
Dems To Hold Open Hearing To Censor "Misinformation"- Information Warfare!!!

@00:33:47 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Meanwhile, Kim Jong Un Just Did Something Very Very Strange ...

@00:12:18 do doesn't matter what twitter say or
@00:31:40 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Trump Warns Shocking Documents About To Be Unveiled!

@00:07:56 twitter flags trump tweet that says he's
@00:08:04 and dr twitter these demons that all
@00:08:45 and twitter has nothing to defend their
@00:08:59 but twitter thinks that they somehow
@00:09:07 twitter rules now
@00:09:08 this tweet violates our twitter
@00:20:47 twitter won't confirm if scully hack
@00:29:45 twitter etc
@00:31:19 on twitter every day as well and

"No Redactions"- Trump Orders Mark Beginning Of The End!

@00:04:48 it's right here on his twitter account
@00:05:31 trump's twitter account and the news
@00:06:47 his twitter account same thing same
@00:16:45 account and your twitter and all the
@00:33:13 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Following Strange Events New Battle For C-19 Narrative Begins!

@00:17:17 twitter
@00:17:20 at this twitter leftist banned what
@00:17:28 is banned by twitter after he tweets
@00:29:27 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Live Stream 10-2-20 - Something Big Is About To Happen!

@00:15:41 message on his twitter account
@00:28:49 twitter verified users wish death on
@00:47:38 terminate any twitter users reposting do
@00:47:59 image on twitter and is it this does

The Comey Mystery Is Slowly Being Solved- Testimony Brings Us Closer

@00:32:18 meet me on twitter as well

Biden Camp Deceptive Debate Strategy Fully Decoded!!!

@00:03:42 to the trump twitter right here people
@00:09:24 quotes on your twitter account that is
@00:28:07 twitter link
@00:33:18 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Avalanche! More Disturbing Corruption Exposed - Another MOAB!!!

@00:35:46 meet me on twitter every single day

New Ballot Scam Operation Uncovered As Dangerous Rhetoric Continues!

@00:32:25 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:33:41 on twitter insulting each other actually

Biden Shocking New Revelations Only The Beginning - Tsunami Coming!

@00:12:41 on all the social media facebook twitter
@00:30:24 on twitter today and i'm demanding i
@00:35:16 john solomon's twitter account has been
@00:38:44 meet me on twitter as well

Warning- Marxist Elite Roll Out New Plot To Influence Election! SMH!!!

@00:29:35 meet me on twitter every single day

Boom! Graham "We've Got The Votes To Confirm" - Dems Go Psycho!

@00:30:12 meet me on twitter every single day

Revealed! Sessions Hired Durham! LOL, Doubters Will Freak Out!

@00:16:05 marks on twitter
@00:32:16 twitter as well

Storm Of Justice Unleashing - Barr Calls For Arrest Of Mayor, Sedition Charges!

@00:09:25 and we also know that twitter look like
@00:09:28 i said here twitter sensors conservative
@00:09:46 take a look twitter lot conservative
@00:10:35 according to twitter that is considered
@00:25:44 notice that as soon as twitter took down
@00:33:19 meet me on twitter as well

Keystone Removal! Big Picture Now Coming To View In Middle East!

@00:12:45 no twitter fact check for this obvious
@00:22:41 again with the scientists twitter shuts
@00:23:47 social media giant twitter shut down her
@00:27:09 meet me on twitter every single day

The Time Has Come! Equal Justice Under The Law - Harvest Is Ready!!!

@00:22:08 twitter is won't let me post this the
@00:22:11 link to qmap.pop on twitter they're
@00:28:57 twitter facebook google control what you
@00:39:03 twitter we are facebook we are youtube

Live 9-11-20 - The Disturbing Big Picture!

@00:09:56 twitter today because optics
@00:18:41 put on his twitter account for a reason
@00:43:30 facebook twitter using darpa provided

Something Very Mysterious Is Happening And It's Slowly Coming To Light!

@00:06:00 that trump had on his twitter
@00:28:34 follow the trump twitter account there
@00:31:31 meet me on twitter as well

New Election Day Coup Language Quietly Being Planned - Disturbing!

@00:04:58 who has changed his username on twitter
@00:30:50 meet me on twitter as well

Huge List Of Criminal Convictions And Indictments Revealed- Future Proves Past!

@00:32:10 on twitter as well and together we ride

Sinister Plot Now Revealed - Post Election Dark Civil War Comes To View!!!

@00:31:04 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Trump Drops Clue On Identity Of Leftist Street Violence Organizers!

@00:33:06 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Militants Call For Blood- As Portland Trump-Supporter Killer Likely ID'd!

@00:10:35 and youtube twitter and facebook has
@00:32:43 twitter as well ladies and gentlemen

Live 8-28-20 - Can You Feel What Is Coming?

@00:13:20 follow the trump twitter account

Violence Expands- Militants Encouraged As New America Introduced At RNC!

@00:09:29 twitter this is big
@00:25:58 twitter account yeah there it is people
@00:29:56 on twitter as well and together we ride

Plot Revealed? "Drag Out" Election Results With "Legal Operation"

@00:31:58 on twitter as well and together we ride

Darkness VS Light- Contrast Clear As Ever As RNC Kicks Off And Riots Expand!!

@00:30:39 on twitter as well and together we ride

"Something Is Not Right"- Former Obama Doc Speaks Out As Dems Confirm Biden!!

@00:24:43 and don't forget to join me on twitter

Revealed! USPS Secret Patent Could End Dems! No Wonder They're Freaking Out!

@00:02:53 i have people messaging me on twitter
@00:11:10 twitter is allowing this
@00:11:32 the same twitter that was censoring and
@00:29:36 on twitter as well and together we ride

Haha! Marxists Launch Brand New Weird Panicky Conspiracy Theory!!

@00:30:46 to meet me on twitter as well

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:49:23 and q gave us this twitter link back
@00:51:54 easily verifiable on trump's twitter
@00:53:47 q potus twitter delta zero exchanges
@00:55:13 twitter

Air Force Chopper Takes Enemy Gunfire- We Are Now In New Territory!!!

@00:11:48 openly they bragged about it on twitter
@00:29:05 on twitter

LOOK HERE! A Closer Look At The New Biden Super Stunt

@00:29:25 on twitter as well and together

Marxist Revolution Takes New Turn- Here's The Shocking Summary!!

@00:28:57 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Wow! Barr Calls Out Marxist Cult - "Secular Religion ... Lust For Power"

@00:29:13 twitter locks out emergency room dr
@00:33:53 twitter as well

Live Stream 8-7-20 - The Eve Of Indictments!

@00:25:07 don't look now right twitter is out of
@00:45:42 they cannot back out of this twitter
@00:52:02 twitter censoring trump interview

Almost Time! World Awaits Obamagate Judgement Day!!!

@00:11:20 facebook twitter both of them coming out
@00:12:18 unlike anyone at google at twitter at
@00:13:50 twitter is involved in this craziness
@00:14:38 twitter official
@00:15:13 it says here the twitter employee who
@00:29:09 and join me on twitter as well i'll see

Trump: New Vote-By-Mail Method In Florida Is "Safe and Secure"

@00:04:21 watching trump's twitter account
@00:26:39 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

LOL! On Cue! NYT- "Let's Scrap The Presidential Debates"

@00:17:17 attention to this doctor here on twitter
@00:17:30 puts these all these images on twitter
@00:29:16 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

As Revolution Moves At High Speed Pompeo Drops Bomb!

@00:28:35 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Fiery Hearing, Recent Events Set Stage For Coming Accountability!!!

@00:04:48 hey google a twitter facebook did you
@00:08:34 yeah twitter suspends prager university
@00:17:32 and i haven't even mentioned twitter who
@00:18:19 again may 28th twitter censors president
@00:18:24 twitter censors white house
@00:18:30 june 23 2020 twitter censors the
@00:18:55 july 21st here's what twitter did the
@00:19:04 twitter allows this tweet
@00:21:23 twitter google youtube and all you guys
@00:21:38 twitter forced us to delete video

Chilling Censorship Sweeps Nation As ... Antifa Now Detonating Explosives!!!

@00:03:40 twitter you guys
@00:05:20 they want you a youtube google twitter
@00:05:39 twitter same thing they don't know
@00:07:05 me on twitter you would have been
@00:07:11 on twitter so
@00:08:13 keep going we know that twitter
@00:08:59 stunning twitter suspends donald trump
@00:09:58 and twitter and youtube but they cannot
@00:10:39 at donald trump jr's twitter look at
@00:28:56 and remember to meet me on twitter as

Wave Of Violence Sweeps Nation - Lines Drawn- Body Count Rises!!!

@00:20:26 panicked and locked her twitter account
@00:27:33 consider joining me on twitter as well

Live Stream 7-24-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:07:40 at twitter
@00:12:45 right here twitter bands q anon amid dhs
@00:14:31 twitter is attempting to ban followers
@00:14:38 twitter is cracking down on accounts
@00:14:52 celebrated the decision by twitter to
@00:15:01 which may suggest twitter admits the
@00:15:30 terror glorified in millions of twitter
@00:16:37 some reports point out twitter is
@00:16:44 yeah it was interesting the the twitter
@00:18:38 twitter did not say but we know that
@00:18:44 story about twitter
@00:21:16 twitter anyone thank you goodbye
@00:22:43 twitter the other day

Shocker- Mexican Pres Declares "Love" For Cartel Terrorists!!!

@00:03:21 posted on twitter that they were
@00:15:54 we have twitter bands q and none but
@00:16:06 twitter on tuesday banned thousands
@00:16:29 twitter also announced this week
@00:16:32 according to twitter safety

As Cities Erode Into War Zones Barr Unveils Strategic Counter Strike Plan!!!

@00:22:30 attacks happening on the twitter side of
@00:23:32 yeah counter the twitter facebook all
@00:23:51 and the weaknesses of twitter and
@00:28:13 twitter links over the last six 12
@00:29:29 twitter as well and together we ride in

Battle Lines Drawn -DHS SEC "We Will Not Retreat" - Marxists Panic!

@00:12:04 forget that that's okay with twitter so
@00:13:24 twitter plans to permanently ban
@00:13:59 right there by the same twitter same
@00:14:52 by twitter which is locking the accounts
@00:29:16 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Trump Chess Moves! Preparing Stage For Justice... And More...

@00:31:40 and don't forget to join me on twitter

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:26:26 on twitter with this hack we now know
@00:37:11 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Live Stream 7-17-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:27:41 rolling out the twitter hacking yeah it
@00:27:45 twitter you know everyone's getting
@00:57:34 twitter that he doesn't have a plan to

De Blasio Drops Stunning Announcement As NYC Crime Explodes!!!

@00:08:07 twitter account trump understands what
@00:08:23 he's putting it in his twitter
@00:08:25 twitter account and sean hannity is

Trump: Big News Coming Next Week- Plus MS13 Mass Arrests, Terror Charges!!

@00:04:05 later people's twitter accounts that
@00:23:26 obama twitter accounts hacked and other
@00:25:32 twitter as well and together my friends

Something Strange Is Growing Nationwide And No One Is Noticing!!!

@00:07:26 his twitter account are we watching a
@00:08:38 trump is saying on his twitter account
@00:24:35 twitter over wild conspiracy theorists
@00:25:28 attacking her on twitter
@00:27:17 twitter as well and check out all the

EYES ON! The Sessions-Tuberville Battle- Here's The DECODE!!

@00:27:34 social media and meet me on twitter

Newsom To Release Another 8000 Masked Criminals Into Streets!!! Coincidence?

@00:17:46 some of these charts on twitter this
@00:33:09 and also remember to join me on twitter

Live Stream 7-10-20 - Tick Tock!

@00:13:34 youtube and twitter and these channels
@00:54:45 trunk twitter let's see what's wrong

Emboldened And Activated: Sleepers Emerging, Sinister Agenda Revealed!

@00:22:51 forget to meet me on twitter as well and

Next Phase Has Begun: Elected Officials Call For Overthrow Of U.S.!!!

@00:25:54 meet me on twitter as well and together

Slipping Away? New CDC Report, Doctors Destroy MSM Virus Narrative!

@00:26:51 meet me on twitter as well and together

Coordinated? Trump Spells Out Storm - Flynn Surprise Move- Huge Proof!!

@00:25:09 twitter by storm on the 4th of july what
@00:31:28 join me on twitter as well and together

Live Stream 7-3-20 - Endgame Approaching!

@00:18:23 and i will be posting this on twitter as
@00:19:05 media facebook twitter they then are
@00:30:49 how few i could see twitter youtube

Election Interference? Even Biden Now Calls For Censorship Of Trump!

@00:20:45 twitter viewpoints left-wing cult to to
@00:34:47 can meet me on twitter as well and

Evil And Deception Sweeps Nation- On Full Display... Strategy Working!!!

@00:38:33 twitter as well and together my friends

All Assets Deployed - Shocking List Of What Is Coming Soon Revealed!

@00:05:32 twitter
@00:17:06 twitter
@00:17:21 the form i posted it on twitter
@00:19:07 sydney powell twitter restricts flynn
@00:30:55 don't forget to meet me on twitter as

Psychology Of Radical Left's Information Control Fully Explained!

@00:07:31 on his twitter account which is
@00:21:18 to start a trend on twitter i don't
@00:22:01 link cue points us to this twitter
@00:39:29 twitter as well and together we ride in

Flynn Wins! Game-Changing Digital Soldiers Strategy Unleashed!

@00:17:46 twitter facebook etc yeah people are
@00:18:45 twitter and facebook etc source means
@00:19:07 over to twitter or whatever facebook and
@00:20:57 strengths weaknesses regarding twitter
@00:21:08 should know their twitter and facebook
@00:21:19 regarding memes we know what twitter is
@00:26:35 across twitter youtube and forums such
@00:31:04 this channel and meet me on twitter as

Bombshell Strategy Unfolds In Biden Ukraine Corruption Case!!!

@00:07:52 everyone is talking about this twitter
@00:08:14 twitter they're all of them they are
@00:08:53 the information war twitter permanently
@00:08:55 suspends trump's favorite twitter troll
@00:09:07 is that the left and twitter they are
@00:09:26 it's a copyright situation twitter
@00:10:22 twitter that is putting ads they're
@00:27:30 twitter as well and together we ride in

Damning Evidence Mounting On New Scandal- Some Are Panicking!

@00:32:06 and also meet me on twitter as well and

Barr Drops Surprise Bomb On Deep State- All Going As Planned!!!

@00:42:02 don't forget to meet me on twitter as

Live Stream 6-19-20 - It's All Happening!

@00:09:01 today on twitter and i'll explain why i
@00:11:53 on twitter follow me folks follow me on

Meanwhile Another Government-Backed Pedo Network Is Uncovered!

@00:06:29 twitter
@00:12:47 naming google facebook twitter as
@00:23:12 shocking stuff right here twitter allows
@00:23:28 quietly enacted twitter rule change from

It's The Exact Same Playbook!! Shocking Revelations About Recent Events!

@00:04:31 saying much on the twitter so we'll move
@00:25:43 trump to the announcement on twitter by

Surprise! Seattle Chaz Occupation Leader Linked To Islamists! Dems Silent!!

@00:25:49 join me on twitter as well and check out

Full Destruction In Progress- Thugs Empowered, Police Attacked!!

@00:21:44 meet me on twitter as well check out all

American Revolution 2.0 - All Elements Perfectly In Position! Tick Tock...

@00:23:35 twitter but here it is folks this person
@00:34:51 twitter as well and together we ride in

Live Stream 6-12-20 - America At War!

@00:27:44 the news doesn't matter what twitter and

Huge DECLAS Imminent- DNI Ratcliffe Releases More Docs!

@00:21:07 instagram all over twitter everybody
@00:23:24 not anonymous but twitter
@00:23:35 right there translation twitter created
@00:24:14 why jack dorsey himself with twitter is
@00:25:23 and also meet me on twitter as well and

With Trump Rallies Set To Resume Tedros Strikes Again!! Coincidence?

@00:08:41 twitter attack on elderly men injured by
@00:09:47 twitter account is riddled with anti
@00:09:51 sentiment f the police his twitter
@00:25:11 also don't forget to meet me on twitter

TADA!! W.H.O Drops Coronavirus Bomb - Think 180 Degrees!!!

@00:24:28 forget folks to also meet me on twitter

Radical Left Agenda Spiraling Into Something Very Creepy! Must See!

@00:27:12 anyone who follows my twitter account
@00:28:45 with the obama people and twitter that
@00:36:25 channel and meet me on twitter

Live Stream 6-5-20 - America At War!

@00:52:47 things on his twitter letting everyone
@00:55:16 they are doing this twitter removes what

Sleepers Emerging- How Deep Does It Run? Trump Out-Smarts Them Again!

@00:22:44 of them has potus twitter removal or

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:31:46 meet me on twitter as well and don't

Meanwhile Future Is Proving Past! Logic PROVES How This Will End!!!

@00:16:22 young kids and then we have twitter
@00:16:50 good to virtual signal now twitter but
@00:17:00 yeah twitter it's all over we are going
@00:20:55 person is saying will twitter delete
@00:28:10 subscribe and meet me on twitter as well

Shocking Footage Democrat Mayors, Governors Don't Want You To See!!

@00:30:45 twitter and together we write in the

Turn Of Events! Violent Radical Leftist Group Has Just Been Checkmated!!!

@00:05:54 can see this twitter is getting involved
@00:06:05 today right there twitter is dropping
@00:07:01 see the twitter knows everybody was
@00:07:17 reason why twitter removed the tweets if
@00:32:04 twitter doesn't like this video being
@00:37:32 me on twitter as well
@00:37:33 for those of you who use twitter and

Live Stream 5-29-20 - The Time Has Come!

@00:14:24 said to these demons today on twitter
@00:22:21 situation twitter sensors trump they're
@00:22:32 off two birds with one stone now twitter
@00:24:04 see here twitter came out saying this
@00:24:05 tweet violated the twitter rules about
@00:26:18 twitter censors official white house not
@00:28:05 somehow twitter is saying and publicize
@00:28:16 we are now the news 8 twitter we will
@00:28:50 censors twitter is full of bleep right
@00:28:56 folks twitter is targeting the president
@00:31:11 given their concerned with twitter have
@00:31:58 than get rid of my whole twitter account
@00:34:20 but i finally decided to join twitter to
@00:34:46 millions of people are now on twitter
@00:47:39 to mention twitter trying to label

Shocking Developments Surfacing On Nursing Home Scandal!

@00:04:03 social media giants like twitter receive
@00:06:28 talking about twitter and facebook what
@00:08:40 this twitter no warning on misleading
@00:09:29 of these demons and he said hey twitter
@00:09:53 twitter phone though yeah bernie's about

Trump Social Media Executive Order Coming As Dems Reveal Their Agenda!!!

@00:05:06 on the trump twitter account
@00:06:37 and what is not on twitter laugh out
@00:06:56 at twitter that determines whether your
@00:25:03 twitter account they're going after
@00:29:31 and don't forget to meet me on twitter

Twitter Election Interference Shocker- Trump Promises Big Response

@00:03:21 twitter brands truck vote-by-mail post
@00:04:53 and we're seeing twitter is now
@00:05:05 coming from cnn like i says here twitter
@00:05:25 here the twitter curated moment is
@00:06:20 out right here people twitter is now
@00:06:27 election a twitter jack that is a legal
@00:06:56 doing it at twitter all these demons and
@00:07:14 and he continues twitter is completely
@00:13:06 asked you not to twitter tweet let's go
@00:13:14 twitter to delete your tweets talking
@00:18:42 trump exposing twitter interfering with
@00:21:08 following you on twitter i've seen you
@00:25:23 else that's happening with twitter and
@00:28:56 censorship join me on twitter as well

Huge! How Hussein Shadow Presidency Was Outsmarted By Trump Team!

@00:40:57 this channel and meet me on twitter as

Live Stream 5-22-20 - Destruction Of Old Guard

@00:21:16 twitter with tweeting yeah oh the trust
@00:22:47 on twitter and facebook i don't care how
@00:32:06 twitter just come to the channel and the

Dems Playbook Revealed!!! ... As Justice Moves Forward! Tick Tock...

@00:05:08 manager of twitter to get president
@00:05:32 that twitter bring downs trump's twitter
@00:05:38 of twitter about their policies being
@00:06:42 twitter step up their authoritative
@00:07:03 some sort of attack on trump's twitter
@00:07:25 the world just saying a twitter take
@00:07:28 why would twitter even entertain this
@00:07:38 attacking trump's twitter account or
@00:13:23 90,000 tweets on twitter it's coming
@00:15:06 they jumped on twitter because of trump
@00:26:39 calling on the censorship of his twitter
@00:33:12 all that now meet me on twitter as well

Hours After Barr Statement- BOOM! Damning Biden Audios Released!!

@00:14:00 shrunk twitter and trump supporters we
@00:27:10 views on these videos meet me on twitter

Huge Chess Move! Barr Splits From Trump As Senate Subpoena Vote Looms

@00:22:50 and censorship meet me on twitter as

Newly Revealed Docs Expose Shocking Truth Behind Snowden Operation!!!

@00:09:39 pin to the top of the twitter hashtag
@00:29:32 attacked channel join me on twitter as

Live Stream Friday 5-15-20 - New Era Coming

@00:18:53 his twitter account november 4th

Graham Reveals Spygate Hearings To Begin June! Swamp In Full Panic!!!!

@00:12:16 twitter link this person right here says

List Of Obama Operatives Released- Nunes: "Criminal Referrals Coming"

@00:31:16 and twitter make it viral and then look
@00:33:18 the links and meet me on twitter as well

Revealed! Hussein "Leaked" Call Initiates New Coordinated Narrative Push

@00:25:56 also meet me on twitter and together we

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:29:28 meet me on twitter as well and together

Trump Tweet Triggers Trend- The Game Is Now Over- Panic In DC!!!

@00:42:03 join me on twitter as well ladies and

Sources: Schiff About To Have Very Bad Day! Plus- Barr Releases Key Docs!!!

@00:32:46 on twitter as well and together we ride

COVID Medical Studies Brought To Light- Shocker! BAD News For Fauci!!

@00:28:52 meet me on twitter as well and together

Active Coordinated Disinfo Campaign Fails To Stop Trump's Q Worldwide Reach!

@00:27:28 twitter google democrat coordinated and
@00:29:36 twitter as well

Huge! Q-Team Bombs: Authoritarian Politicians Will Be SHOCKED!!

@00:15:57 these nurses that are coming on twitter
@00:36:52 why would twitter blot people who
@00:44:11 twitter as well

Live Stream Friday 5-1-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:07:10 it twitter set up step up there

Battle For Narrative Goes Nuclear- Master Counter-Strategy In Motion!!!

@00:09:47 demands google youtube twitter step up

Shocking Unsealed Flynn Docs Set Stage For What Is Coming!!!

@00:03:17 way general flynn's twitter account
@00:27:21 twitter as well and together we ride in

Deep State Secret Inside Comms Channels Revealed ... Information War Rages!

@00:23:29 us another link where twitter is talking
@00:25:09 twitter is failing he was showing us
@00:26:11 on twitter but see what you think why
@00:35:02 this channel meet me as well on twitter

Barr Sends Memo To US Attorneys To Police Government Abuse Of Powers

@00:17:01 everyone should be aware you to twitter
@00:17:30 of here and to their credit twitter
@00:24:21 subscribed and join me on twitter as

deleted The Flynn Injustice And Coming Exoneration Decoded- Future Proves Past!!

@00:03:59 on his twitter account just want to show
@00:04:18 copyright that their twitter you can't
@00:25:51 meet me on twitter as well and together

Live Stream Friday 4-24-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:43:18 something somebody on twitter would say

Fake News All-Out Blitz! Claim HCQ Doesn't Work- Ignore Worldwide Studies!

@00:25:32 censorship meet me on twitter as well

Trump Hints At Coming Justice For Russia Hoax: "You'll Find Out!"

@00:22:50 came across this on twitter see with
@00:28:12 join me on twitter as well and together

Live Stream Friday 4-17-20 - Time Bomb Overview!

@00:16:11 twitter but here it is again because
@00:16:15 follow my twitter and here it is folks

Is A Dark, Sinister Global Agenda Slowly Being Revealed?

@00:05:32 deleted this from her twitter account

Clock Is Ticking- "FISA Lead-In" New Marker - Barr Public Appearance!

@00:28:31 on twitter as well and together we ride

Warning- "All Assets Will Be Deployed" This Election As Dems Fight For Survival

@00:17:05 someone's posting on twitter and
@00:20:39 famous people that are on twitter that
@00:20:44 will they take out the trunk twitter
@00:26:29 me as well on twitter and together

Trump Masterfully Sets Up Media - Demonstrates Hypocrisy To The World!!!

@00:29:01 twitter as well and together we ride in

Timetable Revealed! New House Investigations To Precede Full Disclosure

@00:28:34 me on twitter during the day and ladies

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:23:48 says you should pm me in twitter okay

Malik Obama Jumps Into Battlefield- Part Of Q Army... As The Clock Ticks!

@00:03:06 those of you guys who follow my twitter
@00:21:37 image posted on twitter by none other

Bombshell! Timetable Of 'Planned-Demic' To Change Narrative Revealed!

@00:02:57 cross over to the trunk twitter we're
@00:23:08 here this account on twitter says what
@00:27:13 bam q shows us this link on this twitter
@00:30:48 me on twitter as well and together we

Left Continues Irrational Attacks On Helpful Drug ... As Docs Keep Praising It!

@00:18:25 amazing this truth hammer twitter
@00:18:53 hello twitter truth hammer here
@00:20:19 truth hammer put out on twitter and just
@00:22:41 twitter as well and together ladies and

Dems Launch Brand New Level Of Psychotic Anti-Trump Attacks!!

@00:24:23 meet me on twitter as well and together

Trump Spreads Military Across Nation And Fires Intel IG- Nothing To See Here!

@00:27:41 you can follow this on twitter or
@00:32:54 and censorship meet me on twitter as

US Military Unleashed Against Cartels!! The War Has Begun!

@00:01:54 much happening in the trunk twitter
@00:24:30 twitter as well throughout the day and

Shocker! Gov Newsom Frees 14 Convicted Killers In Name Of Coronavirus!!!

@00:25:04 censorship join me on twitter as well

Trump: "We Were Attacked"- As Left Pushes False Apocalyptic Narrative!

@00:26:50 shadow banning meet me on twitter and

Post 'Time Bomb': Battle For Narrative Rages- Trump Expands Storm!

@00:29:03 and join me on twitter as well and

Live Stream Friday 3-27-20 - Storm Update!

@00:12:36 twitter that is going to explain a lot

Military Activation Coming? Q Hints At Suspension Of Habeas Corpus

@00:24:36 this guy on twitter just show him this

Left Unleashes Attacks On Trump Including Brand New HHS "Whistleblower"!!!

@00:19:48 twitter account logan act haha right
@00:24:41 and censorship and meet me on twitter as

Wow! Democrat Governor Blocks Potentially Effective Coronavirus Drug

@00:18:07 follow people's twitter tweets twitter's
@00:30:16 join me on twitter as well and together

Amid Deployment Of National Guard In 32 States Q Drops Simple Message!

@00:26:30 joining me on twitter getting the word

Live Stream Friday 3-20-20 - The Storm Continues!

@00:29:24 much drop is on his twitter account is
@00:53:44 twitter it's everywhere and then thank

Surprise! OAN Reporter Drops Nuke On Fake News For All To See!!!

@00:21:13 and join me on twitter as well

FAILED! Reporters Coordinate Trump Attacks With Pro-China Talking Points

@00:24:02 join me on twitter for updates and

Trump Mystery Tweet Brings Silent War Into Public Consciousness Worldwide!!!

@00:20:52 joining me on twitter and getting the

White House Warns "Unidentified Foreign Group" Fueling False Panic Over Virus

@00:11:49 scenes twitter nexus sheriff clark's
@00:12:37 can't do that on twitter they'll take it
@00:21:10 marshals headquarters twitter accounts
@00:21:23 twitter account tweeted earlier today
@00:23:33 join me on twitter as well and together

Clash Of Narratives Continue Over Virus - The Silent War Continues!

@00:27:58 joining me on twitter and together we

Live Stream Friday 3-13-20 - The Battle For Humanity

@00:23:44 be aware that twitter
@00:24:06 hey twitter uh why remember people this
@00:35:41 facebook and twitter oh you guys there

It's Here!! ... Brand New Conspiracy About Virus Is Seeded!

@00:04:41 go to the trump twitter page do not kid
@00:27:03 twitter as well where we share links

As Hysteria Continues Trump Making Clever Moves To Advance STORM!!!

@00:23:42 join me on twitter as well and together

Unhinged Biden Unloads On Average Blue-Collar Worker!!!

@00:02:08 trump's twitter page president trump
@00:26:53 join me on twitter as well

Silent War! Trump Continues Warning Enemies With Cryptic Messages!

@00:02:35 admiring on the trump twitter page i was
@00:03:23 here on the trump twitter account so
@00:22:32 person here rainbow fairy on twitter
@00:24:59 well on twitter where i share links

Boom! Trump Team Taunts With Q Anon Quote - What Will Be Next?

@00:03:06 i've seen that on twitter i see i heard
@00:15:05 twitter account she knows that and
@00:17:53 not allowed to say that right twitter
@00:24:05 followers on twitter and youtube
@00:25:20 york post reporter locked out of twitter
@00:27:54 and meet me on twitter where i'll

FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

@00:28:21 gentlemen take a look at what twitter is
@00:28:24 doing twitter unveils new rules against
@00:28:49 twitter is coming out

After Defiant Non-Apology 15 GOP Senators Introduce Resolution To Censure Schumer

@00:22:56 not unsubscribe and join me on twitter
@00:22:59 everybody who follows me on twitter they
@00:23:05 join me on twitter as well and together

Schumer Shocking Threats To SC Justices Captures Lots Of Attention!

@00:24:54 on twitter so we can share links there

Closed-Door FISA Probe Depositions Begin ... As Dems Resurrect Biden

@00:03:33 twitter account with sean hannity
@00:23:12 channel and look for me on twitter where
@00:23:18 and on twitter we could meet meet and

Judge Orders Hillary And Top Aid Deposed On Use Of Private Email System!

@00:12:30 buys a giant stake in twitter seeks to
@00:12:46 twitter with the intention of pushing
@00:24:51 both to join me on twitter as well and

Dems Afraid To Admit Bernie IS The Front Runner- Sabotage Awaits!

@00:19:04 posted on twitter and bottom line is his
@00:24:39 join me on twitter as well that wraps it

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:15:47 either twitter or facebook one of those
@00:16:06 twitter or any of these social media
@00:18:15 twitter account together i haven't
@00:19:35 his twitter account talking about that

Meanwhile ... Ukraine Launches Criminal Proceedings Against Joe Biden!!

@00:08:29 account on twitter georgia peach and
@00:26:01 me on twitter and finally don't forget

HUGE Wave Of Trump Victories Hit As the Storm Intensifies!!

@00:23:52 interesting q points us to this twitter
@00:31:32 twitter as well and together my friends

Disney CEO Suddenly Resigns As Storm "Purge" Rages On!

@00:24:54 and join me on twitter and together my

Why No Arrests? Q Walks Us Behind-the-Scenes - Reveals Big Picture!!

@00:22:05 up and join me on twitter as well and

FRIDAY 2-21 Watching As Judgment Approaches...

@00:13:48 twitter anything to really jump out at
@00:20:18 the rally and he's coming out on twitter

Judge Sentences Stone- Russia Hoax TRAP Complete!!!

@00:24:49 twitter link where someone here is
@00:29:17 primary purpose of referencing twitter
@00:29:29 has been dropping one twitter link after
@00:30:58 trump twitter account and see what trump

Durham Expands Probe Into Mueller Team Activities - Trump Hints Justice Coming!

@00:19:41 twitter account this person is saying to
@00:23:44 storm don't forget to join me on twitter

Wow! New Rumor About Barr Will Shock Many... Think: Art Of War!!!

@00:26:23 join me on twitter as well and together

Dershowitz Drops Bomb To Start Off Week- Has 302 Docs As Proof!!!

@00:02:48 saying much on his account the twitter
@00:17:33 link on twitter right here this author
@00:28:50 join me on twitter for those of you on
@00:28:52 twitter and there we go we ride together

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:26:52 join me on twitter as well and together

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:39:59 some of his twitter drops i think it was

Stone Case Lead Juror's Court Statements Revealed- Unbelievable!!

@00:13:19 that you attack him on twitter you know
@00:18:13 because she outed herself on twitter at
@00:21:47 not twitter not facebook but youtube
@00:24:42 social media on twitter where you can

Barr Agrees To Testify On Stone Case, Giuliani Evidence And More!

@00:32:49 twitter every single day there it is for

On Cue! Roger Stone Case Triggers Wave Of Firings And Awareness!!

@00:24:00 twitter account earlier today
@00:28:59 join me on social media on twitter

Boom! Barr Confirms DOJ Assessing Giuliani Ukraine Investigation Info!

@00:28:07 and meet me on twitter to help support

Rumors Circulate- Major Arrests Beginning This Week?

@00:15:43 on twitter is saying dirty cops peter
@00:27:08 forget to join me on twitter as well for
@00:27:10 those of you that are on twitter and

FRIDAY 2-7-20 What Will Happen Next?

@00:39:50 twitter a snowden this thing with eric

McConnell Issues Stern Warning- Left Tactics: "Threat To Our Institutions"

@00:19:05 at that on twitter where you know
@00:21:19 it to twitter the democrats heard about
@00:25:10 censorship and join me on twitter as
@00:25:13 well if you're on twitter and share
@00:25:15 links on twitter as well i'll see you

Following Historic SOTU Pelosi Stuns Viewers With Epic TDS Stunt!

@00:02:02 done on his twitter page he's putting
@00:19:52 done so twitter does not have an
@00:23:02 shadow banning and join me on twitter if
@00:23:05 you are on twitter that is another great

Sekulow Plays Damning Compilation Video- Planned Coup For All To See!!

@00:01:57 trump twitter account everyone should
@00:24:17 and joining me on twitter if you are on
@00:24:19 twitter there it is folks that is it for

Graham Outlines Justice Roadmap To Follow Impeachment Trial!!!

@00:31:01 join me also on twitter if you're on
@00:31:03 twitter and we can share links there as

LIVE Jan 31, 2020 Justice Coming!

@00:16:01 twitter and yeah well you know well
@00:17:23 shifts twitter account and saying hey q

DOJ Backs Off- Boomerang Of Justice In Flynn Case Has Begun!!!

@00:24:59 to the twitter this video that we talked

Bolton Mystery Deepens As GOP Pushes Toward Strategic Ending!!

@00:09:05 was in response to a twitter rant by
@00:25:41 media on twitter for now where i've been

Graham Predicts Hunter Testimony- Trump Drops Huge Q Proof At NJ Rally!!!

@00:23:42 somebody on twitter fruit trying to
@00:27:00 don't forget to join me on twitter if
@00:27:02 you're on twitter and that'll make
@00:27:05 links together on twitter there it is

Bondi Drops MOAB On Bidens, Dems Corruption Case- No Recovery Possible!!

@00:26:08 my friends also join me on twitter for
@00:26:11 those of you who are on twitter and that

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:07:32 gets in on it on his twitter account it
@00:07:36 this twitter account and q told us they
@00:29:58 there it is folks join me on twitter as
@00:30:03 you on twitter and that wraps it up for

BOOM!! Rudy Announces Huge Ukraine Revelations Beginning Now!

@00:03:13 a look at president trump's twitter
@00:27:43 twitter right here massive absolutely

Cipollone Goes Nuclear On Nadler- Dems Focus On Damage Control!

@00:25:26 banning look for me on twitter spread

Trump Attorneys Dismantle Schiff's Arguments- Use His Own Quotes!

@00:21:23 trump on his twitter account same time
@00:23:09 select it join me on twitter and

IT BEGINS! Trump Rolls Out Last Minute Surprise!

@00:23:59 you know and come to my twitter account

Court Docs: Rosenstein Approved Release Of Strzok-Page Text Messages!

@00:07:08 his twitter account it was around that
@00:07:10 time when they took down this twitter
@00:29:44 media on twitter and tell everybody

LIVE Jan 17, 2020: Coup Update, Senate Hearing ++

@00:07:14 twitter laugh out loud where you know
@00:07:23 a twitter account well i did use it for
@00:07:32 there too on twitter but oh well welcome

GOP Set To Restore Rule of Law As Dems Stumble To Finish Line!

@00:25:22 and paying me a visit on twitter and

Confused Dems In the Dark As Senate GOP Conceal Next Move!

@00:22:22 director locked his twitter account
@00:22:38 twitter accounts this is a truly
@00:23:33 account their twitter account that is
@00:24:20 twitter you know don't say anything
@00:25:22 twitter as well where i will be there a

McConnell Last Minute Reversal- Now Hinting Trials Are Coming!

@00:10:33 twitter right here this big time video
@00:12:37 is putting this up there on his twitter
@00:22:22 twitter where i have been for almost a

NYT New Report: Russians Hacked Burisma- Dems Are Victims! LOL

@00:04:10 folks the president trump twitter
@00:08:24 fake news goes viral on persian twitter

Dems Launch Bizarre New Talking Points- Trump Is War Criminal!!!

@00:24:41 links on social media including twitter

Revealed- ONLY Support For Iran Regime Worldwide Is From ... DEMS!!

@00:19:07 twitter he has already exposed he was in
@00:25:00 your social media and join me on twitter

Future Proves Past- Leftists Send Shocking Direct Messages Of Support For Iran!!

@00:09:41 twitter donald trump threatens unmatched
@00:25:51 twitter thank you for playing good back

LIVE Jan 3, 2020: Patriot News - Dark to Light!

@00:19:27 trunk twitter you know trump is showing
@00:25:39 twitter here talking about trump
@00:46:36 on twitter he'll tell you

Anti-Trump Atheist Fall Into Trap- Johnson Amendment E.O. Signed 2017!

@00:22:43 basis don't forget to join me on twitter

Dangerous Leftist Rhetoric Escalates As Historic 2020 Begins!

@00:18:53 twitter somebody posted this and this is

Fake News Panic- Wage Attacks On Christians, Trump Supporters

@00:23:38 went to lou dobbs twitter account this

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:09:34 we go all hashtag in their twitter
@00:11:53 news investigation twitter does not like
@00:14:00 happening breaking twitter is freaking
@00:14:04 twitter response to cnn admits to
@00:14:08 removing pro-trump twitter accounts
@00:14:10 when they say here pro-trump twitter
@00:14:13 accounts what they mean this twitter
@00:39:20 forget to join me on twitter as well for
@00:39:23 those of you who are on twitter join me

Friday 12-27-19: Patriot News - Coup Unraveling!

@00:13:41 twitter account michael condrey this is
@00:52:27 there folks trump twitter page down for
@00:53:10 trump's twitter accounts down and oh why
@00:55:45 taken down his twitter account for a few

Clock Ticks On Nancy As Trump, Graham Hint At Big Move Coming!

@00:22:48 twitter it really made and the grand
@00:22:59 of your listeners and twitter followers
@00:25:30 like that see you folks on twitter don't
@00:25:34 on twitter and don't forget to get if

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:23:03 shows us a link to twitter right here
@00:34:16 channel and also join me on twitter

Live Stream Friday 12-20 Patriot News Breakdown, Analysis!

@00:52:30 may not see the person on twitter or you

"Incredibly Dangerous" Pelosi New Moves Seals Fate Of Hoax Coup!

@00:18:47 channels any of these platforms twitter
@00:20:52 basically a twitter account this person
@00:22:11 q r me people who are on twitter is
@00:26:21 and giving me a visit on twitter and

Impeachment Coup Counter Strategy Revealed! Dems Won't Like This!!

@00:25:03 schedule around if you go on twitter
@00:36:14 shadow banning look for me on twitter

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:32:21 and visit me on twitter as well my

Dems Fabricate Last Minute Charges- As FISA Abuse Evidence Unfolds!

@00:26:13 also don't forget to join me on twitter

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:04:16 like the trump twitter account only it's
@00:25:41 to the trunk twitter account and thank
@00:40:29 twitter where i'm being shadow banned as

With No Impeachable Offenses Identified Dems Stumble To Finish Line

@00:24:09 visit me on twitter and share links

Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

@00:21:26 twitter yeah this barry burke right the
@00:23:10 join me on twitter if you're out there

Barr Doubles Down Post IG Report- Hints At Coming Justice!!

@00:22:39 twitter account falsely claims drudge
@00:23:05 drudge report twitter account that now
@00:23:39 his twitter bio two typos what are the
@00:25:52 twitter share the links there and share

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:29:48 and don't forget to join me on twitter

Why Spygate? Question To Be Publicly Answered Soon!

@00:27:24 on twitter why is twitter not being
@00:27:28 basically saying post it on twitter
@00:27:33 twitter no of course not calls to ban
@00:28:14 the twitter bio and what do we have here
@00:30:37 by twitter showing havel the democrats
@00:40:22 me on twitter as well and help me combat

Live Stream Friday 12-6-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:05:59 an eye on the trump twitter keep an eye

Dems to Draft Articles Of Impeachment As America, GOP Unite Behind Trump!

@00:23:17 share the links check me out on twitter

Turley Destroys Impeachment Argument- Left Quickly Threaten His Job!

@00:23:44 join me on twitter where i'm also being

Barr Quietly Indicts 8 For Illegal Foreign Donations To Hillary Campaign!

@00:22:48 forget to join me on twitter and

"President Pelosi" Speaks On Behalf Of US In Paris!!! Plus Explosive Q Proofs!

@00:02:50 dropped not much going on in his twitter
@00:25:35 from twitter after suggesting
@00:25:44 congress was suspended from twitter
@00:29:16 up and join me on twitter as well and

Coup Update- Collins: GOP To Call Schiff To Testify FIRST!

@00:26:33 sharing the links joining me on twitter

Live Stream Friday 11-29-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:19:20 not much going on in the trump twitter

Trump Confirms Cartels To Be Designated Terrorist Organizations!

@00:20:32 twitter as well and keep track of this

Graham Warning to Biden: "I Love You BUT ... I Have a Duty"

@00:07:32 the trump twitter were pretty much we're
@00:32:43 to join me on twitter especially on
@00:32:49 can come to my twitter and see what's

Live Stream Friday Nov 22, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- It's Happening!!!

@00:03:06 beginning folks trump twitter q a nun
@00:03:15 trump twitter q and on drops truth in

FISA Report To Release Dec 9th- As Dems Impeachment Plot Implodes

@00:09:24 and all these twitter and all these
@00:16:52 it says here twitter censors to gateway
@00:17:26 on twitter same thing they're blocking
@00:26:08 support this channel by going to twitter

Nunes, Jordan Trap Vindman, Schiff In Major "Whistleblower" Logical Fallacy!

@00:07:18 leave the trump twitter account alone
@00:26:02 thumbs up also join me on twitter and

Live Stream Friday Nov 15, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- It's Happening!!!

@00:25:31 to twitter which points right here do

Trump Special Meeting With AG Barr, Staff Delays Flight 45 Min!!

@00:04:45 trump's twitter account we have press
@00:22:26 forget to join me on twitter where i'm

Q Returns! Mystery Drop Solved- Damning IG Report Confirmed!

@00:12:27 twitter account is now advocating
@00:13:30 first one is an account on twitter that
@00:19:31 twitter right here potus and q near

Rep McCarthy: This Is a "Calculated Coup" Orchestrated By Schiff!!

@00:08:40 facebook and twitter they're creating
@00:10:27 video is available on twitter and on
@00:12:00 the trump twitter page trump is talking
@00:21:08 twitter account so everyone should be
@00:29:29 to my twitter account as well as to the
@00:29:40 twitter account and get an update as to

Live Stream Friday Nov 8, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- Judgement Day Coming!

@00:10:38 my twitter account which no one can find
@00:13:28 on twitter same thing they're going

Nunes: Schiff Will Be FIRST Witness Called By GOP to Testify!

@00:26:03 and gentlemen to look for me on twitter

#EpsteinCoverup Gains Momentum- Something Big Is Coming!

@00:21:04 about this channel follow me on twitter

Live Stream Friday Nov 1, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:51:24 elections twitter google youtube who are
@00:51:39 saying and now you have twitter saying

Forced Into the Light: Pelosi, Schiff Nervously Proceed With New Moves!

@00:03:12 twitter today that this one dog right
@00:04:46 trump's twitter account i've been saying

Schiff, Pelosi EXCLUDED From ISIS Raid Briefing to Save American Lives!

@00:08:42 that brings us to the truck twitter

Live Stream Friday Oct 25, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:49:12 an election nance wrote on twitter eight

Barr Expands Probe, CIA Actors Lawyer Up- Brennan, Clapper Deposition Coming!!

@00:24:29 on twitter with eight coon the

Convoys of Trucks Seen Emptying Obama-Biden-Linked Former Ukrainian President's Palace!

@00:01:28 his twitter account you can't help but

Truth and Art TV Live Stream Friday 10-18-19 - Latest Bombshell Patriot News and Updates

@00:14:14 twitter accounts are all coming out to

Trump Silences Critics- Pulls Off Historic Deal With Turkey, Syria!

@00:02:20 video on the trump twitter account
@00:17:17 then we have this twitter tells fascists
@00:17:40 companies when i called on twitter to
@00:17:50 donald trump plus 65 million twitter
@00:18:17 corporate responsibility twitter should
@00:18:29 off twitter i want to push him out of
@00:18:33 way join me in saying that this twitter
@00:18:53 on twitter to something to shut him down
@00:19:00 twitter getting reporting right here
@00:19:02 twitter toll come senator kamala harris

Pelosi, Schiff Cross Irreversible Lines- Judgment Day Is Coming!!!

@00:19:58 issued a correction on twitter but did

Live Stream Friday 10-11-19 - Patriot News and Updates

@00:27:13 also saying on this twitter page we at
@00:42:17 from president trump's twitter shutting

Biden Throws Tantrum, Goes On Campaign to Silence Coverage Of Scandals!

@00:02:25 just put this on twitter seconds ago but
@00:10:01 times twitter facebook into
@00:10:13 oh come on twitter come on near tanks
@00:10:49 here to facebook twitter please

DOJ: Defense Official Arrested For Colluding With NBC News!

@00:02:30 plus is dropping on his twitter account
@00:11:54 via twitter direct message because quote

Explosion of Evidence!! Audio Files, Calls, Emails, Docs Show Dems Corruption!

@00:04:33 on the trump twitter account and all the
@00:05:35 on his twitter account tell me

Groundhog Day!! Dems Roll Out Another "Whistleblower" 1 Week After Transcript!!

@00:03:34 have is trump twitter account and then
@00:07:46 the trunk cue the trunk twitter account
@00:25:43 media now and trunk twitter account and

Live Stream 10-4-19 - Coup Attempt Update, Climate Cult and More!

@00:05:16 twitter account you had people like rudy
@00:15:30 doing on his twitter accounts so let's
@00:22:26 twitter because there's the wall he's
@00:22:59 and everybody on twitter and you to
@01:06:46 this room even people on twitter all

Nancy's Secret Strategy Exposed With Brilliant Trump Counter-move!

@00:01:47 twitter account we talked about
@00:02:32 on right here on the trump twitter
@00:06:39 today twitter is taking down that

NYT Admits,Video Proves Schiff Lied! Attempted Coup Implodes!!!

@00:03:21 twitter account is now becoming a threat
@00:03:41 trunk twitter account is striking bigger
@00:03:56 the trump twitter account we're gonna
@00:08:56 twitter account theater with these
@00:12:24 now this kumla harris calls on twitter
@00:20:40 gorka released an update on twitter
@00:20:54 i find that twitter has exploded why is

Report: Adam Schiff Linked to Huge Ukranian Arms Dealer!

@00:11:20 saying a lot of things on his twitter

Live Stream Friday 9-27-19 - Interview with Barbara, General Flynn's Sister

@00:11:10 twitter accounts and facebook accounts
@00:20:07 you go to my twitter page and you go to
@00:21:34 can go follow her on twitter this dude
@00:32:21 cause of twitter there's a document that
@00:34:07 hit it on twitter he called the
@00:34:18 to my twitter page in you or just go
@00:40:51 by on twitter and he's amazing and he's
@00:43:53 name on twitter and he a phenomenal
@00:47:37 on twitter commanders artists is it
@00:47:46 commanders artist right on twitter

"Whistleblower", Biden Bombshells Emerge- Nancy Pushes Red Button!!

@00:01:13 twitter and we are getting our voices

On Cue!! Rudy Drops Bomb On Bidens: Exposes $3 Million Laundering Scam!

@00:03:21 trump's twitter account and already

Failed Attack Marks Beginning Of Major Biden Public Probe!

@00:07:15 putting these videos on his twitter
@00:09:17 president trunk twitter account which is

Live Stream Friday 9-20-19 - Patriot News

@00:07:50 and i know they're on twitter these two
@00:08:07 and i catch them all the time on twitter
@00:08:15 aren't you guys on twitter and you guys
@00:27:49 face guy on twitter he's calling himself

New Evidence Suggests Harris, Booker In On Smullett Hoax!

@00:09:43 perfect relax her twitter account writes

Facebook Auto-Generates Pages For ISIS, Al-Qaeda!!!… Bans 8Chan Links!

@00:15:02 on your facebook and twitter and

28 FBI Agents Now Willing to Testify Against Hillary In Email Scandal!!

@00:03:28 over to the president trump twitter

NYT Recycles Kavanaugh Smear Hoax- Dems Quickly Call For Impeachment!!

@00:07:44 this product.this you did this twitter
@00:11:17 twitter account which we cover almost

Live Stream Friday 9-13-19 - Patriot News

@00:03:12 youtube and twitter that they have
@00:51:19 or twitter account whatever they they've

US Atty Recommends Charges On McCabe As Nadler Continues Coup!!

@00:04:59 truck twitter account cue drops same

Trump's Forgotten Interview Following 9-11 Attacks … HUGE!

@00:24:11 about it follow me on twitter by the way
@00:24:15 channel on twitter because i will come
@00:24:16 on i'll try to come on twitter once a

Very Interesting! Are We Watching the Bolton Exit "Marker"?

@00:03:31 is saying on his twitter account we now

Say Hello to the Climate Religion New Gaslighting Tactic!

@00:14:54 yeah and according to someone on twitter
@00:15:20 someone on twitter and think about that

New Lawsuit: Mueller Helped Cover Saudi Involvement In 9/11!

@00:22:42 can't do that twitter facebook are you

Live Stream Friday 9-6-19 - Patriot News/Q /Storm update!

@00:55:06 these twitter accounts and facebook
@01:02:37 instagram and twitter and facebook which

Graham Submits 9 Point Declas Request to Barr- Trump Tweets On Same Topic!

@00:01:33 what is happening on the trump twitter
@00:02:10 trump twitter account not much is
@00:02:12 happening on the trunk twitter account

Nunes Implies IG Report Designed to Make Comey Eligible For Larger Charges!

@00:12:30 twitter asking them to site which
@00:13:41 question on a twitter threat writing in
@00:13:48 of twitter and he says it is of course

"The Worst is Still to Come" - Former FBI Assistant Director

@00:12:41 twitter not much happening president
@00:12:50 all the images on his twitter page

New Office Of Transparency May Launch By Next Week to Expedite Doc Release!

@00:06:06 it on twitter i was wrong to do so this
@00:18:22 twitter jim comey is far more decent

Feds Subpoena 20 Officers At Epstein NYC Prison For Questioning

@00:01:45 not much going on in the trunk twitter
@00:08:47 comments on his twitter page this guy
@00:09:17 posted some comments on my twitter page
@00:13:00 my twitter you will see the shocking

Judge Orders New Discoveries In Huge Hillary Emails FOIA Case!

@00:02:27 out that twitter is not bringing this
@00:18:04 narrative using his twitter account and

Barr Removes Federal Prisons Chief Amidst Strange Epstein Developments

@00:09:55 facebook twitter and all these people

The Epstein Medical Examiner Mysteries No One Is Talking About

@00:26:06 this article on his tweet twitter

What?? Anti-Police Militant Leftists Rally FOR Cop Would-be Killer In Philly!

@00:02:14 at the president trump twitter account

Meanwhile Did Nadler's Impeachment Probe Just Hit An Iceberg?

@00:02:18 the trump twitter what we'll do tonight
@00:25:01 and of course people join me on twitter
@00:25:02 i'm trying to go to twitter you know
@00:25:09 the truth in our tv twitter account look

Breaking: Epstein Autopsy: Broken Neck Common In Homicide Strangulation!!

@00:06:14 manifestos on twitter facebook instagram
@00:08:44 have posted on twitter and facebook and

More Leftist Terrorism! Shots Fired Into ICE Facility- Dems Silent!

@00:01:47 tonight that said tonight on twitter we

Barr Issues Warning to Co-Conspirators As Epstein Island Raided By FBI!

@00:02:03 the trump twitter couple you know he's
@00:18:39 twitter and facebook and all the rest of

Very Strange Update ... On Epstein's Main "Coordinator"! (PLUS Big Picture Summary)

@00:03:43 addition to the trump's twitter accounts
@00:05:46 trunk twitter account and we're gonna
@00:05:47 see tonight that the trunk twitter
@00:08:59 we can take a look at the trump twitter
@00:09:16 shorts on twitter and the reason is my
@00:13:15 very aggressive trump on the twitter
@00:22:22 on his twitter account
@00:22:42 forget to join me on twitter that's
@00:22:44 right i'm actually on twitter come
@00:22:46 follow me at the truth and rtb twitter

Special Report: Epstein Found Dead!

@00:09:53 twitter following epstein's death 26
@00:10:06 what censorship twitter removes clinton

What?? Facebook Set to Funnel MILLION$ Into Fake News Media!

@00:06:23 on twitter will have their accounts shut
@00:06:34 see their twitter account being taken
@00:18:26 twitter and republican lawmakers when he
@00:21:15 anyway this demon he took the twitter

From Unhinged to Dangerously Crazy- Dems Push For Civil War

@00:18:21 twitter after highlighting violent
@00:18:33 his twitter twitter is lying saying oh
@00:18:42 committee and others halt twitter
@00:19:03 leave twitter take a stand against these

THE PLAN: Ruining Paradigms- Driving Left Into Psychosis!

@00:13:01 twitter he called migrant detention
@00:15:48 instagram and twitter accounts but they

8Chan Owner Drops BOMB- Manifesto NOT Posted By Killer! (PLUS "Red Flag" Bill Explained)

@00:06:17 plus q anion drops drop twitter same
@00:29:19 was twitter or somewhere a quote from
@00:31:33 here on trump's twitter account this is

Fake News Is Having a Very Difficult Time With THIS Reality!

@00:07:54 there then we have this twitter account
@00:09:49 calling for twitter or any of the social
@00:10:16 instagram twitter facebook the whole

The Desperation to Stop Q Anon Reaches Psychotic Levels!

@00:02:45 that the trump twitter account was not
@00:16:51 kevin ruse talking on twitter yeah let's
@00:17:04 let's see what he is saying on twitter

FISA DECLAS Is Here! Patriots In Control!

@00:11:36 got a twitter twitter account so you can
@00:17:45 this twitter account and then trump

The Stage Is Set! GITMO Awaits!

@00:07:49 are trying to hack her twitter account
@00:17:33 shows us this twitter link right below

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:09:08 he is destroying his twitter account
@00:10:14 broken connections here on this twitter
@00:10:19 twitter account but it's you can see a
@00:11:14 why the trump twitter is crashing he's

Black Hawk Choppers Seen Flying Secret Missions Over D.C.

@00:01:34 begin by going to the trump twitter
@00:01:42 drops trunk twitter same thing right so
@00:15:12 comes back with another link to twitter
@00:16:17 the link to twitter right there news us
@00:19:28 another twitter link here kevin ship
@00:20:15 twitter link this time it is this

Checkmate!! Q Challenges Schiff, Comey and Co. On Mueller Hearing

@00:03:51 trump above and beyond the trunk twitter
@00:08:42 twitter facebook anywhere that dares to
@00:11:34 that set let us go to the trunk twitter
@00:28:28 it's all proven president trump twitter

Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be "Confronted and Destroyed"!!!!

@00:05:05 twitter suspends angel mom for posting
@00:08:08 from twitter if you could believe that
@00:08:35 are justified twitter not only should
@00:20:17 blabbing off on twitter or whatever and

Cryptic Q Drops From Nov 2017 Unlocked ... ALL Coming to Pass!!!!

@00:18:19 from jake tapper's twitter where he's

Boom! Q Anon 'Signifier' Revealed At Trump Rally!

@00:23:41 this link right here twitter and

Q Sheds Some Light On the NYC Mystery Blackout ... Coincidence?

@00:11:21 twitter account so let's listen in to
@00:33:06 or link to my twitter this is an

Beyond Epstein! Q Offers Explosive Clues On What Is Coming Next!

@00:10:59 talking about this on his twitter and we
@00:11:10 trunk twitter because he covers that
@00:18:34 to go to my official twitter account
@00:23:16 then and there's a link here to twitter

Wow! Major Q Clues On Damage Coming: It's All Happening!

@00:00:54 twitter we're pretty much gonna skip
@00:00:58 saying on his twitter q will be pointing

Q Sprays Ammunition In All Directions!! "Patriots In Control"

@00:01:18 said on the trump twitter account we
@00:02:13 trump twitter as we've been saying here

The Avalanche Begins! Epstein Arrest Carries Nuclear Capabilities!

@00:25:09 following beyond twitter yeah
@00:25:23 following outside of twitter pelosi did
@00:25:46 and their twitter world she said these

A Special Message From Truth and Art TV - (New Channel Trailer)

@00:01:09 twitter account and with patriot

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:08:36 the twitter account i'll just throw this

Epstein Case Bombshell, RBG Surprise, Trump Drops 180 Degree Bomb and More!

@00:01:48 or trump's not busy on the twitter
@00:02:03 president trump is saying on his twitter
@00:12:04 president trump wrote on twitter quote

Nadler, Cummings Follow Up AOC Radical Claims With Even Nuttier Rhetoric!

@00:22:37 twitter tantrum over 2020 dunces

Exposed! The Beto, Booker Foreign Language Stunt - Plus New Q Drops!

@00:03:20 on yet tonight on the trump twitter but
@00:17:01 goodbye and then we have this twitter to
@00:17:16 our tv translation machine twitter
@00:17:42 is two days in a row now we have twitter

Trump Atty Uncovering a Flurry Of New Incriminating Documents!!!

@00:04:00 as usual because the twitter account is
@00:21:57 this media matters article on twitter on

Mueller to Testify Publicly! Then Hannity Hints Of Huge Bomb About to Drop!!!

@00:01:49 that much going on in the trump twitter
@00:11:34 your twitter account right but she's

MOAB Detonates ... Insiders Drop Bombshells!!

@00:04:33 president trump twitter account but i do
@00:04:48 when it comes to the trump twitter

The Real Reason ICE Raids Were Delayed 2 Weeks ... No He Didn't!!

@00:07:22 headlines and for fancy twitter memes
@00:09:19 twitter not a lot of new tweets putting
@00:22:15 behavior is approved by twitter while
@00:22:20 think about that that twitter is
@00:22:33 operate on twitter as you could see
@00:24:47 it under the umbrella of twitter and the

Someone Just Got REALLY Bad News!

@00:01:39 twitter account right there vip a not so
@00:03:32 twitter accounts i should say we've seen

Stone Prosecutors Caught In Their Own Logical Fallacy! Plus Iran Situation!

@00:02:22 telling us is on twitter right and
@00:09:13 said that he had in his twitter account

Guilty Verdicts Stack Up! NXIVM, Former Dems Aid Who Doxxed Republicans ...

@00:01:01 trump twitter account the q train they

Timed Detonation! State Dept Drops Bombshell- 23 Violations In Hillary Emails!

@00:01:34 about on this twitter account q+ because
@00:05:09 president took to twitter to share the

Long Process Of Public Awakening Officially In Progress- See For Yourself

@00:31:19 yeah oh jay simpson on twitter i got a

HA!! Trump Surprise Move Sends Dems Into NEW Panic Mode!

@00:22:29 troll platforms really twitter facebook

New DOJ Letter Reveals "Broad Scope", Massive Expansion Of Spygate!

@00:03:46 present trump twitter account and how

"This is straight up fiction"- Gaetz, Jordon Go Nuclear On Dean Side Show

@00:03:07 president trump twitter account talking

The Look Of Defeat! As Trump Triumphant In Mexico Border Deal and China!

@00:17:27 trump says twitter should reinstate all
@00:17:41 giant mistake trump is saying to twitter
@00:17:45 after he said twitter should let the

BAD News For Dems- Durham "Very Dialed In" On Russia Probe Origins!

@00:18:02 on twitter and in media appearances

Did Someone Say Unstable? Pelosi Wants Trump "In Prison"! LOL!!

@00:02:25 president dropped twitter

Desperate Dems to Re-Start "Mental Instability" Narrative- Rolling Out Dr!!

@00:02:01 twitter account i want to point out

Trump "Expected to Challenge Teresa May" Regarding Spygate Role!

@00:02:44 trump twitter account and i just want to

Barr Finally Reveals What Huber Has Been Up to- Bad News For Deep State!!

@00:02:47 the trump twitter account and look at

With Brexit, Assange, Spygate All Brewing Trump Will Head to U.K.

@00:14:13 drunk coming out today in the twitter

Tada! Mueller Press Conference Creates the Ultimate TRAP!!

@00:15:25 twitter account this statement from the

Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

@00:01:04 twitter account before we get started
@00:03:29 president trump twitter counts not much

Worldwide Shock Waves As People Choose Nationalism Over Globalism!!

@00:02:47 twitter account not much happening trump
@00:04:13 trump twitter account i think this is
@00:14:32 twitter feed right here right here japan

Trump: Dems "Tearing U.S. Apart" - Walks Away On Chuck & Nancy!

@00:08:37 photo in his twitter account to remind

More Secret Meetings and Chaos As DECLAS Countdown Begins!!

@00:04:27 the q+ twitter account president ron q +
@00:24:54 trump is dropping bombs on this twitter

Meadows: Declas Of Key Documents "Right Around the Corner"!

@00:01:45 saying on his twitter account tonight
@00:05:24 is saying on the twitter account let's

What? Dems Set Up "Private Meeting" With Brennan- Very Suspicious

@00:02:28 twitter account and it's no different
@00:08:17 brings us to the trunk twitter account
@00:21:13 8chan twitter account which said that

Pelosi: ... Maybe There IS a Crisis At the Southern Border ...

@00:01:26 twitter account we see that tonight

DiGenova: Brennan is the Mastermind! ... Tick Tock ...

@00:00:59 president donald trump twitter account
@00:03:42 trump twitter account tonight and let's
@00:03:47 about in his twitter account and that is

Comey Turns On Brennan As Circular Firing Squad Continues!!

@00:20:09 your twitter accounts and facebook band
@00:21:07 the trunk twitter account to remind you

CIA, DNI, FBI Jump Into Spygate Probe ... Avalanche Begins!!

@00:01:54 trunk twitter and the queue none drops
@00:02:09 this twitter page today from president

Update: U.S. to Receive All Of Assange's Documents, Personal Devices!

@00:02:18 twitter account president trump is fired
@00:18:28 twitter and he says eyes on him right

Is This THE Biggest Story No One Is Talking About??

@00:02:19 twitter as you can see

As Dems Panic Intensifies Jordan Silences House With Coup Details!

@00:03:23 going on in the trunk twitter we know
@00:03:30 just uploaded this on twitter so you can

Trump Responds to Attacks On Free Speech: Here's the Interpretation!

@00:04:12 twitter account because this is the
@00:09:18 james would being banned by twitter that
@00:09:28 like james wood banned by twitter and
@00:15:28 facebook twitter youtube and everybody

Barr Confirms With Graham - Storm Is Here! WHILE Dems Circus Continues!

@00:04:23 twitter and joe biden push for ukraine
@00:18:13 all about facebook twitter google oh you

"Optics Are Important" - Post Senate Judiciary Hearing Barr to Snub House!

@00:01:52 twitter account maybe we'll start with
@00:07:59 paul voters say trump's twitter use
@00:08:12 turned his twitter account into a stream
@00:14:28 twitter and everything that all these

THIS is Why No One Listens to Dems! (Patriot Headlines)

@00:02:09 twitter account talking a lot about a
@00:06:57 channels and twitter accounts and
@00:09:16 your youtube channel or your twitter
@00:09:51 we're gonna shut down your twitter you
@00:10:07 getting his twitter account
@00:10:09 isis twitter accounts never get taken

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:06:20 his twitter account tweeted to everyone
@00:23:25 surprised that yeah this guy his twitter
@00:23:59 at twitter they've got my account

Did You Catch What Trump Just Told Sean Hannity? The Proofs Are Everywhere!!

@00:01:36 twitter account same thing q plus q and
@00:02:12 twitter account
@00:04:43 same language that we hear from twitter
@00:04:46 and that the twitter executive right

Boom! Everyone Is Sounding Like Q Anon As Mayor Arrested, Judge Indicted!

@00:20:46 here on twitter this person is coming

How Radical Is the New Left Becoming? You Will Gasp At These Headlines!

@00:02:35 gonna go to the truck twitter just gonna
@00:05:42 using twitter then that alone these

CBP Releases Silencing Video- Wondering Who's Escorting Migrants?

@00:03:34 twitter account this is what we do on
@00:06:11 ever to happen to twitter is donald
@00:06:38 twitter i know the feeling so that is
@00:06:59 twitter wasn't playing their political
@00:07:39 trump twitter account tonight drama
@00:08:17 jack from twitter yeah lots of subjects
@00:14:05 twitter and they tweeted this know this

The 'Trump Card' Begins to Play Out As Nadler Chases Thought Crimes

@00:03:07 drop packing his twitter account letting
@00:05:45 the trunk twitter account they're
@00:08:33 deal and quilt trump wrote on twitter

"At What Point Did Mueller Determine There Was No Collusion?" ... Tic Toc!!!

@00:03:35 start by checking out the q+ twitter
@00:07:58 on trump's twitter account are paying

Q Team Returns With 3 Words: "Mueller Blockade End"- Bad News For Dems!

@00:19:07 report twitter drops far left southern
@00:19:16 know the head of splc even twitter is
@00:20:50 sarah carter twitter account latest

Wow! Shocking Cryptic Tweet By CBS TV Drama Triggers Secret Service Calls!

@00:10:27 sparked backlash among twitter users
@00:10:36 cbs twitter account for the good fight
@00:14:40 bring it all together the trunk twitter

Assange Dramatic Arrest! Here's the Behind the Scenes Breakdown

@00:18:59 trump twitter that rosenstein is sorry

Barr: "I'm Reviewing the Conduct of the Investigation" Into Trump ...

@00:14:47 attorney representing twitter on joe
@00:14:58 and twitter and everybody saying logic
@00:17:46 to go back to the trump twitter where

Coup Update: Nadler New Claims- Barr An "Agent" For Trump!

@00:01:12 patriots trump twitter q and on same
@00:01:23 the trump twitter this is what they want

Another Anti-Trump Whistleblower "Bombshell"- Here We Go Again!

@00:19:44 twitter goodbye facebook goodbye leftist

Will Fake News Media Take the "BAIT"?? STORM Summary For Starters

@00:14:43 news twitter journalists are tweeting
@00:24:58 at the trunk twitter account that is the

Q Anon Exposes New Tactic By "Select Orgs/Journalists"- Think Shills

@00:13:03 how many fake news twitter journalists

New Email Revelations Show Foxx's Office In Major Damage Control Attempt!

@00:09:17 a link from twitter this is an example
@00:13:21 which worldwide trends twitter trends
@00:13:37 twitter may annotate trump's tweets and
@00:14:03 twitter has which has come under fire
@00:21:15 their images on twitter and you know
@00:24:46 look at this guy he just joined twitter
@00:25:30 drops from twitter q is acknowledging

Is Christopher Steele Being Extradited to U.S. From U.K. As We Speak?

@00:16:45 more links from twitter

Q Anon Direct Message About Smollett Shocking New Narrative Shift

@00:11:51 then shows us a twitter link right here
@00:26:54 twitter account going crazy and

Road to Justice Post Blockade Removal- Q Anon Map Right Again!

@00:09:10 people this is a twitter account that
@00:09:13 the name of the twitter account includes
@00:10:39 twitter i don't have the account in
@00:11:00 people at foxnews are quoting twitter

Mueller Report Submitted- "No New Indictments"- Let the Panic Begin!

@00:02:33 lot going on on the trump twitter
@00:17:49 not logged onto twitter yeah look with
@00:17:51 twitter and jack dorsey's telling us

Q Goes Into Full Offensive Mode ... Hits Targets In All Directions!

@00:06:00 one here journalist accuses twitter of
@00:06:13 weeks now we have twitter and then on
@00:20:02 continues here with another twitter link

Judgment Day Finally Approaching For Big Tech Monopolies

@00:01:16 starting with the trump twitter account
@00:01:48 twitter not to mention the corrupt media
@00:02:42 the social media facebook twitter and
@00:06:59 facebook and twitter we have had enough
@00:07:16 facebook and twitter we you know we so

Special Announcement 3-19-19

@00:01:22 along with twitter and facebook like
@00:05:49 twitter and you know got a couple
@00:05:52 it's all good at least i'm on twitter
@00:06:09 twitter you know all these people

The "Countdown" Strategy Revealed- How Q Anon Trolls the Enemy

@00:06:33 twitter we're gonna see tonight even
@00:08:05 nunez sues twitter yeah let's play a
@00:08:14 twitter some users seeks over 250
@00:08:34 punitive damages against twitter and a
@00:11:53 twitter like we just saw these
@00:15:03 twitter will be taken down and we're
@00:17:38 twitter and all that same thing in these

Rats On the Run! Walls Closing In From All Directions- "Think Lifelog Dump"

@00:13:20 potus twitter feed yeah the crashing
@00:13:45 coordination between shells and twitter
@00:14:50 to twitter i'm having all kinds of weird

First Wave Of Unsealed Indictments- Did Q Anon Just Drop a Major Clue??

@00:01:15 and ultimately how the trump twitter
@00:10:53 here to twitter showing us this n this
@00:20:54 been saying trunk twitter tweets 12
@00:20:57 trunk twitter q and on drop same thing

These Latest Q Drops Will Leave Snowden Sleepless

@00:08:44 you shows us this link from this twitter

Dawning Of New Era Is Upon Us: "Today They Are Learning the Truth" -Q Anon

@00:07:06 the bottom line is that trunk twitter
@00:11:58 the trunk twitter account like we're
@00:22:10 facebook twitter etc and then he reminds

This Blumenthal Discovery Will Convince Many the STORM Is Upon Us!!

@00:04:00 their twitter account terminated and
@00:11:18 here from twitter

Snowden Lovers Will Hate This- Illusion Destroyed!!! Darkness to Light

@00:03:08 tonight on twitter let's just go over

Trump Defines New Red Line- "Presidential Harassment Track" In Threat!

@00:00:58 the cue drops equals trump twitter
@00:06:49 media reinforcing it her twitter account
@00:06:56 twitter account shows you the leftist
@00:17:11 yesterday twitter us leg track so the
@00:17:42 gps voice and tech's twitter track user
@00:19:09 yeah these facebook twitter google and

Stage Set- Nadler Admits No Proof Of Obstruction! ...But "We Have to Look"

@00:01:28 right into the trump twitter account and
@00:19:53 follow the dragon on their twitter
@00:21:00 here this person on twitter showing you

Game Theory At Its Best!- Was THIS the Reason Dems Allowed to Win House?

@00:03:09 twitter counts so let's begin right here
@00:13:43 your twitter banner picture to properly
@00:24:28 these drugs tonight on his twitter

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:08:20 trunk twitter account same thing they
@00:10:41 rocks and the trump twitter account and
@00:12:18 the trunk president truong twitter
@00:22:47 hillary's twitter

Trump Signals Threat Perfectly In Line With Q Drops! "[bye] Crooked Hillary"

@00:01:10 cue drops trump twitter same thing no
@00:03:12 start over here with the trump twitter

Huge Judge Ruling On Steele Deposition! Cohen Referred to DOJ For Perjury!

@00:01:55 happening on the trunk twitter you know

Q Spells It Out- "We Are At War" - Calls For Prayer and Vigilance

@00:00:59 thank you for joining me on twitter yeah
@00:01:04 i don't even remember how to use twitter
@00:01:09 twitter thank you and we're all in this

New Derangement Of the Left Spreads In All Directions! + Q Anon Latest Drops!!

@00:01:34 on twitter right my debut today on the
@00:01:38 twitter platform and i promise i will be
@00:16:09 let's go to the trump twitter account

"Why Would [HUSSEIN] Transfer US Gov't Control of the Internet to a Non-profit CA Co?"

@00:07:43 white house twitter account do it q and
@00:12:18 these accounts people in their twitter
@00:12:23 by the deep state twitter and i have a
@00:19:05 twitter accounts that have been targeted
@00:20:34 everybody on this on these twitter
@00:20:57 twitter accounts maybe to other social
@00:21:02 these twitter accounts so another
@00:21:19 twitter accounts and i'll stop right
@00:21:33 twitter take a look at this right here
@00:21:45 tv twitter account that i opened up
@00:21:59 game i don't like using twitter i don't
@00:22:26 twitter and we're gonna destroy the deep
@00:22:32 tv twitter account about seven eight or
@00:22:46 most and twitter deleted the account
@00:22:52 i don't use twitter but there it is say
@00:24:38 twitter this bombshell drop that q
@00:25:15 on twitter and attack president trump
@00:28:12 supports trump on twitter and that is
@00:28:19 new truth in our tv twitter account

Red Alert! Deep State, Hillary Launches Direct Attack On Patriot Twitter Accounts!

@00:22:39 cute twitter accounts literally people
@00:22:55 narrative twitter has already begun to
@00:25:11 twitter accounts and they're trying to

Q Anon- "What Happens If the Phone Records of Smullett Leak?"

@00:04:12 to twitter account not much going on so

"We Are the News Now"- MSM Quietly Runs With Q Drop About Coats

@00:03:47 trunk twitter account where trunk is
@00:20:06 twitter account with the red castle in

Q's "Mathematically Impossible" Proofs Sends Deep State Media into Full Panic!!

@00:08:13 twitter tweets because q and trump right
@00:12:09 on twitter and so the world can see this
@00:13:29 what cnn is saying on their twitter says
@00:29:31 you know youtube and twitter and

Nuclear Level Q Proofs Preparing Humanity For What Is Coming!!!

@00:07:55 drops and the trunk twitter account same
@00:22:15 on twitter that i thought was
@00:26:35 truck twitter accounts you will see that
@00:26:53 this is the information from twitter you
@00:27:36 point showing you the trump twitter and

Battle For America Rages! Q Bombshells- HRC, Bill, "F-15", "Phase III"

@00:09:49 twitter just showing you these key

Another Explosive Proof As Trump Calls For "Great Awakening", Declares National Emergency!

@00:01:40 even gonna skip the truck twitter
@00:19:17 link from twitter showing us right here
@00:19:34 twitter link right here where it says
@00:20:11 twitter just relaying and kill is

Q "Mass Infiltration" Drop Decoded- As Storm Rolls Into High Gear!

@00:11:15 over to the trump twitter account where

MSNBC Finally Admits It! No Trump Russia Collusion- Plus Nice Q Proofs!

@00:03:31 put a lot of drops here on twitter about
@00:17:53 down to then q shows us a twitter link
@00:18:00 for a twitter handle mike complain told

Boom! Q Exposes Schiff With 2 Simple Questions- Adds Direct Message!

@00:01:46 queue drops and the trunk twitter
@00:20:31 blow up his twitter account and force

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:05:56 twitter account and all these tweets you
@00:09:32 twitter account and the bottom line with
@00:15:05 is what the president drunk twitter
@00:22:57 shame and no worry of your twitter
@00:23:03 is worried about her the twitter account
@00:27:57 trump twitter drops the cute plus drop
@00:28:27 accounts purged by twitter yeah the the
@00:29:28 humanity twitter the right

Tactics Exposed! PayPal Caught Targeting, Censoring Patriot Channel!

@00:01:13 drops on twitter because this is big
@00:02:38 night into the trump twitter account
@00:08:41 we have finally tech tyranny twitter
@00:09:18 twitter and they don't want people to

Senate Intel Chairman: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion!!

@00:03:55 trunk twitter account because there are
@00:11:25 to twitter on thursday to blast the

5:5 - Dems Show Their Cards In Huge Way At SOTU!

@00:04:46 anything on the twitter account so let's

"Congress Has 10 Days Left"- Trump Drops Historic SOTU Speech!

@00:07:31 go right to the twitter page and you can
@00:15:05 deleting tweet locks twitter account
@00:16:23 locked his twitter account right there

Dems Now Trying to Cut Off ALL Possible Wall Funding Options Preceding SOTU

@00:01:15 on this twitter account we're gonna look
@00:02:41 twitter account

Dems Response to Border Crisis?... Release ALL Child Traffickers INTO US!!!!

@00:14:13 go to the trump twitter page we can see
@00:14:23 not doing much tonight on the twitter
@00:28:32 youtube and twitter and facebook they're

Shocking Propaganda Boomerangs On Northam As Anti-Trump Ad Surfaces!

@00:02:03 the twitter account nothing much to be

Look Who Strikes Again- This Time With Super Secret "Sources" On Ginsburg!

@00:01:11 twitter account that's really all that's

Defense Official: Trump Can Authorize Military to Build Wall- National Emergency Not Needed!

@00:01:45 it off you know using the twitter
@00:17:45 on twitter james wood and all that says
@00:17:48 one individual on twitter suggested

Breaking: Major Voter Fraud Uncovered In Texas- Trump Says Problem Nationwide!

@00:01:43 president trump in his twitter account
@00:07:00 puts out a link on his twitter account
@00:23:40 let's look at your twitter account don't

Trump Announcement Starts 3 Week Clock In Strategic Plot Predicted By Q

@00:07:32 over to the trump twitter account and go

National Emergency Plan Officially Drafted - Returning Of Asylum Seekers Begins!

@00:19:20 these on twitter he's got all these

Here's What the Epic Covington Hoax Is REALLY All About ...

@00:16:36 underway into twitter users for
@00:16:56 twitter users who made terrorist threats
@00:20:25 she's all her life yeah on twitter she's
@00:20:33 then everyone should see this twitter
@00:20:46 know that twitter is they despise free
@00:20:52 now is that twitter is there under the
@00:23:49 there and that is what twitter is doing

Oops! "Accidental Graphic" Flashed On Fox Screen Shows RBG Deceased

@00:06:15 that the trump twitter account it's very

The Stage is Now Set! Left's Agenda Fully Revealed ... Tic Toc

@00:05:26 twitter account and then trump drops a
@00:10:02 tonight on the twitter account you know

Trump Grounds Pelosi's Flight!- Ginsburg Suddenly "Fighting for Her Life" and More

@00:00:53 trump twitter account equals patriots
@00:01:10 twitter tweet it doesn't matter doesn't
@00:03:28 twitter account with links and images
@00:03:33 on the twitter account right here we've
@00:13:45 and then we have twitter sends pamela
@00:13:49 geller speaking of social media twitter
@00:13:58 law pamela geller to twitter legal kiss
@00:14:05 be aware that in december twitter legal
@00:14:25 we're seeing now is that twitter is
@00:14:34 unbelievable it says here twitter an
@00:14:51 twitter feels that they have to enforce
@00:15:05 received the same warning from twitter
@00:15:16 same warning from twitter after she
@00:15:30 know how dare twitter do this saying oh
@00:15:56 unbelievable that twitter thinks they

Senior Trump Official Drops Explosive Anonymous Op-ed!! Trump Tweets Link!

@00:02:48 bombshell story and this is a twitter
@00:02:59 bombshell twitter drop of the year and

How Cash Moves From Tax Payers to Pockets of Left

@00:10:32 trunk twitter account is also a powerful
@00:17:57 has more twitter power than media

Trump Explodes On Twitter- Calls Out Rats, Attempted Coup!

@00:03:57 trump exploded on twitter and this

These Stories Will Demonstrate Who the Opposition Party Truly Is

@00:04:57 letting on the trump twitter account we

Grassley to Evaluate Process of Requesting Trump Taxes- Can Request Dems Taxes!

@00:06:38 everyone to check out the trunk twitter

Pentagon, Army Corps of Engineers on Standby As Trump Delivers Final Border Security Address

@00:01:35 president drunk twitter twitter account

Ginsburg Misses 1st Supreme Court Argument in 25 Years

@00:09:39 just because he put it on twitter i
@00:14:59 trump dropped twitter drops because here

Q Anon Drops Explosive Info On Snowden, Ginsburg, Schiff and More!

@00:10:51 twitter account so it's all together and
@00:11:06 the trunk twitter account let's see what
@00:11:22 i would imagine on his twitter account
@00:37:38 drops her her her twitter dropped maggie

Dems Unleash Wave Of Radical Left Female Politicians- Pay Attention!

@00:05:46 lightweight day here on twitter trump
@00:08:10 his twitter today go ahead and peach him
@00:19:01 chappell nadal goes off on twitter

Trump Post Signals New Era As Irrelevant Chucky Blabs Away

@00:05:29 q+ has been busy on the trump twitter

As "The Plan" Rolls On In 2019 Which Group Are YOU In?

@00:10:51 using the twitter account as a weapon

Q Anon Review: Why Did Wray Visit ALL 56 FBI Field Offices??

@00:01:21 drop the bomb on his twitter account the

"On Q!"- House GOP Probe Ends- Baton Handed to Whitaker, Wray At Buzzer!

@00:01:11 twitter account because i've said it
@00:01:28 the trunk twitter account is the

Nice! Q Anon Message Hidden In CBS Sports Commercial!

@00:00:59 q plus drops on the trump q plus twitter
@00:15:38 is on cbs twitter account and in this

Did Q Tell Us All We Needed to Know BEFORE 2018 Began?

@00:05:35 in iraq and while we're on the twitter

Trump Trolls Dems... Then Gives Out Contract For 115 Miles of Wall!

@00:01:09 twitter which is the the leading
@00:01:18 the q boards and the trump twitter

Trump Supporters Agree With Schumer!!! ... 2007 Speech ...

@00:07:27 president donald trump twitter account
@00:07:33 secret weapon right the twitter account
@00:07:35 the donald trump twitter account is one

Q- "Why Did Hussein Attempt to Destroy Our Military?"

@00:20:10 twitter account talking about actions

Judgment Day Is Coming! "[D] Party Will Cease to Exist Once All Exposed" - Q

@00:15:02 fbi twitter account and it says here

Q New Drops- "The Clock Is Ticking ... When Will the 1st Alarm Ring?"

@00:04:07 start with the trump twitter they have
@00:05:55 platform of his the twitter account once

Judge Show Trial Comments Against Flynn Excites MSM ... As The Plan Rolls On!

@00:02:31 take a look tonight at the trump twitter
@00:03:19 about facebook and twitter and google
@00:19:59 of the democrat told a woman on twitter

Brand New Anti-Mueller Russia Conspiracy "Report" Suddenly Surfaces!!!

@00:06:44 fake accounts on facebook twitter and

Q Drops Holiday Carpet Bomb- Huge Q & A Explosive Revelations!!

@00:18:13 twitter account official they are the
@00:26:16 that of course being twitter the twitter

"Lots of sealed indictments"- Fox Starting to Sound Like Q Anon!!!

@00:03:06 is going on in the trump twitter account
@00:12:49 link here from a twitter a tweet here
@00:19:37 thank you shows us a link from twitter
@00:27:20 us right here this link from twitter

Another Bombshell Q Proof! Trump Fulfills Anon Request ... 17 Min Later!!!

@00:10:32 days ago and then q potus twitter 0
@00:14:49 link here to twitter yeah let's check it
@00:20:56 out these twitter times but check that
@00:21:34 last two tweets on twitter two nights
@00:24:36 trunk twitter account between these two

And the Callsign For Air Force One Is ... Q "0" = Q + !!!! Another Checkmate!

@00:26:58 sieve mill err twitter accounts

Q: "Bait Expends Ammunition " ... Take 2!!!

@00:20:29 twitter twitter personalities are out in
@00:22:12 need to keep attacking cute on twitter
@00:24:05 verification system of twitter right and
@00:24:13 a verified account on twitter and it
@00:24:15 says here since twitter suspended the
@00:24:30 encourage twitter to verify it yeah why
@00:24:33 don't you kneel at the altar of twitter
@00:24:48 i don't really use twitter i mean i have
@00:25:02 wrote to twitter and they say well you
@00:25:22 using twitter in a meaningful way and
@00:25:35 we twitter because we are we control the
@00:25:43 sure you use twitter in a meaningful way

Q Anon - "The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media "- Gotta Love It!

@00:20:19 misspelling has twitter users wondering
@00:20:40 everywhere on twitter attacking trump

Explosive New Q Anon Drops Provide Many Answers- Full Breakdown Here

@00:35:38 shows us another twitter drop here again
@00:35:56 all thank you shows you another twitter

Did This Recent Bongino Talk Pass the Q Test? Let's Examine

@00:30:19 twitter account and then he was saying
@00:30:34 unloading on twitter a lot of things so
@00:31:08 twitter account trump is being very

Trump Goes Q Mode: Narrating STORM to Public Via Twitter!

@00:03:16 we read these two twitter these two
@00:05:19 tweet no twitter accountant trump says
@00:17:02 twitter right hey mr. dorsey you know
@00:17:50 banned from twitter for stating that men

Trump: Mueller "One Sided... Phony Witch Hunt... Ruining Lives"!

@00:03:29 twitter account or as i call it the q
@00:19:13 twitter ceo dorsey gave false testimony

Chief Patrol Agent: Women & Children "Purposely Pushed to Front" Before Attacks

@00:03:37 when q plus drops on twitter for the
@00:04:01 twitter account we're gonna see tonight
@00:09:25 responded to a twitter user who said

Q- "Border Security = National Security" Can U See Where This is Going?

@00:14:44 go to this twitter account to see the

Trump Authorizes "Military Protective Activities" Before Mexico Detention Camp Deal

@00:03:36 go straight to the trunk twitter account

NYT Article Mounts Huge Defense Against Storm that is "NOT Happening"!

@00:18:59 people destroying her twitter account

Q Anon Update- "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming ... Nothing"

@00:21:52 this lisa may 62 account of twitter is

Irrational Fear On Full Display! Dems Now Suing to Block Whitaker

@00:03:59 yeah right here with the trump twitter
@00:06:19 says here in a twitter post from its

Update- Rick Scott Wins Senate Recount! Snipes Resigns!

@00:05:10 along with his twitter account to
@00:16:39 trunk twitter count you see trump going

Booom! Another Trump Tweet That Will Silence Q Attackers!

@00:03:39 twitter account let's see if anything's
@00:05:13 platform this one is called twitter the
@00:07:40 dropping on twitter calm really that's

WSJ Reports DOJ Preparing to Prosecute Assange In the U.S.

@00:02:48 go right on over to the trunk twitter
@00:05:17 google and twitter are in favor of the

With Evidence of Fraud Piling Up Dems Turn to ... PROJECTION!

@00:01:05 queue message the trunk twitter account

And the Next "Conspiracy Theory" That Is "NOT Happening" Is ...

@00:12:12 twitter must go with election night the

What's the Big Deal With 11-11? Here's the Answer!

@00:04:10 twitter account and we see other people

Bombshell Affidavit Surfaces- All Eyes On Broward County

@00:06:39 president trunk twitter account yeah

Stealth Bomber Surprise Hit! Q- "There Will Be No Recusal"

@00:19:01 twitter and you know we can see what is
@00:36:49 my interface on twitter so if trump
@00:39:38 in 1917 on this twitter account and q

Q Anon On Election: "We Got What We Needed ... Team is Stronger "

@00:16:23 to twitter but we're just gonna skip
@00:16:57 twitter

Trump Sends Epic Confirmatory Gestures to Q Army!

@00:17:04 thank you shows you another twitter drop
@00:19:02 twitter drop this one by praying medic

Patriots Nationwide Get Recognized By Q - See Photo Gallery!

@00:15:59 twitter and says eyes on vip patriot and
@00:18:53 this account this twitter account this
@00:19:49 images on twitter and q is letting you

Trump-Putin 2.0 Set For 11-11 "Now What Are the Odds of That?"

@00:04:50 mainstream media yeah through twitter

Why Did 6 Dems Send Letter to WH Counsel On Q Anon Hatch Act Violation?

@00:09:49 look at a to more headlines twitter
@00:09:58 the same twitter that takes out
@00:18:45 twitter they want to remove these beams
@00:25:38 judiciary twit twitter page today
@00:26:33 and finally q shows us two twitter links

Trump Describes Purpose Of Q Drops at Rally On Evening Of Q Return!

@00:21:51 the trump twitter account

New Bombshell Q Proof Marks Beginning Of New Era!!!

@00:28:13 in kuhn on on twitter there you go the

One Year Later ... Welcome to the Eye of the Storm

@00:02:00 and especially the trump twitter account
@00:05:51 off platforms like twitter and facebook

Look Here! [Bomb Scare], Don't Look There!! [Invasion of U.S.!!]

@00:06:52 where we go when we go all twitter

Trump: Caravan a "National Emergency"- Promises Aid Cut-offs

@00:06:27 twitter accounts i've been saying it for
@00:07:13 you would go to trump's twitter account

US Official Arrested, Charged With Leaking Manafort Docs to Buzzfeed

@00:26:42 conversation twitter takes no action as
@00:26:59 as quotes termites on twitter earlier
@00:27:03 today twitter has said it will do
@00:28:08 twitter told buzzfeed reporter joe

1 Week After Shocking Doc Revealed- Google CEO: China is "Important For Us"

@00:02:33 the trump twitter account today that is
@00:02:43 know the trump twitter account and the q
@00:12:59 wrote it on twitter trump also referred

Shocker! Antifa Thugs Take Over Portland, Harass Those Who Disobey!

@00:27:24 a link to twitter where tom fitton from
@00:29:37 on here then we have this one twitter

Q Firm Reassurance [CHANGE IS COMING]

@00:18:27 also waxed biblical via twitter on
@00:24:39 hr hilary hrt twitter bots google

Booooom! Trump Confirms Q Anon to VIP Anon!!!

@00:18:27 link on twitter right here and this is a

Shocker!! Ford '08 Article On "Self Hypnosis" to "Create Artificial Situations"

@00:19:45 these people at google and twitter and
@00:20:25 meeting with google facebook and twitter
@00:21:05 facebook and twitter on in october yeah
@00:21:12 google facebook and twitter maybe we

Prosecutor's Senate Report Conclusion: Ford NOT Credible!

@00:07:35 go to the trump twitter account to

BOOM! First Kavanaugh Accuser Referred For Criminal Prosecution!

@00:13:24 twitter has been given the green light
@00:13:45 potus twitter here we go again

Kavanaugh Accusations Circus- This Is What You Need to Know

@00:13:54 twitter a public profile from view

Executive Order Will Launch Anti-Trust Investigation On Tech Giants

@00:18:36 google facebook and twitter the
@00:18:50 twitter the order is still only a draft

More "Resistance" Operatives Deep Inside U.S Govt De-Masked

@00:16:08 google facebook and twitter inc for
@00:16:33 twitter and you know these people that
@00:16:38 facebook and twitter and all that hang

Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real"

@00:09:25 attacking sessions on twitter they're

Attempted Coup Officially Revealed As POTUS Declassifies Evidence!!

@00:18:09 twitter link and it points us to this

New Lisa Page Bombshell Testimony Will Paralyze Trump Haters!!!

@00:37:03 solomon on twitter saying that lisa

The Timing of This Creepy New TV Series Should Deeply Disturb You

@00:22:31 remove app twitter geolocation and geo
@00:28:54 twitter and all these people that plan

Why Is MSM Obsessing Over "Fake" Q Anon "Conspiracy"????

@00:08:00 twitter how can you look at the two
@00:15:01 about this one here twitter blocks post
@00:15:07 content twitter doubling down and yeah
@00:15:20 yesterday twitter is not oh is not
@00:15:30 twitter police i guess right citing it
@00:16:04 checkmate nice try twitter but believe
@00:27:17 biggest threats expect twitter facebook
@00:27:49 this one is fox news on twitter this one
@00:33:37 hey google facebook twitter trump's got

Leaks From FBI Directly to Media Officially Confirmed! Goodbye [RR]

@00:06:25 here with bill mitchell you twitter
@00:11:57 some of these lengths trump twitter

Latest Anti-Q Op Self Implodes With Catastrophic Blunder!

@00:08:39 image on donald trump's twitter account
@00:09:04 at donald trump's twitter account but
@00:17:47 cassandra on twitter

Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test Planned

@00:04:00 twitter band you know twitter bands
@00:04:12 twitter is being put on the hot seat huh
@00:04:23 the shells got banned from twitter for
@00:04:36 and then twitter putting out a statement
@00:04:42 jones and enforce from twitter and
@00:09:39 about a picture on trump's twitter
@00:10:04 file on trump's twitter you know this
@00:12:13 you know q showing you the whole twitter

A Closer Look At the Latest Q Anon Attack(er)- No Surprise!

@00:02:35 from a day ago right from twitter jack
@00:02:38 dorsey says twitter is a public square
@00:02:52 five times which is why twitter it's
@00:03:12 twitter ceo jack dorsey repeatedly
@00:15:52 comments on twitter he has promoted fake
@00:16:19 yeah i was look at his at his twitter

Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List"

@00:12:19 yeah a facebook twitter to appear before
@00:24:05 twitter ceo jack dorsey says in prepared
@00:24:08 testimony to congress twitter does not

Kathy Griffin Tweets Support For Sessions! ... Popcorn?

@00:07:11 mockery on twitter so yeah nike has
@00:25:10 attacking us on twitter and putin goes
@00:30:14 quote twitter denies the current
@00:30:49 hugh says twitter regarding engages
@00:31:34 claiming that twitter was not censoring

WaPo New "Q Anon Poll" Claims It's "Very Unpopular" LOL!!!

@00:14:04 of these twitter posts by president

Q Anon: "Think Server Access [granted] Money talks"

@00:23:03 there on the trump twitter account
@00:23:36 that that is on trump's twitter account
@00:23:39 and here's another twitter link q1 at us

Old Movie Clip Reveals Disturbing End Game Scenario In Play Now!

@00:15:51 regulated twitter facebook youtube these
@00:16:27 are still on twitter still on youtube
@00:18:33 is going on at twitter look at what is
@00:18:37 careful google and twitter and facebook

Special Report: "No Name" Mystery Decoded With Q Clues

@00:15:18 president trump's twitter account right

New Clergy Sex Abuse Investigations Spread Across US!!!

@00:18:13 basically right here on this twitter
@00:25:20 gets shared on twitter they freaked out

Storm Resumes? Former CDC Head Arrested In NYC!!

@00:26:06 through the twitter account how are they

Q Anon Flashback: "Resistance Will Be Dealt With Swiftly"

@00:15:54 twitter by doj spock's sarah this kurt

O’Keefe Promises "October Surprise" As Patriots Taunt Bad Actors

@00:08:22 back on twitter saying you know that's

MSM Denied Jurors Pvt Info By Manafort Judge- Threats Follow!

@00:20:54 about free speech twitter verify sarah
@00:21:43 to be censored from twitter go ahead and
@00:21:57 twitter account is solid and it's

Why Are All These Men Wearing Red Shoes??

@00:04:27 channels like these and you know twitter
@00:09:01 midterm medellin twitter follows
@00:09:41 both twitter and facebook and this as
@00:10:19 had twitter allowing her to continue
@00:11:14 gitmo and then here we have twitter
@00:11:26 by twitter and facebook as they are
@00:28:07 his twitter is a swiss born german

Q Shocking New Drops- This is What Darkness Looks Like

@00:03:51 dropping the bomb today in twitter the

Q: "They Are In Full Blown Panic Mode ... Enjoy the Show!"

@00:32:25 and with twitter and all this they are
@00:32:41 application twitter geo tracking and

MSM Mocking Q Anon as Fake ... AND Panicking About Storm!!!

@00:17:53 twitter it's all starting to be revealed
@00:18:51 right here the trump twitter where trump
@00:19:08 then q gives you another twitter tweet
@00:22:24 these damning tweets out of twitter and
@00:25:08 credible i was on twitter today and i
@00:31:54 satan account you know satan on twitter
@00:31:59 and this satan twitter account back in
@00:32:15 twitter account was referenced for a
@00:32:42 twitter accounts that of course has

Q Army Rises to Occasion As We Move From Darkness to Light!

@00:14:36 reconcile google facebook twitter change
@00:14:54 facebook twitter and the social media
@00:36:50 twitter page and there it is you know
@00:41:56 this is a a drop someone put on twitter
@00:42:05 said in the past on twitter
@00:42:46 that you know twitter has no problems

"Listen Very Carefully"- Revealing 2016 Video Helps Paint Big Picture

@00:13:18 twitter
@00:13:38 wikileaks via twitter employing a rare

Senate Intel Committee Delivers Interview Invite to Assange!!!

@00:19:16 check it out on the wikileaks twitter

Meanwhile Notice MSM Has YET to Ask the Simple Question?

@00:17:51 bill that opened up the door to twitter

All Planned!! The Bill That Opened Door For Social Media Censorship & Control

@00:02:42 given that we have facebook and twitter
@00:20:14 twitter facebook google etc to censor

Red-Pill the Left?? Here's the Reality They Cannot Unsee

@00:11:50 revealed top twitter executives donate

What Does Panic Look Like? We Are Seeing This Now

@00:27:53 pages and q also shows us this twitter

The Anti-Q Planned War is Now "All activated past 24hrs"

@00:12:46 says the potus is twitter comments yeah
@00:12:53 twitter comments now that q is
@00:14:12 happen q is saying twitter bot attack
@00:14:14 yeah twitter controls direct fake
@00:14:35 twitter etc create massive amounts of

Sarah Sanders Responds to "Q Anon" Question- BRILLIANT!!!

@00:05:38 this embarrassment and q says twitter
@00:05:50 says with twitter told by mainstream you

Boom!! Trump Points to Q Cutout As Q Trolls MSM w/ New Hashtag

@00:23:09 those of you guys that are on twitter

Are the Recent California Wildfires Staged? Q Drops Shocking Details!

@00:27:44 asking twitter for help someone sent me

New Q Bombshells Paint Disturbing Picture- Signal Pain Coming

@00:24:53 michael a vanetti twitter account guys
@00:26:12 twitter account the same day that us
@00:28:32 someone puts the whole twitter tweet

Here We Go Again- "Something BIG is About to DROP" 7-29-18

@00:03:15 twitter is having their problems no one
@00:03:22 that it's not just facebook twitter also
@00:03:48 twitter as twitter deals with many woes
@00:03:58 there it is guys so twitter is having
@00:04:21 twitter as well take that jack q had

Q: Strzok Round 2 Coming! "Public Awareness Forces Hand"

@00:05:37 1719 q says twitter near 20% slide
@00:05:48 algorithms and all that so yeah twitter
@00:26:11 don't want to be facebook or twitter

"Silence Is Golden"- Q Returns, Honks At Patriots, Drops New Proofs!

@00:03:47 they the trunk twitter account and the
@00:06:40 twitter so something big is coming up
@00:06:43 here we go twitter again and jack dorsey
@00:16:43 including a twitter feed from nbc
@00:23:43 a link to twitter and it sends us to
@00:25:43 q points you to the twitter account

Is Q Gone For Good This Time? Taking a Closer Look

@00:17:43 twitter and other social media blackouts
@00:17:58 trying to take out twitter he is
@00:18:00 referring to twitter as a blackout and
@00:19:59 the pulling down of the twitter account
@00:20:28 twitter takedown was not by accident as
@00:20:37 twitter so they were worried that the
@00:21:30 the twitter account being taken down as

Newly Released Docs!! Obama State Dept Contributed to Anti-Trump Dossier

@00:03:09 yeah youtube and facebook and twitter
@00:03:18 youtube and twitter and other social

Next STORM Casualties: Rosenstein, Social Media Giants!

@00:19:52 at all these fears of twitter
@00:20:05 post and posting on twitter with the
@00:20:39 facebook google twitter to testify
@00:20:56 twitter are set to testify before the

Q Mops Floor With Trolls- Very Impressive Stuff!

@00:12:42 twitter and then i'm not gonna go
@00:21:34 thought says queuing on that the twitter

Winning!! Q Going Mainstream As Confirmations Pile Up!

@00:24:43 wikileaks twitter saying democratic
@00:24:55 wikileaks twitter exposing these people

"We Have the Source" - Q Drops Assange,Wikileaks Bomb!

@00:08:56 site as indeed wikileaks twitter page
@00:10:32 twitter account but we have the source
@00:10:42 yeah he's not running the twitter

Where is Obama? - The Question is Being Asked- Here's Why

@00:13:55 twitter or watched television news

2 Distinct Plans Unfolding - Here's the Full Analysis

@00:02:51 exposed not only youtube but twitter

Shocker! NY Gov Candidate: ICE Is "Terrorist Organization"!!

@00:04:47 twitter that chunin is showing us is
@00:07:54 which everyone all over twitter and all

"Shift in Tactics"- Is Flood Of New Q Proofs Coming?

@00:05:15 that no problem twitter account

Darkness to Light! Confirmations Adding Up As Glorious 2018 Unfolds

@00:09:26 see facebook twitter google censoring
@00:13:41 us another link from twitter this time

Obama "International Order" Speech Fully Explained- 100% Proof Case Closed!

@00:00:37 will the twitter account that which had
@00:01:11 twitter account
@00:03:13 twitter video this obama speech in

WOW! Q Drops Laser Beam Precision PROOF- Future Proves Past!!!!!

@00:32:40 to a video here on twitter that says
@00:39:21 somebody's twitter video they're gonna

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:06:33 twitter fake account all these people on
@00:06:34 twitter a maester everyone's trying to

Glorious!! Sessions Checkmate Strategy Unfolding!

@00:02:05 scheduled twitter account talking about
@00:03:32 fighters tagging q none on twitter yeah
@00:04:36 looking digging up queuing on on twitter

Q: "Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? "

@00:16:24 twitter and these lurkers that are
@00:16:39 to shut these people off on twitter and
@00:17:51 but here people are afraid on twitter

Q 6-11-18: "You are watching a scripted movie "

@00:15:08 claimed on twitter that texts exist
@00:15:42 making these tweets because twitter
@00:21:55 twitter by the way all the stuff all
@00:21:57 these superstars on twitter that

4AM Clown Drops Fail As Big Swamp-Draining News Looms!

@00:00:59 only go to the trump twitter account and

"BOOM"!! - Q Returns With Really Bad News For the Deep State!

@00:08:17 these fake twitter accounts and these

Is Gowdy the Latest Great Awakening "Actor"? This Will Explain

@00:01:53 and youtube accounts and twitter and all
@00:06:55 control twitter and google they are the
@00:11:10 plus twitter push in drop number ten
@00:11:20 know this twitter account that we were
@00:16:53 twitter accounts though any of this
@00:36:48 see this new post on twitter oh and all

"Julian Assange is Q" Psyop Dismantled in 20 minutes!

@00:05:32 of you know the twitter account called

Trump Sounds Like Q On Memorial Day Weekend As Message, Storm Rolls On!

@00:03:50 to the trump twitter account that's
@00:04:12 on his twitter and when he interviews
@00:04:39 twitter page here it is as usual and you

Q Reveals Trump's Brilliant Swamp-Draining Move No One Saw Coming!

@00:01:31 twitter account as we talked about

Prove Q and the Great Awakening In 3 Easy Steps- Enemy Will Hate This!

@00:13:57 agencies twitter to specifically target
@00:15:48 potus's twitter takedown was not by
@00:19:48 twitter page here you go that's all we
@00:30:33 trump reading the trump twitter account

Next Storm Victim? "Fast and Furious", Holder!!

@00:01:08 with twitter and with google and all you
@00:01:33 twitter as we said yesterday has already
@00:02:26 showing you the jim jordan twitter drop

Q Drops Timed With 4am MSM Publish- Coincidence?

@00:02:07 habit to troll trump on twitter telling
@00:09:16 with queueing on here twitter news today
@00:09:18 real what might that be twitter of

Next Stop- Storm Coming to Iran ... Israel Sounding Like Q!

@00:10:45 james comey on twitter i don't trust him

Q: Hard Part Almost Over, Next Phase "JUSTICE"!

@00:05:50 twitter a drop here again this one's

Q- "Legal case(s) building- Patience isn’t always easy"

@00:07:04 trump twitter account check it out my
@00:08:20 twitter account because trump is now
@00:22:27 see the facebook twitter google


@00:04:00 donald trump's the president's twitter
@00:04:34 i on drops and trump's twitter account
@00:09:23 lawsuit damages and we have twitter and
@00:30:08 a twitter tweet from wikileaks pointing
@00:32:35 twitter accounts they all have that they
@00:36:54 trump's twitter account with these

"We are being set up"- Q Issues New Warnings!

@00:05:19 twitter / plan timing there is people

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:25:19 twitter page showed assad showing up for

These Very Special New Q Revelations WILL Brighten Your Day! Please Share!!

@00:22:20 twitter etc honey pots so there it is a
@00:25:34 here twitter down injection good may be

"They Broke In During the Fire ... Distraction" - Q

@00:03:23 yeah software google facebook twitter

"We Don't Say His Name" CAUGHT In Giant "Spider Web"!

@00:22:29 showing us this image of twitter of mu
@00:23:08 the twitter account and who this guy is

Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Here's the Evidence

@00:29:10 facebook twitter yahoo bing instagram
@00:39:13 twitter and you can read the rest and
@00:45:42 plus anything q ya clowns plus twitter
@00:46:15 we'll be pushed on twitter that will be

Trump Secret Weapon: "THE WALL" Will Destroy Deep State!

@00:11:08 twitter clowns operation q t 2810 see
@00:11:38 false drops and these twitter clowns so
@00:12:07 twitter clowns have been caught in this

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:02:07 board for chan twitter users noted that
@00:09:49 problems yeah if your google twitter

"You Failed"- Q Addresses New Anti-Q Psyop Attacks!

@00:05:25 worldwide google amazon twitter all
@00:18:11 facebook google amazon twitter and we

Q- General Flynn Will Be cleared In 30 Days!

@00:04:46 what's gonna be coming up soon twitter

"Up is Down"- Deep State Preparing For Shocking Revelations

@00:11:46 said stage set google facebook twitter

Q,Trump, Sessions Outfox Deep State- Glorious Year Unfolding! 3/18/18

@00:25:13 youtube facebook twitter russia icbm
@00:33:10 twitter bots google operated not russia

How to Archive Every Q Post Before It's Too Late 2-21-18

@00:06:45 here deep dream equals twitter and then

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:22:45 at the same time the pentagon twitter

Q Shines Light On Mind Control "Therapy" Programs!

@00:05:18 jack jack dorsey of course of twitter

Breaking- Schiff Shocker! Q- "Freedom Day" 2-1-18!!!

@00:05:32 check out adam shifts twitter page and
@00:05:37 this out for yourself go to his twitter

Deep State Truly Unraveling! Q Messages Decoded - 1-27-18

@00:24:42 twitter will be probably brought down
@00:25:25 went to the sean hannity twitter account
@00:25:27 the deep state the deep state's twitter
@00:25:34 twitter platform delete it sean
@00:25:37 hannity's twitter account
@00:25:44 saw that the twitter account is back up
@00:25:50 hannity twitter account was deleted sean
@00:30:41 sean hannity's twitter account where he
@00:30:47 see his twitter account is back up again
@00:30:50 but i discovered on twitter today
@00:31:24 the real sean hannity twitter account
@00:31:35 ends so as you can see twitter and it's
@00:31:47 twitter account which only has 5,000
@00:32:51 works and this is how twitter works by
@00:32:59 of the comments some people on twitter
@00:33:08 of course this fake twitter account was
@00:34:25 not posted anything but his twitter
@00:37:00 here q town says twitter percent owned

Q Drops New Bombshell!! Checkmate For Soros, Podesta, Brazille- #Prison

@00:10:02 from twitter mz sounds like mark

Trump's New America Giving Birth! Patriots Rising, Deep State Destroyed- 1-20-18

@00:11:27 twitter and i should throw this out you
@00:11:31 related from twitter who emailed me on
@00:11:36 my i don't use twitter for the most part
@00:11:46 created a twitter account the artistic
@00:11:48 momentum twitter account and the
@00:11:51 artistic momentum twitter account got an
@00:11:58 twitter check it out as part of our
@00:12:04 activities on twitter during the 2016 us
@00:12:24 because here is twitter trying to keep
@00:12:29 course this is the same exact twitter
@00:12:40 twitter was caught
@00:13:04 all of a sudden twitter is sending out
@00:13:35 this is twitter panicking now sending
@00:14:11 laughable twitter email which by the way
@00:14:33 because twitter is sending this out and
@00:14:36 twitter is now playing the role of

Breaking Q-Anon: "Checkmate", "We are closer than you think" 1-14-18

@00:11:42 twitter and james o'keefe as i played in

Shocking Reality About Q's Predicted "Great Awakening" Now Revealed!! Must Watch! 1-13-18

@00:17:44 exposure of twitter this week this is
@00:18:04 twitter technicians on video telling you
@00:18:12 conservative voices on twitter and
@00:18:20 to make you irrelevant on twitter and
@00:18:53 project veritas our undercover twitter
@00:18:59 itself especially on twitter check out
@00:19:19 footage from twitter engineers exposing
@00:19:38 jack dorsey ceo of twitter this message
@00:20:20 threat to mr. jack dorsey ceo of twitter
@00:20:51 have twitter so this is very much in

Bannon Betrayal Backfires, Deep State Collapse Continues In Trump's Storm-1-7-18

@00:08:26 this picture circulated on twitter
@00:09:46 predicting the trump twitter shut down

Q-Anon Revelations, Trump-Era Awakening Explained As 2017 Concludes

@00:22:23 use of his twitter account and through

Storm Update: State of Emergency, Indictments Revealed! Trump's Great Awakening 12-30-17

@00:26:34 julian assange twitter page got
@00:26:42 twitter page was down and then after the
@00:26:44 podcast the twitter page went up and we
@00:27:18 twitter fw i believe that followers
@00:27:24 or following twitter following the
@00:27:28 following twitter kill rogue nobody
@00:27:36 twitter that assange is now following
@00:35:14 his enemies via twitter he was able to

Breaking- New Q-Anon Post Puts Patriots On High Alert Nationwide! 12-25-17

@00:08:50 mantas on his twitter account for the us
@00:10:33 twitter page this is what you will find
@00:10:47 the julian assange twitter page shut
@00:31:43 they've deleted julian assange twitter

This Thanksgiving Rant Will Silence Trump Haters- 11/25/17 Podcast Episode #20

@00:27:32 schmidt and jack dorsey from twitter

Trump's "Storm" Has Begun! Here's the Evidence- 11/19/17 Podcast Episode #19

@00:31:20 they've got twitter they've got facebook
@00:34:51 back against facebook and twitter they

Did Trump Just Admit Deep State In Control Of DOJ?- 11/4/17 Podcast Episode #17

@00:30:32 himself had his twitter account delete
@00:30:51 the excuse put out by twitter that a get
@00:31:11 as twitter put it human error human
@00:31:50 against twitter
@00:32:11 twitter so twitter and jack dorsey

Explosive Documents Prove Far-Left Violent Attacks Coming to America (Podcast #7)

@00:33:58 social media twitter everything they

ISIS: A Special Message For Truth Seekers

@00:03:36 anybody i don't want to hear on twitter

Identifying Mainstream Media's Betrayal of America and Freedom

@00:08:46 people have twitter pages be nice to
@00:12:41 twitter pages or facebook pages nobody