
deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:32:16 virginia with mandatory vaccines that

deleted New SC Pick, Clintons = Criminal Investigation!, & Much More Winning!

@00:06:44 masks are better than the vaccines even


@00:15:59 i want safe vaccines tested vaccines

deleted American Civil War 2.0 - Oregon Dem Proxy Army + Arson = "Greatest Loss Of Life In State History"

@00:10:28 um to say vaccines don't work and
@00:10:31 but vaccines don't
@00:10:58 gave us inferior vaccines knewing they

deleted Dr. Andrew Wakefield on The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Lie, Covid19 & Will Trump Mandate Vaccines?

@00:00:20 vaccines and we're going to talk about
@00:01:37 by the vaccines that they made that were
@00:01:44 recommends the vaccines
@00:01:53 for damage done by those vaccines except
@00:03:25 going to be different for vaccines
@00:09:40 childhood mandated vaccines so that they
@00:09:52 these vaccines
@00:10:19 of new vaccines onto the market
@00:11:18 manufacture these vaccines the doctors
@00:20:34 had been vaccinated because vaccines
@00:20:44 injury vaccines can do that they didn't
@00:21:48 in the prep act to cover covert vaccines
@00:21:54 these vaccines are being rushed to
@00:22:21 genetically engineered vaccines into
@00:24:47 vaccines are inevitably
@00:25:35 of the childhood vaccines in this
@00:25:41 vaccines
@00:26:05 comes to vaccines
@00:26:14 suddenly for vaccines they wouldn't
@00:26:25 called hot lots the vaccines were made
@00:28:33 vaccines
@00:32:48 and the military and the vaccines and
@00:32:56 vaccines on the whole country at once i
@00:38:21 he does not believe vaccines are safe he
@00:38:24 does believe vaccines are causing

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:14:52 naturally and oh by the way vaccines and
@00:37:05 to deliver vaccines wake up sheeple how
@00:37:09 vaccines from a military type one
@00:37:57 trump using the military with vaccines i
@00:38:24 against vaccines and linking them to
@00:38:49 vaccines anyway
@00:39:54 documentary against vaccines recently
@00:40:13 okay because people trust vaccines a lot
@00:40:42 is he involving the military in vaccines
@00:42:48 comes to vaccines and chips and
@00:43:13 600 million vaccines usa 350 million

deleted Terrorism, Subversion, Propaganda, Economic War & More! Never a dull moment in 2020.

@00:04:48 know i don't trust any of the vaccines

deleted Pamela Popper & Dustin Nemos on The Plandemic Organize & Resist MakeAmericansFreeAgain com

@00:13:39 frightening than just vaccines that's

deleted DN The War on Children is the War on the USA, From Communism, Evil & Foreign Powers & Election Chao

@00:12:36 believing the vaccines and take them
@00:12:51 vaccines the rushed
@00:13:16 of the vaccines
@00:13:33 than most vaccines and also the flu

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:09:07 the vaccines not to force vaccines on us
@00:21:38 vaccines comment because
@00:22:32 establishment to distribute the vaccines
@00:37:11 these vaccines make you sicker and this
@00:41:38 why is that when he knows that vaccines
@00:41:55 a new documentary about vaccines
@00:42:02 believe that trump supports vaccines now
@00:42:06 vaccines two reasons that i can think of
@00:42:09 every time he says vaccines the stock
@00:42:18 vaccines which is scary

deleted Vicious Assault By Enemies On All That Is Good, Checkpoints in NYC

@00:05:56 i do not believe force vaccines are
@00:06:31 although no vaccines really have safety

deleted Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on Public v Private Education in 2020

@00:28:42 vaccines haven't been passed out to kids
@00:29:26 stick it in your vaccines and

deleted End of the World Dem Hoax Falling Apart, Fauci Called Out by Bobby Kennedy, Assassin Targets Judge

@00:05:04 about vaccines and dershowitz of course
@00:05:12 force vaccines on people
@00:05:18 force vaccines on people
@00:17:44 with forced vaccines and millions of
@00:20:09 to get vaccines still believe in them
@00:23:55 now um continuing on from vaccines and

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:33:52 so that's going to be in these vaccines
@00:35:29 these vaccines are being rushed through
@00:36:33 lives are destroyed by vaccines we've
@00:36:51 without getting vaccines when they're


@00:02:46 vaccines
@00:03:05 promoting vaccines if he really knows
@00:04:35 defensiveness around vaccines in general
@00:04:54 so are these vaccines safe
@00:05:35 for any vaccines and you don't have to
@00:06:56 antibodies some of the other vaccines uh
@00:07:10 lot of characteristics of these vaccines
@00:07:51 vaccines there is no
@00:07:55 around vaccines the supreme court has
@00:08:41 well none of the vaccines at this point

deleted Compromised Supreme Court? The Battle for the Internet Heats Up over Censorship. Big Tech GRILLED!

@00:02:20 vaccines and the research that they're
@00:02:34 vaccines it was there from the very

deleted Big Pharma Takes a Hit, HCQ V The Censorship

@00:24:55 with vaccines any negative thing

deleted 7-24-2020 - Plots to Assassinate our Economy, Republic, & President Spy Arrested, New Q

@00:09:19 death and forced vaccines and

deleted Big Tech Moves to Ban All Q - The Storm is Upon Us

@00:11:25 soft kill through things like vaccines
@00:11:29 vaccines i think that's more about

deleted Biden's Radical Left "Coming Out" Moment, Bill Gates Called a Pedo on TV, MaskWarz

@00:25:08 vaccines and stuff i mean it's easier to

deleted Economy Distances from Reality. Soros, Fauci, Fake News & CDC Wage War on America

@00:08:19 it's going to be mandatory vaccines with

deleted 7.9.20 - Prince Andrew Sweating Pedo Secret Tape. Presidential Harassment Heats Up

@00:08:01 course the vaccines usually only make
@00:25:16 vaccines and now they have to live with

deleted Masks, tests, vaccine - spreading the virus

@00:02:25 death okay it's the faulty vaccines that

deleted 6.21.20 - Q - You Can't Censor the World - The Age of Social Media.

@00:24:22 vaccines more more doing your own

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:24:19 vaccines more more doing your own

deleted Curtis Stone, Urban Farmer & Dustin Nemos Chat about The State of the World

@00:39:43 with vaccines if it if it gets to that
@00:40:57 you can do that with vaccines you can do

deleted 6-20-2020 - Narratives Diverging - Two Paths - Fake News or Truth

@00:05:33 was damaged by vaccines because it's
@00:13:51 pressure parents into vaccines and and

deleted Q. It's what you can PROVE. And The End of Censorship is CLOSE. (I"ve been suspended for a week.)

@00:24:07 force vaccines on us and to be able to

deleted Dr Judy Mikovits on Fire! Covid19, Vaccines, Cancer, Gmo, MESSAGE TO FAUCI!

@00:05:40 contaminants in vaccines and the how
@00:12:11 injured not only by vaccines but a blood
@00:17:12 in our blood supply and our vaccines and
@00:17:19 destroying gmos gmos and vaccines or
@00:21:53 in vaccines growing not cleaning not
@00:22:31 into the humans because the vaccines
@00:22:50 vaccines came and then they spiked like
@00:23:38 need to stop all vaccines a complete
@00:24:37 and they'll grow you know the vaccines
@00:25:50 medicines we don't need vaccines we have
@00:26:47 quote about vaccines it's unavoidably
@00:27:36 killed victims of these vaccines were
@00:31:53 dirty contaminated deadly vaccines to
@00:32:30 the vaccines aren't contaminated with
@00:35:28 liability because vaccines aren't
@00:36:28 single dose of vaccines a lot a lot of
@00:38:55 moratorium on all vaccines and then
@00:44:57 decades on or their vaccines and so they
@00:45:07 money to make these toxic vaccines that

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:28:09 vaccines johnny don't worry i will not
@00:28:12 do vaccines jeffrey i if you have some

deleted 5.28.20 - Executive Order on Censorship, Fake News v America, New Investigations

@00:14:59 vaccines make you sicker spread disease
@00:15:51 people with vaccines injured children

deleted 5.22.20 - Q Calls out the CIA Control of Mainstream Media

@00:13:52 vaccines that's actually in their
@00:14:09 order to get you to take your vaccines

deleted 5.19.20 - Q - How about a Game of Chess?

@00:14:20 health leaders launch decade of vaccines

deleted 5.20.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. Dr. Michael Rectenwald - Beyond Woke- China & The Herd Mentality

@00:05:07 than vaccines hydroxychloroquine and

deleted 5-20-2020 A Recap of the Coronavirus - Trends and Patterns - Two Narratives Emerge

@00:12:24 like viruses and the vaccines
@00:26:24 vaccines and things like that and um

deleted 5.16.20 - Democrats Rig Election Amid TOTALHYPE Covid19, Weaponize Power to Cheat

@00:17:09 being involved in vaccines so my
@00:17:14 against vaccines and i think that they
@00:20:15 also about vaccines by the way but you

deleted 5.16.20 Q - Covid19 Is Democrats Attempted to Rig 2020. HYPED PLANDEMIC LIES

@00:19:15 vaccines um people have been commenting
@00:19:20 military to disperse vaccines what does

deleted 5.15.20 - Obamagate Continues - America Rises

@00:05:52 vaccines that's a scary thought on its
@00:06:03 of vaccines and i don't want anybody to
@00:07:21 you're gonna try to do vaccines around

deleted 5.13.20 Q - Dates are Important. Panic In the Deep State

@00:05:43 until we have multiple vaccines today

deleted 5.8.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. James Grundvig - Gates, Zuckerber, Fauci Fraudsters.

@00:20:11 vaccines right and and and changing the
@00:34:32 closed until until the vaccines are
@00:38:47 vaccines or until we get some kind of
@00:39:32 vaccines for no reason at all so we'll

deleted How is Everyone? CoronaChat - As America Reopens - How are YOU Doing?

@00:27:44 studies but even on individual vaccines
@00:29:46 vaccines have you seen his body language
@00:34:01 kids i hate people that force vaccines
@00:35:17 that's how vaccines work
@00:36:32 next step isn't just vaccines it's it's
@00:37:37 and the disease that's in the vaccines

deleted PLANDEMIC Part 1 Dr Judy Mikovits

@00:09:38 if we activate mandatory vaccines
@00:09:46 that own the vaccines and they'll kill
@00:09:51 vaccines there is no vaccine currently
@00:10:16 that's what vaccines are do you believe
@00:18:22 vaccines knowing that the flu vaccines

deleted 5.5.20 - FakeWhistleblower #2 - Here We Go. & So Much MORE!

@00:16:54 options like vaccines and it has had no

deleted 5-4-2020 - Q - No One Had to Die - Fauci Knew the Cure all Along

@00:28:23 got to make it known that vaccines are

deleted 5.3.20 - Q+ Stick With Me Deplorables, You'll Love the Ending

@00:19:31 rights that the forced vaccines the


@00:03:07 in the dod for new dna nanotech vaccines
@00:03:12 for the corona virus now these vaccines
@00:12:41 vaccines that's all i'm gonna say on
@00:12:44 vaccines even president trump himself is
@00:12:50 many things about vaccines in the past
@00:14:03 vaccines it's been well studied the more
@00:14:15 being oh sure if vaccines are fine

deleted FBI Indictments Coming In Days - Explosive Interview with Citizen Journalist, Ann Vandersteel

@00:22:58 vaccines for corona virus he is sitting


@00:05:02 vaccines on us with chips in it or this

deleted Flynn EXONERATED (EVIDENCE!) and Radical Left + China vs the Economy

@00:24:58 injecting if you take vaccines for

deleted The Truth About Fauci Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits

@00:04:51 supply and vaccines
@00:06:12 the vaccines were heavily contaminated

deleted 4.25.20 - Covid19 Falls apart, Fake News & Deep State Ignore and Push Fear

@00:18:59 are being damaged by vaccines but she's
@00:19:04 because this isn't just about vaccines
@00:19:09 the people behind the vaccines like the
@00:20:05 formaldehyde the these mandated vaccines

deleted Panel of Doctors - China, Thailand, USA - with Lior Sher

@00:02:47 vaccines works with dr. pouchy and his
@00:03:02 vaccines because this is a global
@00:46:13 or other pathogenic outbreak vaccines

deleted Trump SUSPENDS Immigration, Dems Panic, BANS COMING

@00:01:40 just poison you with mass vaccines and

deleted 4.18.20 - Q - It's Time, We're Ready - First Set of Arrests INCOMING

@00:20:53 forced vaccines with chips and them

deleted 4.18.20 - The Grand Reopening of America vs Fake Plandemic

@00:05:48 forced vaccines with tracking chips and

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:12:12 all those seventy vaccines are in
@00:12:28 mutations might make these vaccines
@00:13:32 vaccines and autism back in 2000 right
@00:13:34 and they and they said oh no vaccines
@00:13:51 that you get a bunch of vaccines it
@00:14:01 actually maybe the vaccines are causing
@00:14:26 you will in the hiv vaccines and what
@00:14:44 companies they then hiv vaccines in the
@00:14:50 hiv vaccines anthony fauci deborah birx
@00:15:22 the hiv not vaccines was first reported
@00:15:52 vaccines with burks and redfield in the
@00:16:07 everything so these these vaccines were
@00:16:23 we'd all be having hiv vaccines right
@00:22:29 the pin cushion for the vaccines that
@00:28:23 the new these new kovan vaccines will

deleted 4.15.20 - USA, Barr, & Trump vs the Deep State & China

@00:16:59 love of vaccines and of course we know

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:06:19 definitely not gonna take these vaccines
@00:10:31 in nutrition or vaccines really so they
@00:11:40 vaccines and autism and was attacked and
@00:18:51 a leading voice against vaccines in the
@00:34:17 push false vaccines on people folks it's

deleted Dr. Fauci BUSTED IN MASSIVE LIE TO AMERICANS! Trump #FireFauci

@00:02:29 vaccine trials fake vaccines and fake

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 4 - CoronaHoax Falls Apart - Justice Phase Coming.

@00:02:45 to a lot of other things like vaccines
@00:09:38 push vaccines this is exactly the kind

deleted 4.4.20 Plandemic CV Cured, But Fear Continues

@00:15:07 crusades and victories against vaccines
@00:15:17 disprove that vaccines and autism are
@00:15:38 that autism and vaccines cause or i'm
@00:15:41 sorry that vaccines cause autism but we

deleted 4.3.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. DR. Sherri Tenpenny

@00:04:50 with vaccines why is this important well
@00:05:25 and vaccines she's done hundreds and
@00:12:03 problems associated with vaccines in
@00:12:36 that vaccines are not safe they've not

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:33:20 vaccines i gave it all to her and i
@00:35:06 vaccines in other words anyone who was
@00:35:11 not vaccines beck's i'm sorry vaccinated

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:05:16 chip to show up in these vaccines
@00:23:57 regards to vaccines chemtrails 5g big

deleted 3.18.20 - Coronavirus Shuts down US Economy, Helicopter Money is Here & More

@00:01:48 about vaccines well we know vaccines are
@00:02:03 autism and vaccines that's all fake
@00:02:12 the truth behind the vaccines none of
@00:03:19 know vaccines can become the end of the
@00:03:25 you trust when it comes to vaccines i
@00:04:00 vaccines

deleted Corona-Collapse Plays Out, Trump in Danger, Behind the Scenes...

@00:19:47 real issues like the poison vaccines or
@00:23:59 that vaccines don't cause autism and of

deleted 3.12.20 Clowns, corruption, and Pedophiles. Biden & the Swamp

@00:18:11 damage is being done by vaccines by

deleted 3.8.20 - Trump V Coronavirus. Economic CATASTROPHE While You're Distracted. 4d Moves.

@00:01:27 conceded that they can't prove vaccines
@00:01:50 caused vaca vaccines do cause autism and
@00:02:13 convince everyone that vaccines are safe
@00:02:28 vaccines do not cause autism has no
@00:09:46 vaccines you know what is scary

deleted 3.8.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:00:37 cannot prove that vaccines don't cause
@00:19:02 discuss vaccines and they admitted that

deleted 3.7.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:00:36 cannot prove that vaccines don't cause
@00:18:59 discuss vaccines and they admitted that

deleted Clownshow Continues - Schumer Called out for Threats to SUPREME COURT!

@00:29:55 alcoholism or damaged by vaccines or

deleted Clownshow & Coronavirus - The Silent War Continues[..]

@00:26:34 have and vaccines don't work period in
@00:26:50 and dead baby parts enjoy those vaccines

deleted The Silent War Continues

@00:30:17 that generally speaking vaccines harbor
@00:34:36 claim that vaccines beat it but that's
@00:36:15 the virus because of the vaccines it's
@00:36:32 vaccines and the and the bacteria the
@00:36:36 vaccines and antibiotics are mutating

deleted 2.16.20 - Coronavirus Updates. China is LYING - XI XINPING IS WEAK AND FOOLISH

@00:19:36 vaccines and they're taught that they're

deleted 2.13.20 - Trump Peels Back the Deep States Claws - And More

@00:01:41 vaccines and food and everything else

deleted Q 2.10.20 - Q was RIGHT - Hunters HAVE BECOME the HUNTED!

@00:18:12 things like you know vaccines on us

deleted 2.1.20 - Weaponized Viral HIV Persistent Aids meet Sars meet YOU - This could be BAD

@00:05:30 don't work you know the vaccines don't
@00:06:02 everybody they they sold some vaccines

deleted Jo Rae Perkins for Senate (Oregon) - WWG1WGA

@00:11:34 was trying to show force vaccines they

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:09:32 the eugenicist who pushes vaccines and
@00:09:38 control and vaccines we can reduce the

deleted 1.26.20 - Special Update - Coronavirus Epidemic and HOW TO PREPARE

@00:09:46 they're gonna suggest vaccines which of
@00:10:07 for vaccines on people but is what else

deleted 1.21.20 - Chinese Outbreak, A Shot Heard Round the World, Censorship Fight Heats up

@00:20:38 vaccines especially children that have

deleted 1.18.20 Impeachment Hits Wall called The Senate, Trump Saves Kids, Flynn, Epstein & More

@00:03:23 vaccines recently and that is that jonas
@00:03:25 salk the the father of modern vaccines
@00:03:35 father of vaccines because he helped to
@00:04:43 vaccines one of the creators of the
@00:05:30 quick rant about vaccines and that it's
@00:08:45 been outspoken on vaccines and

deleted Dr. Andrew (Wake)field & Dustin Nemos on (Vaxx)ines, Censorship and the Future (Very Censored Hero)

@00:01:09 yourself are looking at vaccines or
@00:08:53 vaccines sure yeah i mean basically your
@00:09:22 studies around the safety for vaccines
@00:09:29 take vaccines like for example hepatitis
@00:09:42 vaccines were four four and five days
@00:16:01 is absolutely no link between vaccines
@00:19:38 similar situation with with vaccines
@00:19:41 that vaccines are eluding the immunity
@00:19:49 eluding the immunity induced by vaccines
@00:24:02 scared of vaccines and antibiotics and
@00:28:33 vaccines children are taken from their
@00:29:00 of this grand hungry lie that vaccines
@00:31:00 all those vaccines are all convicted
@00:31:12 vaccines than other drugs absolutely not

deleted Dustin appears on Dauntless Dialogue with Adam Riva

@00:08:33 posted about vaccines well you know

deleted 1.5.19 - Trump, Iran, Treason from NYT, And Dems Prefer Terrorists to Trump

@00:18:32 kid i don't take vaccines they're poison
@00:19:41 things like vaccines and stuff so i feel

deleted 1.2.20 - RICO Rudy vs the Coup, Pelosi's Corrupt Son = Hunter Biden 2.0, Disarmament by UN?

@00:07:46 vaccines you know the the just the the

deleted 12.23.19 - 25% TRUMP JUDGES, VA to ENFORCE Gun control, China Paying Fake News to Fake & More..

@00:16:23 wanted to escape vaccines i wanted to

deleted AntiVax Mom Jailed, Epstein Video FOUND, Brennan Under Investigation, FISA Abuse Expands

@00:09:04 contested situation over vaccines with
@00:09:34 vaccines real briefly supreme court case
@00:09:49 see them anymore actually the vaccines
@00:10:06 happening with vaccines so it looks like
@00:10:14 vaccines for a very long time almost
@00:10:33 link between autism and and vaccines and
@00:10:41 very depressing case for what vaccines
@00:11:27 same diseases that the vaccines
@00:13:57 burn surgery doctors vaccines that what
@00:14:54 context about vaccines this is
@00:15:28 vaccines and the arguments and he does
@00:15:31 something about vaccines now you guys
@00:16:37 handle being hit with multiple vaccines

deleted Dems Want to Imprison TRUMP over COUP Lies

@00:05:57 my anti vaccines i took all of those

deleted QAn0n on the Global Warming Con of Corruption (Fixed)

@00:03:13 that's what vaccines through the

deleted Candyce Estave of Autism0ne Radio w/ Dustin Nemos & Michelle Ford on Censorship

@00:07:57 vaccines the realize that you had a big
@00:08:23 out about vaccines and i know there's a
@00:21:30 about vaccines and i felt like we could
@00:21:45 movement are talking about vaccines and
@00:23:59 issue with vaccines and i'm with you
@00:24:27 of the vaccines themselves maybe they
@00:31:09 well vaccines do not cause autism

deleted FAKE MAGA, Guns, Medical Kidnapping, Chic-Fil-A TRAITORS, & More

@00:09:47 thing i'm grateful for are vaccines that
@00:12:02 children with vaccines that's the that's
@00:12:09 with vaccines if it was they wouldn't
@00:13:52 children hepatitis b vaccines increase
@00:13:57 nine times hepatitis b vaccines in male
@00:15:00 vaccines why is that if they're right
@00:15:19 unsafe we know that vaccines caused
@00:15:35 vaccine the father of of modern vaccines
@00:16:07 because these vaccines can mutate the
@00:16:26 from vaccines and also antibiotics
@00:18:24 diseases from the vaccines that are
@00:21:49 people vaccines are good they told me so

deleted Kent Heckenlively Author of Plague of Corruption on Vaxxines and Hope vs Big Pharma

@00:00:37 talk about vaccines his book really
@00:00:50 vaccines being a very censored topic
@00:03:08 his vaccines or suddenly going silent
@00:08:35 vaccines which was ridiculed and then
@00:09:12 lured by vaccines i've i've met a lot of
@00:10:14 in vaccines say is it vaccines are safe
@00:10:19 vaccines are saying effective and i say
@00:10:30 believe that vaccines are really safe
@00:10:38 and see if we put vaccines in the
@00:11:23 vaccines and so you know i say to those
@00:17:27 about how terrible vaccines are and you
@00:24:10 the first vaccines that was grown in
@00:24:44 vaccines and i also find that marysol so
@00:25:27 then re-inject those vaccines into human
@00:26:40 again because it's not the vaccines
@00:34:03 what's coming the cause of the vaccines
@00:34:13 now mutating because of the vaccines
@00:35:24 vaccines and big pharma and which are

deleted Israel at WAR with JIHAD, LA Poop Assaults, Things We Cant Talk About on Youtube

@00:10:36 vaccines on children too it's a terrible

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:02:09 vaccines perhaps or or see the queue
@00:03:22 and vaccines we talk about all of these

deleted 10 17 19 Hunter Biden Fails, Cummings Dead, Schiff Fails to Setup President Trump

@00:20:46 the fluoride and all the vaccines and

deleted 9.29.19 Trends-Glyphosate, Climate Alarmism, Vaccines, Pedophiles.

@00:03:42 for things like vaccines and and in
@00:03:53 these terrible terrible vaccines
@00:25:54 trust anyone that says vaccines are safe

deleted Biden, The Justice Phase of The Plan, and The Democrat Implosion

@00:19:54 vaccines set

deleted 9 12 19 Another Major Step Towards JUSTICE PHASE!

@00:12:06 people about vaccines to force them on

deleted A Rant about 2020 Dem Debates, Open Borders

@00:01:05 like vaccines and child trafficking and

deleted Dustin Nemos Live: Q Posts and Weekly Sunday Livestream

@00:44:58 ten thousand of these vaccines already
@00:45:42 know vaccines it's not a logic thing

deleted 8.29.2019 Fired up for 2020 We are WINNING

@00:02:47 destruction and and vaccines are safe

deleted 8.27.19 Trump Beats China, FISA ABUSE DEEMED ILLEGAL!, Prince Andrew & More

@00:12:36 vaccines too by the way but it's a good
@00:17:49 vaccines and kind of some of the soft

deleted 8.22-23.19 Things you Need to Know going into 2020.

@00:02:01 the vaccines that are destroying their
@00:08:20 vaccines calm and it's interesting
@00:08:35 his position on vaccines and he puts out
@00:08:43 vaccines so he responds to the criticism
@00:09:02 he explains how autism and vaccines are
@00:09:53 vaccines safe order to hhs to study

deleted 8 10 19 Epstein Suicide - Narrative Control Activates - Dark Day

@00:17:23 fallout and the failure of vaccines the

deleted News Brief 7/29/19: Gun Control/ Ratcliffe for DNI/ NY Sued Over Vax Enforcement

@00:19:31 vaccines because it goes against their

deleted Did Success Change Dustin Nemos?

@00:00:50 coming for vaccines everywhere gmos

deleted 6.23.19 - 20,000' Overview with Dustin Nemos

@00:19:25 know less of the forced vaccines with

deleted Wakefi3ld Autlsm0ne 2019 Speech - Mutant Superviruses and Virgin Soil Population

@00:01:51 vaccines so they could say this is what
@00:06:40 with vaccines debris paper it's very
@00:06:50 vaccines has to start there is an
@00:06:58 vaccines are the most wonderful thing
@00:10:09 our vaccines destined for a similar fate
@00:10:22 mayo mayo to vaccines inability to
@00:14:57 vaccines the index patient that is the
@00:15:04 measles containing vaccines and four
@00:15:09 two doses of measles containing vaccines
@00:15:40 inconvenience it makes vaccines more
@00:16:30 vaccines and over time that virus is not
@00:25:42 administration is that vaccines were
@00:25:56 benevolent by giving people vaccines
@00:26:34 be no bad news about vaccines so as part
@00:36:13 whether you'd have three vaccines it
@00:42:23 vaccines against meals we are biasing it
@00:44:26 infection maybe antibiotics vaccines are
@00:46:06 the vaccines we have no immunity we are

deleted Mr Tweet is On the Offense Finally And IT IS GLORIOUS

@00:11:04 you don't want vaccines if you're in the
@00:37:32 vaccines so definitely check out that

deleted 6.7.19 - The Dollar Quietly Dies. Amazon Kills Small Retailers Dreams. Goodbye Cruel Youtube

@00:07:08 and get vaccines and poisoned and

deleted Creepy RACIST Uncle Joe Biden' His Time

@00:03:21 you and to enforce vaccines down your

deleted Mueller Fails to Rescue Dying Deepstate Narrative, Dems Panic, Eat their Own

@00:00:55 and deaths caused by vaccines what a
@00:05:16 vaccines ineffective and they've known

deleted If Not Me, Who? If Not Now, When?

@00:00:36 of the vaccines and the end of

deleted Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! - Part 1/9

@00:05:39 organization called voices for vaccines
@00:08:32 that vaccines can cause reactions and
@00:08:54 in my vaccines book that the opposite is
@00:09:02 reactions to the vaccines do you have
@00:12:03 their child was injured by vaccines you
@00:16:42 developing vaccines oh yes would you say
@00:18:32 develop vaccines based on rna
@00:19:09 which is a coalition to develop vaccines
@00:22:21 vaccines i do not know
@00:22:57 cdc recommended vaccines on tom do you
@00:23:06 faith to receive all vaccines she has
@00:23:11 recommended vaccines that is my
@00:23:20 vaccines absent any contraindications
@00:23:40 should not actually get these vaccines
@00:23:44 faith should receive the vaccines but
@00:24:05 what vaccines his faith missed according
@00:24:36 vaccines recommended in pre-adolescence
@00:25:20 there are two influenza vaccines one of
@00:27:05 those vaccines we just went to our yes
@00:27:12 vaccines as well
@00:28:04 the vaccines that are recommended by the
@00:28:20 hep b vaccines well i do not try to
@00:29:17 actually one of the road virus vaccines
@00:31:41 at the age at which influenza vaccines
@00:31:58 influenza vaccines not all of which have
@00:32:35 vaccines there's a an australian
@00:35:11 that one meningococcal vaccines are
@00:35:40 manufacturer hpv vaccines
@00:47:27 the development or sale of vaccines of
@00:47:37 vaccines oh
@00:50:20 but i certain allah judges for vaccines
@00:50:54 so you're saying voices vaccines doesn't
@00:51:51 interested in promoting vaccines
@00:55:22 printout from the voices for vaccines
@00:55:50 it says voices for vaccines is an
@00:56:25 vaccines but it does not contribute
@00:56:29 financially and to voices for vaccines
@00:57:59 vaccines i don't see where it says the
@00:58:08 last sentence in 4c voices for vaccines
@00:59:02 represent that voices for vaccines
@00:59:13 the voices for vaccines receives no
@00:59:33 work for voices for vaccines but as far
@00:59:53 vaccines correct it doesn't know your

deleted Will Dustin Nemos Get Isaac Kappy 'd for Destroying Big Tech and Big Pharma?

@00:10:53 vaccines used to be nothing not a big

deleted Q Was Right All Along? & The Coming Plague that Will Kill BILLIONS!

@00:17:20 the vaccine world these vaccines have

deleted Dustin Nemos on the AutismOne Bigger Picture Panel

@00:14:36 hey our vaccines work
@00:23:43 of vaccines for you know some time now
@00:23:53 i wouldn't want to do vaccines but i
@00:25:30 believe in vaccines whether or not maybe
@00:26:23 about vaccines it would have been shut
@00:27:24 got seven vaccines at two months another
@00:27:26 seven vaccines at four months and they
@00:28:34 vaccines are safe and effective however
@00:28:40 vaccines are unavoidably unsafe
@00:34:40 getting 14 vaccines within their first
@00:34:57 probably only got a few vaccines that
@00:35:11 the list so i got three vaccines my kid
@00:35:29 lifetime the vaccines have increased
@00:36:02 through some of the myths of vaccines
@00:36:27 trend why is it that the vaccines were
@00:36:56 what saved us it's not it's not vaccines
@00:40:03 vaccines and you know you you give
@00:40:27 much data on my vaccines page i've just
@00:41:08 the link between autism and vaccines is [@2471.5

deleted Dustin Nemos & Dr Seneff on Glyphosphate Toxicity (Roundup Ready & Monsanto)

@00:18:11 satan vaccines we have the plastics we
@00:27:23 buy their vaccines for them you know
@00:28:10 period so with respect to the vaccines i
@00:28:58 vaccines and if we got rid of the
@00:29:02 wants to recommend the same vaccines
@00:29:39 against vaccines the need was fired or
@00:38:17 was pushing the vaccines on pay so he's
@00:38:33 protect them from vaccines you know

deleted AutismOne 2019 LiveStream

@00:14:36 hey our vaccines work so it sounds like
@00:16:49 vaccines or you familiar with mms
@00:23:43 of vaccines for you know some time now
@00:23:53 i wouldn't want to do vaccines but i
@00:25:31 vaccines whether or not maybe you think
@00:26:23 vaccines it would have been shut down a
@00:27:24 child got seven vaccines at two months
@00:27:26 another seven vaccines at four months
@00:28:33 and you can say all day that vaccines
@00:28:39 that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe so
@00:34:42 vaccines within their first year of life
@00:34:58 vaccines that i'm gonna sure i got some
@00:35:12 got three vaccines my kid got 58 i think
@00:35:29 their lifetime the vaccines have
@00:36:02 through some of the myths of vaccines
@00:36:29 vaccines were late to the the save right
@00:36:57 it's not vaccines which you or i
@00:40:03 vaccines and you know you you give
@00:40:27 much data on my vaccines page

deleted Dustin Nemos on I70 & Coach Clay show (PSB 24/7) - Wargaming Censorship MOVEMENT

@00:04:20 yeah yeah then suddenly vaccines are

deleted Biden is a Traitor, and Much More

@00:03:39 taking these vaccines they are really

deleted The Narrative War Reaches Peak Crazy - Left Has Nothing!

@00:28:12 vaccines and stuff mally no it's almost

deleted Dustin Nemos on Ladies for Liberty PSB 24/7 - Censorship and Solutions NOW

@00:14:44 your focus is 5g or vaccines or
@00:30:59 vaccines and child trafficking and i've

deleted David Getoff & Dustin Nemos Discuss Solutions to a Toxic World

@00:03:52 vaccines and we need to tell the truth
@00:09:18 like for example vaccines you know they
@00:10:47 with vaccines
@00:26:30 vaccines up to be even the harder one

deleted Treas0n, Ped0philia, and the FakeN3ws

@00:14:28 for 5g and vaccines and it forced
@00:14:30 vaccines i iii can't even understand
@00:14:35 these things especially vaccines we know
@00:20:02 vaccines and they're super high taxes

deleted The Treasonous Deep State Democrats Having Last Stand (Pre Mass Arrests)

@00:01:40 especially when it comes to vaccines and
@00:01:44 on vaccines i was actually a little

deleted The War on Anti-Vaxxers is Anti Scientific & The Illusion of Majority/Consensus by Elite.

@00:06:30 exemptions for childhood vaccines passes
@00:09:07 talk about the the vaccines lately the
@00:19:41 vaccines
@00:19:55 critical so this idea that vaccines are
@00:20:31 want you to believe that vaccines are
@00:21:02 on vaccines are poisonous they're toxic

deleted Uploading 4% Dustin Nemos on I70 and Coach Clay Show 24/7 PSB

@00:03:03 yeah yeah then suddenly vaccines are

deleted The Left's Frothing Hatred of White Christian America & Trump, Weaponized Government Ignores Islam

@00:08:23 thing with the vaccines of course
@00:08:31 trying to push forces off force vaccines
@00:08:35 covered vaccines and
@00:08:37 to grow food as vaccines now that have
@00:11:48 every single disease that vaccines
@00:12:04 salk father of vaccines wrote the

deleted Justice Phase Blitzkrieg Continues - Counterattack Attempts Ensue - Desperate to Link Q to Violence

@00:07:47 add the gmo vaccines into the food and
@00:07:59 that give you gmo vaccines or you know
@00:08:04 you vaccines to be correct that is an
@00:08:16 vaccines are killing people left and
@00:08:24 saying donald trump measles vaccines and
@00:09:00 past statements he sat on vaccines where
@00:09:27 just suddenly supports vaccines or that
@00:09:30 supporting vaccines probably more likely
@00:09:34 vaccines because he supports it i don't
@00:34:53 his recent statements with the vaccines
@00:38:03 and of course vaccines but like i said i

deleted The Tables Are Finally Turning on the Witch Hunt

@00:01:20 largely disappeared not vaccines clearly

deleted Obama's Evil 'Renewal' Keyword, Mass B0mbings, Patriots vs Invaders on Border, &More

@00:13:22 vaccines don't work they just make you

deleted 4.18.19 - Left Losing Their Minds, Wants to Ban Rightwing Media. RR Broken

@00:30:22 vaccines and stuff but if they try to

deleted Unfund the Unions - You Don't Have to Fund Democrat Marxist Immoral Unions.

@00:09:23 the vaccines all that stuff vaccines are
@00:09:35 brain damage i think than vaccines

deleted 4.17.19 - Soon: Autism One (Chicago May 22-26)

@00:01:29 vaccines and such and and the things

deleted 4.8.19 - Clintons Linked to "Coverup" with Deep State, & Much Much More

@00:23:29 vaccines but they've gone in that sort

deleted Marketing Thinktank? Our Victories Are Many From 2018-2019. NOW Let's CHANGE THE WORLD!

@00:02:22 money focus on vaccines you know because
@00:02:26 vaccines right now the the establishment

deleted Oct 21, 2018 - Candyce Estave & Dustin Nemos on Upcoming AutismOne Conference & Vax Truth

@00:00:43 that dustin was talking about vaccines
@00:03:57 for idea of gmos we have vaccines we
@00:05:17 comments about vaccines in the past too
@00:05:30 pet issue whether it be vaccines which i
@00:15:46 wrong about vaccines because they've
@00:15:50 that vaccines are safe and society needs
@00:15:52 vaccines and more and more people are
@00:16:18 battle over vaccines
@00:16:21 people don't understand that vaccines
@00:16:58 about the vaccines really did my heart
@00:20:35 that i have to get vaccines i'm in the
@00:21:47 other topic all right about vaccines
@00:23:22 well biologics or vaccines and their
@00:25:03 into vaccines because you know i never
@00:25:29 have some vaccines and i think i think i
@00:28:15 exposing the links between vaccines and
@00:32:42 in vaccines which causes gender identity
@00:44:53 issues like vaccines and 5g and

deleted BIDEN, AOC, BetoFrancis, Ilhan Omar - All Sputtering Out with Dem. Coup Ambitions

@00:18:10 and other vaccines were introduced the
@00:18:27 lower and lower and then vaccines took
@00:18:29 credit for it but really vaccines are
@00:19:13 vaccines that is vaccines to health and
@00:27:50 human trafficking vaccines real health
@00:28:16 of health and vaccines and how justice
@00:28:21 inject you with vaccines in your own

deleted Kerri Rivera - Censored Author - Reveals Successful Protocol for Autism

@00:00:44 especially with the vaccines and just

deleted Deaths, Coverups, RBG Tampering?, Mueller Retells DNC Hack 'Big Lie'

@00:15:06 they're ramping up on on vaccines will
@00:15:25 door-to-door with vaccines
@00:16:12 try and i know the truth about vaccines

deleted Changing the Narrative Before Obama Indictment...?

@00:01:50 vaccines of war on christians where this
@00:02:17 and theirs wasn't even that the vaccines
@00:02:32 vaccines but it happens and they didn't
@00:02:50 vaccines it's not needed there's a
@00:02:52 better way and vaccines don't work

deleted My Response on the Q Book: Overwhelming Success, Underwhelming Controversy. Mainstream Q Achieved

@00:26:05 back even though the vaccines are you

deleted Q - Complete Blatant Push that It's all about to HIT! Hannity Echoing. BE READY! SHARE

@00:09:37 at the vaccines and everything else call

deleted Minecraft For Q - Dark to Light (The Great Awakening)

@00:05:50 human trafficking and the vaccines it's

deleted Q's Ultimatum to Snowden, Instructions to Whiistleblower, Predicted JPBarlows Death

@00:26:40 vaccines and everything there's no

deleted 3.10.19 - MASSIVE NEWS! Climate Fraud, ATTEMPT ON POTUS? & To Trigger WW3

@00:17:20 vaccines forced on us by the fda oh and
@00:19:47 vaccines are all safe and effective or

deleted Major News Recap - 3.8.19 - Need to Knows.

@00:30:27 like the vaccines and the 5g and

deleted A Rebuttal to ButthurtAnons and ::: Did Q and Dustin Nemos Try to Kill Alex Jones???

@00:41:01 vaccines i talk about this as well i've

deleted The Book That May Get the [?] Asked of POTUS! Q GOES MAINSTREAM.

@00:07:51 vaccines are killing people and the

deleted 3 5 19 Dustin Nemos Challenges Ben Shapiro to a Debate! (He had to Push THIS Issue!)

@00:01:04 debater however he is pushing vaccines
@00:02:08 you know sem here pushing vaccines yet
@00:02:43 the other side that vaccines are not
@00:03:13 not all vaccines and there is some
@00:03:43 in people the vaccines are one and
@00:06:28 the vaccines things like that there's
@00:08:19 you go and you're curious about vaccines
@00:10:12 destroying children with the vaccines
@00:12:11 child's health without vaccines like

deleted 3.5.19 - "CU" - NSA Humor & Chat (Segmented Clips Soon)

@00:22:58 forced with all these vaccines even the

deleted 3.1.19 - Major Updates. Trudeau and More.

@00:07:31 vaccines and stuff in the chemtrails and

deleted 3.1.19 - Recap, Major Events. Trudeau Scandal, Netanyahu Indictment, Mueller Past Blackhatting, etc

@00:39:32 it's not don't get one vaccines actually

deleted C60 FAQs and Changing the WORLD

@00:18:02 us off with vaccines and such sounds
@00:26:53 the with the vaccines i want to expose

deleted #Ab0rtionISInfanticide, and Here are the Pushers. Baby Survive Ab0rti0n? "Break its Neck"

@00:06:29 vaccines which are poisonous it's ending
@00:09:00 all bipartisan vaccines are one they're
@00:09:02 gonna kill us all with the vaccines 5g
@00:09:45 vaccines that they're putting with all

deleted 2.26.19 - Hanoi, Tommy, Culture of Hate and Deception and Low IQ, Save the Babies.

@00:02:13 vaccines i mean i want to do some work
@00:02:20 covering five vaccines full-time if i

deleted 2.25.19 - Q - Potus Considering Options RE: War on Babies (Millions of Babies Counting on US!)

@00:12:28 when it comes to things like vaccines
@00:12:54 something on the vaccines we need it the
@00:13:09 vaccines and and the educational system

deleted 2.25.19 - Things You Need to See.

@00:14:24 back to the vaccines thing
@00:15:26 vaccines affect the brains and therefore


@00:02:57 my websites both of them about vaccines
@00:04:01 the vaccines are legal they have blanket
@00:04:19 and go check out the vaccines page it
@00:04:48 vaccines are so if you emphasize the
@00:06:16 vaccines are unsafe unnecessary and that
@00:06:45 of all it bears repeating vaccines do
@00:07:13 vaccines as individual components such
@00:11:36 laid out again refer to my vaccines page
@00:12:21 vaccines like all drugs have potential
@00:17:08 well they say vaccines limited polio
@00:17:37 many states banned the vaccines for that
@00:17:59 now vaccines are the reason that some of
@00:19:56 vaccines and i'm in pretty good health
@00:21:05 with vaccines we can reduce the
@00:24:23 time to the vaccines one other thing no
@00:24:29 vaccines all of the package inserts for
@00:24:33 all vaccines are also readily available
@00:24:39 you will see that yes vaccines are
@00:25:04 found it in a lot of the vaccines a
@00:25:06 large portion of the vaccines that they
@00:26:07 page on vaccines continuing on all
@00:32:31 parents who opt out of vaccines do it
@00:33:01 vaccines because you say so
@00:37:37 get rid of the vaccines less less like

deleted 2.23.19 - Q - The Internet is Under Attack by the Cabal Desperate to Prevent [Justice]

@00:10:39 g or chemtrails or vaccines or anything

deleted 2.21.19 - Q. Recap Bonanza ( Major Gems! )

@00:22:31 that not even just the vaccines the the
@00:24:42 vaccines so continuing on i got a harp

deleted Richard Jordan & Dustin Nemos - Could C60 Increase Adult Stem Cell Count Dramatically

@00:18:44 vaccines all right we can triple our

deleted 2.5.19 - Rigging 2020, Queen Nancy & SOTU 76% Support T,80k Indictm3nts, SPLC, L0ckh3rup, Typhus

@00:02:13 about it anyway all the vaccines the

deleted 2.4.19 - Oxyc0ntin Pushers, Isl@m=De@th, AntiV@x Movement Under Siege, Venezu3la, Internet Money=BTC

@00:05:27 heads up contaminated vaccines
@00:17:31 any doubt about vaccines check out the
@00:17:35 health club about vaccines you won't

deleted 2.1.19 - Kids S@ved, Antif@ Pl0tting 2019 Ass@ssin@tions, Tr3aty Killed, Cllntons Bhind RU Lies.

@00:22:43 dr. singh would fling away with vaccines

deleted 1.29.19 - Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos on Venezuela, Vaccines, and Veritas Final Cut

@00:47:36 it's the vaccines it's the chemtrails

deleted 1.30.19 - Pedos, Fake MAGAs, Violent Governments - Oh my! Also - Winter (And Islam) is Coming...

@00:27:00 some of these vaccines and such that
@00:27:39 vaccines we have to put a focus on that

deleted 1.26.19 - Mueller Arrests Stone to Distract, What Is Going On Right Now & More

@00:06:45 vaccines and autism that the us
@00:07:29 still given in vaccines still refusing

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:24:05 vaccines they're they're not gonna be

deleted Dustin Nemos & Roman Light YellowVest RIC Movement: France To Discuss YellowVest Updates WW

@00:13:51 to vaccinate 11 vaccines in the first

deleted 1.15.19 - Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp in 14yo Abortions, China, Mueller, RU buys BTC?

@00:33:29 right from these these vaccines i mean
@00:36:29 vaccines and the schedule that they
@00:37:22 vaccines did not solve this problem they
@00:37:36 illegal i have a whole page on vaccines

deleted 1.9.19 - Q Framed for Violence, Big Political Happenings, Macron Cracks Down, RR & ISRAEL OUT, WALL!

@00:13:04 between vaccines and autism that govern
@00:14:03 vaccines but there's still a lot of like
@00:14:26 tv shows like if you don't get vaccines
@00:14:36 vaccines sort of a flower child natural
@00:14:43 vaccines and the baby had some sort of

deleted 1.3.18 - Culture War, Economic War, Tense Standoffs for Hot War, Major Events

@00:41:22 well the vaccines you had to create laws

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT (Fixed Audio)

@00:07:48 still believe in vaccines maybe they

deleted Travag: All Roads Lead to Rome

@00:02:04 ebola vaccines the creator of the

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT

@00:07:48 still believe in vaccines maybe they

deleted 12.21.18 - Cultural Decline, Evil Flaunts, Syria, ISIS, Assange, Whitaker

@00:35:44 vaccines whatever some people are just

deleted 12.16.18 - Things Speeding Up, War Moves, Yellow Vests Spreading WW, Strzok Texts Recovered

@00:31:02 for profit and i love that so vaccines

deleted 12.14.18 - Updates, Bombshells, Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional

@00:01:54 vaccines that sort of thing they're the
@00:01:56 worst of all of the vaccines in terms of
@00:02:48 against vaccines i've done videos on
@00:03:03 that come with these vaccines like the

deleted 12.13.18 - Whistleblowers, Huber, Q, Justice Phase Progresses

@00:12:30 the vaccines these things terrify me and

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:07:47 vaccines why no fix for 5g why no fix

deleted 12.11.18 - So Much is Going On Right Now !!!

@00:05:46 the vaccines are very prevalent and that
@00:07:01 vaccines or five dollar vaccines things
@00:21:11 fact things like vaccines and flavonoids

deleted 12.11.18 - Q Posts from 6th-10th - THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS

@00:36:36 forcing that on children and vaccines

deleted 12.2.18 - Mass Update, Bush Death to Distract from Huber

@00:14:29 actually harmful so vaccines destroying

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:46:10 vaccines that supposedly wiped out those

deleted 11.29.18 - Oh What Tangled Webs We Weave - Pain Phase is Nearly Upon Us.

@00:08:10 human services deal with the vaccines
@00:08:20 vaccines and 30 years later and they
@00:11:39 heavy metal exposure from from vaccines


@00:35:37 vaccines alternative health a war on

deleted Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dustin Nemos - The War on Real Medicine (And Doctors)

@00:15:11 happening in vaccines so one of our
@00:15:25 via vaccines and so obviously the
@00:20:39 as vaccines have increased and and with
@00:20:59 these vaccines but they have no
@00:21:48 been have come from these vaccines into
@00:23:18 vaccines writing his book survival of
@00:27:43 the ingredients in those vaccines so in
@00:28:21 the vaccines and she was she had a mind
@00:31:10 develop vaccines or cancer or treatment
@00:32:01 control nor were any of the vaccines so
@00:35:33 these vaccines
@00:47:37 been injected with a lot of vaccines so

deleted 11.13.18 - Could Things be Any Better for MAGA?

@00:06:44 edge about these vaccines they've heard

deleted 11.10.18 - Electi0n Fraud (Political Suicide) & Distractions from it

@00:05:01 by these vaccines and drug companies and

deleted 11.9.18 - Ginsberg Out, Election Fraud Investigations, AJ Bashin Q with Extreme Islamist "Zach"

@00:07:18 vaccines and politics and stuff on

deleted 11.5.18 - Q and the Spiritual War of Good Vs Evil

@00:06:35 like abortion global warming vaccines

deleted 10.31.18 - Caravan Brings Weapons & Bombs, Red Tsunami Incoming

@00:15:04 like vaccines on us but this is six
@00:37:52 education and vaccines things like that
@00:38:10 than anything else except maybe vaccines
@00:38:32 global warming is real and vaccines are

deleted David Stephan & Dustin Nemos on the Ongoing Encroachment of Medical Tyranny

@00:31:47 the thoughtcrime of questioning vaccines
@00:33:19 in one way or another viet vaccines or

deleted 10.30.18 - Caravan Opens Fire, More Dem Scandals, Who to Vote For

@00:04:45 to question vaccines if you've been
@00:05:46 father of modern vaccines when he wrote
@00:05:54 all about vaccines and eugenics and it
@00:06:33 that's to do with vaccines and these

deleted 10.28.18 - Hypocrisy, Shooter, Midterm Updates!

@00:18:20 vaccines rarely work that way the damage
@00:18:49 vaccines it would be a hundred hundred

deleted 10.27.18 - Mass Shooter @ Jews, Mexico Helping Caravan, MSM Spin, Stocks Crash, Soros: "Lock Him Up"

@00:20:45 vaccines and the fluoride in the water

deleted Bombs to Soros, Obama, HRC. Caravan, Midterms Tilting Republican Heavy

@00:13:54 vaccines but i think it was really more

deleted Jordan Sather & Dustin Nemos on Secret Space Program and Suppressed History

@00:04:12 natural health and vaccines which is

deleted Robert David Steele & Dustin Nemos on Khashoggi, Midterms, Fed, Trump, Q & More!

@00:18:47 parents now are refusing vaccines
@00:18:48 because vaccines are demonstrably

deleted p. 3 - Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Health, Modern Diets, Weaponized Food, Fasting, DIY Solutions

@00:20:55 vaccines foods i'm eating all these

deleted 10.8.18 - Ron Paul on Economic Collapse (50% crash!?) And Trump/Kava Updates. Fisa Next....

@00:06:23 world the fight to get rid of vaccines

deleted Q: Boom Week, Commies and Clint0n Foundation (Crimes Against Children) These People are SICK!

@00:13:00 vaccines and stuff i mean we have those

deleted Q: Post Kav@naugh Updates 10.6.18

@00:11:26 vaccines what about gmo guys when we get

deleted Real-Talk (Hard Truth) About Abortion. Why I am against (& Why I USED to think it was Mercy Killing)

@00:01:57 you would just believe in vaccines being

deleted SGT Report & Dustin Nemos Discuss the Left, and Q

@00:08:01 5g vaccines everything yeah it just

deleted 10.2.18 - Kavanaugh Updates, Uranium One + Clinton News, Trade War&Hostilities

@00:14:18 powers have to be broken vaccines have

deleted Chelation of Heavy Metals - Autism & Dementia - You are NOT DOOMED, but CAUTION is Key!

@00:12:00 the vaccines and the stuff they put in
@00:12:02 the vaccines we have i think it's more

deleted Dustin Nemos & Rosanne Lindsay of NatureOfHealing Discuss Vaccines, Holistic Medicine, Big Pharma

@00:00:26 vaccines as an issue i've been talking
@00:07:36 population because the vaccines and
@00:08:04 without vaccines and it's the t-cell
@00:10:07 of the other vaccines first who did the
@00:10:43 vaccines they are happening in nursing
@00:10:48 take vaccines they're happening in the
@00:11:46 vaccines he wrote a book most people
@00:12:44 good job with vaccines and health care
@00:13:41 accept our vaccines and they have seen a
@00:14:56 was in vaccines and then they were their
@00:15:00 affirming that vaccines cause autism the
@00:15:37 vaccines one has been against well to
@00:16:18 true for other vaccines a lot of these
@00:16:20 vaccines the upper to keep efficacy
@00:16:35 after people get these vaccines to see
@00:18:48 then i got maybe six vaccines or is now
@00:18:55 get 49 vaccines or something 49 doses of
@00:19:00 14 vaccines by the time they're 17 they
@00:19:09 vaccines it's ridiculous i had fixed
@00:19:11 vaccines and a lot of the neurological
@00:20:24 vaccines given to us babies autism right
@00:20:29 thirteen forty six vaccines that he said
@00:20:58 aluminum and mercury in these vaccines
@00:21:20 getting bundled vaccines every time you
@00:21:25 getting maybe three vaccines at a time
@00:21:48 you've taken all these vaccines and and
@00:24:05 vaccines to the cdc recommended list i
@00:24:16 vaccines this wasn't supposed to be
@00:25:36 vaccines offer people the propaganda of
@00:26:57 vaccines which will increase every year
@00:39:33 now we'll see the vaccines get
@00:39:45 glyphosate and vaccines in the same
@00:39:55 vaccines glyphosate is in vaccines just
@00:41:40 out mercury in vaccines and hiring a

deleted A Case Study in Fake Maga Divisionary Tactics - in Real Time. Logical Fallacy and Manipulations.

@00:10:27 like you know vaccines don't work but

deleted Alex Jones- Mossad, Radical Islam, Bronfman's (Nxivm cult) and CIA. Sleeper Cells in the Movement

@00:34:34 the vaccines in the fluoride everything

deleted Q, McCain, Fisa, And Corruption - SeethingFrog and Dustin Nemos

@00:27:33 the father of modern vaccines and the
@00:27:50 of the polio vaccines there was a
@00:28:00 what 75 million polio vaccines it was

deleted ❗8.29.18 - More ℚ posts👀, A taste of things to come in 2018 - And More (Fixed)

@00:24:39 with the vaccines and the soy and the

deleted 🌿DIY Liposomal Glutathione (Mercury Detox) - Links to EVERYTHING needed below.🌿 - CAUTION

@00:07:08 vaccines that put in aluminum or mercury

deleted LiveChat 8.26.18 - Huge Health Conversation, C60, Autism, Vaccines, Dementia, etc.

@00:04:23 oh yeah moving hard against vaccines
@00:10:25 like the mercury the vaccines the the
@00:12:32 vaccines well we might be able to change
@00:29:58 debate folder about vaccines from the
@00:30:05 about vaccines period so it will be very
@00:39:16 vaccines and autism are linked i'm not
@00:39:18 saying that vaccines cause 100% of

deleted 🌿Liposomal Vitamins🌿 - Taking Back our Health Holistically and Draining the DEADLY Big Pharma Swamp

@00:15:26 in the vaccines aluminum all of these
@00:18:03 of most of those diseases the vaccines
@00:18:09 spiked when they introduced vaccines for
@00:34:27 this recently slash vaccines know what
@00:35:18 vaccines over here and it's gonna be
@00:36:15 affected by vaccines this page can help
@00:37:27 adult health vaccines are just so toxic
@00:37:34 courts actually ruled the vaccines cause
@00:37:44 vaccines over there they found that
@00:37:46 there's a lot of other stuff in vaccines

deleted 8.25.18 - McCain Dead or Faking Dead. Pressure is Tangible. Something big is coming SOON!

@00:01:38 on with the vaccines right now we'll get
@00:06:38 about vaccines it seems to now finally
@00:21:36 years debating vaccines with with nurses
@00:21:46 dustin e most calm slash vaccines slash
@00:22:36 vaccines and everything else you know no

deleted 8.20.18 - More Updates - The DC Police Call Donna Brazile a Liar, Q Gives us a Timeline

@00:00:15 the mercury laced vaccines and increased
@00:01:22 vaccines indicted in 2011 thorson

deleted Love Conquers All: How to Win without Being Mean (Kill em with Kindness)

@00:01:32 poisons and vaccines and and propaganda

deleted Mercury Detoxxing, Antischool, Twitter Censorship Bypass?, Raw Cacao

@00:06:04 vaccines and and these these silver

deleted 7.11-12.18 - Maga Update: FBI//Strzok asked If he Lies to his wife also in public session

@00:19:44 anymore the gmos the vaccines the the

deleted 7.9-11.18 - Conservative Supreme Court Majority and what it means. More Clinton Murders. w/links

@00:01:18 vaccines you can check the link below i
@00:02:05 they found led in all of the vaccines
@00:02:16 do your homework on vaccines now i did
@00:02:25 of vaccines and i just i just showed you
@00:15:08 warming vaccines all of that okay

deleted Left off a bit of video on 6.30 - fixing here - Q Proofs (Bike Pic +) are LEGIT

@00:05:54 vaccines or anything like that and then

deleted C60 Carbon Introduction - Sorting Fact from Hype

@00:42:19 aluminum from the vaccines and and and
@00:42:22 mercury from the vaccines things like

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:07:16 truthful about you know vaccines or pedo

deleted 5.19.18 - Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again)

@00:03:43 vaccines so i'm sort of to focus on that

deleted Why I still Support #Qanon and Respectfully Disagree with AJ, Corsi.

@00:01:53 reason i didn't do vaccines all kinds of

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:00:30 enzymes and vaccines have all been found
@00:00:37 of modern vaccines jonas salk remember
@00:00:50 beginning vaccines are sort of a nazi

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.8.18 - Who wants to keep us in Syria? Not Assad + more Q, Ray Chandler

@00:05:40 actually intended to kill vaccines are a
@00:05:45 vaccines and this is something that it's

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 4.3.18 - Swamp, Immigrants, FBI, Mueller, Qanon: Arrests Coming

@00:43:45 for different topics vaccines everything

deleted Maga Update 3.20.18 - More Terror, More Fake Narrative, Culture victories, More Mccabe Corruption

@00:08:34 believe in vaccines but it's almost like

deleted Maga Update 3.19.18 - Drug War, Mass Stabbing, Calls for Assassination of Trump

@00:15:12 vaccines and the child swelled up and
@00:15:23 if you get the vaccines that's likely to
@00:15:42 get the vaccines so it gives the
@00:15:55 just stupid and that vaccines are not

deleted Maga Update 3.17.18 - Mccabe Fired, Russia catches US training syrian chemical false flaggers

@00:13:56 like autism and vaccines links like that

deleted Maga Update 3.15.18 - Mccabe to be fired & Charged, cold war 2.0, Mueller's "Fixer", Vegas Update

@00:02:21 him stop pushing vaccines and stuff but

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST

@00:05:37 no vaccines
@00:56:20 no vaccines definitely not we've got a

deleted CryptoCurrencies (Bitcoin) VS the Central Banksters & Big Government - A breakdown

@00:33:44 admit that cancer secured and vaccines

deleted Maga Update 3.(2-3).18 China, Russia, Censorship, Guns, Sessions, More Kids with Guns

@00:04:50 vaccines gmos and depopulation and of
@00:13:44 vaccines they have these claims safe and
@00:13:50 effective with vaccines

deleted Molon Labe & the Spartan's 'Laconic Phrase'

@00:09:09 things like vaccines you know you don't
@00:09:34 things that i research you know vaccines

deleted The Vaccine Debate, Anti Vaxxer Evidence Compilation

@00:00:19 that i do a video about vaccines as this
@00:01:38 history of vaccines how they are
@00:02:42 discussing vaccines in a debate it's got
@00:04:23 to be based on the vaccines i mean these
@00:04:26 vaccines are given you know preemie
@00:04:30 often stop breathing when given vaccines
@00:04:41 vaccines all right now we we've heard
@00:04:49 about mercury in the vaccines and then
@00:04:52 in the vaccines it's in the thimerosal
@00:07:33 vaccines don't cause autism but then we
@00:07:46 link between vaccines and autism i mean
@00:09:51 a really good job with vaccines and
@00:14:20 vaccines failing to work because they're
@00:14:35 for vaccines but if your vaccine works
@00:16:27 vaccines are poison and they're all
@00:16:44 vaccines vaccines have two purposes
@00:18:22 doses of covered vaccines were
@00:20:53 of work on on vaccines and of course
@00:23:01 there's even more evidence for vaccines
@00:23:27 rubber-stamps vaccines because they had
@00:23:37 the vaccines that's why they have the
@00:24:11 vaccines
@00:24:29 vaccines you don't have to do any of
@00:25:22 all right femoris all in vaccines versus
@00:28:42 the success of these vaccines as a
@00:30:11 don't need from these vaccines today so
@00:31:00 about vaccines i mean if you try to talk
@00:31:37 about vaccines being this miracle cure
@00:32:10 medical professionals about how vaccines
@00:32:40 vaccines don't work okay legally
@00:33:59 and i already knew that vaccines are bad
@00:34:32 vaccines they don't do that
@00:40:20 this is the guy who created vaccines
@00:40:52 about vaccines but we're getting along
@00:41:50 vaccines are probably among the worst
@00:44:45 vaccines with me when she sees me
@00:45:43 vaccines manufactured in human fetal
@00:45:58 vaccines and autism prevalence they put
@00:46:26 vaccines administration during its
@00:46:34 the link between vaccines and autism 30

deleted Maga Update 2.23.18 - Thing's are speeding up, Lots of points

@00:04:54 rules vaccines cause sids deaths now for
@00:05:45 debating vaccines for a long time in
@00:06:01 breaking down vaccines but now my
@00:06:38 the vaccines and then they call it sids
@00:06:45 very potentially linked to vaccines and
@00:06:58 vaccines are pretty much the top of the
@00:07:10 vaccines but basically they are
@00:07:31 vaccines in one case and we know the cdc
@00:07:36 covering up of autism and vaccines we
@00:08:13 the father of modern vaccines which is

deleted Qanon Update 2.22.18 - Trump Signals us, Q confirms. They are stepping up timetable vs Twitter

@00:06:01 things like vaccines to autism and stuff

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@00:19:23 vaccines we are working very very hard i
@00:20:28 think the vaccines will have a report on
@00:20:31 that but the vaccines working together
@00:20:43 very far down the line on vaccines we'll

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@00:22:36 pollution and mercury and and vaccines

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@00:22:10 forced vaccines and forced 5g however i
@00:22:29 that vaccines are damaging he's seen it
@00:22:46 vaccines because he supports it if he's

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@00:39:49 concerned about like forced vaccines or

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@00:08:37 vaccines and and and some of these

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@00:20:42 organic non vaccines eco village and
@00:24:10 poison there are no safe vaccines
@00:25:23 the vaccines at the rate we're going you
@00:25:30 vaccines that children have to take it
@00:27:21 you know for and against vaccines and

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@00:31:47 childhood vaccines well i can't make
@00:31:54 bunch of informational in vaccines i may
@00:32:13 from childhood vaccines i mean you guys
@00:45:20 ellie will trump stop forced vaccines
@00:47:04 are damaged for life by these vaccines
@00:48:09 like 5g and vaccines yeah i'm so tired
@00:48:31 the idea that vaccines are bad for you

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@00:09:05 vaccines he talks about gmos he talks
@00:51:21 he can't even deal with vaccines yet
@00:51:23 vaccines are just as bad as five g
@00:51:27 vaccines if you try hard but 5g can't

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@00:42:55 linking vaccines to autism and they came

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@00:26:44 wisdom words no no vaccines are safe
@00:26:55 to the original father of vaccines jonas
@00:27:12 about vaccines i have a whole page that
@00:27:20 vaccines over the years and i just kind
@00:27:33 everything covered on there and vaccines
@00:27:54 in pills and stuff or vaccines it's
@00:28:18 among the most damaging vaccines of all

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@00:05:06 vaccines but she was more approaching
@00:08:01 vaccines page on my site for plenty of
@00:11:58 the vaccines not only fail but they fail
@00:12:18 vaccines are going to create entirely
@00:12:58 vaccines so virgin soil population

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@00:33:47 ebola and mass vaccines and such now so

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@00:08:50 vaccines i'm fine with that one as well
@00:09:13 against vaccines when i was like 18 or
@00:09:46 remember that one vaccines are a crime
@00:09:53 they're the worst victim of vaccines are

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@00:41:32 vaccines and stuff it's like they're

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@01:01:06 weapons like vaccines and such i knew

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@00:44:28 know the there's no vaccines required

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@00:20:23 just read too much about vaccines i know
@00:22:58 correct candice they are vaccines are
@00:44:49 vaccines i love that part

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@00:24:14 is vaccines i'm trying to i'm trying to

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@00:10:39 vaccines do not cause autism and babies
@00:22:05 evidence vaccines don't cause autism

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@00:14:41 vaccines and other things so that will
@00:47:12 people because vaccines and global
@01:02:28 versed about things like vaccines or

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@00:15:04 your vaccines hard enough like i really
@00:38:13 israel may be safe for last vaccines may

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@00:26:28 or not you can take vaccines or you know
@00:26:44 choice now with vaccines

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@00:17:29 after vaccines or abortion clinics
@00:21:07 people around the vaccines even to try
@00:21:14 vaccines had a reaction doesn't matter
@00:21:18 just take your vaccines you damn slaves

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@00:12:26 i expect that just like vaccines he's

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@00:48:30 developed test and worked on vaccines

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@00:36:24 support vaccines treatments and
@00:48:59 fight the virus and support vaccines

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@00:44:29 the vaccines i mean there may be some
@00:46:46 vaccines at about 16 16 years old not

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@00:05:04 vaccines are rough i always refer people

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@00:25:11 it you know they're forcing vaccines on
@00:44:53 before vaccines for a reason however you
@00:45:59 started talking about vaccines and such

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@00:23:10 5g and vaccines everything else would

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@00:50:06 i don't i don't do the vaccines or
@00:50:16 i mean the father of vaccines wrote the

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@00:23:21 um vaccines and 5g is legit i think that

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@00:24:14 been pushing these vaccines forever but
@00:24:22 with vaccines and and tested to be

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@00:20:46 in order to test the vaccines and

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@00:17:16 from dangerous vaccines there was a

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@00:19:51 up there with vaccines and the education