false flag

[9.8] Q: They are being forced into the light for all to see - Trump vs. the MIC - VACCINES

@00:19:21 i got my eyes out for a false flag that

[6.16] "Second Wave" - Act Blue - DDoS - FDA Revokes HCQ - Trump Jr. Jokes About Aliens

@00:31:26 about all the ufo disclosure false flag

[3.6] WaPo & NYT Can't Math - COVID Vax Connections - FBI Dropped Terrorist Investigations

@00:20:08 people don't want to say false flags the
@00:20:12 these obvious false flag shootings and

LARPers gonna LARP - Q Gets Love & Hate in the Media - Don’t Go To Virginia

@00:09:55 any sort of false flag to happen and

"John Here To Help" Talks To Redpill78 And TruReporting - I've Got Questions

@00:29:17 blue beam the alien false-flag stuff i

[12.6] Latest Q: D[1-6], Think Timing - Biden & Pelosi Freak - Attacks vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:05:58 when you boil it down a deep state false
@00:06:01 flag shooting and especially in the last
@00:07:38 false flag shootings to put out their

[10.10] Major Q Proofs from President Trump's Twitter Before 8chan's Return

@00:03:17 manifestos and those false flag

[10.7] "Whistleblowers" - 8chan Back SOON! - FISA Incoming - UFO Disclosure

@00:05:57 false flag alert i just think it's good

[9.3] Hurricane - Hong Kong - Breaking Epstein News - FISA - Flynn - Big Tech - Space Force & UFOs

@00:11:44 know it's it's real false flag ii all
@00:11:55 false flag or not is contradicting
@00:12:43 was a false flag shooting it gets
@00:13:01 know you get the false flag imams don't
@00:18:53 that false flag shooting or you know
@00:18:55 potentially false flag shooting really

GOOGLE'S BLACKLIST: Censoring Cancer Cures & Free Energy

@00:03:43 look to be false flag events that the
@00:04:00 proper execution of a deep state false
@00:04:03 flag in their eyes right so no doubt
@00:05:51 political false flag events etc even

[8.14] Right Wing Watch Loves Me - Flynn - FISA - Epstein & Maxwell - Google Whistleblower - Ebola

@00:08:12 when it's a false flag and they want to
@00:08:45 state false flag interesting question
@00:09:52 false flag stitch this one here i don't
@00:25:56 many news stories about these false flag
@00:26:08 lot to suppress false flag information
@00:26:13 it comes to a false flag so look at all

[8.10] EPSTEIN'S "SUICIDE" - Did The White Hats Fake It?

@00:03:54 framed false flag we can call it is
@00:06:02 some sort of faked suicide false flag

[8.7] 8chan Deplatforming & Jim Watkins Statement - Q in Trump Campaign Video

@00:07:05 because of lies and fabricated false
@00:07:07 flag situations so whatever
@00:10:00 planning evidence that's a false flag
@00:16:31 that a false flag like this is going to

[8.3] Event In El-Paso & Deeper Details About FBI "Conspiracy Theory" Memo

@00:05:41 of these false flag events let's just
@00:05:42 call them what they are false freaking
@00:06:29 actually happened okay false flag
@00:06:31 doesn't mean hoax false flag just means
@00:06:41 so uh false flag is much different than
@00:26:33 false flag events like this with no

[8.3] GarageCast - Scary Hats, Taking Back Symbolism, & How to Health

@00:37:28 into any sort of big false flag you can

[8.1] Today's QAnon & FBI Doc Warning "Conspiracy Theories Are A Domestic Terrorism Threat"

@00:22:04 and crazy so if any sort of false flag
@00:23:24 then you know just beware the false flag

[7.31] The Great Awakening Rally - Latest Q - Epstein News - 9/11 - UFO & Spaceweather - Big Pharma

@00:03:34 chin there's so much just false flag eco
@00:15:56 shooting just just false flag written
@00:18:33 false flag like this just just shut down
@00:19:02 collective consciousness for a false
@00:19:04 flag i think it's just some clickbait
@00:21:41 narratives false-flag cuz i don't see
@00:39:24 drop here a 24-hour false flag alert

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief (Given April 10th, 2019)

@00:30:12 pull some sort of false flag or

[6.18] Weekend Recap - QAnon / Flynn / NXIVM / UFOs / Vaccines / MMS / Iran

@00:12:45 false flag itself a lot of a lot of
@00:12:48 false flag ii smelling things going
@00:23:18 false flag ii i don't think it was the

[5.28] QAnon Attacks - Michael Flynn FISA - UFO "Disclosure" - Amazon Censors MMS

@00:10:43 commented about the false flag you know
@00:10:47 syrian false flag happened and i called

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:12:55 yeah i'm thinking some sort of false
@00:13:00 flag and the false flag vibes with this

[5.8] Live Chat

@00:22:39 disclosure or false flag event because
@00:22:43 i mean we get false flag events all the
@00:23:55 false flag alien invasion is a psyop so
@00:24:04 psyop the whole false flag an agent in

[4.30] Vaccines and EPIDEMICS / NOTCH / "Government UFO Programs" / Normalizing Geoengineering

@00:20:09 again it's almost a false flag
@00:20:11 disclosure initiative not a false flag

[4.20] New Q: Blockade End / Mueller Report Fallout / False Flag Attempts / Notre Dame / NXIVM

@00:15:10 colorado basically false flag scare so
@00:16:38 infatuated with this false flag then is
@00:19:31 another looks to be potential false flag
@00:19:53 know the next false flag or distraction

[3.24] Q Brief: Russia Investigation DONE / DECLAS & OIG Report Next

@00:08:29 false flag in new zealand the
@00:09:04 utilize that false flag spend it and

[3.18] Q Brief: Latest Censorship / Trump Retweet / New Zealand / Foreign Uprisings (Yellow Vest)

@00:23:56 false flag took place and they're doing
@00:24:19 can false flag operations you know so

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:35:08 new zealand equals false flag big news
@00:35:20 false flag they're actually openly
@00:35:23 attacking people who call it a false
@00:35:24 flag but then they're not describing to
@00:35:26 their audience what a false flag is and
@00:35:34 audience knows what a false flag is
@00:36:05 you know what a false flag is now we
@00:36:06 have to educate him about a false flag
@00:36:07 nothing know what a false flag is ha
@00:36:09 well we got our attack false flags well

[2.25] Live: 4th of July in D.C. / FDA&Vaccines / Space Force / 5G

@00:10:12 any sort of false flag any sort of story
@00:10:19 per se but you know false flag an event
@00:10:27 their propaganda and i hope no false
@00:10:31 flag occurs so be careful out there guys

[2.22] Q Brief: Smollett - Mueller - Kraft - Clinton's Attack - Memes & More Proofs

@00:07:16 smollett was a false flag ff designed to

[1.28 Live] Roger Stone & Infowars / Comet Ping Ping Fire / Deep State vs. The Great Awakening

@00:19:19 evidence false flag set up just to blame

[1.23] Deciem CEO Suicided? / "Deep Fakes" / "Dr. Google" / Anti-Vaxxers / Secret UFO Program

@00:21:03 sort of a false flag if you want to call
@00:22:29 calling it sort of a false flag

[1.16 Live] 2 Years of DTI & News Talk

@00:33:30 it as well you know pulling a false flag
@00:33:46 they can pull a false flag with some
@00:35:26 again false flag partial hangout

[1.11 Live] New Q / Border / Pole Shift / Harry Reid & UFOs / Flat Earth Psy-Op

@00:18:48 there we could call it a false flag for

[1.10 Live] “Q Believer Accused of Murdering ‘Lizard’ Brother With Sword”

@00:19:18 false flag false flag is a big umbrella
@00:19:25 basically a false flag they mind-control
@00:19:27 people to do stuff like this for false

[1.9 Live] Trump’s Address / Rosenstein / Huber / Yellow Vests / 5G / Space Force & Disclosure

@00:22:37 this is their we could call it a false
@00:22:39 flag disclosure we also get this
@00:28:12 false-flag us they're distracting us

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:17:11 so the staged gas attack false flag that
@00:17:19 but it was a false flag thing in syria
@00:17:26 that you know it's a false flag and it
@00:17:34 capitalizing on the false flag that the

[12.20] QAnon Updates / Catholic Church / Wall GoFundMe / "Drone" Shuts Down London Airport?

@00:08:29 orchestrated an elaborate false flag
@00:08:33 media false flag operation that planted

[12.12] Latest Q - Google - Yellow Vests - Israeli Trafficking Busted - Delonge's "To The Stars"

@00:02:24 destroy america next post false flag
@00:02:49 like a false flag that is the context
@00:03:06 boom false flag attack with all these

[10.27] Pittsburgh Incident (FF) / #FakeMailBomber Narrative Implodes

@00:03:26 word false flag and the idea of a false
@00:03:29 flag has been hitting the mainstream the
@00:05:27 that false flag i've already said it you
@00:05:36 false flag totally totally smells like
@00:12:24 false flag like i mentioned earlier hit
@00:12:36 false flag out there in on google in the
@00:12:42 term for false flag spiked through the
@00:13:33 normally does false flag right-wing

[10.24] Were the #FakeMailBombs a White Hat Operation?

@00:05:24 going on and not only that but false
@00:05:30 flag like i saw the word false flag i
@00:05:34 morning i saw the word false flag put in
@00:07:05 saying it's a false flag because they're
@00:08:30 go and tell false flag whatever we want

[10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More

@00:00:54 that said cue non-adherence cry false
@00:00:57 flag about explosives found near george
@00:01:20 it being a false flag and of course it
@00:02:42 started the false flag alarm started
@00:11:16 false flag i'm seeing just those two
@00:11:19 words false flag being put on the
@00:11:45 words false flag and learning about it a

[10.14] Vaccine & Climate Change Propaganda Push / Space News!

@00:22:07 demons oh it's a the new false flag oh
@00:22:15 sorts of bad info of just false logic

[10.5] Live from Irvine

@00:25:53 false flag incidents from trains getting

Q Confirms ET’s and Secret Space Programs

@00:06:54 false flag partial disclosure

[9.18] LIVE

@00:12:16 false-flag us or something like that and

[9.15] LIVE

@00:37:02 state as their last remaining false flag
@00:38:25 to be exposed oh let's do some false
@00:38:26 flag disclosures are involving ets
@00:39:29 trying to enact some sort of false flag

[9.11] Live

@00:11:07 events whether it's a false flag whether
@00:11:41 already know how we're gonna react false
@00:11:43 flag shooting happens who the problem

[9.7] Disclosure Talk: Space Force / QAnon / Deep State & More

@00:22:00 you know another false flag oh great

[9.6] QAnon / Censorship Hearings / FISA / False Flags / New York Times

@00:00:27 those false flag pings within me not

[9.4] Today's QAnon / Kavanaugh / Rahm Emanuel / Potential False Flag? / Microwave Weapons

@00:06:45 always a false flag planned when they
@00:06:52 potential false flag very all the

[8.29] QAnon / Iran Deal / Vatican / China "Hacking" Clinton / FISA Disclosures / 9/11 Truth

@00:02:45 like is this a potential false flag that

[8.27] Q / No Name McCain / Jax, FL / Pope / Thank God for Russian Bots!

@00:14:00 false flag alarms within you you know it
@00:14:10 could look like a false flag just go

[8.7] Latest Q / Infowars Censored / Parkland Shooter Heard "Demons" / $Trillions Missing From DoD

@00:16:46 distraction some false flag in a way you
@00:18:09 of false flag disclosure siop you see

[8.6] Official Patent: "Triangular Spacecraft" / Space Force / "Meteor" Strike

@00:05:49 a potential false flag or siop
@00:11:56 false flag half-assed distraction event
@00:12:44 false flag disclosure takes place

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure

@00:24:16 false flag disclosure so with all of
@00:24:31 dismantled their last false flag that

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:30:10 these false flag shootings think bourne
@00:32:27 the quicker we get rid of these false
@00:32:29 flag shootings so there's that

[5.20] Q Trip Change/False Flags & Conspiracy Push/IG Report & FBI

@00:01:11 shooting sloppy false flag and let's

[5.18] False Flags/Pope Having a Bad May/Russia Investigation Implodes/Opioid Crisis

@00:00:25 critical thinker the false flag alarms
@00:02:24 false flag very questionable incidents

[5.15] - Iran & John Kerry implosion/Pope taking a "leave"/"Why People Believe in Weather Control"

@00:09:06 telltale signs of some kind of false
@00:09:09 flag that they're the deep state is

[5.6] Kerry/McCain/NXIVM's Human Experiments/New "Advanced" Technologies Disclosed

@00:11:23 actors false flag i think that too

[5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems

@00:08:47 it's gonna set off the false flag alarms
@00:09:01 possible false flag that's just the

5.2 QAnon Analysis - Greedy Folks/IRON EAGLE/Iran & Syria

@00:11:58 claimed false flag there was no false
@00:12:00 flag that was the cover to send forces

4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West

@00:15:20 attack which i do believe was a false
@00:15:23 flag way too many mysterious
@00:17:33 false flag sacrifices going on so we

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:07:02 you feel false-flag if you're studied on
@00:07:09 this and think false flag and then i saw
@00:14:48 false disclosure false flag disclosure a

DTI News 4.17 - Bush / QAnon (Plane Crashes) / "Deepfake" Videos

@00:07:52 a purposeful incident a false flag if

4.16 - QAnon in MSM/"Fake Videos" & #FRAZZLEDRIP/Dead GMO Activist/Trump Supports Marijuana

@00:14:24 for the false flag disclosure you know

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 10th 2018

@00:00:51 false flag attack many of you have i'm
@00:16:47 of the false flag attack so military
@00:17:21 investigate and pin this false flag
@00:20:13 was this syria false flag finally
@00:20:52 referencing the false flag in syria as

4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network"

@00:23:31 bit well be some kind of false flag or
@00:23:51 false flag essentially trying to be used

Dissecting MK-Ultra MONARCH Programming

@00:08:16 used in various false flag events that

3.28 - Q's Latest/Sex Trafficking Exposure/Julian Assange Internet Cut/PARDON FLYNN!

@00:15:38 stop or is that some kind of like false
@00:15:42 flag disclosure bs that netflix has been
@00:17:41 would be the last false flag card that
@00:18:34 by a false flag or a partial disclosure

3.20 - Podesta to Guantanamo?/Facebook Imploding/Rothschilds hit Mainstream!

@00:02:23 you know maybe this was a botched false
@00:02:26 flag operation or something of that

2.15 - FL Shooting/NSA Incident/Other Articles & Cosmic/UFO News

@00:03:10 a false flag but there's a difference
@00:03:12 between a false flag and hoax
@00:03:16 something is a false flag doesn't mean
@00:03:29 all the typical signs of a false flag
@00:05:40 false flags and how the deep state
@00:05:41 operates many of these false flag
@00:07:09 information showing that it was a false
@00:07:11 flag and pre-planned attack and some
@00:27:41 huge false flag distraction away from
@00:28:02 a chance we have to be duped by a false
@00:28:05 flag partial disclosure narrative you

2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th

@00:06:09 false flag that happened at the
@00:11:35 proxies isis knew ms-13 the false flag

2.10 - Memos on Memos/Q Posts [Next week]/Pentagon Audit Front Page

@00:21:47 used that as a false flag to of course

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:11:34 was a false flag there's much more in
@00:15:34 keep saying kind of a false flag
@00:18:28 as many people say false last false flag

2.2 - MemoDay/Deep State In Panic/Q Posts/Pharma Corruption/Underwater Pyramids

@00:07:33 a false flag incident and then q said do

What's Been Going On In ANTARCTICA?

@00:09:10 some kind of false flag partial
@00:10:22 we're not duped by any false flag of

1.31 - Memo ASAP/Gowdy/New EO/Train Crash/2nd LV Person/CDC Boss Quits

@00:11:44 false-flag phosphide
@00:12:48 about those right let's check it false
@00:12:52 flag
@00:12:55 beware major false flag attempts this
@00:12:58 week false flag attempt look for more
@00:13:01 false flags no false flag expect a

1.30 - MEMO/New FBI & DoJ Investigations/MMS/Pole Flips

@00:10:57 was warning of a false flag of course
@00:14:23 trying to pull any kind of false flag

1.29 - Memo to Release Today?/Current Indictment Count/CEOs Resigning

@00:01:53 there's no false flag or anything that's

1.23 - EQs/Secret Societies/Memos/40% vs. 100% Disclosure

@00:04:53 false-flag territory right now so for

1.22 - #ChuckCaved/Fake Memo/Q's Pic/"Brazen Plot"/FL False Flag

@00:10:33 it out on to false flags potential foss
@00:10:40 if it walks like a false flag and talks
@00:10:44 like a false flag probably is one but we

1.17 - Fake News Awards/Plane Diversions/Detroit "Meteor"/Another Dead Dr.

@00:05:54 awards false flag so this is a really

1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan'

@00:13:47 talk about the false flag warnings in a
@00:21:18 of a major false flag so let's talk

Jan 7 AMA

@00:40:10 hologram technology be used in a false
@00:40:13 flag and you might have heard of this
@00:51:39 let's see ufo false flag event deep
@00:51:45 the false flag beginning to be set up
@00:52:07 of phase two of false flag disclosure

1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Physics

@00:25:23 this is the idea of a false flag sigh

12.31 - Twitter Debacles(Liz Crokin!)/False Flags/Iran Fallout/Imran Awan & More

@00:09:20 don't know false-flag
@00:09:25 false-flag sensors began going off
@00:10:58 potential false flag that was thwarted

12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs

@00:18:43 and a false flag disclosure and i'm not
@00:20:40 these false flag disclosures so i just

Friday Dec 29 - Live Chat

@00:32:53 plans might be right with false flag

12.24 - Q/Trump vs FBI/Space X/More MSM UFO Articles/Occult Manuscripts Declassified

@00:12:35 project blue beam staging like a false
@00:12:37 flag kind of pseudo ufo kind of alien
@00:15:14 reid is now getting in on these false
@00:15:16 flag ufo disclosures right

12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!

@00:19:09 false flag dallas is on the 33rd
@00:19:50 an extraction or a false flag thwarting

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #2

@00:03:17 of wildfires are a false flag so there's

12.19 - New Q/ATL Plane/SEA Train/MSM UFO/ET Coverage

@00:01:16 over to the tv here false flag is galore
@00:02:34 there's likely some kind of false flag
@00:09:28 could have even been a false flag right
@00:09:30 it could have been a false flag planned
@00:09:37 or thwarted afforded false flag there
@00:10:13 whether it was a false flag or some bad
@00:23:41 for a potential false flag disclosure

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:00:29 little bit more about the false flag
@00:08:12 this whole false flag fake disclosure
@00:13:56 it was a false flag set up you know
@00:15:44 supposed to be a false flag a big false
@00:15:47 flag and what it occurred is that they
@00:15:57 prevented that false flag from occurring
@00:16:34 be a large false flag that was stopped
@00:16:59 false flags in play we got a false flag
@00:17:04 my opinion what was a potential false
@00:17:06 flag in atlanta that was luckily looked
@00:17:29 one hand no more false flags so that's
@00:17:35 believe that this was a botched false
@00:17:38 flag and he also said ten days of

New York Times reports on UFOs & 'Black Money'

@00:03:36 last false flag to distract us all from
@00:04:10 so it's the perfect false flag for them
@00:05:09 that this is a total false flag it's a

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT

@00:18:05 false flag well their typical false
@00:18:08 that's quite obvious so the last false
@00:18:11 flag that the deep state has to play is
@00:23:59 potentially pull some kind of false flag

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:00:59 happened in new york false flag you know
@00:01:06 happened instantly the false flag alarms
@00:04:34 some say fukushima was in fact a false
@00:04:38 flag and that that earthquake was either
@00:05:07 pull a false flag today so we have that

12.10 - More Q/Storm Coverage/Weird Aircraft (or UFO?)/More Booms/Antarctica Anomaly

@00:16:44 pull a false flag but with the national
@00:16:49 prevention of a false flag i reported on
@00:17:38 setting up to pull a false flag at
@00:26:18 to prevent a false flag disclosure by
@00:26:27 do some other kind of false flag


@00:05:38 that whole false flag disclosure thing

12.6 - D.C. Raids/Q/UFO News/Jerusalem/PGate News/CA Fires

@00:15:49 they could use that as a kind of false
@00:15:51 flag so there's many different ways they
@00:15:53 can go about that false flag there's
@00:15:56 beam the false like alien invasion i
@00:17:12 hopefully we don't see a false-flag

12.5 - Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures

@00:25:35 them over here and they pull false flag
@00:25:36 attacks too so to prevent these false

12.1 - Podesta&Clinton Respond to Pizzagate/Flynn/Q/Booms/ET Disclosure

@00:24:39 partial a half disclosure a false flag
@00:25:31 kind of contingency plan of a false flag
@00:28:45 but the whole false flag disclosure
@00:29:16 kind of false flag disclosure so anyway

11.29 - New Anon?/Q/Trump Tweets/Lauer&Scarborough/NK

@00:22:29 of false flag disclosure in play is this
@00:22:38 looking to maybe not false flag

11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons

@00:12:58 operation out there that the last false
@00:13:03 flag that the deep state has to play is
@00:13:05 the alien false flag is some kind of
@00:13:08 false flag regarding full ufo disclosure
@00:13:21 false flag disclosure we have the new
@00:13:53 the deep state and a kind of false flag
@00:14:30 likely it's going to be a false flag one

11.25 - McCains Boot/Q/Space X/P-gate/Free Energy

@00:14:51 false flag attack or something that
@00:17:10 state retaliation some kind of false
@00:17:12 flag attack and who knows maybe this was

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:03:07 some kind of false flag that was stopped
@00:25:38 beautiful occult references to any false
@00:25:41 flag disclosure they wanted to play
@00:26:32 be blamed for a false flag assassination

11.11 - The Storm Will Unfold/FakeNews Alert/No Space Corp/Another Dead Dr

@00:10:07 a false flag some kind of diversion or

11.9 - PingPong Under Investigation/New JFK files/Vault8/Uranium One/"Q"

@00:07:41 false flag so not only vegas but 9/11
@00:07:44 and all the truth on all the false flags

11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?

@00:06:00 a false flag or anything in my opinion

11.6 - Storm Update - Trump reads 4chan?/MK Ultra Patsies/Delonge Disclosure

@00:06:21 is just pretty obvious with the false
@00:06:23 flag shooting in texas they killed 26
@00:14:06 false flag with it and they can do that

11.5 - Saudi Deaths/TX False Flag/Paradise Papers/The Days Ahead

@00:03:04 false flag in my video last night and it
@00:03:19 killed and remember point on false flags
@00:03:24 calling it a false flag
@00:03:25 point being 9/11 was a false flag 9/11
@00:03:31 this was definitely false flag not a
@00:03:33 hoax and it was false flag done
@00:04:07 whenever there's a false flag america
@00:12:31 biggest false half-assed partial false
@00:12:35 flag disclosure they can play because
@00:13:40 massive false flag i want to say than

11.4 - Storm Update - 4chan/Saudi Arabia/Podesta/Brazile/False Flags

@00:08:45 make note of false flag alert
@00:08:47 they put a false flag a little out there

11.3 - Is the Storm beginning? Fear, Courage, Motivation

@00:16:06 obviously an attempt at a false flag
@00:17:08 false flag that would be much more

11.2 - The Storm Cometh! Antifa/DNC/Pedogate/UFO Disclosure Distraction

@00:04:49 disclosures would be somewhat of a false
@00:04:53 flag you could call it or i mean for
@00:10:06 an excuse for a false flag you know we
@00:10:18 kind of false flag i do want to make a

10.31 - New York Terror/Podestas/Antifa/Natl. Blackout Drills

@00:00:50 false flag on the very first day of
@00:01:08 the false flag in new york so it's

Interview w/ Jason Quitt on Secret Space Programs & the Realms of Higher Consciousness

@00:36:13 to beware from either a false-flag alien

10.29 - Arrest Coming/JFK Files/Electric Universe Solar System Changes

@00:10:56 false flag attack emp false like tech

10.26 - JFK Files/Pedogate/Vegas/UraniumOne/Secret Space Program Disclosures

@00:06:47 false flag we obviously know it was some
@00:07:24 vegas false flag next fbi informant to

Interview w/ ex-FBI John DeSouza on Las Vegas, CA Fires, Tom Delonge & Paranormal Investigations

@00:11:08 don't want to say it's a it's a false
@00:11:10 flag because the mass media has kind of
@00:14:07 false flag or staged event kind of what

10.19 - Big Pedogate Busts | Russia/Obama Nuclear Collusion | The CIA Sucks

@00:17:57 and the las vegas false-flag is just

"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

@00:15:32 noted that the false flags were seeing
@00:15:35 that like this las vegas false flag

10.2 - Dissecting Vegas Shooting | Puerto Rico Truth | Catalonia | Another Dead Dr.

@00:01:14 false flag alarms in my head and again
@00:01:17 this is in combination with the false
@00:01:20 flag that we saw in canada just the
@00:02:48 false flag events so if it looks like a
@00:02:51 false flag and it smells like a false
@00:02:53 flag it's probably a false flag and
@00:02:55 point in case as well with the false
@00:02:58 flag because a lot of people get this
@00:03:02 false flag was used doesn't mean nobody
@00:03:05 died 9/11 was a false flag three towers
@00:03:09 fell lots of people died a false flag
@00:03:27 false flag gulf of tonkin was a false
@00:03:28 flag how many of these countless
@00:03:33 to ten years mainly have all been false
@00:04:24 somebody send me a picture of a false
@00:04:27 flag actor that some of the mainstream
@00:05:07 a false flag what are they trying to
@00:07:05 off the false flag red flags right there
@00:12:13 you know on the topic of false flags
@00:12:19 future false flag that i'm going to make
@00:13:21 shooter the orlando false-flag shooter
@00:13:34 false-flag patsy used to work for so
@00:13:37 again on that topic all false flags i
@00:13:41 false flag might not be at the super

YouTube censorship, Upcoming conference, & AMA

@00:10:08 contractor or mercenary false flag

8.9 - More Dead Doctors | Pastor Clinton? | Trump vs. Traffickers | North Korea & ISIS

@00:15:36 right know how many false flags have
@00:15:42 flag shooting is done by muslim people

7.13 - Earth Changes & Secret Space Program Technology Soft Disclosures in the Media

@00:06:11 be pulled per se that false flag and

Do you feel that something big is about to happen?

@00:02:59 false flag alien disclosure or kind of
@00:04:42 they can play now and that is that false
@00:04:44 flag alien disclosure so it's gonna get

6.19 - Pedogate Arrests, Leaked UFO Docs, Mainstream Media Layoffs & Navy Collision

@00:06:26 this again with each false flag which i
@00:06:33 another false flag there's always a
@00:07:11 on the next false flag with these powers

6.6 - London False Flag Obvious, FBI Arrests NSA Contractor, & Did FBI Raid Huma Abedin's House?

@00:03:29 false flag i saw this video of like cops
@00:03:41 did like my false flag video just a
@00:03:48 with some false flag terror attack
@00:04:26 to address the issue of what a false
@00:04:28 flag is and then we're seeing articles
@00:04:33 terror attacks from being false flags so
@00:04:41 the reality of false flag attacks what

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - #UNRIG, Suppressed Technologies, & How Trump Can Win

@00:00:48 call the deep state for false flags and
@00:00:55 false flag attacks and this definitely
@00:08:08 white helmets to do the false flag in
@00:08:12 manchester was a false flag also people
@00:08:17 event is false it's intended to keep me

The 3 Stages of Internet Propaganda Trolling

@00:06:17 recent false flag attack in manchester
@00:06:22 oh this false flag was to distract from
@00:06:27 reasons for that false flag attack but
@00:06:32 seth rich story big but that false flag
@00:06:36 oh what if whistle false i was false
@00:06:38 flag and then even snopes had to debunk
@00:06:49 saw once that manchester false like hit
@00:06:54 false flag in the title the trolls just

What exactly is a "False Flag"?

@00:00:12 false-flag is because so many people are
@00:00:25 manchester bombing as being a false flag
@00:00:29 what a false flag is and clear the air a
@00:00:47 exactly what a false flag is and then
@00:00:57 so what is exactly a false flag so a
@00:01:02 false flag is i'm just literally gonna
@00:01:36 stage a false flag and then put a
@00:01:43 all a false flag it's okay a false flag
@00:02:06 and things a false flag could mean that
@00:02:37 hear the term false flag they hear the
@00:02:40 false and they automatically assume that
@00:03:09 aren't duped yet again so false flag
@00:03:14 the term false flag originates from the
@00:03:38 them so that's how a false id was termed
@00:03:41 because it was a literal false flag that
@00:03:54 background on what a false flag is it's
@00:04:18 else on what a false flag is operation
@00:04:27 to you know a false-flag so not a lot of
@00:04:42 help stage a false flag attack against
@00:04:56 what false flags are for again it's to
@00:05:02 powers that are pulling the false flag
@00:05:11 project that was set up to be a false
@00:05:14 flag there's been many others since then
@00:06:19 simply false flag as a distraction for
@00:06:25 happened well we saw a false flag attack
@00:08:02 vietnam war a false flag bombing of a
@00:08:05 ship there 9/11 was probably the false
@00:08:10 flag of all false flags i call it the
@00:08:12 falsest flag of them all because 9/11
@00:08:29 this being a false flag attack so 9/11
@00:08:33 last little false flag i want to discuss
@00:09:37 false flag alien attack and they can do
@00:11:06 something is a false-flag look at the
@00:11:30 false flag is to hoist that agenda upon
@00:11:35 false flags the more that we can see

5.26 - Trump's NATO Speech, He's "With an Alliance" & Seth Rich is the Key to Exposing PG

@00:03:46 manchester false flag attack that was a
@00:03:48 blatant false flag i mean they're just
@00:04:17 demolition as being essentially a false
@00:04:19 flag and i still find people that don't
@00:04:47 that are pulling the false flag so

5.23 - 5/22 Manchester False Flag as Seth Rich Story Explodes & BIG Project Updates

@00:04:25 that false flag terror attack yesterday
@00:04:39 attack quite obviously a false flag in
@00:04:56 attack happened false flag and to keep

4.30 - Is the MSM Seeding Our Consciousness Or Toying With It??

@00:08:08 false flag tomorrow just keep your eyes

4.22 Update - Wikileaks Shenganigans, Operation Gotham Shield (NY Blackout!) & BIG Solar Storm

@00:10:42 pull a false flag attack they will often
@00:10:55 the false flag don't question it they
@00:10:59 it's not false like and then boom they
@00:11:16 21st could this have been a false flag
@00:11:58 reverse false-flag by the white hats
@00:12:17 opposed to being a normal bad false flag
@00:12:23 operation good drill good false flag

Why I Think Trump & Putin Are Trolling The World Right Now

@00:02:03 false flag attack so i'm just gonna run
@00:02:13 flag happens and right off the bat it
@00:02:16 was obvious that it was a false flag ron
@00:04:21 this is a false flag he knows very well
@00:08:12 they're calling out as a false flag
@00:08:17 waking everybody up they're like false
@00:08:19 flag obvious right and that's being
@00:08:22 calling now is a false flag trump
@00:08:34 it was a reverse multinational false
@00:08:35 flag i thought that was a really good
@00:09:26 the people that know it was a false flag
@00:11:42 game it's not the normal bad false-flag
@00:15:13 the day before that false flag attack
@00:15:52 the false flag air that air force space

Plausible/Possible/Probable Syria Scenario #2...

@00:00:41 was essentially a double false flag to
@00:04:19 that blatant false flag gas attack trump
@00:04:22 knows it was a false flag attack he's
@00:05:12 sorts are actually using this false flag
@00:05:44 is using that false flag chemical attack

Current Conclusions on the Syrian Missile Attack...

@00:02:30 the chemical attack was a blatant false
@00:02:33 flag just to be used for this missile
@00:02:42 attack was a false flag and this missile
@00:02:46 attack was a false flag they're both
@00:02:48 false flags right and a false flag
@00:02:52 it didn't happen all the false flag
@00:03:47 that false flag chemical attack on was
@00:05:59 chemical attack as a false flag but they
@00:06:18 false flag which was blatant right that
@00:06:26 botched the first false flag they needed
@00:08:21 probably want to try some type of false
@00:08:23 flag ufo disclosure after this would be

4.6 Update - Syria A Distraction For #Pedogate Advancements & Tons of Soft ET Disclosure!

@00:00:35 video on that it was obviously a false
@00:00:37 flag and i just want to tell you i am so
@00:00:42 understanding that this was it false
@00:00:44 flag hashtag syria hoax is trending it's
@00:00:55 occurred and said false flag boom right
@00:07:49 certain false flag with the ufo issue or

First Thoughts on Trump Bombing Syria...

@00:01:47 it was a staged false flag attack this

False Flags Galore for the Whores of War

@00:00:15 the false flag attacks that have been
@00:00:26 their sacrificial false flag attacks ok
@00:00:40 we very much did have a false flag
@00:00:57 we've had a couple false flag attacks
@00:01:19 false flag attack pulled in russia right
@00:01:33 was a false flag attack on march 31st
@00:01:53 another false flag attack on 44 remember
@00:02:07 instantly showed this to be a false flag
@00:03:47 false flag attacks that may be coming up
@00:04:20 of these false flag attacks that happen
@00:04:33 false flag occurs so it's very easy for

4.4 Update - CNN Goes Full CYA, Antarctic Energy Bursts, & Beware A False Flag Disclosure!

@00:04:10 a lot in it's basically a false flag or

White Hats Strike Back vs. The Shadow Government

@00:01:16 can literally look like a false flag

Quick Update - David Rockefeller is Dead!

@00:01:57 video i just released on the false flag

MSM says "Secret Service Laptop Stolen" - Is This Attempt to Set Up a 3/22 False Flag?

@00:03:24 predictive programming to a false flag
@00:04:01 probably a false flag announcement so
@00:05:29 probably a false flag announcement that
@00:05:45 they probably want to pull a false flag

Due to Pizzagate and Vault 7, Beware of a False Flag UFO Disclosure

@00:00:47 try and pull and that is the false flag
@00:03:13 false flag alien disclosure or a partial
@00:05:03 he said that alien false flag card would
@00:05:18 to pull that alien false flag in his
@00:05:32 and to be warned about this false flag

Is HAARP Being Used To Melt Antarctic Ice And Reveal Ancient Civilizations?

@00:01:56 that card it's gonna be a big false flag
@00:06:24 powers that be wants to have that false
@00:06:26 flag ready they want to have that card
@00:07:31 to pull their false flag but we can't

Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories. He Knows.

@00:04:16 9/11 he knows it was a false flag next

The Occult Meaning of NASA's Exoplanet Discovery? "Trappist" = Partial Disclosure Reference?

@00:05:49 pull some type of false flag in hopes of
@00:05:52 what's that false flag gonna be well

Wikileaks "Vault 7" Analysis - Massive Disclosures Imminent

@00:07:26 or that false flag so man i don't know