Deep state


@00:15:48 the deep state is
@00:16:25 you know that the deep state is going to
@00:16:27 be hounding those deep fake narratives

[9.23] Latest Attacks vs. 17 - Bad Day for Hunter Biden - DOJ's Section 230 Amendment

@00:10:39 no clue we know there's a bunch of deep
@00:10:41 state folk there we know that that

[9.21] SC Nominee This Weekend - New Epstein Flight Logs Coming - Fox Quiets More Guests

@00:08:02 give up or the deep state will give up a

[9.20] Ricin - RBG Fallout - New Weiner Laptop Details - Epstein's Chef - London Protests

@00:09:36 because the deep state the cia which of

[9.10] Q: Plan accordingly [November] - AstraZeneca's Failed Vaccine - Adrenochrome on Dr. Phil

@00:00:41 where'd it go deep underground military
@00:00:47 conducted by the deep state
@00:04:15 right now that the deep state set
@00:05:49 that's why the deep state got to set
@00:16:54 up and that's exactly why the deep state
@00:20:53 swamp is deep
@00:20:56 deep state university
@00:25:21 deep state propagandists

[9.8] Q: They are being forced into the light for all to see - Trump vs. the MIC - VACCINES

@00:21:06 who are a part of the deep state are
@00:23:59 opponents in the deep state they're
@00:26:33 opponents the deep state they'd rush out

President Trump answers a Q.uestion

@00:06:30 the deep state department right just

[8.5] Beirut Booms - FBI Raids - Biden's Fails - Trump Talks UFOs - Joe Rogan Rags on Q Followers

@00:14:44 the deep state slips another puppet in
@00:19:05 well that the deep state
@00:19:33 it's all sort of cia deep state
@00:19:46 the deep state they're just waiting to
@00:21:59 with like all the deep state cia shills

[7.25] Live: Coffee, Q & UFOs

@00:12:10 deep state

[7.21] DTI News: G-Max paid Jacob Wohl?! / Kevin Shipp / Dwight Howard / Chinese Spies / HCQ & Cl02

@00:21:27 what i'm saying is a deep state a shadow
@00:21:33 we have a deep state here in america we
@00:21:35 have a deep state in china

[7.19] John Lewis - CDC - Pedos & UFOs - Bolivia Approves WHAT For COVID? - Sather Fact Check!

@00:05:25 doesn't matter if you're a deep state
@00:06:01 blue check mark politician deep state
@00:06:14 deep state uses to talk about
@00:06:16 people within their little deep state
@00:18:21 they the deep state is green lighting to

[7.6] Flynn's Oath - QAnon Trends - The PLAGUE Is Back! - Kanye West - Maxwell's Arrest

@00:04:11 the deep state the cabal they got to get
@00:12:32 i don't mean like uh the deep state
@00:16:31 evidence against the deep state would go

[6.16] "Second Wave" - Act Blue - DDoS - FDA Revokes HCQ - Trump Jr. Jokes About Aliens

@00:29:07 deep state wants to weaponize that for
@00:30:32 the deep state try to rush out some ufo

[5.19] Latest QAnon: It's a marathon not a sprint

@00:20:34 deep state and their rogue intelligence

[5.16] POTUS on Vaccines - SPACE FORCE! - UFO Videos - Latest Q

@00:07:23 intel agencies or the deep state or the
@00:20:18 deep state they're attacking
@00:21:32 why would the deep state if they were

[5.11] Weekend QAnon - OBAMAGATE! - Info Warfare - Plandemic CENSORED - Trump Says No Vax Needed!

@00:06:27 account deep state exposed they've been
@00:07:41 top-level swamp guys deep state folk x
@00:12:31 vaccines oh he's a deep state stooge oh
@00:26:04 a regular warfare so no one of the deep
@00:26:05 state is terrified of him because he can
@00:28:01 well what they're trying to do the deep
@00:28:03 state if you look at the global game of
@00:28:33 thing it's a global game with this deep
@00:28:37 state infiltrated and all these
@00:33:33 turning into the whole the whole deep
@00:33:35 state gate right and it's just gonna

So are these UFO videos legit or what?

@00:11:50 as the deep state always goes and does


@00:17:04 just be stammering on stage deep state
@00:26:45 plans folks deep state folk and data

deleted Some Rational Thoughts on CHLOROQUINE

@00:04:42 around that deep state agenda i think
@00:04:50 the main things that the cabal the deep
@00:04:53 state want to do is rush out their

For Those New To Q (helpful things to remember)

@00:01:49 queueing on or the deep state or the

[3.21] Tom Hank's Son Mocks 8chan - 30 Day Lockdown Rumors - DEEP STATE DEPARTMENT! - COVID Vaccines

@00:07:07 to the state department or as they call
@00:07:09 it the deep state department i like to
@00:07:28 and he straight-up called the state
@00:07:31 department the deep deep state
@00:08:03 let's talk about that comment the deep
@00:08:05 state department it's hilarious because
@00:20:29 country this country we've got a deep
@00:20:32 state we've got good guys trying to kick
@00:20:43 nasty shit their own deep state
@00:20:47 to kick them out and this deep state
@00:20:59 right that's deep state does so huh the

[3.18] Oprah Arrest Rumor - Algorithms Lifted? - Tide Turning in the Media - COVID "Cure"

@00:01:25 says that he's talking about the deep
@00:01:28 state cabal infecting our planet right
@00:15:13 sort of like a deep state globalist
@00:15:24 playing the part of a deep state stooge

[3.15 live] Latest on Corona: Natl. Emergency, Shutdown, Economy - Latest Media Attacks Against Me

@00:04:11 deep state math deep state mapping
@00:06:28 deep state the cabal that's that's the
@00:06:33 the deep state pretty pretty obvious
@00:11:38 the deep state just paraphrasing my
@00:21:05 is the deep state henchmen the henchmen

[3.12 - live chat] CORONAHHHH

@00:09:58 know but i think it was a you know deep
@00:10:01 state situation but of course the white
@00:10:18 this and anything the deep state is
@00:12:23 virus with the word deep state or cabal

[3.6] WaPo & NYT Can't Math - COVID Vax Connections - FBI Dropped Terrorist Investigations

@00:23:17 all that and these deep state swamp folk

[3.2] Presidential Dropouts - Q in a Trump Ad - NYT and WaPo Sued for Libel - COVID Updates

@00:05:07 being is because the deep state would
@00:05:56 one's making the deep state shit their
@00:06:21 head of the dni deep state went apeshit
@00:06:58 tripping out the deep state but now he's
@00:16:24 as as usual when the deep state tries to

[2.13] Latest QAnon, Drops/Proofs/Attacks - Harvard & Yale Being Investigated - Coronavirus Vaccines

@00:01:28 blame it on youtube where the deep state
@00:23:12 deep state narratives but uh there you
@00:24:42 dumb deep stator like sheila jackson-lee
@00:24:50 washington state here she's just crazy
@00:31:32 supportive of deep state narratives so
@00:40:28 deep state and who knows how much of

[2.8] I'm Back! Talking My Channel's Censorship & Latest QAnon

@00:09:56 big tech company is or what the deep
@00:09:57 state doesn't want you to research
@00:10:45 the deep state promotes like anything
@00:10:47 having to do with ufos is deep state i
@00:10:55 deep state likes is their narratives on
@00:11:30 the deep state does not one out there if
@00:11:32 you go too deep if you start connecting

[1.21] New Q - Peach Mint - POTUS @ Davos - “Coronavirus” - UFO Disclosure

@00:01:53 narrative for the deep state to maintain
@00:14:45 deep state and their mental control on

[1.20] Q is Back & The Virginia Second Amendment Rally Went SMOOTH

@00:07:27 lines of the you know deep state

Adam Schiff Gets Sued For Censoring Vaccine Info & The TikTok Doc

@00:13:27 narratives to the deep state one of the

[1.13] New Jersey Vaccine Win! - Free Iran! - Epstein Docs - Veritas #Expose2020 & More

@00:08:19 world free the deep state control in

[1.10] WaPo on John Huber - B Clinton on Epstein's Plane - Cancer Death Rates - Secret Space Program

@00:05:12 and the white hats to scare the deep
@00:05:15 state distract him divert him so maybe
@00:06:56 things to the deep state information
@00:14:18 come from the deep state who is putting
@00:17:49 to the deep state narratives kind of the
@00:18:13 don't believe in a deep state and this
@00:18:14 is kind of the state of the ufo
@00:18:23 the deep state sort of purposely

[1.8] I’m in Australia! - Iran - AUS Fires - Attacks on Q - CNN & NYT

@00:06:33 that the deep state would have to
@00:07:23 the deep state to do something there's
@00:10:57 think no the deep state you know they
@00:11:03 because the deep state doesn't control
@00:14:56 deep state control in their country
@00:20:01 that underground but we've got a deep
@00:20:03 state site cut those strings a little
@00:20:14 tech that was used to take out a deep
@00:20:17 state black site well free iran a little

"John Here To Help" Talks To Redpill78 And TruReporting - I've Got Questions

@00:00:33 worked on some very deep black projects
@00:00:39 deep state trying to control the world
@00:16:39 he said the deep state or the he was
@00:26:13 true reporting said if the deep state
@00:27:40 talking about the deep state folk trying
@00:30:21 you have it but even if the deep state

[12.22] Q: PELOSI Holding Impeachment - Durham - DoE Tweets Unlimited Electricity

@00:23:49 i think i don't think this is a deep
@00:23:51 state up do we you know official
@00:23:56 deep state trying to disclose zero-point

[12.22] SPACE FORCE! - Tic Tacs - UFOs in the Mainstream - The REAL Reasons Govt. Keeps UFOs Secret

@00:01:15 know that there is a deep state a new
@00:02:13 the shit out of the deep state so it
@00:02:23 deep states fake corporate media lying
@00:02:42 if the deep state is using the idea of
@00:02:56 deep state from the exposure of more
@00:05:37 being done by deep state connected ngos
@00:07:07 with that ngo deep state siop limited
@00:13:18 government i would say the deep state
@00:13:49 the energy equation some deep state
@00:14:02 government of the deep state is
@00:16:10 then he's gonna continue toeing the deep
@00:16:13 state limited hangout line okay i really

[12.16] Q's Weekend Drops - Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift - Ret. AF Gen Talks Advanced Space Tech

@00:26:30 deep state masters handlers or is he
@00:39:24 last few years is that the deep state
@00:44:20 probably people who have less deep state

Air Force Secretary Considers Declassifying Secret Space Programs

@00:05:46 know the annihilation of the deep state
@00:13:01 deep state under the rug it's completely

[12.13] Helluva Week Recap: IG Report - Impeachment - Greta - Vaccines - SPACE FORCE!

@00:02:38 every time you had one of those deep
@00:02:40 state folk up there they were nervous
@00:02:48 found that there was no deep state
@00:02:50 conspiracy no deep state conspiracy mr.
@00:03:31 deep state conspiracy or was you know
@00:03:33 deep state conspiracy is crazy stuff so
@00:09:50 helpful one for the deep state because
@00:10:20 the deep state doesn't like they try to

[12.6] Latest Q: D[1-6], Think Timing - Biden & Pelosi Freak - Attacks vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:04:31 finding all the deep state bad actors
@00:05:16 deep state shenanigans more bullshit
@00:05:58 when you boil it down a deep state false
@00:06:57 some deep state malarkey they're plus in
@00:07:25 sent deep state false flags you know
@00:07:52 other deep state bad actor that they'll
@00:08:12 actors tweets these deep state folk
@00:11:40 we're making the deep state expend some
@00:11:56 because the deep state has no idea what

NUCLEAR REACTORS In Ohio And Talking Free Energy

@00:12:27 you off the fact that the deep state the
@00:13:11 you know the deep state rogue intel
@00:13:36 that's how the cia or deep state will
@00:14:01 the deep state all of their power

[12.4] Latest Q - Impeachment Scam Continues - Epstein & The Clintons

@00:09:09 bush's funeral huh deep state had to
@00:09:36 that the deep state has to play to
@00:09:44 out that disinformation to make the deep
@00:09:46 state use those cards so i don't think
@00:09:56 be told because then the deep state
@00:12:21 deep state continuously puts out there

[11.22] Talking Latest News, Projects, Q&A

@00:11:00 the deep state but again first of all
@00:15:56 for the deep state or at least one of

What Can We Learn About UFOs From QAnon?

@00:03:44 shoot the deep state was telling us
@00:05:07 these deep staters are and their
@00:05:12 messages to the deep state as well like
@00:14:47 projects have been in deep state control
@00:15:08 technology there's a reason why the deep
@00:15:11 state has tried to suppress it and make
@00:15:19 reason the deep state they were trying
@00:28:57 the deep state right now they're trying

[11.16] Latest Q - Impeachment Fails & CSPAN Call-Ins - Vaccine Protests - Mainstream UFOs

@00:15:44 that one is that family like these deep
@00:15:47 state folk and their colts in their

PROJECT LOOKING GLASS: Remote Viewing the Future & the Science of Time

@00:03:19 situation that we have between the deep
@00:03:22 state and the alliance so of course the
@00:03:24 deep state has been utilizing project
@00:03:41 deep state so we'll sort of analyze that
@00:09:58 early 1900s is that the deep state the
@00:10:04 ocean the deep state that was in america
@00:10:06 and the deep state that infiltrated a
@00:12:00 of course the deep state they want as
@00:13:47 beings were flying their craft the deep
@00:13:49 state were trying to reverse-engineer
@00:17:43 these deep state folks they're arrogant
@00:18:00 up and the deep state you know when they
@00:26:05 exactly why the deep state was doing
@00:27:51 the moves of their enemies of the deep
@00:27:53 state i mean absolutely they have access
@00:28:18 the deep state like they were telling
@00:28:19 the deep state it in the beginning using
@00:28:22 the deep state's own symbology back
@00:28:30 message right to the deep state with

[11.12] Q Unloads: Indictments Coming [2019] - PROJECT LOOKING GLASS

@00:06:46 taking down the deep state because it's
@00:14:16 predict the moves of the deep state i
@00:14:18 wouldn't want to be one of those deep

[11.2] Joe M Calls It Quits & 8kun Is LIVE

@00:06:27 bring forth the deep state agenda so

[10.31] Vaxxed 2 - #FakeWhistleblower Identified (Again) - Epstein - Air Force's Secret Space Thing

@00:07:08 like something the deep state wouldn't
@00:12:02 to mossad or some deep state elements in

[10.30] VICE "News" Thinks "QAnon and UFOs Are Merging" and Wrote About Me

@00:09:51 by the deep state and there is a
@00:11:14 trumps election ufos the deep state and
@00:17:31 known as the deep state and that putt
@00:18:27 what i was just describing like the deep
@00:18:29 state is freeing up a tiny piece of the
@00:24:10 depths of the deep state slash military
@00:24:25 community to combat the deep state and
@00:24:53 deep state is quote run by various evil
@00:25:41 i believe the deep state is run by
@00:25:52 believe the deep state is run by various

Two Years of Q!

@00:19:34 make the deep state i guess shall we say
@00:19:40 certain ways to trick the deep state
@00:34:32 responded to the deep state a couple of
@00:43:37 eradicate the deep state i said that

[10.26] 8kun Soon! - Q Confirmed by A Retired General? - FISA Incoming - Snowden on Rogan - UFOs

@00:18:23 of all his uh deep state buddies it's a
@00:20:55 trying to out the deep state but just
@00:21:15 actually a threat to the deep state that
@00:21:24 happen if he was the deep state just

[10.18] 8kun - Turkey Ceasefire - Mexico Violence - Elijah Cummings - Dark Web Bust - Flynns' Case

@00:07:05 this one you know who knows did the deep
@00:07:08 state off him for some reason or another

IG Report Delayed, But Will Cover More Than Just FISA - We Must Have PATIENCE!

@00:02:29 against the deep state we know this has
@00:03:56 the secrets hidden from the deep state

[10.14] #ExposeCNN - FISA IG Report Out the 18th - Bill Gates & Epstein - Secret Space Program

@00:09:09 deep state is desperate right now as
@00:11:01 sounds like it's damaging to the deep
@00:11:02 state but it's coming from someplace
@00:17:03 deep state they're trying to muddy the

[10.7] "Whistleblowers" - 8chan Back SOON! - FISA Incoming - UFO Disclosure

@00:05:36 of these deep state puppets exposing the
@00:13:29 which is why the deep state their

[10.4] Political Chat: Ukraine, Biden, Schiff, Clinton, FISA, fake polls

@00:01:53 the way a lot of these deep state
@00:02:29 just the the deep state media puppets
@00:05:11 the legacy media the deep state

[9.28] CIA "Whistleblower" - Flynn's Case - Epstein - Vaccines - New York Times Pushes UFO's

@00:02:11 was just a total sy up from the deep
@00:02:13 state
@00:02:15 blowing up in the face of the deep state
@00:02:30 that mentioned some things that the deep
@00:02:33 state definitely didn't like so in all
@00:04:19 deep state operation trying to frame and
@00:04:22 york times being a deep state propaganda
@00:08:27 and completely bachas it maybe the deep
@00:08:30 state had to do some damage control and
@00:10:23 just blame it on the deep state let's
@00:11:37 pressed out their deep state making bad

[9.25] 8chan Coming Back? - Calls for Impeachment - Biden & Ukraine - Flynn Case News - Vax & UFO

@00:02:39 waiting for no doubt that's why the deep
@00:02:41 state is in a full-court press attacking
@00:04:53 to drain the deep state here to earth
@00:04:54 drain the swamp he says not deep state
@00:09:44 right again i mean all these deep state

[9.18] Ed Buck Arrested - Snowden Charged - Navy Confirms UFO Videos - Spacey's Accuser Dead

@00:09:34 deep state doesn't want to be painted as
@00:10:21 all these deep state folk weave must be
@00:12:13 fail and monitor the deep state folk the
@00:12:27 and threatening to the deep state how
@00:12:41 the deep state wants him out there doing
@00:12:58 abilities to take down the deep state
@00:13:04 show you that he's a deep state asset
@00:13:23 to happen if the deep state doesn't like
@00:24:32 deep state to try to force the good guys

The Great Awakening/QAnon Rally - September 11th, Washington D.C.

@00:05:16 down this deep state does so thanks for
@00:06:49 confidence trying to take down the deep
@00:06:51 state i came across this idea probably
@00:09:30 online about our world in the deep state

5 Reasons NOT To Get Vaccinated

@00:09:15 names the same industrialists deep state

[9.10] The Pentagon’s Missing Trillions

@00:09:15 hollywood the deep state that how
@00:09:51 this secret stuff that the deep state
@00:10:22 directors these deep state folks so

[9.10] Live from the Swamp - Great Awakening Rally Tomorrow!

@00:04:22 the deep state all aspects of that the
@00:04:43 in like a deep state she knew there was
@00:04:47 like i just don't believe in a deep
@00:04:49 state blah blah we brought i brought up
@00:05:41 a fact that know deep state exists or
@00:05:43 doesn't go that deep and i think she
@00:13:54 talk about just deep state programming
@00:42:48 big pharma and for the deep state huge

[9.6] Updates for: 8chan, Epstein, & Flynn - Mainstream UFO Push - 9/11 Study - Snopes BUSTED

@00:14:57 of what i've been calling deep state
@00:21:58 pillars the go-to for the deep state to

[9.3] Hurricane - Hong Kong - Breaking Epstein News - FISA - Flynn - Big Tech - Space Force & UFOs

@00:17:00 as probably targets to these deep state
@00:21:07 places arresting of these deep state
@00:30:12 with this one number one for the deep
@00:30:15 state to go to remember amazon bought

Trump Takes Aim At The Federal Reserve And China

@00:00:27 this deep state folks truly

[8.29] 8chan - Space Command - Comey Report - Epstein - Vaccines - Monsanto

@00:06:25 supposed secrets plot by an alleged deep
@00:06:28 state 5 percent of voters believe in cue
@00:22:54 felony charges small world for the deep
@00:22:57 state holy crap so as it says here this
@00:33:36 we deserve ok we can't have the deep
@00:33:39 state stifling suppressing this free

GOOGLE'S BLACKLIST: Censoring Cancer Cures & Free Energy

@00:04:00 proper execution of a deep state false
@00:04:06 no wonder google would do deep state
@00:04:57 the deep state you know it doesn't have
@00:05:00 it's just damaging truth that the deep
@00:05:02 state doesn't want out and it's not just
@00:05:22 anything damaging to deep state
@00:07:35 why google the deep state doesn't want
@00:09:18 something the deep state has been
@00:13:48 the deep state would lose a lot of money
@00:14:25 how google works to help the deep state

[8.23] Overstock CEO - David Koch Dies - CNN Hires McCabe - Amazon Forest Fires

@00:13:04 guy is deep state himself and he's
@00:18:14 presidency that's anti deep state it
@00:19:00 amazon rainforest and with the deep
@00:19:02 state sort of getting exposed worldwide
@00:19:41 basically the deep state did it ngos and
@00:20:09 deep state just yesterday so heck let's

[8.21] The Pacific Northwest Is Woke AF

@00:03:31 why the deep state even tries anymore
@00:27:12 research that the deep state doesn't

[8.21] NBC Attacks The Epoch Times & Edge of Wonder - Latest Epstein - Google Struggles

@00:08:54 no doubt nbc is scared the deep state
@00:09:51 quote deep state criticizing quote fake
@00:14:18 video titles about the deep state about
@00:14:21 deep state funding drug-running cue it
@00:17:33 so the suppression that the deep state

[8.19] Live from the Geerage

@00:12:11 get too deep into that but clearly a
@00:12:14 message stage state photo and a video of
@00:14:41 people thinking the deep state did it
@00:19:20 deep state look who won not clinton but
@00:25:11 that's how the deep state operates they
@00:38:51 the deep state wants you to think right

[8.14] Right Wing Watch Loves Me - Flynn - FISA - Epstein & Maxwell - Google Whistleblower - Ebola

@00:05:22 the fake news meeting you know the deep
@00:05:24 state media they got their talking
@00:08:40 happened for a while now is this deep
@00:08:45 state false flag interesting question
@00:26:01 you know when the deep state needs to
@00:30:24 they are pressuring the the deep state

deleted [8.13] Feds Raid Epstein's Island - Hong Kong - FDA Lies, Says "Don't Drink Bleach!"

@00:06:59 used to be and if the deep state wanted
@00:07:59 nevertheless i don't think it's deep
@00:08:01 state i don't think they're covering up
@00:10:28 is being made to look like a deep state
@00:10:34 they're making this look like a deep
@00:10:35 state job so everybody questions it
@00:10:47 optics right or shoot maybe the deep
@00:10:49 state did take him out white hats knew
@00:11:17 want to make this look like a deep state
@00:12:31 look like a deep state job this is the
@00:12:39 deep state was trying to cover this up
@00:19:27 there deep state transnational deep
@00:19:31 state infiltrates any sort of control
@00:19:33 system they can deep this deep state
@00:23:57 behalf of their big pharma deep state

[8.11] Epstein Autopsy Results "Pending" - Trump Retweets Conspiracy Theories - Attacks on 8chan

@00:00:26 it a deep state hit was it clinton was
@00:03:15 like you know deep state hit could be
@00:03:25 it was deep state again i don't know who
@00:08:40 the pillar of deep state bullshit
@00:12:26 somebody offed him deep state tribunal
@00:21:27 much big tech deep state influence

[8.10] EPSTEIN'S "SUICIDE" - Did The White Hats Fake It?

@00:00:54 liabilities in the world to the deep
@00:00:56 state we know very well that they want
@00:01:53 it making it look like the deep state
@00:04:03 look like it was a deep state hit job
@00:04:07 it look like a deep state hit job to
@00:04:24 was it a deep deep state hit job could
@00:04:48 most prominent deep state target in the
@00:05:44 the deep state trying to get epstein
@00:05:57 thing so could the deep state even pull
@00:07:45 deep state right
@00:07:57 like something that the deep state was
@00:08:19 deep state hit not just that but what is
@00:08:37 the prosecution etc etc it's the deep
@00:08:39 state that wants him dead right well
@00:09:50 happening boom so much for the deep
@00:09:52 state dominating the news cycles with
@00:11:12 scenarios here could the deep state have
@00:13:01 possibilities deep state hit they're
@00:16:49 sure it's not defeating to the deep
@00:16:50 state check this out they're trying to
@00:19:33 to be a deep state hit maybe wouldn't
@00:20:06 frame the deep state cuz who out there
@00:20:07 isn't questioning this to be a deep
@00:20:09 state hit right now huh so that's that

[8.7] 8chan Deplatforming & Jim Watkins Statement - Q in Trump Campaign Video

@00:02:42 that the deep state loves to use and
@00:16:02 into shall we say some of those deep
@00:16:04 state narratives okay donald trump was
@00:16:21 caving in to these deep state talking
@00:16:57 cave in to the deep state talking points

[8.3] Event In El-Paso & Deeper Details About FBI "Conspiracy Theory" Memo

@00:26:23 corrupted deep state it's a corrupted
@00:26:25 deep state it's corrupted rogue

[8.3] GarageCast - Scary Hats, Taking Back Symbolism, & How to Health

@00:18:04 imagine a lot of these deep state slush
@00:18:31 government doesn't do as much deep state
@00:39:01 a shill he's he's deep state because he
@00:40:10 deep state assholes we're gonna make our

[8.1] Today's QAnon & FBI Doc Warning "Conspiracy Theories Are A Domestic Terrorism Threat"

@00:09:24 deep state conspiracy against president
@00:09:43 network that believes in a deep state
@00:19:50 the legacy media for the deep state so

[7.31] The Great Awakening Rally - Latest Q - Epstein News - 9/11 - UFO & Spaceweather - Big Pharma

@00:08:43 foreign intelligence service so hmm deep
@00:08:47 state connections for sure and speaking
@00:12:51 crap this deep state does some nefarious
@00:18:17 deep state wants to shut down the
@00:18:31 deep state would be pulling some sort of
@00:18:57 of clickbait than like deep state trying
@00:21:39 thinking like it's it's deep state
@00:21:43 actual deep state corporate media really
@00:29:41 deep state does not want voter ids on
@00:30:50 hunters become the hunted all the deep
@00:30:52 state sickos are hunted now devon
@00:35:41 whatever the deep state wants so let's
@00:41:52 media organizations to promote some deep
@00:41:55 state propaganda get everybody scared

[7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure/TTSA/Area 51 - Measles

@00:03:23 what are we expecting deep state
@00:04:16 yeah connect that in with the deep state
@00:10:20 are exposing the deep state all these
@00:17:42 liabilities right now the deep state has
@00:29:22 important stuff these these deep state
@00:30:03 connected with with the deep state and
@00:31:08 calling a deep state limited hangout you
@00:34:48 important to the deep state they're
@00:35:36 people doing any sort of deep research
@00:35:40 sort of ufo research the deep state the
@00:36:25 silly that the deep state is just
@00:36:54 some some deep state cabal secret

[7.24] Latest Q - Mueller's Hearing - "QAnon Gets Sued" - RBG: "I'm Alive!"

@00:07:51 threatening to the deep state agenda
@00:07:56 what they really do the deep state
@00:09:25 targets for the deep state folk these
@00:10:52 deep state booms all around booms all
@00:12:09 gonna happen to the deep state all the
@00:12:32 and protect the deep state is basically
@00:12:59 the idea that the deep state was trying
@00:13:22 against the deep state the special
@00:19:14 let's just call it deep state corporate

[7.23] Q's Latest - Classified D.C. Missions - FBI Searches LA City Hall - Epstein - Iran Spies

@00:04:51 meaning that the deep state has used
@00:05:03 against the deep state folk themselves
@00:09:20 picture of the alliance versus the deep
@00:09:23 state next draw 3461 q says video of a
@00:14:13 is gonna make some rogue actors or deep
@00:14:16 state folk shimmy a little bit yeah so
@00:29:20 rogue apparatus deep state no longer had
@00:30:15 unfortunate when we get the deep state
@00:35:33 deep state agenda so their articles are

[7.21] Garage Talk: DTI Happenings & Q&A on Space (Apollo, UFO, Antarctica, Space Force)

@00:24:22 and how the deep state is transnational
@00:24:25 this deep state of the new world order
@00:26:24 because of these assholes so the deep
@00:26:29 state was was starting to control this
@00:26:37 1913 so the deep state was getting
@00:36:22 sorts of things the on the deep state or

[7.19] QAnon Baby! - Epstein Doc Dumps - Area 51 - Flu Vaccine EO - “Healthy” Chemtrails?

@00:21:52 schiff tweeting about deep fakes just
@00:21:54 want to talk about this because deep
@00:21:55 fakes the deep state folks themselves
@00:25:26 for the deep state i mean there's so
@00:29:28 deep state totally distracting something

[7.17] Q Recap: Epstein Connections, NYC Blackout, & My Stolen Tweet Was Q'ed!

@00:37:51 from the heinous other deep state crimes

Edge of Wonder x Destroying the Illusion

@00:20:50 various of course d individuals and deep
@00:20:53 state folk but then leave the trump
@00:30:16 this hand you know the deep state

[7.7] Epstein - Trump on UFOs, the Fed, & Pence - A.I. Makes A Vaccine - MMS

@00:03:22 these deep state cabal folk know that
@00:04:31 ridiculous antics can be had by the deep
@00:04:34 state on this one but nevertheless eyes
@00:10:54 feed a lot of energy to the deep state
@00:11:12 etcetera i mean it's totally deep state
@00:11:17 that deep state ufo disclosure so he's
@00:11:46 or legitimacy to the deep state ufo
@00:14:38 was discussing it truthfully so the deep
@00:14:41 state is using business insider as their

Welcome to the Garage!

@00:24:23 extra-terrestrial subject the deep state

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief (Given April 10th, 2019)

@00:01:57 decades of control this deep state has
@00:04:35 the deep state had general control over
@00:04:40 1900s of course the deep state funds
@00:04:51 this country the deep state state then
@00:12:44 it because number one the deep state
@00:17:19 patriots fighting the deep state i began
@00:20:42 they also by they i mean the deep state
@00:29:08 counterintelligence versus the deep
@00:29:10 state this is a can be a hilarious one
@00:29:33 else is gonna read these drops the deep
@00:29:35 state is the bad guys are so what does
@00:30:03 course this deep state so disinformation
@00:30:08 drops gonna be a big week deep state
@00:30:56 deep state this is a photograph of this
@00:31:10 oh if i was any sort of deep state

[6.18] Weekend Recap - QAnon / Flynn / NXIVM / UFOs / Vaccines / MMS / Iran

@00:15:20 evidence that drops about the deep state
@00:23:39 no it's not there's deep state
@00:24:37 bad stuff in iran deep state
@00:26:15 by the deep state you know they've been

[6.6] Q on Infowars? - Michael Flynn - Suspicious Deaths - 5G Pushback - Pfizer's Alzheimers Drug

@00:06:48 disclosure than the fake half truth deep
@00:06:50 state ufo disclosure we're seeing in the
@00:07:31 intelligence community the deep state
@00:13:55 around the world the deep state but i'm
@00:16:08 human trafficking shady deep state stuff
@00:18:54 always talking about q and on and deep
@00:18:56 state related stuff she called in that

Y U Do Dis UToob

@00:03:26 deep state to maintain their public

Censored in the Desert?

@00:08:37 battle for disclosure against the deep
@00:08:39 state or something that effect so that's
@00:09:48 uf ology deep state infiltration into
@00:10:23 expose a lot of deep state infiltration
@00:11:59 about the alliance versus the deep state
@00:27:47 discussing i was talking about deep
@00:27:49 state infiltration to uf ology special

[6.4] Comey's Q Tweet - Bill Maher - Nader - "DeepFakes" - Vaccine Censorship - UFO "Disclosure"

@00:02:21 powers that used to be the deep state do
@00:04:36 these deep state folk under the bus
@00:13:07 more deep state influence in it right
@00:14:22 make everybody aware of deep fakes why
@00:14:27 used to be the deep state they want to
@00:14:37 deep state by way of photos or videos of
@00:14:40 them etc they're pushing out this deep
@00:17:23 just for the deep state in general you
@00:23:13 reports i mean the deep state they're
@00:24:06 right but the deep state the corporate
@00:25:39 with whatever the heck the deep state

[5.31] Parler - Mueller/Barr/Huber - UFOs & Space Force - Big Pharma vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:07:43 deep state for so long how many times is
@00:09:41 the investigation to expose the deep
@00:09:42 state i think that judge knew which is
@00:13:57 deep state really i mean warfare tactics
@00:14:37 deep state show how hilarious just a
@00:14:45 like to say the deep state don't like to
@00:14:46 say the deep state he iterated that made
@00:14:51 deep state he this guy is so all over
@00:15:01 control the deep state elite to know
@00:15:15 deep state know what's happening but
@00:23:43 on deniers they think that deep state
@00:26:41 pizza gate in the deep state etc etc so
@00:29:40 the deep state really doesn't go that
@00:29:42 deep there might be a little bit of a
@00:29:43 deep state but it doesn't go that deep

[5.28] QAnon Attacks - Michael Flynn FISA - UFO "Disclosure" - Amazon Censors MMS

@00:01:39 deep state just a simple short sentence
@00:10:53 are waking up to your own corrupt deep
@00:10:55 state so that was cool but anyway i sad
@00:13:56 the 1940s really the deep state
@00:14:10 wow the deep state propaganda machine
@00:21:34 space force so you know this whole deep
@00:21:37 state ufo disclosure initiative i ain't
@00:22:16 this deep state ufo disclosure

[5.25] Live from Autism One

@00:00:20 doing dylan monroe the deep state
@00:03:43 his uh let me show you his deep state
@00:03:51 deep state mapping project his maps all
@00:06:16 the deep state exposures that's going on
@00:06:38 deep state mapping project here all
@00:08:16 deep state mapping project comm they're
@00:09:19 to get anything thank you doing deep
@00:09:21 state mapping project so let's this way

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:14:45 with it too the bad actors the deep
@00:14:46 state and then they fumble the ball make

[5.23] I’M BACK! - Ban Over

@00:30:36 clinton cabal deep state connected
@00:31:33 that the deep state does not want you to
@00:36:06 agenda out there being run by the deep
@00:36:09 state to make you think that it's

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:12:27 in general we have a deep state versus
@00:12:49 bad individuals as deep national
@00:12:52 security state that's trying to hide a
@00:14:08 i would call this one of those deep
@00:14:12 state limited hang out you know
@00:15:37 told by the deep state some could be
@00:24:34 ivy league universities they are deep
@00:24:38 state-funded i mean we've got scientists
@00:27:43 pharma and really the deep state in

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:03:57 alarm on how the deep state the call it
@00:07:25 these deep state folks these cabal
@00:09:22 deep state connected individuals saw

[5.9] The Space Episode: UFO & Free Energy Disclosure, Pole Shift, Antarctica

@00:07:11 the deep state they definitely want to
@00:07:26 then hopefully the deep state hopes that
@00:14:58 we've got the deep state over here that

[5.8] Live Chat

@00:24:08 deep state putting some hologram in the
@00:24:30 deep state plan for it at one time i've
@00:25:26 what is setup right it could be a deep
@00:25:29 state people that we're meant to be the

[5.3] Latest Q: May 2019 / MSM Admits Conspiracies are Popular / Infowars "Deplatforming"

@00:00:40 the offense against the deep state so
@00:00:45 you know the good ol arrests of the deep
@00:00:49 state there were all tracking every
@00:03:34 the deep state when stuff really gets
@00:04:44 deep state
@00:24:26 and drive people because the deep state

[4.30] Vaccines and EPIDEMICS / NOTCH / "Government UFO Programs" / Normalizing Geoengineering

@00:06:51 not want the deep state does not want an

[4.29] Latest Q / Rod Rosenstein / Attacks Against Q & Synagogue Shooting

@00:06:06 also because they made the deep state
@00:06:13 says he's gonna declassify deep they
@00:09:32 the cabal the deep state are confused
@00:13:42 war that's going on that the deep state

[4.25] Latest Q (FBI Spying) / Rothschilds Sell Assets / UFO Disclosure (Sort Of) / Vaccine Truth

@00:09:18 the rogue intel agencies and other deep
@00:09:21 state connected people themselves do not
@00:13:22 worldwide and this deep state is totally
@00:17:28 but because the deep state wants to push

[4.24] NXIVM / Opioid Arrests / Pakistan Against Vaccines / Navy's UFO Reporting Guidelines

@00:00:43 the deep state mainstream media report
@00:14:11 absolutely ruined by the deep state in
@00:14:23 the deep state and the world's first
@00:17:00 the deep state media in politico then
@00:19:20 yorker it's already gonna be some deep
@00:19:22 state corporate propaganda they entitled
@00:21:27 deep state instead of being another one

[4.22] Sri Lanka / Vaccine Fake News / CIA Remote Viewing / False UFO Disclosure

@00:03:08 warning in my video about the deep state
@00:03:13 this happened yesterday i mean the deep
@00:03:17 state procedure their modus operandi you
@00:03:30 religious war they use the deep state
@00:04:46 deep state the powers that be against
@00:05:06 religious war that the deep state is
@00:09:22 what the deep state needs to do right
@00:09:27 heck are those things so the deep state
@00:17:09 brought forth by the deep state
@00:17:14 over it and all sort of deep state
@00:19:32 that the deep state is trying to do some

[4.20] New Q: Blockade End / Mueller Report Fallout / False Flag Attempts / Notre Dame / NXIVM

@00:04:51 over for the deep state and like we just
@00:20:03 the deep state is trying to start a
@00:22:35 innocent symbols that's what the deep
@00:22:38 state cabal always do they subverts

[4.13] NSA Q Proof / Assange / Trump & 5G / Anti-Vaxxers are Winning / Glyphosate Toxicology Report

@00:08:00 deep state the democrats if you want to
@00:08:02 call it that i like deep state better
@00:16:43 deep state needs to happen whether it is

[4.11] Talking Assange, Other News and Hawaiian Adventures

@00:27:35 theories and the deep state is pushing

[4.7] Live from Hawaii - Here to Swim With Dolphins!

@00:10:14 the complicit deep state media has just

[4.4] Sealed Indictments / Huber / Biden / NXIVM / MAGA Hat Attacker / Alex Jones

@00:02:13 be for deep state cult members you know

[3.25] Q: "Justice Will Return" / Avenatti Arrested / Flynn / Parkland & Sandy Hook Suicide

@00:04:10 wear a wire to make the deep state make
@00:07:57 deep state more importantly the deep
@00:07:59 state those guys those the cabal members
@00:13:15 the deep state sigh out for them flynn

[3.24] Q Brief: Russia Investigation DONE / DECLAS & OIG Report Next

@00:01:26 and disappointed quite a bit of the deep
@00:01:29 state and that side of the aisle of
@00:04:24 before the deep state and they're
@00:08:18 deep state thought that the ending of
@00:08:53 deep state thought it was
@00:09:02 the deep state to utilize their ammo
@00:14:24 the deep state tries to let's see what
@00:16:56 attempting to rewrite history the deep
@00:16:58 state they've done that for not just
@00:21:18 gimme because with deep state getting

[3.18] Q Brief: Latest Censorship / Trump Retweet / New Zealand / Foreign Uprisings (Yellow Vest)

@00:21:20 deep state exposing info on the internet
@00:24:09 the deep state is doing all they can to
@00:24:40 deep state we're noticing that through

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:22:40 that their deep state propaganda is
@00:25:01 a deep state individual connected who
@00:40:49 know mainstream media the deep state
@00:41:43 superpower by the deep state you know
@00:42:30 much like there's deep state here in

[3.9] Trump's Motorcade / Huber / Sessions / Vaccines / Free Energy, Space Force & Quantum

@00:06:19 about the deep state for two years we're
@00:10:04 person's awakening this is why the deep
@00:10:08 state propaganda outlets like this they
@00:11:58 ideas the deep state propaganda does and

[3.8] Big Pharma News - Vaccines / AntiVax Censorship / FDA Commissioner resigns / AIDS Cure

@00:07:02 fed by big pharma and the deep state
@00:11:49 fu to big pharma and the deep state by
@00:12:29 arm of the deep state is much more
@00:12:41 pharma arm of the deep state we've been
@00:13:07 aids was probably created by the deep
@00:13:10 state to debilitate us and to funnel
@00:13:32 diseases were created by the deep state
@00:13:48 the deep state trillion plus dollar per
@00:14:13 arm the deep state being taken down in
@00:16:40 individual in washington state here
@00:16:47 deep state attacking it so vehemently

[3.1] Netanyahu & Trudeau Problems / World Bank / NXIVM / Antivax Censorship / Denver Airport

@00:01:15 they have a deep state infiltrated
@00:06:07 solution the deep state is saying
@00:13:01 the in the deep state sighs good reason

[2.28] Conspiracy Theories Make You Violent! / Good Vaccine News / Climate Change / UFOs / 5G

@00:05:32 sort of state are we in where the deep
@00:05:35 state is so desperate to retain control
@00:07:04 deep state use the flat earth in their
@00:15:06 of the modus operandi of the deep state
@00:24:41 bit of truth you know the deep state
@00:29:38 the deep state is just putting so much

[2.26] Q Brief: BIG BIG BIG Happenings in the next 21 days?

@00:13:12 alliance to the deep state hugh says
@00:19:14 look at that as the deep state party as
@00:22:27 been made to catch the deep state

[2.25] Live: 4th of July in D.C. / FDA&Vaccines / Space Force / 5G

@00:28:10 deep state flips the switch or trump
@00:42:44 able to decipher the deep state and

[2.22] Q Brief: Smollett - Mueller - Kraft - Clinton's Attack - Memes & More Proofs

@00:05:25 deep state industrialists it's to make
@00:05:44 for the deep state and the markup on
@00:07:30 progressed because heck we all know deep
@00:07:34 state is facing some public prosecutions
@00:10:14 deep state tries to do 28:51 q wants
@00:30:52 clinton and the deep state as serious
@00:31:01 the deep states want twitter has already

[2.20] Live: Daily Q Brief

@00:10:42 emergency i've seen a lot of deep state

[2.19] Vaccines - State Bills, Attacking FB Groups, "Teens Vaccinating Themselves"

@00:11:31 schilling for the deep state i've seen a
@00:11:41 who claim to be against the deep state
@00:11:57 literal deep state propaganda it's like
@00:12:04 the deep state and the whole history of
@00:13:36 see sad to see them shill for the deep
@00:13:39 state shill for big pharma spread
@00:19:23 trust the mainstream media deep state
@00:20:09 hole deep state in general and vaccines

[2.14] LIVE: I just interviewed with the Washington Post about Q

@00:06:10 on the the beast of deep state
@00:18:05 the deep state propaganda why would you

[2.13] LIVE: Big Tech Problems / Recent Q / Vaccine Hysteria

@00:03:38 know deep state or twitter accounts
@00:11:32 for the deep state which is why we're
@00:24:54 media the deep state propaganda it
@00:27:21 remember this deep state you know nazis
@00:27:24 just being a faction of the deep state
@00:27:47 you know the the deep state the top of

[2.10] L.A. "Training" Exercises / Free Energy / Geoengineering / Space Force / GMOs / Vaccines

@00:05:28 with the deep state and how their cults
@00:07:06 they're not joking about it the deep
@00:07:08 state what they do they're so arrogant
@00:08:01 deal that a lot of these deep state folk
@00:10:31 the deep state folk like to try and tell
@00:12:54 anything new but of course what the deep
@00:12:56 state has to do right now is try to
@00:17:37 inherited a mess that the deep state
@00:18:07 gonna moreso talk about deep state
@00:19:10 deep state fingerprints all over it i
@00:19:35 was that to the stars academy and deep
@00:19:39 state ufo disclosures are gonna start
@00:20:06 deep state over here on the other hand

[2.10] Latest QAnon - "It's Time To Return PUBLICLY"

@00:03:15 mainstream media of the deep state less

[2.7] Censorship Uptick / Mueller News / Mysterious BOOMs / Pole Shift / 5G / Vaccines

@00:01:48 creator of the deep state mapping
@00:02:21 what's latest with him now that his deep
@00:02:23 state mapping project com has been cut

[2.5] Latest MSM Q Attacks / RBG / Harvard Professor on Alien Craft / John of God / Shane Dawson

@00:06:24 deep state the mainstream media all
@00:13:45 deep state would really want people to
@00:13:55 into that narrative of the deep state
@00:14:07 this right now in action a deep state
@00:14:43 that the deep state is going to bring
@00:14:58 the deep state propaganda outlets and
@00:15:34 harvard is like deep state university

[2.4] DTI Updates & Current Events Talk

@00:19:30 control things in the deep state etc so
@00:20:19 bushes obama any of these deep state
@00:24:06 creation technologies that the deep
@00:24:08 state doesn't one out because the oil
@00:26:34 the deep state is trying to bring out a

[1.30] Isreal Dr Finds Cancer Cure? / Vaccines & Measles "Outbreak" / Alzheimers Cause Found?

@00:12:47 exactly what the deep state tries to do
@00:12:55 the deep state you know in general
@00:14:03 the way that the deep state tries to

[1.30] Fusion Free Energy / Deep State UFO Disclosure vs. Space Force / Satellite's Mapping Earth

@00:05:26 out the partial disclosure the siop deep
@00:05:29 state disclosure they're normalizing
@00:09:04 the atlantic deep state propaganda
@00:14:46 note of something they the deep state
@00:18:06 deep state
@00:18:13 through the mainstream media the deep
@00:18:15 state is trying to disclose right here
@00:18:41 the deep state they need to gain the
@00:18:48 than the deep state is ok so that's
@00:19:13 done we've got this deep state

[1.28 Live] Roger Stone & Infowars / Comet Ping Ping Fire / Deep State vs. The Great Awakening

@00:10:39 total total deep state sham total like
@00:12:16 against the deep state they're gonna
@00:18:26 this was set up by some sort of deep
@00:18:33 state lackey some sort of you know asset
@00:20:26 the israeli deep state we could say just
@00:20:32 deep state in america so we can't blake
@00:20:38 whole hell of a lot of deep stake in
@00:21:45 their algorithms this is the deep states
@00:21:48 war versus the great awakening the deep
@00:21:51 state changing their excuse me youtube's
@00:29:51 totally you know still deep state
@00:31:43 and screwed by the deep state by you

[1.24] State of the Union / Protests / Mainstream Media Layoffs / Anti-Vaxxers / Future Space

@00:17:39 just horrible horrible deep state
@00:23:21 just culminate with a few deep staters
@00:23:29 that deep state behind bars

[1.23] Deciem CEO Suicided? / "Deep Fakes" / "Dr. Google" / Anti-Vaxxers / Secret UFO Program

@00:11:32 deep state is essentially trying to get
@00:11:37 release showing these deep staters these
@00:11:58 that's what they're gonna call deep
@00:12:02 deep fakes deep state deep fakes now we
@00:16:01 the deep state is of the citizen
@00:17:18 yesterday's video talking about deep
@00:17:19 state university institutions yeah talk
@00:17:22 about deep state college stanford go to
@00:18:22 pharma deep state nonsense one of those
@00:19:08 deep state education from their media
@00:20:59 it's basically a deep state limited
@00:23:36 together the dots of all the deep state

[1.20] Border Announcement / Bush's Pizza / GMOs / Vaccines / Govt. UFO Program / CERN

@00:04:50 deep state that that has happened so
@00:06:27 actually talking to the deep state not
@00:06:34 deep state and basically saying that you
@00:16:41 mainstream deep state-sponsored
@00:17:05 deep state education institutions right

[1.16 Live] 2 Years of DTI & News Talk

@00:10:56 the one who made the deep state mapping
@00:11:13 his deep state mapping project map so
@00:15:13 message to the deep state because he
@00:16:21 to send messages to the deep state than
@00:16:41 glorifying self-sabotage these are deep
@00:16:43 state these are cabal corporations that
@00:19:10 essentially weaponized for deep state
@00:23:54 able to get a democrats deep staters
@00:23:59 able to get their response to a state in
@00:38:13 exposing the deep state in a much more

[1.11 Live] New Q / Border / Pole Shift / Harry Reid & UFOs / Flat Earth Psy-Op

@00:04:35 the opposition of the deep state tries
@00:06:42 the deep state and all of their proxies
@00:14:58 deep state is so crucial it's
@00:16:51 disclosure the deep state wants to play
@00:18:46 research because the deep state that's
@00:19:15 deep state into a corner so there's that
@00:22:51 created by the deep state so they can
@00:24:38 a lot of topics out there that are deep
@00:24:41 state-created psyops to confuse you

[1.10 Live] “Q Believer Accused of Murdering ‘Lizard’ Brother With Sword”

@00:02:16 one of those propaganda outlets the deep
@00:02:19 state loves to use to discredit to throw
@00:13:34 things for deep state agendas okay how
@00:21:35 domain to avoid deep state downfalls

[1.9 Live] Trump’s Address / Rosenstein / Huber / Yellow Vests / 5G / Space Force & Disclosure

@00:07:51 terrible deep state propaganda they
@00:28:04 it's like the deep state is there trying

[1.8 Live] Golden Globes / RGB / Wall / World Bank Prez / Max Spiers

@00:04:59 do with a message to the deep state when
@00:07:10 perversion agenda of the deep state
@00:13:17 medical world that's deep state right
@00:17:41 deep state to they wanted to hang him

Politics & UFO's Go Hand In Hand

@00:03:01 thinking is exactly what the deep state

[1.2] New Sealed Indictment Count / Trump's Poster / Flynn / 9.11 Hackers / Space Tech

@00:07:59 you know deep state media basically so
@00:16:34 alliance to take down the deep stake at
@00:16:37 the deep state they also have to
@00:16:41 deep state has been keeping okay if do

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:13:00 this is dylan's deep state mapping

[1.1] The Illuminati Ball / STRATCOM Deletes Tweet / Vatican / NXIVM / Why Conspiracies Matter

@00:10:56 to the deep state that big things are
@00:10:58 about to drop deep classification things
@00:16:10 news because the deep state is scared

Secret Space Programs Get Mainstream Coverage on Christmas!

@00:02:28 his natural enemy the deep state within
@00:02:30 the federal government the deep state is
@00:03:14 huge and something the deep state does
@00:03:55 force the deep state doesn't want it the
@00:07:24 complex / deep state has played a major
@00:07:55 deep state with miles long really it
@00:09:25 deep state and talking about q and on i
@00:14:57 crimes the deep state under the rug so
@00:20:19 head-to-head against the deep state
@00:21:15 non-disclosure deep state exposure and

[12.23] Q Update / Wall / Hemp / Vaccines / Space Force / Quantum Research / Pentagon Audit

@00:03:58 which was the plan the deep state plan
@00:06:25 always in the deep state corporate
@00:06:58 actually deep dark deep state operations
@00:07:04 bringing ms-13 which is basically deep
@00:07:07 state hired hitmen over the border these
@00:11:24 international deep state news agency
@00:12:34 deep state operates and that they create
@00:12:56 were created by the deep state so

[12.21 LIVE] Mattis - Syria - Hemp - Wall - Space

@00:06:04 deep state is not happy that the trump
@00:06:10 mount an offensive you see the deep
@00:06:12 state is like candida if you're familiar
@00:06:31 deep state you know when they're getting
@00:10:58 convenient asset to the deep state to
@00:12:37 that's like the deep state shill

[12.20] QAnon Updates / Catholic Church / Wall GoFundMe / "Drone" Shuts Down London Airport?

@00:16:41 deep state faction even multiple
@00:16:43 programs emanating from the deep state

[12.17 Live] Trump To Sign EO Launching SPACE COMMAND This Week

@00:09:05 or the deep state not to use the
@00:09:09 deep state is gaining control of the


@00:05:23 starting arresting all the deep state

[12.16] Obama Gets An Envelope / Flynn / FBI Texts / Yellow Vests / Space Force / Big Pharma

@00:02:01 counter to the deep state trying to
@00:07:31 want these deep state corporations

[12.15 Live] Winter’s Coming - It’s Getting Shilly Out!

@00:00:23 us and the deep state that wants to keep
@00:17:58 very well the deep state for a long time
@00:20:18 deep state and their whoever they're

[12.12 LIVE] Q Addresses Flat Earth & JFK Jr.

@00:20:27 and then the deep state goes and offs
@00:21:29 i get the impatience we want deep state
@00:39:24 put the globalist agenda the deep state
@00:40:15 how does cue wake up people to the deep
@00:40:18 state there's still baby boomers who

[12.12] Latest Q - Google - Yellow Vests - Israeli Trafficking Busted - Delonge's "To The Stars"

@00:02:59 you know the deep state entrenchment
@00:11:32 like america there's deep state here in
@00:11:34 america there's definitely deep state

[12.11] Latest QAnon - Smocking Tweet - Antarctica Earthquake

@00:09:59 that the deep state had a plan to have
@00:10:10 getting foiled sorry deep state next
@00:11:14 these deep state actors were probably
@00:12:57 the deep state or the clintons still
@00:13:06 wasn't a deep state raid it was more of
@00:13:15 he had so no deep state actors could get

Live - Sunday Hangout

@00:13:07 good thing or a deep state ploy it's so
@00:30:14 deep state plant he just appears on in
@00:47:49 the shadow war against the deep state
@00:48:31 deep state you know so it's the

[12.8] Huge Q+ Proof / Scaramucci Confirms Q? / Pole Shift / Solar Storms / Sound Levitation

@00:09:45 deep state bad actors start getting into
@00:11:01 it's the deep state or the intelligence
@00:12:18 the deep state once that limited hangout
@00:13:09 okay but on the other hand the deep
@00:13:13 state they want any excuse they can get
@00:13:49 deep state cover story uh-huh be very

Don't Wait For Big Pharma To Release the Cures!

@00:00:57 got over here the deep state holding
@00:01:18 that wow the deep state could be having

[12.5] Solar Storms / Legal Mushrooms / Anti-Vax Italy / UFO Sightings / Air Force Lasers

@00:03:51 brainwashing bs that the deep state is
@00:12:41 deep state gets rounded up you know then

[12.5] Latest Q Update (Flynn, Huber) & Partial UFO Disclosure Psy-Ops

@00:03:13 deep state hubris testimony having to be
@00:03:21 be next week but well played deep state
@00:13:15 let's see next post deep state used
@00:14:14 just to make the deep state use one of
@00:14:25 the d5 because they knew the deep state
@00:14:36 your cards they're deep state tactics
@00:15:24 leading the way with deep state
@00:15:51 well played deep state please allow us
@00:19:26 the deep state itself for decades for
@00:19:32 deep state a lot of their crimes crimes
@00:19:45 the deep state does at the highest
@00:22:09 beast is deep state corporate propaganda

[12.3] Latest Q / New Indictment Count / France Protests / 11.11 WAVE / Netanyahu / Pope / Fentanyl

@00:08:25 the cabal the deep state they use
@00:09:55 i'll get excited they are scared deep
@00:09:57 state is truly think fake news attacks
@00:14:12 obviously there's plenty of deep state
@00:14:38 globe the deep state is a trans national
@00:15:02 you don't want to piss off the deep
@00:15:03 state in israel with them having their

[12.1][LIVE] George Bush - Q Patch Proof - Analyzing Common Anti-Q Arguments

@00:03:18 course the deep state it's a it's a
@00:03:57 intriguing there you know tesla the deep
@00:04:00 state knew they knew what he was working
@00:06:59 message from the deep state talking
@00:10:31 news the deep state was holding on they
@00:10:44 colloquialism weakened term a deep state
@00:11:31 deep state was waiting for the perfect
@00:16:37 generalization that the deep state is
@00:34:44 farmers the elite the deep state they

[11.30] QProof on Pence's Twitter / Putin / Church Raided / Space Force / 5G / MMS

@00:03:03 so some deep state connections to the
@00:03:46 the deep state on blast setting them a
@00:03:53 ukraine there's a lot of deep state
@00:04:12 deep state of basically telling the

[11.29] QAnon - Huber / Whitaker / FISA & Recent QAnon Attacks

@00:01:24 one of those deep state folk and you
@00:03:00 generalization that the deep state is
@00:05:55 devastate destroy i would say the deep
@00:05:58 state and this line is pivotal right
@00:09:33 currencies you know the deep state is of

[11.28] Trump's Treason Meme / NASA Mars Landing / Antarctica / GMO Mosquitoes / Vaccines

@00:08:22 shown that there probably is deep state

[11.28] Trump Blasts Clinton Foundation / Whitaker / Migrant Caravan / Wikileaks

@00:03:02 these state attorney general's to me
@00:03:10 you know the whole deep state the swamp
@00:03:15 and these fifteen state ag's they pretty
@00:03:21 so deep state fighting whitaker tooth
@00:05:43 around all the deep state corporate
@00:11:43 mole like a deep state mole that was
@00:13:05 the deep state literally controls almost

"Sun Dimming" with "Aerosol Injections" - WHY They're Already Doing It

@00:04:36 pushed by the deep state is because they
@00:11:33 deep state likes to say oh it's manmade
@00:12:18 intensify it so the deep state they
@00:14:46 why the deep state they the powers in

[11.26] New Q / Wikileaks & Assange / Space Force / NY State Senator Dead from Flu Shot?!

@00:02:41 deep state
@00:03:32 the deep state we can actually reference
@00:04:06 source i think wikileaks is now deep
@00:04:09 state asset q then saying do you believe
@00:09:59 deep state talking points about this
@00:10:01 caravan so for weeks now deep state
@00:15:55 wanna say democrats will say the deep
@00:15:56 state here which is absolutely i would
@00:16:35 eisenhower knew he knew that the deep
@00:16:37 state was gonna start infiltrating so i
@00:16:43 in the future get rid of that deep state

[11.22] Huber / Whitaker / Saudi Arabia / Service Outages / Clinton Foundation Donations DROPPED!

@00:00:42 was the deep state the rogue
@00:02:56 corporate propaganda deep state media
@00:03:38 the deep state is scared that whitaker
@00:03:52 because deep state wouldn't be running
@00:05:20 an excuse by the deep state in case comm
@00:06:06 that the deep state could be using that
@00:06:13 could be an excuse deep state uses in
@00:08:45 here in america right so what the deep
@00:08:47 state is doing with this journalist
@00:10:53 all these deep state folks were sure
@00:11:30 the presidency and all these deep state
@00:11:49 all of her deep state friends just look
@00:12:16 actors deep state running scared because

[11.19] New QProofs / Sealed Indictments / Julian Assange / Pentagon Audit / Google Hints @ ET's

@00:06:51 working with against the deep state so
@00:15:46 be ordered by the deep state to really

[11.15] Birthday Broadcast! - A Little About Me

@00:21:48 deep state and all this hardcore stuff

[11.15] More CEO's Resigning / Clinton 2020 / FoxNews & CNN / Climate Change & Free Energy

@00:03:47 typical deep state propaganda outlets
@00:05:33 by that deep national security state fox
@00:07:33 deep national security state from the

[11.14] QAnon Panel Cancelled / Cali Fires (DEW?) / Voter Fraud / Ireland UFO / Space Force

@00:09:41 consciousness is because the deep state
@00:12:59 is deep state and air force opposition

[11.8] QAnon / Sessions / Whitaker / Rod Rosenstein / FISA DECLAS / Planned Protests / Thousand Oaks

@00:04:34 so the deep state or democrats whatever
@00:11:05 all you know probably soros fund a deep
@00:11:07 state funded whatever the case but
@00:11:56 see but point is deep state doesn't like
@00:12:03 rod rosen time being fired a deep state
@00:15:53 here the deep state is freaking so trump
@00:16:15 so fisa coming fisa coming deep state
@00:16:20 not happy deep states not happy which is
@00:17:15 stunt political narrative that the deep
@00:17:17 state can use really unfortunate and

[11.7] Live - Talking Midterms Outcome & Path Forward

@00:03:44 you know they were deep state controlled
@00:16:51 their deep state uses mmm-hmm so very

[11.6] Live Chat - Recent Q!

@00:22:29 right now because we have the deep state
@00:23:26 disclosure right now we got deep state
@00:23:44 disclosure with the deep state you know
@00:37:46 the deep state is locked up
@00:40:54 way the deep state has screwed our minds
@00:46:30 putting your money right into the deep
@00:46:32 state pockets is it worth it ask

[11.5] Pentagon Audit Soon! (Missing Trillions) & Navy's Role in Space Force (Secret Space Programs)

@00:11:30 to the modular building of deep state
@00:11:32 crap our deep space craft deep state
@00:14:41 the deep state and disclosure we're
@00:15:18 deep state connections in there okay air

[11.4] UFO's on FoxNews - Hannity Jokes About Area 51 & Tucker Does A Segment

@00:02:53 siop for the deep state in clinton and
@00:07:27 weird one and that's what i mean by deep
@00:07:29 state partial disclosure siop narrative
@00:08:33 that rope that fine line with the deep
@00:08:37 state but at the same time talking about
@00:09:07 mainstream deep state partial disclosure

Above Majestic Reaction & A Word on the Smear Campaigns

@00:07:06 and talking about the not just the deep
@00:07:10 state influence but the cult aspect of
@00:19:11 at least in regards to like deep state
@00:19:23 about the intent used so the deep state

[11.2] Q is Back! (With New Proofs!) & Thoughts on "Initiative Q"

@00:00:28 deep state mapping project links down
@00:08:45 about the deep state but the
@00:11:41 the deep state is saying and what i find

Above Majestic | Official Trailer #2 [HD]

@00:01:05 power in a very public way the deep
@00:01:09 state is a group of very powerful

[10.27] Pittsburgh Incident (FF) / #FakeMailBomber Narrative Implodes

@00:01:38 understand the symbolism that this deep
@00:01:41 state uses whether it's little pictures
@00:13:50 was a secret employee of the deep state
@00:14:00 of the deep state wow
@00:14:57 deep state is scared us conspiracy

[10.24] Were the #FakeMailBombs a White Hat Operation?

@00:01:31 understand when the deep state pulls a
@00:03:33 was the deep state sending bombs to
@00:05:02 against the deep state watch it so bad
@00:05:19 been the deep state against themselves
@00:05:52 well have been the deep state sending
@00:07:53 freaked the out of the deep state
@00:08:11 deep state they have no idea what to
@00:14:43 message to the deep state fight fire
@00:14:53 it would be the deep state sending
@00:15:10 but the deep state by the democrats
@00:16:22 sounds plausible that the deep state
@00:19:51 take down the deep state also do really

[10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More

@00:05:31 they say as these deep state liked to
@00:06:19 how the deep state operates when you
@00:06:26 picture a lot clearer but when the deep
@00:06:28 state pulls their false flags whether
@00:07:07 the worldwide deep state whenever they
@00:10:48 definite thing the deep state wanted to

[10.21] Live News - 8chan Down / GITMO Upgrades / Space Junk / Fluoride & Vaccines

@00:19:01 because they could the deep state the
@00:21:51 over not let the deep state crash it and

[10.17] Live - Twitter, YouTube, and now Amazon issues! - My Censorship Experiences

@00:02:33 reserve in the beginning of the deep
@00:02:36 state kind of clapped down in this
@00:16:54 combating any sort of deep state any
@00:21:29 means we're waking up too fast deep
@00:21:32 state be like they're waking up too

[10.16] Weirdness on Twitter / Warren DNA & Daniels Fail / Julian Assange / Justice Dept. Unloads

@00:03:58 it's so bad for the deep state it's
@00:06:38 against the deep state i think that'll
@00:08:39 incriminating evidence against the deep
@00:08:41 state right so yeah he's gonna play it
@00:12:17 deep state a lot less propaganda ammo

[10.14] Kayne / Vatican / Federal Reserve / Trump to Reform Cannabis / Chinese Spy Arrested

@00:04:51 this deep state i do believe that so
@00:09:45 of these treasonous deep state folk have
@00:10:11 clinton and maybe some deep stake vote
@00:10:16 ministry of state security basically one
@00:11:01 podesta those deep state folks they have

[10.14] Live Chat

@00:08:08 deep state created these tools created
@00:28:48 what's my thoughts on the deep state
@00:28:58 quickly first of all deep state creating
@00:29:19 the deep state can identify them and
@00:37:50 great awakening map this one's the deep
@00:37:52 state mapping project this one's made by
@00:38:35 talk what do i think of there q and deep
@00:38:37 state journalism i think all those three
@00:39:34 same stuff like the ending of the deep
@00:39:35 state political corruption etc etc but

[10.11] Facebook CENSORS Over 800 Pages & a QAnon Website Gets BLACKLISTED

@00:01:57 putting out content that was anti deep
@00:02:00 state anti new world order that was
@00:05:08 the deep state are continuously being

[10.10] Latest Q: "Patience" / Human Trafficking & Child Abuse News

@00:05:36 guards right basically so the deep state

[10.7] PODESTA’S EMAILS - Two Years Later

@00:01:30 it it's not that i mean deep down they
@00:01:37 conscious state their ego state they're
@00:03:32 the deep state still had all their
@00:05:57 that that the deep state putting off of
@00:07:33 disclosure limited hangout that the deep
@00:07:35 state wants to play very few of them of
@00:08:14 deep state the health arena big pharma
@00:09:36 hang out by the deep state because of
@00:15:44 the deep state they are moving fast q
@00:20:17 this deep state deep national security
@00:20:18 state through and through these guys
@00:22:17 so these deep state individuals they
@00:24:11 deep state clamped down right it's all

[10.5] Live from Irvine

@00:09:20 of the great awakening maps and the deep
@00:09:23 state maps that i have you know on my

[10.4] Live chat - Q: Are you ready to see ARRESTS?

@00:06:59 that is once the deep state political
@00:17:48 these deep state elitists or secret
@00:18:17 these deep state people but that doesn't

[10.3] Live Chat

@00:04:19 exposing of the deep state aren't they
@00:30:26 deep state wants they want you to play
@00:33:21 and this one here is called the deep
@00:33:23 state mapping project made by do named
@00:36:03 found some deep state communication

[10.1] QAnon Updates - Plane Crashes - 400 Guns Stolen from UPS Facility - 5G Rollout

@00:06:50 deep state can do with donald trump's

[10.1] 'To The Stars' 37 Million IN DEBT? / New Indictment Count / QAnon / Ebola & Monkeypox Scares

@00:11:02 with the takedown of the deep state but
@00:11:19 and the takedown of the deep state
@00:12:56 just deep state propaganda he didn't use
@00:15:57 deep state often does they create the

[9.29] Twitter Banning - Facebook Breach - YouTube QAnon "Fan" - Kavanaugh Accuser A CIA Asset?

@00:05:43 that are exposing the deep state so it's
@00:06:55 easy situation for the deep state to put
@00:15:53 senator lindsey graham's home state what
@00:16:00 unleashed unchained was saying you deep
@00:16:04 state assholes are trying to stop the
@00:17:16 deep state taking down a military craft

[9.25] Q Comms - Did 4chan Troll Avanetti? - Gab Trolls Twitter - Facebook & YouTube Problems

@00:04:16 because the deep state wants to delay
@00:04:27 for the takedown of the deep state to
@00:07:28 guys the deep state a lot of propaganda
@00:13:13 but what the deep state tries to tell
@00:13:24 the bidding of their deep state and big
@00:13:58 deep state doesn't want out their

Interview w/ An0maly - Addressing Common Skepticisms of QAnon

@00:09:17 actors the deep state and give them a
@00:21:14 might talk about the deep state they may
@00:38:34 we're not a deep state we're a steady

[9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space

@00:01:53 him you know that would give the deep
@00:01:55 state or the democrats if you want to
@00:02:38 deep state had to come out with a nother
@00:34:56 deep state and how they operate

Q Confirms ET’s and Secret Space Programs

@00:05:37 state of things with the state of the
@00:05:40 deep state that's not how it happens

[9.19] QAnon / Deep State FISA Stalling / Kavanaugh / Observatory / Space Force

@00:02:53 regards to the deep national security
@00:02:56 state we definitely want this and we
@00:03:10 top quote deep state dems demand
@00:03:16 that we have a lot of deep state
@00:04:30 corrupt deep state perpetrators
@00:05:13 basically a deep state operative in
@00:05:38 anything that this deep state tries to
@00:06:14 twitter accounts of all these deep state
@00:06:43 out with a nother expose of the deep
@00:06:48 state that has infiltrated our
@00:06:51 deep state unmasked leaks at hhs and the
@00:12:31 deep state criminals getting taken away
@00:14:26 associated technologies that the deep
@00:14:28 state has had a handle on within the

[9.18] LIVE

@00:08:43 is why all the deep state perpetrators
@00:11:18 of deep state hotspots border states
@00:12:11 claim that it's a deep state controlled
@00:12:18 again ask questions why would the deep
@00:12:23 state create q and start outing satanism
@00:13:07 deep state through and through like what
@00:13:46 combatting of the deep state of law that
@00:13:50 been done by the deep state is in these
@00:14:00 the deep state behind bars right now has

[9.15] LIVE

@00:05:06 overview of the deep state and touches
@00:08:44 deep state exist they've done all these
@00:09:31 nature of the deep state and how
@00:28:02 won't talk currents deep state
@00:28:49 why had groups taking down the deep
@00:28:51 state so very touchy man it's so
@00:31:08 many reasons combat the deep state
@00:33:18 question does israel control the deep
@00:33:20 state i would say no because we cannot
@00:33:29 saying deep state are very general
@00:33:39 right we don't say the deep state
@00:33:45 deep state we have the ones that are
@00:34:15 the deep state oh do they control the
@00:34:18 deep state no cuz again there's many
@00:34:26 one particular sect of the deep state
@00:34:34 know deep state nazis which work with
@00:34:36 some deep state lately see you get
@00:34:58 discuss things like the deep state i go
@00:35:08 okay call them the deep state or the new
@00:36:59 drawing table at one point by the deep
@00:37:02 state as their last remaining false flag
@00:38:20 by many deep state factions for a while
@00:38:22 if they're deep dark secrets are about
@00:38:58 of itself the deep state doesn't want
@00:39:25 i do think the deep state is still

[9.11] Live

@00:09:43 gross but hey this is the kind of deep
@00:09:46 state cabal we're dealing with here if
@00:11:05 operandi of the deep state when they do
@00:11:23 reaction solution deep state creates the
@00:11:50 and then the deep state already has that
@00:12:33 wars after 9/11 these deep state folk
@00:12:47 globalists those deep state huh they've
@00:13:57 political truth and expose the deep
@00:14:00 state realm but over i'm over here in

[9.10] Q / FISA Coming / CBS Chief Quits / Bayer&Monsanto / MSM Talks Alien Life

@00:18:22 the deep state the powers that be they

[9.7] Disclosure Talk: Space Force / QAnon / Deep State & More

@00:00:47 everything in regards to the deep state
@00:01:37 deep state so i'm gonna be saying a
@00:08:21 words deep state emphasizing that
@00:08:23 multiple times unelected deep state
@00:08:59 from the deep state the puppets and they
@00:19:59 is one of the things that the deep state
@00:20:34 imagine the deep state once and has
@00:42:06 we've been screwed by the deep state
@00:42:37 deep state hadn't infiltrated society
@00:42:50 about if the deep state we're talking
@00:42:52 deep state we're talking deep deep state
@00:42:59 years right so if the deep state if
@00:44:13 the deep state wouldn't have infiltrated
@00:44:18 being i wouldn't be here if the deep
@00:44:20 state had an infiltrated things cuz the
@00:46:26 take down the deep state but like max

Why is the U.S. Government Censoring ORGONITE on Etsy?!

@00:01:37 be the deep state did not like this guy
@00:03:07 being said like i said the deep state
@00:03:37 secrets that the deep state didn't want

[9.6] QAnon / Censorship Hearings / FISA / False Flags / New York Times

@00:00:36 course when the deep state needs to
@00:01:30 deep state secret society groups cheese
@00:02:02 deep state perpetrators posting about
@00:09:44 things that the deep state is trying to

Jack Posobiec & Alex Jones: The INFOWARS on Q

@00:02:08 raise your hand if you're against deep
@00:02:10 state operatives being treasonous
@00:07:36 deep state but it's not just there you
@00:21:44 everything the deep state rogue

Why This "First Man" Movie (and the controversy) Is BULLSHIT!

@00:05:02 complex the deep state called what you
@00:05:41 thinking well if the deep state had
@00:06:27 deep state not giving us this background
@00:07:08 only has the deep state had access to
@00:10:35 that deep state powers-that-be narrative

[9.4] Today's QAnon / Kavanaugh / Rahm Emanuel / Potential False Flag? / Microwave Weapons

@00:00:50 versus the deep state they would
@00:01:10 the deep state would have been fully

[9.4] New Sealed Indictment Count / Prisons Being Prepped / Trust Sessions

@00:01:37 what we know about the deep state and
@00:02:08 overlay what we know about the deep
@00:02:10 state where they function and where
@00:02:50 take the deep state but what's also
@00:04:11 are supporting the deep state through

[9.2] Vaccine & GMO News: Acne Vaccine / More Russian Bots / MSM GMO Lies

@00:00:48 into narratives that the deep state or
@00:06:43 institutions deep state colleges the

3 Helpful Hints for REDPILLING

@00:01:27 are so deep so out there cue ufos
@00:01:37 anything regarding the deep state really
@00:17:31 deep state and health topics i follow

THE GERSON THERAPY - Healing the Hopeless

@00:07:48 well of course you know the deep state
@00:08:17 so don't know if this is a case of deep
@00:08:21 state suiciding but you can connect the

[8.29] QAnon / Iran Deal / Vatican / China "Hacking" Clinton / FISA Disclosures / 9/11 Truth

@00:00:07 got the disclosure flowcharts the deep
@00:00:09 state mapping project and the great
@00:09:14 exactly how the deep state or cabal or
@00:12:35 see this kind of deep state occult nazi

[8.28] Aug 27/28th QAnon Analysis

@00:10:43 hand of deep state control
@00:10:54 thing this is a transnational deep state
@00:11:23 relationships with all the deep state
@00:16:34 connections them the bad actors the deep
@00:16:37 state to russia other foreign assets who

[8.27] Q / No Name McCain / Jax, FL / Pope / Thank God for Russian Bots!

@00:13:54 anything about how the deep state
@00:14:15 anything the deep state might want to

[8.16] Media vs. Trump / Brennan's Clearance / Vaccines & GMO's / Max Spiers

@00:11:14 things in regards to the deep state he

[8.14] Censorship Continues / NBC Q Attack / Mysterious Deaths / UFO Limited Hangout

@00:01:44 deep state doesn't want that they've got

[8.13] SeaTac Stolen Plane Incident - A Covert White Hat Operation?

@00:10:14 hangout or deep state just area forest
@00:11:44 right there right in if it were a deep
@00:11:49 state territory boom right there to

[8.8] DOWN / Assange to Testify / Mattis Reverses on Space Force / Mandatory Vaccines

@00:02:15 course it makes sense that the deep
@00:02:17 state would start attacking them and try

[8.8] The Basics of the QAnon Operation

@00:03:43 why well a global cabal deep state
@00:04:05 between an alliance and a deep national
@00:04:09 security state or between patriots and
@00:06:17 rid of this deep state that's been
@00:06:57 from the deep state so now we have

[8.7] Latest Q / Infowars Censored / Parkland Shooter Heard "Demons" / $Trillions Missing From DoD

@00:00:27 dylan's the designer of the deep state
@00:00:36 shirt and it's got his deep state map on
@00:04:33 truce that the deep state doesn't want
@00:16:19 the deep state

[8.6] Official Patent: "Triangular Spacecraft" / Space Force / "Meteor" Strike

@00:11:23 deep state or the rogue intelligence
@00:11:44 goes on in these deep state secret
@00:14:57 alliance working to take down the deep
@00:14:59 state on a political level and within

[8.2] QAnon Update - WE ARE NOW MAINSTREAM!

@00:03:36 take down the deep state and working
@00:05:05 some connections to many of these deep
@00:05:07 state members i have seen possibly even
@00:05:10 i haven't delved too deep into that
@00:07:18 the alliance against the deep state and
@00:07:51 been you know running around those deep
@00:07:53 state circles probably like blackmailed
@00:09:50 puppet mainstream propaganda deep state

[7.31] NEW Q DISCOVERY (potentially) - Every Tripcode & ID Points to a BOOK!

@00:06:55 collective trying to rid the deep state
@00:13:06 to and of course exposes the deep state
@00:14:14 only xo politics and deeper deep state

[7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks

@00:00:22 couple of those q maps the deep state
@00:04:50 mossad and there is a lot of deep state
@00:09:22 there about the deep from the deep state
@00:12:44 frickin deep state because of these chem
@00:20:24 course it is the guardian very big deep
@00:20:28 state publication propaganda publication

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure

@00:01:46 propaganda arm of the deep state is
@00:02:32 written by the deep state propaganda
@00:05:02 that but the deep state in america
@00:06:07 deep state did it was a transnational
@00:06:32 deep state was already infiltrating
@00:15:49 around the circles in the deep state
@00:19:49 entrenched in the deep state covering up
@00:24:27 hollywood imploding right with the deep
@00:24:29 state essentially just getting

[7.21] Weird Deaths (Deep State?) / Q Connections / James Gunn / Trump to Take Over Federal Reserve?

@00:03:13 are just trolling the deep state well
@00:10:16 trolling the deep state and wouldn't it
@00:10:36 as all the deep state perps were paraded
@00:10:50 just wanted to piss off the deep state
@00:12:58 there's no deep state infiltration there

[7.14] Strzok - Rosenstein - Trumping the Queen - Q Balloons over Windsor - RUSSIANS!

@00:02:06 say the deep state is being lit on fire
@00:02:17 to make up real quick to combat the deep
@00:02:22 state imploding twelve russians were
@00:03:54 that's a plan fail just to make the deep
@00:03:57 state agenda look foolish don't get
@00:04:33 the fbi take possession of it deep state
@00:04:47 mainstream with the deep state
@00:07:48 troll and all of these deep state fools

[7.11] Seth Rich Conference / HIV Vaccine / Monsanto Lawsuit / QAnon

@00:19:54 that changes when isis is a deep state
@00:19:57 proxy army and we used to have deep
@00:20:00 state puppets in the presidency

[7.3] Antifa Knockout! / Q: "No Civil War" / FBI Foils July 4th Terror Plot

@00:05:01 they're calling deep fake technology
@00:05:06 program their weird twist on deep state
@00:05:09 let's call it deep fake because these
@00:05:11 deep fake videos might be about people
@00:05:13 in the deep state and of course with
@00:20:01 you know what kind of deep state
@00:20:15 up by his deep state handlers to do so

[7.1] INDICTMENT UPDATE / MSM Attacks on QAnon & Secret Space Program

@00:06:08 so the reason that all these deep
@00:06:18 what the deep state does is about to be
@00:14:35 and ill-defined deep state conspiracy

[6.30] Q Train Gaining!/Assange & Trump's Uncle/Natural Health Suppression/Toymaker Pulls Nazi UFO

@00:02:18 on the deep state
@00:02:33 spiritual duty to destroy the deep state

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:09:52 but we'll just say the deep state agenda
@00:11:23 there to take down the deep state that
@00:11:55 just gonna stay deep state party again


@00:00:38 yes i'm gonna deep state you're not so

[5.20] Q Trip Change/False Flags & Conspiracy Push/IG Report & FBI

@00:01:03 that they were faked complete deep state
@00:01:09 making the deep state just pull a sloppy

[5.18] False Flags/Pope Having a Bad May/Russia Investigation Implodes/Opioid Crisis

@00:00:30 off within you because when the deep
@00:00:32 state has things to distract us from
@00:02:56 controls them well deep state shadow
@00:04:55 been all that the deep state has been
@00:07:37 deep state exposed but of course we know
@00:10:12 more evil getting exposed that deep
@00:10:15 state wants a distraction from but 58

[5.16] Q: NYPD Officers/Twitter Shadowbanning/John Brennan Outed/The Next Pandemic

@00:03:04 attorney general still if deep state
@00:09:27 liar complete deep state asset who

[5.15] - Iran & John Kerry implosion/Pope taking a "leave"/"Why People Believe in Weather Control"

@00:06:31 deep state until we have good people
@00:09:09 flag that they're the deep state is

[5.15] - Q: Honeypot Billboard/Flag-Firetruck Confirmation/ALL FOR A LARP?

@00:04:54 easily been deep state created to act as

Undoing Vaccine Programming

@00:00:44 the deep state talking points on

[5.6] Kerry/McCain/NXIVM's Human Experiments/New "Advanced" Technologies Disclosed

@00:08:31 within the deep state because nexium
@00:11:18 instantly you think well deep state bad

[5.4] Q: Trip Change/NEW SEALED RECORD COUNT/Trump: "BOOM"/Dead Doctors/More Arrests Soon

@00:01:45 the white hats to take down the deep
@00:01:47 state and bad actors so that could very
@00:07:10 no chance for the deep state to escape
@00:12:12 intel on the deep state on the bad

[5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems

@00:06:11 the deep state because of the public
@00:06:24 putting the deep state members and those
@00:08:08 hacked by deep state bad actors whatever
@00:12:50 desperate deep state in true panic

5.2 QAnon Analysis - Greedy Folks/IRON EAGLE/Iran & Syria

@00:11:10 bad actors the deep state they were
@00:12:03 in send weapons in and take out deep
@00:12:06 state targets you know it's kind of a

4.28 - QAnon Analysis: Flynn, Mueller & the FBI Cleansing

@00:03:32 needs to be done to take down these deep
@00:03:35 state groups is some freaking four or
@00:08:45 he's like this completely deep state bad
@00:17:49 of bad actors deep state propaganda

4.26 - Q: #releasethetexts/Kanye Wont Quit/JFK Files/Possible New 9-11 Investigation

@00:12:01 exposing the deep state if you will
@00:17:13 deep state job but i think there's gonna

4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West

@00:01:50 their a deep state controlled entity
@00:02:09 reactors so the deep state can then
@00:13:25 assassination of jfk we know the deep
@00:13:27 state had a hand in it but george did hw

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 22th 2018

@00:01:36 in the deep state - of course prevent
@00:06:31 the world turns so this is very deep
@00:06:36 go too deep too quick and give the deep
@00:06:39 state media or
@00:07:01 deep state would be able to pull the
@00:09:30 being very difficult for the deep state
@00:18:34 of the deep state you think about it

DTI News 4.20 - Govt. Admits Electronic Mind Control/QAnon/COMEY Downfall/WEINER's Laptop

@00:01:32 wondering why the deep state if it was
@00:11:25 take out the proxies the deep state and
@00:16:11 the popcorn there is a deep state says

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:07:28 deep state perpetrators they actually do
@00:08:03 deep state fingerprints on it

DTI News 4.17 - Bush / QAnon (Plane Crashes) / "Deepfake" Videos

@00:07:59 message from the deep state to the
@00:14:59 a disturbing new trend called deep fakes
@00:15:02 deep fakes it's almost like a play on
@00:15:06 deep state that they're trying to put

Was The Attack On Syria Actually Against Deep State Proxies, Not Assad?

@00:02:12 opportunity to attack some deep state
@00:03:40 attacking deep state targets right he
@00:04:39 hitting deep state proxies behind the
@00:06:48 he's just another neocon deep state

Are we headed for a WORLD WAR?

@00:00:45 world war 3 which the deep state / dark
@00:06:29 what's all going on between this deep
@00:06:32 state and this alliance that people just

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 10th 2018

@00:01:12 deep state or some deep state proxies or
@00:01:30 intention to essentially force the deep
@00:01:34 state into making right here like it
@00:03:27 course north korea is a deep state proxy
@00:04:05 russia has to put the stop on the deep
@00:04:07 state as well so pinning him down we
@00:05:24 terrorists literally you know the deep
@00:05:28 state proxies here the head of isis
@00:10:28 is convenient for the deep state but of
@00:10:31 ones deep state can use it to of course
@00:12:45 deep state i know a lot of people they

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 7th 2018

@00:02:35 deep state perps just getting so nervous
@00:04:31 and of course north korea being a deep
@00:04:34 state proxy strings were recently cut on

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 6th 2018

@00:07:32 clinton deep state and those operatives

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 4th 2018

@00:04:14 they can do the hit jobs for the deep
@00:04:17 state right so this is all the stuff
@00:05:00 and then once of course the deep state
@00:05:27 deep state right here mass extinction
@00:08:29 reaction solution scenario guys the deep
@00:08:33 state creates the problem and they've

4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network"

@00:21:36 all of those you know deep state pillars

Dissecting MK-Ultra MONARCH Programming

@00:01:24 a deep state very much do and we'll

Examining "Flat Earth" - Why ROUND Matters

@00:02:41 first premise nasa or the deep state
@00:03:01 well not necessarily nasa or the deep
@00:03:04 state they don't lie about everything
@00:03:28 deep state lies to us about a whole lot

3.28 - Q's Latest/Sex Trafficking Exposure/Julian Assange Internet Cut/PARDON FLYNN!

@00:05:49 infiltration of corruption ran that deep
@00:05:57 boogeyman that the deep state or the
@00:06:26 that a lot of these deep state
@00:13:06 deep state now right here look at this
@00:17:45 the deep state could potentially

Is Q a PSY-OP?

@00:10:57 takedown of a deep state shadow

3.27 - PsyOp Q?/Ascension Symptoms/DoD Admits "Voice of God" Tech/NXIVM

@00:03:59 some message from some deep state groups

3.21 - QAnon on Comedy Central/Austin Bomber Identified/SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES

@00:05:40 the lying mainstream media the deep
@00:05:43 state corporate mainstream media trying
@00:07:21 those awful deep state propaganda shows
@00:09:36 scenes trying to combat this deep state
@00:09:46 deep state in yada-yada maybe you know
@00:18:51 directly into the deep state real jews
@00:19:36 completely annihilate plenty of the deep
@00:19:40 state the clinton foundation the
@00:20:28 this deep state operates how the shadow

3.20 - Podesta to Guantanamo?/Facebook Imploding/Rothschilds hit Mainstream!

@00:07:27 because the deep state trying to break
@00:12:23 sick twisted deep state running the

3.19 - Majority of America Believes in a Deep State/Rothschild Steps Down & Zuckerberg Sells Stock

@00:03:48 so hey deep state taking some people
@00:10:04 it actually says majority believe deep
@00:10:06 state manipulates us polity policies
@00:10:20 percent said that a deep state probably
@00:10:33 deep state probably exists if not
@00:11:03 deep state and amazingly enough politico
@00:11:33 who drunkenly threatened the deep state
@00:11:36 so still on that deep state topic
@00:11:43 attack the cia in state department
@00:11:44 contending they were part of a deep
@00:11:46 state will spend nearly five years in
@00:16:55 being exposed the deep state is being
@00:17:17 tweeted about the deep state and whatnot
@00:20:59 exactly what these deep state factions
@00:24:16 deep state makes their money this this
@00:24:31 battling the deep state and that is
@00:24:35 because the deep state makes a shitload
@00:25:04 versus deep state and then lastly let's

Anti-School x Destroying the Illusion - Social Media Censorship Can't Stop The Great Awakening

@00:12:17 you understand the cabal or the deep
@00:12:21 state controls things and they want to

Controlling Your Mind With "The Voice of God" Technology

@00:01:15 we're gonna talk about how the deep
@00:01:17 state call them what you will they have

2.15 - FL Shooting/NSA Incident/Other Articles & Cosmic/UFO News

@00:05:40 false flags and how the deep state
@00:07:34 deep state is trying to distract us from
@00:07:54 typical deep state media outlets like
@00:23:31 hands of the deep state elite so don't
@00:27:45 the cue and on stuff the deep state
@00:30:07 about the deep state about the extra oil
@00:31:05 call them the deep state or right here

Beach Philosophy w/ The Certified Health Nut Troy Casey

@00:09:02 things i talk about a lot the deep state
@00:20:52 spend time on all the deep state the
@00:20:55 deep states gonna it's right to the core

2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th

@00:10:14 a war a deep state right it's what they

2.10 - Memos on Memos/Q Posts [Next week]/Pentagon Audit Front Page

@00:00:55 just a sliver of the deep state
@00:01:14 zero one percent of all the deep state
@00:04:42 still as deep as deep state can be but
@00:11:14 obliterates all of those deep state
@00:22:46 all the deep state propaganda of course

Checking in from LA - Conscious Life Expo

@00:05:18 deep state so they make a lot of their
@00:22:19 solutely so yes the black hats the deep
@00:22:25 state the bad guys they do have a lot of

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:03:06 more deep state hashtags and they
@00:03:22 gate they're saying obama deep state we
@00:10:45 deep state cabal groups so i wonder if
@00:21:56 how the deep state narrative in their
@00:27:20 relevant and i'm sure many of these deep
@00:27:25 state groups and foundations are

Memo Thoughts - There Is Much More to Reveal

@00:01:01 deep state infects all levels of our
@00:02:20 percent of all that the deep state does

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

@00:02:58 deep state people are just gonna
@00:04:33 expose everything the deep state has
@00:13:21 in the in the deep state so they're
@00:17:50 feeding the deep state yada yada

2.2 - MemoDay/Deep State In Panic/Q Posts/Pharma Corruption/Underwater Pyramids

@00:03:23 if that happened no wonder the deep
@00:03:25 state is in panic and evidence of which
@00:03:29 you know deep state in panic was
@00:04:11 talk about that deep state and panic so

What's Been Going On In ANTARCTICA?

@00:08:10 that's nazi / scientists / deep state /
@00:08:21 but in essence the deep state has still
@00:08:44 to defeat this deep state by taking out

1.31 - Memo ASAP/Gowdy/New EO/Train Crash/2nd LV Person/CDC Boss Quits

@00:02:28 that the the deep state democrats if you
@00:06:27 down these deep state people because
@00:09:00 some of these deep state perps so it's
@00:11:40 the way these deep state people work
@00:12:09 and you know the deep state needs a

1.30 - MEMO/New FBI & DoJ Investigations/MMS/Pole Flips

@00:04:37 that the deep state has you know if

1.28 - Q recap/Twitters Censored/FBI Txts/ET News/Time Crystals

@00:15:35 connect it doesn't connect to the deep
@00:15:36 state it doesn't connect to anything why

Jan 27th - Checking In/1st SSP Webcast Complete & Channel Upgrades

@00:08:26 rothschilds literally the cabal the deep
@00:08:29 state these guys are powerful and

1.21 - Hawaii Missile/#ReleaseTheMemo/#SchumerShutdown/CIA Docs & Space Wars

@00:12:45 the deep state to say oh there's
@00:14:04 want the deep state people to be able to
@00:15:07 say the deep state faithful per se now
@00:16:02 i'm saying deep state fault but no it's
@00:20:00 the deep state right so that's just how

1.18 - "Meteors"/Trump @ Pentagon/Newsweek Raided/#FISAgate/Lockheed SSP Disclosures?

@00:11:32 obama and the whole deep state right so
@00:12:51 want to say the deep state the deep
@00:12:53 state is threatening government shutdown
@00:13:13 deep state is threatening shutdown is
@00:15:22 corporate deep state companies being
@00:20:17 know the deep state is trying to use
@00:26:55 will really implicate the deep state all

1.17 - Fake News Awards/Plane Diversions/Detroit "Meteor"/Another Dead Dr.

@00:05:50 the swamp deep state seventh-floor
@00:14:01 good genes which is great the deep state
@00:19:34 deep state that likes to pay people pay
@00:20:14 deep state whether they're just honestly


@00:04:50 oh and by calling the deep state the
@00:05:00 the deep state with very advanced
@00:05:25 owned by the deep state with advanced
@00:18:01 the deep state has all this super
@00:19:48 way that the deep state loves to make
@00:20:08 much money the deep state has made
@00:22:20 the deep state to build out this kind of

1.12 - DNC Lawsuit/Assange/Pentagon Audit/Area 51 & ET Stones

@00:07:03 wars against deep state proxies just for

Jan 7 AMA

@00:07:40 operation against the deep state right
@00:51:39 let's see ufo false flag event deep
@00:51:42 state coming kind of already have seen

1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Physics

@00:16:49 were the actual deep state but remember
@00:22:56 what distractions the deep state is
@00:23:32 i'd imagine that the deep state is
@00:23:46 these things blowing up in the deep
@00:23:48 state face they're gonna need a good
@00:25:05 trying it the deep state is trying to
@00:26:06 deep state media outlets anymore you

1.5 - STORM SURGE - Planes/Arrests/Clinton/Sessions/Fusion GPS/Comey & More!

@00:06:45 the deep state media outlets have also
@00:09:02 guardian another typically deep state

1.3 - Q Warnings/Plane Theory/Abedin(Monitor)/Trump to Disclose Secret Tech?

@00:12:51 deep state has been hoarding these

Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, & Twitter Feuds (Jan 2, 2018)

@00:21:06 black-market business for the deep state
@00:26:12 the deep state which includes any
@00:27:26 their take down the deep state which
@00:27:28 includes the deep state pedophiles anus

1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/Assange

@00:00:54 crashes and the deep state that they may
@00:05:20 dis info coming out from the deep state
@00:08:39 escape by people i mean deep state perps
@00:19:24 to the deep state maybe he was spilling
@00:19:33 crashed purposely by the deep state

12.31 - Twitter Debacles(Liz Crokin!)/False Flags/Iran Fallout/Imran Awan & More

@00:08:54 it's for the agenda of the deep state
@00:21:18 the occult deep state cabal elites and

12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs

@00:17:27 various corporate deep state media
@00:17:41 the deep state being exposed for their

Friday Dec 29 - Live Chat

@00:27:18 some deep state faction of china proxy
@00:32:50 aware and aware of what the deep state

Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon

@00:01:35 is the fact that the quote deep state or
@00:02:48 deep state and this is not a new thing
@00:03:16 since the time that this deep state took
@00:03:42 very deep subject but these are just the
@00:03:48 tell you going forward deep state exists

12.25 - DoD Confirms Q/Assange Twitter/UFO Distractions/Cabal Symbolism in Plain Sight

@00:08:15 down the deep state so yes somebody
@00:15:45 the deep state occult elite right it

12.24 - Q/Trump vs FBI/Space X/More MSM UFO Articles/Occult Manuscripts Declassified

@00:12:21 parentheses they deep state they want to
@00:14:01 continuously circulating around the deep
@00:14:04 state propaganda media outlets this one
@00:17:42 not part of the deep state or something
@00:25:19 deep state perps right wouldn't that be

Interview w/ James Gilliland of ECETI - Deep State, True Human History, UFO Disclosure & Ascension

@00:02:15 he talks about the deep state and the
@00:02:28 the take down of the deep state that's
@00:41:41 the deep state they're trying to pull

12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!

@00:05:09 the cabal in the deep state so and then
@00:10:06 corporate deep state propaganda is that
@00:19:23 lot of deep state money around there let

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #2

@00:10:13 that the deep state or the elites would
@00:12:24 article and of course it was a deep
@00:12:27 state corporate media mind-control
@00:49:31 with our combating of the deep state and

12.19 - New Q/ATL Plane/SEA Train/MSM UFO/ET Coverage

@00:07:18 part of that's taking down the deep
@00:07:19 state it's just corroboration and then

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:14:05 to some deep state perpetrators were
@00:15:11 with the occultism of the deep state
@00:15:32 deep state they they co-opted a law
@00:21:17 deep state wants to distract us from so
@00:23:39 that the deep state wants to distract us
@00:24:33 against the brainwashed deep state

New York Times reports on UFOs & 'Black Money'

@00:01:42 this means this means that the deep
@00:01:46 state they are scared and their time is

12.15 - Q Suppression/McCain/Sex Harassment Latest/Pedogate&Space News

@00:16:07 being right but he's not deep state
@00:16:20 all the outing of the deep state like
@00:20:42 turned into of course one of those deep
@00:20:45 state corporate media shill pillars

Evidence of Geoengineering and Directed Energy Weapons Used on California Fires

@00:08:11 deep state elite if you will if you were
@00:08:15 a part of this deep state elite and
@00:08:47 what we're seeing here this deep state
@00:09:14 this deep state right they have access
@00:09:34 are that are in this deep state

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT

@00:03:30 deep state and that hack was essentially
@00:05:52 truth coming out about this deep state
@00:07:07 unfortunately the deep state / doug
@00:08:38 deep state vote hackers so they had it
@00:11:38 chuck schumer or any of these deep state
@00:16:57 being real being for the deep state and
@00:17:22 obvious this is why the the deep state
@00:18:11 flag that the deep state has to play is
@00:21:57 deep state per se it was actually sent
@00:22:08 this planet and what the deep state is
@00:23:53 what i'm seeing here is that the deep
@00:23:56 state is using this as an opportunity to

12.12 - Q/Schiff/FBI/Fusion GPS/MSM: "Spacecraft passing Earth?!"

@00:18:39 chief admits role in deep state
@00:19:21 looks like here is that we have deep
@00:19:23 state operatives that know that the game
@00:19:35 and yes you know there is a deep state
@00:22:40 surrounding the takedown of the deep
@00:22:43 state that's occurring man what i mean

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:04:15 for the islamic state and for allah and
@00:04:18 of course the deep state cabal you know
@00:05:47 deep state perps who just won't budge
@00:05:57 deep state or they just don't want to
@00:07:55 now all of the deep state corporate
@00:11:19 of technology deep state
@00:12:42 now the deep state of course same group

12.10 - More Q/Storm Coverage/Weird Aircraft (or UFO?)/More Booms/Antarctica Anomaly

@00:08:25 i can only guess that what the deep
@00:08:28 state is trying to do now is paint
@00:10:08 opinion a pillar of deep state corporate
@00:12:21 biggest mob bosses of them all the deep
@00:12:24 state yeah anyway
@00:12:46 clinton's bushes the whole deep state so
@00:13:04 korea being the deep state proxy they
@00:13:52 deep state wants it to so it looks like
@00:13:58 us so not only is deep state proxy isis
@00:17:36 setting up they the deep state we're
@00:23:38 you know the deep state they named
@00:26:21 the deep state right however that would


@00:15:08 versus the outing of a lot of the deep
@00:15:10 state perks right so if it's cnn in
@00:15:32 cnn you know deep state corporate media
@00:16:05 that what another card that the deep
@00:16:10 state are gonna try and play against
@00:22:12 remember that's how the deep state it's

12.6 - D.C. Raids/Q/UFO News/Jerusalem/PGate News/CA Fires

@00:05:20 if the deep state were to force a
@00:13:33 they being you know deep state what are
@00:20:33 it looks like if any of these deep state

12.5 - Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures

@00:16:15 counter quote deep state enemies oh wow
@00:16:29 basically combat again those deep state
@00:17:23 private spy network to counter deep
@00:17:25 state enemies but again very careful
@00:25:30 evil people in the deep state that use
@00:35:39 media outlet of the deep state per se to

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #1

@00:12:47 like calling it the deep state you could
@00:25:17 a witch hunt by the deep state i don't
@00:25:25 deep state witch hunt vs. flynn i think
@00:46:57 ready to use against the deep state if

12.1 - Podesta&Clinton Respond to Pizzagate/Flynn/Q/Booms/ET Disclosure

@00:10:48 distraction for the deep state and their
@00:12:07 war occurring so these deep underground
@00:12:13 complex or the deep state could be being
@00:24:54 out much faster the american deep the
@00:24:57 deep state with their american media see

They’re Coming For Your Guns AND YOUR INTERNET!!

@00:03:11 going on by the deep state to gain

11.29 - New Anon?/Q/Trump Tweets/Lauer&Scarborough/NK

@00:15:28 being completely made up by the deep
@00:15:29 state just so the republic
@00:16:20 biggest foundation of deep state media
@00:16:38 pillar in the in the deep state
@00:19:56 cia slash deep state is using north
@00:21:45 been built out not only are deep
@00:21:50 out by the deep state but there's huge

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:03:54 against the deep state the 1%
@00:07:11 rogue quasi-governmental deep state and
@00:07:23 really attack the deep state well i give
@00:07:45 deep state i've been saying this for
@00:08:10 the deep state it's free online all 11
@00:21:28 all of his moves against the deep state
@00:26:24 by the deep state and were allowed and
@00:26:33 the deep state my bottom line is there

11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons

@00:02:50 well-funded deep state psychological
@00:04:33 place against the deep state
@00:04:43 of the deep state folk and it looks like
@00:06:37 taking out the deep state next story
@00:09:24 the cabal and the deep state it delves
@00:09:42 light compared to the real state of
@00:09:45 matters that the deep state does but now
@00:12:04 everything ties into these deep state
@00:13:03 flag that the deep state has to play is
@00:13:53 the deep state and a kind of false flag
@00:14:27 and the corporate deep state media most
@00:17:58 by the deep state you're supporting them
@00:18:24 healthier folks because the deep state

11.25 - McCains Boot/Q/Space X/P-gate/Free Energy

@00:14:56 military faction aligned with the deep
@00:14:59 state again not just the american deep
@00:15:01 state but the global deep state so i
@00:15:40 that are controlling the planet the deep
@00:15:42 state now in the middle east the wars
@00:16:06 they're against the deep state
@00:17:07 this was probably some kind of deep
@00:17:10 state retaliation some kind of false

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:02:01 discuss with you some of the deep state
@00:08:49 it the deep state the wealthy elite
@00:09:33 that deep state the cia you know through
@00:15:02 know this is how the deep state operates
@00:16:37 out disinformation to make the deep
@00:16:41 state confused something that effect or
@00:21:09 out and and in my opinion the the deep
@00:21:15 state this is one of their cards one of
@00:25:11 not only that this deep state have there

11.19 - Marines Storm CIA?/Fiji EQs/Uranium One/Netanyahu

@00:01:03 the deep state and it was beautiful and
@00:04:32 again why would the deep state attack

11.17 SITREP - "Storm"/JFK/Q/P-gate

@00:01:23 deep state or the new world order from
@00:03:07 because it's so complex so deep this
@00:03:10 deep state has interwoven and
@00:03:44 course the globalists of the deep state
@00:05:44 well from the alliance to the deep state

11.14 - NSA Breach/Trump Jr./Rothschild/Trump Major Statement

@00:02:22 to gather data on the deep state you

11.11 - The Storm Will Unfold/FakeNews Alert/No Space Corp/Another Dead Dr

@00:10:03 the case that the deep state was trying
@00:11:58 i'll read real quick said sadi deep
@00:12:01 state prince bend are among those
@00:18:01 utilized by the deep state to to control
@00:20:40 know so again very weird the the deep
@00:20:45 state really doesn't care about human

11.9 - PingPong Under Investigation/New JFK files/Vault8/Uranium One/"Q"

@00:02:15 deep state in his assassination so it's
@00:03:25 deep state or you know i don't to say
@00:05:00 basically framed the deep state hillary
@00:05:34 deep state found out that they had been
@00:13:29 meddling kids taking down the deep state

11.8 - Q Tips - #followtheglowingrabbit

@00:03:58 anti deep state leaders converging on
@00:05:17 the deep state obsolete if they were to
@00:05:51 deep state proxy puppet
@00:12:26 deep state elites they're also

11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?

@00:02:53 to oust the deep state or the shadow
@00:04:54 of deep state action there as well so
@00:07:13 deep state makes their money they can

11.6 - Storm Update - Trump reads 4chan?/MK Ultra Patsies/Delonge Disclosure

@00:10:10 the deep state and this is crucial
@00:10:16 to take these guys down the deep state
@00:10:20 that's not the deep child sex
@00:10:44 narrative and gives the deep state a
@00:10:59 begin to take the down the deep state

11.5 - Saudi Deaths/TX False Flag/Paradise Papers/The Days Ahead

@00:04:25 we're dealing with some deep state

11.4 - Storm Update - 4chan/Saudi Arabia/Podesta/Brazile/False Flags

@00:01:37 administration to take down the deep
@00:01:39 state is the gist of it anyway this
@00:04:36 the deep state pedo elites right because
@00:05:17 trail to take down the deep state with

11.3 - Is the Storm beginning? Fear, Courage, Motivation

@00:12:26 cabal or deep state factions especially
@00:17:38 what is isis it's a deep state proxy
@00:18:08 deep state proxy army while potentially
@00:18:11 also combatting the deep state
@00:22:50 the deed this deep state has hidden free
@00:27:49 what though the the deep state is really

11.2 - The Storm Cometh! Antifa/DNC/Pedogate/UFO Disclosure Distraction

@00:03:38 mean the deep state the occult elite
@00:13:02 even if these deep state occultists try

10.31 - New York Terror/Podestas/Antifa/Natl. Blackout Drills

@00:01:44 and the deep state is already trying to
@00:06:56 could be some kind of deep state move so

10.29 - Arrest Coming/JFK Files/Electric Universe Solar System Changes

@00:08:59 the deep state didn't want to get

10.26 - JFK Files/Pedogate/Vegas/UraniumOne/Secret Space Program Disclosures

@00:07:57 of the deep state primarily the

10.19 - Big Pedogate Busts | Russia/Obama Nuclear Collusion | The CIA Sucks

@00:04:45 what the deep state is trying to do here
@00:09:57 out sad sad story but you know the deep
@00:10:00 state body count must be few million by
@00:11:41 because it's almost as if the deep state
@00:15:38 hostage by the deep state or working for
@00:18:55 the deep state is just trying to

"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

@00:05:48 that the deep state makes and their
@00:10:53 the ritual sacrifice that the deep state
@00:14:23 the deepest of deep state elite some of

Shootin' the shit before off to ECETI

@00:26:26 for the deep state of the cia or the

10.10 - Tom Delonge & Huffington Post's Half-Ass UFO/Secret Space Program Disclosure

@00:03:03 deep state the new world order the cult
@00:03:09 satanic luciferian elite deep wealthy
@00:03:12 national security state
@00:04:44 with this metaphor what the deep state
@00:05:03 so what the deep state wants to do is

10.8 - The Calm Before the Storm

@00:03:20 is definitely the deep state outed i
@00:09:37 deep state but the alliance that we have
@00:10:06 deep state cabal proxy army over here we

10.2 - Dissecting Vegas Shooting | Puerto Rico Truth | Catalonia | Another Dead Dr.

@00:05:25 billionaires do so these wealthy deep
@00:05:29 state occultists you might not
@00:06:57 know the deep state love human sacrifice
@00:11:41 exposed so of course the deep state new
@00:19:28 deep state has to take such drastic

Another Hurricane, Another Earthquake, WTF Is Going On?

@00:07:09 know of course the deep state they're

9.18 - Iceland Govt. Collapses from #Pedogate | New D.C. Attorney General | More UFO Sightings

@00:11:50 part of that deep state so we'll see
@00:17:19 wonder how many trillions these deep
@00:17:21 state have made on black market stuff


@00:19:33 work against the deep state absolutely
@00:19:49 to not make the deep state pull right if
@00:20:11 like he's playing for the deep state
@00:20:18 again of course and hey if he is deep
@00:20:23 state then cool great he's everybody's
@00:27:31 the very same deep state people who have

9.15 - Recent UFO Sightings | #Pedogate News | Soft Disclosure in Mainstream Media

@00:05:47 deep state if you want to call them they
@00:06:09 of what the deep state does so that's

Interview with ex-CIA Robert David Steele & Fmr Congresswoman Dr. Cynthia McKinney on #UNRIG so far

@00:00:11 powers-that-be or deep state if you will
@00:24:34 talked about the deep state very much i
@00:24:40 deep state but i'm the guy that put it
@00:24:45 government is not the deep state the
@00:24:53 the deep state masters are the
@00:36:39 the deep state people not parties

The Donald Trump and Nikola Tesla Connection

@00:05:26 donald trump is up against this deep
@00:05:28 state group so it could very well be the
@00:05:58 think he's been briefed that the deep
@00:06:00 state is hiding it and has been keeping
@00:06:18 to happen but here's the point that deep
@00:06:23 state that we were talking about is

8.29 - New CIA Agent Exposes Deep State | FBI Denies FOIA Request on Clinton | Hurricane HAARPed?

@00:05:46 obviously there are some deep state
@00:10:12 you obviously know how strong the deep
@00:10:15 state is but this just shows you right

8.16 - Decoding the Last Week of Mainstream Science & Technology News/Disclosures

@00:05:34 new world order or deep state just front

8.9 - More Dead Doctors | Pastor Clinton? | Trump vs. Traffickers | North Korea & ISIS

@00:03:23 a deep state proxy army and we know that
@00:03:35 the deep state in america has been just
@00:03:50 it's all deep state stuff so the
@00:04:55 those deep state proxies so the deep
@00:04:58 state they are we know that they're
@00:05:11 can they tried the deep state try to
@00:07:25 be those that are aligned with this deep
@00:07:27 state or the new world order whatever
@00:07:56 interesting said is the deep state
@00:11:09 well together against the deep state but
@00:11:21 deep state control the world just like i
@00:11:40 the mainstream media in the deep state
@00:12:35 all very nasty practices that this deep
@00:12:38 state has always done to make money on
@00:15:14 lot of these guys the deep state proxies
@00:15:51 how the deep state has done they're
@00:16:05 deep state uses for their agendas and
@00:16:29 trafficking or how the deep state is
@00:16:36 deep state right so has a lot of news

Hello Fellow Humans

@00:23:04 again we know very well that deep state

8.7 - ISIS joins Taliban, Anchor leaves CNN for Pro-Trump, Loretta Lynch Caught Using Alias

@00:03:23 scenes to take down the deep state and
@00:05:33 the deep state or from the certain
@00:06:18 the deep state needs to fuse them to
@00:06:27 iraq now they're so desperate the deep
@00:06:29 state is so desperate that they're
@00:09:20 corporate agenda the deep state agenda

8.2 - Human Trafficking News & Mainstream UFO/Alien Stories (NASA Hiring Space Officers?)

@00:01:57 trying to take down the deep state is

8.2 - Vaxx Propaganda to the Maxx - Overview of Vaccine Lies

@00:04:16 right so the deep state they just love

8.1 - Special Counsel to Investigate Clinton, Scaramucci Fired & Seth Rich Story "Made Up" by Fox?

@00:01:31 deep state and of course it's not
@00:07:40 working with each other while the deep
@00:07:43 state is cleansed right and i'm still
@00:08:13 feud to the public right then the deep
@00:08:17 state would be able to run with this
@00:09:02 behind these lies the deep state of
@00:09:13 the deep state or the new world order
@00:09:20 feud is going on the deep state is being
@00:10:17 media the corporate deep state
@00:10:38 the deep state and a lot of nasty stuff
@00:13:27 like cic cleansing occurring of the deep
@00:13:30 state

Interview w/ Dr. Cynthia McKinney - Corruption in Politics & Meetup Suppressing the #UNRIG Campaign

@00:00:39 beginnings in finding out about the deep
@00:00:41 national security state was she recounts
@00:12:01 the deep state who were able to leverage
@00:17:42 that deep national security state on the
@00:28:27 element of the u.s. deep state
@00:37:07 divided the deep state because now of
@00:37:26 the deep state and so dr. peter dale
@00:37:35 turn turn yes deep state and deep events
@00:37:41 and deep politics so i believe that the
@00:37:49 sole singular deep state was unified on
@00:37:59 trump candidate called them so that deep
@00:38:06 state unity frayed and then
@00:38:22 of the apparatus of the state then the
@00:38:29 deep state factions split into two and
@00:40:06 deep state then that's theme the they
@00:40:21 then the other side of the deep state
@00:45:44 the deep state in whatever formation it
@00:59:41 the deep state about where the money's

7.14 - Health News (Cancer Cures, Vaccine Truth, & Deconstructing B.S. Media Health Advice)

@00:06:00 most profitable industries for the deep
@00:06:03 state or the owner the powers that be

Jordan Sather Interviews Troy Casey, CEO of Certified Health Nut

@00:23:05 relaxed state of consciousness so
@00:23:08 breathing deep if you don't know about

7.13 - Earth Changes & Secret Space Program Technology Soft Disclosures in the Media

@00:02:10 instance if the deep state or you know
@00:08:57 deep state or the new world order or the

7.12 - UFO Disinformation Ramping Up In The Mainstream Media

@00:05:42 or it gives the deep state a perfect

7.10 - Solar System Changes, New Crop Circles, Pedo-Elites Running Scared

@00:10:18 deep states proxy army the so what i
@00:10:21 wrote here the deep state peto elites

7.8 - Trump Tweets Podesta, Air Force Opposing Space Corps, Antarctic Energy Burst

@00:03:04 their dominoes in the deep state that's
@00:04:35 north korea i think this is a deep state
@00:04:49 mean the deep state knows they're not

7.6 - Big #Pedogate Advancements - Vatican UFO B.S. - Beware 7/7 False Flag

@00:08:49 the infiltration capacity of the deep
@00:08:51 state but they're working you know

6.27 - CNN Caught Red Handed, Worldwide Cyberattacks, FBI Twitter Leaks, & Expect More False Flags

@00:05:22 the elites or the deep state we have all
@00:06:21 deep state are probably planning a bunch
@00:07:54 deep state and we're gonna get a lot of

6.19 - Pedogate Arrests, Leaked UFO Docs, Mainstream Media Layoffs & Navy Collision

@00:13:24 because the again the deep state they're
@00:14:15 the the deep state folk trying to foment

Methods to Help Activate Your Pineal Gland

@00:04:54 trying to really relax get into a deep
@00:04:56 deep brainwave to get into a deep state
@00:05:25 can do ones that are deep deep theta
@00:05:31 which is very low that's a very deep
@00:05:32 meditative state you can do alpha range

6.8 - Old & New FBI Directors, Sessions, Clinton, Podesta, Seth Rich & Another Dead Doctor

@00:03:32 hands of hillary and deep state crew or
@00:04:48 down the deep state this could be a very
@00:08:00 how the deep state operates they do a
@00:09:57 the deep state operated so this is just
@00:11:27 offered up in a deal between the deep
@00:11:29 state and trump and i've seen this in
@00:11:50 between deep state and trump
@00:11:54 offered up as a sacrifice by the deep
@00:11:56 state hillary clinton will be offered up
@00:14:42 of the deep state pillars of again if we
@00:19:24 holding up that deep state or that cult
@00:19:41 much money that these deep state folks

6.6 - London False Flag Obvious, FBI Arrests NSA Contractor, & Did FBI Raid Huma Abedin's House?

@00:05:33 murdered by the deep state and this is
@00:05:37 just the i quote deep state all the time
@00:05:46 word deep state better than illuminati
@00:06:02 to jfk being murdered by the deep state
@00:06:04 and now this deep state is going after

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - #UNRIG, Suppressed Technologies, & How Trump Can Win

@00:00:48 call the deep state for false flags and
@00:03:00 is a chance to take down the deep state
@00:03:14 help everyone understand that the deep
@00:03:16 state is our common enemy and if the
@00:03:23 deep state which i think he is then
@00:03:53 together and if they agree that the deep
@00:03:56 state is our common enemy and if they
@00:04:53 people in the deep state we are also
@00:05:05 the deep state using their rules on
@00:09:44 isn't that how we take down the deep
@00:09:46 state then it could be i have a
@00:12:18 the deep state how they how they retain
@00:12:29 the deep state and there have been a
@00:12:31 number of other books on the deep state
@00:12:33 but most people writing about the deep
@00:12:36 state make a fundamental mistake they
@00:12:53 are servants of the deep state are the
@00:18:15 achilles heel of the deep state and it's
@00:19:45 part of the deep state and so trump and
@00:34:16 is the deep state and an election reform
@00:35:14 need to know to take out the deep state

What exactly is a "False Flag"?

@00:07:07 cabal or the deep state right lots of
@00:09:04 say cia or deep state project where

5.31 - Aerospace Exec Spills the Alien Beans, Trump Tweets & Civil War in Congress?

@00:02:18 aren't for the whole deep state complex
@00:07:46 deep state you'll call it house intel

Jordan Has A Hater! - Exposing the Dark Journalist's Bad Journalism - Who exactly is he?

@00:13:28 major topics like gmos deep state black

5.29 - More Antarctic Anomalies, Trump Fires Leakers, Seth Rich Continued...

@00:03:40 interesting isis the deep state proxy
@00:04:04 trying to do the deep state proxy armies

5.16 - Seth Rich Investigation Deepens & Secret Space Program Patents Online?

@00:09:47 down this deep state they've probably
@00:10:03 don't realize the breath that this deep
@00:10:07 state octopus this crime syndicate has

5.15 - Satellite UFO Anomaly, Cyberattack Possibilities, & Trump's Israel/Vatican Trip

@00:03:27 this we could be seeing a deep state
@00:03:33 behind the scenes the deep state could

5.11 - Uptick in FBI Trafficking Arrests, GOP Firm Raided, & Gowdy to Replace Comey?

@00:04:39 he's definitely anti anti deep state so
@00:12:21 of the so-called deep state

5.9 - Trump vs. ISIS, NASA Mining the Moon, & Hanford Tunnel Collapse

@00:07:13 the the deep state of the cabal can
@00:09:23 the friggin deep state new world order
@00:13:17 dealing with a lot of dumbass deep state

5.3 - New Clinton Emails, McCann Case "Solvable", & Synthetic DNA Project

@00:00:29 regards to exposure deep state exposure
@00:08:15 so again deep state exposure all is well
@00:13:46 faster so there's deep state exposure

5.2 - Deep State Proxy Destruction & MSM 1/2 Truth Disclosures

@00:00:34 deep state definitely being destroyed
@00:03:21 is very much still destroying the deep
@00:03:23 state and a few bullet points in that
@00:05:33 deep state cronies and their minions
@00:09:57 funded by those deep state elites and
@00:19:20 of the deep state pedos or if a you know

4.30 - Is the MSM Seeding Our Consciousness Or Toying With It??

@00:07:46 but the cabal or the deep state or those
@00:09:25 globalist in the deep state and what i

4.26 - Antarctic Markings Discovered, Snowden Tweets, Electric Anomalies @ North Pole

@00:10:02 the deep state and their proxies like

4.22 Update - Wikileaks Shenganigans, Operation Gotham Shield (NY Blackout!) & BIG Solar Storm

@00:00:42 working together to take out the deep
@00:00:43 state for many different reasons i'm not
@00:01:40 deep state was trying to use in the
@00:03:02 this big ol show while the deep state is
@00:06:04 right now that's like deep state intel
@00:11:19 by the deep state

4.20 -Trump/Putin Trolling World 2.0, Still Distracting w/ Fake War While Deep State Implodes

@00:00:54 met i mean they're backing the deep
@00:00:57 state backing the neo cons into the
@00:01:14 world with war the deep state is
@00:03:52 deep state while it implodes
@00:06:00 dyncorp is dyncorp is like deep state
@00:07:20 deep state cia fbi and the mainstream
@00:10:41 released along with the deep state and

Why I Think Trump & Putin Are Trolling The World Right Now

@00:10:40 neo cons the peto elites than the deep
@00:10:42 state now you know following along the

Plausible/Possible/Probable Syria Scenario #2...

@00:04:23 not an idiot he knows how these deep
@00:04:25 state operatives operate operatives
@00:05:38 the deep state they actually ordered the

Current Conclusions on the Syrian Missile Attack...

@00:04:56 in retaliation by deep state not by
@00:05:54 only needed the syria there the deep
@00:05:56 state i'm saying not only needed syria
@00:07:54 deep state earmuffs fuckers love to pull

4.6 Update - Syria A Distraction For #Pedogate Advancements & Tons of Soft ET Disclosure!

@00:03:04 deep state maybe donald trump just needs

First Thoughts on Trump Bombing Syria...

@00:00:58 he was put in a bind and the deep
@00:00:59 state's been you could say the deep
@00:01:01 state shadow government has been

4.4 Update - CNN Goes Full CYA, Antarctic Energy Bursts, & Beware A False Flag Disclosure!

@00:01:45 the deep state syndicates start to
@00:04:13 to call it by these deep state

White Hats Strike Back vs. The Shadow Government

@00:00:15 going on the white hat versus deep state
@00:00:59 against the deep state with all their

House Panel Approves Bill To Audit The Fed! Trump & Co. Move Against the Deep State

@00:00:45 hillary clinton in the state department
@00:00:52 of the deep state which is that federal
@00:01:27 hopefully they certain deep state powers

March 21st - Update on Recent #Pedogate Busts & Dr. Phil Exposé W/ Sex Trafficking Victim!

@00:03:10 trafficking because remember these deep
@00:03:13 state elites these cabal folks they make

MSM says "Secret Service Laptop Stolen" - Is This Attempt to Set Up a 3/22 False Flag?

@00:03:40 deep state and maybe the pope is who
@00:04:46 deep state i'm not gonna get into

David Wilcock's New Data Dump - Antarctica is Atlantis - Beware of Disinformation!

@00:02:40 cabal the deep state whatever you want

Mar11 SITREP - Sessions Fires 46 Attorneys, Tom Delonge, More Pedo Arrests & Soft Disclosures

@00:01:00 right the cabal the deep state likes
@00:01:14 power that these deep state folk are
@00:01:42 different obama state department
@00:01:52 media is calling deep state don't you
@00:02:02 call them should we call them the deep
@00:02:03 state shadow government the cabal the
@00:03:01 concept of deep state on cnn i saw their

Enough With New Age Hippie Bulls***!

@00:01:35 the cabal or whatever name deep state

Due to Pizzagate and Vault 7, Beware of a False Flag UFO Disclosure

@00:01:20 talking about the corruption of the deep
@00:01:22 state and all this stuff but i don't see
@00:03:05 government the cabal the deep state the
@00:05:06 be the last one that the deep state

Vault 7 Update - Dissecting Wikileaks Publishes Of "Entire Hacking Capacity of CIA" - March7

@00:04:20 administration used you know deep state
@00:05:15 the deep state themselves and also lay

Mar6 - Wiretapping Investigations Leading to a Spring Purge?

@00:00:35 the deep state the shadow government the
@00:01:26 while the corporate media and deep state
@00:03:37 retaliation by the deep state we might

Antarctic History - Operation Highjump - Satellite Evidence of Secret Nazi Bases?

@00:02:08 within the deep state because certain

Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories. He Knows.

@00:04:38 that the cia and the deep state have

Feb21 Disclosure Report - More Arrests, Milo, Fmr UK PM Outed, Vault 7 = Deads Man Trigger

@00:04:47 here right the corporate deep state
@00:07:15 who is against the deep state and
@00:07:59 the deep state to eff off right like who

Feb19 Disclosure Report - Kutcher's Fake Tears, Flynn Out, McCains Gross, Antarctica Caution

@00:03:55 all those deep state syndicates they
@00:07:02 fighting that deep state with looks like
@00:07:55 i should say that the deep state are
@00:08:09 kiddies get kilise he love the deep
@00:08:10 state right because that is really sick
@00:11:01 stuff the elites the deep state what

Why I Think Trump Is Working For Humanity's Benefit

@00:03:32 the shadow government deep state crime

Pizzagate Basics Explained

@00:02:26 going on they know a deep state shadow

Why UFO Truth Has Been Suppressed

@00:02:01 military industrial complex deep state