What Happens To This MAJOR LIE Now?

@00:16:34 know so they could go to a fisa court to

Did WE Catch THEM In All Their LIES???

@00:13:02 went to the fisa court multiple times

Are THEY Willing To DESTROY Our Republic To Cover Up Their CRIMES?

@00:12:07 presenting to the the fisa court was not

Are We Under ATTACK From Directed Energy Weapons?

@00:24:38 with this fisa abuse so yeah you can

Who's Funding The Active 'COLOR REVOLUTION' In The United States?

@00:23:35 uh fisa or they have security clearances


@00:00:33 fisa courts this revered court


@00:07:45 to deceive a fisa court where they went

Were THEY Caught Committing TREASON?

@00:00:15 not only fisa abuse changing documents
@00:00:20 the fisa court in courts that are

Did THEY Attack The White House Today?

@00:17:24 russia fisa

Who Else Did THEY SPY ON?

@00:08:53 but it talks about carter page the fisa
@00:09:55 was inaccurate presenting it to a fisa
@00:22:07 fisa from october 2016 to be revealed
@00:22:10 so i don't know if the dragon fisa was

Is The STORM Finally Upon US?!?

@00:19:49 further than the fisa surveillance
@00:20:51 made it so that they could go the fisa

President Trump Retweets Me & Twitter DELETES It. Is This Still America or Communist China?

@00:15:06 they took it to the fisa court didn't
@00:15:50 fisa court in september

Riot Politics: A Neo-Marxist Insurrection?

@00:03:13 kevin kleinsmith who based on ig fisa

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:15:36 tweet where she talks about the fisa and
@00:22:52 again about starting a fisa order for
@00:22:57 steele's reporting and drafting the fisa
@00:23:15 ready to submit a formal fisa requests
@00:23:49 fact and then they went to the fisa
@00:24:40 learned of fisa issues so it says

WARNING: Massive CYBER/POWER Attack On Election Day?

@00:05:41 assertions in the carter page fisa
@00:06:29 of justice to continue to seek a fisa
@00:06:53 a fisa warrant against mr. page anyway
@00:09:37 essential role in the fisa warrants on
@00:09:41 presented to the fisa court well that
@00:10:17 fisa court that the fbi believes the

Are We Entering The FINAL COUNTDOWN?

@00:19:19 the fisa unmask d-class public select

Are THEY Preparing The Ultimate Deception?

@00:16:10 the fisa court was abused the way obama

How Do We Reasonably Explain What Happened?

@00:14:20 fbi employee modified a fisa document


@00:10:23 the fisa court starting in october of
@00:17:21 oversight a fisa process for crossfire

Do You SEE What Is Happening?

@00:29:40 a fisa abuse muller investigation

How Far Do THEY Want To Take This?

@00:25:36 the fisa court and other uh intelligence
@00:29:54 page fisa warren was started


@00:06:11 fisa court in the first place and of
@00:06:18 that and the establishment of the fisa
@00:08:12 fisa court goes and their ability to
@00:08:52 fisa its intelligence operations
@00:10:09 abused the fisa and then they abused the
@00:13:32 fisa court or the fisa surveillance
@00:19:03 illegal abuse of the fisa court and then

Will THEY Do Anything To Regain POWER?

@00:14:45 investigating democrat fisa biden other

How Do You Set The Stage For HUSSEINGATE?

@00:03:35 fisa court and the intelligence
@00:11:55 that the fisa right the fisa abuse that

CLAS 1-99 & NAT SEC THREATS To Our Republic?

@00:12:16 the fisa unmasking right all of that

Is It Time To End This HORROR SHOW?

@00:11:11 basically ignored the fisa this is all

WHO Benefits the MOST From This?

@00:12:50 these fisa warrants and it's it's a joke
@00:13:33 i mean using the fisa court to spy on
@00:24:01 you have this corrupt deep state fisa

Did The HUSSEIN Admin UNMASK Themselves?

@00:00:56 administration using the fisa court
@00:05:00 in a fisa court order surveillance
@00:05:39 unmasking to see his name in these fisa
@00:05:59 are important fisa unmask requests prior
@00:07:16 have the name on a fisa surveillance
@00:08:26 the fisa court we're exposing it these
@00:10:15 use the fisa court to surveil their

Is This Only The Start?

@00:01:11 declassification of these scam fisa
@00:14:58 issuing fisa warrants to start
@00:15:46 court as the fisa court here he is with
@00:15:51 both signed the fisa warrant judge
@00:16:00 these are the fisa court judges right
@00:16:51 it gives this fisa court a link which
@00:17:01 this was an obama designated fisa court
@00:17:29 current member of the fisa court who
@00:17:32 signed the fluent fisa the swamp runs
@00:17:34 deep q so who did sign the flynn fisa oh
@00:26:37 to deceive and manipulate the fisa court

Are More DARK DAYS Ahead For THEM?

@00:12:46 fisa peaks one mile
@00:12:52 information is declassed the fisa will
@00:16:26 information pursuant to fisa
@00:16:31 approved by the fisa court

What TRUTH Scares THEM The MOST?

@00:00:22 news concerning fisa concerning dirty

Are You AWAKE Yet?

@00:17:44 know attempts to get the fisa warrant to

How Far Were THEY Willing To Go?

@00:16:37 primary vehicle fisa special counsel
@00:16:59 ci white house fisa for upstream
@00:17:03 one through nine fisa one upstream

Are You Ready To Stand Up Against THEM?

@00:15:31 regarding fisa russia flynn etc from

Why Are We Engaged In This Battle?

@00:28:25 regarding fisa russia flynn etc from

How Do THEY Secretly Communicate?

@00:04:30 command fisa russia potus flinstone
@00:05:02 six regarding fisa can the same argument
@00:06:22 they abuse the fisa court to spy on the
@00:16:24 listened in to count fisa six counts fbi

What Would Have Happened If SHE HAD WON?

@00:08:22 fisa courts when they hear us talk about
@00:11:49 taken and referenced in a fisa court
@00:12:04 fisa investigation in the president


@00:06:20 abuse the fisa court that there were


@00:16:17 articles foreign acts public fisa public
@00:18:09 the fisa court with this fake steel
@00:18:24 have to ask these questions was the fisa

Are We Engaged In A MAJOR BATTLE Against EVIL?

@00:06:16 did the fisa court get a lied to so that
@00:14:50 the fisa indictments equal start public
@00:16:08 same thing it was all about a fisa abuse
@00:28:25 remember this when you talk about fisa

Are YOU Prepared For What Is Coming?

@00:05:11 going into them the fisa investigating
@00:23:48 these people who abuse the fisa court

Why Would THEY Want To Cause MASS HYSTERIA?

@00:06:37 government they were lying to the fisa

Is The PUZZLE Coming Together?

@00:12:33 obama ministration was sending fisa
@00:12:49 stunning april 2017 report from the fisa
@00:12:58 investigation or audit into fisa
@00:13:13 congress about the way that the fisa
@00:14:28 of justice and then on to the fisa court
@00:15:07 fisa court was comfortable with the
@00:16:01 will say this and the fisa court opinion
@00:16:56 the the ways that the fisa court were
@00:17:29 collect data through the fisa court on


@00:04:02 get these fisa warrants to go after


@00:05:08 fisa court nobody else in the media got

Are We Witnessing A VIRAL PURGE?

@00:03:01 lying to the fisa court 17 times now is
@00:03:16 the fbi lied to the fisa court to obtain
@00:03:26 present it to a fisa court to begin an
@00:03:35 that is lying to the fisa court they did


@00:23:36 fbi agents lied to the fisa court to get


@00:05:31 on verified information lie to the fisa
@00:07:57 explain the why they lied to the fisa


@00:19:09 whistleblower and as to the fisa warrant
@00:19:20 even the head of the fisa court said it
@00:20:25 allowing the fisa court to be abused why
@00:23:49 of justice and the fisa court they
@00:23:57 several of these fisa applications
@00:24:53 admitted that the fisa warrants and


@00:11:55 connected back to the original fisa
@00:21:11 the fisa courts should be ashamed of

Are THEY Prepared For What Is Happening?

@00:20:53 we're now finding out that the fisa

How Far Are THEY Willing To Go To STOP The AWAKENING?

@00:13:39 of the fisa court they illegally got
@00:13:42 these these fisa warrants to tap all

Is It Only A Matter Of TIME Before Major Arrests?

@00:05:51 context post on fysop meaning the fisa
@00:08:17 spices so how does that connect to fisa

What THEY Don't Want YOU To SEE About The HOAX?

@00:20:24 that we look at the fisa court i think
@00:20:28 of the fisa court and i only say that in
@00:29:59 powell is done in exposing this fisa


@00:23:45 basis to obtain fisa warrants
@00:24:03 utilized to get the fisa warrants from
@00:25:06 fraud on the fisa court became a lawyer


@00:01:47 predicated off of the fisa investigation


@00:01:32 clinton in the dnc and used in the fisa
@00:14:32 abusing the fisa court lying to the fisa
@00:15:42 fisa court now this is interesting okay
@00:15:55 2024 the the fisa court to produce all
@00:19:09 by fisa or another express statutory
@00:19:55 this so that the fisa court doesn't
@00:21:01 they went to the fisa court and said hey
@00:21:34 first learn regarding fisa warrants plus
@00:21:36 three non page if fisa warrants deemed


@00:06:29 illegal abuse of the fisa court taking
@00:11:29 fisa court is playing out it seems that
@00:11:47 the illegal use of the fisa court have

Have THEY Infiltrated EVERY Critical Senior Position?

@00:08:18 abuse of the fisa court using unverified
@00:20:50 fisa and how everything's gonna be
@00:20:52 implicated through the fisa and foia is

Can We Expose The COUP PLOTTERS Yet?

@00:08:49 fisa system at this point and try to
@00:09:40 there about getting rid of the fisa
@00:10:06 evidence if you will to go to the fisa
@00:20:47 brought to the fisa court was unverified
@00:22:22 carlin didn't even tell the fisa court
@00:22:29 for fraudulent page fisa warrant oh no
@00:22:51 it then they go the fisa court and say

Why Would THEY Attack Now?

@00:02:24 were having access to the fisa
@00:02:35 fisa court so here this story talks
@00:05:24 access to raw fisa acquired information
@00:06:26 investigation into how and why the fisa
@00:08:59 in obtaining fisa coverage on page
@00:09:40 findings the presiding fisa court judge
@00:09:53 to continue to utilize fisa this
@00:10:51 the fisa court against president trump

How Do WE Know The FUTURE?

@00:15:12 fisa - how many faces did they pull out


@00:00:32 the dossier for fisa and now as you know
@00:00:35 the fisa court and you top judge is very
@00:03:23 courts the fisa court more most
@00:16:12 of national security highest levels fisa

Exposing The REAL Pay-For-Play Corruption?

@00:15:21 right in 2018 he called on the fisa
@00:15:34 information to the fisa court but now it
@00:15:37 came out that oh yeah the fisa courts

How Do THEY Blackmail And Control STARS?

@00:00:22 news concerning fisa concerning dirty

Secret Plot To Weaponize Impeachment EXPOSED?!?

@00:00:45 they de frauded the fisa court the fisa
@00:00:51 defrauded the fisa court they concealed
@00:04:31 the fisa surveillance systems to
@00:10:39 graham regarding senate fisa hearings
@00:12:20 senate starts doing the fisa
@00:14:49 look long and hard at fisa abuse we're
@00:16:21 fisa into this impeachment debacle - my
@00:16:41 why they were abusing the fisa court why
@00:21:00 and the fbi made to the fisa court by
@00:22:16 to the fisa court to get a wiretap by

Did THEY Conspire To Overthrow Our President?

@00:06:22 the fisa court right and then went and

Is Q A Secret Backchannel Preventing Global Disaster?

@00:08:52 clinton hussein illegal fisa democrats
@00:09:12 fisa court to spy on president trump in
@00:12:52 also he's not just looking at the fisa
@00:27:36 to access the the fisa database in query

A Declaration of OPEN WAR?

@00:06:34 that the fisa are there excuse me that
@00:21:44 obviously the fisa courts slamming the
@00:21:52 forth by the fisa court basically saying
@00:22:01 established principles of the fisa court
@00:22:31 fisa court and they have to give more
@00:22:44 course here the next one is the fisa
@00:23:32 reliable thank flynn fisa illegal so

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:04:29 count who listened in to count fisa and
@00:04:38 one p flynn interview if fisa warrant
@00:04:44 on illegal uncorroborated if fisa actors
@00:05:37 start these fisa warrant applications to
@00:06:49 the fisa court they were taking fake
@00:06:50 evidence to fisa court judges and
@00:10:22 illegal fisa court applications all of
@00:11:28 who are you know abusing the fisa court
@00:14:49 fisa court by pushing his fbi to go into

Are THEY Going To JAIL?

@00:01:12 fisa warrant was a complete sham on this
@00:08:43 fisa abuse by the fbi that was false he
@00:08:53 central part of the fisa applications
@00:09:31 representations to the fisa court yeah
@00:25:45 these four fisa abuses then it goes from

Are THEY Above The Law?

@00:09:20 exactly how they set up these fisa
@00:09:31 they illegally gained the fisa court to
@00:10:02 presented evidence to the fisa court to
@00:13:44 abuse of the fisa court and it could be


@00:00:21 there were gross abuses of fisa an
@00:01:02 fisa abuses we are going to take a
@00:14:09 as a result of the fisa warrant they
@00:14:21 going for the fisa warrant initially was
@00:14:38 reason they went for the fisa to get
@00:21:48 ultimately relied on to get the fisa
@00:26:18 fisa court hey the fact that this guy
@00:27:16 the fisa court that this was being paid

Secret Message In IG Report REVEALED?

@00:06:25 particular and the new fisa ag report
@00:09:16 process of obtaining fisa warrants to
@00:10:13 apple in the in the attempt to get fisa
@00:10:36 was a clear abuse of the fisa process so
@00:12:15 obtain and maintain fisa surveillance of
@00:12:19 misled the fisa court or made a critical
@00:15:07 found about the abuse of the fisa court

The Beginning Of The END?

@00:24:15 is somebody's talking about fisa is the
@00:26:23 that was used to get the fisa warrant to


@00:01:27 q reminding us that fisa goes both ways


@00:04:36 to the fisa and the investigations that
@00:07:30 important to the upcoming fisa report

Are THEY Losing Control Of The NARRATIVE?

@00:07:16 was happening with the abuse of the fisa
@00:16:34 did these different abuses of the fisa

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming...

@00:07:29 abusing the fisa court and illegally

Do You TRUST The Media?

@00:14:23 fisa as those reports are made public

Q: 93 Days of Darkness Explained?

@00:16:03 abusing the fisa a surveillance system

TOP SECRET Mission Threatened By LEAKERS?

@00:08:34 the the fisa warrants was just

Where Do WE Get Our Information?

@00:08:34 antonin scalia one-time head of the fisa
@00:09:50 antonin scalia plus the fisa court judge
@00:09:58 what may come out in the fisa ig report

Is Operation RED OCTOBER In Full Effect?

@00:02:47 declassification of the fisa so with


@00:08:47 you know we have at least the fisa abuse

Do We Have MORE Than We Know?

@00:03:26 the bigger one about the fisa abuse and

The Beginning Of Their Downfall...

@00:26:04 fisa and comey but this is gonna be a

When Will THEY Realize IT'S OVER?

@00:11:01 frame the president to abuse the fisa

TRUTH About The MEDIA & The FBI?

@00:05:00 abuse of the fisa court and you know

When Will THEY Ask The Q?

@00:13:12 this fisa court the spiced warrants and

Do You Realize How Much THEY Did?

@00:01:07 with declassification and the fisa abuse

What THEY Don't Want YOU To See...

@00:13:38 there they got fisa warrants and went
@00:16:55 correlation between fisa abuse treason

Why THEY Can't LIE Anymore...Stealth Moves?

@00:05:48 playing fisa goes both ways

The Choice To KNOW Will Be Yours...

@00:30:16 violation of the fisa against president

Live From The Line At Trump DC Speech

@00:04:32 fisa warrants like that is that trying

The FUTURE Will Prove The PAST...

@00:09:26 fisa court to on the behest of the obama

Everything THEY Won't Tell You On TV...

@00:26:34 abusing the fisa court illegally

How Far Will WE Go For OUR Country?

@00:06:16 lying reasons why the fisa court was
@00:14:41 mind you illegally abusing the fisa

What's Actually Happening Behind The Scenes?

@00:19:45 abusing the fisa courts and abusing the

We Had Everything From DAY ONE...

@00:14:05 of justice and then on to the fisa court
@00:14:44 fisa court was comfortable with the
@00:15:39 fisa court opinion also says the same

How Far Are THEY Willing To Go?

@00:00:30 was some kind of abuse of the fisa
@00:07:34 government up to and including fisa
@00:07:39 fisa court was established under the
@00:10:31 illegally abuse the fisa court to spy on

What Happened At The White House?

@00:08:11 fisa court their illegal spying on the
@00:09:58 to a fisa court and say look what they

Feds Knew Hussein WAS Spying In 2015?

@00:11:29 one-time head of the fisa court
@00:12:58 fisa court judges us supreme court
@00:13:17 on fisa court judges
@00:18:55 story brought it to a fisa court and

Everything You Need To Know About The SET UP!

@00:17:07 fisa warrant violating the section 702 a

How Long Did THEY Secretly Watch US?

@00:00:22 abuse of the fisa court in the lead-up
@00:05:11 provisions for unmasking as far as fisa
@00:05:14 court and and fisa intelligence
@00:06:11 by the fisa court the intelligence
@00:06:22 fisa database database however after the
@00:09:49 denied by the fisa court in 2016 the
@00:10:13 valid visa warrant a fisa warrant would
@00:10:52 out says these fisa court denials would
@00:11:03 policy they couldn't clear the fisa
@00:12:22 of justice and then on to the fisa court
@00:13:01 fisa court was comfortable with the
@00:13:56 fisa court opinion also says the same
@00:20:11 rest of your ilk abuse this the fisa
@00:20:22 went and tried to get a fisa court

Truth To Light. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:02:07 happened fisa gate the spying and all
@00:19:59 but it says carter page public fisa
@00:22:52 analyst acupoint stewart says fisa

Those [GOOD] Who Know Cannot Sleep...

@00:11:18 fisa court had to sign off on each and
@00:11:33 including the one time head of the fisa

Mysteriously Deleted Tweet Proves UNBELIEVABLE Story?

@00:01:46 truth in exposing the way that the fisa
@00:06:42 in exposing how they handled the fisa
@00:22:30 campaign and withheld it from the fisa

Look Who's Talkin' NOW...EYES ON!

@00:07:06 about fisa because she has her
@00:07:13 fisa court conveniently enough right

What THEY Won't Tell YOU!

@00:05:58 abuse not only the fisa court but to

Stay The Course And Trust The Plan...It's Happening!

@00:00:51 fisa courts but we're gonna get to that
@00:03:51 being an abuse of the fisa courts and
@00:07:33 used to obtain a fisa warrant on trump

MISSION To Keep It All Secret FAILED?

@00:15:26 remind you that they use to get the fisa
@00:16:56 together the actual fisa gate warrants

Hollywood Actor's Mysterious Death Leaves More Questions Than Answers...

@00:05:19 and got fisa warrants to go and spy on
@00:05:38 fisa warrants they were set up illegally
@00:09:45 the fbi it was approved by the fisa
@00:09:55 interview was that the fisa court has an
@00:11:18 on the fisa court if you want to but i

Are You Ready For The FIRST STRIKE?

@00:00:24 fisa warrant to to spy an american
@00:05:19 obama administration's abuse of fisa and
@00:06:37 involved with the abuse of fisa the fisa
@00:07:10 there to get the fisa warrants to go spy
@00:07:19 stories to a fisa judge and presented
@00:22:07 a fisa court to spy

Nobody Walks Away From This...ACCESS WAS GRANTED!

@00:12:46 the crimes like the abuse of fisa gate
@00:15:34 by don and although the fisa warrants
@00:15:50 director about the fisa surveillance
@00:18:14 says that there was no abuse of the fisa
@00:19:04 involved with the fisa investigation

Will This Be The ONE That Takes Him Down? Not Likely!

@00:23:27 intelligence to get a fisa warrant to

Do You Understand WHO Did Everything?

@00:09:55 on him through the fisa court and then
@00:14:07 way before there was any fisa warrant to

Did HUSSEIN Drop THE HAMMER On Political Enemies?

@00:01:54 fisa court and we're going to talk about
@00:06:40 the fisa courts in

No One Is Who THEY Say THEY Are...

@00:12:58 abusing the fisa courts and so on and

Is Everything We've Seen A Part Of THE PLAN?

@00:04:41 we're gonna look at the fisa warrant
@00:10:47 concerns about the fisa warrant process

THEY Won't Stop Because THEY Know What Happens...

@00:02:46 of fisa warrant or internal to

Newly Discovered Evidence Proves We're OVER THE TARGET...

@00:12:14 corruption and abuse of the fisa court
@00:19:41 wife fbi 302s fisa spy flynn will newly

Why WE, THE PEOPLE, Are Winning Like Never Before...

@00:04:10 fisa court has already communicated with
@00:11:43 about how the fisa court was abused
@00:18:20 of the fisa court against a us citizen

We Already Know What Is Coming Next...

@00:14:03 a fisa court judge and that's the judge
@00:19:42 the fisa warrant application on page but

Do You Know How Far THEY'LL Go To Stop What's Coming?

@00:07:09 the fisa courts so yeah that's what that
@00:07:36 to the fisa court where he has a special
@00:07:42 helped create the fisa court so i think
@00:09:25 illegally abuse our fisa surveillance
@00:09:30 this is not how this fisa court was ever

The Greatest Show Most Will Never See...IT'S HAPPENING!

@00:09:28 mentioning the fact that the whole fisa

Panicking Will Only Make Things Much Worse...

@00:06:48 get the fisa carter page warrants why
@00:14:50 dossier fisa court application so that's

Did THEY Get The Whole Story Wrong On Purpose?

@00:13:44 was a conspiracy to lie to the fisa
@00:13:46 court mislead the fisa court by numerous
@00:14:09 the illegal abuse of the fisa court by
@00:14:15 to a fisa court judge to get him to sign
@00:25:06 that information to the fisa court to

Do You Know What We've Been Through?

@00:02:22 the fisa abuse scandal and this is what
@00:02:53 dossier no fisa warrant

Chinese Spy Attempts Break-In At Mar-a-Lago?

@00:03:53 obtain fisa warrants in order to go and


@00:06:11 president to get this fisa warrant
@00:14:14 they weaponized the fisa court this is

When The Truth Is Told THEY'RE In Trouble...

@00:13:44 regarding the declassification of fisa
@00:19:37 the dossier and basis for the fisa and
@00:19:47 declassify fisa q says reference correct

THEY Can't AFFORD To Tell The Truth...SO WE WILL!

@00:18:39 referring to that fisa target that would
@00:19:39 about our plan regarding that fisa
@00:22:36 elected so this is crazy and then fisa
@00:22:48 it's this is what it is fisa gate all

Without A BLOCKADE, They Are Left VULNERABLE...

@00:06:28 took all that abuse of the fisa


@00:07:15 fraudulent fisa warrants well of course
@00:24:12 abuses of the fisa they're looking into


@00:23:59 fisa warrant and put it into an
@00:24:08 would need to understand how the fisa

Did You Know Everything THEY Said Is Provably False?

@00:12:27 of carter pages fisa application how did
@00:18:25 hillarie getting a past fisa abuse and
@00:18:55 fisa applications how much more is

Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall...WE KNOW!

@00:19:23 hashtag fight are given the pending fisa

Beware The Ides Of March: Debts Collected...

@00:09:21 going on at the fbi and doj with fisa

These Players Are About To See A Day Of Reckoning...

@00:07:35 come out about fisa abuse what's the
@00:14:49 fisa court in order to gain a warrant
@00:22:07 the president in an abuse of the fisa

You Won't Believe What's Been Uncovered...

@00:08:33 with regard to the fisa application with
@00:11:55 predicate for these fisa abuses does
@00:16:15 fisa court spying on him he's got the
@00:16:16 fisa intelligence apparatus spying on

Everything You Need To Know About The 'SET UP'...

@00:11:06 same source in in fisa court to get the

If You Don't Believe Anything Is Happening...WATCH THIS.

@00:05:22 fisa was basically bogus because they
@00:07:08 was weaponized and used to get fisa
@00:09:23 illegal and abuse of the fisa court in
@00:09:25 my opinion the weaponization of fisa to
@00:26:02 going on with these fisa warrants and

They're Preparing For The Worst Case Scenario...TRUTH REVEALED.

@00:22:39 which was then injected into the fisa

THEY have something very serious to FEAR...WE KNOW!

@00:19:48 people who had fisa i think put out on
@00:20:16 communications section 702 of the fisa
@00:20:35 intelligence agencies can use their fisa

Something MUCH BIGGER Is Coming...STAY TUNED!

@00:12:22 way that they're alleging that fisa the
@00:12:25 fisa court was abused and misused so the
@00:12:56 renewals of a fisa order authorizing
@00:13:56 a fisa warrant from the fisa court it
@00:14:01 with the fisa court referring to or

How Do You Stop A McCarthy-Style Witch Hunt?

@00:03:26 the fisa applications and the related
@00:26:37 spying thing from the fisa court on

The Enemy Has Opened The Front Door...BIG MISTAKE!

@00:07:50 fisa court judge white house meeting
@00:08:08 met with the fisa court judge prior to
@00:08:23 document the fisa warrant itself the
@00:08:25 fisa application itself they didn't even
@00:09:11 reforming the fisa courts because this
@00:10:41 abusing the fisa courts starting this
@00:10:46 off on on bogus fisa warrants that used
@00:10:52 between now the the judge fisa court
@00:21:00 involved in the fisa for mr. paige at
@00:21:06 sign off on several of those fisa
@00:21:12 obtaining a fisa warrant in her position
@00:21:23 fisa warrant oh how convenient loretta
@00:21:38 the fisa court was abused and illegally
@00:23:17 actually signing fisa warrants which
@00:23:51 fisa court abuse of the fisa court and a
@00:23:54 weaponization if you will the fisa court
@00:24:14 way that the fisa court actually works

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:13:43 a simple logical question what is a fisa
@00:16:34 president by getting this fisa warrant
@00:16:50 cite the fisa court was signing off
@00:17:17 of warrant fisa surveillance apparatus
@00:36:34 trust the fisa process so i mentioned
@00:36:39 it because it's very important the fisa

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:00:03 will the declassification of the fisa
@00:12:23 fisa not public five eyes uk australia
@00:12:53 the steel dossier and the fisa warrants
@00:17:20 present to a fisa court nor in an effort
@00:20:42 there was was there fisa warrants that
@00:21:14 acts regarding signers fisa equals
@00:21:31 insurance says fisa equals implicates
@00:22:10 include fisa so you can't use freedom of
@00:25:58 signed off on extending the the fisa
@00:28:31 scope of fisa warrant or internal to

Something BIG Is Coming Soon...Why Now?

@00:06:12 intelligence surveillance act fisa
@00:07:52 immigration 100 agree review fisa and as
@00:08:08 because fisa is a necessary thing so it
@00:12:20 know you guys tell me it says the fisa
@00:14:51 related to fisa to fix problems this

Top FBI Official Argued For Email Server Espionage Act Indictment?

@00:03:10 her unmasking requests for these fisa
@00:06:22 of the fisa court as political for
@00:07:33 fisa includes who was doing the
@00:16:06 information related to the fisa court
@00:16:08 application of fisa court application
@00:31:31 using to go and get fisa warrants in

Why Do We Make Things Public?

@00:19:56 taine a fisa court sign-off is it
@00:20:40 order to bolster the fisa court warrant

Do You Want To Know The Full Story?

@00:24:04 glad does the fisa court granted
@00:24:12 was fisa court made aware of all the

What THEY Don't Want YOU To Know...

@00:09:47 which talks about there was a fisa

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:15:35 the abuse of the fisa warrants to spy on

What Else Are They Not Telling Us?

@00:13:40 of the fisa warrant abuse all of that
@00:34:15 violating the law and abusing the fisa

What about the so-called 'evidence' already seen?

@00:20:49 fisa courts with the steal dossier guys

Tomorrow's News Today: Want To Know What's Next?

@00:08:33 through the fisa how bruce or was in

Is The 'STAGE SET' For What's To Come?

@00:18:39 fisa abuse about what the behavior was
@00:20:18 fisa court to get the warrant to spy on
@00:20:46 and after the october 21st fisa
@00:20:48 application was taken to the fisa court
@00:21:38 more importantly how the fisa process
@00:21:40 were there abuses in how this fisa was
@00:24:06 called fisa abuse
@00:24:11 how the fisa process was handled we'll

Why Are They Pushing This Story Now?

@00:18:31 the fisa that was obtained through the
@00:18:41 fisa judge to get the warrant to surveil

What If Nothing Was As It Seems?

@00:16:57 fisa was what was it what what its
@00:19:01 and on admitted involvement in fisa

Grand Jury Testimony Underway In Several States?

@00:06:10 steel dossier which was used by fisa
@00:12:52 willfully lie to the fisa judges in
@00:16:03 so one of the fisa court judges
@00:16:22 silence from the fisa judges and it says
@00:20:03 to a fisa judge who allegedly according

Sometimes making a connection leads to uncovering...

@00:03:55 these illegal fisa warrants right where
@00:03:58 they were using the fisa court
@00:04:00 they were gaming the fisa court in order
@00:04:19 signing off on some of these fisa
@00:04:41 the officials who were seeking the fisa
@00:06:28 has cited how roses scene sign a fisa
@00:07:28 him rod rosenstein signing off on fisa
@00:07:43 opponents by using and abusing the fisa

First time in more than 25 years?

@00:10:52 to investigate the fisa criminal by the
@00:11:52 appointed to investigate the fisa

Should we be spying on ourselves?

@00:00:08 fisa warrants out against the deep state
@00:16:45 fisa umbrella surveillance warrants
@00:17:15 have apparently fisa warrants going on
@00:17:30 we've been going over is true about fisa
@00:19:51 covering now including the spy gate fisa
@00:25:28 under scope of fisa warrant or internal
@00:30:21 the scope of a fisa warrant or was it an

What if this was always the plan?

@00:10:03 fisa they used the steel dossier to get
@00:10:54 fisa gate to go after the president and

How many senior FBI & DOJ officials have been removed?

@00:02:41 obama fisa to press daily briefing

What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

@00:06:51 whole layout of this this how fisa was
@00:18:00 a fisa and then they used a yahoo news
@00:26:53 the fisa court by having knowledge of
@00:27:16 went to a fisa court and they neglected
@00:28:51 used in the fisa warrant to bolster the
@00:29:22 of deception you can pull on the fisa
@00:32:24 fisa court so i you know what do you

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

@00:21:37 fisa iii don't know how that works

A 'glimpse' into the shadows...

@00:02:53 fisa these these fisa warrants that were

The World is about to change.

@00:15:21 panic regarding huber why has the fisa
@00:17:04 fisa court has kept quiet about the

Who's working to save himself?

@00:11:25 where if the fisa is declassified before

Who controls the past controls the future...

@00:02:23 everything about fisa everything about

Everything you need to know about the plan...

@00:05:12 just google the fisa intelligence
@00:05:34 database the fisa court looks into it
@00:10:43 this beautiful thing called the fisa
@00:10:44 court where we can walk into the fisa
@00:11:09 fisa warrant on the guy cleaning the
@00:11:30 the problem with the fisa court unlike
@00:11:38 there was a judge in a fisa court that
@00:13:43 the fisa court and do this legally but
@00:17:24 john hancock on the fisa warrant he
@00:17:56 faked a fisa warrant they have been
@00:18:03 busted by the fisa court tap it into the
@00:19:06 bs fisa warrant john carlin is all chief

Everything stated has a purpose.

@00:21:09 show the evolution of the fisa

Do you believe in coincidences?

@00:05:30 papadopolis the fisa warrants the
@00:12:56 fast to get all of this and the fisa
@00:13:32 fisa warrants fisa surveillance warrants
@00:14:15 targeted for fisa surveillance with the

Latest News w/ JustInformed Talk

@00:26:37 asking about the fisa declassification

Why do [OPTICS] matter so much?

@00:07:27 fisa court is being investigated by the
@00:07:37 requested this fisa
@00:08:19 unverified information to the fisa court
@00:08:38 the fisa court in order to obtain the
@00:09:32 about carter page and the fisa court

What if the above could be proven?

@00:22:38 of course the fisa abuse where basically
@00:23:04 evidence to the fisa court they knew
@00:23:20 have basically may be given the fisa
@00:25:04 with the fisa spying on president trump

2018 Midterm Election Results LIVE

@00:37:23 released the fisa earlier then we could

Q Anon | Election Day Drops...

@00:04:25 fisa is released and a couple things
@00:06:05 a foia request on my fisa should be very
@00:21:25 one thing the classification of fisa and

Q Anon | "Re_read drops re: Polls"

@00:14:48 this whole fisa surveillance on

Is this why everyone is freaking out?

@00:05:51 country will be revealed in the fisa

Q Anon | "Your voice is spreading."

@00:00:10 why the carter page fisa was redacted
@00:08:26 fisa for purely to avoid political
@00:13:11 potus to obtain fisa warrant why the
@00:15:02 so with this fisa warrant and they
@00:39:39 knowing it was unverified to a fisa

Q Anon | The world will know...

@00:02:49 during before even the fisa warrant so
@00:02:56 wasn't told to the fisa court so you
@00:02:58 want your your evidence of fisa abuse
@00:03:33 tell the fisa judge when they were
@00:03:36 looking to get that fisa warrant and to
@00:05:28 the fisa that have been blocking
@00:13:48 you know once the fisa is released it's

Q Anon | "The Hunt For" dropped - why?

@00:03:57 that that's how the carter page fisa

Q Anon | This is why the Swamp is freaking out!

@00:01:47 about of course the phytic fisa carter
@00:27:02 declassification of the fisa it's going

Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story...

@00:04:40 obtain the fisa warrant was in fact
@00:05:46 the fisa carter page redacted documents
@00:10:11 declassified fisa documents were going
@00:10:34 fisa court so this is pretty big and
@00:16:56 disclose that information to the fisa
@00:17:01 when the bureau applied for a fisa

Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released...

@00:06:11 like the carter page fisa you know
@00:07:40 unredacted out of the fisa warrant if
@00:16:13 for a fisa investigation which are

Q Anon | Is she a product of the FARM?

@00:15:29 carter page fisa interesting right

Q Anon | Judge K Welcomed Aboard...

@00:01:29 graham and the upcoming fisa release
@00:36:21 those fisa abuses and this article is
@00:36:38 article kind of compares the fisa

Q Anon | "The rats are panicking."

@00:11:18 unredacted fisa carter page warrant and
@00:13:12 fisa and the bruce or interviews and

Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week?

@00:03:21 declassification of fisa will initiate
@00:14:07 because if you're signing off on a fisa

Q Anon | "When do birds sing?"

@00:15:23 to now here's the next one fisa equals

"Anons are months ahead of the news." This Is Why!

@00:00:04 trump not to declassify fisa documents q
@00:00:11 top secret fisa warrant hi i'm craig and
@00:02:22 pages out of the fisa memo or fisa
@00:03:47 classification of fisa will initiate the
@00:03:53 fisa will initiate their awareness that
@00:03:56 investigation the classification of fisa
@00:04:05 fisa courts in an effort to obtain legal
@00:06:45 release the the fisa warrant redacted
@00:07:22 of the fisa warrant that was used to spy
@00:07:24 on him now how was that fisa warrant
@00:07:33 fisa court as a predicate for this
@00:09:25 what's inside of us top secret fisa
@00:12:52 of the fisa comes out when the bruce or
@00:17:23 laws hüseyin public dossier fisa not
@00:24:56 in exact detail how the fisa
@00:25:18 declassification of fisa will initiate
@00:25:33 will fail fisa declassified will bring

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:13:18 information from the fisa warrant from

How did the DOJ & FBI spy on Trump's campaign?

@00:13:16 he says here talking about the fisa
@00:18:04 ryan to block the fisa memo from great
@00:20:55 then q says declassified fisa rod
@00:26:31 disclosed to the fisa judges they were
@00:26:40 support verify applications to the fisa
@00:28:23 final renewal of the fisa warrant

Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA

@00:02:06 to the fisa court in the matter of
@00:02:21 with all carter page fisa applications
@00:07:22 fisa warrants with basically knowledge

Q Anon | "Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED."

@00:06:48 lobbying for a fisa warrant or
@00:34:52 in the fisa they were planted so guys i


@00:00:12 related to fisa hi i'm craig and welcome
@00:00:48 whole premise for using the fisa court
@00:04:33 page and the fisa you know or the steel
@00:14:44 saying but it says unseal the fisa
@00:16:11 to the fisa court four times including
@00:16:18 they took this information to the fisa
@00:17:27 the fisa warrants show that this
@00:19:33 in the fisa warrants about having
@00:22:51 from the fisa document declassifying the


@00:00:34 we're gonna cover stuff today like fisa
@00:06:38 in the fisa court with the fight with
@00:11:35 the fisa document or the vice carter
@00:11:42 documents from the fisa carter page

Q Anon | "Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you."

@00:03:54 they used obviously in the the fisa
@00:27:17 to willingly withhold that from the fisa

Q Anon | The Real Meaning of Patriot Day...

@00:08:53 document the fisa documents now i'd
@00:09:23 the parts of the fisa the carter page
@00:09:26 fisa that were used to surveil the
@00:11:36 call it fisa cheating rubber-stamping


@00:02:30 surprise coming today with the fisa
@00:03:07 fisa 20 pages of the carter page fleiss
@00:03:21 that the fisa docket or the the steel
@00:03:27 excuse me the carter page fisa warrant
@00:26:26 carter page fisa are released or some

Q Anon | "We serve at the pleasure of the President!"

@00:06:05 when fisa is declassified what are we
@00:06:12 declassify declassification of fisa will
@00:06:19 classification of fisa will initiate the
@00:06:24 declassification of fisa will factually
@00:06:30 presented false evidence to fisa court
@00:07:16 coordination fisa full brings down the
@00:07:27 saying that when the fisa comes out it's
@00:15:46 the carter page fisa one of the the main
@00:18:54 into fisa app in application in effort
@00:19:59 now that ties together the fisa and and
@00:20:23 here review who signed the fisa these

Q Anon | "Division keeps them in power."

@00:02:29 merits of it but it says fisa warrant
@00:02:40 for fisa surveillance then it goes into
@00:05:54 fake dossier we'll present it to a fisa
@00:06:40 then it says what fisa is about to be
@00:06:59 fisa warrant why have they not the
@00:07:21 pages out of that fisa that have been
@00:07:37 the fisa warrant through manufacturing
@00:09:15 signatures fisa ten blank sixteen so
@00:09:18 especially in the original fisa warrant
@00:11:34 fraud committed against the fisa court
@00:27:39 from all directions ready the memes fisa
@00:27:50 the fisa application because that's a

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:03:01 related to clinton email probe fisa
@00:22:03 be july 28th that talks about how fisa
@00:22:33 this is the nunez carter page fisa
@00:22:46 page fisa all the redacted parts
@00:23:09 the fisa the redacted pages and some
@00:23:43 get the fisa and it says the president
@00:24:13 document here which is the fisa redacted
@00:24:17 document right the fisa carter page
@00:25:11 fisa or use the steele dossier but then
@00:28:42 doj i believe it says fisa equals start
@00:28:45 q so the fisa was the beginning of it

Q Anon | "How do you obstruct oversight?"

@00:32:45 twenty pages from the fisa carter page

Q Anon | Is "Mad Dog" worried?

@00:03:45 picture as titled by q is fisa 20 well q
@00:03:57 that what q saying is that the fisa the
@00:04:03 from the carter page fisa warrant that

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:02:31 redacted pages from the fisa because
@00:02:48 activity blatant abuse of the fisa court
@00:08:09 fisa because it's just getting out of

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:06:17 fisa and how it's just a rubber rubber
@00:06:39 so there you go fisa is a big rubber
@00:07:24 talking about the fisa courts and it's a
@00:07:38 believe in the fisa case she's
@00:07:49 quote transcripts of relevant fisa court
@00:08:26 actual response from the fisa court with
@00:08:47 know a fisa warrant a you know spy on
@00:09:19 appointing fisa court judges and
@00:11:40 it says fisa warrant was issued and
@00:11:45 after mana for fisa warrant was issued

Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?"

@00:00:01 carter page fisa warrant was rubber
@00:00:03 stamped through the fisa court without
@00:32:12 basically just rubber stamped the fisa
@00:32:42 roberts oversees the fisa court and i'm
@00:33:28 how the hearing went with the fisa court
@00:34:06 warrant by the fisa judge so now it's
@00:34:21 was like here sir this is the fisa
@00:35:38 the fisa court he should direct the
@00:36:49 to a fisa court judge i'm pretty sure
@00:36:54 a fisa court if you knowingly deceive

"NSA NO MORE" Satellites & Servers Offline?

@00:20:07 obtain the fisa court warrants and to
@00:21:56 using the fisa court which is just the

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:18:14 out that they lied to the fisa court to


@00:28:15 fisa on carter page so the fbi had to
@00:30:48 to appeal to a fisa court to get a
@00:32:00 those fisa warrant applications aren't
@00:33:38 facts submitted to fisa court to obtain
@00:33:56 submitted to the fisa court in order to

"Who has ULTIMATE command?"

@00:01:16 stories to get fisa warrants well there
@00:01:48 order to get a fisa court to agree to a
@00:04:59 saying fisa and then the abcs which are
@00:06:55 operations then it's saying fisa equals
@00:06:58 fisk which fisa is the foreign
@00:07:18 process of obtaining a fisa warrant what
@00:07:51 fisa warrants notices who directs the
@00:10:28 the fisa warrant says who must sign off
@00:10:56 active fisa warrants and surveillance so
@00:11:10 knowing what was in active fisa warrants
@00:11:38 fisa warrants well you have like i said
@00:13:03 but it could be very true that fisa

"There is a price we will not pay."

@00:02:17 and the renewal of the fisa warrant all

Q Anon Confirmed on POTUS Twitter Again?

@00:03:48 signing carter page fisa why did rod
@00:04:31 the carter page fisa that basically was
@00:05:25 his asses who it gives us this the fisa
@00:06:03 on these fisa warrants while knowing
@00:14:07 cottage fisa and then all the way down

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:19:39 knew prior to signing see the cp fisa
@00:19:56 page fisa it says why did rob roses dean
@00:20:34 puts us into the court card of page fisa

Q ANON | How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

@00:13:51 what happens if fisa fails or signers
@00:14:01 clinton probe fisa meaning that there is
@00:14:15 probe fisa it says how do you keep

Q Anon: "These people are stupid."

@00:30:49 we're blocking the fisa memo from being

Q ANON: "The more you know..."

@00:20:38 out of the fisa were released if that

Q Anon: "Why was FAKE NEWS infuriated by this?"

@00:06:56 with the fisa court especially the fact
@00:11:03 went into a fisa warrant against carter
@00:11:09 not go into the fisa application was not

The Truth About Trump and Russia...

@00:27:34 fbi doj to expand fast fisa apps false
@00:29:17 gave us talking about how the fisa

The biggest story the MSM won't tell...

@00:02:09 fisa documents the 20 pages being
@00:03:30 of a fisa application targeting carter
@00:04:40 doj and fbi officials while the fisa
@00:05:21 of the fisa applications none of the
@00:05:23 fisa applications mentioned that the fbi
@00:05:40 initial page fisa application in early
@00:05:53 unverified the page fisa application
@00:06:47 page fisa application also mentions
@00:07:08 fisa process at doj and fbi - the memo
@00:09:44 intelligence we have the fisa title in
@00:11:17 renewed by the fisa court every 90 days
@00:13:27 fake dossier to actually get a fisa
@00:16:07 declassify the remaining doj fisa docs
@00:16:10 why shouldn't he allow the fisa
@00:17:13 on those fisa warrants because they're
@00:17:54 fisa court and they said oh we've got
@00:18:04 analysis that there would be no of fisa

Q Anon: "Be aware of your surroundings."

@00:03:41 redacted out of it it's a 99 page a fisa
@00:07:53 uncovered in this fisa and the fact that

FBI releases new info on HRC investigation!

@00:09:11 in the twenty redacted pages of fisa

"Message sent. We know. Q"

@00:08:53 fisa court documents that expose so much

Q Anon Follower Exposes Plot Against President Trump.

@00:02:46 fisa and and sometimes we tend to only
@00:03:42 point now the 20 pages in the fisa
@00:07:54 include fisa declassified by potus key
@00:08:21 awareness fisa he is / sparring
@00:08:46 this is it right here fisa implicates

"Impossible to defend."

@00:00:07 fisa and what is gonna be coming around
@00:11:49 says phi suffice a fisa 20 public
@00:12:40 within the fisa documents that explain
@00:15:11 what's in the rest of that fisa i could

"The world is about to change."

@00:21:33 talks about how the fisa documents

"All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show."

@00:02:35 now it says thick fisa right think no

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:02:47 have here the fisa warrant in my hands
@00:03:31 would the fisa that we've fought so hard
@00:03:51 percent of that fisa that came out last
@00:04:15 a fisa warrant we were exonerated last
@00:05:20 dirt to get a fisa is bad what she what
@00:06:18 that fisa has has the president read the
@00:09:14 what's in the the fisa document was
@00:09:21 the fisa warrant to go after president
@00:09:52 and who is ordering this fisa warrant
@00:28:51 bottom to top layers fisa equals
@00:29:30 starting with the fisa because the feist
@00:30:21 foundation is fisa then the layers are


@00:06:17 with the fisa documents and i can say
@00:10:30 regarding fisa and the dossier important
@00:13:16 false info fisa equals implicates hrc
@00:13:58 cooperation strategy fisa brings down
@00:14:02 the house for you does not include fisa

"NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people!"

@00:17:27 the fisa warrant that was you that was

"Relevant today. News unlocks."

@00:03:13 on the fisa extension of the warrant for

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:20:40 fisa by the fbi and the doj so this guy
@00:22:38 no fisa is the highest level
@00:23:09 fact that fisa is not covered under foia
@00:23:19 information act generate redacted fisa

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:18:51 dossier the fisa so they went to face up
@00:20:55 giving the fisa warrant when you know
@00:20:57 the faisal the judge granting the fisa

Q ANON: "What is coming?"

@00:17:12 kind of important fisa court judge more

Q ANON: "Attempt still made."

@00:08:33 public they lose setup scam fisa abuse

Q ANON: "They are sick."

@00:07:10 a evidence and proof to get a fisa

Q ANON: "Trust yourself. Public awakening."

@00:24:19 get it going with the fisa court
@00:24:51 furthering fisa warrants okay i hope i'm


@00:15:42 now oh it was all okay the fisa warrant

Q ANON: "What is coming?"

@00:30:18 contrast one of the fisa court judges

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:22:16 in the fisa court if i can't get that i

President Trump Calls Out Former CIA Director's Lies!

@00:20:07 public dossier fisa not public five eyes
@00:20:42 fisa thing look this is from april 15th
@00:22:05 russia dossier and the fisa court abuse


@00:16:22 the judge in the fisa court for a fusion

Q ANON: Latest News - "Flood is coming."

@00:13:35 we know that the fisa court application

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed."

@00:05:21 investigation into the fisa abuse and
@00:25:39 honored look fisa abuse is a serious
@00:26:24 this issue the fisa requests are

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Mistake or on purpose?"

@00:07:22 the fisa courts documents related to the
@00:18:42 to get the fisa court warrants and to do

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think for yourself."

@00:28:10 announced the fisa memo on his show but

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Explore further."

@00:06:06 this all goes with the the fisa request

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think logically."

@00:22:01 fisa court to sign off on tapping trump

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trap card played..."

@00:14:18 forward with the fisa warrants based on

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "WRAYs OF LIGHT."

@00:02:00 ryan to block the fisa memo from

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - TARMAC DEAL

@00:31:38 dossier fisa not public five eyes uk
@00:33:59 fisa and you're you're very adamant that

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Misspellings matter."

@00:08:51 fisa court warrants and the peter stroke

Q AN0N: Latest New Post - "M0NEY. P0WER. C0NTR0L."

@00:06:25 obvious subversion of the fisa court
@00:13:47 fisa court approving trump's tower to be

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:17:53 requesting fisa warrants to spy on in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "/GA/ is terminated."

@00:02:51 giving them to fisa court judges and
@00:02:54 fisa court judges who are having

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Expect a lot more.

@00:14:01 it to the fisa court to get a warrant to

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@00:08:33 effort to block the release of the fisa

Q ANON: Latest New Post - " a way to escape."

@00:04:13 james comey loretta lynch hussein fisa

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@00:09:49 fisa warrant issued to spy on carter
@00:10:03 criminals you have this second fisa

Top Secret Memo Released Exposing Illegal FISA Surveillance.

@00:02:15 people from abuses related to the fisa
@00:02:24 received a fisa probable cause order not
@00:02:42 with requirements under fisa the
@00:02:59 doj obtained one initial fisa warrant
@00:03:12 paragraph 1 a fisa order on an american
@00:03:17 citizen must be renewed by the fisa
@00:03:25 three fisa applications in question on
@00:03:53 fisa intelligence court are classified
@00:03:59 the integrity of the fisa process
@00:04:27 to the target of the fisa application
@00:04:46 disclose that in the fisa court and that
@00:05:07 opportunities before the fisa court to
@00:06:42 none of in the fisa court nothing was
@00:08:23 fisa court in october so they knew about
@00:08:31 the fisa court in october so they knew
@00:09:35 reflected in any of the page fisa a
@00:10:13 fisa court well obviously there's
@00:11:12 fisa application relied on steele's past
@00:11:29 sought from the fisa court without the
@00:11:52 fisa application also mentions

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@00:02:20 rosenstein bey grind and block the fisa

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@00:02:57 releases top secret fisa memo so we'll

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@00:01:33 releasing the top secret fisa memo this

Infowars Releases Top Secret FISA Memo Released! #MemoReleased

@00:00:55 released a secret fisa memo and it was
@00:02:57 using fake evidence for the fisa court
@00:05:20 secret fisa member william banting

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@00:01:53 of this fisa classified info why did rod
@00:02:03 fisa was illegally yet
@00:12:58 such warrants fisa do we trust in fisa