
[12.16] Q's Weekend Drops - Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift - Ret. AF Gen Talks Advanced Space Tech

@00:11:03 dc assigned by sessions with the same
@00:11:47 sessions as well you know jeff sessions
@00:11:53 you that jeff sessions sucks or didn't

[12.4] Latest Q - Impeachment Scam Continues - Epstein & The Clintons

@00:17:17 that jeff sessions appointed john huber

[11.12] Q Unloads: Indictments Coming [2019] - PROJECT LOOKING GLASS

@00:05:43 assigned by sessions with the same

[11.5] Project Veritas Breaks Internet With #EpsteinCoverUp Release and Q IS BACK!

@00:06:29 october 28th 2017 after sessions
@00:07:06 being appointed by sessions member trust
@00:07:09 sessions sessions did exactly what
@00:07:11 sessions needed to do that's what some
@00:07:16 sessions did perfectly okay wow a lot of

[7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure/TTSA/Area 51 - Measles

@00:12:10 ordered this all jeff sessions right
@00:12:14 sessions so for the last year and a half
@00:12:20 sessions they're just not using their
@00:12:25 their heads so this was all sessions

[7.23] Q's Latest - Classified D.C. Missions - FBI Searches LA City Hall - Epstein - Iran Spies

@00:10:10 meeting jeff sessions is stealth bomber
@00:12:03 huber sessions i mean there's so many we
@00:15:35 he's an advisor to jess sessions or he
@00:15:38 was an advisor to jeff sessions talked

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:17:00 sessions huh really
@00:17:02 it's as if jeff sessions did exactly
@00:17:04 what sessions needed to do i don't know
@00:17:10 jeff sessions to undermine cue and a lot

[4.4] Sealed Indictments / Huber / Biden / NXIVM / MAGA Hat Attacker / Alex Jones

@00:05:06 sessions quite a bit jeff sessions
@00:05:12 sessions
@00:05:13 yeah sessions did exactly what he needed
@00:08:34 metal it wasn't a jeff sessions who
@00:08:45 sessions right i would trust a child
@00:08:48 around run jeff sessions much more than

[3.9] Trump's Motorcade / Huber / Sessions / Vaccines / Free Energy, Space Force & Quantum

@00:00:30 huber news and some sessions news to
@00:04:55 then we have some news from sessions as
@00:05:12 saying in this tweet jeff sessions cave
@00:05:17 obtained a signed director from sessions
@00:05:43 also known to trust sessions wow it's as
@00:05:47 if sessions job was to install huber and
@00:05:49 he did exactly that sessions did exactly
@00:06:00 so trust sessions i most definitely did

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:12:04 we also learned about sessions
@00:12:13 posted q linked it sessions confirmed

[12.21 LIVE] Mattis - Syria - Hemp - Wall - Space

@00:03:59 intelligence sessions departure law
@00:04:24 comment here mattis sessions kelly

[12.12 LIVE] Q Addresses Flat Earth & JFK Jr.

@00:19:47 sessions with the same mandate and
@00:23:49 bring severe pain to dc sessions forced

[12.7] Bad Actors at Bush's Funeral / Clinton Foundation / 9.11 Bombshell / Huawei / Catholic Abuse

@00:09:04 activated by sessions right around that
@00:09:45 jeff sessions was definitely doing his

[12.1][LIVE] George Bush - Q Patch Proof - Analyzing Common Anti-Q Arguments

@00:14:42 who doubted sessions in huber you will
@00:15:09 sessions sessions got fired what do you
@00:15:11 mean trust sessions it's like dude just
@00:15:14 because sessions got fired does it mean
@00:15:19 sessions did his job as ag that he was
@00:15:32 all sorts of things sessions signed off
@00:15:40 we had sessions did his job and then the
@00:15:45 point came where sessions as ag was no
@00:17:14 something to make note of sessions did

[11.29] QAnon - Huber / Whitaker / FISA & Recent QAnon Attacks

@00:05:24 i mean jeff sessions resigns slashes

[11.19] New QProofs / Sealed Indictments / Julian Assange / Pentagon Audit / Google Hints @ ET's

@00:00:47 sessions blew up the narrative of the
@00:01:00 then jeff sessions firing this is
@00:01:08 sessions got fired but in fact the plan
@00:01:15 because sessions got fire that doesn't
@00:06:24 prosecutor from utah that jeff sessions

11/11 in D.C.

@00:04:38 sessions sessions gets fired a lot of

[11.8] QAnon / Sessions / Whitaker / Rod Rosenstein / FISA DECLAS / Planned Protests / Thousand Oaks

@00:04:02 sessions your sacrifices will never be
@00:04:04 forgotten jeff sessions now let's get
@00:04:06 into that news jeff sessions resigns as
@00:04:27 saying trust sessions right again
@00:04:32 sessions trust sessions trust sessions
@00:04:39 loving sessions you know they were
@00:04:55 only that but just because sessions
@00:05:02 sessions to resign in fact i think that
@00:05:17 speculation what sessions gonna do i
@00:05:19 will say a video i saw of jess sessions
@00:05:29 sessions is necessarily done and i do
@00:05:36 anon post right here sessions can also
@00:06:30 i wonder if sessions is going to be
@00:06:46 jeff sessions in that top attorney
@00:06:52 jeff sessions as acting attorney general
@00:06:57 sessions future in question again maybe
@00:08:16 isn't he so sessions again got john
@00:08:19 huber activated sessions put huber in
@00:08:29 sessions is out now we have whitaker in
@00:08:57 sessions doesn't like clinton good news
@00:09:07 about sessions resignation igniting a
@00:09:30 it's a red line sessions resigned from
@00:09:40 between sessions and trump over the last
@00:09:46 was like we need jeff sessions in place
@00:10:33 sessions resigned and remember he
@00:12:47 jeff sessions out of there might be
@00:13:03 as sessions of firing sparks fear
@00:15:12 situation maybe jeff sessions going to
@00:18:09 should with something like jeff sessions
@00:20:23 one we got sessions gone whitaker in rod

[10.28] Q B-day & VIPAnon Photo (Trump = Q+?) / GAB Censored / Huber in the News / Vaccines&Lithium

@00:11:00 asking jeff sessions for an update jim
@00:11:17 sessions said huber's reporting directly

[10.10] Latest Q: "Patience" / Human Trafficking & Child Abuse News

@00:04:44 who's that stealth bomber jeff sessions
@00:04:50 know that with john huber whose sessions
@00:05:01 sessions staying real low-key out of the

Interview w/ An0maly - Addressing Common Skepticisms of QAnon

@00:25:22 i don't trust sessions don't you i just
@00:28:21 it's like a double apart if sessions
@00:28:27 because i know used to stress sessions a
@00:31:25 like if say sessions if sessions is
@00:31:35 context of which sessions got fired in
@00:31:53 would need to overcome would sessions be
@00:31:57 i wouldn't think sessions would be fired
@00:32:04 sessions right now is a is very
@00:32:35 be like if sessions gets fire doesn't

[9.4] New Sealed Indictment Count / Prisons Being Prepped / Trust Sessions

@00:03:36 jeff sessions is doing nothing so this
@00:03:46 are going anti sessions q in some of
@00:03:54 being trump blast sessions and what's
@00:04:00 see so trump in sessions are fighting
@00:04:17 sessions so when sessions turns around
@00:04:25 just supporting sessions a week ago
@00:04:43 and without sessions remember without
@00:04:45 sessions we wouldn't have huber without
@00:04:54 so without sessions this wouldn't be
@00:04:58 calling for sessions austell is feeding
@00:05:04 want them to feed into and soon sessions

[8.31] QAnon: CIA Comms Down / Trump Rally / More Attacks Incoming / China "Hack" / Russia & Ohr

@00:11:53 the anti sessions remove fire nothing
@00:12:03 left people try to be anti sessions
@00:12:12 do that sessions didn't do this
@00:12:14 sessions didn't do that when will
@00:12:15 sessions do this do that who does huber
@00:12:28 well sessions is doing everything he was
@00:13:25 sessions we would not have so many
@00:14:07 sessions doing nothing it's all talk

[8.24] QAnon / Sessions / McCain / ex-CDC Head Arrested / NASA Moon Bases

@00:04:32 against jeff sessions with new sarcastic
@00:04:41 jeff sessions is a city agee say that
@00:04:44 five times that jeff sessions is a
@00:05:00 sessions were actually doing a bad job
@00:05:09 place you see jeff sessions job and he's
@00:05:16 sessions job is to basically be
@00:05:22 sessions then appointed huber remember
@00:05:32 and then jeff sessions job was just to
@00:05:39 play right trump in sessions are getting
@00:05:56 so trump in sessions are you know fake
@00:06:07 sessions you know get or don't arrest
@00:06:21 trump and sessions a lot of people are
@00:06:24 gonna call on sessions to do his job and
@00:06:34 happening we're very near sessions being
@00:06:52 boom sessions gets to work so don't

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure

@00:00:36 sessions was the one that appointed
@00:00:45 thinking that jeff sessions is
@00:00:54 sessions was not following the plan or
@00:01:03 sessions and i'm trusting the plan to
@00:01:58 letter the letter to sessions to ray and

[5.17] Q Analysis: Weiner's Laptop Unsealed/London Photos/Pope's Personal Guardian

@00:05:52 sessions said the justice department is
@00:05:58 been kept for so long hey his sessions
@00:06:09 posts is saying trust sessions trust

[5.16] Q: NYPD Officers/Twitter Shadowbanning/John Brennan Outed/The Next Pandemic

@00:02:58 the president trust sessions to protect
@00:03:02 our country right here with sessions be

4.28 - QAnon Analysis: Flynn, Mueller & the FBI Cleansing

@00:10:10 in on it as well trust sessions trust

4.26 - Q: #releasethetexts/Kanye Wont Quit/JFK Files/Possible New 9-11 Investigation

@00:08:30 jeff sessions is actually playing 40

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 22th 2018

@00:10:28 sessions public announcement regarding

DTI News 4.20 - Govt. Admits Electronic Mind Control/QAnon/COMEY Downfall/WEINER's Laptop

@00:03:42 sessions involved in investigating slush

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:01:22 letter to attorney general jeff sessions
@00:01:39 you can see jeff sessions ray and huber

4.16 - QAnon in MSM/"Fake Videos" & #FRAZZLEDRIP/Dead GMO Activist/Trump Supports Marijuana

@00:09:41 blow to attorney general jeff sessions

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 10th 2018

@00:23:21 midnight oil trust sessions trust ray

4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network"

@00:02:58 federal prosecutor that sessions
@00:04:39 a ig report sessions public attack are

3.28 - Q's Latest/Sex Trafficking Exposure/Julian Assange Internet Cut/PARDON FLYNN!

@00:09:23 sessions let it slip the other week that

2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th

@00:04:30 cue emphasizing here whydid sessions at

2.10 - Memos on Memos/Q Posts [Next week]/Pentagon Audit Front Page

@00:08:59 on fox news saying that sessions is a
@00:09:28 trust sessions i was about a month ago
@00:09:29 trust sessions so let's now go into some
@00:09:36 sessions and apparently on the
@00:10:11 there is with sessions sessions creating

1.28 - Q recap/Twitters Censored/FBI Txts/ET News/Time Crystals

@00:13:15 of justice warning notifying sessions
@00:14:14 department of justice notifying sessions

Jan 27th - Checking In/1st SSP Webcast Complete & Channel Upgrades

@00:16:31 sessions says good people don't smoke

1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan'

@00:20:23 and then last thing here trust sessions

1.12 - DNC Lawsuit/Assange/Pentagon Audit/Area 51 & ET Stones

@00:07:53 so of course attorney general sessions
@00:08:12 hezbollah but of course jeff sessions

Jan 7 AMA

@00:13:09 here what happened two sessions has he

1.5 - STORM SURGE - Planes/Arrests/Clinton/Sessions/Fusion GPS/Comey & More!

@00:12:09 jeff sessions to crack down on legalized
@00:13:16 sessions being from alabama i don't
@00:14:37 measure that sessions is doing could be
@00:14:57 very same time that sessions is cracking
@00:15:19 many of sessions appointments are in
@00:15:47 idea of sessions cracking down on the

Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, & Twitter Feuds (Jan 2, 2018)

@00:15:30 sessions has given speeches about it to

Friday Dec 29 - Live Chat

@00:26:21 guantanamo bay and isn't sessions in
@00:26:24 sessions visit there and even trump

12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!

@00:00:37 jeff sessions and his uranium one probe
@00:12:37 about jeff sessions you know what is he
@00:12:51 taken care of now sessions is being
@00:13:17 sessions is doing what he's supposed to
@00:13:30 that jazz not only that but ag sessions
@00:13:41 sessions is starting to activate and

12.19 - New Q/ATL Plane/SEA Train/MSM UFO/ET Coverage

@00:12:28 sessions enjoy the show

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT

@00:07:58 jefferson beauregard sessions was
@00:08:04 this is the reason jeff sessions was
@00:08:07 installed because jeff sessions came
@00:08:08 from alabama installing jeff sessions as

Interview with Fmr Air Force Sgt. Niara Isley About her Secret Space Program Experiences

@00:11:50 long sessions over two days and a lot of
@00:15:36 practitioner that i trade sessions with


@00:00:54 sessions and whatnot so round up
@00:22:07 jeff sessions is in colombia to discuss

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:01:10 general jeff sessions how to leverage
@00:04:08 this yes i think with jeff sessions
@00:09:13 sessions mmm-hmm uranium one is a very
@00:09:26 in jeff sessions how they could take the
@00:09:57 president and jeff sessions have done

11.17 SITREP - "Storm"/JFK/Q/P-gate

@00:09:06 sit-down sessions where i can just do

11.14 - NSA Breach/Trump Jr./Rothschild/Trump Major Statement

@00:07:50 these up here jeff sessions says he will

10.19 - Big Pedogate Busts | Russia/Obama Nuclear Collusion | The CIA Sucks

@00:12:21 sessions just yesterday about this about
@00:13:07 questioning jeff sessions it was i saw
@00:13:17 it cut right when jeff sessions was
@00:13:27 version jeff sessions was speaking that
@00:14:06 is that jeff sessions you know while a

"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

@00:19:14 guys that have purchased some sessions

Discussing Ayahausca and My First Journey

@00:03:00 people do it for weeks multiple sessions

9.15 - Recent UFO Sightings | #Pedogate News | Soft Disclosure in Mainstream Media

@00:13:58 sessions one on one too so thank you all

Checking in from Boulder, CO

@00:24:29 someone did ask any coaching sessions
@00:24:38 get some sessions of people talk to them

8.16 - Decoding the Last Week of Mainstream Science & Technology News/Disclosures

@00:01:06 who have even bought coaching sessions

7.26 - Secret Space Program on Mainstream Media, Awan Brother Arrest, Trump/Sessions Distraction

@00:13:02 sessions the past few days because
@00:13:08 storm ripping on jeff sessions i think
@00:13:17 ripping on sessions and some tweets
@00:13:19 saying that attorney general sessions

6.19 - Pedogate Arrests, Leaked UFO Docs, Mainstream Media Layoffs & Navy Collision

@00:01:36 coincides with jeff sessions speech to

6.8 - Old & New FBI Directors, Sessions, Clinton, Podesta, Seth Rich & Another Dead Doctor

@00:05:19 story about jeff sessions and donald
@00:05:27 sessions or something like that and we
@00:05:34 said that uh you know jeff sessions
@00:05:54 confidence in sessions white house says
@00:06:11 rift are the tensions between sessions
@00:06:30 sessions yesterday gave a lecture to
@00:06:47 so jeff sessions was up there and he
@00:07:11 really click matey jeff sessions never
@00:07:23 there like jeff sessions talks about
@00:07:40 negative publicity on jeff sessions
@00:08:24 they're gonna try to tack sessions so
@00:08:36 dots we see jeff sessions really start
@00:09:48 jeff sessions whoever else is on the

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - #UNRIG, Suppressed Technologies, & How Trump Can Win

@00:19:39 sessions don't know how much that the
@00:19:48 sessions are not being given all of the

5.2 - Deep State Proxy Destruction & MSM 1/2 Truth Disclosures

@00:09:52 a mention of ms-13 and sessions was

The Missing D.C. Girls Will Be The Tipping Point In Mass Public Awareness About Human Trafficking

@00:02:30 sessions in the fbi to help search a
@00:02:43 jeff sessions and an excerpt from this
@00:03:26 the attorney general jeff sessions and

Mar11 SITREP - Sessions Fires 46 Attorneys, Tom Delonge, More Pedo Arrests & Soft Disclosures

@00:01:39 sessions jeff sessions asked 46
@00:02:15 sessions layoffs those guys we have the

Mar6 - Wiretapping Investigations Leading to a Spring Purge?

@00:00:40 they were trying to throw jeff sessions

Mar3 - Pizzagate Wiki/Attacks on Sessions/Soft Disclosure Ball Rolling Faster

@00:01:01 sessions because they're trying to stop
@00:01:27 trying to attack sessions so you know
@00:01:42 sessions so beware right and apparently
@00:02:18 protests for against sessions to get him
@00:07:28 administration on sessions it's really

Feb 12th Mass Pedo Arrests Update - Lower Level Operations Busted

@00:01:54 jeff sessions right he swore in jeff
@00:01:56 sessions ironically on national pizza

Are Mass Arrests Finally Happening??

@00:00:21 when jeff sessions which is donald
@00:03:46 jeff sessions get sworn in the arrests