
[9.23] Latest Attacks vs. 17 - Bad Day for Hunter Biden - DOJ's Section 230 Amendment

@00:03:50 human trafficking my gosh
@00:03:53 somehow human child trafficking keeps
@00:12:52 human trafficking wow
@00:13:00 human trafficking
@00:13:03 trafficking victims
@00:13:18 trafficking huh
@00:13:31 combating human trafficking with that

[8.25] Legislation CONDEMNING QAnon - Save the Children - The Plasma Controversy - The RNC Smashes

@00:07:46 against human trafficking and is
@00:09:04 human trafficking and things like this

I’m tired of the clickbait.

@00:07:52 busting human trafficking rings not just
@00:12:24 trafficking rings are being busted i

[3.15 live] Latest on Corona: Natl. Emergency, Shutdown, Economy - Latest Media Attacks Against Me

@00:34:51 exposing that deep dark trafficking of
@00:34:55 human this trafficking of drugs
@00:34:56 trafficking of all that sort of stuff

[3.12 - live chat] CORONAHHHH

@00:13:33 of drug trafficking people that have

[2.21] Q: Prepare for the Storm! - Its RUSSIA Again - Peter NyGard - Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

@00:08:01 we're talking trafficking folks we're
@00:18:42 is fighting the trafficking and fighting
@00:19:25 trafficking bus and these sorts of

[10.18] 8kun - Turkey Ceasefire - Mexico Violence - Elijah Cummings - Dark Web Bust - Flynns' Case

@00:05:43 smuggling human trafficking cartels like
@00:08:40 trafficking worldwide huge bust they

[9.18] Ed Buck Arrested - Snowden Charged - Navy Confirms UFO Videos - Spacey's Accuser Dead

@00:08:03 edie buck accused of human trafficking
@00:08:18 buck accusing him of human trafficking

deleted [8.13] Feds Raid Epstein's Island - Hong Kong - FDA Lies, Says "Don't Drink Bleach!"

@00:07:54 trafficking so who knows what they're

[8.1] Today's QAnon & FBI Doc Warning "Conspiracy Theories Are A Domestic Terrorism Threat"

@00:10:26 it a trafficking ring or a peddle ring

[7.31] The Great Awakening Rally - Latest Q - Epstein News - 9/11 - UFO & Spaceweather - Big Pharma

@00:05:04 awaits sex trafficking charges and
@00:06:46 start of a sex trafficking trial so
@00:36:58 victims of human trafficking
@00:37:03 end human trafficking asking for a
@00:37:15 trafficking or child sex trafficking

[7.19] QAnon Baby! - Epstein Doc Dumps - Area 51 - Flu Vaccine EO - “Healthy” Chemtrails?

@00:37:31 trafficking but even vaccines it's just

[7.17] Q Recap: Epstein Connections, NYC Blackout, & My Stolen Tweet Was Q'ed!

@00:14:03 and facilitated trafficking of naming
@00:14:21 trafficking what about american
@00:14:29 how about arms trafficking you know go
@00:32:23 nexium arrests a lot of sex trafficking

Edge of Wonder x Destroying the Illusion

@00:15:17 start talking about the sex trafficking
@00:29:18 about sex trafficking talking about all

[7.7] Epstein - Trump on UFOs, the Fed, & Pence - A.I. Makes A Vaccine - MMS

@00:02:21 are for sex trafficking of minors from
@00:02:24 2002 to 2005 so this is sex trafficking

[6.18] Weekend Recap - QAnon / Flynn / NXIVM / UFOs / Vaccines / MMS / Iran

@00:14:10 sex trafficking this wasn't just cult

[6.6] Q on Infowars? - Michael Flynn - Suspicious Deaths - 5G Pushback - Pfizer's Alzheimers Drug

@00:12:49 human trafficking some very suspicious
@00:14:01 human trafficking megachurch leader
@00:14:44 this nasty horrible trafficking
@00:16:08 human trafficking shady deep state stuff

[6.4] Comey's Q Tweet - Bill Maher - Nader - "DeepFakes" - Vaccine Censorship - UFO "Disclosure"

@00:07:28 charged and arrested for trafficking
@00:10:34 got indicted for trafficking child

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:32:16 trafficking child trafficking behind

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:15:26 bust of arms trafficking you know so
@00:16:03 trafficking of all sorts of stuff arms
@00:17:07 trafficking trial remember renier is

[5.9] The Space Episode: UFO & Free Energy Disclosure, Pole Shift, Antarctica

@00:21:25 trafficking we have human trafficking
@00:21:27 and drug trafficking but technology
@00:21:29 trafficking is a thing they keep these

[3.24] Q Brief: Russia Investigation DONE / DECLAS & OIG Report Next

@00:17:26 trafficking human sacrifice these cults

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:27:50 to combat human trafficking drug
@00:27:53 trafficking how many thousands and

[3.9] Trump's Motorcade / Huber / Sessions / Vaccines / Free Energy, Space Force & Quantum

@00:00:49 child trafficking and sacrifice actually
@00:07:17 trafficking and child sacrifice and a
@00:08:28 even mentioned it was child trafficking

[2.7] Censorship Uptick / Mueller News / Mysterious BOOMs / Pole Shift / 5G / Vaccines

@00:06:29 of sex trafficking i mean stuff that

Interview w/ Kent Heckenlively - The "World's #1 Anti-Vaxxer" on Vaccine Truths

@00:39:03 child sex trafficking and harm to

[1.24] State of the Union / Protests / Mainstream Media Layoffs / Anti-Vaxxers / Future Space

@00:13:48 involved in child trafficking have never

[1.11 Live] New Q / Border / Pole Shift / Harry Reid & UFOs / Flat Earth Psy-Op

@00:05:51 trafficking as he calls for strong
@00:05:55 human trafficking drug trafficking
@00:06:13 about trafficking they never talk about
@00:06:15 drug trafficking human trafficking these

[1.8 Live] Golden Globes / RGB / Wall / World Bank Prez / Max Spiers

@00:05:15 human trafficking so with trump taking a
@00:05:30 messages to these human trafficking
@00:18:07 combat the human and drug trafficking

[1.2] New Sealed Indictment Count / Trump's Poster / Flynn / 9.11 Hackers / Space Tech

@00:09:15 to abolishing of human trafficking so he
@00:09:24 month to basically end human trafficking
@00:09:26 national slavery and human trafficking
@00:09:38 human trafficking awareness month but
@00:09:46 more outspoken against human trafficking
@00:09:56 and drug trafficking which donald trump
@00:10:02 human trafficking is going to be a

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:23:58 arizona tucson incidents the trafficking

[12.23] Q Update / Wall / Hemp / Vaccines / Space Force / Quantum Research / Pentagon Audit

@00:07:02 human trafficking drug trafficking
@00:19:56 with drug trafficking and human
@00:19:57 trafficking and point being here

[12.18] SPACE COMMAND / Quantum Initiative Act / Flynn / Vaccine Censorship / Trafficking News

@00:00:21 trafficking we're gonna be talking about
@00:12:35 human trafficking so check it out
@00:12:50 council to end human trafficking act
@00:13:01 human trafficking passing through this
@00:13:17 anti human trafficking and rehab
@00:13:23 against human trafficking with those
@00:13:28 way of human trafficking again step by
@00:13:45 trafficking as well a couple more news
@00:14:13 trafficking news coming our way from
@00:15:03 the human trafficking topic with those
@00:16:11 trafficking of the darkness within the

[12.12 LIVE] Q Addresses Flat Earth & JFK Jr.

@00:37:55 trafficking of various things drugs
@00:38:31 trafficking going on on this planet that

[12.12] Latest Q - Google - Yellow Vests - Israeli Trafficking Busted - Delonge's "To The Stars"

@00:11:00 child sex trafficking as colombia busts
@00:11:12 child sex trafficking ring they suspect
@00:12:03 there's just a lot of trafficking we see
@00:12:08 trafficking being busted in israel so we
@00:12:10 have child sex trafficking being busted

[12.8] Huge Q+ Proof / Scaramucci Confirms Q? / Pole Shift / Solar Storms / Sound Levitation

@00:09:36 trafficking and child pornography these
@00:11:57 even you know human trafficking you got

[12.7] Bad Actors at Bush's Funeral / Clinton Foundation / 9.11 Bombshell / Huawei / Catholic Abuse

@00:08:07 know haiti trafficking things like that
@00:08:36 drug trafficking and murder and things

[12.5] Latest Q Update (Flynn, Huber) & Partial UFO Disclosure Psy-Ops

@00:19:43 trafficking and things like that that
@00:24:43 gate human trafficking this i mean look

[12.3] Latest Q / New Indictment Count / France Protests / 11.11 WAVE / Netanyahu / Pope / Fentanyl

@00:16:41 mission to stop human trafficking and
@00:16:50 human trafficking here in this country
@00:17:06 involvement in human trafficking child
@00:17:09 sex trafficking so this article is

[12.1][LIVE] George Bush - Q Patch Proof - Analyzing Common Anti-Q Arguments

@00:04:34 involvement in drug trafficking i mean
@00:04:42 things drug trafficking

[11.28] Trump Blasts Clinton Foundation / Whitaker / Migrant Caravan / Wikileaks

@00:07:00 been accused of drug trafficking he was
@00:07:57 trafficking ratlines

[11.26] New Q / Wikileaks & Assange / Space Force / NY State Senator Dead from Flu Shot?!

@00:00:38 trafficking things she talks about quite
@00:00:45 child sex trafficking in regards to

[11.7] Live - Talking Midterms Outcome & Path Forward

@00:16:49 important a lot of trafficking ratlines

[11.6] Live Chat - Recent Q!

@00:10:53 trafficking rat lines it is it is
@00:34:48 trafficking focus on those drops et life
@00:35:06 to tell us about human trafficking

Above Majestic Reaction & A Word on the Smear Campaigns

@00:07:15 trafficking and all that that was really

[10.10] Latest Q: "Patience" / Human Trafficking & Child Abuse News

@00:00:37 human trafficking and child sex abuse
@00:05:57 some of those human trafficking sex
@00:11:37 human trafficking sting authorities in
@00:13:10 we can have trafficking stings like this
@00:13:12 or drug trafficking stings wherever the
@00:13:26 there seems to be a lot of trafficking
@00:17:12 involves human trafficking child sex
@00:17:15 trafficking child sex abuse human

[10.7] PODESTA’S EMAILS - Two Years Later

@00:04:46 to human trafficking and child sex
@00:04:48 trafficking and once then okay so here i
@00:05:05 dealing with child sex trafficking and
@00:08:10 of course human trafficking topics but
@00:15:28 going on combating human trafficking and
@00:19:56 child sex trafficking winning mister
@00:22:08 are doing trafficking but of humans but
@00:22:15 i think of it technology trafficking
@00:23:12 satanists trafficking humans but my god

[10.5] Live from Irvine

@00:32:19 trafficking and the deep corruption in

[10.4] Live chat - Q: Are you ready to see ARRESTS?

@00:28:46 it's human trafficking and you know what

[10.3] Live Chat

@00:43:09 trafficking he mentions q in my opinion

[9.29] Twitter Banning - Facebook Breach - YouTube QAnon "Fan" - Kavanaugh Accuser A CIA Asset?

@00:01:04 trafficking maybe it will be a ritual
@00:01:24 sacrifice child trafficking saying

[9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space

@00:44:26 their freakin trafficking and and pedos

Q Confirms ET’s and Secret Space Programs

@00:07:18 trafficking and pedo gate goes hand in

[9.19] QAnon / Deep State FISA Stalling / Kavanaugh / Observatory / Space Force

@00:11:16 trafficking this is so systemic within
@00:11:32 sorts of human trafficking and child
@00:11:49 trafficking arrests it's getting cleaned

[9.18] LIVE

@00:12:28 in human trafficking and why would if if

[9.13] QAnon / Reddit Ban & Censorship / Vatican Unraveling / NYPD Arrests

@00:07:25 trafficking of child sex abuse not just

[9.7] Disclosure Talk: Space Force / QAnon / Deep State & More

@00:37:44 regards to the trafficking the

3 Helpful Hints for REDPILLING

@00:10:56 trafficking yeah deep dark stuff but get
@00:11:03 trafficking because that's what gets rid

[8.27] Q / No Name McCain / Jax, FL / Pope / Thank God for Russian Bots!

@00:07:34 connections between human trafficking
@00:07:35 weapons trafficking and that mccain

[8.24] QAnon / Sessions / McCain / ex-CDC Head Arrested / NASA Moon Bases

@00:01:53 trafficking false flags 9/11 all these
@00:11:46 trafficking and pet of satanist pedo

[8.16] Media vs. Trump / Brennan's Clearance / Vaccines & GMO's / Max Spiers

@00:11:16 was exposing the human trafficking

[8.14] Censorship Continues / NBC Q Attack / Mysterious Deaths / UFO Limited Hangout

@00:14:25 trafficking a judge is letting the law
@00:14:28 about sex trafficking be used against
@00:17:27 there we need the trafficking we need

My Thoughts on Filming for Comedy Central to Talk QAnon

@00:04:03 things and and human trafficking and

[7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks

@00:10:00 trafficking haiti corruption yada yada
@00:10:49 trafficking the child sacrifice to get
@00:16:59 was caught trafficking children out of

[7.14] Strzok - Rosenstein - Trumping the Queen - Q Balloons over Windsor - RUSSIANS!

@00:09:57 of human trafficking prostitution and
@00:10:24 of trafficking prostitution and other
@00:10:47 human trafficking so it's not just human
@00:10:50 trafficking but drugs and weapons and
@00:11:18 trafficking so that's that understand
@00:11:44 combat trafficking so that's pretty much

[7.11] Seth Rich Conference / HIV Vaccine / Monsanto Lawsuit / QAnon

@00:03:51 in regards to human trafficking and
@00:20:54 order charged with baby trafficking
@00:21:11 trafficking so little piece of news

[7.1] INDICTMENT UPDATE / MSM Attacks on QAnon & Secret Space Program

@00:05:58 ice is because of human trafficking ice
@00:06:06 trafficking laws and coming down on that
@00:06:16 trafficking component of what they do

[6.30] Q Train Gaining!/Assange & Trump's Uncle/Natural Health Suppression/Toymaker Pulls Nazi UFO

@00:11:25 pizza gate or human trafficking that
@00:12:47 and greatest in human trafficking and

[5.18] False Flags/Pope Having a Bad May/Russia Investigation Implodes/Opioid Crisis

@00:06:06 would be human and child trafficking so
@00:08:43 just thought wow organ trafficking deep
@00:08:47 states involved in trafficking on the
@00:08:51 but organ trafficking is a huge way they
@00:09:01 trafficking industry so you just i mean
@00:09:24 organ trafficking industry
@00:11:53 trafficking issues but then of course

[5.4] Q: Trip Change/NEW SEALED RECORD COUNT/Trump: "BOOM"/Dead Doctors/More Arrests Soon

@00:01:20 sent about the human trafficking issue
@00:08:02 trafficking we had a former us district
@00:08:10 this guy guilty of human trafficking i
@00:08:17 charged for human trafficking soon right

[5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems

@00:04:49 was found to be running trafficking

4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West

@00:05:19 illegal trafficking and those who are
@00:10:37 trafficking not just solicitation or
@00:10:40 says trafficking of children so i think

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 22th 2018

@00:04:55 because of trafficking trafficking of i
@00:17:50 course in regards to human trafficking

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:08:39 human trafficking and organized crime so
@00:09:42 trafficking but we have to sweep up the

4.16 - QAnon in MSM/"Fake Videos" & #FRAZZLEDRIP/Dead GMO Activist/Trump Supports Marijuana

@00:07:06 trafficking things like that of course

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 7th 2018

@00:07:14 in trafficking of humans drugs guns
@00:10:06 are we looking at here trafficking in
@00:11:19 about trafficking of everything so this
@00:15:55 trafficking for everything drugs for the
@00:16:41 trafficking mandatory vaccination is

4.7 - Trump Tower Fire/German Car Attack/Iran Hacked/Top Vatican Arrest/Another Dead Dr.!

@00:04:56 trafficking of minors so on friday
@00:05:13 in the fight against human trafficking
@00:05:21 trafficking but truly this is a great

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 5th 2018

@00:01:46 with trafficking of guns drugs humans

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 4th 2018

@00:04:01 trafficking of basically everything you
@00:04:05 right here sex trafficking children

Dissecting MK-Ultra MONARCH Programming

@00:03:30 do this whether it's on trafficking

4.1 - Roseanne/McCabe/Gold Standard/Sinclair Broadcasting/Lockheed's Nuclear Jet/Army UFO Prank

@00:00:59 mkultra sex trafficking q and on and
@00:03:00 trafficking ring through even talking

3.29 - OIG&FISA/New Pizzagate Instagram Pics/NXIVM/Solar Shift & UFO Sightings

@00:09:35 trafficking they're reporting on it this
@00:14:08 trafficking and the dark stuff here ren
@00:15:01 sex trafficking actual skulls and

KRATOM - How It May Benefit & FDA Suppression

@00:03:49 powers-that-be make from trafficking

3.28 - Q's Latest/Sex Trafficking Exposure/Julian Assange Internet Cut/PARDON FLYNN!

@00:09:43 trafficking and right here i found this
@00:10:06 face those charges of trafficking he was
@00:17:20 industry and the trafficking and

3.27 - PsyOp Q?/Ascension Symptoms/DoD Admits "Voice of God" Tech/NXIVM

@00:08:49 the exposure of child trafficking and
@00:09:10 trafficking and look this stuff is being

3.19 - Majority of America Believes in a Deep State/Rothschild Steps Down & Zuckerberg Sells Stock

@00:24:39 off trafficking of drugs opioids and you
@00:24:57 trafficking trade not only black market

2.15 - FL Shooting/NSA Incident/Other Articles & Cosmic/UFO News

@00:18:15 in trafficking into the new section of
@00:18:33 from alleged human trafficking incident
@00:18:41 trafficking sting and it was during the
@00:18:48 influx of trafficking at every event
@00:18:50 it's a big time trafficking operation so
@00:19:04 article discussing sex trafficking on
@00:19:10 trafficking two teenagers sacramento
@00:19:15 trafficking awareness education so lots
@00:19:22 trafficking human trafficking vixa

2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th

@00:17:25 front for anti human trafficking related
@00:17:33 trafficking a lot of people saying oh

Checking in from LA - Conscious Life Expo

@00:05:23 trafficking of many different things but

Memo Thoughts - There Is Much More to Reveal

@00:04:29 missing the human trafficking rings the

2.2 - MemoDay/Deep State In Panic/Q Posts/Pharma Corruption/Underwater Pyramids

@00:14:03 trafficking with la and hollywood being
@00:14:11 in july huge human trafficking bust was
@00:14:22 california in a human trafficking sex
@00:14:25 trafficking sting again to repeat this
@00:14:37 picture that sex trafficking
@00:15:51 things like pedophilia and trafficking
@00:20:13 human trafficking crackdown so we were
@00:20:23 human trafficking and child sex
@00:20:27 trafficking big hot spot there and more
@00:20:48 advantage of trafficking victims was

1.31 - Memo ASAP/Gowdy/New EO/Train Crash/2nd LV Person/CDC Boss Quits

@00:12:33 a sting on human trafficking 510

1.23 - EQs/Secret Societies/Memos/40% vs. 100% Disclosure

@00:14:35 trafficking and sacrifices this right
@00:16:18 when we get into the human trafficking
@00:19:36 fumin trafficking and and these

1.22 - #ChuckCaved/Fake Memo/Q's Pic/"Brazen Plot"/FL False Flag

@00:13:57 find good news animal trafficking

January 20th Hangout

@00:08:17 trafficking of the satanism or

Thursday morning hangout

@00:27:01 child sex trafficking i mean even human
@00:27:04 trafficking for galactic slave trade i
@00:30:28 do we have human trafficking by people

1.17 - Fake News Awards/Plane Diversions/Detroit "Meteor"/Another Dead Dr.

@00:17:14 trafficking sick stuff in poor

1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan'

@00:02:51 trafficking or all kinds of other stuff

1.13 - Hawaiian Missile OOPS/Assange Chess/Unsealed Indictment/IG Report Comes Early

@00:07:07 and human trafficking especially child
@00:07:10 trafficking because laura sylvia was
@00:20:57 the human trafficking the satanism in


@00:19:52 market trade trafficking
@00:19:55 trafficking of guns trafficking of drugs
@00:19:59 trafficking of humans trafficking of
@00:20:22 organ trafficking i believe i read
@00:20:36 human trafficking and the child sex
@00:20:38 trafficking you know all the nasty

1.10 - Disinfo Ramping Up & Situation Report

@00:23:43 men in human trafficking raids let's see
@00:23:46 there was quite a few human trafficking

1.8 - Trump Tower Fire/ConseQuential/Wikileaks & More

@00:14:55 trafficking ring was arrested in cyprus

1.5 - STORM SURGE - Planes/Arrests/Clinton/Sessions/Fusion GPS/Comey & More!

@00:02:22 human trafficking with their get onboard
@00:10:44 people in a human trafficking probe
@00:21:44 trafficking arrests going on around the

1.3 - Q Warnings/Plane Theory/Abedin(Monitor)/Trump to Disclose Secret Tech?

@00:04:19 human trafficking delta employees
@00:04:27 and human trafficking and this is the
@00:06:27 the issue of human trafficking i
@00:16:09 gate human-trafficking

Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, & Twitter Feuds (Jan 2, 2018)

@00:02:21 like trafficking and what a lot of
@00:05:28 trafficking of children and i was
@00:06:00 involved in child sex trafficking in
@00:06:11 being involved in child sex trafficking
@00:06:38 cover child sex trafficking
@00:07:00 trafficking so i've been independent
@00:07:15 trafficking arrests now this ran in
@00:07:38 exposing sex trafficking and or other
@00:08:01 continue exposing sex trafficking and
@00:09:56 trafficking among the elites so that's
@00:10:04 trafficking and that just goes to show
@00:11:53 arrests based on human trafficking
@00:13:27 white house about sex trafficking okay
@00:16:23 child sex trafficking that were directly
@00:16:29 child sex trafficking ring multiple
@00:17:45 man was involved in sex trafficking
@00:18:35 trafficking and you're right his ex who
@00:18:45 involved in child sex trafficking
@00:19:08 involved in child sex trafficking are
@00:19:12 profiting off of child sex trafficking
@00:20:41 in child sex trafficking is that
@00:21:00 trafficking mm-hmm the child sex
@00:21:02 trafficking is the most profitable
@00:21:18 trafficking and organ harvesting and
@00:23:34 convicted pedophile who was trafficking
@00:24:01 records he was trafficking kids on this
@00:26:17 humanity which includes sex trafficking
@00:28:15 sex trafficking there's not mass
@00:29:02 clinton's involved in sex trafficking
@00:29:13 pedophile fine no he was trafficking
@00:30:27 sex trafficking and the beast of these
@00:34:59 sex trafficking is a real thing and that
@00:35:35 was arrested for child sex trafficking
@00:37:54 trafficking there are victims of sexual
@00:43:58 sex trafficking ring awareness the

1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/Assange

@00:11:00 and ops related to trafficking a child
@00:22:25 involvement in elite trafficking is

1.1 - Indictments, GITMO & Airport Weirdness (The Storm Cometh)

@00:00:32 on to talk about of course trafficking

12.31 - Twitter Debacles(Liz Crokin!)/False Flags/Iran Fallout/Imran Awan & More

@00:05:24 expose sex trafficking for a living then

12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs

@00:00:18 being human trafficking month and talk
@00:02:13 trafficking prevention month so this got
@00:02:25 national slavery and human trafficking
@00:02:45 national slavery and human trafficking
@00:03:53 mentioned combating human trafficking as
@00:03:58 trafficking as you can see here when you
@00:04:35 of human trafficking i recently came
@00:05:25 to human trafficking what do we find we
@00:05:38 foundation and trafficking in haiti
@00:06:36 deep human trafficking in pedophilia a
@00:07:07 here speaking of human trafficking let's
@00:07:20 trafficking and the spread of disease on
@00:07:56 spread the crimes of sex trafficking
@00:08:07 include a rape sex trafficking and the
@00:08:19 trafficking months okay obama has done
@00:08:32 sex trafficking rape and the spread of
@00:10:23 trafficking to the un and the spread of
@00:17:39 exploding the storm human trafficking
@00:21:30 trafficking prevention month good stuff
@00:21:36 outed sex trafficking corruption disease

12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!

@00:21:23 trafficking great right not only that

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #2

@00:10:21 trafficking kids and stuffing money in

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:20:52 turned to trafficking cocaine and
@00:21:06 campaign targeting this drug trafficking

New York Times reports on UFOs & 'Black Money'

@00:03:46 human trafficking the child sex traffic

12.15 - Q Suppression/McCain/Sex Harassment Latest/Pedogate&Space News

@00:04:12 the house is harmful sex trafficking
@00:04:29 harmful sex trafficking proposal a
@00:04:38 trafficking so there was a bill in the
@00:04:43 committee to criminalize sex trafficking
@00:05:02 online sex trafficking and funny enough
@00:05:13 trafficking holy-shit though if you just
@00:05:18 mccain and human trafficking first thing
@00:05:35 donations for anti trafficking same
@00:05:44 trafficking so it's a total front john
@00:05:49 trafficking nonsense as a complete
@00:05:59 trafficking but also gun trafficking
@00:11:20 pedophilia or human trafficking or
@00:13:40 the elite trafficking or the elite being

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT

@00:19:04 gate and sex trafficking topic that's

12.10 - More Q/Storm Coverage/Weird Aircraft (or UFO?)/More Booms/Antarctica Anomaly

@00:05:22 crimes they investigate drug trafficking
@00:06:02 force investigating drug trafficking
@00:06:04 crimes and child trafficking crimes


@00:07:05 that help with the trafficking hat
@00:07:09 trafficking of the children and control
@00:07:17 blackmail of the child trafficking and
@00:22:10 combating drug trafficking fantastic
@00:22:16 through trafficking drugs guns humans

12.5 - Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures

@00:31:19 trafficking network basically evidence

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #1

@00:33:32 trafficking human trafficking so you

12.1 - Podesta&Clinton Respond to Pizzagate/Flynn/Q/Booms/ET Disclosure

@00:06:36 child sex trafficking ring out of the
@00:06:57 human trafficking and trafficking of
@00:07:01 in trafficking as well arkansas so

11.29 - New Anon?/Q/Trump Tweets/Lauer&Scarborough/NK

@00:13:06 the stuff about the trafficking and

11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons

@00:08:56 trafficking law so we're moving along
@00:09:27 down into human child sex trafficking
@00:09:56 it's moving into sex trafficking okay

11.25 - McCains Boot/Q/Space X/P-gate/Free Energy

@00:19:00 trafficking that goes on with the
@00:19:15 fight to end human trafficking this was
@00:19:33 investigate human trafficking leaves and

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:21:43 everybody from pedo gate and trafficking

11.19 - Marines Storm CIA?/Fiji EQs/Uranium One/Netanyahu

@00:00:57 human trafficking child sex trafficking
@00:07:41 talking about child sex trafficking and

11.11 - The Storm Will Unfold/FakeNews Alert/No Space Corp/Another Dead Dr

@00:09:06 foundation and human child trafficking a
@00:21:09 trafficking and pedo gate stuff to
@00:21:19 trafficking pedophilia issue but

11.9 - PingPong Under Investigation/New JFK files/Vault8/Uranium One/"Q"

@00:06:17 trafficking sex abuse that happened you
@00:06:26 human trafficking and murder cover-ups

11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?

@00:07:07 bit a body broker organ trafficking

11.6 - Storm Update - Trump reads 4chan?/MK Ultra Patsies/Delonge Disclosure

@00:09:40 trafficking but who was he testifying
@00:09:46 trafficking pedo gate stuff it's
@00:10:24 trafficking pedo gate stuff that they're
@00:13:46 trafficking thing it's very tied into

11.3 - Is the Storm beginning? Fear, Courage, Motivation

@00:19:31 he was implicated in a human trafficking
@00:20:20 trafficking of everything drugs guns but
@00:22:38 mentioning human trafficking is one of
@00:23:44 whether it's human trafficking and

11.2 - The Storm Cometh! Antifa/DNC/Pedogate/UFO Disclosure Distraction

@00:00:47 about trafficking not only trafficking
@00:00:50 guns but trafficking drugs obviously
@00:01:02 trafficking of humans human trafficking
@00:01:04 child trafficking child sex abuse and

10.30 - 4D NEWS - Manafort/Podesta/Spacey/Feldman/Fake Canadian Gold

@00:04:20 abuse human trafficking organ
@00:04:22 trafficking right all of that dark stuff
@00:05:48 community is all the human trafficking
@00:09:58 black-market trafficking is because

10.26 - JFK Files/Pedogate/Vegas/UraniumOne/Secret Space Program Disclosures

@00:03:47 child sex trafficking rings just days
@00:05:10 trafficking human trafficking and things

10.19 - Big Pedogate Busts | Russia/Obama Nuclear Collusion | The CIA Sucks

@00:08:16 human trafficking and child sex abuse
@00:12:52 trafficking you know we'll get to a
@00:15:17 trafficking bust in myrtle beach and

"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

@00:10:50 this topic pedo gate human trafficking
@00:13:32 sex abuse it's human trafficking its
@00:13:34 child sex trafficking she was going at
@00:14:08 sex trafficking for sacrificial purposes

Shootin' the shit before off to ECETI

@00:18:45 society trafficking right it's fun stuff
@00:27:31 trafficking all that stuff so that's how

10.10 - Tom Delonge & Huffington Post's Half-Ass UFO/Secret Space Program Disclosure

@00:02:13 their trafficking of humans guns and
@00:08:29 elite human trafficking and like i said

10.2 - Dissecting Vegas Shooting | Puerto Rico Truth | Catalonia | Another Dead Dr.

@00:16:49 trafficking and whatnot
@00:16:58 human trafficking so of course we it

Hillary Clinton, John Podesta & UFO Disclosure

@00:11:36 involvement in cia drug trafficking or
@00:12:41 trafficking stuff that goes on but also

8.15 - Protests Fallout | Hillary Still Under Investigation | MSM Reports "Hack Wasn't Russia"

@00:11:03 report it on human trafficking
@00:11:21 trafficking but they reported on it
@00:11:30 mcgregor fight human trafficking might
@00:11:42 trafficking and its connections to
@00:12:06 trafficking but we're getting there that

YouTube censorship, Upcoming conference, & AMA

@00:22:04 human trafficking and pedophilia

8.9 - More Dead Doctors | Pastor Clinton? | Trump vs. Traffickers | North Korea & ISIS

@00:12:20 and drug trafficking news right as you
@00:12:31 trafficking organ trafficking these are
@00:12:43 trafficking drugs in from afghanistan
@00:13:21 i just typed in human trafficking into
@00:13:35 connecting human trafficking to the
@00:13:44 trafficking network also i found some
@00:14:21 trafficking very interesting piece here
@00:14:29 opioid emic kills human trafficking and
@00:14:37 most vulnerable to human trafficking now
@00:15:07 right it's because of human trafficking
@00:15:21 then trafficking as well so really trump
@00:15:32 in trafficking and terrorism that's why
@00:16:13 trafficking so why is donald trump
@00:16:21 trafficking which we know he's been
@00:16:29 trafficking or how the deep state is

Hello Fellow Humans

@00:20:49 news come out about human trafficking on
@00:21:38 human trafficking yeah totally i mean if

8.2 - Human Trafficking News & Mainstream UFO/Alien Stories (NASA Hiring Space Officers?)

@00:00:30 human trafficking and the whole ufo
@00:01:29 stated that human trafficking and drug
@00:02:03 trafficking issue his outspoken
@00:02:29 trafficking back in february or so there
@00:02:35 about human trafficking that came out
@00:03:38 trafficking network now first i want to
@00:05:26 connections to larger human trafficking
@00:06:52 that human trafficking and all these

7.19 - McCain's Brain Cancer, UFO Tracks ISS, MSM Disclosures & Dark Web Mastermind Dead

@00:13:49 of convicted human trafficking human

7.17 - A Haitian Official "Suicided" by Clinton? & Strawman Accounts Being Accessed?

@00:03:39 human trafficking through right after
@00:03:51 trafficking of infrastructure

7.13 - Earth Changes & Secret Space Program Technology Soft Disclosures in the Media

@00:10:45 pedophilia and trafficking of people

7.10 - Solar System Changes, New Crop Circles, Pedo-Elites Running Scared

@00:08:49 his mark by decimating human trafficking
@00:09:17 trafficking and pedophilia stuff
@00:10:40 nasty stuff like trafficking and

Do you feel that something big is about to happen?

@00:03:25 human trafficking issues but then try to
@00:03:54 trafficking of basically everything you

6.23 - State Dept Still Investigating Clinton, Podesta to Testify, MSM Exposes CIA Drug Trafficking

@00:06:10 human trafficking issue
@00:06:22 the whole human trafficking issue we can
@00:09:02 trafficking now and this was actually
@00:09:26 hand in drug trafficking now this

6.15 - Scalise Shooting, New Wikileaks Drops, #DNCfraud Lawsuit Lawyers Murdered??

@00:01:50 the human trafficking issue and it
@00:01:54 politics in ending human trafficking now
@00:02:04 human trafficking investigations a lot
@00:03:23 and his ties to human trafficking or i
@00:03:27 should say ending human trafficking not
@00:03:29 ties to human trafficking but that was

6.8 - Old & New FBI Directors, Sessions, Clinton, Podesta, Seth Rich & Another Dead Doctor

@00:06:44 trafficking and child abuse in atlanta
@00:06:57 human trafficking and child exploitation
@00:07:29 human trafficking but he's up there
@00:08:06 sex trafficking and that's that's like a
@00:08:39 to out the human trafficking child abuse
@00:10:57 outing human trafficking child abuse
@00:12:01 down for child trafficking drug dealing
@00:12:43 trafficking the organ trafficking we
@00:13:04 the child trafficking stuff because that
@00:13:33 stuff like the human trafficking and
@00:14:09 of that luciferian trafficking
@00:14:18 trafficking
@00:14:36 we don't see the human trafficking and

6.3 - Seth Rich Updates, MSM Goes Full Anti-Hillary, Critiquing Mainstream Science

@00:15:10 things like pedo gate and trafficking

The 3 Stages of Internet Propaganda Trolling

@00:09:49 pedo gate trafficking issues everything

5.31 - Aerospace Exec Spills the Alien Beans, Trump Tweets & Civil War in Congress?

@00:12:52 trafficking so they're calling him

5.15 - Satellite UFO Anomaly, Cyberattack Possibilities, & Trump's Israel/Vatican Trip

@00:06:26 scared of the whole human trafficking

5.11 - Uptick in FBI Trafficking Arrests, GOP Firm Raided, & Gowdy to Replace Comey?

@00:04:35 trafficking legislation through the
@00:05:25 trafficking arrests and coincidentally
@00:05:47 trafficking so that the frees up frees

Overview of the Secret Space Program - Crunching the #'s

@00:17:32 human trafficking organ trafficking all

5.3 - New Clinton Emails, McCann Case "Solvable", & Synthetic DNA Project

@00:02:01 trafficking now what i also want to
@00:02:32 human trafficking and it sounds like
@00:06:34 news human trafficking in south america
@00:07:04 news human trafficking in south america

5.2 - Deep State Proxy Destruction & MSM 1/2 Truth Disclosures

@00:06:52 trafficking legislation so now you know
@00:10:01 human trafficking stuff so a lot of

Analyzing the Realms of Disclosure with Pedogate & UFO's

@00:00:55 disclosures drug trafficking human
@00:00:56 trafficking arms trafficking we have i
@00:02:11 trafficking human trafficking
@00:10:26 has talked about human trafficking he's
@00:10:47 trafficking he filmed that right on his
@00:15:17 remember the trafficking of everything

4.26 - Antarctic Markings Discovered, Snowden Tweets, Electric Anomalies @ North Pole

@00:02:52 out like pedo gate and human trafficking

4.25 - Soft Disclosure Everywhere - Sex Trafficking on Dr. Oz & UFO's in the News

@00:06:00 discussing sex trafficking and this
@00:06:14 he's talking about sex trafficking why
@00:06:22 why is he talking about sex trafficking
@00:06:44 have had articles on human trafficking

4.20 -Trump/Putin Trolling World 2.0, Still Distracting w/ Fake War While Deep State Implodes

@00:05:27 trafficking related issues so if he's
@00:06:04 human trafficking central right there

De-Occulting NASA's New Announcement

@00:02:06 human trafficking they just want to

UN Child Sex Ring Story Breaking in the MSM. Are We Seeing A Media Breakthrough?

@00:00:47 he's still discussing human trafficking
@00:02:02 trafficking and the clintons have been
@00:02:11 was arrested for trafficking
@00:02:22 human trafficking clinton involvement

Is The Air Force's Secret Space Program Trying To Catch Up To The Navy's?

@00:08:48 trafficking and exposure of the sick
@00:08:59 pedophilia and human trafficking front

4.6 Update - Syria A Distraction For #Pedogate Advancements & Tons of Soft ET Disclosure!

@00:04:39 certain child trafficking and human
@00:04:41 trafficking information was because just

4.4 Update - CNN Goes Full CYA, Antarctic Energy Bursts, & Beware A False Flag Disclosure!

@00:06:20 pedophilia the human trafficking issue

Pizzagate Was NOT Made Up By The Elite To Discredit Alt Media...Just Conveniently Used For It

@00:03:00 issue of human trafficking and
@00:03:33 just call it human trafficking you can
@00:03:35 call it child sex trafficking it kind of
@00:03:41 trafficking organ trafficking they're
@00:04:14 human trafficking and organ trafficking
@00:04:48 pedophilia and human trafficking issue
@00:05:02 the human trafficking is just one part
@00:05:06 of it there's the drug trafficking
@00:07:48 know the pedophilia human trafficking

The Missing D.C. Girls Will Be The Tipping Point In Mass Public Awareness About Human Trafficking

@00:03:01 trafficking rings i don't know what is
@00:03:54 have been arrested for human trafficking
@00:04:27 been charged with human trafficking and
@00:04:39 human trafficking thing which is hugely
@00:05:21 and let go in haiti for trafficking
@00:05:24 children i don't know if her trafficking
@00:05:27 you know i believe she was trafficking a
@00:06:09 who are doing the trafficking and
@00:06:58 human trafficking issue to be let go or

Pizza Too Spicy For Alex Jones? Changes Pizzagate Stance the DAY Before D.C. Protests!

@00:02:23 trafficking issue and pedophilia side of

March 21st - Update on Recent #Pedogate Busts & Dr. Phil Exposé W/ Sex Trafficking Victim!

@00:00:19 trafficking that have happened just over
@00:02:19 a nother story in regards to trafficking
@00:02:24 pedophilia and human trafficking but
@00:02:29 trafficking bus that was occurring right
@00:02:55 drug trafficking bus there we know the
@00:03:02 trafficking aspect of it with trump
@00:03:10 trafficking because remember these deep
@00:03:29 he always slips that drug trafficking
@00:03:45 trafficking sting now i want to get into
@00:03:59 trafficking arrests you do that do that
@00:04:30 human trafficking in
@00:05:57 reported human trafficking survivor
@00:06:21 victim of sex trafficking and she was
@00:06:53 this human trafficking victim they're
@00:07:10 human trafficking bus and that's why i
@00:08:05 trafficking stuff and man this dr. phil
@00:08:15 specific like trafficking updates once a

Due to Pizzagate and Vault 7, Beware of a False Flag UFO Disclosure

@00:07:48 pedophile pizza gate human trafficking

Mar6 - Wiretapping Investigations Leading to a Spring Purge?

@00:04:10 were to blow open the human trafficking

Antarctic History - Operation Highjump - Satellite Evidence of Secret Nazi Bases?

@00:01:20 against humanity the child trafficking

Mar3 - Pizzagate Wiki/Attacks on Sessions/Soft Disclosure Ball Rolling Faster

@00:00:24 regards to the human trafficking pizza

Is HAARP Being Used To Melt Antarctic Ice And Reveal Ancient Civilizations?

@00:01:24 pedophilia all the human trafficking all
@00:06:16 human trafficking and i think these

Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories. He Knows.

@00:04:20 right he all the human trafficking stuff
@00:04:24 trafficking and this is what interest
@00:04:32 drug trafficking when he talks about
@00:04:43 trafficking and networking for the elite

Feb27 - Elite on Ropes, Antarctic Military Movement? & Indie Journalists Unite!

@00:01:14 trafficking press conference late last
@00:04:46 uh the drug trafficking whistleblower
@00:04:49 exposing the cia drug trafficking they

Pedogate Exposure And UFO Disclosure Is The Same Thing!

@00:06:00 reality of drug trafficking the reality
@00:06:55 sick human organ trafficking stuff once

Feb19 Disclosure Report - Kutcher's Fake Tears, Flynn Out, McCains Gross, Antarctica Caution

@00:02:33 human trafficking that looks all nice on
@00:02:38 nice he's crying oh sex trafficking
@00:03:10 anti-human trafficking foundation or
@00:03:26 foundation and human trafficking stuff
@00:03:46 trafficking because it's best way to
@00:08:17 trafficking stuff really starts to blow

Basics of the Secret Space Program - How it Formed

@00:07:17 harvesting child trafficking sick

Could Disclosure of Ancient Antarctica Civilization Distract From Mass Pedo Arrests?

@00:02:04 they're pedophile child trafficking
@00:03:34 else from all of the child trafficking
@00:04:47 clinton child trafficking information

Feb 12th Mass Pedo Arrests Update - Lower Level Operations Busted

@00:00:03 the pedophilia human trafficking
@00:03:04 trafficking in my honest opinion i think

Wikileaks "Vault 7" Analysis - Massive Disclosures Imminent

@00:06:51 child trafficking data associated with

Are Mass Arrests Finally Happening??

@00:00:02 pedophile human trafficking disclosures
@00:02:08 trafficking exposure

Let's Talk About Secret Government Special Access Projects...

@00:04:47 they're trafficking human trafficking

Pizzagate Basics Explained

@00:00:17 an international child sex trafficking
@00:01:34 trafficking is nothing new it's part of
@00:01:48 pedophilia or child trafficking if you