

@00:16:50 issue with these vaccines what was the
@00:17:24 vaccines as well
@00:17:36 are caused by the vaccines themselves

[9.16] Climate Change & Fake Science - Q Nazis? - Gates Sr. - Muh Russia - COVID from a Lab - UFOs

@00:20:06 son's vaccines i mean i'm just
@00:21:09 vaccines to the public and he's
@00:21:51 the bus and sort of throw their vaccines

[9.10] Q: Plan accordingly [November] - AstraZeneca's Failed Vaccine - Adrenochrome on Dr. Phil

@00:21:15 which big surprise i mean vaccines right
@00:21:25 lot of people's lives from vaccines

[9.8] Q: They are being forced into the light for all to see - Trump vs. the MIC - VACCINES

@00:01:16 comments on vaccines
@00:23:09 on vaccines vaccines
@00:23:19 was promoting vaccines and he was
@00:23:30 too speedy too quick with his vaccines
@00:25:07 question vaccines
@00:26:03 any of those vaccines those big pharma
@00:26:11 corporations selling vaccines all

Our HYPOCRITE Politicians Can't Even Wear A Mask, And They Want To Force You To Get A Vax?

@00:06:14 comes to vaccines and speaking of those
@00:06:28 to talking about vaccines de blasio the
@00:07:40 bullshit vaccines with big pharma's
@00:08:25 story on vaccines how about this the
@00:09:58 these coronavirus vaccines that are
@00:11:00 one with fouchy still on vaccines
@00:11:28 regurgitate to sell those vaccines
@00:11:49 look at to these kind of vaccines that
@00:11:54 micro rna vaccines they actually mess
@00:12:05 studies show the vaccines are safe and
@00:12:29 get us those coven 19 vaccines well this
@00:13:51 with vaccines right now a lot of people
@00:13:56 promote these vaccines it seems so weird
@00:14:08 against vaccines right now the
@00:14:36 to kind of say he supports vaccines
@00:15:04 kind of got to support the vaccines
@00:16:08 these vaccines come down come out i

[7.21] DTI News: G-Max paid Jacob Wohl?! / Kevin Shipp / Dwight Howard / Chinese Spies / HCQ & Cl02

@00:10:03 he said he does not believe in vaccines
@00:26:01 or they're vaccines that they want to

[7.8] DTI Headlines: U.S. Dumps the W.H.O. - Ghislaine Updates - COVID Deaths are DOWN! - Kanye

@00:04:12 claimed that vaccines were the mark of
@00:04:17 suspicious of any vaccines coming out
@00:05:09 off against vaccines - that was
@00:05:19 vaccines but heck get kayne out there
@00:05:22 he'll go off on vaccines sounds like
@00:10:47 and vaccines and stuff is because the
@00:15:18 support vaccines for the cameras okay
@00:15:40 vaccines being one of them so sometimes
@00:15:43 he does have to support vaccines but
@00:15:47 him supporting vaccines haha

[6.16] "Second Wave" - Act Blue - DDoS - FDA Revokes HCQ - Trump Jr. Jokes About Aliens

@00:21:47 vaccines oh i'm never gonna get a shot
@00:25:47 vaccines you're not gonna be protective

[5.19] Latest QAnon: It's a marathon not a sprint

@00:22:12 of vaccines collaboration wow you can
@00:23:22 their cove in nineteen vaccines ok i saw

[5.16] POTUS on Vaccines - SPACE FORCE! - UFO Videos - Latest Q

@00:01:48 let's talk about vaccines for a quick
@00:01:59 optics on vaccines where at the same
@00:02:57 vaccines you know just look at his

Is Trump Really Supporting Vaccines?? Think OPTICS

@00:01:20 vaccines and yeah i'm gonna use air
@00:01:24 because is he really for vaccines or is
@00:02:41 openly questioning vaccines now if
@00:04:27 is wanting to create safer vaccines it
@00:05:05 openly questioning vaccines openly
@00:05:10 between autism and vaccines so that
@00:05:50 continue openly questioning vaccines and
@00:05:57 he openly questions vaccines their
@00:06:50 you know and it's not just vaccines but
@00:07:03 plenty of things not just vaccines but
@00:09:54 know people who do question vaccines and
@00:10:14 they've studied vaccines and the reason
@00:10:37 promotes vaccines even if it's president
@00:10:39 trump the people who know about vaccines
@00:10:52 things for the optics even vaccines come
@00:11:08 has to promote vaccines it's not because
@00:11:41 vaccines work or all this stuff and they
@00:12:05 with the vaccines maybe he wants to

[5.11] Weekend QAnon - OBAMAGATE! - Info Warfare - Plandemic CENSORED - Trump Says No Vax Needed!

@00:02:56 trump's comments on vaccines over the
@00:12:05 trump's comments on vaccines saying on
@00:12:31 vaccines oh he's a deep state stooge oh
@00:12:46 2011 and 2015 having to do with vaccines
@00:12:51 questioning vaccines questioning if they
@00:13:26 about vaccines but many other things

deleted [4.17] "Carrying Water" For the W.H.O. and Bill Gates - Breaking CHLORINE DIOXIDE News - FISA DECLAS

@00:17:18 vaccines for avian species bird species
@00:17:59 making nanoparticle vaccines 2mn are a
@00:18:02 nanoparticle vaccines so it's just like


@00:26:03 they normally don't do on vaccines but

they dun deplatformed me again

@00:02:13 talking too much truth about vaccines

deleted Some Rational Thoughts on CHLOROQUINE

@00:04:56 vaccines and you can absolutely see that
@00:05:23 like vaccines go back to his twitter

[3.21] Tom Hank's Son Mocks 8chan - 30 Day Lockdown Rumors - DEEP STATE DEPARTMENT! - COVID Vaccines

@00:00:55 around we've got vaccines being pushed
@00:13:31 vaccines holy shit push for vaccines
@00:14:07 propaganda it just pushes up vaccines to
@00:17:52 in those vaccines a lot of them
@00:17:57 vaccines so that's a no from me dog
@00:18:01 nanoparticle vaccines and i've seen a
@00:18:35 people's skin where vaccines are done to
@00:18:38 show how many vaccines they've ever had

[3.15 live] Latest on Corona: Natl. Emergency, Shutdown, Economy - Latest Media Attacks Against Me

@00:22:28 vaccines they almost got ready for the
@00:33:47 health they lie to us about vaccines and

[3.6] WaPo & NYT Can't Math - COVID Vax Connections - FBI Dropped Terrorist Investigations

@00:08:10 now and vaccines and how they're trying
@00:08:13 to censor vaccines on the internet all
@00:09:59 and speaking of vaccines and his
@00:11:47 corona virus and the vaccines and all

[3.2] Presidential Dropouts - Q in a Trump Ad - NYT and WaPo Sued for Libel - COVID Updates

@00:12:12 vaccines to the market or maybe he's
@00:12:59 creating vaccines or some sort of like
@00:13:03 company that's creating vaccines i mean
@00:13:18 if those vaccines do get approved and do
@00:13:24 vaccines we heard about one that was
@00:17:03 companies are trying to rush vaccines
@00:17:11 trying to bring forth the vaccines to
@00:17:16 heck else you know vaccines they're a
@00:17:23 profit margins on vaccines as well

[2.13] Latest QAnon, Drops/Proofs/Attacks - Harvard & Yale Being Investigated - Coronavirus Vaccines

@00:03:30 coronavirus vaccines we got a real weird
@00:40:19 benefit from this one and also vaccines
@00:40:22 vaccines get the money from that
@00:40:24 vaccines are incredibly profitable for
@00:43:16 vaccines when we're talking certain

[2.8] I'm Back! Talking My Channel's Censorship & Latest QAnon

@00:12:07 few about vaccines and gmos big pharma

[1.21] New Q - Peach Mint - POTUS @ Davos - “Coronavirus” - UFO Disclosure

@00:08:11 promote vaccines claiming and they save
@00:08:25 supports vaccines and 5g and things like
@00:08:34 like he's supporting 5g or vaccines or
@00:15:20 want to talk a minute about vaccines and
@00:17:43 freakin vaccines for the last couple of

LARPers gonna LARP - Q Gets Love & Hate in the Media - Don’t Go To Virginia

@00:15:34 vaccines in big pharma if you haven't
@00:15:35 seen my video last night on vaccines i
@00:16:00 tock doctor promoting vaccines probe

Adam Schiff Gets Sued For Censoring Vaccine Info & The TikTok Doc

@00:02:16 just about vaccines but many other
@00:05:11 end of the video it said vaccines don't
@00:05:47 sort of on the fence about vaccines
@00:05:52 vaccines and then i was totally against
@00:07:57 vaccines being the major cause of it and
@00:09:03 points about vaccines
@00:10:37 should be dead from the vaccines or you
@00:11:36 vaccines right here and again they're
@00:12:01 vaccines but they're doing it with many
@00:12:33 vaccines but every other topic out there

Australia Fire Update & What It’s Like Here

@00:07:47 not too aware about it yet vaccines i
@00:18:14 their free vaccines and their free

[1.13] New Jersey Vaccine Win! - Free Iran! - Epstein Docs - Veritas #Expose2020 & More

@00:01:12 tackle is vaccines we have some huge
@00:01:24 religious exemptions for vaccines of
@00:02:25 regards to vaccines is a world health
@00:02:57 effectiveness and the safety of vaccines
@00:03:13 vaccines completely contradicting
@00:03:22 especially when it comes to vaccines
@00:03:38 vaccines is this the anti vaccine

[12.25] Latest Q - 17 Drones over CO - MIL Warns of 23AndMe - EBOLA in Congo - Space Force & UFOs

@00:10:11 couple topics one being vaccines and
@00:10:16 so the one on vaccines a couple of

[12.21] THE VACCINE FIGHT: New Jersey - WaPo Attacks Mercola - Bill Gates Vaccine Dye

@00:00:51 going to be on vaccines one of the most
@00:03:54 vaccines out there who opposed this bill
@00:09:23 to say vaccines are necessary and
@00:09:41 actually happened after 120,000 vaccines
@00:12:24 vaccines prevent disease and i mean
@00:15:01 these sickos make on vaccines it's truly
@00:15:18 thing with these vaccines each one they
@00:15:37 years over these vaccines okay so does
@00:15:45 hard to make vaccines mandatory get
@00:18:17 across the world there's a lie vaccines
@00:19:20 he's uh trying to make vaccines
@00:19:40 propaganda around vaccines themselves
@00:20:25 they always try to sell their vaccines

[12.16] Q's Weekend Drops - Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift - Ret. AF Gen Talks Advanced Space Tech

@00:00:29 vaccines earth's magnetic pole shift and
@00:30:59 next up vaccines so google billionaire
@00:31:28 vaccines and then not just that but
@00:31:44 do you know how much vaccines make the
@00:32:13 even for vaccines but like saline bags
@00:32:30 mandatory vaccines through especially in
@00:32:51 samoa speaking of mandatory vaccines you
@00:33:15 vaccines are pretty much causing the

[12.13] Helluva Week Recap: IG Report - Impeachment - Greta - Vaccines - SPACE FORCE!

@00:00:29 on vaccines a lot of stuff going on with
@00:00:31 vaccines everywhere and then of course
@00:14:21 in the vaccines or the fetal cells and
@00:15:09 vaccines but we don't listen to you five
@00:16:18 from vaccines the mmr vaccine
@00:17:03 because of the lack of vaccines that are

[12.6] Latest Q: D[1-6], Think Timing - Biden & Pelosi Freak - Attacks vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:15:24 vaccines anti vaccine groups take
@00:16:29 vaccines here against anti-vaxxers and
@00:16:57 truly q vaccines anything big pharma
@00:17:01 doesn't like which includes the vaccines

[12.4] Latest Q - Impeachment Scam Continues - Epstein & The Clintons

@00:18:40 whether they reporting on vaccines or

[11.16] Latest Q - Impeachment Fails & CSPAN Call-Ins - Vaccine Protests - Mainstream UFOs

@00:19:04 vaccines so number one huge vaccine push
@00:19:19 germany even just made vaccines
@00:19:35 against vaccines but let's say for

[11.11] 8kun Is Live And New Q!! - NBC Attacks Q - "Whistleblower" Censorship - Vaccines

@00:13:07 that we have vaccines for lately whether
@00:13:38 vaccines science is settled oh my god
@00:14:04 covering for vaccines here so can we

[10.18] 8kun - Turkey Ceasefire - Mexico Violence - Elijah Cummings - Dark Web Bust - Flynns' Case

@00:15:44 from vaccines causing autism to it being
@00:16:01 autism it's not the vaccines over here

[10.14] #ExposeCNN - FISA IG Report Out the 18th - Bill Gates & Epstein - Secret Space Program

@00:11:42 speaking of vaccines let's move on to
@00:11:53 gmos in vaccines for and yeah once you
@00:12:01 form so vaccines here we've got a new
@00:12:19 vaccines make mandatory vaccinations or
@00:12:26 here bill to require hpv vaccines for
@00:13:38 vaccines included so definitely

[9.28] CIA "Whistleblower" - Flynn's Case - Epstein - Vaccines - New York Times Pushes UFO's

@00:22:57 the truth about vaccines and the truth
@00:23:07 still trusts vaccines your only diet

[9.25] 8chan Coming Back? - Calls for Impeachment - Biden & Ukraine - Flynn Case News - Vax & UFO

@00:00:38 general flint's court case vaccines ufos
@00:11:44 vaccines finish up with area 51 yeah i
@00:11:50 it went out over the weekend so vaccines
@00:12:08 vaccines on kids trying to attend public
@00:12:57 vaccines are safe and effective that
@00:13:38 york times not just about vaccines but
@00:14:19 into crusaders against vaccines my would
@00:14:41 crusaders against vaccines terrible
@00:14:51 about vaccines before we move on into
@00:15:09 influenza vaccines in the united states
@00:17:27 say things like vaccines are bad okay
@00:18:12 truth about vaccines you don't care who

5 Reasons NOT To Get Vaccinated

@00:00:46 vaccines are strengthening our immune
@00:02:24 personally say that vaccines are one of
@00:02:51 from vaccines we're talking peanut oil
@00:03:04 allergies our vaccines playing a major
@00:03:10 reason number two not just do vaccines
@00:03:25 been found in these vaccines mercury
@00:03:39 nanoparticles are in vaccines but there
@00:03:42 nanoparticles in vaccines so we have all
@00:04:57 by vaccines to sue the manufacturers
@00:05:33 been injured by vaccines and you also
@00:05:37 vaccines that don't realize they're
@00:05:40 getting injured by vaccines right it's
@00:05:54 who get integers by vaccines don't even
@00:05:57 by vaccines and try to do something
@00:06:33 vaccines if you think the news is fake
@00:06:40 discussing earlier do vaccines really
@00:06:47 about vaccines in school and from the
@00:06:49 media we're taught that vaccines were
@00:07:12 before the vaccines were even introduced
@00:08:03 whoo but then the vaccines introduced
@00:08:13 them think it was vaccines that reduce
@00:08:21 science that we're told about vaccines
@00:10:07 parents around the country of vaccines
@00:10:46 to people who say that vaccines harm
@00:10:48 them or they don't trust vaccines
@00:11:06 harmful things being done by vaccines
@00:11:23 after a lot of vaccines is your brain
@00:11:33 killed from vaccines so they are
@00:12:07 these vaccines and what we do know about
@00:12:09 vaccines is unfortunately from the
@00:12:21 causations we're seeing from vaccines

[9.14] Q Rally - IG FISA Report Done - 8chan - McCabe - Epstein - Antivaxxers/Big Pharma - UFO/Space

@00:25:35 exemptions from vaccines for their
@00:26:29 vaccines is just a fraction of what

[9.10] Live from the Swamp - Great Awakening Rally Tomorrow!

@00:16:43 dogma and you know the vaccines the
@00:42:33 that vaccines do not prevent disease
@00:42:45 vaccines are a massive moneymaker for

[9.6] Updates for: 8chan, Epstein, & Flynn - Mainstream UFO Push - 9/11 Study - Snopes BUSTED

@00:21:10 let's move on now into talking vaccines
@00:21:12 vaccines always a big topic we've got
@00:21:37 about vaccines them attacking vaccine
@00:22:15 in terms of vaccines and big
@00:23:21 but the history of vaccines what we've
@00:23:28 case they tell us vaccines wiped out
@00:24:17 vaccines and rush them to the public and
@00:24:22 books that it was actually the vaccines

[8.29] 8chan - Space Command - Comey Report - Epstein - Vaccines - Monsanto

@00:00:33 prince andrew monsanto vaccines space
@00:27:55 pills but all of their products vaccines
@00:28:21 then speaking of vaccines in california
@00:29:04 disgusting stuff because vaccines are
@00:29:11 claim vaccines prevent disease but

[8.21] NBC Attacks The Epoch Times & Edge of Wonder - Latest Epstein - Google Struggles

@00:22:49 lives you got your vaccines you've got
@00:23:34 that's that moving on to vaccines we

[8.19] Live from the Geerage

@00:28:04 your vaccines you need them no you don't

deleted [8.13] Feds Raid Epstein's Island - Hong Kong - FDA Lies, Says "Don't Drink Bleach!"

@00:15:01 vaccines so we already know he's a
@00:22:48 now you know they lie about vaccines

[8.3] GarageCast - Scary Hats, Taking Back Symbolism, & How to Health

@00:45:29 truth about cancer or vaccines or

[7.31] The Great Awakening Rally - Latest Q - Epstein News - 9/11 - UFO & Spaceweather - Big Pharma

@00:35:39 to promote our what malaria vaccines or
@00:40:34 against vaccines in their current way
@00:41:04 this sales of children's vaccines which
@00:43:02 produce these vaccines like the mmr

[7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure/TTSA/Area 51 - Measles

@00:01:34 vaccines towards the end so that's the
@00:31:24 and then end with vaccines so uh i just
@00:33:00 times when we talk vaccines but uh the

[7.23] Q's Latest - Classified D.C. Missions - FBI Searches LA City Hall - Epstein - Iran Spies

@00:33:33 stuff on vaccines i want to share with
@00:42:15 going from ufos okay vaccines so forbes

[7.19] QAnon Baby! - Epstein Doc Dumps - Area 51 - Flu Vaccine EO - “Healthy” Chemtrails?

@00:01:54 quote overhaul flu vaccines
@00:34:36 moving on to vaccines so politico is
@00:34:43 vaccines readying an executive order
@00:34:50 the development of flu vaccines and
@00:35:51 vaccines and encourage more americans to
@00:36:02 development of flu vaccines i'm all for
@00:36:14 chemtrails vaccines free energy and the
@00:36:41 the development of flu vaccines i'm all
@00:36:49 why would trump support vaccines
@00:37:02 trump's got to support vaccines for the
@00:37:17 vaccines or trump got into vaccines i've
@00:37:25 vaccines right now they'll report on q
@00:37:31 trafficking but even vaccines it's just
@00:37:49 vaccines this will be for more americans
@00:37:59 topics vaccines overhauling the federal
@00:38:32 still on vaccines you know there might
@00:38:37 to overhaul loop flu vaccines and quote
@00:38:48 yeah get your vaccines people really
@00:39:27 he quote supports vaccines before that

[7.7] Epstein - Trump on UFOs, the Fed, & Pence - A.I. Makes A Vaccine - MMS

@00:00:47 piece on vaccines and another is of
@00:12:48 to share with you number one on vaccines
@00:13:25 these vaccines i don't care if it's made
@00:13:37 of nano particles actually many vaccines
@00:13:58 trying to sell vaccines in any way shape
@00:14:05 we're seeing vaccines so much propaganda
@00:16:23 vaccines and mms they wouldn't be doing

[7.5] Trump's Salute to America / Clinton Cancels Appearance / Epstein / Big Pharma

@00:15:29 and then lastly vaccines nbc news
@00:17:06 metals get into our bodies vaccines so
@00:17:15 vaccines play a massive part in autism

Welcome to the Garage!

@00:13:19 something about it so health vaccines
@00:16:56 vaccines in the mainstream and not
@00:25:53 farm of vaccines etc etc brochures you

[6.18] Weekend Recap - QAnon / Flynn / NXIVM / UFOs / Vaccines / MMS / Iran

@00:30:43 with vaccines cancer research etc that's

Guess Who’s Back Live Chat

@00:22:02 speaking of vaccines yeah
@00:22:22 though having to do with vaccines hope
@00:25:01 gmos and vaccines i think all those
@00:25:33 roll back all the gmos in vaccines and

[6.6] Q on Infowars? - Michael Flynn - Suspicious Deaths - 5G Pushback - Pfizer's Alzheimers Drug

@00:00:30 vaccines as well some good news on 5g
@00:10:18 here on vaccines 24 cases of the mumps
@00:11:59 doses of all the vaccines to make them
@00:12:07 that vaccines prevent disease there's

[6.4] Comey's Q Tweet - Bill Maher - Nader - "DeepFakes" - Vaccine Censorship - UFO "Disclosure"

@00:15:32 let's move on to vaccines and then
@00:16:00 avoid vaccines it has to be government
@00:17:27 people to know that vaccines can maim
@00:17:37 seeing about vaccines among just all the
@00:17:51 whether that's vaccines whether that's
@00:18:05 defending vaccines gets ugly they posted
@00:18:14 career to making vaccines more widely
@00:18:36 you go get their vaccines so they're so
@00:19:40 vaccines to stay healthy it's just

[5.31] Parler - Mueller/Barr/Huber - UFOs & Space Force - Big Pharma vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:04:55 energy vaccines antarctica all this
@00:34:55 vaccines justin trudeau saying vaccines
@00:34:59 are safe vaccines save lives love this
@00:35:02 shirt thanks jeanette vaccines cause
@00:35:25 vaccines are safe and save lives no
@00:35:27 vaccines are not safe and they're not
@00:36:38 trump being open to questioning vaccines
@00:36:58 vaccines but you know is the optics game

[5.27] Attacks on QAnon - More Mainstream UFO Articles - Cancer Studies, Vaccines & 5G

@00:00:24 about natural health and about vaccines
@00:18:31 out about vaccines so politico here
@00:18:54 about health and vaccines reconcile that
@00:19:41 about pseudoscience look at vaccines how
@00:19:55 controlled study on vaccines prove me
@00:21:03 they act like of course the vaccines got
@00:21:19 vaccines and the mmr vaccine merck is
@00:23:53 vaccines on this ufo subject

[5.25] Live from Autism One

@00:00:54 about big pharma about vaccines and
@00:06:02 lot more than vaccine about vaccines
@00:11:12 it toxic food and vaccines there are out

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:30:37 discredit miss inform you about vaccines

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:01:10 what else big ag big pharma 5g vaccines
@00:22:10 and some stuff on vaccines so new york
@00:28:05 vaccines cbs teaching anti-vaxxer
@00:28:48 scientists know the truth about vaccines
@00:29:00 show you here about vaccines they make
@00:29:06 the claims about vaccines having to do
@00:29:31 get a detox remedy for vaccines run if
@00:29:36 after vaccines
@00:29:43 says no vaccines are fine healthy for
@00:30:25 claim injury by vaccines they put this
@00:30:37 who research the truth about vaccines
@00:31:14 who know the truth about vaccines who
@00:31:37 about vaccines let's trust them it's the
@00:31:55 just terrible stuff about vaccines
@00:32:11 behind vaccines riether research the

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:00:59 vaccines and i want to talk oh
@00:18:54 let's move on to talk vaccines vaccines
@00:19:01 first of all vaccines being called
@00:22:36 have to do with vaccines had to do with
@00:22:53 he's tragically wrong about vaccines
@00:22:55 tragically wrong about vaccines so rfk
@00:23:09 vaccines and the vaccine injury court
@00:23:30 he's tragically wrong about vaccines so
@00:23:38 vaccines shills they're going to write

[5.3] Latest Q: May 2019 / MSM Admits Conspiracies are Popular / Infowars "Deplatforming"

@00:01:23 vaccines less stuff to discuss with the
@00:15:56 with the truth harm from vaccines hidden
@00:16:56 and then use vaccines so many people
@00:16:59 waking up to vaccines now that that's a
@00:25:21 more videos went on definitely vaccines

[4.30] Vaccines and EPIDEMICS / NOTCH / "Government UFO Programs" / Normalizing Geoengineering

@00:00:52 talking about vaccines and pondering why
@00:01:18 vaccines still a lot of important stuff
@00:07:04 vaccines microsoft excludes minecrafts
@00:08:10 vaccines so i saw this article at the
@00:08:23 and their episode about vaccines and
@00:08:45 label people that question vaccines and
@00:09:31 sell the information sell the vaccines
@00:12:46 to sell vaccines necessarily in this
@00:13:23 of vaccines also one last thing let's
@00:13:33 vaccines power profit beet color me
@00:13:46 tuesday on increased demand for vaccines
@00:14:02 of the most toxic and dangerous vaccines
@00:14:11 vaccines rose 27% to 500 million of
@00:15:37 vaccines they just want money and power
@00:15:53 vaccines they're very eye-opening
@00:30:38 vaccines we went through and the ufo

[4.25] Latest Q (FBI Spying) / Rothschilds Sell Assets / UFO Disclosure (Sort Of) / Vaccine Truth

@00:16:11 vaccines to finish this up so that
@00:17:37 selling their vaccines here that are
@00:17:49 a few more things on vaccines so some
@00:19:49 vaccines the doctors themselves don't
@00:21:15 the videos i do that mentioned vaccines

[4.24] NXIVM / Opioid Arrests / Pakistan Against Vaccines / Navy's UFO Reporting Guidelines

@00:00:22 pharma especially vaccines of course
@00:08:07 everything vaccines this drug that drug
@00:11:48 vaccines so hard right now but also the
@00:12:04 into vaccines there's like a million
@00:12:17 following their polio vaccines horrible
@00:12:21 horrible stuff those polio vaccines
@00:12:33 vaccines over in pakistan and this
@00:12:47 vaccines and this local media here is
@00:13:47 killing children with vaccines because
@00:13:57 and now still on vaccines the world's
@00:14:17 just vaccines but genetically engineered
@00:15:35 of vaccines it's probably a multi-dose
@00:15:57 fluoride vaccines gone through nexium q

[4.22] Sri Lanka / Vaccine Fake News / CIA Remote Viewing / False UFO Disclosure

@00:00:23 about vaccines will touch on
@00:05:13 move on and talk about vaccines so
@00:08:06 their vaccines especially their mmr

[4.20] New Q: Blockade End / Mueller Report Fallout / False Flag Attempts / Notre Dame / NXIVM

@00:01:55 tomorrow i'll probably touch on vaccines
@00:01:58 a lot of stuff on vaccines i want to get

[4.13] NSA Q Proof / Assange / Trump & 5G / Anti-Vaxxers are Winning / Glyphosate Toxicology Report

@00:00:22 and i want to talk about vaccines 5g
@00:09:43 things let's talk 5g vaccines than
@00:12:29 with these situations vaccines saw this
@00:16:53 little more on vaccines because of
@00:17:01 vaccines they might be able to be sued
@00:17:04 for other products but not vaccines so i
@00:17:11 people are waking up to vaccines no
@00:17:36 we went through 5g vaccines cute

[4.11] Talking Assange, Other News and Hawaiian Adventures

@00:18:16 see here and also man vaccines that anti

[4.4] Sealed Indictments / Huber / Biden / NXIVM / MAGA Hat Attacker / Alex Jones

@00:00:09 vaccines another one on science and

[3.29] Facebook & Twitter / EMP / NXIVM / Combatting Vaccine HYSTERIA / Back to the Moon

@00:00:14 number two vaccines some things there
@00:05:05 energy when it comes to vaccines holy
@00:05:23 about it vaccines so a lot of things
@00:05:25 talk about regards to vaccines here
@00:09:20 and a little bit more on vaccines amid
@00:10:48 off about vaccines video showing arizona
@00:12:03 period these vaccines are not safe

[3.26] Schumann Resonance / UFOs & Space / Unvaxxed Kids Banned from Public / Geoengineering / GMOs

@00:00:18 shimmered on one of those as vaccines
@00:00:23 vaccines but today we have a local
@00:12:42 we'll move on into vaccines this is
@00:14:07 learn ok now on to vaccines a lot of
@00:14:12 little bit of good news on vaccines then
@00:14:46 about vaccines the truth about
@00:15:35 people vaccines at their homes and i
@00:15:44 they gonna try to what deliver vaccines
@00:20:19 about 9/11 truth vaccines things like
@00:20:58 of stuff going on with vaccines and

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:21:37 blogs on the truth about vaccines and
@00:21:42 autism link to vaccines people not being
@00:29:36 discuss i want to talk about vaccines
@00:29:40 with vaccines and also a whole bunch of

[3.9] Trump's Motorcade / Huber / Sessions / Vaccines / Free Energy, Space Force & Quantum

@00:09:19 it now moving on into vaccines another
@00:09:45 vaccines is just so incredibly garbage
@00:09:59 vaccines is a huge red i mean there's so
@00:10:14 vaccines against q as we know against

[3.8] Big Pharma News - Vaccines / AntiVax Censorship / FDA Commissioner resigns / AIDS Cure

@00:01:06 vaccines and we have increased
@00:01:33 monday about autism and vaccines so
@00:01:58 vaccines were more likely to be
@00:02:16 who get more vaccines get less autism
@00:02:20 people who get less vaccines get more to
@00:02:28 particular study and vaccines causing
@00:04:33 into vaccines urgent action is necessary
@00:09:42 easier to get exemptions for vaccines
@00:10:21 vaccines docu-series they have a youtube
@00:10:34 vaccines mercola
@00:11:25 for states to mandate vaccines he was
@00:11:45 vaccines and i actually see this as
@00:12:05 doing about big pharma about vaccines
@00:12:51 congressional hearings into vaccines
@00:13:57 that is vaccines it's probably why

[3.1] Netanyahu & Trudeau Problems / World Bank / NXIVM / Antivax Censorship / Denver Airport

@00:00:11 world bank a lot of things on vaccines
@00:04:04 more guys with vaccines in a sec but
@00:04:59 definitely now getting on to vaccines so
@00:05:29 misinformation about vaccines whether
@00:06:05 about vaccines is problem reaction
@00:07:43 the truth about vaccines so getting
@00:08:23 fight mandatory vaccines
@00:08:35 that are trying to make vaccines
@00:08:47 will not be helped by more vaccines what
@00:08:54 healthier vaccines won't do it luckily

[2.28] Conspiracy Theories Make You Violent! / Good Vaccine News / Climate Change / UFOs / 5G

@00:00:28 talking about vaccines 5g climate change
@00:10:33 let's move on into vaccines so first
@00:11:22 make vaccines mandatory i mean so many
@00:11:26 money control greed vaccines are some of
@00:12:37 people in them are vaccinated vaccines
@00:14:10 in fact more vaccines will make you
@00:14:25 vaccines not so say if not so effective
@00:16:05 vaccines you get an anti-vaxxer that
@00:17:21 detailed information about vaccines
@00:33:06 vaccines climate change 5g pta and good

[2.26] Q Brief: BIG BIG BIG Happenings in the next 21 days?

@00:05:28 outspoken about vaccines you know she's
@00:05:30 not afraid to question vaccines put some
@00:13:54 with all these vaccines and circumcise
@00:14:07 abortion vaccines circumcision bad food
@00:19:43 vaccines narrative about pharmaceuticals

[2.25] Live: 4th of July in D.C. / FDA&Vaccines / Space Force / 5G

@00:01:05 in hollywood we'll talk about vaccines
@00:01:10 propaganda out there about vaccines and
@00:17:47 the oscars now let's talk about vaccines
@00:17:55 the reality behind vaccines and
@00:18:00 fed about vaccines and the new
@00:18:45 vaccines they are much more dangerous
@00:21:11 trump has tweeted about vaccines before
@00:21:16 between vaccines and neurodevelopmental
@00:21:24 that vaccines are held to before i wish
@00:21:28 tweet about vaccines and just
@00:22:26 have to say about vaccines and the whole

[2.22] Q Brief: Smollett - Mueller - Kraft - Clinton's Attack - Memes & More Proofs

@00:05:18 about vaccines when q was talking about

[2.19] Vaccines - State Bills, Attacking FB Groups, "Teens Vaccinating Themselves"

@00:00:04 vaccines now i've had this video cooking
@00:00:18 vaccines i went to watch this hearing
@00:00:46 vaccines
@00:00:46 they're trying to sell vaccines to you
@00:01:10 vaccines it's gonna be an information
@00:01:53 that vaccines are safe and effective and
@00:04:32 vaccines injured children and they're
@00:05:16 about vaccine injury and how vaccines
@00:05:30 have been injured by vaccines keep in
@00:05:37 who have been injured by vaccines truly
@00:05:39 our vaccines really safe like they say
@00:07:13 country now with vaccines of course with
@00:09:10 waking up and when it comes to vaccines
@00:09:13 vaccines is one of those most hardcore
@00:09:25 about vaccines so adam schiff calling
@00:13:17 vaccines are not safe nor effective
@00:14:46 i support vaccines i want to know what
@00:14:49 vaccines to get so reddit what do you
@00:14:50 think vaccines i should get and he went
@00:18:57 about vaccines truthful information
@00:18:58 about vaccines i would highly doubt it
@00:19:54 with vaccines how wow our modern
@00:20:09 hole deep state in general and vaccines
@00:20:30 vaccines less on the propaganda we're
@00:20:40 vaccines so just for a tidbit now if you
@00:20:47 into the truth about vaccines i'll link
@00:21:01 vaccines great docu-series great youtube
@00:21:04 and even a full episode about vaccines
@00:21:30 science and the truth about vaccines how

[2.14] LIVE: I just interviewed with the Washington Post about Q

@00:16:15 stuff going on with vaccines i've been
@00:16:16 meaning to do a video on vaccines i

[2.13] LIVE: Big Tech Problems / Recent Q / Vaccine Hysteria

@00:01:56 vaccine will talk a lot about vaccines
@00:12:20 sweeteners fluoride vaccines talk more
@00:12:24 about vaccines and mit here i got a lot
@00:12:28 coming probably today just on vaccines
@00:12:32 as well you want vaccines in you they
@00:16:41 everything they tell you that vaccines
@00:16:46 vaccines and this all would have been
@00:17:32 they themselves produced so do vaccines
@00:17:39 told about vaccines in the mainstream
@00:17:52 terms of okay they say vaccines prevent
@00:20:41 onto vaccines you know does novo genex
@00:21:31 going around about all those vaccines
@00:22:53 lot of people say this that vaccines
@00:23:01 vaccines were safe in the beginning and
@00:23:06 corruption occurred and vaccines to be
@00:23:24 case in vaccines were actually never
@00:23:35 vaccines decades ago this was like the
@00:23:37 very first polio vaccines injected into
@00:24:24 off that than the vaccines and these
@00:24:31 vaccines
@00:24:31 even introduced then the vaccines were
@00:24:46 and tried to say oh as vaccines that
@00:25:00 vaccines don't cause autism correlation
@00:25:10 correlation between vaccines and the
@00:25:20 with vaccines actually reducing disease
@00:28:12 vaccines was that from the top was there
@00:28:47 municipal water now so no vaccines when
@00:29:09 discussing vaccines it said vaccines but
@00:29:11 it said not all okay not all vaccines
@00:30:12 that they say vaccines are for you see
@00:30:15 the way they say vaccines are for is you
@00:30:56 what they say vaccines are supposed to
@00:31:08 system people who get these vaccines
@00:31:12 diseases wow do vaccines really work
@00:33:34 allergies a lot of these vaccines are
@00:34:04 vaccines they use egg proteins to
@00:34:47 lack of vaccines it's a fact that we are
@00:36:57 lack of vaccines shoot look at the amish
@00:37:07 they don't give vaccines rates of autism
@00:37:41 vaccines should i get i think my mom is
@00:38:44 on reddit because he wanted vaccines he
@00:45:07 so example here with vaccines
@00:45:23 from pharmaceutical vaccines to free

[2.10] L.A. "Training" Exercises / Free Energy / Geoengineering / Space Force / GMOs / Vaccines

@00:00:26 gmos vaccines the space force would be
@00:15:45 vaccines so space let's get into that
@00:20:41 touch on gmos and the vaccines and
@00:21:38 think their vaccines either italy
@00:21:49 vaccines so gizmodo here saw some other
@00:22:10 about vaccines the backs propaganda is
@00:22:19 propaganda about vaccines
@00:23:15 and not just that but vaccines do not
@00:23:22 disease than vaccines do vaccines yes
@00:23:41 have to do talking about vaccines
@00:23:48 people out there shilling for vaccines
@00:23:50 promoting vaccines a lot of mainstream
@00:23:56 vaccines putting out lies literal lies
@00:24:18 vaccines too doing a lot of work on
@00:24:20 vaccines coming up very big topic that

[2.7] Censorship Uptick / Mueller News / Mysterious BOOMs / Pole Shift / 5G / Vaccines

@00:00:41 vaccines and then some other things as
@00:25:01 about vaccines a lot of vaccine
@00:25:59 outbreaks had the vaccines in the first
@00:26:02 place that means that vaccines really
@00:26:07 know vaccines do not prevent disease
@00:26:14 topics out there vaccines being one of
@00:27:04 about vaccines in this
@00:27:16 anti-vaxxers want more vaccines because

[2.4] DTI Updates & Current Events Talk

@00:31:30 brought up the v word vaccines the v a
@00:31:42 vaccines because there is all sort of
@00:32:38 vaccines sounds a little trollee little

[1.30] Isreal Dr Finds Cancer Cure? / Vaccines & Measles "Outbreak" / Alzheimers Cause Found?

@00:00:14 over vaccines we'll be touching on gmos
@00:01:56 especially so things like vaccines
@00:02:45 ism excuse me and you say vaccines cause
@00:03:22 vaccine for alzheimer's vaccines are one
@00:03:31 vaccines so in washington state here
@00:04:46 vaccines and into also giving the
@00:05:43 still on the topic of vaccines few more
@00:06:52 vaccines skeptics are getting attacked
@00:06:56 proponents of vaccines are getting put
@00:08:26 completely but then says vaccines are
@00:09:01 vaccines but every other topic out there
@00:09:17 and federal agencies who back vaccines
@00:14:12 alzheimer's vaccines gmos now on to

Interview w/ Kent Heckenlively - The "World's #1 Anti-Vaxxer" on Vaccine Truths

@00:00:16 sharing the truth about vaccines and in
@00:00:21 personal experience with vaccines how he
@00:00:26 them and how vaccines really changed the
@00:00:49 talk about vaccines because it's an
@00:02:03 haven't linked it to vaccines because i
@00:02:41 vaccines and problems with kids i didn't
@00:04:51 produce vaccines is completely unsafe we
@00:05:15 vaccines are unsafe and we shouldn't be
@00:11:59 vaccines is having the direct experience
@00:12:32 the dots with okay vaccines being a
@00:15:10 moratorium on childhood vaccines until
@00:18:43 group that gets no vaccines they had no
@00:20:01 which moved all vaccines out of the
@00:20:48 remotely like that happens with vaccines
@00:25:47 within these vaccines such as
@00:25:57 showing nanoparticles and human vaccines
@00:26:20 michael plasma in vaccines yeah well you
@00:29:24 regards to vaccines but glyphosate but
@00:31:39 times fails on vaccines so you know
@00:32:02 gonna talk about vaccines and i wrote a
@00:34:52 the campaign about vaccines and autism
@00:35:02 personally injured by vaccines or people
@00:36:13 vaccines
@00:36:35 vaccines that's kind of like saying well
@00:37:06 on vaccines we've got the government's
@00:37:16 percent of autism was caused by vaccines
@00:42:32 with what i talk about vaccines

[1.29 Live] What’s Next at Sather HQ

@00:00:47 will be on vaccines gmos cancer etc so

[1.28 Live] Roger Stone & Infowars / Comet Ping Ping Fire / Deep State vs. The Great Awakening

@00:23:40 sorts of ones they do it on vaccines and
@00:46:02 of work exposing vaccines lately which
@00:47:00 things like vaccines cause autism which

[1.24] State of the Union / Protests / Mainstream Media Layoffs / Anti-Vaxxers / Future Space

@00:00:17 media you have will talk that vaccines
@00:14:55 vaccines blowing up this is why paul
@00:15:06 off of his vaccines and shilling for big
@00:15:33 of vaccines as well the daily caller
@00:16:26 just that but vaccines i mean shoot
@00:16:36 vaccines is that gonna make you healthy
@00:17:12 the way of vaccines i mean let's just
@00:17:16 about vaccines here the past shoot day a
@00:17:25 another culprit when vaccines fail at
@00:17:28 least they're talking about vaccines
@00:18:17 i'm gonna talk about vaccines and nearly
@00:18:37 with vaccines and not let this sort of

[1.23] Deciem CEO Suicided? / "Deep Fakes" / "Dr. Google" / Anti-Vaxxers / Secret UFO Program

@00:00:58 vaccines we'll have to cover that here
@00:15:15 vaccines how to inoculate against
@00:18:52 cancer and vaccines here ty bollinger
@00:18:56 about vaccines again another like eight
@00:19:15 vaccines truth about cancer docu-series
@00:19:25 about vaccines everything so each video
@00:20:24 they stuck with vaccines they suck with
@00:28:00 bs when it comes to cancer and vaccines

[1.20] Border Announcement / Bush's Pizza / GMOs / Vaccines / Govt. UFO Program / CERN

@00:11:40 and now onto vaccines so the economists
@00:11:57 be able to create new vaccines in just
@00:12:43 vaccines that they're already telling
@00:12:48 do i not what vaccines but if you're
@00:12:55 new disease and we're making vaccines
@00:13:22 give it to us give us the vaccines and
@00:13:24 then they have the vaccines already
@00:14:43 what do vaccines actually do they lower
@00:15:00 vaccines and so much other things gmo
@00:15:10 and vaccines especially avoid it reject

[1.9 Live] Trump’s Address / Rosenstein / Huber / Yellow Vests / 5G / Space Force & Disclosure

@00:00:45 to mention on gmos vaccines 5g all those
@00:11:08 vaccines so with the trade wars
@00:15:20 about vaccines so i saw this article
@00:16:33 contaminants being found in vaccines
@00:17:03 your vaccines it's nonsense
@00:17:33 gmos when it comes to vaccines when it

[1.8 Live] Golden Globes / RGB / Wall / World Bank Prez / Max Spiers

@00:21:45 just ridiculous and speaking of vaccines

[1.2] New Sealed Indictment Count / Trump's Poster / Flynn / 9.11 Hackers / Space Tech

@00:18:31 and vaccines growing number of people
@00:21:35 tell definitely sarcasm six vaccines in
@00:23:00 and then vaccines and fluoride don't

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:38:47 space programs i'll talk about vaccines

[12.23] Q Update / Wall / Hemp / Vaccines / Space Force / Quantum Research / Pentagon Audit

@00:12:05 vaccines same thing here in regards to
@00:12:49 gosh we need vaccines we need you to
@00:13:00 here is the vaccines that the people are

[12.18] SPACE COMMAND / Quantum Initiative Act / Flynn / Vaccine Censorship / Trafficking News

@00:09:59 vaccines one of those just massive
@00:10:07 can swallow that red pill of vaccines
@00:10:22 no to flu vaccines again a lot of good
@00:10:53 and on that same topic of vaccines and

[12.12 LIVE] Q Addresses Flat Earth & JFK Jr.

@00:35:47 vaccines into india a lot of people
@00:50:03 vaccines today and somebody commented
@00:50:08 gonna save us from the vaccines and i
@00:50:37 trump's gonna save us from the vaccines
@00:50:47 are gonna get rid of these vaccines and

[12.8] Huge Q+ Proof / Scaramucci Confirms Q? / Pole Shift / Solar Storms / Sound Levitation

@00:17:22 on freaking be vaccines are you kidding
@00:17:25 me could the world's first be vaccines
@00:17:54 vaccines harm humans you really think a

[12.5] Solar Storms / Legal Mushrooms / Anti-Vax Italy / UFO Sightings / Air Force Lasers

@00:00:24 tyson big news coming out on vaccines
@00:03:44 it's vaccines gmos cosmology
@00:05:48 let's get into talking about vaccines so
@00:06:34 vaccines truly you really got to look
@00:06:37 into these vaccines they are just toxic
@00:07:04 that's not a conspiracy vaccines
@00:07:42 vaccines just a year ago a lot of people

[11.30] QProof on Pence's Twitter / Putin / Church Raided / Space Force / 5G / MMS

@00:11:59 to talking about vaccines really quick
@00:12:22 and reporting on vaccines you can go
@00:12:32 explaining how vaccines actually make
@00:12:45 for immunity vaccines they just sell to

[11.28] Trump's Treason Meme / NASA Mars Landing / Antarctica / GMO Mosquitoes / Vaccines

@00:13:24 with you guys vaccines mm-hmm reggie
@00:13:35 disinformation about vaccines in twitter
@00:13:50 vaccines and other vaccines for kids and
@00:14:16 disinformation about vaccines trying to
@00:14:21 and speaking of vaccines news week here
@00:14:37 vaccines are one of the leading causes
@00:14:56 vaccines vaccines are a massive source
@00:15:17 vaccines actually cause alzheimer's the
@00:15:21 cabal trying to tell us that vaccines

[11.22] Covering Recent Fake News & Fake Science on GMO's, Fluoride, and Vaccines

@00:00:12 gmos fluoride and vaccines we've got a
@00:08:35 the vaccines reject the poison let's get
@00:11:15 vaccines at all or shill for that topic
@00:12:54 vaccines load of fake news coming out
@00:13:14 vaccines go check out ty bowling jers
@00:13:17 the truth about vaccines docu-series
@00:13:32 what's really going on about vaccines ty
@00:13:40 also very good truth about vaccines is
@00:13:51 vaccines do not work as they say they do

[11.15] Birthday Broadcast! - A Little About Me

@00:12:26 and they basically just told me vaccines

[10.28] Q B-day & VIPAnon Photo (Trump = Q+?) / GAB Censored / Huber in the News / Vaccines&Lithium

@00:14:57 you guys about vaccines so again this is
@00:15:15 article seven facts about vaccines
@00:15:26 let's see myth vaccines do not really
@00:15:35 myth all vaccines contained the live or
@00:15:47 vaccines truth your child is very
@00:15:53 right they don't eat vaccines myth
@00:15:55 vaccines are not safe truth they're not

[10.23] China's BRIDGE (Q/Trump Rally) - Antarctica - Soros - Migrants - SPACE FORCE

@00:14:59 organic vaccines fluoride even physics

[10.21] Live News - 8chan Down / GITMO Upgrades / Space Junk / Fluoride & Vaccines

@00:07:27 science ufos propaganda on vaccines
@00:07:53 vaccines you know a lot of young
@00:07:57 changing with vaccines people are waking
@00:08:20 vaccines you think oh my god they're
@00:09:24 vaccines almost eradicated forbes says
@00:09:27 here vaccines almost eradicated polio
@00:10:06 vaccines eradicate polio not really
@00:10:10 wasn't the vaccines fault it was better
@00:10:16 in the mid 1900s that had vaccines come
@00:10:32 attribute the vaccines to destroying the
@00:11:31 propaganda coming out around vaccines so

[10.17] Live - Twitter, YouTube, and now Amazon issues! - My Censorship Experiences

@00:02:19 began by getting into vaccines and i was
@00:17:15 health they attack vaccines they attack
@00:18:06 vaccines and when it comes to space you

[10.14] Vaccine & Climate Change Propaganda Push / Space News!

@00:01:22 talk vaccines especially we're gonna
@00:02:31 information on vaccines that's just the
@00:03:23 vaccines do not work as they tell us
@00:03:32 with vaccines especially because they
@00:04:08 into vaccines so i would highly suggest
@00:05:39 and still on the topic of vaccines but
@00:06:27 the truth out there about vaccines polio
@00:06:48 vaccines come out for them they actually
@00:06:55 the vaccines were even introduced the
@00:06:57 vaccines were then introduced in the
@00:07:59 people get vaccines they get these rare
@00:08:32 reject the poison reject the vaccines
@00:08:39 than vaccines and this is probably why i
@00:09:28 importance of vaccines ha ha ha no in
@00:09:37 rejecting the vaccines so of course
@00:09:42 vaccines are getting expanded and all
@00:17:50 vaccines whether it's with climate
@00:18:06 with okay so we covered vaccines we
@00:22:24 about ets and ufos but vaccines too
@00:22:30 about vaccines on twitter there's some

[10.14] Live Chat

@00:00:26 noticing about vaccines there's been a
@00:00:32 lately on vaccines you know it's that
@00:01:19 hpv vaccines as well and then in that
@00:18:33 a big one is vaccines speaking of
@00:18:35 vaccines every single time i post about
@00:18:38 vaccines whether it's a video on youtube
@00:36:40 vaccines gmos boom we can talk for days

[10.7] PODESTA’S EMAILS - Two Years Later

@00:08:17 vaccines gmos fluoride the false flags
@00:10:29 know that topic well vaccines don't go
@00:24:44 vaccines fluoride gmos all stem from

[10.4] Live chat - Q: Are you ready to see ARRESTS?

@00:12:21 diseases can be done vaccines are bad
@00:28:19 moment could be vaccines for a lot of
@00:33:10 not only that but vaccines i've been
@00:33:13 talking a little bit more about vaccines
@00:33:28 about vaccines and then they must get

[10.3] Live Chat

@00:17:21 a whole bunch of vaccines in italy and
@00:17:28 studied a couple animal vaccines and an
@00:17:32 animal vaccines they were only in the
@00:17:34 human vaccines so what's the agenda
@00:18:15 vaccines and he studied michael plasma
@00:18:17 he stout he found that vaccines were
@00:18:29 these vaccines were contaminated with
@00:19:06 vaccines i would say michael plasmas
@00:19:27 you reject vaccines or you reject
@00:19:28 vaccines for your little ones they'll
@00:21:27 so we can bring back vaccines and for
@00:21:33 vaccines lead to autism it's kind of a
@00:27:06 vaccines how do i protect my kids

[9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space

@00:25:31 your vaccines are you gonna die eat your
@00:48:23 vaccines that docu-series bite

[9.2] Vaccine & GMO News: Acne Vaccine / More Russian Bots / MSM GMO Lies

@00:00:06 hey guys so quick video here on vaccines
@00:00:19 about vaccines gmos and they are
@00:01:57 first of all vaccines don't prevent
@00:02:06 they tell us about vaccines are wrong
@00:02:10 response so a it's not like vaccines the
@00:03:29 polio vaccine again vaccines don't get
@00:04:09 these vaccines what about this guy for
@00:04:25 rid of by vaccines this is a
@00:04:58 introduced because again vaccines don't
@00:05:14 vaccines were introduced conveniently
@00:05:21 vaccines again be very wary whenever
@00:05:37 vaccines are wrong we have to unlearn
@00:05:45 one more thing on vaccines this article
@00:07:06 myths about vaccines but they're anti
@00:10:25 about health truth about vaccines gmos
@00:10:40 vaccines gmos just reject the poison

3 Helpful Hints for REDPILLING

@00:13:57 vaccines for instance maybe you're
@00:13:59 talking about vaccines but they happen
@00:14:07 vaccines so you're not gonna get them
@00:17:36 one time he talks about vaccines a lot
@00:17:39 and vaccines is a very touchy topic one
@00:17:53 vaccines and he put that in a list

[8.27] Q / No Name McCain / Jax, FL / Pope / Thank God for Russian Bots!

@00:01:20 vaccines so if we're gonna use the

[8.16] Media vs. Trump / Brennan's Clearance / Vaccines & GMO's / Max Spiers

@00:05:53 do with health vaccines gmos always
@00:07:03 us lying to us telling us that vaccines
@00:07:14 before the vaccines were even introduced
@00:07:18 so vaccines don't really prevent disease
@00:07:35 contaminants in vaccines they're not
@00:07:46 could ever do because in fact vaccines

[7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks

@00:14:47 vaccines and real health information all

I Just Had a Child, Should I Vaccinate?!

@00:01:24 all of the vaccines that big pharma the
@00:01:33 69 vaccines now in the first 18 years of
@00:02:19 vaccinating us when the vaccines were
@00:02:30 percent before these vaccines were in
@00:02:32 even introduced and then the vaccines
@00:02:41 since they introduced the vaccines that
@00:02:42 oh yeah the vaccines is what got rid of
@00:02:47 yeah as the vaccines lyster shots
@00:03:14 decline of vaccines okay so don't get
@00:03:16 caught up in the fear that vaccines
@00:03:20 vaccines you're gonna get these diseases
@00:03:34 to establish immunity not vaccines what
@00:03:37 vaccines do is establish more of an
@00:04:08 screwed-up body syndromes vaccines are a
@00:04:39 vaccines so all in all i could keep

[7.11] Seth Rich Conference / HIV Vaccine / Monsanto Lawsuit / QAnon

@00:05:52 vaccines don't protect you no matter
@00:07:07 are literally found in vaccines these
@00:07:49 whatever else in those vaccines and haha
@00:08:14 said vaccines bullshit and we're getting
@00:09:08 of the vaccines in most of these
@00:09:17 outbreaks have had their vaccines so
@00:09:21 vaccines again don't help our immune
@00:09:34 than vaccines do because vaccines don't

#WalkAway From It ALL!

@00:04:28 us about health vaccines or bad

[5.16] Q: NYPD Officers/Twitter Shadowbanning/John Brennan Outed/The Next Pandemic

@00:12:03 solution would be some kind of vaccines

Undoing Vaccine Programming

@00:00:47 vaccines so we're going to be discussing
@00:00:55 let's start off number one vaccines did
@00:01:17 vaccines eradicated and actually that is
@00:01:20 not true vaccines were not the cause of
@00:02:35 mid 1900s vaccines were conveniently
@00:02:48 90 and 95 percent before the vaccines
@00:02:57 textbooks that vaccines were the cause
@00:03:19 it look like that vaccines were the real
@00:04:28 number one point number two vaccines do
@00:05:18 vaccines and aluminum don't cause autism
@00:05:49 well because vaccines do not promote the
@00:06:11 many vaccines are made or preserved in
@00:06:21 in for vaccines so many vaccines you are
@00:06:47 well big reason is vaccines they do
@00:06:57 next point vaccines contain poises
@00:07:07 creating studying vaccines aren't even
@00:07:27 duped so this fact vaccines contain
@00:07:42 particulates in the vaccines themselves
@00:07:56 the nanoparticles and vaccines tested i
@00:07:58 think 40 some-odd vaccines and found
@00:08:07 tested a few animal vaccines as a
@00:08:13 vaccines there were only in the human
@00:09:14 tests on vaccines and found that most
@00:09:17 all vaccines he tested were infected
@00:10:10 vaccines that many people don't even
@00:10:22 with vaccines and shoot every other
@00:10:29 it comes to vaccines a lot of fear and
@00:12:05 last option your last chance is vaccines

[5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems

@00:10:02 right he even says type vaccines in a

5.2 QAnon Analysis - Greedy Folks/IRON EAGLE/Iran & Syria

@00:05:38 someone is made autistic by vaccines or

Interview w/ Truth Warrior Jason Christoff - Self-Sabotage and Transcending the False Matrix

@00:09:09 these vaccines or making the vaccine no
@00:09:15 evidence is that vaccines are not safe
@00:16:27 vaccines and no one was medicated and
@00:29:28 toothpaste the vaccines unfortunately
@00:29:51 that's what the vaccines are for and
@00:30:08 engineered foods and vaccines and
@00:36:14 i know vaccines are stealth euthanasia
@00:36:20 well aware what vaccines are for i know

Disease "Awareness" Campaigns Are Bullsh**

@00:04:29 talk about vaccines and autism you know

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 7th 2018

@00:05:06 vaccines backstabbing turning that's

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 4th 2018

@00:06:43 screw you up right here it says vaccines
@00:06:53 at least quite a few many many vaccines

Examining "Flat Earth" - Why ROUND Matters

@00:04:39 about vaccines or gmos or climate change

Checking in from LA - Conscious Life Expo

@00:18:09 know you start questioning vaccines and
@00:18:11 they go no vaccines they need to be for
@00:20:59 difference what it what if vaccines

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:28:52 involved in exposing vaccines vaccine
@00:29:03 that art is put into vaccines as many
@00:29:09 is found in vaccines don't get them huge
@00:29:14 to go catch you your vaccines reject it

2.2 - MemoDay/Deep State In Panic/Q Posts/Pharma Corruption/Underwater Pyramids

@00:26:13 vaccines but especially the flu shot
@00:26:16 not only are vaccines filled with
@00:26:43 vaccines mycoplasma you can look into
@00:26:48 a lot of vaccines not only this they

1.31 - Memo ASAP/Gowdy/New EO/Train Crash/2nd LV Person/CDC Boss Quits

@00:14:09 industrial complex vaccines are terrible
@00:14:51 they're putting in those vaccines shoot
@00:16:50 awesome he would do spots on vaccines he

1.28 - Q recap/Twitters Censored/FBI Txts/ET News/Time Crystals

@00:04:22 flu vaccines are and luckily they didn't
@00:04:31 these flu vaccines being historically

Jan 27th - Checking In/1st SSP Webcast Complete & Channel Upgrades

@00:06:26 let's see vaccines are definitely part

Live Chat - FISA/FBI/Secret Societies/Secret Space Program/Tesla/Electric Universe/Health/Big Pharma

@00:15:29 vaccines to dumb us down and numb us and
@00:19:02 vaccines sprayed over our hand heads and

Explaining My Story & the Beginnings of DTI

@00:05:07 vaccines i mean all of it and once i
@00:05:25 fluoride gmos vaccines suppress cancer

1.21 - Hawaii Missile/#ReleaseTheMemo/#SchumerShutdown/CIA Docs & Space Wars

@00:01:00 minute pieces on vaccines that i loved

1.18 - "Meteors"/Trump @ Pentagon/Newsweek Raided/#FISAgate/Lockheed SSP Disclosures?

@00:18:26 get your vaccines guys don't inject
@00:28:58 vaccines and gmos pharmaceutical

Thursday morning hangout

@00:09:51 experience was vaccines and cancer cures

100,000 More Conscious Everyday

@00:07:23 vaccines are bad for you but if you

1.10 - Disinfo Ramping Up & Situation Report

@00:05:49 topics i talk about vaccines gmos

Jan 7 AMA

@00:14:09 definitely am outspoken on vaccines and
@00:17:42 more questioning as vaccines man we

1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Physics

@00:00:43 video i posted this morning on vaccines
@00:17:39 cells for the vaccines to make them

Beware The Flu Shot Propaganda Push! - Friendly Vaccine Reminders

@00:05:21 vaccines i've seen it listed on vaccine
@00:05:29 vaccines the mmr the dtap and i still
@00:06:23 the what 70 or so vaccines that a child
@00:07:48 of these vaccines they're cultured in
@00:08:00 vaccines are cultured in egg proteins a
@00:08:42 because some vaccines are cultured
@00:10:37 realize that vaccines are bad for them
@00:10:57 because actually vaccines are worse from
@00:11:09 response when they test vaccines they
@00:13:02 whole process vaccines and circumcision
@00:14:50 percent before vaccines were even
@00:15:53 disease decline not vaccines but these
@00:27:30 that's the lesson of the day on vaccines

12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs

@00:12:01 contaminated a lot of vaccines one
@00:12:27 vaccines and some people you know so uh

Friday Dec 29 - Live Chat

@00:01:22 doesn't even vaccines but uh big thank
@00:22:28 vaccines somebody asked vaccines trump
@00:22:48 do not no reason we don't need vaccines
@00:23:09 reason we need these vaccines because we

Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon

@00:19:39 vaccines are healthy do you think gmos

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #2

@00:24:37 even researching vaccines or alternative
@00:38:39 i thought vaccines were good for me i

What Do Conspiracy Theorists Even Do For Society? (THINK)

@00:03:49 if like vaccines or fluoride it'll come
@00:04:01 vaccines aren't really all that great
@00:09:03 and she said i don't like vaccines
@00:12:05 information on vaccines is gonna get new

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:11:32 very into the vaccines and the gmos so
@00:12:27 programs of course like vaccines are
@00:15:49 bullshit on vaccines or cancer cures or

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #1

@00:07:26 night about vaccines people around here
@00:08:21 vaccines in your body anyway it was it
@00:08:34 saying but vaccines and b pharma and

11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons

@00:16:15 cancer cures and vaccines and what's
@00:16:19 been put in vaccines

What is the Easiest or Softest "Disclosure" for People?

@00:05:01 vaccines i am seeing a huge wave of
@00:05:29 that's why you know things like vaccines
@00:06:35 for fluoride be bad for you for vaccines

11.9 - PingPong Under Investigation/New JFK files/Vault8/Uranium One/"Q"

@00:07:24 position on vaccines is very clear he
@00:07:29 investigative panel against vaccines
@00:08:25 vaccines or gmos that's really what blew

11.3 - Is the Storm beginning? Fear, Courage, Motivation

@00:07:50 you can know that vaccines are bad for

Dealing With Cognitive Dissonance In Others And Recognizing It In Yourself

@00:04:14 vaccines chemtrails you know secret
@00:04:18 use vaccines for instance because it's a
@00:04:32 you think vaccines are a miracle of

"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

@00:01:57 disclosure of vaccines cancer cures

Shootin' the shit before off to ECETI

@00:04:22 from vaccines fluoride chemtrails
@00:18:36 vaccines health gmos because that's

9.20 - Hillary Clinton Talks Pizzagate | New P.I.'s for Seth Rich | More Veritas | More UFO's

@00:08:45 on aluminum vaccines chemtrails fluoride


@00:27:00 vaccines gmos aliens seeger space
@00:28:22 about vaccines but i know enough to make

8.16 - Decoding the Last Week of Mainstream Science & Technology News/Disclosures

@00:07:11 vaccines and gmos this articles saying
@00:07:21 and what's not the hpv vaccines 93% of

YouTube censorship, Upcoming conference, & AMA

@00:20:16 that vaccines are safe or learning that

Hello Fellow Humans

@00:09:38 vaccines we can speculate as to the

8.2 - Vaxx Propaganda to the Maxx - Overview of Vaccine Lies

@00:01:02 wanted to make on vaccines and the
@00:01:05 reason that i want to do it on vaccines
@00:01:47 media about vaccines i'm just gonna make
@00:03:52 prevented by vaccines within the next
@00:07:23 vaccine vaccines climate change energy
@00:08:04 want to make a note on vaccines and the
@00:08:11 people know that vaccines used to
@00:08:23 well the case in some vaccines and it's
@00:08:35 besides uranium and in vaccines
@00:08:58 in many vaccines some vaccines still but
@00:10:59 the biggest influx is those vaccines
@00:11:15 talk about vaccines in the immune system
@00:11:18 vaccines do not stimulate the proper
@00:12:37 showing that vaccines themselves that
@00:12:47 vaccines but again they won't tell you
@00:12:49 that yes they don't want to so vaccines
@00:13:09 they think vaccines stimulate our immune
@00:14:06 then vaccines eradicating disease so i
@00:14:31 the propaganda because vaccines don't
@00:14:39 these vaccines up to make us think that
@00:14:57 almost 99% in many cases before vaccines
@00:15:17 before the vaccines were even introduced
@00:16:11 vaccines in they you know brought some
@00:16:16 population began to think that vaccines
@00:18:05 rid of mandatory vaccines even though of
@00:18:17 that these mandatory vaccines will even
@00:18:24 causing diseases which vaccines being

7.27 - Fertility Rates of Western Men Plummeting - Health Tips for Hormone Balancing

@00:00:52 vaccines and things like that but it's

Tips to Help Bring Someone onto the Awakening Path

@00:02:14 poisoning us with vaccines and
@00:06:52 of gmo foods and vaccines and fluorides

7.14 - Health News (Cancer Cures, Vaccine Truth, & Deconstructing B.S. Media Health Advice)

@00:09:49 cancer vaccines jesus christ like i
@00:09:56 they're saying vaccines can help prevent
@00:10:30 personalized cancer vet vaccines big ol
@00:11:04 tell you that vaccines will prevent
@00:12:04 place right if we didn't have vaccines
@00:12:30 are about about vaccines and i mean if
@00:12:35 regards to vaccines look into dr.
@00:12:40 work on explaining how vaccines don't
@00:13:04 vaccines and all that so again lots of
@00:13:40 toxified through things like vaccines
@00:18:43 making you live longer and vaccines

Jordan Sather Interviews Troy Casey, CEO of Certified Health Nut

@00:21:22 that vaccines you know are even a

7.13 - Earth Changes & Secret Space Program Technology Soft Disclosures in the Media

@00:16:19 futurism like they love their vaccines

7.8 - Trump Tweets Podesta, Air Force Opposing Space Corps, Antarctic Energy Burst

@00:11:23 gmos vaccines two very important topics
@00:11:50 vaccines in regards to gmo gmos
@00:12:40 regards to vaccines italy made news last
@00:13:14 not as many of the vaccines are
@00:13:23 not enough we need vaccines done for and

7.6 - Big #Pedogate Advancements - Vatican UFO B.S. - Beware 7/7 False Flag

@00:09:01 mandatory vaccines have been approved in
@00:09:29 mandatory vaccines that new prime
@00:09:58 about the vaccines they just got

Main Reasons For Geoengineering (aka Chemtrail) Programs

@00:05:42 a lot of people here vaccines and
@00:05:45 they'll connect vaccines to autism well
@00:05:48 metals injected to us from vaccines but
@00:06:01 vaccines but chemtrails too we could

6.8 - Old & New FBI Directors, Sessions, Clinton, Podesta, Seth Rich & Another Dead Doctor

@00:19:05 malicious things going into the vaccines

The 3 Stages of Internet Propaganda Trolling

@00:01:47 and vaccines and whatnot the analytics
@00:05:00 so they'll go on to vaccines and they'll
@00:06:02 the board i said gmos and vaccines it

The Cults of Corey Goode - Haters & Obsessors

@00:11:10 against vaccines the one that is for
@00:11:12 vaccines they're gone extinct so
@00:11:13 probably be for vaccines if they've grew

Alchemy - Physical and Spiritual Examples of Transmutation

@00:08:12 medicine got vaccines we have dental

5K Subs! Thank You All, & A Little About Me

@00:02:55 that were made about that and vaccines

White Hats Strike Back vs. The Shadow Government

@00:02:44 investigating vaccines and they've also

Government Oversight Committee Now Officially Investigating CDC Whistleblower!

@00:00:40 truth because let's be real vaccines are
@00:02:36 vaccines the truth about vaccines
@00:03:28 truth about vaccines it's gonna be

Dave Chappelle Rips Apart Vaccines In New Stand Up, How Do Some Still Believe The Vaccine Lies??

@00:00:57 talking against vaccines which was
@00:01:06 discusses how vaccines do not actually
@00:01:34 vaccines induces such a fear response in
@00:02:14 because that's really what vaccines are
@00:02:26 boom vaccines are there is that that
@00:02:47 body these vaccines are full of heavy
@00:03:09 vaccines whether own unknowingly or
@00:03:19 on vaccines and their contamination with
@00:03:24 nanoparticles and other in vaccines
@00:03:52 vaccines down below because this is a
@00:04:30 about the vaccines and for my friends
@00:04:32 and family about vaccines

Dead Holistic Doctors and Vaccine Researchers

@00:02:45 finding how various vaccines were

The Flat Earth Society Has Members All Across The Globe

@00:01:53 vaccines and people eating genetically
@00:05:23 or vaccines being fraud or anything like

Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories. He Knows.

@00:02:00 and foremost his stance on vaccines
@00:02:12 we know vaccines are bs the vaccine
@00:02:20 humanity vaccines are never safe they

Pedogate Exposure And UFO Disclosure Is The Same Thing!

@00:03:31 full of vaccines and chemtrails and gmos

Lying Scientific "Skeptics" - Shill Nye and DeGrasse Lie-son

@00:02:29 two of them being vaccines and gmos
@00:02:42 pro gmo and very pro vaccines in fact

Vaccine Fraud Will End The Medical Industrial Complex

@00:00:31 so vaccines i've had to have that fight
@00:01:09 about gmos learned all about vaccines
@00:01:22 planet from there so vaccines is just
@00:01:53 reason why i think vaccines are going to
@00:02:22 about vaccines probably the most out of
@00:02:28 how vax how toxic vaccines are right
@00:03:05 one reason why vaccines are gonna be the
@00:03:55 showed a link but between vaccines and
@00:05:29 vaccines with a brand new electron
@00:05:33 vaccines before and they found that 43
@00:05:36 out of 44 vaccines they studied were all
@00:06:11 vaccines and i won't get on a rant about
@00:06:13 that but vaccines aren't they're not
@00:06:50 safety commission to study vaccines how
@00:07:21 states openly question vaccines so it's

"Ascension Inhibiting" Toxins To Avoid

@00:00:22 of things like gmos and vaccines in our
@00:03:20 us so many vaccines still have mercury

Why I Think Trump Is Working For Humanity's Benefit

@00:04:20 vaccines are one of the biggest medical

Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering

@00:04:24 aluminum with vaccines and

The Truth Behind Vaccines

@00:00:12 look at vaccines it doesn't take a
@00:01:33 these vaccines are failing not even
@00:01:47 before the vaccines were even introduced
@00:02:06 what vaccines are leading to is a huge
@00:02:15 nature intended what vaccines truly do
@00:02:23 effects of all these vaccines over all
@00:02:39 vaccines do and in the unfortunate state