false flag

deleted Trump Exposes The Invisible Enemy Hidden In The Dark Shadows,[DS] Panic - Episode 2265b

@00:07:30 on this false flag event what they're
@00:32:47 both and set up a false flag to bring us

Monroe Is The Message, Missing 302 On Deck, Law & Order - Episode 2264b

@00:14:11 and then they can stage a false flag and

11.3 Verifies The First Marker, LP/KC “Viva Le Resistance” - Episode 2250b

@00:25:30 what are they planning is there a false
@00:25:32 flag on the way

Marker, Watch The Water, Elections Secured, [DS] Plan Failed - Episode 2245b

@00:03:38 was based on false information that
@00:03:42 was given false information there is no
@00:03:45 the agents flag the possible use of
@00:03:50 false information it does not mention

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:05:26 push another false flag we'll be talking
@00:41:16 flag it if it's a long-term threat we're
@00:41:20 happy to make dollars promoting it false
@00:41:26 flag will pay for it

Patriots Are 5 Steps Ahead, People Are Beginning To See The Full Picture - Episode 2198b

@00:11:46 state pulls out there their false flag

Facts Will Be Presented, We Are Ready, Think Barr, Durham FISA - Episode 2149b

@00:09:46 either they're saying let's have a false
@00:09:49 flag or let's do something else or

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:23:36 all their false flag targets because

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:14:02 ship false flag right now let's go back
@00:14:54 he was signaling the false flag now we

Message Sent [P], Panic Everywhere, Puzzle Almost Complete - Episode 2133b

@00:15:57 distraction needed hashtag false flag
@00:16:02 false flag
@00:16:37 a distraction false flag active sleeper
@00:17:07 false flag then we have julian's rum he
@00:21:01 equals false flag now joe m said the
@00:22:15 shut down look for more false flags stay
@00:22:24 the false flag indicators are matching

Yellow Sky, Timeline Important, Panic, Suicide Watch - Episode 2131b

@00:03:18 state cannot perform any type of false
@00:03:21 flag keep crowds out of the movie
@00:11:16 could be riots or some type of false
@00:11:19 flag when everything goes down now are

Do Not Fear, Look For Message, Dark To Light, Operators Ready - Episode 2128b

@00:31:16 be quickly shut down look for more false
@00:31:18 flag stay alert be vigilant and above
@00:36:18 we don't want a false flag we're trying

Pill Hard To Swallow, Unsealed Much Will Be Revealed, Watch The News For [RC] - Episode 2127b

@00:30:39 can't use a false flag to hurt innocence

It Has Begun, Message Sent, We Are Now Ready To Spring Forward - Episode 2126b

@00:07:34 about false flag events and i do believe

One By One All The Exits Are Being Blocked WW, Hold, Wait For It - Episode 2125b

@00:22:29 presented a false flag do you believe in
@00:22:50 telling us about a false flag almost to

Panic Message Sent, Major Operation Remove/Replace Active, Enemies Removed - Episode 2066b

@00:24:47 know he says how many false flag psyops

Barr Exposes The [DS] Agenda, Haspel Cooperating, SR Back In The News - Episode 2057b

@00:17:14 was a false flag and the mainstream

Something Big Is About To Happen,Think Admiral Rogers, Think Brennan - Episode 2051b

@00:11:49 was a false flag it's starting to fall

Sacrifices Made, The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World - Episode 2050b

@00:37:51 called a false flag and what i'm saying

Bait Taken, Trap Set, Carpet Bombs Incoming, Then The MOAB - Episode 2042b

@00:36:41 this is not a false flag event where

Durham & Barr Found Something Significant, [DS] Hires Lawyers - Episode 2001b

@00:05:27 smollett false flag designed to pass
@00:05:44 know that it was a false flag to push

Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near - Episode 1999b

@00:27:02 this the patriots countering this false
@00:27:06 flag attack in dallas

Setup Needed Before Declass, Tarmac Back In The News, Prisons Prepped - Episode 1974b

@00:09:21 planning some type of false flag to

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:38:38 false flag if this is blamed on another

One Question Destroys The MSM, What’s Coming Will Shock The Nation - Episode 1937b

@00:21:10 create a crisis false flag event to

Forever Message Sent and Received, We Have More Than We Know - Episode 1935b

@00:24:26 party post 538 beware of major false
@00:24:31 flag attempts this week know your

Bigger Charges Coming, August Is A Hot Month - Episode 1932b

@00:31:02 they like to have false flag events in

Manchurian Candidate,Stealth Bomber,Special Package Delivery - Episode 1927b

@00:25:03 define false flag a false flag is a

Placeholders, Patriots Positioning, Blocks Removed, Locked And Loaded - Episode 1926b

@00:12:37 smollett false flag designed to pass

The Age Of Enlightenment Has Arrived, Plan Executed, It’s Time - Episode 1877b

@00:32:33 high false-flag alert trump's tweet

WW Resignations, [DS] Scrambling, Wait For It, Boom - Episode 1869b

@00:26:38 pushing their false flag events saudi

Trump Just Called Out The [DS], [-90], It’s All About To Drop - Episode 1863b

@00:27:24 false flag because we know how the deep

Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

@00:14:38 period of time there's a lot of false
@00:14:41 flag events the shootings they were

It’s Time To Turn The Tables And Bring Justice, Pain Coming- Episode 1847b

@00:32:50 that it might have been a false flag

Hidden Info Inside The Mueller Report Will Be Used To Expose The Email Coverup - Episode 1845b

@00:22:13 believe that this might be a major false
@00:22:16 flag event that they try to kick off and

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:02:38 some type of false flag with some type
@00:05:24 false flag take a listen

The [DS] Prepares For Arrests, Damaging Videos & Evidence - Episode 1835b

@00:28:28 of false flag q has been saying that it

[DS] Trapped, Their Move Was Just Blocked, No Place To Hide - Episode 1834b

@00:23:49 me sounds like a false flag it sounds

Panic In DC, [DS] Agenda Force Out Into The Light - Episode 1822b

@00:16:12 of false flag events but what the one
@00:20:02 this is a false flag i know that this

This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1821b

@00:14:06 certain period of time to get the false
@00:14:09 flag exposure that's what they wanted

The Sleepers Are Now Awake, [DS] Panics And Traps Themselves, Plan Advances - Episode 1819b

@00:16:26 is in brackets all bolden camps false
@00:16:28 flag f f so we need to go back to post
@00:17:57 the deep state used a false flag for
@00:19:07 shooting that false flag event she
@00:24:12 of false flag major event which could be

Narrative Fight Coming, It’s Time To Unite & Take-down The True Enemy - Episode 1818b

@00:08:20 have a therapist well normally false
@00:08:24 flag shooters that we cover before they

Placeholders Ready To Be Filled, Narrative Change Needed, Be Vigilant - Episode 1816b

@00:22:41 in new zealand and isn't this the false
@00:22:44 flag that you're talking about and cue

Fill In Your [ ], Insurance Removed, Press Conference Coming - Episode 1815b

@00:01:03 with a false flag there's absolutely

Dark To Light, But Something Is Lurking In The Shadows - Episode 1809b

@00:02:53 and expect some type of false flag in
@00:17:44 this to attack a false flag by the paid
@00:44:45 restricted it and this was a false flag
@00:46:27 date so they try to push their false
@00:46:30 flag and then the d class comes out at

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:26:37 of another false flag coming post 2975 q

Collusion, Investigations, Hoaxes Failed, Patriots Turn, DECLAS - Episode 1801b

@00:16:14 at the false flag designed to pass the

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:13:02 brackets and bold false flag designed to

Fake Investigations Will Cease, Patriots Have The Logs, No Escape - Episode 1797b

@00:27:00 the start was this syria false flag
@00:28:08 the reference was to syria false flag

Something Big Is About To Happen, [DS] Trapped And Desperate - Episode 1794b

@00:22:44 small at false-flag case they are trying
@00:23:06 cory booker tim scott what false flag
@00:23:17 his neck did the false flag event
@00:23:28 q says did the false flag event sway
@00:23:39 that the fake this false flag the fake

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking,Pain,Event Warning [10] - Episode 1792b

@00:22:18 q says be alert next 10 days false flag
@00:26:42 launch was a false flag by the deep

It’s Time, Senate Was Everything, Investigations Begin - Episode 1786b

@00:24:57 a false flag event to have complete and

Patriots Over The Target, Incoming, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom - Episode 1781b

@00:14:53 some type of false flag that involves a

[DS] Sends A Coded Message, Incoming FF - Episode 1768b

@00:00:45 incoming false flag now before we get
@00:17:40 false flag happened trump vows to exit
@00:17:52 intelligence knows that this was a false
@00:17:55 flag oh
@00:17:58 troops number to have a false flag let's

Marker, One Year Ago, Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1761b

@00:03:39 previously funded a false-flag effort in

It’s Just Getting Started, Enjoy The Ride - Episode 1755b

@00:16:46 the false flag chemical attacks never
@00:16:54 listen this is fake phony and false
@00:16:58 this was a false flag and this is never

The 1st Alarm Bell, This Will Kick Off Everything - Episode 1754b

@00:03:10 false flag operation that planted the

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:19:41 orchestrated an elaborate false flag
@00:20:00 again this was a complete false flag

Panic Is Off The Charts, No Escape & No Deals - Episode 1737b

@00:00:52 we've seen other false flag events we
@00:17:08 up this whole thing was a false flag

Lift Off On 1.1.19, Courts-Martial Around The Corner - Episode 1731b

@00:00:53 we've seen other false flag events we

Think Projection, Time Is Up, Haiti Op Underway [C]? - Episode 1718b

@00:12:31 equals false flak so they're saying
@00:12:36 t's and there might be a false flag in

This Is Why Everything Needs To Be Put In Place Before The Hammer Is Dropped - Episode 1717b

@00:23:52 day we know it all no that was a false
@00:23:54 flag that was a setup oh

Let The Unsealing, Declas Begin, Let The World Witness The Truth - Episode 1714

@00:18:43 staging false flag operations dating

Stealth Bomber Making It's Approach, Blockade Removed - Episode 1707b

@00:12:02 getting ready to push a false flag in
@00:12:23 set up and ready to use a false flag in
@00:35:35 false flag summer hoaxes and they use

Why Are We Here, Who Has The Power, [DS] Cannot Stop The Awakening - Episode 1704b

@00:16:09 they're filming the next false flag
@00:16:18 prepping this next false flag will it

We Are Watching/Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard,Time Is Almost Up - Episode 1703b

@00:17:19 they're getting ready for this false
@00:17:21 flag and i wouldn't be surprised if this

Message Sent, Message Received, Anons Now Know - Episode 1702b

@00:05:04 call a false flag and you can see

Think Timing, We Are At The Precipice, [DS] Mission, Prevent Hammer - Episode 1701b

@00:06:43 was a false flag same thing with many
@00:06:52 just because it's called a false flag
@00:07:00 want the false flag to look as real as

Days Of Darkness Will Give Way To Light,The Day Americans Learn The Truth - Episode 1700b

@00:21:32 tells you that this was a false flag the

Deep State Unleashes Everything They Have, Watch How Trump Uses It Against Them - Episode 1698b

@00:14:15 no sense most likely this is a false
@00:14:18 flag now the white house is out there
@00:17:02 and say it was a false flag he didn't
@00:18:29 false flag he's telling the people of

Moves And Countermoves,Truth Not Revealed, Breaking Down The Strategy - Episode 1697b

@00:08:31 mean this might have been a false flag

Logical Thinking, Justice Will Be Served, Steps Need To Be Taken First - Episode 1686b

@00:06:08 deep state was going to use some false
@00:06:11 flag to try to push their agenda but we
@00:06:58 another false flag and now there's

Release The Sessions, ]Sessions[ Activated, MOAB Inbound - Episode 1667b

@00:11:54 up this false flag event and we know
@00:12:15 this false flag does occur if it does

DECLAS, A Week To Remember, [RENEGADE] Exposed - Episode 1665b

@00:26:13 false flag events they started to shut
@00:28:08 state is preparing some type of false
@00:28:11 flag in syria we have from russia that
@00:28:19 the false flag we also see that they're
@00:29:03 with syria they're going to use a false
@00:29:06 flag there and we have all this
@00:29:15 we have the false flag in syria we have

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b

@00:07:09 times before with false flag events we
@00:09:37 false flag attack and this will allow
@00:12:42 or two that we might see this false flag

Attention On Deck, Battle Stations,Prepare If You Have Not - Episode 1661b

@00:10:48 remember we know that this is a false
@00:10:51 flag we know the deep state is using
@00:11:29 they're getting prepared for this false
@00:11:31 flag we know it's a false flag because
@00:11:40 pull this off they want the false flag
@00:30:34 we had 9/11 and every single other false
@00:30:36 flag come out all at once but that's

The Public Has The Right To Know, It's Time To Expose The Lies - Episode 1656b

@00:01:51 they might even use a false flag of some
@00:14:44 we're having all these false flag events
@00:20:28 bombing the area and if there is a false
@00:20:30 flag a chemical attack the us is going

Infiltration Runs Deep,Operation Counter Clowns,Congress Is In Session[s] - Episode 1655b

@00:10:44 false flag that's going to happen in
@00:11:25 this is why we've been hearing false
@00:11:27 flag this is why russia has been saying
@00:29:51 they're planning a false flag and we

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b

@00:12:11 this false flag chemical attack is being

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:35:30 russia is warning of a false flag and we
@00:36:26 if there is a false flag and they're

The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror - Episode 1649b

@00:19:18 false-flag chemical attack in it lib
@00:19:25 purpose they are going to use this false
@00:19:29 flag to fire most likely missiles into
@00:20:27 see a false flag and most likely trump

The Thunder Is Deafening, BIG Week Ahead - Episode 1648b

@00:23:49 well they're planning a false flag in

There Are Major Signs That The Deep State Is Planning Something Big - Episode 1642b

@00:24:14 there's a false flag or event what do

The Show Has Just Begun, Welcome To The Swamp - Episode 1636b

@00:24:56 was this a false flag was it used to
@00:28:57 state was trying to push a false flag of

What You Are Witnessing Now Is Needed Before The Big Drop - Episode 1630b

@00:21:08 next move of the cabal is a false flag

The FISA Push Is Here, It Will Bring Down The House - Episode 1626b

@00:22:22 investigation that was a false flag they

The Storm Is Raging, Those Who Follow Understand What's About To Happen - Episode 1625b

@00:04:26 fake phony and false it was a false flag

It Has Now Been Confirmed, The Time Is Now - Episode 1624b

@00:14:26 number as a setup for a false flag but
@00:15:06 future false flag or anything like that

Boom, The Entire Plan Has Been Taken To The Next Level - Episode 1618b

@00:09:30 collusion false flag chemical attacks in

The Strategy Within A Strategy, The People Are Going To Be Shocked - Episode 1612b

@00:14:56 state pushing a false flag but i think

Has Q Given Us A Timeline Of Events, It Could Play Out This Way - Episode 1611b

@00:23:15 to prevent more false flag school

It's Time, The Great Awakening Is About To Begin - Episode 1605

@00:13:29 create this new false flag where they

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:33:49 type of false flag or something like

It's All About To Change, The Time Is Now - Episode 1598b

@00:11:12 this was a false flag where certain

Undiscovered Truths Will Be Learned, Organized Riots Being Planned - Episode 1597b

@00:14:31 even though the last false flag was
@00:18:42 things i mean the false flag didn't go i

Abandon Ship! The Trap Has Been Set, There Is No Way Out - Episode 1596b

@00:05:29 push a false flag maybe they tried it
@00:05:33 false flag was stopped i won't be
@00:26:25 this is june 20th false flag prevented
@00:26:42 couldn't push a false flag and it looks
@00:26:44 like the false flag was prevented next
@00:34:44 little try another false flag maybe a

All Connections, Scams, Corruption, It's All About To Explode - Episode 1594b

@00:08:21 before from russia that another false
@00:08:24 flag is being planned and this is the in
@00:08:55 planning for another false flag the deep

The Movement Has Started, The Clock Is Ticking Down, Tick Tock - Episode 1593b

@00:06:31 ahead and work with this false flag and

Missles Fired, Missles Stopped, Evil Is Knocking - Episode 1591b

@00:10:29 it they know exactly when the false flag
@00:19:28 of a false flag coming and i think

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:06:52 another false flag being orchestrated in
@00:07:10 they're trying another false flag
@00:21:47 says false flag weather alert worldwide
@00:24:25 worldwide false flag weather alert
@00:24:50 usually have some type of false flag

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:10:16 this was a complete false flag and they

Control Is The Name Of Game, In The End, Who Will Have The Control - Episode 1579b

@00:06:07 false flag chemical attacks took place

Q Asks Who Is In Control, Then Shows Us - Episode 1573b

@00:32:02 up oh look there was a false flag

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:19:45 false flag they continually use over and

Trust The Plan, The Plan Is Not Going To Be Straightforward - Episode 1569b

@00:04:08 some type of false flag they might try
@00:22:18 having a false flag this was done on

We Have Gone Full Circle, Deep State Pushes Agenda - Episode 1568b

@00:05:11 be surprised if they push a false flag i
@00:09:55 false flag in north korea and maybe even
@00:09:57 some type of false flag with the iranian

The Move, Forcing It All Out Into To The Open, Here Comes The Pain - Episode 1567b

@00:18:23 of false flag and the police they went

Deep State Reboot, Donations Restarted To Regain Control, Will Fail - Episode 1566b

@00:16:50 another false flag in syria where israel

Is The Trap Being Set In The Middle East? Breaking Down The Plan - Episode 1565b

@00:04:45 this is a false flag we did no such
@00:04:50 israel does to create these false flags

Evil Has Lost Control, The Deal Silenced Everyone - Episode 1564b

@00:19:59 start if they create this false flag to

Connecting The Dots, The Plan Of Plans Is Now In Motion - Episode 1563b

@00:27:02 false flag or israel is not going to go

Blackhat Disinfo, Yes The Swamp Is Being Drained - Episode 1561b

@00:07:21 are the terrorists that provide false
@00:07:23 flag attacks to us and uk government and

America Has Been Sold Out And These Are The People Who Did It - Episode 1557b

@00:20:01 sum of all fears and a nuclear false
@00:20:04 flag on us soil that could be attributed

Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought - Episode 1556b

@00:07:22 to be a staged false flag of a chemical
@00:07:39 created this false flag event to get him
@00:20:42 implicated false flag to find cover
@00:23:03 false flag event to get us into war post

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:09:17 wouldn't be surprised if there's a false
@00:09:18 flag where a ship maybe gets hit blames
@00:09:26 possibility that could be a false flag
@00:10:00 push a false flag which never happened

North Korea Complete, Phase II, Operation Search & Destroy Clowns - Episode 1551b

@00:15:39 was a another false flag event the
@00:19:31 false flag which is going to be
@00:24:23 out there that a false flag is headed

Cornered, No Way Out, The Trump Card Is About To Be Played - Episode 1550b

@00:02:09 now it could be a false flag which i do

Operation Corner The Deep State, Event Possible - Episode 1549b

@00:16:03 that there is a false flag headed our

Sleeper Cells Activated, Bad Booms Incoming, Threat Real - Episode 1548b

@00:20:14 fireworks hopefully the next false flag

Behind The Scenes There Is Secret High Level Negotiations Between Syria & The US - Episode 1547b

@00:12:22 set up to be prepared for the false flag
@00:22:06 push another false flag because we can
@00:23:27 surprised if there's another major false
@00:23:29 flag to try to cover this thing up and
@00:24:23 that there was a false flag in syria and

What You See & Hear Is Not What Is Happening, Troop Withdrawal On Track - Episode 1545

@00:04:38 time has been warning of a false flag
@00:21:13 pull off this stage false flag

The Strategy Is Set, Strike Group On Its Way, Trust The Plan - Episode 1544b

@00:05:54 had this false flag now we know that
@00:06:01 helmets were preparing to push a false
@00:06:04 flag so it really wasn't a coincidence
@00:06:37 plan have the false flag say it was
@00:16:18 strike the area where the false flag
@00:16:53 russia's right it is a false flag we
@00:17:54 this staged event this false flag they
@00:21:29 false flag to get this war going because

Enjoy The Show, The Deep State Is In The Process Of Being Duped Again - Episode 1543b

@00:01:27 there's another false flag out in syria
@00:11:52 douma which is a false flag and this is
@00:15:41 the deep state has another false flag

The Strike Group Is The Show, Trust The Plan, A Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1542

@00:06:34 dealing with this false flag in syria
@00:08:57 another false flag and trump is out
@00:14:46 a false flag why would the united states
@00:24:36 that they were planning a false flag he
@00:24:59 let's push the false flag now trump is
@00:27:14 is a false flag now the strike group is

The Agenda Is Set, Conflict Levels Rise, Deep State Goes For It All - Episode 1541b

@00:15:13 try to false flag russia even warned
@00:16:08 going to be some type of false flag and
@00:18:06 false flag they already know that this
@00:21:06 to be a false flag and they were already

Deep State Actions Coverup, Exposing Plan, NK Playbook ++ - Episode 1540b

@00:13:45 there's this other false flag that is
@00:15:53 this is a false flag nothing has
@00:16:12 investigation or a false-flag
@00:16:17 false-flag investigation which means
@00:22:59 all that is fake phony and false and q
@00:23:06 it is a false flag
@00:24:12 false flag event he wants evidence of

The Deep State Is On The Move, Countermoves In Place, Prevent At All Costs - Episode 1539b

@00:12:58 pushed forward this false flag there was
@00:21:28 nothing because it was a false flag just

The Wall Is Much More Than Just A Wall - Episode 1537b

@00:04:51 evidence and this is a false flag what

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:07:15 what it is it's a false flag it was a
@00:12:50 this is the false flag or the event

Boooom, The Deep State Is Terrified, Truth Are Lies, Lies Are Truth - Episode 1534b

@00:10:27 know that this was a false flag there is
@00:10:51 false flag and we know that they're just

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:08:51 shows or when they have a false flag

Counterattack A Go, The Deep Empire Is About To Fall - Episode 1531b

@00:12:47 false flag might try an event someplace

Boom, The Plan Is In Motion, One Piece At A Time - Episode 1530b

@00:19:39 chemical attack false flag off the
@00:19:50 false flag it's getting harder and

Stage Is Set, The Push For Regulations And IBOR Begins - Episode 1526b

@00:16:36 weapons false flag and it looks like
@00:16:52 false flag off the ground so they've

March Madness, Hold On The Deep State Is About To Push Their Agenda - Episode 1525b

@00:12:14 some type of false flag to create an

The "Plan" Is In Motion, Trust It - Episode 1523b

@00:09:55 try to push maybe a false flag i mean we

Did The Deep State Just Hint At Their Next Targeted Event - Episode 1522b

@00:12:17 next false flag now why are they doing
@00:15:23 that most likely is going to be a false
@00:15:25 flag now they've already told us that

The Storm Is Upon US & It's Getting Stronger - Episode 1520b

@00:14:42 getting ready for another false flag in

The Game Is Being Played Out In Front Of The World, Do You Want To Play? - Episode 1518b

@00:22:05 planning the next false flag mess it up

The Deep State Has Lost Control, The Take Down Will Begin Soon - Episode 1515b

@00:19:05 whatever the false flag is going to be
@00:19:17 false flag event and i think after this

You Will Remember 11.11.18, It Will Not Be Forgotten, Boom - Episode 1514b

@00:08:00 see right now this might be a false flag
@00:08:11 saying false hope get ready to go hard
@00:08:19 all of this up by trying to push a false
@00:08:22 flag now q has come out with a lot of
@00:16:33 be a false flag we don't know as of yet
@00:16:43 the news cycle to find false flag what

Get Ready For The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce, It's Not What You Think - Episode 1513b

@00:08:22 peace and they can have a false flag
@00:08:37 harder time pushing a false flag because

Everything Is Not What It Seems, It's All Happening Behind The Scenes - Episode 1497b

@00:17:52 a false flag event where the white

Financial Pundits Are Calling It, They Are Saying Expect The Crash - Episode 1494a

@00:15:17 false flag or all caps and we can see

The World As We Know It Is About To Change - Episode 1492b

@00:27:29 us of a major false flag and he did that

Did The Deep State Just Threaten The US With An Event? - Episode 1490b

@00:04:00 people of the united states with a false
@00:04:02 flag with some type of an event it kind

Chaos Is Their Tool, False Flags Is Their Weapon - Episode 1489b

@00:15:21 q has mentioned this that a major false
@00:15:24 flag might be used and i think it will

Is The Deep State About To Activate The Sleep Cells? - Episode 1488b

@00:13:11 could create a false flag there they

Nation Alert, Active Sleeper Cells Ready To Push The Next Event:Q - Episode 1487b

@00:13:03 be a false flag now what's very
@00:13:09 us about false flag saying that once the
@00:13:18 a major false flag what q is also saying

Deep State Strikes Back And Sends A Clear Message, What's Next - Episode 1486b

@00:12:09 possibly is a false flag by the deep
@00:12:22 many different false flag attempts and i
@00:14:40 just a message a false flag a message
@00:15:03 a major false flag if the propaganda
@00:15:27 they're going to push another false flag
@00:17:15 false flag and i think the trump

The Countdown Has Begun, The Deep State Has No Option - Episode 1485b

@00:12:54 we are in the clear with this false flag

If The Deep State Propaganda Fails, Get Ready For The Event From Hell: Q - Episode 1484b

@00:18:50 to be a major false flag terrorist
@00:19:54 if there's going to be a major false
@00:19:57 flag terrorist attack it's not going to

'Doomsday Clock' Moves Again, Is Everything Lining Up For An Event? - Episode 1482b

@00:20:44 false flag events and this is what we're

Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 1481b

@00:09:16 type of major false flag which i think

There Is No Other Choice, The Time Has Come To Have The Event Of Events - Episode 1480b

@00:19:15 it and this could be a false flag
@00:19:18 attempt or a major full false flag
@00:21:41 major false flag coming very soon

The Hawaiian Alert Was Not A Drill, It Was A Planned Event - Episode 1479b

@00:12:11 about a major false flag coming even q.q
@00:12:16 anon was saying there was a major false
@00:12:19 flag now once again i don't know if q is
@00:12:59 i believe they tried a major false flag
@00:13:18 because they were going to push a false
@00:13:21 flag but more and more information is

The Cabal Begins Operation 'Wetwork', Time To Cover Their Tracks - Episode 1478b

@00:11:42 going to try a false flag remember q has
@00:11:48 false flag and i believe that the cabal
@00:12:20 to them this false flag never got off
@00:18:03 false flag happening right now where
@00:19:09 helping stage false flags so we see this
@00:19:13 false flag happening right now
@00:21:01 type of major false flag coming because
@00:21:57 everyone is to have a major major false
@00:22:01 flag just like back in 9/11 when two

The Greatest Push To Start WWIII Has Just Begun - Episode 1476b

@00:17:15 there's gonna be false flag attempts and
@00:20:16 distractions or false flag events in
@00:20:47 major false flag because they do not

Q Anon, A False Flag Attempt Is Headed Our Way - Episode 1474b

@00:01:05 episode is q annan a false flag attempt
@00:07:26 each one of these areas for a false flag
@00:11:01 beware of major false flag attempts this
@00:11:23 talking about a false flag and he did
@00:11:55 they're saying beware of a major false
@00:11:59 flag they already know
@00:12:07 say false flag it said major false flag
@00:12:21 beware of a major false flag which means
@00:14:08 might be saying it's a major false flag

Are The American People Being Prepared For A Nuclear Pearl Harbor? - Episode 1471

@00:16:13 we know when they start a false flag
@00:19:05 and it's going to be a false flag you

Something Devastating Is Headed Our Way, Which Is A Good Thing - Episode 1467b

@00:13:17 be some type of major false flag right

The Old Wag The Dog Distraction Being Used On The Cabal, But Why?- Episode 1466b

@00:13:32 be some type of false flag where they're

The Neocons, Cabal Push For An Event In Ukraine, A Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1456

@00:20:59 having a false flag event and we know
@00:21:03 these false flag events because within
@00:21:09 false flag events so we see all of this

The Doomsday Event Has Started, This Is Their Warning - Episode 1452b

@00:19:03 government planned false flag attacks

Propaganda Is Leaked Before The Cabal's Main Event - Episode 1447b

@00:21:21 they'll have false flag events that

The World Is About To Change And Those Who Are Sleeping Better Wake Up - Episode 1445b

@00:17:30 be a false flag and it was supposed to

The Global Reset Has Begun - Episode 1442b

@00:09:21 cabal has some type of false flag and

The Cabal's First Stage Of The Event Has Just Been Initiated - Episode 1434b

@00:06:11 cabal they're pushing their false flag

It Has Now Turned Into A Head To Head Fight With The Cabal - Episode 1430b

@00:10:17 false flag getting ready to go off to
@00:11:44 able to kick off their false flag that
@00:11:50 the false flag no but this is something

The US Issues A Travel Warning For This Holiday Season - Episode 1428b

@00:08:24 false flag and there were a lot of

It Has Begun, Russia And Syria Are Now Asking The US To Leave Syria - Episode 1425b

@00:13:37 have to act and push their false flag
@00:14:57 they don't push any type of false flag

It's On, The Cabal Goes All In To Push The Next Event - Episode 1423b

@00:14:17 they will try to have some type of false
@00:14:20 flag a distraction to start something to

The Event Is Moving Forward, Is The Cabal Ready To Pull The Trigger - Episode 1422b

@00:07:01 this whole false flag agenda is to get

The Cabal Is Ready To Take Action, Something Big Might Happen Soon - Episode 1419b

@00:10:53 there's a false flag and something is

The Cabal Makes Their Move For A New Middle East Event - Episode 1418b

@00:13:55 see some type of major false flag happen

Desperation Has Set In, The Cabal Is Pushing All Agendas - Episode 1414b

@00:13:12 false flag incident and remember false
@00:13:14 flag doesn't mean that nobody dies it

Something Big Is About To Happen & It Might Take Place At An Amusement Park - Episode 1411b

@00:12:15 practice this type of false flag event

The Dominoes Are Falling And It Doesn't Look Good For The Cabal - Episode 1410b

@00:14:01 evidence showing that fitz a false flag

It's All About To Hit The Fan, The Cabal's Next Move Will Cover It All Up - Episode 1404b

@00:04:45 know this was a false flag and basically

The Pentagon Is Worried That A Cyber Attack Could Cause A Stock Market Crash - Episode 1402b

@00:06:59 false flag event where they say oh the
@00:13:33 a false flag they need control of
@00:16:00 last false flag they like to tell us in

The Cabal Is Scrambling, They Are Losing Control - Episode 1399b

@00:06:31 type of false flag now north korea came

Russia Calls Out The US For Simulating Fighting In Syria And Iraq - Episode 1397b

@00:13:25 gigantic false flag we've seen these

The Cabal Just Hit A Brick Wall, Here's What Happened - Episode 1396b

@00:17:06 to create maybe some type of false flag

Is The Cabal Planning A Global Take Down Of The Financial System? - Episode 1389b

@00:11:55 type of false-flag think about the false
@00:12:10 all of a sudden they have the false flag

The Clock Is Ticking Down, Is The Cabal Ready To Make Their Next Move? - Episode 1387b

@00:03:36 false flag which the cabal might do
@00:03:59 they can't pull off a false flag now
@00:10:32 have to try some type of false flag and
@00:12:49 with north korea we might see the false
@00:12:52 flag there they're gonna push kaos with

Armstrong's Cycle Analysis Predicts A Major Event This Fall - Episode 1368b

@00:01:33 pre-planned this was a false flag they
@00:06:49 the kaabah will set up some typos false
@00:06:51 flag they'll blame it on north korea
@00:08:35 up a false flag event that russia was
@00:11:36 mean more if there is a false flag event
@00:12:42 false flag saying that you know we're

Two Sides Fight For Control, We Are Coming Down To The Wire - Episode 1359b

@00:12:43 is some type of false flag event which

The Elite Move Ahead With Their Agenda, The Chaos Has Just Begun - Episode 1355

@00:08:30 up a false flag that's the only way now
@00:18:34 false flag events occurred now remember
@00:18:37 a false flag doesn't mean people don't

The Pattern Is Complete, The Game Is Always Played In The Month Of August - Episode 1354b

@00:16:39 engineered false flag to be blamed on
@00:21:39 looking at right now is a false flag

What Is The End Goal Of The Deep State? - Episode 1353b

@00:08:36 one but to set up a false flag to set up
@00:11:31 it's to have some type of false flag
@00:14:01 see a false flag event so this is what

Behind The Scenes, Plans Are Being Formulated - Episode 1352b

@00:15:13 for them they might resort to a false
@00:15:17 flag now what's very interesting about
@00:16:13 set up for some type of false flag event
@00:16:54 false flag event and i think the same
@00:21:25 type of false flag they were trying to

When Will It All Finally Come To An End? - Episode 1349b

@00:14:15 false-flag now there was a poll that was
@00:20:28 they're going to have some type of false
@00:20:30 flag event there i'll even tried an

The Deep State Strikes Back, Pushing Everything To The Edge - Episode 1348b

@00:16:46 have to have some type of a false flag
@00:17:18 type of false flag i should say

The Bad Guys Plans Are In The Process Of Being Ripped Up - Episode 1346b

@00:18:15 a false flag to try to push this because

Russia Is Using A Unique Strategy In The Middle East - Episode 1334b

@00:19:04 type of false flag and we could end up

The Fate Of The World Does Not Lie In The Hands Of The Elite - Episode 1322b

@00:18:24 that well this was another false flag
@00:20:28 distraction this is a false flag it

The Silence Is Deafening, Indicators Point To An Event On The Horizon - Episode 1319b

@00:14:18 already called them out on this false
@00:14:20 flag event because again people are out
@00:14:24 this false flag and they were planning
@00:14:27 it why would you announce a false flag
@00:15:27 because in every other false flag they
@00:15:46 ahead of time and say oh this is a false
@00:15:49 flag it doesn't make any sense so what

The World Is Being Distracted On Purpose, Here's Why - Episode 1318b

@00:18:07 you're going to have a false flag you
@00:20:27 with the false flag what is trump going

Start The Countdown, The Summer Months Are The Elite's Time To Create Havoc - Episode 1317b

@00:16:15 know they're planning a false flag and
@00:16:25 this false flag why would they let it
@00:16:49 everyone was saying was complete false
@00:16:50 flag it never really happened
@00:18:06 everything is done for the false flag
@00:21:12 and let everyone know what the false
@00:21:16 flag is going to be this looks like this
@00:21:19 was done on purpose to stop the false
@00:21:23 flag and we see right now that the
@00:21:51 the open that there's a false flag
@00:22:04 false flag now does this mean they're
@00:22:12 the false flag to see if it gets any

The Elite Can't Wait, The Event Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1310b

@00:12:11 waters to me this seems like a false
@00:12:14 flag how would this benefit iran right
@00:12:54 some type of false flag and by stopping
@00:15:14 used as a false flag but these two
@00:25:54 false flag events happening during this

The Hunt Begins, The Strategy To Take Out The Elite - Episode 1308b

@00:08:01 there's a false flag and they tell us

In An Act Of Desperation All Agendas Are Pushed, Prepare Yourself For The Big One - Episode 1306b

@00:06:49 actually with this falsi flank false
@00:06:52 flag event that happened on the baseball
@00:18:10 called off now was this a false flag to
@00:18:36 false flag which happened in

It's All Coming Apart, This Is Where It Gets Scary - Episode 1301b

@00:23:54 was a complete false flag to try to get

With One Simple Meeting Trump Did The Unthinkable - Episode 1298b

@00:22:43 false flag that this is not real we've

It's All Happening Behind The Scenes, But Will It Work - Episode 1288b

@00:20:39 false flag bombing that occurred now
@00:20:43 false flag where no one died even though
@00:20:49 we know that false flags well first of
@00:20:51 all a false flag can have
@00:20:54 people died and a false flag could be a
@00:23:18 right now that they had this false flag

The Push Is On And The Deep State Will Not Hold Back This Summer - Episode 1287b

@00:13:20 they might use this as a false flag and
@00:16:40 normally find to do these type of false
@00:16:45 flag work they find individuals that
@00:17:24 lives now remember a false flag doesn't
@00:19:16 cameras and again if it's a false flag
@00:19:20 this won't help because the false flag
@00:19:32 of this to stage their false flag and we

The Coup d'état Has Begun Which Will Divide America - Episode 1283b

@00:20:09 crematorium false flag chemical attacks

Next Phase Of The Plan Will Be Chaotic On Purpose - Episode 1277b

@00:19:36 produce a false flag and say it was

Are Forces Being Put Into Place Outside Of Venezuela For Regime Change? - Episode 1275b

@00:18:19 false flag to convince us to get into

Intelligence Reports Indicate The Deep State Is Pushing Their Agenda - Episode 1270b

@00:22:47 be signaling another false flag another
@00:23:32 where it's going to be set up as a false
@00:23:35 flag because we know the white helmets

Kim Jong Un Said Something Which Will Leave Many Scatching Their Heads - Episode 1269b

@00:17:24 there to bomb assad for a false flag
@00:19:17 is a false flag now why would they do

The Confusion With Trump, How Will It All End? - Episode 1266b

@00:22:41 attack in syria we know it was a false
@00:22:45 flag and then trump decided you know
@00:22:58 went ahead with this false flag and
@00:28:41 false flag that will be the turning

Either This Is A Secretive Plan That Will Benefit America Or Prepare For The Worst - Episode 1262b

@00:18:30 syria was a false flag orchestrated by
@00:18:47 implicated in this false flag which is
@00:23:38 never appeared then we had the false
@00:23:41 flag chemical attack in syria now this
@00:24:00 all of a sudden we had this false like
@00:24:05 a complete false flag so trump decided

It Has All Come Down To This, The Last Battle Between Good And Evil - Episode 1260b

@00:08:07 to use this false flag event to maybe
@00:18:52 the way for a new false flag will it
@00:19:54 most terrorists are false flag terrorist
@00:20:04 has been a false flag where has been an
@00:21:56 false flag or something's going to occur
@00:25:25 a false flag you know all those years of

US Sniffer Plane Scans North Korea, Be Prepared For The Next Event - Episode 1259b

@00:20:41 there could be a false flag where they

The Deep State Is Getting Desperate, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1258b

@00:19:17 they're going to try some type of false
@00:19:20 flag event where they're going to do

Are The Deceivers Being Deceived By Their Own Game? - Episode 1257b

@00:12:36 create a false flag where they say yes a
@00:20:25 the deep state has a false flag and he

The Deep State Ups The Ante And Pushes Their Agenda With This Simple Move - Episode 1254b

@00:18:30 just used it as a false flag to pretend

The Trap That Was Set For The Deep State Is About To Be Sprung - Episode 1253b

@00:06:28 and in the case of a false flag it has
@00:15:59 is a classic us executed false flag a
@00:17:28 considering exactly such a false flag in

We Are Watching A Deadly Game Between Good And Evil - Episode 1252b

@00:07:57 most likely they're planning a false
@00:08:00 flag
@00:08:33 false flag where they will take a ship
@00:12:33 chemical attack was a false flag we've
@00:14:00 false flag now putin the chess player
@00:19:17 until they can get that false flag off

The Deep State's Next Move Will Shock The World - Episode 1251b

@00:07:47 false flag we're looking at all the
@00:15:41 korea so they need a false flag an event
@00:16:02 will be a false flag where there could

Trump's Hidden Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1250b

@00:04:00 which we know is a complete false flag
@00:09:29 outlining planned us false flag in syria

The Deep State Is Now Pushing Their Agenda To Bring The World To War - Episode 1249b

@00:05:45 completely use a false flag to get us
@00:13:41 used a false flag chemical attack
@00:16:22 to the next false flag he was talking to
@00:16:39 that they're gonna be setting up a false
@00:16:41 flag because think about what's

The Deep State Is Going All In With Syria - Episode 1248b

@00:11:32 again is fake phony and false ron paul
@00:11:40 in syria likely it is a false flag

Deep State In Panic Mode, Creating Events To Distract From Their Activities - Episode 1246b

@00:19:00 there and they're using the word false
@00:19:02 flag but they're saying that putin
@00:19:04 created this false flag to take away
@00:20:58 the bat that this is a false flag
@00:22:46 they're doing the same exact false flag

Deep State Trouble,Evidence Surfaces Which Could Bring Down The House Of Cards - Episode 1245b

@00:15:53 false flag event out in st. petersburg
@00:16:48 this whole plan this whole false flag

The Deep State Places Assets In The Middle East, They Are Ready To Make A Move - Episode 1239b

@00:03:57 this could be a deception a false flag
@00:04:01 using the term false flag now he didn't
@00:04:04 elaborate on the term false flag he
@00:04:21 false flag and really that's what it was

The Narrative Has Been Set For The Collapse And The Next Event - Episode 1236b

@00:17:56 false flag to blame it on russia to get
@00:18:04 looks like this is a false flag we see
@00:18:07 another false flag that was about to
@00:18:29 they're planning another false flag
@00:18:51 we can see with this false flag there
@00:19:02 false flags don't mean it's completely
@00:20:07 false flag happened these cctv cameras
@00:20:30 false flag where these individuals end
@00:20:56 the false flag attack in brussels and

The World Is One Poke Away From A Major Disaster - Episode 1231b

@00:20:55 set up a false flag very easily because
@00:21:18 do it's called a false flag we see for

The Deep State/Neocons Have Taken Control Of Foreign Policy - Episode 1230b

@00:22:15 now maybe it was a false flag where they
@00:23:49 false flag where they're saying that oh

Just When You Thought Everything Was Going To Be Fine, This Happened - Episode 1215b

@00:10:07 agency that investigates the false flag

The Battle Heats Up, The Deep State Is Ready To Go All The Way - Episode 1213b

@00:06:00 there's a false flag they know exactly

White House Leakers In The Process Of Being Exposed - Episode 1209b

@00:16:21 there could have been a false flag going

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1196

@00:18:11 to be a complete false flag well he calm

Are The Elite Trying To Push Trump Into A Heated Showdown With China? - Episode 1187b

@00:21:24 we might see a false flag in this area

Trump's Truth Bombs Are Pushing The Elite's Propaganda Out Into The Open - Episode 1186b

@00:15:25 complete false flag they went into libya

Pentagon Plans To Create A Doomsday EMP Artillery Shell That Will Cripple Cities - Episode 1181b

@00:19:23 means using a false flag on their own
@00:19:40 revert to a false flag they wanted to
@00:19:50 needed a false flag it was 9/11 they use

CECNB: Authorities Just Found Something In D.C. Days Before The Inauguration - Episode 1178

@00:16:30 they need to set up the entire false
@00:16:34 flag i mean think about what just

Something Very Strange Just Happened Days Before The Inauguration - Episode 1177b

@00:17:07 events occurring in turkey these false
@00:17:09 flag events and we can see at this point

The Elite's Next Phase Is Coming In A Few Days To Stop The Inauguration - Episode 1174b

@00:16:56 false flag as fake where people don't
@00:16:59 die no a false flag is to get the people
@00:17:52 would be a false flag where they made it

UN Arms Treaty Sitting In The Senate As Another Event Coincidentally Occurs - Episode 1171b

@00:09:15 ground or when we had the false flag in
@00:09:22 the ground or the latest false flag in
@00:11:35 handed off and to me this was a false
@00:11:41 flag to try to blame everything on
@00:22:27 they used an airport do you have a false
@00:22:31 flag now a false flag doesn't mean that
@00:22:34 it's all fake a false flag is used to

The Elite Are Going All Out, National Emergency & War - Episode 1170b

@00:20:01 a false flag because in reality you
@00:21:28 agencies obama they might create a false
@00:21:31 flag where they'll blame it on russia

Tech Analysts Say Big Cyber Attack Headed Our Way In 2017 - Episode 1168b

@00:14:21 false flag attack he is extending the

We Might See Multiple Events In The Month Of January 2017 - Episode 1164b

@00:16:35 false flag what i think is happening
@00:17:12 false flag now we understand come
@00:19:16 we know it's a false flag it's to

Erdogan Points Finger & Accuses The US-Led Coalition Of Supporting The 'IS' - Episode 1163b

@00:10:24 some type of false flag event which has
@00:13:32 story they create a false flag to

The Elite Are Provoking China To Escalate The Chances Of A Conflict - Episode 1162b

@00:03:40 the false flag that we mapped out that
@00:03:57 entire false flag we see the united

The Calm Before The Storm, Be Prepared For The Elite's Next Phase - Episode 1160b

@00:11:17 follows the false flag script where they
@00:12:46 see a false flag of course the islamic
@00:13:09 false flag narrative that they always

Will The Elite Try Something During The Holiday Season? - Episode 1159b

@00:17:14 this false flag but what's even more

The Elite's Plans Are Failing, Next Plan, An All Out Event - Episode 1157b

@00:15:21 this all looks like a major false flag

The Elite Just Sent A Message To Russia - Episode 1156b

@00:14:50 this is this a false flag on the turkish
@00:20:29 expect more of this type of false flag

Obama's Last Attempt To Push The UN Arms Trade Treaty, Be Prepared For An Event - Episode 1152b

@00:10:19 to create through his agency's a false
@00:10:23 flag which means if they're going to do

The Elite Are Attempting A 'Soft Coup', To Invalidate The Election - Episode 1150b

@00:06:38 this is a false flag by the obama
@00:06:49 but he does say it is a false flag and
@00:06:56 reject this these false flag conspiracy

The Elite Are Desperate, 'Operation Censorship' Is In Full Swing - Episode 1146b

@00:21:54 these were false flag events they were

The Elite Are Now In The Process Of Making Their Next Move - Episode 1141b

@00:13:51 the sarin gas false flag russia could

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1137

@00:05:45 a false flag event may be some type of
@00:10:35 using this false flag to convince the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1132

@00:14:36 that this is going to be a false flag

Corporate Media, Soros & Hillary Are Trying To Bring Down Trump - Episode 1128b

@00:17:36 a false flag maybe maybe they're getting

The Deep State Is Covering Their Tracks While Trying To Keep Power - Episode 1125b

@00:20:54 problem right now before with the false
@00:20:57 flag events there was no one there to

Trump Is About To Learn That The US Government Supports Terrorism - Episode 1124b

@00:21:27 ahead with whatever false flag they're
@00:22:25 2013 when we had that sarin gas false
@00:22:28 flag and assad had to get rid of his

Light Has Triumphed Over Dark, But Something Is Lurking In The Shadows - Episode 1123b

@00:13:12 situations like 911 all the false flag

The Financial Nightmare Begins After The Election - Episode 1122a

@00:07:54 their entire false flag narrative but we

Welcome To The 7th Floor, The Shadow Government, A Government Inside A Government - Episode 1110b

@00:15:03 we need right now is a false flag and we
@00:18:23 use some type of false flag where they

US Gov Moves To Plan ??,Advanced Weapons Are Ready To Ship To The Middle East - Episode 1109b

@00:13:26 that false flag of missiles being
@00:13:41 phony and false it was a false flag and

The Countdown To The Event Of All Events Has Begun - Episode 1106b

@00:22:49 be the perfect false flag and we would

Will The US Move From DEFCON 3 To 2 After The US Cyber Attacks Russia? - Episode 1104b

@00:11:55 this has to be a false flag because why
@00:12:37 mission was to use this false flag to

US Government Is Backed Into A Corner On All Fronts, One Option Left To Activate - Episode 1103b

@00:13:51 or was this another false flag and with
@00:14:04 this was a false flag this was created
@00:22:25 with a false flag they don't have to do

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1102

@00:15:55 false flag and they're going to say that

America Is About To Change Forever - Episode 1100b

@00:19:18 that was a false flag the hootie's would

US Government Plans Are In The Works, Next Event Around The Corner - Episode 1099b

@00:05:40 false flag and they saw it came from the

US Government/Central Bankers Are In The Process Of Forcing Russia Into War - Episode 1098b

@00:08:15 whole thing was a false flag it wasn't
@00:15:06 the job so yesterday we saw that false
@00:15:09 flag where the hootie's allegedly fired

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1096

@00:12:01 false flag where they have to make it
@00:12:20 might be part of a false flag but there

CIA Can Predict Social Unrest 3 To 5 Days Before It Happens, Really!! - Episode 1095b

@00:09:40 false flag event to create some other
@00:10:52 need to create a false flag they need
@00:16:39 might be setting up some type of false
@00:16:42 flag event where they might use these
@00:18:29 might be seeing a false flag being

US Government Is Now Ready To Take Everything To The Next Level - Episode 1092b

@00:17:39 false flag where they could start a war

The Senate Rejects The President's Veto, The Stage Has Been Set - Episode 1087b

@00:14:49 for a false flag that's what they report

FBI Confirms That The Big Event Is Coming To The US Very Soon - Episode 1086b

@00:08:20 false flag after false flag and they
@00:08:26 having these false flags whether you
@00:10:12 started they tried to push a false flag
@00:14:39 a false flag in syria and they rebranded
@00:16:27 see this false flag because we know the
@00:17:02 state when they film the false flag
@00:17:32 planning on a false flag because in a

Russia Told The UN That US Gov Coordination With Terrorists Needs Investigating - Episode 1082b

@00:10:07 of it and we know that the entire false
@00:10:14 flag was created to put fear in people
@00:12:51 a false flag to make it look like north
@00:17:37 whoever was in charge part of this false
@00:17:40 flag told them listen stay here it was
@00:22:55 this the next false flag the big one is

Will The October Surprise Be More Shocking Than Everyone Expects? - Episode 1081b

@00:01:04 along and every time we have these false
@00:01:07 flag events they normally get very
@00:03:20 whole entire false flag it's falling

The US Government Just Ran Out Of Plans In The Middle East, War Is Inevitable - Episode 1080b

@00:01:26 distraction this whole entire false flag

Is The US Gov Preparing To Declare A National Emergency To Postpone The Elections? - Episode 1079b

@00:17:02 also see that like every other false
@00:17:05 flag they need to have a long drawn-out

People Are Beginning To Be Herded Into Deradicalization Centers In Europe - Episode 1077b

@00:12:28 a false flag they'd have to create an

Did Obama Create An Executive Order For The Collapsing Economy? - Episode 1064b

@00:10:02 type of false flag hoping that russia

Washington Propaganda Warns Of Putin's October Surprise - Episode 1063b

@00:08:17 false flag when all else fails and the

The Propaganda For The Perfect Storm This Fall Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1061b

@00:08:16 to see some type of false flag event
@00:08:34 of false flag to try to provoke the

Hacked Documents Shows Obama/Soros Behind The Refugee Crisis In Europe - Episode 1055b

@00:09:07 way they want they resort to false flag
@00:23:03 false flag so we're gonna need to watch

US Turkey Relations Deteriorating, US Moves Nukes To Romania - Episode 1052b

@00:13:01 they'll create some type of false flag

The Storm Is Approaching And It Looks Like It's Going To Hit This Fall - Episode 1051b

@00:13:38 look like it's a false flag they needed
@00:13:54 type of false flag they attempted it in
@00:22:35 now a false flag would give obama

While No One Was Looking, The US Government Carves Up Syria - Episode 1049b

@00:04:00 that has gone wrong or any type of false
@00:04:03 flag that occurred because this is what

The Clock Is Ticking Down To A Major Event - Episode 1047b

@00:09:29 called a false flag and this is the
@00:10:14 united states then will use a false flag
@00:21:10 any of that we're going to see a false
@00:21:14 flag event on the level or greater than

US Government Just Went Into Overdrive Pushing War - Episode 1046b

@00:17:47 many false flags to try to get these
@00:17:55 false flag they've been preparing for a
@00:17:58 major false flag to convince the

Phase II Of The August Event Has Begun - Episode 1045b

@00:13:01 look for a false flag now what we're
@00:16:26 assassination or other type of false
@00:16:28 flag we see military assets are being

The Wealthy Prepare For The Financial Crisis By Constructing Panic Rooms - Episode 1044b

@00:21:27 it's a false flag and what's very
@00:22:28 bernardino which turns out to be a false
@00:22:30 flag we see other shootouts in dallas we
@00:24:09 time we had a false flag was anyone

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1036

@00:16:45 false flag move forward to 2014 all of a

US Now Pushing The Idea That Russia's Humanitarian Aid Could Be A Ruse - Episode 1035b

@00:19:04 going to create this event this false
@00:19:08 flag event they need a war the system is
@00:19:39 then for that false flag this one is

Germany Will Change Their Constitution To Allow The Military To Be Used Domestically - Episode 1031b

@00:06:04 or someone outs him on a false flag he
@00:13:31 we also had this other false flag where

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1030

@00:06:11 we know in other false flag events where
@00:10:44 these things go these false flag events

DHS Is Enforcing The Consitutional Free Zone, A Violation Of The Constitution - Episode 1029b

@00:07:53 this is why we see false flag events
@00:20:50 now we've seen another false flag in
@00:21:45 we're going to see more of these false
@00:21:47 flag types now most likely they're going

US Turning Up The Heat All Around The World To Get WWIII Started - Episode 1028b

@00:21:21 run and they're going to have more false
@00:21:23 flags and we can see the false flag that

US And Turkey Move To The Next Phase Of The Plan - Episode 1026b

@00:01:28 shootings many of these false flag

Is The Turkish Coup Being Used For Something Much Bigger? - Episode 1025b

@00:25:27 this next false flag event they're
@00:26:32 know it was a false flag but this is all

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1024

@00:01:38 we're seeing false flags accelerate and
@00:01:40 we know we just had that recent false
@00:01:42 flag in nice france where they're saying

Another US Gov/Central Bank Failure, South Sudan Is On The Brink Of A Full Scale War - Episode 1020b

@00:06:04 false flag occurred well they're in
@00:13:37 false flag to convince the world that

Obama And The UN Are Now Forming A Global Police Force In The US - Episode 1019b

@00:07:25 for them and of course this is a false
@00:07:27 flag now north korea they have closed

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1018

@00:08:58 this false flag in dallas we see there's
@00:11:02 the false flag so they always need to

US Government Laying The Ground Work For Postponing The Election - Episode 1017b

@00:12:42 me this is screaming some type of false
@00:12:46 flag race war push an agenda and we can
@00:19:05 because it's a false flag or anything

Putin Explains To Reporters The West Is Pushing For A Nuclear War - Episode 1016b

@00:17:35 some type of false flag and they'll just

NATO Is Now Supplying AWACS Support In the Middle East - Episode 1014b

@00:02:46 a false flag they had to get into the
@00:04:03 the orlando false flag at the pulse
@00:04:07 nightclub we know this was a false flag
@00:04:14 showing us that this was totally a false
@00:04:17 flag event the fbi has now ordered a
@00:04:23 the suspected false flag event according
@00:05:33 truth and it wasn't a false flag they'd
@00:09:41 a fact that this was a false flag we
@00:24:10 the false flag occur and we're going to
@00:24:13 see more of these false flags as we go

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1013

@00:10:45 calls for false flag events that's not
@00:11:07 know it's going to be a false flag
@00:11:30 false flag events and eventually we will

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1012

@00:20:30 false flag we know

Obama Offers Peace, War, Ultimatum, To Putin - Episode 1011b

@00:18:35 place we know there was another false
@00:18:38 flag to say hey let's go after the

Turkey Needs NATO To Defend Its Borders With Syria After The Terror Attack - Episode 1010b

@00:17:59 happening since this false flag occurred

Did The Central Bankers Plan The BREXIT To Create An EU Empire? - Episode 1010a

@00:14:33 some type of false flag if you will to

US Travel Warnings In Turkey Have Been Extended To The End Of July - Episode 1009b

@00:17:10 was gunfire it could be a false flag

Brace For The Storm, Economic Collapse, War On The Horizon - Episode 1008b

@00:08:46 orlando false flag event where they're

Power Grid Down, When The Lights Go Out - Episode 1003b

@00:02:27 shooting which was a complete false flag

Preparing For The Next Event, The 'IS' Is Now Threatening US Bases - Episode 1002b

@00:01:01 false flag and it looks like it's
@00:01:04 bernardino false flag event remember
@00:02:47 is a false flag now the fbi came out
@00:18:07 false flag now we know from the past

BRICS Banks Will Issue Bonds In Members Currency Bypassing The Dollar - Episode 1002a

@00:01:27 cox and we know that this was a false
@00:01:29 flag it just happened at the exact time

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1001

@00:11:30 type of false flag they're going to have
@00:12:52 that was a false flag so turkeys core

The Economy Continues To Deteriorate As The Real Estate Bubble Pops - Episode 1000a

@00:14:03 purpose as a false flag as something to

State Department Officials Say Now Is The Time To Attack Assad - Episode 1000b

@00:20:17 own people and they use this as a false
@00:20:23 flag to convince the world that this

DHS Issues A US Advisory Alert Until The End Of This Year - Episode 999b

@00:15:35 are trying to warn everyone that a false
@00:15:39 which we know is a false flag secretary
@00:16:39 false flag in orlando we know they're
@00:17:31 indicator that they're planning a false
@00:17:34 flag or some type of an event and when
@00:20:06 ready for this false flag to be prepared

John Kerry: U.S. Patience With Syria & Russia Is Running Out - Episode 998b

@00:09:31 will there be a false flag will we see
@00:18:08 false flag we know this is going to push
@00:22:33 what we've seen is this false flag event

More Special Op Teams Arrive In The Middle East To Assist The US In War - Episode 997b

@00:17:46 operation team to manage this false flag

Breaking Down The Event In Orlando - Episode 996b

@00:23:00 whole thing was a false flag maybe even

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 995

@00:16:00 fits into a false flag
@00:16:04 mean that people don't die in a false
@00:16:08 flag a hoax and a false flag two

Counting Down To The Main Event This Summer - Episode 993b

@00:12:44 was a false flag in israel where they're

DHS Has Been Training And Preparing For A Major Event- Episode 992b

@00:20:27 make sure that this false flag isn't
@00:20:29 reported as a false flag and if they
@00:20:42 a false flag it's something that they've

Time Is Ticketing Down, Indicators Are On Track - Episode 990b

@00:17:17 syria with the sarin gas false flag and

US Government Preparing The Next Phase Of The Offensive In The Middle East - Episode 986b

@00:08:55 will use a false flag to make it look
@00:22:26 when it's a false flag let's just clear
@00:22:30 false flag this was created by the
@00:22:38 this a false flag we don't know yet was

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 984

@00:03:13 false flag occurs i mean we saw 911 we
@00:03:53 next event false flag occurs they are

Daytime Military Drills In Tampa Used To Condition The American People - Episode 982b

@00:23:40 be a false flag we know it has to be
@00:24:03 false flag everything has to go as

Clock Is Ticking Down, US Is Preparing The Middle East For Something Big - Episode 973b

@00:21:32 false flag event in turkey to kick this

DHS Prepares For A Bioterrorism Attack With A Drill In NYC Subway System - Episode 966b

@00:09:35 false flag event make it look like north

US Forces Are Building Up More Troops In The Middle East For The Offensive - Episode 962b

@00:16:51 use some type of false flag they're
@00:20:15 know it's a false flag and it looks like

US Is Using Peace In The Middle East To Prep For War - Episode 961b

@00:07:40 false flag to convince everyone that
@00:18:29 going to be a false flag we know this is

The World Goes On High Alert As The US Pushes For WWIII - Episode 956b

@00:02:30 of the press when we had that false flag

US Continually Positioning Assets For A Middle East War - Episode 955b

@00:11:14 using a false flag and it'll be very
@00:23:10 type of false flag and it was discovered
@00:24:18 major false flag event and we can see

We Are 3-4 Months Away From A Gigantic Event That Will Spark War - Episode 954b

@00:23:07 put the propaganda out there for a false
@00:23:10 flag to work all they have to do is
@00:23:50 is a false flag this is an inside job

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 953

@00:10:32 world that yeah with a false flag they

The Peace Process In Syria Is Breaking Down And The US Is Now Ramping Up War - Episode 949b

@00:18:53 going to need a false flag event they're
@00:20:14 they're building up the next false flag

US And The Coalition Forces Next Step, All Out War In The Middle East - Episode 948b

@00:06:16 that something happened like a false
@00:06:19 flag and use these drones to convince
@00:07:45 have the false flag blame whatever they

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 947

@00:08:10 operation was a complete false flag

War Plans Are Being Drawn Up For WWIII - Episode 946b

@00:00:58 complete false flag and if you don't

US Preparing A Major Offensive Push In The Middle East - Episode 942b

@00:05:57 have either some type of false flag or

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 941

@00:12:16 nest this next false flag this could
@00:12:38 false flag and we all know what they're
@00:14:23 this might be the last false flag that's

Turkey And Saudi Arabia Setup Chemical Weapons Facilities On The Syrian Border - Episode 940b

@00:01:46 which we know that was a complete false
@00:01:48 flag but they tried to push their agenda

US Government Is Strategically Positioning Military Assets In Syria And Iraq - Episode 939b

@00:22:06 this so this might have been a false
@00:22:10 flag that was interrupted or they were
@00:22:19 for the next false flag because as we
@00:22:22 know these false flags usually follow a

US & Turkey Shift Plans And Destabilize Relations Between Armenia & Azerbaijan - Episode 936b

@00:09:03 likely that this was a false flag
@00:21:53 scare the public that another false flag
@00:22:18 about setting up the next false flag
@00:22:51 everything up for the next false flag

Checkmate, Putin And Assad Out Maneuver The US In Syria - Episode 933b

@00:24:32 weapon as a false flag now we know that
@00:25:00 so if they're going to have a false flag

Italy Threatens Airstrikes As The UN Unity Government Sneaks Into Libya - Episode 932b

@00:20:47 standing by to push the next false flag
@00:21:30 going to do they're going to use a false
@00:21:34 flag they have to they'll have no
@00:22:41 the point of the false flag listen

US & Turkey Are Now Implementing The Next Plan, And Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 931b

@00:02:09 now out in belgium we realize the false
@00:02:14 flag is now being pushed in all

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 929

@00:14:30 false flag and what that means is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 928

@00:12:43 forces they had this false flag in
@00:17:04 just one day after this false flag we
@00:18:16 false flag events

US Now Pushing For Europe & NATO To Begin The Offensive In The Middle East - Episode 927b

@00:17:48 the whole entire thing is a false flag i
@00:22:22 multiple false flag events occur

Economic Recovery Illusion Is Coming To An End - Episode 927a

@00:04:06 the time we were having that false flag
@00:04:09 the sarin gas false flag in syria where

The Plan To Cover Up This Economic Collapse Has Been Put Into OverDrive - Episode 926b

@00:18:47 see with this brussels false flag more
@00:18:57 this was another one of these false
@00:20:52 we know this is a false flag because
@00:21:48 we know it's a false flag all we're
@00:22:06 just to complete the whole entire false
@00:22:08 flag story now why did this happen

It Has Begun, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 925b

@00:04:01 encryption well we know this was a false
@00:04:04 flag we know these were certain agencies
@00:22:16 know because any time there is a false
@00:22:20 flag the fbi just magically gets
@00:22:29 false flags now here in the united
@00:23:57 this is why the false flag occurred but

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 923

@00:07:58 false flag and we can see right now that
@00:08:02 turkey is continually having these false
@00:14:21 up these false flag events to convince
@00:15:08 their false flag bombings into overdrive

Putin Pushes Peace In Syria, While The US Calls On The Coalition To Bring In Troops - Episode 919b

@00:12:55 was a false flag but very interestingly
@00:13:18 tell this was completely a false flag
@00:19:47 was a false flag it was the rebels who
@00:24:32 point we're just waiting for that false
@00:24:37 flag we're going to have to see how

Turkey Invades Syria And Digs In To Create A Safe Zone - Episode 918b

@00:14:45 most likely this was a false flag why
@00:15:11 can tell that this is a false flag is
@00:15:47 this was a false flag the u.s. did this
@00:16:38 up people remember the last false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 917

@00:07:52 a false flag now is this the false flag
@00:08:07 the major false flag now we see the u.s.
@00:15:52 there is another false flag and you

US Now Planning Massive Air Raids In Libya - Episode 915b

@00:22:30 know this entire event this false flag

NSA Chief Warns 'Black Energy' Malware Will Bring Down The Power Grid - Episode 914b

@00:06:08 already that this is most likely a false
@00:06:12 flag set up in israel to blame on the
@00:19:07 false flag event occurs you need to know
@00:23:12 likely this next false flag will be

US Building Two Airbases In Syria As The 'IS' Morphs Into The 'FSA' - Episode 912b

@00:12:35 again using a false flag that if turkey
@00:13:28 had a false flag he shut down youtube he

US Gives The Green Light In The Middle East, Plans Are In Motion - Episode 909b

@00:23:36 feel it we're going to see false flag

The Calm Before The Storm As Military Assets Are Moved Into Place - Episode 906b

@00:21:09 a false flag to make it look like

Is The US And The Coalition Forces Preparing To Use Tactical Nukes In Syria? - Episode 904b

@00:08:50 because the the false flag didn't work

US Is Now Shipping A Massive Amount Of Arms To The Middle East - Episode 903b

@00:04:59 are used in this false flag event what
@00:12:22 going to be a false flag and they're
@00:17:22 it was a complete false flag and irwin
@00:17:32 false flag so the syrian opposition

Warning, Something Major Is About To Happen In The Middle East - Episode 902b

@00:04:45 goes on in the false flag events where

US Buying Time With The Current Peace Deal To Plan The Next Move In Syria - Episode 901b

@00:05:45 we know was a false flag from all the
@00:21:44 going to use a false flag they got to

Peace Agreement Reached By Russia And US On Syria, Is It Really Peace? - Episode 900b

@00:06:36 terrorists you know the entire false
@00:06:39 flag in san bernardino now we know that
@00:14:05 into libya maybe some may be a false
@00:14:08 flag event which they do quite often so
@00:17:10 false flag events which i can understand
@00:22:52 false flag or something because they are
@00:25:24 false flag the drill that's going on

Turkey Trying To Use NATO's Article 5 To Legalize War With Syria - Episode 897b

@00:01:31 know this was a complete false flag we
@00:11:35 false flag because how can you have an
@00:11:44 false flag so now turkey has summoned
@00:20:40 preparing for a false flag event now
@00:21:31 facility and as we know the false flag

A No Fly Zone Plan Is Now Being Pushed Hard In Syria - Episode 896b

@00:05:09 this was a false flag we know that the
@00:06:55 whole thing is a complete false flag now
@00:23:14 all these other false flags what else
@00:23:21 false flag are they going to use to try

The US Has No Other Alternative But To Push A World War - Episode 895b

@00:04:29 false flag in paris when we had the hoax

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 893

@00:07:53 any type of false flag at this point we

The Ceasefire Agreement Is A Ruse To Launch The Next Plan In Syria - Episode 892b

@00:22:14 false flag and whatever event they

US Government Intends To Boost Surveillance On The People - Episode 890b

@00:19:28 back in 2013 during that sarin gas false
@00:19:31 flag with assad and we see they're

As The Economic System Crashes We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments - Episode 889b

@00:04:57 maybe create a false flag type of
@00:13:00 gas false flag and now they're being

US, Italy And The Coalition Forces Are Discussing The Plan For Libya - Episode 888b

@00:14:28 we saw it prior to the sarin gas false
@00:14:33 flag back in 2013 we saw it prior to the
@00:21:21 false flag absolutely nothing it's too
@00:23:45 be the next false flag when you least

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 887

@00:15:54 this is another false flag i mean they

Indicators Are Flashing Red, Be Prepared For A False Flag Event - Episode 882b

@00:00:43 be prepared for a false flag event let's
@00:19:43 they're trying the false flag in syria
@00:21:49 is this a good area to have a false flag
@00:22:20 of false flag because if they're going

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 881

@00:00:49 false flag that occurred in paris the
@00:01:47 world have used these false flag events

The World Is Now 3 Minutes To Doomsday - Episode 880b

@00:12:28 offensive or a false flag to get

Special Forces Operating In Libya Are Preparing For A Ground Invasion - Episode 879b

@00:23:34 agency that did that false flag where it

US And Turkey Prepare Troops In Syria For The Next Event - Episode 876b

@00:11:47 carefully this might have been a false
@00:11:50 flag gone wrong we see out in israel we
@00:12:27 doing that this was a false flag which
@00:22:54 right they will push this false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 875

@00:06:14 to set up some type of false flag and we
@00:06:52 planning some type of false flag event

The US Government Is Ready Light Up The Middle East - Episode 872b

@00:06:21 was a complete false flag which was
@00:07:11 a false flag or if it's real the first
@00:22:36 any type of false flag to get italy into
@00:24:09 control this type of false flag but this

FBI Puts Out Warning Of A Lone Wolf Attack At The Super Bowl - Episode 871b

@00:09:21 this false flag together where there's
@00:09:48 type of major false flag to say see it
@00:18:09 is a very big venue for a false flag
@00:19:21 amount so what type of false flag can
@00:20:10 false flag because i think what the fbi
@00:21:27 with the false flag they're going to

The Economic Collapse Is Happening And The Next Phase Is The Event - Episode 870b

@00:08:09 with russia this is a false flag to they

The US Gov Has An Internet Kill Switch And It Will Be Used During A National Crisis - Episode 868b

@00:03:38 we're under some type of false flag
@00:06:26 bring on the false flag event and they
@00:21:23 planning on some type of false flag

Military Assets Are In Place We Are Just Waiting For The Spark To Push The War Agenda - Episode 867b

@00:12:02 false flag event turkey came out as soon
@00:15:34 complete false flag and we're starting
@00:20:20 an internal false flag and we know the

President Obama Continues To Push The Authorization For War To Get WWIII Started - Episode 866b

@00:14:12 false flag we know this is a complete
@00:16:01 some type of false flag

US And The Coalition Forces Are Pushing A New Plan To Derail Peace In Syria - Episode 865b

@00:01:15 they feel once we push this false flag
@00:03:34 creating this false flag to push the
@00:08:54 as a false flag and of course the us
@00:15:38 saw a false flag in turkey and as soon
@00:17:47 same so we saw a false flag event which

US Sending More Troops Into The Middle East - Episode 864b

@00:19:55 they're going to be creating this false
@00:19:56 flag event because they need this event

US Government Has Been Moving All Military Assets In Place To Start WWIII - Episode 862b

@00:06:53 false flag mass shootings the hoaxes and
@00:11:45 they were already seeing some false flag

The US Gov Is Planning The Next Event That Will Shock The People Into War - Episode 861b

@00:22:02 know this was a false flag we know what

US Gov Creates Chaos With Iran And The Middle Eastern Countries To Bring About War - Episode 858b

@00:11:57 false flag to blame russia on what has
@00:21:55 basically rely on a false flag they will

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 857

@00:09:10 of these false flag events no it
@00:09:17 they were false flag events and we can
@00:18:23 know this is a false flag and they're
@00:23:11 of these countries will push a false
@00:23:16 flag event we know they've been planning

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 856

@00:12:46 they're setting up a false flag event
@00:20:54 their false flag there's too many people
@00:21:02 at these false flag events it normally

US Government Uses Propaganda To Convince The World They Brought Peace To Syria - Episode 855b

@00:13:34 seems like a little false flag was
@00:19:30 not afraid if you have your false flag
@00:19:36 to point out that this is a false flag
@00:21:33 false flag events are basically getting
@00:21:40 false flags are for gun control we have
@00:22:19 false flag events and potential riots

Russia Reports Kiev Is Planning A Major Offensive Against Donbass - Episode 853b

@00:03:49 to move this legislation with more false
@00:03:53 flag events and this is what they're
@00:04:19 on this is to create some type of false
@00:04:22 flag to scare the people into doing
@00:16:28 to create a false flag event to scare

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 852

@00:13:22 false flag scare tactics by the united
@00:15:39 to push a false flag event they'll pop

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 851

@00:06:30 type of false flag in the ukrainian area
@00:16:31 false flag event ready to go you're just

US And The Coalition Forces Are Now Making Final Preparations To Invade Libya - Episode 850b

@00:05:31 east they lie about all the false flag
@00:06:59 collapsing this time the false flag is
@00:20:59 there about false flag events coming up
@00:21:45 they are really preparing a false flag

US Gov. Is Ready To Change Tactics In Syria But Keeps The Main Goal, Assad Must Go - Episode 848b

@00:17:55 turkey it was a false flag the free
@00:21:00 syria we might even see a false flag
@00:23:56 major horrific false flag event because

US Government Is Covertly Preparing The Next Wave Of Attacks In Syria - Episode 846b

@00:22:15 something planned which is a false flag

US And The Coalition Forces Are Changing Tactics To Get The War Started - Episode 845b

@00:01:21 them being debunked as false flag events
@00:20:03 false flag of the sarin gas the united

US Government And Central Bankers Have Now Indicated WWIII Is On Track - Episode 844b

@00:19:50 talking about a false flag where the

US And Saudi Arabia Are Building An Army To Invade Syria - Episode 843b

@00:22:39 type of false flag to try to get russia
@00:28:19 like they're treating some type of false
@00:28:23 flag because as we know the next false
@00:28:26 flag that is coming will include dirty

Turkey Is Now Being Used As The Spark To Kick Off WWIII - Episode 842b

@00:03:47 complete false flag the witnesses

Countdown To War Is One Minute To Doomsday - Episode 840b

@00:03:27 they initiate the false flag and we saw
@00:05:39 forward to a false flag now someone in
@00:17:27 right now we know that these false flag
@00:19:11 was a complete false flag their
@00:20:32 fbi all of them planning another false
@00:20:36 flag and he might have been getting too

US Government Now Ramping Up For War In Ukraine And The Middle East - Episode 839b

@00:09:49 before some type of false flag to start
@00:10:10 with some type of false flag event they
@00:18:28 start a war they need a false flag event

The Middle Eastern Countries Are Now Turning Away From The US - Episode 838b

@00:21:23 out the false flag in san bernardino he
@00:21:31 string of false flag events that i'm
@00:22:27 white men and this is just another false
@00:22:31 flag and i agree with them we will be

The US Gov Is Preparing For Another Event - Episode 837b

@00:00:43 bankers are preparing for another false
@00:00:45 flag event let's get into the economic
@00:01:19 going to see many many more false flag
@00:04:17 actually every time they have this false
@00:04:20 flag event they show a mass shooter more
@00:10:16 don't do something it will be a false
@00:10:19 flag where the united states will turn

Obama Is Pushing The Authorization For War Not Against ISIS But Russia - Episode 836b

@00:02:12 the false flag event in paris this way
@00:05:55 of false flag to start the offensive now
@00:06:25 had a false flag where kiev took out the
@00:07:15 some type of false flag event which they
@00:10:19 getting ready to have some type of false
@00:10:22 flag in italy to bring them into the mix
@00:20:10 of the san bernardino terror false flag
@00:20:51 we're going to see many more false flag
@00:21:00 this is for syria this is another false
@00:21:03 flag event to make everyone think that
@00:21:25 kill people but again this was a false
@00:21:27 flag event to convince everyone that oh
@00:21:46 false flag they opened up the home the
@00:23:39 other false flag events and they were in
@00:28:08 inside job it was a false flag and they
@00:28:42 the next false flag event listen

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 834

@00:05:42 hoaxes some of them are false flags now
@00:05:46 false flag doesn't mean people do not
@00:08:18 will see some type of false flag event
@00:13:16 false flag in san bernardino where we
@00:16:42 of these type of false flag events which
@00:16:48 a false flags / hoax
@00:17:06 this right here most likely is a false
@00:17:11 flag where they come in and they will
@00:22:13 they're preparing for the next false
@00:22:14 flag to reinforce what we've seen and
@00:22:34 this last false flag is doing what they

The San Bernardino Shooting Is Following The False Flag Mass Shooting Script - Episode 833b

@00:00:42 is following the false flag mass
@00:16:35 actually doing the false flag and these
@00:18:30 i'm leaning to yes this was a false flag
@00:23:32 single false flag that we've seen
@00:27:56 this was a plan false flag event once

Russia Presents Proof That Turkey And The US Work With ISIS And Control The Oil Sales - Episode 832b

@00:13:55 type of false flag event from the
@00:25:29 most likely was a false flag event maybe

The Race To A World War Is On - Episode 830b

@00:07:21 carefully to see what false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 829

@00:01:55 false flag events in paris we know

US/NATO Using Turkey To Provoke Russia By Downing A Jet To Start The War - Episode 826b

@00:04:29 government-sponsored false flag events
@00:25:24 preparing for a major false flag event

The US Push For War Is Now Appearing On All Fronts - Episode 825b

@00:00:57 false flag in canada we saw the false
@00:00:59 flag in australia the charlie head bow
@00:01:01 false flag and now this recent one in
@00:04:37 every time there's some type of false
@00:04:39 flag they control the people stay
@00:12:31 yes when this false flag hits here in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 824

@00:10:48 this is part of the false flag event

U.S. More Concerned With Assad's Removal Than ISIS - Episode 823b

@00:06:54 come out after the false flag attack in
@00:12:23 during the false flag in paris over the
@00:18:56 is bringing more false flags to our
@00:19:09 about the last false flag which just
@00:21:22 the patsies for this entire false flag

US Creates Atmosphere In Syria To Start The Next Global War - Episode 822b

@00:03:05 their ridiculous false flag event that
@00:03:16 another false flag mass shooting but
@00:21:12 remember this holes false flag was to

Russia Prepares For U.S. Gov 'Operation War' By Increasing Military Assets In Syria - Episode 821b

@00:06:15 everyone is using this false flag event
@00:09:46 false flag events it seems like each
@00:17:02 false flag event type of operation now
@00:26:58 the false flag now today we saw in the

U.S. Just Shifted To Plan '?' To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 820b

@00:13:30 us and we know this was a false flag but
@00:15:46 false flag attack this was to get the eu
@00:24:01 false flag event was put there and it
@00:25:22 false flag in france now he can use this
@00:28:48 information that the paris false flag
@00:29:16 after this false flag attack we don't

Putin Exposes The West Funding ISIS As The West Pushes Europe Into The Syrian War - Episode 819b

@00:10:31 a false flag event this is to get
@00:20:34 how do we spot a false flag well as soon
@00:21:58 this is a complete set up false flag
@00:24:05 you know it's a complete false flag

U.S. Uses Terror In France To Push The War In Syria And The Middle East - Episode 818

@00:11:34 the false flag and paris is under a
@00:12:24 the false flag system and dhs is really
@00:17:26 on right before a false flag event and
@00:20:47 false flag event listen everyone thanks

US Provokes Russia With Trident Missile, Russia Leaks Nuclear Torpedo, Check - Episode 816b

@00:03:49 continually push false flags on the
@00:03:55 going to be another false flag to bring
@00:04:08 dirty nuke type of false flag event and
@00:11:44 false flag associated with it now isis

WW III Is A Private Western Central Bank War, Not A War Of Freedom Or Democracy - Episode 815b

@00:10:18 is a false flag or they will provoke
@00:21:39 with a false flag where they will make

Launch Of A US Trident Missile Is Meant To Provoke China Further - Episode 813b

@00:15:00 false flag well they will do something
@00:24:05 their next move is a false flag event to

Russia And The US Are One Incident Away From Kicking Off WWIII - Episode 810b

@00:20:59 complete false flag to convince everyone
@00:27:44 states is setting a huge false flag

DHS Wants To Implement A Domestic Terrorist Color Coded Alert System - Episode 809b

@00:10:14 turkey so they can use that as a false
@00:10:16 flag to say ah syria just attacked us
@00:12:45 have a false flag event and they're

The Countdown Begins, The Push To Invade Libya Is A Go - Episode 808b

@00:13:12 be some type of false flag and i
@00:24:03 false flag planned it's all ready to go

Obama Is Waging War In Syria Without Authorization From Congress - Episode 807b

@00:00:57 false flag mass shootings and they push
@00:02:19 and they're called false flag events
@00:03:07 know that was a complete false flag
@00:03:15 there's a false flag event they destroy

US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b

@00:19:13 choice they do something like a false
@00:19:19 flag event to convince everyone they
@00:20:33 a false flag event listen everyone

US Needs Ground Troops In Syria To Push The Agenda Of Removing Assad - Episode 804b

@00:08:55 started in ukraine it will be a false
@00:08:58 flag event to blame it on the

The Next US False Flag Event Is Waiting For The Green Light For The Go Ahead - Episode 803b

@00:00:39 of this episode is the next us false
@00:00:41 flag event is waiting for the green
@00:23:05 they are building for the next false
@00:23:09 flag event they want to make sure that

US Forces Will Begin Direct Action In Syria And Iraq, War III Is Upon Us - Episode 802b

@00:21:22 false flag event same thing with russia

US Is Losing Control In The Middle East As More Countries Turn Towards Russia - Episode 801b

@00:19:29 setting up a complete false flag here
@00:21:07 because they're planning a false flag
@00:21:19 of this up for the big false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 794

@00:14:35 these false flag events and it's not
@00:14:43 false flag events and you might see the

Obama Keeps Troops In Afghanistan For The Upcoming War - Episode 792b

@00:19:53 that says yes this is a false flag

Russia And Syria Are Preparing A Major Push To Retake The Country - Episode 791b

@00:23:30 are going to push a false flag event we

U.S. Government Objective: Provoke Nations Around The World To Start The Next War - Episode 790b

@00:16:41 ready to prepare a major false flag
@00:17:56 this as a false flag nato is already out

The Bombing In Turkey Used As The Excuse To Bring NATO Troops Into Turkey - Episode 789b

@00:11:10 false flag event and blame it on that

FBI Wants Everyones Face And Fingerprints In Their Database - Episode 786b

@00:07:00 is with some type of false flag now who
@00:18:19 false flag and they're already giving us

Syria Launches Ground Offensive Against ISIS With The Backing Of Russian Air Power - Episode 785b

@00:03:33 into creating a false flag event to push
@00:25:37 some type of false flag event to bring

US Spreading Propaganda To Provoke Russia Into An Incident That Will Spark War - Episode 784b

@00:03:01 false flag event and it looks like
@00:03:47 false flag and if he gets too close i
@00:21:14 false flag forward to make it look like
@00:30:44 resort to a false flag and we're going

US Now Sending More Defensive Weapons To Ukraine - Episode 783b

@00:23:41 corner they create a false flag event to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief – Episode 782

@00:14:27 they're going to push a false flag event

There Are Many Unexplained Anomalies In The Latest Oregon Shooting - Episode 781b

@00:02:57 a script that they use for false flag
@00:03:08 false flag and i just want to say one
@00:03:10 thing when people hear the false flag
@00:03:16 whatsoever false flag really means that
@00:04:13 was another false flag the towers came
@00:04:20 hear false like don't think it's all
@00:06:34 script of a false flag they create the
@00:07:38 false flag because they're pretty much
@00:08:15 who were vets they stopped a false flag
@00:09:04 look at our false flag script there is
@00:11:19 false flag and how the fbi and other
@00:12:45 to push another false flag shooting and
@00:14:13 actually fit right into the false flag

Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b

@00:21:15 going to see a false flag event this is
@00:22:14 false flag event and of course whether
@00:22:52 most likely be a multi type of false
@00:22:56 flag where we have cyber attacks and

US Officials Report Cyber Attacks Are Getting Worse And Could Lead To A Catastrophe - Episode 778b

@00:19:37 they're going to do is have a false flag
@00:21:16 when the false flag hits they're going

Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World - Episode 777b

@00:15:43 that this is a complete false flag
@00:19:46 false flag and we can see they are

Putin Pushes For Peace In Syria At The Same Time Obama Pushes For War - Episode 775b

@00:05:51 like a false flag and in in the boston

Pentagon's War Plans For Russia Shows A NO Win Scenario For the U.S. - Episode 774b

@00:11:39 false flag in all of these areas and we

NATO Assisting Ukraine To Prepare For A Dirty Bomb Attack - Episode 773b

@00:11:10 need a false flag event and we're
@00:19:28 false flag and they're continually

U.S. Is Now Pre-Positioning Nuclear Weapons In Germany - Episode 772b

@00:02:25 false flag event because right now the
@00:16:04 a false flag they were shooting
@00:20:29 yesterday we talked about the false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 770

@00:14:51 which was completely false fake phony
@00:14:58 days gas stations will put a red flag

Putin Out Maneuvers Obama On Syria Crisis And Forces Obama To Talk - Episode 769b

@00:10:03 some type of false flag to say russia

U.S. Warning: All U.S. Citizens Still In Libya Must Leave Straight Away - Episode 768b

@00:07:10 a false flag mass shooting and this is
@00:07:18 ways you can spot a false flag mass

U.S. Government Admits U.S. Troops Are Officially On The Ground In Syria - Episode 767b

@00:18:37 say they have the event the false flag
@00:18:38 but let's not call it a false flag let's
@00:23:40 surprised if we see some type of false
@00:23:43 flag event come out of this and it could
@00:24:28 false flag event and you can see it is

Russia And Syria Tell U.S. Stop Supporting The Terrorists - Episode 766b

@00:23:51 setting up a false flag event we know

The End Game Is Near, U.S. Pushing Proganda To Start WWIII - Episode 765b

@00:10:39 countries is to create false flag events

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 764

@00:15:20 false flag why do they have to do this

The World Is Now On The Edge Of World War III - Episode 763b

@00:02:01 our own government creating a false flag
@00:02:18 false flag that people will not die in
@00:02:22 it that's untrue some false flags are

US Warns Citizens Of Attacks By Extremists In South Africa, Regime Change - Episode 761b

@00:07:40 ukraine they're setting up a false flag

CENTCOM Secret Docs Reveal Coalition’s Carnage Of Civilians In Iraq & Syria - Episode 758b

@00:21:51 huge false flag now most likely they'll

FAA Warns Military Exercises Will Create Airspace Outages Over Va,NC,SC,Ga and Fl - Episode 757b

@00:13:39 false flag event to save this is why we
@00:14:03 the false flag event to get this war
@00:14:41 is how we know it's a false flag now
@00:25:10 could be a perfect time for a false flag

US Military Training Events Spread Across Europe In Preparation For War - Episode 756b

@00:06:11 complete false flag events and they're
@00:07:46 something they could just create a false
@00:07:47 flag and then blame it on them but

Homeland Security Is Drawing Up Plans To Deal With A "Cyber Pearl Harbor" - Episode 755b

@00:10:56 they will resort to a false flag i mean

Ukraine Reignites With Protests And Riots - Episode 754b

@00:24:03 terrorists are false flag terrace or are
@00:24:11 incident we have had has been a false
@00:24:14 flag where has been an informant pushed

As The Collapse Approaches The US Government Pushes The Gun Control Agenda - Episode 751b

@00:04:10 this being a false flag or not it
@00:10:48 do something with some type of false
@00:10:49 flag event washington says they're not

Military Assets Are Continually Prepositioned Around The World For The Upcoming War - Episode 750b

@00:15:33 type of false flag they'll blame
@00:21:24 this war started we might see a false
@00:21:25 flag event we're hearing warnings coming
@00:22:37 of all different types of false flag

US Pushes War Against Russia, North Korea And China To Cover-Up The Collapse - Episode 747b

@00:25:39 weapon they might even use a false flag

US Pusing War, Meanwhile Russia Is Preparing For War - Episode 746b

@00:08:51 looks like we've had some type of false
@00:08:53 flag in north korea and south korea
@00:15:54 we know this is a false flag event and

Pentagon's New Law of War Manual Justifies War Crimes And Censorship - Episode 745b

@00:17:13 eventually resort to a false flag event

Ground Operations Being Planned In Syria Which Will Redraw the Map of the Middle East- Episode 744b

@00:06:55 false flag event and they don't want
@00:08:34 false flag event and they don't want
@00:08:37 this reported as a false flag event so
@00:09:37 false flag event that occurred in the
@00:17:02 attacked because what a false flag event

US Places B-2 Bombers In Guam To Provoke China - Episode 741b

@00:07:19 many times and that's called a false
@00:07:21 flag event now the norward commander
@00:12:17 see a false flag event and we can see

US Might Send Troops To Iraq, While The No-Fly Zone Is Implemented In Syria - Episode 740b

@00:09:35 they do is they use false flag events to
@00:18:07 is to create some type of false flag

Ukraine Pushing Hard To Re-Start The War In The South Eastern Region - Episode 739b

@00:20:36 there is some type of false flag event

The Build Up To War Continues, Keep An Eye On Ukraine & Syria - Episode 738b

@00:19:49 me we know most likely this is a false
@00:19:53 flag because they're trying to build it

US Congressman Believe Assad Guilty Before UN Investigates - Episode 737b

@00:21:13 called a false flag where they pretend

False Flag Botched As Four Men Caught Smuggling Uranium In Ukraine - Episode 736b

@00:00:41 is false flag botched as for men called
@00:01:59 type of false flag because this person
@00:13:22 type of dirty bomb or false flag event
@00:14:24 botched false flag where they were
@00:26:05 tells you now this was a false flag as
@00:26:37 and most incredible type of false flag
@00:26:54 ultimate false flag to use now it seems

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 732

@00:15:09 false flag event we're moving into a

Now Is The Time To Prepare, The Economy Is Not Recovering - Episode 730

@00:33:00 have been planning a false flag an event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 726

@00:07:14 will most likely see more false flag

A Partial No-Fly Zone Has Been Established In Syria For The Next Offensive - Episode 725

@00:37:02 turkey they had a false flag event and
@00:40:13 sarin gas false flag we saw a 2014 the

US Government Is Now Ready To Make Its Move On Syria – Episode 724

@00:39:22 just happened could have been a false
@00:39:24 flag but what's very interesting about

What's The Real Agenda Behind The Chattanooga Shooting?- Episode 719

@00:17:07 false flag events we are seeing
@00:30:20 know this is a a false flag event when

All Indicators Point To An Event Occurring In The Next 100 Days - Episode 702

@00:25:06 control because they used the false flag
@00:25:10 event in connecticut they use the false
@00:25:13 flag event in charleston and many other
@00:43:00 this point in time this entire false
@00:43:03 flag event was just that a false flag

U.S. Government Getting Ready For The Economic Collapse With War- Episode 698

@00:27:13 will create some type of false flag
@00:30:22 false flag event in charleston and as we
@00:36:05 with these false flag shooters and if
@00:36:07 you notice all of these false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 697

@00:15:25 most likely another stage false flag

Greece Takes Another Step To Become An Equal Member Of The BRICS - Episode 696

@00:45:17 if there is a false flag you have to
@00:45:19 remember people will die in a false flag

The U.S. Government/Central Bank Illusionary Recovery Is Collapsing - Episode 693

@00:29:30 if there was some type of false flag

IMF In China To Review The Reserve Status Of The Yuan - Episode 692

@00:37:36 in 2013 where they use the false flag

U.S. Government Mobilizing Forces In Ukraine For The Next Offensive - Episode 691

@00:27:48 the sarin gas false-flag august of 2014
@00:32:26 military lab and that again was a false
@00:32:30 flag we see russia is saying that they

U.S. Military Assets Are Now PrePositioned For The Upcoming War - Episode 690

@00:39:15 this is a false flag event they've been

The U.S. Petrodollar Is Dying, Behold The Birth Of PetroYuan - Episode 689

@00:13:28 course as we know this is a false flag
@00:34:00 ready and pushing a false flag and it's

U.S. Preparing For War In Ukraine And Syria Which Might Lead To WWIII - Episode 688

@00:32:13 none this is how you know it's a false
@00:32:16 flag and this is what we're doing hamas

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 687

@00:13:18 definitely a false flag event they

US Government's Recovery Has Turned Into The Biggest Economic Collapse - Episode 686

@00:41:49 orchestrate the false flag event with

US Government & Kiev Preparing For The Next Major Offensive - Episode 685

@00:28:11 see a false flag event or maybe they'll
@00:36:35 back in august of 2013 with the false
@00:36:37 flag event with sarin gas it was not

EU Orders 11 Countries To Enact Bail-In Rules Within Two Months - Episode 684

@00:35:02 is they're preparing a false flag event
@00:44:03 carry out a false flag operation in the
@00:44:16 and will in some point attempt a false
@00:44:18 flag incident probably within the
@00:44:39 that a false flag can occur because with
@00:44:53 there was a false flag event and i think

U.S. Forces Are Building In The Middle East For The Next Offensive - Episode 683

@00:19:22 able to stop a false flag which exactly
@00:19:26 that's what it is it's a false flag
@00:24:41 false flag is really not going to go
@00:37:46 like this might have been a false flag
@00:38:18 might have been a botched false flag

U.S. Provokes War Around The World As The Economy Crashes - Episode 682

@00:01:54 there pushing that false flag event
@00:19:09 these that we see another false flag
@00:19:13 another false flag shooting like we saw
@00:24:24 try some type of false flag event to
@00:27:38 attack on sony was a complete false flag

De-Dollarization Continues, Russia Hints BRICS SWIFT Alternative Might Be In The Works - Episode 680

@00:16:40 false flag but 911 and what happened was
@00:29:58 they're setting up the same exact false
@00:30:02 flag event that we see in syria with
@00:30:26 use some type of false flag event to get
@00:33:01 some type of false flag event because
@00:34:54 there could be a false flag today in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 676

@00:10:29 they go in and create a false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 675

@00:03:02 this is why we see these false flag

The Economic Indicators Are Now Showing Signs Of A Collapse - Episode 673

@00:39:21 state attacks now we've seen a false
@00:39:23 flag event already in texas with the
@00:41:06 into other type of false flag events to

U.S. Slides Back Into A Recession Towards A Major Depression - Episode 670

@00:15:52 a false flag event they introduced new

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 669

@00:11:11 terrorists are false flag terrorist or
@00:11:21 a false flag or has been an informant

The Economic Recovery Illusion Is Over, U.S. Government Recovery Collapses - Episode 668

@00:22:27 a false flag event we understand that he

The Economy Continues To Spiral Into A Full Blown Collapse - Episode 665

@00:40:24 this is some type of false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 663

@00:12:03 might see some type of false flag event

The Economic Recovery Is Pure Propaganda, Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 662

@00:15:17 we've seen them botch a false flag down

Former Treasury Secretary Reports New Financial Crisis Will Happen Again - Episode 661

@00:37:17 false flag event with sarin gas they

The Economic Storm Has Reached The U.S. And It Will Wreak Havoc On The World - Episode 660

@00:41:20 gas which was completely a false flag
@00:43:49 the entire false flag event in texas was
@00:47:09 false flag false flag this is you

The Economy Is In Free Fall And The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Big Event - Episode 659

@00:45:30 protect it and then staged the false
@00:45:32 flag event after the attack she didn't

U.S. Government/Saudi Arabia Start The Invasion Of Yemen - Episode 658

@00:18:12 using the false flag terrorist
@00:33:34 why they use false flag events this is

NORAD Is Now Training For An Aircraft Attack On D.C. - Episode 655

@00:43:55 and many other false flag events now nor

The Economy Is Collapsing, Martial Law, War Are On The Horizon - Episode 653

@00:39:32 now the question is was this a false
@00:39:35 flag event did they want something to
@00:40:12 canada when they need a false flag they
@00:41:05 other ones it will be a false flag event

U.S. Government Will Use Out Of Control Protests To Declare Martial Law - Episode 652

@00:18:46 who create the false flag event and
@00:21:45 control the false flag event this is why
@00:35:04 false flag event and make it look like

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 651

@00:06:23 create a false flag event and they're
@00:11:52 now it could be a false flag event
@00:14:41 false flag event we know what you're

Countdown To A U.S./Ukraine Major Offensive Against The South Eastern Ukrainians - Episode 649

@00:31:41 called the false flag where they have to

U.S. Government Switches To Phase II, Operation Restore Yemen's Puppet Government - Episode 648

@00:28:29 which was a complete false flag we saw
@00:36:46 false flag attack in syria and all the

Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646

@00:33:11 false flag event the information got out

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 645

@00:16:50 false flag and when they push this false
@00:16:53 flag they will make it look like it was
@00:18:51 and if they use a false flag to pretend

European Central Banks Dumping Greek Assets Ahead Of The Greek Exit - Episode 644

@00:35:39 false flag and it was the free syrian

Countries Around The World Are Now Dumping The Petrodollar - Episode 643

@00:23:16 false flag event even the russians are

NY Fed Preparing For The Economic Collapse - Episode 642

@00:37:41 is what we call a false flag event and i

U.S. Economic Recovery Illusion Is Falling Apart - Episode 639

@00:35:01 false flag event they're building up to

The U.S. Gov/Central Bankers Have Pushed The Middle East War To The Next Level - Episode 637

@00:13:44 the boston bombing was a false flag
@00:13:55 completely a false flag event now as we
@00:20:18 there's a false flag they will be

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Surface In U.S. Cities - Episode 636

@00:40:10 ready for a false flag event inside of

China's Infrastructure Bank Enrollment Closed And The U.S. Is Left Out In The Cold - Episode 635

@00:29:27 destabilize the area to set up a false
@00:29:31 flag event and we see right now that war
@00:32:05 most likely it will be a false flag
@00:32:24 propaganda for the major major false
@00:32:27 flag to say ah see the southeastern

The U.S. Government Recovery Looks Like An Economic Collapse - Episode 633

@00:22:36 means they do things like false flag

As The Economic Collapse Accelerates, War Is On The Horizon - Episode 632

@00:23:22 these people to create a false flag
@00:26:48 to the main false flag event i mean we
@00:27:10 a false flag event making it look like
@00:44:48 to do and this would be a false flag

The Economic Collapse Is Happening Now, It Just Wasn't Announced Yet - Episode 631

@00:37:45 getting ready for a false flag they said
@00:38:26 false flag event because they want this

U.S. Now Providing Lethal Aid To Ukraine, Major Offensive Soon To Follow - Episode 627

@00:33:44 up just like every other false flag here

U.S. Gov Loses Control Of Middle East, Ready To Push Authorization For War - Episode 625

@00:29:57 or they'll use a false flag event and
@00:32:21 false flag event now we see japan is out
@00:42:09 planning this false flag event they will

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 622

@00:21:07 called a false flag they will make it

The Countdown Begins To The Next False Flag To Pass The Authorization For War - Episode 621

@00:00:37 next false flag to pass the
@00:37:09 they're going to use some type of false
@00:37:12 flag event to convince the world that
@00:40:47 of false flag to push the authorization
@00:42:18 building up for the next false flag i
@00:42:27 area i mean it might be a multiple false
@00:42:30 flag to really push this through because
@00:42:33 one other little false flag might not do
@00:42:51 false flag in europe or the united

US Gov/Central Bankers Hyping Propaganda To Invade Syria - Episode 620

@00:33:07 a false flag event where the united
@00:35:27 false flag event in tunisia and of
@00:43:04 start of a false flag event in tunisia
@00:43:43 be a multiple false flag event because
@00:44:03 definitely building for another false
@00:44:06 flag event to convince the people we

US Gov/Central Bankers Using A False Flag To Push The Authorization For War - Episode 619

@00:00:35 government central bankers using a false
@00:00:37 flag to push the authorization for war
@00:38:14 already know that this is a false flag
@00:39:29 going to be the only false flag i think

China Dumps US Treasuries While European Allies Join China's Development Bank - Episode 618

@00:33:40 what are you doing set up a false flag
@00:44:04 this you know it's a false flag event

Kiev Is Skirting Around The Minsk II Deal To Buy Time To Push War - Episode 617

@00:33:34 false flag event going that's going to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 616

@00:12:42 warnings right now that a false flag

UK To Join China-led World Bank To Protect Itself From The Collapsing Dollar - Episode 615

@00:09:02 or their false flag events and we see
@00:10:12 false flag event and we could see
@00:28:47 definitely going to push a false flag
@00:29:54 wherever the fbi goes some type of false
@00:29:57 flag occurs the fbi is ready and willing
@00:30:14 another false flag event inside of
@00:37:35 false flag event and we're going to have

Talks Underway With China & The IMF To Endorse Yuan As A Reserve Currency - Episode 614

@00:45:59 propaganda of a false flag event and we

US Is Now Broke And It Is In Worse Fiscal Shape Than Greece - Episode 613

@00:26:16 france we had that false flag terrorist
@00:27:30 there they were setting up a false flag

IMF Deputy Director Calls For De-Dollarization In Emerging Markets - Episode 611

@00:23:18 countries or has some type of false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 610

@00:14:33 false flag with syria they brought in
@00:14:41 august/september we had this false flag

China's Renminbi Is On Its Way To Becoming A World Currency - Episode 608

@00:37:29 section this would be the false flag to

The Illusionary Recovery Is Now Giving Way To The Economic Collapse - Episode 607

@00:26:59 before the false flag would syria
@00:27:13 months later we had the false flag and

US Gov Can't Stop Illicit Trade In Oil In Libya, Ready To Mount An Offensive - Episode 605

@00:43:17 they could create a false flag
@00:45:38 this was a false flag for regime change

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 604

@00:03:41 of false flag to convince congress that
@00:04:02 staged a false flag to convince congress
@00:13:10 another false flag has occurred in
@00:16:01 false flag and they're trying to push a
@00:18:11 complete false flag to convince everyone

US Gov/Central Bankers Preparing For The Final Stage Of The Economic Collapse, WWIII - Episode 603

@00:21:39 after that false flag which never really
@00:46:09 false flag and everything has been

US Gov/Central Bankers One Step Closer To Closing Down The Internet - Episode 602

@00:35:16 this is going to be a false flag event
@00:37:50 is the big false flag this is the big
@00:38:37 false it was a false flag in san israel
@00:40:53 might have some type of false flag maybe

U.S. Is Now In The Final Stages Of Having Its Society Closed Down - Episode 601

@00:45:24 and that's a false flag and you have to

DHS Using Fear And A False Flag Event Because Their Budget Is In Jeopardy- Episode 599

@00:00:37 dhs using fear and a false flag event
@00:44:14 we most likely will see a false flag
@00:44:53 their false flag look at france look at
@00:44:55 australia all of these are false flag
@00:45:06 all depends on the false flag 911 a lot
@00:45:15 a false flag it's not always completely

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 598

@00:11:02 have to stage a false flag event they

US Gov/Central Bankers Preparing For A Major Offensive In Mosul Iraq - Episode 597

@00:18:08 mean they won't try a false flag as a

Obama Says That The Economy Is Poised For A Great Year As The Economy Collapses - Episode 596

@00:44:26 false flag event they will do this to
@00:44:58 we're going to see a false flag to help

As The Collapse Accelerates US Gov/Central Bankers Provoke WWIII - Episode 595

@00:38:14 likely they will try a false flag event
@00:47:22 country so when this false flag event

Ukraine Violates Ceasefire, Army Disintegrating, Is There Another Coup Being Planned? - Episode 594

@00:12:13 of false flag to bring in military
@00:42:09 even go as far to have a false flag here

Major Offensive In The Middle East Being Prepared By US Gov/Central Bankers - Episode 593

@00:07:48 tried with all these false flag
@00:09:58 maybe a false flag is about to happen
@00:18:51 false flag event and we have to remember
@00:25:53 major false flag event occurs that's

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 592

@00:11:50 they might even use a false flag to push
@00:15:24 another false flag is this a remake of
@00:16:44 false flag actually we could see from
@00:16:47 false flag we're just waiting for the

US Gov/Central Bankers Trapped, Will Use Ukraine Peace Deal For War - Episode 590

@00:32:06 use some type of false flag to show that
@00:33:29 small little false flag event
@00:36:58 false flag because as we can see from

Authorization For War: Phase 1 Complete , Next Phase For Central Bankers War - Episode 589

@00:20:27 what they staged a false flag event to
@00:20:42 false flag to pull them back in and we
@00:23:42 continue with peace or will be a false
@00:23:47 flag event in ukraine to push for

Obama Wants Military Force Against The Islamic State (Syria), War Is Coming - Episode 588

@00:27:26 false flag to say up the ceasefire is
@00:35:20 might be done by some type of false flag
@00:35:39 be planning some type of false flag
@00:36:19 be a false flag we also have to remember
@00:36:28 getting ready to use that as a false
@00:36:30 flag and if we added up all the soldiers
@00:46:52 false flag hits it's going to be an
@00:47:09 something they have to resort to false
@00:47:12 flag events to convince everyone that we

US Government/Central Bankers Talk Peace In Ukraine, But Their Message Is War- Episode 587

@00:28:05 use some type of false flag event of a
@00:46:39 false flag
@00:46:54 false flag because the entire system is

Warning - The Islamic State Plotting Something Bigger Than 9/11- Episode 581

@00:44:47 lead up to the next false flag event we

Central Bankers Can't Stop The Economic Collapse Instead They Will Cover It Up - Episode 578

@00:45:58 they get the green light to push a false
@00:46:01 flag event and we can see right now that

False Flag: The Islamic State Threatens Obama As They Prepare An Attack On America - Episode 577

@00:00:38 is false flag warning the islamic state
@00:20:54 false flag events that occurred in
@00:41:20 false flag event for a long time they're

U.S. Government Preparing To Blame Russia For The Economic Collapse - Episode 576

@00:05:35 bank wants we will unleash a false flag
@00:05:59 is a false flag that is completely made
@00:28:01 government's are their false flag events
@00:30:41 their false flag events where they're
@00:37:34 now there is a false flag type of an

U.S. Gov/Central Bankers Are Accelerating War To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 575

@00:14:09 which was a false flag and we're
@00:14:13 that it was a false flag event and it
@00:14:15 was completely fake phony and false and
@00:20:49 especially with this false flag event
@00:21:18 false flag event we see that ah ukraine
@00:28:04 they can and creating false flag events
@00:30:10 this is why this false flag was set up
@00:37:05 they tried to push that false flag event
@00:38:44 this is a false flag event now it seems

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 574

@00:08:16 to look like it's called a false flag

The Islamic State Sets Up New Brigade To Bring Terror To The West - Episode 573

@00:20:16 false flag event would have been carried
@00:20:27 was phony it was a false flag but if
@00:22:59 are doing all these false flag events
@00:37:07 to be a false flag event where it's
@00:37:56 propaganda to hold this false flag event

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Push Agenda, Ukraine Offensive Has Begun - Episode 570

@00:22:19 ukraine government has created a false
@00:22:21 flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 569

@00:10:45 this is why we saw this false flag and
@00:11:39 right false flag event to blame the
@00:15:15 push their agenda and they use false
@00:15:19 flag events to get the people to do what
@00:17:16 see because of all these false flag
@00:18:32 false flag event this is what is coming

Countries Are Isolating Themselves As The Western Central Banking System Collapses - Episode 568

@00:21:54 have this false flag event happen in
@00:23:19 a false flag event i'm just using this

U.S. Upgrades Doomsday Planes As The People Realize The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 567

@00:26:43 we are going to lead up to a main false
@00:26:46 flag here in ukraine they're going to
@00:43:04 false flag events how they're pushing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 563

@00:01:29 is why we saw the false flag event occur
@00:11:42 false flag events to get us into this to
@00:12:50 was a false flag event also to get
@00:12:59 happening with this false flag in france
@00:14:56 because of france because of the false
@00:14:59 flag the u.s. department of state and
@00:17:12 these false flag events had many
@00:21:33 professionals who orchestrate false flag
@00:22:31 up until they hit the main false flag

The U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Prepared For The Economic Collapse Are You? - Episode 558

@00:25:21 fight assad or to do other type of false
@00:25:25 flag events same thing with the islamic
@00:37:30 false flag event we know they've been
@00:38:11 prepared for a major false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 556

@00:09:11 fit into their false flag event and

U.S. Government Telling Lies To Push The War Agenda - Episode 554

@00:28:27 false flag event they had a training
@00:28:35 false flag event the same thing happened
@00:36:05 with this was a false flag event this

al-Qaeda Threatens "Lone Wolf" Attacks On Airlines As AirAsia Goes Missing - Episode 553

@00:13:35 the people they're using false flag
@00:17:16 of these false flag events it's

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 550

@00:19:25 shortly now i mentioned the false flag

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Push The Economic Recovery By Manipulating The Economy - Episode 549

@00:26:00 what do we see we saw a false flag event
@00:26:04 boston bombing we saw a false flag event
@00:31:02 with mh17 this was a false flag event of
@00:31:08 turned out to be false they're still
@00:38:31 up for a false flag event the government
@00:38:43 have the false flag event and we're
@00:38:55 the potential false flag section and if
@00:39:28 with this is if they push this false
@00:39:30 flag forward they can say ah in

Central Bankers Are Now Positioned To Loot Pensions and Bail-In The Banks - Episode 540

@00:35:14 force with this false flag event dhs is

DHS And FBI Issue A New Alert, Threats From Terrorist Could Be On The Rise - Episode 538

@00:24:46 will create a false flag event and we
@00:27:01 we understand that it will be a false
@00:27:03 flag event they're doing all of this
@00:41:12 of 2013 when that false flag chemical

False Flag Warning - Islamic State Reports Radioactive Bomb Is Already In Europe - Episode 537

@00:00:35 this episode is false flag warning
@00:43:44 line it will this will be a false flag

Full Time Jobs Disappear As The Economic Collapse Approaches - Episode 534

@00:27:34 event false flag event and they don't
@00:28:11 another false flag event and we can see

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 525

@00:05:51 false flag in some area and we're going

White House Trying To Use Immigration To Postpone The Economic Collapse -Episode 524

@00:38:14 that these are going to be false flag

Islamic State Provokes Obama To Send In U.S. Ground Forces - Episode 520

@00:04:15 false flag event to convince us that the
@00:27:31 use a false flag and blame it on them so

Russia And Egypt Are Proposing Peace In Syria, Central Bankers Want War - Episode 518

@00:23:16 they're going to create a false flag
@00:31:17 it is a false flag event and we might
@00:31:55 they will push a false flag event and

False Flag Warning - Attacks On Power Grid Could Leave Parts Of Country In Darkness - Episode 515

@00:00:37 title this episode is false flag warning
@00:19:01 false it was a false flag and this was
@00:35:02 false flag event to convince us that yes

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 513

@00:14:45 false flag event and they've got to make
@00:15:10 this is all being set up for the false
@00:15:12 flag event and we know that this is

The Government's Manipulated Job Numbers Will Not Stop The Economic Collapse - Episode 512

@00:26:24 this false flag event like i said in the

Central Bankers Are Pushing Ukraine Into War Again - Episode 511

@00:32:19 is being used to create this false flag

False Flag Warning: DHS Reports Black Energy Malware Found In Energy Control Systems - Episode 506

@00:00:43 false flag warning dhs reports black
@00:00:56 for the main false flag event and we
@00:30:47 leading up to this main false flag event

U.S. Warns That Americans In The Middle East Might Be Attacked By Al-Qaeda - Episode 505

@00:33:49 preparing for false flag events to say
@00:34:26 preparation for a false flag event and
@00:35:27 continually prepping for this false flag

False Flag Coming To The U.S. And The Government Is Now Putting Out Warnings - Episode 504

@00:00:36 the title this episode is false flag
@00:04:15 whatsoever it was a false flag event to
@00:05:28 false flag event and this is exactly
@00:41:42 know this next false flag event will be

Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status, Central Bankers Preparing A Major Conflict - Episode 501

@00:02:12 have this major major false flag event
@00:12:56 many of these false flag events occurred
@00:20:21 false flag event occur as we know united
@00:20:56 we're going to create a false flag event
@00:33:02 up to some type of false flag event and

Canada's False Flag Event Used For Different Agendas - Episode 500

@00:00:36 canada's false flag event used for many
@00:00:57 killed and of course this is a false
@00:01:00 flag event which is being used for many
@00:32:22 know this is a complete false flag event
@00:39:14 false flag event was to basically get
@00:40:37 this major major false flag event and
@00:41:22 part of this false flag event and we see

Italy Starts Movement To Leave The European Monetary Union - Episode 497

@00:36:51 false flag event to bring this whole
@00:37:29 a false flag event and this is

De-Dollarization Continues With Iran And Russia Creating A Joint Bank - Episode 491

@00:03:47 that false flag event of a chemical

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 490

@00:20:03 of drill sometimes there is a false flag

Will Ebola Be Blamed For the Collapsing Economy? - Episode 489

@00:27:59 there's a false flag event looming on

False Flag Warning: Khorasan Terrorist Group Is Back And A US Attack Is Imminent - Episode 485

@00:00:35 this episode is false flag warning
@00:02:49 false flag event occur here and it will
@00:09:29 caught trying to create that false flag
@00:17:34 scare type of tactic a false flag type
@00:32:49 coming and we understand that this false
@00:32:52 flag event is building right now they're
@00:36:21 false flag event and when they want this
@00:37:54 a false flag event we know it was you we

Ebola In U.S.,Will It Be Used To Declare Martial Law? - Episode 481

@00:23:58 really didn't create the false flag
@00:33:38 set up that false flag event where he
@00:33:59 youtube and the whole false flag length
@00:38:05 false flag event to show that assad

Is The U.S. Government Meddling In The Hong Kong Protests? - Episode 480

@00:19:45 waiting for a special event a false flag
@00:19:55 the false flag event what they will do
@00:38:21 and when there is a false flag event you

Central Bankers/US Government Can't Stabilize Syria Without Removing Assad - Episode 479

@00:19:41 buildups eventually you'll see the false
@00:19:43 flag event to get us into war because
@00:30:54 false flag event to occur in this area
@00:31:01 when he pushed that false flag event
@00:35:43 pull this false flag event through and
@00:36:33 we know that that was a false flag event
@00:37:33 everyone in when this false flag event
@00:38:03 to war for you we know these are false
@00:38:06 flag events and we want a replacement of

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 478

@00:14:51 push the false flag event ford as we can
@00:15:09 going to see some type of major false
@00:15:11 flag event occur here in the united
@00:15:49 for some type of false flag event plus
@00:16:03 this false flag event does occur it will

Iraq Reveals Troops And Equipment Start Arriving To Speicher Base In A Few Days - Episode 477

@00:03:22 of 2013 during that last false flag
@00:11:55 really happened with these false flag

Central Bankers/U.S. Government Troop Buildup In Iraq To Occupy Syria - Episode 476

@00:31:51 false flag event to bring the boots on
@00:37:21 going to be definitely a false flag

Boots On The Ground, Army Is Deploying A Division Headquarters To Iraq- Episode 475

@00:37:16 going to be a false flag event this is

U.S. Allegedly Strikes ISIS In Syria, What's The Real Agenda? - Episode 474

@00:35:31 false flag event now syria is out there
@00:35:40 false flag chemical

U.S. Coalition Falling Apart, Countries Say 'No' To Syria Strike- Episode 473

@00:28:03 had that false flag event of chemical
@00:36:31 false flag event occur here in the
@00:36:41 false flag event now of course dhs is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 472

@00:18:53 handle the next false flag event they've

Preparing For War On Lies To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 471

@00:34:06 propaganda just like the false flag

U.S. Accuses Assad Of Breaking The Chemical Arms Pact With Chlorine Gas - Episode 470

@00:01:46 and we can see from the last false flag
@00:01:49 event this is a false flag event but
@00:27:08 weapons but again this is a false flag

ISIS Targeting White House For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 469

@00:00:38 white house for the next false flag
@00:25:25 syria did in this false flag event now
@00:27:49 false flag event they need to say ah
@00:30:39 they push this false flag event forward
@00:34:36 now is they are setting up the false
@00:34:39 flag event and they're waiting for the
@00:35:24 this false flag event because they need

Central Bankers Ready To Attack Syria Under The Pretext Assad Unleashed The Islamists - Episode 468

@00:33:35 there could be some type of false flag
@00:35:02 creating this false flag event and of
@00:39:22 this is where the false flag event

UK And France Moving To The Next Reserve Currency The Chinese Yuan - Episode 467

@00:08:04 false flag event with syria and we're

U.S. Syrian Rebels & U.S. ISIS Agree On A 'Non-Aggression' Pact - Episode 466

@00:03:29 all-time high during the false flag
@00:15:56 some type of false flag where they do
@00:28:20 this is all playing into the false flag

U.S. Free Syrian Army & U.S. Created Islamic State Working Together To Remove Assad - Episode 464

@00:02:36 know that was a complete false flag and
@00:06:08 false flag event but putin stepped in
@00:26:55 false flag where he snuck his soldiers

Russia & China Looking To Conduct Half Of Their Trade In Yuans And Roubles - Episode 463

@00:34:59 that this is a false flag event we know

Obama Planning For A Western-Backed Coalition No-Fly Zone Over Syria - Episode 462

@00:04:29 had the false flag event in august of

CB Propaganda: ISIS Establishment In Libya, Lebanon and Yemen Is Now Imminent- Episode 459

@00:16:18 to be planting the false flag event but
@00:22:04 the lookout for any type of false flag
@00:22:32 we know that this was a complete false
@00:22:34 flag they can say the war is back on
@00:41:23 this false flag event in the united

Will The Missing Libyan Jetliners Be Used For The False Flag Event ? - Episode 458

@00:00:40 the false flag event now before i get
@00:43:19 the ones who creating this false flag
@00:44:25 they're on the path for the false flag

The 60 Day Countdown Begins, Will This Lead To The False Flag Event? - Episode 457

@00:00:41 false flag event and what i mean by this
@00:14:54 false flag events all throughout the
@00:31:07 want to have the false flag event and
@00:38:28 anymore because the false flag there an

False Flag Warning: Expert Reports 'Imminent' ISIS Threat To The U.S. Power Grid- Episode 456

@00:00:39 and the title of this report is false
@00:00:41 flag warning expert reports imminent

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 455

@00:13:10 last false flag event and go forward we
@00:16:25 another country this was a false flag

U.S./Ukraine Pushing Russian Invasion Propaganda - Episode 453

@00:25:13 this false flag event that's coming and
@00:32:44 course is a false flag they already have

Central Bankers Will Attack ISIS and The Assad Regime - Episode 452

@00:08:34 type of false flag event occurring
@00:08:47 really hurting their false flag events
@00:14:57 something they will create a false flag

Central Bankers Sending In Drones To Map Out Targets In Syria - Episode 451

@00:14:09 upset their false flag event inside the
@00:27:10 stage the chemical weapons false flag

Libyan Government Overrun, Central Bankers Prepping Invasion Of Libya - Episode 450

@00:02:31 false flag chemical weapon attack in
@00:40:06 planned it's a false flag to get

The Countdown To The False Flag Event Has Begun - Episode 448

@00:00:38 the false flag event has begun now

Warning: DHS Preparing For 'National Day Of Rage' - Episode 447

@00:26:53 completely planned as a false flag event
@00:29:34 false flag so we can see right now they
@00:29:49 they're building the entire false flag

U.S. Preparing To Bomb Syria, FAA Shuts down Airspace To American Planes - Episode 445

@00:38:25 some type of false flag event 'im what's
@00:39:57 embassies getting ready for this false
@00:39:59 flag event we also have understand that

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 443

@00:04:31 false flag event

False Flag Warning: ISIS Dispatching Terrorists To The United States - Episode 441

@00:00:35 title this episode is false flag warning
@00:04:12 the false flag coming they have their
@00:19:58 going to have another false flag or

Are The Riots In Ferguson Part Of The U.S. Agenda For Martial Law ?- Episode 440

@00:19:19 this is a full-blown riot type of false
@00:19:23 flag where they would like to declare
@00:23:04 a false flag to get martial law pretty
@00:40:56 faked and this is what we call a false
@00:40:58 flag where the united states is going to
@00:43:59 course we know this will be a false flag

Central Bankers/US Government Are Now Preparing For Bail-Ins - Episode 439

@00:05:27 false flag attack in syria the french
@00:19:03 anything we see false flag events or

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 437

@00:16:34 the false flag where the islamic state
@00:18:06 of the false flag event and we're going

Central Bankers/US Government Set The Stage For The False Flag Event - Episode 436

@00:00:38 government set the stage for the false
@00:00:40 flag event and what are we seeing here
@00:13:12 the chain reaction of this false flag
@00:28:33 false flag event we know who the enemy
@00:29:07 we have the false flag chemical weapons

Central Bankers/US Government & NATO Are Setting The Stage For War - Episode 434

@00:04:34 continually try all these false flags we
@00:04:37 see mh17 is a false flag and they're
@00:24:25 done we realized that this was a false
@00:24:28 flag it had nothing to do with russia
@00:37:30 and this could be considered a false
@00:37:32 flag and it looks like they're saying

Propaganda Warning: Terror Groups Could Be Building An “Ebola Dirty Bomb” - Episode 433

@00:21:31 false flag event occurred they went
@00:21:38 a false flag event and we can see this
@00:21:46 they'll be continually using other false
@00:21:49 flag events and they will not stop this
@00:41:17 the false flag event occurred in syria

High Probability Of An Event In August While Congress Is On Vacation - Episode 432

@00:01:19 of a false flag event in the next 30
@00:01:23 syrian chemical attack false flag event
@00:32:59 is a false flag they're really building
@00:39:57 talking about is completely a false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 431

@00:22:20 a false flag they need to have the

Are The Central Bankers Using The Ebola Scare To Declare Martial Law? - Episode 430

@00:21:54 false flag to get troops into the
@00:32:52 it reminds me of the false flag event
@00:33:25 of 2013 when they use the chemical false
@00:33:27 flag attack and we found out that this

The Central Bankers Have Prepared A Special Event To Cover Up The Collapse- Episode 429

@00:31:11 chemical weapon chemical weapon false
@00:31:13 flag event that didn't happen then they
@00:34:13 whole thing is a complete false flag to

You Must Believe The Propaganda, We Are In A Full Recovery - Episode 428

@00:21:20 false flag to try to get the us troops
@00:23:59 they tried the mh17 malaysian false flag

Central Bankers Continually Pushing War As The Economy Falters - Episode 427

@00:21:51 as a false flag event now kiev is out

Is The White House The Target Of The Next Terrorist Attack?- Episode 426

@00:39:34 it's a false flag event and we can see

The Next False Flag "We're Coming For You, Barack Obama" - Episode 425

@00:00:35 next false flag we're coming for you
@00:01:25 tried to use the false flag event the
@00:01:35 that that whole entire false flag is
@00:02:58 conflict when they had the false flag
@00:16:11 this was a complete false flag operation
@00:27:35 see the major false flag event and we're
@00:36:13 right now the false flag stories that
@00:37:59 false flag events occur to bring russia
@00:38:15 false flag events occur and everyone

The Economic Collapse Death Spiral Has Begun - Episode 424

@00:34:52 here they're not working out this false
@00:34:55 flag event is not going where we thought

False Flag Warning: U.S. Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks From Terrorists - Episode 423

@00:03:45 false flag with their chemical attack
@00:21:24 terrorism uh you know the false flag
@00:43:57 all an inside job it's a false flag

Economy Is Collapsing As So Is The False Flag Event - Episode 422

@00:00:39 false flag event before i get started i
@00:02:43 entire false flag event is really
@00:02:53 now happening in ukraine with this false
@00:02:55 flag event the united states has
@00:06:04 see false flag events this is why we see
@00:31:59 going to stage a false flag event and
@00:33:07 in july and there was a false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 420

@00:04:16 posts false flag operations honey traps

Central Bankers Are Now Using The Malaysian Airline False Flag To Start WWIII - Episode 419

@00:00:38 airline false flag to start world war
@00:01:26 bankers were going to create a false
@00:01:28 flag event to try to get us into war
@00:02:54 create the first false flag event get
@00:09:13 have this false flag event why they're
@00:11:23 and all of a sudden we had the false
@00:11:25 flag event and we can see this is really
@00:13:38 creating we already had the false flag
@00:14:51 because this is a setup this is a false
@00:14:54 flag they're saying that this has the
@00:36:56 a false flag to completely get us into

Central Bankers Are Now Defending The Reserve Status Of The Dollar- Episode 417

@00:03:24 syrian false flag event the president of

Islamic State Terrorism, Iran And Syria Are Now Prepped For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 415

@00:00:40 prepped for the false flag event we can
@00:31:04 teenagers were most likely a false flag
@00:36:44 this is probably another false flag
@00:37:51 died this was the false flag that led

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 414

@00:17:17 does realize that when this false flag
@00:17:57 that was a complete false flag and they

The Central Banker/U.S. Government Recovery Illusion Is Now Falling Apart - Episode 413

@00:19:28 that false flag where he had the
@00:31:58 in-house job this will be a false flag

Is The FED Signaling When The Economic Collapse Will Occur? - Episode 411

@00:33:14 were not voting for war the false flag
@00:34:39 preparing for this false flag event the

Central Bankers Now Provoking War Everywhere To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 410

@00:34:25 this and that is the false flag event
@00:41:53 this false flag event where lights go

Petrodollar Becoming Obsolete As The U.S. Police State Surfaces - Episode 409

@00:25:28 haram false flag event is not gaining

U.S. Planning Operation To Air Strike Iraq And Syria To Take Out Assad - Episode 407

@00:02:19 talking about the false flag of
@00:02:54 false flag type of events to try to get
@00:28:20 going to have a false flag event here in
@00:32:49 completely a complete false flag to make
@00:36:21 this false flag event to show why we

False Flag Event On Schedule, Syrian Electronic Army Allegedly Cyber Attacks Reuters - Episode 405

@00:00:35 title this episode is full out false
@00:00:37 flag event on schedule syrian electronic
@00:03:13 of false flag events of course we have

U.S. Concerned ISIL & al-Qaeda Planning Attack By Aircraft, False Flag Alert! - Episode 404

@00:00:41 this is a false flag alert and you can
@00:03:19 when they were creating that false flag
@00:06:51 course last year during the false flag
@00:26:42 iraq creating another false flag so
@00:32:24 building this false flag event up i mean

Central Bankers Announce Their Plan For An "Islamic State" - Episode 403

@00:03:23 use a false flag event let's get into

Central Bankers Are Preparing For The Next Step, War!- Episode 402

@00:12:53 of these false flag events the boston
@00:28:19 looks like they are building the false
@00:28:22 flag event here in the united states and

Central Bankers Propaganda: Syria Is Playing A Game Of Shadows - Episode 401

@00:06:45 and of course they were using the false
@00:06:46 flag event of a chem
@00:32:26 always seems to be some type of false
@00:32:29 flag event and it just so happens that

The Next False Flag Event Will Be 'Far Deadlier' Than 9/11 - Episode 400

@00:00:35 title of this episode is the next false
@00:00:37 flag event will be far deadlier than
@00:01:01 it will be a false flag event to bring
@00:29:35 of course this would be a false flag
@00:29:45 false flag and they took their military
@00:34:51 really a false flag event to make us

US Dollar At Risk As The Middle East Tensions Increase - Episode 398

@00:27:55 false flag to get israel in there to
@00:29:54 this false flag event occurs we know
@00:30:14 there is to have some type of false flag
@00:30:39 as a false flag event for another mass
@00:31:38 all in preparation for the next false
@00:31:40 flag event

Central Bankers Are Making Plans To Air Strike Syria, False Flag Alert - Episode 396

@00:00:38 syria be prepared for a false flag event
@00:34:12 back to august of 2013 during the false
@00:34:16 flag event with syria he could not rile
@00:38:40 to gin up some type of false flag event

Central Bankers/US Government Strategic Plan For The Middle East - Episode 395

@00:03:26 false flag event blaming them for the
@00:15:50 the false flag event to bring the

Iraq Is In Chaos And The U.S. Attack On Syria Is Inevitable - Episode 394

@00:21:55 type of false flag where they're trying
@00:34:45 the false flag event saying that we need
@00:37:49 information just like the false flag

Iraq's Popular Uprising Shadowed By U.S. Terrorism Propaganda - Episode 392

@00:08:25 these false flag events of these mass
@00:32:01 for war begging for war with a false
@00:32:05 flag event and this is what i'm worried

Companies Dumping The Dollar For Renminbi As The Trading Currency Of Choice - Episode 384

@00:06:05 of false flag event to get us into war

Russia And North Korea To Launch Ruble Transactions Which Bypasses The Euro/US Dollar- Episode 383

@00:30:22 chemical weapon mini false flag type of
@00:31:24 false flag event with turkey when they
@00:35:13 desperate measures are creating false
@00:35:16 flag events to try to convince people

U.S. Boosting Military Assets In Europe To Counter Russia - Episode 382

@00:42:43 a complete false flag because once this

Warning: Two Weeks To Prepare For A Possible Cyber Attack On Bank Accounts - Episode 381

@00:27:38 try to stage this false flag event and
@00:28:10 move into syria this was a false flag

Directive Outlines The President To Use Military Force Against Domestic Unrest - Episode 378

@00:32:50 if they can prove this or create a false
@00:32:53 flag to make it look like a thought has
@00:33:09 used as a false type of flag to get into

It Begins, The U.S. Positions Military Assets In The Mediterranean - Episode 377

@00:03:03 the false flag event with syria he was

U.S. Pushing The Syrian Agenda, Now Training Paid Mercenaries For The Event - Episode 376

@00:37:53 false flag event that you know that
@00:38:13 fell apart so this could be a false flag

Former NSA Chief: More Terrorist Attacks On The Way, Be Prepared For A False Flag - Episode 373

@00:00:41 way so let's all be prepared for a false
@00:00:45 flag event and we have to look at what
@00:38:07 will see this false flag event occur

As The Dollar Dies The Next Event Will Rise - Episode 372

@00:26:10 to do it they will do it with a false
@00:26:13 flag event because they do not want to
@00:44:56 it could be some type of false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 369

@00:08:32 see how they're creating this false flag

U.S. Pushing The Syria Agenda, Be Prepared For An Event - Episode 367

@00:35:34 august 2013 when we had the false flag
@00:40:42 something this is a false flag where

Interview With Dahboo7 - 5.15.2014

@00:36:12 false flag event happening here in the

Russia Gives The Green Light To "De-Dollarize" The World - Episode 366

@00:31:50 announced the false flag event that

False Flag Warning: Iran Has Been Sending Chinese-Made Chlorine Gas To Syria - Episode 365

@00:00:36 episode is false flag warning iran has
@00:36:10 area to create some type of false flag
@00:36:17 type of dirty bomb type of false flag
@00:37:01 this whole false flag forward with syria
@00:38:08 the next false flag event and of course

Why Is The U.S. State Department Shipping Explosives To Unknown Locations ? - Episode 364

@00:01:48 attack false flag events again to make
@00:29:24 this is why we see the false flag events
@00:33:54 manipulate and create a false flag event
@00:35:48 false flag event to say look this
@00:36:00 this whole entire false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 363

@00:15:06 happens they will use false flag events
@00:15:27 mini false false type of flags turkey
@00:15:30 used a false flag they were secretly

As All Eyes Are On Ukraine Something Big Is About To Happen In The Middle East -- Episode 361

@00:01:07 they were doing they even tried a false
@00:01:09 flag event in ukraine in odessa killing
@00:01:24 area so that false flag did not work
@00:02:06 to push these small false flag events in

Manipulated Unemployment, Housing Declines And Geo-Political Risk Equals Collapse -- Episode 360

@00:21:25 a sudden a false flag all of a sudden
@00:24:50 the time of the false flag event and

Dirty Bomb Material Seized In Ukraine To Be Used For A False Flag Event -- Episode 359

@00:00:39 for a false flag event because what do
@00:01:08 use a false flag event to bring it home
@00:38:40 are setting up a false flag this is the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 357

@00:18:19 false flag event and we also understand

Mission Accomplished, The Economic Recovery Is An Illusion -- Episode 356

@00:37:11 them use some type of false flag to
@00:40:30 say that this could be used in a false
@00:40:34 flag we don't know why all this nuclear

As NATO Builds Its Forces The Economy Is On The Brink Of Collapse -- Episode 355

@00:03:26 do some type of false flag to get the
@00:36:06 type of an event false flag where they
@00:39:29 was the false flag event of course there

FED Blames Bad Economy On The Weather, The Economy Is Recovering "Not" -- Episode 354

@00:12:13 attack they were using the false flag
@00:20:06 it themselves with a false flag event
@00:40:04 way to do that is with a false flag
@00:40:21 can bring a false flag event here either
@00:40:54 anything they want this false flag to

Central Bankers Are Running Out Of Time As The Economic Collapse Accelerates -- Episode 353

@00:38:41 for the false flag because they want you
@00:39:06 they're going to stage a false flag

The Economic Recovery Is Falling Apart, Be Prepared For An Event -- Episode 352

@00:19:03 come in a false flag type of an event
@00:31:40 see if there's any type of false flag or
@00:38:38 the false flag event the states now are
@00:40:10 type of false flag and when this event
@00:42:03 have plans already for this false flag
@00:42:40 use this false flag event moving forward

The Central Bankers Hope War Will Mask The Economic Collapse -- Episode 350

@00:19:20 and trying to build this false flag
@00:41:47 propaganda up for this false flag event

The Central Bankers Give The Green Light To Provoke War -- Episode 349

@00:32:18 be some type of false flag event
@00:37:43 the false flag and we are seeing this
@00:38:03 out a false flag chemical attack in
@00:38:55 see the false flag event this is where

Police State Rising To Control The People During The Economic Collapse- Episode 348

@00:34:38 just a false flag event to get to their
@00:42:48 will be the false flag event that i've
@00:45:17 know that a false flag is coming listen

As The World Economies Collapse The Shadow Of War Is Upon The World -- Episode 347

@00:02:54 are doing this with using false flag
@00:04:40 couldn't get that false flag event what
@00:21:56 implement this false flag which syria
@00:26:17 and false and then a synagogue was
@00:26:22 that false flag agenda soon you'll see
@00:30:09 using a false flag attack using chemical
@00:30:45 their cause they don't use false flag
@00:34:30 is fake we know it is a false flag now
@00:37:06 officers we also have the many false
@00:37:10 flag events that have been occurring in
@00:40:39 with some type of false flag event here

The Central Bankers Are Pushing War To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 346

@00:03:08 weapon false flag of course they're
@00:37:24 likely false flag event is there's
@00:38:55 false flag you will know exactly where
@00:39:16 type of false flag events so they really
@00:39:57 try something like a false flag event at

Is The CIA Pushing The War Agenda In Ukraine? -- Episode 344

@00:23:22 could be using a false flag they could
@00:27:06 some type of false flag event to say you
@00:27:20 which is false and and it's a false flag
@00:28:09 false flag event and it's completely

US/Russia De-escalation Agreement Is A Distraction, The War Agenda Moves Forward -- Episode 343

@00:34:07 do this main false flag event they want
@00:34:39 false flag event occurs now the number
@00:34:59 there is a false flag coming they have
@00:35:39 false flag event it could be used in a
@00:35:43 biological weapon like i said this false
@00:35:46 flag event that they are preparing we're
@00:37:00 situation if there is some type of false
@00:37:04 flag event here cyber attacks biological

The Next False Flag Is A Go As The FED Says Healthy Economy Is Within Reach -- Episode 342

@00:00:35 title of this episode is the next false
@00:00:37 flag is a go as the fed says healthy
@00:00:57 this mean this means the next false flag
@00:01:19 we are going down with this next false
@00:01:22 flag it looks like it is going hot the
@00:32:41 have some type of little false flag to
@00:34:14 create a false flag and to fire into one
@00:36:13 start of a false flag event and we've
@00:36:59 here we are they are planning a false
@00:37:00 flag in the u.s. in canada to bring this
@00:37:50 false flag events but no organization

As The Conflict In Ukraine Escalates A False Flag Event Looms -- Episode 340

@00:00:36 in ukraine escalates a false flag event
@00:02:14 false flag event they've been warning
@00:37:06 know that when this false flag event
@00:38:39 know that this next false flag is coming
@00:39:40 this next false flag event and we

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 339

@00:16:25 a false flag on the way at this time to

UN Is Preparing To Censor And Tax The Internet -- Episode 336

@00:19:39 this false flag so they can get into
@00:29:58 created this false flag event where a
@00:31:10 of false flag event because we
@00:31:55 different false flags they tried the
@00:31:57 turkey false flag they tried the
@00:31:59 chemical weapon false flag and it all
@00:40:03 planning and scheming this next false
@00:40:06 flag event and this is why everyone

Dollar Is Dropped As Countries And Central Banks Declared Their Holdings In Yuan -- Episode 334

@00:16:23 false flag event in syria where they
@00:35:55 course we know this is a false flag
@00:35:56 event just like turkey tried to do false
@00:35:58 flag event and actually this is not
@00:37:53 false flag event i should
@00:40:57 when this next false flag comes it might

The Economic War Has Begun Which Will Lead To WWIII -- Episode 332

@00:39:50 in preparation for the false flag event
@00:41:52 states we're going to create this false
@00:41:55 flag event where they were going to
@00:42:06 false flag of attempt and i said they're
@00:43:50 had the turkey false flag attack or at

Disarming The American People Using Mass Shooting False Flags -- Episode 331

@00:24:08 government we see the false flag in
@00:29:00 the the chemical false flag
@00:29:10 talks they tried the false flag with
@00:29:45 another chemical false flag attack
@00:35:36 some type of false flag event it will be

As The War Drums Beat Louder, DHS Prepares For Domestic Terrorism- Episode 330

@00:38:07 the false flag event hit the united
@00:38:43 use a false flag is there going to be a
@00:38:45 false flag here in the united states and
@00:42:07 states it's going to be a false flag

Russia And China Make Another Move That Threatens The Dollar -- Episode 328

@00:18:25 government there will be a false flag
@00:18:58 this false flag goes i'm going to say
@00:19:44 false flag event iran syria actually
@00:33:08 say this event i mean the false flag
@00:40:33 false flag event with turkey and they
@00:41:35 implicated in this false flag event with
@00:42:01 talking about the false flag event and
@00:42:59 be used with as a some type of false
@00:43:01 flag event here in the united states
@00:43:10 just going to be the only false flag
@00:43:16 false flag event the multi prong that
@00:44:17 could be used in this false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 327

@00:06:55 they are going to create a false flag to

The US Atlantic Coastline Goes On High Alert To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 326

@00:27:59 chemical weapon false flag and right now
@00:29:09 prepare for this false flag i mean we're
@00:33:18 the next false flag event now the u.s.
@00:35:23 was a false flag event with these

The Economic Recovery Illusion Is Losing Steam And The Collapse Is Quickly Approaching -Episode 325

@00:34:26 the next event for the next false flag
@00:34:30 false flags before they get to the main
@00:37:08 wanted to do he wanted to create a false
@00:37:11 flag event for the central bankers us
@00:37:44 this is another attempt of a false flag

World Focused On Russia While US & NATO Buildup Military Assets Near Russia -- Episode 322

@00:27:07 know that was a false flag we know it
@00:37:35 every time is a false flag event we
@00:37:43 part of the same false flag that they
@00:37:46 always use and now another false flag

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place -- Episode 320

@00:00:36 collapses the next false flag falls into
@00:25:11 will add a false flag event into the mix
@00:25:25 next false flag all the pieces now are
@00:28:19 to get into syria with the false flag
@00:29:29 of false flag of enemy moves or the
@00:29:33 was definitely a false flag event we saw
@00:29:35 a boston bombing which is a false flag
@00:34:47 false flag and this is exactly what is

Tensions Rise As The U.S. Imposes Laughable Sanctions On Russia -- Episode 319

@00:27:05 chemical false flag with any facts and

The Fed Will Continue With The Economic Recovery Illusion -- Episode 318

@00:28:44 what that false flag event or hoax will
@00:40:29 the next step for the false flag event
@00:44:40 understand there will be false flag

The Next False Flag Seems To Be Right On Schedule -- Episode 317

@00:00:35 title of this episode is the next false
@00:00:37 flag seems to be right on schedule and
@00:01:54 the next false flag and i'm going to
@00:34:49 a false flag event you know outside in
@00:35:12 before that false flag chemical attack
@00:38:34 for this next false flag event and if

The Perfect Economic Storm Is Now Forming And It Will Collapse The Economy -- Episode 316

@00:36:29 false flag event and this is exactly
@00:37:47 false flag and it goes on to say that

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 315

@00:08:59 little false flag
@00:13:55 the false flag in syria when they had

The Next False Flag Will Blackout Most Of The Country -- Episode 314

@00:00:36 title of this episode is the next false
@00:00:38 flag will black out most of the country
@00:29:18 know what i think this is a false flag
@00:38:11 next false flag will black out most of
@00:38:40 used for some type of false flag event

Is The Devaluation Of The Dollar Unavoidable? -- Episode 312

@00:26:33 they are building up the false flag
@00:33:50 event here of a false flag event that

FED Repeats, It Would Take A Major Economic Disruption To Curb The Taper -- Episode 307

@00:14:11 now they are going to stage a false flag
@00:28:52 with the false flag with the chemical
@00:29:36 will be a false flag to get this war
@00:31:11 a false flag event where something will
@00:31:47 that there will be a false flag to make

Russia Warns U.S., Capable Of Zero Economic Dependency On The U.S.- Episode 306

@00:29:54 them it will be a false flag attack and
@00:33:02 was a false flag event so all these
@00:33:12 pretty much false and again we've seen
@00:33:29 walls and everything is false and it was
@00:33:32 a false flag and the estonian foreign
@00:38:34 this with some type of false flag now

Iran And Russia Might Combine Forces To Launch Cyber Attacks On The U.S. Economy -- Episode 305

@00:02:15 false flag event and then blame this on
@00:04:10 start a war and hold a false flag before
@00:07:26 false flag events and those type of
@00:23:59 place and then boom the false flag event
@00:37:52 the false flag
@00:40:51 false flag so what do we have and what

Russia And The U.S. Face Off Over The Ukraine -- Episode 304

@00:17:52 they're going to have to bring the false
@00:17:54 flag event to the united states
@00:18:00 this is with a false flag and this is
@00:33:30 the false flag agenda now again this
@00:33:33 false flag might come from russia it
@00:36:51 going to have a false flag remember the
@00:37:06 that's when the august 2013 false flag
@00:38:21 when this false flag happens either from
@00:38:52 the false flag and they're doing it

Ukraine Crisis -- Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 303

@00:09:25 what they do they use a false flag to

China Says U.S. Economy Is Fake And Nothing Backs The Dollar -- Episode 301

@00:17:46 operation set-piece operation false flag
@00:17:51 false rescue operation disruption
@00:33:49 incredible false flag that is going to
@00:35:18 the false flag they're already telling

Will The Boomerang Effect Stop The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 300

@00:05:54 they're planning a false flag event to
@00:18:22 all the false flag events they tried to
@00:18:36 why we're going to see another false
@00:18:38 flag event which will be very terrible
@00:41:59 there was a false flag event with

High Probability Of A Major Event With Syria -- Episode 299

@00:29:37 going to have to be some type of false
@00:29:39 flag event and then they will invade
@00:32:43 sudden there will be some type of false
@00:32:45 flag event here in the united states the
@00:32:49 false flag event would probably be a

Russia Warns The US And NATO Of War -- Episode 298

@00:35:43 use this false flag event to show why

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 297

@00:04:29 and you will see another false flag
@00:16:08 they will end up using a false flag to
@00:16:11 get into iran or they'll use a false
@00:16:13 flag from syria because we have to

Syrian Al Qaeda Operatives Training Americans To Carry Out The Next False Flag -- Episode 296

@00:00:39 out the next false flag and cnn has just
@00:25:33 2013 of august when they had the false
@00:25:35 flag event the american people congress
@00:30:07 this but back when this whole false flag
@00:32:40 preparing for the false flag event
@00:33:55 setting this up for the next false flag

Fed Says It Would Take Something Big To Stop The Taper- Episode 294

@00:41:01 things happening before a false flag
@00:41:38 things go on before the false flag we
@00:41:58 false flag event now us intelligence and
@00:43:16 type of false flag event hit here in the
@00:45:58 else they will resort to a false flag

China And Other Nations Are Now Dumping Treasuries -- Episode 293

@00:12:44 false flag event comes in this is where
@00:38:39 some type of false flag i believe that
@00:40:18 they have the false flag in august
@00:40:33 the next false flag event and they
@00:41:12 now they're going to bring this false
@00:41:14 flag event forward and this is why you

A Military Strike In Syria Will Spark World War III -- Episode 292

@00:18:43 another false flag event that has to do
@00:37:43 forward they will resort to a false flag
@00:38:21 false flag event and they understand

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 291

@00:14:55 in august when they did the false flag
@00:18:16 to use a false flag event they try to
@00:18:19 false like event back in august 2013
@00:18:57 up the false flag event that is coming
@00:19:02 they cannot have a false flag event in

Americans Have Lost Hope As The Economic Collapse Accelerates -- Episode 290

@00:27:17 did was they try to use false flag
@00:28:41 villages they're using false flag
@00:29:28 the false flag event and we can see it
@00:29:34 some type of false flag event because
@00:32:56 will use the false flag event to move

We Will See More Layoffs As The Economy Begins To Collapse -- Episode 289

@00:05:16 government created this false flag event
@00:18:50 a false flag event to start a war and
@00:32:43 false flag event and will see this ramp

As The Dollar Collapses We See The Rise Of The Yuan -- Episode 288

@00:36:40 false flag that we saw there was
@00:36:52 is a false flag event now right now what
@00:38:46 a false flag event because it's just
@00:40:23 agenda forward for the false flag event
@00:42:29 to come and that is a false flag event
@00:42:34 understand that it's a false flag event

US And China Are At War But The World Doesn't Know It Yet -- Episode 287

@00:18:59 for a false flag event to push the
@00:24:01 be a false flag event and they will end
@00:25:12 be a false flag event we see the syrian
@00:31:29 to use the false flag to start something
@00:31:56 false flag event comes it's going to
@00:33:14 some type of false flag using syria
@00:34:45 false flag event and again if they can't
@00:34:55 a false flag event here on us soil

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 285

@00:15:11 they're going to use a false flag events
@00:16:16 create this false flag event which

The Countdown To The False Flag Event Begins -- Episode 282

@00:00:38 the false flag event begins and i'm
@00:24:28 any type of false flag event that might
@00:27:25 the nsa engaged in internet false flag
@00:27:39 enemy in a false flag operation and is
@00:29:00 next false flag event
@00:29:08 about the countdown to the false flag
@00:29:40 false flag because if they see that the
@00:29:48 them they won't do a false flag event
@00:30:25 some type of false flag event here in
@00:33:35 be doing the false flag event the
@00:36:16 building this false flag event up and we
@00:38:40 they are counting down for the false
@00:38:43 flag event now i've said this before
@00:38:46 this false flag event will most likely

China Is Now Challenging The Western Oil Conglomerates -- Episode 281

@00:27:33 the false flag event in syria in august
@00:33:54 this is why they did the false flag back

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of Collapsing -- Episode 280

@00:03:53 do some type of false flag event they
@00:29:06 use the false flag event they couldn't
@00:30:06 know that a false flag event is going to
@00:34:34 up the next false flag event and what
@00:35:30 iran we understand they will use a false
@00:35:33 flag event and they are preparing for
@00:36:57 they had the false flag with syria and
@00:37:17 and then they do the false flag again

Will The False Flag Event At The Superbowl Get The Green Light ?- Episode 278

@00:00:35 of this episode is will the false flag
@00:00:38 light and as we know these false flag
@00:24:15 false flag event in august they kept
@00:26:40 that they've tried a false flag event
@00:27:11 out to be true this was a false flag

US Intel Suggests An Attack On American Soil Is Now Intensifying -- Episode 277

@00:01:07 2013 with a false flag event saying that
@00:19:44 false flag event to carry forward what
@00:25:25 the case of a false flag event because
@00:28:02 cannot get assad out the next false flag
@00:30:22 false flag event comes from syria

As The FED Tapers The US Reports Syria Might Have Biological Weapons -- Episode 276

@00:16:26 country it will be a false flag event
@00:16:41 prong false flag event that has to do
@00:23:13 this false flag event hits now of course
@00:33:21 is done on purpose this is a false flag
@00:33:53 false flag event does occur now we
@00:40:28 this is a false flag we don't believe

Alert: High Probability Of A False Flag Event -- Episode 274

@00:00:39 false flag event and what do we know
@00:34:23 false flag event is going to occur and
@00:34:34 into syria f before after the false flag
@00:37:47 planning a false flag type of event if
@00:39:38 11th and this is raising a red flag for
@00:39:48 potential false flag because we have to
@00:40:17 of false flag i put this on the
@00:40:20 potential false flag notification on the
@00:40:55 it is a potential false flag and we'll
@00:42:52 striking syria with a false flag event
@00:43:11 setting this up for a false flag event
@00:43:56 for a false flag event to occur because
@00:44:30 type of false flag event they prepared
@00:45:19 and then we had the false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 273

@00:12:58 to have some type of false flag event
@00:16:31 going to be a huge false flag event do i

Is There A Threat Of Terrorists Using A Dirty Bomb In The U.S? -- Episode 272

@00:10:06 there's going to be a false flag event
@00:22:20 we had that false flag with a chemical

As The Economy Collapses, War With Syria Escalates -- Episode 271

@00:00:43 what we saw the last time we had a false
@00:00:45 flag event with syria but this is take
@00:18:01 and building to the next false flag and
@00:18:33 you'll say aha this is the false flag
@00:28:22 false flag to make sure this war gets
@00:36:51 pictures it seems like the same false
@00:36:54 flag event they did with the chemical
@00:38:26 they had to use the false flag because
@00:40:15 be used for the next false flag event
@00:40:22 this false flag this terror alert which
@00:40:25 is a false flag event in sochi they have
@00:41:18 period of chemical weapon false flag
@00:43:56 this is in preparation for a false flag

Are Currencies Going To Be Reset In 2014? -- Episode 270

@00:19:39 tried the false flag attack on syria
@00:21:46 work they had a resort to that false
@00:21:48 flag event and now they're trying a
@00:21:57 when i say that a false flag event
@00:24:16 forward is with a false flag event that
@00:24:37 the false flag event to occur now

China Makes Another Move Which Threatens The US Dollar -- Episode 269

@00:17:42 telling us this and the false flag in
@00:20:01 this will be the false flag and then
@00:21:23 when they implement the false flag to
@00:22:15 there's going to be some type of false
@00:22:17 flag because there's just too many
@00:23:43 sochi some type of false flag event

Terrorist Warning In Sochi, The 'Black Widow' Suicide Bombers On The Loose -- Episode 268

@00:12:37 false flag events because eventually
@00:13:00 false flag event to push this through
@00:26:36 going to see the false flag events this
@00:32:16 before they originally used the false
@00:32:19 flag back in august with syria saying
@00:34:01 this as a false flag they can bring the
@00:34:11 false flag to happen and they can blame
@00:34:20 as a false flag and you see that coming
@00:39:59 false flag here in the sochi olympics
@00:40:48 they are building up this false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 267

@00:09:35 will know that this is the false flag

The Government Will Now Stop Spying And We're Not Lying This Time -- Episode 266

@00:14:47 failed false flag and this is why they
@00:17:03 happened during that false flag with the
@00:28:03 really or is it an internal false flag
@00:31:38 we know that this is going to be a false
@00:31:41 flag listen everyone thanks a lot for

Experts Are Warning The Threat Of Al Qaeda Endangers The Homeland -- Episode 265

@00:40:49 this false flag event in syria where the

Why Is DHS Mapping Radiation In Baltimore ? -- Episode 264

@00:20:46 for war they know who to blame the false
@00:20:49 flag event on and people say oh yeah i
@00:24:53 type of false flag and that is what it's
@00:27:59 this is where the false flag event is
@00:28:05 false flag event well they would need to
@00:28:16 sochi which then will lead to a false
@00:28:20 flag event here in the us and in the
@00:31:23 type of false flag event and we also
@00:32:36 going on and again this main false flag

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 261

@00:13:13 and pin numbers is this a false flag to
@00:15:00 false flag being set up right now in the
@00:15:21 into some type of false flag here listen

Unemployment Is Down And Terrorism Is On The Rise -- Episode 260

@00:31:59 building the case for some type of false
@00:32:02 flag event and if you notice they built
@00:32:33 sudden we had that false flag attack in

The Economy Is A Complete Illusion And It's Ready To Collapse -- Episode 259

@00:31:34 false flag with syria with the chemical

More Drones Needed To Keep The US Dollar From Collapsing -- Episode 257

@00:26:29 course be the false flag event that i've
@00:27:42 along with this false flag event now a
@00:30:35 so false flag event to say it was syria
@00:32:01 terrorists for the false flag events and
@00:32:35 they know they need to create this false
@00:32:38 flag event that will be coming listen

The People Are No Longer Believing Their Governments, This Is How It Begins -- Episode 254

@00:01:04 potential false flag events i'm have
@00:21:01 leading up to another false flag event
@00:23:06 orders more laws until the false flag
@00:24:06 most of these gun incidents were false
@00:24:08 flag events they were planned out very

The Government Is Coming For Your Guns, Taxes And Your Rights -- Episode 253

@00:12:38 happen a false flag or something else
@00:27:37 the next false flag event and what we're
@00:30:26 false flag event they will it will make

Is A False Flag, War And The Economic Collapse Coming In 2014 -- Episode 252

@00:00:35 the title this episode is is a false
@00:00:37 flag war and the economic collapse
@00:20:54 are getting us ready for a false flag
@00:23:08 time comes for this false flag that to
@00:23:44 false flag will be coming some time in
@00:24:13 towards war a false flag or economic
@00:32:22 their first shot of creating a false
@00:32:24 flag on syria and they tried to you know
@00:37:52 the false flag event to say that this
@00:41:05 false flag event on syria at the same
@00:42:42 false flag congress he left it up to
@00:43:27 the next false flag to get the gun bill

Governments Are Pushing Their Agenda By Using Terrorism -- Episode 251

@00:09:17 actually increase the chances of a false
@00:09:19 flag to distract everyone from the
@00:09:25 to the false flag event so we see that
@00:09:31 will which would allow this false flag

Interview With Dave Hodges (false flag, war)

@00:02:26 talk about false flag events and i know
@00:02:47 false flag event that is coming and why
@00:02:54 i can narrow down to one false flag
@00:03:01 false flag events one is the the
@00:04:36 that's ongoing and it is a false flag
@00:08:34 where the next false flag attempt was
@00:16:57 this is what the primary false flag
@00:17:47 major false flag events on our soil and
@00:19:20 at here is this is the major false flag

DHS Is Bringing In Terrorist By The Bus Load -- Episode 249

@00:01:02 has to do with the upcoming false flag
@00:05:27 the next false flag event which i've
@00:33:26 is all moving into the main false flag

Is DHS Preparing For The Economic Collapse And Martial Law? -- Episode 248

@00:02:04 it has to do with false flag the
@00:02:07 upcoming false flag fema camps war and a
@00:22:02 these false flag events are inside jobs
@00:34:42 false flag event what it will be we do

America Is On The Path Of Becoming A Police State- Episode 247

@00:20:37 setting up for this false flag event
@00:24:11 false flag event because they're
@00:27:17 can expect a false flag event because

U.S. Pivots To Asia And Africa For The Upcoming War -- Episode 246

@00:33:34 minimal this is being set up for a false
@00:33:39 flag event then we understand that this
@00:33:53 and i believe that this false flag event
@00:36:46 another country with these false flag
@00:39:37 area during this false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 245

@00:15:54 false flag event which i've been talking
@00:17:42 some type of false flag event and it

The Insiders Are Now Preparing For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 244

@00:21:25 false flag events but but we never see
@00:28:30 going to happen there will be a false
@00:28:33 flag event we are heading down the path
@00:31:44 up for the false flag event and this is
@00:33:12 war if it if there is a false flag event

The White House Security Barriers Are Being Upgraded For 365 Days A Year Protection -- Episode 243

@00:20:14 undercover they would uncover the false
@00:20:16 flag event so what they did was they
@00:20:51 their false flag event and this is why
@00:37:34 about this event this false flag event

False Flag Event Is A Go, Tapering To Begin In 2014 -- Episode 242

@00:00:36 this episode is false flag event is a go
@00:16:11 are being aligned the false flag event
@00:23:44 false flag event and you can see how
@00:24:29 where they can use this in a false flag
@00:30:43 this is being set up for is the false
@00:30:47 flag event and now we have the fed out
@00:32:45 for the false flag event now saudi

NSA Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy -- Episode 240

@00:20:42 definitely see a false flag event just
@00:35:37 false flag event they have already

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 239

@00:19:26 false flag ford with this and this goes
@00:20:37 people to completely create this false
@00:20:40 flag event brainwash them make them

Iran Makes A Move To Replace The U.S. Military Presence In The Middle East -- Episode 238

@00:02:34 of false flag event because the only
@00:02:49 false flag event here in the united
@00:32:37 of false flag we see the central bankers
@00:34:00 something up for a false flag event i've

Economy Is Collapsing, War Is coming, Beware Of Wolves In Sheep's Clothing -- Episode 237

@00:03:01 false flag event right now the us is
@00:05:25 some type of false flag event to get
@00:31:31 to go into syria their false flag event
@00:33:57 some type of false flag event to enable
@00:35:13 currency and we can see a false flag
@00:35:16 combined with the syrian false flag and
@00:35:26 bankers prepare some type of false flag
@00:35:43 drain then we'll have a false flag event
@00:35:49 type of false flag event how big it will
@00:40:27 some type of false flag event and let me
@00:40:29 just say a major false flag event like a

The US-Iran Deal Has Now Been Exposed -- Episode 236

@00:15:22 was a false flag attack in kenya at the

US Going After Other Countries To Report US Hidden Assets -- Episode 235

@00:21:27 false flag and it will involve some type
@00:22:07 ramping up for the next false flag event

The Push For War With China Is Now Escalating -- Episode 234

@00:28:06 different gun false flag events and what
@00:39:17 this false flag could come about a
@00:47:36 false flag event the terrorist attack

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 233

@00:08:00 into this next false flag event so they
@00:20:43 a false flag event for quite some time

Unemployment Down, Stock Market Up, Gold Down, Taper Time ? -- Episode 232

@00:23:04 this false flag event which will allow
@00:31:10 that there is some type of false flag

White House Reports Stolen Radioactive Material Posed No US Threat -- Episode 231

@00:32:39 false flag event and i think this is
@00:36:44 the next false flag event they're laying
@00:37:54 multi prong false flag event it's going
@00:39:25 report comes on as a potential false
@00:39:27 flag and we can see how this is all
@00:40:14 horrific false flag event it will happen

Are Institutions Dumping Billions Of Dollars Of Stocks Before The Collapse? -- Episode 229

@00:02:29 setting this up for the next grade false
@00:02:32 flag event where they can blame another
@00:28:50 false flag and to actually go in and
@00:30:34 entire false flag and that is why it
@00:32:41 understand that a false flag event is
@00:35:30 to see the false flag events and

Alert: UN Sealed Evidence Could Be Used To Strike Syria -- Episode 228

@00:01:40 using the false flag event this was the
@00:08:01 the false flag event and some type of an
@00:08:15 up for the false flag event to occur and
@00:20:55 we all know by a false flag event and
@00:21:35 false flag event to that will allow them
@00:25:31 is going to happen like a false flag
@00:32:20 even further and eventually a false flag
@00:37:43 false flag event that will be coming
@00:39:50 actually the false flag event will come
@00:40:02 used as the false flag event and we can
@00:42:28 up for the next false flag event because
@00:44:15 playing up the false up to the false
@00:44:17 flag event the terrorist attack is going
@00:44:26 this false of lack
@00:44:28 false flag event and they're going to

China And Japan Tensions Could Lead To A False Flag Event -- Episode 227

@00:00:36 tensions could lead to a false flag
@00:19:36 and we can see this could be a false
@00:19:38 flag type of event because right now
@00:22:16 have been some type of false flag trying
@00:30:05 a false flag it could be a dirty bomb it

Tensions Between China and Japan Are Building -- Episode 226

@00:00:50 syria they created a false flag event
@00:13:50 been talking about false flag events
@00:19:32 like false flag event because we
@00:23:18 as a false flag event we see that the

The Illusion Of An Economic Recovery And An Iranian Peace Deal (Part 2)

@00:11:58 understand and what i call a false flag
@00:12:47 them or destroy data to make this false
@00:12:50 flag happen and we see things completely

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 223

@00:16:17 false flag event i mean you can see what
@00:17:57 building up to the next false flag they

Major Event A Go, Full Steam Ahead With Recovery Campaign -- Episode 222

@00:11:41 this when these this false flag event
@00:13:52 false flag of and i talked about this
@00:17:59 side it is the potential false flag
@00:27:28 setup if for this false flag event they
@00:32:32 be a false flag event happening here in
@00:39:15 that's right the major false flag event

The US Dollar Has Just Lost The Reserve Status -- Episode 221

@00:27:17 for the next false a flag and what they
@00:40:00 this this false flag event will be

FED Taper Signals A Major Event Going Hot -- Episode 220

@00:00:56 that was the chemical weapon false flag
@00:23:38 for a strike a false flag event and we
@00:27:09 will be a false flag event and this is
@00:29:45 this false flag event we've seen the
@00:34:45 potential false flags and i keep track
@00:34:52 will be a false flag and hey i'm not
@00:35:40 into the false flag event that will be

Do You Think It's Only The Job Numbers That Are Manipulated? -- Episode 219

@00:18:17 create a false flag event that will take
@00:29:30 up to the false flag event and he went
@00:31:28 are trying to lead up to the next false
@00:31:31 flag event and they are heading that way
@00:32:23 see how this false flag is going to
@00:34:11 false flag event here in the us it is a
@00:34:41 chemical weapon type of false flag event
@00:35:20 there will be a false flag event the

Preparations For The Next False Flag Are In The Works -- Episode 218

@00:00:37 preparations for the next false flag are
@00:00:53 together for the next false flag we have
@00:07:45 they will create the next false flag to
@00:26:59 false flag event of course not too many
@00:27:06 false flag event so they are trying to
@00:27:26 false flag event elite information from
@00:27:56 next false flag if you notice every
@00:29:57 playing into the next false flag event
@00:32:59 for this next false flag event and this
@00:38:31 for the next false flag event and we
@00:39:06 another potential false flag event this

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 217

@00:09:47 false flag event to happen now on cnn

GridEx II Results Are Trickling In, Prepare For A Blackout -- Episode 216

@00:10:58 have false flag events here in the us
@00:22:13 going to be the false flag that will be
@00:23:31 they're going to do a false flag event
@00:24:13 going to be a multiple false flag it's

FBI Reporting That 'Lone Wolves' May Be Planning Attacks -- Episode 215

@00:29:42 this time they are setting up the false
@00:29:45 flag event it is working out perfectly
@00:30:35 false flag and how are they setting this
@00:33:04 now for a false flag event now there was
@00:33:23 which leads them to believe that a false
@00:33:26 flag event similar to the twin
@00:35:01 that there will be false flag events we

Is The Economy Really Collapsing? -- Episode 213

@00:21:48 false flag because when north korea is
@00:32:13 use the false flag of a chemical attack
@00:32:41 planning another false flag because they
@00:33:38 creating a false flag event on american
@00:36:32 of the deal and you will see a false
@00:36:35 flag happen here on us soil now obama

al-Qaeda Threatening America On Veterans Day -- Episode 212

@00:27:08 planned something maybe like a false
@00:27:11 flag event to get something started
@00:29:10 know that some type of false flag event
@00:31:18 sudden there is a false flag and we
@00:31:29 will see definitely a false flag event
@00:31:52 a false flag to get into syria if there
@00:32:08 creating the false flag to make us to

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 211

@00:10:30 potential false flag because what we've
@00:10:32 seen in the past we've seen false flags
@00:11:51 since the syrian chemical false flag the
@00:15:54 they will without a doubt create a false
@00:16:01 flag in the united states to get the war
@00:16:28 chemical false flag to build blame it on

Don't Be Fooled By The Smokescreen, The Economy Is Collapsing -- Episode 210

@00:30:28 the false flag because all these little
@00:31:03 false flag completely and we can see how
@00:31:13 false flag that happened in
@00:32:31 and then use the false flag at this time
@00:36:30 happen and it will be a false flag and
@00:40:26 setting everything up for the next false
@00:40:29 flag event to bring us into war and we
@00:42:26 they unleash the next false flag listen

NATO Is Pushing East And Russia Heeds The Warning -- Episode 209

@00:01:09 we're headed i do have some false flag
@00:01:19 the gun bill i have a cyberattack false
@00:01:23 flag which will close the banks and
@00:01:31 the false flag to get us into war and i
@00:24:55 had this false flag event of these
@00:29:05 use force is to have some type of false
@00:29:08 flag event here in the united states and
@00:29:17 will be a multi-prong type of false flag
@00:29:37 false flag and what else do we see
@00:35:13 that this is for the false flag event
@00:35:21 next false flag and this is why they're

I Command You, The Economy Is Recovering -- Episode 208

@00:28:35 some type of false flag event here on
@00:28:49 i do believe the false flag event could
@00:29:59 foundation right now for a false flag
@00:30:10 false flag to get the war started with
@00:30:19 they're doing to get this false flag
@00:30:56 false flag they already have out there
@00:36:00 time we can see the false flag events
@00:36:55 attack false flag and this will be
@00:37:22 on that before the actual false flag
@00:37:26 to they're going to let the false flag

Are Mass Shootings Training Everyone For Martial Law? -- Episode 207

@00:27:43 false flag event on american soil it

Do You Feel It? That's The Economy Imploding On Itself -- Episode 206

@00:18:39 airport shooting was a complete false
@00:18:42 flag event and this was to push the
@00:18:56 using this false flag event to say that
@00:20:34 false flag most likely not i mean dianne
@00:20:51 horrific major false flag that really
@00:33:11 some type of false flag or some type of
@00:34:41 could be a potential false flag
@00:35:21 as a potential false flag we will see if

Disarming The American People One Event At A Time -- Episode 204

@00:32:28 going to see some type of false flag

The Economic Recovery Has Now Been Exposed As Nothing But Propaganda -- Episode 203

@00:15:04 thought they had this whole entire false
@00:15:08 flag event completely done with the
@00:26:48 false flag chemical attack was going to
@00:30:23 planning on this now a false flag event
@00:30:36 this will be a false flag event like we
@00:31:00 going to hold a false flag event here in
@00:32:26 talking about the false flag they are

The World Economy Is Collapsing Right In Front Of Our Eyes -- Episode 201

@00:36:11 this whole august false flag was just
@00:36:14 that a false flag event to get the war
@00:38:27 could be some type of false flag because

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 199

@00:19:42 the past is a lot of these false flag

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of The Collapse -- Episode 197

@00:28:24 why in my other reports about false flag

Is The Next False Flag Event A Nuclear Explosion? -- Episode 195

@00:00:39 false flag event a nuclear explosion and
@00:32:01 whole entire false flag event is going
@00:38:32 next false flag event and i said in my
@00:41:43 using false flag events in other

The Power Grid, NASDAQ And HealthCare.gov All Have Glitches -- Episode 194

@00:17:39 military force setting up these false
@00:17:42 flag events like in kenya and china is

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 193

@00:07:52 this is perfect for the false flag event

The Government Is Pushing Mobile Free Gun Zones -- Episode 192

@00:23:22 syrian chemical false flag was
@00:23:48 they are preparing for the next false
@00:23:50 flag to get this event started and we
@00:24:47 starts something and this false flag
@00:33:23 false flag events to really get the

They Are Now In The Process Of Preparing The Next Event -- Episode 191

@00:00:49 attack false flag in syria they brought
@00:00:55 go in and start the false flag event and
@00:11:58 thought they had this false flag
@00:31:40 understand that they tried this false
@00:31:42 flag with syria with chemical weapons
@00:33:34 two-stage false flag assad has

The World Is Preparing For The Dollar Collapse Are You? -- Episode 188

@00:35:26 this next false flag event and if you
@00:35:39 going to see this next false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 187

@00:04:59 would be able to blame whatever false
@00:05:02 flag they created on the system and they
@00:13:57 this is propaganda to get a false flag
@00:16:45 believe this next false flag event will

Will The Government Sabotage The "Truckers Ride For The Constitution" -- Episode 185

@00:01:26 potential false flag because all the
@00:09:05 entire war and then using a false flag
@00:25:01 type of false flag for the president to
@00:25:25 false flag coming down the line and we
@00:27:23 potential false flag and let me read
@00:29:33 another potential false flag i'm going
@00:30:33 usually a false flag is around the drill

Will The President Execute The 'National Catastrophe' Executive Order ? -- Episode 184

@00:14:18 huge potential false flag where they
@00:25:03 probably a false flag to try to get
@00:27:52 type of false flag event to bring all of
@00:31:53 understand that there is a false flag

Many False Flag Drills In A 6 Week Period, Coincidence? -- Episode 183

@00:00:36 title of this episode is many false flag
@00:01:17 next false flag which i don't believe
@00:40:20 the next false flag event and he goes on
@00:41:43 able to facilitate a false flag attack
@00:43:23 have a multiple false flag event to

Plans Are Set And The Clock Is Ticking To The Next False Flag -- Episode 182

@00:00:41 false flag and this entire government
@00:05:29 event and this false flag event will
@00:26:41 is a false a flag false flag event go
@00:27:53 have to remember that this next false
@00:27:56 flag like i said in the beginning of
@00:28:26 use a false flag to shift everyone's

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 181

@00:07:15 used the false flag in syria to get a

Is DC Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event Of Epic Proportion? -- Episode 180

@00:29:46 huge potential false flag and just to
@00:29:51 a false flag and i bring up there's a
@00:30:13 every time some type of false flag
@00:32:36 cyber attack the false flag event with a

The Government Shutdown Game, Whats The Real Agenda? -- Episode 179

@00:25:34 way of creating a false flag probably
@00:38:29 their story of this false flag and now

The Dark Of Night Gives Cover To Prepare For The Next False Flag -- Episode 178

@00:00:41 next false flag and we're going to get
@00:04:06 could be a setup for some type of false
@00:04:09 flag cyberattack down the line where
@00:14:05 a potential false flag because if it
@00:33:02 next false flag i don't know there's a

al-Qeada Handing Terrorist Baton Over To al-Shabaab -- Episode 176

@00:01:45 kenyan mall which was a complete false
@00:01:47 flag and they are saying that many of
@00:02:36 threat to the us so when the false flag
@00:02:58 will be a false flag that will get us
@00:12:20 false flag that will get us into a war
@00:13:03 false flag or something to bring the
@00:32:39 out because we understand that a false
@00:32:42 flag of epic proportions is going to hit

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 175

@00:07:04 terrorist false flag in kenya because
@00:21:38 plan these false flag events we

"We're Not Some Banana Republic, This Is Not A Deadbeat Nation" -- Episode 174

@00:20:25 or there is another false flag they are
@00:24:21 false flag event coming and we can see
@00:26:53 huge false flag event because what
@00:27:13 false flag event now i mean we had 911

Osama bin Laden Is Out And The White Widow Is In, The New Face Of Terror -- Episode 173

@00:27:26 of a false type of flag that is going on
@00:29:25 we know that there was a false flag type
@00:35:37 chemical weapons attack false flag

Alert -- One Step Closer To The Big Event, Be Prepared!! -- Episode 172

@00:01:55 next false flag to hit the us and before

Warning -- High Probability Of Something Big Happening Very Soon -- Episode 170

@00:00:48 buildup for a big false flag coming soon
@00:01:06 to do to bring this false flag to the us
@00:23:07 see that this is a potential false flag
@00:24:10 interesting false flag and because of
@00:33:19 it all this is this is one big false
@00:33:21 flag one gigantic false flag to get the

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 169

@00:15:25 trying to set up some type of false flag
@00:17:58 using the false flag of chemical weapons
@00:25:33 this case that during this false flag

The FED Sees No Bubbles And Is Not Forecasting A Recession, Déjà vu -- Episode 168

@00:13:03 boston bombing was a complete false flag
@00:19:44 of potential false flag now what's
@00:23:13 happen they are planning a false flag
@00:29:15 whatever type of false flag that they

FED Says No Taper -- We Need A War, Gun Confiscation And Control Of Internet First -- Episode 166

@00:31:32 false flag and this is my biggest fear
@00:31:56 false flag which will be really horrific
@00:34:05 for them to create this false flag they
@00:34:18 might even create a false flag before
@00:37:12 false flags and they can't get control
@00:37:14 of the internet by using false flags
@00:37:16 they will rely on the doomsday false
@00:37:19 flag which will be the main cyber attack

The Government Is Using A Serious Crisis To Pass The Gun Bills -- Episode 165

@00:33:40 weapon gets loose or some type of false
@00:33:43 flag event because right now congress
@00:34:14 type of false flag event on us soil and

The False Flag To Remove The 2nd Amendment -- Episode 164

@00:00:35 the title of this episode is the false
@00:00:37 flag to remove the second amendment and
@00:15:23 with this false flag and they are not
@00:21:47 to set up a false flag it could be for
@00:24:22 that the us will attack or use a false
@00:24:27 flag and they know that war will be
@00:34:46 they are presenting this false flag at
@00:36:43 staged a false flag or have something it
@00:39:04 the false flag the next one is going to

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 163

@00:07:31 some type of false flag here like 9/11
@00:07:42 country they name that did this false
@00:07:45 flag and we can see they are building up
@00:09:25 everyone's mind so when the false flag
@00:14:06 false flag is a cyber attack that

The Build Up To The Horrifying False Flag Event -- Episode 162

@00:00:38 the build-up to the horrifying false
@00:00:41 flag event and the reason for this title
@00:02:44 and the last false flag that they will
@00:02:50 doomsday cyber attack false flag but
@00:23:40 creating a new plan a new false flag to
@00:30:55 american people and to set up this false
@00:30:58 flag they tried the false flag out in

The FED Says Tapering Is Necessary And It's Going To Be Painful -- Episode 161

@00:32:02 the propaganda to move whatever false
@00:32:04 flag is going to happen on to another
@00:32:17 happen there was a some type of false
@00:32:21 flag again where the rebel sources said

US Government Screw Up Or A Distraction -- Episode 159

@00:19:06 type a false flag that definitely could
@00:20:05 or a false flag attack which is still
@00:20:18 what's called a doomsday false flag
@00:20:30 of false flag to get this started there
@00:21:22 for some type of false flag because
@00:29:43 do have the ability to create a false
@00:29:47 flag where they could shut down the

Russia To USA, 'Check' Your Move -- Episode 158

@00:36:02 building up all of these false flag
@00:36:40 a false flag event where they're going

Current Economic Collapse -- "News Brief" -- Episode 157

@00:21:22 into a complete false flag to get this
@00:23:25 they're going to need some type of false
@00:23:28 flag now what could that be it could be

"No" Vote From Congress, High Probability Of A False Flag- Episode 156

@00:00:42 false flag and i've been talking about
@00:00:55 type of false flag where they blame the
@00:19:00 they have to do is have another false
@00:19:03 flag event saying that he signed it he
@00:27:55 some type of nuclear false flag in south
@00:29:14 starting to play into a huge false flag
@00:32:35 the next stage they will do a false flag

Tension Builds Between The US, Russia And China -- Episode 155

@00:21:50 false flag to start this war because
@00:31:12 this will be a false flag and we know
@00:31:16 we're looking at some type of false flag
@00:32:43 look like they will need a full a false
@00:32:46 flag event to get this war started
@00:33:30 we will see a false flag and we will be

Government Officials Promise, No Boots On The Ground In Syria- Episode 154

@00:15:31 false flag i mean we saw israel shooting
@00:28:16 some type of false flag event and the
@00:28:33 a potential false flag on that there was
@00:29:22 type of potential false flag to get the
@00:29:39 world trade center for a false flag i
@00:35:26 many different false flag events

This War Will Not Be Like The Others, It Will Be Catastrophic -- Episode 153

@00:10:58 a false flag i believe that there will
@00:20:05 have some type of false flag event to
@00:29:39 be some type of false flag and we will
@00:34:31 potential false flag doesn't mean

It's Not "If" The US Attacks Syria, It's "When" -- Episode 152

@00:37:11 and this will be a false flag attack by
@00:38:11 false flag will happen when we all least

Special Report: Attack On Syria Will Engulf The Entire Region -- "News Brief" -- Episode 151

@00:00:55 proof we understand that this is a false
@00:00:58 flag and most of the nations are out
@00:09:45 this reeks of a false flag and he went
@00:09:53 reeks of a false flag i would not
@00:10:10 states so this reeks of a false flag now
@00:15:34 pleading the case there could be a false
@00:15:37 flag event where a ship could be hit
@00:16:13 be a false flag they've been making the
@00:20:28 electronic army it's really the false
@00:20:30 flag but this is what they're going to

High Probability Of A Major Attack On The Financial System -- Episode 150

@00:25:09 false flag event they will say it's
@00:25:49 except with some type of false flag
@00:25:52 event now the false flag might happen

There Is No Turning Back, War Is On The Horizon -- Episode 149

@00:11:15 for is their special false flag event to
@00:14:49 another false flag event with this
@00:20:12 going to be a false flag event this is
@00:32:19 happen it doesn't matter that the false
@00:32:23 flag event of chemical weapons is
@00:34:31 friday is if there is another false flag
@00:38:32 next one to be the go-ahead false flag

Alert: High Probability There Will Be A War Powers Act False Flag -- Episode 148

@00:00:38 powers act false flag and we can see
@00:10:39 syrian people as their false flag to
@00:14:46 complete false flag and the president of
@00:17:37 create this false flag and if the
@00:27:09 act false flag i'm just going to read
@00:29:00 another false flag and what do i mean by
@00:32:12 another false flag either they can try
@00:32:15 the chemical weapon false flag again i

Warning: The War And Economic Collapse Cannot Be Stopped -- Episode 147

@00:29:50 this point to be the doomsday false flag
@00:30:29 as a doomsday false flag now what do i
@00:43:33 with syria they will bring the false
@00:43:37 flag home to the us or it could be to
@00:44:34 the other false flag they could do is

What Does Taper,Glitches,Cyber Attacks,False Flags And War Spell,Economic Collapse -- Episode 146

@00:11:19 complete set up and a false flag to get
@00:18:07 is a complete false flag to get this war
@00:23:39 started you know i talked about a false
@00:23:43 flag event which will get us into war
@00:23:54 there was a false a false flag event
@00:25:56 type of false flag event here in the us

Special Report: The War, The Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 145

@00:16:03 and they're using this as the false flag
@00:19:30 to create this false flag and have

The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

@00:01:03 this is a false flag before i get into
@00:25:06 perfect false flag because all the news
@00:31:09 is a complete false flag and what their

Computer Malfunction Halts The Market, A Cyber Attack Would Decimate It -- Episode 143

@00:15:10 calling it a false flag i noticed that
@00:27:44 the the the aspects of a false flag of

The Thunder Has Been Called Down And Now It's Here -- Episode 141

@00:02:00 potential false flag we also have a
@00:23:58 false flag and this will come very soon
@00:32:54 being set up for a false flag event
@00:33:13 year which is a potential false flag i

Governments Are Strategically Positioning Themselves For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 140

@00:18:28 messed up their entire false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 139

@00:21:01 of false flag that we could see that

Warning: The Countdown To The Economic Collapse Has Begun -- Episode 138

@00:28:50 up it looks like for some type of false
@00:28:53 flag its potential false flag something

Here Is The Secret On The Economic Collapse -- Episode 137

@00:34:24 false flag event because you know right
@00:35:13 potentially be a false flag and i'm not

Unemployment Down, FED Ready To Taper, Economic Collapse Avoided? -- Episode 134

@00:47:01 seeing some type of false flag still

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 133

@00:13:26 and we could be seeing a false flag to
@00:20:55 doomsday a false flag event and that's

High Alert As The Terrorist Threats Continue -- Episode 132

@00:39:07 of these leading up to the main false
@00:39:09 flag event because they want to make
@00:41:07 probably even see a false flag event by
@00:41:38 they're down to creating a false flag to

Terrorism, Distractions, Spying And The Removal Of The Peoples Rights -- Episode 128

@00:38:33 false flag type of scenario now this
@00:42:24 going to see some type of floss false
@00:42:26 flag event senator shab bliss chambliss
@00:47:10 they are ready for this false flag event

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 127

@00:05:27 think there will be a false flag or
@00:05:37 false flag that the economy has taken a
@00:05:48 episodes because of a a false flag event
@00:12:14 false flag event that that would be
@00:17:01 the false flag event and they say they

Warning: Possibility Of A False Flag Event In The Next 30 Days- Episode 126

@00:00:36 possibility of a false flag event in the
@00:20:26 this is a complete set up a false flag
@00:22:01 because of this august fourth false flag
@00:25:08 create a false flag event what will this
@00:25:16 worthwhile if they do this false flag
@00:26:17 what do you get a huge false flag to
@00:26:36 distraction with this false flag event

High Probability That Something Is About To Happen -- Episode 125

@00:32:23 potential false flag for some type of

Inflation Check, GDP Check, Employment Check, We Are Ready For The Collapse -- Episode 124

@00:16:10 some type of false flag event and it
@00:18:08 some type of false flag event trigger
@00:35:06 false flag but a much yo anything could

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 121

@00:11:27 into syria is to have some type of false
@00:11:31 flag event where the american people and
@00:11:33 congress all realize this false flag

Economic Collapse Is Like Preparing For A Natural Disaster -- Episode 120

@00:23:34 this off is with some type of false flag

You Will Be Watched, Recorded and Tracked During The Economic Collapse -- Episode 119

@00:28:44 into war as a false flag or you know

Fake Economy, Military Drills And War Spells Economic Collapse -- Episode 118

@00:24:30 be a false flag event
@00:25:23 don't realize this and when the false
@00:25:27 flag event occurs we will just be all
@00:37:22 doomsday false flag event to eventually
@00:39:04 they will rely on the doomsday false
@00:39:09 flag event and you need to be prepared

The Economic Collapse Is Like A Tornado It Destroys Anything In Its Path -- Episode 117

@00:30:57 false flag events where they wait for an

What Do You Need To Make An Economy Collapse, DEBT!!!- Episode 116

@00:39:19 event it will be the doomsday false flag

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 115

@00:20:47 tactic now another false flag they might

In The Dark Of Night The Government Prepares For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 114

@00:16:39 way is a false flag event you know kill
@00:22:30 to use a false flag and create a

High Probability Of The First Part Of The Collapse In The Fall -- Episode 112

@00:24:52 bombing that false flag really didn't
@00:40:16 happens this is a potential false flag

The Economic Storm Is Surrounding The Government And There Is No Escape -- Episode 110

@00:25:30 false flag to get us into war in syria
@00:33:49 course of action except for a false flag

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 109

@00:16:29 false flag event and this could happen
@00:20:40 false flag if all of these other false
@00:24:11 a warning americans s false a next false
@00:24:14 flag as we all know obama signed the new

Government Not Ready For The Collapse, More Stimulus Needed -- Episode 108

@00:20:45 type of false flag event to get us into
@00:29:43 like that through various false flag

The Government Is Working In Stealth Mode To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 107

@00:31:11 of some type of false flag event because
@00:36:03 be begging for war now another false
@00:36:07 flag that is coming up and this is the
@00:36:47 help with the false flag where they can
@00:37:29 potential false flag that could happen
@00:37:38 false flags that are coming next week we
@00:38:03 you'll see these are the potential false
@00:38:07 flag events that could happen listen
@00:38:31 next week begins a round of false flag
@00:38:35 potential false flags and you just want

We Are Headed For False Flag Events, Economic Collapse And WWIII (Part 2)- Episode 106

@00:00:34 headed for false flag events economic
@00:17:08 false flag false flag event just like
@00:19:34 control of it if there's a floss a false
@00:19:37 flag event they now have the ability to
@00:27:52 another potential false flag is the
@00:30:22 will probably have a false flag event

We Are Headed For False Flag Events, Economic Collapse And WWIII (Part 1)- Episode 105

@00:00:34 headed for a false flag events economic
@00:01:38 into false flags i mean where we have
@00:01:47 a false flag happening there because

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 103

@00:18:16 false flag here in the states where
@00:19:04 a chemical false flag let's say in the

The Economic Collapse Has Been Contained, The FED Will Start Tapering -- Episode 102

@00:35:13 the propaganda of the next false flag of
@00:35:49 to be anything we still have false flag
@00:36:23 riot potential false flag and we have
@00:36:56 that some type of false flag involving

The Economic Collapse Independence Day -- Episode 101

@00:27:31 into syria and they will use a false
@00:27:35 flag of some type that will be bloody
@00:27:45 be some type of false flag in new york
@00:28:02 good setup for a false flag there is
@00:30:28 not but it is a potential false flag if

The Dam Is About To Burst And Nobody Can Stop It -- Episode 100

@00:29:41 of false flag with this many people in a
@00:29:52 of false flag now today they're having

Alert: False Flag Alley -- Episode 99

@00:00:35 false flag alley and we're heading into
@00:01:34 definitely the false flag alley i do
@00:22:15 false flag operation that you have ever
@00:29:34 to false flag alley there is a lot going
@00:29:47 right hand side and says potential false
@00:29:50 flag alerts and just today canadian
@00:30:44 are the these are the false flag type of
@00:33:00 and walking down this false flag alley
@00:34:14 down the false flag alley that they have
@00:36:41 into a hot hot false flag time period
@00:38:39 happening so this is a false flag you

The Government Illusion Is Giving Way To The Economic Collapse -- Episode 98

@00:21:42 false flag and we have a couple for
@00:34:37 false flag operation one to bring us

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 97

@00:21:31 saying i put this as a potential false
@00:21:35 flag again i am listing all these things

We Have Turned The Corner And Are Headed Toward The Economic Collapse -- Episode 96

@00:02:27 which false flag they're going to use
@00:02:29 there are probably some false flag
@00:37:25 for this potential false flag and when i
@00:42:21 false flag because you have to think
@00:43:29 this is just another potential false
@00:43:31 flag okay now i'm just going to read

Something Evil Is Coming This Summer -- Episode 95

@00:21:15 some type of false flag where they can

Gold Slam Down Could Lead To An Horrific Event Days From Now -- Episode 94

@00:00:52 later the false flag boston bombing
@00:05:39 cyber attack does turn into a false flag
@00:06:13 it always seems like these false flag

It's Go Time For The Economic Collapse, Be Prepared! -- Episode 93

@00:27:26 false flag on i think it was patriots
@00:27:31 all of this plays into the last false
@00:27:38 flag not the last one but one of the
@00:27:40 false flags that can really shocked the
@00:28:40 would be a false flag someone be planted

Everyone Needs To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 92

@00:35:27 need some type of false flag

No Matter Who Is Steering The Ship The Economic Collapse Agenda Is Always The Same -- Episode 91

@00:17:04 is a false flag and right now they have
@00:21:03 with some type of false flag because i
@00:21:34 false flag and to push the people into
@00:25:34 be a false flag which which then could
@00:28:13 false flag or sim or a small type of
@00:28:18 cyber attack false flag coming with this
@00:28:28 some type of false flag when they have

The Economic Collapse Is Coming And The FED Is Screwed -- Episode 89

@00:20:11 happens something a false flag event
@00:21:11 that another false flag might be coming

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 88

@00:13:27 horrific false flag to show and wake up

The Economic Collapse Is A Ticking Time Bomb -- Episode 87

@00:29:07 some type of false flag we do have
@00:29:10 potential false flags up in july which
@00:30:29 is a false flag and this false flag is

We Moved Out Of The Eye Of The Storm And Are Headed Toward The Economic Collapse -- Episode 86

@00:16:17 to see a false flag and they were trying
@00:30:02 false flag is they're going to use it

All Reports Are Pointing To A Major Event In July -- Episode 84

@00:26:37 here it will be a false flag type of
@00:29:15 going to be used as a false flag to say

Right Before The Economic Collapse, Government Officials Indicate Everything Is Ok -- Episode 83

@00:16:20 where we're going to see a another false
@00:16:24 flag event or some type of an event to
@00:32:32 and this is the perfect false flag

All Eyes Are Moved Away From The Economic Collapse -- Episode 81

@00:17:47 up everything but here's a false flag
@00:18:41 the false flag to paint gun owners as
@00:19:27 i've said this before the next false
@00:19:30 flag i mean i don't know i mean there's
@00:19:37 horrific false flag and it's going to be
@00:20:02 how this was going to be a false flag
@00:20:18 it could be the false flag because
@00:21:38 building the case for the false flag for

If You Listen Closely They Are Telling Us The Economic Collapse Is Coming -- Episode 79

@00:12:14 false flag event and that will happen in
@00:12:45 through and that is not the only false
@00:12:48 flag or event that will be happening we
@00:13:23 there's another false flag we can
@00:35:12 false flag something to get us into war

First Sign Of The Economic Collapse, The Volatility Of The Market -- Episode 78

@00:21:16 waiting for in a false flag event now
@00:21:20 they tried the sandy hook false flag
@00:21:59 whole false flag so what do they have to
@00:40:14 false flag events before they get and
@00:40:57 false-flag might happen in los angeles
@00:41:06 see a false flag event and that seems to

During The Economic Collapse Nothing Feels Real Anymore - Episode 77

@00:18:23 false flag one for gun control and one
@00:19:53 are setting this up for another false
@00:19:58 flag no doubt about it but this will be
@00:22:59 next false flag is going to have to be a

The Calm Before The Economic Collapse Part 2 -- Episode 76

@00:00:54 false flag event for gun control is
@00:02:04 type of false flag to get the gun bills

Bubbles, Bubbles The Economic Collapse Bubble -- Episode 75

@00:22:52 care they're these false flag things are
@00:26:54 this can be a countrywide false flag
@00:28:22 about false flag cyber attacks to get us

The Economic Collapse Roller Coaster Ride -- Episode 74

@00:11:42 type of false flag here in america and
@00:21:00 be a potential false flag dhs can't

The Economic Collapse Domino Effect -- Episode 73

@00:07:44 idea this really does scream false flag
@00:10:56 and this could also be a false flag
@00:12:35 is another false flag they're saying
@00:13:58 i'll put that on the false potential
@00:14:01 false flag section and we will see if
@00:20:23 to be coming from just like our false
@00:20:25 flag operations from cia or whatever

The Economic Collapse Is Inevitable -- Episode 72

@00:09:31 a potential false flag this way it
@00:25:59 we'll see the major false flag of a

Don't Worry The Financial Collapse Has Been Contained, Trust Me -- Episode 71

@00:09:50 be a false flag and you know the
@00:14:20 false flag and they're going to try

The Financial Collapse Is Going To Hit Like A Tidal Wave -- Episode 70

@00:22:52 know a false flag happens and the gun

The Economic Collapse Happens When You Least Expect It -- Episode 69

@00:23:07 if this is a false flag and they blame
@00:23:57 also using this as a false flag type of
@00:24:35 and we know major false flag events are

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 67

@00:15:05 few weeks with regards to a false flag
@00:17:05 country for a false flag to get us into

Raise The False Flag For The Next Event -- Episode 66

@00:00:32 the false flag for the next event as we
@00:00:47 being set up for a false flag coming
@00:14:07 perfect storm of false flag events it
@00:21:11 2013 false flag insider warning now this
@00:22:39 staged false flag attack now i find this
@00:25:07 so many things that this false flag can
@00:25:37 know that a false flag is imminent now
@00:27:37 it into the false flag section so this

No Matter Which Way We Turn The Economic Collapse Is Always In Front Of Us -- Episode 63

@00:12:03 type of false flag there is a drill
@00:16:32 us here is there's going to be a false
@00:16:35 flag coming come on what is it going to

The Art Of Distraction During The Economic Collapse -- Episode 62

@00:16:16 ultimate false flag to get us into war
@00:17:25 nordic about a false flag alert what i
@00:17:29 say false flag or alert high chance of
@00:19:02 false flag event an act of war a bombing
@00:19:48 say you know whatever the false flag is
@00:20:59 put on the x 22 reports site false flag
@00:21:03 potential false flags today was that

The Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 61

@00:12:04 the false flag a little help you know

The Economic Collapse Warning Signs Are All Around Us -- Episode 59

@00:01:13 the the fbi or any type of false flag or

Setting Up The Major Event For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 57

@00:11:57 which will bring the entire false flag
@00:28:18 scenario for a false flag for the u.s.
@00:29:00 some type of false flag again to get us
@00:32:33 and it is a perfect false flag and they

Promoting The Latest Cyber Attack For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 56

@00:39:06 that it is they perfect false flag why

Shhhh, The Economic Collapse Is Coming -- Episode 52

@00:23:59 were told last october that more false
@00:24:06 flag attacks are planned in battleground
@00:25:01 boston the next wave of false flag
@00:26:55 for guns and the false flag events will

The Economic Collapse And The Constitution -- Episode 51

@00:15:02 be a perfect false flag and we can tell
@00:25:59 one a false flag away from gun
@00:28:01 agree with this article we are one false
@00:28:03 flag away from the gun confiscation

Confusion Before The Economic Collapse -- Episode 50

@00:12:25 and was this going to be a false flag
@00:24:36 is a perfect false flag it is a perfect

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 49

@00:09:27 be a false flag we know it's part of
@00:09:48 domestic event some type of false flag

Could We Be Wrong About The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 47

@00:02:27 nother story with that false flag and so
@00:33:05 the false flag and the event just
@00:36:16 false flag event is falling apart i

Full Speed Ahead To The Economic Collapse -- Episode 46

@00:19:17 ultimate false flag and these are on my
@00:24:30 false flag

Now You See Your Rights, Now You Don't -- Episode 45

@00:01:19 on as a false flag they if you look at
@00:01:53 false flag didn't go the way they wanted
@00:01:59 needed to use this false flag for and

Do You Smell It, The Stench Of The Economic Collapse -- Episode 41

@00:11:11 complete false flag and what's happening

Initializing The Economic Collapse With False Flags -- Episode 39

@00:04:34 that this false flag in boston is either

The Economic Collapse Check List -- Episode 38

@00:01:28 of false flag who is this going to be
@00:03:35 about it so will this be the false flag

Is It Really That Different -- News Brief -- Episode 37

@00:10:10 false flag they've been building up all
@00:10:46 cyber attack is a perfect false flag to
@00:11:48 me this is the perfect false flag now i

The Illusion And Reality Of The Economic Collapse -- Episode 35

@00:04:23 be using the false flag later on and

Say GoodBye To Your Money -- Episode 33

@00:08:55 these are going to be used in a false
@00:08:57 flag to surface outside of hawaii or

War, False Flags And The Economic Collapse -- News Brief -- Episode 31

@00:01:32 into a war is with some type of false
@00:01:36 flag and there's no other way to get the
@00:03:51 not work some false flag something again
@00:05:49 false flag where it's going to move and
@00:07:31 gearing up for this huge false flag and
@00:09:31 to see a false flag to really bring it
@00:09:47 when the false flag comes and let's say

The Economic Collapse Reality, Believe It Or Not? -- Episode 30

@00:10:49 have many many false flags i'm hoping
@00:10:56 type of nuclear false flag or anything
@00:11:50 said something about nuclear false flag

The Economic Collapse Just Hit The Wall -- Episode 28

@00:03:06 false flag type of an event you know for