
deleted Who is really violent - A history of Antifa and D Support (UPDATE: NEMOS IS BANNED)

@00:15:26 even if china helped antifa they would

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:15:37 doing it like china
@00:22:42 china our fleets are going through china
@00:22:45 china is preparing like five different
@00:22:54 it's a matter of time until china feels

deleted More '17' - The People Know, It's nearly time

@00:12:43 china and alliance with pope's critics
@00:15:36 china phase two held accountable right

deleted Dr Kirk Elliott (Phd Economist) joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss the recent Economic Developments

@00:24:52 and china
@00:25:06 some some potential fear from china that
@00:25:10 immediately after that china stages five
@00:25:21 and and china is also in in conflict

deleted Debate Recaps (Biden Cheated and Still Flopped) - Flynn, VoterFraud, 911 Down, & More!

@00:05:24 massively bad nationwide or if china
@00:16:28 is caught with china

deleted 2020 Presidential Debates round 1.

@00:05:57 you didn't want me to ban china
@00:16:37 the people we had on the ground in china
@00:17:52 many people died in china
@00:30:52 down because of the china plague
@00:31:09 happened from china

deleted Presidential Debate Watch Party - Live - Bring your Popcorn! SleepJoe v President Trump.

@00:06:26 you didn't want me to ban china
@00:17:05 the people we had on the ground in china
@00:18:21 many people died in china
@00:31:20 down because of the china plague when
@00:31:38 happened from china

deleted New SC Pick, Clintons = Criminal Investigation!, & Much More Winning!

@00:04:57 now china will quote definitely start a
@00:05:00 just war end quote this is from china
@00:05:11 threat from china to create a war
@00:05:30 captain's opinion however china might
@00:05:52 china sees it in fact
@00:05:54 taiwan left china a long time ago and
@00:05:59 government of all of uh china
@00:06:09 but that's what china could have looked

deleted Q - Almost Time - Judgement Day

@00:26:31 massive attack from the china virus

deleted Riots & Hate Won't Stop What is Coming Flynn, 2020, & More Evidence Emerges in ObamaGate

@00:05:24 block russia and china and other bad


@00:02:32 china just sent like 40 planes really
@00:02:38 china over taiwan
@00:02:40 into the south china sea near um the
@00:02:55 a city or even a state within china and
@00:03:08 be stopped within china itself
@00:08:59 you know is selling us out to china with

deleted The Truth About George S0R0S and ANTIFA - The Playbook Exposed

@00:07:36 communist party of china
@00:07:47 soros touts china as leader of the new
@00:07:55 soros declared that china would supplant
@00:08:40 china sound like a stretch then ask

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:04:27 because china is a big target and dianne
@00:04:31 far as people selling this out to china
@00:04:53 and selling us out to china he even
@00:05:02 china invaded tibet slaughtered a bunch
@00:05:10 to china
@00:05:13 thing going on with china where they

deleted Tragic - Dem Persecution Drives Trump Supporter to Suicide. More Qtips

@00:10:52 xi from china i call him emperor not
@00:11:17 to respond to china

deleted Qtipz. [D] Run Cover for Hate, 40+ "Global Warming" for "Wildfires". War on [Gaurdians] Heats Up!!

@00:07:21 before china sent us the plague before
@00:16:36 china who claims she has evidence that
@00:16:38 it was china we already had the evidence
@00:16:43 the evidence that china did it
@00:17:45 stall the u.s china trade phase buy
@00:17:48 china time and prevent loss of billions
@00:24:27 democrats and china 4689

deleted Kent Heckenlively & Dustin Nemos on the Fallout from Plague of Corruption & Plandemic

@00:20:16 who defected from china saying

deleted American Civil War 2.0 - Oregon Dem Proxy Army + Arson = "Greatest Loss Of Life In State History"

@00:25:43 so um you've if you cost china face it's
@00:25:53 um i don't want to say this about china

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:15:08 um i do know that uh china has uh i
@00:15:11 think it was china
@00:30:50 i think china already has benefited

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:14:50 this came from china did not evolve
@00:18:30 is soros a puppet of china no i don't
@00:25:49 happened in china or what happened in
@00:27:18 situations in china with the food supply
@00:27:27 that in china
@00:27:47 locusts have hit china

deleted Free $3400!, WW3 Looms, Kamala CAN'T! Not Eligible!, Seth Rich Bombshell, Q Predicted 5 More Arrests

@00:01:57 taiwan and china and the situation
@00:02:02 50 miles of water with china amassing
@00:02:21 pretend that they're just part of china
@00:02:24 because china says so it's called the
@00:02:26 one china policy
@00:02:30 of china
@00:02:44 now china has been very
@00:03:01 it's now just a regular part of china
@00:03:17 of course we know china is uh going for
@00:03:31 to warn china that was just yesterday
@00:03:35 we're very very close china could invade
@00:04:04 to be part of communist china
@00:04:25 and all china needs is an excuse and a
@00:04:29 like breaking the one china policy for
@00:08:41 shipment from china we've seen
@00:08:54 china arriving in florida addresses i

deleted Terrorism, Subversion, Propaganda, Economic War & More! Never a dull moment in 2020.

@00:05:38 leaving china as expected as president
@00:05:45 they're abandoning ship and china is

deleted Pete Santilli & Dustin Nemos - What Can be Done to Help Win 2020

@00:11:06 and it seems as though china has been um
@00:11:41 and china
@00:21:55 labor china would put you in labor camps
@00:25:38 coming from uh china to florida and they
@00:26:00 area and it came from china

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:05:36 were selling us out to china
@00:05:38 with china gate do you remember that
@00:06:41 china gate evidence suggested that the
@00:06:53 the communist government of china was
@00:07:04 china funneled contributions into u.s
@00:08:01 many others implicated in the china gate

deleted Dr Kirk Elliott, PHD Economist & Dustin Nemos - The Economy in Crisis - How to Save your Retirement

@00:10:27 of the pandemic it's u.s china tensions

deleted Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on Public v Private Education in 2020

@00:22:54 reigning in communist china you know all

deleted End of the World Dem Hoax Falling Apart, Fauci Called Out by Bobby Kennedy, Assassin Targets Judge

@00:17:51 and corruption selling us out to china

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:15:51 now in fact recently china which was
@00:15:59 i think china doesn't want the
@00:28:38 state telling maria bartiromo that china
@00:29:04 but uh china especially not russia
@00:29:11 china especially it seems has

deleted Q Breaks Down What C19 is REALLY About!!! and Maxwell's Documents UnRedacts Itself.. Bill Clinton!!!

@00:15:57 china ccp
@00:19:38 china wants to convince everybody it
@00:27:27 increase national debt place china into
@00:27:36 and then you know put china in an
@00:27:43 china and other governments but
@00:27:45 china especially and also you know some
@00:29:43 now china ccp well they benefit the most
@00:29:50 the enemy china is our friend
@00:29:57 all assets deployed every you know china

deleted Compromised Supreme Court? The Battle for the Internet Heats Up over Censorship. Big Tech GRILLED!

@00:13:04 china to all across the united states
@00:13:34 china from china
@00:14:23 in china among other problems so you

deleted Big Pharma Takes a Hit, HCQ V The Censorship

@00:16:32 specialist from china
@00:16:40 in wuhan and other places in china and
@00:16:46 in china we don't know for sure because

deleted Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg Receives Criminal Referral from Matt Gaetz & More!!

@00:07:30 recently in china i think it was in

deleted 7-25-2020 - Aliens, Gold, Federal Crackdown on Riots, Mystery Chinese Seeds Mass Mailed to USA

@00:00:01 aliens gold and mystery seeds from china
@00:10:04 this but my first thought with china

deleted 7-24-2020 - Plots to Assassinate our Economy, Republic, & President Spy Arrested, New Q

@00:10:53 china and their influence here it's all
@00:11:11 china has responded kicked out
@00:11:14 one of our embassies in china as well
@00:24:41 his son through china so

deleted Q Responds to Twitter's Purge. Jordan Demands Indictments in Obamagate

@00:03:25 was a little accident in china as a
@00:07:54 afraid of what china will do to them we
@00:08:00 compared to those in china
@00:08:16 to come back home to china and face
@00:08:19 justice for speaking out against china
@00:19:11 foreign adversaries like china

deleted Gold Will End the Fed, New Executive Order & More from the Silent War

@00:15:24 is happening china is certainly

deleted The Silent War Spills Onto the Streets of Portland. More Q!

@00:23:09 controlled by china and other foreign

deleted Q 7.17.20 - Warns of Final Cyber Attack, COVIDHOAX Falling Apart like Fake News

@00:14:00 democrat party and also china benefit
@00:21:05 democrat party china definitely not

deleted Biden's Radical Left "Coming Out" Moment, Bill Gates Called a Pedo on TV, MaskWarz

@00:10:25 since the china distributor ship of the
@00:11:44 talk about china threatening taiwan
@00:12:07 with taiwan if if china invades taiwan
@00:12:16 still stands as an example of what china
@00:12:31 of china despite all of those attacks
@00:12:50 china is always out to get you and claim
@00:13:37 off the shore of china of course just a
@00:13:43 mess up on the border of china and just
@00:13:48 invade it so especially since china just
@00:14:06 china it was really just the word of
@00:14:08 china to protect hong kong from china
@00:14:20 agricultural goods with china and

deleted Economy Distances from Reality. Soros, Fauci, Fake News & CDC Wage War on America

@00:00:18 china for what they've done to hong kong
@00:10:13 the whole face concept with china where
@00:16:00 three reasons that the china coronavirus

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:27:26 money to china for what's probably you

deleted POTUS DACA Executive Order, Arrests Coming SOON: Solomon

@00:01:39 him of shielding china now if you've
@00:01:43 been parroting whatever china has been
@00:11:37 china
@00:17:03 mao's cultural revolution in china they
@00:22:56 of them actually came out of china but
@00:25:14 there there was an incident in china

deleted Q - Ghislaine's Arrest Opens the Floodgate - CDC Busted in Fear Fraud.

@00:11:22 it's probably china and other enemies of
@00:12:16 funds are coming from china and other
@00:25:35 china coronavirus cases causing states
@00:26:01 necessarily the covid19 from china

deleted New Q. BLM v BLM, Hateful Fake News Divide & Conquer. Study: 1/4000 get C19. 1/1,000,000 Die !?!?!

@00:26:03 in china oh gosh and i'm sure that this
@00:26:35 so not a surprise china has a lot
@00:26:52 and china didn't want to be well i guess

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:39:06 multinational scam i mean china i ran

deleted Censorship, Democide, Vote Fraud ARRESTS, Tests CAUSING Covid! Mass Shooter

@00:06:38 mentioned that the tests from china and
@00:07:31 all i can say is do you think china and
@00:07:38 started the opium addictions in china
@00:07:40 right so would china have any issue
@00:07:54 what i believe happened in china and
@00:08:07 rounded up the good guys in china and i

deleted Masks, tests, vaccine - spreading the virus

@00:01:15 knew that china sent a bunch of

deleted Dem Fixer Gets 10years for Child Trafficking. China Sanctioned. Antifa & Censorship JUSTICE, & QAnon

@00:00:28 sanctions on china and a whole lot more
@00:03:26 their families over hong kong china is
@00:03:30 interference in china and taiwan which
@00:03:33 is not part of china by the way and if
@00:03:37 gonna go over there and smack china
@00:03:48 because the china sanctions now lindsey
@00:11:26 talking over russia china this
@00:11:28 especially china russia especially china

deleted Trump Calls BLM Traitors, Facebook ELECTION RIGGING, Deportion VICTORY and Q - Dem Govs R Murderers

@00:28:46 happened in china with the cultural

deleted 6.24.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Chris Jacobson - Introducing Q Con Live - Gold Moves

@00:02:29 22nd are china and other foreign
@00:02:59 what happens if china successfully
@00:28:34 spoke i believe on this show about china
@00:31:15 to be bringing china to its knees i know
@00:31:18 how powerful china has been we made them
@00:31:21 powerful since clinton the china doll
@00:31:33 china hit us with kovat as well but
@00:31:35 china is going to be brought to its
@00:31:45 with china they're coming aboard with
@00:33:19 that the phase one trade deal with china
@00:39:00 decades of dependency on china for

deleted Roger Stone UNGAGGED - Roger Goes to Prison? - Or not....

@00:26:44 medical devices are being made in china
@00:26:51 out to china as long as they line the

deleted Q Calls Quomo & Democrat Governors Murderers, And Trump Calls Obama Traitor - It's ON!!!

@00:19:40 example what happens if china
@00:20:10 china the recipe to print or ballots
@00:20:17 thing china is very good at cloning

deleted 6.21.20 - Q - You Can't Censor the World - The Age of Social Media.

@00:27:02 ukraine and china
@00:27:10 china selling us out to china with his

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:27:00 ukraine and china family bribes and
@00:27:06 don't hear much about his china selling
@00:27:09 us out to china with his son you don't

deleted 6-20-2020 - Narratives Diverging - Two Paths - Fake News or Truth

@00:07:42 difference but because if china started
@00:07:53 but there is an alternate system china

deleted Donald Jeffries & Dustin Nemos on the Radicalization of the Left

@00:09:02 china since we're dealing with a lot of
@00:09:04 china news lately and that happened
@00:19:47 know i think that china is probably

deleted Ret. Maj. Jeffrey Prather - Biggest Psyop in History - Whistleblower Reveals All

@00:22:23 china as well like you just saw about 53
@00:23:20 from cartels from china from all kinds
@00:23:49 china that's happening with the cartels
@00:39:49 state of china and those guys are
@00:41:30 under the client states slavery of china
@00:42:13 still believe that china has met its
@00:43:51 one of my most popular shows is china
@00:44:10 australia america india with china in
@00:44:41 doctrine with china was after they

deleted Q. It's what you can PROVE. And The End of Censorship is CLOSE. (I"ve been suspended for a week.)

@00:09:53 the deadly border skirmish with china

deleted Defend America Livestream: New QAnon - Antifa Updates, Trump CALLS OUT Police Violence HOAX & More

@00:12:30 lot if we're ever invaded by china or
@00:34:13 china folks you had a bunch of college

deleted 6.8.20 - A Bloody War on Cops. Epstein Case Subpoenas Prince Andrew!

@00:20:33 here's one china under chairman mao
@00:27:02 going on because china is still sitting

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:35:26 china but even they are handicapped by
@00:35:44 so they didn't invade and we know china
@00:39:15 example when china was lying to the

deleted Q 6.6.20 - We WILL Have Our Country Back! Nat. Guard being Setup for Slaughter in DC!

@00:20:05 that's where we are now in china folks
@00:20:25 people of china the day don't even know

deleted 6.4.20 - Civil War 2.0 - Dems Assisting Antifa Nationwide Covertly. & The DOJ's Counterpunch

@00:00:18 as your updates on china the economy and
@00:01:29 apparently china is backing out of its
@00:01:57 with china i am hearing rumors of

deleted Live: Is a Military Coup / Mutiny Taking Place TONIGHT?!

@00:40:07 china dick oh yeah so bannon is talking
@00:40:09 about china and then he's bashing them
@00:40:12 with with a mutiny here unless china

deleted Obama Invokes Racist, Genocidal Marxist Chavez, HCQ Study Rigged, Rosenstein LIED!? HRC To Testify!!

@00:00:19 interesting moves with china and with
@00:01:50 what's going on with china and with
@00:07:53 just like in china and make no mistake
@00:16:45 taiwan so they hate china but um she's
@00:21:40 remember i'm sure but recently china
@00:21:47 china and now they have the sort of
@00:21:52 white house from china linked
@00:22:00 think anyone who's linked to china
@00:22:10 threat of organ harvesting back in china
@00:25:33 expanded the mueller probe now china is
@00:26:13 them anyway so china is now very pissed
@00:26:41 over to china and i think that if anyone
@00:26:52 their deal with china that is being
@00:29:34 china and ukraine and russia and

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:33:09 had china phase 1 and then china sign
@00:33:15 and then we have china phase 2 that was
@00:33:16 supposed to happen but now we have china
@00:33:30 has got their being investigated china

deleted 5.31.2020 - Civil War 2.0 - Deep State Insurgency In America - & More Q

@00:00:26 and china at this point
@00:00:35 of china now we're going to continue

deleted 5.30.20 - Q - Covid Fails Forward - Race Riots & Soros Revolution

@00:04:08 of that money to china it's probably
@00:04:17 is very much in bed with china now q and
@00:16:58 top china general says an attack on
@00:17:12 have a defense pact with them if china
@00:17:17 donald trump don't trust china china is

deleted Trump Rally Transforms Former Democrat - Dr. Karlyn Borseynko, Productive & Fulfilling Work

@00:13:54 china it's gonna be too expensive kind
@00:14:06 iphones left china went to india largest
@00:14:47 if it's built in china we don't trust it

deleted 5.28.2020 - Trump Signs Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship & Q Updates

@00:09:03 communist china they become publishers
@00:12:11 and viciously you look at what china i
@00:17:20 border between india and china and india
@00:17:43 big conflict going with india and china
@00:17:49 india and china two countries with 1.4
@00:18:12 china wait finish what yesterday you do
@00:18:20 india and china on this issue i wouldn't
@00:19:09 staying in the us-china trade deal we'll
@00:19:15 with respect to china and we are not
@00:19:18 happy with china we are not happy with
@00:20:04 china as you may know by now is cracking
@00:20:22 is the only bastion of freedom in china
@00:21:00 to have extradition to china because

deleted 5.28.20 - Executive Order on Censorship, Fake News v America, New Investigations

@00:00:33 things happening china invading india
@00:01:42 i think so we have a china making a move
@00:01:59 and china going back decades now at
@00:02:15 china has decided to make its move not
@00:02:41 the world so china thinks they can get
@00:03:12 long with china because they don't need

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, Declas Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created

@00:00:18 hot incursion from china and to india
@00:01:35 i wasn't joking so india and china have
@00:02:35 gonna go well for china because you know

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, DeCLAS Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created (See Desc.)

@00:00:18 hot incursion from china and to india
@00:01:35 i wasn't joking so india and china have
@00:02:35 gonna go well for china because you know

deleted Q 5.27.20 - BioWeapon. War. Stand or Die. Survival as a Nation.

@00:06:38 working with china russia ukraine and
@00:10:43 you know threats from china following
@00:11:09 obviously if it comes out that china
@00:11:17 china and doesn't want to talk to them
@00:11:27 he calls out china for for bioweapon

deleted 5.25.20 - Mueller Team Criminal Referrals, China Threatens War, Vax Caused 1918 Flu

@00:00:14 pretty big china is threatening us with
@00:01:38 a hot war so china is actually
@00:01:48 china taiwan and trying to protect them
@00:01:58 china by the way as well in case we ever
@00:02:02 for china in a sense cuz it's right off
@00:02:14 china for a long time and if not for the
@00:02:27 china doesn't want anyone to talk to
@00:02:33 part of china and they've got the world
@00:02:38 as well so you know quote china has no
@00:03:37 issue and trump is standing up to china
@00:03:49 they're part of china and we're calling

deleted 5.24.20 - Q - Obama's Shadow Presidency

@00:08:45 held china phase 1 us a clawback deal
@00:09:11 china i guess so they impeached
@00:09:23 china from this 250 billion dollar trade
@00:11:42 lockdown time in china and you know 16
@00:15:19 talking about obama china india world

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:20:30 he took over china but in today's era
@00:27:40 russia and china so it's a matter of
@00:34:51 coordinate with china to terminate
@00:35:14 and then china phase 1 clawback deal
@00:35:51 china and the democrats against trump
@00:38:42 lockdown in china was only about 16 day
@00:41:19 a reminder and then 43:15 obama china
@00:41:41 china weeks after trump's visit remember

deleted 5.23.20 - Q Senator, Trump OverRules Governors, & More

@00:13:33 china but the same race same shared
@00:13:37 history and culture they fled china to
@00:14:32 with china and that's going to become
@00:21:24 like in china that's why they persecute

deleted Alexandra Bruce, Censorship - Pharma Coup de'tat of the Planet - Big Tech Eclipses Big Oil

@00:01:57 china and back to the us in an historic
@00:02:08 us from china and india quote seeking to
@00:19:01 out of china seriously get out of china

deleted 5.21.2020 - Q - Investigations Into Obama Progress

@00:02:12 comparison between how china was really
@00:02:27 than china was so continuing to 4291 we
@00:04:28 films in china and south korea whatever

deleted 5.20.2020 - Lynette Zang and Dustin Nemos discuss Economic Fallout of Covid19, This Isn't Over Yet.

@00:01:18 can start with china because just passed
@00:01:46 china whether you're chinese company or
@00:02:36 funnel money into china so now when
@00:02:58 there's going to be exposure to china so
@00:04:13 so this peace between the us and china
@00:04:37 china flooding the market well yeah
@00:20:32 finding in china china was the first one
@00:20:37 china but they're finding that the covin
@00:21:05 will say it's interesting that china
@00:21:34 in china then i have this bridge in
@00:21:41 anything coming out of china or even our
@00:23:02 the way china who had very aggressively
@00:23:32 for is when excuse me when china starts
@00:23:52 it on china as an excuse to just kick
@00:23:55 china out and decouple and nullify their

deleted 5.19.20 - Q - How about a Game of Chess?

@00:02:57 avoid world war three things like china
@00:08:15 happening right now with china and juan
@00:08:32 championing china and their interests
@00:10:45 to point the finger at china as the
@00:13:58 places china is trying to patent ghillie
@00:14:59 collaborating a lot china gates and i
@00:21:28 china had a lockdown of only 16 days
@00:22:10 treatment usa locked down versus china
@00:22:20 whereas i guess they gave china plenty

deleted 5.20.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. Dr. Michael Rectenwald - Beyond Woke- China & The Herd Mentality

@00:17:44 with china burry smih and the ukraine
@00:33:18 soviet union china and podía and so
@00:35:54 communist china for about a year and a
@00:36:13 in deep in the communist china and i'm
@00:38:28 cultural revolution in china they took
@00:40:34 the red guards did in china and try to
@00:42:00 sir if i can i believe that china has
@00:42:15 lot but but in my view i think china has
@00:42:32 what's your take on the fact that china
@00:42:42 china is the model for these deep state
@00:42:52 about china you see the wheat media here
@00:43:00 the kind of way that's others say china
@00:44:00 so that we don't depend on china and
@00:44:51 china and global support is coming to
@00:44:54 trump against china china did that to

deleted 5-20-2020 A Recap of the Coronavirus - Trends and Patterns - Two Narratives Emerge

@00:19:34 months while china only shut down for
@00:20:36 and was it planned with china in order
@00:21:52 through the population while china was
@00:22:02 while they were all leaving china going
@00:22:08 while china stopped importing or not
@00:22:35 china and how bad it is
@00:28:35 ones that came from china of course
@00:28:37 china sent out a lot of
@00:30:58 which kind of made me wonder if china

deleted 5.19.20 - Their Murdering Republicans with Lies, Extorting Money, and Trying to Cheat 2020

@00:09:40 and we were dealing with china here i
@00:10:54 know about china knowing what you guys
@00:11:16 already know that go on in china like
@00:12:26 china with announcement that a taiwan
@00:12:41 sell to china because we're blockading

deleted 5.16.20 - Democrats Rig Election Amid TOTALHYPE Covid19, Weaponize Power to Cheat

@00:13:21 so chinese state media warns china will
@00:14:43 the china works and especially if you're
@00:15:07 sidetracked by china but the fact that

deleted 5.16.20 Q - Covid19 Is Democrats Attempted to Rig 2020. HYPED PLANDEMIC LIES

@00:08:10 how do you delay usa china trade
@00:08:21 from china
@00:14:43 close china
@00:20:54 china wuhan you know the lockdown
@00:20:58 in china was actually for about 16 days

deleted 5.15.20 - Obamagate Continues - America Rises

@00:00:15 potentially break with china at least

deleted 5.15.20 - Q - Obama is On Defense Now, More To Come SOON

@00:13:35 countries like china and saudi arabia

deleted 5.15.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Dave Hayes, Praying Medic - Calm Before The Storm

@00:29:32 us intelligence and information to china
@00:47:13 one with china he was pledging to the

deleted 5.14.20 - Treason Case, 0bamagate, Biden Helped Unmask Flynn & MORE

@00:08:28 we're already in a trade war china
@00:08:40 to the rest of the world china is

deleted 5.13.20 Q - Dates are Important. Panic In the Deep State

@00:01:32 even china where the outbreak was the

deleted 5-13-2020- John Michael Chambers Ft. Dr. David E. Martin - COVID-19 - Acts of Domestic Terrorism

@00:06:23 holing investments from china in the
@00:06:45 gonna kill china quite honestly i mean
@00:07:04 tens of thousands of deaths china are
@00:07:27 china and moving into india i mean quite
@00:07:51 billion coming away from china and he
@00:07:56 really quite honestly put china in its
@00:07:58 place and if it takes china down that's
@00:29:54 and in wuhan china decided illegally to
@00:48:02 repatriated from china or three billion

deleted Jeff Sessions - I had to Recuse, I was Under Investigation too

@00:07:01 he says the president is wrong on china
@00:08:11 communist china respectfully

deleted 5-11-2020- Q - Panic in DC, In Theaters Now. Boom Week Ahead

@00:01:50 origin country of kovat nineteen china
@00:02:01 the remainder of china on lockdown cny
@00:02:13 there's a link to china extends lunar

deleted 5.11.20 - Forced Quarantine Prisons vs Reopening America

@00:12:34 now china asked the w-h-o to delay the
@00:18:04 precedent now after china forced out
@00:18:29 there one person in china you know ccp
@00:18:51 family back in china you better do this
@00:19:30 american left and china versus everyone
@00:19:34 else in the world basically that china
@00:19:43 china it's already happening and
@00:19:50 them back into the stone age and china

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:20:46 and and china as part of it you know

deleted 5.9.20 - Americans Refuse Covid Vax. Barr - Perjury Trap Laid for Flynn

@00:08:45 for my views exposing china let's put it
@00:09:47 twitter playing favorites for china ilan

deleted 5.8.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. James Grundvig - Gates, Zuckerber, Fauci Fraudsters.

@00:10:22 intentional acts as well as china these
@00:18:02 china tentacles all tied into this
@00:24:55 trump's doing now with china in
@00:24:57 particular the communist china which is
@00:25:01 communist china and bring it back to the
@00:25:18 nature without question look china
@00:26:10 pretty pissed off at china to having
@00:26:15 to to their own country so i think china
@00:26:32 cryptocurrency invented by china who who
@00:26:48 president's going to do china in my
@00:26:56 china a be exposed to this extent and be
@00:27:14 this mess were now china china's days of
@00:39:13 that going to be a leap from china with

deleted 5.7.2020 - Q - LET FREEDOM RING!

@00:22:47 source of hydroxychloroquine china china

deleted How is Everyone? CoronaChat - As America Reopens - How are YOU Doing?

@00:05:09 of the major countries from japan china
@00:21:38 control of it using it against china and

deleted PLANDEMIC Part 1 Dr Judy Mikovits

@00:11:33 china the same lab where many people

deleted John Michael Chambers ft. Cyrus Parsa AI Dangers to Humanity, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, China

@00:00:20 elliot to discuss all things china and
@00:02:17 let's let's chop on china a little bit
@00:02:24 there's a lot to talk about china and i
@00:02:41 like just livid because he built china
@00:04:35 really pertain to china not only that
@00:04:54 states those used to be made in china
@00:05:04 to china right so but what about other
@00:05:12 produced in china so things are gonna
@00:07:07 the price that china is going to be
@00:07:23 action or covert action by china and the
@00:07:30 standpoint he's going to hit china
@00:07:48 phase two trade deal with china is he is
@00:08:14 china why would he want to do this well
@00:08:26 have kind of contained in china 30
@00:08:43 china is gearing up for a physical war
@00:09:10 problems manifest themselves in china in
@00:09:27 china and i think their economy is is
@00:09:52 two of the china deal they got to honor
@00:10:04 the world are not happy with china right
@00:10:25 in our camp and china is going to be
@00:10:39 standard and opened up china and and
@00:10:54 china never underestimate what one man
@00:11:45 reliance of our supply chains in china
@00:12:29 basically stick massive tariffs on china
@00:13:52 in light of recent events china is a
@00:14:00 and that's my statement about china and
@00:15:58 intelligence 5g robotics quantum china
@00:16:17 danger from china including an
@00:16:53 grave dangers from china
@00:17:54 china fighting wudai monks i have a
@00:18:16 china threatens all the locals if you
@00:18:48 august 20 sport ai trump china and a
@00:18:54 china threatens all the world citizens
@00:20:30 the genocide in china against christian
@00:20:38 china that that including this virus as
@00:22:41 let's say that book on trump china v j/1
@00:36:59 into there and they like all china cc is
@00:37:56 doing business with comics china 120
@00:38:38 china but we had tech transfer over
@00:38:43 in danger from china and when i play
@00:40:45 complex with what china there could be

deleted 5.5.20 - FakeWhistleblower #2 - Here We Go. & So Much MORE!

@00:08:56 wuhan china this for all we know is the

deleted 5.5.20 - Michael Obama Enters Race - Dems Weaponize DARPA AI vs Trump.

@00:02:00 blocked the investigation of china the
@00:05:04 places like china where the government

deleted 5-4-2020 - Q - No One Had to Die - Fauci Knew the Cure all Along

@00:02:05 doesn't want to investigate china oh no
@00:02:11 democrats are selling us out to china
@00:02:23 in china prevent public exposure of
@00:02:32 people's republic of china well they
@00:02:37 want to turn this into china folks they

deleted 5.3.20 - Q+ Stick With Me Deplorables, You'll Love the Ending

@00:09:59 jobs as they flee to mexico china and
@00:17:02 china maybe for china though right
@00:30:31 china from the us also they only spoke
@00:30:44 early ban of china into our country the
@00:31:40 the distraction while china slipped in


@00:05:25 before a hot war with china and their
@00:06:52 talked a lot about the south china sea
@00:07:06 china sea i mean there's a lot of
@00:07:08 countries there the china claims it all
@00:07:14 a country that fled china the people
@00:07:17 there fled china to the island of taiwan
@00:08:04 triggers the halla of china it really
@00:09:08 instead of as a servant of china china

deleted Sunday Night Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:09:30 almost there to war with china we would
@00:09:47 just fine and china is really pissed off

deleted Q 5.3.20 - Win or DIE - The World is Waking Up

@00:03:38 with china with north korea rocket man
@00:06:16 intentional bioweapon release from china
@00:25:44 china wanted to destroy our economy

deleted 5-3-2020 Media Ignores Flynn Vindication, Obama + Hillary Implication

@00:10:41 coronavirus and china

deleted 5-1-2020 - Q Calls Obama & His Cronies out - Traitors (Iran Puppets)

@00:22:08 china how do you limit test
@00:22:25 four people on each limb like in china
@00:38:57 china thought they eliminated all
@00:39:03 china and world there's a link to the
@00:39:06 new york times china cia spies espionage

deleted 5.2.2020 COVID Updates, Shutdowns Lifting, Armed Rebellion in Michigan

@00:11:11 and china does not value human life they
@00:11:37 now it doesn't mean that china has no
@00:11:47 against china

deleted Obama is Going to Prison for Treason BOMBSHELLS! OBAMA TARGETED 2016 Republicans to CHEAT!

@00:05:25 out to not only china but every other

deleted FBI Indictments Coming In Days - Explosive Interview with Citizen Journalist, Ann Vandersteel

@00:02:17 china got it all wrong what else

deleted Q - WW3 Averted. Public truths of some events force wars

@00:03:59 think double agents china thought they
@00:04:07 york times killing cia informants china
@00:04:32 know that china is doing some pretty bad

deleted 4.30.20 - FBI SETUP FLYNN! Trump Investigates WHO!, Big Tech Censorship is KILLING us.

@00:11:37 so quote it's a weapon for the us china
@00:14:04 communications on china world health
@00:14:19 cases surpassing iran and china now i
@00:14:46 out of there china who says that they're
@00:14:55 china really bad so what's the what's

deleted 4.29.20 - Food Shortage in America! Reopening, Death Throes of Deep State

@00:00:27 international response against china the
@00:00:33 china is quite so super anymore they're
@00:08:22 your subs business dealings in in china
@00:10:05 and biden is a direct source to china
@00:10:10 his son is a direct source to china
@00:10:21 way that they treat citizens in china do
@00:11:04 travel ban just attack china you know
@00:15:19 reason that china has to be held
@00:16:35 right now china threatens to cut off
@00:17:18 reparations coming us will build china
@00:17:36 china they're gonna be hit economically

deleted 4.29.20 - Q Arrests Countdown at 11th Hour.

@00:12:42 sorry this is china how does china and
@00:15:20 george soros and china communicate with
@00:16:40 here with china there i think
@00:16:45 willingness to bow down to china in the
@00:16:54 because china told them to because maybe
@00:20:11 how much influence does china have and

deleted 4.29.2020 - Important Updates From Economist Kirk Elliot, General Flynn Free, AG Barr Warns Govs.

@00:03:55 purisima china ukraine issue that case
@00:21:20 and demand in india and china could
@00:26:53 world wakes up and china manufacturing
@00:41:06 you more with china i mean it's kind of
@00:43:37 and relying on communist china for that
@00:44:12 quick comment about china they're in

deleted 4.28.20 - Food Shortages, War & Lies Deep State's Final Stand

@00:21:44 south china sea when us destroyer this
@00:22:09 here is um the the south china sea when
@00:22:21 looking at south china seeing this big
@00:22:23 orange glob here this is china
@00:22:32 right off the coast of china sovereign
@00:22:38 absorbed by china now these these waters
@00:22:45 are called the south china sea but they
@00:22:50 the south china sea and that includes by
@00:24:33 really hate china governments are gonna
@00:24:36 distrust china they are about to go back
@00:28:11 china threatens australia over dangerous
@00:28:21 china is threatening the w-h-o they're
@00:28:25 makes china look innocent now they're
@00:33:32 fake news the w-h-o the eu china


@00:08:54 china claims the corona virus came out
@00:09:07 contain it for china but they let it
@00:09:37 phase 1 us-china trade deal where in
@00:10:00 words china doesn't they don't
@00:10:13 of the wet lab it wasn't china that did
@00:10:28 try to sue china the countries all over
@00:10:38 this of saying china owes us we want to
@00:10:40 at least have china forgive us our debt
@00:10:41 so i think china has to stick to this
@00:10:57 china because they control everything
@00:11:08 darn clear this virus comes from china
@00:11:11 and china certainly had opportunities to
@00:11:37 china there are trillion dollar lawsuits
@00:11:39 coming out against china and they're on

deleted Flynn EXONERATED (EVIDENCE!) and Radical Left + China vs the Economy

@00:10:27 other manufacturers leave china and
@00:10:45 won't be buying anything from china ever
@00:10:58 want to ever order anything from china
@00:11:45 china continues to flood the world with
@00:11:53 do not trust china oh wait wrong one
@00:18:49 experience to china and in return reward
@00:20:38 and the brightest the way china is
@00:21:08 so china wants to become the next us
@00:21:20 china so that could work if it if it

deleted 4.25.20 - Covid19 Falls apart, Fake News & Deep State Ignore and Push Fear

@00:03:45 china has continued to run a global
@00:04:08 origins in china in part by blaming the
@00:04:56 that for a week at least now after china
@00:05:08 on china a vital trading partner wow and
@00:12:33 warned china was sending us contaminated
@00:28:16 down travel to and from china these are

deleted Hoax Exposed, Meat Shortages, Border CLOSED, Important Channel Updates

@00:09:45 the whistle in china on what was really
@00:10:43 anything is possible with china
@00:10:56 trust china in fact let me put on the
@00:11:04 china is asshole i love that one it's in

deleted Panel of Doctors - China, Thailand, USA - with Lior Sher

@00:08:32 dr. cheng in china and we have dr. good
@00:10:50 joining us from shanghai china dr. cheng
@00:11:24 director of the clinical trials in china
@00:11:39 c for kovat 19 studies in china this
@00:13:51 a good friend of china it's sitting in
@00:19:08 guests including dr. cheng in china
@00:30:18 finding posted out of china where they
@00:34:09 bring on dr. chang and shanghai china
@00:37:58 involved in in china at this time hi dr.
@00:38:16 you're in china addressing addressing
@00:39:51 been seeing in china here as well and
@00:40:25 feeling from here in china are not the
@00:40:51 some grams and here in china the highest
@00:43:08 been involved in in studies in china i

deleted Oil Crashes - Trump Transitions Economy - with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD

@00:00:32 dr. goodyear and live from china dr.
@00:00:40 shanghai as we speak shanghai china with
@00:31:07 against china against the oil producers
@00:31:40 war with china right now what could
@00:33:28 and soon china phase one and phase two
@00:33:56 suing china i think they'll read plenty
@00:34:08 think china honestly i think they're
@00:35:23 the american people he did it with china
@00:37:46 organization trying to perhaps get china
@00:39:30 everything into china it's like that

deleted 4.20.20 - China vs the World - Flynn to be Pardoned

@00:09:18 the key now china billionaire
@00:09:35 how in china they had a swine flu that
@00:09:45 china they love pork and i joked about
@00:10:03 bring all the pork back to china but
@00:10:05 given what we've seen of china and the
@00:11:03 coming out of china on top of president
@00:11:25 china will overthrow the ccp they will
@00:11:31 weakness is now showing so china which
@00:12:36 although they're banned in china of what
@00:12:43 people living in china today have never
@00:12:58 will be a cultural revolution in china
@00:13:14 china overall i i'm very optimistic for
@00:13:28 china
@00:13:40 when i heard that the people in china

deleted 4.18.20 - The Grand Reopening of America vs Fake Plandemic

@00:11:19 china of course upset that the us has

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:30:42 china they were notified about this new
@00:32:23 3,000 dead in china is the total

deleted 4.15.20 - USA, Barr, & Trump vs the Deep State & China

@00:05:35 into china and the world health
@00:06:14 and china is dead center for all the
@00:06:24 of course taiwan no friend of china and
@00:06:26 china sort of pretends that they own
@00:06:28 taiwan with their one china policy and
@00:07:05 with china but in so doing they also
@00:07:10 by taiwan who not trusting china went
@00:07:27 to china a lot of people might live that
@00:07:35 china lied and people died that's the
@00:15:25 if not for this china leiden people died

deleted 4.14.20 - Q - Get Ready for Truth Media Mass Bans

@00:27:01 talents plan from china and you guys may
@00:27:10 off in china and this is fairly early
@00:27:29 do right after the us-china trade
@00:37:04 waho and china have enjoyed a long and

deleted Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD - Reset in Motion - Acquire Precious Metals

@00:12:54 does china china is a whole different
@00:14:10 had even emerged in china or anywhere
@00:36:52 down you know all the factories in china

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:13:36 and they moved it to china after we
@00:13:47 china but the two diseases that i'm

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 4 - CoronaHoax Falls Apart - Justice Phase Coming.

@00:03:04 china i mean the fake news is pushing

deleted QAnon Drops Major TruthBombs!! Evil Infiltrated America. __________ Gets Indicted Soon!

@00:09:36 biden cheerleading for china during
@00:09:44 self-interest that china continued to
@00:10:14 the bank of china
@00:10:16 china is going to eat our lunch come man
@00:10:27 local supplies and sent them to china it
@00:10:30 is in our self-interest that china
@00:10:42 restriction on china is every public
@00:10:55 china

deleted 4.10.20 - Q Decimates Fake News And [D]emocrats - Hunters about to become Hunted

@00:06:05 dirt and news coming out of china and
@00:08:34 potus china trade negotiations member
@00:09:10 biden ukraine china msm coverage how do
@00:23:26 trump and china let's see what happens

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 3 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:05:12 it was a bioweapon released from china
@00:06:37 namely here china absolutely and i think
@00:07:36 this virus originated in china we still
@00:07:40 really know about patient zero in china
@00:08:02 machine of china in the united states at
@00:08:46 have something we call the china

deleted Q Calls out the Democrat Plot to Exploit CV to Rig2020

@00:01:41 quite possibly china is is manipulating
@00:09:26 china
@00:09:48 the democrat people's republic of china

deleted 4.8.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, DR. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:03:18 ponder this china russia and the usa
@00:03:30 intel battle that china russia and the
@00:03:50 russia and china they to know that so
@00:04:34 presently is china really at war with
@00:05:22 imagine that we cannot rely on china as

deleted Happy Birthday for Dustin Nemos - And a Glimpse at What is Next

@00:01:26 who shut down the travel from china way

deleted #EmptyHospitals #FilmYourHospital Several Hospitals are NOT warzones

@00:07:17 want us like china where they put this

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 2 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:03:54 talk about what's going on between china
@00:05:51 that's who china is and it's time the
@00:11:32 already happened in china and it's
@00:13:15 china policy the security integrity and
@00:13:31 of the propaganda from china that's my

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You

@00:08:35 china and i bet you if they turn the
@00:09:55 communist china to form taiwan believe
@00:10:13 china still pretends that taiwan is part
@00:10:15 of china taiwan hates china and they're
@00:10:20 a defense treaty with them so china

deleted 4.4.20 Plandemic CV Cured, But Fear Continues

@00:06:00 anything out of china period and people
@00:06:33 china is intentionally helping to spread
@00:09:49 it wuhan china that researches you
@00:10:11 eating habits in parts of china and and
@00:20:22 method this isn't china with the wuhan

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:09:05 out of china there's a lot of
@00:27:23 that route and the issues with china are
@00:27:29 health supplies chain way from china
@00:27:46 manufacturing base from china or even
@00:27:50 china that's inevitable but it's not
@00:28:43 pay back china the goal released i think

deleted 4.1.2020 - Plannedemic Fear Bomb Turn Into Dud

@00:16:57 asia and china for free while the us

deleted 3.31.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, Dr. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:03:46 we've got china phase 1 in motion little
@00:04:00 then phase 2 china has already been
@00:04:36 tactics with china and other countries

deleted 3.31.20 - Plannedemic Continues Despite Obvious Cure

@00:09:35 countries maybe it is maybe in china
@00:13:39 heart of china right supposedly at least
@00:21:40 china so china basically gave this to
@00:22:40 from china to the rest of the world or
@00:26:31 britain right now is furious with china

deleted Sunday Nights Livestream 7pm EST w/ Dustin Nemos - Nemos Community Chat. Deadline moves to April 30

@00:08:17 that we've stopped the flow from china
@00:16:54 because we stopped china from coming in

deleted CoronaCoverup - Worldwide Attempt to Inflate Deathtoll - Fake Deaths!

@00:05:18 that one okay so hospital in china is
@00:05:28 china is recovering and everything else
@00:05:30 in china this thing actually hit them
@00:05:33 poor people in china and there's a lot
@00:05:37 families living together most of china

deleted 3.28.20 - New Q - Incredible Posts

@00:11:23 supporting china and their propaganda

deleted 3.26.20 More QAnon - No Comms Outside the Board, The Silent War[..] Continues

@00:02:34 china virus and the internet is filled
@00:02:48 when did china get so much power over

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:11:39 from china he waits until the new
@00:18:24 the ukraine and china
@00:31:52 the corona virus outbreak in china and
@00:36:20 liberation army pla for china the

deleted 3.26.20 - CoronaCured?! Natural Chloroquine, Deep State Moves v Economy & Trump

@00:17:21 aren't that bad in china
@00:21:22 now china shutting down all their

deleted Economic Contagion, Or Planned Collapse - This Week It Gets BAD!

@00:08:54 million fewer cell phone users in china
@00:11:38 some ties to china and g jinping areas
@00:12:08 defending china when his office could

deleted 3.24.20 - John Michael Chambers ft. Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott - The News Behind the News

@00:16:55 with china which kind of turns out to be
@00:28:57 with china and such you've got
@00:29:59 countries like china italy and so forth
@00:39:13 from china mexico malaysia where ever it
@00:39:39 malaysia china mexico is doing a

deleted 3.23.20 - Q - Did the DeepState Release The Bioweapon to Hurt Trump

@00:02:26 mammals in southern china is a time bomb
@00:03:27 material to china things like that so
@00:03:34 that tonight quote the china virus and
@00:04:24 anyway he really nailed china to the
@00:04:48 see china policy as reflected in the
@00:06:18 separate china related cases and and
@00:06:29 research to china so that's already
@00:06:35 nothing new that china is stealing
@00:07:13 of technology w ut in china and was a
@00:07:35 china have
@00:07:57 china has a pretty large population but
@00:09:49 did in china possibly right that's what
@00:10:32 accounts and china close interesting now
@00:11:01 says delay us-china trade negotiations
@00:11:05 china proof prefers biden plus his vp as
@00:14:57 china virus pandemic but speaker pelosi
@00:20:15 to china to do you know celebrations
@00:20:50 china and
@00:24:42 than our italy and australia and china i
@00:25:35 china are involved but they're certainly
@00:25:37 helping china in so many ways and

deleted HollyWeirdos, Covid19, Lockdown and Economic Update

@00:13:37 these things came from china anyway

deleted CoronaCure - Global Lockdown, Insider Profiteering on Covid19

@00:03:18 foreign powers this time china in her
@00:10:07 and not present i mean in china you
@00:10:15 cultures around yes within china but you

deleted 3.19.20 - Gold Kills the Fed, Dark to Light - Economic War

@00:00:20 escalation between us and china has
@00:02:00 taking the side of china and we're
@00:02:43 the worst case just in case now china
@00:04:21 south china sea which would basically
@00:04:38 they're one china policy is an open
@00:04:44 taiwan is just another province of china

deleted 3.18.20 - Coronavirus Shuts down US Economy, Helicopter Money is Here & More

@00:22:30 you like in china you saw people in the

deleted ClownShow KungFlu, and the Silent War.

@00:10:47 especially the us with either china iran
@00:14:20 china let's talk about russia just a
@00:17:25 china
@00:18:00 china as our you know distribution and
@00:18:18 from china and all the stores are out
@00:20:06 built to replace china it was built to
@00:20:24 china slowly with patriot companies
@00:29:26 his virus response so of course in china
@00:29:33 excuse me and that's why china and they
@00:29:47 china even though it did not come out of

deleted Corona-Collapse Plays Out, Trump in Danger, Behind the Scenes...

@00:00:11 coronavirus versus america china versus
@00:07:30 now china has also been crushed pretty
@00:07:47 even had recent videos come out in china
@00:09:01 bank of china just printed 79 billion
@00:13:07 propaganda that china bought us time is
@00:13:12 china minimized the threat delayed
@00:13:59 your wealth and china even it's being
@00:14:15 just like china in the poorer parts this
@00:14:45 know kind of say enemy of china i mean
@00:23:32 borders with china we did a lot of
@00:26:43 don't trust china china is asshole i

deleted 3.12.20 Clowns, corruption, and Pedophiles. Biden & the Swamp

@00:07:09 family they didn't care what china did

deleted CoronaVirus vs the USA - Trump vs the Fake News

@00:06:14 helping china so you know they
@00:08:30 china and the left and i think that we
@00:09:55 china for chinese new year the largest
@00:10:13 that came back from china at this point

deleted Q post - WWG1WGA Backchannels bypass Fake News

@00:07:14 japan china south korea i haven't seen

deleted 3.8.20 - Trump V Coronavirus. Economic CATASTROPHE While You're Distracted. 4d Moves.

@00:12:02 hitting 5 percent so you know china says
@00:14:12 pun intended china fired this is a
@00:14:18 act of war frankly but china fired a
@00:14:34 was lazed by people's republic of china

deleted 3.8.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:26:55 pompeyo is now blaming china for the
@00:27:26 than what's really happening in china
@00:32:40 to have a lot more of that with china

deleted 3.7.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:26:51 pompeyo is now blaming china for the
@00:27:23 china and w-h-o numbers even if you go
@00:32:37 to have a lot more of that with china

deleted Coronavirus L type and S Type, Fearporn or Real Life Impact

@00:01:32 numbers coming out of china we can't
@00:01:34 trust anything coming out of china right
@00:01:36 now but we do know that china is still
@00:10:12 in china under shanghai shock and left
@00:10:28 this massive murder in china and you
@00:24:25 being an example from china cars from
@00:24:28 china these things are tanking and we

deleted 3.2.20 - Clownshow - Rollercoaster. Dark to Light. End of War, Killary in Court

@00:17:11 where china is on this because as we're
@00:18:54 i mean typically people in china and the
@00:22:28 pneumonia the way they do in china

deleted Clownshow & Coronavirus - The Silent War Continues[..]

@00:24:32 we're seeing that as well like in china
@00:25:06 of them haven't been to china their
@00:27:08 in china and here we will see more and

deleted Clown Show Continues, What Are We Being Distracted From

@00:25:30 whom are coming from china by the way
@00:27:57 china back to the united states gonna be

deleted 2.28.20 - Is Coronavirus Fear, Pandemic, or A Financial Crisis? (Or All 3?)

@00:15:10 travelers coming in from china right we
@00:20:19 manufacturing of the world from china

deleted The Silent War Continues

@00:10:49 term corrupt thing is that like in china
@00:26:18 moving on we also have china hunting
@00:27:47 digital big brother and china is a
@00:33:07 encourage the disease even in china

deleted Clownshow 2.26.20 The Democrat Presidential Race

@00:06:50 communist china says it's taken more
@00:06:54 country in history but with china
@00:07:03 regulation in china at all period part
@00:07:29 people in china are very dishonest
@00:07:39 business in china through my wife side

deleted Q Post 2.25.20 - Draining the Swamp

@00:08:41 footage from places like china where

deleted Zach Vorhies & Dustin Nemos Discuss Coronavirus Covid19, Fearporn, and What Lurks Beneath

@00:00:27 from not only inside china sources
@00:04:52 was like if china can't contain the
@00:05:30 coming out of china have pretty much
@00:06:49 soon elsewhere even in china i mean
@00:06:52 hong kong in other parts of china
@00:07:20 for china to do that on a second i'm
@00:08:09 the dictator over there in china
@00:08:37 china freezing their entire global
@00:10:56 is china following that same game plan
@00:12:17 now sure where does where does china buy
@00:14:01 coming out of china yeah you know and
@00:15:21 shouldn't just be china we should have
@00:16:18 out of china right now you you bring up
@00:16:53 whether this is gonna crash china or
@00:17:40 know defaults on china because china i
@00:17:57 and china is like well we're fine we're
@00:18:21 people in china and russia and india you
@00:18:29 everywhere the citizens even in china
@00:31:27 chairman mao and china did where he had

deleted 2.25.20 - Trump Offensive Heating UP! WOW

@00:06:54 came from china but whereas china went
@00:07:07 new nation and china still trying to
@00:07:37 states we're allies if china attacks

deleted CoronaVirus Updates - China Lies, Everyone Else is Freaking Out

@00:01:20 really really bad quote now china is
@00:02:35 numbers coming out of china but what we
@00:04:20 trade adviser navarro saying that china
@00:04:44 stocked in china even the government
@00:04:48 of the masks and now china has
@00:04:57 masks so china is desperate for more
@00:05:51 anonymous cue board coming from china
@00:06:26 it's the flu in china it's already far

deleted 2.23.20 - Roger Stone v Deep State, Comrade Bernie v MSM

@00:11:06 which is dealing with china and the

deleted 2.23.20 - Q - You're Ready, Prepare for the Storm

@00:03:16 china recently by the way and most of
@00:22:12 propaganda mouthpiece of china and
@00:22:18 china but it's pretty bad now continuing
@00:27:24 state and for china so you know we also
@00:29:26 that poor woman in china that i did the
@00:30:21 that poor woman in china that is the

deleted Deep State Triggered, Trump #Winning, Hoax #7

@00:06:36 china where people are actually racist
@00:17:40 me seriously that china did not just
@00:17:46 released in china the fact that this is
@00:17:50 china is notable it was released during
@00:17:58 millions of people coming back to china
@00:18:08 and or to cause iran and china to
@00:18:23 and china to war with each other and
@00:30:36 signed the trade deal with china and
@00:30:43 has impacted china and their economy has
@00:30:58 it puts china in a very awkward position
@00:31:44 america is pushing china into feeding or
@00:38:33 out of china of whistleblowers like the
@00:38:50 stand up that's that's death in china
@00:39:08 of numbers without good cause and china
@00:39:32 this is china
@00:39:46 china is giving us all the indicators
@00:40:05 china as well that this is a bio weapon

deleted The Democrat Party Leadership - Violent, Deranged, Criminal, And Dangerous

@00:30:23 same thing happened in china same thing


@00:00:46 up speak up so one update is that china
@00:00:59 quarantine throughout china supposedly
@00:01:27 corona virus that originated from china
@00:02:00 about the flu obviously china is
@00:02:37 china can as easily do as the united
@00:03:08 in china so what happens for them they

deleted 2.19.2020 - Lynette Zang on CoronaVirus Financial Impact, And Fiscal Risilience

@00:00:48 from china wow really
@00:00:50 i mean china is essentially shut down i
@00:02:13 china completely empty nothing but crows
@00:02:17 with china right now that's just frozen
@00:02:35 single factory in china and now that
@00:29:44 has already been done in china and we

deleted Justice is Coming - Nothing Can Stop it. Deep Stater Death Penalties.

@00:10:17 already bad enough in china it's even
@00:11:14 percent basically from china and that's
@00:11:21 china will figure this out but in the

deleted A Farmer Responds to MiniMike Bloomberg

@00:10:44 out half the pork in china and causing

deleted Dauntless Dialogue #32 Dustin Nemos The Assault on Western Civilization Part 1 of 2

@00:06:25 communist china for example and a lot of

deleted 2.16.20 - Coronavirus Updates. China is LYING - XI XINPING IS WEAK AND FOOLISH

@00:02:12 that is in china level for one right
@00:03:09 china and it goes through a lot of
@00:03:19 scenario could destabilize the china
@00:04:21 in china now but there's gonna be a lot
@00:06:01 to be on the ground in china it's
@00:06:24 in china collecting some of this data i
@00:06:42 love to have us a system china has
@00:08:03 percentage of death which you know china
@00:09:17 history in china the chinese culture the
@00:09:24 china i guess it's been a while in china
@00:11:21 died in china but you know young
@00:12:36 heading to china this could be a very
@00:12:39 bad knockout combo for china it could be
@00:13:02 go down a lot especially in china where
@00:14:30 china and of course governments even
@00:14:39 especially from china and the trade flow
@00:14:56 world balance of you know china being
@00:23:48 of china from leaked sources and in fact
@00:25:15 now dead and rotting in china and that's
@00:25:47 if this thing makes it to china too you

deleted Q Drops 2.15.2020 - Dark to Light, McCabe is NOT off the Hook. President Trumps 10point Attack

@00:05:07 course we know who lies spying for china
@00:10:14 folks you hear that as from ag bar china

deleted 2.16.20 - Trump Daytona 500, Bloomberg + Satan (HRC), Hannity says ARRESTS SOON!

@00:04:50 anti-trump anti-american and pro-china

deleted 2.14.20 - The Silent War vs Trump - Deep State on Defense

@00:08:59 shocking videos out of wuhan china the
@00:10:05 china that the thousands of crows come
@00:10:19 them but who knows with china they organ
@00:14:51 happening in china may change that
@00:17:45 as kicking china when it's down but we
@00:18:19 and invokes china is not telling the
@00:18:35 is being said in china it's worse we
@00:19:09 china to try to tell each other don't

deleted Violent Leftists (Again), Dem Mayor 4prison, Seth Rich, Bill Barr V Trump Myth, & Coronavirus

@00:13:15 to us about all the deaths china isn't
@00:13:22 of china are filled with nothing but
@00:14:01 out of china and possibly up to closer
@00:18:12 can't trust the data coming out of china
@00:18:18 to hide that china effectively shutting
@00:18:33 appear around the world so in china they
@00:19:37 think that's outside of china and china
@00:21:21 areas of china
@00:23:14 know that north korea and china there's
@00:23:16 a lot of back-and-forth there as china

deleted 2.13.20 - Trump Peels Back the Deep States Claws - And More

@00:04:48 it's more with countries like china but
@00:04:57 you know compared to places like china
@00:10:34 taiwan to let china know this is not
@00:10:52 china russia is some of the
@00:11:32 to china from a politician of taiwan a
@00:11:47 defense pact with them if china invades
@00:12:09 china for the taiwan people because we
@00:12:11 will not let china continue to bully and
@00:12:26 we can't let china take over the whole

deleted Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid19) Updates - US Quarantining Citizens NOW! How bad is it REALLY?

@00:03:29 on in china where many citizens are even
@00:04:49 i think the car industry in china right
@00:04:57 of manufacturing that happens in china
@00:05:22 in china will affect the entire world so
@00:05:39 also have china supposedly
@00:07:00 expert from china but i want to talk a
@00:07:08 is the hey china even though they're
@00:07:10 part of china warns that the outbreak

deleted America's DARKTOLIGHT Moment - Draining the Swamp gets SERIOUS 2020

@00:13:01 especially in china right now for
@00:13:21 cheap and made in china and that is just

deleted 2.11.20 - Roger Stone Verdict - Too Cruel, Trump BLITZKRIEG vs DEEP STATE uploaded

@00:14:48 in china and the corruption and the
@00:19:41 the way it does in china for example

deleted 2.10.20 - Swamp Draining at NSC, Rico Rudy Nails Hunter, Coronavirus Cure & More

@00:02:11 very positive xi jinping and china is

deleted Livechat Sunday Nights with Dustin Nemos 7pm EST - More QAnon Q posts. Panic in DC - In Theaters NOW

@00:14:40 china that's interesting you usually
@00:15:16 economic development between china and
@00:15:32 us-china governor's collaborations
@00:16:53 attitudes towards china they labeled
@00:17:04 think you belong someone in china
@00:17:16 the lesson is the competition with china
@00:30:32 right now between the us and china about
@00:30:40 up and china starting to really push
@00:30:52 friends of china they're actually semi

deleted Coronavirus is BAD, Global Warming is Fake, and Trump Keeps Winning

@00:02:37 its way to china from canada which is
@00:02:52 now back to china and wuhan the doctors

deleted Q 2.7.20 - REAL Investigations into HRC, DNC Hack, Coming. Treason to China

@00:15:43 their country why is china and qatar
@00:16:04 money from china since 2013 wow they
@00:16:17 contracts from u.s. to china
@00:17:12 nationals charged three separate china
@00:17:26 the u.s. to china people were arrested

deleted 2.7.20 - Acquittal Segues to Justice Phase - Year of the Boomerang (Trump Offensive)

@00:05:29 believe ukraine and china so you know

deleted 2.6.20 - Q Reveals Their Plan - Destroy American from Within

@00:06:03 they were selling us out to china and to
@00:07:16 china allies us political corruption
@00:07:20 china us political corruption ukraine us
@00:07:36 china russia iran closed financial
@00:07:51 obviously russia china i mean and i
@00:07:55 as china and iran but let's let's use
@00:07:58 china and iran as examples here very
@00:08:15 imprisoned and raped for it and china
@00:18:44 china division of citizenry well there
@00:19:18 curl and virus now from china a lot of

deleted QAnon - 2.5.20 - Panic In DC, In Theaters NOW

@00:06:38 our flag although in communist china the
@00:06:56 less fair court system on mainland china
@00:11:59 ukraine and china so i just reported on

deleted 2.6.20 - Acquitted, UNimpeached. True Death Toll of Coronavirus over 25000

@00:06:58 with some of ancient china or parts of
@00:20:54 it to china they love duck they're

deleted 2.3.20 - Q & News - Wuhan, Coronavirus, Impeachment, FBI- Sorry Trump, Fukushima Seas

@00:00:16 china now more confirmed cases
@00:08:43 carolina now china confirms twenty three
@00:08:59 not part of like mainland china kinda is
@00:09:32 videos coming out of china even from
@00:11:47 happening in china where they're not

deleted 2.1.20 - Jim Willie - QE Infinity, REPO Market, East vs West and Coming Isolation of USA

@00:01:43 stolen from canada researched in china
@00:05:19 economy if china goes into a quarantine
@00:05:33 stuck in china and beijing she's been
@00:22:14 for what china would buy from us no
@00:22:36 guidelines of what china might buy but
@00:23:05 the toxic bonds that china has now
@00:23:52 china dumping into wall street for
@00:27:37 china has demanded gold collateral in
@00:28:56 did china how did china react china
@00:29:09 so then china said okay that's fine we
@00:29:38 earth okay but china is going to get our
@00:32:21 other countries like china india they
@00:36:45 over the place in china they encourage
@00:37:13 we've had near bank runs in china
@00:42:39 pork and beans trade deal with china
@00:42:42 where china now will say well by a
@00:43:05 come from china last month we don't know
@00:47:43 suspicious mind well in china they've

deleted 2.1.20 - Weaponized Viral HIV Persistent Aids meet Sars meet YOU - This could be BAD

@00:01:49 anything in china but certainly this has
@00:02:29 are seeing that even in china where you
@00:02:46 in china before they even get to the
@00:03:01 bodies in china to prevent the metrics
@00:06:53 to war with china and we release it into
@00:07:55 a bio weapon released from china was it
@00:22:32 that bad but in mainland china look at
@00:22:37 then the green line is outside china
@00:22:43 far worse outside of china than it is in
@00:22:51 within mainland china except for like
@00:23:01 terrifying china is a densely populated
@00:23:09 china with a viral spread rate that's as

deleted 1.31.20 - Q - Schiff-Ukraine ties, Acquittal Overturns Impeachment next week!

@00:03:16 selling us out to china with her chinese
@00:03:19 national driver who was a spy for china
@00:03:41 you should turn on china now senate

deleted Q Posts 1.28.30 - Trump is Washington Crossing the Delaware- MORE TO COME

@00:12:14 mexico china and other countries all

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:00:23 well from china so it is spreading it is
@00:06:33 china has been stealing hundreds of
@00:07:04 now if china is stealing technology and
@00:07:19 from china to infiltrate buy into and
@00:31:05 given our economy to china and done
@00:31:54 us off like china and you know the eu

deleted #Expose2020 Part IV Two More Bernie Staffers Promote Extreme Action and Property Destruction

@00:14:27 because i think like you know china
@00:14:45 china today and so if it's never we're

deleted 1.26.20 - Special Update - Coronavirus Epidemic and HOW TO PREPARE

@00:00:13 the wuhan originated that's in china
@00:01:42 figure in china was i think forced by
@00:03:43 china where people are impoverished adds
@00:05:18 basically all of china / the world are
@00:05:24 of china in in close proximity hopefully
@00:06:24 province china in which continues to
@00:07:23 china the you know the official story or
@00:07:29 wan china reportedly had some link to a
@00:10:19 worse from china this guy is actually
@00:10:38 videos that are surfacing from china and
@00:11:06 from different parts of china that are
@00:14:07 sending them you know to china or

deleted 1.24.20 - CoronaVirus Plague, Senate Threatened, Flynn, Clintons

@00:00:10 viral epidemic outbreak of in china but
@00:05:11 much bigger i mean china russia their
@00:05:49 and russia and china that's exactly what
@00:08:44 so we also have china jailing a
@00:08:54 i won't go to china by the way i'm
@00:09:50 chinese americans who are not from china
  • and there's incidents where in china
@00:10:28 on the internet to go to china it's a
@00:10:32 family members going to china which is

deleted 1.21.20 - Q OUTS Dem Corruption Pyramid & Plan

@00:02:16 to china with her chinese spy driver for

deleted 1.22.20 - DeepState Peak Insane, Impeachment, More Berniebro Gulags, and Schiff BUSTED

@00:00:25 potentially going contagion across china

deleted 1.21.20 - Chinese Outbreak, A Shot Heard Round the World, Censorship Fight Heats up

@00:20:03 about but china has a corona virus
@00:20:16 it's china a lot of diseases come from
@00:20:58 a scare of a disease outbreak china has

deleted Emergency Warning to Virginia Gun Rally Goers - Beware the TRAP

@00:07:12 uprising and mass slaughter and china

deleted 1.16.20 - Impeachment, China Trade Deal, Veritas Bernie Video #2, VA State of Emergency vs guns

@00:00:09 today we're gonna go through the china
@00:17:08 about the historic trade deal with china
@00:21:36 by the unfair trade with china

deleted 1.15.20 - Flynn FIGHTS BACK, Hand of Soros, Assange, Bernie Sanders VIOLENT REVOLUTION, Schiff...

@00:25:28 sledgehammer in their china shop right

deleted 1.12.20 - Iran, Iraq, Middle East, And Justice

@00:02:20 seems and then we also have china and
@00:02:36 economy of like a china and russia to
@00:06:17 and china are coming in there's not

deleted Dr. Andrew (Wake)field & Dustin Nemos on (Vaxx)ines, Censorship and the Future (Very Censored Hero)

@00:36:24 believe china at least at this stage so

deleted Alex Mandossian & Dustin Nemos - RedPill Secrets: RedPilling vs Breadcrumbing: A How To (2 of 3)

@00:14:15 south china version but mandarin is
@00:14:27 won't be accepted if you go to china i'm
@00:25:56 right so communist china was founded
@00:26:34 that's when communism in china was
@00:29:00 china on my show they may not allow you
@00:31:16 communist cultural revolution in china
@00:32:09 china communist russia and fascist nazi
@00:39:29 russia and china were already structured

deleted 1.6.20 - Trump Vs Iran, Jihad, Terror, Hitmen, Sleeper Cells

@00:12:04 invite china and iran in saudi arabia to
@00:12:33 natures china you know the red dragon

deleted 1.5.19 - Trump, Iran, Treason from NYT, And Dems Prefer Terrorists to Trump

@00:22:29 back pocket of china and is

deleted 1.2.20 - RICO Rudy vs the Coup, Pelosi's Corrupt Son = Hunter Biden 2.0, Disarmament by UN?

@00:14:46 communist china is not happy about gun
@00:15:23 blade of grass if china invaded i would
@00:21:40 china or anyone else were to take over

deleted 12.28.19 Q - Pelosi's Biden Moment, DNC backdoor to NSA, DNC Server, & More

@00:05:37 business deals in ukraine and china kara

deleted 12.27.19 - Maxwell Under Investigation, Russian Gold Backed Stablecoin, Winning

@00:05:10 especially russia and china and the
@00:05:30 china
@00:05:31 they will sell oil to china and then

deleted 12.27.19 - Epstein was MOS Spy, Trump SURGES, TROJAN MAGA Flips on Trump

@00:06:47 and others including china daily
@00:07:21 careful of someone like china clearly
@00:08:39 anyway so you know in china

deleted 12.23.19 - 25% TRUMP JUDGES, VA to ENFORCE Gun control, China Paying Fake News to Fake & More..

@00:02:03 eastern bloc with russia and china and
@00:03:21 open arms of russia and china and
@00:19:21 is now a trump appointee also china paid
@00:19:41 hollywood being bought up by china and

deleted AntiVax Mom Jailed, Epstein Video FOUND, Brennan Under Investigation, FISA Abuse Expands

@00:06:41 there's also links to china coming out

deleted 12.19.19 - Barr on Comey Lies, Schiff Threatens Pence, Brennan Investigated!

@00:16:47 to pass everything over to china so

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:30:15 because china tells him to and their
@00:33:01 non-stop china hong kong so we have the

deleted 12.16.19 - Gitmo Ready for Schiff, Snowden & Others. The Great AWAKENING

@00:06:12 century alone mostly communism china

deleted 12.11.19 - Horowitz said WHAT!! Corney Won't like this & More

@00:01:32 china is using the despite on people and
@00:01:35 china saying this is a private company
@00:01:58 itself but china wants to move in on the
@00:02:10 interesting because china generally says
@00:02:17 actually working together now in china a
@00:02:46 technology so that china has a backdoor
@00:03:36 now speaking of china this trade war has
@00:04:29 tariffs on people like china so while
@00:04:32 we're talking about china and any other
@00:17:17 probably a sellout to china we know her

deleted 12.8.19 - Trends in the News, Q on Fox News

@00:01:05 satellite country of china anyway and
@00:16:33 what china tells him to do so you know
@00:16:35 china has just hit that point where
@00:16:49 through in china is far higher than ours

deleted 12.7.19 - Dems Mutiny over Impeachment - End is Nigh!

@00:04:35 right we've seen the pattern with china
@00:07:36 it was china it was russia it was
@00:17:33 china is not a totalitarian dictatorship

deleted 12.5.19 - Clintons New Pedo Connections, Nato V China, Two-Faced Trudeau

@00:00:51 you know nato potentially calling china
@00:08:52 also as i said naming china a potential

deleted 12.4.19 - Trade War, Impeachment, Harris Drops out, & more

@00:00:49 hong kong china the trade war what's
@00:23:21 china still hasn't done any
@00:23:57 bill to threaten sanctions on china as
@00:26:31 wait now china of course is gonna
@00:28:32 to see china has recently switched from
@00:29:55 american exceptionalism whereas china of
@00:30:02 now china folds

deleted Lisa Page Plays Victim, Epstein Plot Thickens

@00:06:24 what's going on in ukraine and china as
@00:15:52 now this china that this is what the big
@00:15:54 tech companies are trying to help china
@00:16:57 now of course the firewall of china

deleted Impeachment Hurting Dems, Helping Reps. Biden Worst Yet Moments, Hong Kong's Pivol Moment

@00:00:52 there's a lot of tension between china
@00:18:20 ever seen happens in china i mean this
@00:18:22 is a chance for authentic change china
@00:18:58 the people of china need something that
@00:19:15 communist china now that has given them
@00:19:23 could aspire to for the rest of china
@00:19:29 that we can't let china just crush
@00:20:47 china is trying to figure out how to
@00:20:58 best with china i hope for the best but
@00:21:19 already going on with china they're
@00:21:55 and china and the brics nations and and

deleted Black Friday NEWS Updates, Impeachment, China, Economy, News

@00:01:01 china escalations threatening us there's
@00:27:09 now we also have switching over to china
@00:27:58 little bit we'll go back to china in a
@00:30:06 this has happened before in china
@00:30:34 dragon of china and it has never really
@00:33:46 to a you know a us base or even a china
@00:35:09 we have china pissed off quote the u.s.

deleted 11.27.19 - DeepState: "I Have Initiated the Destruction of the Republic"

@00:01:03 and we're even going to discuss china
@00:10:36 pakistan china and afghanistan on the
@00:23:09 in a day china wants hong kong badly but
@00:23:23 bringing to that issue if china invades
@00:23:56 which represents mainland china the
@00:24:26 course hurt china in all sorts of
@00:24:36 to china because they like their rights
@00:25:07 for hong kong standing up to china in
@00:25:10 the economy and the fact that china has
@00:26:06 perfect storm of economy in china and
@00:26:24 power as emperor in china that power
@00:26:31 things get bad enough in china maybe
@00:26:41 did where they escaped from china during
@00:27:04 disastrous war so again china
@00:27:30 china invading them so you know with
@00:27:37 defense treaty with the us if china
@00:27:42 war with china now most governments are
@00:28:00 the internet china is being threatened
@00:28:16 they are because they have the one-china
@00:28:17 policy and if you break the one-china
@00:28:23 china you're you're you're pissing them
@00:28:45 own the whole world china and you never
@00:28:54 now if china let's see one more example
@00:28:57 of beijing threatening war china must be
@00:29:02 persistent position china has already
@00:29:06 to split taiwan from china the chinese
@00:29:20 chinese people largely most of china and
@00:29:27 left china to go to taiwan to escape
@00:29:47 china now you know we've seen other
@00:29:53 taiwan as well to prepare them for china
@00:29:55 you know the china didn't like that when
@00:30:08 china you know it's already a tense

deleted When CPS Steals Your Children - Mike Volpe & Dustin Nemos

@00:26:56 examples being like in china and others

deleted 11.25.19 - Giuliani vs The Deep State, Hunters become the Hunted

@00:10:29 extradite hong kong citizens to china
@00:10:40 what goes on in china so they've decided
@00:24:35 by china or the nazis or something

deleted Q - WWG1WGA

@00:10:58 goes into the clinton's server china

deleted Q - Giuliani vs the DeepState - Do you think I'm Intimidated

@00:07:31 china and south korea now as well but
@00:09:35 but china

deleted The Q Movement is UNSTOPPABLE and INTENSIFYING

@00:31:54 china hong kong you're seeing queue

deleted 11.19.19 - Trump Poisoned?, Dems Mutiny over IM Peach mints - Part 1

@00:14:46 this particular article china demands us
@00:15:11 china likes to patrol around taiwan you
@00:15:18 of china for all time they're surrounded
@00:16:05 giant china army in military and
@00:16:11 my wife's family that fled from china
@00:16:31 many of the different peoples from china
@00:17:00 of china any more than hong kong does
@00:17:04 have no chance in hell of beating china
@00:17:09 china have been dealing with a lot more
@00:17:13 china really starts to push on its edge
@00:18:20 but china said it would not tolerate
@00:18:31 taiwan and china have that interesting
@00:18:33 relationship of course china wants to
@00:18:38 of their overall one china policy no
@00:18:47 their right that's what china did
@00:18:52 china you should go through us first
@00:19:12 college students and such for china that
@00:19:15 spy on other chinese students for china
@00:19:20 china for things like you say here when
@00:19:27 know i don't go to china i'm afraid to
@00:19:28 go to china i've seen what happens to
@00:19:30 people like me if they go to china i
@00:19:42 you know she's afraid to go to china as
@00:19:45 well and all i've ever heard of china
@00:19:57 culture of of china right and everyone
@00:20:06 like that and and i get that that china
@00:20:30 china was to become very wealthy from
@00:20:37 in china is easy if they ever became
@00:20:44 and while we're on the topic of china i
@00:21:01 bank run which has happened in china

deleted Kent Heckenlively Author of Plague of Corruption on Vaxxines and Hope vs Big Pharma

@00:40:34 what he's been doing with china and and

deleted 11 13 19 - Major Q Drops

@00:16:29 jobs as they flee to mexico china and

deleted Lynette Zang - 11.12.19 - The Debt Crisis Is Sinking Our System

@00:10:24 bank runs in china what school yes
@00:10:27 well china actually had a policy it's
@00:10:31 interesting because china really had a
@00:11:39 china is really interesting so i don't
@00:17:18 on in china and the banks and and the
@00:20:25 china and others you can see the the


@00:26:32 that they can be extradited to china and
@00:26:36 they have no rights in china and hong
@00:26:43 china so that they can't just do that to
@00:26:50 done before in china
@00:26:57 of people killed by communist china and
@00:27:48 that's happening and of course in china
@00:27:58 china is gonna be one of the worst

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:28:13 china from legitimate criticism look at
@00:38:50 by the way it's in china that seems like
@00:39:01 the next super weapon in china

deleted Potus Admits to being Q, Adam Schiff's time is nearly up, Gen Flynn's Victory Pending

@00:02:20 is here not china my paycheck is bigger

deleted DN Drug Economy and Border Wars - breathalyzer Machines Bogus

@00:02:12 is of course china for those who have
@00:02:33 expansionist sort of you know one china
@00:02:39 take over the south china sea and we're
@00:02:59 throughout europe africa and china and
@00:03:13 that is what would put china at the top
@00:03:24 won't stand up to china our our coaches
@00:03:31 human rights abuses in china because
@00:03:33 their own china owns hollywood now at
@00:04:47 response to what's happening in china
@00:05:07 competitor for china in that area this
@00:08:19 dollar the fact that russia and china is
@00:08:26 they china will buy the oil and then

deleted BIDEN, IMPEACHMENT, CORRUPTION, EXPOSED! Schiff to be Questioned!

@00:01:39 china all of this and more right after a

deleted Biden New Investigation! Proof of Epstein Murder! Mass Migrations, Evil Chinese Party, Obama+Russian

@00:02:16 whether hunter biden highs to china
@00:02:59 corporation of china which quote
@00:03:55 china has a history of stealing hundreds
@00:04:08 china and then do whatever they want
@00:24:03 weena fraid of china so we're going to

deleted 10 31 19 Impeachment Implosion & More

@00:12:07 us at a competitive disadvantage china

deleted Interview with Tiffany Fitzhenry - This Fallen World is Being Cleansed

@00:37:49 she came from china when she was

deleted News Brief 102119 Bernie The REAL Manchurian Candidate

@00:07:58 how he has made several flights to china
@00:08:20 china and the golden triangle and some
@00:08:24 is not china okay technically it's not
@00:08:27 china but it really is china the golden
@00:08:34 china where china owns that area really
@00:09:18 girls from china to new york okay and
@00:09:37 brought from china from vietnam from
@00:12:31 lot to be said about that china is the
@00:12:36 real threat not russia it's china ok

deleted War, CNN, Troops Home, Trump Murder Plot, Weiner Laptop, CPS ABUSES

@00:30:56 to go with russia and china and that's
@00:31:00 overthrow them russia and china have
@00:31:41 china have also got big weapons and with

deleted 10 17 19 Hunter Biden Fails, Cummings Dead, Schiff Fails to Setup President Trump

@00:32:27 one cent from this money from china but
@00:33:07 anonymous llc's were coming from china
@00:33:19 offshore china was paying and putting it
@00:38:52 part of china in hong kong where they


@00:25:26 china thing so xi jinping from china the
@00:25:28 the emperor of china i don't care if you

deleted QAnon is taking over American Politics behind the scenes pt 2

@00:08:07 small corporations and also china and

deleted Social Media Don't Get Mad or Get Even Own it!

@00:37:24 yeah and japan and china

deleted Biden is in Big Trouble Now

@00:18:51 just on china i want you to keep your

deleted Dustin Nemos Speaks At SARASOTA PATRIOTS FOR TRUMP

@00:23:18 out piecemeal to china and if anyone

deleted Arizona CPS Child Sex Scandal & Ukraine Truths Emerge (Audio Issues in tech)

@00:28:07 having china look into this i think
@00:28:12 coming out of china against biden trump

deleted News Brief 10/3/19: Jury Selection Begins in CfMP Case/ Turkey to Create Safe Zone Unilaterally

@00:16:28 not documented from china from southeast
@00:17:42 china through flushing new york
@00:19:54 china and to honduras now also we know
@00:20:07 places like china so of course with the
@00:20:30 had business trips to china to vietnam
@00:22:11 women from china and southeast asia who

deleted 9.29.19 Trends-Glyphosate, Climate Alarmism, Vaccines, Pedophiles.

@00:14:50 those from taiwan so taiwan hates china
@00:14:54 by the way just so you guys know china
@00:15:02 watching china want to blow taiwan off
@00:15:29 i would say in my opinion and china is

deleted 9.28.19 Dustin Nemos Interviews Jim Willie on Zombie Firms, And the Bond Crisis - Don't Miss!

@00:28:45 respect to the us versus china us uk
@00:28:47 versus china
@00:30:17 china they can easily do so by messing
@00:33:06 not brazil russia india china south
@00:43:47 talked before about how russia or china
@00:43:53 in the gold market as well in china so
@00:44:08 right now trump is fighting china you
@00:44:21 you know india and china are not big
@00:45:32 bilateral trade between china and italy
@00:45:45 union trade with china so the italian
@00:46:16 oil between russia and china and that's
@00:46:27 used it the russian sold oil to china

deleted 09 25 19 GFR Roundtable with Guest Dustin Nemos

@00:09:13 communist communist leader of china is
@00:24:57 going to make china they they we define
@00:25:11 wanted china now to have that power
@00:25:14 which is why they gave imf granted china
@00:25:23 trading with china and so the stage was
@00:25:35 china to be the new big guy on the
@00:34:40 and i think china is very smart in doing
@00:35:06 they're buying gold china the largest
@00:37:34 talked about with china russia and china

deleted 9.26.19 Biden, Trending Towards Grand Jury Investigation Dems in Panic

@00:08:36 corruption and claims china bought biden
@00:08:41 1.5 billion dollars that china dropped
@00:09:08 china or the oil industry doesn't make

deleted As Dems Flail Impeachment, Trump Conquers the World

@00:04:15 to china and ukraine and and finally
@00:12:03 president trump is slamming china he

deleted Biden for Treason2020, Q Justice Phase, Mass Arrests, Trends, Impeachment=Dem Fear

@00:05:27 natural gas or and we go into china with
@00:05:38 china i guess and we know how it's gone
@00:06:17 into biden on china even i mean they're

deleted dn 9 23 19 Biden Links to Hillary, Obama, & More

@00:15:41 well china hates india so he'll tell you
@00:15:57 in assuming that china would like over
@00:16:16 powerful ally especially against china
@00:16:21 next-door neighbors - china - so it's
@00:16:33 pressure to china so continuing on we

deleted Biden, Obama, Ukraine, Child Trafficking, and the Great Awakening's Justice Phase

@00:18:40 of this comes out and we look at china
@00:18:46 biden family took out of china while

deleted 09.21.19 Major Updates, Mustard Gas Bomb at Pro Life, Trump Victories

@00:23:46 by china in a biden's private equity
@00:24:10 china to the private equity fund of the
@00:24:22 our policy with china would be under
@00:24:29 that biden caved in to china but they
@00:24:36 china yeah well
@00:25:42 screwed us for china i mean we know what

deleted News Brief 9/16/19: Fresh Attacks Against Justice K/ Harris Ordered Raid on PP Whistleblowers

@00:22:48 actually china but i'll talk about that

deleted 9 16 19 Flynns Offensive, McCabe brings down the HOUSE, & MORE

@00:21:16 happened to china we destroy them with

deleted 9 14 19 Flynn, RFK Jr BOMBSHELL on Dads Murder, GUNGRABBING DEMS & More

@00:24:52 greed you think china doesn't run on

deleted News Brief 9/12/19: McCabe Referred for Indictment/ POTUS Leads Moment of Silence

@00:18:47 guy china don't look over there don't
@00:43:12 with china as far as human trafficking
@00:43:21 and of course has been linked to china

deleted News Brief 9/10/19: Foxx Funded by Soros/ Nationwide #HumanTrafficking Network International

@00:01:04 at its connection to china before we get
@00:21:53 that network was connected to china and
@00:23:59 flushing new york actually from china
@00:26:57 china southeast asia through new york
@00:31:21 china but it's more or less a de-facto
@00:43:26 golden triangle which is linked to china
@00:44:42 golden triangle china is the real enemy
@00:44:52 don't look over here at china please
@00:45:02 at china at all
@00:46:47 coming from china in southeast asia

deleted 9.8.2019 Impeachment, Living Baby Parts, Disney ChildRape Allegations, Fukushima+More

@00:10:23 speaking of our president china just

deleted 9.1-2.19 Corruption, Shootings, Comey, Flynn, & More

@00:13:38 grow will be leaving china soon these
@00:13:43 in china is is where we're really
@00:13:53 china has woken the lion let's see what
@00:14:02 china one minute later china retaliates

deleted 8.30.19 - Weekly Economic Update with Michael Agne

@00:05:13 china even though they think they can
@00:05:28 china and they've got a lot of debt
@00:05:36 the official data by mainland china
@00:05:49 coming out of china and they can claim
@00:06:23 accusations of china what he has to say
@00:06:40 communist party of china doesn't like it
@00:18:54 global trade in china where it accounts
@00:19:08 china would take more that you want
@00:19:21 total global trade you've got china less
@00:22:35 negative in red except for china up
@00:27:35 america this isn't china they still is

deleted Lynette Zang & Dustin Nemos The Economy is Collapsing

@00:01:00 going on with president trump in china
@00:02:13 strong growth in china was at that point
@00:13:08 offered better deals by russia or china
@00:13:12 like you i don't know china any better

deleted 8.29.2019 Fired up for 2020 We are WINNING

@00:00:41 he's demolishing china and he's taking
@00:30:16 do business with china as trump said he
@00:30:20 china he said that on twitter this was

deleted 8.27.19 Trump Beats China, FISA ABUSE DEEMED ILLEGAL!, Prince Andrew & More

@00:00:35 only do we have china maybe caving in to
@00:01:44 the china caving talk i mean
@00:02:00 china signaled on monday it is now
@00:02:21 from china called him and they want to

deleted 8.24-25.19 Major Updates To be Aware of NOW

@00:09:40 don't need china and frankly would be
@00:09:55 with china anymore it is very

deleted 8.22-23.19 Things you Need to Know going into 2020.

@00:03:53 china strongly criticizes taiwan's offer
@00:04:21 china in a big way so you know chinese
@00:06:21 it's interesting just to see china react
@00:06:38 piss off china it hurts their face it
@00:07:04 understand that china has been the real

deleted 8 17 19 They Can't Sell This Lie - Epstein & New strategy - race

@00:17:16 china so we have newly uncovered

deleted Tasneem interview with Randy Ross

@00:18:41 started seeing a lot more made-in-china

deleted So Many Epstein Qincidences. Freedom in China.

@00:03:41 china threatens military invasion of
@00:04:59 a distraction with china there but
@00:05:05 that is affecting china and it's
@00:06:53 roll back real fast back to the china

deleted 8 8 19 Left Aggressive

@00:31:17 listen china just pulled out one hundred

deleted Interview with Gregory Mannarino - The Crash is Coming

@00:04:15 fed to watch what the fed what the china
@00:07:18 period it stops china in its tracks it's

deleted Q is Down But not for Long

@00:02:51 china is having some pretty big issues
@00:02:55 of a separate country within china two
@00:03:09 china which you know there used to a
@00:03:14 but they're you know china the
@00:05:02 us plans to sanction top china officials
@00:05:10 abuses in china i think in this

deleted News Brief 8319 Ratcliffe Withdraws From DNI NominationBrazil Designated as Major Ally

@00:23:30 statements because they could have china
@00:23:36 course china and north korea have a very
@00:23:47 point china is definitely feeling the
@00:24:06 china now is likely going to try to

deleted Qanon Update 7/29 - 7/31/19: #DECLAS Coming!

@00:48:26 35:58 talking about china and this is an
@00:48:31 threatens worst trade deal for china if
@00:48:50 warned if china waits and he wins
@00:48:55 tougher for beijing he says quote china
@00:49:07 with china they just don't come
@00:50:02 whether or not china was monitoring the
@00:50:21 we have been sold out to china for years
@00:50:34 technology to china and it was briefly
@00:51:06 china she allowed access
@00:51:36 to china to line their pockets for

deleted 7 26 19 Q Update -The Epstein Fallout Leads to Clintons

@00:00:49 so 3501 is about china and their
@00:01:15 says possible china monitored neil we're
@00:01:18 hearing possible china analyzing
@00:01:25 possible china taking steps think
@00:01:32 2020 possible china in secured
@00:01:51 of sense for china who've had a very
@00:03:14 china put extreme threatening pressure

deleted Robert Steele Interview- Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, and the Deep State

@00:25:24 zone and china has spent two or three
@00:25:47 and and china and russia i mean it's i

deleted Interview with Bob Stanley, Creator of

@00:12:26 is actually forced to china and russia
@00:13:05 oil and natural gas directly to china

deleted 7.19.2019 Q.u+News - Get Ready for the Great Awakening + News Updates

@00:15:23 with russia and others especially china

deleted News Brief 7/15/19: ICE Raids/ House Votes to Allow GITMO Broadcasting/ #RIPBianca

@00:12:04 just like if i wanted to go to china or

deleted News Brief 7/12/19: Vessel Busted With Cocaine Owned by JP Morgan/ R Kelly Arrested

@00:03:18 shipment had originated in china so

deleted Q - Dark to Light

@00:21:12 parenthood is good his narrative china

deleted Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos Discuss The Emerging East Vs West Currency War

@00:01:25 and it's with the us and china but
@00:07:57 selling oil to china and i've got it on
@00:08:35 with china but they're trading it in
@00:09:00 oh good look at so the holy grail china
@00:09:24 between russia and china and a year
@00:17:00 do you think china will have the new
@00:17:31 used to call it red china well there's
@00:17:46 you think we can trust china to keep
@00:18:30 china on that score i'd rather not talk
@00:21:15 i think in the background by china as to
@00:21:19 what we do correctly china knows how to
@00:22:21 that china instilled in the dumping okay
@00:22:55 with china
@00:27:33 economically china was gracious and and
@00:38:44 china i don't know but the germans are
@00:44:33 will be gold trade notes because china
@00:46:00 first is courting china for a bigger
@00:46:23 for china in their new silk road the
@00:47:33 accusations against china and wha why

deleted Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview Major Updates 6/20/19

@00:01:16 to china and there's umbrella references
@00:01:31 want to be extradited to china where
@00:01:51 protest in the heart of china hong kong

deleted Dustin Nemos Talks with InTheMatrixxx 6-12-19

@00:25:06 cooperating with like china to build

deleted 6.16.19 - 60,000' Great Awakening Overview w/ Dustin Nemos

@00:10:15 you break us up china will beat you in
@00:10:28 china directly in violation of american
@00:10:42 china now we know i forgot the name of
@00:11:32 is china promising strong ties with iran
@00:12:12 you see china saying hey look we're with
@00:13:42 stronger but i do believe that china
@00:14:13 built most of them especially china we

deleted 6.15.19 - Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview. Major Updates !

@00:15:52 changes to the china extradition law
@00:16:00 gave him back to china they've been
@00:16:05 china they were the most prosperous that
@00:16:07 that was the middle class of china but
@00:16:09 china is moving in and the first step is
@00:16:13 kong to china where they can be tortured
@00:17:13 follow in the path of china and use
@00:17:18 i hope that you can get out before china

deleted Ark@nc1de D3ath Counts Pile Up with 2 Former Lawmakers, 2 NYPD Blues, 1 Brother

@00:19:12 selling us out to china for years for a
@00:19:22 technology to china that's why they're
@00:19:46 china so her and bill clinton and tony
@00:19:50 rata have been selling us to china for

deleted 6.7.19 - The Dollar Quietly Dies. Amazon Kills Small Retailers Dreams. Goodbye Cruel Youtube

@00:02:48 russia and china prepare to dump the

deleted The Great Game of Power. America's Own 'Game of Thrones' Updates from Censorville.

@00:15:34 has to say and of course we have china
@00:31:17 our due date anyway china also use this

deleted Creepy RACIST Uncle Joe Biden' His Time

@00:07:11 with him and his son in china in in
@00:08:10 china we know about hunter biden it's

deleted Trump Just Broke Mexico over Border Crisis! (And They Don't Even Know it Yet)

@00:00:59 china way better just like most people

deleted Mueller Fails to Rescue Dying Deepstate Narrative, Dems Panic, Eat their Own

@00:13:53 hoaxes thanks to democrats china
@00:16:21 problem because well china has a bit of
@00:16:50 cheap crap goods you know made in china
@00:17:16 because china can't feed itself breaking

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss THE LAWSUIT FOR FREE SPEECH v BIG TECH

@00:27:38 and in china they were actually eating

deleted Q Was Right All Along? & The Coming Plague that Will Kill BILLIONS!

@00:12:52 anyway yeah so japan is public china is
@00:13:01 means china and south korea both have a

deleted Dustin Nemos on I70 & Coach Clay show (PSB 24/7) - Wargaming Censorship MOVEMENT

@00:21:26 calling it china a couple times in its
@00:21:36 like a threat from china or something i
@00:29:21 his fake eyebrows now from china oh of

deleted Huge Bombshells in the News

@00:09:14 right joe biden let china get away with
@00:09:18 he continues to naively dismiss china
@00:09:20 today china is stealing from american
@00:12:12 in china that china will be hurt very
@00:12:15 companies will be forced to leave china
@00:12:20 in china you had a great deal almost
@00:12:27 nobody left in china to do business with
@00:12:30 very bad for china very good for usa the
@00:12:35 china has taken so advantage of the usa
@00:12:44 therefore china should not retaliate
@00:13:03 leaving china for vietnam and other such
@00:13:07 that's why china wants to make a deal so
@00:13:18 take effect on china today this has been
@00:13:27 by china because china subsidized this
@00:15:03 china is dreaming that sleepy joe biden
@00:15:11 over it's over china it's over in peru
@00:15:34 chinese most of it and comes from china
@00:15:46 we're behind china and the communists

deleted Robert Kraft Florida Sex Case Update Medium

@00:15:17 okay it has connections to china and new

deleted The Narrative War Reaches Peak Crazy - Left Has Nothing!

@00:28:40 on china china this is paired at the
@00:28:46 against china make a deal now basically
@00:29:03 china sort of runs the show and i think
@00:29:15 the point where a government like china
@00:30:22 china will probably never actually go
@00:30:39 china i'm gonna see if the videos here
@00:30:53 china and i said to somebody that is
@00:31:46 hit china he knows how to win all of
@00:32:53 done business in china you know you have
@00:33:42 the communist movement in china that's
@00:34:32 asia and in all of south china sea and
@00:34:52 and forth between taiwan and china
@00:34:54 between china and on the ocean just

deleted BREAKING: President Trump SURPRISE News Conference

@00:00:17 china not ten cents and it'll be a i
@00:15:25 including china we've been paying china
@00:15:31 years china rebuilt their country
@00:15:51 happen what i'm doing now with china
@00:16:07 wto because china was flatlining for
@00:16:20 china into the wto and they became a
@00:16:45 he's representing china and we're not
@00:16:50 we're not going to pay china 500 billion
@00:16:55 tariffs on china as of friday and we put
@00:18:54 i came and it went up like china it went
@00:21:32 and i want to get along with china
@00:22:31 we're gonna find out about china tonight
@00:23:00 xi of china and i tell abby who's a good
@00:23:43 people from china and we'll let you know

deleted H man Trafficking, the Golden Triangle, and the Cl ntons

@00:13:25 china and to an area rarely visited by
@00:14:19 china but worldwide but mr. clinton is
@00:17:40 taiwan is also a part of china okay so
@00:17:45 we have all these connections with china

deleted News Updates - Updates on Special Projectgs & NNN

@00:20:13 china blinking which it does make a very
@00:20:17 comments and then china still did not
@00:20:21 that's very much on like china their

deleted Treas0n, Ped0philia, and the FakeN3ws

@00:11:59 china no surprise here we go again with
@00:12:03 china this is what they're saying it's
@00:12:09 china excuse me jerry chunsheng ching
@00:12:11 lee's 54 conspired with china to commit
@00:32:14 the world like china china i mean we owe

deleted The Treasonous Deep State Democrats Having Last Stand (Pre Mass Arrests)

@00:11:51 democrat candidates call on china to
@00:12:55 china so why should russia have all the
@00:13:03 republicans why don't we ask china to
@00:13:07 back us i hear by tonight ask china
@00:13:10 that's right and not only that china if
@00:19:20 when i saw president putin in china i
@00:20:48 to anti foreign interference anti-china

deleted Uploading 4% Dustin Nemos on I70 and Coach Clay Show 24/7 PSB

@00:20:08 president of japan kept calling it china
@00:20:20 china or something i don't know yet but
@00:21:36 china canada japan twice already this is
@00:21:56 canada and china
@00:28:04 getting his big eyebrows now from china

deleted The Left's Frothing Hatred of White Christian America & Trump, Weaponized Government Ignores Islam

@00:27:56 japan-china twice in a meeting with
@00:28:09 china emperor i think is more accurate

deleted Blockade is Over, Q Justice Phase Commences Blitzkrieg Attack

@00:02:29 to through his sudden to china
@00:06:22 china sold out our country to islam sold
@00:14:55 agreements with russia and china i don't

deleted Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos: Economy - Eurasian Market/Gold/Silver Overwhelm US Grip? Systemic Risk

@00:27:54 so we have kind of a rush of china
@00:27:56 venezuela and and i know china and do
@00:32:57 size of africa the united states china
@00:33:05 western europe china the united states
@00:35:47 initial belt between russia and china
@00:37:01 russia and china and pissed off of the
@00:44:02 ever go shopping from china lately i
@00:45:21 bolts hell no not from china or india i
@00:46:27 large volume in china what they do that

deleted The Bankers Who Ran the World (Pre Trump)

@00:03:17 number 50 being the china petrochemical

deleted 4.15.19 - The Left Panics over Illegals Coming Their Way - Booker and Cher are Racist?

@00:04:24 apart russia and china and i've covered
@00:04:28 i think months ago now russia and china
@00:04:38 the oil to china and then they'll take
@00:04:46 from china the currency there they'll
@00:05:03 already see china and russia their

deleted Recap 4.14.19 - Trends in the News. Bads are All Panicking! Brennan, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, etc

@00:35:11 technology to russia and china in the

deleted John Barbour, Chris Fulton, Dustin Nemos Authors Roundtable on Assange, Free Speech, Truth. p2

@00:01:59 started and there's a russia china north
@00:05:33 including hitting china this would have

deleted 4.8.19 - Clintons Linked to "Coverup" with Deep State, & Much Much More

@00:02:50 know china and russia and cuba you know
@00:10:36 happen but and his corruption with china

deleted China Antarctica Recap, Corruption Exposed Dems, Bayer, Georga Vs Hollywood Abortion

@00:20:15 china unchecked in antarctica so we're
@00:24:15 all of that history and now china is

deleted The Democrat House of Cards is Coming Apart: Cabal Next

@00:26:12 see the china is stepping into venezuela

deleted X22Report and Dustin Nemos Discuss Current Political Trends and The Plan

@00:04:46 all of a sudden china introduced this
@00:14:15 china

deleted Lynette Zang & Dustin Nemos - Updates on the Coming Economic Collapse

@00:19:27 china and actually globally the central
@00:20:36 including china which is now their bond
@00:21:38 china to the east but look at look at
@00:22:14 happening on a global basis in china to

deleted Democrat Playbook - How the Left Lies about Events to Create False Hate

@00:03:29 praised communist china and did not like

deleted Changing the Narrative Before Obama Indictment...?

@00:01:35 communist china not very true and among

deleted 3.17.19 - Q - The Real Panic Comes In the Form of a Last Resort

@00:05:58 policies being that of communist china

deleted NZ Shuts Down QAnon Over Pretense (Shooting)

@00:00:32 communist china he said he wants the

deleted Qanon - Tarmac Meeting Epstein and Haiti Link

@00:06:31 china had hacked
@00:07:46 emails have been tracked by china quote
@00:07:53 china next moves better be by the fbi
@00:08:18 out and say oh hillary sold it to china
@00:08:36 by china
@00:08:57 china did not steal this they bought it
@00:09:29 technology to china and then of course
@00:09:34 nothing and now we have you know china
@00:09:49 years making us vulnerable to china not

deleted 3.15.19 - How Did Q Know???!!!

@00:17:21 china sentencing is set for september
@00:17:51 selling us out to china how safe do you

deleted The Q is Good

@00:03:38 denies trump claimed that china hacked

deleted Q - Complete Blatant Push that It's all about to HIT! Hannity Echoing. BE READY! SHARE

@00:21:35 mexico china and other countries all

deleted Michael Easton & Dustin Nemos on Justin Trudeau and SNC Lavalin Scandal in Canada

@00:22:54 and china i don't know but just i want


@00:00:09 bush and china that's right fec finds

deleted Q's Ultimatum to Snowden, Instructions to Whiistleblower, Predicted JPBarlows Death

@00:24:26 impeach probably china like bargain with

deleted 3.7.19 - Q - Parts 3-9 Coming Soon. Major Steps Underway against Google and Big Tech Control Grid

@00:04:25 russia why did china hkg let him out of
@00:04:34 across all nations why did china grant


@00:02:59 involved with china we suspect i just
@00:03:07 suspect he was also busted in china by q
@00:06:15 reorganization equals true china china
@00:06:18 china open access pay for play laws
@00:06:42 homeland facebook china building eight
@00:06:45 google china dragonfly twitter us leg
@00:07:23 dena icu china she loves peekaboo hi
@00:07:59 governments like china huh wouldn't do

deleted Ezili Danto: Former US Military Mercenaries Scandal in Haiti

@00:31:18 these big countries germany china fourth

deleted Qanon 3 7 19 Huber Hammer FISA Brings Down the House

@00:41:54 because china doesn't have facebook

deleted A Rebuttal to ButthurtAnons and ::: Did Q and Dustin Nemos Try to Kill Alex Jones???

@00:24:19 greed you think china doesn't run on

deleted Milton Friedman on Greed

@00:00:35 china doesn't run on greed

deleted 3.4.19 - "Cu" - National CRISIS - FULL SCALE MARCH MADNESS PREPARE

@00:38:03 collection how to china locate primary
@00:38:08 cia assets within china 187 to kill them

deleted 3.1.19 - Major Updates. Trudeau and More.

@00:11:25 really popular in china sea lorrimer was
@00:15:22 the context here china

deleted C60 FAQs and Changing the WORLD

@00:17:59 soft kill methods were there china kill

deleted Tasneem (Welcome to the Team!) : Florida Sex Trafficking Ring

@00:10:53 stretching from china to new york to

deleted 2.28.19 - Cohen laughs, Awan Silenced, PedoCultWhistlebLower Silenced, NK Progress

@00:14:00 india and china and then i don't know
@00:14:06 also a russia china thing but there's an
@00:14:09 enemy thing going on between china and

deleted 2.25.19 - Q - Potus Considering Options RE: War on Babies (Millions of Babies Counting on US!)

@00:05:48 about the truck the china trade deal and

deleted 2.23.19 - Q - The Internet is Under Attack by the Cabal Desperate to Prevent [Justice]

@00:16:53 meme out there that china is over

deleted PAT Corner #6 Five Eyes & Randy Coleman

@00:14:32 executed in china because of this i mean
@00:17:00 not two eyes need to be kept on china
@00:17:16 gonna have to look at china down the

deleted 2.22.19 -Q- Vows to Break the Evil

@00:06:58 biden's son in china you're able to then

deleted 2.14.19 - P.A.I.N. Coming. Phase III. POTUS: The Great Awakening.

@00:00:52 it looks like out of china or some asian
@00:03:52 in china early today thank you says
@00:04:21 feinstein over there in china again she

deleted Y3LLOW V3ST UPDATE - Roman Light & Dustin Nemos Discuss Latest Yellowvest News 2.6.19

@00:09:49 mao of communist china but in today's

deleted 2.5.19 - Rigging 2020, Queen Nancy & SOTU 76% Support T,80k Indictm3nts, SPLC, L0ckh3rup, Typhus

@00:12:41 legitimate thing in china this is not

deleted Dustin Nem0s & Scott Benn3tt - Insider Of The Storm Weighs In On Current Thunder

@00:10:57 pick a fight with russia china iran and
@00:28:21 china and russia sad to say i think

deleted 2.4.19 - Oxyc0ntin Pushers, Isl@m=De@th, AntiV@x Movement Under Siege, Venezu3la, Internet Money=BTC

@00:15:51 reaching out to china trying to make
@00:15:55 their you know support russia china

deleted Dustin Nemos & Robert David Steele on International Politics & Evil Within the ClA

@00:02:43 happening with you know china russia
@00:04:17 china iran russia and turkey all
@00:20:14 two on china but let's talk since we're

deleted 2.1.19 - Kids S@ved, Antif@ Pl0tting 2019 Ass@ssin@tions, Tr3aty Killed, Cllntons Bhind RU Lies.

@00:00:57 recently as well china agrees to buy
@00:01:27 this is it's it's china agreeing to
@00:31:36 race with russia and china after

deleted 1.29.19 - Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos on Venezuela, Vaccines, and Veritas Final Cut

@00:19:39 for example at russia and china i know
@00:20:44 contract between russia and china they
@00:20:55 for supplying oil from russia to china
@00:21:14 into china and the irony of it is that
@00:22:50 and china leading the way for me in this
@00:26:18 sponsored by china that has over a
@00:27:04 dumped by china and other countries now
@00:28:09 trillion just just a few years ago china
@00:28:19 they have 1.0 and now china and japan
@00:32:04 oil to china and get credits for
@00:32:32 with the dollar china has only an
@00:34:00 gold lease with china that was started
@00:34:07 kong china was so pissed off that they
@00:34:22 that the fannie mae bonds so after china
@00:34:32 problem there was never blamed on china

deleted 1.31.19 - (CuIt)ure W@r Ramps up: C3nsor Pr3vents Cl3@r Communication

@00:09:26 china has tested the world's most
@00:11:07 bees not a another giant anyway so china
@00:25:56 big deal with china or will postpone but
@00:33:40 united states over the russia china
@00:33:49 of the history of communist china i'm
@00:33:53 communism in china gets murdered or

deleted 1.30.19 - Pedos, Fake MAGAs, Violent Governments - Oh my! Also - Winter (And Islam) is Coming...

@00:14:45 leningrad russia china communist mallet

deleted 1.26.19 - Mueller Arrests Stone to Distract, What Is Going On Right Now & More

@00:30:40 political enemies like russia and china
@00:35:26 this kissing on china stuff like do you
@00:35:36 kissinger about china politically or

deleted Dustin Nemos & Alex Newman on Roger Stone, Venezuela, and More

@00:14:49 the latin american governments at china
@00:17:52 happened in china very much includes all
@00:23:00 support of communist china and they had
@00:23:28 powers basically europe china russia are
@00:23:54 tile or in china that's right we
@00:25:14 when you're right china and russia both
@00:25:32 years ago about how russia and china
@00:25:41 in bolivia they had the g77 plus china
@00:26:33 quite the opposite they sold out china

deleted The Everything Bubble is About to Smash into the Side of a Mountain. Please Warn your loved Ones

@00:25:27 issuer in china so this is china
@00:25:50 growth across china where they're
@00:26:00 china is over we have here the blue line

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:02:02 borrowing from china or the federal
@00:04:50 family with china saudi family in the
@00:05:15 war against china to put money directly
@00:10:12 escalated yet again china quietly is

deleted 1.24.19 - Power Shifts, Wall Emergency Proclamation, IRS SuperComputer, MSM Layoffs.

@00:08:08 venezuela mexico russia china and other
@00:11:25 event china and russia is on his side i
@00:22:09 and giving china russia and others a

deleted 1.19.19 - Walls Work, Drama - Fake News OverExtends, Taiwan Preps for Invasion

@00:08:08 win for america china is apparently
@00:13:17 amid fears of china invasion guys this
@00:13:26 even that long ago china did bears and
@00:13:29 before that china had done one it's been
@00:25:17 basically a puppet of china and that's
@00:25:21 why we keep saying china go back and
@00:25:25 drama around the trade and stuff china

deleted 1.19.19 - As Q Predicted, 5Eyes Coming Out

@00:01:30 china russia us and others and they'll

deleted 1.17.19 - D3mocr@t Drama Continues, China Threatens Taiwan, Ginsberg = Pneumonia.flv

@00:12:21 china to u.s. navy chief army will
@00:12:26 so let's face it china has been looking
@00:12:36 what happened in china shanghai shek led
@00:13:16 up to china
@00:13:18 sort of reunification china has said
@00:13:29 china policy like you can't even talk to
@00:13:33 through us china because there's only
@00:13:34 one china that's ridiculous and bully
@00:14:01 waters and the south china sea where

deleted Dustin Nemos & Roman Light YellowVest RIC Movement: France To Discuss YellowVest Updates WW

@00:31:19 worry in china at first you see that

deleted 1.15.19 - Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp in 14yo Abortions, China, Mueller, RU buys BTC?

@00:07:16 canadians sentenced to death in china
@00:07:22 canada and china right now and china de
@00:08:05 travel advisory but china has so china
@00:08:25 china over there just so orwellian it
@00:09:15 relationship with china either so it's a
@00:09:30 india and china are basically at war so
@00:09:32 in russia and china i mean they're their
@00:09:43 millions of acres of land to china to
@00:15:22 china with the organ harvesting
@00:16:25 favorite like china puts out a list
@00:16:38 you know like china however we now have

deleted 1.13.19 - Dirty Dems on Vacation while Trump Waits Patiently to Make a Deal. See America: Who Cares.

@00:04:17 china to be massive which you know a lot

deleted Q 1.11.19 - BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM - Who Is Next After Ginsberg? And Can they Smear a Woman?

@00:00:15 and we also have 26 69 this is china
@00:00:26 official is arriving in china purpose my

deleted 1.9.19 - Q Framed for Violence, Big Political Happenings, Macron Cracks Down, RR & ISRAEL OUT, WALL!

@00:03:41 just like they did in china and i talked

deleted Lynette Zang & Dustin Nemos on The Unfolding POP of The Everything Bubble

@00:13:34 months it happened in china in may of
@00:16:48 know what's happening to china pretty

deleted 1.7.19 - *Quickening Intensifies* - War, Economy, and Setups, Assassinations, & Yellow Vests

@00:03:05 foundation even over in china the
@00:25:15 china sea now to be fair
@00:25:17 china see is open water it's not chinese
@00:25:30 to in the president of china the emperor
@00:26:46 from an admiral in china was to just
@00:27:59 before in china they banned fireworks in

deleted 1.5.19 - Russia Witch-Hunt Continues, Shutdown (for YEARS) or Wall, War Moves: China.

@00:25:05 realize it was this mini but china has
@00:25:24 china not china but the us and canada
@00:25:27 and i'm warning that don't go to china
@00:25:47 back right to china nobody wants to do
@00:26:28 i think over there with china and the
@00:26:29 south china sea in the strait of taiwan
@00:26:49 that china is the world's only sovereign
@00:27:02 new emperor for life in china as far as
@00:29:23 he is also saying that china needs to
@00:29:37 think china did it first and then taiwan
@00:30:13 which sort of keeps china at bay but

deleted 1.3.18 - Culture War, Economic War, Tense Standoffs for Hot War, Major Events

@00:15:54 not getting invaded by china however
@00:16:08 that china does with with killing falun
@00:17:18 of the one china policy a part of china
@00:17:27 you're part of china
@00:17:30 go through us the one-china policy right
@00:17:32 that's our policy and that's what china
@00:18:05 south china sea and each other as well
@00:18:18 to china like this that is a a slap in
@00:18:49 head russia with china india would be
@00:18:53 kind of split they hate china but
@00:19:02 china that they they seem to have
@00:19:46 someone on behalf of the u.s. from china
@00:19:48 and now china has been arresting
@00:20:02 get you back and that's how china works
@00:20:15 even here in the usa bad about china and
@00:20:30 issuing a china travel advisory warning
@00:20:39 you're us citizen over in china
@00:20:47 things i've been saying about china for
@00:22:23 china is developing so sorry if i went

deleted 1.1.19 - War Talk, Culture War, Brazil vs Socialism, Giuliani on Assange, Yellow Vests WorldWide

@00:13:57 going on between us and china right now
@00:13:59 in the south china sea and the taiwan
@00:22:46 also have china apparently and i've
@00:22:54 china has finished building a secret
@00:27:25 china sea like i said there's a hot spot
@00:27:49 their name south china sea so therefore

deleted 12.29.18 - Caravan, Walls, Borders, Culture Shifts, Trade Wars

@00:12:04 china trade deal is moving along well so
@00:12:25 spooked so even if they fix this china
@00:13:27 this point in china so if they didn't

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT (Fixed Audio)

@00:16:02 so china shows us how it's done as
@00:21:12 china for inventing something so you
@00:23:32 on between canada and china because sort
@00:23:35 of china is flexing a muscles around the
@00:23:49 that to them land and lately china and
@00:23:54 citizens it seems and china has been
@00:24:12 canada invading china or anything but
@00:24:27 from china and more toward the us in a

deleted Travag: All Roads Lead to Rome

@00:04:40 henry bricks beer lives in china because
@00:04:42 china was supposed to be the next
@00:46:44 handle the opium from china

deleted NAFTA 2.0 is BAD! - Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on USMCA

@00:09:45 coming in from china should be labeled
@00:09:47 that it's coming in from china that is

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT

@00:16:04 china shows us how it's done as
@00:21:12 china for inventing something so you
@00:23:32 on between canada and china because sort
@00:23:35 of china is flexing a muscles around the
@00:23:49 that to them land and lately china and
@00:23:54 citizens it seems and china has been
@00:24:12 canada invading china or anything but
@00:24:27 from china and more toward the us in a

deleted 12.21.18 - ℚ👀 - Mueller, Whitaker, HRC, Hussein Future Proves Past

@00:29:10 things off with china we will see the

deleted 12.20.18 - Lynch, Wall, Comey, Flynn, Double Standards, The Fed, Climate Change, Pain Phase

@00:21:40 like china or something you can you can

deleted 12.19.18 - Canada Sold Out, Mueller Corruption re: Flynn, Possible Hammer Dropping

@00:18:27 russia and china i mean well they're
@00:18:28 they're more at war with china at this

deleted 12.16.18 - Things Speeding Up, War Moves, Yellow Vests Spreading WW, Strzok Texts Recovered

@00:28:38 so basically china and canada are having
@00:29:21 and crypto but in some places in china

deleted James Perloff & Dustin Nemos on The Shadow Government vs Trump

@00:24:26 wind up with cheap imports from china

deleted 12.13.18 - Whistleblowers, Huber, Q, Justice Phase Progresses

@00:04:27 china buying quite a few soybeans so
@00:04:36 with the relationship with china not to
@00:04:54 with china finally we also of course

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:23:41 beijing china i may have said that wrong
@00:24:07 china a the firefly dragonfly version of
@00:25:07 google already gave access to china of
@00:25:09 course china launch will china be

deleted 12.11.18 - So Much is Going On Right Now !!!

@00:34:48 this sort of truce with trump and china
@00:35:19 if china kidnapped a high-profile member
@00:37:13 eye on trump to condemn china over
@00:37:35 just more escalations china arrests
@00:37:54 you know china is is incredibly
@00:44:02 let us be free boom china moves to lower

deleted Dustin Nemos & John Jay Singleton of on Privacy, Crypto, Tax Immunity Trusts

@00:32:59 when china banned all the exchanges do
@00:33:12 the internet which is shocking for china

deleted 12.4-6.18 - Dustin Nemos In The Swamp Repping Q, Finally Caught up on past 48 hours! UPDATES

@00:08:57 nonsense in china despite this it's a
@00:09:31 made some statements in china in chinese

deleted 12.4.18 - Daily Update & Typical DS Delay Right Outta the Playbook.

@00:25:49 not russia it's actually china and the
@00:34:00 much land and their neighbor china and

deleted 12.2.18 - Mass Update, Bush Death to Distract from Huber

@00:32:01 markets here china everywhere we deal

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:12:25 china hyatt regency players eight watch
@00:12:38 a little bit bigger air china okay and
@00:12:56 china he gave us a link i think that was
@00:13:44 between the u.s. and china and the trade
@00:14:01 china being the big issue that we're

deleted 11.24.18 - Dem Plays Update, Border, Assange, Censorship

@00:16:56 us but china has a social credit score
@00:18:27 a lot of people in china that would then
@00:18:39 going on over there with with china and

deleted Jeff Berwick and Dustin Nemos on Coming Economic Crash & Voluntaryism

@00:14:28 china which most products come from
@00:14:30 china nowadays try sending some gold and

deleted Dustin Nemos & Bob Stanley Discuss FREOS, Economy, Freedom, and Q

@00:36:24 economy than japan and china venezuela

deleted 11.18.18 - USA Invades Haiti, Antifa Violence, Haiti Protestors Being Killed & More

@00:30:08 daughter is half asian my wife is china

deleted Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Vote Fraud, Cali Fires/Radiation, and Thanksgiving's Capitalism

@00:44:45 very well with my china and it has

deleted The Many Attempts to Kill President Trump (Threats Included)

@00:10:53 in our elections would be china and the


@00:10:23 china there and hillary selling us out

deleted Sarah Westall & Dustin Nemos - Censoring Reality: Keep Them Ignorant, Contintinue The Abuse

@00:11:29 in saudi arabia china russia all these

deleted 11.14.18 - Huge Update, Caravan Hopping Border, Avenatti Arrested, Voterfraud Galore

@00:20:40 countries like china the uk and
@00:33:35 quote it could be coming if china
@00:33:45 back he's been swinging hard at china
@00:33:55 do to china in terms of putting the
@00:34:01 going real bad for china and at the end
@00:34:07 than china is and we can feed ourselves

deleted 11.11.18 Declas Week Ahead? Fraud Pushback Grows

@00:06:18 and china with all these other things

deleted 11.10.18 - Electi0n Fraud (Political Suicide) & Distractions from it

@00:21:35 talked recently about the south china
@00:22:02 just part of china and they
@00:22:15 the one china policy that you know
@00:22:16 they're just part of china however trump
@00:22:23 and that pissed off china as well and
@00:22:36 war where we we're china and russia and
@00:23:01 but and china is working on that too
@00:23:58 california right now almost at china not

deleted Brooks Agnew & Dustin Nemos on Suppressed History, Giants, & Science of Hollow Earth Theory

@00:39:03 were standing on china on the other side
@00:48:32 china they've banned fireworks in

deleted Giving Dems House was Bait? Plan Proceeds Full Speed - Caravan/Midterm Voter Fraud News

@00:01:06 worth of value stolen from china or from
@00:01:08 us by china the president improved the

deleted 11.4.18 - Updates for Today, Internet is DOWN! Livestream Tonight Cancelled

@00:07:26 they shift the power of china and then

deleted 11.1.18 - Midterm Updates, Space Weapons, Militia Vs Caravan, Dem Scandals

@00:02:50 counter china and russia now there seems
@00:04:58 accusing a state-owned company in china

deleted 10.31.18 - Caravan Brings Weapons & Bombs, Red Tsunami Incoming

@00:05:53 technology maybe it's over in china and

deleted Lynette Zang & Dustin Nemos on October, Markets, Economic Doomsday Clock, and What You Can Do Now.

@00:10:28 isolated but china has already
@00:11:09 china actually is cutting a deal with
@00:11:43 and china is in a bit of a sticky wicket
@00:11:46 with that right now but yes china has
@00:12:27 so i know china there's the trade war
@00:12:31 going on china is is hurting they're
@00:13:54 china they have to hand over all of
@00:14:02 you're also thinking about china they
@00:14:15 they're not so and i think china has
@00:14:47 well so i'm i'm not i'm not in china
@00:15:19 in general or in china and at one point
@00:15:36 of china is still very poor so they're
@00:22:06 china kind of going back to to us and
@00:22:44 not going up fast enough china is now in
@00:23:06 economy and we know china chinese people

deleted 10.29.18 - Midterm Updates, Caravan, War Positioning

@00:03:34 themselves now china is getting ready or
@00:03:54 from the emperor in china and i say
@00:11:16 tariffs on all china imports assuming
@00:25:04 china this is the the college students

deleted Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos Discuss Public vs Personal & Private Education

@00:26:47 you go to china if you look at the way

deleted Cirsten Weldon & Dustin Nemos Discuss Immigration - Legal vs Illegal, and Cultural Impact

@00:15:35 no i think we should do as china if you

deleted 10.28.18 - Hypocrisy, Shooter, Midterm Updates!

@00:19:41 china looks islamic but i don't know

deleted 10.27.18 - Mass Shooter @ Jews, Mexico Helping Caravan, MSM Spin, Stocks Crash, Soros: "Lock Him Up"

@00:08:56 china and everything else it's not great

deleted 10.26.18 - Mail B0mber Distractions, Midterms

@00:02:24 housing and eight china so china is in
@00:09:30 talks until china commits to ending what

deleted Bombs to Soros, Obama, HRC. Caravan, Midterms Tilting Republican Heavy

@00:14:59 taiwan and china a little bit of context
@00:15:03 work or the situation over there china
@00:15:13 who fled communist mao's china before he
@00:15:24 china doesn't like the fact that trump
@00:15:29 violates the one china policy that they
@00:15:40 of live fire drills from china basically

deleted 10.21.18 - Caravan, Tax Cuts, Midterms, War Treaties, World Fleeing Dollar

@00:03:59 and china my wife is from taiwan
@00:04:18 china is the communists
@00:04:38 pushing this one china policy that
@00:04:40 taiwan is just part of china and they
@00:05:23 off the map yet china will often do
@00:21:16 china and others with other currencies
@00:21:18 now russia and china have really been

deleted p. 3 - Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Health, Modern Diets, Weaponized Food, Fasting, DIY Solutions

@00:05:04 you go to look at this stuff from china
@00:25:05 japan or someplace or even maybe china

deleted pt1 - Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Giants, Demons, Aliens, The Occult Belief Systems & Antarctica

@00:43:39 know china in a couple of hours with a

deleted Midterms Looking Great - Censorship Going to Supreme COURT!

@00:01:22 treaty with china looks like just
@00:01:55 hurt china so we're gonna see who can

deleted Alex Newman (TheNewAmerican) & Dustin Nemos: The Climate Scam & Communism as Tools of Global Tyranny

@00:14:55 agenda then you have china right dad the
@00:15:24 around talking about how china has a
@00:15:39 happens if china decides to not give us
@00:17:59 the climate hoax plus the china hoax
@00:18:05 to china all under the guise of solving
@00:23:31 after a missionary to china captain john
@00:23:33 birchy he actually went over to china to
@00:29:10 happens you can go to china today you

deleted 10.15.18 - Assange UnSilenced, Stormy To Pay Trump, Pocahantas Fail, and Evil

@00:11:57 conservative and of course in china

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall on the Current Bubble, Q, and Political Landscape - Ending the Fed?

@00:34:12 could be a homeless bomb in china i

deleted 10.12.18 - HRC Loses Security Clearance! The Left Mob, and Flipping Voters RED Before Midterms

@00:02:47 kind of viral about china and these
@00:02:51 bogus that china does spy on us yes but

deleted Dustin Nemos and Dr. Dave Janda discuss Healthcare, Q, And WHY We Have Yet To See Promised Arrests.

@00:45:52 china and based on that transferred

deleted 10-11-18 - Trump Vs the Fed. Don't call the Mob a Mob! And Other News

@00:23:28 the treasury staff confirming that china
@00:27:56 china has stopped growing and they look

deleted Q 10.10.18 - Why Justice Has Taken So Long, How to Bypass Their Blockade (Mueller)

@00:00:39 from china focusing on guangdong wong's

deleted 10.10.18 - News of the Day, Bubbles Popping, Left Leadership Pushing Violence, State of Culture

@00:27:48 it in china so they have to steal our
@00:35:23 will make sure china is not manipulating
@00:35:48 billion dollars old number two china
@00:36:18 hurt the poor people in china but it'll
@00:36:25 really hit the poor in china and they've
@00:36:27 they've done polls recently in china
@00:36:45 in china they're feeling it and this is

deleted ℚ 10.9.18 - More GMO Corn to Fight China? Ugh.

@00:03:44 in china off the polls and it's supposed
@00:03:49 a certain part of china for what holiday
@00:04:08 over in china and they had flags in the
@00:04:35 were basically hacked by china the
@00:05:01 southeastern china going zhou is 90
@00:05:33 really going on there google and china
@00:05:37 google china since her search engine
@00:05:40 is the the search engine for china that
@00:05:44 thing that everyone does in china and
@00:05:55 russia do not look here china he said
@00:06:00 what's really going on in china who are
@00:06:34 change for everything to do with china
@00:06:41 all inside roads to china are being
@00:07:33 in terms of china trying to cut us off
@00:09:33 corn to fight china that that's an
@00:09:38 i'd rather see china grow more gmo core

deleted 10.8.18 - Ron Paul on Economic Collapse (50% crash!?) And Trump/Kava Updates. Fisa Next....

@00:04:53 that china has been dumping weak and

deleted Q: Post Kav@naugh Updates 10.6.18

@00:00:27 look here china that's kind of what's
@00:00:34 russia thing at the same point china is
@00:01:45 but the point made china is really the
@00:01:56 china other than the fact that they are
@00:02:13 china however is in china is incredibly
@00:02:40 i know of china and what's going on made
@00:02:58 highest levels calling out china for a
@00:03:07 one china policy over taiwan the south
@00:03:10 china sea everything it's a turning
@00:03:12 point in our relationship with china so
@00:03:24 china guys i think is gonna get a lot
@00:03:33 the next cold war with china and it's
@00:03:47 china has they're very dependent on
@00:08:04 with china would help push the healing

deleted Real-Talk (Hard Truth) About Abortion. Why I am against (& Why I USED to think it was Mercy Killing)

@00:26:46 the petro dollar system russia china

deleted 10.6.18 - Kavanaugh IN, Fisa Declas Next? - Also - Cultural Attack via Videogames & Comment Reading

@00:23:34 associates in china or close to china i

deleted 10.5.18 - Dustin & Baby Talk Q: Their Playbook has Failed

@00:09:15 recently read that china was developing
@00:12:59 china is but they're not gonna mess with

deleted 10.5.18 - A Turning Point in History On China. Threats to Russia, Threats FROM PP. Kava+ Ramble&Rant

@00:04:37 the speech and china to give
@00:09:01 know problems between taiwan and china
@00:09:16 back history context china has the one
@00:09:19 china policy and they basically claim
@00:09:25 say this is just part of china this is
@00:09:32 fled the communist mao takeover of china
@00:10:13 china is like well you're you're
@00:10:18 are but china thinks that they can bully
@00:10:41 push us around and have your way china
@00:11:29 china it i don't know how else to say it
@00:11:52 putting on china and of course we've
@00:11:57 china sea where they're again trying to
@00:13:31 with china anymore
@00:13:34 we may even end up seeing china have a
@00:14:15 mean it's it is really bad in china and
@00:15:49 system in china i hope i just hate to
@00:32:50 doing underground china is pissed off
@00:33:04 the one china policy that has long
@00:33:08 china well first of all we do have the
@00:33:19 power again to the one china policy we
@00:33:49 person that wants a war with china and
@00:34:06 yeah pence did say china wants a
@00:34:24 talking to people in china and he was
@00:34:41 they lied they said that china respects
@00:34:49 monks in tibet and the christians china
@00:35:56 relationship between us and china we

deleted Q 10.4.18 - Red October D5 ON TRACK TO DELIVER! The Stage has carefully been set for Justice.

@00:25:18 think that was in china if i'm
@00:25:26 china used a tiny chip to infiltrate
@00:25:50 during subcontractors in china of course
@00:25:54 buying from china they may be trying to
@00:26:09 executing this kind of attack china

deleted 10.2.18 - Kavanaugh Updates, Uranium One + Clinton News, Trade War&Hostilities

@00:17:17 about china a little bit in the economy
@00:17:18 so in china they're actually cooking the
@00:17:41 in the south china sea for those who
@00:17:47 the ocean south china sea is not part of
@00:17:49 china it's not their domain it's it's
@00:18:06 south china sea they've claimed all
@00:18:22 south china sea like no this is not your
@00:19:01 china policy where everything that you
@00:19:03 claim is part of china we have to go
@00:19:09 china claims them and china taiwan has
@00:19:36 china really got mad about that and
@00:19:51 matter of time until china tries to make
@00:20:03 china and selling us out but trump is a
@00:20:16 with china and russia and and all these
@00:20:46 at us in fact china has cancelled a u.s.
@00:21:06 just and of course the south china sea

deleted Rules For Radicals #13, Nafta Done, 57,000 Sealed Indictments, And New Q

@00:04:54 with china they're targeting the farmers
@00:05:04 campaigns that china actually pays for

deleted 9.28.18 - Kavanaugh vs Deceivers and What is Coming Next

@00:01:57 flying over the disputed areas china has
@00:02:09 have no claim to it so the south china
@00:02:41 china is one china policy which the u.s.
@00:02:46 because we were selling out to china
@00:02:58 pretend taiwan is a province of china
@00:03:20 do that at some point china will
@00:03:48 bad in china for a long time because in
@00:04:35 know that's that's enough on the china
@00:04:41 south china sea and the u.s. under trump
@00:05:34 of allied i mean china and russia are
@00:05:51 largely led by the efforts of china and
@00:06:23 and stuff goes many people in china
@00:07:41 china it's going to be world war three

deleted 9.27.18 - ℚ2: Feinstein Busted in China? Pictured making Threats? Blumenthal Shame Spread Far & Wide

@00:01:48 actually in china if you really like
@00:02:09 have her in china remember one of her
@00:02:19 us out to china thing and it's all about

deleted The Evidence for the Coming Mass Arrests of the Deep State, Military Tribunals: Draining the Swamp

@00:08:43 barack obama also allowed china to hack
@00:08:51 communist china
@00:09:36 one of them working closely with china

deleted 9.19-20.18 - FISA Sedition&Refusal, False Smear Campaign, Shooting, DeepState Video Sting, NK Nukes

@00:10:23 course china has so much influence in

deleted 9.16-18.18 - FBI Busted Destroying Evidence, Israel Russia War?, Veritas Deep State Videos, FISA! ++

@00:01:49 going to talk a little bit about china
@00:02:08 levels so china is actually trying to

deleted 9.17.18 - FISA Declassified. Sessions Activates. Rosenstein Rejected Again - MEME WAR TIME!

@00:24:27 china they they got it at a wholesale
@00:38:51 let's see china may be responding to the

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 2)

@00:25:55 they had a plan basically to set china

deleted New Q - Expect Direct Comms to the People This Week, Big Things Ahead. Censorship Will Hit Soon!

@00:05:00 out yet china hasn't figured it out yet
@00:08:00 and china has been caught paying people

deleted Dustin Nemos & Rosanne Lindsay of NatureOfHealing Discuss Vaccines, Holistic Medicine, Big Pharma

@00:24:46 year in some country like china or south

deleted Lynette Zang Joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss Economic Reset, Collapse, Central Bank Manipulation &More

@00:29:21 china came out and said what about the
@00:31:04 positioning china as the global economic
@00:33:00 jewelry in china they're telling people

deleted Fisagate Ahead, Rats Turning on Each Other, Storm=12+ Possible Fukushima's in USA. Arrests Soon.

@00:02:34 up to china like garner sympathy if you

deleted Borax - Suppressed Bone Wonder? Poison or Miracle Arthritis Cure? Here's the Research

@00:07:44 hospital in china found that boron

deleted Obama Doublespeak Fail Vs Trump, Cali RED Wave?!, Pension/SS Crisis, Military = WALL, Witness DEAD?

@00:03:27 trade war with china this is interesting
@00:03:42 greenlight the next 200 billion in china
@00:03:54 another 267 billion in china tariffs in
@00:04:06 from china quote will take place very
@00:10:22 people as communist china killed i'm
@00:10:29 less than the communists did in china
@00:10:41 killed many million people and in china


@00:04:53 jobs as they flee to mexico china and

deleted ℚ👀 - 9.3-4.18 - Satanism, HRC - "Almost Time" Everything is Now Prepared to DROP THE HAMMER

@00:24:05 undisclosed recipient aka china and
@00:24:31 america's secrets and uranium to china

deleted New Q - Prepare with Emergency Plans & Storable Foods

@00:12:36 through china russia cuba sudan you know

deleted 8.30.18 -Trump Demands Criminal Prosecution of Witch Hunt Conspirators-Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!

@00:13:00 sort of now siding with china and russia

deleted ❗8.29.18 - More ℚ posts👀, A taste of things to come in 2018 - And More (Fixed)

@00:31:44 china next move better be by the fbi or
@00:36:47 china cia spies espionage starting in

deleted 🍷🍷🍷8.29.18 - Tipsy Social Bloopers Edition!🍷🍷🍷 Wrong first Clip.

@00:03:39 hacked by china next move better be by
@00:08:43 china cia spies espionage starting in

deleted "2018 Will Be Glorious" - Q. Your Patience and Suffering was NOT for Nothing, Brothers and Sisters!

@00:10:43 let's give an example russia and china

deleted 8.25.18 - McCain Dead or Faking Dead. Pressure is Tangible. Something big is coming SOON!

@00:08:11 lower-income and middle class of china

deleted 8.20.18 - More Updates - The DC Police Call Donna Brazile a Liar, Q Gives us a Timeline

@00:19:11 emergency contingencies oh and china of
@00:19:15 with china with her

deleted 8.15.18 - Something Moves Within The Night That is Not Good, and is Not Right

@00:08:28 china are brought to destroy themselves
@00:08:43 china to some of the world's richest
@00:30:24 closed north korea closed china closed

deleted Salt & Light - Restoring America's Culture by Restoring It's Roots with Dan Pilla

@00:36:49 productive compare us to china like
@00:37:01 up posters of himself all across china

deleted Up and Coming Youtuber Profiles: New Q Posts and a Little History with ContemptibleThought

@00:21:36 of the usa or something like if china
@00:30:38 china has some leverage russia has some

deleted A New Kind of Computing (and all it unlocks!) w/ Lighthouse Thinktank

@00:23:00 china now china has controls on their
@00:40:26 understand it and i know china had a

deleted Dustin Nemos on Patriots Soapbox Discussing New Q drops

@00:02:11 against china but where they've been
@00:02:20 bought out by china now mm-hmm

deleted 8.8.18 - The Avalanche is Nipping at their Toes. They Cannot Escape.

@00:16:53 overnight china basically is readying
@00:17:01 tariffs okay so china is about to throw


@00:13:56 trade wars between the us china and
@00:27:30 china is a great example of a
@00:27:37 controls ironically china is also one of

deleted 8.4.18 - MSM/CIA Pet Antifa Commies Riot vs Police, Housing Bubble Popping, Trump - "Q Just Watch"

@00:17:47 continuing on we also have china
@00:17:57 know there's a small sector in china of
@00:18:31 another time but basically china is
@00:19:01 especially with china helping out too
@00:30:20 we're actually you know china is
@00:30:26 property that china is stealing from us

deleted 7.28.18 - The Coming Midterms Battle Begins, Censorship, Pushback, and more.

@00:25:57 closer to the truth than we are in china
@00:26:04 person china probably doesn't like them
@00:39:02 establishing a subsidiary in china are
@00:39:13 last november china knows facebook is
@00:39:26 to see that china is not going to or

deleted TRUMP TO STOP SHADOWBANNING ! Games with Rosenstein. Q-@non and Trade

@00:04:44 calls out china for for being vicious on

deleted 7.25.18 - Q // Pedophile Exposure TRENDING, Left to Use Projection & 'Forgive' Routines - More FBI

@00:26:51 aggressions now for the one china policy
@00:27:10 know growth this one china policy is
@00:27:15 through me that's exactly what one china

deleted 7.22.18 - Update on News, Back to Regular Content, Info packed video.

@00:25:20 presidential campaign china has a huge
@00:38:07 china and japan in the u.s. are now
@00:38:19 aggressively going after china on trade
@00:38:26 exports in china is retaliating by
@00:39:02 of the tariffs for china such a move
@00:39:12 of china so that's kind of two separate

deleted Since they won't debate me, BIG QANON EVIDENCE COMPILATION VIDEO!

@00:39:56 confirmed tariff reduction tuesday china

deleted 7.14.18 - What's going on? is Assange Freed? Mueller's up to her Tricks

@00:16:16 us shores after china stops taking it
@00:20:01 woman in china records herself just
@00:21:06 sectors of china so you know i can't

deleted 7.11-12.18 - Maga Update: FBI//Strzok asked If he Lies to his wife also in public session

@00:18:21 china have broken down and a preschooler
@00:21:55 other countries like russia and china

deleted 7.5.18 - So. Much. News. +Q, + QDebate Coming.

@00:32:59 that tempered china rejects us blackmail
@00:33:02 all right hmm china a chinese official
@00:33:09 ministry spokesman is saying that china

deleted 6.30.Ձ٥۫١Ց - The Ultimate Q Plan/Question. Push for Civil War, Corruption Exposed.

@00:05:41 russia look at mao in china and then of
@00:19:47 while but another report that china
@00:19:56 know that china kind of just came out

deleted 6.26.18 - PowderKeg ready to Blow for Civil War - Trade, China Endorses EOS, More.

@00:06:41 china starts to dump which is their
@00:07:06 that china owns so it kind of lessens
@00:30:19 light fluffy stuff now the economy china
@00:30:35 towards china to achieve this china
@00:30:59 brand china a currency manipulator china
@00:31:20 by china state administration of foreign
@00:31:39 of these options that china has is i've
@00:32:11 receive top ratings by china by a state
@00:32:41 ratings released in may 2018 so china is
@00:32:52 cryptocurrency is just like 90% in china
@00:33:46 what's allowed so if if china gives them
@00:34:05 china just basically endorsed crypto and
@00:34:27 to china they they're gonna be pissed
@00:34:34 some china all right and then this from
@00:34:50 what's going on in south china sea
@00:34:51 especially with this made in china 25
@00:35:02 power grab like china is reaching out
@00:35:19 hot war i guess china also at the same
@00:35:27 made in china 2025 campaign because
@00:42:28 or anything plus china just endorsed it

deleted 6.21-22.18 - They are Trying so Hard To Distract or Discredit as it All Comes Out

@00:07:36 effect and china has been quietly trying
@00:07:53 from china you know they're already like
@00:08:25 i don't know about how it is in china i
@00:10:40 encircle and constrain china with us
@00:11:04 with china it's important to understand
@00:11:10 out the south china sea
@00:11:18 and africa and and and russia and china
@00:11:22 ramped china back up into a world
@00:12:28 with china all right now i'm not saying
@00:28:42 a show let's see on the economy china
@00:29:02 to china as it becomes apparent that

deleted 6.19.18 - IG Report Fallout, Huber, Q: End Near? +More

@00:01:53 below and the china has this new rule
@00:06:30 china responds to the u.s.
@00:06:35 south china sea with you know firing
@00:06:43 of forced to china to remove some of
@00:06:51 china sea which i wonder if there's a
@00:07:10 china what they're one china policy
@00:07:18 is a proud taiwanese and they hate china
@00:07:21 i mean china so about to try to take
@00:12:23 a nazi and in the economy back to china

deleted 6.15.18 - IG Report Fallout - Clintons under Heat, Trade Wars, Canada Targets Trump Family

@00:03:35 hollywood and you know china owns
@00:03:38 of china pretty much controls it so
@00:03:54 america screwed up but china will save
@00:04:03 abilities and in the economy china is

deleted 6.13.18 - IG Report, Missiles Stopped, Tommy To Die, Economy, Crypto - EOS

@00:05:13 china in tariffs so that's gonna get
@00:05:31 china that's a big trading partner
@00:17:39 in china last november forbidden city
@00:35:50 missile launch on china wow another
@00:44:08 china the sub anti-missile data in
@00:44:58 and china respectively so they're really
@00:45:03 with china
@00:45:15 look like china hacked a navy

deleted 6.12.18 - NK Peace, Iran Next, IG Report+EO, Cannabis FREEDOM, Crypto & More!

@00:44:52 import-export trace from china mx to

deleted 6.6.18 - 160 children Saved From Sex Trafficking! But Skulls Found !

@00:04:09 consulate in china now this is crazy

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:05:31 kim jong-un and china decide to pay
@00:05:53 about it but russia and china are
@00:06:12 with china and syria and that you know

deleted 6.2.18 - Obama Spied on Trump, FBI Exposure Wave INCOMING, Economic Update, and Censorship.

@00:18:52 bank of china this is a massive massive

deleted 5.31.18 - Roseanne! CIA, NK, Vegas, USA VS All on Trade & Currency, BUBBLES! and Bitcoin ICO Profits

@00:01:42 counter tariffs south korea and china
@00:12:09 on there so it's us versus russia china
@00:17:51 china is also embracing kryptos okay

deleted 5.30.18 - Roseanne! Bernie, KJU, Trump, Socialism, Taliban, +More

@00:22:50 allies against china for example whom
@00:23:19 already have russia and china and and

deleted 5.26.18 - Vegas, Broward County, Antifa, Tommy Robinson's Arrest, Censorship, Culture, and Weinstein

@00:11:32 china is exempt so there's that once
@00:11:38 seems it's good to be china sometimes

deleted 5.25.18 - Smug Weinstein Arrested - 4 More Attacks, Tommy Robinson Imprisoned, NK, Seth Rich, China

@00:01:51 but he he is actually bringing in china
@00:01:54 so maybe china is pulling the strings
@00:02:12 economic situation between us and china
@00:02:40 most of history china was the dominant

deleted 5.(23).18 - The Pain has Begun - Q Offensive is Massive. 1st Amendment Victory

@00:17:32 not from china to vietnam this is the

deleted 5.(20-21).18 - Q Being Setup? Brennan, RR, Trump Forces Investigation! Iran Sanctions

@00:05:34 with china and china and the us have
@00:06:07 big issue with china we lose about 800
@00:06:32 china will stop a lot of these

deleted 5.19.18 - Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again)

@00:00:42 china sun yat-sen university's a top 10
@00:00:47 university in china doctor is zipping

deleted 5.17.18 - Q Shaped Asteroid about to Hit Clinton. Prepare for FF (Bogus Banners) Distractions!

@00:20:01 like in china you know they were they
@00:21:48 the cabal worked with china zte for
@00:31:33 picture of air china at airport with
@00:31:46 china file names foxconn underscore z z

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.13.18 - FBI Unravels, Iran Rats Dems, China Arms Race, Kanye Culture, HRC

@00:03:22 another report from free beacon china is
@00:03:49 china is fielding in the coming years in
@00:04:21 will be it's gonna be us versus china it

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.10.18 - Iran, Israel, Stormy, NYSE to add Bitcoin? Q - Now comes the pain

@00:06:20 with russia or china theoretically
@00:22:35 collection building 8 darpa china china
@00:22:41 china
@00:22:49 all of our information in china chinese

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.9.18 - Iran/Syria Just Hit Israel, Israel Hit back. WW3? China Landgrabs, Q

@00:01:32 possibly china and others comes in for
@00:05:01 said on that china deployed missiles to
@00:05:04 contested islands in the south china sea
@00:05:13 over south china sea now they have
@00:05:58 us so effectively china has just made a

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.6.18 - Corsi, Kanye, Karl Marx, Mueller, Sessions in CONTEMPT, NXIVM

@00:10:57 everybody and china and also i want to

deleted 5.2.18 - Comey, Trade, HRC, Trump, Veritas, Nxivm+Obama?

@00:03:01 china in the auto sector of mexico in
@00:03:28 the cheap asian goods from from china
@00:04:58 of the trade war with china okay this is
@00:05:14 of a trade war china has a much greater
@00:07:01 see china does have some big weapons
@00:10:16 in china continuing on fb i call me
@00:27:33 china has one called oh no oh noi think
@00:29:07 to discuss trade example with china this
@00:30:04 certain places like china because

deleted Roundtable Discussion: SeethingFrog, Antischool, and Dustin Nemos - Trump Attack Phase has Begun

@00:22:20 in china to some of the world's richest
@00:22:41 fortress while the us and china are

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.26.18 - MOAB Still incoming. Sessions to end Mueller Probe, KANYE ON FIRE vs Dems

@00:40:27 trade war with china we we may have

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.25.18 - MOAB Revealed - Macron, Kanye West, Mccabe, FB, Comey, Dem New Strategy

@00:27:31 revolution like we saw in china or in
@00:31:14 north korea iran russia china mx why is

deleted Maga Update 4.18.18 - Updates on Criminal Cabal, Russia, Trade War China, Mexico

@00:08:26 and china is blinking i think so china's
@00:08:52 so basically china is trying to find
@00:09:00 basically what's going on china does
@00:12:54 over in china with those little

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.17.18 - Deep State planning FF to demonize Q / Taxes / Mccabe Vs Comey Vs Lynch

@00:21:21 in china and the photo was of the
@00:21:42 china and russia looking to dump
@00:22:00 china was our biggest buyer of debt
@00:25:07 dollar now has a competitor and china is
@00:26:09 china to buy gold okay china's a pretty
@00:26:27 so the best thing the china could do
@00:26:34 a gold standard boom now china is gonna

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.15.18 - Syria Update, Comey, Lynch In trouble! Video Soon? (Or is it out now!?)

@00:25:44 so bank of china sign and bottom left
@00:26:27 bank of china but rather the china city
@00:26:29 c bank and beijing china in queues of

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.12.18 - Facebook, Syria, Deep State, Q&Trump calls for MEME Onslaught

@00:12:51 in china now i'm not a hundred percent
@00:12:54 sure about the the china part but

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.11.18 - Facebook=Darpa's 'lifelog' project. Is World War 3 here?

@00:07:22 we know china abstained in russia
@00:15:51 china down she goes

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.10.18 - RR in Trouble, Trump Tower Fire cover for Raid on Trump Attny, Syria, China

@00:01:23 pass china abstains okay so we've got
@00:02:40 i see where were we president g of china
@00:03:10 china chongqing tuesday and then today
@00:19:59 start china and china /cq cancel what is
@00:20:20 about earlier where china chongqing
@00:20:36 on april 7th q said china county tuesday
@00:21:23 chongqing china for more than a decade

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:10:47 and iran once again china has recently
@00:10:59 china is already the biggest importer of
@00:11:22 basically siding with china on the oil
@00:14:50 world that wants them including china
@00:14:54 pakistan i think i don't know china sold
@00:15:37 to counter it russia and china have
@00:15:56 has a shortage of men china has a
@00:16:11 husbands and in china like they have the
@00:30:09 themselves economically with china they
@00:30:14 sanctioning them china is gonna lose a

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.7.18 - Trump & Q: "We will Win Soon." / Trade War, Vegas, Shadow War Casualties

@00:00:32 china and then china responds with 50
@00:01:22 describing china now of course china is
@00:01:28 interests whatever i can't blame china
@00:01:50 tariffs now here's the thing china can't
@00:01:59 export that much to china anyway so
@00:04:01 like basically china hasn't my dog heard
@00:04:13 five is that they could since china has
@00:04:49 the south china sea area okay so
@00:04:52 recently china did this huge naval
@00:06:43 technically china is definitely treating
@00:06:51 china is basically screwed
@00:30:39 china chongqing tuesday so something's
@00:30:56 interesting china cracks down on
@00:31:00 china reveals vast web of corruption

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.6.18 - Trade War & More Q happenings, Pedogate Leads, Figures Implicated

@00:03:23 russia and china now okay he's been
@00:03:44 asking russia and china for some now and
@00:04:19 china after china threw down about 50
@00:13:36 q says when was hussein in china track
@00:13:52 lately so hussein in china hussein in
@00:13:58 china when was that that was back in
@00:14:13 if china is really responsible for
@00:14:19 not convinced china is responsible
@00:14:55 china or the clowns

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.5.18 - Russia Teams up with China, Mccain to Step down, Iran Deal Nixed

@00:15:23 now china announces a military alliance
@00:15:52 christian people very conservative china
@00:24:06 countries like china and such they have

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.4.18 - Zuck to step down, Shooting Distractions, Mueller embattled with RR, Trade

@00:21:49 without the us china cannot possibly
@00:22:30 kind of shows that china is willing to
@00:22:41 terms of our own needs china cannot do
@00:23:07 okay it's no wonder that china was
@00:23:22 china is seeking to hurt us exporters it
@00:23:55 china would hurt iowa and other farm
@00:24:06 china last year at 200 i'm sorry at 12
@00:25:24 i don't think china is gonna win this i
@00:25:43 china or the us all right they have such
@00:26:02 there's gonna be a lot of chaos in china

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 4.3.18 - Swamp, Immigrants, FBI, Mueller, Qanon: Arrests Coming

@00:27:23 north korea went to china for a semi
@00:39:25 meeting with xi jinping in china and

deleted Maga Update 4.1.18 - Trade War, Daca, Nafta held over Mexico, Cultural Victories

@00:04:21 china in that trade war that's cooking

deleted Maga Update 3.31.18 - Russia, Culture, Education, Guns, Ingraham

@00:12:48 china anning's and japan are good

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.28.18 - UN, Assange, 2A, Q under attack psyop and hack attacks

@00:10:06 to china why was travel impossible in
@00:11:19 think kgb us china north korea facebook
@00:12:18 business and government biden and china
@00:12:23 china is in reference to biden's son
@00:12:29 deal from china a few days before our
@00:12:42 agree to do for china and then he says
@00:13:33 anti school why did kim travel to china
@00:15:55 why did kim travel to china well
@00:15:58 according to this china requested the
@00:16:11 korea and china was to settle the terms
@00:16:15 deal with trump china has been the
@00:18:41 china and discussed with cam about the
@00:24:44 kim - china represents something vital
@00:25:30 flags to disarm us kim - china
@00:27:37 false flags was potus also in china has
@00:28:04 968 who else was at the meeting in china
@00:28:07 live from china operation window clean
@00:28:37 people in the picture live from china
@00:35:45 jeong-hoon meeting in china and maybe
@00:35:47 that live operation from china cleared
@00:36:47 china since clown strings have been cut

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.27.18 - Stormy Lied, Uranium1 Witness Ungagged, Guns, Pro HRC Sex Cult, Q psyop?

@00:19:51 china when they became communist and

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.26.18 - FBI Link to Pulse Night Club Shooting, Stormy, Tesla, Wall, Q

@00:03:49 train on a semi secret visit to china i

deleted Maga Update - 3.24.18 - Was the Omnibus a Trump Trojan Horse against Dems?

@00:14:08 trade war with china
@00:14:48 than china in that trade war and they

deleted Q@non Update - 3.23.18 - Was the Spending bill a 4d chess move? HRC video coming soon?

@00:03:35 happens today china announces tens of
@00:03:39 goods entering china the dow has

deleted Maga Update 3.23.18 - Trump Signs Terrible Spending Bill, Vegas, FBI Corruption, China, and more

@00:08:05 that will piss off china security
@00:08:19 china link below for that one
@00:12:21 reported yesterday that china had just
@00:12:39 past i think that china and the us have
@00:12:58 collapse before the us and china have to
@00:13:10 between the us and china could

deleted Maga & Queue Updates 3.21-22.18 - Corruption, Tradewar, The Death of the Dollar begins on 26th

@00:18:24 on china maybe 60 so a big step but
@00:19:16 currency since the early 1970s china
@00:19:29 that's why china is introducing a new
@00:20:26 know the the brics nations and china and

deleted Maga Update 3.20.18 - More Terror, More Fake Narrative, Culture victories, More Mccabe Corruption

@00:16:10 everyone on the internet in china that
@00:16:40 people of taiwan basically fled china
@00:17:07 china and it's been seeking power and
@00:17:14 at what's going on in the south china
@00:17:23 the south china sea including native
@00:17:26 inhabitants there but basically china
@00:17:30 called the one china policy and this
@00:18:07 you talk to us we're the china not the
@00:18:09 taiwan it's not the china and it's
@00:18:52 and of course china hates them china
@00:18:58 interpersonal relations between china
@00:19:03 are in business with china you'll
@00:19:21 unfortunately the bad guys won in china

deleted Maga Update 3.19.18 - Drug War, Mass Stabbing, Calls for Assassination of Trump

@00:04:45 china there was like a hundred and

deleted Qanon Update 3.17.18 - Flynn, Biden, Congressional Focus, USMC ACTIVATED BOOM!

@00:08:23 i don't know biden and china
@00:08:25 alright biden and china what what is
@00:08:46 government's bank of china just ten days
@00:08:49 after the father and son flew to china
@00:08:57 so we know that biden went over to china

deleted Maga Update 3.15.18 - Mccabe to be fired & Charged, cold war 2.0, Mueller's "Fixer", Vegas Update

@00:07:43 mention or link to china and the cue and
@00:08:50 we're buying from china how long has

deleted Qanon Update 3.10.18 - Merkel=Hitlers Daughter, Marina/Podesta Spirit Cooking Mentions, Antifa

@00:09:12 china continues to be helpful q says xi

deleted Maga Update 3.9.18 - Dems want tax HIKES, Sheriff's Corruption

@00:09:20 and worth mentioning communist china is
@00:09:32 china they're basically paying these
@00:09:38 they want to push the pro-china

deleted Qanon Update 3.9.18 - Censorship nearly over @Jack going to Jail - "Don't drop the soap"

@00:08:54 working for china you know in a side
@00:08:58 note we know that china has recently
@00:09:12 communists pro china marxist ideology
@00:09:18 about doing it anyway we know that china
@00:09:45 so china you know and look at what's
@00:09:49 going on in the south china sea i mean
@00:09:52 can then try to claim the south china
@00:10:09 things like that so china is gonna be
@00:10:31 to live in a place like china i mean
@00:10:49 china itself i hope that you know
@00:11:35 necessarily think that china is gonna
@00:15:37 off on a tangent there because china is

deleted Qanon Update 3.8.18 - Trump Already Met with Kim, @Snowden We can take you anytime

@00:07:23 that he's been in china all along never
@00:21:05 kju in china at the forbidden city oh
@00:23:01 in hong kong or elsewhere in china if

deleted Maga Update 3.8.18 - Developments, Nk, Weinstein, Mccain, Sessions, Culture, Climate Change

@00:12:35 with russia china saudi arabia and of

deleted Qanon Update 3.7.18 - Snowden, #Internetbillofrights

@00:02:32 multiple platforms why russia why china
@00:06:41 russia china and hong kong probably were

deleted Qanon Update 3.6.18 - Steel, HRC XXXVIDEO (pedogate), North Korea Backs Down

@00:05:30 8:45 now at snowden welcome to china and
@00:05:51 snowden is in china not russia then 846
@00:27:36 wait for russia china reports sabotage
@00:27:59 china who knows that will be reports of
@00:28:09 russia china reports and sabotage that's
@00:39:22 be seeing reports from russia and china
@00:44:16 q tell snowden welcome to china we know

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives (better copy)

@00:34:52 we have ji jinping in china doing away
@00:35:10 emperor of china and he's also preaching
@00:35:25 here in china but we're the better race
@00:35:34 them to t be our allies because china is
@00:35:47 south china sea and across europe why

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives

@00:34:52 we have ji jinping in china doing away
@00:35:10 emperor of china and he's also preaching
@00:35:25 here in china but we're the better race
@00:35:34 them to t be our allies because china is
@00:35:47 south china sea and across europe why

deleted Maga Update 3.(2-3).18 China, Russia, Censorship, Guns, Sessions, More Kids with Guns

@00:34:41 allies and china pakistan china and
@00:34:48 enemies china is a problem right now
@00:34:50 guys i'm china is they're going back to
@00:34:57 china has a problem with this this
@00:37:53 emperor the mythical founder of china
@00:38:01 within china basically says we are one

deleted Molon Labe & the Spartan's 'Laconic Phrase'

@00:15:20 guns away russia china on and on and on

deleted Maga Update 2.27.18 - 2018 platform: Vote for Dems or you hate Children

@00:36:46 obama said you know in china when the

deleted Maga Update 2.26.18 - Massive Theat To Free Speech, Supreme Court rejects Trump's request on DACA

@00:08:09 in china is basically having a massive
@00:08:37 mao guys china has a long history of
@00:09:03 the people in china because they were
@00:09:14 china that was not technically a british
@00:09:35 on but historically china was sort of

deleted Qanon with Antischool 2.12-13.18 - Big Pharma 'white powder' to Trump JR, Nk Nuclear Neutered

@00:40:14 then i mean who you got china over there
@00:40:23 someone says i want china or russia is a

deleted Maga Update 2.23.18 - Thing's are speeding up, Lots of points

@00:01:42 china that had been given drugs and and

deleted Qanon Update 2.22.18 - Trump Signals us, Q confirms. They are stepping up timetable vs Twitter

@00:27:01 clowns revealed in china / other 2010

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:48 hot war with china almost i mean it's
@00:09:04 not the democrats it's china i guy says
@00:09:44 china and maybe that is the truth
@00:09:51 is more dangerous even than china but if
@00:10:47 yeah fortunately china is is
@00:11:42 resistance there already china will have
@00:27:46 mean certainly in china that's what

deleted Deleted video

@00:25:44 page especially china especially outside

deleted Deleted video

@00:33:32 selling us out to communist china

deleted Deleted video

@00:07:23 out to china through his son he's

deleted Deleted video

@00:03:46 he's expanding in the south china sea
@00:04:26 in china i mean it's slightly different
@00:04:37 being extradited to mainland china
@00:18:23 china or in europe but in this country
@00:39:18 unfortunately it's been a week china is
@00:39:50 gold and that means like china and
@00:40:26 president truong ya magaz aag china is
@00:43:34 on china and i talked about it and i
@00:43:43 declaration of economic war on china and
@00:44:34 yeah the economic war on china is it's

deleted Deleted video

@00:20:29 liked china and communists rule candace

deleted Deleted video

@00:34:37 china we have we have no real you know

deleted Deleted video

@00:29:32 but then china china has most of the

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:52 aggressive especially against china
@00:08:58 doing business with china and literally
@00:09:06 if you're buying anything from china
@00:40:14 trade so russia and china not that i'm
@00:44:36 standard i think he's pissing off china

deleted Deleted video

@00:41:07 people like over in china you get much

deleted Deleted video

@00:57:54 china is and they have a history of you

deleted Deleted video

@00:25:52 so soft on china biden sign one point
@00:25:55 five billion dollar deal with china

deleted Deleted video

@00:26:00 california or china i'm pretty sure i'll

deleted Deleted video

@00:20:44 you're asking my take on china
@00:21:12 mainland china you know where they're
@00:48:11 big deal to china they forgot that one
@00:48:13 china policy into them that's like that
@00:48:15 would be the equivalent of if china or
@00:48:39 the folks that fled communist china when
@00:49:13 with china is how he uses north korea
@00:49:23 important issue for china because they
@00:49:45 deeply offensive to china as a whole and
@00:50:17 really taken on china in a serious way

deleted Deleted video

@00:17:05 lilliana yes the china sea south china
@00:17:09 sea china has actually been trying to
@00:17:15 take over the south china sea and claim

deleted Deleted video

@00:29:30 and china and russia i i've had a hard

deleted Deleted video

@00:14:15 now china is a different story our our

deleted Deleted video

@00:38:16 about the new virus in china airborne

deleted Deleted video

@00:33:05 have china russia you know even india it

deleted Deleted video

@00:11:34 are illegal in china they're i'm pretty
@00:12:48 first in china i mean they boiled people

deleted Deleted video

@00:04:24 information that comes out of china as
@00:25:39 and like you know india and china
@00:39:39 else china i have one for china there's
@00:39:50 your question for china answered is that
@00:40:42 katherine china will lie about anything
@00:41:12 into slave camps like they do in china
@00:41:15 so you know china is terrible and this
@00:41:35 one china policy they're they're lazing
@00:41:43 china territorial water in in the south
@00:41:45 china sea because they claim that area
@00:41:58 standing because you know china has

deleted Deleted video

@00:42:55 russia sells oil to china and then they
@00:45:57 now because of china russia

deleted Deleted video

@00:07:15 sellouts to china and stuff not saying
@00:07:24 and how they're selling us out to china
@00:18:56 in china just different people that are

deleted Deleted video

@00:42:38 china to at least a little bit look at
@00:42:43 what's going on in the south china sea
@00:43:00 the ocean of the south china sea where
@00:43:09 china that may be taken over by this
@00:43:31 to china alike paraphrasing but he said
@00:43:32 that to china chinese generals freaking
@00:44:30 welch i don't think china wants to be
@00:44:40 history of china folks is pretty bloody

deleted Deleted video

@00:21:28 now china hates them they want to blow
@00:24:07 yeah china is gonna have a backlash
@00:25:36 trump china russian america i don't know
@00:30:36 teaming up with china against us and
@00:30:56 they're doing with china and the brics
@00:31:21 that between china and russia so a

deleted Deleted video

@00:16:25 korea and china could really help us

deleted Deleted video

@00:33:49 travel restrictions on china and put in
@00:34:24 from china and other hotspots as a
@00:35:30 monitoring the situation in china and
@00:40:34 action on china now we must take the
@00:43:02 virus outbreak that started in china and
@00:44:14 on china and put in place the first
@00:45:18 in china and is now spreading throughout
@00:46:26 travel restrictions on china and put in
@00:47:02 from china and other hotspots as a
@00:48:07 monitoring the situation in china and
@00:53:11 action on china now we must take the

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@00:04:03 earlier today china and russia and all
@00:05:29 recently especially russia and china and

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@00:01:53 china has not restarted their activity
@00:02:49 but in china things get pretty bad and
@00:02:59 coal was also cut down a lot in china
@00:08:22 that we're hearing is true china is
@00:14:03 china using it to effect a trade war i
@00:42:40 there might be a civil war between china

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@00:48:30 china that will defend our workers
@00:48:57 for decades china has taken advantage of
@00:49:07 had with china including with president
@01:11:39 corona virus outbreak in china my

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@00:15:21 tomorrow isn't it so china is moving to
@00:17:54 products from china i mean a lot of
@00:18:03 the long run and china is not in as
@00:19:35 well china guys is also a communist
@00:41:12 communism and china is communist but
@00:41:23 than china
@00:41:36 that that real big conflict with china
@00:43:22 china is genocidal that government is
@00:45:28 reserve currency after tomorrow china
@00:46:17 other countries like china others they
@00:53:24 a lot of this stuff from china is cheap
@00:56:24 prairie girl basically with china

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@00:34:59 plan for china he's talked about china
@00:35:08 russia collusion delusion but china is a
@00:35:25 china until president trump came along
@00:35:56 great speech about china that i really

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@00:08:32 on that weird thing in china with the

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@00:23:06 their social credit system like china

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@00:24:33 mr. gerardo it's not yet china has
@00:24:57 basically in china it you know these
@00:48:29 so same race as china but they're the
@00:48:32 people that fled from china before the

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@00:01:58 and china just froze their entire
@00:02:55 coming out of wuhan china
@00:10:39 infected as china by the way
@00:16:06 china and russia have built the other
@00:19:42 because of what's happening in china so

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@00:13:48 really do serve china basically and

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@00:02:59 or china under chairman mao or pol pot

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@00:03:13 around it china and russia for example
@00:24:32 of uh parts to make guns from china
@00:25:15 packets or mystery masks from china that

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@00:01:28 actually getting cheap stuff from china
@00:05:07 he's already broken it with with china
@00:05:15 are no longer buying from china
@00:10:19 on china working with

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@00:04:30 bank runs in china and in turkey

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@00:03:54 anyway so in south china sea after four
@00:04:09 china sea kind of toward the us
@00:04:15 now this is in uh the south china sea
@00:04:19 nothing to do with china itself they're
@00:04:40 china has done multiple times
@00:05:13 china because of the virus and what's
@00:10:35 due to faulty test kits from china
@00:11:08 china sent a bunch of those over here

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@00:04:01 news now this time it's either china or
@00:04:03 lying someone's lying because china says
@00:04:17 very tense right now in the south china
@00:04:28 china as i said they would by the way i
@00:04:35 the south china sea um and here it is
@00:16:53 and and siding with china and all these

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@00:06:45 episode in china where and tesla

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@00:12:20 that we're seeing with china

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@00:15:02 selling us out to china all of them
@00:26:03 china to start massive stockpiling of
@00:26:20 economy from china and that's going to
@00:26:23 hurt china bad in a lot of ways
@00:26:36 in china somehow i doubt it they keep

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@00:03:32 and here we have obama's china-india

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@00:00:21 supposedly that china did indeed create
@00:18:15 the cdc's in china
@00:18:20 other people around china so also based
@00:18:45 controlled by china

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@00:01:22 and it's probably china
@00:09:22 the us and china and it's over taiwan
@00:09:29 the ocean and the south china sea and
@00:09:51 but that's why in china you can you can
@00:10:24 intimidation but china
@00:11:00 the south china sea between
@00:11:02 china and taiwan all the time now
@00:15:46 that's why china released it in
@00:17:04 of china being held accountable