
Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty - Episode 2254b

@00:24:01 mexico as you know has a very high rate

Judy Shelton Gets Green Light, Setup Almost Complete, Watch Gold - Episode 2229a

@00:14:18 have trade deals with mexico and canada

V For The Economic Recovery, Must Be The Pent Up Demand - Episode 2226a

@00:08:57 pushed everything into mexico and away

The Truth Is Coming Hard & Fast, Law & Order, There Is No Escape - Episode 2224b

@00:26:12 uk spain italy france mexico the u.s.

Door Opened, [DS] Tricked & Trapped, Operation Legend Active - Episode 2220b

@00:24:59 greatly by mexico on creating record

It Begins, China Supply Chains Ready To Be Broken Up, Transition Moves Forward - Episode 2220a

@00:16:47 they move they might move into mexico or

Trump Is Ready To Reset The Balance Of Economic Power, Wait For It - Episode 2217a

@00:14:53 created canada united states mexico

The 16 Year Plan Has Failed, The [DS] Worst Nightmare Has Come True, We The People - Episode 2213b

@00:29:16 us green card holders sicken in mexico q
@00:29:23 19 to positive patients in mexico were
@00:29:31 mexico comes as many parts of california
@00:30:08 include mx and california so mexico to

It Has Begun, The USMCA Is Now Online, Watch What Happens Next, Nothing Can Stop This- Episode 2213a

@00:08:25 canada mexico and the united states it
@00:08:57 canada or mexico or the vehicle will be
@00:11:00 mexico are our 1st and 3rd largest
@00:11:23 agricultural exports to canada mexico

Blocks Removed, The Attack Run Has Begun, Treason - Episode 2206b

@00:08:41 along the us-mexico border and it's

This Is Not About The [CB] Economy, It’s About The Transition - Episode 2202a

@00:07:33 negotiated it he made a deal with mexico

Trump Accelerates US Economic Plan, Strings Have Been Cut - Episode 2186a

@00:09:34 drives up wages made a deal with mexico

The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b

@00:14:42 gas activity in the gulf of mexico

Storm Is Coming, You’ll Love How This Movie Ends - Episode 2165b

@00:09:43 about california mexico is sadly
@00:10:23 california because of mexico they're

Precursor, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Relevant Events Are About To Unfold - Episode 2158b

@00:20:45 columbus new mexico this was on april

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:33:46 in the gulf of mexico down by central
@00:34:07 gulf of mexico tons of rescue kilos and

We Are Ready, Countdown Ended, Indictments Coming - Episode 2152b

@00:14:32 oregon washington arizona new mexico

Think Leverage, The Economic Plan Was To Get Leverage Over The [CB] - Episode 2150a

@00:09:22 mexico us and canada a manufacturing

The Patriots Are Now In Position, The Economic System Is Ready - Episode 2148a

@00:09:27 oil giants russia saudi arabia mexico

At What Stage In The Game Do You Play The TRUMP Card? - Episode 2147b

@00:06:58 out in new jersey new york new mexico

The Patriots Are Removing The Economic Blocks The [CB] Setup - Episode 2147a

@00:09:24 mexico didn't want to cut their
@00:09:28 400,000 barrels per day remember mexico
@00:09:55 mexico that drop a more manageable
@00:10:01 an undisclosed agreement where mexico
@00:10:15 wouldn't that be incredible where mexico
@00:10:24 that entire plan of having mexico pay

It’s Not The People’s Fault, The Economy Was Hit By The Invisible Enemy - Episode 2145a

@00:04:28 trump is also making deals with mexico

Soon The World Will Understand, The Truth Will Shock The World - Episode 2143b

@00:09:57 mexico and other places now i want to go

deleted Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last - Episode 2137b

@00:11:10 under the us-mexico border and they
@00:11:30 mexico border to a warehouse in a
@00:11:55 from mexico to the us into a warehouse

deleted Panic Accelerates, Exposure,The [DS]/MSM Are In The Process Of Destroying Themselves-Episode 2135b

@00:09:01 domingo has coronavirus he's in mexico

Trump Ready, It’s Time To Move This Economy - Episode 2130a

@00:03:42 states mexico a manufacturing powerhouse

Pill Hard To Swallow, Unsealed Much Will Be Revealed, Watch The News For [RC] - Episode 2127b

@00:07:20 mexico trump spoke to those leaders it's

It’s Time, The Storm Is Here, The Call Goes Out, Message Sent, Ammunition Spent - Episode 2119b

@00:10:47 the remain in mexico policy which makes
@00:10:51 u.s. to remain in mexico so the ruling

Wait Time Is Over, Trump Makes His Move On The Economy, Watch The News - Episode 2118a

@00:13:13 maybe they go to mexico but don't where

Kansas Sends A Message, Renegade Will Pay The Price - Episode 2115b

@00:20:21 court with the remain in mexico policy
@00:20:31 mexico to wait for a court date or

Did You Catch What Is Happening With The Economy, Watch Precious Metals - Episode 2115a

@00:09:40 canada mexico and the us what else does

It Will Happen On The Patriots Timeline, Think Logically, Who Holds All The Cards? - Episode 2114b

@00:13:21 massachusetts new jersey new mexico new
@00:13:49 jersey new mexico new york oregon

Timing Is Everything, What Does An Economic Transition Look Like? - Episode 2114

@00:04:36 manufacturing in mexico and made a

Trump Moves Pieces In Place, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot Spring/Summer - Episode 2110b

@00:12:14 to mexico to await their asylum
@00:12:22 protocols also known as remain in mexico

The Economic Transition Confirmed, Right On Schedule, Trump Hits The Fed - Episode 2110a

@00:10:25 and mexico to become a north america

Who Has The Economic Magic Wand? Wait For It, Watch India - Episode 2105a

@00:09:06 mexico and canada made trade deals with

[CB] Lost, No Moves Left, Get Ready It’s All About To Kick In- Episode 2103a

@00:05:20 mexico canada and others fully kick in
@00:05:37 u.s. mexico and canada to the next level
@00:07:01 1.1 billion in mexico over the next five
@00:07:09 centers with mexico which indicates they
@00:08:14 mexico a lot of deals with canada why

Ammunition Running Low, No Step 5, Swamp Trapped And Drained, Panic Sets In - Episode 2094b

@00:16:11 mexico oregon pennsylvania vermont and

Trump Prepares To Cut Foreign Aid Budget, Ready For EU - Episode 2093a

@00:11:00 with canada mexico japan a phase one

IMF Deputy Director Resigns, Patriots Economic Leverage Increases - Episode 2092a

@00:07:05 mexico the united states it's the
@00:09:59 they went to mexico they went to china

Trump Receives The Economic Ammunition He Needed, Boom! - Episode 2088a

@00:09:32 mca which has canada and mexico joined

Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

@00:12:28 hampshire nevada new mexico minnesota

Brexit Passed, Trump Readies The Country, Watch What Comes Next - Episode 2066a

@00:11:26 trade agreements between mexico canada
@00:11:49 directly to mexico anymore everything is

[CB] Goes After BJ, Trump Prepares The Next Phase Of The Economic Plan - Episode 2059a

@00:07:59 mexico the united states and canada to

Something Big Is About To Happen With The Economy, [CB]/MSM Try To Counter - Episode 2057a

@00:05:18 u.s. mexico canada u.s. mca agreement
@00:06:45 have mexico canada which is the u.s. mca

FOIA Documents Reveal The Fort Knox Gold Mystery - Episode 2055a

@00:09:50 working with the country of mexico and

Did The [CB]s Make Their Move To Save Their Economic System? - Episode 2050a

@00:14:33 america well of mexico canada the us and

[CB]/MSM Trapped By Their Own Economic System, [CB] Controlled - Episode 204

@00:07:56 mexico the united states ad in the uk
@00:08:26 canada mexico are doing what do you

Obama Sends Message, Flynn Exactly [30], [GS] Makes His Move - Episode 2045b

@00:13:48 created by the u.s. and mexico in 1889

Another Win By The Patriots, The Economic Storm Grows Stronger - Episode 2044a

@00:07:07 in mexico the united states we discussed

Just Like That, USMCA On Deck, Economic Plan Set - Episode 2042a

@00:07:33 mexico say it all looks good let's get
@00:07:56 between us and mexico for assembly
@00:08:05 within the us and mexico here's a good
@00:09:07 assembly plant in mexico just came
@00:09:29 the us and mexico with 45% of those
@00:09:43 parts in the us and mexico the new u.s.

The [DS] Crimes Will Be Publicly Answered Soon, Sheep No More - Episode 2040b

@00:17:16 individual was then sent back to mexico

Trump Restructuring US Economy, Biden - Attacks On Fed Abuse Of Power - Episode 2040a

@00:03:53 put our great trade deal with mexico and

Patriots Needed Time, USMCA Gives It To Them, Brilliant - Episode 2038a

@00:10:39 patriots they knew that canada mexico
@00:10:43 especially mexico they had manufacturing
@00:10:53 manufacturers are down in mexico a lot
@00:10:57 mexico and they knew that the united
@00:11:39 because he knew he could use mexico to
@00:11:52 mexico which would create jobs which

Pelosi Boxed In, This Is Not A Trade War, It’s War On The [CB] - Episode 2034a

@00:03:40 mexico mexican leaders u.s. mca more

[CB]/Globalists Send Warning, Trump Counters With The MOAB - Episode 2033a

@00:12:51 mexico it will be a manufacturing
@00:13:12 states when mexico when canada when all
@00:14:37 they do this what will happen mexico the
@00:15:06 pelosi this way you got mexico involved
@00:15:11 mexico is saying hey why don't you pass

Flynn News Coming Soon [30], Bread & Butter, [DS] KO- Episode 2032b

@00:21:29 drugs that enter mexico from the united
@00:21:34 statement that mexico secretary of
@00:21:48 countries the government of mexico will
@00:22:12 from the united states to mexico as well
@00:23:26 being sent into mexico why the drug
@00:23:29 precursors were being sent into mexico

Trump’s Economic Plan Is Brilliant, It Will Shake [CB]s/Globalist To The Core - Episode 2032a

@00:10:12 mexico and pelosi should quit trying to
@00:10:51 major economic benefit to mexico because
@00:11:03 now to receive the benefits mexico has
@00:11:39 china an alternative in mexico and
@00:13:08 opportunity opened within the us-mexico
@00:13:35 and mexico with this new usmc ideal

Brilliant, Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, Think “Coup” - Episode 2017b

@00:09:15 getting a trade deal with mexico and

[DS] Walked Right Into The Trap,Precedent Was Established,Epstein Coverup - Episode 2013b

@00:29:39 northern mexico he tweeted out the
@00:29:51 children and some missing if mexico
@00:30:02 the great new president of mexico has

Did You Notice What Is Being Done Economically, Many Are Overlooking It - Episode 2004a

@00:04:54 this manufacturing system is why mexico

The Battle For The Economy, Patriots Are In A Position Of Strength - Episode 2002a

@00:09:17 he used it with mexico he partly used it

[CB] Up To Their Old Tricks, NP Exposed On The Economy - Episode 1998a

@00:04:41 mexico and canada but congress what have
@00:05:29 it was mexico and canada that already

Impeachment Coming Apart, WB Revealed?, [DS] Is Trapped - Episode 1993b

@00:21:11 united states and mexico south of el
@00:21:14 to my left is the country of mexico and

Economic Message Received, Sets The “Gold Standard” - Episode 1990a

@00:05:12 south korea mexico and canada the
@00:05:29 korea mexico and canada remember mexico

Panic Sets In For Brennan, Schiff In Trouble, This Is Just The Warmup - Episode 1986b

@00:24:17 at the us-mexico border in the spring

Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped - Episode 1976b

@00:25:27 can see he made a deal with mexico he's

Horowitz Delivers The Bad News To Comey, More Pain Coming - Episode 1973b

@00:19:03 mexico and canada to try to stop the
@00:21:40 leave they can go back to mexico if
@00:21:44 mexico why didn't they ask us eylem in
@00:21:46 mexico and people started to say yeah

Prosecutions On Deck, This Is Just The Beginning, [DS] Pain Coming - Episode 1968b

@00:21:11 forced to wait in mexico and these
@00:21:34 introduced it's remain in mexico policy
@00:21:55 they're waiting in mexico about 40,000
@00:22:02 forced to wait in mexico while their
@00:22:15 wait there in mexico and they'll have
@00:22:30 president of mexico talking about

Did You Catch Trump’s Messages, Optics Are Important, [DS] Doomed - Episode 1965b

@00:19:41 to mexico until we figure out who you

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:21:21 information now officials in new mexico
@00:21:50 and reassigned to a new mexico ranching

The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many - Episode 1952b

@00:09:44 epstein at his ranch in new mexico the

Investigations By OIG Completed, Facts Dominate, [DS] Scrambles - Episode 1946b

@00:18:38 looking at the zorro ranch in new mexico

Drip, Drip, Prepped And Ready, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1945b

@00:16:41 crossings in texas and new mexico now
@00:17:10 mexico the majority of migrants trying

[C] Before [D], It’s Getting Ready To Blow - Episode 1944b

@00:26:45 there is no video even mexico had a

Clues Have Been Given, Up Is Down, Left Is Right, Trust The Mission - Episode 1939b

@00:11:23 zorro ranch in new mexico and via zorro
@00:19:03 tijuana mexico and construction of a new

One Question Destroys The MSM, What’s Coming Will Shock The Nation - Episode 1937b

@00:05:36 from mexico he continued the mainstream

We Knew It Was Going To Happen, Exculpatory Evidence, Boom - Episode 1934b

@00:16:33 wyoming new mexico new england minnesota

The Economy Is Now In Position, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1933a

@00:08:17 tariffs on mexico he's looking to place

Bigger Charges Coming, August Is A Hot Month - Episode 1932b

@00:19:19 mexico is now living up to some of the
@00:19:55 deal with mexico started building the
@00:20:06 migrants reaching the us-mexico border

Voter Id Coming, Investigations Deep & Wide, Watch The News- Episode 1930b

@00:15:22 they can go back to mexico they can go
@00:15:26 asylum in mexico they don't have to do

Raids, Timeline & The Message Of Treason - Episode 1924b

@00:30:55 discusses a conspiracy to invade mexico
@00:31:39 united states and parts of mexico burrs

Message Relayed To [DS], All Exits Are Now Blocked - Episode 1922b

@00:12:33 mexico governor bruce king former new
@00:12:36 mexico governor and democratic
@00:21:47 back to mexico or to your country this
@00:22:30 declining mexico is assisting the dams

A Week To Remember, Watch The Watch, It’s Time - Episode 1921b

@00:16:41 that the deaths at the us-mexico border

Define Psychological Projection, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1918b

@00:22:40 multilateral treaty that declares mexico
@00:22:45 be sent legally to mexico for their for

The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom - Episode 1917b

@00:18:21 breaking over 30% of mexico border

Watch The News, News Unlocks, [RC], NYC Blackout Message - Episode 1916b

@00:04:34 new mexico ranch which he built decades
@00:16:57 facilities along the us-mexico border
@00:17:42 and go back to mexico and go through the
@00:19:21 they with mexico are they with illegals

Trump Sends Economic Message, It’s Not What You Think - Episode 1915a

@00:04:45 mexico
@00:04:52 made if mexico produces which i think
@00:04:57 mexico has not been revealed china is

News Unlocks, Info Scrubbed, Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall - Episode 1913b

@00:13:21 to mexico or their country they can ask
@00:13:24 for asylum in mexico why don't they
@00:13:34 open in mexico or

Storm Has Arrived, Now It’s The Patriots Turn, It’s Happening - Episode 1912c

@00:09:43 epstein's ranch in new mexico or his

This Time It Is Different, Watch How The Economic Plan Unfolds - Episode 1912a

@00:04:53 japan europe south korea mexico china is

Was Marker [1] Just Revealed, Was A Message Sent To The [DS]? - Episode 1909b

@00:17:39 leave and go back to mexico or back to
@00:18:06 they want to go back into mexico where

Independence Day Message Sent & Received, Countermeasures In Place - Episode 1908b

@00:07:29 advantage of them they make it to mexico
@00:08:07 back to mexico anytime they want
@00:08:44 across the border to mexico it's not
@00:10:08 trump tweeted out the following mexico
@00:10:13 democrats on the border thank you mexico
@00:10:16 and yes mexico has really stepped up and
@00:10:26 used them as leverage to get mexico to

Inspector General Investigation Complete, WH Says It’s Hammer Time - Episode 1906b

@00:19:09 back into mexico they don't have to stay

It’s Happening, Power Returned To The People, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1905b

@00:13:17 precipitously in june weeks after mexico
@00:13:22 national guard troops to the us-mexico
@00:13:35 working trump's plan to have mexico help
@00:13:49 and mexico is doing the job everything

It’s Time, Placeholders, Future Comms Set, [On The Ready], For Our Country - Episode 1903b

@00:16:42 cross the us-mexico border went viral
@00:17:36 texas-mexico border now breitbart they
@00:19:02 asylum thank you also to mexico for the

[DS] Plays Their Hand, Patriots Calm, Move Into Position, Wait For It… - Episode 1902b

@00:17:37 down at the border it seems like mexico
@00:17:47 following mexico is keeping its promise
@00:17:56 fund beds for migrant children mexico

Here Come The Booms, Great Awakening, Patriots Fight, Placeholders Next - Episode 1901b

@00:16:09 with the help that mexico is now giving
@00:17:53 mexico is saying we don't want this the
@00:18:16 you want them to do just like mexico and

Did You Catch What Trump Did At The Rally, The People Now Know - Episode 1897b

@00:22:13 built mexico is cooperating with the us
@00:24:28 done with mexico now they're policing
@00:30:14 mexico city three other mexican cities

The Stage Is Set, Independence Is The Key, Well Played Patriots - Episode 1897a

@00:06:29 mexico maybe even malaysia and what's

Scope Of Durham’s Investigation Broad, Trump 24/7/365, Message Received - Episode 1890b

@00:18:08 know that trump made a deal with mexico
@00:18:49 in mexico operated the forged document
@00:19:34 if it's based out of mexico you think

Trump Just Dropped The Economic Hammer, It’s Time - Episode 1890a

@00:02:27 30% of our auto business to mexico if
@00:02:36 mexico produces which i think they will
@00:02:39 biggest part of deal with mexico has not

What You Are Witnessing Is A Coordinated Effort To Block The Truth,This Will Fail - Episode 1888b

@00:16:38 with mexico the tariffs scheduled to be
@00:16:42 mexico are hereby indefinitely suspended
@00:16:45 mexico in turn has agreed to take strong
@00:16:50 through mexico and to our southern
@00:16:57 coming from mexico into the united
@00:17:27 sign agreement with mexico additionally
@00:17:30 and for many years mexico was not being
@00:17:53 cooperation between mexico and the u.s.
@00:18:24 if you worry that mexico won't take any
@00:19:05 do if mexico doesn't live up to the deal
@00:19:26 has now placed the burden on mexico they
@00:19:46 trump it is now mexico he is now just
@00:19:54 mexico because the united states is
@00:19:56 going to follow through mexico aggrieved
@00:20:13 wrong in regards to mexico and the
@00:20:25 mexico tariffs also known as a tax
@00:20:39 mexico just agreed if mexico agreed
@00:20:42 mexico agrees there's no tariffs if
@00:20:45 mexico breaks the agreement then there
@00:20:57 now we have mexico on one side and the
@00:21:11 news mexico has agreed to immediately
@00:25:47 deal with mexico and the deep state

[CB] Reverses Policy, It Happened Exactly As Planned - Episode 1887a

@00:07:37 mexico to do what he needs them to do

Flynn Shifts To Offense, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1886b

@00:12:15 been reaching out to mexico to stop all
@00:12:21 continually as mexico to stop the
@00:12:36 tariffs on mexico and they will increase
@00:12:48 mexico have ended for the day progress
@00:12:57 mexico and the democrats in congress
@00:13:01 further talks with mexico will resume
@00:13:18 to the us so mexico right now seems like
@00:13:36 mexico because they have combined their
@00:13:45 migrants after they crossed into mexico
@00:13:54 on mexico seems to be working and we'll

Boom, The Hammer Just Fell, Justice Is On It’s Way- Episode 1876b

@00:03:58 making sending signals the us mexico

[DS] Already Lost & They Don’t Know It Yet,Transparency Is The Only Way Forward - Episode 1875b

@00:21:44 colorado delaware new mexico remember
@00:27:01 securing the us border with mexico

We Are Now In The Build Up Phase, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 1873b

@00:23:45 continually tweeting out about mexico
@00:23:51 very disappointed that mexico is doing
@00:24:05 countries including mexico should have
@00:24:12 this illegal migration mexico is wrong

Trump Readies The Economy, Transition Coming - Episode 1872a

@00:06:40 business again with mexico and canada
@00:07:05 can go ahead and do business with mexico

Operation Hammer Exposed, Closing Act Coming Soon - Episode 1871b

@00:10:05 are being sent back to mexico everything

Trump Positions The Economy To Out Maneuver The [CB], Change Is Coming - Episode 1870a

@00:07:24 canada and mexico removing a significant
@00:07:39 steel from entering the u.s. from mexico

WW Resignations, [DS] Scrambling, Wait For It, Boom - Episode 1869b

@00:25:26 countries like mexico uruguay and the

The Entire House Of Cards Is About To Come Down - Episode 1865b

@00:21:24 another compound in new mexico and the

Trump Just Called Out The [DS], [-90], It’s All About To Drop - Episode 1863b

@00:19:24 to be built along the us-mexico border

Get Ready For The Fireworks, Power Returns To The People - Episode 1862b

@00:24:25 sending asylum seekers to mexico and

Unforgivable Acts, November Warning Is About To Drop - Episode 1859b

@00:19:17 lamar alexander democratic new mexico

Patriots Are On The Hunt, Gloves Are Off, Placeholders Active - Episode 1858b

@00:27:55 come in you need to go back to mexico so

[DS] Fear, Hopelessness, Anger, Second Act Begins, Justice - Episode 1856b

@00:29:07 100 miles by end of next year mexico

Barr Knows It All, Pain, Panic, Something Big Coming In Weeks - Episode 1851b

@00:24:24 from mexico into the u.s. in roughly the
@00:24:57 mexico texas but there's a much much

Patriots, Time To Bring Down The House, Planned, WWG1WGA - Episode 1844b

@00:14:41 these illegals back to mexico we see

Time Is Ticking Down, Markers [1] & [2] Are Set, Follow The Watch - Episode 1843b

@00:17:34 mexico policy which returns asylum
@00:17:36 seekers to mexico while they await a
@00:17:49 return these individuals back to mexico

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:08:58 mexico does not apprehend the illegals
@00:17:41 asylum seekers to remain in mexico
@00:17:49 mexico but it looks like trump is

We Have The Source, Optics Are Important, PANIC In DC- Episode 1839b

@00:25:21 nebraska new jersey new mexico new york

Something Big Is Coming, The Hunters Move In On Their Prey - Episode 1838b

@00:26:20 crossed the us-mexico border is much
@00:26:26 crossed the us-mexico border wait what
@00:28:17 about mexico and how mexico is receiving
@00:28:29 was out there saying that mexico was
@00:28:39 transfers to mexico to fund a much
@00:29:11 were released by mexico central bank
@00:29:26 to mexico launched by the federal
@00:29:32 us-mexico partnership for prosperity to
@00:29:44 mexico top twenty billion and the
@00:29:55 to mexico central bank banco de mexico
@00:31:08 mexico or to help immigrants who don't
@00:31:20 mexico or am deported will i lose the
@00:31:30 mexico using your debit card
@00:32:14 trump said yeah mexico is gonna pay for
@00:32:23 mexico mexico would have paid for the

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:18:34 ruled that mexico is too dangerous for
@00:21:31 come up through mexico and this is a

The [DS] Prepares For Arrests, Damaging Videos & Evidence - Episode 1835b

@00:20:33 delays until such time as mexico is able
@00:20:39 coming through mexico into the us and
@00:20:45 origin until mexico cleans up this

[DS] Trapped, Their Move Was Just Blocked, No Place To Hide - Episode 1834b

@00:16:33 decision to give mexico one year to stop
@00:16:39 now he told mexico listen you need to do
@00:16:47 coming up through mexico you better do
@00:17:00 mexico decided okay we're going to do
@00:17:16 purposely got it wrong mexico for the
@00:17:30 any ways in mexico stops apprehending
@00:17:37 tariffs at 25% all cars made in mexico
@00:17:55 shipped and smuggled through mexico and
@00:18:10 gonna give mexico another year he used
@00:18:19 in mexico what do you think would happen
@00:18:20 to the car manufacturing in mexico
@00:18:37 would hurt the car industry in mexico
@00:18:55 and says if mexico doesn't continue

They Thought They Were Safe, Nobody Could Touch Them, They Were Wrong - Episode 1831b

@00:17:38 but we see that mexico well it seems
@00:17:46 and we see that trump is praising mexico
@00:17:54 to close the southern border so mexico
@00:18:07 to through mexico up to the us
@00:20:03 to mexico if she did not complete labor

[Knowingly],Treason, Sedition, #Flagsout - Episode 1828b

@00:07:30 anywhere in the world mexico has the
@00:07:39 immigration laws now and mexico must
@00:07:46 border mexico hennas for many years made
@00:07:52 border costs if mexico doesn't
@00:08:04 mexico to do but they just take our

[DS] Exposed, The World Will See How The [DS] Navigates Around The Laws - Episode 1826b

@00:31:36 banco de mexico and the list goes on and

The Door Is Open, The People Have To Decide To Walk Through It - Episode 1820b

@00:17:47 of the wall on the us-mexico border

The Sleepers Are Now Awake, [DS] Panics And Traps Themselves, Plan Advances - Episode 1819b

@00:21:05 mexico russia saudi arabia south africa

The Founding Fathers Knew The Secret Of The Central Bankers - Episode 1818a

@00:05:26 ohio close the plant in china or mexico
@00:07:12 now close a plant in china or mexico
@00:07:28 united states into mexico into china and

T [-7] And Counting, Prepared And Ready, Be Vigilant - Episode 1813b

@00:11:18 of the cartels mexico last year had
@00:23:01 promised will be paid for by mexico
@00:23:31 mexico so indirectly yes mexico is now
@00:23:42 actually really believed that mexico was

It’s Happening, Senate Activated, Update To Countdown - Episode 1810b

@00:14:35 along the us-mexico border was already

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:36:16 could be the welfare system for mexico

T [-21], Big Happenings Are Going To Take Place, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1802b

@00:26:40 us-mexico border wall asked if she's was

Collusion, Investigations, Hoaxes Failed, Patriots Turn, DECLAS - Episode 1801b

@00:09:45 ports of entry in nuevo laredo mexico

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:03:41 them said absolutely not i mean mexico

It Is Now Complete, Ding,Ding, First Alarm Ringing, Nothing Can Stop It - Episode 1796b

@00:28:36 powerful wall in new mexico completed on

Barr & Placeholders Activated, S/M Blackout, Think EAS - Episode 1795b

@00:16:14 minnesota nevada new jersey new mexico

Something Big Is About To Happen, [DS] Trapped And Desperate - Episode 1794b

@00:11:10 mexico utah vermont and washington issue
@00:11:47 maryland avada new mexico utah vermont

Trump Makes Move On [CB], Patriots In Control Of Economy - Episode 1787a

@00:04:54 manufacturing base over to mexico and

It’s Time, Senate Was Everything, Investigations Begin - Episode 1786b

@00:19:58 the opposition are proposed by mexico

[Old Guard] Exposed, The Truth Overshadows The Propaganda - Episode 1783b

@00:11:26 mexico and toward our country

It Continues, Next Phase Of Transition, Energy Independence, Boom - Episode 1782a

@00:07:01 mexico and president trump he opened up

Leverage, Clean Up, Resetting The [DS] World - Episode 1779b

@00:20:47 mentioned mexico arrghh way bolivia the

Trump Signals The Economic Agenda, Gold Standard - Episode 1779a

@00:10:38 these requests will put the u.s. mexico
@00:11:41 the new trade deal with mexico and

Watch The Water, Prisons Activated, [DS] Coded Messages - Episode 1770b

@00:15:20 certain lists trump tweeted out mexico
@00:15:31 in mexico but can't get through our wall

Carpet Bombs Just Dropped, Incoming Booms, Timing - Episode 1763b

@00:06:28 construction of the us-mexico border

Marker, One Year Ago, Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1761b

@00:11:08 mexico to the islamic state terrorist
@00:13:29 mexico the same way the caravan did and

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition To Cover Up The Inevitable - Episode 1752b

@00:08:54 requiring mexico to pay for the wall now
@00:09:08 us-mexico mexico border and unless
@00:09:10 mexico pays for it now a bill passed
@00:09:19 passes has no effect on mexico they
@00:09:40 because of the new deal we and mexico
@00:09:52 indirectly mexico will be paying for
@00:13:14 mexico under nafta over seventy five
@00:13:38 were so foolishly sent to mexico either

Flynn Signals Dark To Light, [DS][CB] PANIC - Episode 1749b

@00:01:22 president promised mexico would pay for

Agenda’s Exposed, Senate Was The Key, 2019 Changes Everything - Episode 1748b

@00:13:18 us-mexico border we need to go back to

The Clock Is Ticking, First Alarm Bell Ready,Power Returned To The People - Episode 1746b

@00:12:15 mexico until their claims are processed
@00:12:24 mexico until all the processing is done

The [DS] Army Has Been Defeated, Anons Knew, It’s All About To Change - Episode 1745b

@00:09:01 long-promised wall along the us-mexico
@00:09:23 mexico is paying indirectly for the wall

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:10:14 the following showing how mexico
@00:10:25 other mexico is going to pay for the
@00:10:30 our new deal with mexico and canada the
@00:10:40 just by the money when we save mexico is
@00:10:55 saving mexico is actually paying for it

Military Tribunals, Sealed Docs To Be Unsealed, Moves & Countermoves - Episode 1738b

@00:13:45 now staying in mexico or going back to

Central Banks WW Are Worried That Gov & The People Are Turning On Them - Episode 1737a

@00:05:22 simply on her way to mexico and then all
@00:07:49 switzerland sweden mexico brazil and

Clinton Foundation Investigation Complete, Operators Are Active - Episode 1735b

@00:05:44 who came to the us-mexico border

Trump Just Signaled All Patriots, It Has Begun,Justice Under The Law - Episode 1727b

@00:21:58 in an ambush attack near us-mexico

Place Holders Ready, Prisons Prepped, [DS] Panics And Lashes Out, FEAR - Episode 1726b

@00:19:14 msnbc in tijuana mexico
@00:24:15 already entered mexico violently and
@00:24:42 tijuana and mexico there are reports of
@00:25:16 mexico or with unhcr the un refugee

[DS] Signals Their Operatives, Patriots Have Them Trapped, Dec Is The Month Of Panic - Episode 1725b

@00:09:59 mexico and sunday they fired tear gas at
@00:10:22 border patrol agents now mexico has
@00:10:50 tweeted out the following mexico should
@00:12:07 in mexico when it was offered and they
@00:12:11 fearful now they're in mexico they have

Moves Are Not Telegraphed, What Happens Next Will Change Everything - Episode 1724b

@00:12:48 mexico mexico's inclement incoming
@00:13:23 will stay in mexico just like if these
@00:13:28 individuals were coming into mexico and
@00:13:35 country until mexico would be able to
@00:13:39 is saying they will stay in mexico right
@00:14:24 country right now they're in mexico
@00:14:26 mexico let them through now they're at

The Trap Is Set, The Scope Of The Op Runs Deep, Retaliation Is Expected - Episode 1723b

@00:18:52 close the border with mexico and it

They Know It’s Coming, Swamp Fighting Back, The Call Is Getting Louder, Tick Tock - Episode 1721b

@00:20:01 accepted it asylum from mexico because
@00:20:04 mexico offered it but they refused now
@00:20:21 asylum from mexico right off the bat big
@00:21:55 accepted the asylum from mexico mexico

It Happened, Have We Just Witnessed “The Marker” - Episode 1720b

@00:15:07 mexico trying to pass through the

Future Proves Past, 3:02, 53-47, Coincidence? Mathematically Impossible - Episode 1718b

@00:12:11 from entering mexico to u.s.
@00:12:26 trade or the u.s. mca hopefully mexico

Plan Worked, Future Proves Past, Forced Exposure - Episode 1712b

@00:09:24 us-mexico border and we talked about
@00:09:42 country a sound deal with mexico during
@00:09:47 to consult with the government of mexico
@00:09:52 aliens traveling through mexico and

Elections Went As Planned, Military Planning, FISA Brings Down The House - Episode 1710b

@00:29:08 new mexico and california in the south

Message Sent & Received, Feel The Full Fury Of The Storm - Episode 1706

@00:01:56 us-mexico border as part of the
@00:03:50 well mexico offered them asylum and they
@00:04:05 offers from mexico and he also pointed

Before The Days Of Darkness, "Q" Sent Messages... - Episode 1705b

@00:07:33 says demand for mexico to provide buses
@00:07:36 has failed and it looks like mexico is

Think Timing, We Are At The Precipice, [DS] Mission, Prevent Hammer - Episode 1701b

@00:03:01 through mexico up to the united states

Days Of Darkness Will Give Way To Light,The Day Americans Learn The Truth - Episode 1700b

@00:23:36 some are staying in mexico they're
@00:25:30 carl hatch of new mexico it was most

It Begins, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1696b

@00:03:34 broken through in mexico and they had a

World Peace?, Deep State Losing Control Of Narrative - Episode 1695b

@00:09:08 storming the mexico border these aren't
@00:09:27 wait in mexico they're gonna have to

Stealth Operation Initialized, Deep State [SA] Mission Fail - Episode 1694b

@00:08:16 does not apply when they reach mexico
@00:08:57 towards trump and what he told mexico to
@00:09:17 mexico and they're pushing through to
@00:09:40 area and we'll see if mexico stops them

Countries Around The World Are Already Transitioning Their Economies - Episode 1694a

@00:15:06 mexico getting rid of the globalist

The Sky Is Falling, Panic, Shut It Down At Any Cost, Dead End - Episode 1693b

@00:17:35 criminals from entering mexico to u.s.
@00:17:47 mexico mexico to stop this onslaught and
@00:18:07 trade or the u.s. mca hopefully mexico
@00:18:17 weak laws now mexico is sending more
@00:18:25 president in mexico he's on the same

Futures Proves Past, Listen To The Past - Episode 1693a

@00:08:22 with mexico where they're taking our
@00:08:26 love mexico i have great relationships
@00:08:28 in mexico but their leaders are much

Biggest Threat & To Independent, Goodbye [Fed] - Episode 1692a

@00:09:32 agreement with canada and mexico and

Another Flip, Trump Preparing The Masses, More Carpet Bombs On The Way - Episode 1691b

@00:04:23 right used samples from mexico peru and
@00:19:21 through mexico mexico is now clamping

Confirmed,Globalists Plans Rejected,Next,Reject The Central Bank System - Episode 1673a

@00:04:45 mexico that the new mexican president he
@00:04:59 mexico since presidential elections on
@00:05:20 mexico is bankrupt and he's letting the
@00:06:10 the central bank in mexico the same

AUTH REQ, Attempts To Block, Carpet Bombs Dropped, This Is Not A Game - Episode 1666b

@00:06:16 tolerance policy at the us-mexico border

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b

@00:06:18 mexico compound where they were training
@00:06:39 new mexico compound suspects and they

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:08:03 now down in new mexico we talked about
@00:08:20 five new mexico jihad compound suspects
@00:08:28 raid on northern new mexico compound
@00:32:11 more clarity and gulf of mexico disaster

The Globalists System Is Being Taken Apart One Piece At A Time - Episode 1653a

@00:09:59 already seen that mexico mexico agreed
@00:10:45 we had a trade deal made with mexico we

The Total Implosion Of The Central Banking Economy Accelerates - Episode 1651a

@00:09:28 fold mexico and now we hear justin

This Has Been Planned Years Ago To Rid The Country Of Our Controllers - Episode 1650a

@00:11:20 with mexico he doesn't call it nafta
@00:11:22 it's the us-mexico deal and there are
@00:12:21 billion assembly plant in mexico it's
@00:12:39 of the auto parts from the us and mexico
@00:12:55 mexico agriculture is another important
@00:12:58 sector overall it appears mexico has
@00:13:10 between the u.s. and mexico so here are
@00:14:11 that us and mexico have agreed to no

As The US Approaches A Death Cross,The Good Guys Prepare The Economic Transition - Episode 1649a

@00:09:30 united states mexico trade agreement now
@00:09:47 today that us and mexico had reached a
@00:09:59 it's a big deal looking good with mexico
@00:10:25 they were going to allow mexico and this
@00:10:45 workers in mexico would be getting paid
@00:11:04 suppressed in mexico think about this
@00:11:08 for a second in mexico they were
@00:11:29 production workers in mexico they pay
@00:12:05 rising wages in mexico would squeeze
@00:13:27 was only with mexico nafta well that was
@00:13:31 with canada and mexico and the u.s. so
@00:13:42 trump says trade deal with mexico is
@00:13:47 farmers trump pitches us-mexico trade
@00:13:57 mexico trump eventually will be able to

There Are Major Signs That The Deep State Is Planning Something Big - Episode 1642b

@00:24:50 was a training camp in news new mexico

Has The Parade Of Parades Been Canceled Or Is Trump Mocking The Deep State - Episode 1641b

@00:12:42 what's going on with this new mexico
@00:13:05 new mexico authorities have executed a
@00:13:08 court order to destroy the new mexico

Deep, Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, It Goes A Lot Deeper Than You Think - Episode 1640b

@00:11:03 story about this compound in new mexico
@00:11:24 desert in new mexico has been

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:23:02 extremist muslim new mexico compound
@00:23:14 mexico there were five suspects that
@00:35:05 mexico china and other countries all

Something Big Just Happened & It's Going To Change Everything - Episode 1623b

@00:07:05 apprehended in mexico and accused of sex

Everything Is Being Put Into Place For The Economic Transition - Episode 1623a

@00:11:46 the president of mexico who is the

It's Happening, Silence, Disinformation, It Was All Necessary, It's Time - Episode 1622b

@00:05:31 us official that met with him in mexico
@00:05:52 southern part of mexico to stop the flow
@00:05:55 of illegals coming through mexico then

We Have Hit The Point Of No Return, Be Prepared - Episode 1617a

@00:11:39 mexico and canada although chinese

The Strategy Within A Strategy, The People Are Going To Be Shocked - Episode 1612b

@00:05:27 were told to come up through mexico a
@00:08:03 president in mexico is doing he's
@00:08:15 mexico very interesting because what
@00:08:32 through mexico on the beast' train and
@00:08:38 dwindle before mexico was just and the
@00:08:56 through mexico into the united states
@00:09:10 mexico but this is going to dwindle

Has Q Given Us A Timeline Of Events, It Could Play Out This Way - Episode 1611b

@00:03:20 mexico health connections files a
@00:03:26 mexico arguing among other points that
@00:04:04 district of new mexico issued a decision
@00:04:34 because of the new mexico ruling well it

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:02:07 caught crossing over the us-mexico

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:11:57 jumping on the train through mexico

The Move Away From The Euro Has Begun, Italy Looking At Parallel Currencies - Episode 1586a

@00:04:16 different countries canada the eu mexico

Going Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1584b

@00:18:05 president of mexico salinas is also an

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:06:03 mexico and united states will include an

The Global Economic System Is Being Setup To Crash - Episode 1581a

@00:07:33 and mexico all at the same time not just

Funding Has Been Cutoff, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1560b

@00:07:01 mexico coming up and basically they're

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:06:09 mexico a lot of them is dispersed but

Sleeper Cells Activated, Bad Booms Incoming, Threat Real - Episode 1548b

@00:17:28 from albuquerque new mexico and what's

The Strategy Is Working, It Is All Happening Behind The Scenes Until It's Not - Episode 1536b

@00:04:26 illegally crossing through mexico
@00:04:28 it looks like mexico stepped up their
@00:04:47 beast' trains in central mexico where

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:02:37 well trump has been calling on mexico to
@00:02:50 obama put forth mexico needs to do
@00:02:52 something well it looks like mexico has
@00:02:55 heard trump and mexico has deported
@00:03:11 right now that mexico is listening and

Boooom, The Deep State Is Terrified, Truth Are Lies, Lies Are Truth - Episode 1534b

@00:06:44 on a crusade across mexico in the hopes
@00:07:46 mexico of doing nothing to stop people
@00:08:04 in mexico illegally the caravan has not
@00:08:19 mexico this is all part of the deep

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:20:58 they were he fled to mexico he was

The Storm Is Upon US & It's Getting Stronger - Episode 1520b

@00:06:37 here and mexico and the war on drugs was

POTUS Will Ask The People, Do We Need The Fed? - Episode 1517a

@00:08:39 malaysia mexico new zealand peru

Get Ready For The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce, It's Not What You Think - Episode 1513b

@00:13:50 mexico china and other countries all

The Race To Bring Down The Economy Has Officially Begun - Episode 1511a

@00:07:05 canada mexico were exempt from the

Are The American People Being Prepared For A Nuclear Pearl Harbor? - Episode 1471

@00:07:27 now why is he saying this well mexico is

The Central Banks Make Their Move, This Is How They Are Doing It - Episode 1461a

@00:04:51 mexico thanks to obama care a family of

The US Issues A Travel Warning For This Holiday Season - Episode 1428b

@00:06:13 that means we're encroaching upon mexico

The Economy Is Collapsing One City At A Time - Episode 1410a

@00:03:42 gold right now now mexico announced it

The Old Economy Is Giving Way To A New Economic System - Episode 1362a

@00:01:26 nafta with mexico and canada saying that

Our Way Of Life Is About To Change & Many Are Not Prepared For This - Episode 1343a

@00:11:26 mexico and many other places and they

The Central Banker Transition Is Happening Quietly In The Background - Episode 1341a

@00:03:45 mississippi new mexico ohio wyoming

Taking The Fight To The Next Level, Going After The Elite's Dark Money - Episode 1337b

@00:07:00 mexico and ohio and they're beginning to

The Fate Of The World Does Not Lie In The Hands Of The Elite - Episode 1322b

@00:04:59 and mexico have the same right in their

The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1320b

@00:02:50 mexico he says is going to go right

Those In Government Just Revealed Their True Agenda - Episode 1313b

@00:12:26 states in cancun mexico us deputy

Setup Initiated, The Central Banks Are Close To Pulling The Plug On The Economy - Episode 1312a

@00:07:22 going to scrap their mexico plan and
@00:07:31 to be building in mexico they're going

We Are Now At The Tipping Point, The Economic Contraction Picks Up Speed - Episode 1302a

@00:02:58 mexico we see their industrial
@00:03:27 in mexico and if we look here in the

Everyone Needs To Start Worrying About The Economic Apocalypse - Episode 1281a

@00:12:00 into mexico into canada and produce

Former Central Banker Just Signaled That The Economy Is About To Crash - Episode 1265a

@00:10:44 canada and mexico but then we look we

The Covert Plan Is Working In Conjuction With The Collapse Of The Economy - Episode 1263b

@00:21:47 has gone missing in mexico and mexico is

Deep State Is Ready To Initiate Operation "Cyber Event" To Push Their Agenda - Episode 1256b

@00:04:04 the united states and mexico and i
@00:04:27 that are crossing the us-mexico border

The Elite & Ultra Wealthy Are Preparing For Something Big - Episode 1238b

@00:10:37 mexico you can bet you that the us would

The Central Bank Is Ready & Prepared To Trigger The Economic Crisis - Episode 1223a

@00:06:45 know what i mean by that we see mexico
@00:06:59 appears that mexico right now has taken

Just When You Thought Everything Was Going To Be Fine, This Happened - Episode 1215b

@00:15:01 mexico i mean people would be sitting or
@00:15:35 of mexico now in libya we see that

More States Are Now Bypassing The Fed With Gold Legislation - Episode 1214

@00:04:13 build bridges not walls with mexico well

The Deep State Just Made It's Move & You Are Not Going To Believe Their Plan - Episode 1212b

@00:01:45 border tax well mexico decided that
@00:01:54 grown corn now mexico is the largest

The Elite Push Their Agenda To Censor Those Individuals Who Are Not With Them - Episode 1207b

@00:07:57 adjacent to the land border with mexico

The TPP Has Been Rewritten, Shrouded In Secrecy & Is Worse Than Before - Episode 1204a

@00:05:09 mexico well it's still happening they

Is Obama Creating An Army Of Agitators To Go Up Against Trump? - Episode 1203b

@00:01:44 immigrant from mexico and he was charged

A New Report Projects The West Will Become The New 'Third World' - Episode 1201a

@00:08:14 mexico 300 american workers they're
@00:08:27 their plans to move them back to mexico
@00:08:35 moving to mexico they haven't switched
@00:08:56 mexico even though the ceo john variola
@00:09:06 still to go to mexico and we can see
@00:16:44 mexico indonesia are likely likely to be

The Elite Shift Into Overdrive As Tensions Around The World Are Rising - Episode 1195b

@00:06:41 mexico because of the bad embrace and we
@00:06:48 was saying he was saying if mexico needs

Now We Know Why The Doomsday Clock Was Pushed Closer To Midnight - Episode 1194b

@00:10:35 invasion into mexico if mexico didn't
@00:11:03 of mexico none of that happened he said

Obama Comes Out Of The Shadows And Challenges Trump - Episode 1191b

@00:19:05 troops into canada mexico cuba they
@00:19:28 them in mexico placing them in canada

The Conflict Between The Elite And Trump Is Like A Ticking Time Bomb Ready To Go Off - Episode 1189b

@00:02:48 between the united states and mexico and
@00:02:51 he said mexico is going to pay for it he
@00:02:59 mexico well they don't want to pay for
@00:03:06 negotiation trying to force mexico into
@00:03:10 trade but it looks like mexico saying we
@00:03:25 lot of us companies in mexico and all

The Elite Push The Doomsday Clock To Two And A Half Minutes To “Midnight” - Episode 1188b

@00:02:09 reinstating the mexico city abortion
@00:02:15 so-called mexico city policy which
@00:03:55 constructing a wall along the us-mexico
@00:07:21 that you know mexico is going to be
@00:07:56 is the president from mexico saying we
@00:08:11 but we can see right now mexico is

Are The Elite Trying To Push Trump Into A Heated Showdown With China? - Episode 1187b

@00:10:18 between the united states and mexico and
@00:10:36 going to be reimbursed from mexico well
@00:10:51 really think about this why would mexico
@00:11:05 that there is no incentive for mexico to

Everything Is About To Change & People Are Going To Feel The Economic Shock - Episode 1187a

@00:08:56 that mexico well they're looking to quit
@00:09:09 now i mean if mexico wants to leave so

Trump's Truth Bombs Are Pushing The Elite's Propaganda Out Into The Open - Episode 1186b

@00:12:18 gulf of mexico saying that we're going

Are The Elite Preparing A 'Soft Coup' On Inauguration Day? - Episode 1180b

@00:16:54 down on the borders of mexico to the us

One Incredible Indicator Shows The Economy Is Fast Approaching A Total Meltdown - Episode 1179a

@00:13:45 double-digit inflation we see in mexico
@00:13:51 mexico well the price is rising right
@00:14:02 ninety percent in mexico and what we're

US Government Spins The Decline In Retail To Keep The Illusion Of A Strong Economy - Episode 1177a

@00:10:05 difficult now down in mexico we see
@00:12:04 is a complete nightmare down in mexico
@00:12:13 mexico where all of a sudden something

The Russian Hacking Propaganda Is A Setup For Something Much Larger - Episode 1173b

@00:17:30 mexico off the coast of florida with the

The FED's Own Indicator Is Signalling A Recession - Episode 1173a

@00:10:34 chevrolet cruze in mexico and then
@00:10:51 hatchback for global markets in mexico
@00:11:37 cars they're made in mexico and he
@00:11:48 are from mexico they're being sold at
@00:12:00 from mexico are actually being sold at
@00:12:14 manufactured in mexico in the same ohio
@00:12:25 doesn't sell crew sedans built in mexico

Central Bankers Are In The Process Of Banning Cash One Country At A Time - Episode 1168a

@00:05:36 out in mexico we build them right here

Erdogan Points Finger & Accuses The US-Led Coalition Of Supporting The 'IS' - Episode 1163b

@00:06:58 replacing missiles in canada and mexico
@00:07:01 mexico what do you think the united

The Elite Are Provoking China To Escalate The Chances Of A Conflict - Episode 1162b

@00:05:19 mexico well it's in the gulf of mexico

The Elite Just Sent A Message To Russia - Episode 1156b

@00:04:58 unidentified drone in the gulf of mexico

The Elite Are Desperate, 'Operation Censorship' Is In Full Swing - Episode 1146b

@00:09:58 mexico and they found out some other
@00:10:16 santa fe new mexico that's one of those

The Pentagon Is Using A 'Slush Fund' To Mobilize Forces On Russia's Border - Episode 1118b

@00:05:09 costa rica mexico are those developed

US Government Enters The Dark Cyber Realm, Begun the Cyber War It Has - Episode 1107b

@00:05:27 percent new mexico is ninety-three

Countries Are Quietly Dumping Treasuries And Buying Their Own Debt - Episode 1107a

@00:01:50 moving their jobs to mexico jacobson in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1096

@00:08:38 and mexico how would the united states

The Senate Rejects The President's Veto, The Stage Has Been Set - Episode 1087b

@00:12:19 about the us government in mexico
@00:12:21 between mexico and central america where

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1084

@00:07:05 mexico health connections having

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1078

@00:12:35 any other country canada mexico does

The US Government Is Prepared And Ready, It's Almost Go Time - Episode 1076b

@00:06:24 and mexico well they're building a wall
@00:06:32 immigrants out mexico between central
@00:06:37 america and mexico but what's really
@00:06:58 building the mexican wall between mexico
@00:07:14 for it in mexico hmm that seems very
@00:09:52 the gulf of mexico or if the coast of

The FED Is Ready For The Collapse, More QE, NIRP & Total Control Of The Economy - Episode 1076a

@00:04:07 production to mexico now what they're
@00:05:17 mexico so what we're seeing right now is

The US Government Just Militarized The CDC - Episode 1069b

@00:12:16 up through south america through mexico

Obama Provokes Russia With A Cyber War - Episode 1068b

@00:04:33 to the gulf of mexico sailing around

The Entire Economy Is Getting Ready To Hit Rock Bottom - Episode 1044a

@00:03:17 singapore mexico and brazil that have

US Splits The Proxy Armies In The Middle East To Bypass The UN Resolution - Episode 1034b

@00:12:24 mexico how would this look this would

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1024

@00:05:07 country it's like mexico or canada or

US Government Laying The Ground Work For Postponing The Election - Episode 1017b

@00:05:10 this if canada or mexico allowed russia

Putin Explains To Reporters The West Is Pushing For A Nuclear War - Episode 1016b

@00:11:19 states canada mexico uk spain they can

Power Grid Down, When The Lights Go Out - Episode 1003b

@00:12:30 drills in canada or mexico right up on

State Department Officials Say Now Is The Time To Attack Assad - Episode 1000b

@00:04:14 gulf of mexico and there's a video clip

DHS Issues A US Advisory Alert Until The End Of This Year - Episode 999b

@00:05:45 against the border in mexico to the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 983

@00:13:13 in mexico put him in cuba what would the

It Begins, Countries Are Now Closing Surrounding Airspace Around Libya - Episode 981b

@00:05:51 doing this in canada or in mexico right

Militarization Of Police Has Accelerated For The Upcoming Civil Disobedience - Episode 969b

@00:13:04 mexico or canada or placing it all
@00:15:06 deal with canada and mexico and put

DHS Prepares For A Bioterrorism Attack With A Drill In NYC Subway System - Episode 966b

@00:21:00 mexico bringing their troops into the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 959

@00:13:56 mexico or canada and mexico or canada

We Are 3-4 Months Away From A Gigantic Event That Will Spark War - Episode 954b

@00:10:07 in mexico right on the border of the

War Plans Are Being Drawn Up For WWIII - Episode 946b

@00:14:10 the gulf of mexico selling very close to

Checkmate, Putin And Assad Out Maneuver The US In Syria - Episode 933b

@00:02:12 china was in the gulf of mexico or right

The Plan To Cover Up This Economic Collapse Has Been Put Into OverDrive - Episode 926b

@00:17:52 new york or down in the gulf of mexico

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 923

@00:02:26 december 268 point 1 billion and mexico

Obama Pushes TPP Which Will Transform The US Into A 3rd World Country - Episode 916a

@00:12:44 free trade agreement with mexico canada

The Calm Before The Storm As Military Assets Are Moved Into Place - Episode 906b

@00:18:36 would be like mexico coming in or canada

US Now Escalating The Syrian Crisis To The Next Phase - Episode 894b

@00:17:28 think about it if mexico or canada were

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 893

@00:03:08 in mexico and this is why we see

US, Italy And The Coalition Forces Are Discussing The Plan For Libya - Episode 888b

@00:19:42 canada or mexico inside the united
@00:20:06 the united states by canada or mexico

IMF Wants To Impose A Wealth Tax To Pay Down The World Debt - Episode 879a

@00:04:08 mexico argentina and they will come here

FBI Puts Out Warning Of A Lone Wolf Attack At The Super Bowl - Episode 871b

@00:14:08 states if mexico and canada got together

US Sending More Troops Into The Middle East - Episode 864b

@00:02:48 would have been given over to mexico and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 863

@00:17:49 drop to the level of mexico over a year

US Needs Ground Troops In Syria To Push The Agenda Of Removing Assad - Episode 804b

@00:11:19 mexico how would the united states react

US Proxy Army Is Now Moving From Iraq To Syria To Fight Russia - Episode 798b

@00:08:25 then shared to mexico and canada so what

Petrodollar Doomed Russia And Iran To Corner The Mideast Oil Supply - Episode 793

@00:06:56 in 334 new mexico one in 322 south

The Layoff Blood Bath Continues As The Economy Sinks Deeper Into The Collapse - Episode 785a

@00:11:59 mexico before nafta and afterwards guess
@00:12:09 trade deficit with mexico and canada

Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World - Episode 777b

@00:23:04 mexico come in make bombing runs can

U.S. Prepares Troops And Puts Pressure On Greece To Block Russian Flights To Syria - Episode 760b

@00:01:22 mexico talking about the arms trade
@00:19:19 sovereign nation it's like mexico coming

Ukraine Reignites With Protests And Riots - Episode 754b

@00:05:28 are meeting in mexico this week and they
@00:05:45 130 countries gathered in mexico 72

Russia Supplies Syria With MiG-31 Jets To Protect Syrian Air Space - Episode 743b

@00:05:31 people other countries australia mexico

Americans Are Feeling The Economic Collapse As More People Turn To Food Banks - Episode 741a

@00:23:01 mexico and this is according to the u.s.

US Congressman Believe Assad Guilty Before UN Investigates - Episode 737b

@00:01:49 shared with mexico with canada i'll have

The Economic Indicators Are Flashing Red, We Are On A Verge Of A Collapse - Episode 729

@00:38:35 this for a second if mexico came into

The Next Phase For The Push Into Syria Is Now Taking Place - Episode 727

@00:15:39 salvador and one-quarter of mexico now

The Economy Sinks Lower As The Layoff Bloodbath Continues - Episode 721

@00:13:07 mexico russian oil major luke oil
@00:13:12 oil fields in mexico right next to the

U.S. Government Wants Assad To Step Down Or Else, War - Episode 710

@00:19:24 and blue shield of new mexico requested

U.S. Preparing For War In Ukraine And Syria Which Might Lead To WWIII - Episode 688

@00:16:51 this didn't happen us exports to mexico
@00:17:01 mexico of about seven billion to nine
@00:17:17 mexico would increase to 12 billion
@00:17:58 country we lost manufacturing mexico

US & NATO Discussing Troop Deployment To The Middle East - Episode 677

@00:06:22 mexico and a number of other states it

FBI Warns Of A Major Cyber Attack On The U.S. - Episode 674

@00:06:29 new mexico market leader health care

Countries Around The World Are Now Dumping The Petrodollar - Episode 643

@00:32:56 consulate in mexico and basically they

U.S. Fascist Government Wants Complete Control Over The People - Episode 641

@00:45:57 about eight miles in mexico from the
@00:46:35 but they got to mexico there they've

U.S. Economic Recovery Illusion Is Falling Apart - Episode 639

@00:14:48 mexico negative 1.3 we can see right now

The U.S. Government Recovery Looks Like An Economic Collapse - Episode 633

@00:14:07 illinois new mexico and with dakota

The Economic Collapse Is Happening Now, It Just Wasn't Announced Yet - Episode 631

@00:26:04 to mexico and other nations as you
@00:45:21 undetected in the gulf of mexico for

US Gov Preparing For The Economic Collapse With Massive Military Drills In The U.S. - Episode 623

@00:44:01 mexico hey all these countries except
@00:45:56 california the brown state of new mexico

US Gov/Central Bankers Getting Ready To Limit Free Speech - Episode 591

@00:16:33 shared with canada mexico and other

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Economic Recovery Is Based On A Big Lie - Episode 582

@00:24:34 canada and mexico and other countries

Central Bankers Can't Stop The Economic Collapse Instead They Will Cover It Up - Episode 578

@00:13:38 united states canada and mexico that
@00:14:30 canada and mexico they're getting

Switzerland De-pegs From EU And Joins China With An Offshore Yuan Trading Center- Episode 571

@00:13:40 africa asia south america mexico they're

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 551

@00:09:32 israel japan mexico new zealand norway

White House Trying To Use Immigration To Postpone The Economic Collapse -Episode 524

@00:01:31 teenagers riding up through mexico now
@00:01:34 mexico had to be in on this because they
@00:01:38 through mexico and up here to the united

False Flag Coming To The U.S. And The Government Is Now Putting Out Warnings - Episode 504

@00:05:17 information with mexico we will track

Canada's False Flag Event Used For Different Agendas - Episode 500

@00:11:53 crush of children crossing the us-mexico
@00:38:56 mexico and you can see the agenda here

Central Bankers/US Government Can't Stabilize Syria Without Removing Assad - Episode 479

@00:17:47 gulf of mexico rosneft announced it has
@00:18:11 gulf of mexico now of course the united

Boots On The Ground, Army Is Deploying A Division Headquarters To Iraq- Episode 475

@00:29:48 whatsoever it's like mexico asking

False Flag Warning: Expert Reports 'Imminent' ISIS Threat To The U.S. Power Grid- Episode 456

@00:09:52 fund a media campaign in mexico alerting

U.S./Ukraine Pushing Russian Invasion Propaganda - Episode 453

@00:01:57 states so mexico could take satellite

Warning: DHS Preparing For 'National Day Of Rage' - Episode 447

@00:27:34 connection and with mexico citizens have

DHS Is Now Preparing For 'Anti-Government' Violence - Episode 442

@00:10:42 coming down to the texas-mexico border
@00:10:50 texas-mexico border several dozen

Propaganda Warning: Terror Groups Could Be Building An “Ebola Dirty Bomb” - Episode 433

@00:06:32 arizona new mexico arizona nevada
@00:07:49 illegals from mexico repeat offenders
@00:07:56 immigrants juveniles from mexico who are
@00:08:16 mexico have been apprehended from
@00:08:40 from mexico this fiscal year where

Is The White House The Target Of The Next Terrorist Attack?- Episode 426

@00:15:40 mexico falls under the department

The Next False Flag "We're Coming For You, Barack Obama" - Episode 425

@00:10:41 mexico the criminal entities are being

The Economic Collapse Death Spiral Has Begun - Episode 424

@00:20:03 u.s. and mexico and what the group is

False Flag Warning: U.S. Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks From Terrorists - Episode 423

@00:14:14 texas near mexico and he has a chilling
@00:17:27 and mexico making it look like it's just
@00:19:16 texas louisiana oklahoma new mexico

Is FEMA Preparing For Martial Law Over The "Mass Exodus" Of Illegal Aliens? - Episode 416

@00:10:49 mexico illegally by defining them as
@00:13:29 illegals through mexico with the

Islamic State Terrorism, Iran And Syria Are Now Prepped For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 415

@00:11:25 mexico where many of its most
@00:17:27 america are traveling through mexico to
@00:18:10 into mexico then up to the border we
@00:19:34 mexico into the united states now the
@00:20:53 states and mexico and central america so

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 414

@00:06:31 through mexico of course the mexican

Petrodollar Becoming Obsolete As The U.S. Police State Surfaces - Episode 409

@00:01:45 central america through mexico you know
@00:01:52 with mexico they bring them right up to
@00:18:35 supporters to patrol the texas-mexico

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 408

@00:16:52 that in mexico there is a lot of
@00:17:00 the hijacked truck found in mexico and
@00:17:05 radioactive devices missing in mexico

Central Bankers Announce Their Plan For An "Islamic State" - Episode 403

@00:16:41 america through mexico and it seems like
@00:17:28 flooding across the us-mexico border

Central Bankers Are Preparing For The Next Step, War!- Episode 402

@00:10:36 from mexico and central america to the
@00:10:40 pulls from central america into mexico

Central Bankers Propaganda: Syria Is Playing A Game Of Shadows - Episode 401

@00:13:38 from central america through mexico into
@00:13:50 through mexico because they just don't
@00:13:52 let people come in through mexico
@00:13:54 illegally and then leave mexico it makes

The Next False Flag Event Will Be 'Far Deadlier' Than 9/11 - Episode 400

@00:09:09 mexico and of course nobody can
@00:09:12 central america through mexico into the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 397

@00:16:51 across the border in texas from mexico

Central Bankers Are Making Plans To Air Strike Syria, False Flag Alert - Episode 396

@00:24:10 or mexico into our lands everyone be
@00:36:21 mexico into texas and it's very strange
@00:36:28 from mexico into texas they weren't poor

Operation Disarm America Is Being Pushed Forward - Episode 387

@00:23:47 oklahoma new mexico we have it in

Companies Dumping The Dollar For Renminbi As The Trading Currency Of Choice - Episode 384

@00:33:49 in mexico in canada building platforms

Police State Rising To Control The People During The Economic Collapse- Episode 348

@00:14:46 transferred to canada and to mexico

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 345

@00:13:14 canada and mexico and it will be shared

As The Conflict In Ukraine Escalates A False Flag Event Looms -- Episode 340

@00:32:59 destroyer in the gulf of mexico united

As The War Drums Beat Louder, DHS Prepares For Domestic Terrorism- Episode 330

@00:22:44 will be shared with canada and mexico so

Russia And China Make Another Move That Threatens The Dollar -- Episode 328

@00:28:34 are we invading mexico no we are not

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place -- Episode 320

@00:35:57 mexico there was a truck that was stolen

The Perfect Economic Storm Is Now Forming And It Will Collapse The Economy -- Episode 316

@00:36:18 states canada and mexico participated in

U.S. Electrical Grid Attacks Could Wipe Out Power Across The Country -- Episode 311

@00:12:13 also be used in canada and in mexico so

Fed Says It Would Take Something Big To Stop The Taper- Episode 294

@00:25:10 maryland nevada new mexico north

Is There A Threat Of Terrorists Using A Dirty Bomb In The U.S? -- Episode 272

@00:28:47 same thing that happened in mexico

As The Economy Collapses, War With Syria Escalates -- Episode 271

@00:25:49 goes into mexico they're also giving the

Terrorist Warning In Sochi, The 'Black Widow' Suicide Bombers On The Loose -- Episode 268

@00:13:20 three of them ago i talked about mexico
@00:13:35 to get in and out of mexico well canada

The Government Will Now Stop Spying And We're Not Lying This Time -- Episode 266

@00:07:02 starts okay now mexico is launching its
@00:07:11 the us citizens mexico recently launched
@00:07:19 process for us citizens to enter mexico

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 261

@00:10:00 and mexico in one centralized government

More Drones Needed To Keep The US Dollar From Collapsing -- Episode 257

@00:19:33 canada and mexico and we also have the

The Government Is Coming For Your Guns, Taxes And Your Rights -- Episode 253

@00:15:41 and outside into canada and to mexico

Is A False Flag, War And The Economic Collapse Coming In 2014 -- Episode 252

@00:36:39 march mexico now wants to physically
@00:47:24 be traded along to canada and mexico

Interview With Dave Hodges (false flag, war)

@00:04:09 mexico because we know now for research

DHS Is Bringing In Terrorist By The Bus Load -- Episode 249

@00:11:38 mexico we can see why this is all being

America Is On The Path Of Becoming A Police State- Episode 247

@00:18:01 here with canada and mexico because if

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 239

@00:17:59 stolen in mexico they found the people

White House Reports Stolen Radioactive Material Posed No US Threat -- Episode 231

@00:00:54 what happened in mexico and we will get
@00:32:53 going on in mexico there was a medical
@00:33:00 a lot in mexico as i've been reading up
@00:33:59 central mexico posed a threat to the
@00:34:09 was abandoned in central mexico okay so

Interview With Ginny On EMP/Cyber Attacks Power Outages

@00:07:09 was down in the gulf of mexico on their
@00:35:18 new jersey from new mexico and on my way

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 139

@00:18:13 canada and mexico are preparing for an

Unemployment Down, FED Ready To Taper, Economic Collapse Avoided? -- Episode 134

@00:06:42 mexico and selling those to washington

Economic Collapse Is Like Preparing For A Natural Disaster -- Episode 120

@00:04:07 mexico to washington federal and these

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Heat Up -- Episode 104

@00:45:25 another state in the us or from mexico

First Sign Of The Economic Collapse, The Volatility Of The Market -- Episode 78

@00:19:45 mexico and all the way down but let's

Everything Seems To Be Heating Up -- News Brief -- Episode 55

@00:14:46 in mexico now they ran the fast and
@00:14:59 sold the guns to mexico they are telling
@00:16:20 post this about mexico and it's and this
@00:16:24 added the country mexico on there and
@00:16:33 central mexico for nine years and he
@00:16:52 the us dollar there in mexico they won't
@00:16:59 major bank here in mexico same thing
@00:17:53 in mexico there are some rules they
@00:18:34 mexico you will see this posted so this