William Barr

The [DS] Players Took The Bait, How Do You Introduce Haiti & The Children? - Episode 2287b

@00:05:56 everything bill barr
@00:06:35 i don't think durham bill barr i don't
@00:06:58 given to bill barr
@00:07:03 indictments yes barr is going to get a
@00:31:22 as the same as huber so barr

The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:04:42 question and answer session with a g bar
@00:04:47 and why the laws were broken barr said
@00:08:41 because remember barr was questioned
@00:08:48 barr said i have no problem doing this
@00:17:25 a bar you can go to all these places
@00:22:37 no it doesn't bill barr
@00:27:45 and once barr gets a look at what was on

Watch The Comms, Playbook Known, The Architect Was Just Exposed - Episode 2278b

@00:08:32 it looks like bill barr is getting
@00:28:49 bill barr has already been doing but
@00:33:06 street journal a.g bar tells prosecutors
@00:37:44 barr tells prosecutors to consider
@00:39:02 and this is why bill barr is out there

People Are Breaking Free Of The Narrative, For The First They Can See Clearly - Episode 2274b

@00:05:16 it's a broader battle against a.g barr
@00:07:30 barr he's been following along but
@00:07:53 barr
@00:08:27 how much pressure there was from barr
@00:08:29 and that bar was receiving pressure from
@00:08:36 that barr
@00:09:00 barr is keeping the pressure on saying
@00:17:12 rapidly bill barr is out there and he's
@00:18:06 bill barr has been calling them out on
@00:25:27 and barr released the report that they

Part 2 Of The Movie Coming This Fall, [Zero-Day] Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2273b

@00:03:33 this is why bill barr is out there
@00:08:12 bill barr he was being interviewed and
@00:08:24 and it seems that barr was pushing back
@00:08:32 the durham probe and barr said yes there
@00:09:08 so what bar do he left the door open for
@00:10:05 report now yes bill barr
@00:10:27 and yes bill barr he gets a report
@00:39:36 barr is out there saying that there's

[DS] Is Repeating Everything, Which Failed, Panic Is Off The Charts - Episode 2272b

@00:07:55 very interesting is that bill barr he
@00:08:17 bill barr
@00:09:56 now barr today as we mentioned before he
@00:11:33 bar and the rest they have many

Patriots Have Known All Along, The Exposure Will Destroy The [DS] -Episode 2271b

@00:30:11 of bill barr saying that yes
@00:31:17 11-3 this is why barr is out there

It’s All Happening, Follow The Logs, Go Back To The Beginning For The End - Episode 2266b

@00:10:05 bill barr and about
@00:10:45 we know that bar is rewriting section

deleted Trump Exposes The Invisible Enemy Hidden In The Dark Shadows,[DS] Panic - Episode 2265b

@00:05:57 i think barr knows exactly where it is
@00:08:30 that bill barr

Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty - Episode 2254b

@00:10:46 it's hidden in the bar code
@00:14:35 trump bill barr the attorney general

11.3 Verifies The First Marker, LP/KC “Viva Le Resistance” - Episode 2250b

@00:06:22 yesterday bill barr was explaining that
@00:28:33 bar what all these individuals have to

We Are Safeguarded By A ‘Black Eye’, Buckle Your Seat Belts It’s Going To Get Rough - Episode 2247b

@00:11:46 attorney general william barr
@00:14:42 bar was talking to mark levin it seemed
@00:15:13 and bar he was making it perfectly clear

Marker, Watch The Water, Elections Secured, [DS] Plan Failed - Episode 2245b

@00:02:04 bar durham the rest they're prepared to
@00:23:20 indeed he and bar and rudy
@00:23:41 know from barr
@00:24:15 that bar

The Setup Is Complete, Is This About A Virus Or The Election, Delay Playbook Known - Episode 2237b

@00:12:45 during the hearing with a g bar
@00:12:49 a g bar let us know that john bash was

Panic Has Set In, [DS] Exposes Their True Intentions For All To See, Trap Set - Episode 2235b

@00:03:38 attorney general barr who was testifying
@00:03:50 bar to really answer any questions
@00:04:06 and a.g bar he did release some nuggets
@00:07:46 against trump bar and the rest
@00:07:53 bar is not removed
@00:21:59 nadler and team brought in a.g bar
@00:22:12 they didn't let barr finish any
@00:22:54 when barr was talking about the violence
@00:23:50 that barr has something else
@00:24:10 barr tried to correct them
@00:24:15 i need to reclaim my time so barr just
@00:24:58 and barr he let out some nuggets today
@00:25:34 with the unmasking and barr said
@00:26:07 trying to get a rise out of bar
@00:26:31 phony and false and bar was trying to
@00:26:56 that this is fact and barr tried to
@00:27:22 thought they were going to bring bar in
@00:27:26 them remember when they brought bar in

[DS] Comms Sent, MSM Boxed In, Time To Stand Up For Our Rights - Episode 2233b

@00:27:31 this is what a g bar wrote in his

NG Positioned In Cities, EAS Tested & Ready, It Has Begun - Episode 2230b

@00:05:39 what did bill barr just mention
@00:35:19 demanding trump and bar send their
@00:38:11 now this is why trump and barr they're

Never Seen Panic Like This, It’s Time, This Is Not About Another 4 Year Election - Episode 2229b

@00:05:18 with huber with barr cracking down on
@00:14:24 so all the bar owners said okay we serve

Manipulation Exposed, [DS] Panicking Over Barr/Durham Investigation - Episode 2227b

@00:00:42 panicking over bar
@00:05:22 understand what's happening with bar and
@00:06:54 bar
@00:06:56 he's saying that bar is destructive and
@00:07:26 barr is now proceeding forward with all
@00:07:38 actions by bar that would
@00:22:29 general liam barr

It Has Begun, People Are Demanding Change, Do You See What’s Happening - Episode 2226b

@00:10:10 but first we had bill barr out there

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:36:23 pulled into this now trump bar they have
@00:36:46 which was announced today trump and bar
@00:38:13 they're doing this is because trump bar

Flynn’s Declass Planned Perfectly, [DS] Feeling Pain, Paid For Dossier Confirmed - Episode 2221b

@00:03:13 in to testify to say hey did barr force
@00:27:03 with bill barr dhs

Door Opened, [DS] Tricked & Trapped, Operation Legend Active - Episode 2220b

@00:15:12 attorney general william bar announced
@00:16:44 now bar he was out there letting

We Were Told The Battles We Would Face, People Are Rising Up For Freedom - Episode 2218b

@00:27:30 it says barr not recused from e pending

Enough Must See, You Are Being Presented With The Gift Of Vision, Time To Act, Soon- Episode 2212b

@00:14:56 government with barr and trump they are
@00:27:52 contradict those of trump and bar the
@00:31:27 impeachment inquiry into bill barr has
@00:31:31 35 co-sponsors says barr obstructs
@00:31:49 why do they gotta get rid of bar because
@00:31:56 trump no is it going to work on bar no

[HT] Access Closed, [DS] Panic, The Final Stage Revealed From The Beginning - Episode 2110b

@00:44:09 remember what attorney general bill barr

[DS] Foot Soldiers Are Being Taken Out, Year Of The Boomerang - Episode 2209b

@00:02:32 they're being recorded why did trump bar
@00:20:39 now changing who's in control bill barr
@00:21:19 put in prison what is trump and barr

[DS] Playbook Revealed, Ammunition Running Low, Shields Up - Episode 2208b

@00:10:05 flynn case just recently barr stepped in
@00:10:50 is real key to dnc source hack 187 bar
@00:11:02 moved later on and bar is allowing this
@00:12:26 bar and we know that there are censoring
@00:12:35 google facebook twitter you name it bar

Hunting Party Formed & Ready,Narrative Shifts,Treason,Sedition, There Is No Escape - Episode 2207b

@00:20:19 going after bar they're going after the
@00:20:27 to testify on polarization under bar so
@00:20:31 it seems that bar he's going to be
@00:34:59 hunting for well we know that durham bar

It Has Now Been Unleashed,Patriots Know The [DS] Playbook,Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2205b

@00:14:48 general william p bar on the nomination
@00:14:59 bar is saying i am pleased to announce
@00:19:39 out if this is legal bar the rest of the
@00:21:35 the president under this it says bar can
@00:23:02 was bill barr a member of the board i
@00:23:08 ag bar re member of external advisory
@00:23:26 so pompeo bar they have quite a bit of
@00:23:37 to a b cena says just an ag william bar
@00:26:25 this was an interview with bill barr and
@00:26:34 ag bill barr he said it's the job of the
@00:30:13 unemployment recovery slow added bar

[DS] Worst Nightmare, A United People, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 2201b

@00:30:52 attorney's bill barr and the rest they
@00:31:20 bill barr he made a statement on the

Patriots Are 5 Steps Ahead, People Are Beginning To See The Full Picture - Episode 2198b

@00:23:47 and barr were actually doing well it's
@00:23:49 simple trump and barr never told them

The Hunt Is On, It’s Time, Senate Was The Target - Episode 2197b

@00:12:47 i actually bar has been letting us know
@00:26:26 bill barr letting us know they have it

Criminal Referrals Coming, The Wait Will Soon Be Over - Episode 2196b

@00:05:59 remember bill barr blasted judge emmett
@00:22:45 and it says bar says it's a little
@00:22:56 barr says well you know we can't discuss
@00:24:58 and it says bar says familiar names
@00:25:19 barr said they already know and these
@00:25:47 ag bill barr and we have congressional

Do You See What Is Happening, Message Sent, Message Received - Episode 2195b

@00:08:21 attacking barr they're attacking durham
@00:09:12 what is barr done so far nothing what
@00:29:24 on wednesday june 3rd ag bar revealed to
@00:31:29 bar and secretary of defense esper
@00:32:26 milling about wednesday bar spilled the
@00:33:09 fit when barr explained that he and
@00:33:16 authority can you deploy them bar equals

The People Are Watching, They See Clearly, They Are Awake, They Now Know - Episode 2189b

@00:24:11 talking about this is what bill barr is

The Second [DS] Event Just Failed, Exposed, Counterinsurgency Underway - Episode 2187b

@00:17:00 what bill barr says ready initial
@00:18:56 barr is correct
@00:24:55 general william barr his statement on
@00:27:59 tweeted this out bar it is an tifa cops
@00:30:11 is what bill barr is going after trump
@00:31:23 international trump knew this bar knew

[DS] Deploys All Assets, Trap Has Been Set, Flynn’s Calls Released, No Deals - Episode 2186b

@00:15:52 and the attorney general william bar he
@00:16:07 general william barr the video images of
@00:16:54 we know that trump bill barr and the
@00:17:01 this is why trump is pushing bill barr
@00:24:35 who just finished redoing his bar these
@00:24:38 individuals came in destroyed his bar

Trump Signals Next Phase, Huber Enters The Ring, Game Over Jack - Episode 2185b

@00:06:40 attorney general william barr he decided
@00:07:47 they must be huge and bar he is
@00:08:03 pursuing that angle himself barr is
@00:09:37 flynn but against ag bar as well
@00:10:42 what has bar durham horowitz what have
@00:35:48 interfere with commerce ag bar is
@00:38:08 not just bar it's the people behind him

[DS] Event Has Failed, People See The Truth, The People Are Ready - Episode 2181b

@00:08:59 russians during a bar conversation in

When Do Birds Sing, [DS] Corruption Is Exposed, [DS] Using PAN[DEM]IC For Cover - Episode 2179b

@00:14:49 what bill barr said and take a listen to
@00:14:52 what bill barr said he said there are
@00:16:57 this is what bill barr is talking about

FISA Is The Start, Think Chess, When Do You Attack The King, Think Optics - Episode 2177b

@00:01:58 we also come to find out that bill barr
@00:30:14 and it says news conference q uag bar
@00:30:38 have today bar
@00:30:41 so bar is saying what he has right now
@00:31:07 durham and barr i do believe this is
@00:34:42 and remember durham and barr are working
@00:35:00 and a.g bar made it very very clear to
@00:36:00 anything barr

Countdown Is A Go, We Are At Week 3 Of 10, Boom Weeks, Incoming - Episode 2176b

@00:09:16 over to bill bar and once we have all of
@00:30:08 signed an order giving bar the ability
@00:30:13 so bar does have the ability to d class

The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b

@00:13:54 wants to turn this on bar remember obama
@00:15:03 barr is following the rule of law and

The People Are About To Find Out What Treason Looks Like, [Obamagate] - Episode 2171b

@00:02:11 remove bar to make it seem like bar is
@00:02:17 bar is working with trump that bar
@00:02:29 narrative that bar is not following the
@00:02:32 rule of law that bar is working for
@00:02:55 they have done then look at what bar has
@00:03:36 chuck todd and he was talking about barr
@00:03:39 and he said listen to what barr said and
@00:03:48 barr was talking about how history is
@00:03:59 to this bill barr answer to a question
@00:05:26 pushing and what barr actually said this
@00:24:46 attorney general barr and john durham
@00:28:19 bar right now
@00:28:31 calling for attorney general william bar
@00:29:10 g bar to resign and remember yesterday
@00:29:23 guess what bar is in the right so that
@00:29:38 they're calling into question what bar
@00:30:13 see bar follow the rule of law and if we
@00:30:23 bar said bar is following the rule of
@00:33:26 bar disbarred trying to get bar off the
@00:33:36 they're going to see that bar is right
@00:33:58 bar durham trump they are not following

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:02:17 that barr trump they're not following
@00:02:25 trump barr and all his prosecutors
@00:02:38 onto bar onto durham onto huber
@00:04:23 trump bar durham they're not following
@00:14:50 coming it looks like barr is going to
@00:26:48 flynn's case onto bar onto durham

Targets Painted And Locked, Instructions Given To Stealth Bomber, Drain It - Episode 2169b

@00:13:27 need to look into bar and we know that
@00:25:36 looks like trump and bill bar which is b
@00:27:33 all they're hearing is that oh bill barr
@00:31:50 does incriminate bill barr
@00:31:55 after bill bar because they realize they
@00:31:58 need to go to bill bar and get rid of
@00:32:04 to work what does bill barr have he is
@00:35:46 out drain the swamp and trump bill barr
@00:36:31 administration bill bar this is what
@00:37:09 as a way to escape trump bill barr all

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:39:46 attack the house will push for bar
@00:39:50 investigations into bar durham lack of
@00:40:23 him but it does incriminate bill barr in
@00:40:37 to do we're gonna go after bill barr
@00:40:45 to go after bill barr how does bill barr

Targets Have Been Painted, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End - Episode 2167b

@00:04:55 that brian cates put out bar appointed
@00:05:38 understand barr knew what jensen was
@00:05:56 what bar used jensen to do and they did
@00:07:19 investigate attorney general william bar

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:06:40 investigation barr and durham if durham
@00:07:58 criminals where durham and barr are now

Boom Week Ahead, It’s About To Break, Enjoy The Show, For Humanity - Episode 2164b

@00:03:05 bar who is standing by going to step in

The 7th Floor Is No More, Trapped & Caught, The Truth Must Be Shown To The People - Episode 2163b

@00:11:01 be and bar he's sitting on the sidelines
@00:17:29 of the people but i believe with barr

Comms Compromised, Rule Of Law Day, Durham Is Coming- Episode 2162b

@00:24:37 person this is why trump has bar

Times Up, Be Ready, All The Walls Are Falling Down On The [DS] - Episode 2161b

@00:06:50 bill barr and i do believe they're going

It Has Begun, Those [Knowingly] Who Tried To Remove POTUS, Treason - Episode 2159b

@00:11:32 general bar he's out there letting

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:05:44 censure and bar any future endorsements
@00:06:01 durham bar the investigation is going on

[DS]/MSM They Know What’s Coming,The Entire Event Is Going To Be Turned Upside Down - Episode 2155b

@00:13:54 attorney general bar said yes it is on
@00:14:18 bar replied as far as i'm aware none of
@00:23:46 bill barr the attorney general is out

The MSM Spin Begins, More Declassifications Coming, Another Trap Set - Episode 2154

@00:16:24 bar and durham and it looks like nadler
@00:16:28 schiff they're going after bar and
@00:17:00 you don't think bar durham you don't
@00:17:29 attack the house will push for bar
@00:26:47 everything that he says now ag bar he's

It Was A Scam, "You Will Find Out What I Am Going To Do", Tables Are Turned - Episode 2153b

@00:30:59 ready with indictments barr is ready to

We Are Ready, Countdown Ended, Indictments Coming - Episode 2152b

@00:13:16 was een bar russians derde want hoe het
@00:22:22 dus de bar fbi grapje men doet aan zoals

Facts Will Be Presented, We Are Ready, Think Barr, Durham FISA - Episode 2149b

@00:00:44 think bar durham faiza now before we get
@00:26:38 we are ready think bar public now we
@00:32:18 be excruciating we have bar and durham

“The Truth Is Learned, Never Told”, Countdown To Treason, Blackout Coming - Episode 2148b

@00:07:15 bar he has issued a statement on
@00:31:14 ventilators he has ag bar come out and
@00:32:54 on ag bar fills people in on the

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:06:34 general william bar he is now taking
@00:07:50 bar right now he's looking at this
@00:08:00 many americans ag bar is monitoring
@00:24:38 and bar he starts to report on cases

deleted Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain - Episode 2145b

@00:04:09 why because we had a g bar out there and
@00:04:47 don jr tweeted out a g william bar says
@00:19:37 for bar removal the house will open
@00:19:40 investigations into bar derm lack of

Patriot Stand At The Ready, The Start - Episode 2144b

@00:15:37 and then we had a g bar
@00:23:20 it says bar disappointed by partisan
@00:23:29 during the interview barr said he was

deleted The People Must Be Shown First, They Must Understand, Then The Arrests - Episode 2141b

@00:19:55 says what a coincidence roseanne barr

Stay Vigilant, News Unlocks, Pain Coming, Godspeed - Episode 2139b

@00:10:59 the scenes so what did ag bar come out

deleted Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last - Episode 2137b

@00:07:30 and then remember ag bar ag bar came out

Message Sent [P], Panic Everywhere, Puzzle Almost Complete - Episode 2133b

@00:09:52 ag bar he was out during the coronavirus
@00:11:28 and once ag bar made the announcement
@00:11:41 a lot more trump bar they call them on
@00:11:56 them now ag bar is going to be knocking

Habeas Corpus Ready, Mass Pop Awakening, Silent War Continues..- Episode 2132b

@00:03:42 general bill barr came out and released

Operation Signal, Blockage Dismantled, Fire At Will Commander - Episode 2129b

@00:23:15 attorney general bar this is why i do

Countermeasures In Place, Think Emergency Alert System - Episode 2121b

@00:08:58 sodas bar now it seems that grinnell he

Green Castle Online, The Stage Must Be Set WW, Times Up, Patriots Ready - Episode 2120b

@00:08:42 what barr has told us that durum is
@00:12:11 durham and bar visit italy italy is

The Days Of Silence Are Now Over, [DS] Fell Into The Trap, It’s Time - Episode 2117b

@00:04:18 out there judge walton he accused barr

Kansas Sends A Message, Renegade Will Pay The Price - Episode 2115b

@00:10:14 credibility of bill barr that's the part
@00:10:20 field day remember they want barr out of
@00:10:26 trying to portray bill bar as lacking
@00:10:37 individuals saying that bar should
@00:10:42 that said that bill barr shouldn't
@00:10:45 resign that bill barr should bring
@00:11:00 this judge walton has zero evidence barr
@00:11:32 american and russians bar said that that
@00:17:09 general william bar he has announced the

[DS] Pushes 16 Yr Plan, When Is The Right Time To Use The Trump Card? - Episode 2112b

@00:08:45 barr is requesting a clean fisa renewal

We All Knew, Durham, No Report, Just Indictments, Panic WW - Episode 2109b

@00:07:16 by barr and ukraine has launched their
@00:11:09 remember bar set into motion someone to

Future Topic Coming Into Focus, Wait For It, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2108b

@00:09:51 absolutely right and it looks like barr

Drip, Drip, Pieces Of The Puzzle Come Together, The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2105b

@00:17:57 chair lindsey graham has asked ag bar to

Wet Work Active, Storm Forecast Confirmed, The Shot Heard Around The World - Episode 2104b

@00:18:25 now attorney general william bar he is

Trump Just Signaled It’s A Go, It’s Coming, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2102b

@00:10:35 now remember attorney general bar came
@00:10:45 everyone got on bar you must resign how
@00:16:30 wanted barr to resign i think they were
@00:16:37 people want do they want barr to resign
@00:16:39 or do they want barr to bring justice
@00:16:51 would like barr to bring justice two
@00:17:22 attorney general william barr in the
@00:23:58 this is happening barr suggests that big
@00:24:50 seems like bar wants to change things

We Are Close,Fear,Panic The Feeling Of Doom Overtakes The [DS],Justice Is Coming - Episode 2101b

@00:03:49 tweeted out it's not enough for barr to
@00:03:59 barr sabotage mullet report was in on
@00:04:37 william bar has energetically played the
@00:05:14 barr demanding his immediate resignation
@00:05:58 all want barr to resign and the
@00:06:04 that bar is threatening to quit because
@00:06:18 general william bar in explained to him
@00:06:24 needs to investigate all of this bar
@00:06:32 that bill barr is threatening to quit if
@00:07:12 bar is not going anywhere and let's say
@00:07:22 end with bar no matter what they tried
@00:07:32 post reporters matt zapp pushing the bar
@00:08:06 animosity toward a g bar is easily
@00:20:39 letters that attack ag bar with
@00:23:59 bar and team they are now pushing the

The Curtain Has Been Pulled Back, The Puppet Masters Are Revealed, Game Over - Episode 2100b

@00:03:34 bill barr can't see that now this is a
@00:04:30 william barr threatens the reservoir of
@00:04:33 trust no james comey bill barr is not
@00:15:34 with barr said listen just keep this guy
@00:16:12 board they try to go after bar before
@00:16:17 they know that bar is going to follow
@00:16:20 the rule of law bar has the
@00:16:41 petition calling on bar to resign but
@00:18:04 about what bar is going to do well maybe
@00:37:36 the attacks on bar you can see that now
@00:37:44 rid of barr we need to get rid of all

MSM Getting Ahead Of Stories, Panic, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot [Spring/Summer] - Episode 2099b

@00:02:31 bar because they know that he's leading
@00:02:47 there saying that bar should resign
@00:02:54 coordinated effort to push bar into
@00:03:00 bar did something wrong bar didn't do
@00:03:43 of it to bar and they've been trying to
@00:16:56 what barr and his team have to do is
@00:26:38 remove bar the more they're gonna spin

Barr, Moves and Countermoves, Trump Sends Message To The [DS], Victory Lap Taken - Episode 2098b

@00:00:39 2020 and the title the episode is bar
@00:01:28 they had a set up optics for bill bar
@00:01:52 entire plan where bar would look like
@00:02:18 it looks like barr is under the
@00:02:34 anyone and barr said no i am influenced
@00:06:09 prosecutors who were trying to trap bar
@00:06:13 backfired now because bar has used the
@00:08:14 hannity sources confirm that ag bar is
@00:09:00 that the attorney general bill barr is
@00:09:22 because as we speak the dorm bar
@00:11:34 now bar investigating mccabe for lying
@00:11:37 this is muller's tactic bar decided he
@00:12:00 so remember bar reduced the sentence for
@00:12:19 the same thing remember the bar and
@00:13:13 with durham and bar this is not about
@00:13:51 they're going after here and what bar
@00:14:59 cities ag bar announced that giuliani
@00:15:28 evaluated by ag bar as being outrageous
@00:15:52 american citizens ag bar number six
@00:16:11 william bar and friday asking he makes
@00:16:25 number 9 ag bar installs outside
@00:19:04 to barr remember sessions recused
@00:19:10 general whittaker then barr was put into
@00:21:53 remember flynn changed his plea bar has

Optics Are Important, Barr’s Delayed Testimony Confirmed, Traps Are Important - Episode 2097b

@00:02:07 perfectly and it seems that bar now has
@00:05:30 and bar they've trapped the deep state
@00:05:42 yesterday barr appeared on abc news and
@00:06:11 complete bar can proceed and that's
@00:06:23 criminal case ag bar this doesn't mean
@00:08:20 bar disbarred we can't trust him
@00:08:47 hmm it seems like bill barr is a fair
@00:09:05 barr does think for himself makes his
@00:09:42 bill bar has now assigned an outside
@00:10:07 so barr also assign a handful of
@00:10:26 judiciary formally asked ag bar to make
@00:20:26 bill barr can immediately sit down with
@00:21:05 confirmation from q that ag bar will
@00:21:19 allow barr to educate the people on
@00:21:44 the first place barr is taking the time
@00:22:05 declassification hands this off to bar
@00:22:28 remember that there is a reason why barr
@00:22:52 shows that bar is doing his job
@00:23:03 sided here but if bar comes in and he
@00:23:18 all think they're going to trap bar into
@00:23:29 know that bar is going to be saying
@00:23:41 go at this point they ordered bar in if
@00:23:50 them testify it's gonna show that bar is
@00:23:53 doing a great job but bar is going to
@00:25:39 that bar will proceed unbiased where

Patriots Maneuver Barr Into Position, The Second Act Begins, [I]ndictments - Episode 2096b

@00:00:40 patriots maneuver bar into position the
@00:02:18 else that's happening they want barr in
@00:02:25 questions and barr said yes i will come
@00:02:35 why do you think barr put him off until
@00:04:51 trap bar but the whole thing was
@00:06:12 controlling bar they interfered in this
@00:06:14 and now we need to investigate barr we
@00:07:44 they're trying to say look barr
@00:07:56 exactly what trump barr and the patriots
@00:12:14 report we talked about how bar the
@00:12:24 they want bar to come in and testify in
@00:12:30 and nadler he wrote a letter and bar
@00:13:48 general bar previously slobbered all
@00:13:52 he couldn't praise her enough bar had
@00:14:18 intents and purposes barr is an ally of
@00:14:54 remember that bar he can accept
@00:16:11 corruption so why did bar pick march
@00:16:29 bar is going to receive certain
@00:16:55 bar is going to tell them now he's only
@00:17:02 they're not expecting so barr has a
@00:17:43 exact thing and with this bar is now
@00:18:04 who asked barr to come in barr is
@00:18:12 don't it will be too late because bar
@00:18:47 democrats and media attacking ag bar
@00:18:59 raise your hand if you back bar in his
@00:19:02 war against the swamp now bill barr just
@00:29:54 says democrats call on bar to resign
@00:29:57 really bill barr is fighting to hold the
@00:30:06 they want to get rid of bar because they

It’s Time To Wake Up, Lines Are Being Drawn Between Patriots & Traitors - Episode 2095b

@00:09:50 to know they are panicking bar is on the
@00:10:59 issues financial issues then bar came in
@00:11:42 for barr and timothy shea it was a
@00:11:49 narrative of attorney general bill barr
@00:12:13 tim shea or a bar or anyone else trump
@00:24:39 like this is the signal where barr is

Ammunition Running Low, No Step 5, Swamp Trapped And Drained, Panic Sets In - Episode 2094b

@00:02:09 been countered by barr and timothy shame
@00:04:11 barr he wants to know why the department
@00:04:28 if you watch what barr said and we
@00:04:46 where they didn't confirm anything barr
@00:04:59 is panicking about this because what bar
@00:06:51 department of justice under bar under
@00:07:56 trying to trap timothy shea and bar
@00:08:13 case as a weapon against barr and shay
@00:14:22 fisa abusing now why would trump bar and
@00:21:09 now attorney general bill barr he is now
@00:23:00 we have bar going after the sanctuary

It Was A Trap, Barr Assessing RG Ukraine Info, Rudy Has The “Insurance File” - Episode 2093b

@00:00:41 was a trap bar assessing rudy giuliani's
@00:04:51 learn that attorney general bill barr he
@00:05:40 barr a gram in we have to be very
@00:09:06 attorney general bill barr he was
@00:14:16 general bar has acknowledged for the
@00:18:20 people of new york agee bar now who were
@00:23:15 they know that bar has been getting

The Silent War Is Being Fought In The Shadows, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2091b

@00:08:44 now very interestingly bill barr he's

GOP Investigates Ukraine White House Meetings, SR Watch The News - Episode 2088b

@00:22:00 because what did barr tell us that
@00:25:32 general william barr has said he would

Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

@00:14:16 collapsing and now barr got rid of jesse

They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Public Ready For The Next Drip - Episode 2085b

@00:21:00 and bar they're getting ready and
@00:33:27 and it says attorney general barr says
@00:34:19 have bill barr saying that he's creating

[DS] Getting Ahead Of Deep Fakes, Durham Appoints A New Criminal Chief - Episode 2083b

@00:16:38 barr asking him to declassify for
@00:20:58 remember what bill barr said he said

Drip, Drip, Pain, Then The Flood, FISA Court Declares Warrants Invalid - Episode 2078b

@00:26:20 with an arrow pointing the bar bar then
@00:26:26 of command potus tab our bar to durham

[DS] Attempting To Block The Truth, The Truth Will Be Their Downfall - Episode 2076b

@00:18:05 flynn barr has already hinted at the

We Have A Witness,Durham Following Strong Paper Trail,But The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2074b

@00:06:08 bill barr is doing where they're out
@00:15:30 now dirham and bar as we know they are
@00:17:06 now we need to remember what barr said
@00:17:35 summer so bar right there is giving us

[JC] Slam Dunk, VA In The [DS] Sites, Patriots Countermoves Ready - Episode 2073b

@00:17:41 zo de justice de bar mitswa you report

It’s All About To Boomerang, [DS] Propaganda Falls Apart, [DF] Videos Countered - Episode 2072b

@00:11:44 department insisted barr was unaware of
@00:20:40 bill bar d class the fisa warrant on the

Senate Was The Key, Patriots Turn, It’s All About To Be Exposed - Episode 2071b

@00:02:46 california state bar disciplinary

[DS] Pushes Same Hacking Tactic, The Coverup Already Failed - Episode 2070b

@00:30:49 and attorney general bar
@00:31:25 you anything and bar is putting a hold

Prosecutor Outside Of DC Ready To Bring Pain, Patriots Set The Timetable - Episode 2068b

@00:15:11 appointment of bill bar to attorney
@00:15:25 years and i do believe durham and bar
@00:21:23 bar the other prosecutor behind the

[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence - Episode 2067b

@00:00:42 hubert durham and bar prepare facts and
@00:08:52 all propaganda bar hasn't received
@00:08:55 anything yet barr has already told us
@00:11:52 know that bar huber durham they're gonna
@00:18:28 they have no case and remember barr is
@00:18:42 once that is done bar is going to

Backchannels Important, Iran Ready To Flip, [DS]/MSM Panic – Episode 2065

@00:09:59 bases nancy pelosi was at a bar and she

[DS] Payoffs Threatened, They Never Expected Trump To Expose The Entire Scam - Episode 2063b

@00:24:21 know this criminal investigation bar has

Barr Exposes The [DS] Agenda, Haspel Cooperating, SR Back In The News - Episode 2057b

@00:00:38 2019 and the top of the episode is bar
@00:28:12 bar asked the question that needed to be
@00:28:28 take a listen to what bill barr says
@00:29:01 the united so from this bar is letting
@00:29:13 that this tells me that durham and bar i
@00:32:02 get drawn into the bar durham probe as
@00:33:31 cooperate with bar and durham well she
@00:45:05 who's cooperating with bar haspel and

Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056b

@00:15:45 working with durham and bar what are
@00:16:37 in there helping bar and durham there
@00:18:17 attorney general barr said he said that

Future Proves Past, It’s Time For Justice, Harvest Begins - Episode 2054b

@00:16:36 special and we know that bill barr has
@00:25:30 durham and bar and in this tweet he has
@00:26:09 fire at will and durham and bar are

Nobody Is Above The Law [Not Anymore], Justice Will Be Served - Episode 2053b

@00:07:18 but first very interestingly bill barr
@00:07:41 molester molesting bill barr indicted
@00:16:16 the public durham huber bar this is the
@00:16:26 bar they will bring justice wise pelosi
@00:32:52 system and barr is out there and trump
@00:32:57 stone unturned bill barr said the

[DS] Warning People Not To Look, Patriots Getting Ready To Drop The MOAB - Episode 2052b

@00:05:11 general bill barr is now calling out
@00:05:19 now attorney general bill barr is
@00:05:41 bill bar called out george soros for
@00:05:58 civil war take a listen to what barr
@00:06:37 barr is right
@00:07:34 to have control bar is on to him they
@00:13:25 james comey we know from bar where he
@00:15:47 with barr and durham and we know that
@00:17:03 information probably a lot more to bar

Something Big Is About To Happen,Think Admiral Rogers, Think Brennan - Episode 2051b

@00:25:55 russia investigation with barr durham

Sacrifices Made, The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World - Episode 2050b

@00:26:54 bar with complete justification did he
@00:28:33 justice bar hired installed cia
@00:29:00 fox news now this is bill barr he went
@00:29:31 take a listen to what barr says about
@00:30:08 like barr has completely different

First Indictment Will Trigger Mass Awakening, Arrests Will Verify - Episode 2049b

@00:36:21 yesterday we talked about how bar was
@00:36:39 bar is going to say at 7 p.m. under this
@00:36:49 gave the d class authority to bar well
@00:37:12 class to bar to remove it from the
@00:37:25 peach's trump bar kandi class and trump

Senate Trial Backfire, [Watch] What Happens Next - Episode 2048b

@00:21:03 and is bar going to declassify remember
@00:22:55 meadow says bill bar looking at
@00:28:29 individuals working with barr and durham
@00:28:40 jeremy fleming working with barr and
@00:28:55 it has bill barr wednesday 7:00 p.m.
@00:29:02 bill bar is going to be telling the
@00:32:30 they're doing it out in the open bar and

[DS] Narrative Disintegrating, RG Drops A Carpet Bomb - Episode 2047b

@00:01:27 just a trump not just a bill bar but now
@00:30:17 a picture of bill bar with sunglasses on
@00:31:06 ig report durum rebuttal bar rebuttal we
@00:31:19 and barr were specifically directed by q
@00:32:31 to be declassified by barr schiff had

The Call To Declas, Smear Campaign Alert, United We Stand - Episode 2046b

@00:08:43 wrapped up with bar and this is going to
@00:18:26 week remember bill bar and durham they
@00:19:45 is bill bar
@00:19:46 and bill bar and durham they both made
@00:20:04 attacks on bar coming this is in
@00:20:17 that bar is no longer a stealth bomber
@00:20:29 campaign remember the new york bar is
@00:20:33 trying to dis bar bill bar and we see
@00:20:50 bar is doing he has the ability to
@00:22:12 now of course durham bar they will
@00:24:19 and it has a link to bill bar let's take
@00:24:22 a listen to what bill barr says why
@00:24:28 side you know thro bill bar and prison
@00:24:39 first bomb bill bar fit into eight
@00:25:06 is bill bar and this is and it fits into
@00:26:19 and bill barr did confirm this letting
@00:26:26 investigated take a listen to bill barr
@00:35:08 general bill barr the authority to
@00:35:27 it is the last because barr now has the

Barr Just Did Something Interesting, [DS] Pushed Out Of The Darkness Into The Light-Episode 2044b

@00:00:37 2019 and the top of the episode is bar
@00:08:37 and that's what bill barr dirham
@00:14:25 we should we shouldn't have barr in that
@00:14:41 the current attorney general william bar
@00:14:59 general william barr has made a series
@00:15:16 now because he knows that bar is only
@00:15:49 bar is trying to have bar disbarred
@00:16:11 bar is the second most dangerous man in
@00:16:17 bill barr is the second most dangerous
@00:25:29 bill bar order this because i do believe
@00:28:55 happen why would bill barr do this
@00:29:24 the james wolf cover-up but barr
@00:29:35 durham as bar as hueber all investigate

FISA Is The Start, FISA Leads To Declas, Misspellings Matter - Episode 2043b

@00:23:40 crimes many crimes and he's letting barr

Bait Taken, Trap Set, Carpet Bombs Incoming, Then The MOAB - Episode 2042b

@00:31:14 durham and barr they put the rest of the
@00:31:26 and how they did it and durham and bar
@00:32:54 from the courts derman barr have much
@00:35:45 now very interestingly bar was being
@00:37:38 that's what bar derm are doing they

Cross Fire Hurricane, Clear Abuse Of FISA, People Will Be Held Accountable - Episode 2041b

@00:05:49 findings to congress and bill barr rudy
@00:28:05 as soon as possible now bill barr he
@00:34:57 fisa court was misled ag bar says report

The [DS] Crimes Will Be Publicly Answered Soon, Sheep No More - Episode 2040b

@00:13:00 democratic party bill bar he indicted
@00:32:43 attorney general william bar and do
@00:33:02 barr remember timing is everything rudy

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice - Episode 2038b

@00:15:53 the weekend that ag barr and his us
@00:29:21 bar has been on an official travel in

Did You Catch It, It Needs To Go Mainstream First, Then We Bring Down The House - Episode 2037b

@00:19:08 we know that bar they've been gathering
@00:33:24 actually bar can produce the evidence

The Swamp Is Being Drained, Justice Marker, Disinformation Necessary, Event? - Episode 2036b

@00:17:58 a new leak showing that bar does not
@00:18:34 general barr has every confidence in the
@00:23:45 bill barr it is all connected volt 7

New Evidence Gathered In Rome, Get Ready For The Knock Out Punch - Episode 2034b

@00:10:35 remember us attorney durham bar huber
@00:14:44 william barr recently had in rome where
@00:15:11 or both of these trips that bar and
@00:15:59 came out at the exact time as bar and
@00:17:04 loud bar he granted him the authority to
@00:19:21 d class you don't think bar has been

[DS]/MSM FISA Narrative Control, Conspiracy No More, What Do They Fear The Most? - Episode 2033b

@00:14:20 barr saying that he should recuse
@00:25:02 now he'll be throwing the punches barr

Patriots Leading [DS] Down The Path, IG FISA Is The Primer, It’s Time - Episode 2031b

@00:02:22 at hubert durham bar he focused on fisa
@00:16:20 attorney general william bar for further
@00:18:36 john durham who was appointed by barr to

MSM/[DS] On The Defensive, Evidence, Facts On Deck, Pain Coming - Episode 2030b

@00:13:11 justice barr then is going to say okay

Confirmed, Senate Was The Target, Hello, Here We Go!, Patriots Turn - Episode 2028b

@00:15:32 barr and the rest can reveal everything
@00:36:35 barr said something very interesting
@00:36:40 attorney general william barr revealed

Trump Brings The Storm, A Name To Remember, The Takedown - Episode 2024b

@00:28:23 all bar durum huber horowitz and the

The Harvest Is About To Begin, Suicide Watch, Panic In DC - Episode 2023b

@00:12:58 president and ag bar is letting the
@00:14:09 now since barr gave this speech the
@00:14:22 authoritarian speech as bar goes from
@00:14:32 in peach bar now attorney general barr
@00:14:42 have bar removed we're seeing others
@00:14:45 saying we need to remove bar why are

Playbook Known,Trap Set, Trump Meets With Barr ,Wait For It - Episode 2022b

@00:00:45 meet with bar wait for it now before i
@00:02:39 and barr
@00:19:32 attorney general william barr in the
@00:23:31 justice bar durham class one through
@00:23:44 with ag bar and erm the investigation is
@00:30:01 coates is now gone trump gave bar full

Messages Are Being Projected By The [DS], Distractions On Deck, Incoming - Episode 2021b

@00:18:27 is coming attorney general william barr

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:04:27 attorney general william barr and us

Brilliant, Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, Think “Coup” - Episode 2017b

@00:20:43 follow the rule of law bar was being

Confirmed, Coup Is Real, [DS] Holds Report That Would Exonerate Trump Advisers - Episode 2015b

@00:09:20 story said that bar reportedly declined
@00:10:05 asked for ag bar to host a news
@00:10:44 the story about me asking bill bar to
@00:24:00 a sec do you think bar and the rest have
@00:24:20 that barr dirham huber and the rest

93 Days Of Darkness, Rig For Red, Stand By For Battle Surface - Episode 2011b

@00:21:42 not appointed by ag bar durham served as

[DS] Panicking Over The Whistleblower Identity, The World Is Watching - Episode 2010b

@00:21:50 letter to attorney general bar asking
@00:22:12 exact text messages they wanted bar to
@00:22:47 mother gang and how bar should look into

This Is a Methodical Plan Moving Ahead With Military Precision,[DS] Has Been Warned - Episode 2009b

@00:09:04 office bar and durham must have the
@00:25:13 walked on stage to take command bar what
@00:25:38 provide bar this is not simply another

The [DS] Has Run Out Time, Expose, Drain The Swamp, Fire At Will - Episode 2008b

@00:26:12 eyes bar and durham they may be further
@00:27:10 attorney general bar was on fox two days
@00:27:18 the interview bar said that durham is
@00:27:37 they've given bar now ray is no doubt
@00:27:46 and bar in durham

[DS] Impeachment Plan Revealed, Patriots Counter, Plan Has Already Failed - Episode 2007b

@00:01:34 that the bar durham investigation is no
@00:23:26 you don't think bar and the rest are on

[DS] Is Running Out Of Time, Patriots Set The Trap, & Are Nudging Them Into It - Episode 2006b

@00:11:22 why because of bar durham horowitz huber
@00:11:30 bar was out there and he said his
@00:11:57 world of change barr said i think that
@00:12:35 that bar is letting us know that we need
@00:12:38 to trust ray and bar said they're making

Treason Message Sent, Operation Documents Confiscated, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2005b

@00:07:24 scrambling to have bar removed now we
@00:07:27 have the senate dems demanding bar
@00:07:33 they sent a letter to william barr
@00:08:07 now we have the new york bar saying bar
@00:09:42 brought in bill barr and everything they

Pain Coming, It Will Devastating For The [DS], Watch Those Who Scream The Loudest - Episode 2004b

@00:02:32 they're attacking bar and this will only
@00:09:49 bar and durham were just doing an
@00:11:26 bill barr is corrupt and he is a
@00:11:54 of law bill bar is working day and night
@00:12:17 representative eric swa well yes bar
@00:14:37 trump bill barr durham and the rest
@00:23:50 out to ag bar and john durham their

Schiff Hits An Impeachment Roadblock, [DS] Feeling The Pain, Next Wave Coming - Episode 2003b

@00:01:55 they are going crazy over bar and durham
@00:02:04 and bar really have there been no leaks
@00:02:12 sifted through bar will then present the
@00:11:41 attorney general liam barr and us
@00:14:22 tons of documentation i'm sure that bar
@00:15:22 afraid they're trying to stop bar from
@00:15:49 the new york city bar association it's
@00:15:59 general william bar to recuse himself
@00:16:14 barr is going to recuse himself do you
@00:16:55 we know that barr visited italy twice in
@00:17:12 september 27th barr largely inquired
@00:17:48 barr met during his first trip with
@00:18:05 trump campaign barr also asked his
@00:18:13 freaking out over bar durham
@00:21:26 attorney general william barr revealed
@00:21:32 officials and this is what barr said
@00:22:35 barr and his team might blow the entire

The Patriots Just Trapped The [DS] Again, Moves And Countermoves - Episode 2002b

@00:04:13 the very high bar that was set by the
@00:28:08 we know that bill bar and durham they

Durham & Barr Found Something Significant, [DS] Hires Lawyers - Episode 2001b

@00:00:42 episode is durham and bar found
@00:01:54 him bar is closing in to talk the clock
@00:08:49 everything that bar and durham and huber
@00:17:27 general william bar has significantly

Follow The Clues, Another Piece Of The Puzzle Added, [DS] Ready To Face Justice - Episode 2000b

@00:12:57 since attorney general william bar
@00:14:16 general barr said yes i do believe the
@00:18:11 bill barr has all the cards here also

Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near - Episode 1999b

@00:04:27 as barr and durham horowitz get closer
@00:17:34 trying to get ahead of the bar durum
@00:18:22 like we don't know what bar in durham
@00:27:37 of the bar and durham investigation the

Fear Is Flushing The [DS] Out, The Only Way Forward, Expose, Transparency & Truth - Episode 1994b

@00:10:50 we know that bill barr and john durham
@00:11:02 report lea confirmed that bar and durham

Bombshells Dropped, HB, BO Missing? IG FISA Report On The Way - Episode 1992b

@00:21:25 judicial watch bar and now ukraine are

The Gathering, The Storm Is Here, It’s Happening, Time To Harvest - Episode 1990b

@00:01:35 but the mainstream media is calling bar
@00:16:50 want to bar gop lawmakers from
@00:18:51 staff to know they are coming bill bar
@00:19:01 the world bar was in italy last week and
@00:19:09 cannot be trusted and bill bar in durham
@00:19:24 upset with with what bar is looking into
@00:19:32 afraid that bar is going to figure out
@00:19:35 what they did i think bar already knows
@00:19:45 discover that bill bar had circumvented
@00:20:07 so what are durham and bar really doing

The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b

@00:08:06 present this information to bill bar
@00:08:23 that bill barr already has this
@00:26:27 hearings bill barr is zeroing in on
@00:26:38 bill barr is looking into mifsud who
@00:27:08 complex is terrified that bill bar and
@00:27:32 kingdom to continue working with a g bar

Chatter Intercepted, High Alert, Patriots Ready To Counter The Next Event - Episode 1988b

@00:25:07 general bill barr doing his job and even

The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] - Episode 1987b

@00:08:19 trump administration right as bill barr
@00:25:13 general in bar said this agreement will

Panic Sets In For Brennan, Schiff In Trouble, This Is Just The Warmup - Episode 1986b

@00:20:47 general william barr in early june
@00:20:55 trump she informed bar that she intended
@00:21:10 including for barr to replace the
@00:21:22 cindy powell's letter to bar one
@00:22:37 bar sd my free flynn yeah it's going to

The Patriots Are Over The Target, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 1985b

@00:17:05 bar he traveled to italy days ago to
@00:17:10 spying on the trump campaign bill barr
@00:17:26 was travelling with bill barr in europe
@00:17:45 were bill barr and john durham doing in
@00:18:07 trump in 2016 so when bill barr showed
@00:18:27 bar and durham were especially
@00:19:28 to smear barr and discredit probe of
@00:19:32 over the target and he is the durham bar
@00:20:30 see what they're doing here what bar
@00:29:38 we have bar durham pompeyo they're all

Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, It’s PERFECT, Wait For It.. - Episode 1984b

@00:25:14 recent phone call to help ag bar gather
@00:25:31 wrote to attorney general william bar
@00:25:44 and it was a letter to bill bar and it

Why Is The [DS] Panicking, There Is Only Word That Describes It “Treason” - Episode 1982b

@00:02:12 the bar investigation over their
@00:17:15 and on friday pelosi attacked bar
@00:17:34 they're attacking bar they're attacking
@00:17:46 barr they're doing this and they're
@00:17:48 attacking bar because they understand
@00:18:10 this has nothing to do with bar this has
@00:18:28 completely off bar and on to these
@00:24:09 bill barr is heading up investigations
@00:25:25 then we find out that bill barr is now
@00:25:39 his twitter account that ag bar has been
@00:25:47 ag bar has been on official travel in

Sleepers Present Problems,Trump Holds The Power,This Is Not About A 4 Year Election - Episode 1981b

@00:01:37 the wall they see what bill barr is
@00:16:43 who scares them the most ag bar they
@00:16:55 on and they needed a way to hit bar over
@00:17:06 bar didn't do anything wrong but they're
@00:17:15 general william bar of going rogue in
@00:17:23 solinsky pelosi argued that bar was part
@00:25:29 can see why pelosi is going after bar

[DS]/MSM Scrambling, Patriots Getting Ready To Strike Again - Episode 1980b

@00:11:50 general bill barr
@00:15:33 this effort and attorney general bar
@00:15:50 the ukraine with attorney general bar
@00:22:06 barr horowitz and the rest a lot of that
@00:22:32 at ag bar and john durham have caught on

[DS] Failed Again, Think Mirror, More Panic & Pain Coming, Next Wave Begins - Episode 1979b

@00:15:22 so william barr tapped durham to look
@00:18:15 attorney general william bar was first
@00:18:24 noted that at no time did bar speak with
@00:24:04 to ag that's ag bar about investigating
@00:24:10 ukraine also a bar has not communicated

Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped - Episode 1976b

@00:23:58 bar announce the appointment of nine us
@00:24:45 think about what bar is doing think

Setup Complete, Ukrainian Scandal Revealed, [DS] Whistleblower Agenda Fail - Episode 1975b

@00:08:57 know the next report is coming from barr
@00:09:32 end bar will have the facts adam schiff
@00:12:08 to barr they're gonna do this to many

Horowitz Delivers The Bad News To Comey, More Pain Coming - Episode 1973b

@00:10:52 we know that barr has what well he has a
@00:11:55 inspector general bill bar they're

We Are (Closer) Than You Think, Messages Received, On The Ready - Episode 1972b

@00:22:49 but who's loaded well didn't bar just
@00:22:56 reviewing it right now is bar locked and

Restructure Hint, We Will Never Again Be Under Their Control - Episode 1972a

@00:01:08 ounce solid silver bullion bar together

Operatives Hunted Down, [DS] Plan Backfired, No Place To Hide - Episode 1971b

@00:30:10 those individuals like barr and durham

[CB]/[DS] Economic Plan Blocked, Plenty Of Oil - Episode 1971a

@00:01:09 ounce solid silver bullion bar together

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:00:45 intensified bar receives report now
@00:14:31 word the attorney general bar has
@00:15:26 bill barr an fbi christopher rey for
@00:15:39 granting ag bill bar authority to make
@00:15:52 general william bar the final draft
@00:16:51 the process who reviews the draft bar
@00:33:16 laden's now remember didn't bill bar
@00:39:34 coming bar has a report in his hand

[CB] [DS] Major Attempt To Bring Down The World Economy - Episode 1970a

@00:01:09 stand ten ounce solid silver bullion bar

Smoke And Mirrors, This Is What Economic Control Looks Like - Episode 1969a

@00:01:07 stand ten ounce solid silver bullion bar

[DS] Moves To Get Ahead Of FISA Story, Big Fail, Messages Sent About A Bad Man - Episode 1966b

@00:10:31 attorney general bill barr report lee
@00:30:17 dirham huber barr produce the evidence

Think Timing, Senate Locked, SC Locked, Locked & Who Is Loaded - Episode 1963b

@00:23:00 are locked and who is loaded a bar

Confirmation, The Swamp Is Being Drained, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 1962b

@00:07:37 find out and we already know that bar is
@00:08:24 barr asking him to declassify the slew

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:10:22 barr is a reasonable man that's because
@00:13:05 me that trump bill barr they don't want
@00:14:01 i'm talking about bill barr
@00:14:10 bill barr trump they're allowing those
@00:14:28 that bill barr is going to take over
@00:15:59 of ethical conduct for the dc bar the

Placeholders Ready, Declas, Indictments, Will Force WW Coverage - Episode 1957b

@00:10:35 bill barr is so many people and experts
@00:10:53 showing that bill barr is fair and
@00:11:11 letting everyone know look barr didn't

Perfect Storm Confirmed,Horowitz Concludes 4 FISA Warrants Illegal - Episode 1953b

@00:09:47 william bar sometime in the next week

The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many - Episode 1952b

@00:02:09 huber and barr they're all working on

Panic, Message Evergreen, Public Discovers Illegal Surveillance - Episode 1951b

@00:09:39 that took waiting until bill barr got it
@00:14:08 law to be enforced when bar became
@00:14:19 he also said he never met bar doesn't
@00:14:24 word on the street is bar is trustworthy
@00:20:02 fbi is still stonewalling now bill bar
@00:27:38 ag bar as the ny free flynn yes it will

Message Decoded, Public Rollout Of Declass, Complete Transparency - Episode 1949b

@00:07:57 general william bar this week to advise
@00:13:05 that bill barr he came out and he looked

Voter Manipulation, Message Sent & Received, Why Greenland? - Episode 1948b

@00:03:27 involved in what bill barr calls

Future Proves Past, Distractions, Timing Is Everything - Episode 1947b

@00:13:33 who was a member of the rhode island bar
@00:17:10 william bar the attorney general

Investigations By OIG Completed, Facts Dominate, [DS] Scrambles - Episode 1946b

@00:10:11 ag bar and his investigation into the
@00:16:50 brought out by bill bar and this is when

Drip, Drip, Prepped And Ready, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1945b

@00:15:08 barr think about what's happening here

Did You Notice What Was Happening, Truth, Behold The Power - Episode 1943b

@00:07:42 william barr has since suggested the
@00:07:56 first fisa application meanwhile bar
@00:27:59 control bar and i don't think he agrees

It Was All Harvested, FISA Goes Both Ways, Sky Is Falling - Episode 1942b

@00:05:11 bill barr so strange that this is all

We All Have A Part To Play, The Raid Has Begun, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1941b

@00:01:27 barr says they will not stop remember q
@00:04:55 barr has snuck up on them and is about
@00:20:59 is why well it could be that barr is
@00:24:16 we know there's a lot more bill bar sent

One Question Destroys The MSM, What’s Coming Will Shock The Nation - Episode 1937b

@00:18:36 that allowed judges to temporary bar

Define Game Theory, Are You Ready For The Streisand Effect - Episode 1936b

@00:30:36 remember when bar came out and said okay
@00:32:42 the events occur trump assigns bar

Forever Message Sent and Received, We Have More Than We Know - Episode 1935b

@00:06:42 william bar is conducting review of the
@00:13:36 attorney general bar and fbi director
@00:14:54 bill barr is involved now as we know
@00:23:14 bill barr just do he brought back the
@00:25:36 of this bar reinstates
@00:26:25 bill barr is giving his full support to

We Knew It Was Going To Happen, Exculpatory Evidence, Boom - Episode 1934b

@00:22:36 in bar federal investigators are
@00:23:01 this is all being okayed by william barr

Bigger Charges Coming, August Is A Hot Month - Episode 1932b

@00:08:12 ratcliffe william bar will deliver
@00:16:54 children bill barr says congress has
@00:27:51 bill barr and the actual people in the

Boom-Rates Cut, Projection, This Is Not A Coincidence - Episode 1931a

@00:09:04 youtube's search bar this is the first

Voter Id Coming, Investigations Deep & Wide, Watch The News- Episode 1930b

@00:15:31 remember bill bar he is changing all the
@00:18:17 attorney general william bar will turn
@00:19:36 of things that bill bar is gonna be

Firewall In Place, Sleeper Agents Present Problems, Declass Imminent - Episode 1929b

@00:09:32 barr has ruled that being a member of a
@00:09:55 of us asylum bill barr said the
@00:10:19 a net bar said that while there can be
@00:11:03 bar ruled that board was incorrect in
@00:11:07 the second part of its decision so bar
@00:11:14 see here is that trump bar the border

Trials Begin Shortly, All Will Be Exposed, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1928b

@00:38:11 william bar will deliver justice to any
@00:38:34 trust attorney general william bar and

Manchurian Candidate,Stealth Bomber,Special Package Delivery - Episode 1927b

@00:09:38 actually it's bill barr and trump he
@00:09:56 not while bill barr is on the case he's
@00:14:47 full support from sessions barr
@00:25:35 bar full control of the d class and he
@00:29:15 from bar remember trump said to hannity
@00:29:18 that bar has full control and he can
@00:29:24 wants and i do believe bar is going to
@00:30:50 requested would be illegal for a g bar
@00:30:59 implies that bar must redact grand jury
@00:31:05 attorney general bar must redact grand
@00:31:13 about this but i don't see how bar can
@00:32:27 about it they held bar and ross in

Placeholders, Patriots Positioning, Blocks Removed, Locked And Loaded - Episode 1926b

@00:11:22 attorney general william bar is
@00:11:49 attorney general william bar for
@00:13:43 voted to hold bar and ross in contempt
@00:13:52 it will not be prosecuting bar or wilbur

Year Of The Boomerang, Timing Is Everything, Force Of Nature, Sheep No More - Episode 1925b

@00:18:00 bill barr is investigating where this
@00:24:01 what you told the turney general barr
@00:28:47 were told attorney general barr was
@00:28:49 hiding it then when it was clear barr
@00:30:10 mr. barr of hiding the report and didn't
@00:41:36 william barr deputy attorney general

Raids, Timeline & The Message Of Treason - Episode 1924b

@00:01:37 bar would release it all and present the
@00:03:33 report if muller does then bar will
@00:05:22 it incredibly arrogant of bill barr to
@00:08:03 they know what bar is going to do he is
@00:13:38 know us attorney general bill barr asked
@00:13:45 on may 23rd 2019 trump gave ag bill bar

Be Ready, B2 Stealth Bomber, Roundup Begins Soon - Episode 1923b

@00:09:25 attorney general bill barr has not
@00:23:49 people with wordplay q says if ag bar
@00:24:06 the way barr wants him to navigate bar
@00:24:16 misleading testimony we'll ag bar be
@00:24:33 going down a different path bar which i
@00:24:54 and he does do this that bar will step
@00:25:15 will ag bar be forced to d class all
@00:25:32 attorney general bar d class i do
@00:25:42 bar is in control they don't have their
@00:25:49 stein he's no longer there barr has not
@00:29:23 guess what barr is going to do trump
@00:32:54 it says b2 bill barr post 3462 anon puts
@00:35:41 enough for bar two d-class everything
@00:35:46 i don't know if barr wants to use the

Watch How The Economic Plan Unfolds, Optics, That's The Key - Episode 1922a

@00:11:29 and bringing in like barr i think what's

Timing Is Everything, Strategically Planned From The Beginning - Episode 1920b

@00:06:25 whole bar and ross in criminal contempt
@00:06:52 do you think bill barr who
@00:06:59 now bar and ross they sent a letter to

Trump Sends A Message, [DS] Relays Instructions To [BT] - Episode 1919b

@00:20:13 columbia bar to attend the status

Define Psychological Projection, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1918b

@00:08:53 dictator in somalia saeed bar nur and
@00:08:57 other former bar accomplices are living
@00:09:11 four-bar escaped to the west and were
@00:09:15 barr was a dictator and was connected to
@00:10:05 the regime under dictator bar as a
@00:10:38 barr both ended up in the u.s. both hid
@00:22:32 in place now bill barr he invoked
@00:22:51 to act against attorney general bar

The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom - Episode 1917b

@00:13:19 and therefore ag bar should recuse

[DS] Baited, The Island Is The Key, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1915b

@00:04:34 trump and the patriots now bar is moving
@00:04:44 tweeted out the following bar will
@00:05:04 sperry also tweeted out bar will also
@00:05:24 april 2016 and bar is just beginning to
@00:14:03 general william bar by his side they
@00:34:50 stealth bomber ag bar with the number 1
@00:39:59 bar stealth bomber and they moved the

Power, Control, Everything Has Shifted, Stealth Bomber Incoming - Episode 1914b

@00:06:54 barr dirham horowitz hueber or
@00:32:53 b with parentheses 2 which is bill bar
@00:32:57 so ag bill bar is the stealth-bomber and

News Unlocks, Info Scrubbed, Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall - Episode 1913b

@00:29:58 search bar under the trump search not a

Storm Has Arrived, Now It’s The Patriots Turn, It’s Happening - Episode 1912c

@00:24:42 33 85 and says bar not recused from

Did You Notice What Was Happening, The Plan Was Designed This Way - Episode 1912b

@00:20:21 about citizenship on the census ag bar
@00:20:36 barr he was out there and he is saying
@00:20:50 i wonder if barr is going to use the
@00:24:55 miller report bill bar came into his
@00:25:06 tell barr to go ahead and push this bar

Step Back And Really Look At What’s Happening, Can You See The MOAB - Episode 1910b

@00:03:18 general william barr ordered us attorney
@00:21:08 being conducted by barr hubert durham

[DS], [MSM] Are Taking The Bait, It’s All About Exposure - Episode 1907b

@00:27:41 attorney general william bar left us a

Inspector General Investigation Complete, WH Says It’s Hammer Time - Episode 1906b

@00:03:31 out the following ag bar stated that the
@00:03:40 hillary clinton barr noted that those
@00:13:24 in may when devon nudists told ag bar

History Was Just Made, Watch Everything Fall Into Place, Panic Everywhere - Episode 1904b

@00:08:30 server attorney general barr can't
@00:09:25 you sold out america and bar is
@00:22:59 benjamin bar of state craft law sent

Here Come The Booms, Great Awakening, Patriots Fight, Placeholders Next - Episode 1901b

@00:12:27 barr he is beginning the raids on
@00:12:37 bill barr makes his move fbi rates home

Patriots Are Now Dismantling & Defunding The [DS], Messages Transmitted - Episode 1899b

@00:08:37 that i bet your bill barr does now trump
@00:16:26 ah yes attorney general bill barr huber

Did You Catch What Trump Did At The Rally, The People Now Know - Episode 1897b

@00:07:34 specifically it's going to be bar
@00:07:37 because bar is in charge and actually
@00:07:46 declassifying it bar is declassifying it
@00:07:54 is doing it for political reasons bar is
@00:08:05 when bar comes out with the facts the
@00:17:35 bar except the fbi the question we need
@00:17:56 and bar all of mifsud connections to the
@00:19:14 barr couldn't unread act the grand jury

[DS] Panicking, Moving To Event Phase, Patriots Ready To Counter - Episode 1894b

@00:02:16 reimbursement arrangements h bar a's now

Scope Of Durham’s Investigation Broad, Trump 24/7/365, Message Received - Episode 1890b

@00:12:23 know from bar that there are
@00:12:37 bar sent a letter explaining the scope
@00:12:46 letter ag bar says the review is broad

What You Are Witnessing Is A Coordinated Effort To Block The Truth,This Will Fail - Episode 1888b

@00:09:42 attorney general bill bar for next week
@00:10:04 lawsuit against bill bar for his failure
@00:11:16 to go after bill bar and what is coming
@00:31:30 a cover-up within the fbi ag bill barr

Flynn Shifts To Offense, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1886b

@00:10:42 evidence ag bar s d ny free flynn and i
@00:17:19 attorney general william bar to clear

[DS] Cornered, This Why The [DS] Will Be Exposed - Episode 1881b

@00:02:47 told attorney general bill bar back in
@00:02:59 lack thereof now according to bill barr
@00:03:30 obstruction barr said there were others
@00:04:08 that bill barr lied or muller lied and i
@00:07:14 rule 3.8 f of the american bar
@00:11:05 conference and praised barr cleared his

[DS], MSM Continue To Knock The Economy, Big Fail - Episode 1881a

@00:01:12 bar for anyone rolling over an ira or

Did You Catch What Mueller Just Did, [DS] Sends A Message - Episode 1880b

@00:12:36 said bill barr actually released more of
@00:12:53 barr good faith in his decision to
@00:13:19 barr lied and purposely misled the
@00:13:31 does this tell us it tells us that barr
@00:14:41 first of all praising barr keeping the
@00:17:31 dems claimed barr was hiding conspiracy
@00:17:37 needed the entire report barr gave it to
@00:17:50 cleared barr
@00:18:03 barr is in full control no lawyer can
@00:19:54 general bar acted in good faith in his
@00:20:03 sarah sanders so what did barr have
@00:20:13 that bar is working for trump bar is
@00:23:07 are propaganda i believe barr thought it
@00:23:17 hitting against barr for a very long
@00:23:40 praising barr cleared bars name the
@00:23:56 the office bar now is in control so
@00:24:04 about barr has backfired with this one
@00:24:13 noise barr really wanted muller to clear
@00:24:18 because barr is pursuing what the
@00:30:38 bar because it shows that everything
@00:30:43 rest were saying about bar is not true
@00:31:15 now bar that is it he is in full control

The Movement Challenged Their Forced Narrative, Now Patriots Unleash Their Weapon - Episode 1879b

@00:12:36 investigation set up by ag bar in
@00:13:15 he's doing what barr asked him to do
@00:21:25 interesting is that bill barr he is very
@00:23:33 said when bill barr became a trend
@00:23:42 bill barr trying to do that and you will
@00:23:54 the current attorney general bill barr
@00:24:06 of certain information bar got fed up
@00:24:48 subpoena power and bill bar does we are

MSM Breaks Down And Does The Unthinkable, Patriots Are In Control - Episode 1879a

@00:01:10 silver bar for anyone rolling over an

Behold The Great Awakening, Next Phase Coming, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1878b

@00:17:25 initiated by barr as a measure necessary
@00:17:44 future presidents barr believes in the
@00:17:48 unified executive bar specifically came

The Age Of Enlightenment Has Arrived, Plan Executed, It’s Time - Episode 1877b

@00:02:17 are the ones that trump bar and the rest
@00:10:23 william bar to investigate the uk
@00:11:41 directive to bill barr creates a dynamic
@00:12:18 discovered by barr is merely weaponized
@00:16:39 bar last week
@00:16:49 american law institute bar said such
@00:17:14 prerequisite to wielding that power bar
@00:17:32 individuals barr said that's wrong
@00:17:47 injunctions against his policy bar said
@00:19:58 and give authority directly to ag bar

Boom, Another [CB] Jab, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1877a

@00:01:35 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

Boom, The Hammer Just Fell, Justice Is On It’s Way- Episode 1876b

@00:15:08 trump gives a g bar authority to
@00:15:29 cooperate with barr the memo read the
@00:17:41 investigation bill bar does not need to
@00:18:26 attorney general himself bar the
@00:19:31 controls the fbi bill bar so we not to
@00:19:40 bill barr to delegate authority however
@00:20:35 it is bar bar has full control over all
@00:24:51 none trump and barr conspired to
@00:34:31 directly to ag bar now an annan gave us
@00:35:54 assigned ownership of all this to bar
@00:36:12 trump designated bar as the arbitrator
@00:36:34 gives the ball to bar and of course this
@00:36:47 go to coats but it went to bar itself
@00:36:49 and everyone has to do what bar says now

Something Big Is About To Happen, Time Marker Set, Barr Puts [DS] On Notice - Episode 1874b

@00:00:44 bar puts deep state on notice now before
@00:04:24 william bar over the course of the probe
@00:06:40 misleading and highly politicized bar
@00:22:35 general bill barr he was saying that he
@00:23:26 by the book bar also wants to understand

We Are Now In The Build Up Phase, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 1873b

@00:21:29 have done they're afraid that bar is

Declass Right Around The Corner, Patriots Control The Timetable - Episode 1872b

@00:07:04 eric holder lashed out at bill bar this
@00:07:22 the following ag bar has deliberately
@00:07:52 he is panicking because he knows barr is
@00:08:13 attorney general william barr

Operation Hammer Exposed, Closing Act Coming Soon - Episode 1871b

@00:10:56 general barr was deliberately
@00:12:16 attorney general bar has deliberately in
@00:13:25 report no and that's what trump bar and
@00:15:58 and it seems barr has confirmed this the
@00:16:05 what bill barr says this was handled at
@00:16:27 see barr is saying that it is all gone

The Call Is Loud And Clear, Those Who Committed Treason, Go Directly To Jail - Episode 1870b

@00:06:38 looks like bill barr is out there and he
@00:06:51 so barr said i've been trying to get
@00:07:08 bar said some of the explanations of
@00:07:13 matter bar said people have to find out
@00:07:45 of the 2016 election so barr has
@00:08:23 a thumb on the scale the same day barr

[DS] Tries To Out Maneuver Trump, This Will Fail - Episode 1869a

@00:01:11 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

[DS] Begins To Turn On Each Other, The Cover-Up Always Gets You In The End - Episode 1868b

@00:06:52 one of us is going to pay the bar bill
@00:06:55 the bar bill is coming due and durham's

Trump Traps The [CB], This Is What Control Looks Like - Episode 1868a

@00:01:08 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

[DS] Didn’t See This Coming, The Secret Weapon Revealed - Episode 1867b

@00:01:35 into the red zone here because bar well
@00:04:17 because of what barr just did once again
@00:04:28 that bill barr has instructed us
@00:13:17 barr they no longer have control over
@00:13:19 the justice department bar will be
@00:14:13 we knew that barr was investigating all
@00:14:15 this remember when q told us when barr
@00:23:54 release the deep state is doomed bar

Timing Is Everything, The Economic Plan Behind The Plan, Brilliant - Episode 1867a

@00:01:13 bar for anyone rolling over an ira or

Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC - Episode 1866b

@00:07:04 interesting is that bar
@00:14:14 attorney general bar to break the law
@00:15:02 have resolved to neutralize bar by
@00:18:26 this morning he is now claiming ag bar

The Entire House Of Cards Is About To Come Down - Episode 1865b

@00:19:08 trump with bar with huber with graham

New Report Sparks Panic, This Is How You Know The Hammer Is About To Drop - Episode 1864b

@00:20:45 cover-up and attempted coup katie bar

It Begins, [CB] Projecting, Getting Ahead Of What Is Coming - Episode 1864a

@00:01:12 bar for anyone rolling over an ira or

Trump Just Called Out The [DS], [-90], It’s All About To Drop - Episode 1863b

@00:05:55 hold bar in contempt well it seems like
@00:06:47 contempt for bar well he really doesn't
@00:11:56 journal bar in contempt of congress and
@00:12:07 that the contempt action against barr is
@00:12:24 the summary bar wrote rather than on the
@00:12:35 in the letter bar sent bar said muller
@00:12:46 that is also true barr said he and
@00:13:02 various democrats have declared that bar
@00:13:18 reason is that it is not true barr
@00:13:32 lawyers asked barr questions
@00:13:47 door why because bar was in the senate
@00:14:11 for contempt which is bar refusing to
@00:14:24 without redactions now barr promised to
@00:15:28 civil contempt for bar refusing to
@00:15:58 themselves they don't have a case bar is
@00:31:14 through 4 removal bar was installed bar
@00:31:37 bar is now bar with whitaker pulled the
@00:31:56 sources and methods etc bar is going to
@00:32:27 house these threatened subpoena of barr

Get Ready For The Fireworks, Power Returns To The People - Episode 1862b

@00:01:36 investigation that bar is conducting and
@00:01:44 are doomed and even trying to stop bar
@00:01:59 working on this than just bar that have
@00:12:42 whether or not to charge bar with
@00:13:17 thing a g bar was statutorily required
@00:13:58 essentially ag bar is going old-school
@00:14:04 remember bar came out of retirement
@00:14:56 the white house nor attorney general bar
@00:16:22 trying to destroy bill bar because
@00:16:32 what bill barr said a few weeks ago
@00:19:34 much more and what i know is bill barr
@00:20:13 trump this is what bill barr wants to
@00:21:53 barr in contempt
@00:22:29 attorney general bill barr didn't even

The Economic Power Continues To Shift, Did You Catch It - Episode 1862a

@00:01:08 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

[DS] Black Sites In Process Of Being Removed, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1861b

@00:06:22 really not the case now we know that bar
@00:07:52 hostilities toward ag bar in dc what if
@00:08:08 barr has made it plain that he intends
@00:10:12 scenarios barr will want to zero in on
@00:13:14 contact with ag william barr about help
@00:14:19 others they're all trying to stop bar
@00:14:24 impeachment bar to resign they want bar
@00:14:51 they're obstructing barr but again they
@00:16:29 give a bar rights our privacy our

The Economic Strategy Is Working Perfectly, Watch Everything Flip - Episode 1861a

@00:01:37 ounce silver bar for anyone rolling over

Trump Goes Head To Head With The Dragon And Is Winning - Episode 1860a

@00:01:08 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

Unforgivable Acts, November Warning Is About To Drop - Episode 1859b

@00:01:57 nadler gave bill bar until 9 a.m. on
@00:02:06 congress and we know that bar is saying
@00:02:17 the questions instead barr changed the
@00:03:50 barr is doing now they understand their
@00:06:46 in spying because according to bar there
@00:07:26 listen to what attorney general barr
@00:22:58 improperly ordered or pressured barr to
@00:23:02 enemies bar refused to answer this under
@00:23:09 all barr looked at the evidence and he
@00:25:41 shows bill barr drowning in a sea of

Patriots Are On The Hunt, Gloves Are Off, Placeholders Active - Episode 1858b

@00:03:03 this report but we know that bill barr
@00:04:09 hear again from bill barr he took our
@00:04:11 ability to hear from bill barr today to
@00:05:15 but the reason bill barr is not here
@00:07:18 now william barr made a major disclosure
@00:07:27 now barr revealed during a senate
@00:07:39 because barr mentioned this it could now
@00:08:00 barr identified alexander downer a
@00:11:32 we'll be a beauty so we know that bar is
@00:11:42 on and who spied on them and bar said
@00:12:23 campaign ag barr crushed this clown paul
@00:12:51 see that bar is looking into all these
@00:17:16 why bar decided to testify in front of
@00:17:21 this is why bar decided to give speeches

Boom, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, This Is Control - Episode 1858a

@00:01:11 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

You Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard,Offensive Begins May 2019 - Episode 1857b

@00:05:13 of why trump and barr need to go first
@00:05:19 bar the evidence is now that the pres
@00:06:48 out ag bar is a disgrace and his
@00:07:18 warned accused bar of suppressing li
@00:07:59 they use this to push an agenda and bar
@00:08:15 barr canceled his hearing before the
@00:08:27 naylor suggested bill barr is too
@00:08:34 well the question is why did bill barr
@00:08:51 to try to hammer bar and bar said you
@00:09:12 general barr in their committee hearing
@00:09:19 bar wasn't having any event and he
@00:09:26 bar with contempt citation of course
@00:09:33 doesn't matter what bar does or what
@00:09:44 you must be transparent what did bar do
@00:10:41 barr she said did you review all the
@00:10:44 evidence that muller looked at and barr
@00:10:58 now if bill barr said listed i'm gonna
@00:11:35 saying oh muller meant this and bar
@00:11:44 and schiff is saying that bar should
@00:12:44 barr a bright and accomplished lawyer
@00:13:16 himself how could mr. barr go before the
@00:14:49 paul sperry tweeted out no ag barr did
@00:15:10 muller we're talking about how would bar
@00:15:18 saying let's get barr let's get trump
@00:17:36 william bar is in contempt of congress
@00:18:37 i mean don't look at barr who is
@00:21:43 if attorney general william bar reopens
@00:22:37 is gone and bar which he mentioned many
@00:22:59 blocks are removed now barr is in
@00:24:46 threat to law enforcement ag bar has
@00:26:04 weissman's letter to bill barr it's not
@00:27:22 now bar did nothing wrong and the wall
@00:27:39 how could bar be expected to distill the
@00:27:46 the same letter muller affirmed that bar
@00:27:59 attorney general william bar is
@00:28:12 counsel robert muller abdicated mr. barr
@00:28:23 mr. muller worked for mr. barr and that
@00:28:44 their ass mr. barr has since released a
@00:28:52 keep in mind mr. barr was under no legal
@00:28:56 mr. muller reports only to mr. barr not
@00:29:00 to the country or congress mr. barr also
@00:29:41 bill bar for acting like a real attorney
@00:36:27 tillis barr was asked about the scale

[CB] Falls Right Into The Trap, Did You Catch It - Episode 1857a

@00:01:08 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

[DS] Fear, Hopelessness, Anger, Second Act Begins, Justice - Episode 1856b

@00:02:05 barr he was in front of congress they
@00:02:31 was to get rid of barr to smear him to
@00:09:21 interesting we know that bar was
@00:09:36 barr went live in front of congress in a
@00:09:55 general bill barr ahead of his senate
@00:10:10 ag bar for not agreeing to the carefully
@00:10:24 barr hours later the washington post in
@00:10:52 to set up bill barr it was done
@00:11:13 barr summary of his report because it
@00:11:20 and bar must answer for this muller must
@00:11:32 concerned with bar presentation adds new
@00:11:34 context to y bar is protesting answering
@00:12:12 barr of releasing inaccurate letter to
@00:12:28 molars letter to bar note that muller
@00:12:31 sent his letter before bar had reached a
@00:12:40 the letter was before bar even reached
@00:12:54 barr he was grilled by republicans and
@00:16:57 then bill barr was asked if there were
@00:17:08 letters about all of this and bill barr
@00:18:17 investigations going on now bill barr he
@00:18:35 then bill barr was asked about spying
@00:18:50 and the reason why bill barr is calling
@00:19:04 there but bill barr says hey i use this
@00:20:58 me and the reason why bill barr is
@00:21:25 the following breaking a g bar testified
@00:21:58 well bill barr offered access to a less
@00:23:14 the leakers now these people know barr
@00:23:30 was asking bar questions she was very
@00:23:43 collected all the information bar
@00:24:11 she wants barr to resign she actually
@00:24:19 saw from attorney general barr is
@00:24:21 unacceptable barr must resign eric
@00:24:24 holder the conduct of ag bar over the
@00:24:43 he was also bashing bar why are these
@00:24:57 bill bar right now is following the rule
@00:37:00 bill barr he finished his testimony in
@00:37:56 smearing bar right now trying to make it
@00:38:13 general bar thank you for your testimony
@00:41:14 general bar you suppress the 19 pages
@00:45:14 a wire i don't know so general barr i

[5], [4] To Go, Patriots In Control, [DS] Is Being Shutdown - Episode 1855b

@00:10:51 department is prosecuting william barr

Trump Baits The [DS], Worked Like A Charm, It’s Happening - Episode 1854b

@00:07:41 attorney general william bar is
@00:07:56 rules nadler and barr has threatened to
@00:08:03 of bar being questioned by members of
@00:08:18 with nearly every move barr has made
@00:08:23 they seemed to ignore the fact that bar
@00:08:41 they sent a letter to ag bar on the fbi
@00:08:48 attorney general barr during her april
@00:10:39 bar is investigating the spine this is
@00:12:10 general william bar in the department of
@00:21:21 lying to your audience you claimed barr

Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

@00:03:56 trouble and this also brings in bill bar
@00:04:13 cause why attorney general william bar
@00:04:38 fair trial now i do believe that barr
@00:05:13 spoke to an hour meaning bar association

Barr Knows It All, Pain, Panic, Something Big Coming In Weeks - Episode 1851b

@00:00:41 bar knows it all pain panic something
@00:13:21 panicking now attorney general bill barr
@00:13:31 bar will also appear before the
@00:13:36 remember barr fanned the flames
@00:19:22 bar would follow up on the past
@00:19:40 ag barr disgusted by what he discovered
@00:20:50 general william bar and accused him of
@00:30:51 that has been given the bill bar already
@00:32:00 division fired forced out now barr has
@00:32:13 everything is in writing so a bar has it

[DS] Code Words, Panic In DC, Patriots In Control - Episode 1846b

@00:15:34 a reporter would have asked bar if

Hidden Info Inside The Mueller Report Will Be Used To Expose The Email Coverup - Episode 1845b

@00:01:41 there's nothing and bill barr came out
@00:02:25 because there was no crime now barr he
@00:02:42 like that bar was on the side of the
@00:02:51 independent and bar defended his
@00:03:42 barr completely shut her down yes you
@00:03:55 barr briefed reporters in the public on
@00:04:37 barr decided to release the entire
@00:04:40 miller report with barr reid acting on
@00:05:47 knowing what was in it and barr was
@00:06:04 and you can see barr and trump there
@00:07:33 entire investigation when barr wasn't
@00:07:49 with barr mark meadows tweeted out the
@00:07:55 has assisted bill bar with the redaction
@00:14:39 believe barr allowed these sections to
@00:20:52 bar during the press conference they
@00:20:59 gonna try to stop them and bill barr

Patriots, Time To Bring Down The House, Planned, WWG1WGA - Episode 1844b

@00:04:35 that bar is going to be giving a press
@00:07:55 to general attorney general william bar
@00:08:10 barr wednesday requesting information
@00:14:11 being placed in facebook and bill barr
@00:19:30 been going on here with barr huber the
@00:19:37 the timeline on march 7 barr had a
@00:20:48 rosenstein barr huber former acting
@00:20:52 attorney general matt whitaker barr
@00:21:49 to congress barr said that he would
@00:22:07 later on march 24th barr delivered a
@00:22:29 barr noted that he reviewed the special
@00:26:57 on april 9th attorney general barr
@00:27:51 were actively assisting barr in the
@00:28:06 president on april 10th barr appeared
@00:28:55 criminal referrals to bar on april 12th
@00:29:28 bar brought in the word spine this is
@00:31:07 been sent to bar will this be announced

Time Is Ticking Down, Markers [1] & [2] Are Set, Follow The Watch - Episode 1843b

@00:01:51 the rule of law bar has to redact parts
@00:06:58 attorney william barr acknowledged that
@00:08:09 investigation that barr is doing has he
@00:09:14 bar different names stupid reckless

Mueller Report Coming, News Cycle Shifts, Think Timing, Another One On Its Way - Episode 1842b

@00:02:49 bar might be the same ones that they are
@00:04:53 thursday morning bar will testify about

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:23:03 overdrive after bill barr dropped the

The Patriots Have The [DS] Exactly Where They Want Them, MOAB Incoming - Episode 1840b

@00:01:34 tweeting that are commenting on bar
@00:10:37 why did whitaker bar retain rod rosen
@00:11:11 rod rosenstein is now backing bill barr
@00:11:30 now backing bill barr he said the
@00:12:18 now he backs bar in what he's doing
@00:15:08 dare you bar releases summary moeller
@00:15:26 on the report barr was asked if trump
@00:15:30 was spied on barr says yes didn't give
@00:15:45 bar is going to release the d-class
@00:15:56 handed criminal referrals to bar nobody

We Have The Source, Optics Are Important, PANIC In DC- Episode 1839b

@00:01:46 crazy that bar needs to apologize that
@00:07:21 investigation is completed barr is now
@00:08:07 who attorney general william bar now
@00:17:39 these people now since barr came out and
@00:18:08 again bar during this was not following
@00:18:17 called on bill barr to walk back his
@00:18:26 adrià aj bar admitted he had no evidence
@00:18:31 trump campaign did occur aj bar must
@00:19:13 bill barr of going off the rails for
@00:19:28 and today bill barr is the attorney
@00:20:08 attorney general barr
@00:20:27 said aj bar must retract his unfounded
@00:23:37 that we don't even know of yet bill barr
@00:30:40 we have panic in dc bar mentioned that

The [DS] Pushes Back, The Economic Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1839a

@00:03:41 doldersum dit is wat een bar voor de

Something Big Is Coming, The Hunters Move In On Their Prey - Episode 1838b

@00:03:54 last couple of weeks we had barr put
@00:04:05 barr has already told them what to
@00:15:37 attorney general william barr he is
@00:15:44 attorney bar was questioned today by
@00:15:59 in a deliberate response ag bar stated
@00:16:26 so the response that aj bar gave it
@00:33:16 news and it says bar testifies spying
@00:33:47 they want the unredacted they want bar

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:02:07 horowitz we have barr and what are they
@00:02:26 bar we'll be taking a look at this
@00:17:05 general william bar told lawmakers that
@00:17:12 within a week barr also said that the
@00:17:21 decided to redact those portions barr

First Half Of 2019 Was The Exoneration, The Second Half Brings People To Justice - Episode 1836b

@00:04:23 of putting attorney general william bar
@00:04:25 in an unintentional etter bar would be
@00:04:49 barr has vowed to release a version of
@00:05:02 so barr is following the law jerry
@00:05:22 ag bar to provide the unredacted report
@00:05:40 nadler is trying to set up bar to make
@00:06:32 trying to set barr up but it's not going

The [DS] Prepares For Arrests, Damaging Videos & Evidence - Episode 1835b

@00:08:17 but he was waiting until barr was
@00:09:47 happening at once we have bar with the
@00:09:51 muller report we have bar with the d
@00:09:53 class we have bar with the oig report we
@00:10:01 to bar now and we have the
@00:15:22 now bar and they have tons of evidence
@00:15:48 barr is in the driver's seat now rod
@00:15:57 but barr

America For Sale, Ukraine & China In The News, News Unlocks - Episode 1833b

@00:08:57 revealed that bar is holding back in
@00:10:04 for the president than mr. barr
@00:10:28 way attorney general william bar
@00:10:46 to show that bar is hiding something so
@00:11:16 justice emphasized barr is being helped
@00:12:26 this is march 14 2019 aj bar disgusted
@00:31:21 law bill barr is following the rule of

Confirmed [DC] Panicking, [DS] Attending Group Therapy To Deal With It - Episode 1832b

@00:07:29 because barr didn't comply with the
@00:07:45 that barr didn't bow down to nadler and
@00:09:34 summer released by bar meadow said this

They Thought They Were Safe, Nobody Could Touch Them, They Were Wrong - Episode 1831b

@00:13:33 so attorney general bill barr has told
@00:14:42 remember what bill barr said special
@00:15:53 do whatever barr wants i think they

4am Talking Points, Comey Coded Message, [DS] Frenzy - Episode 1830b

@00:06:27 now now barr sent nadler and senate

When Do Birds Sing, Spring, Boom, Nobody Walks Away From This, Nobody - Episode 1829b

@00:05:15 illinois prosecutors bar association
@00:05:31 the illinois prosecutors bar association

[DS] [CB] Plan Confirmed,Use The Economy, Patriots In Control - Episode 1829a

@00:12:37 all of this muller and bar business and

[Knowingly],Treason, Sedition, #Flagsout - Episode 1828b

@00:03:21 department of justice and bar actually

Marker [1], Marker [2] Set, [CLAS 1-99], Patriots On The Offensive - Episode 1827b

@00:19:14 from rod rosen sign bar then is
@00:19:18 nominated bar confirmed by senate muller
@00:23:03 mullet to bar steal dossier along with
@00:23:25 presented bar to muller was fisk made
@00:23:40 negated to populate fully bar to muller
@00:25:17 15th at 3:42 p.m. bar authorized the

Keep An Eye On The Sword, Nobody Walks Away From This - Episode 1824b

@00:06:12 trump barr took two days to set aside
@00:08:27 general bar in to testify to testify
@00:08:38 house ds threatened to subpoena of barr
@00:10:58 chimed in about william barr and they
@00:15:04 attorney general bar to begin restoring
@00:18:44 all tweeting out the same thing barr was
@00:19:12 all repeating it bar has been handpicked
@00:22:26 why did whittaker bar retain rod rhodes
@00:22:38 bar yesterday rod rosenstein and bar who
@00:28:56 picked up on something that barr said
@00:29:01 william bar i can conceive of situations
@00:29:29 which network which journalists bar will

Blockade Dismantled, Counting Down, Patriots Turn, Rats Scattering - Episode 1823b

@00:01:30 released the report tube or bar then on
@00:22:10 year with his statement but bar will now
@00:34:09 so the mueller report came out barr gave

Panic In DC, [DS] Agenda Force Out Into The Light - Episode 1822b

@00:09:46 barr has kept rosen stein on he on on
@00:09:54 rosenstein not from barr so think about

This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1821b

@00:09:53 letter to barr requesting an update on
@00:10:02 letter to barr wanting to know what is
@00:10:15 know barr wasn't there as of yet who was
@00:10:38 barr can you please answer us let's see
@00:10:41 what barr says he hasn't answered as of

The Door Is Open, The People Have To Decide To Walk Through It - Episode 1820b

@00:07:39 william bar on march 1st outlining the
@00:09:45 and barr tries to hide something or

The Sleepers Are Now Awake, [DS] Panics And Traps Themselves, Plan Advances - Episode 1819b

@00:23:22 bar for his number two to remain in his
@00:24:02 barr has just done this kind of fits q

Promises Soon To Be Kept, Justice Is Coming, [DS] Cannot Stop It - Episode 1817b

@00:19:20 lindsey graham sent a letter to ag bar
@00:21:06 aj bar which is the attorney general bar
@00:23:20 about that so right there bar is saying
@00:27:15 attorney general william bar in the oval
@00:27:34 they knew exactly when bar was going to
@00:32:27 transparency we know that mueller or bar

Placeholders Ready To Be Filled, Narrative Change Needed, Be Vigilant - Episode 1816b

@00:06:38 barr this insurance policy is gone they
@00:07:49 place they never expected bar then to be
@00:07:57 an attorney general bar is going to
@00:09:15 bar
@00:19:24 bar and i think a lot of things are
@00:30:47 barr has implemented it that's very
@00:32:24 report i wouldn't be surprised if bar

Fill In Your [ ], Insurance Removed, Press Conference Coming - Episode 1815b

@00:06:43 feinstein warner and reid number 5 bar
@00:20:30 bill murray bill hammond ray bar zanna
@00:29:54 report will be released to bar the end
@00:30:16 3059 hugh says ag bar disgusted by what
@00:30:37 political attack q so bar looks like
@00:31:01 know why because bar has all the facts

The First Wave Will Bring About Unity & Change, T [-6] And Counting - Episode 1814b

@00:17:47 report attorney general barr gave
@00:18:01 bob barr and the two agreed that
@00:18:14 that bar pushed back on this so q says
@00:18:44 whittaker assumption power of bar can a
@00:18:56 false pretences bar senate vote fifty
@00:19:14 to barr he would have to show evidence
@00:19:30 bar would have to take a look at it and
@00:19:35 that there's no evidence most likely bar
@00:19:58 indictments over to bar and bar is going

T [-7] And Counting, Prepared And Ready, Be Vigilant - Episode 1813b

@00:09:17 barr came in and said no no no russian
@00:19:45 assumption power of bar can a sealed
@00:21:29 pointing to barr yes muller is going to
@00:21:31 give the report to barr bruce or

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:18:37 with attorney general bar this week he
@00:19:03 attorney-general bar and team are going

It’s Happening, Senate Activated, Update To Countdown - Episode 1810b

@00:26:54 and the tweet says it's happening bar is
@00:27:17 william bar this week in washington dc
@00:27:29 post q has told us that bar is going to
@00:28:34 a letter to william barr
@00:29:10 they have been activated bar has met
@00:29:21 they're on the same page bar has been
@00:34:27 remember barr is going to keep the scope

Dark To Light, But Something Is Lurking In The Shadows - Episode 1809b

@00:01:32 and we know that attorney general bar
@00:07:17 from bar once he gets it from mueller he
@00:08:26 want barr is going to decide now
@00:08:40 find dirt on trump but barr most likely
@00:08:59 allowing him to broaden the scope bar i
@00:09:08 of the special counsel that's why barr

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:25:54 q has told us that bar met with huber
@00:25:57 met with horowitz bar is now taking over

War-Like Posture Activated, Backchannel Operational, Countdown Continues - Episode 1807b

@00:05:33 and then barr came in and then narrowed

Stage Is Set, [DS] Ammo Depleted, Wait For It, Trump Card - Episode 1806b

@00:16:46 for barr they cleaned house to remove
@00:19:42 over his spot and then bar came in so
@00:19:48 they transferred that over to bar why
@00:19:58 all the work to bar and bar has not been
@00:20:23 set the stage for barr who recently
@00:20:26 walked on stage to take command bar what
@00:21:14 what benefits does this provide barr

Carpet Bombs Are Ok, It’s All About To Change, T Minus 18 & Counting - Episode 1804b

@00:12:32 justice and the fbi and bill barr is i

T [-21], Big Happenings Are Going To Take Place, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1802b

@00:35:03 says in photos this is the la club bar

Mueller Report Coming, [DS] Losing Narrative, Big Name About To Drop - Episode 1800b

@00:02:41 attorney general bar tries to
@00:02:55 now remember barr is supposed to get the
@00:21:50 bar advice from insiders now there is a
@00:21:58 bar what to do we have john brennan
@00:22:28 barr in person what they think yet they
@00:23:30 obviously attorney general barr is free
@00:25:29 correction of known problems barr should
@00:26:47 trying to get in on what bar should do i
@00:27:40 trying to push bar in certain directions

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:32:52 bar watch the news maxine waters and

It Is Now Complete, Ding,Ding, First Alarm Ringing, Nothing Can Stop It - Episode 1796b

@00:15:29 just release bar did ask rod rhodes and
@00:18:04 now william bar and fbi director ray
@00:31:21 sec here right after bar installed
@00:31:35 william barr is reportedly planning to
@00:31:55 q gave us the transcript of barr mueller
@00:31:58 and rod rosenstein barr - mueller why
@00:32:31 discovery exists bar to row to rod
@00:33:11 crime right there and then you know barr
@00:37:02 declassifying actually it will be barr

Barr & Placeholders Activated, S/M Blackout, Think EAS - Episode 1795b

@00:00:41 episode is bar and placeholders
@00:28:04 or removal one through four removal bar
@00:28:33 bar is now in could be so let's read
@00:28:42 we know bar was installed rod rosenstein
@00:29:21 we now have attorney general bar in

Something Big Is About To Happen, [DS] Trapped And Desperate - Episode 1794b

@00:20:01 discusses other things like bar whitaker
@00:20:28 jermel bar of course we already knew
@00:30:59 and bar bar to mueller bob show me the
@00:31:08 ongoing mueller two bar with regards to
@00:31:17 bar to mueller mandate was clear verify
@00:31:44 those findings bar - mueller was the
@00:32:08 bar to mueller was fisk made aware of
@00:32:26 fully bar to mueller why were efforts
@00:33:01 evidence through discovery exists bar to
@00:34:26 and put up a twitter link william bar is
@00:35:05 bar is the chef and justice will be

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking,Pain,Event Warning [10] - Episode 1792b

@00:14:30 justice attorney general bar effective
@00:14:33 today muller reports to bar now brackets
@00:15:26 bar confirmation what a coincidence
@00:16:11 coincidence that bar is now in office we

Confirmation, Countdown Begins, T-Minus, Optics Are Important - Episode 1787b

@00:29:21 favor of russian collusion bar ready to
@00:29:30 pick bar because he knew his position
@00:32:23 let me let me continue with q bar
@00:32:30 william bar nomination for attorney
@00:32:32 general bar whittaker review ron
@00:32:48 executing the order bar with whitaker
@00:33:08 so it looks like bar is going to be
@00:33:11 reviewing the d class and bar has the
@00:33:36 justice as a senior staff member bar is
@00:33:48 threatened subpoena of bar whittaker d

It’s Time, Senate Was Everything, Investigations Begin - Episode 1786b

@00:09:27 william bar to be able to write a

Message Sent To [DS] & Anons During The SOTU, Patriots In Control - Episode 1785b

@00:09:03 state bar and on the registration card

Watch The Water, Prisons Activated, [DS] Coded Messages - Episode 1770b

@00:08:14 barr
@00:08:27 attorney general nominee william bar
@00:08:35 on to say i'm going to tell you bar will
@00:08:41 mudd prophesized because bar i suspect
@00:08:55 because when and if bar is confirmed bar
@00:09:15 i do believe that bar will follow the

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition, Patience, Timing, Boom - Episode 1769b

@00:20:37 attorney's office bar number seven which

[DS] Sends A Coded Message, Incoming FF - Episode 1768b

@00:14:54 william bar is part of the deep state
@00:15:10 right questions of bar but we need to go
@00:15:18 very very interesting about bar so first
@00:15:38 general pick william bar for another job
@00:15:50 timothy flanagan who served under bar as
@00:16:00 that those concerns are misplaced barr
@00:16:51 william bar was this always the plan to
@00:16:57 bring bar in to finish this it's
@00:26:09 bringing on barr i think this is a

The Swamp Is Everywhere, Housing Cleaning, We Will Not Be Silenced - Episode 1767b

@00:02:06 barr he is being questioned today for
@00:02:17 nominated william bar for a specific
@00:02:43 he picked william bar now remember bar
@00:03:06 we know that barr served as the attorney
@00:03:49 i'm in a position to be independent barr
@00:04:49 barr is not going to interfere with it
@00:06:01 confidence in william barr
@00:06:16 barr will calm them down the deep state

[DS] Digging Their Own Hole, Treason - Episode 1765be

@00:06:59 now we know that william bar is trump's
@00:07:10 bar is friends with mueller and i
@00:07:14 believe that trump definitely wants bar
@00:07:27 sounds crazy but barr is out there and

[DS] Just Got Played, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1762b

@00:09:12 general bill barr
@00:09:18 for 20 years in that bar has a high
@00:09:42 barr are scheduled for january 15 to
@00:09:52 pick barr if he's very close to mueller
@00:10:08 this will allow barr to maybe get
@00:10:16 because barr and mueller they're friends
@00:10:19 what bar is really not gonna have
@00:10:32 mueller and barr are good bodies we know
@00:12:41 schumer wants trump to drop bar graham
@00:12:46 is making it look like bar will not
@00:14:56 once all this comes out and bar maybe
@00:15:42 saying if bar comes in and he's

Marker, One Year Ago, Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1761b

@00:06:30 barr as attorney general now schumer was
@00:06:36 barr go because there's a conflict of

Trump Points The Finger At The Central Bank, Rothschild Responds - Episode 1749a

@00:00:54 swagger up to the bar sling the coin

First Move For The Economic Structure Change Has Been Initiated - Episode 1748a

@00:00:52 gunslinger would swagger up to the bar

Stores Are Stockpiling Goods To Prepare For The Transition - Episode 1747a

@00:00:53 gunslinger would swagger up to the bar

The Strategy That Is Being Used To Dismantle The Fed Is Over 100 years Old - Episode 1746a

@00:00:54 up to the bar sling the coin cross the

Right On Schedule, Fed Takedown Proceeding As Planned - Episode 1745a

@00:00:53 gunslinger would swagger up to the bar

Clinton Foundation Investigation Complete, Operators Are Active - Episode 1735b

@00:07:39 nominate bill bar as the next attorney
@00:07:42 general and bill barr he served as
@00:17:35 nominate william barr to be the next
@00:17:45 and likes he doesn't no bar but bar

Trump Calls Out The Central Bankers, BREXIT Is In Favor Of The EU - Episode 1726a

@00:00:53 gunslinger would swagger up to the bar

Conspiracy No More, People Will Reject, It's Time - Episode 1711b

@00:24:49 and this was at a bar in california
@00:25:07 the bar is called borderline and they're

Days Of Darkness Will Give Way To Light,The Day Americans Learn The Truth - Episode 1700b

@00:16:19 kentucky to permanently bar all citizens

Sting Operation Active,The Coverup,Comms Active - Episode 1680b

@00:20:44 california bar in 1992 the same year

Plan Confirmed, It's A Go, Systems Terminated - Episode 1653b

@00:14:23 little bar graph it also has clinton at

Conspiracy, Treason, It's Time To Connect The Dots, The Great Awakening - Episode 1644b

@00:22:04 information pertaining to bar semion

The Setup Is Complete, Next Phase Is Coming - Episode 1632a

@00:05:09 bar in your browser and i'll bring you

The Fed Continues To Deceive The American People, It's All Smoke & Mirrors - Episode 1610a

@00:15:07 grade the bar the bargain according to

Proof That Central Bank Fiat Currency Is Dying - Episode 1575a

@00:12:51 yes manoosh in showed us one gold bar in

The World Prepares As The Dollar Is Pushed To The Side - Episode 1572a

@00:04:44 gold bar there hasn't been an audit in

America Has Been Sold Out And These Are The People Who Did It - Episode 1557b

@00:01:38 meeting with a bar a bipartisan group of

The Economic Tranisition Is Nearing Completetion Before The Crisis Hits - Episode 1460a

@00:03:29 in there he held up one gold bar letting

How Do You Boost The Economy To Make The Public Believe We Have Recovered? - Episode 1416a

@00:06:26 since mid february as a 30 year home bar

If The Economy Has Recovered Why Did This Just Happen? - Episode 1389a

@00:08:23 bar hours i'm talking about the everyday

Is The US Getting Prepared To Leave Syria? - Episode 1383b

@00:05:59 out there showing one bar of gold up
@00:06:17 wrong because i'm holding one bar of

Debt Level Hits 20 Trillion, Was The Debt Clock Just Removed? - Episode 1376a

@00:11:32 showed one gold bar the news agencies

Germany & The US Strangely Broadcast Messages About Gold Holdings - Episode 1363a

@00:10:14 bar in his hands saying that look here's
@00:10:41 they showed us one bar of gold and

What Is The End Goal Of The Deep State? - Episode 1353b

@00:07:20 corporate media they are raising the bar

It's All Falling Apart, The Entire Illusion Is Coming To An End - Episode 1321b

@00:16:18 they were supposed to bar federal

Trump Is About To Do Something & The World Is About To Change - Episode 1291b

@00:08:00 waren this completely bradley bar en

The Battle Heats Up, The Deep State Is Ready To Go All The Way - Episode 1213b

@00:13:18 media decided to bar cnn new york times

Is Gold About To Explode To The Upside? - Episode 1145a

@00:05:49 us history bar none and it's just

A New Law Will Allow 1.6 Billion People Who Never Owned Gold, To Buy Gold - Episode 1109a

@00:04:57 the gold bar lists what could possibly

TSA Will Be Expanding To Buses & Trains, Welcome To The Police State - Episode 1088b

@00:06:59 track you with rfid chip a a bar scan

The August Event Continues, The Creation Of Security Zone Is Now Complete - Episode 1059b

@00:02:20 amendments the american bar association
@00:02:31 august eighth 2016 the american bar

NATO Is Now Supplying AWACS Support In the Middle East - Episode 1014b

@00:07:13 bar for one and how they could spy on

Preparing For The Next Event, The 'IS' Is Now Threatening US Bases - Episode 1002b

@00:12:40 by the way this raises the bar which

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 994

@00:15:33 steered toward attacking an area bar on

Obama Pushes Recovered Economy With Manipulated Statistics - Episode 886a

@00:02:36 going to have to go bar 10 i'm going to

The Economic Collapse Is Happening And The Next Phase Is The Event - Episode 870b

@00:14:40 the way back to the sarin gas to the bar

US Sending More Troops Into The Middle East - Episode 864b

@00:01:41 fingerprint a bar code on the back a

The Global Economic Collapse Is Here - Episode 836a

@00:10:26 live in the house without being a bar on

BRICS Banks Will Begin Borrowing In The Yuan To Bypass The Dollar - Episode 831a

@00:08:08 bar from not making any more payments

U.S. More Concerned With Assad's Removal Than ISIS - Episode 823b

@00:07:58 25 us military personnel were in bar
@00:19:33 abdeslam brothers ran a bar in belgium

US Propaganda Being Used To Push The War With Syria And Russia - Episode 762b

@00:08:52 chips they're gonna have a bar code on

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 742

@00:06:10 it has a bar code on it it has all your

US Congressman Believe Assad Guilty Before UN Investigates - Episode 737b

@00:01:58 they'll be an rfid chip they'll be a bar

Will Russia Support Assad Against The US Proxy Armies? - Episode 734b

@00:04:21 has the rfid chip a bar code on the back

Central Bankers Now Pushing For Bail-Ins In Greece - Episode 709

@00:19:49 american bar association this is how

IMF In China To Review The Reserve Status Of The Yuan - Episode 692

@00:20:11 unanimously to bar us assistance going

U.S. Military Assets Are Now PrePositioned For The Upcoming War - Episode 690

@00:19:30 care system peter maybre may bar duke

U.S. Fascist Government Wants Complete Control Over The People - Episode 641

@00:07:13 dealership you could be a sub prime bar
@00:46:24 group bar has established its base and

DHS Using Fear And A False Flag Event Because Their Budget Is In Jeopardy- Episode 599

@00:14:12 down subprime bar or just get anyone in
@00:24:02 chip in them they're going to have a bar

Central Bankers Can't Stop The Economic Collapse Instead They Will Cover It Up - Episode 578

@00:20:53 would bar officials from possessing any

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 550

@00:16:05 and bar and the sella hudon areas and

Central Bankers Are Now Positioned To Loot Pensions and Bail-In The Banks - Episode 540

@00:28:14 representatives would bar us funding to
@00:28:24 amendment that would bar any funding to

DHS And FBI Issue A New Alert, Threats From Terrorist Could Be On The Rise - Episode 538

@00:13:25 food bar 3 pack 8.5 ounce of water which

White House Trying To Use Immigration To Postpone The Economic Collapse -Episode 524

@00:14:38 sub prime bar maybe they'll even buy

Is The U.S. Government Meddling In The Hong Kong Protests? - Episode 480

@00:15:15 the contract is in gold one killa bar
@00:15:18 and not in cash a one kilogram gold bar

Central Bankers/U.S. Government Troop Buildup In Iraq To Occupy Syria - Episode 476

@00:11:53 and a bar code on the back and this will

UK And France Moving To The Next Reserve Currency The Chinese Yuan - Episode 467

@00:13:20 real id and there's also a bar scan just
@00:13:27 work there's a bar scan where they can

The Next False Flag "We're Coming For You, Barack Obama" - Episode 425

@00:31:09 resolution that would bar president

U.S. Planning Operation To Air Strike Iraq And Syria To Take Out Assad - Episode 407

@00:33:44 experts believe that al-qaeda bar maker

It Begins, The U.S. Positions Military Assets In The Mediterranean - Episode 377

@00:39:27 the bar market crashes the student loan

Is The CIA Pushing The War Agenda In Ukraine? -- Episode 344

@00:25:26 reportedly want to bar a new high-tech

The Fed Will Continue With The Economic Recovery Illusion -- Episode 318

@00:05:42 charcoal a chocolate bar will cost more

Fed Says It Would Take Something Big To Stop The Taper- Episode 294

@00:20:05 constitution establishes a bar over

The Build Up To The Horrifying False Flag Event -- Episode 162

@00:04:55 they'll bar a little bit more until the

This War Will Not Be Like The Others, It Will Be Catastrophic -- Episode 153

@00:08:19 because you know what is a sub prime bar
@00:08:23 well a sub prime bar as an extensive

Warning: The War And Economic Collapse Cannot Be Stopped -- Episode 147

@00:23:52 rampal chuck baldwin and bob barr and

Don't Worry The President Will Fix The Economy, Round 2 -- Episode 123

@00:32:37 bar and the the person who has a bar you
@00:34:13 owner of the bar went on to say if the

Dave Of X22 Report Interviews Gregory Mannarino

@00:15:27 at every time every single time bar none

The Government Is Working In Stealth Mode To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 107

@00:23:56 our goal is to raise the bar in security

The Economic Collapse Happens When You Least Expect It -- Episode 69

@00:08:26 you know issue paper for one bar of gold

Full Speed Ahead To The Economic Collapse -- Episode 46

@00:31:48 if you look at the side bar where

Counting Down To The Economic Collapse -- Episode 16

@00:01:17 and it looks like the american bar

The Economic Collapse Will Be Hard On Everybody! (Part 4) -- Episode 9

@00:01:49 red bar and that's more of a top story
@00:01:54 type of bar letting you know what are
@00:02:01 out so if you see that bar on top that's

Alert!! Cyber Attack Event Is Imminent - Episode 2

@00:08:31 of parts of sis bar very vague and very