:47 was unmasked and if it was general flynn
@00:09:16 general flynn or about general flynn's

It’s Time To Turn The Tables And Bring Justice, Pain Coming- Episode 1847b

@00:05:06 michael flynn for his opposed ties to
@00:05:14 flynn was under investigation for four
@00:05:20 report stated that flynn was being
@00:05:30 investigation of flynn based on his
@00:05:40 remember we talked about flynn flynn
@00:05:49 and this is why they went after flynn i
@00:06:40 investigation of flynn based on his
@00:07:11 to general michael flynn prior to his

Patriots, Time To Bring Down The House, Planned, WWG1WGA - Episode 1844b

@00:04:50 flynn and the positioning of a false

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:27:50 we see general flynn he changed his
@00:28:06 changing and it looks like flynn is

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:10:14 personally saw it that general flynn was
@00:10:30 10th and had him read his 302s on flynn

[DS] Exposed, The World Will See How The [DS] Navigates Around The Laws - Episode 1826b

@00:27:45 national security advisor michael flynn

Blockade Dismantled, Counting Down, Patriots Turn, Rats Scattering - Episode 1823b

@00:33:37 flynn and paul manafort of coordinating

This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1821b

@00:03:45 from roger stone to assange to flynn jr.

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:28:18 disparaging remarks about general flynn
@00:31:20 afford flynn had pfizer's on them q says

It’s Happening, Senate Activated, Update To Countdown - Episode 1810b

@00:08:32 no collusion flynn no collusion gate no

Dark To Light, But Something Is Lurking In The Shadows - Episode 1809b

@00:01:47 like you has been telling us this flynn
@00:44:07 now it looks like general flynn changed

Stage Is Set, [DS] Ammo Depleted, Wait For It, Trump Card - Episode 1806b

@00:05:18 assange and ra michael flynn flynn jr.

[DS] Out Maneuvered Again, Truth Overshadows Propaganda - Episode 1793b

@00:06:47 corsi michael flynn and any other trump

Military Exercises In Multiple Cities, Arrests, We Have The Watch - Episode 1790b

@00:10:00 even flynn when he was in front of the
@00:10:03 change your plea flynn said absolutely
@00:23:14 now general flynn he changed his banner
@00:23:18 he put up the flynn family crest and
@00:23:51 way flynn might be telling everyone to

It’s Time, Senate Was Everything, Investigations Begin - Episode 1786b

@00:03:05 papadopolis michael flynn remember
@00:03:08 michael flynn he neva want to change his

Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Full Control, Panic - Episode 1784b

@00:14:46 flynn now we know that the state of the

Follow The Watch, The World Is Watching, We Know Everything - Episode 1782b

@00:20:38 flynn changed his wallpaper on his

Patriots Over The Target, Incoming, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom - Episode 1781b

@00:23:18 interestingly general flynn changed his

Shadow Players Are The Deadliest, [Stealth] Has Its Advantages, [Boo] - Episode 1778b

@00:09:19 lieutenant general michael flynn that
@00:16:31 something else is going on would flynn

Boxed In, No Escape, Watch, Everything Is About To Change, Wait For It - Episode 1776b

@00:08:10 flynn at the white house which led to
@00:08:12 reports flynn lied to the fbi
@00:08:26 flynn prosecution and to the secret

Tactical Move, [DS] Trapped Themselves, The Power Of Military Planning - Episode 1775b

@00:11:36 means he lied michael flynn we know that

Insurance Activated, Playing Out As Planned, Blocking/Protecting Will Fail - Episode 1773b

@00:14:05 going on flynn is giving information on
@00:14:10 these investigations flynn knows all

Watch The Water, Prisons Activated, [DS] Coded Messages - Episode 1770b

@00:20:06 fake and general flynn changed his
@00:20:47 let's take this new picture that flynn

Trap Has Been Set [30], Are We About To See A Mass Draining Of The Swamp? - Episode 1766b

@00:17:27 and 1935 now i know this has flynn in
@00:17:38 then under it it talks about flynn post
@00:17:55 it says think flynn brackets 30 exactly

As Predicted, Right On Schedule, Next Move Will Not Be Propaganda - Episode 1764b

@00:13:55 didn't they say flynn lied well if these

[DS] Just Got Played, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1762b

@00:11:15 of justice think about general flynn for
@00:11:18 a second general flynn has information
@00:11:32 now if flynn was telling mueller all
@00:11:50 sentencing of flynn the judge postponed
@00:11:53 flynn sentencing why because he's
@00:12:19 flynn gone they're probably sitting
@00:12:21 there going i can't believe flynn is
@00:12:30 mueller stop flynn not right now because

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:16:30 purview for which flynn has been
@00:16:41 flynn was in the dia
@00:17:26 exactly what's going on remember flynn
@00:17:34 with kis lyac that's how they knew flynn
@00:17:40 lied and that's why flynn is sticking to

Did You Miss It, Trump Just Telegraphed A Message To [DS] & Anons - Episode 1756b

@00:02:52 flynn for nearly two years and this
@00:03:09 adviser michael flynn as a russian
@00:03:16 sally yates publicly claimed flynn was
@00:04:10 fairness to lieutenant general flynn
@00:04:26 sources before flynn made his infamous
@00:05:10 when flynn returned from moscow he spent
@00:05:21 various meetings with flynn about the rt
@00:05:48 suggesting that flynn may have been on a
@00:06:33 highly unlikely so flynn did all the

It’s Just Getting Started, Enjoy The Ride - Episode 1755b

@00:11:59 remember flynn knows everything mueller

Justice Is Coming, Nothing Can Stop It, Cover Up Exposed, Fear, Panic - Episode 1753b

@00:14:36 people are very concerned with flynn
@00:14:38 many thought because q said flynn was
@00:14:48 and afraid of flynn and we know that q
@00:14:51 is mentioned flynn many many times and
@00:14:57 flynn will be safe so conservative
@00:15:02 explaining why flynn is so important and
@00:15:22 general michael flynn as a risk worthy a
@00:15:36 department hillary clinton general flynn
@00:15:39 lieutenant general flynn was appointed
@00:17:08 general michael flynn from 2012
@00:18:00 director michael flynn he was on the job
@00:18:06 flynn sent this intelligence information
@00:18:17 director flynn knew the motives the
@00:18:46 syria was an even bigger problem flynn
@00:18:57 footprint but michael flynn came into
@00:19:15 risk that flynn represented now obama
@00:19:35 advisor flynn former dia knowing
@00:19:53 true trump wins the election and flynn
@00:20:48 motive to paint flynn into any scenario
@00:21:00 sessions and flynn targeted for
@00:21:19 flynn is safe we protect our patriots
@00:21:36 mueller's purview for which flynn has
@00:21:45 flynn doing he's helping with the

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition To Cover Up The Inevitable - Episode 1752b

@00:31:04 lieutenant michael flynn all the singing

Flynn Signals Dark To Light, [DS][CB] PANIC - Episode 1749b

@00:00:41 episode is flynn signals dark to light
@00:17:39 general flynn he just sent a signal to

The Clock Is Ticking, First Alarm Bell Ready,Power Returned To The People - Episode 1746b

@00:17:28 and this link is flynn hearing leaves
@00:19:21 crime against flynn is not about him
@00:19:34 the fisa against flynn and using that
@00:19:46 flynn would be safe what is safe

Boom, [DS] Just Setup, Military Planning At Its Finest, Did You Miss It - Episode 1744b

@00:01:38 flynn's not getting off flynn was
@00:01:55 that means but q does say that flynn is
@00:02:25 happened with flynn and why it's so
@00:04:25 report from the michael flynn
@00:04:43 eve of michael flynn sentencing hearing
@00:05:13 muller and gang before flynn sentencing
@00:05:22 24th before flynn was confronted by the
@00:05:47 called general flynn before sending his
@00:06:07 24 2017 michael flynn called via secure
@00:06:16 also points out general flynn received a
@00:06:32 court to general michael flynn will be
@00:06:54 happen to flynn but let me continue
@00:07:26 sullivan flynn and mueller's team they
@00:07:41 asking flynn if he was aware that lying
@00:07:44 to the fbi was illegal and flynn said
@00:07:58 now and flynn said no i am not going to
@00:08:46 and flynn was unmasked now again he was
@00:09:09 considered charging general flynn with
@00:10:44 following mike flynn sentencing
@00:11:11 why would flynn plead guilty to
@00:11:23 flynn is safe expand your thinking what
@00:11:29 flynn done in 30 expand
@00:11:37 screenshot of flynn and it says loading
@00:11:43 anand says flynn exonerated soon queue
@00:11:59 flynn is safe we protect our patriots
@00:12:17 mueller's purview for which flynn has
@00:12:59 this and said flynn is being held for
@00:14:37 now flynn he has been paid around five
@00:14:52 during a presidential campaign flynn
@00:15:23 really has nothing on flynn because if
@00:16:24 then after this is why flynn was there
@00:19:25 flynn unmasked
@00:19:36 and flynn was spied on and then unmasked
@00:19:49 hmm so why didn't flynn change his
@00:22:54 flynn that was to get the american
@00:23:05 about treason have them chant yes flynn

Envelopes Delivered, Placeholders Created, Ready For The Plot Twist - Episode 1743b

@00:02:08 happening to flynn right now with this
@00:06:06 general flynn ironically iowa senator
@00:07:31 the interview between general flynn and
@00:07:55 interview between flynn and struck and
@00:08:14 that general flynn did not appear to be
@00:08:54 probe down then general flynn will be
@00:09:53 saying is that flynn is involved with
@00:10:33 see that flynn might be in a little bit
@00:10:53 turkey and flynn specifically how flynn
@00:11:01 investigation giving flynn a pass on his
@00:11:16 the damaging narrative around flynn the
@00:12:42 but look what q says why would flynn
@00:12:57 flynn is safe expand your thinking
@00:13:00 now why would flynn at this time plead
@00:13:24 would be the reason that flynn would say
@00:15:08 why would flynn agree that he lied why

MSM Prepping For The Falling Hammer, We Knew This Was Coming - Episode 1742b

@00:04:49 would not warn flynn that it was a crime
@00:04:54 because they wanted flynn to be relaxed
@00:05:03 that flynn did not give any indicators
@00:05:13 that at the time that flynn was not
@00:16:40 general flynn sentencing hearing on the
@00:18:09 how flynn in is innocent how the steel

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:05:49 is completely fake now with flynn this
@00:06:01 created after the fact to ambush flynn
@00:06:07 later on they created the 302 s so flynn
@00:06:32 flynn on january 24th 2017 didn't write
@00:06:50 suspected the 302 summary notes on flynn

Panic Is Off The Charts, No Escape & No Deals - Episode 1737b

@00:09:12 paul manafort and general michael flynn
@00:10:30 fbi opened files on for american flynn
@00:10:50 general flynn was charged for one

[DS] Stunts Will Attempt To Delay, New Dates For Hearing Set - Episode 1733b

@00:08:02 flynn is safe we protect our patriots
@00:08:19 general michael flynn in exchange for
@00:08:44 mueller's purview for which flynn has
@00:09:16 opposed about flynn
@00:09:29 december 4th 2018 showing that flynn was
@00:12:47 following on flynn case number one
@00:18:53 is from barbara flynn this is from
@00:19:08 flynn under it it says attention on deck
@00:19:48 flynn was a counter to what they've just

The Trap Is Set, The Scope Of The Op Runs Deep, Retaliation Is Expected - Episode 1723b

@00:04:55 michael flynn in public
@00:07:32 18th general flynn sentencing

Nobody Noticed, The Setup Is Perfect, The Spotlight Shines Bright - Episode 1709b

@00:22:02 flynn man afford have been silenced a

The Numbers Add Up, Stay Strong, Divided No More - Episode 1708b

@00:12:19 video this is flynn giving a speech
@00:13:34 of flynn giving that speech there is a

Panic, The Deep State Projection In Full Force, Anons Know Why - Episode 1699b

@00:23:12 michael flynn this is what they're
@00:23:16 trying to tie in trump flynn and this

Another Flip, Trump Preparing The Masses, More Carpet Bombs On The Way - Episode 1691b

@00:07:33 adviser michael flynn and trump and this
@00:07:43 early february 2017 shortly before flynn
@00:08:12 general michael t flynn and potus and

The Presidential Alert Test & Full Senate Vote On Target - Episode 1674b

@00:21:33 general flynn was talking about a

Release The Sessions, ]Sessions[ Activated, MOAB Inbound - Episode 1667b

@00:07:10 now he has delayed the hearing on flynn
@00:07:32 what's going to happen is that flynn is

AUTH REQ, Attempts To Block, Carpet Bombs Dropped, This Is Not A Game - Episode 1666b

@00:11:02 flynn with two individuals and this is
@00:11:22 general flynn trying to get this
@00:12:33 speech with flynn and was very
@00:12:36 interesting about this is that flynn
@00:12:45 flynn wrote where we go one we go all
@00:12:58 some of the books at general flynn
@00:13:15 like this is from general flynn
@00:13:24 confirming that flynn is on board with

DECLAS, A Week To Remember, [RENEGADE] Exposed - Episode 1665b

@00:07:11 it's a picture of flynn with two
@00:11:47 general flynn who is accepting the award
@00:11:49 for service to america and general flynn

The Plan Is In Place, Prepare For The MOAB, Twelve Steps Ahead - Episode 1663b

@00:18:51 when i'm say sessions and flynn targeted
@00:22:44 adviser michael flynn and the recusal of

Attention On Deck, Battle Stations,Prepare If You Have Not - Episode 1661b

@00:14:23 general flynn if you were muller what's

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:27:44 warrant issued approved flynn mueller -
@00:27:48 flynn

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:45:12 threat assessment admiral rogers flynn
@00:46:24 assessment and more rogers flynn this
@00:46:46 head of the nsa and general flynn former

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:17:56 flynn brackets bold 30 hugh says exactly
@00:18:49 flynn in 30 now q originally said flynn
@00:19:13 that flynn keeps strategically changing
@00:27:55 flynn who is who uh once again all this

The Thunder Is Deafening, BIG Week Ahead - Episode 1648b

@00:11:35 look at general flynn on his twitter

And Now, The Feature Presentation, Sheep No More, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1643b

@00:08:01 sharon mcgowan resigned dianne flynn

Deep, Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, It Goes A Lot Deeper Than You Think - Episode 1640b

@00:01:43 michael flynn with the 302s changing it
@00:02:15 department has withheld the flynn
@00:02:36 flynn sentencing on several occasions we
@00:03:10 flynn particularly given the apparent

Trump/Putin Meeting Will Seal The Deal Which Pushes The Plan Forward - Episode 1613b

@00:02:47 delayed the sentencing for michael flynn

The Strategy Within A Strategy, The People Are Going To Be Shocked - Episode 1612b

@00:05:47 flynn and he tweeted out i attended
@00:05:59 team of general flynn sentencing saying
@00:06:21 saying that flynn is gonna be getting

We Have The Server, Tracking It All, Cornered - Episode 1607b

@00:03:29 see that the judge in the flynn case and
@00:03:47 tenth and says that flynn should be
@00:03:54 flynn case number and it says that july
@00:04:02 flynn is directed to attend and its son
@00:04:11 happens now q is saying that flynn is
@00:17:27 access to agent who interviewed flynn

It's Time, The Great Awakening Is About To Begin - Episode 1605

@00:05:20 mike flynn now remember the information
@00:05:23 coming out about this is that well flynn
@00:06:20 investigators suspect that general flynn

It Just Happened, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 1599b

@00:05:29 furious irs targeting benghazi flynn

It's All About To Change, The Time Is Now - Episode 1598b

@00:01:42 see that in the case of michael flynn
@00:02:12 michael flynn and we know from q's posts
@00:02:16 that flynn will be free in 30 and it
@00:02:26 evidence or a case against michael flynn

Boom, Full Speed Ahead With The Plan, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1587b

@00:07:45 top trump 8 mike flynn was investigated

North Korea Summit Has Been Canceled, Or Has It? - Episode 1576b

@00:05:12 'it's steve bannon michael cohen flynn
@00:05:30 papadopoulos and flynn if true it means
@00:08:01 and flynn and clapper made a new rule
@00:08:56 leaks include word that flynn was

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:07:22 national security adviser mike flynn

Prepare Yourself, Deep State Narrative Falling Apart - Episode 1562b

@00:03:42 interviewed flynn one of whom was

Blackhat Disinfo, Yes The Swamp Is Being Drained - Episode 1561b

@00:02:11 against mike flynn at all and this is
@00:02:27 said flynn done in 30 and we talked
@00:02:30 about this before where flynn basically
@00:03:39 flynn didn't think he was lying to them
@00:04:34 flynn plead guilty and we have to go
@00:04:38 27th where q said why would flynn plead
@00:04:49 where the bodies are buried flynn does
@00:04:51 flynn is safe i think he pleaded guilty
@00:16:18 flynn is going to be let go he's gonna

The Plan Is On Schedule, Countries Move To Review The Deal - Episode 1558b

@00:05:07 that flynn according to q post 1281 that
@00:05:13 flynn is going to be done in 30 30 days
@00:05:22 flynn now what's very interesting about
@00:05:24 flynn is that special counsel robert
@00:05:31 michael flynn be delayed by at least two
@00:05:40 flynn submitted that flynn is not ready
@00:05:54 flynn
@00:06:01 actually interrogated flynn and
@00:06:24 trial with flynn has been now pushed off
@00:20:27 way once flynn has been shown that he

Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought - Episode 1556b

@00:02:00 blindsided flynn on january 24th to 2017
@00:02:25 of the messages changed what flynn was

The Setup Is Almost Complete, Preparing To Move In On The Deep State - Episode 1555b

@00:10:47 with flynn and all of this post one to
@00:11:32 he went on to say why would flynn plead
@00:11:42 where the bodies are buried well flynn
@00:11:45 he's letting us know that flynn is safe
@00:11:48 1282 who interviewed flynn
@00:11:51 mccabe interviewed flynn on january 2017
@00:11:55 and that's the interview where flynn was
@00:12:03 make it look like flynn lied to try to
@00:12:15 why did flynn take the bullet rubber
@00:12:43 why was flynn charged one in one don't
@00:12:52 not match michael flynn charged in
@00:13:04 fbi agents did not think flynn lied to
@00:13:12 flynn couldn't be vindicated until the
@00:13:25 was schiff so flynn testified and fell
@00:13:52 flynn statements would later be
@00:14:01 beginning what we know is that flynn was
@00:14:32 there was no russian collusion flynn
@00:15:15 they said flynn lied when he really

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:19:42 indictments for michael flynn and paul

They Feel Threatened, Deep State Changes Tactics, Next Move Could Be Huge - Episode 1553b

@00:15:22 we knew flynn would be challenged this
@00:15:25 was part of the plan flynn jr. recent

Counterattack A Go, The Deep Empire Is About To Fall - Episode 1531b

@00:10:48 plan all the charges against flynn

Boom, The Plan Is In Motion, One Piece At A Time - Episode 1530b

@00:01:29 flynn and the rest and muller right now

Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State - Episode 1524b

@00:06:43 be the least of their problems flynn was
@00:06:53 they went after flynn flynn eventually

The "Plan" Is In Motion, Trust It - Episode 1523b

@00:01:33 with the recused judge in the flynn case
@00:01:51 flynn case now this is unbelievable
@00:02:20 flynn trump's brand-new national
@00:02:22 security director flynn later pleaded
@00:03:23 along with the notes from the flynn
@00:03:27 travis was recused from the flynn case

Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b

@00:03:29 adviser michael flynn has ordered
@00:04:33 could help flynn or hurt the government
@00:04:43 flynn really never pleaded guilty and

The World As We Know It Is About To Change - Episode 1492b

@00:11:58 met with x advisor of trump mr. flynn it
@00:12:07 with mr. flynn on a brighton beach in
@00:13:32 that meaning no copening told flynn that

Nation Alert, Active Sleeper Cells Ready To Push The Next Event:Q - Episode 1487b

@00:04:30 general mike flynn because what is
@00:04:55 flynn was set up by eight terminally

If The Deep State Propaganda Fails, Get Ready For The Event From Hell: Q - Episode 1484b

@00:14:38 report that claims that michael flynn

Is The Middle East Ready To Explode Or Is There Something Else Happening? - Episode 1441b

@00:02:32 very big deal about flynn speaking to
@00:04:47 they couldn't bring flynn up on these

Begin The Countdown, The Cabal Just Signalled They Are About To Do Something - Episode 1440b

@00:01:56 they got flynn they got mana ford and
@00:03:44 laundering money they have flynn lying

Something The Cabal Never Saw Coming That Will Shatter Their Entire Plan - Episode 1438b

@00:01:18 michael flynn and how muller came out
@00:01:53 that michael flynn is prepared to
@00:03:31 something where flynn lie to the fbi now
@00:03:36 flynn was being brought up on murder
@00:05:31 general flynn calls with russian
@00:07:16 blaming flynn on doing lying to the fbi
@00:07:33 flynn lying to the fbi but the fbi lies

The Plan For North Korea Is In Motion, It's Not What You Think? - Episode 1437b

@00:01:45 michael flynn it's all over the place
@00:01:52 out and basically had flynn plead guilty
@00:02:08 speculation that flynn has flipped is
@00:02:18 said that the indictment against flynn
@00:02:41 crime that flynn falsely denied to the
@00:07:10 flynn at this point all they have on him
@00:14:23 about meeting with kis lyac and flynn

The Cabal's First Stage Of The Event Has Just Been Initiated - Episode 1434b

@00:01:20 indict flynn we have evidence that he's
@00:01:34 flynn it looks like they're trying to
@00:02:00 why is mueller really going after flynn
@00:02:04 flynn was the head of the us defense

Something Big Is Happening That Hasn't Happened Since 2011 - Episode 1417b

@00:05:07 information about flynn and flynn's son
@00:05:12 information to go ahead and indict flynn

The Cabal's Desperation Level Is Off The Charts, What's Next? - Episode 1381b

@00:02:07 done legal work for michael flynn

The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1320b

@00:08:44 that her unmasking of michael flynn in

It's Time For The People To Take Control And Remove The Elite - Episode 1307b

@00:05:29 obstruction of does--is with flynn or

The Criminal Empire Has No Where To Go, What's Their Next Move - Episode 1305b

@00:09:28 flynn comey they all had meetings behind

It's All Coming Apart, This Is Where It Gets Scary - Episode 1301b

@00:06:21 flynn go i hope you can let this go now

The Plan Is In Action To Dismantle The Middle East, The Big Rotation Has Begun - Episode 1300b

@00:05:13 any investigation of flynn in connection

The Main Agenda Of The Bilderberg Secret Meeting, Trump - Episode 1295b

@00:11:24 lieutenant general michael flynn has

Trump Has Turned The Tables On The Deep State, He Is Now Going After Them - Episode 1293b

@00:04:35 investigators remember michael flynn he

It Is All Unraveling And This Is Why Everyone Should Be Nervous - Episode 1289b

@00:12:08 mike flynn spying on trump spying on

The Central Bankers Make Their Move To Control All Currencies - Episode 1286b

@00:04:04 harping on flynn to make the connection

The Battle Will Only Get Worse, The End Will Be A Disaster Either Way - Episode 1282b

@00:08:46 investigation of general flynn following
@00:09:18 flynn go mr. trump told mr. comey
@00:09:26 told mr. call me that mr. flynn had done
@00:09:48 that flynn had done nothing wrong and we
@00:09:58 cleared flynn of any wrongdoings but

The Central Banker, Deep State Secret Weapon, The 'Kill Switch' - Episode 1280b

@00:02:54 like they did with flynn even though it

Next Phase Of The Plan Will Be Chaotic On Purpose - Episode 1277b

@00:09:13 individuals that unmasked flynn because
@00:11:18 michael flynn was contacting him and

Are Forces Being Put Into Place Outside Of Venezuela For Regime Change? - Episode 1275b

@00:08:34 this period with flynn and everything

Something Is Brewing In Jordan And It Mimics Past Events - Episode 1274b

@00:04:02 trump about hiring flynn now it's very
@00:04:28 that listen i wouldn't hire flynn and we
@00:04:34 false we know that general flynn was

Kim Jong Un Said Something Which Will Leave Many Scatching Their Heads - Episode 1269b

@00:03:08 list us because listen flynn did not put

The Confusion With Trump, How Will It All End? - Episode 1266b

@00:02:48 controversy with flynn right now and the
@00:03:11 saying that flynn filled out the
@00:03:23 government employee flynn was able to
@00:03:33 flynn was a career military officer who

Do You Feel It, Something Just Changed - Episode 1264b

@00:06:57 on flynn michael flynn on how he took
@00:07:39 this point in time no michael flynn is

The Covert Plan Is Working In Conjuction With The Collapse Of The Economy - Episode 1263b

@00:01:36 regards to michael flynn they're saying
@00:01:57 flynn had failed to reveal more than

Trump's Hidden Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1250b

@00:14:23 going back many years we know that flynn

The Deep State Is Going All In With Syria - Episode 1248b

@00:01:28 michael flynn resigned they needed

The Deep State Distraction Tactic Is Pushing Trump To Face Putin - Episode 1247b

@00:01:19 at the white house since mike flynn
@00:05:21 michael flynn at least one more member
@00:06:00 one is mr. flynn and the other hasn't

Countries Begin To Prepare, But Preparing For What? - Episode 1243b

@00:01:18 administration and we see flynn well he
@00:01:55 were out there reporting that flynn was
@00:03:18 really care about flynn and who he spoke
@00:03:43 flynn at all they rejected that right
@00:09:48 and we know that flynn was unmasked so

It's Happening, It's Exactly What We Thought The Deep State Would Do - Episode 1240b

@00:08:33 individuals that unmasked flynn where

America Has Become #1 Again, But It's Not What You Think - Episode 1237b

@00:09:32 flynn and he has information that says

The Narrative Has Been Set For The Collapse And The Next Event - Episode 1236b

@00:02:06 that flynn was under surveillance so
@00:02:08 flynn was under surveillance well you

Is It A Coincidence That An Event Occurred The Same Day The Surveillance News Broke? - Episode 1235b

@00:08:38 we know that they unmasked flynn flynn
@00:09:27 only thing they had was flynn speaking

The Central Bank/Deep State Started The Countdown For The Next Big Event - Episode 1229b

@00:05:59 flynn and the ambassador now they issued

The Deep State Has Just Been Setup, Get Ready For The Awakening - Episode 1221b

@00:15:42 flynn his communications with russia

Just When You Thought Everything Was Going To Be Fine, This Happened - Episode 1215b

@00:04:56 michael flynn with russia they see

U.S. Not So Innocent, CIA Involved In Espionage Leading Up To The French Elections - Episode 1206b

@00:05:55 sanctions to flynn and then flynn
@00:06:10 this is true then flynn didn't do
@00:08:51 of the logan act than anything flynn is
@00:09:46 this plan because flynn knew he did

Is There A Hidden Message In Michael Flynn's Resignation Letter? - Episode 1205b

@00:01:11 mike flynn handed in his letter of
@00:01:35 controversy with flynn nancy pelosi was
@00:04:55 flynn he gave in his resignation letter
@00:05:18 up to his resignation flynn describes
@00:05:40 doesn't hold water second general flynn
@00:05:48 ignored by the media in his letter flynn
@00:07:04 unbelievable and this is why flynn left
@00:09:09 from flynn those should be public and we
@00:17:34 against flynn

The 'Deep State' Soft Coup Is Now In Progress To Take Full Control Of The Country - Episode 1204b

@00:10:38 can see that flynn general flynn he
@00:11:09 thing now general flynn he was
@00:12:31 what just happened here now flynn he
@00:13:15 adviser general flynn well he said the
@00:13:19 plot to get rid of flynn has succeeded
@00:13:25 accepted and he said that flynn dared
@00:13:41 council flynn tried to wrestle the
@00:13:51 out because flynn understood that russia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1060

@00:09:14 a fascist country and john t flynn who
@00:09:22 he reviewed history and flynn sums up

Central Bankers Continually Pushing War As The Economy Falters - Episode 427

@00:36:00 flynn said the toppling of a mosque by
@00:36:11 worse flynn said the region would end up