

@00:04:06 multiple posts on twitter one of them
@00:04:39 twitter user has been suspended too so
@00:04:45 twitter they totally suspended this
@00:05:39 anna kate's twitter account
@00:05:52 following it on his twitter account as
@00:12:16 on their twitter account say to not post
@00:18:01 gab also instagram also maybe twitter
@00:18:05 but not twitter wink wink nudge nudge i

Quick Sather Update

@00:07:05 main ones twitter instagram facebook
@00:07:38 uh you can find of course twitter
@00:07:52 you don't do twitter instagram

[9.23] Latest Attacks vs. 17 - Bad Day for Hunter Biden - DOJ's Section 230 Amendment

@00:02:02 everywhere on twitter went pretty viral
@00:02:11 out twitter let the

[9.20] Ricin - RBG Fallout - New Weiner Laptop Details - Epstein's Chef - London Protests

@00:06:36 so what i went ahead and did on twitter
@00:07:14 around on twitter

[9.19] RBG Passed Away - Panic in D.C.! - No Soros Talk on Fox - COVID Vax Will NOT Be Mandated

@00:02:17 youtube and twitter and facebook and all
@00:05:00 one of those fronts is twitter
@00:05:01 twitter went through another little
@00:05:08 fan favorite on twitter this must be his
@00:05:25 m a few other folks too there on twitter
@00:06:08 as we head towards the election twitter
@00:06:22 twitter expanding q and on restrictions
@00:06:27 twitter was telling forbes magazine and
@00:06:34 twitter youtube brace for a turbulent
@00:15:33 and do this on twitter so apparently his
@00:15:38 where he went to twitter and tweeted
@00:17:19 you look at all the twitter accounts

[9.16] Climate Change & Fake Science - Q Nazis? - Gates Sr. - Muh Russia - COVID from a Lab - UFOs

@00:01:06 posting some things on twitter and
@00:22:09 so huge news yesterday twitter more
@00:22:12 twitter shut down the account of the


@00:00:53 twitter
@00:00:58 twitter
@00:01:55 check marks and people on twitter

[9.10] Q: Plan accordingly [November] - AstraZeneca's Failed Vaccine - Adrenochrome on Dr. Phil

@00:10:55 social media on youtube twitter
@00:13:14 twitter she did a periscope yesterday at
@00:15:42 on the screen for you on twitter where
@00:26:50 twitter yesterday

[8.25] Legislation CONDEMNING QAnon - Save the Children - The Plasma Controversy - The RNC Smashes

@00:08:11 towards a twitter thread that i released
@00:23:22 luckily got my twitter account back they
@00:23:28 so still on twitter

DTI Channel Update

@00:02:02 that 200 000 follower twitter account i
@00:02:39 facebook and twitter i'll just be
@00:03:27 not on twitter facebook and instagram
@00:07:42 or on twitter or instagram or wherever
@00:07:50 youtube channel or a twitter account or

[8.9] Live: State of the Q-nion

@00:02:30 twitter and
@00:02:59 two days ago twitter swipes followers
@00:03:15 like 189 thou on twitter and now i'm
@00:03:26 hoping i have my twitter account still
@00:03:38 noticing that twitter is specifically
@00:03:48 twitter rules or they can use that
@00:04:00 that you're using for twitter i would
@00:04:07 as safe as i could on twitter but
@00:11:45 when he had a twitter profile
@00:11:48 his twitter account got a lot of
@00:11:53 he got suspended from twitter so he went
@00:33:12 at least like at people on twitter is
@00:34:19 i've seen on twitter and facebook lately
@00:35:17 looked at us in steinbart's twitter

[8.5] Beirut Booms - FBI Raids - Biden's Fails - Trump Talks UFOs - Joe Rogan Rags on Q Followers

@00:04:05 on twitter this used to be thomas
@00:11:34 twitter thread this one by
@00:11:39 they put out a good twitter thread
@00:32:00 go follow me on parlor twitter instagram

[7.25] Live: Coffee, Q & UFOs

@00:00:26 you would be able to find him on twitter
@00:00:28 but he's not on twitter anymore
@00:02:49 twitter account on wayfair
@00:04:10 twitter really
@00:04:21 you know one thing though twitter said
@00:07:02 twitter with a couple of them
@00:10:24 twitter uh don't know if he's ever seen
@00:11:44 controlled oppos on twitter that act
@00:12:15 have a twitter account period or not
@00:17:52 he's got 220 000 followers on twitter
@00:18:03 timeline on twitter
@00:19:55 tweets on twitter it's the stupidest
@00:22:15 twitter account yeah that one twitter
@00:22:30 twitter i'm going to be tweeting till i
@00:32:26 i just saw it on twitter

[7.21] DTI News: G-Max paid Jacob Wohl?! / Kevin Shipp / Dwight Howard / Chinese Spies / HCQ & Cl02

@00:04:00 account on twitter
@00:05:26 what his twitter timeline looks like
@00:18:26 had a twitter
@00:18:27 i don't think he has a twitter account

[7.19] John Lewis - CDC - Pedos & UFOs - Bolivia Approves WHAT For COVID? - Sather Fact Check!

@00:06:04 swamp folk twitter accounts
@00:07:05 somehow on twitter there was an
@00:24:42 check my websites find me on twitter

[7.8] DTI Headlines: U.S. Dumps the W.H.O. - Ghislaine Updates - COVID Deaths are DOWN! - Kanye

@00:01:17 video to his twitter account and cnn is
@00:03:06 checkmark somehow on twitter and they're
@00:21:25 twitter he posted this excerpt from dan
@00:25:09 find me on social media as well twitter

[7.6] Flynn's Oath - QAnon Trends - The PLAGUE Is Back! - Kanye West - Maxwell's Arrest

@00:02:09 his twitter account on saturday the 4th
@00:03:03 twitter just tossing up a bunch of word
@00:03:39 twitter q anonymous trending on twitter
@00:10:24 this includes twitter folks in fact it
@00:10:27 should especially include twitter and

[6.23] The Fight vs. Big Tech - Push to Parler - Parscale Hints At Secret Platform?

@00:01:18 twitter and facebook and youtube and all
@00:01:58 twitter goes and hires former fbi lawyer
@00:02:22 the tech giant twitter
@00:02:32 twitter is expecting probably a load of
@00:02:52 little bit twitter and facebook it looks
@00:02:54 like to twitter went in flag one of
@00:03:04 so of course twitter is going to flag it
@00:03:26 don't you get the sarcasm but twitter
@00:06:01 going to stop posting on twitter
@00:06:05 anymore or twitter and facebook going
@00:08:38 uploaded to twitter and went viral some
@00:08:53 rahm code monkey on twitter he's been

[6.21] Latest QAnon - Eric Trump tweets Q Meme - POTUS Rally Trolled By TikTok?

@00:02:24 twitter president trump's twitter how
@00:02:56 the blue checkmarks on twitter and just
@00:07:13 assets activated we know twitter
@00:07:27 on twitter and even the the page on
@00:07:33 elsewhere like on twitter i don't know
@00:08:38 through twitter and like like like like
@00:09:33 twitter but as you can see the fake news
@00:14:48 twitter with obviously him being
@00:20:26 watching it on twitter queue saying here

[6.16] "Second Wave" - Act Blue - DDoS - FDA Revokes HCQ - Trump Jr. Jokes About Aliens

@00:09:49 talk about some things that set twitter
@00:10:20 basically i don't know a twitter owned
@00:10:31 on twitter but some cybersecurity
@00:10:56 twitter basically pumps anonymous with
@00:11:20 kind of the twitter consciousness the
@00:11:23 the society on twitter there and then of
@00:11:28 moves there from twitter to other social
@00:11:46 twitter yesterday something else it was
@00:12:38 twitter on to other social media and
@00:13:54 blue checkmark on twitter and huh more
@00:13:59 than that he still has his twitter
@00:14:09 gonna have as twitter account number one

back to destroying illusions

@00:03:22 follow me on twitter on facebook on
@00:06:54 platforms from youtube from twitter

[5.19] Latest QAnon: It's a marathon not a sprint

@00:02:33 posts removed from twitter facebook and
@00:02:41 around here twitter facebook and
@00:03:39 they could ban me on twitter instagram
@00:09:57 twitter account her sarah carter
@00:10:07 twitter but catherine herridge late last
@00:13:01 theories and speculations on twitter and

[5.16] POTUS on Vaccines - SPACE FORCE! - UFO Videos - Latest Q

@00:00:47 twitter used by cue and one of their
@00:01:10 saw this on twitter yesterday and it
@00:14:05 that twitter facebook and all these
@00:29:18 the screen cap that i posted on twitter

[5.11] Weekend QAnon - OBAMAGATE! - Info Warfare - Plandemic CENSORED - Trump Says No Vax Needed!

@00:01:18 on my phone and it's twitter it's
@00:04:13 off on him on twitter why is a retired
@00:09:59 me you on twitter on facebook sharing
@00:20:22 twitter yesterday trump boehm retweeted
@00:20:55 on twitter where execution trump went
@00:31:05 from techno frog on twitter tweet from

Tell Me What's Mainstream Now.

@00:05:26 millions of followers on twitter and

Back From YouTube Timeout

@00:00:43 twitter well dylan educating liberals he
@00:00:49 account twitter cut that started another
@00:01:00 twitter account there was that uv light
@00:01:10 both twitter and youtube suspended their
@00:03:12 dorsey twitter ceo let's take a look at
@00:05:42 the weird stuff on twitter that i've
@00:07:58 on with twitter alright it's been
@00:08:06 just log into twitter and error message
@00:08:59 here was the weird thing okay on twitter
@00:09:07 have been having problems with twitter
@00:09:17 emails from twitter about these tweets
@00:09:23 the end of this email twitter says we
@00:09:31 the twitter rules or german law
@00:09:54 report all these tweets but then twitter
@00:10:07 basically twitter tells me that stuff
@00:10:28 email i got from twitter i was just
@00:11:18 gone that means also when your twitter
@00:12:49 facebook twitter instagram i'm gonna

deleted [4.17] "Carrying Water" For the W.H.O. and Bill Gates - Breaking CHLORINE DIOXIDE News - FISA DECLAS

@00:06:58 my timeline on twitter for the last few
@00:16:10 queuing on suggested on twitter that mr.

[4.13] Q: Bigger than you can possibly imagine. - Out Of Shadows - Microsoft's Marina Abramovic Ad

@00:01:36 twitter or if you've seen some of my
@00:05:35 can see they link the twitter account of
@00:07:41 onto onto twitter and onto his timeline
@00:08:02 twitter much but he is the wake up cue


@00:00:48 suspended off of twitter he recently got
@00:00:54 was too much for twitter to let him have
@00:00:58 joe appealed that twitter sent him a
@00:01:18 he only had one so it looks like twitter
@00:02:03 have any other accounts on twitter at
@00:02:10 missus on twitter or facebook ignore it
@00:02:38 shout out to twitter user truth hammer 8
@00:02:55 the hallway and posted that on twitter
@00:22:29 or sheila counts before on twitter q's

So apparently Austin Steinbart got arrested.

@00:00:35 on his youtube and on his twitter
@00:04:29 that twitter account and austin stein
@00:12:23 that mj-12 twitter account tried to do
@00:15:12 posts on twitter from steinmart for a

I’m tired of the clickbait.

@00:01:00 and then today twitter locked me out of
@00:01:29 twitter rules they didn't give me any
@00:04:37 version i see whether it's on twitter or
@00:06:30 incredible because just on twitter by me

they dun deplatformed me again

@00:00:31 twitter what do i see i see a post from
@00:00:39 he's got a twitter of well over a

deleted Some Rational Thoughts on CHLOROQUINE

@00:05:23 like vaccines go back to his twitter

Up Your Metal Stash While The Markets Crash!

@00:03:12 twitter before things like that and
@00:07:43 check out our twitter feed for about a

For Those New To Q (helpful things to remember)

@00:06:26 twitter and instagram and people get
@00:07:49 you know you could have twitter
@00:08:43 on twitter and youtube that have very
@00:09:12 accounts on twitter on youtube as well
@00:10:45 twitter land internet world but you also

[3.21] Tom Hank's Son Mocks 8chan - 30 Day Lockdown Rumors - DEEP STATE DEPARTMENT! - COVID Vaccines

@00:04:18 on my twitter like 250,000 people have
@00:04:24 twitter account and there's a lot of
@00:10:19 twitter a wikileaks email a wikileaks

[3.18] Oprah Arrest Rumor - Algorithms Lifted? - Tide Turning in the Media - COVID "Cure"

@00:02:07 hit the top spot on twitter and they
@00:02:13 twitter to tweet and dispel these rumors
@00:07:51 twitter i just searched queue and on i

[3.15 live] Latest on Corona: Natl. Emergency, Shutdown, Economy - Latest Media Attacks Against Me

@00:05:13 what his angle is because in his twitter
@00:06:59 hacks especially the ones on twitter
@00:08:17 twitter over the weekend and what they
@00:10:29 messaged me he dm me on twitter and he
@00:11:49 posted it on my twitter page and i did
@00:23:57 facebook and twitter and just on the
@00:29:47 youtube and twitter the majority of it
@00:31:30 here i posted this on twitter this
@00:32:54 surfaced on twitter this guy did a who

[3.12 - live chat] CORONAHHHH

@00:00:33 scrolling on frickin twitter and it's
@00:07:39 minute i log off log on to twitter and
@00:15:05 this going around twitter i don't have i
@00:15:56 did note this is well on twitter done in
@00:32:03 trying to report my twitter account to
@00:32:26 some some trolls on twitter tried to
@00:32:31 an email from twitter that said we

[3.6] WaPo & NYT Can't Math - COVID Vax Connections - FBI Dropped Terrorist Investigations

@00:12:04 scrolling through his twitter account
@00:14:28 watching this video man or on my twitter
@00:14:52 they leave their twitter accounts public
@00:15:04 co-founders twitter feeds that i've
@00:17:17 their trusted sources twitter just
@00:23:15 twitter accounts of like these ceos and
@00:23:20 on the twitter counts and the instagrams
@00:23:43 you for doing that find me on twitter

[3.2] Presidential Dropouts - Q in a Trump Ad - NYT and WaPo Sued for Libel - COVID Updates

@00:05:32 i believe i've seen on twitter some
@00:06:23 all the politicians all the twitter

[2.21] Q: Prepare for the Storm! - Its RUSSIA Again - Peter NyGard - Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

@00:04:21 their twitter account just a few weeks
@00:05:40 he posted this on twitter of trump at
@00:12:51 twitter saw this one back in june of
@00:14:01 referencing twitter accounts this is
@00:14:07 purpose of referencing twitter accounts
@00:14:40 on twitter are taking that research from
@00:22:07 found a bot on twitter and this bot
@00:22:45 moving on to nbc here twitter is testing
@00:23:24 he's so weak his twitter banner i don't
@00:23:29 but his twitter banner used to be a
@00:23:41 weak basically what twitter is going to
@00:24:16 and that's good enough for them twitter
@00:24:58 twitter that includes youtube these


@00:01:04 and twitter and whatnot and get back
@00:03:07 started doing twitter and facebook and

[2.13] Latest QAnon, Drops/Proofs/Attacks - Harvard & Yale Being Investigated - Coronavirus Vaccines

@00:10:58 to twitter and that's saying something
@00:11:13 whole article to twitter that means they
@00:13:15 is his twitter here and this is actually
@00:13:20 on his twitter check this out this is
@00:13:30 have been on twitter since beta in 2006
@00:14:00 so no doubt that he scrubs his twitter
@00:14:26 twitter account was subsequently flooded
@00:39:06 circulating around twitter and you'll
@00:39:42 twitter and everybody's thinking shits
@00:44:29 twitter earlier today i think

[2.8] I'm Back! Talking My Channel's Censorship & Latest QAnon

@00:14:06 hedges twitter account got him banned on
@00:14:08 twitter the buzzfeed reporter by the
@00:19:14 circulating around the true news twitter
@00:20:22 tweet a video actually on twitter from
@00:25:22 tweet from madness he's back on twitter
@00:25:24 good to have him up him back on twitter
@00:27:24 yeah q link joe m on twitter joe m's

[1.21] New Q - Peach Mint - POTUS @ Davos - “Coronavirus” - UFO Disclosure

@00:03:18 president posted and on twitter and the
@00:06:04 there's that potus is twitter back on to
@00:20:34 names especially on twitter i've really

[1.20] Q is Back & The Virginia Second Amendment Rally Went SMOOTH

@00:03:10 twitter this morning just gave us a nice

LARPers gonna LARP - Q Gets Love & Hate in the Media - Don’t Go To Virginia

@00:00:46 if you've been following me on twitter
@00:02:04 stepped away from the twitter game and i
@00:08:29 was giving shit to queue on twitter the
@00:18:08 thousand followers on twitter sees this
@00:18:21 yourself out there on twitter social
@00:19:39 on instagram twitter you know i've been

Adam Schiff Gets Sued For Censoring Vaccine Info & The TikTok Doc

@00:07:25 media pages her instagram her twitter
@00:07:43 twitter page about their own children

[1.13] New Jersey Vaccine Win! - Free Iran! - Epstein Docs - Veritas #Expose2020 & More

@00:06:02 twitter that there was this post made on

[1.8] I’m in Australia! - Iran - AUS Fires - Attacks on Q - CNN & NYT

@00:00:25 me if you follow me on twitter you've
@00:13:35 on twitter you probably will follow him
@00:13:37 he's got a good twitter account he said
@00:16:32 twitter here iran says it has concluded
@00:21:14 twitter and on the internet of iranians
@00:29:03 on twitter and then did a quick google

[12.25] Latest Q - 17 Drones over CO - MIL Warns of 23AndMe - EBOLA in Congo - Space Force & UFOs

@00:01:45 on twitter so as you probably know
@00:02:00 twitter suspended his account suspended
@00:02:07 which was his 16th twitter account
@00:02:11 getting suspended on twitter started a
@00:02:20 probably sooner than that that twitter
@00:02:25 that but twitter also suspended the
@00:02:40 i don't know if he's back on twitter but
@00:04:18 the other day the twitter accounts
@00:05:07 twitter of course he didn't mention
@00:06:57 somebody also on twitter

"John Here To Help" Talks To Redpill78 And TruReporting - I've Got Questions

@00:27:02 i check his twitter out every single
@00:27:25 twitter account the first place and

[12.22] Q: PELOSI Holding Impeachment - Durham - DoE Tweets Unlimited Electricity

@00:01:32 from a twitter account called woke
@00:05:38 been doing good work on twitter there q

[12.22] SPACE FORCE! - Tic Tacs - UFOs in the Mainstream - The REAL Reasons Govt. Keeps UFOs Secret

@00:21:12 trending on twitter that was like
@00:21:34 incarcerated et's twitter account
@00:21:57 twitter yesterday okay so the us space
@00:22:00 command twitter account on december 19th
@00:22:12 twitter user get this
@00:22:23 twitter user replied to that with a gif

[12.21] THE VACCINE FIGHT: New Jersey - WaPo Attacks Mercola - Bill Gates Vaccine Dye

@00:06:54 so look at this video on twitter do you

[12.16] Q's Weekend Drops - Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift - Ret. AF Gen Talks Advanced Space Tech

@00:01:58 to our brother cj truth on twitter if
@00:02:01 you're on twitter go follow him he posts
@00:02:51 people's twitter accounts and things
@00:02:55 them censored by twitter and youtube and
@00:05:06 koonin twitter of some people trying to
@00:07:38 on twitter i think he's been cute a few
@00:08:38 nor notoriety have on twitter and
@00:16:38 lighten it up on twitter in his threads
@00:19:51 have an account on twitter and that's
@00:21:23 were following me on twitter or i think
@00:21:38 twitter account releasing the statement
@00:21:47 twitter the justice department release

Air Force Secretary Considers Declassifying Secret Space Programs

@00:04:57 first saw this article on twitter the

SEVEN Q Proofs From the IG Report (MINDBLOWN!)

@00:06:10 twitter account tweeting the release at
@00:06:14 twitter account tweeting attorney
@00:06:34 on twitter it was on their website and
@00:06:52 justice twitter account tweeting the ig
@00:06:56 twitter account tweeting ag bar
@00:08:09 justice look what twitter accounts q
@00:14:28 the proofs share those go on to twitter

[12.6] Latest Q: D[1-6], Think Timing - Biden & Pelosi Freak - Attacks vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:08:45 twitter for that but that being said you

NUCLEAR REACTORS In Ohio And Talking Free Energy

@00:00:54 on twitter and this update was from
@00:01:41 to a local reporter there whose twitter
@00:03:01 was making this twitter thread about it
@00:03:10 news reporter twitter thread and started
@00:04:24 on twitter they said maybe the deep
@00:07:52 people on twitter that got like

[12.4] Latest Q - Impeachment Scam Continues - Epstein & The Clintons

@00:01:53 lot of people on twitter past few days
@00:01:56 if you if you're on twitter you notice
@00:01:58 that when you tried to log in twitter
@00:15:28 twitter some sleuths gosh if anybody
@00:15:43 probably don't i didn't start twitter

[11.22] Talking Latest News, Projects, Q&A

@00:18:08 he's like oh i haven't had my twitter in
@00:18:14 house i'm supposed to get my twitter
@00:18:15 back but i didn't have my twitter back
@00:18:21 my twitter back and then once john
@00:19:52 twitter and and there but i don't know

What Can We Learn About UFOs From QAnon?

@00:24:24 follow it to the tweet on twitter it was
@00:29:38 go find me on social media twitter

[11.16] Latest Q - Impeachment Fails & CSPAN Call-Ins - Vaccine Protests - Mainstream UFOs

@00:06:42 on twitter i posted below very first
@00:12:18 aqil i'm getting that right on twitter

[11.12] Q Unloads: Indictments Coming [2019] - PROJECT LOOKING GLASS

@00:11:43 dedicated video on twitter threads deep
@00:16:16 twitter and it was over a year ago i
@00:21:51 remember follow me twitter instagram

[11.11] 8kun Is Live And New Q!! - NBC Attacks Q - "Whistleblower" Censorship - Vaccines

@00:01:11 on my twitter feed as i normally do and
@00:03:05 saw somebody note on twitter is that if
@00:03:43 stormy patriot joe's twitter account and
@00:07:08 related twitter accounts on twitter so
@00:18:01 my bitch shoot find me on twitter

[11.5] Project Veritas Breaks Internet With #EpsteinCoverUp Release and Q IS BACK!

@00:03:59 much so that twitter had to suppress the
@00:04:03 thousands of mentions and twitter wasn't
@00:05:24 twitter noticing that q told us exactly
@00:06:14 when la on twitter that's the handle
@00:06:19 to follow on twitter he tweeted veteran
@00:10:41 says right here in trump's twitter feed
@00:11:01 twitter hot like clockwork
@00:12:11 on twitter so go check out the full

[11.2] Joe M Calls It Quits & 8kun Is LIVE

@00:00:19 joe m is calling it quits on twitter and
@00:02:51 sprung up on twitter and it's trying to
@00:03:00 twitter account was actually made months
@00:03:05 issues with his twitter account fake joe
@00:03:17 since real joe recently went off twitter

[10.31] Vaxxed 2 - #FakeWhistleblower Identified (Again) - Epstein - Air Force's Secret Space Thing

@00:05:46 instagram and on twitter so let's talk
@00:08:15 twitter to follow i like to follow that
@00:08:21 on twitter tweet this tweets go viral
@00:14:03 people on twitter talked about it but i

[10.30] VICE "News" Thinks "QAnon and UFOs Are Merging" and Wrote About Me

@00:04:14 here he is on twitter this morning i
@00:04:40 twitter newsletter down below anyway
@00:04:42 martin replied to me on twitter i
@00:21:40 that i had with mj here on twitter yeah
@00:22:06 have had quote words on twitter and

Two Years of Q!

@00:00:56 queued my name or my twitter showed up
@00:02:06 updating us on twitter pretty much every
@00:18:18 to twitter and a youtube into facebook
@00:20:59 day we are the nsa's twitter accounts
@00:21:05 and again through the nsa's twitter
@00:23:28 on in their twitter bio or stuff on
@00:26:14 to his twitter account he was meeting
@00:26:25 vice president's twitter and then he got
@00:26:39 vice-president's twitter account they
@00:26:54 vice-president's twitter was like a
@00:27:01 twitter account so you know it wasn't a
@00:37:02 been scrolling my twitter to see that
@00:37:14 about somebody that was on my twitter
@00:38:13 actually linked my twitter q queued me
@00:38:23 linked my twitter just a couple of weeks
@00:39:37 twitter account an obscure twitter
@00:39:42 picture of this twitter account was the
@00:40:06 retweeted this twitter account that had
@00:40:43 what the handle was this twitter account
@00:40:56 twitter account that copy and pasted my
@00:41:03 this twitter account i clicked it and i
@00:41:19 then i clicked on this twitter account
@00:41:59 my twitter account probably would have

[10.26] 8kun Soon! - Q Confirmed by A Retired General? - FISA Incoming - Snowden on Rogan - UFOs

@00:02:22 tweets his pin tweet on his twitter
@00:05:13 company's twitter accounts and he
@00:21:14 million followers on twitter if he was

[10.18] 8kun - Turkey Ceasefire - Mexico Violence - Elijah Cummings - Dark Web Bust - Flynns' Case

@00:04:13 videos on twitter of what's going on
@00:04:43 these videos on twitter of the cartel
@00:05:20 twitter of the frickin guns that these
@00:05:51 the media twitter accounts and their
@00:07:22 could be a few of them twitter sleuth
@00:16:35 and on twitter and other social media

[10.14] #ExposeCNN - FISA IG Report Out the 18th - Bill Gates & Epstein - Secret Space Program

@00:01:59 on twitter and whatnot how about this
@00:02:08 media uploaded this video on twitter and
@00:06:03 veritas going off on twitter here is the
@00:20:52 remember you can find me on twitter

[10.10] Major Q Proofs from President Trump's Twitter Before 8chan's Return

@00:00:14 president trump's twitter account and
@00:00:31 himself miguel ofor nia on twitter and
@00:00:44 go to his twitter account and this is

[10.9] Clinton Running for Pres Again?! - DIA Leaker - The UN is Broke - 8KUN!

@00:00:43 trump trolling around twitter for it
@00:06:49 their official twitter account basically

[10.7] "Whistleblowers" - 8chan Back SOON! - FISA Incoming - UFO Disclosure

@00:07:13 be from you know eight chance twitter or
@00:09:05 figure burned spy on twitter whose wife
@00:09:28 here's his twitter handle calls himself
@00:09:29 burn notice on twitter this is funny i
@00:09:41 great information on twitter been doing

[10.4] Political Chat: Ukraine, Biden, Schiff, Clinton, FISA, fake polls

@00:02:51 follow her on twitter go check out her
@00:03:44 he calls himself on twitter if your
@00:03:46 twitter you know you might be familiar
@00:03:59 work on twitter every single day
@00:04:01 credible work on twitter he's uh he
@00:04:25 them to twitter so it's great it's super
@00:18:25 so hilarious little clip twitter even
@00:18:43 video is not being monetized on twitter
@00:18:49 understand what memes are and twitter
@00:23:55 twitter instagram facebook and then also

[9.28] CIA "Whistleblower" - Flynn's Case - Epstein - Vaccines - New York Times Pushes UFO's

@00:18:04 twitter account they link his tweet
@00:18:11 twitter account we can go to his twitter
@00:18:49 instance you go through his twitter
@00:19:25 on his twitter then boom call him a q
@00:23:03 shared this meme to his twitter account

[9.25] 8chan Coming Back? - Calls for Impeachment - Biden & Ukraine - Flynn Case News - Vax & UFO

@00:03:34 i saw it trending on twitter and i think
@00:03:38 it's still trending on twitter right now

[9.18] Ed Buck Arrested - Snowden Charged - Navy Confirms UFO Videos - Spacey's Accuser Dead

@00:02:27 by way of twitter twitter shutting down
@00:02:55 they terminate accounts you know twitter
@00:12:33 twitter how would he have a blue
@00:12:34 checkmark on twitter how the heck would
@00:13:06 the movie the twitter love he's getting

DTI Live: Saying Hi & Channel Changes

@00:05:55 follow my twitter and like notice when i
@00:09:47 twitter whatever

[9.14] Q Rally - IG FISA Report Done - 8chan - McCabe - Epstein - Antivaxxers/Big Pharma - UFO/Space

@00:03:05 twitter thread that i did of the event
@00:14:10 i know not too many people on twitter
@00:14:14 youtube channel here on twitter but if
@00:14:16 you are on twitter it's good it's a good

[9.10] Live from the Swamp - Great Awakening Rally Tomorrow!

@00:34:35 it to this twitter user or this youtuber
@00:35:26 feels good reading this person's twitter
@00:36:39 ego and break it away from those twitter

[9.6] Updates for: 8chan, Epstein, & Flynn - Mainstream UFO Push - 9/11 Study - Snopes BUSTED

@00:06:45 check it out so on the goldwater twitter
@00:06:56 they have a twitter account and a
@00:07:05 twitter account jim watkins or whoever

[9.4] 8chan - More Epstein Docs - Big Tech Problems - Vaccines - UFO Disclosure - TR3B Sightings?

@00:09:28 with reps from facebook twitter google
@00:23:46 find me on twitter and facebook and

[9.3] Hurricane - Hong Kong - Breaking Epstein News - FISA - Flynn - Big Tech - Space Force & UFOs

@00:02:22 plenty of them on twitter if you want to
@00:07:11 twitter and i don't know why i was just
@00:09:27 we've got blue checkmarks on twitter
@00:09:53 more twitter video here that i want to
@00:12:00 was scrolling twitter scrolling the news
@00:19:24 followed his twitter account he puts a
@00:19:50 i'll link this tweet his twitter down

[8.27] My Weekend At Dimensions of Disclosure Conference, 2019

@00:07:11 posted it to twitter holy did that
@00:07:21 twitter and then i woke up the next
@00:09:23 twitter about it i even saw a couple

GOOGLE'S BLACKLIST: Censoring Cancer Cures & Free Energy

@00:03:09 fact go follow him twitter at perpetual
@00:05:46 videos have twitter post gone all sorts
@00:09:47 twitter and they got these emails these

[8.23] Overstock CEO - David Koch Dies - CNN Hires McCabe - Amazon Forest Fires

@00:02:06 much all the twitter accounts that the
@00:06:06 e-mail on twitter etc etc media matters

[8.21] The Pacific Northwest Is Woke AF

@00:24:51 research on twitter a little more so but

[8.21] NBC Attacks The Epoch Times & Edge of Wonder - Latest Epstein - Google Struggles

@00:16:35 at perpetual maniac on twitter but he's
@00:19:29 remove from twitter the other day i get
@00:19:46 huh i was trying to log into my twitter
@00:19:57 suspended on twitter luckily i didn't
@00:29:06 instagram my twitter and i'm now

[8.19] Live from the Geerage

@00:30:35 twitter and facebook everywhere they've

[8.14] Right Wing Watch Loves Me - Flynn - FISA - Epstein & Maxwell - Google Whistleblower - Ebola

@00:01:24 morning that i saw on twitter but uh
@00:04:04 lot of shells on twitter and youtube to

deleted [8.13] Feds Raid Epstein's Island - Hong Kong - FDA Lies, Says "Don't Drink Bleach!"

@00:00:57 in twitter jail right now i'm in twitter
@00:01:05 get on twitter god what am i gonna do
@00:24:05 locked out of my twitter i'm in twitter
@00:24:09 screenshots of what twitter told me
@00:24:59 why you twitter gave me that temporary
@00:25:44 instagram and twitter of these people

[8.11] Epstein Autopsy Results "Pending" - Trump Retweets Conspiracy Theories - Attacks on 8chan

@00:06:03 saying he's just a black man on twitter
@00:06:41 by trump body-count on twitter okay this
@00:07:06 algorithms on twitter went into
@00:07:32 going to what's trending on twitter
@00:08:02 after trump retweeted it boom twitter
@00:09:32 spokesman responded on twitter
@00:11:19 and following these twitter accounts to
@00:16:53 twitter if you know who i'm spying with
@00:17:33 person on twitter whoever is telling you
@00:22:28 on twitter and facebook etc and for my

[8.10] EPSTEIN'S "SUICIDE" - Did The White Hats Fake It?

@00:04:27 but joe em on twitter gave us some
@00:06:51 trending on twitter right now number one
@00:07:32 a few hours later twitter replaced
@00:20:28 my our twitter instagrams

[8.7] 8chan Deplatforming & Jim Watkins Statement - Q in Trump Campaign Video

@00:01:21 twitter and whatnot so i'll share with
@00:01:51 the work that i do on twitter with
@00:05:19 he blocked me on twitter and look at his
@00:11:48 letter to eight chan's twitter let's
@00:11:53 chani chan's twitter and jim watkins
@00:12:29 twitter saying just making sure you
@00:13:50 there on twitter and elsewhere
@00:14:59 role player basically faker on twitter
@00:15:09 twitter or do the tweet stuff and follow
@00:15:29 a year ago on twitter because i was
@00:16:16 people on twitter and facebook and
@00:17:52 why twitter has two cents or so much
@00:20:34 people who were taken off of twitter
@00:20:36 that have new twitter accounts that i
@00:20:51 my last video twitter can him for
@00:21:17 get their twitter account canned you
@00:21:28 hublife that twitter account to be
@00:21:45 twitter to to twitter accounts who i was
@00:22:06 forever this is like eight twitter

[8.3] Event In El-Paso & Deeper Details About FBI "Conspiracy Theory" Memo

@00:03:11 want to show you guys my twitter thread
@00:04:58 here on twitter i'm no fbi document
@00:14:14 the individuals actual twitter account
@00:17:04 at this person's twitter account so
@00:17:31 twitter instagram see what i could find
@00:17:47 twitter i
@00:18:52 twitter accounts and then want to use
@00:19:07 screenshots of these twitter accounts
@00:19:16 of those twitter accounts the two that i
@00:20:20 so twitter leaves this up as far as i'm
@00:20:30 his name on twitter this is where
@00:22:05 on twitter by various like just
@00:23:06 weird stuff going on with his twitter
@00:23:23 suspensions so twitter suspended dilli
@00:23:28 man he's awesome on twitter he's got his
@00:23:33 friday on periscope and twitter
@00:24:08 he says twitter suspended prominent q
@00:24:45 looked at his twitter account he didn't
@00:25:13 instagram facebook twitter youtube

[8.3] GarageCast - Scary Hats, Taking Back Symbolism, & How to Health

@00:01:50 just released a twitter threat i think

[8.1] Today's QAnon & FBI Doc Warning "Conspiracy Theories Are A Domestic Terrorism Threat"

@00:02:00 i put out is free on twitter and
@00:22:51 twitter then you know we've got this

[7.31] The Great Awakening Rally - Latest Q - Epstein News - 9/11 - UFO & Spaceweather - Big Pharma

@00:12:03 making the rounds on twitter i've seen
@00:22:34 liberals you can find him on twitter
@00:22:49 reality on twitter she's the one they
@00:24:10 twitter they're already tweeting about
@00:26:52 please handle on twitter and this was
@00:26:58 you went to that account on twitter this
@00:27:57 shares twitter accounts linked to
@00:30:46 nunez posted on twitter saying targets

[7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure/TTSA/Area 51 - Measles

@00:00:26 twitter instagram etc or you can go
@00:04:43 twitter odd youtube channel appears he
@00:06:54 twitter in america clinton body count
@00:07:05 one thought is that if twitter is
@00:07:08 letting this trend twitter is letting
@00:07:31 maybe twitter maybe this slipped through
@00:18:08 rum good twitter account i'll link this
@00:20:31 this particular and on on twitter said
@00:28:31 we need to this an on on twitter the
@00:28:46 twitter for about a week or so now glad
@00:38:22 announces today on instagram on twitter
@00:41:11 it on their twitter right here read more

[7.24] Latest Q - Mueller's Hearing - "QAnon Gets Sued" - RBG: "I'm Alive!"

@00:01:02 log on twitter it's the only thing
@00:02:52 twitter trying to get to a hundred
@00:03:23 primarily at instagram facebook twitter
@00:03:49 has a new banner on his twitter profile
@00:03:57 twitter profile he's changed it many
@00:06:32 gube plus facebook plus twitter change
@00:14:41 tweet here from twitter handle kyun ins
@00:22:36 on twitter all the time all sorts of
@00:27:02 twitter i'll link this below when i'm
@00:27:06 digital soldier on twitter posted a
@00:27:41 twitter you know he's the uh of course
@00:28:12 twitter so there you go testing drone
@00:28:26 goes dark on twitter and then where the
@00:31:24 earlier the instagram the twitter the
@00:31:44 instagram or twitter facebook using the

[7.23] Q's Latest - Classified D.C. Missions - FBI Searches LA City Hall - Epstein - Iran Spies

@00:07:29 reporter on twitter they reply on one of
@00:11:10 his tweet honest twitter account because
@00:12:27 caps a reporter on twitter who posted a
@00:15:06 ours on twitter incarnated et and his
@00:17:32 little more background twitter censored
@00:17:43 think eight twitter account so what's
@00:18:11 log into his twitter account right after
@00:18:20 twitter account he's a great one to
@00:27:04 many twitter header or profile photos of
@00:33:41 twitter farris fueler is his his name
@00:34:14 basically on twitter it's just three
@00:34:31 all on his twitter bio what's he trying

[7.21] Garage Talk: DTI Happenings & Q&A on Space (Apollo, UFO, Antarctica, Space Force)

@00:36:41 i'm lurking on twitter on some folks

[7.19] QAnon Baby! - Epstein Doc Dumps - Area 51 - Flu Vaccine EO - “Healthy” Chemtrails?

@00:03:47 i logged onto twitter and started
@00:14:57 media he trolls around twitter himself
@00:20:50 on twitter got a good shot of it look at
@00:39:13 it with me on twitter the other day i
@00:39:45 this on twitter like if trump you know

[7.17] Q Recap: Epstein Connections, NYC Blackout, & My Stolen Tweet Was Q'ed!

@00:10:09 at twitter she was posting all sorts of
@00:10:17 to her twitter you'll wonder why eyes on
@00:22:55 like retweeting on twitter reach hanning
  • i like his twitter i follow him
@00:29:51 i followed on twitter and i've had
@00:29:52 issues on twitter before in the past you
@00:29:55 can find his uh his twitter account it's
@00:30:04 he even claimed on twitter before that i
@00:30:47 travis view who he's been on twitter

[7.7] Epstein - Trump on UFOs, the Fed, & Pence - A.I. Makes A Vaccine - MMS

@00:04:42 mean on twitter he misspelled air force

[7.5] Trump's Salute to America / Clinton Cancels Appearance / Epstein / Big Pharma

@00:03:29 show it i saw this on twitter yesterday
@00:05:49 around twitter about some mysterious

Welcome to the Garage!

@00:04:51 energy to work through twitter and hn
@00:20:59 the mainstream so stay on twitter stay
@00:24:01 got a message from uh i think uh twitter

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief (Given April 10th, 2019)

@00:34:53 twitter account could be i mean there's
@00:40:08 twitter this was one of the very first
@00:41:39 twitter posted on the vice president's
@00:41:42 twitter how about this guy his name
@00:42:08 twitter accounts without that going

[6.18] Weekend Recap - QAnon / Flynn / NXIVM / UFOs / Vaccines / MMS / Iran

@00:12:03 praying medic saw him on twitter he

Guess Who’s Back Live Chat

@00:04:50 them made some snide remarks on twitter
@00:13:18 regular comments on twitter and comments
@00:42:07 remember go follow me on twitter i'm
@00:42:13 i'm still on twitter can't not like
@00:42:17 troll people on twitter so twitter

[6.6] Q on Infowars? - Michael Flynn - Suspicious Deaths - 5G Pushback - Pfizer's Alzheimers Drug

@00:20:20 in i'll probably put it on twitter so
@00:20:26 goes on twitter and then last couple of

Y U Do Dis UToob

@00:03:54 conferences and on twitter and facebook
@00:04:40 these blue checkmarks on twitter
@00:05:31 on twitter of people mentioning that

[5.31] Parler - Mueller/Barr/Huber - UFOs & Space Force - Big Pharma vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:02:38 companies like twitter and facebook that
@00:03:24 user friendly twitter is very user
@00:03:43 twitter or off youtube i'm not gonna
@00:03:45 tell anybody to migrate off twitter and
@00:04:04 twitter and on youtube they're so scared
@00:04:16 gonna stay on twitter and youtube as
@00:06:23 parse and this twitter account right
@00:33:23 on twitter study finds oh yes
@00:42:30 you know he took to twitter i actually

[5.28] QAnon Attacks - Michael Flynn FISA - UFO "Disclosure" - Amazon Censors MMS

@00:08:52 hard on twitter lying spreading
@00:08:58 her on twitter today and again claiming
@00:20:19 on twitter i've got 90,000 hit movie few
@00:20:40 twitter oh my god i found this out today
@00:21:13 podesta blocking me on twitter i think

[5.27] Attacks on QAnon - More Mainstream UFO Articles - Cancer Studies, Vaccines & 5G

@00:04:12 have a bunch of trolls on twitter and
@00:04:27 and she was all over twitter just saying
@00:04:42 discrediting q on twitter so we're
@00:24:32 on patreon twitter instagram facebook

[5.25] Live from Autism One

@00:07:01 twitter tweet about this event the other
@00:08:30 not just twitter and instagram and

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:02:33 joe m if you're on twitter if you follow
@00:02:35 him very prolific very good twitter i
@00:02:38 follow him quite a bit on their twitter
@00:02:50 shills right now especially on twitter
@00:02:59 report that profile to twitter to try to
@00:03:06 twitter most definitely don't give them
@00:29:48 on twitter a lot of these shells will
@00:37:45 really good stuff on twitter q's linked

[5.23] I’M BACK! - Ban Over

@00:03:18 three facebook instagram and twitter and
@00:04:12 media facebook twitter instagram so
@00:07:33 twitter has been insane with them lately
@00:09:11 people sure i follow them on twitter but
@00:12:24 over the last two days on twitter attack
@00:17:09 twitter joe m our our beloved joe m dude
@00:17:14 got suspended on twitter today so
@00:18:10 a random individual on twitter and that
@00:18:18 then i guess twitter used that in they
@00:18:32 of these shells on twitter trying to
@00:18:50 reported him twitter took the
@00:19:04 instagram but he is not on twitter okay
@00:19:11 his handle on twitter and on instagram
@00:19:13 he's not on twitter it was within an
@00:20:09 twitter twitter troll hordes essentially
@00:20:14 there's massive twitter troll hordes and

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:03:35 these very dark topics he was on twitter
@00:03:41 banned off twitter at one point but he
@00:07:15 tagged me in on twitter or alerted me to
@00:08:54 a lot of people on twitter trying to do

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:03:32 doug collins twitter eyes on so keep
@00:03:38 this week his twitter he has really been
@00:05:28 on twitter reach hanning reach hanning
@00:06:25 there so this individual on twitter
@00:11:02 and he's a prolific troll on twitter

[5.8] Live Chat

@00:02:13 next and you're on twitter you're on
@00:03:07 they need to unplug from twitter and get
@00:19:20 get on twitter or talk to your friends
@00:21:10 got in contact with him on twitter

[5.3] Latest Q: May 2019 / MSM Admits Conspiracies are Popular / Infowars "Deplatforming"

@00:13:27 their twitter accounts again nothing
@00:22:28 talk about him on twitter you got a
@00:22:34 likes jones loses his twitter account

[4.29] Latest Q / Rod Rosenstein / Attacks Against Q & Synagogue Shooting

@00:10:19 twitter and whatnot and then some of
@00:12:27 this particular twitter account posted
@00:14:01 actually logged on to twitter and the
@00:14:04 twitter was those mainstream media
@00:18:06 of honest people on twitter and on

[4.24] NXIVM / Opioid Arrests / Pakistan Against Vaccines / Navy's UFO Reporting Guidelines

@00:02:54 hangs out on twitter and on the internet
@00:24:41 twitter and facebook etc so there you go

[4.20] New Q: Blockade End / Mueller Report Fallout / False Flag Attempts / Notre Dame / NXIVM

@00:06:09 morning breaking news live this twitter
@00:08:17 you follow travis view on twitter this
@00:10:50 twitter he dm to me and you can see it
@00:14:38 media journalists on twitter who've seen
@00:14:56 folks on twitter it's been great but uh
@00:18:59 on twitter somebody saw this dude on the

Live Chat: My Time in Hawaii - Back Home and to the Grind

@00:32:45 what i do on twitter what else is
@00:32:46 twitter for then to a post and make

[4.13] NSA Q Proof / Assange / Trump & 5G / Anti-Vaxxers are Winning / Glyphosate Toxicology Report

@00:02:59 posted twitter down show you that drop
@00:03:02 and then today twitter posted about
@00:13:19 platforms like facebook and twitter to
@00:13:42 like facebook and twitter to monitor us

[4.11] Talking Assange, Other News and Hawaiian Adventures

@00:04:35 twitter did a big 180 and that was about
@00:04:39 dark off twitter so seems to me seems to
@00:22:25 dislike also twitter you know twitter
@00:27:47 i only read jack pacific's twitter cuz

[4.4] Sealed Indictments / Huber / Biden / NXIVM / MAGA Hat Attacker / Alex Jones

@00:07:15 on twitter and on youtube get activated
@00:15:47 on youtube on twitter on their radio

[3.29] Facebook & Twitter / EMP / NXIVM / Combatting Vaccine HYSTERIA / Back to the Moon

@00:00:45 but they must be mad because twitter
@00:00:59 videos and the twitter policy chief said
@00:07:15 person sent me a dm on twitter and
@00:14:04 twitter or something like that

[3.24] Q Brief: Russia Investigation DONE / DECLAS & OIG Report Next

@00:01:13 rosenstein on twitter a good twitter
@00:02:34 on twitter you see it and quite a bit of
@00:06:16 twitter pundits mainstream media pundits
@00:09:52 showing the tweet from the q 176 twitter
@00:10:03 they showed that twitter handle
@00:18:52 twitter the chairman of the senate
@00:23:44 twitter others to censor combat of

[3.22] Q Brief: Epstein & Chandler / "QAnon" on Fox&Friends / Media Q Attacks (Mainstream & "Alt")

@00:05:38 and posted on twitter and on the chance
@00:05:44 the threads i've seen on twitter from
@00:16:12 not a cue and on twitter account but
@00:16:31 well that's what this twitter follower
@00:17:03 twitter account he voluntarily
@00:17:14 know he's some messing with the twitter
@00:17:28 medic had his twitter account down for
@00:17:32 on twitter again but a lot of those fake
@00:17:49 that a lot of these twitter shells have
@00:26:31 then twitter now its instagram and
@00:35:17 underground chills on twitter and and

[3.18] Q Brief: Latest Censorship / Trump Retweet / New Zealand / Foreign Uprisings (Yellow Vest)

@00:01:43 probably on twitter is the best way to
@00:04:09 twitter from yesterday and he retweeted
@00:12:48 linking a twitter thread from burn
@00:13:01 anyway this twitter account that calls
@00:18:10 the algorithms on twitter were broken or
@00:18:56 fast twitter jack posted this tweet
@00:24:53 twitter and youtube and facebook to

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:00:25 on twitter and facebook and whatnot i
@00:04:21 wonder how they data mined like twitter
@00:04:43 the data mine twitter and the data mine
@00:05:08 especially on twitter i'm seeing this
@00:05:09 mostly on twitter but of course little
@00:05:35 accounts especially on twitter there's
@00:15:59 each hand or is on twitter maybe i saw
@00:16:02 it on twitter from hn and it discussed
@00:21:55 censorship twitter even mentioning that
@00:22:21 twitter and they get what like a hundred
@00:22:52 twitter and facebook and instagram and
@00:23:20 using twitter as much as i can facebook
@00:26:41 supposed to do here all on twitter and

[3.9] Trump's Motorcade / Huber / Sessions / Vaccines / Free Energy, Space Force & Quantum

@00:01:57 martin geddes he's a prolific twitter he
@00:02:32 linking his twitter below and i'll link
@00:04:16 his twitter cue linking when a hubris
@00:08:21 of folks on twitter those blue
@00:09:05 canadian twitter you can see there he

[2.26] Q Brief: BIG BIG BIG Happenings in the next 21 days?

@00:01:25 followers on twitter so pretty big
@00:04:33 it's on twitter i mean come on
@00:04:47 by children career-ending twitter typos

[2.25] Live: 4th of July in D.C. / FDA&Vaccines / Space Force / 5G

@00:09:01 seeing mainstream journalists on twitter
@00:09:12 them on twitter trying to create this
@00:10:36 twitter or youtube or facebook we're out
@00:13:25 children hashtag career-ending twitter
@00:14:11 like stuff on twitter for us i don't
@00:14:16 twitter about it i didn't watch it but i

[2.22] Q Brief: Smollett - Mueller - Kraft - Clinton's Attack - Memes & More Proofs

@00:00:40 twitter as well the link if you want to
@00:03:21 president and on twitter she's recently
@00:07:53 blue checkmarks on twitter trying to run
@00:11:09 twitter
@00:30:48 literally targets pro potus q twitter
@00:31:01 the deep states want twitter has already
@00:31:16 of twitter accounts in the embedded
@00:31:29 and these are the twitter accounts that

[2.21] Q Brief - Latest Q Attacks (WaPo!), Ann Coulter, Red Castle, Mueller End

@00:03:39 travis view is a twitter er
@00:20:34 all of you and ons out there on twitter

[2.20] Live: Daily Q Brief

@00:02:20 browsing youtube browsing twitter
@00:02:43 boom this anon on twitter posting the
@00:09:02 twitter she follows me he follows a lot

[2.19] Vaccines - State Bills, Attacking FB Groups, "Teens Vaccinating Themselves"

@00:00:38 twitter a lot of attacks i want to talk
@00:11:33 lot of twitter personalities a lot of
@00:11:35 blue checkmarks on twitter over the last
@00:11:46 whatever the case is on twitter you know
@00:12:47 twitter she was sharing tweets saying i

[2.14] LIVE: I just interviewed with the Washington Post about Q

@00:09:29 twitter twitter social media companies
@00:09:42 going on with twitter as many were they
@00:10:09 else is twitter for than to just talk
@00:10:53 reply to their tweets and twitter
@00:11:04 twitter said you're blocked from
@00:11:11 the error message that twitter kept
@00:11:21 i was blocked not blocked on twitter you
@00:11:47 time that twitter is completely
@00:12:32 twitter facebook instagram censorship
@00:13:15 twitter facebook youtube and then let's
@00:13:33 getting censored on twitter so it's
@00:14:22 look to be like i think joe m on twitter

[2.13] LIVE: Big Tech Problems / Recent Q / Vaccine Hysteria

@00:00:59 his twitter handle below so give him
@00:01:06 channels and twitter accounts and
@00:01:17 link his twitter below john muruga and
@00:01:37 if you want i'll link her twitter below
@00:02:13 her twitter below so thanks to those
@00:02:33 on our instagram or twitter so either
@00:02:54 problems what's been going on on twitter
@00:03:20 on twitter where post of theirs were
@00:03:35 lot of politicians twitter accounts you
@00:03:38 know deep state or twitter accounts
@00:03:53 twitter suppression i saw the same thing
@00:05:43 facebook and twitter here but
@00:09:07 twitter so near the new york times so
@00:44:10 on youtube and make twitter threats for

[2.10] L.A. "Training" Exercises / Free Energy / Geoengineering / Space Force / GMOs / Vaccines

@00:02:35 to show you that he put out on twitter
@00:05:50 be pizza this was on twitter chrissy
@00:06:08 she got into a twitter spat with liz
@00:06:29 regards to pizza and on twitter this
@00:06:34 twitter account and look what they
@00:06:52 twitter handle verified you can see that
@00:07:25 twitter handle
@00:07:32 some conversation is on twitter these
@00:07:34 twitter accounts they're owned by some
@00:24:35 follow me on twitter on instagram you
@00:25:06 youtube and on twitter instagram on

[2.10] Latest QAnon - "It's Time To Return PUBLICLY"

@00:06:28 accounts purged by twitter pushed qi on
@00:07:03 on youtube and twitter and whatnot just

[2.7] Censorship Uptick / Mueller News / Mysterious BOOMs / Pole Shift / 5G / Vaccines

@00:01:38 twitter suspend a lot of accounts in
@00:11:22 being circulated on twitter and some

[2.5] Latest MSM Q Attacks / RBG / Harvard Professor on Alien Craft / John of God / Shane Dawson

@00:01:47 russian troll accounts purged by twitter
@00:02:23 this article right here so twitter
@00:02:30 backed twitter accounts and they're
@00:02:34 trying to say that these twitter

[1.29 Live] What’s Next at Sather HQ

@00:04:20 on twitter yesterday they were
@00:04:46 twitter facebook they are throttling
@00:07:23 about obama's twitter so i do want to
@00:07:33 with it but obama's official twitter
@00:08:03 obama's official twitter account follows
@00:08:09 obama's twitter account his twitter
@00:08:30 obama's twitter accounts so it's
@00:08:41 overseeing obama's twitter account so i
@00:19:43 twitter account suspended or getting
@00:20:09 youtube or twitter or facebook reason to
@00:20:20 instagram facebook twitter because the
@00:24:55 few of his tweets twitter postings i
@00:24:58 think he follows me on twitter i follow
@00:24:59 him on twitter and he seems like a very
@00:28:29 something on facebook or on twitter and

[1.28 Live] Roger Stone & Infowars / Comet Ping Ping Fire / Deep State vs. The Great Awakening

@00:15:43 a bitch on twitter they have just been
@00:15:59 weirdest stuff on twitter like all
@00:16:21 proxies on twitter you know that
@00:16:27 all their proxies and twitter and
@00:44:00 have accounts on twitter and they'll
@00:44:15 isn't posting on twitter appreciate the

[1.24] State of the Union / Protests / Mainstream Media Layoffs / Anti-Vaxxers / Future Space

@00:08:26 internet right scour 8chan and twitter
@00:10:32 channels and twitter feeds all the time
@00:10:52 youtube facebook twitter

[1.16 Live] 2 Years of DTI & News Talk

@00:07:06 twitter i'll post it on twitter and my
@00:07:24 on facebook and twitter where i'll be
@00:16:59 somebody on twitter this morning or
@00:28:28 a story saw story on twitter of somebody
@00:40:10 on twitter that are shilling for him and

[1.11 Live] New Q / Border / Pole Shift / Harry Reid & UFOs / Flat Earth Psy-Op

@00:24:09 into twitter threads and try to comment
@00:24:35 and twitter and hm but anyway so there's

[1.10 Live] “Q Believer Accused of Murdering ‘Lizard’ Brother With Sword”

@00:04:23 twitter thread actually a lot of the
@00:04:26 my twitter thread i
@00:06:23 on twitter or on facebook it's filled
@00:16:39 shooter i linked it in my twitter thread
@00:19:40 seen twitter threads from mainstream
@00:21:45 twitter thread down below go check them

[1.9 Live] Trump’s Address / Rosenstein / Huber / Yellow Vests / 5G / Space Force & Disclosure

@00:03:57 i just read a headline on twitter a few
@00:28:29 twitter and you know just all sorts of
@00:28:39 of those on youtube twitter in the uf
@00:29:40 little notification bell i think twitter

[1.8 Live] Golden Globes / RGB / Wall / World Bank Prez / Max Spiers

@00:02:55 but the church of satan twitter so the
@00:03:03 twitter thanks christian bale for

[1.2] New Sealed Indictment Count / Trump's Poster / Flynn / 9.11 Hackers / Space Tech

@00:15:21 twitter describing how they're gonna

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:28:46 my twitter featured via ko but the
@00:28:57 using my twitter try answering the live
@00:39:59 just turned off twitter every once in a

[1.1] The Illuminati Ball / STRATCOM Deletes Tweet / Vatican / NXIVM / Why Conspiracies Matter

@00:10:19 commands twitter so the us strategic
@00:10:22 command twitter page tweeted a tweet

Secret Space Programs Get Mainstream Coverage on Christmas!

@00:03:19 jordan saylor posted on twitter after

[12.23] Q Update / Wall / Hemp / Vaccines / Space Force / Quantum Research / Pentagon Audit

@00:05:04 to this post on twitter showing a video

[12.21 LIVE] Mattis - Syria - Hemp - Wall - Space

@00:22:41 follow me on twitter
@00:23:39 trump's video yesterday on twitter white
@00:30:39 of crap and he blocked me on twitter to

[12.20] QAnon Updates / Catholic Church / Wall GoFundMe / "Drone" Shuts Down London Airport?

@00:01:08 had some problems on twitter with the
@00:13:37 i found this video yesterday on twitter

[12.18] SPACE COMMAND / Quantum Initiative Act / Flynn / Vaccine Censorship / Trafficking News

@00:08:13 of twitter but jeez it was like oh
@00:13:36 hoot on twitter
@00:13:37 whoever's running his twitter account is


@00:01:14 twitter and that's what got me into it
@00:02:28 just on youtube but my gosh on twitter
@00:02:43 threads on twitter educating themselves

[12.15 Live] Winter’s Coming - It’s Getting Shilly Out!

@00:02:32 sometimes the twitter account or the
@00:02:46 whether they have a twitter account or a
@00:11:31 behavior of him on twitter lately as
@00:13:42 on twitter and like a triggered poster
@00:19:14 tried to claim that i bought my twitter
@00:19:19 twitter it's like oh look at jordan
@00:19:21 sailors twitter account spiked 60,000
@00:19:27 share that i changed my twitter handle
@00:19:29 when you change your twiddle twitter
@00:19:41 twitter handle and plug it into that the
@00:21:25 catherine austin fitz on twitter i
@00:21:42 followed me on twitter for months long
@00:25:33 twitter or whatever the case is
@00:30:14 blocked me on twitter i found out he
@00:30:15 blocked me on twitter i'm like huh if it

[12.14] QAnon / Bomb Threats / Clinton Foundation / General Flynn / Worldwide Wave Anomalies

@00:03:00 reference sarah ashcroft's twitter here
@00:03:51 media in twitter land spreading a lot of
@00:10:41 sharp edge on twitter like this person's
@00:10:48 these twitter accounts and of course a

[12.12 LIVE] Q Addresses Flat Earth & JFK Jr.

@00:13:18 spot on their twitter page and about
@00:13:37 twitter i saw we're analyzing a little
@00:16:27 twitter here on youtube and i mean it's
@00:16:57 twitter it's so much fun because he
@00:17:36 banned off something twitter facebook
@00:18:11 thread by paul sauron on twitter he

[12.12] Latest Q - Google - Yellow Vests - Israeli Trafficking Busted - Delonge's "To The Stars"

@00:04:08 twitter account who she follows she
@00:06:00 the anons and posted to twitter q
@00:07:41 twitter accounts known to promote

[12.11] Latest QAnon - Smocking Tweet - Antarctica Earthquake

@00:07:04 schaefer follows me on twitter he's a
@00:08:59 twitter shut up ben and ben's from

Live - Sunday Hangout

@00:00:44 some of you guys follow me on twitter
@00:06:16 twitter like five minutes ago of this
@00:15:22 twitter handle that i check pretty
@00:21:35 blocked me on twitter huh
@00:21:37 i know he blocked me on twitter and i
@00:25:12 can't just and that's why twitter is
@00:25:16 know twitter is difficult to verbalize a

[12.8] Huge Q+ Proof / Scaramucci Confirms Q? / Pole Shift / Solar Storms / Sound Levitation

@00:02:25 err this twitter page often tracks plane
@00:02:31 this twitter account was noticing that
@00:05:20 and i need a tap to get into twitter and
@00:09:11 here on her twitter as the entire

[12.5] Solar Storms / Legal Mushrooms / Anti-Vax Italy / UFO Sightings / Air Force Lasers

@00:02:37 you see reposted on twitter with people

[12.5] Latest Q Update (Flynn, Huber) & Partial UFO Disclosure Psy-Ops

@00:04:56 misspelling has twitter users wondering

[12.1][LIVE] George Bush - Q Patch Proof - Analyzing Common Anti-Q Arguments

@00:01:08 passing unfortunately taking to twitter
@00:05:55 he's prolific on twitter jo is great on
@00:05:58 twitter and he was noticing that james
@00:08:22 mike pence's twitter yesterday a
@00:08:59 released on the vice-president's twitter
@00:26:40 how many people have started twitter

[11.28] Trump's Treason Meme / NASA Mars Landing / Antarctica / GMO Mosquitoes / Vaccines

@00:02:24 donald trump taking to twitter to talk
@00:04:15 you know his twitter account is really
@00:13:35 disinformation about vaccines in twitter
@00:15:44 again here twitter go check it out

[11.28] Trump Blasts Clinton Foundation / Whitaker / Migrant Caravan / Wikileaks

@00:00:53 twitter to totally put mueller and this
@00:14:49 instagram @j say thir twitter at jordan
@00:15:12 a lot on twitter who knows how long i'm
@00:15:15 gonna be on twitter who knows how long

[11.26] New Q / Wikileaks & Assange / Space Force / NY State Senator Dead from Flu Shot?!

@00:00:22 twitter censorship so yesterday we had
@00:00:24 yet another person kicked off of twitter
@00:02:18 so yesterday wikileaks took to twitter
@00:20:08 twitter or youtube or whatever the case

[11.15] Birthday Broadcast! - A Little About Me

@00:39:48 twitter and on youtube because we are

[11.15] More CEO's Resigning / Clinton 2020 / FoxNews & CNN / Climate Change & Free Energy

@00:05:54 twitter someone was making a point that
@00:06:34 twitter on youtube on the alternative

[11.8] QAnon / Sessions / Whitaker / Rod Rosenstein / FISA DECLAS / Planned Protests / Thousand Oaks

@00:05:09 reference my twitter here i posted it
@00:07:24 twitter badass mofos look at that he's
@00:09:24 line on their twitter handles this is it
@00:11:41 twitter a couple minutes ago where rod

[11.7] Live - Talking Midterms Outcome & Path Forward

@00:00:50 kind of off twitter twitter was kind of
@00:02:17 mean if you follow me on twitter if you
@00:02:20 don't follow me on twitter plug go
@00:02:22 follow me on twitter instagram as well
@00:02:28 if you follow me on twitter you started
@00:02:46 analysis that i found on twitter this
@00:02:51 me on twitter you saw this probably i'm
@00:07:15 off twitter just for a minute as perk
@00:09:53 news twitter you know had a verification
@00:11:26 videos and twitter posts and blah blah
@00:12:52 we got what we needed twitter linked dj

[11.6] Live Chat - Recent Q!

@00:08:42 twitter disclosure bp this guy's been
@00:08:45 following me on twitter for a little
@00:11:13 twitter that's not good we want him in

[11.2] Q is Back! (With New Proofs!) & Thoughts on "Initiative Q"

@00:02:41 hannity's twitter last night bado
@00:06:52 on its twitter basically describing all
@00:07:39 obviously did put it on his twitter nice
@00:08:49 joyce bentley on her twitter posted a
@00:09:01 post that i'll link her twitter down
@00:09:06 to their twitter account and say have
@00:11:07 twitter
@00:11:34 get it off facebook get it off twitter
@00:13:10 not twitter i finally did just a tad bit

[10.28] Q B-day & VIPAnon Photo (Trump = Q+?) / GAB Censored / Huber in the News / Vaccines&Lithium

@00:07:17 a gab account didn't have a twitter
@00:09:16 people on youtube and twitter right
@00:09:18 that's why youtube and twitter and

[10.27] Pittsburgh Incident (FF) / #FakeMailBomber Narrative Implodes

@00:07:02 on each hand those people on twitter you
@00:10:22 how his twitter account was literally
@00:10:57 before they did swipe his twitter and
@00:14:53 facebook and twitter are still

[10.24] Were the #FakeMailBombs a White Hat Operation?

@00:15:43 i've shoot i was on twitter all day
@00:17:49 twitter shout-out to court
@00:17:57 twitter in the video while he was
@00:18:01 and then twitter brought a pop-up
@00:18:08 twitter made a pop-up come up and then

[10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More

@00:13:22 like that go on on eight qian on twitter
@00:13:52 twitter just throw and scroll through

[10.23] China's BRIDGE (Q/Trump Rally) - Antarctica - Soros - Migrants - SPACE FORCE

@00:01:09 twitter this morning somebody posted
@00:18:44 hit me up on twitter make sure you go
@00:18:57 twitter and instagram as well that's it

[10.21] Live News - 8chan Down / GITMO Upgrades / Space Junk / Fluoride & Vaccines

@00:01:57 twitter trying to throw shade on isaac
@00:03:43 social media lately twitter youtube etc
@00:05:04 saw this on twitter yesterday and this
@00:15:04 their twitter account they said they're

I'm About To Graduate High School - What Should I Do?! (COLLEGE OR NO?)

@00:00:11 tim to guru on twitter he asks me added

[10.20] Live Chat - The Health Hour

@00:04:46 twitter really quick because there was a
@00:06:04 that much because twitter is just i
@00:06:06 don't even like twitter anymore quite
@00:06:14 much hate on twitter from all sides of
@00:06:20 don't like to get on twitter as much but
@00:06:34 said i agree twitter is toxic all social
@00:07:15 social media with youtube and twitter

[10.17] Live - Twitter, YouTube, and now Amazon issues! - My Censorship Experiences

@00:03:10 what's going on with twitter youtube and
@00:03:23 when twitter was putting out all sorts
@00:03:33 twitter the twitter ceo and he said that
@00:05:11 whether facebook twitter and other
@00:07:31 twitter granted on twitter people try to
@00:07:34 hack my twitter account all the time i
@00:07:39 into my twitter account but i've never
@00:07:41 been banned from twitter sensor from
@00:07:43 twitter

[10.16] Weirdness on Twitter / Warren DNA & Daniels Fail / Julian Assange / Justice Dept. Unloads

@00:01:02 going on with twitter this morning it
@00:01:14 even jack ceo at twitter took to twitter
@00:01:50 right there in plain sight on twitter
@00:13:14 twitter hit me up on the book of faces

The Hilarious Non-Player Character Meme and the MR. SMITH Effect!

@00:00:18 day i was scrolling along twitter as i
@00:05:31 up finding them on twitter hn oh god

[10.14] Kayne / Vatican / Federal Reserve / Trump to Reform Cannabis / Chinese Spy Arrested

@00:13:02 matrix on twitter in the matrix well
@00:14:41 social medias instagram twitter facebook
@00:14:49 twitter just like they have so many

[10.14] Vaccine & Climate Change Propaganda Push / Space News!

@00:21:40 lot of trolls infesting onto twitter and
@00:22:30 about vaccines on twitter there's some
@00:23:03 censored you know twitter instagram

[10.14] Live Chat

@00:03:23 on twitter on facebook i just get random
@00:03:52 he's off twitter now they suspended his
@00:08:11 facebook and twitter and youtube to
@00:09:36 they're on twitter they're on instagram
@00:10:27 media platforms the most really twitter
@00:18:11 create 50 accounts on twitter and 50
@00:18:40 whether it's on twitter it's a meme
@00:20:55 twitter i just i don't even respond i
@00:21:29 want on twitter you can call me some
@00:34:20 tag me on twitter or send it to me some

[10.11] Facebook CENSORS Over 800 Pages & a QAnon Website Gets BLACKLISTED

@00:04:07 we see of course twitter doing it just
@00:04:17 twitter it slowly taken down to come
@00:04:30 engagement like they used to on twitter
@00:07:36 the big tech platforms like twitter
@00:07:58 your twitter account if you do get posts
@00:08:41 twitter and youtube and instagram as
@00:08:59 use twitter until i can't use twitter

[10.10] Latest Q: "Patience" / Human Trafficking & Child Abuse News

@00:15:48 twitter account said watch crowd member
@00:16:07 huge twitter stringer a couple of days

[10.4] Live chat - Q: Are you ready to see ARRESTS?

@00:08:53 on a qian on youtube on twitter all
@00:10:04 information as well you know twitter is
@00:31:58 especially on twitter facebook and by

[10.3] Live Chat

@00:16:18 i saw in a twitter account yesterday an
@00:16:25 anonymous twitter account anonymous
@00:44:51 twitter there's a bunch of them you've

[10.1] QAnon Updates - Plane Crashes - 400 Guns Stolen from UPS Facility - 5G Rollout

@00:06:28 from trump's twitter or wherever else to
@00:06:41 his twitter could go down we're gonna

[10.1] 'To The Stars' 37 Million IN DEBT? / New Indictment Count / QAnon / Ebola & Monkeypox Scares

@00:08:56 count so da martin 32 on twitter storm
@00:11:29 president's twitter and a q post so

[9.29] Twitter Banning - Facebook Breach - YouTube QAnon "Fan" - Kavanaugh Accuser A CIA Asset?

@00:00:14 twitter purge youtube false flags reddit
@00:00:46 reference at cori digs twitter for it
@00:04:46 so we went over twitter actually no we
@00:04:49 i missed twitter i'm gonna talk about
@00:04:51 twitter for a sec so over the past day
@00:04:55 twitter purge i'm gonna go through a
@00:05:46 no coincidence that twitter is purging
@00:05:52 careful on twitter guys because they
@00:06:35 tactical strategic with it ok so twitter
@00:07:56 and then this is his twitter handle
@00:19:39 twitter youtube q kavanah all sorts of

[9.28] LIVE - Kavanaugh / Esoteric Physics / UFOs / My Books

@00:00:35 saw an article this morning on twitter
@00:13:41 hell yeah i'll go on twitter and six
@00:40:05 that timeline i think it was on twitter

[9.25] Q Comms - Did 4chan Troll Avanetti? - Gab Trolls Twitter - Facebook & YouTube Problems

@00:03:33 idiot because of his twitter account and
@00:03:45 twitter account it's so strategic it's
@00:05:40 made his twitter handle private made his
@00:05:44 twitter feed private and then instantly
@00:11:06 twitter now let's talk about twitter
@00:11:08 so again referencing my own twitter
@00:11:14 twitter competitor gab with a trump
@00:11:17 sized troll over twitter hq that's what
@00:11:21 a banner over twitter headquarters that
@00:11:24 said trump investigate twitter join gab
@00:11:38 shadow banning on twitter is going to
@00:11:48 talked about youtube twitter going to

Alert! Political Bias Now Happening At Banks?!

@00:12:27 youtube twitter facebook etc and every

Interview w/ An0maly - Addressing Common Skepticisms of QAnon

@00:02:38 right and then i saw you on twitter
@00:05:26 twitter and facebook and whatever means
@00:29:28 defense twitter page posts the exact

[9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space

@00:02:17 he'll have a verified twitter account
@00:03:13 that troll around on my twitter account
@00:10:35 happening especially on twitter but all
@00:12:12 and twitter and you know social media
@00:14:59 hn and then reposted to twitter and
@00:27:41 the woodworks and some trolls on twitter
@00:30:16 posted this on twitter and facebook you
@00:30:42 twitter right they had no idea where i

[9.19] QAnon / Deep State FISA Stalling / Kavanaugh / Observatory / Space Force

@00:06:14 twitter accounts of all these deep state

[9.15] LIVE

@00:01:36 using instagram more still use twitter
@00:01:47 delete my twitter facebook got gab and

[9.13] QAnon / Reddit Ban & Censorship / Vatican Unraveling / NYPD Arrests

@00:00:42 censored or twitter gets censored where
@00:00:46 below i'm gonna link my twitter my
@00:01:52 you're over target expect twitter and
@00:01:56 mentioned you can follow me on twitter
@00:04:03 last thing q linked a twitter post from

[9.11] Live

@00:04:11 make sure you follow me on twitter

[9.10] Q / FISA Coming / CBS Chief Quits / Bayer&Monsanto / MSM Talks Alien Life

@00:05:44 twitter i'm like i like these guys right
@00:09:32 giant's google facebook twitter are
@00:10:27 posted this thread on twitter on

[9.7] Disclosure Talk: Space Force / QAnon / Deep State & More

@00:03:34 if you follow him on twitter or facebook
@00:06:14 to do that so follow instagram twitter i
@00:06:18 twitter what else is it really used for
@00:09:32 twitter aj off twitter they're really

[9.6] QAnon / Censorship Hearings / FISA / False Flags / New York Times

@00:01:05 trending thing on twitter yesterday was
@00:04:49 hearing for facebook and twitter and he
@00:07:09 back to that twitter hearing just for a
@00:07:17 hearings and then jack from twitter
@00:07:47 twitter jack is claiming that they fixed
@00:07:56 weeks my twitter engagement my reach on
@00:08:09 twitter actually fixed it something q
@00:08:13 is that twitter shut off a lot of their
@00:08:30 is fixed not only on twitter but man on
@00:12:24 donald trump's twitter and that was
@00:12:50 guess and then that twitter being

Jack Posobiec & Alex Jones: The INFOWARS on Q

@00:01:56 accounts such as twitter to consistently
@00:02:06 think on jackie's twitter he just said
@00:06:32 twitter looks cool so he gets a lot of

[9.4] Today's QAnon / Kavanaugh / Rahm Emanuel / Potential False Flag? / Microwave Weapons

@00:03:37 twitter saying john mccain was basically
@00:04:06 tweet about twitter ceo jack dorsey
@00:04:12 twitter does not use political ideology
@00:04:27 twitter denies the current adoption of

[9.2] Vaccine & GMO News: Acne Vaccine / More Russian Bots / MSM GMO Lies

@00:05:50 russian twitter trolls are weaponizing

3 Helpful Hints for REDPILLING

@00:04:06 on my twitter you say the same things
@00:04:08 over and over again well a it's twitter
@00:04:14 so deep malcolm you do that on twitter
@00:04:16 and be twitter is for that repetition
@00:04:20 and over and over again on twitter to

Re: Comedy Central #QAnon Skit

@00:00:28 twitter and facebook so useful for
@00:10:23 there's only with twitter and facebook
@00:13:44 who's my favorite twitter truther in the
@00:14:06 went viral he's good on twitter and you

[8.29] QAnon / Iran Deal / Vatican / China "Hacking" Clinton / FISA Disclosures / 9/11 Truth

@00:01:15 google facebook twitter we're gonna
@00:03:23 48 so queue posted a link to a twitter
@00:04:31 twitter you know it's getting ridiculous
@00:11:15 term of vatican nazis on twitter

[8.28] Aug 27/28th QAnon Analysis

@00:10:00 his twitter header to that exact thing

[8.27] Q / No Name McCain / Jax, FL / Pope / Thank God for Russian Bots!

@00:02:24 screenshots that i uploaded to twitter
@00:11:46 it out general flynn changed his twitter
@00:11:57 general flynn changes his twitter header
@00:12:07 a few months ago general flynn's twitter
@00:12:21 his twitter header to right here whoahhh
@00:12:45 if general flynn is changing his twitter
@00:13:18 went through flint's twitter went
@00:17:28 twitter rod dreher this is where i first

[8.14] Censorship Continues / NBC Q Attack / Mysterious Deaths / UFO Limited Hangout

@00:01:30 struck who went and made a twitter in a
@00:04:33 their free app go get their twitter oh
@00:05:40 accounts but they left his twitter up
@00:11:46 facebook always listens to you twitter

[8.13] SeaTac Stolen Plane Incident - A Covert White Hat Operation?

@00:10:46 health facility and this is a twitter
@00:10:51 had a twitter listing of it clip stands

[8.8] DOWN / Assange to Testify / Mattis Reverses on Space Force / Mandatory Vaccines

@00:01:06 this website actually said on twitter
@00:02:25 donald trump's twitter this morning five
@00:03:21 accounts except twitter so twitter ceo
@00:04:52 has his twitter he's got his app that is
@00:10:09 twitter and julian assange being called

[8.8] The Basics of the QAnon Operation

@00:12:37 twitter page or we've had some

[8.7] Latest Q / Infowars Censored / Parkland Shooter Heard "Demons" / $Trillions Missing From DoD

@00:02:23 twitter claiming cue is fake certain
@00:06:48 bill that opened the door for twitter

[8.2] Interview w/ Hollywood actor Isaac Kappy on Hollywood Corruption & The Great Awakening

@00:06:55 twitter is suppressing me what does that
@00:07:39 balls on your twitter account or any
@00:22:25 facebook twitter anywhere just survivor

[8.2] QAnon Update - WE ARE NOW MAINSTREAM!

@00:05:37 my own twitter for that so check it out
@00:10:17 more q says twitter today releases ban
@00:10:23 screenshot of the trends on twitter
@00:10:44 results and q says twitter today
@00:10:48 the band well twitter was twitter told
@00:13:40 spread that information on twitter or
@00:18:44 it's all according to plan potus twitter
@00:18:52 twitter huh and a fake news worldwide
@00:19:33 infiltration intel infiltration twitter

[7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks

@00:18:54 let's go back to his twitter because i
@00:20:58 check it out i'm gonna link for twitter

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure

@00:01:41 repeats important think twitter those
@00:07:55 twitter status saying what a wonderful
@00:07:59 that twitter post was right here and
@00:08:28 thanks for looking my twitter i
@00:14:23 this next post q is linking a twitter
@00:14:31 let's check out that twitter drop and

I Just Had a Child, Should I Vaccinate?!

@00:00:14 twitter he's in the q research community

[7.14] Strzok - Rosenstein - Trumping the Queen - Q Balloons over Windsor - RUSSIANS!

@00:03:01 trump took to twitter and said the
@00:04:29 again referencing trump's twitter he

How to Activate Your Pineal Gland

@00:00:43 where i might have been twitter facebook

[7.11] Seth Rich Conference / HIV Vaccine / Monsanto Lawsuit / QAnon

@00:02:39 saw this on her twitter which was what
@00:03:46 twitter down below if you want to go
@00:04:32 trump took to twitter a couple days ago
@00:04:42 twitter this morning to voices support

[7.9] Hill & Bill Fly Commercial / QAnon / Space Force / Pentagon Audit: An "Unpleasant Surprise"

@00:03:51 report on twitter for compiling this
@00:09:41 twitter and in the public domain so of

[7.3] Antifa Knockout! / Q: "No Civil War" / FBI Foils July 4th Terror Plot

@00:07:00 twitter and our topic of coverage from
@00:12:07 on twitter it's two days ago ben
@00:12:18 days have been putting this on twitter
@00:15:26 this on twitter yesterday replying to
@00:15:31 to a person to follow on twitter if you

[7.1] INDICTMENT UPDATE / MSM Attacks on QAnon & Secret Space Program

@00:11:49 twitter the true grassroots underground
@00:16:09 twitter go follow him on twitter he
@00:16:22 twitter so if you watch my videos curt

[6.30] Q Train Gaining!/Assange & Trump's Uncle/Natural Health Suppression/Toymaker Pulls Nazi UFO

@00:01:35 anybody on twitter who has a large
@00:02:57 and lastly we have this twitter page as
@00:03:08 followers on his twitter account
@00:04:06 assange they run this twitter account
@00:12:01 on facebook and twitter and it goes on
@00:14:20 out there it's on twitter it's on
@00:18:18 assange lawyers twitter account and

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:25:25 twitter because i was following this and
@00:25:26 posting about this on twitter is
@00:34:23 these grassroots channels and twitter

[5.20] Q Trip Change/False Flags & Conspiracy Push/IG Report & FBI

@00:01:47 off on twitter this morning to talking

[5.17] Q Analysis: Weiner's Laptop Unsealed/London Photos/Pope's Personal Guardian

@00:04:29 the last refuge on twitter i suspect the

[5.16] Q: NYPD Officers/Twitter Shadowbanning/John Brennan Outed/The Next Pandemic

@00:00:24 although i saw this meme on twitter and
@00:04:09 fake but the twitter news is real and
@00:04:13 that twitter news let's just go to the
@00:04:15 breitbart article it says twitter
@00:04:27 i did notice when i was on twitter was
@00:04:34 in their twitter handles to see if they
@00:04:50 social media companies twitter also
@00:05:21 on especially facebook twitter large
@00:08:39 ass on twitter in regards to the

[5.15] - Q: Honeypot Billboard/Flag-Firetruck Confirmation/ALL FOR A LARP?

@00:01:23 so on twitter yesterday roseanne barr

[5.13] - Q: Stay The Course

@00:03:43 twitter handle and password to avoid

[5.6] Kerry/McCain/NXIVM's Human Experiments/New "Advanced" Technologies Disclosed

@00:00:03 of defense twitter they post a picture

[5.4] Q: Trip Change/NEW SEALED RECORD COUNT/Trump: "BOOM"/Dead Doctors/More Arrests Soon

@00:00:26 twitter i'm pretty prolific there and

[5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems

@00:02:40 on my twitter it's actually a daily star

5.2 QAnon Analysis - Greedy Folks/IRON EAGLE/Iran & Syria

@00:09:09 here so q then posts twitter feeds one
@00:09:26 some twitter pictures or excuse me some
@00:09:28 anonymous people posted some twitter
@00:09:47 posts the twitter handle of this

4.28 - QAnon Analysis: Flynn, Mueller & the FBI Cleansing

@00:16:19 twitter and whatnot i'll believe it when

4.27 - QAnon/FBI Texts/New JFK File Bombshells/Pentagon Audit/BAD Science

@00:00:38 my twitter and reset my password now my
@00:10:53 gonna reference his twitter with some of

4.26 - Q: #releasethetexts/Kanye Wont Quit/JFK Files/Possible New 9-11 Investigation

@00:00:13 reset my twitter password like 20 times
@00:01:13 facebook and twitter yesterday so thank
@00:19:17 be sharing this on my twitter and

4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West

@00:18:11 rampage if you just go to his twitter
@00:18:20 on twitter only freethinkers talking

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 22th 2018

@00:05:18 alison mac's twitter where on 23rd of
@00:07:48 it's all there on twitter and instagram
@00:12:43 private twitter accounts they all have
@00:12:49 people have private twitter accounts
@00:12:59 that have private twitter accounts and
@00:13:22 twitter q's saying think private email
@00:13:51 president's twitter account and these
@00:13:53 cue drops but hey wikileaks twitter
@00:15:59 trump posting on his twitter so funny

DTI News 4.20 - Govt. Admits Electronic Mind Control/QAnon/COMEY Downfall/WEINER's Laptop

@00:02:55 twitter that has been odd some people
@00:03:02 channel twitter claiming no we just post
@00:03:09 i follow that twitter handle but i don't

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:04:22 familiar with my twitter i posted this
@00:04:24 on my twitter or if he just hadn't heard

DTI News 4.17 - Bush / QAnon (Plane Crashes) / "Deepfake" Videos

@00:02:24 trump's twitter and here's my thoughts
@00:04:06 twitter on this picture he reposted on
@00:04:09 his twitter the other day it had a

4.16 - QAnon in MSM/"Fake Videos" & #FRAZZLEDRIP/Dead GMO Activist/Trump Supports Marijuana

@00:00:48 awesome investigative twitter thread
@00:03:18 i'll be posting it on my twitter so go
@00:06:52 social media and 8chan twitter and
@00:06:59 twitter and instagram being hubs being

Was The Attack On Syria Actually Against Deep State Proxies, Not Assad?

@00:07:48 scrolling through twitter over the past

Are we headed for a WORLD WAR?

@00:03:45 thing on twitter yesterday where

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 10th 2018

@00:09:15 the twitter handle right here to mu as
@00:09:26 mccain well here's his twitter i'm gonna
@00:09:42 whatnot if you roll through his twitter
@00:13:18 secret twitter
@00:14:53 facebook twitter instagram central
@00:15:49 anything google facebook twitter
@00:16:10 instagram and twitter being useful right
@00:24:47 too much of this stuff and read twitter

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 7th 2018

@00:01:46 facebook twitter yahoo bing instagram
@00:15:35 the white house twitter page his weekly
@00:18:05 anything q clowns and twitter push msm

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 6th 2018

@00:10:29 enough i posted this on my twitter like

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 4th 2018

@00:09:37 about but bless them right here twitter
@00:11:29 maybe to the creator of twitter that
@00:11:42 drop on facebook twitter amazon google

4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network"

@00:06:39 book amazon twitter and google big
@00:06:50 twitter account holds he just tweets
@00:17:03 on twitter i've been more open with
@00:17:15 remember go follow me on twitter if you

24,544 Sealed Indictments - WHERE ARE THE ARRESTS?!

@00:00:13 comes from storm watcher on twitter at

3.29 - OIG&FISA/New Pizzagate Instagram Pics/NXIVM/Solar Shift & UFO Sightings

@00:11:00 twitter and look at this this is from
@00:16:15 it manifesting in real time so twitter
@00:16:43 yesterday right here twitter shares fall
@00:17:02 twitter facebook google amazon they're
@00:17:25 prominent people's twitter pages donald
@00:17:28 trump's twitter right here from this

3.28 - Q's Latest/Sex Trafficking Exposure/Julian Assange Internet Cut/PARDON FLYNN!

@00:04:14 crisis twitter coming soon google coming
@00:11:51 one one of them on his twitter page
@00:13:22 him on twitter if you don't go do it he


@00:08:44 i post this on my twitter but there were

Is Q a PSY-OP?

@00:05:00 around the time when some twitter
@00:09:57 has a awesome twitter account he was

3.21 - QAnon on Comedy Central/Austin Bomber Identified/SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES

@00:16:16 found it through them on twitter
@00:18:38 tweet this on twitter is that they're
@00:21:32 twitter thread by at in the matrix this

3.20 - Podesta to Guantanamo?/Facebook Imploding/Rothschilds hit Mainstream!

@00:03:55 twitter shout-out to anti school but the
@00:07:52 tonight go follow me on twitter and i'll
@00:08:37 twitter and facebook and steam it and

3.19 - Majority of America Believes in a Deep State/Rothschild Steps Down & Zuckerberg Sells Stock

@00:06:02 twitter bots
@00:06:03 st. russian twitter bots are owned and
@00:06:30 going on on facebook and twitter and
@00:17:11 conservatives on twitter who have

The MAGIC of 3.6.9 - Vortex Mathematics & Sacred Geometry (Free Energy Physics)

@00:00:56 meme on twitter and facebook and whatnot
@00:13:51 and my clever twitter post and whatnot
@00:17:16 has 12 million twitter followers he is

BANNED from YouTube & Facebook - Here's Where to Find Me

@00:02:08 i'll still be using twitter and youtube

Anti-School x Destroying the Illusion - Social Media Censorship Can't Stop The Great Awakening

@00:03:56 lawsuit against google twitter youtube
@00:11:32 now on twitter about the whole russia
@00:16:01 echo chamber just like twitter just like
@00:29:44 twitter the internet we can just call
@00:30:26 social media everyone with a twitter

Don't Get Scammed With Crypto

@00:00:50 media youtube and twitter and you just
@00:01:47 and he just you get to see the twitter
@00:04:37 youtube or beg twitter or beg facebook
@00:06:52 lot of game later facebook and twitter

Insane Social Media Censorship

@00:02:05 was getting this message on twitter an
@00:02:23 followers on twitter some of them are
@00:02:27 gained all my twitter followers back
@00:02:38 twitter google giving me some issues and
@00:05:13 facebook twitter by doing this they're

2.15 - FL Shooting/NSA Incident/Other Articles & Cosmic/UFO News

@00:04:27 twitter his saying the fbi was warned
@00:05:16 that i found on twitter let me make it a
@00:09:00 i posted a little tidbit on my twitter
@00:09:36 twitter if you aren't aware of who or
@00:15:29 twitter here she posted back on the 13th
@00:23:16 foods on my facebook and twitter and

2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th

@00:09:00 twitter a few times i've been able to
@00:09:03 hop onto twitter over the weekend and
@00:15:39 twitter i don't know how to find that or
@00:18:16 me on twitter i'm gonna go to my own
@00:18:18 twitter here cuz i retweeted this before

2.10 - Memos on Memos/Q Posts [Next week]/Pentagon Audit Front Page

@00:15:26 trump's twitter i wonder if he's going
@00:15:29 to put the words societies in a twitter

Checking in from LA - Conscious Life Expo

@00:02:13 me on twitter or facebook but i just

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:03:13 russian influence twitter accounts seek

2.2 - MemoDay/Deep State In Panic/Q Posts/Pharma Corruption/Underwater Pyramids

@00:03:31 actually trending on twitter yesterday
@00:05:28 twitter hashtags that are going around
@00:05:50 to sarah carter this time her twitter
@00:07:54 i found this on twitter or hn but
@00:12:06 to go to this twitter thread that i
@00:12:10 found great twitter thread my name's
@00:12:20 also found this twitter thread by way of
@00:19:58 check out his twitter he was saying some
@00:20:02 on his twitter last week but anyway

How I Almost Got PHISHED

@00:00:55 work i do also the youtube and twitter

1.30 - MEMO/New FBI & DoJ Investigations/MMS/Pole Flips

@00:08:25 i believe anti schools twitter page

1.29 - Memo to Release Today?/Current Indictment Count/CEOs Resigning

@00:02:24 on twitter his handle has da martin 32
@00:03:46 or a que illuminati on twitter he does
@00:04:04 on mark ruskin's twitter page here what

1.28 - Q recap/Twitters Censored/FBI Txts/ET News/Time Crystals

@00:07:18 sarah carter's twitter account was
@00:07:23 have sean hannity over here his twitter
@00:07:41 twitter disappears and conspiracy
@00:14:43 so some twitter feed some twitter beef

Jan 27th - Checking In/1st SSP Webcast Complete & Channel Upgrades

@00:03:54 it i know a lot of twitter accounts of
@00:12:11 gun i i posted on my twitter last week
@00:14:39 still scrolled through twitter seeing

Live Chat - FISA/FBI/Secret Societies/Secret Space Program/Tesla/Electric Universe/Health/Big Pharma

@00:06:41 it if you follow me on twitter you have
@00:06:47 i discuss on my twitter account he's

1.23 - EQs/Secret Societies/Memos/40% vs. 100% Disclosure

@00:06:54 his twitter password right right right
@00:07:08 forgot his twitter password right so and
@00:08:45 retweet from a twitter handle the pole
@00:10:39 urging facebook and twitter to
@00:11:14 twitter urging them to investigate their
@00:15:12 screenshot of this on my twitter my

1.22 - #ChuckCaved/Fake Memo/Q's Pic/"Brazen Plot"/FL False Flag

@00:00:15 posted here on twitter some people sent
@00:00:43 now i shared this on my twitter page
@00:01:45 see my twitter page and you can read it
@00:09:01 handlers russian twitter bots are
@00:09:15 twitter now they're trying to say that

1.21 - Hawaii Missile/#ReleaseTheMemo/#SchumerShutdown/CIA Docs & Space Wars

@00:05:36 twitter yesterday it was a fantastic
@00:05:44 twitter handle and i'm just gonna read
@00:08:13 dude for is really good twitter comment
@00:11:29 morning i was on twitter and i saw a

January 20th Hangout

@00:06:32 right now and i saw that twitter was
@00:13:39 on of course analytics on twitter lately
@00:14:12 twitter you know twitter and their

1.18 - "Meteors"/Trump @ Pentagon/Newsweek Raided/#FISAgate/Lockheed SSP Disclosures?

@00:03:45 twitter i had heard some testimonies
@00:15:12 there now let's move into twitter still
@00:15:24 exposed twitter still getting thrown
@00:15:34 admitting on hidden camera that twitter
@00:15:51 twitter engineer

Thursday morning hangout

@00:00:50 posting pretty hard on twitter in the
@00:13:48 hashtags trending we saw twitter kill
@00:14:02 twitter or if you don't follow me on
@00:14:04 twitter suggest you do i tweet pretty

1.17 - Fake News Awards/Plane Diversions/Detroit "Meteor"/Another Dead Dr.

@00:02:13 influencing twitter analytics okay if
@00:03:30 around twitter and i saw some of the
@00:06:14 and twitter and whatnot i got this link
@00:24:03 on my twitter and facebook a few weeks

See Distant Things With Your MIND by Remote Viewing

@00:00:32 eq anon comes from twitter but he asks

1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan'

@00:00:45 on twitter or on hn and see what people
@00:07:23 rothchilds twitter because the i believe
@00:08:08 whether it's personal twitter page or
@00:08:29 twitter post of the chess game we
@00:09:24 twitter they posts often and it's pretty
@00:11:34 twitter now so facebook's sheryl
@00:12:05 ominous warning at the twitter ceo more
@00:12:14 twitter right here she posted hearing
@00:12:24 his position as ceo of twitter i guess
@00:17:38 once twitter kills it will switch to
@00:18:02 things trend on twitter we decide the
@00:18:48 then phase two once twitter kills that
@00:22:04 twitter just find them guys find them

1.13 - Hawaiian Missile OOPS/Assange Chess/Unsealed Indictment/IG Report Comes Early

@00:01:04 they've been unfollowed on my twitter
@00:06:35 woods on twitter went off on chelsea
@00:08:01 thing i saw on twitter was a soccer
@00:11:08 scrolling through twitter and i saw just
@00:11:53 twitter i'm like that's a good idea you
@00:12:36 night on twitter he retweeted this
@00:13:03 here assange sends twitter into a frenzy
@00:15:38 saw liz croaking on her twitter last
@00:22:08 few twitter pages of some of the people

100,000 More Conscious Everyday

@00:02:44 twitter account they might have hundreds

1.12 - DNC Lawsuit/Assange/Pentagon Audit/Area 51 & ET Stones

@00:04:14 talked to some twitter employees and
@00:04:19 occurred there was one of the twitter
@00:04:38 there so there's that i mean twitter has

1.10 - Disinfo Ramping Up & Situation Report

@00:01:13 twitter or on facebook or on youtube or
@00:10:28 twitter posts and jan posts and whatnot
@00:13:10 occurrences with the wikileaks twitter
@00:13:12 and the navy twitter pages retweeting
@00:15:16 here from the twitter handle beat this
@00:15:21 twitter page post some quality stuff in
@00:17:40 the who heads true pundit on his twitter
@00:18:45 twitter and a senior network security
@00:19:06 expose against twitter on twitter but
@00:19:39 mediums facebook youtube twitter just
@00:19:49 twitter and facebook are just easy
@00:21:44 you follow me on twitter there's a lot

1.8 - Trump Tower Fire/ConseQuential/Wikileaks & More

@00:07:14 president trump's twitter clicking on
@00:09:53 that i saw posted on twitter by somebody
@00:09:55 julian assange is twitter
@00:09:57 remember that whole debacle twitter got
@00:10:48 literally using twitter to put this q
@00:14:39 twitter yesterday so if you do follow me
@00:14:41 on twitter you saw this one already but

Jan 7 AMA

@00:21:27 twitter handle for anonymous scandinavia
@00:21:35 here on twitter and i'll go check it out
@00:50:00 twitter or facebook after this but the

1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Physics

@00:04:12 anybody tells you that q has a twitter
@00:08:02 twitter i'm assuming it's personal
@00:08:04 twitter and then we'll go through a

1.5 - STORM SURGE - Planes/Arrests/Clinton/Sessions/Fusion GPS/Comey & More!

@00:03:40 first thought on twitter and then it was
@00:03:56 periscope on twitter somebody's
@00:08:19 it on my twitter right before i went
@00:08:23 you don't follow me on twitter go find
@00:08:40 stages of twitter addiction and at first
@00:08:42 you start a twitter account you get on
@00:08:46 twitter frickin works then you get off
@00:08:50 twitter then you get addicted right it's
@00:20:45 they post something on twitter i all

1.4 - Q's Back/Clinton House Fire/Bannon/Another Plane Gone/FBI Dossier

@00:06:35 my twitter here
@00:15:53 i believe his twitter account his
@00:15:56 twitter account was deleted sometime in

1.3 - Q Warnings/Plane Theory/Abedin(Monitor)/Trump to Disclose Secret Tech?

@00:06:59 literally in a twitter conversation with
@00:07:36 hacked clinton's twitter page and now
@00:08:09 twitter page but human abaddon forwarded

Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, & Twitter Feuds (Jan 2, 2018)

@00:00:57 talk about what happened on twitter and
@00:18:53 he owns shares of twitter okay so when
@00:28:39 make youtube videos and i'm on twitter
@00:30:51 twitter and i saw you begin to get in
@00:30:55 essentially a twitter feud with her name
@00:31:07 talking to twitter with her and
@00:40:19 started looking into her twitter feed
@00:40:44 me and twitter removed you know i wear
@00:40:50 with twitter handles that don't have

1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/Assange

@00:10:38 but i saw somebody on twitter i'm sorry

1.1 - Indictments, GITMO & Airport Weirdness (The Storm Cometh)

@00:00:39 surrounding the twitter feud between her
@00:04:41 information comes by way of the twitter

12.31 - Twitter Debacles(Liz Crokin!)/False Flags/Iran Fallout/Imran Awan & More

@00:02:39 twitter use as a way to fight a very
@00:02:57 twitter usage absolutely right the
@00:03:15 into discussing a twitter speaking of
@00:03:18 twitter i want to talk to you guys about
@00:03:47 but i was on twitter kind of as it was
@00:04:59 we'll go back to liz crow coons twitter
@00:05:31 twitter over here and read through the
@00:06:01 just twitter but i'm pretty sure this
@00:06:15 screenshot of luis croakings twitter and
@00:06:35 it out thank you twitter for verifying
@00:06:47 reporting liz croakin to twitter and
@00:06:53 away her check mark her verified twitter
@00:07:00 twitter just unverified my account
@00:07:17 going on - christine's twitter and then
@00:07:55 twitter and said you need to take my
@00:08:14 reference to the fifty thousand twitter
@00:08:21 liz croakings twitter and it's cool
@00:11:36 go to jack pease twitter here and we're
@00:12:51 twitter featuring him again here but he
@00:14:26 go to donald trump's twitter very cool
@00:16:07 i i found it on twitter but a lot of
@00:18:55 stuff and what i've seen on twitter but

12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs

@00:08:44 julian assange is twitter right oh julie
@00:08:48 visage is twitter got basically deleted
@00:09:04 is twitter well in my opinion it's
@00:09:12 took down his twitter just to get eyes
@00:09:40 with the julian assange twitter debacle
@00:10:13 assange is twitter following all the un
@00:13:07 across this tweet on twitter and it was
@00:15:10 his twitter right here says the state
@00:22:06 twitter on facebook all that good stuff

Friday Dec 29 - Live Chat

@00:00:33 that but q qs twitter um so that knew
@00:00:37 what kill kill underscore rogue twitter
@00:00:52 actual twitter just want to throw that
@00:01:02 this twitter is but anyway i just want
@00:07:48 be known unlike my twitter and then then
@00:25:00 and leading from gitmo and i saw twitter
@00:45:52 check out my twitter because i'll be
@00:46:00 heads up on twitter but be back sunday
@00:46:15 post that link to my pages twitter

12.29 - "Q's Twitter"/Natl. Guard & Flights to GITMO/SKYKING/Trump Mentions Podesta

@00:00:10 supposed q twitter account that i did a
@00:00:27 twitter page and of course just for a
@00:00:38 four days ago now he said twitter and in
@00:00:44 linked us to this twitter account where
@00:01:11 q would link this to the twitter page
@00:01:33 essentially for like outing this twitter
@00:01:40 showing this twitter page right there's
@00:02:02 mclaughlin's twitter of looks like cbs 5
@00:06:49 twitter and president trump today posted

12.28 - Did we just find Q's actual Twitter account?

@00:00:45 one here says twitter brackets kill
@00:00:59 kill robe into twitter and at kill rogue
@00:03:46 openly hide on twitter and this wasn't
@00:04:18 have on this twitter so hey man i don't
@00:05:07 twitter is q but there's dots that
@00:05:48 twitter tom fitton as the president of
@00:05:59 here i made a note of it on my twitter
@00:06:35 this twitter guys who knows if this will
@00:06:47 are going on with twitter that prince
@00:06:51 stakeholder and twitter so there's a lot

12.25 - DoD Confirms Q/Assange Twitter/UFO Distractions/Cabal Symbolism in Plain Sight

@00:00:28 assange of twitter some things regarding
@00:00:56 defense's twitter 5:00 a.m. this morning
@00:02:24 assange is twitter was taken down it
@00:02:29 down purposely don't know if twitter
@00:02:36 back online so julian assange is twitter
@00:03:06 twitter before it was taken off last
@00:04:25 assange twitter account got taken
@00:05:18 us navy twitter page so on the naval
@00:05:22 twitter page this morning you can see
@00:05:53 the navy's official twitter account and
@00:06:10 twitter
@00:06:33 assange is twitter we're not done with
@00:15:15 this before said this on my twitter i
@00:15:17 continuously say this on my twitter and

12.24 - Q/Trump vs FBI/Space X/More MSM UFO Articles/Occult Manuscripts Declassified

@00:03:24 322 lets go to donald trump's twitter
@00:08:22 trump's twitter here's an interesting
@00:10:54 and north korea in the same twitter
@00:11:08 twitter post right hey i see the mind
@00:15:28 yesterday rand paul went to twitter town
@00:15:59 very odd to be posting on twitter and
@00:16:16 light twitter and oh no where'd you go
@00:16:30 of the light twitter i've mentioned this
@00:17:25 given rand paul's twitter rate twitter

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #2

@00:08:12 twitter kaba merc take guetta or on
@00:13:40 victory of the light on twitter same
@00:16:49 commercial i just saw that on twitter

12.19 - New Q/ATL Plane/SEA Train/MSM UFO/ET Coverage

@00:02:58 made on twitter granted i found it on
@00:06:30 to here's donald trump's twitter on

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:01:49 on twitter facebook or snapchat you can
@00:02:00 that twitter ban that's supposedly
@00:02:12 and if that does happen and my twitter
@00:08:25 so this is harry reid's twitter he
@00:11:54 you go to his twitter here there's like
@00:13:03 space lurking around twitter and i saw a
@00:14:19 i'm going to show you of a twitter feed
@00:24:10 way of vox the assholes at vox twitter
@00:24:21 remember those new twitter rules go into
@00:24:42 to be silenced but anyway if twitter

New York Times reports on UFOs & 'Black Money'

@00:02:28 go to john podesta's twitter he

12.15 - Q Suppression/McCain/Sex Harassment Latest/Pedogate&Space News

@00:03:34 paine on twitter anyway highly
@00:09:32 twitter i posted this on twitter last
@00:16:58 show use twitter his twitter right here

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT

@00:08:45 look at trump's twitter right i didn't
@00:09:39 twitter i'm not exactly sure who i found
@00:13:01 seaman had his account from twitter

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:02:26 to being outed and i was on twitter this
@00:02:28 morning and when i was on twitter


@00:09:14 this one to twitter here's barack obama
@00:09:30 over linda rothschilds twitter and how
@00:13:24 out from the open secret twitter page
@00:14:40 his twitter handle on gathering that he
@00:16:38 twitter i found hilarious so there's
@00:17:10 the trump posted on his twitter handle
@00:19:50 twitter and she went wild first post you
@00:20:05 twitter basically saying she's not gonna
@00:20:25 taking to twitter to totally rag on her

12.5 - Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures

@00:14:17 linda rothchilds twitter lynn de
@00:14:41 no look i've been stalking her twitter a
@00:20:47 he just restarted his twitter account

12.4 - MegaAnon&Q/Flynn/Space Noises/Dead Dr #80/More Soft Disclosure

@00:01:33 twitter instagram facebook snapchat
@00:17:03 things out there speaking of twitter now
@00:17:08 bunch of articles speaking of twitter
@00:17:18 supporter and is on twitter and shits on
@00:27:57 on twitter looking up real quick here he

12.1 - Podesta&Clinton Respond to Pizzagate/Flynn/Q/Booms/ET Disclosure

@00:19:04 these means do it cue twitter repeat
@00:19:06 twitter tweet q key words coincidence

11.29 - New Anon?/Q/Trump Tweets/Lauer&Scarborough/NK

@00:03:07 below snapchat instagram twitter and
@00:03:29 this this is a screenshot from twitter
@00:06:46 the first lady's twitter melania trump's
@00:06:49 twitter is retweeted here i'm on donald
@00:09:47 trump's twitter interestingly enough
@00:10:23 we've got donald trump's twitter that i

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:27:08 trumpets we bury twitter google youtube

11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons

@00:00:43 of course there's twitter and facebook
@00:06:50 o'keefe twitter he is the president of

11.25 - McCains Boot/Q/Space X/P-gate/Free Energy

@00:01:30 twitter account if you follow me there
@00:02:04 then we saw on john mccain's twitter

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:02:28 follow me on twitter and facebook if you
@00:11:07 is twitter which is interesting because
@00:11:12 twitter one of the main ones in saudi
@00:28:15 sells twitter facebook apple and snapped

11.17 SITREP - "Storm"/JFK/Q/P-gate

@00:01:40 roseanne bars twitter so roseanne barr
@00:01:49 twitter account got shut down not only
@00:01:51 her twitter account but her personal

11.14 - NSA Breach/Trump Jr./Rothschild/Trump Major Statement

@00:03:23 twitter and the important piece out of
@00:05:01 twitter taking you to a website howdy
@00:07:22 lately if you go to her twitter you can
@00:09:02 make a note of donald trump's twitter he

11.11 - The Storm Will Unfold/FakeNews Alert/No Space Corp/Another Dead Dr

@00:12:26 in twitter and you know all the oil

11.10 - Q Updates - Possible Arrests Tonight? & ANTARCTICA Info

@00:03:04 mitchell's twitter he actually posted
@00:14:30 it on twitter as to who queue is but
@00:15:54 speech he posted them to his twitter at
@00:16:50 note real quick i saw a post on twitter
@00:16:58 water on twitter you can see the down
@00:17:06 his twitter he said there are nearly 300
@00:18:41 twitter posts that i just mentioned
@00:21:31 also twitter at destroy illusion they

11.9 - PingPong Under Investigation/New JFK files/Vault8/Uranium One/"Q"

@00:00:50 but i saw this on his twitter page and
@00:10:21 like twitter handle on here i'm gonna
@00:10:27 link it down below his twitter handle he

11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above?

@00:20:38 that twitter handle that i referenced

11.6 - Storm Update - Trump reads 4chan?/MK Ultra Patsies/Delonge Disclosure

@00:00:39 the victory of the light twitter great
@00:00:42 twitter account go follow them i would
@00:01:35 twitter and in this post he said my

11.4 - Storm Update - 4chan/Saudi Arabia/Podesta/Brazile/False Flags

@00:01:54 looks like i'll post his twitter down
@00:02:01 assistant and he posted on his twitter i
@00:07:15 shareholder of twitter mmm
@00:07:27 stuff going on with twitter very funny

11.3 - Is the Storm beginning? Fear, Courage, Motivation

@00:13:15 first of all we have the twitter
@00:13:24 that the president would utilize twitter
@00:13:35 this twitter malfunction happening right
@00:13:47 this twitter malfunction happened
@00:13:58 twitter government say here at first
@00:14:05 a twitter employee and then they said
@00:14:10 learned that this was done by a twitter
@00:14:29 president's twitter page this morning
@00:16:38 crowe quinn's twitter she's awesome
@00:17:24 wanted to make the on twitter this
@00:21:16 check my twitter out if you want to see
@00:25:17 twitter today i'm like either this
@00:31:02 fact um go follow me on twitter because
@00:31:14 twitter facebook again thank you all for

10.31 - New York Terror/Podestas/Antifa/Natl. Blackout Drills

@00:01:20 went on twitter and called out the cia
@00:02:33 went on twitter today blaming the
@00:07:21 memes twitter for the shoutouts and

10.29 - Arrest Coming/JFK Files/Electric Universe Solar System Changes

@00:01:26 check me out on facebook and twitter and
@00:05:13 stone got banned on twitter if you don't
@00:05:16 follow roger stone on twitter you can't
@00:05:31 no-holds-barred on twitter so also you
@00:05:39 things that roger stone does on twitter
@00:06:01 trump's jr. you know his twitter account

10.26 - JFK Files/Pedogate/Vegas/UraniumOne/Secret Space Program Disclosures

@00:11:18 follow me on twitter and facebook where

Shootin' the shit before off to ECETI

@00:32:36 twitter and facebook if you don't

Jordan Sather Mission Update - Oct 9th 2017

@00:01:06 i use twitter to share quick things you

9.28 - Podesta & Stone Twitter Exchange | US/Russia Moon Station | Mars Missions & Soft Disclosure

@00:01:07 twitter exchange that happened between
@00:02:08 and he linked a video so this twitter
@00:02:39 both of their twitter accounts and yeah


@00:07:57 dude on facebook and on twitter
@00:29:30 go follow me on twitter and i will let

Checking in from Boulder, CO

@00:20:40 twitter i will be posting pictures from

BREAKING - X9.3 Solar Flare Just Erupted - Massive Geomagnetic Storm Possible

@00:00:24 say first is go follow me on twitter
@00:00:35 video just go follow me on twitter and
@00:02:21 twitter handle is destroyed illusion
@00:07:03 twitter for announcements of these live
@00:07:45 that on my twitter and that one will be

9.4 - Strong Solar Flare | New Pedogate Whistleblower | UFO Sightings Increasing

@00:05:19 catherine austin fitz twitter the other

9.1 - Harvey Engineered | Rothschild Dumps US Assets | Shkreli has Clinton emails at Trump Tower?

@00:07:57 his twitter and for some backstory he's
@00:08:02 twitter he actually posted this about a

8.15 - Protests Fallout | Hillary Still Under Investigation | MSM Reports "Hack Wasn't Russia"

@00:05:34 believe i follow him on twitter he's a
@00:05:48 on twitter is cnn his fake news right

Charlottesville Protests - DON'T Be Divided By The Media

@00:01:04 together i went to his twitter himself

Hello Fellow Humans

@00:21:31 him on twitter flynn jr. the interesting
@00:25:46 on victory of the light twitter uh i've

8.7 - ISIS joins Taliban, Anchor leaves CNN for Pro-Trump, Loretta Lynch Caught Using Alias

@00:03:33 course took to twitter and did what he
@00:03:35 normally does on twitter and tweeted up
@00:04:00 tweeter i mean i get on twitter and i
@00:04:06 twitter i hardly use it but this story
@00:04:35 twitter again and he just meant he must

8.1 - Special Counsel to Investigate Clinton, Scaramucci Fired & Seth Rich Story "Made Up" by Fox?

@00:11:37 even on his twitter lately right it
@00:12:02 rod wheelers twitter

7.27 - WH Anon Surfaces, Awan Brother Lawyer Speaks Out, Pedogate Arrest: Cali Deputy AG

@00:05:46 webb on his twitter today he posted how

7.17 - A Haitian Official "Suicided" by Clinton? & Strawman Accounts Being Accessed?

@00:13:32 facebook it'll be through twitter

6.27 - CNN Caught Red Handed, Worldwide Cyberattacks, FBI Twitter Leaks, & Expect More False Flags

@00:02:53 records vault twitter which this twitter
@00:03:34 this was on that an fbi official twitter
@00:05:14 twitter some cryptic tweets essentially

6.19 - Pedogate Arrests, Leaked UFO Docs, Mainstream Media Layoffs & Navy Collision

@00:03:10 siemens twitter account and he actually

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - #UNRIG, Suppressed Technologies, & How Trump Can Win

@00:28:30 whoever runs twitter okay this is insane
@00:28:41 twitter and i frankly think the trump

Jordan Has A Hater! - Exposing the Dark Journalist's Bad Journalism - Who exactly is he?

@00:10:41 and i was i followed him on twitter i'm

5.29 - More Antarctic Anomalies, Trump Fires Leakers, Seth Rich Continued...

@00:05:32 biggs who has a pretty popular twitter

5.26 - Trump's NATO Speech, He's "With an Alliance" & Seth Rich is the Key to Exposing PG

@00:07:16 talking about it and his twitter is as
@00:07:20 his twitter and sean hannity is even

5.16 - Seth Rich Investigation Deepens & Secret Space Program Patents Online?

@00:01:47 p.m. on a twitter account multiple
@00:01:52 twitter accounts it you know viral
@00:02:23 story broke on twitter and started

Captain's Vlog 5.15.17 - The Mission is Expanding

@00:00:52 twitter and that was awesome and that's

5.2 - Deep State Proxy Destruction & MSM 1/2 Truth Disclosures

@00:01:26 he's on twitter interviews all kinds of
@00:01:39 quoted it in his twitter what does he

Analyzing the Realms of Disclosure with Pedogate & UFO's

@00:12:33 twitter he started tweeting like ufo

4.26 - Antarctic Markings Discovered, Snowden Tweets, Electric Anomalies @ North Pole

@00:01:40 threw this out on his twitter yesterday

Current Conclusions on the Syrian Missile Attack...

@00:06:20 hashtag syria hoax on twitter was

4.6 Update - Syria A Distraction For #Pedogate Advancements & Tons of Soft ET Disclosure!

@00:00:48 been trending on twitter all freaking

Quick Update - David Rockefeller is Dead!

@00:04:10 facebook accounts and my twitter as well

Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories. He Knows.

@00:07:34 oh freaking disclosure from twitter

Feb27 - Elite on Ropes, Antarctic Military Movement? & Indie Journalists Unite!

@00:00:39 i started a twitter and a facebook
@00:00:58 to date on my twitter and facebook also
@00:03:21 twitter account both went dark i think
@00:03:24 twitter account deleted all the videos