Deep state

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:33:07 this is beyond the deep state
@00:44:35 elo talk says do you think deep state

deleted Are the Hosts behind AMP American/Priority AMP/Fest Censoring Q Patriots on FAKE MAGA Orders?

@00:18:36 uh deep state swamp creatures like jack

deleted More '17' - The People Know, It's nearly time

@00:02:03 deep state
@00:10:54 deep state alert trying to take over for
@00:11:01 once again the deep state moves to
@00:13:34 remember the deep church folks it's just
@00:13:36 like the deep state

deleted Q Panic in DC, Follow the Money - Follow the Family Connections

@00:00:16 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:00:48 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:53 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:05:34 where the deep state players could log
@00:13:27 deep state swamp intelligence agencies

deleted Q - Almost Time - Judgement Day

@00:04:34 deep state attacks on your health

deleted Kent Heckenlively & Dustin Nemos on the Fallout from Plague of Corruption & Plandemic

@00:24:48 against the deep state which has many
@00:30:33 fight against the deep state

deleted Dr. Andrew Wakefield on The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Lie, Covid19 & Will Trump Mandate Vaccines?

@00:36:42 deep state
@00:37:17 presidency aside that the deep state

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:20:39 we are way ahead of the deep state plan
@00:27:48 event that the deep state will try well
@00:28:01 the deep state so a false event at a
@00:29:07 the democrat party in the deep state

deleted I'm gone for a few days and all hell breaks loose Let's dive in to the recent Rioting Across the US

@00:01:11 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:13 state attacks on your health

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:05:25 banner is common practice for the deep
@00:05:27 state
@00:09:29 in the deep state and those behind child
@00:09:54 so a clown is a nickname for like a deep
@00:09:57 state agent at this point
@00:11:54 deep state
@00:21:20 are deep state cronies
@00:23:57 deep state trump
@00:31:38 most likely and he's deep state and i
@00:32:24 a lot of attention to the the deep state
@00:32:31 in general deep state stuff
@00:40:35 okay he's playing 40 chess with the deep
@00:40:37 state he's boosting the economy while

deleted Terrorism, Subversion, Propaganda, Economic War & More! Never a dull moment in 2020.

@00:00:45 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:47 state attacks on your health
@00:05:16 that are in the deep state i should add

deleted Dustin Nemos on Truth Warrior Show: QAnon - An Invitation to Skeptics & An Overview of the Movement

@00:14:53 and the doj in the deep state so he gets
@00:15:20 people around the deep state that's
@00:35:10 we're doing to the deep state
@00:37:16 deep state and they're as powerful as we
@00:37:22 since we know that the deep state is

deleted Pete Santilli & Dustin Nemos - What Can be Done to Help Win 2020

@00:30:38 the deep state wants the super state

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:03:54 and the deep state is panicking

deleted President Trump & Military Distribution of Vaccines. Force, or Transparency?

@00:06:48 trump and the patriots versus the deep
@00:06:49 state

deleted Executive Order Bypassing Dem Block on Covid Relief, Gold Will End the Fed Don't Miss out!

@00:07:37 deep state system and it really does

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:24:29 deep state
@00:24:46 deep state shenanigans and and cia kind
@00:25:35 and what the deep state is doing and
@00:30:00 a deep state um satanic cabalist now

deleted Vicious Assault By Enemies On All That Is Good, Checkpoints in NYC

@00:00:35 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:01:08 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:12 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:05:04 and deep state democrat party alliance

deleted End of the World Dem Hoax Falling Apart, Fauci Called Out by Bobby Kennedy, Assassin Targets Judge

@00:01:12 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:15 state attacks on your health

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:21:14 there is a deep state in israel as well
@00:21:26 deep state cia kind of intelligence
@00:21:56 jews are not the problem the deep state
@00:28:38 state telling maria bartiromo that china
@00:28:43 they're attempting deep influence

deleted Q Breaks Down What C19 is REALLY About!!! and Maxwell's Documents UnRedacts Itself.. Bill Clinton!!!

@00:14:50 and the deep state multiple times
@00:17:39 only hired deep state swamp rats of
@00:32:08 the deep state had their plans and q has


@00:00:19 treason for the deep state criminals new
@00:03:17 even though the deep state is trying to
@00:11:40 i believe killed by the deep state

deleted Compromised Supreme Court? The Battle for the Internet Heats Up over Censorship. Big Tech GRILLED!

@00:01:12 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:15 state attacks on your health
@00:14:26 know and i say we meaning our deep state

deleted Big Pharma Takes a Hit, HCQ V The Censorship

@00:00:09 the deep state but also
@00:00:48 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:20 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:24 the deep state has its secrets i have

deleted Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg Receives Criminal Referral from Matt Gaetz & More!!

@00:17:03 operators never divulge and the deep
@00:17:06 state wants q
@00:24:16 what he is is potentially a deep state

deleted 7-25-2020 - Aliens, Gold, Federal Crackdown on Riots, Mystery Chinese Seeds Mass Mailed to USA

@00:00:24 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:00:56 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:00 the deep state has its secrets i have

deleted 7-24-2020 - Plots to Assassinate our Economy, Republic, & President Spy Arrested, New Q

@00:00:57 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:59 state attacks on your health
@00:01:20 of the deep state it's not a psyop he's
@00:01:27 know deeply offend the deep state now
@00:02:51 whopper of a offensive thing to the deep
@00:02:55 state
@00:09:38 to being the deep state i mean that's
@00:10:51 deep state
@00:13:58 or the deep state you know they they're
@00:19:34 and the deep state and personally
@00:20:52 the deep state does the leak leak leak

deleted Q Responds to Twitter's Purge. Jordan Demands Indictments in Obamagate

@00:00:28 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:01:01 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:05 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:06:42 to multiple arrests of deep state

deleted Big Tech Moves to Ban All Q - The Storm is Upon Us

@00:14:51 to the deep state pedophilia among the
@00:15:35 breaking the password you know the deep
@00:15:37 state

deleted Gold Will End the Fed, New Executive Order & More from the Silent War

@00:00:51 war against the deep state
@00:03:35 we've seen a number of uh deep state
@00:09:07 the deep state

deleted Q Hints It's Time for Arrests. Meadows States It's Time for Jail

@00:00:17 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:00:50 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:54 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:10:28 sally yates deep state fbi okay
@00:27:54 is scary to the deep state and to the

deleted The Silent War Spills Onto the Streets of Portland. More Q!

@00:00:13 the deep state
@00:21:19 whole fight against the deep state
@00:21:55 uh a solution to the deep state
@00:29:22 essentially the deep state is panicking

deleted Q 7.17.20 - Warns of Final Cyber Attack, COVIDHOAX Falling Apart like Fake News

@00:00:48 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:50 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 7.12.20 - The Silent War Continues - Moves & Countermoves

@00:00:50 lot of panic in the deep state and all
@00:04:57 with our own deep state and at the same
@00:08:51 the cdc is part of the deep state they

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:06:56 the deep state and you know heartless
@00:40:55 pacific jack pacific is a deep state

deleted POTUS DACA Executive Order, Arrests Coming SOON: Solomon

@00:00:11 between president trump and the deep
@00:00:12 state now that war continues there's a
@00:06:59 out just to see how much power the deep
@00:07:02 state still has in terms of the judicial
@00:07:15 starting to see the power of the deep
@00:07:18 state in the in the ability to railroad
@00:12:07 frankly if the deep state were
@00:18:56 deep state plant as some people like to

deleted 7.9.20 - Prince Andrew Sweating Pedo Secret Tape. Presidential Harassment Heats Up

@00:00:50 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:22 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:24 improve your complexion the deep state
@00:04:10 and he sees that the deep state is
@00:17:13 embedded system deep state that doesn't

deleted Dominoes are Falling. Powerful Pedophiles are Panicking. US Exits WHO!

@00:00:04 deep state is panicking now i'm gonna
@00:08:03 the deep state is so deep that people
@00:09:40 area for example deep state arrests and
@00:09:57 one the deep state wants us to be having
@00:14:24 because the the deep state swamp
@00:20:07 actually a problem of a corrupt deep
@00:20:09 state swamp in a culture of that that's

deleted Flynn Is IN! Flynn Family says WWG1WGA. Fake News Refuses to ASK THE QUESTION! Great Awakening!!!

@00:01:12 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:42 about looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:47 complexion the deep state has its
@00:11:51 come out swinging against the deep state

deleted General Flynn Opines. WAKE UP AMERICA! - AND MORE Q! China Smuggles Weapons to BLM & Antifa?

@00:00:28 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:00 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:03 improve your complexion the deep state
@00:03:43 against at the same time the deep state
@00:06:01 the deep state has no loyalty for you if
@00:12:13 thing i am that the deep state is
@00:16:14 the deep church fight verses that you
@00:16:16 know the deep state fight that we're in
@00:16:22 deep church as well exposing the
@00:31:43 leading the deep state psychopaths rise
@00:31:51 actually in in the deep state trying to

deleted New Q. BLM v BLM, Hateful Fake News Divide & Conquer. Study: 1/4000 get C19. 1/1,000,000 Die !?!?!

@00:01:10 the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:41 mirror plus it deep cleans and destroys
@00:01:44 acne to improve your complexion the deep
@00:01:47 state has its secrets i have mine try
@00:10:08 keep seeing with the deep state leaks to
@00:30:47 if not coined it but the deep church is
@00:30:50 the deep state of the catholic church
@00:34:02 embodies the goals of the deep state and
@00:35:29 fighting from the deep state and at the
@00:36:37 is a deep state there is also a deep
@00:37:17 deep state which you eisley oppose and
@00:43:36 deep state q is feared and attacked by

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:07:56 is actually against deep state and q

deleted Starting An Online Business - The "Patriot Business Networking" Group on Facebook.

@00:02:37 coronavirus and what the crazy deep
@00:02:40 state is trying to do to destroy our

deleted When will the arrests happen? They’ve begun.

@00:01:25 what's going on with the deep state we
@00:01:30 deep state right after that rosenstein
@00:02:23 dawn okay that the deep state is

deleted Masks, tests, vaccine - spreading the virus

@00:02:50 the democratic deep state their crimes

deleted Dem Fixer Gets 10years for Child Trafficking. China Sanctioned. Antifa & Censorship JUSTICE, & QAnon

@00:01:03 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:06 state attacks on your health
@00:01:12 up speak up frankly if i was the deep
@00:01:17 state i would start worrying about now i
@00:03:53 graham is of course a rino a deep state
@00:08:17 overthrow the deep state and win back

deleted QAnon - "Saving Israel For Last" & QAnon's Position on Jews

@00:07:00 and the mossad is basically the deep
@00:07:02 state of israel it's the cia of israel
@00:12:31 the war against the deep state q is

deleted Facebook Whistleblower Zach McElroy Discusses Insiders, Whistleblowers, and Censorship w/ Nemos News

@00:09:42 leaders the deep state versus the people


@00:01:11 deep state and these swamp generals as

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:35:31 deep state none of that

deleted 6.24.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Chris Jacobson - Introducing Q Con Live - Gold Moves

@00:08:36 from within the deep state the shadow
@00:09:51 is on the siege the deep state the
@00:10:49 against humanity as well as deep state
@00:11:06 magnitude as the deep state are utterly
@00:11:27 warmonger deep state rhino swamp
@00:12:17 concerning see there's a deep state
@00:13:03 just about the deep state regaining
@00:16:43 the deep state psychopaths if it's so
@00:17:09 d class in deep state we will see in my
@00:23:22 detoxification against the deep state
@00:31:27 was the new world order's a deep state

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:35:28 deep state none of that

deleted Roger Stone UNGAGGED - Roger Goes to Prison? - Or not....

@00:16:21 know they're deep state right down to

deleted Q Calls Quomo & Democrat Governors Murderers, And Trump Calls Obama Traitor - It's ON!!!

@00:00:57 the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:28 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:31 improve your complexion the deep state

deleted 6.21.20 - Q - You Can't Censor the World - The Age of Social Media.

@00:19:12 stone but the deep state they they get
@00:19:37 much as possible they being the deep
@00:19:40 state they being the ones who were
@00:31:52 military leaders are deep state and
@00:44:06 a special sale detox the deepest state
@00:44:10 which is detoxing the deep state now and

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:19:09 sentence for roger stone but the deep
@00:19:11 state they they get to avoid even asking
@00:19:37 deep state they being the ones who were
@00:31:49 military leaders are deep state and
@00:44:03 special sale detox the deepest state in
@00:44:08 is detoxing the deep state now and

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:09:00 deep state is down to they're down to
@00:26:13 territory from the deep state we fired
@00:26:18 assuming that the deep state didn't
@00:36:51 some deep state generals out there and
@00:41:46 called detox the deep state so you know

deleted Curtis Stone, Urban Farmer & Dustin Nemos Chat about The State of the World

@00:03:09 there's deep state operators in both

deleted 6.20.20 - Q Unleashed Eric Trump Drops a Q, and Trump Takes SDNY from Deep State

@00:00:12 is seizing territory from the deep state
@00:00:23 deep state they're panicking and we're
@00:01:26 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:29 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:05:45 the deep state wanted him there and new
@00:09:29 we've talked about how the deep state
@00:16:36 we have a detox the deep state special
@00:17:58 helps to detox the deep state over at
@00:20:30 out to the deep state players i think
@00:21:48 the deep state doesn't have the kind of

deleted 6-20-2020 - Narratives Diverging - Two Paths - Fake News or Truth

@00:21:58 having a special detox the deep state
@00:22:41 gas don't think the deep state don't

deleted Donald Jeffries & Dustin Nemos on the Radicalization of the Left

@00:09:32 deep state democrat leadership and i'm
@00:09:40 to be very aligned with the deep state
@00:09:48 versus the deep state i don't have to
@00:19:02 trump's battle with the deep state and

deleted Ret. Maj. Jeffrey Prather - Biggest Psyop in History - Whistleblower Reveals All

@00:09:19 and detoxification against the deep
@00:09:21 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:11:23 intelligence officer exposing the deep
@00:11:26 state and the fake news we're going to
@00:21:18 in deep money the fund deep state
@00:38:03 media as a deep state megaphone we know
@00:41:37 you know these deep state military deep
@00:41:40 state sites north korea is your prime
@00:41:54 endless wars which were deep state
@00:49:32 government deep state and i know these
@00:50:45 course is the achilles heel of the deep
@00:50:47 state that's our door opener and you've

deleted Q. It's what you can PROVE. And The End of Censorship is CLOSE. (I"ve been suspended for a week.)

@00:01:04 dirty secrets of the deep state that's
@00:01:35 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:39 complexion the deep state has its
@00:22:46 he stood up to the deep state and she's

deleted (7 day youtube ban!) - DN 6.9.20 - Q - The Wait Is Nearly Over Hoax Hate and The Wheels of Justice

@00:00:56 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:59 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:16:06 that are going out to the deep state
@00:37:11 only detox the deep state you can shop

deleted Defend America Livestream: New QAnon - Antifa Updates, Trump CALLS OUT Police Violence HOAX & More

@00:04:26 that we're winning this in the deep
@00:04:27 state is panicking and reacting and
@00:05:38 the future and the deep state is
@00:05:45 that's why all of these deep staters are
@00:17:45 what we would consider now the deep
@00:17:47 state he played the game to get close so
@00:33:23 deep state generals coming out against
@00:38:35 went out the deep state are gonna be

deleted 6.8.20 - A Bloody War on Cops. Epstein Case Subpoenas Prince Andrew!

@00:09:22 muslim deep state i guess you could say
@00:25:36 all the connections of the deep state

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:02:36 about the deep state and i knew that you
@00:04:56 the deep state and the masons and this
@00:05:05 trump about the the the sort of deep
@00:05:08 state or you could you could call it
@00:05:10 luciferian influence in the deep state
@00:05:16 in the deep state as a satanist but
@00:11:47 about the deep state and the deep church
@00:12:01 next deep state move is q has made it
@00:16:34 deep state i don't know i actually
@00:26:11 out to the deep state and russia gate
@00:26:16 in the deep state right now
@00:40:36 i agree i think the deep state is on the

deleted Q 6.6.20 - We WILL Have Our Country Back! Nat. Guard being Setup for Slaughter in DC!

@00:00:24 digging up the dirty secrets at the deep
@00:00:25 state that's our family time these days
@00:00:55 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:00 complexion the deep state has its
@00:09:50 easily identify with the deep state
@00:11:22 deep state and who expresses those goals
@00:12:14 there is a deep state there is also a
@00:12:16 deep church that betrays its duties and
@00:13:46 side they are subservient to the deep
@00:13:49 state to globalism too aligned thought
@00:32:12 with all the power of the deep state not
@00:46:25 because of the way the deep state has

deleted 6.4.20 - Civil War 2.0 - Dems Assisting Antifa Nationwide Covertly. & The DOJ's Counterpunch

@00:01:11 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:14 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted RiotWatch / Mutiny Taking Place ? Do Americans Need to March on DC to Protect TRUMP?

@00:14:31 deep state types who are trying to say
@00:34:41 hard to read it all will the deep state
@00:45:52 deep state order other countries to go

deleted Q - 6.5.20 - Fake Military Mutiny, Or Real? Antifa Leaders Being Arrested & MUCH MORE! DO NOT MISS

@00:00:29 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:00:59 about looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:04 complexion the deep state has its

deleted Live: Is a Military Coup / Mutiny Taking Place TONIGHT?!

@00:04:37 in this is the deep state versus trump
@00:04:44 the deep state traders will go down for
@00:07:55 the deep state and the left who will try
@00:12:44 up with the deep state that's where
@00:13:49 between him in the deep state a wall of
@00:17:04 coordination with the deep state and
@00:21:46 mutiny with the deep state against our
@00:28:04 warning us right paul revere the deep
@00:28:09 state is coming the deep state is coming
@00:28:28 deep state lindsey graham is useless all
@00:30:23 the deep state would know it and of
@00:33:47 military deep state military coup

deleted Q 6.4.20 - State of Crisis - Democrats & Media Coordinate w Antifa Violence

@00:00:16 the deep state that's our family time
@00:00:48 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:51 improve your complexion the deep state
@00:01:51 soros and the democrats and the deep
@00:01:53 state and the cia and you know big tack
@00:24:20 levels of the democrat and the deep
@00:24:21 state party because they don't want to

deleted 6.4.2020 - Q - The Swamp Fights Back - But WE HAVE IT ALL

@00:00:29 digging up the dirty secrets of the deep
@00:00:30 state that's our family time these days
@00:01:02 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:05 improve your complexion the deep state

deleted WWG1WGA - The Final Stretch We're nearly there!

@00:01:38 clinton all of these deep state rats and

deleted 6.3.2020 - Q Foretold This Years Ago. Civil War 2.0 over before it began. Military Prepared

@00:01:29 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:03:57 the deep state and its operatives are
@00:04:30 crime of the cdc and other deep state
@00:07:30 flames and feeding the deep state
@00:11:48 on it deep state panics and now the news
@00:11:51 the deep state is being exposed justice
@00:11:54 is coming and with this the deep state
@00:12:09 earth-shattering news the deep state and
@00:12:35 flags abound deep state fighting for its
@00:15:51 and detoxification against the deep
@00:15:53 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:38:24 deep examination of today's biggest
@00:38:30 recent deep state attacks on our liberty

deleted 6.1.20 - Q - Do you See What is Happening

@00:01:09 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:12 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 6.1.2020 - The World Watches As America Burns. ANTIFA Roundup Begins

@00:01:04 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.31.2020 - Civil War 2.0 - Deep State Insurgency In America - & More Q

@00:01:30 deep state attacks on your health

deleted 5.31.20 - QAnon_ American Burns - ANTIFA WILL be Dealt With

@00:01:25 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.30.20 - Q - Covid Fails Forward - Race Riots & Soros Revolution

@00:01:17 detoxification against the deep state
@00:03:44 deep state if he was why would he break
@00:19:49 you can detox the deep state you can get

deleted Trump Rally Transforms Former Democrat - Dr. Karlyn Borseynko, Productive & Fulfilling Work

@00:03:02 up the efforts exposing the deep state
@00:04:27 boy things are heating up and the deep
@00:04:29 state are panicking flynn judge on the
@00:07:21 and detoxification against the deep
@00:07:23 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:11:56 the result of the deep state it's
@00:12:06 the united nations the deep state and
@00:32:14 deep state and shadow government all the
@00:33:40 views of this thing known as the deep
@00:33:43 state i mean i think that you know there
@00:33:51 things that i buy about the deep state i

deleted 5.28.20 - Executive Order on Censorship, Fake News v America, New Investigations

@00:01:17 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, Declas Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created

@00:01:23 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.26.20 - China Invades India, DeCLAS Trove, Baby Parts, Vote Fraud, Covid Created (See Desc.)

@00:01:23 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Q 5.27.20 - BioWeapon. War. Stand or Die. Survival as a Nation.

@00:06:49 right and we're going to expose the deep
@00:06:50 state with the help of foreign leaders

deleted 5.28.2020 - Robert David Steele - Unrigging the System

@00:00:47 been working on today against the deep
@00:00:49 state sort of against you might say some
@00:24:32 think started in the 1920s when the deep
@00:24:35 state used the carnegie's the

deleted John Michael Chambers Ft. KrisAnne Hall -Tyrannical Govenors - Sheriffs Rule - Governors Playing God

@00:04:09 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.25.20 - Mueller Team Criminal Referrals, China Threatens War, Vax Caused 1918 Flu

@00:01:00 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 5.24.20 - Q - Obama's Shadow Presidency

@00:06:27 spies it's a counter deep state enemies

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:33:33 to counter deep state enemies which i

deleted 5.23.20 - Q Senator, Trump OverRules Governors, & More

@00:01:02 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:05 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 5.22.20 - Q Calls out the CIA Control of Mainstream Media

@00:00:49 detoxification against the deep state
@00:03:08 the the deep state being drained and
@00:17:42 what's been happening now with the deep
@00:17:44 state players that's help desperate they

deleted Alexandra Bruce, Censorship - Pharma Coup de'tat of the Planet - Big Tech Eclipses Big Oil

@00:01:06 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:08 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:19 stress of the deep state be sure to
@00:04:17 as the deep state is now being exposed
@00:14:48 things down for a while well the deep
@00:14:51 state really needs the economy to stay
@00:20:49 its ugly face everything else the deep
@00:20:53 state tried to do since trump came down
@00:25:40 of the deep state and so we let it
@00:44:08 world the deep state sites that have
@00:45:39 getting cut off every corner the deep
@00:45:42 state turns that the door has been shut

deleted 5.21.2020 - Q - Investigations Into Obama Progress

@00:08:14 the deep state but anyway so continuing

deleted 5.20.2020 - Lynette Zang and Dustin Nemos discuss Economic Fallout of Covid19, This Isn't Over Yet.

@00:22:03 safe i mean that the the deep state

deleted 5.19.20 - Q - How about a Game of Chess?

@00:00:42 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.20.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. Dr. Michael Rectenwald - Beyond Woke- China & The Herd Mentality

@00:01:02 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:05 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:04:13 deep state and to those names just
@00:11:55 the deep state run the clip the greatest
@00:14:01 that we will take down the deep state
@00:16:34 the deep state it's playing out has
@00:17:30 prosecution of the deep state is now
@00:18:39 prosecution of the deep state now
@00:42:42 china is the model for these deep state

deleted 5-20-2020 A Recap of the Coronavirus - Trends and Patterns - Two Narratives Emerge

@00:28:55 they're definitely the deep state
@00:32:18 that's the deep state option but
@00:32:43 the fake news shifted from and the deep
@00:32:45 state shifted from
@00:33:47 and the deep state has gone into full
@00:41:01 killed and destroyed by the deep state

deleted 5.19.20 - Their Murdering Republicans with Lies, Extorting Money, and Trying to Cheat 2020

@00:00:46 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.16.20 - Democrats Rig Election Amid TOTALHYPE Covid19, Weaponize Power to Cheat

@00:01:00 try they have to try otherwise the deep
@00:01:02 state goes down next so we're seeing it
@00:02:41 detoxification against the deep state
@00:06:06 deep state from you know be put in the
@00:08:44 been working with the deep state and of
@00:23:46 to cue they're lawyering up the deep
@00:23:48 state cronies are lawyering up now so
@00:26:30 the deep state help us to spread the

deleted 5.16.20 Q - Covid19 Is Democrats Attempted to Rig 2020. HYPED PLANDEMIC LIES

@00:01:40 deep state attacks on your health
@00:18:41 in on the deep state

deleted 5.15.20 - Obamagate Continues - America Rises

@00:00:29 secrets of the deep state that's our
@00:01:00 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:05 complexion the deep state has its
@00:02:33 judge is probably deep state now
@00:07:11 deep state if things get too out of hand

deleted 5.15.20 - Q - Obama is On Defense Now, More To Come SOON

@00:05:36 with deep state types and we know that
@00:14:25 a deep state crony a friend of mccain's
@00:14:37 i think he's deep state tool and he's
@00:20:40 unknown figures in the deep state or
@00:23:41 on not getting killed by the deep state

deleted 5.15.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Dave Hayes, Praying Medic - Calm Before The Storm

@00:00:55 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:58 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:08 against the deep state i red pill my
@00:02:12 deep state
@00:02:13 being exposed and the deep state will be
@00:15:43 when the doj enticed members of the deep
@00:15:46 state group related to phi z naught q
@00:26:06 whether this deep state conspiracy is

deleted 5.14.20 - Treason Case, 0bamagate, Biden Helped Unmask Flynn & MORE

@00:09:34 deep state to set us up you got to think
@00:10:58 deep state to set us up i mean i'm
@00:11:41 careful you know the deep state doesn't

deleted 5.13.20 Q - Dates are Important. Panic In the Deep State

@00:00:49 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:52 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:10:24 know these are all the deep state judges
@00:25:27 deep state senators and it's really a

deleted 5-13-2020- John Michael Chambers Ft. Dr. David E. Martin - COVID-19 - Acts of Domestic Terrorism

@00:00:58 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:00 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:51 the evening news the deep state the
@00:03:03 said all along that the deep state would
@00:05:19 deep state is going down and power will
@00:11:37 believe this is why the deep state is
@00:13:07 in in this is why the deep state is

deleted Jeff Sessions - I had to Recuse, I was Under Investigation too

@00:00:43 damn duty and standing up to the deep
@00:00:45 state
@00:00:51 gone after the deep state
@00:03:32 massive waste of money chasing the deep
@00:03:35 state myth

deleted 5-11-2020- Q - Panic in DC, In Theaters Now. Boom Week Ahead

@00:06:31 discussed recently the deep state

deleted 5.11.20 - Forced Quarantine Prisons vs Reopening America

@00:00:14 wonder how far will the deep state go in
@00:00:53 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:56 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:22:32 covered it up they sent the entire deep
@00:22:35 state after president trump on an attack
@00:25:22 democrats deep state plan this is
@00:28:08 see the deep state arrested hillary and
@00:28:23 deep state jack so there's there's
@00:34:23 the deep state as liars and maybe you're

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:01:52 the deep state and none of them have any
@00:13:37 out the deep state that's been one of
@00:20:42 fear this is the deep state reacting no
@00:27:47 in the deep state you know i'm starting
@00:32:20 the fbi and these deep state swamp
@00:32:51 to win them over so deep state i'm sorry
@00:32:55 deep cover operatives crossed
@00:34:57 versus the deep state and the democrats

deleted 5.9.20 - Americans Refuse Covid Vax. Barr - Perjury Trap Laid for Flynn

@00:00:11 and the deep state but first i want to
@00:01:47 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:02:19 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:02:22 improve your complexion the deep state
@00:15:59 the deep state and the fake news that

deleted 5.8.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. James Grundvig - Gates, Zuckerber, Fauci Fraudsters.

@00:00:51 detoxification against the deep state
@00:01:45 schiff is in the deep state deep trouble
@00:03:04 opening up for business and the deep
@00:03:06 state is getting shut down
@00:08:50 deep state intelligence ops
@00:14:10 and paid for deep state mouthpiece
@00:17:49 counter but of course the deep state
@00:27:03 we empowered them the globalist the deep
@00:27:05 state the new world order the shadow

deleted Obama Panics, Flynn Is Free, Freedom Intensifies

@00:00:33 along with what the deep state wanted
@00:03:02 probably one of the deep state he's been
@00:12:12 win or die both sides the deep state

deleted 5.7.2020 - Q - LET FREEDOM RING!

@00:00:57 ready to take down the deep state and
@00:06:54 in shambles the deep state is afraid so
@00:29:17 the end for the deep state and there's
@00:36:47 you'll need to detox the deep state you

deleted How is Everyone? CoronaChat - As America Reopens - How are YOU Doing?

@00:15:05 deep state i'm telling you it is the
@00:25:48 is the deep state we're dealing with
@00:34:17 hurrah does the deep state have emt nuke
@00:34:34 out and as far as the deep state goes

deleted 5.6.20 - Adam Schiff Panics, Transcripts RELEASING! Fake News & Heroes

@00:00:44 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:46 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:00:58 so let's talk about the deep state being
@00:03:31 on the table for the deep state so at
@00:03:49 that the deep state doesn't get it

deleted John Michael Chambers ft. Cyrus Parsa AI Dangers to Humanity, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, China

@00:00:56 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:58 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:03:54 to doctors etc so the deep state wants
@00:43:57 government the deep state the globalist

deleted 5.5.20 - Q - Hydroxychloroquine is VERY LOW RISK. Goat and Fruit Test POSITIVE.

@00:03:40 doors that the deep state are using to
@00:03:55 the deep state players the cabal were

deleted Brave Whistleblower Nurse - They are MURDERING Covid19 Patients!

@00:01:54 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:56 state attacks on your health

deleted 5.5.20 - Michael Obama Enters Race - Dems Weaponize DARPA AI vs Trump.

@00:21:39 course the deep state would use that

deleted 5-4-2020 - Q - No One Had to Die - Fauci Knew the Cure all Along

@00:00:40 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 5.3.20 - Q+ Stick With Me Deplorables, You'll Love the Ending

@00:00:50 detoxification against the deep state
@00:33:18 deep state shot magazine calm


@00:01:39 for the deep state treason ends one way
@00:03:49 from the deep state and just as i
@00:04:20 interesting almost as though the deep
@00:04:24 state were infecting these people
@00:05:39 deep state and they're trying to destroy

deleted Sunday Night Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:08:40 someone in the deep state we're giving
@00:08:49 the deep state this has happened before

deleted Q 5.3.20 - Win or DIE - The World is Waking Up

@00:00:39 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:41 state attacks on your health
@00:03:08 what the deep state tells them
@00:04:55 the bad guys the deep state
@00:20:01 the illuminati the deep state the the

deleted 5-3-2020 Media Ignores Flynn Vindication, Obama + Hillary Implication

@00:00:21 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:00:54 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:58 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:16:36 deep state criminals did knowingly

deleted 5-1-2020 - Q Calls Obama & His Cronies out - Traitors (Iran Puppets)

@00:01:03 trolls and deep state chills start 2d
@00:03:39 means that people like the deep state
@00:15:05 leaking about the the deep state
@00:15:31 deep state cronies on star wars
@00:15:36 very clever deep state move but the nsa
@00:15:51 and now the deep state are being spied
@00:17:27 that obviously the deep state very much

deleted 5.2.2020 COVID Updates, Shutdowns Lifting, Armed Rebellion in Michigan

@00:00:54 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:02:18 deep state would love
@00:04:25 that's how the deep state works they're
@00:12:47 the deep state hates it and they're
@00:14:47 kind of fallen along deep state lines i
@00:14:50 mean some of them are very deep
@00:14:51 state-ish

deleted Creepy Uncle Joe Biden - The Democrat Pedophile President That Wasn't.

@00:00:40 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:43 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Obama is Going to Prison for Treason BOMBSHELLS! OBAMA TARGETED 2016 Republicans to CHEAT!

@00:00:52 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:54 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:02:17 escalate it's not as though the deep
@00:02:20 state is the only one making their move
@00:03:48 these deep state lawyers these deep
@00:03:50 state fbi agents and people like brennan
@00:04:37 ominous threat to the deep state the
@00:05:18 to the deep state the ones who destroyed
@00:05:50 filled up with arrested deep state big

deleted FBI Indictments Coming In Days - Explosive Interview with Citizen Journalist, Ann Vandersteel

@00:01:01 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:16:05 goose that's cooked for the deep state


@00:03:28 would be afraid if i were the deep state
@00:17:58 flipping on the deep state he is

deleted 100,000 Subscribers for The TRUTH ARMY! THANK YOU

@00:00:46 these deep state goons now i just wanted

deleted 4.30.20 - FBI SETUP FLYNN! Trump Investigates WHO!, Big Tech Censorship is KILLING us.

@00:08:54 of course we know the deep state is
@00:19:42 thing the deep state will do things like
@00:19:55 back is bad folks the deep state could
@00:21:58 and of course the deep state the bad

deleted 4.30.20 - Q - The Silent War with the Hidden Enemy (Their Playbook Revealed!)

@00:00:40 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 4.29.20 - Food Shortage in America! Reopening, Death Throes of Deep State

@00:00:55 we're gonna cover some of the deep state
@00:02:01 between the deep state president trump
@00:02:07 and i think this is the end of the deep
@00:02:09 state pretty sure this is the end of the
@00:03:45 deep state if we're starving to death so
@00:07:06 kovach 19 this deep state is trying to

deleted 4.29.20 - Q Arrests Countdown at 11th Hour.

@00:06:33 the deep state mueller designed to take
@00:06:36 in evidence needed to expose a deep
@00:06:38 state doj block in regard to mueller
@00:06:52 mueller n against the deep state
@00:11:31 is taken off the pedophiles in the deep
@00:11:33 state now adam schiff or i'm sorry did
@00:32:49 sloppy work out of the deep state i've
@00:37:52 nemo's to detox the deep state eat your

deleted 4.29.2020 - Important Updates From Economist Kirk Elliot, General Flynn Free, AG Barr Warns Govs.

@00:00:57 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:02:43 news the deep state and its operatives
@00:03:24 investigation of the deep state by us
@00:05:44 keeps getting in the way the deep state
@00:27:55 deep state unplug it with the plan

deleted 4.28.20 - Food Shortages, War & Lies Deep State's Final Stand

@00:02:27 the deep state that's our family time
@00:02:58 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:03:01 improve your complexion the deep state
@00:03:59 happened and the deep state attempt to
@00:04:33 president that is where the deep state
@00:11:30 left the deep state cause the pain but


@00:01:24 detoxification against the deep state
@00:14:19 deep state seems to have massively lost
@00:15:53 to be told to the war against the deep
@00:15:56 state this is your time to shine and do
@00:16:02 of rebellion against the deep state so

deleted Flynn EXONERATED (EVIDENCE!) and Radical Left + China vs the Economy

@00:01:01 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:32 mirror plus it deep cleans and destroys
@00:01:34 acne to improve your complexion the deep
@00:01:37 state has its secrets i have mine
@00:05:19 van grack a deep state corrupt a-tom
@00:17:36 one creek deep state place probably

deleted 4.25.20 - Covid19 Falls apart, Fake News & Deep State Ignore and Push Fear

@00:13:48 that the way the deep start the the deep
@00:13:50 state really works and we know that

deleted Oil Crashes - Trump Transitions Economy - with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD

@00:01:15 deep state attacks on your health it's
@00:02:30 thanks to the deep state and the world
@00:03:12 the deep state attack if you will on
@00:05:07 been exposing and dismantling the deep
@00:05:09 state we are ready now indictments and

deleted Trump SUSPENDS Immigration, Dems Panic, BANS COMING

@00:03:44 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 4.20.20 - China vs the World - Flynn to be Pardoned

@00:02:29 the deep state that's our family time
@00:03:00 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:03:03 improve your complexion the deep state
@00:14:46 coming from the deep state and harvard

deleted Sunday Night Livechats cancelled, Also a new Q Post... Suicides in the Deep State?

@00:00:54 suicide i will the deep state bad guys
@00:01:16 else and help expose the deep state and
@00:01:19 certainly the deep state has more time

deleted 4.18.20 - The Grand Reopening of America vs Fake Plandemic

@00:12:29 the deep state she's basically illa on
@00:15:38 democrats the deep state those are the
@00:18:19 players like the clintons and the deep
@00:18:21 state and also you know president

deleted 4.16.20 - Q - Is Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey a Pedophile Satanist

@00:01:02 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:20:42 the deep state and i want to say thank

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:06:33 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:11:52 deep state what they fare is very simply

deleted 4.15.20 - USA, Barr, & Trump vs the Deep State & China

@00:04:18 the deep state right there whatever

deleted 4.14.20 - Q - Get Ready for Truth Media Mass Bans

@00:15:38 allegations that the deep state actually

deleted Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD - Reset in Motion - Acquire Precious Metals

@00:01:41 detoxification against the deep state
@00:07:22 the fall of the deep state the take down

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:00:38 digging up the dirty secrets of the deep
@00:00:40 state that's our family time these days
@00:01:10 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:15 complexion the deep state has its

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 4 - CoronaHoax Falls Apart - Justice Phase Coming.

@00:00:49 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 4.10.20 - Q Decimates Fake News And [D]emocrats - Hunters about to become Hunted

@00:04:31 the deep state types are probably behind

deleted 4.9.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Attorney, Mark Adams

@00:00:54 deep state doctor watch ii he is on the
@00:03:33 and detoxification against the deep
@00:03:36 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:05:36 with the deep state to steal the
@00:11:23 and the deep state scumbags manipulate
@00:17:24 the deep state is they and soros they
@00:27:37 deep state and all their operatives are
@00:32:55 she and and burke's the deep state is

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 3 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:02:16 and detoxification against the deep
@00:02:19 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:13:13 puppets of the deep state we know that

deleted Q Calls out the Democrat Plot to Exploit CV to Rig2020

@00:00:26 deep state q is feared and attacked by
@00:08:21 deep state biden soros faction which
@00:10:16 fire some of the deep state ag's i can
@00:10:37 president trump firing some of the deep
@00:10:39 state i geez about seven i think so 6

deleted 4.8.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, DR. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:00:37 these are long-standing deep state
@00:03:24 taking down the deep state
@00:03:34 actually overthrow the deep state and i
@00:07:00 serving a deep state well as the deep
@00:09:05 and detoxification against the deep
@00:09:07 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:11:42 hidden enemy two deep state and we're
@00:19:28 was a hit by the deep state and this is
@00:28:48 silent enemy the deep state we he said
@00:29:43 right now as the deep state is being
@00:36:58 trials and tribunals the deep state the

deleted Happy Birthday for Dustin Nemos - And a Glimpse at What is Next

@00:00:48 like he has now set up the deep state
@00:01:08 really angry at the deep state for this
@00:01:14 going to be very loud and the deep state

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 2 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:01:16 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:18 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Earn Money From Home with The Patriot Economy

@00:11:56 lies of the deep state and and the big

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You

@00:04:14 bill gates and other in deep state types
@00:12:07 know what the deep state are doing

deleted 4.4.20 Plandemic CV Cured, But Fear Continues

@00:00:31 up the dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:01:03 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:07 complexion the deep state has its
@00:11:14 about it's a deep state war against
@00:18:50 happens to kids with the deep state

deleted 4.3.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. DR. Sherri Tenpenny

@00:06:35 deep state how would you like to
@00:16:00 well this is the deep state shining
@00:39:30 criminal investigation against the deep
@00:39:32 state who's created this mess we do have
@00:40:42 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Was the New York Times just Busted in FAKE Hospital Propaganda Video?

@00:08:03 trump is fighting the deep state and
@00:08:16 with the deep state all to hurt our

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:02:18 the deep state for creating a network of
@00:21:37 fed as a weapon against the deep state
@00:22:06 the deep state players tanking it with
@00:24:06 against deep state financial entities i
@00:24:56 take over the deep state financial
@00:25:23 new arbitrage run certain deep state

deleted 4.1.2020 - Plannedemic Fear Bomb Turn Into Dud

@00:08:11 putting a double whammy on the deep
@00:08:13 state you're getting the stuff that you
@00:16:08 doctor so why is there another deep
@00:16:12 state agent up on the pedestal in front
@00:19:05 nemo's you can basically detox the deep
@00:19:08 state get your immune system boosting

deleted 3.31.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, Dr. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:00:56 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:59 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:35:39 threat and we give them the deep state
@00:39:19 and take them down the deep state today
@00:40:15 corona virus in my opinion is is a deep
@00:40:19 state up it's a false flag event not

deleted 3.31.20 - Plannedemic Continues Despite Obvious Cure

@00:01:08 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:03:30 it which is exactly what the deep state
@00:04:14 falchi is a deep state player he is now
@00:04:42 so dr. falchi is a deep state player
@00:07:44 good thing that means the deep state
@00:09:28 deep state think they can fake the whole
@00:11:59 news in deep state big tech you know all
@00:33:17 move on the deep state and do mass

deleted CoronaCoverup - Worldwide Attempt to Inflate Deathtoll - Fake Deaths!

@00:00:15 the deep state being rounded up or the
@00:01:44 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:47 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:21:10 one the deep state community that's
@00:24:07 beat the deep state so you can

deleted 3.28.20 - New Q - Incredible Posts

@00:11:34 and abetting the democrats and the deep
@00:11:35 state cia and their operation
@00:21:12 you know the deep state is being rounded

deleted Q vs The Federal Reserve - Trump Taking it Over

@00:00:13 deep state and this is a major milestone

deleted 3.26.20 More QAnon - No Comms Outside the Board, The Silent War[..] Continues

@00:06:35 one of the deep state and you've been

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:01:24 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:27 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:10:10 that the deep state unleashed the
@00:13:39 very difficult for the deep state to
@00:15:11 and foot soldiers of the deep state will

deleted 3.26.20 - CoronaCured?! Natural Chloroquine, Deep State Moves v Economy & Trump

@00:00:08 the deep state now we're gonna talk
@00:01:41 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:44 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:17:06 the deep state industrial complex now

deleted #FakeAnon - Austin SteinBart - A Fake Q Trying to "Set Up" Flynn and WWG1WGA

@00:38:31 deep state this is stolen valor what
@00:40:21 so because the deep state would want to

deleted Economic Contagion, Or Planned Collapse - This Week It Gets BAD!

@00:00:42 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:44 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:11:00 with them being in prison the deep state

deleted 3.24.20 - John Michael Chambers ft. Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott - The News Behind the News

@00:00:57 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:01:46 the deep state as it relates to trump
@00:04:01 as he takes on the deep state and shadow
@00:05:42 the dems the deep state they were
@00:06:04 the deep state unleashed the coronavirus
@00:22:09 because of the the titanic that the deep
@00:22:12 state just just smashed into the iceberg

deleted 3.23.20 - Q - Did the DeepState Release The Bioweapon to Hurt Trump

@00:00:10 just accused the deep state of
@00:00:45 detoxification against the deep state
@00:22:04 to offense and the deep state realize he
@00:24:17 the deep state dropped this to help the

deleted HollyWeirdos, Covid19, Lockdown and Economic Update

@00:00:48 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Q is BACK! - "Do not Fear"

@00:00:31 deep state q is feared and attacked by
@00:02:40 arresting the deep state players and

deleted CoronaCure - Global Lockdown, Insider Profiteering on Covid19

@00:00:51 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:02:58 you know show support for this deep
@00:03:00 state move is tulsi herself i think this
@00:07:39 than the elements within the deep state
@00:13:27 detox the deep state get your

deleted 3.19.20 - Gold Kills the Fed, Dark to Light - Economic War

@00:09:14 to the economy and the deep state are

deleted 3.18.20 - Coronavirus Shuts down US Economy, Helicopter Money is Here & More

@00:16:51 deep state and the you know the soros

deleted ClownShow KungFlu, and the Silent War.

@00:07:13 but also in dealing with the deep state
@00:10:20 course if the deep state realizes they

deleted Sidney Powell Drops Major Truth in Speech (Hillary Is Going DOWN!)

@00:03:36 arresting some of these deep state swamp

deleted Corona-Collapse Plays Out, Trump in Danger, Behind the Scenes...

@00:00:10 deep state versus president trump
@00:00:39 up the dirty secrets at the deep state
@00:01:10 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:15 complexion the deep state has its
@00:15:53 deep state move and how much of this is
@00:16:16 within you know deep state moves and
@00:16:41 and forth between cue in the deep state
@00:23:13 deep state and trump there's a lot of

deleted 3.12.20 Clowns, corruption, and Pedophiles. Biden & the Swamp

@00:00:20 president trump in the deep state and
@00:00:36 the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:07 mirror plus it deep cleans and destroys
@00:01:10 acne to improve your complexion the deep
@00:01:13 state has its secrets i have mine tri
@00:04:30 in the deep state and what they've done

deleted CoronaVirus vs the USA - Trump vs the Fake News

@00:00:34 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:05 mirror plus it deep cleans and destroys
@00:01:08 acne to improve your complexion the deep
@00:01:11 state has its secrets i have mine try

deleted Corruption, Coronavirus, And the Economic Pandemic

@00:00:22 secrets of the deep state that's our
@00:00:53 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:00:57 complexion the deep state has its
@00:08:59 everybody deep state and get away with
@00:11:58 fear okay so the deep state is trying to
@00:15:39 convenient for some people in the deep
@00:15:41 state that this could you know in theory

deleted 3.8.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:00:49 secrets at the deep state that's our
@00:01:20 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:25 complexion the deep state has its
@00:08:54 the deep state has just shown us that
@00:20:22 gonna do something about the deep state

deleted 3.7.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:00:48 secrets of the deep state that's our
@00:01:19 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:24 complexion the deep state has its
@00:08:48 flu or not as bad as the flu the deep
@00:08:51 state has just shown us that right after
@00:20:19 about the deep state keep saying he's

deleted Clownshow Continues - Schumer Called out for Threats to SUPREME COURT!

@00:03:35 arrested for the deep state actions and
@00:05:53 the deep state not because he was
@00:17:08 get us out of there the deep state
@00:17:28 happening there's deep state foolery
@00:20:15 president trump and said that the deep
@00:20:17 state intelligence community has seven
  • iii think biden is the deep states
@00:28:31 choice i think that he is the deep state
@00:30:53 the deep state has turned it into the
@00:32:39 expose fake news in the deep state let's
@00:33:14 mimosa and detox the deep state get your

deleted Coronavirus L type and S Type, Fearporn or Real Life Impact

@00:22:49 the deep state go to red pill

deleted The FloodGates of Islam just Opened. +Coronavirus Weaponized v MAGA

@00:04:44 kept safe until the deep state is

deleted Clownshow & Coronavirus - The Silent War Continues[..]

@00:00:58 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:01 state attacks on your health
@00:13:59 on high-level corrupt deep state players
@00:20:12 the deep state against president trump

deleted Clown Show Continues, What Are We Being Distracted From

@00:00:14 between president trump and the deep
@00:00:16 state stay tuned right after a short
@00:00:48 detoxification against the deep state
@00:02:59 phrase you want to call the deep state

deleted 2.28.20 - Is Coronavirus Fear, Pandemic, or A Financial Crisis? (Or All 3?)

@00:01:47 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:50 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted The Silent War Continues

@00:00:46 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:48 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:09:27 so to speak on obama in the deep state
@00:12:08 elements of the deep state doj and

deleted Clownshow 2.26.20 The Democrat Presidential Race

@00:00:45 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted Q 2.26.20 - Disney CEO Steps Down, Patton Oswalt the Pedophile, & The Armor of God

@00:00:45 detoxification against the deep state
@00:01:43 connections to the deep state and the

deleted Q Post 2.25.20 - Draining the Swamp

@00:02:22 arrests of the deep state would have
@00:13:21 drain the deep state

deleted Zach Vorhies & Dustin Nemos Discuss Coronavirus Covid19, Fearporn, and What Lurks Beneath

@00:09:13 to have that or our deep state to have
@00:13:14 that's that definitely what the deep
@00:13:16 state would do and i would not put it
@00:30:45 deep state and you see a bunch of

deleted 2.25.20 - Trump Offensive Heating UP! WOW

@00:00:42 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:45 state attacks on your health
@00:11:51 quote deep state and quote hit-list to
@00:12:13 deep state really see they can't take

deleted Philip Haney Didn't Kill Himself

@00:00:45 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:47 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted CoronaVirus Updates - China Lies, Everyone Else is Freaking Out

@00:01:06 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:08 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:07:51 dozens of the deep state members and

deleted 2.23.20 - Roger Stone v Deep State, Comrade Bernie v MSM

@00:00:44 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:46 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:10:00 just more the same and deep state sort

deleted 2.23.20 - Q - You're Ready, Prepare for the Storm

@00:04:15 and win against this corrupt deep state
@00:22:14 deep state i don't know which one
@00:22:16 they're more loyal to the deep state or
@00:27:22 they're doing to us and for the deep
@00:27:24 state and for china so you know we also
@00:28:36 deep state because he knows people
@00:28:38 within the deep state but or i should
@00:29:04 revere i'm out there shouting the deep
@00:29:07 state is coming the deep state is coming
@00:29:56 corrupt government or deep state to go

deleted FAKE NEWS & Trojan MAGA Jack "Chatlogs" Posobiec Trolled & Exposed by Q Patriots - Hilarious! ALERT!

@00:15:54 and the corruption in the deep state
@00:19:03 deep state q is feared and attacked by

deleted Deep State Triggered, Trump #Winning, Hoax #7

@00:01:42 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:02:01 the deep state versus trump and some of
@00:02:32 has already began with over 70 deep
@00:02:35 state swamp creatures being fired in the
@00:18:04 attempt by the deep state cover-up to
@00:18:17 allegations of the deep state discussing
@00:23:36 that the deep state broke the law
@00:23:42 majority says criminal deep state hacks
@00:27:41 belong on that list deep state agent and
@00:28:27 ashamed of yourself deep state agencies
@00:29:00 cia and the deep state is covering this
@00:29:08 watch with tom fitton are suing the deep
@00:29:10 state to try to get these conversations
@00:32:34 son and all the deep state cronies and
@00:33:29 arrest the deep state and that's what's

deleted The Democrat Party Leadership - Violent, Deranged, Criminal, And Dangerous

@00:00:51 detoxification against the deep state


@00:00:37 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:40 state attacks on your health

deleted Updates on Roger Stone - Trump Pardon

@00:00:50 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:52 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:11 stooge just deep state of the deep state
@00:01:41 the deep state do we think this is gonna
@00:02:31 deep state crony judge and other similar
@00:02:35 deep state crony judges they were gonna
@00:05:24 in the deep state versus president trump

deleted Deep State Judge Sentences Roger Stone to Prison for YEARS! OVERTURN!

@00:00:03 for years by corrupt deep state judge
@00:00:50 protecting obama and the deep state from
@00:01:52 deep state my dogs and my baby

deleted 2.20.20 - Q Posts - The Story goes much Deeper [Darker]

@00:06:21 deep state should we drain that swamp
@00:10:11 it's what the evil people do the deep
@00:10:14 state sophistry that is their tool mine

deleted Justice is Coming - Nothing Can Stop it. Deep Stater Death Penalties.

@00:02:16 deep state attacks on your health it's
@00:02:38 deep state and justice that's going on
@00:02:58 deep state there they are not able to
@00:05:46 unconstitutional corrupt deep state
@00:08:49 attacking the deep state and the fake
@00:11:38 think this is a deep state by a weapon
@00:21:22 call me in the deep state game president
@00:21:29 the deep state but i want to talk 4d

deleted President Trump Just Retweeted Q - AGAIN (I'm Preparing My "I Told you Q Was Real" Speech Now...)

@00:02:27 waiting on the deep state to be arrested
@00:02:49 backgrounds and the deep state is
@00:05:56 democrats and the left and the deep
@00:05:58 state rely on and when you wake up to
@00:06:36 the deep state is being drained the year

deleted Fake News Fears This Single Question Most of All

@00:07:09 conspiracy that alleges there is a deep
@00:07:12 state designed to take down donald trump
@00:07:15 the idea of a deep state that is a
@00:09:41 just a deep state attempt to take out a

deleted 2.18.2020 - Q - To be Blunt - GAME OVER!

@00:00:16 deep state there's more q posts and it
@00:00:50 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 2.18.20 - News Updates, Tax Breaks, Quarantines v Deathtolls, VA Gun Grabbers Fail, Kinda

@00:00:47 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 2.16.20 - Coronavirus Updates. China is LYING - XI XINPING IS WEAK AND FOOLISH

@00:00:41 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Q Drops 2.15.2020 - Dark to Light, McCabe is NOT off the Hook. President Trumps 10point Attack

@00:00:51 detoxification against the deep state
@00:02:10 involved in the corruption those deep
@00:02:13 state bureaucrats who abuse their power
@00:02:48 and many other current and former deep
@00:02:51 state officials responsible for the

deleted 2.16.20 - Trump Daytona 500, Bloomberg + Satan (HRC), Hannity says ARRESTS SOON!

@00:00:40 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:43 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:06:41 the next one deep state justice the same
@00:11:46 talked about the players in the deep
@00:11:48 state all this way before fake news even

deleted 2.14.20 - The Silent War vs Trump - Deep State on Defense

@00:00:11 silent war in our deep state against
@00:00:41 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:43 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:08:24 deep state from one of his crony buddies
@00:10:28 all of the deep state junk against
@00:20:25 the deep state the coupon code to enter

deleted Q Post 2.2.20 - McCabe is NOT off the Hook, Barr Just Warming Up

@00:04:50 hurt our morale with but the deep state

deleted Violent Leftists (Again), Dem Mayor 4prison, Seth Rich, Bill Barr V Trump Myth, & Coronavirus

@00:00:52 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:55 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:02:18 players in the deep state so right now

deleted Child Traffickers. We're Coming for You. No Mercy

@00:01:47 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 2.13.20 - Q Posts - The Silent War Continues, Think Depopulation

@00:00:33 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:36 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:04:14 protected from all these deep state hack

deleted 2.13.20 - Trump Peels Back the Deep States Claws - And More

@00:00:55 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:58 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:18:30 news and the deep state i offer you this

deleted Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid19) Updates - US Quarantining Citizens NOW! How bad is it REALLY?

@00:00:37 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:39 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted America's DARKTOLIGHT Moment - Draining the Swamp gets SERIOUS 2020

@00:01:11 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:14:13 deep state crony types who were put in

deleted 2.11.20 - Roger Stone Verdict - Too Cruel, Trump BLITZKRIEG vs DEEP STATE uploaded

@00:01:06 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:08 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:13:16 forced them into it our deep state
@00:17:44 starting to win against the deep state

deleted Q 2.10.20 - Q was RIGHT - Hunters HAVE BECOME the HUNTED!

@00:01:22 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:09:54 house they had all the deep state cops

deleted 2.10.20 - Swamp Draining at NSC, Rico Rudy Nails Hunter, Coronavirus Cure & More

@00:00:51 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:06:04 deep state that are still fighting hard
@00:15:55 this are beating the deep state and

deleted Coronavirus is BAD, Global Warming is Fake, and Trump Keeps Winning

@00:00:47 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted Q 2.7.20 - REAL Investigations into HRC, DNC Hack, Coming. Treason to China

@00:00:42 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:45 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:57 calling me a deep state agent for trying
@00:03:06 and accused me of being a deep state
@00:03:53 things to focus on like the deep state
@00:05:25 real enemies are the deep state so with
@00:14:04 secret that the dnc is a corrupt deep
@00:14:08 state entity of foreign government

deleted 2.7.20 - Acquittal Segues to Justice Phase - Year of the Boomerang (Trump Offensive)

@00:02:01 the criminals the traitors and the deep
@00:02:05 state rats are going to start being more
@00:02:19 and n treasonous rats within the deep
@00:02:22 state it's almost here now where i
@00:03:42 detoxification against the deep state
@00:07:51 gone through watching the deep state

deleted 2.6.20 - Q Reveals Their Plan - Destroy American from Within

@00:00:41 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:43 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted QAnon - 2.5.20 - Panic In DC, In Theaters NOW

@00:00:39 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:42 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:22 deep state and fake news and this

deleted 2.6.20 - Acquitted, UNimpeached. True Death Toll of Coronavirus over 25000

@00:00:54 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 2.5.20 - Seth Rich & FBI Lovers Coverup, Do Democrats HATE America?

@00:01:06 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:09 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Q Post 2.5.20 - A Clue, Mass Dem Exodus from Anti USA Dems over SOTU

@00:00:37 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:40 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:08:02 to the deep state let me play i'm gonna

deleted 2.3.20 - Q & News - Wuhan, Coronavirus, Impeachment, FBI- Sorry Trump, Fukushima Seas

@00:01:21 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:24 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 2.2.20 - Q - Ukraine Impeachment BOOMERANGS - Admiral Rogers and Q

@00:00:45 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 2.1.20 - Jim Willie - QE Infinity, REPO Market, East vs West and Coming Isolation of USA

@00:47:50 those in the deep state had power here i

deleted 2.1.20 - Weaponized Viral HIV Persistent Aids meet Sars meet YOU - This could be BAD

@00:01:00 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:03 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:03:43 has backed the deep state up into a
@00:06:19 the deep state and their agenda and
@00:10:44 themselves from the deep state nonstop
@00:10:48 deep state attacks and attempts to take
@00:19:31 and that fear porn is what the deep
@00:19:33 state wants and yes they do benefit from
@00:20:01 the deep state to downplay it so more
@00:23:42 the deep state being drained by

deleted 1.31.20 - Q - Schiff-Ukraine ties, Acquittal Overturns Impeachment next week!

@00:01:05 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:07 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Cynthia Abcug v Fake News - Kidnapper Mom or Systemic Child Abuse

@00:19:01 like a trafficking branch of the deep
@00:19:04 state and there are systemic places and

deleted 1.30.20 Q - Flynn is SAFE, Dems are NOT (From JUSTICE!)

@00:01:43 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.30.20 - Impeachment Hits Wall, No Further - Pandemic Emergency

@00:00:50 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:52 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Jo Rae Perkins for Senate (Oregon) - WWG1WGA

@00:42:13 deeper intrigue behind in the deep state

deleted Q Posts 1.28.30 - Trump is Washington Crossing the Delaware- MORE TO COME

@00:00:42 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:07:24 scenes in the deep state war against our

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:01:06 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:09 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:09:44 billionaire obviously a deep state type
@00:10:49 people about the deep state pedophiles

deleted 1.28.20 - Impeachment, Bolton, IncestOmar, Pelosi Threats, & More

@00:01:09 detoxification against the deep state
@00:10:27 deep state corruption racket that's

deleted 1.26.20 - Special Update - Coronavirus Epidemic and HOW TO PREPARE

@00:01:10 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 1.26.20 - Wuhan Coronavirus, Impeachment Tanks, Fisa Overturned, Mass Protests Iraq & France

@00:00:57 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Q 1.24.2020 - It Won't Be Boring Much Longer...

@00:00:47 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:01:28 fought it's so long the deep state of
@00:02:36 your enemies using the deep state
@00:04:28 fake news and the deep state in their
@00:13:27 of the deep state and the and specific
@00:14:19 clash with these deep state types and
@00:17:33 is throwing off the deep state in in
@00:19:42 examples like mccain where the deep
@00:19:44 state cronies including the obama has
@00:20:24 death behind the scenes by the deep
@00:20:27 state and the military tribunals for his

deleted 1.24.20 - CoronaVirus Plague, Senate Threatened, Flynn, Clintons

@00:01:03 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:06 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:05:19 deep state great awakening swamp

deleted 1.23.20 - Q - Drip turns to Flood to Storm...

@00:00:50 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.21.20 - Q OUTS Dem Corruption Pyramid & Plan

@00:01:05 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:02:56 allies in the deep state and the fbi doj

deleted 1.22.20 - DeepState Peak Insane, Impeachment, More Berniebro Gulags, and Schiff BUSTED

@00:01:03 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.21.20 - Chinese Outbreak, A Shot Heard Round the World, Censorship Fight Heats up

@00:01:18 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.20.20 - Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally Peaceful Despite Fake News

@00:00:40 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted Emergency Warning to Virginia Gun Rally Goers - Beware the TRAP

@00:00:46 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:48 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Virginia - Northam's Charlottesville TRAP, and RECALLING HIM!

@00:01:11 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.18.20 Impeachment Hits Wall called The Senate, Trump Saves Kids, Flynn, Epstein & More

@00:01:22 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:23:42 the deep state would probably take biden
@00:29:36 detox the deep state cell that's

deleted 1.18.20 - Did John McAfee just name Epsteins MURDERERS! (yes, Multiple) ! HOLY COW!

@00:00:41 detoxification against the deep state
@00:01:12 the deep state special sale this is for
@00:01:38 detox at the deep state det o x-15 and

deleted 1.17.20 - Epstein, Comey, Smollett, Soros, Flynn, Omar, Booker, Trump - War in VA

@00:01:23 detoxification against the deep state
@00:15:54 on right we want to detox the deep state
@00:17:58 detox the deep state at the same time

deleted 1.16.20 - Quick Update - Iran Nukes & Impeachment Duds...

@00:00:46 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:49 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:04:30 the deep state crony lawyers going after
@00:05:48 just some deep state you know baron or
@00:07:16 unhealthy toxins that the deep state has
@00:07:25 and it's called detox of the deep state

deleted 1.16.20 - Impeachment, China Trade Deal, Veritas Bernie Video #2, VA State of Emergency vs guns

@00:01:02 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:13:03 entrap the deep state because they've

deleted 1.15.20 - Flynn FIGHTS BACK, Hand of Soros, Assange, Bernie Sanders VIOLENT REVOLUTION, Schiff...

@00:00:55 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:57 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 1.13.20 - Iran, Impeachment, and More

@00:00:45 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 1.12.20 - Iran, Iraq, Middle East, And Justice

@00:00:46 detoxification against the deep state
@00:08:21 the sense from the deep state of the usa
@00:08:26 were other deep states trying to take
@00:08:27 power - like iran and speaking of deep
@00:08:32 state in iran this will shock thousands

deleted 1.10.19 - Does Veritas Have Epsteins Suicide Tape & More!

@00:00:49 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:52 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 1.9.20 - Iran, Paul Krugman's Child P0rn, QAnon Kidnapper Spin

@00:00:58 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.8.20 - Impeachment, Fake News Lawsuit, Flynn to Prison, Epstein Bombshells

@00:00:48 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.8.20 - Iran, Missiles Fired, Troops Deployed - War

@00:01:03 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.6.20 - Trump Vs Iran, Jihad, Terror, Hitmen, Sleeper Cells

@00:01:02 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.5.19 - Trump, Iran, Treason from NYT, And Dems Prefer Terrorists to Trump

@00:01:01 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.3.20 - War & Treason - Trump Shares Q (Again) & The Next BIG Thing in Beauty Lotions...

@00:00:43 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 1.2.20 - RICO Rudy vs the Coup, Pelosi's Corrupt Son = Hunter Biden 2.0, Disarmament by UN?

@00:01:12 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Q 12.29.30 - [D] Party Con, MORE Voter Fraud - His Name Was [SR]

@00:00:49 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 12.28.19 Q - Pelosi's Biden Moment, DNC backdoor to NSA, DNC Server, & More

@00:00:46 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:48 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 12.27.19 - Maxwell Under Investigation, Russian Gold Backed Stablecoin, Winning

@00:00:51 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 12.27.19 - Q - Obama's $65,000,000 Theft of Taxpayer Funds

@00:00:42 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted 12.27.19 - Epstein was MOS Spy, Trump SURGES, TROJAN MAGA Flips on Trump

@00:00:44 big tech the dnc the deep state foreign
@00:01:37 detoxification against the deep state
@00:01:55 the deep state and we talk about some of
@00:02:00 the deep state used to maintain power

deleted Happy New Year (Of the Boomerang) Obama&Biden Under Investigation

@00:02:29 against the deep state attacks on your


@00:00:46 detoxification against the deep state
@00:17:52 deep state players are now on the run

deleted 12.23.19 - 25% TRUMP JUDGES, VA to ENFORCE Gun control, China Paying Fake News to Fake & More..

@00:01:07 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:02:31 know most of them are deep stack deep
@00:02:33 state type globalist controlled nations

deleted 12.23.19 - The Coup Conspirators are Exposed. Justice Time Soon

@00:00:13 and the blowback on the corrupt deep
@00:00:16 state for their attempted coup d'etat it
@00:00:56 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:59 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:04:12 deep state as well now this is a big
@00:06:16 sham and the deep state still won't tell
@00:07:29 fact that he used to be pretty deep
@00:07:31 state himself he finally turned trump
@00:07:47 rat on the deep state and also mccain
@00:12:50 it's really bad there's a deep state
@00:13:13 deep state and that is they think that
@00:19:36 the deep state in their cronies who none

deleted 12.22.19 - Q - Fisagate Bombshells Ahead! Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignation

@00:01:21 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:09:20 have deep state corruption and of course
@00:14:24 the deep state high level actors because

deleted 12-22-2019 Mifsud, Spaceforce, Virginia v Guns, Soros, Schiff - We are Winning

@00:01:21 detoxification against the deep state
@00:08:36 want to be deep state evil but i'm still
@00:24:50 see some of these evil deep state types
@00:26:51 had deep state these things shifted the

deleted 12.22.19 - Brennan, Comey, Soros, Obama - TABLES HAVE TURNED! INVESTIGATIONS (Q WAS RIGHT)

@00:00:41 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:44 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:01 behind the scenes against the deep state
@00:03:29 ratcliffe who confirms obama deep state
@00:04:50 these deep state types to hide their own

deleted AntiVax Mom Jailed, Epstein Video FOUND, Brennan Under Investigation, FISA Abuse Expands

@00:00:50 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:52 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 12.19.19 - Barr on Comey Lies, Schiff Threatens Pence, Brennan Investigated!

@00:00:44 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:46 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:17:43 a new word besides just evil or deep
@00:17:45 state or democrat and i think forsaken

deleted 12.19.19 - Q: Something BIG is Coming, Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignations

@00:01:12 detoxification against the deep state
@00:08:23 president trump to the deep state the
@00:19:17 deep state war so that they can know who
@00:22:33 triggered the deep state we've triggered
@00:25:35 deep state agent type then you know we

deleted 12.19.19 - Impeached, Soros investigated, Bloods vs Sharia, Dems 2020 Odds/OBAMACARE Dying

@00:00:55 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:58 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:06:57 you know peter stroke and the other deep
@00:06:58 state cronies they really disdain us

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:01:23 detoxification against the deep state
@00:03:20 only the deep state but also the fake
@00:05:21 in the past and we know the deep state
@00:06:39 deep state pentagon doj fbi house senate

deleted 12.18.19 - The FISA Court Just Rebuked Comey & the Deep State FBI

@00:00:55 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:57 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 12.17.19 - Q to Deepstate - Prepare for Jail (Flynn Fisa is Bogus, too)

@00:00:47 detoxification against the deep state
@00:03:31 that the deep state crimes coup d'etat
@00:07:53 the deep state you want to bring out
@00:27:39 reprimand of the doj deep state fbi
@00:29:00 people and really bad for the deep state
@00:34:14 deep state money which is a payoff for
@00:34:23 the deep state knows what's coming for
@00:37:20 people in the deep state maybe you

deleted 👀 QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening -- Co-Author Virtual Book Tour Week: Dustin Nemos

@00:16:00 beat the the andy mccabe deep state book
@00:17:48 terms like deep state or corruption or
@00:17:55 some of the backend deep state attacks
@00:33:00 maybe because they're part of the deep
@00:33:01 state despite being republicans or
@00:38:51 against the the deep state against the
@00:39:25 around the entrenched deep state doj and
@00:39:42 obscure up ssin it's the deep state and

deleted Dems Want to Imprison TRUMP over COUP Lies

@00:00:58 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:01 state attacks on your health
@00:12:03 railroad this seems like the deep state

deleted 12.16.19 - Gitmo Ready for Schiff, Snowden & Others. The Great AWAKENING

@00:00:50 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 12.16.19 - The Day The Hunters Became the Hunted

@00:00:13 war between the deep state and president
@00:01:19 detoxification against the deep state
@00:18:46 bias that it was all essentially a deep
@00:18:48 state conspiracy they were spying on the
@00:28:57 they're not part of some deep state as
@00:29:24 and there wasn't some deep state
@00:30:08 this deep state conspiracy this improper
@00:33:17 we're the deep state and obviously we're
@00:33:19 not where they're not the deep state

deleted 12.15.19 - Q Posts Hint Major Reveals.

@00:00:35 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:38 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Q Posts - Barr (Stealth Bomber) To Be Targeted. Cruz FISA Abuse Drop Soon!

@00:01:00 detoxification against the deep state

deleted HRC2016 - Attempt #2, Ukraine Biden Money Laundering & More

@00:01:02 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:04 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:16:34 they're trying to block the state
@00:16:38 information or at least deep state

deleted DN House Impeachment Soap Opera Drama, Bidens Crackhead Son

@00:01:17 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 12.11.19 - Horowitz said WHAT!! Corney Won't like this & More

@00:00:50 detoxification against the deep state
@00:04:34 nation you know that the deep state
@00:10:41 anything by the deep state i'm just
@00:14:14 the deep state doj telling judicial
@00:15:21 but the very least the deep state ring
@00:16:23 muslim ex-cia director deep state crony
@00:17:11 mentions the deep state now of course we
@00:17:28 there is no deep state let me play this
@00:17:54 repeatedly alleged that there is a deep
@00:17:56 state within the government against him
@00:18:17 there is no deep state simply put the

deleted 12.10.19 - Schiff & Clintons Exposed, Impeachment is Deflection, Fake News Layoffs 2019

@00:01:05 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:02:53 deep state and i for one am proud to be

deleted Impeachment is Better than Game of Thrones

@00:01:18 detoxification against the deep state

deleted IG Report Breakdown Mixed Reactions

@00:01:34 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted Fox News Watters - Secret Q Follower

@00:04:59 against the deep state and this deep
@00:05:03 state was made up of satanic pedophiles
@00:05:35 the trump fight with the deep state in
@00:06:11 fight the deep state
@00:06:13 some of it was about things of the deep
@00:06:15 state we're doing two to stop trump but
@00:06:30 deep state attempt to take out a sitting

deleted 12.8.19 - Trends in the News, Q on Fox News

@00:01:46 detoxification against the deep state
@00:21:59 against the deep state and this deep
@00:22:03 state was made up of satanic pedophiles

deleted 12.8.19 - More QPosts, MOS & FAKE MAGA are the THREAT

@00:01:24 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 12.7.19 - Dems Mutiny over Impeachment - End is Nigh!

@00:00:55 with giuliani and the deep state and the
@00:03:00 detoxification against the deep state
@00:03:22 the deep state who by the way has a
@00:06:01 like they're doing in the deep state so
@00:09:40 against when we are taking on the deep
@00:09:42 state and we're taking on like the cia
@00:10:53 the the elite that is the deep state

deleted 12.7.19 - Q - Did You Think They Would Escape Justice?

@00:01:41 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:03:41 the deep state oh my gosh so this guy
@00:04:23 that we're going after the deep state
@00:04:34 deep state fbi that's been weaponized
@00:08:11 especially on some of these deep state
@00:09:25 it's not us the people it's us the deep
@00:09:28 state in the us and that us deep state
@00:09:36 globalist deep state at this point it's
@00:11:44 meaning in our deep state and it's just
@00:17:07 taken down by the deep state right

deleted 12.5.19 - Impeachment is CorruptionGate - Criminals Shouting Crime, Censorship WINTER (fixed)

@00:07:06 the trail of the deep state with the
@00:20:09 those in the deep state exposed to some

deleted 12.5.19 - Clintons New Pedo Connections, Nato V China, Two-Faced Trudeau

@00:02:31 the war against the deep state q is

deleted QAn0n on the Global Warming Con of Corruption (Fixed)

@00:01:43 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:45 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted 12.4.19 - Trade War, Impeachment, Harris Drops out, & more

@00:01:26 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Libertarian At Large- Legendary John McAfee Weighs in on Freedom, Tyranny & Crypto Currency

@00:20:25 deep state i did now i could not ever do
@00:31:38 yes deep state swamp is memory power the
@00:31:41 cia is the deep pockets they people

deleted Lisa Page Plays Victim, Epstein Plot Thickens

@00:02:34 detoxification against the deep state

deleted More Q - Be Ready Anons, Public Awakening Coming

@00:01:13 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:15 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Impeachment Hurting Dems, Helping Reps. Biden Worst Yet Moments, Hong Kong's Pivol Moment

@00:01:51 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted To WWG1WGA: Nemos (FAKEMAGA FINDER) Reflects on Liars in Q Movement

@00:04:42 things like a deep state shill and a
@00:16:54 the deep state you know the same kind of

deleted FAKE MAGA, Guns, Medical Kidnapping, Chic-Fil-A TRAITORS, & More

@00:01:19 detoxification against the deep state

deleted Black Friday NEWS Updates, Impeachment, China, Economy, News

@00:01:53 detoxification against the deep state
@00:07:30 threats from the deep state all the time

deleted 11.27.19 - DeepState: "I Have Initiated the Destruction of the Republic"

@00:00:56 ever-quickening deep state war versus
@00:01:38 detoxification against the deep state
@00:16:38 youtube channel to push back deep state
@00:16:43 so the deep state vs. trump and of

deleted 11.25.19 - Giuliani vs The Deep State, Hunters become the Hunted

@00:01:33 detoxification against the deep state
@00:03:19 giuliani versus a deep state both
@00:05:33 here in this deep state war versus trump

deleted Q 11.25.19 - Hunters Become the Hunted

@00:02:11 against the deep state attacks on your
@00:12:06 because he has stood up to the deep
@00:12:07 state like no one else except president
@00:12:34 truth about the deep state and what's

deleted Q - Giuliani vs the DeepState - Do you think I'm Intimidated

@00:01:23 detoxification against the deep state
@00:15:35 standard and the the deep state attacks
@00:22:13 change the corrupt nature of the deep
@00:22:16 state and this is what happens so the

deleted Biden Threatens Graham, Impeachment is DEAD, More Biden Scandals

@00:01:24 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:26 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted The Q Movement is UNSTOPPABLE and INTENSIFYING

@00:16:50 into the deep state now we're getting

deleted 11.21.2019 Impeachment Circus Highlights

@00:13:09 and detoxification against the deep
@00:13:11 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Netanyahu + Dem, Indictments. Investigations into Epstein, Death Penalty 4 Abortion Dr's

@00:02:26 detoxification against the deep state
@00:19:00 other deep state cronies and he'll

deleted QAn0n - Information Warfare. THE GREAT AWAKENING

@00:01:28 detoxification against the deep state
@00:06:42 what i'm talking about the deep state
@00:12:02 using every bit of deep state crony

deleted 11.20.2019 Impeachment Circus Highlights

@00:09:58 against the deep state attacks on your

deleted Major BombShells - CLlnton Ritualistic ChildRape Victim SPEAKS OUT & MORE

@00:01:56 detoxification against the deep state

deleted 11-19-2019 Impeachment Circus Highlights

@00:08:37 and detoxification against the deep
@00:08:39 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Barr - Dems Seditious V Executive Branch & Much More

@00:01:27 detoxification against the deep state
@00:12:05 enemies of the deep state it's not about

deleted Kent Heckenlively Author of Plague of Corruption on Vaxxines and Hope vs Big Pharma

@00:07:38 it at the deep state but at the other

deleted New QAn0n - They Fell for the Trap - NO One Escapes What is Coming

@00:01:24 a lot of the old deep state types that

deleted New Q - Who Authorized FisaGate Spying. OBAMA. 5eyes turns on Deepstate

@00:02:00 and prosecute our deep state right
@00:06:27 the clowns the the deep state like

deleted 11.14.19 Another School Shooting, Gramam to Supoena Schiff (Yeh right) Flynn vs the Clintons

@00:02:08 and detoxification against the deep
@00:02:11 state attacks on your health it's red

deleted Israel at WAR with JIHAD, LA Poop Assaults, Things We Cant Talk About on Youtube

@00:03:29 and detoxification against the deep
@00:03:31 state attacks on your health it's red


@00:03:40 and detoxification against the deep
@00:03:42 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:04:24 the government of the deep state in
@00:04:25 trump but a deep state battle between
@00:06:19 the deep state corrupt actors that's why
@00:25:57 deep state cia took a lot of courage

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:04:11 and detoxification against the deep
@00:04:13 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:31:27 of a deep state conspiracy against

deleted How to Get your Subscription Notifications EVEN when Unsubscribed and Piss off Youtube

@00:04:49 in the deep state and everything that's

deleted Impeachment - You Cant Fix Stupid (But You Can GITMO Treason)

@00:01:39 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:41 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:13:41 fake news decided protecting the deep
@00:13:43 state democrats star witness admits he
@00:15:19 was also joe biden's guest at the state
@00:15:29 the deep state he is a clear buddy of

deleted Censored Youtuber Rebuttal to Hunter Avallone Fake News on Censorship

@00:25:29 the deep state corruption even

deleted Biden New Investigation! Proof of Epstein Murder! Mass Migrations, Evil Chinese Party, Obama+Russian

@00:12:37 peter stroked and these far left deep
@00:12:39 state hacks walk free we will all know
@00:13:12 treasonous and deep state agents and the
@00:13:14 deep state types within the uk and the
@00:13:48 obama and our deep state this is one of

deleted 11.1.19 Democrats Hitting Impeachment Wall Civil War or Mass Arrests Next pt1

@00:01:24 obama and some of these deep state doj
@00:14:35 for the deep state well that's
@00:14:53 often use term about a deep state being
@00:14:59 deep state i mean i think you know
@00:15:11 thank god for the deep state that's
@00:15:33 god for the deep state thank god it's
@00:16:20 deep state they're part of it they're
@00:16:25 and it's almost over the deep state's

deleted UN in Utah, Racist Michael Obama, Schiff is Criminal, SANDMAN CASE BACK ON

@00:15:56 clinton state department staffers who
@00:16:03 every deep state person who thought that

deleted BOOM ISIS LEADER DEAD, MSM Eulogizes Him, Flynn Offense Closing In, BuilT the Wall, and Cali Wi

@00:08:48 these different attacks against the deep
@00:08:49 state narrative as they fall apart and
@00:09:23 the deep state is assassinating julian

deleted 10 26 19 Boom Boom Boom Boom Obama, Treason, Clapper, Treason, Brennan, HRC, Comey, Page...

@00:10:22 devastating to the deep state one the
@00:10:30 investigation into the deep state crimes

deleted Dustin Nemos - Heart to Heart We Will Never Stop

@00:01:24 stopping the deep state and stopping

deleted Impeachment Scam Failing

@00:00:56 fall apart for the bad guys the deep
@00:00:58 state we forgot the former president's
@00:03:56 criminal deep state ilk now check out
@00:04:44 quote in his deep state investigation

deleted Behind the Scenes at the FBI

@00:00:40 of the deep state bureaucracy of our

deleted Impeachment, Clinton Vs Gabbard, Biden, Mifsud, Fake News Freefall

@00:12:01 western deep state asset supposedly a
@00:12:03 russian deep state asset to spy on
@00:21:13 kind of reclaim some years from the deep
@00:21:15 state in a sense you can detox the deep
@00:21:17 state we have a detox 20 special going

deleted Captain Roy D , White hats Swamp creatures & QAnon: A Who's Who of Spy gate

@00:00:47 situation some of the the deep state of
@00:09:57 course we beat the the andy mccabe deep
@00:09:58 state narrative book but have you

deleted 10 17 19 Hunter Biden Fails, Cummings Dead, Schiff Fails to Setup President Trump

@00:10:31 them out and the deep state big tech


@00:08:09 trusts the intelligence deep state

deleted Biden is in Big Trouble Now

@00:15:16 also have the deep state striking again

deleted Ted Cruz Calls on Whistleblowers VS Deep State Another Trend towards Justice Phase

@00:12:14 in the deep state and justice and the

deleted Dustin Nemos Speaks At SARASOTA PATRIOTS FOR TRUMP

@00:07:45 for our future giving the deep state a
@00:10:13 scenes you guys know the deep state you
@00:20:37 he's also shifting the word deep state
@00:32:29 deep state and justice system the same
@00:44:52 the deep state had taken from them
@00:45:51 war against the deep state and you can

deleted Arizona CPS Child Sex Scandal & Ukraine Truths Emerge (Audio Issues in tech)

@00:26:25 no committee hearings on deep state fbi
@00:29:26 deep state traitors within our

deleted Team Q Fatality - QBook Publisher Poisoned. Husband Killed.

@00:02:54 mccabe deep state book came up against

deleted News Brief 10/3/19: Jury Selection Begins in CfMP Case/ Turkey to Create Safe Zone Unilaterally

@00:32:36 people are when you are in the deep
@00:32:38 state you were there for a reason

deleted Adam Schiff, the Traitor & Q's 'Justice Phase '

@00:00:41 was you know the deep state and then it
@00:00:58 on the deep state it's finally getting

deleted Biden, The Justice Phase of The Plan, and The Democrat Implosion

@00:12:39 like he did with fake news in deep state
@00:12:49 didn't know what deep state was you know

deleted 09 25 19 GFR Roundtable with Guest Dustin Nemos

@00:18:14 take on on the recent deep state move
@00:19:03 plausible it seems is a desperate deep
@00:19:07 state move for two reasons number one

deleted 9.26.19 Biden, Trending Towards Grand Jury Investigation Dems in Panic

@00:20:29 the democrat deep state the transcript
@00:20:36 trump is going after the deep state

deleted Biden for Treason2020, Q Justice Phase, Mass Arrests, Trends, Impeachment=Dem Fear

@00:00:52 deep state trap or anything but she sure

deleted dn 9 23 19 Biden Links to Hillary, Obama, & More

@00:02:45 government now all eyes on ukraine deep
@00:02:49 state and hillary operatives worked with

deleted Biden, Obama, Ukraine, Child Trafficking, and the Great Awakening's Justice Phase

@00:03:43 machine from america and other deep
@00:03:47 state power centers you know our swamp

deleted Gene Ho & Dustin Nemos on The Q Rally DC, Censorship, and Fake News

@00:12:16 already beat the deep state make you

deleted 9 14 19 Flynn, RFK Jr BOMBSHELL on Dads Murder, GUNGRABBING DEMS & More

@00:04:30 their best and i mean the deep state

deleted News Brief 9/12/19: McCabe Referred for Indictment/ POTUS Leads Moment of Silence

@00:18:25 why the deep state wanted us to be at
@00:27:05 cooperative effort between the deep
@00:27:08 state our own deep state and terrorists

deleted News Brief 9/10/19: Foxx Funded by Soros/ Nationwide #HumanTrafficking Network International

@00:35:22 but that is a deep dive in itself there
@00:35:27 is a huge u.s. deep state and chinese

deleted 9.8.2019 Impeachment, Living Baby Parts, Disney ChildRape Allegations, Fukushima+More

@00:12:39 the deep state sort of get him for sure

deleted 9.6.19 Bernie Eugenics Plan, 8Chan Grilled by Left Peak Crazy Achieved

@00:14:49 by the evil and deep state within their
@00:17:44 assets within the deep state and they

deleted 9.2-3.19 Insanity of the leftist politics going into 2020, corruption around Epstein

@00:05:39 the msm and the deep state fbi and

deleted 9.1-2.19 Corruption, Shootings, Comey, Flynn, & More

@00:09:11 in three-deep state mueller related
@00:09:18 corrupt cases so this is another deep
@00:09:25 state crony coming out involved with the
@00:11:07 deep state obstruction trap of
@00:14:58 deep state doj also kind of out of order

deleted 8.30.2019 Frontlines of the Digital War - Comey, Hurricane, Fox News = Fake MAGA

@00:13:55 have a unbelievably corrupt deep state
@00:14:14 the memos were deep state operatives
@00:17:52 a household term the deep state same

deleted News Brief 8/26/19: Iran's Zarif at G7/ Modeling=#OverTheTarget

@00:04:05 the united states deep state shadow

deleted 2019.08.21 News Update

@00:03:24 is a internal war in our deep state

deleted 8 17 19 They Can't Sell This Lie - Epstein & New strategy - race

@00:07:36 news and the deep state because we're
@00:11:07 corrupt deep state wow well prove it

deleted 8.15.19 Epstein, Clinton Coverups, Supreme Court Threatened by Left

@00:14:58 and we also have deep state irs employee

deleted 8.13.2019 Epstein Updates & More

@00:08:43 bottom line there is a deep state like a

deleted More Lefty Shooters turned Magical Trump Supporters by Fake News

@00:01:41 the the mainstream media and the deep
@00:01:43 state they're terrified of cue they're

deleted The Violence of the Qanon Movement

@00:20:04 around the deep state to trains

deleted Q is NOT Violence and other Updates.

@00:00:51 course the deep state fbi
@00:02:23 for jump report on the deep state

deleted DECLASS FISAGATE with DUSTIN NEMOS on Grand Torino-7.30-2019

@00:04:56 knows deep state not a common term now
@00:16:59 neck with the anemic gave deep state

deleted interview with Craig at Justinformed Podcast-7.26.2019

@00:13:33 existence of a deep state

deleted Robert Steele Interview- Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, and the Deep State

@00:01:06 sodomy in the deep state so robert thank
@00:13:33 under control by the deep state and
@00:28:26 working for the deep state and has
@00:36:44 empire well the deep state is rooted in
@00:36:57 this deep state and then every
@00:37:07 everything so that the deep state is

deleted Updates from the Road. 7.21.19

@00:01:24 out with the deep state puppets they are
@00:01:25 the deep state puppets i mean this is

deleted 1776 - John Barbour Part 1: Information is The Answer

@00:08:10 against the deep state we have the most

deleted What Epsteins Arrest Means

@00:00:37 the deep state what it means for the

deleted News Brief 7/13/19: Acosta to Resign/ Puerto Rico Officials Arrested by FBI

@00:36:02 government the deep state people who are

deleted Qu Update 7/11-7/12/19 Try Harder!

@00:15:19 trump is taking down the deep state the

deleted Q - Dark to Light

@00:33:03 my friends the deep state are probably

deleted Battle (ANTIFA.ct are trying to kill us) for Free Speech! In DC. Morning of

@00:02:20 democratic side but the deep state and
@00:02:25 remember when the deep state wasn't that

deleted 6.23.19 - 20,000' Overview with Dustin Nemos

@00:03:40 targeted by obama deep state guys wow

deleted Mr Tweet is On the Offense Finally And IT IS GLORIOUS

@00:03:23 declaring war on the deep state corrupt

deleted 6.10.19 - Major Events In the News, And Not In the News

@00:08:52 em call me greedy deep state agent and
@00:10:34 you called me a deep state agent that's

deleted Dustin Nemos Live - Updates on Lawsuit for Free Speech (v Big Tech) and Free Speech Movement

@00:18:35 else did joanne call me a deep state
@00:53:06 apologize for calling me a deep state

deleted The Truth About Nemos & WWG1WGA - Nemos Exposed

@00:12:47 me a deep state agent and like started

deleted News Brief 6/8/19: Anti Abortion Pushback/Mexico Tariffs Suspended/ Narcotic Agent Charged

@00:27:15 part of this deep state we call them

deleted News Brief: James Baker Cooperating/ Mexico Folds/ Disaster Aid Relief Approved

@00:06:07 the thief state or whether or not he was
@00:06:09 doing that as a distraction to the deep
@00:06:11 state on behalf of president trump

deleted Freeeee Speeeeech is the ONLY ISSUE - The Prime Issue

@00:00:21 the background but the deep state are

deleted Does Alex Jones Want Peace with QAnon?

@00:24:30 about julian assange issues about deep
@00:24:32 state issues because there was part of
@00:28:05 being picked up and arrested deep state

deleted Bill Binney & Dustin Nemos on Mueller, And Godlike Mass Spying Powers of the Deep State (Fixed)

@00:24:26 deep state narrative book was trying to

deleted The Great Game of Power. America's Own 'Game of Thrones' Updates from Censorville.

@00:20:01 the deep state n democrats are a little
@00:25:41 circles and deep state prosecutors defy

deleted The Nemos ("No One") Family: Over 1000 Videos and Counting Thank You Patriots

@00:03:21 taking on the deep state and i always

deleted "Learn to Play The Game" WWG1WGA Lawsuit & News Network Need YOU

@00:02:59 against the deep state narrative
@00:03:17 our book beat mccabe's deep state book

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss THE LAWSUIT FOR FREE SPEECH v BIG TECH

@00:09:55 but you know it's somebody in the deep
@00:09:58 state it's somebody that doesn't want us
@00:12:40 deep state actually going down not just
@00:35:24 legal stuff in in in trompe and the deep
@00:35:26 state i think we have that the bag i

deleted Q Was Right All Along? & The Coming Plague that Will Kill BILLIONS!

@00:06:20 shifted deep state as a common household
@00:06:22 term deep state right that's a common

deleted Dustin Nemos & Dr Seneff on Glyphosphate Toxicity (Roundup Ready & Monsanto)

@00:32:17 harassment deep state kind of tactics on
@00:37:54 the deep state the bad guys you know the

deleted #Tasneem: DS Goon Avenatti Indicted on Fraud, Extortion Charges

@00:06:40 entrenched in the deep state
@00:07:21 creepy porn lawyer he is a deep state
@00:14:25 with the democratic party in the deep
@00:14:28 state because i think it's important and
@00:14:43 because this guy is a deep state
@00:14:50 who is also a major deep state goon who

deleted Trending Towards the Abyss - Deep State in FreeFall Panic

@00:08:07 by spying on and helping our deep state

deleted Chris Fulton & Dustin Nemos On Preserving Freedom of Speech

@00:04:21 a censorship talking well the the deep
@00:04:26 of the deep state

deleted Dustin Nemos on I70 & Coach Clay show (PSB 24/7) - Wargaming Censorship MOVEMENT

@00:05:55 gotten rid of the deep state you know in
@00:38:01 like who knows who within the deep state
@00:39:15 deep state guys but you know i'm a

deleted Dustin Nemos on Ladies for Liberty PSB 24/7 - Censorship and Solutions NOW

@00:37:48 of course see msm the deep state types

deleted Treas0n, Ped0philia, and the FakeN3ws

@00:32:54 really gotta round up the whole deep
@00:32:56 state of every government at this point

deleted Q: May is the Start of Offense Phase (PAIN)

@00:03:26 game and all the deep state heads were

deleted Dustin Nemos & Alex Newman On Liberty Sentinel: An Introduction to QAnon

@00:10:00 globalist he's a deep state he's playing
@00:12:36 and you know deep state fake news you
@00:16:58 counter move by the deep state what do

deleted Trump Threatens Cuba with War & Assange Fights US Extradition

@00:00:48 everything else against the corrupt deep
@00:00:49 state of the uk which is entrenched but

deleted Barr Testimony Highlights - Antifa is Moral Scum the Left Brands as Saints

@00:16:34 the deep state and the media and soros

deleted As Expected: Rosenstein is Out - Swamp Draining Continues

@00:03:12 there is so much panic in the deep state

deleted Uploading 4% Dustin Nemos on I70 and Coach Clay Show 24/7 PSB

@00:04:39 deep state you know in terms of energies
@00:36:44 like who knows who within the deep state
@00:37:58 as some of these deep state guys but you

deleted The Left's Frothing Hatred of White Christian America & Trump, Weaponized Government Ignores Islam

@00:03:53 the place that you guys and the deep
@00:03:55 state are headed oh and you can't get
@00:04:22 deep state may still have moles the deep
@00:04:24 state may still have operatives
@00:06:34 argue that the deep state benefits the

deleted Alex Jones And His Band of Liars Are Cancer to MAGA. Water and Mud Need Division for Clarity.

@00:08:51 deep state and censorship and if you

deleted Justice Phase Blitzkrieg Continues - Counterattack Attempts Ensue - Desperate to Link Q to Violence

@00:23:31 mysterious deep state professor mifsud

deleted Blockade is Over, Q Justice Phase Commences Blitzkrieg Attack

@00:03:48 all of the deep state agents that still
@00:21:01 situation where again the deep state

deleted The Tables Are Finally Turning on the Witch Hunt

@00:20:08 deep state with these big sort of a
@00:23:10 their comrades in the deep state fbi and
@00:23:52 deep state fbi and doj were setting up

deleted How this Ends: Hillary & Obama in Prison.

@00:04:27 standing up to the deep state even
@00:06:40 is this is not just our deep state here

deleted Obama's Evil 'Renewal' Keyword And the War on Christi@ns

@00:02:54 follow the deep state even more

deleted 4.19.19 - Dr Duke Pesta joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss Education in Illiterate Amerika 2019

@00:22:27 doing and i'm talking about the deep
@00:22:29 state government i'm not talking about

deleted Deplorable Mcallister joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss FakeMAGA Coalition - Bullies and Deceivers

@00:06:27 are they in goose-step with the deep
@00:06:29 state the deep state is you know and
@00:06:47 why are they in goose-step with the deep
@00:06:50 state why are they uplifting and
@00:06:53 supporting the deep state yeah helping
@00:42:14 in lockstep with the deep state i answer
@00:42:21 important for you to do the deep state's
@00:42:28 deep state here's the thing i'm a

deleted John Barbour, Chris Fulton, Dustin Nemos Authors Roundtable on Assange, Free Speech, Truth. p2

@00:30:55 through the intelligence and the deep
@00:30:58 state that they call it i experienced

deleted 4.8.19 - Clintons Linked to "Coverup" with Deep State, & Much Much More

@00:09:34 secretary that taken no time deep state
@00:11:02 are you surprised i'm not the deep state
@00:31:40 very strange things so the deep state

deleted Rothschild Comes after Praying Medic and Dustin Nemos (Let's Play)

@00:13:04 about q so they must be evil deep state
@00:13:13 evil deep state duh i mean i'm sounds

deleted #DrainTheSwamp Disaster Relief Blocked Border Update

@00:00:58 deep state is not just democrat and we
@00:01:33 deep state who work for themselves

deleted The Democrat House of Cards is Coming Apart: Cabal Next

@00:18:27 the deep state is right fake news is
@00:21:30 ours deep state and democrats declare

deleted X22Report and Dustin Nemos Discuss Current Political Trends and The Plan

@00:04:00 intertwined with the deep state they
@00:05:42 using all the tools the deep state the
@00:05:55 because this is what the deep state this
@00:06:25 deep state into agreeing with him or to
@00:08:39 if you if you really look at the deep
@00:08:41 state right now they're working on
@00:14:25 the deep state players they're not going
@00:19:21 than the deep state and it holds more
@00:20:16 what the deep state is most afraid of
@00:32:35 the deep state into doing what he wants
@00:37:56 the deep state for what they are at the
@00:37:58 deep state is losing power and the

deleted Swamp Boils: Trends To Note, Pedos, Panic - Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, NXIVM, Smolett

@00:09:02 you know like words like the deep state
@00:15:30 the deep state saying look you can't you

deleted 3 28 19 - Qu - Blockades Removed, Did Smollett Really Escape Justice? Schiff is NEXT! Obama too...

@00:16:02 positions of people in power the deep
@00:16:04 state being rounded up slowly we're just

deleted Deaths, Coverups, RBG Tampering?, Mueller Retells DNC Hack 'Big Lie'

@00:03:15 seconds to a minute but these deep state
@00:07:52 president trump horns deep state hit

deleted Did Rosenstein Turn Rat

@00:00:14 what this means does this mean the deep
@00:00:19 state is one and kept there guy and i

deleted Q - Chandler=ChildHandler - DIG ANONS - (x100 bigger than Allie Mack)

@00:00:36 deep state for quite a while there

deleted 3.17.19 - Q - The Real Panic Comes In the Form of a Last Resort

@00:20:14 narrative is worn out over the deep
@00:20:16 state narrative at least among thinking

deleted Apologies for Lately - I've Been Overwhelmed!

@00:01:11 media like rt and suddenly the deep
@00:01:14 state pulling off events that supposin

deleted As the Deep State Plot Goes Public, They Try One Last Push to Censor Q

@00:03:43 zealand mosque attacks deep state moves

deleted NZ Shuts Down QAnon Over Pretense (Shooting)

@00:01:20 mosque attacks deep state moves to wipe
@00:02:02 not to mention the fact that the deep
@00:02:04 state themselves are behind a lot of

deleted Qanon - Tarmac Meeting Epstein and Haiti Link

@00:12:40 deep state so then accuses trolling is
@00:19:13 have had just a slew of deep state
@00:36:34 when you're connected within the deep
@00:36:36 state they feel untouchable they can do

deleted My Response on the Q Book: Overwhelming Success, Underwhelming Controversy. Mainstream Q Achieved

@00:11:54 the bad guys they tried to help the deep
@00:11:57 state win against trump they tried to

deleted 3.15.19 - How Did Q Know???!!!

@00:08:59 just tell them q is flexing on the deep
@00:09:02 state right now and they should

deleted The Q is Good

@00:32:40 the bad guys they tried to help the deep
@00:32:42 state win against trump they tried to

deleted Obama Knew! How Much and When?

@00:02:09 is sort of that obama deep state judge
@00:14:48 swallow well yeah another you know deep
@00:14:50 state actor so let's see it was
@00:17:19 continuing on deep state leader weissman
@00:17:35 weissman's just to ease a deep state

deleted Those Violent, Crazy QAnon People

@00:12:36 more popular than the deep state

deleted Q to Cabal - Not Enough to Pull Headlines

@00:01:32 the deep state actors like hillary and

deleted Q - Complete Blatant Push that It's all about to HIT! Hannity Echoing. BE READY! SHARE

@00:06:17 probably a deep state crony for example


@00:01:02 the deep state might be getting purged

deleted Q's Ultimatum to Snowden, Instructions to Whiistleblower, Predicted JPBarlows Death

@00:29:38 him this is not good for the deep state

deleted 3.10.19 - MASSIVE NEWS! Climate Fraud, ATTEMPT ON POTUS? & To Trigger WW3

@00:16:45 are now this is a possibly a deep state
@00:17:09 80,000 plus sealed indictments the deep
@00:17:11 state is shaking in its boots they're

deleted Qu - 3.9.19 - Anons Ready? ENJOY THE SHOW! WWG1WGA!!! - It's about to HIT!

@00:04:43 deep state for two years will very soon

deleted Ezili Danto: Former US Military Mercenaries Scandal in Haiti

@00:13:45 people call the deep state which is the
@00:42:01 left us - what what people call the deep
@00:42:04 state they left us to the the foreign

deleted Game Theory : Jeffrey Epstein ReHash

@00:14:44 little deep state hubs are so this lady

deleted The PUSH to TAKE Q to #1 - and the Forces of Darkness & Censorship come against it.

@00:00:20 is actually more popular than the deep
@00:00:22 state narrative with the thinking public

deleted Qanon 3 7 19 Huber Hammer FISA Brings Down the House

@00:04:58 the deep state okay that's a great title
@00:11:29 to collect data on the deep state
@00:21:45 it was like a public spat so the deep
@00:21:48 state they left they're so predictable
@00:24:24 from the watchful eye of the deep state
@00:27:23 like a distraction for the deep state
@00:27:31 was there for they thought the deep
@00:27:33 state thought that molar was there for
@00:40:17 worldwide global entity the deep state

deleted The Book That May Get the [?] Asked of POTUS! Q GOES MAINSTREAM.

@00:13:16 deep state promoting a better world

deleted 3 5 19 Dustin Nemos Challenges Ben Shapiro to a Debate! (He had to Push THIS Issue!)

@00:05:10 like the deep state i mean that's
@00:05:16 the bernie's or they're like deep state

deleted 3.5.19 - "CU" - NSA Humor & Chat (Segmented Clips Soon)

@00:19:13 reference to could be you know the deep
@00:19:17 state the the the three-letter agencies

deleted 3.4.19 - "Cu" - National CRISIS - FULL SCALE MARCH MADNESS PREPARE

@00:30:53 reasons to hate with the deep state

deleted 3.1.19 - Major Updates. Trudeau and More.

@00:03:22 to report out on crooked deep state

deleted 3.1.19 - Recap, Major Events. Trudeau Scandal, Netanyahu Indictment, Mueller Past Blackhatting, etc

@00:25:55 some new orders from the deep state and

deleted Tasneem (Welcome to the Team!) : Florida Sex Trafficking Ring

@00:14:51 with you know the patriots in the deep
@00:14:54 state and all this it's not a republican
@00:16:42 global deep state and this is one of

deleted 2.23.19 - Q - The Internet is Under Attack by the Cabal Desperate to Prevent [Justice]

@00:16:39 security experts around hashtag deep
@00:16:42 state got an unexpected response guys

deleted 2.21.19 - Q. Recap Bonanza ( Major Gems! )

@00:08:22 like the deep state side of things what

deleted 2.19.19 - MEGA NEWS DAY! BACK TO A COMPUTER! Such Things in Store.....

@00:26:14 each new concept the deep state look at
@00:26:18 that deep state was not a common
@00:26:27 deep state is every everybody knows deep
@00:26:29 state
@00:42:38 in saudi arabia of their full deep state

deleted 2.14.19 - P.A.I.N. Coming. Phase III. POTUS: The Great Awakening.

@00:07:33 and on versus the deep state you just

deleted 2.13.19 - Today was a Bad Day for the Left.

@00:20:15 house and the deep state down there got

deleted Y3LLOW V3ST UPDATE - Roman Light & Dustin Nemos Discuss Latest Yellowvest News 2.6.19

@00:00:20 up to big brother the deep state the

deleted Dustin Nem0s & Scott Benn3tt - Insider Of The Storm Weighs In On Current Thunder

@00:03:07 the deep state is like an act like a you
@00:03:34 at the state department i was at socom
@00:03:41 the deep state was and of course i think
@00:05:33 and it scares the hell out of the deep
@00:05:36 state it scares the hell out of members
@00:05:49 him about this full deep state crime and
@00:06:28 scares the hell out of the deep state
@00:08:45 american government has a deep state
@00:22:21 suspicious it was because the fbi deep
@00:22:24 state in in opposition to trump we were
@00:23:22 another i think plot an activity by deep
@00:23:25 state by bolton who i don't trust it all
@00:26:09 threat is the deep state putin said this
@00:31:07 investigation of coal me and these deep
@00:31:09 state operatives in the department of
@00:31:56 not exposing the russia hoax as a deep
@00:31:59 state operation and because of that the

deleted Patriot Corner #4 Skripal Poisoning & Michael Captuto

@00:22:30 the deep state their final deal they've
@00:22:33 not activated there they're really deep

deleted Dustin Nemos & Liz Cr0kin on Hum@n Traffickking & Subsequent Cens0rship (Deception Fears Truth)

@00:12:38 these cobol deep state people operate
@00:20:42 republican and the koala deep state
@00:21:50 of the reasons why the deep state fought

deleted Dustin Nemos & Robert David Steele on International Politics & Evil Within the ClA

@00:27:43 deep state reducing taxes things like

deleted 2.1.19 - Kids S@ved, Antif@ Pl0tting 2019 Ass@ssin@tions, Tr3aty Killed, Cllntons Bhind RU Lies.

@00:29:39 to the deep state doj so again no
@00:37:23 he's a deep state type and you know no

deleted Dustin Nemos & John Barbour on JFK and the Garrison Files

@00:31:58 lot the deep state you know has tried to
@00:38:03 against the deep state i would want the

deleted 1.30.19 - Pedos, Fake MAGAs, Violent Governments - Oh my! Also - Winter (And Islam) is Coming...

@00:03:06 to brexit she is a deep state insider

deleted 1.26.19 - Mueller Arrests Stone to Distract, What Is Going On Right Now & More

@00:12:57 deep state ses senior executive branch
@00:13:04 deep state ses
@00:13:11 keystone so how do you remove the deep
@00:13:13 state ses employees that are impossible

deleted Dustin Nemos & Alex Newman on Roger Stone, Venezuela, and More

@00:01:01 interviews you said he thought the deep
@00:01:02 state would plan to kill trump if if
@00:23:02 the full support of the deep state in

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:22:03 deep state seeing it and that for which

deleted 1.19.19 - Walls Work, Drama - Fake News OverExtends, Taiwan Preps for Invasion

@00:09:18 maybe he back talked to his deep state

deleted 1.19.19 - As Q Predicted, 5Eyes Coming Out

@00:00:58 deep state global network is sharing all

deleted 1.17.19 - D3mocr@t Drama Continues, China Threatens Taiwan, Ginsberg = Pneumonia.flv

@00:16:28 they're the deep state and they've done
@00:19:29 deep state who have used these tactics

deleted Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Trump, MAGA, Change, and the Hammer Group

@00:04:00 deep state before on surveillance issues
@00:31:03 lot of these subversives deep state

deleted Patriot Corner: CaptainRoyD on Recent Deep Dives 1.14.19

@00:12:26 tools that the deep state the coup

deleted 1.13.19 - Dirty Dems on Vacation while Trump Waits Patiently to Make a Deal. See America: Who Cares.

@00:06:22 we also have breaking corrupt obama deep
@00:06:25 state applied for more than one faisal
@00:06:39 issuing a warning to the deep state he's
@00:09:09 he did with the term deep state soon

deleted 1.9.19 - Q Framed for Violence, Big Political Happenings, Macron Cracks Down, RR & ISRAEL OUT, WALL!

@00:02:01 these deep state types they you know a

deleted 1.7.19 - *Quickening Intensifies* - War, Economy, and Setups, Assassinations, & Yellow Vests

@00:02:27 many of the the deep state types
@00:03:16 in dc so let's talk about obama deep
@00:03:19 state
@00:26:25 puppet state of the deep state they're

deleted 1.5.19 - Q Breaks His Silence: Wall, Antifa, Corruption, Change

@00:01:03 needed to expose deep state doj blocked
@00:18:29 with the deep state more on what costa
@00:20:35 we are coming for all of you deep state
@00:20:41 fake news liberal media and the deep
@00:20:44 state tyrannical types that love to use

deleted 1.5.19 - Russia Witch-Hunt Continues, Shutdown (for YEARS) or Wall, War Moves: China.

@00:07:03 the left and the deep state and all of

deleted 1.3.18 - Culture War, Economic War, Tense Standoffs for Hot War, Major Events

@00:04:57 calling out in the deep state and and
@00:24:28 think this is a deep state tactic i

deleted 1.1.19 - War Talk, Culture War, Brazil vs Socialism, Giuliani on Assange, Yellow Vests WorldWide

@00:01:30 involved in our own deep state i mean
@00:07:35 deep state by legalizing drugs in a

deleted NAFTA 2.0 is BAD! - Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on USMCA

@00:01:13 which is like the premier deep state
@00:12:21 of the deep state the secret societies
@00:17:58 we have a deep state they're concerned
@00:32:07 like illuminati or deep state but we
@00:32:22 of the new american called deep state
@00:34:01 i've been giving speeches on the deep
@00:34:03 state across america and even even
@00:35:14 taxes reduced and we want the deep state

deleted 12.23.18 - Rogue Justice, Hemp Legalized, Wall NO DEAL (NOW OR NEVER), Soros, FED

@00:13:50 what we need for the wall obama deep
@00:13:52 state spy on israel may have set up
@00:14:02 more islamic sect of the deep state and
@00:23:58 our own deep state but and i know he's
@00:33:53 link to fake news and the deep state and

deleted 12.19.18 - Canada Sold Out, Mueller Corruption re: Flynn, Possible Hammer Dropping

@00:38:14 on the deep state hillary and the whole

deleted James Perloff & Dustin Nemos on The Shadow Government vs Trump

@00:23:21 are the deep state basically some
@00:32:28 don't think that the really deep deep
@00:32:31 state cares about that stuff i think

deleted EducatingLibs & Dustin Nemos on Current Events, Q & The Social Media War on Truth

@00:00:25 researched the deep state he knows what

deleted 12.11.18 - So Much is Going On Right Now !!!

@00:34:56 have a big arrest right so the deep
@00:35:00 state has apparently engineered that's

deleted 12.4-7.18 - More Q & Clinton Foundation under Scrutiny

@00:12:36 well played deep state please allow us

deleted 12.4.18 - Q - Counterpunch to Bus Distraction INC, The Path to Mass Arrests Laid Out

@00:03:10 politics works at the deep state level
@00:08:48 25:40 postponed well played deep state

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:05:19 evidence needed to expose the deep state
@00:07:40 monsters in the deep state that have
@00:14:13 deep state members of our own government

deleted Dr. Chris Shade & Dustin Nemos - The Answer to Heavy Metals for the Masses (DIY Recipe Included!)

@00:21:40 like asleep not asleep state they're
@00:21:45 that'll help get you there but deep

deleted 11.25.18 - Border Heats Up, New Q - 'Thank you Soros', Ukraine Vs Russia, UK Vs FB, Asylum "Deal" ?

@00:11:00 so maybe another attempt by the deep
@00:11:04 state to start a war who knows and this
@00:19:59 against the deep state just a few more

deleted Dustin Nemos & Bob Stanley Discuss FREOS, Economy, Freedom, and Q

@00:05:38 committed by the deep state you know in

deleted Dave Janda Explains How Capitalism Gave Us Thanksgiving

@00:03:10 deep state has done is they've

deleted Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Vote Fraud, Cali Fires/Radiation, and Thanksgiving's Capitalism

@00:07:13 believe that has the deep state the
@00:08:08 by the deep state was to hold back the
@00:13:52 globalists indicat the deep state and
@00:31:14 the deep state the globalist syndicate
@00:32:05 about the deep state i spoke about the
@00:38:20 talking about the deep state and the
@00:39:02 there's a deep state do you you really
@00:40:03 really going on with the deep state with
@00:44:27 what the deep state has done is they've

deleted The Many Attempts to Kill President Trump (Threats Included)

@00:29:48 serco air force one targeted by deep
@00:29:50 state uk can canadian and chinese ops q

deleted 11.13.18 - Could Things be Any Better for MAGA?

@00:06:10 deep state types and the fake news media

deleted 11.10.18 - Q - Dem's = Sucide Boomerang with the Voter Fraud Voter ID Laws

@00:15:25 against a corrupt deep state which all
@00:15:31 corrupt deep stateless let's face the
@00:22:05 broward county he's a hotbed of deep
@00:22:07 state activity guys it is it goes back

deleted 11.9.18 - Ginsberg Out, Election Fraud Investigations, AJ Bashin Q with Extreme Islamist "Zach"

@00:15:24 deep state attorney firm in general
@00:17:08 just what you would expect another deep
@00:17:10 state swampy creature who is engaged in

deleted 11.8.18 - The New Acting AG Wants to End Mueller and Indict Killery

@00:17:45 from like the cia and the deep state and

deleted Q's Midterms Advice & Posts - 'We Will Do Our Part, Will You?' Antifa Planning to Intimidate Voters

@00:01:28 arabia style just arrest the deep state
@00:06:21 implicated he's part of that little deep
@00:06:24 state swamp cabal
@00:11:52 collusion delusion and their their deep
@00:11:54 state cronies many of which have already

deleted 11.2.18 - New Q, Dem Tricks, Coverup Artist Exposed, and Caravan Updates

@00:08:50 of deep state bribery money which they
@00:24:18 deep state fixer henry john koerner the
@00:25:26 investigators in essence deep state are
@00:25:29 deep inside the agencies or committees
@00:30:35 no wonder the deep state feels empowered

deleted 11.1.18 - Midterm Updates, Space Weapons, Militia Vs Caravan, Dem Scandals

@00:23:01 prison murder was a deep state head to

deleted 10.29.18 - Midterm Updates, Caravan, War Positioning

@00:20:52 interesting things about the deep state

deleted 10.22.18 - Caravan, Midterms, And More

@00:03:35 and interviews guatemala is a deep state

deleted 10.21.18 - Caravan, Tax Cuts, Midterms, War Treaties, World Fleeing Dollar

@00:01:35 household name deep state is now a
@00:08:43 cabal deep state everyone just jumped on

deleted Jordan Sather & Dustin Nemos on Secret Space Program and Suppressed History

@00:36:22 deep state elements that were trying to
@00:36:27 course the deep state was they funded
@00:37:31 consolidated deep state power in america
@00:38:04 that infiltration but the deep state

deleted Robert David Steele & Dustin Nemos on Khashoggi, Midterms, Fed, Trump, Q & More!

@00:14:33 clue that this is a deep state cabal
@00:16:56 the deep state okay um drugs are a major
@00:17:27 in the deep state to smuggle drugs into
@00:32:40 then of course they implemented the deep
@00:32:42 state zionist censorship agenda in fact
@00:43:04 presidents were selected by the deep
@00:43:06 state and were essentially allowed to do
@00:43:10 deep state not fighting them every
@00:43:49 deep state to control us and cynthia

deleted Midterms Looking Great - Censorship Going to Supreme COURT!

@00:11:23 vegas and 9/11 but they do have a deep
@00:11:27 state and they have possibly less bad
@00:11:29 people i'll say that and they're deep
@00:11:32 state was largely rounded up not too

deleted Alex Newman (TheNewAmerican) & Dustin Nemos: The Climate Scam & Communism as Tools of Global Tyranny

@00:00:24 kind of exposing the deep state
@00:00:51 with the deep state now we're up at
@00:01:10 and the depth of the deep state enough i
@00:01:40 this is all true so the deep state has
@00:01:49 exposing what the deep state is along
@00:01:51 with the deep state behind the deep
@00:01:53 state and then as i mentioned you know a
@00:01:58 recent one called the deep state in
@00:02:04 deep state is using to advance its
@00:02:15 think the deep state is a really hot
@00:06:34 it's completely a tool of the deep state
@00:13:07 that i call part of the deep state
@00:13:08 behind the deep state so it's not to say
@00:14:58 the establishment the deep state the
@00:15:22 right deep state swamp creature running
@00:18:14 establishment the whole deep state
@00:19:08 country and i think the deep state
@00:21:26 that the green scam that the deep state
@00:23:02 deep state knows this and the
@00:24:21 talk about it in terms of the deep state
@00:35:28 special issue on the deep state and give

deleted 10.15.18 - Assange UnSilenced, Stormy To Pay Trump, Pocahantas Fail, and Evil

@00:00:39 to be in enemy hands you know the deep
@00:00:42 state so that makes me wonder today just
@00:06:57 hit we're about to arrest the deep state
@00:34:00 your deep state buddies please protect

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall on the Current Bubble, Q, and Political Landscape - Ending the Fed?

@00:26:31 needed to expose deep state he says doj
@00:30:11 democrat party or the deep state

deleted 10-11-18 - Trump Vs the Fed. Don't call the Mob a Mob! And Other News

@00:03:44 suddenly their whole deep state was

deleted Q 10.10.18 - Why Justice Has Taken So Long, How to Bypass Their Blockade (Mueller)

@00:07:20 expose dds deep state doj block mueller

deleted 10.10.18 - News of the Day, Bubbles Popping, Left Leadership Pushing Violence, State of Culture

@00:14:42 hopefully the deep state guys are not

deleted 10.6.18 - Kavanaugh IN, Fisa Declas Next? - Also - Cultural Attack via Videogames & Comment Reading

@00:01:41 the deep state they like to use these
@00:35:48 deep state they're really fighting over

deleted SGT Report & Dustin Nemos Discuss the Left, and Q

@00:10:43 and understand the deep state the bad
@00:11:11 the deep state you know it was bush
@00:12:01 thinking knows what the deep state is
@00:12:04 and the deep state is aligned against
@00:29:04 clinton on the side of the deep state i

deleted 10.5.18 - A Turning Point in History On China. Threats to Russia, Threats FROM PP. Kava+ Ramble&Rant

@00:37:35 she is lawyering up by the top deep
@00:37:37 state lawyer okay so she's in trouble

deleted Dustin Nemos & Donald Jeffries on Kavanaugh, Q, Trump, History, Conspiracies & More

@00:28:23 mean i compared the deep state to the

deleted ℚ: RED TSUNAMI AHEAD - Q Lays out October and Beyond - Trusting the Plan Just Got Even Easier

@00:01:45 the left and the deep state and then
@00:10:02 he screams deep state to me but we'll
@00:15:22 reduced deep state because you've seen
@00:16:01 destruction of the deep state stay tuned

deleted 9.27.18 - Kavanaugh Circus and weird handoffs. Economy is in Major Trouble. Fall of Rome Ahead?

@00:17:19 which is another deep state monster

deleted 9.24.18 - Q - Panic in DC, D5. And is Rosenstein Resigning or not?! Tale of Two Narratives...

@00:02:53 gonna be so much panic on the deep state

deleted The Evidence for the Coming Mass Arrests of the Deep State, Military Tribunals: Draining the Swamp

@00:00:54 military tribunals for deep state
@00:01:10 deep state traders including andrew
@00:02:25 arrests of deep state traitors and then
@00:02:40 america by deep state traitors are acts
@00:02:55 arrests of deep state traitors under the
@00:03:05 anti-american deep state crime ring that
@00:03:47 trials of deep state traders are
@00:07:07 deep state collusion against america all
@00:07:49 allow deep state traders to be arrested
@00:07:57 stacked with complicit deep state
@00:08:12 deep state traitors who have become a
@00:10:06 deep state documents from within the fbi
@00:10:10 of deep state treason against america
@00:11:11 find and arrest thousands of deep state
@00:12:40 is to destroy the deep state restore the
@00:15:08 martial law control of the deep state
@00:15:51 complicit in deep state treason against
@00:16:34 deep state driven financial institutions
@00:17:18 to live under obama's deep state martial
@00:17:26 element of the deep state is targeting
@00:17:31 defeat obama's deep state treason
@00:17:53 clean sweep of deep state traders who as
@00:18:07 powers to defeat the deep state and

deleted ℚ9.23.18 - Their Sky is About to be Falling. How I see the Week Playing Out. Kavanaugh+Fisa.

@00:10:03 you know the deep state actors who tried

deleted 9.21.18 - Q - FiveEyes Takes the Bait. RedWave Hits Democratic Plantation, IG Audit Actions

@00:01:48 desperate they're deep state there is
@00:10:31 backdoor you know deep state crap so

deleted ℚ - Kavanaugh First, Rosenstein Next. They All Knew Russia/Trump was BS, But Pushed it Anyways

@00:21:46 phrase it just seems like deep state

deleted 9.19-20.18 - FISA Sedition&Refusal, False Smear Campaign, Shooting, DeepState Video Sting, NK Nukes

@00:01:41 in the deep state with project veritas
@00:06:03 good catching deep state low-level folks
@00:06:21 by project veritas in the deep state
@00:08:58 saying that the deep state delaying
@00:14:10 the insubordination and this is the deep
@00:14:14 state being exposed all in one day i

deleted 9.16-18.18 - FBI Busted Destroying Evidence, Israel Russia War?, Veritas Deep State Videos, FISA! ++

@00:03:16 he's got deep state ties everything else
@00:09:47 got this but we know that the deep state
@00:10:59 one out of his deep state investigation
@00:11:05 of deep state conspirators basically
@00:23:56 because the deep state actively trying

deleted 9.17.18 - FISA Declassified. Sessions Activates. Rosenstein Rejected Again - MEME WAR TIME!

@00:39:59 deep state he's been doing some
@00:45:53 the uk deep state will also be exposed

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 2)

@00:03:04 deep state the shadow government and

deleted Aslans Army Interview with Dustin Nemos 9.16.18

@00:06:06 deep state as to what they're supposed
@00:28:02 very basis of power structure of a deep
@00:28:05 state cabal aren't you busy making money
@00:30:37 that the deep state cabal has had a

deleted ℚ - Panic in DC - The Rats are Squelching on each other now, RR Requested Meeting: Potus said NO

@00:10:44 picture that makes fun of deep state and
@00:10:48 deep stay so all they got us it must be
@00:10:57 abed proving that there is a deep state
@00:11:01 to being part of the deep state and
@00:11:06 a deep state so they contradict
@00:11:17 the the deep state these super evil

deleted Alex Jones- Mossad, Radical Islam, Bronfman's (Nxivm cult) and CIA. Sleeper Cells in the Movement

@00:06:51 eliminating the deep state initially
@00:28:20 has made a living exposing the deep
@00:28:21 state would be accused of being an
@00:32:53 there is a deep state they admitted that

deleted Q: We will NEVER forgive, we will NEVER forget. Battle Stations. Memes Ready. Tomorrow is 9/11. GO!

@00:09:08 to expose deep state with an exclusive

deleted ℚ: "Goodbye, Mister Rosenstein"

@00:10:52 in control and use this the deep state
@00:23:35 bad guys at the deep state i mean a good
@00:23:39 way to describe the deep state here is

deleted 9.6.18 Kasich "McCain Put to Death" / Out of Silver? / Schumer = Disrupters, Grand Jury: McCabe

@00:09:58 times shows that the deep state and
@00:10:07 about the deep state all along right

deleted Q: Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition, Big Tech Censorship to Push Patriots TO Him & AWAY from Q

@00:04:38 he collected right that that big deep
@00:04:40 state payoff to stay quiet i guess and
@00:04:47 some sort of a deep state payoff they're
@00:11:26 they're just deep state agents or mossad

deleted ℚ - Did Seal Team 6?! Just Pull Off a Secret Mission? And What is with This "All Seeing" Eye Sword?

@00:06:30 this is not just the deep state we're

deleted Trump is Going STRONG - Stacking the Courts, Fighting Big Tech Censors, Kerry now Implicated w/ HRC

@00:06:00 another deep state anti-trump er type
@00:18:20 of course like if that if the deep state

deleted Q, McCain, Fisa, And Corruption - SeethingFrog and Dustin Nemos

@00:22:36 this is classic deep state stuff shadow

deleted New Q - Prepare with Emergency Plans & Storable Foods

@00:09:09 deep state only all these guys are bad i
@00:10:35 shortly after the deep state of saudi

deleted Did Twitter Back Down on Shadowbans? YES! At least for now - Jack Scared or Just Prepping to Testify

@00:00:45 q's latest attack against the the deep
@00:00:47 state clowns by taking off their

deleted "2018 Will Be Glorious" - Q. Your Patience and Suffering was NOT for Nothing, Brothers and Sisters!

@00:03:21 of the deep state i mean he's he's
@00:17:44 the bad guys and our deep state were and
@00:37:07 so fast and so hard things like deep
@00:37:09 state in human trafficking and fake news

deleted LiveChat 8.26.18 - Huge Health Conversation, C60, Autism, Vaccines, Dementia, etc.

@00:18:41 missile i assume the deep state is

deleted 8.25.18 - McCain Dead or Faking Dead. Pressure is Tangible. Something big is coming SOON!

@00:01:12 everything else well they're all deep
@00:01:14 state monsters of course they're gonna
@00:05:06 just deep state obama crony and even

deleted Organic Apples & Alex Jones - My Reasoning Elaborated On. (Why I Trust Trump/Q, Not Alex.)

@00:05:06 taking down the deep state we can see
@00:07:59 deep state or whoever's behind it do you

deleted Salt & Light - Restoring America's Culture by Restoring It's Roots with Dan Pilla

@00:11:19 the irs or the deep state whatever you

deleted Recapping the News - New Q Targets Epstein and Numerous Pedos / NBC Scrambles to Delete Pedo Tweets

@00:06:26 gonna run the deep state off the island
@00:07:18 deep state and stuff that this is
@00:07:48 matter of time until the the deep state

deleted John McAfee's "Bitfi" - The "Unhackable" Bitcoin Wallet - How to Set Up (So Easy!) Link Below.

@00:00:52 stolen by the deep state didn't hide the

deleted Patriot Profile: Yig - Q Deep Research & Tracking

@00:11:54 is shifted we're talking about deep
@00:11:56 state we're talking about fake news

deleted Dustin Nemos on Patriots Soapbox Discussing New Q drops

@00:37:44 the shit that goes on in the deep state

deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

@00:20:33 gonna defy the crap out of the deep
@00:20:34 state okay now where we go one we go all

deleted QAnon Dangerous? MSM are Creating a Fake Narrative to Distract from Treason.

@00:05:14 the the swampy deep state types there's
@00:11:54 america from the the cabal the deep
@00:11:57 state the elite whatever you want to

deleted 7.28.18 - The Coming Midterms Battle Begins, Censorship, Pushback, and more.

@00:23:02 biggest deep state lies from the fisa
@00:35:01 possibly by the deep state as a false
@00:35:13 deep state ops gave are in dc gave
@00:38:26 skies for the deep state the storm is

deleted Since they won't debate me, BIG QANON EVIDENCE COMPILATION VIDEO!

@00:35:23 another rush you know another deep state
@00:36:29 the idea that that the deep state is
@00:36:40 crimes at the deep state are involved in
@00:36:42 so why would the deep state want you to
@00:37:45 the mockingbirds media against the deep
@00:37:48 state against the cabal you know
@00:39:06 they play the deep state games the spy

deleted 7.14.18 - What's going on? is Assange Freed? Mueller's up to her Tricks

@00:09:49 deep state you know he said that and you

deleted Walking Through the Fire with Tasneem Conley & Dustin Nemos (Interview Series)

@00:39:45 track because the left the deep state

deleted Up and Coming Content Creator Interview Series: The Epistemologers - Foundations of Reasoning

@00:37:01 of deep state and in the past two years
@00:37:05 news and now a deep state fake news or

deleted 7.7.18 - US Lying Bout CWs in Syria, clinton, fbi, Jordan under Deep State Attack! Dead Nephew

@00:13:10 and the deep state not even not even

deleted 7.5.18 - So. Much. News. +Q, + QDebate Coming.

@00:15:53 is that just like with the deep state
@00:16:33 the deep state or something to that
@00:16:56 proof that they are not deep statement
@00:16:59 is that they are revealing deep state
@00:17:19 has made the deep state like i said a

deleted 7.2.18 Censored all Over, Violence, Q Drops, Disinfo Liars Spread FUD

@00:16:49 guard republican deep state which is
@00:16:51 allied with the democrat deep state and
@00:22:36 deep state actors like the clintons so

deleted The Establishment Deep State & MSM are about to try and FRAME THE QANON COMMUNITY FOR TERRORISM

@00:00:14 situation in the deep state the msm are

deleted 6.26.18 - PowderKeg ready to Blow for Civil War - Trade, China Endorses EOS, More.

@00:04:33 politics in the deep state i want to

deleted 6.19.18 - IG Report Fallout, Huber, Q: End Near? +More

@00:05:09 individual in the deep state and
@00:06:15 be a deep state or a very talented actor
@00:06:25 deep state you know actions speak louder
@00:09:03 deep state crooked thing you can say in

deleted 6.15.18 - IG Report Fallout - Clintons under Heat, Trade Wars, Canada Targets Trump Family

@00:25:06 always wondered if metaphor twas a deep
@00:25:08 state plant in the trump campaign this

deleted 6.13.18 - IG Report, Missiles Stopped, Tommy To Die, Economy, Crypto - EOS

@00:34:58 and red october equals deep state
@00:37:29 is controlled by deep state via threats
@00:37:32 ryan's deep state strings have been cut
@00:37:40 deep state strings cut he's free to do
@00:39:14 attacks deep state fear is palpable
@00:39:21 by a deep state stick to facts avoid
@00:43:54 voting systems deep state must win to
@00:44:54 neutralized both failed deep state

deleted 6.12.18 - NK Peace, Iran Next, IG Report+EO, Cannabis FREEDOM, Crypto & More!

@00:06:22 deep state doesn't throw it off which
@00:11:06 why did the the deep state or the dems
@00:13:32 we just can't seem to stop a deep state
@00:44:35 likely murders hits by the ds deep state

deleted 6.6.18 - 160 children Saved From Sex Trafficking! But Skulls Found !

@00:08:09 deep state looking guy like if they had
@00:08:14 represent that deep state mafioso kind

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:00:20 we're gonna talk about the deep state
@00:06:24 days and a lot of us because of the deep
@00:06:26 state and judge mean is also very

deleted 5.31.18 - Roseanne! CIA, NK, Vegas, USA VS All on Trade & Currency, BUBBLES! and Bitcoin ICO Profits

@00:05:22 in the politics in deep state category
@00:07:49 told and the you know deep state gowdy

deleted 5.30.18 - Roseanne! Bernie, KJU, Trump, Socialism, Taliban, +More

@00:14:26 deep state realm donald trump jr.

deleted 5.26.18 - Vegas, Broward County, Antifa, Tommy Robinson's Arrest, Censorship, Culture, and Weinstein

@00:01:50 politics and deep state so i'm going to

deleted 5.(23).18 - The Pain has Begun - Q Offensive is Massive. 1st Amendment Victory

@00:07:23 against the deep state obama clinton all
@00:13:20 veritable assault on the deep state

deleted 5.(20-21).18 - Q Being Setup? Brennan, RR, Trump Forces Investigation! Iran Sanctions

@00:12:26 message to the d s deep state now comes

deleted 5.19.18 - Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again)

@00:07:26 thing for the deep state fbi to be
@00:13:57 involved in some some some deep state

deleted 5.18.18 - Q: "Be Vigilante" THEN: '3attacks' - PP DEFUNDED, Mueller FINAL Rpt DUE, Syria

@00:05:34 of a deep state thing can you do then

deleted 5.17.18 - Q Shaped Asteroid about to Hit Clinton. Prepare for FF (Bogus Banners) Distractions!

@00:14:56 trolling the deep state because they
@00:28:37 des knows they're toast deep state heads
@00:29:00 deep state operatives were removed to

deleted 5.16.18 - QAnon: Time for a Sealed Indictment (Weiner - UNSEALED 16th, Laptop!) Pedogate is REAL!

@00:05:37 trump and the elite and the a deep state

deleted Maga&Qanon Update 5.15.18 - FBI/Mueller Update, Gaza Battle, Stormy&Avenatti, Politics, Q: PAIN Time

@00:39:46 attorney general still if deep state

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.12.18 - Q Community Civil War Heats Up, FBI Spies in Trump Campaign?

@00:02:07 than one deep state source inside of

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.11.18 - Q Community Civil War: Corsi, Alex Jones, Seaman Vs Qanon

@00:02:51 very anti trump very deep state so these

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.10.18 - Iran, Israel, Stormy, NYSE to add Bitcoin? Q - Now comes the pain

@00:12:28 we're dealing with the corrupt deep
@00:12:30 state judicial system now we need to
@00:21:07 clearance welcome to the deep state
@00:21:17 deep state is sort of also comprised of

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.8.18 - Trump withdrew from Iran Deal (AND took control?), Israel teasing WW3.

@00:07:23 rdc swamp slash deep state why are they

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.7.Alice Mack = Satanist, SEC on ETH, Security?, Israel & Iran, Mueller, Culture

@00:01:09 are gaining ground and in the deep state

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.6.18 - Corsi, Kanye, Karl Marx, Mueller, Sessions in CONTEMPT, NXIVM

@00:01:45 then the term deep state is a household
@00:07:19 also reveal that the deep state doj was

deleted Roundtable Discussion: SeethingFrog, Antischool, and Dustin Nemos - Trump Attack Phase has Begun

@00:14:43 further and further you know deep state
@00:17:59 deep state and i

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.30.18 - Q On Iran, Eu, Jordan. BTC Crash coming, Culture & Deep State updates

@00:00:18 update we're gonna talk deep state moves
@00:00:25 today i'll start off with the deep state
@00:02:15 also the deep state apparently redacted

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.28.18 - Trump Calls for Investigation into Clinton. Vegas, Syria, Cultural Shift

@00:20:32 the deep state takedown huse hopes this

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.27.18 - Flynn, Peace in Korea, Mueller (White or black hat Narrative?)

@00:00:43 deep state media and then was later
@00:08:45 to enable testimony read deep state
@00:09:21 not of the one about potus but deep
@00:09:25 state crimes so maybe the idea is that
@00:10:08 disclosure of known deep state crimes
@00:10:13 and deep state believe muller was
@00:20:32 he was deep state uranium morning clown
@00:20:42 deep staters okay so you guys get at
@00:23:40 deep state so x hillary staffers and
@00:23:47 defending deep state potus supporters
@00:24:08 sessions refused to investigate deep
@00:24:12 state with horowitz in hoover and dems
@00:28:08 incompetence i'm talking the deep state

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.26.18 - MOAB Still incoming. Sessions to end Mueller Probe, KANYE ON FIRE vs Dems

@00:10:48 the deep state related crimes because he
@00:32:48 deep state by posting this image and

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.24.18 - MOAB Revealed? - Counterstrike targets Dem mental prison of blacks - Iran

@00:01:51 against the deep state to free as many

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.21.18 - Banning Bible, Tons of Trump Counterpunch, Tons of Q

@00:08:12 this whole world war this deep state
@00:21:30 they understand the deep state is
@00:22:38 trump won is not just the deep state
@00:24:00 deep state forced ecuador to to silence

deleted Maga&Q Update 4.19.18 - Pelosi Screwed up, Giuliani Vs Mueller, Fake Memos, Q Q&A

@00:07:31 head the deep state is getting pissed
@00:21:53 politics to help hillary win deep state

deleted Maga Update 4.18.18 - Updates on Criminal Cabal, Russia, Trade War China, Mexico

@00:05:40 arabia in the deep state and you know

deleted Why do the MSM keep showing us Fake Video technology

@00:06:00 deep state war between good guys and the
@00:09:20 exposing everything going on in the deep
@00:09:23 state with mccabe's and commis and
@00:12:21 overthrow the deep state and drain the
@00:14:12 in fact it just seems to be a deep state

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.17.18 - Deep State planning FF to demonize Q / Taxes / Mccabe Vs Comey Vs Lynch

@00:05:34 happened so this was a deep state
@00:08:44 anyway some deep some deep state stuff
@00:37:27 tailed us for the deep state it's kind

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.15.18 - Syria Update, Comey, Lynch In trouble! Video Soon? (Or is it out now!?)

@00:00:34 to start world war three deep state
@00:05:46 different felonies so in other deep
@00:05:51 state news i guess you'd say
@00:07:56 hit the deep state targets instead of

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST 4.8.18

@00:04:28 the terrorists in the deep state
@00:04:56 yeah i think he hit deep state sites and
@00:05:54 against the deep state with trump
@00:09:41 in the deep state are gonna do a
@00:33:53 guys and deep state and chemical weapons
@00:33:56 depots of the deep state with missiles
@00:44:34 not but they launched this the deep
@00:44:36 state launched this in order to force
@00:44:51 hit isis in the deep state chemical
@00:45:16 it to take out deep state power targets

deleted Why you should support Cannabis legalization if you HATE pot. (Help TRUMP vs Dems!) plz Share

@00:09:24 people that win that are the the deep
@00:09:25 state and the bureaucrats and the elite

deleted Q says Trust Potus - All is well folks. But stay sharp. Times are volatile.

@00:00:59 it'll be either deep state cia isis

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.13.18 - WW3? Trump to hit Syria// Crypto Markets// Mccabe, Comey, sessions, RR, IG

@00:05:42 civil war deep state situation a couple
@00:14:26 is out there in the deep state world

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.12.18 - Facebook, Syria, Deep State, Q&Trump calls for MEME Onslaught

@00:03:46 the deep state stuff that topic i kind
@00:03:52 deep state or whatever in the deep state
@00:04:41 this is hush money this is like the deep
@00:04:43 state pouring its support out to this
@00:08:39 deep state are you including hillary

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.11.18 - Facebook=Darpa's 'lifelog' project. Is World War 3 here?

@00:01:35 that this may be used by the deep state
@00:02:35 and on and everything else in the deep
@00:02:38 state realm of course he says that ezra
@00:03:11 offensive against the deep state and
@00:06:54 in syria from the deep state slash us
@00:08:31 people are tired of these deep state
@00:21:05 deep state and that of course this this
@00:21:49 the deep state that people realize it's

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:04:01 obviously the deep state is behind all
@00:04:20 the deep state the clowns the isis
@00:14:37 basically for the deep state another
@00:27:20 then we have seen the deep state with no
@00:32:31 applies to the deep state types let's

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.8.18 - Who wants to keep us in Syria? Not Assad + more Q, Ray Chandler

@00:04:52 isis folks and their deep state handlers
@00:05:20 folks they the deep state really wants
@00:29:17 by the deep state which is routed
@00:29:21 is under attack by the deep state i

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.6.18 - Trade War & More Q happenings, Pedogate Leads, Figures Implicated

@00:11:18 it don't don't try to scare the deep
@00:11:21 state cia with this stuff but that's

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.4.18 - Zuck to step down, Shooting Distractions, Mueller embattled with RR, Trade

@00:07:08 genetic pollution now the in the deep
@00:07:12 state wore a watchdog group obtains
@00:13:08 pundit describes trey gowdy as the deep
@00:13:10 state congressman trey gowdy is
@00:13:31 deep state versus trump i think it's

deleted Maga Update 3.30.18 - Sessions: NO 2nd SC, Mccabe confirmed to have lied under oath multiple times

@00:05:35 they're also asking what does the deep
@00:05:38 state have on sessions that he's doing

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.28.18 - UN, Assange, 2A, Q under attack psyop and hack attacks

@00:27:11 leakers and deep state operators were
@00:50:22 fact that fake news and in deep state

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.27.18 - Stormy Lied, Uranium1 Witness Ungagged, Guns, Pro HRC Sex Cult, Q psyop?

@00:11:37 establishment and the the deep you know
@00:11:39 the deep state things like that is when

deleted Maga Update - 3.24.18 - Was the Omnibus a Trump Trojan Horse against Dems?

@00:02:17 communities in the deep state ses and

deleted Maga Update 3.23.18 - Trump Signs Terrible Spending Bill, Vegas, FBI Corruption, China, and more

@00:16:49 las vegas series as the fbi deep state

deleted Maga & Queue Updates 3.21-22.18 - Corruption, Tradewar, The Death of the Dollar begins on 26th

@00:09:30 tentacles from the deep state and the

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:11:28 war that's going on in the deep state oh
@00:11:33 now believes in by the way deep state is
@00:13:37 queue and on war the deep state civil
@00:20:30 cabal of deep state globalists who he
@00:21:26 and the bad guys in the deep state and
@00:22:19 power that comprised this deep state
@00:34:57 the same time a lot of deep state and
@00:37:01 airline which evades deep state leakers
@00:43:24 inside job the deep state connected to
@00:45:09 deep state connected to big pharma and

deleted FBI Moves against Qanon, Panic in the Deep State.

@00:01:06 happening in the deep state battle that

deleted Maga Update 3.20.18 - More Terror, More Fake Narrative, Culture victories, More Mccabe Corruption

@00:09:01 now believes in the deep state okay this
@00:09:39 americans believe in a deep state when
@00:10:04 deep state that is now a household name

deleted Victurus Libertas Censorship Roundtable - Jordan Sather, Titus Frost, Dustin Nemos, and more

@00:42:02 10,000 deep state government employees

deleted Maga Update 3.19.18 - Drug War, Mass Stabbing, Calls for Assassination of Trump

@00:20:01 message to other deep state actors
@00:20:26 kerry and biden and other deep state

deleted Qanon Update 3.17.18 - Flynn, Biden, Congressional Focus, USMC ACTIVATED BOOM!

@00:10:08 pedophiles within the government in deep
@00:10:10 state that would that would just destroy
@00:10:14 the deep state if it came out and of

deleted Maga Update 3.17.18 - Mccabe Fired, Russia catches US training syrian chemical false flaggers

@00:18:10 deep state and although you may already

deleted Qanon Update 3.14.18 - Q and Trump status update on Draining the Swamp

@00:19:33 okay in deep state okay these are terms

deleted Maga Update 3.14.18 - Deep state war continues, CIA makes a move, Terrorism update

@00:20:41 was set up or deep state ploys whatever
@00:33:15 the deep state and the swamp and

deleted Maga Update 3.10.18 - Cia Runs for office, Heat turns up on Clinton/Obama, Florida Lies

@00:09:15 with a military intelligence or state
@00:09:20 it up with a tweet he said that the deep
@00:09:21 state no longer wants to rely on

deleted Maga Update 3.7.18 - Major advances against Daca, Florida Updates, attempted bombing at highschool

@00:07:14 the deep state war and the cueing on

deleted Maga Update 3.(2-3).18 China, Russia, Censorship, Guns, Sessions, More Kids with Guns

@00:40:03 also in the deep state war that's going
@00:40:07 intelligence community and the deep
@00:40:09 state versus trump true pundit covered

deleted National Security Action - State Funded Propaganda outlet of corrupt deep state players

@00:00:29 the left the democrats the the the deep
@00:00:33 state people that want to get rid of gun

deleted Maga Update 2.28.18b - TRUMP SHADOWBANNED! And going sideways on GUNRIGHTS!

@00:00:42 the left the democrats the the the deep
@00:00:46 state people that want to get rid of gun

deleted Maga Update 2.28.18 - Youtube backtracks on bans, Dems rethink anti gun 2018 platform

@00:17:07 perhaps the deep state is pushing this
@00:21:36 the elite in the deep state and the ones

deleted Maga Update 2.27.18 - 2018 platform: Vote for Dems or you hate Children

@00:31:39 about the deep state he wrote a lot of

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST

@00:00:00 all all combining with in this deep
@00:00:04 state cauldron of deep state swamp
@00:00:37 how the deep state has been created and

deleted Qanon Update 2.24.18 Stanislav Lunev. "The BRIDGE"

@00:01:54 bridge to exposing the deep state you

deleted Is Q a Larp or Disinfo Agent? Dustin Nemos

@00:01:30 basically he has he has made the deep
@00:01:35 state a household name which you know i

deleted Who is Qanon? A FAST Primer

@00:01:55 like what can i do the deep state the
@00:04:45 behind the scenes in the deep state
@00:04:58 trump hard the deep state the political

deleted Qanon with Antischool 2.12-13.18 - Big Pharma 'white powder' to Trump JR, Nk Nuclear Neutered

@00:34:50 you know the deep state has her own
@00:40:47 mean this is who the deep state really
@00:48:24 think about you know the deep state
@00:48:34 turn your back on the deep state well

deleted Qanon Interview 2.1.18 - With Dr. Jerome Corsi - Day of Days, Trump shifts to Offense

@00:00:58 deep state and i'm going to include a
@00:01:07 recommend checking out killing the deep
@00:01:09 state which you can pre-order on the

deleted Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi - Qanon Story Unfolds

@00:03:15 deep state that's coming out in february
@00:53:24 evidence do we have that the deep state
@00:54:08 will be called killing the deep state

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@00:08:09 yeah fake news what's uh what's a deep
@00:08:13 state oh yeah deep state you know what's

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@00:26:38 the deep state the places where the
@00:34:26 you're seeing the deep state being

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@00:19:01 of the cabal version in the deep state
@00:24:47 controversial against the deep state

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@00:04:52 shared it the meme of some of the deep
@00:04:54 state conspirators behind bars you know

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@00:06:42 i think the deep state are just not

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@00:05:48 some of the the i would say deep state
@00:35:35 against the deep state and the people

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@00:35:51 setting a trap for the deep state over

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@00:05:59 what if he's just a deep state puppet
@00:06:12 the paradigm of the globalist deep state
@00:07:00 deep state
@00:43:38 and and their deep state tactics and

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@00:01:02 opposition deep state put censoring to
@00:06:59 know a deep state bodyguard for a while
@00:29:21 the bad guys you know the deep state

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@00:10:10 the deep state

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@00:16:40 deep state obsessed with pedophilia is
@00:45:25 you're watching the deep state side of

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@00:29:30 deep state and then it was human
@00:32:38 the deep state i mean they are they are
@00:49:35 of the opinion that it's a deep offense
@00:49:39 to even speak of taiwan as a real state

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@00:23:14 harmed by you know the deep state and is
@00:33:07 to the us our deep state wants him dead

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@00:30:39 with the deep state q and on trump all

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@00:40:01 know before we go a recap the deep state

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@00:08:23 a big expose on the deep state and
@00:09:04 well jim i think i think we'll the deep
@00:09:07 state plan to pull the plug on the
@00:46:21 veritas is big drops about the deep
@00:46:23 state that's gonna be big god chaser

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@00:23:52 offense after acquittal and the deep
@00:23:54 state is afraid or did we expect that
@00:34:30 to happen panic move by ds deep state

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@00:26:34 is very dangerous deep state attempting
@00:37:22 damning to the deep state actors any
@00:37:35 left out and obviously the deep state is

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@00:06:23 offense and the deep state swamp

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@00:01:56 that are all going to destroy the deep
@00:01:58 state narrative and what is nate nadler
@00:10:49 the flickering deep state a deep web
@00:42:57 trying to take on the impossible of deep
@00:42:59 state plus fake news and now it's also

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@00:56:21 pedophilia and a deep state puppet

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@00:43:49 be the whole world all the deep state

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@00:11:57 what's your take on deep state and
@00:12:13 deep state is in full power there

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@00:06:11 recently against the deep state actors
@00:07:31 snopes is not so much a deep state as
@00:39:38 into the deep state yeah we've-- secret

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@00:11:23 deep state don't we guys we have the
@00:25:56 so was the deep state so was human

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@00:04:48 was like a deep state hit you know but
@00:06:18 connection between him and the deep
@00:06:20 state and everything else but he's also
@00:13:14 trying to poison you with the deep state
@00:23:23 more of a deep state link for him than
@00:36:03 deep state mapping project what's that

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@00:14:54 filo sophia says goudy is not deep state
@00:15:11 deep state

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@00:13:13 like virginia where we know the deep
@00:13:15 state holds power and they are really
@00:25:31 but let's see deep state hate ji putin
@00:45:14 living is having a detox the deep state

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@00:12:53 the deep state exposing the the
@00:15:10 to get the deep state criminals out of

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@00:12:44 working with the fbi and doj deep state

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@00:03:08 cavanaugh being deep state is still out

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@00:13:41 state of oregon a disgrace one reported
@00:13:44 case not really proof deep state
@00:48:29 kind of like the deep state cia of

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@00:44:12 lindsey graham aren't the deep state

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@00:10:20 to that op-ed about you know the deep
@00:10:23 state resisting trump from within new

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@00:19:42 a sense for example fake news or deep
@00:19:44 state these are terms that are now in
@00:26:42 think deep state has chosen warren sure

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@00:42:28 like big pharma like the deep state like

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@00:09:44 launched the missile the deep state
@00:26:29 deep state took over the boat or

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@00:07:01 shop patriot and drain the deep state
@00:08:09 just how how much power the deep state
@00:08:13 enough deep state the first thing
@00:08:22 so that is how powerful the deep state
@00:16:24 um would the deep state really fear

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@00:51:58 people making videos that allow the deep
@00:52:00 state to know accuse plays or are all of

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@00:03:04 there's a list of those deep state
@00:23:12 within our deep state doj yes he was
@00:31:41 lindsey graham is a deep state swamp
@00:31:47 that another deep state swamp preacher

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@00:07:52 and the deep state is trying to tank the

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@00:03:38 central bank deep state system now
@00:20:10 hollywood we have seen the deep state

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@00:10:01 treason deep state swamp stuff you've

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@00:00:54 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:01:26 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:30 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:20:37 deep state he goes out there and says it
@00:20:39 directly the deep state or whoever over
@00:21:03 well one yeah it's the deep state but
@00:21:09 the deep state this is the big business
@00:21:28 government and deep state players most

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@00:00:08 panic in the deep state we're going to
@00:00:17 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:00:50 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:54 the deep state has its secrets i have

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@00:00:46 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:48 state attacks on your health
@00:06:45 deep state right now

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@00:00:21 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:00:54 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:00:58 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:09:39 uh corruption their own deep state

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@00:02:05 of the deep state that's our family time
@00:02:37 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:02:41 the deep state has its secrets i have

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@00:06:48 the deep state shadow presidency under