
The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:10:30 soros is trying to
@00:26:03 being interviewed he mentioned soros
@00:26:13 we don't want to talk about soros
@00:26:20 soros but we know what he's been doing

Watch The Comms, Playbook Known, The Architect Was Just Exposed - Episode 2278b

@00:29:34 george soros linked group called the

How Do You Push The Economy Forward, You Let The People Keep Their Money - Episode 2275a

@00:01:40 george soros was pushing this during

Patriots Have Known All Along, The Exposure Will Destroy The [DS] -Episode 2271b

@00:33:32 censorship kill then q says soros
@00:34:46 background of soros now soros was con
@00:34:50 a convicted felon soros was convicted of
@00:35:02 soros to pay 2.2 million euros or 2.9
@00:35:08 about soros
@00:35:47 and i do believe that soros and others

People Are Uniting Behind-The-Scenes, [They] Never Thought This Would Happen - Episode 2269b

@00:30:37 by george soros the central bankers the

Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty - Episode 2254b

@00:27:27 color revolutions that soros clintons

This Is Just The Beginning, Do You See What’s Happening, Go Back To The Beginning - Episode 2251b

@00:13:12 he's going after george soros
@00:13:26 involving george soros
@00:15:25 which is run by george soros now we know

deleted Message Sent & Received, Time To Reveal The Insurance Policy - Episode 2249b

@00:28:36 george soros
@00:28:48 switch this around george soros
@00:28:59 in the shadows and remember george soros
@00:29:10 and now soros
@00:29:21 happens if soros
@00:29:57 realize soros clinton obama putin etc
@00:30:42 godspeed patriots ps soros
@00:30:50 for soros and

How Do You Introduce Crimes Against Humanity? The People Must See The Truth - Episode 2222b

@00:33:05 soros to be arrested for treason now
@00:33:24 our problem today is george soros versus
@00:33:40 soros really special trump the patriots
@00:33:46 not just george soros there's many other

Darkness Is Being Driven Out By Light, Connecting The Dots, [DS] Empire Will Fall - Episode 2219b

@00:30:27 soros becton received financial support
@00:30:41 years soros spent more than 2.7 million
@00:30:50 individual is taking orders from soros

We Were Told The Battles We Would Face, People Are Rising Up For Freedom - Episode 2218b

@00:30:01 globalists people like soros and the

Mission Operators Active, Music Helps, [DS] Take Down, Law And Order - Episode 2214b

@00:25:05 community could be soros it could be the

[DS] Foot Soldiers Are Being Taken Out, Year Of The Boomerang - Episode 2209b

@00:07:21 soros and biden fleecing the taxpayers

Blocks Removed, The Attack Run Has Begun, Treason - Episode 2206b

@00:06:12 the deep state george soros are all
@00:08:28 george soros they do not like this
@00:08:55 state george soros and the rest to bring
@00:28:58 soros it's not in english they have
@00:29:13 mentions george soros in a plot to
@00:29:36 on biden and soros and this information

It Has Now Been Unleashed,Patriots Know The [DS] Playbook,Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2205b

@00:07:51 organizations hooked to george soros the
@00:12:59 entire system we know george soros is in

This Is Not About The [CB] Economy, It’s About The Transition - Episode 2202a

@00:03:49 george soros was out there saying that

It’s All Happening, Next Phase Of Economic Plan Set In Motion - Episode 2200a

@00:03:14 george soros made that lecture at davos

Comms, We See All, We Know All, [DS] In The Process Of Being Exposed - Episode 2193b

@00:13:25 backfiring and exposing george soros and

Optics In Place, Alert Readiness Severe/Critical, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 2192b

@00:46:18 george is at george soros will he be the

[DS] Power Structure Dismantled, Think Military, Think Arrests, Good & Green - Episode 2190b

@00:27:08 hillary clinton introducing soros she's
@00:27:23 says people like george soros who is
@00:27:35 george soros
@00:32:16 what happens if soros funded operation
@00:35:31 this question what happens if soros
@00:38:30 the first arrest is it gonna be soros
@00:38:37 q has mentioned soros mentioned comey
@00:38:54 to panic now it could be soros because

The Patriots Laid The Trap, [DS] Took The Bait, Unity Is Growing - Episode 2188b

@00:04:09 that it's soros we all know it's the

The Second [DS] Event Just Failed, Exposed, Counterinsurgency Underway - Episode 2187b

@00:31:47 if soros funded operations get violent

[DS] Deploys All Assets, Trap Has Been Set, Flynn’s Calls Released, No Deals - Episode 2186b

@00:31:35 george soros there's a picture of him
@00:31:42 george soros hugh says nobody escapes
@00:31:50 soros destroying america and we know
@00:31:53 that george soros is linked into many of

[DS] Event Has Failed, People See The Truth, The People Are Ready - Episode 2181b

@00:07:15 biden's not a racist george soros is a
@00:07:31 media george soros romney bill gates all

Countdown Is A Go, We Are At Week 3 Of 10, Boom Weeks, Incoming - Episode 2176b

@00:14:39 and george soros i mean i don't think
@00:14:52 the clintons and george soros to deploy
@00:32:03 in front of you and remember soros and
@00:32:28 this is soros once again trying to cheat

Rain Coming, Targets Locked, Declas Of Obama Officials Who Unmasked Flynn, Pain - Episode 2172b

@00:01:26 administration soros the mainstream
@00:04:15 soros everything that he tried to get
@00:04:25 soros was out there saying yeah i don't
@00:04:38 remember back in january when soros was
@00:05:03 now george soros is projecting
@00:06:05 dictators remember soros is a non

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:10:33 air force one potus background soros
@00:45:11 why did soros finance anti-potus events

Targets Painted And Locked, Instructions Given To Stealth Bomber, Drain It - Episode 2169b

@00:09:34 from the george soros network of open

Is Trump Using The [CB] To Cripple The Corrupt Banking System? - Episode 2167a

@00:11:20 soros was saying that the economy is

Times Up, Be Ready, All The Walls Are Falling Down On The [DS] - Episode 2161b

@00:23:58 post 39 94 it says how does soros come
@00:26:08 with soros and the dnc the
@00:27:10 this is billionaire george soros invests
@00:27:28 soros investment february 14th

Precursor, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Relevant Events Are About To Unfold - Episode 2158b

@00:05:18 connected to media matters george soros

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:12:41 state soros and the rest they want

Iron Eagle, Marker, The Silent War Continues.. - Episode 2156b

@00:08:13 george soros contributed 1.5 million in

The Economic Trap Has Been Set, They Never Saw This Coming - Episode 2156a

@00:01:55 system remember what george soros said

[DS] Has Been Blocked, [Renegade] Is On Deck, The First Will Send A Shock Wave - Episode 2151b

@00:03:12 send a shockwave soros might send a
@00:33:05 don't know about soros do they even know

At What Stage In The Game Do You Play The TRUMP Card? - Episode 2147b

@00:13:14 george soros and ji-yong zemin the
@00:13:54 soros invested in muji this is all

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:13:00 george soros and this is bill gates

Patriot Stand At The Ready, The Start - Episode 2144b

@00:02:48 soros kissinger the silent war continues

Soon The World Will Understand, The Truth Will Shock The World - Episode 2143b

@00:15:13 everything we know that soros is behind
@00:20:27 soros 6+1 trillion-plus so right there
@00:20:33 it looks like q is talking about soros
@00:20:38 now is hugh saying that soros is going

deleted The People Must Be Shown First, They Must Understand, Then The Arrests - Episode 2141b

@00:02:47 actually george soros funded a group
@00:02:56 soros is advocating the use of drop

Message Sent [P], Panic Everywhere, Puzzle Almost Complete - Episode 2133b

@00:19:48 charging george soros would be a logical
@00:20:07 post 416 it says soros takes orders from

Yellow Sky, Timeline Important, Panic, Suicide Watch - Episode 2131b

@00:13:42 pause control our country rely soros

Economic Positioning Almost Complete, The Countdown Begins - Episode 2121a

@00:02:56 soros transfer of wealth and i want to

Trump Moves Pieces In Place, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot Spring/Summer - Episode 2110b

@00:02:03 elites george soros and the rest are
@00:21:59 everything that george soros tried to do

We All Knew, Durham, No Report, Just Indictments, Panic WW - Episode 2109b

@00:02:15 we know that soros mentioned this in
@00:02:22 call from george soros and put out that
@00:20:35 from obama we know from george soros

Future Topic Coming Into Focus, Wait For It, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2108b

@00:19:53 soros george soros signaled what they
@00:20:56 lifetime this is what soros said so how
@00:25:43 picked out for george soros really

The Curtain Has Been Pulled Back, The Puppet Masters Are Revealed, Game Over - Episode 2100b

@00:28:46 soros q then gives us a twitter link to
@00:28:59 soros under this q says purpose these
@00:29:35 control those people when george soros
@00:30:01 puppet masters like george soros trump
@00:31:43 soros made puppet hussein investigate
@00:33:17 being educated on the name george soros
@00:33:33 george soros really special let's move

MSM Getting Ahead Of Stories, Panic, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot [Spring/Summer] - Episode 2099b

@00:14:09 george soros told obama to investigate
@00:15:44 dershowitz is saying that george soros

Trump Prepares To Cut Foreign Aid Budget, Ready For EU - Episode 2093a

@00:06:51 systems do you think george soros is
@00:07:00 aid directly indirectly to george soros

Buckle Up, Patriots Are Going To Bring It All Down, Senate Was The Key - Episode 2089b

@00:15:36 soros and that's in brackets and bold
@00:21:56 george soros george soros funded this
@00:22:11 soros is the number one funding source
@00:22:55 funds everywhere think george soros pays
@00:23:07 and it says huge soros find dock show
@00:23:12 soros operation and state department
@00:23:31 is george soros ukraine who else
@00:23:51 that george soros is evil and he's
@00:24:04 for george soros really special which
@00:24:11 george soros has been doing let's move

Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

@00:14:43 have george soros is now looking at
@00:14:48 zuckerberg and facebook and soros is

[DS] Getting Ahead Of Deep Fakes, Durham Appoints A New Criminal Chief - Episode 2083b

@00:06:43 as charles koch and george soros seek to

Those Who Are Protected Are No Longer Protected, Nobody Is Above The Law - Episode 2082b

@00:16:29 also been connected to george soros and

[JC] Slam Dunk, VA In The [DS] Sites, Patriots Countermoves Ready - Episode 2073b

@00:22:12 door mary individueel soros de bluebird

[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence - Episode 2067b

@00:20:54 dems the deep state players george soros

Panic Message Sent, Major Operation Remove/Replace Active, Enemies Removed - Episode 2066b

@00:19:34 why did soros son have several meetings

JA Key To DNC Hack, Remove/Replace Operation Ongoing, Traitors Everywhere - Episode 2058b

@00:24:02 ross trials from george soros those who

Future Proves Past, It’s Time For Justice, Harvest Begins - Episode 2054b

@00:14:58 george soros pushes his agenda by using
@00:16:00 george soros in kill brackets and we
@00:16:39 mentioned george soros and is
@00:16:42 investigating george soros so they are

Nobody Is Above The Law [Not Anymore], Justice Will Be Served - Episode 2053b

@00:31:43 bolt caps gs is that george soros maybe

[DS] Warning People Not To Look, Patriots Getting Ready To Drop The MOAB - Episode 2052b

@00:05:15 george soros now we've been talking
@00:05:17 about george soros for a long time and
@00:05:24 soros is behind a lot more than people
@00:05:29 george soros has been systematically
@00:05:41 bill bar called out george soros for
@00:06:09 where george soros has been coming in
@00:06:51 court soros spent four hundred and eight
@00:07:01 kuantan video soros backed st. louis's
@00:07:43 that are banning soros and his

Did The [CB]s Make Their Move To Save Their Economic System? - Episode 2050a

@00:07:46 soros american open society foundation
@00:07:56 he's looking into george soros his
@00:07:58 actions and we know that george soros he

Senate Trial Backfire, [Watch] What Happens Next - Episode 2048b

@00:02:39 look what happened with george soros we
@00:02:45 saying that george soros bought her
@00:02:48 catalog george soros i do believe is

Obama Sends Message, Flynn Exactly [30], [GS] Makes His Move - Episode 2045b

@00:00:41 exactly 30 george soros makes his move
@00:02:13 george soros just made his move and then
@00:16:31 soros and we know george soros he is
@00:16:46 she mentioned that george soros the
@00:17:04 is why does george soros care so much
@00:17:46 picked out for george soros really
@00:18:11 soros was going to mess with the numbers
@00:18:42 soros when he tries to do this now very

The [DS] Crimes Will Be Publicly Answered Soon, Sheep No More - Episode 2040b

@00:31:25 36 58 and q says where is george soros
@00:32:19 george soros is one of them and we know

Check Mate, Investigations [Schift] To The Senate, It’s Going To Be Biblical - Episode 2029b

@00:24:45 soros and this is in brackets bold caps
@00:24:55 indirectly to george soros organizations

Trump Brings The Storm, A Name To Remember, The Takedown - Episode 2024b

@00:17:37 the deep state george soros and the rest

Messages Are Being Projected By The [DS], Distractions On Deck, Incoming - Episode 2021b

@00:26:11 soros nothing can stop what is coming

Senate Was The Key To Expose The [DS], Perfectly Executed - Episode 2020b

@00:12:51 george soros and ac organization is what
@00:13:05 against soros ngo and ac and that
@00:13:52 turned out to be soros protection

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:04:14 soros --is open society foundation

Perfectly Coordinated, The [CB] Took The Trade War Bait - Episode 2017a

@00:07:20 george soros amazon equals jeff bezos

Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near - Episode 1999b

@00:12:30 billionaire george soros open society

[DS] Plan Fails, Strange Messages Sent, 17th Mentioned - Episode 1997b

@00:22:27 a soros mission to blend europe since

Declas Disinformation Projected, Chatter, JA Back In The News - Episode 1996b

@00:19:20 giuliani soros and yovanovich judicial
@00:34:05 soros had and turkey sitting here saying
@00:34:26 soros plan is down the tubes

Bombshells Dropped, HB, BO Missing? IG FISA Report On The Way - Episode 1992b

@00:27:14 riri drops soros and taxpayer funding

Fear, Panic Sets In For The [DS], They Will Never Try This Again, Targets Locked - Episode 1983b

@00:13:44 left-wing billionaire george soros open
@00:15:44 to george soros and pasternak he's an

[DS] Failed Again, Think Mirror, More Panic & Pain Coming, Next Wave Begins - Episode 1979b

@00:09:55 run by george soros who had then hired
@00:10:01 for george soros they already have the
@00:32:06 players what george soros what all of

Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences - Episode 1964b

@00:27:15 soros to pre-program voting machines so

Declas Brings Down The House, Equal Justice Under The Law - Episode 1961b

@00:15:56 have soros soros is behind most of this
@00:16:29 parties now the soros group reported

Message Decoded, Public Rollout Of Declass, Complete Transparency - Episode 1949b

@00:16:05 fusion gps clinton soros and many others
@00:16:19 crowdstrike fusion gps clinton soros and

Dark To Light, Prepared, Strong, Ready, [DS] Fell Right Into The Trap - Episode 1938b

@00:08:02 soros george soros oh secret 2016 2016
@00:08:16 to the idea that george soros is somehow
@00:08:23 and introducing george soros to the
@00:08:30 about this story here george soros made
@00:08:56 team soros marched to the top of the
@00:09:17 requests from soros according to the
@00:09:27 chris canavan of the soros fund
@00:09:39 posed a threat to soros those vision for
@00:09:57 election record show soros was one of
@00:10:09 soros sought to build us pressure on
@00:10:33 clinton soros obama nuland biden they're
@00:11:09 investigating soros they are putting
@00:11:17 not know soros and his connections and i
@00:11:28 getting everyone used to the name soros

Voter Id Coming, Investigations Deep & Wide, Watch The News- Episode 1930b

@00:22:25 of his own pocket that's george soros

Firewall In Place, Sleeper Agents Present Problems, Declass Imminent - Episode 1929b

@00:25:14 the mccrone 's the soros and the yonkers

Message Relayed To [DS], All Exits Are Now Blocked - Episode 1922b

@00:12:38 peter soros the nephew of george soros

A Week To Remember, Watch The Watch, It’s Time - Episode 1921b

@00:21:50 soros one trillion focus on above public

Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

@00:17:37 soros it now emerges now it is clear
@00:17:43 in kiev work closely with soros related
@00:18:15 in their soros funded ukraine crisis
@00:18:42 government and george soros
@00:19:09 soros derived info to begin the justice
@00:19:15 george soros had invested billions in
@00:19:35 with soros ngo anti-corruption action
@00:20:20 soros and it was collaborating with the
@00:20:40 which soros was backing hillary clinton

All Exits Blocked, Plan Executed, Transition Coming - Episode 1849a

@00:11:33 into europe this is why soros was out

The [CB]’s Have Been Outed, The Secret Has Been Revealed - Episode 1848a

@00:16:23 soros wanted to bring individuals from

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:21:21 individuals and we know that soros is
@00:21:25 where soros is continually paying for

4am Talking Points, Comey Coded Message, [DS] Frenzy - Episode 1830b

@00:13:39 activists george soros now you know why

[DS] Exposed, The World Will See How The [DS] Navigates Around The Laws - Episode 1826b

@00:07:12 soros when ukraine's prosecutor's
@00:07:37 know that soros and many others have

The [DS] Is Now Vulnerable and Exposed, More Victories Right Around The Corner - Episode 1825

@00:06:49 out the following breaking george soros

This Is Not A Game, Indictments, Arrests, Declass, Truth Activated - Episode 1812b

@00:08:28 to have been identified george soros
@00:08:53 publicly identified and that was soros

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:13:12 and we know from soros he's behind a lot

Panic, [CB]s Go Full Fear-mongering, Gold Is About To Be Weaponized - Episode 1789a

@00:03:26 central bankers george soros they're all
@00:03:29 panicking actually george soros wrote an
@00:04:17 vanish now we know that george soros is

Patriots Over The Target, Incoming, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom - Episode 1781b

@00:24:31 walsh rebury drops soros and taxpayer

Tactical Move, [DS] Trapped Themselves, The Power Of Military Planning - Episode 1775b

@00:15:40 and soros and the rest they used these

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition, Patience, Timing, Boom - Episode 1769b

@00:16:48 and soros the deep state they're playing

Trap Has Been Set [30], Are We About To See A Mass Draining Of The Swamp? - Episode 1766b

@00:12:55 was created by soros the elite the deep

[DS] Digging Their Own Hole, Treason - Episode 1765be

@00:29:40 walsh riri drops soros taxpayer funding

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:24:49 that's george soros by the way the hole
@00:34:50 were counting on soros m deep state to
@00:35:06 you deep state soros you fell right into

They Didn’t See This Coming, Firewall Built, Now The Border Wall - Episode 1757b

@00:07:01 now this has been done by soros the deep
@00:09:08 you mr. soros q trump they all knew this

Did You Miss It, Trump Just Telegraphed A Message To [DS] & Anons - Episode 1756b

@00:09:46 individuals behind this soros the deep

Justice Is Coming, Nothing Can Stop It, Cover Up Exposed, Fear, Panic - Episode 1753b

@00:09:26 here and of course soros help paid for

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:12:57 so let's say soros the deep state they

Military Tribunals, Sealed Docs To Be Unsealed, Moves & Countermoves - Episode 1738b

@00:16:57 soros the deep state the one world
@00:25:04 soros the deep state they pushed the

Central Banks WW Are Worried That Gov & The People Are Turning On Them - Episode 1737a

@00:09:41 how did soros replace family this is in
@00:10:04 what is the soros family history what
@00:11:22 how did soros replace family why who is

Clinton Foundation Investigation Complete, Operators Are Active - Episode 1735b

@00:05:18 with ties to george soros to help
@00:06:17 members so obama soros and the rest they

Typos Are Deliberate, Is This The Team Around POTUS? Watch You Will See - Episode 1732b

@00:08:15 soros the deep state and everyone else

[DS] Signals Their Operatives, Patriots Have Them Trapped, Dec Is The Month Of Panic - Episode 1725b

@00:16:26 soros and we know he's behind a lot of
@00:16:35 shutting you down of course george soros
@00:16:55 there saying no soros is not allowed
@00:34:21 thank you mr. soros so the constitution
@00:34:40 that's why he said thank you mr. soros
@00:35:27 q says thank you mr. soros thank you for

Moves Are Not Telegraphed, What Happens Next Will Change Everything - Episode 1724b

@00:24:01 george soros and the cia pretty much

[D]ec 5, It All Begins, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1722b

@00:19:47 status he is not his soros ngo business

Future Proves Past, 3:02, 53-47, Coincidence? Mathematically Impossible - Episode 1718b

@00:15:10 of the deep state soros and the rest

This Is Why Everything Needs To Be Put In Place Before The Hammer Is Dropped - Episode 1717b

@00:05:08 george soros now facebook hired a
@00:05:22 soros to me this entire piece that came
@00:05:35 soros name and making him look like he's
@00:05:42 decided to send bombs to george soros
@00:06:33 revolves around soros and trump has been
@00:06:38 out there pointing the finger at soros
@00:06:42 now soros responded to the new york
@00:07:07 the world over to demonize mr. soros
@00:07:27 looks like soros is trying to play the

Nobody Noticed, The Setup Is Perfect, The Spotlight Shines Bright - Episode 1709b

@00:10:51 to go along with what soros is trying to

Stealth Bomber Making It's Approach, Blockade Removed - Episode 1707b

@00:20:43 know the money is coming from soros
@00:20:53 soros is now partnering with mastercard
@00:21:04 partnership soros is effectively
@00:21:14 between soros and mastercard which they
@00:21:18 result of soros saying that he is going
@00:29:18 term t walsh riri drops soros and

Message Sent & Received, Feel The Full Fury Of The Storm - Episode 1706

@00:02:18 soros most likely is behind this trump
@00:02:22 that i think soros might be paying these

Before The Days Of Darkness, "Q" Sent Messages... - Episode 1705b

@00:07:09 surprised of soros helped finance the my
@00:07:16 that soros pays for these refugees for

Why Are We Here, Who Has The Power, [DS] Cannot Stop The Awakening - Episode 1704b

@00:08:10 ginned up by the deep state soros and

We Are Watching/Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard,Time Is Almost Up - Episode 1703b

@00:13:46 know that soros is behind this and
@00:14:01 is in line with soros now the paper
@00:15:18 very long time that soros has been doing
@00:15:23 going the way soros wants because the
@00:15:29 see that soros does not like trump and

Think Timing, We Are At The Precipice, [DS] Mission, Prevent Hammer - Episode 1701b

@00:03:08 they are connected to soros how are they
@00:03:42 soros open society so we can see that
@00:03:47 george soros is behind a lot of this now
@00:22:03 individuals like clinton soros biden
@00:23:55 the clintons the brennan's obama soros

Panic, The Deep State Projection In Full Force, Anons Know Why - Episode 1699b

@00:06:42 soros cuomo holder maxine waters it

Deep State Unleashes Everything They Have, Watch How Trump Uses It Against Them - Episode 1698b

@00:11:21 first of all we had soros
@00:11:24 soros received a bomb in the mailbox one
@00:14:58 soros this is the son of george soros
@00:15:08 this now alexander soros said it's

Moves And Countermoves,Truth Not Revealed, Breaking Down The Strategy - Episode 1697b

@00:07:42 this is being pushed by soros and many
@00:07:46 george soros it wasn't him personally
@00:08:33 and soros and many others have done this
@00:08:39 know that soros pushes these types of
@00:08:44 is hungary they pass the stop soros laws

It Begins, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1696b

@00:05:05 following dnc globalist soros operation
@00:05:12 this is the mo of soros this is what he

Stealth Operation Initialized, Deep State [SA] Mission Fail - Episode 1694b

@00:09:58 know that this is from soros we know
@00:24:13 why who controls most of the ngo soros
@00:24:33 soros the deep state the intelligent

The Sky Is Falling, Panic, Shut It Down At Any Cost, Dead End - Episode 1693b

@00:07:03 perhaps soros evidence have been

Know Your Enemy, More Arrests, There Is No Spoon - Episode 1692b

@00:06:39 now is this soros most likely yes

Trillions Wasted On Scams,Waiting Is Over,The Pain Is About To Be Unleashed - Episode 1684b

@00:30:52 george soros pays for an tifa out of his
@00:31:07 soros open society foundation and obama

History In The Making,Ready For Arrests, Tribunals & Pain - Episode 1682b

@00:05:40 paid for by soros and others these are
@00:05:54 out soros secondly he's pointing to the
@00:06:17 soros is behind a lot of this and trump
@00:06:21 is out there now saying that soros is
@00:32:52 soros we're gonna see people run maybe

Distraction, [SWAMP] Fighting Back, Remain CALM - Episode 1675b

@00:23:10 found out that george soros funded
@00:23:16 billionaire financier george soros is
@00:23:24 and soros has been behind a lot of

Plans Are In Place To Take Down The Entire Central Banking Apparatus - Episode 1671a

@00:01:53 we have george soros he has asked the
@00:02:06 to kill the brexit deal the soros back
@00:02:36 soros back group best for britain said
@00:02:48 avenue available to them now soros also
@00:02:59 they received the support from soros
@00:11:44 soros is trying to push his agenda the

PANIC, FEAR, Red Lines, Hidden Messages In Tweets - Episode 1668b

@00:17:01 easier manipulation illegal votes soros

The Deep State Prepares Counter Narrative, Truth Will Win - Episode 1664b

@00:03:24 george soros atlantic council where she

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:03:53 this is why george soros and the rest

The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror - Episode 1649b

@00:16:01 soros himself the full confidential memo

And Now, The Feature Presentation, Sheep No More, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1643b

@00:02:32 administration with soros to bring
@00:06:33 soros and that is also included in all

Has The Parade Of Parades Been Canceled Or Is Trump Mocking The Deep State - Episode 1641b

@00:25:31 also see that soros ran us foreign
@00:25:52 prostitution he also worked with soros

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:14:17 soros had been the moaning the rejection

It's All About To Intensify, Brace Yourself, Divided No More - Episode 1632b

@00:06:24 do the same exact thing we see soros is

Something Big Just Happened & It's Going To Change Everything - Episode 1623b

@00:08:03 individuals we see that george soros is
@00:09:23 happening and that's why soros is going

Calls To Declassify Grows Louder, Deep State Panics - Episode 1621b

@00:26:36 is why soros is kind of crazy because he

The Guilty Are Screaming Louder And Louder, There Is No Escape - Episode 1617b

@00:04:04 that he actually called out george soros
@00:04:22 soros as an example of someone who
@00:04:30 should also hold george soros
@00:04:32 accountable for everything soros has

The Strategy Behind The Madness, Moves And Countermoves - Episode 1615a

@00:02:30 of praise from the george soros funded

The Deep State Mission, Confuse & Divide, Look Pass The Propaganda - Episode 1610b

@00:05:08 million soros funded effort continue to

There Is Coordinated Effort To Create Hysteria Designed To Instill Fear - Episode 1606b

@00:04:43 soros he is meeting with the new
@00:05:13 see that soros he's not giving up he

Justice Will Be Served, Behold The Full Power Of The Storm - Episode 1603b

@00:25:09 position is we also know that soros is a

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:23:14 soros is behind a lot of this this is a

The Plan Is In Motion As The Truth Begins To Emerge - Episode 1601b

@00:09:59 this is part of the soros plan the deep
@00:11:12 in here now remember soros is is footing

It's All Happening Under The Radar, Big News Will Be Coming Soon - Episode 1600b

@00:07:14 soros and the globalist the deep state
@00:07:44 this is why soros is down now in africa

Undiscovered Truths Will Be Learned, Organized Riots Being Planned - Episode 1597b

@00:01:52 we see john podesta george soros hilary

Abandon Ship! The Trap Has Been Set, There Is No Way Out - Episode 1596b

@00:13:15 controlled by ngos soros and the rest

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:26:32 run now it looks like soros has joined
@00:26:40 snoop ceo with soros shaking hands and
@00:26:55 busted and soros just like investing in

All Connections, Scams, Corruption, It's All About To Explode - Episode 1594b

@00:01:17 understand that certain leaders soros

The Movement Has Started, The Clock Is Ticking Down, Tick Tock - Episode 1593b

@00:01:17 know george soros has been pushing the

Deep State Modified Report Released, Next Phase DECLAS It All - Episode 1592b

@00:07:39 they're not going along with soros was

Missles Fired, Missles Stopped, Evil Is Knocking - Episode 1591b

@00:05:20 soros going crazy over this trying to

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:01:15 george soros is having a major problem
@00:01:20 started with italy and this is why soros
@00:02:22 soros he's very upset about this and
@00:03:01 have them and this is why soros is so

The Agenda 'Break World Order’, Elite Meet To Counter - Episode 1586b

@00:09:35 are not going along with george soros or
@00:10:37 is why soros is down in africa trying to

Putin Is On To The Deep State, Calls Out Soros - Episode 1585b

@00:01:08 out soros let's get into the economic
@00:09:27 still trying to meet their goals soros
@00:09:43 soros saying we know what you've done
@00:10:02 soros putin told the austrian state orf
@00:10:10 george soros alleged attempts to rock
@00:10:20 such a personality in the u.s. mr. soros
@00:10:37 soros is planning to make the euro
@00:10:51 mr. soros his private affairs now soros
@00:10:55 is part of the deep state soros has been

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:07:45 george soros well he's flipping out

The Pieces Are Falling Into Place, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1581b

@00:12:48 me back to what soros said about needing

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:06:13 distraction we see george soros is out
@00:06:41 and soros is out there saying that the

Control Is The Name Of Game, In The End, Who Will Have The Control - Episode 1579b

@00:15:23 soros and the rest they're trying to

We Have Gone Full Circle, Deep State Pushes Agenda - Episode 1568b

@00:03:38 tpp and the rest we see that the soros
@00:03:52 basically going after soros and we see
@00:03:58 for george soros we see the deep state

Funding Has Been Cutoff, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1560b

@00:07:24 looks like a soros funded group open

Mission On Track, Rogue Nuclear States Have Been Targeted - Episode 1552b

@00:08:12 how does george soros fund worldwide
@00:08:23 funds worldwide left this events soros

Indicators Are Off The Charts Signaling A Recession - Episode 1540a

@00:02:57 these funds that are controlled by soros

The Economic Collapse Fight Has Just Gone To The Next Level - Episode 1538a

@00:06:29 soros which is very interesting he's

Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State - Episode 1524b

@00:09:11 by soros back news outlet pro publica

The Deep State Has Lost Control, The Take Down Will Begin Soon - Episode 1515b

@00:16:15 narrow to push now soros tried to push
@00:17:08 was more worried about and soros was

Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b

@00:05:59 push their agenda soros use as many

Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 1481b

@00:11:48 end and then we have poor soros who
@00:13:29 soros is saying right now he is saying

The Greatest Push To Start WWIII Has Just Begun - Episode 1476b

@00:08:41 soros part of the cabal trying to push

The Cabal Initiates The First Event, Let The Games Begin - Episode 1460b

@00:12:26 soros is behind all of this

Looks Like It's A Go, Be Prepared, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1453b

@00:02:01 created by obama funded by george soros

The Corporate Media & Cabal Are Now Being Exposed In Front Of The World - Episode 1450b

@00:03:07 with george soros which was pushing this
@00:05:55 soros and the ford foundation are the

The Cabal Will Push Their Agenda Hard Now & Ramp Up Chaos For The Next Event - Episode 1448b

@00:03:50 well george soros george soros put up
@00:04:29 why would soros push all of this well
@00:04:45 and this was all crafted by obama soros
@00:05:43 was written by the soros funded tech

It's On, The Cabal Goes All In To Push The Next Event - Episode 1423b

@00:04:43 billionaire george soros published a

Putin Warns The World Of A Major Event That Might Unfold - Episode 1369b

@00:02:13 george soros to create havoc in the

Syria Is Slipping Through The Cabal's Fingers - Episode 1364b

@00:09:20 united states along with george soros
@00:09:52 because george soros pays them very well

The World Is Changing And Nations Are Waking Up To What's Really Going On - Episode 1357b

@00:07:48 the unite the right is a george soros
@00:08:02 soros once again is trying to push his
@00:09:17 to this area i mean george soros said he

The Elite Move Ahead With Their Agenda, The Chaos Has Just Begun - Episode 1355

@00:15:02 and a receipt of funding by george soros
@00:15:15 george soros and what he's been trying
@00:17:08 the george soros push to create civil
@00:17:33 this was driven by george soros and many
@00:17:40 have the same soros fingerprints on
@00:18:50 central bankers towards soros cia and

Russia & China Are Now Teaming Up To Counter The Deep State - Episode 1351b

@00:05:21 george soros that he instigates this

The Bad Guys Are Grasping At Anything, Their Time Is Almost Up - Episode 1329b

@00:13:38 israel is calling george soros a threat
@00:13:44 going after george soros now what i

Brace Yourself, It's Going To Get A Lot Worse Before It Gets Better - Episode 1312b

@00:03:49 including hmm saudi arabia george soros

It Is All Unraveling And This Is Why Everyone Should Be Nervous - Episode 1289b

@00:06:34 official with the george soros

The Central Bankers Make Their Move To Control All Currencies - Episode 1286b

@00:08:20 remember that the soros group they were

Billions Are Shorting The Market In Preparation For The Financial Apocalypse - Episode 1284a

@00:08:40 there are others like george soros who
@00:08:50 and we know george soros he has insider
@00:09:20 else doesn't work and george soros right
@00:10:30 and we can see right now that soros
@00:10:58 now are through his family office soros

Kim Jong Un Said Something Which Will Leave Many Scatching Their Heads - Episode 1269b

@00:01:21 has ties to goldman sachs george soros
@00:01:57 goldman sachs and george soros and peter
@00:02:47 and george soros and tech investor peter

US Sniffer Plane Scans North Korea, Be Prepared For The Next Event - Episode 1259b

@00:04:42 are saying that there's ties to soros
@00:11:00 soros open society foundations received
@00:12:29 soros well it looks like things are

Deep State In Panic Mode, Creating Events To Distract From Their Activities - Episode 1246b

@00:12:43 we see what george soros well we could
@00:12:48 hungary they do not like soros
@00:12:54 university founded by george soros and
@00:13:05 these protestors were sponsored by soros

The Flood Gates Are Wide Open, It's All About To Come Out - Episode 1244b

@00:08:56 soros and they're pushing a lot of money

While American's Were Sleeping The Surveillance State Is Almost Complete - Episode 1241b

@00:10:01 know that george soros and others were

The Deep State Places Assets In The Middle East, They Are Ready To Make A Move - Episode 1239b

@00:09:54 of george soros and the ngos that he
@00:10:03 saying that george soros and hillary
@00:10:37 soros and hillary clinton and the ngos
@00:13:12 except for poo and we can see that soros

The Elite & Ultra Wealthy Are Preparing For Something Big - Episode 1238b

@00:08:02 now out in macedonia we know that soros
@00:08:22 send the message to soros and european
@00:08:28 utterly reject soros the eu and we can
@00:08:39 that soros is behind a lot of what is

The Narrative Has Been Set For The Collapse And The Next Event - Episode 1236b

@00:07:13 weather obama soros and many others

Ex-CIA Prediction Coming True, Soros Signals The Troops For The Spring Event - Episode 1232

@00:15:35 how soros obama they were going to push
@00:15:59 investigation on soros and the reason
@00:16:12 george soros well he penned an op-ed to

The Deep State/Neocons Have Taken Control Of Foreign Policy - Episode 1230b

@00:04:08 tillerson probes soros and its color
@00:04:11 revolutions and we know that soros is

Central Bankers And The Deep State Move Forward With The 'Internet Kill Switch' - Episode 1219b

@00:10:59 deep state with soros trying to push
@00:16:43 that's tied into the cia soros and
@00:20:11 soros back groups in ukraine they have
@00:20:47 there saying it's soros

The Fed Is Now Preparing 1 Trillion In QE For The Upcoming Economic Crisis - Episode 1219a

@00:09:06 place put on the s&p 500 we know soros

Has The Date Been Set For The Great Economic Collapse? - Episode 1218a

@00:13:26 puts now very interestingly soros bet

The Battle Heats Up, The Deep State Is Ready To Go All The Way - Episode 1213b

@00:10:56 billionaire george soros now as a
@00:12:22 funding from billionaire george soros it
@00:12:43 course george soros is out there and

Is There A Pattern When Recessions & Depressions Occur? - Episode 1213a

@00:14:02 and then we have george soros out there

Be Prepared, Spring Is Coming & Plans Are In The Works For The Next Event - Episode 1211b

@00:08:53 well he lashed out against soros and
@00:08:57 accused soros of deploying tons of money
@00:09:06 attack on soros in the past we've seen
@00:09:09 that soros well he has been using his
@00:09:54 dollars are supporting soros activities
@00:10:08 george soros and his dealings they say
@00:10:45 soros well he funds a lot of ngos he

Is Obama Creating An Army Of Agitators To Go Up Against Trump? - Episode 1203b

@00:06:59 well they are backed by the cia by soros

The Deep State Is Now Formulating A Plan For The Next Event - Episode 1201b

@00:07:06 george soros he's a backer and it looks
@00:08:55 now we know george soros has claws in
@00:09:18 soros and this is a new petition that
@00:09:29 that george soros has done one
@00:10:04 soros initiated a british financial
@00:10:15 than that soros funds a lot of the ngos

Something Dark Is Looming And It's Headed Our Way - Episode 1200b

@00:03:56 mostly back by soros and this is what

The World Is Waking Up And The Elite Do Not Like It - Episode 1198b

@00:11:01 country and then george soros and the

Truth Bombs Are Exploding All Over The Place & The Media & Elite Are Scrambling - Episode 1197b

@00:06:06 soros he is driving all this once again
@00:06:11 soros open society institute has given
@00:06:30 being driven by soros and if you

Now We Know Why The Doomsday Clock Was Pushed Closer To Midnight - Episode 1194b

@00:01:50 funded by soros the cia and we know that

Something Was Buried In The 2017 NDAA Which Former President Obama Signed - Episode 1192b

@00:09:37 soros he funds ngos
@00:09:53 starting to realize that soros is behind
@00:10:19 accusing soros of seeking to bring down
@00:10:22 his government with ngos that soros is

Obama Comes Out Of The Shadows And Challenges Trump - Episode 1191b

@00:10:04 soros and other groups out there pushing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1190

@00:06:04 soros and we can see that this was all

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1184

@00:13:13 discovered billionaire george soros has
@00:13:37 this was backed by soros he funded 56 of
@00:14:16 billionaire george soros and she was
@00:14:25 plenty soros has funded or has a close
@00:15:08 watch well soros has connections to all
@00:15:18 wasn't it was funded by soros and it was
@00:15:47 the corporate media george soros they're

Prepare For The Pain As The System Erases The False EconomyGovernance & Power - Episode 1183b

@00:01:59 back and forth now george soros was out
@00:02:38 remember soros lost about a billion
@00:06:11 maybe 12 years whatever soros is saying

Are The Elite Preparing A 'Soft Coup' On Inauguration Day? - Episode 1180b

@00:18:26 know a lot of this is funded by soros we

We Might See Multiple Events In The Month Of January 2017 - Episode 1164b

@00:05:14 they're funded by soros they're funded

Will The Elite Try Something During The Holiday Season? - Episode 1159b

@00:01:37 cia to soros and they're not really

Obama Warns Russia Already Had A 'Practice Dry Run' On The Power Grid - Episode 1158b

@00:06:44 soros tied to the elite to push their

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1155

@00:07:37 and at this point we know that soros
@00:08:41 government the cia soros and we've

The Elite Are Desperate, 'Operation Censorship' Is In Full Swing - Episode 1146b

@00:03:39 recount jill stein hillary clinton soros

FBI Expanded Its Hacking Powers, Unprecedented Authority To Hack Into Any Device - Episode 1140b

@00:05:51 george soros and other deep pockets are
@00:06:04 started this is how soros works he's
@00:12:29 george soros funds a lot of them to keep

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1137

@00:03:36 they're very nervous we see george soros
@00:04:53 soros and the trying to convince arguing
@00:10:54 they have george soros on one end trying

Electors Are Now Being Threatened Before They Meet On Dec 19th - Episode 1131b

@00:03:03 that george soros hillary clinton obama
@00:05:27 that soros the deep state shadow
@00:06:09 soros and obama's going to say maybe

The Shadow Government Is Pushing Trump To Keep Russia As An Enemy - Episode 1130b

@00:02:12 know the central bank we know soros and

Obama Warns That Populist Uprising Could Trigger A World War - Episode 1129b

@00:01:25 go george soros he's um he's using

Corporate Media, Soros & Hillary Are Trying To Bring Down Trump - Episode 1128b

@00:01:01 episode is corporate media soros and
@00:05:27 color revolution now george soros has
@00:06:16 see right now george soros hillary the

The Shadow Government Might Be Planning Something Bigger Than Protests - Episode 1127b

@00:03:59 soros from black lives matter

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1126

@00:10:32 soros they are still pushing the rioting

The Deep State Is Covering Their Tracks While Trying To Keep Power - Episode 1125b

@00:05:52 this is being ginned up by george soros

US Government Is Now Executing Operation Get It Started - Episode 1113b

@00:08:45 george soros he was planning a series of
@00:10:22 see that george soros is behind a whole

CIA Can Predict Social Unrest 3 To 5 Days Before It Happens, Really!! - Episode 1095b

@00:06:41 where we know that george soros is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1084

@00:10:31 ginned up by the soros organization we

The Elite Are Ready To Create Chaos Across America - Episode 1083b

@00:07:57 george soros plan this is part of a plan

Will The October Surprise Be More Shocking Than Everyone Expects? - Episode 1081b

@00:03:23 apart it looks like the soros race war
@00:04:20 george soros this is the plan and

CDC Is Now Deploying Rapid Response SWAT Teams - Episode 1073b

@00:05:22 soros is out there he is warning europe

US Government Agenda, Provoke, Provoke and Provoke - Episode 1071b

@00:11:17 know from the soros documents that obama

DHS Reports That Hacking The Elections Is Nearly Impossible - Episode 1070b

@00:00:54 about george soros anna's open society
@00:01:12 george soros is open society foundation

The US Government Just Militarized The CDC - Episode 1069b

@00:23:02 the car at the time but we know soros

Did Obama Create An Executive Order For The Collapsing Economy? - Episode 1064b

@00:00:53 talking about george soros and how these

During A National Emergency Will You Be Able To Get Your Everyday Supplies? - Episode 1062b

@00:10:25 elite soros documents which told us that
@00:10:30 soros obama the un were involved in the
@00:10:32 refugee crisis that soros was involved
@00:11:11 that soros would like to control what

The Propaganda For The Perfect Storm This Fall Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1061b

@00:01:04 how soros obama the un were involved in
@00:01:12 soros wanted to overthrow the russian

The August Event Continues, The Creation Of Security Zone Is Now Complete - Episode 1059b

@00:07:10 we found out that soros and obama and
@00:07:22 that george soros was planning to
@00:07:33 got rid of all of these soros back ngos
@00:07:36 threw him out of the country and soros

Hacked Documents Shows Obama/Soros Behind The Refugee Crisis In Europe - Episode 1055b

@00:17:10 coming out of the george soros
@00:17:35 review is one of many soros osf
@00:17:58 migrant refugee policy soros and his
@00:18:02 policymakers soros staffers crowley and
@00:18:13 details on the soros i am i os f
@00:18:27 sutherlands and soros both sit on the

China Enters Into The Middle East Arena - Episode 1050b

@00:04:45 see milwaukee george soros is now linked

While No One Was Looking, The US Government Carves Up Syria - Episode 1049b

@00:02:21 of a the elite like the george soros the

Obama Makes A Push For International Order And One Global Economy - Episode 1011a

@00:11:57 hear from george soros when he was

China Is Dumping Treasuries And Now US Stocks - Episode 999a

@00:13:09 know george soros drunken miller sam

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 995

@00:02:48 george soros won't be shorting the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 994

@00:01:37 george soros very interestingly he is
@00:03:10 is going to happen now is george soros

IMF Makes A Push To Take Control Of Iran's Banking System - Episode 975a

@00:09:05 the market i even heard george soros is

Italy Threatens Airstrikes As The UN Unity Government Sneaks Into Libya - Episode 932b

@00:07:01 george soros victoria nuland overthrew

US Agenda During The Geneva Talks, The Partitioning Of Syria - Episode 916b

@00:06:55 of course it's funded by soros or many

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 851

@00:09:38 run by individuals like soros and many

The Race To A World War Is On - Episode 830b

@00:10:29 decided they are going to ban soros
@00:11:13 assets are frozen in russia soros

U.S. More Concerned With Assad's Removal Than ISIS - Episode 823b

@00:13:40 is a soros backed group launches a bid
@00:13:52 and we know soros has basically started

The European Refugee Crisis Was Created To Bring About Chaos And War - Episode 817b

@00:06:59 awarded soros george soros the medal of
@00:07:06 ukraine and we know george soros was
@00:07:57 this program and george soros does this

IMF In China To Review The Reserve Status Of The Yuan - Episode 692

@00:22:45 to make it look like and george soros i

EU Orders 11 Countries To Enact Bail-In Rules Within Two Months - Episode 684

@00:31:54 see soros is backing another color

U.S. Forces Are Building In The Middle East For The Next Offensive - Episode 683

@00:26:55 can see that george soros right now was

U.S. Slides Back Into A Recession Towards A Major Depression - Episode 670

@00:31:07 this time soros ngos and some western

US Gov Can't Stop Illicit Trade In Oil In Libya, Ready To Mount An Offensive - Episode 605

@00:18:37 press also has received funds from soros

Warning - The Islamic State Plotting Something Bigger Than 9/11- Episode 581

@00:37:42 government george soros via his

Will The Missing Libyan Jetliners Be Used For The False Flag Event ? - Episode 458

@00:10:04 have prepared george soros well source

The Economic War Has Begun Which Will Lead To WWIII -- Episode 332

@00:32:03 soros according to him every day the us

Disarming The American People Using Mass Shooting False Flags -- Episode 331

@00:10:08 from a lot of people i mean soros right

High Probability Of A Major Event With Syria -- Episode 299

@00:13:50 mean george soros right now has a 1.3

Syrian Al Qaeda Operatives Training Americans To Carry Out The Next False Flag -- Episode 296

@00:09:06 george soros put a 1.3 billion bet that

A Military Strike In Syria Will Spark World War III -- Episode 292

@00:10:48 see what they're doing right now soros

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 255

@00:03:14 soros they are starting to unload

Interview With Dave Hodges (false flag, war)

@00:09:46 george soros all these people

The World Economy Is Collapsing Right In Front Of Our Eyes -- Episode 201

@00:18:59 soros warren buffett we're pulling money

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of The Collapse -- Episode 197

@00:13:38 soros and in marketwatch today they're

Warning: The Countdown To The Economic Collapse Has Begun -- Episode 138

@00:42:49 seeing billionaires like soros and other

Here Is The Secret On The Economic Collapse -- Episode 137

@00:35:38 soros
@00:35:49 this george soros and i'll just read

The Economic Collapse Is Coming, The Economic Collapse Is Coming -- Episode 68

@00:12:01 soros has significantly increased his
@00:12:18 soros has sold his gold holdings and he

The Economic Collapse Warning Signs Are All Around Us -- Episode 59

@00:06:14 and fast george soros george soros