
[2.8] I'm Back! Talking My Channel's Censorship & Latest QAnon

@00:24:59 the fbi you know there's comey mccabe

SEVEN Q Proofs From the IG Report (MINDBLOWN!)

@00:10:13 comey in the ig report pdf all right let
@00:10:33 comey if you actually search comey
@00:10:35 ctrl-f search comey it doesn't bring up
@00:10:38 james comey corny does corny every
@00:11:35 misspelled comey as corny in drop number
@00:12:07 we have here cue misspelled comey as
@00:12:19 misspell james comey as corny so q
@00:12:31 misspelled comey as corny also
@00:13:09 james comey is an undercover white hat

[11.16] Latest Q - Impeachment Fails & CSPAN Call-Ins - Vaccine Protests - Mainstream UFOs

@00:14:45 now i'm gonna jump to a comey tweet that
@00:14:47 he laid today james comey this is it
@00:15:23 comey they're hunters become the hunted

[8.29] 8chan - Space Command - Comey Report - Epstein - Vaccines - Monsanto

@00:00:31 else a comey report youtube epstein
@00:17:27 okay moving on here how about the comey
@00:17:35 of investigation director james comey x'
@00:17:47 james comey i think it was a month ago
@00:18:02 james comey is facing much bigger
@00:18:17 now that the comey reports out oig

[8.3] Event In El-Paso & Deeper Details About FBI "Conspiracy Theory" Memo

@00:07:27 james comey okay and he was basically a

[8.1] Today's QAnon & FBI Doc Warning "Conspiracy Theories Are A Domestic Terrorism Threat"

@00:03:33 comey for leaking memos after ig
@00:04:01 than comey being prosecuted for leaking

[7.24] Latest Q - Mueller's Hearing - "QAnon Gets Sued" - RBG: "I'm Alive!"

@00:12:50 some time attempt to replace james comey

[6.4] Comey's Q Tweet - Bill Maher - Nader - "DeepFakes" - Vaccine Censorship - UFO "Disclosure"

@00:02:32 let's take a look at james comey so over
@00:02:34 the weekend james comey made a tweet
@00:02:47 capital q oh wow james comey with a q in
@00:03:05 tweet that james comey retweeted without
@00:03:31 also been a hint that james comey might
@00:14:04 we'll a deep fake be the comey moment in

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:14:13 q what about the comey report and a non

[4.29] Latest Q / Rod Rosenstein / Attacks Against Q & Synagogue Shooting

@00:02:13 and then information about comey being
@00:02:28 those things information about comey

[3.22] Q Brief: Epstein & Chandler / "QAnon" on Fox&Friends / Media Q Attacks (Mainstream & "Alt")

@00:07:57 mueller connection q asks comey
@00:08:02 counsel for rob mueller and james comey

[2.22] Q Brief: Smollett - Mueller - Kraft - Clinton's Attack - Memes & More Proofs

@00:17:49 there what actions did james comey jc
@00:19:35 later comey says no we want to date we

[2.21] Q Brief - Latest Q Attacks (WaPo!), Ann Coulter, Red Castle, Mueller End

@00:05:04 but once baker talked to james comey
@00:05:10 james comey this article is really
@00:05:17 so james comey acting as a you know bad

[1.29 Live] What’s Next at Sather HQ

@00:27:09 james comey and john brennan have been

[12.3] Latest Q / New Indictment Count / France Protests / 11.11 WAVE / Netanyahu / Pope / Fentanyl

@00:11:51 i'm sure they don't like that news comey
@00:11:54 comey agrees to a semi-public testimony
@00:11:59 so comey was trying to push for a
@00:12:25 then comey can start talking about it so

[12.1][LIVE] George Bush - Q Patch Proof - Analyzing Common Anti-Q Arguments

@00:06:02 comey tweet from a couple of weeks ago
@00:06:25 and in that comey tweet it was making
@00:06:53 that james comey tweet from november
@00:11:10 got that tweet from comey and it would

[11.26] New Q / Wikileaks & Assange / Space Force / NY State Senator Dead from Flu Shot?!

@00:04:22 testimony from comey from lynch we're
@00:08:03 clinton comey lynch everybody were
@00:08:35 bait and hook themselves so comey and
@00:08:40 that's why comey is calling for a public
@00:09:10 it's actually in fact so comey can hide

[11.19] New QProofs / Sealed Indictments / Julian Assange / Pentagon Audit / Google Hints @ ET's

@00:14:15 preparing to subpoena comey and lynch
@00:14:18 former fbi director james comey and
@00:14:23 they're going to be testifying comey
@00:14:26 both closed-door comey on november 29th

[10.10] Latest Q: "Patience" / Human Trafficking & Child Abuse News

@00:02:42 years james comey andrew mccabe james

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:24:06 how comey intervened to kill wikileaks

[5.15] - Iran & John Kerry implosion/Pope taking a "leave"/"Why People Believe in Weather Control"

@00:02:59 him comey caught lying about him the fbi
@00:03:30 and he's going after comey

[5.6] Kerry/McCain/NXIVM's Human Experiments/New "Advanced" Technologies Disclosed

@00:01:32 comey all of these people have been

[5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems

@00:04:17 probe so comey had a buddy who was a
@00:04:29 comey in media interviews amid the
@00:05:13 got comey article one aliceandmac nexium
@00:06:20 fbi on check putting james comey out

5.2 QAnon Analysis - Greedy Folks/IRON EAGLE/Iran & Syria

@00:13:33 lindsey graham saying james comey i

4.28 - QAnon Analysis: Flynn, Mueller & the FBI Cleansing

@00:12:09 special counsel comey our our state

DTI News 4.20 - Govt. Admits Electronic Mind Control/QAnon/COMEY Downfall/WEINER's Laptop

@00:15:39 aren't they and then still on comey
@00:15:42 check this out comey if i could change
@00:16:04 and now right here still on comey so
@00:16:14 comey fired fbi director says trump is

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:01:07 issued for comey clinton lynch and
@00:01:29 investigate former fbi director comey
@00:02:01 so the heat is rising on comey rising on
@00:02:09 they're saying comey says mccabe lied
@00:02:15 to his firing so comey here is trying to
@00:02:24 mccabe pushes back on comey over
@00:02:36 comey comey talking about mccabe i

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 7th 2018

@00:13:11 comey and the airplane meeting with

3.29 - OIG&FISA/New Pizzagate Instagram Pics/NXIVM/Solar Shift & UFO Sightings

@00:05:47 director james comey to investigate the
@00:06:05 but asks james comey to

3.21 - QAnon on Comedy Central/Austin Bomber Identified/SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES

@00:04:47 maybe it's brennan or could be comey

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

@00:07:18 names out there comey warner brennan and
@00:12:45 they can use meet obama gait comey

1.30 - MEMO/New FBI & DoJ Investigations/MMS/Pole Flips

@00:06:24 translation so jc is james comey let's
@00:06:32 comey here said

1.8 - Trump Tower Fire/ConseQuential/Wikileaks & More

@00:11:48 trigger a second special counsel comey
@00:12:08 for comey clinton lych everything and
@00:13:34 hillary holder clemmy lint comey and

1.5 - STORM SURGE - Planes/Arrests/Clinton/Sessions/Fusion GPS/Comey & More!

@00:21:13 comey clinton memo is getting completely

1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/Assange

@00:18:48 comey so there is a not a direct
@00:19:04 know james comey being the former was it

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:05:31 comey and mueller let it all happen and

12.5 - Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures

@00:20:44 comey on december 3rd you know no wonder

7.10 - Solar System Changes, New Crop Circles, Pedo-Elites Running Scared

@00:06:43 trump tweets comey leaked classified
@00:07:38 claiming comey leaked classified intel
@00:07:48 he's been tweeting podesta comey so

6.23 - State Dept Still Investigating Clinton, Podesta to Testify, MSM Exposes CIA Drug Trafficking

@00:04:33 director james comey which is very
@00:04:43 remember that james comey better hope
@00:04:55 recorded of james comey but he hinted
@00:05:06 super troll move he basically got comey

6.8 - Old & New FBI Directors, Sessions, Clinton, Podesta, Seth Rich & Another Dead Doctor

@00:02:22 there but first and foremost james comey
@00:03:02 taking like things that comey is saying
@00:03:11 that's essentially why i think comey has
@00:03:30 comey doesn't want to god die at the

5.31 - Aerospace Exec Spills the Alien Beans, Trump Tweets & Civil War in Congress?

@00:05:57 gonna get into james comey testifying
@00:06:04 but james comey plans to testify
@00:06:20 ties to russia so james comey just won't

5.16 - Seth Rich Investigation Deepens & Secret Space Program Patents Online?

@00:03:33 some story about james comey writing a
@00:03:43 so yeah comey memo trump asked me to
@00:10:13 oh you know james comey he should have
@00:10:49 comey getting fired because of the pizza
@00:11:03 because we had comey firing who most

5.15 - Satellite UFO Anomaly, Cyberattack Possibilities, & Trump's Israel/Vatican Trip

@00:03:29 retaliation for the firing of comey

5.11 - Uptick in FBI Trafficking Arrests, GOP Firm Raided, & Gowdy to Replace Comey?

@00:00:39 obviously with james comey being fired a
@00:02:03 they've been changing it to james comey
@00:02:43 right after he fires james comey if this
@00:03:50 for comey is trey gowdy and it's been
@00:04:45 that's a good thing and comey fought
@00:06:05 connected to comey being fired but again
@00:06:47 this james comey situation a lot of
@00:12:23 so firing comey trying to put in my

Trump Fired FBI Director James Comey!

@00:00:13 that trump fire james comey the fbi
@00:00:22 happened okay and you know james comey
@00:01:11 comey that's kinda hot in here
@00:01:13 this sacking of comey is just it's just

5.2 - Deep State Proxy Destruction & MSM 1/2 Truth Disclosures

@00:08:07 james comey the fbi director for her
@00:08:18 she was outing comey and then of course

4.20 -Trump/Putin Trolling World 2.0, Still Distracting w/ Fake War While Deep State Implodes

@00:11:03 cia and fbi head so comey and actually
@00:11:16 pompeo and comey they're probably

WTF Is Happening on Capitol Hill? Paul Ryan's Secret Meeting and FBI and NSA Directors Go AWOL

@00:02:27 director james comey and nsa director
@00:03:00 director comey and the nsa had were
@00:03:34 obviously james comey didn't want to