
Praying Medic News - October 2, 2020

@00:02:54 um i've been avoiding twitter today
@00:03:00 melania on twitter and i just

Praying Medic News - September 30, 2020

@00:11:43 twitter are going
@00:19:13 and youtube and twitter and facebook are

deleted Qanon September 18, 2020 - Be Water, Spread Fire

@00:03:52 by a an anarchist account on twitter
@00:04:51 and this account on twitter tweeted out
@00:05:29 7 on on twitter
@00:05:51 and this twitter account too i looked at
@00:12:45 we can't have both facebook twitter and
@00:20:04 it's not clear why twitter

deleted Qanon September 12, 2020 - Now Think Fires

@00:15:47 echo twitter facebook and google control

deleted Qanon September 2, 2020 - How is Blackmail Used?

@00:21:06 and sending twitter dms to underage

deleted Qanon August 26, 2020 - The Great Deceivers

@00:00:11 twitter thread little typo there

deleted Qanon August 21, 2020 - Why is Everything Q Being Censored?

@00:01:47 so after twitter

Supernatural Saturday - How God Speaks Through Nature

@00:08:04 twitter asking me

deleted Qanon July 24 2020 - Next: More Acts of Violence Frameups

@00:01:08 that twitter has decided to take action
@00:01:32 a twitter crackdown won't stop q anon
@00:02:58 and now twitter is echoing that claim
@00:05:51 right so that is exactly what twitter
@00:06:08 so what twitter is doing their specific
@00:06:17 platform so twitter is reacting
@00:06:30 twitter facebook etc so
@00:06:52 twitter youtube these are the
@00:07:31 on a platform like twitter where the
@00:07:45 from facebook from twitter from reddit
@00:10:09 twitter and facebook and others example
@00:10:17 twitter and facebook do not have the
@00:10:30 it's supposed to mean and twitter
@00:14:07 twitter
@00:14:40 so if you don't find me on twitter if

deleted Qanon July 20, 2020 - Batten Down the Hatches

@00:05:25 the control console of twitter for
@00:05:32 twitter was hacked last week so hew
@00:16:51 flynn's twitter page and noted that it
@00:17:09 the twitter page i am not a web designer

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - It's Time for People to Go to Jail

@00:05:34 posting something on twitter three
@00:08:06 notes that she's making on twitter for
@00:11:13 on twitter right now about these

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - Prepare for Zero Day Attacks

@00:00:21 here this week twitter decided that they
@00:00:34 around on twitter for any of my threads
@00:00:43 to find him i don't know why twitter
@00:12:29 president on twitter and that there

Supernatural Saturday July 11, 2020 How God Speaks Through Dreams

@00:01:51 the live stream on twitter last month
@00:02:04 put it out on twitter and i was like i
@00:33:39 week or two they'll show up on twitter

deleted Qanon June 30, 2020 - Rising to the Occasion

@00:01:27 q posted a link to the twitter page of
@00:01:44 to his twitter page and then q writes
@00:01:57 there's a link to enochs twitter page
@00:22:47 q susan coward who follows me on twitter

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:01:39 the justice department twitter page
@00:02:05 attorney's twitter page i learned in the
@00:04:23 schiff was nice enough to get on twitter
@00:10:25 twitter account and he posted the

deleted Qanon June 19, 2020 - End Goal? Government Control

@00:02:59 major shareholders of twitter stock just
@00:04:29 was a major investor in twitter and
@00:21:48 these are older articles twitter allows
@00:21:52 attraction to minors that twitter found

deleted Qanon June 11, 2020 - Do Anons Understand What Is About To be Unleashed?

@00:01:30 a twitter status and you said follow the
@00:02:00 twitter timeline and
@00:08:08 twitter ceo jack dorsey
@00:08:15 twitter ceo follows this account wonder
@00:08:28 not anonymous but twitter owned and
@00:08:36 so twitter created this account that is
@00:08:44 it's actually run by twitter and the

deleted Qanon June 10, 2020 - White House Breach Prevented

@00:02:37 potus twitter removal central

deleted Qanon June 1, 2020 - Do You See What Is Happening?

@00:02:43 being incorrect this twitter account bad
@00:09:56 people are sick q this twitter account

deleted Qanon May 31, 2020 - Stay Strong. Stay Together

@00:19:33 sean was retweeted by president twitter
@00:22:03 initially posted that twitter too

deleted Qanon May 28, 2020 - We Rise or We Die

@00:18:48 fraud where twitter applied some kind of

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:16:20 finally decided to join twitter and show
@00:22:39 is this twitter yes it is how can i help
@00:22:52 twitter now for what what what did you
@00:23:02 twitter now for what though you need to
@00:23:15 trump off of twitter i know i'm trying
@00:23:25 on twitter right now
@00:47:42 him on twitter and that caused

deleted All Things Q - With John Michael Chambers

@00:03:22 twitter so far still and we have our
@00:09:09 twitter in 2009 when i started writing
@00:13:56 controls president trump's twitter
@00:15:17 some people close to work on twitter
@00:24:44 doj twitter account at exactly 1:29 on
@00:25:08 twitter timeline at 129 not good enough
@00:25:16 connecticut us attorney's twitter
@00:25:35 showing up on the doj twitter time at
@00:26:59 there's an account on twitter
@00:39:39 busy posting and i'm doing twitter
@00:40:22 praying medic as well as his twitter

deleted Qanon May 16, 2020 - Time To Stand

@00:23:35 tweeting obama gate on twitter

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:21:45 you posted a link to twitter support
@00:21:47 last night and twitter support said
@00:22:02 twitter was acting really scary last
@00:22:11 twitter kept linking him the wrong way
@00:27:13 was pretty crazy on twitter last night
@00:30:36 twitter thread there is a fork
@00:31:08 was on twitter last night and posted

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:13:19 tweeted from his secret twitter account
@00:18:22 interesting i found this twitter account

deleted Qanon April 17, 2020 - They're Not After Me, They're After You

@00:02:02 my twitter friends last night sent me
@00:07:11 the president's tweets the twitter time
@00:07:16 on trump twitter archive com

deleted Qanon April 16, 2020 - The End Won't Be For Everyone

@00:06:03 ceo of twitter it was posted in 2006 and
@00:11:51 states deep state exposed twitter

deleted Qanon April 14 2020 - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

@00:21:52 this twitter account earth people
@00:24:37 suspended from twitter i had a dream
@00:24:43 attack and try to get rid of on twitter
@00:24:50 up getting suspended from twitter i have

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:05:45 friend enoch on twitter noted that there
@00:06:13 president looking at presidents twitter
@00:06:19 account to follow on twitter if you're
@00:07:57 on a youtube video or on twitter or

deleted Qanon April 9, 2020 - Covid 19: How to Steal and Election

@00:39:14 twitter it's been taken down the

deleted Qanon March 26, 2020 - Infiltration Instead of Invasion

@00:02:10 is not post on twitter cute is not do
@00:05:54 twitter fw twitter kill rogue confirmed
@00:11:44 yesterday on twitter the lamestream

Do Not Fear (Live)

@00:02:41 on youtube and i'm not on twitter i'm
@00:09:50 twitter wherever and someone says oh
@00:16:36 stream try to broadcast on twitter all
@00:18:04 go on twitter or instagram and look at

Do Not Fear - Part 2

@00:17:13 information for my followers on twitter

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:03:37 guy on twitter yesterday who was kind of
@00:04:00 to their twitter account put it out a
@00:31:18 i'll put it out on twitter you'll
@00:31:24 lot of dreams on twitter over the last

deleted Qanon February 18, 2020 - It's Going To Be A Hot Summer

@00:06:06 via twitter / planning timing future

deleted Qanon February 16, 2020 - Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities

@00:01:38 changed i spent a couple days on twitter
@00:08:43 on twitter spree highlighting that
@00:11:00 twitter thread you can find it let's see
@00:11:06 current threat on twitter it's long i
@00:14:48 the doj twitter account at 129 attorney
@00:14:58 twitter account and us attorney durham's

Supernatural Saturday February 8, 2020 - Faith and Hearing God's voice

@00:17:34 be on facebook and twitter and youtube
@00:19:43 some you know twitter threads do some
@00:51:10 queue thread i did on twitter yeah it

deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:28:11 and twitter and look up all these

deleted Qanon January 29 2020 - Read the Transcripts

@00:03:06 following me on twitter very closely
@00:35:01 twitter archive you can get the exact

Supernatural Saturday January 11, 2020 - Be Still

@00:00:20 periscope and twitter

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:02:58 originally posted on twitter about lani
@00:21:08 pin tweet on her twitter page by the way

deleted Qanon December 28, 2019 - Pelosi's Gambit

@00:17:36 his twitter timeline this on the 22nd
@00:23:29 people on twitter whose search research

Supernatural Saturday December 2019 - We All Hear God

@00:17:49 twitter getting caught up on email these
@00:21:02 wrote when i'm scrolling through twitter
@00:21:26 on twitter when as i read them i'm
@00:22:59 twitter where i get messages from a lot
@00:23:15 all these different people on twitter
@00:34:24 twitter so west virginia yeah well if i
@00:47:32 twitter without fail always so let's see

deleted Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

@00:23:00 report was posted on the doj twitter
@00:23:11 connecticut us attorney's twitter
@00:23:34 twitter thread here this is a doj time

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:13:00 looks like twitter messed up my thread i
@00:13:19 twitter does not like me i get messages
@00:13:21 and people all the time on twitter
@00:13:24 find my threads twitter is hiding
@00:24:49 enoch one of our friends on twitter
@00:39:44 an article on twitter a couple weeks ago
@00:42:44 twitter this is a repost what happens

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:16:53 anybody else out there on twitter was
@00:18:36 of thug life memes going out on twitter
@00:25:48 follow q and on account on twitter was

deleted Qanon December 9, 2019 - Think Timing

@00:01:11 twitter accounts that all shared the
@00:06:35 posted a link to this on twitter and a
@00:07:48 been asking me about on twitter hey
@00:08:01 changed my twitter avatar simply because
@00:13:25 it posted on twitter prior to the
@00:13:30 things on twitter are there any calls to
@00:13:34 ban or remove twitter calls to ban or
@00:14:06 happens on twitter or facebook or god
@00:14:14 facebook or twitter to be shut down
@00:17:03 twitter account here the tweet it is
@00:17:13 twitter bio was drudge report was a
@00:21:05 twitter q post a link to that video and
@00:21:33 let's see trump's karma twitter account
@00:23:07 interesting accounts on twitter all
@00:25:33 twitter account at 129 eastern time i
@00:26:13 justice department twitter account is
@00:26:18 justice department twitter account post
@00:28:20 one of our friends on twitter had his
@00:28:29 twitter and said hey i'm gonna be
@00:31:10 mostly following people on twitter who

deleted Qanon December 4, 2019 - Tripcode Confirmed

@00:07:49 got to trump twitter archive comm you
@00:28:31 was tweeted by the trump train twitter

deleted Qanon November 27, 2019 - Tripcode Verification

@00:10:07 friend on twitter was queued for this
@00:11:57 comes for some reason twitter blanked
@00:12:11 to a tune on twitter they're keeping it
@00:12:47 twitter this is a photo that q
@00:17:10 tweeted this q broke finished twitter
@00:22:44 twitter hashtags impeach this is all

deleted Qanon November 22, 2019 - It's Time

@00:00:41 this thread on twitter began on
@00:08:25 on periscope on twitter if possible i
@00:17:14 this twitter account majestic 12 q
@00:23:07 twitter this has been out for a while
@00:24:04 monkey ron on twitter posted this tweet

deleted Qanon November 20, 2019 - Information Warfare

@00:11:17 breaking news live a twitter account
@00:12:55 twitter accounts like breaking live news

deleted Qanon November 16, 2019 - The Harvest

@00:03:58 of an ear of corn on twitter corn ready

deleted Qanon November 15, 2019 - Follow the Family

@00:20:52 one of your favorite people on twitter
@00:24:31 on 4chan and facebook and twitter and
@00:35:11 twitter and i thought that was kind of

deleted Qanon November 12, 2019 - Dangerous Freedom

@00:04:25 a twitter status from clark pen pen
@00:10:01 twitter a couple days ago that sessions
@00:14:00 the trump twitter archive on the right
@00:14:17 standard time from the trump twitter
@00:15:08 try to post a tweet on twitter within 1
@00:18:25 jack jack dorsey ceo twitter project
@00:20:36 he's on twitter he is promoting himself

What You Avoid Limits Your Growth - Supernatural Mentoring

@00:02:06 on twitter if you haven't noticed i'm
@00:05:57 twitter if i have a relevant dream that
@00:06:04 them on twitter some of the personal
@00:06:11 twitter because i thought it would be

deleted Qanon November 3, 2019 - Rig for Red

@00:05:28 that you can go to code monkeys twitter
@00:06:18 code monkeys z on twitter go check him
@00:13:11 first tweet is from a twitter account

deleted FISA Report, Declass, 8kun update October 15 2019

@00:19:10 been messaging me on twitter
@00:21:57 knows who q is and q is not on twitter i
@00:22:01 had somebody messaged me on twitter i
@00:22:08 follow majestic 12 on twitter i was like
@00:22:39 fake news q is not on twitter q only
@00:23:38 a video less than on twitter they asked

Supernatural Saturday Oct 12, 2019 - Hearing Gods Voice: Myths and Misconceptions

@00:01:17 is up i'm back on twitter after a little
@00:50:29 twitter feed when q is not posting trump
@00:50:37 yep trump's twitter trump is q for now
@00:53:36 much i mean i do a little bit on twitter

Update on Congressional Impeachment Inquiry

@00:00:42 on twitter who are a little bit nervous
@00:06:12 twitter

deleted Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Will be Indicted

@00:07:54 posted something about on twitter kind

Supernatural Saturday August 10 2019 - Hearing God's Voice

@00:17:41 facebook or twitter or periscope or

deleted Qanon August 10, 2019 - Jeffrey Epstein Update

@00:00:32 doing a lot of threads on twitter trying
@00:02:34 twitter asked her she would give me a
@00:31:51 monkey on twitter he is code monkey z at
@00:38:53 twitter he has been following a lot of

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:06:02 twitter i feel bad for you because when
@00:46:30 blast on twitter for the last three or

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:05:24 fun stuff twitter censorship you name it
@00:19:27 this to sarah carter on twitter is what
@00:21:53 i've mentioned on twitter maryland is in
@00:35:18 twitter like okay what does that have to
@00:35:31 right for those of you on twitter who

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:02:02 capabilities the nsa twitter account
@00:02:48 trump's students twitter account got
@00:03:54 wrote reconcile google facebook twitter
@00:05:08 just supposed to done on twitter a
@00:05:48 quite a bit on twitter about queue and
@00:08:34 posted a link to a john solomon twitter
@00:12:03 and posted snippets of it on twitter and
@00:15:42 department of defense twitter account
@00:19:43 of a non-research so the twitter account

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:05:38 twitter account on that day noted that
@00:06:04 potus schedule twitter account noted
@00:19:46 on twitter and i have friends i believe

deleted Qanon July 19, 2019 - Q Baby

@00:03:02 twitter thread which i forgot to post at
@00:03:04 the top of the twitter thread but people
@00:03:23 alright so the crimson jet on twitter
@00:05:20 who uses a twitter handle q and on baby
@00:06:39 twitter before and he sent me some
@00:06:42 minute he posted this on twitter q said
@00:08:14 twitter and he said okay q fam i met
@00:12:54 twitter good medicine for us posted a
@00:17:03 quite a party you're not on twitter

deleted Qanon July 15, 2019 - The Hunters Become the Hunted

@00:01:19 that's on my twitter thread it'll take

deleted Qanon July 13, 2019 - Learn Our Comms [Wheels Up]

@00:01:13 if you need that it's on my twitter page
@00:06:04 twitter account said the air strike was
@00:10:27 directly to twitter and i take the
@00:11:03 bored and be sure you go to twitter and
@00:12:08 confirmed go on twitter p on capital p
@00:12:20 president's twitter account we're going
@00:12:22 to say that that is go twitter
@00:12:37 the interpretation confirmed go twitter
@00:14:21 to just go to the president's twitter
@00:15:15 president twitter account go find it
@00:18:35 twitter account reported this
@00:19:34 year a twitter account sieve mill air
@00:22:28 something of a scandal on twitter
@00:25:58 of the people on twitter pointed this
@00:31:23 twitter but james woods was very
@00:47:45 on my twitter thread you can just look

deleted Qanon July 11, 2019 - Welcome to the Real World

@00:03:43 twitter account tweeted out one of those

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:20:01 right on the right we have a twitter
@00:20:06 part of a twitter thread from arrests

deleted Jeffrey Epstein Arrest Update July 8, 2019

@00:08:31 somebody on twitter about 45 minutes ago
@00:18:37 nancy pelosi's daughter gets on twitter

deleted Qanon June 27, 2019 - Future Comms: On Ready

@00:11:20 today twitter announced it is taking
@00:11:31 twitter is going to label flag and hide
@00:12:01 not removing this account from twitter
@00:12:10 action twitter is going to leave them on

President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals

@00:08:27 missile testing and trump was on twitter
@00:21:47 was somebody messaged me on twitter last

Spiritual Warfare 101

@00:05:00 twitter i received a lot of these
@00:24:11 twitter

Supernatural Saturday June 8, 2019 - The Future of Healing

@00:39:52 been reading messages on twitter or

Where to Find my Videos if YouTube Bans my Channel

@00:03:08 all social media facebook twitter
@00:04:05 channel if twitter kicks me off and if i
@00:04:47 facebook twitter youtube and vimeo
@00:06:29 totally removed from facebook twitter

That Time I Met God the Father

@00:00:17 you're following my twitter feed anyway
@00:01:11 lionel lionel media is in my twitter
@00:01:18 showing up on my twitter feed so he
@00:01:21 asked a question on twitter like
@00:01:59 and one person who follows me on twitter
@00:11:24 twitter think of you does it matter what

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:35:10 so president trump last night on twitter
@00:36:05 twitter he just tweets out oh you know

deleted Spygate Update May 16 2019

@00:25:05 on twitter ken does some really good
@00:25:33 night's podcast out on twitter ken white
@00:25:36 follow him on twitter check out his

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:02:40 he is at the markets work on twitter
@00:02:51 good people on twitter who do these
@00:03:38 twitter if you have a twitter account
@00:03:39 check who you're following on twitter i
@00:03:45 twitter like that boom yesterday i had
@00:04:00 if twitter is purging accounts or what
@00:04:11 it by twitter just something to you know
@00:11:03 so when you see people on twitter and on
@00:21:48 twitter when dana bente was a took over
@00:31:22 here on twitter that are reporting the
@00:38:07 i'll continue posting them on twitter
@00:38:11 there are other people on twitter who
@00:38:31 twitter i try to retweet those people

Supernatural Saturday May 11 2019 - Recording the Testimony

@00:17:14 spoke on twitter last night jesse is a

A Strategy For Healing Cancer

@00:01:22 twitter yesterday about this guy who got
@00:23:43 lots of prayer requests and on twitter

deleted Qanon April 28, 2019 - Truth, Transparency and Equal Justice

@00:03:05 on twitter pandey q-tip household name
@00:14:21 of the people on youtube and twitter who

deleted Qanon April 26, 2019 - I Spy

@00:02:17 hopped on twitter and i found some

Supernatural Saturday April 13 - Fasting

@00:02:11 social media twitter accused
@00:31:32 will show you i put this up on twitter
@00:35:15 i don't think kazuko is on twitter i
@00:43:04 video i put out on twitter boom deanna
@00:43:06 tweets it out on twitter deanna you are
@00:43:41 thought and i'll put it out on twitter
@00:44:12 put out on twitter
@00:45:01 speaking especially on twitter if i'm

deleted Qanon April 11, 2019 - Panic

@00:06:19 twitter yesterday it was obvious a lot
@00:09:48 guy that i follow on twitter he's
@00:13:41 and a lot of people were on twitter this
@00:15:02 look you may have your twitter account
@00:15:52 twitter account tweeted this out when
@00:19:39 account on twitter kind of did this digg

deleted Qanon March 29, 2019 - Loop Capital

@00:00:15 posts on twitter this is the first of
@00:15:37 link to his twitter status luke capitol
@00:17:23 can come to my timeline on twitter or go

deleted Qanon March 22 2019 - Who Is Rachel Chandler?

@00:05:05 why was potus twitter taken down days
@00:05:16 is this relevant twitter las vegas
@00:17:12 tweet on twitter or post on facebook to

deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

@00:00:07 20th you take a 12 hours off of twitter
@00:00:15 on twitter
@00:00:55 mistaken account on twitter called vb
@00:04:18 account that i follow on twitter who
@00:08:31 q wrote jack jack dorsey ceo of twitter
@00:12:20 filing a lawsuit against twitter and a
@00:12:58 twitter all right how did kim know
@00:13:04 twitter i don't know all right anthony
@00:13:37 twitter said they're responding to law
@00:17:59 going after twitter first because they
@00:18:07 devin nunez says that twitter allows a
@00:18:18 twitter wants to be in the public square
@00:19:34 starting with twitter well the thing is
@00:20:04 that i'm starting with twitter in these
@00:27:48 on twitter posted a video of the school

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:00:10 that began on twitter on march 13th
@00:17:02 stein's on twitter majority of the time
@00:17:04 on top of potus twitter feed how is that
@00:17:09 coordination between scholes and twitter
@00:28:06 posts just come to my twitter feed and
@00:30:47 twitter i wish you would stop posting

deleted Qanon March 14, 2019 - Stay in the Light

@00:00:08 cue broadcast that began with a twitter
@00:08:20 account cat on twitter actually we hate
@00:10:10 twitter for that very reason
@00:18:59 twitter some very suspicious things have
@00:19:49 his twitter you know timeline and said
@00:20:06 that morning nate posted this on twitter

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:03:01 produce is twitter battering if sessions
@00:04:51 i've been following huber on twitter for
@00:13:26 the daily beast twitter status and of
@00:17:24 twitter etc linked to an article about
@00:18:08 when they find out that facebook twitter
@00:26:43 through instagram facebook and twitter
@00:28:15 monitors us through facebook and twitter
@00:39:53 twitter communications between martin
@00:40:04 this on twitter so the twitter
@00:40:19 twitter with kaspersky the fbi requested
@00:40:40 home was prompted by some twitter
@00:40:46 tools twitter messages are posted
@00:46:23 snowden openly attacked gina on twitter

deleted Qanon March 6, 2019 - Those Awake Can See Clearly

@00:17:39 on twitter posted a video with jerry
@00:20:05 on march 5th yesterday nsa twitter
@00:22:00 twitter status could catch patriot a
@00:23:32 happening a lot of people on twitter use
@00:24:44 i post things on twitter also if you

deleted Qanon March 2, 2019 - The Countdown Continues

@00:01:10 on february 22nd q said this twitter has
@00:01:30 names of 200 conservatives on twitter
@00:01:39 twitter on the same day q posted this

deleted Qanon February 27, 2019 - We Are at War

@00:09:50 this is a photo from his twitter page

deleted Qanon February 24 2019 - [LL] Returning to the Headlines

@00:00:42 on twitter and the video i have been
@00:02:16 twitter statuses and wrote what happened
@00:07:04 shirt and q posted a link to his twitter
@00:09:17 so vox dog on twitter created this meme
@00:17:37 a conservative twitter accounts that are
@00:18:29 literally targets pro potus q twitter
@00:18:39 twitter has already begun to remove
@00:18:59 it's very long and it has 200 twitter
@00:19:34 already been banned from twitter for
@00:20:05 coordinated effort by twitter to they're
@00:20:16 acted and twitter is gonna make the
@00:21:17 i wasn't able to post on twitter and
@00:24:50 from twitter says nothing to see here

deleted Qanon February 21, 2019 - A Traitors Justice

@00:20:34 someone on twitter named lisa tweeted
@00:21:16 and q reposted that twitter status and
@00:22:36 on twitter last couple of days so here's

deleted Qanon February 15, 2019 - Night Crawl Active

@00:16:28 jack jack dorsey they ceo of twitter
@00:22:42 on twitter named seven flamingos noticed

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:00:08 my twitter thread it began on saturday
@00:02:33 i covered in the twitter thread but i
@00:13:17 is watching us on twitter q is watching
@00:13:32 people post on twitter especially and
@00:13:36 that someone brought up on twitter so q
@00:13:58 russian bond accounts on twitter a few
@00:14:04 twitter and the article says that one of

Supernatural Saturday - Keeping Your Healing

@00:01:32 media youtube twitter periscope facebook

deleted Qanon February 1, 2019 - Planned Parenthood Panics

@00:07:56 is making the way on twitter so you'll
@00:09:21 latest twitter background image a lot of
@00:09:24 us follow general flynn's twitter

Praying Medic News Update January 28

@00:01:48 i've been trying to be on twitter to
@00:01:52 been on twitter much i haven't been on
@00:07:17 doing youtube videos i wasn't on twitter
@00:31:11 burr on twitter he's got on a tweet in
@00:38:07 strategic follow the president's twitter

News Update January 15, 2019

@00:05:09 already people on twitter that are
@00:09:17 my twitter timeline i'll put it in the

Praying Medic News Update January 13, 2019

@00:02:47 twitter screen this is an article from
@00:32:10 morning i saw on twitter an admiral
@00:33:17 on twitter of a woman who was in that
@00:34:11 twitter and just put in look for his
@00:34:39 well known videos so he's on twitter you

Supernatural Saturday Jan 11 2019

@00:29:48 this morning on twitter we said hey i

deleted Qanon January 11, 2019 - Boom Friday

@00:00:32 twitter thought it would be funny to
@00:00:39 this thread on my twitter page just
@00:07:03 my twitter threads in the past unlike a
@00:07:28 posted this the other night on twitter

January 10 2019 News Update

@00:12:54 trolling jim acosta on twitter when

deleted LIVE Qanon January 7, 2019 - Follow the Watch

@00:17:27 twitter and wechat once in a while i
@00:17:30 twitter although i don't hang out with

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:14:35 the fbi twitter account announced that

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:02:23 twitter 0 delta exchanges fake news
@00:02:57 patriotic pepe was a twitter account in
@00:06:12 on twitter tony schaefer saw through
@00:08:57 twitter status and said those were the
@00:09:36 potus twitter account next tweet for one
@00:43:50 kind of my twitter timeline and find it

deleted Qanon September 30, 2018 - Welcome to the Police State

@00:00:29 on twitter i tried to do a thread with
@00:00:45 develop a way to create twitter threads
@00:03:18 posted this twitter has been given the
@00:03:32 san twitter i don't want to get kicked
@00:03:57 president's twitter account rogue
@00:04:05 president's twitter account went down
@00:06:26 twitter did chop this thread into
@00:08:45 twitter ban
@00:08:46 us or if twitter bans the president and
@00:10:19 rally the potus scheduled twitter
@00:12:55 this is on twitter instead of tweeting
@00:14:27 twitter and i paste that control-v it's

deleted Qanon November 8, 2018 - Mission Forward

@00:12:59 posted that on twitter q responded power
@00:15:14 this it's a link to a twitter status by

deleted Qanon November 6, 2018 - The Entire World is Watching

@00:03:21 q posted this the link to the twitter
@00:07:01 a link to a twitter status and the left
@00:07:33 twitter that's skippy podesta john
@00:07:58 tweet from my last twitter thread and q
@00:09:33 publicly about this on twitter he's been
@00:10:36 twitter he's going public with his story
@00:18:34 to the justice department twitter status
@00:19:12 twitter status by stacey - and this is

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:05:21 posted this a twitter status what a
@00:33:02 a twitter thread just on the information
@00:41:47 friend q and on baby on twitter was able
@00:41:55 me a message on twitter and said hey i'm
@00:43:51 twitter status by def con alerts and

deleted Qanon October 9, 2018 - Boom Week

@00:15:38 twitter
@00:15:58 involving twitter from techcrunch
@00:16:01 twitter says a bug may have exposed some

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:03:32 videos and podcasts are based on twitter
@00:03:42 twitter threads they're aggregated on
@00:03:56 twitter threads on all the past ones you
@00:04:44 to my twitter threads if you put in your
@00:04:52 thread so if you are on twitter and you
@00:09:39 parts there is a link to a twitter
@00:17:27 and november 1 and the use of a twitter
@00:35:29 q posted a link to a twitter status with
@00:39:33 news twitter personalities are out in
@00:40:05 trolls and shields on twitter i do not
@00:40:46 checkmark twitter shills etc the great

deleted Qanon December 4, 2018 - The First Leak From the Huber Investigation

@00:10:53 the accounts on twitter milspec
@00:27:00 the advantages of going to my twitter
@00:27:11 twitter one of the people who posts cue
@00:27:30 my twitter page you can look for it or
@00:31:14 twitter and help get his message up
@00:33:44 he posted this on twitter yesterday
@00:34:14 follow on twitter his name is jeff
@00:37:09 misspelling has twitter users wondering

deleted Qanon October 30, 2018 - The Picture Will be the Signifier

@00:00:36 who uses a twitter handle q and on baby
@00:03:30 with this this is a link to his twitter
@00:04:08 on twitter and he was initially a little
@00:04:29 thing he posted us on twitter yesterday
@00:08:35 twitter big things coming folks q + this

Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

@00:09:31 break i've continued to do twitter
@00:09:39 wanted to do a twitter thread on china
@00:09:51 doing twitter threads i would continue
@00:10:03 videos and not doing any twitter threads
@00:10:33 doing twitter threads and research it's
@00:11:26 twitter threads and getting information
@00:11:31 do the editing and i do another twitter
@00:18:42 on twitter and on a video that i can't
@00:19:36 twitter threads and i think the book is
@00:30:25 don't shut me down on twitter because i
@00:30:29 twitter and then doing the videos off of
@00:30:36 kicked off of twitter and facebook i am
@00:43:53 twitter larry lives here in arizona not
@00:49:03 sc h wo ika rt he's on twitter you can
@00:49:12 twitter really good guy to follow as far

deleted Qanon September 23, 2018 - The Sky is Falling

@00:19:40 comm has been flagged by twitter and you
@00:19:52 twitter and i've never had a problem
@00:19:58 link to q and on post comm and twitter
@00:20:50 you can post on twitter

deleted Qanon September 22, 2018 - Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

@00:00:58 into the archives on twitter so q said
@00:09:05 twitter who went to the rally said the
@00:16:06 twitter thread you can also find it on

deleted Qanon September 18, 2018 - I See Q People

@00:00:51 twitter status and then take it off that
@00:14:19 twitter is a picture of a couple of
@00:20:22 this regarding facebook and twitter and
@00:20:32 facebook and twitter and youtube and
@00:21:12 posted a link to a twitter status and
@00:27:23 twitter status and said where we go one
@00:33:19 noticing on twitter panic in dc swell

deleted Qanon September 12, 2018 - We Will Never Forget

@00:04:10 me about an account on twitter that they
@00:04:13 believe is q posting on twitter cute is
@00:04:16 not post on twitter q does not post on
@00:11:32 it's a link to a twitter status that's
@00:12:00 on twitter and i believe yesterday the
@00:12:06 this is his current banner on twitter

deleted Qanon September 11, 2018 - Activate Sleeper Cells

@00:03:21 and jack dorsey and twitter this was the
@00:03:28 dorsey would say twitter denies the
@00:03:42 is to a news article just in twitter ceo
@00:03:48 testimony to congress twitter does not
@00:07:08 other names when he was on twitter he
@00:28:48 from twitter and it's kind of
@00:29:03 and kicked him off of twitter

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:14:29 a link to a twitter status to little
@00:14:32 about google twitter and facebook
@00:14:51 twitter if you look at what's going on
@00:15:06 that google and twitter and facebook
@00:15:37 regulated twitter facebook youtube these
@00:22:15 link to it twitter status update by a
@00:28:22 twitter stock allah lead is also a major

Thanks For Your Patience... New Videos on the Way

@00:01:00 twitter that'll be three different
@00:02:20 thread on twitter on that subject today
@00:03:59 twitter and started posting at 2:30 in
@00:12:06 censorship on twitter people who've been
@00:12:08 following me on twitter for years can't
@00:12:10 find mike mike my twitter threads that
@00:12:19 and jack dorsey facebook and twitter
@00:24:41 currently working on the twitter threads
@00:25:46 twitter thread this afternoon and then

deleted Qanon August 30, 2018 - Witch Hunt: No Deals

@00:25:29 flynn changed his twitter background a
@00:25:31 few days ago and that is this twitter
@00:47:09 tracking on my next twitter thread

deleted Qanon August 18, 2018 - Nothing to See Here

@00:25:30 closed up shop and twitter broke my

deleted All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6)

@00:01:38 friends who are following behind twitter
@00:02:19 other people who are on twitter and
@00:23:20 there well the fbi vault a twitter
@00:30:30 facebook and twitter downfalls is there
@00:31:34 make those types of moves twitter and
@00:32:04 banning obviously on twitter is is
@00:32:08 following me on twitter for a long time
@00:32:19 you post i have to go to your twitter
@00:33:33 have i people on twitter who has to reef
@00:33:36 ollow me on twitter four or five times a
@00:33:40 because twitter keeps on disconnecting
@00:33:44 multiple people on twitter who have to
@00:33:48 refile because twitter is disconnecting
@00:34:36 this funny business with twitter and
@00:42:11 twitter he said he was in communication

deleted Qanon August 13, 2018 - Sometimes the Truth is Right in Front of You

@00:08:33 facebook and twitter gain a near
@00:09:54 lawsuit over twitter the second article
@00:28:34 or you can go on my twitter timeline and
@00:28:47 twitter status and we'll look at that
@00:28:49 that is this one hey satan's on twitter
@00:29:14 q posted this in response the twitter
@00:30:51 thread and the other one is to a twitter

deleted Qanon August 8, 2018 - They All Claim to be Insiders

@00:01:29 president's twitter feed here you have a
@00:02:43 to name names if you've been on twitter
@00:04:45 twitter
@00:07:43 the chan's and all the people on twitter
@00:11:00 whether it's on periscope or a twitter
@00:11:16 that every single day on twitter the
@00:12:21 interested in that you can go on twitter
@00:12:22 and look on the the twitter thread
@00:14:58 so that people on twitter can actually
@00:21:10 door for twitter facebook google etc to
@00:23:21 only one troll on twitter that's better
@00:24:00 twitter who
@00:24:09 she did a thread on twitter somebody

deleted Qanon August 3, 2018 - Trump Attack Foiled

@00:02:25 use twitter so i want to reach as many
@00:08:47 account on twitter it's not a verified
@00:08:58 twitter account it seems to be another
@00:10:41 a twitter status from kate mezack eddie
@00:11:09 is a link to a twitter article and over
@00:16:38 war economy on twitter or economy did a
@00:17:07 economies thread on twitter if anyone is
@00:21:26 twitter account she is tracking the
@00:22:03 trump jumps on twitter and starts

deleted Qanon August 2, 2018 - Full Force Attack by the Media

@00:03:32 the thread that i do tonight on twitter
@00:07:43 twitter is if you're a troll i am going
@00:12:34 here at the bottom twitter today
@00:12:43 twitter told by the mainstream media to
@00:27:44 to a twitter status and the image from
@00:44:43 presidents twitter comments liberal
@00:45:16 twitter bot attack twitter controls and
@00:45:20 directs fake accounts facebook twitter
@00:46:48 to this the potus schedule twitter

deleted Qanon July 31, 2018 - FISA is the Foundation

@00:24:34 here and on the twitter timeline and
@00:38:10 twitter account to publicize them or

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:00:32 video and for the twitter threat i am a
@00:25:12 twitter and the tweets it's all theater
@00:48:19 wikileaks via their twitter account so
@00:49:25 twitter accounts cia attacks the
@00:49:41 channel into trump's twitter to

deleted Qanon July 20, 2018 - John and Tony Podesta

@00:17:56 twitter i the spy back channel 17 some
@00:21:22 twitter who were supporting trump we
@00:22:02 twitter since i think december of last

deleted Q Anon July 15 - Imperator Rex's Thoughts

@00:00:22 twitter named imperator rex
@00:00:24 i've been following rex on twitter for
@00:00:36 influential person on twitter among
@00:00:39 people who do political twitter threads
@00:00:54 threads on twitter and really none of
@00:05:30 channels breck says i think twitter fox
@00:12:14 chance on twitter on youtube minds etc
@00:14:12 think a twitter buddy asked me who i
@00:16:29 operative so that is twitter q and fox
@00:22:01 twitter
@00:22:19 influential person on twitter if he is
@00:22:24 thread makers on twitter that q is legit

deleted Qanon July 11, 2018 - General Mike Flynn

@00:00:10 did yesterday on twitter about general
@00:02:37 flynn does follow me on twitter

deleted Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats

@00:00:16 threads on twitter he asked me if i
@00:00:49 twitter
@00:14:41 this message from a follower on twitter
@00:14:57 trump's twitter again came across people
@00:15:17 browsing your videos and twitter feed
@00:15:58 i am following him on twitter and i did

deleted July 4, 2018 - Qanon's School of Law

@00:00:29 thread on twitter is intended to spur
@00:01:17 twitter thread i always do and if you're
@00:01:24 coming to my twitter thread clicking on
@00:07:21 doing anything he goes on twitter
@00:36:59 i actually caught been on twitter he he
@00:44:20 and there's a lot of chatter on twitter

deleted Qanon July 1, 2018 - Conspiracy No More

@00:04:59 other night on twitter for some reason
@00:05:01 i'm being bombarded on twitter with
@00:10:34 the potus scheduled account on twitter
@00:13:35 people on youtube and twitter so we are
@00:17:01 twitter and youtube so that's what i do

deleted Qanon June 29, 2018 - Power to the People

@00:13:32 twitter and zuckerberg and facebook have
@00:17:25 sure if you go on twitter you can find a
@00:22:13 had a therapist this is from his twitter
@00:22:51 twitter timeline since it's already been
@00:23:01 this guy's twitter timeline before they
@00:24:49 screenshot from his twitter page all

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:37:12 we've been linked together on on twitter
@00:39:33 threads on twitter i post links to

deleted Qanon June 28, 2018 - We Stand at the Ready

@00:14:47 on twitter last night and we're
@00:16:29 somebody sent me a message on twitter
@00:35:57 twitter and on the chance that had been

deleted Q For Beginners Part 2 - How to Find Q posts

@00:01:18 twitter and we'll reference a number to

deleted Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q?

@00:02:51 post them on twitter i will include

deleted Daniel, Boogie & I Discuss the Border, the Space Force & Q Anon

@00:05:16 argue on twitter for two weeks about the
@00:13:19 thank you buddy for hijacking my twitter
@00:13:31 changed my twitter background two nights
@00:17:09 team is following my twitter timeline
@00:17:15 my twitter threads and then q will
@00:17:25 that q is following my twitter threads
@00:34:02 lisa made crowley on twitter i do okay
@00:34:08 like me who's does twitter threads iq
@00:40:32 twitter put it out on youtube to kind of
@00:41:22 him on twitter for a while we follow
@00:44:18 eric trump's twitter timeline he posts
@00:45:20 from the white house twitter account on
@00:45:37 twitter account and trump retweeted that
@00:45:56 somebody sent me a message on twitter

deleted Qanon June 21, 2018 - We Stand, We Fight Together

@00:02:14 what i call a vip and there is a twitter
@00:02:26 twitter president trump and this was
@00:04:55 posted this boom here is a twitter

deleted Qanon June 20, 2018 - Where We Go One We Go All

@00:00:38 iphone underscore twitter underscore wh
@00:01:12 twitter shot in the oval office and next
@00:06:20 do you see facebook twitter and google
@00:08:36 twitter timeline q just posted this a

deleted Q Anon June 15 - The DOJ IG Report

@00:00:44 here on my twitter page i've looked at
@00:24:08 rising serpent does a lot of twitter
@00:24:42 economy does some really good twitter
@00:27:51 twitter
@00:27:57 twitter banners as an unspoken signal to
@00:28:17 he switched out his twitter banner to
@00:28:21 posted on twitter at all this year i
@00:28:44 another friend of mine does twitter
@00:30:22 does some of the best threads on twitter
@00:33:45 i'm following this account on twitter
@00:33:51 general twitter account and i do

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:00:21 about somebody on twitter putting out
@00:19:57 on twitter from people saying oh what
@00:21:40 thread on twitter that i would do a
@00:25:19 videos my q videos on twitter okay

G7 Summit Update - POTUS, Russia and Iran

@00:03:49 lawsuit as defendants twitter has
@00:15:15 article i put that up on my twitter line
@00:18:22 susan rice jumped on twitter and started

deleted Q Anon - POTUS Sends a Signal to Debbie Wasserman Schultz

@00:00:16 interesting on twitter this morning i
@00:01:31 been on twitter this morning trying to
@00:05:03 twitter so be encouraged patriots keep

deleted Q Anon - God Makes Everything Beautiful in Its Own Time

@00:10:00 it on my timeline on twitter and what

deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - Follow the Pen

@00:10:34 twitter timeline it's i think it just
@00:15:39 link to jim jordans twitter status and
@00:18:14 old twitter status from donald trump
@00:18:36 twitter sent me links to a couple of

deleted Qano May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter

@00:02:09 of the peace talks twitter news however
@00:04:49 twitter and another on responded with
@00:05:44 breitbart article or twitter really
@00:06:25 twitter and facebook were denying that
@00:08:50 twitter a little trade off the exchange
@00:09:36 twitter updates they'll do one of two or
@00:11:37 to match and there's a link to a twitter
@00:16:36 out there's a link here on my twitter
@00:16:52 twitter thread you can come here and
@00:31:34 things on twitter and going oh is this
@00:34:03 twitter and on cnn talking about why
@00:34:18 twitter but now that it's been exposed

deleted Qanon May 14, 2018 - All for a LARP?

@00:01:56 out you can go to my twitter page and
@00:11:23 follow a lot of people on twitter who

deleted Qanon May 13, 2018 - Now Comes The Pain

@00:00:17 following me on twitter for saying that
@00:12:56 channel 17 when he first came on twitter
@00:13:33 q is not on twitter he was not on reddit
@00:19:50 out on twitter i really appreciate you
@00:20:13 deal done there is a twitter to that
@00:23:58 concern trolls on twitter and i'm
@00:25:38 blocked people on twitter who kept on
@00:38:08 outburst on twitter are destabilizing

deleted Qanon May 11, 2018 - Black Hats & White Hats

@00:00:15 thread on twitter last night cue kept on
@00:11:23 it's just a link to a twitter status and
@00:11:27 here is the twitter status that is a low
@00:15:01 they all got on twitter or last couple
@00:31:26 that you see on twitter and in the media
@00:44:16 anywhere else not on twitter not on

deleted Qanon May 5, 2018 - Justice Has Come

@00:06:01 stuff off my twitter thank you q i am
@00:19:38 bigwigs and twitter and facebook people

deleted Qanon May 4, 2018 - Patriots Fight

@00:04:57 twitter ever since i started doing q and
@00:06:47 to videos and on twitter and email all
@00:20:45 messaged me on twitter and said yeah

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:07:11 their twitter accounts one of the
@00:11:10 twitter and in the second dream this is
@00:13:47 expand this thread but actually twitter
@00:24:15 even though trump is on twitter and in

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:07:10 accounts their twitter accounts one of
@00:11:10 twitter and in the second dream this is
@00:13:47 expand this thread but actually twitter
@00:24:16 though trump is on twitter and in the

deleted Qanon April 26, 2018 - What Would Happen If?

@00:04:02 do you see facebook twitter and google
@00:05:25 twitter about thinking for yourself he's
@00:13:11 hammered twitter for days with release

deleted Qanon April 25, 2018 - Iran Next

@00:29:29 twitter timeline on my thread if you're

deleted Qanon Update April 22, 2018 - Learn Our Comms

@00:12:45 lot of confusion on twitter when this
@00:25:20 twitter accounts are not fake but they
@00:25:21 all have secondary twitter accounts and
@00:25:24 forth through their unofficial twitter
@00:25:37 said think public and private twitter
@00:26:27 private twitter accounts and private
@00:27:48 the twitter was going berserk trying to
@00:35:57 a twitter account and he said this is a
@00:49:00 twitter thing about his page and james

deleted Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real

@00:07:23 twitter account back channel 17 which
@00:07:55 q team there are a lot of twitter
@00:09:17 twitter account that claims to be doing

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:00:12 thread on twitter yesterday and i didn't

deleted Qanon April 15, 2018 - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting

@00:01:20 twitter timeline and see the rest of him

deleted Qanon April 14, 2018 - Sparrow Red

@00:01:38 twitter zuckerberg and facebook and
@00:06:03 twitter down injection good q i do not
@00:06:11 anything that's bad for jack and twitter
@00:21:32 youtube videos they're on my twitter

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:00:30 much as i could on twitter and building
@00:19:58 you posted this twitter clowns operation
@00:20:26 its influence on twitter there is this
@00:21:16 twitter is scared you posted this mz2
@00:37:02 twitter thread that i'm doing right now
@00:37:10 on twitter and all the links are broken
@00:37:32 twitter is after me now and then i went
@00:45:35 twitter q posted the link to the article
@00:47:30 facebook kill twitter kill yahoo kill

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:06:08 twitter coming soon google coming soon
@00:09:08 the iceberg google twitter microsoft
@00:22:27 means worldwide google amazon twitter
@00:25:23 amazon or twitter who organized it i'm
@00:26:06 just get rid of facebook and twitter or

Trump Expels Diplomats To Leverage Peace Talks With Russia

@00:06:00 so as you're on twitter and as your own

Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE

@00:06:49 twitter and square as well as spacex and
@00:08:37 twitter and facebook algorithms you need
@00:13:29 used the hashtag q and on on twitter
@00:37:35 yes um midnight ride 20 on twitter has
@00:42:15 twitter i'm on gab i don't post a whole
@00:43:00 us is that facebook and twitter and
@00:50:22 i mean i'd follow him on twitter but he

deleted Qanon March 24, 2018 - Enjoy the Show

@00:04:35 have provide capital for twitter and
@00:06:24 twitter and facebook algorithms you need
@00:11:17 used the hashtag q and on on twitter

deleted Qanon March 22, 2018 - Trust The Plan

@00:00:04 baby out on twitter
@00:00:38 timeline on twitter and somebody when i
@00:10:25 and twitter are troubled and hugh said
@00:11:44 twitter to social media one of the anons
@00:20:23 twitter this morning that teresa may is
@00:22:48 posts on twitter there are some there's
@00:23:22 channels fake q posts on twitter so you
@00:25:55 twitter was putting out information on
@00:26:15 twitter
@00:33:26 trust what you're seeing on twitter or

deleted Qanon March 20, 2018 - Bring the Rain

@00:01:05 on twitter someone had found this pdf
@00:06:24 great and twitter marked the tweet with
@00:07:08 twitter i'm trying to bind my p's and
@00:18:52 deih and hillary twitter bots arrow sign
@00:23:23 about look you said twitter bots google
@00:24:06 twitter these bots are slightly
@00:24:37 twitter conversations and they push a
@00:25:19 knock you guys from twitter we accused
@00:25:48 we're fabricating twitter users and

Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer

@00:03:48 on twitter someone had found this pdf
@00:09:07 and twitter marked the tweet with a
@00:09:50 twitter i'm trying to find my p's and
@00:21:36 hillary twitter bots arrow sign google
@00:26:06 about look you said twitter bots google
@00:26:46 team and i created ai bots for twitter
@00:27:18 were created they go into twitter
@00:28:02 knock you guys from twitter we accused
@00:28:31 we're fabricating twitter users and
@00:37:38 twitter didn't post it publicly it's out
@00:41:13 on he's on twitter i'm not sure if he's
@00:41:54 social media youtube twitter some on
@00:44:55 addresses the world through twitter but
@00:45:00 there are people who are not on twitter
@00:45:23 into fox or maybe not even be on twitter
@00:46:56 reason i got on twitter and periscope

deleted Qanon March 12, 2018 - No Deals

@00:12:19 so i retweeted this on twitter this
@00:12:49 snowden 24 twitter a slash b or c we can
@00:13:55 on twitter will soon be able to apply
@00:14:07 san francisco headquarters twitter
@00:14:25 the twitter verification portal is shut
@00:14:29 down i've been applying for a twitter
@00:14:39 information to be verified by twitter
@00:14:47 twitter verification for the last couple
@00:16:03 a code that illegally snooped on twitter
@00:16:12 forcing jack and twitter to accept them
@00:21:07 named twitter stock as one of the five
@00:21:33 a form of backdoor access to twitter and
@00:29:04 cube posted again snowden twitter our ec
@00:29:21 than it's about snowden and twitter
@00:29:38 responds to an anon who asked if twitter
@00:39:51 snowden tweets after the 24 twitter
@00:45:39 it's on my twitter timeline if you go to

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:06:13 just youtube it's facebook it's twitter
@00:06:16 there has been a lot going on on twitter
@00:06:33 is an article jack dorsey ceo of twitter
@00:07:21 twitter thread that jack dorsey did this
@00:07:29 committing twitter to help increase the
@00:07:54 twitter timeline this is the entire
@00:10:59 twitter by chuck johnson so i guess the
@00:16:48 twitter noon in korea they have really
@00:18:41 again you can come to my twitter page
@00:18:46 closers twitter page this is the pinned
@00:22:03 google slash youtube facebook twitter
@00:24:10 google youtube twitter and facebook deep

deleted March 1 News Update - The Truth About Trump and Sessions

@00:04:20 twitter and tweets about the department

deleted Qanon February 26, 2018 - Question Everything

@00:24:33 jack dorsey and twitter and rumors of
@00:24:34 twitter being sold they don't want us
@00:24:40 twitter that jack dorsey is trying to

deleted Qanon February 21, 2018 - For God and Country

@00:18:34 jack dorsey of twitter project deep
@00:34:08 i tried to log onto twitter last night i
@00:34:50 starting coming back on so the twitter
@00:39:35 twitter and he's not being real smart by

deleted Qanon Feb 17, 2018 - Spread the Message Far and Wide

@00:11:29 this is on my twitter page and you can
@00:28:44 again if you want to come to my twitter
@00:29:01 twitter posts and it aggregates them
@00:29:17 app on twitter is actually really good
@00:29:23 facebook and twitter for people who want
@00:43:22 right narrative flowing on twitter and

Feb 14 News Update & Church Dropout Discussion

@00:01:15 real quick on twitter and turn off the
@00:01:32 see okay shared out on twitter and i say
@00:10:30 i'm gonna scroll my twitter timeline
@00:10:44 this on my twitter timeline i woke up
@00:21:33 twitter but at no one's thinking about
@00:32:39 outside my twitter timeline or you can
@00:45:33 continually changed his twitter accounts

deleted Qanon February 8, 2018 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters

@00:23:24 twitter says the entire image of the
@00:33:47 twitter and you're interested in this

The Overlooked Problem With FISA Title 1 Surveillance

@00:04:36 was rattling my cage on twitter this

deleted February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer

@00:07:47 thread on twitter my theme was shifting
@00:11:07 twitter saying that rosenstein needs to
@00:28:20 on twitter what is adam schiff doing now
@00:43:54 twitter actually on periscope i think
@00:49:16 to hashtag anything on twitter hashtag

deleted Qanon February 3, 2018 - Freedom Day

@00:00:28 twitter my theme was shifting the
@00:03:46 people who were on twitter saying that
@00:21:01 on twitter what is adam schiff doing now

deleted January 31, 2018 News: Trey Gowdy, General Flynn and the Nunes Memo

@00:01:13 for your prayers that's on my twitter
@00:24:34 on twitter they're all coming to the
@00:27:21 and with sundance on twitter redirect

deleted Jan 30, 2018 News Update

@00:02:06 pundit on twitter he's got a ton of
@00:03:18 news max i put it on my twitter page so
@00:04:20 is is on twitter comey is on twitter
@00:04:46 twitter and i'm just seeing all these
@00:04:53 it's just john brennan on twitter hang
@00:05:13 with two ends his his brennan's twitter
@00:05:19 account popped up on twitter december
@00:05:29 tweeting on twitter i just found that
@00:09:59 twitter timeline the judge in the case
@00:14:26 my twitter feed and i did it just
@00:14:32 this in my twitter feed so wikileaks not

deleted Qanon January 29, 2018 - An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System

@00:07:29 link to it on my twitter page if you go
@00:07:31 to my twitter timeline and look for this
@00:09:50 again on my twitter timeline if you want
@00:09:54 julian assange s twitter account he
@00:12:12 that sean hannity's twitter page was
@00:12:21 twitter page was taken down for several
@00:12:54 twitter that is the takedown of
@00:12:57 hannity's twitter account so one of the
@00:13:35 on it twitter submitted to the good guys
@00:13:44 that night although twitter helped her
@00:13:48 her twitter feed when she got back in so
@00:26:17 think about that twitter percent owned
@00:27:15 other anons he owns 30% of twitter i see

deleted Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking

@00:01:27 discussion of sean hannity's twitter
@00:01:49 head of his twitter account q is talking
@00:04:47 tonight my twitter timeline if that's
@00:05:54 twitter researcher and that's on my
@00:05:55 twitter time if i'm going to go there
@00:06:13 twitter timeline and check out galactic
@00:16:59 follow at cnn on twitter or washington

deleted Qanon January 25, 2018 - Did the FBI Plot to Harm the President?

@00:14:57 on twitter it only allows you to do 25

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:03:20 twitter he's a reporter who follows
@00:04:39 twitter now for the last three days
@00:05:26 thread on twitter as i did with the last
@00:06:50 twitter on friday released the memo
@00:07:01 it was an all-out battle on twitter in
@00:07:59 this on twitter that they're going to
@00:09:18 outcry from people on twitter and even
@00:40:06 twitter on friday when the anyone who

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:00:08 and on i did this thread on twitter as i
@00:01:33 twitter on friday released the memo
@00:01:45 it was an all-out battle on twitter the
@00:02:41 i just saw this on twitter that they're
@00:04:02 outcry from people on twitter and even
@00:34:49 twitter on friday when the anyone who

Q Anon January 18 - FISA 702 Scandal

@00:05:58 twitter page if you want to read more
@00:06:18 this is something i posted on twitter

January 16, 2018 News Update Trump the Stable Genius, North Korea Missile Alert

@00:14:56 of thread on twitter this morning and
@00:19:57 jamie lee curtis got on twitter and went

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:00:06 posted on twitter this weekend sunday
@00:05:11 twitter page so the uranium 1
@00:06:18 twitter people freaked out they thought
@00:12:12 i went to their twitter timelines
@00:15:42 has been posted on my twitter page
@00:23:49 somebody on social media on twitter it's
@00:25:29 like youtube and twitter message is
@00:35:34 in your on twitter the thread reader app

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:16:14 did a threat on twitter yesterday and if
@00:25:33 on twitter as at the last refuge to and
@00:25:53 twitter timeline and i could see two
@00:27:22 twitter it's this is this is a group
@00:33:28 there is a paypal link on my twitter

January 11, 2018 News - So Much Winning! FISA Update

@00:00:50 working on my first twitter thread on
@00:01:13 news story i just posted on my twitter
@00:06:25 on twitter you notice yesterday his
@00:06:28 twitter pick profile picture changed
@00:09:13 on twitter about fisa 702 all right so
@00:09:48 the at the last refuge to on twitter
@00:10:12 refuge on twitter you will get the best
@00:12:33 by louise bench famous twitter troll who
@00:26:02 soldier today on twitter just a part of
@00:44:21 that on my twitter timeline a lot of
@00:48:05 everyone on twitter is like oh trump's

January 8, 2018 Update - Trump, Bernie Sanders, Julian Assange

@00:13:24 twitter timeline if you want to check it
@00:17:55 twitter on cue and i'm just gonna give
@00:22:40 posted on twitter by julian assange on
@00:28:01 not on twitter so if you're following
@00:28:44 comment twitter fw suggests that twitter
@00:28:57 twitter in brackets kill underscore
@00:29:02 key information on the twitter account
@00:29:44 twitter on twitter a cryptic string of

A 2nd Special Counsel Will Be Appointed. Here's What They'll Investigate

@00:06:11 friend king bro lee travis on twitter he
@00:08:34 guy named trump soldier on twitter his
@00:08:54 threads on twitter as far as looking at
@00:19:50 use of a twitter account to publicize
@00:19:59 twitter account
@00:23:19 twitter timeline he has a link to the
@00:39:18 twitter timeline two days ago that came
@00:43:57 twitter and watch them when they do

January 6th Update - Mike Rogers - The Man Who Saved Our Nation

@00:01:22 little yeah sundance is on twitter just

Supernatural Saturday - Street Healing

@00:33:31 twitter you can go to my website praying

January 5, 2018 News Update - Noko, Iran, China, Trump & Sessions

@00:03:56 twitter i saw nicola nikki haley made a

January 4, 2018 Update - North Korea, Iran & Sessions Changes Marijuana Enforcement

@00:06:35 go to mike pence's twitter timeline

January 3, 2018 News Update - North Korea & Bannon - Trump Feud

@00:02:49 twitter and you don't follow this
@00:07:20 twitter there's it was reported to be a
@00:20:03 message on twitter about it he didn't
@00:21:07 twitter timeline an fbi an on post this
@00:21:32 twitter the fbi on is incredibly
@00:21:59 twitter timeline you can guys can go

Jan 2, 2018 News Update - North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Mueller Investigation, Trump Tweets

@00:03:27 on my timeline and on twitter it's not
@00:10:38 twitter we believe that the president is
@00:23:46 last refuge to on twitter it's at the
@00:23:50 last refuge - on twitter conservative

Jan 1 Update - Dreams about Global Crime Syndicate Take Down

@00:01:54 agencies that i follow on twitter and
@00:02:26 put out a survey on twitter
@00:03:16 survey last night on twitter and i asked
@00:06:11 on twitter named thomas winter victor
@00:07:04 follow tomas viktor on twitter he is
@00:33:14 went on twitter a couple months

December 31, 2017 Update - Iranian Protests, Q Anon Dream, Comey, Mueller & Gitmo

@00:16:48 twitter i always try to get two or three

deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

@00:09:23 twitter you're on a pretty equal level i
@00:09:36 gonna see other things twitter will
@00:11:33 twitter maybe look at going to youtube
@00:12:15 mostly active on twitter right now and
@00:29:03 and twitter trying to help people
@00:41:27 follow on twitter and periscope were
@00:46:27 gets up on twitter in the morning at 4
@00:47:25 posted this on twitter the greatest

December 27 2017 News Update - Trump's Executive Order

@00:10:10 bias does so one guy on twitter named
@00:40:19 cia got on twitter and started tweeting
@00:40:40 twitter tweeting against the president
@00:40:42 but john brennan showed up on twitter on
@00:40:55 that brennan just gets on twitter and
@00:42:32 briefings are there trump's twitter is

Dec 23 2017 - Will Andrew McCabe Be Indicted Before He Retires?

@00:01:04 twitter today after washington post
@00:02:06 schiff gets on twitter retweets the
@00:11:31 twitter sally yates susan rice
@00:11:34 they've all been jumping on twitter this

December 20 News Update - Tax Reform, FBI & DOJ Investigation

@00:07:41 on twitter and social media the sudden
@00:08:57 my twitter timeline where he talked a
@00:10:27 have that on my twitter timeline too
@00:12:49 chad program i follow him on twitter if
@00:13:00 congress follow chad program on twitter

Dec 19 News Update

@00:02:30 twitter who i follow who reports on all
@00:26:17 on twitter named stealth jeff his
@00:26:21 twitter handle is draw and strike it's
@00:26:32 lot of threads on twitter and he put

Dec 18 News Update - Amtrak derailment, Hezbollah scandal, Mueller investigation

@00:02:06 posted on my twitter timeline if you
@00:03:23 want to follow him on twitter he's
@00:06:42 my twitter timeline if you want to check
@00:08:03 thomas paine on twitter or true pundit
@00:11:27 hearing if you've been on twitter all
@00:13:13 twitter who are talking about going in
@00:22:20 twitter who are now trying to find dirt

December 16 Update - Confirmation of Our Theory on Congressional Hearings

@00:01:16 so if you're following my twitter
@00:01:27 and others on twitter are working on

Dec 14 News Update - White Hats in the OIG Have Been Helping Us All Along

@00:01:16 unconfirmed i just got on twitter and
@00:05:44 conservative tree house on twitter the
@00:07:53 my twitter timeline if you wanna go look

December 13 News Update - Did Adam Schiff Get Caught in An Intelligence Sting?

@00:04:11 night on my twitter timeline john
@00:15:37 twitter and this is a thread that asks
@00:16:14 has a thread on twitter about this and
@00:36:58 twitter timeline is on there all the

Will President Trump be Charged With Obstruction of Justice?

@00:00:22 twitter are starting to tweet about this
@00:04:15 my twitter timeline if you want to go

Mueller Investigation Update - The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

@00:00:36 twitter and i thought oh this is

Supernatural Saturday - The Word of Knowledge

@00:28:49 can send me a message on twitter or you

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About FISA Warrants

@00:02:04 refuge to on twitter a blogger who is a
@00:02:14 really good threads on twitter so we're
@00:07:06 sundance's thread on twitter and we're
@00:07:17 twitter was responding to a sean davis
@00:46:12 twitter can you go on these threads
@00:46:23 twitter they had these bots that will go
@00:46:38 is on my twitter timeline if you want to
@00:51:45 twitter i have if you're interested i

True Pundit Report on FBI Curruption

@00:03:54 on my twitter timeline it's pretty

December 7 News Update - Flynn and His Spies

@00:00:53 go down my twitter timeline and just
@00:09:24 twitter and screaming and hollering for
@00:09:37 on twitter and scream and holler that
@00:09:48 pressure from people on twitter anymore
@00:09:54 place and all the people on twitter or
@00:10:45 twitter about it i don't know what's
@00:42:29 great article i put it on my twitter

Supernatural Saturday - Healing 101

@00:08:25 private messages on facebook on twitter
@00:28:45 are open on twitter you can go to my
@00:29:28 connect with me on facebook and twitter

deleted Why I'm off Facebook and Twitter

@00:00:20 come you're not on twitter so let me
@00:00:21 explain why i'm not on twitter and
@00:03:59 written my twitter timeline is dark my

Are The White Hats Ready to Make Arrests?

@00:00:38 people if you've been on twitter you've
@00:07:20 dm on twitter tweet at me tag me in the

How God Makes His Plans Come to Pass

@00:19:42 connect with me on facebook and twitter

Supernatural Saturday - God's Presence

@00:43:08 twitter that'd be great if you are on
@00:44:01 with me on facebook and twitter thanks

Supernatural Saturday - Power for Miracles

@00:35:03 with me on facebook and twitter thanks

Supernatural Saturday - Faith for the Miraculous

@00:32:25 facebook and twitter thanks for dropping

October 6th Prophetic Update - Government Cleanup

@00:05:53 been on twitter and periscope and
@00:20:32 with me on facebook and twitter thanks

Dream Interpretation for a Hopeful Skeptic

@00:33:40 facebook and twitter thanks for dropping

Supernatural Mentoring - Dreams and Visions

@00:22:54 periscope on twitter we're listening to
@00:23:20 computer and i will be on twitter and
@00:24:00 dreams now about periscope and twitter
@00:24:10 twitter and so god is speaking to me
@00:24:13 about people on twitter and periscope

President Trump - A Dream of New Direction

@00:38:06 with me on facebook and twitter

North Korea - Fire and Fury Prophetic Update

@00:21:44 facebook and twitter thanks for dropping

Healthcare, Presidential Tweets and Investigations in the FBI & DOJ

@00:13:29 twitter it's a tweet from the president
@00:14:31 advice not to use his twitter not to
@00:14:54 advice about toning down his twitter not
@00:25:47 just saw this on twitter this morning
@00:34:12 my twitter line wikileaks twitter to

Political Roundtable

@00:41:13 are when i got out when i got on twitter

George Webb and Deep State Update

@00:41:32 with me on facebook and twitter thanks

French Elections and a Donald Trump Dream

@00:48:05 media tweeting out things on twitter
@00:50:03 the morning and is on twitter and is on

A Dream - Don't Get off the Trump Train

@00:09:45 they're on twitter they're on facebook

March 30 Intelligence Update With Adam Gingrich

@00:28:44 people through his - tweeting twitter

March 24 Intelligence Update

@00:20:22 to my twitter timeline at pragmatic and
@00:34:19 trump's twitter timeline yeah

Live Broadcasting Q & A

@00:00:59 on periscope shadow band on twitter
@00:01:44 facebook and twitter so i created this
@00:09:02 controlled by twitter and facebook i
@00:15:05 facebook twitter they're trying to
@00:18:22 platform so you can it goes on twitter
@00:18:46 facebook or twitter or snapchat or
@00:19:01 on twitter just to let you guys know
@00:20:13 twitter or facebook that i was going to
@00:20:25 you to share that on twitter or any
@00:20:35 from twitter probably not very many but
@00:20:40 because ginny is on my twitter thing
@00:20:45 seen this on twitter and joint from the
@00:20:49 twitter thing tin foil a design that's i
@00:20:57 follow me like crazy on twitter so with
@00:21:04 facebook and twitter you can let them
@00:21:12 twitter that i'm broadcasting on youtube
@00:22:20 following on twitter my twitter

The Deep State Fights Back & The New Media Arises

@00:00:18 this morning and got on twitter and holy
@00:06:53 if you go on twitter this morning
@00:08:58 you go to my twitter account you'll see
@00:11:20 twitter you can go and find it he said
@00:23:02 periscope is owned by twitter and
@00:23:04 twitter is ceo jack dorsey jack dorsey
@00:23:12 conservatives off of twitter banning
@00:23:40 mainstream media and twitter is doing
@00:23:48 periscope and twitter are having a hard
@00:25:17 banned from twitter here is the problem
@00:25:25 we're using twitter or youtube or

Wiretapping Trump - A Look at FISA Warrants

@00:01:03 my buddy from twitter and periscope had
@00:01:39 twitter i'm gonna read them to you he's
@00:01:51 this is on his twitter timeline tweeted
@00:03:33 twitter account people you know
@00:03:50 twitter he is getting legal advice from
@00:04:12 twitter why does he do it this is this
@00:04:18 twitter it is
@00:04:28 why he's using twitter it's
@00:04:43 using twitter as a weapon of
@00:05:41 president trump is doing with twitter he
@00:05:46 twitter the mainstream media they're all
@00:05:53 people you look at his twitter feed and
@00:05:58 everything he puts on twitter is
@00:06:12 president trump got on twitter yesterday
@00:17:19 be on twitter it would be on cnn it
@00:31:04 email id use twitter i'm like twitter
@00:31:23 twitter and i'm bugging them to do this
@00:32:49 about you can also go on my twitter
@00:36:11 with me on facebook and twitter thanks

Trump Update - Rex Tillerson and China

@00:07:13 wick of politics on twitter
@00:13:59 connect with me on facebook and twitter

January Trump Alert - Muslim Ban and a Warning Dream

@00:11:35 with me on facebook and twitter thanks

What I Have to Offer You

@00:11:06 facebook and twitter thanks for dropping

Engaging God Through Our Imagination

@00:23:04 connect with me on facebook and twitter

Church Attendance, Time with God and Worship

@00:12:45 twitter feed see what's going on with
@00:12:47 twitter i will go to my website to my
@00:13:21 comments i check twitter i check my
@00:25:34 twitter thanks for dropping by and i

Managing Thumbnail Images in Divi for Wordpress

@00:10:32 with me on facebook and twitter

Stopping Government Corruption

@00:05:55 of twitter that i posted because i was i
@00:12:55 themselves now you can go to his twitter

Healing Frequencies - Del Hungerford

@00:00:50 and twitter just look for praying medic

Dealing With Opposition - Shae Bynes

@00:00:50 and twitter just look for praying medic

My Story So Far

@00:00:49 on facebook and twitter

Conquering Fear

@00:00:49 on facebook and twitter

The Cause and Cure for Sleep Paralysis

@00:00:49 on facebook and twitter
@00:26:17 contact me on facebook and twitter i'd
@00:26:53 connect with me on facebook and twitter

How God Promotes a Group

@00:00:49 facebook and twitter just look for

Is Emotional Healing Necessary?

@00:00:49 on facebook and twitter
@00:16:34 me on facebook and twitter i'd like to
@00:17:11 facebook and twitter thanks for dropping

Partnering With God and Traveling in the Spirit - Shae Bynes

@00:00:49 facebook and twitter
@00:39:07 facebook and twitter and i've been kind

Healed of Bipolar - Krista Bontrager

@00:00:49 facebook and twitter

Praying Medic With Jesse Birkey

@00:39:05 book outlets you're on twitter and

Praying Medic - How to Quit Your Day Job - Part 2

@00:10:29 manage their twitter accounts really

Praying Medic - Seeing in the Spirit

@00:00:49 twitter
@00:01:07 today is a friend of mine from twitter

Praying Medic With Sarah - The Testimony of a Former Lesbian

@00:00:49 on twitter just look for praying medic

Praying Medic With J.D. King - Progressive Revelation

@00:00:49 on twitter just look for praying medic

Praying Medic with Steve Bremner - Let's Talk Publishing - Part 2

@00:01:04 also connect with me on twitter just

Praying Medic Live - Let's Talk Books

@00:00:49 facebook and twitter
@00:03:38 praying medic on twitter and facebook as
@00:42:08 contact me on facebook and twitter i'd

Preparing and Uploading a Word Document for Publishing on Kindle

@00:17:37 facebook and twitter thanks for dropping

How to Know if What You're Hearing is from God

@00:07:01 connect with me on facebook and twitter

Have Healing & Miracles Ceased?

@00:10:18 and twitter if you haven't picked up a

Heal The Sick - with Praying Medic

@00:12:12 work on itunes website facebook twitter
@00:30:40 twitter and that's about it for social
@00:33:58 fire twitter is at dominion fire as well
@00:34:01 as my personal twitter which is at

deleted Private video

@00:00:13 i did find some things on twitter that
@00:03:06 who this guy is he's on twitter he says
@00:03:18 check him out on twitter if you're
@00:06:53 they all got on twitter and started

deleted Private video

@00:11:58 on twitter who are following this put in
@00:31:28 and this is a link to jordans twitter

deleted Private video

@00:03:02 twitter to someone who is impatient and
@00:18:54 think ray chandler twitter etc honeypot

deleted Private video

@00:05:12 twitter this guy named willie pete looks
@00:09:26 twitter status so this is a tweet by the
@00:23:23 the ceo of twitter and jack was
@00:24:49 thread on twitter i used strictly memes
@00:24:50 no text twitter was not happy about that
@00:26:19 twitter did find an interesting pattern
@00:26:46 the senate judiciary they have a twitter
@00:28:33 here to a twitter status by matt gaetz
@00:29:03 memes to go around twitter and facebook
@00:29:08 president on twitter when was the last

deleted Private video

@00:07:01 purpose of referencing twitter accounts
@00:07:15 twitter spread that information to the
@00:07:21 and people on twitter to make this
@00:08:10 of 2017 look to twitter exactly this my
@00:08:23 twitter that has these exact words in it
@00:09:08 posted this photo on twitter she's
@00:09:44 twitter handle is storm is upon us all
@00:10:56 twitter account it's one of the trump

deleted Private video

@00:00:09 thread together on twitter to give
@00:00:25 people on twitter and that will give us
@00:00:54 relevant articles and twitter posts for
@00:02:00 issue of time stamps twitter time stamps
@00:02:07 twitter on an original tweet is
@00:03:48 on a tweet it will take you to twitter
@00:05:31 and i have noticed on twitter and
@00:09:58 president's twitter page here you go
@00:11:01 we'll go back to my threat on twitter
@00:11:12 name here if you assume that twitter
@00:27:49 link to this twitter thread in the
@00:28:23 next day the potus scheduled twitter
@00:29:11 set google facebook twitter etc are
@00:35:05 confirmed go twit is twitter large p
@00:35:28 confirmed go twitter potus account
@00:40:04 this is a post on eric trump's twitter
@00:40:10 on my twitter timeline there are a lot

deleted Private video

@00:00:08 this is aq threat i did on twitter
@00:00:35 forgot to put in the image on my twitter
@00:15:41 twitter timeline here i don't think

deleted Private video

@00:06:32 follow these guys on and twitter they
@00:06:41 really good to follow on twitter they do
@00:13:23 chris hayes was trending on twitter no
@00:13:30 twitter because chris hayes had the
@00:24:59 been using on twitter lately q wrote
@00:28:33 and aloofness and their pride on twitter

deleted Private video

@00:00:46 twitter that morning and one of the very
@00:22:52 twitter and she said you know it's

deleted Private video

@00:01:25 aitken board and on twitter about
@00:01:46 twitter his handle is at jack this one
@00:04:17 so i posted it on my twitter thread and
@00:12:27 you look at any twitter link for the
@00:14:49 that one they control twitter and two
@00:15:11 twitter all this discussion on the board
@00:15:31 doing twitter damage control don't mind

deleted Private video

@00:00:17 sharing up is showing on twitter and
@00:03:01 twitter threads doing youtube videos and
@00:03:06 right now as i watched you on twitter
@00:03:40 place on twitter and some obviously
@00:07:18 twitter and facebook and youtube they
@00:08:35 that going on on youtube and twitter i
@00:10:22 follow on twitter lisa may crowley is
@00:10:32 on twitter i follow him because he does
@00:10:57 have been kicked off of twitter i used
@00:11:04 on twitter anymore he is on youtube so

deleted Private video

@00:16:03 here i follow him on twitter he's a good
@00:16:38 rex does a lot of threads on twitter
@00:40:11 accounts on twitter like i the spy in
@00:40:25 fake twitter account i the spy or
@00:40:49 accounts on twitter who are posting
@00:41:15 accounts on twitter or youtube to follow

deleted Private video

@00:01:20 couple of people on twitter sent me some
@00:01:57 people on twitter doing research said
@00:04:50 morning on twitter and i was scrolling

deleted Private video

@00:09:36 keep up on the twitter threads and the

deleted Private video

@00:00:25 link q posts dot online on twitter just
@00:00:57 to matt paige friend of mine on twitter
@00:08:06 response twitter rolls action expand

deleted Private video

@00:00:06 update today is may 26th this twitter
@00:16:22 out on twitter george papadapolis

deleted Private video

@00:01:03 lesson and there's a link to a twitter
@00:04:45 information in a previous twitter thread

deleted Private video

@00:04:53 makers on twitter that i follow who are
@00:05:46 people to follow us on twitter or
@00:07:08 to stay close to twitter take close to
@00:07:42 on my twitter thread here but you've got
@00:10:06 collins twitter page and said eyes on
@00:10:12 collins twitter page we need to look at
@00:10:13 it's just a link to his twitter page i
@00:11:06 collins his twitter page all right that
@00:11:12 cool so i am on the president's twitter
@00:11:27 friends who does cutie coats on twitter

deleted Private video

@00:00:51 twitter which function as publicly
@00:06:20 they're developing for china twitter us
@00:06:30 text twitter track user gps phone pad
@00:22:14 out from cue he posted this on twitter
@00:22:36 twitter status and gave us another pen
@00:25:09 that twitter status and said keep the
@00:34:57 reported that the president's twitter
@00:35:12 runs or has run presidential twitter
@00:35:29 channel into potus twitter to

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@00:07:00 if i take them right off twitter they're
@00:25:42 enoch on twitter tweeted a graphic
@00:26:53 on their twitter page all right
@00:29:40 his twitter page so q responded to that
@00:31:53 victoria gates on twitter posted a list

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@00:03:12 of articles and some twitter status
@00:03:36 twitter attacking dominion yes this is

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@00:00:20 twitter and about jo digenova and some
@00:00:26 and someone on twitter said hey are you
@00:00:55 you can go to my twitter timeline you

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@00:21:29 threads twitter forensic hillary posted

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@00:00:09 29th this will cover the twitter thread
@00:01:57 leading anti-trump twitter accounts that
@00:04:00 these twitter accounts are probably
@00:09:47 cates now on twitter he did a deep dive
@00:10:06 can find it on twitter if you want q has
@00:10:37 strikes twitter thread we have a link to
@00:16:26 posted links to those two twitter
@00:26:00 upon us on twitter he created this video

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@00:13:49 link to it on my twitter page if you go
@00:13:51 to my twitter timeline and look for this
@00:16:09 there is a link again on my twitter
@00:16:16 twitter account he tweeted it out
@00:18:32 that sean hannity's twitter page was
@00:18:41 twitter page was taken down for several
@00:19:15 twitter that is the takedown of
@00:19:17 hannity's twitter account
@00:19:55 on it twitter submitted to the good guys
@00:20:04 that night although twitter helped her
@00:20:09 her twitter feed when she got back in so
@00:32:38 that twitter percent owned other
@00:33:36 anons he owns 30 percent of twitter i

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@00:06:36 enoch on twitter posted this graphic i
@00:09:43 the potus schedule twitter account
@00:11:41 mill air a twitter account that tracks

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@00:09:46 popular man on twitter is an unpopular
@00:13:04 through twitter just want to share this
@00:32:17 it's a link to a twitter thread by the

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@00:00:12 twitter on april 30th if you are
@00:04:51 on twitter traci beans did a thread and
@00:06:23 twitter and through email saying hey i
@00:08:34 when i sit down to build a twitter
@00:17:10 all right q posted a link to a twitter
@00:17:38 posted a link to a twitter status by the

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@00:01:00 twitter who do qd codes the interest in
@00:10:48 if you happen to follow me on twitter

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@00:01:01 twitter and facebook force next aj alex
@00:01:37 being banned from twitter and facebook i
@00:01:44 start taking out people on twitter
@00:02:41 twitter i think went online 2007 or 2008
@00:03:36 shareholders of twitter of reddit why is
@00:05:55 of this information ie put his twitter
@00:06:46 facebook and twitter q said free speech
@00:07:10 twitter when they first went public
@00:07:23 because whatever revenue losses twitter
@00:07:42 after you remove the app twitter geo
@00:08:11 twitter account went down for 11 minutes
@00:08:18 potus is twitter to specifically target
@00:09:07 we've anticipated the twitter and other
@00:09:29 twitter that if he left the platform
@00:09:32 twitter would lose massive amounts of
@00:09:37 off of twitter because they don't want
@00:09:52 twitter announced that they're going to
@00:10:11 what is a map regarding twitter repeat
@00:10:15 important what action is twitter taking
@00:10:52 controlled a large portion of twitter
@00:11:08 president what action is twitter taking
@00:11:13 able to use twitter post action he may
@00:11:17 not be able to twitter may be able to
@00:11:26 what transpired with trump's twitter
@00:11:43 twitter due to new website tracking
@00:11:58 twitter due to new policy regarding hate
@00:12:25 together and regulate twitter what is a
@00:19:21 facebook and twitter and youtube i am
@00:19:51 happen on twitter and face
@00:21:37 twitter facebook google youtube reddit
@00:21:51 and a couple of twitter statuses the
@00:22:41 facebook and twitter trump has a point
@00:25:06 twitter statuses q wrote with panic

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@00:05:02 was posted on the doj twitter account at
@00:05:10 on the doj twitter account at 129 and us
@00:05:19 attorney's a twitter account at 129 all
@00:12:29 investigation now i was on twitter today

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@00:00:43 twitter and concerning youtube about
@00:00:49 on twitter are having a very hard time
@00:01:00 twitter i'm getting reports from people
@00:01:33 facebook and twitter are all taking a
@00:01:42 following on youtube or twitter you're
@00:04:27 twitter facebook google youtube reddit
@00:10:39 come to the twitter timeline here go to

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@00:06:29 trending in germany his twitter
@00:11:25 alright and a nun on twitter most of
@00:12:21 power you posted a link to this twitter
@00:12:29 joined twitter specifically to be a part
@00:12:51 people put on twitter one of them was
@00:15:11 might want to follow that guy on twitter
@00:27:46 twitter block people who question the
@00:30:22 twitter tweeting at him letting him know
@00:42:17 from q today darpa facebook twitter and

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@00:10:09 messages some people on twitter how have
@00:12:08 twitter people that i follow on twitter
@00:12:40 say five accounts on twitter people who
@00:13:21 twitter
@00:13:38 my just on my twitter page then cnn or
@00:15:10 tech people like twitter they the
@00:15:13 twitter has gotten really bold started
@00:17:56 public and when twitter started slapping
@00:22:55 scrolling through twitter and i see
@00:46:59 work i saw on twitter a lot of a lot of

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@00:02:21 the people on twitter who wanted to see
@00:11:08 not james comey posted this on twitter
@00:30:46 twitter threads all q is doing is
@00:34:20 to a twitter status and it is a short
@00:34:52 this twitter account it's sort of take
@00:36:09 twitter timeline you can listen to it 30
@00:49:33 second is for his twitter's his twitter
@00:49:40 and treaties to swap out the twitter

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@00:00:08 is a twitter thread that i did that
@00:02:25 scheduled twitter account announced that
@00:07:01 so twitter broke my thread and i get to
@00:07:09 the thread reader app or on twitter just
@00:11:50 tweets of patriots on twitter who were
@00:11:58 or had posted on twitter a flag that was
@00:12:18 posted links their twitter links on the
@00:12:35 can come on my twitter thread you can
@00:17:02 twitter page and the anon said red alert
@00:29:23 is about twitter notice which worldwide
@00:29:26 twitter trend they aren't reporting the
@00:39:03 they'll also be suing twitter google
@00:41:54 go to yesh our ally he's got a twitter
@00:49:57 peruse twitter and youtube

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@00:48:06 looking this is a twitter post that

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@00:08:13 twitter timeline real quick i did notice

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@00:01:12 following things a little bit on twitter
@00:03:57 twitter a little bit keep up to date by

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@00:10:28 this photo that went viral on twitter

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@00:00:11 is provided by my friend on twitter paul
@00:00:18 underscore saran on twitter if you want

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@00:00:29 together on twitter and this video i'm
@00:01:08 to my original twitter thread so if you

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@00:12:14 scooby know posted that on twitter last
@00:12:25 a link to his twitter status and rights
@00:12:55 night on twitter i heavily suspects
@00:15:14 twitter the democrats heard about the
@00:16:47 comments on twitter all the time i'll

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@00:19:54 trump has been on twitter last couple of
@00:20:23 facebook amazon twitter google big
@00:28:41 twitter facebook etc shut down their
@00:29:06 what happens if twitter goes away we
@00:29:16 i i regularly download my twitter

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@00:01:56 who's one of our twitter q decoders she
@00:04:43 solomon been queued on twitter have you
@00:05:03 these people being on twitter receiving
@00:05:46 me twitter i think it would just be a
@00:15:24 days on twitter i don't know if this
@00:16:22 link to her twitter page yesterday and
@00:16:44 following the president on twitter oh my
@00:18:31 sara carter's twitter status and q wrote
@00:30:03 to twitter and if i go to the
@00:30:51 account 45 on twitter as right after the
@00:31:37 me go to my twitter feed i'll show you

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@00:03:12 we are the news influencers on twitter
@00:07:59 catherine herridge --is twitter page
@00:08:08 documents on twitter and q wrote worth

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@00:02:08 hillary's twitter page your twitter
@00:02:13 q and the twitter banner and a non
@00:20:31 people that follows me on twitter pete
@00:42:04 that his twitter banner shows a split
@00:42:34 update your twitter banner pic to
@00:43:29 twitter took the page down and hugh said
@00:43:37 twitter yesterday listen on said cat

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@00:00:21 thread on february 17th on twitter
@00:10:17 thirty third revolution on twitter
@00:19:58 twitter posted a list of countries that
@00:40:56 our qt coders on twitter posted this a
@00:44:29 posts on facebook and twitter and

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@00:03:51 twitter which really these days doesn't
@00:05:43 that honey but he created a twitter
@00:06:54 a lot of patriots don't like twitter or
@00:07:17 twitter facebook that is where the
@00:09:17 twitter facebook etc use other platforms
@00:10:46 twitter and facebook plus other
@00:11:15 battlefield twitter facebook et cetera
@00:11:30 twitter for those of you you're
@00:11:36 platform my twitter account i will have
@00:12:03 facebook youtube twitter our we can use
@00:12:23 facebook twitter youtube and or thing
@00:12:37 retaining our twitter accounts and for
@00:12:45 financial pressure on twitter but do not
@00:12:48 primary fight is on twitter and facebook
@00:13:03 ie twitter reddit facebook wherever
@00:13:46 on twitter don't accept their narratives
@00:16:15 designated targets twitter and facebook
@00:17:02 twitter is its inability to read and
@00:22:50 twitter youtube and forms such as reddit
@00:26:47 twitter thread and find them if you want
@00:37:38 expect twitter and facebook to crack

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@00:04:09 people on twitter can see obviously you
@00:17:47 on twitter about his meeting with barr
@00:27:35 people on twitter and anons who are on
@00:30:33 people you know on twitter that we speak
@00:36:54 with the twitter account blowing up i
@00:38:31 broadcast or i'm on twitter i try as
@00:41:39 all those twitter accounts and then
@00:43:00 to twitter to get the message out to
@00:43:42 daily beast's twitter timeline sometimes
@00:43:51 low engagement on their twitter feed
@00:43:56 nbc if you go to their twitter feeds
@00:47:36 you can you can go on my twitter

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@00:02:01 narrative is done in memes twitter
@00:02:54 twitter and facebook force next aj alex
@00:03:18 twitter and every other social media
@00:05:17 wiped off twitter and facebook in
@00:06:56 i get removed from twitter what happens
@00:18:59 overturned trump was on twitter warning
@00:27:33 twitter status thank you for your
@00:28:05 their twitter page it's a bunch of sheep
@00:45:19 twitter background in the last 48 hours
@00:45:28 q on twitter several prominent
@00:45:33 twitter to denounce q as a tinfoil hat
@00:47:31 recently has taken a twitter and a [@2854.42

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@00:01:12 important think twitter those awake see
@00:05:19 on twitter to keep this topic relevant
@00:07:22 in the future think twitter q has
@00:07:26 mentioned twitter google + facebook
@00:07:34 happening with twitter fake news is the
@00:08:24 like twitter and google youtube facebook
@00:22:26 twitter status by lars
@00:22:33 this is lars twitter post and he says

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@00:20:22 people on twitter that and i retweet
@00:20:35 twitter who are very capable of looking
@00:22:36 have discussions on twitter about gun
@00:25:17 twitter and i know that they're plowing
@00:33:02 started following me on twitter i have
@00:38:19 there has been on twitter talking about

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@00:00:44 on twitter you will know some of this
@00:11:54 twitter timeline for the last three days
@00:11:57 if you go to his twitter timeline you'll
@00:21:49 going by now on twitter said that

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@00:00:18 yesterday on twitter
@00:00:49 got posted on twitter yesterday about
@00:01:16 screenshot that i posted on twitter but
@00:01:22 this somebody had put it on twitter and
@00:03:17 off of twitter yesterday he was kind of
@00:05:17 twitter so again trump will be
@00:05:23 twitter post per plan and timing so they
@00:05:37 that on twitter future peruse past calms

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@00:00:19 i'm gonna do the news off my twitter
@00:03:20 on twitter putting all the q posts i'll
@00:14:04 people on twitter who are responding

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@00:39:17 even after you remove the app twitter
@00:40:33 twitter and google spying on them and
@00:47:21 twitter weren't enough and comey said
@00:48:46 this was commies response on twitter

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@00:22:52 650 thousand followers just on twitter
@00:25:22 i am so active on twitter and youtube is
@00:43:07 sent me in a message on twitter barack

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@00:22:00 post by someone on twitter this says we

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@00:02:43 each other and matt gaetz is on twitter
@00:05:37 the president's twitter timeline for the
@00:18:28 the the people on twitter and on social
@00:23:06 twitter big narrative change coming keep

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@00:00:47 let me share this out on twitter i'm
@00:17:58 twitter page and you can look at this
@00:35:17 twitter page pragmatics it's just at
@00:35:29 all of my twitter posts and it
@00:35:44 way the thread reader app on twitter is
@00:35:50 like i said on facebook and twitter for
@00:49:50 right narrative flowing on twitter and

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@00:16:06 twitter i guess i don't know cuz

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@00:02:23 an alternative to twitter facebook and

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@00:13:23 paul's twitter timeline she had posted
@00:14:13 sometimes twitter would take down
@00:14:15 people's twitter
@00:21:21 so talking about facebook and twitter
@00:26:38 twitter feed and look at that more
@00:31:15 in error twitter is doing the same thing
@00:37:39 facebook and twitter using darpa
@00:40:50 companies like twitter and facebook