
RBG's Wrinkled Flag, Trump's Undercover Operatives, The Soon Deliverance of General Flynn

@00:02:22 and a sick satanic pedophile and so now

Street Preacher Interrupts Chuck Schumer, Bombshell Report Links Biden's Son to Human Trafficking

@00:05:42 caught being a satanic pedophile well
@00:08:43 was already known as a satanic pedophile

Trump $100 Million to Combat Human Trafficking, Biden-Ukraine Report to Drop, Hawaii Goes Trump

@00:03:45 satanic pedophile stings that have
@00:09:50 of that pedophile

Trump Calls for Death Penalty, Pedo Sentenced to Death, Netflix Loses 9 Billion, Hanks Deletes

@00:01:52 uh criminals the pedophile satanic
@00:04:24 for sentencing this satanic pedophile to
@00:05:20 pedophile
@00:05:49 will bring charges uh pedophile charges

Ginsburg Photoshop, 27 Satanic Pedophiles Trapped, Flynn's Ongoing Persecution, Trump Hints at Soros

@00:04:48 satanic pedophile of course the porn
@00:04:55 pedophile network
@00:04:59 the satanic pedophile network

6 Democrat Mayors Endorse POTUS, Dems Flood CSPAN to Support Trump, LeBron James & Katy Perry

@00:06:02 romney is a satanic pedophile by the way
@00:06:23 satanic pedophile
@00:06:31 person a satanic pedophile
@00:06:55 man is a satanic pedophile pizzagate
@00:07:25 pedophile and letting us know through

Baphomet Head DNC Logo, Q GITMO Base, 39 Children Rescued, POTUS Demands Biden Take Drug Test

@00:12:15 of how many pedophile rings have been
@00:12:26 robert the satanic pedophile de niro
@00:14:06 pedophile rings

Massive Crowds Surround Buckingham Palace, Google GITMO Camp Justice, Pizza Party Children's Book

@00:02:46 pedophile book that has been discovered
@00:02:52 walmart pedophile book i'll show
@00:03:41 pedophile and child trafficking but

Media Tries to Tie Qanon to Violence, Netflix Justifies Pedophilia, POTUS shows off Pizza

@00:03:23 strangers and say oh you're a pedophile
@00:04:23 chasing pedophile
@00:04:37 chasing a pedophile who kidnapped a girl

President Trump Responds to Q Question, Media Panic, Human Trafficking Down 96% Due to Wall

@00:06:18 is uh deep into the satanic pedophile
@00:06:36 we hate the pedophile uh pedophores that

The Beatles, Nygard Exposed, Alex Jones Fires Millie, Epstein & Gates, Bill Clinton Photos

@00:01:53 under the sick satanic pedophile
@00:12:21 most notorious pedophile
@00:12:30 bill gates is a satanic pedophile and
@00:14:14 anderson cooper satanic pedophile
@00:17:07 humanitarian trip with the pedophile to

Drone Almost Hits AF1, 17 Flint Satanic Pedos Arrested, Alec Baldwin in Full Blown Panic

@00:07:19 pedophile i mean i made videos about him
@00:15:52 he is definitely a satanic pedophile no

Tim Ballard's Operation Underground Railroad Is Not What It Appears

@00:02:19 epstein and his pedophile network we're
@00:05:41 pedophile who

New York Times Emails Me, Then Writes Article Bashing Me

@00:08:45 is a pedophile code symbol for boy love

Kamala Harris Sis Tied to Pizzagate Emails, Fisher Price/Mattel Toys, Flynn Update, 26 Explosions

@00:04:26 and the pedophile symbol right there
@00:07:23 the pedophile island i've talked about

Trump's Bedminster Weekend, Ukraine, Obamagate & Draining the Swamp

@00:09:33 that guy is a satanic pedophile

POTUS Cryptic Statement, Tom Hanks Hollywood Star, Troll Dolls Removed, Worship in Casino

@00:04:34 pedophile written instead wow i never
@00:04:40 being a pedophile back in the
@00:06:22 pedophile symbol for girl lover
@00:07:16 pedophile symbols
@00:08:29 for pedophile for pedophilia praise yeah

Save the Children March Through Hollywood, Kevin Shipp Flips, Trump Vindicated

@00:12:43 for trump to be exposed as a pedophile
@00:12:54 pedophile just as bad as all the rest

Maxwell (Epstein) Docs Unsealed, Exposed Satanic Pedophile Elites Hit Main Stream News -- It's Begun

@00:01:46 part of a satanic pedophile global
@00:02:52 is a satanic pedophile just because of
@00:11:08 did i mention there's an elite pedophile

Gaetz Sends Criminal Referral for Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Hanks in Greece, Operation Legend 1st Arrests

@00:03:51 pedophile ring that has been busted out
@00:06:04 busted up this uh satanic pedophile ring

Bill Gates & Anderson Cooper in Panic Mode, Nadler Says Portland Riots a Myth, Ditka Defends Anthem

@00:05:38 niro the satanic pedophile
@00:05:39 bill gates the satanic pedophile ellen
@00:05:42 degeneres the satanic pedophile
@00:05:44 tom hanks the satanic pedophile
@00:05:47 meryl streep the satanic pedophile
@00:05:54 steven spielberg the satanic pedophile
@00:05:57 oprah winfrey the satanic pedophile

What A Beautiful Trap Trump Has Sprung to Red Pill the Masses, Epstein & Clinton Foundation

@00:08:04 satanic pedophile yes i said it uh the
@00:08:20 king being a pedophile
@00:08:26 stephen king is a satanic pedophile and

Judge Orders Unsealing Epstein Docs, 23 Children Rescued, Canada Busts Pedo Ring, Cuomo Impeachment

@00:04:41 hopefully that satanic pedophile
@00:05:50 satanic pedophile

Baby Lives Matter Mural Facing Planned Parenthood, Taking Q's Challenge: Pizzagate Unplugged

@00:04:40 of peta wood of the satanic pedophile
@00:06:30 james pedophile island since epstein
@00:07:33 epstein's pedophile island
@00:12:12 yeah dennis hassard big time pedophile

Pedowood Massive Exposure: Teigen Deletes Over 28k Tweets, Tom Hanks Blocks 30K People

@00:03:09 a pedophile yeah people are awakening
@00:03:27 is a major satanic pedophile
@00:04:14 satanic pedophile part of the
@00:04:16 satanic pedophile elites in peterwood
@00:07:06 pedophile in hollywood
@00:09:05 shows herself to be a satanic pedophile
@00:09:09 pedophile skit
@00:09:35 satanic pedophile
@00:10:09 shown herself to be a pedophile herself

Germany Investigates 30,000 Pedophile Network, Deep State Pushes 2nd Wave, China Pig Virus

@00:01:13 30,000 suspects over a pedophile network
@00:03:11 this online pedophile network that this

9 Arrested in Ohio Child Sex Trafficking Ring, Epstein Victims Get Compensation, OK Rioters Charged

@00:03:52 major satanic pedophile ring in ohio
@00:06:35 i'm glad that this satanic pedophile

Simpson's Creator, Epstein & Adrenochrome, HRC's Pizza, Q's Ominous Warning

@00:02:06 i mean if he's a satanic pedophile the
@00:02:10 pedophile friends with jeffrey epstein
@00:04:03 a major pedophile
@00:09:32 so the satanic pedophile scandal but

Ellen & Jimmy Kimmel Cancelled, 5 Murderous Governors, Trump Labels BLM as Treason & Sedition

@00:01:50 this satanic pedophile elite in
@00:02:58 pedophile his this place where he's

Sullivan Stalls, Trafficking in Persons Report, DOJ on Inditcment Spree Against Anarchists

@00:14:37 disney himself was a pedophile who was

Don Jr. Blasts Biden Sniffing Children, Epstein Victim Names Ehud Barak, Ellen Degeneres SRA Drawing

@00:01:31 pedophile listen to what he has to say
@00:06:33 pedophile lestat was close friends with
@00:09:27 pedophile elite that is in hollywood and
@00:14:45 as a satanic pedophile the patriots once

POTUS Again Accuses Obama of Treason, Hollywood Crumbling, Seattle Mayor to Shut Down CHAZ/CHOP

@00:04:24 pedophile you know because of the
@00:08:37 actually cast as a pedophile amazon and

13 Children Rescued, More Pedowood Accusations, Berlin Pedo Program, Antifa & ISIS

@00:02:23 pedophile ring was taken down in the
@00:06:21 d'elia as the pedophile in season two of
@00:08:13 pedophile men assuming they make ideal
@00:08:31 pedophile men these men would make
@00:08:46 pedophile foster fathers even received a

Q: All Systems Go, 58% Americans Want Military to Quell Riots, Antifa Arrests Coming

@00:15:29 satanic pedophile who helped orchestrate

deleted Facebook's Child Sex Video Horror, CDC Backpeddles, Celebrities Bail Out Criminals

@00:12:00 exposed as a satanic pedophile or at

Trump Throws Down The Gauntlet, Antifa Members Identified & Arrested, Spiritual War Rages On

@00:09:30 bush senior was a satanic pedophile but

POTUS Signs Social Media EO, Ohio Weatherman Sentenced for Child Porn, Republican Victory in VA

@00:09:27 himself was a satanic pedophile okay
@00:11:48 disney himself was a satanic pedophile
@00:17:23 pedophile governor's are it is absolute

South Dakota: Bill Outlaws All Vaccine and Medical Mandates, Satanic Pedos Arrested in TX, OR, NE

@00:15:20 so glad to see that this pedophile ring
@00:17:18 involved in a satanic pedophile ring

Declass Continues Exposing Comey & Obama, Don Jr Mocks Pedophile Biden, Battle Against Tyranny Rages

@00:03:57 calling creepy joe biden a pedophile and
@00:04:10 later alligator in a while pedophile
@00:04:41 pedophile trump jr. wrote in the post
@00:05:14 accusing joe of being a pedophile and so
@00:06:37 biden is a creep and a pedophile with
@00:07:10 got a pedophile ring in waco texas
@00:08:27 with them so phrase yeah this pedophile
@00:08:29 satanic pedophile ring was busted up in
@00:18:25 pedophile himself makes absolutely

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:25:41 satanic pedophile elites hallelujah if

DNC Spokeswoman Meltdown, Samantha Power & Biden Caught in Lies, FBI Confronts Feinstein

@00:21:35 pedophile a major satanic pedophile what

Dr. Mikovits Willing to Expose Fauci Before Congress, HR 6666, Judge Strikes Down MI Tyranny

@00:13:55 satanic pedophile ring so hopefully with
@00:13:59 crack down on a pedophile ring once

Fitton Sues for Fauci Phone Records, Judges Striking Down Tyrants, Congress Not Shielded From Arrest

@00:09:27 pedophile ring but thank god that they
@00:13:54 major satanic pedophile and

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:15:42 pedophile we know he was involved in the
@00:16:38 pedophile should receive i've got to do

Calling for Death Penalty on Fox News, POTUS Retweets Durham & Obama Posts, Protests Rage Across USA

@00:17:26 pedophile should receive swift justice
@00:17:29 satanic cults and pedophile rings

Protests in California & Oregon, Judge Fast Tracks Unsealing Epstein Docs, CDC Adjusts Death Count

@00:09:07 pedophile jeffrey epstein this will
@00:11:47 pedophile religious cult and they've

Flynn's List of High Level Pedophiles, Awakened Patriots vs Deep State, Trump Reminds Us of Law Day

@00:16:52 sex pedophile ring interesting that it
@00:16:56 how many satanic pedophile rings that i
@00:18:47 pedophile rings that were busted up

Flynn Case Unsealed: Beginning of the End for the Deep State

@00:07:54 tweeted out that pedophile should

Lawsuit Against Facebook Allowing Sex Traffickers, Heartbreak from NYC, Signs of the Times

@00:01:23 satanic pedophile networks and facebook
@00:09:48 satanic pedophile marrying these very

Nineteen New Q Drops: Be Ready, The Silent War Continues, DS Comms

@00:05:43 speaking of a satanic pedophile child
@00:07:09 pedophile and he's committed gross

Sex Abuse Victims Speak Out, Police Chief Caught, Barr Crackdown On Unlawful Restrictions

@00:01:17 course is a satanic pedophile herself
@00:01:26 other satanic pedophile child sex
@00:09:30 since she's an actual satanic pedophile

New Movie Exposes Child Sex Trafficking, POTUS & UV Therapy, Gen Flynn Breaks Silence After 2 Years

@00:11:08 of the satanic pedophile symbol there of
@00:11:34 put a known satanic pedophile symbol

Covid Crackdown Arrests 30 Pedophiles, Staged Media Hoax, Protecting Children from Big Pharma

@00:09:37 yeah now the satanic pedophile arrested

5x More Women Accuse Nygard of Sexual Assault, Pope's Terrible May? More Seth Rich Details Emerging

@00:05:55 obviously major major satanic pedophile
@00:06:36 pedophile now is making a reference to

POTUS Suspends All Immigration, Epstein's Photographer Found Dead, Child Sex Propaganda

@00:11:47 world with pedophile tendencies but if

POTUS Exposes FBI Scum, Flynn Loves Out of Shadows, Global Child Sex Ring Busted, Protests Across US

@00:06:34 pedophile networks around the world and
@00:07:50 happy that this satanic pedophile ring

POTUS to Force Recess, Robert Kennedy Jr Exposes Fauci, Famous Boxer Exposes Hollywood Pedophiles

@00:06:02 yesterday hollywood pedophile ring going
@00:06:56 man these pedophile rings are getting
@00:07:34 pedophile rings really are in hollywood
@00:07:54 starts exposing this pedophile ring in

POTUS Mentions "Plague", Flynn's New Banner, DS Power Structure Being Taken Down

@00:06:30 satanic pedophile although i just heard
@00:07:01 you know the six six satanic pedophile
@00:16:59 these satanic pedophile cabals that have

Dow Soars as Coronavirus Slows, Human Trafficking Takedown in Detroit & Arizona, POTUS & 5G

@00:09:05 pedophile ring in arizona busted up once
@00:11:58 pedophile rings and human trafficking
@00:12:04 thousands of different satanic pedophile

Checkpoints Crackdown on Child Sex Traffickers, Pedophile Prisoner of War, Flynn's Audit of Obama

@00:13:02 showing us a deep state pedophile
@00:13:19 pedophile ring that so many different
@00:13:29 this ring that that pedophile seemed to
@00:14:00 pedophile prison of war is the first

More Media Lies About Coronavirus, Cuomo Frees Satanic Pedophiles, Teen Hero Rescues Small Children

@00:10:47 accused pedophile
@00:10:54 pedophile from australia has been
@00:13:15 pedophiles this guy alleged pedophile i
@00:14:40 probably a satanic pedophile from

USNS Comfort & Haiti, USN Watkins Ghost Detainee Ship, Police Raid Elite LA Neighborhood, DS Threats

@00:05:15 these high-profile satanic pedophile
@00:06:23 light of all of the pedo would pedophile
@00:07:33 with his satanic pedophile henchman they

Adrenochrome Harvesting in Dark Crystal, Monsters Inc, Twilight Zone, Court Removes Insanity Plea

@00:04:58 epstein's island the pedophile island
@00:06:50 major satanic pedophile who had an

JFK's Grandchildren singing Timber, Prince Charles, Patriot Boomerang

@00:04:16 pedophile child killer and necrophiliac
@00:04:38 pedophile suddenly announcing that he

USNS Mercy/Comfort, Fauci Loves Hillary, Kevin Bacon Warns

@00:09:51 pedophile hillary clinton no wonder he
@00:10:13 pedal for pedophile hollywood stars

Q Confirms COVID-19 Terrorist Attack, Pedowood Meltdown Clarified, Pelosi Backs Down

@00:04:05 cannibal and pedophile from from many
@00:06:10 pedophile club participants david spade
@00:10:17 concocted by very evil satanic pedophile

Army Officer & White Rabbit, China Organ Harvesting, CIA Split Into 1000 Pieces

@00:01:09 pedophile symbol derived from the
@00:07:35 the satanic pedophile network but again

Madonna Sings Pasta, Ohio Abortions Cease, David Spade Panic, Deep State vs Patriot Agenda

@00:01:57 madonna is a major satanic pedophile
@00:02:28 pedophile code words cryptic hysterical
@00:07:50 node of the satanic pedophile network

Blockades on Runways, Ellen Degeneres Codes to Tom Hanks, Playboy Shuts Down

@00:13:12 major satanic pedophile working with

Florida Pedophile Ring Destroyed, Adrenochrome, Quake Damages Mormon Temple, Omaha Radio Hanks Rumor

@00:02:17 satanic pedophile ring busted up people
@00:02:23 front of pedophile because every act of
@00:03:09 pedophile caretakers are to do this sikh
@00:04:31 luciferian pedophile cultists who rule

deleted Hidden Enemy, COVID-19 vs The Flu, Alex Jones Sues POTUS, Satanic Museum Shuts Down!

@00:12:28 church sends its pedophile priests and
@00:12:53 is a major satanic pedophile on thetive

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:13:09 pedophile to drug running to all sorts
@00:16:30 the deep state the satanic pedophile

POTUS Press Conference, Madonna & Coronavirus, Sex Worker Industry Being Destroyed

@00:04:51 was a major satanic pedophile this is
@00:05:33 pedophile i have at least three or four
@00:06:04 being the satanic pedophile he is trying

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:07:48 satanic pedophile herself who takes
@00:09:39 major satanic pedophile who abused
@00:09:47 pedophile ring i've talked about that
@00:10:48 was a pedophile in a very sick

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:02:53 a satanic pedophile he was the one that
@00:03:03 satanic pedophile cabal so i think
@00:06:52 satanic pedophile whistleblower isaac
@00:08:03 signature of being a satanic pedophile

Weinstein 23 Years in Prison, Exposing More Hoax Panic over Coronavirus, Naval Institute Confirms Q

@00:01:20 was also a pedophile a satanic pedophile
@00:07:52 satanic pedophile agenda that they don't

Staged Coronavirus, Q's Death Blossom, When to Play The Trump Card

@00:07:28 jeffrey epstein pedophile rapist and
@00:07:32 clinton donor and buck pedophile rapist
@00:07:38 pedophile rapist clinton donor anthony
@00:07:40 weiner pedophile rapist clinton donor
@00:07:42 kevin spacey pedophile rapist clinton
@00:07:45 donor joel gets pedophile clinton
@00:08:00 pedophile rapist and to clinton but i'm

Lawlessness in San Francisco, Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices, Pedophile Pastors Arrested

@00:06:06 schumer is also a satanic pedophile we
@00:11:49 definitely a satanic pedophile raping a

Graham Launches FISA Probe, Ukraine Goes After Biden, Trump Sues Washington Post

@00:07:32 biden we know big-time satanic pedophile
@00:07:40 comey he's a satanic pedophile as well

Hillary Cancels Tour, Chris Matthews Crumbles, Oscar Winning Actor Accused of Pedophilia

@00:02:48 pedophile she's one of the worst we know
@00:07:45 matthews is a satanic pedophile but this

Mayor Pete Helps Biden, Spielberg's Daughter Arrested, Comcast Pushing Teen Themed Porn

@00:02:48 pedophile byproducts from john podesta
@00:02:58 podesta is a big-time satanic pedophile
@00:13:29 big-time satanic pedophile ok president

Oprah & Madonna Fall, Collins Promises Criminal Charges Durham Probe, US & Taliban Peace Deal

@00:03:01 satanic pedophile ways both very very
@00:11:47 major major satanic pedophile

Dow Plunges, Pope Struck With Coronavirus? Deep State Intends To Bring The Whole Thing Down

@00:03:35 pedophile should receive quick justice
@00:15:14 romney the satanic pedophile mitt romney
@00:15:22 say mitt romney's with ctn pedophile
@00:15:38 that mitt romney is a satanic pedophile
@00:15:53 romney is a satanic pedophile along with
@00:18:13 porn star well a satanic pedophile and
@00:18:18 spielberg's is a pedophile again you'll

Several CEOs Step down, Trump Can Now Withhold Funds From Sanctuary Cities & States

@00:02:59 pedophile it was known that he was a
@00:03:01 pedophile and he was in a very sick and
@00:03:17 walt disney himself was a pedophile so
@00:07:11 also a satanic pedophile because of that

Illinois Pedophile Ring Smashed, Trump Threatens to Sue Mueller Investigation, PA Victory

@00:02:35 pedophile ring and i know people say how
@00:02:46 clear answer here so a huge pedophile
@00:06:58 down this satanic pedophile network

Correcting Yesterday's Video Re: Blagojevich, Dems Destroy Each Other, More Q Drops

@00:10:42 pedophile just like his buddy epstein i
@00:14:09 pedophile rings that have been running

Trump Tweets Blagojevich Bait, Bloomberg Pulls a Biden w/ 11 Year Old Girl, Spielberg's Daughter

@00:04:26 really is the satanic pedophile that he
@00:07:27 a satanic pedophile i'm convinced that
@00:07:44 involved in the satanic pedophile rings
@00:13:10 october of 2012 that all pedophile
@00:13:24 article i was it was a pedophile ring

Blagojevich & Obama, Deep State Demands Barr Resign, Bloomberg & Epstein

@00:05:10 pedophile by the way i reported on that
@00:11:34 he says pedophile should receive quick

Nygard & Prince Andrew, Boy Scouts Filing For Bankruptcy, Bikers Against Child Abuse

@00:02:16 pedophile jeffrey epstein fashion mobile
@00:12:53 wanted to read it out a pedophile gets
@00:12:59 least 90 times a california pedophile
@00:13:56 only did this pedophile get 230 years in
@00:14:18 obviously for this pedophile and you

DOJ Opens New Investigation into Comey, McCabe, Strzok

@00:05:02 he's a satanic pedophile but he's

Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

@00:18:12 pedophile should receive quick justice

Trump Acquitted, Romney Exposed, Protesters Disrupt Biden

@00:10:51 pedophile hunter groups are rising in

Lysol & Coronavirus, Ohio Pedophile Ring Busted, Oregon DHS Case Dismissed!

@00:11:59 satanic pedophile ring child sex
@00:12:02 pedophile ring was busted up in jackson
@00:13:47 pedophile ring was busted up so

Iowa Caucus Meltdown & Q's Define Shadow, 1000's of Obama Docs Under Review

@00:08:17 satanic pedophile ring for child sex

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus & Tweets "State of Kansas" Q Proof, Schiff in Full Panic Mode!

@00:14:29 that he's been a satanic pedophile you

POTUS: Eradicate Human Trafficking, Father Rebukes Drag Queen, Brennan's Ukraine Holocaust

@00:01:49 love how he forces pence the pedophile

Biden Linked to Whistleblower, 42% Black Support for Trump, Netflix the Keepers, Riverside Q Conf.

@00:12:27 pedophile that was involved in this
@00:12:28 pedophile ring in baltimore is brought

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:05:32 pedophile so these compromising and

Deep State on Trial, Mexico Pays for Trump's Wall, Kobe Bryant's Date of Assassination

@00:03:29 pedophile and corrupt rino mit romney is
@00:06:32 strung up the satanic pedophile that he

Trump Lawyers Shred Schiff, Coronavirus Cured, Deep State On The Run

@00:03:44 pedophile needs to go down he needs to
@00:11:18 traitor the satanic pedophile she of

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:04:25 know the satanic pedophile is dragging

Q Drops: Satanic Pedophiles Impeachment Their Last Block to Justice

@00:08:45 talking he is a satanic pedophile the
@00:09:08 he is a satanic pedophile he's involved
@00:12:08 pedophile the deep states last play is

Q: The Shot Heard Around the World

@00:12:02 think we have another satanic pedophile

Disney Demons, VA Governor Declares Emergency, Mark Levin Follows Q

@00:02:56 himself was a satanic pedophile he had a
@00:03:13 knew he was a pedophile but this is just
@00:15:56 pedophile sight it makes me wonder if

64 People Show Up Fort Myers Q Conference!

@00:00:57 sex trafficking rings and pedophile

Iranian People Want Peace, Wall News, 21 Cadets Expelled for Child Porn, Iran Revival

@00:10:03 muhammad was a satanic pedophile i mean
@00:10:10 she was 9 he was a satanic pedophile and

MSM Lies About Huber's Investigation, Twitter Gives Platform to Pedophiles

@00:10:16 today publicly open pedophile running
@00:11:02 the story of this admitted pedophile huh

Drag Queen Story Hour, Soleimani's Ring, John Grisham Defends Pedophiles

@00:07:08 satanic pedophile john podesta is
@00:07:42 pedophile because that's what all these

Trump Wall Victory, NY Columnist Child Porn, Ginsburg Back From the Dead

@00:07:38 a satanic pedophile trying to cover up

OR CPS Abuse, CA Protecting Pedophiles, Dance Moms Sexualizing Children

@00:10:51 pedophile who needs to be arrested

Iran, The Deep State & Trump's Plan for Peace

@00:04:49 child sex trafficking pedophile

Graham Hints About Iran Bio Weapon, Golden Globe Gervais Monologue More Views Than Actual Show

@00:07:18 of these all these pedophile movies and
@00:08:52 pedophile ring in cover-up and what she
@00:09:49 basically a giant child sex pedophile
@00:09:52 ring or several child sex pedophile

Ron Paul Attacks President Trump Over Missile Strike

@00:08:54 avidly protecting a satanic pedophile

Ricky Gervais Exposes Hollywood Satanic Pedophiles at Golden Globes

@00:01:07 them a satanic pedophile ring i mean
@00:05:49 pedophile faces one of which is tom
@00:06:13 hanks a major satanic pedophile very
@00:06:20 he's a a pedophile as well who hates

Ghislaine Maxwell Hiding in Israel, Deep State Trying to Start a War, Ron Howard Hates Trump

@00:09:10 trafficking pedophile ring yeah ron
@00:09:22 that's satanic pedophile who raped
@00:09:40 pedophile himself okay this is a very

Abcug Set Free, 1332 CEOs Step Down in 2019, Mother Theresa Implicated Again in Pedophilia

@00:06:49 pedophile rings now here we have more
@00:09:01 of 2012 the pedophile should receive

Larry Johnson Exposes Kanye West, Fosterscareinc Pedophile Ring Shut Down, Why They Hate Trump

@00:11:37 satanic pedophile related offenses are
@00:16:48 the major satanic pedophile rings that

POTUS Exposes Pelosi, Virginia Causing Militias Explosive Growth Across USA, Moves & Countermoves

@00:04:40 pedophile sex ring out of her district
@00:14:48 satanic pedophile obama won't even

Fake DS NK Missile Launch Scare, POTUS Tweets Qanon Account, Romney Tied to Epstein

@00:05:30 pedophile rings i'm not sure if she's
@00:05:40 no robert mueller is a satanic pedophile

Pete Military Insider: Virginia Bio Tech Park, 2nd Spacey Accuser Dies, Watergate is Pedogate

@00:04:11 pedophile everyone knows he's a satanic
@00:05:46 kevin spacey major satanic pedophile
@00:09:04 pedophile records because i was sex
@00:12:07 the lgbtq for pedophile community in
@00:13:47 as pedophile symbols and there they are

False Flag Civil War in Virginia, Bethel Attempting to Raise Girl From the Dead, Bill Gates Vaccines

@00:04:45 collapsing the elite pedophile ring will
@00:05:29 these pedophile rings hallelujah i

Gates Refused to Vaccinate, The Trump Legacy: Takedown of Satanic Pedophiles Continues

@00:04:16 to be a satanic pedophile back in 2008
@00:12:47 pope is a satanic pedophile himself but

POTUS Tweets VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Patriots, Adm Rogers Cooperating with Durham

@00:02:13 pelosi the satanic pedophile is not

Biggest Bombshell in IG Report, Hollywood Screaming, CEO Arrested on Child Sex Abuse Charges

@00:09:09 satanic pedophile boy lover symbol that

Putin On Impeachment, Virginia National Guard Promises to Defy Gov, Major MI Human Trafficking Sting

@00:16:40 another pedophile ring broken up 25
@00:18:02 pedophile ring that was broken up and

Christianity Today Demands Pres Trump Be Removed, Warren Boasts of Endorsement from Ed Buck

@00:03:36 joe biden the satanic pedophile that is
@00:03:48 satanic pedophile joe biden in a son
@00:04:20 a serial pedophile or was assertive
@00:04:23 pedophile he founded this magazine so

Mormon $100 Billion Scandal, Millionaire Arrested for Child Porn, Pope & Pontifical Secret

@00:07:36 propped up that satanic pedophile
@00:10:20 after years of protecting pedophile
@00:11:32 prevent pedophile priests from ever
@00:13:06 pedophile

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:11:58 yeah there's a pedophile task force that
@00:14:09 stumbled upon a major satanic pedophile
@00:15:39 compiled on this major satanic pedophile
@00:33:06 pedophile i mean the quran is very open

WI Pedophile Ring Smashed, Vatican Promoting Homosexuality, New Q Drops

@00:00:54 is another victory of satanic pedophile
@00:01:54 involved in this particular pedophile
@00:02:34 pedophile the vatican invested upwards

Trump Wins Either Way, 124 Arrested Major Fl Pedophile Ring Busted, Ukraine's Human Trafficking

@00:06:34 pedophile ring busted this time in
@00:07:05 pedophile ring here folks the charges
@00:07:59 here so a major satanic pedophile ring
@00:13:17 into the largest satanic pedophile ring

Trump's Poll Numbers Skyrocket, Comey Hiding, Shazam 2 Pedophile Agent

@00:04:38 because he's a satanic pedophile we all
@00:04:48 pedophile along with his his husband
@00:07:00 pedophile all right well let's go into
@00:07:49 used the well-worn pedophile playbook of
@00:09:20 include accused pedophile ex a pa agent

Andrew Victim Tweets She's NOT Suicidal, 16 year old Attacked by Teacher, Texas Pedophiles Arrested

@00:01:46 satanic pedophile the movie eyes wide
@00:02:46 satanic pedophile and satanic ritual
@00:04:28 major satanic pedophile speaking of
@00:11:42 pedophile ring has been busted up with
@00:12:05 texas these pedophile rings are being
@00:12:17 see these pedophile rings busted up

Trump Ends Liberal Domination of 9th Circuit, RBG Resignation Info, Feds Investigate Oregon CPS

@00:08:29 the the democrats the satanic pedophile
@00:18:53 pedophile ring down in broward county

Impeachment Hypocrisy, Sedatives Used on Toddlers, Schiff & the Mossad, NJ Victory

@00:07:45 pedophile rings on little children on
@00:09:53 pedophile all the major religions have
@00:10:55 satanic pedophile child sex trafficking
@00:12:21 the largest satanic pedophile gathering
@00:15:27 node of the satanic pedophile network
@00:15:38 feed the satanic pedophile network and

YouTube Demonitizes Me, Comey/Corney IG Report, Barr Says Late Spring 2020 for Durham Report

@00:02:19 don't mention the word satanic pedophile
@00:17:42 2019 many of the other pedophile rings

Democrat Organ Harvesting, Psychiatrists Demand Trump's Removal, List of Congress Sexual Predators?

@00:03:41 muhammad who was a satanic pedophile
@00:10:39 in the minds of these satanic pedophile
@00:10:43 they can a pedophile on adding that but
@00:14:39 pedophile and he left dc he was actually

Trump, Barr, Durham Response to IG Report: Day of Reckoning Draws Near!

@00:14:52 this guy is a major satanic pedophile

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:03:38 pedophile you know whatever guys mitch
@00:22:57 special daniel d satanic pedophile
@00:23:55 think carter is a satanic pedophile but
@00:24:12 absolute satanic pedophile that guy was
@00:25:41 satanic pedophile okay
@00:32:02 and satanic pedophile but i am cautious
@00:33:53 this guy is a pedophile and a cannibal i

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:10:49 pedophile you know he made this video
@00:14:25 pedophile or anything like that but he's

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:14:48 the largest satanic pedophile ring in
@00:15:11 satanic pedophile ring child sex
@00:15:29 pedophile ring in broward county florida
@00:23:49 when he was a known pedophile fringe

Pelosi Orders Articles of Impeachment, And We Know (SerialBrain2 reader) Unity Prayer

@00:10:49 pedophile serve the same god as the

Biden Sick Pedophile, Amazon Children Books To Summon Demons

@00:03:17 sick sick pedophile it's not really a
@00:06:56 ranch of convicted pedophile and accused
@00:08:16 the epstein island the pedophile island
@00:10:56 that this is not just pedophile or child
@00:11:56 deceased billionaire pedophile the fresh
@00:13:08 pedophile pal jeffrey epstein

Jordan Crushing Dems, Kamala Drops Out, Epstein & Maxwell used by Mossad

@00:01:39 satanic pedophile a democrat party that
@00:07:10 2012 that all pedophile should receive
@00:10:51 satanic pedophile who ran a little kids
@00:10:55 satanic pedophile for decades while he
@00:11:59 pedophile lover jeffrey epstein were
@00:14:52 every time a pedophile is charged with a
@00:15:45 reported on him he's the pedophile that
@00:15:51 george nader nad er pedophile and seven
@00:16:25 is all involving that pedophile and

" Q" Dog Hunts Pedophiles, Update Pete Military Insider Suitcase Nukes, Update Field McConnell

@00:08:03 satanic pedophile ring that is based in
@00:14:58 guarantee you this satanic pedophile

Epstein's Private Banker Suicide, Trump & Supreme Court, Televangelist Pleads Guilty to Pedophilia

@00:01:23 pedophile has died from a reported
@00:05:27 largest satanic pedophile ring in the
@00:10:06 to stop the satanic pedophile democrats
@00:14:08 cannibal and satanic pedophile
@00:14:12 pedophile continue to expose these well

Trump Crushes Lisa Page, Joe Biden Insane, Pope, Islam Pedophile Symbols, CPS Treachery

@00:02:22 pedophile symbols this was a a street
@00:02:47 pedophile symbol specifically targeting
@00:04:21 pedophile democrats president trump also
@00:05:13 pedophile as a military arm of the
@00:05:59 perpetuate their satanic pedophile
@00:07:28 come all these satanic pedophile
@00:11:08 to be a pedophile he rapes a
@00:11:33 satanic pedophile and all of islam is a
@00:15:02 pedophile should receive quick justice
@00:16:56 pedophile actually really began to to
@00:17:19 them into the satanic pedophile system

Oregon Child Sex Ring, Seattle Human Compost, Nemos Threatens to Sue Me, Islam Satanism

@00:01:30 pedophile by the way who betrayed trump
@00:02:11 looks like disney pedophile satanic
@00:02:13 pedophile disney only bought out the
@00:07:18 she's probably a satanic pedophile
@00:08:55 pedophile boy lover and girl lover
@00:14:31 was a satanic pedophile he raped a nine

Impeachment Collapse, 2500 Rescued from Human Farm, Ricky Garcia Takes Down Disney

@00:05:39 a huge satanic pedophile that i've done
@00:13:36 pedophile kevin spacey's father was a

Q Shirt Guy in Trump's News Report Contacts Me, University Normalizing Pedophilia, Teacher Arrested

@00:03:08 center of the largest satanic pedophile
@00:04:36 pedophile darkness is where now we're
@00:15:10 showcasing self-identified pedophile
@00:18:23 that a satanic pedophile tried to become

Democrats Support Trump in Broward County, Florida: Darkness to Light, Meryl Streep & Susan Sarandon

@00:03:37 county of the largest satanic pedophile
@00:03:50 operating this satanic pedophile that
@00:04:21 pedophile she brutally raped fiona
@00:05:09 this satanic pedophile by the way he
@00:05:14 satanic pedophile if he's regatta
@00:06:01 satanic pedophile cabal and they get out
@00:06:11 the satanic pedophile agenda but
@00:06:36 really liberal satanic pedophile
@00:10:50 major satanic pedophile just like a lot

Hollywood Director Claims Obama Aided Child Sex Traffickers, Chick-fill-A Becomes Evil

@00:05:14 than that he's a satanic pedophile
@00:05:31 pedophile who has tried to murder
@00:08:39 by the lgbtq+ p4 pedophile movement this
@00:10:23 church which is a satanic pedophile
@00:11:24 pedophile movement but it is not limited
@00:13:27 satanic pedophile boilover symbols all
@00:13:38 is a satanic pedophile himself make no
@00:14:15 homosexual satanic pedophile agenda
@00:19:27 pence that satanic pedophile who was
@00:19:35 little adam shift the satanic pedophile

3rd Graders Taught Anal Sex in Austin Public Schools, History & The Homosexual Pedophile Agenda

@00:09:22 pedophile prostitution ring in the
@00:18:29 for pedophile dogma is now an
@00:23:40 pedophile but for years you can look up
@00:31:37 a major satanic pedophile instead

Deep State Attempts 2nd 9-11 Terrorist Attack on White House Today, FBI Wants to Question Andrew

@00:01:26 satanic who was a satanic pedophile the
@00:02:33 that satanic pedophile mohammed who by
@00:06:55 who is a major satanic pedophile the
@00:08:30 pedophile and so it's no wonder that the

Q Drops Official Secrets, Tom Cruise & Kutcher Caught In Ukraine Scandal, Pizzagate & Ben Swann

@00:02:50 adam schiff the satanic pedophile well i
@00:03:12 and how he is a major satanic pedophile
@00:09:05 as being a major satanic pedophile a few
@00:16:10 that the fbi does say is a pedophile

David Icke & Jim Carrey, Alex Jones Satanist, Q It's Going to Be Biblical, More RBG News, Flynn

@00:02:33 pedophile but also someone who is the
@00:08:40 call him satan and satanic pedophile
@00:13:06 satanic pedophile i've gone into
@00:14:08 pedophile and parents and communities

Netanyahu Indicted, Glenn Beck the Satanist, Satanic Colorado Public Schools

@00:03:08 netanyahu is a saint kenneth pedophile
@00:03:15 pedophile i am accusing him of
@00:11:05 pedophile and satanist herself and he

Kanye West Performs with Satanist Where Bible is Burned, Q Drops & Ukraine Trap Springs on Cabal

@00:07:00 pence the satanic pedophile who's tried
@00:07:07 transcripts yeah pedophile print pencils
@00:07:12 pedophile but our beloved president
@00:10:02 pedophile a little out of chef mark
@00:12:48 satanic pedophile despite that trumps

Kanye West Halloween, Schiff Friend Rapes 9 Year Old Girl, Bill Clinton Raped 8 Year Old Boy, RBG

@00:04:10 adam schiff is a major satanic pedophile
@00:05:58 himself is a satanic pedophile birds of
@00:10:22 but she's a major satanic pedophile ruth
@00:12:29 up the largest satanic pedophile ring in
@00:13:43 satanic pedophile that's why he hates
@00:17:50 actually child sex trafficking pedophile
@00:18:14 october 2012 but pedophile should get

Satanic Pedophilia Downtown Juneau Alaska Image, Kanye West Unplugged, George Soros Custody

@00:00:47 at this this is a satanic pedophile
@00:00:55 satanic pedophile spirits that are
@00:08:18 pedophile roman catholic religion the
@00:08:21 pope being a satanic pedophile himself
@00:09:31 satanic pedophile and when he's trying

Trump Assassination Attempt, Kanye West Opera, Amazon Pedophile Shirt Pulled

@00:01:15 operated the largest satanic pedophile
@00:10:05 satanic pedophile joel osteen and joel

Kanye West & Joel Osteen, Prince Andrew Publicist Quits, 26 Children Rescued

@00:01:52 a major satanic pedophile i did an
@00:07:52 epstein the pedophile now it says prince
@00:08:09 pedophile jeffrey epstein you see all of

Ukraine, Timothy Holmseth, Field McConnell, Florida & Largest Satanic Pedophile Ring in the World

@00:01:17 satanic pedophile ring in broward county
@00:01:20 florida and this satanic pedophile ring
@00:02:23 in hiding by this anti pedophile task
@00:02:38 big-time satanic pedophile are justat a
@00:02:41 satanic pedophile ring in the world is
@00:02:48 all the pedophilia and satanic pedophile
@00:03:42 basically largest satanic pedophile ring
@00:05:48 pedophile himself is also linked in to
@00:06:10 pedophile ring that implicates epstein
@00:07:20 corrupt satanic pedophile authorities
@00:10:06 into this major satanic pedophile ring
@00:14:30 who are guilty of satanic pedophile just

Q: Harvest Crop, Impeachment Circus, Prince Andrew Pizzagate, My X-Fiance's Own Words

@00:04:34 george lucas is a deep satanic pedophile
@00:04:41 pedophile and in fact anyone who was
@00:11:09 satanic pedophile it looks like this
@00:11:11 satanic pedophile out of ship is

Chemtrails: X Marks the Spot: Prophecy and End Times

@00:04:53 anti satanic pedophile over the you know

President Trump: Impeachment Inquiry Now Dead!!!!

@00:02:55 that she is a major satanic pedophile
@00:02:58 she operates a huge pedophile ring
@00:03:11 is she a pedophile but she literally

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Suddenly ill: Navy Intel Source Right Again

@00:05:27 pedophile and quentin tarantino tried to
@00:06:16 this guy's a sick satanic pedophile and
@00:06:29 satanic pedophile she brutally brutally
@00:09:37 pedophile and he hates trump so i

Q Conference Richmond Virginia: First 30 Minutes of 5 Hour Conference

@00:23:06 democrats and a satanic pedophile
@00:23:57 people guilty of satanic pedophile in

Q: Indictments Coming, Navy Intel Source Drops, Mega Pastor Arrested, Challenging Phoenix Enigma

@00:04:45 a satanic pedophile
@00:04:47 he's an actual pedophile now i'm not
@00:05:04 satanic pedophile himself but he

Sawyer Murdered Isaac Kappy?? Phoenix Enigma A Fraud, Trump Touts 17, Pedogate Exposed on Major Road

@00:02:58 was trained by a jesuit pedophile
@00:03:01 priests by pennsylvania jesuit pedophile
@00:11:40 of being a satanic pedophile macewan
@00:12:45 this very huge satanic pedophile ring
@00:14:57 this horrible satanic pedophile high

Kirk Pendergrass: To Free Field McConnell & Destroy the Unlawful Judicial System

@00:50:12 pentagon and the pentagon pedophile task

Jeb Bush & Clintons Haiti, Stone & Steele Threats, Sawyer Daughter Rape, Obama Donor Arrested

@00:02:52 satanic pedophile and do we have the
@00:06:05 pedophile sasha stones the head of this
@00:07:04 being a satanic pedophile as being
@00:07:17 particularly is a satanic pedophile i'm
@00:07:21 satanic pedophile but i am saying robert
@00:15:29 satanic pedophile good news though this
@00:16:27 busting up these pedophile rings the

Robert D. Steele the Satanist, President Trump Exposes Impeachment Coup, Air Force Pedophile

@00:01:13 pedophile he says another excuse me not
@00:01:27 he's actually a pedophile himself says
@00:02:42 forces with this satanic pedophile
@00:05:28 force general who is a satanic pedophile
@00:06:09 replace the satanic pedophile air force
@00:11:59 pedophile according to lawyer robert
@00:12:55 october of 2012 that pedophile should
@00:13:39 attorney looks like he's a pedophile as
@00:15:59 satanic pedophile but since he's hanging

Sacha Stone, Moloch in Rome, Disneyland Tunnels, Female Pedophiles, Field McConnell Update

@00:03:25 pedophile so everything is coming to
@00:03:40 always said if a satanic pedophile truly
@00:07:59 satanic pedophile who had a sexual
@00:08:13 pedophile that he was a satanic
@00:08:15 pedophile who was abusing this young boy
@00:08:22 pedophile who's been played by tom hanks
@00:08:32 satanic pedophile who was likely
@00:08:43 tom makes a satanic pedophile playing
@00:08:45 walt disney who is a satanic pedophile
@00:10:04 jeffrey epstein's pedophile ring

Responding to Russ Wagner Calling Me Out w/ Chris McDonald about Mark Taylor

@00:02:29 satanic pedophile donald trump knows
@00:02:58 pedophile i make this video called pence
@00:03:10 devil because the same satanic pedophile
@00:03:53 slobbered over the satanic pedophile
@00:03:59 over the satanic pedophile bill gates

Cahn & Copeland, Hillary Projects, Disney Stonewalling, Epstein Sacrifice Altar

@00:01:21 pedophile pedigo and cannibal kenneth
@00:01:39 pedophile although i find that hard to
@00:01:55 satanic pedophile like kenneth copeland
@00:02:40 sitting down with a satanic pedophile it
@00:05:43 virginia roberts as a pedophile in the
@00:06:22 most prolific pedophile this country has
@00:09:05 trafficking from a known pedophile

Craig Sawyer Exposed, Field McConnell Defended, Margaret Thatcher & Johnny Carson Satanic Pedophiles

@00:02:12 satanic pedophile authorities decided to
@00:09:09 back in october 2018 but pedophile and
@00:09:23 satanic pedophile people think oh
@00:09:33 satanic pedophile
@00:10:29 the johnny carson a satanic pedophile
@00:10:41 major satanic pedophile mocking and
@00:10:50 to epstein's pedophile island
@00:10:56 a pedophile and johnny carson along with

MSM Helped Satanic Pedophile Epstein, Fiona Exposes Tunnels, POTUS to Smash Drug Cartels, Field Mcc

@00:02:20 was the most prolific pedophile this
@00:07:23 being a serial satanic pedophile richard
@00:07:28 pedophile meryl streep as being a
@00:07:31 satanic serial pedophile and ted turner
@00:07:37 pedophile and raped her in disneyland so
@00:09:59 satanic pedophile and his son brian
@00:10:05 a satanic pedophile hillsong christian
@00:11:23 27 men a major satanic pedophile ring
@00:16:29 with satanic pedophile authorities they

Reactivate StormIsUponUs, Brian Houston, Hillsong Satanic Pedophilia, Will Ferrell,Lance Wallnau NAR

@00:02:35 a convicted pedophile by the way he was
@00:02:38 a satanic pedophile and brian houston
@00:05:25 convicted satanic pedophile you can't
@00:05:59 like his father is a satanic pedophile
@00:07:24 pedophile orgies he even says in this
@00:07:33 ferrell is a sick satanic pedophile who

Q Drop 3574, 93 Days Dark, Durham, The Finders, Exposing Hagmann, Quayle, Taylor, Wells, A Jones

@00:03:01 at that satanic pedophile of james comey
@00:06:39 satanic pedophile it's been almost a
@00:06:48 mentions of spirit cooking pedophile
@00:10:17 maybe he's not a satanic pedophile but
@00:15:24 praises over the satanic pedophile of
@00:15:31 pedophile of bill gates he's praising

Whistleblower Coward, Epstein Lairs Hit MSM, Amazon CEO & Epstein, Bethel New Age Satanist Video

@00:02:27 satanic pedophile democrats try to
@00:05:10 these satanic pedophile satanic ritual
@00:08:01 entire satanic pedophile cabal is being
@00:20:31 expose him as the satanic pedophile and

President Trump Secures Evidence Against Obama & ISIS, My 7 Day YouTube Suspension Ends

@00:05:59 you know just abused in a pedophile
@00:10:38 francis the satanic pedophile in
@00:10:42 pedophile in praising and saying hillary

Preaching in front of Oral Roberts University

@00:02:47 satanic pedophile we know about 10 of

Julian Assange Victory

@00:11:53 satanic pedophile i mean even with the
@00:12:19 this guy's a pedophile and and i exposed
@00:12:22 him as a pedophile way back in january
@00:12:26 still said no we want our pedophile we
@00:12:30 want our satanic pedophile and i know
@00:13:12 who isn't a pedophile or a child
@00:14:07 pedophile pushing empire it has no place

Epstein Alive, Cummings Executed & Answers with 8th Day Sukkot Prophetic Teaching

@00:03:21 of all epstein is a satanic pedophile
@00:05:00 satanic pedophile
@00:07:40 satanic pedophile who eats babies and

Assange Extradition, Elijah Cummings Execution, Darknet Child Porn Ring Destroyed

@00:02:48 he's obviously a satanic pedophile he
@00:03:13 pedophile bill maher trying to spin
@00:03:40 this guy he's a major satanic pedophile
@00:05:15 know why pence is a pedophile you can
@00:10:39 pedophile his empire is crumbling
@00:11:55 pedophile cannibal and she is gonna go

Interview with SRA Survivor: Abused by Robert De Niro & John Travolta

@00:31:28 major satanic pedophile so that's that's

Navy Intel: Elijah Cummings Executed by Military Tribunal

@00:02:10 likely satanic pedophile himself
@00:02:37 that he is a satanic pedophile is
@00:02:50 satanic pedophile listen to this james
@00:04:37 pedophile should have swift justice and

Q Conference in ABQ, New Mexico: First 40 Minutes

@00:11:08 spielberg as a major pedophile tom hanks
@00:11:11 as a pedophile none of these people sued
@00:14:03 pedophile in fact as i was exposing my
@00:36:42 after epstein was known as a pedophile

Navy Intel: 10,000 Children Rescued, Cabal Oct 17th Plan to Assassinate Trump Foiled, My Wedding

@00:03:19 from the anti pedophile pentagon task
@00:07:02 pedophile cabal that comprised the cia
@00:12:01 pedophile paul ryan the satanic
@00:12:03 pedophile and others who have opposed
@00:12:52 a pretty major satanic pedophile who was

Cali Coast Military Aircraft, Holmseth Reports 2100 Children Rescued, Kim Clement on Pope

@00:02:53 with that pentagon anti pedophile task
@00:03:31 trafficking the satanic pedophile ring
@00:04:46 he is a major satanic pedophile and he
@00:05:34 pedophile network they're all being
@00:06:48 child sex pedophile as a satanic
@00:06:50 pedophile so bill gates he's gonna find
@00:07:19 satanic pedophile mega pastor network
@00:08:22 for the satanic pedophile vatican so
@00:08:31 trafficking satanic pedophile network
@00:10:45 satanic pedophile follow the same god as
@00:13:48 satanic pedophile now kim comment died

Holmseth, Pence & Ukraine, DUMBS in Cali, Hagmann Cheats Subscribers with Fraud

@00:01:51 we the pentagon pedophile task force
@00:15:34 satanic pedophile camp and when i

Doug Hagmann Confesses He Is a Jesuit

@00:01:11 pedophile vatican doug hagman you want
@00:01:52 you are working for a satanic pedophile
@00:03:45 pedophile vatican your days of deceiving

Islamic Law Sells 9 Year Old Girls, Disney Producer Makes Mark Taylor Film, JFK Jr News

@00:01:56 muhammad himself was a satanic pedophile
@00:03:10 satanic pedophile organization disney
@00:07:56 satanic pedophile empire an organization
@00:10:03 satanic pedophile pants although i

Q's Awakening, Never Trumpers Tied to Human Trafficking, Trey Gowdy, Trudeau's Deal, Pat Robertson

@00:07:53 pedophile ashton kutcher they used the
@00:08:07 was the first satanic pedophile to go to
@00:08:26 pedophile since january of 2019 i
@00:08:52 a satanic pedophile provided loads of
@00:09:01 satanic pedophile indictment list has
@00:12:50 that he is a child sex satanic pedophile
@00:13:10 satanic pedophile so go ahead and check
@00:28:06 pedophile or if he's involved in any way

Grassley: Harvest Begins, Biden Turns on Obama, UN Bankrupt, John B Wells & Aquino

@00:01:57 jesuit the jesuits satanic pedophile
@00:04:49 the idiot satanic pedophile democrats in
@00:09:12 satanic pedophiles jesuits and pedophile
@00:10:09 you work for a satanic pedophile
@00:10:36 a satanic pedophile cia
@00:13:02 is a big-time satanic pedophile he
@00:13:16 is a satanic pedophile child sex
@00:14:46 the pedophile since he was 18 years old
@00:16:19 and likely a satanic pedophile himself
@00:16:26 pedophile protect her
@00:17:11 mohammed who's a satanic pedophile

Holmseth & Barnett Expose Russ Dizdar, Doug Hagmann, John B Wells as CIA Child Sex Traffickers

@00:04:17 he's a satanic pedophile michael pina is
@00:04:33 cover up a satanic pedophile camp in
@00:06:12 he is a satanic pedophile doug hackman
@00:06:33 and a satanic pedophile russ dizdar is
@00:07:00 so russ dizdar is a satanic pedophile he
@00:07:27 pedophile himself russ dizdar russ
@00:07:32 pedophile craig sawyer is a protector of

Prophetic Yom Kippur: Sea of Fire & Glass, Great White Throne, My 6 Precious Children

@00:14:53 pedophile but there's still a lot of

Fiona Barnett Exposes Russ Dizdar, Currency Reset, Kundalini Spirit & Yoga, Trudeau Exposed

@00:02:22 pedophile camp that was in southwest the
@00:09:16 trudeau as a abject satanic pedophile in
@00:10:39 a satanic pedophile and likely this
@00:11:44 pedophile ways you don't know about the
@00:11:59 pedophile ways and while you're at it
@00:12:04 pedophile ways and his persecution of

Holmseth Warrants Dropped, POTUS Syria Withdrawal, Pope & Chrislam Push, Bethel Exposed Again

@00:07:43 pedophile as well marco rubio well i'm
@00:12:21 pedophile movement as well and they've
@00:13:23 him as being involved in pedophile
@00:13:26 satanic pedophile satanic ritual abuse

Proof SB2 Promotes Evil & Mark Taylor, Russ Wagner Love SB2

@00:01:26 muhammad was a satanic pedophile the

IG Report 2 Weeks, Audio Bombshell, Return of Q, MK Ultra Exposed

@00:08:56 is a major satanic pedophile he's

Navy Intel: More Info on Marines Directive 550/19 & StormisUponUs Responds to Jeb Bush

@00:10:56 satanic pedophile and part of the bush

Sabbath Teaching: Dominion Theology, Noahide Laws and Prophecy

@00:22:00 billy graham was a satanic pedophile i

Hillary Clinton Tweets Shred the Constitution, SerialBrain2, Juneau Woman Yells At Me

@00:01:51 she's a satanic pedophile she's a
@00:04:14 hillary clinton is a satanic pedophile
@00:05:34 folks muhammad was a satanic pedophile
@00:05:54 satanic pedophile serve the same god as

Navy Intel Source: McCabe, SerialBrain2, Pence & Pelosi Impeachment Dare

@00:03:36 pedophile islam is a religion that was
@00:13:25 course the satanic pedophile justin

Bethel & Tarot Cards, Hillsong, Pence, Wagner & Mark Taylor

@00:07:38 a satanic pedophile in connections with
@00:08:30 pence as a satanic pedophile mark taylor
@00:10:57 a satanic pedophile and by the way my

Liddle Adam Schiff Implodes, Oprah & Disney Igor Attack Roseanne Barr, Q's Warning

@00:01:01 how adam ship is a satanic pedophile not
@00:06:47 as being a satanic pedophile last summer
@00:07:42 major satanic pedophile herself would
@00:08:09 would bob iger the satanic pedophile the
@00:08:14 satanic pedophile high priestess oprah

Nov 15 McCabe, World Harvest Church, Ohio & John McCain

@00:02:21 satanic pedophile she was heavily
@00:06:36 pedophile ring that was broken up with
@00:12:51 pedophile if you have time maybe you

Vatican Raided, Brennan's Fake Passport, SerialBrain2 Commentary

@00:04:42 satanic pedophile peddle or ism
@00:05:09 brennan that satanic pedophile why would
@00:06:49 fall he's a satanic pedophile he's
@00:10:31 mohammed was a pedophile i mean this is
@00:10:40 nine year old muhammad was a pedophile
@00:12:31 that he was a satanic pedophile and that

Clinton Crowdstrike, Pence Opposes Trump, Schiff & Pelosi Treason

@00:03:01 little adam schiff the satanic pedophile
@00:05:48 adam schiff and standard hotel pedophile
@00:10:48 mike pence is a satanic pedophile and if
@00:12:23 pedophile read at the red cross event
@00:12:50 involved in with the satanic pedophile
@00:13:47 a satanic pedophile as well that's

Deep State War on Barr & POTUS, Clooney & Epstein Exposed, Correcting Stallone Info

@00:04:04 vile satanic pedophile of the highest
@00:04:51 pedophile but george clooney has also
@00:09:15 definitely was a satanic pedophile i

CIA, Brennan Wages War on POTUS, Clarifying Mark Taylor Rebuke

@00:03:37 satanic pedophile rogue agencies like
@00:04:49 pedophile and utter traitor to this
@00:07:34 satanic pedophile cabal and you target

POTUS Calls on Adam Schiff to Resign, Crowdstrike Terrifies Hillary Clinton, Optics on Soros

@00:05:23 pedophile adam little schiff you're
@00:08:53 satanist everyone is satanic pedophile i
@00:09:22 not touched by the satanic pedophile

Tarot Cards at Bethel in Redding, Cali, Numerous CEO's Resigning, the STORM Is Now

@00:02:39 is a big-time satanic pedophile
@00:09:45 johnson's a satanic pedophile as in all
@00:10:25 pedophile and i've also exposed ruth
@00:10:30 pedophile it's on both sides of the

POTUS Traps the Deep State, Sarah Palin a Satanist, Bethel Church are Satanists

@00:12:12 me you satanic pedophile sue me i dare

100% Proof Paula White is a Satanist, Navy Intel Source Proven Right Again: Ukraine, Impeachment

@00:00:53 pedophile and satanist because i got a
@00:05:32 absolute satanist satanic pedophile i
@00:06:25 pedophile but yeah he would use those
@00:06:46 pedophile whoo
@00:09:52 franklin graham as a satanic pedophile
@00:10:11 president trump knows about pedophile
@00:10:14 pens he knows about pedophile paolo

Greg Laurie Loved Bush Sr, 100% Proof Of Calvary Chapel Satanism, Paula White the Satanist

@00:06:00 pedophile commode okay now we're gonna
@00:09:50 senior was a major satanic pedophile you
@00:10:23 the satanic pedophile bush senior
@00:10:25 george w bush the satanic pedophile and
@00:10:28 the serial pedophile the fiona barnett
@00:10:33 being a serial pedophile and i have
@00:10:41 graham was a serial pedophile but
@00:10:57 satanic pedophile bush senior who helped
@00:11:03 one of the strongest satanic pedophile
@00:12:10 pedophile just like franklin graham now
@00:18:59 weitz a satanic pedophile he knows about

Harrison Ford, Calvary Chapel & Illuminati, Melania Trump Rings The Bell, Details on Soros Arrest

@00:03:23 satanic pedophile for a long time george
@00:03:59 harrison ford satanic pedophile
@00:07:14 before me other pedophile deaths he's
@00:07:43 get their pedophile pence's sitting
@00:07:59 satanic pedophile i provided boos of
@00:08:30 pedophile as is his organization i know

POTUS at UN, Satanic Hand Symbols of the Elite, All Roads Lead to Rome...

@00:03:54 satanic pedophile mitt romney there is a

Deep State's Plan Backfires, Gowdy & Purple Revolution, Epstein Xanax Scandal

@00:03:17 serial pedophile if you don't know about
@00:03:32 satanic pedophile but he is definitely a
@00:06:56 the satanic pettiford and the pedophile

Trudeau's Satanic Pedophilia, MSM Slow, POTUS Tweets Little Schiff, Liddle Kidz Foundation

@00:02:07 pedophile trudeau sealed indictment
@00:02:28 pedophile now i'm getting inundated by

24 Subscribers Meet for Q Related Conference in Seattle!

@00:19:36 pedophile versus true honest people and

Isaac Kappy Deadman Switch Video Linked to George Clooney

@00:06:42 clooney's a satanic pedophile in fact if
@00:06:46 satanic pedophile you at least have to

Clooney, Iran, Holmseth Exposes Another Satanic Pedophile, More Proof Greg Laurie is A Satanist

@00:02:47 pedophile and he's also a deep state
@00:05:11 pedophile of mainstream media soon
@00:05:49 and the pentagon pedophile exposing task
@00:07:05 serial killer pedophile monster that
@00:07:27 pedophile operations and names were
@00:10:38 associates with the satanic pedophile
@00:10:42 much the pope is a satanic pedophile go

Pastor Laurie Harvest Church Satanism, Holmseth Exposes Pence & Snuff Film

@00:13:54 he's such a pedophile wind up as the

McCabe: I'm Taking Everyone Down With Me, Massive Ohio Pedo Ring Busted, The Storm Is Now!

@00:11:52 huge huge break up of a pedophile ring

Friday Night Shabbat: Prophetic Clock & Praise Reports

@00:12:12 as a satanic pedophile and the holy

Navy Intel: Target MK Ultra Instigator, Q Plan 17 Days Trumpets, Next Week I Am in Seattle

@00:11:02 pedophile exposing investigations that

Personal Organ Harvesting Testimony, Mercy Corp & Clintons, Flynn Exoneration Clarifies

@00:01:51 satanic pedophile just because a lot of
@00:02:16 satanic pedophile and jim carrey he has
@00:02:23 pedophile and very high up in the
@00:07:09 satanic ritual abuse satanic pedophile
@00:11:22 the largest satanic pedophile child sex
@00:14:07 pedophile pence pedophile pence was the
@00:14:17 pedophile pence was the one who got rid
@00:14:28 be exonerated and pedophile pence will
@00:15:09 pedophile agenda that it's exposed and

Navy Intel Source Responds to Subscribers & Mel Gibson is a Satanic Pedophile

@00:09:34 a satanic pedophile
@00:09:36 he's a satanic pedophile and that's why
@00:09:50 baby dolls why is a satanic pedophile
@00:10:39 satanic pedophile institution it has
@00:10:50 that he's a satanic pedophile he sorely

Megachurch Pastor Suicide, Mark Taylor, Satanic Pedophiles in Churches, Xmas

@00:03:47 satanic pedophile i wish i could show

Comey Threatens POTUS, Alabama, Children's Hospitals, Google, Megachurch Pastor Suicide

@00:01:28 of course that satanic pedophile and
@00:13:07 is was he a satanic pedophile under this
@00:15:23 and one of them was the pedophile i was

Trump Tweets John Legend, Q, LA Children's Hospital, Tom Cruise & Jim Carrey

@00:05:14 and these filthy satanic pedophile nazis
@00:07:10 and sacrifice satanic pedophile
@00:07:32 trafficking pedophile holiday known as
@00:07:55 doing not these satanic pedophile anyway
@00:09:06 he is a major satanic pedophile he's
@00:11:48 he's a major satanic pedophile and he's
@00:12:09 another satanic pedophile that i want to
@00:12:43 potus lauded the satanic pedophile
@00:12:48 the satanic pedophile mike pence

Netflix Female Pedophile Show Creator, Steven Spielberg Ties to Cincinnati Ohio

@00:03:31 a pedophile operation show creator on
@00:07:57 sick julia vickerman a satanic pedophile
@00:11:51 pedophile rings i need help digging into
@00:15:57 it is mohammed was a satanic pedophile
@00:16:12 satanic pedophile but in case you don't
@00:16:36 a holy hellish and satanic pedophile
@00:19:26 pence the pedophile exposing the mormons

Ohio Meteorologist, Subway, Tunnels, Oprah, Planned Parenthood

@00:06:29 a major satanic pedophile she's
@00:08:17 w bush a major satanic pedophile of
@00:10:31 satanic pedophile ring that they

Mitt Romney, Epstein, Mormon Satanic Ritual Abuse, Q's Timing

@00:01:48 international elite pedophile child
@00:04:09 a satanic pedophile showed that last
@00:18:19 they're gonna win the satanic pedophile
@00:18:37 satanic pedophile ring that was used for

Federal Judge sends Hillary Clinton Into Panic, Holmseth Contacts Me, Trump's Alabama

@00:06:07 many of them satanic pedophile judges
@00:06:55 pedophile judges will not be able to get
@00:13:33 homes have kicked the pedophile beehive

How Disney & Ohio Collide: Satanic Pedophile Network Fully Exposed

@00:06:11 he was a satanic pedophile and i've
@00:06:19 satanic pedophile now
@00:13:44 pedophile symbol and of course there's

Epstein Flights Columbus OH, Cemex, Major Satanic Pedo Ring Busted Near Cincinnati

@00:00:23 franklin graham satanic pedophile video
@00:08:13 pedophile and a satanic kutta file
@00:10:33 pedophile if you don't know about that
@00:15:25 johnson was a satanic pedophile he

Comey Code Panic, Exposing Franklin And Billy Graham as Satanic Pedophiles

@00:03:34 bring them into this child sex pedophile
@00:04:34 good old satanic pedophile bernie
@00:05:09 clearly pedophile symbols that use it
@00:06:05 a satanic pedophile himself who's
@00:12:25 it's been a child sex satanic pedophile
@00:12:30 ad under that satanic pedophile
@00:13:00 pandering to the pagan satanic pedophile
@00:14:18 satanic pedophile and child sex
@00:18:11 in a pedophile ring in australia which
@00:20:37 pedophile that's what you call for

Part 2 of 2: 10,000 Epstein Files, Obama Netflix Ohio Factory, Epstein Columbus Command Center

@00:03:02 1 satanic pedophile at a time one video
@00:03:06 i guess not one satanic pedophile at a

Part 1 of 2: 10,000 Epstein Files, Obama Netflix Ohio Factory, Epstein Columbus Command Center

@00:02:12 pedophile
@00:10:25 satanic pedophile one of the high
@00:13:11 he's the one that's a satanic pedophile
@00:15:55 there's a story of alleged pedophile
@00:16:23 sexually abused victim a pedophile by

Trudeau the Satanic Pedophile, Epstein John Doe Screams, Disney Star Sues over Pedophilia

@00:01:12 trudeau is a satanic pedophile has
@00:01:35 pedophile and you know this guy first of
@00:04:24 pedophile but this was just released by
@00:06:24 pedophile unfortunately these large
@00:07:33 pedophile manager you seeing a pattern
@00:10:06 he's a total satanic pedophile along
@00:10:11 pedophile i got really huge duff that i

Anaheim Subscriber Blows Lid Off Disneyland Child Trafficking

@00:06:54 on walt disney himself being a pedophile

Flynn's Exoneration Nears, Bill Maher & Hollywood Pedophilia, Dorian Stalls

@00:03:20 of course the deep state pedophile
@00:03:25 they they forced the pedophile pense
@00:04:57 pedophile
@00:05:48 pedophile mimicry it's just disgusting

RBG Body Double & Pence Pedophile Unplugged

@00:00:17 to reveal hence the pedophile the
@00:00:19 satanic pedophile him and his wife
@00:01:47 exposed pedophile pence and all of that
@00:04:19 satanic pedophile himself in fact
@00:04:43 sick serial satanic pedophile you don't
@00:09:39 satanic pedophile networks and hubs in
@00:10:54 satanic pedophile satanic ritual abuse
@00:11:10 into these satanic pedophile hubs and
@00:11:39 pedophile rings this satanic ritual
@00:15:48 that pence is a satanic pedophile he
@00:18:43 he's a sanic tenant pedophile he he's a
@00:23:58 a satanic pedophile president trump were

New Holmseth Post Court Footage, Comey Collapse, Deep State Turns On Royals

@00:03:12 trafficking or satanic pedophile running

Boris Brings Brexit, Epstein Pimp Threatened Victims, Revival Sweeps Hong Kong

@00:05:18 procured for convicted pedophile jeffrey
@00:05:52 entire city annek pedophile network is

McCabe Indictment, Hollywood MPAA Executive, Dozens of Epstein Accusers, Organ Harvesting

@00:02:17 that satanic pedophile
@00:02:29 2012 he said the pedophile should
@00:05:34 meet the virtuous pedophile network
@00:05:41 doctor who demands a p for pedophile and
@00:06:00 an out in the open public pedophile
@00:06:10 it's being led by pedophile expert and
@00:06:45 pedophile accounts are not restored they
@00:07:55 major nodes of the satanic pedophile

All FISA Warrants Illegal, Pedophile Pence AF2 SAM 239, The Perfect Storm

@00:02:47 how the satanic pedophile network is
@00:02:56 pedophile for that matter i've done
@00:05:25 shatters this satanic pedophile into a
@00:06:31 course she is a major satanic pedophile
@00:09:35 a satanic pedophile judge linked in with
@00:11:45 pedophile state of minnesota now he's
@00:12:15 pedophile network in indiana going back

Field McConnell: Holmseth Defies Illegal Court, Pence Stripped of All Authority

@00:00:20 that's satanic pedophile
@00:03:38 melania are both very anti pedophile and
@00:04:56 not congressional the pentagon pedophile
@00:05:01 there is a pentagon pedophile task force
@00:14:33 house to the pentagon pedophile task
@00:32:12 global pedophile procurement service in

Playing The Ginsburg Card, 120 Deployed to GITMO, Q & Emergency Economic Powers Act

@00:10:14 being friends with a convicted pedophile
@00:10:32 this is a billionaire pedophile jeffrey
@00:10:50 epstein's vast satanic pedophile network
@00:11:12 satanic pedophile but what about what
@00:11:18 was the most prolific pedophile in

Epstein Plane to Antartica, Disney Star Pedophilia, Satanic Pedophiles in Panic

@00:06:09 satanic pedophile guys isaac caffee
@00:06:40 exposed another elite pedophile satanic
@00:06:44 pedophile recorded in epstein's black
@00:11:53 a was a pedophile he was actually

Timothy Holmseth Strikes Back, Defending my Navy Intel Source with Common Sense

@00:04:03 her he was an undercover pedophile for
@00:04:56 undercover fbi pedophile
@00:08:36 pedophile presidents who loaded our

Disney Pizza Shirt, Corey's Digs, Walt Disney Satanic Pedophile

@00:17:15 their horrific satanic pedophile
@00:19:41 of her pedophile rapists mitchell served

Ohio Child Trafficking: Schwarzenegger and NAZI Ties, Operation Paperclip

@00:02:13 we a satanic pedophile himself in fact
@00:08:55 schwarzenegger is a satanic pedophile
@00:11:58 trafficking and satanic pedophile ring
@00:13:05 the satanic pedophile and even barring

Ohio Child Trafficking, Arnold Schwarzenegger & Les Wexner

@00:02:07 probably a satanic pedophile himself
@00:03:43 satanic pedophile you don't get that

Navy Intel: Deep State Desperate Missile Launch, Epstein MC2 1000 Children, Standard Hotels

@00:07:24 providing the pedophile with minors for
@00:11:56 francis the satanic pedophile you
@00:12:13 pedophile unless you're part of this
@00:14:31 billy graham being a serial pedophile

Hollywood Pedophiles, Rick Warren & Joel Osteen Satanic Pedophiles, Copeland and Clinton Connection

@00:01:36 big-time satanic pedophile and disney
@00:01:38 the satanic potter pedophile
@00:01:44 very sick pedophile tweets disney had
@00:02:10 pedophile for so long he actually caused
@00:02:29 tom hanks big-time satanic pedophile
@00:02:37 he's a big-time satanic pedophile needs
@00:02:46 arrogant satanic pedophile big-time he's
@00:02:55 they've been a pedophile institution
@00:03:04 big-time satanic pedophile and by the
@00:03:13 pedophile you know if his $65,000 worth
@00:03:21 pedophile kevin spacey everyone knows
@00:03:23 he's a satanic pedophile
@00:03:30 pedophile judges kathy griffin she's the
@00:03:34 trump she's a big-time satanic pedophile
@00:03:39 satanic pedophile but she's - who's
@00:04:00 satanic pedophile beyonce knowles
@00:04:05 about him a big-time satanic pedophile
@00:04:14 big-time satanic pedophile he tries to
@00:04:39 pedophile akon marsh
@00:05:35 only a satanic pedophile but also a
@00:06:03 satanic pedophile
@00:08:08 satanic pedophile and a cannibal and you
@00:08:31 graham is a big-time serial pedophile
@00:08:52 satanic pedophile along with all these
@00:09:24 pedophile pedophilia these people need

NYC Subway Shutdown, Epstein & Murdered AR Senator Linda Collins Smith

@00:08:45 and now dead convicted pedophile jeffrey
@00:09:02 satanic pedophile network is connected
@00:10:06 satanic pedophile pedophilia in indiana

Epstein Cement Truck, Declass Begins with Hillary Clinton Drop, From Ohio to Vatican

@00:01:19 truck to pedophile island three weeks

Epstein Artwork: Clintons, Bush, Q&A from Navy Intel Source

@00:01:32 agenda to the satanic pedophile agenda
@00:03:18 pedophile steven spielberg is a satanic
@00:03:20 pedophile oprah is not only a satanic
@00:03:22 pedophile she's one of the highest
@00:04:40 satanic pedophile they're either

Epstein Luxury Home 90 Miles from Dayton, Shriners Children's Hospitals, CEMEX

@00:08:06 shriners shriners being pedophile pigs

FBI Raids Epstein Island, Bill Gates Ensnared in Epstein Mess

@00:02:08 agents raid jeffrey epstein's pedophile
@00:03:06 the home dubbed pedophile island and
@00:05:29 pedophile for years after he left prison
@00:06:40 major satanic pedophile so bill gates is
@00:07:14 pedophile we also have famed newsmen
@00:08:56 13th today accused pedophile nader
@00:09:10 arrested as a major satanic pedophile
@00:09:12 but this accused pedophile named neither
@00:10:32 pedophile mike pence and now they go
@00:10:43 going after every satanic pedophile

John Legend, Dayton Ohio, Children's Hospitals, Les Wexner

@00:02:11 pedophile huge and if you don't hula's
@00:02:30 this major satanic pedophile this major
@00:02:32 elite hollywood satanic pedophile john

Epstein, Navy Intel, Q on Clinton Health, DS in Mad Panic Mode

@00:05:48 pedophile sessions feeling safe it would
@00:09:49 pedophile stuff this was just posted
@00:10:36 along these satanic pedophile heads and
@00:11:18 pedophile helped devise the clinton
@00:12:31 prince andrew the pedophile so that's
@00:13:33 he's he's definitely a satanic pedophile

Patriots Stage Epstein Death: All Eyes on Clintons

@00:06:05 the elite pedophile power structure that

Cracking Open Dayton Child Sex Trafficking, Les Wexner, Epstein, Children's Hospitals

@00:01:26 pedophile issues that epstein was is

Hannity: All Will Be Revealed this Fall, RFID Chip in Sex Trafficking Victim, CPS Weaponized

@00:05:15 pedophile side reported just a few weeks

Mass Shootings Tied Directly to Satanic Pedophiles

@00:02:07 trafficking satanic pedophile
@00:02:58 was titled to satanic pedophile child
@00:04:18 this guy was a major satanic pedophile
@00:04:31 to this satanic pedophile john of god
@00:05:21 to john of god the satanic pedophile
@00:05:49 involved in the satanic pedophile child
@00:07:11 pedophile elite rings that are going on

Trump Pushes Death Penalty, Q's Forever, Judge Rules Assange Innocent

@00:08:15 pedophile yeah death is what it should
@00:11:38 pedophile cabal that's saying oh no we

Deep State Targets Q, Pelosi's Coded Cabal Threat

@00:01:05 pedophile network from being exposed and
@00:05:21 know nancy pelosi is a satanic pedophile

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:08:44 girls for the pedophile to sexually

Photos of RIBS Disney Epstein Island, Vatican Started Islam, Q's Godfather III

@00:06:40 wicked satanic pedophile and cannibal
@00:07:26 pedophile ring on earth him saying these
@00:23:28 which has always been a pedophile
@00:23:30 satanic pedophile religion

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:03:56 was a child sex satanic pedophile that
@00:09:51 child sex satanic pedophile operation
@00:13:31 billionaire pedophile jeffrey epstein to

The Return of Timothy Holmseth: Epstein, Disney & Abel Danger

@00:05:26 with convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein
@00:11:40 whole the satanic pedophile part of this
@00:41:05 timothy holmes up as a pedophile and you

Trump: Let's Go After Obama, Mother Theresa was a Child Trafficker

@00:11:18 satanic pedophile because he's still

Feinstein & Epstein, Military Insider Pete on DC Operations

@00:05:17 vile vile vile satanic pedophile who

Disney Cruise Line, Epstein Island, Numerous Ventilation Ducts!

@00:05:30 was and was this the pedophile or one of

Barr Reinstates Death Penalty, Epstein News, Clintons, Q Drops

@00:08:13 himself from convicted pedophile jeffrey

Epstein Temple, Isaac Kappy, 2000 pgs of sexual abuse docs

@00:04:40 first exposed as being a pedophile a
@00:04:44 satanic pedophile but now there's new
@00:07:49 pedophile it is readily available you
@00:07:59 with them so he was a satanic pedophile

Q Watch 19, Epstein Staggering Amount of Names, Evergreen

@00:04:34 pedophile network so i knew he was not

Repost: Navy Intel Source: "Q Team" From Ike to Trump

@00:06:07 senior the satanic pedophile who had

Epstein Spin, NYC "42" Blackout Wheels Up Bill Clinton

@00:01:18 satanic pedophile that what will soon
@00:04:41 satanic pedophile and even he was

NYC Plunges Into Darkness, Q Operation, ICE Raids Begin at Dawn, GITMO Televised

@00:05:09 pedophile pedophile pence and and
@00:06:41 structure on pedophile epstein's orgy
@00:09:16 the pedo borer satanic pedophile element

Multiple Arrests Prove Satanic Pedophile Network Collapsing Globally

@00:00:56 global satanic pedophile network
@00:02:47 this is also the satanic pedophile
@00:04:26 worldwide this satanic pedophile global
@00:04:59 pedophile jeffrey epstein intensifies
@00:06:37 pedophile and human sacrifice rings
@00:08:00 satanic pedophile network let's see see
@00:10:30 satanic pedophile investigation and just

Ehud Barak & Chuck Schumer Caught in Epstein Scandal

@00:01:29 pedophile jeffrey epstein and for good
@00:03:01 associating with a convicted pedophile
@00:04:48 convicted pedophile so a who's barack
@00:05:40 from serial pedophile and pervert
@00:07:42 for this global satanic pedophile
@00:10:34 global satanic pedophile network that's
@00:11:05 along with a satanic pedophile and

New Q: Lucrative Fetus & Organ Black Market Behind Abortion, DNC Never Hacked

@00:01:02 satanic pedophile industry that's out
@00:11:53 and satanic pet abour and pedophile

Bill Clinton, Under Age Girls, Epstein Plane, Flynn Updates

@00:12:57 of the satanic pedophile network once

Preaching in Front of The White House

@00:01:19 7c pedophile
@00:02:59 pedophile
@00:14:39 in line with the satanic pedophile but
@00:19:35 there's a huge satanic pedophile human

New Q Drops: "Be Ready" & Dalai Lama Screams The Loudest!

@00:08:36 satanic pedophile network i don't know
@00:08:40 pedophile but he's connected to them

Barr's DOJ Makes 1st Arrest, Nunes Suing Twitter, Flynn's Exoneration

@00:01:09 of a satanic pedophile but what did
@00:02:06 satanic pedophile like obama or hillary

9th Circuit Court Hands POTUS Huge Victory

@00:04:06 pedophile club that controls dc the

Pompeo/Ivanka Human Trafficking Report, Israel Blocks Access to 1700 Pedo Websites

@00:05:50 websites displaying pedophile pictures
@00:06:08 websites displaying pedophile photos and
@00:08:04 if someone who's a pedophile truly
@00:10:47 parents sympathetic views of pedophile

Hollywood Film: 'A Child's Voice' Exposes Satanic Child Sex Trafficking

@00:05:21 a pedophile and what what i learned from

Netflix Pushes Pedophilia AGAIN, Mexico Cracks Down on Caravans

@00:13:37 away with saying things like pedophile

Mexico Freezes Human Trafficking Bank Accounts

@00:04:41 satanic pedophile and the catholic

POTUS Bans Aborted Fetal Tissue, Several Victories Against Human Trafficking

@00:02:02 copeland and his satanic pedophile ways
@00:04:29 a lot of these satanic pedophile rituals
@00:09:16 satanic pedophile ring busted hallelujah

FBI Saves Over 200 Children, International Pedophile Ring Busted

@00:04:31 as an international pedophile ring
@00:04:33 busted this was a pedophile ring that
@00:04:45 pedophile ring the arrests were made in
@00:05:36 petal-fold pedophile ring completely and

Twitter Reinstates @StormIsUponUs, Medical Kidnappers Falsifying Results

@00:13:13 the rule of law every pedophile should

Quentin Tarantino Defends Satanic Pedophile Polanski

@00:01:07 pedophile but i know he defends them and

Sexualized Child Sites on Facebook, Unplanned Causing Abortion Workers to Leave

@00:04:07 but a pedophile sites and dirty vile
@00:04:09 nonces on here pedophile site it's

POTUS vs MSM Lies, Justin Amash China Connection

@00:05:46 pedophile i have no intel on that but i

My Personal Conversations with Isaac Kappy

@00:02:01 pedophile and it was through him that i
@00:02:09 pedophile and through both of them

Italy Giving up Brennan, NXIVM & Schumer's Financial Records

@00:06:35 was a satanic pedophile i mean he admits

Huckabee Tweets POTUS: Military Tribunals At Gitmo

@00:05:57 was a satanic pedophile but the air

POTUS Exposes Human Trafficking, Update on NXIVM

@00:03:38 sex abuser and pedophile pages up while
@00:05:25 pages are still up infamous pedophile
@00:06:24 pedophile

Nunes Exposes Lying Mueller, Austin Jones Pedophile Sentenced

@00:03:41 satanic pedophile but that he has had a
@00:04:23 youtube's pedophile problem says youtube
@00:08:52 every single pedophile is satanic okay

Q: Destruction of the Old Guard, AL Pro Life Bill, Exposing Melbourne Sex Trafficking

@00:03:41 satanic pedophile agenda but that's not
@00:06:30 satanic pedophile industry that's been

Comey Utter Panic in Op-Ed Against POTUS

@00:07:40 pedophile who led the charge in this

Is Comey Preparing Another False Flag?

@00:01:02 pedophile i've made videos about him

Latest Q Drop & Downfall of Mike Pence

@00:02:47 pedophile i made a huge video last well

Q, X22, The Last Resort

@00:03:11 pedophile cabal's
@00:05:16 satanic pedophile cabal leaders i think

Thousands of Boy Scout Leaders Face Child Sex Allegations

@00:05:43 legislation so that a satanic pedophile

Cali School Teaching Pedophilia, Deep State Desperate to Distract

@00:04:41 done by the deep state satanic pedophile

Epstein in MORE Trouble, POTUS Megaphone for Judicial Watch!

@00:02:08 pedophile you know at first we thought

Update on Deadmans Switch, Ohio Pedophile Mayor Pleads Guilty

@00:07:39 official tied to elite pedophile ring
@00:07:47 washington dc pedophile ring has pleaded

Julian Assange Arrest Video Footage

@00:01:17 pedophile cabal's i'm gonna start off i
@00:09:39 take down pedophile ring wikileaks
@00:09:46 police take down a massive pedophile
@00:11:58 expose a major pedophile ring child
@00:12:01 pedophile ring so if you use logic and

Comey in Deep Trouble, POTUS Reshaping Courts!

@00:03:08 worse they are satanic pedophile child

Ukrainian Evidence, Flynn Leaks: More Trouble for Obama

@00:03:03 is a satanic pedophile as well that's

Allison Mack Pleads Guilty, Nunes Sending 8 Criminal Referrals

@00:07:34 pedophile cabal and fiona barnett has
@00:07:56 pedophile cabal these 13 bloodlines that
@00:08:16 pedophile cabal's and president trump

Child Recycling Rings, NY Supreme Court Overturns Medical Martial Law

@00:02:42 these satanic pedophile democrats should

Mally Mall Human Trafficking & Obama in Deep Panic

@00:04:45 who is a satanic pedophile of peda gore
@00:04:49 pedophile pedophile like many within the

12 Huge Recent Bombshells Proving Q & POTUS True!

@00:05:09 mccain who's a satanic pedophile and

Abortion, Child Sex Trafficking, Illegals Abusing Children

@00:07:41 fetuses in their sick satanic pedophile
@00:15:28 satanic pedophile swamp that is

Barr Upset w/ Failed Hillary Probe, RBG Sighting on Mar 31st

@00:03:20 cover their own sick satanic pedophile

President Trump Unchained: Going After Obama First

@00:04:03 who is a satanic pedophile pedophile
@00:04:08 pedophile pettiford the bush cabal which
@00:06:37 pedophile that he is so this is all
@00:07:56 nothing more than a satanic pedophile
@00:08:26 pedophile human trafficking empire that

Mueller Knew POTUS Innocent Summer 2018!

@00:08:59 these human and satanic pedophile human

POTUS Tweets WSJ: Obama Must Be Held Accountable

@00:07:38 tweeted out that pedophile should

Teresa Blaes Interviews Daniel Lee

@00:09:22 expose the step to expose this pedophile
@00:22:19 about steven spielberg being a pedophile
@00:23:16 spielberg is a is a pedophile if this is
@00:27:10 you know a satanic pedophile who abused

Monster Doctor, Houston Library, Pro Life Victory in New Mexico

@00:08:16 line with this pedophile pedophile a
@00:08:19 satanic pedophile agenda as well it's

Evil KY Judge, US Child Brides, Liz Crokin on College Scandal

@00:01:49 to pedophile priests and clergy most of
@00:02:08 pedophile family making sure their

Q: Clinton & Obama DOJ Collusion, Ohio Defunds Planned Parenthood

@00:02:02 this satanic pedophile and peda for

Navy Ship Quarantine, NXIVM Pleads Guilty, Ginsburg Voice

@00:05:58 pedophile cult well i hope they i hope i

Q: Unsealing Indictments, Hollywood Silent, Obama in Trouble!

@00:03:01 obama that's satanic pedophile
@00:05:07 court gave billionaire pedophile jeffery

Pathologist Accused of Harvesting Babies, Mom Pleads for Her Twins

@00:08:51 up a massive pedophile ring in the heart
@00:09:37 assault charges and a massive pedophile

Car Almost Hits POTUS, Flynn Exoneration, Seattle Trafficking Ring Busted

@00:09:41 pedophile rings and any level of human

SRA Survivor Evonne: Dad was 33rd Degree Freemason

@00:42:06 nixon was a satanic pedophile he

POTUS Will Use Obama to Destroy Mueller; Girl Scouts & Planned Parenthood

@00:07:15 himself that satanic pedophile and

Q, Denver Airport, Alabama Unborn Baby Turning Point

@00:07:20 under bush senior that satanic pedophile
@00:07:30 clinton that satanic pedophile who

Hillary Not Running in 2020, Trudeau's Sinking Ship

@00:07:56 for president that he believed pedophile

Q Explains Whitaker Exit, Mueller Report March 26, PURIM Victory Incoming!

@00:04:28 actually the satanic pedophile peddler's

HHS Harvesting Children, Foster Care Evils, DS Swamp

@00:02:29 admitted he was a pedophile in online
@00:02:43 entitled publicly open pedophile running
@00:08:21 the satanic pedophile industry embedded

NBC, HRC & Pedophile Rings, Q Drop 2939

@00:03:09 to cover-up pedophile rings as secretary
@00:03:32 pedophile exposed by nbc now nbc did
@00:04:17 pedophilia cover up obama's pedophile
@00:05:38 known pedophile has actually been banned
@00:05:39 from the uk as a known pedophile so it's
@00:10:51 pedophile rings he's broken up in
@00:12:09 really is a satanic pedophile she's been
@00:12:12 involved these pedophile rings if you

Deep State Panic, POTUS Tweets, Q Drop 2937

@00:02:55 who exposed elite pedophile ring found
@00:03:13 high-level pedophile ring involving vips
@00:04:15 argentina that he's a pedophile and runs
@00:04:32 himself saved a pedophile priest and
@00:04:45 a pedophile priests that pope francis
@00:08:21 lot of a satanic pedophile so in great
@00:12:20 bush is a satanic pedophile himself
@00:13:34 that wicked satanic pedophile a deep

NXIVM: New Criminal Charges Pending

@00:01:01 allison mac she vile satanic pedophile
@00:04:38 pence is a satanic pedophile
@00:06:45 covering up satanic pedophile rings
@00:08:11 satanic pedophile democrat party about
@00:11:36 expose the satanic pedophile mike pence

AZ National Guard Whistleblower Exposes Child Sex Trafficking!

@00:25:59 are still some satanic pedophile

POTUS Defies Deep State Expectations, Illinois Abortion Bill, Iowa Catholic pedophiles

@00:08:39 very disgusting satanic pedophile and it
@00:09:01 also a satanic pedophile but the judge

Q's 21 Days, Deadman Switch, POTUS Go Orders

@00:13:35 pray that these sick pedophile zepeda

Infanticide, POTUS, EO, Q Drop Ginsburg & Scalia

@00:08:36 satanic pedophile antonin scalia you
@00:08:47 me obama is a satanic pedophile
@00:08:54 satanic pedophile as well and he was
@00:09:21 sown and as he was a serial pedophile
@00:09:45 he would do these six satanic pedophile

Dead Judge on 9th Circuit Exposed, Walkout in Hollywood

@00:10:10 pedophile a satanic pedophile asian of
@00:10:16 muhammad was a satanic pedophile

Wall Ahead of Schedule, POTUS Defies CIA Created ISIS

@00:05:08 nancy pelosi that satanic pedophile is

Gowdy Talks Tribunals, Baby Parts Traffickers Arrested, Q on Maher

@00:05:36 satanic pedophile human trafficking
@00:06:05 pedophile human trafficking and this is
@00:08:23 pedophile i talked about him months and

Q, RBG Hoax, Bioweapon Threat: Tying It All Together

@00:09:40 we know bush 41 is a satanic pedophile
@00:09:47 pedophile wound up repealing it
@00:14:49 satanic pedophile mit romney if you
@00:14:52 tastes satanic pedophile need to go back
@00:16:34 pedophile along with tom hanks and
@00:16:40 satanic pedophile just go back and watch
@00:16:55 pedophile as well remember president

Mueller Final Report, Q Drop Special Elections/Voter ID

@00:04:21 pedophile cover-up er i mean robert
@00:07:56 pedophile democrats were actually the

Yes, Ruth Ginsburg is Still Dead, Q Declass Coming!

@00:09:25 pedophile
@00:10:33 proving how the satanic pedophile issue

Whitaker to STAY, Q Blitz: Barr Exposes Mueller

@00:07:36 pedophile pedal or now we point toward
@00:07:39 hilary the satanic pedophile on pedal or
@00:07:45 we expose the pedophile james comey now
@00:12:57 the true satanic pedophile pettifer

McConnell Supporting POTUS: National Emergency and Wall Incoming!

@00:03:14 course the the satanic pedophile

Bio Weapons, IPOT, Military Insider & Human Trafficking

@00:05:56 satanic pedophile

Iowa Bans Most Abortions! HALLALUYAH!

@00:03:21 pedophile rituals and ask why no

POTUS at 76% Approval, Epstein Probe Re-Opened

@00:03:43 satanic pedophile i covered him months
@00:06:50 pedophile look he got off with with just
@00:10:03 satanic pedophile and bisexual pervert

Elton John: Satanic Peophile, Washington Post LIES About Ginsburg

@00:01:37 pedophile ring involving politicians
@00:02:12 man who named elton john as a pedophile
@00:03:58 he is another pedophile that needs to be
@00:04:06 is definitely a pedophile and according
@00:04:16 satanic pedophile it needs to be

John of God Satanic Pedophile, Oprah Winfrey, Liz Crokin Exposes

@00:03:25 pedophile hundreds of around the world

POTUS Taking 9th Circuit, Military Bio-Weapons Update, Superbowl Sting

@00:09:13 satanic pedophile agenda that has been

Dem Party Facing Extinction Over Child Sex Trafficking

@00:07:22 pedophile paul ryan is a satanic
@00:07:23 pedophile and he you guys have to

Barr Delayed, POTUS Wins, Graham Rebukes Mueller, Vaccine Fraud

@00:02:43 that satanic pedophile mueller went

Tim Holmseth: Trump Wall, QAnon, Project Ambition

@00:23:19 the satanic pedophile freaks are are

Whitaker, Trudeau, Mueller, Ginsberg: State of the Union

@00:02:01 pedophile robert mueller he's got to be
@00:05:42 pedophile is dead
@00:09:29 street a satanic pedophile pedalboard
@00:09:31 tom hanks the satanic pedophile steven
@00:09:34 spielberg the satanic pedophile and many

Whitaker: Mueller Witch Hunt Ending: Major Victory

@00:01:45 the pedophile pedal or hillary rodham
@00:01:48 clinton pedophile pedal or obama bill
@00:03:13 mueller that's satanic pedophile by the

Exposing Senators, Companies Baby Murder, Kim Clement Prophecy

@00:06:35 were from specific satanic pedophile

The POTUS Head Fake: Deep State Gnashing Their Teeth

@00:06:35 pedophile cabal's are trying to push

Pope Attacks POTUS, N735HC Plane Number Explosive Intel, Kamala Harris

@00:04:09 catholic priests satanic pedophile sex
@00:05:05 pedophile pope francis because you have
@00:05:16 the tsunami that is the pedophile sex
@00:05:39 in any case the pedophile sex scandal
@00:05:56 assaulted by a gay catholic pedophile
@00:07:21 homosexual pedophile catholic priests
@00:09:40 with the satanic pedophile islam that
@00:12:47 satanic pedophile
@00:12:55 asking future is a satanic pedophile he

POTUS 21 Days, Q, The Wall, Endgame

@00:03:32 10 a pedophile democrats to rhino
@00:04:16 talking about the satanic pedophile
@00:15:05 that pedophile should should receive
@00:15:15 predators pedophile peddle orders the
@00:16:06 mike pence is a satanic pedophile he
@00:16:33 when pence pedophile pence took only a

Ashley Exposing Canada Child Sex Trafficking!

@00:22:49 who is a satanic pedophile just like

Washington Measles Outbreak: Deep State Bio Weapon Trial Run?

@00:04:06 satanic pedophile rest public so is this

Pedophile Protector Mueller Goes After Stone

@00:01:24 pedophile nixon but roger stone is loyal
@00:02:45 of committing pedophile against them and
@00:02:56 just like this pedophile judge did
@00:03:18 convicted pedophile twice convicted
@00:03:21 pedophile mueller decides to use nader
@00:04:31 mueller a pedophile himself i will go on
@00:04:34 record to say mueller is a pedophile
@00:04:58 it he's a satanic pedophile that needs

Update Military Intel Deep State Deadman's Switch

@00:09:40 state he's a satanic pedophile himself

Heather's 17 Month Baby Raped Due to CPS/Foster Care Ohio System!

@00:18:21 satanic pedophile wickedness that drives

Q is Real, POTUS Plan Against Deep State Cabal Update

@00:01:10 deep state a satanic pedophile cabal
@00:01:30 pedophile mohammed who had sex with
@00:01:41 began the satanic pedophile religion
@00:01:47 completely satanic pedophile
@00:02:21 2012 that pedophile she receives
@00:03:18 first john mccain that satanic pedophile
@00:06:06 connected to many satanic pedophile
@00:06:20 the pope who is a satanic pedophile and
@00:06:30 pedophile religion will also be taken
@00:06:40 now the zionist kabbalah pedophile

Tim Holmseth: Crimes Against Humanity Involving Obama, Wetterlings, Rothschilds

@00:34:59 satanic pedophile network going and they

Fox News Reports Ginsberg's Death

@00:01:51 that's satanic pedophile she who
@00:02:56 satanic pedophile she was the victim of
@00:02:59 pedophile she was the victim of meryl
@00:03:01 streep the serial satanic pedophile and

POTUS Traps Democrats, Flynn's Setting Sun on Deep State

@00:02:56 stout at house speaker the pedophile
@00:05:22 started by that pet abhorrent pedophile

POTUS Speech, Pelosi Plot, Mueller Defends

@00:01:51 satanic pedophile democrats are going to
@00:04:07 pedophile rara bueller is actually
@00:04:27 robert mueller he is a satanic pedophile
@00:05:26 pedophile and i will post a link to my
@00:05:50 yes mike pence is a satanic pedophile

Pelosi, Goat Hill Pizza, Satanic Pedophile Foiled!

@00:02:38 pedophile and i will say that and she
@00:13:58 pedophile victim i think she might be i

POTUS Strikes Back, My Q Gift from Cop

@00:00:28 trump strikes back at that pedophile and
@00:02:35 this pedophile nancy pelosi who doesn't

Federal Courts Running Out of Money -- HallaluYAH!!!

@00:02:39 satanic pedophile democrats to help him

Tempted In Every Way Yet He Had No Sin: Day 5 @ UCSD Part 1 of 5

@00:04:16 started by that satanic pedophile

USS Midway: Gift to My Dad & Subscribers

@00:01:21 course was run by that satanic pedophile

Satanic Pedophile Signaling at Golden Globes

@00:01:15 pedophile signaling at this golden
@00:03:13 pedophile tom hanks that satanic
@00:03:16 pedophile there's so many satanic
@00:03:20 pedophile these people try to look

More Photos GITMO, Treason & Q, Naming Names

@00:04:15 the pet of warren pedophile hillary
@00:10:32 pedophile on pedal or obama as well from
@00:10:59 is a satanic pedophile by the

San Diego Cop Arrests Satanic Pedophiles: Part 3 of 4

@00:06:58 very offensive pedophile sex scene on a
@00:07:53 pedophile pitcher they were shocked and
@00:10:22 house meet the pedophile teacher if
@00:16:12 pedophile website i was telling about
@00:16:49 pointing out a pedophile that's now
@00:18:14 pedophile all pedophiles are satanic by

San Diego Cop Arrests Satanic Pedophiles: Part 2 of 4

@00:08:40 pedophile oh my goodness i saw something
@00:09:23 pedophile what an ox they weren't if

San Diego Cop Arrests Satanic Pedophiles: Part 1 of 4

@00:04:29 pedophile and targeted this little girl
@00:05:04 marrying this pedophile
@00:05:14 the pedophile and this child disclosed

Military Activity Photos GITMO, Q, Feinstein Freaks Out Over GITMO

@00:05:17 satanic pedophile brennan that says
@00:05:51 pedophile pettifer and hillary the
@00:05:53 satanic pedophile pettiford who tampered
@00:06:03 to go after these satanic pedophile

POTUS Tweets on Wall & Child SexTrafficking

@00:07:53 satanic pedophile religion islam so when
@00:09:35 pedophile muslim named mohammed satanic
@00:09:39 pedophile all these religions are

I Am The Way, The Truth and the Life: Part 2 of 6 Day 4 UCSD

@00:10:54 pedophile islam not atheism or

Admin Force Me To Move, Upset Students -- Day 4 at UCSD Part 1 of 6

@00:18:24 a pedophile pervert and the quran the

POTUS Signs Anti Human Trafficking Bill & Chief Justice Roberts colluded w/ Obama and Hillary

@00:03:02 think that satanic pedophile pens but
@00:04:55 with this satanic pedophile obama and
@00:04:58 they satanic pedophile hillary clinton

POTUS Storms Out From Democrat Meeting & Reflections on Day 3 @ UCSD

@00:02:13 meeting with the satanic pedophile nancy
@00:02:16 pelosi and the satanic pedophile chuck
@00:03:43 pedophile said no trumped explained in a
@00:04:03 your satanic pedophile friend pelosi

Ginsberg Death, Bush Sr Funeral, and the POTUS Plan

@00:02:59 the islamic vatican satanic pedophile

Day 2 @ UCSD -- Preaching the Messiah's Blood --: Part 1 of 2

@00:06:42 pedophile mohammed allows selfishness

Ginsberg Never Returning & Reflections on Preaching at UCSD Day 2

@00:02:27 willis he's a satanic pedophile i used

Comey, Podesta Silenced, Ginsberg Absent, Tribunals Continue

@00:02:58 pedophile and if you don't know about

JFK Jr, Apostle John, Q, Pres Trump: Patterns in Prophecy and Revelation

@00:05:31 islam vatican jesuit satanic pedophile
@00:05:39 satanic pedophile cabal hollywood even
@00:05:44 talmudic zionist jewish pedophile head

Friday Night Sabbath: Testimonies, Praise Reports, Numbers 14, Hanukkah

@00:00:25 the satanic pedophile exposing from all

Tribunals Thunder Onward, POTUS Exposes Pedophile Romney

@00:01:29 satanic pedophile if you go to president
@00:01:50 a satanic pedophile that guy was
@00:02:05 guys mitt romney's a satanic pedophile
@00:05:58 is a satanic pedophile he's covered up
@00:12:08 pedophile anyone who's been volved in
@00:14:09 pedophile talmud of jews the pedophile
@00:14:16 and the pettiford pedophile bush cabal
@00:15:00 pedophile and this was linked to my
@00:16:25 pedophile jews and those jews who love
@00:16:42 pedophile islam they come from
@00:17:07 through you know pagan pedophile talmud
@00:17:12 pedophile islam it's not through

Satanic Pedophile Romney, Sanctions are Coming from POTUS

@00:04:31 pedophile a satanic pedophile started by
@00:04:33 the pedophile child sex trafficking
@00:05:02 are coming against the satanic pedophile
@00:05:04 obama the satanic pedophile hillary and
@00:05:07 bill clinton's the satanic pedophile
@00:06:56 satanic pedophile influences and just
@00:07:15 a satanic pedophile he's in one of the
@00:07:26 pedophile who needs to be arrested

POTUS Raids Pedophile Obama Thailand Mansion

@00:02:46 pedophile and even more to the point how
@00:08:24 pedophile pettiford

POTUS Transponder Off: Are Anons Ready?

@00:01:36 satanic pedophile republicans as well
@00:04:45 a satanic pedophile so i did a story on
@00:04:55 very corrupt pedophile judge in southern
@00:05:58 pence if he's such a satanic pedophile
@00:06:58 pedophile so there's a lot of evidence

POTUS, Q, Darkness to Light, Elites on Twitter, Hanukkah Begins Tonight

@00:01:52 peddapuram pedophile obama go look at my
@00:03:00 not the pedophile pedophile hillary
@00:04:51 satanic pedophile monetary system for so
@00:07:10 sanders is a major satanic pedophile
@00:10:18 such a sick satanic pedophile himself in

Q's 10 Days of Darkness, POTUS vs Obama, Last Gasp of Shadow Govt

@00:06:22 early september on the pedophile pit of
@00:08:58 pedophile elites and so the women are
@00:11:02 satanic pedophile cabal's trying to

Nationwide 911 Outage, Blue Lights Over NYC

@00:01:51 caused by the satanic pedophile striking

POTUS is Done With Mueller, Follow Up on Missing Elites

@00:00:56 pedophile if you've not seen my expose
@00:01:00 pedophile and he is covered for satanic
@00:02:33 occurred through the satanic pedophile
@00:02:38 through obama the satanic pedophile
@00:04:12 pence pence the pedophile go watch that

Satanic Pedophile Trudeau, Sealed Indictment, Elites Go Silent

@00:00:44 he is a satanic pedophile people wanted
@00:03:20 top view and advisor and pedophile
@00:03:47 because he was also a pedophile these
@00:03:49 are a pedophile spotting pedophiles
@00:04:05 pedophile associates of kennedy canadian
@00:04:48 an international pedophile ring the
@00:04:58 all sorts of pedophile symbols all sort
@00:05:02 link below here i mean one pedophile
@00:06:23 promoting a santa satanic pedophile

Child Sex Trafficking in NY, Steve Quayle Kabbalah Symbol, UK Cult

@00:11:35 for a satanic pedophile ring and they do
@00:17:20 satanic pedophile monetary system in
@00:18:15 the satanic pedophile ring

Arlington Corruption, POTUS Human Trafficking & Wall, Clintons Exposed by NBC

@00:06:03 the major child sex pedophile ring he
@00:06:07 major major child sex pedophile ring he

POTUS Speaks, 69405 Indictments, Pedophile Spacey

@00:02:34 done this guy has has he is a pedophile
@00:02:38 he's a say tannic pedophile he has
@00:04:03 pedophile off the hook we've had so many

POTUS Smacks Down FED, Flynn Darkness to Light

@00:04:58 because that satanic pedophile is trying
@00:07:51 coin of the satanic pedophile pettiford

Pedophile Army General, Ginsberg on Death's Door

@00:02:52 just happened pedophile army general
@00:03:03 pedophile judge for raping a victim from

Aquino, Military Sources, TRUTH of US Military

@00:04:38 did pedophile on the presidio army base

Satanic Human Sacrifices on USA Military Bases

@00:01:41 is a satanic pedophile and he's even
@00:03:47 satanic pedophile and if we have human
@00:06:17 pedophile problem do you realize
@00:09:13 pedophile or likely a satanic pedophile

Cheney, Clinton, Pence Conspiracy Against POTUS, Q, Economic Future

@00:02:18 mike pence the pedophile pet of war mike
@00:02:30 of pence being a pedophile i see ten i
@00:03:53 as this satanic pedophile monetary
@00:06:55 the vatican islam satanic pedophile
@00:07:29 talmudic pedophile that that heads not

Sabbath Hike: Prayer vs YouTube, Twitter, etc

@00:09:14 break from all the satanic pedophile

Son of Perdition, the Broken Temple and Messiah's Return

@00:04:18 to become very anti anti pedophile

Q Drop & CIA Child Sex Trafficking ISIS Creation

@00:02:24 child sex pedophile should be instantly
@00:04:44 is a pedophile and a pet of war he's a
@00:04:46 satanic pedophile he's been so involved

Q's Ticking Clock, Whitaker, Globalist Empire Meltdown

@00:05:49 satanic pedophile monitor system to
@00:11:18 allowing the whole satanic pedophile
@00:14:01 possible pedophile ring during who is

Q, POTUS, Andrew Jackson, CPS Abuse, Satanic Bankers

@00:01:22 just the average pedophile that's out
@00:02:19 pedophile too and i did a video on him
@00:05:14 they actually started the pedophile
@00:05:16 satanic pedophile mohamed in his journey
@00:05:18 in creating that pedophile religion of
@00:07:11 guys just as this satanic pedophile

Q, Sullivan Hates Mueller, FBI Tour Finished NOW

@00:09:23 bumpy period as the satanic pedophile

Satanic Ritual Blood Altars Beneath Federal Reserve

@00:04:08 pedophile child sex trafficking

Flynn Ensnares MSM & Satanic Pedophile Elites

@00:08:45 by this satanic pedophile pedophile

Major NY Child Sex Ring Busted, Sick Child Marriages, Pray for FLYNN!

@00:02:21 pedophile ring that's not the bottom of

Detroit Archbishop BLOCKING SRA Survivors From Compensation

@00:03:57 pedophile survivors in the archdiocese

DC Tunnels Shut Down NOW, Pedophile Disney, Miracle Healing at Prayer Group

@00:00:42 the satanic pedophile cabal's
@00:03:07 last week about disney being a pedophile

GITMO Military Planes NOW, Obama's Emails, Arlington Closed

@00:00:48 pedophile and pedal or obama
@00:01:53 obama the pedophile and pet of our who
@00:02:15 pedophile rings and so they were
@00:02:30 pence's wife pence the pedophile given

Gen Flynn Exposing Deep State Satanic Pedophiles: Breaking News

@00:03:43 was involved with that as well pedophile
@00:06:12 pedophile pence
@00:09:33 prayer i would love to see pedophile

Chelsea Clinton & Satanism, Boy Scouts, And More!

@00:01:37 involved not just in satanic pedophile

2 Huge Prison Barges Headed to Gitmo NOW

@00:05:23 definitely a satanic pedophile and

Fiona Barnett Exposes Eli Priest

@00:00:51 as a satanic pedophile and i just got

Child Sex Abuse in Baptist Churches: Dec 13, 2018

@00:01:09 is a major serial pedophile i've exposed
@00:01:15 serial pedophile but a cannibal as well
@00:04:31 was a serial pedophile billy graham was
@00:04:35 pedophile i still have to this day
@00:04:46 pedophile and not only his fiona
@00:04:59 pedophile involved in child sex

Huber: Death Penalty Needed for Child Sex Traffickers

@00:02:12 anytime a pedophile who could commit
@00:08:20 satanic pedophile cabal because that is
@00:09:27 pedophile - dude i don't even want to

Charges Against Flynn Will Be Dropped Tomorrow

@00:02:25 lot out of my satanic pedophile beste
@00:03:20 satanic pedophile

Why Huber Did Not Testify at Clinton Hearing Today

@00:02:55 pedophile clinton cabal is coming
@00:02:59 pedophile bush cabal it's coming

A Snowy Juneau Gift for My Subscribers

@00:00:57 the satanic pedophile clinton's clinton
@00:04:19 all the islamic satanic pedophile

Judge Sentencing Flynn Demands to See FBI Docs! HUGE BOMBSHELL!

@00:02:17 pedophile that was fired by trump or
@00:03:58 much deeper than that satanic pedophile
@00:04:02 to the pedophile penance vice president
@00:04:16 the satanic pedophile pettifer hillary
@00:04:25 so why was pedophile pence involved in
@00:04:35 promoted by the satanic pedophile comey
@00:05:00 pedophile he wanted to get his hands on
@00:06:12 satanic pedophile just like fiona
@00:06:20 pedophile guys i stood in front of the
@00:06:32 a pedophile by now i don't know what to

Theresa May to Resign: Breaking News

@00:00:53 pedophile scandals well she's she's

Explosive Hearing Clinton Whistleblowers Tomorrow Dec 13

@00:01:16 satanic pedophile like these guys have

3rd Highest Ranked Cardinal Guilty of Pedophilia

@00:00:47 pedophile but the pope has a double
@00:01:04 pedophile himself there are tunnels
@00:03:46 been charged as a pedophile of course
@00:03:49 he's a satanic pedophile again the pope
@00:04:19 pedophile religion of muhammad of islam

Sawyer Caught, 4.4 Earthquake, Q and Jan 1 2019

@00:00:59 you being a pedophile if someone knew
@00:05:25 if you question him you're a pedophile
@00:07:19 pedophile it's well under those

Hannity Mentions Sealed Indictments, Q, Google in Panic, Podesta Desperate

@00:02:58 satanic pedophile child sex trafficking
@00:05:23 pedophile hillary clinton and bill

Aborted Babies Used as Food Additives: Satanic Pedophile Sick Scheme!

@00:02:53 global pedophile network which many are
@00:04:13 pedophile child sex trafficking network
@00:04:44 this for the satanic pedophile cabal's

Satanic Pedophile Talmudic Dedication 3rd Temple Altar

@00:01:07 hanukkah the satanic pedophile committed

How Q, POTUS Double-Cross The Satanic Pedophiles, Breaking News Dec 10, 2018

@00:09:51 against that satanic pedophile hillary
@00:09:56 the pedophile control republican party
@00:10:01 pence is a satanic pedophile i got a
@00:10:19 pedophile state ended kind of foul and
@00:10:30 double-crossed the pedophile republicans
@00:10:49 with him no no he's a pedophile and try
@00:11:22 pedophile republican party as he never
@00:11:26 pedophile party because the democrats

Satanic Pedophile Comey's Unraveling Confession!!!

@00:02:38 he is a satanic pedophile and he's been
@00:02:41 a satanic pedophile for a long time many
@00:07:48 pedophile mike pence he's gonna be

POTUS Signs New Law: Trillions Taken from Child Sex Traffickers!

@00:02:43 by these satanic pedophile cabal's

A Rebuke That I Am Sure Will Offend Many Subscribers

@00:02:18 by that satanic pedophile disney and

Satanic Pedophile Disney World Park Needs To Be SHUT DOWN!

@00:02:52 was a satanic pedophile which is why he
@00:03:51 satanic pedophile he's basically outing
@00:05:15 satanic pedophile organization is what

CFO Exposes Satanic Pedophile Clinton Foundation, How Q Works

@00:08:47 pedophile himself please go watch that
@00:09:26 mueller who's been a satanic pedophile

Bush Sr's Execution: A Prophetic Message to My Enemies

@00:08:10 that satanic pedophile pedal or obama

USA Child Marriages, Pres Trump's Tweet

@00:02:08 satanic pedophile that was propped up

Solomon Exposes Comey, Another Obama Era Official Bites the Dust!

@00:01:19 satanic pedophile james comey key fbi
@00:01:41 director comey that satanic pedophile
@00:02:16 the satanic pedophile and pet abort
@00:02:40 pedophile and pet of or obama
@00:03:18 the pedophile and pet of or obama
@00:04:28 honoring this satanic pedophile bush

Satanic Pedophile Spielberg Warns: UCLA Day 10 Part 4 of 4

@00:00:49 that's satanic pedophile steven
@00:02:57 steven spielberg that satanic pedophile

Large Asian Crowd at 18-19 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 10 Part 1 of 4

@00:00:45 senior bush senior the satanic pedophile
@00:23:41 pedophile the only solution to human

Michael Flynn's Exoneration So Close!

@00:00:31 pence is a pedophile and today
@00:01:14 course is a satanic pedophile i did a
@00:01:28 pedophile himself robert mueller has
@00:02:11 know it's the petted four and pedophile
@00:02:15 and pedophile barack obama who actually
@00:03:28 pedophile nixon so desperately wanted to
@00:04:05 gained possession of it and pedophile
@00:04:15 the inauguration that the pedophile the
@00:04:18 satanic pedophile pence moved to have
@00:04:26 why was pence the pedophile pushing this

Huge Clinton Donor Indicted Dec 4, 2018

@00:00:36 as the recipient that pedophile and

Donut Woman Screams: Minute 11:30 and onward: UCLA Day 9 Part 1 of 4

@00:06:02 selfishness neither does that pedophile

Deep State, Bush Sr. vs Pres Trump's Countermove

@00:03:24 senior was a satanic pedophile bush jr.
@00:07:41 pedophile go watch the video michael
@00:07:55 pedophile hallelujah all right

MASSIVE Breakthrough in 9-11 Investigation Dec 1st 2018

@00:03:52 inception this pet is a pedophile

Angela Disney & Rose English: Together Exposing UK, Ireland Satanic Pedophiles!

@00:10:00 mohammed was a pedophile and i'm sure i
@00:15:50 sided with the pedophile and the judge

Satanic Pedophile Comey has 5 Folders on Hillary's Child Sex Crimes

@00:02:16 pedophile saying goodbye to another
@00:02:18 satanic form a pedophile bush senior
@00:03:52 satanic pedophile he was i'm so glad
@00:04:09 satanic pedophile as well and i did a
@00:05:23 satanic pedophile cabal's are no longer
@00:05:42 clinton because he's a satanic pedophile
@00:05:47 major pedophile pettiford

Shabbat Hike: Echoes of the Shofar Part 1

@00:02:29 pedophile mohamed and they venerate

Bush Sr, Prophecy, POTUS, Q, Christmas, Hanukkah

@00:00:26 pedophile pence and how cue showed up
@00:03:02 satanic pedophile bush senior was and in
@00:03:36 satanic pedophile made i can find it
@00:04:17 pedophile is saying goodbye to the very
@00:04:47 pedophile penance has been in the news
@00:04:55 cute cash now pedophile pants he is a
@00:05:09 pence pedophile pence all the evidence
@00:05:17 that basically pedophile pence was
@00:05:50 pedophile bush senior who helped to
@00:07:30 a10 pedophile or senior i wish you would
@00:08:52 pedophile no longer has the backing of a

Prophetic Meaning of 7.0 Alaska Earthquake Revealed

@00:14:24 seen my video pedophile prophecy the

POTUS, Acosta, Epstein: Perfect Plan to Bring Down Satanic Pedophiles

@00:00:44 pedophile because he hung out with
@00:01:06 that vial wick sick pedophile and in

Q Drop: Locked and Loaded to take Down Satanic Pedophiles

@00:04:24 pedophile i never accused cavanaugh of
@00:04:25 being a pedophile i said he was a
@00:04:27 pedophile protector in that he knew that
@00:04:29 bush senior was a major major pedophile

Dec 5th, Q, Julian Assange's Testimony: Satanic Pedophiles Brought Down

@00:04:55 mueller being a major satanic pedophile
@00:05:24 it was actually the peddapuram pedophile
@00:05:30 pedophile obama who tampered with the
@00:05:36 satanic pedophile himself and if you

Meilin Walks Me Through Botanical Gardens

@00:05:36 ever want to be in that pedophile steven

5:05 Mark -- Show Children Gathered Round! Day 5 UCLA Part 2 of 4

@00:00:21 steven spielberg is a pedophile and tom
@00:00:24 hanks the pedophile and this is not just

27:55 Mark -- Hundreds of Children Gather Round! Day 5 UCLA Part 1 of 4

@00:28:18 exposed steven spielberg as a pedophile
@00:28:22 steven spielberg a pedophile for years

Pedophile Soros vs Facebook: Civil War

@00:01:05 that pedophile and petaa for george
@00:01:11 zuckerberg refused so the pedophile

Assange, Webb, Imminent Court Dates

@00:01:49 pedophile to satanic pedophile james
@00:02:02 big-time pedophile satanic pedophile
@00:03:25 the russian collusion that pedophile
@00:03:29 pence is a pedophile please see my video
@00:04:39 wicked pedophile epstein loretta lynch
@00:04:48 pedophile in any case let's pray for all

UN Responsible for 60,000 Rapes of Children

@00:02:56 the world with pedophile tendencies but

POTUS Shuts Down US-Mex Border, Tear Gas Fired

@00:01:10 pedophile child sex trafficking and so

Satanic Pedophile Clintons Are In BIG Trouble

@00:01:08 pettifer and pedophile hillary clinton
@00:03:27 pettiford pedophile which i've made
@00:06:04 which is a completely pedophile religion
@00:06:07 mohammed was a total pedophile it's

POTUS Using Assange to Expose Satanic Peophiles

@00:03:36 assange knows that it's the pedophile
@00:03:40 pedophile peddle or obama who actually
@00:06:11 why the pedophile pence connected to the

POTUS Moves to Strike Down CIA Satanic Pedophiles

@00:02:24 the pedophile and pedal or and obama the
@00:02:27 pedophile pedal or who tampered with the
@00:06:10 know reporting on satanic pedophile

2nd interview w/ Angela Disney: Satanic Pedophiles Caught In Their Own Snares!

@00:21:09 alleged pedophile there's satanic ritual
@00:22:55 teresa mays a pedophile she's a satanic
@00:22:58 pedophile she eats babies she molest
@00:24:10 pedophile as well so when i compare that
@00:24:26 satanic pedophile
@00:24:55 one was related to a pedophile previous
@00:25:34 not may be from the same pedophile
@00:27:27 pedophile he was certainly a freemason
@00:27:37 her husband was also a pedophile there's
@00:29:39 if she wasn't a pedophile herself it was
@00:31:13 being a pedophile protector especially
@00:53:33 personally know her to be a pedophile as

Hillsong Australia = Satanic Pedophiles

@00:03:09 frank hewson was a serial pedophile and
@00:03:45 serial pedophile front and brian houston
@00:05:05 pedophile old man houston basically
@00:05:50 pedophile serial pedophile and they're

Q: Dec 5th: Clinton Foundation Exposed

@00:01:28 the pettifer and pedophile and obama

Ex CIA Agent Exposes Pence the Pedophile

@00:01:27 pedophile that he will not be a viable
@00:02:12 this pence is a pedophile
@00:02:15 he's a satanic pedophile he's a pet of

Pres Trump Gives Whitaker Free Rein Over Pedophile Mueller

@00:00:50 free rein over that pedophile mueller if
@00:00:55 pedophile not only is he a pedophile but
@00:01:14 he's a pedophile himself so please go

SRA Survivor Angela Power Disney: Hampstead Case, McDonalds, Satanic Pedophiles Exposed in UK

@00:07:05 hampstead pedophile satanic ritual abuse
@00:14:53 about a pedophile ring based in their
@00:36:35 pedophile ring and that he would mince
@00:48:22 have not harassed an alleged pedophile
@00:48:57 was a pedophile than you and i know you

Reading Letters From Subscribers: Shabbat Blessings!!!

@00:03:25 pence as a pedophile timid me shrank

Satanic Pedophile Theresa May Under Fire Brexit Crisis

@00:03:34 week theresa made this pedophile the
@00:03:37 sick pedophile and pedophile protector
@00:04:25 pedophile herself she covers
@00:05:53 satanic pedophile and it's the satanic
@00:06:37 she's evil she's a satanic pedophile and

Interview w/ Rose: UK, Theresa May: Exposing UK Satanic Pedophiles

@00:06:44 we've got pedophile pedophile was going
@00:09:48 handed it to a pedophile he didn't
@00:10:49 look horse was also a pedophile and
@00:10:51 pedophile protector she's on her way out
@00:15:08 pedophile it's actually mohammed was a
@00:15:11 pedophile so so you know it's not
@00:15:22 pedophile and then also the second point
@00:25:00 lead you to nil every single pedophile
@00:26:57 and pedophile yeah and also some stories
@00:36:53 a pedophile

The Ultimate Endgame in Defeating Satanic Pedophiles

@00:00:05 dark one i just made about the pedophile

Alaska Satanic Jesuit Pedophiles Exposed

@00:06:41 dump pedophile priests and isolated
@00:07:44 files of several pedophile priests

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Advocates Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking

@00:05:57 because she is a pedophile herself she
@00:06:00 is a pedophile justice ruth bader
@00:06:03 ginsburg is a pedophile and she's a
@00:06:05 satanic pedophile and this is why she
@00:06:29 pedo bora and pedophile bill clinton who
@00:07:28 1977 and this pervert pedophile
@00:07:32 pedophile bill clinton is the one who

Billy Graham Satanic Pedophile: MORE WITNESSES COME FORWARD

@00:00:39 pedophile well he is go watch my video
@00:00:53 billy graham is a serial pedophile it's
@00:03:30 pedophile ring in australia which
@00:06:38 exposing billy graham as the pedophile

POTUS Refuses to Shake Pedophile Trudeau's Hand

@00:01:15 knows that judo is a pedophile and that
@00:01:53 how trudeau's a pedophile and a
@00:01:56 pedophile protector but also a lot of
@00:06:08 pedophile how he protects pedophiles and
@00:06:11 how he's a pedophile himself and he will

Final Remarks on White House Event: Back in Juneau, Alaska

@00:02:44 satanic pedophile ring may not be

Preaching Against Illegal Immigrant Rally, White House Part 3

@00:11:42 he busted a huge child sex pedophile
@00:11:58 satanic pedophile and it's not just a
@00:12:45 as a pedophile go to youtube and look it
@00:13:07 is a pedophile research sarah root a
@00:13:32 it's a pedophile james comey it's a
@00:13:37 pedophile hillary rodham clinton is not
@00:13:42 only a satanic pedophile she
@00:14:51 the pope it's also a pedophile and a
@00:15:41 pedophile trump did not one is selected
@00:21:28 satanic child sex pedophile now our

Preaching in front of White House Part 1

@00:02:35 a kind of file and it's been a pedophile
@00:03:05 exposed steven spielberg as a pedophile
@00:03:24 hear this but mike pence is a pedophile
@00:03:27 he is mike pence is a pedophile and
@00:04:00 pelosi is a pedophile james comey he is
@00:04:06 a pedophile government and i'm here as a
@00:04:36 used hillary clinton she is a pedophile
@00:05:45 huge pedophile ring down in florida you
@00:05:55 down on a huge pedophile ring and

Sessions, Whitaker & My Final Video Before DC Nov 9 Event

@00:05:13 against that pedophile mike pence to
@00:05:34 be a pedophile hallelujah he's passed

The TRUTH Behind Trump's Pence and Pelosi Comments

@00:00:49 the pedophile and we're gonna talk about

Senate Red Wave; FISA Will Bring Down The House!

@00:02:59 john mccain in the senate that pedophile

Insider Exposes Satanic Pedophilia in Mormon Church

@00:01:52 mike pence issue that he's a pedophile
@00:27:05 oh by the way this guy's a pedophile

FASTING & PRAYER: Nov 9, Oral Roberts, Pence

@00:01:57 who is a pedophile if you have any
@00:01:59 doubts about him being a pedophile and a
@00:02:01 pedophile protector please watch my
@00:02:15 mike pence is a pedophile pedophile

Theresa May the Pedophile and Pedophile Protector

@00:02:49 it says british pm theresa may pedophile
@00:07:26 pedophile
@00:08:27 pedophile abuse survivors a platform to

The TRUTH About President Trump and Child Sex Trafficking

@00:00:42 about the massive child sex pedophile
@00:00:48 child sex pedophile rings he broke up
@00:05:15 just pedophile abuse survivors a

More Huge Prayer Requests Answered: Report on SRA Survivor Jason

@00:02:46 that is the pedophile abuse survivor who

Massive Prayer Requests Speedily Answered: Updates!!

@00:02:10 dad part of the pedophile ring had just
@00:05:59 all the pedophile going on in hollywood
@00:07:33 just the whole sex pedophile ring to be

Maine Police Chief Rapes 4 Year Old: Needs to be Executed

@00:03:52 pedophile truly repents

Woman Delivered from Devils, Sunset in Homer, Alaska

@00:03:49 pedophile he's covered for pedophiles
@00:04:37 pedophile and that he covers he covers

Slaughter at Synagogue Used to Blame Q and Trump

@00:06:11 810 pedophile is just like the bush

PART TWO: Interview w/ Christy: Abused by Her Pedophile Step-Dad Near Xmas Tree

@00:00:59 christy it was abused by her pedophile
@00:36:23 pedophile should happen to print one of
@00:37:06 and believe me bidding pedophile someone
@00:37:31 evil from king and pedophile happens to
@00:38:59 been abused by a pedophile right well

Maxine Waters the Pedophile Protector

@00:03:51 pedophile she has definitely been

Pedophile Deep State Mails Itself Bombs to Frame President Trump

@00:01:12 so obama the pedophile obama the
@00:01:16 pedophile hillary the pedophile jeff
@00:02:31 rodham clinton the pedophile to arrest
@00:02:34 obama the pedophile to arrest john
@00:02:37 brennan the pedophile to arrest every
@00:02:40 single satanic pedophile that's out
@00:02:49 pedophile take down this deep state

Q's Vanishing Act, Skyfall, The Turning Point

@00:10:03 pedophile stuff and only doing scripture
@00:13:17 is a pedophile he knows about tom hanks

Chuck Grassley HUGE BOMBSHELL on Hillary Clinton Oct 20, 2018

@00:05:30 remember comey is a pedophile just like
@00:08:59 this pedophile pedal or hillary she's
@00:10:21 this pedophile pettiford cannibal

Hillary Court Docket Case: 1:14-cv-01242

@00:11:25 clinton is a pet of for a pedophile if
@00:11:28 basically someone who is a pedophile

Sabbath Hike: Silencing the Mouths of the Naysayers!!! Exalting Messiah!

@00:01:43 prayed over this satanic pedophile stuff

Trump Threatens Mexico: Child Sex Trafficking

@00:00:09 be my last news related pedophile piece
@00:03:42 just the average pedophile but they wind
@00:03:45 up within these satanic pedophile
@00:04:34 sucked into the satanic pedophile system

CIA PEDOPHILES Push Psychology: Sigmund Freud the Pedophile

@00:02:55 psychiatry he was a pedophile and i'm
@00:03:06 defense of being a pedophile but also
@00:04:11 adult who's the pedophile they blame the
@00:07:41 this is why every satanic pedophile

Operation Tear Down the Enemy: T-Minus 1 Day Till Yom Kippur

@00:04:26 pedophile any type of wicked assignment
@00:04:48 pedophile in the usa and across the
@00:05:44 every satanic pedophile in the usa and

Michael Flynn vs Mike Pence

@00:02:09 pence is a pedophile has been a
@00:02:11 pedophile for years has covered up
@00:02:18 eyewitness accounts of satanic pedophile
@00:03:10 pence's sordid history as a pedophile
@00:03:42 is a pedophile he is protected and

100% Proof Stephen Colbert is a Pedophile

@00:01:13 pedophile rings that have controlled
@00:03:56 to pedophile rests like the story about
@00:03:58 a pedophile ring in norway that involved
@00:05:27 podesta he's a huge pedophile he's
@00:08:05 pedophile he is a roman catholic he's a
@00:08:44 pedophile just like this this story
@00:08:54 but he is a pedophile and he will never
@00:09:28 pedophile eeeh in hollywood it's a

Mass Arrests Timeline, Liz Crokin, Julian Assange

@00:10:31 pedophile himself he'll we get hopefully

SRA Survivor David Shurter -- Antonin Scalia Raped Him as a Boy/Bohemian Grove

@00:35:43 serial pedophile can you share a little
@00:50:27 yourselves and go find the pedophile
@00:50:32 in the open so go find the pedophile

Oct 9, 2018: Pope Francis Sexual Abuse Deaf Orphans

@00:06:42 bet and aid pedophile priests but you

Another VICTORY!! Oct 13: Trump Policy: Life Begins at Conception!!!!

@00:05:33 help and fund the satanic pedophile so

Ssbbath Hike: Ruled by Love or Fear: Testimony Time!

@00:18:00 about the pedophile pedophile going on
@00:18:12 where major satanic pedophile rituals go

Isaac Kappy Twitter Suspended, Back on GAB

@00:02:20 was child sex pedophile trafficking that

Discussion w/ Jason Boss: Voodoo Doughnuts, Fiona Barnett, Kappy and Whalen

@00:07:44 this pedophilia the satanic pedophile
@00:20:04 as a pedophile sign right on there i
@00:20:23 how his father was a serial pedophile

English Queen a Pedophile!!! Vancouver, BC Child Sex Trafficking

@00:12:18 don't think it was only pedophile
@00:14:42 pedophile ring which included a lot of

Prophecy, Pedophiles, Trump: X Marks The Spot

@00:24:26 pedophile issue we've been dealing with

CPS and Foster Care: Child Sex Trafficking!!!!

@00:03:25 pedophile school teacher child

SRA Survivor Aaron Golub: Washington DC Tunnels Satanic Pedophilia

@00:34:33 been they had been victims of pedophile
@00:34:35 pedophile ii ism and just in their
@00:36:55 being a pedophile and you know the
@00:37:02 was a pedophile was of course the boy
@00:37:04 scout leaders a pedophile organizations

Boy Scouts National Director is a Pedophile!!!!

@00:00:59 that he is a pedophile and i've always
@00:01:12 titled my father the pedophile boy scout
@00:03:01 he's a pedophile i assume that is why my

100% Proof Trump Agrees With Me About Executing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:05:53 pedophile and that he trump will take

Sabbath Hike: Help Me Rescue My Children!!!

@00:01:47 pedophile but she definitely seems to be

Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed This Shabbat (Saturday)

@00:01:11 sex trafficking pedophile incident where
@00:01:15 he was convicted of being a pedophile
@00:08:10 about the satanic pedophile baby-eating

Robert Mueller Son of Heinrich Mueller: Nazi Pedophiles

@00:03:47 because pence is a pedophile and it's
@00:05:26 you these a lot of these pedophile
@00:05:29 satanic pedophile metaphors you know

The Bush Cabal vs The Clinton Cabal

@00:01:10 satanist baby-eating pedophile who goes
@00:01:21 pedophile
@00:06:20 illuminati pedophile

Exclusive Interview with SRA Survivor: Amy Berger

@00:24:06 pedophile and satanist i don't know if

Pence+NXIVM+Pena+Senator Tester=Plot Against POTUS

@00:02:14 peter pedo pedophile senator jon tester
@00:09:31 pedophile himself but he certainly is

Pedophile Pence's Attempted COUP Against Trump Last Spring

@00:03:18 basically pedophile pence set up his own
@00:04:04 pence's personal physician so pedophile
@00:05:15 pedophile and he is a pedophile make no
@00:06:07 telling you now this pedophile pence has
@00:06:27 the guy's a pedophile he's sick he needs
@00:06:41 pedophile
@00:07:13 knows pence is a pedophile and a
@00:07:16 pedophile protector and so no one's

Washington DC Satanic Pedophile Tunnels

@00:00:44 and as a pedophile himself okay get the

Jeff Flake the Pedophile: Solving the Kavanaugh Riddle

@00:01:21 a pedophile he's one of the dc insiders
@00:01:24 that's a pedophile and it's jeff flake
@00:01:36 a pedophile and he of course doesn't
@00:01:38 want to be arrested as a pedophile so
@00:02:29 pedophile he's on that list he's
@00:02:43 george w bush is also a pedophile in
@00:02:59 have the satanic pedophile george w bush
@00:03:16 a pedophile so what's going on here so
@00:05:13 allowed a lot of these satanic pedophile

Levi Cahn Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:00:31 minutes about exposing the pedophile

Addressing All False Accusations Against Me: Sabbath Hike

@00:07:34 trump's a pedophile he's a satanic know

Threats Against Me For Jim Carrey YouTube

@00:07:15 pedophile priest in the hollywood region

Pedophile Protector Mike Pence: Proof and Sources

@00:04:15 pedophile ring and have abused and
@00:05:13 knows penn's history as a pedophile he

White House Petition: Take Down The Satanic Pedophiles

@00:00:38 pedophile rituals and cabal's

Nov 9 White House INCREDIBLE NEWS!!!!

@00:00:54 every luciferian satanic pedophile that
@00:04:20 about the pedophile being pedophilia

McDonalds Pedophile Satanic Coverup

@00:02:11 pedophile she's actually on the list of
@00:02:53 killing pedophile satanic ring and they

Exposing Eli Priest Who Smears SRA Victim: Written Proof

@00:04:22 pedophile in hollywood in fact victor
@00:07:10 pedophile in hollywood jim carrey and

Eli Priest Protects Satanic Pedophile Jim Carrey

@00:00:27 highest satanic pedophile in hollywood
@00:01:09 pedophile jim carrey
@00:01:17 pedophile in hollywood
@00:01:38 carrey is the highest satanic pedophile
@00:01:50 knows jim carrey is a pedophile and is
@00:01:53 the highest luciferian satanic pedophile
@00:02:04 to protect the highest satanic pedophile
@00:02:35 protecting the luciferian pedophile

Nathan Stolpman (LTV) Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:03:23 spielberg as a pedophile so she she
@00:04:40 there was some sort of pedophile problem
@00:15:20 connections to a major pedophile ring in
@00:21:35 i do this are they pedophile
@00:35:01 stop to the pedophile and the murdering
@00:42:32 luciferian or satanic pedophile and put
@00:42:44 pedophile so i'm just as hard on the on


@00:00:33 he is so wicked such a pedophile and
@00:08:08 pet of our pedophile priests in

Ex-Master Mason EXPOSES The Freemasons

@00:14:59 promotes him he's a pedophile he's a fag

Jim Carrey: Highest Luciferian Pedophile in Hollywood

@00:01:56 luciferian pedophile and not only that
@00:02:40 luciferian pedophile he's a pet of or he
@00:03:23 pedophile satanic network in hollywood

Pedophile James Comey is TOAST!!!!!!

@00:02:01 pedophile and yes i do have proof now
@00:02:04 that he's a pedophile james comey the
@00:02:06 day after that luciferian pedophile was

Luciferian Pedophiles Exposed: Erin Scott Discussion with Daniel Lee

@00:29:49 luciferian pedophile ism has been going

My Plan To Take Down the Luciferian Pedophiles

@00:07:08 luciferian pedophile tried and then

Interview with Michael Whalen: Exposing Portland Pedophiles: Part 3

@00:00:53 is a luciferian pedophile and if i'm

Interview with Micheal Whalen: Exposing Portland Pedophiles: Part 2

@00:00:04 left that are both pedophile luciferian

Interview with Michael Whalen: Exposing Portland Pedophiles Part 1

@00:10:03 low-level child sex pedophile rings
@00:14:45 a luciferian pedophile and i found that
@00:14:57 the liberal left that are both pedophile

Upcoming Interview with VeganMikey and a WARNING

@00:02:28 kids there are still an active pedophile
@00:12:02 these luciferian pedophile rings that

Why I Am Defending Court Docket Docs That PROSECUTE Bush Sr

@00:01:32 pedophile and pettiford than bush senior
@00:06:47 every pedophile to protect every single

POTUS Declassified FISA Docs!!!! VICTORY!!!!

@00:06:01 pedophile in hollywood oh mel gibson you

Bush Sr. Court Docket #: C-186-RV3-524

@00:03:22 these high high satanic pedophile who's

AZ Luciferian Pedophile Ring: Exposing Keith and Rachel Krause

@00:05:26 pedophile problem for decades but it's

Ohio Kasich Sold His Own Daughters Into Pedophilia!!!

@00:04:46 all these other pedophile pedal or

Assange Will Bring Down Hillary Clinton Oct 21st

@00:04:05 pedophile not only a pedophile she's a
@00:04:23 the of the luciferian satanic pedophile
@00:04:39 pedophile pedophiles if you will and

Trump Strikes Back Against Pedophiles

@00:00:46 difference in the amount of pedophile
@00:01:22 google the stories about the pedophile
@00:01:50 others and he's a pedophile and all the
@00:01:52 stuff you know guys know pedophile is
@00:03:46 pedophile so you know there's a lot of
@00:11:14 you know i expose him as a pedophile in

Cuomo and New York's Child Sex Trafficking Ring Exposed

@00:07:28 up these child sex pedophile rings so

Pedophile Obama FULLY EXPOSED, Rockefeller Text Log

@00:01:50 obama the pedophile really want to take
@00:05:01 down the pedophile obama timing is

Global Currency Reset: Destroying Luciferian Pedophiles

@00:12:26 these global luciferian pedophile rings

VICTORY! Ohio Luciferian Pedophiles Running Scared!!!!

@00:02:23 be and every luciferian pedophile

Q Drop 2128: Obama and Hillary's Downfall

@00:09:22 pressures put on to get these pedophile

Mike Pence: Pedophile and Freemason

@00:00:29 pedophile at a freemason lady named
@00:01:07 a pedophile mice i have multiple sources
@00:02:02 he's a pedophile or a freemason he
@00:04:45 need to go into the pedophile rings that
@00:05:26 pedophile and he's gonna get taken down

Kasich and Ohio's Child Sex Trafficking Ring Exposed

@00:01:35 the ring which is this pedophile
@00:01:37 pedophile ring and i'm gonna bring down
@00:05:38 sex pedophile rings in the country they
@00:06:59 saying governor kasich is a pedophile
@00:10:02 then read run pedophile rings across the
@00:10:47 as they've done with other pedophile

Trump Tweets TREASON: Hammer About to Drop

@00:09:29 know we all know is a pedophile got off

Judge Kavanaugh: Murderer and Pedophile Protector

@00:05:25 he is a pedophile protector now i do not
@00:05:27 know if he is a pedophile himself he

Why Trump Was Forced to Hide McCain's Execution

@00:02:54 pedophile predictor that he was so since
@00:03:07 pedophile child sex trafficking that is
@00:09:30 luciferian pedophile ring not just in

Q's "Red October"

@00:01:30 they they will release the pedophile

Netflix Pushing Pedophilia

@00:00:55 pedophile the victim and not the child
@00:01:00 not his fault he's a pedophile so we

Pope's Docket # For 2014 Conviction

@00:03:54 pedophile but james comey has a weird

Bush Sr, W, Bernie Sanders Are Pedophiles/Warrant for Pope BOMBSHELLS!!!

@00:04:13 is a pedophile stephen king there's an
@00:04:15 indictment for him being a pedophile
@00:04:36 pedophile and they have an indictment
@00:04:40 evidently is also a pedophile go figure
@00:05:05 sanders is a pedophile and has an
@00:05:13 house speaker paul ryan is a pedophile
@00:07:15 cage is also pedophile so another

Robert Mueller Protects Pedophiles!!!!!

@00:01:47 cover for this this petty pedophile who
@00:02:05 them so he was a major pedophile but
@00:02:49 pedophile and robert miller has struck a
@00:03:05 using a twice convicted pedophile to
@00:03:38 than being a pedophile himself this is

Pedophile Protector McCain Executed: 1 Down, 44,999 to go!

@00:01:57 protected the major child sex pedophile

Trump Goes After Hillary!!! I told you so!!!!

@00:01:59 gate pedophile gate thing that i've been

Candidate for Oregon Governor Reaches Out To Me

@00:07:06 pedophile youtubes so many christians

QAnon Movie Trilogy Confirms Pedophile Indictments Timeline

@00:01:54 people connected with pedophile rings in
@00:04:01 if he's a pedophile but i know he's a
@00:04:11 nixon and nixon i know was a pedophile
@00:04:45 being a pedophile and also of course

Morgan Freeman and Asia Argento Are PEDOPHILES!!!

@00:00:29 womanizing her she is a pedophile
@00:01:05 is a pedophile they're all pedophiles
@00:01:41 there's our latest pedophile today asia
@00:01:59 pedophile morgan freeman was in that
@00:02:34 pedophile and this asia argento is a
@00:02:39 pedophile and i encourage you to listen
@00:04:09 billy graham was a serial pedophile he

Jack Nicholson, Kirk Douglas, Warren Beatty Are Pedophiles!!!!

@00:00:49 the pedophile hugh hefner's house was
@00:02:16 he's been outed as a pedophile and look

Pedophile Hillary Clinton to be Arrested Before Nov 11, 2018

@00:06:33 pedophile most people real
@00:06:39 pedophile and she's even worse than that
@00:10:35 pedophile frankly amp who's at the very

45,000 Indictments Proven True With Recent Headlines!!!!

@00:01:26 days ago on the pedophile list that was
@00:01:40 pedophile folks

45,000 Indictments For Top Hollywood Pedophiles and Others!!!

@00:01:21 include the cia pedophile traffickers
@00:02:57 actually a pedophile himself big swamp
@00:07:08 become a pedophile and engage in some of
@00:08:45 of known pedophile symbols like the

Essay: How Smashing of Hollywood Pedophilia Fits Into Biblical Prophecy

@00:00:34 her that the whole pedophile ring in
@00:03:03 church the present-day pedophile run

Steven Spielberg Raped and Murdered Heather

@00:04:33 anal sex on her he is a pedophile and

Billy Graham the Serial Pedophile

@00:01:34 billy graham was a pedophile and when he
@00:01:51 pedophile and he raped
@00:02:12 pedophile who raped fiona barnett so
@00:02:16 billy graham was a serial pedophile and
@00:03:21 recognizes his pedophile the little
@00:03:23 swirly thing that's a that's a pedophile
@00:03:27 a pedophile symbol and so franklin
@00:04:59 serial pedophile so billy graham
@00:05:55 actually a serial pedophile who raped

Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage All Pedophiles!!!!

@00:02:05 a pedophile he's a pedophile and a lot
@00:02:09 he's a serial pedophile so this guy ben

Antonin Scalia, Bruce Willis, Tommy Lee Jones All Pedophiles!!!

@00:00:35 hollywood pedophile thing it just more
@00:00:58 there's a pedophile cia ring that's
@00:03:09 violent pedophile and a luciferian and
@00:04:24 gone to this ranch this pedophile ranch
@00:04:50 commit pedophile on so anyway john
@00:05:27 billy graham was a serial pedophile and
@00:06:05 and a pedophile bruce willis pedophile
@00:06:10 tommy lee jones pedophile randy quaid
@00:06:12 pedophile dick cheney pedophile charlie
@00:06:15 sheen that pedophile oh mick jagger also
@00:06:18 pedophile they all went to this boy's

Isaac Kappy and Sarah Ruth Ashcraft: Exposing Pedophilia in Hollywood

@00:03:59 as the the pedophile that assaulted her
@00:04:25 graham was a serial pedophile his son
@00:04:41 pedophile as jesus yahshua said what is

Major Actor Crispin Glover Exposes Pedophile Spielberg

@00:00:58 the pedophile ok so right there i just
@00:01:51 totally sick it's it any pedophile who's

Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg Are Pedophiles

@00:01:18 any type of pedophile should be hung
@00:03:33 spielberg is a pedophile he actually
@00:04:10 been exposed as a pedophile by by isaac
@00:04:38 a pedophile actually bought her from her
@00:05:51 a pedophile my instant reaction would be
@00:06:26 being a pedophile and it's not true you
@00:06:43 accuses you being a pedophile you're
@00:07:26 also been implicated as a pedophile
@00:10:22 and a convicted pedophile should be

Torah Rule #26: Filmed at PSU: Faith

@00:00:15 pedophile prophet muhammad they were

Final Day of Classes at PSU: White As Snow

@00:03:55 pedophile and i kept telling them that

Making Disciples of Yah at PSU!!!! Revival Thunders Forth!!

@00:01:54 how muhammad was a pedophile he had sex