Saudi Arabia

Watch The Comms, Playbook Known, The Architect Was Just Exposed - Episode 2278b

@00:12:49 and it seems that saudi arabia will join

[DS] Is Repeating Everything, Which Failed, Panic Is Off The Charts - Episode 2272b

@00:18:19 and what do we come to find out saudi
@00:18:21 arabia and bahrain

Mission Operators Active, Music Helps, [DS] Take Down, Law And Order - Episode 2214b

@00:24:15 names wonderland is saudi arabia alice

[HT] Access Closed, [DS] Panic, The Final Stage Revealed From The Beginning - Episode 2110b

@00:16:48 removed saudi arabia from the list of
@00:17:03 saudi arabia let's go back to post 2050
@00:17:10 august 15 2018 saudi arabia
@00:17:53 and down below q says saudi arabia
@00:18:04 saudi arabia is wonderland

[DS] Playbook Revealed, Ammunition Running Low, Shields Up - Episode 2208b

@00:35:33 traffickers well think about saudi
@00:35:36 arabia think about haiti think about

Trump Just Projected The Next Phase, All Trade Deals Will Be On His Terms - Episode 2172a

@00:06:44 these deals he's been helping saudi
@00:06:46 arabia and russia come to an agreement
@00:06:54 out crude oil prices going up as saudi
@00:06:57 arabia cuts production levels our great

Globalists Supply Chains In The Process Of Being Removed, The Change - Episode 2153a

@00:02:46 russia saudi arabia and other nations

Facts Will Be Presented, We Are Ready, Think Barr, Durham FISA - Episode 2149b

@00:31:28 clinton wonderland which is saudi arabia

The Patriots Are Now In Position, The Economic System Is Ready - Episode 2148a

@00:09:27 oil giants russia saudi arabia mexico

The Patriots Are Removing The Economic Blocks The [CB] Setup - Episode 2147a

@00:08:28 putin of russia and king salman of saudi
@00:08:30 arabia i just spoke to them from the
@00:09:03 track in particular russia and saudi
@00:09:06 arabia so what has he done well the us
@00:09:16 negotiations between saudi arabia and

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:09:59 see that saudi arabia has a ceasefire in

Patriot Stand At The Ready, The Start - Episode 2144b

@00:13:48 what do we see happening we see saudi
@00:13:51 arabia now working with yemen to have a

Soon The World Will Understand, The Truth Will Shock The World - Episode 2143b

@00:21:14 saudi arabia extraordinary who was

deleted “And The Rocket's Red Glare, The Bombs Bursting In Air”, Remember 1917 - Episode 2140b

@00:18:45 drops saudi arabia national guard the
@00:18:49 wave think about what saudi arabia has

The Patriots Control The ESF, The [CB] Establishment Has Been Cutoff - Episode 2140a

@00:03:35 russia and they had saudi arabia which
@00:05:31 it's the saudi arabia's advantage they
@00:05:35 told me they're discussing saudi arabia

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:06:38 because trump is speaking to saudi
@00:06:42 arabia the nbs saudi arabia and brennan

Trump Makes His Move, Economic Timing, Release The Chains - Episode 2138a

@00:02:07 with saudi arabia when they had control
@00:02:09 they had saudi arabia produce a lot of
@00:02:30 saudi arabia completely separate they
@00:02:56 friend mbs crown prince of saudi arabia
@00:03:45 to work with saudi arabia he wants the

What Can You Do During An Economic Crisis? Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2137a

@00:04:19 lower and saudi arabia right now they
@00:04:28 not in talks with saudi arabia was this

Red/Green Castle Ready, Clock Activated, Stage Is Set - Episode 2124b

@00:16:49 was saudi arabia first where they've

deleted It’s Time To Unveil The True Enemy Of The People, Shutdown, Messages Received - Episode 2123b

@00:17:10 know that arrests are happening in saudi
@00:17:12 arabia right now they have detained 298
@00:17:28 saudi arabia first then the us then asia

Green Castle Online, The Stage Must Be Set WW, Times Up, Patriots Ready - Episode 2120b

@00:27:32 made in saudi arabia the cartel was

Silent Running Tactics Engaged, Protective Measures Are In Place - Episode 2118b

@00:15:26 saudi arabia they are draining the swamp
@00:15:29 they have arrested four saudi princes
@00:15:52 that saudi arabia was wonderland and

Messages Are Being Sent,It’s Almost Time,[T -2] And Counting,Time To Bring The Heat - Episode 2116b

@00:16:09 in saudi arabia saudi arabian crown
@00:16:38 what's happening out in saudi arabia
@00:16:40 they're saying that saudi arabian crown

GOP Investigates Ukraine White House Meetings, SR Watch The News - Episode 2088b

@00:27:29 differences with gulf states saudi
@00:27:32 arabia united arab emirates as quickly

Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

@00:29:30 know this based on earlier drops saudi
@00:29:32 arabia national guard military assets

US First, Then China, Now Trump Pivots To The EU - Episode 2085a

@00:06:06 doing he started off with saudi arabia
@00:06:13 saw new leadership in saudi arabia we
@00:06:18 saw a lot of arrests in saudi arabia
@00:07:58 post 88 this is q and it says saudi
@00:08:02 arabia us asia then eu shows us a tweet

It’s Time Judy, The Stage Is Set To Implement The Economic Plan - Episode 2073a

@00:04:55 most important producers are saudi
@00:04:57 arabia at twelve point three million

[DS] Just Made Their Move, Patriots Knew The Plan, Watch Happens Next - Episode 2059b

@00:05:02 syria saudi arabia everything that they

Message Sent and Received, It’s Hammer Time, Those Responsible Will Be Punished - Episode 2039b

@00:25:38 troops to saudi arabia is false or to
@00:26:29 from saudi arabia now that's very
@00:27:19 salman of saudi arabia just called to

Declas Disinformation Projected, Chatter, JA Back In The News - Episode 1996b

@00:08:26 saudi arabia access closed epstein
@00:08:32 says hrc equals alice saudi arabia

The [CB] System Is Coming To An End, Patriots Accelerate The Plan - Episode 1991a

@00:05:48 selling outside of the dollar saudi
@00:05:51 arabia made a deal with russia and guess

Setup Needed Before Declass, Tarmac Back In The News, Prisons Prepped - Episode 1974b

@00:25:41 where it says saudi arabia access closed
@00:25:54 equals wonderland saudi arabia equals
@00:25:59 read read rops re saudi arabia have
@00:27:49 from saudi arabia and they have the

Horowitz Delivers The Bad News To Comey, More Pain Coming - Episode 1973b

@00:15:39 plays out now very interestingly saudi
@00:15:43 arabia they revealed the evidence that
@00:16:28 the oil facilities around saudi arabia

We Are (Closer) Than You Think, Messages Received, On The Ready - Episode 1972b

@00:02:13 the hit on saudi arabia their oil
@00:17:01 when we talk about saudi arabia the
@00:17:14 what happened in saudi arabia that it
@00:17:22 missiles that hit the saudi production
@00:17:42 heading towards saudi arabia and you
@00:17:45 don't think saudi arabia would have been
@00:18:15 now either saudi arabia did this to
@00:19:07 saudi arabia and attack iran no
@00:19:22 would trump go ahead and protect saudi
@00:19:28 arabia and enter the u.s. into war he
@00:20:20 saudi arabia they're capable of dealing
@00:21:34 now right after the attack on saudi
@00:21:37 arabia trump tweeted out the following
@00:21:45 tweet saudi arabia oil supply was

Restructure Hint, We Will Never Again Be Under Their Control - Episode 1972a

@00:06:37 happened in saudi arabia where their

Operatives Hunted Down, [DS] Plan Backfired, No Place To Hide - Episode 1971b

@00:18:18 been doing in saudi arabia so think
@00:18:23 flown into saudi arabia hit a very large
@00:20:18 of saudi arabia was iran lashing out on
@00:21:27 following based on the attack on saudi
@00:21:29 arabia which may have an impact on oil
@00:22:27 damage done to the plant in saudi arabia
@00:23:10 attack on saudi arabia we'll see he
@00:23:14 continued saudi arabia oil supply was
@00:23:28 now i believe saudi arabia is out there

[CB]/[DS] Economic Plan Blocked, Plenty Of Oil - Episode 1971a

@00:10:41 happened in saudi arabia we need a
@00:10:59 weekend saudi arabia the processing
@00:11:30 about what just happened since saudi
@00:11:33 arabia was hit the deeps
@00:12:28 attack on saudi arabia oil facilities is
@00:12:50 saudi arabia which may have been an

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:28:57 saudi arabia so
@00:29:56 behind nearly 100 attacks on saudi
@00:29:58 arabia where a rohini and zarif pretend
@00:31:22 has been a change of guard in saudi
@00:31:25 arabia remember the new guard was
@00:31:55 the leadership in saudi arabia because
@00:32:00 you know remember keep in mind saudi
@00:32:03 arabia keep in mind what saudi arabia is
@00:33:14 saudi arabia royal family and bin
@00:33:20 just declassify information on saudi
@00:33:23 arabia and certain individuals that were
@00:34:38 coincidence no how does saudi arabia
@00:34:45 had very close ties to the saudi royal
@00:34:55 relationship with faisal of saudi arabia
@00:35:08 saudi arabian government who in saudi
@00:35:10 arabia is connected specifically to bin
@00:35:12 laden family faisal of saudi arabia king
@00:35:27 the events in saudi arabia relevant to
@00:35:44 trafficking in saudi arabia go to post
@00:35:47 243 this is december 2017 saudi arabia
@00:35:59 directly after saudi arabia don't you
@00:36:22 saudi arabia access closed epstein
@00:36:33 clinton equals alex alice saudi arabia
@00:36:57 human trafficking arrests up saudi
@00:37:00 arabia cooperating nexium when does a
@00:37:11 be answered is why hit saudi arabia who

[CB] [DS] Major Attempt To Bring Down The World Economy - Episode 1970a

@00:08:49 processing plants where in saudi arabia
@00:09:53 drones that were flown into saudi arabia

We Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Economic System & A Birth Of A New One - Episode 1968a

@00:15:02 that the us has surpassed saudi arabia
@00:15:24 june surpassing saudi arabia and russia

Desperation Sets In, See Something, Say Something, Brace For It, Incoming - Episode 1959b

@00:20:58 saudi arabia for a very long time so the
@00:21:00 new head of saudi arabia's
@00:21:14 why is saudi arabia doing this because
@00:21:25 is in post 2049 gave us saudi arabia
@00:21:45 hrc hillary clinton she was alice saudi
@00:21:49 arabia was wonderland so what was going
@00:21:53 well saudi arabia was the epicenter for

The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom - Episode 1917b

@00:00:46 saudi arabia epstein access closed boom
@00:24:49 saudi arabia which we'll be getting into
@00:27:13 saudi arabia is very interesting and
@00:27:20 hugh says saudi arabia access closed
@00:27:39 equals alice saudi arabia equals
@00:27:50 of the white rabbits riri drops saudi
@00:27:53 arabia have faith for god and country

WW Resignations, [DS] Scrambling, Wait For It, Boom - Episode 1869b

@00:26:38 pushing their false flag events saudi
@00:26:41 arabia is blaming iran for ordering an
@00:26:51 drones and they attacked saudi arabia

Have You Been Listening To The Economic Clues? - Episode 1836a

@00:07:18 there was a report that saudi arabia was
@00:07:26 legislation today saudi arabia is out

Countries Are Beginning To Weaponize Gold, [CB]s Panic - Episode 1835a

@00:07:43 to come together now saudi arabia they

The Sleepers Are Now Awake, [DS] Panics And Traps Themselves, Plan Advances - Episode 1819b

@00:21:05 mexico russia saudi arabia south africa

Message Sent To [DS] & Anons During The SOTU, Patriots In Control - Episode 1785b

@00:22:40 qatar saudi arabia they were funding the

Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Full Control, Panic - Episode 1784b

@00:26:54 saudi arabia and its coalition partners
@00:27:19 state why would they report that saudi
@00:27:22 arabia and coalition partners are
@00:27:29 trying to get control of saudi arabia
@00:27:34 the coup in saudi arabia
@00:27:36 remember trump and saudi arabia they're
@00:27:44 according to qed saudi arabia is now
@00:27:50 saudi arabia has been working with
@00:27:55 of saudi arabia those in power and the

It Continues, Next Phase Of Transition, Energy Independence, Boom - Episode 1782a

@00:06:19 the us will be producing more in saudi
@00:06:21 arabia and russia combined back in
@00:06:43 liquids from russia and saudi arabia put

Trump Just Projected Into The Future, Did You Catch It - Episode 1780b

@00:16:18 now very interestingly saudi arabia they
@00:16:28 saudi arabia there was a coup and they
@00:17:24 alice and wonderland hillary and saudi
@00:17:28 arabia references hillary clinton in
@00:17:30 wonderland by lewis carroll saudi arabia
@00:17:46 saudi arabia access closed to pedophilia
@00:18:04 was happening saudi arabia they arrested

Marker, One Year Ago, Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1761b

@00:17:42 saudi arabia access closed epstein
@00:17:54 alice saudi arabia was wonderland and

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:28:51 in saudi arabia
@00:28:52 he was station chief in saudi arabia

It’s Just Getting Started, Enjoy The Ride - Episode 1755b

@00:22:17 january post 2049 q put up saudi arabia
@00:22:31 saudi arabia equals wonderland who were
@00:22:34 the white rabbits riri dropped saudi
@00:22:36 arabia have faith for god and country so
@00:22:41 and what was going on in saudi
@00:22:48 a change of leadership within saudi
@00:22:50 arabia the clowns clinton and the rest
@00:23:17 human trafficking arrests up saudi
@00:23:20 arabia saudi arabia cooperating nexium

The Central Banks Exposed, Growth Slowing, Global Economic Disaster - Episode 1755a

@00:05:43 when obama was president he had saudi
@00:05:46 arabia push out as much oil as possible

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition To Cover Up The Inevitable - Episode 1752b

@00:22:02 shake things up and saudi arabia trying

MSM Fell For It, Everything Is Going As Planned, Timing Is Everything - Episode 1751b

@00:15:05 in saudi arabia there was a huge cabinet
@00:15:08 reshuffle saudi king salman he
@00:15:16 things up in saudi arabia and we have to
@00:17:53 countries saudi arabia and united arab

The First Alarm Is About To Ring, The Clock Is Ticking Down - Episode 1750b

@00:06:52 groups same thing with saudi arabia the

Flynn Signals Dark To Light, [DS][CB] PANIC - Episode 1749b

@00:16:33 following saudi arabia has now agreed to
@00:16:43 was saudi arabia it was israel it was
@00:17:07 thanks to saudi arabia trump so you can

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:21:59 and saudi arabia references hillary
@00:22:04 saudi arabia the bloody wonderland q
@00:22:07 post 86 finally correct reference saudi
@00:22:13 arabia the bloody wonderland
@00:22:24 q put up saudi-arabia access closed
@00:22:50 saudi arabia equals wonderland who were

Economic Structure Change, Ready And Prepared - Episode 1738a

@00:14:23 something with saudi arabia because of

Panic Is Off The Charts, No Escape & No Deals - Episode 1737b

@00:16:16 events in saudi arabia extraordinary who

Typos Are Deliberate, Is This The Team Around POTUS? Watch You Will See - Episode 1732b

@00:11:09 deep state they were bombing using saudi
@00:11:13 arabia to bomb people of yemen because
@00:11:20 did not invade saudi arabia saudi arabia
@00:11:26 deep state pushed saudi arabia to do

Trump Just Signaled All Patriots, It Has Begun,Justice Under The Law - Episode 1727b

@00:25:26 saudi arabia because they know if they
@00:25:29 can put trump against saudi arabia place

[D]ec 5, It All Begins, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1722b

@00:18:06 saudi arabia and talking about the
@00:20:58 khashoggi death no one in saudi arabia
@00:21:17 saudi arabia this is about them pushing
@00:21:26 entire system saudi arabia is the

They Know It’s Coming, Swamp Fighting Back, The Call Is Getting Louder, Tick Tock - Episode 1721b

@00:23:25 with this now saudi arabia the foreign
@00:23:51 from saudi arabia and they're saying
@00:24:19 said we were standing with saudi arabia
@00:24:55 for saudi arabia and says the world is a
@00:25:23 states saudi arabia is the largest
@00:25:45 you know to keep saudi arabia so they
@00:26:17 wanted and sanction saudi arabia cut
@00:27:03 force him into cutting off saudi arabia
@00:28:10 saudi arabia is working with trump and
@00:28:27 halt all attacks on saudi coalition
@00:28:30 forces yemen and saudi arabia they are

It Happened, Have We Just Witnessed “The Marker” - Episode 1720b

@00:14:36 trump into doing something with saudi
@00:14:38 arabia and if he maneuvers in a certain

Think Projection, Time Is Up, Haiti Op Underway [C]? - Episode 1718b

@00:21:03 it says saudi arabia access closed
@00:22:35 saudi arabia because they know if he
@00:22:41 saudi but if they place sanctions on
@00:23:10 plays sanctions on saudi pull back a lot
@00:23:13 of what was going on because saudi
@00:23:15 arabia is the hub of the petro dollar
@00:23:18 system saudi arabia holds a lot of paper
@00:23:23 the plan if saudi arabia then pulls away
@00:23:31 roll over and this is when saudi arabia

Future Proves Past, 3:02, 53-47, Coincidence? Mathematically Impossible - Episode 1718b

@00:18:58 stopped the refueling of saudi aircraft
@00:19:07 state told saudi arabia to invade yemen
@00:19:38 for saudi arabia and the uae now yemen
@00:20:14 agenda we see saudi arabia right now
@00:20:25 doing the same thing to saudi arabia
@00:21:44 deflected from them now saudi arabia who

[EF] Revealed In 45, EO Is The Key - Episode 1715b

@00:05:47 to place sanctions on saudi arabia to

Let The Unsealing, Declas Begin, Let The World Witness The Truth - Episode 1714

@00:05:10 saudi planes now remember the deep state
@00:05:13 they were helping saudi arabia because
@00:05:22 saudi arabia to invade yemen to restore

Is This Beginning Of The End Of The Central Bank Currency System - Episode 1712a

@00:02:19 oil now saudi arabia they were the
@00:02:25 lebanon and things like that but saudi
@00:02:27 arabia they were the main focus and we
@00:02:46 is that saudi arabia they're talking
@00:08:17 now but coming out of saudi arabia which
@00:08:25 saudi arabia's top government funded
@00:09:03 think what really saudi arabia is doing
@00:09:53 because of a clout that saudi arabia and
@00:10:01 if saudi arabia moves away from the
@00:10:14 saudi arabia they went ahead and they
@00:12:12 this is huge right now that saudi arabia
@00:12:19 the last time you heard saudi arabia say
@00:12:32 china and saudi arabia linking together

Conspiracy No More, People Will Reject, It's Time - Episode 1711b

@00:04:35 we see other countries saudi arabia

Nobody Noticed, The Setup Is Perfect, The Spotlight Shines Bright - Episode 1709b

@00:11:20 that saudi arabia they are branching off
@00:11:30 interesting is that the kingdom of saudi
@00:11:32 arabia
@00:11:52 look at saudi arabia look at egypt

The Numbers Add Up, Stay Strong, Divided No More - Episode 1708b

@00:04:39 really going on here now in saudi arabia
@00:04:43 billionaire saudi prince allah we'd been
@00:05:31 pushing saudi arabia to end the war in
@00:05:46 their puppet regime so they had saudi
@00:05:49 arabia invade yemen and start the war
@00:05:56 anything to saudi arabia so saudi arabia
@00:06:02 behind saudi arabia at the time now

Why Are We Here, Who Has The Power, [DS] Cannot Stop The Awakening - Episode 1704b

@00:09:07 saudi arabia still refusing to cooperate
@00:14:27 urged the saudi-led coalition to stop
@00:14:32 now remember yemen never attacks saudi
@00:14:34 arabia yemen now stood the puppet regime
@00:14:45 leader back in yemen saudi arabia go
@00:15:08 saudi arabia with this war in yemen and

Message Sent, Message Received, Anons Now Know - Episode 1702b

@00:07:24 of the journalist assassination on saudi
@00:07:26 arabia they want saudi arabia to say

Days Of Darkness Will Give Way To Light,The Day Americans Learn The Truth - Episode 1700b

@00:23:54 saudi arabia to reveal who ordered the

Panic, The Deep State Projection In Full Force, Anons Know Why - Episode 1699b

@00:21:13 relations with saudi arabia and this
@00:21:20 saudi arabia was isolated the entire
@00:21:44 flow through saudi arabia to keep this
@00:21:57 saudi arabia isolated now we know that
@00:22:00 trump sent gina haspel out to saudi
@00:22:03 arabia on a fact-finding mission he
@00:22:40 saudi arabia so they can say and they
@00:22:48 saudi arabia
@00:23:49 in saudi arabia now let's have mueller
@00:23:56 saudi arabia this is just trying to

Deep State Unleashes Everything They Have, Watch How Trump Uses It Against Them - Episode 1698b

@00:09:16 erdogan was pretty rough on saudi arabia
@00:09:25 the saudi consulate in istanbul before
@00:10:34 he doesn't believe the story of saudi
@00:10:37 arabia that he needs more facts we never
@00:11:00 specifically said saudi arabia are the

Moves And Countermoves,Truth Not Revealed, Breaking Down The Strategy - Episode 1697b

@00:09:34 it was saudi arabia that ordered the hit
@00:09:45 i mean what is happening though is saudi
@00:09:54 khashoggi in saudi arabia also steve
@00:10:04 saudi arabia attended the meeting so he
@00:11:18 detained by saudi arabia he added that
@00:12:54 the finger at saudi arabia he wants to
@00:12:59 to go down there so a team of saudi
@00:16:25 trump's ties with saudi arabia so i
@00:16:30 now he's colluding with saudi arabia and
@00:16:34 doing in saudi arabia i mean they're
@00:16:43 with the saudi account on the kill

It Begins, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1696b

@00:19:16 saudi arabia they're working together on
@00:19:24 with saudi arabia to investigate this if
@00:19:30 saudi arabians say it was definitely
@00:19:35 investigation with saudi arabia he would
@00:19:42 around and blame it on saudi arabia and
@00:20:08 say yes it was saudi arabia and they're
@00:21:08 countries remember saudi arabia they
@00:24:17 their ammunition with saudi arabia right
@00:24:23 taking control over saudi arabia over
@00:25:11 saudi arabia flew in a 15 man hit team a

World Peace?, Deep State Losing Control Of Narrative - Episode 1695b

@00:10:37 saudi arabia they confirmed that jamal
@00:11:09 and friends so saudi arabia is saying
@00:11:19 saudi consulate in istanbul leading to a
@00:11:49 with what saudi arabia is doing right
@00:12:28 intelligence community within saudi
@00:12:30 arabia member saudi arabia works with
@00:13:27 saudi arabia for the khashoggi
@00:13:53 everyone to go against saudi arabia now
@00:13:56 saudi arabia's they have done very very
@00:14:23 within saudi arabia pedophilia this is
@00:14:34 saudi arabia and i believe this is what
@00:14:43 want saudi arabia to be isolated and we
@00:15:34 acting on saudi arabia what do i mean by
@00:15:39 of out of saudi arabia doesn't admit
@00:15:42 that the saudi royal family had
@00:16:04 saudi arabia was responsible there be
@00:16:13 with saudi arabia this was planned if

Stealth Operation Initialized, Deep State [SA] Mission Fail - Episode 1694b

@00:01:09 saudi arabia mission fail now before i
@00:03:33 is saudi arabia and trying to trap trump
@00:16:47 how is this connected to saudi arabia
@00:18:41 down saudi arabia they want sanctions
@00:21:02 separate take action against saudi
@00:21:04 arabia push for regime change and make
@00:21:07 saudi arabia the enemies of the deep
@00:22:16 he didn't say saudi arabia whoever is

The Sky Is Falling, Panic, Shut It Down At Any Cost, Dead End - Episode 1693b

@00:19:00 saudi arabia the imf is not going to
@00:19:16 investment initiative summit in saudi
@00:19:18 arabia now a very sparse statement with
@00:19:24 we know trump and pompeyo say that saudi
@00:19:27 arabia and turkey they're still
@00:21:55 returned last night from saudi arabia
@00:21:59 where in the saudi situation was
@00:24:23 salman of saudi arabia is culpable in
@00:27:05 states government is working with saudi
@00:27:07 arabia to concoct a story about the fate
@00:29:02 sales to saudi arabia suspension of all
@00:29:06 saudi security services and a u.s.
@00:29:27 you brennan when saudi arabia was
@00:32:06 saudi arabia so they're not doing

Know Your Enemy, More Arrests, There Is No Spoon - Episode 1692b

@00:08:00 with saudi arabia he's allowing this to
@00:09:50 way back to saudi arabia they know
@00:11:41 about the people inside saudi arabia i'm
@00:12:43 now we have saudi arabia and turkey
@00:14:46 saudi arabia all at once without having
@00:16:36 saudi arabia going back a couple of
@00:16:52 so trump sent pompeo to saudi arabia and
@00:17:31 saudi arabia so we know that khashoggi
@00:17:41 in washington in saudi arabia and maybe
@00:18:01 trying to sell weapons to saudi arabia
@00:18:13 make sense is he going after saudi
@00:18:16 arabia to destroy the economy no because
@00:18:35 doesn't make sense so saudi arabia
@00:19:11 saudi arabia
@00:19:12 i mean saudi arabia's done bad things
@00:19:56 depression remember saudi arabia is
@00:20:11 for covering for saudi arabia that would

Another Flip, Trump Preparing The Masses, More Carpet Bombs On The Way - Episode 1691b

@00:19:44 that it was saudi arabia and they're not
@00:19:51 people picked us up saying that saudi
@00:19:53 arabia is ready to admit that they
@00:20:09 happening here saudi arabia has agreed
@00:20:53 name to target saudi arabia and the
@00:21:02 attack saudi arabia and target its
@00:21:14 agenda seeking to harm saudi arabia
@00:21:16 now remember saudi arabia they have done
@00:21:26 and we can see there was a coup in saudi
@00:21:29 arabia now russia is welcoming the
@00:21:33 investigation where turkey and saudi
@00:21:36 arabia have joined up and they're
@00:24:24 saudi arabia to push for a political

DECLAS Timed, Foreign Allies Object To DECLAS,??? - Episode 1690b

@00:06:42 be pointing to saudi arabia wonderland
@00:09:13 just spoke to the king of saudi arabia
@00:09:19 have happened to our saudi arabian
@00:10:13 turkey and saudi arabia so he just put
@00:10:24 to saudi arabia then to turkey but
@00:10:31 it happened we saw an article in saudi
@00:10:34 arabia that saudi arabia would retaliate
@00:12:25 division between the u.s. and saudi
@00:12:27 arabia and by extension benefit their
@00:13:06 there saying that saudi arabia is going
@00:13:57 doing something against saudi arabia
@00:14:00 because what is saudi arabia wonderland
@00:18:14 push this saudi arabia event right now

Alice, Wonderland, Panic, New Playbook - Episode 1689b

@00:02:01 saudi arabia turkey trump and what the
@00:12:40 saudi arabia now remember
@00:12:48 saudi consulate in turkey and right off
@00:12:55 say hey it wasn't us it was saudi arabia
@00:13:02 but never walk out and it's really saudi
@00:13:05 arabia not us and i think her diwan
@00:13:30 saudi arabia and remember russia kind of
@00:14:16 halt arm sales to saudi arabia trump
@00:15:58 looking at trump now saudi arabia has
@00:16:16 then taken down from saudi arabia now
@00:16:18 remember what is saudi arabia hugh
@00:16:22 designated saudi arabia as wonderland
@00:16:49 criticized saudi arabia has gone missing
@00:16:52 in saud in the saudi consulate in turkey
@00:16:59 do with this saudi arabia are the ones
@00:17:41 saudi arabia really care about this
@00:18:42 the deep state to put turkey and saudi
@00:18:45 arabia against each other and then bring
@00:19:01 couple days ago saying that maybe saudi
@00:19:03 arabia should pay for us protection now
@00:19:26 now remember saudi arabia is the center
@00:19:34 still controls saudi arabia now uk
@00:19:42 detailed saudi response they want a
@00:20:00 going to be action taken against saudi
@00:20:02 arabia it looks like they're trying to
@00:20:22 saudi arabia access closed epstein
@00:20:36 hillary clinton is alice saudi arabia is
@00:20:44 the white rabbits riri drops saudi
@00:20:46 arabia have faith
@00:20:49 and then down below but saudi arabia was
@00:20:58 having the deep state in saudi arabia
@00:21:32 go after saudi arabia if trump goes
@00:21:52 with the exposure of saudi arabia where
@00:21:58 what saudi arabia was really all about
@00:23:36 turkey and saudi arabia russia is pulled

Internet Blackout Warning For Next 48 Hours - Episode 1688b

@00:14:18 and saudi arabia fighting with each

Confirmed, Contradict The Fed, Economy Collapse Blame The Fed - Episode 1685a

@00:13:52 a warning to saudi arabia that you might

Was The End Of The Petro Dollar Just Announced By The President? - Episode 1682a

@00:03:33 saudi arabia lebanon iraq libya as long
@00:03:49 an announcement to saudi arabia saying
@00:04:25 going to make a new deal with iran saudi
@00:04:30 arabia should pay for their protection
@00:10:16 to what trump said about saudi arabia
@00:12:19 made that remark to saudi arabia that
@00:12:24 saudi arabia is going to have to protect

It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

@00:26:48 to saudi arabia and the terrorist

T Minus [0:00],Prepare For Release,The Storm Is Here - Episode 1660b

@00:21:43 saudi-arabia controlled us puppets
@00:21:51 coincidence directly after saudi arabia
@00:22:29 arrests up saudi arabia saudi arabia
@00:23:39 well saudi arabia is cooperating why are
@00:24:04 because if saudi arabia right now is

Infiltration Runs Deep,Operation Counter Clowns,Congress Is In Session[s] - Episode 1655b

@00:09:42 saudi arabia access was closed to human

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:31:05 and saudi arabia references hillary
@00:31:10 saudi arabia the bloody wunderland under
@00:34:04 following information saudi arabia
@00:34:17 pending government saudi arabia us push
@00:34:40 wonderland saudi arabia who are the
@00:34:43 white rabbits riri drops saudi arabia
@00:35:49 children to bloody wonder lane saudi
@00:35:52 arabia additional points for her
@00:36:28 in saudi arabia saudi migrant workers
@00:36:39 and there's still problems in saudi
@00:36:41 arabia

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:10:19 we also see saudi arabia right now is

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:33:24 saudi arabia to go into yemen now
@00:33:27 remember yemen never attacks saudi
@00:33:28 arabia saudi arabia just started a war

And Now, The Feature Presentation, Sheep No More, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1643b

@00:14:13 where we had saudi arabia access closed

There Are Major Signs That The Deep State Is Planning Something Big - Episode 1642b

@00:14:19 it like saudi arabia and all the others

Deep, Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, It Goes A Lot Deeper Than You Think - Episode 1640b

@00:12:37 said saudi arabia access closed epstein

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:32:25 essay access closed saudi arabia access
@00:32:50 saudi arabia us push syria access

The Pieces Of The Puzzle Are Coming Together, The More You Know You - Episode 1637b

@00:10:08 whatsoever saudi arabia continually
@00:10:42 was sold to saudi arabia and this was
@00:11:04 saudi arabia in there to teach the

The Show Has Just Begun, Welcome To The Swamp - Episode 1636b

@00:26:38 approved by canada recently saudi arabia

The Previews Are Over, It's Showtime, The World Is Watching - Episode 1635b

@00:06:41 suffer when saudi arabia goes into yemen

The Announcement Was Just Made, Watch What Happens Next, It's Happening - Episode 1628b

@00:10:38 border jordan the deep state saudi
@00:10:41 arabia this is how they moved the paid
@00:21:26 supplied the feed saudi arabia clinton
@00:22:40 vanetti shouldn't have access to saudi
@00:22:44 arabia clinton foundation financed ears

It Has Now Been Confirmed, The Time Is Now - Episode 1624b

@00:24:40 the deep state with saudi arabia went in

The Hammer Is Falling, The Plan Is On Track - Episode 1615b

@00:11:14 in saudi arabia
@00:11:15 well saudi arabia has just issued
@00:11:28 saudi arabia under the direction of the
@00:11:33 yemen never attacks saudi arabia what
@00:11:41 didn't like this and had saudi arabia go
@00:12:38 like things might be turning and saudi
@00:12:41 arabia is a little worried and is now

Trump/Putin Meeting Will Seal The Deal Which Pushes The Plan Forward - Episode 1613b

@00:10:18 through saudi arabia to the free syrian

Disinformation Is Real, They Are Trying To Divide Us, It Will Fail - Episode 1608b

@00:19:13 false saudi arabia true why was this
@00:19:21 saudi arabia prior to the saudi arabia
@00:20:41 mccain criticized query saudi arabia
@00:20:49 took an undisclosed trip to saudi arabia
@00:20:57 did saudi arabia welcome the potus
@00:21:05 how did saudi arabia welcome barack
@00:21:11 saudi arabia welcomed hillary rodham
@00:21:36 why did jk travel to saudi arabia
@00:21:46 saudi arabia known for where did the
@00:21:55 saudi arabia safe harbor port or
@00:22:03 mirror saudi arabia actions as per isis

Justice Will Be Served, Behold The Full Power Of The Storm - Episode 1603b

@00:05:24 it was saudi arabia again they were told
@00:05:32 control of that country and saudi arabia
@00:05:54 saudi yemen war needs to end remember
@00:05:56 yemen never attacked saudi arabia saudi
@00:06:00 arabia attacked yemen the only reason
@00:06:03 saudi arabia is there is because the
@00:06:11 then had saudi arabia go into yemen to
@00:06:31 for saudi arabia and i think it's time

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:21:47 are afghanistan saudi arabia ethiopia

The Agenda 'Break World Order’, Elite Meet To Counter - Episode 1586b

@00:18:45 russia quantum computing saudi arabia

Funding Has Been Cutoff, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1560b

@00:11:51 saudi arabia and the rest egypt and the
@00:12:56 areas but if saudi arabia or qatar or

Apple, Planes, And The Mysterious Shipment - Episode 1559b

@00:08:53 deal with the saudi military where they
@00:09:04 came out and so saudi arabia has
@00:10:14 in saudi arabia to advise train service
@00:10:50 saudi arabia the uk saudi agreements
@00:11:14 by uk military commitments to saudi
@00:11:16 arabia and have never been disclosed to
@00:11:21 discloses one of them from a uk saudi
@00:11:47 personnel rule remain available in saudi
@00:11:50 arabia for preparation including arming
@00:11:58 during an armed conflict in which saudi
@00:12:02 arabia is involved and we can see that

They Feel Threatened, Deep State Changes Tactics, Next Move Could Be Huge - Episode 1553b

@00:05:30 so saudi arabia will then lead to north

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:08:43 ben salman admitted that saudi and
@00:08:49 whole thing is falling apart where saudi
@00:08:52 arabia qatar yes was part of it jordan
@00:09:10 us judge rejected saudi arabia's request
@00:09:17 it's not just saudi arabia this whole

Operation Bolton Distraction Is A Go, Deep State On The Move - Episode 1533b

@00:07:36 u.s. involvement in saudi arabia
@00:07:56 forces are helping saudi arabia will
@00:09:01 in yemen saudi arabia is not pushing the

Liquidity Crisis Headed Our Way,The Economic Warning Signs Are Everywhere - Episode 1533a

@00:08:23 with saudi arabia it's very interesting
@00:08:25 saudi arabia will be next and we're
@00:08:29 waiting for that signal where saudi
@00:08:32 arabia says okay we're gonna start
@00:10:22 saudi arabia the rest of the middle

Clock Activated, Stage Set, Wait For The Boom, Boom, Boom! - Episode 1529b

@00:15:02 being held as the saudi arabia of

Petro Yuan Futures Launched, Economic System Shook, Control Narrative - Episode 1529a

@00:15:11 some real leverage over saudi arabia to
@00:15:40 it didn't take another 20 years saudi
@00:15:44 arabia and the rest of the middle

Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State - Episode 1524b

@00:12:26 attempting to get funds from saudi
@00:12:29 arabia to foot the bill for post-war
@00:12:52 saudi arabia could take their place now
@00:13:01 saudi arabia to bring in troops and to

The Game Is Being Played Out In Front Of The World, Do You Want To Play? - Episode 1518b

@00:03:01 your secret deal to put saudi arabia on
@00:03:08 uk approached saudi arabia in secret

Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b

@00:02:39 at china saudi arabia and the rest of
@00:06:26 so russia china saudi arabia or any

As The Old Economic System Breaks Down, A New One Is Born From The Ashes - Episode 1504a

@00:15:42 libya saudi arabia all these different

Central Banks Are Preparing To Take Control Of The Blockchain - Episode 1499a

@00:04:21 of saudi arabia now saudi arabia and

'Doomsday Clock' Moves Again, Is Everything Lining Up For An Event? - Episode 1482b

@00:14:02 syria iran india and guitar now saudi
@00:14:09 arabia they're all purchasing

It's All Closing In Aournd The Cabal, Only Option Left Is.. - Episode 1463b

@00:08:49 they want to interfere saudi arabia

The Cabal Didn't Expect This To Happen, Next Event Locked And Loaded - Episode 1462b

@00:12:02 saudi arabia that it came from iran

The Cabal Initiates The First Event, Let The Games Begin - Episode 1460b

@00:13:48 saudi arabia the coalition forces the
@00:14:00 saudi arabia yes qatar jordan and the

It's All Happening At An Accelerated Pace, Will The Event Be Triggered? - Episode 1458b

@00:09:04 these type of missiles saudi arabia is

The Draining Of The Swamp Nuclear Option Has Just Been Initiated - Episode 1457b

@00:12:40 out saudi arabia but then we come to

The Economic Collapse, Transition Revealed, Just Look At The Clues - Episode 1457a

@00:18:11 over when saudi arabia the house of saud
@00:18:32 yuan by saudi arabia the creation of a
@00:18:36 saudi investment fund and the

It Has All Come To This Moment, What Happens Next - Episode 1455b

@00:12:39 was a call out to saudi arabia to say

Desperation Is Setting In, The Cabal Is Trapped - Episode 1454b

@00:12:40 to saudi arabia to say listen he need to

Looks Like It's A Go, Be Prepared, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1453b

@00:06:45 missile system that they got from saudi
@00:06:47 arabia saying this was from iran the
@00:07:19 u.s. is supplying all this to saudi
@00:07:21 arabia to fight against yemen and yemen
@00:07:24 never attacked saudi arabia so we need
@00:07:31 the saudi or the saudi forces attacked
@00:07:45 they've been supporting saudi arabia and
@00:07:48 saudi arabia is also responsible so

The Transition Begins, The World Economic Structure Is About To Change - Episode 1452a

@00:13:52 interesting is saudi arabia right now we
@00:14:03 in saudi arabia to try to boost the

The Cabal Will Push Their Agenda Hard Now & Ramp Up Chaos For The Next Event - Episode 1448b

@00:08:36 they're firing missiles into saudi
@00:08:38 arabia now of course the missile came
@00:08:39 from saudi arabia and she's out there
@00:09:32 supply these weapons because saudi
@00:09:35 arabia has has had a two-year blockade

Propaganda Is Leaked Before The Cabal's Main Event - Episode 1447b

@00:14:35 having a common ground saudi arabia is
@00:15:14 the middle east saudi arabia iraq guitar

The Battle Accelerates, The Truth Is Being Forced Into The Open - Episode 1446b

@00:15:05 know i arab emirates saudi arabia it is

Hold On To Your Seat The Entire Economy Is About To Change - Episode 1446a

@00:09:03 we need to look at saudi arabia right
@00:09:28 cabal had saudi arabia push out a lot of
@00:11:43 see egypt jordan turkey saudi arabia

US Has A New Plan For The Middle East, Russia Waits For Plan - Episode 1443b

@00:06:17 these areas along with saudi arabia and
@00:06:48 was the u.s. the cabal israel saudi
@00:06:51 arabia and many other countries that
@00:09:45 saudi arabia they kind of go back

The Global Reset Has Begun - Episode 1442b

@00:12:55 saudi arabia egypt libya lebanon all

Is The Middle East Ready To Explode Or Is There Something Else Happening? - Episode 1441b

@00:09:12 league of arab states saudi arabia iran
@00:12:08 now he's telling saudi arabia to stop

The Neocons, Cabal Give A Little Push To Get An Event Started - Episode 1439b

@00:06:43 has also made the deal saudi arabia is

Something Big Just Happened, Everything Is About To Change - Episode 1432b

@00:03:21 talked about saudi arabia iraq iran and
@00:03:29 saudi king salman he has stressed the
@00:05:01 going to be brought against saudi arabia
@00:05:19 government so saudi arabia the united
@00:07:38 remember that israel saudi arabia
@00:09:47 you know as well as saudi arabia qatar

Time Is Running Out For The Cabal, Tick-Tock - Episode 1431b

@00:13:36 out there saying that saudi arabia is
@00:13:51 it's a ran because saudi arabia israel

It Has Now Turned Into A Head To Head Fight With The Cabal - Episode 1430b

@00:09:15 saudi arabia and many other countries
@00:16:45 along with saudi arabia and they're
@00:16:56 see iran saudi arabia lebanon israel

The US Issues A Travel Warning For This Holiday Season - Episode 1428b

@00:13:33 new war and this is why we see saudi
@00:13:36 arabia and israel going after iran this

Are The Globalists Moving Forward With Their One Currency Agenda? - Episode 1427b

@00:09:24 lebanon with israel and saudi arabia
@00:09:34 are ready to exchange intel with saudi
@00:09:37 arabia to face iran and we can see that
@00:10:08 we know that it all started with saudi
@00:10:09 arabia the middle east was on board and
@00:10:11 saudi arabia is the hub of all of this
@00:11:38 saudi arabia they were making deals with
@00:11:45 russia but again saudi arabia is still
@00:11:52 right now that saudi arabia is working

US Government Issues A Warning Against North Korea's "Hidden Cobra"- Episode 1426b

@00:06:40 assistance to saudi arabia in its war

The Latest Report Indicates The 1% Got Wealthier After 2008 - Episode 1425a

@00:12:04 this we know that saudi arabia right now

It's On, The Cabal Goes All In To Push The Next Event - Episode 1423b

@00:08:28 saudi arabia they can't get anywhere in
@00:09:21 war in lebanon is coordinated with saudi
@00:09:25 arabia and israel to instigate a new

The Event Is Moving Forward, Is The Cabal Ready To Pull The Trigger - Episode 1422b

@00:05:42 down we see that saudi arabia kuwait
@00:07:11 saudi arabia and this was a surprise
@00:10:01 lebanon with saudi arabia israel and

Layer By Layer The Cabal Is Being Exposed To The World - Episode 1420b

@00:20:22 missiles at saudi arabia there's no

The Cabal Is Ready To Take Action, Something Big Might Happen Soon - Episode 1419b

@00:09:20 saudi arabia as we know there's a coup
@00:09:25 saudi has purged many many individuals
@00:09:42 pressure on saudi arabia to cut the oil
@00:09:47 and saudi arabia guess what they can't
@00:09:52 so saudi arabia right now they have
@00:10:07 understand that saudi arabia israel many
@00:11:10 lebanon with saudi arabia with israel
@00:16:57 already making moves out in saudi arabia

The Cabal Makes Their Move For A New Middle East Event - Episode 1418b

@00:09:24 out in saudi arabia a saudi prince who
@00:10:04 into saudi arabia right now it really
@00:10:12 in their country now saudi arabia is
@00:10:25 see a lot of things happening in saudi
@00:10:27 arabia first of all saudi arabia it
@00:10:36 individuals in the saudi system now
@00:11:38 all of this it looks like saudi arabia
@00:11:47 saudi arabia is building up the
@00:11:55 saudi arabia which makes no sense
@00:12:06 lebanese prime minister with the saudi
@00:12:08 passport resigns on order of saudi
@00:12:10 arabia and we see right now is that the
@00:13:14 which is made up of saudi arabia israel

The Cabal Is Distracting The World From The Real Investigation - Episode 1412b

@00:10:49 england 8.4 million saudi arabia 7.3
@00:19:39 talking about peace we see the saudi
@00:19:47 priority and we know that saudi arabia

Something Big Is About To Happen & It Might Take Place At An Amusement Park - Episode 1411b

@00:09:34 say that saudi arabia while all this was
@00:09:52 parts and saudi arabia
@00:10:26 the coalition forces israel saudi arabia

The IMF Lays Out The Global Financial Crash Scenario - Episode 1407

@00:14:10 with saudi arabia working with qatar

The US Just Admitted Something That They Never Admitted To Before - Episode 1406b

@00:12:54 through most likely saudi arabia jordan

It's All About To Hit The Fan, The Cabal's Next Move Will Cover It All Up - Episode 1404b

@00:07:49 accused saudi arabia of trying to
@00:07:57 is that the saudi government officials
@00:08:24 saudi arabia is already making deals

The Cabal Is Going All Out, Next Event Imminent - Episode 1401

@00:10:23 all weapons all support for saudi arabia

Russia And China Just Did Something That Will Be A Blow To The Dollar - Episode 1400a

@00:07:14 russia just made a deal with saudi
@00:07:16 arabia with their oil market they also

The Cabal Is Scrambling, They Are Losing Control - Episode 1399b

@00:07:57 saudi arabia they're supplying equipment

Has The Cabal Already Planned The Lights Out Event? - Episode 1398b

@00:10:10 with iran and saudi arabia and they want
@00:10:27 israel they like tension between saudi
@00:10:30 arabia iran jordan iran libya iran they
@00:10:47 russia is looking to talk to saudi
@00:10:49 arabia united arab emirates where
@00:10:54 maybe broker a peace deal with saudi
@00:10:57 arabia the united arab emirates and
@00:11:35 getting involved with iran and saudi
@00:11:36 arabia getting involved with saudi
@00:11:38 arabia and yemen saudi arabia has

De-Dollarization Continues, More Countries Pivot Away From The Dollar - Episode 1397a

@00:10:45 saudi arabia already made that deal with

The Economy Has Hit Stall Speed, It's Not If But When The Economy Crashes - Episode 1395

@00:11:43 saudi russia summit where saudi arabia
@00:12:08 not just turkey but saudi arabia egypt

Saudia Arabia Pivots Towards Russia And Away From The US - Episode 1394b

@00:01:04 episode is saudi arabia pivots towards
@00:02:36 with russia and saudi arabia saudi
@00:02:39 arabia now is pivoting away from the
@00:02:47 saudi arabia this is the first state
@00:02:49 visit to russia by a reigning saudi
@00:04:04 saudi arabia does this you can bet

Last Ditch Effort, The Cabal Pushes The Event Of Events - Episode 1379b

@00:12:08 from saudi arabia so we can see right

Is It All Coming To An End, What Else Does The Cabal Have Up Their Sleeve - Episode 1372b

@00:10:50 they're doing this with saudi arabia
@00:10:58 we know what's happening in yemen saudi
@00:10:59 arabia through the united states wants

The Cabal's Agenda Is Starting To Backfire, What's Next? - Episode 1367b

@00:08:50 see later on that saudi arabia is going

Syria Is Slipping Through The Cabal's Fingers - Episode 1364b

@00:03:48 saudi arabia they're all moving towards

The United Nations Issues A Warning For The US - Episode 1362b

@00:10:26 we see out in yemen saudi arabia the

The Elite's Agenda Is In Full Swing, What Happened To Common Sense? - Episode 1358b

@00:19:19 united nations report finds that saudi
@00:19:21 arabia saudi arabia has massacred
@00:19:37 because saudi arabia needs their oil
@00:19:56 i found that saudi arabia and its
@00:20:31 now last year saudi arabia was briefly
@00:20:44 saudi arabia threatened to stage a
@00:21:10 saudi arabia from the list so they
@00:21:36 saudi arabia and all these countries

Russia & China Are Now Teaming Up To Counter The Deep State - Episode 1351b

@00:17:46 with saudi arabia russia and china are

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1350

@00:11:48 sure that saudi arabia they have their
@00:11:54 that obama worked with saudi arabia as a

The Bad Guys Believe They Have The Upper Hand, Wait For It... - Episode 1347b

@00:17:15 saudi arabia the united states the
@00:17:18 united states was using saudi arabia as

The Bad Guys Plans Are In The Process Of Being Ripped Up - Episode 1346b

@00:12:54 these threats that saudi arabia was

The Economic Euphoria Has Reached New Heights, When It Crashes... - Episode 1345a

@00:16:24 dollar iran saudi arabia is making a

Taking The Fight To The Next Level, Going After The Elite's Dark Money - Episode 1337b

@00:14:52 through saudi arabia through the paid

The Bad Guys Are Now Being Outed As More Evidence Pours In - Episode 1328b

@00:21:37 joint investments in saudi arabia the
@00:21:52 unprecedented saudi arabia via its oil
@00:22:12 saudi aramco another russian oil company
@00:22:19 cooperation with saudi arabia so we can
@00:22:38 guitar we can see it with saudi arabia

Did You Feel The Shift With China, Russia & The US? - Episode 1324b

@00:19:53 blockade saudi arabia didn't invade
@00:20:00 a discussion and saudi arabia's saying

The Fate Of The World Does Not Lie In The Hands Of The Elite - Episode 1322b

@00:11:19 saudi arabia said listen we'll give you
@00:11:47 saudi arabia summits goal of defeating
@00:12:13 saudi arabia united arab emirates jordan
@00:12:44 to the demands of saudi arabia and qatar

It's All Falling Apart, The Entire Illusion Is Coming To An End - Episode 1321b

@00:12:45 of the demands of saudi arabia now
@00:14:11 it's not just guitar it's saudi arabia

The Plan, The Plot & How The Deep State Is Being Out Maneuvered - Episode 1316b

@00:09:59 that saudi arabia united arab emirates
@00:12:36 being moved away from saudi arabia

Did You Feel It, Something Has Changed - Episode 1315b

@00:07:00 out of this entire area saudi arabia

With Every Passing Day The Deep State Is Losing Control, The End Is Approaching - Episode 1314b

@00:13:58 back now saudi arabia and the rest of
@00:15:12 received and we know that saudi arabia
@00:16:17 the saudi ultimatum to leave guitar and
@00:16:22 will saudi arabia will united arab

Brace Yourself, It's Going To Get A Lot Worse Before It Gets Better - Episode 1312b

@00:03:49 including hmm saudi arabia george soros
@00:16:00 whole guitar crisis where saudi arabia
@00:17:04 doha saudi arabia egypt bahrain united

We Are Headed To A Situation Where One Spark Could Cause World Wide Devastation - Episode 1311b

@00:12:22 military cooperation with saudi arabia
@00:12:24 saudi arabia is interested in the
@00:12:41 even though saudi arabia has been making
@00:12:50 see guitar we also see saudi arabia

The Elite Can't Wait, The Event Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1310b

@00:03:58 very nervous and worried right now saudi
@00:04:01 arabia and russia while they might be
@00:04:07 where russia and saudi arabia they'll be
@00:04:14 saudi arabia might supply natural gas to
@00:04:20 cooperating with russia saudi arabia
@00:04:32 sector and moscow support for saudi
@00:04:35 arabia plans will not only benefit the
@00:04:43 russian saudi power play in global gas
@00:10:55 they possibly can think of now saudi
@00:10:57 arabia this is coming out of the saudi
@00:11:42 saudi arabia the rest have been trying
@00:12:20 into a major war with israel with saudi
@00:12:25 arabia with united arab emirates with
@00:13:32 now most likely this is why saudi arabia
@00:24:02 saudi arabia and the rest of the middle
@00:24:08 and said that israel and saudi arabia

The Hunt Begins, The Strategy To Take Out The Elite - Episode 1308b

@00:06:28 trump was out in saudi arabia there was
@00:06:32 this saudi arms deal and rand paul
@00:07:03 while he was visiting saudi arabia so
@00:07:13 on down in saudi arabia that's what

The Criminal Empire Has No Where To Go, What's Their Next Move - Episode 1305b

@00:21:39 are saying we're done this is why saudi
@00:21:41 arabia is now backing the kurdish the

What Trump Is About To Do With The Banks Is Not What You Think - Episode 1305a

@00:10:55 he needed saudi arabia with the covert

The Trap Has Been Set For The Criminal Empire, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1304b

@00:12:53 of saudi arabia other countries might be
@00:13:17 why saudi arabia this is why bahrain and

Everything Is Not What It Seems, The Shift Has Begun - Episode 1303b

@00:07:42 blockade and we also see that saudi
@00:07:46 arabia bahrain united arab emirates

Plans Are Now In Full Swing To Locate And Expose The Criminal Empire - Episode 1302b

@00:10:38 actually saudi arabia and the rest of
@00:11:09 saudi arabia now it's coming out that
@00:11:11 that story about the arms deal of saudi
@00:11:13 arabia well it never really happened

It's All Coming Apart, This Is Where It Gets Scary - Episode 1301b

@00:18:25 remember qatar saudi arabia jordan
@00:18:59 some of it was in jordan and saudi
@00:19:02 arabia israel and the rest their funding
@00:21:46 he's speaking to saudi arabia telling

The Plan Is In Action To Dismantle The Middle East, The Big Rotation Has Begun - Episode 1300b

@00:11:04 the 110 billion arms deal with saudi
@00:11:07 arabia and we showed that the corporate
@00:12:27 that israel saudi arabia and the rest of
@00:12:55 isolated white israel likes are in saudi
@00:12:58 arabia likes iran none of these middle
@00:13:06 what is saudi arabia talking about i
@00:13:20 saudi arabia they want them to cut ties
@00:13:36 saudi arabia they have their people and
@00:16:35 saudi arabia where he participated in
@00:18:04 saudi arabia israel they all played a
@00:19:21 do i think that saudi arabia is going to

It Has Begun, The Elite Are Not Holding Back - Episode 1299b

@00:11:50 have in qatar and saudi arabia and the
@00:12:01 humph visited saudi arabia and when he
@00:13:00 now we can see that saudi arabia and
@00:13:18 the saudi arabia you know 110 billion
@00:13:45 deal with saudi arabia just a smoke and
@00:18:20 contract with saudi arabia were

With One Simple Meeting Trump Did The Unthinkable - Episode 1298b

@00:14:17 arab emirates yemen egypt bahrain saudi
@00:14:21 arabia and maldives well they're cutting
@00:15:38 that the border with saudi arabia well
@00:17:42 the whole story with saudi arabia and
@00:18:02 agencies and saudi arabia yemen and i'm

It Is All Coming To An End, The Elite Are Terrified - Episode 1297b

@00:12:30 along with guitar along with saudi
@00:12:32 arabia and the rest of the coalition

Trump Moves Forward To Prepare America For The Transition - Episode 1294b

@00:18:57 anyone saudi arabia which was the proxy

This Is Why The Dollar Empire Is About To Fall - Episode 1294a

@00:17:54 saudi arabia he was out in the middle
@00:18:02 their oil market now remember saudi
@00:18:03 arabia has been speaking to russia trump

Trump Has Turned The Tables On The Deep State, He Is Now Going After Them - Episode 1293b

@00:05:29 east he was out in saudi arabia
@00:05:45 and we see that he was out in saudi
@00:05:47 arabia and the cover story was this arms
@00:06:01 doing out in saudi arabia and behind the
@00:12:45 went to saudi arabia he went to germany
@00:15:10 now trump was out in saudi arabia
@00:15:13 meeting with saudi arabia explaining to
@00:15:35 invited the saudi arabia's deputy crown
@00:15:46 see that saudi arabia has been getting
@00:15:52 well they're making deals with saudi
@00:15:54 arabia where saudi arabia's going to be
@00:22:18 between iraq and syria saudi arabia and

The Plan Continues To Unfold, Next Phase Has Been Launched - Episode 1290b

@00:06:58 saudi arabia he visited israel he
@00:07:49 saudi arabia other middle eastern
@00:09:15 other nations like saudi arabia they're

It's All Happening Behind The Scenes, But Will It Work - Episode 1288b

@00:17:00 deal with saudi arabia and again
@00:17:03 saudi arabia is using these weapons to
@00:17:15 threw him out and then saudi arabia
@00:17:26 trump just sold weapons to saudi arabia
@00:17:34 weapons to saudi arabia at this point
@00:17:42 never attacked saudi arabia this is all
@00:17:55 saudi arabia and basically what he wants
@00:21:57 the people were living in saudi arabia
@00:22:54 ready to go to saudi arabia so something

The Push Is On And The Deep State Will Not Hold Back This Summer - Episode 1287b

@00:14:14 the middle east he was out in saudi
@00:14:16 arabia and he said something very
@00:14:55 this because saudi arabia was agreeing

We Are Now Witnessing The Total Break Down Of The System - Episode 1287a

@00:14:28 down we're not getting oil from saudi
@00:14:32 arabia from the middle eastern countries

The Central Bankers Make Their Move To Control All Currencies - Episode 1286b

@00:12:40 should not be selling arms to saudi
@00:12:43 arabia because they commit horrific acts
@00:12:58 do agree that since the saudi government
@00:13:04 into yemen yemen never attacked saudi
@00:13:07 arabia they've been making the people

The Bubbles And Illusions Are About To Be Popped - Episode 1285b

@00:01:57 saudi arabia is going to israel he's
@00:02:05 saudi arabia and in saudi arabia he
@00:02:11 saudi arabia king salman well he warded
@00:02:43 saying well saudi arabia they are
@00:03:00 happened and we see right now that saudi
@00:03:03 arabia is continually doing this now the
@00:03:09 made this agreement with saudi arabia
@00:03:23 was a reason why he went to saudi arabia
@00:04:58 president was giving a speech in saudi
@00:05:01 arabia saying he's going to fight
@00:11:35 saudi arabia israel brussels the vatican

The Central Banker, Deep State Secret Weapon, The 'Kill Switch' - Episode 1280b

@00:09:30 state right now is using saudi arabia to

Something Is Brewing In Jordan And It Mimics Past Events - Episode 1274b

@00:13:11 saudi arabia they are now basically
@00:13:15 picking a fight with iran and the saudi
@00:13:20 arabia kingdom deputy crown prince
@00:13:25 effectively in charge of saudi oil
@00:13:45 until the battle comes to saudi arabia
@00:13:49 iran rather in saudi arabia now we see
@00:13:59 of the other countries saudi arabia was
@00:14:45 continually pushing iran and saudi
@00:14:47 arabia has just made this huge push so

Do You Feel It, Something Just Changed - Episode 1264b

@00:21:25 syria and the iraqi forces we see saudi
@00:21:29 arabia getting very upset about iran

Either This Is A Secretive Plan That Will Benefit America Or Prepare For The Worst - Episode 1262b

@00:15:01 yemen he supports saudi out there and he
@00:15:10 attacked saudi arabia from the beginning
@00:15:12 saudi arabia was being used as a proxy
@00:15:53 saudi arabia to the un commission on the
@00:15:55 status of women's rights now saudi
@00:16:00 arabia has poor woman's rights record
@00:16:10 makes no sense electing saudi arabia to
@00:16:21 arabia was elected by a secret
@00:16:28 members saudi arabia along with iraq
@00:16:41 five eu countries voted for saudi arabia

It Has All Come Down To This, The Last Battle Between Good And Evil - Episode 1260b

@00:17:18 jordan qatar saudi arabia israel united

The Deep State Is Getting Desperate, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1258b

@00:17:18 terrorism is really coming from saudi
@00:17:21 arabia qatar the united states israel

The Flood Gates Are Wide Open, It's All About To Come Out - Episode 1244b

@00:14:15 we should look at saudi arabia maybe we

It's Happening, It's Exactly What We Thought The Deep State Would Do - Episode 1240b

@00:15:36 yemen never attacks saudi arabia yemen

The Deep State Places Assets In The Middle East, They Are Ready To Make A Move - Episode 1239b

@00:16:33 united states saudi arabia punishing
@00:16:41 saudi arabia saudi arabia and the united

The Deep State/Neocons Have Taken Control Of Foreign Policy - Episode 1230b

@00:13:33 yemen never attacked saudi arabia all
@00:13:39 saudi arabia have been hitting hard into

Phase IV Of The Deep State's Plan Is Now Being Executed - Episode 1222b

@00:06:14 saudi arabia north korea taxed out

The Deep State Has Just Been Setup, Get Ready For The Awakening - Episode 1221b

@00:21:37 in yemen saudi arabia and the french are
@00:22:21 united states had saudi arabia invade
@00:22:27 saudi arabia because they don't want the

Is The Deep State Pushing The US Into A Nuclear Confrontation? - Episode 1216b

@00:13:50 know saudi arabia wants to bring troops

Just When You Thought Everything Was Going To Be Fine, This Happened - Episode 1215b

@00:18:45 know that saudi arabia they're getting

The Battle Heats Up, The Deep State Is Ready To Go All The Way - Episode 1213b

@00:23:14 up we see saudi arabia's out there and
@00:23:22 that saudi arabia the united states the

Be Prepared, Spring Is Coming & Plans Are In The Works For The Next Event - Episode 1211b

@00:21:39 bankers now saudi arabia is out there
@00:21:49 mccain and the saudi king is saying we

A New Report Projects The West Will Become The New 'Third World' - Episode 1201a

@00:11:41 russia japan is doing it and saudi
@00:11:45 arabia is doing it and many other

As We Approach The Economic Crisis The Government Will Start To Breakdown - Episode 1199b

@00:12:49 weapon sales to saudi arabia and bahrain
@00:15:19 iraq saudi arabia united arab emirates

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1196

@00:16:41 now once again jordan qatar saudi arabia

Obama Comes Out Of The Shadows And Challenges Trump - Episode 1191b

@00:22:03 stroke and this is coming from saudi
@00:22:05 arabia it's coming from the coalition

Prepare For The Pain As The System Erases The False EconomyGovernance & Power - Episode 1183b

@00:12:07 saudi arabia has hired paid mercenaries

UN Arms Treaty Sitting In The Senate As Another Event Coincidentally Occurs - Episode 1171b

@00:18:58 pushing the paid mercenaries of saudi
@00:19:01 arabia back and they're taking more and

Tech Analysts Say Big Cyber Attack Headed Our Way In 2017 - Episode 1168b

@00:10:12 saudi arabia to help with the war in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1167

@00:09:17 this in yemen where the saudi arabia

Obama Warns Russia Already Had A 'Practice Dry Run' On The Power Grid - Episode 1158b

@00:14:54 back to the us it leads back to saudi
@00:14:56 arabia leads back to qatar and it looks

The Elite's Plans Are Failing, Next Plan, An All Out Event - Episode 1157b

@00:07:43 us-israel qatar saudi arabia turkey the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1155

@00:04:54 front of her eyes saudi arabia they're
@00:05:10 happen in the future and saudi arabia is
@00:15:37 saudi arabia is already signaling that

Obama's Last Attempt To Push The UN Arms Trade Treaty, Be Prepared For An Event - Episode 1152b

@00:18:51 and its allies including turkey saudi
@00:18:54 arabia well they have relied on illicit
@00:19:55 channeled by turkey and saudi arabia the
@00:20:45 middle east that point to saudi arabia

The Elite Are Desperate, 'Operation Censorship' Is In Full Swing - Episode 1146b

@00:12:28 that saudi arabia is a proxy army for
@00:13:56 right now saudi arabia well they're

Are The Elite Planning Something Big In The Middle East? - Episode 1144b

@00:03:52 the british arms sales to saudi arabia
@00:04:01 civilians are killed in saudi arabia it
@00:04:12 saudi arabia
@00:04:13 why did saudi arabia have to go into
@00:04:32 they use saudi arabia as their proxy
@00:04:46 control is not saudi arabia the control

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1143

@00:16:24 i ran cyber attack saudi arabia and now

The Elite Are Now In The Process Of Making Their Next Move - Episode 1141b

@00:18:19 series of destructive attacks on saudi
@00:18:21 arabia over the last two weeks
@00:19:27 saudi arabia so far these two things are

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1132

@00:12:04 sale of british bombs to saudi arabia we
@00:12:07 know that saudi arabia has been using
@00:12:09 war crimes the us has supplying saudi
@00:12:12 arabia with this equipment and the uk
@00:12:17 saudi arabia with all of this we see

The Shadow Government Is Pushing Trump To Keep Russia As An Enemy - Episode 1130b

@00:15:13 happened the united states turkey saudi
@00:15:16 arabia airlifting the islamic state out

Foreign Central Banks Are Dumping US Treasuries At An Alarming Rate - Episode 1130a

@00:13:05 saudi arabia guess what they are dumping

US Government Running Out Of Options In The Middle East - Episode 1115b

@00:11:26 to convince france italy saudi arabia

The Zika Propaganda Just Fell Apart, It's Harmless And Does Not Cause Birth Defects - Episode 1112b

@00:18:08 saudi arabia and we have to remember
@00:18:12 saudi arabia is responsible for the

US Gov Moves To Plan ??,Advanced Weapons Are Ready To Ship To The Middle East - Episode 1109b

@00:12:36 states government central bankers saudi
@00:12:38 arabia they wanted the ceasefire to
@00:13:49 time to give saudi arabia a little bit

A New Law Will Allow 1.6 Billion People Who Never Owned Gold, To Buy Gold - Episode 1109a

@00:07:39 markets baharon qatar indonesia saudi
@00:07:42 arabia malaysia united arab emirates

Will The US Move From DEFCON 3 To 2 After The US Cyber Attacks Russia? - Episode 1104b

@00:11:00 not going well for saudi arabia and we

US Government Is Backed Into A Corner On All Fronts, One Option Left To Activate - Episode 1103b

@00:09:57 because right now we can see saudi
@00:10:00 arabia is coming under a lot of fire
@00:10:15 now saudi arabia was denying that it

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1102

@00:11:44 united states and saudi arabia with the

America Is About To Change Forever - Episode 1100b

@00:11:58 saudi arabia because of the war crimes
@00:12:03 of saudi arabia inflicting death on the
@00:13:08 now that the paid mercenaries from saudi
@00:13:13 arabia they can't get the job done plus
@00:13:20 saudi arabia's looking at china looking
@00:14:35 and then we have yemen we have saudi
@00:14:38 arabia the proxy forces of the united
@00:14:44 weapon and saudi arabia is bombing
@00:14:56 differences saudi arabia is waging war

US Government Plans Are In The Works, Next Event Around The Corner - Episode 1099b

@00:06:28 they're directing it they're using saudi
@00:06:33 arabia the paid mercenaries to go after
@00:12:57 powers guitar turkey saudi arabia the

US Government/Central Bankers Are In The Process Of Forcing Russia Into War - Episode 1098b

@00:12:29 crimes because they are supporting saudi
@00:12:32 arabia and the mass killings of
@00:12:35 civilians the u.s. is supplying saudi
@00:12:39 arabia with weapons and they might be
@00:13:00 right now that saudi arabia is the real
@00:13:06 actions have enabled saw dia saudi
@00:13:08 arabia war crimes they might be
@00:13:29 saudi arabia during this period and this
@00:15:01 see right now that's saudi arabia and

US Government Makes The First Move To Take Back The Middle East - Episode 1097b

@00:04:40 un watchdog has slammed saudi arabia for
@00:04:56 but saudi arabia is saying you know this
@00:05:12 through the un is telling saudi arabia
@00:05:19 to stop this right now now it's saudi
@00:05:21 arabia going to do this most likely not
@00:06:21 is at the saudi arabia proxy force which
@00:06:25 is the united states is using saudi
@00:06:27 arabia to fight their battle inside of
@00:06:30 yemen saudi arabia's using paid
@00:07:07 going to try in yemen because saudi
@00:07:08 arabia is not doing the job
@00:08:26 is to remove saudi arabia their agenda
@00:08:51 states needs to stop this saudi arabia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1096

@00:06:50 government central bankers saudi arabia
@00:07:17 government central bankers with saudi
@00:07:19 arabia that is their proxy army where
@00:07:24 never attacked saudi arabia whatsoever
@00:07:27 saudi arabia they thought this was going
@00:07:35 and saudi arabia right now is using

The US Government Is Working On An "End Game" Plan Behind Closed Doors - Episode 1094b

@00:06:57 saudi arabia bomb yemen yemen never

We Are Witnessing The Economic Collapse In Realtime - Episode 1091a

@00:13:32 against saudi arabia saudi arabia
@00:13:39 russia this is going to push saudi
@00:13:41 arabia closer to russia and we can see
@00:14:04 is happening out in saudi arabia the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1090

@00:05:08 have problems with saudi arabia we have
@00:13:07 lawsuit now against saudi arabia since
@00:13:21 american to sue the kingdom of saudi
@00:13:23 arabia in washington dc district court
@00:13:46 all about we understand that saudi
@00:13:50 arabia if they really wanted to bring
@00:14:18 that as saudi arabia is sued by more and
@00:14:21 more individuals saudi arabia has
@00:14:28 can see saudi arabia might be moving
@00:14:31 might push saudi arabia into russia and
@00:14:44 saudi arabia away and then they'll have

The Perfect Storm Is Approaching And When It Hits It Will Be Devastating - Episode 1089b

@00:01:33 which allowed us citizens to sue saudi
@00:01:37 arabia then congress rejected the veto
@00:01:42 and we can see that saudi arabia has
@00:02:02 saudi arabia they came out and they said
@00:02:10 victims of the 911 attacks to sue saudi
@00:02:12 arabia claiming it weakens the sovereign
@00:02:43 because we have saudi arabia that is on
@00:03:30 believe this is what they did with saudi
@00:03:32 arabia this way they can create this
@00:03:35 instance of yes saudi arabia started
@00:12:03 we realized that saudi arabia they've
@00:12:36 appease saudi arabia so most likely the
@00:13:28 know that saudi arabia the u.s. picked

The Economy Is A House Of Cards And It Will Come Crashing Down - Episode 1088a

@00:11:21 and saudi arabia is collapsing and now
@00:11:29 we need to see what saudi arabia is

The Senate Rejects The President's Veto, The Stage Has Been Set - Episode 1087b

@00:17:38 sue saudi arabia we told our congressmen
@00:17:56 already know that saudi arabia said if
@00:19:04 saudi arabia you know yelling back and
@00:19:07 forth at each other saying that saudi
@00:19:10 arabia is doing things that the us
@00:20:09 back up saudi arabia mostly most likely

FBI Confirms That The Big Event Is Coming To The US Very Soon - Episode 1086b

@00:15:51 civilians saudi arabia was using it on

US Government Desperate In The Middle East & Moving Closer To Creating A Major Event - Episode 1085b

@00:19:49 against saudi arabia was completely
@00:20:05 gives them the right to sue saudi arabia
@00:20:32 saudi arabia has already told us what
@00:20:50 rollover where saudi arabia went ahead
@00:21:06 second now if saudi arabia really wanted
@00:21:33 is no motive for saudi arabia to do this
@00:22:05 look like saudi arabia brought down the
@00:22:25 implicates saudi arabia so then people
@00:22:43 people wanted to sue saudi arabia and
@00:22:54 happen they know that if saudi arabia
@00:23:13 way is there then having saudi arabia
@00:24:06 movie which was out in 1981 with saudi
@00:24:09 arabia sold all the assets and at this
@00:27:04 saudi arabia remember obama said no

The Banking System Is Cracking & It's Only A Matter Of Time Before It Implodes - Episode 1085a

@00:10:00 saudi arabia we know their economy is
@00:10:02 tanking and saudi arabia right now has
@00:10:15 saudi arabia's inter banking borrowing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1084

@00:04:03 been putting putting pressure on saudi
@00:04:05 arabia to produce more and more oil to
@00:04:51 especially in saudi arabia because with
@00:05:00 saudi arabia that construction
@00:05:14 see that saudi arabia needs to do
@00:14:21 because all saudi arabia has to really

Russia Told The UN That US Gov Coordination With Terrorists Needs Investigating - Episode 1082b

@00:09:12 allow families to sue saudi arabia over
@00:09:20 the saudi arabia crown prime
@00:09:31 allowing people to sue saudi arabia
@00:09:34 because saudi arabia is suffering from

Something Is Brewing And It Might Be The Catalyst That Ignites The Economic Collapse - Episode 1081a

@00:12:40 financial advisor and a prominent saudi
@00:12:44 economist said that saudi arabia well
@00:12:52 know right now that saudi arabia they're
@00:12:59 attacked them saudi arabia has been

The US Government Just Ran Out Of Plans In The Middle East, War Is Inevitable - Episode 1080b

@00:12:46 service that saudi arabia has begun to
@00:12:55 admitted that yes we supplied saudi
@00:12:57 arabia with these type of weapons we've
@00:13:34 using them saudi arabia has been using

The Clock Is Ticking, The Control Of The Internet Will Shift To A Foreign Power - Episode 1075b

@00:02:51 american people to sue saudi arabia now
@00:03:15 saudi arabia to get in line and most
@00:03:23 they just want to show saudi arabia
@00:03:33 now saudi arabia is threatening the us
@00:04:17 and saudi arabia does sell the treasury
@00:04:50 worry about saudi arabia anymore and
@00:13:03 type of an event with maybe with saudi
@00:13:07 arabia like we said before so they can
@00:18:22 the one with saudi arabia we'll have to
@00:18:44 do what they want to do and having saudi
@00:18:49 arabia sell the assets sell the treasury

US Government Agenda, Provoke, Provoke and Provoke - Episode 1071b

@00:03:35 the 911 bill to sue saudi arabia has
@00:03:57 we know for a fact that saudi arabia
@00:04:44 saudi arabia to go down this route where
@00:16:42 germany saudi arabia they all keep

Did Obama Create An Executive Order For The Collapsing Economy? - Episode 1064b

@00:07:51 very end and they will not give up saudi
@00:07:54 arabia the u.s. they really don't have

During A National Emergency Will You Be Able To Get Your Everyday Supplies? - Episode 1062b

@00:12:08 with saudi arabia well which is
@00:12:10 absolutely true because saudi arabia
@00:12:44 saudi arabia turkey the united states

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1060

@00:12:25 say john kerry with saudi arabia

The August Event Continues, The Creation Of Security Zone Is Now Complete - Episode 1059b

@00:09:06 flying out to saudi arabia to hammer out
@00:09:46 a deal with saudi arabia on a new peace

Turkey And The US Government Ground Invasion Was Planned 2 Years Ago - Episode 1058b

@00:09:53 kerry he is in saudi arabia for talks on
@00:10:16 out of their country to stop saudi
@00:10:18 arabia remember yemen never attacked
@00:10:21 saudi arabia saudi arabia decided to go

Hacked Documents Shows Obama/Soros Behind The Refugee Crisis In Europe - Episode 1055b

@00:15:58 right now this is why saudi arabia's
@00:16:05 power we see russia and saudi arabia
@00:16:33 saudi arabia something is brewing in
@00:16:41 type of warning and saudi arabia which

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1054

@00:06:48 personnel from saudi arabia and sharply
@00:06:59 saudi-led air campaign in yemen fewer

While No One Was Looking, The US Government Carves Up Syria - Episode 1049b

@00:03:44 perfect storm now out in saudi arabia we
@00:03:51 building a nuclear reactor with saudi
@00:03:53 arabia and we could see why the united
@00:03:57 saudi arabia naming them for everything

The Clock Is Ticking Down To A Major Event - Episode 1047b

@00:10:53 the southern region of saudi arabia
@00:11:04 that saudi arabia they are being pushed

Phase II Of The August Event Has Begun - Episode 1045b

@00:14:14 just sold saudi arabia a hundred and

The Everyday American Is Tapped Out, Spending Is Way Down - Episode 1045a

@00:09:31 disaster now out in saudi arabia we see
@00:09:40 the saudi arabia economy well it is
@00:11:02 don't have jobs in saudi arabia they're

The Wealthy Prepare For The Financial Crisis By Constructing Panic Rooms - Episode 1044b

@00:10:18 what we're seeing there is saudi arabia
@00:21:16 bahrain saudi arabia and this really

There Are Signs That The US Government Is Preparing To Lockdown America - Episode 1041b

@00:16:11 the u.s. the uk they supply saudi arabia
@00:22:11 saudi arabia turkey the united states

Election Systems To Be Treated As Critical Infrastructure During A Cyber Attack - Episode 1040b

@00:15:46 saudi arabia they wanted to build a
@00:16:21 states said absolutely not saudi arabia
@00:19:35 via air to saudi arabia and the gulf

US Preparing To Keep The Middle East Secure By Keeping The Puppet Govs In Power - Episode 1033b

@00:16:18 eastern countries like saudi arabia
@00:16:44 warning saudi arabia that the islamic
@00:16:55 controlled by saudi arabia they pay them

US Gov/Central Bankers Have Lost The Narrative In The Middle East - Episode 1027b

@00:16:14 of children just like saudi arabia is

US And Turkey Move To The Next Phase Of The Plan - Episode 1026b

@00:15:13 israel turkey saudi arabia qatar

Is The Turkish Coup Being Used For Something Much Bigger? - Episode 1025b

@00:20:36 have turkey syria saudi arabia qatar uk

US Using Events To Bring Forces Together For The Next Push In The Middle East - Episode 1023b

@00:18:49 was saudi arabia and they acted alone
@00:19:05 it's in these 28 pages i mean if saudi
@00:19:08 arabia wanted to do something why would
@00:19:31 saudi arabia is a major creditor to the
@00:19:33 us government if saudi arabia really
@00:19:56 and they're telling us that it's saudi
@00:19:59 arabia why did we go into afghanistan

US Backed In A Corner, What Is The US Government's Next Move In The Middle East - Episode 1022b

@00:09:31 now saudi arabia they are still fighting
@00:10:01 not going well for saudi arabia the u.s.
@00:11:59 relations with syria now saudi arabia

US Government Laying The Ground Work For Postponing The Election - Episode 1017b

@00:06:45 saudi arabia as their proxy army to put

US Gov Travel Warnings In Europe & The Middle East, Is Something About To Happen - Episode 1015b

@00:11:33 visiting saudi arabia and
@00:11:38 with his saudi counterpart and it seems

NATO Is Now Supplying AWACS Support In the Middle East - Episode 1014b

@00:14:00 efforts with saudi arabia since the
@00:14:06 saudi arabia russia has stepped in and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1013

@00:09:51 uk qatar and saudi arabia and we realize

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1001

@00:07:25 saudi arabia and they call that the
@00:07:30 with this report saying that yes saudi
@00:07:33 arabia is killed in killing children
@00:07:58 to saudi arabia so the sale is back on
@00:08:03 bombs to saudi arabia now we have to

State Department Officials Say Now Is The Time To Attack Assad - Episode 1000b

@00:18:53 saudi arabia they're the ones for
@00:19:08 saudi arabia the united states they're

China Is Dumping Treasuries And Now US Stocks - Episode 999a

@00:11:31 we know that saudi arabia they've been

Counting Down To The Main Event This Summer - Episode 993b

@00:13:17 how that plays out at this point saudi
@00:13:20 arabia they're threatened this week to
@00:13:34 children against individuals saudi
@00:13:37 arabia is very angry with
@00:14:59 saudi arabia is in yemen right now

DHS Has Been Training And Preparing For A Major Event- Episode 992b

@00:14:21 with turkey saudi arabia qatar they have

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 989

@00:19:33 into there we've seen drills with saudi
@00:19:35 arabia qatar baja rain us and other

US Has A Secret Plan In The Middle East - Episode 988b

@00:09:15 this now out in yemen we see that saudi
@00:09:18 arabia united arab emirates the

US Government Preparing The Next Phase Of The Offensive In The Middle East - Episode 986b

@00:14:06 saudi arabia and they're using black
@00:14:39 people and we see that saudi arabia

A Glimpse Into The Future Of What The Economic Collapse Might Look Like - Episode 986a

@00:08:59 and silver we see russia and saudi
@00:09:01 arabia they have dumped about 50 billion
@00:09:09 saudi arabia they reduced their holdings

US Issues Major Travel Alert Until Aug 31, 2016 - Episode 985b

@00:16:09 on in jordan we know that saudi arabia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 983

@00:13:35 cluster bomb deliveries to saudi arabia
@00:14:13 suppressing popular protests like saudi
@00:14:16 arabia baja rainbow run day maldives and
@00:15:37 saudi arabia the united states he guess
@00:17:49 saudi arabia with turkey and qatar

The Elite Are Preparing To Chip Everyone, Starting With Our Children - Episode 980b

@00:18:12 something very interesting from saudi
@00:18:13 arabia came out from their daily

Everything Is Building Up And Soon It's All Going To Erupt In One Gigantic Blast - Episode 979b

@00:17:38 inter-services intelligence saudi arabia
@00:18:25 criminals released from saudi arabia

Tidal Wave Of Economic Indicators Continue To Show The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 978a

@00:11:27 russia has surpassed saudi arabia as the

US House Of Representatives Votes To Give Power To The President To Wage War - Episode 975b

@00:09:54 yemen and saudi arabia are also
@00:11:56 saudi arabia they are providing and we

US And Saudi Arabia On The Verge Of Implementing Plan 'B' - Episode 974b

@00:00:41 us and saudi arabia on the verge of
@00:12:14 saudi arabia then went to the meeting
@00:15:35 saudi arabia before he went on to vienna
@00:15:39 so we see that saudi arabia is telling
@00:16:48 the truth so the saudi arabia foreign
@00:18:06 together by the u.s. turkey saudi arabia

Countries Are Selling Off US Debt At The Fastest Pace Since 1978 - Episode 974a

@00:15:47 debt and most likely saudi arabia would
@00:15:52 saudi arabia is in trouble right now
@00:16:04 wreaking havoc on the saudi arabia

Clock Is Ticking Down, US Is Preparing The Middle East For Something Big - Episode 973b

@00:12:47 saudi arabia invaded yemen and saudi
@00:12:50 arabia was never attacked but nobody has
@00:12:55 right now is that saudi arabia the
@00:13:15 well we've seen saudi arabia they're
@00:21:21 edge right now we know that qatar saudi
@00:21:24 arabia turkey united states they're

The Real Economy Is Collapsing At An Accelerated Pace - Episode 973a

@00:16:02 information act release saudi arabia's
@00:16:10 know that saudi arabia threatened to
@00:16:31 what saudi arabia is holding but some
@00:17:02 this is not a true reading of what saudi
@00:17:07 arabia actually has and the u.s. is
@00:17:22 course as we know that saudi arabia they

US & Coalition Forces Preparing A Large Scale Military Operation In Northern Syria- Episode 972b

@00:20:00 saudi arabia and it's not the halt of
@00:20:14 saudi arabia and the u.s. coalition
@00:20:28 saudi arabia qatar the us turkey
@00:21:05 representatives from the cia saudi
@00:21:07 arabia qatar turkey as well as
@00:21:24 qatar and saudi arabia now how are they

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 971

@00:06:11 they're gonna have to cut saudi arabia
@00:14:57 turkey qatar saudi arabia and they're
@00:15:16 assets to this area saudi arabia brought

Militarization Of Police Has Accelerated For The Upcoming Civil Disobedience - Episode 969b

@00:15:18 saudi arabia right now they are
@00:15:32 saudi arabia they're having a very tough
@00:15:52 this goes because saudi arabia has

Blame Game, The American People Are Responsible For Ruining The Economic Recovery - Episode 967a

@00:13:08 starting to deal with russia like saudi
@00:13:11 arabia and other middle eastern
@00:15:35 the u.s. is threatening saudi arabia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 965

@00:10:23 the us and saudi arabia they've been

Once Again The US Is Pushing A "Safe Zone" With A Staged Event - Episode 964b

@00:21:14 jordan in turkey in qatar saudi arabia

US Government Warns Congress, Puerto Rico Needs Bailout Or We Are All Doomed - Episode 960a

@00:08:55 looks like saudi arabia wanted to unload
@00:13:03 very interestingly we know that saudi
@00:13:05 arabia has been pumping a lot of oil
@00:13:12 the united states has talked to saudi
@00:13:14 arabia into doing this saudi arabia is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 959

@00:14:38 santa fe islands to saudi arabia and
@00:14:45 the sinai because israel saudi arabia
@00:19:17 saudi arabia the coalition forces have

US Government Making Preparations To Protect Itself When The People Revolt - Episode 957b

@00:19:39 just do this in yemen with saudi arabia

The World Goes On High Alert As The US Pushes For WWIII - Episode 956b

@00:08:25 saudi arabia he visited the house of
@00:09:00 course saudi arabia said we'll listen
@00:09:59 saudi arabia and we can see why all this

We Are 3-4 Months Away From A Gigantic Event That Will Spark War - Episode 954b

@00:03:53 saudi arabia we understand that the
@00:03:56 president was visiting saudi arabia
@00:03:58 because we know that saudi arabia
@00:04:09 because they need to keep saudi arabia
@00:04:31 against saudi arabia now of course this
@00:04:52 believe that saudi arabia is responsible
@00:04:58 leveraging and saudi arabia they need to
@00:05:34 especially saudi arabia the other

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 953

@00:15:07 obama went to saudi arabia to have talks
@00:15:10 we know that saudi arabia is moving away
@00:15:16 and it looks like saudi arabia is saying
@00:15:26 continually threatening saudi arabia and
@00:15:39 directly point to saudi arabia they're
@00:16:09 in saudi arabia saying no you need to
@00:16:29 official story that saudi arabia really
@00:16:32 did 911 which we know saudi arabia was
@00:17:02 but they leaked out that it was saudi
@00:17:03 arabia basically what our government is
@00:17:42 we believe their story that it was saudi
@00:17:46 arabia think about what their their

New Report Shows The US Is Preparing For Mass Civil Disobedience - Episode 952b

@00:00:53 we discussed why saudi arabia was
@00:20:47 by saudi arabia by the other coalition

US Exerts Pressure On Saudi Arabia As They Move Away From The US Financial System - Episode 950b

@00:00:41 us exerts pressure on saudi arabia as
@00:06:41 interestingly saudi arabia was flying
@00:06:54 realized is that saudi arabia they were
@00:11:24 states the tricks of saudi arabia the
@00:13:56 saudi arabia turkey guitar all paid for
@00:14:05 in saudi arabia to reassure saudi arabia
@00:14:11 what's happening here is that saudi
@00:14:15 arabia is looking to move away from the
@00:14:27 pages all around saying yes it's saudi
@00:14:29 arabia well they already told us it was
@00:14:31 saudi arabia so we don't have to look
@00:14:57 they are blackmailing saudi arabia
@00:15:00 because saudi arabia right now is
@00:16:03 states saudi arabia qatar turkey
@00:16:58 so it looks like saudi arabia is looking

China Is Now On Course To Shift Away From The Dollar - Episode 950a

@00:09:10 now and they're saying if saudi arabia
@00:09:27 saudi arabia to drive the oil prices

US And The Coalition Forces Next Step, All Out War In The Middle East - Episode 948b

@00:21:54 into and we see jordan qatar saudi
@00:21:58 arabia just a couple months ago they had
@00:22:38 pages we mentioned how saudi arabia has

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 947

@00:11:52 have these 28 pages that saudi arabia
@00:12:04 it and saudi arabia has come out and
@00:12:37 implicates saudi arabia brainwash
@00:12:39 brainwash you think it's saudi arabia
@00:12:41 you think it's saudi arabia now at this
@00:12:47 was saudi arabia and it's in the 28
@00:13:04 after different countries now saudi
@00:13:07 arabia just admitted their guilt if
@00:13:23 american people that it was saudi arabia
@00:13:25 now was saudi arabia involved in it they
@00:14:16 on it once saudi arabia is brought into
@00:14:26 him because saudi arabia is out there
@00:15:25 saudi arabia was instructed to make this
@00:16:07 pages the threat from saudi arabia at

Obama And The FCC Are Now Pushing To Control The Internet - Episode 945b

@00:02:18 saudi arabia china and many others that

US Ships In Military Assets & Prepares The Next Phase When The Ceasefire Collapses - Episode 944b

@00:09:36 u.s. supports turkey and saudi arabia
@00:17:37 turkey and saudi arabia they are

New Report Shows The US Is No Longer A Democracy, It's An Oligarchy - Episode 943b

@00:12:45 we realize that saudi arabia which is
@00:14:05 point why the u.s. saudi arabia need to
@00:15:47 ankara and this is the saudi kings first
@00:15:55 turkey and saudi arabia they are working
@00:16:18 point that turkey and saudi arabia
@00:17:08 just reported that turkey and saudi
@00:17:10 arabia they are supplying and creating
@00:17:58 army for turkey saudi arabia the united
@00:18:16 turkey saudi arabia
@00:18:36 another warning in saudi arabia about

US Preparing A Major Offensive Push In The Middle East - Episode 942b

@00:10:24 saudi arabia flew the islamic state out
@00:11:53 up now during an interview the saudi
@00:12:03 that saudi arabia and turkey created

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 941

@00:06:02 us made bombs by saudi arabia and we
@00:06:05 know saudi arabia's doing the bombing in
@00:06:28 saudi arabia and they're using it on

Turkey And Saudi Arabia Setup Chemical Weapons Facilities On The Syrian Border - Episode 940b

@00:00:42 turkey and saudi arabia setup chemical
@00:12:17 getting reports that turkey and saudi
@00:12:19 arabia they have set a production of

US Government Is Strategically Positioning Military Assets In Syria And Iraq - Episode 939b

@00:10:40 the you not the us but saudi arabia
@00:11:04 children but when saudi arabia does it
@00:11:19 that the bombs that saudi arabia used
@00:11:41 that the u.s. was giving orders to saudi
@00:11:44 arabia orchestrating what was going on
@00:11:50 saudi arabia hit a marketplace and
@00:13:47 states is in line with turkey and saudi
@00:13:50 arabia
@00:15:00 united states had saudi arabia come in
@00:15:07 attack saudi arabia actually saudi
@00:15:10 arabia came in and invaded a country and
@00:15:35 tell saudi arabia stop bombing and we'll

It Has Begun, Counting down To The Next Event - Episode 938b

@00:16:29 billion in 2015 then china then saudi
@00:16:33 arabia and down the line because what

US & Turkey Shift Plans And Destabilize Relations Between Armenia & Azerbaijan - Episode 936b

@00:15:47 out there along with saudi arabia which
@00:16:22 deal and saudi arabia has accused syria

The Central Bank Is Losing Control Of The Manipulated Recovery - Episode 934a

@00:13:45 now saudi arabia they are saying they're

Checkmate, Putin And Assad Out Maneuver The US In Syria - Episode 933b

@00:16:06 in saudi arabia in turkey and we knew it
@00:17:20 the u.s. turkey jordan saudi arabia
@00:19:58 turkey saudi arabia jordan qatar all the
@00:23:13 through cia uk mi6 mossad saudi arabia

Italy Threatens Airstrikes As The UN Unity Government Sneaks Into Libya - Episode 932b

@00:14:57 terrorism is coming from saudi arabia

US & Turkey Are Now Implementing The Next Plan, And Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 931b

@00:06:31 reports we reported on lebanon how saudi
@00:06:34 arabia qatar us and other countries were

The World Economy Is Drifting Into A Full Blown Collapse - Episode 931a

@00:04:45 saudi arabia right now they are losing
@00:05:18 surpassed saudi arabia as the biggest
@00:05:26 really helping saudi arabia whatsoever
@00:05:28 it's actually hurting saudi arabia right

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 928

@00:15:51 have saudi arabia we have the us russia

US Now Pushing For Europe & NATO To Begin The Offensive In The Middle East - Episode 927b

@00:04:33 ceasefire because saudi arabia they
@00:04:40 with and they have been holding saudi
@00:04:43 arabia back we know uk us france all
@00:04:53 suspend arms right now to saudi arabia
@00:04:57 saudi arabia is committing war crimes
@00:16:04 wes turkey saudi arabia qatar have

The Plan To Cover Up This Economic Collapse Has Been Put Into OverDrive - Episode 926b

@00:06:27 this is because saudi arabia has been
@00:08:18 ceasefire holds because saudi arabia is

As The Syrian Peace Talks Begin To Break Down, US & Turkey Prepare The Next Plan - Episode 924b

@00:07:52 they'll be training in turkey saudi
@00:07:54 arabia jordan just like we saw before

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 923

@00:09:46 u.s. saudi arabia has their fighter jets
@00:10:14 talking about saudi arabia we're talking
@00:12:13 saudi arabia and hackers have
@00:12:23 and saudi arabia and very interestingly
@00:13:09 bankers uk israel saudi arabia they use

Time Is Running Out, UK Wants To Send Warships To Libya - Episode 922b

@00:02:13 of the carnage is caused by saudi arabia
@00:11:56 step down the saudi arabia syrian
@00:15:34 mercenaries paid by saudi arabia paid by

US Stockpiles Military Assets Near China To Respond To Threats By Russia And China - Episode 921b

@00:07:05 saudi arabia where they're getting the
@00:07:10 saudi arabia with these cluster
@00:07:12 because they're in violation saudi
@00:07:15 arabia is killing many citizens about
@00:07:27 saudi arabia we see the united kingdom
@00:16:02 the coalition forces saudi arabia

US And The Coalition Forces Push The Puppet Gov Into Libya To Begin The Offensive - Episode 920b

@00:06:43 states should stop selling arms to saudi
@00:06:45 arabia because they could be held
@00:06:51 cluster bombs and the saudi arabia
@00:14:19 saudi arabia israel and the other middle
@00:14:36 by saudi arabia producing a huge amount
@00:14:47 saudi oil price manipulation was aimed
@00:19:29 know the middle eastern countries saudi
@00:19:31 arabia turkey the us and all the other
@00:19:40 president obama will travel to saudi
@00:19:43 arabia in april to meet with the gulf

Putin Pushes Peace In Syria, While The US Calls On The Coalition To Bring In Troops - Episode 919b

@00:21:57 by the united states now right now saudi
@00:22:02 arabia is doing something very
@00:22:53 airfield up in this area now saudi
@00:22:58 arabia says the withdrawal of the
@00:24:11 building this is why saudi arabia now

Turkey Invades Syria And Digs In To Create A Safe Zone - Episode 918b

@00:23:32 huge drill with saudi arabia of hundreds

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 917

@00:10:43 turkey saudi arabia qatar us they were

Obama Pushes TPP Which Will Transform The US Into A 3rd World Country - Episode 916a

@00:11:09 flew to saudi arabia he met there he met
@00:11:12 the king in saudi arabia and they came
@00:11:15 up with this plan for saudi arabia to
@00:11:51 seeing that saudi arabia is collapsing
@00:12:02 losing and we have to remember saudi
@00:12:05 arabia they are losing billions of
@00:12:12 this point saudi arabia is going to

The Manipulated Markets Are Used To Hide The Economic Collapse Are Breaking Down - Episode 915a

@00:09:36 saudi arabia we see they are running
@00:10:38 we can see saudi arabia they're in big

NSA Chief Warns 'Black Energy' Malware Will Bring Down The Power Grid - Episode 914b

@00:08:17 are falling apart for saudi arabia the

All Is Quiet And Calm Right Before The Next Big Event - Episode 913b

@00:06:34 hootie's they are on their way to saudi
@00:06:37 arabia to discuss ending the war in
@00:06:42 officials saying that yes saudi arabia
@00:14:30 emirates qatar saudi arabia etc are

US Building Two Airbases In Syria As The 'IS' Morphs Into The 'FSA' - Episode 912b

@00:15:48 ships and we're getting word that saudi
@00:15:51 arabia turkey they're going to be air

Russia Is Maneuvering To Control The Global Oil Supply To Bypass The US Dollar - Episode 912a

@00:08:49 with qatar saudi arabia venezuela back
@00:09:30 we're starting to see that saudi arabia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 911

@00:08:08 saudi arabia things are deteriorating
@00:08:13 situation is a huge problem in the saudi
@00:08:34 within the saudi territory last week the
@00:08:40 hundred saudi soldiers saudi arabia has
@00:12:27 saudi arabia is saying listen before the

US Deploys Strike Group Armada To The Pacific To Provoke China - Episode 910b

@00:22:10 going to depend on saudi arabia qatar

US Gives The Green Light In The Middle East, Plans Are In Motion - Episode 909b

@00:14:34 regime officials also visited saudi
@00:14:37 arabia in the last few weeks so

The Recovery Is An Illusion, 36 States Have Not Recovered - Episode 908a

@00:12:47 saudi arabia qatar venezuela ecuador
@00:13:32 pressure on saudi arabia to push the oil

US And The Coalition Forces Special Op Teams Unleashed In The Middle East - Episode 907b

@00:14:42 getting prepared to do this saudi arabia
@00:16:15 saudi arabia jordan they're all pulling

The Calm Before The Storm As Military Assets Are Moved Into Place - Episode 906b

@00:14:38 saudi arabia turkey and the coalition

Is The US And The Coalition Forces Preparing To Use Tactical Nukes In Syria? - Episode 904b

@00:07:27 from syria by guitar by saudi arabia by
@00:16:39 by turkey israel saudi arabia the us uk
@00:19:50 involved with saudi arabia and turkey
@00:19:59 know saudi fighters arrived in incirlik
@00:20:08 that saudi arabia they brought in
@00:20:43 was being evacuated of citizens of saudi
@00:20:48 arabia qatar united arab emirates

US Is Now Shipping A Massive Amount Of Arms To The Middle East - Episode 903b

@00:20:29 emirates saudi arabia oman jordan

Warning, Something Major Is About To Happen In The Middle East - Episode 902b

@00:22:06 lebanon now saudi arabia has already
@00:22:30 we see kuwait qatar saudi arabia and the

US Buying Time With The Current Peace Deal To Plan The Next Move In Syria - Episode 901b

@00:22:26 be multiple plans we already see saudi
@00:22:29 arabia the saudi foreign minister saying

Peace Agreement Reached By Russia And US On Syria, Is It Really Peace? - Episode 900b

@00:14:28 to go we see out in syria the saudi
@00:14:43 now do i think saudi arabia is going to
@00:19:52 so syria is saying if saudi arabia

Syria Peace Talks Have Been Cancelled Again, While The US Bombs Libya - Episode 898b

@00:15:27 syria where turkey qatar saudi arabia

The Economy Is Hanging By A Thread And It's About To Break - Episode 896a

@00:12:25 saudi arabia they were hoping the other

The US Has No Other Alternative But To Push A World War - Episode 895b

@00:15:43 point that turkey saudi arabia and many
@00:15:57 time now as saudi arabia going to invade
@00:18:50 it's saudi arabia jordan bahrain senegal

Central Bankers Are Now Pushing The Public To Accept A Cashless Society - Episode 895a

@00:09:40 saudi arabia iran and the other opec

US Now Escalating The Syrian Crisis To The Next Phase - Episode 894b

@00:16:53 forces which is saudi arabia qatar
@00:20:52 and while this is going on saudi arabia
@00:21:56 occur the first is the saudi saudi
@00:22:00 arabia ground troops they could enter
@00:23:11 saudi arabia they've been trying to push

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 893

@00:08:54 saudi arabia they've already taken the
@00:12:14 saudi arabia has their aircraft here

The Ceasefire Agreement Is A Ruse To Launch The Next Plan In Syria - Episode 892b

@00:10:18 is why saudi arabia keeps saying yes we
@00:12:27 not britain not saudi arabia but russia
@00:13:07 we're hearing rumors that saudi arabia
@00:16:28 all along saudi arabia and qatar have
@00:16:47 saudi arabia has confirmed that the
@00:17:12 turkey and saudi arabia the turkish
@00:17:25 shelling the syrian area in turn saudi
@00:17:31 arabia which is a state sponsor of
@00:17:35 going to send troops in as we know saudi
@00:17:42 arabia has said we will fight with the
@00:18:14 saudi arabia with
@00:18:53 also danger that turkey and saudi arabia
@00:20:44 saudi arabia qatar uk us france italy

US Now Looking To The Coalition To Fund The Their Proxy Wars - Episode 891b

@00:16:40 already that the u.s. saudi arabia
@00:18:36 looks like saudi arabia right now
@00:18:40 send troops into syria now is saudi
@00:18:43 arabia really going to make that much of

As The Economic System Crashes We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments - Episode 889b

@00:17:19 because as we know saudi arabia
@00:19:27 state qatar saudi arabia turkey the
@00:22:31 other place to turn we know that saudi
@00:22:34 arabia saying listen we will be part of
@00:23:56 car bomb in the saudi cap capital and
@00:23:59 the sound saudi arabia is going to use

US, Italy And The Coalition Forces Are Discussing The Plan For Libya - Episode 888b

@00:18:56 and we see that turkey and saudi arabia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 887

@00:13:56 right now that saudi arabia has
@00:14:32 jordan in saudi arabia in qatar well

US Expanding Airfield In Syria While Turkey Continues With Troop Buildup - Episode 885b

@00:17:59 for a major ground invasion saudi arabia

Syrian Peace Talks Are Now Suspended, Next Move Most Likely An Event - Episode 884b

@00:13:51 this is why qatar turkey saudi arabia
@00:14:02 looks like saudi arabia qatar turkey
@00:14:38 saudi arabia turkey and qatar for the

US Government Using Propaganda To Convince The World Its Time To Go Into Libya - Episode 883b

@00:12:42 be listed uk should be listed saudi
@00:12:45 arabia should be listed and yes turkey
@00:15:36 united states turkey saudi arabia qatar

Special Forces Operating In Libya Are Preparing For A Ground Invasion - Episode 879b

@00:17:09 here we see out in saudi arabia the u.s.
@00:17:13 plans to replenish the saudi missiles

IMF Wants To Impose A Wealth Tax To Pay Down The World Debt - Episode 879a

@00:10:26 they do oh it's saudi arabia oh it's
@00:15:05 anything and we see saudi arabia right
@00:15:39 this is what saudi arabia is doing right
@00:15:40 now and remember saudi arabia is
@00:16:02 that saudi arabia cuts production we are

FBI Sets Up Checkpoints, Surrounds Area, Prepares For An Armed Conflict In Oregon - Episode 878b

@00:14:24 came from saudi arabia which most likely
@00:18:22 see the un is blasting saudi arabia and

The Economic Collapse Is Now Spreading To All Sectors Of The Economy - Episode 877a

@00:15:07 because the economy is collapsing saudi
@00:15:12 arabia right now sees the writing on the
@00:15:30 but it is not working whatsoever saudi
@00:15:33 arabia right now has outlined an
@00:15:45 there's competition in the market saudi
@00:15:48 arabia was and still is right now the

Syrian Peace Talks Postponed, The War Moves To The Next Level - Episode 874b

@00:07:32 the united states saudi arabia they were

The Economic Recovery Illusion Has Fallen Apart As More Companies Layoff Employees - Episode 874a

@00:11:07 this is accelerating and we see saudi
@00:11:10 arabia they're removing their treasuries
@00:11:22 know saudi arabia took a very big hit
@00:11:49 though is that saudi arabia nobody
@00:12:04 the treasury has there's one for saudi
@00:12:08 arabia and as another for the rest of
@00:12:18 holdings of saudi arabia the rules are
@00:12:22 completely different now saudi arabia's
@00:12:47 really don't know how much saudi arabia

Don't Delay It's Time To Accelerate Your Preps For The Economic Collapse - Episode 872a

@00:15:45 right now saudi arabia they are having

The Economic Collapse Is Happening And The Next Phase Is The Event - Episode 870b

@00:08:48 u.s. is trying to do everything saudi
@00:08:50 arabia is trying to do is not working
@00:09:16 weapons to saudi arabia they're using
@00:13:33 we have guitar we have saudi arabia we

The US Gov Has An Internet Kill Switch And It Will Be Used During A National Crisis - Episode 868b

@00:18:24 on in yemen with saudi arabia we know we
@00:18:32 here is the evidence that saudi arabia

The Drop In The Market Is The Economic Collapse Warning Shot Across The Bow - Episode 868a

@00:15:42 are rapidly shifting and saudi arabia

Military Assets Are In Place We Are Just Waiting For The Spark To Push The War Agenda - Episode 867b

@00:13:25 the u.s. turkey qatar saudi arabia have
@00:15:59 out the united states turkey qatar saudi
@00:16:02 arabia have been airlifting and

US And The Coalition Forces Are Pushing A New Plan To Derail Peace In Syria - Episode 865b

@00:12:49 create chaos between iran and saudi
@00:12:52 arabia we see the syrian opposition is

The Entire Economy Is Collapsing Except For Unemployment - Episode 865a

@00:03:53 and saudi arabia and other nations

US Sending More Troops Into The Middle East - Episode 864b

@00:13:05 the export of british made arms to saudi
@00:13:08 arabia which may have been used to kill
@00:13:36 is saudi arabia in yemen in the first
@00:13:38 place yemen never attacked saudi arabia
@00:13:42 saudi arabia invaded yemen just like the
@00:15:43 by saudi arabia into libya is all being

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 863

@00:13:53 we see already with saudi arabia jordan
@00:14:07 region with iran and saudi arabia and

US Government Has Been Moving All Military Assets In Place To Start WWIII - Episode 862b

@00:12:13 of joining the saudi arabia military
@00:12:52 helping saudi arabia the united states
@00:12:54 is helping saudi arabia this is all

The US Gov Is Planning The Next Event That Will Shock The People Into War - Episode 861b

@00:14:55 saudi arabia which is being controlled
@00:15:23 saudi arabia is responsible for these
@00:15:38 what's really going on saudi arabia

US Government Bringing All Players Together For WWIII - Episode 860b

@00:19:07 yemen we see saudi arabia and the u.s.
@00:19:21 human rights confirmed that yes saudi
@00:19:25 arabia hit the center for the blind now
@00:19:37 this and we have to remember saudi
@00:19:39 arabia takes its orders from the us the
@00:21:35 saudi arabia right now because what
@00:22:46 saudi arabia might derail them but we
@00:23:15 iran it has to do with saudi arabia it

To Close Down A Society And Control The People, Governments Come For The Guns - Episode 859b

@00:09:33 forces further and further back saudi
@00:09:36 arabia is having a huge amount of
@00:15:00 happening in saudi arabia iran sudan

US Gov Creates Chaos With Iran And The Middle Eastern Countries To Bring About War - Episode 858b

@00:17:31 plan so we have right now saudi arabia
@00:17:47 saudi arabia right now which is
@00:19:02 saudi arabia which they knew if they had

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 857

@00:13:46 shape up this way we see that saudi
@00:13:50 arabia right now has just staged
@00:14:37 saudi arabia takes its orders from the
@00:15:01 already see protests saudi arabia was
@00:16:53 see already that saudi arabia they have
@00:17:17 already that saudi arabia has says this

Russia Reports Kiev Is Planning A Major Offensive Against Donbass - Episode 853b

@00:14:20 the united states saudi arabia qatar
@00:14:56 are controlled by qatar saudi arabia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 852

@00:08:04 states turkey qatar saudi arabia are air
@00:13:58 states turkey qatar saudi arabia are
@00:14:45 united states has involved this saudi
@00:14:47 arabia is involved this this is the

US And The Coalition Forces Are Now Making Final Preparations To Invade Libya - Episode 850b

@00:13:45 talking to france they have saudi arabia
@00:19:41 germany this is why saudi arabia is

The Trade Wars Have Begun, US Provokes China With Additional Tariffs - Episode 850a

@00:01:27 financial news you know as saudi arabia

US And The Coalition Forces Are Moving Troops Into Position For WWIII - Episode 849b

@00:12:03 counteract these sanctions we see saudi
@00:12:09 arabia is using disproportionate attacks
@00:12:42 remember the south saudi arabia that is

US Gov. Is Ready To Change Tactics In Syria But Keeps The Main Goal, Assad Must Go - Episode 848b

@00:08:10 extend it but saudi arabia has never
@00:08:26 they had a ceasefire agreement and saudi
@00:08:28 arabia continually bombed and of course
@00:08:37 firing meanwhile saudi arabia was
@00:16:23 the united states and saudi arabia is
@00:20:52 with saudi arabia trying to get a lot of

The Central Bankers Are Now Making The Last Preparations As The Economy Collapses - Episode 848a

@00:10:34 russia they have bypassed saudi arabia
@00:10:48 history that moscow beat out saudi
@00:10:50 arabia when it comes to crude exports to
@00:10:52 beijing russia overtook saudi arabia for
@00:11:09 eighty-six thousand from saudi arabia
@00:11:16 dumping saudi arabia and going with

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 847

@00:15:12 saudia saudi arabia is trying to put

US Government Is Covertly Preparing The Next Wave Of Attacks In Syria - Episode 846b

@00:13:30 is part of the plan now saudi arabia is
@00:13:56 course and you have to remember saudi
@00:13:58 arabia under the rule of the united
@00:14:03 never attacks saudi arabia so saudi
@00:14:06 arabia is just flying in and bombing a
@00:18:47 ground they talk to england france saudi
@00:18:51 arabia guitar jordan germany germany
@00:20:37 basically the us and saudi arabia

US And The Coalition Forces Are Changing Tactics To Get The War Started - Episode 845b

@00:11:22 to beat as saudi arabia is starting to
@00:13:11 states saudi arabia or any of the other
@00:19:51 right now with the help of saudi arabia

The FED Rate Hike Ushers In The Next Phase Of The Economic Collapse - Episode 845a

@00:11:06 saudi arabia is saying that they're

US Government And Central Bankers Have Now Indicated WWIII Is On Track - Episode 844b

@00:11:26 saudi arabia neither does guitar neither

US And Saudi Arabia Are Building An Army To Invade Syria - Episode 843b

@00:00:40 episode is us and saudi arabia are
@00:17:42 from saudi arabia know they need this
@00:20:26 nato the united states saudi arabia
@00:22:17 saudi arabia france us england they
@00:23:09 still on track with their plan now saudi
@00:23:13 arabia and qatar and turkey have put
@00:23:17 together a tremendous army saudi foreign
@00:24:31 link back to saudi arabia and they were
@00:24:33 like okay it's saudi arabia the islamic
@00:25:19 addresses were sold to saudi arabia they

Turkey Is Now Being Used As The Spark To Kick Off WWIII - Episode 842b

@00:13:21 that up now out in yemen saudi arabia

US Government Now Ramping Up For War In Ukraine And The Middle East - Episode 839b

@00:14:02 guitar united arab emirates saudi arabia

The Middle Eastern Countries Are Now Turning Away From The US - Episode 838b

@00:12:31 know that saudi arabia which is the
@00:12:42 saudi troops back and what they're
@00:12:54 of saudi arabia and when we looked into

The US Gov Is Preparing For Another Event - Episode 837b

@00:20:40 saudi arabia which is the proxy army of

Obama Is Pushing The Authorization For War Not Against ISIS But Russia - Episode 836b

@00:10:35 fighting saudi arabia which is the proxy

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 834

@00:15:27 he was making a trip to saudi arabia and
@00:15:33 days in saudi arabia in the summer of
@00:15:34 2014 according to the saudi embassy in
@00:20:52 saudi arabia has the stabilizing role in
@00:20:58 people were from saudi arabia they're
@00:21:01 bringing up saudi arabia and it looks
@00:21:03 like they might be using saudi arabia as
@00:21:08 know saudi arabia doesn't do anything
@00:21:13 know that saudi arabia takes their

The San Bernardino Shooting Is Following The False Flag Mass Shooting Script - Episode 833b

@00:04:01 france uk the arab nations like saudi
@00:04:05 arabia jordan turkey united states all

BRICS Banks Will Begin Borrowing In The Yuan To Bypass The Dollar - Episode 831a

@00:13:26 understand that sword saudi arabia is

The Race To A World War Is On - Episode 830b

@00:15:32 proxy army in yemen saudi arabia has hit

US Goverment/Central Banks Are Preparing The Final Stages Of The Economic Collapse - Episode 825a

@00:08:38 prices by continually having saudi
@00:08:41 arabia produce oil to put pressure on

U.S. Just Shifted To Plan '?' To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 820b

@00:07:38 corrupt taking orders from saudi arabia
@00:08:42 saudi arabia is continually bombarding
@00:08:57 bombs to saudi arabia and the 22,000
@00:09:30 can see right now that saudi arabia is
@00:09:38 of this saudi arabia is a proxy army for
@00:23:00 talking to saudi arabia they're talking

US Secretive Closed Door TPP Policy Does Not Facilitate Asia-Pacific Growth - Episode 820a

@00:03:36 of this oil at this point and saudi
@00:03:39 arabia is continually pumping and

Putin Exposes The West Funding ISIS As The West Pushes Europe Into The Syrian War - Episode 819b

@00:06:50 states with their proxy army saudi
@00:06:53 arabia is going all out in yemen they

U.S. Uses Terror In France To Push The War In Syria And The Middle East - Episode 818

@00:02:27 for saudi arabia we understand in libya

The European Refugee Crisis Was Created To Bring About Chaos And War - Episode 817b

@00:19:54 turkey saudi arabia qatar because they

Russia Takes The Next Step Launches Crude Benchmark To Bypass The Dollar - Episode 816a

@00:10:55 we have a glut of oil right now saudi
@00:11:00 arabia is continually pumping out more

WW III Is A Private Western Central Bank War, Not A War Of Freedom Or Democracy - Episode 815b

@00:10:27 saudi arabia arms contract worth about
@00:10:29 ten billion dollars saudi arabian king
@00:10:59 u.s. is using saudi arabia as their
@00:13:09 they have a new scheme to make saudi
@00:13:12 arabia provide greater support to
@00:13:42 help of saudi arabia us intelligence
@00:14:01 having their proxy for saudi arabia have

The Countdown Begins, The Push To Invade Libya Is A Go - Episode 808b

@00:13:03 it in yemen with saudi arabia and no one
@00:13:08 saudi arabia so we're going to have to
@00:13:18 another proxy army like saudi arabia

Every Part Of The Economy Is Collapsing Except The Manipulated Stock Market - Episode 807a

@00:07:33 united states is pushing saudi arabia to

US Forces Will Begin Direct Action In Syria And Iraq, War III Is Upon Us - Episode 802b

@00:10:26 looks like the us allies saudi arabia
@00:11:41 countries and saudi arabia asking the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 800

@00:13:43 where saudi arabia which is the proxy
@00:14:15 pledged more guns ammo to saudi arabia

Putin Warns The US Is Provoking A Global War - Episode 799b

@00:14:01 united states if they will accept saudi
@00:14:05 arabia turkey syria all to have talks on
@00:15:52 saudi arabia qatar jordan uk australia

US Government Surpressing Oil Prices To Keep The Economy From Collapsing - Episode 799a

@00:09:41 saudi arabia to do what they're doing
@00:12:31 imf is saying if saudi arabia keeps this

US Proxy Army Is Now Moving From Iraq To Syria To Fight Russia - Episode 798b

@00:16:46 saudi arabia never been attacked by
@00:22:31 saudi arabia is still out there saying

China Issues Offshore Yuan Bonds For The First Time To Challenge The Dollar - Episode 797a

@00:14:13 this is now russia has topped saudi
@00:14:18 arabia as china's largest crude supplier
@00:14:21 i mean right now saudi arabia they are
@00:14:49 that russia overtook saudi arabia as the
@00:15:04 dollar saudi arabia was using the dollar

Peace Deal In Libya Collapses, US Preparing Mission To Go Into Libya - Episode 796b

@00:09:06 ships sail to saudi arabia these are
@00:11:17 country and the u.s. used saudi arabia

Russian Bombing In Syria Pushes The 'IS' Into Libya - Episode 795b

@00:09:45 need to have talks between russia saudi
@00:09:48 arabia jordan turkey on syria because
@00:12:18 just like they have saudi arabia going

US Gov Is Bankrupt And Inflates Bubbles To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 795a

@00:14:01 saudi arabia because they're pumping so
@00:14:22 in saudi arabia having been paid for six
@00:14:30 saudi arabia keep the production up we

Petrodollar Doomed Russia And Iran To Corner The Mideast Oil Supply - Episode 793

@00:12:26 saudi arabia egypt they're playing both

The Bombing In Turkey Used As The Excuse To Bring NATO Troops Into Turkey - Episode 789b

@00:12:51 ruining their plans and we see saudi
@00:12:55 arabia right now is continually bombing
@00:13:01 party and of course saudi arabia they
@00:18:54 saudi arabia turkey they're caught

US Using Psyop Propaganda To Explain What's Happening In Syria - Episode 787b

@00:14:17 have now saudi arabia they are bringing

US Now Sending More Defensive Weapons To Ukraine - Episode 783b

@00:16:57 forces of saudi arabia qatar and other
@00:22:10 right here russia iran saudi arabia
@00:22:26 we know saudi arabia created this whole

BIS Acknowledge That Central Banks Rig Markets, Warns About The Global Debt Bubble - Episode 783a

@00:08:19 going absolutely nowhere now saudi
@00:08:22 arabia their petro dollar reserves have
@00:08:38 saudi arabia is under a huge amount of

There Are Many Unexplained Anomalies In The Latest Oregon Shooting - Episode 781b

@00:23:21 saudi arabia united states turkey

Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b

@00:20:28 here this is why we're bombing saudi
@00:20:30 arabia qatar jordan

Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World - Episode 777b

@00:12:12 in saudi arabia we see things starting
@00:12:20 saudi royal family calling for a change
@00:12:26 happen in saudi arabia we might see a
@00:12:47 and if we don't make a change soon saudi
@00:12:51 arabia might collapse we see all these

U.S. Government Admits U.S. Troops Are Officially On The Ground In Syria - Episode 767b

@00:16:12 saudi arabia qatar baja rain or the us

Russia And Syria Tell U.S. Stop Supporting The Terrorists - Episode 766b

@00:21:20 saudi arabia qatar bahrain egypt decide

The End Game Is Near, U.S. Pushing Proganda To Start WWIII - Episode 765b

@00:08:21 with saudi arabia saudi arabia bahrain

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 764

@00:08:54 saudi arabia as the largest oil supplier

The World Is Now On The Edge Of World War III - Episode 763b

@00:06:53 they have saudi arabia bahrain qatar

US Propaganda Being Used To Push The War With Syria And Russia - Episode 762b

@00:16:46 egypt aha rain qatar saudi arabia all
@00:16:57 already started saudi arabia has already

U.S. Prepares Troops And Puts Pressure On Greece To Block Russian Flights To Syria - Episode 760b

@00:15:13 will not be enough we see in saudi
@00:15:19 arabia qatar is bringing in ground
@00:15:25 weren't qatar saudi arabia the coalition
@00:15:34 yemen saudi arabia already has ground

JBIC is Leaning Towards Dumping The Dollar With Russia - Episode 757a

@00:09:05 saudi arabia says they're going to be

US Military Training Events Spread Across Europe In Preparation For War - Episode 756b

@00:17:25 the bombing runs from saudi arabia but
@00:17:38 that but the bombings from saudi arabia

Ukraine Reignites With Protests And Riots - Episode 754b

@00:19:32 factory that killed 40 people and saudi
@00:19:35 arabia saying no we didn't do that we
@00:19:56 states in their bombing that saudi
@00:19:58 arabia what happened to it but they're

The Petrodollar Unwinding Will Decimate The Economy - Episode 754a

@00:13:06 saudi arabia look to stash the foreign

US Is Committed To Removing Assad Once The Take Over Of Syria Is Complete - Episode 752b

@00:18:25 this whole yemen fight that saudi arabia
@00:18:33 didn't invade saudi arabia saudi arabia
@00:18:46 big since saudi arabia began bombing 150
@00:19:09 force they're going to use saudi arabia

As The Collapse Approaches The US Government Pushes The Gun Control Agenda - Episode 751b

@00:14:44 thiis attacked saudi arabia hit many of
@00:14:55 yemen we see that saudi arabia once

US Pusing War, Meanwhile Russia Is Preparing For War - Episode 746b

@00:14:20 that it's okay because saudi arabia is

Pentagon's New Law of War Manual Justifies War Crimes And Censorship - Episode 745b

@00:14:48 saudi arabia taking their orders from
@00:15:30 saudi arabia started this war the who ds
@00:15:36 and saudi arabia which was never

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 742

@00:11:52 broker a deal with saudi arabia and

US Might Send Troops To Iraq, While The No-Fly Zone Is Implemented In Syria - Episode 740b

@00:13:07 that was a complete disaster now saudi
@00:13:11 arabia they are still out there and the
@00:13:40 saudi arabia is continually saying this

Ukraine Pushing Hard To Re-Start The War In The South Eastern Region - Episode 739b

@00:13:32 forces with turkey jordan saudi arabia

US Congressman Believe Assad Guilty Before UN Investigates - Episode 737b

@00:09:40 saudi arabia right now is basically
@00:13:42 but interestingly out of all this saudi
@00:13:47 arabia is coming out
@00:13:54 resolve the crisis in his country saudi
@00:13:58 arabia said they will stop supporting
@00:14:55 just from the statement from saudi
@00:14:56 arabia we know but there was a partially

False Flag Botched As Four Men Caught Smuggling Uranium In Ukraine - Episode 736b

@00:20:22 going to help saudi arabia fight against

The Economic Carnage Continues Layoffs 34% Higher Than Last Year - Episode 736a

@00:07:53 see russia right now has overtaken saudi
@00:07:56 arabia as the world's largest producer

Will Russia Support Assad Against The US Proxy Armies? - Episode 734b

@00:22:04 using saudi arabia to bomb the people we

The Economic Indicators Are Flashing Red, We Are On A Verge Of A Collapse - Episode 729

@00:33:33 missiles to saudi arabia
@00:33:40 be delivering this to saudi arabia and
@00:33:44 we understand that saudi arabia is

A Partial No-Fly Zone Has Been Established In Syria For The Next Offensive - Episode 725

@00:31:23 beginning of the aggression by saudi
@00:31:25 arabia which is orchestrated by the
@00:32:22 slip into saudi arabia itself the yemen
@00:32:32 saudi arabia now and this is going to be

The Economic Data Points To A Major Collapse Headed Our Way - Episode 723

@00:36:12 continuing in yemen from saudi arabia

US Government Is Ready To Push Agenda To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 717

@00:34:03 know that saudi arabia has tried to

The Economy Turns The Corner And Slides Deeper Into The Collapse - Episode 716

@00:26:54 saudi arabia and of course they're
@00:38:07 sending humanitarian aid to yemen saudi
@00:38:10 arabia right now does not recognize

Greek People Take To The Streets To Protest The Austerity Deal - Episode 713

@00:34:36 yemen now saudi arabia they are
@00:35:13 government and saudi arabia it looks

Russia Ready To Help Greece, All They Need To Do Is Ask - Episode 712

@00:38:30 they're using saudi arabia as the proxy
@00:39:24 bombings from saudi arabia they've been
@00:40:05 july and we'll see if saudi arabia

U.S. Government Wants Assad To Step Down Or Else, War - Episode 710

@00:26:20 to fund saudi arabia bombing yemen

Central Bankers Now Pushing For Bail-Ins In Greece - Episode 709

@00:43:13 against saudi arabia and this is just

Greek Depositors Might Be Next To Be Cypress-ed - Episode 706

@00:40:49 saudi arabia to fight in yemen to
@00:41:58 saudi arabia who was never attacked came

Greece's Economic Disaster May Spread To Other Countries - Episode 704

@00:35:58 arms to saudi arabia
@00:36:05 15 german patrol boats and again saudi
@00:36:09 arabia is notorious for massive human
@00:36:19 in saudi arabia but again they were on

All Indicators Point To An Event Occurring In The Next 100 Days - Episode 702

@00:34:57 this is why saudi arabia was out there

NATO Now Positioning Troops Into Iraq Under The Guise Of A Training Mission - Episode 700

@00:25:55 just ukraine in libya lebanon saudi
@00:25:57 arabia those countries that are

U.S. Government Inflates Bubbles As The Economy Slides Further Into A Depression - Episode 699

@00:30:00 see saudi arabia like i mentioned in a
@00:31:37 and again saudi arabia tried this once
@00:33:16 get military assets set saudi arabia is

Greece Takes Another Step To Become An Equal Member Of The BRICS - Episode 696

@00:32:18 now that the houthis are bringing saudi
@00:32:22 arabia up on charges because they are
@00:33:24 oh no well saudi arabia is using it it's
@00:33:51 saudi arabia is going to meet with putin
@00:34:21 saudi arabia made an offer to putin to
@00:34:58 well today saudi arabia's up to the same
@00:35:02 exact tactic it is reported that saudi
@00:35:06 arabia has sent a delegation to moscow
@00:35:12 interest in the middle east saudi arabia
@00:35:18 drops syria saudi arabia has secretly

The U.S. Government/Central Bank Illusionary Recovery Is Collapsing - Episode 693

@00:27:32 they're using saudi arabia as a proxy

U.S. Military Assets Are Now PrePositioned For The Upcoming War - Episode 690

@00:29:01 their proxy for saudi arabia they keep
@00:34:54 about cluster bombs and saudi arabia is

The U.S. Petrodollar Is Dying, Behold The Birth Of PetroYuan - Episode 689

@00:26:21 yemen is still being bombed by saudi
@00:26:24 arabia that has not led up we understand

U.S. Preparing For War In Ukraine And Syria Which Might Lead To WWIII - Episode 688

@00:32:04 missile into saudi arabia what would be

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 687

@00:12:50 solution is being talked about saudi
@00:12:53 arabia is out there pushing propaganda
@00:13:00 saudi arabia now again what would be the
@00:13:25 into saudi arabia for one it was

US Government & Kiev Preparing For The Next Major Offensive - Episode 685

@00:11:04 states we see saudi arabia who works for

US & NATO Discussing Troop Deployment To The Middle East - Episode 677

@00:33:28 this right now because saudi arabia just
@00:33:39 thursday we see that the saudi warplanes
@00:33:48 time saudi arabia which is the proxy
@00:34:17 is saudi arabia / the united states and
@00:34:37 waiting for that big moment where saudi
@00:34:40 arabia the united states government

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 676

@00:11:07 making deals in egypt saudi arabia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 675

@00:02:03 is collapsing saudi arabia kind of
@00:10:51 is using saudi arabia as a proxy army to

FBI Warns Of A Major Cyber Attack On The U.S. - Episode 674

@00:25:20 saudi arabia is continually bombing

The Economic Indicators Are Now Showing Signs Of A Collapse - Episode 673

@00:34:17 are going forward and we know that saudi
@00:34:19 arabia qatar israel they do not want
@00:34:40 and saudi arabia it's a 1.9 billion
@00:35:00 113 bunker buster bombs we see saudi
@00:35:04 arabia is going to be getting

U.S. Economic Anomalies Point To A Complete Economic Meltdown - Episode 671

@00:39:28 them they're the ones who caused saudi
@00:39:31 arabia to continue bombing in their area
@00:40:24 they didn't want war and of course saudi
@00:40:28 arabia was never attacked the hootie's
@00:43:01 they're supported by saudi arabia qatar

U.S. Slides Back Into A Recession Towards A Major Depression - Episode 670

@00:02:30 how much saudi arabia continually pumps
@00:18:19 executions well isn't saudi arabia an
@00:18:37 out there placing sanctions on saudi
@00:18:39 arabia oh because they're bought and
@00:34:17 nuclear weapons and we see saudi arabia
@00:34:56 and they sold some to saudi arabia
@00:35:21 time period we see saudi jets were
@00:35:28 saudi arabia was bombing the yemen
@00:35:57 the yemen puppet government and saudi
@00:36:03 arabia begin having dialogues about what
@00:36:30 talks with saudi arabia who's bombing
@00:36:50 waiting to see what saudi arabia and the
@00:37:25 proxy forces like saudi arabia to do

U.S. May Retaliate With Real Weapons If Cyber Attacked - Episode 667

@00:38:34 saudi arabia turkey guitar and jordan
@00:38:53 saudi arabia and turkey they have agreed
@00:41:10 and anti saudi propaganda such as us
@00:41:15 kill more syrians and saudi arabia and

As The Economy Falters The U.S. Escalates The Push For War - Episode 666

@00:42:27 holding but saudi arabia is still
@00:43:19 of course they're using saudi arabia as
@00:43:25 saudi arabia and the u.s. cannot inspect

IMF Prepares For Greece Default, Russia And The BRICS Bank Ask Greece To Join - Episode 664

@00:14:55 millions of dollars to saudi arabia to
@00:40:56 place saudi arabia has announced that a

The Economic Recovery Is Pure Propaganda, Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 662

@00:35:02 there fighting back of course saudi
@00:35:05 arabia which is orchestrated by the
@00:35:09 masters and they're telling saudi arabia
@00:35:15 never attacked saudi arabia i mean if we
@00:35:55 government pushes saudi arabia as the
@00:36:32 inside saudi arabia who are helping with
@00:36:44 are over four million yemenis in saudi
@00:36:47 arabia and if they continually attack
@00:36:59 are right now and saudi arabia right now
@00:38:21 united states and saudi arabia are doing
@00:38:34 can see that the united states and saudi
@00:38:37 arabia have a date set for a pause in
@00:40:39 united states government sold saudi
@00:40:40 arabia cluster bombs and following
@00:40:49 showing that saudi arabia used cluster
@00:40:57 saudi reber never signed the cluster

Former Treasury Secretary Reports New Financial Crisis Will Happen Again - Episode 661

@00:33:45 can't explain why saudi arabia started
@00:34:09 boots on the ground and we see saudi
@00:34:13 arabia sent in special forces to collect
@00:34:36 he's meeting with the leader of saudi
@00:34:39 arabia trying to convince them to have a
@00:35:07 government saudi arabia they're doing

The Economic Storm Has Reached The U.S. And It Will Wreak Havoc On The World - Episode 660

@00:36:20 states like saudi arabia qatar they're
@00:37:51 worse day by day saudi arabia is

The Economy Is In Free Fall And The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Big Event - Episode 659

@00:37:06 see it in yemen with saudi arabia and
@00:37:43 attacked a saudi arabian city now you
@00:37:46 have to remember saudi arabia and a lot
@00:38:04 saudi arabia where they have a massive

U.S. Government/Saudi Arabia Start The Invasion Of Yemen - Episode 658

@00:39:31 saudi arabia and the united states they

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 657

@00:09:58 the people there saudi arabia is being
@00:10:40 yemen are in the wrong so saudi arabia

The U.S. Economy Continues To Collapse With Q2 GDP Forecast Another Disaster - Episode 656

@00:40:13 nations is calling on yemen saudi arabia
@00:40:28 saudi arabia at the borders and the
@00:41:57 the border and saudi arabia decided to
@00:42:09 they're starting to attack saudi arabia
@00:42:25 going to work saudi arabia is already

NORAD Is Now Training For An Aircraft Attack On D.C. - Episode 655

@00:38:58 saudi arabia is oh polly arming sunni
@00:39:27 job and we know that saudi arabia the

The Economy Is Collapsing, Martial Law, War Are On The Horizon - Episode 653

@00:35:07 people are being bombed by the saudi
@00:35:09 arabia and the us the more they're going

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 651

@00:08:02 yemen we understand they're using saudi
@00:08:06 arabia and the coalition forces to do

The U.S. Government, Central Bankers And The Elite Are Preparing For The Collapse - Episode 650

@00:26:20 it was from a bomb run from saudi arabia
@00:27:53 saudi arabia ruler to continually bomb

U.S. Government Switches To Phase II, Operation Restore Yemen's Puppet Government - Episode 648

@00:44:48 didn't attack anyone saudi arabia is the
@00:46:08 countries what is the reason for saudi
@00:46:10 arabia to go into yemen they don't have

The U.S. Economy Is Collapsing And The IMF Is Moving To Plan B - Episode 647

@00:39:55 saudi arabia right now has their
@00:41:37 to attack and you have to remember saudi
@00:41:40 arabia and the other coalition forces
@00:43:14 while saudi arabia beheads many many

Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646

@00:23:47 and those come countries are saudi
@00:23:51 arabia turkey and others who are looking
@00:24:52 about saudi arabia and the united states
@00:25:10 saudi arabia their main objective is to
@00:25:19 bring in saudi troops we would bring in
@00:25:29 report to saudi arabia at this point in
@00:25:37 that saudi arabia was bombing all
@00:27:10 the oh-ho the overt warfare is saudi
@00:27:12 arabia the united states it was
@00:27:16 revealing that kerry ignored the saudi

European Central Banks Dumping Greek Assets Ahead Of The Greek Exit - Episode 644

@00:31:46 happening is the opposite as saudi
@00:31:48 arabia the united states bomb the area
@00:32:09 see saudi arabia right now is

Countries Around The World Are Now Dumping The Petrodollar - Episode 643

@00:15:23 problems occurring and saudi arabia just

U.S. Fascist Government Wants Complete Control Over The People - Episode 641

@00:42:45 coalition that the saudi arabia
@00:43:35 in saudi arabia us officials continue to
@00:43:41 saudi arabian attack on yemen on yemen

U.S. Economic Recovery Illusion Is Falling Apart - Episode 639

@00:33:19 yemen so there's a war going on saudi
@00:33:23 arabia is bombing of course this is the

The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Economic Collapse And War - Episode 638

@00:32:55 yemen saudi arabia they are still
@00:33:08 the yemeni people and again saudi arabia
@00:33:23 from saudi arabia we understand that
@00:33:48 appears with all the bombing that saudi
@00:33:50 arabia is doing right now the houthi
@00:35:38 this is why we see saudi arabia the

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Surface In U.S. Cities - Episode 636

@00:32:44 saudi arabia and the coalition forces
@00:34:54 going on right now and at first saudi
@00:34:56 arabia said listen we're not going to
@00:35:21 coalition led by the saudi arabia to

China's Infrastructure Bank Enrollment Closed And The U.S. Is Left Out In The Cold - Episode 635

@00:39:02 and by greed we see in saudi arabia
@00:39:21 was asking the same thing and saudi
@00:39:24 arabia says aid will be allowed into
@00:40:25 area and we can see right now saudi
@00:40:29 arabia and the us the us has put out a

The U.S. Government Recovery Looks Like An Economic Collapse - Episode 633

@00:31:30 saudi arabia this is an aggressive
@00:31:32 attack yemen has not attacked saudi
@00:31:36 arabia whatsoever and they're invading
@00:33:04 they fired a missile into saudi arabia
@00:33:11 the saudi jets and they're giving intel
@00:33:14 to saudi arabia to track down and find
@00:33:18 the hootie's but we can see saudi arabia

As The Economic Collapse Accelerates, War Is On The Horizon - Episode 632

@00:37:22 saudi arabia now controls the yemeni
@00:38:37 country now we see that saudi arabia
@00:38:50 right now saudi arabia was saying no you
@00:38:59 and then all of a sudden saudi arabia
@00:39:46 joining in with the saudi arabia attacks
@00:40:03 because the saudi arabia led coalition

U.S. Backed Saudi Forces Ready For Ground Operation In Yemen - Episode 629

@00:36:41 chanting down with saudi arabia they're
@00:36:49 that the saudi-led airstrikes are
@00:37:04 surrender to saudi arabia this is the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 628

@00:11:08 central bankers they're using the saudi
@00:11:10 arabia forces as their proxy army along
@00:11:38 close to the territory of saudi arabia
@00:11:40 we can see that saudi arabia now is
@00:11:56 the street saying they do not want saudi
@00:11:59 arabia here they don't want them bombing
@00:12:19 of saudi arabia forces and the coalition
@00:12:38 they continually keep saudi arabia and

U.S. Now Providing Lethal Aid To Ukraine, Major Offensive Soon To Follow - Episode 627

@00:43:33 saudi arabia which is controlled by the
@00:44:38 governments and we see that saudi arabia
@00:45:06 saudi arabia their first mistake was the
@00:45:13 anything to saudi arabia absolutely
@00:45:56 against saudi arabia that as the country
@00:46:12 saudi arabia is just coming in for no
@00:46:31 saudi attack on yemen the white house
@00:46:35 contact with saudi arabia they drove

The Middle East War Will Eventually Lead To World War - Episode 626

@00:25:36 the country and is now in saudi arabia
@00:25:39 now saudi arabia started bombing yemen
@00:25:47 didn't do anything to saudi arabia they
@00:25:56 understand why the us embassy in saudi
@00:25:58 arabia was closed indefinitely and we
@00:27:54 see that saudi arabia united states
@00:28:37 and then we had saudi arabia decide to
@00:28:44 yemen did not do anything to saudi
@00:28:47 arabia saudi arabia decided ah we're a
@00:30:14 invasion right now the saudi arabia has
@00:31:42 saudi arabia continually bombs this area
@00:31:48 just saudi arabia that has their troops
@00:32:33 countries led by egypt and saudi arabia
@00:32:44 from saudi arabia and by landings on
@00:33:14 saudi arabia and all these nations just
@00:35:39 houthi militants will backfire on saudi
@00:35:42 arabia and end in failure the lawmaker
@00:35:45 stressed that saudi arabia's
@00:36:00 fall it will spread and saudi arabia
@00:37:21 we'll fight saudi arabia and all these
@00:46:00 been going on in saudi arabian with
@00:46:04 saudi arabia and the coalition forces so

U.S. Gov Loses Control Of Middle East, Ready To Push Authorization For War - Episode 625

@00:35:18 right now saudi arabia is getting ready
@00:35:36 describe the concentration of saudi
@00:35:40 saudi arabia might be getting ready to
@00:36:09 we see saudi arabia right on the border

The Countdown Begins To The Next False Flag To Pass The Authorization For War - Episode 621

@00:25:48 states government central bankers saudi
@00:25:50 arabia and the other nations continually
@00:42:09 done on purpose and we see that saudi
@00:42:11 arabia and djibouti their embassies are

US Gov/Central Bankers Hyping Propaganda To Invade Syria - Episode 620

@00:43:25 see the u.s. mb embassy and saudi arabia

Kiev Is Skirting Around The Minsk II Deal To Buy Time To Push War - Episode 617

@00:44:39 coming out of saudi arabia and we see
@00:45:02 saudi arabia be the country where we see

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 616

@00:13:15 workers in saudi arabia risk being
@00:13:31 we have to remember that saudi arabia
@00:14:04 saudi arabia may be near the embassy of
@00:14:11 is already attacking saudi arabia our

UK To Join China-led World Bank To Protect Itself From The Collapsing Dollar - Episode 615

@00:19:34 saudi arabia ready we see it in united
@00:23:07 as we look i mean egypt saudi arabia

US Is Now Broke And It Is In Worse Fiscal Shape Than Greece - Episode 613

@00:27:19 speech in their country like in saudi
@00:27:21 arabia qatar and many other countries

IMF Deputy Director Calls For De-Dollarization In Emerging Markets - Episode 611

@00:28:02 lebanon yemen saudi arabia and we can
@00:30:06 that what saudi arabia does they have no

DHS Using Fear And A False Flag Event Because Their Budget Is In Jeopardy- Episode 599

@00:37:34 dealing with iran syria saudi arabia

US Gov/Central Bankers Trapped, Will Use Ukraine Peace Deal For War - Episode 590

@00:15:50 countries i mean look at saudi arabia

Obama Wants Military Force Against The Islamic State (Syria), War Is Coming - Episode 588

@00:12:16 been proven that saudi arabia and the

U.S. Oil Suppression Used To Put Pressure On Russia To Abandon Support For Assad - Episode 583

@00:11:12 saudi arabia they have conspired
@00:12:14 kerry went to saudi arabia on september
@00:13:08 saudi arabia has already tried to
@00:13:35 jordan saudi arabia of course united
@00:15:36 have to watch this now saudi arabia

The U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Prepared For The Economic Collapse Are You? - Episode 558

@00:09:16 we understand that saudi arabia the
@00:10:13 countries now saudi arabia is out there
@00:10:21 saudi arabia has built up enough hard
@00:10:29 years of low oil prices the saudi
@00:10:32 strategy is a medium-term one saudi
@00:10:34 arabia has been planning for this sort

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 557

@00:03:08 and saudi arabia have been suppressing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 556

@00:03:22 saudi arabia have been suppressing the
@00:05:46 see right now the united states saudi
@00:05:49 arabia they have been putting pressure

U.S. Government Telling Lies To Push The War Agenda - Episode 554

@00:07:03 abdullah in saudi arabia and it seemed
@00:07:05 like the united states and saudi arabia
@00:08:35 we take a look at what saudi arabia is

al-Qaeda Threatens "Lone Wolf" Attacks On Airlines As AirAsia Goes Missing - Episode 553

@00:07:10 that the us and saudi arabia might have

DHS And FBI Issue A New Alert, Threats From Terrorist Could Be On The Rise - Episode 538

@00:09:57 saudi arabia will benefit countries that
@00:28:00 it's more than saudi arabia they want to

Full Time Jobs Disappear As The Economic Collapse Approaches - Episode 534

@00:17:30 central bankers saudi arabia and other

DHS Warning, Islamic State Attacks Can Come At Any Time - Episode 531

@00:32:50 states and saudi arabia are holding

FBI Warns Of Islamic State Targeting Military Via Social Media - Episode 530

@00:32:09 outside of libya we see that egypt saudi
@00:32:12 arabia united arab emirates and kuwait
@00:36:25 including jordan france the us and saudi
@00:36:27 arabia are backing the rebels with money

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 528

@00:12:23 saudi arabia the training bases in

White House Trying To Use Immigration To Postpone The Economic Collapse -Episode 524

@00:25:36 and saudi arabia are getting closer and
@00:25:42 demonization of saudi arabia from the
@00:25:46 letting us know that saudi arabia might
@00:25:51 this is all a ruse saudi arabia was not
@00:26:06 planned and it seems like now saudi
@00:26:09 arabia who's getting closer and closer
@00:26:13 to demonize saudi arabia same things
@00:26:24 falling apart in this area now saudi
@00:26:26 arabia and russia believe that pricing
@00:26:32 we and our saudi partners are again

U.S. Now Calling Libyan Rebels The Islamic State To Invade Libya Again - Episode 522

@00:28:01 fighters in iraq and saudi arabia right
@00:28:09 officials said this saudi military has
@00:32:55 and saudi arabia general intelligence
@00:33:44 in saudi arabia and qatar a large number
@00:33:50 convicted criminals released from saudi

The Government's Manipulated Job Numbers Will Not Stop The Economic Collapse - Episode 512

@00:08:28 position of saudi arabia the rise of
@00:08:46 relationship between the us and saudi
@00:08:48 arabia which has been deteriorating the

Why Are Countries Training Armies To Control Mass Riots? - Episode 510

@00:09:37 that saudi arabia has pushed their

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 507

@00:14:44 through saudi arabia jordan saw it
@00:14:48 through saudi arabia and jordan syria

Canada's False Flag Event Used For Different Agendas - Episode 500

@00:09:37 rumors out there that saudi arabia in

Italy Starts Movement To Leave The European Monetary Union - Episode 497

@00:06:08 saudi arabia are doing together to hit
@00:06:23 russia and iran the us and saudi arabia

Is The Ebola Crisis The October Surprise? - Episode 494

@00:34:52 saudi arabia and the united arab

De-Dollarization Continues With Iran And Russia Creating A Joint Bank - Episode 491

@00:30:14 opposition inside turkey saudi arabia is
@00:31:03 saudi arabia went on to say in many
@00:33:13 now is accusing turkey and saudi arabia
@00:33:32 course from saudi arabia from the u.s.

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 490

@00:16:51 not to back assad well saudi arabia

Manipulated Unemployment Rate Drops As The Economic Collapse Accelerates - Episode 483

@00:24:59 and machine guns to saudi arabia qatar

Central Bankers/US Government Can't Stabilize Syria Without Removing Assad - Episode 479

@00:31:55 saudi arabia and kuwait since of all the
@00:32:09 saudi arabia now the u.s. is bringing in
@00:32:43 saudi arabia and we have a new crisis

Central Bankers/U.S. Government Troop Buildup In Iraq To Occupy Syria - Episode 476

@00:20:30 effort was being financed by saudi
@00:20:32 arabia so right now they're trying to

ISIS Targeting White House For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 469

@00:13:13 pretty much a lot more than saudi arabia

U.S. Free Syrian Army & U.S. Created Islamic State Working Together To Remove Assad - Episode 464

@00:35:18 to saudi arabia but we have to
@00:35:19 understand something about saudi arabia
@00:35:56 we know what it already says that saudi
@00:35:58 arabia brought down the towers but we
@00:36:08 kept saudi arabia in their back pocket
@00:36:16 threatening saudi arabia at this time

Obama Planning For A Western-Backed Coalition No-Fly Zone Over Syria - Episode 462

@00:36:15 by saudi arabia to forces operating

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 455

@00:20:49 right now now the south the saudi arabia

Central Bankers Sending In Drones To Map Out Targets In Syria - Episode 451

@00:24:41 region including jordan turkey and saudi
@00:24:43 arabia will join the u.s. in quashing

U.S. Preparing To Bomb Syria, FAA Shuts down Airspace To American Planes - Episode 445

@00:01:57 some other country came in saudi arabia

The Next False Flag "We're Coming For You, Barack Obama" - Episode 425

@00:08:23 korea we have syria iran saudi arabia

Is FEMA Preparing For Martial Law Over The "Mass Exodus" Of Illegal Aliens? - Episode 416

@00:21:51 right off the on the coast off of saudi
@00:21:56 arabia it is tiny it's about two hundred

U.S. Planning Operation To Air Strike Iraq And Syria To Take Out Assad - Episode 407

@00:24:57 we see that saudi arabia has deployed
@00:25:23 because you have to remember saudi
@00:25:25 arabia is real the united states are all

Central Bankers Propaganda: Syria Is Playing A Game Of Shadows - Episode 401

@00:25:13 from saudi arabia of course we have to

U.S. Boosting Military Assets In Europe To Counter Russia - Episode 382

@00:24:52 saudi arabia and they would love to get

U.S. Pushing The Syria Agenda, Be Prepared For An Event - Episode 367

@00:28:04 knew this we knew saudi arabia was
@00:34:46 germany italy jordan qatar saudi arabia
@00:36:55 saudi arabia has sponsored tens of

Mission Accomplished, The Economic Recovery Is An Illusion -- Episode 356

@00:37:36 major major problems out there and saudi
@00:37:39 arabia has moving further and further
@00:37:52 and what we're seeing right now is saudi
@00:37:55 arabia purchased chinese missiles saudi

As The World Economies Collapse The Shadow Of War Is Upon The World -- Episode 347

@00:35:49 fair now saudi arabia and france plan to
@00:35:57 elections saw saudi and french

Is The CIA Pushing The War Agenda In Ukraine? -- Episode 344

@00:20:00 encouraging turkey saudi arabia and

US/Russia De-escalation Agreement Is A Distraction, The War Agenda Moves Forward -- Episode 343

@00:05:48 billions of dollars to yemen to saudi
@00:05:52 arabia to iraq to lebanon libya to south

As The Conflict In Ukraine Escalates A False Flag Event Looms -- Episode 340

@00:11:02 korea iran syria saudi arabia to

The Economic War Has Begun Which Will Lead To WWIII -- Episode 332

@00:31:42 now is visiting saudi arabia and we
@00:31:46 understand that saudi arabia has deals
@00:31:50 point and obama's visit to saudi arabia
@00:33:10 a few million barrels from saudi arabia
@00:33:24 lee obama traveled to saudi arabia to

Disarming The American People Using Mass Shooting False Flags -- Episode 331

@00:13:36 brazil iran syria saudi arabia england

As The War Drums Beat Louder, DHS Prepares For Domestic Terrorism- Episode 330

@00:27:26 lebanon is real yemen saudi arabia into
@00:37:32 weapons with saudi arabia and they're

As The Economy Implodes The President Is Concerned Over Exploding Nukes In NY -- Episode 323

@00:26:14 states saudi arabia israel they are
@00:26:43 call and saudi arabia has reportedly
@00:27:20 already understand that saudi arabia

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place -- Episode 320

@00:00:58 nations with saudi arabia and they are
@00:22:44 ram with saudi arabia we'll do this with

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 315

@00:12:25 government israel saudi arabia they
@00:12:45 saudi arabia and other ab nations

Is The Devaluation Of The Dollar Unavoidable? -- Episode 312

@00:14:30 media the us government israel saudi
@00:14:33 arabia all these countries have been

Russia And The U.S. Face Off Over The Ukraine -- Episode 304

@00:15:54 saudi arabia is funneling in anti-tank
@00:16:23 government saudi arabia israel there

Will The Boomerang Effect Stop The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 300

@00:37:40 we understand that the saudi arabia
@00:38:39 about saudi arabia and their plan to arm
@00:38:45 concerns about saudi arabia's plans to
@00:38:55 saying that saudi arabia is willing to
@00:39:36 bankers the us government saudi arabia

High Probability Of A Major Event With Syria -- Episode 299

@00:00:43 states government along with saudi
@00:00:44 arabia israel and other private western
@00:28:05 with saudi arabia and other private
@00:28:14 saudi arabia in recent days have

Fed Says It Would Take Something Big To Stop The Taper- Episode 294

@00:27:18 saudi arabia by france by pretty much
@00:40:13 states saudi arabia france israel

China And Other Nations Are Now Dumping Treasuries -- Episode 293

@00:24:11 africa to give aid to israel to saudi
@00:24:15 arabia and to every single country to
@00:30:35 in the middle east like saudi arabia
@00:39:00 saudi arabia israel france and many

A Military Strike In Syria Will Spark World War III -- Episode 292

@00:20:47 surpass saudi arabia as the country with
@00:24:04 in syria the united states israel saudi
@00:24:06 arabia france many other countries have
@00:27:41 else over the last 30 years israel saudi
@00:27:46 arabia the central bankers us government

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 291

@00:17:11 saudi arabia israel has paid these
@00:17:56 so saudi arabia has decided to give the
@00:19:49 some type of an event here and saudi
@00:19:51 arabia right now is helping out and

Americans Have Lost Hope As The Economic Collapse Accelerates -- Episode 290

@00:27:06 israel and saudi arabia and other states
@00:28:26 central bankers israel saudi arabia and

We Will See More Layoffs As The Economy Begins To Collapse -- Episode 289

@00:27:59 saudi arabia israel wants assad removed
@00:29:23 israel saudi arabia put these people
@00:33:49 central bankers israel saudi arabia they

As The Dollar Collapses We See The Rise Of The Yuan -- Episode 288

@00:28:17 advisory travel warning to saudi arabia
@00:28:56 now we see in saudi arabia so something

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 285

@00:15:32 israel saudi arabia the uk have been

The Countdown To The False Flag Event Begins -- Episode 282

@00:18:25 saudi arabia has implemented a draconian

China Is Now Challenging The Western Oil Conglomerates -- Episode 281

@00:11:03 are making this egypt saudi arabia

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of Collapsing -- Episode 280

@00:25:16 and things like that saudi arabia has
@00:25:22 saudi authorities have introduced a

As The FED Tapers The US Reports Syria Might Have Biological Weapons -- Episode 276

@00:31:53 been making deals with saudi arabia

Alert: High Probability Of A False Flag Event -- Episode 274

@00:22:37 real saudi arabia all these countries

Is There A Threat Of Terrorists Using A Dirty Bomb In The U.S? -- Episode 272

@00:19:09 bankers the us government israel saudi
@00:19:11 arabia have been pushing and pushing and

As The Economy Collapses, War With Syria Escalates -- Episode 271

@00:38:33 states saudi arabia in israel we're

Are Currencies Going To Be Reset In 2014? -- Episode 270

@00:21:22 years with saudi arabia and israel had

China Makes Another Move Which Threatens The US Dollar -- Episode 269

@00:01:30 has made deals with china saudi arabia

Exposing The Economic And Housing Recovery -- Episode 263

@00:25:09 they were to visit saudi arabia or any
@00:37:23 saudi arabia egypt all making deals with

More Drones Needed To Keep The US Dollar From Collapsing -- Episode 257

@00:00:46 lebanon iraq egypt saudi arabia the
@00:28:22 with saudi arabia israel which are all

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 255

@00:09:09 saudi arabia egypt and they see what is

Is A False Flag, War And The Economic Collapse Coming In 2014 -- Episode 252

@00:48:33 the sochi olympics saudi arabia israel

Governments Are Pushing Their Agenda By Using Terrorism -- Episode 251

@00:17:49 and right now the u.s. along with saudi
@00:17:54 arabia and israel all
@00:22:12 east saudi arabia and the gulf nations
@00:22:22 to combat syria and iran and saudi
@00:22:25 arabia is giving the lebanese army about
@00:22:46 saudi arabia purchased you know tanks

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 250

@00:09:35 like egypt and just like saudi arabia is

DHS Is Bringing In Terrorist By The Bus Load -- Episode 249

@00:30:47 saudi arabia is also doing the same

U.S. Pivots To Asia And Africa For The Upcoming War -- Episode 246

@00:24:10 the middle east now saudi arabia and the
@00:24:28 forces to go here and saudi arabia has
@00:25:01 means the kingdom of saudi arabia has no

The Insiders Are Now Preparing For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 244

@00:29:04 and right now saudi arabia i reported
@00:29:12 syria and right now saudi arabia's done

The White House Security Barriers Are Being Upgraded For 365 Days A Year Protection -- Episode 243

@00:28:29 israel saudi arabia the us government
@00:30:47 a war started and this is saudi arabia

False Flag Event Is A Go, Tapering To Begin In 2014 -- Episode 242

@00:11:40 about 250,000 people off of saudi arabia
@00:32:45 for the false flag event now saudi
@00:32:51 arabia is out there saying listen saudi
@00:32:53 arabia that they are warning that it's

"Lone Wolves" Will Be Spreading Terror Throughout The U.S. Says A U.S. Congressman -- Episode 241

@00:15:19 give aid to israel to saudi arabia to
@00:30:46 entire world and they know it now saudi
@00:30:52 arabia and israel are reporting that an
@00:31:28 saudi arabia definitely want iran's

Iran Makes A Move To Replace The U.S. Military Presence In The Middle East -- Episode 238

@00:29:41 east egypt saudi arabia are talking to

The US-Iran Deal Has Now Been Exposed -- Episode 236

@00:00:43 30 years u.s. israel saudi arabia and

US Going After Other Countries To Report US Hidden Assets -- Episode 235

@00:12:44 control of in egypt saudi arabia is

The Push For War With China Is Now Escalating -- Episode 234

@00:35:59 chuck hagel visited saudi arabia on
@00:36:14 now saudi arabia is calling on all gulf
@00:36:25 to remember that egypt saudi arabia have

White House Reports Stolen Radioactive Material Posed No US Threat -- Episode 231

@00:28:10 saudi arabia and we can see what is

Are Institutions Dumping Billions Of Dollars Of Stocks Before The Collapse? -- Episode 229

@00:06:50 is losing control of saudi arabia it is
@00:24:31 egypt russia is talking to saudi arabia
@00:30:20 the uk the french is really saudi arabia

Alert: UN Sealed Evidence Could Be Used To Strike Syria -- Episode 228

@00:43:23 israel and in in israel and saudi arabia
@00:43:37 saudi spy agency mossad last week hashed
@00:43:45 and saudi arabia re poorly correlated

China And Japan Tensions Could Lead To A False Flag Event -- Episode 227

@00:02:00 we see saudi arabia we see other middle
@00:02:21 with russia saudi arabia is already in
@00:18:43 to make deals with saudi arabia saudi
@00:18:45 arabia saying you know listen we

Tensions Between China and Japan Are Building -- Episode 226

@00:01:24 at this time israel saudi arabia
@00:01:31 washington like saudi arabia's envoy and
@00:01:43 like saudi arabia and israel are scaling
@00:14:16 their nuclear program and you know saudi
@00:14:20 arabia is real the other middle eastern
@00:15:28 seeing saudi arabia who is very angry in
@00:16:19 saudi arabia would be arguing be very
@00:16:54 bets are off and israel with saudi
@00:16:57 arabia will strike of course mike rogers
@00:17:42 saudi arabia is still a little bit angry
@00:17:44 with the united states here and saudi
@00:17:46 arabia understands what is happening
@00:18:07 saudi arabia is emphasizing the
@00:18:43 saudi arabia has been talking to putin

The Illusion Of An Economic Recovery And An Iranian Peace Deal (Part 2)

@00:04:42 some talks with saudi arabia and they
@00:04:57 saudi arabia deployed some troops to the
@00:05:06 from iraq on the saudi border during the
@00:05:10 talks on saturday and right now saudi
@00:05:15 arabia when they were making the deal
@00:05:21 obama administration has spoke to saudi
@00:05:25 arabia and the king and whatnot they
@00:05:27 were out there saying that saudi arabia
@00:11:09 angry saudi arabia israel very
@00:11:29 trial period was struck saudi arabia did

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 223

@00:01:08 russia china turkey saudi arabia and

Major Event A Go, Full Steam Ahead With Recovery Campaign -- Episode 222

@00:02:14 russian saudi arabia is hedging their
@00:31:35 understand that you know saudi arabia
@00:41:19 attack near the saudi iraq border saudi
@00:41:23 arabia has come to under a rare tag
@00:41:25 believed to stem from iran the saudi

The US Dollar Has Just Lost The Reserve Status -- Episode 221

@00:31:21 so saudi arabia right now decided to use
@00:32:14 resolution was actually drafted by saudi
@00:32:16 arabia a country that has been
@00:34:56 israel is playing the world with saudi
@00:35:00 arabia the united states israel saudi
@00:35:02 arabia are playing good cop/bad cop
@00:35:06 united states good cop israel saudi
@00:35:09 arabia bad cop this is what they are

FED Taper Signals A Major Event Going Hot -- Episode 220

@00:03:15 side we have israeli of saudi arabia we

Do You Think It's Only The Job Numbers That Are Manipulated? -- Episode 219

@00:18:14 help of israel saudi arabia are going to
@00:25:03 government is real saudi arabia their
@00:31:05 government of course in saudi arabia
@00:32:51 saying with saudi arabia we're going to
@00:33:49 israel and saudi arabia decide to strike
@00:35:23 u.s. israel saudi arabian we have to
@00:35:26 remember saudi arabia is looking to

Preparations For The Next False Flag Are In The Works -- Episode 218

@00:00:47 seeing what's happening in libya saudi
@00:00:49 arabia everything is completely coming
@00:01:03 israel saudi arabia and france and the
@00:26:27 losing control of saudi arabia the
@00:26:31 has acknowledged a dispute with saudi
@00:26:33 arabia that there are problems susan
@00:26:40 they're sending over to saudi arabia to
@00:32:19 now that israel and saudi arabia are
@00:32:25 and saudi arabia rct working together on
@00:32:29 saudi arabia was out there saying no
@00:35:54 us government central banker saudi
@00:35:56 arabia israel they're all out there and

GridEx II Results Are Trickling In, Prepare For A Blackout -- Episode 216

@00:18:40 saudi arabia's making deals with putin
@00:18:44 amin putin cold saudi arabia and they're
@00:18:45 in talks and saudi arabia also went to
@00:19:17 being taken now we understand that saudi
@00:19:20 arabia is very upset with the us about
@00:19:48 rain and saudi arabia and he wants to

FBI Reporting That 'Lone Wolves' May Be Planning Attacks -- Episode 215

@00:25:50 already with saudi arabia we see it

Is The Economy Really Collapsing? -- Episode 213

@00:31:56 central bankers israel saudi arabia need

al-Qaeda Threatening America On Veterans Day -- Episode 212

@00:18:22 saudi arabia is talking to china we
@00:19:37 government israel saudi arabia and other
@00:23:13 deals and as real as opposing it saudi
@00:23:16 arabia is opposing it france is opposing

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 211

@00:14:41 now making a deal saudi arabia very

Don't Be Fooled By The Smokescreen, The Economy Is Collapsing -- Episode 210

@00:23:51 we know that saudi arabia is looking to
@00:24:05 this for a second saudi arabia has no
@00:24:41 going to do but saudi arabia which is
@00:24:52 difference is saudi arabia uses the us
@00:25:00 states has a puppet government in saudi
@00:25:03 arabia right now syria and iran do not

NATO Is Pushing East And Russia Heeds The Warning -- Episode 209

@00:25:50 to be saudia arabia and he predicts that
@00:25:59 saudi arabia they will also detonate an
@00:26:06 most of the saudi arabia and american
@00:26:14 saudi arabia is a little nervous about
@00:26:21 us government israel saudi arabia and
@00:26:38 again saudi arabia has invested in
@00:28:00 control saudi arabia is on the fence

I Command You, The Economy Is Recovering -- Episode 208

@00:15:54 was brought on by saudi arabia at the
@00:15:58 right now saudi arabia is looking for
@00:16:22 really great investments so saudi arabia
@00:27:19 doing something now saudi arabia okay is
@00:27:59 saudi arabia is you know trying to

Are Mass Shootings Training Everyone For Martial Law? -- Episode 207

@00:24:28 israel saudi arabia and other middle

Do You Feel It? That's The Economy Imploding On Itself -- Episode 206

@00:06:27 that's why saudi arabia a lot of the
@00:26:27 saudi arabia definitely want to get a
@00:26:55 saudi arabia do not want and other
@00:27:32 assads chemical weapons and saudi arabia
@00:28:29 and not working with israel and saudi
@00:28:33 arabia well they are working with them
@00:28:38 saudi arabia plans to expand weapons
@00:30:11 collaboration with israel and saudi
@00:30:12 arabia will continue to to stabilize the

Disarming The American People One Event At A Time -- Episode 204

@00:22:26 saudi arabia all wanted to get into
@00:28:29 globalist israelis saudi arabia they're
@00:29:54 east and saudi arabia is looking at
@00:30:15 and saudi arabia they really want to

The Economic Recovery Has Now Been Exposed As Nothing But Propaganda -- Episode 203

@00:26:19 footing in this area saudi arabia is
@00:27:29 israel and saudi arabia are this is
@00:29:15 israel and saudi arabia and the central
@00:30:12 because israel saudi arabia they want

The World Economy Is Collapsing Right In Front Of Our Eyes -- Episode 201

@00:33:20 all of saudi arabia and they're saying
@00:38:40 saudi arabia all want to get into iran
@00:40:02 to saudi arabia billions of dollars to

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 199

@00:09:11 saudi arabia you know told the u.s.

Soon DHS Will Be Raiding Everyone's Home -- Episode 198

@00:11:13 yesterday i mentioned that saudi arabia
@00:11:24 understand that saudi arabia understands
@00:11:42 reserve currency and saudi arabia does
@00:12:19 turkey is now joining saudi arabia with
@00:34:12 saudi arabia and other middle east

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of The Collapse -- Episode 197

@00:16:35 see saudi arabia looking to move away

Is The Next False Flag Event A Nuclear Explosion? -- Episode 195

@00:25:53 saudi arabia and all the other arab
@00:34:30 of dollars to saudi arabia they were
@00:37:01 saudi arabia are very angry for what

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 193

@00:06:40 the us central bankers saudi arabia who
@00:08:49 the past the us the cia and saudi arabia
@00:09:02 the us government central bankers saudi
@00:09:05 arabia israel they all want assad

The Government Is Pushing Mobile Free Gun Zones -- Episode 192

@00:24:06 saudi arabia and the united arab
@00:25:42 is this headed for saudi arabia than to
@00:25:52 that saudi arabia was pushing weapons

Will The Government Sabotage The "Truckers Ride For The Constitution" -- Episode 185

@00:16:45 aid to all the countries like saudi
@00:16:48 arabia israel well now we stop with

Will The President Execute The 'National Catastrophe' Executive Order ? -- Episode 184

@00:23:17 weeks ago i said israel saudi arabia and

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 181

@00:15:05 kissinger included saudi arabia kuwait

Is DC Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event Of Epic Proportion? -- Episode 180

@00:23:53 by a black op team that the saudi sent
@00:24:02 which pointed to saudi arabia as the

The Government Shutdown Game, Whats The Real Agenda? -- Episode 179

@00:25:53 adversaries like saudi arabia and the
@00:27:36 israel their aid to saudi arabia their

"We're Not Some Banana Republic, This Is Not A Deadbeat Nation" -- Episode 174

@00:11:30 off to israel egypt saudi arabia all

Osama bin Laden Is Out And The White Widow Is In, The New Face Of Terror -- Episode 173

@00:29:16 and saudi arabia and yemen and they have

Alert -- One Step Closer To The Big Event, Be Prepared!! -- Episode 172

@00:03:39 going to saudi arabia all the money that

Warning -- High Probability Of Something Big Happening Very Soon -- Episode 170

@00:05:38 over to saudi arabia that we send over

The Build Up To The Horrifying False Flag Event -- Episode 162

@00:26:27 right now saudi arabia this really wants

The FED Says Tapering Is Necessary And It's Going To Be Painful -- Episode 161

@00:23:50 channels they give the money to saudi
@00:23:52 arabia saudi arabia gives the money to
@00:23:57 weapons or saudi arabia goes to another
@00:25:58 rebels and he also accuses turkey saudi
@00:26:03 arabia qatar of supporting terrorists in
@00:26:09 on there they realized the u.s. saudi
@00:26:12 arabia qatar of course are all puppet

War Or Not To W..., What Was The Question? -- Episode 160

@00:28:41 controlled saudi arabia kuwait lebanon
@00:32:05 to get russia out of the way saudi
@00:32:08 arabia saudi saudi arabia bribed putin
@00:32:14 putin didn't go for it saudi arabia said

Current Economic Collapse -- "News Brief" -- Episode 157

@00:07:00 griffin tarpley saying that saudi arabia
@00:13:28 cia or saudi arabia which is indirectly

This War Will Not Be Like The Others, It Will Be Catastrophic -- Episode 153

@00:26:14 us government or funnel through saudi
@00:26:16 arabia and then they pay them they are

High Probability Of A Major Attack On The Financial System -- Episode 150

@00:16:26 do this now we have learned that saudi
@00:16:30 arabia a saudi prince band are supplied
@00:16:46 saudi arabia they have the prince their
@00:17:05 say saudi arabia provided chemical

There Is No Turning Back, War Is On The Horizon -- Episode 149

@00:12:56 european other european nations saudi
@00:12:59 arabia and all the others building
@00:18:05 saudi arabia effectively destroying all

Alert: High Probability There Will Be A War Powers Act False Flag -- Episode 148

@00:13:48 government in there saudi arabia was

Warning: The War And Economic Collapse Cannot Be Stopped -- Episode 147

@00:18:28 billions to saudi arabia and now they

Special Report: The War, The Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 145

@00:08:42 about the saudi arabia and how the royal
@00:08:54 from the prince of saudi arabia who goes
@00:10:18 there is an uprising in saudi arabia and

The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

@00:11:45 tunisia in in saudi arabia they're all

The Thunder Has Been Called Down And Now It's Here -- Episode 141

@00:18:33 report about the saudi the saudi foreign
@00:18:47 aid from egypt saudi arabia would take
@00:18:53 funnel money to saudi arabia because
@00:18:55 they control saudi arabia and then push
@00:19:44 it's through saudi arabia now obamacare

Governments Are Strategically Positioning Themselves For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 140

@00:06:20 control saudi arabia that control most
@00:07:30 you want them to do just like saudi
@00:07:33 arabia and this goes on to say if egypt

Here Is The Secret On The Economic Collapse -- Episode 137

@00:15:58 lebanon and tunisia and saudi arabia now
@00:20:45 they have egypt saudi arabia yemen this

Governments Keeping The Illusion While The World Collapses -- Episode 136

@00:29:44 in saudi arabia we see it in baja rain
@00:30:35 over the place and the saudi prince who
@00:30:40 defected saudi prince is saying that in
@00:30:45 his country saudi arabia rabia they're

Confusing FED, Preparing For War With Syria Without US Troops -- Episode 135

@00:11:28 uprising in saudi arabia bahrain yemen
@00:27:13 we'd involve saudi arabia israel jordan
@00:27:24 british-french saudi and united arab

Unemployment Down, FED Ready To Taper, Economic Collapse Avoided? -- Episode 134

@00:14:22 saudi arabia and tunisia and libya iraq
@00:16:48 saudi arabia which is the us control
@00:17:02 instance saudi arabia was making deals
@00:17:06 with israel to get guns which saudi
@00:17:09 arabia then took and gave to the paid
@00:17:32 exclusive interview with rt a saudi
@00:17:39 monarchy fears the most saudi arabia has
@00:18:00 and what's happening especially in saudi
@00:18:02 arabia bahrain yemen they are putting

High Alert As The Terrorist Threats Continue -- Episode 132

@00:18:10 states okay through saudi arabia which
@00:18:21 us government is buddy-buddy with saudi
@00:18:23 arabia and they tried to bribe russia

Scare Tactics, Bribes And Assassinations All Failed Onto Plan "Y" -- Episode 131

@00:21:17 old baja rain in saudi arabia are having
@00:24:30 us-controlled saudi arabia try to bribe

Markets Down, Gold Smacked Down, Terrorists Threats, War On The Horizon -- Episode 130

@00:20:14 israel and saudi arabia are making a
@00:20:17 deal where saudi arabia is buying old
@00:20:23 the rebels because saudi arabia is
@00:21:06 going to bribe russia now saudi arabia

Military Strikes Behind The Terrorism Threats -- Episode 129

@00:32:45 in egypt parts of saudi arabia in the

Terrorism, Distractions, Spying And The Removal Of The Peoples Rights -- Episode 128

@00:22:36 saudi arabia they have already done it

Warning: Possibility Of A False Flag Event In The Next 30 Days- Episode 126

@00:21:34 jordan kuwait libya oman qatar saudi
@00:21:38 arabia united arab emirates yemen

Pedal To The Metal, WWIII Is Starting To Accelerate To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 122

@00:19:13 saudi arabia signs deal with is really
@00:21:22 the guest the eastern section of saudi
@00:21:26 arabia and we're seeing these united
@00:22:09 control this area they control saudi
@00:22:12 arabia and they're starting to see

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 115

@00:08:17 especially qatar saudi arabia and turkey

The Government Is Working In Stealth Mode To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 107

@00:11:55 accomplish right now now saudi arabia is
@00:12:02 missiles personally let's say saudi
@00:12:05 arabia is controlled by the us
@00:12:28 a central bank saudi arabia already has
@00:13:18 united states is with the with saudi
@00:13:24 arabia

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 103

@00:14:32 name it saudi arabia you name it they're