
Praying Medic News - September 30, 2020

@00:05:09 uh comey however you spell his name some
@00:05:40 so comey defended the fbi's
@00:06:39 which comey did today he denied
@00:07:22 and well expose their lies and comey is

deleted Qanon September 12, 2020 - Now Think Fires

@00:17:36 and you have jim comey treason let's see

deleted Qanon July 20, 2020 - Batten Down the Hatches

@00:21:38 fbi muller and comey number two position

deleted Qanon July 6, 2020 - It's Going to Be a Hot Summer

@00:09:30 james comey and he was also with the us

deleted Qanon June 25, 2020 - Rewriting History

@00:22:14 discussion was among obama comey yates
@00:22:37 comey his analysis of the flynn kiss

deleted Qanon June 11, 2020 - Do Anons Understand What Is About To be Unleashed?

@00:13:14 the wrong person you look at comey if
@00:14:07 kevin kleinsmith james comey tash gohar
@00:15:31 comey cia director john brennan and

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:11:22 comey insisted that everything related
@00:11:26 being done by the book comey affirmed
@00:11:35 national security perspective comey said
@00:11:43 russian ambassador kisnya comey said
@00:11:51 obama asked if comey was saying that the
@00:12:19 that comey lied he noted that the level
@00:12:43 at all so for comey to imply that
@00:13:10 of general flynn open comey told peter
@00:13:19 lyac which comey said was unusual and
@00:38:45 another reason why comey and obama said
@00:39:18 by the book reference gave comey a
@00:39:22 them comey claimed that general flynn
@00:39:36 comey used them as a reason to keep the
@00:39:40 fbi's investigation open comey had an
@00:40:03 going to be done by the book comey would
@00:40:38 comey said he does have some concerns
@00:40:45 with russian ambassador castilla comey
@00:40:51 president obama asked if comey was
@00:40:59 comey replied potentially so q then

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:05:21 top james comey at the very top jim or
@00:07:37 i've got james comey was director andrew
@00:12:54 clapper usa versus comey usa versus
@00:13:57 baker comey mccabe josh campbell who are

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:13:05 former fbi director james comey is fond
@00:13:29 iowa and when comey tweeted that cue
@00:14:35 type in the name comey you get no search
@00:14:45 all of the references to james comey
@00:15:17 warning people like james comey and
@00:16:01 arrest is going to be james comey jc and

deleted Qanon April 14 2020 - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

@00:01:27 comey klepper huma abedin hillary
@00:04:13 brad rosen stein james comey john
@00:07:27 of brennan and clapper and comey

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:27:15 misspellings if you searched for comey
@00:27:19 as in james comey in the inspector

Do Not Fear - Part 2

@00:02:07 of a whole bunch of people so fbi comey
@00:02:12 clapper sorry comey mccabe james baker

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:45:05 brennan comey sally yates comey mccabe

deleted Qanon February 18, 2020 - It's Going To Be A Hot Summer

@00:02:09 had was comey forced into the spotlight
@00:02:26 alright so q suggests that comey was
@00:04:20 president's tweet april 15th comey

deleted Qanon February 16, 2020 - Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities

@00:02:06 reasons why neither comey nor mccain
@00:02:23 like comey and mccabe i wouldn't
@00:02:28 comey to be charged with lying or
@00:10:31 investigation against comey mccabe and

deleted Qanon February 12, 2020 - Signatures: The Silent War Continues

@00:03:36 this is a tweet that james comey put out

deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:25:23 steinbach and mccabe comey rebecky

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:20:32 there are lynch jacey james comey a.m.
@00:23:34 jc james comey loretta lynch ll hussein
@00:23:43 we've got comey and loretta lynch jc and

deleted Qanon December 28, 2019 - Pelosi's Gambit

@00:15:47 james comey was rated and authorized
@00:36:16 brennan clapper and comey
@00:45:30 comey standing in the forest oh lordy
@00:45:39 comey and andrew mccabe in prison with
@00:45:51 the treason meme with comey in the woods
@00:46:03 don't worry about comey not being

deleted Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

@00:16:02 straub lisa paige james comey james

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:22:38 error made regarding corney vs. comey
@00:23:29 comey has found 0 times there's a link
@00:23:47 m and comey and other instances of
@00:24:00 occurring only in the name comey and
@00:24:22 make the name comey
@00:24:25 look like comey but it's actually corny
@00:25:03 comey standing on the cornfield cue
@00:25:42 director james b comey if you copy and
@00:26:19 ig report comey report declassify the

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:25:38 meme here with jim comey sitting on a
@00:27:24 all the other texts between or comey
@00:36:19 investigation began in july 2016 comey
@00:37:22 saying especially people like jim comey

deleted Qanon December 9, 2019 - Think Timing

@00:20:19 brennan mccabe comey never has a
@00:29:27 former fbi director james comey 's name
@00:29:53 in to the search field the name comey
@00:30:09 hundred references to james comey in the
@00:30:20 if you put in comey you get nothing for
@00:30:36 where james comey is standing in a

deleted Qanon December 4, 2019 - Tripcode Confirmed

@00:28:48 rosenstein hillary human evidene comey

deleted The Senate Was the Target - November 23, 2019

@00:04:30 heart he tweeted this out james comey i

deleted Qanon November 16, 2019 - The Harvest

@00:00:46 some coded messages between james comey
@00:04:04 james comey tweeted this out millions of
@00:04:45 this morning comey tweeted this message
@00:04:57 secretary of state so comey here is
@00:09:00 a month ago this is october 13th comey
@00:09:11 anyway i think comey was giving a go

deleted Qanon November 3, 2019 - Rig for Red

@00:14:02 director james comey who always posted

deleted FISA Report, Declass, 8kun update October 15 2019

@00:02:42 comey report came out joe did geneva
@00:02:48 portland james comey and everyone was
@00:06:25 have run it up hillary and comey and
@00:07:31 of brennan clapper comey loretta lynch
@00:10:57 comey mccabe peter struck lisa page and
@00:13:48 people in the fbi doj mccabe comey

deleted Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Will be Indicted

@00:04:57 comey with leaking because it's very
@00:06:03 i would imagine comey will also be
@00:07:04 but brennan comey clapper they're all

deleted Qanon August 1, 2019 - August is a Hot Month

@00:17:19 recommended prosecution of james comey
@00:18:23 out about the fact that comey is not

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:03:59 clapper brennan comey larry lynch bill
@00:04:50 comey tweet and this was from a while
@00:05:14 picture of mr. comey standing out in the
@00:44:21 chris rea he has called him james comey
@00:50:13 information gave it to james comey and

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:35:52 picture of james comey standing at a

deleted Qanon July 27, 2019 - Declass is Here

@00:29:38 with former fbi director james comey
@00:30:36 comey
@00:32:29 investigation comey fired a cabe fired
@00:41:30 lynch and comey q so yeah bruce or is
@00:49:13 jc james comey am andrew mccabe jr james
@00:49:30 decode and james comey header mccabe jim
@00:50:41 is or the jc is james comey but it's

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:12:29 comey as fbi director failed and then in
@00:13:03 comey was fired because muller wanted to

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:15:49 one is traitors one and all james comey
@00:16:01 comey sorry robert muller takes center
@00:17:18 be ready is in brackets jc james comey
@00:44:25 watchdog has evidence at comey probed
@00:44:53 that comey had donald trump under
@00:45:00 so comey basically was lying to trump
@00:45:28 comey misled trump and whether he leaked
@00:45:51 apparently comey even created a new
@00:46:23 stuff i think comey was doing that agent
@00:46:30 the fbi shortly after comey was fired he
@00:48:57 were all fired james comey mccabe
@00:50:35 we got that list comey mccabe or becky

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:10:23 refers to james comey and specifically a
@00:10:29 out about comey
@00:10:30 so we're going with c for cut the comey
@00:10:43 james comey that was going to be coming
@00:12:36 comey report being released q is asking
@00:12:45 comey report equals d d equals the start
@00:13:16 in comey report equals d class although
@00:27:18 james comey andrew mccabe jim rebecky
@00:27:45 was involved in this meeting with comey
@00:33:33 comey forced into the spotlight shortly

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:18:21 think comey and mccabe and struck and

deleted Spygate Update May 16 2019

@00:05:56 fbi jim comey edgar mccabe
@00:10:28 we're gonna know all about comey and
@00:10:42 secret communications between comey and
@00:17:40 between loretta lynch and jim comey
@00:18:04 and gave it to comey and pressured comey
@00:22:08 comey and struck and paige the gang of

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:13:41 under jim comey baker's attorney says
@00:14:18 high-level fbi people like comey and
@00:28:05 to go and give it to comey to get the
@00:32:57 be this report on james comey we didn't
@00:33:06 report coming out about james comey in a
@00:33:31 is in relation to comey and baker and
@00:33:46 report on comey then i anticipate we're
@00:44:03 comey well what about andrew mccain

deleted Qanon April 28, 2019 - Truth, Transparency and Equal Justice

@00:03:57 report on james comey is also in the
@00:04:04 night he said there is a report on comey
@00:04:31 about involving james comey alone that
@00:05:08 the comey report combes and brackets
@00:05:14 comes before d so comey
@00:05:19 on figured this out comey report first
@00:06:56 comey is coming next his report which

deleted Qanon April 26, 2019 - I Spy

@00:03:51 for brennan and clapper and comey and
@00:05:42 baker and straw can page and comey a lot
@00:07:48 about is that comey there's a report
@00:07:51 coming out on him on comey in two weeks
@00:08:05 report on comey but the genesis said in
@00:08:14 comey it's coming out in two weeks this
@00:17:50 sally ait's john p carlin comey brennan

deleted Qanon April 11, 2019 - Panic

@00:04:22 comey page struck

deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

@00:17:16 james comey andrew mccabe devon nunez
@00:21:25 comey and mccain and through the
@00:30:22 for robert muller and james comey was

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:13:55 clinton and the phoenix tarmac comey
@00:14:26 james comey no charges are appropriate
@00:29:37 washington right up there with comey

deleted Qanon February 24 2019 - [LL] Returning to the Headlines

@00:07:54 comey throws attorney general lynch
@00:08:37 what axe did jc james comey take days
@00:08:43 week after the tarmac meeting comey
@00:09:39 later comey says our judgment is that no

deleted Qanon February 21, 2019 - A Traitors Justice

@00:05:49 patriot's fight james comey tweeted out
@00:06:10 country comey comes up with these great
@00:07:11 likely comey and mckay are being
@00:17:15 investigation from james comey and a
@00:26:42 interesting because james comey said no

News Update January 15, 2019

@00:02:00 james baker comey mccabe struck page the

Praying Medic News Update January 13, 2019

@00:27:04 a very interesting tweet from comey
@00:27:11 was playing at a theatre and comey or he
@00:27:44 and then comey finishes his tweet all
@00:27:58 comey was signaling to the deep state

deleted Qanon January 11, 2019 - Boom Friday

@00:03:22 that brennan and comey seemed to know
@00:18:15 andrew mccabe and jim comey lisa paige's

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:09:43 james comey under fire for his testimony
@00:10:05 one about james comey and acknowledging

deleted Qanon October 11, 2018 - Logic and Critical Thinking

@00:12:15 james comey andrew mccabe jim rebecky by
@00:14:23 the one who had a meeting with comey

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:10:23 james comey being indicted and i
@00:11:09 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:11:25 brackets and james comey in brackets
@00:18:20 testifying against comey
@00:26:11 comey loretta lynch

deleted Qanon October 9, 2018 - Boom Week

@00:04:05 fbi reported directly to james comey
@00:06:50 begins there was a meeting between comey
@00:06:58 this briefing with comey so coleman is
@00:08:04 asked comey if this briefing could have
@00:08:13 investigation and comey stated it's
@00:08:33 to comey comey did not recall being
@00:09:29 congress initially coleman comey and

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:30:31 control the house jc james comey plus
@00:30:34 loretta lynch they're testifying comey
@00:34:57 james comey and high-level members of
@00:42:28 james comey has been fired and your

deleted Qanon December 4, 2018 - The First Leak From the Huber Investigation

@00:03:45 new game theory comey is shaking in his
@00:03:56 to james comey who filed a motion with
@00:04:43 cause problems for comey if they're
@00:05:19 problem comey began to consider his
@00:05:53 math comey doesn't want to testify in
@00:05:58 noticed there was a missing y in comey
@00:13:26 on november 14th james comey posted this
@00:13:50 from comey
@00:14:00 that tweet from comey
@00:30:21 today comey testimony do you believe in

deleted Qanon November 30, 2018 - A Picture is Worth Many Sentences

@00:06:13 loretta lynch james comey why would the
@00:08:38 comey and andrew mccabe

deleted Qanon November 27, 2018 - Be Vigilant in December

@00:10:57 and text messages between james comey
@00:11:21 got loretta lynch and james comey i

deleted Qanon September 23, 2018 - The Sky is Falling

@00:03:06 jury investigation that would be comey
@00:13:10 text by comey mccabe's draw page
@00:16:55 james comey to me when i heard gowdy
@00:17:05 comey the benefit of the doubt at least
@00:17:09 hammer comey when the application was

deleted Qanon September 22, 2018 - Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

@00:10:50 truth being revealed about comey
@00:13:28 21st comey and mccabe talking next comes
@00:13:43 the finger of blame at comey and mccabe
@00:13:45 comey and mccabe are forming an alliance
@00:14:05 i think comey memos so after comey was

deleted Qanon September 18, 2018 - I See Q People

@00:24:42 of james comey a dreamer cabe peter

deleted Qanon September 12, 2018 - We Will Never Forget

@00:08:53 dc comey in communication with andrew
@00:09:08 against james comey baker was the chief
@00:09:25 stake and i'm guessing comey is probably
@00:09:55 rosenstein yates lynch and comey

deleted Qanon September 11, 2018 - Activate Sleeper Cells

@00:20:53 comey i don't trust him i think he was
@00:38:47 q he was suggesting that comey was
@00:41:50 when that's going to happen comey seems
@00:44:56 rosenstein dana bente james comey and

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:43:16 all their missteps comey mccabe's drock

deleted Qanon August 30, 2018 - Witch Hunt: No Deals

@00:01:39 by james comey and a repost of something
@00:01:50 a private email from james comey and q
@00:02:08 have a comey tweet from three days later
@00:02:09 where comey said truth exists in truth
@00:02:32 that comey kind of vernacular untethered
@00:02:36 to department standards and comey said
@00:38:40 in the news people like comey and mccabe

deleted Qanon August 27, 2018 - We Don't Say His Name

@00:11:23 avoid nsa we had james comey chuck

deleted All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6)

@00:09:53 the fbi the fbi director james comey and
@00:13:44 which james comey himself testified
@00:23:56 comey lied about the email investigation
@00:24:03 remember when comey came out on july 5th
@00:25:20 and kept it quiet and didn't tell comey
@00:26:08 struck told and james comey told us they
@00:35:13 the reactions of brennan clapper comey
@00:43:06 comey about oh oh no no no north korea

deleted Qanon August 13, 2018 - Sometimes the Truth is Right in Front of You

@00:02:29 director comey now i'm told hillary went

deleted Qanon August 3, 2018 - Trump Attack Foiled

@00:20:11 investigation james comey fbi director

deleted Qanon August 2, 2018 - Full Force Attack by the Media

@00:15:54 would be former fbi director james comey
@00:16:02 where comey confirms that the deep state
@00:16:14 doesn't exist mr. comey disagrees with

deleted Qanon July 31, 2018 - FISA is the Foundation

@00:06:44 specifically comey yates never asked
@00:33:42 comey testified under oath that the
@00:34:03 comey on the one hand said that the
@00:47:05 brennan yates comey and ash carter all
@00:49:04 mike orton josh campbell comey david

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:16:35 comey drop this who was the fbi director
@00:30:12 comey and the dossier was the main

deleted Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats

@00:03:38 comey james clapper chuck schumer andrew
@00:11:42 jc james comey gmail they all had them

deleted Qanon June 29, 2018 - Power to the People

@00:16:23 seven dump and comey intervened and

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:14:54 loretta lynch comey obama hillary
@00:15:54 james comey and julian assange and last
@00:16:24 james comey and mark warner pretty much
@00:17:07 comey wanted was anyone talking about
@00:24:01 james comey and and john john brennan
@00:31:23 thing comey lynch holder obama hillary

deleted Qanon June 28, 2018 - We Stand at the Ready

@00:04:43 comey to loretta lynch to 47 x relevant
@00:05:09 james comey sp samantha power and eh
@00:05:15 james comey and i am andy mccabe text
@00:07:24 news think jc james comey server unlocks
@00:07:46 seth rich jc is james comey ms-13 is
@00:08:04 comey yes there is a get to that in just
@00:09:51 that was killed by james comey who
@00:09:56 suspect that comey nixed the deal
@00:10:04 any conversation so comey was tasked

deleted Q Anon June 15 - The DOJ IG Report

@00:09:32 continuing comey refused to confirm the
@00:10:15 comey admitted that hillary a
@00:11:05 comey is basically like this is water
@00:11:18 comey and people of that nature are kind
@00:13:01 statements about comey and the fbi that
@00:13:57 comey numerous delays hope the report is
@00:36:29 report he talked about comey and
@00:36:34 about comey like he's been doing for the

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:49:23 fbi struck and page and mccabe and comey
@00:50:33 laura lynch comey acade sally yates
@00:51:11 dream where i saw comey and robert

G7 Summit Update - POTUS, Russia and Iran

@00:04:57 and obama and comey and/or a lynch he's

deleted Qano May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter

@00:10:17 and brennan and clapper and comey were
@00:10:27 comey skipped out brennan clapper and
@00:12:31 the request of james comey for operation

deleted Qanon May 11, 2018 - Black Hats & White Hats

@00:22:55 enough to indict her comey has been
@00:24:53 comey drop it
@00:24:55 why did comey drop the clinton

deleted Qanon May 5, 2018 - Justice Has Come

@00:09:12 comey s-- they are reporting the news is
@00:10:33 special assistant to james comey he was
@00:16:03 james comey he was allowed to tell his

deleted Qanon May 4, 2018 - Patriots Fight

@00:08:46 actually days before james comey and
@00:11:36 already enough to indict hillary comey

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:05:04 comey mccabe and james rickey they have
@00:06:55 lynch and comey and yates and ben rhodes
@00:23:51 has attacked comey but trump has always
@00:26:43 darn well that comey is gonna want
@00:34:16 picked off one by one first comey is
@00:40:39 trump insurance policy comey release of
@00:40:49 attack potus witch-hunt sc comey rod
@00:43:19 hugh said comey smaller and rosenstein
@00:43:44 this is linked to comey provides

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:05:03 mccord comey
@00:06:55 lynch and comey
@00:23:51 has attacked comey but trump has always
@00:24:32 the way he treats comey okay so follow
@00:26:43 darn well that comey is gonna want
@00:34:17 one first comey is fired then baker is
@00:43:20 said comey muller and rosa stein of all
@00:43:43 on it this is linked to comey provides

deleted Qanon April 25, 2018 - Iran Next

@00:07:00 comey i think it referred to andrew

deleted Qanon Update April 22, 2018 - Learn Our Comms

@00:46:38 out on the 20th james comey illegally
@00:47:15 comey illegally leaked classified

deleted Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real

@00:21:27 other day comey came out and said that
@00:21:43 so comey basically fingered obama and
@00:30:39 comey and loretta lynch and that their
@00:31:15 with comey to craft the memos so they

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:02:17 seeking on james comey and some other
@00:20:49 comey and a lot of others this is a

deleted Qanon April 15, 2018 - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting

@00:00:38 morning comey throws a g lynch under the
@00:01:17 just been going after comey
@00:07:01 comey and obama and clinton that they
@00:10:38 dropping all these tweets about comey
@00:10:48 trump's attacks exit via director comey

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:36:39 clowns in america sessions miller comey

deleted Qanon March 20, 2018 - Bring the Rain

@00:20:00 comey his number ii fbi director and
@00:30:24 comey tweeted out on the 17th this is a

Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer

@00:22:43 comey his number ii fbi director and
@00:33:07 comey tweeted out on the seventeenth

deleted March 1 News Update - The Truth About Trump and Sessions

@00:04:57 the department of justice comey holder
@00:09:36 point the finger of guilt at comey and
@00:21:36 andrew mccabe comey everybody all the

Feb 14 News Update & Church Dropout Discussion

@00:09:33 was interviewed by the fbi comey told
@00:09:46 when comey had already said he didn't
@00:09:51 question about why did comey tell

deleted Qanon February 8, 2018 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters

@00:00:53 on par with james comey mark warner john
@00:13:27 comey when he fired him and asked why is
@00:34:22 comey which is one of the things that q
@00:40:25 2nd or july 3rd it was before comey had

The Overlooked Problem With FISA Title 1 Surveillance

@00:20:41 applications and comey signed three i
@00:21:34 because jim comey himself told america

deleted February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer

@00:12:33 the next post and james comey tweeted on

deleted Qanon February 3, 2018 - Freedom Day

@00:05:14 the next post and james comey tweeted on

deleted Jan 30, 2018 News Update

@00:04:20 is is on twitter comey is on twitter

deleted Qanon January 25, 2018 - Did the FBI Plot to Harm the President?

@00:05:49 comey we also found out this week that
@00:05:56 press comey has actually retained his
@00:06:06 federalists they learned that comey had
@00:40:20 it is lisa page it is james comey

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:23:08 supporting comey determination why did
@00:24:18 letter that terminate comey well i think
@00:24:35 have to fire comey
@00:32:40 listed loretta lynch hillary james comey

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:19:02 terminate comey
@00:19:19 comey and if sessions was the one to
@00:27:24 loretta lynch hilary james comey clapper

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:30:17 gonna go after muller comey yates

January 11, 2018 News - So Much Winning! FISA Update

@00:42:53 comey he was gonna cover for all of it

A 2nd Special Counsel Will Be Appointed. Here's What They'll Investigate

@00:19:30 from comey to mccabe to anybody else who
@00:20:40 involving comey and peter struck and the
@00:26:29 lynch directing mr. comey to mislead the
@00:28:36 comey into the uranium one question
@00:29:14 whether mr. comey and mrs. lynch had any
@00:29:40 obama administration including mr. comey
@00:30:02 twelve admitted leaks by mr. comey to
@00:30:11 between mr. comey and president trump
@00:30:37 memos that comey gave to richmond were
@00:30:50 comey let's see 13 mr. commis apparent
@00:31:31 by mr. comey provided to author michael
@00:32:48 coming out that comey drafted a letter
@00:33:00 looks like now comey lied to congress
@00:33:07 ratcliffe who is asking comey when did
@00:33:14 hillary and comey says and he says
@00:38:44 released to the press by james comey
@00:43:40 investigations like comey and samantha

January 6th Update - Mike Rogers - The Man Who Saved Our Nation

@00:08:08 congressional testimony james comey was
@00:08:35 james comey said it was because the head
@00:36:45 comey was asked when did the the
@00:36:54 comey has already admitted that the

January 3, 2018 News Update - North Korea & Bannon - Trump Feud

@00:12:42 been asking comey
@00:21:18 actually before james comey cleared

Jan 2, 2018 News Update - North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Mueller Investigation, Trump Tweets

@00:08:28 mark also comey and others jail okay so
@00:08:37 huma abedin comey
@00:10:24 says jail comey mccabe jail that's where
@00:10:47 james comey the people in the justice
@00:16:34 james comey andrew mccabe james baker

December 31, 2017 Update - Iranian Protests, Q Anon Dream, Comey, Mueller & Gitmo

@00:13:40 robert muller and james comey they were
@00:14:05 and comey and these other top level
@00:14:55 comey have been taken to gitmo for

December 27 2017 News Update - Trump's Executive Order

@00:40:29 was surprised i've seen comey i've seen

Dec 23 2017 - Will Andrew McCabe Be Indicted Before He Retires?

@00:02:29 already removed one top fbi leader comey
@00:11:22 co-conspirators comey schiff brennan and

Dec 21 News Update - UN Vote, Uranium One, Government Shutdown

@00:14:53 public publicly available jim comey

Dec 19 News Update

@00:03:13 james comey and the email investigation
@00:03:27 comey
@00:04:17 reported on what was going on with comey
@00:06:01 a staff meeting comey finds out about
@00:06:12 didn't tell co me and comey panics and
@00:07:38 emails but they didn't tell comey about
@00:40:37 because as long as comey
@00:52:19 comey briefs him and obama about it

Dec 14 News Update - White Hats in the OIG Have Been Helping Us All Along

@00:10:19 holder and james comey all responded to
@00:18:14 each agency james comey fbi and loretta
@00:23:27 rosenstein mccabe and comey to come and
@00:25:04 comey there is no way we would have
@00:32:37 yates loretta lynch and james comey they
@00:32:59 higher people so comey seems to be in a
@00:33:23 becomes another liability for comey if

Will President Trump be Charged With Obstruction of Justice?

@00:13:56 he fired comey in the midst of an
@00:15:15 history precedent and comey
@00:18:13 history and precedent that the comey
@00:18:16 statement must be considered comey
@00:18:33 institutions and their work comey has
@00:18:46 authority to order comey to end and end
@00:18:52 comey admitted that if trump wanted to
@00:18:56 he could have told comey
@00:19:37 mind let's turn to the comey statement
@00:19:38 former fbi director james comey 'he's
@00:20:10 comey according to commis
@00:20:17 good guy comey replied he is a good guy
@00:20:24 this thing go comey understood that to
@00:20:37 the campaign comey had already told the
@00:20:45 personally comey understood the
@00:20:55 ambassador in december comey did not say
@00:21:03 nor did comey report this conversation
@00:23:56 following to comey you are no longer
@00:24:41 with obstruction for firing comey
@00:24:57 trump repeatedly told comey hey why

Mueller Investigation Update - The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

@00:12:02 firing comey and why didn't they fire
@00:12:11 comey they're hoping and praying that
@00:12:20 comey or because he didn't fire flynn
@00:15:59 up oh maybe he fired comey because he
@00:23:14 fired comey
@00:23:15 because comey was going to take trump
@00:23:20 down even though comey has said three

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About FISA Warrants

@00:19:46 remember james comey has tucked told the
@00:28:24 which james comey when he was addressing
@00:32:10 comey just gets destroyed by this little
@00:38:47 comey
@00:38:51 signed off on it were comey rod clapper

True Pundit Report on FBI Curruption

@00:05:18 with comey and hillary and the
@00:06:37 lynch and eric holder and james comey
@00:08:04 accusations are that muller and comey
@00:08:54 james comey and andrew mccabe who is a

Healthcare, Presidential Tweets and Investigations in the FBI & DOJ

@00:27:45 they don't know what comey has said
@00:28:02 repeatedly comey is the guy who has
@00:28:06 access to everyone comey as head of fbi
@00:28:42 comey knows everything and comey is
@00:28:56 some other things if comey is
@00:29:11 sessions i would put pressure on comey
@00:29:34 comey
@00:29:35 flips and if comey asks for an immunity
@00:30:36 under comey for the clinton email
@00:31:20 if comey flips if comey does get
@00:31:29 the only person is going to give comey
@00:31:36 put the screws to comey and if he flips
@00:31:56 investigation comey is under

Political Roundtable

@00:44:55 comey investigation and jeff sessions

George Webb and Deep State Update

@00:20:06 grassley has been asking again comey for
@00:20:10 information about mccabe and comey was
@00:25:15 james comey needed to be fired there's
@00:25:38 the firing of comey but kay will be
@00:26:30 find out did trump fire comey as
@00:27:55 testify comey was scheduled to testify
@00:28:02 impression right now that comey is
@00:28:09 james comey i would not testify there is
@00:28:20 every time comey goes in front of a
@00:28:53 any russia connections if comey
@00:29:08 comey says yeah i felt like the
@00:30:01 can be charged unless comey goes into
@00:30:27 to do that so if i were comey i would
@00:30:43 if he goes in if comey goes in and

Is There Evidence of Collusion Between Donald Trump and Russia?

@00:03:25 get director comey if you can gina

French Elections and a Donald Trump Dream

@00:41:45 sessions yet uh jen or comey
@00:41:53 and comey if you want me to all right

March 24 Intelligence Update

@00:20:51 the committee they had the comey
@00:21:00 nsa and james comey who is the director
@00:21:20 lot of pain thanks okay so comey goes in
@00:21:35 them were not rogers and comey basically
@00:22:00 was very strange the questions a comey
@00:22:13 comey said right in the hearing but
@00:23:24 hearing where rogers and comey testified
@00:25:43 comey and rogers who has the
@00:25:50 citizen now comey said i don't have a
@00:26:05 but comey said there's probably more in

The Deep State Fights Back & The New Media Arises

@00:11:07 them james comey director of the fbi

Wiretapping Trump - A Look at FISA Warrants

@00:11:15 general or james comey who is head of
@00:11:38 was comey or loretta lynch doesn't
@00:19:57 department did our james comey at the
@00:20:32 up on comey or loretta lynch or
@00:27:59 comey on as director of fbi there was an
@00:28:06 investigations comey is at the center of
@00:28:12 know a whole lot about comey but his
@00:28:30 so that's why comey had to stay on as

Stopping Government Corruption

@00:09:57 to fbi fbi has a copy of it james comey
@00:10:15 another issue but as we all know comey
@00:37:57 before comey had made a decision about
@00:38:20 evidence to indict comey has been trying

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@00:10:13 exception being james comey he was

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@00:04:02 comey his dismissal letter from
@00:05:01 eights and clapper and brennan and comey
@00:09:27 the fbi we don't know if it's comey and
@00:14:37 comey jc a.m. is andrew mccabe and peter
@00:14:55 because they are going to rat out comey
@00:22:44 comey about it and when they did tell
@00:22:46 comey at the end of october he freaked
@00:32:41 james comey number two is mccabe lorna
@00:36:03 for comey fired james baker was a legal
@00:36:10 gone comey gone bill pre step
@00:42:54 why are the james comey andrew mccabe

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@00:36:10 comey mccabe struck page and or it's

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@00:19:34 laura lynch hillary clinton james comey

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@00:08:14 comey clapper brennan they're all in

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@00:05:24 what they had was comey forced into the
@00:08:15 that comey was notified that the nsa had

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@00:04:22 jc james comey number 2 has always
@00:14:46 comey lynch all of them back in the kill

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@00:02:49 the day that comey sent a letter to
@00:03:03 call asap about the comey letter baker
@00:03:13 out to comey david bowdich who was then
@00:11:02 fbi james comey director andrew mccabe
@00:13:31 basically was was briefing james comey
@00:13:41 baker comey they all developed amnesia

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@00:01:31 brennan james clapper and james comey
@00:01:56 i saw where comey is blaming this one
@00:16:34 administration comey or brennan now they
@00:26:57 redacted all right james comey signed
@00:27:10 andrew mccabe because comey had been
@00:34:53 comey said they requested access to the
@00:43:54 latest from james comey he tweeted this
@00:44:34 specifically named mccabe comey strucken
@00:44:56 by the book which is what comey says
@00:45:34 comey clapper cs chuck schumer am andrew

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@00:04:39 taken down by the memo well james comey
@00:22:25 are currently investigating james comey

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@00:08:39 times fire brennon comey and rogers
@00:09:12 james comey and admiral rogers they
@00:09:29 it's called why are brennan comey and
@00:10:55 over james comey boom time baker
@00:10:58 i think comey knows how much trouble

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@00:20:58 james comey had been saying about the
@00:21:15 comey was still writing his
@00:21:41 suggested that comey actually wrote all

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@00:11:51 comey forced into the spotlight shortly
@00:15:11 yourself jc james comey am andrew mccabe
@00:17:12 brennan and brackets james comey in
@00:17:51 brennan and comey in the middle cia
@00:18:11 information from brennan comey all the
@00:22:34 james comey on the left in the center uk
@00:22:55 like james comey in the middle you've
@00:25:02 players like comey and laura lynch

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@00:11:13 comey did chris rea is hiding evidence

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@00:36:05 when james comey testified about spygate
@00:42:58 him now same thing with lian james comey
@00:43:14 saying that the democrats hated comey
@00:43:17 until trump fired him and then comey
@00:45:14 quotes james comey director fired andrew
@00:45:36 special assistant to comey fired

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@00:23:17 comey i don't trust him i think he was
@00:23:32 coming out and criticizing comey when he

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@00:12:44 to james comey and leaking his memos
@00:12:47 comey and mccabe have committed much
@00:13:47 comey and the rest of the spygate

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@00:22:23 james comey was going to testify before
@00:29:25 other than james comey coincidence guess
@00:30:18 james comey leaves the department of
@00:33:14 2013 none other than james comey who
@00:33:47 crimes here in april 2016 comey dress an
@00:34:05 himself like the true gangsta that comey
@00:34:20 general comey gets fired based upon a
@00:34:22 letter by rosen stein comey leaks
@00:35:45 protege of james comey and robert muller
@00:35:56 muller three times james comey five
@00:37:35 the clapper leaks the comey leaks

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@00:04:28 jc and gmail jim comey had a private
@00:06:13 article about comey using personal email
@00:11:08 not james comey posted this on twitter
@00:16:05 had with comey or i just probably know
@00:16:10 a briefing with comey on october 4th
@00:16:19 kind of the the story with comey is that
@00:17:55 i said comey
@00:18:24 comey just panicked when he found out
@00:51:20 comey and lynch led hillary skate on her

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@00:31:33 post as jim comey it's actually james
@00:31:43 graphic and i took out comey and i put

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@00:09:32 clean up the mess that comey and mccabe
@00:11:15 and the comey report they're going to be

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@00:08:23 is backing the fbi back in comey and not
@00:12:01 comey or anyone in the fbi mccabe he has

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@00:14:48 comments on comey all right this trey
@00:15:01 comey history will be kind to him i'm

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@00:10:30 james comey andrew mccabe peter strock
@00:11:43 then comey was fired comey leaked the
@00:12:06 comey
@00:24:38 documents if i were james comey andrew
@00:28:17 well comey himself told trump that the
@00:34:22 false information comey said it was

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@00:10:22 comey andrew mccabe jim rebecky
@00:11:15 media john brennan james comey they took
@00:12:51 comey on the left hand side in the
@00:34:47 sally eighths james comey and andrew
@00:39:30 director james comey in testimony before

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@00:20:08 sessions comey mccabe priest that i keep
@00:24:41 emails and texts from comey mccabe

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@00:30:08 comey and the revelation that the doj
@00:30:48 how about comey there's been some
@00:41:45 application bruce or 302s comey mccabe's

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@00:08:56 loretta lynch james comey andrew mccabe
@00:24:32 clearance from people like james comey

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@00:23:59 comey clapper brennan susan rice ben

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@00:14:43 comey and today q posted a link to a an
@00:15:33 i could assure you mr. comey has been
@00:15:46 testified against comey and that is why
@00:15:49 comey is freaking out and an on posted a
@00:19:30 comey and the fbi did want the dossier

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@00:07:50 both peter struck and james comey said

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@00:10:00 comey james rebecky

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@00:40:58 jc james comey vo bruce or cs
@00:45:19 was james comey sally yates and
@00:47:01 switch to james comey well murder fbi
@00:47:04 director comey weighed in on the
@00:47:21 twitter weren't enough and comey said
@00:47:57 link to the comey status and then he has
@00:48:18 this is a quote from comey and then q
@00:48:41 as long as iran comey when andrew mccabe
@00:49:07 out q posted this james comey tweet
@00:50:13 of justice and this was during comey

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@00:04:47 comey also got a multi-million dollar
@00:08:02 removed courtin comey mccabe bowditch

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@00:03:50 says james comey i don't trust him i

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@00:02:06 out i think right now i saw where comey
@00:04:43 wrong person you look at comey if you
@00:11:57 clapper comey mccabe rebecky every
@00:16:40 public the text messages between comey

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@00:11:27 obama and loretta lynch james comey
@00:15:40 5th barack obama and james comey had a
@00:27:37 moving along james comey tweeted out a

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@00:10:44 comey agreed at the c is assessment so
@00:10:53 james comey agreed with the cia and
@00:11:10 has put brennan comey and clapper and
@00:11:39 the agency heads clapper comey and
@00:12:35 and if comey clapper brennan and obama

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@00:01:59 mccabe clapper brennan and comey
@00:16:26 brennan comey schiff etc and their
@00:22:53 barack obama james comey laura lynch

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@00:07:19 mueller was installed comey was

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@00:23:15 james comey filling in these other spots