
deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:02:48 by jeff sessions he was given that

deleted Qanon June 19, 2020 - End Goal? Government Control

@00:03:32 they needed to do jeff sessions closed

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:42:45 flynn jeff sessions anybody else who was
@00:43:06 if you get jeff sessions to recuse

deleted Qanon April 15, 2020 - Imagine If We Were Not Here

@00:14:59 attorney by jeff sessions october 28th

deleted Qanon January 30, 2020 - Impeachments Ends

@00:06:03 general jeff sessions announced that he

deleted Qanon January 29 2020 - Read the Transcripts

@00:21:22 sessions when after he was approved by

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:15:21 sessions trust ray trust pompeo right
@00:15:24 well jeff sessions is no longer attorney

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:01:00 resignation of jeff sessions as attorney
@00:01:04 to nominate william bar as sessions
@00:04:40 recused like jeff sessions he assumed
@00:09:54 us attorney by jeff sessions on october
@00:10:06 by sessions on october 28th he was then
@00:10:24 by sessions the ig report on fisa views
@00:20:51 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:22:17 investigation that sessions assigned him

deleted Qanon November 15, 2019 - Follow the Family

@00:14:34 sessions on october 28th 2017

deleted Qanon November 12, 2019 - Dangerous Freedom

@00:08:08 outside of dc assigned by jeff sessions
@00:08:18 assigned by sessions to investigate
@00:09:59 jeff sessions actually posted these on
@00:10:01 twitter a couple days ago that sessions
@00:11:58 outside of dc assigned by sessions with
@00:12:17 attorneys that was appointed by sessions

deleted Qanon November 3, 2019 - Rig for Red

@00:14:52 sessions coincidentally the same day q

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:16:43 know sessions was the sessions was fight
@00:39:41 sessions figure where you may not know
@00:39:48 jeff sessions feels like that right now

deleted Qanon July 27, 2019 - Declass is Here

@00:29:44 general then attorney general sessions
@00:30:22 something that jeff sessions started

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:13:46 they get us sessions to recuse because
@00:13:48 they wanted sessions out of the way he

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:36:27 goodlatte goudy role of sessions good
@00:36:30 like guardian sessions all resign why
@00:36:42 directly to sessions by potus what was a
@00:37:10 security adviser to jeff sessions he is

deleted Qanon July 13, 2019 - Learn Our Comms [Wheels Up]

@00:02:55 the question-and-answer sessions this

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:08:23 them they've video tape the sessions
@00:27:15 jeff sessions and chris rea including
@00:30:52 from weiners laptop q wrote sessions
@00:30:57 jeff sessions began the epstein
@00:32:03 was jeff sessions i absolutely believe
@00:32:08 that sessions is a straight shooter i
@00:32:12 sessions was all part of an operation
@00:32:18 i think sessions will be vindicated so q
@00:32:28 sessions will be vindicated in history

President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals

@00:20:39 people in the state department sessions

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:25:40 sessions what humor is not on the case
@00:26:03 former attorney general sessions asked
@00:31:55 after sessions had tasked huber with
@00:32:00 uranium one winokur who was sessions

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:06:20 sessions had not yet been confirmed
@00:08:11 was tasked by jeff sessions in november
@00:14:29 people we know that sessions and
@00:15:17 know because sessions wasn't doing
@00:17:08 asked sessions to appoint a second
@00:18:43 sessions goes ahead and says okay look
@00:19:30 began in november and we sessions
@00:27:08 sessions he was working with rosenstein
@00:28:28 guarantee you that that bar and sessions

deleted Qanon May 3, 2019 - The Kickoff

@00:08:13 sessions since his confirmation what
@00:08:18 sessions confirmation right so
@00:08:24 anger at jeff sessions the entire first
@00:09:15 swamp sessions and trump knew that and

Supernatural Saturday - When You Are Not Healed

@00:40:01 multiple sessions because they've got so

deleted Qanon March 14, 2019 - Stay in the Light

@00:01:52 installed post sessions departure and
@00:01:58 count dc post sessions departure sealed
@00:07:14 installed post sessions departure and
@00:07:19 count in dc post sessions departure

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:00:55 sessions his first point so there's a
@00:01:01 sessions senate vote was 52 to 47 his
@00:01:13 allies why was sessions targeted who
@00:01:16 appointed huber that was sessions who
@00:01:21 sessions deputy ag also listed for
@00:01:30 sessions no leaks none who fired removed
@00:01:36 of justice that would be sessions do you
@00:02:31 not just trumpet sessions to ordered the
@00:02:34 sessions probe was another unprecedented
@00:02:53 investigation into jeff sessions if just
@00:02:55 jeff sessions was a swamp-dwelling
@00:03:01 produce is twitter battering if sessions
@00:03:30 on by ag sessions since his confirmation
@00:03:36 ag sessions confirmation why was
@00:03:40 sessions confirmation challenged heavily
@00:03:46 knew sessions was a patriot and they
@00:04:08 same time that sessions appointed huber
@00:04:19 2018 when sessions publicly announced
@00:06:57 from jeff sessions and this was back
@00:07:34 letter it's from jeff sessions and it
@00:07:38 talks about the assignment that sessions
@00:14:57 sessions he had it the fact that they
@00:15:11 quote sessions in whitaker shouldn't

Praying Medic News Update January 28

@00:27:55 sessions or rod rosa stein we heard
@00:33:41 investigation sessions isn't doing

News Update January 15, 2019

@00:05:18 sessions look chill it's all good he has

Praying Medic News Update January 13, 2019

@00:25:09 jeff sessions at gitmo

deleted LIVE Qanon January 7, 2019 - Follow the Watch

@00:07:53 did sessions publicly announce regarding
@00:07:56 why did sessions make this public optics
@00:10:31 sessions publicly announce regarding
@00:10:33 why did sessions make this public optics
@00:10:35 are important so that the sessions and
@00:10:40 attacks sessions publicly announced with
@00:10:57 sessions and justice department had 27

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:18:50 rogers departure intel sessions
@00:19:19 general paul naka sony jeff sessions

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:32:59 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:33:53 severe pain to dc sessions was forced to
@00:34:07 satisfied trusting the sessions was
@00:34:10 so sessions reluctantly told them that
@00:35:54 sessions are an opportunity to get

deleted Qanon November 8, 2018 - Mission Forward

@00:00:31 controversy since jeff sessions is no
@00:00:45 signal that jeff sessions was going to
@00:11:49 thanked jeff sessions for his service to
@00:11:52 we thank attorney general jeff sessions
@00:13:29 thank-yous two sessions good land gaudy
@00:13:48 president's tweet regarding sessions
@00:16:15 sessions is fired if anybody is removed
@00:17:11 over sessions being replaced by whitaker
@00:17:27 sessions replacement was an unexpected
@00:18:03 impression he was referring to sessions
@00:18:11 he was referring to sessions was a
@00:18:57 sessions would be stepping down or fire
@00:19:07 sessions chief of staff in that role he
@00:19:13 sessions intelligence advisor q today
@00:19:26 to be sessions intelligence advisor at
@00:24:04 about all this regarding sessions is
@00:24:09 sessions got the ok from the supreme
@00:24:19 in order for sessions to unruh q's

deleted Qanon October 11, 2018 - Logic and Critical Thinking

@00:05:24 just want arrests jeff sessions and
@00:07:14 sessions or chris rae you are telling
@00:07:21 sessions i know more about prosecuting
@00:13:23 jeff sessions would be that corrupt
@00:13:28 they're for sessions and ray must be
@00:13:32 but if rayon sessions are working with
@00:13:48 doj well a lot of people think sessions
@00:22:29 sessions why did mccabe try to take
@00:22:31 sessions out as a link to an article
@00:22:38 jeff sessions to find out if he
@00:22:46 what was this sessions senate
@00:22:51 because the swamp knew sessions was a
@00:23:13 sessions and ray are part of the swamp

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:02:11 sessions no tea
@00:05:28 is about us attorney jeff sessions
@00:05:37 utah sessions was in utah this was on
@00:05:48 broadcast went up q posted this sessions
@00:05:54 alert sessions meeting huber the day
@00:06:00 subpoena that was given to jeff sessions
@00:06:22 here zoom in on this jeff sessions was
@00:06:47 the new york times sessions was also
@00:07:22 sessions would be given to congress is
@00:07:34 those are the things that jeff sessions
@00:11:59 third sessions was due into congress to
@00:12:04 if sessions is recused from the russia
@00:12:18 the subpoena two sessions scheduled one
@00:12:33 enjoy the show q if sessions is recused
@00:12:57 subpoena that congress sent to sessions
@00:14:46 have this read carefully sessions
@00:35:56 this picture of jeff sessions and the

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:14:45 gaudi jeff sessions confirm that the doj
@00:15:04 letter same letter that sessions
@00:15:14 are working with him sessions also
@00:15:28 sessions
@00:16:31 to well he was reporting two sessions
@00:21:30 were getting hints from q that sessions
@00:21:39 march of 2018 that sessions made it
@00:22:01 sessions that appointing a utah federal
@00:33:09 sessions he had to make the deep state

deleted Qanon December 4, 2018 - The First Leak From the Huber Investigation

@00:02:13 sessions in huber you will all pay the
@00:03:02 jeff sessions should have appointed a
@00:20:57 sessions john huber and robert muller
@00:21:07 sessions these over here are all about

Discovering the Truth With Dan Duval - Part 3

@00:03:58 jeff sessions to prosecute the fbi and
@00:12:31 about q's mission overall jeff sessions
@00:15:16 go in right so the sessions that the
@00:15:23 same thing happened with sessions if
@00:15:32 about sessions okay i'm confused here's
@00:16:30 let's talk about sessions there is a
@00:16:36 with jeff sessions after he was
@00:16:45 sessions they thought oh my gosh this
@00:16:52 which is why sessions had a very hard
@00:17:06 the swamp did not want jeff sessions as
@00:17:13 trump kept tweeting about sessions about
@00:17:22 sessions is worthless i never should
@00:17:27 trump keeps tweeting about sessions
@00:17:29 saying what how he's just sessions is
@00:17:32 not helping me right oh while sessions
@00:17:52 year period prior okay the sessions is
@00:18:11 trump keeps tweeting about sessions
@00:18:17 sessions sessions is a patriot okay
@00:18:21 sessions is even though trump is
@00:18:26 tweeting that sessions is not helping
@00:18:29 him q is telling us sessions is helping
@00:18:36 needed to know about sessions is that
@00:18:38 sessions was in fact working with the
@00:18:50 admonition to trust sessions they
@00:18:53 thought oh sessions is going to be
@00:18:54 around forever sessions will be the one
@00:18:57 to drop the hammer sessions is going to
@00:19:05 sessions is gonna be around forever
@00:19:11 hew simply said trust sessions trust
@00:19:54 sessions is going to be around forever
@00:19:59 that sessions might be around for a long
@00:20:06 of knew sessions was on his way out
@00:20:07 trey gowdy said after sessions resigned
@00:20:11 he said you know sessions was a dead man
@00:20:28 why sessions had to go sessions could
@00:21:11 sessions could have been the one to do
@00:21:13 sessions was kind of a placeholder okay
@00:21:26 fired sessions it would have fired up
@00:21:35 for optical purposes sessions in rosen
@00:21:44 significant the sessions resigned that
@00:22:21 talking about sessions and john huber
@00:23:37 whitaker was sessions chief of staff he
@00:25:05 point that you make about sessions
@00:26:17 to allow sessions to recuse himself and
@00:26:45 good alright trump and sessions don't
@00:27:26 sessions in as a placeholder to placate
@00:30:57 opening them before sessions were

Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

@00:15:33 jeff sessions the q talks about trey

deleted Qanon September 23, 2018 - The Sky is Falling

@00:02:52 options sessions could fire him if it
@00:05:21 and jeff sessions and maybe they'd come
@00:12:52 awkward position because sessions is
@00:19:27 sessions trust ray the fbi director

deleted Qanon September 18, 2018 - I See Q People

@00:29:53 q posted this activates sessions and
@00:29:56 notice sessions is in reversed brackets
@00:32:23 dc sessions and hueber weekend meetings
@00:32:30 directly to jeff sessions so if they're
@00:32:45 sessions sent a classified letter to the
@00:33:01 evidently sessions has contacted the

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:39:36 sessions to investigate where to use
@00:42:20 from chuck grassley to jeff sessions
@00:42:34 by jeff sessions to chuck grassley trey
@00:43:30 side of sessions and the fbi q posted

Thanks For Your Patience... New Videos on the Way

@00:01:23 bed the mystery about jeff sessions all
@00:07:22 trafficking since jeff sessions has
@00:17:32 some point in the future sessions is
@00:17:42 gotta have sessions sessions is our guy
@00:17:44 we can't get rid of sessions sessions is
@00:17:58 you mean sessions is gonna prosecute our
@00:18:00 friends yeah sessions is going to
@00:18:09 sessions and trump are playing a game

deleted Qanon August 30, 2018 - Witch Hunt: No Deals

@00:06:10 many people believe that jeff sessions
@00:06:28 authority to declassify and sessions has
@00:06:45 out thinking that the sessions of the
@00:10:07 said trust sessions trust chris rea fbi
@00:40:34 i would even argue that jeff sessions

deleted All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6)

@00:19:16 sessions early on people were saying
@00:19:19 that jeff sessions met with kiss like
@00:19:39 innuendo that sessions may have been

deleted Qanon August 8, 2018 - They All Claim to be Insiders

@00:20:15 alone panic in dc trust sessions enjoy

deleted Qanon August 3, 2018 - Trump Attack Foiled

@00:17:26 jeff sessions and his safety
@00:17:31 sessions in prayer
@00:17:34 more than that just keep jeff sessions

deleted Qanon July 31, 2018 - FISA is the Foundation

@00:10:06 government trust sessions trust ray
@00:10:24 trust sessions they can't trust array
@00:48:46 jeff sessions and chris murray are

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:20:48 enjoy the show jeff sessions
@00:21:21 immigration court sessions comes out and
@00:21:33 sessions i'm just going to read this to
@00:21:55 logically could jeff sessions publicly
@00:22:03 would immediately transpire if sessions
@00:22:13 challenge by sessions toward rosenstein
@00:22:21 sessions must be aware of key facts
@00:22:45 president the sessions is involved in
@00:22:58 remove sessions given his clear
@00:23:34 sessions said huber is giving me regular
@00:23:46 jeff sessions why is it important
@00:23:48 because it allows sessions to be in
@00:23:56 why did sessions recuse himself and
@00:24:04 attacking sessions no they're not
@00:24:08 they're supporting sessions because
@00:24:10 sessions and trump seem to be at each
@00:24:19 regarding sessions recusal of course he
@00:24:23 why didn't sessions tell me he was gonna
@00:25:03 trump would allow sessions to be in the
@00:25:05 doj if he believed sessions wasn't
@00:25:34 believe potus would allow sessions and
@00:26:54 how good sessions say anything negative
@00:27:02 main thing for sessions to be in charge
@00:27:14 sessions and trump appear to be at each
@00:27:19 unhappy with sessions what happens when
@00:27:27 complain that jeff sessions is now doing

deleted Qanon July 20, 2018 - John and Tony Podesta

@00:08:31 that if jeff sessions and/or the
@00:09:03 revealed that jeff sessions had
@00:09:14 sessions has appointed someone outside
@00:09:38 indicted however sessions did say that
@00:10:58 lots of top-level people if sessions in
@00:11:26 is the doj why isn't sessions doing
@00:11:39 doj in sessions but this is an act
@00:12:20 what with sessions senate confirmation
@00:12:22 vote sessions barely squeaked by while
@00:12:48 prosecuted why did sessions pick
@00:12:51 rosenstein well we know that sessions
@00:14:25 person that they trust sessions is
@00:14:34 sessions step back in has he already yes
@00:14:38 sessions is working with the inspector
@00:14:45 through rosenstein why did sessions
@00:14:48 secretly engaged huber why did sessions
@00:20:24 for a deal because as i said sessions is

deleted Q Anon July 15 - Imperator Rex's Thoughts

@00:03:14 both of those sessions in humor and i
@00:15:43 between trump and sessions it's
@00:15:45 important for when sessions needs to
@00:15:56 sessions attacking or rosenstein
@00:16:06 think that they can trust sessions trust
@00:16:13 point in the future when sessions has to
@00:16:18 president to accuse sessions of a
@00:19:41 those kabookie congressional sessions

deleted July 4, 2018 - Qanon's School of Law

@00:02:38 that jeff sessions had appointed someone
@00:02:58 announcement that jeff sessions was
@00:03:20 sessions had selected someone outside of
@00:06:47 sessions since his confirmation sessions
@00:07:12 being put on by potus since ag sessions
@00:07:19 he is irritated at sessions for not
@00:07:27 sessions doing why didn't he why'd he
@00:07:36 why was sessions confirmation challenged
@00:07:54 why did sessions recuse himself easy to
@00:10:21 dc in march we learned from sessions
@00:23:46 sessions doj and fbi mike rogers nsa
@00:45:18 server i guarantee you sessions is and

deleted Qanon July 1, 2018 - Conspiracy No More

@00:02:43 sony jeff sessions mike pompeo and gina
@00:24:09 trust sessions tg trey gowdy departure
@00:24:42 special counsel q and jeff sessions have

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:31:55 in utah it de sessions has told us for a

deleted Q Anon June 15 - The DOJ IG Report

@00:01:19 the election jeff sessions is recused
@00:01:28 done by rod rosenstein so sessions is
@00:20:03 sessions on recuse poor would number
@00:37:39 sessions did issue a statement on the ig
@00:38:34 sessions is basically saying this is not

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:50:49 sessions have been working on cleaning

G7 Summit Update - POTUS, Russia and Iran

@00:10:37 he's frustrated with jeff sessions and
@00:10:44 some news for you jeff sessions and the

deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - If Rod Rosenstein is the Problem, is Trey Gowdy the Solution?

@00:00:20 rosenstein jeff sessions and dan coates
@00:01:49 has direct oversight of muller sessions
@00:07:05 choose or jeff sessions could choose
@00:08:34 general that we can trust sessions and
@00:09:05 q row trust sessions tg trey gowdy

deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - Follow the Pen

@00:23:19 sessions and dan coates who's the

deleted Qano May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter

@00:21:59 why did sessions recuse himself what are
@00:22:04 who can no trump in sessions have the
@00:34:28 go jeff sessions announced that the
@00:35:18 this trust sessions trust rea trust
@00:35:24 tuber sessions is attorney general chris
@00:36:15 was rehired by sessions he was fired and
@00:36:17 then he was rehired by trump in sessions

deleted Qanon May 13, 2018 - Now Comes The Pain

@00:28:25 appointed by sessions to oversee a lot
@00:28:27 of this who appointed huber sessions
@00:34:51 have to understand sessions is in
@00:35:02 being done by sessions in ray there is a
@00:35:16 in the doj or the fbi by sessions and by

deleted Qanon May 11, 2018 - Black Hats & White Hats

@00:00:52 whether jeff sessions is really working
@00:19:27 trey gowdy he said trust sessions trey
@00:40:13 the swamp new sessions could potentially
@00:40:31 why did sessions pick rosenstein
@00:41:32 this sessions step back in as soon as
@00:41:37 sessions can then take action on it
@00:42:12 and when it does sessions suddenly wakes

deleted Qanon May 5, 2018 - Justice Has Come

@00:05:03 sessions and the president so too many

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:26:52 rosenstein and jeff sessions and
@00:26:54 sessions and trump hire rosen stein now
@00:27:11 mistakes in his career sessions and
@00:27:39 swamp trusts you right so in sessions
@00:27:45 confirmation sessions barely squeaked by
@00:27:50 sessions because the deep state and a
@00:27:53 lot of people in congress knew sessions
@00:28:00 sessions had a fight getting through
@00:28:38 worry about sessions so the sessions
@00:28:49 as long as sessions had nothing to do
@00:28:59 okay so trump and sessions get
@00:30:37 and sessions had to find to people that
@00:34:41 terrible job sessions is doing q of
@00:34:46 sessions right because while the media
@00:39:33 assign the position why did sessions
@00:39:41 article by turley who says that sessions

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:26:52 rosenstein and jeff sessions and
@00:26:54 sessions and trump hire rosen stein now
@00:27:11 mistakes in his career sessions and
@00:27:39 swamp trusts you right so in sessions
@00:27:45 confirmation sessions barely squeaked by
@00:27:50 sessions because the deep state and a
@00:27:53 lot of people in congress knew sessions
@00:28:00 sessions had a fight getting through
@00:28:38 worry about sessions so the sessions
@00:28:50 sessions had nothing to do with it the
@00:28:58 okay so trump and sessions get
@00:30:35 whole time trump and sessions had to
@00:34:41 about what a terrible job sessions is
@00:34:45 hey trust sessions right because while
@00:39:33 assign the position why did sessions
@00:39:41 article by turley who says that sessions

deleted Qanon April 26, 2018 - What Would Happen If?

@00:12:33 jeff sessions and larry made the
@00:12:36 observation that sessions may needed to

deleted Qanon Update April 22, 2018 - Learn Our Comms

@00:20:09 sessions public announcement regarding
@00:20:21 jeff sessions and leakers is it goes a

deleted Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real

@00:06:39 article that q posted near post sessions
@00:07:01 a big slush fund and sessions is

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:03:01 coming out we have sessions being
@00:04:18 come to an end if sessions goes out and
@00:20:30 sessions chris ray and us attorney john
@00:23:21 sent to jeff sessions chris ray and john

deleted Qanon April 15, 2018 - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting

@00:09:52 sessions has been publicly attacked

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:44:24 trump is ready to replace jeff sessions
@00:44:33 to replace sessions with epa chief scott

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:11:05 know that jeff sessions doesn't comment
@00:36:06 cia plant says that jeff sessions was
@00:36:13 sessions is an agent of the cia and this
@00:36:39 clowns in america sessions miller comey
@00:36:56 scumbag sessions and fake you or just

Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE

@00:34:54 trump he has been hired by sessions they
@00:56:16 these sessions and trump know what

deleted Qanon March 20, 2018 - Bring the Rain

@00:08:19 sessions q team trust session still or
@00:08:30 was on the 15th the day before sessions
@00:08:53 i think so trust sessions we can trust
@00:08:58 sessions is a good guy don't believe the

Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer

@00:11:01 should trust jeff sessions q team trust
@00:11:13 is on the 15th the day before sessions
@00:11:37 trust sessions we can trust him
@00:11:41 sessions is a good guy don't believe the
@00:52:59 sessions and trump using rosen stein's
@00:53:15 helping sessions in trump so that's how
@00:53:22 trump and rosa our sessions using people

deleted Qanon March 12, 2018 - No Deals

@00:00:24 queue posted this do you trust sessions
@00:00:27 boom queue i believe jeff sessions is at
@00:00:38 do not know about sessions is pretty
@00:00:47 trust sessions don't worry about it so i
@00:00:51 trust sessions alright next post q said
@00:40:32 revealed sessions has appointed someone
@00:40:55 sessions announced that he has already
@00:41:09 so sessions anticipated the need it
@00:41:17 i trust sessions sessions knows what
@00:41:42 the appointment by sessions of a

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:22:26 are back in the news why why is sessions
@00:22:38 sessions for why why enjoy the show
@00:28:02 why is sessions acting weak you mean
@00:28:21 broadcast trump and sessions have to
@00:28:36 whatever sessions decides to do based on
@00:28:41 so it's if sessions x week it gives the
@00:29:35 ig appointed by sessions for what well
@00:29:41 appointed by sessions but he is working
@00:29:44 for sessions and he is in villag
@00:30:08 talked about trump in sessions and i

deleted March 1 News Update - The Truth About Trump and Sessions

@00:00:17 trump jeff sessions and inspector
@00:00:28 the president tweet out about sessions
@00:00:36 appointee and why doesn't sessions just
@00:00:55 oh no we can't trust jeff sessions we
@00:02:45 sessions his attorney general because
@00:02:47 sessions recused himself from most
@00:02:58 jeff sessions have this weird
@00:03:03 sessions and and trump went out to lunch
@00:03:45 sessions in the department of justice in
@00:04:07 sessions in the doj at least for now he
@00:07:51 horowitz and he doesn't trust sessions
@00:08:03 i don't trust sessions i don't trust
@00:08:16 and sessions the media will defend them
@00:08:29 sessions you're you're a bad dictator
@00:09:29 sessions as a bad guy because he wants
@00:09:54 sessions dropped the bomb it's too late
@00:10:24 sessions so that when the report comes
@00:11:12 sessions oh sessions it's a black hat
@00:11:16 office sessions and put the black hat on
@00:11:18 sessions because trump said sessions is
@00:12:18 trust sessions why did cute tell us to
@00:12:22 trust sessions because trump was going
@00:12:26 sessions trump's message is not for you
@00:12:33 trust sessions and cue told us that
@00:12:38 publicly i don't trust sessions i don't
@00:12:53 sessions trust the process trust trump
@00:13:18 to get freaked out about sessions it is
@00:14:02 have reason to trust sessions this is
@00:14:47 trump and sessions know what they're do

deleted Qanon February 21, 2018 - For God and Country

@00:04:35 they're easy to see trust sessions it's
@00:04:39 jeff sessions attorney general trust ray
@00:05:15 of work to do if sessions has only been
@00:05:32 relation to an interview that sessions
@00:05:48 listen to it but jeff sessions basically
@00:06:07 sessions came immediately after his post
@00:06:29 and this is a next one trust sessions
@00:06:31 trust ray does q know that sessions in
@00:31:04 posted by q trust sessions trust rea
@00:40:04 just reads agee sessions u.s. cyber task
@00:40:07 force important queue and jeff sessions
@00:41:23 sessions cyber task force is the last

deleted February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer

@00:10:26 sessions in the doj about rosen stein
@00:10:33 jeff sessions and rachel brand at a
@00:10:42 trafficking rings so and sessions was
@00:11:22 so trump is playing it cool so sessions
@00:33:24 like the president and jeff sessions

deleted Qanon February 3, 2018 - Freedom Day

@00:03:05 no discussion with jeff sessions in the
@00:03:12 out rosenstein was with jeff sessions
@00:03:26 sessions was speaking very highly of
@00:04:03 so trump is playing it cool so sessions
@00:26:05 like the president and jeff sessions

deleted January 31, 2018 News: Trey Gowdy, General Flynn and the Nunes Memo

@00:06:58 sessions jeff sessions and a lot of
@00:07:03 jeff sessions because they look at
@00:07:07 and think how a sessions isn't doing
@00:07:08 anything so q said trust sessions tg
@00:10:07 attorney general under jeff sessions is
@00:12:39 more fit to help the sessions run the
@00:13:31 if sessions and trump if they get rid of
@00:13:53 don't know if i can trust sessions look
@00:14:30 if sessions put somebody in and a job
@00:14:36 i'm gonna trust sessions cuz he knows
@00:14:40 say okay if the sessions is such a good
@00:14:48 you saying that we should trust sessions
@00:14:54 other hand all right they new sessions
@00:15:17 trump and sessions knew about that
@00:15:38 first sessions and rosenstein what was
@00:15:45 sessions was squeaked in by like two or
@00:16:09 not trust sessions sessions squeaked by
@00:16:18 to being compromised sessions had a very
@00:16:23 the swamp did not want sessions as
@00:16:29 did not want sessions so what q has been
@00:16:35 why why do they not want sessions and
@00:17:06 sessions is out of it we'll make sure
@00:18:42 strategically by sessions and trump
@00:18:49 sessions so they figured they had to put
@00:19:58 for sessions we are for trey gowdy we
@00:30:33 sessions is fighting trump because the
@00:31:21 jeff sessions it was sent by a guy named
@00:31:30 general sessions cannot be involved in
@00:31:39 written by sessions number two that
@00:35:00 we can't trust sessions it doesn't mean

deleted Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking

@00:08:13 people in the fbi and doj now sessions
@00:08:26 is in a war with jeff sessions because
@00:08:31 sessions as head of the doj and and
@00:08:34 they're their narrative is sessions
@00:08:39 does therefore trump and sessions are at
@00:08:44 on trump doesn't trust sessions sessions
@00:09:02 isn't between trump and sessions the
@00:09:16 problems with trumpet sessions we don't
@00:09:18 have problems with trumpet sessions

deleted Qanon January 25, 2018 - Did the FBI Plot to Harm the President?

@00:06:48 be and i moved by trump in sessions this
@00:08:17 spot until sessions was confirmed also
@00:08:38 perspective trump in sessions have had
@00:08:59 i think jumpin sessions are putting
@00:42:08 post-its started out well sessions drop

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:13:20 the side of trump and sessions other
@00:22:58 for sessions reconcile why was our are
@00:23:31 of 94 to six sessions was confirmed by a
@00:23:44 assistant attorney general sessions was
@00:23:52 swamp perceived jeff sessions to be a
@00:24:02 probably saw trouble coming if sessions
@00:24:28 did trump and sessions pick someone like
@00:24:36 and if sessions was the one to write the
@00:26:44 trump in sessions have the upper hand

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:08:05 sessions other people think he is
@00:17:42 for sessions reconcile why was our arch
@00:18:15 of ninety four to six sessions was
@00:18:30 sessions was a squeaker all right i
@00:18:37 sessions to be a formidable enemy if he
@00:18:47 coming if sessions got confirmed that's
@00:19:07 came from sessions i think what q was
@00:19:12 sessions pick someone like rosenstein to
@00:19:19 comey and if sessions was the one to
@00:21:27 difficult spot trump in sessions have

Q Anon January 18 - FISA 702 Scandal

@00:06:20 jeff sessions has decided to appeal a
@00:06:37 over california sessions is going to
@00:06:59 look if sessions as appealing this to

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:30:47 sessions is currently doing
@00:31:53 row that's what sessions sessions has
@00:31:57 last year sessions and rosenstein have

January 11, 2018 News - So Much Winning! FISA Update

@00:04:47 trolling and trolling jeff sessions has

A 2nd Special Counsel Will Be Appointed. Here's What They'll Investigate

@00:17:13 rosenstein and jeff sessions and a lot
@00:17:22 sessions has to resign rosen stein has
@00:17:39 lines you can see that sessions and
@00:39:36 sessions ordered an investigation into
@00:42:28 i think sessions and ray and rosenstein

January 5, 2018 News Update - Noko, Iran, China, Trump & Sessions

@00:06:55 sessions wasn't invited
@00:06:57 well sessions is not it has nothing to
@00:07:00 do with a legislative agenda sessions is
@00:07:08 are kind of suggesting oh sessions isn't
@00:07:17 it has nothing to do with jeff sessions
@00:07:21 sessions wouldn't have anything to say
@00:09:05 attorney general jeff sessions is
@00:09:44 authorization sessions has certified one
@00:10:03 writ large in quotes sessions could
@00:11:01 sessions has sent a letter to the
@00:11:12 questions that sessions is asking is
@00:11:27 sessions also asks what actions should
@00:12:01 think that jeff sessions is not busy he

January 4, 2018 Update - North Korea, Iran & Sessions Changes Marijuana Enforcement

@00:11:45 sessions is going to rescind the obama
@00:13:01 ask yourself is who is jeff sessions
@00:13:03 jeff sessions is the attorney general he
@00:13:09 the country jeff sessions is not an
@00:13:17 sessions cannot be an advocate for
@00:13:22 sessions is a cop he is the top law
@00:15:18 wasn't fairly applied and sessions is
@00:20:57 law made marijuana legal jeff sessions

Jan 1 Update - Dreams about Global Crime Syndicate Take Down

@00:23:09 in jail and it looked like sessions
@00:42:47 sessions in the justice department have

deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

@00:38:58 has been put on steroids sessions has
@00:41:13 that sessions rounded up ms-13 now
@00:41:18 earlier this year sessions made a big
@00:41:30 criticizing sessions because he was
@00:44:40 criticizing jeff sessions they've been

December 27 2017 News Update - Trump's Executive Order

@00:29:52 he leads these kind of hate sessions if

Dec 23 2017 - Will Andrew McCabe Be Indicted Before He Retires?

@00:09:22 creates two options for jeff sessions in
@00:10:22 criminal probe by sessions end in the

Dec 21 News Update - UN Vote, Uranium One, Government Shutdown

@00:04:48 to keep praying into that jeff sessions
@00:05:44 people are concerned about sessions
@00:19:36 righteous will prevail and jeff sessions
@00:19:40 is not sleeping jeff sessions has never
@00:19:46 been sleeping that is jeff sessions
@00:20:07 and sessions has been playing his hand

Dec 19 News Update

@00:17:06 why people think that jeff sessions is

Dec 18 News Update - Amtrak derailment, Hezbollah scandal, Mueller investigation

@00:17:30 rosenstein is under sessions and he is
@00:17:38 under jeff sessions and he is ultimately
@00:18:01 sessions and he prosecutes people need
@00:18:09 sessions is trying to accomplish in the
@00:18:33 department and sessions and rosenstein
@00:18:39 jeff sessions and they get along fine
@00:18:59 i'm not worried about sessions and
@00:19:01 people who are angry about jeff sessions
@00:19:04 sessions isn't doing anything sessions
@00:19:28 accused jeff sessions of being a
@00:19:34 well sessions
@00:20:04 sessions is sitting there helplessly
@00:20:12 think that is jeff sessions i got news
@00:20:22 think sessions has been working behind
@00:25:20 objective and very helpful to sessions
@00:32:57 pray for jeff sessions all these people

December 16 Update - Confirmation of Our Theory on Congressional Hearings

@00:02:03 likely go to jeff sessions he will
@00:06:45 chris rea head of the fbi sessions

Dec 14 News Update - White Hats in the OIG Have Been Helping Us All Along

@00:21:50 sessions and rosenstein have told us
@00:29:09 to jeff sessions their findings and then
@00:29:13 sessions has to determine what
@00:30:31 questioned in closed sessions of
@00:30:36 be questioned in open sessions of
@00:31:36 sessions the doj and fbi people come up
@00:31:47 jeff sessions will now be in a position
@00:35:24 sessions isn't answering a whole lot of

December 13 News Update - Did Adam Schiff Get Caught in An Intelligence Sting?

@00:25:20 general jeff sessions and director of

Will President Trump be Charged With Obstruction of Justice?

@00:22:50 sessions when he goes into these senate
@00:22:54 meetings they're always asking sessions
@00:23:00 had with the president and sessions
@00:23:07 the head prosecutor of the doj sessions

Mueller Investigation Update - The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

@00:10:33 exposed sessions has warned them about
@00:10:35 the leaks that is true sessions has set
@00:27:34 i suspect that chris rea and sessions

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About FISA Warrants

@00:40:41 knows what more than likely sessions

True Pundit Report on FBI Curruption

@00:04:25 department address sessions had to do it

December 7 News Update - Flynn and His Spies

@00:06:25 essentially called out jeff sessions and
@00:15:43 unlike the president and jeff sessions

Supernatural Saturday - Healing 101

@00:10:55 different sessions of emotional healing

Are The White Hats Ready to Make Arrests?

@00:02:03 for a long time i believed that sessions

Healthcare, Presidential Tweets and Investigations in the FBI & DOJ

@00:29:11 sessions i would put pressure on comey
@00:31:32 immunity is jeff sessions and if they

Political Roundtable

@00:44:55 comey investigation and jeff sessions

George Webb and Deep State Update

@00:25:05 attorney general under jeff sessions

French Elections and a Donald Trump Dream

@00:41:45 sessions yet uh jen or comey
@00:41:50 i can talk a little bit about sessions

The Deep State Fights Back & The New Media Arises

@00:00:26 sessions and now nancy pelosi and chuck
@00:00:33 and senate were demanding jeff sessions
@00:03:16 sessions so they tried through
@00:03:19 everything they could at jeff sessions
@00:03:54 with jeff sessions they'll do the same
@00:06:10 jeff sessions has been a sitting member
@00:06:49 what jeff sessions divot this
@00:07:08 you to know is that what jeff sessions
@00:07:41 sessions did there's no law against it
@00:08:41 move to try to malign jeff sessions is a
@00:11:32 involved with jeff sessions or kellyanne
@00:11:52 communications between sessions between
@00:15:16 going after jeff sessions who are going
@00:18:00 rid of sessions to try to go after

January Trump Alert - Muslim Ban and a Warning Dream

@00:07:31 sessions for attorney general and

Healing Frequencies - Del Hungerford

@00:23:20 some of those sessions it's well i had a

Conquering Fear

@00:41:57 can take years of sessions like steve

Praying Medic - How to Quit Your Day Job - Part 1

@00:15:22 answer sessions and i kind of gleaned a

Praying Medic with Shae Bynes - The Supernatural Life

@00:08:54 wrong with me you know the sessions

Praying Medic - Learning Healing for One Person

@00:01:03 several different sessions using my

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@00:10:17 sessions all right and mccabe took over
@00:14:41 i think sessions is a patriot i think
@00:14:46 sessions set the table for what barr has

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@00:35:47 if sessions is a deep state operative if

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@00:03:45 sessions he was on the national security
@00:03:55 he's back with jeff sessions so that's a
@00:04:21 gonna be helping sessions he is a smart

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@00:36:39 directly to sessions was the d class
@00:39:59 and doj what sessions and rosenstein to
@00:40:20 you could say sessions is also the
@00:40:25 directly to sessions all right all the

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@00:13:57 that jeff sessions should appoint a
@00:14:36 president since sessions confirmation
@00:14:38 why was sessions confirmation challenged
@00:14:49 sessions recuse himself nothing is as it
@00:15:36 when jeff sessions and us that he had

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@00:02:46 article about why jeff sessions use of
@00:03:38 sessions has to right people at the helm

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@00:04:20 sessions through the doj put an end to

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@00:10:11 about why jeff sessions made the right
@00:10:57 of the reasons sessions recused himself
@00:11:00 sessions recused himself so no one could
@00:11:02 accuse trump and sessions of running a
@00:13:03 sessions is not sitting around doing

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@00:12:46 therapy sessions in which dr. ford

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@00:01:29 with jeff sessions everything below the
@00:01:36 talk about jeff sessions first so in
@00:01:48 by devon nunez is jeff sessions going to
@00:01:55 why would sessions who has recused
@00:02:13 we'll sessions drop the hammer one of 22
@00:02:21 narrative memo reinstates sessions
@00:06:17 plot to get sessions to recuse himself
@00:06:22 sessions could rightly assume control of
@00:21:16 sessions drop the hammer one of 22 and i
@00:21:35 used in the context of will sessions
@00:35:15 it narrative intercept four am sessions
@00:35:41 doing they're going to accuse sessions

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@00:04:26 done in the previous sessions session of
@00:07:59 he testified so did jeff sessions court

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@00:29:49 sessions is missing in action who is

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@00:09:07 sessions announced that huber had been

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@00:15:03 majorities beck muller in sessions and
@00:15:50 to leave sessions alone be careful what
@00:16:22 sessions and then we have a quote from
@00:16:57 prosecutor sessions
@00:33:30 to jeff sessions and if you're
@00:34:06 sessions at the insistence of trump who
@00:34:14 general flynn if sessions is as useless
@00:34:25 sessions unless jeff sessions isn't as
@00:34:31 are here on jeff sessions i should tell
@00:34:46 jeff sessions about how things are going
@00:34:55 should trust jeff sessions second dream
@00:42:55 whom voted for jeff sessions must love
@00:43:23 about sessions the dems all hated
@00:43:25 sessions when he was appointed attorney
@00:43:31 against sessions and now the democrats
@00:43:33 love sessions what is trump telling you
@00:46:41 jeff sessions is part of the swamp and

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@00:22:24 first article is about jeff sessions and
@00:23:45 article sessions in flynn were targeted
@00:23:54 jeff sessions senate confirmation vote
@00:24:07 sessions was a threat and they trusted
@00:24:09 rosenstein his sessions wasn't a threat
@00:24:36 the swamp would see sessions as a threat
@00:24:42 force them to embrace sessions and then
@00:24:47 sessions today is the left defending
@00:24:50 sessions strategic advantage of course
@00:24:52 it is sessions is going to be used to
@00:24:59 public supporting sessions a couple of
@00:26:00 after general flynn and jeff sessions

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@00:12:52 prison program but jeff sessions has
@00:25:05 sessions discussing their frustration
@00:37:37 attorney general jeff sessions recusal

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@00:04:33 21st and it starts out with sessions

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@00:23:33 by sessions november starts so we just
@00:23:37 sessions at huber has been working on
@00:44:19 sessions at the assistants of the

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@00:31:09 decide so next q turns to jeff sessions
@00:31:13 why did sessions at the beginning
@00:31:19 of the things that sessions made very
@00:31:54 sessions has a completely different
@00:32:24 sessions came into office that they were
@00:32:44 this sessions was doing nothing that the
@00:33:08 confident that they know what sessions

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@00:06:18 president tweeting about jeff sessions
@00:06:33 yesterday jeff sessions announced that

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@00:04:40 sessions trust rae right and one of the
@00:04:46 things that we saw at jeff sessions was
@00:04:56 fired by jeff sessions under jeff
@00:04:58 sessions right sessions began to clean
@00:05:06 arrests while jeff sessions was attorney

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@00:03:28 trust sessions this is from january 14th
@00:03:31 trust sessions tg departure house ethics
@00:09:44 complaints about sessions representative
@00:09:52 attorney general sessions should have
@00:10:09 i read that senator sessions why didn't
@00:10:25 complaining about sessions i wish they
@00:11:13 embrace sessions and trey gowdy for

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@00:26:13 remember ag sessions cannot
@00:27:01 trust sessions he cannot look like he is
@00:27:17 by someone other than sessions so q is
@00:27:40 sessions a lot of people like i said
@00:27:44 sessions is doing nothing sessions is
@00:27:48 sessions is asleep and not doing
@00:27:54 sessions that's one of the things that q

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@00:04:37 sessions appointment of huber the utah
@00:05:34 sessions renewed his appointment he was
@00:05:50 sessions they trust him they're going to
@00:06:19 sessions recused from and there is a
@00:07:43 sessions is exactly said he is recused
@00:08:41 brackets a ig report sessions public
@00:10:22 jeff sessions has increasingly come
@00:10:35 session sessions is asleep q has
@00:10:38 repeatedly told us trust sessions this
@00:10:52 sessions and it's getting pretty
@00:11:06 screaming and hollering about sessions
@00:11:15 should trust sessions and then sessions
@00:11:22 and not get too wound up about sessions
@00:11:29 think sessions is legit and i think we
@00:14:46 sessions is tight-lipped about his
@00:14:50 problems a lot of people assume sessions
@00:14:59 sessions talk about huber being
@00:15:16 ready to prosecute sessions can then
@00:15:33 does things under sessions is they get
@00:16:58 coming again sessions and the people at

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@00:13:14 because sessions had recused himself
@00:13:16 well sessions is go

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@00:27:33 sessions cleaned out fbi and doj of bad
@00:28:16 jeff sessions who was the attorney
@00:28:41 sessions of being marshall so it was
@00:28:45 important for sessions to look inept and
@00:29:48 statement so sessions and wit occurs at
@00:48:35 by design shadow to sessions by design

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@00:36:18 closed-door sessions or includes our
@00:39:09 law why did you recommend two sessions

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@00:13:47 sessions
@00:14:17 sessions in march finally lets us know
@00:14:27 us in november exactly what sessions
@00:16:22 same day sessions appointed him i agree
@00:16:35 sessions did which sessions didn't
@00:16:53 gonna sessions sorry huber's huber's
@00:18:53 trust sessions thing but you know that
@00:18:59 senate yep and look sessions did you
@00:20:08 sessions comey mccabe priest that i keep
@00:20:37 sessions is the one who's been removing
@00:20:40 those people right so sessions has been
@00:21:14 don't understand what sessions has
@00:21:16 actually done but sessions has been
@00:21:28 you just look at what sessions did to
@00:21:43 how sessions was ineffective i mean you
@00:21:48 saying trust sessions well i take that
@00:21:54 telling us is that sessions is not a
@00:21:56 part of the swamp sessions is doing
@00:22:51 out that is what sessions is doing and
@00:23:12 thought sessions was going to drop the
@00:23:14 well sessions was the guy who had
@00:23:22 stage for bart in sessions could never
@00:23:27 deep state sessions was a member of
@00:23:37 sessions was attorney general if you
@00:23:43 sessions could never be the guy to do

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@00:13:09 sessions to matt whittaker is also a
@00:15:05 is the role of sessions
@00:15:06 good luck outing sessions all resigned
@00:15:09 who did sessions appoint november 2017
@00:15:45 provided to horowitz who was sessions
@00:16:19 team of 470 people whitaker was sessions
@00:17:21 sessions national security adviser and
@00:37:00 trump in sessions warned of voter fraud
@00:38:30 replacements for jeff sessions would be
@00:38:48 for jeff sessions i don't know just a

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@00:03:05 jeff sessions who is about to fulfill
@00:03:30 general every sessions
@00:04:13 one of sessions go to men tolman said
@00:04:32 according to sessions here provides him
@00:04:43 two sessions on what he is finding and i
@00:05:05 matters and to jeff sessions probably on
@00:06:05 via humor sessions and the nsa they have
@00:09:08 sessions chris ray and john he were

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@00:11:13 article about jeff sessions appointing
@00:11:41 if sessions appointed huber to that
@00:12:09 signals intelligence jeff sessions is
@00:12:25 so-called experts think sessions should

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@00:03:54 sessions open statement regarding leaked

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@00:26:14 scenes jeff sessions has been doing a
@00:26:52 sessions drops the hammer it is gonna

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@00:10:28 sessions unruh cues or with the number
@00:13:10 leaving i think trump in sessions made

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@00:08:27 sessions took over the doj i'm assuming
@00:09:50 ultimate authority sessions this does
@00:09:55 sessions is in full control does flynn
@00:11:47 brackets sessions we fight you folks we
@00:12:28 inverse brackets on sessions i like that
@00:12:55 sessions outside the brackets mean and
@00:28:52 does he trust sessions to protect the
@00:28:58 country reconcile with sessions the
@00:29:13 still telling you that sessions is out
@00:29:27 officers and sessions could not be
@00:29:30 trusted sessions would have been gone a
@00:31:56 that is why sessions put him in in

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@00:26:46 sessions met ambassador kislev but there

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@00:12:03 and run out of time a g jeff sessions