
1917 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.6.20

@00:16:58 necessary potus twitter attack see above

AID - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.20

@00:02:02 if you've been following me on twitter
@00:24:01 out if you're on twitter and you see
@00:34:37 you on twitter please go check out her
@00:34:42 diggs on twitter at c-o-r-e-y-s

Carolina Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.25.20

@00:33:45 twitter status from the potus who said
@00:35:16 below they're also pinned to my twitter

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.20

@00:11:32 on my twitter but this original video
@00:13:55 on twitter right now i don't think i

CloudCracker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.15.20

@00:03:43 six five eight facebook and twitter is
@00:06:08 and i will post this on twitter and i'm
@00:06:18 so if you're following me on twitter at
@00:31:39 or you can see them pinned to my twitter
@00:31:53 on twitter much appreciated

Cardinal Sins III - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.11.20

@00:15:54 who received a ton of flak on twitter
@00:16:01 can't say i blame her it's twitter
@00:19:48 twitter of

Plastic - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.27.20

@00:13:16 twitter
@00:21:49 can always check me out on twitter and
@00:21:55 please do not dm me on twitter as i do

Column V - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.20

@00:26:51 twitter a fifth column

BaltiMore -In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.17.20

@00:32:00 me on twitter i do not respond
@00:32:03 twitter and parlor and gab
@00:32:09 and it's pinned to my twitter or you can

1 Iota - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.20

@00:09:06 strike on twitter brian cates
@00:11:34 twitter so this was
@00:12:28 information on twitter with her
@00:33:44 my twitter please join me on one of

Sure Shot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.20

@00:23:55 and like twitter how they restrict their

MailBag - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.3.20

@00:01:36 over here on twitter now right now you
@00:02:54 twitter that's right
@00:31:03 also got it pinned to my twitter if you
@00:31:11 do not dm me on twitter i do not respond

When the Levee Breaks - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.20

@00:02:23 twitter
@00:11:05 the huntsman on twitter
@00:18:51 twitter i'm constantly saying to
@00:34:24 not dm me on twitter as i do not answer
@00:34:33 twitter feed there you go that's all

A Quick Burn - RedPill - IPOT Presents - 7.26.20

@00:03:58 are you tired of creating clever twitter

Major Issues - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.20.20

@00:02:43 and the link takes us to the twitter of
@00:10:26 days on twitter on who that might be
@00:29:20 this video that i posted on twitter just
@00:38:42 my twitter please no dms if you have

Spade and Neutered - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.11.20

@00:34:33 gap same as mari twitter and i'm gonna

Faith In Humanity - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.3.20

@00:07:47 pointed this out on twitter last night
@00:11:52 a panic already on the twitter sphere
@00:16:49 4580 took you to the twitter link of

A Quick Burn - Responsibility

@00:01:26 all this back and forth on twitter cut

STRQNG - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.1.20

@00:03:39 media sphere and now we get a twitter
@00:04:51 angelo on twitter who says the
@00:07:30 51 minutes at the br one the twitter
@00:12:16 twitter just yesterday after the video
@00:12:19 this group on the move on twitter and
@00:12:47 made crowley on twitter who took a
@00:12:49 screenshot of this because their twitter
@00:14:16 out at twitter at sean corticon we knew
@00:14:49 you're on twitter don't say hey patrick
@00:15:02 minutes out to view or three the twitter
@00:16:19 twitter status to garna mejia q says
@00:16:51 twitter status is to drop students or
@00:16:56 twitter twitter doesn't like this video
@00:17:18 the twitter status is to yasser ali who
@00:18:09 after the hour of 7:00 the twitter

Move On - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.31.20

@00:08:42 just picked it off of twitter here but
@00:14:45 of the hour we'll want the twitter
@00:23:17 to defend very nars and the twitter
@00:25:23 there now this is the twitter status

Escape - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.30.20

@00:03:02 with facebook and twitter facebook has
@00:03:10 potus was going after twitter who had
@00:03:17 minutes ago from sarah carter twitter
@00:03:22 of order twitter flagged and hit a tweet
@00:04:46 talking about it on twitter if you
@00:04:52 president tweeting again and twitter
@00:05:10 some twitter users suggested twitter ceo
@00:05:24 this reporter that twitter conducts
@00:06:36 it looks like twitter and facebook have
@00:07:46 is now not me not me here's a twitter
@00:15:30 talked to you guys about it on twitter
@00:16:05 on twitter and a lot of law enforcement
@00:19:39 think drove off twitter but this gets
@00:25:17 after the hour three we get it twitter
@00:26:10 twitter status takes us to catherine

Not the News - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.28.20

@00:05:04 twitter status to nancy-pants
@00:13:12 twitter who was kind of fact-checking
@00:13:25 on twitter saying hey that's what you
@00:13:40 fought with half of twitter yesterday
@00:25:52 fact-checking your little twitter

RAW - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.27.20

@00:01:18 get a twitter status to sissy q at one
@00:01:20 big sister on the twitter
@00:08:11 hour of 9 we get a twitter status to
@00:08:13 lila rose at lila grace rose on twitter
@00:14:16 on twitter trying to get jack dorsey to
@00:14:24 to twitter asking to delete trump's
@00:24:43 dm me on twitter my pol box is down

Shadow Diplomacy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.26.20

@00:23:28 twitter status to q and on 20/20
@00:24:06 6:00 we get a twitter status to prager
@00:26:38 hour of six the twitter status is to
@00:30:56 himself particularly on twitter i know

Spies Like Us - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.20

@00:13:14 lifelong twitter etc well this is where
@00:13:27 of google facebook life log twitter etc
@00:28:47 the link google youtube facebook twitter
@00:36:19 twitter status is to my ag mom who says

Mask On/Mask Off - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.21.20

@00:01:24 phone here on the twitter and here is
@00:01:35 to join twitter to show my love and
@00:02:15 the twitter status is actually right
@00:02:34 twitter and gab your time stamp is
@00:06:53 neither do i this is a twitter status to
@00:22:29 much but i do the twitter status is to
@00:23:13 trump off of twitter now for what what
@00:23:25 twitter now for what though you need to
@00:23:36 trump off of twitter i know i'm trying
@00:30:59 my twitter my pa box is down below if

ROOKie Move - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.20.20

@00:30:20 twitter status is to cbs catherine
@00:32:25 be our up to the twitter status is to
@00:38:27 twitter it's also linked and pinned to
@00:38:28 my twitter so you can check it out there

DEEPer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.19.20

@00:05:12 adds on this twitter link to cbs's
@00:07:53 king would be obama and this twitter
@00:25:28 on the twitter and my pa boxes down

deleted Master Blaster - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.16.20

@00:01:31 attend we get a twitter status to one of
@00:08:46 out to the hour of 11:00 the twitter
@00:17:01 right here and the twitter statuses to
@00:20:41 hour of to the twitter status is to the
@00:22:37 twitter status is to governor phil

Where's the 302? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.15.20

@00:00:43 hour of 10 the twitter status is to star
@00:00:46 does not your mom's opinion on twitter
@00:05:35 unqualified twitter troll like rick
@00:06:45 hour at 10:00 the twitter status is to
@00:12:36 the twitter status is to patty angel
@00:13:32 this twitter status to jason miller who
@00:13:47 and then you see the twitter statuses
@00:17:39 twitter status is to lou dobbs buckle

Illuminator - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.20

@00:01:11 here the twitter status is to blue sky
@00:07:23 proof right there the twitter status is
@00:08:53 going to go into details on twitter but
@00:22:54 the twitter status is to marshall
@00:23:04 twitter make it viral the article is
@00:23:55 from your facebook and twitter that's up
@00:24:46 please do not dm me on twitter thank you

D-Rox - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.13.20

@00:01:16 seks on twitter en gap respectively
@00:12:13 en u weet de twitter linkedin youtube
@00:14:07 de sterren stuwt shadow fall on twitter

Middle of the Movie - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.12.20

@00:01:47 twitter and gab why do you call him
@00:13:38 that was going along around twitter for
@00:13:48 it's done really well now twitter i do
@00:14:10 on facebook and twitter
@00:17:10 is a link to abc on twitter just in
@00:22:22 insane on twitter breaking acting
@00:33:41 twitter and i have my links pin to the
@00:33:44 top of my twitter page my email is down
@00:33:48 please do not dm me on twitter my p o

7th Floor - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.9.20

@00:01:44 awakening and the twitter status takes
@00:10:07 twitter a couple years ago president
@00:12:42 anyway the twitter status is to me i
@00:14:55 twitter i think we're at 190 195 on
@00:15:38 twitter status is to john murderer
@00:26:16 twitter that was all a public narrative
@00:34:45 arra to the twitter status takes you to
@00:36:37 twitter status is to laura ingraham who
@00:38:44 down either on twitter or i'll post them
@00:39:30 of twitter profiles and a lot of other

What Matters Now - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.20

@00:00:53 twitter status to del big tree what
@00:04:15 the twitter status to a non 66 congrats
@00:07:59 twelve the twitter status is to on ready
@00:09:13 twitter status goes to u.s. patriot
@00:10:48 patriot twitter accounts serves to
@00:11:45 twitter status takes you to the ap
@00:16:42 falling apart right the twitter status
@00:18:07 the hour six the twitter status is to
@00:21:35 twitter status is to shannon breen who

Black Sky - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.6.20

@00:09:08 same thing with twitter if i go down on
@00:09:10 twitter you can just look for my snark
@00:09:14 same way i treated twitter i don't
@00:11:20 a twitter status to queue on army
@00:18:00 twitter status to laura ingraham more
@00:23:18 them pinned on my twitter if you want to
@00:23:24 please do not dm me on twitter i don't

Farm Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.5.20

@00:23:04 the hour of 1 we get a twitter status 2
@00:28:17 on facebook or twitter or whatever it is
@00:30:23 on twitter i posted this story about
@00:30:51 exactly what happened on twitter a lot
@00:31:26 darpa facebook twitter google pretty
@00:35:56 on twitter please email me my email is

Know Your Rights In Pursuit of Truth Presents 5 4 20

@00:03:50 11:00 we get a twitter status oddly
@00:10:13 get a twitter status to garrett
@00:10:15 zimmerman on twitter who links this
@00:16:10 the hour at 12:00 we get a twitter
@00:28:44 get a twitter status - the disruptive
@00:29:06 why would twitter block people who
@00:30:04 twitter status is to mike pompeo be sure
@00:33:48 a twitter status - daily caller
@00:35:37 tech review link on twitter and ki says
@00:37:46 oh it's 1492 we get a twitter status -

Let's Do This - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.3.20

@00:01:48 we get a twitter status to john roberts
@00:06:21 vol 1 we get a twitter status to q
@00:06:30 peace i joined twitter specifically to
@00:06:44 welcome to twitter and congrats on
@00:06:54 have to be our one the twitter status is
@00:11:45 twitter status to gongfu underscore god
@00:12:02 get a twitter status to jackie lope we
@00:12:10 twitter the sensor er oscar fallen order
@00:12:43 twitter status to raw q boz one says we
@00:13:25 twitter status to dre who's not here to
@00:13:44 our 1 we get a twitter status to rocks
@00:14:48 40 55 2 o'clock we get a twitter status
@00:15:13 twitter status - chris chris from where
@00:15:38 two-hour twitter status is to michael
@00:16:29 out to be our to our twitter status is
@00:17:41 the twitter status is to lauren who says
@00:18:44 two we get a twitter status two united
@00:19:59 we get a twitter status - dan meyer and
@00:21:20 hour or two we get a twitter status -
@00:23:35 least twitter status is - yeah never in
@00:24:05 twitter status was to great awakening ee
@00:24:21 video and get back to surfing on twitter
@00:24:32 great awakening ii on twitter and
@00:25:02 to the twitter status is to human and i
@00:25:34 minutes after the hour of to the twitter
@00:26:28 on my twitter you've got moxie you got
@00:26:42 to be our a to the twitter status is too
@00:27:15 twitter status is tulio redfish not to
@00:32:17 twitter later but there you go moving on
@00:32:22 the twitter status is to bill mitchell
@00:37:03 to that scam right the twitter lake

Law Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.1.20

@00:02:32 after the hour - we get a twitter status
@00:14:06 ceos of google and youtube and twitter
@00:14:43 google youtube twitter step up their
@00:14:54 google youtube and twitter to urge them
@00:15:19 to google youtube and twitter which we
@00:17:20 twitter status - tim tim runs his mouth
@00:18:46 twitter the all in host welcome new york
@00:19:26 twitter dms right yeah no go anyway
@00:20:08 after vol 5 we'll get a twitter status
@00:23:46 a twitter status to rana mcdaniel rana
@00:26:27 this twitter link here to breaking
@00:29:01 get this twitter status to james
@00:29:38 this guy when we get a twitter status to
@00:32:52 out to our nine it is eigh twitter
@00:36:47 stay exposed on twitter with the steps i

Chal-lenge - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.30.20

@00:16:02 there on twitter like i promised i said
@00:16:21 me over there on twitter those are your

Falling Down In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 29 20

@00:21:44 twitter below my video when i post it so
@00:22:14 on twitter and wherever i can for you
@00:24:39 going on on twitter but the point is is
@00:29:44 link this time to the twitter support
@00:33:05 then he ran off like twitter lake takes
@00:40:23 twitter status to the potus himself who

Revered - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.27.20

@00:01:23 four we get a twitter status and it
@00:02:02 to change his twitter banner and here
@00:21:14 do not dm me on twitter i don't answer

God and Country - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.18.20

@00:00:29 after the hour 11 we get a twitter
@00:09:25 from twitter and his situation is a
@00:17:53 we get a twitter status q says together
@00:18:03 the twitter link takes you to the status
@00:26:19 9 we get a twitter status 2lt freedom

Heal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.17.20

@00:06:33 12:00 we get a twitter status to deep
@00:08:22 get a twitter status to jack and you
@00:08:24 know jack is the head of the twitter
@00:09:23 yourself for what's coming at twitter
@00:09:31 there twitter being a little hard on the
@00:10:02 with the support of mr. musk the twitter
@00:10:17 worth of stock in twitter and has
@00:10:25 used to oust mr. dorsey from twitter
@00:10:34 elliot's move by pushing twitter shares
@00:10:45 number of well-known problems at twitter
@00:11:03 twitter and has already put it in the
@00:11:11 mean for our free speech on twitter it
@00:11:45 trolling on the platform as twitter has
@00:13:06 funky stuff and twitter has long been a

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Connecting A Crisis - (Re-Upload) 6.10.18

@00:19:42 afraid of guidance this twitter and this

By Any Means - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.15.20

@00:02:50 10 we get a twitter status to our friend
@00:04:11 twitter status and q simply says
@00:04:14 hydroxychloroquine plus and the twitter
@00:20:24 twitter status to tom fenton state
@00:28:33 after the hour of 6:00 we get a twitter
@00:28:42 twitter status takes you to ted rose ad
@00:33:06 please do not dm me on twitter i don't

DECALS - IPOT PResents - 4.11.20

@00:00:48 a twitter post from abdullah genre far
@00:06:19 have a twitter status and cue wishes us
@00:06:29 twitter link takes you to zeus no
@00:08:49 twitter status - secret agent man no i
@00:11:39 here is the twitter status - tecno fog
@00:14:21 a twitter status to gregor's says

At the Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.10.20

@00:01:06 the eighty-five thousand now on twitter
@00:09:46 twitter status to a good patriot over
@00:14:55 or two we get this twitter status -
@00:15:18 not on twitter malik obama is a big-time
@00:15:59 twitter that i thought was very very
@00:17:26 two we get a twitter status from back in
@00:19:38 we talked about the other day on twitter
@00:20:35 us trolls on twitter need to point these
@00:21:17 get a twitter status and q says we are

Six Plus - (Edit) - IPOT Presents - 4.9.20

@00:05:29 donald trump's twitter republicans
@00:16:24 the hour of 11:00 we get a twitter
@00:21:09 3:00 we get a twitter status 2m2 madness
@00:25:06 get a twitter status q says did you
@00:25:12 graphic the first one is a twitter
@00:27:17 we reached 85,000 on twitter so thanks
@00:27:27 don't dm me on twitter i take all that

Structure - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.28.20

@00:00:48 we get a twitter status to iron belly on
@00:00:51 twitter not to be mistaken for lead

Infiltration - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.27.20

@00:00:51 the hour of eleven we get a twitter
@00:00:55 over there on twitter who's a really
@00:00:59 on twitter if you are on twitter please
@00:07:05 spoke up on twitter he's looking a
@00:07:08 unsure how to use twitter now no you're
@00:11:38 out there on twitter that everybody
@00:17:27 please do not dm me on twitter please oh

The Bite Pt.1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.20

@00:17:10 room and agile in twitter en de kroon de

The Key - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.24.20

@00:04:32 you followed me on twitter for quite
@00:05:33 twitter who shows you right here you can
@00:17:31 twitter of senator tom cotton who makes
@00:20:49 twitter status to representative andy
@00:29:45 not please do not dm me on twitter i

Up2Snuff - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.17.20

@00:19:45 lot of people commenting on twitter
@00:20:55 check her out on twitter but i found
@00:22:52 very strange twitter handled by the name
@00:25:38 this big thanks to whoever on twitter
@00:27:24 thread from brandy turpin on twitter at

Lend Me Your Ear - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.15.20

@00:01:25 these videos comments on twitter emails
@00:10:30 on the twitter universe we're seeing a
@00:19:09 course this is the banner of the twitter
@00:27:38 the white house photos twitter account
@00:27:44 twitter account there are always
@00:35:53 email as i do not dm on twitter or any

Hanx - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.9.20

@00:21:52 i posted this the other day on twitter
@00:21:53 this was a post from tom hanks's twitter
@00:23:27 ashcraft on twitter some pretty

Sick! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.20

@00:13:22 posted this on twitter this was an older
@00:16:32 video on twitter regarding this
@00:27:31 rogdon twitter was one step ahead of me

DRK2LYT II In Pursuit of Truth Presents 2 28 20

@00:36:14 2018 this was a twitter user that was

DRK2LYT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.26.20

@00:22:09 of 11:00 we get a twitter status to
@00:22:14 twitter all-star and he says it's going
@00:22:28 we were talking about this on twitter
@00:24:57 been following me on twitter you've

Into the DEEP In Pursuit of Truth Presents 2 25 20

@00:15:09 yesterday on twitter and it was
@00:25:26 twitter status here takes you to nate

Rats! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.21.20

@00:06:00 did on twitter and i don't want to take
@00:09:32 twitter status which we'll cover in a
@00:09:45 twitter status in a second but ki was
@00:11:01 pointed this out on twitter the other
@00:12:20 to the twitter status and that takes you
@00:12:22 to oliver willis on twitter german mass
@00:16:21 a twitter status
@00:16:25 brog the frog which is a dope twitter
@00:19:59 primary purpose of referencing twitter
@00:20:49 right here on twitter or right here on
@00:23:26 twitter thank you very much my p.o box

Model Citizen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.20

@00:00:47 after the hour of 12 we get a twitter
@00:05:59 beneath here and we had a twitter status
@00:06:47 or gets old but the twitter link takes
@00:17:49 this story it's a running twitter joke
@00:17:53 for anybody who follows me on twitter

Ask the Q - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.20

@00:08:53 that twitter is holding out president
@00:09:15 like facebook youtube and twitter are
@00:09:24 facebook and twitter say they're making

To Be Blunt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.20

@00:01:08 the first one is to the twitter status
@00:01:22 car lucca p on twitter
@00:12:33 to a twitter link to ryan saavedra and
@00:16:22 off we get this twitter status right
@00:23:28 twitter all that stuff is linked down
@00:23:29 below i'm over there at twitter at ipo t
@00:23:42 on twitter or social media just email me

Slam Dunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.20

@00:09:57 get a twitter status to andre juncker on
@00:09:59 twitter who as you can see has me
@00:15:23 just said right here this is a twitter
@00:16:27 a twitter status to danny bag of
@00:19:46 get a twitter status to the axiom report
@00:19:48 and their twitter status says from
@00:22:17 after the hour of 10:00 we get a twitter
@00:23:12 on a twitter spree highlighting that

Seventeen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.20

@00:01:08 ok and the twitter link takes you to
@00:05:07 this with me today on twitter edwards
@00:15:04 below my gap my bitch shoot my twitter

Renegade Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.13.20

@00:23:00 pointed out on twitter this could be the
@00:35:36 twitter status to abc quote-unquote news

Just This Justice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.11.20

@00:05:20 twitter this was my next post and i was
@00:05:24 referencing greg roubini on twitter who
@00:08:18 now we get a twitter status here to kyle
@00:23:38 twitter you guys probably saw it it's up
@00:28:05 twitter at ipo t 1776 all those are
@00:28:15 dme on twitter please email me that is

Moving Forward - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.8.20

@00:05:01 over there on twitter and of course it
@00:05:25 specific but anyway we get this twitter
@00:07:20 swamp and then we get this twitter
@00:07:25 twitter who says listen carefully and i
@00:28:10 please do not dm me on twitter but all

Silent War - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.7.20

@00:19:24 race which sometimes i do on twitter it
@00:20:32 twitter status q says it's time to wake

In God We Trust - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.6.20

@00:01:16 one we get a twitter status to the
@00:02:51 youtube i posted it on twitter and of
@00:05:11 appears to come from the twitter status
@00:06:36 twitter link to dance give me no status
@00:10:37 from an anon twitter status - in miles
@00:10:42 twitter by the way and there it is the
@00:18:22 twitter the democrats heard about the
@00:21:38 may have just deleted his twitter i may
@00:21:47 twitter linked to senator bill cassidy
@00:31:35 my gap my bitch chute my twitter and all
@00:31:50 dbm me on twitter please email me that's

Freedom Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.1.20

@00:02:15 hour of 12 we get a twitter status to
@00:07:59 get a twitter status to mark knoller who
@00:11:21 after the hour of 12 we get a twitter
@00:24:28 at i pop 1776 same as my twitter ipo t
@00:24:41 email me please do not dm me on twitter

Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.31.20

@00:01:05 12 we get a twitter status - carly star
@00:01:11 carlo's p on twitter this is used to be
@00:23:38 to a twitter status of rand paul who
@00:34:05 roubini on twitter and of course i'll

Yet To Come - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.20

@00:03:13 twitter link and q says importance well
@00:03:18 takes you to the twitter
@00:19:42 hour of 3:00 we get another twitter link
@00:19:43 to enoch on twitter at elam nichols
@00:20:48 twitter it was quite a twitter all-star
@00:21:20 from question everything on twitter who
@00:22:03 get it another twitter link you says
@00:22:13 enoch on twitter misspellings are
@00:24:12 9 we get yet another twitter status and
@00:25:50 over there at twitter at ipo t 1776
@00:25:59 please do not dm me on twitter or social

KEKXit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.24.20

@00:01:58 11:00 we get a twitter status and q says
@00:28:57 we get a twitter status right here - at
@00:31:31 we get a twitter status and q says worth
@00:36:50 at twitter at ipo t 1776 where i do
@00:37:05 me on twitter or on social media i do

Leverage - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.22.20

@00:15:24 see this from mark knoller on twitter
@00:20:15 did over on twitter last night and this

Ordnary - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.20.20

@00:37:48 would naturally shared it on twitter
@00:40:06 twitter and my bright aeon are also down

Sweet Virginia - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.18.20

@00:04:53 to say about it on twitter yeah let's
@00:06:12 twitter we said the hell is this just
@00:20:03 twitter and in a statement to fox news
@00:23:05 yon and gab and twitter and it's all

Pit Bullish - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.16.20

@00:24:44 space at ipo t 1776 same as twitter ipo

Tigers vs Tigers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.20

@00:19:45 and as you can see by my twitter post
@00:25:48 twitter at ipo t 1776 ipo t 1776 my

Strictly Coincidental - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.8.20.mp4

@00:19:03 on twitter a type e ot 1776 that's ip ot
@00:19:13 on twitter give me a follow over here
@00:19:26 not dm me on twitter please email me

Detroit Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.20

@00:00:52 on twitter yesterday and speaking of
@00:00:54 twitter yours truly is back on twitter
@00:07:57 on twitter that kind of said i was

Vase2Vase - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.4.20

@00:17:52 right now all over twitter all over
@00:23:44 bunch of shares twitter coming soon
@00:23:54 important twitter jack dorsey but don't
@00:24:07 some of their money out of twitter and

MailBag - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.2.20

@00:04:03 start when i get back on twitter and gab
@00:24:20 favorite of mine on twitter both of

Feddlin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.30.19

@00:02:13 the hour at 12 we get a couple twitter
@00:02:19 phillip hall on twitter congrats on
@00:07:25 and twitter and big text manipulation
@00:08:29 for my first-ever twitter storm and as
@00:09:56 12 we get a twitter status to monkey on
@00:10:01 twitter and an on monkey man 1 meaning
@00:33:27 twitter it's even happening with the
@00:33:40 regards to my twitter suspension it
@00:34:00 hopefully be back on twitter very soon

DEEP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.19

@00:00:53 get a twitter status to todd with trump
@00:00:56 at tea heinrich 22 on twitter who says
@00:06:15 12 we're gonna have a twitter status q
@00:06:20 greatest fear and the twitter status
@00:06:25 on twitter who says cnn's brian stelter
@00:06:46 indirectly linking him on twitter for
@00:13:37 that out and then we get these twitter
@00:25:50 up on twitter from everybody maybe a
@00:32:01 there am five and then we get a twitter
@00:32:04 link and the twitter link takes you to
@00:33:56 on twitter but thanks for all the offers
@00:33:58 to help me get on twitter i can get on
@00:33:59 twitter i just want my own account cuz
@00:34:12 me please do not dm me on twitter

Book Em' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.28.19

@00:01:16 2019 this was a twitter status where
@00:03:07 twitter so i've had to kind of ninja
@00:03:15 twitter for blocking
@00:04:53 er v will get another twitter status to
@00:19:20 especially getting on twitter where a
@00:19:25 on there on twitter that i can't get
@00:20:14 a twitter status to the potus status and
@00:20:21 get on twitter but here is the
@00:20:38 of course this was also on twitter so a
@00:21:59 on twitter with the caption what's
@00:23:40 when q is constantly linking to twitter
@00:23:42 and it can't get on twitter but i'm
@00:24:17 twitter i also want to remind you that

Borderline - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.24.19

@00:23:02 we'll get a twitter status to methods
@00:23:27 there on twitter it really made and the
@00:23:39 listeners and twitter followers because
@00:24:46 we get a twitter status to chuck woolery

2 Articles - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.23.19

@00:00:48 nine we get a twitter status two woke
@00:05:01 what now we get a twitter status - the
@00:05:45 verified twitter knucklehead he's busy
@00:16:57 7:00 we get a twitter status to methods
@00:17:00 on twitter who's also becoming a bit of
@00:20:31 33 44 we get a twitter status right here
@00:23:10 twitter status to ted cruz right yeah

Master of Puppets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.20.19

@00:00:28 get a twitter status right here two
@00:00:29 methods on twitter q says puppet
@00:07:28 5 they say and the twitter link takes
@00:18:34 12 we get a twitter link to chuck
@00:19:59 i know it's twitter and he wanted to get

BackChannel - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.19.19

@00:03:10 and of course this twitter link just
@00:22:21 me on twitter over the last couple weeks
@00:22:51 human domain solutions on twitter so i
@00:25:09 hour of - we get a twitter status -
@00:25:38 twitter she follows this channel so

A Clean House - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.19.19

@00:00:53 entitled housecleaning we get a twitter
@00:01:19 twitter status just takes you to the

Marker 9 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.19

@00:02:37 in the future we get this twitter status
@00:12:38 out to be our of to get a twitter status
@00:12:48 you to v twitter status of liberty at
@00:12:50 lizzie belle fox on twitter congrats
@00:13:27 knucklehead on twitter who did a thread
@00:22:26 a second we get a twitter status do you
@00:22:34 takes you over here to enoch on twitter
@00:22:48 on twitter and they made this sweet
@00:34:22 4 we get a twitter status to lisa page
@00:37:51 below please do not dm me on twitter or

HomeComing 2020 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.16.19

@00:01:02 get a twitter status q says worth
@00:01:11 twitter status of a rudy kicky in the
@00:07:43 1 and 17 seconds know we get a twitter
@00:07:53 wave on twitter this is fabulous we're
@00:11:54 it's really been fun to watch on twitter
@00:15:13 twitter link hugh says think for
@00:15:17 you to at wrote ello on twitter who
@00:18:29 and it takes us to this twitter status

[Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.15.19

@00:06:30 a great work over there on twitter but
@00:16:14 our of ten we get a twitter link here q
@00:16:22 twitter anna nicole we get a lot of
@00:18:09 bar then we get this twitter status
@00:18:12 with bill bar on the twitter status of
@00:23:28 on twitter so we don't know but i'll bet
@00:25:27 eleven we get a twitter status right

Cracked Corn - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.19

@00:01:19 vitamin q on twitter my little red pill
@00:03:59 twitter which you see in the upper right
@00:19:08 twitter was cute teaching us how the
@00:38:16 twitter that's at ip o t 1776 and if you
@00:38:21 are on twitter please join me over there

All Hands On Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.8.19

@00:05:15 before probably on twitter i'm sure i'm
@00:07:18 a twitter status right here to kingston
@00:17:44 twitter afp reported citing the site
@00:18:33 this guy post his manifesto to twitter
@00:18:39 why aren't we going after twitter i
@00:18:42 don't we posted on twitter prior to
@00:18:45 shooting call us tube and remove twitter
@00:19:23 post to twitter it doesn't really matter
@00:19:50 structure and we get a twitter link here
@00:20:22 twitter link that took us to true seeker
@00:20:30 choice in the twitter bio was and
@00:26:54 where takes you to the twitter status of
@00:29:01 end up a twitter link and it takes you
@00:29:02 to trump's karma on twitter at karma
@00:29:12 gets deleted by twitter so enjoy while
@00:29:17 trump's on twitter or you can just get
@00:29:58 we get to twitter status to jessie

On With the Show - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.7.19

@00:02:21 frenzy on twitter but it's got our deep
@00:05:04 twitter about that he was claiming this
@00:05:22 even bother anymore on twitter who
@00:22:07 shooter the school alerted on twitter we
@00:22:35 were talking about yesterday on twitter
@00:25:01 rick scott of florida said on twitter
@00:31:25 there was a massive twitter storm over
@00:37:40 over here twitter at ipo t 1776 you can

Bring It All Down - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.19

@00:00:52 followers over here on twitter i
@00:00:56 blast with you guys over here on twitter
@00:00:58 i know many of you are not on twitter
@00:03:19 and get twitter drops it doesn't allow
@00:10:24 twitter a few weeks ago using nothing
@00:13:33 on twitter who leon's room says did

Quiet No Longer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.19

@00:07:22 on twitter that that's actually like an
@00:13:09 real enemy well the twitter status takes
@00:13:14 twitter
@00:21:52 cruise you through some posts on twitter
@00:22:48 on twitter and of course most of it is
@00:26:02 i'm still on twitter if you want to join

Gnarwhal II - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.2.19

@00:18:57 right over here on twitter wh 6-inch
@00:28:41 on twitter has been off twitter for a
@00:30:32 do not dm me on twitter or on other
@00:30:55 through all my twitter threads and

Out On a Ledger? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.28.19

@00:01:29 biblical and it was another twitter
@00:02:40 just the other day we had a twitter
@00:03:09 twitter you will notice that rudy
@00:21:16 twitter status took us to the pope pope
@00:33:45 about his twitter account but that's a

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.19

@00:00:33 12:00 we get a twitter status and q says
@00:00:40 incarcerated et over there on twitter
@00:02:25 twitter and grabbing them for yourselves
@00:17:27 if you're on twitter you gotta follow
@00:27:42 twitter and facebook regulate it just
@00:32:34 me on twitter or social media send me an

[HUNTER]s - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.25.19

@00:09:14 after the hour of 7 we get a twitter

Gonna Be Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.24.19

@00:01:28 on we go all it takes you to be twitter
@00:07:11 this twitter status to rudy giuliani who

Very Best Boy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.23.19

@00:03:44 colleague robert hansen said on twitter
@00:14:01 on twitter you've clearly seen the sheer
@00:15:34 twitter you'll see
@00:16:44 target and the twitter link takes you to
@00:21:54 the best boy now if you go on twitter

The People's Bridge - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.22.19

@00:09:03 twitter status right here to majestic 12
@00:09:53 julian's rum on twitter who pointed out
@00:12:34 get another twitter status q says game
@00:12:39 drop media on twitter they made
@00:13:23 we get another twitter status the great
@00:13:31 to solve memes on twitter at salt memes
@00:13:33 one salt is a great follow on twitter
@00:14:29 twitter or social media why is no one
@00:16:29 another twitter status cue says news
@00:16:40 underscore sachs one on twitter nice job
@00:18:29 nine we have a status on twitter from
@00:19:00 here was the twitter status here from
@00:19:04 on twitter who says there is a scheduled

Q Anon/News - Information Warfare - IPOT Presents - 11.21.19

@00:10:24 twitter and as you can see here is the
@00:12:29 we get this twitter status right yeah
@00:12:34 forest on twitter who tweeted at
@00:12:58 on twitter bnl news doesn't really
@00:16:53 over on twitter late to this article
@00:26:05 course i'm at twitter at ipo t 1776 if
@00:26:09 you are on twitter i highly suggest

Q Anon/News - Like Clockwork - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.20.19

@00:06:02 looking inside where you see the twitter
@00:15:56 way of a twitter status from andrew kerr

Q Anon/News - 6 O'Clock - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.17.19

@00:03:26 twitter and this is why it's so
@00:03:29 twitter it's because so much of this has
@00:03:31 been going down on twitter now i'm not
@00:10:47 3601 we get a twitter link right here
@00:10:56 you to the twitter page of conservative
@00:15:25 twitter letting us know through star
@00:16:44 want to join twitter because this is
@00:16:52 down on twitter now i want to show you

Q Anon/News - It's a Trap! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.16.19

@00:05:52 this twitter status right yeah qr me at
@00:05:55 prior ly on twitter is responding to tom
@00:06:06 on twitter who says do you believe in
@00:06:43 a twitter status from tom fitton from
@00:08:13 three we get a twitter link but let's
@00:08:36 this twitter status is about from stormy

Q Anon/News - Gnarwhal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.15.19

@00:26:19 and of course i'm at twitter at ip ot
@00:27:01 rather than digging through my twitter

Q Anon/News - Rockets and Dockets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.14.19

@00:03:14 twitter leg right here to sarah a carter
@00:11:23 over there on 4chan facebook twitter
@00:11:41 facebook twitter reddit instagram etc
@00:11:51 twitter and reddit in instagram think it
@00:14:03 11:00 we get a twitter link and it takes
@00:14:09 is secret agent on twitter says wow
@00:23:19 on twitter for a couple of months
@00:30:43 twitter you know that we've been seeing
@00:32:22 twitter my drop space and my brian comm
@00:32:37 on twitter or on social media i don't

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.19

@00:02:38 something like youtube and twitter right
@00:06:58 twitter link right yeah and it takes you
@00:07:00 to be twitter of stormy patriot joe at
@00:08:27 of four we get another twitter link
@00:08:31 twitter link of just informed talk and
@00:08:35 work on twitter and youtube a lot of
@00:08:49 twitter and congrats to you just
@00:19:46 this on twitter you know it'll be
@00:20:34 hour of 6:00 we get a twitter link right
@00:20:42 twitter page of the damned party is dead
@00:31:45 7:00 we get this twitter link right here
@00:31:47 and it takes you to the twitter link of
@00:38:56 and of course my twitter is ip o t 1776

The WeatherMen II - Of Media Money and Men - IPOT Presents - 11.11.19

@00:27:51 tyrants against the president on twitter
@00:29:32 air spoke out on twitter echoing waters

Q Anon/News - Cut the Cable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.3.19

@00:04:33 also validated over there on twitter now
@00:05:29 twitter links here and q says rig for
@00:05:35 days three nights on twitter where three
@00:06:50 boy wyatt and say when l a on twitter
@00:06:53 does a lot of great stuff on twitter
@00:12:12 through this thread i did on twitter
@00:15:18 person arkansas diamond on twitter says
@00:19:05 major patriot on twitter at q 2nd way
@00:27:33 me on twitter or youtube you can join me
@00:27:46 do not dm me on twitter or something

A Quick Burn - A Failed Trump 2020 Campaign Ad - IPOT Presents - 11.1.19

@00:02:15 empire and block us on twitter i most

Very Good Girl - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.30.19

@00:08:09 twitter and the like but we've seen
@00:10:55 thanks to 40 head on twitter you
@00:14:21 i posted it on twitter but if you check

Die Like a Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.28.19

@00:00:45 follow me on twitter you probably
@00:00:53 da no i was just didn't twitter
@00:01:25 reminder that sent me right into twitter
@00:01:33 mean twitter support they finally
@00:01:37 hard on brah and i got my twitter back
@00:27:12 video bla bla bla i'm over at twitter at
@00:27:57 twitter in just a minute until then stay

Three O' Two - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.25.19

@00:00:52 i'm over here at the twitter of ryan
@00:05:29 twitter over there who did some great
@00:07:04 technolog on twitter broke some of this
@00:09:12 twitter but really he was kind of
@00:19:30 twitter and as you can see this is an
@00:23:22 twitter

Party of Pelosi - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.21.19

@00:27:30 twitter ipo t 1776 if you're on twitter

Ruff Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.19.19

@00:04:29 becker's school posted on twitter early
@00:06:01 going on around twitter that we've
@00:27:47 up on twitter some of it looks like it
@00:30:13 that's my same as my twitter - ip o t

An App for That Too - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.17.19

@00:02:58 doing particularly on twitter this led
@00:07:48 or she is this is her twitter i want to
@00:08:10 here on her twitter page now i want to
@00:09:06 twitter page she doesn't have a whole
@00:38:11 twitter

An App for That - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.14.19

@00:15:37 over there jack dorsey from on twitter
@00:21:12 in social media on twitter all the same
@00:30:42 down below check out my twitter at ipo t

Cardinal Sins II - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.12.19

@00:38:09 down below cap bitch you twitter all

WhistleTroller - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.19

@00:28:29 my bitch chute my twitter my drop space
@00:28:35 can find me at gavin twitter at ip ot

Cardinal Sins - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.7.19

@00:32:47 as my twitter if you're on twitter

Bunkers Bombers and Boxes - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.3.19

@00:21:33 twitter at ipo t 1776 ipo t 1776 where i

CyberBunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.19

@00:23:58 twitter my twitter and my new gay bar

Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.27.19

@00:17:59 here's the twitter advisement here so
@00:23:57 ip o t 1776 and if you're on twitter

Impeachy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.25.19

@00:09:50 twitter facebook and you look at pretty
@00:20:03 at twitter at ipo t 1776 all those links

Orange Band Bad - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.23.19

@00:14:38 1776 that is the same as my twitter ipo

Boxes and Bodies - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.19

@00:25:11 facebook and twitter showing him shaking
@00:30:20 twitter a type ii ot 1776 if you're on
@00:30:22 twitter i highly suggest joining me over

The Buck Stops Here - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.18.19

@00:23:20 and of course i'm at twitter at ip o t
@00:23:40 me on twitter i don't check them so it's

D-Notice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.16.19

@00:18:33 now this twitter status is a different
@00:30:52 drop space and of course i'm a twitter

Spy at the Pool - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.19

@00:01:00 twitter this is a tweet from methods @m
@00:01:03 to madness on twitter and if you're on
@00:01:06 twitter i highly suggest giving methods
@00:01:10 twitter wisdom when i call twisdom and
@00:24:16 course i'm over at twitter at ipo t 1776

I Spy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.19

@00:08:00 twitter here i'm only taking you about
@00:11:23 truth today over here on twitter at a ka
@00:12:03 the dirty truth on twitter is that they
@00:23:25 my handle on twitter that akio t 1776 so
@00:23:30 tend to be on twitter most every single
@00:23:39 not dm me on twitter please send me an

Donkeys and Dorian - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.8.19

@00:01:15 twitter ipo t 1776 won't you give me a
@00:01:28 head on twitter or who knows at least
@00:04:50 three days three nights' on twitter and
@00:12:05 my durian video and on twitter also but
@00:17:09 you this is a octothorpe on twitter and
@00:24:13 eagles on twitter well that's her team
@00:27:45 on twitter please join me over there at

Infinite Chan, Impossible Food - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.5.19

@00:06:57 twitter so is facebook all these social
@00:28:36 twitter at ipo t 1776 and if you are on
@00:28:40 twitter please join me over there at ipo

Dorian - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.19

@00:01:15 twitter not moving hurricane durian
@00:02:50 three nights on twitter they did a great
@00:03:01 days three nights' on twitter did this
@00:17:49 why meg gray meg green posted on twitter
@00:19:50 twitter sunday night i understand your
@00:22:50 fine and of course i'm over at twitter
@00:22:53 twitter at ipo t 1776
@00:22:56 that's ipo t 1776 if you are on twitter
@00:23:07 email me do not dm me on twitter please

Dog Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.19

@00:01:25 through this on this twitter thread here
@00:21:56 of course i'm on twitter @ i pee ot 1776

IceWorm - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.19

@00:06:50 well i jerked on twitter a little while
@00:22:30 space i'm over at twitter at ip ot 1776

Al Fresco - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.19.19

@00:20:30 space and i'm over there on twitter at
@00:20:37 on twitter won't you give me a follow

In-N-Out - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.17.19

@00:25:11 on twitter who also thought this seemed
@00:28:28 space and i'm over at twitter
@00:28:40 on twitter i don't dm anyone on twitter

Q Anon/News - Stalwarts - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.19

@00:02:29 be and of course that launched a twitter
@00:12:36 real funny pundit over here on twitter
@00:12:59 everyone is attacking him on twitter
@00:14:31 trending on twitter people are focusing
@00:23:11 well and of course i'm over at twitter
@00:23:13 at ip ot 1776 and if you're on twitter i
@00:23:27 do not dm me on twitter i greatly

Times Are 8Chan-ging - IPOT Presents - 8.8.19

@00:01:37 over here to the twitter page of at code
@00:04:34 twitter page of the house homeland
@00:09:59 fried over there on twitter who made
@00:17:50 twitter at ipo t 1776 if you're on
@00:17:53 twitter please join me at ipo t 1776 i
@00:18:10 please don't dm me on twitter please

Q Anon/News - HOT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.19

@00:19:46 of course i'm over at twitter a type ii
@00:19:57 twitter please email me my email is down

Q Anon/News - Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.31.19

@00:04:27 another twitter status here to enoch on
@00:04:30 twitter do you believe in coincidences
@00:07:30 another twitter link to devon nunez down
@00:16:06 hour oh one we get a twitter status to
@00:16:08 victoria are gates on twitter you need
@00:16:47 this twitter link right here to
@00:26:50 biblical we get this twitter link right
@00:35:06 the hour of 11:00 this is a twitter
@00:37:40 below and of course i'm over at twitter
@00:37:52 going on over there at twitter and i
@00:38:00 for me please do not dm me on twitter

Q Anon/News - Unpredictable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.19

@00:01:04 another twitter link here q says drain
@00:01:15 york times politics on twitter the
@00:06:25 comment whether it was on twitter or
@00:08:32 of like you know what on twitter saying
@00:17:50 the potus on twitter it looks like rocky
@00:18:40 twitter you know that he's really really
@00:26:52 this on twitter yesterday
@00:29:17 i said on twitter yesterday it wouldn't
@00:30:13 twitter at ipo t 1776

Q Anon/ News - Fuddy Waters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.19

@00:00:46 of 11:00 we get this twitter status
@00:16:07 and it takes you to this twitter link
@00:16:59 a twitter link right here and it takes
@00:17:03 trump 2020 at fighting irish on twitter
@00:22:29 the hour of 12 we get another twitter
@00:26:35 another twitter link to breitbart q says
@00:28:49 train excuse me on twitter and donald
@00:31:08 and then we get a twitter link to james
@00:31:37 actually from james commis own a twitter
@00:32:26 get another twitter link here 22 minutes
@00:32:28 after the hour of 8 and the twitter link
@00:33:40 this twitter link here to the real

Q Anon/News - Smoke and Mirrors - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.27.19

@00:07:51 twitter for quite some time i imagine a
@00:24:10 course i'm over at twitter at ipo t 1776
@00:24:13 that's ipo t 1776 if you're on twitter i

Q Anon/News - Cast of Characters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.26.19

@00:10:00 thanks to amazing polly on twitter who
@00:10:10 twitter and she posted this earlier
@00:16:58 a twitter link right here q says confirm
@00:17:03 twitter who is anonymous but also
@00:17:05 notable at the paranorman twitter good
@00:21:37 is lisa make rally over here on twitter
@00:28:08 are in a tiff on twitter so if you're on
@00:28:12 twitter go out and troll them up in
@00:28:46 here on twitter at ipo t 1776
@00:28:57 on twitter yeah come join me on twitter

Q Anon/News - [Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.25.19

@00:05:12 of one we get this twitter link right
@00:34:43 twitter link through to ryan's hub edger

Q Anon/News - [Bob] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.24.19

@00:01:59 google plus facebook plus twitter and
@00:02:22 in then we get this twitter link right
@00:02:31 trump at trump's students on twitter who
@00:07:27 5:00 we're gonna have a twitter link
@00:07:31 corticon on twitter at sean corticon and
@00:07:36 twitter but makes great youtube videos
@00:14:44 after the hour of 5:00 we get a twitter
@00:21:33 get yet another twitter link here to
@00:31:07 this on the twitter page of jack posso
@00:32:52 find me at twitter at ip ot 1776 if
@00:32:55 you're on twitter please join me at ip

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.23.19

@00:04:30 to the hour of 10 we get this twitter
@00:04:32 link right yeah takes you to the twitter
@00:05:17 anonymous post this twitter link right
@00:05:19 here to alex wayne's twitter and then
@00:05:21 the link down here is the actual twitter
@00:13:42 three we get another twitter link right
@00:15:42 the hour of for yet another twitter link
@00:15:54 on twitter and she looks like she filmed
@00:25:58 over here at twitter at ip ot 1776
@00:26:07 joining twitter if you are not that's
@00:26:15 stuff on twitter so if you are a twitter
@00:26:18 twitter this is kind of where it's all
@00:26:24 down so won't you join me at twitter at

Q Anon/News - Child Mind - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.22.19

@00:01:08 twitter seems a little bit excessive to
@00:01:21 they do that all the time on twitter
@00:01:28 hour of 3q starts us off with a twitter
@00:05:34 hour of three we get another twitter
@00:28:16 twitter at ip o t 1776
@00:28:24 not d me m me on twitter please email me

Q Anon/News - Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.19.19

@00:15:49 look on twitter pretty much everybody's
@00:15:56 twitter both of whom have denied
@00:22:23 the hour 5 my bro and we get a twitter
@00:26:05 hour 5 we have a twitter link right here
@00:26:15 outback jack on twitter who points out
@00:34:49 here and check this out on twitter yeah
@00:39:37 is from julian's rum on twitter who
@00:39:52 twitter please give him a follow but he

Q Anon/News - The Squad - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.18.19

@00:02:13 october 6 and we got this twitter link
@00:03:12 out check out vip and on on twitter and
@00:03:39 status over there on twitter the q will
@00:04:12 twitter link right here to the cac bomb
@00:04:51 in a non it basically puts the twitter
@00:05:30 it up a twitter link right here to at
@00:05:32 good medicine for us on twitter great
@00:07:54 this is the twitter handle of the lady
@00:13:34 twitter at ipo t 1776

Q Anon/News - What the Frick is Going On? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.17.19

@00:02:02 we get this little twitter link right
@00:28:40 i'm also over here at twitter a type ii

Q Anon/News - BlackOut - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.15.19

@00:07:39 real name that posted that on twitter
@00:25:24 twitter yeah i don't know why maybe i
@00:34:58 twitter how do they get the numbers well
@00:36:50 maths from enoch on twitter 42,000
@00:38:29 twitter at ip o t 1776 ip o t 1776 i'm
@00:38:37 please do not dm me on twitter please do
@00:38:41 not dm me on twitter if you have

Q Anon/News - Try Harder! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.13.19

@00:04:49 february 22nd 2019 and it was a twitter
@00:10:26 in the me2 movement this is her twitter
@00:16:02 from off of that twitter this is it
@00:17:11 twitter i just as from wheels up eight
@00:22:35 hour of ten we get this twitter link
@00:25:27 get another twitter link right here and
@00:27:02 over here at ip o t 1776 on twitter ipo

Q Anon/News - Wheels Up In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.12.19

@00:09:42 and 12:03 and q gives us this twitter
@00:18:47 that it takes you to do this twitter
@00:18:51 twitter trump just retweeted an account
@00:20:28 and i'm over here on twitter at ip o t

Q Anon/News - B2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.11.19

@00:11:53 twitter and it takes you to the epoch
@00:32:10 twitter ipo t 1776 that's ipo t 1776 all

Q Anon/News - Once On This Island - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.10.19

@00:13:24 got a twitter link to skarner right here
@00:30:18 on twitter not so much on youtube but

Q Anon/News - Stey's the Limit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:03:24 things on twitter but it's really been
@00:11:35 twitter thread the other day i highly
@00:19:09 get a twitter link right here to sarah
@00:27:03 bitch you my real video my twitter which

Q Anon/News - Scandler - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:15:35 you to courageous chrissie on twitter at
@00:25:47 twitter link right yeah and it takes you
@00:36:57 o'clock we get this twitter link right
@00:37:04 saks clark on twitter
@00:37:20 you're on twitter you might want to go

Q Anon/News - A Visit With the EMPRA? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.28.19

@00:01:55 tweet here on his twitter donald j trump
@00:13:20 and i'm over here at twitter at ipo t

Biggy Smollett - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.24.19

@00:11:03 million dollar lawsuit against twitter
@00:11:58 found that twitter is censoring top pro
@00:12:00 trump lawmakers you don't say twitter is
@00:12:12 technique twitter was and is also
@00:12:41 twitter as well as mcclatchy tell us
@00:12:44 about that well the twitter one is
@00:12:55 involved in allowing twitter to not only
@00:13:12 whether it's twitter or google or
@00:13:27 this discovery process on twitter starts
@00:13:56 twitter will try to influence the
@00:14:12 see people getting kicked off a twitter
@00:15:01 is that that twitter and these companies
@00:15:20 explain how it is that twitter treats
@00:16:37 to think about facebook i think twitter
@00:18:33 also over here on twitter at ipo t 1776

Q Anon/News - ABC Ya' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.5.19

@00:21:29 over here at twitter at ipo t 1776
@00:21:37 out on twitter send it to me on my email

Q Anon/News - Comey Correct - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.3.19

@00:00:48 twitter everyone say amped up john-john
@00:08:07 is the twitter page of sarah carter and
@00:09:13 twitter made an astute observation by
@00:18:56 bitch shoot and i'm over here at twitter

Q Anon/News - Burnin' For Burma? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.31.19

@00:07:03 seeing on twitter and this all started
@00:15:59 course i'm over here at twitter at ipo t

Q Anon/News - Dog Eat Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.29.19

@00:20:45 and of course i'm over here at twitter
@00:20:55 email me do not dm me on twitter please

Q Anon/News - The Dogged Pursuit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.28.19

@00:00:59 the twitter of me my twitter i'm on my
@00:01:04 twitter more dogs this time from eric
@00:04:53 right so bailey's showing up on twitter
@00:15:28 and of course i'm over here at twitter

Q Anon/News - Big In Japan - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.27.19

@00:01:10 drops his twitter link right here and it
@00:01:37 their twitter page it says basement of
@00:02:21 twitter poetess tweeted this some hours
@00:10:56 pointed out on twitter especially to
@00:21:19 twitter they've got all the different
@00:22:47 t-yong comm and i'm over here at twitter

Q Anon/News - Drones and Groans - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.25.19

@00:01:09 first story here i'm on the twitter page
@00:11:07 tweet from gig star house on twitter who
@00:12:44 over here at twitter popping my mouth
@00:12:55 me on twitter please email me my email

Q Anon/News - Coming Soon - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.24.19

@00:02:22 find it on twitter the attorney general
@00:04:31 on twitter looks to be a whopper with
@00:11:57 twitter
@00:15:08 brexit party on twitter this was posted
@00:22:27 twitter photos really really creepy
@00:25:59 now but a gray crew being on twitter did
@00:26:49 story from fox news twitter bans
@00:27:02 trump twitter personalities brian and
@00:27:09 themselves on twitter for trolling
@00:27:30 be returning to twitter all right so
@00:27:37 them on twitter what's going on with the
@00:27:44 a twitter now normally i would not
@00:27:57 twitter but here's the fact of the
@00:27:58 matter the twitter rules apply to
@00:28:00 everyone a twitter spokesperson told the
@00:28:32 getting bumped from places like twitter
@00:28:50 just know that we're either in twitter
@00:29:49 usually on twitter a type ii ot 1776 if
@00:29:53 you're on twitter please join me over

Q Anon/News - Frolic in the Bird Seed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.19

@00:04:15 5 jobs i've had on twitter a twitter
@00:04:25 noticed that it was a twitter user named
@00:05:23 rothschild over here on twitter who said
@00:15:08 calm and i'm mostly over here at twitter
@00:15:16 you're on twitter would you please join
@00:15:30 deviate dme on twitter my email is down

Q Anon/News - What the ? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.16.19

@00:19:28 here on my twitter all right kids that's
@00:19:55 followers here on twitter i did gain a
@00:20:15 course i'm over here at twitter at ip o

Q Anon/News - HoneyPot? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.19

@00:34:17 email me do not dm me on twitter please

Q Anon/News - LA Guns - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.10.19

@00:06:44 twitter has been doing some tippy-top
@00:31:49 twitter and find it i also posted this
@00:32:50 here at twitter please join me over here
@00:32:52 if you're on twitter at 1776 that's at

A Quick Burn - UnHappy Meal - IPOT Presents - 5.9.19

@00:02:59 trump went on twitter spree and said
@00:03:42 be on twitter why are they not bad right
@00:05:28 twitter or some far right-wingers gonna
@00:05:41 truth you know twitter gives us 200

Q Anon/News - Very Good Boy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.19

@00:03:08 minuchin said on twitter the talks will

Q Anon/News - A BORing Story - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.6.19

@00:18:07 to this one from twitter this is from
@00:22:09 i'm also over here hit twitter at ipo t
@00:22:28 twitter just email me that's where i get

Q Anon/News - Cobra Kai - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.3.19

@00:24:55 here at twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at

Q Anon/News - Kick it Up a Notch - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.30.19

@00:09:28 its nice little threat on twitter from
@00:11:27 this corner of twitter know the evil and
@00:14:28 himself with his twitter comments
@00:14:41 on twitter and that's really the crux of
@00:14:45 followers on twitter an update to the
@00:15:36 follower a group of followers on twitter
@00:15:54 notch on twitter or not i'm not a huge
@00:15:58 twitter he's got a massive sphere of
@00:16:13 you with this from the twitter page of
@00:17:26 here at twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at
@00:17:29 ipo t 1776 so if you're on twitter do me
@00:17:37 please do not dm me on twitter i repeat
@00:17:39 please don't deem eat dm me on twitter

Q Anon/News - HouseHold Name - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.28.19

@00:01:35 hours i'm in twitter jail we've
@00:02:18 twitter for the next quarter you're
@00:29:19 more on twitter just go over here to san
@00:29:48 hopefully be out of twitter jail and
@00:30:06 my twitter over here at ip ot 1776
@00:30:35 twitter thank you guys so much to to

Q Anon/News Boxes and Boxes In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 26 19

@00:17:58 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t

Q Anon/News - It's Happening - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.25.19

@00:06:35 the hour of 10 we get this twitter
@00:16:38 this twitter status right here to
@00:17:20 11:00 we get another twitter link right
@00:19:24 twitter at
@00:19:30 on twitter won't you please give me a
@00:19:38 to me please do not dm me on twitter

Q Anon/News - Stunning - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.23.19

@00:14:05 find him anymore twitter was hiding them
@00:14:52 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t
@00:15:00 dm me on twitter i repeat please don't
@00:15:03 dm me on twitter email me if you've got

Q Anon/News - Game Over - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.20.19

@00:17:50 1776 on twitter at i p o t 1776 please
@00:17:56 yourself a twitter if you want to email

Q Anon/News - So Many Answers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.19.19

@00:02:17 we get this twitter link to sarah carter
@00:08:10 just hanging out on twitter posting some
@00:19:17 here at twitter at ip o t 1776 where it
@00:19:24 on twitter won't you please give me a

Q Anon/News - Just Sayin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.18.19

@00:02:37 her facebook page or a twitter handle or
@00:21:35 here at twitter at ip o t 1776 that's at
@00:21:39 ip o t 1776 if you're on twitter won't

Q Anon/News - Sol Search - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.17.19

@00:03:30 on twitter who sent me this from
@00:10:40 twitter please join me over here as i
@00:10:46 on twitter so won't you join me over
@00:11:51 dm me on twitter i repeat please do not
@00:11:54 dm me on twitter please email me if

Q Anon/News - A Sad Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.16.19

@00:05:46 the president wrote on twitter that his
@00:17:02 outlaw josey wales on twitter and
@00:19:45 here at twitter at ipo t17

Q Anon/News - Merely a LARP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.12.19

@00:01:50 people on twitter all seem to say it's a
@00:09:00 from rubley on twitter it's about a 57
@00:18:43 over here on wikileaks twitter and this
@00:29:22 course i'm over here at twitter at ipo

Q Anon/News - PANIC - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.11.19

@00:12:29 truth who posted this on twitter this is
@00:14:29 patreon it'll be on my twitter and i'll
@00:15:27 and doing threats on twitter at ipo tea

Q Anon/News - Pool Party! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.9.19

@00:15:06 following me on twitter or wherever else
@00:19:16 if you follow me on twitter i talked a
@00:21:27 hit over here at twitter at ipo t 1776
@00:21:29 and if you're on twitter please join me
@00:21:39 happening here on twitter so please join
@00:21:59 twitter i'll also post them here on

Q Anon/News - Whones? Nunes - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4 .8.19

@00:01:38 service trump wrote on twitter i am
@00:22:34 liberals on twitter who posted this
@00:24:51 thing here chip mccleary on twitter
@00:25:33 so you can either follow it on twitter
@00:26:27 1776 that's at ipo tee 1776 on twitter

Q Anon/News - MalWare A Lago - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.4.19

@00:01:35 posted this on my twitter as you can see
@00:02:26 twitter and if you don't follow me on
@00:02:27 twitter you can follow me right here on
@00:11:33 check it out over here on twitter you
@00:12:12 of course i'm here at twitter a type eot
@00:12:19 down here on twitter at i p ot 1776 and
@00:12:28 some info please don't dm me on twitter

A Quick Burn - No Collusion - IPOT Presents - 4.2.19

@00:09:31 thousand twitter followers i like

Q Anon/News - Full Panic? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.30.19

@00:10:59 know kind of these unique twitter
@00:11:07 who knows who's out there on twitter
@00:12:08 how many fake news twitter journalists
@00:13:00 sorts of twitter journalists are in a
@00:16:21 at twitter at ipo tea 1776 that's at ipo
@00:16:39 now and i'm always over here at twitter

Q Anon/News - Flags Out - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.29.19

@00:02:21 twitter status to the potus right here
@00:04:20 12:00 we get this twitter status to
@00:08:32 to see it i posted it live on twitter
@00:09:18 bunch of love on twitter i was
@00:10:09 twitter here opening day the yankees
@00:10:19 notice which worldwide twitter trend
@00:10:35 right here twitter may annotate trump's
@00:10:47 something that's in violation of twitter
@00:10:57 read from our president twitter which
@00:12:08 twitter if you if you're on twitter and
@00:12:47 they communicated the twitter status is
@00:19:54 hour of one we get this twitter status
@00:21:00 twitter status to ben carson today at
@00:21:57 feeling that twitter will probably be
@00:24:12 twitter the findings of the special
@00:32:26 cue sent me at cr hain on twitter we
@00:32:59 twitter can't make the rally wishing i
@00:35:55 on post this and this was to the twitter
@00:36:06 pointing out that on their twitter page
@00:36:54 who are new to twitter sometimes if
@00:39:08 over here at twitter and ip o t 1776

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:09:54 you guys on twitter and end up cutting
@00:15:09 get this twitter status right here to
@00:16:26 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's a ipo t

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:02:53 you follow me on twitter i'm sure it
@00:17:37 of 6:00 we get this twitter status right
@00:21:14 you to kobe's twitter where he's staring
@00:25:22 their own and my twitter link is also
@00:25:32 please do not dm me on twitter once
@00:25:34 again please do not dm me on twitter

Q Anon/Bake Your Noodle - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.27.19

@00:00:51 twitter status to representative teach
@00:07:27 11 we get this twitter status here - jim
@00:10:33 of 11:00 we get this twitter status here
@00:15:28 twitter we get banned and blocked
@00:19:00 twitter by yours truly just the other
@00:24:05 twitter if you want to join me for that
@00:31:42 of four we get this twitter link to our
@00:31:46 twitter who says kim fox is married to
@00:34:36 get this twitter status right here this
@00:34:38 is too complex on twitter and they broke
@00:40:10 at twitter at ip o t 1776 that's at ip o

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:08:59 this twitter link to paul sperrys status
@00:17:14 twitter status right here says listen
@00:17:22 you to the twitter page of john nassif a
@00:27:33 this twitter link right here q says you
@00:28:10 twitter alleged dark web child
@00:37:40 after the hour of 7:00 we get a twitter
@00:39:12 this twitter linked to the hill just in

Q Anon/News - MAYDay - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.24.19

@00:01:13 q and on related twitter account on air
@00:01:23 tweet from a popular qi on twitter
@00:01:47 twitter user and the image on the screen
@00:03:36 on twitter happens on facebook this
@00:09:06 twitter status right here from the
@00:14:29 here at twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at
@00:14:32 ipo t 1776 and if you're on twitter

Q Anon/News - Blockade Removed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.23.19

@00:04:02 twitter of the potus it was announced
@00:04:46 this twitter status that i just read you
@00:06:02 other day i reported this on twitter it
@00:06:41 twitter too i posted it twelve days ago
@00:14:31 we get this twitter link right here and
@00:14:36 crowley on twitter at devon nunez said
@00:16:14 twitter at ip o t 1776 that's at ip o t

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt. 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:04:31 i'm not really sure that's her twitter
@00:13:39 twitter says rachel chandler don't ask
@00:20:06 it alone i'm also over here at twitter

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

  • a twitter link from john solomon
@00:09:04 if you are following twitter you know
@00:09:53 get a twitter link to brian cates over
@00:15:57 there on twitter if you are on twitter i
@00:16:53 perfect example here was this twitter
@00:19:31 crowley who posted this on her twitter i
@00:22:10 and italy and then we get this twitter
@00:23:15 adds on here with another twitter link
@00:23:35 ruthann at t boots on twitter if you'd

Q Anon/News - Strike Fast - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.19

@00:01:07 jack being at jack dorsey from twitter
@00:01:15 twitter some users seek over 250 million
@00:01:34 against twitter and a handful of its
@00:01:55 tonight twitter is facing a fierce new
@00:02:30 state court late this afternoon twitter
@00:02:50 twitter knew the defamation was and is
@00:02:53 happening twitter let it happen because
@00:02:54 twitter had and has a political agenda
@00:02:57 and motive twitter allowed and allows
@00:03:59 course reached out to twitter about this
@00:04:10 it says quote twitter is a machine it is
@00:04:16 twitter fully accountable for its
@00:04:35 pocketbook and of course twitter and
@00:06:52 twitter and youtube but the fact of the
@00:12:00 the hour of 6:00 we get this twitter
@00:12:04 twitter eh anne's twitter on twitter the
@00:20:47 we get this twitter status to devon
@00:21:00 in your names and then twitter was
@00:21:09 this in your twitter handle you might
@00:21:48 after twitter first because they are the
@00:22:12 exist twitter says that they don't have
@00:22:37 happening is is that is that twitter
@00:23:30 twitter it's constantly left-wing stuff
@00:23:34 twitter wants to be in the public square
@00:24:37 starting with twitter yo man this kid is
@00:25:37 reason that i'm starting with twitter in
@00:26:30 that we're starting with twitter
@00:29:18 holding strong over here at twitter a
@00:29:26 on twitter i do a lot of things that i

Q Anon/News - SRIKE! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.18.19

@00:01:47 you to the actual twitter page of vb
@00:12:16 this twitter link to burn notice on
@00:12:17 twitter who does a nice little threat in
@00:18:26 get this twitter link right here to
@00:18:27 donald trump's twitter and it is a three
@00:20:07 under god on twitter who posted this
@00:22:50 quick thanks to q revere on twitter who
@00:24:28 on 76 on twitter lots of great stuff and
@00:24:34 twitter and very cool getting the q
@00:24:55 we get this twitter status right here
@00:25:27 twitter very cool q says at jack who has
@00:26:37 from twitter jack dorsey thanks for
@00:28:32 got jack from twitter well it sounds
@00:28:45 post it yesterday on my twitter and i
@00:29:26 it's also on my patreon and my twitter
@00:30:20 but i am over here on twitter at i pee
@00:30:32 twitter so for those of you who are on
@00:30:33 twitter please won't you give me a join

Q Anon/News - Ides of March - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.16.19

@00:08:35 more dark to light in a twitter handle
@00:10:58 hour one we get another twitter status
@00:13:54 after the hour 1 we get this twitter
@00:13:56 status right here to enoch on twitter
@00:19:10 and it takes you to a new twitter
@00:19:40 scheduled twitter is backup even though
@00:25:01 twitter link right here to the justice
@00:28:35 twitter at ipo t 1776 where so much of
@00:28:40 at twitter at ip ot 1776 and if you'd

Q Anon/News - ZEROCOOL - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.15.19

@00:01:12 posted on my twitter if you follow me on
@00:01:13 twitter and if you don't it's linked
@00:01:41 likely going to be on twitter so please
@00:01:44 in at twitter and my link is down below
@00:02:00 get this twitter status to sarah carter
@00:22:22 know and then we get this twitter link
@00:22:23 right here takes you to the twitter of
@00:29:57 a twitter status here to misstara who
@00:34:15 after the hour 8 we get this twitter

Q Anon/News - Whistle While You Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.14.19

@00:03:29 different for you takes us to a twitter
@00:04:56 top of potus twitter feed what shield
@00:05:33 dated between shills and twitter wolf
@00:06:27 from twitter civilian poppet player in
@00:06:51 twitter most famously of course alex
@00:07:01 problems on twitter and of course lots
@00:21:08 log problems being facebook twitter
@00:26:53 is facebook twitter instagram all this
@00:30:39 here at twitter at ipo t 1776 where it

Q Anon/News - Do Unicorns Exist? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.13.19

@00:01:12 after the hour of 10 we get this twitter
@00:01:14 status right here two methods on twitter
@00:01:18 and methods got great content on twitter
@00:14:24 get this twitter status right here to
@00:23:30 8 we get this twitter status 2 3 33
@00:23:34 right here on twitter 33 it's my
@00:25:02 twitter link right here to joe meaux 23
@00:26:19 twitter status this time to
@00:27:12 want to check it out on twitter and i
@00:33:11 course i'm over here at twitter at ipo t
@00:33:20 twitter but a lot of it goes down here
@00:33:22 on twitter as you can see by q's
@00:33:27 on twitter please give me a join an ipo

Q Anon/News - Stay In the Light - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.12.19

@00:13:42 if you follow me on twitter i broke down
@00:16:59 be breaking that stuff down on twitter
@00:17:22 5:00 we get this twitter status here to
@00:21:39 number one is a twitter link to george
@00:28:00 hour 7 we get this twitter link right
@00:28:02 yeah takes you to the twitter status of
@00:33:59 not dm me on twitter please do not dm me
@00:34:03 on twitter please email me if you've got

Q Anon/News - Parades or Restraints? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.11.19

@00:06:04 post 30 2011 11 we get this twitter
@00:09:49 training session checking twitter mr.
@00:10:10 an angry screed on twitter it identified
@00:19:15 we get this twitter link here and this
@00:27:15 i'm over here on twitter though and i
@00:27:16 respond on twitter at ip o t 1776 that's
@00:27:31 are on twitter that being said if you do

Q Anon/News - SealedUnsealed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.10.19

@00:01:20 the top we get this twitter link here to
@00:06:59 follow me on twitter i did a breakdown
@00:07:05 twitter that link is down below and if
@00:07:08 you don't get on twitter you can check
@00:08:02 we get a third twitter status right here
@00:18:13 google facebook life log twitter etc and
@00:27:26 twitter link right here to george
@00:28:31 7:00 we get a link to twitter from one
@00:33:42 twitter link back to sarah carter a vote
@00:35:46 get this twitter link right here - stacy
@00:37:57 hour of 12:00 we get another twitter
@00:40:19 here at twitter at ip o t 1776 that's at

Q Anon/News - Death Blossom - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.7.19

@00:05:15 out of yarrow 11 we get this twitter
@00:08:43 come twitter keeps deleting it so it
@00:13:10 data collection youtube twitter the
@00:13:46 lifelock facebook youtube twitter the
@00:15:08 that knuckle head over there on twitter
@00:15:12 part of twitter he took very a whole
@00:15:14 bunch of his money from twitter and
@00:15:29 twitter everything that you're thinking
@00:21:13 to do with your life twitter u.s. leg
@00:21:22 text twitter track user gps yeah i've
@00:26:17 on a date cutely this is twitter link
@00:29:18 we get this twitter link right here to
@00:29:19 aj on twitter who says facebook launches

Q Anon/News - Thundercats - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.6.19

@00:01:08 hour of four we get this twitter status
@00:01:21 a twitter status right here beer at the
@00:06:56 this twitter link right here and it is
@00:06:59 twitter at jerry nadler admits on cnn
@00:09:15 is the twitter status right here too
@00:16:04 twitter link q says sometimes you need a
@00:21:15 hour of 5:00 we get this twitter link
@00:21:17 right here it takes us to the twitter
@00:23:39 on comm and i'm over here at twitter if

Q Anon/News - Promises Made, Promises Kept - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.5.19

@00:19:46 man on twitter who pointed this out
@00:26:53 get this twitter status to sarah carter
@00:34:20 from dan siddons on twitter and i just
@00:35:16 young calm and i'm over here at twitter
@00:35:28 twitter please do me a favor do not dm
@00:35:36 twitter that's why i'll just try and

Q Anon/News - March Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.4.19

@00:26:32 twitter status to ted leo unlike the
@00:31:28 no week this twitter status right here
@00:36:20 twitter they really have no idea what
@00:37:16 was taking us back to ted lewis twitter
@00:38:19 7:00 we get this twitter link right here

Q Anon/News - Huge Habbenings - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:01:45 it right now we get this twitter link
@00:33:34 young calm and i'm over at twitter at

Q Anon/News - Roast, or Burn? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:05:16 me this on twitter earlier i pot i know
@00:08:18 this twitter handle right here and i
@00:15:44 to thank methods on twitter at em too
@00:17:11 on twitter if you are on twitter i
@00:19:10 over here at twitter at ipo t 1776
@00:19:17 joint if you're over here on twitter all

Q Anon/News - Carpet Bombs are OK - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.2.19

@00:13:23 from jeffery peterson on twitter at real
@00:14:03 lengthy threat here on twitter
@00:17:28 over here at twitter at ipo t 1776

Q Anon/News - Peace Is The Prize - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.27.19

@00:04:12 big thanks to dm hs on twitter @
@00:07:01 suzy on twitter who remembered this very
@00:18:52 course i'm over here on twitter at ipo

Q Anon/News - Power To The People - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.25.19

@00:01:24 sent me this on twitter thanks so much
@00:14:36 i'm over here at twitter at i pee ot
@00:14:56 i put some feelers out here on twitter

Q Anon/News - One Step Closer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.23.19

@00:02:00 meeting and then we get a couple twitter
@00:03:04 reso on twitter and you can see bill
@00:06:18 and we get this twitter link right here
@00:06:24 twitter so thanks for that i'm not sure
@00:08:39 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:08:42 twitter uncovered video bernie sanders
@00:19:31 on twitter congrats for the shout out
@00:20:09 of one we get this twitter link right
@00:22:20 we could this link right here to twitter
@00:25:14 of recent data extracted from twitter
@00:26:22 twitter talking about voter fraud and
@00:27:37 potus q twitter accounts that had been
@00:27:42 narrative twitter has already begun to
@00:29:54 title right here this is their twitter
@00:32:03 mostly twitter links right here and it's
@00:32:29 and again more twitter links and puts
@00:33:31 like my twitter has stayed up so far
@00:37:59 11:00 we get this twitter link right
@00:38:02 here and this is to jerry on twitter
@00:38:23 me on twitter knows that i'm cautiously
@00:39:09 over trump's twitter feed when he makes

Q Anon/News - Deal of a Lifetime? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:10:01 not heard much about this got on twitter
@00:11:52 hour 1 we get this twitter handle right
@00:17:09 my twitter link right here at rpo t 1776

Q Anon/News - Handle With Care - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:01:04 hour 11 we give this twitter link right
@00:06:53 right there here's his twitter he's
@00:08:41 trumpets on twitter i just gave you a
@00:20:38 post or a twitter post but we won't see
@00:26:15 another twitter status right yeah mary
@00:26:18 smiler on twitter i like it already at
@00:27:25 twitter link 49 minutes after the hour
@00:34:49 from the potus on twitter i want 5g and
@00:38:07 here at twitter at i p ot 1776 that's at
@00:38:11 ipo t 1776 if you're on twitter please

Q Anon/News - News Moving Fast? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.21.19

@00:01:13 just on twitter but over on youtube too
@00:09:40 we get a couple twitter links right yeah
@00:15:10 as well on their own twitter so some of
@00:15:55 get this twitter link right ha to an on
@00:15:58 93 on twitter i'll be posting some q
@00:16:42 11:00 we get this twitter link right
@00:20:28 she tweets this over here on twitter
@00:25:04 the potus is twitter it's 22 second
@00:25:53 representative adam schiff on twitter
@00:33:11 this twitter link says happy hunting and
@00:33:53 9:00 p.m. we get another couple twitter

Q Anon/News - Survival Of The FITTEST - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.19

@00:14:44 enjoy yourself just go read that twitter
@00:33:18 twitter link right here he says thank
@00:34:08 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:35:42 below as well as my twitter at ipo t
@00:36:07 please do not dm me on twitter i don't
@00:36:10 respond to dms on twitter so please
@00:36:11 again i say don't dm me on twitter i

Q Anon/News - #WakeUp - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.19

@00:14:39 twitter all right q says what does fear
@00:16:52 this twitter link right yeah from the
@00:16:54 twitter page of the potus this was an
@00:30:32 hills twitter warren officials have a
@00:33:26 being taken down by twitter they were

Q Anon/News - Kitchen Is Hot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.19

@00:01:23 then we get this twitter link right here
@00:01:28 greatest is love on twitter who posts
@00:14:11 here on twitter donald j trump like i
@00:23:24 posted on twitter the other day
@00:37:41 you see it on the twitter and you can

Q Anon/News - Information Waterfall - In Pursuit of Truth Present - 2.17.19

@00:17:08 this twitter link right ha takes you to
@00:17:11 ruth and on twitter at t boots this man
@00:20:07 calm and over here at twitter at i p ot

Q Anon/News - On The Daily - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.17.19

@00:00:54 and then we get this twitter link right
@00:03:27 twitter link right here q says on the
@00:03:33 the twitter fight at no wall corral now
@00:08:09 twitter link here takes you to devin
@00:11:21 comes in at 344 45 we get this twitter
@00:12:17 another twitter link right ha and we see
@00:26:23 twitter at ipo t 1776 won't you give me

Q Anon/News - F-15 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.16.19

@00:06:52 would get this twitter status right yeah
@00:06:54 seven flamingos on twitter post this
@00:07:24 flamingo's is making here on twitter
@00:12:52 texas wrote on twitter thursday that
@00:20:34 video with rem is disabled on twitter
@00:20:53 claim through twitter forcing the
@00:21:06 disabled worldwide on twitter and here
@00:21:50 and this is the tweet here twitter has
@00:23:30 i'm also here at twitter at ipo t 1776

Q Anon/News - It's All There - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:07:10 brennan popping off on twitter and we
@00:10:34 regarding twitter 25th amendment and
@00:15:34 shoe my bride tn com my twitter is right

Q Anon/News - #WinningBigly - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:21:05 twitter link right here at the justice
@00:22:48 it have a twitter link here at to run
@00:24:09 twitter link right here to conservative
@00:24:46 confirms this twitter link just takes
@00:30:37 young calm i'm over here at twitter at i

Q Anon/News - Give a Dog a Bone - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.19

@00:07:51 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:07:57 now q and it takes you to this twitter
@00:22:20 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t

Q Anon/News - #FactsMatter - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.12.19

@00:27:45 twitter link right here to our boy
@00:30:54 this twitter link right here and this is
@00:31:04 really bad all the time on twitter here
@00:32:04 does great work over there on twitter
@00:32:21 on twitter for you and of course i have
@00:34:06 calm and i'm over at twitter at ip ot

Q Anon/News - Narrative Fight - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.11.19

@00:17:09 we get this twitter link right here - oh
@00:17:36 make a recording and go on twitter for
@00:20:24 we get this twitter link right here
@00:36:33 young calm i'm over here at twitter at

Q Anon/News - Good To Go - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.10.19

@00:09:40 troll accounts purged by twitter pushed
@00:10:09 twitter as having ties to russia's
@00:10:28 identified by twitter as having ties to
@00:29:36 here at twitter at ipo tea 1776 that's
@00:29:42 follow on over here if you're a twitter

MIL OP? Practice? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.8.19

@00:04:19 monkey over there on twitter my boy
@00:19:39 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t

The Opening Act - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.7.19

@00:28:30 either here at twitter at ipo t 1776

Q Anon/News - Bader? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.2.19

@00:19:39 twitter at ip ot 1776 that's at ip ot

The Stage is Set - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.1.19

@00:14:57 suggested on twitter that the ginsberg
@00:19:57 i'm over here on twitter at i pee ot

Prepare the Battlefield - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.30.19

@00:16:13 to thank greg roubini on twitter who
@00:26:18 young calm i'm over here on twitter at

Kimmels Chef Arrested? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.19

@00:05:01 the missing link on twitter who sent me
@00:05:13 on twitter we are above the law calm
@00:20:57 well twitter agrees everyone else seems
@00:23:12 at twitter at ipo t 1776 if you're a
@00:23:15 twitter right please join here at ipo t

Fake News DownSizing? - In Pursuit of Truth - 1.25.19

@00:03:58 out in real time very much like twitter
@00:22:41 over here on twitter at i p ot 1776

BackPage News - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.23.19

@00:13:43 well the potus took to twitter talking
@00:21:17 here on twitter a lot at ipo tea 1776
@00:21:30 twitter just i get too many of them and

Pelosi's Big Family In Pursuit of Truth Presents 1 20 19

@00:01:01 leds hebben hier twitter weiss wie de
@00:01:29 twitter background
@00:10:09 hoedjes naar paar branche us twitter
@00:13:24 dus zeg je bent je darmen sales twitter

Popcorn Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.19.19

@00:12:21 posted a photo to twitter with this
@00:16:45 poppin my mouth off over here at twitter

Field Trip Cancelled - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.18.19

@00:18:43 sharp edge one on twitter who posted
@00:22:58 brighton comm i'm over here at twitter

Q Anon/News - Bread From the Baker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.16.19

@00:14:20 the twitter of byron york former fbi
@00:28:19 also here on twitter at ip o t 1776

Q Anon/News - Lost in Translation - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.15.19

@00:09:05 after trump took to twitter on saturday
@00:23:09 here on twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at

Q Anon/News - Lights On - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.19

@00:21:18 2020 right now we get this twitter link
@00:30:56 twitter at ipo tea 1776 that's at ipo

Q Anon/News - The Very Next Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.11.19

@00:14:47 course i'm over here on twitter at ipo t
@00:15:05 actually pinned to my twitter page here

Q Anon/News - Bader? Bader? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.10.19

@00:12:07 people on twitter about that this
@00:20:55 move over here on twitter at i pee ot

Q Anon/News - Wheres Bader? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.8.19

@00:13:18 get a few twitter links here to donald
@00:22:27 course over here and twitter at ipo t

Q Anon:News The Clock Is Ticking In Pursuit of Truth Presents 1 7 19

@00:19:20 this twitter link right here q says

Q Anon/News - Ahead Of Schedule - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.19

@00:09:52 us to this twitter link of brit hume on
@00:20:52 we get this twitter link right here to
@00:23:20 right let's go over here to this twitter

Q Anon/News - Pull On This Thread - 1.4.19

@00:01:39 over here on the twitter threat of greg
@00:01:41 roubini are you bi and i at twitter and
@00:01:44 if you are on twitter i highly suggest
@00:21:54 again greg rubini on twitter fantastic
@00:26:24 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's ipo t 1776

Q Anon/News - Sanctions Are Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.3.19

@00:15:00 martin twitter ibm yeah looks like we
@00:15:13 twitter sc media australian government
@00:19:36 you i will be over here on twitter
@00:20:34 here on twitter watching the festivities

Q Anon/News - Stay Calm - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.2.19

@00:02:14 this on twitter this is from 8chan as
@00:05:16 twitter account tuesday he promised a
@00:07:18 cortez said on twitter okay well what is
@00:18:46 i'm actually going to leave the twitter
@00:18:54 twitter link and you can decide to go
@00:20:34 with these new twitter accounts and you
@00:22:29 twitter at i p ot 1776 that's at ipo t

Q Anon/News - When the Ball Drops - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.31.18

@00:05:11 tweeted out by the times square twitter
@00:08:40 confirmed on twitter that she had died
@00:23:02 twitter a type eot 1776 that's a type ii

Q Anon/News - Astrometry? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.18

@00:04:50 posted a video to my twitter i will show
@00:07:01 work on that i posted that to my twitter
@00:08:52 twitter and then it goes on to talk
@00:18:10 are over here on the twitter page of the
@00:31:43 i'm of course over here on twitter a
@00:31:45 type eot 1776 so if you are on twitter

Q Anon/News - 7 Is Marginal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.27.18

@00:02:21 some of you on twitter was saying you
@00:04:10 here too from david ross child's twitter
@00:04:16 twitter says if a polls margin of error
@00:05:50 why would you use that as your twitter
@00:12:55 twitter reported over the uk earlier
@00:17:39 from montana on twitter at montana
@00:33:19 here on twitter a lot at ip ot 1776
@00:33:28 me here on twitter if you're over here

Q Anon/News - FAKE, FAKE, FAKE - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.22.18

@00:03:40 we get this twitter link right here to
@00:17:41 bitch shoot i'm also on twitter at i p

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:21:04 we get a twitter link right here to the
@00:28:43 facebook and twitter was revealed out to
@00:41:15 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t

Q Anon/News - D Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.20.18

@00:06:51 twitter who turned me on to a twitter

Q Anon/News - Guardians of Intelligence - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.18

@00:13:37 et on twitter who does a great job with
@00:27:26 signifying that it's a twitter handle so

Q Anon/News - Misinformation? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.17.18

@00:06:49 thereafter the twitter user the real are
@00:07:18 strange tweets found by twitter using
@00:08:29 lot to me like a bunch of twitter baby
@00:09:00 talk a lot about twitter what they don't
@00:10:12 about this twitter stuff i don't want to
@00:10:51 these new twitter handles and these new
@00:10:53 people over on twitter whether it's a
@00:10:54 reddit thread kid it's mostly twitter i
@00:11:02 twitter and that a lot i think so and so
@00:14:36 here to my twitter where i retweeted
@00:17:29 to a bish on twitter who said i talked
@00:17:51 news and i have also scoured twitter and
@00:27:15 twitter running my mouth all the time at

Q Anon/News - Q and A - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.18

@00:02:04 twitter or youtube wherever you may
@00:23:37 over on twitter at ip ot 1776 that's at

Q Anon/News - Santa With a Hammer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.18

@00:02:54 well if you follow me on twitter you
@00:05:36 this twitter link to trump hotel skew
@00:13:21 twitter links here q says excellent q
@00:24:18 was getting clowned all over twitter for
@00:24:46 hour of 12 we get a twitter link q says
@00:29:35 on twitter that's what the tweet was in
@00:34:36 her twitter no real response as of yet
@00:35:28 hour of 5:00 p.m. we get a twitter link
@00:35:33 on twitter brazilian writer and musician
@00:39:04 twitter everyone's going after huber

Q Anon/News - Cherry On Top - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.12.18

@00:01:57 twitter link to nathan cain sometimes
@00:02:04 twitter update keeping my head up
@00:05:10 one is to twitter president trump people
@00:10:40 this is the twitter link to that video
@00:29:05 hour 10:00 p.m. we get this twitter link
@00:30:29 infotech park and the twitter takes you
@00:33:56 it in a second we also get this twitter
@00:34:01 that takes us to mega swagger on twitter
@00:34:37 facebook we also saw it with the twitter
@00:38:31 calm this is my twitter right here at

Q Anon/News - 'Smocking' Gun - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.18

@00:02:14 upper left-hand corner this is a twitter
@00:04:20 being potus q and potus twitter 0 delta
@00:08:03 hugh takes us to his twitter link of one
@00:17:40 1 p.m. we get this twitter leg right
@00:27:37 here by ben garrison and this twitter
@00:29:54 get this twitter link right here are
@00:29:57 from the twitter page of samantha
@00:35:12 over here on twitter at i p ot 1776

Q Anon/News - Rapid Fire - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.5.18

@00:00:57 here on twitter from tom winter and nbc
@00:04:06 there's a second twitter status here
@00:08:27 twitter does a much better job
@00:23:49 twitter link q says attention on deck
@00:26:21 alright kids i am over here on twitter

Q Anon/News Who Is Scott Free? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.18

@00:03:42 twitter and big thanks to magilla for
@00:15:35 trump's twitter and we're going to read
@00:16:20 latest misspelling has twitter users
@00:28:25 on twitter i am over here at ip o t 1776

Q Anon/News - Can't Stop This. No One Can. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.18

@00:24:33 to be our 4:00 p.m. we get this twitter
@00:24:44 to be reminded there we get this twitter
@00:28:05 anomalous activity to twitter and there
@00:33:23 we get this twitter link right here do
@00:33:31 the twitter handle of magha mom was just
@00:38:29 the hour of 6:00 we get this twitter
@00:40:31 twitter status right here united we

Q Anon:News - MONDAY - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.1.18

@00:09:34 to james commis twitter we see a couple
@00:35:16 25:22 we get this twitter link right
@00:35:21 on twitter who posts did herbert walker
@00:38:16 flight alerts twitter f nine to six here
@00:39:45 on twitter a lot at ipo t 1776 that's at

Q Anon/News - We Know - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.30.18

@00:05:55 started telling me on twitter it looked
@00:24:52 checking in over here on twitter with
@00:30:49 here on twitter a lot running my mouth
@00:30:50 at ipo t 1776 if you're on twitter
@00:31:08 lot of direct messages either on twitter
@00:31:21 either i'm very sorry and on twitter i

Q Anon/News - Where is Assange? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.28.18

@00:06:54 posted this the other day on my twitter
@00:12:21 had this twitter fw quit twitter
@00:12:37 channels over there on twitter and we
@00:13:43 twitter account at us navy better lala
@00:19:21 christmas i posted this on twitter we're
@00:21:50 a lot of you did on twitter too and i
@00:25:25 you on twitter but there you go or even
@00:25:56 over here on twitter quite a bit at i p

Q Anon - You Dirty RAT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.18

@00:00:32 stressful the one phone is for twitter
@00:00:55 this on twitter i plucked it because i'm
@00:12:16 cards now we get this twitter link right
@00:26:15 twitter battle the other day regarding
@00:26:21 queue post to course he's twitter and

Q Anon News - Practice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.24.18

@00:01:54 agency's twitter page friday evening
@00:08:10 twitter of the 388 fighter wing which
@00:14:57 twitter who sent me this from an anon
@00:16:47 here on twitter at ip o t 1776 that's at
@00:16:50 ip o t 1776 if you're on twitter please

Q Anon - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.21.18

@00:12:41 twitter link right here to our good
@00:12:59 him here at twitter at corticon and he
@00:13:44 work over there on twitter
@00:21:32 11:00 p.m. we get this twitter link
@00:21:37 people are nervous the twitter link
@00:27:43 mouth at twitter at i bo t 1776 that's
@00:27:50 on the twitter okay that's it kids i am

Q Anon - Buh Bye - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.19.18

@00:02:34 calling for her resignation on twitter
@00:12:21 twitter page to get his side of the
@00:15:15 on twitter she does a lot of great
@00:15:19 threads on twitter i suggest you follow
@00:22:45 twitter track donations cross against
@00:23:46 do not direct message me on twitter as i
@00:26:13 down below i'm over here on twitter

Midterm Madness Theatre - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.16.18

@00:06:32 folie braaf posted on twitter van casey
@00:21:50 eye gel hallo dit is mijn twitter die
@00:21:59 on twitter and also get a game lab

Q Anon - Enemy @ the Front Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.18

@00:26:59 loomer on twitter breaking according to
@00:28:28 twitter at ip o t 1776 that's at ip o t
@00:28:32 1776 so please if you're on twitter

Q Anon - 11:11 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.11.18

@00:02:35 posted this on twitter here's little
@00:06:16 me for posting this on twitter much
@00:28:35 get this twitter link right here and
@00:36:06 twitter link right here to one of my

Q Anon - Midterms Meltdown - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.10.18

@00:01:45 twitter messages obtained by the daily
@00:02:35 about q and on on twitter was being held
@00:05:24 her twitter and her facebook and all
@00:17:38 the second from zack attack on twitter
@00:22:20 all at fine truth q on twitter and we're
@00:28:58 probably attach this to my twitter too
@00:37:27 can always see me over here at twitter a

Q Anon - Red Line Crossed? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.8.18

@00:23:45 this twitter link right here which takes
@00:33:07 twitter link right here
@00:33:56 twitter link to eric holder who says

Q Anon - Mission Forward - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.7.18

@00:04:38 get this twitter link right here to
@00:11:16 over here on twitter a type ii ot 1776

Q Anon - Mid Term Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.7.18

@00:01:57 then we get this twitter link here -
@00:04:46 this twitter status right yeah say it
@00:06:04 get another twitter link right here and
@00:06:47 the hour of midnight we get this twitter
@00:09:56 am on twitter and i will be following
@00:11:42 stuff my email my twitter at ipo t 1776

Q Anon - Front and Center Pt. 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.6.18

@00:02:59 this twitter link here to george
@00:03:03 on twitter lately and he posts the guys
@00:07:50 we get this twitter link right here

Q Anon - Front and Center - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.6.18

@00:02:41 yeah and then we get this twitter link
@00:04:08 it takes you to another twitter link
@00:06:55 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:11:43 all over twitter that skippy podesta
@00:12:27 for now post 24:28 we get this twitter
@00:12:33 twitter page of one praying medic
@00:14:36 pass around my my twitter thread again
@00:15:25 guess on youtube it wasn't on twitter
@00:16:26 on twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t
@00:16:44 here on twitter the rest of my links are
@00:16:59 you over here on twitter or in the next

Q Anon - We See YQU! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.5.18

@00:12:49 posted this on my twitter earlier
@00:14:03 after the hour of 12 we get this twitter
@00:14:07 patriot takes you to the twitter of the
@00:18:38 p.m. we get this twitter link it's on
@00:19:10 24:05 we get this twitter link right
@00:19:17 it is a twitter leg - this right here i
@00:21:37 at 2 p.m. we get this twitter link right
@00:27:21 jeez twitter ninja did you see us in
@00:28:38 t ko on twitter @ tko seven seven four
@00:30:47 make a bunch of jokes on twitter but the
@00:33:48 me on twitter at ipo tea 1776 that's at

Q Anon - Keep Your Eye Qn the Ball 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.4.18

@00:28:32 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:28:37 the twitter link of a bo warrior gives
@00:31:15 following me on twitter please do at ipo

Q Anon Dropping the 'Hatch'et? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 11 3 18

@00:00:48 of them do the same thing on twitter and
@00:00:54 today from today's twitter battle yeah
@00:10:53 tweet from jack dorsey from twitter and
@00:12:19 twitter at ip ot 1776 please do you can
@00:16:16 i want to say thanks to jb on twitter at
@00:19:39 twitter what not them think i think
@00:22:16 from a twitter handle
@00:22:29 take you over to this guy's twitter this
@00:22:31 back at the great storm on twitter who
@00:23:07 p.m. we get this twitter link here q
@00:23:12 judiciary twitter that announces today
@00:24:16 on the twitter where they post here
@00:25:53 get a twitter status to lisa may crowley
@00:27:01 then we get this twitter lake here to
@00:29:56 twitter my bitch shoot my gab gab is

Q Anon - Guess WhQ? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.2.18

@00:07:17 potus and this is a potus twitter right
@00:07:22 over here to the twitter of donald j
@00:18:54 you can find me over at twitter at ip ot

Q Anon - Bulger? Mueller? Bueller? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.1.18

@00:00:16 you through a twitter thread that i did
@00:00:20 twitter but i wanted to cover this story
@00:00:25 twitter at ip ot 1776 that's at ip ot
@00:03:01 secrets of the capital went to twitter
@00:03:26 kind of lurks on twitter all the time he
@00:19:37 actually posted this on twitter the

Q Anon - HallQween - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.31.18

@00:01:17 i'm over here on my twitter thread and
@00:01:22 twitter you might have read through this
@00:20:31 me on twitter long knows that i've had a
@00:22:17 of these smarmy little idiots on twitter
@00:27:39 course i'm over here at twitter at ip o

Q Anon - Qne Year of Q - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.29.18

@00:01:04 twitter of delia fe at delia ei happy
@00:01:49 twitter you know are you going on my you
@00:04:40 twitter and they're reporting the flight
@00:06:05 now we're here at reuters on twitter it
@00:09:37 twitter but let me just show you this
@00:09:44 probably post this letter on twitter but
@00:11:29 twitter link here said important moment
@00:11:41 parentheses here and the twitter link
@00:13:42 twitter oddly enough today i was
@00:13:45 page and i went back to twitter and saw
@00:16:42 here on twitter at ip o t 1776 that's at

Q Anon - Suspicious Package - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.27.18

@00:01:28 okay so we're over here on my twitter
@00:03:47 laughed a lot about this on twitter a
@00:04:32 out live when i was on twitter and i was
@00:13:35 out on twitter just like clockwork
@00:13:37 facebook and twitter suspended his
@00:16:45 i know well clearly twitter is not
@00:16:51 who says hey twitter remember when i
@00:17:09 appears to be the message from twitter
@00:24:58 and you can find me over here at twitter

Q Anon - Q and A - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.24.18

@00:06:59 yesterday on twitter and was a lot of
@00:07:07 watching who do not follow me on twitter
@00:10:29 who don't know i posted this on twitter
@00:16:38 rehash their stuff but as far as twitter
@00:16:52 on twitter i suggest you follow them
@00:23:27 twitter at i p ot 1776 please do that's
@00:23:30 at ip ot 1776 if you're not a twitter
@00:23:50 over here on twitter and you know what's
@00:23:56 your choice there either twitter or gab

Q Anon The Gloves Are Off In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 10 18

@00:07:55 posted this over here on twitter and as
@00:37:12 media reporter wrote on twitter that he
@00:37:22 in michael avenatti wrote on twitter my

Q Anon - Think Red Line - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.18

@00:11:01 on twitter but some of these guys will
@00:16:35 twitter link right here to tom fitton
@00:19:17 post them on twitter i have had some
@00:22:33 twitter says bug may have exposed some
@00:34:40 as well my twitter a type ii ot 1776

Q Anon - Boom Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.8.18

@00:07:50 post 2363 we get this twitter link right
@00:17:42 midnight we get this twitter link here
@00:19:46 me here on twitter if you're not already

Q Anon Double Meanings In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 6 18

@00:07:57 get this twitter link right here to vip
@00:10:01 andrews flag takes us to a twitter
@00:14:18 twitter link to cnn a top us admiral
@00:20:43 is the twitter of james comey who says
@00:30:28 sarah d wire and sarah d wire on twitter
@00:32:44 the channel i'm over here at my twitter
@00:33:02 youtube and twitter at least for now but

Q Anon - Ready? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.5.18

@00:28:34 twitter darpa has all this stuff right
@00:34:54 bombs post 2340 we get another twitter
@00:35:12 to the twitter link of one red october
@00:37:10 over here on my twitter at ip ot 1776

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:01:51 gives us this twitter link right here
@00:18:56 takes you to breaking 9-1-1 on twitter
@00:19:45 twitter update city of florence
@00:24:40 reporter jennifer epstein on twitter
@00:28:29 let me go over to my twitter i've got it
@00:34:53 twitter breaking 9-1-1 william clyde
@00:36:31 wheeled out video my twitter here is at

Q Anon - Make Cake Great Again - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.3.18

@00:06:07 who post this haha meanwhile on twitter
@00:11:46 khalji on twitter his twitter handle is
@00:14:43 twitter link of kevin ship former cia
@00:31:16 twitter as a type ii ot 1776 that's a

Q Anon - Darkest Days - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.2.18

@00:00:55 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:01:07 becomes the solution and the twitter
@00:01:11 marea wall 93 on twitter i was just told
@00:04:37 twitter link takes you to one katrina
@00:24:29 a non posso dis on twitter today to this
@00:28:08 p.m. we get this twitter link and q says
@00:28:17 takes you to the twitter of fox news
@00:33:53 here from their twitter handles too but
@00:38:31 chute my real dog video my twitter at

Q Anon - Stay Tuned - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.18

@00:06:13 contacting me on twitter and you know
@00:14:04 twitter link if you want i will leave
@00:15:51 picture on twitter so we can all pass it
@00:16:13 game is played i'm over here on twitter

Q Anon - Prepare - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.30.18

@00:04:21 of 3:00 p.m. twitter has been given the
@00:04:34 twitter james woods being one in
@00:04:50 twitter but i know a lot of people have
@00:05:37 twitter rogue employee excuse okay so
@00:05:42 twitter it looks like probably not just
@00:05:44 the presidential twitter and they're
@00:05:54 there on twitter and we also have this
@00:07:01 you a thread ready on twitter and we'll
@00:12:15 attention to the twitter page of the
@00:17:47 twitter thread from mona underscore
@00:17:51 twitter handles here so i'm not gonna
@00:22:01 these twitter handles here research
@00:23:01 please please follow me on the twitter i
@00:23:03 guess i should go over to my twitter to
@00:23:20 you do follow me on twitter here i have
@00:23:29 twitter too so please come join me on

Q Anon - Changing of the Guard - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9.29.18

@00:24:30 twitter at ip ot 1776 that's at ip ot

Q Anon Red Tsunami? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 28 18

@00:03:50 matrix on twitter was one step ahead of
@00:06:04 q move on to post 2279 we get a twitter
@00:06:10 twitter page of cap at cap usa one who
@00:12:02 we get this twitter link right here and
@00:13:34 twitter link here q says are you awake
@00:13:47 the twitter of tracy threat at tracy
@00:20:22 susan orlean and here is her twitter
@00:30:48 get this twitter status right here and
@00:35:38 twitter at 1776 that's at ip ot 1776 if
@00:35:43 you're on twitter won't you please give

Q Anon - Trump, the UN and One Ugly Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.27.18

@00:01:44 twitter you would have seen that i
@00:10:37 over here on david mar tacos twitter who
@00:17:15 twitter bantering with some of you about

Q Anon - The Sky is Falling - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.24.18

@00:03:06 mention that i posted this on twitter
@00:06:35 twitter here and chuck has this to say
@00:15:33 mid-afternoon on saturday via twitter in
@00:16:09 twitter right here to say i am honored
@00:16:43 own twitter page here and i retweeted
@00:20:00 are a twitter right please join me over
@00:20:02 here on twitter at i p ot 1776 that's at

Q Anon - When Does a Bird Sing? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.22.18

@00:25:51 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:25:53 to task man on twitter us ss won't let
@00:37:46 twitter says 202 equals d 4 5 6 equals o

Q Anon - 17 Second Delta - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.21.18

@00:09:20 that's possible and leaves us a twitter
@00:09:25 trump's twit twitter jay weber new
@00:28:33 we get this twitter link here q says vip
@00:29:18 9:00 p.m. we get another twit twitter
@00:30:21 another twitter link potus provided you
@00:31:07 adds on with another twitter link this
@00:34:39 twitter page of the man of the hour
@00:35:49 twitter hey
@00:36:08 twitter at ip o t 1776 please join me at
@00:36:11 twitter at ip o t 1776 i'm also over

Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18

@00:12:30 via twitter so therefore he is not
@00:12:54 have to attack sessions on twitter if
@00:13:02 there's no need to go through twitter
@00:13:04 twitter is the dog and pony show well
@00:15:46 matrix at twitter and this guy's really
@00:15:52 as you can i guess on twitter but always
@00:16:15 really appreciate them on twitter so to
@00:17:00 the potus schedule twitter and although
@00:17:19 over to the twitter of james comey

Q Anon - Truth To Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.19.18

@00:00:39 dude this was sent to me on twitter hi
@00:01:45 some golden ones on twitter i got some
@00:02:35 this twitter link right here donald
@00:04:02 like twitter and facebook become more
@00:07:09 5:00 p.m. or 17 17 we get to twitter
@00:13:23 we get this twitter status right here
@00:24:20 twitter at ip ot 1776 that's at ip ot

Q Anon - DECLAS / Whopper With Cheese - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.18.18

@00:08:31 this twitter link right here at what
@00:08:35 q and it takes you to the twitter link
@00:09:55 standard time we get this twitter link
@00:11:06 bitchin cue adds on with a twitter link
@00:11:15 twitter link takes you to mb underscore
@00:21:16 fun this is my twitter page right here

Q Anon - Think "Football" - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.17.18

@00:15:29 twitter status and this link doesn't
@00:24:01 2184 we get this twitter link right here
@00:30:47 covered these same topics on twitter and
@00:31:54 good stuff my twitter is at ip ot 1776

Q Anon - Rats Are Running - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.13.18

@00:02:16 course i'm on twitter also at ipo t 1776
@00:19:32 find expect twitter facebook force next
@00:19:40 already be in the dump and twitter you
@00:19:42 know it's a shame about twitter i'll be
@00:19:45 fact that twitter is so lame twitter is
@00:20:51 that now it looks to be a twitter and
@00:21:06 to the out at 3 p.m. we get this twitter
@00:21:14 fox news twitter just in 60 minutes
@00:26:11 on reddit he was not posting on twitter
@00:30:00 twitter it is imperative that everyone
@00:30:27 do that on twitter for those of you who
@00:30:49 twitter this thread is dedicated to
@00:31:02 can pluck this off twitter even if you
@00:31:04 aren't on twitter you should be able to

Q Anon - DC In Panic - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.18

@00:03:02 twitter links right yeah and we are over
@00:03:05 here on the twitter of one mellow mood
@00:23:22 this twitter link here to not your mom's
@00:26:07 course i'm over here on my twitter at

Q Anon - Attention on Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.11.18

@00:11:53 standard time we get this twitter link
@00:11:58 twitter and he advertises tonight on
@00:24:27 post itself and the twitter status that
@00:24:43 posted at 235 and there was this twitter
@00:30:18 6:00 p.m. we get these two twitter links
@00:31:38 hours 6:00 p.m. we get this twitter
@00:33:32 twitter i'll set up a thread and you
@00:35:22 down below you can find me at twitter
@00:35:24 please join me at twitter i'm gonna

Q Anon - Knowledge is Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.18

@00:02:43 q adds on giving us these two twitter
@00:07:52 get this twitter link to jack passaic
@00:11:34 another twitter status from jack masovia
@00:14:03 together and then we get this twitter
@00:20:23 me here on twitter at ipo t 1776 that's

Q Anon Sleeper Cells? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 8 18

@00:13:25 get this twitter link to jack atlas jim
@00:21:58 21:13 q ads on here with this twitter
@00:22:02 link it takes you to the twitter page of
@00:34:00 on the twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at

Q Anon - 17 Great People - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.7.18

@00:08:49 post this off of twitter from breaking 9
@00:18:36 page and the twitter status will take
@00:19:47 twitter renders the image names so they
@00:19:54 five of twitter naming algorithm and
@00:20:29 trump queue photo on twitter is not
@00:26:26 on post if twitter blocks jones
@00:26:30 twitter bans alex jones permanently
@00:26:45 breaking twitter bans alex jones
@00:26:49 twitter banned alex jones and infowars
@00:26:51 from twitter and periscope they took
@00:27:12 mark dies here nails it on twitter so
@00:27:15 alex jones got banned from twitter for
@00:27:27 twitter safety says this today we are
@00:27:31 infowars from twitter and periscope we
@00:28:55 definitely twitter i think they were had
@00:35:44 hour of 6:00 p.m. we get this twitter

Q Anon More Winning :Just Do it In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 6 18

@00:26:59 us this twitter link here - one word
@00:27:12 not blocked on twitter of course well i
@00:29:41 here on twitter at ipo t 1776 where i
@00:29:50 twitter i post a lot of things that i do

Q Anon Deep State Close to the Edge In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 5 18

@00:07:22 a twitter link and the others to fox
@00:07:26 of arizona's twitter teach me how to
@00:08:23 twitter while saying during a subsequent
@00:15:31 on twitter he's usually pretty spot-on
@00:16:46 well we get these two twitter lengths
@00:16:50 twitter page here and the second one is
@00:19:29 basically this last line here twitter
@00:19:37 right and we get this twitter link here
@00:19:39 breaking 9-1-1 just in twitter ceo jack
@00:19:45 congress twitter does not use political
@00:26:34 down below my email my twitter all that

Q Anon DECLAS : Nothing to See Here In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 4 18

@00:07:51 twitter link hugh says again magic sword
@00:17:28 this is not a verified twitter account
@00:28:43 via twitter so therefore he is not
@00:33:07 twitter from one of my favorite
@00:35:51 twitter denies the current adoption of
@00:36:05 transparent also not true twitter
@00:37:19 there at twitter very well could be he
@00:38:33 and of course twitter was in the news
@00:38:50 it be that twitter was meeting with

Q Anon - DARPA /Google - Somebody's Watching Me - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.18

@00:09:29 on twitter that cohen wot nick had done
@00:29:42 you've got particularly twitter they're
@00:30:25 way twitter the same way these guys are
@00:37:11 posted this on my twitter earlier in the

Q Anon - The World Is Watching - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.1.18

@00:01:13 logo and this twitter link the twitter
@00:12:03 sure enough i checked my twitter and
@00:14:10 twitter saying why isn't he doing his
@00:25:51 now if we're talking about twitter or
@00:31:22 we could this twitter link here q says
@00:31:28 queue and it takes you to the twitter
@00:32:16 his twitter handle i'm not really sure

Q Anon - ..Controls the Future pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.29.18

@00:04:55 of 5:00 p.m. and we get this twitter
@00:28:36 to the hour of nine we get this twitter
@00:28:42 it takes you to donald trump's twitter
@00:34:21 we get another twitter link donald trump

Q Anon - Suicide Weekend? What's With #17? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.27.18

@00:02:05 follow me on twitter have already seen
@00:06:39 twitter account hugh toe wrote breaking
@00:15:30 them on blast on twitter it's about
@00:24:52 it looks like his twitter profile was to
@00:28:51 doing all over twitter right this moment
@00:29:18 me share it on twitter it's easier for
@00:29:40 dog video my patreon link my twitter all

Q Anon - Trump Ridin' Dirty? Poop Patrol? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.25.18

@00:00:36 my twitter page a type eot 1776 that's a
@00:21:28 you can catch me on twitter at ip ot

Q Anon - RESPICT the Name / Comey Untethered? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.18

@00:01:33 in the beginning of it was a twitter
@00:26:24 over here on the twitter at ip ot 1776

Q Anon - The Trilogy Begins: FISA = Start In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.20.18

@00:05:15 dogma actions of twitter facebook google
@00:30:52 twitter link right here and this is not
@00:32:26 taking you over to the twitter of mr.
@00:32:28 matt couch at real matt couch on twitter
@00:32:45 in while he kind of lets his twitter
@00:37:07 who got into it on twitter this week
@00:40:36 here at twitter at real matte couch
@00:41:10 the twitter i'm over here often

Q Anon - Alex Jones, the NSA and You! pt.1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.15.18

@00:03:46 on post this from vinny vela on twitter
@00:06:51 app and brackets twitter geo - t /l you
@00:08:48 which is twitter as a matter of fact you
@00:08:57 happy over there on twitter
@00:11:17 jones is banned except for twitter and
@00:12:49 somehow allowed the trend on twitter so
@00:38:59 post this link to vinnie valles twitter
@00:39:14 this is the twitter page of vinnie

Q Anon - Peter Strzok Out! Antifa Terror? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.14.18

@00:34:34 here at the twitter at ipo t 1776 where

Q Anon - NBC in a Panic? What's on the Island? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.13.18

@00:00:56 twitter link another twitter link and
@00:01:10 we've got another twitter link has media
@00:02:35 this anonymous link to a twitter from
@00:03:15 post this to satan's twitter i miss you
@00:03:21 twitter account was referenced for a
@00:03:46 twitter link the more you know q and
@00:04:22 we could this twitter link right here to
@00:04:24 president donald j trump's twitter seems
@00:05:07 twitter link right here which goes to
@00:05:11 twitter she also doesn't have a blue
@00:05:20 and as you can see twitter doesn't want
@00:15:25 flag the twitter accounts of nbc news at
@00:24:30 an anon takes us back to this twitter
@00:24:36 trump q says this twitter account was
@00:26:24 this weeks ago on twitter from this
@00:27:00 cue takes you to this twitter again and
@00:33:11 twitter under the sky king hashtag sky
@00:35:23 over here on the twitter and my patreon

Q Anon - What's the Matter with Maher? Learning to Fly? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.18

@00:01:54 google plus facebook plus twitter in
@00:02:26 we have a twitter link do you remember
@00:06:39 hypocrisy is unreal q gives us a twitter
@00:06:49 twitter link do you believe in
@00:10:53 facebook and plus twitter who have been
@00:16:34 twitter you have seen that that purports
@00:17:17 doesn't seem the same the twitter page
@00:19:01 1843 cue takes us to this twitter link
@00:25:59 twitter journalist in canada's north

Q Anon - Q Hacked? Hilary and Haiti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8.11.18

@00:39:35 reports coming from twitter a deranged
@00:41:18 quick video that i posted on twitter
@00:41:54 i'm over here at this twitter page of
@00:42:56 at twitter at ip ot 1776 that's at ip o

Q Anon - What's On Those Planes? Showtime! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.10.18

@00:29:44 i am also over here on the twitter at

Q Stories - Lisa's Story - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.18

@00:09:10 twitter posts and you watch the q post

Q Anon - IPOT/ Russia Collusion? Blue Wave? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.18

@00:01:08 opened the door for twitter facebook
@00:01:53 twitter i do suggest you follow her i
@00:01:58 follows me on twitter but i'm not so
@00:03:31 on twitter saying folks let me be clear
@00:05:31 on twitter this year is an excerpt off a
@00:10:17 fox over here on twitter is saying it's
@00:11:56 are into twitter hang out on twitter be
@00:13:32 always you can find me on the twitter at

Q Anon Cult? We're No Cult, We're Qt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.6.18

@00:16:13 attacks online particularly on twitter
@00:16:59 the woodwork as you can see on twitter
@00:17:08 twitter we don't necessarily have to go
@00:19:20 gap my bitch shoot my twitter at ip ot

Q Anon - D5 Coming? See Something, Say Something! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.5.18

@00:06:40 shoot my youtube twitter and my email as

Q Anon We Have the ServerS Wonderful Day! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 4 18

@00:02:55 7:30 1:18 we have a twitter link q post
@00:19:35 this twitter link here and that takes us
@00:19:38 to this storm watch or twitter
@00:26:24 section on youtube twitter it's all
@00:26:35 follow me on twitter i said the other
@00:28:11 at this new twitter channel i bet it's
@00:32:03 third link to twitter now i can't click
@00:32:40 by taking us to this twitter link of

Q Anon - Something BIG about to DRQP? JUST the Plan?? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.3.18

@00:01:36 screenshot here looks to be twitter this
@00:01:56 like a twitter handle of a cait matt saw
@00:02:16 president then we've got a twitter link
@00:07:26 twitter this mystery woman would really
@00:07:42 twitter handle i want a hug real donald
@00:07:58 and then we get this twitter link which
@00:08:00 takes you to kate matzah katie's twitter
@00:09:16 supporter on twitter and had
@00:10:40 twitter here she is here and she tweets
@00:11:09 twitter starts talking to you about it
@00:15:34 twitter dropped don't know if it will be
@00:18:05 twitter link takes us here senior
@00:18:25 awful the white house twitter well
@00:26:20 take you over here to twitter this user
@00:42:23 so thank you so much also on twitter at

Q Anon - Q is Mainstream! Why the MAGA Hate? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.18

@00:00:58 says twitter today in brackets releases
@00:01:00 ban was twitter told to buy msm to
@00:03:32 we have twitter link coincidence threat
@00:04:58 because i went to your twitter handle
@00:06:24 links right here q says twitter today
@00:06:27 releases ban was twitter told by msm to
@00:06:47 second q says twitter today releases
@00:06:51 know that i've been active on twitter
@00:12:34 they want us off reddit twitter facebook
@00:17:48 1776 which twitter really doesn't want
@00:25:54 way of facebook and twitter
@00:33:51 me like an increase of potus twitter
@00:34:06 going on through the twitter comments
@00:35:28 twitter bot attack we know that's gonna
@00:35:32 more reason to attack back on twitter we
@00:35:39 facebook twitter etc create massive
@00:39:16 twitter bots speaking of twitter i'm

Q Anon - Manafort, Podesta, MAGA Movement Growing! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.1.18

@00:36:06 reddit twitter facebook etc will ban and
@00:37:12 over on twitter ipo t 1776 that's at ipo

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:01:30 carefully then we have this twitter link
@00:05:13 twitter q post 1758 48 minutes after the
@00:05:58 screenshot from michael avenatti twitter
@00:30:51 dinners on twitter about paying this
@00:31:23 himself a big twitter following and he's

Q Anon - Watch the Wives. Nothing Happening? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.18

@00:09:44 following me on twitter you may or may

Q Anon - Bldg 8? Social Media Tumbling Down? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.18

@00:01:54 yep you guessed it 11 twitter near 20%
@00:09:31 post 1719 twitter near 20% slide
@00:10:10 sevens good too anyway q says twitter
@00:11:05 whether it be google twitter facebook
@00:12:12 yesterday as well to twitter jack dorsey
@00:12:15 dumped a ton of twitter long ago i guess
@00:14:00 particularly twitter shadow banning
@00:14:11 bending going on twitter and facebook

Q Anon Blood Moon Rising In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 27 18

@00:15:34 tanking twitter will be next they're all
@00:34:03 keep in mind twitter and youtube were
@00:34:11 remember twitter jack dorsey and don't
@00:34:20 a ton of money out of twitter where'd
@00:34:36 money coming out of twitter a lot of
@00:34:39 money coming out of twitter well maybe
@00:34:51 conservative shadow bands on twitter

Q Anon Q is Back! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 25 18

@00:01:13 important think twitter those awake see
@00:04:05 queue post 1692 we have a twitter link
@00:11:56 google facebook twitter all they do is
@00:12:06 twitter shadow banning your data youtube
@00:12:34 that clean house think twitter
@00:12:38 excuse me repeats important take twitter
@00:13:13 and there it's out there but twitter is
@00:13:20 twitter and that's why i'm on it that's
@00:13:26 can use the power of twitter to create
@00:17:20 see think twitter repeats important
@00:25:35 gonna see you on twitter so you see
@00:27:11 and we're gonna talk on twitter let's
@00:39:41 but one of these first ones is a twitter
@00:41:11 the guys from twitter they all invested
@00:42:01 tons of twitter pages and things like
@00:42:03 that they got twitter handles we can go
@00:42:20 twitter and the next thing they know

Q Anon Where's the Line? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 24 18

@00:01:55 fired then of course twitter is to blame
@00:01:59 opinionated twitter personality whose
@00:02:33 illuminated through his twitter feed and
@00:03:09 follow me on twitter you know that i
@00:04:59 of social media especially twitter where
@00:05:07 reflection on twitter critical thinking
@00:05:48 combing through their twitter timeline
@00:05:54 foresight to erase his twitter and start
@00:07:18 you've been following me on twitter i
@00:07:31 just on twitter but in social media all
@00:09:03 his twitter account earlier on monday as
@00:09:11 deleted his twitter account monday
@00:14:59 on twitter i've been posting a few of
@00:16:46 after people on twitter and a lot of us
@00:17:28 lot of us on twitter are calling these
@00:17:57 get off twitter if you are gonna tweet
@00:21:45 somebody on twitter and it's
@00:29:51 q on twitter the moriya book 1 the

Q Anon - Share this VideQ - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.21.18

@00:06:55 the world using facebook twitter youtube
@00:06:58 and other social facebook twitter and
@00:11:23 youtube facebook twitter these are all
@00:11:38 twitter here as well - oh look at that
@00:11:40 who's been shadow banned on twitter sir
@00:11:44 twitter all right so you get the idea
@00:12:20 particular facebook and twitter say
@00:15:39 twitter it's happening to them all and

Q Anon - No Headlines - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.19.18

@00:02:09 took to twitter to express her deepest

Q Anon - Eyes On the Ball - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.18.18

@00:12:14 obama over on twitter and he'll let you

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 7.16.18

@00:11:12 join me over here on twitter at ipo t
@00:11:19 who don't do twitter that is okay i am
@00:12:01 twitter every day you can join me there

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Q Review/World Update - 7.14.18

@00:01:34 that going if you're on twitter but that
@00:03:19 the twitter this is where you're gonna
@00:03:30 know a lot of you don't like twitter and
@00:03:33 please join me over here on twitter this
@00:04:00 able to find me over here on twitter i
@00:29:49 over here on twitter for the next couple

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 7.10.18

@00:00:50 here on twitter trying to start up a
@00:12:42 think on twitter i said do you agree
@00:21:25 twitter where she says oh look elizabeth

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 7.9.18

@00:00:43 taking you over here to my twitter page
@00:05:05 even be better than if twitter jumped
@00:14:44 twitter as you can see it looks like i
@00:28:58 gonna get on his twitter after i make
@00:29:28 hop on twitter won't you join me over
@00:29:35 truth ip o t 1776 on twitter and of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.5.18

@00:19:36 following me on twitter please do it is

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.4.18

@00:05:28 post this from lee stranahan on twitter
@00:33:12 who would have thought that the twitter
@00:34:07 would have thought the twitter phone
@00:35:30 cue down here talks about the twitter
@00:35:32 phone who would have thought the twitter
@00:35:51 he's always on twitter with and that's
@00:37:08 somebody on twitter that brought this up

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 7.3.18

@00:26:24 say i have a disc here on twitter and

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.2.18

@00:11:47 hashtag to get going on twitter if you
@00:11:49 are one of those twitter people we can
@00:11:54 we're over here on the twitter page of
@00:21:52 laurie voss made the rounds on twitter
@00:24:40 barrels twitter and as you can see i'm
@00:27:35 twitter hashtag queueing on where you're

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.29.18/2

@00:01:48 dream equals twitter q says think born
@00:11:53 dream equals twitter and of course
@00:11:54 twitter is a massive social media giant
@00:18:00 when we die noticed you had a twitter
@00:18:10 so it begins on twitter spectre a white
@00:23:59 twitter and we get this article by brock
@00:31:51 join me on twitter at i pot 1776 that's

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.29.18/1

@00:08:16 on twitter and that is it right there
@00:08:34 this is from jonathan haynes twitter
@00:10:38 here on twitter and she is covering a
@00:17:11 vip and it takes you to this twitter
@00:23:47 reviewers took to twitter to share their
@00:37:26 document showed ramos said on twitter
@00:38:46 twitter and see for yourself i don't

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.28.18

@00:32:11 twitter
@00:41:20 you are on twitter please join me at
@00:41:22 twitter at ip ot 1776 that's ip ot 1776

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:02:06 do you see facebook twitter google
@00:02:58 talking and we have a twitter link
@00:04:03 we had a twitter link and we get three
@00:04:34 the hour of nine we get a twitter link
@00:20:08 see facebook twitter google censoring
@00:20:16 ballistic on twitter threatening this
@00:24:12 then we have this twitter link what are
@00:24:14 we leading up to q well the twitter link
@00:29:56 facebook ads and twitter bots we saw an

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.20.18

@00:01:58 know and we have a twitter link q
@00:02:59 another picture iphone twitter
@00:03:29 coincidence twitter shot in the oval and
@00:03:39 coincidence twitter shot in the oval and
@00:19:37 course we're talking about twitter
@00:20:49 takes you to a twitter link and we are
@00:23:51 entitled iphone twitter whitehouse hmm
@00:24:53 twitter saying earlier today id flotus
@00:25:08 coincidence twitter shot in the oval and
@00:25:43 see that we've got the twitter phone and

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:10:31 slew of twitter paradise featuring star
@00:21:43 twitter habit according to politico the
@00:21:49 entreaties to swap out the twitter phone
@00:22:56 swap out the twitter phone why are all
@00:22:59 swap out the twitter phone i've been

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.18.18/1

@00:16:01 we get this twitter link and q says
@00:23:23 eleven we get this twitter link to this
@00:34:15 i really like on twitter she does a lot

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.15.18

@00:12:01 photonic on twitter hours after she died

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.14.18

@00:00:52 twitter link busy day q 12:26
@00:01:02 tagging qi on on twitter big things
@00:06:31 gives us a twitter link and says busy
@00:06:36 to the potus schedule twitter wednesday
@00:07:34 and on on twitter big things coming
@00:07:49 twitter it means they're passing their
@00:16:03 on my twitter feed and i'll repost it
@00:17:11 followers on twitter thank you very much
@00:21:21 the top of my feed my twitter feed and
@00:27:39 good work and i will leave his twitter
@00:30:39 twitter posts and conflicting youtube

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.13.18

@00:08:52 have regarding twitter throttling and
@00:21:18 googley 10% also jack dorsey at twitter
@00:21:22 and remember twitter spacex that's also

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.12.18

@00:06:35 late tuesday trump claimed on twitter
@00:33:14 claimed on twitter that text is this

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.11.18

@00:20:59 twitter and this is from a collection i

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.4.18

@00:26:40 twitter kill yahoo kill bigan kill

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 6.1.18

@00:00:21 you off here on my twitter page if you
@00:00:22 are a twitter user and you are feeling
@00:20:36 twitter today and i want to read you a

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 5.31.18

@00:01:16 sawyer's twitter account craig sawyer is
@00:06:12 taken to twitter in an attempt to get
@00:06:39 snyder's wife her her twitter handle in
@00:06:50 twitter including mersh of rotc media
@00:08:28 official sam and kat twitter account to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Memorial Day - 5.28.18

@00:00:49 my twitter page and i want to let you
@00:00:52 know that i've changed my twitter handle
@00:00:55 already with me on twitter but it is
@00:01:10 now i am a lot more active on twitter
@00:01:18 on that twitter won't you please join me
@00:01:21 on twitter okay so the mogga movement
@00:08:55 suicide note on twitter around 8:30 p.m.

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - May Flowers? - 5 25 18

@00:01:49 more and more on twitter as i am getting
@00:01:54 twitter is alive with headlines today as
@00:02:03 picture from general flynn's twitter
@00:02:25 that saying that his twitter has been
@00:10:09 share john's twitter now we don't

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18

@00:14:13 is supposed to 1435 the twitter page of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New - Q Anon - 5.21.18

@00:03:43 match then we have twitter linked to jim
@00:12:30 and i'm gonna take you over to twitter
@00:12:40 here we ov are over on twitter president
@00:23:20 this this is ashley's twitter at as d138
@00:25:11 cool stuff on her twitter and i just

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 20 18

@00:01:48 a pan we see a twitter link and seven
@00:02:21 here and let me take it over to twitter
@00:08:38 twitter excuse me after takeoff the
@00:20:22 includes this twitter link and this is
@00:22:51 twitter and so i just wanted to be able
@00:23:03 and on twitter if you want to just even

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.18.18

@00:06:36 who posts a twitter from mike pam
@00:17:31 news to the president's twitter account

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.17.18

@00:01:54 news today equals fake twitter news
@00:02:30 this article here regarding twitter
@00:02:32 twitter officially omits to shadow
@00:03:38 twitter link where we go on we go all
@00:08:49 looks like a twitter page of the last
@00:10:07 today fake twitter news today real well
@00:10:33 twitter news today
@00:10:36 that's this is off a breitbart twitter
@00:10:44 earlier today twitter said they were
@00:10:57 considered troll-like by twitter it will
@00:11:12 although twitter employees have been
@00:11:35 he's cruising and now we've got twitter
@00:11:40 twitter of course it's a facebook too
@00:20:25 have this twitter officially admits to
@00:24:55 was jack dorsey's twitter and this was
@00:26:32 twitter ceo jack dorsey reaffirms
@00:26:36 global payment twitter and square
@00:28:41 from twitter to go start this square

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.15.18

@00:29:13 saturday he mounts on twitter that he
@00:30:21 afternoon then on his personal twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.11.18

@00:00:20 i'm also on bit shoot and twitter just
@00:02:11 we have a twitter link post 1328 two
@00:09:05 this twitter link which is donald
@00:09:07 trump's twitter link five most-wanted
@00:17:00 over here on post 1327 this is a twitter
@00:18:37 like his twitter blew up because if you

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Hawaii Volcano - 5.6.18

@00:00:30 find me at twitter these links will all
@00:00:34 feel free to hit me up on twitter i'm
@00:00:37 yet i'm still figuring out twitter but

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.5.18

@00:07:58 twitter we got something new we got a

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.1.18

@00:02:11 now and then we have this twitter link

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.30.18

@00:05:59 post this twitter post from the us
@00:09:48 from that twitter a couple minutes later
@00:09:55 defense's twitter here comes the boom

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.28.18

@00:21:52 twitter i will be nominating christopher
@00:27:12 twitter and google could help mueller
@00:27:44 twitter as well as the gmail accounts
@00:27:51 operatives to use little-known twitter
@00:27:57 right so we talked about these twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 27 18

@00:15:04 to hit up my twitter hit up twitter but
@00:18:57 very vocal on twitter lately was very
@00:20:52 twitter that there is nothing more
@00:22:37 this is from april 25th on his twitter
@00:24:14 awful kanye west's twitter at least it

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.26.18

@00:03:55 do you see facebook twitter google
@00:21:12 and the fbi trump said via twitter in
@00:30:29 that already do you see facebook twitter
@00:30:35 have had problems with facebook twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.25.18

@00:00:24 twitter now my apologies i really really
@00:00:26 want to get into twitter i haven't quite
@00:20:46 follow me on twitter follow me on gab

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.22.18

@00:02:13 think public and private twitter
@00:04:56 a twitter handle their gun em holds a
@00:25:35 a twitter status here and it takes you
@00:27:32 twitter clyde who spent most of his
@00:27:48 how she uses twitter maggie relies on
@00:27:49 twitter and other digital tools to him
@00:28:01 twitter sounds to me like they probably
@00:28:06 twitter accounts and things like that
@00:28:32 look on the twitter and find out who
@00:28:39 private twitter accounts they have all
@00:29:02 a probably a public or private twitter
@00:38:57 a twitter handle gangnam holds a

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.21.18

@00:02:24 alison mac's twitter 18 minutes after
@00:04:27 looks like instagram or twitter i'm not
@00:06:49 hours later via twitter calling the suit
@00:15:13 find them on twitter if you want we're
@00:20:23 look just look on twitter and look up
@00:20:29 some credit some guys on twitter here

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.17.18

@00:23:52 over to my twitter and of course that

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.16.18

@00:02:43 twitter / plan / timing future proves
@00:16:04 potus validating drops by a twitter /

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.15.18

@00:03:47 this is a twitter page of an annie
@00:04:04 annie sparrow this is her twitter page
@00:13:47 antonopoulos his twitter we're gonna

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.13.18

@00:00:20 from donald trump's twitter just had an
@00:01:27 at 14 minutes past the hour for twitter
@00:01:55 twitter page right and actually let me
@00:02:05 still there if you go to the twitter
@00:02:26 know where memes are great on twitter
@00:02:27 right and and trump loves twitter so
@00:09:20 we have twitter down injection good okay
@00:09:38 about with twitter what's so famous on
@00:09:39 twitter donald trump loves twitter's
@00:09:56 incidentally i got me at twitter folks i
@00:10:01 got me at twitter is this a good time to
@00:10:07 i got a twitter
@00:14:21 twitter i pot okay it's just called i
@00:14:43 stay stay on my twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 4.12.18

@00:03:02 or excuse me think ray chandler twitter
@00:03:36 twitter we know sarah carter she's good
@00:10:38 trump's twitter it says today russia
@00:10:58 like this on twitter and it's incredible
@00:36:09 chandler twitter etc honey pots whoo
@00:38:03 nailed twitter jack dorsey was gonna be

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.10.18

@00:02:28 facebook twitter instagram central
@00:11:22 like crazy who else got dumped twitter
@00:11:31 twitter okay they dumped all that
@00:11:33 twitter stuff well it is twitter those
@00:11:35 are the guys from twitter they dumped
@00:11:36 their own twitter where'd they go they
@00:14:38 all their money out of twitter put it
@00:23:51 reinstate at wiseguy seventy on twitter
@00:23:58 reinstate at wise guy on twitter at one
@00:24:34 made false complaints to twitter i know
@00:24:48 implying i was a spammer twitter
@00:25:11 that's what's going on on twitter lots
@00:25:26 was banned from twitter not anymore but
@00:25:32 twitter you can go all in that yourself
@00:25:35 with twitter so what do these dummy
@00:27:13 think bridge google facebook twitter
@00:27:24 google facebook twitter and not so much
@00:28:03 2017 facebook google and twitter rushed
@00:28:36 such as facebook google and twitter
@00:35:56 okay now we have a twitter link
@00:36:56 you back sorry there was a twitter lane
@00:37:30 video you can see it on his twitter but

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.9.18

@00:05:40 is a twitter handle born palestinian
@00:39:49 took you there it's the twitter link of
@00:40:02 just really lifted right off the twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18

@00:03:04 twitter push msm overdrive all for a
@00:04:46 their twitter well the other day we had
@00:14:14 twitter link listen carefully cue and it
@00:18:31 plus twitter push a msm overdrive all
@00:19:32 out from twitter does twitter get
@00:19:38 clowns plus twitter push well we know
@00:19:41 twitter is a cia driven media outlet so

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.7.18

@00:04:43 youtube kill facebook kill twitter kill
@00:18:24 twitter kill yahoo kill bing kill
@00:19:39 facebook twitter yahoo and bing an
@00:29:52 this is from swab trainers twitter
@00:30:09 croakings twitter and i don't know if
@00:36:09 like the twitter and it's just it's a
@00:39:01 theory confuses twitter well we talked
@00:39:08 actress roseanne barr through twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.6.18

@00:25:29 was all linked up with the twitter and

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.5.18

@00:06:36 minutes after the hour for twitter
@00:30:14 minutes after the hour for twitter
@00:30:26 scared okay well twitter is pushing this
@00:32:21 that we're talking about twitter we're
@00:35:23 all for alex soros is twitter alexander
@00:39:36 who's wrapped up with twitter you get

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.3.18

@00:03:40 twitter google big problems q well
@00:25:43 facebook amazon twitter google so i'm
@00:26:22 monopolies twitter well we know
@00:26:31 twitter and have gone now into square as

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.29.18

@00:02:17 amazon worldwide twitter
@00:04:49 with facebook google amazon twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.28.18

@00:01:43 constitutional crisis twitter coming
@00:14:34 peaks because of that twitter coming

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.23.18 - RT?? Saudi/CIA Connection?

@00:00:50 probably back on twitter at some point
@00:04:09 firm just dumped half its firms twitter
@00:04:18 halved his stake in twitter and
@00:04:44 buy additional twitter stock reuters
@00:04:55 1.4 million twitter shares as of june
@00:05:15 stake of about 0.3 percent both twitter
@00:05:22 this okay both twitter and square are
@00:06:09 summit entertainment playboy twitter
@00:06:26 management dumped all this twitter and
@00:06:28 put it into square well both twitter and
@00:07:38 dorsey founder and chairman of twitter
@00:07:44 twitter at the four seasons hotel george
@00:07:55 developments in twitter i'm gonna take
@00:08:06 earnings from the twitter ipo to taking
@00:08:23 twitter ipo wow not just hundreds of
@00:08:36 twitter ceo discuss tie-up so we've got
@00:09:29 google executive and twitter investor
@00:09:42 brisby and twitter declined to comment
@00:12:40 he's already dumping twitter everyone's
@00:12:42 dumping to twitter but what are you
@00:13:28 twitter and reald space x and real d and

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.22.18 - Why Is This Video Important?

@00:19:54 is his book right here on twitter
@00:22:21 facebook and and twitter now here we're

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.21.18

@00:03:22 do what they did to facebook and twitter
@00:08:32 twitter this is a little spot of hope
@00:10:58 twitter and corporate ceo jack dorsey

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.20.18 - Boom!! What Does it Mean?

@00:12:31 twitter and a lot of hate speech and how
@00:13:38 facebook twitter and other platforms are

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.18 - Panic Mode? Enjoy The Show.

@00:03:28 twitter page here where we're at you'll
@00:13:09 twitter handle rosy unmasked is kind of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.18.18/2

@00:06:11 through twitter facebook all the social
@00:06:34 are fabricating twitter users and using

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.18.18

@00:01:36 democrats hillary rodham clinton twitter
@00:06:36 these twitter bot google operated and
@00:06:42 dealing with them on facebook twitter
@00:06:56 bots created for use on twitter why is

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.16.18

@00:02:48 quick to donald j trump's twitter larry
@00:04:38 just days ago trump used twitter to fire
@00:08:12 twitter my youtube i emails have all

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Why is Clinton in India? - 3.15.18

@00:00:49 news this is their twitter page and at

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Bangladesh Plane Crash, NYC Helo Crash - 3.12.18

@00:03:53 here is twitter from jay jay majors who
@00:04:40 twitter page of this is a tv show

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.11.18 - Missing Q Posts!

@00:05:35 excerpts from trump's twitter whatever

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 3.11.18 Part 2 of 2

@00:04:39 go to donald trump's twitter

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.11.18 part 1 of 2

@00:01:30 the 24 twitter requirement public view
@00:01:35 well here's edward snowden's twitter
@00:01:54 see it on his twitter page he's based

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.10.18

@00:01:14 this here is a 629 at snowden twitter
@00:01:35 maybe twitter received a 24 day notice
@00:03:16 twitter in receivership in 24 days shut
@00:04:10 twitter page secretary tillison arrives

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.9.18/4

@00:00:33 march 9th every user on twitter will
@00:01:21 here's from newsweek twitter
@00:01:36 first part every user on twitter will
@00:01:47 twitter and as long as you're you know
@00:03:07 activities so that could be twitter
@00:03:10 twitter could collapse facebook could

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.9.18/2

@00:06:43 snowden 24 twitter a b or c we can take

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.8.18 - Part 1 of 2

@00:01:46 we're actually gonna go to the twitter
@00:02:02 directing us to the twitter page and it
@00:06:56 twitter page so maybe this is sort of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon- 3.7.18 Part 1 of 2

@00:06:10 facebook twitter etc are regulated you

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.6.18/2 Part 2

@00:00:12 trump's own twitter account amazing

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.6.18

@00:04:26 his twitter page had some pictures of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 3 5 18 2

@00:01:10 minutes later on his twitter elon musk

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 3.4.18

@00:02:45 right now facebook youtube twitter
@00:06:04 youtube facebook twitter russia icbm
@00:07:11 link google youtube facebook twitter
@00:11:52 trust youtube do you trust twitter

In Pursuit Of Truth Presents - QANON Research - Rothschild's selling, Trump's Executive Order

@00:01:22 but i am deleting my twitter app after
@00:01:33 anger on twitter is out of control
@00:01:35 hashtag goodbye twitter well i don't
@00:01:42 problem is the shadow banning on twitter
@00:06:01 lately she's hopping off twitter what