Deep state

Prophetic Implications of Yom Kippur 2020

@00:30:11 deep state are trying to generate and

RBG's Wrinkled Flag, Trump's Undercover Operatives, The Soon Deliverance of General Flynn

@00:08:36 been the blue that has held the deep
@00:08:37 state together
@00:17:11 referred to as the deep state
@00:18:42 deep state like never before
@00:19:20 deep state finally i love this meme

Trump Warns Prince Harry, Trump EO to Protect Babies, MSM Refuses to Cover Biden-Sex Trafficking

@00:05:25 the citizens of america against the deep
@00:05:28 state
@00:08:47 is going to bring the deep state down
@00:12:39 power triangle the deep state the
@00:18:24 about the deep state trying to win

Trump $100 Million to Combat Human Trafficking, Biden-Ukraine Report to Drop, Hawaii Goes Trump

@00:18:34 idiotic liberals and deep state
@00:20:02 posting truth that threatens the deep
@00:20:04 state

Crimes Against Humanity, AG Virgin Islands to Unlock Epstein Flight Logs, Strzok & Pelosi Madness

@00:05:29 again that's all what the deep state is
@00:06:19 uh but in any case whatever the deep
@00:06:21 state tries the playbook is known
@00:06:26 he lists all the ways the deep states
@00:10:05 problem that the deep state has had in
@00:15:38 i don't know but clearly the uh the deep
@00:15:40 state they're panicking

RBG's Legacy, Trump Promises Woman Nominee Next Week, Marshals Arrest 262, Rescue 5 Children

@00:05:46 i like to say satanic deep state agenda

Cruz Calls Out Obama over Netflix, ABC Comms Assassination, Hold the Line -- Justice is Coming

@00:06:48 in the deep state have provided
@00:19:38 by the thugs of the deep state on orders
@00:20:00 the deep state has tried to convince us
@00:21:02 deep state
@00:22:33 calling out and exposing the deep state

Trump Calls for Death Penalty, Pedo Sentenced to Death, Netflix Loses 9 Billion, Hanks Deletes

@00:09:25 uh the deep state both in china and here
@00:13:53 more things that the deep state is going
@00:14:04 the deep state does the deep state does

Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia Will Fail, GOP Demands Legal Action Against Netflix, New Cue Drops

@00:09:31 that joann believes is part of the deep
@00:09:33 state reports that ex
@00:28:16 the deep state is hallelujah

Schiff Crying Wolf, Antifa Arsonists, 12 Utah Pedos Arrested, Barr/Durham Update

@00:02:45 the deep state they're in such panic
@00:09:40 again just another scheme by uh the deep
@00:09:44 state

Nazis Still Here, Bagel Bites Commercial, Powerful Seattle Prayer Rally, Greeks Stomp

@00:18:05 from the deep state that would call in

Biden Aids CCP w/ Nuke Tech, Satanic Ritual Calendar, More Trump Historic Peace Deals

@00:05:07 that's exactly what the deep state wants
@00:05:09 the deep state wants a civil war
@00:05:24 but that is what the deep state wants
@00:05:26 the deep state wants the patriots and
@00:05:46 uh the bait that the deep state is
@00:08:57 this follows on the heels of the deep
@00:08:59 state trying to remove

Lawyer Promises to take down Twitter CEO, Pedophile Blackmail Ring Ensnares Dems and Repubs

@00:07:08 the deep state in the upper echelons of
@00:07:19 the uh the deep state elements in the

POTUS 1 Yard Line, Drop 3313, Labor Day Indictment Weekend? Pelosi Caught Violating Restrictions

@00:06:54 the black hats for the deep state and so
@00:12:31 or someone involved with the deep state
@00:12:33 is definitely controlling deep uh the
@00:13:36 exposing herself as a deep state stooge

Ginsburg Photoshop, 27 Satanic Pedophiles Trapped, Flynn's Ongoing Persecution, Trump Hints at Soros

@00:05:03 deep state
@00:08:27 the deep state will do to him
@00:09:13 used against the deep state uh we're
@00:12:11 the deep state

Ratcliffe Coordinating with Durham, Huge Pro Freedom Rallies in Berlin, Japan, London, Boston, OR

@00:03:06 big time deep state he was a block and
@00:05:24 this is one of the big things the deep
@00:05:25 state has tried to use
@00:09:46 that the deep state is pushing to try to
@00:12:12 deep state is beginning to
@00:12:36 deep state
@00:12:41 you're literally seeing the deep state
@00:12:46 right now going on within the deep state
@00:14:37 the deep state

Baphomet Head DNC Logo, Q GITMO Base, 39 Children Rescued, POTUS Demands Biden Take Drug Test

@00:10:42 bye-bye to the whole deep state
@00:10:48 i think president trump has the deep
@00:10:50 state trapped

Pelosi calls Republicans Domestic Enemies, Resolution Against Qanon, Baptist Pastor Charged as Pedo

@00:08:21 within the deep state is engaged in a
@00:08:32 uh are in the hands of the deep state
@00:14:44 the chinese government with the deep
@00:14:47 state in

Pedowood Aerial Shot, Brennan's Durham Interview Panic, Forged FBI Doc, Trump Landslide Ahead

@00:17:36 child trafficking and the deep state are
@00:17:56 and the deep state the media really

Are the SaveTheChildren Rallies Being Infiltrated by the Deep State?

@00:03:35 always are by the deep state as we've

President Trump Responds to Q Question, Media Panic, Human Trafficking Down 96% Due to Wall

@00:06:59 why do you think the deep state
@00:14:52 china's deep state this is from zero
@00:15:58 assault on the deep state within china
@00:16:17 china's deep state

The Beatles, Nygard Exposed, Alex Jones Fires Millie, Epstein & Gates, Bill Clinton Photos

@00:04:53 alex jones's deep state
@00:07:58 deep state people trying to

Drone Almost Hits AF1, 17 Flint Satanic Pedos Arrested, Alec Baldwin in Full Blown Panic

@00:02:47 praying for our president the deep state
@00:11:49 which is what the deep state doesn't
@00:12:03 after trump's re-election deep state
@00:12:35 so so crazy but this is the deep state
@00:14:04 deep state are panicking

Tim Ballard's Operation Underground Railroad Is Not What It Appears

@00:08:26 to cover their deep state asses

Friday Night Shabbat: 6 Praise Reports & 1 Testimony

@00:12:22 and the deep state that i'm i'm pretty
@00:13:02 battle against the deep state is through

Correct info Doll Website, More Pizzagate/Harris Info, Ex-FBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty, Spiritual War

@00:16:57 because the deep state they are going to
@00:19:26 satanic pedophiles in the deep state but

Sick Phone Number on Children's Toy, Pizza on Child's Toy, Trump Calls Out Maher, 16 Pedos Arrested

@00:11:01 events by the deep state
@00:11:20 areas all done by the deep state
@00:12:01 as the deep state continues to panic in
@00:12:19 exposing the deep state

Kamala Harris Sis Tied to Pizzagate Emails, Fisher Price/Mattel Toys, Flynn Update, 26 Explosions

@00:15:26 the deep state
@00:15:40 deep state was sort of testing
@00:15:51 praying praying against the deep state

Assassination Attempt on POTUS, 9 Pedos Arrested in Central Texas, John Paul Rice Exposes Pedowood

@00:15:17 wow the deep state is absolutely
@00:15:22 these are black hats this is the deep
@00:15:24 state the white hat's not going to be
@00:15:25 type of stuff so the deep state is uh

POTUS Cryptic Statement, Tom Hanks Hollywood Star, Troll Dolls Removed, Worship in Casino

@00:05:44 and again i believe this is the deep
@00:05:46 state
@00:05:47 in deep deep deep panic mode

Mariah Carey's Sis Suing over Pedophilia & Satanic Acts, Yates Throws Comey Under Bus, 5 Explosions

@00:09:56 coincidences the deep state
@00:10:01 and i believe all of these are deep
@00:10:03 state um
@00:10:04 deep state attacks or maybe even
@00:10:45 these explosions are from the deep state
@00:12:58 deep state is in such

Housley: Indictments This Month, Ellen Show In More Trouble, Alex Jones Controlled Opposition

@00:01:55 indicating the pressure on the deep
@00:01:57 state so
@00:03:00 removing the satanic deep state
@00:09:59 of course the deep state has really been
@00:11:32 he suspects this is the deep state

deleted Dr. Stell@ Immanuel Needs to Replace F@uci ASAP

@00:01:48 all the misinformation that the deep
@00:01:50 state has been pushing about cobit 19
@00:13:30 would cut right through the deep state
@00:13:32 and yes i know the deep state's going to

Gaetz Sends Criminal Referral for Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Hanks in Greece, Operation Legend 1st Arrests

@00:15:50 the deep state target florida why is
@00:16:18 and i think this was what the deep state

What A Beautiful Trap Trump Has Sprung to Red Pill the Masses, Epstein & Clinton Foundation

@00:13:14 so many things he has prevented the deep
@00:13:16 state from being able to interfere with
@00:14:46 deep state operatives are out there
@00:16:56 deep state does no matter how much
@00:17:02 type of deep state operatives try to you
@00:17:12 deep state

Indictments by Labor Day, Ratcliffe Massive Declass, Trump Blasts Obama/Biden for Treason

@00:12:36 are probably a part of the deep state uh
@00:17:55 twisted and turned around uh this deep
@00:17:58 state push of the coronavirus

Durham Negotiating Guilty Pleas, Trump Wishing Ghislaine Well & Wearing Mask, Trump Protects Census

@00:07:38 deep state yeah what are the deep state
@00:13:45 taking it to the deep state left and

Trump Blasts Antifa, Pelosi Threats, Judge Salas Deep State OP, Sabato Jr Launching Movie Studio

@00:08:21 beginning it's this is a whole deep
@00:08:23 state operation very obvious i mean this
@00:08:32 this is very obviously a deep state op
@00:08:39 a deep state higher up giving the
@00:09:17 just become so comped by the deep state
@00:10:32 is just again the deep state playbook
@00:11:36 very expected we knew the deep state
@00:11:43 the deep state but president trump kudos
@00:12:18 gonna just backfire in the deep state
@00:13:56 what a black eye to the deep state when
@00:14:44 deep state idiot but he had a slip of

Meadows Signals Imminent Indictments in Durham Probe: "It's Time For People to Go To Jail"

@00:07:33 necessary remember the deep state
@00:07:40 to confuse the deep state
@00:07:50 deep state a couple of years ago into
@00:07:56 causing the deep state to to not be as
@00:11:22 of the deep state and now the very riots
@00:11:25 that the deep state has incited
@00:13:40 actually how will the deep state drive
@00:14:14 really good point so yeah the deep state

Friday Night Shabbat: Healings, Encouragement from Germany to America, New James Block Song

@00:02:29 in in doing that and exposing the deep
@00:02:31 state uh
@00:05:53 deep state puppet and traitor at the top

Pedowood Massive Exposure: Teigen Deletes Over 28k Tweets, Tom Hanks Blocks 30K People

@00:06:13 disgusting pedophilic tweets the deep
@00:06:15 state are conveniently handed this
@00:07:53 it does seem like the deep state is

CHAZ Dismantled, Abortion Organ Harvesting, Flynn Knew About Brennan's Billions, AZ Senator CPS

@00:07:32 was the primary deep state target sidney
@00:09:49 deep state and this is more confirmation
@00:10:33 democrats the deep state they were going

Turkish TV Exposes Adrenochrome & Pedowood, Mother Theresa & Child Trafficking, Flynn's Plea

@00:11:11 more information about how the deep
@00:11:12 state trying to make everyone think that
@00:20:32 trying to wreck things through the deep
@00:20:34 state and they're thugs and their foot

Germany Investigates 30,000 Pedophile Network, Deep State Pushes 2nd Wave, China Pig Virus

@00:03:37 okay so the deep state has begun its
@00:06:06 this is another another deep state event
@00:06:13 deep state assets are to try to bring
@00:08:41 effort by the deep state to unseat
@00:10:39 on the warpath here speaking of a deep
@00:10:42 state and their events this you might
@00:14:09 praying because the deep state they are

Adrenochrome in Q Drop & British TV Series, UN Official Exposed as Satanic Pedo, Next DS Event

@00:01:14 deep state is a vote a monetary value
@00:01:39 the deep state
@00:01:51 the deep state is the adrenochrome
@00:13:21 think the deep state is trying to maybe
@00:13:47 into another major deep state event

Simpson's Creator, Epstein & Adrenochrome, HRC's Pizza, Q's Ominous Warning

@00:11:23 shootings that that went on as the deep
@00:11:26 state tries to send out their clowns to

Ellen & Jimmy Kimmel Cancelled, 5 Murderous Governors, Trump Labels BLM as Treason & Sedition

@00:02:04 defector is the deep state operative
@00:04:09 is of mouthpiece for the deep state and
@00:04:15 than also a mouthpiece for the deep
@00:04:17 state however the theory has gained

Sullivan Stalls, Trafficking in Persons Report, DOJ on Inditcment Spree Against Anarchists

@00:01:31 in a world in which the deep state
@00:03:25 sullivan being the deep state stood she
@00:10:26 midst of all the deep state has thrown

Don Jr. Blasts Biden Sniffing Children, Epstein Victim Names Ehud Barak, Ellen Degeneres SRA Drawing

@00:05:52 deep state himself reveals that former
@00:06:21 deep state and i did some videos about a
@00:09:47 deal about epstein and why the deep
@00:09:49 state has been so desperate to stop any
@00:10:22 push by the deep state when they burned
@00:11:46 that the deep state was trying to set up

General Flynn Finally Wins! DC Circuit Orders Case Dismissed!!! MS House Passes Major Abortion Ban

@00:05:48 is the beginning of the end for the deep
@00:05:50 state this is likely why since early may
@00:06:05 the end for the deep state and let's
@00:08:48 knows all of the deep state nonsense
@00:12:25 the deep state had been forced to light
@00:12:47 i think you know the deep state moved

Trump's SDNY Takeover Strikes at Biden Corruption & BLM/Antifa Funding, Fake Noose, Big Tech Exposed

@00:02:13 opponent that's what the deep state
@00:03:09 though the deep state and satanic
@00:05:56 the deep state hopes useful idiots
@00:10:16 you know the deep state doesn't even
@00:12:14 about this latest deep state tactic to
@00:12:27 this is another deep state tactic well
@00:15:33 people because you know the deep state

POTUS Again Accuses Obama of Treason, Hollywood Crumbling, Seattle Mayor to Shut Down CHAZ/CHOP

@00:06:21 yeah they're there the antipa the deep
@00:06:24 state they're directly trying to attack
@00:15:28 democrat she's part of the deep state so

$21 Million Child Trafficking Network Busted, Trump To Bring Back Grenell, Sleepy Joe Display

@00:10:41 democrats and the deep state are using
@00:11:15 describes the deep state and the

Thugs Block Trump Rally, Sex Trafficking Website Shutdown, Chief Justice Roberts Epstein Ties

@00:11:12 look you know why do you think the deep
@00:11:15 state the satanic pedophiles were so
@00:16:03 colluded with the deep state to kill
@00:21:41 these deep state thugs that are trying

Trump Roars at Tulsa Rally, Q Drops Biggest Booms Yet, TN House Bans All Abortions

@00:07:53 deep state wanted this to be stopped
@00:10:12 big time deep state was appointed by
@00:12:38 the deep state no longer controls it
@00:14:25 he was a deep state stooge and then a a

13 Children Rescued, More Pedowood Accusations, Berlin Pedo Program, Antifa & ISIS

@00:09:58 hitler and what the deep state are doing

SCOTUS Betrayal, Atlanta Officer Charged w Murder, Flynn Update

@00:01:05 the current deep state satanic
@00:01:44 who are part of the deep state these
@00:04:08 about this new deep state tactic to
@00:06:15 another excuse for the deep state to
@00:11:46 just following his deep state orders
@00:13:27 the utter hypocrisy of the deep state
@00:14:49 one possible false flag with a deep
@00:14:51 state was planning was to sorry about
@00:15:03 one possible deep state plan that they

Teens Rescued from Human Trafficking, MI False Flag Avoided, Hitler & Current DS Tactics

@00:03:38 operandi at the deep state right now
@00:10:57 media and antifa and the deep state are
@00:13:30 mainstream media and the deep state they
@00:14:47 used all of these means that the deep
@00:14:49 state is using right now today to try to
@00:16:05 sent out to these governors the deep
@00:16:08 state media is so dangerous and evil you
@00:16:51 the deep state wide open hallelujah

Cascade of Potential Deep State Events to Pray Against, Australian Satanic Pedo to be Sentenced

@00:01:14 events that the deep state is trying to
@00:01:33 these potential events and deep state
@00:02:08 out i said the deep state using the
@00:02:54 the deep state are attempting to frame
@00:03:42 the deep state tries to communicate with
@00:03:51 whatever deep state event they're trying
@00:06:07 again we see through the deep state on
@00:07:21 telegraph what the deep state is
@00:07:34 the deep state it was a bio weapon and
@00:08:29 this the deep state saying there they're
@00:08:52 flag or any deep state event that might
@00:09:44 effort by obama and other deep state
@00:17:24 praying against all these various deep
@00:17:26 state events that they're trying to push

Barr Orders Execution of 4 Child Rapists, Child Murderers, Statue Removal Exposes Agenda

@00:04:17 is what this is why the deep state hates
@00:05:25 judiciary voted to subpoena deep state
@00:10:26 being used by the deep state such as
@00:10:33 deep state they're just being used as
@00:10:36 by the deep state and so we do need to

Target "Pizza" Slippers, CO Bill Attempts to Re-Educate Parents, Deep State Push Back on Trump Rally

@00:02:57 the deep state and then here are the i
@00:05:11 bad too he's definitely part of the deep
@00:05:12 state for him to now be removed and now
@00:10:55 see that plainly now of course the deep
@00:10:59 state is very upset that trump is
@00:13:13 to just pray that that the deep state

Over 1000 Trafficked People Rescued, First Wave of Antifa Indictments, $6 Million Ukraine Bribe

@00:15:27 know china at least the deep state
@00:17:26 this fight against the deep state and

deleted Here We Go Again: Atlanta Cop Kills Black Man, More Riots, CIA Counter Ops Will Fail

@00:09:03 ramping up again it looks like the deep
@00:09:05 state is continuing to try to push the
@00:15:42 on with the deep state and remember
@00:15:58 john brennan so it's the deep state now

Lessons From History: Antifa & The French Revolution, This is a Spiritual War

@00:02:20 clear talking about antiva and the deep
@00:02:24 state white slate clean by collapsing
@00:17:06 nation because we are the the deep state
@00:17:34 the collapse of the deep state all right

13, Next Deep State Event, Seattle, Homeschoolers Fight Back, Sue Black Catches Pedos by Hand Marks

@00:02:13 we had the first deep state event which
@00:02:14 was this planned emic first deep state
@00:02:57 that the deep state is pushing is trying
@00:13:54 do believe this is the next sort of deep
@00:13:57 state play the next event that they're
@00:14:24 deep state is having its way at least in

Trump Tweets Against Satanic Pedos, Huge Declass Imminent, 40% Black Trump Approval Rating

@00:08:14 deep state events because this is what
@00:12:24 pedophiles with the deep state they're
@00:12:33 backfiring in the deep state space and
@00:13:42 it's a deep state state spell that the
@00:15:21 part of the deep state no the antichrist
@00:15:24 the deep state the state the satanist

Exposing More Satanic Pedophiles, Rosenstein Testifies, Obama Speaks to Nation

@00:06:24 riots is the deep state trying to
@00:07:07 that the deep state is trying to
@00:09:10 telegraph comms to the deep state to
@00:12:08 kovan 19 that the deep state foisted

Q: All Systems Go, 58% Americans Want Military to Quell Riots, Antifa Arrests Coming

@00:02:57 working for the cabal for the deep state

deleted Facebook's Child Sex Video Horror, CDC Backpeddles, Celebrities Bail Out Criminals

@00:04:12 pro-q exposing the deep state why can't
@00:07:37 the deep state completely and totally
@00:14:43 plan from the deep state we know this a
@00:16:29 deep state i have no doubt that obama's
@00:17:26 nation by the deep state and you know
@00:17:38 the deep state is just going to continue
@00:17:57 these evil people from the deep state

Pedo Symbol in Riots, Ratcliffe Releases Flynn Transcripts, Police Stand Down While Antifa Destroys

@00:05:37 now i do believe that the deep state is
@00:05:47 deep state maybe even the cia to do this

Antifa's Terrorist War On Our Nation

@00:10:22 much china the deep state assets in

Riots Spread Across US in DS Gambit, Barr Exposes Child Sex Slavery Facilitated By Twitter

@00:03:00 deep state this is something lisa frank
@00:03:04 thing smells like a deep state false
@00:05:39 the deep state i'm not saying
@00:05:54 the deep state taking instructions from
@00:05:56 the deep state this was purposely filmed
@00:06:07 fight to the finish is here the deep
@00:06:09 state is about to one inflame civil and
@00:07:30 it's a deep state false flag that's what
@00:08:31 cj true said so i guess the deep state
@00:12:21 slave trade operated by the deep state
@00:14:21 we knew the deep state was going to
@00:14:40 doubt in my mind this is the deep state
@00:15:12 instead we're seeing what the deep state

POTUS Signs Social Media EO, Ohio Weatherman Sentenced for Child Porn, Republican Victory in VA

@00:03:40 against the deep state tom fitton
@00:15:54 backfired in the faces of the deep state

Trump Promises EO Targeting Social Media, Deep State Burns Down MN, Fauci Changes Tune

@00:02:57 the plan demick is failing so the deep
@00:03:00 state now moves to burn down minnesota
@00:03:49 and total plan of the deep state that
@00:03:54 american was part of the deep state and
@00:04:04 chaos they are a part of the deep state
@00:04:51 deep state false flag to enflame racial
@00:05:54 deep state doing these types of things
@00:10:47 second video about how the deep state

South Dakota: Bill Outlaws All Vaccine and Medical Mandates, Satanic Pedos Arrested in TX, OR, NE

@00:05:27 a lot of the deep state are trying to
@00:18:20 example of how the deep state of which

Hannity Confirms Deep State Lawyered Up, PP Admits Under Oath to Selling Aborted Body Parts

@00:04:14 the deep state hates him because he is
@00:04:31 backfire against the deep state i think
@00:11:23 schemes of the deep state well marco

Creepy Biden Exposed, Obama's Many Crimes, Patriots Rally In California, Chicago Mayor Raids Church

@00:04:31 chinese in fact it was deep state assets
@00:04:35 deep 8 deep state assets at that wuhan
@00:06:25 that china is colluding with the deep
@00:06:28 state with the ds the democrat party as
@00:08:17 i want to show again the deep state the
@00:10:30 is this deep blue state i think it's
@00:16:10 the deep state their agenda is clear

Obama's Shadow Presidency, Ohio Judge Strikes Down Lockdown, GOP Sues California, Fitton Declas

@00:03:50 circumvent the deep state intelligence
@00:04:09 around the deep state stable genius so
@00:20:39 fighting against the deep state and the

16 Children Rescued, Trump's Position on Vaccines, Grenell to Release Flynn Calls, Field McConnell

@00:06:19 we know he's deep state but some keys he
@00:09:16 for firing a bunch of the deep state in
@00:09:31 for theater to throw the deep state off
@00:09:45 think he's unaware that their deep state
@00:10:01 on to confuse the deep state and this is
@00:10:46 sake to confuse the deep state and then
@00:10:59 deep state in order to win okay finally

Update on Flynn Case, Trump vs Michigan, Barber calls for WA Governor's Arrest, Ukraine is the Key

@00:07:52 this second wave yeah i'm sure the deep
@00:07:54 state wants a second wave
@00:08:03 you know you do whatever you want deep
@00:08:05 state i'm not shutting down the country
@00:15:36 of the deep state because um you know we

Epstein Defender Supports Forced Vaccinations, Dems Paid PA Officials to Stuff Ballot Box

@00:11:45 is a big center for the deep state we
@00:12:21 lot of this deep state has been

Ukraine Charging Biden, Pro-Q Ratcliffe Wins, Trump Strikes Back at Tyrant States, Indicted DSS

@00:06:30 mean it's pretty obvious that the deep
@00:06:32 state the media
@00:11:56 and one of the agendas that the deep
@00:11:58 state has it just try to keep things
@00:13:02 one of the agendas of the deep state

Clinton Haiti Pedophile Ring Linked to Contact Tracing, Italy Calls for Bill Gates Arrest

@00:01:08 tracing that the deep state is trying to
@00:05:00 all heading at least where the deep
@00:05:02 state wants this to go that they
@00:08:13 of the reasons yeah allowed the deep
@00:08:15 state to push forward with this

Ukraine Releases Biden Scandal Tapes, Rice Email Exposes Obama, Trump Stops Unveiling Obama Portait

@00:02:08 people that are part of the deep state
@00:13:44 because to throw the deep state off but

Declass Continues Exposing Comey & Obama, Don Jr Mocks Pedophile Biden, Battle Against Tyranny Rages

@00:08:37 patriots and the deep state tyrants as
@00:18:36 yes people are fighting against the deep
@00:18:38 state tyranny but we're still seeing i

deleted Trump & HCQ, Senate to Subpoena Obama Officials, 12 AGs Defend Flynn

@00:03:00 probably the deep state that's been
@00:05:01 they're in bed with the deep state
@00:05:10 deep state does the satanic pedophiles
@00:05:40 deep state wanting to regain control

Barr's Statements on Obama & Biden, 6.5 Earthquake Hits Nevada: Possible DUMBS Taken Out?

@00:09:23 including launching some sort of deep
@00:09:27 state attack against the united states
@00:09:39 put in five different cities by the deep
@00:09:41 state across the nation that's
@00:10:11 by this he was trying to let the deep
@00:10:14 state know he was trying to let obama
@00:10:25 of diffuse or trick the deep state and
@00:11:15 specifically to sort of confuse the deep
@00:11:17 state and and let them think that oh
@00:12:59 deep state in order to protect the
@00:14:10 because the deep state was using the
@00:14:15 under deep state control and he said
@00:14:26 nevada has been so locked into the deep
@00:14:28 state for so long and that's why you
@00:14:33 lot of deep state military bases and

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:07:01 control the deep state will have through
@00:10:27 fact the satanic pedophiles the deep
@00:10:30 state the democrats they're so upset
@00:11:44 the deep state so this is a beautiful
@00:12:59 deep state that would push for a war
@00:13:20 with deep state assets and china to
@00:14:50 does he he takes what the deep state is
@00:15:10 deep state won't won't be able to say oh
@00:18:40 entire declared state of war started
@00:18:46 the new world order the deep state
@00:21:54 controlled by the treasonous deep state
@00:24:43 obama appointed deep state judges we are

What This Bio Weapon Attack Was Really All About, Obama Lashes Out at Trump Again, Huge LA Explosion

@00:09:36 deep state is desperate this is a
@00:10:06 a another deep state attack on the
@00:10:37 and so the deep state they're doing

HRC, Obama & Pizza Gate, Trump's Position on Vaccines, How Barr Can Intervene in Flynn Case

@00:09:22 law he's really part of the deep state
@00:12:01 he is not on the same page as the deep
@00:12:05 state players as bill gates and the rest
@00:12:23 the deep state players and their agenda
@00:15:12 himself as a complete and total deep
@00:15:15 state stooge
@00:18:02 trafficker he's a deep state stooge and
@00:21:03 deep state released kovat 19 and got

DNC Spokeswoman Meltdown, Samantha Power & Biden Caught in Lies, FBI Confronts Feinstein

@00:18:41 deep state knows that especially in this

The Patriots Strike Back: Grenell Declassifies Flynn Unmasking List, Supreme Court Rules with Trump

@00:06:01 and obama and the deep state reacts wow
@00:08:28 news and a big blow to the deep state

Judge Holds Flynn's Case Hostage, California Begins to Flip Red, Declas Destroys Basis of Collusion

@00:00:47 okay so the deep straight state has
@00:05:38 and the deep state and done just exactly
@00:05:57 to the deep state to to carry on their
@00:08:07 the deep state has to drag this out
@00:12:45 how evil the deep state is and then they
@00:14:06 have responded to the deep state is
@00:16:11 deep state is all about rather than just

Dr. Mikovits Willing to Expose Fauci Before Congress, HR 6666, Judge Strikes Down MI Tyranny

@00:04:00 health care system that's what the deep
@00:04:02 state was telling us then one month ago
@00:04:24 that it's the deep state trying to hurt
@00:07:04 way so the the deep state cronies under

Obama Lawyers Up, Declass of Obama Officials, Rand Paul Rebukes Fauci

@00:01:06 quiet was he sending a message to deep
@00:01:08 state i produced to go out and do more
@00:02:09 obama and the deep state obviously we
@00:14:36 of the deep
@00:14:38 with the deep state assets in china to
@00:16:41 united states working with deep state

Fitton Sues for Fauci Phone Records, Judges Striking Down Tyrants, Congress Not Shielded From Arrest

@00:02:38 deep state stooge which is why i believe
@00:02:54 as this pandemic this deep state
@00:07:35 goal of the deep state to shut our

Obamagate #1Twitter Trend, WashTimes Defends Trump, Judge Rules Against Illinois Governor

@00:04:16 the deep state cartel that was trying to
@00:06:09 patriots they are trolling the deep
@00:06:12 state they're letting the deep state
@00:06:37 troll the deep state
@00:06:43 the deep state has responded and this
@00:07:47 so so they're doing with the deep state
@00:09:20 the deep state tried to get rid of this
@00:09:38 forced out of the deep state a while
@00:10:26 the deep state can't keep this thing
@00:11:26 seeing that you know that the deep state
@00:12:57 obama is feeling the heat the deep state
@00:13:19 and pray that the deep state as they're

Q Drops BIGGEST Boom: Delcas Ongoing Now, Schiff in Extreme Panic, Overturning Roe V Wade

@00:09:47 think that the dems and the deep state
@00:09:56 allow the dems and the deep state to
@00:10:37 destruction and dismantling of the deep
@00:10:39 state and the democrats fit if you trust
@00:11:10 by putting out this info causes deep
@00:11:12 state to expend ammunition or force the

Update on Flynn Case, More Tyranny Exposed, Petition to Investigate Abortion Mill in Pornhub Case

@00:10:47 what what the democrats what the deep
@00:10:49 state what the satanic cabal want to do
@00:11:29 these deep state satanic pedophiles
@00:17:10 pedophiles these deep state cabal rulers
@00:17:19 deep state tyrants exposing them for who

RBG Hoax Continues, Trump Calls Americans Warriors, Dr. Shiva Exposes Adrenochrome

@00:02:36 said the deep state were quote
@00:05:08 this is what the deep state cabal is
@00:05:27 so the deep state cabal is continuing to

Pence Attacks General Flynn Yet Again

@00:09:18 part of the deep state you know some of

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:09:46 the deep state to try to shut the
@00:17:39 just examples again of how the deep
@00:17:42 state is trying to use this cove in

Protests in California & Oregon, Judge Fast Tracks Unsealing Epstein Docs, CDC Adjusts Death Count

@00:02:37 deep state they want to bring in their
@00:02:45 benefits the most the deep state why are
@00:03:24 hand you have the deep state they're
@00:05:51 the dictates of the state government so
@00:06:00 and deep state california to look worse
@00:07:59 deep state these tyrants are wanting to
@00:11:01 for the deep state whatever they've got
@00:11:14 the deep state might pull out because

Trump's Plan to Awaken Americans: Whitmer Sued, Doctors Outraged, Mayor Exposed

@00:03:07 launched this bioweapon by the deep
@00:03:09 state they knew they were going to do it
@00:04:20 that a part of the deep state aren't
@00:05:18 the entire deep state they've got to
@00:07:44 of the deep state plot to use a
@00:14:06 why else would these deep state thugs
@00:21:31 deep state he's got to have the american

Flynn's List of High Level Pedophiles, Awakened Patriots vs Deep State, Trump Reminds Us of Law Day

@00:01:23 theorists who believe a deep state is
@00:01:46 decimate the deep state dawn's yeah so
@00:03:20 deep state in regards to general flynn's
@00:03:30 bring down many parts of the deep state
@00:03:44 manifest between the deep state who's
@00:07:19 deep state is doing and now a lot of
@00:07:44 the deep state want us to lose our jobs
@00:09:08 he was completely involved in the deep
@00:09:09 state if president trump hadn't allowed
@00:10:01 the the deep state to do the things you
@00:14:55 the deep state the satanic pedophiles a
@00:15:18 because they are liberals they are deep
@00:15:20 state they are people that are against

Flynn Case Unsealed: Beginning of the End for the Deep State

@00:04:49 the d state use for calm so remember q
@00:04:56 deep state uses gaming platforms to
@00:05:06 looks like maybe the deep state are in a
@00:05:09 very very big deep panic over what's
@00:14:38 beginning of the end for the deep state

Nineteen New Q Drops: Be Ready, The Silent War Continues, DS Comms

@00:03:27 to confuse the deep state they're really
@00:04:05 serve for the deep state they were
@00:08:38 really causes harm enough of the deep
@00:08:40 state attempts to do
@00:09:24 pedophiles these other deep state
@00:09:50 out of the deep state communicate
@00:10:13 that the deep state would use gaming
@00:11:57 gonna get back to this way that the deep
@00:12:00 state have been communicating secretly
@00:12:38 the deep state was using this star wars
@00:17:24 some deep state operatives called
@00:19:52 this way back that she said deep state
@00:23:20 chat which basically exposes these deep
@00:23:22 state players as being involved in
@00:25:06 that these deep state players were
@00:25:56 evidence against these deep state

Stormy Daniels Admits Trump Affair Never Happened, Jimmy Kimmel's Sick Video, Prolifer Arrested

@00:02:13 the deep state but notice how she's
@00:06:03 whole narrative that the deep state is
@00:07:30 dismantle the deep state when they

17 Victims of Epstein, Trump Blasts Enemy of the People, Durham Investigating Media, Flynn Rehire

@00:04:30 coronavirus he's talking about the deep
@00:04:32 state he's talking about the satanic
@00:04:38 very huge part of the deep state which
@00:10:36 cabinet and of course the deep state
@00:10:46 dc and so the deep state wanted to get

Flynn Exoneration This Week, Ukrainian Baby Selling, Largest Child Porn Website Taken Down

@00:13:59 deep state is searching for him trying

New Movie Exposes Child Sex Trafficking, POTUS & UV Therapy, Gen Flynn Breaks Silence After 2 Years

@00:08:55 national security adviser the deep state
@00:12:57 whole deep state nightmare of this

Ingram & Hannity Mention Punisher Pin AGAIN, Q Post 129, Durham Expands Investigation, Brennan's Lie

@00:14:34 projections said when the deep state
@00:15:55 a synonym for the transnational deep
@00:15:57 state led from the obama white house
@00:18:39 the deep state in the hubert durham

5x More Women Accuse Nygard of Sexual Assault, Pope's Terrible May? More Seth Rich Details Emerging

@00:06:45 he's part of the deep state and cj truth
@00:08:23 prosecution of the deep state john
@00:12:48 previous reporting that a deep state
@00:13:17 between fbi deep state lovers pierce
@00:16:20 again side with the deep state and

Reporter Asks POTUS About Children, Mom Arrested for taking Children to Park, Oregon Lockdown Ads

@00:06:41 this escape for deep state people you
@00:07:08 deep state which maybe that's why it is
@00:07:10 a deep state playground down there so so
@00:18:57 these deep state operatives being

POTUS Suspends All Immigration, Epstein's Photographer Found Dead, Child Sex Propaganda

@00:08:59 dead yeah i think the deep state are in

Michelle Obama & Laura Bush Fund,, PP Charged 25G for Body Parts, RFK Jr Links Fauci & Gates

@00:14:33 to confuse the deep state that he
@00:16:17 all the deep state players and bill barr

POTUS Exposes FBI Scum, Flynn Loves Out of Shadows, Global Child Sex Ring Busted, Protests Across US

@00:11:37 the deep state assets that are embedded
@00:11:44 entire plot of how both deep state
@00:11:49 deep state assets in china work together

Q: We Are Ready, Solomon Suggests Handful of Indictments This Next Week, Obama's Wuhan Grant

@00:11:43 a bioweapon engineered by deep state
@00:14:28 and taking down the deep state power
@00:15:09 deep state so that when dirham actually
@00:15:19 deep state would be able to start
@00:15:32 take the ability of the deep state to

Trump Human Trafficking Arrests, New Q Drops, Gates Reading Material, Biden Unrolling MO Endorsement

@00:02:04 deep state hijacked our money system a
@00:02:32 fault the deep state unleashed this
@00:03:35 because who is part of the deep state
@00:03:38 they've been part of the deep state for
@00:08:53 between deep state assets in china and
@00:08:56 deep state assets in the united states
@00:10:27 wildcard candidate i think the deep
@00:10:29 state thinks that this person who is

New Q Drops: Obama's ISIS, Bat Quarter, Wounded Warriors to Eliminate Child Pornography

@00:06:15 what the deep state tried to make us
@00:06:35 it was part of the deep state playbook
@00:14:21 are closing in on the deep state finally

POTUS to Force Recess, Robert Kennedy Jr Exposes Fauci, Famous Boxer Exposes Hollywood Pedophiles

@00:03:13 that they're connected with the deep
@00:03:15 state why is president trump having them
@00:03:35 deep state and then eventually fired him
@00:03:45 sake to confuse the deep state to keep
@00:03:59 digging and realized what a a deep state
@00:11:59 you know the the state are in deep panic
@00:12:09 yesterday the deep state is pushing war
@00:13:12 start the deep state not the iranian
@00:13:15 people but the deep state assets within
@00:14:16 by deep state assets within china
@00:14:18 working in concert with deep state

New Q Drops: Boris Healed, Brennan Key Focus of Durham, Trump Admin Opposes Bill Gates

@00:07:16 about this is why the deep state wants
@00:09:07 traitors and part of this deep state

New Q Drops: China and Shiva, Co-Opted Drudge, POTUS Sends Mutiny Message

@00:05:53 initiative so who in bed with the deep
@00:05:55 state assets in china no surprise there
@00:07:18 literally the glue that holds these deep
@00:07:21 state players together and we just
@00:10:01 lot of these blue state governors has
@00:10:06 deep state wanted to push president
@00:13:15 deep state and this is one example of
@00:14:06 deep state foot soldiers would be
@00:14:22 apart the deep state structure so that
@00:14:31 all these deep state foot soldiers won't
@00:15:11 launched by the deep state
@00:16:07 deep state bioweapon it should be no
@00:16:34 concert with chinese deep state assets
@00:16:36 and american deep state assets and you
@00:18:15 was bio engineered by the deep state
@00:18:44 with deep state assets in china and so
@00:19:01 deep state assets in china so the
@00:19:15 these deep state players but the truth
@00:20:05 bring pain on these deep state assets

Latest Q Drop: John Brennan In Custody? Hannity Wearing Q Punisher Pin

@00:05:36 the deep state doing all their nonsense
@00:08:14 deep state assets in china for what they
@00:09:37 gonna drop because the deep state
@00:10:06 the satanic pedophiles in the deep state
@00:10:14 the theory about the deep state getting

POTUS Mentions "Plague", Flynn's New Banner, DS Power Structure Being Taken Down

@00:07:51 of the deep state and this is one proof
@00:08:13 operated by the deep state to carry out
@00:08:21 to deep state cia foreign operations
@00:10:00 four the deep state loses all targets
@00:10:10 number five the mainstream media deep
@00:10:12 state pushed their agenda of fake news
@00:10:57 the power structure of the deep state in
@00:11:37 expose the deep state number 15 durham
@00:13:46 deep state players
@00:14:02 because the deep state is watching
@00:14:28 of the deep state right now um

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:05:21 deep state assets in china working with
@00:05:23 deep state assets in the global club all
@00:07:46 democrats the deep state cabal they know
@00:15:46 bad news for the deep state and just to

New Q Drops: Bio Weapon Released by DS Will Fail, Durham's Good vs Evil Worldview

@00:01:51 that whose is tied in to the deep state
@00:02:06 for good and exposing more of a deep
@00:02:08 state and cutting off more the deep
@00:02:10 state from from us so so
@00:03:16 deep state which you know most of the
@00:03:19 deep state is comprised of the democrat
@00:03:31 old evil people who are part of the deep
@00:03:33 state they did release this bioweapon
@00:04:28 released by the deep state kovan 19 this
@00:04:53 trump but there is a huge amount of deep
@00:04:56 state assets that control china that's
@00:05:01 controls it because the deep state
@00:06:02 lawsuit that accuses the deep state in
@00:06:19 fringes of of conspirator what the deep
@00:06:22 state would call conspiracy theories
@00:09:45 the most the deep state does the
@00:10:01 same it's all part of the deep state the
@00:11:23 are he knows who the black hats and deep
@00:11:25 state people are and he will take these
@00:16:48 deep state does how do you alter potus
@00:17:33 very much part of the deep state and a
@00:18:38 part of the deep state and so that's the
@00:21:08 bioweapon launched by the deep state and
@00:21:18 because that's what the deep state says
@00:21:44 machinations of how the deep state works
@00:22:10 john durham is working on what the deep
@00:22:12 state is desperate to want to prevent
@00:22:50 and total deep state diabolical plan to
@00:23:42 nothing to do with the deep state or
@00:23:47 deep state that's who the invisible
@00:24:31 the democrats in the deep state and says
@00:24:43 wartime president going after the deep
@00:24:46 state cabal the invisible enemy so i
@00:26:49 bioweapon that the deep state launched
@00:27:05 you were the deep state would you start

POTUS Confirms Child Sex Trafficking Crackdown, Hillary Clinton Loses, COVID-19 Per Corey's Digs

@00:03:24 of this bioweapon that the deep state
@00:05:42 lot of a gen just like the deep state
@00:05:57 exposing the swamp and the deep state in
@00:11:08 released intentionally by the deep state
@00:12:34 is it because deep state is trying to
@00:13:00 power-hungry deep state thieves want to
@00:13:24 he wants you safe he's listening to deep
@00:13:27 state experts quote-unquote experts on
@00:13:41 dr. burks is ties to deep state and
@00:17:22 let's put this all together the deep
@00:17:24 state were pushing a 16 year plan and we
@00:17:51 remove the swamp the deep state is made
@00:18:06 and expose the deep state and bring them
@00:18:13 and expose the deep state and bring them
@00:18:20 the deep strait the deep state
@00:18:29 brings us to the pandemic where the deep
@00:18:31 state was going to push everything they
@00:18:48 deep state wanted to have trump locked
@00:19:17 start the narrative the deep strait the
@00:19:20 deep state mainstream media tried to
@00:19:33 ouchie dr. pouchy from the deep state in
@00:19:38 to work the deep stay is now being
@00:20:25 remove the power structure of the deep
@00:20:27 state and the cia amen 14 trump

Dow Soars as Coronavirus Slows, Human Trafficking Takedown in Detroit & Arizona, POTUS & 5G

@00:02:08 is talking about the deep state the
@00:06:52 the deep state and i think again
@00:06:59 knew was very heavily involved with deep
@00:07:01 state to sort of confuse the deep state
@00:10:15 be telegraphing to his deep state
@00:10:44 world war so are they saying is the deep
@00:10:48 state saying we're about to have another
@00:11:00 bio weapon mess that the deep state has

Playpens, Trump's Reference to 1917, Tunnels, Earthquakes, Rescued Children

@00:11:35 is talking about them the deep state so
@00:12:55 them about the deep state they're going

Checkpoints Crackdown on Child Sex Traffickers, Pedophile Prisoner of War, Flynn's Audit of Obama

@00:09:47 we had the deep state try to foolishly
@00:13:02 showing us a deep state pedophile
@00:13:11 dumbs deep underground military bases
@00:13:58 actively showing us a deep state

Trump's War on Child Sex Traffickers: From Venezuela, to the Vatican, to New York

@00:15:33 group they're all part of these deep
@00:15:35 state cabal's operating these major drug

POTUS Pink/Blue Tie, Flynn's New Banner, Scavino 10 Day Countdown, Deep State Attempts Train Crash

@00:02:24 out the deep state under the guise of
@00:02:29 military arm of the deep state the two
@00:02:41 was originally the deep state plan to
@00:03:02 help the deep state and he's doing he's
@00:03:30 he's taking down the deep state foot
@00:03:38 taken down the deep state's not going to
@00:03:42 deep foot they're deep state foot
@00:04:24 down these deep state foot soldiers you
@00:08:55 coming yeah the the the deep state
@00:09:01 shut down so here we have a deep state
@00:10:57 take out a lot of these deep state foot

Mercy & Comfort, Rescuing Children, DUMBS, Earthquakes, Trump Launches Counter-Narcotics Operations

@00:05:54 deep state foot soldiers like we saw a
@00:06:36 the military will be rescuing from deep
@00:06:38 state child traffickers apparently there

Expectations for Next 30 Days: Coronavirus, the Deep State, Q, POTUS, Sealed Indictments

@00:02:13 then he said if they the deep state are
@00:03:47 deep state as soon as he was inaugurated
@00:04:20 of high profile rest of the deep state
@00:04:37 deep state vicious monsters that they
@00:04:57 protect us against the deep state paid
@00:05:13 interconnected nature of the deep state
@00:09:04 deep state knows they could exploit they
@00:10:23 rioting or the deep state being able to

Iowa Bill to Remove CPS, FBI FISA Corruption Exposed Even More, My Pillow CEO Urges Bible Reading

@00:09:59 light and as much as the deep state may
@00:12:45 nefarious deep state plans that they've
@00:12:48 launched the deep state is launched in

Durham's Ambush, Deep State Engineering Coronavirus in 2015, Seth Rich, Fauci Admits Vaccines Hurt

@00:01:30 by the deep state to try to disrupt all
@00:01:45 destroy the structure of the deep state
@00:02:42 coronavirus and what the deep state has
@00:03:59 be surprised that the deep state lost a
@00:04:15 videos warning about the deep state
@00:05:26 hidden from the deep state so we just
@00:06:12 bolster that deep state narrative that
@00:06:25 course we know why the deep state wants
@00:06:42 journalist caught the deep state
@00:09:59 the deep state they were working on this
@00:10:56 emails between fbi deep state lovers
@00:12:21 of the all of the corruption in the deep
@00:12:24 state cabal we know that seth rich was
@00:13:26 part of the deep state that i think
@00:13:47 confuse the deep state and then removed
@00:16:19 this is planted by them by the deep
@00:16:21 state to get people to spread it and
@00:16:50 was fake news that was the deep state

Daily New US Coronavirus Cases Fall, Empty NY and LA Hospitals, POTUS Pushes Back Date to April 30th

@00:04:05 defang or declaw the deep state by
@00:05:13 china and the deep state to take down
@00:05:21 and the deep state to prolong
@00:14:09 or that's just confusion of the deep
@00:14:10 state but um
@00:15:07 when the deep state deployed their covet
@00:18:18 of the deep state that would have caused

End the Fed, Navy Ships, Cheyenne Mountain, Reserves Activated, Dylan's 17 Minute Song, Prayers

@00:06:29 said the deep state got the kennedy
@00:06:48 trump outwitted the deep state because
@00:06:55 money that they would send to their deep
@00:06:58 state cabal tied to the kennedy center

USNS Comfort & Haiti, USN Watkins Ghost Detainee Ship, Police Raid Elite LA Neighborhood, DS Threats

@00:07:43 agenda of the deep state they want to
@00:10:46 china is largely controlled by deep
@00:10:49 state assets and they're the ones that
@00:10:56 america a deep state asset and bill
@00:10:58 gates a deep state asset america in
@00:11:20 communist deep state cabal that's in
@00:11:34 quote-unquote hidden enemy the deep
@00:11:36 state so i think this is very very
@00:14:48 what the deep state the mainstream media

DOJ Indicts Maduro, Vatican Worker & NBC CEO Have Coronavirus, Deep State vs Trump

@00:06:41 deep state players have been floating 18
@00:07:02 so the deep state has this agenda where
@00:07:09 here's another deep state agenda this is
@00:08:49 would keep them safe and clear the deep
@00:08:51 state wants this panic to continue they
@00:11:49 deep state is trying to use coronavirus
@00:13:20 deep state is trying to use this as a
@00:13:52 deep state whose lifeblood is the
@00:17:08 brings back home the agenda of the deep
@00:17:11 state i know a lot of people who are new
@00:17:41 happening for decades and the deep state

POTUS, April 12th, Q Drop 79, Flynn's Yellow Sky, Google GITMO

@00:14:15 you know the the deep state is also

JFK's Grandchildren singing Timber, Prince Charles, Patriot Boomerang

@00:12:11 because of the deep state wanting to
@00:13:41 so we see how the deep state the
@00:15:42 not even this bioweapon that the deep
@00:15:45 state attempted to unleash upon the

USNS Mercy/Comfort, Fauci Loves Hillary, Kevin Bacon Warns

@00:07:55 doctor fowey he seems like a deep state
@00:07:59 was talking about the deep state and
@00:09:57 talking about the deep state another

Army Officer & White Rabbit, China Organ Harvesting, CIA Split Into 1000 Pieces

@00:07:44 right we have the deep state agenda that
@00:08:13 the deep state in many ways i'll post a

Madonna Sings Pasta, Ohio Abortions Cease, David Spade Panic, Deep State vs Patriot Agenda

@00:04:59 the deep state was pretty successful in
@00:05:06 the deep state agenda that wants to
@00:05:27 deep state foot soldiers to prevent you

Blockades on Runways, Ellen Degeneres Codes to Tom Hanks, Playboy Shuts Down

@00:03:42 qi went around the deep state to give it
@00:05:22 deep state when china does have deep
@00:05:25 state assets in it just like the united
@00:05:27 states has deep state assets in it just
@00:05:29 like iran has deep state's assets in it
@00:08:04 deep say this was a couple years ago the
@00:08:06 deep state attempted to launch a missile
@00:11:10 other deep state assets worked with deep
@00:11:13 a deep state assets in china to concoct
@00:11:34 deep state and to initiate the beginning

deleted 100% Cure for Coronavirus, Hanks & Bar Code Door, ID2020 Mark of the Beast

@00:01:22 is talking about the deep state he's
@00:01:31 out all the foot soldiers for the deep
@00:01:33 state in the cartels and the crime

Florida Pedophile Ring Destroyed, Adrenochrome, Quake Damages Mormon Temple, Omaha Radio Hanks Rumor

@00:08:55 about hanks and madonna and other deep
@00:08:58 state cabal members again communicating

Trump Unlocks Google, Madonna & Hanks, Fake News Praises Trump, Durham Probe Update

@00:01:16 about the deep state he's talking about
@00:06:18 deep state operation cbs news said this
@00:08:19 now all of these deep state players in
@00:08:40 they knew the deep state playbook they
@00:09:14 prevent the deep state from causing
@00:09:58 so let's pray against the deep state
@00:12:49 with bringing it down the deep state and
@00:12:59 steps that the deep state would try to
@00:14:04 again stopping the deep state from

deleted Hidden Enemy, COVID-19 vs The Flu, Alex Jones Sues POTUS, Satanic Museum Shuts Down!

@00:01:16 deep state that is what he's
@00:01:35 hidden enemy indeed and that is the deep
@00:01:37 state the satanic pedophiles not this
@00:09:50 and says all it takes to expose a deep
@00:09:52 state puppet put in place to steer
@00:16:35 enemy we're fighting the deep state i
@00:16:39 i believe he's talking about the deep
@00:16:41 state the satanic pedophiles this is the

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:01:38 this was hatched by the deep state when
@00:01:45 of course we know it's a deep state
@00:01:50 conjunction with deep state assets in
@00:02:33 of these operatives all of these deep
@00:02:36 state foot soldiers we see what's
@00:03:08 deep state foot soldiers and then phase
@00:08:38 even though there's a lot of deep state
@00:09:03 a deep state too that is teamed up with
@00:09:05 our cia and deep state bad actors the
@00:11:53 that was started by the deep state it's
@00:15:58 deep state foot soldiers low-level male
@00:16:02 here but deep state foot soldiers that
@00:16:24 process that these deep states foot
@00:16:30 the deep state the satanic pedophile

POTUS Press Conference, Madonna & Coronavirus, Sex Worker Industry Being Destroyed

@00:01:43 he said the deep state will have been
@00:02:03 i think the deep state would love to
@00:02:23 the deep state and that's the best way
@00:04:33 deep state and this really has nothing
@00:04:43 virus was hatched by the deep state but
@00:05:22 so again just more proof that the deep
@00:05:25 state planned this whole coronavirus
@00:06:59 game of the deep state is to try to
@00:07:06 what the deep state is looking to do and
@00:08:04 all theater this is all the deep state
@00:08:07 in china playing against the deep state

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:01:18 white hats and the deep state it was
@00:01:52 hundreds of thousands of deep state foot
@00:02:11 these deep state foot soldiers which is
@00:02:27 defamed declawed the deep state so they

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:01:50 the deep state would try to use to as an
@00:03:19 just current and that at least the deep
@00:03:22 state assets that controlled china
@00:03:24 remember china has even more deep state
@00:03:33 they along with i'm sure american deep
@00:03:37 state assets created this biological
@00:03:49 the usa deep state blue states will
@00:03:54 this is the deep state plan and then and
@00:04:41 repeat so this is sort of the deep state
@00:05:15 before the deep state can initiate the 1
@00:06:26 the deep state plan of hospitals getting
@00:09:38 the deep state has or had it still has
@00:10:19 now i think that the the deep state is
@00:10:24 the deep state excuse me i think
@00:10:30 the deep state that was shown through
@00:10:38 we've seen the deep state assets being
@00:11:27 soldiers the foot soldiers for the deep
@00:11:29 state seem to be what's being taken out
@00:11:51 of the deep state i'm more measured
@00:13:09 the deep state launched this coronavirus
@00:13:16 operation to take out deep state foot
@00:13:40 to confuse the deep state bar was very
@00:14:44 the deep state was doing and then what
@00:15:59 it's these satanic pedophiles these deep
@00:16:03 state players trying to use kroehner
@00:17:08 by deep state assets in china the deep
@00:17:13 state has this 1 through 10 plan but
@00:21:09 the deep state by preventing hospitals
@00:21:31 foot soldiers of the deep state but i'm

Military Insider Was Right: China Blames USA for Coronavirus, Disney Shut Down, Mass Arrests?

@00:01:12 lay out both the deep state agenda and
@00:01:33 through 2019 was showing that the deep
@00:01:37 state wants to play the card of
@00:01:50 ultimate end game of what the deep state
@00:01:56 they want deep state assets in china to
@00:03:21 here is yes there were deep state assets
@00:06:51 see the deep state agenda they're trying
@00:07:20 deep state agenda but now let's talk
@00:08:10 yes was indeed started by the deep state
@00:12:26 cartel the cartel serves as a deep state
@00:12:29 as deep state foot soldiers they're
@00:12:56 for the deep state and it looks like
@00:13:45 throw off the deep state all right have
@00:14:25 know is that the deep state has their
@00:15:01 that's being manufactured by the deep
@00:15:02 state you should always have
@00:15:23 deep state in their plans and what
@00:19:46 exposing the deep state all the stuff i

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:01:38 never let a good crisis go to waste deep
@00:01:41 state love the quote election virus
@00:02:36 has been from the deep state the corona
@00:02:44 so this is all calculated by the deep
@00:02:48 state we know tom hanks so i've talked
@00:03:36 big deep state propaganda network that
@00:04:02 pence is also part of the deep state and
@00:04:08 corona virus deep state fiasco right
@00:08:38 being used by the deep state cabal to
@00:09:57 knew the deep state playbook they knew
@00:10:05 exactly what the deep states doing
@00:10:06 they're letting the deep state play this
@00:11:57 deep state in the cabal to use this
@00:13:07 20:20 so these deep state cabal they
@00:14:45 exactly what the deep state is trying to

Field McConnell RELEASED, Craigslist Child Sex Trafficking, CA Gov Praises POTUS

@00:03:50 mean they're pretty deep state but they
@00:04:54 conference so this very liberal deep
@00:04:57 state you know governor of california

Weinstein 23 Years in Prison, Exposing More Hoax Panic over Coronavirus, Naval Institute Confirms Q

@00:08:09 march so the deep state they are
@00:13:25 this massive fraud that the deep state
@00:13:32 the deep state to know anything about

deleted Doctors Slam Media Coronavirus Panic, Protesters Surround Pornhub HQ, Ex-NFL Star Praises Trump

@00:06:17 i think that's what the deep state hope
@00:06:37 the economy with the deep state or the
@00:06:40 deep state try to do this back in 2019
@00:08:08 out to be then the deep state has lost
@00:08:53 think that this is again the deep state
@00:11:06 candidate that the deep state really is
@00:11:15 the the ultimate d class until the deep
@00:11:18 state finishes with their plans and
@00:17:35 the satanic pedophiles all the deep
@00:17:38 state players i want to read this out
@00:17:59 one of these deep state satanic
@00:19:23 battle the deep state you know they're

Afghanistan US Troops Start Coming Home, Justice for Ohio Pedophiles, New Q Drops

@00:01:03 deep state is making to just incite fear
@00:03:00 think this is a reason why the deep
@00:03:02 state is so desperate to clog the news
@00:04:13 that's happening well again the deep
@00:04:15 state doesn't want the american public

Staged Coronavirus, Q's Death Blossom, When to Play The Trump Card

@00:01:11 deep state released out in wuhan china
@00:01:13 but the mainstream media and the deep
@00:01:16 state they are making way bigger a deal
@00:02:13 actress being being employed by the deep
@00:02:16 state at all these different costco's to
@00:04:18 staged by the deep state here's some
@00:05:53 deep state control big tech companies
@00:10:57 nail in the hammer for the deep state
@00:11:29 really and the deep state knows that joe
@00:12:16 think the deep state really is convinced
@00:12:55 class until the deep state has this all
@00:13:23 deep state to put both hillary and

Border Wall Update, Company Harvests Young Blood, Black Pastor Exposes Planned Parenthood & HRC

@00:01:16 a big portion of the deep state cabal's
@00:06:31 deep state transactions that they're
@00:18:59 too much and was murdered by the deep
@00:19:01 state he was a true american patriot
@00:19:56 the deep state

Mayor Pete Helps Biden, Spielberg's Daughter Arrested, Comcast Pushing Teen Themed Porn

@00:06:43 deep state does not want bernie sanders
@00:06:57 but the deep state the swamp they
@00:08:11 about is called this arm the deep state
@00:08:32 the candidates from disarm to state
@00:08:34 among the candidates dis are on the deep
@00:08:36 state says it will support as joanne
@00:08:54 quote part of the satanic deep state
@00:09:42 by the deep state to depopulate which is
@00:10:57 protesting frances deep state government

Oprah & Madonna Fall, Collins Promises Criminal Charges Durham Probe, US & Taliban Peace Deal

@00:05:56 endless wars that the deep state cabal
@00:08:09 ratcliffe confirms obama deep state was
@00:09:06 to be coming against the deep state and
@00:09:08 exposing the deep state it's a beautiful

Dow Plunges, Pope Struck With Coronavirus? Deep State Intends To Bring The Whole Thing Down

@00:02:37 coronavirus the deep state is really
@00:04:14 about and so the deep state having
@00:06:21 by the deep state people in in the
@00:06:30 a 1980 because the deep state this is
@00:07:01 the threat that the deep state is hoping
@00:07:45 the deep state this is the deep state
@00:10:00 coronavirus play by the deep state to
@00:13:30 end so the deep state is going to do

Several CEOs Step down, Trump Can Now Withhold Funds From Sanctuary Cities & States

@00:09:27 in order to confuse the deep state
@00:09:38 throw the deep state off but here again
@00:11:28 causing a lot of headaches for the deep
@00:11:30 state because you think about the deep
@00:11:31 state keeps saying oh this coronavirus
@00:12:05 the deep state is losing and president
@00:13:13 january at 2019 and that deep state has

Obama Whistleblower Found Dead, UK Independent Exposes Westminster Pedophilia, Lieber's Coronavirus

@00:02:44 know these terrorists are deep state
@00:02:51 war which is what the deep state thrives
@00:04:17 out a deep state staged suicide an act
@00:10:44 face trial he will expose the deep state
@00:10:57 testify against the deep state and he
@00:12:08 the deep state is they want basically
@00:12:13 then the the deep state assets in china
@00:12:34 american it was concocted by deep state
@00:13:58 libre guy he is the deep state poster
@00:14:13 with the research and work with the deep
@00:14:16 state assets and china to then release
@00:14:19 originated from the deep state and it
@00:15:30 that was obviously a deep state
@00:16:09 prevent the deep state from trying to

Weinstein Found Guilty, Coronavirus Means Arrests Are Imminent

@00:02:49 military insider warned that the deep
@00:02:51 state was going to try to unleash a
@00:03:46 bio weapon that's being used by the deep
@00:03:48 state and pete has sent me some more
@00:04:31 the deep state players that paid
@00:04:53 that was where they the deep state was
@00:05:01 time remember what the deep state
@00:06:16 the deep state plans i do not have the
@00:06:34 deep state booster shot per se to help
@00:06:41 worldwide the deep state needs something
@00:06:47 society to be in turmoil so the deep
@00:06:49 state can continue to cause massive
@00:07:01 the important thing is that the deep
@00:07:02 state was threatening than this deadman
@00:07:27 the deep state is working with other
@00:07:29 deep state factions in china against qi
@00:07:53 with the help of the deep state they
@00:08:17 the deep state went ahead with the
@00:08:19 release deep state has has no choice at
@00:08:44 the deep state has released the

Riverside Q Conference Video Recording

@00:04:44 remember what the deep state threatened
@00:05:48 captured have talked and given up deep
@00:05:50 state plans i do not have all the
@00:06:05 operation los angeles that was a deep
@00:06:07 state booster shot per se to help the
@00:06:15 of the bio worldwide the deep state
@00:06:22 or society to be in turmoil so deep
@00:06:25 state so the deep state can continue to
@00:06:38 again is that the deep state was
@00:07:11 three the deep state working with other
@00:07:14 deep state factions in china against qi
@00:07:37 of the deep state they will blame the
@00:07:56 arrests are going down and deep state
@00:07:58 went ahead with the release deep state
@00:10:02 deep state they they're trying to do a
@00:24:55 sort of the thing but the deep state
@00:26:59 evil state but it's it's basically been
@00:27:02 a bastion for the deep state for a very
@00:28:35 jewel of deep state

Riverside Q Conference Livestream

@00:00:52 are helping him and taking down the deep
@00:00:54 state the satanic pedophiles and all the

Obama's Blago Subpoena, Dean Koontz Novel Predicted Wuhan Coronavirus, Carman's Trump Song

@00:06:57 conspiracy a supposed secret deep state
@00:12:00 and was an attempt the deep state was
@00:12:10 this was hatched by the deep state
@00:14:13 he's part of the deep state just like a
@00:14:40 they're all part of the deep state and i

Latest Dem Attempt to Falsely Accuse Trump Fails

@00:01:37 deep state bureaucracy immediately

Illinois Pedophile Ring Smashed, Trump Threatens to Sue Mueller Investigation, PA Victory

@00:03:18 fraudulent witch-hunt conducted by deep
@00:03:20 state dirty cop robert mueller and his
@00:04:13 the deep state gets cold feet this was

Correcting Yesterday's Video Re: Blagojevich, Dems Destroy Each Other, More Q Drops

@00:05:51 deep state cabal and will expose all the
@00:14:46 the nefarious deeds of the deep state it

Blagojevich & Obama, Deep State Demands Barr Resign, Bloomberg & Epstein

@00:02:46 joanna tweeted this out he said deep
@00:02:48 state mind control tactic number 3231
@00:03:40 the deep state
@00:03:41 well if he's part of the deep state if
@00:03:43 he's really part of the deep state why
@00:03:46 are all the people in the deep state
@00:10:45 secret meetings at the vatican with deep
@00:10:48 state lieutenant

Soros Ordered Obama to Investigate Trump, Volunteers in Ohio Combat Sex Trafficking

@00:07:10 deep state biological weapon hatched by
@00:07:13 deep state evil people - and and i still
@00:07:40 in prayer particularly against the deep
@00:07:43 state assets that seem to be working

Corey Feldman to Expose Hollywood Pedophiles, Nygard Canadian Clothing Manufacturer Faces Pedo Suit

@00:13:35 the storm will pass we the deep state
@00:14:01 and all these deep state idiots they are

DOJ Opens New Investigation into Comey, McCabe, Strzok

@00:15:14 concocted by the deep state now my
@00:16:16 deep state definitely wanted that and

Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

@00:02:45 involved in the corruption those deep
@00:02:48 state bureaucrats who abuse their power
@00:03:23 and many other current and former deep
@00:03:26 state officials responsible for the

McCabe Will Face Justice, Durham After Brennan, Barr & Trump Theater

@00:08:01 was all theater to confuse the deep
@00:08:02 state we know from cue that jeff
@00:08:36 cause the media to cause the deep state
@00:11:54 because we know the deep state reads q

New Trove of Epstein Files Released, GOP to Investigate Hunter Biden, Huge Victory in South Dakota

@00:06:20 taking down the deep state taking down
@00:08:11 to increase the power of the deep state
@00:09:49 ultra ultra deep state he's written this
@00:10:29 zuckerberg the deep state fighting

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus & Tweets "State of Kansas" Q Proof, Schiff in Full Panic Mode!

@00:04:03 criminal deep state who are now locked
@00:05:42 deep state has suffered tremendous
@00:15:51 hoax was the final block that the deep
@00:15:54 state had to throw up in the way of
@00:16:01 desperate that's why the deep state is

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:01:14 by the deep state i believe it's largely
@00:02:37 feeling that they referring to the deep
@00:02:40 state created this corona hiv outbreak
@00:03:28 pandemic as it is a means for the deep
@00:03:31 state and the cabal to make money okay
@00:06:43 is a a fabricated engineered deep state
@00:07:17 how the deep state was gonna release
@00:07:46 damaging testimony in the senate deep
@00:07:49 state and panic now all right so he's
@00:09:45 this is a deep state deep state run type

POTUS: Eradicate Human Trafficking, Father Rebukes Drag Queen, Brennan's Ukraine Holocaust

@00:09:10 this is why the cia and deep state
@00:09:17 why the deep state and the cia do not

Biden Linked to Whistleblower, 42% Black Support for Trump, Netflix the Keepers, Riverside Q Conf.

@00:04:12 to be a deep state shell he was
@00:05:42 show the difference between a deep state
@00:05:45 and a deep fake as opposed to something
@00:06:40 fabrication by the deep state very
@00:08:00 impeachment of the deep state so if
@00:12:13 matter what what the deep state agenda

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:11:27 so it doesn't give the deep state the

Deep State on Trial, Mexico Pays for Trump's Wall, Kobe Bryant's Date of Assassination

@00:02:11 seems to be an appeasement of the deep
@00:02:12 state
@00:03:16 put on trial we are seeing the deep
@00:03:18 state be put on trial this is a
@00:04:36 comey strock calling all the deep state
@00:04:58 senate all they all the deep state got

Coronavirus Fear Mongering, Kobe Bryant Connected to Epstein & Clinton Foundation

@00:01:51 judicial watch sue's on alleged deep
@00:01:54 state spine on the trump family and
@00:03:08 deep state on trial it's going to turn
@00:03:10 into the impeachment of the deep state
@00:05:34 the entire deep state playbook they

Trump Lawyers Shred Schiff, Coronavirus Cured, Deep State On The Run

@00:15:17 patriots and pray against the deep state

Q Marker Coronavirus, Flynn Update, Pompeo's Tweet & Q State Funeral

@00:00:59 coronavirus that i believe is a deep
@00:01:02 state ploy to try to stop the patriots
@00:01:50 the deep state was going to try to do
@00:01:54 deep state was going to use and so
@00:03:37 obvious the deep state is orchestrating

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:01:51 saying that this is the deep state but
@00:01:56 changes the deep state is out of wind no
@00:03:06 obviously the deep state is making a big
@00:05:09 2019 about the deep state wanting to
@00:05:38 suggesting to me is is the deep state
@00:05:49 that this is manufactured by the deep
@00:05:51 state trying to benefit at least on a
@00:06:05 definitely this is the deep state and
@00:08:11 pray pray pray because the deep state i
@00:08:40 about the deep state manufacturing
@00:09:47 this virus that i believe the deep state

Q: The Shot Heard Around the World

@00:01:55 some sort of powder keg for the deep
@00:01:57 state to turn it into a civil war and i
@00:02:17 from this very very corrupt blue state
@00:02:25 maybe the deep state wanted they wanted
@00:03:15 these deep state people that have tried
@00:03:22 trial we're gonna see the deep state put
@00:03:37 beginning of the end for the deep state
@00:09:15 we still are dealing with a lot of deep
@00:09:19 state deep state type of workings and

False Flag Jan 20th Richmond, Queen of Illuminati Targets Me?

@00:01:24 plans for the deep state cabal to try to
@00:01:48 2020 where richmond virginia who deep
@00:01:52 state plus virginia state government fbi
@00:03:10 operation goes deep real deep
@00:03:12 after all it's a deep state that's
@00:07:25 consider deep state that we would
@00:07:28 consider powerful in the deep state

Disney Demons, VA Governor Declares Emergency, Mark Levin Follows Q

@00:10:37 use this rally as it means as the deep
@00:10:40 state to spark some sort of civil war
@00:10:48 is all deep state rhetoric this is all
@00:10:51 the deep state trying to put a bad light
@00:11:06 praying about because again the deep
@00:11:08 state according to my military insider
@00:11:10 pete the deep state knows that our
@00:11:12 achilles heel is civil war is the deep
@00:11:16 state trying to take advantage of the
@00:14:03 unrest or civil war that again the deep
@00:14:05 state would try to take advantage of

64 People Show Up Fort Myers Q Conference!

@00:27:32 said oh well they're basically the deep
@00:27:33 state really pissed and so they're
@00:27:38 is a evidently a really really big deep
@00:27:42 state area you know once we have area 51

Iranian People Want Peace, Wall News, 21 Cadets Expelled for Child Porn, Iran Revival

@00:02:07 against the deep state elements within
@00:03:54 i can't continue to promote these deep
@00:03:57 state lies these lies that the iranian
@00:05:04 map that's what all the deep state

Iranian People Protest Ayatollah, POTUS Tweets Farsi, Vaccines Fail Again, Origins of Public Schools

@00:01:51 people are protesting against the deep
@00:01:54 state government that rules over them
@00:02:05 through with this deep state cabal

Obama Paid Iranian Missiles Result? Zero US Casualties

@00:05:33 korea because the deep state has been

Iran, The Deep State & Trump's Plan for Peace

@00:03:28 the deep state assets in iran just like
@00:03:34 remove the deep state assets in north
@00:03:38 and bribes from their deep state assets
@00:03:44 trump is taking those deep state assets
@00:04:45 or iranian deep state iranian controlled
@00:06:53 despite deep state efforts to scrub
@00:11:09 cracking down on the deep state assets
@00:13:24 iranian layman does not want this deep
@00:13:26 state government that they're under they
@00:16:56 out these deep state assets that are

Graham Hints About Iran Bio Weapon, Golden Globe Gervais Monologue More Views Than Actual Show

@00:01:20 a cia / mossad asset a deep state asset
@00:01:31 be used by the deep state to spark a

Ron Paul Attacks President Trump Over Missile Strike

@00:04:57 general who's a deep state cia asset in
@00:05:32 taking out the deep state assets that
@00:05:37 just like there are deep state assets
@00:05:40 there are deep state assets embedded in
@00:05:45 are deep state assets embedded in the
@00:05:49 president trump is taking those deep sea
@00:05:51 state assets out and he took a huge one
@00:07:36 your deep state assets with your cia and
@00:07:38 mossad deep state assets that are
@00:07:52 make sure that these deep state assets
@00:08:10 deep state assets that are embedded in

Iran General Soleimani Possessed Bio Weapon & Trump Destroyed Him

@00:01:21 how the blue state very deep state cabal
@00:03:34 possibly be used by the deep state for
@00:08:36 again the deep state seems to be going
@00:11:20 he is a deep state asset he's one of the
@00:11:23 deep state assets that the cia that the
@00:11:30 was that he was he was a deep state
@00:11:35 major deep state asset out because
@00:16:39 that this deep state asset this general
@00:16:42 soleimani a deep state asset in iran hat
@00:17:20 deep state the cia the mossad of the
@00:17:22 deep state all across the world
@00:17:30 deep state does because a world war

Abcug Set Free, 1332 CEOs Step Down in 2019, Mother Theresa Implicated Again in Pedophilia

@00:04:06 the deep state do not want to hand over
@00:04:52 completely expose the deep state it
@00:04:56 deep state so this is why they're

POTUS Exposes Pelosi, Virginia Causing Militias Explosive Growth Across USA, Moves & Countermoves

@00:10:06 against and that is that the deep state
@00:10:17 quite a bit too that the deep state
@00:10:42 detrimental to the plan if the deep
@00:10:46 state were able to somehow take
@00:11:04 him and despises him so the deep state
@00:11:33 that the deep state is not able to stage
@00:11:43 saying that they would have deep state
@00:13:00 least one of the planes that the deep
@00:13:01 state cabal has to try to prevent the
@00:13:56 an impeachment of the deep state so they
@00:14:22 deep state hallelujah speaking of joe
@00:15:22 in the last three years the deep state

Massive Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally Jan 20th, Planned Parenthood Pushes Sex Ed on Elementary School

@00:02:35 concerned about however is that the deep
@00:02:38 state may use this event to put in some
@00:02:59 deep state is not able to use anything
@00:03:16 deep state may try to use that biotech

Fake DS NK Missile Launch Scare, POTUS Tweets Qanon Account, Romney Tied to Epstein

@00:01:50 trump catch the deep state in an attempt
@00:02:09 looks like the deep state attempted to
@00:02:34 bypassed the deep state assets that were
@00:02:49 the korean war so again the deep state
@00:03:09 that the deep state is foiled in their
@00:04:11 and the so called deep state who trump
@00:05:17 and the so called deep state who trump

Pete Military Insider: Virginia Bio Tech Park, 2nd Spacey Accuser Dies, Watergate is Pedogate

@00:02:55 deep state would love would love to rip
@00:03:50 connected to the deep state cabal we

False Flag Civil War in Virginia, Bethel Attempting to Raise Girl From the Dead, Bill Gates Vaccines

@00:01:18 be thinking but deep state democrats are
@00:02:24 national guard but what the way the deep
@00:02:28 state works is they would try to put
@00:03:51 against any attempts of the deep state
@00:03:57 would really be nothing but a deep state
@00:04:12 being used by the deep state henchmen in

Putin On Impeachment, Virginia National Guard Promises to Defy Gov, Major MI Human Trafficking Sting

@00:12:45 obviously the deep state is the one that
@00:12:48 wants civil war the deep state is the

Mormon $100 Billion Scandal, Millionaire Arrested for Child Porn, Pope & Pontifical Secret

@00:03:26 deep state they're part of the cabal and

Pelosi Stalls, POTUS Exposes Phony Impeachment Hoax, Q Points Toward Supreme Court

@00:04:42 comey and all these deep state players
@00:12:25 to me it's very obvious that the deep
@00:12:27 state is using ruth bader ginsburg as
@00:12:52 the deep state is using this
@00:18:25 the point where the deep state keeps

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:29:29 for the deep state so for them to lose

Comey Admits Wrongdoing, POTUS Calls for Comey Jailtime, Q 1:29pm

@00:03:13 wallace at all he's big-time deep state

WI Pedophile Ring Smashed, Vatican Promoting Homosexuality, New Q Drops

@00:11:07 taking down these deep state actors that

Trump Wins Either Way, 124 Arrested Major Fl Pedophile Ring Busted, Ukraine's Human Trafficking

@00:01:42 played out and all is forgiven and deep
@00:01:44 state just keeps on keeping on your
@00:02:21 the deep state that will want to murder
@00:02:28 these who are going after these deep
@00:02:30 state criminals they have to go after
@00:02:42 they can to take down these deep state
@00:03:51 struck all these deep state players and
@00:03:56 an impeachment of the deep state right

Trump's Poll Numbers Skyrocket, Comey Hiding, Shazam 2 Pedophile Agent

@00:02:00 into an impeachment of the deep state

Impeachment Hypocrisy, Sedatives Used on Toddlers, Schiff & the Mossad, NJ Victory

@00:11:25 they're both deep state actors they're

YouTube Demonitizes Me, Comey/Corney IG Report, Barr Says Late Spring 2020 for Durham Report

@00:04:39 about the deep state targeting the truck
@00:13:07 evidence the deep state has complete
@00:17:19 entire deep state that has been

Trump, Barr, Durham Response to IG Report: Day of Reckoning Draws Near!

@00:05:13 pedophiles these deep state actors and

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:01:26 that on d5 because the deep state use
@00:08:05 all deep state misinformation and
@00:08:35 i'm sure there's a lot of deep state
@00:09:07 want that so the deep state made sure he
@00:09:09 died and the deep state executed they
@00:09:34 the deep state and so one thing that's
@00:40:42 says well the illuminati the deep state

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:02:04 still texas is a red state what's
@00:02:13 deep state they're doing everything they
@00:23:49 the deep state off kilter and again that
@00:24:17 to trick the deep state to put them off
@00:32:06 the state final these establishing all
@00:32:16 so america has been a long time deep
@00:32:19 state cabal place where they an alibi
@00:32:54 deep state places like antarctica one
@00:33:05 murdered by the deep state trans made it
@00:42:21 the internet that the deep state took it
@00:45:04 nazi deep state people and they go out

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:09:43 that the deep state was holding over
@00:13:43 satanic pedophilia in the state of
@00:13:45 indiana now that's the deep sort of red
@00:25:04 have area 51 which has been a big deep
@00:25:06 state cabal for decades
@00:25:27 hard hardened deep state state that they
@00:26:12 recently and that is how come the deep
@00:26:15 state whether it was through the rush
@00:26:30 disaster for the deep state it wouldn't
@00:30:59 basically deep state clowns that are
@00:38:52 turn into an impeachment of the deep
@00:38:54 state with everyone watching so you know

Biden Sick Pedophile, Amazon Children Books To Summon Demons

@00:15:00 even worse and even more deep state than

Trump Crushes Lisa Page, Joe Biden Insane, Pope, Islam Pedophile Symbols, CPS Treachery

@00:05:11 made by the deep state by the satanic
@00:05:28 because it was just deep state
@00:20:01 deep state finally admitting that ruth

Anti Vaccine Hero Found Dead, Dustin Nemos Exposed, Hillary Clinton Tweets Her Love for Vaccines

@00:11:47 need to pray that the deep state is not
@00:12:15 there the deep state does that to send
@00:13:48 deep state and then of course i saw hugh

Q Drops Official Secrets, Tom Cruise & Kutcher Caught In Ukraine Scandal, Pizzagate & Ben Swann

@00:05:09 gonna hold water for the deep state and
@00:06:57 the satanic pedophiles in the deep state
@00:10:29 president trump himself because the deep
@00:10:31 state really thought they had president
@00:11:19 exposed the deep state in so many

Part 1 of 5: Tour of Juneau, Alaska with John & Jeff

@00:40:03 the deep state cabal got cats they've

Kanye West Performs with Satanist Where Bible is Burned, Q Drops & Ukraine Trap Springs on Cabal

@00:06:46 the patriots the deep state thought aha
@00:08:41 down on the entire deep state all

Kanye West Halloween, Schiff Friend Rapes 9 Year Old Girl, Bill Clinton Raped 8 Year Old Boy, RBG

@00:08:00 hillary just escaped the deep state
@00:08:14 it looked like the deep state was
@00:09:57 the deep state doesn't get her and she's
@00:10:39 american public up because the deep
@00:10:41 state is about to finally use their ruth
@00:14:04 remember ukraine the deep state thought
@00:15:21 deep state even though they're desperate

Satanic Pedophilia Downtown Juneau Alaska Image, Kanye West Unplugged, George Soros Custody

@00:04:24 dollars that he's using to back the deep
@00:04:28 state the cabal and according to my navy
@00:11:30 right now obviously the deep state the

Trump Assassination Attempt, Kanye West Opera, Amazon Pedophile Shirt Pulled

@00:01:05 the deep state as a poster child to

Q: Harvest Crop, Impeachment Circus, Prince Andrew Pizzagate, My X-Fiance's Own Words

@00:02:01 you know the deep state took down hn and
@00:03:33 again he's talking about how these deep
@00:03:36 state actors these satanic pedophiles

President Trump: Impeachment Inquiry Now Dead!!!!

@00:08:08 if this might be a message from the deep
@00:08:10 state in relation to that as again i
@00:08:51 and remember the deep state does like to
@00:09:04 every single dumb deep underground
@00:09:10 the deep state and they did they're
@00:09:55 a major deep state cabal site for

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Suddenly ill: Navy Intel Source Right Again

@00:02:35 then the deep state burned her cadaver
@00:05:02 impeachment of the deep state so it
@00:07:48 like one of the last cards that the deep
@00:07:50 state has to use this is why they've

Q Conference Richmond Virginia: First 30 Minutes of 5 Hour Conference

@00:24:17 would have a deep state knows that and
@00:24:44 does happen no matter what the deep
@00:24:45 state tries to do to incite civil unrest
@00:25:19 the deep state would be able to so use

Rockefeller Turned By Yah, Satanism Broken, Williamsburg Used to Exalt Yah

@00:01:16 rockefeller it's a deep state

Sacha Stone, Moloch in Rome, Disneyland Tunnels, Female Pedophiles, Field McConnell Update

@00:17:25 for the deep state and the cia now even

Reactivate StormIsUponUs, Brian Houston, Hillsong Satanic Pedophilia, Will Ferrell,Lance Wallnau NAR

@00:06:37 was a deep state and yet yesterday
@00:06:42 disclosed that in fact the deep state is
@00:06:49 daily beast calm the deep state
@00:06:56 as a deep state and yeah in fact x-22
@00:07:05 thank god for the deep state they just

Q Drop 3574, 93 Days Dark, Durham, The Finders, Exposing Hagmann, Quayle, Taylor, Wells, A Jones

@00:04:54 show to confuse the deep state jeff
@00:05:23 confuse the deep state and i did it
@00:05:40 of course the deep state wound up
@00:05:56 1960s by the deep state cabal that his

First Q Drops, StormIsUponUs Bids Farewell, Human Trafficking Ring Destroyed, Homosexuals Repent DC

@00:04:28 the other side as the deep state
@00:05:04 the deep state satanic pedophiles that

The Breaking & Shattering of Halloween

@00:07:25 down the deep state cabal and make no
@00:07:27 mistake the deep state cabal is going to

Julian Assange Victory

@00:01:52 deep state and holder of the keys to
@00:02:16 and deep state goons out there saying oh
@00:10:02 korea deep state continues to launch
@00:10:59 pedophiles by the deep state to continue

Assange Extradition, Elijah Cummings Execution, Darknet Child Porn Ring Destroyed

@00:01:45 reveal everything he has on the deep
@00:01:48 state with no fear and that is
@00:02:27 deep state cabal hallelujah and i've

Q Conference in ABQ, New Mexico: First 40 Minutes

@00:18:40 i've known about the deep state and
@00:23:49 war raging between the deep state and
@00:27:34 deep state watches them yeah but you
@00:28:58 deep state using john bolton for a
@00:36:36 deep state cabal they just came out with

From Colorado to ABQ: Preparing for Q Conference

@00:03:30 the deep state cabal is really upset
@00:03:34 because of all those dumbs deep
@00:04:28 pray for them and these deep state

Navy Intel: 10,000 Children Rescued, Cabal Oct 17th Plan to Assassinate Trump Foiled, My Wedding

@00:01:02 deep state cabal retribution excuse me
@00:01:57 deep state cabal retribution for us
@00:01:59 taking out their dumbs their deep
@00:03:09 out all the deep state bases in
@00:03:23 timothy holmes f from the nefarious deep
@00:03:25 state agents in minnesota he's reported
@00:05:12 patriots of the deep state there's no
@00:06:03 listen to this senile deep state
@00:07:13 murdered so there was a big deep state
@00:07:27 think the deep state panicked and so
@00:07:55 because they're keeping the deep state
@00:09:01 referring to the deep state cabal i
@00:09:30 up yas continuing to cause these deep
@00:09:32 state actors to stumble and fall and
@00:13:21 for the jugular on these deep state

Holmseth, Pence & Ukraine, DUMBS in Cali, Hagmann Cheats Subscribers with Fraud

@00:05:57 gentlemen and the deep state just got
@00:06:11 of the deep state in syria amongst the
@00:06:32 and most strategic shipping port deep
@00:06:34 state goons being arrested and
@00:06:43 and the nsa against the cia and the deep
@00:06:46 state communist it is on the satanic
@00:09:21 deep state they're working for the

Q's Awakening, Never Trumpers Tied to Human Trafficking, Trey Gowdy, Trudeau's Deal, Pat Robertson

@00:02:16 or allow the deep state to have a lot of
@00:13:51 one hour later when deep state ops at

Grassley: Harvest Begins, Biden Turns on Obama, UN Bankrupt, John B Wells & Aquino

@00:03:54 crops he is referring to the deep state
@00:14:53 gamer gie em er is a very busy deep
@00:14:56 state asset but then again what do i

Fiona Barnett Exposes Russ Dizdar, Currency Reset, Kundalini Spirit & Yoga, Trudeau Exposed

@00:05:30 in a safe place away from the deep state

Holmseth Warrants Dropped, POTUS Syria Withdrawal, Pope & Chrislam Push, Bethel Exposed Again

@00:07:51 haley nikki haley has always been deep
@00:07:53 state this is why president trump
@00:08:05 been deep state remember how she spoke

Proof SB2 Promotes Evil & Mark Taylor, Russ Wagner Love SB2

@00:03:12 there's got to be a lot of deep state
@00:03:21 canard of a deep state the lizard people

IG Report 2 Weeks, Audio Bombshell, Return of Q, MK Ultra Exposed

@00:03:11 come out this is again why the deep
@00:03:13 state why the satanic pedophiles are so
@00:09:49 be so easy for the deep state to take
@00:13:45 deep state murdered his predecessor john
@00:13:48 f kennedy but the deep state will not be

Navy Intel: More Info on Marines Directive 550/19 & StormisUponUs Responds to Jeb Bush

@00:03:33 the deep state for well over a year my
@00:06:11 remember those riots were a deep state
@00:06:23 1990s also a deep state moved to get
@00:07:14 they can't have their deep state leaders
@00:07:41 given the demonic nature of the deep
@00:07:43 state which has taken over their lives

Navy Intel: POTUS Activates Marines Directive 550/19: The Storm

@00:07:43 the deep state will announce ruth bader
@00:07:52 the deep state burned her cadaver and

Hillary Clinton Tweets Shred the Constitution, SerialBrain2, Juneau Woman Yells At Me

@00:11:30 it's an effort of the deep state to

Navy Intel Source: McCabe, SerialBrain2, Pence & Pelosi Impeachment Dare

@00:08:52 trump has done the deep state thought

Liddle Adam Schiff Implodes, Oprah & Disney Igor Attack Roseanne Barr, Q's Warning

@00:03:24 who's the deep state mouthpiece even

Nov 15 McCabe, World Harvest Church, Ohio & John McCain

@00:06:59 the deep state ic ig released a

Clinton Crowdstrike, Pence Opposes Trump, Schiff & Pelosi Treason

@00:09:34 deep state telegram the new york times
@00:09:39 all they are is a deep state telegram
@00:10:04 has all been a deep state conspiracy
@00:10:10 carl bernstein that deep state lackey so
@00:14:03 deep state okay president trump is also

Deep State War on Barr & POTUS, Clooney & Epstein Exposed, Correcting Stallone Info

@00:01:31 deep state megaphone has been blaring
@00:02:26 deep state is in such utter fervent
@00:02:55 justice system commence the deep state
@00:03:18 cia deep state child sex trafficking

CIA, Brennan Wages War on POTUS, Clarifying Mark Taylor Rebuke

@00:03:48 us tweeted this out said deep state
@00:04:13 of deep-space
@00:04:14 deep state spies to use new secretly
@00:04:25 number of spies embedded in the deep
@00:04:27 state to use the new whistleblower
@00:09:47 lifeblood of the deep state it what
@00:09:50 knits the deep stake together it's the
@00:09:51 glue that holds the deep state together
@00:09:59 this deep state cabal which is the child
@00:10:18 deep state and another one a traitor's

Tarot Cards at Bethel in Redding, Cali, Numerous CEO's Resigning, the STORM Is Now

@00:02:03 of the deep state this is not about left

POTUS Traps the Deep State, Sarah Palin a Satanist, Bethel Church are Satanists

@00:02:21 thank you deep state thank you swamp and

Navy Intel Source: POTUS, Ukraine & HRC, Helen Keller the Satanist, Calvary Chapel & Homosexuality

@00:04:09 the worst possible news for the deep
@00:04:11 state the corrupt mainstream media will

Harrison Ford, Calvary Chapel & Illuminati, Melania Trump Rings The Bell, Details on Soros Arrest

@00:09:29 send a powerful message to the deep
@00:09:30 state we are looking after the children
@00:09:44 headquarters of the deep state on the
@00:09:49 the deep state it's the shot that rings
@00:10:22 children the deep state is dead

Deep State's Plan Backfires, Gowdy & Purple Revolution, Epstein Xanax Scandal

@00:03:45 signaling that peta would deep state is
@00:05:54 that the deep state is a deep panic just

Navy Intel Source: Trey Gowdy Spewing Disinformation, Soros in Custody

@00:02:30 reassure everyone but the deep state is
@00:04:43 spreading misinformation that the deep
@00:04:45 state is a deep deep panic because
@00:04:59 know the deep state is really really
@00:06:00 confound the deep state that's when he

Treasonous Comey, Q and Lynch, POTUS Asked About Q

@00:04:24 to the rogue deep state intelligence
@00:04:47 would this deep state msm be lauding
@00:05:07 information their data that the deep
@00:05:08 state wanted to use against us they
@00:12:01 to to fight back against the deep state
@00:12:25 these deep state cabal people they run

State Senator Arrested, Church Leader & Disney Club 33, Democrat Donor Arrested, More on Kappy

@00:04:10 and lots of news fortunately my deep
@00:04:13 state leaf blower
@00:13:16 satanic deep state hollywood elite type

Isaac Kappy Deadman Switch Video Linked to George Clooney

@00:01:13 blower is hired by the deep state
@00:01:15 well the deep state's having to rely on
@00:02:00 hollywood deep state cabal down in

Navy Intel: Ginsburg & Kavanaugh, Obama & Levar Burton, McCabe Deep State Allies Abandon Him

@00:08:56 of these deep state people are now
@00:10:28 to be he we know trump wants the deep
@00:10:30 state to be in constipating so that just
@00:10:55 he said by the way daniel the deep state
@00:11:36 around and hit one of their deep state
@00:11:38 controlled oil fields in country deep
@00:11:47 the deep state is poor by the millions
@00:11:55 it's not a good time for the deep state
@00:12:13 chatter from the deep state comms
@00:12:28 obviously this is not good for the deep
@00:12:30 state as they need to keep scotus optics
@00:13:29 deep state was going to basically

Clooney, Iran, Holmseth Exposes Another Satanic Pedophile, More Proof Greg Laurie is A Satanist

@00:02:06 a hollywood deep state asset are you
@00:02:34 a case study in the dark hollywood deep
@00:02:36 state alliance and george clooney by the
@00:02:47 pedophile and he's also a deep state
@00:03:08 proving george clooney being a deep
@00:03:10 state cia operative so again the mass is
@00:03:34 but we know the deep state cabal which
@00:04:15 the deep state it was the satanic cabal
@00:04:20 there's a satanic deep state cabal in
@00:04:22 israel just like there's a satanic deep
@00:04:25 states these were deep state assets that

Pastor Laurie Harvest Church Satanism, Holmseth Exposes Pence & Snuff Film

@00:09:55 meet with minnesota deep state

Navy Intel: Target MK Ultra Instigator, Q Plan 17 Days Trumpets, Next Week I Am in Seattle

@00:02:40 weekend the deep state will absolutely
@00:04:17 obliteration of the worldwide deep state
@00:07:15 is a standby order to deep state
@00:13:55 this critical time the deep state is

Navy Intel Source Responds to Subscribers & Mel Gibson is a Satanic Pedophile

@00:01:25 a deep state threat of nuclear attack on
@00:02:59 deep state cabal so i just wanted to
@00:04:58 trolls from the deep state everything he
@00:06:57 source and the deep state will from now

Comey Threatens POTUS, Alabama, Children's Hospitals, Google, Megachurch Pastor Suicide

@00:01:40 where they tried to do a deep state mass
@00:09:18 i want the deep state to know i'm
@00:16:53 lovers of jesus yahshua versus the deep
@00:16:56 state cabal of people who've chosen

Navy Intel Source: Chemtrails, Child Sex Trafficking, Dorian, China, Q & The Plan

@00:03:07 the deep state for so many decades and
@00:03:48 military in their place the deep state
@00:06:07 deep state bases in to be able to
@00:06:11 nuking them in case that the deep state
@00:06:24 throw the deep state neocon party off
@00:06:51 have for the deep state taking these out
@00:07:10 these globalist wars of the deep state
@00:07:54 deep state cabal's agenda this is all a
@00:10:35 stripping away from the deep state so we
@00:11:20 based on the maximum number of deep
@00:11:22 state countermeasures being as
@00:12:15 can keeping the deep state cabal off
@00:12:52 deep state cabal god bless us all

Ohio Meteorologist, Subway, Tunnels, Oprah, Planned Parenthood

@00:09:48 china to china and the deep state cues

Mitt Romney, Epstein, Mormon Satanic Ritual Abuse, Q's Timing

@00:12:48 operation the deep state will have

Epstein Flights Columbus OH, Cemex, Major Satanic Pedo Ring Busted Near Cincinnati

@00:02:52 deep state share with all tucson arizona

Flynn's Exoneration Nears, Bill Maher & Hollywood Pedophilia, Dorian Stalls

@00:01:49 chamberlain from human events the deep
@00:01:51 state news again are finally being outed
@00:03:20 of course the deep state pedophile

RBG Body Double & Pence Pedophile Unplugged

@00:02:21 deep state stole her body they burned
@00:04:59 scalia died was not some deep state plot
@00:07:21 all right so pence is deep state he's
@00:07:24 very much deep state now i want to go to
@00:15:38 he's used different deep state people to
@00:15:40 throw the deep state off and then he
@00:16:01 the deep state what i was trying to make
@00:18:18 the deep state mike pence puts on a good
@00:18:55 to the deep state trying to again it's
@00:19:35 that this whole hurricane is a big deep
@00:19:36 state sigh up and there's nothing there
@00:19:54 what the deep state mouthpiece of the

New Holmseth Post Court Footage, Comey Collapse, Deep State Turns On Royals

@00:07:12 know the deep state guardian british
@00:07:15 deep state mouthpiece guardian turns on
@00:08:05 a huge deep state mouthpiece and now

All FISA Warrants Illegal, Pedophile Pence AF2 SAM 239, The Perfect Storm

@00:05:30 not able to be salvaged by the deep
@00:05:32 state so there's also this huge news
@00:05:39 deep state clown network in mexico
@00:08:14 deep state is in such a panic right now

Playing The Ginsburg Card, 120 Deployed to GITMO, Q & Emergency Economic Powers Act

@00:01:36 who's really scared the deep state

Shabbat Prophetic Teaching: Hebrew Feast Days 2019 Correlating with Major Q Events

@00:01:27 by the deep state to try to get a chin
@00:08:04 brought upon the head of the deep state

Epstein Plane to Antartica, Disney Star Pedophilia, Satanic Pedophiles in Panic

@00:01:24 resigns amid deep state controversy in
@00:02:14 buffett is a big-time deep state player
@00:04:23 deep state distraction if there ever was
@00:08:56 saying we've taken over any type of deep
@00:08:58 state bases that are down there you guys
@00:09:30 the deep state when they tried to take

Timothy Holmseth Strikes Back, Defending my Navy Intel Source with Common Sense

@00:08:26 years of deep state presidents bush
@00:08:33 years of deep state cabal satanist
@00:09:09 that there's a rogue deep state navy

Navy Intel Clarity on DS Missile Launch, The Crimes of Steve Spielberg, Henry Winkler

@00:01:29 launch launched by that rogue deep state
@00:03:39 of bad apples he is following deep state
@00:04:00 are not deep state soldiers they are
@00:04:09 that the deep state even exists the mind
@00:05:30 follow his deep state mission thinking
@00:05:33 of the resolve of the deep state
@00:06:45 of course the deep state propaganda arm
@00:06:54 nothing but a deep state lie and then i

Ohio Child Trafficking: Schwarzenegger and NAZI Ties, Operation Paperclip

@00:14:03 the deep state please be patient your

Google Photoshop Epstein Island, Obama Clinton Cabal Implodes, Greenland & Deep State

@00:03:32 obama and the deep state in june the
@00:10:30 now i know that the deep state under the
@00:11:28 deep state has had long entrenched

Navy Intel: Deep State Desperate Missile Launch, Epstein MC2 1000 Children, Standard Hotels

@00:01:04 sure is probably the goal of the deep
@00:01:05 state ap which is the propaganda arm of
@00:01:09 the deep state one of the many
@00:02:28 base commander there is deep state he's
@00:02:48 associated press the main worldwide deep
@00:02:51 state mouthpiece very rare to get any
@00:03:16 were fidgety yesterday the deep state
@00:04:45 deep state daily planet the associated
@00:04:47 press it's a deep state threat logical
@00:04:50 thinking please so so again the deep
@00:04:53 state trying to remember if people say
@00:05:51 that the deep state tries to put out i
@00:06:16 the deep state propaganda said that
@00:10:21 hollywood deep state satanic pedophilia

Ohio Child Sex Trafficking: Arnold Classic, Hillary's Cement Tweet, Satanist Surgeons

@00:13:02 the deep state was trying to redirect

The Wheels Are Falling Off The Satanic Pedophile Chariot

@00:07:10 this satanic pedophilia and take a deep
@00:07:13 blow at the deep state in fact the
@00:07:26 deep state cabal relies on which is this
@00:09:42 trafficking myth the deep state kabbalah

NYC Subway Shutdown, Epstein & Murdered AR Senator Linda Collins Smith

@00:01:39 so again this is the deep state once
@00:01:45 el paso shootings the deep state can you
@00:01:47 tell that they're in such a deep deep
@00:03:00 she's of course big time deep state she
@00:03:35 because the deep state control media has
@00:04:05 video yesterday it's just a very deep
@00:04:08 dive and research on this deep state
@00:04:37 the deep state to cover what really
@00:04:50 deep state wanted to take out epstein
@00:09:35 president nighted state and say you know
@00:09:39 corruption i knew there was deep state

Epstein Artwork: Clintons, Bush, Q&A from Navy Intel Source

@00:07:56 deep state favorite creatures and was
@00:08:55 deep state and keep them jumping at
@00:09:36 answer is the deep state specifically
@00:10:06 deep state is trying to redirect and
@00:10:28 instigating these deep state

FBI Raids Epstein Island, Bill Gates Ensnared in Epstein Mess

@00:04:18 the deep state probably thought oh
@00:04:27 now the deep state quaking in their
@00:06:28 heavily deep state for a long long time

John Legend, Dayton Ohio, Children's Hospitals, Les Wexner

@00:01:17 satanic pedophiles so the deep state

Epstein, Navy Intel, Q on Clinton Health, DS in Mad Panic Mode

@00:02:15 any given time or place the deep state
@00:02:42 the deep state never saw it coming
@00:04:58 that was removed was that the deep state
@00:07:36 i mean the deep state tried so hard last
@00:08:07 to rain down on peda wood and the deep
@00:08:09 state if they got to him in prison the
@00:09:32 deep state has been into sex trafficking

Patriots Stage Epstein Death: All Eyes on Clintons

@00:04:04 the deep state are being framed for this
@00:04:06 also notice how the deep state trying to
@00:06:38 that holds the deep state in place they
@00:07:33 done this the deep state must have done
@00:07:40 it's on the deep state this is perfect
@00:08:54 actually is framing the deep state the

2000 Epstein Docs Released, More On Dayton Children's Hospitals

@00:05:27 the deep state has been so furious in

Hannity: All Will Be Revealed this Fall, RFID Chip in Sex Trafficking Victim, CPS Weaponized

@00:01:38 the deep state and then there's counter
@00:01:57 a ray of deep state actors right now of
@00:02:14 patriots versus the deep state but
@00:02:19 democrats are touting this deep state
@00:02:38 every one of beto's friends aka the deep
@00:02:41 state i'm adding that into joe's tweet
@00:03:23 but i guess that's the deep state for

Navy Intel, Pete Military Insider, Warnings, Bio Weapon Updates

@00:04:55 confusion about that they the deep state
@00:08:29 be that deep state are on both sides
@00:08:46 that the deep state the satanic

Death Throes of Deep State, New Epstein Probe, 103 Children Rescued

@00:04:39 from the deep state and now he owns the
@00:11:31 deep state wants the american people

Mass Shootings Tied Directly to Satanic Pedophiles

@00:01:01 about so the deep state has been trying
@00:05:35 deep state wants to try to shift the the
@00:12:01 to say you know what deep state no

Trump Pushes Death Penalty, Q's Forever, Judge Rules Assange Innocent

@00:03:48 this is this is the deep state afraid
@00:03:58 deep state is the child sex traffickers
@00:04:36 by yah to prevent the deep state from
@00:05:50 do with you know the deep state trying
@00:09:52 here so he can testify against the deep
@00:09:53 state and then i believe he's going to
@00:10:19 witnesses against the deep state cabal

Deep State Targets Q, Pelosi's Coded Cabal Threat

@00:00:52 distraction that the deep state is
@00:01:56 about the drop and so the deep state is
@00:02:38 space of just a few minutes the deep
@00:02:40 state has tried this before i remember a
@00:04:31 that these six sikh deep state players
@00:07:37 sinking in and the deep state or just
@00:08:35 shootings that the deep state would try

Q's Death Blossom Mass Shootings, Military Insider and Navy Intel Update On POTUS Assassination Coup

@00:01:18 what ripping the band-aid of the deep
@00:01:19 state feels like now what is referring
@00:01:24 blossom and this is where the deep state
@00:01:46 these deep state people on both sides of
@00:01:57 believe instigated by the deep state to
@00:03:01 is a an attempt probably by the deep
@00:03:03 state to try to get patriots to doubt
@00:03:40 for his protection which is why the deep
@00:03:42 state will go after the mass population
@00:04:09 sure it's deep state-sponsored
@00:04:11 the deep state has no real understanding
@00:04:27 control their own deep state forces it
@00:05:15 weird deep state smoke-and-mirrors live
@00:06:21 thinking this sounds like a deep state

Coats Leaves the 15th, POTUS 144 Judges, CPS Using Predictive Analytics

@00:01:40 we know the deep state doesn't want
@00:02:04 big huge nightmare for the deep state so

Comey MSM Spin, More Navy Intel, Ratcliffe Exposing Secret Society

@00:06:06 kennedy's famous speech on the deep
@00:06:08 state when he alleged that leaked fbi
@00:07:09 removing these deep state underground

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:03:42 perpetrated by the bush deep state as
@00:07:32 perpetrated by the deep state bush cabal
@00:07:42 there's a lot of deep state letras roots
@00:10:21 supreme court justice if the the deep
@00:10:25 state finally admitted that ruth bader

Navy Intel: Next 6 Weeks, RBG, Marker 1 & 8 Step Plan

@00:01:06 news of patriots taking out deep state
@00:02:50 describing the deep state game plan for
@00:03:47 been the deep state game plan all along
@00:04:06 deep state game plan everybody will look
@00:04:18 reelected in 2020 the deep state will
@00:04:24 deep state and total failure for the
@00:04:29 to the deep state there's not much more

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:03:16 gonna be by the deep state they're gonna

The Return of Timothy Holmseth: Epstein, Disney & Abel Danger

@00:10:49 the of the the the deep state and the
@00:13:45 you know the deep state um
@00:15:03 hands to the deep state and while you're

Feinstein & Epstein, Military Insider Pete on DC Operations

@00:07:05 unleashed by deep state elements within
@00:07:26 was leaked by the deep state leak to get
@00:08:00 deep state here and overseas seems to be
@00:08:40 and certainly the deep state is being
@00:09:59 for rounding up the deep state satanic
@00:12:31 deep state basis and that the chemtrails
@00:14:11 deep state will try with boris the new
@00:14:17 attack iran yeah well the beef state
@00:14:22 and we knew the deep state would because
@00:14:42 i'm convinced that these deep state

Barr Reinstates Death Penalty, Epstein News, Clintons, Q Drops

@00:04:31 deep state committed trump isn't going
@00:07:38 deep state have finally thrown the
@00:17:34 plans in the deep state are crumbling we

Year of the Boomerang: Total Collapse of Mueller's Hoax

@00:02:42 that the deep state were hoping we're

RBG Deep Fake Video, POTUS Deals Huge Blow to Deep State Pedophilia

@00:05:37 deep state cabal the satanic pedophiles
@00:06:01 deep state pedophilia this is such a
@00:06:29 left-wing deep state family first will
@00:08:33 trafficking front visit deep state news

Ginsburg Info, 17 CIA Spies in Iran, Tim Holmseth on Abel Danger

@00:02:02 simple deep state expediency have him go

Bones Beneath Vatican, Epstein Govt Aircraft, DC Mysterious Military OP

@00:01:46 deep state expending more ammunition
@00:01:59 of the deep state and then when the real
@00:02:15 and the deep state didn't either
@00:02:24 disinformation to cause the deep state

China Lake, Nukes, 1000s of Children Rescued

@00:05:39 trying to crack the maine deep state us
@00:05:50 known that the maine deep state ops are
@00:06:40 deep state base ops it was all very far
@00:07:18 deep state teams went in at oh dark
@00:07:27 fire from the deep state mercs
@00:07:38 destroy it we destroyed the entire deep
@00:07:40 straight deep state warren with a clean
@00:07:46 message to the deep state no prisoners
@00:08:18 warren of caverns with more deep state
@00:08:45 found that nothing left the deep state
@00:10:31 base where this deep state operation has

Q Watch 19, Epstein Staggering Amount of Names, Evergreen

@00:11:33 and high-ranking deep state officials

Repost: Navy Intel Source: "Q Team" From Ike to Trump

@00:02:41 from the deep state so that no one none
@00:03:16 deep state when trump became president
@00:03:31 start taking the deep state down for
@00:03:46 1950s the deep state began to first try
@00:03:53 agencies though the deep state largely
@00:03:58 president forever and the deep state
@00:04:07 he knew personally to combat the deep
@00:04:10 state threat these patriots were the
@00:04:20 japan's spawn deep state nightmare known
@00:04:54 johnson came to power the deep state now
@00:05:09 line of hopelessly deep state presidents
@00:05:14 severely restrained meanwhile the deep
@00:05:17 state permeated our entire governmental
@00:05:23 began to combat the deep state not even
@00:05:34 the very deep state they were committed
@00:05:39 fully briefed reagan on all the deep
@00:05:40 state acts that were entrenched in his
@00:05:48 kennedy taking back ground from the deep
@00:05:51 state however unlike in kennedy's time
@00:05:54 in the deep state was still just
@00:06:00 the deep state had virtually taken
@00:06:12 another long line of corrupt deep state
@00:06:25 down the deep state but as the deep
@00:06:27 state had become pervasive by the time
@00:07:06 the deep state no this time they were
@00:07:10 trump to completely destroy the deep
@00:07:12 state for the first two and a half years
@00:07:23 destroying the deep state once and for
@00:07:34 offensive war against a deep state and
@00:07:45 deliberately taking down the deep state

Epstein Spin, NYC "42" Blackout Wheels Up Bill Clinton

@00:06:01 deep state does everything the satanic

Navy Intel Contact: Marker One (MO) 4th of July -- The War Has Begun

@00:07:04 notice to the deep state and the world
@00:07:11 deep state was told and know in certain

NYC Plunges Into Darkness, Q Operation, ICE Raids Begin at Dawn, GITMO Televised

@00:13:15 he's high and mighty people this deep
@00:13:18 state cabal the mass arrests are going
@00:13:31 nothing the deep state can do about it

Ehud Barak & Chuck Schumer Caught in Epstein Scandal

@00:09:46 the deep state cabal is on the run
@00:09:54 the deep state in all of its various

New Q: Lucrative Fetus & Organ Black Market Behind Abortion, DNC Never Hacked

@00:12:04 is unraveling for the deep state

Bill Clinton, Under Age Girls, Epstein Plane, Flynn Updates

@00:02:13 guys wikileaks has been comped by deep
@00:02:14 state for many many many many years so
@00:11:37 protect himself from the deep state hue
@00:12:08 the deep state and he also dropped the
@00:13:51 it's it's the mainstream media the deep
@00:13:55 state cabal what it was like for them is

Epstein Pleads Not Guilty = Wall to Wall Coverage of Child Sex Trafficking Trial To Come!

@00:06:31 by which the deep state cabal has been

Q's Pence Countdown, POTUS Airport Gaff, More Epstein News, California Redemption

@00:08:43 the deep state quite realizes how maybe
@00:08:45 they do and they're just in deep panic

Preaching in Front of The White House

@00:07:47 border it will cut off that wicked deep
@00:07:51 state so thank you president true trump

Navy Intel: Deep State, RBG & 4th of July DC Event

@00:03:06 be stopped as the deep state is taken
@00:04:04 dirt nap but with a twist the deep state
@00:04:55 supposed at some events the deep state
@00:05:32 murdered the deep state really gets
@00:06:00 the deep state they can pull off her
@00:06:22 media soon when the deep state needs her
@00:11:14 this is he wants he wants the deep state
@00:11:20 deep state to know that the american
@00:11:26 going to work in the deep state
@00:11:31 deep state you are on notice you tried

Barr's DOJ Makes 1st Arrest, Nunes Suing Twitter, Flynn's Exoneration

@00:03:36 deep state those have been trying to
@00:05:44 support of trying to expose the deep
@00:05:46 state cabal very much in support of
@00:13:55 players in bringing down this huge deep
@00:13:57 state cabal that has stretched over

Strzok Protected Hillary, 80 Arrested in Human Trafficking Sting

@00:03:54 deep state insider sources confirmed a

Industrial Military Complex Exposed, Scientology Ties to Clinton State Dept

@00:02:45 it's the deep state it's the military
@00:03:06 deep state cabal like never before
@00:06:03 state and others to express our deep

POTUS Fakes out Deep State, American Human Trafficking Worst in the World

@00:01:05 bait and switch to bait the deep state
@00:02:28 crimes but here we have the deep state
@00:02:49 deep state assets are and i think now
@00:02:54 of the deep state assets now being given
@00:03:03 iran as these deep state assets are
@00:05:44 someone who's a deep state agent within
@00:06:00 he's a master at manipulating the deep
@00:06:03 state he's a master at drawing the deep
@00:06:06 state out identifying them and figuring
@00:07:08 brilliantly playing with the deep state

9th Circuit Court Hands POTUS Huge Victory

@00:08:43 draw out the deep state president trump
@00:09:00 president trump is referring to our deep
@00:09:02 state assets that are in control of iran
@00:09:13 deep state wants that's what the
@00:11:15 take out different deep state-controlled
@00:11:31 the deep state under bush and under
@00:11:46 deep state fact a lot of people don't
@00:12:11 the deep state in general i'm very happy

Scientology, Dalai Lama, HRC: The Storm is Now

@00:06:16 deep state and its global actors in

Exposing Human Fetal Tissue Research & Trust Wray

@00:04:35 not not deep state so we're gonna start
@00:04:42 deep state based on nonsense fake news
@00:05:15 is deep state and trump has no idea what
@00:05:30 or any appointee was actually deep state
@00:05:37 giving the deep state more power or
@00:08:02 trump is really working with the deep
@00:08:03 state or that he doesn't know what he's

Military Insider Pete & POTUS Vow Removing Millions of Illegals

@00:01:02 deep state is trying to do this does not
@00:01:04 mean the deep states going to be
@00:01:45 three more new orleans the deep state
@00:02:14 okay so this is what the deep state is
@00:02:16 trying to do the deep state does not
@00:02:37 present day the deep state has complete
@00:03:03 that are basically the deep state the
@00:03:07 deep state assets that are in iran
@00:03:27 deep state and the mainstream media will
@00:03:40 by the mainstream media deep state the
@00:04:02 political competition the deep state
@00:04:43 deep state
@00:04:44 patriots might let the deep state start
@00:05:08 trump may allow the deep state to start
@00:07:11 of the deep state agents who might leak
@00:07:28 he wants to ensnare the deep said he
@00:07:30 wants to trap them he wants the deep
@00:07:32 state to leak this information he wants
@00:07:38 so that now they can capture these deep
@00:07:41 state agents so i thought that was that
@00:07:59 do not believe the deep state is going
@00:08:20 to ensnare the deep state and to stop

Hollywood Film: 'A Child's Voice' Exposes Satanic Child Sex Trafficking

@00:17:55 that holds this deep state cabal

POTUS Rebukes Deep State & DS Attempts "Event"

@00:04:18 now i want to talk about the deep state
@00:04:35 forward we know that the deep state is
@00:04:37 in deep panic and we also know that just
@00:05:59 the deep state planting this story that
@00:06:04 might try to with their deep state
@00:06:24 war the deep state is trying to foist
@00:09:33 that the deep state is behind bringing
@00:09:48 because i think the deep state is such
@00:09:50 in a deep panic right now that they are

Assange Update, Gen Flynn on Offense, Schiff Lies!

@00:01:07 face trial he will expose the deep state
@00:01:56 deep state and he is a hero he's a hero
@00:02:11 whoo that is held together the deep
@00:02:13 state and julian assange i believe will
@00:02:33 tweeted this out he said deep state
@00:02:53 deep state ploy i've talked about before
@00:03:02 deep state assets and we know that q is
@00:03:07 know the deep states scared they're in a

Helicopter Crash to Nam: Deep State Desperate to Cover Its Tracks

@00:02:33 looks like the deep state is is trying
@00:05:07 sing about how the western deep state
@00:05:54 order and it looks like the deep state
@00:06:14 the deep state and of course now we know
@00:08:16 witness against the deep state cue has
@00:08:29 here testify against the deep state
@00:09:23 against the deep state okay

From Rodham to Collins: 10 Dead/Missing in 72 Hours

@00:08:07 that have been offed here by the deep
@00:08:09 state black hats
@00:08:25 the the the deep state is not going to
@00:08:31 operation that the deep state of is

Arkansas Senator's Murder & CPS/DHS

@00:08:11 in on the deep state so we really need

Alabama to Castrate Pedophiles, Hillary Wanting to Flee

@00:07:53 this deep state cabal and we are
@00:08:00 new zealand is a deep state haven where
@00:08:04 in new zealand where the deep state
@00:08:27 deep state cabal they can't just clog a
@00:08:49 deep state and deep panic telegraphing
@00:09:01 in such a way that they're these deep
@00:09:03 state actors are not going to be able to

Sweden Refuses Assange Extradition, POTUS Trolls Deep State

@00:01:34 going to testify against the deep state
@00:02:51 deep state would basically clog the new
@00:03:11 they do that then the deep state what
@00:03:23 more difficult for the deep state to
@00:03:38 again it's going to prevent the deep
@00:03:41 state from clogging up the new cycle
@00:04:53 in the deep state are wanting this as
@00:05:25 the deep state crumbling this is just
@00:06:10 really throwing the deep state in a deep
@00:07:11 basically sending a message to the deep
@00:07:13 state he's saying you know what i know
@00:07:46 to the deep state sending a big message
@00:07:47 of the deep state that he knows what
@00:09:07 media don't listen to the deep state
@00:09:13 succeed and to take down the deep state

Obama & Comey Panic, Charges Dropped Against Assange

@00:06:52 witness against the deep state so i know
@00:08:32 deep state even more than it's already

Mueller Mutes Anti-Barr Chorus

@00:00:44 the deep state trying to start the civil
@00:01:01 that the deep state is in complete and
@00:01:49 state horrible names or things like that
@00:01:53 how much the deep state is in this panic
@00:04:34 deep state can't use mueller anymore in
@00:04:46 the deep state they can't use mueller
@00:05:13 conference that the deep state will not
@00:05:45 the deep state could no longer use
@00:08:25 stuff that the deep state was doing but

Deep State Trying to Start a Civil War?

@00:06:44 to me that the deep state is trying to
@00:06:55 actually the deep state really wants a
@00:08:26 it's all these these deep state view but
@00:10:09 deep state trying to start this at least
@00:10:19 happening because of what the deep state
@00:10:49 deep state from stoking this civil war

Confusing the Deep State: Joe diGenova vs Q

@00:03:49 the deep state but that doesn't really
@00:07:24 trying to confuse the deep state
@00:07:27 remember the deep state is watching all
@00:07:36 throwing the deep state off by making
@00:08:39 confuse the deep state to get them off
@00:09:24 to try to confuse the deep state and

Declass Ordered & Deep State Pushes Back

@00:04:26 basically expose the entire deep state
@00:05:54 these deep state actors they have both
@00:08:23 february that the deep state will not go
@00:08:29 forward and exposing these deep state
@00:08:46 referring to the deep state the deep
@00:08:49 state will not allow the arrest to
@00:08:53 move by the deep state iran has the
@00:08:59 deep state backing which is why we have
@00:10:41 the deep state controls iran right now
@00:10:43 and the deep state has that bioweapon it
@00:10:51 that's you know the deep state they're
@00:14:07 we expose these horrible deep state

President Trump Orders Full Declass!!!!!!

@00:03:16 secure deep state power for decades yeah

@StormIsUponUs Permanently Banned, Solomon Files Motion to Unseal Wrongdoing

@00:07:10 happening that's why the deep state is

Italy Giving up Brennan, NXIVM & Schumer's Financial Records

@00:01:00 globalist deep state as countries are

Trump's Motorcade in Accident, Kappy's Death

@00:01:10 animal the deep state will stop at
@00:06:06 deep state and satanic pedophiles and
@00:07:05 cornered wounded animal the deep state

Assange Update, Q's Boom Week, Cannes Sex Trafficking Horror

@00:03:04 against the deep state
@00:04:52 dropping so that the deep state will

Huckabee Tweets POTUS: Military Tribunals At Gitmo

@00:09:33 the deep state bring back mike flynn why
@00:09:38 did the deep state throw caution to the
@00:12:10 a month before the deep state set him up

Sex Trafficking Sting, GA Gov Stands Against Hollywood, 9th Circuit POTUS Victory

@00:09:33 here by the deep state by the cabal that

Big Pharma Arrests, Comey Panic, Obama Spying Undeniable

@00:07:39 all democrats and deep state dirty cops
@00:07:50 deep state attempted to entrap trump
@00:10:25 the deep state coup obama did this
@00:11:15 march of 2019 deep state coup
@00:13:09 of these deep state actors who have
@00:13:30 satanic pedophilia and these deep state

FL & AZ Medical Kidnappings, POTUS Deals Major Blow to Child Sex Trafficking Hub

@00:11:50 deep state access hub for child and
@00:14:30 shut off the deep state from having any
@00:14:44 from being controlled by the deep state
@00:14:46 particularly the deep state that's

CNN Drops 26%, Senators Demand Investigation of CIA

@00:06:19 your dealings with the deep state

Nunes Exposes Lying Mueller, Austin Jones Pedophile Sentenced

@00:01:38 that deep state operatives were

Friday Night Shabbat: Psalm 27:5

@00:02:45 been abducted by the deep state or more

More Intel from Pete: How to Prepare

@00:05:16 deep state using this bioweapon against
@00:05:21 when the deep state starts one or the

Overblown Measles Panic Covering for Fake Ebola Panic

@00:04:12 infected with ebola instead the deep
@00:04:14 state controllers who control the extent
@00:06:18 deep state and it perpetuates lies it
@00:08:48 preparing for what the deep state is
@00:10:23 prayer that the cdc that the deep state

Deadman's Switch, Operation OX: Intentional Release of Plague

@00:01:32 take down the deep state and the traders
@00:01:47 goes after these deep state actors that
@00:02:56 there the deep state does have this
@00:04:56 controlled very heavily by the deep
@00:04:59 state that that's who runs iran right
@00:05:04 it's the deep state the deep state cabal
@00:05:42 assets are in place for the deep state
@00:07:17 deep blue state actually a lot of rural
@00:07:31 they're very deep blue they're run by
@00:07:40 mean it's just the state is in shambles
@00:07:45 deep state would try to move its assets

Rosenstein Resignation Letter: May 11, 2019

@00:10:23 sending a message to comey to the deep
@00:10:26 state to the satanic pedophiles to this

Update Deadman's Switch, Shipp: Failed Coup Attempt Against Trump

@00:01:16 how the deep state they're trying to
@00:02:15 flashpoint directed from the deep state
@00:02:34 deep state satanic pedophiles will not
@00:02:39 and destroy the deep state they thought
@00:03:51 telling me rather than these deep state
@00:04:24 happens that these deep state satanic
@00:04:53 says the deep state tried and failed to

Q, X22, The Last Resort

@00:01:28 resort he talks about how the deep state
@00:01:50 after the deep state like never before
@00:02:07 deep state knows this so as i was listen
@00:02:23 lists all these things that the deep
@00:02:27 state tries to do and then in
@00:02:56 forth that the deep state would use to
@00:03:55 mainstream media the deep state they're
@00:04:30 enemy but that the deep state the
@00:04:48 the deep state the satanic cabal's
@00:05:47 in place to try to prevent the deep
@00:05:50 state from doing whatever type of event
@00:06:37 last resort that the deep state has in
@00:07:22 deep state would try to launch ok i hope

Cali School Teaching Pedophilia, Deep State Desperate to Distract

@00:04:41 done by the deep state satanic pedophile
@00:06:54 past and they're working with the deep
@00:06:56 state actors and so really this has
@00:07:19 because the mainstream media the deep
@00:07:22 state cabal they're vested to do
@00:07:37 step back and know that the deep state
@00:07:47 battle this is a fight the deep state
@00:08:52 happening and that's why the deep state

Irish Journalist Investigating Missing Children Murdered

@00:03:05 know very high up deep state people are
@00:03:14 burning and we've seen other deep state
@00:04:32 so you know i think i think the deep
@00:04:35 state definitely is trying to do all i
@00:08:12 these stories the deep state is trying

NXIVM & Hillary Clinton, Media Meltdown On Mueller Report

@00:10:40 very thankful that there's been no deep
@00:10:44 state attack at all either last night or

Notre Dame, Al-Aqsa Mosque & Mueller Report

@00:02:59 deep state was thinking it's going to be
@00:04:46 deep state people they knew they really
@00:05:16 i hope that the deep state has been able
@00:06:31 the deep state might have used the notre
@00:06:59 of nazareth praying that these deep
@00:07:01 state evil satanic pedophiles are not

Sundance Film Festival Co-Founder Charged with Pedophilia

@00:09:04 suggesting that if the deep state tries

Update on Deadmans Switch, Ohio Pedophile Mayor Pleads Guilty

@00:01:25 deep state the deep state will not allow
@00:06:22 deep state or excuse me the deep state

Julian Assange Arrest Video Footage

@00:01:14 down a lot of these deep state satanic
@00:06:14 ongoing campaign by the deep state using
@00:06:31 deep state is against him being
@00:07:18 deep state wants to get him on all these
@00:12:57 the deep state and when i had done all

Bill Barr Testifies Spying Did Occur on POTUS

@00:02:21 now headed right back at the top deep
@00:02:23 state actors they will all be held

Comey in Deep Trouble, POTUS Reshaping Courts!

@00:03:37 pedophiles these deep state cabal's they

Child Recycling Rings, NY Supreme Court Overturns Medical Martial Law

@00:12:15 won't the deep state is crumbling
@00:13:21 time exposing these deep state nefarious

RBG's Temple Sinai, Huber Probe Shrouded in Mystery

@00:03:22 was just another deep state ploy to make
@00:07:23 wraps so that none of the deep state

POTUS Says Treason, Tim Holmseth Update, DOD Orders $250 Million Worth of Gas Masks

@00:04:07 the deep state and the patriots during

Barr Upset w/ Failed Hillary Probe, RBG Sighting on Mar 31st

@00:05:16 basically deep state actors think george

POTUS Vows to Declass: Q's Storm Now a Hurricane

@00:11:29 was just some sort of rogue a deep state
@00:12:12 amount as much as the deep state has had

Threats Against POTUS, I-68 Shut Down

@00:06:29 to me this seems like a deep state a
@00:06:32 deep state false flag that was stopped

Neon Revolt: RBG's Doctored Audio File

@00:06:29 the deep state has us in so you know i

POTUS Tweets WSJ: Obama Must Be Held Accountable

@00:02:39 need accountability for the mueller deep
@00:02:42 state abuse new clinton email crimes
@00:13:43 that deep state is an absolute and total
@00:13:53 praying that the deep state is not able

HRC Contradicts Herself, Pro Life Victory in MS

@00:05:30 rachel chandler is the pin in the deep
@00:05:32 state grenade her testimony alone will

POTUS Defeats ISIS, General Flynn's Banner, Message of Hope!

@00:05:11 that's propping up this deep state we
@00:06:19 the status quo of the deep state they're

Q 21 Day Countdown A Bust? No!

@00:01:30 the kill brackets referring to the deep
@00:01:33 state so i i want to remind people of
@00:04:53 and then the deep state they counter

POTUS Tweets Hannity: Indictments Coming!

@00:05:07 it's to draw out the deep state
@00:05:15 that q gets read by the deep state as

Purim: Tribe of Benjamin Redeemed

@00:11:03 early on several decades ago the deep
@00:11:06 state has become very very entrenched in

POTUS Vetos Congress: Q's Time Clocks

@00:02:34 and in the deep state but he posted a 12
@00:06:02 the tip of the iceberg the deep state is
@00:06:05 not only going to be in deep panic but
@00:06:19 can disable any type of deep state

Navy Ship Quarantine, NXIVM Pleads Guilty, Ginsburg Voice

@00:03:56 seems like a deep state move to try to

Grounding 737's & Bio Weapon Threat, Going After Obama First

@00:01:26 deep state aircraft with cargo a bio was
@00:01:51 obama first the deep state will react
@00:08:22 deep state retaliating with the
@00:08:34 i think it has to do more with the deep
@00:08:36 state our were planning to use planes

Timothy Holmseth in Jail for 45 Days

@00:02:31 be hacked and used by deep state agents
@00:02:47 prayer because the deep state is is on
@00:03:12 brings down this deep state house of

Q: Unsealing Indictments, Hollywood Silent, Obama in Trouble!

@00:04:30 are scared the deep state is in deep
@00:07:20 the deep state would retaliate with with
@00:07:49 bioweapon the deep state might release
@00:08:07 that the deep state is foiled and

Hannity: It's All About Happen, Q, British Govt Exposed

@00:01:00 beach state it means the enemies of the
@00:01:04 they're they're in deep panic and that's

South Dakota House of Rep & AZ National Guard Whistle Blower

@00:04:04 the deeper state and it's the deep state
@00:04:29 deep state is this book here says
@00:04:43 the masonic symbols that that the deep
@00:04:47 state uses secret societies and and we

Car Almost Hits POTUS, Flynn Exoneration, Seattle Trafficking Ring Busted

@00:02:01 this a deep state action in the video
@00:04:22 move by the deep state we need to
@00:04:36 believe that the deep state is in deep

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:00:54 woods yet the deep state is going to
@00:01:37 deep state happening now the los angeles
@00:01:39 bio that deep reefs showed that it's
@00:03:03 showed she is cornered the deep state
@00:03:07 deep state and the globalists did not
@00:03:42 over and over again the deep state have
@00:04:23 weapon the deep state traders would
@00:04:30 cover for all the deep state
@00:05:09 decision to do so the deep state is
@00:05:34 bio-weapon is in terms of deep state
@00:06:33 there's a huge counter to the deep state
@00:06:39 in in this takedown if and when a deep
@00:06:42 state attack is launched then there's a
@00:06:59 sitting ducks if the deep state uses a
@00:07:18 totally neutralize this deep state
@00:08:41 the deep state what we're about to show
@00:08:58 of so many deep state actors over the
@00:09:15 released now the deep state house of
@00:19:03 insider is warning about the deep state

Friday Night Shabbat: Testimony from Subscriber

@00:05:05 a professor from kennesaw state
@00:05:10 watches you regularly and has a deep

Q, Denver Airport, Alabama Unborn Baby Turning Point

@00:01:36 definitely made by the deep state which
@00:03:34 that the deep state would use in
@00:08:22 square foot bunker built by the deep
@00:08:26 state the new world order to house the
@00:09:07 launched his illegal war of the deep
@00:09:09 state against iraq now president trump
@00:09:19 deep state well we'll have to wait and
@00:14:16 the nation that the deep state can't use

Q & Hannity Sources: Justice is Finally Coming

@00:04:10 exposes surveillance tool for the deep
@00:04:12 state sandberg meets with podesta before

CNN Starts Sounding Like Q: Tide is Turning

@00:04:43 burnett i mean she's like miss deep
@00:04:45 state she's the poster child for cnn and
@00:05:56 have the deep state who has this deadman
@00:08:00 disinformation to confuse the deep state

Hillary Not Running in 2020, Trudeau's Sinking Ship

@00:04:30 william bar is deep state he's dirty
@00:08:51 knows how to play the deep state he
@00:09:38 deep state agents it's very good it's a

HHS Harvesting Children, Foster Care Evils, DS Swamp

@00:08:44 how long the deep state in particular in

NBC, HRC & Pedophile Rings, Q Drop 2939

@00:09:13 not deep state matthew whitaker is now a
@00:10:15 he's just deep state and all this is

Deep State Panic, POTUS Tweets, Q Drop 2937

@00:07:56 they always knew was waiting the deep
@00:07:58 state is in deep panic
@00:12:56 shocks and ahs the deep state you know
@00:13:12 the deep state human trafficking child
@00:13:27 reverse of what the deep state had done
@00:13:34 that wicked satanic pedophile a deep
@00:13:36 state agent launched an illegal war
@00:13:43 shocks and ahs the deep state i think

POTUS CPAC Speech, Q Tick Tock Countdown

@00:10:12 deep state wanting to push back so

NXIVM: New Criminal Charges Pending

@00:06:24 nominees the deep state runs deep and
@00:09:30 mike pence who is very much into deep
@00:09:33 state very much tied to the bush cabal
@00:10:49 but he doesn't he has a deep state bush
@00:11:14 huge amount of the deep state swamp all

AZ National Guard Whistleblower Exposes Child Sex Trafficking!

@00:28:36 deep state okay i mean you think it's a

POTUS Defies Deep State Expectations, Illinois Abortion Bill, Iowa Catholic pedophiles

@00:10:28 play the msm and the deep state and to

Q's 21 Days, Deadman Switch, POTUS Go Orders

@00:01:54 washington state that of course is very
@00:02:05 given and deep states let loose and the
@00:02:14 immediate containment by russia deep
@00:02:16 state blames on all of the country that
@00:02:34 like another warning from the deep state
@00:02:49 the deep state to bolter this threat or
@00:02:54 false narrative for the deep sate so
@00:03:14 creating a false narrative for the deep
@00:03:15 state so that they can use russia as a
@00:03:21 that the deep state would blame another
@00:03:26 problem is if the deep state uses their
@00:03:42 going through a deep state clean-out and
@00:03:44 the russian deep state used their dead
@00:04:07 is no but the mainstream media deep
@00:04:10 state has played a story a false
@00:04:16 in the deep state will use the deadman
@00:04:27 that's how the deep state works now
@00:12:00 pedophiles and the deep state
@00:13:41 propaganda can't be used by the deep
@00:13:44 state

Timothy Holmseth: Florida Sex Trafficking Sting & Bob Kraft

@00:04:29 is the deep state you know you have x

Infanticide, POTUS, EO, Q Drop Ginsburg & Scalia

@00:11:01 the deep state and then

Update on Bioweapons Threat: 3 Million Americans in Danger

@00:02:25 out if this is a white hat or deep state
@00:04:59 this the deep state will use pmc's as
@00:05:16 research found the deep freeze and
@00:05:24 that the deep state did not keep all of
@00:08:19 the ngo order is released and the deep
@00:08:21 state retaliates thanks daniel
@00:09:00 had access to these plans deep state
@00:10:25 when this happens because the deep state
@00:10:53 deep state is still very powerful and

Wall Ahead of Schedule, POTUS Defies CIA Created ISIS

@00:05:33 tweeted out he said the deep state were
@00:06:00 deep state has been working in
@00:08:13 deep state the cia the dod they do not

Q, RBG Hoax, Bioweapon Threat: Tying It All Together

@00:03:17 the deep state that basically tells
@00:16:57 trump is surrounded by the deep state

POTUS Confirms Q, Patriots Owner Human Trafficking Ring Busted

@00:02:07 proof that the deep state is in deep

Yes, Ruth Ginsburg is Still Dead, Q Declass Coming!

@00:02:24 they're deep state anyway this was
@00:11:32 in power we have deep state players that

Whitaker to STAY, Q Blitz: Barr Exposes Mueller

@00:02:35 was deep state i mean he was appointed
@00:12:34 being deep state being part of the bush

Ruth Ginsburg, Q Warning of False Flags, MSM Propaganda

@00:09:03 it could have been unleashed by the deep
@00:09:06 state and it wasn't president trump
@00:09:21 out because i think the deep state is

Inside Intel: Texas National Guard, Del Rio, Border Crisis

@00:02:47 deep state and the threat of the

POTUS, RBG Trap, Q, National Emergency

@00:02:33 the town in order to help the deep state
@00:04:01 pedophiles that the deep state is is
@00:04:47 preside over prosecution of the deep
@00:04:49 state and their referral for military

Forced Vaccines, Q, Barr, Kavanaugh, Ginsburg

@00:04:44 had ties to the bush cabal deep state
@00:10:34 some deep state stuff here ah man the

Bio Weapons, IPOT, Military Insider & Human Trafficking

@00:03:27 a good size the deep state will use
@00:05:32 says now the question is the deep state
@00:05:51 deep state is hanging over president
@00:06:11 did the deep state keep all their eggs
@00:06:43 so you could move in for the kill deep
@00:06:45 state knew what this training could mean
@00:10:31 the deep state is all arrested but both
@00:12:30 prayer against the deep state unleashing
@00:12:45 to the deep state that you try this
@00:12:59 deep state is trying to launch their bio
@00:13:26 the american population that if the deep
@00:13:28 state retaliates by launching a
@00:13:51 deep state and then go forward in going

Whitaker in Control, Iowa Reverses Decision, NM Approves Baby Murder

@00:10:16 because the deep state wants to continue

Military Insider, Ebola, Deep State Counter Attack

@00:06:06 time deep state the ebola virus spreads
@00:08:38 about all these things so the deep state
@00:09:03 trump the wisdom to to disable the deep
@00:09:06 state before they can do any type of
@00:10:32 any type of bioweapon the deep state
@00:10:49 completely disable any type of deep
@00:10:51 state secret weapon quickly before he
@00:11:04 united states there are deep state

POTUS State of the Union Address: Utterly Spectacular!!

@00:08:51 contain something that the deep state
@00:09:04 that the deep state is not able to do

John of God Satanic Pedophile, Oprah Winfrey, Liz Crokin Exposes

@00:06:56 been used by the deep state to funnel

POTUS Taking 9th Circuit, Military Bio-Weapons Update, Superbowl Sting

@00:01:39 maybe about the so - state of the union
@00:01:42 address we keep praying the deep state
@00:01:45 in the usa and the deep state worldwide
@00:01:59 the deep state bioweapons are not it's
@00:02:37 the deep state here and worldwide will
@00:02:43 the weapons of the deep state arsenal to
@00:03:19 deep state won't give it up without
@00:03:23 now about how the deep state is losing

Barr Delayed, POTUS Wins, Graham Rebukes Mueller, Vaccine Fraud

@00:02:02 many many ties with the deep state with

Tim Holmseth: Trump Wall, QAnon, Project Ambition

@00:15:57 telegraphing to the deep state their

Whitaker, Trudeau, Mueller, Ginsberg: State of the Union

@00:10:25 hillary clinton factory as more deep
@00:10:27 state trump that exposed fbi raids
@00:11:01 time the deep state attacks against

Whitaker: Mueller Witch Hunt Ending: Major Victory

@00:01:31 the deep state agents that were working
@00:05:27 to pursue prosecutions of the deep state

The POTUS Head Fake: Deep State Gnashing Their Teeth

@00:02:58 trick the deep state and then he
@00:03:17 all john bolton is deep state bush cabal

POTUS 21 Days, Q, The Wall, Endgame

@00:08:04 explain the deep state moving forward
@00:09:03 the deep state if there's no tweet then
@00:09:17 referred to look for the deep state
@00:09:29 the deep state is moving forward with

New Intel Drop: Barges, Quarantine, DS, POTUS, Q

@00:02:36 that's what the deep state wants to do
@00:02:37 now will the deep state be able to
@00:03:39 look these deep state people are not
@00:04:51 quarantine issues that the deep sea you
@00:04:56 doing things and the deep state are
@00:05:15 up for quarantine because the deep state
@00:05:22 deep there's a lot of different

Washington Measles Outbreak: Deep State Bio Weapon Trial Run?

@00:02:20 bio weapons of the deep state that my
@00:03:06 this a bioweapon is this the deep state
@00:03:09 i mean it's hard to imagine the deep
@00:03:12 state would unleash a weapon on the
@00:03:46 the children and these deep state
@00:04:40 type of deep state bioweapon retaliation

New Intel Drop: Bio Weapons, Rescue Teams, POTUS Go Order

@00:01:25 harmed whatsoever if the deep state
@00:03:36 to the deep state which is why the deep
@00:03:39 state is threatening to release the bio
@00:03:44 comply but the deep state doesn't
@00:03:56 not gonna end well for the deep state
@00:05:06 deep the bio weapons by the deep state
@00:05:23 gives us as an example how the deep
@00:05:25 state blames other countries for any
@00:06:07 go all the way and uprooting the deep
@00:06:08 state and this will come at a cost he
@00:06:36 push against the deep state so he wrote
@00:07:07 up by a deep state to carry out their
@00:08:17 the deep state will be eradicated powers

Sabbath Hike: Godly Response to Threat of Bio Weapons from Deep State

@00:00:40 the deep state have i'm gonna be doing a
@00:01:23 taking down the deep state while we can
@00:01:29 consequences of the deep state
@00:01:47 deep state is going to retaliate they're
@00:02:40 going to be there's still the deep state
@00:03:33 deep state is just so entrenched in so
@00:03:41 there is going to be a backlash the deep
@00:03:44 state just will not give up without a

Pedophile Protector Mueller Goes After Stone

@00:06:07 yeah the deep state is all around

Update DS Deadman's Switch, Pelosi and Kerry Threats, POTUS Response

@00:01:32 number one the deep state will use their
@00:01:39 number two the deep state will use their
@00:05:28 think in 2019 although the deep state
@00:07:11 neutralize the threat of what the deep
@00:07:14 state would call their deadman switch

Update Military Intel Deep State Deadman's Switch

@00:04:29 around on pelosi of the deep state
@00:05:49 deep state then they will revert back to
@00:06:02 deep state was created in north korea
@00:06:59 the deep state so that was their plan
@00:07:01 the problem is is that the deep state
@00:07:19 north korea the deep state still has
@00:07:34 now the deep state is going completely
@00:07:52 kennedy faced deep state will use their
@00:07:56 if arrests happen deep states will use
@00:08:08 speak for the deep state bio thread is
@00:08:30 deadman switch from the deep state
@00:09:13 pray against the deep state from being
@00:09:30 deep state fanatics trying to hurt the
@00:09:38 know i believe pence is part of the deep
@00:09:40 state he's a satanic pedophile himself
@00:10:19 pence is the deep state the deep state
@00:11:21 well it seems the deep state will
@00:11:44 so we pray against these deep state
@00:13:18 nonsense that the deep state are going

deleted POTUS Kicks Out Trans-Perverts, Q & White House Sinkhole 17th Street

@00:05:45 setting on the deep state so - this
@00:05:48 it's a sinkhole for all these deep

Critical GITMO Intel, Purim White House Event, My New Itinerary

@00:05:01 destruction the deep state is involved
@00:07:51 and taking the deep state down within

Q is Real, POTUS Plan Against Deep State Cabal Update

@00:00:50 tweet posted by a guy named deep state
@00:01:10 deep state a satanic pedophile cabal
@00:01:19 said to build up their deep state assets

Tim Holmseth: Crimes Against Humanity Involving Obama, Wetterlings, Rothschilds

@00:34:15 pedophilia they're both deep state and

Fox News Reports Ginsberg's Death

@00:01:36 and she is gone she's dead and the deep
@00:01:39 state is desperate desperate to try to

POTUS Traps Democrats, Flynn's Setting Sun on Deep State

@00:07:34 that the sun is setting on the deep
@00:07:36 state the sun is setting on the deep
@00:07:38 state we just had that blood moon
@00:07:49 a good sign it means the deep state is
@00:08:01 sun is setting on the deep state in fact

Pelosi, Goat Hill Pizza, Satanic Pedophile Foiled!

@00:03:40 headquarters and afghanistan the deep
@00:03:43 state heroin headquarters what were you
@00:03:59 quarters in the deep state heroin

POTUS Govt Shutdown Trap, Reflections Day 5 UCSD

@00:03:19 trump suckered democrats in the deep
@00:03:21 state into a trap that will enable a

More Photos GITMO, POTUS & Barr, Military Tribunals

@00:06:32 has ties to the deep state he's close
@00:08:07 this guy's at deep state and then they

More Photos GITMO, Treason & Q, Naming Names

@00:12:57 deep state bad actors are watching my
@00:14:33 deep state bad actress he knows where

POTUS Storms Out From Democrat Meeting & Reflections on Day 3 @ UCSD

@00:03:11 schumer are deeply involved in the deep
@00:03:13 state and the satanic child sex

Ginsberg Death, Bush Sr Funeral, and the POTUS Plan

@00:01:41 deep state i know that's what you said
@00:01:43 but remember q understands that deep
@00:01:47 state people read q as well so sometimes
@00:02:08 it was not a distraction by the deep
@00:02:11 state it was exactly what president

Tribunals Thunder Onward, POTUS Exposes Pedophile Romney

@00:13:35 strange recent activity with deep state

Military Tribunals Began Yesterday Jan 2nd 2019

@00:08:12 trump team concerning several deep state

JFK Jr., Q, Pres Kennedy & Trump: The Fall of the satanic cabal

@00:07:37 because the deep state watches q and

Q's 10 Days of Darkness, POTUS vs Obama, Last Gasp of Shadow Govt

@00:12:09 escalating deep state cyber attack on

Nationwide 911 Outage, Blue Lights Over NYC

@00:01:16 state whoops
@00:01:18 we know the deep state isn't gonna go

Satanic Pedophile Trudeau, Sealed Indictment, Elites Go Silent

@00:03:43 a desperate effort to blackmail the deep
@00:03:45 state into preventing his own capture
@00:03:58 deep state into preventing his capture

X22, First Alarm, Q, 2019 And What to Expect

@00:02:12 deep state will continue
@00:09:30 deep state upon the shadow government

Aquino, Military Sources, TRUTH of US Military

@00:06:36 deep state it's because he's he has to

Major NY Child Sex Ring Busted, Sick Child Marriages, Pray for FLYNN!

@00:07:50 the deep state machinations there's a

Gen Flynn Exposing Deep State Satanic Pedophiles: Breaking News

@00:05:16 decimate the deep state and i talked
@00:06:49 these deep state pedophiles after the

Fiona Barnett Exposes Eli Priest

@00:02:31 as ensign ens si si n works for the deep
@00:02:36 state the same folk who set up george

Judge Sentencing Flynn Demands to See FBI Docs! HUGE BOMBSHELL!

@00:06:10 government the deep state and that

Satanic Pedophile Talmudic Dedication 3rd Temple Altar

@00:03:06 deep state to antarctica and born there

How Q, POTUS Double-Cross The Satanic Pedophiles, Breaking News Dec 10, 2018

@00:03:36 i guess the the deep state counter moved
@00:07:06 been the place for the deep state for a
@00:07:21 only have the deep state been there back
@00:07:34 so this has been a place for the deep
@00:07:36 state for a long time and in fact
@00:08:37 always been a big place for the deep
@00:08:38 state so why don't you close the picture
@00:08:47 president trump because the deep state
@00:08:51 has gutted folks the deep state has got
@00:09:12 plane basically like the deep state

POTUS Signs New Law: Trillions Taken from Child Sex Traffickers!

@00:03:47 related and that is the deep state is
@00:04:07 basically the deep state okay a
@00:04:08 mouthpiece for the deep state very
@00:05:55 so these this is this deep state

T-Minus 1 Day to 77th Pearl Harbor Anniversary

@00:05:52 deceive the deep state and the shadow
@00:06:18 such a good job at exposing the deep
@00:06:21 state the shadow government you know

CIA Whistleblower: Satanic Pedophiles Going Down D7

@00:02:28 deep state not just deep state but

Deep State, Bush Sr. vs Pres Trump's Countermove

@00:01:23 the deep state has used bush senior's
@00:04:30 to what the deep state is trying to do

Bush Sr, Prophecy, POTUS, Q, Christmas, Hanukkah

@00:04:58 deep state connected to the bush cabal

Pedophile Soros vs Facebook: Civil War

@00:04:03 deep state will be their own doing as

POTUS Using Assange to Expose Satanic Peophiles

@00:01:56 against the deep state just a few more

Ex CIA Agent Exposes Pence the Pedophile

@00:00:58 of this video the deep state versus

Pres Trump Preparing GITMO for Satanic Pedophile Elites

@00:03:25 them deep state biggest secret finally

Slaughter at Synagogue Used to Blame Q and Trump

@00:01:54 contributed to the deep state just like
@00:02:10 they are part of the deep state just as
@00:04:58 this point what they're doing the deep
@00:05:01 state is so desperate and in such panic
@00:05:39 it's the deep state controls so many of
@00:06:09 part of this deep state and part of this

Pedophile Deep State Mails Itself Bombs to Frame President Trump

@00:00:59 it looks like the deep state decided to
@00:01:39 the deep state mailing itself bombs in
@00:02:49 pedophile take down this deep state

Q's Vanishing Act, Skyfall, The Turning Point

@00:08:18 deep state know anything and he's not

Satanic Abuse Survivor Jason Gives His Life to Messiah!

@00:42:42 bury it deep inside so you know that's
@00:42:52 state of affairs man and me and i did a

Prophecy, Pedophiles, Trump: X Marks The Spot

@00:04:45 what's going on with a deep state and
@00:04:46 how the deep state is going to be taken
@00:24:33 deep state basically so as these
@00:24:49 the deep state to sweat and we know hugh
@00:24:51 saying that the deep state is in panic
@00:24:58 that the deep state does eventually

Clarification on Putin and Child Sex Trafficking

@00:07:11 represents the deep state and it causes
@00:07:13 the deep state start sweating because
@00:07:16 face represents a deep state but

Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed This Shabbat (Saturday)

@00:04:03 deep state and it seems apparent that

Oct 3rd Emergency Broadcast Test: What You Need To Know

@00:05:36 the deep state again you know the the

Pence+NXIVM+Pena+Senator Tester=Plot Against POTUS

@00:10:21 out the deep state who knows the most

Nathan Stolpman (LTV) Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:17:36 disinformation to throw off the deep
@00:17:37 state and the second thing is is that

Upcoming Interview with VeganMikey and a WARNING

@00:15:15 to back the deep state into a corner
@00:15:20 aware that the deep state would love to
@00:15:33 because the deep state may still pull
@00:15:42 be able to do because the deep state is

Assange Will Bring Down Hillary Clinton Oct 21st

@00:02:52 almost two years clinton and the deep
@00:02:53 state have been hell-bent on drumming up

Q Drop 2128: Obama and Hillary's Downfall

@00:07:56 this information waiting until the deep
@00:07:59 state basically finishes firing off all
@00:08:03 this information and the more of a deep
@00:08:05 state knows he's sitting on this

Mike Pence: Pedophile and Freemason

@00:01:26 mike pence is part of the deep state i
@00:01:29 part of the deep state and he's gonna be
@00:01:57 did not know of his deep state

Pedophile Protector Craig Sawyer Exposed

@00:04:33 deep state agent planted to protect

Illuminati Kabbalah: 6 Points For Global Takeover

@00:03:10 deep state the new world order that

Essay: How Smashing of Hollywood Pedophilia Fits Into Biblical Prophecy

@00:02:30 himself or number two the deep state
@00:04:06 deep state current a new world order

Steven Spielberg Raped and Murdered Heather

@00:09:51 that the deep state is either gonna be
@00:10:38 whether the deep state and the current

Hebrews 10: Live Skype Fellowship

@00:22:04 that plow and you dig deep and you press
@00:22:09 that is the only state of a true