Las Vegas

[3.2] Presidential Dropouts - Q in a Trump Ad - NYT and WaPo Sued for Libel - COVID Updates

@00:04:16 president at that las vegas rail
@00:04:40 at the las vegas rally recently but at

[12.22] Q: PELOSI Holding Impeachment - Durham - DoE Tweets Unlimited Electricity

@00:11:44 to be a ufo over las vegas and we'll

GOOGLE'S BLACKLIST: Censoring Cancer Cures & Free Energy

@00:03:48 of stuff having to do with the las vegas
@00:11:13 overly broad pattern matching to the las
@00:11:16 vegas shooting take out target websites

[8.14] Right Wing Watch Loves Me - Flynn - FISA - Epstein & Maxwell - Google Whistleblower - Ebola

@00:26:15 this las vegas las vegas shooting fake
@00:26:18 news about las vegas fake news they even
@00:26:28 las vegas you know a lot of stuff about
@00:27:37 actor las vegas crisis actor i'm gonna

[4.24] NXIVM / Opioid Arrests / Pakistan Against Vaccines / Navy's UFO Reporting Guidelines

@00:20:17 conference last year outside las vegas i

[2.28] Conspiracy Theories Make You Violent! / Good Vaccine News / Climate Change / UFOs / 5G

@00:01:52 about the las vegas massacre were also
@00:25:14 with george knapp out of las vegas

[12.5] Solar Storms / Legal Mushrooms / Anti-Vax Italy / UFO Sightings / Air Force Lasers

@00:05:51 a las vegas man blames the flu shot for
@00:05:54 triggering a rare disorder a man in las
@00:05:57 vegas has been hospitalized for over two

[10.1] 'To The Stars' 37 Million IN DEBT? / New Indictment Count / QAnon / Ebola & Monkeypox Scares

@00:00:56 one-year anniversary of the las vegas
@00:01:13 note of that because with this las vegas
@00:01:30 we need the truth disclosed about so las
@00:01:34 vegas shooting one year ago heart goes

[7.3] Antifa Knockout! / Q: "No Civil War" / FBI Foils July 4th Terror Plot

@00:18:36 all these terror attacks las vegas a lot

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:18:34 because las vegas happened it was only

[5.20] Q Trip Change/False Flags & Conspiracy Push/IG Report & FBI

@00:07:32 people new documents suggest las vegas
@00:07:42 they've got to use las vegas for this it

[5.18] False Flags/Pope Having a Bad May/Russia Investigation Implodes/Opioid Crisis

@00:00:56 before we move on in las vegas last
@00:03:34 it's saying las vegas gunman quote was a

[5.17] Q Analysis: Weiner's Laptop Unsealed/London Photos/Pope's Personal Guardian

@00:16:10 have this photo right here 1418 las
@00:16:13 vegas las vegas remove so right here we
@00:16:30 las vegas one that's another thought on
@00:16:58 photo we have las vegas i would hope

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:10:54 the las vegas topic so fbi nightmare i
@00:11:02 orders las vegas police to release all
@00:15:52 the las vegas now they've reported some
@00:16:01 symposium was in las vegas last july and
@00:17:54 hitting alternate las vegas now is more

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

@00:14:42 selling armour piercing ammo to the las
@00:14:45 vegas shooter so we reported on this
@00:14:52 in the las vegas massacre and this
@00:15:34 behind this las vegas shooting so it
@00:15:48 selling armor-piercing ammo to the las
@00:15:49 vegas shooter but of course in this

1.31 - Memo ASAP/Gowdy/New EO/Train Crash/2nd LV Person/CDC Boss Quits

@00:15:18 anyway on to the las vegas topic there
@00:15:25 identified in the las vegas massacre you
@00:15:41 person of interest in the las vegas
@00:16:13 and speaking of false flags las vegas
@00:16:24 news coming out about las vegas is and
@00:18:00 badass las vegas being outed cdc head

1.17 - Fake News Awards/Plane Diversions/Detroit "Meteor"/Another Dead Dr.

@00:17:50 could be coming in that las vegas
@00:17:54 an attorney for the las vegas metro
@00:18:11 the las vegas police department is

1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan'

@00:20:17 hillary clinton or las vegas or things

1.13 - Hawaiian Missile OOPS/Assange Chess/Unsealed Indictment/IG Report Comes Early

@00:10:56 talk about las vegas so this was some
@00:11:21 las vegas shooting warrants you know is
@00:11:33 we got las vegas the inspector general
@00:12:08 the las vegas shooting warrants so this

1.12 - DNC Lawsuit/Assange/Pentagon Audit/Area 51 & ET Stones

@00:12:36 airline that goes between las vegas and

1.10 - Disinfo Ramping Up & Situation Report

@00:17:36 las vegas mass shooting and thomas paine
@00:17:53 knowledge at the fbi probe into the las
@00:17:56 vegas shooting said that they haven't

12.24 - Q/Trump vs FBI/Space X/More MSM UFO Articles/Occult Manuscripts Declassified

@00:00:41 las vegas shooter we'll also discuss a
@00:18:03 las vegas shooter steven paddock killed
@00:18:50 letting this las vegas story die like so

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:06:54 las vegas shooting in over two months

Interview with Fmr Air Force Sgt. Niara Isley About her Secret Space Program Experiences

@00:09:42 expo in las vegas nevada and i went to

12.6 - D.C. Raids/Q/UFO News/Jerusalem/PGate News/CA Fires

@00:09:03 live from las vegas on primetime fox
@00:09:52 they're not letting the las vegas topic

12.1 - Podesta&Clinton Respond to Pizzagate/Flynn/Q/Booms/ET Disclosure

@00:20:07 code for henderson las vegas right or
@00:20:11 henderson nevada right next to las vegas

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:23:41 massive push back and then las vegas is

11.9 - PingPong Under Investigation/New JFK files/Vault8/Uranium One/"Q"

@00:02:10 what happened in las vegas - right and
@00:07:35 behind las vegas and you know everything
@00:07:39 now is directly tied to the las vegas

11.2 - The Storm Cometh! Antifa/DNC/Pedogate/UFO Disclosure Distraction

@00:10:20 side note on what's going on with las
@00:10:24 vegas because that kind of escapes the
@00:10:46 airport in las vegas at the same time
@00:13:11 instance this las vegas thing of course

10.31 - New York Terror/Podestas/Antifa/Natl. Blackout Drills

@00:00:48 the dates man we have the las vegas
@00:01:41 aren't even over the las vegas incident

10.26 - JFK Files/Pedogate/Vegas/UraniumOne/Secret Space Program Disclosures

@00:05:46 las vegas let's talk about that for a
@00:06:22 the las vegas shooters laptop was
@00:07:20 right perfect so understand that las
@00:07:24 vegas false flag next fbi informant to

Interview w/ ex-FBI John DeSouza on Las Vegas, CA Fires, Tom Delonge & Paranormal Investigations

@00:07:36 we have the las vegas shooting that
@00:13:30 las vegas shooting that occurred
@00:31:12 getting we got las vegas these semi
@00:31:59 this particular mass shooting in las
@00:32:01 vegas i mean it's it's unbelievable how
@00:32:34 get to the truth of the las vegas shoes
@00:37:11 night of las vegas mass shooting there

10.19 - Big Pedogate Busts | Russia/Obama Nuclear Collusion | The CIA Sucks

@00:17:57 and the las vegas false-flag is just

"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

@00:15:35 that like this las vegas false flag
@00:16:38 all of this doesn't come out las vegas

Shootin' the shit before off to ECETI

@00:01:39 weinstein the las vegas shooting right
@00:02:04 and he was definitely promoting my las
@00:02:09 vegas videos that i did so

10.8 - The Calm Before the Storm

@00:00:24 my 1 on the las vegas shooting that i
@00:01:27 since that log at las vegas shooting
@00:03:34 las vegas shooting because that is fresh
@00:08:05 the las vegas shooting is absolutely
@00:10:37 blow peto gate or these false flags las
@00:10:39 vegas shooting out of the water which

10.2 - Dissecting Vegas Shooting | Puerto Rico Truth | Catalonia | Another Dead Dr.

@00:00:33 occurred last night in las vegas
@00:01:34 questions i have in regards to this las
@00:01:36 vegas shooting that i'm going to pose to
@00:02:02 also huge blocks in las vegas right and
@00:02:07 i was just in las vegas a couple months
@00:04:33 las vegas scene and this actor was also
@00:10:08 need this las vegas shooting to distract

Fly In Peace William Tompkins

@00:02:33 ago in las vegas during the mufon
@00:03:13 that we talked you know in las vegas he

Back from Shasta - Eclipse of Disclosure Recap

@00:03:23 in las vegas so definitely will be

7.26 - Secret Space Program on Mainstream Media, Awan Brother Arrest, Trump/Sessions Distraction

@00:05:21 vegas for that mufon symposium one thing
@00:05:25 covered by local nuts las vegas news it
@00:05:32 on there las vegas now calm and they

Lectures from Secret Space Program Insiders & BIG Future Projects

@00:00:16 there then you know i'm in las vegas for
@00:04:33 in a las vegas hotel so to do this i've

7.19 - McCain's Brain Cancer, UFO Tracks ISS, MSM Disclosures & Dark Web Mastermind Dead

@00:00:29 las vegas to play a lot of work to do

7.17 - A Haitian Official "Suicided" by Clinton? & Strawman Accounts Being Accessed?

@00:14:14 conference in las vegas in a few days

In TX, Off to Vegas in 3 days for the MUFON Symposium, "The Case for a Secret Space Program"

@00:00:09 las vegas where it's even warmer i'll
@00:00:12 tell you why i'm going to las vegas in a
@00:02:03 to las vegas because in vegas next week

7.5 - Back from ECETI

@00:05:00 i'm in las vegas for that mufon