
NNN - The Plan to Adapt to Bans. Censorship Winter = Trump Spring

@00:02:54 or a twitter and uh some of these are

deleted Are the Hosts behind AMP American/Priority AMP/Fest Censoring Q Patriots on FAKE MAGA Orders?

@00:02:53 this is on twitter
@00:18:50 twitter things of that nature so

deleted More '17' - The People Know, It's nearly time

@00:18:35 terminate any twitter users reposting do
@00:19:36 department on twitter
@00:26:15 and by the way if you look on my twitter
@00:26:22 amazing when i do something on twitter
@00:26:29 take a look at my twitter account

deleted New SC Pick, Clintons = Criminal Investigation!, & Much More Winning!

@00:06:30 papadopoulos himself on twitter and then

deleted Q - Almost Time - Judgement Day

@00:06:19 twitter
@00:14:00 twitter as well as
@00:18:25 technofog on twitter the adam goldman
@00:28:45 as twitter released new data stating


@00:13:47 blue check mark twitter uh personalities

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:02:26 twitter i'm banned from facebook or
@00:02:31 twitter
@00:40:45 on their twitter it's kind of making a

deleted FILL THE SEAT! Ruth Bader Ginsburg That’s their job Ds Say No OR ELSE We say OR WHAT

@00:02:44 saying all over twitter
@00:02:51 personalities on twitter media people
@00:03:04 now this person on twitter she got it
@00:03:10 her name is hey tammy bruce on twitter

deleted Hypocritical [D] Party Panics, Calls for Radicalization & Violence. POTUS Assassination Thwarted

@00:11:18 banned from twitter you guys can follow
@00:11:22 but breaking911 on twitter had put out

deleted Qtipz. [D] Run Cover for Hate, 40+ "Global Warming" for "Wildfires". War on [Gaurdians] Heats Up!!

@00:11:04 caught him on twitter with a pedophile
@00:11:07 um in his twitter background banner
@00:11:40 to get deleted on twitter when you
@00:30:02 president trump on twitter now here we

deleted American Civil War 2.0 - Oregon Dem Proxy Army + Arson = "Greatest Loss Of Life In State History"

@00:17:34 big tech collusion facebook twitter and
@00:24:49 banned from twitter permanently

deleted Dr. Andrew Wakefield on The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Lie, Covid19 & Will Trump Mandate Vaccines?

@00:39:09 people ask me what our twitter handles

deleted A Warning to Dave @X22Report and Others about Robert Barnes. Be Careful Who You Trust. Fake Maga !

@00:00:57 wood also called him out on twitter it
@00:02:18 censored a lot of people's uh twitter

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:38:22 his twitter

deleted Free $3400!, WW3 Looms, Kamala CAN'T! Not Eligible!, Seth Rich Bombshell, Q Predicted 5 More Arrests

@00:19:42 on twitter to 4 million plus trends in
@00:19:51 twitter so i can't participate anymore
@00:25:40 i'm happy you're still on twitter buddy
@00:25:43 uh twitter warriors and um we need you

deleted Dustin Nemos on Truth Warrior Show: QAnon - An Invitation to Skeptics & An Overview of the Movement

@00:14:44 twitter to go around the fake news this
@00:14:56 on twitter
@00:15:25 to the people the same way that twitter
@00:18:51 what these people all over twitter and
@00:21:41 twitter and everything else

deleted DN The War on Children is the War on the USA, From Communism, Evil & Foreign Powers & Election Chao

@00:16:13 banned on twitter i haven't figured out
@00:16:28 matt rk on twitter he says so this fall

deleted Pete Santilli & Dustin Nemos - What Can be Done to Help Win 2020

@00:13:12 youtube twitter
@00:14:20 um do not back off of twitter if you get
@00:14:23 deleted on twitter set up another
@00:15:15 things like twitter
@00:22:30 you can't even be on twitter

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:11:47 private twitter account his his messages
@00:12:29 twitter

deleted Executive Order Bypassing Dem Block on Covid Relief, Gold Will End the Fed Don't Miss out!

@00:18:53 but now lynn wood is on twitter talking
@00:19:08 famous name on twitter necessarily he's
@00:19:12 he's a small voice on twitter but he is
@00:19:32 talking about jack dorsey from twitter
@00:19:34 and at twitter are purging followers who
@00:20:11 twitter and look um
@00:20:58 outspoken on twitter an interesting

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:10:19 on twitter is
@00:13:44 to twitter exactly this
@00:22:07 on twitter

deleted Vicious Assault By Enemies On All That Is Good, Checkpoints in NYC

@00:10:11 wow now twitter even suspending the same
@00:10:58 twitter

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:26:24 twitter

deleted Q Breaks Down What C19 is REALLY About!!! and Maxwell's Documents UnRedacts Itself.. Bill Clinton!!!

@00:02:52 according to florio gina on twitter here
@00:03:09 marks of course being like the twitter
@00:12:40 twitter about potential voter fraud in


@00:14:48 president trump says on twitter with
@00:22:44 twitter lately that's not the right word
@00:22:46 to use he's been angry on twitter
@00:25:26 and uh they are big on twitter as well

deleted Compromised Supreme Court? The Battle for the Internet Heats Up over Censorship. Big Tech GRILLED!

@00:00:06 censorship on twitter through executive
@00:20:53 president trump on twitter saying if

deleted Q Con Jacksonville, Fl - August 26th! (See Description)

@00:00:51 we just uh covered his uh twitter
@00:00:57 on twitter
@00:01:04 of on twitter
@00:01:07 twitter and a friend of mine as well

deleted Big Pharma Takes a Hit, HCQ V The Censorship

@00:03:33 okay it's this article says twitter
@00:03:41 breitbart account on twitter but it's
@00:03:43 not just twitter
@00:10:39 youtube and vimeo and twitter and many
@00:11:05 now again here's twitter removing the
@00:13:07 we also have twitter suspending
@00:21:28 and took them off i guess twitter took
@00:24:11 this on in the matrix twitter account i
@00:24:13 i have to keep up with twitter even
@00:27:34 we just uh covered his uh twitter
@00:27:39 influential person on twitter
@00:27:47 of on twitter
@00:27:50 twitter and a friend of mine as well

deleted Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg Receives Criminal Referral from Matt Gaetz & More!!

@00:16:43 twitter
@00:17:28 to talk about him on twitter and other
@00:18:14 twitter
@00:21:28 like that on twitter that will harass
@00:23:44 agency dia on his profile on twitter

deleted 7-24-2020 - Plots to Assassinate our Economy, Republic, & President Spy Arrested, New Q

@00:23:18 here she says continuing because twitter

deleted Q Responds to Twitter's Purge. Jordan Demands Indictments in Obamagate

@00:09:26 and twitter is coordinating this with
@00:11:39 on twitter i'm i'm permabanned i've had
@00:11:46 get back on twitter when i get a chance
@00:17:40 to stay on twitter

deleted Big Tech Moves to Ban All Q - The Storm is Upon Us

@00:00:06 from twitter facebook's not far behind
@00:00:36 but twitter is clamping down this final
@00:02:13 so let's dive right in twitter bands 7
@00:03:00 it's not just even twitter it's twitter
@00:03:31 alternative to twitter and facebook
@00:04:31 twitter safety this is part of their
@00:04:34 twitter um accounts and they're saying
@00:05:18 you could argue through his twitter
@00:05:22 even the church of satan has a twitter
@00:06:02 now that twitter has mass banned q
@00:07:47 from twitter here we go
@00:08:38 do that i've had five twitter accounts
@00:09:31 and your designated targets like twitter
@00:14:41 but kevin ship is on twitter saying that

deleted Be Careful Who You Trust - Clickbait & Rumor in the QAnon Movement fuels "Conspiracy Theory" Attacks

@00:01:42 uh twitter page you guys may know
@00:01:44 they're banning everyone from twitter
@00:01:52 twitter did something about all the q

deleted Q Hints It's Time for Arrests. Meadows States It's Time for Jail

@00:09:56 has a twitter link and he says the swamp
@00:10:08 well let's check out the twitter first
@00:12:12 on twitter and somebody was posting the
@00:19:42 now here we have technofog on twitter i
@00:19:44 kind of miss being on twitter
@00:20:36 twitter says they're all about openness
@00:21:36 twitter you automatically get a ban
@00:26:43 twitter was a
@00:26:52 background on twitter uh every so often

deleted Q 7.17.20 - Warns of Final Cyber Attack, COVIDHOAX Falling Apart like Fake News

@00:01:02 bang this lady on twitter her name is
@00:02:19 another gentleman on twitter andrew lost
@00:02:21 and i'm still unbanned from twitter but
@00:10:54 twitter before they smash it down but it
@00:28:07 twitter for free speech i guess is kind
@00:29:11 you should quit facebook and twitter and
@00:29:18 use facebook and twitter to disseminate

deleted Biden's Radical Left "Coming Out" Moment, Bill Gates Called a Pedo on TV, MaskWarz

@00:20:50 form of censorship twitter was busted
@00:21:42 twitter i'm still you know i'm
@00:22:07 pedophilic symbol in his twitter
@00:22:11 banned from twitter i helped to expose
@00:22:18 after changing his background on twitter

deleted Economy Distances from Reality. Soros, Fauci, Fake News & CDC Wage War on America

@00:11:21 jack on twitter sometimes he drops some

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:00:12 course don't expect any twitter drops
@00:00:16 i'm still permanently banned on twitter
@00:43:40 also patrick holly on twitter who's an

deleted POTUS DACA Executive Order, Arrests Coming SOON: Solomon

@00:20:18 twitter and a lot of people are raising
@00:20:27 four on twitter trending now i'm still

deleted 7.9.20 - Prince Andrew Sweating Pedo Secret Tape. Presidential Harassment Heats Up

@00:05:10 he was a friend of mine on twitter now i
@00:05:13 don't have a twitter anymore it's my
@00:05:15 fifth twitter band and roughly a month
@00:05:20 from twitter at this point i am on par
@00:10:18 him on that twitter i have to go look at
@00:10:24 because i'm banned on twitter now it's

deleted Dominoes are Falling. Powerful Pedophiles are Panicking. US Exits WHO!

@00:03:58 salah on twitter where i'm still banned
@00:13:27 in the matrix or jeff on twitter i still
@00:13:30 don't have access to twitter but i can

deleted Flynn Is IN! Flynn Family says WWG1WGA. Fake News Refuses to ASK THE QUESTION! Great Awakening!!!

@00:06:00 any more i'm perma banned on twitter and

deleted Q - Ghislaine's Arrest Opens the Floodgate - CDC Busted in Fear Fraud.

@00:03:56 twitter and q says we stand together
@00:18:30 twitter

deleted General Flynn Opines. WAKE UP AMERICA! - AND MORE Q! China Smuggles Weapons to BLM & Antifa?

@00:17:05 hmm no surprise there now twitter let's
@00:32:44 twitter facebook google youtube reddit
@00:32:47 twitter ban no six i think sixth - i
@00:32:59 twitter if i get an account it's because
@00:38:12 can help me share it on twitter
@00:42:12 on twitter if you're on other places
@00:43:35 million on twitter twice in a matter of

deleted New Q. BLM v BLM, Hateful Fake News Divide & Conquer. Study: 1/4000 get C19. 1/1,000,000 Die !?!?!

@00:00:11 we got banned on twitter again third
@00:19:40 folks one of them is through twitter
@00:19:42 president trump has been on twitter
@00:21:49 shared it a lot on twitter or facebook
@00:21:51 and stuff when i'm not banned on twitter
@00:27:03 we have 45:39 we have a twitter from jim
@00:27:18 twitter said that i wasn't suspended it
@00:27:39 like twitter is like one of those like

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:35:08 you twitter just banned me for the third
@00:35:12 twitter
@00:37:56 twitter go on facebook
@00:42:59 ban him from twitter

deleted Censorship, Democide, Vote Fraud ARRESTS, Tests CAUSING Covid! Mass Shooter

@00:06:07 on twitter i mean look at this i've got
@00:12:00 again like i said on twitter third time
@00:26:52 that's what trump did with twitter
@00:29:24 on twitter mr vip and on with early

deleted When will the arrests happen? They’ve begun.

@00:03:06 put it up on twitter because i'm banned
@00:03:08 again on twitter third time this month

deleted Bonus Q 6.26.20. Did Q Just Hint Democrat Governor's Could get Death Penalty?

@00:03:56 house gop on twitter and this is steve
@00:09:06 twitter account this has happened but
@00:10:12 me on twitter because my main two

deleted Dem Fixer Gets 10years for Child Trafficking. China Sanctioned. Antifa & Censorship JUSTICE, & QAnon

@00:04:59 tech facebook twitter pinterest inter
@00:06:54 twitter in the apple news app store now
@00:06:58 overtaken twitter overall but as far as
@00:08:25 twitter instagram pinterest google all
@00:13:38 what i was just talking about twitter
@00:14:40 regard to twitter and facebook plus

deleted Trump Calls BLM Traitors, Facebook ELECTION RIGGING, Deportion VICTORY and Q - Dem Govs R Murderers

@00:02:09 someone on twitter of course pointed
@00:02:47 controlling this twitter account or
@00:21:43 i'm sorry message on twitter and it says
@00:23:26 is on twitter of accused as where we go
@00:25:37 i've seen this guy before on twitter 45

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:00:15 twitter and facebook are doing their
@00:04:53 said twitter up to their old tricks with
@00:05:21 violent looters and rioters but twitter
@00:05:24 twitter which you know jack dorsey being
@00:05:58 this tweet violated the twitter rules
@00:06:00 about abusive behavior however twitter
@00:18:07 with facebook and with twitter and other

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:00:14 twitter and facebook are doing their
@00:04:49 also have as i said twitter up to their
@00:05:18 rioters but terror twitter twitter which
@00:05:56 twitter rules about abusive behavior
@00:05:57 however twitter has determined that it
@00:18:05 and with twitter and other big tech

deleted Roger Stone UNGAGGED - Roger Goes to Prison? - Or not....

@00:10:37 beyond the the twitter direct messages
@00:13:08 attacked me on her twitter and facebook
@00:13:53 twitter that was her mo immediately
@00:34:56 the united states on twitter when he

deleted Q Calls Quomo & Democrat Governors Murderers, And Trump Calls Obama Traitor - It's ON!!!

@00:00:23 course and big tech twitter and facebook
@00:02:08 browsing on my third twitter account
@00:06:38 was murder now we also have twitter and
@00:06:53 and there is a balance scandal twitter

deleted 6.21.20 - Q - You Can't Censor the World - The Age of Social Media.

@00:02:57 named mary a mary can oke on twitter my
@00:04:54 context out from twitter and the tweets
@00:05:53 twitter who were proud to have

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:02:55 mary a mary can oke on twitter my son
@00:04:51 some context out from twitter and the
@00:05:49 different folks on twitter who were

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:07:15 checkmark from harvard and twitter
@00:07:58 hashtags on twitter and other social
@00:11:38 time if you're using twitter or facebook
@00:12:23 have to exit exiting twitter in mass so
@00:22:41 twitter poll that says would you prefer
@00:22:50 trend on twitter up to four million five
@00:22:53 million and then twitter gets rid of it
@00:30:37 twitter to you know the pranking i saw a

deleted AG Barr on Morning Futures - Censorship and Antitrust

@00:11:38 got a call from someone at twitter who

deleted 6.20.20 - Q Unleashed Eric Trump Drops a Q, and Trump Takes SDNY from Deep State

@00:13:34 twitter just an ag william bar responds
@00:21:30 twitter we had the shot and the chaser i

deleted Donald Jeffries & Dustin Nemos on the Radicalization of the Left

@00:06:49 at what twitter twitter's or what people
@00:06:51 say so many stupid things on twitter

deleted 6.18.20 - Peak Hypocrisy, Peak Censorship, Peak Incitement by Fake News - Peak Panic in the Swamp

@00:25:22 article and it mentioned that twitter
@00:26:11 background on twitter recently on
@00:26:17 just a few days later so twitter allows
@00:28:04 bands on twitter recently for different

deleted Q. It's what you can PROVE. And The End of Censorship is CLOSE. (I"ve been suspended for a week.)

@00:19:28 twitter you know they keep banning me on
@00:19:30 twitter so i don't know how much longer

deleted (7 day youtube ban!) - DN 6.9.20 - Q - The Wait Is Nearly Over Hoax Hate and The Wheels of Justice

@00:02:43 that companies like twitter are
@00:02:59 twitter and others will will hurt their

deleted Defend America Livestream: New QAnon - Antifa Updates, Trump CALLS OUT Police Violence HOAX & More

@00:00:29 links on facebook on twitter if you
@00:00:34 followed me on twitter before or maybe
@00:00:36 you haven't yet followed me on twitter
@00:00:38 rejoin my new twitter because i was
@00:00:45 backup twitter at the same time okay so
@00:02:06 out on twitter remember the guy that
@00:07:17 twitter well while we're talking about
@00:08:03 that up so i have to put it on twitter
@00:27:08 twitter are trying to cut out political
@00:32:35 over your face book you know and twitter

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:00:25 my main twitter accounts either welcome
@00:05:36 as well as twitter um ii well yes i
@00:24:35 destiny mo says geo twin on twitter what
@00:32:35 in the war against twitter google
@00:32:44 worse i mean in both of my twitter
@00:34:07 on hashtags on twitter and they're
@00:38:42 twitter i have about four or five

deleted 6.4.20 - Civil War 2.0 - Dems Assisting Antifa Nationwide Covertly. & The DOJ's Counterpunch

@00:17:51 banned on multiple twitter accounts and
@00:17:59 i'm on twitter you can find me instead

deleted RiotWatch / Mutiny Taking Place ? Do Americans Need to March on DC to Protect TRUMP?

@00:00:21 or my old facebook my new twitter
@00:33:42 ship on twitter a retired major general
@00:39:29 good thing or potus is twitter removal
@00:43:27 again because i got banned on twitter
@00:43:49 queue things on twitter a lot so anyway

deleted Q - 6.5.20 - Fake Military Mutiny, Or Real? Antifa Leaders Being Arrested & MUCH MORE! DO NOT MISS

@00:11:50 the video on twitter that real fast i
@00:18:22 red one potus's twitter removal the
@00:31:54 twitter message and change we can
@00:33:03 twitter bashing our president non-stop
@00:37:59 roughly means that on twitter at least

deleted Live: Is a Military Coup / Mutiny Taking Place TONIGHT?!

@00:00:54 twitter now for release for a while i
@00:00:58 so i'm gonna share again on twitter and
@00:06:48 our red one potus is twitter removal if
@00:06:52 they take him off twitter i'm assuming
@00:06:58 sand is if they ban him from twitter to
@00:11:06 on twitter by the way just brutally but
@00:26:47 one polish twitter removal and hold the
@00:47:41 potus twitter removal red to central

deleted Q 6.4.20 - State of Crisis - Democrats & Media Coordinate w Antifa Violence

@00:01:28 president trump was saying on twitter
@00:03:11 god and into sin and this is a twitter
@00:08:09 rayji people now we have a twitter
@00:14:36 one is to twitter let's check that out
@00:21:53 4409 here we have a link to twitter

deleted 6.4.2020 - Q - The Swamp Fights Back - But WE HAVE IT ALL

@00:00:11 everyone know i'm back on twitter at
@00:07:18 more 43 98 we have a twitter message
@00:12:04 have a twitter message from eric schmidt

deleted Obama Invokes Racist, Genocidal Marxist Chavez, HCQ Study Rigged, Rosenstein LIED!? HRC To Testify!!

@00:30:29 wiped out from twitter permanently got

deleted 6.3.2020 - Q Foretold This Years Ago. Civil War 2.0 over before it began. Military Prepared

@00:21:53 guys know him on twitter let's check out
@00:23:25 i'm still you know banned on twitter you
@00:23:32 i'm permanently suspended on twitter i
@00:23:40 been banned many a time on twitter

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:09:44 twitter are pulling much of the patriot

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:04:43 your twitter directly because it's so
@00:20:58 get a new twitter account even when
@00:34:03 trump is saying november 3rd on twitter

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:01:05 share a post - i don't have twitter
@00:06:44 twitter post education for liberals you
@00:09:48 does he keep getting back on twitter
@00:09:56 just to see what was going on on twitter
@00:11:10 try i'll probably be back on twitter
@00:11:19 end it it's time to get off of a twitter
@00:11:29 your main account and then keep twitter
@00:11:45 censorship by banning on twitter says
@00:25:08 maybe he's on twitter banned or
@00:25:10 something we're all banned on twitter
@00:30:57 twitter huh caffeine addict says yes
@00:31:14 twitter soon still if your own parlor if
@00:33:11 might help against twitter to keep them

deleted 6.1.20 - Q - Do you See What is Happening

@00:03:03 now 4376 there's a twitter message and q
@00:06:57 twitter video let's check this out truth
@00:11:57 we have a twitter link why does the msm
@00:14:07 we have a twitter message in queue says

deleted 6.1.2020 - The World Watches As America Burns. ANTIFA Roundup Begins

@00:27:49 banned from twitter on both accounts and

deleted 5.31.2020 - Civil War 2.0 - Deep State Insurgency In America - & More Q

@00:13:55 so we have a twitter message and keyword
@00:20:55 twitter for this just like
@00:20:57 i was banned from twitter recently i'm
@00:21:10 be back on twitter i don't know they
@00:21:12 banned my backup twitter too
@00:21:17 twitter are gone
@00:21:35 on twitter and youtube he's been around
@00:22:55 and we have a twitter message let's
@00:26:44 continuing twitter does not like this
@00:28:42 uh 4372 uh we have a twitter

deleted Suspended (Indefinitely?) From Twitter!

@00:00:13 indefinitely from twitter i didn't get a
@00:00:34 on twitter was your decision was undone
@00:00:37 by twitter and for everyone who wanted
@00:00:42 twitter i guess you'll just have to

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - America, Meet George Soros. Violence, Race Riots.

@00:00:34 twitter anymore because i'm banned so
@00:00:52 second or two and then go to twitter and
@00:01:03 follow me on twitter please note that i
@00:01:09 not like the usual twitter jail it
@00:16:07 twitter we could beat them with bread
@00:21:27 banned from twitter or suspended or
@00:21:32 through to somebody at twitter that fast
@00:29:30 yeah they banned me from twitter i don't
@00:31:22 censored on twitter again after that
@00:32:15 twitter has gotten worse since it
@00:32:17 happened twitter has up
@00:32:27 twitter they're doing a lot of damage i
@00:32:32 that twitter account so it's not like it
@00:32:39 a time killer anyway twitter is great
@00:33:05 so twitter can be very useful jerome
@00:37:08 cue leads us to a twitter message from

deleted 5.31.20 - QAnon_ American Burns - ANTIFA WILL be Dealt With

@00:05:32 because i think i'm banned from twitter
@00:05:53 twitter apparently is showing zero so if
@00:05:55 you followed me on twitter i am
@00:10:19 have twitter changing its bio to honor
@00:10:48 down america this makes twitter in my
@00:16:50 about following harwich on twitter cbs's
@00:16:56 twitter now on band 4352 here we have a

deleted 5.30.20 - Q - Covid Fails Forward - Race Riots & Soros Revolution

@00:04:46 about twitter and talking about the new
@00:05:18 let's check this out on twitter of
@00:06:09 on twitter we've we spar a lot in a
@00:07:14 4350 we have a twitter message from odni
@00:08:08 least 43:51 we have a twitter from looks
@00:08:26 twitter
@00:08:41 follow her on twitter if you guys have a
@00:08:43 twitter by the way follow me on twitter
@00:08:52 and a half thousand followers on twitter
@00:09:07 very very very shadow banned on twitter
@00:09:14 twitter or there's facebook pages if you

deleted Trump Rally Transforms Former Democrat - Dr. Karlyn Borseynko, Productive & Fulfilling Work

@00:05:11 be trusted goes against twitter twitter
@00:05:29 facebook twitter google microsoft and so

deleted 5.28.2020 - Trump Signs Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship & Q Updates

@00:01:55 the choices that twitter makes when it
@00:02:07 those moments twitter ceases to be a
@00:03:23 media giants like twitter receive an
@00:06:45 do than get rid of my whole twitter
@00:07:08 usually use the word twitter i use i say
@00:11:46 this was just a twitter moments on the
@00:12:05 twitter classifies the term illegal
@00:12:23 to go on twitter he's the one he thought
@00:13:30 that's on twitter and the amazing thing
@00:15:23 of your twitter and one of your tweets
@00:15:26 twitter and social media companies did
@00:15:35 twitter in the sense of people wanting
@00:15:37 to seek out twitter because of what i
@00:15:45 i think this if twitter were not
@00:16:15 and i'm not just talking about twitter
@00:26:46 a moment or two and on twitter shouldn't
@00:27:15 going after twitter like this first i

deleted 5.28.20 - Executive Order on Censorship, Fake News v America, New Investigations

@00:00:23 twitter account on behalf of all of us
@00:09:35 that twitter is trying to fact-check
@00:23:14 times on twitter so keep says

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, Declas Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created

@00:11:34 this one president trump on twitter but
@00:11:37 the new thing here is that twitter has
@00:12:13 twitter underneath his posts just like

deleted Executive Order on Censorship Coming Soon

@00:00:52 oversight board we're seeing at twitter
@00:01:41 this point they have decided twitter to

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, DeCLAS Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created (See Desc.)

@00:11:34 one president trump on twitter but the
@00:11:37 new thing here is that twitter has
@00:12:10 trump is being fact-checked on twitter

deleted Q 5.27.20 - BioWeapon. War. Stand or Die. Survival as a Nation.

@00:00:23 on twitter or something that he's
@00:01:53 moving on to a twitter post let's check

deleted John Michael Chambers Ft. KrisAnne Hall -Tyrannical Govenors - Sheriffs Rule - Governors Playing God

@00:10:06 facebook twitter and instagram and we

deleted 5.24.20 - Q - Obama's Shadow Presidency

@00:10:15 attitudes on twitter lately a lot of
@00:15:54 twitter post for us let's see what this
@00:27:51 have a twitter post and q says nobody is
@00:28:03 have a twitter and a youtube let's see

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:00:11 people on facebook and twitter and all
@00:00:22 off for us facebook and twitter
@00:11:38 laugh or cry so this joke was on twitter
@00:11:43 on twitter but it said nineteen people
@00:36:59 already seen this on the twitter because
@00:37:01 it's making the rounds on twitter people
@00:42:31 have a twitter post q says fear not all
@00:42:44 post earlier on twitter modeling shows
@00:44:35 everything else 43:17 we have a twitter

deleted 5.22.20 - Q Calls out the CIA Control of Mainstream Media

@00:08:31 this on twitter yesterday or the day
@00:10:29 three oh four five we have a twitter
@00:15:52 have a twitter and q says worth

deleted Alexandra Bruce, Censorship - Pharma Coup de'tat of the Planet - Big Tech Eclipses Big Oil

@00:35:12 boys and twitter and facebook and such

deleted 5.21.2020 - Q - Investigations Into Obama Progress

@00:04:03 twitter reconcile q says oh this is the
@00:15:14 us to a twitter post and this image i
@00:15:42 is all over twitter trying to get jack
@00:15:51 trump banned from twitter she must be
@00:19:02 here's the twitter post the original
@00:19:18 is this twitter yes it is how can i help
@00:19:29 to drop off of twitter now for what what
@00:19:52 you take donald trump off of twitter i
@00:20:51 basically what happened on twitter
@00:21:15 of twitter and facebook 40 to 98 so

deleted 5.19.20 - Q - How about a Game of Chess?

@00:14:46 twitter kind of obsessively i really
@00:14:50 need to take a break from twitter so you

deleted 5.20.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. Dr. Michael Rectenwald - Beyond Woke- China & The Herd Mentality

@00:23:04 speak i spoke up on twitter i created a
@00:23:07 twitter account called called anti pc
@00:34:06 they're doing it b to b twitter they're

deleted Twitter deleted this tweet after President Trump shared it. Censorship in America is out of control!

@00:00:46 twitter on facebook or instagram but who

deleted 5.16.20 Q - Covid19 Is Democrats Attempted to Rig 2020. HYPED PLANDEMIC LIES

@00:02:24 we have a twitter message and q says
@00:02:34 twitter
@00:04:13 we have a twitter message queue says to

deleted 5.15.20 - Obamagate Continues - America Rises

@00:14:11 they're finding themselves on twitter

deleted 5.15.20 - Q - Obama is On Defense Now, More To Come SOON

@00:00:23 especially twitter my gosh if you want
@00:00:29 as well as i did on twitter recently and
@00:06:02 we have a twitter message tom's eliot q
@00:12:35 to 40 to 40 we have another twitter
@00:18:02 twitter from lou dobbs let's check it

deleted 5.15.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Dave Hayes, Praying Medic - Calm Before The Storm

@00:12:01 twitter and youtube who are making these
@00:46:25 article on twitter about the rfp that

deleted 5.14.20 - Treason Case, 0bamagate, Biden Helped Unmask Flynn & MORE

@00:02:37 repeatedly amplified queuing on twitter
@00:03:04 amplifying queuing on twitter accounts
@00:03:14 attention if you're on twitter if you're
@00:04:39 twitter meltdown features q
@00:05:04 million twice even though twitter kept
@00:23:47 donald trump jr. on twitter he's all

deleted 5.13.20 Q - Dates are Important. Panic In the Deep State

@00:05:29 twitter post she's been pretty active
@00:05:30 leader lately on twitter
@00:08:29 but it's it's like i saw it on twitter
@00:09:53 so we have a twitter post q says
@00:14:21 access it to see the truth now twitter a
@00:16:42 twitter you're not on facebook even you
@00:20:34 is on twitter saying this is exactly the
@00:28:44 specific twitter post so i'm gonna
@00:28:59 reuters from your facebook and twitter

deleted 5-11-2020- Q - Panic in DC, In Theaters Now. Boom Week Ahead

@00:00:12 they're all over twitter talking about
@00:00:16 different cue anon accounts on twitter
@00:05:27 4,200 we have tech no fog on twitter

deleted 5.11.20 - Forced Quarantine Prisons vs Reopening America

@00:28:21 minions he's on twitter now he's always
@00:29:32 to two million something on twitter in
@00:30:08 the liberal left on twitter right now
@00:32:46 million followers on twitter out there
@00:34:00 twitter videos but the point is that

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:02:12 twitter message and q says be ready to
@00:05:13 twitter message let's check it out
@00:17:52 we have a twitter message and q says all
@00:19:08 check out the twitter john murder hornet
@00:25:12 i've seen them on twitter backtrack on
@00:43:58 we have a twitter message we have q sank

deleted 5.9.20 - Americans Refuse Covid Vax. Barr - Perjury Trap Laid for Flynn

@00:08:16 have twitter defending a obvious chinese
@00:09:47 twitter playing favorites for china ilan
@00:10:06 responded on twitter saying i'm the
@00:14:02 vocal about this on twitter by the way

deleted 5.7.2020 - Q - LET FREEDOM RING!

@00:01:17 twitter message let's check it out and
@00:08:05 4131 we have a twitter message q says
@00:13:02 before so 4135 here we have a twitter
@00:18:03 that now continuing on we have a twitter
@00:19:19 on twitter about this and said that
@00:19:38 twitter by the way so you know they're
@00:25:27 continuing on here - the hueber twitter
@00:26:21 on 41:39 here we have a twitter message

deleted How is Everyone? CoronaChat - As America Reopens - How are YOU Doing?

@00:13:23 running the darpa twitter but it is the
@00:13:25 darpa twitter and he's bashing people

deleted John Michael Chambers ft. Cyrus Parsa AI Dangers to Humanity, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, China

@00:20:55 twitter and throughout the entire world

deleted 5.5.20 - Q - Hydroxychloroquine is VERY LOW RISK. Goat and Fruit Test POSITIVE.

@00:06:57 have a twitter post from the washington
@00:15:21 here we have a twitter message from

deleted 5.5.20 - Michael Obama Enters Race - Dems Weaponize DARPA AI vs Trump.

@00:10:48 used twitter to try to damage her good

deleted 5-4-2020 - Q - No One Had to Die - Fauci Knew the Cure all Along

@00:08:33 moving into twitter here q says good
@00:27:36 darpa facebook twitter google democrat

deleted 5.3.20 - Q+ Stick With Me Deplorables, You'll Love the Ending

@00:15:29 of it now so 40 82 we have a twitter
@00:22:59 and we have a twitter message if they
@00:23:34 would twitter block people who question
@00:26:27 twitter and then hugh says why are the

deleted Q 5.3.20 - Win or DIE - The World is Waking Up

@00:07:39 i joined twitter specifically to be part
@00:10:26 here we have a twitter post
@00:10:41 patriot okay let's see what the twitter
@00:11:04 in germany has twitter centered or has
@00:13:33 and now we have a twitter message from a
@00:14:55 forty fifty-eight twitter messages
@00:19:47 4066 we have a twitter message
@00:20:17 on twitter says never in 350 years have

deleted 5-3-2020 Media Ignores Flynn Vindication, Obama + Hillary Implication

@00:12:45 so uh this you user on twitter

deleted 5-1-2020 - Q Calls Obama & His Cronies out - Traitors (Iran Puppets)

@00:01:15 banned from youtube and twitter and
@00:17:02 then i saw this meme on twitter last
@00:27:39 posting on twitter youtube ceo susan
@00:29:20 twitter urging them to proactively
@00:30:43 twitter step up there authoritative
@00:31:07 google youtube and twitter to urge them
@00:31:35 twitter hugh says control of the
@00:33:56 40:19 we have a twitter video mashup
@00:38:20 4021 here we have a twitter message
@00:40:05 40:23 we have a gop chairwoman twitter
@00:41:36 a twitter message and there is a older

deleted 5.2.2020 COVID Updates, Shutdowns Lifting, Armed Rebellion in Michigan

@00:05:41 demanding google youtube and twitter
@00:16:38 twitter or facebook it's possible

deleted FBI Indictments Coming In Days - Explosive Interview with Citizen Journalist, Ann Vandersteel

@00:09:07 i'm all-in and got on twitter and

deleted Q - WW3 Averted. Public truths of some events force wars

@00:03:04 so 4021 we have a new twitter message

deleted 4.30.20 - FBI SETUP FLYNN! Trump Investigates WHO!, Big Tech Censorship is KILLING us.

@00:10:18 twitter
@00:10:22 come on twitter and tell this guy we're

deleted 4.30.20 - Q - The Silent War with the Hidden Enemy (Their Playbook Revealed!)

@00:03:11 twitter facebook pinterest and all these

deleted 4.29.20 - Q Arrests Countdown at 11th Hour.

@00:01:20 twitter status and you know it's already
@00:24:16 now 4001 twitter experiencing technical
@00:28:36 chance in hell now twitter come in yc
@00:32:59 now 4006 we have a twitter message from
@00:33:42 first so this person ws a tx on twitter

deleted 4.28.20 - Food Shortages, War & Lies Deep State's Final Stand

@00:00:40 liberals on twitter had half a million
@00:00:43 followers on twitter very influential
@00:01:01 he asked questions on twitter he asked
@00:01:14 job and he wasn't using twitter or or he
@00:01:38 comes back from this i hope twitter and


@00:01:55 the twitter message it's just this tweet

deleted Flynn EXONERATED (EVIDENCE!) and Radical Left + China vs the Economy

@00:25:48 last article will cover twitter suspends

deleted California Governor Embeds Pedophile Symbol into twitter page!!! WHAT THE HELL!

@00:00:22 gavin newsom on twitter i want you to

deleted Oil Crashes - Trump Transitions Economy - with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD

@00:07:51 on twitter he's talking to us through

deleted 4.18.20 - Q - It's Time, We're Ready - First Set of Arrests INCOMING

@00:01:54 new twitter q says worth tracking dr.
@00:07:57 here we have a twitter message excuse s
@00:09:07 twitter and find out i'm banned and i'm

deleted 4.16.20 - Q - Is Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey a Pedophile Satanist

@00:00:18 allegations that jack dorsey of twitter
@00:00:21 ceo of twitter is a satanic pedophile
@00:15:07 twitter message here and q says who
@00:16:25 have the twitter ceo jack dorsey post
@00:16:49 is jack at jack on twitter and this is
@00:19:40 wanted to mention jack dorsey at twitter

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:35:10 you can find me on twitter i'm very
@00:35:13 active on twitter lately

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:05:17 making hundreds of videos on twitter and

deleted 4.13.20 - Q - The Great Awakening WW - ChildTrafficking Docu. (Pizzagate!)

@00:10:09 twitter from the sun peeking through the

deleted Mole Children - Rumors, Gossip, Speculation vs Credible Reporting on QAnon

@00:04:11 unfollowed austin stine bark on twitter

deleted QAnon Drops Major TruthBombs!! Evil Infiltrated America. __________ Gets Indicted Soon!

@00:01:15 we have a twitter message q says
@00:09:10 background noises we have a twitter post
@00:11:10 and 39:31 we have a twitter message this

deleted 4.10.20 - Q Decimates Fake News And [D]emocrats - Hunters about to become Hunted

@00:03:30 see the newest post for me twitter i
@00:03:44 twitter and i'm always there so i see
@00:11:46 and he puts in twitter and he puts in do
@00:11:53 these already on twitter this is the
@00:15:09 you know examples of people on twitter
@00:21:07 twitter part to interview with learning
@00:24:41 twitter president trump do people really
@00:26:44 there's more q the wake up twitter all

deleted Q Calls out the Democrat Plot to Exploit CV to Rig2020

@00:16:22 find out so 39:13 twitter all right
@00:16:29 let's go to twitter shocking amen

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 2 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:14:01 this open wide open on twitter i'm glad
  • this girl had a breakdown on twitter
@00:16:23 before on twitter had admitted some

deleted Is Disney Really Just Pedophile Inc ???

@00:01:54 our attention to this on twitter and i

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You

@00:02:31 and inevitable et on twitter here and

deleted 4.4.20 Plandemic CV Cured, But Fear Continues

@00:19:06 the research of anons on twitter like
@00:23:24 twitter it's 10 minutes i won't do it

deleted A Short Word From Dustin Nemos on Fake MAGA, Fake QAnons, and Fake Hope Rumors

@00:01:32 the other folks on twitter others are
@00:03:19 accounts on twitter however that are

deleted Was the New York Times just Busted in FAKE Hospital Propaganda Video?

@00:03:33 checkmark on twitter now at new york

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:47:54 about facebook and i know twitter and

deleted 4.1.2020 - Plannedemic Fear Bomb Turn Into Dud

@00:12:10 on twitter quoting his son eric saying
@00:12:25 is no twitter account called hew this is
@00:12:41 on twitter but at q there's no such

deleted 3.31.20 - Plannedemic Continues Despite Obvious Cure

@00:32:15 nights on twitter here kind of

deleted CoronaCoverup - Worldwide Attempt to Inflate Deathtoll - Fake Deaths!

@00:16:13 comment them on facebook and twitter at
@00:16:20 social media like twitter facebook

deleted Q vs The Federal Reserve - Trump Taking it Over

@00:01:09 twitter comment and q says this is not
@00:01:16 here on twitter and this is where q is

deleted 3.26.20 More QAnon - No Comms Outside the Board, The Silent War[..] Continues

@00:11:39 accounts that he created on twitter that
@00:15:57 you see my banner on twitter many of you
@00:16:00 folks made it on twitter if you had a

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:36:52 of pandemic there is a twitter hashtag

deleted 3.26.20 - CoronaCured?! Natural Chloroquine, Deep State Moves v Economy & Trump

@00:00:28 twitter from the hollyweird types anyway
@00:03:38 lying in the first part of her twitter i
@00:05:11 twitter and then i suddenly said don't
@00:15:19 twitter and that's the kind of crap that
@00:19:42 i've seen it floated a lot on twitter
@00:30:52 youtube with twitter that's the white

deleted #FakeAnon - Austin SteinBart - A Fake Q Trying to "Set Up" Flynn and WWG1WGA

@00:00:12 he's going by on twitter sorry if my
@00:00:39 he's gaining traction on twitter with
@00:07:17 followers on twitter responding they'll
@00:07:23 aware of that if you're on twitter check
@00:18:02 twitter and social media and that should
@00:18:45 seeing on twitter in this video here and
@00:18:55 twitter is a loser he is just too
@00:20:08 few thousand subscribers on twitter and
@00:20:27 twitter and having looked through what's
@00:21:07 he is getting trolled on twitter he is
@00:21:31 twitter but yeah they're they're tearing
@00:22:36 president trump on twitter or in his
@00:22:53 ask those questions on twitter all i get
@00:24:03 at the things he has on twitter in in
@00:29:16 twitter account very quickly so you know
@00:29:51 media and twitter are mass blocking him
@00:31:07 are going at it and twitter right now
@00:37:23 following you on twitter let me show you

deleted Economic Contagion, Or Planned Collapse - This Week It Gets BAD!

@00:04:21 at them on twitter and say why is the
@00:14:06 twitter forced to remove a tweet that's
@00:18:11 twitter saying oh i never saw this

deleted 3.23.20 - Q - Did the DeepState Release The Bioweapon to Hurt Trump

@00:28:39 of the celebrities on twitter lately

deleted HollyWeirdos, Covid19, Lockdown and Economic Update

@00:05:58 it's all over social media and twitter

deleted CoronaCure - Global Lockdown, Insider Profiteering on Covid19

@00:07:05 president trump would get on twitter and

deleted 3.18.20 - Coronavirus Shuts down US Economy, Helicopter Money is Here & More

@00:30:42 where everybody on twitter was talking

deleted Shopify just Banned the Patriot Marketplace,!! Please Tweet (Politely) at them.

@00:01:12 if you guys see this on twitter and let
@00:01:21 all of their different shopify twitter

deleted Sidney Powell Drops Major Truth in Speech (Hillary Is Going DOWN!)

@00:00:08 through twitter and getting caught up on

deleted Another Fake QAnon, Without Proof - Austin Steinbart

@00:14:58 antics everywhere twitter and in video

deleted Corona-Collapse Plays Out, Trump in Danger, Behind the Scenes...

@00:21:38 that's what a lot of people on twitter

deleted CoronaVirus vs the USA - Trump vs the Fake News

@00:02:35 this is from paul sperry on twitter has

deleted Q post - WWG1WGA Backchannels bypass Fake News

@00:05:25 if that works anymore with twitter
@00:08:31 twitter and chomp himself so these

deleted 3.8.20 - Trump V Coronavirus. Economic CATASTROPHE While You're Distracted. 4d Moves.

@00:17:23 trump himself on twitter just a few

deleted The FloodGates of Islam just Opened. +Coronavirus Weaponized v MAGA

@00:10:45 but lady warren on here on twitter kind

deleted Clownshow 2.26.20 The Democrat Presidential Race

@00:01:03 what i saw on don trump junior's twitter

deleted Q 2.26.20 - Disney CEO Steps Down, Patton Oswalt the Pedophile, & The Armor of God

@00:07:27 career-ending twitter typos that's not
@00:13:15 morning on twitter locust swarms of
@00:13:40 twitter message let's check it out it's

deleted Q Post 2.25.20 - Draining the Swamp

@00:00:50 spoken to on twitter numerous times

deleted Zach Vorhies & Dustin Nemos Discuss Coronavirus Covid19, Fearporn, and What Lurks Beneath

@00:00:24 twitter with just non-stop information
@00:00:32 on twitter social media what's going on
@00:01:55 twitter comm slash perpetual maniac and
@00:03:16 individual on twitter i'm sorry on 4chan
@00:20:21 know i saw a joke on twitter and we'll
@00:36:29 information you gave them your twitter

deleted 2.25.20 - Trump Offensive Heating UP! WOW

@00:16:43 trump on twitter the koroma virus is

deleted CoronaVirus Updates - China Lies, Everyone Else is Freaking Out

@00:05:44 that on twitter and it's it's very

deleted 2.23.20 - Q - You're Ready, Prepare for the Storm

@00:01:50 their twitter accounts watching what
@00:03:13 followers on their twitter account i've
@00:06:14 have a twitter message i should check it
@00:22:49 purpose of referencing twitter accounts

deleted FAKE NEWS & Trojan MAGA Jack "Chatlogs" Posobiec Trolled & Exposed by Q Patriots - Hilarious! ALERT!

@00:01:54 twitter and asked him about q and some
@00:02:00 have twitter images of him actually
@00:06:57 twitter and i'll share your twitter name
@00:07:02 they have a twitter i just wanted to

deleted Deep State Triggered, Trump #Winning, Hoax #7

@00:20:31 one of my favorite people on twitter

deleted The Democrat Party Leadership - Violent, Deranged, Criminal, And Dangerous

@00:21:36 twitter talking about it he says how do
@00:26:03 where i've been debating on twitter with

deleted 2.20.20 - Q Posts - The Story goes much Deeper [Darker]

@00:01:42 twitter page now here's the thing i
@00:03:30 president trump's twitter media could
@00:08:05 monsters powerful elite twitter let's
@00:08:17 person on twitter new york times

deleted Justice is Coming - Nothing Can Stop it. Deep Stater Death Penalties.

@00:02:33 gets angry on twitter threatens to sue
@00:08:10 even on twitter and i'm gonna get to
@00:15:43 that and i think that twitter took it
@00:15:51 messing with our president on twitter
@00:16:27 a personal twitter posts aunt one plus

deleted Fake News Fears This Single Question Most of All

@00:01:58 a lot of trouble most of them on twitter
@00:10:45 twitter is holding out president trump's
@00:11:06 like facebook youtube and twitter are
@00:11:16 facebook and twitter say they're making

deleted 2.18.2020 - Q - To be Blunt - GAME OVER!

@00:01:19 twitter message let's see what this one
@00:06:12 twitter message let's check it out
@00:07:57 we have a twitter message

deleted Q Drops 2.15.2020 - Dark to Light, McCabe is NOT off the Hook. President Trumps 10point Attack

@00:04:48 of pointers on twitter as an unrolled
@00:07:15 trump goes on a twitter spree
@00:07:23 busted twitter for messing with

deleted Emergency Broadcast - Twitter is ShadowBanning Trump, RIGHT NOW! 2.15.20

@00:00:09 or anything it seems that twitter is
@00:00:37 twitter so here's one from him right now

deleted 2.14.20 - The Silent War vs Trump - Deep State on Defense

@00:08:19 twitter and elsewhere on interviews

deleted Q Post 2.2.20 - McCabe is NOT off the Hook, Barr Just Warming Up

@00:01:45 against our president on twitter and
@00:01:48 now 3862 we have a twitter message and
@00:04:24 coming and then there is a twitter post

deleted 2.13.20 - Q Posts - The Silent War Continues, Think Depopulation

@00:01:01 twitter that this was really close to
@00:19:26 one is a twitter post let's see what it

deleted America's DARKTOLIGHT Moment - Draining the Swamp gets SERIOUS 2020

@00:07:28 checkmark on twitter fyi the judge

deleted 2.11.20 - Roger Stone Verdict - Too Cruel, Trump BLITZKRIEG vs DEEP STATE uploaded

@00:04:50 the twitter statement at one point
@00:16:49 their teeth now we also have twitter
@00:17:18 comes out of twitter now because it's
@00:17:25 twitter decided to punish her for
@00:28:16 banned or thrown in facebook or twitter

deleted Q 2.10.20 - Q was RIGHT - Hunters HAVE BECOME the HUNTED!

@00:02:30 it starts with a twitter message let's
@00:15:07 war it's how we are going around twitter
@00:15:13 the fake news using twitter using their
@00:15:49 the fake news with twitter doesn't it

deleted Livechat Sunday Nights with Dustin Nemos 7pm EST - More QAnon Q posts. Panic in DC - In Theaters NOW

@00:08:35 3844 we have a twitter message searching
@00:18:32 people on twitter that he blocked you
@00:19:59 we have a twitter message here and hugh

deleted Q 2.7.20 - REAL Investigations into HRC, DNC Hack, Coming. Treason to China

@00:02:02 twitter comments to his huge following
@00:13:41 taken over their twitter account no

deleted 2.7.20 - Acquittal Segues to Justice Phase - Year of the Boomerang (Trump Offensive)

@00:11:03 wood is back on twitter and he he had a
@00:11:58 on twitter if they don't ban him again

deleted 2.6.20 - Q Reveals Their Plan - Destroy American from Within

@00:23:41 there's a twitter message and he says

deleted QAnon - 2.5.20 - Panic In DC, In Theaters NOW

@00:03:48 twitter the democrats heard about all
@00:07:49 post and then we have a twitter message
@00:12:15 twitter probably because of queue and
@00:13:06 and then we were shadow band on twitter

deleted 2.6.20 - Acquitted, UNimpeached. True Death Toll of Coronavirus over 25000

@00:24:00 one is of course not a surprise twitter

deleted 2.5.20 - Seth Rich & FBI Lovers Coverup, Do Democrats HATE America?

@00:06:26 house responds on twitter

deleted 2.3.20 - Q & News - Wuhan, Coronavirus, Impeachment, FBI- Sorry Trump, Fukushima Seas

@00:06:39 trump says on twitter fb i director

deleted 2.1.20 - Weaponized Viral HIV Persistent Aids meet Sars meet YOU - This could be BAD

@00:18:47 on why then did twitter suddenly been
@00:20:26 about a lot of things on twitter if
@00:20:28 you're on twitter give him a follow and

deleted 1.31.20 - Q - Schiff-Ukraine ties, Acquittal Overturns Impeachment next week!

@00:08:09 says here is adam shifts own twitter
@00:08:28 you're ever on twitter or somewhere else

deleted 1.30.20 Q - Flynn is SAFE, Dems are NOT (From JUSTICE!)

@00:02:45 there is a twitter message to check out
@00:08:09 hating trump on twitter and it seems to
@00:15:01 now he says a twitter message see and he

deleted 1.30.20 - Impeachment Hits Wall, No Further - Pandemic Emergency

@00:03:58 back up and twitter cut it i think they
@00:04:19 can't really say or twitter and youtube

deleted Jo Rae Perkins for Senate (Oregon) - WWG1WGA

@00:20:25 an oregon q community on twitter yeah
@00:41:15 synopsis of q people just on twitter

deleted Q Posts 1.28.30 - Trump is Washington Crossing the Delaware- MORE TO COME

@00:01:41 all right 37 96 here we have a twitter
@00:06:04 status on twitter and q says do you
@00:07:46 to clear my throat 3801 we have twitter
@00:07:49 another twitter message from enoch and
@00:08:22 third 3802 we have a twitter message

deleted 1.28.20 - Impeachment, Bolton, IncestOmar, Pelosi Threats, & More

@00:06:51 of twitter users exposed his hate hoax
@00:10:07 just trump and it's just him on twitter

deleted 1.26.20 - Special Update - Coronavirus Epidemic and HOW TO PREPARE

@00:06:33 twitter are saying over a hundred

deleted Q 1.24.2020 - It Won't Be Boring Much Longer...

@00:01:13 twitter message the brexit act has been
@00:15:29 37 92 we have a twitter based poland

deleted 1.24.20 - CoronaVirus Plague, Senate Threatened, Flynn, Clintons

@00:16:38 twitter for example and other places of
@00:17:55 you all the different ones on twitter

deleted 1.23.20 - Q - Drip turns to Flood to Storm...

@00:01:37 so let's check this out on twitter hugh

deleted 1.21.20 - Q OUTS Dem Corruption Pyramid & Plan

@00:07:20 so we have a twitter message here from
@00:08:35 around fake news by using twitter to

deleted 1.22.20 - DeepState Peak Insane, Impeachment, More Berniebro Gulags, and Schiff BUSTED

@00:05:34 twitter last year after i briefed a

deleted 1.21.20 - Chinese Outbreak, A Shot Heard Round the World, Censorship Fight Heats up

@00:03:16 youtube i've been thrown in twitter jail
@00:04:59 twitter founder jack dorsey on continued
@00:06:07 on twitter he's saying a lot of things
@00:06:09 directly to jack publicly on twitter so
@00:06:15 and that's how you do it on twitter for
@00:06:26 he says my followers on twitter increase
@00:06:39 trump's twitter handle for those who
@00:09:15 calling it out on twitter you know

deleted 1.18.20 Impeachment Hits Wall called The Senate, Trump Saves Kids, Flynn, Epstein & More

@00:03:04 from the bee colony she's on twitter and

deleted 1.18.20 - Did John McAfee just name Epsteins MURDERERS! (yes, Multiple) ! HOLY COW!

@00:02:05 on twitter moving on and back to the
@00:02:17 watching if you're on twitter i would

deleted 1.15.20 - Flynn FIGHTS BACK, Hand of Soros, Assange, Bernie Sanders VIOLENT REVOLUTION, Schiff...

@00:27:16 twitter or on facebook seems like
@00:27:19 twitter is trying to make weird things
@00:27:28 trending on twitter is a very popular

deleted 1.10.19 - Does Veritas Have Epsteins Suicide Tape & More!

@00:01:21 daily news put out a twitter message it

deleted Dustin appears on Dauntless Dialogue with Adam Riva

@00:30:51 on twitter and facebook and such as well

deleted 1.5.19 - Trump, Iran, Treason from NYT, And Dems Prefer Terrorists to Trump

@00:05:13 on twitter you guys may remember sounds

deleted Q 12.29.30 - [D] Party Con, MORE Voter Fraud - His Name Was [SR]

@00:03:39 let's see twitter so russia didn't hack
@00:11:56 right on twitter so we have to be ready

deleted 12.28.19 Q - Pelosi's Biden Moment, DNC backdoor to NSA, DNC Server, & More

@00:05:19 mirror on twitter with the caption
@00:08:10 twitter post let's check it out
@00:09:48 3761 here we have another twitter post
@00:09:59 i've seen on twitter as well you always
@00:10:11 counsel on twitter now which is you know
@00:11:41 of the united states from his twitter
@00:12:23 on friday night sharing a random twitter
@00:13:30 this twitter post is about new the cia

deleted 12.27.19 - Maxwell Under Investigation, Russian Gold Backed Stablecoin, Winning

@00:18:00 down here where some of the twitter
@00:19:23 say that i'm still afraid that twitter

deleted 12.27.19 - Q - Obama's $65,000,000 Theft of Taxpayer Funds

@00:03:01 twitter message from the michael coo
@00:05:48 and now we have over here on twitter he

deleted Happy New Year (Of the Boomerang) Obama&Biden Under Investigation

@00:02:45 sperry on twitter he's a wonderful
@00:03:01 is twitter believe it or not even today
@00:03:10 us from the rest of twitter they don't
@00:03:19 on twitter who are into the truth so
@00:03:23 folks who still active on twitter for


@00:14:50 twitter message let's check this out
@00:15:08 are out there on twitter it really made
@00:15:19 a lot of your listeners and twitter

deleted 12.22.19 - Q - Fisagate Bombshells Ahead! Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignation

@00:02:12 a twitter message let's check it out
@00:10:17 that one out now here we have a twitter
@00:15:18 interesting another twitter message if
@00:16:58 here we have a twitter message from ted
@00:24:06 and this i think is the twitter social
@00:24:16 twitter expert now i think that's it for

deleted 12.22.19 - Brennan, Comey, Soros, Obama - TABLES HAVE TURNED! INVESTIGATIONS (Q WAS RIGHT)

@00:09:37 on twitter and it is time it is time
@00:10:29 quote from president trump's twitter

deleted AntiVax Mom Jailed, Epstein Video FOUND, Brennan Under Investigation, FISA Abuse Expands

@00:03:48 smartass on twitter for years now
@00:04:44 blowing up twitter saying that it was

deleted 12.19.19 - Q: Something BIG is Coming, Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignations

@00:10:01 showed people this on twitter a ten
@00:10:33 this is incarcerated et on twitter this
@00:10:40 stuff on twitter he says trump has not
@00:12:34 we tweeted this q person on twitter and
@00:12:44 twitter rules and they get banned or
@00:13:00 on twitter and i think zack voorhees or
@00:14:04 by twitter and suspend and all this

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:03:54 continues on here with a twitter message
@00:30:22 said or let's see this twitter message q

deleted 12.17.19 - Q to Deepstate - Prepare for Jail (Flynn Fisa is Bogus, too)

@00:01:39 now we have 3701 a twitter status from
@00:10:05 here we have twitter message from lizzy
@00:12:45 facebook twitter and youtube because
@00:23:19 has a ella no schley again on twitter q
@00:23:59 enoch ellen oh she lay on twitter kinda
@00:33:20 twitter from lisa paige let's check this

deleted 👀 QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening -- Co-Author Virtual Book Tour Week: Dustin Nemos

@00:01:27 course jack dorsey with twitter because
@00:04:56 another two years there was no twitter
@00:10:15 krystal who is also known on twitter and
@00:16:11 do to catch up to youtube and twitter
@00:26:04 around the fake news with twitter he
@00:32:25 different post on twitter saying to say

deleted Dems Want to Imprison TRUMP over COUP Lies

@00:15:46 coming on twitter and facebook but

deleted 12.16.19 - Gitmo Ready for Schiff, Snowden & Others. The Great AWAKENING

@00:02:23 twitter link here
@00:08:39 have a message from a twitter post

deleted 12.15.19 - Q Posts Hint Major Reveals.

@00:01:01 so this is a twitter message and it says
@00:08:32 twitter
@00:10:09 here on twitter q says worth following
@00:10:36 and follow him on twitter or of course
@00:14:26 twitter message from this is fabulous

deleted HRC2016 - Attempt #2, Ukraine Biden Money Laundering & More

@00:07:45 parent who uses the twitter handle
@00:19:52 drudge report sold out they the twitter

deleted 12.11.19 - Horowitz said WHAT!! Corney Won't like this & More

@00:18:36 back it this is just twitter terrible

deleted 12.10.19 - Schiff & Clintons Exposed, Impeachment is Deflection, Fake News Layoffs 2019

@00:01:23 that's doing censorship it's twitter
@00:01:57 twitter is also adding its own shadow

deleted IG Report Breakdown Mixed Reactions

@00:04:18 jennifer franco here on twitter breaking

deleted 12.8.19 - Trends in the News, Q on Fox News

@00:08:53 posted threatening message on twitter
@00:12:23 maybe twitter - now i'm not sure without
@00:20:38 few people on twitter and such so it's

deleted 12.8.19 - More QPosts, MOS & FAKE MAGA are the THREAT

@00:10:32 okay so we have a twitter and he says
@00:10:49 that twitter before we continue because
@00:14:57 oh he was on twitter this time
@00:15:42 and he says posted on twitter prior to
@00:15:53 calls to ban / remove twitter call stab
@00:16:35 miniscule website compared to twitter
@00:17:22 down on these things just like twitter
@00:17:27 movement calling to ban twitter or get
@00:17:30 rid of twitter for things like that it's
@00:18:23 twitter and i think he's a secret closet
@00:19:55 anyway 3660 this is a twitter post okay
@00:20:18 interesting choice in the new twitter
@00:24:50 twitter status i think i've already seen
@00:26:59 here's a twitter message
@00:30:18 his show on twitter or email the show
@00:32:38 terms and of course twitter has

deleted 12.7.19 - Dems Mutiny over Impeachment - End is Nigh!

@00:04:13 and julie ani here on twitter which is
@00:16:01 trump on twitter saying the do-nothing
@00:26:27 on twitter with blue checkmarks from

deleted 12.7.19 - Q - Did You Think They Would Escape Justice?

@00:03:10 let's check out all of these twitter
@00:03:20 regular twitter okay let's try that
@00:05:00 army from twitter national correspondent
@00:18:02 on twitter every day and they don't

deleted 12.5.19 - Impeachment is CorruptionGate - Criminals Shouting Crime, Censorship WINTER (fixed)

@00:12:51 now paul sperry here on twitter brings

deleted QAn0n - Justice Phase - It's Going to be BIBLICAL (Year of the Boomerang) (fixed)

@00:00:14 twitter this account the trump train
@00:00:50 twitter of course memes are powerful and
@00:02:06 boosted on twitter so and and if you do
@00:02:10 if you are on twitter please follow me
@00:02:12 on twitter because

deleted Candyce Estave of Autism0ne Radio w/ Dustin Nemos & Michelle Ford on Censorship

@00:06:32 five billion impressions on twitter
@00:14:36 on at google or twitter or facebook or
@00:30:59 campaign that we did for twitter and you

deleted Libertarian At Large- Legendary John McAfee Weighs in on Freedom, Tyranny & Crypto Currency

@00:01:32 campaign video today it's off twitter
@00:10:50 twitter account no one gives a
@00:50:12 on twitter that's my only social media
@00:50:21 twitter thank you thank you brother i

deleted Lisa Page Plays Victim, Epstein Plot Thickens

@00:03:51 guy and i saw him tweeting on twitter
@00:18:47 on cbs's twitter page you can find that

deleted More Q - Be Ready Anons, Public Awakening Coming

@00:02:17 some of this there is a twitter post

deleted CBSFakeNews HIDES the Latest Q Reference, from Melania Trump Herself.

@00:02:14 at flotus account on twitter and it's
@00:03:49 trump on twitter or or what have you so
@00:07:20 twitter page again in your face
@00:11:03 twitter he had to go around the corrupt

deleted Impeachment Hurting Dems, Helping Reps. Biden Worst Yet Moments, Hong Kong's Pivol Moment

@00:05:51 sperry here on twitter and he says i

deleted Trump's Thanksgiving Trap for Fake News

@00:00:44 style let me explain here on twitter

deleted FAKE MAGA, Guns, Medical Kidnapping, Chic-Fil-A TRAITORS, & More

@00:14:52 remember youtube facebook twitter
@00:33:38 google and twitter and youtube we know
@00:33:54 people sent me on twitter i'll let you
@00:35:01 twitter ie because i wouldn't join

deleted 11.25.19 - Giuliani vs The Deep State, Hunters become the Hunted

@00:01:51 giuliani says on twitter truth alert the

deleted Q - WWG1WGA

@00:01:57 especially twitter now this is showing

deleted Q 11.25.19 - Hunters Become the Hunted

@00:05:34 this is a twitter from general flint and

deleted Tactics #4 - Auto-Sharing your Favorite Independent Media

@00:01:18 to twitter and hundreds of other things
@00:01:29 goes to facebook and twitter on my
@00:01:45 youtube subscriptions on twitter and
@00:02:07 channels on facebook and twitter now
@00:03:46 videos on facebook or twitter or both
@00:06:17 videos to facebook page and twitter so
@00:06:25 links on both my facebook and my twitter
@00:06:29 and your twitter to your facebook page i
@00:07:00 twitter page i'll go here i see that

deleted Q - Giuliani vs the DeepState - Do you think I'm Intimidated

@00:06:59 twitter and q says the great awakening
@00:20:07 a rudy giuliani link on twitter i think

deleted Biden Threatens Graham, Impeachment is DEAD, More Biden Scandals

@00:12:33 but giuliani on twitter agrees he's

deleted Tactics #3 - Automation (Being EVERYWHERE at Once For Youtubers)

@00:00:51 twitter what i'm doing is i'm actually
@00:01:11 to my twitter account so when i post a
@00:01:22 twitter and my facebook which is really
@00:01:30 then to twitter and then automatically
@00:02:05 your twitter so this is a very
@00:02:26 like twitter and things like that so why
@00:02:45 up a youtube - - twitter let's see
@00:02:50 youtube video - twitter right here it's
@00:03:20 videos directly to twitter and to
@00:04:44 check out the twitter one so this one's
@00:06:56 your twitter account imagine how far

deleted The Q Movement is UNSTOPPABLE and INTENSIFYING

@00:26:25 twitter post
@00:29:07 says game over there's another twitter
@00:30:43 my twitter it's a good idea cuz it's a
@00:31:27 guys didn't get to see it 36:16 twitter
@00:32:12 twitter fbi 302 is modified we knew this
@00:33:10 twitter comment from code monkey there

deleted QAn0n - Information Warfare. THE GREAT AWAKENING

@00:20:41 3610 we have a twitter account
@00:21:08 was just off i just got out of twitter
@00:21:10 twitter jail for like a week for telling

deleted 11.19.19 - Trump Poisoned?, Dems Mutiny over IM Peach mints - Part 1

@00:34:30 this is from bill tufts on twitter

deleted Stories of Big Tech Censorship - Dustin Nemos Story

@00:08:11 from twitter if they ban us from

deleted 11.16.19 - QP0sts - The Harvest Dark to Light 11-18-19 10am ET

@00:06:59 anyone so 3601 we have a twitter message

deleted Barr - Dems Seditious V Executive Branch & Much More

@00:13:22 twitter my suspend you youtube will now

deleted What You Need to Know about the Coming Youtube PURGE of Conservatives

@00:10:13 twitter accounts if you have those
@00:10:31 on facebook and on twitter and such that
@00:12:52 facebook and twitter can i be honest -

deleted New QAn0n - They Fell for the Trap - NO One Escapes What is Coming

@00:02:36 twitter post all right let's check that
@00:05:05 now we also have a another twitter post

deleted 11 13 19 - Major Q Drops

@00:02:18 thing right now 3588 here is a twitter
@00:08:23 twitter or facebook or reddit or
@00:09:42 facebook twitter reddit instagram push
@00:10:06 from verified accounts on twitter that
@00:21:53 have another twitter message here let's

deleted StopBitBurning com (Digital BookBurning) Tactic #1 Siphon Youtube

@00:04:21 facebook or twitter or google or any of


@00:00:38 twitter i've got my videos get turned to
@00:14:25 porn issues on his twitter you can see

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:12:47 account on twitter never have these
@00:18:57 go into twitter and then post on the red
@00:19:00 pill living account on twitter right i
@00:23:09 can't say that q sent us on twitter
@00:33:50 friends you know dan twitter still can't
@00:40:05 this is a twitter dang so that was an ip

deleted How to Get your Subscription Notifications EVEN when Unsubscribed and Piss off Youtube

@00:00:19 your social media like twitter but even
@00:01:03 twitter account so it knows how to post
@00:01:25 accounts made twitter youtube ifttt to
@00:02:03 facebook or on twitter for example
@00:02:15 these are on twitter instagram facebook
@00:02:26 automatically go to my twitter go to the
@00:02:40 will automatically go over to twitter

deleted Non Impeachment BOOMS in the News, Pedophiles and Gun Grabbers

@00:09:27 youtube twitter and amazon i'm sure they

deleted Censored Youtuber Rebuttal to Hunter Avallone Fake News on Censorship

@00:06:47 from twitter his account frozen where he
@00:07:01 really happened twitter had allowed the
@00:07:35 occurring for example twitter didn't ban
@00:07:52 comes out of twitter where there's a
@00:09:44 certainly on twitter although there's no
@00:13:26 certainly on twitter now we've had
@00:14:44 current and former twitter employees
@00:21:08 they're all as bad i think twitter out
@00:21:11 twitter
@00:21:11 i mean twitter is ridiculous all right i
@00:21:17 conservative bias exists it's on twitter

deleted Potus Admits to being Q, Adam Schiff's time is nearly up, Gen Flynn's Victory Pending

@00:12:39 course it's good to see her twitter

deleted DN Drug Economy and Border Wars - breathalyzer Machines Bogus

@00:04:20 twitter high standards deliver high

deleted Q Is Back - New Posts (Unconfirmed real Q)

@00:03:18 also have continuing on twitter account
@00:03:33 on twitter says eight coon net live

deleted 8Kun is Back! *New Q Soon*, Joe Masepoes Quits Twitter

@00:00:58 dropped out of twitter he quit his
@00:01:00 twitter account but we have an impostor
@00:01:04 that has now created a new twitter

deleted The Coup Can't Win. Time is Nearly Out for Dems

@00:20:18 twitter at least i think and they're

deleted Interview with Tiffany Fitzhenry - This Fallen World is Being Cleansed

@00:01:12 your twitter just before and i was very
@00:40:46 twitter is where i put out you know the

deleted 10 26 19 Boom Boom Boom Boom Obama, Treason, Clapper, Treason, Brennan, HRC, Comey, Page...

@00:00:55 you this is going all over twitter
@00:12:23 funny one from don jr on twitter where

deleted Texas is great. Democrats insanity not so much...

@00:01:24 reach out to me on twitter or through

deleted Independent Journalist Runs for Congress

@00:00:44 herself to twitter hq for being censored

deleted Impeachment, Clinton Vs Gabbard, Biden, Mifsud, Fake News Freefall

@00:09:24 our president on twitter which is a
@00:12:53 twitter 2015 about then vice president

deleted Captain Roy D , White hats Swamp creatures & QAnon: A Who's Who of Spy gate

@00:09:40 on youtube and facebook and twitter and

deleted Hillary Clinton Must Be Terrified, After This

@00:01:00 because twitter messes with even trump

deleted War, CNN, Troops Home, Trump Murder Plot, Weiner Laptop, CPS ABUSES

@00:02:50 twitter thank you rock man for the


@00:13:42 that little back and forth on twitter

deleted QAnon is taking over American Politics behind the scenes pt 2

@00:04:45 abandon twitter you know like parlor or

deleted Social Media Don't Get Mad or Get Even Own it!

@00:17:53 check my shadow vana on twitter things
@00:24:02 that's a twitter term shadow man where
@00:24:09 retweets on twitter that could be
@00:25:00 been caught on camera twitter ranking
@00:25:02 and twitter regulates its content by
@00:25:14 says twitter is trying to ban a certain
@00:25:36 twitter can also apparently dig into its
@00:25:52 issue that came up is assange s twitter
@00:26:07 trump himself has had his twitter post
@00:26:10 news of twitter he's had his post d
@00:31:35 i started talking on twitter about a

deleted Judge Rules Against Twitter Re Censorship UN BROKE, 5G, BUSH LIED

@00:13:17 twitter opens the door for thousands of

deleted Is Nancy Pelosi a Traitor

@00:02:51 twitter referring of course to adam

deleted Dems Final Push, Must Stop Trump or Prison

@00:03:01 american people trump said on twitter he

deleted Ted Cruz Calls on Whistleblowers VS Deep State Another Trend towards Justice Phase

@00:10:38 google facebook pinterest twitter all of

deleted Dustin Nemos Speaks At SARASOTA PATRIOTS FOR TRUMP

@00:18:26 algorithms the shadow banning on twitter
@00:19:41 news from twitter and everywhere he
@00:31:11 president trump on twitter and cue and
@00:31:22 posting on twitter down to zero zero
@00:32:33 twitter that's all it is he knew that
@00:41:48 trump on twitter by the way there's

deleted Arizona CPS Child Sex Scandal & Ukraine Truths Emerge (Audio Issues in tech)

@00:22:27 meadows on twitter now as well add that

deleted Adam Schiff, the Traitor & Q's 'Justice Phase '

@00:00:15 he's actually said on twitter that he

deleted 9.28.19 Democrats Weak, or Stupid?

@00:14:47 on twitter you know laura connor thank

deleted 9.26.19 Biden, Trending Towards Grand Jury Investigation Dems in Panic

@00:18:14 who is all over twitter report to
@00:18:15 twitter reporting on it you know props

deleted As Dems Flail Impeachment, Trump Conquers the World

@00:02:51 on twitter you know that that fool he's

deleted dn 9 23 19 Biden Links to Hillary, Obama, & More

@00:03:30 day debate on twitter and what happened
@00:15:25 you watch president trump's twitter

deleted Google Vs Dustin Nemos (Behind the Scenes)

@00:01:36 know twitter youtube and google they're
@00:10:22 facebook twitter pinterest and all of

deleted 09.21.19 Major Updates, Mustard Gas Bomb at Pro Life, Trump Victories

@00:08:02 twitter he shoved a sausage down his

deleted 9 16 19 Flynns Offensive, McCabe brings down the HOUSE, & MORE

@00:02:07 friend of mine on twitter as well she
@00:07:08 can always check out my twitter you can
@00:18:14 just think i just reposted it on twitter
@00:32:51 people on youtube on twitter spread the

deleted 9 12 19 Another Major Step Towards JUSTICE PHASE!

@00:17:45 if you've checked out his twitter lately
@00:18:59 following on on twitter especially on
@00:21:28 whoever controls his twitter is in touch
@00:22:00 absolutely the twitter thing all you

deleted The Q Rally Flop or Massive Success

@00:04:41 talking about bit burning on on twitter

deleted News Brief 9/11/19: #NeverForget/ John Bolton OUT

@00:14:01 tweets on my twitter feed so i'm sure
@00:14:05 going through your twitter feed all of a

deleted News Brief 9/9/19: Millions Drop from Food Stamps/ MN Parents Fight Back Against PP

@00:29:53 twitter and i come across this post on
@00:29:57 my twitter feed i'm still a little bit

deleted Dustin Nemos Live: Q Posts and Weekly Sunday Livestream

@00:04:41 twitter or something like that and it
@00:47:17 no but he's blocked me on twitter so i
@00:47:28 because he's really popular on twitter

deleted 9.8.2019 Impeachment, Living Baby Parts, Disney ChildRape Allegations, Fukushima+More

@00:02:10 like twitter and such where these
@00:09:05 he'll say really cool things on twitter
@00:09:11 twitter and people like his stuff but

deleted 9.6.19 Bernie Eugenics Plan, 8Chan Grilled by Left Peak Crazy Achieved

@00:18:54 was on twitter - why wasn't twitter in

deleted 9.4.2019 Drug Pimps, Child rapists, and Book Burners - America's Elite

@00:05:56 twitter said it bats disney's director

deleted 9.2-3.19 Insanity of the leftist politics going into 2020, corruption around Epstein

@00:02:37 lats came up on my twitter feed and he
@00:12:36 won over him blocking people on twitter

deleted 8.30.19 - Weekly Economic Update with Michael Agne

@00:09:27 flack for this on linkedin and twitter

deleted Zach Vorhies , Google WHISTLEBLOWER

@00:01:12 campaign hear his his own twitter


@00:00:44 campaign here his his own twitter

deleted 8.29.2019 Fired up for 2020 We are WINNING

@00:30:20 china he said that on twitter this was
@00:31:41 platforms like twitter and facebook and

deleted 8.27.19 Trump Beats China, FISA ABUSE DEEMED ILLEGAL!, Prince Andrew & More

@00:05:17 so let's check this out i twitter feed

deleted 2019.08.21 News Update

@00:09:28 facebook twitter google youtube they're

deleted Tasneem interview with Randy Ross

@00:17:35 person like that twitter was a wonderful


@00:04:42 twitter it just seems like that's where
@00:06:39 from twitter and then guess what the man
@00:07:48 just another black man on twitter i

deleted Update on Stop BitBurning Campaign to End Censorship

@00:04:47 facebook twitter and other large tech

deleted 8 10 19 Epstein Suicide - Narrative Control Activates - Dark Day

@00:06:35 have twitter of doing their censorship
@00:08:28 also have twitter removing the clinton

deleted 8 8 19 Left Aggressive

@00:03:57 locked out of twitter for posting video
@00:19:24 on twitter or not twitter a craigslist
@00:24:46 owned by google twitter all of them we

deleted News Brief 8/8/19: Boy Scouts Pedo Epidemic/ Trump Drafting Executive Action Against Big

@00:35:57 google facebook twitter and all of them

deleted The Downing of 8Chan

@00:03:20 founders according to his twitter

deleted More Lefty Shooters turned Magical Trump Supporters by Fake News

@00:03:45 and his twitter profile included he

deleted News Brief 8/2/19: Comey Not Charged/ Trump to Pull Troops/ ICE Most Wanted Arrested

@00:23:11 there well right before the twitter

deleted Q update 8.2.2019 C before D - Comey isn't going to Walk.

@00:05:49 facebook earlier or twitter or anything

deleted 1776: Zach Skow White House Prison Reform

@00:12:41 want to see my president on twitter at 3

deleted Qanon Update 7/29 - 7/31/19: #DECLAS Coming!

@00:05:24 let's check out this twitter status from
@00:06:02 one there is a twitter status that is
@00:08:43 is a twitter status from john brennan
@00:09:01 twitter status john brennan had said dan
@00:14:12 be sent to those prisons so the twitter
@00:18:32 one thirty five forty there's a twitter
@00:18:42 narrative so this twitter status is from
@00:22:27 there is another twitter status and it
@00:27:13 a twitter status and it says speed
@00:28:06 there's a twitter status and it says
@00:30:17 right the next one is another twitter
@00:42:06 then the next one 3553 there's a twitter
@00:45:27 there's another twitter status it says
@00:51:51 twitter status and it says logical

deleted News Brief 7/30/19: Joe DiGenova Drops BOMBSHELL! /Yellow Vest Protests/ Dem Debates

@00:02:05 and this is a twitter thread where joe
@00:08:57 there was a twitter by david vance where

deleted DECLASS FISAGATE with DUSTIN NEMOS on Grand Torino-7.30-2019

@00:12:49 algorithms in google youtube twitter and

deleted interview with Sean at SGT Report - 7.26.2019

@00:13:28 facebook and twitter have to come and
@00:14:05 on twitter my website should not be
@00:19:07 youtube via twitter how is this not

deleted interview with Craig at Justinformed Podcast-7.26.2019

@00:20:29 platforms facebook twitter youtube

deleted Big Tech is in Trouble!

@00:01:23 those being facebook youtube twitter and
@00:02:46 twitter are not only in possession of

deleted 7 26 19 Q Update -The Epstein Fallout Leads to Clintons

@00:23:59 the knee most news on twitter and also

deleted Robert Steele Interview- Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, and the Deep State

@00:11:19 nunez suing twitter i may be about to
@00:15:24 twitter and start sending out trumpets i
@00:15:39 good new york term twitter is drawing
@00:15:50 internet ghetto on twitter itself after

deleted Is RBG Alive

@00:06:41 had this on my twitter a bit ago let me
@00:06:59 really talk about twitter too often on
@00:07:07 attention to twitter now this is one

deleted Todd McMurtry & Dustin Nemos on Legal Movement on Censorship

@00:11:41 attacking this issue on twitter for

deleted 7.22.19 - Q "[Be Ready]" - Stealth Bombers away.

@00:01:20 twitter so this is already interesting
@00:07:23 quote from trump on twitter highly
@00:08:19 a twitter link it is john henry wusa
@00:09:42 is a picture from an anon of a twitter
@00:10:36 twitter post let's check this out first
@00:10:40 kevin's ship on twitter pedophilia
@00:13:27 we have a twitter message

deleted Updates from the Road. 7.21.19

@00:11:40 here trump was not happy with twitter
@00:11:44 and then twitter restore the angel mom's
@00:12:11 twitter i know mary ann from the
@00:12:18 much her child twitter if you're

deleted 7.16.2019 - Q.u Post - Many Q Booms to Be Aware Of

@00:02:35 a twitter status from milan it looks

deleted #BasedSouthernBelle: Stop BitBurning

@00:01:29 twitter youtube facebook and the

deleted News Brief 7/15/19: ICE Raids/ House Votes to Allow GITMO Broadcasting/ #RIPBianca

@00:22:57 in other news so when i got on twitter
@00:24:50 thing with twitter twitter says they

deleted News Brief 7/13/19: Acosta to Resign/ Puerto Rico Officials Arrested by FBI

@00:25:27 news this one's coming out of twitter

deleted Qu Update 7/11-7/12/19 Try Harder!

@00:10:44 twitter status here and it says quote
@00:14:23 is another twitter status and q says try
@00:14:29 nothing so there's a twitter status

deleted Q - Dark to Light

@00:32:27 lockheed martin on twitter now we also

deleted Spit in the Eye of Evil at #DemandFreeSpeech

@00:00:18 twitter you'll see updates and you'll

deleted #DemandFreeSpeech #Stopbitburning

@00:02:42 back up accounts my twitter i've been

deleted #STOPBITBURNING: Todd McMurtry and Dustin Nemos on Free Speech vs Big Tech Cens0rship.

@00:04:06 twitter or youtube they have terms of
@00:05:10 example twitter deserves first amendment
@00:05:24 the public forum of youtube or twitter
@00:06:50 not a platform war or twitter as a

deleted 6.23.19 - 20,000' Overview with Dustin Nemos

@00:15:20 and youtube twitter they have a deal

deleted Dustin Nemos & Andrew Pollack on School Safety, Freedom of Speech & The War on Truth

@00:12:45 is all over twitter talking about
@00:13:05 shadow bands make i compared to twitter
@00:13:19 twitter i think if it's on facebook it's
@00:13:22 called debus t and if its own twitter
@00:13:40 go to my twitter which which is pretty

deleted Joseph Flynn and Dustin Nemos on Censorship General Flynn 6-20-19

@00:19:05 ones on on twitter that are that are
@00:19:49 about twitter there's things i don't
@00:19:50 like about twitter what what i do like
@00:19:52 about twitter
@00:19:53 i find myself actually going to twitter
@00:22:53 different platforms youtube twitter
@00:26:08 journalists on twitter which are

deleted Dustin Nemos Talks with InTheMatrixxx 6-12-19

@00:00:42 only a twitter person and a youtuber
@00:02:44 right and you are on facebook twitter
@00:02:57 my backup channels and then twitter and
@00:16:36 of the tweets generated on twitter are
@00:16:45 twitter so you can see how they're using
@00:33:13 twitter keyboard you know the twitter
@00:40:42 i think that we're in silos in twitter

deleted Mr Tweet is On the Offense Finally And IT IS GLORIOUS

@00:02:04 to watch his twitter account and just

deleted 6.10.19 - Major Events In the News, And Not In the News

@00:00:21 twitter said something twitter should
@00:13:23 twitter is ramping up their propaganda

deleted Dustin Nemos Live - Updates on Lawsuit for Free Speech (v Big Tech) and Free Speech Movement

@00:12:37 having that conversation over on twitter
@00:19:31 time on twitter because they took
@00:31:18 twitter they have like a this is the
@00:47:08 don't pay attention to my twitter and

deleted The Truth About Nemos & WWG1WGA - Nemos Exposed

@00:07:25 such things on twitter i have i finally
@00:25:02 suing big tech on twitter still going

deleted Tasneem: Human Trafficking Busts/ Pedo Normalization/ #Parkland Update

@00:18:54 twitter pointed out the option over the
@00:18:55 weekend of june 1st the second twitter

deleted Mike Rothschild and the Paytriot Psyop on JoeM and Patriots

@00:04:50 going over sort of to the to the twitter
@00:06:37 of us discussing this on twitter this
@00:12:08 it oh man twitter is so hard to keep up
@00:12:32 quick because i share this on twitter
@00:20:21 stuff he says on twitter and they
@00:22:24 twitter
@00:22:34 court guy and then the wikileaks twitter

deleted News Brief: James Baker Cooperating/ Mexico Folds/ Disaster Aid Relief Approved

@00:25:58 one is from true pundit says twitter
@00:26:12 posted on monday by a verified twitter
@00:26:53 twitter users has yet to be taken down
@00:26:55 by twitter despite the social media
@00:27:09 so recently my twitter account was
@00:31:26 twitter page it's at freedom speech

deleted Does Alex Jones Want Peace with QAnon?

@00:04:13 tweet twitter so they actually said

deleted WWG1WGA Round Table Series - Jeremy of Geeks + Games (THANK YOU Jeremy)

@00:02:12 twitter or something like that be well

deleted "Learn to Play The Game" WWG1WGA Lawsuit & News Network Need YOU

@00:27:24 with twitter and the rest is just

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss THE LAWSUIT FOR FREE SPEECH v BIG TECH

@00:09:15 on twitter
@00:10:42 twitter and then you would initiate that

deleted Dustin Nemos on the AutismOne Bigger Picture Panel

@00:26:15 on twitter was shut down at ces dave or

deleted Dustin Nemos & Dr Seneff on Glyphosphate Toxicity (Roundup Ready & Monsanto)

@00:31:25 talking about since centurion twitter
@00:31:30 about suing them on big tac twitter then
@00:31:33 maybe not twitter but someone on twitter
@00:33:42 youtube twitter facebook reddit they

deleted AutismOne 2019 LiveStream

@00:26:16 twitter was shut down at ces day or you

deleted CensorsHip Lawsuit UpdatE 5.23.19 - Nemos v Big Tech - "Will our ChiLdren Inherit Free SPeech?"

@00:05:35 lawsuits on twitter i didn't put my

deleted BasedSouthernBelle & Dustin Nemos on Censorship & Lawsuit Updates

@00:20:15 twitter and it's likely a local attack
@00:24:47 then my facebook and twitter and all

deleted Update on Targeting of Dustin Nemos, Lawsuit vs Big Tech, and the Free Speech MOVEMENT COMING SOON

@00:00:50 we should do a lawsuit on twitter just

deleted The Free Speech Movement - Lawsuit for 1st Amendment Begins. (Fixed Audio)

@00:00:33 twitter facebook youtube reddit so on

deleted #Tasneem - Myst3rious D3ath of Is ac Kappy

@00:00:41 twitter page this story about isaac
@00:00:46 because twitter apparently doesn't like
@00:14:09 i can't even post this on my twitter now

deleted Dustin Nemos on I70 & Coach Clay show (PSB 24/7) - Wargaming Censorship MOVEMENT

@00:06:42 youtube or and or twitter we got to
@00:14:19 here briefly when a twitter page here
@00:48:05 shadow band on twitter we were the pro-q

deleted Backup Channel, Backup Comms, Battle Plans for Cens0rship - [MUST WATCH]

@00:04:26 sort of almost like a hashtag on twitter

deleted Robert Kraft Florida Sex Case Update Medium

@00:16:32 now over here is the twitter account of
@00:16:45 just scrolled through his twitter page

deleted Polish Court Challenges Facebook Censorship

@00:01:55 twitter and that's just not gonna work

deleted The ACLU - Free Speech or Just More Anti-Trump Anti American Marxist Liberals?

@00:02:02 we've got tons of those on twitter

deleted #Trust Wray Between the Lines Medium

@00:18:33 and there was a twitter status and this
@00:18:36 twitter status

deleted Dustin Nemos on Ladies for Liberty PSB 24/7 - Censorship and Solutions NOW

@00:14:00 twitter account i didn't have that big
@00:16:05 it's like the facebook's and the twitter
@00:21:26 twitter oh yeah i mean there's a pattern
@00:43:37 twitter page or his twitter address i
@00:45:39 there's his website and twitter is

deleted News Updates - Updates on Special Projectgs & NNN

@00:03:57 twitter banning an account that tracks
@00:13:33 many the tech purge continues twitter

deleted Treas0n, Ped0philia, and the FakeN3ws

@00:27:16 we also have on twitter trump himself
@00:36:58 be on twitter and facebook much of what

deleted Cens0rship Ends 2019 - BE READY

@00:04:57 woods was banned once again from twitter

deleted Dustin Nemos & Alex Newman On Liberty Sentinel: An Introduction to QAnon

@00:05:34 with access to trump's twitter because
@00:07:09 and their twitter and the different
@00:19:28 on cnn and and from twitter and

deleted The Treasonous Deep State Democrats Having Last Stand (Pre Mass Arrests)

@00:04:32 twitter account here i actually wanted

deleted Barr Testimony Highlights - Antifa is Moral Scum the Left Brands as Saints

@00:01:50 apologizing to their people on twitter

deleted The War on Anti-Vaxxers is Anti Scientific & The Illusion of Majority/Consensus by Elite.

@00:17:06 today he is all over twitter just some

deleted Racist Left & Border Invasion Intensifies, And More

@00:08:14 terrorism it's all over twitter my
@00:08:20 twitter against whites it's the only

deleted Uploading 4% Dustin Nemos on I70 and Coach Clay Show 24/7 PSB

@00:05:26 like youtube or ahead or twitter we got
@00:13:03 here briefly okay a twitter page here
@00:46:49 shadow band on twitter we were the pro-q

deleted The Left's Frothing Hatred of White Christian America & Trump, Weaponized Government Ignores Islam

@00:17:29 suing twitter for alleged defamatory
@00:17:46 suing twitter for publishing what he
@00:18:18 faced a targeted attack on twitter by a
@00:19:00 he says he asked twitter on multiple
@00:19:13 guy bad guy suing twitter on this either
@00:19:30 actually maybe twitter will throw the
@00:21:58 also we have a twitter thread on the

deleted Alex Jones And His Band of Liars Are Cancer to MAGA. Water and Mud Need Division for Clarity.

@00:01:58 cue on twitter debate and weeks went by

deleted Justice Phase Blitzkrieg Continues - Counterattack Attempts Ensue - Desperate to Link Q to Violence

@00:11:08 logging in twitter saying whoa i just
@00:11:10 logged on twitter and apparently there
@00:11:32 time and kind of ridiculous on twitter

deleted Obama's Evil 'Renewal' Keyword, Mass B0mbings, Patriots vs Invaders on Border, &More

@00:32:34 at twitter as a nod a mob is a major
@00:41:13 facebook and twitter are all very

deleted 4.19.19 - Dr Duke Pesta joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss Education in Illiterate Amerika 2019

@00:25:33 wish this instead of the the twitter

deleted 4.18.19 - Left Losing Their Minds, Wants to Ban Rightwing Media. RR Broken

@00:43:00 sarah carter status on twitter latest

deleted Unfund the Unions - You Don't Have to Fund Democrat Marxist Immoral Unions.

@00:11:17 from people on twitter over the issue of
@00:14:25 give a sobic on twitter like a very high

deleted Deplorable Mcallister joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss FakeMAGA Coalition - Bullies and Deceivers

@00:04:16 twitter he didn't get bad he's on a paid

deleted 4.15.19 - The Left Panics over Illegals Coming Their Way - Booker and Cher are Racist?

@00:02:32 the head of twitter starts posting it as
@00:11:26 twitter fans were believing in the due
@00:12:33 twitter or anything like that which
@00:14:13 guy's got a huge following on twitter i
@00:15:33 others on twitter

deleted Should Truth Media Be Funded? Will They be More Effective Change Agents?

@00:02:14 teaching them how to wipe their twitter

deleted Patriot Father & Journalist Betrayed from Within the MAGA Movement!

@00:36:53 we need to less chat twitter dm me his

deleted The Fake MAGA Problem, And How to Deal With It

@00:13:00 twitter like a public debate once per
@00:19:17 their twitter and other social media

deleted Candace Owens Previews Dems in 2020 'White Nationalism and Reparations' - Fear and Handouts.

@00:03:54 they blame google they blame twitter

deleted Democrat Playbook: Candace Owens Opening Statement At U.S. House Hearing

@00:03:27 blame twitter really they blame the

deleted #FreelanceScabs. Posobiec, McQueen, Stranahan, Antischool, Gorka, Jones, Seaman, Preying Medic?

@00:07:48 cue proof per day twitter debate he
@00:14:48 twitter use it if you know how to use

deleted 4.8.19 - Clintons Linked to "Coverup" with Deep State, & Much Much More

@00:31:01 something happened wikileaks twitter

deleted David Seaman on Q: "How am I a Fraud?" + AntiQ Cult: Posobiec/Antischool/Alex Jones/+

@00:06:53 or you know follow on twitter which
@00:29:38 thousand and twitter subscribers

deleted Oct 21, 2018 - Candyce Estave & Dustin Nemos on Upcoming AutismOne Conference & Vax Truth

@00:00:12 twitter at at the es j and today i have
@00:28:07 whistleblower twitter campaign that we
@00:28:21 just from the campaign on twitter just
@00:28:25 twitter and there's a couple people i
@00:37:57 right now before midterms on twitter i'm

deleted China Antarctica Recap, Corruption Exposed Dems, Bayer, Georga Vs Hollywood Abortion

@00:09:41 she was getting censored on twitter if
@00:09:44 own movie on twitter because it's all
@00:14:04 world know the twitter just dropped off
@00:14:24 twitter feed things like that we get it
@00:16:40 twitter is lying i have proof that

deleted Rothschild Comes after Praying Medic and Dustin Nemos (Let's Play)

@00:03:10 twitter unless you're you're following

deleted The Democrat House of Cards is Coming Apart: Cabal Next

@00:00:14 twitter and followers despite the
@00:17:49 willy-nilly on twitter or something
@00:37:09 that i like to follow on twitter and cap

deleted X22Report and Dustin Nemos Discuss Current Political Trends and The Plan

@00:21:03 know that channels and and twitter
@00:22:52 twitter and all these individual social
@00:23:46 with twitter and facebook and and

deleted Major News Updates - Obama to be Investigated? Smollett Coverup to Bring Down Michelle Obama?

@00:00:27 mark knoller on twitter and we've talked
@00:09:41 on twitter congressman adam schiff who

deleted 3 28 19 - Qu - Blockades Removed, Did Smollett Really Escape Justice? Schiff is NEXT! Obama too...

@00:12:05 know amazon ebay twitter different types
@00:14:48 3180 john nassif twitter okay
@00:32:15 twitter alleged dark web child porn
@00:38:35 absolutely 3190 we have a twitter from
@00:41:16 we have a twitter status breaking the

deleted Q 3.23.19 - Nobody Walks Away from This (Including Media Traitors)

@00:01:04 twitter all right let's check it out

deleted CENSORSHIP - 99.99% Frozen Subs (Despite Bestseller & Guest Appearances)

@00:06:13 or facebook or twitter or google what

deleted The End of The Russian Collusion Delusion Investigation (Right On Time..)

@00:01:27 a big thing on twitter for a while until
@00:05:56 definitely worth a follow on twitter
@00:05:58 worth having his twitter account at
@00:06:04 with every loony liberal on twitter when

deleted Get Your Popcorn - Avenatti Is Back

@00:01:25 using his image on a fake twitter
@00:01:31 people on twitter we use fake accounts a
@00:02:13 as the face of a fictitious twitter

deleted Changing the Narrative Before Obama Indictment...?

@00:01:04 that's just my twitter page and twitter

deleted Q - Chandler=ChildHandler - DIG ANONS - (x100 bigger than Allie Mack)

@00:00:19 some twitter john solomon ukraine opens
@00:08:23 hmmm 3125 they have a twitter bryan

deleted 3.17.19 - Q - The Real Panic Comes In the Form of a Last Resort

@00:15:18 hello jack dot png so 3108 is a twitter
@00:16:10 at jack of course jack dorsey on twitter
@00:16:40 defamation suit against twitter seeks to
@00:18:52 phrase 3114 so we have a twitter message

deleted Trump Has NOT Forgotten Censorship

@00:00:21 facebook google and twitter not to

deleted As the Deep State Plot Goes Public, They Try One Last Push to Censor Q

@00:42:21 little time on some twitter stuff here
@00:42:28 the twitter conversation because there's
@00:42:33 youtube who don't have twitter so mar

deleted The Future of Children in USA? - Tranz Twerking Sexual Deviants & Mental Disorders

@00:01:13 to check out this twit twitter a message

deleted Qanon - Tarmac Meeting Epstein and Haiti Link

@00:00:19 with a twitter status so let's check
@00:12:04 this next one starts off with to twitter
@00:13:32 twitter feed how is it mathematically
@00:13:37 between shills and twitter at jack he or
@00:13:45 that mean that is jack of twitter

deleted My Response on the Q Book: Overwhelming Success, Underwhelming Controversy. Mainstream Q Achieved

@00:00:10 twitter about this i guess more of the
@00:02:12 twitter were not actually problems but
@00:13:38 twitter thread the long twitter thread i

deleted 3.15.19 - How Did Q Know???!!!

@00:03:33 judiciary status on twitter and let's
@00:04:17 expected really 3085 twitter so let's
@00:13:17 has a twitter mark our twitter link and

deleted The Q is Good

@00:00:12 through this twitter post here
@00:08:05 on top of potus twitter feed so yeah
@00:08:21 of potus twitter feed how is that
@00:08:25 coordination between shills and twitter
@00:20:54 i've been sort of more active on twitter
@00:22:57 going on on twitter were not actually
@00:34:24 twitter thread the long twitter thread i

deleted Obama Knew! How Much and When?

@00:16:29 being instituted on people's twitter

deleted Those Violent, Crazy QAnon People

@00:05:03 could a trickster control twitter
@00:05:57 trump campaign of course twitter went
@00:06:06 through that control twitter account of

deleted Q - Complete Blatant Push that It's all about to HIT! Hannity Echoing. BE READY! SHARE

@00:00:32 3034 so we have a twitter status and q
@00:07:09 as anyone's 3037 we have a twitter from

deleted Michael Easton & Dustin Nemos on Justin Trudeau and SNC Lavalin Scandal in Canada

@00:06:48 her twitter he lost it calling her

deleted Minecraft For Q - Dark to Light (The Great Awakening)

@00:02:31 3.7 million followers on twitter is now

deleted Q's Ultimatum to Snowden, Instructions to Whiistleblower, Predicted JPBarlows Death

@00:02:28 30:16 twitter comm sarah dc are sarah
@00:09:04 twitter i always thought she was
@00:13:41 twitter accounts that kind of thing not
@00:13:42 to mention trump's own twitter account i
@00:13:47 and his twitter reinforcing the q
@00:16:38 state well basically facebook twitter
@00:29:17 thirty one one twitter
@00:30:28 another twitter kane nate some very

deleted RT Attacks QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening.

@00:04:04 audiences we mentioned it on twitter we

deleted Qu - 3.9.19 - Anons Ready? ENJOY THE SHOW! WWG1WGA!!! - It's about to HIT!

@00:00:20 have a twitter okay let's check this out
@00:02:48 timing is a coincidence to twitter
@00:03:27 coincidences anymore three twitter we
@00:11:02 life log twitter etc etc and then
@00:19:02 the cue board like this and the twitter
@00:20:59 on twitter okay we have an older post
@00:21:38 twitter for daily beast's exclusive the

deleted 3.7.19 - Q - Parts 3-9 Coming Soon. Major Steps Underway against Google and Big Tech Control Grid

@00:01:44 twitter youtube amazon they are
@00:08:39 twitter khamsin etre blumenthal status
@00:09:38 status let's see on a twitter post it's


@00:00:53 now 2981 so we have a twitter from sarah
@00:06:45 google china dragonfly twitter us leg
@00:06:54 voice and text twitter track user gps
@00:10:50 twitter also google i mean also

deleted Qanon 3 7 19 Huber Hammer FISA Brings Down the House

@00:12:21 is a twitter size from senator
@00:12:24 blumenthal and q response this twitter
@00:12:42 twitter status and he has posted a link
@00:18:46 next one is a twitter status and q says
@00:18:55 let's check this one out this twitter
@00:19:26 twitter status of us attorney from utah
@00:21:35 game on twitter where you know donald
@00:29:41 7th of last year and there is a twitter
@00:41:35 today and i posted that on my twitter

deleted A Rebuttal to ButthurtAnons and ::: Did Q and Dustin Nemos Try to Kill Alex Jones???

@00:04:48 blogs twitter followings and the worst
@00:10:31 put it out on twitter haji house are you
@00:35:54 twitter all day people said the real
@00:45:51 twitter and everything else if you're
@00:48:31 twitter and stuff to try to get other

deleted 3 5 19 FAKE MAGA ACTIVATES FOR MSM AGENDA. Like Bugs to a Zapper. (See Twitter @Nemov8)

@00:00:45 twitter supposedly i mean they have
@00:03:54 ones in the twitter comments so that i

deleted 3.5.19 - "CU" - NSA Humor & Chat (Segmented Clips Soon)

@00:00:45 twitter supposedly i mean they have
@00:03:54 ones in the twitter comments so that i
@00:07:02 a twitter all right
@00:07:03 i've been on twitter all night damn it
@00:08:18 ig 29 71 twitter okay let's check it out
@00:27:54 8chan we have a twitter message in sa
@00:28:35 twitter calm son zoo all right i like

deleted 3.4.19 - "Cu" - National CRISIS - FULL SCALE MARCH MADNESS PREPARE

@00:03:40 twitter have told their fans to buy the
@00:04:56 2912 we have trump on twitter to see
@00:06:24 so the next twitter is

deleted "Cu" - MSM Attacks WWG1WGA Book En Masse? Over the Target?

@00:03:40 twitter have told their fans to buy the

deleted 3.1.19 - Major Updates. Trudeau and More.

@00:25:00 for twitter there tom you might get
@00:34:09 again people were telling me on twitter

deleted Sunday Night Live Chat! Nemos News Network

@00:22:08 there on twitter facebook and stuff you
@00:22:14 i have an affiliate link on my twitter
@00:41:51 our enemies are facebook and twitter and

deleted 5G Patriot KIT - 'Those Good Who Know'... A SHIELD v 5G/Smart Meters/EMF. NOT PERFECT. (CHEAP)

@00:05:22 just to find it on my twitter name ov8

deleted 3.1.19 - Recap, Major Events. Trudeau Scandal, Netanyahu Indictment, Mueller Past Blackhatting, etc

@00:14:23 comment on twitter saying look destiny

deleted Trudeau's Sinking Ship, Socialism's Grip on Canada Weakens

@00:00:07 guys today this is a twitter thread and

deleted Tasneem (Welcome to the Team!) : Florida Sex Trafficking Ring

@00:04:26 hashtag career-ending twitter typos so

deleted 2.28.19 - Cohen laughs, Awan Silenced, PedoCultWhistlebLower Silenced, NK Progress

@00:02:23 jumping on we have van hipp on twitter
@00:03:10 such strike messages on twitter and she
@00:06:11 twitter reporting that abortion poll
@00:10:18 and torture on twitter she warned she
@00:19:24 talking about twitter and i'm talking of
@00:26:45 stalking her turned her twitter

deleted QAn0n: An Invitation to The Great Awakening (Out in Paperback, Let's Make WWG1WGA a BESTSELLER!)

@00:00:53 to potus and his twitter account you

deleted 2.25.19 - Things You Need to See.

@00:16:25 his twitter so we also have a couple of
@00:22:05 now back to twitter oh and this is from

deleted 2.23.19 - Q - Hollywood Comes After Q, and Ann Coulter = Fake MAGA Mercenary

@00:11:57 and youtube and twitter and facebook and
@00:17:00 too dehydrated twitter status
@00:17:55 string so 2833 a a twitter status
@00:28:27 twitter and people keep reminding me i
@00:37:30 twitter status that's just some video

deleted 2.23.19 - Q - The Internet is Under Attack by the Cabal Desperate to Prevent [Justice]

@00:16:19 28:59 we have a twitter clark
@00:21:19 red-handed twitter twice probably just
@00:38:20 twitter accounts that have been
@00:38:26 narrative twitter has already begun to
@00:38:46 it predicted it would happen so twitter
@00:38:54 blah blah twitter has already begun to
@00:46:05 what 2884 we have a twitter he wants us

deleted PAT Corner #6 Five Eyes & Randy Coleman

@00:21:53 or twitter accounts or so forth it's

deleted 2.22.19 -Q- Vows to Break the Evil

@00:15:04 out myself later 2809 we have a twitter
@00:20:51 the short version 28:14 twitter comma

deleted 2.21.19 - Q. Recap Bonanza ( Major Gems! )

@00:17:16 i heart potus twitter status right here

deleted 2.14.19 - P.A.I.N. Coming. Phase III. POTUS: The Great Awakening.

@00:10:12 27:17 mobile okay we have a twitter
@00:11:02 another twitter status and this one is

deleted 2.13.19 - Q.ue "This Will Never Happen Again"

@00:11:45 things with with trump and his twitter

deleted 2.13.19 - Today was a Bad Day for the Left.

@00:12:56 seconds or less on twitter so if you a
@00:13:00 man pay attention twitter is not
@00:14:20 stuff on both twitter and youtube i

deleted 2.10.19 - Full Soci@lism Push, Ds Raising Army, Car@van Invasi0ns, Blood Libel vs Whites, Pope

@00:00:17 mentioning on twitter before we even
@00:00:37 diet couture oh so on twitter but is
@00:14:18 incredible to see we also have twitter
@00:14:30 twitter neutral passive no you guys are
@00:16:36 haunt you twitter ceo jack dorsey
@00:16:42 twitter ceo joe kay we did that when
@00:25:02 their facebook or their twitter or sends

deleted 2.11.19 - Q Demolishes Prop@ganda (And AS) "The WAR is very real."

@00:15:00 twitter from adam chef let's see what he

deleted 2.9-10th.19 - Q.ue Makes an Appearance

@00:11:09 twitter pushed queuing on and other
@00:11:54 twitter was big for a while facebook was
@00:14:04 in terms of how twitter is suffering
@00:14:11 twitter i think is covering up some of

deleted Patriots Corner #5 Read In & Follow the HOPS

@00:03:23 that when sean hannity's twitter handle

deleted 2.5.19 - Rigging 2020, Queen Nancy & SOTU 76% Support T,80k Indictm3nts, SPLC, L0ckh3rup, Typhus

@00:20:40 tweet and locks twitter account and i'm

deleted 2.4.19 - Oxyc0ntin Pushers, Isl@m=De@th, AntiV@x Movement Under Siege, Venezu3la, Internet Money=BTC

@00:06:58 from the articles either way but twitter
@00:15:21 twitter so you can find that and then

deleted Dustin Nemos & Liz Cr0kin on Hum@n Traffickking & Subsequent Cens0rship (Deception Fears Truth)

@00:00:47 twitter and so my twitter account
@00:00:54 what twitter did with me initially is i
@00:01:24 was verified on twitter and i was a
@00:01:35 trafficking what twitter did their first
@00:02:23 all over social media not on twitter
@00:02:25 just on twitter on facebook - and now on
@00:06:25 twitter like threatening you and then at
@00:09:06 unverified and then twitter just shut
@00:12:03 twitter shuts your account down they
@00:14:52 avoided my twitter shut down they didn't

deleted Dustin Nemos & Robert David Steele on International Politics & Evil Within the ClA

@00:13:10 that tweet is handicapped ok twitter is
@00:13:28 if twitter were actually completely

deleted 2.1.19 - Kids S@ved, Antif@ Pl0tting 2019 Ass@ssin@tions, Tr3aty Killed, Cllntons Bhind RU Lies.

@00:06:56 keely twitter account ok i trust julian
@00:06:59 i don't trust wikileaks twitter account
@00:07:16 so i think that the twitter account has
@00:24:55 here we have the twitter from the white

deleted 1.31.19 - (CuIt)ure W@r Ramps up: C3nsor Pr3vents Cl3@r Communication

@00:02:13 trump's twitter and everything else and
@00:02:29 twitter backgrounds but watch the water

deleted 1.30.19 - Pedos, Fake MAGAs, Violent Governments - Oh my! Also - Winter (And Islam) is Coming...

@00:01:53 twitter censored joe in and he put out
@00:18:07 responded to his twitter messages yet

deleted Dustin Nemos & Brandon Straka #Walkaway On new Docu monial & Destroying the Cultural Plantation of t

@00:03:37 twitter on instagram and through all
@00:17:01 your personal twitter and stuff as well
@00:17:12 facebook twitter instagram excuse me at
@00:18:18 available on twitter and it's not

deleted 1.26.19 - Mueller Arrests Stone to Distract, What Is Going On Right Now & More

@00:02:40 trump on twitter saying okay people
@00:08:53 clearly have to trump's twitter this is
@00:19:42 about it on twitter and it is going out

deleted Dustin Nemos & Alex Newman on Roger Stone, Venezuela, and More

@00:06:26 on twitter lately i think the account

deleted Dustin Nemos and Mahgdalen Rose on New Yorks Abortion Worship

@00:05:27 your work magdalene rose on twitter
@00:05:33 especially twitter because that's where

deleted The Everything Bubble is About to Smash into the Side of a Mountain. Please Warn your loved Ones

@00:13:20 facebook and big big tech google twitter

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:20:48 pointed out earlier on twitter basically

deleted Captain Roy Deep Dive #2 - 470th MI & Wiki Ambassador Murray

@00:11:24 websites or twitter or facebook or

deleted 1.24.19 - Power Shifts, Wall Emergency Proclamation, IRS SuperComputer, MSM Layoffs.

@00:07:34 twitter account not from julian assange
@00:07:41 magga and i say that about the twitter
@00:07:47 being compromised but the twitter
@00:09:02 twitter account goes we also have my
@00:14:08 background on his twitter this means

deleted 1.22.19 - Left has Once Again Overextended in Attack - Trump Uses Their Force Against Them

@00:10:44 twitter is a scam i love this yeah
@00:10:48 absolutely verified users on twitter are
@00:11:05 twitter or something or even a hillary
@00:20:44 underway into twitter users for

deleted 1.21.19 - Mustering Their Course, The Left Bravely Battles Children.

@00:09:32 kids locked inside and twitter says he

deleted 1.19.19 - As Q Predicted, 5Eyes Coming Out

@00:04:23 twitter and then you know tippy-top and
@00:04:38 forth on twitter happened and it happens

deleted 1.17.19 - D3mocr@t Drama Continues, China Threatens Taiwan, Ginsberg = Pneumonia.flv

@00:20:28 educating liberals on twitter i wish you

deleted Dustin Nemos & Roman Light YellowVest RIC Movement: France To Discuss YellowVest Updates WW

@00:32:26 there's also twitter roman light ric
@00:32:30 roman light ric on twitter but yeah

deleted 1.15.19 - Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp in 14yo Abortions, China, Mueller, RU buys BTC?

@00:12:37 interactions on twitter and that is i
@00:12:42 on twitter okay

deleted Patriot Corner: CaptainRoyD on Recent Deep Dives 1.14.19

@00:12:13 this i i never had facebook or twitter

deleted 1.13.19 - Dirty Dems on Vacation while Trump Waits Patiently to Make a Deal. See America: Who Cares.

@00:00:56 short on twitter we're saying in the

deleted 1.11.19 - PROWALL DEMS! Dollar Dump, Corruption, Virus!, Pedo Culture, 9 11 Monument to Allah

@00:03:44 a twitter account going by molly at
@00:05:07 interesting things on twitter if real
@00:36:39 twitter i invited her on the show i

deleted 1.9.19 - Q Framed for Violence, Big Political Happenings, Macron Cracks Down, RR & ISRAEL OUT, WALL!

@00:22:28 twitter along with amazon or ramped up

deleted 1.7.19 - *Quickening Intensifies* - War, Economy, and Setups, Assassinations, & Yellow Vests

@00:04:28 twitter things like that anyway i think
@00:08:09 shuts down twitter debate on taxes with
@00:30:29 twitter account but i still trust julian

deleted Q 1.7.19 - Ginsberg, MKULTRA Still Running (-Clandestine Black OPs). The Hole is Deep.

@00:04:42 on twitter let's check these out one

deleted 1.5.19 - Q Breaks His Silence: Wall, Antifa, Corruption, Change

@00:01:57 twitter post brit hume on the red okay
@00:06:38 a thing so we also have a twitter from
@00:18:22 twitter message from maggie haberman one
@00:26:54 share that on twitter earlier if you

deleted 1.5.19 - Russia Witch-Hunt Continues, Shutdown (for YEARS) or Wall, War Moves: China.

@00:07:33 liz croakin recently on twitter was
@00:07:39 basically against pizza gate on twitter

deleted 1.3.18 - Culture War, Economic War, Tense Standoffs for Hot War, Major Events

@00:06:29 regular twitter there was one i wanted
@00:34:28 have a twitter account or something but

deleted 1.1.19 - War Talk, Culture War, Brazil vs Socialism, Giuliani on Assange, Yellow Vests WorldWide

@00:20:58 house on twitter pointing out something

deleted 12.29.18 - Caravan, Walls, Borders, Culture Shifts, Trade Wars

@00:05:10 saying that it looks like twitter and

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT (Fixed Audio)

@00:08:17 truth trump just said it on twitter
@00:30:42 me on twitter and you know he sort of

deleted NAFTA 2.0 is BAD! - Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on USMCA

@00:01:21 boasted on twitter that hey this is like
@00:06:56 happening just today on twitter today is
@00:07:00 today on twitter trump was talking about

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT

@00:08:17 truth trump just said it on twitter
@00:30:41 banned me on twitter and you know he

deleted 12.21.18 - ℚ👀 - Mueller, Whitaker, HRC, Hussein Future Proves Past

@00:11:48 um 26:32 we have a twitter archiving
@00:22:19 obviously twitter calm we have a hillary

deleted 12.21.18 - Cultural Decline, Evil Flaunts, Syria, ISIS, Assange, Whitaker

@00:30:08 account on twitter was shut down julian
@00:30:13 team all locked out of twitter this is

deleted 12.19.18 - Canada Sold Out, Mueller Corruption re: Flynn, Possible Hammer Dropping

@00:07:56 gap for an alternative to twitter and
@00:18:57 we also have ceo of twitter jack dorsey
@00:37:54 of his stuff on my my twitter feed today

deleted James Perloff & Dustin Nemos on The Shadow Government vs Trump

@00:28:08 to 2008 i'm on twitter and some little

deleted EducatingLibs & Dustin Nemos on Current Events, Q & The Social Media War on Truth

@00:12:16 really well with twitter i mean i know i
@00:12:23 the on twitter so i usually just really
@00:37:30 i mean running a twitter facebook

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:01:37 78 he lists a twitter let's check it out
@00:33:03 himself we have another twitter message
@00:35:00 worth 25 96 we have another twitter

deleted 12.11.18 - So Much is Going On Right Now !!!

@00:10:32 twitter you know his twitter account is

deleted 12.11.18 - Q Posts from 6th-10th - THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS

@00:01:50 the usuals are flipping out on twitter
@00:03:00 here we have a twitter - john roberts
@00:07:55 that 2563 we have a twitter from
@00:17:50 phone 0 1 plus q potus twitter 0 delta
@00:27:17 us to this twitter account here whenever
@00:30:28 out i love it and twitter account status

deleted 12.4-7.18 - More Q & Clinton Foundation under Scrutiny

@00:00:21 some point on twitter or something like
@00:02:52 from twitter let's check these out one
@00:04:22 twitter
@00:10:39 okay so 25 50 we have another twitter
@00:10:53 barbara read game on twitter we just
@00:16:34 the blue checkmark fake news twitter
@00:21:02 on twitter that they have a blue
@00:28:33 twitter guy let's check out what he says
@00:29:05 roberts fox on twitter a blue checkmark

deleted 12.4-6.18 - Dustin Nemos In The Swamp Repping Q, Finally Caught up on past 48 hours! UPDATES

@00:01:30 into the territory of twitter actually
@00:01:41 topic came off of twitter receiving

deleted Everyone's Favorite Fake Maga Poster Boy - "Chatlogs" is at it AGAIN.

@00:05:44 on twitter and then use that to to to

deleted 12.4.18 - Q - Counterpunch to Bus Distraction INC, The Path to Mass Arrests Laid Out

@00:01:40 publicly on twitter things like that but
@00:05:44 to the twitter headquarters door i mean

deleted 12.2.18 - Q Speaks on Clowns Clas. Tech, RR vs Whitaker, Q Goes Worldwide

@00:20:06 another twitter account message was just

deleted 12.2.18 - Mass Update, Bush Death to Distract from Huber

@00:20:37 twitter

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:18:59 james comey says on twitter our dog
@00:19:44 twitter for trivial chitchat but instead

deleted 11.29.18 - Oh What Tangled Webs We Weave - Pain Phase is Nearly Upon Us.

@00:12:16 twitter hq as a protest as a protest for
@00:12:22 recently having been banned on twitter a
@00:14:19 things that people like twitter are
@00:14:50 twitter they're messing with your own
@00:34:59 sparkles and twitter are not twitter
@00:35:07 glittering on twitter and things like
@00:42:15 her on twitter that have also been

deleted 11.27.18 - Mueller, Corsi, Soros, Zuck, Twitter, Russia, Ukraine, Assange

@00:10:01 there's no bias on twitter even though

deleted 11.25.18 - Border Heats Up, New Q - 'Thank you Soros', Ukraine Vs Russia, UK Vs FB, Asylum "Deal" ?

@00:17:23 over twitter recently and and of course
@00:18:21 twitter how is trump skewing on base
@00:18:49 is running the wikileaks twitter account
@00:22:44 twitter or at least suspended for a
@00:22:47 while from twitter i'm not sure the

deleted Link to Livechat In Description - Still banned from Livestreaming here

@00:00:39 calm remember my twitter account an emo

deleted 11.24.18 - Dem Plays Update, Border, Assange, Censorship

@00:18:12 youtube twitter they're all part of

deleted 11.21.18 - Justice Phase Updates, Thanksgiving Updates

@00:31:11 twitter i like to follow called imam of
@00:36:54 twitter page the backgrounds tell you
@00:38:07 a twitter maggie in whitey status check

deleted 11.18.18 - USA Invades Haiti, Antifa Violence, Haiti Protestors Being Killed & More

@00:15:48 twitter and i'm gonna take this and run
@00:17:45 reports i have found on twitter they are
@00:27:36 to their own you know twitter account

deleted Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Vote Fraud, Cali Fires/Radiation, and Thanksgiving's Capitalism

@00:07:29 rants on on twitter just trying to bash

deleted The Many Attempts to Kill President Trump (Threats Included)

@00:02:24 twitter posts since inauguration day
@00:04:03 and around the same time our twitter
@00:04:36 artwork 2017 online threats the twitter
@00:05:12 mean twitter every day all the time they
@00:30:56 he made on facebook and twitter about
@00:33:22 conversing on twitter prior to this she

deleted Roy Davis CaptainRoyD & Dustin Nemos on The Q Movement & End of 2018

@00:02:55 never had facebook merritt twitter


@00:17:38 threats they're already back on twitter
@00:17:41 supposed to be banned from twitter or

deleted Sarah Westall & Dustin Nemos - Censoring Reality: Keep Them Ignorant, Contintinue The Abuse

@00:10:45 twitter feed a something i got off the
@00:11:52 i mean youtube facebook twitter google
@00:13:32 even been very vocal about it on twitter

deleted 11.14.18 - Huge Update, Caravan Hopping Border, Avenatti Arrested, Voterfraud Galore

@00:17:36 bitch shoot on twitter a few hours ago
@00:18:42 like we saw with youtube and twitter and
@00:20:00 underscore twisted on twitter and that's

deleted Good is Ascendant vs Evil - And the Midterms are SAFE! Don't Worry (But Keep Fighting!)

@00:21:13 used to try to at least do the twitter

deleted 11.13.18 - Could Things be Any Better for MAGA?

@00:08:39 twitter if you following him as well and

deleted 11.11.18 Declas Week Ahead? Fraud Pushback Grows

@00:13:04 here ap associated press on twitter

deleted How to find my livechat tonight on Periscope (Still 90day blocked from livestreaming on YT!)

@00:00:57 also i will put a link to my twitter
@00:01:01 actually pops up on twitter with a link
@00:01:06 twitter as well if you don't if you want
@00:01:09 find it my twitter is an emo v8 if you
@00:01:12 don't have a twitter my twitter shows up
@00:01:24 goes through twitter you know you can
@00:01:30 there see my twitter click the link and

deleted 11.10.18 - Electi0n Fraud (Political Suicide) & Distractions from it

@00:12:49 they didn't remove another twitter
@00:15:20 fl at pam keith fl on twitter was

deleted 11.10.18 - Q - Dem's = Sucide Boomerang with the Voter Fraud Voter ID Laws

@00:23:49 over twitter 24 73 we have a twitter
@00:26:43 twitter calm demeanor so we have dan

deleted (fixed) - 11.7.18 - The Plan Moves Ahead Flawlessly, Q & Potus are Genius

@00:23:33 has a donald trump twitter let's check

deleted 11.8.18 - The New Acting AG Wants to End Mueller and Indict Killery

@00:12:27 everything everything he puts on twitter
@00:12:52 and twitter and facebook and google even
@00:16:44 a background image now on twitter of

deleted Giving Dems House was Bait? Plan Proceeds Full Speed - Caravan/Midterm Voter Fraud News

@00:06:49 everybody on twitter everybody in this

deleted 11.6.18 - Q - P0desta Brothers Have a Sealed Indictment! / Your Country Needs You.

@00:06:16 and then 24 26 this is another twitter
@00:08:50 all over twatter twitter that skippy
@00:09:12 24:28 he has a praying medic twitter
@00:10:19 twitter so he says the guys with illegal

deleted 11.5.18 - Scandals, Voter Fraud, Victory is Nigh RED WAVE (Jobs NOT Mobs)

@00:00:52 against google facebook and twitter the

deleted Q's Midterms Advice & Posts - 'We Will Do Our Part, Will You?' Antifa Planning to Intimidate Voters

@00:18:33 have a twitter status eyes on vip
@00:25:34 another twitter and he says eyes on vip
@00:32:09 deck here is a twitter status to read
@00:32:45 is a twitter standing in a line of
@00:33:54 all and he has another twitter another
@00:34:24 with the duck lips 24:11 twitter another
@00:34:46 twitter q did you see me in elko nv

deleted 11.2.18 - New Q, Dem Tricks, Coverup Artist Exposed, and Caravan Updates

@00:30:14 is via a war economy on twitter here
@00:37:44 anyway let's check out trump's twitter

deleted 11.1.18 - New Q Posts: THEY Want You Divided

@00:05:06 so of course twitter comes to mind going
@00:05:58 bigger deal than twitter at this point a
@00:06:02 bit of him using twitter to get around

deleted 10.31.18 - Caravan Brings Weapons & Bombs, Red Tsunami Incoming

@00:32:03 from trump on his twitter harry reid was

deleted 10.30.18 - Caravan Opens Fire, More Dem Scandals, Who to Vote For

@00:22:08 conservatives on like twitter and stuff
@00:25:40 that's justice general twitter feed this

deleted Cirsten Weldon & Dustin Nemos Discuss Immigration - Legal vs Illegal, and Cultural Impact

@00:09:37 people on twitter and i have like 15,000
@00:09:41 followers on twitter and most of them
@00:10:14 trump mentioned it on twitter when he
@00:12:40 which a lot of them are my twitter are

deleted 10.28.18 - Hypocrisy, Shooter, Midterm Updates!

@00:13:47 posted this on twitter today but the
@00:14:14 twitter just kind of bills itself as the
@00:16:40 snippets on twitter sometimes and you
@00:16:42 can find my twitter feed which i share a
@00:16:50 100 different sources on twitter to the
@00:16:58 see my twitter feed up there somewhere

deleted 10.27.18 - Mass Shooter @ Jews, Mexico Helping Caravan, MSM Spin, Stocks Crash, Soros: "Lock Him Up"

@00:21:32 your optics i'm going in on twitter so

deleted 10.26.18 - Mail B0mber Distractions, Midterms

@00:15:07 let's see he also says twitter has
@00:20:58 just as hard as they could on twitter
@00:24:54 falling apart he's great at twitter he

deleted Q Scholar Sarah & Dustin Nemos Breakdown Khashoggi

@00:20:39 post on twitter i just include them all

deleted Robert David Steele & Dustin Nemos on Khashoggi, Midterms, Fed, Trump, Q & More!

@00:26:06 part of hashtag google gestapo twitter
@00:27:08 by twitter or amazon or anybody else
@00:31:18 bit back and forth on twitter but he's
@00:33:00 i love that later twitter is deleting
@00:33:14 jack dorsey over twitter was saying that
@00:37:33 were to do a poll and twitter screwing
@00:37:39 outright twitter is being very very bad
@00:37:47 should be able to do a poll on twitter
@00:37:51 should be able to do a poll on twitter

deleted pt. 2 Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Antifa, Marxism, Political Landscape & Culture

@00:13:29 actually was on twitter a long i did a
@00:22:37 facts and i was really on twitter this
@00:28:53 i was weird because twitter had some
@00:28:56 problems to twitter sending out random

deleted Midterms Looking Great - Censorship Going to Supreme COURT!

@00:21:00 an interesting point in 2012 twitter
@00:21:03 executive jack dorsey said twitter was

deleted 10.15.18 - Assange UnSilenced, Stormy To Pay Trump, Pocahantas Fail, and Evil

@00:09:59 he says on twitter here breaking doj
@00:17:16 you could take it off of twitter and go
@00:17:50 to leave twitter it would destroy
@00:17:51 twitter and i think that you know by
@00:25:56 think just twitter messages they busted
@00:25:58 on through twitter that it okay back to
@00:29:27 then then it was twitter i barely get to

deleted Khashoggi Narrative a Lie/Attempt to Start a War? (Edit: "out" pic photoshopped?)

@00:03:26 been sent to fox news via twitter

deleted 101 Reasons to End the Federal Reserve System

@00:37:59 the fed on facebook twitter forums and

deleted 10-11-18 - Trump Vs the Fed. Don't call the Mob a Mob! And Other News

@00:08:20 tech companies facebook twitter google

deleted Q - 10.8.18 - D's Manipulations + FISA Next

@00:10:54 others twitter
@00:11:05 he's got a tom fitton status on twitter
@00:13:52 believe it is twitter bug sent user

deleted SGT Report & Dustin Nemos Discuss the Left, and Q

@00:00:55 youtube twitter do you think that they
@00:13:59 ships twitter so i'm going to read this

deleted 10.5.18 - Dustin & Baby Talk Q: Their Playbook has Failed

@00:08:40 2347 red october 2 so there's a twitter

deleted 10.5.18 - A Turning Point in History On China. Threats to Russia, Threats FROM PP. Kava+ Ramble&Rant

@00:07:21 on twitter that's kind of a big deal and

deleted Q Asks "Are You Ready to See ARRESTS? Are you ready to see PAIN? MEMES READY? ANONS READY?"

@00:00:37 about to happen people on twitter have
@00:00:39 even multiple people on twitter have

deleted Q 10.4.18 - Red October D5 ON TRACK TO DELIVER! The Stage has carefully been set for Justice.

@00:18:17 people here is a good lat twitter

deleted ℚ - 10.3.18 - The Evolving Plan, Sessions

@00:00:38 23:18 here he starts off with a twitter
@00:07:40 twitter link us attorney jeff sessions
@00:17:55 twitter link you know i wish that we

deleted Q: Darkest Days, Planes Crashing, + C60 Mass Shortage UPDATE!

@00:03:00 twitter i was told the secret service
@00:04:16 this twitter here saying there's nothing
@00:11:18 say it on twitter that is very
@00:14:03 here yep so back back to the twitter
@00:14:11 thing q usually post the twitter where

deleted Rules For Radicals #13, Nafta Done, 57,000 Sealed Indictments, And New Q

@00:05:56 passing around twitter for a while the
@00:10:40 twitter account links let's check that

deleted ℚ: Twitter Greenlighted to Begin Mass Censorship. FB/Google to Follow

@00:03:12 something red two two nine seven twitter
@00:04:55 blackout attempt potus twitter rogue
@00:09:33 instead of twitter or you know maybe

deleted 9.29.18 - Kavanaugh, Communists, Trade War, Up To 5000 Resignations.

@00:00:49 have steve scalise okay on twitter
@00:02:31 there there's a twitter account that's
@00:03:40 twitter now we know what that means it
@00:07:00 conversations that they have on twitter

deleted ℚ: RED TSUNAMI AHEAD - Q Lays out October and Beyond - Trusting the Plan Just Got Even Easier

@00:00:14 twitter and she is posting this image
@00:03:41 on twitter says we will not sit by idly
@00:10:08 another twitter

deleted 9.27.18 - ℚ: Welcome Aboard JUSTICE Kavanaugh.

@00:04:21 twitter account at cap usa one and just

deleted 9.25.18 - Panic Week! (Sky Is Falling for the Rabid Left) - Updates - More Veritas Busts, Trump @ UN

@00:03:09 over trump's twitter feed when he makes
@00:03:40 against trump on his twitter feed
@00:03:43 derail that twitter aren't they i keep
@00:03:58 stop with the twitter it's silly it's
@00:04:15 that out there because twitter has been

deleted 9.24.18 - Panic Week! Sky Is Falling (for the Rabid Left) - Kavanaugh Updates

@00:00:36 so paul sperry on twitter is reporting
@00:03:36 not succeed now i put this up on twitter

deleted 9.21-22.18 - Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED (Q) Despite Derailment/Smear PLOT (Yes, Plot!) +Observatory

@00:03:38 facebook not going after twitter but but
@00:03:49 youtube google twitter all of those
@00:07:51 going crazy on twitter they're all just

deleted Fake Maga Case Study - Jennifer Hammons aka Veterans4truth @jennvets4truth

@00:04:22 of the channel i had seen it on twitter
@00:09:43 back from zero hour one on twitter which
@00:09:49 case i actually put out on twitter that
@00:25:05 happened again on twitter later and i

deleted 9.21.18 - Q - FiveEyes Takes the Bait. RedWave Hits Democratic Plantation, IG Audit Actions

@00:01:05 twitter let's check it out panic in uk
@00:02:18 is a twitter account magga let's see i
@00:03:14 has a twitter status for us let's check
@00:04:33 about trump's speech and his twitter
@00:06:03 trump twit tweeter twitter saying i met

deleted Dustin Nemos' Channel Under Attack from Fake Maga "Indigo Outlaw" Video Removed (See it on Bitchute)

@00:00:10 tactics that they use on twitter
@00:00:31 their twitter feed and showing some of

deleted ℚ - Kavanaugh First, Rosenstein Next. They All Knew Russia/Trump was BS, But Pushed it Anyways

@00:02:30 access to twitter and he can read

deleted 9.19.18 - ℚ Does Q&A, Talks Aliens, Moon Landings, RRs Failure, Trudeau, Rebuts Arguments V Sessions

@00:05:48 potus is attacking sessions via twitter
@00:06:25 twitter you know some encouragement for
@00:09:22 on twitter and hugh says do you believe

deleted 9.18.18 - ℚ - HRC Terrified, Trump has Ace up Sleeve for Fisa - Hussein's own EO! - Panic in DC!!

@00:00:19 status on twitter okay what is she
@00:07:52 says another twitter status this one to

deleted 9.17.18 - FISA Declassified. Sessions Activates. Rosenstein Rejected Again - MEME WAR TIME!

@00:08:45 begging on twitter and all this other

deleted 👀New Q - "Pain" - Lynch Talking, Sessions to UNRECUSE, Fisa Declassified!!!

@00:05:26 will not fail you another twitter 2192
@00:08:14 another twitter he likes to he likes to
@00:10:28 tech google and then youtube and twitter

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 2)

@00:34:15 my twitter is at nemo v8 and my website

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 1)

@00:14:31 twitter ban and taking down his his

deleted New Q - Expect Direct Comms to the People This Week, Big Things Ahead. Censorship Will Hit Soon!

@00:00:06 rounds on twitter so this guy here a
@00:09:48 eighty and he has a twitter from trump
@00:11:17 twitter archive september 1620 1811
@00:11:37 with twitter and trend and q and ons
@00:12:23 more games on twitter this is more
@00:17:39 access me i'm on gab i'm on twitter you

deleted Aslans Army Interview with Dustin Nemos 9.16.18

@00:11:49 on twitter since i made a call out of
@00:14:09 ever come back from twitter when i try
@00:14:13 and log on to twitter i get told that
@00:14:57 because of how twitter had deleted my
@00:24:58 facebook twitter how will it affect
@00:26:26 twitter to heel inside the united states

deleted Q: MOAB Coming, Fisa Declassification Coming, Mass Arrests SOON (Vindication) Good is WINNING

@00:10:41 see here it's a twitter
@00:11:21 he runs the educating for libs twitter
@00:11:24 our education for lives twitter and they

deleted 9.15.18 - Sessions Begins Antitrust Pre-Action, 200B MORE China Tariffs, Clintons&Pope Are Evil

@00:03:41 twitter and i actually helped expose
@00:07:36 dorsey jack dorsey over at twitter the
@00:07:43 tape that twitter is so liberal that

deleted 9.13.18 - Gas Explosions in Boston. Panic In DC as Sessions Preps Antitrust HAMMER.

@00:02:36 over the wikileaks at least the twitter
@00:02:46 incarnation of wikileaks on twitter the
@00:08:10 at hillary clinton's twitter account
@00:15:13 of twitter facebook google youtube and
@00:15:52 facebook twitter trump scott point need

deleted Mike Cernovich - Fake Maga ACTIVATED: Sabotage Level: Judas

@00:12:08 mitchell's twitter because i know he
@00:16:40 follow on twitter in any case my friends

deleted Q - This is NOT a Game. Stay Strong, Stay Together - Censorship WILL FAIL - MOAB COMING!

@00:03:34 check this out the next twitter america
@00:09:47 twitter and facebook force next alex
@00:10:21 on 2166 another twitter fox news let's

deleted Q Boards Being Banned/Wiped - Backup Everything, Underground Comms Setup. Backup!

@00:01:24 to all my youtube comments and twitter
@00:01:46 know if i'll still be on twitter or

deleted A Case Study in Fake (Hamas, in this case) News created to Garner Sympathy - Credit: Thomas Wictor

@00:01:50 work on twitter and if you if you don't
@00:01:52 have his twitter i think he has a
@00:02:13 red's on twitter so you'll see numbers

deleted Alex Jones- Mossad, Radical Islam, Bronfman's (Nxivm cult) and CIA. Sleeper Cells in the Movement

@00:01:42 someone has sent me on twitter but first
@00:02:45 on twitter i don't i don't know his work
@00:22:34 jones had been banned from twitter
@00:29:21 week logic on twitter you can still find
@00:35:58 this thread will be deleted by twitter

deleted Q: We will NEVER forgive, we will NEVER forget. Battle Stations. Memes Ready. Tomorrow is 9/11. GO!

@00:08:57 continuing on 21:29 he says twitter a
@00:09:01 twitter message he has a link i love
@00:17:00 the twitter and then there is the zero
@00:17:32 accessing the backend of twitter and
@00:17:37 twitter and then you know you can access
@00:17:45 post and twitter makes it ready it's
@00:17:53 evidence between q and trump's twitter
@00:18:04 playing a game on twitter for those who
@00:19:14 twitter if you never change your
@00:20:24 twitter and and like the boards hear the
@00:22:12 directly to the people with twitter and
@00:23:42 this twitter are this this image here
@00:31:22 21:45 another one twitter q says prepare

deleted Alex Jones hypocritically Attacks Dustin Nemos with Sophistry & Lies, plays victim -Over the Target?

@00:01:08 on google or facebook or twitter i mean

deleted Q Destroys Posobiec's Fake Chat Logs for all to See. And Dustin Nemos had a small part to play!

@00:01:19 thomas drake on twitter says psa heard
@00:03:39 change things on twitter messages you
@00:03:43 want with twitter are not so i'm sorry
@00:10:19 fake magus tuff and here is a twitter to

deleted There was a Time...

@00:01:53 with twitter just says he will go

deleted Will Q Send Alex Jones to Prison for Treason? No One "Playing the Game" Gets a Pass - Mossad Disinfo

@00:06:08 perma ban on alex jones on twitter once

deleted ℚ: "Goodbye, Mister Rosenstein"

@00:06:41 twitter posting long threads he never
@00:20:56 some of these on twitter before a lot of
@00:21:00 this goes out on twitter before i even

deleted 9.6.18 Kasich "McCain Put to Death" / Out of Silver? / Schumer = Disrupters, Grand Jury: McCabe

@00:09:48 from judicial watch on twitter is saying
@00:09:56 his twitter name op-ed in the new york
@00:14:35 right why would you go on twitter and
@00:15:29 twitter non-stop she

deleted Q: Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition, Big Tech Censorship to Push Patriots TO Him & AWAY from Q

@00:07:28 100% sure here but i saw this on twitter
@00:07:50 because twitter randomizes these things
@00:09:45 that's all over twitter today if you
@00:09:48 guys ever want to see my twitter you
@00:09:50 don't have to have twitter just go to
@00:09:58 twitter feed embedded just like i have
@00:13:14 okay that's uh breaking twitter bans

deleted 👀Once again. OAN's Jack Posobiec Uses Propaganda Tactics and Fails to Debunk ℚAnon👀.

@00:05:09 people went to their twitter and they

deleted 9.3-4.18 - Mueller THREATENED GEN FLYNN W PRISON for Supporting GOP Candidates. Oh Hell No!

@00:01:18 maybe maybe twitter you know how they
@00:05:05 the twitter ceo guy he is now saying
@00:05:22 that flip coin there other twitter
@00:05:27 kicked off twitter so i i don't know
@00:05:44 know if trump left twitter for an
@00:06:06 twitter which would of course affect you
@00:06:11 from twitter would also affect facebook
@00:06:16 youtube but mainly facebook and twitter

deleted ℚ👀 - 9.3-4.18 - Satanism, HRC - "Almost Time" Everything is Now Prepared to DROP THE HAMMER

@00:10:51 twitter so therefore he is not working
@00:18:27 whole day by the way twitter denies the
@00:18:42 twitter engages shadow banning across
@00:18:59 twitter i can't remember his name but
@00:19:13 twitter accounts not verified either i
@00:35:05 okay let's see what twitter is this just
@00:35:12 in twitter ceo jack dorsey says in
@00:35:14 prepared testimony to congress twitter


@00:01:53 the twitter ceo guy he is now saying
@00:02:10 there other twitter employees that are
@00:02:15 being kicked off twitter so i i don't
@00:02:33 twitter for an alternate platform they
@00:02:50 and he can then implode twitter which
@00:02:57 whole the whole mass exodus from twitter
@00:03:04 mainly facebook and twitter i mean the
@00:11:24 maybe maybe twitter you know how they

deleted Dustin Nemos & Curtis Stone (The Urban Farmer) Discuss Culture, Politics, Q, and Voluntaryism

@00:16:56 well tell me who to follow on twitter
@00:16:57 and so like i have two twitter accounts
@00:17:02 which is and i don't really use twitter
@00:17:04 but i have another twitter accounts just
@00:18:12 of different people yeah on twitter just
@00:28:03 twitter and i check it out

deleted Trump is Going STRONG - Stacking the Courts, Fighting Big Tech Censors, Kerry now Implicated w/ HRC

@00:12:23 around twitter now where they're drawing
@00:13:13 if trump were to leave twitter and he's
@00:13:16 kind of implying that twitter would be
@00:13:33 they do twitter and facebook would fall
@00:13:38 around the twitter and facebook would be
@00:14:16 are you know twitter is a you know jack
@00:14:18 dorsey a twitter is about to go testify
@00:14:26 more shenanigans by twitter i think that

deleted How to Bypass the Control System to Support Your Youtubers/Truth Media

@00:02:28 the youtube or the twitter or the

deleted Where is Bill Smith? MIA

@00:00:08 checking my twitter correspondence that

deleted New Q - Prepare with Emergency Plans & Storable Foods

@00:26:18 twitter where they're just talking about

deleted Exposing Fake Magas And Clown Disinfo Agents Tactics (Credit to Swampy)

@00:00:16 twitter when you're looking for a
@00:00:51 twitter if you don't yet follow me at
@00:01:11 been manned and he many times on twitter
@00:02:10 zero see twitter clowns and bad
@00:02:43 remember at kill rogue on twitter here
@00:03:46 twitter remember for a while there his
@00:07:40 challenged me to a twitter debate i
@00:09:17 / twitter / user ok and
@00:12:12 twitter and bought attack twitter
@00:12:23 facebook twitter etc create massive
@00:15:09 support or activist group just twitter
@00:19:02 twitter like a idiot
@00:24:32 twitter well it for me i can speak for
@00:27:36 twitter because they can't control the
@00:28:00 have half twitter and data are not
@00:28:02 twitter but discord groups like i know

deleted Exploring the FISC/FISA Baseless Warrant Corruption (Credit: ImperatorRex)

@00:00:28 favorite twitter follower twitter people

deleted Did Twitter Back Down on Shadowbans? YES! At least for now - Jack Scared or Just Prepping to Testify

@00:00:12 dorsey has flipped the ceo of twitter or
@00:01:13 leaves i think we just flipped twitter

deleted Jack "Muh Chat Logs" Posobiec: Exposed as Disinformation Agent of the Deep State, Doxxer, Liar

@00:00:36 my entire career on twitter i'm i'm very

deleted 8.31.18 - ℚ 👀 Just Blinded the Enemy - Fake News Counterpunch is Weak and Ineffectual And obvious

@00:05:30 twitter followers he's picked that up
@00:19:43 favorites let's see twitter okay
@00:19:47 we have a twitter dc examiner to tweet
@00:38:15 20:34 alright we have a twitter status
@00:38:29 or so this randy quaid twitter video is

deleted ❗8.29.18 - More ℚ posts👀, A taste of things to come in 2018 - And More (Fixed)

@00:26:40 youtube and twitter are going to
@00:27:56 band on twitter who's not shadow band on
@00:27:57 twitter you can look it up the folks who
@00:31:36 statement what's coming is this twitter

deleted 🍷🍷🍷8.29.18 - Tipsy Social Bloopers Edition!🍷🍷🍷 Wrong first Clip.

@00:03:33 twitter status from trump let's see what
@00:18:35 guys so 1993 here's another twitter
@00:18:46 twitter now because it's a viral spread
@00:19:45 twitter it's called dink green mind

deleted "2018 Will Be Glorious" - Q. Your Patience and Suffering was NOT for Nothing, Brothers and Sisters!

@00:00:22 twitter if you look at what's going on
@00:00:37 that google and twitter and facebook
@00:01:10 calling out google twitter and facebook
@00:22:38 his background on twitter okay this is
@00:38:13 twitter of facebook youtube these people

deleted LiveChat 8.26.18 - Huge Health Conversation, C60, Autism, Vaccines, Dementia, etc.

@00:04:10 on twitter or something that would be

deleted 8.25.18 - McCain Dead or Faking Dead. Pressure is Tangible. Something big is coming SOON!

@00:07:10 we have a twitter ceo jack dorsey he is
@00:17:49 filth on twitter and then she deletes

deleted 8.22.18 - Cohen=Nothing - Nuclear Sub (Edit: Nuclear Missile) MISSING

@00:06:38 people like nancy pelosi on twitter

deleted Why the Cohen Plea Deal is a Big Nothingburger (NOT EVEN A CRIME! a Civil Fine, Obama did it too)

@00:00:45 twitter he has some of the greatest

deleted 8.21.18 - Manafort Guilty, Cohen Flips on Trump, Donna Brazile is Caught LYING about Seth Rich

@00:04:32 getting into a twitter spat basically he
@00:16:47 attacked him on twitter and then blocked

deleted 8.20.18 - More Updates - The DC Police Call Donna Brazile a Liar, Q Gives us a Timeline

@00:23:01 jeff sessions account on twitter that
@00:23:54 status on twitter line for email gmail
@00:26:35 twitter this is another status let's see
@00:29:14 my twitter and stuff and you guys can
@00:29:17 post on twitter and all of the q posts

deleted The Rumors about Dustin Nemos? Addressed. Context as usual is King. I have no dishonor in my past.

@00:00:37 this in a twitter feed and but there's

deleted 1 2 3 Knockout - 3 Liars Exposed in a Day: Donna Brazille, Jack Posobiec, Unirock Duo -2R Undeniable

@00:03:18 drama on twitter but some good things
@00:04:49 twitter you can see all of this stuff
@00:08:02 hundred thousand followers on twitter
@00:09:02 this and your twitter person or you or
@00:09:10 twitter timeline he's not too bad about


@00:00:21 twitter so you can see his video about

deleted Unirock Receives Special Perks from Youtube, Financially - While Honest Alt Media are 🤬CENSORED🤬

@00:04:33 the the qfd bands on twitter you know
@00:05:48 youtube and twitter and facebook so

deleted The Coming End of Censorship

@00:01:29 what is allowed by twitter and what is
@00:01:30 not allowed by twitter
@00:03:30 been verified by twitter as who they say
@00:04:40 allowed to go on twitter whereas you
@00:07:25 because in the case of like twitter and
@00:08:46 kicking me again i'm gonna go to twitter
@00:09:43 different people on twitter all saying

deleted 8.17-18.18 - Elon Musk Acid Trip Tweets, MORE HRC Server News, DNC Chair Prepares Flock for Losing

@00:12:11 the twitter and control this kind of
@00:17:05 remember his twitter name and i typed in

deleted Now, like Before - Anons Win the War. Who is REALLY Sowing Division in MAGA? The Liars & Insulters

@00:03:24 twitter shadow band tester i think that
@00:04:26 twitter account and of course youtube
@00:04:35 twitter but we've kind of used it for

deleted Does Jack Posobiec Have an Agenda? Why Spread Lies?

@00:01:18 here with twitter i just so that you

deleted Fake Maga Calls for Debate - Dustin Nemos - "Hold My Beer " (they refuse)

@00:00:07 i couldn't sleep and i was up on twitter
@00:01:07 that are covering key1 on twitter i
@00:01:24 twitter you guys could see her arguing

deleted Fake Maga Calls for Debate - Dustin Nemos: "Hold My Beer"

@00:00:59 sleep and i was up on twitter and
@00:02:00 on twitter i guess cuz i suppose that
@00:02:16 on my twitter you guys could see her

deleted Q Debate Discussion with Marfoogle News (Echo issue only at beginning)

@00:11:37 twitter or how else is he gonna do it i
@00:14:14 one per day debate on twitter and then
@00:17:15 games back and forth on twitter that's
@00:22:48 and then later on potus is on twitter

deleted 8.15.18 - Something Moves Within The Night That is Not Good, and is Not Right

@00:10:27 video and on twitter so he says house of
@00:11:34 remove the app twitter and geo tl or i
@00:23:46 twitter and it was a spider and a bunch

deleted Organic Apples & Alex Jones - My Reasoning Elaborated On. (Why I Trust Trump/Q, Not Alex.)

@00:07:24 twitter that we're shadow around and it

deleted 8.15.18 - Trump Will Put Hillary In Gitmo - He Said it Himself. Do you still doubt Q?

@00:06:05 fast if you're on twitter and you're
@00:06:26 twitter people or influencers or
@00:15:14 on twitter all right and you can like i
@00:24:33 here we have a vinny avella twitter
@00:31:33 your own twitter turn off your qfr you

deleted Up and Coming Youtuber Profiles: New Q Posts and a Little History with ContemptibleThought

@00:16:02 says they're at twitter names he's like

deleted Tracking the Resignations with ResignationAnon Resignation.Info

@00:05:50 twitter facebook amazon and so on in a

deleted Beating the System with AceofCoin.Com - John Jay Singleton On Privacy, Security, Crypto & More

@00:32:42 on twitter about how difficult is to

deleted Dustin Nemos & Isaac Kappy Talk Great Awakening & Healing the World with Love.

@00:02:38 and i put it on blast on twitter i'm
@00:03:35 delete your twitter and and i've even
@00:03:46 that up twitter did yeah so it's like
@00:14:53 the internet on twitter in my direct
@00:27:44 end here sure twitter at isaac cappy is
@00:28:17 but yeah twitter is where i've been all

deleted Recapping the News - New Q Targets Epstein and Numerous Pedos / NBC Scrambles to Delete Pedo Tweets

@00:02:19 this is great we also have twitter
@00:04:59 alert twitter are actually blocking
@00:05:41 all on twitter and you can look these
@00:06:00 twitter hides this stuff they actually
@00:06:04 lawsuit over twitter this opens up
@00:33:35 thing but anyway it's got my twitter
@00:33:50 stay pretty busy on twitter responding

deleted Patriot Profile: Yig - Q Deep Research & Tracking

@00:04:01 you know i do check i check your twitter

deleted Gab.Ai founder shows How to Disable SOME Twitter Censorship - (begins at 2:40) QFD Ban

@00:00:00 are you shadow banned by twitter what is
@00:00:26 about this first of all twitter
@00:00:37 twitter told us that the quality filter
@00:01:14 twitter accounts into a soundproof echo
@00:02:41 version of twitter and i believe it's in
@00:02:44 the web version of twitter as well then
@00:03:31 activated on most twitter users accounts
@00:03:42 of this stuff twitter is openly
@00:03:52 came out today twitter maybe demoting
@00:04:32 this is that twitter is being very

deleted Mercury Detoxxing, Antischool, Twitter Censorship Bypass?, Raw Cacao

@00:01:33 or he had said it on twitter i think
@00:07:21 oh and let me talk about twitter
@00:08:21 the notifications on twitter they've
@00:08:48 twitter embedded so you can follow the q
@00:09:36 your twitter settings that have to do

deleted Dustin Nemos on Patriots Soapbox Discussing New Q drops

@00:00:32 through some of this stuff on on twitter
@00:01:56 google facebook twitter and then in the
@00:07:27 they i think they serve them via twitter
@00:08:40 twitter account dated august 1st that
@00:09:07 wikileaks wrote on twitter i'm of the
@00:11:18 bill maher's twitter do you remember
@00:14:52 debate on twitter one proof a day or
@00:34:40 that people who support you on twitter

deleted Dustin Nemos Interviews Founder of #WhiteHatMovement

@00:17:21 going out there on twitter and
@00:17:29 cancel you on their twitter accounts and

deleted Jack Posobiec DID NOT Debunk Q. All they have is Insults and Sophistry.

@00:04:12 twitter and on my face i don't even
@00:04:13 really use facebook but i use twitter a
@00:06:44 twitter guy i have a couple thousand
@00:07:38 twitter he he then you know i i
@00:07:51 a comment on his twitter which i

deleted 8.8.18 - The Avalanche is Nipping at their Toes. They Cannot Escape.

@00:00:50 twitter this is worth reading hr5 181 i
@00:05:49 i'm rulla rulla calls on twitter to ban
@00:07:05 they also suspended on twitter

deleted Lee Stranahan is a Pedophile Apologist, Fake Maga Paytriot who relies on MSM Deception Tricks

@00:01:44 debate he challenged me to a twitter
@00:03:45 for you challenged me to a twitter
@00:07:00 twitter compared to most of these guys
@00:07:03 hard on q on twitter and their social

deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

@00:06:06 even like you know small twitter image
@00:11:04 facebook and twitter are going to


@00:36:58 revenue models of facebook twitter

deleted Making Youtubing Sustainable for Alt Media Figures - Monetization of Free Info/Labor

@00:00:21 most calm i've got twitter i got gab i'm
@00:04:42 me via twitter i can't even respond via

deleted Sunday Livechat 7pm EST 7.22.18 - Ask me Anything

@00:06:08 once the red x in my twitter name is
@00:06:27 post today yet i've been on twitter all
@00:08:50 challenged me to on twitter like you
@00:09:02 than i do on twitter like maybe not
@00:18:45 represent on my twitter name represent
@00:22:44 going around on twitter i haven't read
@00:26:59 twitter as well so none of that has

deleted How to (Politely) Handle Q Shills, Fake Maga's, and Win Q Debates (or any debate) - Conveniently.

@00:00:13 because of what's going on twitter
@00:03:15 gets on twitter or gettys i don't how to

deleted 8.4.18 - MSM/CIA Pet Antifa Commies Riot vs Police, Housing Bubble Popping, Trump - "Q Just Watch"

@00:21:57 twitter is actually run by democrat
@00:22:02 top people twitter actually donating to
@00:25:03 history on twitter and social media and

deleted QAnon Dangerous? MSM are Creating a Fake Narrative to Distract from Treason.

@00:07:12 like twitter and just like facebook but
@00:10:01 own challenge to debate me on twitter
@00:15:35 openly challenged them on twitter to do

deleted 8.1.18 - Q Goes MAINSTREAM, TOMMY FREED, PEDOS EXPOSED, 3D Print POPULAR Guns at home!

@00:20:00 sometimes twitter will mess with people
@00:37:38 posts a twitter calm in bc news status

deleted Isaac Kappy Exposing Pedo's

@00:05:51 on a twitter yesterday but that hashtag
@00:24:44 to get twitter has been suppressing me
@00:24:47 twitter youtube google facebook they've
@00:30:46 it on the lowepro twitter twitter
@00:44:01 twitter code yeah that's uh that's
@00:47:30 ashcraft on twitter who has been

deleted 7.30.18 - Q Posts HOT AND HEAVY. Don't expect a slowdown until post-midterms

@00:08:46 at legal remedies to deal with twitter
@00:29:14 dropping a big bombshell on twitter and
@00:29:41 alternative to facebook and twitter

deleted 7.28.18 - The Coming Midterms Battle Begins, Censorship, Pushback, and more.

@00:02:45 facebook as much twitter is very much on
@00:03:40 complaints against twitter and then
@00:03:42 twitter basically comes out with the
@00:06:53 tech companies like facebook and twitter
@00:27:45 activities committed by facebook twitter

deleted TRUMP TO STOP SHADOWBANNING ! Games with Rosenstein. Q-@non and Trade

@00:00:48 twitter is is being shadow band not just
@00:01:04 twitter censoring of prominent
@00:01:10 that twitter is deliberately targeting
@00:02:01 into twitter shadow banning okay so he
@00:02:04 comes out on twitter and basically says

deleted 7.25.18 - Q // Pedophile Exposure TRENDING, Left to Use Projection & 'Forgive' Routines - More FBI

@00:09:55 linking the tweet the twitter war
@00:35:50 twitter account smart after calling out
@00:36:32 busted all over twitter for having the
@00:40:01 and morty creator deletes twitter
@00:43:32 attention to twitter and we'll find more

deleted 7.22.18 - Update on News, Back to Regular Content, Info packed video.

@00:00:42 i actually put it on twitter and
@00:06:51 get on this twitter you know at some
@00:07:07 twitter feed embedded on the side
@00:07:21 at some point outside of twitter outside
@00:14:52 censored over this big twitter war he's
@00:21:26 okay not my quote i saw that on twitter
@00:30:34 from trump's twitter he's calling it out
@00:35:38 twitter account
@00:36:14 twitter followers and was in the sensor

deleted Since they won't debate me, BIG QANON EVIDENCE COMPILATION VIDEO!

@00:06:54 potus schedule account on twitter as
@00:11:48 showed twitter blocking qq proofs com if
@00:13:04 twitter around in obvious fashion to cue
@00:16:07 gonna go through the twitter stuff where
@00:16:51 jump into twitter
@00:18:23 see rogue twitter employee deactivated
@00:18:43 information example potus is twitter etc
@00:19:07 happens rogue twitter employee
@00:19:11 trump said my twitter account was taken
@00:19:27 trump's twitter was gonna get deleted by
@00:22:45 like he did with twitter just like he's
@00:23:23 confirmation go twitter basically go
@00:31:32 actual websites hn and twitter
@00:31:50 twitter thing
@00:35:51 trolling me on twitter like many people
@00:42:22 twitter was not taken down and on their
@00:42:24 twitter on their very front top pinned

deleted #WhiteHatMovement and Coming Censorship - Prepare Before Midterms!

@00:05:15 especially on twitter but i may not be

deleted Interview Series) Dustin Nemos & T.R.U Reporting - QAnon Interview

@00:03:05 problems out of youtube or or twitter i
@00:27:10 twitter at true reporting com again my
@00:28:08 and my twitter is an emo v8 so you guys

deleted Walking Through the Fire with Tasneem Conley & Dustin Nemos (Interview Series)

@00:00:26 and twitter as well for the sole purpose
@00:01:40 twitter uh hiya i actually started
@00:01:43 twitter i'd never really tweeted before
@00:04:12 twitter and everything so your story is
@00:04:32 it um my twitter has more following than
@00:05:34 post on on twitter and actually even
@00:20:21 using twitter to go to reston to the
@00:33:58 followed him on twitter well at one

deleted Up and Coming Content Creator Interview Series: The Epistemologers - Foundations of Reasoning

@00:09:26 me to do one a day on twitter as like a
@00:38:54 eris a z a e reas and on twitter and i'm
@00:39:01 this is not t on twitter and you know

deleted Lee Stranahan vs Dustin Nemos on Qanon (Dabate linked below. Youtube blocks)

@00:00:23 blocking it and by the way twitter is
@00:00:47 twitter it is it probably will not work
@00:01:28 continue this on twitter with uh with

deleted Thank you for your support and comments in the past 2 days.

@00:01:01 between twitter and facebook so i'm

deleted 7.11-12.18 - Maga Update: FBI//Strzok asked If he Lies to his wife also in public session

@00:22:49 proof per day twitter debate which i
@00:24:28 to have that as well on twitter if

deleted 7.9-11.18 - Conservative Supreme Court Majority and what it means. More Clinton Murders. w/links

@00:00:46 another message the best ways twitter
@00:23:37 again through twitter dm or just court

deleted UniBlock. Example of Sophistry & Deception. Lessons for any Patriot Pushing Back Vs Anti Q Shills

@00:00:43 it's on his own twitter he backed out he
@00:01:20 blowing up my twitter and i don't want
@00:02:10 through i find on twitter that there is
@00:02:53 he blocked me on twitter we'll get to
@00:05:20 have his people come to my twitter and
@00:08:34 twitter i don't have to keep typing it
@00:08:58 you can check it on his twitter of
@00:10:40 debate is but he blocks me on twitter
@00:10:54 on twitter and i actually i can probably
@00:11:08 twitter just for asking when you're
@00:11:20 keep sending me on twitter and i just
@00:11:43 twitter i'm trying to scale down my my
@00:20:15 on twitter then you've probably seen it

deleted Jim Jordan Under Attack. WE MUST UNITE BEHIND HIM

@00:00:41 twitter like i'm with jim or i'm with i

deleted Antischool BACKS DOWN FROM QAnon Debate! - Open Debate Challenge Issued* - Who Will Accept?

@00:03:07 twitter to people to try to discredit me
@00:03:35 outs in anti q comments on twitter i
@00:04:34 10,000 legitimate followers on twitter
@00:05:15 trump's twitter in real time as he
@00:07:35 probably twitter sometimes i don't get

deleted 7.7.18 - US Lying Bout CWs in Syria, clinton, fbi, Jordan under Deep State Attack! Dead Nephew

@00:10:20 will stop working immediately twitter is
@00:15:39 an apple logo from the twitter phone and

deleted 7.5.18 - So. Much. News. +Q, + QDebate Coming.

@00:11:10 twitter actually started to say well i

deleted Happy 4th Of July - Arrived Home & Updates (Also Q Debate Soon!)

@00:03:13 know then they took to twitter and

deleted 7.2.18 Censored all Over, Violence, Q Drops, Disinfo Liars Spread FUD

@00:11:54 twitter right now i can actually go to
@00:11:56 twitter show you guys this i mean just
@00:12:44 is twitter a multi multinational
@00:12:55 think comes from twitter you know that's
@00:40:36 when we go all on twitter i think and

deleted Antifa Throws Bomb into Crowd - a Turning Point. MSM Exploits Dead Journalists

@00:00:08 stay paying attention to my twitter feed

deleted 6.30.Ձ٥۫١Ց - The Ultimate Q Plan/Question. Push for Civil War, Corruption Exposed.

@00:26:14 on twitter look at them you know even
@00:27:28 the potus scheduled twitter is not
@00:27:30 legitimate it is fake twitter no this is

deleted 6.26.18 - PowderKeg ready to Blow for Civil War - Trade, China Endorses EOS, More.

@00:15:09 twitter maxine waters called for the

deleted How to Buy Crypto with Debit Card, Credit Card - Censorship Resistant Resistance Funding

@00:08:55 twitter feed which is going to have a

deleted 6.21-22.18 - They are Trying so Hard To Distract or Discredit as it All Comes Out

@00:23:10 twitter always puts out good stuff the
@00:32:39 badge on my twitter a few hours before
@00:33:54 idea this was all over twitter facebook
@00:38:51 twitter and then show you the pictures

deleted 6.20.18 - Ignore the Men Behind the Curtain (IG REPORT), The Kids in the Fake Cages are Over Here...

@00:00:48 twitter everybody beats me to saying the
@00:22:39 and q confirms it 1566 iphone twitter a
@00:23:11 coincidence twitter shot in the oval and
@00:28:48 talking uh let's see what this twitter
@00:32:41 twitter let's see if we were really

deleted 6.19.18 - IG Report Fallout, Huber, Q: End Near? +More

@00:11:15 twitter can be sued for falsely
@00:12:09 twitter which is i don't know if he

deleted Tommy's Last Message

@00:01:35 kick me off twitter they can to delete

deleted 6.15.18 - IG Report Fallout - Clintons under Heat, Trade Wars, Canada Targets Trump Family

@00:33:04 board come by check out the twitter of

deleted 6.14.18 - IG Report, EOS, Ethereum NOT Security, Tariffs and Q

@00:05:01 guy named paul sperry on twitter says by
@00:08:47 twitter is a you know i hate the people
@00:12:32 primary outlet is on youtube or twitter

deleted 6.14.18 - Dustin Nemos Defends Daughter&Self from Unirock's Malicious Lies

@00:01:21 to me in twitter and i thought it was
@00:16:18 the about sections on my twitter i put
@00:20:46 twitter i put out a hundred good pieces

deleted 6.14.18 - Dustin Nemos Rebuts Antischool's Isaac Green on Qanon

@00:09:01 you can see a chat group on twitter here
@00:16:05 cue non on twitter the whole time was
@00:17:10 twitter as well and he shares a lot of

deleted 6.13.18 - IG Report, Missiles Stopped, Tommy To Die, Economy, Crypto - EOS

@00:30:44 real fear twitter throttling and shadow
@00:39:17 twitter messin with accounts for chain
@00:41:39 things like hey fam read my twitter
@00:45:40 guys you can follow twitter which you
@00:45:42 know if you scroll through my twitter

deleted 6.12.18 - NK Peace, Iran Next, IG Report+EO, Cannabis FREEDOM, Crypto & More!

@00:10:58 assange and wikileaks twitter messages

deleted 6.6.18 - 160 children Saved From Sex Trafficking! But Skulls Found !

@00:07:31 when they get into twitter battles that
@00:07:46 saying against john brennan on twitter

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:03:28 twitter keeps changing those trending
@00:07:37 these companies facebook twitter google
@00:13:14 that's his real name but it's on twitter
@00:27:30 says on twitter considering c-max ties
@00:27:57 on twitter if you're not kind of sure
@00:27:59 how twitter works other people that
@00:28:10 conversation group until twitter hits it

deleted 6.2.18 - Obama Spied on Trump, FBI Exposure Wave INCOMING, Economic Update, and Censorship.

@00:19:37 from robbie starbuck on twitter fox news

deleted 5.31.18 - Roseanne! CIA, NK, Vegas, USA VS All on Trade & Currency, BUBBLES! and Bitcoin ICO Profits

@00:23:43 twitter she's kind of gotten her she's
@00:24:00 also retweeted a claim on twitter that
@00:24:19 so i'm staying on twitter to try and

deleted 5.30.18 - Roseanne! Bernie, KJU, Trump, Socialism, Taliban, +More

@00:03:34 a twitter spat basically accusing
@00:03:41 twitter and her show was canceled after
@00:12:51 night on twitter
@00:13:58 actually did say something on twitter i

deleted 5.26.18 - Vegas, Broward County, Antifa, Tommy Robinson's Arrest, Censorship, Culture, and Weinstein

@00:12:48 and twitter asking them to respond by
@00:14:01 general flynn briefly returns to twitter

deleted 5.25.18 - Smug Weinstein Arrested - 4 More Attacks, Tommy Robinson Imprisoned, NK, Seth Rich, China

@00:27:34 out my twitter over there next to the q
@00:27:40 in the video portion that twitter is
@00:27:47 out my twitter and actually go to the
@00:27:49 twitter page because unfortunately the

deleted 5.24.18 - Weinstein's PAIN, Syria Bombings, NK Peace Off, Dodd Frank, Isis In Vegas, Pedo Epstein

@00:04:27 image here from her twitter wherever

deleted 5.(23).18 - The Pain has Begun - Q Offensive is Massive. 1st Amendment Victory

@00:02:35 twitter because it's a violation of the
@00:02:37 first amendment since twitter serves as
@00:03:37 twitter even on my facebook on my
@00:04:20 channel 17 on on twitter is saying that
@00:04:50 know their official twitter now we know
@00:14:23 profile down to private on twitter he's
@00:14:35 campaign and twitter declared public
@00:21:02 to her twitter page alright guys that is

deleted 5.(20-21).18 - Q Being Setup? Brennan, RR, Trump Forces Investigation! Iran Sanctions

@00:04:31 know he said this on twitter and then

deleted 5.19.18 - Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again)

@00:11:30 but he put out a twitter image and i was
@00:20:10 twitter whereas before she used to talk

deleted 5.17.18 - Q Shaped Asteroid about to Hit Clinton. Prepare for FF (Bogus Banners) Distractions!

@00:08:06 sperry on twitter so i mean this is this

deleted 5.16.18 - QAnon: Time for a Sealed Indictment (Weiner - UNSEALED 16th, Laptop!) Pedogate is REAL!

@00:07:10 term on twitter and if they're not

deleted Maga&Qanon Update 5.15.18 - FBI/Mueller Update, Gaza Battle, Stormy&Avenatti, Politics, Q: PAIN Time

@00:40:31 topics check out my twitter i was pretty

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.13.18 - FBI Unravels, Iran Rats Dems, China Arms Race, Kanye Culture, HRC

@00:10:18 right next to my twitter feed where you
@00:39:47 us with his twitter you know apparently
@00:40:50 twitter and mov um on youtube nemo v on

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.12.18 - Q Community Civil War Heats Up, FBI Spies in Trump Campaign?

@00:05:51 twitter game and they're they're
@00:18:42 twitter feed so there's a lot of
@00:18:43 information on twitter they you may not
@00:18:49 like crazy so my twitter is a wonderful

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.11.18 - Q Community Civil War: Corsi, Alex Jones, Seaman Vs Qanon

@00:10:30 twitter where trump is all but saying i
@00:14:51 i've got the twitter feed over here on

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.9.18 - Iran/Syria Just Hit Israel, Israel Hit back. WW3? China Landgrabs, Q

@00:04:15 i looked at his twitter it's bad so i my
@00:04:17 phone's going off his twitter is pretty
@00:04:20 with random people on twitter that's
@00:04:32 twitter so if that's one of the things
@00:04:52 with trump's twitter account or a speech

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.8.18 - Trump withdrew from Iran Deal (AND took control?), Israel teasing WW3.

@00:03:34 it on twitter kind of to the extent of
@00:03:56 off and and ranting about it on twitter

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.6.18 - Corsi, Kanye, Karl Marx, Mueller, Sessions in CONTEMPT, NXIVM

@00:31:21 like that spread around twitter people

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 5.3.18 - Jetblue+Soros, The Days Palace intrigue...

@00:00:47 news why i like to follow be on twitter

deleted 5.2.18 - Comey, Trade, HRC, Trump, Veritas, Nxivm+Obama?

@00:17:03 verified account on twitter at thunder
@00:17:22 side of twitter this culture fallout
@00:22:51 facebook twitter and google and i think
@00:26:47 better than facebook or twitter that's

deleted Maga Update 5.1.18 - Bring Troops Home, WW3 (iran), Vegas, Kanye, Mueller

@00:08:08 world wikileaks twitter account this may
@00:08:16 wikileaks twitter account tweeted out

deleted Roundtable Discussion: SeethingFrog, Antischool, and Dustin Nemos - Trump Attack Phase has Begun

@00:06:09 ended up you know through twitter which
@00:24:14 twitter google and youtube and they
@00:26:34 twitter he was a nice guy other than in

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.30.18 - Q On Iran, Eu, Jordan. BTC Crash coming, Culture & Deep State updates

@00:06:45 the sobic mentioned on twitter and i
@00:15:31 news on twitter 26 reasons why moon
@00:18:44 and twitter and all cryptocurrency
@00:23:29 so r equals 18 1300 here is a twitter
@00:24:24 twitter department of defense here comes

deleted How to Predict the Imminent Bitcoin & Crypto Market Crash

@00:01:04 and the twitter bands on crypto

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.29.18 - Q Calls out Q Profiteers, Baby Alfie, Kanye's Culture War

@00:01:58 photo posted on twitter so this is a

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.28.18 - Trump Calls for Investigation into Clinton. Vegas, Syria, Cultural Shift

@00:08:19 to do get on social media twitter
@00:20:11 trump is pushing for example on twitter

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.26.18 - MOAB Still incoming. Sessions to end Mueller Probe, KANYE ON FIRE vs Dems

@00:02:43 to go through the liberal blue twitter
@00:06:32 go check out his twitter i think you
@00:06:42 follow trump's twitter and read between
@00:06:56 good at doing that with his twitter
@00:20:24 place would be to dm me on twitter seems
@00:29:19 you follow me on twitter guys you'll get
@00:36:57 so if you don't have a twitter you know
@00:36:59 i i'm all for getting off twitter and

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.25.18 - MOAB Revealed - Macron, Kanye West, Mccabe, FB, Comey, Dem New Strategy

@00:20:46 on twitter says walking you're new you
@00:31:37 watching his twitter you'll have seen
@00:35:44 do you see facebook twitter google
@00:41:46 that continuing saw this on twitter

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.22-23.18 - Culture Victory, Counterstrike Gains Momentum, Dems are losing it

@00:01:20 twitter he says gop lawmakers asking
@00:18:18 forgot today is earth day his twitter

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.21.18 - Banning Bible, Tons of Trump Counterpunch, Tons of Q

@00:03:54 little bit from twitter but that's it
@00:05:10 floating around twitter back in november

deleted Maga&Q Update 4.19.18 - Pelosi Screwed up, Giuliani Vs Mueller, Fake Memos, Q Q&A

@00:00:39 on twitter
@00:01:06 in his twitter mueller of course it does
@00:01:23 call him in action also be on twitter
@00:01:34 and very frequent poster on twitter

deleted Why do the MSM keep showing us Fake Video technology

@00:02:32 they said five minutes later on twitter
@00:11:51 like he's just copying trump's twitter
@00:11:53 trump is copying his twitter okay
@00:13:07 twitter calling out things and just

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.17.18 - Deep State planning FF to demonize Q / Taxes / Mccabe Vs Comey Vs Lynch

@00:35:31 on my twitter but there's so much

deleted Ill today (ugh) but check out my twitter feed for the important updates in the days Q/Maga

@00:00:17 for the day on my twitter feed so i'm
@00:00:31 through my twitter now there's a couple
@00:01:04 check out my twitter it's at nemo va you
@00:01:06 don't actually have to have a twitter to
@00:01:08 to read through much with twitter feed i
@00:01:14 still have an actual like twitter feed
@00:02:06 me know be sure to check out my twitter

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.15.18 - Syria Update, Comey, Lynch In trouble! Video Soon? (Or is it out now!?)

@00:04:54 on twitter
@00:08:38 looking at trump's twitter and i told
@00:13:07 twitter and and trump on twitter is a
@00:13:19 twitter and he he shifts to a new topic
@00:20:36 validating drops in via twitter / plan

deleted Frazzled.Rip HRC Video Drop Rumors - Nothing is CONFIRMED! Holding on Commitment.

@00:00:44 floating around twitter but that's not

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST 4.8.18

@00:08:44 twitter so the last possible thing that
@00:08:53 twitter right now so i don't think that
@00:20:05 twitter he always shifts the focus you
@00:20:10 trump's twitter you read between the
@00:31:06 mccabe lynch issue on twitter today he's

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.13.18 - WW3? Trump to hit Syria// Crypto Markets// Mccabe, Comey, sessions, RR, IG

@00:05:50 on her timeline with twitter
@00:23:29 youtube and twitter all basically banned

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.12.18 - Facebook, Syria, Deep State, Q&Trump calls for MEME Onslaught

@00:16:38 facebook ig think ray chandler twitter
@00:16:55 facebook as a honeypot twitter as a
@00:18:02 facebook instagram and twitter all used
@00:22:12 7:40 p.m. eastern twitter down injection
@00:22:16 good q lisa thinks twitter down
@00:22:21 injection good twitter was down briefly
@00:22:31 twitter with memes unhindered wow okay
@00:22:49 twitter is is open game they have d

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.11.18 - Facebook=Darpa's 'lifelog' project. Is World War 3 here?

@00:06:24 says on twitter quote russia vows to
@00:11:46 twitter
@00:18:51 the rounds on twitter and you know just
@00:18:57 on twitter i know it's annoying i hate
@00:18:58 twitter but if you're interested in just
@00:19:02 data go check out my twitter page even
@00:21:32 on to 11:31 please take my twitter that

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.10.18 - RR in Trouble, Trump Tower Fire cover for Raid on Trump Attny, Syria, China

@00:09:02 over it on twitter i mean basically just
@00:10:26 have the big tech google youtube twitter
@00:23:41 picture making the rounds on twitter it
@00:27:02 how they did with twitter you know they
@00:27:09 twitter and then twitter denied and
@00:27:25 twitter employees got caught under

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:09:00 twitter ceo loves this article about
@00:09:13 twitter because he summed up the article
@00:09:18 twitter liked and shared an article
@00:17:44 twitter thing ring i wanted to show you
@00:38:37 q links us to this twitter
@00:38:50 twitter
@00:40:28 has twitter broken up q thread from
@00:40:35 people are complaining about twitter
@00:41:48 twitter profile states he worked in the
@00:41:57 just linked us to his twitter and then
@00:42:08 non copied and posted his twitter bio

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.8.18 - Who wants to keep us in Syria? Not Assad + more Q, Ray Chandler

@00:30:17 trump trump on his twitter is making

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.7.18 - Trump & Q: "We will Win Soon." / Trade War, Vegas, Shadow War Casualties

@00:15:57 waging war with sean hannity in twitter
@00:16:55 twitter and stuff this is blowing up ray
@00:18:18 twitter people were sharing it this is
@00:21:50 twitter and he says no pg bought push
@00:27:03 on twitter and it goes widespread okay
@00:33:09 status on twitter says i'm also calling
@00:40:41 plus anything q clown's plush twitter

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.5.18 - Russia Teams up with China, Mccain to Step down, Iran Deal Nixed

@00:02:12 twitter for example you have to click
@00:02:26 button from all of my favorite twitter
@00:07:31 well after getting into a twitter spat
@00:07:59 it out there on twitter for everybody to
@00:27:58 asked at jack which is twitter to delay
@00:28:01 twitter maintenance to aid with iranian
@00:32:26 facebook and my twitter dms and i try to
@00:32:37 trying to check my twitter it's just
@00:32:39 every day i go on twitter and i've got

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.4.18 - Zuck to step down, Shooting Distractions, Mueller embattled with RR, Trade

@00:01:37 youtube google twitter the bad guys okay
@00:11:06 getting called out on twitter
@00:12:23 twitter people are saying before they

deleted Dustin Nemos on CBTS 24-7 Livestream, Q&A and Discussion

@00:04:05 shadow band across twitter and stuff too
@00:11:27 fake news bots on twitter things like no

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 4.3.18 - Swamp, Immigrants, FBI, Mueller, Qanon: Arrests Coming

@00:06:07 twitter as well some tweets that he had
@00:12:27 this is a quote from her twitter and i
@00:13:28 to go after kyle they've had a twitter
@00:13:34 list croakin twitter that the same guy
@00:31:42 twitter and google big problems that's
@00:31:50 amazon is in trouble twitter and google
@00:44:04 request full twitter archive and store
@00:44:13 twitter archive i didn't know you could

deleted Maga Update 4.1.18 - Trade War, Daca, Nafta held over Mexico, Cultural Victories

@00:11:04 the same thing when i see the twitter
@00:11:24 sharing anything on twitter you're a

deleted Rebutting American Intelligence Media's Anti-Q claims (False Premises)

@00:04:24 trump's twitter although i mean to be
@00:05:58 it q all caps on twitter and and when
@00:06:01 you put an image on twitter they they
@00:06:12 twitter feed called do it q which
@00:06:17 know-how to be or or control a twitter
@00:07:36 their their twitter feed things like
@00:08:32 video posted on trump's twitter of his
@00:19:48 know the twitter and the posts you know
@00:23:00 word games with trump's twitter
@00:37:35 address that okay well he has a twitter

deleted Maga Update 3.30.18 - Sessions: NO 2nd SC, Mccabe confirmed to have lied under oath multiple times

@00:07:35 trump tweets on his personal twitter
@00:07:48 would prevent twitter from censoring
@00:07:50 with trump on twitter i don't know
@00:08:05 good at twitter anyway so i don't

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.28.18 - UN, Assange, 2A, Q under attack psyop and hack attacks

@00:03:46 trump on twitter very interesting stuff
@00:03:59 on twitter well i found it on twitter i
@00:05:56 it was passing around on twitter which
@00:11:42 twitter coming soon google coming soon
@00:20:52 surfer on his twitter hmm
@00:38:35 worldwide twitter worldwide tracking
@00:40:37 facebook google amazon twitter
@00:51:12 would you spoof twitter into naming a

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.27.18 - Stormy Lied, Uranium1 Witness Ungagged, Guns, Pro HRC Sex Cult, Q psyop?

@00:10:40 twitter and he has put out and i'm gonna
@00:12:36 trickster control twitter accounts of

deleted Maga Update - 3.24.18 - Was the Omnibus a Trump Trojan Horse against Dems?

@00:17:08 gab on twitter on bitch shoot vimeo all

deleted Q@non Update - 3.23.18 - Was the Spending bill a 4d chess move? HRC video coming soon?

@00:04:38 twitter exactly this my fellow americans

deleted Maga Update 3.23.18 - Trump Signs Terrible Spending Bill, Vegas, FBI Corruption, China, and more

@00:02:08 on twitter to make a deal to help these

deleted Maga & Queue Updates 3.21-22.18 - Corruption, Tradewar, The Death of the Dollar begins on 26th

@00:03:27 facebook and twitter are all like just
@00:27:43 breakdown of this on twitter i'm gonna
@00:39:12 matter of time facebook twitter youtube

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:14:16 know of it's not like twitter constantly
@00:14:27 more where former and current twitter
@00:15:13 on their twitter including posting at
@00:28:33 twitter and he intentionally misspelled
@00:29:18 twitter it's called do it q and you can
@00:29:31 commonly known but twitter actually
@00:29:40 or whatever and you put it on twitter

deleted Maga Update 3.20.18 - More Terror, More Fake Narrative, Culture victories, More Mccabe Corruption

@00:03:52 active tweeters on the whole twitter
@00:05:50 censorship you know twitter facebook
@00:10:31 twitter that i mentioned and others

deleted Victurus Libertas Censorship Roundtable - Jordan Sather, Titus Frost, Dustin Nemos, and more

@00:06:33 channels on twitter a bit shootie tube
@00:11:24 facebook twitter and all the other
@00:25:34 with on twitter he said it must been
@00:40:06 social media is twitter facebook i have

deleted channel Intro

@00:02:31 twitter and very nifty tool because i
@00:02:33 post a lot of things on twitter that i
@00:03:51 my facebook and twitter but there's a
@00:03:59 facebook and twitter they're the real
@00:04:14 facebook and twitter

deleted Qanon Update 3.17.18 - Flynn, Biden, Congressional Focus, USMC ACTIVATED BOOM!

@00:02:50 twitter bots lead to google operated not
@00:04:39 of the people on twitter you know
@00:05:09 twitter to try to create the illusion of
@00:05:39 for twitter these bots are slightly
@00:06:04 but the bots we created go to twitter go
@00:06:08 into twitter conversations and push a
@00:06:43 from twitter we accuse russia of doing
@00:07:04 the sec we are fabricating twitter users
@00:07:30 campaign twitter even messaged out like

deleted Maga Update 3.17.18 - Mccabe Fired, Russia catches US training syrian chemical false flaggers

@00:02:32 and it's all over twitter with many of
@00:18:21 things on twitter they're dropping hints

deleted Qanon Update 3.16.18 - We have the Sub, Boom! 1000 pieces - Iran Next

@00:22:33 youtube message or on twitter direct

deleted Maga Update 3.15.18 - Mccabe to be fired & Charged, cold war 2.0, Mueller's "Fixer", Vegas Update

@00:08:59 on pacific actually said on twitter that
@00:09:11 actually said on twitter that he is
@00:09:30 twitter because he's got pretty good

deleted Maga Update 3.14.18 - Deep state war continues, CIA makes a move, Terrorism update

@00:03:16 some people on twitter kind of mentioned
@00:04:23 his twitter and i wanted to mention that

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST

@00:18:13 of satan on twitter and a big deal right
@00:33:13 going around youtube and twitter and
@00:41:45 twitter stuff going on where she showing
@00:42:15 twitter but the links are in the
@00:50:56 youtube message twitter message facebook

deleted Video too hot for Youtube - See it HERE!

@00:01:03 begging for a job on her own twitter so

deleted New Qanon video CENSORED! Here we go again - Link to it BELOW

@00:02:32 something something ridiculous twitter

deleted Qanon Update 3.10.18 - Merkel=Hitlers Daughter, Marina/Podesta Spirit Cooking Mentions, Antifa

@00:00:25 i'm going to go to crowley's twitter as
@00:03:06 snowden twitter re c 24 d bravo - 2 g kv
@00:03:46 twitter and he did public view active
@00:03:50 today on twitter his tweet he's missing
@00:04:04 so there's q saying that twitter and
@00:04:44 jarring i guess is his twitter handle
@00:05:08 respond on twitter which he did i'm
@00:05:33 hours to respond snowden 24 twitter a b
@00:23:33 24 twitter requirement public view you
@00:24:04 respond via twitter within 24 hours and
@00:38:02 alongside list croakin on twitter when

deleted Maga Update 3.9.18 - Dems want tax HIKES, Sheriff's Corruption

@00:05:09 from his twitter feed where people have

deleted Qanon Update 3.9.18 - Censorship nearly over @Jack going to Jail - "Don't drop the soap"

@00:01:28 twitter will soon be able to apply for a
@00:01:40 twitter executives revealed the process
@00:02:36 trump's twitter they did something they
@00:06:30 crowley's twitter it may i don't think
@00:07:51 discusses changes coming to twitter q

deleted Qanon Update 3.8.18 - Trump Already Met with Kim, @Snowden We can take you anytime

@00:15:15 you pay attention to trump's twitter
@00:23:58 twitter means unless it means snowden
@00:24:02 twitter censorship code has 24 hours to
@00:24:16 says at snowden 24 twitter a b a slash b

deleted Maga Update 3.8.18 - Developments, Nk, Weinstein, Mccain, Sessions, Culture, Climate Change

@00:02:13 twitter youtube primarily but also
@00:04:30 you're on twitter this is a big deal
@00:05:47 and like say that on twitter that'd be

deleted Qanon Update 3.7.18 - Snowden, #Internetbillofrights

@00:01:14 please go to my twitter and find that
@00:04:49 his twitter was more powerful than the

deleted Maga Update 3.7.18 - Major advances against Daca, Florida Updates, attempted bombing at highschool

@00:13:49 ted cruz kind of grilling twitter in

deleted Maga Update 3 6 18 Daca Victory, North Korea Backs Down, Satanists want ABORTIONS

@00:02:30 what happens he's been all over twitter

deleted Qanon Update 3.6.18 - Steel, HRC XXXVIDEO (pedogate), North Korea Backs Down

@00:00:40 saw it on twitter and i thought it was
@00:02:48 others on twitter you know and there was
@00:02:50 a huge twitter argument she was putting
@00:26:21 twitter pretty hard coby still admits
@00:30:53 then he says google facebook twitter are
@00:31:09 facebook and twitter are not yet

deleted Maga+Q Updates 3.5.18 - BOOM, Failed Oscars, Desperate Dems, Communism Advances

@00:16:23 twitter including myself as you may or
@00:19:44 twitter okay so being a survivor doesn't

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives (better copy)

@00:32:59 google youtube facebook twitter russia
@00:44:42 do you trust twitter a narrative

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives

@00:32:59 google youtube facebook twitter russia
@00:44:42 twitter a narrative censorship do not

deleted Maga Update 3.(2-3).18 China, Russia, Censorship, Guns, Sessions, More Kids with Guns

@00:39:32 colton hob has his twitter account
@00:39:47 twitter account james davis the michigan
@00:39:52 a democrat his twitter is full of anti

deleted 3.2.18 Has Trump Betrayed his base on the 2nd Amendment?

@00:28:52 that he's talking about with his twitter
@00:29:25 narrative with his twitter but notice

deleted National Security Action - State Funded Propaganda outlet of corrupt deep state players

@00:03:38 know we all know him for twitter but
@00:04:27 that's jack dorsey of twitter he was
@00:04:40 have seen many people on twitter being
@00:04:48 the messages in my own twitter inbox
@00:04:57 of their followers on twitter you know

deleted Maga Update 2.28.18b - TRUMP SHADOWBANNED! And going sideways on GUNRIGHTS!

@00:03:51 know we all know him for twitter but
@00:04:40 that's jack dorsey of twitter he was
@00:04:55 people on twitter being suspended or or
@00:05:02 my own twitter inbox have little locks
@00:05:11 twitter you know and youtube influencers

deleted Maga Update 2.28.18 - Youtube backtracks on bans, Dems rethink anti gun 2018 platform

@00:02:04 hacked into twitter and reopen the
@00:11:37 it on mullen huge twitter page it was
@00:13:46 that's going around twitter pretty

deleted Maga Update 2.27.18 - 2018 platform: Vote for Dems or you hate Children

@00:06:08 dug into low she's twitter history and
@00:25:58 themselves at twitter and facebook have
@00:43:40 kind of like twitter but free speech ii
@00:43:50 if if youtube and twitter and facebook

deleted Why Discord Chat is awesome. (Ignore the naysayers)

@00:08:44 pinned to my twitter so if you want to
@00:08:47 go to twitter and just look at all my
@00:10:02 better option than twitter or facebook

deleted Dustin Nemos and Antischool Isaac Green Discuss the state of affairs POST Ban

@00:01:52 on these platforms so i have twitter
@00:02:19 youtube twitter google gofundme facebook
@00:07:08 twitter of air youtube and really all
@00:07:20 twitter you know and here's the argument
@00:28:55 like quitting twitter kind of rage
@00:28:57 quitting twitter i don't even know man i
@00:29:03 i can't believe twitter allows all these

deleted Maga Update 2.26.18 - Massive Theat To Free Speech, Supreme Court rejects Trump's request on DACA

@00:00:49 the twitter robot purge whatever calling
@00:00:58 percentages of their their twitter
@00:04:29 with youtube and twitter and facebook
@00:04:57 twitter and - and and facebook as well
@00:12:58 under the first amendment twitter users

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST

@00:08:38 it's probably gonna happen on twitter
@00:08:55 twitter from someone else and i did i i
@00:32:13 my twitter actually my twitter profile
@00:33:05 my twitter is at nemo v-8 gab is the
@00:33:15 really both because twitter we can still
@00:33:22 area and that's what youtube and twitter

deleted Qanon & Maga Updates 2.25.18 - Trump hits 50% Approval, Prager U vs Google, Fisa Abuse Breakdown+

@00:08:45 in his twitter
@00:11:50 twitter as his dissemination to reach
@00:14:02 twitter and youtube all at once you know

deleted Qanon Update 2.24.18 Stanislav Lunev. "The BRIDGE"

@00:00:52 on twitter if you like and she does some
@00:17:06 twitter that was uh that was pretty
@00:17:12 already on twitter anyway let me show

deleted Maga Update 2.24.18 - CNN ignores survivors, Dem Memo is full of lies

@00:01:59 free speech alternative to twitter if

deleted Qanon with Antischool 2.12-13.18 - Big Pharma 'white powder' to Trump JR, Nk Nuclear Neutered

@00:00:12 twitter was under attack and i hadn't
@00:30:13 someone's asking about be on twitter oh
@00:32:20 about first is his twitter account b um
@00:32:23 she was prominent on twitter had about
@00:33:06 with twitter
@00:33:24 whole twitter was going completely yeah
@00:33:37 twitter twitter accounts that you go to
@00:34:21 twitter you know it's hard to say who
@00:35:04 that hard to hack the twitter right
@00:35:06 folks i mean this is a twitter account

deleted The Evidence Qanon is REAL! and Working directly with TRUMP!

@00:02:15 on twitter file name do it q now it's
@00:02:55 on twitter is very telling now they
@00:03:00 but as i understand it twitter has an
@00:03:08 upload an image to twitter and someone
@00:03:31 change the image and then trick twitter
@00:03:34 the automatic parts of twitter the
@00:12:47 guy has access to potus s twitter
@00:15:08 list croakin video on their twitter
@00:15:18 people could still go to their twitter
@00:17:47 video posted on trump's twitter of his
@00:18:05 posted i just went to his twitter and
@00:19:42 duet q picture name and health twitter
@00:25:58 extracted two guys on twitter uncover
@00:28:32 connections between trump's twitter and
@00:41:02 all right potus twitter takedown
@00:41:04 prediction remember that twitter
@00:41:22 twitter etc and/or mass censoring sealed
@00:41:58 reacts to his twitter being taken down
@00:42:05 twitter account was taken down for 11
@00:42:13 folks twitter is important i hate to say
@00:43:33 outlets potus is twitter taking down was
@00:44:13 the twitter and other social media

deleted Maga Update 2.23.18 - Thing's are speeding up, Lots of points

@00:15:14 over at twitter things are things are
@00:19:20 twitter find my mailchimp account
@00:19:50 now they can take me off twitter they

deleted CENSORED: Youtube Bans me, Gofundme Bans me, New York Times Comes after me, And what we can do

@00:01:50 matter of time until twitter and
@00:05:35 twitter and facebook and has promised to
@00:11:51 guys twitter and then talk about isaac
@00:14:07 their platforms facebook twitter and
@00:15:17 jack dorsey over at twitter can't sleep

deleted Qanon Update 2.22.18 - Trump Signals us, Q confirms. They are stepping up timetable vs Twitter

@00:02:18 dorsey and twitter and youtubers are
@00:07:06 and then crowley's twitter feed as well
@00:09:25 twitter lost followers and were locked
@00:09:51 looked at my twitter followers but i'm
@00:09:59 just twitter it was on youtube as well i
@00:10:17 issue they have they have twitter jack
@00:12:01 movie deep dream is twitter clowns use
@00:12:05 twitter for mass surveillance and
@00:23:58 against twitter and youtube and facebook

deleted Deleted video

@00:43:21 and twitter and facebook i think all
@00:58:01 going around especially on twitter there
@00:58:12 twitter url name but if you they're

deleted Deleted video

@00:00:57 twitter and facebook in a few places if
@00:21:38 there's a twitter status link millions
@00:25:05 a twitter status 35:26 and where we go
@00:47:36 been recently more active on twitter and

deleted Deleted video

@00:00:38 alright see twitter facebook if you guys
@00:03:05 and on twitter for it when i asked
@00:04:21 her name is on twitter and i

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@00:01:09 sharing on twitter oh no my frost child

deleted Deleted video

@00:01:10 i just i was dropping in like twitter
@00:02:08 my twitter yeah if you guys don't mind
@00:02:09 share it on your twitter and stuff that
@00:12:01 with president trump on twitter where
@00:13:33 it but i'll post on twitter when i can
@00:20:17 spy from twitter i know everybody says

deleted Deleted video

@00:07:17 on twitter and we've discussed this so i
@00:13:01 twitter up base that's a big deal and
@00:13:47 so far and the post on twitter so i'm

deleted Deleted video

@00:16:23 there on twitter and you're in the

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@00:25:42 clinton body-count trend on twitter i

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@00:11:39 with credit cards i am on twitter yes
@00:11:44 dustin nemo's on twitter now if i miss
@00:50:05 you can reach me there also on twitter

deleted Deleted video

@00:02:46 twitter and everyone else it's bad yeah
@00:08:59 on twitter i don't know if that's like

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@00:02:17 some of the the messages on twitter kind
@00:02:20 are you know being nice to me on twitter
@00:02:22 or being mean to me on twitter or
@00:17:51 i'm gonna switch back over to twitter
@00:17:52 real fast i've got so many twitter
@00:24:07 reported a ton on twitter it's so tough
@00:24:53 twitter

deleted Deleted video

@00:25:04 twitter all of them you could win thank

deleted Deleted video

@00:06:33 burning calm on twitter so if for those
@00:12:03 twitter as a example and they tried to
@00:18:56 he's all over twitter bragging about it
@00:35:51 and twitter they're too big they're too
@00:37:19 no instagram facebook twitter all other

deleted Deleted video

@00:03:23 little bit of stolen twitter time here
@00:35:27 tweeted at me on twitter they definitely

deleted Deleted video

@00:25:04 him being banned from twitter either i
@00:41:52 the white hat on twitter and stuff and

deleted Deleted video

@00:01:33 couple of links on facebook and twitter
@00:10:10 39:35 we have a twitter message
@00:10:46 then in germany another twitter message
@00:12:15 she's really good at this on twitter q
@00:13:20 i saw this one on twitter already this
@00:20:58 posts and on twitter so i have to you
@00:38:20 a lots of twitter bots out there i don't
@00:46:05 check that out on twitter things like

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:51 twitter

deleted Deleted video

@00:00:28 think he's back on twitter which is
@00:00:32 to check his twitter
@00:06:37 his twitter and get back to his messages
@00:41:51 twitter it is wonderful to see that he

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@00:17:00 trump bails on twitter and goes to gap
@00:24:36 then pessoa is all over twitter talking

deleted Deleted video

@00:34:41 his messages through twitter that is the
@00:39:13 twitter which is kind of kind of cool
@00:46:54 puts out really good twitter thread you

deleted Deleted video

@00:03:17 every time 33 69 we have a twitter
@00:18:38 nassif it looks like a twitter post he
@00:18:43 twitter so it's probably from twitter

deleted Deleted video

@00:00:28 twitter and social media and all that
@00:02:46 big tech like twitter and facebook that

deleted Deleted video

@00:03:49 and my twitter and gab
@00:07:51 and he can't even go to a twitter
@00:12:21 and everything just all over the twitter
@00:43:01 twitter too much ladies because he's
@00:43:08 twitter every tweet he puts out has a
@00:44:38 seeing it on his twitter constantly and

deleted Deleted video

@00:09:04 twitter and he blocked me to be fair i
@00:38:20 real space force twitter account there's

deleted Deleted video

@00:01:01 my link on twitter here and i saw it
@00:03:18 i posted it on twitter and on his

deleted Deleted video

@00:12:56 active on twitter
@00:23:39 hard on mueller on twitter lately he may
@00:33:06 here cheering on progress on twitter and
@00:33:13 if you don't know my twitter you can
@00:33:20 i've got my little twitter icon yeah
@00:36:11 that's me becky on twitter
@00:44:56 gab de tube and youtube twitter facebook
@00:46:03 check every day ferguson on on twitter

deleted Deleted video

@00:17:07 twitter it's interesting to watch i've
@00:17:11 incitement of violence on twitter but
@00:17:49 twitter to go ahead and label what the

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@00:02:59 share this on twitter share this on
@00:32:52 around on twitter that shows a jabbar's
@00:33:33 around twitter i'll see it for sure i

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@00:13:19 to youtube or going to twitter and
@00:41:44 sara ashcroft on on twitter for a long

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@00:17:06 i mentioned lawsuit on twitter within 30
@00:18:33 talking about suing big twitter or big
@00:18:36 tech on twitter i'm a little bit nervous
@00:22:46 i don't know who nunez is twitter while
@00:31:21 facebook twitter all those and also it

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@00:04:28 link on twitter didn't i think somebody
@00:14:57 what were you talking about on twitter

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:52 around twitter and mass message everyone
@00:19:45 who are following q if you go to twitter
@00:19:52 unshadowed banned on twitter okay the
@00:50:22 that if trump were to leave twitter i
@00:50:24 would destroy twitter if he were to go

deleted Deleted video

@00:00:34 shadow banned on twitter right now as we
@00:01:39 people are telling me on twitter right
@00:01:48 if you're on twitter tweet at par scale
@00:02:33 president trump on twitter that's a bad
@00:04:03 a desperation fear move by twitter so
@00:04:31 audience doesn't even use twitter but if
@00:04:32 you are on twitter please tweet
@00:04:37 twitter account it's just at par scale
@00:04:49 twitter
@00:05:09 on twitter and i can still see them in
@00:05:57 are big names involved and twitter you
@00:06:28 trump on twitter actively and you know
@00:08:36 which is his twitter handle at real
@00:09:06 trumping being shadow band on twitter
@00:10:05 on your twitter page if you want make it
@00:11:33 to him on twitter or something or email
@00:12:26 mean i put it on facebook twitter my
@00:13:06 twitter about this guys i'm not gonna
@00:14:20 twitter and just type anything at real
@00:15:28 banned on twitter oh we we have some i
@00:15:49 vandal and twitter in a very insidious
@00:16:24 think it's a sign of fear from twitter
@00:18:32 going to check twitter and see if anyone
@00:18:51 president trump's twitter feed is it
@00:19:43 see the new tweets for days on twitter
@00:19:50 responses on twitter and almost all of
@00:20:45 media get it out to facebook twitter
@00:22:24 you check your following your twitter
@00:22:47 twitter and trying to like get the
@00:24:46 shadow banning our president on twitter
@00:24:57 i know it's just twitter but this this
@00:26:08 your twitter accounts if you have one
@00:28:03 let me recheck twitter i'll be back
@00:29:40 twitter works you have to it's always
@00:30:31 being twitter banned or shadow banned on
@00:30:34 twitter about 70 or 80 and i'm
@00:30:55 something to change his twitter page
@00:32:28 twitter has messed with our president
@00:33:29 know that's not how twitter works no one
@00:35:49 shadow bandol and twitter many people
@00:36:20 which is real donald trump on twitter
@00:36:24 who don't know about twitter yet and you
@00:36:29 on twitter your profile and you can see
@00:36:39 twitter handle my post won't go up as
@00:36:50 going on on twitter actively right now
@00:39:09 to undo what twitter just did starting
@00:42:07 i wouldn't buy twitter stock eyes open
@00:43:38 right now on twitter i don't know how
@00:45:43 leader is not being censored on twitter
@00:46:28 even realized he's back yet on twitter
@00:46:57 banned on twitter right now as we speak
@00:47:28 to find them is in your your twitter
@00:48:02 twitter page and tweet at president

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@00:02:18 to my twitter and facebook and my gab
@00:14:57 have another twitter account called pab
@00:15:44 twitter every day it's it's a lot so now
@00:18:10 have my vimeo i have gap i have twitter
@00:51:07 her floating on twitter earlier with

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@00:08:05 talking about and i did a twitter poll i
@00:08:07 please if you have twitter go go to the
@00:47:40 twitter because that was tricky to do
@00:47:45 it q on twitter when twitter randomizes
@00:47:49 picture up on twitter it doesn't come
@00:48:00 twitter randomizes it ass so how did

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@00:06:05 at it on twitter but i'm building
@00:34:35 of it you know twitter google youtube

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@00:01:09 gab and twitter and stuff so people know

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@00:00:22 link on twitter facebook and stuff like
@00:00:31 twitter alright be with you guys just a
@00:00:43 something interesting on twitter we

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@00:42:00 youtube and facebook or twitter by

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@00:25:16 was arguing with people on twitter as
@00:29:55 and twitter accounts and original images
@01:01:17 facebook and twitter rick yeah do gavin
@01:01:25 facebook and twitter in very pro free

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@00:01:00 drop the links on facebook twitter

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@00:02:43 and the queue movement on twitter and i
@00:02:53 shared on twitter as needed but i
@00:29:54 unlisted so that people on twitter could
@00:30:50 that people on twitter taking him up
@00:30:59 followers on twitter they're just fake
@00:31:04 engage with him on twitter he'll block
@00:31:26 cue are blocking him on twitter as well
@00:34:49 twitter big deal
@00:34:53 on twitter anybody who says nice things

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@00:07:36 my messages on twitter
@00:10:46 on twitter comments between sort of a
@00:17:10 counts are ordered you know on twitter

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@00:20:17 twitter and he seems fine i'm sure at
@00:31:11 twitter but at the same point i've also

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@00:00:18 facebook or twitter just because
@00:00:29 do my twitter real fast make sure that

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@00:38:37 backyard brawl on twitter has to do with
@00:46:15 what if we on twitter especially those
@00:57:44 get the notes on cue get the twitter

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@00:00:29 twitter in youtube where it doesn't
@00:00:33 twitter when you do your videos on

deleted Deleted video

@00:00:27 censorship okay sharing on twitter
@00:32:36 facebook and youtube and twitter if

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@00:09:14 twitter and from the apple store and
@00:15:53 breakdown on that on twitter and he
@00:23:04 the same time where twitter supposedly
@00:23:26 twitter supposedly lifted the shadow ban
@00:23:52 twitter if you look at the shadow band
@00:30:30 twitter just now you know i haven't seen
@00:31:34 twitter for that no
@00:33:14 on my twitter or the top you know and
@00:34:17 lost thirty five thousand of his twitter
@00:34:34 400,000 twitter subscribers when i

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@00:48:25 or twitter person

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@00:16:57 refer to something i put out on twitter

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@00:07:51 or just on twitter if we work together
@00:41:34 twitter or whoever it was that decided
@00:41:38 lawsuits on twitter just kind of

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@00:42:36 kissing people's ass on twitter i mean
@00:58:32 according to his twitter account but he

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@00:09:02 was like banned from twitter or
@00:27:04 telling you twitter stays busy as
@00:27:08 twitter stay so busy it's nonstop flow
@00:27:15 twitter i try to do it every day and go
@00:33:24 all stops and they're you know twitter

deleted Deleted video

@00:01:09 on twitter casey that is a big help it
@00:46:52 him out on twitter i mean lynwood was
@00:46:54 calling him out on twitter they're all

deleted Deleted video

@00:21:06 twitter that's it in this picture and
@00:38:01 speeches and sometimes on twitter for
@00:43:41 attorney was talking to him on twitter
@00:44:13 actually had to call him out on twitter

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@00:00:28 share on facebook and twitter and all
@00:00:40 being shaved and d boosted on twitter of
@00:01:13 post and twitter all right i think we're
@00:01:47 those who are not on twitter is missing
@00:05:10 twitter and facebook and stuff while
@00:26:15 twitter as well that is not about alex
@00:39:08 twitter guy i can't remember his name
@00:39:10 but his twitter social media expert i
@00:39:24 that runs the twitter would have some

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@00:28:18 crazy stuff like for example twitter
@00:30:00 actually shared the receipt on twitter

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@00:02:47 twitter a lot i have recently put up a
@00:09:23 speech event which if you're on twitter
@00:09:27 name on twitter is just dustin emos
@00:18:33 twitter they say something stupid like
@00:37:00 with some of them on twitter and that

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@00:17:17 find the tweeter the twitter message
@00:17:27 but watch trump's twitter you would

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@00:09:20 someone on twitter called at arrests
@00:09:54 leaked out so 3358 now we have a twitter

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@00:09:52 to follow him back on twitter which is
@00:10:03 and i don't do that on twitter because i
@00:23:36 know facebook twitter youtube google
@00:27:15 them that are now coming out on twitter
@00:36:19 on just twitter i had to block a lot of

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@00:05:16 don't want it like bill maher my twitter
@00:07:33 do on twitter to increase your ability
@00:28:34 turn off on twitter to be able to see

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@00:07:19 twitter or something ricky i you know a

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@00:00:45 let's see share it on twitter
@00:44:50 it on twitter earlier my algorithm

deleted Private video

@00:08:08 and people on twitter start trending

deleted Private video

@00:16:38 so he's been very active on twitter

deleted Private video

@00:01:54 on twitter for years now to us and in

deleted Private video

@00:17:48 or his own twitter which he's usually

deleted Private video

@00:09:25 twitter which is one of many

deleted Private video

@00:00:40 twitter facebook and it's happening

deleted Private video

@00:03:11 in his uh twitter background until i
@00:18:48 i try to check stuff on twitter here we

deleted Private video

@00:04:02 with a twitter blue check mark and
@00:04:12 he's damn popular on twitter for a local
@00:04:15 trooper uh he has more twitter followers
@00:04:22 uh and banned from twitter now so he

deleted Private video

@00:07:01 4646 twitter let's see what they have to
@00:25:54 facebook twitter using darpa provided
@00:33:17 twitter this is why i want to have a
@00:36:38 here is uh at jack on twitter saying
@00:37:34 citizen twitter instagram so of course

deleted Private video

@00:01:39 twitter completely to stop cue on this
@00:15:14 twitter facebook and google control what
@00:15:26 check marks on twitter swarm to enforce

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@00:06:38 twitter