deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:14:51 of covid they can just to put out
@00:15:50 because that's what coronavirus is is

deleted More '17' - The People Know, It's nearly time

@00:17:45 coronavirus and this is a link about how

deleted We NEED your Help - Over the Target and Taking Massive Flak

@00:02:45 is suffering from coronavirus right now

deleted Debate Recaps (Biden Cheated and Still Flopped) - Flynn, VoterFraud, 911 Down, & More!

@00:17:34 and i'm not just talking about uh covid

deleted 2020 Presidential Debates round 1.

@00:14:53 million cases of coronavirus in the

deleted Presidential Debate Watch Party - Live - Bring your Popcorn! SleepJoe v President Trump.

@00:15:22 million cases of coronavirus in the

deleted Dr. Scott Atlas Takes Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield to the Woodshed after their Disgusting attacks

@00:00:07 frustrations on the newest covid task
@00:04:35 march for covid uh dust deaths per week

deleted New SC Pick, Clintons = Criminal Investigation!, & Much More Winning!

@00:10:38 susceptible to coronavirus do you agree

deleted Q - Almost Time - Judgement Day

@00:04:01 covid sense i guess you could call it

deleted Tragic - Dem Persecution Drives Trump Supporter to Suicide. More Qtips

@00:07:48 the youngest coven 19 victim in michigan
@00:07:51 uh of covid we know bull that's [ __ ]
@00:08:09 this was not from covid this was from a

deleted Confirmed Cases of 33

@00:01:06 coronavirus in michigan
@00:01:14 more cases of the coronavirus were
@00:01:34 the latest coronavirus news
@00:01:50 have the coronavirus
@00:01:56 coronavirus to san luis obispo county

deleted Hypocritical [D] Party Panics, Calls for Radicalization & Violence. POTUS Assassination Thwarted

@00:15:27 said he takes vitamin c and d for corona

deleted Qtipz. [D] Run Cover for Hate, 40+ "Global Warming" for "Wildfires". War on [Gaurdians] Heats Up!!

@00:16:13 and uh way before coronavirus was
@00:21:09 coronavirus death
@00:21:57 coronavirus failed
@00:22:26 and corruption to potus coronavirus 19
@00:23:14 coronavirus
@00:23:19 coronavirus 19 to other political areas

deleted American Civil War 2.0 - Oregon Dem Proxy Army + Arson = "Greatest Loss Of Life In State History"

@00:20:44 in their total u.s coronavirus death
@00:20:51 they're going to call it coronavirus ugh

deleted Dr. Andrew Wakefield on The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Lie, Covid19 & Will Trump Mandate Vaccines?

@00:00:51 and we no one had heard of covid at that
@00:24:09 covid virginia we're going to mandate it
@00:36:56 did with the covid situation i think he

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:00:17 the damage right in terms of covid so
@00:00:37 called covid to inflate the death toll
@00:02:23 coronavirus
@00:03:41 died like i said of covid instead of
@00:04:19 uh called covid

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:05:49 coronavirus deaths fake
@00:14:41 about coronavirus just like they're
@00:40:54 around coronavirus with the military the
@00:41:34 coronavirus because they murdered old

deleted Free $3400!, WW3 Looms, Kamala CAN'T! Not Eligible!, Seth Rich Bombshell, Q Predicted 5 More Arrests

@00:05:51 taking the covid vaccine
@00:34:06 of course we need it and coronavirus has

deleted Terrorism, Subversion, Propaganda, Economic War & More! Never a dull moment in 2020.

@00:03:36 the coronavirus task force away from the

deleted Economist Dr Kirk Elliott & Dustin Nemos on The Emerging Economic Paradigm. Protect Your Wealth!!!

@00:06:25 on coronavirus by the way but
@00:38:08 uh this coronavirus um
@00:38:33 reported the accuracy of u.s coronavirus

deleted Lynette Zang & Dustin Nemos Discuss the Coming Inflation & RESET - The Economy is In Serious Trouble

@00:12:20 was hunky buried before the corona virus

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:03:45 are aware that coronavirus is a hoax
@00:37:09 to get coronavirus
@00:43:08 coronavirus task force and he would drag

deleted President Trump & Military Distribution of Vaccines. Force, or Transparency?

@00:00:44 of course i'm talking about coronavirus

deleted Executive Order Bypassing Dem Block on Covid Relief, Gold Will End the Fed Don't Miss out!

@00:14:26 covid and the corruption
@00:14:49 now moving on corrupt coronavirus 19
@00:15:00 from coronavirus and calling it
@00:22:07 on coronavirus relief and payroll tax

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:00:12 coronavirus we're going to talk about
@00:17:42 coronavirus

deleted Vicious Assault By Enemies On All That Is Good, Checkpoints in NYC

@00:03:55 fear around coronavirus that the fake
@00:09:55 on children and coronavirus basically
@00:14:10 violating policies harmful coronavirus
@00:17:32 pandemic and call it coronavirus
@00:17:37 coronavirus it's not hard to

deleted Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on Public v Private Education in 2020

@00:01:04 states especially since the coronavirus
@00:01:24 coronavirus is a 100 percent
@00:01:55 getting corona you don't need to worry
@00:01:56 about your kid getting coronavirus i
@00:01:58 coronavirus are probably
@00:03:29 and i think the coronavirus
@00:28:26 this coronavirus uh scam does give us a
@00:29:07 and you know this coronavirus vaccine i

deleted End of the World Dem Hoax Falling Apart, Fauci Called Out by Bobby Kennedy, Assassin Targets Judge

@00:00:19 updates in the coronavirus and the
@00:02:49 calling it coronavirus of course they're
@00:03:28 coronavirus sick patients but to vote
@00:04:44 will make millions on coronavirus
@00:23:07 coronavirus everything else governments

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:35:45 coronavirus
@00:35:58 the coronavirus will be bad
@00:36:38 of a silver lining by the coronavirus i

deleted Q Breaks Down What C19 is REALLY About!!! and Maxwell's Documents UnRedacts Itself.. Bill Clinton!!!

@00:05:49 potentially toxic air including covid


@00:05:44 coronavirus vaccine
@00:09:25 coronavirus patients
@00:10:04 coronavirus somehow i doubt that
@00:11:03 it on coronavirus either way he probably

deleted Big Pharma Takes a Hit, HCQ V The Censorship

@00:03:38 coronavirus
@00:13:51 coronavirus now i will add
@00:17:07 saying that it cures coronavirus i'm
@00:17:10 this article says it cures coronavirus
@00:19:19 used for coronavirus 19.

deleted Gold Will End the Fed, New Executive Order & More from the Silent War

@00:02:09 across the entire nation for coronavirus

deleted Q Hints It's Time for Arrests. Meadows States It's Time for Jail

@00:01:59 especially lately since this corona hoax
@00:19:33 the excuse that oh coronavirus made

deleted The Silent War Spills Onto the Streets of Portland. More Q!

@00:02:54 coronavirus is the equivalent of a

deleted Q 7.17.20 - Warns of Final Cyber Attack, COVIDHOAX Falling Apart like Fake News

@00:00:10 breaking the cycle the corona hoax is
@00:01:20 coronavirus to inflate the numbers now
@00:04:59 continuing trump no new coronavirus
@00:08:49 coronavirus death now in this case it's
@00:08:57 coronavirus death and that really begs
@00:12:51 inflating the coronavirus numbers who
@00:13:30 safety because of supposed coronavirus
@00:14:03 directly from the corona virus hoaxes
@00:14:37 reporting the data for the corona virus
@00:14:59 coronavirus 19 positive insert election
@00:17:32 cdc coronavirus lab contamination
@00:18:28 corona virus testing officials say oh
@00:19:12 have a fox news linked coronavirus
@00:20:53 a while that coronavirus is the biggest
@00:21:52 you to line two coronavirus narrative

deleted Biden's Radical Left "Coming Out" Moment, Bill Gates Called a Pedo on TV, MaskWarz

@00:02:23 coronavirus which we've shut down the
@00:02:44 in the reaction to the corona virus more
@00:02:48 than that corona virus itself for
@00:03:07 gonna get corona deaths but not many
@00:06:40 also fake testing with coronavirus so
@00:10:43 not because of the corona virus

deleted Economy Distances from Reality. Soros, Fauci, Fake News & CDC Wage War on America

@00:16:00 three reasons that the china coronavirus
@00:17:50 coronavirus
@00:18:01 coronavirus with
@00:18:04 having the coronavirus
@00:18:09 with the coronavirus okay and in some

deleted 7.12.20 - The Silent War Continues - Moves & Countermoves

@00:06:58 these as part of the coronavirus
@00:08:17 the corona virus tracking project and

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:01:45 trying to you know push coronavirus 2.0
@00:21:31 have been exposed to corona virus or may
@00:31:11 trying to block the coronavirus scam he
@00:31:31 is the corona hoax after he realized
@00:32:26 lot of extra funding from this corona

deleted 7.9.20 - Prince Andrew Sweating Pedo Secret Tape. Presidential Harassment Heats Up

@00:00:42 because you get coronavirus all of this
@00:16:23 in regard to corona virus which

deleted Dominoes are Falling. Powerful Pedophiles are Panicking. US Exits WHO!

@00:11:08 worry about coronavirus and i've
@00:12:55 common corona virus now continuing i

deleted WHO REVERSES Position on Asymptomatic Spread!!!

@00:02:18 coronavirus outbreak

deleted Q - Ghislaine's Arrest Opens the Floodgate - CDC Busted in Fear Fraud.

@00:25:35 china coronavirus cases causing states
@00:25:50 is if you've ever had coronavirus you
@00:25:59 a normal coronavirus not even
@00:27:03 corona 19 result

deleted New Q. BLM v BLM, Hateful Fake News Divide & Conquer. Study: 1/4000 get C19. 1/1,000,000 Die !?!?!

@00:00:27 or being infected by coronavirus around
@00:05:15 coronavirus or or he says he says the in

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:15:20 i cut it myself it's my coronavirus
@00:27:58 coronavirus if you fell out of a plane
@00:28:01 you died of coronavirus if you got ran
@00:28:02 over by truck you died of coronavirus
@00:37:04 many we supposedly had with coronavirus
@00:37:10 coronavirus now
@00:41:05 coronavirus

deleted Censorship, Democide, Vote Fraud ARRESTS, Tests CAUSING Covid! Mass Shooter

@00:00:09 are trying to inflict coronavirus on
@00:07:43 trying to give us coronavirus to tank an
@00:07:58 the coronavirus
@00:09:29 of the spread of covid based on testing

deleted Starting An Online Business - The "Patriot Business Networking" Group on Facebook.

@00:02:37 coronavirus and what the crazy deep

deleted When will the arrests happen? They’ve begun.

@00:01:36 coronavirus they don't want to show off
@00:02:31 war blm and tifa coronavirus china's

deleted Masks, tests, vaccine - spreading the virus

@00:00:30 coronavirus right which isn't really
@00:03:08 worse than coronavirus okay so china's

deleted Bonus Q 6.26.20. Did Q Just Hint Democrat Governor's Could get Death Penalty?

@00:05:15 homes by forcing sick coronavirus
@00:05:34 could not handle the coronavirus the
@00:05:39 potentially get sick from a corona virus

deleted Dem Fixer Gets 10years for Child Trafficking. China Sanctioned. Antifa & Censorship JUSTICE, & QAnon

@00:07:40 ever since coronavirus has got them
@00:19:51 subcommittee on the coronavirus crisis

deleted Trump Calls BLM Traitors, Facebook ELECTION RIGGING, Deportion VICTORY and Q - Dem Govs R Murderers

@00:26:25 coronavirus why is that now he of course
@00:31:19 about coronavirus because it's so weak

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:19:03 coronavirus nursing home policies
@00:19:17 make coronavirus seem worse than it was
@00:23:58 decades the myth of coronavirus and the

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:18:59 other democrat governors coronavirus
@00:19:14 coronavirus seem worse than it was
@00:23:55 decades the myth of coronavirus and the

deleted Roger Stone UNGAGGED - Roger Goes to Prison? - Or not....

@00:06:26 coronavirus ironically saarinen around
@00:08:10 candidate for coronavirus yet i have
@00:09:13 coronavirus wrist this will be kind of
@00:35:47 coronavirus i'm at least optimistic in
@00:38:06 of coronavirus that his reelection is at
@00:38:09 all in doubt the coronavirus managed to

deleted Q Calls Quomo & Democrat Governors Murderers, And Trump Calls Obama Traitor - It's ON!!!

@00:02:32 coronavirus cases right after the trump
@00:05:10 had these coronavirus cases just as you
@00:18:34 coronavirus related deaths have occurred

deleted 6.21.20 - Q - You Can't Censor the World - The Age of Social Media.

@00:04:26 coronavirus nonsense there there's a lot
@00:18:57 coronavirus well it doesn't seem to help
@00:19:05 one that has coronavirus cases and he's
@00:21:05 assuming coronavirus
@00:21:09 plus coronavirus they're gonna wipe out
@00:21:21 coronavirus leading to potus is
@00:21:29 downs plus coronavirus potus rally hold
@00:22:00 plus coronavirus close churches other
@00:22:11 your energy lockdowns plus coronavirus
@00:22:18 and governors pushing coronavirus
@00:22:30 coronavirus increase death toll of
@00:22:37 le plat ending that coronavirus has
@00:22:59 coronavirus and they're choosing to only
@00:23:00 see coronavirus even when it's not there
@00:23:15 many lies of coronavirus not only would
@00:23:26 nothing but lies about this corona virus
@00:24:17 come with corona virus you know things
@00:24:31 we also have lockdowns plus coronavirus
@00:25:03 plus coronavirus democrat state mail-in
@00:25:23 coronavirus build unrest future black
@00:26:36 i'm sorry lockdowns plus coronavirus
@00:32:54 four-year push coronavirus wave to
@00:33:34 lockdowns plus coronavirus halting the
@00:33:43 all cities lockdowns plus coronavirus
@00:33:58 safe traveling due to corona virus
@00:34:32 safe to travel because of coronavirus
@00:35:49 couldn't pull off coronavirus so they
@00:36:21 coronavirus to the riots now they're
@00:36:23 flopping back to coronavirus because

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:04:23 war in this coronavirus nonsense there
@00:18:54 cold and worried about coronavirus well
@00:19:03 coronavirus cases and he's 60 plus with
@00:21:02 assuming coronavirus
@00:21:07 coronavirus are they're gonna wipe out
@00:21:19 coronavirus leading to potus is
@00:21:26 downs plus coronavirus potus rally hold
@00:21:58 coronavirus close churches other person
@00:22:09 your energy lockdowns plus coronavirus
@00:22:16 and governors pushing coronavirus
@00:22:28 coronavirus increased death toll of
@00:22:35 pretending that coronavirus has cured
@00:22:56 coronavirus and they're choosing to only
@00:22:58 see coronavirus even when it's not there
@00:23:13 many lies of coronavirus not only would
@00:23:24 coronavirus now on the other hand
@00:24:14 come with coronavirus you know things
@00:24:28 we also have lock downs plus coronavirus
@00:25:01 coronavirus democrat state mail-in
@00:25:20 coronavirus build unrest future black
@00:26:36 coronavirus release unrest black lives
@00:32:51 4 year push coronavirus wave 2
@00:33:32 lockdowns plus coronavirus halting the
@00:33:37 proximity coronavirus mandated
@00:33:43 lockdowns plus coronavirus halt travel
@00:33:57 due to coronavirus 19 health concerns
@00:34:31 coronavirus even though we know it
@00:35:46 couldn't pull off coronavirus so they
@00:36:19 coronavirus to the riots now they're
@00:36:21 flopping back to coronavirus because

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:23:12 coronavirus with their jobs and their
@00:24:33 between coronavirus and flopping between
@00:29:50 planned the coronavirus that far back
@00:30:04 because of coronavirus so why didn't
@00:31:37 coronavirus cases he despite his age and

deleted Curtis Stone, Urban Farmer & Dustin Nemos Chat about The State of the World

@00:20:08 sort of distract from coronavirus how we

deleted 6.20.20 - Q Unleashed Eric Trump Drops a Q, and Trump Takes SDNY from Deep State

@00:00:32 because of coronavirus except for those
@00:14:50 supposedly coronavirus is such a threat

deleted 6-20-2020 - Narratives Diverging - Two Paths - Fake News or Truth

@00:12:49 consider that but the corona virus was
@00:22:17 coronavirus is supposedly upon us and

deleted Donald Jeffries & Dustin Nemos on the Radicalization of the Left

@00:10:20 i mean coronavirus attempting to kill
@00:20:20 coronavirus 2.0 some reports are saying

deleted Ret. Maj. Jeffrey Prather - Biggest Psyop in History - Whistleblower Reveals All

@00:01:05 our nursing homes due to the coronavirus
@00:33:47 protein of the new corona virus 2019 -

deleted Q. It's what you can PROVE. And The End of Censorship is CLOSE. (I"ve been suspended for a week.)

@00:20:05 i had a cure treatment for corona virus

deleted (7 day youtube ban!) - DN 6.9.20 - Q - The Wait Is Nearly Over Hoax Hate and The Wheels of Justice

@00:33:46 coronavirus that's why the destruction
@00:34:47 intentionally exposed to coronavirus to
@00:36:13 wave of coronavirus they lost control of

deleted Defend America Livestream: New QAnon - Antifa Updates, Trump CALLS OUT Police Violence HOAX & More

@00:01:37 about the corona virus and climate
@00:07:07 out the hopes of coronavirus and then
@00:20:12 coronavirus it's not scary at all period

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:09:53 for all of the coronavirus store outages
@00:10:22 predicted the coronavirus a year or two
@00:12:35 fail nobody buys into this coronavirus
@00:19:43 people with coronavirus at least by
@00:40:29 coming nothing after coronavirus rioting

deleted Q 6.6.20 - We WILL Have Our Country Back! Nat. Guard being Setup for Slaughter in DC!

@00:04:12 faster than i've ever seen coronavirus
@00:04:20 coronavirus and annual impeachment then
@00:04:22 you had coronavirus and now now you've
@00:27:11 coronavirus almost 100% with almost no
@00:28:10 home and forget about coronavirus
@00:34:48 everything else coronavirus which was a

deleted Dr Judy Mikovits on Fire! Covid19, Vaccines, Cancer, Gmo, MESSAGE TO FAUCI!

@00:08:28 funded the coronavirus research which
@00:11:36 funded coronavirus research and covin 19
@00:12:01 little to do with the corona virus and
@00:12:52 nothing to do with the corona virus and
@00:24:44 and drive infection as every coronavirus
@00:43:56 see with the coronavirus situation and
@00:44:02 the coronavirus situation along with the

deleted 6.4.20 - Civil War 2.0 - Dems Assisting Antifa Nationwide Covertly. & The DOJ's Counterpunch

@00:02:17 saying that coronavirus was man-made
@00:18:49 coronavirus did and it's just really a

deleted Q - 6.5.20 - Fake Military Mutiny, Or Real? Antifa Leaders Being Arrested & MUCH MORE! DO NOT MISS

@00:02:48 prevention in regard to coronavirus he's
@00:02:59 coronavirus positive elderly patients
@00:03:41 coronavirus was old news for now now
@00:23:15 even more this is the next coronavirus
@00:31:26 then if coronavirus is really as
@00:31:40 coronavirus is not i actually just
@00:31:47 touch that we go on to the coronavirus

deleted Live: Is a Military Coup / Mutiny Taking Place TONIGHT?!

@00:31:32 least around coronavirus so you know i

deleted Q 6.4.20 - State of Crisis - Democrats & Media Coordinate w Antifa Violence

@00:23:34 solution prevention in regards to corona
@00:23:43 coordinate knowingly pushing for corona

deleted Obama Invokes Racist, Genocidal Marxist Chavez, HCQ Study Rigged, Rosenstein LIED!? HRC To Testify!!

@00:07:15 shut everything down with coronavirus
@00:11:57 and by the way thanks to coronavirus we

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:02:19 coronavirus comeback well that guy seems

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:17:10 from coronavirus they're forced to wear

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:12:17 second outbreak of coronavirus which we
@00:12:30 second coronavirus narrative to get
@00:24:45 elderly with coronavirus in the nursing

deleted 6.1.20 - Q - Do you See What is Happening

@00:00:34 coronavirus narrative because of course
@00:02:46 about the coronavirus fear narrative q
@00:09:57 protests could spark a corona of a
@00:09:59 corona virus come back in new york this
@00:10:03 they have to have that corona virus they
@00:10:22 coronavirus fears well better start a
@00:10:56 coronavirus wave loss of control of the
@00:11:12 coronavirus regain control necessary in

deleted 6.1.2020 - The World Watches As America Burns. ANTIFA Roundup Begins

@00:01:34 response to coronavirus was a big hyped
@00:11:25 with this coronavirus nonsense by
@00:11:32 has to worry about coronavirus is the
@00:27:32 what happened with the coronavirus it

deleted 5.31.2020 - Civil War 2.0 - Deep State Insurgency In America - & More Q

@00:30:18 efforts to regain i told you coronavirus

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - America, Meet George Soros. Violence, Race Riots.

@00:07:54 coronavirus craziness people are in
@00:08:15 coronavirus you're gonna see the left
@00:10:06 coronavirus right there's a lot of
@00:15:34 that said it's just like with the corona

deleted 5.31.20 - QAnon_ American Burns - ANTIFA WILL be Dealt With

@00:20:28 toll from coronavirus or democrat it

deleted 5.30.20 - Q - Covid Fails Forward - Race Riots & Soros Revolution

@00:00:12 to worry about with coronavirus it seems
@00:00:27 shifting from the failing corona hoax
@00:02:48 didn't have corona virus as probable
@00:02:59 corona virus if you're a hospital so

deleted 5.28.2020 - Trump Signs Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship & Q Updates

@00:21:33 lives but life years as the coronavirus
@00:28:47 corona virus in fact we had an excess of
@00:28:54 corona virus pandemic we were already
@00:28:58 on the corona virus specifically i could
@00:29:35 died from coronavirus was completely
@00:34:02 coronavirus it doesn't match all the
@00:37:06 coronavirus patients cuomo says and of
@00:41:44 of coronavirus from multiple tests that
@00:46:08 if you fear that you have coronavirus or

deleted 5.28.20 - Executive Order on Censorship, Fake News v America, New Investigations

@00:00:13 of coronavirus and we're gonna go
@00:02:29 coronavirus shorted conveniently work
@00:02:39 happening but coronavirus has distracted
@00:05:40 of the world and coronavirus right we
@00:17:38 have a coronavirus health new york
@00:26:46 so q continues italy 96% of coronavirus
@00:27:47 coronavirus over 80% of them it seems
@00:28:23 ends coronavirus emergency 850 deaths no

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, Declas Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created

@00:04:25 look at coronavirus you know even if
@00:11:29 you're probably a coronavirus death
@00:12:28 this coronavirus stuff and all these

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, DeCLAS Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created (See Desc.)

@00:04:25 look at coronavirus you know even if
@00:11:29 you're probably a coronavirus death all
@00:12:29 coronavirus stuff and all these other

deleted Q 5.27.20 - BioWeapon. War. Stand or Die. Survival as a Nation.

@00:04:49 coronavirus distracting everyone planned

deleted 5.28.2020 - Robert David Steele - Unrigging the System

@00:32:33 this isn't all just about a corona virus

deleted 5.25.20 - Mueller Team Criminal Referrals, China Threatens War, Vax Caused 1918 Flu

@00:02:51 with coronavirus and they're talking
@00:05:00 disease linked to corona virus so at
@00:05:07 before coronavirus the other baby
@00:07:33 more people than the current corona
@00:07:44 have compared the corona virus outbreak
@00:07:59 president trump calling coronavirus the

deleted 5.24.20 - Q - Obama's Shadow Presidency

@00:09:39 coronavirus case landed the same day
@00:09:49 coronavirus wait for it to hit and then
@00:16:02 coronavirus pandemic in us could be over
@00:16:26 coronavirus happened in nursing homes
@00:17:25 all in on the corona virus they're just
@00:17:29 corona virus you know i've been joking
@00:32:45 riri drops in regard to coronavirus and

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:11:05 with intentionally putting coronavirus
@00:11:29 as coronavirus deaths right i heard a
@00:14:52 that's some of the lies of coronavirus
@00:15:30 recap of the coronavirus trends and
@00:16:13 to use this coronavirus scare plan
@00:17:00 coronavirus is about keeping them out of
@00:38:39 so many times now about the coronavirus
@00:42:47 coronavirus pandemic in us could be over
@00:43:31 to be coronavirus deaths so there was

deleted 5.23.20 - Q Senator, Trump OverRules Governors, & More

@00:17:28 second wave of coronavirus cases and you
@00:18:31 ever told a bigger liar than coronavirus

deleted 5.22.20 - Q Calls out the CIA Control of Mainstream Media

@00:11:05 coronavirus hydroxychloroquine along
@00:11:29 coronavirus so it's a little bit low

deleted Alexandra Bruce, Censorship - Pharma Coup de'tat of the Planet - Big Tech Eclipses Big Oil

@00:08:40 focusing on the coronavirus related
@00:22:28 positive for coronavirus you're putting

deleted 5.21.2020 - Q - Investigations Into Obama Progress

@00:06:53 should be focusing on coronavirus

deleted 5.20.2020 - Lynette Zang and Dustin Nemos discuss Economic Fallout of Covid19, This Isn't Over Yet.

@00:05:33 we've seen through this coronavirus is
@00:07:38 before coronavirus started the simple
@00:12:03 one stay called it coronavirus fraud in
@00:16:07 until the coronavirus is we're pointing
@00:16:11 the finger so hard at that coronavirus
@00:22:51 and now the coronavirus is getting all
@00:23:50 coronavirus and president trump blaming
@00:24:53 didn't start the moment that corona

deleted 5.19.20 - Q - How about a Game of Chess?

@00:07:55 data coronavirus one coronavirus -
@00:09:08 happened so far with coronavirus or not
@00:14:01 ads experimental coronavirus drug so of
@00:21:25 origins of coronavirus and won and why

deleted 5.20.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. Dr. Michael Rectenwald - Beyond Woke- China & The Herd Mentality

@00:09:02 signing coronavirus related concerns
@00:09:16 amid the corona virus pandemic you know

deleted 5-20-2020 A Recap of the Coronavirus - Trends and Patterns - Two Narratives Emerge

@00:00:25 to debunk coronavirus and to expose
@00:00:51 not coronavirus is something that you
@00:00:57 democrat response to the coronavirus is
@00:01:24 ever told the coronavirus fear hype and
@00:04:21 is not just the coronavirus but the
@00:05:13 early on in coronavirus hype about
@00:09:32 and coronavirus and you know over
@00:12:55 coronavirus death and and we have people
@00:13:28 wasn't from coronavirus most likely
@00:13:46 coronavirus death and that includes
@00:13:52 um and if they maybe had coronavirus
@00:13:57 marked as a coronavirus death even
@00:14:13 of all of coronavirus so it
@00:14:19 everything a coronavirus death now of
@00:15:09 are these things about the coronavirus
@00:18:22 coronavirus is this
@00:20:22 coronavirus hitting in the united states
@00:24:21 cause of death as coronavirus and that's
@00:28:30 coronavirus
@00:29:45 you know if they had coronavirus they're
@00:30:17 says that coronavirus was created in a
@00:30:48 form of coronavirus and recently another
@00:31:45 for coronavirus 15 years ago
@00:31:54 coronavirus has killed people it
@00:39:41 this is another reason for coronavirus
@00:39:45 is coronavirus largely and
@00:40:29 of coronavirus as well and we already
@00:42:29 coronavirus cases that we have out there

deleted 5.19.20 - Their Murdering Republicans with Lies, Extorting Money, and Trying to Cheat 2020

@00:05:42 prosecuted for sticking sick coronavirus
@00:13:50 coronavirus it's called the flu every
@00:14:08 didn't even have corona virus are being
@00:14:10 given a corona virus death we've had
@00:14:15 died of alzheimer's not coronavirus she
@00:16:33 order over coronavirus right out and
@00:17:53 dramatically over counting coronavirus
@00:18:13 the flu that's coronavirus which heard
@00:18:21 them all coronavirus so hate cancer is
@00:20:50 coronavirus emergency there's no

deleted 5.16.20 - Democrats Rig Election Amid TOTALHYPE Covid19, Weaponize Power to Cheat

@00:01:15 type of coronavirus which is real but
@00:06:26 are pure solely coronavirus f's now we
@00:11:00 coronavirus during this false pandemic
@00:15:25 still on coronavirus lockdown until
@00:17:50 coronavirus using the military to come
@00:21:08 policies not from coronavirus so we have
@00:24:31 about coronavirus because a lot of what
@00:24:40 about coronavirus this is about i'm
@00:27:16 fight back against lies and coronavirus

deleted 5.16.20 Q - Covid19 Is Democrats Attempted to Rig 2020. HYPED PLANDEMIC LIES

@00:00:37 about the coronavirus being fake it is a
@00:17:01 coronavirus

deleted 5.15.20 - Obamagate Continues - America Rises

@00:14:00 it's the coronavirus whatever challenge
@00:16:03 of 194 coronavirus deaths were actually
@00:16:07 pure coronavirus deaths so six out of
@00:16:24 of coronavirus and that's consistent
@00:16:39 series coronavirus lies the fake news
@00:17:32 the coronavirus down to within a

deleted 5.14.20 - Treason Case, 0bamagate, Biden Helped Unmask Flynn & MORE

@00:17:24 oh boy we have cnn running a corona

deleted 5.13.20 Q - Dates are Important. Panic In the Deep State

@00:03:39 here house coronavirus relief bill to
@00:03:54 on bill coronavirus bill estimated to
@00:09:07 coronavirus by the way who knows right

deleted 5-13-2020- John Michael Chambers Ft. Dr. David E. Martin - COVID-19 - Acts of Domestic Terrorism

@00:08:32 had the coronavirus that set in and so
@00:11:16 trump's economy right well coronavirus
@00:16:20 stupid coronavirus has done to the
@00:27:37 particular instance choosing the corona
@00:28:23 own unique sars coronavirus without
@00:28:59 known corona viruses there are over 220
@00:29:29 have no idea whether this corona virus
@00:30:11 coronavirus from 2003 when cdc got their
@00:31:41 attributing things to the coronavirus
@00:33:10 only the coronavirus patients could show
@00:35:43 corona virus you were looking at because
@00:38:27 and other members of the coronavirus
@00:38:33 the fact that corona viruses have a
@00:38:46 to the corona virus and the scare goes

deleted 5-11-2020- Q - Panic in DC, In Theaters Now. Boom Week Ahead

@00:02:18 february 9th to contain coronavirus

deleted 5.11.20 - Forced Quarantine Prisons vs Reopening America

@00:10:25 corona virus could a told him he could
@00:27:18 coronavirus lockdown order and they're
@00:30:41 remove order to readmit coronavirus
@00:30:58 positive coronavirus exposure of course

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:00:07 my diy coronavirus haircut now there's
@00:20:10 the second wave of coronavirus worse

deleted 5.8.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. James Grundvig - Gates, Zuckerber, Fauci Fraudsters.

@00:01:34 trump the coronavirus task force will
@00:11:29 corona virus so that means they all
@00:12:21 measuring kind of testing for the corona
@00:16:28 coronavirus so they throw an edema which
@00:17:11 doesn't have my corona virus as a kid
@00:39:06 would die from coronavirus out of south

deleted Obama Panics, Flynn Is Free, Freedom Intensifies

@00:03:51 what would happen with coronavirus but
@00:04:21 mask of coronavirus now they're printing
@00:07:24 due to coronavirus so that is a new

deleted 5.7.2020 - Q - LET FREEDOM RING!

@00:06:52 coronavirus that's why your economy is
@00:08:15 alexa how long will the coronavirus last
@00:13:55 positive coronavirus and was taken from
@00:14:27 for this coronavirus hoax do not let
@00:23:44 coronavirus so here it is

deleted The Police Are Waking up to Corruption

@00:01:20 where you stand on the coronavirus we

deleted How is Everyone? CoronaChat - As America Reopens - How are YOU Doing?

@00:03:20 throat and that's where the corona virus
@00:20:07 letting the coronavirus scam go on right
@00:24:15 coronavirus positives into nursing homes
@00:24:42 news about coronavirus and you're
@00:25:01 nothing to do with coronavirus so you
@00:34:57 strain of coronavirus it's you know 100
@00:35:11 people with coronavirus that we will
@00:35:29 more likely to get coronavirus so they

deleted 5.6.20 - Adam Schiff Panics, Transcripts RELEASING! Fake News & Heroes

@00:04:42 staged corona virus testing line with
@00:05:22 coronavirus testing
@00:09:07 being added to the coronavirus totals do

deleted PLANDEMIC Part 1 Dr Judy Mikovits

@00:11:36 have said that this corona virus
@00:11:53 past in regard to corona virus if dr.
@00:16:15 emerging from the worst of the corona
@00:18:41 corona viruses corona viruses are in
@00:18:47 vaccine you were injected with corona
@00:20:31 your own reactivated coronavirus

deleted John Michael Chambers ft. Cyrus Parsa AI Dangers to Humanity, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, China

@00:05:19 just happened with this coronavirus you
@00:10:06 now because of this coronavirus
@00:34:51 coronavirus and 5g and ai how does this
@00:44:17 that now with coronavirus they want to

deleted Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Covid Mortality

@00:00:21 mortality rates for coronavirus and
@00:01:30 for coronavirus i keep changing that
@00:01:50 suffered the highest coronavirus

deleted 5.5.20 - FakeWhistleblower #2 - Here We Go. & So Much MORE!

@00:03:12 corona viruses quote nobody needed to
@00:08:29 wuhan lab to continue coronavirus
@00:08:41 a team working on a coronavirus project
@00:08:54 continued her coronavirus research in
@00:10:05 the coronavirus in the lab and were
@00:12:46 and base ideology coronavirus
@00:12:49 researchers are sorry coronavirus
@00:13:03 in his work on the corona virus found
@00:13:58 that underlie coronavirus witches sar
@00:16:26 corona virus

deleted 5.5.20 - Q - Hydroxychloroquine is VERY LOW RISK. Goat and Fruit Test POSITIVE.

@00:09:56 daxing and i predicted the coronavirus
@00:10:43 potent inhibitor of sars coronavirus
@00:11:26 2019 novel coronavirus
@00:12:28 the sars coronavirus - that's the corona
@00:13:18 corona virus now and the old sars virus
@00:14:06 questions coronavirus so president of
@00:14:15 coronavirus testing kits to be imported
@00:15:36 coronavirus to infection circulation
@00:15:53 with sars coronavirus infections let's

deleted Brave Whistleblower Nurse - They are MURDERING Covid19 Patients!

@00:01:03 coronavirus situation
@00:04:23 but these people aren't dying from covid
@00:11:44 covid patients
@00:16:26 like guys they're not dying of covid
@00:16:31 covid like yeah some people legit will
@00:17:44 covid patient

deleted 5.5.20 - Michael Obama Enters Race - Dems Weaponize DARPA AI vs Trump.

@00:00:23 real cure for the corona virus and let
@00:05:18 york coronavirus fatalities let me kill
@00:05:54 coronavirus right now bill gates is
@00:08:54 coronavirus a couple of months ago but

deleted 5-4-2020 - Q - No One Had to Die - Fauci Knew the Cure all Along

@00:01:56 coronavirus origins that's also in the
@00:16:08 by a corona virus dubbed sars a cov the
@00:16:16 sars coronavirus in its tracks the cova
@00:17:02 sars coronavirus infection and spread
@00:17:39 treat a current case of corona virus
@00:17:50 corona virus from dr. fauci's own nih in
@00:18:24 sars cov - corona virus that he said way
@00:18:31 over for corona virus and here we are
@00:20:19 off-label used to treat coronavirus on
@00:20:24 he had treated around 500 coronavirus
@00:24:32 are chasing the unicorn of a corona
@00:26:32 from coronavirus was a miniscule how

deleted 5.3.20 - Q+ Stick With Me Deplorables, You'll Love the Ending

@00:30:26 coronavirus a subject matter until late


@00:03:12 for the corona virus now these vaccines
@00:03:31 the new corona virus vaccine may need to
@00:04:14 get corona virus infections at farr
@00:05:55 corona virus touches down in america
@00:06:33 fact that they got hit by coronavirus
@00:08:36 successful response to coronavirus and

deleted Sunday Night Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:06:22 coronavirus or if you don't follow their
@00:08:37 coronavirus at unusual rates almost like

deleted Q 5.3.20 - Win or DIE - The World is Waking Up

@00:08:58 coronavirus pandemic
@00:23:33 4073 coronavirus hype
@00:23:40 coronavirus hype biggest political hoax
@00:23:50 the new coronavirus is real the response
@00:23:52 to the coronavirus is hyped
@00:25:17 there it is cdc equates coronavirus
@00:25:32 coronavirus mortality rate at epicenter

deleted 5-3-2020 Media Ignores Flynn Vindication, Obama + Hillary Implication

@00:10:41 coronavirus and china
@00:12:56 coronavirus top

deleted 5-1-2020 - Q Calls Obama & His Cronies out - Traitors (Iran Puppets)

@00:31:14 corona virus pandemic last week youtube
@00:38:40 that the corona virus originated from

deleted FBI Indictments Coming In Days - Explosive Interview with Citizen Journalist, Ann Vandersteel

@00:05:21 with regard to the corona virus as i
@00:17:48 invisible enemy on the coronavirus we
@00:22:56 coronavirus and is also researching
@00:22:58 vaccines for corona virus he is sitting
@00:26:39 worrying about coronavirus yes great

deleted Q - WW3 Averted. Public truths of some events force wars

@00:03:24 of confidence at the corona virus


@00:01:47 discovered hiv says that the corona
@00:04:16 the corona virus his wife actually uses

deleted 4.30.20 - FBI SETUP FLYNN! Trump Investigates WHO!, Big Tech Censorship is KILLING us.

@00:15:55 coronavirus vaccine should be mandatory
@00:17:56 workers $1,000 bonus to return to corona

deleted 4.29.20 - Food Shortage in America! Reopening, Death Throes of Deep State

@00:00:21 about the corona virus updates not only

deleted 4.29.2020 - Important Updates From Economist Kirk Elliot, General Flynn Free, AG Barr Warns Govs.

@00:25:42 you know the coronavirus didn't just get
@00:38:05 because of coronavirus and because of
@00:43:31 we've learned through this coronavirus

deleted 4.28.20 - Food Shortages, War & Lies Deep State's Final Stand

@00:03:45 to cover here coronavirus the us will
@00:28:14 investigation into the corona virus of


@00:05:24 hopes they die from the corona virus for
@00:08:54 china claims the corona virus came out
@00:14:58 logical take down of this whole corona
@00:16:40 this coronavirus shutdown that i have
@00:20:09 if coronavirus is as virulent and as
@00:21:42 coronavirus i've heard people say well
@00:25:19 my sentiments during this corona virus

deleted 4.25.20 - Covid19 Falls apart, Fake News & Deep State Ignore and Push Fear

@00:02:00 on government coronavirus disinformation
@00:10:42 with the corona virus itself two states
@00:11:57 trying to insert corona virus into my
@00:13:30 working on positive coronavirus samples
@00:14:09 me so top dhs official corona virus dies
@00:19:07 this is about the coronavirus and and

deleted Hoax Exposed, Meat Shortages, Border CLOSED, Important Channel Updates

@00:16:20 the fake news coronavirus lie and this

deleted Oil Crashes - Trump Transitions Economy - with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD

@00:03:31 a fourth coronavirus relief bill is
@00:48:45 we're going to get the coronavirus

deleted Trump SUSPENDS Immigration, Dems Panic, BANS COMING

@00:00:34 temporarily over the coronavirus of

deleted 4.20.20 - China vs the World - Flynn to be Pardoned

@00:23:27 debunking the fear around the corona

deleted 4.18.20 - Q - It's Time, We're Ready - First Set of Arrests INCOMING

@00:24:43 we're exposing the fake news coronavirus

deleted 4.18.20 - The Grand Reopening of America vs Fake Plandemic

@00:00:18 coronavirus or the planned demic we're
@00:18:27 the boys now bill gates coronavirus

deleted 4.16.20 - Q - Is Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey a Pedophile Satanist

@00:20:31 during coronavirus it's almost over

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:01:02 things corona related because when you
@00:01:04 mentioned coronavirus lots of subjects
@00:08:23 into the coronavirus pile of numbers
@00:08:36 whether they had coronavirus or not they
@00:09:08 coronavirus patients and then are you
@00:33:33 mimics or even looks like coronavirus
@00:33:44 corona virus it you know it's hard to

deleted 4.15.20 - USA, Barr, & Trump vs the Deep State & China

@00:05:52 that the corona virus was human to human
@00:08:32 coronavirus anymore maybe it'll be
@00:17:21 coronavirus never even tested positive

deleted 4.15.20 - Q - We are Far Beyond the Need for Proofs. The Rain of Frogs.

@00:01:10 coronavirus he was even in the er in

deleted 4.14.20 - Q - Get Ready for Truth Media Mass Bans

@00:14:07 for coronavirus as you have claimed
@00:16:03 things sort of a a cure for coronavirus
@00:28:17 so that coronavirus is a strategic drop
@00:29:43 like a duck it may be coronavirus is
@00:29:55 state department cables coronavirus
@00:30:11 renew theories on origin of coronavirus
@00:30:34 coronavirus we were told to wait
@00:40:09 lawsuit as soon as the coronavirus fear

deleted Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD - Reset in Motion - Acquire Precious Metals

@00:14:06 months before the coronavirus alcove 819

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:00:06 your update on all things coronavirus
@00:02:24 more people than coronavirus now we've
@00:02:48 vaccine for coronavirus before you get
@00:03:27 coronavirus to try to stop trump but now
@00:05:12 are affected by coronavirus but that's
@00:07:44 adding more coronavirus deaths to totals
@00:09:14 coronavirus death certificates folks
@00:09:30 coronavirus if you jumped out of an
@00:09:41 coronavirus or you know they're saying
@00:09:43 my grandmother died if coronavirus and
@00:13:55 right now for where coronavirus is it
@00:15:00 so is coronavirus like the flu you get
@00:22:49 center of the corona virus leak scrutiny
@00:24:27 label cause of death as coronavirus and
@00:25:58 coronavirus hospitalized patients having
@00:26:27 coronavirus death folks even if they did
@00:31:22 were in real trouble from the corona
@00:34:47 part 4 in our coronavirus hoax series
@00:34:53 news told you about the corona hoax

deleted Dr. Fauci BUSTED IN MASSIVE LIE TO AMERICANS! Trump #FireFauci

@00:00:19 video the corona hoax lies the fake news
@00:00:25 demolished the corona virus hoax all the
@00:01:04 trouble from the corona virus well not

deleted RedPill Rising - Resurrection on Easter Sunday - You can't Stop us Soros!

@00:01:26 cures for the coronavirus folks never

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 4 - CoronaHoax Falls Apart - Justice Phase Coming.

@00:00:06 this is your update on the corona hoax
@00:01:06 coronavirus field hospital was brought
@00:02:23 dying from coronavirus i think it's real
@00:03:48 coronavirus what happened to her even
@00:04:35 coronavirus is it's not a pandemic this
@00:08:31 coronavirus segment so these empty store
@00:09:15 deborah birch the coronavirus
@00:11:48 to delay the cure of this corona virus
@00:15:09 coronavirus bio weapon you know tinkered

deleted Mole Children - Rumors, Gossip, Speculation vs Credible Reporting on QAnon

@00:01:31 it's the same thing with coronavirus
@00:01:41 of the last two months and coronavirus
@00:04:33 back to the coronavirus we now have

deleted QAnon Drops Major TruthBombs!! Evil Infiltrated America. __________ Gets Indicted Soon!

@00:04:09 corona virus is all about now you know
@00:09:34 coronavirus campaign ad features joe
@00:22:32 you know coronavirus is hitting
@00:22:52 silver would cure coronavirus which i've

deleted 4.10.20 - Q Decimates Fake News And [D]emocrats - Hunters about to become Hunted

@00:01:23 talking about some of the coronavirus
@00:03:55 corona virus outbreak and cover up abc
@00:04:16 on coronavirus well they would didn't
@00:04:21 person being sick from this coronavirus
@00:04:53 arrives in the us carrying the corona
@00:05:13 release marker maybe it was the corona
@00:05:22 hit the world with a corona virus try to
@00:22:08 suddenly called coronavirus like i said
@00:22:12 your parachute you died of coronavirus
@00:22:24 they don't even stop coronavirus did it
@00:23:00 coronavirus battle video compare and
@00:25:40 coronavirus and the airwaves are
@00:25:56 series and it's about the corona virus
@00:31:28 coronavirus anyway i'll see you guys on

deleted 4.9.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Attorney, Mark Adams

@00:18:50 this part of this corrode coronavirus

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 3 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:00:09 this coronavirus and the news coming out
@00:03:44 the corona virus and i haven't heard
@00:04:09 coronaviruses not just coronavirus 19
@00:05:04 not a coronavirus that came from a bat
@00:05:48 ag bar draconian coronavirus
@00:09:23 impacted by not only coronavirus but the
@00:10:02 cutting back on air time for coronavirus
@00:11:28 coronavirus was partially a distraction
@00:12:09 coronavirus fear it is coming and sq
@00:16:47 3747 confirmed coronavirus cases and 191

deleted RedPill Living Under Attack By George Soros! #ShopifyShutdown To Silence MANY Truth Media Channels

@00:00:43 silver as a coronavirus treatment and
@00:00:52 coronavirus in fact i've actually made

deleted Q Calls out the Democrat Plot to Exploit CV to Rig2020

@00:01:32 really addressed the coronavirus much
@00:02:48 so continuing coronavirus elections
@00:03:17 opinion piece coronavirus and elections
@00:05:46 coronavirus and then it disarms the

deleted 4.8.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, DR. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:11:05 in their office got coronavirus and so
@00:11:37 fighting the war on the corona virus but
@00:15:13 remember before the coronavirus trump's
@00:16:01 out and the number of of coronavirus
@00:17:18 jobs could be lost due to the corona
@00:25:04 second wave of coronavirus issues that
@00:26:46 to the coronavirus the bond market i
@00:37:47 but know this the coronavirus false flag

deleted Happy Birthday for Dustin Nemos - And a Glimpse at What is Next

@00:01:54 people suffering from coronavirus they

deleted #EmptyHospitals #FilmYourHospital Several Hospitals are NOT warzones

@00:00:03 corona testing and i've came here once
@00:00:34 um your top corona doctor to come here
@00:01:26 for the corona virus right here this is
@00:02:46 happening here regarding the coronavirus
@00:03:18 are you sick do you have coronavirus
@00:03:21 coronavirus patients in there
@00:11:39 nobody in there waiting no corona

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 2 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:00:17 corona virus hoaxes and i'm not saying
@00:01:31 we're gonna get there about coronavirus
@00:01:34 before we get to the corona virus itself
@00:02:06 outside of coronavirus fake news
@00:03:39 coronavirus lie you know we're not
@00:06:22 for corona testing and i've came here
@00:06:52 ordered by your your top corona doctor
@00:07:45 tested for the corona virus all right so
@00:08:36 coronavirus death so what the heck is
@00:08:48 search on vodafone uk there coronavirus
@00:09:56 coronavirus killed you because the
@00:13:52 coronavirus victim on ventilator in new
@00:17:15 during his coronavirus fight he is in a
@00:18:11 coronavirus or worse who knows what you
@00:19:49 terms of the coronavirus now it's plenty

deleted Earn Money From Home with The Patriot Economy

@00:00:50 the coronavirus itself i would argue
@00:00:59 actually the coronavirus which isn't all

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You

@00:00:10 seeing out of the coronavirus situation
@00:00:26 coronavirus is made up let's dive into
@00:01:58 all those dead diseased coronavirus
@00:02:26 coronavirus or just other causes i want
@00:03:56 deaths as coronavirus in order to scare
@00:04:51 from coronavirus it's insane and then we
@00:05:24 lower coronavirus mortality rate than
@00:05:36 its success in treating mers coronavirus
@00:06:35 out another coronavirus 19 lie exposed
@00:07:42 briefing is around coronavirus seat he
@00:08:06 waiting for a corona spy coronavirus
@00:08:45 humans with coronavirus exposed way back
@00:12:16 die of coronavirus i'm still here or
@00:12:20 alzheimer's not corona fire she tested

deleted 4.4.20 Plandemic CV Cured, But Fear Continues

@00:00:16 coronavirus to destroy the world economy
@00:01:49 kovac 19 wuhan coronavirus but the fear
@00:06:52 coronavirus testing effort hampered by
@00:08:41 coronavirus treatment drug we've had
@00:10:03 corona virus they even talked about the
@00:10:06 potential time bomb of corona virus
@00:11:18 happening behind the coronavirus well
@00:11:59 threat coronavirus spreads and we knew
@00:12:55 who scream the loudest now coronavirus
@00:23:30 least coronavirus response what damage

deleted 4.3.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. DR. Sherri Tenpenny

@00:00:40 all things coronavirus related and dr.
@00:01:10 direct hit of the corona virus planned
@00:04:53 those following the coronavirus know
@00:06:41 the corona virus well one thing i'd like
@00:07:19 36 known corona viruses that have been
@00:07:38 by a corona virus and these have been
@00:08:45 coronavirus was sick and fully recovered
@00:11:36 cures or ways to handle the corona virus
@00:19:54 corona virus the mayor has some
@00:24:59 these corona viruses have been around
@00:26:11 to be there in the corona virus the

deleted Was the New York Times just Busted in FAKE Hospital Propaganda Video?

@00:00:45 catching coronavirus are they faking it
@00:01:15 that everything about this coronavirus
@00:01:35 because it's a corona virus test not a

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:00:43 coronavirus but i would argue that
@00:07:48 think the corona is far weaker than what
@00:08:28 from the coronavirus not in the news
@00:08:40 disease is being labeled the corona and
@00:08:53 corona virus
@00:08:57 being marked as coronavirus positive
@00:09:20 dead of coronavirus don't have any cases
@00:10:44 the origin of this coronavirus ten
@00:43:22 corona virus x-ray try to get some
@00:43:41 identical pneumonia and coronavirus for
@00:44:58 for corona tests and shut down the
@00:45:39 they're introducing coronavirus yeah i
@00:45:59 coronavirus would be more important and
@00:46:23 coronavirus testing effort hampered by
@00:46:48 kovat 19 or coronavirus so cv helps to
@00:49:05 coronavirus for sure i actually giggle
@00:49:41 the corona virus had arrived in costa
@00:50:02 corona cases as a result and now we're
@00:50:27 corona cases in new york city their

deleted 4.1.2020 - Plannedemic Fear Bomb Turn Into Dud

@00:00:10 dive into the coronavirus deception i
@00:02:51 coronavirus and let's dive in let's do
@00:04:01 quite a bit before this corona virus was
@00:04:35 wanting justice and then the coronavirus
@00:05:24 coronavirus is a temporary distraction
@00:05:46 eight strains of coronavirus the short
@00:06:23 coronavirus we've already seen reports
@00:06:28 coronavirus workers and they don't want
@00:13:03 the coronavirus everything else was
@00:13:43 for a coronavirus test well that's a
@00:18:16 anything about this coronavirus and

deleted 3.31.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, Dr. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:03:51 weaponization of the coronavirus but
@00:09:38 and yes the coronavirus crisis again
@00:40:06 coronavirus the this is mccain 2.0 so
@00:40:10 what do you think about the coronavirus
@00:40:15 corona virus in my opinion is is a deep
@00:41:08 how 5g can trigger corona virus in the

deleted 3.31.20 - Plannedemic Continues Despite Obvious Cure

@00:00:10 coronavirus and the us economy and where
@00:07:23 white house extending coronavirus
@00:08:30 coronavirus she didn't even have
@00:08:31 coronavirus right these are the kind of
@00:10:17 you get coronavirus you were in trouble
@00:10:21 and you get coronavirus you're probably
@00:10:41 gonna switch away from coronavirus cuz
@00:12:20 be prescribed to coronavirus patients do
@00:12:48 for treating corona virus does not have
@00:13:19 mishandling of the corona virus that
@00:14:03 with the coronavirus took off on
@00:16:09 telogen and because of coronavirus all
@00:17:01 people watched his coronavirus town hall
@00:19:47 museum under cloak of coronavirus and
@00:23:32 and the corona virus that was derived
@00:23:57 14 that allows the corona virus to
@00:26:35 china's coronavirus disinfo campaign and
@00:26:37 remember he got coronavirus he is a
@00:27:02 something but 699 coronavirus patients

deleted Sunday Nights Livestream 7pm EST w/ Dustin Nemos - Nemos Community Chat. Deadline moves to April 30

@00:00:26 corona virus in a rose garden ceremony
@00:00:42 coronavirus deaths worldwide please stay
@00:10:20 problems in america due to the corona
@00:20:31 talking about battling the corona virus
@00:22:30 because of the coronavirus and in the
@00:42:43 economy's tanking coronavirus itself and

deleted CoronaCoverup - Worldwide Attempt to Inflate Deathtoll - Fake Deaths!

@00:00:29 chinese coronavirus we're gonna talk
@00:05:22 refusing to admit coronavirus patients
@00:08:19 coronavirus patients now you know the
@00:10:01 hydroxychloroquine to fight coronavirus
@00:14:52 hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus
@00:17:28 coronavirus count your effing days so
@00:18:13 announce his a coronavirus death quote
@00:18:27 died from the corona virus and you know
@00:18:53 homeless guy just died of coronavirus
@00:24:18 with this corona virus especially when

deleted 3.28.20 - New Q - Incredible Posts

@00:20:45 i don't think that the coronavirus
@00:21:04 coronavirus patients it's for their for

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:00:13 news all events concerning the corona
@00:00:24 sort of a timeline the corona virus plan
@00:03:12 when it comes to the coronavirus event
@00:03:27 turn off the fake news the coronavirus
@00:03:53 coronavirus task force along with local
@00:04:50 corona virus they anticipate the
@00:05:32 coronavirus as you listen to the short
@00:09:34 coronavirus many of us have been saying
@00:10:12 coronavirus is as follows they cannot
@00:10:29 the corona virus is for people control
@00:11:41 coronavirus test kits come out as not to
@00:22:07 gates who has the patents on coronavirus
@00:22:29 coronavirus crisis and trump's national
@00:24:22 with this coronavirus crisis we can see
@00:28:16 extent of the coronavirus and what is
@00:30:40 coronavirus task force briefings it's
@00:31:52 the corona virus outbreak in china and
@00:32:55 coronavirus to make the numbers bigger
@00:34:06 the corona virus coming out of south
@00:34:15 the president's coronavirus task forces
@00:36:01 pandemic flu corona virus sars it's
@00:36:31 drill about coronavirus of all
@00:37:01 corona virus is going to be unleashed
@00:40:29 medications that defeat the corona virus
@00:40:55 coronavirus that's the cover story so
@00:42:42 people are sick now with the coronavirus

deleted 3.26.20 - CoronaCured?! Natural Chloroquine, Deep State Moves v Economy & Trump

@00:00:24 corona virus things like that we're
@00:00:58 coronavirus to try to even implement
@00:02:52 has coronavirus which is apparently not
@00:03:51 coronavirus because of cdc pence task
@00:04:10 because of coronavirus your lungs would
@00:04:34 have coronavirus all right now this this
@00:04:40 coronavirus in the isolation right he
@00:04:53 coronavirus like tom hanks and then
@00:05:44 think that maybe just maybe coronavirus
@00:17:29 coronavirus well you're the world health
@00:17:37 react to the coronavirus the rest of us
@00:18:48 corona virus related but fear related
@00:19:04 also now has the corona virus i don't
@00:19:24 get coronavirus and it's like the worst
@00:19:33 for coronavirus patients as i said this
@00:23:48 control with coronavirus and i think
@00:24:00 coronavirus won't kill them i think they
@00:27:42 wasn't the corona virus it was the bad
@00:27:44 guys using the corona virus as a cover

deleted #FakeAnon - Austin SteinBart - A Fake Q Trying to "Set Up" Flynn and WWG1WGA

@00:33:31 queue i mean i predicted the coronavirus

deleted Economic Contagion, Or Planned Collapse - This Week It Gets BAD!

@00:01:04 of the coronavirus but that was the
@00:04:11 coronavirus as a cloak to crash the
@00:08:12 during his coronavirus briefing so we're
@00:09:47 now surgeon general issues coronavirus
@00:13:31 restrictions around the corona virus
@00:14:26 wow coronavirus victim 52 had said

deleted 3.24.20 - John Michael Chambers ft. Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott - The News Behind the News

@00:00:15 corona virus i will be talking with
@00:01:44 the weaponization of a corona virus by
@00:06:04 the deep state unleashed the coronavirus
@00:06:22 solution event the corona virus is for
@00:06:53 vaccinations in light of the corona
@00:07:16 d'etat attempts i believe the corona
@00:08:16 anticipated the corona virus but was
@00:08:30 corona virus the rescue package is a
@00:12:16 coronavirus and i'll talk about that in
@00:18:36 without a fight thus the corona virus as
@00:22:14 with this coronavirus
@00:35:49 saying that the coronavirus koban 19 is

deleted 3.23.20 - Q - Did the DeepState Release The Bioweapon to Hurt Trump

@00:01:54 acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
@00:03:14 different regular coronavirus diseases
@00:06:51 corona virus being released is you know
@00:10:05 coronavirus in florida and now that's
@00:10:08 interesting because coronavirus is
@00:10:12 flu-like symptom if not the corona virus
@00:12:44 coronavirus outbreak to push unsecured
@00:13:32 so the coronavirus bill is filled with
@00:15:58 when they were doing the coronavirus
@00:25:03 speaker pelosi's coronavirus bill these

deleted HollyWeirdos, Covid19, Lockdown and Economic Update

@00:00:05 this is your update on the coronavirus
@00:04:45 keep the coronavirus from going north
@00:08:59 coronavirus
@00:09:53 has about the coronavirus that's right
@00:17:28 because of coronavirus but we all kind
@00:17:48 it behind was coronavirus much less
@00:17:55 the coronavirus wasn't that big of a
@00:20:56 testing positive for coronavirus this is
@00:21:04 supposedly have coronavirus on the other
@00:21:16 coronavirus or maybe we're just seeing a
@00:21:27 they have coronavirus like tom hanks did
@00:22:08 symptoms instead of coronavirus and you

deleted CoronaCure - Global Lockdown, Insider Profiteering on Covid19

@00:00:08 there seems to be a cure for the corona
@00:03:25 right before the coronavirus crash so
@00:04:16 assuring public about the coronavirus
@00:04:49 mad about this whole coronavirus issue
@00:05:06 corona viruses his early results that
@00:05:20 success rate in treating the corona
@00:06:09 behind the scenes right now the corona
@00:07:13 is the true purpose of the coronavirus i

deleted 3.19.20 - Gold Kills the Fed, Dark to Light - Economic War

@00:00:08 go away puppies on the coronavirus and
@00:01:41 forty days before the corona virus
@00:02:11 production act in coronavirus response
@00:05:01 coronavirus to out outbreak to push
@00:05:13 strategy combine that with the corona
@00:09:33 this was timed with the coronavirus to
@00:19:06 talking about coronavirus all the time

deleted 3.18.20 - Coronavirus Shuts down US Economy, Helicopter Money is Here & More

@00:00:10 includes lately coronavirus updates and
@00:03:08 shuts down because of the corona virus
@00:15:47 coronavirus is nothing it's fake it's
@00:16:16 americans emergency coronavirus check
@00:19:31 fights off the coronavirus in six days
@00:19:37 corona virus infection so you know if we
@00:21:30 due to coronavirus that's a big big big
@00:22:06 corona virus if they knew where you were
@00:22:22 as she got the corona virus so you're
@00:24:29 spread coronavirus six you know in
@00:26:31 something aids something coronavirus
@00:26:42 are planning to spread corona virus go

deleted Shopify just Banned the Patriot Marketplace,!! Please Tweet (Politely) at them.

@00:00:35 masks during the corona virus outbreak

deleted ClownShow KungFlu, and the Silent War.

@00:00:10 what's happening with the coronavirus
@00:02:11 about coronavirus right now and of
@00:03:30 covering coronavirus so of course we're
@00:03:32 gonna cover coronavirus but we're gonna
@00:03:49 guise of this coronavirus good guys are
@00:14:28 of the coronavirus at least that's not
@00:21:51 coronavirus carrying low information low
@00:24:00 coronavirus in the united states he is
@00:24:28 want to be in coronavirus season packed
@00:30:31 coronavirus our john hopkins hospital
@00:30:35 gates foundation hosted the corona virus
@00:31:00 global pandemic of a corona virus that
@00:31:05 remember at the time corona virus who
@00:31:40 states and growing to combat the corona
@00:31:46 national guard can combat corona virus

deleted Corona-Collapse Plays Out, Trump in Danger, Behind the Scenes...

@00:00:11 coronavirus versus america china versus
@00:02:13 circles right now because of coronavirus
@00:03:04 his response to coronavirus which would
@00:03:35 have been a big deal except coronavirus
@00:03:40 coronavirus isn't a big deal i'm
@00:07:44 you know coronavirus as well and we've
@00:13:28 coronavirus death confirmed in india oh
@00:21:54 coronavirus kind of like a cold if you
@00:24:18 the corona virus but it's not trump's
@00:24:59 break to deal with coronavirus this is
@00:26:57 that i love my wife coronavirus lindsey
@00:27:34 coronavirus as i said here we go the

deleted 3.12.20 Clowns, corruption, and Pedophiles. Biden & the Swamp

@00:00:10 things coronavirus clown show the
@00:04:17 coronavirus stuff but anyway general
@00:07:40 of coronavirus and the judge is not
@00:12:29 all of the coronavirus stuff going on
@00:31:49 about coronavirus and it's hard to
@00:32:40 long run coronavirus patient zero at
@00:32:58 with coronavirus you should probably
@00:33:16 two employees test positive for corona
@00:33:27 the corona virus segment it's about 10

deleted CoronaVirus vs the USA - Trump vs the Fake News

@00:00:06 this is your coronavirus update it's
@00:00:24 consolidating the day's coronavirus news
@00:01:45 coronavirus patient zero at the cpac
@00:02:11 employees test positive for corona virus
@00:02:19 positive for corona virus tom hanks and
@00:02:24 tested positive for corona virus i think
@00:02:39 the corona virus by prescribing a
@00:06:27 cured of the corona virus in italy now
@00:09:01 for coronavirus people who are suffering
@00:09:15 now we have a leaked coronavirus cova 19
@00:10:28 we have coronavirus by the numbers oh
@00:11:20 care there's nothing coronavirus by the
@00:12:48 are sick by a corona virus
@00:12:58 they're overwhelmed with coronavirus

deleted Corruption, Coronavirus, And the Economic Pandemic

@00:00:08 coronavirus and of course the economic
@00:07:11 corona virus scare that keeps people
@00:11:56 are happening under cloak of coronavirus
@00:12:45 of more issues with coronavirus said ted
@00:12:54 tested positive for corona virus and oh
@00:13:39 cases of corona virus with 22 deaths
@00:16:08 who had the corona virus and here he is
@00:16:41 talk about getting the corona virus and
@00:18:00 the vote on funding for the corona virus
@00:18:08 about the corona virus my gosh these
@00:18:55 attention to coronavirus he's gonna
@00:19:13 the coronavirus
@00:23:35 with the corona virus although we're

deleted Q post - WWG1WGA Backchannels bypass Fake News

@00:09:58 coronavirus if possible please

deleted 3.8.20 - Trump V Coronavirus. Economic CATASTROPHE While You're Distracted. 4d Moves.

@00:00:11 we're gonna go into the coronavirus
@00:12:53 they needed the coronavirus but it was
@00:12:57 the coronavirus was just the straw that
@00:17:33 on coronavirus we moved very early to

deleted 3.8.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:00:08 everything from the coronavirus where it
@00:00:33 corona virus and that is the cdc
@00:10:12 into the coronavirus issue but we will
@00:16:58 looking at the coronavirus too so it's
@00:26:38 it could be that the corona virus is the
@00:26:49 waiting to pop coronavirus i think is
@00:35:46 coronavirus and that is everything that

deleted 3.7.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:00:06 everything from the coronavirus where it
@00:00:32 corona virus and that is the cdc
@00:10:08 into the coronavirus issue but we will
@00:16:54 looking at the coronavirus too so it's
@00:26:35 soon it could be that the corona virus
@00:26:45 a bubble waiting to pop coronavirus i
@00:35:42 the coronavirus and that is everything

deleted Clownshow Continues - Schumer Called out for Threats to SUPREME COURT!

@00:00:14 the scenes so i left the coronavirus
@00:01:41 now because the coronavirus and and
@00:31:56 that may be part of the coronavirus fear
@00:33:22 coronavirus get your carbon shield 60
@00:34:05 you're concerned about corona virus it's

deleted Coronavirus L type and S Type, Fearporn or Real Life Impact

@00:00:06 your latest on the corona virus and how
@00:00:27 other much more mild form of corona
@00:00:31 are the novel coronavirus is not your
@00:00:33 typical corona virus of the past both of
@00:04:28 corona virus this tells me that la is
@00:09:39 don't worry about the coronavirus don't
@00:09:45 worry about the corona virus even though
@00:09:53 never feared the corona virus myself i
@00:15:45 aggressive strain of the corona virus
@00:17:06 but compared to what the corona virus
@00:17:34 coronavirus kovin 19 as they call it
@00:18:59 market ground zero for the corona virus
@00:20:57 possible coronavirus exposure that may
@00:21:14 possible coronavirus exposure that may
@00:23:52 the coronavirus videos look bite me i'm
@00:24:59 coronavirus hidden all that bad maybe
@00:26:47 that are angry with me about coronavirus

deleted The FloodGates of Islam just Opened. +Coronavirus Weaponized v MAGA

@00:00:07 things clown show and coronavirus let's
@00:01:18 virtually immune to this coronavirus it
@00:04:47 arrested if i do get the coronavirus i'm
@00:05:58 think the corona virus is not even as
@00:06:21 and contract the corona virus on purpose
@00:06:38 coronavirus videos this guy just passed
@00:08:18 because of coronavirus and all that but
@00:08:19 just because even before coronavirus
@00:08:26 coronavirus but turkey has not only
@00:09:14 coronavirus as much as possible and to
@00:09:40 or you know even just a corona virus if
@00:15:17 falls apart coronavirus is certainly not

deleted 3.2.20 - Clownshow - Rollercoaster. Dark to Light. End of War, Killary in Court

@00:16:55 touch on the corona virus i've been
@00:18:14 in a moment so you know corona with all
@00:18:21 coronavirus has reached community spread
@00:18:50 despite the corona virus at least in
@00:20:35 crazy response to the corona virus even
@00:21:59 other people who may have coronavirus
@00:22:10 reports no cases of coronavirus and
@00:22:31 other than corona virus to underreport
@00:24:49 pneumonia actually have corona virus

deleted Clownshow & Coronavirus - The Silent War Continues[..]

@00:00:07 have your updates on the coronavirus the
@00:20:54 coronavirus i guess you're about to see
@00:21:03 die of the corona virus unfortunately in
@00:21:10 who has the corona virus in the vatican
@00:23:22 over to coronavirus you know the
@00:28:02 coronavirus is a hoax that's not what he
@00:28:20 the corona virus you know that right
@00:28:22 corona virus they're politicizing it we
@00:28:54 we go politicizing the coronavirus you
@00:29:03 know that coronavirus
@00:30:23 didn't say that the coronavirus was a
@00:30:35 imagine this before coronavirus now
@00:30:39 imagine it after coronavirus that turkey
@00:38:10 have a massive spread of the corona
@00:39:36 probably carrying the coronavirus right

deleted Clown Show Continues, What Are We Being Distracted From

@00:17:35 coronavirus fear and folks you know i'm
@00:17:38 afraid of the corona virus but i also
@00:18:08 and blame it on coronavirus and trump
@00:18:16 remember that before this coronavirus
@00:25:08 corona virus now this doesn't make a lot

deleted 2.28.20 - Is Coronavirus Fear, Pandemic, or A Financial Crisis? (Or All 3?)

@00:00:05 and we're gonna talk about the corona
@00:01:06 defensive by this coronavirus accusation
@00:01:13 of the corona virus it makes no sense
@00:02:07 of coronavirus but several experts claim
@00:03:04 being blamed on the coronavirus but
@00:04:28 coronavirus when i say you know pandemic
@00:08:24 coronavirus case of unknown origins and
@00:09:16 hiv like mutation which makes corona
@00:12:48 we have mulvaney warning that the corona
@00:13:22 the corona virus yeah and i was i was
@00:14:16 probably six weeks ago on coronavirus
@00:14:18 i'm quran on corona wow we had a chance
@00:18:28 the coronavirus 5 trillion dollars wiped
@00:19:36 through the fear of the coronavirus
@00:19:46 coronavirus trying to blame him while

deleted The Silent War Continues

@00:00:11 swamp but also on the coronavirus i'm
@00:01:53 see the coronavirus parts and skip the
@00:02:56 and kind of a segue back into the corona
@00:19:46 controls to stop the coronavirus of
@00:19:58 this coronavirus has really brought
@00:27:54 like ovid 19 the corona virus could be
@00:29:23 folks coronavirus the real pandemic risk
@00:29:44 coronavirus at all and you can just keep
@00:30:09 develop a vaccine for coronavirus and
@00:30:59 right now for the corona virus where we
@00:33:13 him on coronavirus yesterday i haven't
@00:33:23 coronavirus presumably all over elevator
@00:33:55 infected with the corona virus because
@00:36:21 is before the corona virus you know i i
@00:38:32 you know this coronavirus it's a good

deleted Clownshow 2.26.20 The Democrat Presidential Race

@00:11:33 update and there's a coronavirus update

deleted Zach Vorhies & Dustin Nemos Discuss Coronavirus Covid19, Fearporn, and What Lurks Beneath

@00:00:18 actually gonna discuss coronavirus today
@00:02:42 the corona virus i mean it's a big deal
@00:03:26 coronavirus was going to be a game
@00:04:43 that had coronavirus that were coming in
@00:04:54 coronavirus in their super advanced city
@00:09:34 this coronavirus exercise with bill

deleted 2.25.20 - Trump Offensive Heating UP! WOW

@00:12:22 coronavirus happened i called that maybe
@00:17:55 classified coronavirus briefing and

deleted CoronaVirus Updates - China Lies, Everyone Else is Freaking Out

@00:00:05 is your update on the wuhan coronavirus
@00:03:31 bureaucrats who let the coronavirus
@00:04:09 the corona virus did not originate in

deleted 2.23.20 - Q - You're Ready, Prepare for the Storm

@00:00:12 happening coronavirus there's just so

deleted Deep State Triggered, Trump #Winning, Hoax #7

@00:00:30 coronavirus and i don't want people to
@00:00:48 exclusively on the corona virus cova 19
@00:01:01 concerned about corona virus i want
@00:02:03 it is coronavirus here we go the uk
@00:16:38 now the corona virus being confirmed it
@00:17:11 corona virus and that's funny now he's
@00:37:36 now continuing chinese coronavirus
@00:38:01 can't now also us coronavirus cases hit
@00:38:15 give us a vaccine for this corona virus
@00:38:22 that this corona virus is deadly and i


@00:00:05 is your update on the wuhan coronavirus
@00:01:12 flu symptoms for coronavirus it's here
@00:01:27 corona virus that originated from china
@00:04:19 but on and on and now coronavirus thrown

deleted 2.19.2020 - Lynette Zang on CoronaVirus Financial Impact, And Fiscal Risilience

@00:00:41 coronavirus but the economic portion of
@00:00:44 the coronavirus what is going to happen
@00:15:51 whether it's the corona virus or some
@00:17:48 you could do not just for the corona
@00:29:29 on the coronavirus stuff i know that you

deleted 2.18.20 - News Updates, Tax Breaks, Quarantines v Deathtolls, VA Gun Grabbers Fail, Kinda

@00:00:11 from president trump wuhan coronavirus
@00:05:01 the corona virus which there again

deleted 2.16.20 - Coronavirus Updates. China is LYING - XI XINPING IS WEAK AND FOOLISH

@00:00:11 coronavirus and i'm not gonna lie i'm a
@00:01:45 coronavirus in a bizarre coincidence
@00:01:50 bioweapons lab in wuhan using a corona
@00:02:58 corona virus here and this is more
@00:04:29 coronavirus did not start at the wuhan
@00:04:59 that it's coming coronavirus to become
@00:05:12 cdc confirmed the 15th u.s. coronavirus
@00:13:17 owned the owns a patent to the corona
@00:14:15 china's coronavirus numbers don't add up
@00:21:06 special coronavirus sale at the same
@00:22:16 this crazy corona virus or move on and
@00:27:26 coronavirus video and i wanted you to be

deleted Sunday Nights Livestream 7pm EST w/ Dustin Nemos - Nemos Community Chat

@00:00:36 coronavirus and stop it burning calm so
@00:01:08 really concerned about the coronavirus

deleted 2.16.20 - Trump Daytona 500, Bloomberg + Satan (HRC), Hannity says ARRESTS SOON!

@00:09:09 is a corona virus and that needs to do

deleted 2.14.20 - The Silent War vs Trump - Deep State on Defense

@00:11:19 like the coronavirus because and i've
@00:21:29 virus this corona virus actually targets

deleted Violent Leftists (Again), Dem Mayor 4prison, Seth Rich, Bill Barr V Trump Myth, & Coronavirus

@00:12:58 that corona virus and they infect over
@00:17:53 from coronavirus to cove it 19 which is
@00:22:44 infected with the corona virus so we'll
@00:22:58 that the corona virus might impact the

deleted Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid19) Updates - US Quarantining Citizens NOW! How bad is it REALLY?

@00:00:06 wuhan coronavirus which apparently is a
@00:03:00 corona viruses are not even really as
@00:07:05 coronavirus expert from hong kong which

deleted America's DARKTOLIGHT Moment - Draining the Swamp gets SERIOUS 2020

@00:12:42 corona chaos um what happened is
@00:13:39 this wuhan chinese coronavirus
@00:31:45 coronavirus and some of these other

deleted Q 2.10.20 - Q was RIGHT - Hunters HAVE BECOME the HUNTED!

@00:17:26 the coronavirus or anything because that

deleted 2.10.20 - Swamp Draining at NSC, Rico Rudy Nails Hunter, Coronavirus Cure & More

@00:01:56 supposedly allegedly treating the corona
@00:12:33 other than the the coronavirus which

deleted Livechat Sunday Nights with Dustin Nemos 7pm EST - More QAnon Q posts. Panic in DC - In Theaters NOW

@00:01:31 gonna talk about the the coronavirus
@00:02:12 about coronavirus tonight hey mike
@00:28:24 the un trying to exploit the coronavirus

deleted Coronavirus is BAD, Global Warming is Fake, and Trump Keeps Winning

@00:02:18 investigate whether the corona virus was
@00:03:00 hospital now infected with corona virus
@00:14:36 challenges as part of that the corona

deleted Q 2.7.20 - REAL Investigations into HRC, DNC Hack, Coming. Treason to China

@00:19:59 him if he gets this coronavirus things
@00:20:26 part you know the the corona virus
@00:23:12 without coronavirus because it is scary

deleted 2.6.20 - Acquitted, UNimpeached. True Death Toll of Coronavirus over 25000

@00:19:38 corona virus everything else i'm kind of
@00:20:14 worried about the corona virus and kind
@00:20:59 coronavirus issue kind of getting back
@00:23:06 just getting started with this corona

deleted Q Post 2.5.20 - A Clue, Mass Dem Exodus from Anti USA Dems over SOTU

@00:09:19 there's a major corona virus outbreak

deleted 2.3.20 - Q & News - Wuhan, Coronavirus, Impeachment, FBI- Sorry Trump, Fukushima Seas

@00:08:48 fifty new coronavirus cases death toll
@00:10:46 biological weapons act says the corona
@00:11:23 pathogens to include yes corona virus

deleted 2.1.20 - Jim Willie - QE Infinity, REPO Market, East vs West and Coming Isolation of USA

@00:08:40 coronavirus it could be a direct assault

deleted 2.1.20 - Weaponized Viral HIV Persistent Aids meet Sars meet YOU - This could be BAD

@00:00:18 wuhan coronavirus and the death toll the
@00:04:28 now allegations that the corona virus
@00:05:02 corona to the new corona which has a
@00:08:53 corona virus is considered sort of a non
@00:08:57 novel coronavirus or and that's why it's
@00:11:55 20:19 novel coronavirus stays with you
@00:17:48 coronavirus now for those who are

deleted 1.31.20 - Q - Schiff-Ukraine ties, Acquittal Overturns Impeachment next week!

@00:08:51 concerned about the virus the corona

deleted 1.30.20 - Impeachment Hits Wall, No Further - Pandemic Emergency

@00:03:45 the outbreak of corona virus a global

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:08:50 so cdc 110 suspected coronavirus cases
@00:09:01 they worse than the corona virus could
@00:09:07 what the corona virus indeed may become

deleted 1.28.20 - Impeachment, Bolton, IncestOmar, Pelosi Threats, & More

@00:11:29 now coronavirus latest over 2800 global

deleted 1.26.20 - Special Update - Coronavirus Epidemic and HOW TO PREPARE

@00:00:15 coronavirus which is now spreading
@00:06:11 new corona virus termed 2019 and cov
@00:13:00 treat those infected with the corona

deleted 1.26.20 - Wuhan Coronavirus, Impeachment Tanks, Fisa Overturned, Mass Protests Iraq & France

@00:00:10 impeachment the corona virus that is

deleted 1.24.20 - CoronaVirus Plague, Senate Threatened, Flynn, Clintons

@00:00:19 of the corona virus has made its way to

deleted 1.22.20 - DeepState Peak Insane, Impeachment, More Berniebro Gulags, and Schiff BUSTED

@00:03:59 corona virus on yesterday i talked about

deleted 1.21.20 - Chinese Outbreak, A Shot Heard Round the World, Censorship Fight Heats up

@00:00:39 disease to coronavirus apparently all
@00:20:03 about but china has a corona virus

deleted 1.11.19 - PROWALL DEMS! Dollar Dump, Corruption, Virus!, Pedo Culture, 9 11 Monument to Allah

@00:27:24 natalie corona gunned down in cold blood

deleted Q, McCain, Fisa, And Corruption - SeethingFrog and Dustin Nemos

@00:28:23 that these corona and snow white and

deleted 8.31.18 - ℚ 👀 Just Blinded the Enemy - Fake News Counterpunch is Weak and Ineffectual And obvious

@00:13:37 box corona 1 now offline corona 4 now
@00:13:48 dwarves or whatever and then this corona
@00:13:52 i don't know so corona 1 corona for
@00:13:55 corona 8 now offline and we control it
@00:13:59 corona 16 now offline and whatever task

deleted Deleted video

@00:38:06 white house coronavirus task force and
@00:38:56 today by the coronavirus and making sure
@00:39:26 epicenter of the corona virus in the new
@00:41:45 corona virus they all got the 15-minute
@00:44:30 practice the coronavirus guidelines for

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@00:03:08 never said anything about coronavirus
@00:03:23 support corona virus i never said it
@00:04:11 coronavirus could be cured by colloidal
@00:06:57 was as a supposed coronavirus treatment
@00:07:26 destroyed the whole coronavirus fear
@00:07:29 coronavirus lies the fake news told you
@00:07:31 and coronavirus lies the fake news told
@00:07:34 you part two corona hoax and i've got a
@00:07:37 lot of evidence in there that the corona
@00:07:53 deaths behind them and suddenly corona
@00:08:03 got corona virus you must have died from
@00:08:05 corona virus if you fall off a bridge
@00:08:07 and you had corona virus you must have
@00:08:10 died from corona virus if you jump out
@00:08:17 died you died if corona virus folks that
@00:18:01 coronavirus cures and treatments in the
@00:18:24 never said that it killed coronavirus
@00:18:27 coronavirus gets into your blood and
@00:18:49 coronavirus could be cured by colloidal
@00:28:28 colloidal silver cured coronavirus i
@00:28:30 never said it even treated coronavirus

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@00:07:31 understand about the corona virus is not
@00:07:33 even just the corona virus it's not even
@00:07:56 corona virus is really just the catalyst
@00:09:03 with the corona virus and go to mega
@00:09:56 found traces of hiv in this corona virus
@00:11:16 demanding a vaccine for corona virus and
@00:11:44 coronavirus i think they're they're
@00:12:25 on coronavirus um i'm sure there's other
@00:15:11 coronavirus you know police victims you
@00:17:31 the coronavirus so you know i've i'm

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@00:05:01 getting the corona virus but on the
@00:08:31 reporting on the corona virus was also
@00:08:44 reporting on the corona fight like it's
@00:09:10 about the corona virus that's away from
@00:09:12 the corona virus everything we are doing
@00:16:42 cure possibly for coronavirus might kill
@00:17:42 on harvey weinstein got coronavirus and
@00:18:07 we all have coronavirus this week
@00:19:20 the coronavirus you know at this point
@00:23:44 coronavirus fears so it's good to have
@00:26:45 coronavirus it was around 80 to 1 ratio
@00:32:36 predicted the coronavirus three years in
@00:39:33 economic questions any coronavirus
@00:44:13 corona virus it's what they're doing in

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@00:01:35 coronavirus issue and it is i'm gonna
@00:02:56 have contracted the the corona virus
@00:05:53 self completely from coronavirus but i'm
@00:11:42 virus the corona virus our lien hat says

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@00:25:56 practice the president's coronavirus
@00:26:47 president's coronavirus guidelines for
@00:27:49 coronavirus response on the subject of
@00:31:15 are facing with the corona virus and we
@00:32:06 struggling with coronavirus has a sport
@00:32:18 white house coronavirus task force
@00:41:39 where there may be coronavirus cases
@00:42:06 the corona virus much earlier on then
@00:42:59 days the president's coronavirus

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@00:35:53 coronavirus treatments extend insurance
@00:38:28 corona virus i will be asking congress
@00:39:33 corona virus effective immediately the
@00:42:59 unprecedented response to the corona
@00:45:15 the corona virus outbreak that started
@00:48:30 coronavirus treatments extended surance
@00:51:05 corona virus i will be asking congress
@00:52:10 corona virus effective immediately the

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@00:00:47 coronavirus yeah in california or is it
@00:01:14 at once yeah this is the coronavirus
@00:08:09 you this is the coronavirus quarantine
@00:12:28 coronavirus worst and best case
@00:15:29 yeah this is this is the coronavirus
@00:25:36 told them this is my coronavirus
@00:29:17 could fit so we talked about coronavirus
@00:29:34 about coronavirus we talked about the
@00:29:36 economic impact on coronavirus i
@00:43:04 coronavirus that could be exactly what's

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@01:11:39 corona virus outbreak in china my

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@00:01:40 know about the coronavirus and whether
@00:02:39 this corona virus has the markings of a
@00:37:36 coronavirus but i know that it has

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@00:06:06 a cure for corona virus which is a
@00:06:18 coronavirus my god my face would be all
@00:45:34 last couple of coronavirus videos i've

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@00:08:16 coronavirus

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@00:01:50 covid did a lot of damage

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@00:00:29 concerned about coronavirus bailout for

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@00:00:45 if you believe in the coronavirus you'll
@00:07:55 maybe this whole coronavirus is the
@00:23:35 as a treatment for covid and

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@00:08:02 of coronavirus nursing home deaths while
@00:11:06 coronavirus test kits in sweden you know
@00:14:58 measurements of the corona dictator

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@00:01:20 or more of the covid false uh positives
@00:14:12 coronavirus and what's happening there
@00:14:30 coronavirus any common cold which is
@00:15:26 from coronavirus rather than with
@00:15:28 coronavirus
@00:15:34 something related to coronavirus because
@00:15:36 of coronavirus and maybe still in that
@00:20:45 coronavirus but there's always the
@00:24:35 coronavirus and we were treating
@00:24:37 coronavirus and

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@00:21:21 uncooperative citizens in secret corona
@00:23:17 died from covid

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@00:24:15 to take down trump with covid

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@00:00:24 covid