Live Stream 8-21-20 - We Are Inching Closer!

@00:33:57 we'll keep going with fisa we'll keep

Revealed! USPS Secret Patent Could End Dems! No Wonder They're Freaking Out!

@00:22:06 obama appointed fisa court judge james

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:24:37 and the secret fisa court yeah no kid i
@00:29:22 and he was part of fisa process this has
@00:34:14 fisa court

Shocker- Mexican Pres Declares "Love" For Cartel Terrorists!!!

@00:23:05 who based on ig fisa report allegedly

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:20:23 fisa newly declassified records lindsey
@00:24:01 is the link to this fisa report
@00:25:24 oversaw fisa
@00:25:53 fisa issues so that's two strikes

Stage Is Set! Committee Vote Clears Way For Senate Strategic Hearings!

@00:15:09 authorization related to oversight fisa

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:12:32 i'm not sure i read every word of fisa
@00:12:41 just told senator lee you read the fisa
@00:12:45 fisa application did you know that the
@00:13:11 as a basis for a fisa application that

Twitter Election Interference Shocker- Trump Promises Big Response

@00:16:54 how did they get the fisa warrant

Michigan AG Goes Full Psycho - Trump Attack Is Beyond TDS!

@00:14:24 how congress passed fisa and seventy
@00:14:36 proponents of fisa likely never imagined
@00:15:52 collusion as fisa is about to kick off

Dems Playbook Revealed!!! ... As Justice Moves Forward! Tick Tock...

@00:22:33 investigating democrat fisa bite and
@00:29:25 not governed by fisa intelligence
@00:29:41 governed by fisa and they cannot collect
@00:29:50 says fbi is under fisa foreign

Huge Chess Move! Barr Splits From Trump As Senate Subpoena Vote Looms

@00:14:32 quote i have today bar fisa equals
@00:20:45 saying that fisa is the start right

Newly Revealed Docs Expose Shocking Truth Behind Snowden Operation!!!

@00:21:30 fisa unmask d-class public select dates

Live Stream Friday 5-15-20 - New Era Coming

@00:27:18 attack fisa unmasked yeah like we had

Graham Reveals Spygate Hearings To Begin June! Swamp In Full Panic!!!!

@00:00:35 happening we were told that fisa deep

List Of Obama Operatives Released- Nunes: "Criminal Referrals Coming"

@00:18:47 in the same court as the fisa court here
@00:18:54 fisa warrant right there judge contreras
@00:20:17 here to the fisa court website and in
@00:20:26 criminality that took place at the fisa
@00:20:36 contreras current member of fisa
@00:20:43 the flynn fisa the swamp runs deep how

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:23:53 else get motel two miles fisa peaks one

Live Stream Friday 5-8-20 - American Revolution 2.0

@00:19:06 if you think this fisa thing is big deal
@00:41:10 fisa special counsel impeach that was

Sources: Schiff About To Have Very Bad Day! Plus- Barr Releases Key Docs!!!

@00:29:41 thinking to myself the fisa it's being
@00:30:23 so the fisa is upon us in other words

COVID Medical Studies Brought To Light- Shocker! BAD News For Fauci!!

@00:24:28 fisa and q says sometimes you can't tell

Huge! Q-Team Bombs: Authoritarian Politicians Will Be SHOCKED!!

@00:06:09 on friday we said this is the new fisa
@00:06:11 the new fisa abuse scandal is this virus
@00:16:05 the new fisa abuse see

Live Stream Friday 5-1-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:37:39 and the fisa so there's going to be in
@00:38:32 out the new fisa listen
@00:52:26 original fisa as the patriots are

Battle For Narrative Goes Nuclear- Master Counter-Strategy In Motion!!!

@00:15:18 do you shelter corruption regarding fisa

Trump Hints At Coming Justice For Russia Hoax: "You'll Find Out!"

@00:24:15 fisa warrants were bogus explain this so

Timetable Revealed! New House Investigations To Precede Full Disclosure

@00:08:41 full disclosure when that happens fisa

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:28:34 fisa indictments equals start like you
@00:39:44 release the fisa and all the cards the
@00:43:40 articles foreign act actors public fisa

Malik Obama Jumps Into Battlefield- Part Of Q Army... As The Clock Ticks!

@00:18:42 somebody else is this related to fisa
@00:18:49 talking about fisa fisa indictments

Shocker! Gov Newsom Frees 14 Convicted Killers In Name Of Coronavirus!!!

@00:19:46 nadler to hold hearing on fisa abuse

FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

@00:51:15 hey you're a fisa court you don't like

After Defiant Non-Apology 15 GOP Senators Introduce Resolution To Censure Schumer

@00:17:31 headlines we have fisa court bars fbi

Closed-Door FISA Probe Depositions Begin ... As Dems Resurrect Biden

@00:05:08 starts closed-door deposition and fisa

Meanwhile ... Ukraine Launches Criminal Proceedings Against Joe Biden!!

@00:03:21 here this is a big big deal fisa reform
@00:03:43 see what happens with this fisa reform

Why No Arrests? Q Walks Us Behind-the-Scenes - Reveals Big Picture!!

@00:07:52 and omissions in the fisa applications
@00:08:45 fisa warrant

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:28:11 releases fisa witness wish lists why are
@00:29:03 submit it to the fisa to the foreign
@00:29:05 yeah well basic fisa court right and
@00:29:21 fbi misled the fisa court in order to

Stone Case Lead Juror's Court Statements Revealed- Unbelievable!!

@00:22:48 accountable for lying to the fisa court

McConnell Issues Stern Warning- Left Tactics: "Threat To Our Institutions"

@00:13:52 fisa debacle have been referred to

Following Historic SOTU Pelosi Stuns Viewers With Epic TDS Stunt!

@00:18:50 courts like the fisa court to go after

Graham Outlines Justice Roadmap To Follow Impeachment Trial!!!

@00:13:19 joe biden in the fisa warrant process
@00:14:58 when it comes to fisa i'm going to call

LIVE Jan 31, 2020 Justice Coming!

@00:16:27 context posts fisa yeah now that we know
@00:17:04 context post fisa and then too showing

DOJ Backs Off- Boomerang Of Justice In Flynn Case Has Begun!!!

@00:16:21 that in fact two of those fisa warrants

LIVE Jan 24, 2020: It's All Happening!!

@00:07:52 some of those other topics the fisa and
@00:07:57 those other topics with the fisa we
@00:08:49 if fisa warrants deemed to be illegal

BOOM!! Rudy Announces Huge Ukraine Revelations Beginning Now!

@00:23:58 fisa court warrants all of that q shows
@00:24:57 regarding fisa warrants regarding three
@00:25:00 plus non page it fisa warrants deemed to
@00:25:53 to the for fisa applications to end this
@00:26:27 like i says here filed with the fisa

Cipollone Goes Nuclear On Nadler- Dems Focus On Damage Control!

@00:05:19 said you can trust the fisa court
@00:05:22 you can't they lied to the fisa court 17

Inside Sources: Comrades Flipped- Many Soleimani Commanders Arrested!!!

@00:18:17 from this whole investigation with fisa

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:20:31 pressing for more fisa abuse there it is
@00:27:35 highest levels fisa is only the

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:14:20 who sang bogus carter page fisa warrants
@00:14:55 and hard at fisa abuse we're going to
@00:16:26 fisa right there graham repeating
@00:23:48 happen with no consequences fisa equals
@00:25:19 by chairman graham regarding senate fisa
@00:28:37 and the fbi made to the fisa court by
@00:29:54 the fisa court to get a wiretap by the

"Incredibly Dangerous" Pelosi New Moves Seals Fate Of Hoax Coup!

@00:16:26 looking at the fisa aspect of it he is
@00:24:43 see where director rogers disclosed fisa
@00:24:46 abuse days after carter page fisa was

Impeachment Coup Counter Strategy Revealed! Dems Won't Like This!!

@00:19:13 fisa for the reasons you mentioned to
@00:19:59 fisa abuse report word search doesn't
@00:34:16 clinton hussein illegal fisa yeah

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:02:56 and cheated on the fisa court wouldn't
@00:03:18 illegally presented to fisa they want to
@00:04:27 stunning rebuke of the fbi the fisa
@00:08:32 is tweeting about fisa judge blasters
@00:17:33 rebutting the nunez memo on fisa abuses
@00:26:44 of fisa then the indictments there goes
@00:27:36 already fisa court slams fbi over
@00:28:16 think flynn fisa illegal a mr. sullivan

Dems Fabricate Last Minute Charges- As FISA Abuse Evidence Unfolds!

@00:19:47 in two counts fisa yeah these things are
@00:20:17 fisa warrant was illegal dot yeah how

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:15:57 confidence that the fisa process was
@00:16:09 agree that the fisa court was also given
@00:17:46 making false fisa claims so we're seeing
@00:18:07 fisa claims think about that and nunez
@00:18:33 he was wrong about fisa abuse you could
@00:21:59 prior crews fisa public soon so there's
@00:22:02 another fisa report coming in addition
@00:22:05 to the fisa d class so a lot is
@00:29:33 fisa abuse by the fbi that was false
@00:29:43 not a central part of the fisa
@00:30:23 the fisa court yeah right there now i do
@00:30:38 fisa court checkmate
@00:36:56 mathematically impossible fisa equals
@00:36:59 start yeah the fisa d class get ready

Live Stream Friday 12-13-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:18:01 for fisa applications and other aspects
@00:22:08 fisa court appears to be either corrupt
@00:25:57 fisa wanna have it here in accurate and
@00:35:01 fisa so they were already spying before
@00:35:03 the fisa then there was exculpatory
@00:35:10 court on the very first fisa to me
@00:35:50 the fisa court so i think that's what
@00:48:52 the fbi misled the fisa court seventeen

Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

@00:13:02 of investigation to go get fisa warrants
@00:13:56 the fbi goes and asked for these fisa
@00:14:07 evidence in these fisa applications and
@00:17:36 have senator graham serious doubts fisa
@00:18:08 say he has serious doubts the fisa court

Barr Doubles Down Post IG Report- Hints At Coming Justice!!

@00:10:44 about the fisa warrant taken out on
@00:11:07 as a result of the fisa warrant they
@00:11:19 going for the fisa warrant initially was
@00:11:36 reason they went for the fisa to get
@00:13:10 enterprise to defraud the fisa court

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:12:37 fisa abuse what the q say those who are
@00:20:09 along the fbi are defrauded the fisa
@00:20:13 information from the fisa judges in
@00:21:28 misled fisa court it's all there all the

Live Stream Friday 12-6-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:18:45 going with the movie theme fisa geek so

"President Pelosi" Speaks On Behalf Of US In Paris!!! Plus Explosive Q Proofs!

@00:27:19 fisa release think about that logical
@00:27:29 reminder that q said fisa will bring
@00:28:12 cute implying that the fisa will be a
@00:28:29 they will fire the fisa bullets that's

Coup Update- Collins: GOP To Call Schiff To Testify FIRST!

@00:17:46 ig report in the fisa and all the stuff

Live Stream Friday 11-29-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:12:07 that the fisa warrants were obtained
@00:14:29 investigation of fisa abuse during the
@00:35:13 fisa application is a warrant to spy on

Trump Confirms Cartels To Be Designated Terrorist Organizations!

@00:02:10 things are happening we know the fisa

Graham Warning to Biden: "I Love You BUT ... I Have a Duty"

@00:07:17 ig report is coming out the fisa is

Live Stream Friday Nov 22, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- It's Happening!!!

@00:27:43 fbi lawyer falsified fisa doc we talked

FISA Report To Release Dec 9th- As Dems Impeachment Plot Implodes

@00:15:41 coming out of the gate today fisa abuse

Nunes, Jordan Trap Vindman, Schiff In Major "Whistleblower" Logical Fallacy!

@00:24:02 fisa goes both ways information warfare

Nunes: Schiff Will Be FIRST Witness Called By GOP to Testify!

@00:24:25 nonsense crimes but we all know the fisa

Live Stream Friday Nov 1, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:29:24 classes and the fisa and all the

Live Stream Friday Oct 25, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:16:11 trying to get ahead of the fisa
@00:16:13 revelations the fisa d class they're

HUGE! Durham Probe Now a Criminal Investigation, Hillary Quickly Hints At Run

@00:07:11 general's report on fisa abuse will soon
@00:09:30 hill fisa abuse report nearing

Truth and Art TV Live Stream Friday 10-18-19 - Latest Bombshell Patriot News and Updates

@00:54:14 the fisa is released no i don't think
@00:54:18 that that's too many and the fisa will

Barr, Durham, Foreign Leaders Cooperate, Prepare Evidence!

@00:09:04 report gives us about the fisa warrant
@00:09:24 the fisa warrant and keep in mind that

Live Stream Friday 9-13-19 - Patriot News

@00:56:53 what else did they have a fisa on flynn

Graham Submits 9 Point Declas Request to Barr- Trump Tweets On Same Topic!

@00:09:51 fisa surveillance court related to
@00:09:53 carter page fisa and the letter from the
@00:09:56 department of 2 to the fisa surveillance
@00:10:07 applications of fisa warrants and any

"The Worst is Still to Come" - Former FBI Assistant Director

@00:15:51 yeah the fisa court and whether he

Comey Report Likely Released Today! IG Will Refer For Federal Prosecution!!!

@00:16:22 get the fisa full fisa abuse report by
@00:16:33 remember he signed three of those fisa
@00:16:53 fisa court for the purpose of spying on
@00:18:08 this fisa abuse report yeah i never

McCabe Indictment Expected, IG Horowitz to Conclude FISA Warrants Illegal!

@00:15:31 concluded all four fisa warrants to spy
@00:16:26 four fisa warrants were illegal they
@00:16:30 to the fisa court and michael horowitz
@00:16:33 has concluded that all four fisa

King Size Illegal Immigration Loophole Officially Closes Today (8-21-19)!

@00:10:24 initial fisa warrant based on the phony
@00:11:26 these fisa warrants yeah and i like the

The Desperation to Stop Q Anon Reaches Psychotic Levels!

@00:19:18 information from the fisa court yeah

MSM Actually Admits Trump-Q Anon Good Relationship- Focus Is On Antifa!

@00:13:23 innocence to the fisa court my sources

Comey Just Got Some Good ... AND Really BAD News...

@00:09:10 investigation into fisa abuse and the
@00:10:24 with lot with how the fisa was handled

FISA DECLAS Is Here! Patriots In Control!

@00:21:45 hold non report fisa t stands for

The Stage Is Set! GITMO Awaits!

@00:21:32 302 applications for the fisa court i

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:24:27 remember correlation between fisa abuse

Checkmate!! Q Challenges Schiff, Comey and Co. On Mueller Hearing

@00:25:32 fisa goes both ways are you listening
@00:25:35 mr. schiff fisa goes both ways then q

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:09:16 developing reluctant witnesses and fisa

Nunes: Something "Odd" About Mueller Upcoming Testimony ...

@00:04:58 his investigation into fisa abuse in

"A Lot Of Whistleblowers" Now Emerging! Avalanche Has Officially Begun!

@00:10:09 the first fisa warrant on carter page
@00:10:15 information to get a fisa warrant we've

HA!! Trump Surprise Move Sends Dems Into NEW Panic Mode!

@00:06:57 fisa d-class and all the documents that

BAD News For Dems- Durham "Very Dialed In" On Russia Probe Origins!

@00:15:58 dialed in yeah on obama fisa court

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:17:23 asked to take a look at the fisa

Spygate 2.0- Ted Cruz Bombshell Coming Soon!

@00:03:58 for mishandling of fisa warrant and this
@00:04:21 the application process for the fisa
@00:05:15 said that fisa approvals are typically
@00:05:24 hard copy before a fisa goes to the
@00:05:39 that meant quote the fisa essentially
@00:15:31 dossier fisa not public five eyes uk
@00:16:55 years because the fisa will bring down

More Secret Meetings and Chaos As DECLAS Countdown Begins!!

@00:15:42 to the fisa court meaning they didn't
@00:16:32 go to the fisa court and they represent
@00:16:55 me also signed the first warrant fisa
@00:17:40 the fisa court but let me tell you about

What? Dems Set Up "Private Meeting" With Brennan- Very Suspicious

@00:07:36 holding back on the d class of the fisa
@00:07:44 release the fisa and all these little

DiGenova: Brennan is the Mastermind! ... Tick Tock ...

@00:17:18 used to obtain a fisa warrant on trump

CIA, DNI, FBI Jump Into Spygate Probe ... Avalanche Begins!!

@00:12:45 horowitz on fisa abuses just a

As Dems Panic Intensifies Jordan Silences House With Coup Details!

@00:08:18 right there and that is why cue set fisa
@00:08:32 it fisa brings down the house and the

Who's Really In Control? Frustrated Dems Are Finding Out!

@00:14:47 four occasions these fisa surveillance

Barr Confirms With Graham - Storm Is Here! WHILE Dems Circus Continues!

@00:02:26 do you share my concerns about the fisa

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:17:20 release the fisa and we're gonna decline
@00:17:24 in once the fisa warrants are
@00:17:42 of the fisa warrants and the d class and
@00:27:00 reminds us q i said fisa pfizer goes

Did You Catch What Trump Just Told Sean Hannity? The Proofs Are Everywhere!!

@00:10:55 in the fisa surveillance court and by

Boom! Everyone Is Sounding Like Q Anon As Mayor Arrested, Judge Indicted!

@00:07:13 right the oig and we have the fisa and
@00:14:47 them now is is that the fisa court has
@00:16:08 and experience with the fisa court is
@00:16:39 fisa court has already found that by the
@00:17:05 referrals in it the fisa court abuse is
@00:17:29 lied to the court the fisa court about
@00:19:00 personally to the fisa court and briefed
@00:19:08 the fisa court has already been told and

The 'Trump Card' Begins to Play Out As Nadler Chases Thought Crimes

@00:06:33 want declassification of the fisa

Road to Justice: Schedule Is Set- All Will Be Revealed!! [Big Picture Summary]

@00:12:13 closed-door testimony released fisa

Assange Dramatic Arrest! Here's the Behind the Scenes Breakdown

@00:17:05 of these fisa warrants yeah he has no

Dems Go Into Full Meltdown Over Barr's Testimony- Pass the Popcorn!!!

@00:00:28 these two lie to congress and the fisa
@00:01:00 predicate for a fisa order on a us
@00:01:12 the fisa process in in the russian
@00:01:27 horowitz on the issue of the fisa

Judgment Day Closing In: Nunes Prepares First 8 Criminal Referrals!

@00:17:43 the fisa is revealed right all this
@00:22:13 conspiracy to lie to fisa court this is
@00:23:17 fisa court right there it's all

"You Should Not Be Trusted!" Gaetz Calls Out Nadler... As FISA Awaits!

@00:15:04 verge of declassifying the fisa
@00:15:18 then a year ago that that fisa is a
@00:15:30 says here fisa equals immediate
@00:15:36 signers fisa equals immediate
@00:15:46 false information thank you says fisa
@00:15:55 can see that the fisa that's coming any
@00:16:19 fisa equal implicates senior members of
@00:16:48 narrative cube back then said fisa sized
@00:17:35 information act does not include fisa
@00:18:04 logical thinking public awareness fisa

Will Fake News Media Take the "BAIT"?? STORM Summary For Starters

@00:23:49 fisa warrant to testify calling them in

Is Christopher Steele Being Extradited to U.S. From U.K. As We Speak?

@00:16:05 uk regarding d class of fisa think plain

Q Anon Direct Message About Smollett Shocking New Narrative Shift

@00:22:13 regarding that fisa target yeah they

Trump, Q Team On the Offensive- "Nobody Walks Away From This"

@00:14:21 fraudulent fisa warrants take a guess

Judgment Day Finally Approaching For Big Tech Monopolies

@00:18:29 used her lies to commit fraud on fisa

This Blumenthal Discovery Will Convince Many the STORM Is Upon Us!!

@00:12:17 regarding this fisa application we're
@00:13:06 fisa order author authorizing
@00:13:39 that q said the fisa will bring down the
@00:13:56 follow and seeking fisa warrants from
@00:13:58 the fisa vaillancourt and all documents
@00:14:03 relating to any fisa applications

Trump Defines New Red Line- "Presidential Harassment Track" In Threat!

@00:12:10 fisa the the commander in chief said he
@00:12:13 would declassify fisa warrant

Game Theory At Its Best!- Was THIS the Reason Dems Allowed to Win House?

@00:17:49 domestic one time for it we fisa
@00:18:01 fisa surveillance court judge that is
@00:23:40 being involved in the fisa for mr. page
@00:24:02 page fisa right there you're seeing all

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:17:51 remember fisa will bring down the house
@00:23:52 clapper and his role and the whole fisa
@00:24:44 class of fisa will initiate the
@00:25:30 again cute reminds you that fisa full
@00:26:18 schumer quebec pelosi q says fisa will
@00:26:30 you says fisa equals start fisa is
@00:26:36 regarding signers fisa equals immediate

Q's "Mathematically Impossible" Proofs Sends Deep State Media into Full Panic!!

@00:19:59 obtain the fisa surveillance court

Boom! Q Exposes Schiff With 2 Simple Questions- Adds Direct Message!

@00:26:02 then q says fisa works both ways yeah

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:26:21 kela said the how the fisa will bring
@00:26:24 down the house maybe we should say fisa

Trump Announcement Starts 3 Week Clock In Strategic Plot Predicted By Q

@00:21:44 penta late to major fisa abuse scandal

Attorney Gives Celebs, Media 48 Hr Warning- Diocese Of Covington Gets "Suspicious Packages"!

@00:14:10 republicans who expose fisa abuse of
@00:14:22 d'etat that it with which the fisa abuse

Here's What the Epic Covington Hoax Is REALLY All About ...

@00:06:41 the fisa warrant and further admit it
@00:25:04 because one little thing called fisa is

Trump Offers Final Proposal to Open Govt - Dems Quickly Reject! PREPARE!!!

@00:22:46 has said that fisa will bring down the
@00:22:55 the patriots purposely delay the fisa
@00:23:09 why didn't it release the fisa
@00:23:11 oh it's it what about the fisa they're
@00:23:19 the fisa knowing that they would need
@00:23:27 to the fisa d class to use it later on
@00:23:51 the fisa will bring down the house that

Trump Grounds Pelosi's Flight!- Ginsburg Suddenly "Fighting for Her Life" and More

@00:21:43 about steel dossier before initials fisa
@00:24:27 officials who abuse the fisa system then

Senior Trump Official Drops Explosive Anonymous Op-ed!! Trump Tweets Link!

@00:20:02 fisa will bring down the house so stay

Pentagon, Army Corps of Engineers on Standby As Trump Delivers Final Border Security Address

@00:17:30 of 2017 to investigate fisa abuses yeah

Ginsburg Misses 1st Supreme Court Argument in 25 Years

@00:12:29 investigate fisa criminality by the

Q Anon Drops Explosive Info On Snowden, Ginsburg, Schiff and More!

@00:19:06 continues how many authorized fisa
@00:19:19 fisa umbrella surveillance warrants how
@00:21:48 scope of fisa warrant or internal or to

Q New Drops- "The Clock Is Ticking ... When Will the 1st Alarm Ring?"

@00:14:44 was used as evidence in the fisa court

Judge Show Trial Comments Against Flynn Excites MSM ... As The Plan Rolls On!

@00:14:36 fisa gate comey was defiant and refused
@00:15:52 americans with a fisa warrant right

Nunes to Submit Proposal For New "Transparency Type of Office"- Great Idea!

@00:13:07 quarter-page fisa docks and other

Reviewing the Bush Funeral Oddities- Was this Normal?

@00:08:00 unverified months after fisa warrants

Q: "Bait Expends Ammunition " ... Take 2!!!

@00:07:30 damning evidence of fisa abuses yet and
@00:07:51 they knew that this fisa warrant was the
@00:08:16 presenting evidence to the fisa court
@00:08:44 the fisa war
@00:08:52 the media before they obtained a fisa

Explosive New Q Anon Drops Provide Many Answers- Full Breakdown Here

@00:22:02 fisa q continues here on this drop
@00:22:37 regarding huber why has the fisa court

Trump Goes Q Mode: Narrating STORM to Public Via Twitter!

@00:14:10 page fisa docks

As Criminal Probe Continues Snipes Suddenly Declares "Time to Move On"

@00:05:32 ways like signing the last fisa writing

What's the Big Deal With 11-11? Here's the Answer!

@00:25:26 see it goes on five eyes fisa and it

Q Anon On Election: "We Got What We Needed ... Team is Stronger "

@00:12:29 declassification of fisa abuse and the

Bombshell! Indicted Leaker Linked to Mueller Team! Another Leaker Sentenced

@00:19:50 of fisa warrants to oust president trump

Bizarre Online Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories Pick Up Steam

@00:25:03 the steel dossier prior to october fisa

Shocker! Antifa Thugs Take Over Portland, Harass Those Who Disobey!

@00:25:15 to obtain fisa warrant why the block

Q Anon Update: "Are You Ready to See Arrests?"

@00:03:47 allegations before fisa warrant that's
@00:04:28 the fbi obtained a fisa warrant he says
@00:05:39 the fisa court in october of 2016 when
@00:05:42 the bureau applied for a fisa warrant to

TA-DA!! Sessions Subpoenaed to Produce Unredacted Docs TODAY 10-4!

@00:29:03 surveillance act fisa basically defines

GOP Senators Doxxed- IP Address Traced to Maxine's Office!

@00:29:27 everything regarding the fisa abuses so
@00:30:02 the declassifying the fisa abuse

Q Drops 2 Words That WILL Calm and Reassure All Patriots! Amazing!!

@00:05:18 fisa application for carter page is the
@00:23:53 days about how the fisa brings down the
@00:24:11 class of fisa will factually demonstrate
@00:24:22 evidence to the fisa court in an effort
@00:25:36 this right so there did fisa brings down
@00:25:57 class of fisa equals rosenstein

Executive Order Will Launch Anti-Trust Investigation On Tech Giants

@00:24:07 revelations and the fisa memo the finds

Deep State Panic and Chaos As Old Guard Self Destroys

@00:11:46 declassification a fisa will initiate
@00:12:09 ago and then q said at the end here fisa
@00:13:40 within a us top secret fisa warrant i
@00:17:00 dossier fisa not public five eyes you
@00:20:09 how this fisa will initiate resignation
@00:20:56 this whole thing has failed fisa
@00:27:12 equals start fisa brings down the house

Q Anon Foretells Of Coming Accelerated Awakening

@00:02:57 different than the fisa application and
@00:24:29 release the fisa application and all

Q Anon to Deep State Rats: "New Playbook Needed? We See You"

@00:01:55 the fisa application for carter patient
@00:13:23 declassification of fisa doc's read
@00:14:11 fisa documents yeah let's have a good ol

Attempted Coup Officially Revealed As POTUS Declassifies Evidence!!

@00:03:22 declassified the fisa applications for
@00:14:14 application to the fisa court in the
@00:14:37 with all carter page fisa applications
@00:20:31 responding to sarah carter d class fisa
@00:26:24 with this fisa warrant application all

New Lisa Page Bombshell Testimony Will Paralyze Trump Haters!!!

@00:06:25 we are about to reveal about the fisa

"Presidential" Emergency Alert Test Set For Thursday 9-20-18

@00:07:30 declassified documents related to fisa
@00:08:10 basically fisa warrant granted against
@00:21:01 the nature of the fisa warrant how
@00:21:21 one of the four fisa warrant
@00:21:32 this is the fisa warrants it asserts
@00:22:48 were worried about fisa they were
@00:23:06 rogan rogue be tempted to use fisa
@00:23:27 sphere that fisa could be used pre
@00:23:40 exploiting fisa mind you the clinton and
@00:24:22 texturally use fisa to conduct a
@00:24:41 he could use fisa i insisted says the
@00:24:48 fisa route yeah like these people did
@00:24:57 with it fisa requires too many levels of
@00:27:47 the fisa warrant was used totally

The Timing of This Creepy New TV Series Should Deeply Disturb You

@00:02:42 collusion and the whole fisa application

Q Anon: Rats Running, Timing is Everything

@00:19:52 somebody created this fisa gate you know
@00:20:10 and matt get gates in that fisa gate

Leaks From FBI Directly to Media Officially Confirmed! Goodbye [RR]

@00:03:52 fisa will initiate the resignation
@00:04:00 capital letters declassification of fisa
@00:04:24 evidence to fisa court in an effort to
@00:05:38 coordination fisa full brings down the
@00:10:36 leaks to fake news insert into fisa

Latest Anti-Q Op Self Implodes With Catastrophic Blunder!

@00:03:32 that's pouring out actual documents fisa
@00:31:36 the memes ready the memes fisa
@00:31:55 ready ready the memes fisa corruption so
@00:32:03 guessing right as to when the fisa

Q Anon: Deep State Out-Smarted AGAIN! Awesome!!

@00:15:48 fisa equals start fisa equal immediate
@00:15:56 right and fisa equals immediate
@00:16:19 about the fisa and the sequence of
@00:17:48 insert into fisa application in effort
@00:22:40 declassification of the fisa lies
@00:25:03 illegally targeted for fisa surveillance
@00:25:36 insulated who says what fisa is about to
@00:28:25 don't know and then to says here fisa
@00:29:23 the q says fisa equals start so this
@00:29:26 here fisa equals start makes me think

Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test Planned

@00:18:22 the fisa applications these twenty pages

A Closer Look At the Latest Q Anon Attack(er)- No Surprise!

@00:12:26 declassify these 20 pages from the fisa

Trump Proclaims "National Preparedness Month"- Q Highlights Warning

@00:13:31 truth about the fisa warrant all out and
@00:13:38 right rubber stamped these fisa warrants
@00:19:30 of the fisa warrants right there these
@00:19:58 fisa surveillance plus uk assistance or
@00:20:20 fisa surveillance included all upstream
@00:20:36 fisa warrants were issued you know he

MSM "Polls" Now Siding With Sessions! Enjoy the Show!!!

@00:18:21 court held no hearings on the fisa spy
@00:18:52 car to page fisa warrant then there are
@00:19:10 basically showing you that the fisa
@00:19:29 fisa hearings and this judge is
@00:22:24 uk assists allows for normal fisa law

Q Anon: "Think Server Access [granted] Money talks"

@00:12:11 sessions to investigate fisa abuses has
@00:12:17 into john hubris fisa abuse
@00:12:27 that or is a key player in the fisa

Old Movie Clip Reveals Disturbing End Game Scenario In Play Now!

@00:13:18 by the fbi for the fisa warrants this
@00:13:54 how it accounts for the way this fisa
@00:14:43 these fisa warrants happen so i'll skip
@00:31:00 getting a fisa on carter page big big
@00:33:01 comey mccabe struck page or fisa dirty

Special Report: "No Name" Mystery Decoded With Q Clues

@00:09:01 you down here under fisa - he shows you

Trump Ruins Manafort Verdict Celebration With 2 Words: "No Collusion!"

@00:30:16 right here and then it goes on fisa

Q Reveals Plan for Justice As Sessions Drops Major Hint!!

@00:30:25 showing you you know this fisa
@00:30:56 these fisa is showing you the sequence
@00:31:13 whole signing of the fisa on carter page

Why Are All These Men Wearing Red Shoes??

@00:20:17 fisa fails of signers cannot be trusted
@00:20:18 who signed the carter page fisa how do
@00:20:36 one that signed the carter page fisa and

Senate Intel Committee Delivers Interview Invite to Assange!!!

@00:29:53 now says q fbi doj to expand fast fisa

All Planned!! The Bill That Opened Door For Social Media Censorship & Control

@00:10:15 when they got the fisa warrants against
@00:11:30 fbi used to confirm the fisa application
@00:11:48 it's right here fisa title one summary
@00:11:59 you the process of getting this fisa
@00:36:37 fisa memos is going to blow you away

Red-Pill the Left?? Here's the Reality They Cannot Unsee

@00:28:31 cue is telling us today again fisa finds
@00:28:33 the fisa we know it 20 pages everyone
@00:29:50 the revelation of the fisa applications

The Anti-Q Planned War is Now "All activated past 24hrs"

@00:10:07 you know that the fisa application that
@00:10:13 with the fisa that is being blown open
@00:10:26 bring a lot of people down this fisa
@00:10:29 application and all these fisa apple
@00:10:38 the fisa 20 focused on maybe there's 20
@00:11:41 approved signed fisa warrant application
@00:12:06 again qa9 reminding you fisa is the
@00:12:19 the fisa application that will bring

Boom!! Trump Points to Q Cutout As Q Trolls MSM w/ New Hashtag

@00:29:33 this article from boston herald f fisa

Are the Recent California Wildfires Staged? Q Drops Shocking Details!

@00:11:22 being the ig report and the fisa rod
@00:21:09 first link q shows us basically the fisa
@00:23:28 you think fisa think no name yeah think

New Q Bombshells Paint Disturbing Picture- Signal Pain Coming

@00:03:02 the big drop being related to the fisa
@00:03:22 fisa memo as opposed to yesterday when q
@00:04:36 have here the fisa warrant in my hands
@00:05:20 with the fisa that we fought so hard to
@00:05:38 think roughly 70 75 percent of that fisa
@00:06:03 the dirt was used to get a fisa warrant
@00:07:09 dirt to get a fisa is bad what she what
@00:08:08 that fisa
@00:11:37 that are redacted in this fisa memo that
@00:12:21 important notice that the fisa memo is
@00:13:48 john huber they're reviewing the fisa
@00:19:19 out from these unredacted fisa report is
@00:19:35 by this fisa foundation and q says this
@00:32:24 reminding us that the fisa memo is the

Here We Go Again- "Something BIG is About to DROP" 7-29-18

@00:21:33 revealed yet fisa didn't have much
@00:22:06 here q says fisa equals to start not to
@00:22:10 guys fisa equals immediate confirmation
@00:22:19 signed off on these fisa warrants and
@00:22:25 fisa equals immediate confirmation start
@00:22:51 started with the talk of the fisa then
@00:22:53 showing you people signing the fisa now
@00:23:02 here fisa equal implicates hillary
@00:23:26 welcome to the storm thank you says fisa
@00:24:12 fisa equals ties mainstream media heads
@00:24:37 co-op strategy all their guys fisa
@00:24:54 include fisa we went over this already
@00:25:56 public awareness fisa spine foundation

Q: Strzok Round 2 Coming! "Public Awareness Forces Hand"

@00:08:51 regarding last redacted fisa
@00:09:33 redacted fisa this could mean a lot of

Q: What if UK Worked w/ Hussein Admin to Sabotage 2016 Election?

@00:14:03 fisa application yeah we had a lot of
@00:14:08 fisa application that we talked about

Q Drops the Hammer On Latest Disinfo Campaign- Calls For Prayer!

@00:02:07 led to the fisa warrant to spy on trump

"Silence Is Golden"- Q Returns, Honks At Patriots, Drops New Proofs!

@00:14:57 does freedom of information cover fisa
@00:15:12 redacted fisa page how did that happen
@00:15:33 fisa application and you know my guess
@00:15:48 order for us to even see this fisa

Q Bombshell On Left's Recent Rage: "They Know We Know"

@00:19:23 scam fisa abuse of executive power this

"What a Coincidence"- This New Q Proof Is TRULY Impressive!

@00:03:22 created their fisa warrants and you know

Release of "Modified" IG Report First Nail In Deep State's Coffin- Here's Why

@00:15:50 signed fisa warrant applications to

"Trust Sessions" Proven Right AGAIN As Storm Rolls On

@00:06:24 this fisa search warrant based on

Next Storm Victim? "Fast and Furious", Holder!!

@00:02:43 up their minds to create these fisa

Q- "Today Evil Lost Control ... Suicide Watch"

@00:04:56 crimes involving bias and fisa abuse at

Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch!

@00:24:46 fisa application to spy on trump

"We are being set up"- Q Issues New Warnings!

@00:08:12 hussein that obama public dossier fisa

New Anti-Q Psyop Torn to 1000 Pieces As Storm Rolls On!

@00:03:36 to review alleged fisa abuses by doj fbi
@00:04:01 the abuse of power within the fisa court
@00:04:27 extend a fisa warrant on a trump
@00:05:45 as they relate to the fisa court

"You Failed"- Q Addresses New Anti-Q Psyop Attacks!

@00:13:08 general reviews alleged fisa abuses by

BOOM! The Fall Of Hillary Is Upon Us!

@00:11:42 only needed fisa warrants on two people

Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide!!!!!!

@00:28:04 december with the fisa memos all this

Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself! 2-25-18

@00:12:28 when they were trying to get the fisa

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:08:09 of the fisa memo the devin nunez fisa

Q- Overview- Decoding the Big Picture For Patriots 2-11-18

@00:02:19 convince the fisa court to issue the
@00:04:34 when the fisa court gave a hearing to

Q Anon 2-5-18- "Welcome to the Global War"!

@00:11:11 vital getting the information these fisa
@00:19:18 messages images we just had the fisa

This ONE Factor Defines the Left and Unlocks Deep State Plans- 2-3-18

@00:06:54 this fisa memo that was released this
@00:15:21 fisa memo 100%
@00:28:00 presented it to the fisa court when they
@00:28:56 exposed in this fisa memo as one of the
@00:29:08 collusion was real they lied to the fisa

THIS Is Why the Deep State Is Terrified of Sean Hannity- Help Spread!!! #ReleaseTheMemo

@00:06:10 fisa warrant in other words the hillary

Deep State Truly Unraveling! Q Messages Decoded - 1-27-18

@00:45:55 fisa memo that will i guess it's

Trump's New America Giving Birth! Patriots Rising, Deep State Destroyed- 1-20-18

@00:19:15 search warrants fisa warrants to

1-19-18 Q Update! Future Proves Past AGAIN!! Deep State Exposed!

@00:02:25 block the release of this fisa see
@00:06:05 order to gain such warrants fisa do we
@00:06:09 trust the fisa judges military

Paradigm Shift is Here- Pray... The Swamp is Draining! 11/11/17 Podcast Episode #18

@00:28:04 secret fisa classified documents just
@00:29:01 inform the fisa court and come clean