

@00:08:43 lynch comey clapper uma abedin

What Would Happen If THEY Won?

@00:12:14 the comey fbi gonna say the destruct

Hunter/Chinese BACKMAIL Exposed? Comey/Epstein/Maxwell Connection? & MORE!!!

@00:00:08 they caught them cold comey either has
@00:00:55 about the comey insurrection which is
@00:02:50 the comey connection to epstein and just
@00:02:57 comey
@00:13:56 james comey is one of the most corrupt
@00:14:40 in addition to being a daughter of comey
@00:15:28 james comey launches the coup against
@00:15:37 and of james comey and her husband james
@00:16:43 the same guy james comey who's lied in
@00:18:21 right maureen comey so james comey is
@00:18:28 dollar peter comey is enriching himself

Did WE Catch THEM In All Their LIES???

@00:11:12 the fbi director james comey and deputy
@00:12:42 which you saw james comey on capitol
@00:17:07 here's what comey said that there wasn't


@00:01:59 james comey and his brother peter
@00:10:35 the comey fbi and the clinton cartel
@00:13:32 where it talks about peter comey and
@00:13:34 james comey and what's interesting here
@00:13:56 gee fbi director comey would never do
@00:14:31 dollars that comey accepted from a
@00:14:43 peter comey who works at the law firm
@00:14:50 james comey family
@00:15:27 2013 comey became a board member
@00:16:15 comey it says quote when our source
@00:16:24 for peter comey a receptionist
@00:16:29 but peter comey is not featured on dla
@00:16:32 peter comey serves as a senior
@00:16:39 for dla piper james comey was not
@00:16:42 peter comey
@00:17:14 comey
@00:17:17 james comey the fbi director peter
@00:17:37 james comey and his wife stepped in to
@00:17:47 had any idea that comey family had such
@00:17:51 comey redesigned
@00:17:54 peter comey redesigned the fbi building
@00:17:58 james comey grew up in
@00:18:06 peter comey redesigned the fbi building
@00:19:04 peter comey brother of james comey the
@00:23:11 brennan and comey assessment clapper
@00:27:05 comey involved and andrew mccabe's wife
@00:30:57 talked about and peter comey the stuff
@00:31:23 protege of james comey and robert
@00:31:33 james comey five times barack obama 45
@00:33:04 comey takeover investigation 2002

Former USAF Intel Asset On Project LOOKING GLASS, HUSSEIN/CLINTON FEUD, & Much More...

@00:17:06 james comey you would you had wrote me a
@00:17:44 with comey comey's always had the
@00:18:56 james comey and um that that isn't his
@00:22:11 was comey


@00:19:15 um james comey like these are the people
@00:19:20 be held accountable comey brennan
@00:19:23 obama etc um so this one is comey you
@00:21:50 with uh with comey being brought up here
@00:22:15 fbi so comey would be next
@00:31:17 about who is james comey really

Are THEY Willing To DESTROY Our Republic To Cover Up Their CRIMES?

@00:08:45 with comey james comey
@00:09:45 clapper and comey in the


@00:23:23 blew the whistle on the comey mccabe
@00:25:26 comey testified to
@00:25:28 while comey did not know at the time


@00:23:23 little lap dogs brennan and comey and

Are We Under ATTACK From Directed Energy Weapons?

@00:24:32 james comey james clapper and john
@00:30:59 brennan james clapper and james comey

Who's Behind The DOMESTIC TERROR Campaigns?

@00:18:09 comey fired james jim rabiki fired

Who Is To BLaMe For These 'WILD' FIRES?

@00:23:55 comey trees and john brennan trees and q


@00:14:43 mccabe we look at comey all those guys


@00:15:27 by peter strzok and james comey under


@00:16:51 stuff that comey was involved in which
@00:17:18 that uh comey was a part of which is an

Are We Seeing PEACE Through STRENGTH?

@00:05:16 obama comey clapper brennan committed


@00:07:20 comey all committed treason

Were THEY Caught Committing TREASON?

@00:00:33 you can look at brennan and comey and
@00:02:45 it looks like biden obama comey clapper

Did THEY Attack The White House Today?

@00:00:52 comey knew about it

Who Else Did THEY SPY ON?

@00:06:06 james comey and the obama administration

Will THEY Try To STEAL The Election?

@00:08:55 on twitter saying the obama biden comey

Who's Behind The Treasonous Insurrection Against Our Republic?

@00:14:28 comey termination loss of power potus

President Trump Retweets Me & Twitter DELETES It. Is This Still America or Communist China?

@00:18:18 comey tells them no january 5th they
@00:18:21 office obama biden rice comey all of
@00:18:27 comey goes up to trump tower briefs
@00:19:00 comey clapper brandon biden seven people
@00:19:24 comey
@00:19:34 real simple jim comey leaks his memos

Are THEY Purging All Dissent Off Social Media?

@00:32:03 comey coming out with a new book
@00:32:09 three things which james comey has never

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:11:04 agents that and yet jim comey and andrew

Are You Ready For Our Next Mission?

@00:05:46 comey yates biden and susan rice biden
@00:05:56 course comey says that the flynn kiss
@00:06:24 about comey and his cohorts right and
@00:06:53 obama james comey sally yates joe biden
@00:07:05 former fbi director comey to acknowledge

What Don't THEY Want You To Know?

@00:13:44 comey and andrew mccabe knew that the


@00:18:06 director james comey former cia director
@00:18:18 brandon clapper comey that's gonna be a
@00:19:59 they're gonna ask comey and brennan

Is SHADOW GOV Secretly Plotting A MUTINY?

@00:32:39 kleinsmith comey all those guys

How Far Do THEY Want To Take This?

@00:00:06 happen to james comey then what's your


@00:08:52 here which talked about director comey
@00:08:58 national security perspective comey said
@00:09:06 russian ambassador kis lyac comey said
@00:09:16 comey was saying that the national
@00:10:25 comey said he does have some concerns

How Do You Set The Stage For HUSSEINGATE?

@00:13:34 talking comey we're talking clapper
@00:25:47 comey affirmed that he is proceeding by
@00:25:53 perspective comey said he does have some
@00:26:00 ambassador kids lea comey said that
@00:26:06 president obama asked if comey was

CLAS 1-99 & NAT SEC THREATS To Our Republic?

@00:07:04 did that well comey did and other people

Did The HUSSEIN Admin UNMASK Themselves?

@00:06:18 being run by comey

Is This Only The Start?

@00:23:41 redacted james comey from the fbi wow

Are More DARK DAYS Ahead For THEM?

@00:15:27 2018 james comey
@00:15:57 gowdy grilling comey who has the power
@00:17:26 you heard james comey himself basically

How Far Were THEY Willing To Go?

@00:12:29 dirty cop comey and what i fired him the
@00:12:56 states when i fired comey because he was
@00:17:28 loretta lynch instructed comey it seems
@00:17:36 lynch instruct comey or excuse me
@00:28:43 you have yates comey cia director john
@00:29:01 were dismissed in yates and comey who
@00:29:33 meeting and comey also testified he
@00:29:52 access to the intelligence comey


@00:07:50 this argument about how comey was
@00:08:09 person saying oh i feel comey should


@00:28:56 jim comey and company remember members

Will We Let THEM Take Our Rights Away?

@00:09:55 now it says brennan and comey assessment
@00:10:00 us how this happened brennan and comey


@00:00:40 gonna be able to just blame james comey
@00:16:09 they try to pawn this all off on comey
@00:16:14 disappointed because we know that comey

Are You Ready To Stand Up Against THEM?

@00:05:33 now obama biden mccabe brennan comey


@00:07:09 comey saying never has a president left
@00:19:20 she lose and that's comey on the corner

Did THEY Use Infiltration Instead Of Invasion?

@00:22:17 james comey twitter picture you know
@00:22:21 james comey the cryptic communications
@00:23:21 secret column for comey to plea for

Why Are We Engaged In This Battle?

@00:24:59 obama loretta lynch james comey hillary

How Do THEY Secretly Communicate?

@00:03:49 have james comey at the top with jim rb
@00:07:08 james comey director fire engine became
@00:07:30 special assistant to comey fired michael
@00:21:19 by james comey where remember this new

Why Are BACKCHANNELS So Important?

@00:13:25 foul chi but comey pulled the plug what
@00:15:41 operatives james comey andrew mccabe and

Are We Saving America And The World From Darkness?

@00:13:17 corn to comey the corn reference is
@00:14:30 director comey well is that come here is
@00:38:48 comey and the rest and those human scum

Actionable Intelligence For President Trump About CCP Virus?

@00:28:07 man and then following with comey and
@00:28:16 take the first six like comey and

Are We Watching A 'SCRIPTED' Movie?

@00:23:43 not to mention james comey doing his


@00:04:14 you know who comey the status is
@00:04:31 a nation so this is james comey calling
@00:05:28 james comey i mean that's a rabbit hole
@00:06:34 comey tweet was the corn ripe for
@00:06:58 comey james clapper room avenue and
@00:12:04 90 jpg and then back to the comey tweet


@00:15:53 disappeared that when comey had the


@00:07:57 effect here where we have comey
@00:11:36 there james comey of course coming out


@00:04:38 james comey and his deputy andrew mccabe
@00:07:28 people like comey allowed this to happen

Did THEY Use INSURGENCY Tactics To Infiltrate Senior Positions?

@00:05:39 when james comey came
@00:05:53 james comey running the fbi and this is
@00:05:56 when james comey came out right before

Is The PUZZLE Coming Together?

@00:04:57 former fbi director james comey or
@00:05:42 what former fbi director comey did when
@00:05:59 that the fbi led by comey knew had been

How Much DEEPER & DARKER Does This All Go?

@00:09:18 talks about hillary i think and comey
@00:09:37 report released necessary prior to comey
@00:12:56 notes in an fbi meeting with comey about

Are We Witnessing A VIRAL PURGE?

@00:08:39 clapper yates comey are and i think well
@00:12:09 like when it happened with comey you're


@00:27:02 years for lying when james comey


@00:20:19 gonna call mccabe rosenstein comey yates


@00:23:32 about james comey angel' cave and how


@00:13:48 in this particular instance as comey
@00:13:54 calendar we asked comey if this briefing
@00:14:02 and the weiner investigation comey
@00:19:10 had i not fired james comey who was a
@00:25:26 james comey we would have never found

Are THEY Prepared For What Is Happening?

@00:17:49 special counsel was done by james comey


@00:23:19 investigation james comey eventually
@00:23:30 steel dossier james comey the drude then
@00:24:30 comey decides he will leak a memo a big


@00:00:40 that jim clapper that comey and
@00:03:11 jim clapper and james comey seem
@00:12:25 trump that james comey used he's even
@00:13:04 tactics that says here as comey did in
@00:23:06 comey and then we look at what happened

Predicting The FUTURE To Stop Global Disaster?

@00:21:09 james comey more in combing and the
@00:21:18 the maureen comey that the daughter of
@00:21:21 james comey so absolutely nothing to see

Why Would THEY Attack Now?

@00:04:33 the following morning fbi director comey
@00:16:37 director james comey is what hundred

How Do WE Know The FUTURE?

@00:13:45 james comey andrew mccabe peter struck
@00:15:09 james comey loretta lynch who's saying


@00:08:03 comey and susan rice and how they were
@00:18:01 obviously picture of james comey here in
@00:18:47 picture of andrew mccabe and james comey

Exposing The REAL Pay-For-Play Corruption?

@00:15:27 comey sally yates andrew mccabe and rob

How Do THEY Blackmail And Control STARS?

@00:18:45 in the clinton foundation why did comey
@00:18:50 during the haiti crisis so is comey

Secret Plot To Weaponize Impeachment EXPOSED?!?

@00:15:20 includes obviously james comey signed
@00:25:20 director of the fbi james comey was

Did THEY Conspire To Overthrow Our President?

@00:15:57 media personality types like comey and
@00:17:17 says comey became both side applications
@00:17:27 horowitz quit criticizing comey mccabe's
@00:17:54 administration brennan clapper comey
@00:30:05 comey from john brennan from msnbc cnn

Is Q A Secret Backchannel Preventing Global Disaster?

@00:10:09 from the fbi we got rid of comey and the
@00:13:44 way that james comey was removed somehow
@00:28:10 that it was comey and it was all his

A Declaration of OPEN WAR?

@00:10:07 verse comey think recent doc release q
@00:11:01 me to make the rn in comey look like an
@00:11:12 name comey or comey corny i guess has
@00:14:05 times comey 0 times and it gives a link
@00:14:13 comey in or corny and you get a 17
@00:15:26 comey is referenced in all of these
@00:15:51 they say james comey you know going back
@00:16:03 james comey will be indicted he will be
@00:18:53 released necessary prior to comey
@00:18:55 release house plus comey equals
@00:19:34 happen horowitz report then comey report

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:10:32 there and and comey getting on tv saying
@00:15:17 to the comey russia hoax everything that
@00:22:39 comey you know getting up on fox i was

Are THEY Above The Law?

@00:14:31 president trump under james comey not
@00:24:02 q post this meme here with james comey


@00:12:31 out by james comey which we covered in
@00:12:45 op-ed put up by james comey where he

Secret Message In IG Report REVEALED?

@00:01:37 comey or as he's known in the report
@00:15:56 remember the day before james comey
@00:19:31 that comey was really you know doing
@00:19:54 right and it's very possible to comey
@00:20:18 companies so and and here's james comey
@00:20:24 you think maybe they gave comey the corn
@00:21:38 games comey on the same day so he writes

Why Do THEY Fear Our Movement?

@00:14:16 and comey and it says spy gabe and it
@00:19:57 sustained in terms of comey and

Spy Tactics Used Against Trump Backfiring?

@00:13:48 our own obama led fbi comey let fbi

How Do THEY Continue To SCAM US?

@00:17:34 comey james clapper huma abedin hillary

FUTURE Continues To PROVE PAST Posts?

@00:12:25 james comey then go to michael flynn if
@00:14:33 the fact that james comey is leaking
@00:15:43 court and say look you know james comey
@00:16:17 itself and to be honest look james comey

Secret Insurance Files Hold The KEY To EVERYTHING?

@00:17:57 director comey went before congress and


@00:16:33 meeting between comey and coleman on
@00:16:44 not recall his briefing with comey
@00:17:51 criminal investigative division comey
@00:18:04 and the weiner investigation comey
@00:18:22 comey comey did not recall being briefed


@00:01:57 has a lot to do with comey
@00:05:15 is obviously referencing james comey
@00:11:21 the comey thing we really jump out of
@00:11:34 to reference comey for quite some time
@00:11:37 and here's james comey statement you
@00:16:12 chat logs right how james comey
@00:17:00 you're doing and maybe if comey or all

Are THEY Losing Control Of The NARRATIVE?

@00:09:31 clapper at the dni and comey and the fbi
@00:11:29 were people like james comey and others
@00:24:58 fbi director comey went before congress
@00:25:16 director comey went and launched the

Q: 93 Days of Darkness Explained?

@00:09:49 comey corn thing right and what they say
@00:10:32 are markers since the two comey corn
@00:11:08 eighteen comey shaking in his boots
@00:26:56 obama administration and comey they were

TOP SECRET Mission Threatened By LEAKERS?

@00:07:20 of lays up the groundwork james comey is
@00:07:40 comey has turned against those involved
@00:07:52 comey started cooperating with
@00:07:58 when confronted when comey was told he
@00:08:15 perfect sense that comey would be one of
@00:24:21 comey i think this is a some sort of
@00:24:23 confirmation that james comey

DC Cult 'The Finders' Exposed By Newly Released Intel?

@00:00:25 it's comey and all of these people
@00:15:52 with james clapper and james comey and

Benghazi Declassified: What Really Happened That Day?

@00:30:55 when comey had been fired for trying to
@00:34:15 time that's after comey had just been

Where Do WE Get Our Information?

@00:05:24 clapper james comey and john brennan and
@00:07:07 director james comey fbi general counsel
@00:07:33 under the purview of james comey and

Where Are The REAL Criminals Hiding?

@00:00:27 james comey making these veiled threats
@00:06:38 like this james comey a penny
@00:06:47 an expose on james comey in his life and
@00:07:26 wonderful james comey who is just he
@00:07:41 he's apparently james comey his life
@00:08:11 take revenge that's what james comey
@00:08:37 science mr. comey has pledged to spend
@00:09:21 helping facilitate james comey make
@00:09:48 comey that just came out today with this
@00:10:12 james comey in my humble opinion used
@00:12:29 comey writes not bad about how he's
@00:12:56 state wants and comey is obviously a
@00:13:08 possible that what james comey is saying
@00:13:42 but james comey making these cryptic
@00:13:53 so you sick lying lowlife james comey
@00:14:51 comey apparently now it's coming out was


@00:11:51 that's the kind of corruption that comey

Is Operation RED OCTOBER Going Live?

@00:07:27 you know here's comey and some you know
@00:09:22 comey has so many questions so perhaps

Why Was A Path Cleared For HER Return???

@00:13:37 you know james comey in the woods with
@00:14:40 under james comey who then destroyed the

How Can We USE What We KNOW?

@00:24:05 abuse was the day that james comey

Do We Have More Than THEY Know?

@00:22:39 before james comey launches the special
@00:24:05 have the very next day james comey

Are THEY Desperate Enough To Keep IT Going?

@00:09:59 mccabe and james comey for criminal
@00:10:14 comey wasn't entitled to leak sensitive
@00:10:39 criticized mr. comey for usurping the
@00:11:17 investigation offered indications comey
@00:11:31 investigated and comey was using the
@00:11:39 comey went to meet with donald trump

The Choice To Know More Is Yours...

@00:14:14 influence the election jim comey
@00:15:45 comey jim comey the guy who opened the
@00:15:50 jim comey the guy who allowed peters
@00:16:14 special counsel jim comey the guy who

Did THEY See The Insurance File?

@00:08:58 russia collusion hoax how comey mccabe
@00:09:12 they're not going to prosecute comey or

What Does The KEYSTONE Mean?

@00:25:25 researching your corruption james comey
@00:25:30 that was run by a man like james comey

Did The STORM Hide Strategic Covert Ops?

@00:10:03 leaking liar criminal james comey has

Comey's Commie Coup & The World's Largest Hedge Fund?

@00:00:21 think about comey and these characters
@00:00:23 think about comey in the gang drain the
@00:00:28 swamp drain the swamp comey brennen
@00:00:51 james comey zs-- connections to the
@00:20:26 james comey attacking the president
@00:21:05 well speaking of comey and his crimes
@00:21:21 perpetuated james comey for his capitol
@00:21:27 be well after james comey left
@00:22:08 james comey just happens to work at a
@00:23:37 between why james comey is such an
@00:23:42 has made so many references to comey and


@00:01:56 comey did he make six million dollars in
@00:21:44 something to remember about james comey
@00:21:52 you know saying how great james comey is
@00:21:54 but never forget that james comey
@00:23:32 former director of the fbi james comey
@00:24:06 that comey is a heroic whistleblower

Do We Have MORE Than We Know?

@00:00:08 and james comey only in washington dc
@00:00:48 fact that james comey was not going to
@00:01:02 comey is gonna get off clean because
@00:01:50 james comey not facing charges for his
@00:02:16 prosecute comey for leaking memos after
@00:03:01 comey and his actions regarding leaking
@00:09:22 after comey calling him thoroughly
@00:09:33 excoriated then james comey in the
@00:09:47 we all know james comey is a liar and a
@00:09:58 dossier was fake comey manufactured this
@00:15:16 james comey which is you know talking
@00:15:23 calling out comey it's all just a big
@00:18:18 on this whole comey thing to say that
@00:18:27 my best john brennan voice jim comey is

[MOS] Secret Plan To EXTRACT High Value Asset?

@00:12:24 comey who magically made him disappear

Obama's FBI Used CEO As SPY To SETUP Russia Hoax?

@00:27:08 and and subsequently pete james comey

THEY Are Powerless To Stop What's Coming...

@00:10:13 their hands and everything comey was
@00:10:16 controlled comey was working lynch was
@00:11:18 protecting this is why comey started the
@00:11:37 and then comey
@00:11:41 activated comey goes and pushes for this

Who Do THEY Secretly Worship???

@00:21:53 while comey was the director and obama

The Beginning Of Their Downfall...

@00:22:02 james comey no charges are appropriate
@00:23:21 all of their missteps comey mccabe
@00:26:04 fisa and comey but this is gonna be a
@00:27:48 email investigation that comey mccabe


@00:15:48 mccabe james comey james baker jim orr

Elites EXPOSED By Newly Released Epstein Court Docs...

@00:15:58 james comey for leaking but that doesn't

Why Would THEY Shut Down A Free Speech Platform?

@00:10:11 have comey leaking memos to the media

When Will THEY Ask The Q?

@00:11:38 james comey leaked the memos to the

Guess Who They're COMING For NEXT?

@00:05:03 the doj will not prosecute james comey
@00:05:22 behind this story james comey took home
@00:06:30 sources that james comey did in fact
@00:06:46 classified at the time when james comey
@00:07:46 coming against comey in the future and i
@00:08:15 comey is gonna make is that these
@00:08:20 against comey that's going to be coming

Do You Realize How Much THEY Did?

@00:00:11 investigation james comey when we

How Do You Clean DIRTY MONEY???

@00:11:13 comey loretta lynch bill clinton and
@00:13:56 now we go into james comey huh all right
@00:13:59 now here's the james comey one this one
@00:15:14 after this cue post or after this comey
@00:17:53 a report about james comey and the
@00:17:59 the fact that director comey was
@00:18:37 scenario with james comey right and what
@00:18:56 until james comey and now get this this
@00:19:06 james comey in july of 1993 president
@00:20:40 fired james comey back to the clintons

What THEY Don't Want YOU To See...

@00:05:11 comey as fbi director failed attempt to
@00:05:57 james comey and i think if you watch
@00:16:16 where it goes from james comey to andrew
@00:16:29 us about all of these people james comey
@00:20:00 rosenstein yates lynch and comey q
@00:20:10 and lunch and comey exposing the fact

The Choice To Know Will ALWAYS Be YOURS...

@00:21:01 big story talking about comey cyber spy
@00:21:19 comey and of course this goes into

Why THEY Can't LIE Anymore...Stealth Moves?

@00:03:51 into the james comey tweet analyzer
@00:04:26 questions why is james comey putting
@00:05:43 muller be ready james comey be ready
@00:15:09 trying to sell to us and then comey

Sensitive Deep Sea Fiber Optic Network Attacked?

@00:18:42 commis daughter maureen comey who is
@00:20:59 re-arrested and tried under james comey

SECRET New World Order Exposed?

@00:11:39 say i'll say this though james comey
@00:12:51 james comey were abusing the super
@00:13:09 as unmasking goes and james comey
@00:13:14 james comey did
@00:15:04 james comey and james clapper and john

Mysterious NYPD Deaths Connected To LIFE INSURANCE?

@00:07:50 others claim that james comey actually
@00:11:38 obviously being run by james comey at

How Far Will WE Go For OUR Country?

@00:14:19 clapper and james comey were involved in

4 Strange Deaths Leave Unanswered Questions?

@00:15:06 james clapper john brennan james comey

How Far Are THEY Willing To Go?

@00:11:21 seventy eight you have james comey in an

Global Dominance Is Being RECLAIMED...Power Of Peace!

@00:06:40 to go after people like comey and

What Happened At The White House?

@00:08:06 comey and covering for the obama

Feds Knew Hussein WAS Spying In 2015?

@00:00:29 mr. comey has been very silent in recent
@00:06:28 baker testifying against comey and of
@00:16:37 new york magazine article james comey
@00:16:49 that's a direct quote from james comey

Everything You Need To Know About The SET UP!

@00:22:30 why fbi director james comey had to

Truth To Light. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:04:04 that where james comey actually deletes
@00:04:25 just and then james comey of course
@00:14:33 after you have james comey launching the
@00:24:02 the comey report q says moves and
@00:24:12 is talking about comey and it's talking

Those [GOOD] Who Know Cannot Sleep...

@00:10:10 lured the fbi director james comey
@00:13:42 this means now comey knew 47 computer
@00:14:23 about in this next excerpt about comey
@00:16:01 over fbi director jim comey took
@00:17:19 we previously reported brandon and comey
@00:17:40 election comey we simultaneously

Mysteriously Deleted Tweet Proves UNBELIEVABLE Story?

@00:00:59 james comey he suspiciously deletes it
@00:02:01 story with james comey now don't forget
@00:02:06 about james comey and it's him
@00:02:16 coming at comey and basically the
@00:03:22 way back to when comey originally
@00:04:10 where james comey is just standing in a
@00:05:51 us that tweet from james comey versus so
@00:05:54 many questions because james comey is
@00:06:51 show it's gonna show that james comey
@00:11:19 about what comey did and we're going to
@00:12:56 back to james comey yeah we do have so
@00:16:00 the 20th yesterday james comey deletes
@00:20:33 you ever instructed director comey to
@00:20:42 2015 director comey to call the mid-year
@00:21:12 because comey was the one who testified

Look Who's Talkin' NOW...EYES ON!

@00:03:03 how james comey you know drew
@00:04:17 players at the top you have lynch comey
@00:13:06 rosenstein yates lynch and comey in
@00:20:55 comey emailed a draft of his draft of
@00:21:28 director comey eventually said more than
@00:21:48 but i know that director comey and not
@00:22:31 that way when you read what comey sent
@00:22:57 director comey was working through what
@00:24:59 think it reflects that director comey
@00:27:21 where jim james comey gives an interview
@00:27:30 to whatever i am now comey said it's

The Truth About The DEEP STATE...

@00:03:05 sometimes you look at comey then you

It's Time We All See What's Really Happening...

@00:00:29 especially when it comes to comey
@00:08:15 think about comey and these characters
@00:08:17 think about comey in the gang drain the
@00:08:21 swamp drain the swamp comey brennan

What THEY Won't Tell YOU!

@00:05:53 and comey we're all in the same boat
@00:06:31 clapper james comey treason means long

Stay The Course And Trust The Plan...It's Happening!

@00:00:43 clapper and james comey as they continue

Hollywood Actor's Mysterious Death Leaves More Questions Than Answers...

@00:05:50 brennan james clapper james comey they
@00:06:41 because him and comey were and brennan
@00:10:43 agents and comey if you verify this


@00:00:26 comey destroy evidence which would show
@00:02:31 that comey will be the first to go
@00:03:49 and comey were involved with all of this
@00:05:24 comey was the director of the fbi this
@00:07:10 gonna see brought against james comey
@00:09:23 2017 fbi director jim comey announced
@00:09:47 director jim comey lied to the house
@00:09:53 comey was well aware that president
@00:16:14 comey back in 2015
@00:18:10 you have comey launching the russia
@00:23:02 james comey being uh blasted on by you
@00:23:15 director james comey because he's so you
@00:23:34 about comey of course so it's just a

Are You Ready For The FIRST STRIKE?

@00:05:35 we're going up against comey clapper
@00:13:40 it's with comey standing in the middle
@00:14:52 about james comey and we go all the way
@00:14:54 back with james comey to january of 2018
@00:15:03 james comey and how he signed off and
@00:15:13 the fact that comey makes these weird
@00:15:35 comey and what q did was q deciphered
@00:17:26 including james comey himself who
@00:17:47 comey i believe i'm not sure exactly
@00:18:03 james comey coming soon and or we're

We Already Know Who's Next...IT'S HAPPENING!

@00:04:03 and comey and brennan why are they on
@00:05:15 storing former fbi director jim comey it
@00:05:21 spying comey said what an ugly word only
@00:07:28 opponents jim comey says it's normal and
@00:08:06 not long ago jim comey is one of the
@00:08:30 comey in the federal government that
@00:10:25 in love with james comey he liked james
@00:10:36 pictures of him and comey and with all

Nobody Walks Away From This...ACCESS WAS GRANTED!

@00:18:32 comey he's not a flagrantly corrupt fbi
@00:18:49 list about james comey but christopher

Do You Understand WHO Did Everything?

@00:08:14 and not only did james comey do it

Did HUSSEIN Drop THE HAMMER On Political Enemies?

@00:24:36 kept brenna at the cia and we kept comey

Is Everything We've Seen A Part Of THE PLAN?

@00:08:53 tell you a little bit about comey i do
@00:08:56 not have confidence in him comey any

THEY Won't Stop Because THEY Know What Happens...

@00:09:05 dirty cops like comey and like brennan
@00:14:50 comey are we gonna go after comey for
@00:15:05 after comey was fire the sexual actual
@00:15:12 complaining about how after james comey
@00:15:29 tell the point where james comey was

Newly Discovered Evidence Proves We're OVER THE TARGET...

@00:12:47 says comey will that come before after
@00:13:12 just reading this also comey
@00:13:29 that comey is going to be indicted
@00:13:49 be bringing charges against comey
@00:13:55 investigation where james comey is going

Why WE, THE PEOPLE, Are Winning Like Never Before...

@00:04:05 for brennan and clapper and comey and

We Already Know What Is Coming Next...

@00:13:29 comey oh there you go
@00:14:34 director james comey he wondered why
@00:14:37 president trump fired comey because
@00:14:39 comey knew that the whole thing was
@00:14:49 koch bulls comey which means that that
@00:15:25 rosenstein comey whoever had not been so

Prepare For What Is About To Be Unleashed...

@00:08:35 james comey and his then deputy director

What is Mueller's background? Military?...WE HAVE EVERYTHING!

@00:01:42 fbi director james comey think i should

Do You Know How Far THEY'LL Go To Stop What's Coming?

@00:05:50 it like former fbi chief james comey
@00:08:55 director comey did and did not do and

The Greatest Show Most Will Never See...IT'S HAPPENING!

@00:08:21 comey says he's probably right about

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:01:07 comey oh let's move so i guess you know
@00:01:17 comey he goes point after point about

Do You Know What We've Been Through?

@00:10:20 your thoughts on james comey well he's

Chinese Spy Attempts Break-In At Mar-a-Lago?

@00:03:35 the fbi with james comey mccabe rebecky

Is The Controlled Narrative Falling Apart?

@00:04:49 former fbi director jim comey we expect
@00:05:43 word that keeps my life jim comey

When The Truth Is Told THEY'RE In Trouble...

@00:16:45 director comey this is director comey's
@00:17:00 james comey has so many questions
@00:17:15 firing james comey because that's

Do You Want To Know The TRUTH?

@00:11:22 the other three were jim comey sally

Unsealing 'Career-Ending' Documents Has THEM Scared...

@00:24:10 and it says moeller connection comey

Did You Know Everything THEY Said Is Provably False?

@00:02:07 comey testifying under oath today
@00:09:20 jim comey pulling out of syria
@00:12:48 russian investigation sent by jim comey

Tech Tyrants: Showing Your Hand Was Intended Target...

@00:18:38 james comey the former director of the

Beware The Ides Of March: Debts Collected...

@00:12:58 removal of director comey was in any way
@00:13:24 director comey were discussed for all
@00:14:36 comey got fired which in my opinion was
@00:24:15 actually gave it directly to comey
@00:24:33 director james comey on december 9th

You Won't Believe What's Been Uncovered...

@00:14:37 words of comey struck and page we now

Everything You Need To Know About The 'SET UP'...

@00:04:32 comey comes out and says no charges are
@00:06:04 other missteps comey
@00:08:14 then days later james comey is like oh
@00:08:50 investigation james comey jim rebecky
@00:09:34 oversight james comey admitted to this

If You Don't Believe Anything Is Happening...WATCH THIS.

@00:04:56 for jim comey who's chief of staff jim
@00:26:49 whom abidine james clapper jim comey

Secrets Sold To Our Enemies Can't Buy Safety Forever!

@00:09:46 james baker james comey and many many

The Enemy Has Opened The Front Door...BIG MISTAKE!

@00:11:37 trump for firing james comey and others
@00:23:05 james comey former deputy director ainge

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:01:52 comey was a part of a broader set of
@00:02:42 the james comey thing is because
@00:03:05 get james comey could try to get the
@00:03:08 firing of james comey as a reason to

Something BIG Is Coming Soon...Why Now?

@00:07:11 corruption at the top under comey mccabe

Do You Want To Know Secrets The MSM Won't Tell You? #Truth #FactsMatter #UnitedNotDivided

@00:19:46 president chavez comey throws the
@00:21:18 comey take days after less than a week
@00:21:21 after the tarmac meeting james comey
@00:22:55 here's comey our judgment is that no

Top FBI Official Argued For Email Server Espionage Act Indictment?

@00:16:33 redaction of james comey edumacated
@00:18:10 including james comey in the passing of
@00:21:33 rod rosenstein obama comey that
@00:33:13 was arguing with james comey every day
@00:34:09 yeah so jim comey had reached the
@00:34:25 interactions with james comey is he
@00:34:38 with jim comey all the way up till the
@00:34:43 convinced basically when james comey

Leakin' Liar's Secret Message, Taxpayer Theft, & Much More...

@00:00:12 murder fbi director james comey x'
@00:07:53 james comey twitter post where he
@00:08:06 february 18th and in james comey says he
@00:08:16 james comey is the same guy who put out
@00:08:43 for james comey this direction to bunker
@00:09:06 is that james comey is asking people not
@00:09:54 james clapper james comey bill clinton
@00:20:05 comey look at what happened with andrew

Phase III: Are You Ready For The Next Stage?

@00:05:39 position was right after james comey was
@00:05:42 fired and why was james comey fired as

What Else Are They Not Telling Us?

@00:09:10 from the fbi you have james comey the

What about the so-called 'evidence' already seen?

@00:25:32 director james comey since fired then
@00:25:51 comey fbi intelligence analyst jonathan

Is The 'STAGE SET' For What's To Come?

@00:06:54 loretta lynch who controlled james comey
@00:07:46 here about james comey loretta lynch

Anonymous White House Official Exposes Trump's 'SHUTDOWN TRAP'...

@00:21:55 james comey and the so-called leaders of

Grand Jury Testimony Underway In Several States?

@00:08:08 fbi director james comey demanding he
@00:14:12 bruce or confirmed that comey traveled
@00:15:12 against comey rather than mccabe

Sometimes making a connection leads to uncovering...

@00:11:22 obstruct justice by firing james comey
@00:13:16 justice by firing james comey as fbi
@00:13:25 firing james comey an obstruction of
@00:13:31 james comey after all the lies and all

First time in more than 25 years?

@00:08:35 james comey it's kind of a funny piece
@00:08:40 meant to show what james comey really is
@00:08:49 inspector clouseau james comey
@00:09:16 pomposity and self regard comey cut a
@00:09:31 losers james comey politicized the fbi
@00:10:12 pseudonym comey is a poser he pretends
@00:10:38 comey clapper and brennan requires
@00:11:16 election cardinal comey should get the
@00:11:42 treachery revealed by comey clapper and

Should we be spying on ourselves?

@00:17:32 gate and about struck and page and comey

What if this was always the plan?

@00:13:49 against james comey for lying under oath

Why was THIS allowed to happen?

@00:25:36 comey down i'm talking on the bomb

How many senior FBI & DOJ officials have been removed?

@00:02:08 comey andrew mccabe peter struck support
@00:02:38 james comey loretta lynch barack hussein
@00:05:44 comey and angel mccabe and them

Is the media biased against POTUS?

@00:05:32 self admittance of james comey is that
@00:05:48 that because james comey told us that

This was planned and forecast as the 'border funding' solution from the beginning.

@00:24:01 with muller and aligned with comey the

What is scheduled to happen this week?

@00:15:01 the public prior to proceeding comey q
@00:18:18 because it looks like comey

What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

@00:00:53 instance you have james comey who's
@00:14:29 the house james comey and loretta lynch
@00:15:58 comey loretta lynch are mostly the best
@00:16:19 right now james comey loretta lynch are
@00:17:49 with james comey obviously you have his
@00:26:42 james comey
@00:30:17 peter struck james comey andrew mccabe

A 'glimpse' into the shadows...

@00:00:06 be coming from james comey and loretta
@00:02:20 set to testify you have james comey who
@00:03:04 testimony there lynch james comey could

The World is about to change.

@00:00:01 former fbi director james comey set to
@00:26:28 riots in france de comey testimony do
@00:28:02 directly talking about james comey was
@00:28:48 james comey and france and then it says
@00:28:56 gonna drown out this james comey story
@00:29:24 going to be talking about james comey i

Who's working to save himself?

@00:00:36 information about comey information
@00:09:54 dogs comey is shaking in his boots this
@00:10:13 test post testimony comey it's what they
@00:10:18 comey time stamp regarding attorney
@00:10:36 prior to post testimony comey with the y
@00:10:55 comey does not want to go and face the
@00:11:28 james comey goes and testifies in the
@00:11:31 red lynch more importantly james comey
@00:11:41 that happens i'm sure comey is going to
@00:33:11 basically it's this james comey tweet

A picture is worth many sentences.

@00:09:14 loretta lynch and james comey all inside
@00:10:46 if james comey is found to be to have

Who controls the past controls the future...

@00:22:48 clapper james comey bill clinton and the

Everything stated has a purpose.

@00:14:49 porter as well as james comey and john
@00:21:41 testimony of james comey and the red
@00:21:48 days i think james comey on tuesday i
@00:22:04 lynch james comey testifying before
@00:23:37 and whoever brandon comey clapper you

Nothing can stop what is coming.

@00:20:22 james comey andrew mccabe i'm not sure
@00:24:46 justice department to prosecute comey
@00:24:59 and former fbi director james comey last
@00:25:22 prosecuting clinton and comey and has
@00:25:28 accused both clinton and comey of
@00:26:02 clinton and comey just to speak of those

Top 25 Q Anon Proofs?

@00:39:05 comey bill priest ab peter struck lisa
@00:39:22 you know comey about lisa and peter and
@00:45:04 comey this one's a little bit didn't put

Do you believe in coincidences?

@00:00:05 twitter we discussed james comey and
@00:01:30 lynch and james comey being called by
@00:02:55 crooked hillary comey
@00:09:29 subpoenaing james comey and loretta
@00:09:45 james comey and former attorney general
@00:10:04 to have comey testify on november 29th
@00:10:10 committees are eager to question comey
@00:10:20 state they also wish to ask ask comey
@00:10:35 of his plans to subpoena comey and lynch
@00:10:51 comey in on december 5th so set your
@00:10:54 got that wrong comey on the 29th and
@00:15:18 actually happened with comey in the hrc

WHY? = "We knew then. We know now."

@00:39:21 xbox chat logs it says james comey
@00:39:47 interesting comey had sensitive fbi
@00:39:59 that comey had sensitive fbi emails on
@00:40:26 comey private gmail account were so
@00:42:36 jim james comey and comb he's like yes
@00:43:18 about james comey and his gmail's he's

Q Anon | Crossing The Red Line!

@00:11:33 got comey and they're all communicating
@00:19:57 possibly a comey possibly who knows and

Q Anon | "Do you 'Air Q' ?"

@00:01:57 comey attorney general loretta lynch and

Is this why everyone is freaking out?

@00:07:58 the fbi under comey are fired or under

Mysterious Packages Sent to Top Officials...

@00:01:43 then i talked about james comey and his

They Know If They Lose It's Over!

@00:02:32 to follow those rules unlike james comey
@00:09:44 look at this james comey the united
@00:09:56 well what about you mr. comey overseeing
@00:10:36 hardcore deep state lion leak in comey
@00:11:39 better than people like james comey it's

They Are Freaking Out! Here's Why...

@00:21:09 other missteps comey mccabe stroke page

Do Not Look Here

@00:29:31 james comey fired mccabe fired

Q Anon | The world will know...

@00:02:21 fbi reported directly to james comey
@00:14:39 director comey and others right and what
@00:15:05 between comey and coleman on october 4th
@00:15:16 recall this briefing with comey
@00:16:55 like comey and others who basically have
@00:17:08 here it's saying comey told us that he
@00:17:14 we asked comey if this briefing could
@00:17:21 weiner investigation comey stated it's
@00:17:47 comey comey did not recall being briefed

Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story...

@00:08:03 testifying against comey so that's a
@00:09:12 testifying against comey or he had

Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released...

@00:00:11 comey and rod rosenstein coordinated to
@00:12:07 rosenstein and james comey and what q's
@00:12:17 doors rod rosenstein and james comey
@00:12:31 rosenstein and james comey coordinated
@00:13:56 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:14:16 james comey especially james comey and
@00:14:43 comey may be indicted and that would be
@00:16:06 in james comey for what for colluding

Q Anon | Judge K Welcomed Aboard...

@00:38:05 comey and his fired deputy andrew mccabe

Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week?

@00:04:09 a coordinated effort by comey and mccabe

Q Anon | "When do birds sing?"

@00:13:45 reveal comey hrc email case
@00:13:47 what did comey do with hrc's emails well
@00:20:55 back on september 11 it said that comey
@00:22:52 think comey memos q so we know now
@00:23:19 come from the the memos of comey or this
@00:23:24 between comey and mccabe i'm not sure

"Anons are months ahead of the news." This Is Why!

@00:02:30 people like comey and mccabe and others
@00:21:21 sarcastic remark right after james comey
@00:23:14 days after fbi director james comey was
@00:24:22 they're so heartbroken that james comey

Q Anon | Unbelievable Texts Show Shocking Details!

@00:01:49 struck and lisa page and james comey and
@00:05:58 and his boss comey was just the same

Q Anon | This is why Jimmy is freaking out!

@00:00:08 director james comey be indicted hi i'm
@00:01:33 james comey based on the fact that there
@00:02:41 grand jury i can assure you mr. comey
@00:03:14 against comey q now this is from a
@00:03:49 director the man in charge james comey
@00:03:56 with james comey in the highest levels
@00:04:02 james comey and what went on behind the
@00:07:01 testifying against comey and this is the
@00:07:51 jury i can assure you mr. comey has been

Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA

@00:02:35 comey andrew mccabe peter stroke
@00:09:52 with our redaction of james comey andrew


@00:03:16 way up to obama even comey the whole

Q Anon | "Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you."

@00:03:19 a comey having 26 back-and-forth with a
@00:04:47 paige james comey i can name these names
@00:12:18 clinton comey lynch mccabe all these
@00:15:40 comey and communication with mccabe
@00:15:46 you have comey actually reaching out to
@00:15:54 about comey and i'm sure comey could say
@00:16:04 james baker testifying against comey and
@00:16:09 high ranking officials with comey who
@00:17:07 rosenstein yates in lynch and comey so
@00:17:40 roses dean yates lynch and comey to
@00:19:41 like oh well james comey is is corrupt
@00:20:06 people it's sally yates its james comey

Q Anon | "Division keeps them in power."

@00:09:26 was comey sally james comey sally yates
@00:09:47 comey sally eighths doj again then it
@00:09:57 comey dana buente and the doj then you

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:04:37 comey and others loretta lynch who made
@00:23:18 james comey signing off sally yates
@00:26:12 love the firing of james comey - potus
@00:27:48 to basically james comey his firing
@00:28:13 james comey provide the necessary

Q Anon | "CLOCKWORK. What are the odds?"

@00:06:05 comey like james comey we supreme court
@00:07:24 comey said she was clean

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:06:05 with lyin james comey the dems all hated
@00:14:13 investigation james comey fire danger
@00:15:31 real the fact that james comey one of

Q Anon | "[DARPA] aka GOOG"

@00:06:14 that we got from james comey where he

"Who discovered the link to HRC's server(s)?"

@00:15:16 trump so and james comey and then the ig
@00:16:50 comey ran fbi under president trump then
@00:16:56 comey and the inspector general and the


@00:29:27 people like james comey and people like

"There is a price we will not pay."

@00:14:56 this point anything's better than comey

Q Anon & POTUS Expose Deep State Cover-Up?

@00:01:01 promptly responded to by james comey
@00:01:42 connects to this comey tweet now what
@00:01:45 was this james comey tweet well it's
@00:01:49 this it's james comey tweeting out once
@00:03:57 james comey thought would never see the
@00:04:20 james comey tweet it's kind of a
@00:04:27 that was in the tweet that james comey
@00:05:24 posted in response to james comey oh
@00:06:19 from james comey to q saying basically
@00:10:41 rosenstein about james comey about all

Q Anon Confirmed on POTUS Twitter Again?

@00:11:59 brennan james clapper james comey rod

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:27:39 doing this and be like james comey and
@00:29:14 a tweet from james comey i wonder what
@00:30:59 maybe that comey is using this as a
@00:33:10 comey coincidence guess who was
@00:33:59 james comey leaves the justice
@00:36:52 2013 nother than james comey who secured
@00:37:22 crimes there in april 2016 james comey
@00:37:39 himself like the true gangster comey is
@00:37:55 the attorney general comey gets fired
@00:37:58 based on letter by rosenstein comey
@00:39:22 james comey and robert mueller
@00:39:33 three times james comey 5 times barack
@00:41:10 comey leaks attorney general jeff

Q ANON | How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

@00:12:57 exact people i think that's james comey
@00:18:21 comey now you all remember his tweet to
@00:18:45 tweet i'm gonna do my best james comey
@00:20:47 directly to director comey it says
@00:21:41 that's a reference to comey it says
@00:21:50 cue so smile james comey you're on
@00:22:38 coincidence james comey did your email

Q Anon: "These people are stupid."

@00:29:44 james comey testifying in front of
@00:31:02 when james comey made his tweet
@00:31:51 they communicated james comey to bruce
@00:32:33 is james comey you talking to bruce or

Q Anon Mocked by Mockingbird Media.

@00:13:32 basically and with james comey decided


@00:10:00 with fbi director comey
@00:14:12 into clinton foundation why comey

The Truth About Trump and Russia...

@00:23:59 have james comey andrew mccabe then you
@00:24:37 carlin or james comey or someone else
@00:27:02 wasserman schultz and james comey to

Top 10 Proofs of Q Anon...

@00:11:16 comey dismissed letter number to andrew
@00:11:59 april 15th comey throws attorney general

The truth the MSM is scared to report...

@00:14:33 comey klapper brannon struck page you
@00:19:37 fbi officials comey was fired mccabe was

The biggest story the MSM won't tell...

@00:03:51 renewals then fbi director james comey
@00:05:44 january 2017 director comey briefed
@00:18:25 operation comey mccabe peter struck lisa
@00:19:03 comey lois lerner rod rosenstein and
@00:19:24 between hillary clinton james comey lois
@00:20:10 james comey now that's interesting isn't
@00:21:23 fast forward to 2009 james comey leaves

FBI releases new info on HRC investigation!

@00:06:41 the mid-year investigation james comey

"The world is about to change."

@00:21:50 under james comey in the fbi the steele

"All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show."

@00:02:49 comey hussein dates white house visitor

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:10:33 in there who are doing this james comey
@00:38:30 9th you have james comey this is all
@00:38:45 what shall pass a comey your treasonous


@00:19:14 away you have peter stroke james comey

"Direct comms come in many different forms."

@00:09:39 clinton into comey into the the

"No Flags/No Logs/No Records"

@00:20:36 it's just mccabe comey brennan hayden

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:01:00 hillary clinton james comey and the doj
@00:12:06 fbi director james comey then you have
@00:12:36 comey former acting director of the fbi
@00:21:34 what comey did when they investigated
@00:25:12 clearances of john brennan james comey

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:02:05 looking into the clearances of comey
@00:06:18 i mean james comey is just a complete
@00:07:06 journalist is he is james comey really
@00:07:20 that james comey is just a little wimp
@00:12:18 allegedly by brennan clapper comey you
@00:12:22 name it maybe not comey as much i'd say

Q ANON: "Who is Peter Strzok?"

@00:07:59 along with leaked and james comey of the
@00:13:49 comey has talked about how the mid year

Q ANON: "Cooperating witness [Power removed]."

@00:01:30 mccabe deputy director fired james comey

Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump.

@00:09:51 obamas and the clintons and comey

Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"

@00:17:14 deputy director james comey the director

Q ANON: "Info shared highly sensitive."

@00:06:47 comey former director comey of the fbi

Q ANON: "Crisis mode."

@00:14:54 how comey is gonna be in error not comey
@00:15:40 while james comey was still employed as
@00:16:05 behalf of james comey i wonder who he

Q ANON: "Attempt still made."

@00:07:46 lynch to hillary x to x james comey to
@00:08:09 are the james comey andrew mccabe text
@00:18:22 obama for all i know right james comey
@00:26:05 assange in the news think james comey
@00:26:29 deal in the works between james comey
@00:26:55 short james comey while he was still the
@00:27:36 james comey basically threw a wrench

Q ANON: Eric Prince Laptop, Phones Taken...

@00:05:41 james clapper jim comey loretta lynch
@00:05:55 there's even more director james comey
@00:23:03 stroke lisa paige james comey james

Q ANON: "They are sick."

@00:02:46 lisa page the misconduct by james comey
@00:17:38 we're gonna have to cover james comey

Q ANON: "Trust yourself. Public awakening."

@00:23:18 director james comey did everything
@00:24:08 there's no reason why director comey

Q ANON: "Q&A Saturday."

@00:08:41 away from the fact that the james comey

Q ANON: "Abandon ship! Hussein staff talking."

@00:08:49 it's all of a sudden mccabe and comey

Q ANON: "They want you DIVIDED!"

@00:17:03 where we're at special counsel comey rod
@00:18:54 saying james comey andrew mccabe laura

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:04:44 especially like james comey and andrew
@00:19:43 comey and then the the decision not to

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:01:50 james comey is is a was the right there
@00:03:18 comey
@00:20:05 is james comey or james clapper or a

Q ANON: "Full moon coming."

@00:07:45 comey

Q ANON: "Not all are awake. Obtain Name."

@00:12:54 i james comey gmail they all had them
@00:15:06 comey gmail they all had them reread
@00:15:53 we're talking about james comey we're
@00:37:23 hillary clinton james comey jim clapper


@00:04:51 comey be locked up i would never want to
@00:06:11 i think comey was the ringleader of this
@00:08:10 interview he called basically comey the
@00:08:16 the top of the fbi he accused comey
@00:08:19 james comey the former director of deaf
@00:24:07 hillary clinton james comey james
@00:28:35 right to fire james comey a quote from
@00:28:50 head of the mob what about comey and
@00:29:12 things that were done by james comey and


@00:01:20 what happened with comey on his
@00:16:50 comey and mccabe and everyone who was
@00:17:35 hillary and slippery james comey

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:08:22 loretta lynch james comey andrew mccabe
@00:16:34 loretta lynch hashtag rr james comey
@00:19:18 comey and not james clapper because
@00:19:53 all the way up to james comey and his
@00:24:20 from the disgraced jim comey being fired

Q ANON: Anti-Trump FBI Agents Texts Revealed...

@00:13:34 charge along with leake and james comey
@00:14:43 james comey just through andrew mccabe
@00:25:42 advised james comey to change the


@00:01:51 information about comey that's going to
@00:02:15 slippery james comey numerous delays
@00:02:46 other news sources that james comey
@00:10:14 mccabe and jim comey all right and then


@00:10:02 justice by firing comey because comey is
@00:13:04 and comey are all connected to clinton

President Trump Calls Out Former CIA Director's Lies!

@00:12:39 comey you guys are the problem you guys
@00:23:53 tweet is similar to the one that comey
@00:23:58 comey through twitter allegedly

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:07:53 and and james comey and jim baker and


@00:11:53 saying comey even says the lying leaker
@00:11:57 comey even says that trumps not under

What is Q ANON & The Great Awakening?

@00:04:42 through the clintons through comey and

Q ANON: Latest News - "Flood is coming."

@00:15:38 comey was a terrible and corrupt leader
@00:19:48 finally act also on comey and others and
@00:19:54 have comey shooting back at the
@00:20:07 comey is tightly regulated and essential

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed."

@00:24:49 name it comey all of them they're all

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Be prepared."

@00:05:28 you have brennan working with comey with
@00:21:36 brennan through stroke through comey in
@00:38:12 go-between between brennan and comey and
@00:38:17 why comey who we all know is also over

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Mistake or on purpose?"

@00:05:22 connection between comey and brennan at
@00:06:06 brennan working with comey and peter

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:02:56 on a special mission by comey and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Why are we here?"

@00:11:31 to london by james comey on behalf of


@00:30:03 comey sends peter stroke across the pond

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Already written?"

@00:19:48 comey they're right comey decides not to
@00:24:07 didn't show up like comey like we just
@00:24:10 went over how comey is stands up the
@00:24:55 between comey and brennan and brennan
@00:28:06 clapper so and supposedly and and comey
@00:28:14 comey is scared he's a you know for a
@00:28:41 stroke was sent by comey to russia this
@00:28:56 it all down you have this james comey
@00:29:50 election and that he jim comey and peter
@00:30:00 clapper brennan and comey
@00:31:36 comes out about peter straub comey and
@00:40:39 stroke being sent over by james comey on

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:01:53 andrew mckay was fired james comey was

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?"

@00:31:34 clapper and comey and all these guys

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:10:29 referring to james comey andrew mccabe
@00:14:40 comey who must approve the firing
@00:14:45 comey excuse me christopher ray sorry

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "UNPRECEDENTED?"

@00:07:12 mccabe deputy director fired james comey
@00:08:44 comey fired well obviously the special
@00:08:46 assistant to james comey needs to be out

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think logically."

@00:20:12 do know though we know comey is a leaker
@00:20:28 did james comey and then john brennan's
@00:23:22 as taking comey at his word who is
@00:24:01 now here's james comey latest tweet i
@00:26:05 that james comey so you know these

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - AppIe EXP0SED!!

@00:12:12 is this see you know how comey used the
@00:12:31 where q actually calls out comey for

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

@00:23:29 trust james comey and he thinks he's a

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens."

@00:22:17 and how comey basically was some
@00:29:40 james comey i don't trust him i think he

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Timetables shift. [NEXT WEEK]."

@00:01:08 james comey director fire bill priest at
@00:02:17 comey got rid all those guys because
@00:10:18 democrat or director comey had lost

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:18:44 kim just going forward comey to potus
@00:18:57 three of them comey rosenstein and
@00:20:18 comey testimony proves trump not under
@00:29:57 pushing around like a clapper and comey
@00:31:28 of course insurance policy comey release
@00:31:47 a special counsel comey


@00:15:15 recently in his post talking about comey
@00:18:46 he talks about comey
@00:29:41 top people in the fbi headed by comey

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "State dinner."

@00:05:53 original in the exoneration of comey and
@00:11:33 james comey who after all of this big
@00:12:36 judge of comey

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Listen carefully."

@00:09:28 comey memos which i think is very
@00:10:09 that it's obvious that comey has a
@00:10:53 all of the comey memos it becomes
@00:11:17 nature's in the comey memos so this is
@00:11:27 comey memos now i think for mr. comey
@00:11:48 comey has a lot to look forward to in
@00:12:21 against james comey please watch this is
@00:12:54 mr. comey that comey did not get mr.
@00:12:57 press now as it relates to mr. comey
@00:13:47 think i think that these comey memos
@00:13:56 irony is the very thing that mr. comey

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "America for sale."

@00:07:38 director comey special prosecutor
@00:19:38 have this crazy case with james comey

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What will next week hold?"

@00:16:49 out to me is the james comey tweet about

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "The world is watching."

@00:21:14 and i think it's perfect james comey
@00:21:34 is that comey lied to generate

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trap card played..."

@00:11:24 you have what's going on with comey
@00:13:33 the comey mccabe rosenstein muller cabal
@00:14:12 comey to leak the the horta to go
@00:16:49 here explaining for instance james comey
@00:17:29 how you have comey memos that come out
@00:17:51 james comey can leak and lie and make
@00:20:28 about mueller and comey and this is
@00:21:42 little comey and of course he says just
@00:21:45 love at little jimmy comey secret
@00:22:02 comey has actually got an 11 million

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q&A w/ Q!

@00:02:48 former fbi officials such as james comey
@00:04:28 action against people like comey clapper
@00:06:33 comey and so on and so forth
@00:22:51 about the memos the james comey memos

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RESP0NSE C0MING."

@00:10:33 the beginning of the comey leaking of

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "WRAYs OF LIGHT."

@00:02:35 comey chuck schumer add andrew mccabe

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Distraction."

@00:19:05 friends with you know comey and muller

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - TARMAC DEAL

@00:03:02 watched tonight with james comey was
@00:03:11 that comey had to say and what comey
@00:04:47 comey that he had to reopen the
@00:09:14 comey throws attorney general lynch
@00:16:04 and then james comey septimus dismisses

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - *[SHOWERS]*

@00:17:16 hard on james comey and it could not
@00:17:54 unbelievably james comey states that
@00:19:10 my heart of hearts that james comey
@00:21:32 but going back to comey he says i never
@00:21:34 asked comey for personal loyalty i
@00:24:43 now he's given james comey a nickname
@00:24:46 slippery james comey a man who always
@00:25:06 be a three-way tie between comey mueller

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trust P0TUS."

@00:04:07 have comey launching his book of lies
@00:04:14 it's trump exposes comey as an


@00:00:01 issue james comey the leaker and liar
@00:01:57 into that as we talk about comey
@00:05:09 comey leaker or co me traitor or
@00:05:22 from you is to get comey memes i want
@00:05:25 comey memes that expose him for the liar
@00:05:57 memes about comey and that way i will
@00:06:11 now donald trump says james comey is a
@00:06:54 james comey amen mr. president and truer
@00:07:04 there is no james comey has never been
@00:07:39 comey and how that kind of correlates
@00:07:46 about james comey about ten that i can
@00:08:20 comey firing well isn't that interesting
@00:14:43 show whitehouse lied about comey firing
@00:15:45 comey writes in his book he says quote
@00:16:58 that no comey has just completely gone
@00:18:22 character of a man like comey who has no
@00:19:34 wanted comey to come out and say that
@00:20:00 more fully and but no james comey
@00:20:17 comey says you will always get honesty
@00:20:43 boss and a mob boss it's you mr. comey
@00:22:16 she called comey

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - SYRlAN CONFLlCT

@00:02:30 clintons comey and mueller crime

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:26:26 where they will discuss james comey and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch the news tomorrow."

@00:07:07 to look at it you know you and comey and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We will not fail."

@00:04:13 comey people like mccabe mccabe
@00:09:04 brennan comey obama white house and the
@00:27:38 james comey that would insinuate some

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "/GA/ is terminated."

@00:16:06 in america jeff sessions mueller comey

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:32:15 comey history will repeat itself potus

Q AN0N: "Booms" A New Theory.

@00:09:54 mccabe rolling over on comey indictments
@00:09:57 coming up for hillary comey and etc and
@00:11:51 another guy james comey you know three

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Enjoy the show."

@00:19:17 about mccabe and comey and all the rest

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "AMERICA FOR SALE."

@00:01:02 robert or james comey and the number two
@00:02:08 now comey actually writes to him
@00:02:53 i don't think mr. comey is an honorable

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "BOOM" McCabe Fired!

@00:01:45 democracy sanctimonious james comey was
@00:03:16 comey of course everyone's tweeting
@00:22:35 eye on i think is james comey with this

Q ANON: Latest New Post - " a way to escape."

@00:03:27 now that says loretta lynch james comey
@00:04:13 james comey loretta lynch hussein fisa

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere"

@00:25:45 between obama comey and yates after

Q ANON: New Latest Posts: Sheriffs, C.A.I.R., & FFs?

@00:25:18 comey and others so there you go

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - The BRIDGE Explained? Part 2

@00:07:02 comey has put out this cryptic tweet

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17)

@00:16:58 comey forced into the spotlight shortly
@00:17:37 comey when he came out the second time
@00:17:56 comey stuff for yourself because it's

Q ANON Posts from Day 1: (10.28.17)

@00:07:09 per the law gowdy comments on comey

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Payback For Today"

@00:06:38 comey
@00:07:53 know that comey is using this twitter

Q ANON: Latest New Posts. Exposes MSM Clowns?

@00:06:43 out for yourself but it's of comey
@00:06:45 and he's it's james comey and he's with
@00:07:06 sense but if comey is a criminal then he
@00:07:19 was more of like oh you know comey has


@00:00:01 rice sent herself indicate that comey
@00:07:45 fact that james comey is going to be the

Q Anon: Incredible NEW Posts - LATEST POSTS....

@00:02:52 comey dismissed letter number two i
@00:03:41 by james comey and then this paragraph
@00:04:54 comey firing is part of an inquiry of
@00:07:17 recommendation of james comey right so
@00:07:50 says james comey dismisses hillary
@00:10:20 comey reopens hillary clinton
@00:10:26 october 28th right james comey issues

Q Anon: Incredible NEW Posts - LATEST POSTS....

@00:01:33 there with comey warner brennan and
@00:07:19 comey firing comey was widely loved by

Patriots...EPG Security, David Soloff, Battle for the Republic.

@00:06:34 we have mueller rosenstein and comey all

Top Secret Memo Released Exposing Illegal FISA Surveillance.

@00:03:23 cause then director james comey signed
@00:10:47 early january 2017 director comey
@00:10:58 imagine that conversation where comey is

Q: [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. Apache Explained.

@00:00:07 that is that the james comey tweet was a

Q Decodes Comey Tweet "[Do Not Talk] [We Own You & Your Family] [187] [Activate Sleeper Cells]"

@00:00:10 threat from james comey and twitter on
@00:00:36 comey okay so this is what he said
@00:01:12 get to that it says james comey tweet
@00:02:01 threat from james comey apparently to
@00:05:27 fire james comey or not james comey

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/22/2018 New Posts Triumph Tribulations Q is Real!

@00:02:48 draft letter supporting james comey

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/19.5/2018 Revelations Triumphs Tribulations Join The Resistance!!

@00:00:45 comey jim clapper chuck schumer i'm not