
[9.21] SC Nominee This Weekend - New Epstein Flight Logs Coming - Fox Quiets More Guests

@00:04:53 soros awkward moment when they tried to
@00:05:14 the george soros clip this one i had
@00:05:28 george soros
@00:05:42 bringing up george soros and his funding

[9.19] RBG Passed Away - Panic in D.C.! - No Soros Talk on Fox - COVID Vax Will NOT Be Mandated

@00:12:52 soros that was absolutely just
@00:13:01 brought up george soros during a live
@00:13:37 i agree with george soros doesn't need
@00:13:47 why does george soros not need to be a
@00:13:54 trace how george soros money
@00:14:20 getting a little touchy over soros
@00:14:27 ridiculing the idea that fox has soros
@00:14:35 will soros allow you to say
@00:14:42 really believe that george soros is

[9.8] Q: They are being forced into the light for all to see - Trump vs. the MIC - VACCINES

@00:05:36 soros controlled district attorneys in

[5.19] Latest QAnon: It's a marathon not a sprint

@00:25:09 management group soros is fund and


@00:09:48 and george soros george soros hugh made
@00:10:02 could be referencing george soros with
@00:10:14 democratic party it's george soros so
@00:10:19 drop maybe some soros news would be

[2.21] Q: Prepare for the Storm! - Its RUSSIA Again - Peter NyGard - Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

@00:16:18 big one might be i think soros i think
@00:16:22 it might be soros that could be

[12.25] Latest Q - 17 Drones over CO - MIL Warns of 23AndMe - EBOLA in Congo - Space Force & UFOs

@00:03:32 soros as being a major controller of the
@00:03:49 funneling money to one of george soros

[12.22] Q: PELOSI Holding Impeachment - Durham - DoE Tweets Unlimited Electricity

@00:14:53 actually mentioned george soros his name
@00:15:36 out and out saying soros his name right
@00:15:40 speculate that soros might be one of the
@00:15:54 be soros i don't know i have no idea
@00:16:13 soros getting out into the public a

What Can We Learn About UFOs From QAnon?

@00:05:00 hillary clinton obama george soros all

[10.30] VICE "News" Thinks "QAnon and UFOs Are Merging" and Wrote About Me

@00:41:55 lot of money from like george soros and

[9.28] CIA "Whistleblower" - Flynn's Case - Epstein - Vaccines - New York Times Pushes UFO's

@00:05:29 to a soros funded project multiple times
@00:05:34 that soros funded project is the osi crp
@00:05:43 funded by the soros open society
@00:06:26 different foundations this soros funded
@00:08:23 points to the soros linked foundations

[12.8] Huge Q+ Proof / Scaramucci Confirms Q? / Pole Shift / Solar Storms / Sound Levitation

@00:07:35 george soros and a bunch of other stuff

[11.14] QAnon Panel Cancelled / Cali Fires (DEW?) / Voter Fraud / Ireland UFO / Space Force

@00:09:47 comes out or video say on george soros

[11.2] Q is Back! (With New Proofs!) & Thoughts on "Initiative Q"

@00:03:01 migrant caravan so it ain't just soros

[10.24] Were the #FakeMailBombs a White Hat Operation?

@00:06:23 soros first a couple days ago that was
@00:06:25 the warning one right they did soros
@00:06:27 first and imagine your soros your
@00:06:32 soros gets a package in the mail they're
@00:06:38 soros calls up hillary obama calls up
@00:06:53 they did soros two days ago yesterday
@00:07:15 soros his son alec source you know he's
@00:07:47 days ago there's someone a soros that
@00:11:52 soros clinton obama maxine waters eric

[10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More

@00:00:23 was mailed to george soros a couple of
@00:00:40 pull the victim card george soros you
@00:03:27 have the list up here soros clinton
@00:05:07 times op-ed by george soros his son
@00:05:10 alexander soros you wrote an opinion
@00:10:12 soros --is explosive device sent to his

[10.23] China's BRIDGE (Q/Trump Rally) - Antarctica - Soros - Migrants - SPACE FORCE

@00:00:25 gonna talk george soros a lot of
@00:05:26 diffused in george soros his home so
@00:05:29 explosive found near george soros new
@00:05:37 york owned by billionaire george soros
@00:05:43 bomb but basically oh and soros wasn't
@00:05:55 ass-kissing to george soros george soros
@00:06:05 seeing that george soros wasn't even
@00:06:17 george soros had this explosive planted
@00:06:29 not going to work soros is gonna be out
@00:11:49 that george soros is paying these guys

[10.5] Live from Irvine

@00:26:18 opposition to george soros in my opinion

[9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space

@00:03:28 to be a senior fellow for george soros
@00:03:41 soros connections right there it wasn't
@00:04:01 second accuser connections to soros and

[9.13] QAnon / Reddit Ban & Censorship / Vatican Unraveling / NYPD Arrests

@00:05:20 really means that if george soros tries
@00:05:44 soros what mossad etc etc any of their

[7.14] Strzok - Rosenstein - Trumping the Queen - Q Balloons over Windsor - RUSSIANS!

@00:06:20 probably soros paid many of them i would

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:20:18 soros money in netflix and they have
@00:20:53 all these weird connections with soros

[5.16] Q: NYPD Officers/Twitter Shadowbanning/John Brennan Outed/The Next Pandemic

@00:09:40 george soros so in the first three
@00:09:42 months this year george soros investment
@00:09:52 months looks like george soros stepping
@00:10:34 george soros is buying a bunch of his
@00:10:43 soros in any way shape or form the last

[5.15] - Iran & John Kerry implosion/Pope taking a "leave"/"Why People Believe in Weather Control"

@00:06:02 talk about george soros george soros
@00:06:09 say in fact that george soros is trying
@00:06:48 why soros is go
@00:06:56 to prevent the takedown of george soros

4.26 - Q: #releasethetexts/Kanye Wont Quit/JFK Files/Possible New 9-11 Investigation

@00:03:36 the saudis and george soros you know

4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West

@00:02:21 lines say how does george soros fund

4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network"

@00:15:49 pluses as rothchilds two pluses as soros

Is Q a PSY-OP?

@00:06:52 was a funded by the ses soros yada yada
@00:07:55 take any money from the ses or soros or

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:07:23 contacts even george soros their

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

@00:09:33 rothschild soros clinton marriage for

Jan 27th - Checking In/1st SSP Webcast Complete & Channel Upgrades

@00:08:00 know a lot of people saw george soros in
@00:08:22 mean we're taking down saudis soros
@00:09:15 know when george soros was seen in
@00:09:27 never said george soros was in

1.22 - #ChuckCaved/Fake Memo/Q's Pic/"Brazen Plot"/FL False Flag

@00:02:48 soros being directly implicated in voter

1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan'

@00:19:53 suffer from the soros and loser bots

1.13 - Hawaiian Missile OOPS/Assange Chess/Unsealed Indictment/IG Report Comes Early

@00:22:37 up right jesus and george soros also

1.12 - DNC Lawsuit/Assange/Pentagon Audit/Area 51 & ET Stones

@00:03:16 fox news reporting that an x soros
@00:03:35 against soros and those affiliated with
@00:03:38 soros and just look at that guy man he's
@00:03:54 x soros financier so more dues leaking
@00:03:59 know fox news reporting on george soros

1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Physics

@00:15:01 deep feel sick yet think george soros

1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/Assange

@00:03:23 george soros george bush you can seize a

Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon

@00:07:38 arabia the bush's george soros mccain's

12.19 - New Q/ATL Plane/SEA Train/MSM UFO/ET Coverage

@00:11:31 could have been soros you know i don't
@00:11:41 it'd be sweet if it was soros right down

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT

@00:04:59 rights completely george soros funded
@00:06:27 before they knew george soros was going
@00:06:40 have picked out for george soros so what
@00:08:36 tampered with by george soros and the
@00:10:08 up in george soros and clinton's and all
@00:17:35 funded by george soros and held the

12.12 - Q/Schiff/FBI/Fusion GPS/MSM: "Spacecraft passing Earth?!"

@00:03:11 soros his son robert soros this is an
@00:03:34 george soros really special i wonder
@00:07:49 connections to soros there but funny
@00:07:53 enough speaking of soros this article
@00:08:07 soros financed groups so he was
@00:08:13 soros financed move on calm to win his
@00:08:23 ties to the soros family no freaking
@00:20:03 was funded by a soros connected

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:09:05 other than george soros brave new films
@00:09:20 all obtain money from george soros and


@00:06:44 gravy on george soros so the rothschilds
@00:07:42 have soros sorrells controls
@00:07:53 soros with his open society foundation
@00:08:08 the rothschilds soros and saudi arabia
@00:08:38 the rothschild and soros parts of that
@00:08:52 soros

12.6 - D.C. Raids/Q/UFO News/Jerusalem/PGate News/CA Fires

@00:07:57 being george soros right i believe

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:04:53 you won't see bill gates or george soros

11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons

@00:03:11 site that says george soros the vatican

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:28:08 house george soros all of these evil
@00:28:34 matter of time before soros is then
@00:29:16 soros and this broke just today it's
@00:29:22 but it says soros tied donor network to
@00:29:42 very progressive we could say soros
@00:30:18 nation so it looks like soros is taking
@00:31:04 george soros is investing all of his

11.17 SITREP - "Storm"/JFK/Q/P-gate

@00:08:08 and was literally outing george soros by
@00:08:21 elites and the soros empire hungary's
@00:08:29 but basically outing george soros so

11.8 - Q Tips - #followtheglowingrabbit

@00:12:39 soros being hillary clinton's puppet
@00:12:45 this in that we think of george soros

11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?

@00:12:05 soros the bush's mccain i've seen

11.3 - Is the Storm beginning? Fear, Courage, Motivation

@00:19:18 george soros who worked at bear stearns
@00:20:11 soros you gotta understand right that's

11.2 - The Storm Cometh! Antifa/DNC/Pedogate/UFO Disclosure Distraction

@00:08:59 soros money recently investing billions

10.31 - New York Terror/Podestas/Antifa/Natl. Blackout Drills

@00:04:07 soros hillary clinton funded group team
@00:04:47 funded by george soros remember he

9.15 - Recent UFO Sightings | #Pedogate News | Soft Disclosure in Mainstream Media

@00:13:04 george soros in the same picture as a

YouTube censorship, Upcoming conference, & AMA

@00:09:59 george soros i would not surprise me
@00:11:11 soros you got it you got to have faith
@00:11:32 not funded by soros and and the other

4.30 - Is the MSM Seeding Our Consciousness Or Toying With It??

@00:08:33 connecting him to george soros so that's

4.20 -Trump/Putin Trolling World 2.0, Still Distracting w/ Fake War While Deep State Implodes

@00:05:37 against george soros right now that i
@00:05:45 people who are suing george soros for
@00:06:26 nonsense that george soros and jason

Mar3 - Pizzagate Wiki/Attacks on Sessions/Soft Disclosure Ball Rolling Faster

@00:02:12 and also apparently george soros with
@00:02:28 when in doubt blame soros uh-huh and

Feb21 Disclosure Report - More Arrests, Milo, Fmr UK PM Outed, Vault 7 = Deads Man Trigger

@00:08:04 soros his website that's person in the

2.15.17 Current Events Update - Sandusky's Son and Discerning Antarctica Disclosure

@00:10:51 soros actually so i mean we were i was
@00:11:02 george soros open society foundation
@00:11:16 soros website so if they're kind of
@00:11:17 calling out george soros that might make