William Barr

Live Call In Show 10-5 "He's BAAAACKKKK!!"

@00:07:10 attorney general barr when it comes to

The President Is Waging Asymmetric Warfare!! Red October Has Arrived "aka" [D5]!! :coded:

@00:09:59 is over if barr and durham do not
@00:14:51 by attorney general william barr to

Live Call In Show 9/28/20

@00:14:23 uh bar biturate prescribed for

TRUreporting Live Call In Show And RALLY COVERAGE! 9/25/20

@00:34:36 bar you could go anything

Every Detail Accounted For. Every Scenario Planned For. Enjoy The Show! :coded:

@00:18:14 barr and they've probably given it to
@00:18:28 know that attorney general william barr
@00:18:39 resigns after barr announces his firing

THEORY: Will A Faked Alien Invasion Be The Only Way To Unite Us All?! :coded:

@00:16:38 think of attorney general william barr

Justice Is Coming For The Righteous Ones! :coded:

@00:20:36 until bar and durham really clean it up

TRUreporting Live Call In Show!! 9/9/20

@00:34:27 we have durham we have bar

Evil Lurks In The Shadows And The President Intends To Expose It! :coded:

@00:07:28 general william barr honey badger
@00:18:32 think attorney general william barr

Episode 4: TRU History "The Untold Stories" [the Vatican]

@00:28:11 okay um you have a bar going in your

The Final Nail In The Coffin Right Before The Election!? :coded:

@00:04:34 g bar on the durham probe it could be
@00:04:39 and either attorney general william barr
@00:15:05 trump laying down the gauntlet for bar
@00:18:19 gauntlet for bar
@00:18:41 barr could go down
@00:19:11 barr i think he means
@00:20:17 bill barr can go down as the greatest
@00:20:26 saying bill barr and durham have a
@00:20:29 bill barr is the greatest could be the
@00:20:44 attorney general william barr
@00:20:48 barr could be preparing to launch an
@00:20:56 the heat on attorney general barr and
@00:21:06 left worries barr
@00:21:20 attorney general william barr has
@00:21:41 bar tab durham to look into the origins
@00:21:52 barr whether he would commit to
@00:22:06 democrats fear a.g bar might be
@00:23:12 terrified of what barr
@00:23:34 imagine what barr might reveal this

TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/12/20

@00:28:59 at a restaurant or a bar and a hot girl

Trade Genius: It's Now Time To Buy Into Gold, Silver, And Bitcoin!!

@00:02:20 bar if you're talking economics we're

Mars Needs Children: :Coded:

@00:27:36 william barr

TRUreporting Live Cal ln Show 7/29/20

@00:19:00 the the hearing with bar yesterday it
@00:37:53 barr yesterday my god

TRUreporting Interviews Colin Plume The President Of Noble Gold

@00:11:15 a coin or a bar you know those choices
@00:11:41 that bullion bar in your hand and just

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-15-20

@00:27:10 bring yeah let me know about barr
@00:28:22 bar went ham on ms13 i did see the press

The Hex Of All Hexes! This Is Spiritual Warfare! :coded:

@00:06:25 bar made it clear that there was a in

deleted This Civil War Isn't Organic. Never Fear. White Hats Are In Control! :coded:

@00:06:44 attorney general bar on my findings

TRUreporting Interviews Zach McElroy The Facebook Whistle Blower

@00:14:52 section 230 bill barr has been talking
@00:14:54 about this attorney general william bar

deleted TRUreporting Live Call In Show With Special Guest KarliQ

@00:15:26 literally the greatest group i'd say bar
@00:28:42 build bar knows what do you think they
@00:45:20 going out to a bar and it's fucking

deleted Will Don Jr. Be The One To Ask The Question We've All Been Waiting For?! :coded:

@00:13:00 bill barr reveals a white supremacist
@00:13:31 general barr told a federal bureau of

deleted TRUreporting Live Call In Show 6-13-20

@00:08:13 it in the search bar it'll come up with
@00:48:20 bar and q says the trust them
@00:51:12 trust bar until otherwise that's that's

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 6-8-20

@00:09:30 butt up a bar
@00:36:49 president and basically bar announced on

deleted [they] Tried And [they] Failed!! :coded:

@00:18:18 general william barr explaining the
@00:20:28 attorney general barr threatening to

TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:33:43 told attorney general william bar that

Cities Are Burning. So Many Unexplained Anomalies. Who Is Orchestrating This?! :coded:

@00:21:04 will not charge the white omaha bar
@00:21:51 his clavicle killing him areas omaha bar
@00:31:11 and down in flames the judge bar

deleted Fuel The Narrative! Ignite The PowerderKeg! Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction! :coded:

@00:01:45 this sports bar cleaning up while our

deleted This Thumbnail Speaks For Itself!! It's Habbening!! :coded:

@00:09:54 bar and there's nothing that can stop

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/2/2020

@00:46:03 attorney general bill barr

deleted WAKE EM' UP WEDNESDAY LIVE!!!! 4/29/2020

@00:07:55 no way that barr

TRUreporting Live W/ Special Guest: Heavy Weight Champion David "Nino" Rodriguez Discusses The Elite

@00:08:53 night when i was coming out of a bar you
@00:09:03 of a bar and some thugs came behind me
@00:25:35 bar like the biggest loudest biggest guy
@00:25:49 myself in the mirror in the bar and i
@00:26:07 i was like i left the bar at that moment
@00:26:13 something he lined it out of the bar
@00:43:31 drinking at the bar i had one we're

deleted Wake Em Up Wednesday!!!! 4-22-2020

@00:20:32 m2m madness aeg bar says he's not
@00:22:15 us from ag bar right shoes the

deleted Mike As Vp?! Gates Wants Global Population Injected!! Human DNA In Meat:coded:

@00:05:50 barr in the past few weeks the documents

deleted TRUreporting Presents: Wake Em' Up Wednesday!!!! With Severe Anon and PolarBear Smack!!

@00:16:38 uncovered we already think bar going
@00:17:44 pink bar going public bro he's a brow
@00:17:52 durham be for bar so we already think
@00:17:57 bar going public if he says something if
@00:18:09 100% try to be smart bar don't you agree

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast / Presser / Call In Show

@00:16:20 challenged attorney general william bar
@00:27:31 stein bar posted a threat against the

deleted TRUreporting Live PODCAST and CALL IN SHOW!

@00:40:55 studies fine bar qin with azithromycin

deleted TRUreporting Interviews Tommy G!!

@00:22:40 the room a military room because the bar
@00:22:45 that that bar code is 100% military so a

deleted What We Are Up Against Isn't Of Flesh And Bone :coded:

@00:06:12 moving forward as we could see here bar
@00:06:57 the mission the mission bar said that's
@00:07:00 a key word guys bar said of the justice

deleted Trureporting Live Call In Show and Podcast! LETS GO!

@00:18:51 the bar code on the top of the door

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:22:22 like that and if you're in a bar with
@00:44:16 barr to launch a department of justice

Beyond The Headlines With Special Guest ROSEANNE BARR!

@00:04:13 welcome aboard and miss roseanne barr we
@00:56:51 we're gonna get roseanne barr to come

deleted Do You Have Your [ ] Filled Out?! IT's MARCH MADNESS!!!!

@00:01:29 eastern standard time roseanne barr will
@00:21:45 roseanne barr we'll be on beyond the

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:08:37 it to roseanne barr it's gonna be on

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:03:54 roseanne barr roseanne barr is gonna be
@00:05:23 but yo in all honesty roseanne barr
@00:05:29 roseanne barr we'll be on beyond the
@00:07:59 roseanne barr we're gonna be talking
@00:20:29 promoting the hell out of roseanne barr

deleted Trojan Horse Leading The Charge For A Financial Reset And Arrests?! :coded:

@00:02:22 earlier roseanne barr will be on beyond
@00:02:31 and linda pears and roseanne barr we're
@00:20:49 spread this far and wide roseanne barr

I need to speak with you all.

@00:20:46 hmm cuz roseanne barr is gonna be on the
@00:20:52 barr
@00:21:49 paris roseanne barr and thomas from true

Treasury Anon Tells Of A Plan To Ruin The Central Banks!! :coded:

@00:21:57 bar to run silent and then attack like

deleted Feeling Discouraged?! You Won't Be After Listening To This!! WINNING!

@00:08:27 graham asked ag attorney general bar to

deleted Is The President Foreshadowing The Inevitable!? :coded:

@00:03:00 barr and trump indefinitely postponed
@00:05:41 federal judges over bar and trump
@00:05:56 bar in the sentencing of roger stone and

Traitor 44 Was Doing Personal Favors For Soros And It's All Going To Be Publicized!! :Coded:

@00:00:48 ukraine related material barr is setting
@00:03:58 william bar confirmed on february 10th
@00:04:47 friends it's gonna get to bar it's gonna
@00:05:12 nadler also accused bar of
@00:06:45 bar faced intense scrutiny following his
@00:07:03 judiciary committee on march 31st barr
@00:07:38 bar said another just more lawyer talk
@00:09:32 william bar in the deep states not gonna
@00:15:07 pushing the bar quitting story is the
@00:15:31 bar is told those close to trump he is
@00:22:21 enough for barr to resign i want him out
@00:22:29 bar sabotage the muller report was in on
@00:22:42 is this goes to show you that bar is a
@00:24:35 bar who knows where the bodies are

Threads For All You Naysayers Out There! All Hands On Deck! :coded:

@00:04:45 cities a attorney general bar and now
@00:05:25 sentencing evaluated by ag bar as being
@00:05:56 general bar a lot is moving forward guys
@00:06:25 william bar on friday asking that he
@00:06:36 with william barr that's huge durum
@00:06:45 general barr installs outside prosecutor
@00:10:06 pill stream with roseanne barr all of
@00:13:30 then durham and bar exposing clowns the

Beyond The Headlines: Happy Valentines Day

@00:39:49 fascinating what a bar it was it i'm

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:16:19 bar trap biden obama hunter will be
@00:45:18 tomorrow keller bar is going in front of

5D Chess Is Going Accordingly, Hence "Castle Clean" :coded:

@00:03:06 and type in the search bar true
@00:20:35 general bar created a new commission

HRC Arrest On October 22nd 2020? Schumer Talking To An Entity?! Corona Virus! :coded:

@00:06:37 bar has been giving hillary clinton
@00:07:56 attorney general william bar who hasn't

Beyond The Headlines With Linda Paris!!

@00:55:45 we suspect that bar dang it we suspect

Beyond The Headlines With TRUreporting And Linda Paris!!! "The Spirit World"

@00:31:43 you have to buy yourself a candy bar you

Well Human Cloning Is Officially Mainstream TODAY!? :coded:

@00:03:48 bar on youtube type in true reporting

TRUreporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!!

@00:50:41 you know bar has already issued eight

Why Does Mr. Hanks Want Out?! :coded:

@00:05:29 2.0 just go into the search bar on

Anons Getting A Shout Out From Nunes! And Is A [GS] Arrest Imminent?! :coded:

@00:05:02 bill bar in deitz eight including muller
@00:07:26 to the search bar on youtube and type in
@00:11:00 2019 my friends we have bar talking
@00:12:52 general bar said an info collected via
@00:14:55 into this update with bill barr and
@00:15:01 so here we go huge news bill bar and
@00:15:53 bill barr indicted eight individuals for
@00:19:15 bill barr incredible right and more we
@00:20:57 barr discussing george and i have a


@00:15:07 later mark meadows says bill bar looking
@00:33:25 bar you know that's the british

We Are Witnessing A Slow Death of The [D] Party!! :coded:

@00:11:01 general william bar on inspector
@00:12:57 meadows says bill bar looking at


@00:20:36 what william barr said as well he said

The Mocking Bird Media And [DS] Will Both Be Destroyed Accordingly, Perfection Takes Time!! :coded:

@00:00:12 important thing that that bar said today
@00:04:11 from the epic times william barr has
@00:06:01 see william bar has suddenly become
@00:06:13 general bar provided the same basic
@00:06:45 that will be from bar and that will be
@00:07:18 bar was motivated to make the public
@00:07:43 very important guys that bar felt the
@00:07:50 is attributed to bar don't expect
@00:15:20 his interviews this week bar have
@00:21:15 horowitz durham and then bar my friends
@00:22:21 slander us attorney durham an ag bar

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!!

@00:20:13 and bar have the most yeah exactly and i
@00:20:43 up his report and then you have bill bar

The Complete Breakdown Of The Report!! :coded:

@00:07:26 from bar will be coming i've heard very
@00:16:09 and remember william barr reinstated
@00:22:14 from general bill barr

Bill And Thick Ankles Were VERY Close To Jeffrey And Its going Mainstream!! :coded:

@00:10:13 saloon bar where which excuse me are all

Were Prince Harry And William Indoctrinated Into Evil!? :coded:

@00:03:30 search bar type in true reporting 2.0

POTUS Orders Are In Motion For All Americans To Be Debt Free!! :coded:

@00:03:37 into the search bar on youtube type in

December Is Going To Be One Amazing Month!! :coded:

@00:03:19 go into the search bar on youtube type

The Baby Making Ranch Will Be The Second Chapter Into The [Elites] :coded:

@00:05:22 the search bar of youtube type in true

Clinton's Former Marine One Pilot Arrested On Very Dark Charges!! :coded:

@00:03:30 youtube go into the search bar and type

Who Trapped Who?! The [WB] Has A Name! :coded:

@00:04:10 have to do is go into the search bar on

Jeffrey Accuser Confirms: A Bedroom Floor Made Of Mattress Foam!? :coded:

@00:02:51 into the search bar on youtube and type

Elite Human Hunting Parties?! :coded:

@00:03:23 into the search bar on youtube type in

What Actually Took Place In The Gulf Of Aden?! :coded:

@00:03:08 into the search bar on youtube type in

Starbucks Symbolism Is VERY Demonic! :coded:

@00:03:01 have to do is go into the search bar on

#EpsteinCoverUp Will Encompass And Expose All Involved In Harming Children! :coded:

@00:03:09 search bar on youtube type in true

Project Veritas Is Going To Drop Evidence On Epstein [wille] Be Released Tomorrow?! :coded:

@00:03:02 bar on youtube and type in true
@00:11:04 durham was not appointed by ag bar

Epstein's Death Ruled A Homicide!? Front Page On The MSM Purposefully?! :coded:

@00:06:49 just go into the search bar on youtube

The White Hats Have Possession Of Highly Sensitive Material On Who Created The Enemy!! :coded:

@00:03:04 have to do is go into the search bar on
@00:24:51 investigations any more than we see bar

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:38:02 to a bar go watch them stand up i'm

Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

@00:13:03 general william bar recently had in rome
@00:24:41 may be precisely why both barr and
@00:24:59 general michael horowitz bar has said

Kickbacks Of Millions Of Dollars Have Been Officially Cut Off From The [deepstate] :coded:

@00:02:54 go to the search bar in youtube and type

Will The Democrat Party Even Exist After The 2020 Election?! :coded:

@00:01:22 bill barr signs the order the entire
@00:02:51 bar on youtube type in true reporting
@00:15:43 general bob barr and special
@00:15:57 as if bar durham
@00:16:58 who served on bar yzma's board for a
@00:20:16 finally bill barr signs the order the
@00:20:21 into court attorney general william bar
@00:20:49 businesses barr signed off on a federal
@00:24:10 bar the doj and fbi and leading the

"Those Who Are The Loudest" :coded:

@00:00:07 yeah so i'm you know h a bar is a career
@00:02:52 the crosshairs of william bar and he is
@00:03:54 into the search bar on youtube type it
@00:13:11 probe william barr is gonna go crazy on

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Special Guest RedPill78

@00:30:14 got laser-focused people here and barr
@00:36:59 barr and huber and doing them doing

A War For The Boards: Will 8Kun Survive?! :coded:

@00:02:35 bar on youtube

TRUreporting Live Stream With Guests: Nick Noe And Retired Sgt. First Class William Kotel

@00:41:29 do you trust our attorney general barr

The Threat To Harm People Or Our President At The Dallas Rally Was NOT A Larp!! :coded:

@00:02:42 youtube just go into the search bar and
@00:10:58 address in the address bar it was a

This Is A Time For War And POTUS Is The Only One Fighting For Us!

@00:10:02 after the bar durum investigation will
@00:11:27 it says here bar is going to
@00:11:36 i believe bar sees the cancer that the
@00:13:44 while drinking bar went effing crazy


@00:18:59 this from maria barr true bartiromo
@00:37:19 above a bar and don't look over here and

The Timeline Of Events That Show Why [they] Are Melting Down Publicly!!

@00:04:29 friday in the bar and durham
@00:06:38 april 10th 2019 attorney william barr
@00:08:04 by attorney general barr to head the
@00:08:16 of the bar durham investigation
@00:08:46 the bar durum investigation into the
@00:10:34 were given to aeg bar for purposes of
@00:11:21 concern of the direction of the bar
@00:12:43 details showing that bar and durham are
@00:13:52 department of justice and bill barr go

The White Hats Have Played The [DS] Once Again!!

@00:10:12 10 ounce silver bullion bar and the
@00:20:12 pompeo william barr michael horowitz

Tiffany Fitzhenry Exposes The Elite: coded

@00:03:35 roseanne barr so wrong but before we get

A Complete Breakdown Of #CrowdStrike :coded:

@00:03:56 bullion bar and the trump 2020 coin you
@00:30:10 bar you have giuliani pushing the the

Do You Know Who Greta (Climate Change) Thunberg Is? :coded:

@00:03:15 ounce silver bullion bar and the trump

We Will Not Go To War Under This Administration :coded:

@00:04:51 ounce silver bullion bar and the trump

-2030- The Agenda For Sustainable Development :coded:

@00:01:51 silver bullion bar and the trump 2020

The FEDS Confirms Epstein Did Not Die In His Cell!!

@00:10:05 william bar won't be able to cut this

TRUreporting Live Call In Show Monday September 9th

@00:37:44 the attorney general bar is doing a

DEAD Center Dorian :coded:

@00:02:02 bullion bar and the trump 2020 coin you

World Banking Internment Camps / Epstein Prison Cell Cameras Broken?? :coded:

@00:05:57 door gala bar shilova
@00:10:27 barr said five days later that no
@00:10:38 barr told reporters in texas on august
@00:10:50 he added barr said on august 12th that
@00:10:58 department was and frankly angry barr

Where Is Epstein's Body!? Why No Funeral?! :coded:

@00:12:09 barr maybe this guy will be all put on

The Plot Thickens: Epstein's Will Signed Two Days Before "Death" ??!

@00:01:01 william barr is going after it he wants
@00:12:08 william barr wants to enact an
@00:12:14 bill barr made the bold move to demote
@00:12:45 first step at bar said in a statement
@00:14:08 led by ag attorney general bar announced
@00:15:07 attorney general bar has a serious
@00:15:15 police and new orleans on monday barr
@00:15:36 bar said at the event we are now

Painting Of Bill Clinton Wearing A Dress Surfaces! :coded:

@00:07:31 william bar who yesterday valdon quote
@00:10:27 barr pushes forward to keep his vow that
@00:16:52 general bar for protection and admitting
@00:16:59 who approached bar and met with doj


@00:02:52 i guess inspected by william bar and the
@00:12:38 bar now

A Lot Of Speculation About Epstein's Suicide! What WIll The Outcome Be?

@00:09:21 bar trump order also grant's bar power
@00:10:18 william bar dig into the earliest days
@00:10:50 to bar to declassify or unredacted
@00:13:38 gives bar on lateral authority to
@00:13:50 that is huge count on bar also freeing
@00:15:11 exposed but barr has the power to ferret
@00:15:49 they warned that bar could burn us
@00:16:13 declassified materials and barr who
@00:16:43 epstein as you can see here william bar

TRUreporting And M3thods Discuss Very Important Matters!

@00:11:36 out there we see what bar does we see

Where Do We Go From Here? :coded:

@00:09:17 attorney general william bar fbi

Followers Are A Potential Threat? Should We Be Worried? :coded:

@00:05:37 bar on july 25th extremely recent this
@00:06:08 proceeding barr said in a statement the

A Meeting Of The Minds In Sicily/ Epstein's Transhumanism?! :coded:

@00:08:21 bar dirham investigations they're saving

POTUS Retweets Another Proof?! :coded:

@00:14:59 the attorney general william bar to

The Disney Connection To Little Saint James Island Is Mind blowing!

@00:05:26 general william bar directed the bureau
@00:12:41 clean up a real bad mess william bar

White Hats Return! (Learn Our Comms) :coded:

@00:02:19 silver bullion bar into an unforgettable

Enjoy The Show :coded:

@00:21:29 talking to william barr this picture is
@00:21:46 see justice from william bar very

Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry: Satanic Sex Parties

@00:01:38 stand silver bullion bar into an

Lets Catch Up With The News :coded:

@00:12:38 at the hand of william bar then oh this

Walk and Talk #3

@00:07:26 it wasn't like bar bar boom absolutely
@00:08:31 but yeah i do like greenville but bar
@00:08:34 yeah bar is a sleeping giant a sleeping

U.S Government AntiTrust Probe Going After Technocrat Giants!

@00:01:31 stand silver bullion bar into an

HRC's I.T Tech's House Got Raided Last Night! YUUUGE!!

@00:01:53 stand silver bullion bar into an

Why Does Disney Care About Abortion Laws?!

@00:01:13 is absolutely terrified bill barr was
@00:01:17 investigate this case because bill barr
@00:02:13 hiding it listen to attorney general bar

Biden M.I.A During Memorial Day Weekend?! Get Ready For Digital Fakery 2020!

@00:03:04 coin and a 10 ounce silver bullion bar
@00:03:16 bar is worth two hundred and thirty nine

Another "Attempt" Planned On POTUS?! / Health Scares On the Left! Is The Evil Dying Out?

@00:03:19 i hope bar on this is crazy the kill box
@00:04:08 he attorney general barr can look he

What We've Been Patiently Waiting For (DECLAS) Is Happening! The Gloves Are Off!

@00:05:16 bullion bar the craftsmanship on these
@00:06:35 general bar authority to declassify
@00:07:01 that day in time also roseanne barr she
@00:09:37 general bar will do such that because we
@00:10:44 authority directly to ag bar we will
@00:15:04 cooperation with bar
@00:19:26 attorney general william bar spoke about
@00:19:32 bar means when he talks about them

The Alliance Has Found It's Operators?!

@00:01:23 domestic government 7 bar more

What Were [they] Planning On Doing At 8Chan Owner's Home?

@00:02:01 coin and a 10 ounce silver bullion bar
@00:02:13 bar is worth two hundred and thirty nine

Terrorist Training Camp Uncovered in Alabama

@00:00:56 coin and a 10 ounce silver bullion bar
@00:01:08 bar is worth two hundred and thirty nine

Is J_A Being Tortured In Prison?!

@00:05:26 bar a liar who's been corrupted by potus

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:45:11 and like what's a g bar and all the

History Is Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes!

@00:00:25 attorney general william bar during his

Neon Revolt: Tracking The Maltese Phantom and Spy Gates Crown Connections!

@00:20:02 portrayed as a chance encounter in a bar

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:27:52 aba which is the american bar

Memes / Assange / Abramovich / Censorship

@00:02:16 engraved bullion bar the craftsmanship
@00:05:44 william barr so i thought that was
@00:19:36 february 9th bar installed a bar with
@00:19:39 whitaker bar with whitaker bar eggs
@00:19:42 execute order to d class bar meeting

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:33:32 william bar is killing it he's a
@00:33:59 yeah william bar is awesome well ricci
@00:34:53 bar will set the bar nice play on words

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:03:51 bar going absolutely crazy on on the

Assange Jailed For 50 WEEKS!! The Walls Are Closing In On The FISA Abusers!

@00:08:42 barr and others that there was in quote

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:00:19 attorney general bar will set a time

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:13:21 william bar and a statement said

The IRS Recognizes The Church Of Satan As A House Of Worship!?

@00:08:16 attorney general barr ended muller's and

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:31:43 yeah william bar is cool i totally agree

Do We Have Another LBJ In The White House?? I PRAY NOT!

@00:03:51 will newly discovered evidence ag bar
@00:04:20 william barr revealing new texts from

The Target Is On The Back Of The DeepState And The American People Are The Firing Squad!

@00:04:18 william bar delivered the muller report
@00:14:47 bar of james comey this is the tree

It Is Now Time To Investigate The Investigators! "Justice Will Be Served."

@00:04:43 campaign as attorney general william bar
@00:08:33 the dossier attorney general barr

#FreeAssange [Think Optics]

@00:04:40 bar puts obama on notice this is crazy
@00:04:44 attorney general bar puts obama on
@00:06:19 monday before congress barr told
@00:06:41 barr said at the hearing huge my friends
@00:07:05 barr testified that a doj review of the
@00:08:30 and i think william barr is going to be
@00:09:01 bill barr puts barack obama on notice
@00:13:30 conspiracy theory today barr confirmed

4-16-19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!

@00:43:45 i do not know too much about william bar

WE Are Witnessing History Being Made!

@00:11:15 general bar for the official who
@00:12:49 here everyone is using this bar was
@00:12:56 obstruction shocker so it's all on bar

12 YUUUGE BombShells In One Week: But, "Nothing's Happening?

@00:19:48 william barr requesting information

3/20/19 T.R.U.reporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:06:29 yes what's up with bar bars a patriot
@00:06:35 lynne paul bar is in place as one of the

Clones And Body Doubles!

@00:04:53 was an attorney general barr and

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call In Show 2/26/1019

@00:22:58 this bar and wipe all me on twitter

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call-In-Show 02/25/19

@00:15:07 tru look into that the letter to bar on

Neon Revolt: Is This The True Face Of #Qanon?

@00:17:28 just a couple days ago bar two muller we

Jussie Smollett: The Faked Hate Crime!

@00:06:10 william barr the new attorney general i

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM 9-26USE -18

@00:24:59 yeah whittaker and bar are going to be

February 5th: The State of The Union Address [All Hell Breaks Loose]

@00:07:43 february 7th william bar senate

Why Is 30th Day Of The Government Shutdown Significant?! The Tides Are Turning!!

@00:07:51 keywords in the search bar and it will
@00:23:16 pick william bar for another job defense
@00:23:30 two days ahead of schedule and barr said
@00:23:32 in late spring of 2017 barr said he was

Live Call In Show. Open Forum. Phone Lines Open At 200 Likes

@01:06:30 that it was severe and then sherry bar
@01:22:07 sherry bar too noisy so yeah we will we

Live Call In Show! Phone Lines Open When The Stream Hits 100 Likes!!

@01:08:45 one yeah i was at a uh i was at a bar in
@01:09:54 non-playable character at every bar in
@01:10:03 being funny but i bet if i went to a bar
@01:10:08 literally at that bar - he's every bar
@01:16:26 let's get to 400 likes sherry bar you

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044 Phone Line Opens At 100 Likes!

@00:55:13 rosanna you follow roseanne barr she's
@01:19:01 sherry bar won't let me call in and i

This Is Real. We All Know It Is. Don't Let [Them] Discredit Us. #WWG1WGA

@00:27:33 share this bar on why this is a good

A Secret War Occurring Since The Death Of George H. W. Bush?!

@00:03:22 barr made a deal to avoid military

Discussing Vincent Fusca With Dustin Nemos!

@00:00:48 hotel bar afterwards so right yes
@00:00:54 you met him at the trump hotel bar
@00:02:13 centi the same bar that was say night in
@00:02:31 hotel you uh at the trump bar that hotel

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044! Phone Line Opens At 100Likes!

@01:01:19 knows it bet what's his last name bar
@01:01:44 william bar is named
@01:05:30 good aren't they man the word on bar is

Late Night Show!

@00:02:43 yeah jed i got you sports bar where i


@00:00:14 thousand oaks bar shooting in southern
@00:01:01 inside thousand oaks bar friends say so
@00:03:24 oaks bar friends say so some of the
@00:03:29 were inside the borderline bar in
@00:03:43 the bar police said it was unclear how
@00:03:54 at the borderline bar and grill who was
@00:05:05 the bar which he frequently attends as
@00:05:58 he used to kill 12 others at the bar so
@00:07:49 borderline bar and grill in thousand
@00:09:37 bar where it was being when the shooter

Live Election Coverage! #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #KEK #TRUreporting

@00:21:28 amy mcgrath 39 point 559 to 39 andy barr
@00:41:20 think of there at the bar that is
@00:41:46 so that's cool like we're at the bar one
@00:41:59 there at the bar you know there's a
@00:42:08 tarde sitting at a bar they probably
@00:42:18 two these two women sitting at the bar


@00:32:46 when i was at a sports bar and i was

Good Evening Friends 10-15-18

@00:45:40 sports bar yesterday watched some


@00:25:47 restaurant yes in a bar yes my own house

Will Dianne Feinstein Be Apart Of Suicide Weekend?

@00:08:39 washington dc bar investigation and to

MEMES / Hurricane Florence / James O'Keefe / Big Week Ahead / WWG1WGA

@00:08:47 a bar and they were head where we go

Isaac Kappy Dropping TRUTH BOMBS on 8ch!! #pedogate #NeonRevolt

@00:17:04 thirsty crow a bar near my house with my
@00:17:30 at this point i went back to the bar i
@00:17:37 to the black cat a restaurant slash bar
@00:18:11 across the street to the bar stella i

I may need a lawyer

@00:02:50 just bar games like i don't know like
@00:02:54 just just stuff you would play at a bar
@00:03:58 you got this docks the bar let's troll

Feeling Proud To Be In This Movement

@00:10:54 i'll listen to it though at a bar or

"Fist Pumps And False Flags" By: NEON REVOLT

@00:12:11 chair of the washington bar association
@00:24:05 pitcher joins roseanne barr as a

"A Call To Arms! The Roaring Majority! " By: NEON REVOLT

@00:09:58 maria barrett ramona bar tear romo

Roseanne Vs. VJ / FBI Insider To Testify Against Obama!! / Tommy Robinson / MEMES

@00:00:19 barr i'm sure you've seen it all through
@00:13:11 and the whole roseanne barr tweet
@00:14:03 you know the things that roseanne barr
@00:15:09 sides and then we see roseanne barr here

#WhereAreTheChildren / SerialBrain2 / MEMES

@00:06:54 things as roseanne barr pto's this is
@00:06:57 from two days ago roseanne barr says

By: Neon Revolt "The Double Agent, The Punisher, The Filmmaker, And A Whole Lotta' Bodies"

@00:05:40 channel all right so hey bar project 2x2