North Korea


@00:29:34 coverage regarding north korea do you
@00:29:39 north korea no longer a nuclear threat
@00:29:41 mountain collapse china seeking north
@00:29:42 korea commitment to fire short
@00:29:54 it says north korea unveiled a monster
@00:30:05 they're trying to plan with north korea

What Would Happen If THEY Won?

@00:29:41 coverage of north korea
@00:29:44 north korea where'd that go
@00:29:50 what happened i mean north korea no
@00:30:10 queue so is china actually asking north
@00:30:12 korea to

Are We Under ATTACK From Directed Energy Weapons?

@00:00:24 russia and they say north korea

Is A '5th Column' Of SUBVERSIVE AGENTS Infiltrating Our Republic?

@00:14:20 floors except north korea
@00:14:28 uh relations with north korea and also


@00:10:21 something like oh we just knew north
@00:10:23 korea you can imagine the kind of


@00:13:11 second and north korea china i'm jan

What's Important To Know For FUTURE EVENTS?

@00:29:32 servers that were set up in north korea

What Happens When YOU Are FULLY AWAKE?

@00:15:18 to the very end north korea is not being

Do You SEE What Is Happening?

@00:30:29 strangely no war in north korea iran

Will We Let THEM Take Our Rights Away?

@00:23:58 it north korea that that leaked the

What Would Have Happened If SHE HAD WON?

@00:04:59 russia and iran north korea to be today

Why Are BACKCHANNELS So Important?

@00:23:16 north koreans i don't want to sit i
@00:23:20 relationship with north korea as good as
@00:23:24 relationship with north korea i have a

Actionable Intelligence For President Trump About CCP Virus?

@00:17:16 like iran like china north to north
@00:17:21 korea to a degree and then we have the

Is This BIGGER Than We Can Possibly Imagine?

@00:01:02 russia and iran north korea to be to

Are We Watching A 'SCRIPTED' Movie?

@00:14:19 jong-eun in north korea that we were

Is Operation DEFENDER EUROPE 20 A Military Exercise Or MUCH MORE?

@00:21:31 on maybe you will listen now north korea


@00:16:51 north korea iran russia china mexico why


@00:07:45 administration and also looking at north
@00:07:48 korea are we ever gonna look deeper into
@00:07:50 north korea and what happened with all

Predicting The FUTURE To Stop Global Disaster?

@00:22:32 did with north korea nobody's saying kim

Why Are THEY Pushing The IRAN HOAX?

@00:01:53 between iran and north korea and why is
@00:03:21 of how russia and china with north korea
@00:03:48 of russia china and north korea have
@00:04:05 north korea during the same time frame
@00:04:22 officials have been on site in north
@00:04:24 korea for all their tests on nuclear
@00:04:28 had the benefit of having north korea

What Aren't THEY Telling Us RE: IRAN'S SECRET PLANS?

@00:00:35 emp from north korea or emp by sabotage
@00:19:34 and north korea have assisted iran in
@00:19:49 energy production china and north korea
@00:20:08 have been on site in north korea for all
@00:20:15 having north korea essentially do their
@00:20:25 control systems russia china and north
@00:20:27 korea always had the latitude and time
@00:20:41 russia china and north korea have

Did THEY Conspire To Overthrow Our President?

@00:09:22 lone star at north korea run emp


@00:23:40 jerusalem hostages home from north korea

Are Rogue CLOWNS Infiltrating EVERYTHING?

@00:17:26 north korea but there's even more to

DC Cult 'The Finders' Exposed By Newly Released Intel?

@00:29:08 server's in north korea
@00:29:09 why was eric schmidt visiting north
@00:29:11 korea who really controlled north korea
@00:29:14 right what was north korea part of a

MASSIVE Military Exercises Taking Place Ahead Of WHAT???

@00:16:00 like north korea hostage it was through
@00:16:07 regimes such as north korea that they
@00:17:00 infiltrate north korea you give them

Is Operation RED OCTOBER Going Live?

@00:04:57 government uranium one north korea why


@00:05:48 china and north korea so we've been
@00:12:43 going to allow iran and north korea and

Do You Still TRUST THE PLAN Is Happening?

@00:00:51 north korea should have been done a long

[MOS] Secret Plan To EXTRACT High Value Asset?

@00:16:28 really in north korea shim it went to
@00:16:30 north korea three times he won with
@00:16:39 the nuke north korea cell phone company
@00:17:09 to run jigsaw jigsaw and visits north
@00:17:12 korea and ukraine his job at jigsaw was

Would THEY Sell Out America's Secrets?

@00:22:08 a china allows north korea to come

Obama's FBI Used CEO As SPY To SETUP Russia Hoax?

@00:15:45 schmidt departure think north korea many
@00:16:51 the connection in north korea extra
@00:16:55 richardson helping the north koreans set

Who Do THEY Secretly Worship???

@00:24:21 remain classified to the very end north
@00:24:23 korea is not being run by kim he's an

Secret Black Ops & FBI Raids Uncovering TRUTH?

@00:17:11 extreme threatening pressure on north
@00:17:12 korea the day of the moller hearing

The TRUTH Is Right In Front Of You...

@00:05:11 on north korea the day of the moller
@00:10:10 north korea obviously there's a story
@00:10:12 about north korea having a missile
@00:10:40 we all know that ultimately north korea
@00:11:11 strings from north korea so that we
@00:11:22 that's what north korea represents is

How Did THEY Get Away With It?

@00:25:45 to north korea november 17th


@00:21:30 access closed haiti access closed north
@00:21:32 korea access closed china access closed

US Sub Sunk Off Coast Of Alaska?

@00:01:52 north korea the fact that we have this
@00:12:36 vie north korea which is basically right

The PLAN Being Set In Motion...

@00:00:46 17 steps into north korea with chairman
@00:03:28 north korea now i know what everyone's
@00:03:40 into north korea he turns around with
@00:04:35 invited into north korea so kim invites
@00:04:50 in to north korea and i watched this
@00:05:27 told about kim in north korea was back
@00:05:33 first first thing i think about north
@00:05:35 korea turning that but i think it was
@00:06:15 north korea summit where he met with kim
@00:06:21 updated phone number three north korean
@00:07:39 allowed north korea to become a rogue
@00:08:53 older news north korea post specially
@00:10:03 inside of north korea not necessarily

Do THEY Plan To Interfere In 2020 ELECTION?

@00:13:20 over in north korea what was he
@00:13:32 going and was north korea really just a
@00:15:05 make between that no and north korea
@00:15:37 possibly north korea so that they could

Deep Sabotage From The ENEMIES WITHIN?

@00:07:08 pakistan and north korea and it says
@00:10:13 saudi arabia then north korea then it's

What's Actually Happening Behind The Scenes?

@00:03:00 north korea and their subsequent
@00:26:04 russia and north korea while at the same

The WORLD Is CHANGING Right Before US...

@00:11:14 he believes like i do that north korea
@00:18:55 follow up on north korea you tweeted
@00:18:57 about north korea yesterday do you
@00:19:58 being put on the country of north korea

Everything You Need To Know About The SET UP!

@00:06:22 about north korea and what's going on

Are You Ready For The FIRST STRIKE?

@00:20:06 schmidt and his involvement in north
@00:20:08 korea and and his involvement with the

We Already Know Who's Next...IT'S HAPPENING!

@00:19:49 great potential very much like north
@00:19:50 korea north korea has tremendous

Hollywood Hills Mansion Uncovers UNBELIEVABLE SECRETS...

@00:18:13 going on in the news we have north korea
@00:18:45 happening in north korea keep an eye on

Are The HUNTERs Becoming The HUNTED?

@00:06:27 you russia iran north korea syria

Did HUSSEIN Drop THE HAMMER On Political Enemies?

@00:19:03 provide false intel regarding north
@00:19:05 korea capability iran tech nuclear

Did THEY Give Secret Military Tech To RUS/IRAN/NK?!?!

@00:02:29 to get to iran in north korea and how
@00:13:37 olympics going on and you had north
@00:13:39 korea going and meeting with south
@00:13:56 from north korea they stopped doing
@00:17:26 about north korea why would they want to
@00:18:18 administration knew about north korea's
@00:18:24 north korea neutral tech spacex nasa
@00:20:06 missile tech right here north korea new
@00:20:20 just like north korea and it's all part

FREE SPEECH Is Under Siege In Our Country...

@00:01:18 north korea or any other foreign country
@00:01:33 we are not in north korea or china in
@00:01:49 north korea to be north korean

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:03:58 with north korea you know where there
@00:16:46 working on china north korea

Why Do THEY Want Us In The DARK?

@00:22:30 so north korea as they're always dust
@00:22:35 they get less frisky right north korea

THEY Thought It Was Coming Last Week...SURPRISE!

@00:08:50 sanctions on north korea
@00:09:12 meeting with north korea
@00:09:44 meeting with north korea during the
@00:10:00 with north korea i don't know i will

They're Preparing For The Worst Case Scenario...TRUTH REVEALED.

@00:18:16 with north korea and that we were gonna

Joint Agreement Signing Ceremony Canceled! Trump Press Conference Coverage...

@00:52:40 difficult actually on north korea we
@00:54:44 which is to denuclearize north korea to

Convicted Felon Set To Testify Before Congress; True or False?

@00:15:58 being made in north korea i hope that

Something BIG Is Coming Soon...Why Now?

@00:00:07 the chairman of north korea kim jong

They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose!

@00:20:43 heading north korea so we got a lot
@00:22:38 because the majority of people in north
@00:22:40 korea i'm sure very good people who
@00:23:40 a country like north korea if if they're
@00:26:28 negotiate with north korea but thanks
@00:26:57 china it seems ahead of this north korea

Leakin' Liar's Secret Message, Taxpayer Theft, & Much More...

@00:04:42 the meeting with north korea being set

Phase III: Are You Ready For The Next Stage?

@00:16:36 california route north korea bigger than
@00:17:02 he went to north korea right during that

Tomorrow's News Today: Want To Know What's Next?

@00:26:37 meeting with north korea
@00:26:57 president or chairman kim in north korea
@00:28:54 having success with north korea don't

Is The 'STAGE SET' For What's To Come?

@00:03:34 about to happen in north korea so that

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:04:24 negotiations with north korea moving the

Q Anon | RBG Resigning? China & NK Meet w/ US? & More...

@00:13:35 to north korea ahead of them having an
@00:14:12 u.s. north korea summit that's looking
@00:14:59 have talks about north korea whatever

First time in more than 25 years?

@00:26:02 north korea how president trump was

Should we be spying on ourselves?

@00:41:09 world war three regarding north korea

What if this was always the plan?

@00:35:28 about north korea and everybody went

Mysterious Accident in NYC: What is happening?

@00:12:53 you imagine russia china north korea or

Why was THIS allowed to happen?

@00:17:34 north korea and do deals you know
@00:19:16 blind-eye to north korea they basically
@00:19:18 turned a blind eye to north korea and
@00:20:07 iran in north korea and it reduced the

A picture is worth many sentences.

@00:15:11 north korea act why unwisely hopefully

Top 25 Q Anon Proofs?

@00:08:19 jong-un in north korea right so it was
@00:08:31 north korea and forgive me if i'm if i'm
@00:11:47 that japan trip and the trip over north
@00:11:50 korea into beijing where actually was to
@00:11:53 seoul i believe in north and south korea
@00:27:14 was shown to kim jeong-hoon in north
@00:27:17 korea is this one right here this white
@00:27:25 real estate mogul went to north korea
@00:32:31 an ons wow huge north korea will meet 45
@00:32:36 think back north korea pics gave us
@00:32:39 these north korea pics back to show us
@00:32:45 window was actually up north korea right
@00:32:52 basically somewhere in north korea or
@00:32:54 south korea or somewhere i think it was
@00:32:55 north korea though and it goes on to

Shall we play a game?

@00:18:15 at the end which i think's funny north
@00:18:18 korea invest everything into bitcoin a

Why do [OPTICS] matter so much?

@00:21:31 session in north korea in the korean war

WHY? = "We knew then. We know now."

@00:37:45 north korea why was eric schmidt in
@00:37:46 north korea what private network did he
@00:37:49 set up in north korea and eric schmidt
@00:37:54 is who else was in north korea during
@00:38:00 why would north korea i allow access to
@00:38:22 up these private networks through north
@00:38:23 korea where they could basically have

Q Anon | "Your voice is spreading."

@00:01:40 with north korea when it was about to
@00:02:39 north korea is actually considering
@00:33:44 instance eric schmidt going to north
@00:33:46 korea to what help kim jeong-hoon

"U.N.-American Speech"

@00:12:14 today we have engaged with north korea

Q Anon | Is "Mad Dog" worried?

@00:14:41 remains from north korea and the

Q Anon | "[DARPA] aka GOOG"

@00:19:29 went over to north korea and it's been

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:27:25 is closed haiti north korea china russia
@00:32:36 way into like what happened in north
@00:32:38 korea who really controls north korea

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:30:45 up secret servers in north korea and so

Secret Societies Join Forces Against POTUS...

@00:00:53 happened with the north korea summit
@00:01:05 in north korea stomach but then it still

Q ANON | How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

@00:08:11 his work in north korea where he went
@00:10:21 schmidt departure think north korea many
@00:10:58 that was because of north korea and the

Q Anon: "These people are stupid."

@00:09:09 access closed north korea access clothes

Who Hacked Q ANON?

@00:36:10 apparently possibly in north korea by
@00:36:49 in north korea so cue is giving us a

Top 10 Proofs of Q Anon...

@00:15:10 posts that deal with north korea but
@00:15:21 april 26 north and south korea announced
@00:15:28 e north korea's kim jong-un agrees to
@00:15:46 basically saying north and south korea
@00:15:49 about to end the north korean war trump
@00:16:10 with north korea now all of that still
@00:24:43 between north korea in the united states

The truth the MSM is scared to report...

@00:10:17 north korea we are on the verge of a
@00:10:33 see north korea peace negotiations
@00:13:56 with north korea which is just the most

FBI releases new info on HRC investigation!

@00:26:36 the gmail server in north korea where

"The choice to know will ultimately be yours."

@00:10:52 allegedly by eric schmidt in north korea

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:04:19 then you have the gmail server in north
@00:04:21 korea that was used for deaddrop
@00:06:19 north korea in nine months likewise no
@00:06:35 it all connects back to north korea it

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:05:00 north korea and and iran through a very
@00:10:02 and tech who controls north korea who
@00:10:04 really controls north korea what
@00:10:17 provide false intel ari north korea
@00:10:32 it's basically going over this north
@00:10:37 korea was a cia asset
@00:10:41 generals who are in charge of the north
@00:11:07 infiltrated north korea took over gave
@00:13:07 control of north korea through financial
@00:15:52 wan tarmac iran north korea uranium one

Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet?

@00:06:49 you barack obama has been to north korea
@00:06:59 feeds north created with strategic intel
@00:07:12 north korea has nukes and the tech to
@00:14:29 a blind eye to north korea and their
@00:15:07 north korea exactly what we're going to
@00:30:23 server in north korea so there was
@00:30:25 apparently a gmail server in north korea
@00:30:30 north korea this corresponds with the
@00:30:32 fact that north korea was owned by the
@00:30:40 trump from north korea looks and


@00:49:13 north korea to come together with

Q ANON: Rocket Man.

@00:20:42 for he was bringing north korea to the
@00:20:48 the north korean icbm test that occurred
@00:20:59 the rally now i give you north korea now

Q ANON: "Matters of National Security."

@00:19:53 and north korea and other states that

Q ANON: "Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?"

@00:11:43 did north korea launched a test of its
@00:12:58 icbm in north korea so watch this video
@00:15:33 north korea we all know what happened
@00:16:16 in north korea today
@00:21:20 nuclear tests in north korea and so on

Q ANON: "We rather enjoyed this one."

@00:08:18 change narrative north korea is not
@00:12:57 about the north korea deal and this
@00:13:02 trump has said about north korea had is
@00:13:47 see a nuclear war with north korea are
@00:34:47 of nuclear war from north korea is being

Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"

@00:04:27 decline promote north korea to end talks

Q ANON: "Info shared highly sensitive."

@00:08:00 the next post q any comment on north
@00:08:03 korea facilities and general kelly
@00:08:09 say north korea equals fake news uk
@00:08:12 originated north korea has begun began
@00:09:02 here's the thing they all want north
@00:09:04 korea as an existential threat to keep
@00:09:24 about north korea is is you know they


@00:05:01 save the world from north korea not good
@00:08:05 he saved the world from north korea i

Q ANON: "Attempt still made."

@00:35:25 miley cyrus if north korea skip

Q ANON: Eric Prince Laptop, Phones Taken...

@00:14:03 us on the border with north korea they

Q ANON: "They want you DIVIDED!"

@00:08:22 brokered this deal in north korea but

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:29:58 point but they go like this that north
@00:30:03 korea was secretly under the control of
@00:30:18 visit to north korea quite some time ago
@00:31:19 schmidt and north korea is all how that
@00:31:28 there to know what's going on in north
@00:31:30 korea and to have control through the

Q ANON: "Not all are awake. Obtain Name."

@00:31:23 the the general in north korea but and
@00:31:53 north korea was totally different he
@00:39:09 departure think north korea think our
@00:40:48 north korea and setting up their network


@00:03:35 fantastic relationship now with north
@00:03:37 korea you know where there were missiles
@00:26:34 over in north korea setting up who knows
@00:26:54 of google travel in north korea i don't


@00:00:46 happened in north korea which is this
@00:16:10 the deal with north korea 500 days ago


@00:23:48 warmbier with north korea


@00:03:01 what could be for north korea the whole
@00:03:10 korea i mean obviously for north korea
@00:05:23 what's possible for north korea which i
@00:05:27 answer the the war answer with north
@00:05:30 korea would not end well i mean what
@00:06:30 things about north korea but the reality
@00:10:54 the deal that was made in north korea
@00:12:47 in north korea but basically we've been
@00:13:02 north korea and q told us man a very
@00:13:55 that this is the is a part is in north
@00:13:58 korea it's it's right near the north
@00:13:59 south korea border but we i'd never
@00:14:17 sure if it was north korea south korea
@00:18:39 north korea as a chaperone or what you
@00:32:13 violations in north korea are gonna have
@00:32:39 this summit was to denuclearize north
@00:32:41 korea and to work on improving relations

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:00:02 of the north korea peace summit are

Q ANON: Latest News - "June ETA." "SR connect to DNC."

@00:00:59 kim jeong-hoon of north korea in

Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona?

@00:19:22 between north korea and what was going
@00:19:37 basically is that this whole north korea
@00:19:46 the whole north korea deal was there was
@00:19:54 really basically been using north korea
@00:20:39 north korea but then also it's a puppet
@00:20:47 there's a lot more to north korea than

Q ANON: Anti-Trump FBI Agents Texts Revealed...

@00:01:21 north korea you have the office of the
@00:03:46 story than what's going on in north
@00:03:48 korea and they will completely turn a


@00:13:15 siphon down into north korea and iran i
@00:20:04 north korea would be because it would
@00:20:28 getting us into a nuclear war with north
@00:20:31 korea and if you look at all that and

President Trump Calls Out Former CIA Director's Lies!

@00:05:09 whether it was with north korea or it

The Mysterious Connections: TG + POTUS = TRUST SESSIONS.

@00:16:39 with north korea and i think everyone

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:25:06 north korea really quickly because we
@00:28:59 president kim jong-in of north korea in
@00:29:16 north koreans in north korea there's
@00:29:19 actually seen in beijing the north

Q ANON: Latest News - [NK DEAL] ?

@00:04:46 north korea deal and then we're gonna go
@00:08:27 north korea and we're gonna see how this
@00:08:41 north korea or north korea
@00:10:48 based on the recent statement of north
@00:10:52 korea i've decided to terminate the plan
@00:11:08 setback for north korea and indeed a
@00:11:34 have spoken to south korea and japan and
@00:11:42 or reckless acts be taken by north korea
@00:12:14 north korea but if they don't we are
@00:12:24 north korea has the opportunity to end
@00:13:38 meeting was requested by north korea but
@00:14:39 world in north korea in particular has
@00:15:40 was talking about how north korea could
@00:15:52 over north korea and their their belief
@00:15:55 that north korea is a buffer state that
@00:16:01 have a scapegoat like korea north korea
@00:16:54 north korea issue and it's quite obvious
@00:17:07 in how north korea has reacted and this
@00:17:14 how north korea has said that trump's
@00:17:16 decision to scrap the u.s. north korea
@00:17:23 clarification on that north korea came
@00:17:31 saying north korea says it is still
@00:17:49 north korea is willing to give the u.s.
@00:17:53 talks kim says north korea's objective
@00:18:14 hostile north korea or us relations is
@00:18:24 north korea they demolished one of their
@00:18:56 north korea behind the scenes and how
@00:18:58 they you know really value north korea's
@00:19:10 on north korea we should just keep in
@00:19:13 over in north korea has basically huge

Q ANON: Latest News - "Flood is coming."

@00:02:50 north korea but um this all is just
@00:03:00 debate as to what's going on with north
@00:03:04 korea i mean it's not controversial if
@00:03:51 summit with north korea that says north
@00:03:53 korea blows up tunnels at p-- young
@00:04:07 installments here in north korea were
@00:04:56 north korea summit right now what was
@00:05:13 china and north korea has actually
@00:05:19 china or north korea in the united
@00:05:35 give north korea an option to join the
@00:06:31 think realizes right now that if north
@00:06:33 korea were to establish this peace
@00:06:57 the north korea north korean regime what
@00:08:16 to get north korea to sign on to be
@00:08:54 economically starved nation of north
@00:08:56 korea is just seeking basically anyone
@00:09:12 with north korea and so that's my
@00:09:19 north korea behind the scenes and
@00:10:31 north korea is just trying to save face
@00:11:41 do with the north korea thing yet and
@00:23:47 north korea and about this spy gate

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed."

@00:15:36 which is the north korea summit it may
@00:16:00 singh's fired the day before the north
@00:16:01 korea summit it gives the media almost
@00:16:12 and the leader of north korea which

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Be prepared."

@00:09:43 between trump and the leader of north
@00:09:45 korea others have pointed out very

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Mistake or on purpose?"

@00:09:35 believe before the summit with north
@00:09:37 korea talk about that being a boom yeah

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:25:52 north koreans miniaturizing nukes and it
@00:25:56 says iran nuke deal north korea new
@00:27:06 fund supply iran north korea plus reduce


@00:27:20 once again just like in north korea you

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Already written?"

@00:02:19 to talk about the north korea news now
@00:02:26 we're saying that north korea is

Q AN0N: Latest Posts - "This is not a game."

@00:21:34 he's talking about how north korea

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "All for A LARP?"

@00:16:59 north korea and then released and
@00:19:04 that the you know north korea deal has
@00:19:22 north korea deal has been finished just
@00:19:31 had already been to north korea and that

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:15:34 referencing the north korea meeting in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Attempts to divide."

@00:31:04 here in the q board about north korea to
@00:31:08 it's a cia-run black site that north
@00:31:11 korea is not we thought it was it wasn't
@00:31:55 nuclear weapons like they did in north
@00:31:56 korea same principle

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Explore further."

@00:15:10 file name nk singh sec so north korea
@00:15:55 north korea deal will be or the north
@00:15:58 korea negotiation with kim jeong-hoon

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "SKY EVENT."

@00:09:39 they're gonna hold the north korea talks
@00:10:10 that's referring to north korea
@00:19:26 this building in singapore the north
@00:19:29 korea singapore security name for the
@00:19:52 like iran and north korea nuclear

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The truth of the deal.

@00:09:30 countries like iran and north korea in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?"

@00:21:23 iran just like he's done in north korea

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

@00:15:31 is when we're talking about north korea

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens."

@00:36:13 it's the same prospect as north korea
@00:38:59 back down into iran and syria and north
@00:39:03 korea is that what that whole thing was

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Timetables shift. [NEXT WEEK]."

@00:12:31 that they'll give you north korea accord
@00:12:39 russia north korea and that's out of the
@00:12:41 new york times out of the guardian north
@00:12:50 businesses are north korea two problems
@00:12:55 time how the historic north korea summit
@00:13:03 here north pledges from mpr north

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere."

@00:28:02 schmidt departure think north korea
@00:32:54 think north korea
@00:32:55 fascinating things going on in north
@00:32:58 korea today and is this the moab first
@00:33:04 went to the peace house in north korean
@00:33:55 at the 38th parallel along with north
@00:33:57 korea thereby enacting one of the
@00:34:06 between the north and south countries of


@00:15:18 talking about north korea and talking
@00:24:09 talks about north korea and mike pompeo
@00:24:22 we're doing very well with north korea
@00:25:41 spoke with his counterparts in north
@00:25:43 korea they had a great meeting he then
@00:25:57 much and north korea is giving up
@00:27:06 that's talking about north korea and
@00:27:59 pumping up the north korea threat day

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "THE W0RLD IS WATCHING."

@00:18:45 secretary of state north korea iran
@00:23:08 be determined maybe the north korea
@00:23:26 new york north korea and then it's
@00:23:34 his dealings with north korea and how

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We endure."

@00:03:03 imagine north korea like a james bond
@00:03:41 missile technologies to iran and north
@00:03:43 korea and all they had to do was get on
@00:07:59 know why aren't north korea developments
@00:08:35 did with north korea where it all it did
@00:09:04 about worldwide about north korea is

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Define smuggle."

@00:01:10 icbm think north korea who controls the
@00:04:21 thinking about north korea how did they
@00:07:13 forward and what happened to north korea
@00:12:45 responds think north korea they have
@00:12:52 north korea you know and oppress people
@00:13:32 right here about like north korea they
@00:13:41 north korea north korea then armenia
@00:14:27 about saudi arabia talk about north
@00:14:29 korea talking about armenia talking
@00:19:42 red cross pakistan red cross north korea

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Listen carefully."

@00:27:24 it won't be north korea that's what they
@00:27:39 they're gonna blame north korea for it

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "The world is watching."

@00:22:08 moon north korea quote north korea will
@00:22:27 delivering and he solved this north
@00:22:29 korea thing like it was nothing

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trap card played..."

@00:18:55 how she was visiting north korea and
@00:25:52 slip-up of saying how she was in north
@00:25:55 korea brokering deals for weapons

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q&A w/ Q!

@00:13:03 admits traveled north korea past archive
@00:14:04 rien tell trip to north korea will make
@00:14:09 to visit north korea since future proofs
@00:15:13 north korea
@00:17:10 undeterred north korea would continue
@00:18:24 under when nancy pelosi went to north
@00:18:26 korea she made her millions of dollars
@00:18:32 buying missiles from north korea and


@00:01:00 ridiculous that deal with north korea
@00:01:05 and the idea that north korea has lost
@00:04:13 it's about north korea maybe it's


@00:29:46 discovered north korean markings on
@00:29:55 tillerson was relieved in north korea
@00:29:58 talks with them they tried to tie north
@00:30:00 korea they did everything they could to
@00:30:06 north korea their 30-year investment in
@00:30:10 fired tillerson north korea's coming to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Message?"

@00:15:19 what does north korea represent threat

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Distraction."

@00:01:31 north korea uranium one fbi doj mueller

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RR problems."

@00:30:51 been using about north korea we neutered
@00:30:58 is telling us north korea taken care of

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "No name panic."

@00:14:38 journal article really quick it's north
@00:14:40 korea ready to discuss denuclearization
@00:17:15 videos just put trump north korea into a
@00:17:42 against north korea rather all the
@00:17:47 is wrong on north korea why trump will
@00:17:49 fail in north korea why kim jong moon
@00:17:57 then like apologist media for north
@00:17:59 korea how will kim ji-woon explain his
@00:18:03 losing nuclear weapons to the north
@00:18:12 schmidt travels to north korea and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:18:49 what does warren north korea it doesn't
@00:27:19 iran new north korea uranium one fbi doj

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "F0CUS 0N FRlENDS (2)."

@00:14:01 think north korea think nukes
@00:14:15 for instance saying that north korea
@00:14:31 lawmakers in jaime that north korea
@00:14:42 north korea in order to cover up for all
@00:15:17 with north korea through a deep
@00:15:50 trying to portray north korea is being

Q AN0N: Latest New Post - "M0NEY. P0WER. C0NTR0L."

@00:30:19 we just read again here he says north
@00:30:21 korea defuse russia testing new missiles
@00:30:32 definitely just talking about how north
@00:30:34 korea being diffused has actually pushed

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:17:35 there with north korea and how we

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:21:51 is all true allegedly tarmac iran north
@00:21:57 korea uranium one fbi doj mueller
@00:28:37 saying north korea q and i think that's
@00:28:56 we were getting ready for war with north
@00:28:59 korea that they would be coming to the

Q AN0N: Illuminatti Cards "Backlash"

@00:02:37 asia take north korea what was told read
@00:02:41 north korea during the past eight years
@00:02:42 what dramatic shift occur during north
@00:02:45 korea post-election of potus reconcile
@00:04:59 through it more think asia think north
@00:05:02 korea what was told read north korea
@00:05:49 caused an effect in north korea where
@00:06:17 were talking at november 30th 2015 north
@00:06:19 korea starts launching rockets all over
@00:06:32 in the sense of north korea is not just

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - [FACEB00K, AMAZ0N, G00GLE]

@00:01:10 first let's talk about north korea now
@00:01:38 what does north korea represent threat
@00:02:54 between north and south but you wouldn't
@00:02:58 if you go and you just google north
@00:03:00 korea and look at the news let's read
@00:03:10 north korea new york times trump lacking
@00:03:15 leverage over north korea takes aim at
@00:03:17 south korea salt lake tribune
@00:03:19 trump says he made free south korea
@00:03:21 trade deal for north korea european
@00:03:25 north korea a bonfire of the missiles
@00:03:30 kim jong-un in north korea and that was
@00:03:38 now new york times kim north korea
@00:03:44 card on north korea by al jazeera al
@00:04:03 north korea and there are
@00:04:10 there there north korea apologists how
@00:04:12 does kim tell north korea's giving up
@00:07:50 north korea and how they're trying to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We will not fail."

@00:07:41 to north korea or me and iran rather

Q AN0N: Latest New Post - "Notice any similarities?"

@00:02:40 about north korea and kim and them
@00:06:06 talking about google in north korea and

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:24:04 anton post just imagine north korea like
@00:24:14 could have built on north korea
@00:24:27 article two to that about north korea
@00:24:32 it says iran nuke deal north korea new


@00:01:02 crises with north korea and china and
@00:15:08 we're not north korea we're not china
@00:25:31 north korea and suddenly you're gonna

Latest Intel From Zach @ INF0WARS

@00:06:50 had nothing to do with north korea was
@00:06:52 unhappy about the north korea
@00:08:01 gets fired as a north korea information
@00:08:14 will not be kinetic as well as the north
@00:08:16 korea stuff that's the north korea stuff
@00:08:45 else and north korea so quickly and it's

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Full Control"

@00:04:02 given in north korea and we saw how that
@00:11:45 this this whole deal with north korea is

Q ANON: New Latest News - Trump Inspects Wall, Speech to Marines! Q = 17th Letter!

@00:16:50 missions against north korea to take out

Q ANON: New Latest Post - "We went too deep."

@00:26:42 breaking or brokering with north korea

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - XI XI = 11:11 & Q SPEECH HIGHLIGHTS!

@00:05:21 dc he talks about the north korea deal
@00:06:22 about the north korea deal i think this
@00:06:34 with north korea fact president obama
@00:06:49 korea came to my office after having
@00:06:51 gone to north korea and seeing kim
@00:07:17 left north korean look north korea stuff
@00:09:02 left north korea came outside big
@00:09:16 representatives who just left north
@00:09:18 korea came outside big 8 one more time
@00:09:35 representatives who just left north
@00:09:37 korea came outside big throng of press
@00:09:40 they announced that north korea kim
@00:11:22 to the speech one is north korea and you
@00:11:29 against north korea's nuclear capability
@00:12:10 country out there in north korea which
@00:12:48 launch a preemptive strike against north
@00:12:50 korea because the nuclear fallout could
@00:14:00 i'm talking about north korea you got to
@00:14:08 deal with north korea well you know how

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "...the deeper we go."

@00:28:22 newton north korea
@00:28:51 to start a bigger war north korea was
@00:29:06 north korea and then we disarmed them

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "For God & Country & (World)"

@00:04:09 north korea president g told me he
@00:05:09 kim jong moon in north korea president
@00:05:54 influence in north korea maybe in that
@00:05:56 that north korea has decided to make a
@00:06:29 he lost he meaning north korea now is
@00:22:50 tweet here and it says north korea has
@00:23:51 it's either stopped in north korea and
@00:25:27 and who knows this north korea thing
@00:25:31 comes out to trump in talking to north
@00:25:35 korea already which i believe is true

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Set the stage" "Clowns out" "Strings Cut"

@00:00:00 tonight north korea neutered iran's next
@00:11:43 anton's wow huge north korea will meet
@00:12:00 already did think back north korea picks
@00:12:17 was in north korea you know wow i don't
@00:13:55 shows north korea on the bottom there
@00:14:45 and north korea and they've taken
@00:16:20 what he did was he made north korea
@00:16:39 that north korea is acting of its own

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Shall we play a game?"

@00:10:32 among other questions why hasn't north
@00:10:35 korea out of the news cycle
@00:12:33 north korea has dropped out of the news

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Trust The PLAN

@00:05:30 signify why is north korea out of the
@00:05:32 news as the world turns well north korea
@00:24:44 on live time in north korea and that

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - WATCH the water.

@00:00:03 warns us to watch the water in north
@00:00:04 korea and did hussein sign off on a deal
@00:07:53 getting into is how north korea was
@00:10:32 this split in north korea and cue we'll
@00:10:44 north korea where you have half of the
@00:11:11 north korea whether it's through funding
@00:12:15 does it signify why is north korea out
@00:12:21 north korea capitulated has has they
@00:15:37 maybe these talks between north and
@00:15:40 south korea are showing that kim has you
@00:21:05 speculating that that that was north
@00:21:07 korea right there says isn't that
@00:21:30 decide it was north korea and he
@00:21:47 one taking a video of north korea from
@00:26:29 in south korea and was is all this a
@00:26:32 part of that effort to shut down korea
@00:26:37 north korea because it's become some
@00:32:55 north korea

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM"

@00:21:43 heading north to bid to bring us
@00:21:46 northern to northern korea to talks now
@00:21:57 from south korea who are going to go to
@00:21:58 north korea in order to lobby on behalf

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Careful Who You Follow."

@00:07:25 north korea how it's all connected how

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere"

@00:02:53 north korea out of the news cycle
@00:02:55 why has north korea out of the news
@00:05:39 says why has north korea out of the news
@00:05:45 why as north korea been out of the news
@00:25:25 government uranium one north korea why
@00:30:20 in north korea you know like i said in
@00:30:36 that uranium one in north korea so the
@00:30:47 and that north korea is somehow

New Intel From Zach on InfoWars!

@00:01:27 on with factions in syria in north
@00:01:31 realize that north korea is a chinese
@00:01:56 north korea they're trying to tie them
@00:02:48 containers shipped from north korea on

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

@00:00:03 obama north korea and iran what do they
@00:05:46 according to q over to north korea as
@00:06:24 have basically where north korea gets
@00:09:07 the other plane went to north korea and
@00:09:27 money was given to iran and north korea
@00:10:22 it says who controls north korea well
@00:10:39 workers party of korea the ruling party
@00:10:42 of north korea and its main
@00:11:46 influence from the cia in north korea
@00:12:39 of north korea that it's not just kim
@00:14:13 north korea well it's important because
@00:16:35 controlled by north korea having
@00:17:29 look back is that he was in north korea
@00:17:52 to north korea but that is a complete
@00:46:24 where is barack obama today north korea

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17)

@00:21:47 all for north korea or all three think
@00:22:59 it says north korea three us and i was
@00:24:35 been to north korea and perhaps there
@00:24:46 feeds north korea was strategic intel
@00:25:04 north korea has nukes and the tech to
@00:29:24 to north korea and that was it that we
@00:29:52 north korea and it's and here it is i
@00:40:01 told you barack obama has been to north
@00:40:03 korea and perhaps there now so the

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.1.17)

@00:33:40 classified to the very end north korea
@00:33:54 that state that north korea is not being

Q ANON: Shifting The Narrative!!

@00:02:05 ask yourself why is north korea
@00:02:17 distraction ask yourself why did korea
@00:02:19 come together as a country verse north
@00:05:27 coming together the possibility of north
@00:05:31 korea being some kind of cia site i'm

Q ANON: Latest New Posts..."Target Subjects Are Scouted"

@00:28:18 north korea why does hussein travel

Q ANON: Latest New Posts. Exposes MSM Clowns?

@00:03:26 to north korea you think i mean and when


@00:00:46 merlin tech iran north korea iran deal
@00:00:51 funding iran north korea t-cells payoffs
@00:00:56 nk north korean nuclear mini an icbm
@00:02:16 the same thing with north korea so you
@00:02:27 running in north korea then you have
@00:02:42 same thing with north korea and i'm not
@00:03:24 payoffs were made and then it says north
@00:03:26 korea nuclear there are many miniatures

Q ANON: New Latest Posts..SECRET INTEL

@00:06:43 winter olympics and north korea and how
@00:07:07 olympics north korea is winning at the
@00:08:32 north korea is a cia black site this is
@00:08:37 is saying north korea is a cia black
@00:08:44 media now is glorifying north korea
@00:08:55 journalists that propagate north korea
@00:09:17 yourself why is north korea
@00:09:34 yourself why did korea come together as
@00:09:38 a country versus north and south ask
@00:11:10 x probably north korea see that's what's

Zach / Zack / Zaq Q Level Intel

@00:00:13 is worldwide armies but defending north
@00:00:15 korea saying it's great and trump's bad
@00:00:17 and except to call him north korea so
@00:06:16 several several months ago the north
@00:06:19 korea narrative changing quickly and
@00:06:21 humanizing the north korean population
@00:06:37 follow the north korea you know surgical

Infowars Zach / Zack Reveals Plot Superbowl LII FF Plot!!

@00:18:59 north korea just like pigs stay right
@00:19:54 trigger trump into an attack on north
@00:19:57 korea you know via pearl harbor or any
@00:21:12 mean again north korea has been firing
@00:21:15 north korea did somebody else fire a
@00:21:21 parentally attack north korea then
@00:22:07 look you say it wasn't north korea some
@00:22:13 confrontation with north korea
@00:22:15 and off of north korean off of north
@00:22:51 critical it was i knew coming up north
@00:22:53 korea deep staters people would be
@00:22:58 transferred neutral north korea
@00:24:10 out it wasn't north korea and standing

01.30.2018 State of the Union Address | Official FULL Version President Donald Trump

@01:15:05 the cruel dictatorship in north korea
@01:15:08 north korea's reckless pursuit of
@01:16:14 joined a tour to north korea at its
@01:18:54 sung ho was a starving boy in north
@01:18:58 korea
@01:20:26 and broadcasts into north korea what the

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/22/2018 New Posts Triumph Tribulations Q is Real!

@00:08:06 not sure a blind eye to north korea nuke
@00:09:05 supply iran north korea plus reduce u.s.

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/19.5/2018 Revelations Triumphs Tribulations Join The Resistance!!

@00:01:10 schmidt in north korea why was eric
@00:01:12 schmidt in north korea that's a good
@00:01:16 schmidt set up in north korea
@00:01:19 schmidt set up in north korea that's a
@00:01:26 stuff here who else was in north korea
@00:01:40 to connect the dots more why would north
@00:01:42 korea allow access to eric schmidt
@00:02:19 emails google north korea tesla the memo
@00:02:29 is that tesla google north korea they're