Deep state

Escape - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.30.20

@00:10:45 helps fight the deep state help us fight
@00:10:47 the deep jesus we're not conspiracy

Shadow Diplomacy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.26.20

@00:05:22 spies to counter deep state enemies the
@00:05:52 a means of countering deep state enemies

Spies Like Us - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.20

@00:26:36 seems to have their own deep state
@00:26:56 care about our own deep state so it kind

ROOKie Move - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.20.20

@00:15:35 deep state knuckleheads that want you to

Where's the 302? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.15.20

@00:20:14 unknown figures in the deep state or

Middle of the Movie - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.12.20

@00:20:09 basically talking about the deep state

7th Floor - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.9.20

@00:09:14 out the deep state that's been one of

Know Your Rights In Pursuit of Truth Presents 5 4 20

@00:30:54 pritzker is straight-up deep state
@00:30:57 knucklehead long time family of deep
@00:31:00 state knuckleheads and of course they
@00:31:03 are deep as deep get this guy's
@00:33:51 deep state knucklehead that i also bring

Law Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.1.20

@00:06:44 of your favorite deep state knuckleheads
@00:29:43 deep state exposed infiltration instead

Chal-lenge - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.30.20

@00:07:11 from the daily coyne org deep state

Falling Down In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 29 20

@00:15:09 deep state doj block regarding molar
@00:15:36 deep state in a lot of ways because it

Revered - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.27.20

@00:13:29 april 2020 we saw all the deep state

Heal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.17.20

@00:06:33 12:00 we get a twitter status to deep
@00:06:35 state exposed and you know what deep
@00:06:37 state exposed exposes the deep state
@00:07:05 that's exactly what deep state exposed

Frog Nation - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.16.20

@00:07:23 deep state players will sometimes
@00:20:39 deep state and knuckleheads and i'm sure

Sick! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.20

@00:19:33 lee george soros and the typical deep
@00:19:35 state knuckleheads were involved in

Rats! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.21.20

@00:02:42 scurry are we just talking about deep
@00:02:44 state rats are we talking about remote
@00:15:52 in the deep state which we all know

Ask the Q - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.20

@00:05:20 a deep state designed to take down
@00:05:22 donald trump the idea of a deep state
@00:07:48 this was a just a deep state attempt to

To Be Blunt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.20

@00:06:23 knee-deep in china she was a chief of
@00:06:31 of deep state knucklehead agree with
@00:06:53 deep state knucklehead connections now

Slam Dunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.20

@00:20:48 involved in the corruption those deep
@00:20:51 state bureaucrats who abuse their power
@00:21:26 and many other current and former deep
@00:21:29 state officials responsible for the

Silent War - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.7.20

@00:08:58 super deep beyond the selling of state

Freedom Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.1.20

@00:06:55 longtime deep state knuckleheads but
@00:12:48 ukraine to try and deep stabilize the
@00:12:55 their deep state proxies iran is another
@00:13:55 course the deep state doesn't really

Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.31.20

@00:37:28 people this is why the cia and the deep
@00:37:30 state protects him and this is why the
@00:37:33 deep state and the cia do not want very

KEKXit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.24.20

@00:09:18 air saying hey we're still deep state
@00:09:20 we're still deep state you could come
@00:31:14 kind of consider a deep state or

Ordnary - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.20.20

@00:06:46 virginia we're deep state operatives and

Vase2Vase - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.4.20

@00:19:41 agencies or the deep state whatever you

Master of Puppets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.20.19

@00:17:03 this entire deep state is right
@00:29:33 about a so-called deep state cabal of

42B - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.19

@00:12:58 these deep state actors have been

Cracked Corn - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.19

@00:19:10 deep state cloaks their names from

All Hands On Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.8.19

@00:06:46 and you are bought into the deep state
@00:15:02 leonid coupe chin so these are deep
@00:15:05 state knuckle heads through and through
@00:16:10 own deep state knucklehead injury that
@00:31:46 against the deep state and this deep
@00:31:50 state was made up of satanic pedophiles
@00:33:23 fight with the deep state in terms of
@00:35:40 working with muller to fight the deep
@00:35:42 state some of it was about things of the
@00:35:45 deep state we're doing too
@00:35:57 believe that this was a just a deep
@00:36:01 state attempt to take out a sitting

On With the Show - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.7.19

@00:02:21 frenzy on twitter but it's got our deep
@00:02:24 state knuckleheads back behind bars

Bring It All Down - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.19

@00:11:46 deep state knucklehead characters are

Out On a Ledger? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.28.19

@00:17:17 deep state that honestly he was a big
@00:20:49 tactic used by these deep stay
@00:20:53 them black hats but we'll call them deep
@00:20:55 state knuckleheads projection so that
@00:34:45 because that's a deep state proxy but
@00:34:54 what frustrates the deep state so much

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.19

@00:19:10 line of communists deep state and uncle

Q Anon/News - It's a Trap! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.16.19

@00:07:34 were targets of the deep state and it

Q Anon/News - Gnarwhal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.15.19

@00:21:42 deep state knuckleheads were

Q Anon/News - Rockets and Dockets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.14.19

@00:03:51 sean hannity on wednesday that the state
@00:03:53 department it's just much deep state
@00:16:04 deep state know what was going on so
@00:16:12 few things and the deep state reacts it
@00:16:25 the deep state reacts and that allows us
@00:27:19 ukraine was definitely a deep state

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.19

@00:16:44 convinced he was part of a deep state
@00:25:24 this was essentially a deep state proxy

Very Good Girl - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.30.19

@00:08:03 hollywood and of course a deep state
@00:11:23 embolden because deep state ties have
@00:11:34 not so sure the deep state cut ties have
@00:12:02 pelosi and schiff both deep state

Die Like a Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.28.19

@00:26:02 deep stay is a little unhappy ed's in
@00:26:05 the deep state who are howling and
@00:26:15 creating a dog whistle to the deep state

Cardinal Sins - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.7.19

@00:16:46 of excoriated the deep state and it was

CyberBunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.19

@00:09:47 deep state knuckleheads all throughout

D-Notice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.16.19

@00:25:00 you know my concern is that the deep
@00:25:02 state will narrowly define the crimes
@00:27:35 considering all these deep state
@00:30:08 much of these deep state knuckleheads

Dog Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.19

@00:19:20 lid off this deep state scandal it's

IceWorm - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.19

@00:14:36 bunch of free-range deep state
@00:14:55 this be a place where the deep state was
@00:14:57 doing some deep state knuckleheaded rhee

In-N-Out - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.17.19

@00:02:43 like the deep state dormitories i guess

Q Anon/News - Stalwarts - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.19

@00:04:31 thinking that maybe the deep state broke

Times Are 8Chan-ging - IPOT Presents - 8.8.19

@00:03:37 themselves and of course if the deep
@00:03:40 state is actually confronted with that

Q Anon/News - HOT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.19

@00:16:34 that believes in a deep state conspiracy

Q Anon/News - Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.31.19

@00:17:31 in cash for the deep state it goes right
@00:29:44 ledger it had all sorts of deep secrets
@00:29:48 about all sorts a deep state

Q Anon/ News - Fuddy Waters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.19

@00:28:53 got all our favorite deep state

Q Anon/News - Smoke and Mirrors - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.27.19

@00:09:52 target for the deep state they would

Q Anon/News - Cast of Characters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.26.19

@00:28:06 your favorite deep state knuckleheads

Q Anon/News - [Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.25.19

@00:08:53 fundamental force number four deep state

Q Anon/News - Child Mind - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.22.19

@00:07:56 deep state and accordingly an
@00:09:16 is controlled by a deep state that

Q Anon/News - Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.19.19

@00:20:25 politicians all these deep state
@00:20:30 deep and we're just starting to uncover

Q Anon/News - Try Harder! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.13.19

@00:22:17 secret ninja footage of the deep state
@00:26:01 favorite deep state knucklehead give us

Q Anon/News - Wheels Up In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.12.19

@00:14:51 state department document produced under
@00:14:55 looking for a deep water port in haiti

Q Anon/News - Once On This Island - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.10.19

@00:03:02 of stuff that the deep state wants to do
@00:13:18 for the deep state let's move on post
@00:31:22 hashtag deep state knuckleheads for her

Q Anon/News - Scandler - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:03:41 deep state if you will to try and get

Q Anon/News - Comey Correct - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.3.19

@00:16:30 the narrative so she's sort of a deep
@00:16:32 state cleanup batter and she decided to
@00:17:02 deep state call out by the hames not

Q Anon/News - Big In Japan - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.27.19

@00:16:38 sure that there are still a lot of deep
@00:16:39 state contingencies within south korea

Q Anon/News - Drones and Groans - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.25.19

@00:05:21 other deep state knuckleheads they'd be
@00:06:14 or the deep state gets the more we tend

Q Anon/News - Coming Soon - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.24.19

@00:04:15 deep state went rogue on this and the

Q Anon/News - Frolic in the Bird Seed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.19

@00:12:59 member of the deep state involved well
@00:13:02 the the problems of the deep state when

A Quick Burn - UnHappy Meal - IPOT Presents - 5.9.19

@00:03:10 from username deep state exposed the

Q Anon/News - Very Good Boy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.19

@00:18:15 deep state to do something i'm not
@00:21:04 man is the deep state and the deep state

Q Anon/News - A BORing Story - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.6.19

@00:20:24 is a deep state proxy for those you've

Q Anon/News - Kick it Up a Notch - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.30.19

@00:12:28 were the deep state i'd be in a

Q Anon/News - HouseHold Name - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.28.19

@00:25:44 those bombshell reports without the deep
@00:25:46 state having to respond in turn with a

Q Anon/News - It's Happening - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.25.19

@00:02:54 reserved for one of our favorite deep
@00:02:56 state knuckleheads john he's a broom i
@00:05:40 that the deep state recommended that he

Q Anon/News - So Many Answers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.19.19

@00:07:17 time but definitely we've got some deep
@00:07:19 state knuckleheads in a panic panic

Q Anon/News - Just Sayin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.18.19

@00:21:02 looks like the deep state and all these

Q Anon/News - Pool Party! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.9.19

@00:09:10 formulated story since the deep state
@00:09:21 of a deep state you attempt to frame the
@00:09:29 right now we're the deep state and

Q Anon/News - Flags Out - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.29.19

@00:18:47 deep state sell each other out but the

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:17:10 just and i'm sure the deep state knows

Q Anon/Bake Your Noodle - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.27.19

@00:06:20 right back to our favorite deep state
@00:30:22 favorite deep state knuckleheads right
@00:34:15 probably got the deep state salivating

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:06:29 and more information it's got the deep
@00:06:30 state apparent panic panic right but the

Q Anon/News - MAYDay - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.24.19

@00:08:03 back up that so while the deep state and

Q Anon/News - Blockade Removed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.23.19

@00:13:41 the deep state to spend the rest of
@00:13:59 that fisa d class and if the deep state

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt. 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:18:58 looks like the deep state is in a panic

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:01:57 state department spokesman told hill tv
@00:02:03 emphasized the need for deep
@00:07:12 the deep state in a panic panic panic

Q Anon/News - Strike Fast - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.19

@00:08:29 a deep state conspiracy against trump
@00:11:41 deep state can't afford to take any
@00:17:41 often times are to draw the deep state
@00:17:55 deep state to expend their ammunition

Q Anon/News - SRIKE! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.18.19

@00:14:26 channels so what were these deep state

Q Anon/News - Ides of March - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.16.19

@00:00:58 iris of march and the deep state
@00:04:30 deep state knuckleheaded power rangers
@00:10:21 already state while the deep states been

Q Anon/News - ZEROCOOL - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.15.19

@00:10:37 that i've seen great reporting on deep
@00:10:39 state mul stephon halper today still
@00:17:53 that was who the deep state always
@00:36:22 okay so blah blah blah blah blah deep
@00:36:25 state trying to get out in front of a

Q Anon/News - Whistle While You Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.14.19

@00:26:32 to the deep state and that they needed

Q Anon/News - Do Unicorns Exist? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.13.19

@00:20:35 all your favorite deep state knucklehead

Q Anon/News - Stay In the Light - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.12.19

@00:21:02 the deep state keeping you from getting
@00:27:15 very very damning links for the deep
@00:27:18 state right especially considering it
@00:29:06 something on the deep state most
@00:32:16 some king with the deep state and he's

Q Anon/News - Parades or Restraints? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.11.19

@00:04:48 favorite deep state knucklehead allstars
@00:09:18 these deep state knuckleheads could get

Q Anon/News - SealedUnsealed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.10.19

@00:08:49 revealing about the deep state for two
@00:09:14 now the deep state house of cards mark
@00:22:23 info on the deep state an activation
@00:33:05 course now the deep state is pretty

Q Anon/News - Death Blossom - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.7.19

@00:05:02 deep state after all that's kind of how
@00:14:55 one of these deep state knuckleheads he
@00:17:41 a bunch of deep state knucklehead injury
@00:18:23 lot of these deep state knuckleheads
@00:20:18 pay for play remember all these deep
@00:20:20 state knuckleheads on their little phone
@00:24:06 will was one of our favorite deep state

Q Anon/News - Promises Made, Promises Kept - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.5.19

@00:04:01 of course for the deep state it's hard

Q Anon/News - March Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.4.19

@00:07:54 the deep state to react because they
@00:14:05 deep state knucklehead does not

Q Anon/News - Huge Habbenings - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:04:31 deep state most certainly does not like
@00:14:36 deep state but this trip happened in

Q Anon/News - Peace Is The Prize - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.27.19

@00:13:16 imagine the deep state is very likely

Q Anon/News - Power To The People - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.25.19

@00:13:52 a lot of information on the deep state
@00:14:06 of damning information on the deep state

Q Anon/News - One Step Closer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.23.19

@00:07:48 the deep state went into the last time
@00:27:39 identified by clinton deep state as

Q Anon/News - Handle With Care - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:01:40 and that's a red line for the deep state
@00:27:41 deep state and here's the mean patriots
@00:29:59 our favorite deep state knuckleheads

Q Anon/News - News Moving Fast? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.21.19

@00:10:23 one our deep state knucklehead writer
@00:14:25 she is gonna stay a deep state
@00:30:29 know how the deep state likes to panic

Q Anon/News - Survival Of The FITTEST - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.19

@00:02:15 like deep state and like the idea of a
@00:02:18 deep state now they weren't perfect
@00:10:12 a deep state knucklehead proxy who
@00:11:07 deep state player whoever's playing
@00:14:21 about the fact that iran is a deep state
@00:25:31 the deep state knuckleheads who are also

Q Anon/News - Kitchen Is Hot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.19

@00:33:44 this bread in knucklehead deep state msm

Q Anon/News - Information Waterfall - In Pursuit of Truth Present - 2.17.19

@00:15:19 statement is brilliant deep state loaded

Q Anon/News - F-15 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.16.19

@00:01:29 is a powerful deep state and that there

Q Anon/News - It's All There - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:06:50 was a deep state rogue sub were not

Q Anon/News - #WinningBigly - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:16:00 right there it's like your deep state
@00:23:46 panics all the deep state knuckleheads
@00:29:07 i think they're talking about deep state

Q Anon/News - #FactsMatter - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.12.19

@00:33:21 it's also light nice to see the deep
@00:33:22 state in a panic

Q Anon/News - Good To Go - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.10.19

@00:21:25 line for the deep state then you have

Q Anon/News - Bader? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.2.19

@00:13:49 not but i'm sure the deep state would

The Stage is Set - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.1.19

@00:16:23 powerful pedophiles in the deep state in

Prepare the Battlefield - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.30.19

@00:02:29 very damning material for the deep state
@00:09:59 was a trump guy and the deep state

Fake News DownSizing? - In Pursuit of Truth - 1.25.19

@00:06:54 there's a lot of deep state knuckleheads
@00:19:30 deep state and a parent a parent parent

Q Anon/News - Bread From the Baker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.16.19

@00:08:46 and the deep state into a trap that will
@00:14:12 while all the deep state knuckleheads

Q Anon/News - Lights On - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.19

@00:00:50 favourite deep state knucklehead

Q Anon/News - Bader? Bader? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.10.19

@00:10:30 where the bodies are buried the deep
@00:10:32 state wanted to take out general flynn
@00:10:41 corrupt people in the deep state right
@00:13:10 flynn from exposing the deep state
@00:14:17 times who is obviously a deep state
@00:19:33 just about guarantee that the deep state

Q Anon:News The Clock Is Ticking In Pursuit of Truth Presents 1 7 19

@00:00:34 mapplethorpe as the deep state and the
@00:14:59 keeping the deep state on their toes in
@00:16:20 targeting lots of these deep state

Q Anon/News - Ahead Of Schedule - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.19

@00:03:54 take in evidence needed to expose deep
@00:03:56 state doj block regarding muller
@00:04:13 deep state blockade was just to leave
@00:06:38 deep state knuckleheads are keeping a

Q Anon/News - When the Ball Drops - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.31.18

@00:05:39 deep state knuckleheads so that they can
@00:15:34 reasons for the deep state knuckleheads
@00:16:28 not only feared by the deep state
@00:20:22 so this gets really really deep into the
@00:20:25 fourth quarter for the deep state like
@00:20:46 deep state knucklehead allstars are they

Q Anon/News - Astrometry? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.18

@00:17:21 favorite deep state knuckleheads in a

Q Anon/News - 7 Is Marginal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.27.18

@00:00:40 it looks like the deep state is eating
@00:00:48 very well may be a deep state confession
@00:06:57 so far but indeed the deep state
@00:11:32 message from the deep state that there
@00:12:10 deep state knows exactly which planes
@00:16:01 to check up on some of our favorite deep
@00:16:04 state knuckleheads and here we have
@00:32:08 deep state running that seems to be how
@00:32:20 and forcing the deep state to really do

Q Anon/News - FAKE, FAKE, FAKE - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.22.18

@00:03:43 hillary clinton our favorite deep state

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:16:43 democrats this is the state right and
@00:16:47 weed you got to get way down deep make
@00:22:18 few deep state knuckleheads so there
@00:24:09 little deep state whopper with cheese
@00:39:23 from the deep state proxies fire i also
@00:40:07 a lot of trouble and there another deep
@00:40:08 state proxy so this wouldn't surprise me

Q Anon/News - D Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.20.18

@00:03:10 about the deep state and won't face

Q Anon/News - Guardians of Intelligence - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.18

@00:15:19 the latest needless deep state initiated

Q Anon/News - Q and A - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.18

@00:08:49 the deep state actors to find a

Q Anon/News - Santa With a Hammer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.18

@00:38:04 humor is not only flying under the deep
@00:38:06 state radar but may be flying under our
@00:40:03 which means the deep state is following

Q Anon/News - Cherry On Top - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.12.18

@00:15:03 like the deep state wants to go ahead
@00:27:48 deep state knuckleheads how about that
@00:38:05 that the deep state panic is real ladies

Q Anon/News - 'Smocking' Gun - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.18

@00:00:34 little bit panic in the deep state
@00:06:49 the deep state eventually works into
@00:07:31 features all your deep state baddies yep
@00:32:05 back to her favorite deep state

Q Anon/News - Rapid Fire - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.5.18

@00:00:18 host sir patrick mak the deep state hate
@00:24:40 postponed well played deep state please

Q Anon/News Who Is Scott Free? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.18

@00:13:33 deal with well well played deep state
@00:13:37 well played deep state please allow us
@00:14:48 now was that the move by the deep state
@00:18:29 and a massive deep state troll as well
@00:24:28 deep state bit made a move and pulled
@00:27:27 deep state they're putting that in a

Q Anon/News - Can't Stop This. No One Can. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.18

@00:01:03 massive deal to the deep state remember
@00:21:41 that's gonna come back to bite the deep
@00:21:43 state in the bihar let's move on to the
@00:22:29 no longer of any use to the deep state
@00:23:03 that's what probably panicked the deep
@00:23:05 state so much they knew that president

Q Anon:News - MONDAY - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.1.18

@00:05:59 reacts and how the deep state reacts
@00:37:09 from the deep state state funeral next

Q Anon/News - We Know - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.30.18

@00:00:29 because we are getting into some deep
@00:00:31 state
@00:12:55 the deep state this purge of blackmailed
@00:17:21 now it looks like more deep state
@00:18:57 message to the deep state not
@00:21:44 deep state we need to do it here in
@00:24:07 looks like the deep state is in absolute
@00:24:28 hours ago so the deep state is in their
@00:29:00 bit of a deep state proxy also so it

Q Anon - You Dirty RAT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.18

@00:12:07 that's got the deep state in the massive
@00:13:46 deep state media lapdog right and she
@00:14:05 is sort of sounding alarm for the deep
@00:14:07 state to probably through her tweets
@00:14:10 speaks a lot of code to the deep stay
@00:21:02 trump's enemies how the deep state is
@00:27:17 x x k sealed indictments are not deep
@00:27:20 state i oppose ideologies of all kinds

Q Anon - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.21.18

@00:07:41 determining taking out true deep-rooted
@00:07:44 deep state members people who have been

Q Anon - Buh Bye - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.19.18

@00:04:46 primary race and we all know how deep
@00:04:48 state debbie wasserman schultz is but
@00:21:31 community other than his own little deep
@00:21:33 state knucklehead friends vs. potus who

Q Anon - Enemy @ the Front Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.18

@00:01:23 from the deep stay or if it was a deep
@00:01:25 state troll from president trump i'm not
@00:19:56 diaz cheated being deep state but
@00:22:24 deep state kind of lay letting them know
@00:22:59 to the deep state look this is how we're

Q Anon - 11:11 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.11.18

@00:07:00 deep state both left and
@00:10:44 wrapped up in some deep state tomfoolery
@00:12:36 just a democratic thing this is a deep
@00:12:38 state thing and it's taking a long time
@00:22:16 what the deep state is trying to do and
@00:32:18 the deep state and we just got to get
@00:35:32 was sort of their deep state network out
@00:38:57 snowden was warning the deep state about
@00:39:08 warning the deep state of how their

Q Anon - Midterms Meltdown - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.10.18

@00:00:30 madness meltdown for the deep state and
@00:04:08 pedophiles and the deep state no it
@00:35:13 deep state knuckleheads and he may just

Q Anon - Red Line Crossed? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.8.18

@00:14:06 would think that the deep state would be
@00:23:28 deep state is saying
@00:25:43 it's forced the deep state
@00:25:50 out there the deep state reacts and
@00:34:40 to armed from the deep state sure sounds

Q Anon - We See YQU! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.5.18

@00:01:42 the map says it is part of a deep state
@00:01:54 deep mate deep state mapping project has
@00:02:06 if you just type in deep state mapping
@00:24:28 deep state how nice is that well guess
@00:26:19 to set that deep state on fire but first

Q Anon - Keep Your Eye Qn the Ball 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.4.18

@00:04:02 like the deep state definitely do not
@00:07:09 deep state here saying if you continue
@00:09:28 times and it made the deep state nervous
@00:19:17 evidence needed to expose the deep state
@00:28:19 clinton and the rest of a deep state

Q Anon Dropping the 'Hatch'et? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 11 3 18

@00:05:40 deep state a nevada congressional
@00:05:54 the deep state occupies the highest
@00:06:24 that the deep state has achieved almost
@00:25:30 so good on you senator chuck deep state

Q Anon - Bulger? Mueller? Bueller? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.1.18

@00:25:17 sounds like deep state projection here

Q Anon - Suspicious Package - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.27.18

@00:01:17 on we got a deep state takedown going on
@00:02:16 this is the deep state knucklehead

Q Anon - Q and A - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.24.18

@00:18:31 you're dealing with the deep state
@00:19:26 domestic attack from the deep state

Q Anon The Gloves Are Off In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 10 18

@00:03:13 the entire deep state it looks like
@00:17:51 here china well that's what the deep
@00:17:52 state would like us to do right look at
@00:30:41 evidence needed to expose the deep state
@00:34:43 he's just another deep state player he's
@00:36:45 from the deep state weighing in at 78

Q Anon - Think Red Line - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.18

@00:16:03 all the deep state pockets clinton
@00:29:54 nsa and have their own little deep state
@00:30:30 some live footage of the deep state
@00:33:58 and for so it looks like the deep state

Q Anon - Boom Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.8.18

@00:07:22 and turns but the deep state is most
@00:13:08 deep state knucklehead connections and
@00:13:10 she was pretty in deep yeah i always

Q Anon Double Meanings In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 6 18

@00:00:26 deep state boss and oh no i don't think
@00:00:32 travesty indeed the deep state is in a
@00:00:44 deep state knuckleheads debating
@00:16:18 the deep state knuckleheads trying to
@00:26:22 issue while the deep state is saying
@00:27:51 that's really what the deep state was

Q Anon - Ready? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.5.18

@00:14:31 doing exactly what the deep state does
@00:14:33 and the deep state exists pretty much
@00:19:22 maybe fleeing the deep state and it
@00:19:23 looks like the deep state very well
@00:19:42 tangled the deep state players are
@00:33:19 document but the deep state sure would

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:19:14 to me like the deep state is sending a
@00:27:26 the deep state at first they were like

Q Anon - Make Cake Great Again - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.3.18

@00:00:23 girls the deep state is on the retreat
@00:09:19 deep state becomes the further in the
@00:24:19 this but i guess the deep state wasn't

Q Anon - Darkest Days - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.2.18

@00:01:44 haven't we deep state calling in threats

Q Anon - Stay Tuned - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.18

@00:00:25 --mess the deep state is on the ropes
@00:00:29 operators are standing by hey deep state
@00:00:42 come at me deep state and we know
@00:01:40 god deep state takes forever to die
@00:01:43 that's why the deep state i think

Q Anon - Prepare - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.30.18

@00:00:27 of course the deep state reaction is
@00:00:44 you deep state post 2296
@00:01:33 exactly why the deep state is coming so

Q Anon - Changing of the Guard - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9.29.18

@00:09:05 gives the deep state some time to drum
@00:14:57 the deep state gets in a panic planes
@00:23:39 the deep state that we know exists the

Q Anon Red Tsunami? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 28 18

@00:07:59 are looking at the deep state
@00:10:27 but this suggests to me that the deep
@00:10:29 state is very well aware that this
@00:16:39 for the state for the sake of you know
@00:16:41 creating some sort of panic in the deep
@00:16:43 state might be an actual true big time

Q Anon - The Sky is Falling - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.24.18

@00:03:01 and we're starting to see the deep state
@00:04:33 the deep state and an on may this nice

Q Anon - When Does a Bird Sing? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.22.18

@00:13:35 the deep state was avoiding us data
@00:14:04 public narrative you had deep state
@00:19:21 this could very well be a deep state
@00:21:56 the deep state has no choice but to eat
@00:22:56 now the deep state is so panicked that
@00:23:48 because of the reactions of the deep
@00:23:50 state and what they're doing to fight to
@00:25:07 how low the deep state is willing to go

Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18

@00:08:09 pertaining to the deep state they've
@00:12:41 with the deep state now because they
@00:27:51 you go folks there are all your deep
@00:27:52 state favorite knuckleheads collect them

Q Anon - Truth To Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.19.18

@00:03:43 the deep state panic is real and we get
@00:11:48 the deep state it's game over
@00:14:55 red line means means that the deep state
@00:21:31 seeing the deep state absolutely unravel

Q Anon - DECLAS / Whopper With Cheese - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.18.18

@00:02:04 happy right now except for the deep
@00:02:05 state of course well look it's the 18th
@00:16:45 looks like the deep state is trying to
@00:18:30 i am a ok and ready to drop the deep
@00:18:34 state hammer

Q Anon - Think "Football" - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.17.18

@00:00:44 yeah i'm good it's the deep state that
@00:30:08 they can bring down the deep state the

Q Anon - Rats Are Running - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.13.18

@00:00:30 my message to the deep state when i'm
@00:07:01 at once all the deep state has to do is

Q Anon - DC In Panic - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.18

@00:18:27 the deep state isn't it and so they're
@00:19:12 demise of the deep state post 2161 47
@00:19:38 look deep state is highlighted i can

Q Anon - Attention on Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.11.18

@00:11:41 i think q is speaking to the deep state
@00:12:03 continues to expose a deep state with an
@00:12:43 deep state knucklehead that we should be
@00:29:44 sea of deep state knuckleheads full of

Q Anon - Knowledge is Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.18

@00:01:31 getting is the real scoops the deep
@00:01:32 state has yet to be able to touch and
@00:12:15 many of the deep state stories you've
@00:16:32 it is also led the deep state to

Q Anon Sleeper Cells? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 8 18

@00:09:45 was just another deep state muslim
@00:19:30 really interesting and some of our deep
@00:19:32 state players might turn out to not be
@00:22:04 one of my least favorite deep state
@00:27:25 he's appeasing the deep state by going

Q Anon More Winning :Just Do it In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 6 18

@00:09:51 deep state knucklehead hillary clinton
@00:10:31 not helping out the deep state now
@00:17:58 out right now meanwhile the deep state
@00:26:17 entire deep state and everyone's going

Q Anon Deep State Close to the Edge In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 5 18

@00:03:06 of deep state knuckleheads right all the
@00:13:58 and this emanuelle is about his deep
@00:14:00 state as it gets of course his father
@00:19:53 jack dorsey took the bait with the deep
@00:19:58 state and whatever protection that he
@00:23:18 since been overlaid with all your deep
@00:23:21 state knucklehead faces on there and
@00:24:01 number 45 deep state down at the 17 yard
@00:24:50 september 3rd titled deep state exposed

Q Anon DECLAS : Nothing to See Here In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 4 18

@00:00:59 for the deep state you've got a big
@00:02:56 face er bacony cheesy grilled up deep
@00:03:00 state takedown goodness coming down the
@00:04:30 this doesn't he he is one of the deep
@00:04:32 state knuckleheads so we got call me
@00:06:13 in mind the deep state has been
@00:07:31 the deep state is about to get hit with

Q Anon - DARPA /Google - Somebody's Watching Me - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.18

@00:13:13 getting that the deep state is kind of
@00:30:53 deep state knuckleheads were

Q Anon - The World Is Watching - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.1.18

@00:13:54 happens when the deep state who's been
@00:14:18 whatever trump says the deep state in
@00:35:32 the deep state is broke and they're not

Q Anon - ..Controls the Future pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.29.18

@00:07:19 so there you go the deep state is
@00:12:34 she says deep state as it gets okay and
@00:17:48 left deep state knuckleheads politicians
@00:42:08 the bus of this deep state witch-hunt

Q Anon - Hurricane Halper / Either Ohr? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.28.18

@00:05:26 deep state secret weapon stephan halper
@00:19:06 deep state at this point and this is
@00:25:42 deep state vs nsa it's not really that

Q Anon - Suicide Weekend? What's With #17? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.27.18

@00:13:55 the deep state had not caught on because
@00:15:49 hunting the deep state actors trump
@00:19:02 you mean to see rogue not rouge deep
@00:19:04 state actor into the head of his doj
@00:24:44 whenever things go wrong for the deep
@00:24:46 state things go wrong for the general
@00:28:44 we go again another deep state grab for

Q Anon - RESPICT the Name / Comey Untethered? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.18

@00:07:38 rest of our deep state knuckleheads

Q Anon - The Trilogy Begins: FISA = Start In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.20.18

@00:02:38 right and a lot of our deep state

Q Anon - Alex Jones, the NSA and You! pt.1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.15.18

@00:30:00 fishing for deep state baddies off the
@00:30:08 fashion on the deep state side they

Q Anon - What's the Matter with Maher? Learning to Fly? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.18

@00:27:52 who knows what the deep state could have
@00:27:59 either and we know that the deep state
@00:33:03 deep state fall flag with the intent on
@00:37:16 now the deep state since they're not
@00:40:05 deep state knuckleheads and i'm just

Q Anon - What's On Those Planes? Showtime! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.10.18

@00:23:10 deep state rather than this trump russia

Q Anon Cult? We're No Cult, We're Qt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.6.18

@00:11:37 these deep state knuckleheads just like

Q Anon - D5 Coming? See Something, Say Something! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.5.18

@00:03:50 when the deep state gets threatened and

Q Anon We Have the ServerS Wonderful Day! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 4 18

@00:29:43 the so called deep state to take down

Q Anon - Manafort, Podesta, MAGA Movement Growing! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.1.18

@00:10:29 russia the deep state has nothing so
@00:11:56 really between the deep state mi6 the uk

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:16:37 admittedly the deep state has always

Q Anon - Bldg 8? Social Media Tumbling Down? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.18

@00:37:18 middle finger to the deep state if you

Q Anon Blood Moon Rising In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 27 18

@00:08:41 god he's their deep state god remember
@00:17:24 to the deep state and when it crashes
@00:22:10 communication within the deep state or

Q Anon Q is Back! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 25 18

@00:06:17 all if you were the deep state and you
@00:14:29 in the deep state and that's failing
@00:16:47 golden allows the deep state to question
@00:24:22 proof of a deep state conspiracy run by
@00:28:08 remember the deep state is following
@00:29:38 nothing getting out puts the deep state
@00:37:28 want to panic the deep state any more

Q Anon Where's the Line? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 24 18

@00:19:29 that this is iran a sort of the the deep
@00:19:32 state black site and we're dealing
@00:19:50 the dc is riddled with the deep state

Q Anon - No Headlines - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.19.18

@00:13:53 these liberal deep state knuckleheads

Q Anon - Eyes On the Ball - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.18.18

@00:07:16 deep state right here oh god oh no out

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Q Review/World Update - 7.14.18

@00:10:06 deep state themselves when he says if
@00:10:38 yeah that's essentially what the deep
@00:10:39 state is doing right they're fighting to
@00:14:04 himself and that scares the deep state
@00:15:40 the deep state and like you says america
@00:22:49 of it deep state very interesting

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 7.10.18

@00:14:13 if he is free from deep state activity

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 7.3.18

@00:02:07 brackets welcome to the deep state
@00:19:28 server right welcome to the deep state
@00:23:22 down to 7% almost kind of like the deep
@00:23:25 state had seven days to produce the
@00:28:30 these deep state baddies to walk into a

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.2.18

@00:25:31 will define deep state conspiracy theory
@00:26:12 fighting the corruption of the deep
@00:26:13 state that is to say the civil servants
@00:27:02 course this is a deep state method of
@00:31:31 walk on both sides you have the deep
@00:31:33 state they're slow walking all the
@00:31:43 whereas the deep state knows that we've

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.29.18/2

@00:08:37 course the plan so keeping the deep stay
@00:08:41 making sure that the deep state is not
@00:20:48 point the deep state knows they're
@00:22:33 helped remove corrupt deep state
@00:22:42 the deep state corruptions and officials
@00:30:12 we're here to take down the deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.29.18/1

@00:31:18 mark zuckerberg deep state puppet isn't
@00:32:45 deep state but particularly the deep
@00:32:48 state saying that either way it doesn't

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.28.18

@00:09:56 wants to speak to the deep state if you
@00:16:28 allowed the deep state to emerge through
@00:28:52 evidently to the deep state to the

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:06:10 think that's exactly why the deep state
@00:06:37 deep state knows that their followers
@00:11:15 and on and so of course what is the deep
@00:11:17 state do they got to reach for

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.20.18

@00:07:50 is clearly wrapped up deep state but
@00:17:44 is just some deep state knucklehead
@00:23:12 play out and it looks like the deep
@00:23:14 state is starting to clown themselves
@00:24:38 president and this is high-level deep
@00:24:40 state trolling folks i would call this

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:06:32 deep state without looking like a
@00:35:58 least i should say the deep state not so
@00:37:39 the deep state without looking like a
@00:39:07 impaneled anywhere in any deep red state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 6.18.18/2

@00:06:31 the deep state baddies one of this young
@00:07:07 deep state anything that you want to
@00:09:23 projection is the classic deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.18.18/1

@00:18:42 deep state is now panicking and people

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.14.18

@00:28:56 throwing the deep state off the deep

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.13.18

@00:29:13 expecting we were expecting deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.12.18

@00:11:08 jongwan where there was a deep state bad
@00:40:09 bunch of deep state knuckleheads hanging

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.11.18

@00:05:56 now is for the deep state the deep
@00:07:33 time for the deep state to make a
@00:07:51 the clock is on for the deep state
@00:07:53 what's the deep state gonna do but we're
@00:10:40 it's fantastic for exposing the deep
@00:10:43 state which is more importantly i think
@00:12:49 we're offering the deep state sort of an
@00:16:21 the deep state we've seen that and all
@00:17:09 clock and this is really the deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Deep State D-Day? - 6. 7.18

@00:03:51 coming years could the deep state be

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.4.18

@00:17:35 and of course one of our favorite deep
@00:17:38 state knuckleheads lynn forester don't
@00:22:02 than watching the deep state squirm this

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 6.1.18

@00:23:06 far left the deep state and also kind of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Memorial Day - 5.28.18

@00:12:09 deep state is definitely panicking right
@00:12:34 is the deep state realizing that these
@00:13:50 that's something that the deep state is

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - May Flowers? - 5 25 18

@00:08:13 whenever the deep state has their back
@00:08:26 the deep state is in full attack mode of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18

@00:08:55 because huber is not part of the deep
@00:08:57 state that is not cozy buddies with the

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.22.18

@00:26:17 though the basically the deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.18.18

@00:05:32 supposed to let the deep state know that

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.17.18

@00:14:36 the far left can do the deep state can

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.16.18

@00:02:53 deep state critical thinking dismisses
@00:25:42 sessions bhe still if deep state well no
@00:25:47 if sessions were deep state don't you
@00:25:54 deep stay after always in charge of the
@00:26:12 easier without him if he were deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.13.18

@00:16:16 want to take down that deep state all

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.11.18

@00:07:35 welcome to the deep state future to
@00:34:23 who knows maybe the deep state was

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.9.18

@00:24:51 deep state target and cue seems to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 8 18

@00:00:54 if sessions and rayar dc swamp deep
@00:00:58 state why are they cleaning their
@00:09:20 sessions in ray rdc swamp deep state why
@00:14:37 the left in the deep state they're gonna
@00:18:54 deep state would have caught on and
@00:22:45 coms i'm assuming maybe that this deep
@00:22:49 state doesn't really have the the calms

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.5.18

@00:30:00 these deep state cats are which are
@00:33:33 and of course the deep state is in a

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.1.18

@00:19:13 for we could say the deep state or even
@00:25:17 us was bought into this deep state but

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.28.18

@00:36:34 but this guy right here he's not a deep
@00:36:36 state guy okay let's take you to an oh

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 27 18

@00:06:23 yet unproven of deep state resistance to
@00:07:49 deep state at the same time the special
@00:12:01 of the deep state up to and including
@00:32:10 deep state you're gonna deal with a lot

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.26.18

@00:07:08 the dams but the deep state okay they're
@00:23:30 that deep state that far left movement

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 20 18

@00:10:16 the the hard left the deep state
@00:13:17 and his deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.13.18

@00:09:05 the deep state but we don't want to do

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 4.12.18

@00:19:22 these deep state folks okay they start

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 11 18

@00:24:55 forget the deep state forget the

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.10.18

@00:32:37 trying to work with a deep state but

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.9.18

@00:00:50 deep state which is routed globally q
@00:09:14 also under attack by the deep state
@00:09:51 with a deep state i hope that makes

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18/2

@00:09:05 trying to start over who sounds a deep
@00:09:06 state is trying to war start a war the
@00:10:56 trump knows that the deep state knows
@00:10:59 that the deep state knows that because
@00:12:10 as well as a deep state knew that as
@00:14:24 deep state knows that so what do they do

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18

@00:08:17 selling to deep state russia the cash
@00:08:20 flow funnel suggests deep state russia

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.5.18

@00:28:27 say the democrats the deep state that is

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.3.18

@00:20:24 narrative that we are fixing this deep
@00:20:25 state problem our problems rod
@00:25:09 going you want to keep the deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.28.18

@00:18:26 deep state first and then we're probably

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.22.18 - Why Is This Video Important?

@00:10:57 complication of all this deep state

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.18 - Panic Mode? Enjoy The Show.

@00:04:33 sends ominous warning to deep state doj

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.18.18

@00:00:14 the waters of the deep state here and