Deep state

Discussing Insider Knowledge With Google Whistle Blower Zach Vorhies

@00:13:01 deep state
@00:13:03 the deep state the banking deep state
@00:33:06 by the deep state to keep this story
@00:36:14 against the state because again she's
@00:36:16 bought out by this deep state which is
@00:44:04 deep state not making any effort
@00:45:26 providing and why is it the deep state

Who Keeps Our Minds Closed Off? Who Limits Us? How Do We Unlock It And Expand Our Thinking? :coded:

@00:08:52 so the deep state really might have
@00:09:38 and said if the deep state tried to
@00:10:14 the deep state really might have tried
@00:15:04 the deep state is in these last few
@00:24:41 beyond simply deep meditation or
@00:24:45 it is more a state of complete oneness

The President Is Waging Asymmetric Warfare!! Red October Has Arrived "aka" [D5]!! :coded:

@00:05:49 everywhere remember the deep state runs
@00:05:52 deep
@00:10:42 a full-blown war with the deep state of
@00:10:53 deep state remember it didn't touch
@00:11:25 deep state

Every Detail Accounted For. Every Scenario Planned For. Enjoy The Show! :coded:

@00:20:53 plan against the deep state
@00:27:41 deployed by the deep state

TRUreporting Live Call In Show!! 9/9/20

@00:26:58 time time says boris is deep state
@00:30:10 it is just about um you know the deep
@00:30:13 state trying to control everybody
@00:30:42 the deep state wants to bring in what's
@00:31:19 it will be controlled 100 by deep state

TRUreporting Live Call In Show!! 9/8/20

@00:04:26 to the deep state guys i will sit back
@00:10:21 between us in the deep state

Evil Lurks In The Shadows And The President Intends To Expose It! :coded:

@00:05:55 none of us should he's a deep state

A Spiritual And Informational War Is being Fought Simultaneously! :coded:

@00:03:17 to dismantle everything about the deep
@00:03:20 state
@00:03:29 and i believe that the deep state is
@00:06:05 aidcoon these kids and the deep state
@00:11:25 and controlled by the same group of deep
@00:11:27 state people

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 8/26/2020

@00:35:23 china's deep state controlling these
@00:35:46 is doing this to us at the china deep
@00:35:48 state
@00:53:20 deep state the rest of the liberals the
@00:53:59 all hell breaks loose on the deep state
@00:54:32 this is communications to the deep state
@00:57:38 the deep state is in their death throws [@3461.359

[they] Have Lost Control! The Age Of Enlightenment Is Upon Us! :coded:

@00:16:07 all the obama biden clinton deep state
@00:16:40 clinton deep state scandal secrets

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 8/24/2020

@00:45:00 everywhere remember when the word deep
@00:45:02 state you said deep state three plus
@00:45:11 the words deep state

Pay Attention: This Is A Controlled Demolition! :coded:

@00:10:55 deep state or the leftist

TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/12/20

@00:23:45 that the deep state has done that the
@00:49:39 location that is the deep state so

Unboxing And Live Call In Show 8/5/20

@00:49:54 exposed in the deep state is no more

Mars Needs Children: :Coded:

@00:12:59 what's controlling china is their deep
@00:13:02 state it's not
@00:13:09 over them partially by the deep state
@00:31:12 happen because remember the deep state

96 Days Until The Election?! 5D Chess?! We Are Dealing With A Stable Genius!! :coded:

@00:16:43 the deep state will deploy all assets
@00:20:05 purge of deep state

A TRUreporting Interview: Dr. Charles Ward

@00:09:34 know the deep state mockingbird media
@00:11:54 the deep state side of everything
@00:23:23 to dismantle the deep state and the
@00:25:07 are the foot soldiers of the deep state
@00:26:05 the deep state don't with putin if you
@00:37:45 got rid of the deep state and

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-15-20

@00:41:23 in the deep state let's hope so john

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-3-20

@00:14:20 the deep state has got to be shaking and

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 6-26-20

@00:48:09 they are in the death throes the deep
@00:48:12 state is in the death throes and you

deleted This Civil War Isn't Organic. Never Fear. White Hats Are In Control! :coded:

@00:01:51 state is going down in a shit you are in
@00:01:53 the deep state you're going down with
@00:03:24 biblical and i believe that the deep
@00:03:25 state has deployed all assets because
@00:12:06 are smaller deep state factions that are
@00:14:30 and the deep state where do you think

deleted TRUreporting Live Call In Show With Special Guest KarliQ

@00:38:01 the foot soldiers of the deep state

deleted TRUreporting Live Call In Show 6-13-20

@00:27:24 party who is the is the arm of the deep
@00:27:27 state it's the media seeing cnn ms dnc
@00:49:07 one that you know the deep state will

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 6-10-20

@00:35:24 is a deep state playbook method we

[their] Gold Offering?! What Does It All Mean?! :coded:

@00:16:26 because the un is deep state and that's
@00:18:46 right so they can have their deep state

deleted [they] Tried And [they] Failed!! :coded:

@00:06:45 before you knew it all and all the deep
@00:06:47 state clowns on acoon started making up
@00:12:21 no matter what the deep state tries to
@00:13:58 from the deep state this is just more
@00:14:33 deep state black hats trump has total
@00:19:49 they let a bunch of anarchists and deep
@00:19:51 state swamp

TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:10:38 also what the deep state wants so the
@00:20:12 with the deep state which you wisely
@00:20:15 oppose listen these words biblical deep
@00:20:17 state right darkness and light whom we
@00:20:20 may easily identify with the deep state
@00:22:04 embodies the goals of the deep state and
@00:22:56 there is a deep state there is also a
@00:22:58 deep church that betrays its duties in
@00:24:43 subservient to the deep state to
@00:40:02 they are absolutely the deep state the

Cities Are Burning. So Many Unexplained Anomalies. Who Is Orchestrating This?! :coded:

@00:06:02 right division everything that the deep
@00:06:05 state playbook has to offer we are
@00:12:38 one of us because the deep state are in
@00:28:21 from the deep state
@00:37:29 deep state satanists who harm us all

deleted Fuel The Narrative! Ignite The PowerderKeg! Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction! :coded:

@00:06:27 flame to ignite the tinderbox the deep
@00:06:30 state / msm deploying all assets as i
@00:08:16 the deep state using agent provocateurs
@00:08:19 to push a race war agenda the deep state
@00:19:26 also know the end result the deep state

deleted Information Warfare: We're In For One Hell Of A Show!! :coded:

@00:10:58 deep state to have the biggest economy

deleted Happy Memorial Day! Lets Come Together As Patriots! TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 5/25/2020

@00:18:59 the deep state the hollywood elites so

deleted The Hive Mind Is Alive And Well!! :coded:

@00:07:52 the deep state enemies so they are
@00:07:59 the deep state and expose them right to
@00:12:22 and the arm of the deep state which is
@00:15:39 still in place and that the deep state
@00:25:31 deep state underground military bases

deleted Are You Serious?! Apple's Update To Support Contact Tracing!? :coded:

@00:13:33 grip on state-run institutions that do
@00:13:40 it's the deep stayed and all these tech
@00:13:53 eliminating their deep state and they're

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/15/2020

@00:27:24 crappy deep state new jersey absolutely

deleted Greta A Virologist?! [GS] A Board Member Of Contact Tracing!! Celebrity Email Hacks! :coded:

@00:05:10 after the deep state hmm with a v word

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5-11-2020

@00:27:07 deep state created the blackmail on

deleted Has Another [Boom Week] Finally Arrived?! :coded:

@00:04:09 to be extremely damning to the deep
@00:04:11 state he says here finally grinnell tell
@00:14:21 well right that deep state nest has been
@00:14:53 absolutely taken over by the deep state

deleted What Companies Will Die. What Companies Will Survive. TRADE GENIUS

@00:02:41 from and then the deep state with their
@00:11:19 what i mean bad i mean the deep state

deleted A Gift From The [RedCross] Incoming?! :coded:

@00:12:33 the deep state and please follow don

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/4/2020

@00:14:59 six months tim's deep state what are you
@00:28:56 deep state arm msm push the narrative

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/2/2020

@00:25:07 of the deep state and of the rothschilds
@00:28:14 in the deep state on february the cdc
@00:43:07 deep state

deleted Executive Order To Activate All Armed Forces!? Brace For Impact The Storm Has Arrived!! :coded:

@00:00:57 better because the deep state will do
@00:03:29 vulnerable and what will the deep state
@00:04:19 of the deep state coming at us trying to
@00:04:39 because the deep state will do anything

deleted WAKE EM' UP WEDNESDAY LIVE!!!! 4/29/2020

@00:09:48 deep state newspaper owned by jeff bezos
@00:40:58 all the deep state players are following

[DS] Comms Have Been Varified By 17!! An Amazing Thread By IET!! :coded:

@00:02:08 found the archive where the d s the deep
@00:02:11 state has chat rooms as you remember
@00:05:20 evidence needed to expose the deep state
@00:08:59 archive where the deep state has chat
@00:13:12 deep state or close to in dieting and
@00:15:16 subversive in quote deep state working
@00:16:46 remember the washington post is a deep
@00:16:49 state hub they're owned by jeff bezos
@00:20:25 knew that the deep state was illegally
@00:21:38 the deep state because it's not illegal

deleted The Restructuring Of Our Everyday Way Of Life Is Underway!! :coded:

@00:14:23 we all know that they are the deep state

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast Starts At 6:00pm EST *KeK* With The 500 Likes!!

@00:25:25 chipping away at the evil at the deep
@00:25:29 state we're witnessing it in real time
@00:35:59 deep state hunted down general flynn and
@00:38:46 we've already add the light but the deep
@00:38:47 state the evilness that's on this realm

deleted The Words "Light" And "Love" Have More Than One Meaning. :coded:

@00:07:49 so the deep state government that's who

deleted Mike As Vp?! Gates Wants Global Population Injected!! Human DNA In Meat:coded:

@00:18:56 there are the foot soldiers to the deep
@00:18:58 state they're the ones who are

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 4/20/2020

@00:18:13 owned by deep state china right

deleted This Silent War Is About To Go Live! :coded:

@00:06:25 think of the foot soldiers of the deep
@00:06:27 state they're everywhere and we're maybe
@00:08:57 of columbia is the heartbeat of the deep
@00:09:00 state it is vital that they stick
@00:12:18 citizen sadly that these deep state
@00:12:23 media the deep state media has
@00:12:58 stretch between the deep state using

deleted The Moment We've All Been Waiting For Has Now Arrived! Now Comes The PAIN! :coded:

@00:06:24 fruition to exposing a lot of deep state

deleted TRUreporting Live Presser Coverage 4-17-20

@00:28:38 deep state they are the biggest threat

deleted TRUreporting Presents: Wake Em' Up Wednesday!!!! With Severe Anon and PolarBear Smack!!

@00:50:25 he says the deep state has kept the cure

deleted TRUreporting Covers The Presser 4/15/2020

@00:33:52 never been done before deep state even

deleted TRUreporting Podcast And Live Call In Show

@00:38:51 the deep state right brooch future
@00:43:16 these people are the arm of the deep
@00:43:18 state evil has convinced our friends and
@00:51:19 a tactic of the deep state to project

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast And Live Call In Show!

@00:16:48 hydrochloric when he's deep state get
@00:17:53 they're doing the deep state there might
@00:20:16 you've stayed sun deep state i don't
@00:35:43 chat knows that cdc's crooked deep state
@00:52:32 tied they're the deep they're the arm
@00:52:34 the ar msq is told us ar m for the deep
@00:52:38 state dragon energy 45 thank you so much

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast

@00:26:24 trying it again freaking deep state is
@00:31:21 any more countdown pics if deep state
@00:31:39 i just don't see the deep state not


@00:12:02 intercepted intercepted on deep state
@00:47:17 obama and he's got some deep state she's

deleted TRUreporting Covers The Presser 03/25/20

@00:08:40 of the deep state don't get it twisted
@00:25:06 the deep state within our united states
@00:25:07 of america the deep state within china
@00:25:09 the deep state within all of these

deleted TRUreporting Covers Presser 3/21/20

@00:27:44 picker welcome he says the deep state is

deleted TRUreporting Podcast + Live Call in Show! 3/19/20

@00:22:14 texas it is happening worldwide the deep
@00:22:16 state is getting rounded up this is

deleted TRUreporting Covers White House Press Briefing 3/19/20

@00:16:01 dabbe on the deep state mm-hmm all right

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show Press Briefing From White House

@00:19:56 safe deep state working hard to win

deleted Do You Have Your [ ] Filled Out?! IT's MARCH MADNESS!!!!

@00:15:11 is the world deep state and the cure is
@00:21:24 this deep state my friends understand

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:24:25 fall for the deep state they're gonna
@00:47:04 deep state for the mockingbird media

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:08:23 deal this ties into the deep state and

deleted Trojan Horse Leading The Charge For A Financial Reset And Arrests?! :coded:

@00:16:37 deep state players be infected with the

Treasury Anon Tells Of A Plan To Ruin The Central Banks!! :coded:

@00:15:38 deep state coup by those coos the deep
@00:15:41 state has become visible the deep state

deleted Feeling Discouraged?! You Won't Be After Listening To This!! WINNING!

@00:33:51 coming forth the deep state is dying out

Arrests Are Happening And Hollywood Is In The Crosshairs!! It's Only A Matter Of Time! :coded:

@00:04:43 war with the deep state cabal but it had
@00:04:48 will be crashing down soon on the deep
@00:04:50 state players and they will not be able

deleted Is The President Foreshadowing The Inevitable!? :coded:

@00:02:55 pundit the deep state gets cold feet
@00:05:37 from the gateway pundit the deep state
@00:06:58 deep state so they can let their cronies
@00:07:11 foot on the neck of these deep state
@00:09:26 the deep state rules and they go against

Traitor 44 Was Doing Personal Favors For Soros And It's All Going To Be Publicized!! :Coded:

@00:06:03 deep state has no idea where this
@00:07:19 from every nook and cranny and the deep
@00:07:21 state won't be able to catch it while
@00:08:36 deep state could get their hands on this

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show Happy Q+ Day!!!

@00:21:25 rubbing it in the face of the deep state

Threads For All You Naysayers Out There! All Hands On Deck! :coded:

@00:10:14 the white house or on the deep state

NO MORE GAMES It's Now Time For POTUS To Go On The Offense!! :coded:

@00:06:44 is done the deep state is done the

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:18:34 apparently the deep state was on the one
@00:18:43 deep states on line still have you heard
@00:35:27 bringing down the entirety of the deep
@00:35:30 state in real time right and even once

5D Chess Is Going Accordingly, Hence "Castle Clean" :coded:

@00:06:51 back into the deep state white house a
@00:16:30 that we can take out these deep state
@00:16:32 bunkers these deep state nests that are
@00:25:03 thought all these i thought the deep
@00:25:05 state was just a fabrication it's just a

HRC Arrest On October 22nd 2020? Schumer Talking To An Entity?! Corona Virus! :coded:

@00:06:47 how big this trap is to get these deep
@00:06:50 state players these big-time players

Deltas, Decodes, And The Decomposition Of Hollyweird!! :coded:

@00:09:41 there is a deep state in every country

Beyond The Headlines: Time Travel

@00:22:33 whatever they are this deep state this

POTUS Tweets "All Is Well" Is This All Optics? / Ukraine Plane Crash / Israel For Last :coded:

@00:06:23 guys the deep state is on there the
@00:06:38 the deep state vice president pence just
@00:06:47 back to the deep state handlers and the

The Time Has Come For A Secret Deal!! :coded:

@00:07:41 a deep state they do it's not that the
@00:10:10 reason deep state cabalists they want
@00:10:42 country's government but deep state

Why Do The [D] Love Iran So Much?! :coded:

@00:15:54 the huffington post just more deep state

TRUreporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!!

@00:38:25 don't trust them they're deep state is

Well Human Cloning Is Officially Mainstream TODAY!? :coded:

@00:05:19 iran we're talking the deep state my

TRUreporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!!

@00:14:08 cuts for the deep state you know this is

Why Does Mr. Hanks Want Out?! :coded:

@00:20:07 the deep state has wanted to start one

TRUreporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!!

@00:38:04 back into the conscious because the deep
@00:38:06 state literally has eradicated christ
@00:43:00 prayer out of the songs against a deep
@00:43:02 state and i'll let you go that's okay

[their] Final Attempt: An Interview With "JohnHereToHelp" :coded:

@00:14:15 two are these bad evil people deep state
@00:14:53 people the deep state are hiring the


@00:09:24 really just go toe to toe with the deep
@00:09:26 state and i'm stoked guys we're in the
@00:20:08 the deep state secondly the f the
@00:37:07 what is the deep state it's a mob that's

The Mocking Bird Media And [DS] Will Both Be Destroyed Accordingly, Perfection Takes Time!! :coded:

@00:04:23 the deep state he's going right up
@00:06:50 hitting the deep state and decimating it
@00:17:07 from the deep state drum
@00:19:00 are corrupt along with the deep state
@00:20:32 complicit with the deep state and should

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Special Guest: Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

@00:43:14 you're gonna understand why the deep
@00:43:15 state wants to say that one more time
@00:43:31 why the deep state is going after roger

"17" Gives Another Proof That We Are In fact Watching A Movie!! :coded:

@00:12:04 the deep state to these people who are
@00:15:55 coup d'etat initiated by the deep state
@00:17:58 the show fighting the deep state shadow

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:30:32 talking about the deep state right guys
@00:31:04 believe they're talking about deep state
@00:33:37 the deep state knew or die's knew

Were Prince Harry And William Indoctrinated Into Evil!? :coded:

@00:03:00 anything happens we're up against a deep
@00:03:02 state here guys

The Baby Making Ranch Will Be The Second Chapter Into The [Elites] :coded:

@00:21:53 royal family the cia the deep state the

Clinton's Former Marine One Pilot Arrested On Very Dark Charges!! :coded:

@00:06:41 this a coup is there a deep state over
@00:06:43 there absolutely there's a deep state in

Who Trapped Who?! The [WB] Has A Name! :coded:

@00:27:29 about to drop a bomb on the deep state

Elite Human Hunting Parties?! :coded:

@00:02:53 against a deep state here guys

TRUreporting And Redpill78 Thoroughly Discuss "Project Looking Glass"

@00:37:47 the plebs the deep state are looking at
@00:47:23 what deep state creation they create

Another [DS] Cronie About To Meet Their Demise!? :coded:

@00:06:10 definitely a deep state member the

Beyond The Headlines: With TRUreporting And McAllister TV

@00:10:36 cabal which is what this this deep state

Neon Revolt: Jim Watkins Files Criminal Complaint Against Former 8Ch Owner!! :coded:

@00:05:52 the deep state so as we can see here
@00:11:20 he's working with the deep state that's
@00:11:57 watkins the deep state at any rate it is

Project Veritas Is Going To Drop Evidence On Epstein [wille] Be Released Tomorrow?! :coded:

@00:06:12 deep state and coming at us from right

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:06:51 combat the deep state my friends it is

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:43:10 deep state you say the deep state

The White Hats Have Possession Of Highly Sensitive Material On Who Created The Enemy!! :coded:

@00:08:45 enemy china is not the enemy the deep
@00:08:49 state within these two countries those
@00:08:51 are the enemies the deep sate worldwide
@00:09:36 sure ms-13 is the foot clan of the deep
@00:09:39 state they do it's evil biddings they
@00:11:04 of the deep state obviously the 16 year
@00:13:26 have really done damage to the deep
@00:13:28 state and there's no running there's no
@00:17:00 together this is the deep state my

Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

@00:12:33 that he is part of a deep state cabal
@00:16:23 intelligence james clapper both deep
@00:16:27 state tentacles both will be buried
@00:26:33 deep state players and when the ones the

Kickbacks Of Millions Of Dollars Have Been Officially Cut Off From The [deepstate] :coded:

@00:01:04 true pundit calm the deep state vows
@00:03:18 from true pundit deep state vows payback
@00:04:01 crook politicians in deep state pockets
@00:04:11 fuming for years it is alleged deep
@00:04:14 state players have been ranking raking
@00:05:06 frustrated deep state players as payback
@00:05:29 sabotaged a golden goose for the deep
@00:05:31 state knowingly or not with the deep
@00:05:33 state dogging trump with faux scandals
@00:05:44 dollars that politicians and their deep
@00:05:46 state connections are lining their

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Special Guest RedPill78

@00:24:14 damning to the deep state and extremely
@00:36:35 does the deep state have to blame when
@00:36:52 deep state has been in my opinion

A War For The Boards: Will 8Kun Survive?! :coded:

@00:14:51 purge of the deep state why can't 17

TRUreporting Live Stream With Guests: Nick Noe And Retired Sgt. First Class William Kotel

@00:44:11 you name it this is this is the deep
@00:44:14 state it's the tentacles around it

Another Swamp Creature Dead!! :coded:

@00:09:25 3530 deep state corruption miss maya


@00:15:31 deep state so on and so forth you know

[they] Could Be Attempting Another JFK Tomorrow In Dallas! :coded:

@00:09:53 is in dallas on the 17th the deep state
@00:12:36 satellite deep state satellites that are

This Is A Time For War And POTUS Is The Only One Fighting For Us!

@00:15:32 globalist deep state i don't want to

Have The White Hats Seized Military Satellites?! :coded:

@00:07:09 gentlemen and the deep state just got
@00:07:33 shipping port deep state goons being
@00:07:46 and the nsa against the cia and the deep
@00:07:49 state communists it is full-on war but
@00:11:14 goes towards the deep state it funds
@00:12:46 that are used by the deep state

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM-CALL-IN-SHOW With Special Guest Linda Paris From McAllister TV!!!!

@00:04:24 about some of these deeper deep state
@00:16:32 ass he is trolling the deep state to no
@00:39:51 deep state nest we all know that but i

Military Bases Experimenting On Foster Kids! / PG&E is [DS] / Sacrificial Stone Vandalized

@00:02:11 the deep state and they're truly
@00:03:09 some deep state work right absolutely it
@00:22:32 and just leave this seems like a deep
@00:22:34 state operation to me just to change the

The Timeline Of Events That Show Why [they] Are Melting Down Publicly!!

@00:00:53 events show why the deep state the media
@00:02:31 events show why the deep state the media
@00:05:01 the deep state holdovers all realized
@00:05:10 deep state holdovers were described
@00:05:16 interview with breitbart the deep state
@00:05:39 moment in time the deep state has a
@00:08:11 july 12 2019 the deep state holdovers
@00:08:23 be sympathetic to the deep state

The White Hats Have Played The [DS] Once Again!!

@00:11:54 behind the scenes we are seeing the deep
@00:11:58 state panic the mockingbirds media is
@00:15:17 thinking the deep state msm is thinking
@00:15:53 manipulated the deep state by them

Tiffany Fitzhenry Exposes The Elite: coded

@00:13:34 universities and talking about the deep
@00:13:36 state infiltration of hollywood what on
@00:13:46 it's not i don't sit there and say deep
@00:13:48 state but basically the cia the pentagon
@00:17:57 people make one deep state movie after


@00:20:42 deep state was in control they would
@00:34:33 and they're ca so definitely deep state
@00:39:45 place after these deep state actors step

A Complete Breakdown Of #CrowdStrike :coded:

@00:02:45 explode the heads of the deep state was
@00:03:03 big-time deep state player from all over
@00:05:10 deep state it is nearing the end for
@00:07:33 domination of a deep state we're talking
@00:12:14 even back in 2014 2013 you had deep
@00:12:19 state mockingbirds media like the
@00:22:29 this was basically selling out state
@00:22:37 domination of a deep state the deep
@00:22:40 state entity was going was it really was
@00:23:02 worldwide deep state but at the time of
@00:26:18 the deep state because they were bought
@00:27:06 ukrainian deep state is crowdstrike
@00:27:12 hillary obama the biden's all the deep
@00:27:14 state players there was no hacking there

Joe And Hunter Are Screwed!!! FINANCIAL RESET IMMINENT!! :coded:

@00:18:36 not for the zionists and deep state but


@00:51:55 a deep state operative and field is

Behind The Illusion: George Clooney Part II :coded:

@00:04:52 deep state puppet and exposed how actor

Behind The Illusion: George Clooney :coded:

@00:04:10 well to say nothing of all the deep
@00:04:13 state emails revolving around the oscar
@00:10:40 that the deep state that the ca agents
@00:19:32 into the open arms of the deep state
@00:20:41 who pushed deep state cia agendas that
@00:20:53 deep state actor activist campaign
@00:27:10 to the sea a deep state machine the men
@00:31:19 funded deep state agent who fermented
@00:37:13 bona fide deep state asset clooney has
@00:41:54 with both deep state and deep


@00:19:38 deep state right so it's either the deep
@00:19:40 state it's a sleeper cell in kay ultra

Democrat Donor [ Ed Buck ] The Second Keystone?! :coded:

@00:02:29 the deep state my friends i want to
@00:11:36 party is a deep state mafia that make


@00:10:53 hit on the deep state my god i have not
@00:15:01 push something it's the deep state some
@00:17:13 something the deep state all of these
@00:19:28 oh i found out there's a deep state or

Three Major Headlines Are Flooding The Narrative! What Are they Bracing For!? :coded:

@00:00:59 another deep state faction that is
@00:04:25 implicates that there is still a deep
@00:04:27 state coming from obviously iran trying
@00:04:38 drone attacks on the deep state in iran
@00:04:55 attackers are we know who it is the deep
@00:04:57 state but obviously he cannot say that
@00:06:31 definitely deep state for sure not a fan
@00:07:18 you know but there's still our deep
@00:07:20 state factions out there spread out


@00:22:30 attempts on this man's life and the deep
@00:22:32 state can't get to him
@00:23:56 earth by the deep state but in a way it
@00:24:29 deep state and telling them that he's
@00:26:27 includes his deep state associates over
@00:46:17 deep state has threatened every

TRUreporting Live Call In Show Monday September 9th

@00:10:20 the relationship between the cabal deep
@00:10:22 state and the illuminati can you can

Board Owner Jim Watkins Shows His Support For America And For 17!

@00:12:51 they are the foot soldiers of the deep
@00:12:53 state u.s. immigration and customs

POTUS Calls Us Special People For A Reason But The C_A Doesn't Want Us To Know Why!?

@00:16:48 apparently she enters into a deep trance
@00:16:50 like state and from this place she is

World Banking Internment Camps / Epstein Prison Cell Cameras Broken?? :coded:

@00:07:41 really going after the deep state

Proof That Trump Has Made World Leaders Submit!

@00:11:09 serious deep state hideouts not anymore
@00:15:12 leo resort deep state ground zero near

Can The US Military Legally Seize Control Of Google Twitter And Facebook? :coded:

@00:11:22 they're deep state in world war two

Trump Is Going After [DS] In China!! :coded:

@00:01:23 the new york times the deep state arm
@00:03:24 reading a deep state article is from the
@00:03:30 the deep state because they're part of
@00:03:56 is that there is a deep state in within
@00:04:27 they are working alongside with the deep
@00:04:29 state of china not necessarily the
@00:05:31 deep state they are also the arm of the
@00:05:35 deep state and there are adversaries
@00:06:34 seizing the assets of the deep state the
@00:06:37 deep state is the one that's pulling in
@00:06:54 from the deep state that runs china well
@00:07:33 is the deep state that's what they're
@00:07:56 this is the deep state within china but
@00:08:27 because china deep state of china has
@00:08:48 deep state the worldwide deep state that
@00:09:24 money from the deep state guys that's
@00:10:11 because the deep state is being squeezed
@00:13:00 the chinese deep state presidents relied
@00:13:46 that it's the deep state right and here
@00:16:38 companies bring them home get the deep
@00:16:40 state out of china it's all taking place

The Plot Thickens: Epstein's Will Signed Two Days Before "Death" ??!

@00:07:30 epstein it's it just goes so deep right
@00:07:33 the tentacles of the deep state and this
@00:07:38 extremely deep so why was i talking

Painting Of Bill Clinton Wearing A Dress Surfaces! :coded:

@00:01:14 island as a deep state meltdown
@00:06:51 g island as a deep state meltdown
@00:16:36 would have destroyed the satanic deep
@00:16:38 state forever unlike the russia gate
@00:17:23 people most particularly the deep state

People All Over The World Are Awakening! Not by Coincidence! :coded:

@00:06:21 their own entity they are the deep state
@00:06:23 so the chinese mainstream media deep
@00:06:27 state blue pill that keeps these people
@00:10:20 deep state operation is now being

Normies Are Awakening To Epstein! [they] Are Panicking! TICK TOCK! :coded:

@00:08:59 the deep state implode before our very
@00:13:37 body count this is called deep state

A Lot Of Speculation About Epstein's Suicide! What WIll The Outcome Be?

@00:05:21 inmate or prison staff no doubt the deep
@00:05:23 state wanted one of their biggest

The Hunt: A Movie About Killing Trump Supporters?! :coded:

@00:05:20 robert muller is a deep state black hat

TRUreporting And Redpill78 Discuss The Future Of America :coded:

@00:15:25 this is deep state this i would even
@00:19:57 is going to fix what the deep state is
@00:20:02 only answer is ending this deep state
@00:27:59 sloppier you know the deep state gets

A Subtle Message In Plain Site To The Movement?!

@00:05:17 breaking unbelievable deep state fbi
@00:09:38 guard aka the deep state it was not
@00:10:03 deep state political force behind and

Followers Are A Potential Threat? Should We Be Worried? :coded:

@00:12:03 deep state has hidden it and he's

POTUS Retweets Another Proof?! :coded:

@00:04:05 globalists in quote the deep state
@00:09:58 deep state shadow government it
@00:11:21 the deep state forces against the formal

We Are On The Verge Of Something Huge: Two Amazing Threads

@00:08:56 played the deep state and at the
@00:09:10 deep state with that d class of the fisa
@00:09:17 was playing the deep state the entire
@00:10:57 deep state right it's cat-and-mouse game

Who Taught [them] To Worship These Entities?!

@00:07:59 and every deep state ever are part of

An Update/Status

@00:14:21 deep state it doesn't have to be

China Lake California Earthquake: The Mystery Is Unfolding

@00:14:10 the cia deep state papers that they even

These People Are Monsters :coded:

@00:05:25 liberals a dear deep state you can scrub

What All Transpired Yesterday Was Incredible! :coded:

@00:13:31 for optics me too to make deep state

For Those Of You Who Think Nothing Is Habbening :coded:

@00:05:05 tentacles of the deep state and we will
@00:10:31 significant deep state faction and your
@00:11:04 muller is the deep state cleanup guy he

What We Are Witnessing Is NOT A Natural Occurrence :coded:

@00:09:27 taking place below these cities deep
@00:09:34 probably deep state that is just my
@00:18:46 ammunition of the deep dying state who
@00:32:03 of it guys the deep state in the evil is

A MUST WATCH: An Exclusive Interview With Political Cartoonist Ben Garrison!

@00:00:55 the biggest wrong is your deep state
@00:08:11 about a cabal a deep state because a lot
@00:08:14 of people don't believe in a deep state
@00:08:48 such thing as a deep state it's
@00:08:53 deep state nice okay so i started
@00:09:49 devalued dollar wait the deep state is
@00:41:22 to rig everything all the deep state is

White Hats Return! (Learn Our Comms) :coded:

@00:03:53 getting rid of that deep state nest then

Why Are We Saving Israel For Last? This Is Why!! :coded:

@00:01:22 for last that is the last deep state
@00:03:19 their deep state right an international
@00:09:00 cripple and cripple the deep state
@00:09:11 nests of deep state you better believe

Enjoy The Show :coded:

@00:19:11 protection while deep state makes a

Walk And Talk #4

@00:05:38 of deep state and you know i think that
@00:23:01 well aware of the deep state and what

TRUMP: The Greatest Actor Of All TIme - A Hypothesis

@00:14:29 deep state we shall see back to tesla
@00:22:16 side of the deep state during after
@00:28:00 the first whistle blower on the deep
@00:28:01 state
@00:28:21 yesterday i assure him now hello deep
@00:28:23 state

McAfee Has Taken The Gloves Off! Dead Man Switch Ready To Be Activated!

@00:13:30 soldiers of the deep state which
@00:14:26 is gone because obviously some deep
@00:14:28 state mafia type individuals off these

Lets Catch Up With The News :coded:

@00:21:45 many people from the deep state on

Walk and Talk #2

@00:03:12 for the deep state on friday that's a

This Half Chan Post Got Real

@00:11:59 office you know this is a whole deep
@00:12:01 state international operation and i

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show WITH REDPILL78

@00:05:42 deep state and we're seeing the
@00:12:13 and painful for the deep state would you
@00:17:39 full-blown you know deep state right
@00:34:42 dropping basically the moab on the deep
@00:34:45 state and you know once that takes place

HRC's I.T Tech's House Got Raided Last Night! YUUUGE!!

@00:07:38 could affect and blast the deep state

Why Does Disney Care About Abortion Laws?!

@00:09:09 deep state show tonight on fox news at
@00:09:39 this show the sean hannity deep state
@00:10:27 been occurring and deep state 11:11 we
@00:11:19 this go back here 1111 deep state go
@00:13:30 hillary clinton deep state right that is
@00:13:36 that that is how it's pronounced deep
@00:13:38 state show and english gematria i
@00:16:35 kinds of projects that this is a deep
@00:16:38 state infiltration of society and it
@00:18:00 deep state if so why is he reluctant him

Biden M.I.A During Memorial Day Weekend?! Get Ready For Digital Fakery 2020!

@00:11:25 of defense told abc's news of deep fakes
@00:11:30 required state level resources or
@00:11:36 done at home wow deep fakes got a shout

[they] Are Cornered [they] Are Panicking! A Last Ditch Attempt Could Mean Devastation

@00:00:38 natural entitled deep state
@00:00:52 for the better and the deep state will
@00:01:43 here deep state desperation and ff is
@00:02:10 criminal deep state under which america
@00:02:18 clinton now the deep state finds itself
@00:02:35 history and some of the acts in the deep
@00:02:37 state made
@00:03:41 the deep state is a massive coordinated
@00:04:00 corrupt fbi and deep state traitors meet
@00:05:15 this is the great awakening and the deep
@00:05:19 state will fight back as hard as they
@00:18:05 were obviously deep state to begin
@00:18:43 but if you get those deep state pieces
@00:20:15 that people are going down the deep
@00:20:16 state will be going down
@00:21:02 deep state is dying you're physically
@00:24:05 deep state maybe we are moving forward

The Alliance Has Found It's Operators?!

@00:11:27 time again the deep state is on that q

What Were [they] Planning On Doing At 8Chan Owner's Home?

@00:05:27 deep state is there too so there's a lot

Isaac's Dead Man Switch Video

@00:02:28 week to the deep state expect to see

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:36:07 from the live free from the deep state
@00:49:34 in the deep state and the deep state is
@00:49:57 that won the deep state and obama

Trump Dumps Pence In 2020? / NXIVM Whistle Blower Exposes Clinton's / Daily News

@00:19:17 deep state had been using our military

History Is Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes!

@00:04:16 deep state dirty cops have claimed for
@00:04:24 the dirty cops in the deep state
@00:07:43 deep state coup obama did this
@00:08:48 deep state ku participant james clapper

Neon Revolt: Tracking The Maltese Phantom and Spy Gates Crown Connections!

@00:14:23 reins once the current batch of deep
@00:14:25 state types retire that's led that said
@00:23:09 like us a casualty in an ongoing deep
@00:23:11 state war perhaps but again if this is
@00:23:36 international deep state swamp creatures
@00:24:20 prime minister after mysterious deep
@00:24:22 state professor mifsud was located in
@00:24:52 nawaf with the deep state figures at the
@00:29:09 info from the state department cia fbi
@00:29:12 nsa on joseph mifsud deep state spy and
@00:31:40 these dates according to the state craft
@00:31:45 coup by the deep state is well underway
@00:33:14 with the many deep state players
@00:34:23 the lost time at the hands of the deep
@00:34:25 state and the democrats wouldn't that be

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:55:07 the deep state that's what they are and

Memes / Assange / Abramovich / Censorship

@00:14:28 in to the deep state demands to crucify
@00:15:35 dan coates is a deep state puppet a dear

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:03:56 deep state i think heads will roll i am
@00:17:21 against the deep state targets from zero
@00:42:08 especially when i knew iran was a deep
@00:42:11 state place man i honestly took it

Assange Jailed For 50 WEEKS!! The Walls Are Closing In On The FISA Abusers!

@00:03:41 speaking about the deep state the next

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:17:44 the deep state we were about to be freed

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:16:16 hence his deep state william or so if
@00:16:19 he's deep state why i don't think he was
@00:26:43 the deep state has is false flags
@00:27:08 anymore they can do they can do deep
@00:27:10 state garbage like like a shooting or a

#FreeAssange [Think Optics]

@00:08:33 the hammer coming down on the deep state

Paul_Serran Thread: Global Trafficking SpiderWebs

@00:07:51 enslaved under a you know a ci a deep
@00:07:57 state hub access in china was also
@00:08:36 because the deep state from within is

4-16-19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!

@00:43:56 definitely there you know there's deep
@00:43:58 state plants within all of this i

The Notre Dame Cathedral: A Spiritual Battle "Good vs Evil"

@00:20:52 emmanuel macron and deep state goon to

F.B.I. anon Unleashed!?

@00:16:44 to be a deep state siop it also explains

WE Are Witnessing History Being Made!

@00:07:10 starting monday we will hold every deep
@00:07:12 state official who abuse power
@00:08:02 deep state whispered to the president to


@00:33:36 he'll throw he's throwing deep state

3/20/19 T.R.U.reporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:35:05 captive by the deep state he is not dead
@00:35:28 being held by deep state he is not going
@00:37:05 held behind deep state enemy lines and
@00:38:43 i don't know i don't think the deep
@00:38:45 state would have assassinated him do you
@00:49:01 channel but the deep state looks at and

QFS: The Off World Monetary System That Will Protect Our Assets From The Deep State!

@00:00:27 to not be hacked at all by the deep
@00:00:30 state now this does delve into some
@00:06:32 deep state-controlled bankers
@00:07:04 financial system stops the deep state in
@00:08:56 deep state cabal created ai system we
@00:16:42 their goal of defeating the deep state
@00:17:34 penalty the deep state are in a panic

T.R.U. Reporting 3/12/19

@00:07:59 left and the deep state they tried
@00:15:36 trapped and under this sort of deep
@00:15:38 state suppression you know see darkness


@00:22:10 fighting them people that deep state the

Clones And Body Doubles!

@00:01:37 could be absolutely without the deep
@00:01:40 state holding us back and again nothing
@00:02:29 into the face of the deep state and
@00:13:17 move by the deep state

Why Is Jerome Corsi Enabling The Covering Up Of [Seth Rich] Murder?!

@00:03:24 wacked in my opinion by deep state goons

So What Exactly Is F.E.M.A Going To Do With 2500 Gallons Of Hydrogen Cyanide??

@00:03:39 the picture it says the deep state is in
@00:03:42 big trouble the deep state has sought to
@00:03:50 demonstrate that the party and the deep
@00:03:52 state movement are dead in the water
@00:03:54 absolutely yes the deep state still
@00:06:09 to the control of the deep state and

CPAC: [These People Are Sick]

@00:03:23 believe were 16 now has to have deep
@00:03:26 state panicking so right here says where
@00:04:34 players within the deep state within our
@00:15:34 all designed to take out the deep state
@00:16:47 deep state that would be pretty

"Faux Buddy Fight" : The Real Reason Why A Deal Wasn't Signed In Hanoi Vietnam!

@00:04:45 here recall deep state tried to

T.R.U. Reporting 2/27/19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:30:07 you know and their role in the deep
@00:30:09 state but how you know largely the bush
@00:31:41 um when in regards to the deep state in

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call In Show 2/26/1019

@00:42:42 still linked with the b state because it
@00:42:48 law those deep space are in the pockets

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call-In-Show 02/25/19

@01:17:23 intricate the tentacles of the deep
@01:17:26 state goes so deep and they've already
@01:17:43 i believe that deep state don't home
@01:17:45 real quick the only thing that the deep
@01:17:47 state can do is they can do false flags [@4669.639

Tribunals Are Coming Its Official!

@00:06:53 reportedly not giving a crap deep state

Neon Revolt: Is This The True Face Of #Qanon?

@00:22:05 cue drops around the time of the state
@00:22:10 the deep state not exactly my current

February 24th TRU Reporting Live Call In Show

@00:51:06 these these it's all deep state it's all

An update

@00:09:43 were threatened deep state i was not

[RBG] Seen Alive At Airport?! Latest Q Postings! Whistle Blower Article On CF

@00:06:27 classified information the deep state
@00:12:24 deep state of our government and it is


@00:20:38 war between the deep state spy versus

Inside The (Q-Group) Circa 2013?! Future Proves Past!

@00:07:10 definitely working with the deep state

The Ruth Bader Blackout!

@00:02:58 growing ginsburg saga the deep state
@00:05:45 the deep state associated press moved a


@00:40:58 good jared kushner is deep state why
@00:55:26 to 30 plus people that are deep state

" A New Phase In The Battle ! "

@00:08:59 hear from the deep state is exactly the

2019: The Year Of Bounty For Humanity

@00:08:03 neocon cia deep state rats

February 5th: The State of The Union Address [All Hell Breaks Loose]

@00:06:17 against the deep state rosenstein and

The Plan To Eliminate Both Trump And Pence: [Nancy Pelosi]

@00:02:35 mccrone france deep state cabal the uk
@00:03:24 weird is this a deep state plot to
@00:05:16 deep state coup attempt well before it
@00:05:41 service there is nothing the deep state
@00:06:35 intercepted the pelosi deep state plan
@00:06:44 bait to catch pelosi and her deep state
@00:06:57 pelosi and her deep state
@00:08:25 the very moment the pelosi deep state
@00:08:53 the trap for nancy pelosi and her deep
@00:08:54 state co-conspirators trump was trolling
@00:09:18 the nsa has always been a deep state
@00:09:26 deep state weapons to destroy the deep
@00:09:29 state absolutely and to finish out what
@00:10:09 pelosi deep state attempt cooed coup

More Undeniable Signs That The Global Criminal Cabal Is Going Down!

@00:01:36 clintons and the biden's the deep state
@00:03:51 deep state actors that are still holding
@00:11:12 deep state controlled fiat financial
@00:11:51 the deep state that their interests are
@00:11:59 tortures the deep state players about
@00:12:50 are just trolling the deep state at this

Decoding Trump's Tweets From Last Night! [ Hussien ] 5:5

@00:00:33 deep state and we will get into that
@00:02:13 a message to the deep state and i'm
@00:08:21 the deep state saying that i'm well
@00:08:47 i'm sure either the deep state is trying

What If This Puerto Rico Trip Is For "Tribunals" For 30 Democrats And 109 Lobbyists?!

@00:10:52 deep state cronies right we see here

Live Call In Show! Open Forum! Be Respectful!

@00:18:30 as a democrat they're all deep state i
@00:29:17 sense to me yeah so you think the deep
@00:29:19 state might pull a false flag fine you
@00:38:22 want to try to unveil some big deep
@00:38:25 state i mean if there's a swamp that

Pelosi & Schumer's Video: Pre-Recorded? Green Screen? Clones? "We Are Watching A Movie"

@00:05:56 cabal deep state illuminati existing
@00:22:35 rayar dc swamp deep state why are they
@00:23:58 acting for the deep state why have rod
@00:24:51 rosenstein got calls from the deep state
@00:25:11 people connected to the deep state so
@00:28:43 fulfill the objectives of the deep state

Will We Soon Be In A State Of National Emergency!?

@00:13:53 who run the deep state will be exposed
@00:15:45 agenda of the deep state to homogeneous
@00:16:41 are actually white hats playing the deep
@00:16:44 state in an optics game being an ally
@00:23:00 the deep state wants to control the

"What Makes A Great Movie?" GOOD ACTORS.

@00:04:09 of it remember this the deep state hrc
@00:05:22 looking into these things the deep state
@00:05:54 2017 the dems deep and deep state were
@00:06:39 trump russia collusion the deep state
@00:07:09 one by one he smashed them all the deep
@00:07:13 state cabal had decided the 2016
@00:08:42 a tool of the enemy a deep state puppet
@00:08:53 deep state is a dangerous and powerful
@00:11:27 the deep state that he was on their side
@00:11:55 deep state puppet or an undercover trump
@00:12:04 consider this if muller is a deep state
@00:12:06 puppet also rod rosenstein is a deep
@00:12:09 state puppet if muller is an undercover
@00:12:37 steiner was a very bad guy a deep state
@00:13:48 a deep state puppet since april 2018
@00:16:33 recent activity with the deep state

I Hope This Makes You Feel More Optimistic About 2019 And "The Plan". #WWG1WGA

@00:03:35 deep state not be permitted to be shared
@00:05:02 certain evidence that hurts the deep
@00:05:04 state isn't shared pursued by doj so
@00:18:24 possibly be a deep state operation in

Happy New Year Digital Soldiers! Live Call In Show!

@00:28:01 asked his pens deep state or something
@00:34:10 the deep state yeah i think i mean

What Actually Took Place In The Skies Of NYC?!

@00:03:16 with a deep state we see here this is
@00:04:54 counterproductive to be a deep state
@00:07:45 definite deep state company i monopolies
@00:08:11 we there is a deep state alliance war
@00:12:36 part of the deep state the mainstream
@00:13:08 deep state retaliation to try and knock
@00:14:37 outage was not deep state related
@00:15:15 deep state attack the tweet messages
@00:16:13 to be a deep state attack / using our

Does The Term "Keystone" Refer To A Back-Channel Communication System?

@00:00:30 a major deep state player the keystone
@00:04:14 major exposure of deep state money
@00:04:31 are a major deep state folks they have
@00:06:37 here folks all deep state companies
@00:06:50 deep state corporations if you care to
@00:08:05 the deep state is doing this for a
@00:09:18 control by centurylink aka the deep
@00:09:20 state by our own government officials
@00:09:52 our ability to communicate the deep
@00:09:55 state infected the media which is no

Live Call In Show. Open Forum. Phone Lines Open At 200 Likes

@00:10:28 people of the deep state may be of the
@00:44:21 don't see why the deep state will try
@00:55:43 these deep state players they're

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!!! ReeeeEEEEEEEE!!!!!

@00:28:38 eccentric setter of the cabal the deep
@00:28:40 state etc what if they're gathering them

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!

@00:18:59 it seemed like a deep state point of me

A Break Down Of Kevin Spacey Talking Directly To [Hollywood] Elites, VERY Cryptically!

@00:13:16 proving deep state is real the build-up
@00:17:54 deep state gearing up for another false
@00:20:05 got to be some deep state cabal pedo

A Reboot Of Western Civilization Is Being Planned For 2019! [Financial Reset]

@00:04:43 terminate the deep state and the

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!!

@00:15:36 that obviously the deep state aka barack
@00:16:52 who was funding isis obviously the deep
@00:16:55 state you you you know you get rid of

Deep State Arrests Imminent !

@00:00:16 entitled mass arrest versus deep state
@00:01:29 untenable situation that the deep state
@00:05:50 sitting the deep state global stock
@00:07:37 another deep state stooge for being too
@00:08:46 up the deep state banking system the
@00:10:56 deep state congress in the state
@00:12:13 desperate deep state attack on offworld
@00:14:00 the deep state can have a piece of the

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Phone Lines Open When The Stream Hits 100 Likes

@00:38:22 crap that the deep state that the
@01:14:14 jason says the deep state is too

The Clock Is Ticking. [D] Day, Patriots. We Will Have Our Country Back!

@00:15:29 deep state cronies then we can move to

This Is Real. We All Know It Is. Don't Let [Them] Discredit Us. #WWG1WGA

@00:16:05 deep state when we just see he's like

A Secret War Occurring Since The Death Of George H. W. Bush?!

@00:05:26 to send a message to the deep state as

Live Call In Show 12/8/18 803-399-0044 Phone Line Opens At 100 Likes!!

@00:04:26 attorney journal i'm worried he is deep
@00:04:28 state these people flipped but we still

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044! Phone Line Opens At 100Likes!

@00:03:47 deep state rats are very arrogant i
@00:21:25 the deep state pulls another
@01:11:00 deep state and the the alliance both are

Feds Received Whistle-Blower Evidence Against Clinton Foundation! Body Language At Bush's Funeral

@00:11:52 how that happened i destroy the deep
@00:11:54 state we see mililani and trump and she

"Two Ex-Presidents Will Be Taken & Three WIll Be Shaken" - Mark Taylor

@00:08:57 take in evidence needed to expose deep
@00:09:00 state doj blocking referencing muller
@00:20:45 tribunals for deep state will happen at

An Extensive Interview With Jordan Sather. #AboveMajestic #TheGreatAwakening

@00:08:52 obviously meaning the deep state the
@00:09:09 can call these dips deep state or this
@00:37:04 disclosure psyops like deep state

11/20/18 Live Call In Show 803-399-0044

@00:03:28 crashing down on the deep state right
@00:03:30 deep state is going down town that's

United States Military Have Arrived In Haiti! Lights Out For The Clinton's?

@00:09:28 deep state and clinton foundation in

Helicopters Dropping Fire From Above In California?!? WTF??!? SHARE THIS!!!

@00:00:43 there is no remorse from the deep state


@00:10:30 in by the deep state by left-wing

California Fires Are Quite "Suspicious" To Say The Least!

@00:06:08 deep state is doing and he's telling us

we are back!

@00:01:22 deep state thomas absolutely are you

fires, shootings , and fraud OH MY!!

@00:46:43 going to expose the deep state on their


@00:00:36 saudi arabia and the deep state
@00:06:58 who does that the cartel the deep state
@00:07:11 that is so detrimental to the deep state
@00:07:25 the coffin for the deep state guys that
@00:14:43 these people have motives the deep state

Jim Acosta Should Lose Press Pass!! AND Jeff Sessions RESIGNS!??

@00:06:03 this deep state death machine how it
@00:07:31 optics just to fool the deep state was
@00:08:56 from the deep state i believe that they

Live Election Coverage! #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #KEK #TRUreporting

@00:40:44 players are within the deep state we can

Election Day!!! Lets Take Back Our Country!!!

@00:16:59 the deep state dark cabal bad side of

The Day Before We Officially Take Back Our Country!

@00:17:51 this deep state war press one diane

Read Between The Lines! POTUS Is Speaking Directly To Us!

@00:05:00 and he's talking to the deep state that

PipeBomb: How Do You Introduce Evidence Into An Investigation [Legally]

@00:14:30 collecting all the deep state media
@00:17:21 education you may know them as the deep
@00:17:24 state or cabal liked by many of the

Is The United Nations Responsible For Financing This Massive Migrant Caravan?!?

@00:18:44 outbreak would the deep state would the

Hello Friends 10-20-18

@00:33:27 by a deep state probably negative into

Short And Sweet! 10-18-18

@00:03:29 33,000 emails he go speak in a deep
@00:03:31 state he he it was a keyword deep state
@00:07:11 speaking about deep state he said the
@00:07:13 key word deep state and then he said why

Wiki Leaks To Drop Hillary Clinton BombShell October 21st!!!

@00:04:01 years clinton in deep state and the deep
@00:04:03 state have been hell-bent on drumming up


@00:24:36 it but deep state fell short what do you


@00:07:57 needed to expose deep state doj block
@00:09:01 deep state within the cia fbi nsa
@00:09:18 just so that it keeps the deep state
@00:09:44 so maybe the deep state is supposed to
@00:19:14 inbound deep state scared they should be
@00:29:05 between the trump q team and a deep
@00:29:07 state all resources and efforts are
@00:29:14 kind of hellish things the deep state
@00:29:48 detonation on the deep state and they

Is Hillary Clinton Dying?

@00:11:31 deep state puppet who trump put into the
@00:12:01 etc is all a psyop to root out the deep
@00:12:04 state actors don't give it another
@00:12:35 able to take out a lot of the deep state
@00:13:51 what's coming the deep state the
@00:14:09 i believe that members of the deep state

Taking Back Control For The American People!!

@00:09:48 an ally confusing they have their deep
@00:09:51 state too they are also in the process

15 min chat! GO!! [KAV] 50-48 confirmed

@00:15:28 deep state arrests coming definitely
@00:19:05 they'll sue they'll get their deep state

"Are You Ready To See Arrests"?!

@00:01:28 deep state consists of people working
@00:13:19 satan and in the deep state of

"Are You Ready To Be Apart Of History"?!

@00:08:31 that were given to the deep state so


@00:11:22 the deep state is trying to block that
@00:17:23 but you know i believe that's all deep
@00:17:27 state i really don't believe that there
@00:50:42 i cannot stand him is he deep state has
@00:51:29 turtle chris loudermilk says deep state
@00:54:10 talking about who is definitely deep
@00:54:12 state who is not who was on the fence

The Fall Of The Khazarian Mafia #ProjectBlueBeam #TheGreatAwakening

@00:03:27 deep state furthermore cavanaugh has 53
@00:15:03 above the cabal above this deep state

Good Evening! Lets Stream!

@00:28:22 cory says there is no way deep state

Will Dianne Feinstein Be Apart Of Suicide Weekend?

@00:03:09 dimms and the deep state anyone who's

Christine Ford's Past Will Blow Your Mind!

@00:00:41 deep state agent christine blaze lea
@00:00:42 ford and her family's deep relationship
@00:00:50 cia black budget ops fusion gps deep
@00:00:53 state security ties you know we all know
@00:02:52 we all knew there were deep state ties
@00:02:56 deep state connections within her own
@00:03:02 story this is a true real deep state
@00:03:18 deep state i have posted this for our
@00:06:33 sure they're learned within the deep
@00:06:34 state also in the cia all these
@00:06:48 went public to hide her deep state
@00:10:15 to all deep state officials under
@00:11:01 deep state setup but this is just the
@00:15:06 deep state security his entire cia and
@00:15:10 deep state past spans 40-plus years
@00:15:47 provides armed security for deep state
@00:19:05 was assigned this deep state wetworks
@00:22:20 cia deep state treason attempt for our
@00:23:58 agenda how more deep state can one be i
@00:25:00 is any unelected stable reliable deep
@00:25:03 state criminal agenda going on today
@00:25:34 each of the deep state criminals brennan
@00:25:48 top-tier deep state controller if jess
@00:26:41 not the deep state side of the fbi not

Live Stream

@00:59:02 hhh was scalia part of the deep state i

4Chan Anons SCAM [Michael Avenatti]!! Proving He Is A DeepState Lawyer!!

@00:10:31 investigating the deep state since

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM 9-24-18

@00:21:09 is deep state could be

All Signers Of FISA Document Are Under Grand Jury Investigation!!

@00:04:53 under them and basically to the deep
@00:04:57 state it's gonna feel as though the sky
@00:22:30 but there's a lot of deep state
@00:22:40 on weed out the deep state within their

DECLAS of FISA Will Put An End To The Swamp!

@00:09:29 they're all tied to the deep state
@00:14:59 deep state we're just not going to have

Trump To Take Things Into His Own Hands! #KEK #Qanon #WWG1WGA

@00:22:50 assist humanity mandate the cabal deep
@00:22:54 state is backed up against the wall

"The Fight Is Real, The Time Is Now."

@00:19:16 be-all end-all - i believe the deep
@00:19:20 state he has as you saw in the intro it

MEMES / Hurricane Florence / James O'Keefe / Big Week Ahead / WWG1WGA

@00:01:15 at the hip to the deep state but anyways
@00:10:05 the deep state definitely looks at these
@00:11:18 basically gets these deep state or
@00:11:37 you want to see the faces of the deep
@00:11:39 state tired of the press conspiring with
@00:12:04 conversation about the deep state he has
@00:12:07 multiple deep state high-ranking
@00:12:19 uninstalling the deep state loading

Hurricane Florence Geo-Engineered? To Cover Fisa Declassification?

@00:03:57 the path of the storm or the deep state
@00:04:23 powerless against the deep state that's
@00:05:44 paths with that is this a deep state mmm
@00:08:05 anything else he is a threat to the deep
@00:08:07 state if q wasn't a threat to the deep
@00:08:10 state in the mainstream media then
@00:08:21 is a threat it is real the the deep
@00:08:23 state is never attacked alex jones why

Learn Who To Trust. Attacks Coming From Every Angle! WWG1WGA

@00:03:26 microchip microchip and the deep state
@00:11:26 deep state stories you've read lately
@00:11:50 presented below and now you're on a deep
@00:11:53 state list absolutely patriot commitment
@00:12:33 white hat deep state patriots from the
@00:12:47 personnel referred to as black hat deep
@00:12:51 state this includes politicians
@00:16:51 america's deep state-affiliated
@00:24:50 deep state stories you read lately came

Happy Labor Day!

@00:15:40 nuclear submarine that went missing deep
@00:15:43 state probably so has anyone heard the

A Labor Day Packed With Vital Information!

@00:05:46 panic citizen for the deep state they
@00:10:05 deep state how do you destroy the deep
@00:10:07 state media you make them these destroy
@00:18:11 deep state was there okay a lot of deep
@00:18:14 state was there and a lot of weird hand
@00:31:28 that there's a lot of deep state within

NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH [QAnon: August 31st - September 2nd]

@00:33:32 a threat from the deep state maybe an
@00:36:15 control talking about the deep state
@00:40:47 attack from the deep state going after

Snow White 7 Is Now Offline. Package Complete. Have a Nice Day.

@00:18:01 of the deep state i keep getting five oh

8-28-18 TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:27:19 this it's all they the deep state is

Show This To Your Normie Friends & Family!

@00:09:32 unravelling and backfiring on the deep
@00:09:33 state i believe that also the frame job
@00:10:16 deep state there's government officials
@00:11:57 and the media and the deep state in
@00:12:01 like destroy the deep state destroy the
@00:14:56 like the deep state or media than a
@00:26:36 cuomo is deep state illuminati in a

The Media's FF Setup?! And Hillary's SECOND Server?! By: NEON REVOLT

@00:18:47 deep state is using all sorts of tactics
@00:23:16 online about trump's war on the deep
@00:23:19 state from the washington post
@00:24:32 continue to hide their theft in the deep
@00:24:34 state collusion cb zoës is smarter than
@00:26:16 only choice the deep state knows who i

"What This Qanon Movement Means To Me" Welcome New Comers (better sound)

@00:00:24 deep state a dark side of the american

CA Fires Started On Purpose?! Michael Avenatti Running Scared!?

@00:17:11 deep state is going to go after in the

We Have The Server!

@00:02:57 645 this is how the deep state
@00:03:59 this is how the deep state communicates

HollyWood Is Being Exposed Day In And Day Out! Alot Of Information And Evidence!

@00:06:24 deep state absolutely so we see him

You Wont Believe Whom Peter Strzok’s Family Is!! PLUS More Proof Of JFK Jr!!!

@00:01:54 way of the deep state you never go
@00:02:10 dots folks deep state is deeper than you
@00:27:25 deep state absolutely the federal
@00:27:28 reserve is part of the deep state he

Serial Brain2: Trump's Brilliant Chess Combination In Helsinki

@00:12:26 deep state and i know you knew it right

Thoughts On Trump Putin Press Conference!

@00:02:13 completely trolling the deep state they
@00:02:42 putting a smack down on the deep state
@00:02:50 know i think the deep status is excuse
@00:04:55 they didn't the deep state does not want
@00:05:22 deep state you know it looks good for

SerialBrain2: Trump Has Just Validated Q-Anon!

@00:16:53 to protect the deep state cabal and run

Let’s chat!

@00:22:44 question peekaboo do i think the deep
@00:22:46 state knows who q is that is a very good

This "Missing Server" Will Inevitably Be The Downfall Of Evil In America

@00:01:55 deep state fbi and doj this was only

SerialBrain2: A Reflection, A Mug Holder In AF1, And A Happy Independence Day. Can You Solve??

@00:03:08 singapore summit in the deep state
@00:08:43 reflections and the deep state in
@00:10:03 if the deep state has nuclear weapons
@00:10:12 imagine for a second what the deep state
@00:13:17 deep state is a proof of the
@00:13:40 the complete deep state all they have

Fourth Of July Podcast! Alot Going On!!

@00:04:26 welcome to the deep state future proves
@00:04:36 the deep state was located in new
@00:21:50 deep corruption embedded into the
@00:21:54 a case of deep state operations run amok
@00:21:56 basically elements of the deep state

SB2- Decodes Exactly What Went Down At JFK Airport!!

@00:06:18 result of an attempt from the deep spit
@00:06:20 deep state despite the messages sent to
@00:07:53 cases in the center of all this the deep
@00:07:55 state has made attempts in the past but
@00:08:28 organized by the deep state to deflect
@00:11:46 seven deep state operative in china or
@00:12:10 deep state recap selling fake parts to
@00:12:21 deep state operative allowing the
@00:13:10 the deep state so do you see the picture
@00:13:18 used by the deep state for leverage the
@00:13:22 armada in the hands of the deep state
@00:14:30 the deep state leverage that against a
@00:17:14 wow now you if you are the deep state
@00:17:44 the deep state tried its luck hoping it
@00:18:00 attempt the deep state is now learning
@00:18:10 network what do you think the deep state
@00:18:34 there by the deep state just to bring

Feeling Proud To Be In This Movement

@00:10:56 something but it's trey gaudi deep state
@00:16:08 the deep state your dad got murdered by
@00:16:11 the deep state julian assange coming
@00:17:38 the deep state is so deep we have more
@00:17:59 when i will talk about the deep state

"Fist Pumps And False Flags" By: NEON REVOLT

@00:24:43 gladdest clandestine deep state
@00:25:32 when the deep state would have loved for
@00:25:43 be clear this is some very advanced deep


@00:03:52 what's up east tennessee so um deep
@00:04:01 state plans hawaii must watch yes

"When I Was 18 People Called Me..." By NEON REVOLT

@00:09:34 message give president more deep state

George Soros Detained?! / Latest Q-Anon / Can We Trust Horowitz?

@00:07:44 now can go after the deep state without
@00:08:39 anywhere in any deep red state away from
@00:21:32 there is a deep state rogue organization
@00:21:56 of which you may not be aware so deep
@00:21:59 state could sit out the aftermath and
@00:22:09 under control the deep state outside of
@00:23:56 within that that is the deep state the
@00:24:00 real deep state so if you want to check

President Trump Shows Who Is Alpha At G7 / Anthony Bourdain-Kate Spade / George Soros

@00:20:12 the deep state hub that was once there's

The Real Meaning Of The Summit Meeting?! / MEMES

@00:14:01 typical deep state move they know trump
@00:14:24 knows your deep state friends have
@00:17:42 of the deep state in north korea and the
@00:18:51 their control over the deep state to

#WhereAreTheChildren / MEDIA BLACKOUT!!! / SHARE THIS!!!

@00:33:29 to be working for a criminal deep state

#WhereAreTheChildren / SerialBrain2 / MEMES

@00:22:14 to the deep state did you detect in the
@00:24:08 is doing here hey deep state this is
@00:28:37 north korea is a hostage of the deep
@00:28:39 state the model is simple controlling a
@00:29:40 the president z to defeat the deep state
@00:29:45 deep state is now trying to derail the
@00:30:16 the deep state iran deal and why trump
@00:30:44 here trump is talking to obama in a deep
@00:30:48 state the military tried to destroy it

Harvey Weinstein Arrested / Anon Decoding / Summit Meeting, Theatrical? / MEMES

@00:01:07 with maybe perhaps the deep state or you
@00:16:57 the deep state and among never trump
@00:22:06 criminal deep state they go after phony

"Corinthia, Serco, And The Red Switch" By: NEON REVOLT

@00:07:39 the corinthian hotel chain as a deep
@00:07:41 state operation the corinthian london
@00:09:55 our correspondent says carinthia deep
@00:09:57 state hotel wine anonymous says oh yeah
@00:11:29 between hollywood and the deep state

Latest Q Drops / Bill Gates Gets Trolled?! / Iran / Five Eyes

@00:03:23 rdc swamp deep state why are they
@00:03:39 that are saying if they are deep state
@00:03:41 or they are deep state right that's what
@00:03:44 people are saying that they are deep
@00:03:45 state if you look into american
@00:04:01 if they are deep state why are they
@00:05:18 i think because they don't want the deep
@00:05:21 state to retaliate in such a manner that
@00:15:00 powerhouse huge deep state hub a lot of
@00:22:15 you're all deep state garbage and if

Today We Are Cancelling The Apocalypse :BY NEON REVOLT

@00:00:41 conspiracy he covers the deep state he
@00:09:41 selling uranium to the russian deep
@00:09:43 state actors is putin cabal scum on
@00:19:44 against both iran in the deep state

Does James Comey Answer To A Satanic Cult Leader?! YOU BET!

@00:09:53 about the deep state i'm just going to
@00:09:56 read the quotes there's no deep state
@00:09:58 but there is a deep culture this is very
@00:10:29 have swallowed and digested the deep
@00:10:31 state do you see it look image 1a a
@00:16:12 dipping in very deep into the deep state

Are We Eating Human Flesh? / The Plot To Force WW3 Explained! / No Name Is Dying

@00:00:25 which way is he leans is he deep state
@00:00:31 if faction of the deep state we don't

Latest Q-Postings / #EAGERLION18 / Netanyahu / Trump Nobel Peace Prize

@00:17:13 puppeted by the deep state in my own
@00:18:48 government or deep state to attack

Q-Anon Calls Out Jerome Corsi / "Be Careful Who You Are Following"

@00:08:34 maybe satanic pedophile deep state

Q-Anon Postings / George Soros / Edward Snowden / EPIC

@00:19:45 done by the deep state oh and i know
@00:23:16 revealing text and i suspect more deep
@00:23:20 state torch at logs with it brennan

I Go INDEPTH Into Today's Q-Anons (MK-Ultra Postings) "Incredible".

@00:41:45 the deep state they know everything
@00:42:32 communist cia a deep state goon who

NSA Attack Today/ Florida Flase Flag? / Q Anon Links to get you up to date!

@00:12:13 illuminati whistleblower cia deep state

Deepstate brings down Russian Plane?! / Latest Q-postings / Bangkok arrest!

@00:08:17 a deep state hit thoughts yeah and the

I discuss a Minneapolis Dirty Bomb?! Building the Gallows for traitors!

@00:04:00 desperate they're the deep state is
@00:19:02 desperation the deep state is grasping

Trump in Nuclear Bunker? Adam Schiff = pedophile? Releasing of memo! Imminent false flags?!

@00:15:42 game and the dems the deep state are out
@00:23:39 definitely had a drone the deep state or
@00:25:43 memo dropping who knows what the deep
@00:25:44 state would be willing to do they'd

Trump dropping hints at State of the Union! Executive order keeping GITMO opened!? #releasethememo

@00:02:45 basically the foot soldiers for the deep
@00:02:47 state they're the ones who were doing

SuperBowl False Flag?!! / Q-posts!

@00:20:19 deep state by quarterbacking stuff
@00:20:21 against the president deep state had
@00:20:30 his group deep state has been corrupting

01-01-18 Calm Before The Storm, Indictments!

@00:02:47 against members of the deep state so