Inspector General

Biden Shocking New Revelations Only The Beginning - Tsunami Coming!

@00:23:12 inspector general report q has posted
@00:23:16 and included in this inspector general

Live 9-11-20 - The Disturbing Big Picture!

@00:26:34 inspector general office of inspector
@00:26:36 general asked for the devices to be

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:24:31 inspector general

Shocker- Mexican Pres Declares "Love" For Cartel Terrorists!!!

@00:13:53 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:14:04 this time inspector general michael
@00:14:33 you know inspector general michael

TRUE Targets Revealed In Epstein Saga As Another Hammer Drops!

@00:24:54 the inspector general report more on
@00:24:58 this inspector general report and don't

With Trump Rallies Set To Resume Tedros Strikes Again!! Coincidence?

@00:19:30 inspector general identified this top

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:06:59 inspector general horne was does not

Live Stream Friday 5-8-20 - American Revolution 2.0

@00:44:51 ray gave the files to the inspector
@00:44:55 general and he gave it to durham and

Sources: Schiff About To Have Very Bad Day! Plus- Barr Releases Key Docs!!!

@00:18:07 materials to the inspector general and

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:28:20 inspector general report now actually
@00:29:17 inspector general departures all of this
@00:37:10 regarding the inspector general report

Left Continues Irrational Attacks On Helpful Drug ... As Docs Keep Praising It!

@00:04:06 trunk goes after this inspector general
@00:04:15 the inspector general who spent eight

Dems Launch Brand New Level Of Psychotic Anti-Trump Attacks!!

@00:15:52 inspector general christie grimm is
@00:16:44 to serve as special inspector general
@00:17:14 special inspector general for pandemic

Trump Spreads Military Across Nation And Fires Intel IG- Nothing To See Here!

@00:12:26 intelligence inspector general we all

Shocker! Gov Newsom Frees 14 Convicted Killers In Name Of Coronavirus!!!

@00:18:40 justice new deal jay inspector general
@00:18:49 new inspector general report was
@00:18:55 title the office of inspector general

Left Unleashes Attacks On Trump Including Brand New HHS "Whistleblower"!!!

@00:08:41 this health and human service inspector
@00:08:43 general what it says here to investigate
@00:09:21 the office of inspector general for the

Boom! Trump Team Taunts With Q Anon Quote - What Will Be Next?

@00:06:48 obama dhs inspector general he's taped

FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

@00:59:03 inspector general indicted another
@00:59:30 homeland security inspector general and

Dershowitz Drops Bomb To Start Off Week- Has 302 Docs As Proof!!!

@00:09:54 crooked intelligence committee inspector
@00:09:56 general michael atkinson and victoria
@00:10:53 me today i'll say it again the inspector
@00:10:56 general report which when it came out

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:13:06 he lied about it to the inspector
@00:13:08 general how could he do that but we know
@00:13:25 inspector general released a scathing

On Cue! Roger Stone Case Triggers Wave Of Firings And Awareness!!

@00:13:49 inspector general found that the

Boom! Barr Confirms DOJ Assessing Giuliani Ukraine Investigation Info!

@00:08:56 committee inspector general refuses to
@00:09:38 intelligence committee gave inspector
@00:09:40 general mike atkinson until friday to
@00:10:05 community inspector general declined to
@00:10:31 community inspector general michael
@00:11:36 74 inspector general demanding immediate

Graham Predicts Hunter Testimony- Trump Drops Huge Q Proof At NJ Rally!!!

@00:10:52 inspector general for the intelligence
@00:11:11 were 18 the 18th was the inspector
@00:11:13 general of the intelligence community
@00:11:55 filed a complaint with the inspector
@00:11:57 general under penalty of perjury that

BOOM!! Rudy Announces Huge Ukraine Revelations Beginning Now!

@00:25:48 office of inspector general report
@00:27:01 of the inspector general report but

Anti-Trump Atheist Fall Into Trap- Johnson Amendment E.O. Signed 2017!

@00:13:03 inspector general report and it says

Friday 12-27-19: Patriot News - Coup Unraveling!

@00:46:16 quote asked inspector general a concern

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:28:20 most well that the inspector general
@00:28:30 inspector general report details 17
@00:28:40 the way the inspector general michael
@00:28:45 example the inspector general uncovered
@00:29:57 way the inspector general report also

Live Stream Friday 12-20 Patriot News Breakdown, Analysis!

@00:21:47 the inspector general report ordering

Impeachment Coup Counter Strategy Revealed! Dems Won't Like This!!

@00:18:47 inspector general answered and later on

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:22:03 inspector general report there is no

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:08:31 office of inspector general report is
@00:10:41 and obama appointed doj inspector
@00:10:44 general michael horowitz i want to stop
@00:21:31 horowitz releases the inspector general
@00:22:49 report office of inspector general

Live Stream Friday 12-13-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:17:57 general william bar on the inspector
@00:40:22 critical of an inspector general widely
@00:50:41 inspector general said again people this

With No Impeachable Offenses Identified Dems Stumble To Finish Line

@00:05:32 deal jay inspector general obama may
@00:06:13 the newly released audit by inspector
@00:06:15 general at the us department of justice
@00:06:38 point it says up here in doj inspector
@00:06:42 general micro horwitz's report then fbi
@00:08:28 inspector general horowitz is now
@00:10:28 case between inspector general horowitz

Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

@00:01:00 with the inspector general michael
@00:05:38 inspector general horowitz refused

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:01:09 inspector general report the details
@00:08:21 of inspector general michael michael
@00:09:06 now we have here inspector general
@00:11:03 despite damning inspector general report
@00:11:58 inspector general is not about making
@00:12:02 conclusions inspector general horowitz's
@00:20:02 some of these deal jay inspector general
@00:22:02 inspector general and the comprehensive
@00:22:52 we advised inspector general that we do

Dems to Draft Articles Of Impeachment As America, GOP Unite Behind Trump!

@00:02:16 evening as we await the inspector
@00:02:18 general report and we're gonna see
@00:07:52 complete compete with inspector general
@00:08:06 inspector general report is being rolled
@00:18:32 on we have report dl j inspector general
@00:18:48 justice department inspector general

"President Pelosi" Speaks On Behalf Of US In Paris!!! Plus Explosive Q Proofs!

@00:07:25 this some of this stuff that inspector
@00:07:28 general horowitz is saying or is bar
@00:07:56 from the justice department inspector
@00:07:57 general investigation regarding the

Live Stream Friday 11-29-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:33:40 york times pre spinning of inspector
@00:33:44 general report true to script for
@00:35:01 inspector general michael horowitz the
@00:35:56 happened and the inspector general this

NYT Rolls Out Fictional Version of IG Report 2 Weeks In Advance Of Report!

@00:06:52 inspector general found no evidence that
@00:09:32 to defend himself at inspector general

Trump Confirms Cartels To Be Designated Terrorist Organizations!

@00:08:30 department inspector general michael

Trump Special Meeting With AG Barr, Staff Delays Flight 45 Min!!

@00:08:22 inspector general's report was going
@00:08:26 released inspector general horowitz has

HUGE! Durham Probe Now a Criminal Investigation, Hillary Quickly Hints At Run

@00:03:20 inspector general allow this to happen
@00:09:25 reporting right there do jay inspector
@00:09:28 general horowitz sends letter to capitol

Pelosi, Schiff Cross Irreversible Lines- Judgment Day Is Coming!!!

@00:19:28 that the inspector general report is

Caught On Camera! Ilhan and Lover Disguise Exposed At Anti-Trump Riot!

@00:10:41 inspector general report coming out this

Live Stream Friday 10-11-19 - Patriot News and Updates

@00:40:42 inspector general in other words people
@00:41:10 inspector general for the us
@00:41:13 and the inspector general at the time

Explosion of Evidence!! Audio Files, Calls, Emails, Docs Show Dems Corruption!

@00:12:42 community inspector general knowingly
@00:13:22 intelligence community inspector general
@00:13:40 inspector general stonewalling he's

Groundhog Day!! Dems Roll Out Another "Whistleblower" 1 Week After Transcript!!

@00:25:20 this doj inspector general report on

Nancy's Secret Strategy Exposed With Brilliant Trump Counter-move!

@00:05:08 state department inspector general gives
@00:05:21 the state department inspector general
@00:05:31 the state department inspector general

NYT Admits,Video Proves Schiff Lied! Attempted Coup Implodes!!!

@00:16:37 the inspector
@00:16:39 general or the director of national

"It's a COUP!"- Trump Spells It Out For ALL to See!

@00:10:26 intelligence community i guess inspector
@00:10:30 general admits it changed whistleblower
@00:10:41 people and this inspector general this

Barr, Durham, Foreign Leaders Cooperate, Prepare Evidence!

@00:08:18 with doj inspector general soon yeah
@00:08:36 inspector general michael horowitz as

Solomon Drops 450+ Pages of Docs Implicating Biden and Son Corruption!

@00:18:18 the inspector general determined that
@00:19:31 inspector general did not know the
@00:19:34 inspector general found the

"Whistleblower", Biden Bombshells Emerge- Nancy Pushes Red Button!!

@00:18:12 we have this fuck new fox news inspector
@00:18:15 general found whistleblower had
@00:18:30 inspector general found that the

Live Stream Friday 9-13-19 - Patriot News

@00:33:29 happening we have dl j inspector general
@00:33:40 justice department's inspector general

US Atty Recommends Charges On McCabe As Nadler Continues Coup!!

@00:05:34 you remember last year the inspector
@00:05:36 general so the internal watchdog for the
@00:06:39 finding by the inspector general a
@00:07:53 inspector general i don't know when it's

Trump's Forgotten Interview Following 9-11 Attacks … HUGE!

@00:04:17 to question the inspector general of the
@00:04:19 justice department inspector on the

Live Stream Friday 9-6-19 - Patriot News/Q /Storm update!

@00:36:01 the office of inspector general they

As Many As 1000 Will Be Implicated In Epstein Sealed Files

@00:06:41 department inspector general michael

Graham Submits 9 Point Declas Request to Barr- Trump Tweets On Same Topic!

@00:11:08 the inspector general raises questions

Nunes Implies IG Report Designed to Make Comey Eligible For Larger Charges!

@00:08:59 that department of justice inspector
@00:09:01 general report on former fbi director
@00:09:12 always remind people that the inspector
@00:09:13 general did not have a lot of power
@00:09:27 good thing about the inspector general

New Office Of Transparency May Launch By Next Week to Expedite Doc Release!

@00:02:08 inspector general report the comey
@00:08:34 inspector general releases james comey
@00:14:22 the inspector general michael horowitz
@00:18:03 of doj inspector general report fires
@00:20:11 abuse of power in wake of doj inspector
@00:20:14 general report yeah this goes back again

Comey Report Likely Released Today! IG Will Refer For Federal Prosecution!!!

@00:13:51 have justice department inspector
@00:13:52 general has done separate report on
@00:14:03 department inspector general is
@00:14:39 release of 65 page inspector general
@00:15:24 the inspector general is putting out
@00:16:27 the inspector general as we have long

McCabe Indictment Expected, IG Horowitz to Conclude FISA Warrants Illegal!

@00:16:24 inspector general has found that all

More Leftist Terrorism! Shots Fired Into ICE Facility- Dems Silent!

@00:08:51 justice department inspector general

Special Report: Epstein Found Dead!

@00:06:03 fbi investigation have attorney general
@00:06:06 bar has ordered both fbi and inspector
@00:06:09 general to open investigation into
@00:07:40 inspector general who is opening an
@00:11:33 especially with attorney general bar and
@00:11:36 inspector general on this case so we'll

THE PLAN: Ruining Paradigms- Driving Left Into Psychosis!

@00:22:44 the attorney general is done with his
@00:22:48 adding into it inspector general

Tada! FBI Doc Predicted By Q Over 1 Yr Ago- MSM Deranged Anti-Q Attacks Follow

@00:03:20 inspector general for the intelligence

Comey Just Got Some Good ... AND Really BAD News...

@00:07:06 expected to be skewered by doj inspector
@00:07:11 general probe into leaked memos but
@00:07:43 deal j inspector general michael

Black Hawk Choppers Seen Flying Secret Missions Over D.C.

@00:06:11 then we have this inspector general
@00:06:30 says here doj inspector general hores is

THEY'RE BACK! Explosive New Q Drops Detail Upcoming Events!

@00:18:08 here from before inspector general

The Avalanche Begins! Epstein Arrest Carries Nuclear Capabilities!

@00:09:32 know that the inspector general report

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:09:20 inspector general horowitz at the 11th
@00:09:28 sought by deal g.j inspector general

Nunes: Something "Odd" About Mueller Upcoming Testimony ...

@00:04:55 department of justice inspector general
@00:05:55 so you think the inspector general will

"This is straight up fiction"- Gaetz, Jordon Go Nuclear On Dean Side Show

@00:17:17 then we have this marc metals inspector
@00:17:20 general report is delayed crimes were

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:17:07 for inspector general sorry no way
@00:17:44 office of inspector general was

What? Dems Set Up "Private Meeting" With Brennan- Very Suspicious

@00:07:25 the attorney general we have the supreme
@00:07:28 office of inspector general we have the

CIA, DNI, FBI Jump Into Spygate Probe ... Avalanche Begins!!

@00:12:41 working directly with inspector general

(GULP)...Things Just Got Even Worse For the Deep State ...

@00:08:30 department's inspector general michael

Very Strange Timing- Did You Hear What She Said This Time??

@00:08:08 on with the office of inspector general

As Dems Panic Intensifies Jordan Silences House With Coup Details!

@00:05:04 under oath according to the inspector
@00:05:05 general fbi counsel jim baker demoted

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:25:54 class pre or post inspector general

Did You Catch What Trump Just Told Sean Hannity? The Proofs Are Everywhere!!

@00:11:02 of inspector general and everyone that's

Dems Go Into Full Meltdown Over Barr's Testimony- Pass the Popcorn!!!

@00:01:04 citizen the office of the inspector
@00:01:10 general has a pending investigation of
@00:01:24 some answers from inspector general
@00:02:03 i'm told the officer office of inspector
@00:02:07 general reports will be ready between

Trump, Q Team On the Offensive- "Nobody Walks Away From This"

@00:25:05 office of inspector general report or

Road to Justice Post Blockade Removal- Q Anon Map Right Again!

@00:16:39 then the office of inspector general

Trump, Q Team Deliver More Proofs, Direct Message to Patriots!

@00:04:35 office of inspector general we see that

Q Anon: "Press Conference Coming? They Will Claim Political Attack"

@00:17:15 sperry breaking doj inspector general

First Wave Of Unsealed Indictments- Did Q Anon Just Drop a Major Clue??

@00:11:56 inspector general report on the clinton

Stage Set- Nadler Admits No Proof Of Obstruction! ...But "We Have to Look"

@00:22:49 pompeo is meeting with the inspector
@00:22:51 general he shows you an image to get you

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:07:16 inspector general with jeff sessions
@00:27:20 says he's waiting for the dl j inspector
@00:27:23 general now bar plus the office of
@00:27:25 inspector general to proceed with the
@00:33:36 the office of inspector general jeff

Q "Mass Infiltration" Drop Decoded- As Storm Rolls Into High Gear!

@00:19:07 inspector general investigation into

MSNBC Finally Admits It! No Trump Russia Collusion- Plus Nice Q Proofs!

@00:20:32 inspector
@00:20:32 general for odie and i didn't have the

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:15:24 office of inspector general all these

Brilliant!- Game Theory 101 In Action As Patriots Play Dems!

@00:17:40 inspector general report reveals

Q- "Border Security = National Security" Can U See Where This is Going?

@00:21:53 conjunction with the office of inspector
@00:21:55 general approved the release of

Q On Sessions, Gowdy, Goodlatte Resignations- "Logical Thinking Required"

@00:18:42 from the inspector general same thing

Trump-Putin 2.0 Set For 11-11 "Now What Are the Odds of That?"

@00:10:48 back hard office of inspector general

Bombshell! Indicted Leaker Linked to Mueller Team! Another Leaker Sentenced

@00:24:22 agency's inspector general report

Q Firm Reassurance [CHANGE IS COMING]

@00:32:17 know the office of inspector general

TA-DA!! Sessions Subpoenaed to Produce Unredacted Docs TODAY 10-4!

@00:32:58 today plus previous to inspector general

... Meanwhile 100% Of Witnesses Side WITH Kavanaugh!

@00:23:00 is saying tonight did the inspector
@00:23:02 general recommend rosenstein step down

Q Drops 2 Words That WILL Calm and Reassure All Patriots! Amazing!!

@00:26:08 inspector general horowitz was tasked to
@00:26:20 inspector general horowitz q then is

Deep State Panic and Chaos As Old Guard Self Destroys

@00:11:17 not to release therefore the inspector
@00:11:20 has been asked to review the inspector
@00:11:23 general that it asked to review these

Q Anon Foretells Of Coming Accelerated Awakening

@00:17:26 that james baker the former general of
@00:17:38 inspector general and with the federal
@00:18:04 regarding baker confirmed note inspector
@00:18:06 general involved huber and horowitz and

Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real"

@00:01:41 game of chess inspector-general horowitz
@00:02:01 link here meet the inspector general
@00:02:06 this on the office of inspector general
@00:02:22 of the inspector general on integrity
@00:02:37 inspector general on integrity and
@00:02:43 all 73 inspectors general think
@00:02:51 robert storch confirm nsa inspector
@00:02:55 general and q shows you who this robert
@00:03:03 national security agency inspector
@00:03:05 general back in december 22nd of 2017 as
@00:03:24 inspector general for nsa department of
@00:04:12 2015 appointment as deputy inspector
@00:04:15 general he also served as chairman of
@00:05:08 regarding inspector general's yes he is
@00:05:12 council of inspectors general and
@00:05:49 inspectors general whose offices are
@00:05:54 section 8 g of the inspector general's
@00:06:20 inspector general act of 1978
@00:06:29 inspector general's now being brought

Q Anon to Deep State Rats: "New Playbook Needed? We See You"

@00:29:55 a video of inspector general dl j
@00:29:59 inspector general michael horowitz

Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List"

@00:15:16 inspector general report from may of

Kathy Griffin Tweets Support For Sessions! ... Popcorn?

@00:24:51 attorneys and inspector general with
@00:30:40 the inspector general did right and you

Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! "NOTHING IS HAPPENING"! (Special Presentation)

@00:11:14 the intel community's inspector general

WaPo New "Q Anon Poll" Claims It's "Very Unpopular" LOL!!!

@00:15:56 inspector general that discovered the
@00:16:21 intelligence community inspector general
@00:17:04 this intelligence community inspector
@00:17:06 general that was aware of this hacking
@00:21:33 inspector general plus four hundred and

Q Anon: "Think Server Access [granted] Money talks"

@00:18:45 inspector general meetings not yet
@00:18:56 with huber and the inspector general
@00:24:00 inspector general big big bomb and it's

Newly Released Docs!! Obama State Dept Contributed to Anti-Trump Dossier

@00:07:39 look at the inspector general report as

Early Q Post Reveals THE "Biggest Inside Drop ... EVER"

@00:24:58 out in the inspector general report and

YIKES!!! Huge Hole Surfaces In Lynch-Bill Tarmac Meeting Claims

@00:13:12 inspector general michael horowitz his

Sessions Unleashed- Team Of 470 Returns 40,483 Sealed Indictments!!

@00:17:07 chairman that inspector general michael
@00:20:19 report the inspector general report my

Darkness to Light! Confirmations Adding Up As Glorious 2018 Unfolds

@00:03:54 inspector general report and the
@00:06:58 submitted to the inspector general to

"What a Coincidence"- This New Q Proof Is TRULY Impressive!

@00:01:09 hours remain for the inspector general
@00:11:55 inspector general howard horowitz on
@00:12:58 inspector general hearings and let's see
@00:13:53 supplied by any inspector general report

It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?"

@00:10:18 inspector general email investigation
@00:13:13 you have not addressed white inspector
@00:13:15 general report according to you was the

Obama "International Order" Speech Fully Explained- 100% Proof Case Closed!

@00:15:07 inspector general report lot going on

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:20:41 thing with the inspector general report
@00:21:52 the inspector general report in appendix
@00:23:55 requests why inspector general huber
@00:23:58 can't inspector general disclose

Release of "Modified" IG Report First Nail In Deep State's Coffin- Here's Why

@00:00:46 office of inspector general us
@00:01:25 of inspector-general which will bring
@00:02:12 inspector general report with criminal
@00:02:18 inspector general that's not even their
@00:03:53 modified inspector general redacted
@00:17:27 inspector general reports it's no need
@00:17:52 so long with the inspector general

Glorious!! Sessions Checkmate Strategy Unfolding!

@00:06:37 inspector general so what's happening
@00:08:23 with the inspector general within the
@00:08:45 that inspector general michael horowitz

Q 6-11-18: "You are watching a scripted movie "

@00:07:03 sookie onan says here in 1452 inspector
@00:07:08 general huber
@00:07:41 says inspector general report loaded top
@00:10:44 inspector general

Q New Warning: "False Flag Weather Alert Worldwide"

@00:03:23 inspector general redactions heavy plus
@00:04:28 inspector general generally for removing
@00:04:41 obama call that was in the inspector
@00:04:43 general report they're removing so rod
@00:05:52 inspector general report and we're gonna

An Eye-Opening Report About the "NWO" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH!

@00:03:12 as we wait for the inspector general

"Trust Sessions" Proven Right AGAIN As Storm Rolls On

@00:10:52 have trump birthday surprise inspector
@00:10:55 general report released set for june
@00:11:38 the inspector general report being

4AM Clown Drops Fail As Big Swamp-Draining News Looms!

@00:01:53 of the inspector general report
@00:07:03 inspector general report threatens to

Trump Co-Signs Q Drop On IG Breaking News- "God Bless USA"

@00:03:33 here report inspector general will
@00:03:50 inspector general horowitz was found has
@00:08:52 all over the report inspector general

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:47:54 fbi inspector general cuber who

Q Eye Opener- "What would be the purpose of creating confusion? "

@00:13:10 before define inspector general says q

Breaking-Is Mueller About to Do 180 Degree Turn Against Deep State? (Podcast #44 PART 1 of 2)

@00:13:49 inspector general yeah and there was an

Q- "Legal case(s) building- Patience isn’t always easy"

@00:10:16 look located by inspector general

Something Big Is Coming! "MOAB" Trump Red Carpet State Dinner?

@00:12:37 inspector general between peter struck

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:14:48 had trump we first we had the inspector
@00:14:50 general report released this week
@00:35:44 intelligence committee and the inspector
@00:35:46 general report and all these things that

These Very Special New Q Revelations WILL Brighten Your Day! Please Share!!

@00:21:56 inspector general think ray chandler

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:05:04 department of justice inspector general
@00:08:31 saying anyway he goes inspector general

New Anti-Q Psyop Torn to 1000 Pieces As Storm Rolls On!

@00:03:30 department of justice inspector general
@00:04:03 system well the doj inspector general
@00:08:57 pushing forward now with the inspector
@00:08:59 general michael horowitz moving forward
@00:09:44 michael horowitz the inspector general

"You Failed"- Q Addresses New Anti-Q Psyop Attacks!

@00:13:05 the department of justice inspector
@00:13:08 general reviews alleged fisa abuses by