
Part 2 Of The Movie Coming This Fall, [Zero-Day] Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2273b

@00:04:19 iran china and others
@00:40:04 russia china and iran
@00:41:27 the problem china russia iran
@00:42:21 china russia and iran this is why we saw

[DS] Is Repeating Everything, Which Failed, Panic Is Off The Charts - Episode 2272b

@00:19:00 left us on the brink of war with iran

11.3 Verifies The First Marker, LP/KC “Viva Le Resistance” - Episode 2250b

@00:20:07 we know that iran they work with the

Marker, Watch The Water, Elections Secured, [DS] Plan Failed - Episode 2245b

@00:08:16 and iran
@00:08:36 iran right now they're sitting there
@00:08:54 deals with him you know iran is going to
@00:22:52 to get the iran deal done as well as all

The Perfect Storm, Ukraine Activated, We Are Witnessing A FULL PANIC ATTACK- Episode 2241b

@00:19:19 from iran they were
@00:29:07 podus will cause war with iran that was

NG Positioned In Cities, EAS Tested & Ready, It Has Begun - Episode 2230b

@00:33:44 china-russia iran fake takedown hacks of

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:10:55 think ukraine think iran russia and iran
@00:11:01 allies russia iran and china allies us
@00:11:16 politician corruption iran common
@00:11:19 denominator china russia and iran closed

Mission Operators Active, Music Helps, [DS] Take Down, Law And Order - Episode 2214b

@00:06:55 2010 it was iran who is paying the

The 16 Year Plan Has Failed, The [DS] Worst Nightmare Has Come True, We The People - Episode 2213b

@00:08:06 iran paid the taliban to kill you as
@00:26:42 for sale china russia iran syria islamic

Stand At The Ready, Fireworks, Backchannels Are Important, Tick Tock- Episode 2211b

@00:37:22 iran they were being paid to kill

[HT] Access Closed, [DS] Panic, The Final Stage Revealed From The Beginning - Episode 2110b

@00:40:40 playbook the plan involved iran
@00:40:52 i think iran destroying the ukraine air

[DS] Worst Nightmare, A United People, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 2201b

@00:09:52 obama administration's deal with iran
@00:12:19 them uranium they were working with iran

Do You See What Is Happening, Message Sent, Message Received - Episode 2195b

@00:13:40 iran he's out there saying that he has

They Never Thought She Would Lose, 16 Year Plan Push, Plan Exposed & Countered - Episode 2194b

@00:18:49 blind-eyed or iran blind eye to north
@00:19:46 north korea blind eye blind eye to iran

[DS] Deploys All Assets, Trap Has Been Set, Flynn’s Calls Released, No Deals - Episode 2186b

@00:10:16 supreme leader of iran violate twitter
@00:33:38 officials when he discussed the iran

[DS] Panicking, Fear Creeping In, Narrative Lost, Shadow Presidency Exposed WW - Episode 2182b

@00:18:03 north a key figure in that iran-contra
@00:20:23 iran nuclear weapons program in onlooker

Treason Runs Deep With The [DS], Ratcliffe Next DNI, Buckle Up - Episode 2180b

@00:18:33 2015 nuclear agreement with iran the
@00:19:06 iran deal they smeared flynn through the

The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b

@00:14:31 submit the iran deal to the senate for

The People Are About To Find Out What Treason Looks Like, [Obamagate] - Episode 2171b

@00:09:41 pulled out of the 2015 iran nuclear deal

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:28:44 refusing to submit the iran deal to the
@00:43:11 shadow potus iran why did carrie

Targets Painted And Locked, Instructions Given To Stealth Bomber, Drain It - Episode 2169b

@00:12:11 a war with iran well first of all trump
@00:12:13 is not starting a war with iran trump is
@00:12:16 putting pressure on iran and those deep
@00:12:25 happened in iran very big difference so

The 7th Floor Is No More, Trapped & Caught, The Truth Must Be Shown To The People - Episode 2163b

@00:33:40 sec lisa iran is smart this is what lisa
@00:33:43 page is saying iran is smart and
@00:33:44 strategic and all over the world iran is
@00:34:02 iran her mother
@00:34:04 emigrated from iran in her 20s so that's
@00:34:20 iran said struck who spent two terms of
@00:34:45 in iran and spent much of her childhood
@00:34:47 traveling abroad so she was born in iran
@00:35:22 obama's hidden iran deal giveaway and
@00:35:39 obama's hidden iran deal then we move on

Times Up, Be Ready, All The Walls Are Falling Down On The [DS] - Episode 2161b

@00:29:58 iran and secretly wrote the last shah of
@00:30:01 iran now this is very interesting and

It Has Begun, Those [Knowingly] Who Tried To Remove POTUS, Treason - Episode 2159b

@00:17:19 problem china russia iran fake takedown

Precursor, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Relevant Events Are About To Unfold - Episode 2158b

@00:36:09 two years ago red cross iran red cross

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:17:21 iran who's saying listen if your ships
@00:17:59 now remember iran they might fire off in
@00:36:58 korea iran russia china all of these
@00:37:07 talking about iran russia and china and

Iron Eagle, Marker, The Silent War Continues.. - Episode 2156b

@00:23:41 24th 2018 post 1254 it says iran is next
@00:23:51 after iran he tweeted out yesterday that
@00:24:06 gonna take it so he's going after iran
@00:24:17 signal to iran class sec 11 a p 2.2 and

[DS]/MSM They Know What’s Coming,The Entire Event Is Going To Be Turned Upside Down - Episode 2155b

@00:18:38 trump now is going after iran now we
@00:18:42 iran is next and what's very interesting
@00:18:49 mullahs regime ruling iran harasses un
@00:19:32 iran is they're bringing these little
@00:19:57 the deep state within iran remember
@00:19:59 there's the deep state in iran what are
@00:20:22 war with iran iran the government in

It Was A Scam, "You Will Find Out What I Am Going To Do", Tables Are Turned - Episode 2153b

@00:25:59 to help even goes to iran and said
@00:26:11 see how iran responds but he's extending
@00:26:17 a hand out to iran now very

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:11:36 instead they're talking about iran that
@00:11:39 we should have aid for iran so let me
@00:11:48 but aid to iran that is important and
@00:11:58 want to help iran before small business

Soon The World Will Understand, The Truth Will Shock The World - Episode 2143b

@00:04:36 imf would like to bailout iran and the
@00:05:24 lot of money was given to iran part of

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:22:16 then it goes a one tarmac iran north

deleted Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last - Episode 2137b

@00:04:32 china iran syria iraq you name it
@00:04:40 and it seems that those in iran it seems
@00:05:06 says upon information and belief iran or
@00:05:14 this happens iran will pay a very heavy
@00:05:34 verse actual iran next so is cue telling

Do Not Fear, Look For Message, Dark To Light, Operators Ready - Episode 2128b

@00:16:34 kerry when he went out to iran and

It Has Begun, Message Sent, We Are Now Ready To Spring Forward - Episode 2126b

@00:08:03 iran
@00:08:21 iran i do believe trump of the patriots

deleted It’s Time To Unveil The True Enemy Of The People, Shutdown, Messages Received - Episode 2123b

@00:19:53 gain-of-function china iran italy are

Green Castle Online, The Stage Must Be Set WW, Times Up, Patriots Ready - Episode 2120b

@00:11:44 coronavirus look at the countries iran
@00:11:48 remember what iran is about where did
@00:11:53 that were made with iran how many
@00:27:17 iran italy and other states famous

[DS] Pushes 16 Yr Plan, When Is The Right Time To Use The Trump Card? - Episode 2112b

@00:16:27 iran or china or russia so everything
@00:23:02 187 uranium one fund supply iran north
@00:24:41 to be used later on same thing with iran

Trump Moves Pieces In Place, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot Spring/Summer - Episode 2110b

@00:25:09 advantage what's happening out in iran
@00:25:17 france of iran and out in iran they're
@00:25:34 hand and help the people of iran all you

Future Topic Coming Into Focus, Wait For It, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2108b

@00:22:07 iran russia it's not gonna work

Trump Countered The [DS], The Great Betrayal Is Over, America No Longer For Sale - Episode 2106b

@00:22:07 try to use because coming out of iran it
@00:28:58 secret cash to iran struck his dad was
@00:29:02 from iran valerie jarrett born in iran
@00:29:10 iran and brennan is also removed rumored

Trump Just Signaled It’s A Go, It’s Coming, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2102b

@00:26:47 respect to iran if a republican did what

We Are Close,Fear,Panic The Feeling Of Doom Overtakes The [DS],Justice Is Coming - Episode 2101b

@00:26:50 individuals in iran we know that john
@00:27:22 violated the logan act this is why iran

It’s Time To Wake Up, Lines Are Being Drawn Between Patriots & Traitors - Episode 2095b

@00:27:49 course we're still looking at iran now
@00:27:54 iran he's waiting for that call and we
@00:28:04 out in iran actually they're trying to
@00:28:11 iran now all of us we know just like
@00:28:26 the iran wars power resolution they're
@00:28:33 start a war in iran no they just want to
@00:28:45 states senate not vote for the iran war
@00:28:49 with iran and this is not the time to
@00:28:58 iran would have a field day sends a very
@00:34:57 fund supply iran north korea reduce u.s.

Trump Prepares To Cut Foreign Aid Budget, Ready For EU - Episode 2093a

@00:06:45 persons involved think iran think paris

The Silent War Is Being Fought In The Shadows, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2091b

@00:23:28 individuals think ukraine think iran
@00:23:32 russia iran allies no they're not russia
@00:23:37 iran china allies no they're not allies
@00:23:55 iran common denominator china russia and
@00:23:59 iran closed financial systems yes
@00:24:09 ukraine iran china russia many of these

GOP Investigates Ukraine White House Meetings, SR Watch The News - Episode 2088b

@00:26:54 iran they want iran to call trump they
@00:27:04 iran and not just obama john kerry and
@00:27:08 john kerry was out in iran violating the
@00:27:11 logan act telling iran to keep the deal
@00:27:28 because iran wants to resolve

They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Public Ready For The Next Drip - Episode 2085b

@00:25:05 stop funding for military action in iran
@00:25:14 because of trump's action not in iran
@00:25:34 don't want trump going to war with iran
@00:26:30 iran still we have not had a war with
@00:26:33 iran and we're not going to have a war
@00:26:34 with iran potus will destroy the world
@00:27:01 iran no trump is not invading iran trump
@00:35:00 huber layers uranium one iran human

Those Who Are Protected Are No Longer Protected, Nobody Is Above The Law - Episode 2082b

@00:07:37 concerning iran-contra and now i say

Quietly Removing The Corrupt Will Not Work, [DS] Will Pay The Price Soon, Exposure - Episode 2080b

@00:29:44 iran wants to negotiate with
@00:29:56 out iran cannot north korea couldn't
@00:30:28 will negotiate and i think iran is

[JC] Now The Target, [DS] Event Distractions, [-Cruz] Important Marker - Episode 2079b

@00:30:53 the same time iran in north korea and

It’s Time Judy, The Stage Is Set To Implement The Economic Plan - Episode 2073a

@00:04:59 barrels per day iran at four point seven
@00:05:24 iran iraq and the uae and that number

[DS] Pushes Same Hacking Tactic, The Coverup Already Failed - Episode 2070b

@00:09:22 strike now we have iran we had the fisa
@00:26:41 iran is starting to work now we need to
@00:26:51 iran to have iran break free from the
@00:27:11 into iran they were going to bring down
@00:28:04 happening out in iran is we have the
@00:28:29 of it but in iran we have two
@00:29:16 that deal with iran toran argued it can
@00:29:39 the un us was paying iran to keep the
@00:29:52 was out in iran many many times trying

Protected, Key To Hack, [AWAN] Back In The News, Flynn In Jail, Exactly [30] - Episode 2069b

@00:16:48 and over and over now in regards to iran
@00:17:06 urging iran not to escalate and using
@00:17:14 in iran remember there's good guys and
@00:17:26 war going on now in iran you see the
@00:23:41 iran in ukraine think about all the

Prosecutor Outside Of DC Ready To Bring Pain, Patriots Set The Timetable - Episode 2068b

@00:17:57 what's happening in iran look what's
@00:24:43 in iran we're seeing a lot of things
@00:24:50 iran and they're protesting against the
@00:25:17 of iran and this tweet is the most like
@00:25:29 government of iran must allow human
@00:25:44 leader of iran do not kill your
@00:26:22 to de-escalate iran crisis as jfk did to
@00:26:50 trump tells iran the world is watching q
@00:26:53 drop contains iran and the world is
@00:27:17 says the government of iran which is
@00:27:19 iran in this post and it says the world
@00:27:31 that funds given ridiculously to iran
@00:27:39 billion dollars plus to iran then they
@00:27:49 out to iran many many times telling iran
@00:28:19 media to label trump's claim that iran
@00:29:57 building up iran saying that he was a
@00:30:00 great general that iran should have
@00:30:12 against iran at the un security council
@00:30:30 that iran bombed iraq even though the
@00:31:00 ukrainian flight iran was caught up in
@00:32:00 and now iran because of all the evidence
@00:32:31 missiles into iran this plane was taking
@00:32:34 off inside of iran they decided to bomb
@00:32:53 ukrainian jetliner shot down in iran was
@00:34:56 they need to expose all of this and iran
@00:37:37 the spine this has to do with iran with

[CB] Panics, All Eyes On Them When The Global Economy Implodes - Episode 2068a

@00:02:02 is happening and since the iran incident

[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence - Episode 2067b

@00:22:41 iran or maybe some other countries and
@00:30:05 and seems that iran right now is getting
@00:30:38 hide the evidence while iran is denying
@00:31:50 10th 2020 team obama rushed to let iran
@00:32:00 iran was going to do with all that
@00:33:42 saying why are you defending iran
@00:33:45 why are you always saying that iran is
@00:33:50 powerful iran is this iran is that why
@00:33:54 are you the cheerleaders of iran does

Panic Message Sent, Major Operation Remove/Replace Active, Enemies Removed - Episode 2066b

@00:01:44 think about iran think about the comey
@00:02:01 patriots are flipping iran they're
@00:02:23 close to home ukraine iran this is where
@00:13:23 soon now out in iran we see a lot of
@00:14:13 founded by mohandas and trained in iran
@00:14:42 now from pushing his agenda in iran it's
@00:17:16 in iran and it seems that there are
@00:17:25 missile that hit the plane and iran says
@00:18:12 mistake where iran fired a missile
@00:19:25 the source is preparing to leave iran
@00:20:28 last clowns holding iran hostage into
@00:20:38 american hostages taken by iran many
@00:21:14 iran is connected what if they weren't
@00:21:25 us embassy in tehran iran
@00:23:47 trump iran was firing missiles into iraq
@00:23:52 there was a plane taking off in iran
@00:24:10 respond and fire missiles back into iran
@00:26:46 state operatives taken out in iran
@00:26:48 iran is about to flip mop-up operation
@00:29:05 bit look what happened in iran trump
@00:29:19 coming for you so the people within iran
@00:29:42 missiles once iran is firing missiles at
@00:30:00 everyone is looking at iran saying you

Backchannels Important, Iran Ready To Flip, [DS]/MSM Panic – Episode 2065

@00:00:41 channels important iran ready to flip
@00:01:38 propaganda that iran was going to attack
@00:02:17 iran decided to flip but first something
@00:08:03 now the deep state and iran they made
@00:08:07 their move iran signaled the trump by
@00:09:01 have been launched from iran the irgc
@00:09:15 i'm not sure about that iran state media
@00:09:55 bashing trump as iran was bombing the
@00:10:19 missiles launched from iran at two
@00:12:10 was for iran to save face the mainstream
@00:12:50 they thought that iran was going to kill
@00:12:58 didn't happen cnn came out and said iran
@00:13:16 saying that iran decided not to do this
@00:13:30 about world war 3 how iran is strong how
@00:13:33 iran is
@00:14:17 those in iran this is what they were
@00:16:05 here with iran they hit nothing and the
@00:17:01 iran has been key in the canadian fight
@00:17:38 threat and propaganda from iran letting
@00:17:44 heading to war iran fires missiles to
@00:17:52 bad actors killed coincidence iran wants
@00:18:10 and iran get removed quietly now that
@00:18:18 godwin's iran has now reported that they
@00:18:27 javad zarif iran took and concluded
@00:19:07 know exactly what is happening iran is
@00:19:18 iran signaled that it wants to
@00:19:33 sanctions on iran and he wants to
@00:20:40 iran in unmarked cargo planes on wooden
@00:21:01 admitted that iran nuke deal wasn't an
@00:22:34 is that iran is saying that this plane
@00:23:18 iran is due to mechanical difficulties
@00:24:26 done right now they have flipped iran
@00:26:17 scam with the iran nuclear deal and

Iran and Kenya Come Into Focus, Marker Set - Episode 2064b

@00:00:41 iran and kenya come into focus marker
@00:01:45 everything that happened with iran is
@00:01:59 this that iran was next and then kenya
@00:10:08 with iran lindsey graham came out in
@00:10:51 world now a good guy and iran number one
@00:11:05 of iran in 2015 in december the un
@00:11:25 deal that was made with iran and if you
@00:11:47 central bank of iran listed persons
@00:12:50 during the terrible iran deal
@00:13:12 officials in iran that said yes the
@00:13:21 negotiating the iran nuclear deal and
@00:13:51 iran and a lot of individuals back then
@00:14:48 of the money iran received in sanctions
@00:15:26 salah moniz death now iran is
@00:16:51 they doing with iran iran is going to
@00:18:12 remember iran was screaming and yelling
@00:18:59 from iran 24 by 7 iran is doing this you
@00:19:41 they have called on iran to refrain from
@00:19:44 any violent action and urged iran to go
@00:20:23 iran
@00:20:24 iii group of countries call on iran to
@00:20:28 an iran to go back to respecting its
@00:20:51 over negative role played by iran in the
@00:21:42 are they amplifying so limini iran and
@00:24:41 time this is happening with iran
@00:25:23 this is march 15 2018 q says iran next
@00:25:46 2018 we have kenya and iran happening at
@00:26:36 now started with iran kenya is happening

[DS] Payoffs Threatened, They Never Expected Trump To Expose The Entire Scam - Episode 2063b

@00:02:01 happened with iran they they didn't see
@00:02:22 organizations to those in iran that are
@00:02:39 have no problem hitting anyone in iran
@00:03:46 people on that and we had iran happen
@00:19:33 change now out in iran we can see that
@00:19:53 preemptive surrender to iran she's gonna
@00:19:59 that has to do with iran why would she
@00:22:01 it in iran how much money cash was sent
@00:22:04 to iran well us paid iran about 1.3
@00:22:42 was an individual in iran saying listen
@00:23:30 afghanistan to iraq to iran they come
@00:24:35 have iran on top of all of this and of
@00:24:49 to iran and they're trying to take
@00:25:53 america side over iran and thus quorum
@00:26:35 an iranian face-saving measure iran is
@00:26:43 revenge for salah meny if iran claims
@00:28:06 these troops but the exposure of iran
@00:28:22 in iran are the propaganda of them
@00:29:01 individuals within iran now there are
@00:29:36 iran to do something trump and the
@00:29:44 iraq probably in iran and if iran
@00:29:56 iran it's going to be destroyed now
@00:30:00 those individuals in iran who have been
@00:31:23 the claims from bush that said iran was
@00:33:23 go to war with iraq with syria with iran
@00:34:01 iran they're doing this just as a
@00:34:04 precaution because they're saying iran
@00:34:10 most likely iran is moving their
@00:34:25 quite a distance away from iran about
@00:35:12 already it seems that iran is moving
@00:35:34 tweeted iran will never have a new
@00:35:40 deal with iran and i do believe that
@00:35:44 iran instead of pushing their agenda
@00:36:29 they're pushing iran to now flip now
@00:36:48 iran is a tougher nut they have a
@00:36:56 iran are going to see what might happen
@00:37:09 iran decides to turn their backs on the

The [CB] Didn’t See This Coming, They Are Now Trapped - Episode 2063a

@00:07:42 iran there's gonna be no wars they're

The [DS]/D’s Are In The Dark, Moves & Countermoves, Checkmate - Episode 2062b

@00:01:05 seem like iran is ready to attack iran
@00:03:58 the people of iran
@00:04:00 that work with iran this is why they
@00:11:43 trump is showing iran those deep state
@00:11:47 players in iran those deep state players
@00:12:49 following iran is talking very boldly
@00:13:13 hits in other locations iran has been
@00:13:18 this serve as a warning that if iran
@00:13:28 taken by iran many years ago some at a
@00:13:32 very high level and important to iran
@00:13:37 targets and iran itself will be hit very
@00:14:00 iran the people of iran are hearing this
@00:14:06 because a lot of the people in iran do
@00:15:12 logically think about iran think about
@00:15:15 north korea if iran or north korea
@00:16:07 the iranian politicians within iran and
@00:16:10 the people of iran are now making a
@00:18:38 the best in the world if iran attacks an
@00:18:52 congress that should iran strike any us
@00:19:39 iran it's not a war with north korea
@00:22:33 against iran the highly unusual decision
@00:23:57 from iran to iraq through syria into
@00:24:26 to a screeching halt iran was no longer
@00:24:29 being paid off iran went to the eu and
@00:25:03 iran he weakened their economy the
@00:25:07 people of iran they were seeing this and
@00:25:21 killed many people but iran now is only
@00:29:58 senators who took money from the iran us
@00:30:13 and there are many others the iran lobby
@00:30:19 republican jeff flake iran lobby cash
@00:31:09 iran
@00:31:10 russia has pull with others in iran
@00:31:19 putin will not allow a war in iran
@00:31:22 because iran is dependent on russia's
@00:31:33 iran and would find chaos and iran
@00:31:38 this means that iran is really not
@00:31:55 going on in iran and putin as we've seen
@00:32:28 seems that iran they decided because of
@00:32:49 deal broken and now iran said they're no
@00:35:32 operation in iran to show who is in

Trump & The Patriots Sent A Message, [DS] Event Countered - Episode 2061b

@00:01:32 with iran that was not the purpose and
@00:02:03 using black sites within iran using the
@00:02:14 individuals in iran now what's very
@00:02:59 with certain individuals in iran
@00:03:17 and obama tipped off iran to the strike
@00:03:40 countries like north korea and iran now
@00:04:22 it's iran the other report we pointed
@00:05:50 with iran and increases the likelihood
@00:07:09 without an aumf against iran further
@00:08:43 u.s. embassy it came from iran but they
@00:09:53 now remember trump warned iran and i'm
@00:09:59 not saying it's the people of iran those
@00:10:01 deep state operatives in iran and he
@00:10:05 state was in line with iran with this
@00:11:04 iran itself while iran will never be
@00:11:16 many years ago and he continued iran
@00:11:44 designated certain groups in iran
@00:11:58 is a proxy of iran now before the strike
@00:14:28 if iran killed and showed two tweets and
@00:14:48 differences iran self-defense claims
@00:14:54 do if iran assassinated an american
@00:15:01 they protect her and they help iran out
@00:15:19 remember the deep state worked with iran
@00:15:21 they're in contact with iran john kerry
@00:15:28 many deep state operatives within iran
@00:15:40 going to lead to world war three iran is
@00:16:16 iran that the deep state is no longer in
@00:16:23 iran cannot rely on the deep state
@00:16:34 situation the people of iran do not want
@00:17:13 are no longer protected iran does not
@00:17:43 says sanctions are coming to iran well
@00:18:28 individuals in iran you need to
@00:19:04 those deep state players in iran letting
@00:19:07 them know and the people of iran saying
@00:19:09 and those other leaders inside iran it
@00:19:23 now is a platform to talk to iran this
@00:20:04 course iran and those deep state players
@00:20:44 senses and i do believe that iran is
@00:22:05 building it up here with iran because

[DS] Pushing Events To Block Declass, Operation/Replace Remove, Proclamation Set - Episode 2060b

@00:20:51 used iran the deep state operatives
@00:21:02 iraqis this was iran we broke it down
@00:23:37 leaders of iran to wade out trump says
@00:23:43 telling iran that if trump loses in
@00:23:47 appeasing iran and giving away money
@00:24:09 what does iran do and i believe trump is
@00:26:03 for war iran is ready for war everyone's
@00:26:51 it exposed iran exposed that this was in
@00:27:25 iran and it was near the country's first
@00:28:06 to the first nuclear power plant in iran
@00:28:22 operation in iran just like north korea

[DS] Just Made Their Move, Patriots Knew The Plan, Watch Happens Next - Episode 2059b

@00:02:06 the pallets of cash and iran and they
@00:05:19 korea and they've tried it with iran we
@00:07:08 using iran actually iraq but people now
@00:08:50 laid it all out with a tweet iran killed
@00:08:59 iran is orchestrating an attack on the
@00:09:15 people are saying oh no it's not iran
@00:09:17 it's iraq no it is iran this was planned
@00:12:25 iran organized his protest in baghdad
@00:13:13 group of mostly iran-backed shia
@00:15:17 coalition of iran-backed
@00:16:25 why is iran pushing protests in iraq now
@00:16:32 is this the good people of iran now this
@00:16:48 it is iran that is pushing the protests
@00:17:24 iran did they establish that yes are
@00:17:30 organizations running out of iran yes
@00:17:57 billion in cash transferred to iran for
@00:18:18 panicking about iran deal pull out they
@00:18:26 sanctions iran leaders of eu only care
@00:18:32 world iran deal orchestrated for the
@00:19:57 quietly seeking to salvage the iran deal
@00:19:59 and he went over to iran and he was
@00:20:35 wanted to make sure that iran was still
@00:22:32 jimmy carter his response to the iran
@00:23:28 iran potus will destroy the world on and
@00:24:15 be dominated and controlled by iran this
@00:24:24 iran we know that this isn't the
@00:24:40 within iran and those people interact
@00:27:15 iran it was done on purpose

JA Key To DNC Hack, Remove/Replace Operation Ongoing, Traitors Everywhere - Episode 2058b

@00:10:38 iran this is a cover story because the

Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056b

@00:25:03 russia syria and iran are killing or on

[DS] Warning People Not To Look, Patriots Getting Ready To Drop The MOAB - Episode 2052b

@00:26:47 back channels in north korea and iran
@00:28:02 happening out in iran now like we said

Something Big Is About To Happen,Think Admiral Rogers, Think Brennan - Episode 2051b

@00:21:05 iran most likely yes let's move on to

The [DS] Crimes Will Be Publicly Answered Soon, Sheep No More - Episode 2040b

@00:22:29 an iran scientist held by the us and
@00:22:50 they can make the iran deal separate and
@00:23:05 in iran and around the world back home
@00:23:14 a deal with iran and i think eventually
@00:23:18 when iran and the rest of the world sees

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice - Episode 2038b

@00:31:10 war in the middle east with iran or you
@00:31:32 getting ready to go to war with iran
@00:31:44 war with iran does this really sound
@00:32:08 lease to confront iran we're not sending

Patriots Leading [DS] Down The Path, IG FISA Is The Primer, It’s Time - Episode 2031b

@00:26:03 iran so let me read a little part of
@00:26:14 information for the benefit of iran this
@00:27:05 jarrett which is vijay direct relay iran
@00:27:09 iran deal future marker future markers
@00:27:15 bold and brackets direct relay iran
@00:27:18 iran deal future marker is in bold and
@00:27:39 relayed information to iran so q says if

MSM/[DS] On The Defensive, Evidence, Facts On Deck, Pain Coming - Episode 2030b

@00:24:07 thanks q restart will make iran great
@00:24:13 spread to iran and it says down below we

[DS] Got Caught, Graham Activated, Justice - Episode 2027b

@00:20:59 about iran iran decided to shut down
@00:21:05 the following iran has become so

The Harvest Is About To Begin, Suicide Watch, Panic In DC - Episode 2023b

@00:18:37 again now out in iran we are seeing
@00:18:54 in iran they're spreading to at least 75

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:22:57 in iran we have protests in hong kong we

Report Will Be Damning, Criminal Referrals Coming, Hammer Is The Key To The Coup - Episode 2018b

@00:17:06 very interestingly i won't in iran it
@00:17:24 the following if iran is able to turn
@00:17:32 iran for 12 years it would be a very
@00:17:38 information and belief iran is and has
@00:17:47 iran plays this but it looks like trump
@00:17:50 is giving iran an opening and he's done
@00:18:20 has happened at this point in how iran

Follow The Clues, Another Piece Of The Puzzle Added, [DS] Ready To Face Justice - Episode 2000b

@00:25:33 doing this we saw a kerry in iran do
@00:26:03 syria we would dispute with iran we had

Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near - Episode 1999b

@00:30:40 war with iran i'll add when potus by

The Panic Is Real, Middle East Plan Perfectly Executed, 17, Coincidence - Episode 1998b

@00:22:14 clinton created the iran syria iraq and

[DS] Plan Fails, Strange Messages Sent, 17th Mentioned - Episode 1997b

@00:21:42 democratic forces turkey iran right now

Declas Disinformation Projected, Chatter, JA Back In The News - Episode 1996b

@00:34:52 sanctions on iran of turkey this was all

Impeachment Coming Apart, WB Revealed?, [DS] Is Trapped - Episode 1993b

@00:28:04 iran to start a major war in syria when

Bombshells Dropped, HB, BO Missing? IG FISA Report On The Way - Episode 1992b

@00:29:50 iran is doing he's going after the

The [CB] System Is Coming To An End, Patriots Accelerate The Plan - Episode 1991a

@00:05:43 dollar china iran venezuela and the

The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b

@00:32:38 define the terms of the iran nuclear
@00:32:46 republic of iran what if iran created a
@00:33:40 uranium to iran syria war
@00:36:19 syria iran iraq russia and the kurds

The Patriots Are Over The Target, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 1985b

@00:28:34 want certain things from iran but i
@00:28:36 noticed iran is continually reaching out
@00:28:48 they talked about iran there he also met

[DS] Failed Again, Think Mirror, More Panic & Pain Coming, Next Wave Begins - Episode 1979b

@00:32:40 now it looks like trump's plan with iran
@00:32:44 is working because iran is out there
@00:33:00 now this is the second time that iran
@00:33:26 additional sanctions on iran
@00:33:34 them so iran is looking and saying okay

Horowitz Delivers The Bad News To Comey, More Pain Coming - Episode 1973b

@00:15:47 yes iran was involved in the attacks
@00:16:08 in saying that it was definitely iran
@00:16:59 wanted to push some type of iran war or
@00:17:22 the country of iran trump is putting
@00:17:26 pressure on iran but he's not willing to
@00:17:56 iran start to say listen we need to talk
@00:18:11 noticed iran has given europe many many
@00:18:19 officials they were out in iran trying
@00:18:41 why you personally go to iran and say
@00:19:10 they just went to iran to stop this

We Are (Closer) Than You Think, Messages Received, On The Ready - Episode 1972b

@00:19:07 saudi arabia and attack iran no
@00:21:53 really think that's iran think about
@00:22:26 be going in iran is the target but i

Operatives Hunted Down, [DS] Plan Backfired, No Place To Hide - Episode 1971b

@00:20:18 of saudi arabia was iran lashing out on
@00:22:57 remember when iran shot down a drone
@00:23:31 saying yes we do believe that it is iran
@00:23:51 against iran if intelligence reports
@00:25:31 not going to start a war with iran iran
@00:26:17 iran leaders of you eu only care about
@00:26:23 and security of their people world iran
@00:27:14 cause a war with iran also false potus
@00:27:27 watch iran something incredible is about
@00:27:39 the target the good people of iran have
@00:28:22 on iran we now face a major national and
@00:28:50 iran they're panicking what happened

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:30:03 calls for de-escalation iran has now
@00:30:22 iran is held accountable for its
@00:30:26 country of iran try to start a war they
@00:30:32 would this actually benefit iran no
@00:30:41 is declaring that iran is guilty when he
@00:30:49 for iran or is he talking about the deep
@00:30:53 state players in iran
@00:34:29 private plane to iran unknown why was

Placeholder Filled, Flynn Free Next, The World Is Waking Up, Attacks Intensify - Episode 1967b

@00:15:46 deal with iran and many other countries
@00:16:52 be making some type of deal with iran he
@00:17:53 iran
@00:18:10 iran has been backing out of the old
@00:18:23 believe when iran came out and said

[DS] Moves To Get Ahead Of FISA Story, Big Fail, Messages Sent About A Bad Man - Episode 1966b

@00:26:23 regime change of venezuelan or in iran
@00:26:32 think the deal with iran is now complete

Did You Catch Trump’s Messages, Optics Are Important, [DS] Doomed - Episode 1965b

@00:25:03 like we're seeing in iran just like we

Message Marker [1], Alabama, There Are No Coincidences - Episode 1964b

@00:25:00 they do now out in iran
@00:25:21 by their obligations under the 2015 iran
@00:26:00 iran is going to get out of the deal and
@00:26:22 this will allow iran and optics looking
@00:26:31 happening actually iran already came out

Think Timing, Senate Locked, SC Locked, Locked & Who Is Loaded - Episode 1963b

@00:19:00 sanctions with iran and then iran will
@00:19:29 backroom deal we already know that iran

Declas Brings Down The House, Equal Justice Under The Law - Episode 1961b

@00:20:56 that are in iran and it's a backroom
@00:21:05 notice iran first came out and said
@00:21:33 going to happen with iran that's why

[CB] Exposes Itself, Stealth Moves Bring Down The [CB] System - Episode 1961a

@00:06:09 kerry out in iran isn't this a violation

Trump’s Message Received, Evidence Must Be Compelling,The Majority Wins - Episode 1960b

@00:20:31 the catastrophic accident in iran
@00:20:41 launch of semin launch site one in iran
@00:20:45 i wish iran best wishes and good luck in
@00:22:33 satellite takes a picture of iran now

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:23:00 this is a picture in iran of an
@00:23:16 in iran
@00:23:16 i wish iran best wishes and good luck in
@00:23:43 clapper on my condolences to iran on
@00:24:12 making the deal with iran you see what
@00:24:40 iran and trump they're getting ready to
@00:24:43 make a new deal remember iran already

Fell Right Into The Trap, Next Wave Coming, Pain - Episode 1956b

@00:20:34 so uranium one the iran deal clinton's
@00:23:24 what's happening with iran iran just

Perfect Storm Confirmed,Horowitz Concludes 4 FISA Warrants Illegal - Episode 1953b

@00:17:09 coming in and we're looking to make iran
@00:17:17 really good iran really strong we're not

The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many - Episode 1952b

@00:16:02 decided to have the iran foreign
@00:16:23 his tour to get support for iran

The Panic Is Real, The [CB] True Agenda Is Revealed - Episode 1952a

@00:08:52 china more like iran and order sanctions

Message Decoded, Public Rollout Of Declass, Complete Transparency - Episode 1949b

@00:26:14 iran for a second with john kerry and
@00:26:20 visited iran to speak to the leaders of
@00:26:23 iran or north korea or china or any of

Fear Meter Off The Chart, [CB]’s Enslave People, This Is How - Episode 1942a

@00:08:03 doctrine brexit huawei iran the larger

Clues Have Been Given, Up Is Down, Left Is Right, Trust The Mission - Episode 1939b

@00:35:47 think iran black sites deep state
@00:37:33 with venezuela and iran yes they're

Dark To Light, Prepared, Strong, Ready, [DS] Fell Right Into The Trap - Episode 1938b

@00:22:21 from there we also understand that iran
@00:22:28 trump tweeted out the following iran is
@00:23:04 have been visiting iran who've been
@00:23:25 believe iran is ready to make this deal

Bigger Charges Coming, August Is A Hot Month - Episode 1932b

@00:21:00 preserves obama's iran nuke deal he

Placeholders, Patriots Positioning, Blocks Removed, Locked And Loaded - Episode 1926b

@00:16:44 happening in ukraine happened in iran
@00:17:19 just like with iran it's not going to
@00:17:22 happen and that peace deal in iran that
@00:17:29 the leader of iran they will be making

Be Ready, B2 Stealth Bomber, Roundup Begins Soon - Episode 1923b

@00:21:17 what the problem is now iran is out
@00:21:43 iran still controlled by some of the
@00:22:07 the report of iran capturing cia spies
@00:22:23 will get much worse iran is a total mess
@00:22:47 is happening in iran and the deep state

Message Relayed To [DS], All Exits Are Now Blocked - Episode 1922b

@00:27:14 with iran now this war would cover up
@00:27:47 been made with iran just like north
@00:28:03 of iran or to those people that have
@00:28:23 talking about iran we're going to go in
@00:28:25 and attack iran trump first of all is
@00:28:54 troops in there we weren't bombing iran
@00:29:01 to go ahead and start bombing iran

A Week To Remember, Watch The Watch, It’s Time - Episode 1921b

@00:19:43 see out in iran iran officially
@00:19:59 agreement with iran where there's going
@00:20:05 iran the deep state pushes their agenda
@00:20:21 here iran is doing the same exact thing

Rate Cuts Coming, Right On Schedule,[CB] Takes The Bait - Episode 1919a

@00:12:46 commerce iran us congress democrats us

The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom - Episode 1917b

@00:21:01 entire plan with iran is moving forward
@00:21:47 iran will go back and think about it yes
@00:21:57 near iran with tankers and things like
@00:21:59 that but eventually iran will fold they

Watch The News, News Unlocks, [RC], NYC Blackout Message - Episode 1916b

@00:22:16 the water now it looks like out in iran
@00:22:29 to facilitate trade with iran and avoid
@00:22:38 that hasn't satisfied iran and it looks

[DS] Baited, The Island Is The Key, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1915b

@00:18:04 pushing their agenda with iran and when
@00:18:12 and they're saying that iran came in and
@00:18:30 we are now seeing it with iran there's
@00:18:55 have a new deal with iran

Power, Control, Everything Has Shifted, Stealth Bomber Incoming - Episode 1914b

@00:07:58 saigon iran black site gone soon a new
@00:08:01 deal in iran will happen ukraine wants

Did You Notice What Was Happening, The Plan Was Designed This Way - Episode 1912b

@00:22:53 iran to reverse the uranium enrichment
@00:23:25 brand new peace deal with iran it's
@00:23:37 that iran is breaking the deal and the

Economic Plan Is Coming Together, [CB], [MSM] Begin To Panic - Episode 1911a

@00:07:57 turkey and iran and his son then would

Step Back And Really Look At What’s Happening, Can You See The MOAB - Episode 1910b

@00:19:48 iran deal makran is out there and he had

Independence Day Message Sent & Received, Countermeasures In Place - Episode 1908b

@00:15:54 iran better watch out what they're doing
@00:16:14 track he tweeted out the following iran
@00:16:28 iran they can come back to bite you like
@00:16:45 trump is going to go into iran he did

It’s Happening, Power Returned To The People, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1905b

@00:03:14 removed from north korea iran soon
@00:04:23 them and it happened the iran peace deal
@00:04:34 see the peace deal in iran patriots are
@00:18:39 it's being reported that iran has now
@00:18:44 mean iran broke the deal no what i
@00:18:48 believe iran is doing right now and this
@00:19:22 iran is leading up to what trump wants
@00:19:31 wants a new deal and i believe iran is

History Was Just Made, Watch Everything Fall Into Place, Panic Everywhere - Episode 1904b

@00:12:58 and soon it will be iran but we'll get
@00:26:52 iran let's go back to post 1451
@00:27:24 iran is next now will we go out to iran
@00:27:32 looks like iran is ready to break the
@00:27:34 deal iran reportedly will soon exceed
@00:27:40 nuclear deal and iran is out there and
@00:27:47 ditch talks to persuade iran to back off
@00:27:56 did not step up and iran is warning
@00:31:12 north korea and iran they're already
@00:31:22 see a new peace deal happen in iran then
@00:32:02 korea iran soon to be venezuela
@00:33:31 the peace in iran in north korea first i

[DS] Plays Their Hand, Patriots Calm, Move Into Position, Wait For It… - Episode 1902b

@00:23:57 iran has removed the black sites from
@00:24:01 trump has now leveraged iran into peace

Here Come The Booms, Great Awakening, Patriots Fight, Placeholders Next - Episode 1901b

@00:20:13 of iran and the office of the supreme
@00:20:15 leader of iran now this is very
@00:20:29 i never called the strike against iran
@00:20:54 all surrounding iran ready to attack and
@00:21:03 news agency iran executes defense
@00:21:26 important this will allow iran to call
@00:21:31 getting information that iran is hinting
@00:22:10 have a new deal with iran we're going to
@00:22:17 going to see north korea iran work with
@00:23:12 believe that iran and north korea

The New Economy Was Just Announced, Did You Catch It - Episode 1901a

@00:07:02 request for iran is very simple no

Patriots Are Now Dismantling & Defunding The [DS], Messages Transmitted - Episode 1899b

@00:02:07 brought up into turkey and iran took
@00:16:37 iran now the mainstream media they've
@00:16:42 ready to attack iran and then he called
@00:16:53 desperate and terrible deal with iran
@00:16:57 dollars in cash iran was in big trouble
@00:17:06 iran yelled death to america i
@00:17:53 night iran can never have nuclear
@00:19:02 iran had been authorized
@00:19:56 cash to iran and nobody in congress the
@00:20:21 eu sanctions iran
@00:22:24 the attack on iran but then everything
@00:24:12 attack iran the patriots got exactly
@00:27:57 north korea i believe iran they're

[DS] Took The Bait, Now It’s The Patriots Turn - Episode 1898b

@00:01:24 iran shot down the united states drone
@00:01:27 now the question is was it really iran
@00:02:03 iran and all the rogue players just like
@00:02:12 make a deal with iran i do believe this
@00:02:20 of people within iran on the deal that
@00:19:22 near iran and send calm is saying listen
@00:19:28 airspace iran is saying no you were
@00:19:31 flying over iran and trump was sitting
@00:19:38 asking him questions about iran first
@00:19:55 absolutely when i came here or iran was
@00:20:11 and i think probably iran made a mistake
@00:21:35 things first he said iran made a big
@00:22:55 iran this is the deep state where
@00:23:08 happening within iran we have the deep
@00:23:22 remember iran has not initiated a war in
@00:23:47 weapons iran would be wiped off the map
@00:23:50 it's not iran itself it's the rogue deep
@00:23:55 state with in iran that is doing this
@00:24:03 to iran even though there's north korea
@00:24:26 will cause war with iran potus will
@00:24:43 a deal with iran a new deal and the old
@00:25:22 the words iran made a very big mistake
@00:25:41 exactly and in this post it says iran
@00:26:30 here iran didn't just shoot down a
@00:26:34 simple drone iran used a surface-to-air
@00:28:13 of the cabal operating within iran and i
@00:28:45 it isn't iran and people who aren't
@00:28:50 their head saying well it's not iran
@00:28:57 iran
@00:29:16 to start and invade iran or do you think

Did You Catch What Trump Did At The Rally, The People Now Know - Episode 1897b

@00:34:28 regards to iran he was asked about his
@00:34:31 position with iran as he left the white
@00:34:39 iran we have a lot of things going on
@00:34:41 with iran were very prepared for iran
@00:34:50 iran were prepared for them to make a
@00:35:30 people of iran they're going to be
@00:35:38 operatives inside of iran and we know
@00:35:44 dismantled in iran now the reporters

[DS] Panicking, Moving To Event Phase, Patriots Ready To Counter - Episode 1894b

@00:22:16 interestingly with iran they've just
@00:22:47 within iran they don't want this to

Scope Of Durham’s Investigation Broad, Trump 24/7/365, Message Received - Episode 1890b

@00:22:08 is safer iran developments and then
@00:24:42 europe and japan were heading to iran to
@00:24:57 with iran in the background and i do
@00:25:10 abbaye left to iran and this is very
@00:25:21 happened in north korea now iran has
@00:26:15 working with iran to make this deal and
@00:26:20 inside iran and he's working with one

[DS] Moves To Hide The Evidence From Public, Countermove Already In Place - Episode 1885b

@00:13:49 happening in iran venezuela actually
@00:13:51 iran they might be talking very very
@00:14:15 a black site in iran and everything is
@00:17:29 curtail the problem china russia iran

Did You Catch What Mueller Just Did, [DS] Sends A Message - Episode 1880b

@00:27:22 evidence that it was iran behind the
@00:27:42 to push propaganda to make iran do what
@00:27:52 black site within iran and start
@00:28:49 like iran is ready to speak now i think

The Movement Challenged Their Forced Narrative, Now Patriots Unleash Their Weapon - Episode 1879b

@00:30:21 and iran representative brian hook in
@00:30:51 trying to do in iran is he's trying to
@00:31:01 korea he's doing it in iran now i want

Boom, The Hammer Just Fell, Justice Is On It’s Way- Episode 1876b

@00:11:40 is now heating up in iran now in iran we
@00:11:50 other individuals in iran like the
@00:11:52 foreign minister the president of iran
@00:12:05 trump is going to be invading iran with
@00:13:08 in iran and trump has already done this
@00:13:17 in iran we are not going to war and iran
@00:13:58 collude with iran during increasing war
@00:14:34 these people wouldn't go over to iran or
@00:19:08 matters related to payments to iran now

[DS] Already Lost & They Don’t Know It Yet,Transparency Is The Only Way Forward - Episode 1875b

@00:24:17 coming to this country now out in iran
@00:25:03 in iran there are certain players that
@00:25:33 in iran the european individuals the

We Are Now In The Build Up Phase, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 1873b

@00:31:26 invading iran we're going to war this is
@00:32:02 absolutely not with iran now the plan is

Declass Right Around The Corner, Patriots Control The Timetable - Episode 1872b

@00:19:09 iran wants to fight that will be the
@00:19:11 official end of iran never threatened
@00:19:20 the people of iran he's talking to those
@00:19:33 to several iran-backed shiite militants
@00:19:43 logically iran has not started a war in
@00:19:57 russia they have iran's back but if iran
@00:20:04 of iran maybe not because russia and
@00:20:14 not iran not the people it's the deep
@00:20:18 state who has been out to iran who made
@00:20:22 deals with iran obama john kerry dianne
@00:20:28 government of iran
@00:20:59 the same thing to iran which tell me
@00:21:14 month if he negotiates peace with iran
@00:21:47 the fact that trump is calling out iran
@00:21:57 negotiations with iran are already done
@00:22:32 negotiation with iran this is false
@00:22:34 report iran will call us if and when
@00:22:45 trump is saying iran is going to be
@00:22:54 iran and what sneaky rod was saying it
@00:23:00 iran is going to call why does he know
@00:23:52 iran well i'm the one that talks about

The Call Is Loud And Clear, Those Who Committed Treason, Go Directly To Jail - Episode 1870b

@00:25:35 in iran two more warships they travel to
@00:25:46 this to put pressure on iran and bolton
@00:27:31 iran can have no idea what is actually
@00:27:39 everyone calling iran nobody knows
@00:27:47 that iran is gonna say you know

WW Resignations, [DS] Scrambling, Wait For It, Boom - Episode 1869b

@00:26:25 now out in iran we're starting to see
@00:26:41 arabia is blaming iran for ordering an
@00:26:49 saying that iran came in they used
@00:27:40 a phone call from iran he's a negotiator
@00:28:20 i'm sure that iran will want to talk
@00:28:26 putting pressure on iran he already
@00:28:33 warships over to iran to put pressure on
@00:28:37 not iran not the people but the black
@00:29:08 same thing in iran they're hunting down
@00:29:20 entire iran war drum completely
@00:29:24 disappear and i do believe that iran

[DS] Tries To Out Maneuver Trump, This Will Fail - Episode 1869a

@00:03:33 iran multiple times while trump was
@00:11:50 have john kerry out in iran telling iran

[DS] Begins To Turn On Each Other, The Cover-Up Always Gets You In The End - Episode 1868b

@00:27:18 tensions with iran now iran is not going
@00:27:22 that's number one secondly iran is not
@00:27:39 start a war with iran i think what is
@00:27:49 the people of iran trump's mission is to
@00:27:52 go after the black sites within iran and
@00:27:57 the strings of a leaders inside of iran
@00:28:18 iran they have halted some of its
@00:28:22 and we know that iran last week gave the
@00:28:29 issue with the u.s. or iran most likely
@00:28:37 iran can make a deal this is exactly
@00:28:49 they were using iran for other things
@00:28:57 create a relationship with iran which
@00:29:02 out of iran to help with the court cases
@00:29:12 iran venezuela and cuba because the deep
@00:29:21 world peace with iran they didn't open

[DS] Didn’t See This Coming, The Secret Weapon Revealed - Episode 1867b

@00:15:45 start a war with iran and i believe
@00:15:59 it says iran or iranian back proxies
@00:16:34 finger at iran now we need to remember
@00:16:35 that iran has not started a war in over
@00:16:43 don't believe iran itself is going to
@00:17:07 twenty thousand troops to counter iran
@00:17:14 bring in troops into iran first of all
@00:18:50 actually out in iran the iranian supreme
@00:19:27 in venezuela they have an agenda in iran
@00:19:51 iran and telling the iranians on what to
@00:19:59 american is going to iran to tell the
@00:21:07 iran is trying to figure out how to quit

Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC - Episode 1866b

@00:11:28 along now let's head out to iran before
@00:11:35 happening out in iran now first of all
@00:11:37 iran hasn't started a war in over two
@00:11:45 iran wants to start a war with the
@00:12:21 going to be a bad problem for iran if
@00:12:36 that are pushing iran to keep the deal
@00:12:47 i think iran is gonna go out and you

Trump Just Called Out The [DS], [-90], It’s All About To Drop - Episode 1863b

@00:23:28 force in iran
@00:23:29 speaking of iran the abraham lincoln
@00:23:47 cuba and iran because there are deep
@00:24:07 issued by iran saying in a statement
@00:24:28 the industrial metal sector in iran
@00:24:43 iran take a listen to what trump said if
@00:24:54 he's talking to iran and has been has
@00:25:09 the iran deal now trump he is calling
@00:26:32 iran he's part of the deep state trump
@00:26:45 collude with iran to undermine a trail
@00:27:06 what trump is looking for he wants iran
@00:27:15 is continually tonguing iran to do the
@00:27:51 and iran now many people eat many people
@00:28:18 for a long time especially in iran and
@00:28:39 case for bombing iran john bolton's
@00:28:51 on iran they're uncompromising as ever
@00:29:32 knows this who's in iran
@00:29:34 who's telling iran what to do john kerry
@00:30:07 happen is that iran is going to make a

Get Ready For The Fireworks, Power Returns To The People - Episode 1862b

@00:30:10 now we know out in venezuela iran we
@00:30:25 already that iran they've made the first
@00:30:59 see that iran they have suspended
@00:31:07 said in a tweet that iran was acting
@00:31:57 guess what it's too late for iran it's

[DS] Black Sites In Process Of Being Removed, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1861b

@00:02:14 major ones is cuba venezuela and iran
@00:22:03 rim now iran claims they have arrested
@00:22:51 iran now we did this yesterday it was
@00:23:44 but by iran they're starting to realize
@00:24:30 that iran would be taking steps
@00:24:44 the eu sticks to its commitments iran
@00:24:53 iran counter sanctions iran's unilateral
@00:25:04 reviewed and it seems like iran is
@00:25:26 and security of their people world iran
@00:25:55 watch iran something incredible is about
@00:27:36 venezuela cuba and iran right now where
@00:29:30 iran because this would it be a complete
@00:30:08 same thing with iran he's using this to

[DS] Fear, Hopelessness, Anger, Second Act Begins, Justice - Episode 1856b

@00:33:18 iran and venezuela they built close
@00:33:32 cash to iran and i believe
@00:36:27 until iran leaves trump comes out and

Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

@00:16:28 iran russia and pakistan aren't a party

Time Is Ticking Down, Markers [1] & [2] Are Set, Follow The Watch - Episode 1843b

@00:19:31 iran and i believe trump and the
@00:20:28 salvage the iran nuke deal now it was
@00:21:09 briefed on the meeting with the iran
@00:21:57 about the iran nuclear deal this is not
@00:22:19 we should avoid colluding with iran and
@00:22:38 president's iran policy and remember

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:23:27 scrapped it and said listen iran why
@00:23:33 on iran making it difficult telling
@00:23:50 france also stepped up nagging iran
@00:24:16 it increasingly difficult for iran to
@00:25:20 particular plane land outside of iran
@00:25:55 if iran comes to the negotiation table
@00:26:10 you know the nuclear iran from getting a
@00:26:19 site inside of iran where other

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:25:56 same thing with iran now pompeyo was out
@00:27:14 to be created for an iran to exploit
@00:27:46 to iran which means china russia would
@00:28:04 iran it was never about worldwide safety
@00:28:38 cash transferred to iran for routes five
@00:28:58 large deals in the year in iran post
@00:29:11 to invest in iran european companies
@00:29:14 moved quickly to invest in iran after
@00:29:58 iran deal pull out they never thought
@00:30:11 and put pressure on europe and iran
@00:30:16 remember trump wants iran to come out
@00:30:43 to put pressure on iran to come to the

America For Sale, Ukraine & China In The News, News Unlocks - Episode 1833b

@00:28:23 them for one venezuela the other iran

Marker [1], Marker [2] Set, [CLAS 1-99], Patriots On The Offensive - Episode 1827b

@00:21:26 1 2 3 blind eye iran fund and supply
@00:22:14 with iran and it goes on and on and on

Blockade Dismantled, Counting Down, Patriots Turn, Rats Scattering - Episode 1823b

@00:11:35 of the plan so let's turn to iran
@00:11:56 iran will eventually reach out and say
@00:12:27 time to do this they want iran to see

Panic In DC, [DS] Agenda Force Out Into The Light - Episode 1822b

@00:15:05 syria we're never leaving until iran

Narrative Fight Coming, It’s Time To Unite & Take-down The True Enemy - Episode 1818b

@00:03:52 troops in there because iran is invading
@00:03:57 very very end until iran is gone this is

T [-7] And Counting, Prepared And Ready, Be Vigilant - Episode 1813b

@00:36:56 to curtail the problem china russia iran

It’s Happening, Senate Activated, Update To Countdown - Episode 1810b

@00:17:28 complete control of iran putin is
@00:29:35 looks like this is a picture from iran

Dark To Light, But Something Is Lurking In The Shadows - Episode 1809b

@00:17:05 believe iran did this a while back and

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:15:01 returns that iran is not embolden and

Collusion, Investigations, Hoaxes Failed, Patriots Turn, DECLAS - Episode 1801b

@00:15:51 goes but i do believe that iran

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:09:08 talking to iran about the safe zone but

Barr & Placeholders Activated, S/M Blackout, Think EAS - Episode 1795b

@00:20:04 to curtail the problem china russia iran
@00:33:14 iran nuclear deal but it looks like it
@00:35:26 iran 1.3 billion two days after 400
@00:35:54 why not replicate it in iran how much
@00:35:57 money cash was sent to iran well we know

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking,Pain,Event Warning [10] - Episode 1792b

@00:09:31 flint water crisis iran and you can see
@00:13:15 uranium one iran why are we attacked

Military Exercises In Multiple Cities, Arrests, We Have The Watch - Episode 1790b

@00:20:15 defected to iran in 2013 is alleged to

It’s Time, Senate Was Everything, Investigations Begin - Episode 1786b

@00:25:36 remember with iran trump was always

Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Full Control, Panic - Episode 1784b

@00:25:32 iraq and they're gonna watch iran now we
@00:25:36 there why do they have to watch iran

[Old Guard] Exposed, The Truth Overshadows The Propaganda - Episode 1783b

@00:15:24 sanctions on iran now what's very

Remove The Globalist Systems, Then Control The [CB] - Episode 1783a

@00:12:07 just like syria iraq iran libya lebanon
@00:13:17 venezuela iran and europe china the
@00:13:45 europe iran venezuela these are all the

Patriots Over The Target, Incoming, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom - Episode 1781b

@00:16:45 very much in agreement on iran islamic

Trump Just Projected Into The Future, Did You Catch It - Episode 1780b

@00:26:39 intelligence on iran north korea isis

Leverage, Clean Up, Resetting The [DS] World - Episode 1779b

@00:02:00 destruction of the cabal and iran that
@00:23:07 allowed north korea to be free iran he's
@00:24:06 almost like north korea syria iran iraq
@00:27:40 are wrong when i became president iran
@00:27:44 since ending the terrible iran nuclear
@00:27:59 careful of iran perhaps intelligence

Trump Signals The Economic Agenda, Gold Standard - Episode 1779a

@00:16:21 syria he's working on iran right now and

Is Trump Using The [DS] [CB] Economic Plan Against Them? - Episode 1778a

@00:08:38 iran they are turning their backs on the

Panic, [DS] Trolls Trump, Think Mirror, We Are Getting Closer - Episode 1777b

@00:20:16 syria unless iran leaves first was he

Boxed In, No Escape, Watch, Everything Is About To Change, Wait For It - Episode 1776b

@00:08:44 iran dáil and other real russia
@00:34:11 unless iran leaves completely fake phony

Emotions Cloud Judgement & Logic, Senate, SC Meant Everything, Stay The Course - Episode 1774b

@00:22:00 gonna go into iran and use military
@00:25:55 see that iran and putin well they're
@00:28:55 still have iran they need time to put

The Swamp Is Everywhere, Housing Cleaning, We Will Not Be Silenced - Episode 1767b

@00:25:13 and iran handle this absolutely now lisa
@00:27:48 let syria let russia let iran clean up
@00:28:10 libya or even iran said listen we hear

[DS] Digging Their Own Hole, Treason - Episode 1765be

@00:19:04 provoke turkey russia iran syria have

As Predicted, Right On Schedule, Next Move Will Not Be Propaganda - Episode 1764b

@00:18:02 with military options to strike iran
@00:18:43 iran to start a war does that make sense

Carpet Bombs Just Dropped, Incoming Booms, Timing - Episode 1763b

@00:09:52 we're not leaving until iran leaves him

[DS] Distraction Incoming, Patriots Ready And Waiting - Episode 1760b

@00:18:30 they were afraid that syria and iran and
@00:24:36 never leaving until iran leaves syria

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:06:57 unless iran does it was fake phony and
@00:32:56 reign iran deal paris accord china trade

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:06:18 we see iran and russia they're holding a
@00:06:48 iran leaves well we knew that was fake

It Has Begun, The Push Is On, Timing Is Everything - Episode 1757a

@00:15:30 why iran has become in any country that

Did You Miss It, Trump Just Telegraphed A Message To [DS] & Anons - Episode 1756b

@00:20:27 be reimposing economic sanctions on iran
@00:20:45 to do with iran whatsoever i think this

It’s Just Getting Started, Enjoy The Ride - Episode 1755b

@00:19:09 the iran deal exposed what obama did

Justice Is Coming, Nothing Can Stop It, Cover Up Exposed, Fear, Panic - Episode 1753b

@00:11:20 iran iraq and syria remember they were

Flynn Signals Dark To Light, [DS][CB] PANIC - Episode 1749b

@00:11:58 everything under control and iran will
@00:13:07 horrific iran nuclear deal now
@00:13:55 used by iran to fun regional allies the

Agenda’s Exposed, Senate Was The Key, 2019 Changes Everything - Episode 1748b

@00:01:30 to his aggressive position against iran

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:20:34 tweet as the proud people of iran
@00:29:48 north korea and iran blind eye to nuke
@00:29:58 snowden fun supply north korea and iran
@00:30:02 uranium one iran deal weak in command of
@00:33:58 the terms of iran nuclear deal does the
@00:34:04 to the republic of iran what if iran
@00:34:56 but obama supplied uranium to iran and

The Clock Is Ticking, First Alarm Bell Ready,Power Returned To The People - Episode 1746b

@00:13:10 to stay longer russia iran syria and
@00:13:36 iran syria and many others are not happy
@00:13:41 iran syria they're all happy that the
@00:16:50 and then eventually take over iran and

It’s Time, [DS] In Process Of Being Removed, Court TV Back, Coincidence? - Episode 1739b

@00:23:56 iran exporter of terrorism they chant
@00:24:16 president obama gave iran a hundred and

Central Banks WW Are Worried That Gov & The People Are Turning On Them - Episode 1737a

@00:05:44 us sanctions against iran now trump is

BREXIT Exposed, CB’s Are Cornered, Prepare For Impact - Episode 1731a

@00:10:29 iran russia china the european nations

Nobody Noticed, The Setup Is Perfect, The Spotlight Shines Bright - Episode 1709b

@00:12:41 countries now we see out in iran iran
@00:12:49 on iran and this is putting pressure on
@00:12:50 iran to ask the deep state out of their
@00:13:06 floating storage which allows iran to
@00:13:25 china and iran now in may of last year
@00:13:59 dropped the bombshell that iran had also
@00:14:20 happened in china it happened in iran
@00:15:19 remember the iran scandal is about to

The Numbers Add Up, Stay Strong, Divided No More - Episode 1708b

@00:06:43 these countries even iran and many
@00:07:21 the u.s. placed more sanctions on iran
@00:08:03 iran putting pressure on the deep state
@00:08:35 pressure being put on iran right now to
@00:08:48 pay iran and this is the biggest problem

Trump Just Boxed The Fed In, This Is How - Episode 1708a

@00:15:04 japan turkey venezuela iran they have

Stealth Bomber Making It's Approach, Blockade Removed - Episode 1707b

@00:08:41 iran and they said in 2013 hundreds of
@00:09:28 nuclear weapons program in iran this has
@00:09:54 was doing in iran
@00:10:30 now trump is continually pressuring iran
@00:10:34 and it's not iran itself it's the deep
@00:10:40 of iran and if you notice trump
@00:11:04 on those rogue elements within iran and
@00:11:15 they're trying to pressure iran the
@00:11:23 iran to make a new deal almost they're
@00:11:32 with north korea but iran is a tougher
@00:11:50 embedded in iran than they were in north

Message Sent & Received, Feel The Full Fury Of The Storm - Episode 1706

@00:09:24 now we see russia india and iran they're
@00:10:05 deep state and iran makes a new deal
@00:10:22 iran to make a new deal and once it's

Will The US Sanction The Central Banks Payment System? - Episode 1706a

@00:14:39 sanctions on iran but what's very
@00:14:52 want swift to disconnect from iran now
@00:14:56 i'm not going to talk about the iran
@00:15:13 from iran and listen to what minutia n--
@00:17:01 is for iran and things like that but

Before The Days Of Darkness, "Q" Sent Messages... - Episode 1705b

@00:16:20 pressure on iran again he wants iran to
@00:16:27 within this country and remember iran is
@00:16:43 individuals in iran why do you think he
@00:16:49 delivered to iran without congress
@00:16:55 to waive india from the iran sanctions

Watch How The Central Bank Tries To Hit Back To Regain The Narrative - Episode 1703a

@00:07:36 to come up with an iran oil trade
@00:07:53 so once again iran is in trouble here

Panic, The Deep State Projection In Full Force, Anons Know Why - Episode 1699b

@00:01:35 from iran they knew everything that went

Moves And Countermoves,Truth Not Revealed, Breaking Down The Strategy - Episode 1697b

@00:19:38 china and iran and russia into the mix
@00:21:53 and even iran so we see a lot things

Stealth Operation Initialized, Deep State [SA] Mission Fail - Episode 1694b

@00:24:47 to decide whether iran leaves syria or
@00:24:49 not it should be up to syria iran and
@00:24:51 the u.s. if iran is in there russia is
@00:25:53 iranian forces advisors leave iran well
@00:26:03 now we're getting reports that iran has
@00:26:34 whatever troops they had in iran and
@00:26:46 iran removes their troops the us the

Countries Around The World Are Already Transitioning Their Economies - Episode 1694a

@00:13:30 iran russia and india ditch dollar in

Know Your Enemy, More Arrests, There Is No Spoon - Episode 1692b

@00:11:46 same thing with turkey with iran they
@00:12:27 state mike pompeo he met with iran made

Another Flip, Trump Preparing The Masses, More Carpet Bombs On The Way - Episode 1691b

@00:22:08 iran is out there and he's not a nice

Warning To Trump, Unwise To Mess With The Central Bank - Episode 1690a

@00:06:43 already done this iran and russia have

Alice, Wonderland, Panic, New Playbook - Episode 1689b

@00:09:14 pressure to iran until the deed was done
@00:13:34 controls iran right now and they have a

Internet Blackout Warning For Next 48 Hours - Episode 1688b

@00:12:12 coup against iran in 2016 the us

Rates Raised, Market Drops, Who's In The Kill Box, Coincidence? - Episode 1687a

@00:12:54 china turkey iran india syria brazil

As The World Decouples From The Fed Note,The Transition Is Happening Quietly - Episode 1686a

@00:10:22 see that iran and many other countries
@00:11:07 doing this iran syria will be doing it

History In The Making,Ready For Arrests, Tribunals & Pain - Episode 1682b

@00:15:54 horrible iran deal which had provided a

Was The End Of The Petro Dollar Just Announced By The President? - Episode 1682a

@00:04:25 going to make a new deal with iran saudi

Sting Operation Active,The Coverup,Comms Active - Episode 1680b

@00:03:16 about iran because today the united
@00:03:32 1955 treaty with iran and he said this
@00:04:16 government of iran and in 1954 it
@00:04:37 change in iran so what did pompeo do got
@00:04:44 state-created with iran so everything
@00:04:57 will pressure on iran those deep state
@00:05:00 operatives within iran to come to the

Operators Standing By,Stay Tuned & Watch 'Red October' - Episode 1678b

@00:17:42 iran red cross pakistan red cross north

DECLAS On Its Way,Red October,Presidential-Alert For Clear Comms - Episode 1676b

@00:07:35 satellite image saying that iran has a
@00:09:03 quicker we see iran is out there saying
@00:09:19 and iran is out there saying that

The Presidential Alert Test & Full Senate Vote On Target - Episode 1674b

@00:25:19 not true that iran has never requested a
@00:25:46 deal together because of iran creating a
@00:27:42 really for iran maybe if a war broke out

Deep State Playbook Dead,Fear,Panic,Cornered,The Light Is Shining Brighter - Episode 1673b

@00:19:11 yet with iran not just yet but i think
@00:20:04 protect iran
@00:20:23 deep state operatives in iran and i
@00:20:33 the aid of iran and the payments that

Sting Operation In Progress, Swamp Fighting Back, Remain Calm - Episode 1670b

@00:07:46 meeting on iran next week and it looks
@00:07:49 this new deal we'll have to see if iran
@00:08:02 speak to iran and maybe a new deal will

Confirmed, #Ourguy Is Working With Trump To Destroy The Central Bank - Episode 1670a

@00:07:40 doing with iran he's always saying well

DECLAS, A Week To Remember, [RENEGADE] Exposed - Episode 1665b

@00:20:53 on the iran deal they needed the nsa

The Deep State Prepares Counter Narrative, Truth Will Win - Episode 1664b

@00:22:04 john kerry went over to iran trying to

The Plan Is In Place, Prepare For The MOAB, Twelve Steps Ahead - Episode 1663b

@00:13:20 looks like he's been out to iran having
@00:14:53 not have iran squeal on the people that
@00:21:26 iran nuclear deal which made the press

Message Sent, Sleep Cells Activated, The Plan Is Now Active - Episode 1659b

@00:06:46 sending iran messages every day saying
@00:06:54 iran to say okay yes let's renegotiate

The Public Has The Right To Know, It's Time To Expose The Lies - Episode 1656b

@00:17:56 iran russia or anyone pakistan anyone
@00:23:58 187 uranium one fun supply iran north

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:08:54 happening out in iran iran's supreme

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:34:26 iran have the power fight for for your
@00:34:29 freedom q now in iran there was a
@00:35:15 is saying is that we need to watch iran

The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror - Episode 1649b

@00:18:46 iran russia turkey they're going to have
@00:18:52 iran so it looks like we're moving
@00:18:59 iran is going to be removing the forces
@00:21:07 meetings with iran with russia turkey
@00:21:11 and iran they're going to say iran has
@00:21:23 is if iran removes itself from syria the

Are The Good Guys Sending A Message To The Central Banks? - Episode 1647a

@00:02:50 with what we're seeing with iran we're

Never Interfere With An Enemy While Destroying Itself, This Is The Plan - Episode 1645b

@00:04:00 in iran and targeted people across
@00:05:01 that it's arraign iran and russia that
@00:05:08 included iran right now and it looks
@00:05:14 blaming everything on iran or russia and
@00:11:52 using iran as the cover story of wine
@00:11:55 the troops can now leave because iran is
@00:12:19 russia iran other countries they were

The World Is Now Preparing For The Economic Transition - Episode 1645a

@00:08:36 we see many other countries syria iran

The Battle For the Economic Collapse Narrative Is Heating Up - Episode 1643a

@00:07:05 iran the wars in the middle east guess

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:03:20 now out in iran the iranian supreme
@00:03:50 changed in iran they might be looking at
@00:04:04 things are going to turn around in iran

The Deep State Intelligence Is Not Going To Be Happy About What Just Happened - Episode 1638b

@00:17:38 u.s. iran would be open to some type of

The Central Bank Has Taken It's Foot Off The Pedal,We Are Coasting To The Collapse - Episode 1638a

@00:07:58 currencies russia china india syria iran
@00:09:32 outside the dollar iran is dealing

The Show Has Just Begun, Welcome To The Swamp - Episode 1636b

@00:09:33 sanctions being placed on iran we know
@00:09:35 from cue that iran is next trying to get
@00:09:50 state companies out of iran now we know

Do You Feel It, The Deep State's Last Ditch Effort Will Be To Unleash... - Episode 1633b

@00:16:52 more reports coming out of iran where

It's All About To Intensify, Brace Yourself, Divided No More - Episode 1632b

@00:10:27 iran the ig and the fisa amendment
@00:13:23 cause war with iran false fake news 8
@00:23:53 going to be happening in iran in north

The Setup Is Complete, Next Phase Is Coming - Episode 1632a

@00:16:04 sanctions on iran and a lot of countries

Don't Just Trust The Plan, Watch The Plan Unfold, [DeClas], Ring, Ring - Episode 1631b

@00:07:50 iran after midnight eastern standard
@00:08:20 minute but the people of iran they're
@00:09:26 iran are set to snap back the iranian
@00:09:50 there saying that iran had always
@00:10:04 course is out there saying if iran were

What You Are Witnessing Now Is Needed Before The Big Drop - Episode 1630b

@00:05:31 iran everyone thought oh for being set
@00:07:43 must leave syria including iran and
@00:07:53 official saying that iran needs to leave
@00:08:01 hear iran out there saying the following
@00:09:15 was planned with iran and we see it
@00:09:42 happen now is that iran just made the
@00:10:07 iran now it's a science term and once

The Announcement Was Just Made, Watch What Happens Next, It's Happening - Episode 1628b

@00:05:36 about we're not going to war with iran
@00:08:37 talks with trump and iran right now
@00:08:46 iran is saying well we're not gonna have
@00:08:49 well actually iran has been clear not to
@00:11:10 russia just announced that iran has

Exposing The Truth Comes With Pain, Confusion & Proof, Divided Becomes One - Episode 1627b

@00:07:21 iran now the corporate media the
@00:07:53 we're going to hear from iran of course
@00:08:00 peace iran hasn't started a war in two
@00:19:20 layers uranium one iran human

The Storm Is Raging, Those Who Follow Understand What's About To Happen - Episode 1625b

@00:06:28 u.s. is planning a bombing run of iran
@00:06:34 or an invasion of iran and this is
@00:06:45 invade iran now mattis is out there
@00:07:33 he is ready to deal with iran and he's
@00:07:36 waiting for a phone call from iran now
@00:07:39 something has definitely changed in iran
@00:10:00 china russia or iran where they're
@00:11:08 iran so it looks like they're building
@00:37:39 heading towards peace iran trump is

The Illusion Will Continue To The End, Then It's Game Over - Episode 1625a

@00:02:00 like iran they are moving in that same

Something Big Just Happened & It's Going To Change Everything - Episode 1623b

@00:10:24 with iran adding that iran is not the
@00:10:35 made and he continually says that iran
@00:10:44 iran is now going to say okay let's set

Calls To Declassify Grows Louder, Deep State Panics - Episode 1621b

@00:19:59 really heating up with iran and it looks
@00:20:18 that war with iran is the mother of all
@00:20:28 war with iran is the mother of all wars
@00:20:30 and peace with iran is the mother of all
@00:22:57 might occur in iran because we can see
@00:25:53 syria then move into iran and control

The Guilty Are Screaming Louder And Louder, There Is No Escape - Episode 1617b

@00:11:40 leave syria until iran is removed from

Tick Tock Here Comes The Truth, The Deep State Is Scrambling - Episode 1616b

@00:17:20 that iran is going to call him and seek
@00:19:01 only pull out if iran pulls out and of
@00:19:12 iran leaves the u.s. will leave syria
@00:19:16 this is the plan iran is the cover and
@00:19:46 happen even no iran is saying well assad
@00:19:59 need iran to leave iran will leave of
@00:20:07 iran here the terrorists have been

An Unprecedented Wage Stagnation Hits As IMF Warns Of Economic Downturn - Episode 1616a

@00:08:31 states and has now turned to iran as one
@00:08:40 we know there are sanctions on iran
@00:08:52 purchase the crude oil from iran instead

The Hammer Is Falling, The Plan Is On Track - Episode 1615b

@00:13:51 was expecting a call from iran he's
@00:13:54 putting a lot of pressure on iran right
@00:14:02 of syria relies on iran removing its
@00:15:56 have iran leave the country now we
@00:16:07 the breadcrumbs that if iran leaves

Expecting A Call Soon, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1614b

@00:11:09 iran was next and we can see there's a
@00:11:11 huge push now with iran and we see that
@00:11:18 deal with iran iran is scrambling right
@00:11:28 iran wants and we also see there are
@00:11:31 certain protests happening in iran but
@00:11:40 iran the strategy is to make iran kneel
@00:12:37 in the works with iran we see there's a
@00:12:41 lot of pressure on iran now trump is
@00:13:28 be regime change in iran but this is not
@00:13:45 in iran no i really don't think so
@00:13:54 iran and for the united states to go in
@00:14:12 war with iran both
@00:14:59 made with iran because what is happening
@00:15:59 comfortable if iran was completely out
@00:16:40 and they're pushing the plan with iran
@00:17:41 iran we're gonna see all this play out

Trump/Putin Meeting Will Seal The Deal Which Pushes The Plan Forward - Episode 1613b

@00:11:36 you putin to have assad remove iran the
@00:12:02 they want to show that iran now is no
@00:12:41 ask iran to now pack up and leave and

The Strategy Within A Strategy, The People Are Going To Be Shocked - Episode 1612b

@00:09:53 strait open despite what iran is saying
@00:10:01 are international waters iran really
@00:13:03 iran out of this area right now and i
@00:13:34 narrative that iran has already to
@00:13:53 groups why would they allow iran in
@00:14:21 misleading the public to think that iran

Has Q Given Us A Timeline Of Events, It Could Play Out This Way - Episode 1611b

@00:14:01 iran out of fear of becoming embroiled
@00:14:09 iran is out there and they're saying
@00:14:20 need to understand that iran well they
@00:14:29 iran on its north and oman to itself and
@00:15:32 however at the time iran signed the
@00:15:46 government of iran declared at the time
@00:15:48 of signing it iran does not recognize
@00:16:01 strait of hormuz so what iran is saying

The Moves Are Never Telegraphed, It's All Happening Behind Closed Doors - Episode 1609b

@00:06:11 iran they are still pushing their agenda
@00:06:24 economic package for iran before
@00:07:21 companies leaving iran due to new us
@00:07:29 to pay out what iran needs and this
@00:15:47 iran their armed forces they're at the
@00:20:07 beat the islamic state iran pulled out

Disinformation Is Real, They Are Trying To Divide Us, It Will Fail - Episode 1608b

@00:08:04 iran they don't establish a presence in
@00:08:44 syria that was including iran and i
@00:08:50 what's going to happen here is iran is
@00:09:01 iran is removed from this area i do
@00:09:26 iran just the syrian army and i think

We Have The Server, Tracking It All, Cornered - Episode 1607b

@00:06:08 moving forward here we see iran the
@00:06:11 president of iran rohini
@00:06:23 to iran and we know that the iranian
@00:06:55 profitable for iran and again they want
@00:07:03 sending payments to iran and this had
@00:07:16 just giving it to iran so we see at this
@00:07:19 point iran is trying to get those funds
@00:23:53 they weren't going to try iran in this

There Is Coordinated Effort To Create Hysteria Designed To Instill Fear - Episode 1606b

@00:07:33 pay iran they're going to be completely
@00:07:45 while negotiating the iran nuclear deal
@00:07:51 and member of parliament in iran and he
@00:08:16 over to iran and then over into syria to
@00:10:06 saying assad can stay iran must leave
@00:10:09 syria now of course iran is out there
@00:10:27 and if iran does leave israel has
@00:10:36 if iran does leave syria i believe the
@00:10:52 including iran in this should leave

It's Time, The Great Awakening Is About To Begin - Episode 1605

@00:15:11 iran we understand there's protests that
@00:15:22 certain area not all around iran and

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:10:02 purchase a significant amount from iran
@00:10:12 iran is looking at in the saying listen
@00:10:41 lot of pressure now being put on iran
@00:36:42 the good people of iran who are
@00:37:31 iran expose the names of corrupt
@00:38:31 state operatives in iran were dealing

The Plan Is In Motion As The Truth Begins To Emerge - Episode 1601b

@00:07:57 iran and north korea now north korea
@00:13:31 see there's protests in iran now these
@00:14:46 in iran it's really into ran and mostly

It's All Happening Under The Radar, Big News Will Be Coming Soon - Episode 1600b

@00:18:17 iran and iran is saying that they're

It's All About To Change, The Time Is Now - Episode 1598b

@00:17:49 in syria so we've already seen iran

Undiscovered Truths Will Be Learned, Organized Riots Being Planned - Episode 1597b

@00:07:45 thought europe was with iran you know
@00:09:29 iran doesn't need to be there and all

Abandon Ship! The Trap Has Been Set, There Is No Way Out - Episode 1596b

@00:11:37 we see right now in iran iran is saying
@00:11:54 into iran from the united states and
@00:12:08 up with a good enough deal and iran is
@00:12:53 june 19th free iran fight fight fight
@00:13:04 i know q is saying free iran let's have
@00:13:47 to protest free iran we're going to see
@00:27:14 iran next regime in trouble and i
@00:27:19 believe the regime in iran there's deep
@00:27:29 removing the deep state allowing iran to

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:36:21 investing in iran from renewed us
@00:36:23 sanctions on iran after trump pulled out

All Connections, Scams, Corruption, It's All About To Explode - Episode 1594b

@00:05:36 iran now out in afghanistan what we're

The Movement Has Started, The Clock Is Ticking Down, Tick Tock - Episode 1593b

@00:09:28 syria and we see already that iran
@00:18:53 here is obama's hidden iran deal
@00:19:29 procurement network supplying iran with
@00:21:08 weapons in iran she worked at the sec

Deep State Modified Report Released, Next Phase DECLAS It All - Episode 1592b

@00:09:50 iran russia they're meeting in baghdad
@00:11:15 why iran is involved trying to get iran

Missles Fired, Missles Stopped, Evil Is Knocking - Episode 1591b

@00:02:13 jason reveals that iran is working at a
@00:08:09 president of iran is saying that you
@00:08:15 advisors there and now iran is looking
@00:08:42 of iran and the foreign troops from
@00:10:39 have iran back off withdraw from syria
@00:19:06 first north korea then iran then israel
@00:21:28 happen in iran 1492 re-read 10 times 50

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:27:22 the world is saver safer and iran is
@00:28:22 1454 eu sanctions for iran leaders of
@00:28:33 iran deal orchestrated for the sole

The Battle Moves From Behind The Scenes To The Foreground - Episode 1588b

@00:07:52 brought in iran they destroyed the
@00:09:05 an enemy iran is an enemy syria is going

The Agenda 'Break World Order’, Elite Meet To Counter - Episode 1586b

@00:13:27 mountain iran we understand that europe
@00:13:30 iran they are continually communicating
@00:13:33 with each other about the iran nuclear
@00:13:43 winding down all oil purchases from iran
@00:13:53 crude oil trading with iran after
@00:14:05 continue to trade with iran and spare
@00:14:20 landline to iran and whose state-owned
@00:14:38 gas project in iran and we see that the
@00:14:47 down their oil purchases in iran
@00:14:53 iran and europe the dannette did that
@00:18:50 and iran the post truth world current

Putin Is On To The Deep State, Calls Out Soros - Episode 1585b

@00:04:28 probing into obama's secret iran deal
@00:04:39 placed on iran he sidestepped and after
@00:05:14 secretly offer help to iran while
@00:05:39 there are sanctions on iran right now

Going Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1584b

@00:11:48 is iran and we see that right now
@00:13:55 have iran leave certain areas and then

Central Banker Warns Of Evaporating Dollar Funding, Global Turmoil Could Follow - Episode 1584a

@00:10:53 they want to dump the dollar iran is
@00:11:08 the oil from iran using the ruby so look

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:15:24 leave if we ask iran to leave will the

It Has Begun, It’s Accelerating, It’s Just A Matter Of Time - Episode 1583a

@00:11:29 talked about russia we talked about iran
@00:13:26 business outside of the dollar iran we
@00:13:36 iran is dealing with china in any other

Distractions Will Intesify As The Crimes Are Exposed - Episode 1582b

@00:14:09 negotiations and if iran leaves that

The Pieces Are Falling Into Place, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1581b

@00:07:46 that's including iran and of course iran
@00:07:54 say to iran why don't you leave right
@00:10:01 main purpose was to remove iran so this

The Global Economic System Is Being Setup To Crash - Episode 1581a

@00:10:19 iran well they made a deal with india
@00:10:38 china russia iran and the rest of the

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:12:29 crisis in this area we see iran right
@00:12:44 nations are with iran right now saying
@00:13:14 see iran as ausco also asking opec for
@00:13:34 is putting on iran because there's
@00:13:37 pressure on iran right now because the
@00:13:46 through iran keeping this deal
@00:13:51 pallets of cash going over to iran and
@00:14:02 right now iran is looking to figure out
@00:14:19 do for iran monetarily and we'll have to
@00:17:34 iran that's where they want to go with
@00:19:35 doesn't mean iran it means all foreign
@00:20:53 included iran
@00:20:57 going to happen is syria will say iran

Control Is The Name Of Game, In The End, Who Will Have The Control - Episode 1579b

@00:08:36 must leave including iran and of course
@00:08:46 in there because they're saying iran is
@00:08:48 in there if you remove iran guess what

The Pieces Are Being Rearranged To Trap The Deep State - Episode 1578b

@00:04:01 making economic deals with iran they're
@00:07:09 iran should leave syria now the united
@00:08:35 for all of this is to convince iran to
@00:08:48 gonna talk to iran syria right now would
@00:08:52 have to ask iran okay it's time to leave
@00:09:02 talks being held between iran and israel
@00:09:24 stages of having iran withdraw very
@00:10:40 the only argument they had was iran is
@00:10:43 there and we can't leave if iran is
@00:10:45 there well iran eventually will be
@00:10:48 leaving once iran is gone there will be

We Are All Looking In The Wrong Direction, The Collapse Is This Way - Episode 1578a

@00:07:34 iran china they're looking into the
@00:07:44 affairs he suggested that iran and

The Trap Was Set, The Trap Has Been Sprung - Episode 1577b

@00:11:30 into a corner we see that iran is giving
@00:11:50 been saying well the money has kept iran
@00:11:56 if the money dries up will iran start to
@00:12:10 certain deals worked out with iran where
@00:12:38 had to come up with money to pay iran
@00:12:41 they had to keep the deal going and iran
@00:12:55 keep funding iran to keep them silent
@00:13:27 they just pay off iran what is the

North Korea Summit Has Been Canceled, Or Has It? - Episode 1576b

@00:16:15 they push propaganda now iran their
@00:16:42 us sanctions on iran and condemn the
@00:17:02 banks should safeguard trade with iran
@00:17:12 and pompeyo is making demands on iran
@00:17:15 now there are some reformist in iran
@00:17:28 it where pompeo said iran must leave
@00:17:30 syria putin is saying iran must leave
@00:17:47 they're going in because once iran is

There Are No Coincidences, It Has Been Planned From The Beginning - Episode 1575b

@00:18:33 turkey and he even said iran iran
@00:18:42 iran was invited in by assad and the
@00:19:11 after withdrawing the u.s. from the iran
@00:19:19 iran policy from the policies of other
@00:19:29 demands that you know iran stop using
@00:19:59 the demands was for iran to pull its
@00:20:06 also said iran should leave and for
@00:20:20 have iran removed where iran is no
@00:20:47 don't want iran to gain ground think
@00:21:09 remove the troops because if iran is
@00:22:55 going to happen in iran the same things

Q Asks Who Is In Control, Then Shows Us - Episode 1573b

@00:10:58 iran must stop enrichment of uranium
@00:11:00 never pre process plutonium iran must
@00:11:07 also demanded that iran must withdraw
@00:11:49 about putting pressure on iran the deep
@00:12:11 not just on iran on the european
@00:12:50 these payments are going through iran
@00:13:31 iran to preserve the nuclear deal again
@00:14:39 the anti iran sanctions by trump despite

They Were Tricked, Played Their Hand, Watch The Pen, Pain, Next Event - Episode 1572b

@00:07:38 the payments to iran
@00:09:48 it is time us turkey iran they all need

The World Prepares As The Dollar Is Pushed To The Side - Episode 1572a

@00:07:32 china russia turkey venezuela syria iran
@00:08:10 to be purchasing oil from iran using the
@00:08:19 chinese or iran or russia say listen we

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:16:33 oil trades from iran and we see at this
@00:17:12 let's audit the fed we see that iran has

Get Ready A New Currency Is Coming - Episode 1570a

@00:02:23 mess we see out in iran syria russia
@00:03:14 but we can see right now in iran those
@00:05:13 in iran this is what people are doing

Trust The Plan, The Plan Is Not Going To Be Straightforward - Episode 1569b

@00:06:33 operating in iran even as the u.s.
@00:06:39 operating in iran after the us has
@00:06:47 economic or legal guarantee to iran
@00:06:56 iran the eu will find a way to keep
@00:07:02 iran and they expected to propose few
@00:07:13 iran some type of payment that the u.s.
@00:07:19 operation of moving funds into iran and
@00:13:51 over iran does not many countries still
@00:17:20 because the next phase was iran he does
@00:19:20 that iran is next so he brought on
@00:19:29 for iran
@00:19:50 have secret deals with payments and iran
@00:23:59 iran we should just get rid of the deep

We Have Gone Full Circle, Deep State Pushes Agenda - Episode 1568b

@00:01:54 captured in iran while working for the
@00:07:14 their hand now iran is looking towards
@00:07:46 all these sanctions being pushed on iran
@00:07:48 what do you think iran is going to look
@00:08:00 because again china and iran they have a
@00:08:05 russia and iran and we know that china
@00:08:08 has the the petrol you won iran has
@00:08:18 iran might dump the euro already dumped
@00:08:27 this would allow iran to open their
@00:08:38 and have the train move through iran
@00:10:00 nuclear deal to say that iran did
@00:10:50 have iran moving to china and russia we

The Move, Forcing It All Out Into To The Open, Here Comes The Pain - Episode 1567b

@00:05:10 iran and the rest and there needs to be
@00:05:49 permission to go and have war with iran
@00:05:58 eventually move into iran and that's
@00:06:25 we look at iran we see that china's
@00:06:42 in a huge gas project in iran should the
@00:07:57 route to europe positioning iran on a
@00:09:26 ones who are saying that iran was not
@00:09:31 iran was developing a nuclear weapon at
@00:12:32 korea iran they are our enemies they
@00:14:10 iran and it's all been leaked out and
@00:26:26 and iran reached 3.4 billion euros
@00:26:56 what about preventing iran nuclear
@00:27:21 will iran expose the names of corrupt
@00:27:53 billions into iran because they never
@00:30:50 report to pickle will iran exposed the

Deep State Reboot, Donations Restarted To Regain Control, Will Fail - Episode 1566b

@00:03:50 trump is mixing this iran treaty which
@00:04:08 agreement with europe with iran and many
@00:04:40 with iran because right now we know that
@00:05:14 to why iran and syria are so important
@00:05:42 groups because they need syria and iran
@00:06:54 at iran china and ran the two countries
@00:07:00 of years and they want to use iran as a
@00:07:09 road iran has been a key partner within
@00:07:18 oh to have war with iran and everything
@00:09:11 the iranian armed forces iran is a
@00:09:17 together syria is a partner with iran
@00:12:32 and all this has been planned now iran
@00:12:58 on will the eu ditch iran and the jcpoa
@00:13:18 up with payments to iran to keep them
@00:14:38 committed to regime change in iran
@00:16:55 is saying that iran is bombing them or

Is The Trap Being Set In The Middle East? Breaking Down The Plan - Episode 1565b

@00:02:56 iran they blacklisted six individuals
@00:03:35 with iran will work with anyone we can't
@00:03:42 about iran creating nuclear weapons it's
@00:04:15 israel is saying that iran has crossed
@00:04:28 iran is sitting here like okay you
@00:04:39 saying that iran fired missiles at
@00:04:42 israel and iran is out there saying yeah
@00:05:11 makes no sense especially when iran
@00:05:35 saying listen israel and iran they must
@00:09:40 that they're saying that iran is likely
@00:09:58 building the case once again that iran
@00:10:32 company and they were contracted by iran
@00:10:52 know the iran deal can be assumed as
@00:11:13 funds to keep iran quiet now think about
@00:11:18 around and iran is saying listen if you
@00:11:35 the iranians quiet this is about iran
@00:13:13 secret if to keep iran quiet to keep all
@00:14:23 iran is free they can speak freely
@00:14:47 events in syria blaming it all on iran
@00:14:58 then eventually going to iran and we
@00:15:38 because iran is saying well we don't
@00:16:14 syria now remember if iran is the
@00:16:20 states attacking iran well they have the
@00:16:31 fire at iran that's why they're using
@00:16:50 allowing iran to speak freely now again
@00:16:57 ends up paying iran with the deal then
@00:17:04 work because now iran stays quiet do you
@00:17:12 together to keep iran silent i don't
@00:20:49 it's a push iran is locked down with the

No Time Left, Time To Move Away From The Dollar - Episode 1565a

@00:09:50 like they might be blaming it on iran

Evil Has Lost Control, The Deal Silenced Everyone - Episode 1564b

@00:02:03 not going to a drawer from the iran
@00:05:21 armenia then iran well
@00:05:49 iran nuclear deal saying that this is
@00:06:09 arm race with iran which is not
@00:06:54 to do with iran what the iran deal did
@00:07:05 well maybe iran in those individuals can
@00:08:32 iran
@00:09:27 they're calling iran the world's leading
@00:10:12 groups iran has not remember iran was
@00:10:48 the terrorist groups and right now iran
@00:11:04 they're saying no iran they have
@00:13:07 and remove assad then go into iran and
@00:13:36 and then go into iran china russia
@00:13:51 today evil lost control leverage of iran
@00:13:56 today potus took control of iran today
@00:14:16 kept iran quiet now think about this for
@00:14:29 with europe this kept iran quiet hmm if
@00:14:59 iran right now where the deal is being
@00:15:12 they can't keep this deal iran well
@00:18:00 now iran i know it looks dark a lot of
@00:18:09 gonna attack iran we're gonna see world
@00:18:13 we attack iran guess what all bets are
@00:18:27 bomb iran that is an act of war syria
@00:19:07 into syria then go to iran that hasn't
@00:20:01 convince the world that iran did
@00:20:04 something iran is not going to attack
@00:20:16 to attack iran all bets are off because

Connecting The Dots, The Plan Of Plans Is Now In Motion - Episode 1563b

@00:03:06 they wanted to eventually go into iran
@00:06:26 drawer from the iran nuclear deal
@00:06:28 now once again we can see that iran does
@00:06:56 created this peace deal with iran for
@00:07:28 logan act now iran is out there and
@00:07:42 there that iran is ready to attack iran
@00:07:45 is going to attack israel iran is going
@00:08:37 iran and have regime change for a very
@00:08:48 we're mobilizing where we're we see iran
@00:09:01 iran they're not going to attack israel
@00:09:10 the iranian deal iran was never going to
@00:09:14 israel was saying that iran was going to
@00:09:17 attack since the 80s iran hasn't started
@00:09:41 assad and then eventually get into iran
@00:22:21 moved to iran and the cia took care of
@00:23:59 into iran but if we were going to have
@00:24:07 iran where he knows china and russia
@00:24:10 would defend iran it makes no sense plus
@00:26:35 the iran crisis right now where it looks
@00:26:55 same but it isn't he's using them iran
@00:27:05 in and attack iran the united states is
@00:27:07 not going to attack iran russia and
@00:27:10 china they back iran it would be
@00:27:43 the big one queue did say iran is next
@00:27:49 it means to get iran not iran itself but

Banks Are Preparing For An Economic Catastrophe - Episode 1563a

@00:01:29 towards a different currency iran has

Prepare Yourself, Deep State Narrative Falling Apart - Episode 1562b

@00:11:55 badly negotiated iran deal and trump
@00:12:07 within the iran deal
@00:12:28 the iran deal the chairman of the house
@00:16:47 iran deal they don't want to be they
@00:17:04 the iran nuclear deal what is it going

Blackhat Disinfo, Yes The Swamp Is Being Drained - Episode 1561b

@00:13:11 putting together the iran deal is
@00:13:13 speaking to iran the foreign minister
@00:13:49 believe this is part of iran i think
@00:13:56 certain operatives within iran within
@00:14:23 the national security part of the iran

Apple, Planes, And The Mysterious Shipment - Episode 1559b

@00:23:17 korea and the next is iran and we can

The Plan Is On Schedule, Countries Move To Review The Deal - Episode 1558b

@00:12:15 ram now again do i think iran is
@00:12:19 what is happening is iran is the cover
@00:13:35 that the iran deal and also from trump
@00:13:41 iran has been violating it and it looks
@00:14:56 israelis accusations against iran and i
@00:15:08 iran is going to come back and say we
@00:15:39 of netanyahu netanyahu's speech on iran

America Has Been Sold Out And These Are The People Who Did It - Episode 1557b

@00:03:36 iran is completely denying this
@00:03:54 provinces these were the bases were iran
@00:03:57 has been and iran is saying this is not
@00:04:14 there and he's talking about iran having
@00:04:28 iran itself many people believe that
@00:04:30 it's happening in iran but you have to
@00:04:32 remember the iaea they inspect iran they
@00:04:42 weapons being developed in iran now if
@00:05:22 they discussed that iran is you know
@00:12:08 this deal where iran is receiving money
@00:12:13 it seemed like one went to iran one went
@00:15:19 define the terms of the iran nuclear
@00:15:26 public to the republic of iran what if
@00:15:29 iran created a classified satellite
@00:17:34 that this is iran this is part of the
@00:17:39 happening but they're using iran as the
@00:19:15 iran north korea links them all together
@00:19:18 which is canada europe asia iran north
@00:19:23 up what was the purpose why was the iran
@00:20:55 about iran and he talks about how iran
@00:21:15 they want iran they want syria they
@00:21:32 other countries armenia in there iran
@00:21:49 what iran has been doing to push the
@00:23:03 discussed how iran was violating the
@00:23:09 in iran inspecting everything and the
@00:25:38 showing that iran violated the nuclear

Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought - Episode 1556b

@00:04:00 nuclear deal with iran and there's a lot
@00:04:37 with iran even including a new deal so
@00:05:13 hooked into iran and we'll be discussing
@00:17:14 the terms of the iran nuclear deal now
@00:17:21 continually saying that the iran nuclear
@00:17:28 paying iran each year and this has to be
@00:17:40 terms of the iran nuclear deal the
@00:17:57 iran yes
@00:17:58 what if iran created a classified
@00:18:08 outside of iran now the question is is
@00:18:11 this iran doing this or are these the
@00:18:56 delivered some went to iran others to
@00:19:05 three planes landed no one was to iran
@00:20:33 uranium one to iran syria war what does
@00:21:29 obama's iran deal provides 33 billion to
@00:21:32 iran and no real controls on third party
@00:22:19 nuke rocket tech to iran the deep state
@00:22:22 who the clowns working in iran so what
@00:25:38 now move out to iran this is why he's
@00:26:57 out iran coming out of north korea it's
@00:27:02 remember iran they haven't started a war
@00:27:22 iran that are deep state operatives

The Setup Is Almost Complete, Preparing To Move In On The Deep State - Episode 1555b

@00:04:34 failed next up is iran and q has been
@00:04:43 invade iran it's basically to do the
@00:04:54 where they're putting pressure on iran
@00:06:25 we're going to war with iran no do i
@00:06:31 intelligence hand out of iran yes this
@00:06:37 what's going to happen in iran and this
@00:06:40 is why q is continually saying iran is

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:07:54 to hmm maybe syria maybe iran and that's
@00:09:05 this now we see in iran the iranian
@00:09:21 it on iran and all of a sudden we have
@00:09:31 iran is out there and they're saying
@00:10:02 here we are with iran right now and we
@00:10:04 know q says iran is next now i do i
@00:10:17 aspects of what happens in iran and i
@00:10:30 going to happen with iran once this is
@00:10:47 that iran is on the brink of economic
@00:10:57 israel now this is a lot of talk iran is
@00:11:06 change in iran it didn't work at all but
@00:11:26 by something sinks it blames it on iran
@00:11:34 media starts reporting on it saying iran
@00:11:38 iran hasn't attacked anyone in 200 years
@00:12:31 they're trying to convince you that iran

They Feel Threatened, Deep State Changes Tactics, Next Move Could Be Huge - Episode 1553b

@00:05:39 from armenia that will then lead to iran
@00:05:42 iran is a rogue nuclear state define
@00:06:33 money is probably given to iran and this
@00:11:24 this is why iran is next and i think
@00:11:33 out of iran i think then the troops in
@00:15:47 state north korea iran russia china mx

Mission On Track, Rogue Nuclear States Have Been Targeted - Episode 1552b

@00:04:46 in the iran deal this is coming from
@00:09:38 iran another rogue nuclear state who is
@00:10:12 cross and iran the red cross and
@00:11:41 work together pose number 1254 iran is
@00:11:54 out of iran now they look very very
@00:14:18 risk this has to do with the iran deal
@00:16:05 eye on iran they got rid of the nuclear
@00:16:15 in iran just like they were in north
@00:16:38 iran but it looked like the regime
@00:16:48 sure that iran never got themselves a
@00:16:55 those others in iran and they needed to
@00:17:32 doing the same thing with iran right now
@00:17:45 because once iran is freed from these
@00:18:29 iran is another area it's a rogue
@00:18:37 this is why iran is next he took care of
@00:18:41 now we're going to iran and this is i do
@00:18:54 going to happen in iran because what
@00:18:58 propaganda coming out from iran how
@00:19:11 important here iran has not started a
@00:19:54 see iran and they're losing their grip
@00:19:56 on iran you can expect the event of all

The Creation Of A New International Trade Currency Will Damage The Dollar - Episode 1552a

@00:08:00 sanctions including iran syria and many

North Korea Complete, Phase II, Operation Search & Destroy Clowns - Episode 1551b

@00:12:39 into syria into iran and this is where
@00:12:53 one two four one reminder iran is next
@00:13:09 jumping point into iran for clowns where
@00:13:18 move into iran and i do believe the next
@00:13:21 move is into iran just like q is saying
@00:23:21 of iran where they seem very very
@00:23:35 iran hasn't started a war in two hundred
@00:23:39 years and i'm saying started and iran
@00:23:50 iran and start a war if you watch his

Cornered, No Way Out, The Trump Card Is About To Be Played - Episode 1550b

@00:13:48 we also see iran is out there and this
@00:14:24 iran right now because the deep state
@00:14:25 the cabal is within iran and these
@00:14:33 qed in post one one four six said iran
@00:14:41 into iran to route these individuals out
@00:14:47 iran next trust the plan april showers

The Fed Just Did It Again, Recession Is Right Around The Corner - Episode 1550a

@00:06:45 china in north korea in syria and iran i
@00:10:55 should be given in gold instead iran
@00:11:31 looking to do it iran is doing it

Operation Corner The Deep State, Event Possible - Episode 1549b

@00:09:01 the deep state operatives in iran are we
@00:09:05 going to war with iran no that would be

Behind The Scenes There Is Secret High Level Negotiations Between Syria & The US - Episode 1547b

@00:13:36 iran the only reason they don't attack
@00:14:09 iran are just going to go in there and
@00:14:47 syrian iran who were invited into the
@00:17:55 syria with iran so this way no one would

What You See & Hear Is Not What Is Happening, Troop Withdrawal On Track - Episode 1545

@00:02:36 next phase is iran and the troops will
@00:12:33 deep state and the cabal from iran now
@00:15:38 iran because we know the deep state the
@00:15:40 cabal they have a faction inside of iran
@00:19:02 now remember iran is next and we know
@00:19:06 iran has the same problem faction of the
@00:19:10 cabal the deep state inside of iran
@00:22:36 iran is next trust the plan april
@00:25:15 iran and if you remember back they said
@00:26:11 agenda from iran from other countries
@00:26:17 troops their next phase go into iran and
@00:26:24 iran just like north korea and once that

The Strategy Is Set, Strike Group On Its Way, Trust The Plan - Episode 1544b

@00:20:44 iran will not fire on all the bases that
@00:21:09 game on terrace russia syria and iran
@00:22:11 because the next target is then iran the
@00:22:14 deep state the proxy forces are in iran
@00:22:22 remove those forces in iran so all of

Enjoy The Show, The Deep State Is In The Process Of Being Duped Again - Episode 1543b

@00:18:21 iran to get the deep state operatives

The Strike Group Is The Show, Trust The Plan, A Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1542

@00:20:37 place one it was to keep iran from
@00:20:45 inside of iran and they don't like to
@00:21:16 korea the same thing with iran when you
@00:21:18 hear these blurbs of iran saying we're
@00:21:25 operatives inside of iran
@00:21:31 one to keep an eye on iran to make sure
@00:21:53 iran where they can create a nuclear
@00:22:11 look like iran broke it and this is why
@00:22:21 post 964 q said iran is next
@00:22:42 in iran he wants to get rid of the p5
@00:23:16 iran is next and it's going to allow
@00:23:22 trump and the patriots to go into iran
@00:25:22 iran have
@00:25:49 roadblock for russia syria and iran they
@00:26:26 syria and iran go into this area and
@00:26:55 area but to push a new agenda with iran
@00:27:59 state because iran is next and during
@00:28:11 operation with iran will be next so this
@00:29:55 iran to move into these regions where
@00:32:22 getting the deep state out of iran
@00:32:30 to trap iran and i think the next phase
@00:34:11 iran removing and doing everything

The Agenda Is Set, Conflict Levels Rise, Deep State Goes For It All - Episode 1541b

@00:24:32 we see iran is threatening to restart
@00:24:52 this first of all it was to prevent iran
@00:24:58 will allow them to go into iran because
@00:25:08 into syria then iran plus they could use
@00:25:15 invade iran now again there are deep
@00:25:21 inside of iran that are pushing regime
@00:26:02 when q said iran is next right after
@00:26:04 north korea it means not to invade iran
@00:26:13 have peace with iran so everything is

China & Russia Make Their Move, Slowly Shifting The Global Economy - Episode 1541a

@00:12:26 going to trade with iran and turkey and
@00:13:19 if we need oil from turkey or iran we

Deep State Actions Coverup, Exposing Plan, NK Playbook ++ - Episode 1540b

@00:23:47 clockwork on drudge report it says iran

The Deep State Is On The Move, Countermoves In Place, Prevent At All Costs - Episode 1539b

@00:13:27 ghouta iran is already saying that this
@00:13:56 syria and iran they are responsible for
@00:14:56 iran into the fold here iran is saying
@00:15:08 countries including data centers in iran
@00:15:22 and cyber attack iran put the american
@00:15:34 that iran messed with the elections the
@00:15:39 hit part of iran to say hey if you try
@00:15:46 iran is going to do something to
@00:19:49 iran they're all responsible he's
@00:21:48 coming from iran it'd be coming from

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:10:07 arrests a1 we know that iran is next to

Boooom, The Deep State Is Terrified, Truth Are Lies, Lies Are Truth - Episode 1534b

@00:12:16 the same thing happen in iran iran has

Operation Bolton Distraction Is A Go, Deep State On The Move - Episode 1533b

@00:15:49 regime change in iran he's still talking
@00:16:53 iran he doesn't like the jcpoa
@00:17:05 in iran
@00:17:10 change in iran where they try to get a
@00:17:17 elected leaders in iran i mean they
@00:17:26 do this in iran it didn't work out so
@00:17:28 who is in iran oh we have deep state
@00:17:34 within iran they're hiding out they're
@00:17:43 dollars over to iran once the deal was
@00:18:27 basically the funds from iran deal are
@00:18:34 iran are being routed out you need to
@00:19:47 behind the scenes and who is behind iran
@00:20:43 happening in iran right now where the
@00:21:06 wanted regime change in iran once again
@00:22:13 iran they pulled the troops out of syria
@00:23:12 might be in iran they might be with

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:25:27 same thing is going to happen in iran
@00:25:33 have peace with iran to get those
@00:25:42 iran we have the same problem china

Counterattack A Go, The Deep Empire Is About To Fall - Episode 1531b

@00:09:46 not to go to war with iran yes iran is
@00:09:50 next but iran is next to have peace to
@00:09:55 stop the demonization of iran just like

Boom, The Plan Is In Motion, One Piece At A Time - Episode 1530b

@00:16:50 are headed towards iran yes bolton is
@00:17:01 war with iran why would we go to a war
@00:17:03 with iran right now russia china backs
@00:17:07 iran that means we would go to war with
@00:17:15 we go to war with iran right now makes

Clock Activated, Stage Set, Wait For The Boom, Boom, Boom! - Episode 1529b

@00:05:59 in iran now let's think about this for a
@00:06:13 next stop is iran hmm got rid of
@00:06:22 calling for regime change in iran so
@00:06:31 the situation down in iran let's look at
@00:06:52 let's have this deal with iran was not
@00:06:55 to allow iran to have their nuclear
@00:07:25 he wants regime change in iran actually
@00:07:29 have regime change in iran in 2019 so
@00:07:35 iran and have peace with north korea it
@00:14:22 iran they are proposing investment in
@00:14:33 would like to bring the or over to iran

Nobody Escapes, It's All Being Setup To Close All The Exits - Episode 1528b

@00:09:47 tree-like cuba or like iran syria and

March Madness, Hold On The Deep State Is About To Push Their Agenda - Episode 1525b

@00:08:08 purchasing the s400 system iran syria

The "Plan" Is In Motion, Trust It - Episode 1523b

@00:10:24 saying that iran is trying to meddle in
@00:11:00 be friendly to iran this is what they're

Did The Deep State Just Hint At Their Next Targeted Event - Episode 1522b

@00:05:56 no one said oh yeah let's go after iran

The Storm Is Upon US & It's Getting Stronger - Episode 1520b

@00:16:50 is why iran is the enemy this is why

This Is What The Central Banks Are Really Afraid Of - Episode 1520a

@00:08:09 sanctions we know that iran gets around

The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce Might Be More Than One Event - Episode 1519b

@00:21:43 moving out to iran i see already with
@00:22:05 into iran their mission was to control

The Game Is Being Played Out In Front Of The World, Do You Want To Play? - Episode 1518b

@00:10:08 iran is offering iraq three billion
@00:10:17 iran that report in syria where the
@00:20:28 to be iran where the deep state has been
@00:20:34 iran that's their whole objective
@00:20:41 in iran and we see right now that peace

Are The American People Being Played? If So This Will Not End Well - Episode 1511b

@00:13:19 sanctions on them iran syria venezuela

The Transition To The New System Has Already Begun, People Don't Know It Yet - Episode 1505a

@00:14:50 next could be syria then iran then libya

Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b

@00:12:16 get rid of assad have a war with iran

As The Old Economic System Breaks Down, A New One Is Born From The Ashes - Episode 1504a

@00:12:34 other countries are moving away iran
@00:15:37 for a second if iran iraq syria lebanon

The Agenda Is Set, The Dollar Will Begin To Lose It's World Dominance- Episode 1500a

@00:04:37 this means that russia as well as iran

Central Banks Are Preparing To Take Control Of The Blockchain - Episode 1499a

@00:09:41 iran it's all falling apart so they have

Everything Is Not What It Seems, It's All Happening Behind The Scenes - Episode 1497b

@00:12:43 with iran in syria to get something
@00:22:04 states russia iran and north korea a

Nation Alert, Active Sleeper Cells Ready To Push The Next Event:Q - Episode 1487b

@00:10:24 missile because you know if iran creates

Deep State Strikes Back And Sends A Clear Message, What's Next - Episode 1486b

@00:07:26 iran is saying listen we're not going to
@00:07:47 that iran is in their their fighters are

If The US Follows The Strategy Of Russia, We Would See An Economic Boom - Episode 1483a

@00:14:58 mean iran same thing the rothschilds do

'Doomsday Clock' Moves Again, Is Everything Lining Up For An Event? - Episode 1482b

@00:13:35 i see iran guitar all these countries
@00:14:02 syria iran india and guitar now saudi

The Cabal Begins Operation 'Wetwork', Time To Cover Their Tracks - Episode 1478b

@00:15:41 because trump he spoke to iran about the
@00:17:41 iran is taking his orders from putin

Deciphering Fiction From Reality Will Push 'We The People' To Take Charge - Episode 1475b

@00:20:31 syria it would help assad and give iran
@00:20:39 second iran is already in the region

Q Anon, A False Flag Attempt Is Headed Our Way - Episode 1474b

@00:10:18 iran they're trying to force this next

Everything Is Being Put Into Position For The Next Big Event - Episode 1473b

@00:15:07 china is on the back end talking to iran
@00:19:43 syria lebanon they can't get into iran

The Cabal Begins Operation Take Control At Any Cost - Episode 1472b

@00:12:40 get iran to make a move and they're
@00:13:31 into russia was iran was but the united
@00:15:36 iran are going to make a move whatsoever

To Convince The Public This Is What The Cabal Does - Episode 1470b

@00:13:07 he made a decision with the iran
@00:13:21 sanctions on iran now i know the
@00:13:31 deal with iran was originally put into
@00:13:46 regime change in iran and they wanted to
@00:14:25 also it pushed iran closer and closer to

Russia Knows Who Attacked Their Bases In Syria And It's Not Turkey - Episode 1469b

@00:12:48 extend sanctions relief for iran because
@00:12:52 it looks like iran is abiding by the
@00:14:08 partners iran turkey and many others and

Through The Darnkess We Can Now See The Light - Episode 1468b

@00:10:04 and iran they want ukraine to take back

If You Look Behind The Curtain, The Economy Is Breaking Apart - Episode 1467a

@00:09:25 look at cuba look at iran look at syria
@00:09:54 these countries like venezuela like iran
@00:11:04 iran is looking to move towards china's

The Old Wag The Dog Distraction Being Used On The Cabal, But Why?- Episode 1466b

@00:12:09 unrest in iran and have regime change
@00:12:36 if they do that to iran they can do it
@00:12:47 to go into iran they wanted to get

He Who Controls The Creation Of Currency Controls The World - Episode 1465

@00:15:22 iran that whole protests that was
@00:19:42 somalia syria and iran now and this and
@00:20:26 tried it in iran with a regime change it

It's All Closing In Aournd The Cabal, Only Option Left Is.. - Episode 1463b

@00:08:54 interfere inside of iran because their
@00:10:39 didn't work out in iran and we can see
@00:10:56 was to take over iran and maybe
@00:11:26 iran syria looks like it's off the
@00:12:47 the time now we see that iran has opened
@00:12:55 region and once again russia china iran
@00:13:02 joining iran the whole thing is falling
@00:13:19 iran they're the ones who've been
@00:13:32 everyone's attention to iran and make
@00:13:44 this is what happened in 2001 since iran
@00:14:37 north korea the protestors in iran it is
@00:15:42 get what they wanted out of iran with

The Cabal Didn't Expect This To Happen, Next Event Locked And Loaded - Episode 1462b

@00:09:48 them fighters of iran were behind them
@00:10:17 of iran as they try to take back their
@00:10:30 out in iran because as we know and he
@00:10:41 iran that is a fact
@00:10:48 have invaded syria to go into iran to be
@00:10:52 no purpose in skipping iran taking the
@00:11:08 now that there has been a push in iran
@00:12:02 saudi arabia that it came from iran
@00:15:35 yesterday the police and iran don't act
@00:15:42 countries the police and iran they speak
@00:16:37 the people of iran are crying out for
@00:17:17 tried to enact regime change in iran but
@00:17:24 overthrow of iran has been elusive both
@00:17:39 china and iran he says that yes there
@00:17:58 protests in bahrain not iran like is
@00:18:38 something in iran so it's not working
@00:18:54 can happen in iran if they supply these
@00:19:18 would love to have iran act out and a
@00:19:21 war gets started but i don't think iran
@00:19:32 they're rotating between iran ukraine
@00:19:58 goal was to get iran syria libya lebanon
@00:20:20 some type of an explosion in iran it

This Is It, The Events Have Started, The Push Is On To Take Back Control - Episode 1461b

@00:05:42 play is ukraine syria iran and north
@00:06:12 in front of our faces we see the iran
@00:06:23 at 12% and things like that iran has
@00:06:47 iran is having protests does that make
@00:08:37 actually we see the president of iran is
@00:09:07 directed at iran via youtube wishing the
@00:09:25 change in iran for a very long time and
@00:11:28 protests in iran
@00:11:53 iran because then you just come up with
@00:12:33 watching events in iran with concern
@00:13:22 eventually get into iran they lost the
@00:13:38 with iran well they're actually still on
@00:13:47 iran by focusing on regime change from
@00:14:33 an internal problem let turan let iran
@00:14:57 other cities of iran where the protests
@00:15:56 very interesting out in iran is a lot of
@00:18:53 events to occur not maybe maybe in iran

The Cabal Initiates The First Event, Let The Games Begin - Episode 1460b

@00:06:47 to get the supplies they need iran has
@00:08:05 change go into iran have regime change
@00:08:18 regime change in iran if they can get
@00:08:20 iran to fall they're thinking they can
@00:08:27 iran has been under sanctions for a very
@00:08:42 strategic plan is to make sure that iran
@00:09:12 to see what iran is doing in the region
@00:09:37 they're not going to be invading iran
@00:09:49 happening right now is iran is looking
@00:10:17 that at this moment all of a sudden iran
@00:10:25 different cities around iran and it's a
@00:11:30 looks like something's happening in iran
@00:11:44 iran is working with russia and china
@00:12:33 saying that iran they are you know
@00:14:08 are from so iran is not a sponsor of
@00:14:15 in the middle-east actually iran was
@00:14:29 were terrorist attacks inside of iran
@00:14:55 repeating it repeating it that iran is
@00:15:04 push some type of regime change in iran
@00:15:34 going to try to push the agenda in iran
@00:16:00 into syria the last country was iran now
@00:16:04 they're going to try to go into iran and
@00:16:15 invasion of iran they won't invade a
@00:16:32 go to iran and we could see they're
@00:16:34 trying in ukraine they're trying in iran

Russia Presents Evidence Against The Cabal & Repeats Their Call - Episode 1459b

@00:16:16 iran or someplace else
@00:17:33 iran and if they don't have syria iran's

It's All Happening At An Accelerated Pace, Will The Event Be Triggered? - Episode 1458b

@00:08:23 cuba iran syria and many other countries
@00:09:01 these type of missiles iran is getting
@00:11:38 iran they're all gonna be selling

The Draining Of The Swamp Nuclear Option Has Just Been Initiated - Episode 1457b

@00:12:59 prove that iran was behind everything
@00:13:41 like it might be working because iran
@00:15:39 the peace initiatives led by russia iran
@00:19:53 then iran and keep the middle eastern

Looks Like It's A Go, Be Prepared, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1453b

@00:05:40 cuba look at syria look at iran look at
@00:06:47 arabia saying this was from iran the
@00:06:49 houthis are dealing with iran iran is
@00:07:06 it was not launched from iran or by
@00:07:58 motive in going after iran was this part
@00:08:28 second iran is shiite al-qaeda is sunni
@00:08:52 opposite of iran who supports al-qaeda
@00:09:33 everyone together to go after iran and

The Doomsday Event Has Started, This Is Their Warning - Episode 1452b

@00:12:47 iran they can't get that off the ground
@00:12:57 that iran is behind everything out in

The Cabal Continues To Push Fake News, But The Real Strategy Is Going To Shock Them - Episode 1451b

@00:10:14 get into iran the p5 plus 1 deal was put
@00:10:18 into place on purpose to keep iran from
@00:10:27 about that think about it cuba iran and
@00:11:00 allow iran become to become a nuclear
@00:13:06 selling that iran is violating their
@00:13:28 that trump came out with you know iran
@00:14:24 look at the sanctions on iran congress
@00:23:16 why nikki haley is trying to get iran
@00:23:22 fake news of iran and north korea still

The Corporate Media & Cabal Are Now Being Exposed In Front Of The World - Episode 1450b

@00:08:52 push regime change in iran what obama
@00:08:58 was to keep iran from becoming a nuclear
@00:09:19 where they would capture iran that would
@00:09:27 make sure that iran never became a
@00:09:31 get into iran this is why nikki haley
@00:09:34 everyone that you know iran is supplying
@00:09:42 of iran missiles in yemen are being met
@00:09:51 now that she claimed to expose iran as
@00:10:04 that iran right now was in breach of un
@00:12:16 rejecting war on iran and he refuted
@00:12:21 war on iran even with nikki haley out
@00:12:26 with iran and we see right now iran is
@00:13:54 they're losing iran they're losing the
@00:14:27 iran to make us believe that we need to

The Cabal Will Push Their Agenda Hard Now & Ramp Up Chaos For The Next Event - Episode 1448b

@00:08:59 both yemen and iran have bought and
@00:09:24 other areas of course they have and iran
@00:09:38 on yemen make me impossible for iran to
@00:09:56 everyone that iran is a huge threat iran
@00:10:00 is breaking the nuclear deal iran is
@00:14:19 the middle east in north korea for iran

Propaganda Is Leaked Before The Cabal's Main Event - Episode 1447b

@00:10:25 decide on reimposing iran sanctions so
@00:10:42 falling apart right now and iran is

The Battle Accelerates, The Truth Is Being Forced Into The Open - Episode 1446b

@00:11:15 nothing is happening with iran all these

Hold On To Your Seat The Entire Economy Is About To Change - Episode 1446a

@00:11:39 that the middle eastern powers iran we

The World Is About To Change And Those Who Are Sleeping Better Wake Up - Episode 1445b

@00:20:05 in disturbia than iran they were gonna

Countries Begin To Challenge The Petro Dollar, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1445a

@00:15:26 iran is thinking about doing this and
@00:15:51 see venezuela russia iran syria and many

Did The Arab League Just Threaten The Petro Dollar With A Move To The Petro Yuan - Episode 1444b

@00:12:09 is russia china iran turkey they're
@00:12:18 with iran and the rest of the country

Central Banks Want To Replace The US Dollar With A Single Global Super-Currency - Episode 1443a

@00:04:54 hits and we see that china russia iran
@00:05:07 know that china and iran and russia

The Global Reset Has Begun - Episode 1442b

@00:04:57 haven't worked look at iran look at cuba
@00:07:47 war with iran and they made some type of
@00:08:32 pushing a war with iran iran is not
@00:12:52 iran is dealing with russia and china

Is The Middle East Ready To Explode Or Is There Something Else Happening? - Episode 1441b

@00:08:03 lebanon iraq iran and they're in trouble
@00:09:12 league of arab states saudi arabia iran
@00:14:39 war maybe the countries of iran
@00:15:09 there'll be no war with iran you're not

The Neocons, Cabal Give A Little Push To Get An Event Started - Episode 1439b

@00:06:34 believe egypt is doing this iran has
@00:12:34 that iran libya syria yemen somalia and

The Plan For North Korea Is In Motion, It's Not What You Think? - Episode 1437b

@00:11:12 eventually delete to iran and this is
@00:13:16 this is why they wanted iran at the time
@00:13:32 iran so we can see right now the cabal

The Cabal Is Firing Everything They Have, The End Is Approaching - Episode 1436b

@00:17:19 for iran they a war with iran pushing
@00:17:37 north korea with iran they have nothing

The Cabal Has Entered The Second Stage Event, The Setup Is Almost Complete - Episode 1435b

@00:06:08 why they really wanted iran to sign that
@00:06:10 p5 plus one deal because this kept iran
@00:06:22 eventually go into iran now it was
@00:06:34 iran to make sure they would never
@00:06:47 listen you can leave iran alone because
@00:06:51 iran now the cabal they didn't really
@00:07:21 they made sure that iran would never
@00:10:37 possibly can we see that iran was
@00:10:43 security council recertified iran that
@00:10:56 now they need to say that no iran is not
@00:11:00 trying to push war with iran they see
@00:11:02 they couldn't get to iran after syria
@00:14:21 korea or iran and the second stage is to
@00:15:14 or iran russia or china doesn't really
@00:16:39 push war with north korea with iran

Something Big Just Happened, Everything Is About To Change - Episode 1432b

@00:03:21 talked about saudi arabia iraq iran and
@00:07:46 maybe move into syria and iran now we
@00:11:21 relate and get people to think that iran
@00:11:25 equals germany iran the leader of iran
@00:11:43 iran now once again the people most
@00:11:51 iran let's see is not invading any
@00:11:53 countries i've an iran has not started a
@00:12:00 to war iran right now is working with

The Economic System Is Quickly Changing, Will The US Be Left Out? - Episode 1432a

@00:10:15 turkey iran russia india syria well
@00:10:55 syria get to iran lock down their
@00:11:07 russia india iran so they can build the

Time Is Running Out For The Cabal, Tick-Tock - Episode 1431b

@00:12:11 syria ukraine iran north korea
@00:13:48 iran now of course they're going to say
@00:13:59 into a war with iran or north korea
@00:14:24 then move into syria then move into iran
@00:14:36 iran is not going to start a war it's
@00:15:42 of lebanon maybe iran they try to get

It Has Now Turned Into A Head To Head Fight With The Cabal - Episode 1430b

@00:09:25 sanctions were on cuba iran syria and
@00:09:38 saying this about iran for years and
@00:16:23 on iran and what i see right now is
@00:16:43 and iran and to start a war and this is
@00:16:56 see iran saudi arabia lebanon israel

The Central Banks Have Proposed To Do Away With The Deposit Protection - Episode 1429a

@00:02:22 war with most likely iran so we need to

The US Issues A Travel Warning For This Holiday Season - Episode 1428b

@00:13:36 arabia and israel going after iran this

Are The Globalists Moving Forward With Their One Currency Agenda? - Episode 1427b

@00:09:29 with iran using lebanon as a proxy and
@00:09:37 arabia to face iran and we can see that
@00:11:55 with israel to go after iran their arch
@00:12:59 it's a little bit tougher to get to iran
@00:16:41 united states enemy iran is not the

US Government Issues A Warning Against North Korea's "Hidden Cobra"- Episode 1426b

@00:05:17 many many years cuba has done this iran
@00:14:32 have some type of an amazing event iran

It Has Begun, Russia And Syria Are Now Asking The US To Leave Syria - Episode 1425b

@00:13:31 this event with iran this is going to
@00:14:43 alternative so we're looking at iran
@00:14:56 korea they don't start a war with iran

The Latest Report Indicates The 1% Got Wealthier After 2008 - Episode 1425a

@00:12:17 russia we're gonna see a rant iran is

It's On, The Cabal Goes All In To Push The Next Event - Episode 1423b

@00:05:59 revised iran nuclear deal and we can see
@00:06:15 saying that iran was in the process of
@00:06:24 gonna go into iran and have regime
@00:06:25 change if iran was a nuclear power this
@00:06:32 to make sure that iran didn't become a
@00:06:55 to start a war with iran because you
@00:07:01 well iran is not creating any nuclear
@00:07:30 either with iran it's with ukraine with
@00:07:50 very very difficult because iran they
@00:08:04 on iran at saudi arabia's request the
@00:08:19 now as a proxy to get into war with iran
@00:08:37 working guitar is moving closer to iran
@00:08:39 yemen is closer to iran russia is
@00:09:31 is they're going to vilify iran and use
@00:09:36 lebanon to get into iran so what we're
@00:10:23 hezbollah and iran the communication
@00:11:00 use this to start the war with iran and
@00:14:24 make it look like maybe iran or

The Event Is Moving Forward, Is The Cabal Ready To Pull The Trigger - Episode 1422b

@00:05:56 lebanon syria and iran and the u.s. is
@00:06:10 capital yes it was from iran it bore the
@00:06:16 they were from iran now once again that
@00:06:21 doesn't mean iran fired the missile the
@00:07:30 to be a war yes iran has declared war
@00:10:35 gonna say iran has done something and i
@00:10:45 need to go in iran and you have to
@00:10:56 finally end up in iran and it looks like
@00:11:04 started with iran well maybe it will

It's All Happening At Once,Meanwhile Wisconsin Prepares For Power-Grid Collapse - Episode 1421b

@00:05:49 do is they're trying to get into iran
@00:05:59 maybe then go to iran and we're gonna
@00:11:57 like it's coming from north korea iran
@00:16:18 maybe iran they're gonna say yes this is

Layer By Layer The Cabal Is Being Exposed To The World - Episode 1420b

@00:20:13 they trying with iran it is not working
@00:20:16 first of all iran is not going to get

The Cabal Is Ready To Take Action, Something Big Might Happen Soon - Episode 1419b

@00:10:14 an event and trying to push iran right
@00:11:15 iran remember they only have two things
@00:11:21 start a war with north korea or iran
@00:14:14 there's a huge push to get into iran
@00:17:03 iran and they're gonna become very very

First The Petro-Yuan Now The Petro-Ruble, De-Dollarization In Full Force - Episode 1419a

@00:11:49 as iran and we see that russia and iran
@00:12:30 same thing iran is also going to join

The Cabal Makes Their Move For A New Middle East Event - Episode 1418b

@00:10:20 blatant act of aggression by iran and we
@00:11:44 ready to do something with iran because
@00:11:49 propaganda that iran fired this missile
@00:11:52 it looks like iran was trying to attack
@00:11:56 whatsoever because iran has not attacked
@00:13:30 with iran and this is why we're hearing
@00:13:50 try to push the event with iran and i
@00:14:18 it all on the houthis or iran to try to

Something Big Is Happening That Hasn't Happened Since 2011 - Episode 1417b

@00:07:26 is to push war with iran which i don't

The Walls Are Closing In On The Cabal, They Are Now Covering Their Tracks - Episode 1416b

@00:04:17 libya syria and eventually iran they
@00:08:29 trying to link al-qaeda with iran and
@00:09:01 that osama bin laden worked with iran
@00:09:05 and iran used it used al qaeda now this
@00:10:32 viewpoints regarding iran all in the
@00:10:38 saying that iran is part of al qaeda
@00:10:46 laden you know was against iran and we
@00:11:01 yes al qaeda was part of iran bin laden
@00:11:06 to link this probably to 9/11 that iran
@00:11:44 trying to start war in iran and they're

Desperation Has Set In, The Cabal Is Pushing All Agendas - Episode 1414b

@00:09:25 changes in the iran nuclear deal and we
@00:09:49 on iran that means that without the
@00:10:00 further international sanctions on iran
@00:10:15 people decide and again iran is not
@00:10:19 going to start a war iran is not trying

The Cabal Is Distracting The World From The Real Investigation - Episode 1412b

@00:17:36 at the nuclear facilities and iran right
@00:17:54 was to try to push war with iran i mean
@00:18:12 can get it with iran let's get it with
@00:18:14 iran if they can get with north korea

Here It All Comes, The Truth And The Event All At The Same Time - Episode 1409b

@00:10:14 we see that iran is out there saying

Mop Up Operation: Is The Cabal Destroying Records? - Episode 1408b

@00:09:18 government to remove the errata the iran
@00:09:30 and said listen yes iran their militias

The IMF Lays Out The Global Financial Crash Scenario - Episode 1407

@00:10:28 trying to say that iran is not abiding
@00:11:22 push iran out of this area because
@00:11:25 remember iraq and iran they've made a
@00:12:19 iran definitely push something with
@00:14:12 working with iran working with egypt and

The US Just Admitted Something That They Never Admitted To Before - Episode 1406b

@00:05:43 with iran this is coming from tillerson
@00:05:51 agenda of going to war with iran or

It's All About To Hit The Fan, The Cabal's Next Move Will Cover It All Up - Episode 1404b

@00:08:18 they're dealing with iran right now they
@00:09:54 less is left is north korea and iran

The Truth Is Starting To Slowly Leak Out, The Cabal Worries Begin - Episode 1403b

@00:07:20 never did cuba iran syria
@00:12:44 into iran and having regime change in

The Pentagon Is Worried That A Cyber Attack Could Cause A Stock Market Crash - Episode 1402b

@00:05:46 the cabal they're talking about iran and
@00:06:05 story the whole notion that iran is a
@00:06:36 and understand this is that iran has
@00:09:40 behind the cyber attacks iran now is
@00:12:00 north korea russia iran they have the
@00:14:17 iran is cyber attacking the uk and

The Cabal Is Going All Out, Next Event Imminent - Episode 1401

@00:11:21 iran are saying listen we need to work
@00:12:40 countries like iran right now because we
@00:12:44 war with iran remember this was the last
@00:12:56 shifting the blame now to iran now
@00:12:58 they're saying that iran was responsible
@00:13:14 iran and they're saying there's 9000
@00:14:34 iran and north korea or even russia
@00:15:03 propaganda that north korea and iran

What Is The Real Agenda Of Refusing To Recertify The Iran Deal - Episode 1400b

@00:01:07 refusing to recertify the iran deal
@00:03:26 obama's iran deal and we know that
@00:03:41 this nuclear deal with iran one they
@00:03:48 kept on saying that iran was trying to
@00:03:50 build nuclear weapons iran kept on
@00:04:06 iran doesn't build nuclear weapons and
@00:04:21 iran now the only reason the united
@00:04:24 states didn't want iran to have nuclear
@00:04:52 syria then iran if iran was able to
@00:05:03 invade iran so they needed to come up
@00:05:44 obama's iran deal now when he refused to
@00:06:26 getting ready to start a war with iran
@00:06:29 because they want iran to then go ahead
@00:06:50 dictate terms of the iran deal
@00:06:56 two agendas here one let iran become a
@00:07:25 war in iran because remember the cabal
@00:07:36 iran completely is falling apart trying
@00:07:57 deal this might actually push iran into
@00:08:13 having iran build a nuclear weapon and

Russia And China Just Did Something That Will Be A Blow To The Dollar - Episode 1400a

@00:07:53 arabia's saying this iran is doing this

Has The Cabal Already Planned The Lights Out Event? - Episode 1398b

@00:10:10 with iran and saudi arabia and they want
@00:10:30 arabia iran jordan iran libya iran they
@00:11:35 getting involved with iran and saudi

Russia Calls Out The US For Simulating Fighting In Syria And Iraq - Episode 1397b

@00:06:43 not happening that way we see iran right
@00:07:23 wanted to deal with iran and they wanted
@00:07:25 iran to run a pipeline through syria so
@00:07:28 what's happening right now is iran made
@00:07:35 pipeline going from iran to iraq to

De-Dollarization Continues, More Countries Pivot Away From The Dollar - Episode 1397a

@00:10:25 iran have officially announced that the
@00:10:35 turkey we have iran we have syria we

The Economy Has Hit Stall Speed, It's Not If But When The Economy Crashes - Episode 1395

@00:09:44 of syria they wanted to get into iran
@00:12:11 iran guitar all pivoting towards russia

Saudia Arabia Pivots Towards Russia And Away From The US - Episode 1394b

@00:04:11 is dealing with iran china and russia we
@00:08:12 the iran nuclear deal now russia is
@00:08:26 iran well it made sure that iran never
@00:08:43 last country was iran if they developed
@00:08:57 into and if iran developed a nuclear
@00:09:32 because they made the deal with iran
@00:09:38 step was iran and we can see right now

The Cabal Pushes Propaganda That North Korea Might Attack The Financial Sector - Episode 1390

@00:10:22 iran they entered into a deal in which
@00:10:26 sanctions on iran if they agree to this
@00:10:32 deals reached and iran had complied us
@00:10:39 iran they actually placed more sanctions
@00:10:42 on iran look what they did to said

Russia Is Now Calling On The US To Leave Syria - Episode 1386b

@00:07:42 oil project with iran they signed a deal
@00:07:56 we also see that iran closed their

GCHQ Warns Of A Category 1 Cyber Attack Coming Soon - Episode 1384b

@00:08:34 bit more difficult we see iran right now
@00:08:54 with iran right now so sanctions and all
@00:09:01 russia iran the rest of the countries

Behind The Scenes, The US, China And North Korea Are Talking - Episode 1382b

@00:11:03 were gonna go into iran and they were
@00:11:13 iran so what do they have left well they
@00:11:16 have iraq which is moving closer to iran

The Entire Economic Recovery Is One Big Myth - Episode 1382a

@00:10:07 see that with russia we see it with iran

The Cabal's Desperation Level Is Off The Charts, What's Next? - Episode 1381b

@00:07:19 iran so even south korea right now is
@00:07:23 going to be dealing with iran everything
@00:07:39 has to do with iran and we could see
@00:08:10 iran and syria and this report came out
@00:09:59 couple of months where russia syria iran
@00:13:08 venezuela syria iran china russia and

The Global Debt Crisis Is Much Worse Than We Are Being Told - Episode 1380

@00:11:51 the dollar and even though iran is using
@00:12:24 iran now they're gonna be trading in

Last Ditch Effort, The Cabal Pushes The Event Of Events - Episode 1379b

@00:12:41 russia iran turkey they agree on a final
@00:16:46 iraq like syria iran china russia and

Truth Bomb Just Exploded But Is Anyone Listening - Episode 1377b

@00:11:13 countries of russia iran turkey they're

Hold On, The Entire Globalist Economic System Is About To Come Apart - Episode 1376b

@00:12:29 iraq is making deals with iran they're
@00:12:37 iran russia and china the cabal is

North Korea Can Withstand An Embargo, Is The Cabal Finished? - Episode 1374b

@00:05:31 we can see from cuba from syria to iran
@00:07:59 iraq is working with iran and russia we
@00:11:45 control of syria then going into iran

De-Dollarization Continues As More Countries Separate Themselves From The Dollar - Episode 1374a

@00:09:15 dollar we have iran and south korea now
@00:09:18 we know iran has working with china and
@00:09:25 looks like private lenders from iran and

Is It All Coming To An End, What Else Does The Cabal Have Up Their Sleeve - Episode 1372b

@00:10:02 from the united states iran decided that
@00:10:45 the islamic republic of iran because we
@00:12:05 and iran have been invited in by the
@00:12:40 and iran everyone else seems to be fine

De-Dollarization Begins, China Readies Yuan Base Crude Oil - Episode 1370a

@00:06:58 exporters such as russia iran and many

Armstrong's Cycle Analysis Predicts A Major Event This Fall - Episode 1368b

@00:07:58 and false we see iran they have restored

The Cabal's Agenda Is Starting To Backfire, What's Next? - Episode 1367b

@00:08:44 see that guitar is moving closer to iran
@00:10:28 middle east go into iran get venezuela

Syria Is Slipping Through The Cabal's Fingers - Episode 1364b

@00:03:40 so does iran and we can see already with
@00:04:22 the ruble just like iran is doing right
@00:10:19 syria than going into iran that entire

It's So Quite You Can Hear A Pin Drop, Is Something About To Happen? - Episode 1363b

@00:15:38 saying is listen if iran and syria work
@00:15:47 then not get into iran and this is going
@00:15:53 syria invited iran into their country to
@00:16:05 iran is working with china iran is
@00:16:08 working with russia iran is working with

Can Evil Be Pushed Out Of The US, We Will Soon See - Episode 1360b

@00:11:45 there we see iran is out there the
@00:12:01 to 1988 imposed war on iran and they're
@00:14:32 they are siding with iran and we can see

Two Sides Fight For Control, We Are Coming Down To The Wire - Episode 1359b

@00:11:23 work with iran work with turkey and

The Elite's Agenda Is In Full Swing, What Happened To Common Sense? - Episode 1358b

@00:23:15 proof we see that russia turkey and iran

The Pattern Is Complete, The Game Is Always Played In The Month Of August - Episode 1354b

@00:16:51 forever that iran is a heartbeat away

Russia & China Are Now Teaming Up To Counter The Deep State - Episode 1351b

@00:14:44 to iran well they're actually very
@00:14:53 can't get anywhere with iran they tried
@00:17:40 iran has done this with iraq china has

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1350

@00:17:13 is confirmed that russia turkey and iran
@00:19:51 anything iran has had sanctions cuba has

The Deep State Strikes Back, Pushing Everything To The Edge - Episode 1348b

@00:09:46 together it brings iran closer together

The Economic Euphoria Has Reached New Heights, When It Crashes... - Episode 1345a

@00:16:24 dollar iran saudi arabia is making a
@00:17:31 already working with iran for a pipeline
@00:17:37 closer to iran where eventually they're
@00:17:44 coming through they're going to pay iran

The Bad Guys Are Cowering In The Corner As The Good Guys Clean House - Episode 1344b

@00:17:47 add more sanctions to russia and iran

Our Way Of Life Is About To Change & Many Are Not Prepared For This - Episode 1343a

@00:07:48 the dollar iran decided you know what
@00:21:18 pipeline is coming from iran into iraq

A Strategic Move By Russia Has Just Been Played, Check! - Episode 1341b

@00:16:09 u.s. is very close to the waters of iran
@00:16:55 something out of iran to make this an
@00:22:25 to back this up iran is going to back

The Corporate News Propaganda Is Masking What's Really Going On - Episode 1340b

@00:12:36 iran they were able to operate for all

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1339

@00:21:16 towards russia china and iran now while
@00:21:44 to russia and china and ran and iran to
@00:21:52 we also see that syria and iran they are
@00:22:08 syria and iraq but also iran turkey

Russia Is Using A Unique Strategy In The Middle East - Episode 1334b

@00:08:21 country and especially russia or iran or

The Crack Down Continues, These Individuals Need To Be Investigated - Episode 1333b

@00:13:50 done so it looks like russia iran
@00:18:17 now again russia iran syria china
@00:19:22 stop the pipeline from iran they want

The Elite Are On The Run, Lists Are Being Compiled - Episode 1331b

@00:10:02 new version of the russian iran
@00:10:11 sanctions for iran they have new
@00:11:55 iran the united states has a base

The Entire Case Against Donald Trump Jr. Has Just Taken A Major Turn - Episode 1330b

@00:16:19 power now russia stepped in iran was in
@00:19:44 blocks off iran whose land supply lines

It's All Falling Apart, The Entire Illusion Is Coming To An End - Episode 1321b

@00:15:00 to capture syria then head into iran and

The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1320b

@00:13:26 major natural gas reserves with iran and
@00:13:30 iran also conducts its related business
@00:13:37 the dollar completely now if iran qatar
@00:15:58 iran eventually into china then into
@00:16:52 no march into iran their entire plan is

The Silence Is Deafening, Indicators Point To An Event On The Horizon - Episode 1319b

@00:12:46 warning to syria russia iran letting
@00:14:41 it where russia heard it iran heard it
@00:15:55 a warning to russia iran and syria that

The World Is Being Distracted On Purpose, Here's Why - Episode 1318b

@00:14:39 you have china you have iran you have
@00:24:12 in syria trump is letting iran and assad
@00:24:29 they want to go after iran they want to

Start The Countdown, The Summer Months Are The Elite's Time To Create Havoc - Episode 1317b

@00:07:10 resort to other means to survive iran
@00:07:43 penalties china is joined by iran north
@00:14:27 iran who support him killing his own
@00:14:47 there iran is in there at the request of
@00:18:13 russia iran letting them know letting
@00:19:33 russia syria iran they are wiping out

The Plan, The Plot & How The Deep State Is Being Out Maneuvered - Episode 1316b

@00:01:38 libya yemen syria somalia sudan and iran
@00:09:32 right now is working with iran and it
@00:11:42 eventually to go into iran so with this
@00:12:04 eventually ed up and end up in iran and
@00:12:27 if it moves closer to iran and to russia

With Every Passing Day The Deep State Is Losing Control, The End Is Approaching - Episode 1314b

@00:14:18 cut off diplomatic relations with iran
@00:16:06 iran they're already exporting gas to

Brace Yourself, It's Going To Get A Lot Worse Before It Gets Better - Episode 1312b

@00:15:25 invited in iran was invited in the

The Elite Can't Wait, The Event Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1310b

@00:04:52 moving closer and closer to iran and
@00:05:42 towards iran and it looks like they're
@00:09:57 hormuz we see iran and the chinese naval
@00:11:05 by iran they captured revolutionary
@00:11:18 about this for a second iran is now in
@00:11:24 asked iran to come in and help out with
@00:11:30 did the same thing with russia iran has
@00:11:44 to provoke a war with iran for a very
@00:12:14 flag how would this benefit iran right
@00:12:17 now by doing this this would bring iran
@00:12:47 iran operates and we can see that this
@00:12:57 it they're trying to say that yes iran
@00:13:11 out there because iran fired missiles
@00:16:10 iran was invited into the country to
@00:25:38 with iran with china with russia moving

Are These The Only Options The Elite Have Left, If So It Won't End Well - Episode 1309b

@00:08:29 being destroyed by russia syria and iran

The Hunt Begins, The Strategy To Take Out The Elite - Episode 1308b

@00:18:06 u.s. a policy towards iran includes
@00:18:24 in iran he reply he replied a firmly
@00:18:30 relying on elements inside of iran to
@00:19:02 iran is fighting back just striking back
@00:19:34 going to have regime change in iran i

The Criminal Empire Has No Where To Go, What's Their Next Move - Episode 1305b

@00:17:13 backed by iran in syria or by syria now

The Trap Has Been Set For The Criminal Empire, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1304b

@00:12:14 why russia and iran have been stepping
@00:12:34 of the country and we can see that iran
@00:15:03 are coming out is that iran we mentioned
@00:15:25 and iran is coming out with the proof

Everything Is Not What It Seems, The Shift Has Begun - Episode 1303b

@00:07:33 very very soon we see iran russia they

It's All Coming Apart, This Is Where It Gets Scary - Episode 1301b

@00:18:10 i do believe that trump russia iran
@00:21:31 this is not about surrounding iran
@00:21:33 because iran already is back in qatar
@00:22:09 point and the whole thing about iran
@00:22:18 a message to iran back off because the

The Plan Is In Action To Dismantle The Middle East, The Big Rotation Has Begun - Episode 1300b

@00:12:49 isolate iran that's what they're doing
@00:12:51 they're going after iran and they're
@00:12:58 arabia likes iran none of these middle
@00:13:02 iran who deals with iran russia china
@00:14:13 to iran and to russia this was part of
@00:15:27 right yes russia the us china iran
@00:16:00 the islamic state attack iran now this
@00:19:06 saying this is to isolate iran and this
@00:19:09 is exactly what they're doing but iran
@00:19:53 russia syria iran iraq they're been they

It Has Begun, The Elite Are Not Holding Back - Episode 1299b

@00:11:44 to do with iran and the billion dollars

With One Simple Meeting Trump Did The Unthinkable - Episode 1298b

@00:16:30 paid a 1 billion ransom to iran and
@00:17:02 into iran for the p5 plus 1 deal and for
@00:20:51 border area we know that iraq iran

The Deep State Plans Are In Jeopardy, In Desperation They Are Considering This - Episode 1296b

@00:18:24 russia and they're working with iran to
@00:19:22 but we can see right now iraq syria iran
@00:19:57 them now if iraq syria iran and russia

The Main Agenda Of The Bilderberg Secret Meeting, Trump - Episode 1295b

@00:16:58 in place for iran and once the p5 plus

The Plan Continues To Unfold, Next Phase Has Been Launched - Episode 1290b

@00:09:22 iran - all join in on this belt in road

The Push Is On And The Deep State Will Not Hold Back This Summer - Episode 1287b

@00:13:32 were working with syria iran and russia
@00:13:50 between these two countries because iran

The Bubbles And Illusions Are About To Be Popped - Episode 1285b

@00:04:42 i'm not talking about iran he's not
@00:06:27 might speak to iran he says i'd never
@00:06:48 they're open to a dialogue with iran and

Desperation, Panic Has Set In, The Take Down Has Begun - Episode 1281b

@00:23:30 russia and iran to find a solution that
@00:23:40 going to work with both countries iran

Next Phase Of The Plan Will Be Chaotic On Purpose - Episode 1277b

@00:15:22 areas he's meeting with iran to tell him

The Plan Has Been Revealed And Everyone Needs To Brace For The Impact - Episode 1276b

@00:10:47 been trying to get us into war with iran

Are Forces Being Put Into Place Outside Of Venezuela For Regime Change? - Episode 1275b

@00:13:00 know that russia and syria iran turkey

Something Is Brewing In Jordan And It Mimics Past Events - Episode 1274b

@00:13:15 picking a fight with iran and the saudi
@00:13:27 policy ruled out any dialogue with iran
@00:13:49 iran rather in saudi arabia now we see
@00:14:16 is was to get into iran and at this
@00:14:36 up with iran where we have the uss
@00:14:40 sitting outside of iran provoking them
@00:14:45 continually pushing iran and saudi
@00:18:45 now iran and north korea and they're

Central Banks Prep For The Collpase By Shifting The Narrative - Episode 1274a

@00:15:41 finger at iran syria china and they will

Something Big Is About To Happen And This Fake Film Might Be Part Of It - Episode 1273b

@00:12:36 iran we see the uss george hw bush this
@00:12:43 off the coast of iran and iran is
@00:13:06 deal about iran having ships off their
@00:13:29 can you imagine if iran or syria or
@00:13:48 syria iran turkey they set up these safe
@00:14:34 good thing and it looks like russia iran
@00:15:00 zone from russia or iran or turkey what
@00:17:09 iran and syria are setting up this is a
@00:17:49 iran syria they are protecting these

This Is Not Going To End Well If The Deep State Gets It's Way - Episode 1272b

@00:20:25 and iran they are creating the

Russia Pushing For De-Escalation Zones In Syria To Shutdown The Deep State - Episode 1271b

@00:21:40 second of all russia iran turkey syria

Kim Jong Un Said Something Which Will Leave Many Scatching Their Heads - Episode 1269b

@00:05:33 iran because what is happening right now
@00:05:57 but place them on iran with this new
@00:06:27 pointing towards iran because syria

Do You Feel It, Something Just Changed - Episode 1264b

@00:21:29 arabia getting very upset about iran
@00:21:36 them listen syria invited iran to help
@00:21:43 that syria invited iran in so you really

The Covert Plan Is Working In Conjuction With The Collapse Of The Economy - Episode 1263b

@00:17:34 then iran and the plan did not work out
@00:17:59 have iran they're gonna have syria and
@00:18:22 inspectors come in make sure that iran
@00:18:46 what happened was iran didn't use the
@00:19:05 syria they were going to go into iran
@00:19:37 will be off of iran we can do business
@00:19:39 with them and they knew that iran which

Either This Is A Secretive Plan That Will Benefit America Or Prepare For The Worst - Episode 1262b

@00:12:26 going on now iran was looking to join
@00:12:40 being lifted iran can now join the
@00:12:49 looked at the p5 plus one deal and iran
@00:12:56 like iran is moving ahead and going
@00:13:07 said that iran was living wasn't living
@00:13:12 couldn't object to iran complying with
@00:13:19 the deal because iran is being inspected
@00:13:22 iran does not have nuclear weapons and

The Event Of All Events, The Day When The Lights Go Out - Episode 1261b

@00:13:29 fighting terrorism are russia syria iran

It Has All Come Down To This, The Last Battle Between Good And Evil - Episode 1260b

@00:13:52 did come out and say that iran was
@00:13:59 iran might be violating the spirit of
@00:14:18 allowed iran to operate their nuclear
@00:14:21 facilities and have inspections iran
@00:14:43 doesn't mean that iran is not complying
@00:16:24 china says it's going to sign an iran
@00:16:49 even more difficult to say that iran is

US Sniffer Plane Scans North Korea, Be Prepared For The Next Event - Episode 1259b

@00:21:28 idea we know that trump said that iran
@00:21:34 tillerson came out and said that iran
@00:21:39 of keeping iran from obtaining a nuclear
@00:21:45 ignored all other threats from iran and

The Deep State Is Getting Desperate, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1258b

@00:16:03 iran and he came to the conclusion that
@00:16:07 iran is following and complying with
@00:16:24 evolved in this p phi plus one deal iran
@00:16:28 never had nuclear weapons iran was
@00:16:38 iran to sell their oil on the dollar and
@00:16:42 it would keep iran from having a nuclear
@00:16:48 to go into syria then go into iran now
@00:17:00 for a second if iran is complying with
@00:17:06 iran is no longer a nuclear threat
@00:17:29 removing the threat from iran check that
@00:17:36 bankers those who want to get into iran
@00:18:11 shanghai cooperation and now iran is
@00:18:16 here and remember iran is not using the
@00:18:53 the us iran syria they want to get

Deep State Is Ready To Initiate Operation "Cyber Event" To Push Their Agenda - Episode 1256b

@00:19:27 reforming the constitution so iran can
@00:21:04 plan that was facilitated by iran and

The Deep State Ups The Ante And Pushes Their Agenda With This Simple Move - Episode 1254b

@00:21:57 korea iran syria this is what they're

The Deep State's Next Move Will Shock The World - Episode 1251b

@00:09:28 organization published it about iran
@00:10:05 use this but syria russia iran they

Trump's Hidden Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1250b

@00:03:13 korea the hot button for trump is iran
@00:15:01 happen now russia iran they released and

The Deep State Is Now Pushing Their Agenda To Bring The World To War - Episode 1249b

@00:13:07 was to get assad and then go into iran
@00:20:59 and iran was supposed to be completed in

The Deep State Is Going All In With Syria - Episode 1248b

@00:21:34 let's provoke iran remember all the

The Flood Gates Are Wide Open, It's All About To Come Out - Episode 1244b

@00:13:59 problem throughout europe we see iran
@00:14:06 that iran is the primary exporter of
@00:14:10 iran and syria and russia are saying

While American's Were Sleeping The Surveillance State Is Almost Complete - Episode 1241b

@00:14:49 see that russia and iran they're
@00:15:10 deposits and iran and we can see already
@00:15:12 that russia and iran they're getting
@00:15:20 what is going on in iran now the p5 plus
@00:15:23 1 deal that was to make sure that iran
@00:19:32 which will then bring in iran and you

It's Happening, It's Exactly What We Thought The Deep State Would Do - Episode 1240b

@00:14:44 way from iran to turkey about three
@00:17:28 iran is out there they are saying and
@00:17:45 used the airbase and iran to strike

The Elite & Ultra Wealthy Are Preparing For Something Big - Episode 1238b

@00:10:01 saying that iran their forces there you
@00:10:08 carrier now iran is claiming that the us
@00:10:24 you know the country of iran because the
@00:10:30 opening and we can see right now if iran
@00:10:46 iran is doing they are protecting their

Russia Is Ready To Split Away From The SWIFT System - Episode 1237a

@00:10:05 including iran where they would have

The Narrative Has Been Set For The Collapse And The Next Event - Episode 1236b

@00:13:15 when you mentioned iran or north korea

Is It A Coincidence That An Event Occurred The Same Day The Surveillance News Broke? - Episode 1235b

@00:16:56 strategic waterways separating iran from
@00:17:16 right outside of iran and of course the
@00:17:25 iran had a warship that was sailing you

The World Is One Poke Away From A Major Disaster - Episode 1231b

@00:17:42 north korea and iran and ever since that
@00:18:30 going to drag in russia china iran syria

The Deep State/Neocons Have Taken Control Of Foreign Policy - Episode 1230b

@00:17:04 supposedly in talks with iran to

The Central Bank/Deep State Started The Countdown For The Next Big Event - Episode 1229b

@00:10:27 and in the past we've seen it in iran
@00:16:35 russia and iran are already close to
@00:16:46 iran are already winning they're already

The Government Allows You To Think Your Free, Is The Gov. The Enemy Of Freedom? - Episode 1223b

@00:07:49 the corporate media headlines of iran
@00:17:54 them war now iran is accusing the us
@00:18:46 provoking iran they're trying to gin
@00:19:04 where iran you know just took their

Phase IV Of The Deep State's Plan Is Now Being Executed - Episode 1222b

@00:06:08 of hacking dnc iran hacked an american
@00:06:12 casino iran suspected for the attack on
@00:08:07 north korea iran china well most likely
@00:19:41 north korea iran those are the hot
@00:24:09 different countries china russia iran

The Deep State Has Just Been Setup, Get Ready For The Awakening - Episode 1221b

@00:01:36 states by citizens of iran libya syria
@00:20:28 that goes with iran they have fired two
@00:22:51 syria and then iran is to control the
@00:23:56 assad out they wanted to get into iran

One Thing Has Changed, The Deep State Moved Up It's Time Table - Episode 1217b

@00:16:20 russia north korea iran china took it

Is The Deep State Pushing The US Into A Nuclear Confrontation? - Episode 1216b

@00:11:17 iran they're talking about russia but

Just When You Thought Everything Was Going To Be Fine, This Happened - Episode 1215b

@00:14:57 provokes iran can you imagine if russia
@00:15:28 nervous if russia china iran syria any

White House Leakers In The Process Of Being Exposed - Episode 1209b

@00:14:27 their greatest enemies followed by iran
@00:23:38 the enemy iran is the enemy syria is the

The Elite Push Their Agenda To Censor Those Individuals Who Are Not With Them - Episode 1207b

@00:14:11 iran syria and we can see already that
@00:19:32 russia and they flown over iran and they

The 'Deep State' Soft Coup Is Now In Progress To Take Full Control Of The Country - Episode 1204b

@00:05:44 with iran well we know this is
@00:06:00 provoking iran not just a rant but
@00:06:35 central bankers want a war with iran
@00:06:42 to make sure that iran never became a
@00:06:58 iran decided that they weren't going to
@00:07:36 february iran said we're going to ditch
@00:07:54 trying to remove assad where iran has
@00:20:55 iran telling russia to return crimea

Is Obama Creating An Army Of Agitators To Go Up Against Trump? - Episode 1203b

@00:17:31 with iran with china with north korea

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1202

@00:08:04 syria seven iran for libya to sudan won
@00:16:23 now iran says that russia they can use
@00:16:30 iran is saying listen bring your forces
@00:16:32 into iran this is not a temporary type
@00:16:42 on the air base because iran understands
@00:17:02 have iran use the dollar and they're
@00:17:09 into iran and they definitely do not
@00:17:11 want iran creating any type of nuclear

Something Dark Is Looming And It's Headed Our Way - Episode 1200b

@00:20:36 country we see that iran launched
@00:21:09 treasury bonds buying gold we have iran
@00:21:50 war with iran because they know iran is

China, Russia And Iran Are Dumping The Dollar And Increasing Gold Purchases - Episode 1200a

@00:00:59 episode is china russia and iran are
@00:11:50 that russia china and iran they are well
@00:12:11 iran right now we know that they are

As We Approach The Economic Crisis The Government Will Start To Breakdown - Episode 1199b

@00:13:11 iran saying that you know they're going
@00:13:21 saying well no there iran is not
@00:13:37 see that every time iran does something
@00:13:45 out there saying that iran is getting
@00:13:57 back during the carter period where iran
@00:14:22 make sure that iran didn't develop
@00:14:25 nuclear weapons now we know that iran
@00:14:43 iran if iran was a nuclear weapon eyes
@00:15:03 russia and iran they want more we really
@00:15:14 and around iran their bases in turkey
@00:15:25 iran now they haven't been moving their
@00:15:42 trying to convince you that iran and

The Economic Crisis Is Going To Be Alot Worse Than Originally Thought - Episode 1199a

@00:06:14 blaming it on iran can they try blending

The World Is Waking Up And The Elite Do Not Like It - Episode 1198b

@00:22:31 well the persian gulf is near iran it's
@00:22:57 wrong where they say iran did something

Truth Bombs Are Exploding All Over The Place & The Media & Elite Are Scrambling - Episode 1197b

@00:17:16 there and he plays sanctions on iran and
@00:17:26 secretary that iran is the world's
@00:17:30 lavrov is out there and he's saying iran
@00:17:50 terrorist groups that iran sponsors and
@00:17:56 all you hear is that iran is the biggest

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1196

@00:12:36 he is looking at iran right now they the
@00:12:41 place ank shins on iran for their
@00:12:43 missile test and we can see that iran is
@00:13:12 continue to provoke iran turan would

The Elite Shift Into Overdrive As Tensions Around The World Are Rising - Episode 1195b

@00:19:20 really building with iran with china
@00:19:43 to iran about what is going on here so
@00:19:47 and he's placing sanctions on iran and
@00:20:04 north korea iran china all the players
@00:22:38 it looks like the other country iran

Now We Know Why The Doomsday Clock Was Pushed Closer To Midnight - Episode 1194b

@00:17:44 iran and china and we see right now the
@00:17:50 sanctions on iran right now we have a
@00:17:58 placing sanctions on iran don't worry it
@00:18:05 have with iran it doesn't violate it
@00:18:23 control over iran any more by
@00:18:42 and of course iran is saying listen we
@00:18:54 iran has not started a war in two
@00:21:50 the agenda with iran they're gonna be
@00:22:28 moving towards iran and you're gonna see

Is Trump Setting His Sights On The Federal Reserve To Expose It? - Episode 1194a

@00:06:55 past report we talked about how iran is
@00:07:53 united states invaded syria iran has
@00:08:38 dollar to purchase the oil so iran is

The Central Bankers/Elite Push Their Agenda To Bring About Chaos - Episode 1193b

@00:13:19 agenda is iran they know that trump
@00:13:26 different situations especially in iran
@00:13:38 going to work now iran did admit they
@00:13:51 violated the nuclear deal and iran
@00:19:10 iran and china and he could start a war

Iran Is Getting Ready To Dump The Dollar & The Reason Is Unbelievable - Episode 1192a

@00:00:58 and the title of the episode is iran is
@00:13:38 don't want this anymore now iran is out
@00:13:58 those assets and iran will not use the
@00:14:14 iran was not bothered with the u.s.
@00:14:23 iraq sudan iran was not bothered by the
@00:14:31 trying to overthrow assad where iran has
@00:14:47 same countries well iran just they just

Obama Comes Out Of The Shadows And Challenges Trump - Episode 1191b

@00:05:46 named iraq iran sudan syria while its
@00:07:09 from iraq and carter bandit from iran
@00:18:08 not pointing to iran anymore to pointing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1190

@00:10:04 going to go into iran so if we look back
@00:19:50 up a war with china with iran they're

The Elite Push The Doomsday Clock To Two And A Half Minutes To “Midnight” - Episode 1188b

@00:20:50 push him on a conflict with iran they're

Are The Elite Trying To Push Trump Into A Heated Showdown With China? - Episode 1187b

@00:18:41 iran or improve the system right now and
@00:20:07 bring north korea into it syria and iran

There Is A War Going On But It's Not Between The U.S. And Russia - Episode 1185b

@00:11:51 to iran and they found missile
@00:12:10 looks at iran as an enemy lee he's
@00:12:18 and iran even though the other ones are

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1184

@00:16:55 to protect against both iran and north
@00:17:09 one that's pointing to iran which is

Govt Officials Report That North Korea Is About To Do Something On Inauguration Day - Episode 1182b

@00:07:13 iran actually developing a nuclear
@00:07:20 eye on iran and to make sure that they
@00:07:30 and then eventually go into iran now if
@00:07:46 oil on the petro dollar and iran didn't
@00:12:02 into iran they haven't given up people

Are The Elite Preparing A 'Soft Coup' On Inauguration Day? - Episode 1180b

@00:15:21 negotiation is backed by russia iran and

Something Very Strange Just Happened Days Before The Inauguration - Episode 1177b

@00:16:34 state with the oil convoys and iran saw

UN Warns Of 'Imminent Danger' And Escalation In The Middle East - Episode 1176b

@00:16:02 wants syria they want iran they want the

The Russian Hacking Propaganda Is A Setup For Something Much Larger - Episode 1173b

@00:17:17 of iran yes iran is going to send ships
@00:17:23 out there think about this if iran was

The Elite Are Pushing For A Lights Out Scenario - Episode 1169b

@00:08:30 the same china north korea syria iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1167

@00:09:51 now and iran they said they will not

The Elite Just Made Their Move Against Russia With No Evidence - Episode 1165b

@00:07:43 that iran is making up fake news well

We Might See Multiple Events In The Month Of January 2017 - Episode 1164b

@00:12:32 iran syria they got together and they

Erdogan Points Finger & Accuses The US-Led Coalition Of Supporting The 'IS' - Episode 1163b

@00:06:08 see iran they plan to build an aircraft

The Elite Are Provoking China To Escalate The Chances Of A Conflict - Episode 1162b

@00:06:00 with syria just like they do with iran
@00:08:15 over syria than take over iran and keep

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1161

@00:07:58 syria and eventually go into iran well

The Elite's Plans Are Failing, Next Plan, An All Out Event - Episode 1157b

@00:09:12 iran they are reaching an agreement that
@00:18:33 russia turkey iran they were talking and

The Elite Just Sent A Message To Russia - Episode 1156b

@00:11:49 into iran and i realize that things are

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1155

@00:06:09 through syria then go into iran control

The Elite Initiate "Operation Remove Trump", Plans Are Set For Dec 19th - Episode 1153b

@00:17:30 allows the iran sanctions renewal for

The Fed Just Signaled The Collapse Of The Economy, Brace For Impact - Episode 1152a

@00:11:42 countries to end up in iran to support

Operation Mop Up Is Now Under Way - Episode 1148b

@00:18:14 their troops it was iran and of course
@00:18:28 believe it must have been iran again
@00:18:35 trying to get turkey to go after iran

The Elite Are Desperate, 'Operation Censorship' Is In Full Swing - Episode 1146b

@00:18:41 way we're going to get into iran there's

Are The Elite Planning Something Big In The Middle East? - Episode 1144b

@00:13:44 is missing from iran we know there are

Is The Market Flashing The Hindenburg Omen Warning? - Episode 1144a

@00:18:44 and iran in their local currencies he
@00:19:18 to go from syria into iran and to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1143

@00:15:27 sanctions on iran and what's very
@00:15:32 statement says we believe the iran
@00:15:40 interfere with the iran deal now the
@00:16:12 into a huge problem with iran they
@00:16:28 the u.s. is placing sanctions on iran
@00:16:43 want iran developing a nuclear weapon
@00:16:48 into iran now that plan we can see is
@00:17:01 always the same to get into iran to get

Foreign Intel Agencies Prepare To Cyber Attack Russia's Financial Institutions - Episode 1142b

@00:15:34 into iran through syria they're actually
@00:19:46 hear that allegedly iran cyber attacks
@00:19:54 sanctioning iran and trump his
@00:20:06 against iran now it looks like they took
@00:20:14 doesn't like iran he thinks the deal is
@00:20:47 to be going on in italy we have the iran

The Elite Are Now In The Process Of Making Their Next Move - Episode 1141b

@00:17:48 material missing from iran it was stolen
@00:18:38 to iran very interesting now we know
@00:18:48 deal that was made with iran and it
@00:19:07 iran and it should be removed and it
@00:19:30 pointing to iran
@00:19:47 to show that iran did something now why
@00:20:28 up to blame iran for all of this and
@00:20:41 buildup pointing to iran now they know

FBI Expanded Its Hacking Powers, Unprecedented Authority To Hack Into Any Device - Episode 1140b

@00:10:44 it to iran they've done it to russia and
@00:14:26 and they're never getting into iran

Something Evil Is Headed Our Way, Missing Nuclear Material Might Be Used To Create.. - Episode 1139b

@00:20:05 the iranian deal he thinks that iran is
@00:20:25 united states had regime change in iran
@00:20:29 iran took back their country the united
@00:20:33 states place sanctions on iran the
@00:20:41 iran creating a nuclear weapon
@00:21:21 these countries will be looking at iran
@00:21:50 well they stoled iridium 192 from iran

America Is Divided More Than Ever, Just What The Elite Want - Episode 1133b

@00:18:45 into iran the petro dollar starts to
@00:20:31 iran they have goals they want the tpp

Obama Warns That Populist Uprising Could Trigger A World War - Episode 1129b

@00:13:13 10-year extension of the iran sanctions
@00:13:30 and that includes russia and iran so we
@00:13:38 syria and iran it has not stopped at all

The Pentagon Is Using A 'Slush Fund' To Mobilize Forces On Russia's Border - Episode 1118b

@00:24:26 able to get into iran they will not be

US Government Is Preparing For Anarchy During And After The Election - Episode 1117b

@00:16:33 united states never reaches iran the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1114

@00:13:58 have the ability then to go into iran

Companies Are Preparing For An Event By Raising Terror Insurance Limits - Episode 1111b

@00:14:16 this with iran where they never wanted
@00:14:19 iran to develop a nuclear weapon and we
@00:14:45 all these inspections that iran will not
@00:15:22 and iran were the last two countries the
@00:15:45 they finished with syria if iran didn't

US Gov Moves To Plan ??,Advanced Weapons Are Ready To Ship To The Middle East - Episode 1109b

@00:16:21 the pipeline with iran and bring that
@00:16:43 iran this was supposed to be completed

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1102

@00:09:02 want syria then they want iran if they

EU Prepares For 'Dark Scenario' Cyber Attacks That Could Blackout Europe - Episode 1101b

@00:13:51 north korea syria iran and we see
@00:21:01 not get into iran they will not be able

America Is About To Change Forever - Episode 1100b

@00:10:17 iran to receive the rest of the s-300
@00:16:08 iran has deployed a fleet of warships to
@00:16:15 strike and iran

US Government/Central Bankers Are In The Process Of Forcing Russia Into War - Episode 1098b

@00:08:55 needed for iran and russia has been
@00:09:00 the peace talks with iran there is no
@00:09:09 nothing to do with iran this was set up

US Government Makes The First Move To Take Back The Middle East - Episode 1097b

@00:11:32 in a central bank then to go into iran
@00:17:06 china north korea syria iran there

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1096

@00:08:01 in europe that is not there for iran

CIA Can Predict Social Unrest 3 To 5 Days Before It Happens, Really!! - Episode 1095b

@00:09:08 iran so we're moving towards a time
@00:19:58 do not remove assad then go into iran

The US Government/Central Bankers Are Very Close To Closing Down Our Society - Episode 1093b

@00:06:04 for russia china pakistan india and iran

US Government Is Now Ready To Take Everything To The Next Level - Episode 1092b

@00:19:47 they want syria they want iran they want

The Economy Is A House Of Cards And It Will Come Crashing Down - Episode 1088a

@00:11:01 this we understand that iran wants to

The Senate Rejects The President's Veto, The Stage Has Been Set - Episode 1087b

@00:14:21 get into syria then get into iran for

US Government Desperate In The Middle East & Moving Closer To Creating A Major Event - Episode 1085b

@00:05:22 on syria iran they can play sanctions on
@00:12:48 and then move into iran of course and we

Will The October Surprise Be More Shocking Than Everyone Expects? - Episode 1081b

@00:07:37 syria and they'll never get to iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1078

@00:13:41 syria to iran and the whole thing is

People Are Beginning To Be Herded Into Deradicalization Centers In Europe - Episode 1077b

@00:22:59 instead of going after russia and iran
@00:24:20 finally end up in iran and capture iran

The US Government Is Prepared And Ready, It's Almost Go Time - Episode 1076b

@00:09:27 whining that iran is racing their ships
@00:09:48 inspect what's going on if iran was in
@00:10:03 that the u.s. is harassing iran
@00:10:06 provoking iran and right now what we're
@00:10:15 keep an eye on iran and we can see that
@00:11:20 sudan get into syria then move into iran
@00:15:09 to go into iran and we can see right now

The US Government\Central Bankers Petrodollar System Is Falling Apart - Episode 1074b

@00:09:50 eventually go into iran and we can see
@00:09:58 iran about this agreement that the
@00:10:02 iran sees no problems with the agreement

CDC Is Now Deploying Rapid Response SWAT Teams - Episode 1073b

@00:15:35 they want iran but it's not happening so

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1072

@00:14:13 let's get assad then move into iran that

US Government Agenda, Provoke, Provoke and Provoke - Episode 1071b

@00:18:44 syria then go into iran to maintain

The US Government Just Militarized The CDC - Episode 1069b

@00:18:08 get into iran just like their goal was

Obama Provokes Russia With A Cyber War - Episode 1068b

@00:05:48 incident in iran where we have another
@00:07:14 iran this is like the hundredth one from
@00:12:53 lebanon libya syria then move into iran
@00:13:03 is made sure that iran was not a nuclear
@00:13:12 beginning stages they wanted iran to
@00:13:17 their oil using the dollar and iran said
@00:13:46 iran now we can see at this point that

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1067

@00:10:04 iraq was syria iran the united states
@00:14:05 many names for it but iran is out there

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1066

@00:12:45 the middle east which i mean like iran

Washington Propaganda Warns Of Putin's October Surprise - Episode 1063b

@00:12:23 iran place all the natural resources on
@00:18:34 and they still have to get into iran and

The Propaganda For The Perfect Storm This Fall Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1061b

@00:08:56 korea and iran we also see that the u.s.
@00:09:18 opposite direction we see iran right now
@00:09:48 iran and we can see through this entire
@00:09:56 they wanted iran to put their oil on the
@00:10:12 do was to keep iran a non-nuclear state

Turkey And The US Government Ground Invasion Was Planned 2 Years Ago - Episode 1058b

@00:11:03 war they're provoking iran right now the
@00:11:35 iran now when you really look at what

US Government And Turkey Begin Carving Out The Exclusion Zone - Episode 1057b

@00:05:15 many tests russia does many tests iran
@00:08:42 syria iran because without continually
@00:13:28 they want the economic deals with iran

While No One Was Looking The US Just Setup An Exclusion Zone In Northern Syria - Episode 1056b

@00:05:56 then end up in iran and as we can see
@00:12:14 iran to okay a huge power deal and this
@00:12:35 is making deals with iran making deals
@00:14:03 before where iran said ok the islamic
@00:14:32 to russia and iran they are actually
@00:18:50 iran the state department says us
@00:18:55 iran and this replaces the travel

Hacked Documents Shows Obama/Soros Behind The Refugee Crisis In Europe - Episode 1055b

@00:20:28 paused operations in iran right now
@00:22:38 russia and iran we know the islamic

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1054

@00:09:19 closer to iran and russia it still seems

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1053

@00:04:03 syria right now iran is saying that the
@00:04:26 iran they're siding with russia the u.s.

US Turkey Relations Deteriorating, US Moves Nukes To Romania - Episode 1052b

@00:01:41 currency that was delivered to iran on
@00:02:01 been working with iran and this was
@00:14:50 closer and closer to russia and iran and
@00:15:20 and iran they have reached an agreement
@00:15:44 with russia and iran and once all this

The Storm Is Approaching And It Looks Like It's Going To Hit This Fall - Episode 1051b

@00:14:06 deployment of bombers from iran is
@00:14:19 on the sale and transfer of arms to iran
@00:14:33 sell transfer arms to iran iran gave
@00:15:40 iran and russia now the information is

China Enters Into The Middle East Arena - Episode 1050b

@00:12:21 closer to russia we see today that iran
@00:12:31 inside of iran into syria the tuple of
@00:12:42 that iran russia and now china which is
@00:13:27 have china and russia and iran now in
@00:15:22 have iran to control the middle east and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1048

@00:07:32 eventually iran but what we can see in

The Clock Is Ticking Down To A Major Event - Episode 1047b

@00:14:32 and closer to iran
@00:14:34 it looks like turkey and iran they have

There Are Signs That The US Government Is Preparing To Lockdown America - Episode 1041b

@00:14:45 giving this to iran why did they do it

Election Systems To Be Treated As Critical Infrastructure During A Cyber Attack - Episode 1040b

@00:15:03 and iran last two countries syria and
@00:15:06 iran we have to remember iran and syria
@00:15:13 each other since 2005 iran and syria
@00:15:18 agreement and iran has honored the
@00:15:36 russia china they have sided with iran
@00:16:12 agreement with iran and iraq to
@00:25:20 want iran they want to manipulate the

The US August Event Has Begun, Be Prepared For More - Episode 1037b

@00:19:24 trying to talk to iran right now we have

US Preparing To Keep The Middle East Secure By Keeping The Puppet Govs In Power - Episode 1033b

@00:10:38 is this what iran is doing in his
@00:13:10 and iran yes there have been talks but

US Turning Up The Heat All Around The World To Get WWIII Started - Episode 1028b

@00:06:15 iran is continually purging more and
@00:08:51 el-sissi was a coup platter so iran is
@00:18:28 the pipeline then go after iran this was

US Gov/Central Bankers Have Lost The Narrative In The Middle East - Episode 1027b

@00:10:29 is that turkey made a call to iran spoke
@00:10:57 problems hand in hand with iran and
@00:11:19 this proof is this an action that iran
@00:12:52 towards russia iran we will then see him
@00:18:48 plus syria and iran and placing older

US And Turkey Move To The Next Phase Of The Plan - Episode 1026b

@00:10:47 the coup is done with iran is running
@00:14:52 is that iran is cleaning house and the
@00:20:59 closer to iran and we'll see them remove
@00:21:49 didn't really help iran at this point it

Is The Turkish Coup Being Used For Something Much Bigger? - Episode 1025b

@00:05:14 iran they made a nuclear agreement with
@00:05:17 iran thinking they'd be able to get in
@00:05:25 oil but iran finally came out and said
@00:09:17 will be completed by 2008 well have iran
@00:16:16 that iran wants to implement the death

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1024

@00:14:36 closer ties maybe to russia iran and
@00:15:03 obstacle and allow iran to gain absolute

US Signs Off On Expanding Military Forces Used By UN Troops - Episode 1021b

@00:09:02 iran lebanon as well as a number of

Putin Explains To Reporters The West Is Pushing For A Nuclear War - Episode 1016b

@00:17:56 europe which they said this was for iran

Bernanke Meets With Kuroda And Abe To Unleash Helicopter Money - Episode 1016a

@00:09:50 using the dollar and guess what iran is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1012

@00:13:07 putting a lot of pressure on iran but

Turkey Needs NATO To Defend Its Borders With Syria After The Terror Attack - Episode 1010b

@00:10:31 korea islamic state syria iran you name
@00:10:51 reported that putin and iran they were
@00:10:56 see iran is trying to apologize for
@00:18:59 iran is out there he's condemned the
@00:21:49 came out and said we are with iran

US Travel Warnings In Turkey Have Been Extended To The End Of July - Episode 1009b

@00:14:53 we see iran the iran's supreme national
@00:17:15 likely it is we'll see what iran says

Brace For The Storm, Economic Collapse, War On The Horizon - Episode 1008b

@00:16:04 the dollar on the oil then get into iran

US Pushing To Send More Troops To The Middle East, Mission Creep? - Episode 1005b

@00:20:43 get into iran at this point and here we
@00:21:20 east and they would have iran in their

Jordan Closes Its Borders With Iraq And Syria, Major Escalation? - Episode 1004b

@00:15:54 and russia syria and iran they know what

State Department Officials Say Now Is The Time To Attack Assad - Episode 1000b

@00:24:05 going to work so right now syria iran

John Kerry: U.S. Patience With Syria & Russia Is Running Out - Episode 998b

@00:18:59 can get into syria get into iran they

More Special Op Teams Arrive In The Middle East To Assist The US In War - Episode 997b

@00:15:46 iran they can use any of these areas any

Breaking Down The Event In Orlando - Episode 996b

@00:01:19 syria with iran with the brics nations
@00:06:40 we'll have to see what iran does maybe

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 995

@00:06:29 interesting we see iran russia and syria

DHS Has Been Training And Preparing For A Major Event- Episode 992b

@00:17:04 see that syria russia and iran they're

US Has A Secret Plan In The Middle East - Episode 988b

@00:03:32 iran syria and all the rest of the

US Government Agencies Are Continually Acquiring Military-Like Equipment - Episode 987b

@00:02:53 the iran nuclear talks the missing clip

US Government Preparing The Next Phase Of The Offensive In The Middle East - Episode 986b

@00:10:05 same russia north korea syria iran china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 977

@00:13:10 going to do is make their move into iran

IMF Makes A Push To Take Control Of Iran's Banking System - Episode 975a

@00:11:05 their warning iran not to count on oil
@00:11:22 remember what iran did they said they're
@00:11:44 that iran must tackle problems in its
@00:12:24 happening right now iran is not looking
@00:12:27 at the us iran is looking at china and

FBI Warns Nation-State Cyber Attacks Are Targeting US Gov. & The Private Sector - Episode 970b

@00:17:30 they've been hacking in iran and they're

US Disregards International Law To Provoke War - Episode 968b

@00:12:29 worse and we know that iran has made a

Obama Boost Efforts On All Fronts By Creating A New Caliphate In The Northern Syria - Episode 967b

@00:09:22 iran but there are kind of some problems
@00:11:50 now we see iran they have finally

Once Again The US Is Pushing A "Safe Zone" With A Staged Event - Episode 964b

@00:14:39 the opposite now iran is threatening to
@00:15:50 the seas next to iran next to syria

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 959

@00:10:37 to provoke russia china iran syria into
@00:15:01 something on iran this is a scenario

EU Police Carried Out Exercises For Civil Unrest In Germany & Other EU Countries - Episode 958b

@00:20:23 were supposed to have syria and iran
@00:20:39 be getting into iran and russia is
@00:22:08 listen they were supposed to have iran

US Government Making Preparations To Protect Itself When The People Revolt - Episode 957b

@00:09:40 we saw cuba was doing it iran was doing

US Continually Positioning Assets For A Middle East War - Episode 955b

@00:11:57 russia iran syria and many other

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 953

@00:09:41 countries china north korea russia iran

New Report Shows The US Is Preparing For Mass Civil Disobedience - Episode 952b

@00:08:34 there's no difference that arraign iran
@00:15:52 iran now we have to remember why because
@00:16:02 the petro dollar they wanted iran to
@00:16:09 iran is not cooperating they're going to
@00:16:27 pressure on us to trade with iran and i
@00:16:32 pressure iran to do what they want they
@00:16:37 can't place sanctions on iran because

US And The Coalition Forces Are Waiting For The Green Light To Carry Out Plan "B" - Episode 951b

@00:13:09 going to be going after iran they're
@00:13:19 deal with iran and we knew this was not
@00:13:29 despite the iran nuclear deal gulf
@00:13:37 iran and what he's really saying is that
@00:13:40 iran is not cooperating with the central
@00:13:57 that russia iran syria they are making a
@00:14:51 this to iran and they're bringing in
@00:17:29 russia iran and syria they're preparing

US And The Coalition Forces Next Step, All Out War In The Middle East - Episode 948b

@00:06:37 started with china north korea iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 947

@00:04:40 china's doing it india's doing it iran

US Preparing A Major Offensive Push In The Middle East - Episode 942b

@00:07:39 join in with them now iran they have
@00:07:58 to go into iran take over the central
@00:08:13 is the gateway into iran plus they need
@00:08:53 doesn't allow iran to purchase fighter
@00:09:05 prohibiting iran from buying fighter

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 941

@00:07:18 yemen and iran came out and said well

Turkey And Saudi Arabia Setup Chemical Weapons Facilities On The Syrian Border - Episode 940b

@00:07:47 with iran russia and china and we know
@00:08:13 especially or iran or russia or china

US Government Is Strategically Positioning Military Assets In Syria And Iraq - Episode 939b

@00:14:45 out there and he is calling on iran to
@00:15:44 iran has something to do with this now

The Planned Leaked Panama Papers Are Being Used By The West To Push Specific Agendas - Episode 937b

@00:12:30 syria and iran and we see at this point
@00:18:04 into syria and iran and this was

US & Turkey Shift Plans And Destabilize Relations Between Armenia & Azerbaijan - Episode 936b

@00:04:31 encircling syria iran north korea now
@00:08:17 was to get into syria and iran and they
@00:11:32 bonn and armenia they border iran and
@00:12:55 iran is gonna ramp whatever he's doing
@00:13:14 iran they are bringing in commandos into
@00:13:17 syria and you have to remember iran and
@00:13:43 coalition forces so iran has a right to

There Are Critical Areas That Are Now Setup To Push The Call For War - Episode 934b

@00:08:28 iran because the players are always the

The Central Bank Is Losing Control Of The Manipulated Recovery - Episode 934a

@00:13:50 iran joins of course this is their
@00:13:59 this now the u.s. is going to allow iran

Checkmate, Putin And Assad Out Maneuver The US In Syria - Episode 933b

@00:01:47 iran syria north korea they need one of
@00:24:00 iran where the us came in with israel

Italy Threatens Airstrikes As The UN Unity Government Sneaks Into Libya - Episode 932b

@00:06:23 enemies russia china north korea iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 929

@00:04:21 korea iran syria if any of these nations
@00:14:23 try to provoke iran but no one's going

It Has Begun, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 925b

@00:17:10 down social media iran is basically a

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 923

@00:10:20 they do not want that deal with iran and

Time Is Running Out, UK Wants To Send Warships To Libya - Episode 922b

@00:15:00 iran and they build the pipeline coming
@00:15:11 eventually go into iran so we can see we

US Stockpiles Military Assets Near China To Respond To Threats By Russia And China - Episode 921b

@00:08:15 into syria then eventually iran because
@00:16:30 russia iran or north korea the u.s. is

US And The Coalition Forces Push The Puppet Gov Into Libya To Begin The Offensive - Episode 920b

@00:14:42 pressure on russia and iran and the u.s.
@00:15:44 the government of syria iran and iraq
@00:16:29 extending from iran to iraq syria and

Everything Is Awesome Right Before The Entire Economy Collapses - Episode 920a

@00:14:09 iran syria until they ruined it

Turkey Invades Syria And Digs In To Create A Safe Zone - Episode 918b

@00:09:26 start a war now a couple days ago iran
@00:10:10 so it doesn't prohibit it kol's on iran
@00:11:03 natural resources and iran already made
@00:11:15 funds released to iran that was held in
@00:11:19 sanction for for iran men to take that

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 917

@00:08:41 from iran but again we see things are
@00:08:45 the prize is iran we know iran is not
@00:09:00 and we see that iran is not going along
@00:13:21 into iran that is the last country they

US Agenda During The Geneva Talks, The Partitioning Of Syria - Episode 916b

@00:11:17 missile system will be shipped to iran
@00:11:23 this point that iran will have the
@00:11:36 is saying that russia and iran are
@00:12:03 it's going to be north korea iran russia
@00:20:07 commander said that russia and iran are
@00:20:14 nowhere they came up with iran packed a
@00:21:06 can try to convince everyone that iran

Obama Pushes TPP Which Will Transform The US Into A 3rd World Country - Episode 916a

@00:11:21 put pressure on iran and russia and to

NSA Chief Warns 'Black Energy' Malware Will Bring Down The Power Grid - Episode 914b

@00:06:37 out in iran we understand back in july
@00:07:09 the oil that iran is selling and iran
@00:07:26 respect to iran was declared back in
@00:07:53 syria is to get iran because remember
@00:08:06 going to end with iran they are still
@00:13:26 is a failed state and of course iran is
@00:19:20 korea it's russia it's iran it's syria

US Building Two Airbases In Syria As The 'IS' Morphs Into The 'FSA' - Episode 912b

@00:13:21 every time they expose what iran is up

US Gives The Green Light In The Middle East, Plans Are In Motion - Episode 909b

@00:16:13 syrian government russia and iran
@00:17:08 syria and iran why would they do this to

US Propaganda Begins, US Concerned About Syrian Government Attacks On Civilians - Episode 908b

@00:06:15 russia china north korea iran syria they
@00:18:51 iran not using the dollar and this is

The Recovery Is An Illusion, 36 States Have Not Recovered - Episode 908a

@00:12:57 to join the pack is iran at this point

US And The Coalition Forces Special Op Teams Unleashed In The Middle East - Episode 907b

@00:12:14 going to accuse russia iran hezbollah

The Calm Before The Storm As Military Assets Are Moved Into Place - Episode 906b

@00:05:58 of pressure on iran still even though
@00:06:05 still making comments about iran and
@00:06:18 we're seeing pressure on iran once again
@00:06:21 is because iran said they're not going
@00:06:39 on top of them and iran is saying listen

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 905

@00:13:48 to go into iran because iran already

US Is Now Shipping A Massive Amount Of Arms To The Middle East - Episode 903b

@00:23:21 the goal is they want to get into iran

Warning, Something Major Is About To Happen In The Middle East - Episode 902b

@00:14:55 for russia it's for iran but really when

Peace Agreement Reached By Russia And US On Syria, Is It Really Peace? - Episode 900b

@00:12:47 into iran to reestablish the petro

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 899

@00:15:22 korea china russia iran syria the bric

A No Fly Zone Plan Is Now Being Pushed Hard In Syria - Episode 896b

@00:11:12 a deal with iran they're ready to
@00:11:13 deliver the s-300 missile system iran
@00:11:22 iran is expressing interest to purchase
@00:11:31 that iran is going to be able to defend
@00:11:38 make their move into iran with
@00:12:11 attack against iran if the negotiations

The Economy Is Hanging By A Thread And It's About To Break - Episode 896a

@00:12:47 different agendas and iran this is one

Central Bankers Are Now Pushing The Public To Accept A Cashless Society - Episode 895a

@00:09:40 saudi arabia iran and the other opec
@00:10:13 iran already says i don't think so so

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 893

@00:05:07 russia china iran we're at war in syria

The Ceasefire Agreement Is A Ruse To Launch The Next Plan In Syria - Episode 892b

@00:19:00 confrontations with both russia and iran
@00:19:43 can't get into iran which means they

US Now Looking To The Coalition To Fund The Their Proxy Wars - Episode 891b

@00:21:19 iran because iran is not going to be
@00:21:28 prize is iran to get to iran they need

Countries Are Faking Their Stats To Keep The Economic Recovery Illusion Alive - Episode 890a

@00:18:43 out in the middle east with iran they're
@00:19:37 with iran the dollar collapses well they
@00:19:39 made the deal with iran which had
@00:19:52 with this we see iran is saying you know

As The Economic System Crashes We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments - Episode 889b

@00:10:18 was for iran but now they have the p5
@00:10:35 for iran the same thing in south korea

US, Italy And The Coalition Forces Are Discussing The Plan For Libya - Episode 888b

@00:10:34 north korea it's syria it's iran it's

Countries Are Dumping US Assets And Iran Will Not Use The Dollar For Oil Trade - Episode 888a

@00:00:43 assets and iran will not use the dollar
@00:11:15 they made the p5 plus 1 deal with iran
@00:11:28 the central bank of iran it was about
@00:11:35 and we're getting information from iran
@00:12:34 plan was to have iran and they wanted

Syrian Peace Talks Are Now Suspended, Next Move Most Likely An Event - Episode 884b

@00:07:02 allegedly helping iran improve its
@00:07:45 is helping iran basically extend their
@00:18:12 to be iran in this war and it's going to
@00:18:18 against russia china iran north korea

The Economic Facts Are Pointing To An Economic Collapse - Episode 882a

@00:15:52 whatsoever right now iran says swift
@00:16:03 lifted and iran has
@00:16:33 most likely iran russia china will say

Special Forces Operating In Libya Are Preparing For A Ground Invasion - Episode 879b

@00:20:14 and we see that this leader is iran

New Bill Will Give Obama Total War Authority Anywhere On The Globe Including The US - Episode 877b

@00:13:00 against iran and their ballistic missile
@00:13:21 was truly for iran we now have the p5
@00:13:29 they're watching iran that they can't

The Economic Collapse Is Now Spreading To All Sectors Of The Economy - Episode 877a

@00:15:42 remember iran has come on line now now
@00:15:51 leading opec country but as iran comes

China And Russia Are Preparing For A Bankrupt US Financial System - Episode 876a

@00:09:39 the sanctions against iran in place for
@00:09:45 with this comes the ability for iran to
@00:10:08 placed sanctions on iran so they're just
@00:10:57 making a deal with iran and when they do
@00:16:32 syria and iran and the other middle

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 875

@00:05:31 incident where iran basically captured
@00:05:45 were trying to provoke iran before the
@00:05:53 iran with either fire on the ships or
@00:06:56 islamic state into iran because as we

US And The Coalition Forces Are Now In Position To Push This War Into Overdrive - Episode 873b

@00:23:04 they were going to have syria iran
@00:23:43 made a peace deal with iran which you
@00:23:45 know iran is going to side with russia
@00:24:37 iran as the enemy they are ready now

The US Government Is Ready Light Up The Middle East - Episode 872b

@00:12:11 it's going to be iran it's going to be

FBI Puts Out Warning Of A Lone Wolf Attack At The Super Bowl - Episode 871b

@00:10:18 its official report and says yes iran
@00:11:04 now iran is out there and they are going
@00:11:26 likely israel to push sanctions on iran

The Economy Is Failing And This Collapse Will Be Much Worse Than 2008 - Episode 871a

@00:15:45 fran's plus russia made a deal with iran
@00:16:01 gathered in iran central bank and they
@00:16:32 we don't make this deal with iran the
@00:16:56 they believe if they can get iran if

The Economic Collapse Is Happening And The Next Phase Is The Event - Episode 870b

@00:10:02 iran and then the us came out and they
@00:10:07 placed more sanctions on iran because of
@00:10:14 iran right now has accused the u.s. of
@00:10:22 completely illegal and iran is stating
@00:11:30 iran and the whole thing does not look

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 869

@00:07:15 now we know that the iran sanctions they
@00:07:23 iran has complied with its commitments
@00:07:42 is making with iran really has nothing
@00:07:48 creating a nuclear bomb because iran has
@00:08:08 reserves and having iran use the dollar
@00:08:20 that once iran decides not to do this
@00:08:31 occur in iran from the united states
@00:08:42 lot of pressure on iran right now we
@00:08:49 place sanctions on iran and then we have
@00:09:01 the oil reserves of iran and this is why
@00:09:34 sanctions on iran because of their
@00:09:46 iran they're back to the same area so
@00:10:11 states government and if iran does not
@00:10:24 go to war if iran continues down the
@00:10:35 provoke iran and try to push war so it's

The Drop In The Market Is The Economic Collapse Warning Shot Across The Bow - Episode 868a

@00:15:49 iran which is notably not part of the
@00:16:05 we don't make this deal with iran the
@00:16:39 what happens in iran and what happened

President Obama Continues To Push The Authorization For War To Get WWIII Started - Episode 866b

@00:15:19 intercepted by iran because they were in
@00:15:54 hoping that maybe iran would fire shots
@00:16:03 and we can see right now that iran kept
@00:16:41 that iran sanctions relief will be

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 863

@00:08:16 that iran was holding and they didn't
@00:09:54 lot now out in iran we also see that
@00:10:24 think this is arraign iran who did this
@00:11:22 utter chaos in iran to basically
@00:14:07 region with iran and saudi arabia and

The US Gov Is Planning The Next Event That Will Shock The People Into War - Episode 861b

@00:15:49 this on purpose to provoke iran this
@00:16:00 to provoke iran to get them to do
@00:16:13 north korea with iran and china and

US Government Bringing All Players Together For WWIII - Episode 860b

@00:17:38 it's going to be iran syria north korea
@00:21:37 happened in iran they're calling an
@00:22:43 as well because what's happening in iran
@00:23:15 iran it has to do with saudi arabia it
@00:23:33 into iran remove the government's there

US Gov Creates Chaos With Iran And The Middle Eastern Countries To Bring About War - Episode 858b

@00:00:43 with iran and other middle eastern
@00:14:53 problems in turkey and iran is out there
@00:16:35 syria to stop iran from building a
@00:16:48 going into iran so right now what are
@00:17:24 iran and they see there's no way they
@00:17:41 would get angry in iran they wanted this
@00:17:50 basically separating itself from iran we
@00:18:01 ties with iran we see united arab
@00:18:10 ties severing diplomatic ties with iran
@00:18:18 ties with iran being
@00:18:26 as possible iran is accusing baja rain
@00:18:34 that cutting off iran ties is completely
@00:19:09 spark an uproar in iran the document was
@00:19:57 they're not going to allow iran to make

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 857

@00:12:58 missile drill that iran was holding and
@00:13:17 into this location and iran was giving
@00:14:40 united states and police in iran we're
@00:15:06 this was going to cause problems in iran
@00:15:14 difficulty in doing so because what iran
@00:16:08 now they're planning on going after iran
@00:16:49 and iran and syria so be it because we
@00:16:56 cut diplomatic ties with iran over the
@00:17:03 surprised inside iran if the little riot

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 856

@00:12:57 that iran was firing a missile at them
@00:13:39 and that's iran even though they came up
@00:14:03 how the us was going to get into iran
@00:14:11 that iran is making deals with russia
@00:14:22 iran is not going to do what they want
@00:14:46 iran since it forged a landmark nuclear
@00:15:04 are they placing more sanctions on iran
@00:15:27 into iran and it looks like at this
@00:15:34 the prize and that is iran because their
@00:16:22 companies in iran over this ballistic
@00:16:24 missile program but iran is saying
@00:16:50 at this point so they're provoking iran
@00:16:56 north korea that are working with iran
@00:17:04 together now north korea iran syria
@00:18:47 says it is undeniable that iran supports

US Government Uses Propaganda To Convince The World They Brought Peace To Syria - Episode 855b

@00:13:39 everyone believe that iran was firing at
@00:13:56 drill that iran was having and one of
@00:14:08 time of iran's naval exercises iran
@00:15:00 to go look iran is provoking the united

The Trade Wars Have Begun, US Provokes China With Additional Tariffs - Episode 850a

@00:10:55 dollar loan to iran the funds will be

US And The Coalition Forces Are Moving Troops Into Position For WWIII - Episode 849b

@00:19:36 into iran they want all this oil on the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 847

@00:07:57 offensive now iran will export 9,000
@00:08:07 is all part of the agreement iran has

US Government Is Covertly Preparing The Next Wave Of Attacks In Syria - Episode 846b

@00:19:39 iran and the system collapses and who's
@00:22:02 over to iran that's all they have that's

US Government And Central Bankers Have Now Indicated WWIII Is On Track - Episode 844b

@00:18:22 no way they're going to get to iran
@00:18:36 iran so at this point we can see that

US And Saudi Arabia Are Building An Army To Invade Syria - Episode 843b

@00:13:07 indications of activities in iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 841

@00:17:06 dollar then eventually go into iran this

Obama Is Pushing The Authorization For War Not Against ISIS But Russia - Episode 836b

@00:16:26 apart now iran says they have other

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 835

@00:11:19 this whole entire area iran is out there
@00:12:54 and iran they're gaining momentum

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 834

@00:08:38 defense system the s-300 to iran right

The San Bernardino Shooting Is Following The False Flag Mass Shooting Script - Episode 833b

@00:09:24 then china of course syria and iran and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 829

@00:06:04 that eventually go into iran to prop the
@00:16:22 iran because they're running out of time

US Government Is Backed Into A Corner And Preparing The Next Major Event - Episode 827b

@00:05:26 eventually go into iran all of this is

US/NATO Using Turkey To Provoke Russia By Downing A Jet To Start The War - Episode 826b

@00:11:14 at this time now iran has we is going to
@00:23:55 and iran are saying listen they will

The US Push For War Is Now Appearing On All Fronts - Episode 825b

@00:16:30 equipment to iran according to the
@00:16:39 the islamic republic of iran so they're

U.S. More Concerned With Assad's Removal Than ISIS - Episode 823b

@00:24:26 north korea iran syria and then

US Creates Atmosphere In Syria To Start The Next Global War - Episode 822b

@00:14:57 obama comes out and says russia and iran

Private Western Central Bankers Instruct Obama To Veto The Fed Transparency Bill - Episode 822a

@00:14:43 they're looking at iran and they're
@00:15:38 bankers working with iran to make sure
@00:15:56 iran is going to say why are we using

U.S. Uses Terror In France To Push The War In Syria And The Middle East - Episode 818

@00:03:22 eventually they will then go into iran
@00:03:41 is for iran to use the dollar on their
@00:03:49 go into iran and remove that government
@00:04:10 with iran the dollar is going to crash

Russia Takes The Next Step Launches Crude Benchmark To Bypass The Dollar - Episode 816a

@00:12:03 iran not using the dollar to trade their

WW III Is A Private Western Central Bank War, Not A War Of Freedom Or Democracy - Episode 815b

@00:05:04 iran syria brazil argentina china russia
@00:10:39 is being prepared on his arrival iran

US Is Pushing A Nuclear War With Russia And China - Episode 814b

@00:12:01 korea we're developing this for iran and
@00:12:12 for iran it wasn't for north korea it

Launch Of A US Trident Missile Is Meant To Provoke China Further - Episode 813b

@00:08:52 whatsoever now russia and iran they have
@00:09:09 next year and it looks like iran will be
@00:16:24 korea iran syria brazil argentina
@00:24:14 korea iran syria you name it to make it

US Government Says Full Recovery, Then Why Can't 94 Million People Find A Job? - Episode 811a

@00:14:34 they're pushing right now now iran is
@00:15:05 move is coming through a deal with iran
@00:15:23 arctic iran has better access through
@00:15:30 russia and iran can exchange crude oil
@00:15:37 to iran in exchange for equal shipments

The Countdown Begins, The Push To Invade Libya Is A Go - Episode 808b

@00:15:35 course iran is involved united states is

Obama Is Waging War In Syria Without Authorization From Congress - Episode 807b

@00:11:36 everyone they've they crashed into iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 806

@00:06:47 united states iran russia syria the
@00:06:54 for talks and it came out that iran said
@00:07:15 complete propaganda iran is out there

US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b

@00:15:21 they are with iran syria russia
@00:19:22 need to get into syria to get into iran

US Forces Will Begin Direct Action In Syria And Iraq, War III Is Upon Us - Episode 802b

@00:09:14 with north korea with iran with syria
@00:14:06 missiles fall and iran show us a
@00:17:33 iran syria any other country that's part

US Gov Has Lost The Economic Manipulation Game, The Economy Is Sliding Into The Abyss - Episode 802a

@00:13:34 we see iran right now they have
@00:13:50 the imf and we can see which way iran is

Alarm Bells Are Ringing Louder And Louder That The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 801a

@00:15:07 gold every single time we see iran is
@00:15:40 think iran is now leaning towards china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 800

@00:10:08 iran china north korea and we had

Putin Warns The US Is Provoking A Global War - Episode 799b

@00:20:20 different nations like russia iran china

US Proxy Army Is Now Moving From Iraq To Syria To Fight Russia - Episode 798b

@00:12:02 sanctions china north korea syria iran

The US Gov Revised The Entire Economy To Give The Illusion We Are In A Recovery - Episode 798a

@00:15:22 bolivia egypt iran guitar libya nigeria
@00:15:44 countries doing business with iran
@00:15:46 russia doing business with iran china
@00:15:49 doing business with iran the united
@00:16:07 iran going to do this it's supposed to
@00:16:19 goes forward because the deals that iran

China Issues Offshore Yuan Bonds For The First Time To Challenge The Dollar - Episode 797a

@00:15:25 right now is in iran discussing deals on

US Gov Is Bankrupt And Inflates Bubbles To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 795a

@00:14:52 this down iran is saying listen the opec

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 794

@00:08:44 north korea or iran and we know that the

Officials Claim The Cyber Attacks On The Electrical Grid Are Intensifying - Episode 793b

@00:08:07 this point iran is out there saying that
@00:08:18 troops in syria iran has dismissed
@00:09:00 iran and russia and he asked these

Petrodollar Doomed Russia And Iran To Corner The Mideast Oil Supply - Episode 793

@00:00:43 iran to corner the mid east oil supply
@00:11:38 all the middle-east with iran and it
@00:12:11 don't make this deal with iran the
@00:12:21 think russia iran and a lot of these
@00:13:45 other middle eastern countries iran we

Obama Keeps Troops In Afghanistan For The Upcoming War - Episode 792b

@00:16:36 publicity reasons iran unveiled its
@00:17:24 right except when it comes to iran now
@00:18:57 point in time seems like iran syria
@00:23:47 with iran and what this means is all

Russia And Syria Are Preparing A Major Push To Retake The Country - Episode 791b

@00:17:32 iran is sending in thousands of troops
@00:17:35 to syria now remember iran and syria
@00:17:39 iran would back them up if they're in
@00:17:48 we see that syria iran russia and china

U.S. Government Objective: Provoke Nations Around The World To Start The Next War - Episode 790b

@00:05:59 weapons in this location iran right now
@00:06:54 doing business with iran whatsoever

The Bombing In Turkey Used As The Excuse To Bring NATO Troops Into Turkey - Episode 789b

@00:11:02 china russia and north korea syria iran
@00:25:07 this through the negotiations in iran if

US Using Psyop Propaganda To Explain What's Happening In Syria - Episode 787b

@00:12:45 iran they killed a lot of people and of
@00:12:52 haven't heard anything from iran and now
@00:13:00 iran came out and said yeah we have no
@00:13:32 exploded in iran they're causing more
@00:13:56 china north korea iran syria is not
@00:21:21 iran just like in iraq just like in

FBI Wants Everyones Face And Fingerprints In Their Database - Episode 786b

@00:11:48 north korea syria iran and other
@00:16:03 failed they crashed in iran and it's all
@00:16:18 areas in iran people might have died but
@00:16:25 nothing is coming out of iran we haven't
@00:16:39 a report coming out of iran i'm going to

Syria Launches Ground Offensive Against ISIS With The Backing Of Russian Air Power - Episode 785b

@00:21:00 they flew over iran and iraq and they
@00:25:07 don't make the deal with iran the dollar
@00:25:14 into syria and then move into iran to

US Spreading Propaganda To Provoke Russia Into An Incident That Will Spark War - Episode 784b

@00:18:31 china north korea syria iran brazil
@00:28:24 forces it could be china could be iran
@00:30:18 has china russia and iran working with

US Now Sending More Defensive Weapons To Ukraine - Episode 783b

@00:22:10 right here russia iran saudi arabia

Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b

@00:10:53 iran syria and others a think tank came
@00:19:27 iran which has an agreement with syria

U.S. Continues With Assad Propaganda As Russia Bombs The US Proxy Army - Episode 779b

@00:10:44 program with iran iraq syria and they've
@00:14:05 up coordination between iraq iran and

US Officials Report Cyber Attacks Are Getting Worse And Could Lead To A Catastrophe - Episode 778b

@00:11:11 we see iran right now is buying about 21
@00:11:19 satellites from russia iran is out there
@00:11:21 making deals russia's making deals iran
@00:11:46 the banking system in iran and putting
@00:11:54 make this deal with iran the dollar
@00:12:01 happen is iran is not going to
@00:18:03 understand that russia iraq iran
@00:18:56 state syria is working with russia iran
@00:19:52 united states north korea iran syria and
@00:22:34 we don't make this deal with iran the

Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World - Episode 777b

@00:22:14 he's back in the government iran who has

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 776

@00:14:30 uncalled for at this time russia iran
@00:17:18 russia of syria of a rack of iran is to
@00:17:59 iran remove the islamic state because

U.S. Is Now Pre-Positioning Nuclear Weapons In Germany - Episode 772b

@00:13:06 syria take over iran and continually
@00:17:34 to the world then russia and iran should
@00:17:44 an agreement if syria is attacked iran
@00:19:38 join russia iran syria and fighting

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 770

@00:09:27 this and talk to iran about this to use
@00:10:04 russia iran is to convince assad to

U.S. Government Admits U.S. Troops Are Officially On The Ground In Syria - Episode 767b

@00:08:19 to be russia china north korea iran
@00:08:43 russia they have sanctions on iran which
@00:21:51 iran and they're expected to increase
@00:22:14 monitoring whether iran may try to
@00:22:25 that north korea and iran could be
@00:22:59 because they needed to get into iran and
@00:23:26 trying to bring together iran and north
@00:23:45 be blamed on iran and north korea to get

Russia And Syria Tell U.S. Stop Supporting The Terrorists - Episode 766b

@00:13:45 to do this we see out in iran
@00:13:56 iran accor hotels a french group they're
@00:14:00 international hotel in iran by the
@00:14:10 business with iran german germany and

The End Game Is Near, U.S. Pushing Proganda To Start WWIII - Episode 765b

@00:11:16 been flying over iran and iraq and now

The World Is Now On The Edge Of World War III - Episode 763b

@00:05:55 course it's iran of course it's syria
@00:07:30 is to do this to iran but of course they
@00:07:51 make iran pay i should say use the us
@00:07:57 iran continually keep this up most

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 759

@00:04:15 this deal with iran the dollar is going
@00:08:21 it is china russia iran syria north

CENTCOM Secret Docs Reveal Coalition’s Carnage Of Civilians In Iraq & Syria - Episode 758b

@00:09:09 iran syria and other nations and they're
@00:14:10 middle east because of this iran deal

US Military Training Events Spread Across Europe In Preparation For War - Episode 756b

@00:13:28 veto-proof majority on the iran deal and
@00:13:31 again this iran deal is nothing to do
@00:13:46 if you look back over the 30 years iran
@00:14:10 lot of documentation calling out iran
@00:14:31 dollar then get into syria than iran

Homeland Security Is Drawing Up Plans To Deal With A "Cyber Pearl Harbor" - Episode 755b

@00:07:58 in afghanistan iran and syria and it's
@00:10:28 the oil pipeline and if iran doesn't
@00:10:31 cooperate they'll just go into iran and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 753

@00:17:24 that syria iran islamic state russia
@00:17:35 happen in iran iran with russia and
@00:18:36 deal with iran guess what the dollar

US Is Committed To Removing Assad Once The Take Over Of Syria Is Complete - Episode 752b

@00:17:22 out in iran for years we heard parchin
@00:23:07 with iran and they know eventually

As The Collapse Approaches The US Government Pushes The Gun Control Agenda - Episode 751b

@00:13:32 nuclear deal in iran is going forward we
@00:13:35 see many countries in iran right now
@00:14:00 oil in iran or this system is done they
@00:14:20 nuclear weapons in iran this has to do

Military Assets Are Continually Prepositioned Around The World For The Upcoming War - Episode 750b

@00:17:19 out in iran we know the uk right now is
@00:17:30 tehran because they know eventually iran
@00:17:41 here the deal is that iran is going to
@00:17:45 eventually iran china russia they're not
@00:17:50 going to do it iran is going to say you
@00:18:03 will go into iran when will this happen

World War III Will Be Used To Cover Up The Central Bank Economic Collapse - Episode 749b

@00:01:19 technical analysis of the wing flap iran

The Economic Carnage Felt Around The Globe Will Only Get Worse - Episode 749a

@00:11:37 we see china russia iran other
@00:12:55 and their goal is to get into iran and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 748

@00:09:47 provoking china russia north korea iran

US Pushes War Against Russia, North Korea And China To Cover-Up The Collapse - Episode 747b

@00:10:48 iran deal doesn't go through this whole
@00:13:54 with the offensive now out in iran we
@00:14:00 where iran will be able to sell its oil
@00:14:30 iran wants to do their own self
@00:14:41 agency will allow iran to carry out its
@00:14:53 side agreement indicates that iran could
@00:15:49 methods including iran never calls
@00:15:52 itself islamic state iran refers to
@00:15:56 itself as a sama kragh public of iran in
@00:15:59 official documents not just iran this is
@00:17:57 iran rather it wants a complete
@00:18:09 they want the government of iran taken
@00:18:34 oil that iran has like john kerry says
@00:18:42 it up but i don't think iran will
@00:24:55 need syria they need iran they couldn't
@00:25:00 use force to get into iran so they had
@00:25:10 with v i don't think iran is going to

US Pusing War, Meanwhile Russia Is Preparing For War - Episode 746b

@00:06:30 pakistan iran is a ranked below those

The Second Depression Is Upon Us As The Stock Market Crashes - Episode 746a

@00:18:27 telling us if the iran deal which has

Russia Supplies Syria With MiG-31 Jets To Protect Syrian Air Space - Episode 743b

@00:16:42 russia and iran they agreed to
@00:17:29 syria this is why they left iran russia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 742

@00:02:02 this iran nuclear deal doesn't go

US Places B-2 Bombers In Guam To Provoke China - Episode 741b

@00:07:06 russia or north korea or iran or syria

US Might Send Troops To Iraq, While The No-Fly Zone Is Implemented In Syria - Episode 740b

@00:17:27 that iran if this deal doesn't go
@00:18:12 state china russia north korea iran

The Collapse Of The Economy Has Just Been Taken To The Next Level - Episode 740a

@00:13:34 what john kerry said if the iran deal

Ukraine Pushing Hard To Re-Start The War In The South Eastern Region - Episode 739b

@00:13:49 a corner now at this point in time iran
@00:14:16 country but iran is out there saying
@00:19:12 let's say if the iran deal doesn't go
@00:19:19 not just the iran deal it's that the

The Evidence Is Clear The Collapse Is Upon Us - Episode 739a

@00:14:22 with the iran deal and he said the
@00:14:29 of the world if a real if the iran deal
@00:14:48 iraq go into new countries like iran
@00:15:45 point of the iran deal to infiltrate

False Flag Botched As Four Men Caught Smuggling Uranium In Ukraine - Episode 736b

@00:18:31 iran was never making a nuclear weapon
@00:19:38 give it the same goes with iran and he's
@00:19:49 the iaea and iran the iaea and the

US Government Prepares To Launch A Large-Scale Operation In Syria - Episode 735b

@00:10:06 these unfrozen funds from iran most
@00:10:11 likely will go to fun terror iran will
@00:12:04 russia and iran are out there and
@00:13:34 make assad stronger so iran has come up
@00:17:00 iran that they'll come to their aid if

Will Russia Support Assad Against The US Proxy Armies? - Episode 734b

@00:11:56 in iran iran is now setting up joint

US Government Is Now Ready To Start Phase II, Operation Remove Assad - Episode 733b

@00:07:54 and israel saying that iran is building
@00:13:59 to remember iran has an agreement with
@00:14:04 syria will iran come to the aid of syria

US Government Is Flat Broke And The Fall Out Will Not End Well - Episode 731

@00:23:06 players it's china russia iran north
@00:23:49 iran it was russia and now look what
@00:24:05 russia china iran north korea to do any
@00:24:46 it's an easy thing to do iran there in

Now Is The Time To Prepare, The Economy Is Not Recovering - Episode 730

@00:29:21 they're going to sell to iran the deal

The Economic Indicators Are Flashing Red, We Are On A Verge Of A Collapse - Episode 729

@00:18:36 iran syria whatever country they like to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 726

@00:09:08 it politically like iran they might try
@00:13:03 same thing and iran right now but

US Government Is Now Ready To Make Its Move On Syria – Episode 724

@00:05:21 go to putin we tried to go to iran we
@00:22:19 we see that iran and other countries
@00:22:28 been signed by iran the united states
@00:22:33 a go and we see right now iran wants to
@00:22:52 strengthening ties with iran iran's
@00:23:09 which way iran turns now i don't talk
@00:37:57 talk with iran this it also happened in

It's Starting To Feel Like 2008 All Over Again, The Year Of The Collapse - Episode 722

@00:07:59 and iran but no but to no avail so right
@00:08:09 stream gas pipeline china and iran they
@00:09:02 and china or iran to help out the only
@00:29:40 and see that we see right now iran is
@00:30:08 get into iran and to get into their
@00:30:23 in iran completely removed they want
@00:30:34 two agendas going on in iran but the
@00:30:47 right now iran is out there saying
@00:31:13 go into iran very easily and this is why

US Government Is Ready To Push Agenda To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 717

@00:31:31 iran now has signed oil contracts with
@00:31:49 the sanctions on iran they're going to
@00:31:57 is iran is just going to do business
@00:32:08 in and invade iran they'll set up some
@00:34:22 since we have this peace deal with iran
@00:34:30 and we know that syria and iran are very
@00:34:34 close iran has syria's back and i'm sure
@00:34:37 they want the leaders of iran to go to
@00:35:03 going to use now iran to try to convince

The Economy Turns The Corner And Slides Deeper Into The Collapse - Episode 716

@00:29:22 russia china syria iran
@00:38:43 humanitarian aid we see out in iran
@00:39:04 this is about getting into iran and when
@00:40:06 deal with iran because they've been
@00:40:31 area to blanc russia iran was becoming
@00:40:42 situation in iran with russia and we can
@00:41:08 take over that country there in iran
@00:41:23 they're going to use iran to convince
@00:41:47 war n to try to convince iran to have
@00:42:00 french president hollande said iran must
@00:42:08 conflict iran has been a key backer of
@00:42:23 down because as we know iran is a huge
@00:42:39 attacked iran will come to his aid and

Greek Gov Is In The Process Of Selling Out The People In Favor Of The Central Bankers - Episode 715

@00:31:57 korea russia china iran syria these are
@00:32:54 of war we see out in iran the p5 plus
@00:33:05 of the arms embargo iran will be able to
@00:33:21 terrorism and extreme extremism iran
@00:33:51 iran for resuming imports of
@00:34:06 about iran selling their natural
@00:34:26 the government be removed in iran just
@00:34:46 deal in iran to get into the central

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 714

@00:06:46 see that iran right now is inviting
@00:08:04 trying to get iran to say you listen
@00:08:08 not worked iran wants the sanctions
@00:08:11 removed iran wants the deal iran wants

Greek People Take To The Streets To Protest The Austerity Deal - Episode 713

@00:33:38 korea india iran you name it it's these

Russia Ready To Help Greece, All They Need To Do Is Ask - Episode 712

@00:35:42 proposals and requirements of iran that
@00:35:45 we're not in the initial deal and iran
@00:36:10 the deal here and there going into iran
@00:36:24 just go all out and invade iran somehow
@00:39:09 and iran we see out in yemen the united

The Economy Is In A Death Spiral, Prepare For The Big Event - Episode 711

@00:32:57 we see iran if the p5 plus 1 deal goes
@00:33:04 iran is going to turn to the eurasian
@00:34:46 credit line from iran to help out here

U.S. Government Wants Assad To Step Down Or Else, War - Episode 710

@00:30:18 said that iran is building and they're
@00:30:42 to get into iran they would love to have
@00:31:27 when they do business with iran the only
@00:31:48 their move and go into iran no matter
@00:35:30 this country then iran and place the

Central Bankers Now Pushing For Bail-Ins In Greece - Episode 709

@00:39:34 these talks at any minute and iran is
@00:39:40 through iran they will declassify and
@00:40:00 iran during the talks so we can see at
@00:40:13 want a deal with iran
@00:40:34 goal is to get into iran and to control

Greek Depositors Might Be Next To Be Cypress-ed - Episode 706

@00:39:14 how iran is not making nuclear weapons
@00:39:50 last two were syria and iran and the
@00:40:12 thing is to take control of iran and

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Ready To Cover Up The Economic Disaster - Episode 705

@00:28:30 gazprom is looking to purchase the iran
@00:35:07 syria then iran and we understand
@00:35:22 love to do business with iran in france
@00:35:35 business with iran i mean back before
@00:35:40 the sanctions france and iran stood at
@00:36:00 a from a bad nuclear deal with iran well
@00:36:12 iran because like i said in the past
@00:36:23 resources iran has not developed a
@00:36:44 telling us that iran has a nuclear
@00:37:00 iran this small little country it would
@00:37:29 warning to iran leaders and negotiators
@00:37:38 iran from getting access to the central
@00:37:59 information that came out about iran
@00:39:52 the only country left is iran and then

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 703

@00:16:13 do it in iran and many other countries

The Countdown Begins To A Major Offensive In Ukraine And Syria - Episode 701

@00:36:05 lemaise ante and iran center for

NATO Now Positioning Troops Into Iraq Under The Guise Of A Training Mission - Episode 700

@00:36:39 now we understand with iran the
@00:36:49 iran and basically when the sanctions
@00:37:04 half because iran was selling the oil

Greece Takes Another Step To Become An Equal Member Of The BRICS - Episode 696

@00:15:27 they want to get into syria iran because
@00:26:02 russia china any other nation iran syria

Greece Makes The First Move, Debt Is Illegal And Odious - Episode 694

@00:38:23 iran and the p5 plus one talks russia is
@00:38:39 and make deals with iran and john kerry
@00:39:52 go in and remove the government of iran

The U.S. Government/Central Bank Illusionary Recovery Is Collapsing - Episode 693

@00:22:57 the motivation for iran at this point in

IMF In China To Review The Reserve Status Of The Yuan - Episode 692

@00:29:25 countries we see out in iran us
@00:29:47 weapons and iran is out there saying
@00:30:02 weapons in this area iran has repeatedly
@00:30:16 now that iran is developing a nuclear

U.S. Military Assets Are Now PrePositioned For The Upcoming War - Episode 690

@00:33:45 iran we know the united states
@00:36:24 we see in iran during the p5 plus one
@00:37:07 30 years telling us that iran is going

The U.S. Petrodollar Is Dying, Behold The Birth Of PetroYuan - Episode 689

@00:11:04 together with iran and evermore
@00:34:08 bomb to be connected with iran somehow

U.S. Preparing For War In Ukraine And Syria Which Might Lead To WWIII - Episode 688

@00:10:32 players russia china north korea iran
@00:24:48 that they were doing a border with iran
@00:24:55 delivering grain to iran this completely
@00:25:20 making deals iran would love to make
@00:25:31 iran for this non-existent nuclear
@00:37:36 their move into syria then iran

US Government's Recovery Has Turned Into The Biggest Economic Collapse - Episode 686

@00:39:57 russia north korea syria iran for these

US Government & Kiev Preparing For The Next Major Offensive - Episode 685

@00:11:42 iran india pakistan and mongolia right
@00:37:17 to get into iran before they receive the
@00:37:31 would be no reason to invade iran unless

EU Orders 11 Countries To Enact Bail-In Rules Within Two Months - Episode 684

@00:39:08 defense system to iran by 2016 we see
@00:39:16 iran may use the turkish stream to
@00:43:54 iran there are reports right now coming
@00:44:07 iran to get the united states into war
@00:44:10 with iran he said i have maintained from
@00:44:30 iran is going to receive the s-300 /
@00:44:44 very difficult to wage an attack on iran
@00:45:04 to convince everyone that iran did this
@00:45:32 blamed on iran why would they want the
@00:45:40 coalition forces coming into iran why

U.S. Forces Are Building In The Middle East For The Next Offensive - Episode 683

@00:30:57 start a new nuclear plant in iran
@00:31:04 and we can see russia and iran or

U.S. Provokes War Around The World As The Economy Crashes - Episode 682

@00:26:26 did with iran and they used stuxnet the
@00:27:15 need to get into iran they need to get

US & NATO Discussing Troop Deployment To The Middle East - Episode 677

@00:24:33 allowed to go in and invade we see iran
@00:24:42 indonesia in five years iran and
@00:24:55 because iran was hit with a lot of
@00:25:04 in time iran is hoping that these
@00:26:38 obama has signed the iran nuclear bill
@00:26:42 into law the iran nuclear review act of
@00:26:57 with iran now after
@00:27:39 obama would be able to waive those iran
@00:27:54 basis that iran is abiding by the terms
@00:28:03 with iran he can remove the sanctions
@00:28:10 those sanctions that they placed on iran
@00:28:23 taking over iran this deal is about
@00:28:26 getting into iran this deal is about
@00:43:19 they're hoping to get into iran because

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 676

@00:14:11 them to keep back and iran is looking at
@00:16:18 after iran now if the p5 plus one talks
@00:17:01 were syria and iraq and iran and what

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 675

@00:06:33 missile attack from north korea and iran
@00:07:03 enemy threats such as iran and north
@00:09:42 yemen iran tried to bring in their red
@00:14:15 iran iraq they don't mention israel at

FBI Warns Of A Major Cyber Attack On The U.S. - Episode 674

@00:14:42 iran north korea venezuela even though

The Economic Indicators Are Now Showing Signs Of A Collapse - Episode 673

@00:35:14 and ready to go to go into iran because
@00:35:17 you have to remember iran does not have

U.S. Control Over The Middle East Is Fading Which Will Push War Forward - Episode 672

@00:24:19 missile defense system is for iran but
@00:24:35 really was never for iran it was for
@00:27:37 iran is trying to bring in humanitarian
@00:27:49 basically threatening iran at this time
@00:28:04 looks like iran is saying okay listen we
@00:28:40 which they've been with iran now and

U.S. Economic Anomalies Point To A Complete Economic Meltdown - Episode 671

@00:45:40 north korea iran syria and as well in
@00:46:12 into iran if the p5 plus one doesn't

U.S. Slides Back Into A Recession Towards A Major Depression - Episode 670

@00:19:13 venezuela north korea iran syria russia
@00:33:34 nuclear weapons iran does not have
@00:33:39 complaining about iran developing
@00:33:46 now and iran has never produced any type
@00:34:04 get into iran along with the united

The Economic Recovery Illusion Is Over, U.S. Government Recovery Collapses - Episode 668

@00:38:35 looking to provoke syria iran north
@00:39:13 even with iran even though there with
@00:39:28 provoke iran and we can see by the
@00:39:42 that iran might have you know shot off
@00:40:25 look iran is becoming very dangerous in
@00:40:47 out a peace negotiation with iran we
@00:45:15 north korea iran syria china hit our

U.S. May Retaliate With Real Weapons If Cyber Attacked - Episode 667

@00:36:38 financial obligation to iran of course
@00:37:02 see that iran is selling in humanitarian
@00:37:07 to djibouti and unload their and iran
@00:37:20 that iran has already coordinated with
@00:40:54 north korea china russia iran the syrian

As The Economy Falters The U.S. Escalates The Push For War - Episode 666

@00:40:54 along with russia north korea iran syria
@00:42:40 iran is
@00:42:58 the us says and iran is out there saying
@00:43:28 the ships now iran is not saying we're

The Economy Continues To Spiral Into A Full Blown Collapse - Episode 665

@00:39:25 doing iran is trying to bring in
@00:39:54 to yemen now we'll have to see how iran
@00:40:07 there hoping that iran does not listen
@00:40:17 they can't have iran do something they
@00:40:31 into the port of iran they were making
@00:45:52 into iran and this is why john kerry is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 663

@00:05:55 this out now we understand out in iran
@00:06:17 now iran is making deals with many
@00:07:27 north korea iran syria they don't work
@00:08:03 coming into the area iran is planning to
@00:09:35 to get into syria iran they want yemen
@00:13:10 invade iran they're all ready preparing

The Economic Recovery Is Pure Propaganda, Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 662

@00:36:02 and in iran they're having rallies
@00:40:28 just like in iraq in syria iran they

Former Treasury Secretary Reports New Financial Crisis Will Happen Again - Episode 661

@00:31:48 attack by russia out in iran we
@00:31:56 in the us government that iran is
@00:34:53 pause if iran can talk to the who teased
@00:35:00 basically the iran iran has nothing to

The Economic Storm Has Reached The U.S. And It Will Wreak Havoc On The World - Episode 660

@00:34:46 out there telling us that iran is evil
@00:35:41 government is working with iran with
@00:35:59 get into iran
@00:36:14 iran and we can see already that

The Economy Is In Free Fall And The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Big Event - Episode 659

@00:38:32 deal with iran for another 1 billion
@00:38:41 there we have to remember iran and syria
@00:38:47 iran will come to the assistance of

U.S. Government/Saudi Arabia Start The Invasion Of Yemen - Episode 658

@00:36:52 to make everyone think that iran is
@00:37:03 basically was an owed debt to iran and
@00:37:44 hormuz and of course iran is saying this
@00:38:29 iran is out there saying listen the
@00:38:35 iran actually it's very safe here what
@00:41:46 iran we see the united states government

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 657

@00:07:06 there was a ship where iran came in it
@00:07:26 because of iran and they came out firing
@00:08:27 agreement they're going to go into iran
@00:08:43 have to remember iran they sign the npt
@00:08:51 said this in the past iran is part of
@00:12:51 they're going to do with iran if they
@00:13:04 is russia it is iran it is china and

The U.S. Economy Continues To Collapse With Q2 GDP Forecast Another Disaster - Episode 656

@00:35:23 to iran they're saying that we believe
@00:35:31 dangerous weapon systems to iran but you
@00:35:58 that iran
@00:36:07 last 30 years iran now and has always
@00:36:38 it in a way that makes it seem like iran
@00:36:43 have to remember iran has not started
@00:37:04 get into iran you have to remember the
@00:37:22 two were syria syria and iran now it
@00:37:46 and attack iran and we have to remember
@00:44:44 together china is also there and iran

NORAD Is Now Training For An Aircraft Attack On D.C. - Episode 655

@00:45:24 syria in iran they were they would have

The U.S. Gov/Central Bankers Are Blaming The Entire Economic Collapse On The Weather - Episode 654

@00:29:46 iran knows this surya knows this they
@00:31:28 argentina venezuela iran syria and many
@00:40:30 are getting together with iran at this
@00:40:33 point in time and iran is out there
@00:40:43 stability and territorial integrity iran
@00:42:11 list of countries syria and iran were
@00:42:33 and iran either by force or by making
@00:42:40 with syria it's by forest with iran

The Economy Is Collapsing, Martial Law, War Are On The Horizon - Episode 653

@00:31:32 north korea russia china iran syria and
@00:34:15 on to iran trying to blame i ran for
@00:37:11 offensive we see right now that iran
@00:38:40 directly into the waters of iran and
@00:38:43 once you're in the waters of iran you're

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 651

@00:08:26 iran now their tactics are going to

Countdown To A U.S./Ukraine Major Offensive Against The South Eastern Ukrainians - Episode 649

@00:28:22 with china with iran and other countries
@00:34:01 iran is coming in with their warships
@00:34:07 whatsoever iran has not started an act

U.S. Government Switches To Phase II, Operation Restore Yemen's Puppet Government - Episode 648

@00:39:24 understand that iran is getting the
@00:39:33 could still go into iran and we can deal
@00:39:50 hitting iran there's no common theme
@00:40:02 and get into iran place their oil on the
@00:40:12 need to get into is syria and iran and
@00:41:18 know for a fact iran is not going to
@00:41:32 convince everyone that iran is part of

The U.S. Economy Is Collapsing And The IMF Is Moving To Plan B - Episode 647

@00:36:04 senior official in the iran allied
@00:36:32 iran is bringing in weapons to yemen
@00:37:02 what is iran doing and why is the
@00:37:07 trying to blame all of this on iran
@00:37:08 they're using propaganda against iran
@00:37:33 is flying all over the place that iran
@00:40:39 parked right outside iran is calling for

Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646

@00:12:46 for venezuelan petroleum we see iran
@00:18:21 goal in the middle east get into iran
@00:18:46 iran they lifted the ban of the s-300
@00:26:25 blame on iran secretary of state john
@00:26:37 iran needs to recognize that the united
@00:27:01 bomb them iran is not bombing yemen or
@00:27:28 iran has war strips warships near yemen
@00:27:35 yemen and iran is allegedly according to
@00:28:35 confrontation with the us and iran could
@00:29:06 khomeini in iran is saying that the
@00:29:23 iran they're the ones who are
@00:29:38 iran right now they're going to trade
@00:29:41 intelligence with afghanistan iran is

European Central Banks Dumping Greek Assets Ahead Of The Greek Exit - Episode 644

@00:30:51 iran has the s-300 defense missiles we
@00:31:00 still can attack iran at any time we
@00:35:49 saying iran poses a growing threat to
@00:36:05 iran will be part of the cyberattacks
@00:37:00 from iran syria the islamic state you

Countries Around The World Are Now Dumping The Petrodollar - Episode 643

@00:22:18 into syria getting into iran they will
@00:27:58 iran expects delivery of their s-300

NY Fed Preparing For The Economic Collapse - Episode 642

@00:34:05 on the u.s. sponsor of terrorism is iran
@00:34:27 there's a war going on iran they're in
@00:34:33 trying a different tactic with iran
@00:34:38 be able to get into iran any other way
@00:42:32 after china china now is helping iran
@00:42:44 now iran is making deals with china iran
@00:42:56 point in time with iran getting and

U.S. Fascist Government Wants Complete Control Over The People - Episode 641

@00:38:37 introduce the s500 and we see iran is
@00:38:58 facilities inside iran because now that
@00:39:36 sanctions iran has been doing this for
@00:39:52 gas industry in iran and you see
@00:39:57 why they need to get into iran and syria
@00:40:27 going to be done by 2008 iran is now
@00:40:32 urging for a new yemeni government iran
@00:45:08 iran and iraq and the people are saying

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Preparing The Next Event To Push War - Episode 640

@00:28:10 iran basically putin lifted the ban they
@00:28:26 going on with iran not just one we see
@00:28:30 senator tom cotton said that if iran
@00:28:51 the nuclear facilities inside iran and
@00:29:11 can you imagine iran flying into the
@00:29:21 bombed the nuclear facilities in iran it
@00:29:39 use them at any time in iran we can
@00:30:03 and their agenda is to keep iran a non

U.S. Economic Recovery Illusion Is Falling Apart - Episode 639

@00:25:42 framework deal put together with iran
@00:25:45 for iran and we can see that right now
@00:25:57 was not for iran they don't even have a
@00:28:57 theme that iran is bringing in weapons
@00:29:13 always the same with syria with iran
@00:29:24 with this nuclear deal what iran is
@00:29:37 iran they sign the npt they have iaea
@00:30:02 go in there and help iran and monitor

The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Economic Collapse And War - Episode 638

@00:14:10 pipeline from iran home to the world's
@00:14:26 working with iran getting ready for
@00:30:53 understand in iran with the p5 plus one
@00:30:58 and we see the leader of iran ayatollah
@00:31:05 of the nuclear negotiations between iran
@00:31:25 iran is very concerned because the
@00:31:58 go back and say listen iran didn't file
@00:32:18 remember iran wants the sanctions
@00:32:35 they won't and if iran doesn't give up
@00:33:36 ships right off the coast of yemen iran
@00:39:00 oil the same thing with iran and if they
@00:39:11 iran if they cannot get this framework

The U.S. Gov/Central Bankers Have Pushed The Middle East War To The Next Level - Episode 637

@00:32:43 countries and iran has been formed and
@00:32:50 business with iran at this point in time
@00:32:57 chinese investments in iran just days
@00:33:11 sanctions against iran were tightened in
@00:33:13 2012 and iran once the number-two
@00:34:02 normally iran to china why would they
@00:34:39 reimpose sanctions on iran they did this
@00:34:43 on the iran third largest bank and 32
@00:35:46 korea iran syria brazil venezuela so we
@00:36:09 in time and we see right now that iran
@00:36:33 remember iran is shiite the hootie's are
@00:37:15 before iran and everything else this
@00:41:55 order of targets syria then iran they're
@00:45:12 that broke the story of iran contra he

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Surface In U.S. Cities - Episode 636

@00:15:27 and iran are going to switch to
@00:28:42 iran it was really meant for russia all
@00:28:45 along iran does not have any type of
@00:29:25 deal with iran and you have to remember
@00:29:53 removed they can do business with iran
@00:30:12 iran
@00:30:23 to do business with iran with a
@00:30:39 of the part of the iran deal it should
@00:30:42 be that iran will recognize israel well
@00:30:45 iran said it will recognize israel one
@00:30:47 second that israel recognizes iran but
@00:31:08 struck with iran is all the stuff that's
@00:31:15 is putting the us dollar into iran and

China's Infrastructure Bank Enrollment Closed And The U.S. Is Left Out In The Cold - Episode 635

@00:32:38 and iran they've come to a deal and
@00:32:45 see that iran is putting out what they
@00:33:48 we have to remember iran was never in
@00:34:24 system inside of iran and loan them more
@00:35:55 nothing because really her iran was
@00:38:14 iran the central bankers they want to
@00:38:18 get into iran any way possible and take

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 634

@00:11:36 region and we see now since the iran
@00:12:05 i don't think the iran deal is all on
@00:12:35 iran and that was part of the beale part
@00:12:57 talks and iran shall we see nato missile
@00:13:06 in that region with iran so why do we
@00:13:11 missile shield was never there for iran

The U.S. Government Recovery Looks Like An Economic Collapse - Episode 633

@00:20:57 with iran other countries are saying oh
@00:21:03 to make economic deals with iran i mean
@00:21:10 move some of their automakers into iran
@00:21:21 the only reason iran is not getting
@00:21:48 on iran guess what it won't stop the
@00:21:55 didn't move in and invest in iran is
@00:22:06 some on iran the united states will be
@00:22:53 ahead and bomb iran and this is crazy
@00:22:56 talk because iran has absolutely done
@00:29:54 iran nuclear deal would improve torrents
@00:30:48 what iran has and they want it to keep
@00:30:59 iran if all the sanctions are removed
@00:31:09 to iran they're going to make as many
@00:31:20 relationship with iran and it's going to

As The Economic Collapse Accelerates, War Is On The Horizon - Episode 632

@00:24:47 north korea iran syria and many other
@00:30:49 they would like to do this with iran
@00:30:52 reached this is their agreements iran
@00:31:52 bank of iran other financial and banking
@00:32:12 this completely is the oil that iran has
@00:33:43 though there was a peace deal with iran
@00:33:53 carter said that a deal with iran
@00:34:01 force to prevent iran from developing a
@00:34:09 they will still strike iran so what is
@00:36:21 a military option as iran talks drag on
@00:36:41 and bomb iran because you have to
@00:36:42 remember who is iran in line with russia
@00:38:05 iran proxy the history of the hootie
@00:38:09 invention of iran their origins were
@00:38:21 being in iraq iran proxy though the us

The Economic Collapse Is Happening Now, It Just Wasn't Announced Yet - Episode 631

@00:39:10 see that the nuclear deal with iran is

The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630

@00:36:46 iraq and eventually syria then iran we

U.S. Backed Saudi Forces Ready For Ground Operation In Yemen - Episode 629

@00:39:07 that iran is helping iraq take back to

U.S. Now Providing Lethal Aid To Ukraine, Major Offensive Soon To Follow - Episode 627

@00:24:30 and iran over nuclear weapons and
@00:41:35 been talking about how iran is keeping
@00:43:12 treaty but if you look at iran they have
@00:44:52 continually firing on yemen we see iran

The Middle East War Will Eventually Lead To World War - Episode 626

@00:34:57 united states government and iran and
@00:38:16 that the iran deal is moving forward but
@00:38:55 inside iran because there's no other

The US Gov Continually Manipulates The Economy To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 624

@00:32:48 talks between the united states and iran
@00:32:54 talks with iran and was using the
@00:33:03 deal with iran so we can see right now

US Gov Preparing For The Economic Collapse With Massive Military Drills In The U.S. - Episode 623

@00:07:44 iran brazil venezuela you name it the
@00:38:38 is iran is in there and they're
@00:39:15 china iran they've been told no you

US Gov/Central Bankers Hyping Propaganda To Invade Syria - Episode 620

@00:33:14 look like russia china iran north korea

US Gov/Central Bankers Using A False Flag To Push The Authorization For War - Episode 619

@00:09:56 demonizing russia china north korea iran
@00:36:09 propaganda come out against iran prot

China Dumps US Treasuries While European Allies Join China's Development Bank - Episode 618

@00:11:21 the sanctions on iran the sanctions on
@00:28:46 china we see with north korea iran syria

Kiev Is Skirting Around The Minsk II Deal To Buy Time To Push War - Episode 617

@00:16:11 just like iran has done just like cuba
@00:37:32 they're talking about peace in iran
@00:38:00 iran has signed the non-proliferation
@00:38:11 iran is building nuclear weapons so we
@00:39:07 iran will most likely be sold using the
@00:39:20 then see iran put into debt because the

Talks Underway With China & The IMF To Endorse Yuan As A Reserve Currency - Episode 614

@00:18:51 us senators who wrote a letter to iran

U.S. Gov. Tells US We Are In Recovery, But Why Does It Feel Like An Economic Collapse? - Episode 609

@00:38:04 eventually into iran and we have to
@00:38:06 remember iran has a treaty with syria
@00:38:10 syria has a treaty with russia iran has

The Illusionary Recovery Is Now Giving Way To The Economic Collapse - Episode 607

@00:11:57 weapons in iran so here we are he's
@00:29:33 north korea's the enemy iran is the
@00:31:47 states iran and other nations are
@00:32:14 and again iran is not going to accept
@00:32:19 everything down iran said it will not
@00:32:34 into their central bank in iran they
@00:33:05 we know that syria and iran may have a
@00:33:07 an agreement with each other that iran

US Gov Is Using The NDAA To Indefinitely Detain Those Who Commit A “Belligerent Act" - Episode 606

@00:31:59 iran syria north korea they know what is
@00:33:24 iran syria north korea they understand
@00:35:54 iran he's talking about the iranian
@00:36:11 about iran it's a threat they're gonna
@00:36:27 out with iran is building a nuclear
@00:36:30 months away iran is building a nuclear
@00:36:39 everyone and we have to remember iran
@00:36:50 with a nuclear weapon iran signed the
@00:37:09 reasons why iran is not a threat they
@00:37:15 and iran is not building nuclear weapons
@00:37:22 energy agency has concluded that iran is
@00:38:25 to all of iran's nuclear sites iran is
@00:39:39 attack iran and of course we know
@00:40:06 banking system in iran and every time

US Gov/Central Bankers One Step Closer To Closing Down The Internet - Episode 602

@00:32:45 countries china north korea russia iran
@00:37:10 russia and russia china iran and north
@00:38:13 china north korea iran syria and they're
@00:38:27 their agenda to get into iran i mean we
@00:38:33 to show iran that was they were building
@00:38:52 iran and then all of a sudden because
@00:39:02 national council of resistance of iran
@00:39:10 top site where iran is creating nuclear
@00:39:49 planted fake evidence to show that iran

U.S. Is Now In The Final Stages Of Having Its Society Closed Down - Episode 601

@00:45:08 north korea iran syria and other nations

US Gov Controlled Islamic State Expands Into Middle Eastern Countries To Provoke War - Episode 600

@00:30:57 lying about iran having a bomb i mean
@00:31:27 telling the world that iran is going to
@00:32:27 concluded that iran was not performing
@00:33:36 offering iran its latest missile system
@00:33:49 completely dropped iran right now is

DHS Using Fear And A False Flag Event Because Their Budget Is In Jeopardy- Episode 599

@00:37:34 dealing with iran syria saudi arabia
@00:41:36 than iran and they do this very slowly

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 598

@00:11:49 and we see that iran is warning the

US Gov/Central Bankers Preparing For A Major Offensive In Mosul Iraq - Episode 597

@00:30:14 deals with iran turkey and north africa

Obama Says That The Economy Is Poised For A Great Year As The Economy Collapses - Episode 596

@00:36:33 syria iran we see it in africa where the
@00:44:08 iran none of it is panning out and you

As The Collapse Accelerates US Gov/Central Bankers Provoke WWIII - Episode 595

@00:43:37 from iran and russia so they're very

US Gov/Central Bankers Getting Ready To Limit Free Speech - Episode 591

@00:37:43 eventually the goal is to get into iran

US Gov/Central Bankers Trapped, Will Use Ukraine Peace Deal For War - Episode 590

@00:34:54 eventually into iran and they're hoping
@00:38:35 happened in iran when the people rose up
@00:41:44 after the leaders in iran and you can

Authorization For War: Phase 1 Complete , Next Phase For Central Bankers War - Episode 589

@00:19:04 north korea in iran in syria in china
@00:35:50 into iran and they want to pull russia

US Government/Central Bankers Talk Peace In Ukraine, But Their Message Is War- Episode 587

@00:45:06 go into iran do the same thing this has

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 586

@00:08:19 up with oh russia china north korea iran

The Economy Is Collapsing And The U.S. Gov's Manipulated Numbers Will Not Stop It - Episode 585

@00:23:33 countries russia china north korea iran
@00:38:44 russia china iran syria and many other

U.S. Oil Suppression Used To Put Pressure On Russia To Abandon Support For Assad - Episode 583

@00:17:05 go into iran all of this is to prop up
@00:38:23 iran so they're really not going to be

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Economic Recovery Is Based On A Big Lie - Episode 582

@00:33:50 but they're placing sanctions on iran
@00:41:59 going after assad then into iran this is

False Flag: The Islamic State Threatens Obama As They Prepare An Attack On America - Episode 577

@00:37:09 forces now out in iran we understand
@00:37:20 sanctions on iran so i ran came out and

U.S. Government Preparing To Blame Russia For The Economic Collapse - Episode 576

@00:19:24 this and we see that iran they have
@00:19:52 now iran will be joining them and we
@00:42:59 convince us that the islamic state iran
@00:43:11 north korea iran syria and many others

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 574

@00:01:00 we see iran iran has no longer using the
@00:01:07 exchanges with foreign countries iran is

Central Bankers Lose Control Of The Middle East, Yemen Government Falls - Episode 572

@00:43:52 iran syria venezuela you name it any

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Push Agenda, Ukraine Offensive Has Begun - Episode 570

@00:27:21 whole time period russia and iran they
@00:27:39 be docked in iran so you can see what's
@00:40:21 korea iran syria and other nations so we

U.S. Upgrades Doomsday Planes As The People Realize The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 567

@00:18:04 with syria with iran and then eventually

The U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Prepared For The Economic Collapse Are You? - Episode 558

@00:10:46 hit iran to hit russia to hit venezuela
@00:12:56 iran the country was dependent on its
@00:13:00 sanctions and all of a sudden iran has a
@00:13:16 banks will be moved into iran to put
@00:13:47 used it already but guess what iran
@00:34:59 joining with iran right now they've
@00:38:33 be russia north korea iran syria china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 557

@00:10:18 entire country now out in iran we
@00:10:40 world that iran is going to have a
@00:10:54 iran and also there has been an
@00:21:09 russia they're provoking china iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 556

@00:09:06 china we see iran we see syria and of
@00:15:54 and iran and we can see they're moving
@00:18:48 representative in nambia sudan iran
@00:19:01 sanctions on iran and you can see

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 555

@00:02:40 war with russia north korea china iran
@00:13:45 place sanctions on iran during the peace
@00:14:05 between iran and the p5 plus one such a
@00:14:55 into syria and eventually into iran
@00:15:00 with syria iran and syria do have an
@00:15:04 agreement where iran will come to the
@00:15:05 assistance of syria and right now iran
@00:15:14 islamic state iran has entered into a
@00:18:05 korea iran syria china russia and others

U.S. Government Telling Lies To Push The War Agenda - Episode 554

@00:29:24 with iran they decided to impose
@00:29:58 iran at the same time they're trying to
@00:30:06 how iran and the united states can come
@00:36:59 forget about iran iran they've been

al-Qaeda Threatens "Lone Wolf" Attacks On Airlines As AirAsia Goes Missing - Episode 553

@00:07:25 russia iran and venezuela well the
@00:09:20 production in order to hurt iran and
@00:09:27 iran against iran and russia and this is
@00:10:19 saudis want to put pressure on iran and
@00:29:22 iran they need to prop up the dollar

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 552

@00:17:28 to be syria iran north korea china

DHS And FBI Issue A New Alert, Threats From Terrorist Could Be On The Rise - Episode 538

@00:20:16 north korea iran and many other nations

Full Time Jobs Disappear As The Economic Collapse Approaches - Episode 534

@00:33:06 towards war now iran is out there and

DHS Warning, Islamic State Attacks Can Come At Any Time - Episode 531

@00:22:16 seeing it from iran north korea because
@00:28:53 understands at this point that iran is
@00:28:58 invited iran into there and they're
@00:29:09 that the u.s. and iran were not working
@00:29:32 again they're keeping an eye on iran
@00:29:35 iran pretty much threatens the us forces
@00:29:40 now again iran is most likely really

FBI Warns Of Islamic State Targeting Military Via Social Media - Episode 530

@00:11:56 see it in iran syria russia and mint
@00:30:55 dealing with iran and iran is still
@00:30:59 government and iran has been using the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 529

@00:08:39 and then eventually in iran they're

White House Trying To Use Immigration To Postpone The Economic Collapse -Episode 524

@00:38:55 in iran iran into this picture because
@00:38:59 to go to syria iran and of course they

DHS & National Guard Preparing For Mass Rioting In Ferguson - Episode 521

@00:04:45 state and syria and iran and lebanon and
@00:36:56 yemen egypt syria iran and any other
@00:37:07 left are syria and iran and again this

Islamic State Provokes Obama To Send In U.S. Ground Forces - Episode 520

@00:34:33 coalition and that would be iran and

Russia And Egypt Are Proposing Peace In Syria, Central Bankers Want War - Episode 518

@00:29:52 replace that government move into iran

False Flag Warning - Attacks On Power Grid Could Leave Parts Of Country In Darkness - Episode 515

@00:27:24 units in iran as a new partnership
@00:27:48 spread of nuclear power in iran
@00:28:00 what is going on russia iran they're
@00:28:14 inside of iran and they cannot find any
@00:28:27 out iran has a nuclear weapon is going
@00:30:02 reminds me of iran in 1979 the same
@00:33:19 that russia china iran syria the islamic

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 513

@00:15:54 north korea iran syria and we can see

The Government's Manipulated Job Numbers Will Not Stop The Economic Collapse - Episode 512

@00:08:30 iran which is part not part of the petro
@00:09:05 syria and iran by now and they may feel
@00:13:45 with iran with syria they're doing
@00:32:38 letter to the ayatollah khomeini of iran
@00:32:57 military coordination with iran
@00:33:15 military coordination with iran on
@00:33:40 iran struck a deal with them had this
@00:38:37 china iran and syria and they're pushing

Central Bankers Are Pushing Ukraine Into War Again - Episode 511

@00:10:54 iran but this really can't be sustained

Why Are Countries Training Armies To Control Mass Riots? - Episode 510

@00:09:25 strike back at iran strike back at china
@00:11:06 korea iran syria these are the countries
@00:27:58 yemen and iraq go into syria and iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 507

@00:15:16 potentially allow iran to supply gas to
@00:15:49 eventually get into iran which then they

False Flag Warning: DHS Reports Black Energy Malware Found In Energy Control Systems - Episode 506

@00:01:39 korea with iran with syria and they're
@00:27:33 eventually go to iran and we can see
@00:33:54 russia north korea china syria iran and

U.S. Warns That Americans In The Middle East Might Be Attacked By Al-Qaeda - Episode 505

@00:28:36 in full force now iran is looking
@00:29:02 again syria iran north korea these are

Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status, Central Bankers Preparing A Major Conflict - Episode 501

@00:23:12 what's very interesting is that iran and
@00:23:30 them and now iran and russia are going
@00:23:34 did not want iran syria russia china
@00:23:40 governments of iran russia have
@00:23:52 russia and iran created a joint

Canada's False Flag Event Used For Different Agendas - Episode 500

@00:28:25 syria russia's making deals with iran

Italy Starts Movement To Leave The European Monetary Union - Episode 497

@00:06:23 russia and iran the us and saudi arabia
@00:06:28 pumping russia and iran to bring of
@00:29:31 iran according to a new report in a
@00:31:22 out and sell this oil not using it iran
@00:33:31 it and they're not including iran russia
@00:37:24 syria try to get into iran and are going

Is The Ebola Crisis The October Surprise? - Episode 494

@00:31:51 iran not going through the dollar do
@00:34:43 shared with neighboring iran the new
@00:36:16 didn't they include iran why didn't they
@00:36:21 out especially when iran and syria we're
@00:36:32 will be going after syria then iran now

U.S. Chemical Weapons Mysteriously Appear In Iraq - Episode 493

@00:36:20 iran is out there and they have lashed
@00:36:26 renewed iran support for political

De-Dollarization Continues With Iran And Russia Creating A Joint Bank - Episode 491

@00:00:38 continues with iran and russia creating
@00:00:52 russia and iran are deciding to do the
@00:08:01 happened with iran in 2012 and this is
@00:08:09 china russia iran they're all heading in
@00:08:55 understand that iran has been bypassing
@00:09:00 based on iran and of course they're
@00:09:22 illusion now iran and russia plan to
@00:10:07 of course as we know syria iran they're
@00:10:30 they're going to be moving into iran
@00:10:42 syria and iran are basically the last
@00:10:51 iran but i don't think it's going to get
@00:30:18 saying to iran you must withdraw your
@00:30:29 iran and syria have an agreement with
@00:31:06 conflicts iran as part of the problem
@00:37:30 iran wanted to joining on this fight to
@00:37:48 didn't want syria or iran getting

False Flag Warning: Khorasan Terrorist Group Is Back And A US Attack Is Imminent - Episode 485

@00:00:55 khorasan also refers to a region in iran
@00:00:59 which is the northern part of iran and
@00:20:23 revolution iran arab spring egypt libya
@00:27:11 technology known to iran with the
@00:27:27 iran and syria now this was completely
@00:27:46 it look like yes this is the that iran
@00:28:02 people think that iran has nuclear
@00:30:09 into syria and iran because this has

Central Bankers/US Government Can't Stabilize Syria Without Removing Assad - Episode 479

@00:19:05 arctic now it looks like iran is in
@00:19:22 stopping iran they're dealing with a lot
@00:19:32 to get into iran and syria both and this
@00:19:46 they want to get to iran through syria

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 478

@00:09:01 it's a repeat of iran now in yemen we're
@00:09:58 of iran at this time so libya is fallen
@00:10:21 fight with terrorism iran of course
@00:10:26 isil because iran is the strong opponent

Iraq Reveals Troops And Equipment Start Arriving To Speicher Base In A Few Days - Episode 477

@00:30:00 know china and iran have very good
@00:30:03 relations and china and iran are going
@00:30:15 islamic republic of iran in a subsequent
@00:30:37 right in iran the people's liberation

Central Bankers/U.S. Government Troop Buildup In Iraq To Occupy Syria - Episode 476

@00:21:45 they want to do is go into iran we see
@00:22:57 central bankers to move into iran and i
@00:23:11 iran into the battle not on the side of
@00:23:21 and iran have a support agreement and
@00:23:23 iran will help with syria now iran has
@00:23:47 high reliable info that iran does have
@00:24:18 iran has nuclear weapons this goes back
@00:24:24 they've always said that iran is three
@00:24:57 eventually when iran lets them in there
@00:25:19 iran this has been their goal from the
@00:33:06 agreement with iran that if syria is
@00:33:08 under attack iran will come to its aid
@00:33:14 a port there and we can also see if iran
@00:33:20 relations with iran and this is where

Boots On The Ground, Army Is Deploying A Division Headquarters To Iraq- Episode 475

@00:34:29 iran now like i said khorasan is a
@00:34:32 region in north iran there's a northern
@00:34:52 include iran in there and as we know
@00:35:00 of iran helping the syrian government
@00:35:13 other places like iran and not hitting
@00:37:26 link it to syria and iran at this point
@00:38:41 this will bring in iran this will bring

U.S. Allegedly Strikes ISIS In Syria, What's The Real Agenda? - Episode 474

@00:01:26 get into iran that's it the real story
@00:06:21 look at iran they've been under
@00:24:16 targets inside syria now iran keeps
@00:24:35 serious offer and of course iran now has
@00:29:19 very interesting in iran there is a

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 472

@00:08:20 the p5 the p5 plus one deal with iran
@00:08:47 so iran had the iaea come back in and
@00:08:57 bodies report on iran including the very
@00:09:09 all along that iran has honored the
@00:09:36 their natural resources inside of iran
@00:09:55 iran and of course this is a big problem
@00:10:41 there but i don't think iran is going to

U.S. Accuses Assad Of Breaking The Chemical Arms Pact With Chlorine Gas - Episode 470

@00:20:13 syria and iran and this is what they've
@00:29:23 korea syria iran and other bric nations

Central Bankers Ready To Attack Syria Under The Pretext Assad Unleashed The Islamists - Episode 468

@00:02:13 like to work with the united states iran
@00:03:27 iran they need to capture all the
@00:30:01 government and then move into iran and
@00:38:29 eventually move into iran and then go

UK And France Moving To The Next Reserve Currency The Chinese Yuan - Episode 467

@00:27:27 iraq and eventually syria then iran and
@00:27:56 relationships with iran and we would
@00:28:14 eventually get to iran and russia is out
@00:29:33 of battle about how iran is or was asked
@00:29:57 iran we wouldn't get involved because we
@00:30:07 you have to remember iran and assad and
@00:30:23 coordinating with iran we're not working
@00:30:25 with iran period so right now iran is
@00:30:32 doesn't really matter because iran

U.S. Syrian Rebels & U.S. ISIS Agree On A 'Non-Aggression' Pact - Episode 466

@00:12:23 strategic ties with iran and it looks
@00:12:34 form between iran syria russia china and
@00:19:52 he's not really looking to have iran in
@00:20:02 he says iran should not be there given a
@00:20:10 saying that yeah syria and iran really
@00:20:25 bilateral support agreement between iran
@00:20:26 and syria iran will join in and then the
@00:20:33 can go to war to get into iran because

Russia & China Looking To Conduct Half Of Their Trade In Yuans And Roubles - Episode 463

@00:13:35 then they have syria iran and north
@00:26:15 beginning now looks like russia and iran
@00:26:27 russia offers iran to build 500 million
@00:26:34 government has sent a proposal to iran
@00:26:47 iran and they're doing it bypassing the
@00:30:38 iran and syria are not part of it very
@00:30:42 interesting because iran and syria are
@00:30:54 wouldn't they let iran and syria into

Obama Planning For A Western-Backed Coalition No-Fly Zone Over Syria - Episode 462

@00:28:19 what they're trying to do now iran is
@00:28:29 iran accused the united states sunday of
@00:29:50 are in talks with iran for this p5 plus
@00:29:56 to accuse iran of doing something and we
@00:30:02 united states has determined that iran
@00:30:57 apart and they're going to bring iran
@00:31:02 they get into syria iran will come to
@00:31:11 have the chance of going to into iran we
@00:35:16 russia and iran and take control of
@00:40:59 terrorists and these came from iran and

Will The Missing Libyan Jetliners Be Used For The False Flag Event ? - Episode 458

@00:26:52 into iran and then actually go
@00:30:56 syria same with iran so how are they
@00:39:16 they said anything about iran other
@00:40:56 iran and everything will be fine and

The 60 Day Countdown Begins, Will This Lead To The False Flag Event? - Episode 457

@00:31:22 going to include china north korea iran
@00:34:37 korea we have syria we have iran and

False Flag Warning: Expert Reports 'Imminent' ISIS Threat To The U.S. Power Grid- Episode 456

@00:18:07 china north korea iran syria and other
@00:39:51 such as iran and north korea let's bring

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 455

@00:17:35 eventually get into iran this will solve

U.S./Ukraine Pushing Russian Invasion Propaganda - Episode 453

@00:26:31 state for iraq and iran brett mcgurk
@00:29:57 eventually go into iran but there's a

Central Bankers Sending In Drones To Map Out Targets In Syria - Episode 451

@00:32:35 into iran and do the same exact thing
@00:33:12 countries invade iran kick out the

Libyan Government Overrun, Central Bankers Prepping Invasion Of Libya - Episode 450

@00:21:49 same thing in iran is happening they
@00:22:38 against iran now of course russia kept
@00:22:43 with iran why do you need the missile
@00:22:49 trying to have peace with iran it makes
@00:23:14 target them and they're using iran as a
@00:24:05 al-qaeda that iran sent aid via turkey
@00:24:13 that iran was helping transport al-qaeda
@00:24:37 that iran and syria are all part of this
@00:24:47 telling us that iran and syria have been
@00:24:49 the launching pads for terrorism iran a

The Countdown To The False Flag Event Has Begun - Episode 448

@00:30:16 now france is urging iran and other
@00:30:26 region as well as iran to join western

Warning: DHS Preparing For 'National Day Of Rage' - Episode 447

@00:26:59 syria then into iran and maintain

U.S. Preparing To Bomb Syria, FAA Shuts down Airspace To American Planes - Episode 445

@00:02:19 we understand the talks in iran
@00:02:24 have iran leaders out there saying that
@00:02:50 they will try to get into syria and iran
@00:03:01 and china and of course iran and syria

False Flag Warning: ISIS Dispatching Terrorists To The United States - Episode 441

@00:01:28 into iran so that has not changed one

Are The Riots In Ferguson Part Of The U.S. Agenda For Martial Law ?- Episode 440

@00:31:36 don't have any benefits for iran and
@00:31:42 united states and iran on its nuclear
@00:32:01 want iran to do a little bit more they
@00:32:20 like iran is getting fed up and of
@00:32:33 keep changing it and iran says okay
@00:32:41 conclusion and finally iran says okay
@00:32:49 turns around and says haha iran doesn't

Central Bankers/US Government & NATO Are Setting The Stage For War - Episode 434

@00:02:16 riya china most likely syria iran and
@00:02:37 china north korea iran syria they're all
@00:29:09 deal with iran this is not going to help
@00:34:57 non-stop now it looks like iran is going

High Probability Of An Event In August While Congress Is On Vacation - Episode 432

@00:19:47 iran where they would love to get into
@00:20:36 especially get into syria and iran they
@00:21:04 syria and iran that is russia and china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 431

@00:09:41 observer states india pakistan iran and

The Central Bankers Have Prepared A Special Event To Cover Up The Collapse- Episode 429

@00:02:20 get into syria and iran that has not
@00:11:09 switzerland north korea syria iran
@00:13:09 going to try to get into iran they've
@00:13:25 it to iran the same thing is going to

You Must Believe The Propaganda, We Are In A Full Recovery - Episode 428

@00:33:54 private west central bank just like iran

Is The White House The Target Of The Next Terrorist Attack?- Episode 426

@00:01:01 be russia china north korea iran syria

The Next False Flag "We're Coming For You, Barack Obama" - Episode 425

@00:08:23 korea we have syria iran saudi arabia

The Economic Collapse Death Spiral Has Begun - Episode 424

@00:41:19 if they remove the leaders in iran and

Was Malaysian Airliner Brought Down By A Missile To Start A War With Russia? - Episode 418

@00:27:27 nuclear talks now with iran are pretty
@00:28:22 might impose more sanctions on iran

Central Bankers Are Now Defending The Reserve Status Of The Dollar- Episode 417

@00:31:42 is doing the same exact thing now iran

Is FEMA Preparing For Martial Law Over The "Mass Exodus" Of Illegal Aliens? - Episode 416

@00:31:55 iran we can see they are trying to push

Islamic State Terrorism, Iran And Syria Are Now Prepped For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 415

@00:00:37 state terrorism iran and syria are now
@00:28:49 iran p5 plus one talks going on at this
@00:29:03 and we can see right now that iran says
@00:29:09 demands on iran iran is going to say you
@00:30:15 out of iran and they place sanctions on
@00:32:06 now is now linking hamas to iran he's
@00:32:10 saying that iran now is financing hamas
@00:32:17 runs out they want to go into iran not
@00:32:29 using you know we can't let iran get
@00:32:49 link to iran that iran is funding hamas
@00:33:37 linking this to iran that iran has
@00:33:42 amasses using iran is funding hamas so
@00:35:56 it's coming from syria iran the islamic
@00:40:01 connections with iran to hamas they're
@00:41:55 in the meantime they're implicating iran
@00:42:03 iran we see here in the united states

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 414

@00:14:11 its money's and it exhausts iran

The Central Banker/U.S. Government Recovery Illusion Is Now Falling Apart - Episode 413

@00:24:43 to get iran and syria eventually into

Is The FED Signaling When The Economic Collapse Will Occur? - Episode 411

@00:03:18 attached to iran or however they want to

Central Bankers Now Provoking War Everywhere To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 410

@00:33:33 going to be north korea iran syria china

Petrodollar Becoming Obsolete As The U.S. Police State Surfaces - Episode 409

@00:12:02 australia north korea russia india iran

The Economic Recovery Propaganda Is Complete, Next Step The Economic Collapse- Episode 406

@00:25:34 in the southeast now iran is out there
@00:25:47 iran is saying they would if they did
@00:29:19 and oil is being sold and iran was part

U.S. Concerned ISIL & al-Qaeda Planning Attack By Aircraft, False Flag Alert! - Episode 404

@00:01:14 china north korea iran and many other
@00:16:52 iran syria uk brazil argentina we're
@00:32:17 to move right into iran they are making

Central Bankers Announce Their Plan For An "Islamic State" - Episode 403

@00:32:02 countries and yes it's syria iran yemen
@00:35:45 at any point act with iran he said but
@00:37:53 iran all
@00:41:02 allies russia iran would not stop syria

Central Bankers Propaganda: Syria Is Playing A Game Of Shadows - Episode 401

@00:01:40 move into iran this has been their plan
@00:22:45 reopening the embassy inside iran senior
@00:22:48 iran foreign ministry official said to
@00:23:33 north korea iran syria russia canada and
@00:27:44 accept iran and by implication assad as

US Dollar At Risk As The Middle East Tensions Increase - Episode 398

@00:25:53 iran and again all the players are the

Iraq Is In Chaos And The U.S. Attack On Syria Is Inevitable - Episode 394

@00:19:44 much worse now iran has concerns about
@00:23:54 really rising up at this time now iran

Iraq's Popular Uprising Shadowed By U.S. Terrorism Propaganda - Episode 392

@00:16:35 that iran said they were going to help
@00:16:46 for an open dialogue with iran to
@00:17:00 out there and she said iran as opposed
@00:17:17 states and iran's borders right now iran
@00:17:40 april that iran had trained funded and
@00:17:53 claiming that the united states and iran
@00:17:58 support iraq stabilization iran train
@00:18:06 do they're blaming iran right now for
@00:28:23 now illegal and this reminds me of iran
@00:31:45 currency just like iran doesn't just

Operation Disarm America Is Being Pushed Forward - Episode 387

@00:36:44 that iran is going to have this nuclear
@00:37:08 steinitz said that iran could have fifty
@00:37:28 inside iran they did an inspection and

As The Dollar Collapses Bankers Are Taking Measures To Protect Themselves - Episode 386

@00:34:54 that iran and the united states and
@00:34:59 iran has met with united states about
@00:35:21 july twentieth date is going to hit iran
@00:36:12 didn't do this but what happens if iran
@00:36:46 because of this happened in iran they'd

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 385

@00:05:49 russia or the sanctions on iran or syria
@00:12:37 now we understand that iran their
@00:12:50 iran and we have to remember there is a
@00:13:03 special room and of course first iran is
@00:16:02 then eventually get into iran because

Companies Dumping The Dollar For Renminbi As The Trading Currency Of Choice - Episode 384

@00:00:54 see russia china north korea iran syria
@00:01:20 zealand australia switzerland iran and
@00:26:10 china russia north korea iran syria some
@00:39:37 calling upon basically russia iran

Russia And North Korea To Launch Ruble Transactions Which Bypasses The Euro/US Dollar- Episode 383

@00:12:45 north korea iran syria brazil venezuela
@00:16:56 had sanctions iran had sanctioned syria
@00:25:56 iran the p5 plus one talks and they're
@00:26:44 take over the bank inside iran and
@00:27:13 experts claim that iran and six world
@00:27:28 attacking iran israel is setting aside a
@00:27:37 to be ready to attack iran in the united
@00:27:41 propaganda that iran is cyber attacking
@00:27:53 using the propaganda that iran is very
@00:28:12 authority went into iran to inspect and

Warning: Two Weeks To Prepare For A Possible Cyber Attack On Bank Accounts - Episode 381

@00:30:01 now iran is backing the syrian election

Is The U.S. Preparing A Full Military Strike In Libya? - Episode 379

@00:28:00 korea's the enemy syria iran and the
@00:34:46 growing alliance between iran china and
@00:34:49 russia and they're calling this the iran

Directive Outlines The President To Use Military Force Against Domestic Unrest - Episode 378

@00:36:40 their malware we're also hosted in iran
@00:37:19 propaganda alive that iran has the
@00:38:22 because iran will not allow the imf and
@00:38:31 iran once that done they have deals with
@00:38:49 iran along with china and russia brought

It Begins, The U.S. Positions Military Assets In The Mediterranean - Episode 377

@00:31:23 into iran to completely set up the

U.S. Pushing The Syrian Agenda, Now Training Paid Mercenaries For The Event - Episode 376

@00:01:23 understand the interim deal for iran
@00:01:40 striking into syria iran has a treaty
@00:04:12 deal between each other and iran and
@00:04:14 once syria is violated what happens iran

Russia And China Are Now Working Together To Organize The Global "de-dollarization" - Episode 375

@00:21:38 they do not have interests such as iran
@00:36:01 and iran are making a deal with each

Former NSA Chief: More Terrorist Attacks On The Way, Be Prepared For A False Flag - Episode 373

@00:02:20 to iran and do the same exact thing and
@00:25:41 north korea syria iran and all the other
@00:29:19 get bloody now with regards to iran we
@00:29:51 revive direct talks with iran in a bid
@00:30:33 agenda was to get into iran remove the
@00:30:51 secretive we had the imf come into iran
@00:31:15 word with iran having nuclear weapons
@00:31:17 iran is cyber attacking and they're not
@00:31:28 into iran now syria is trying to remove

As The Dollar Dies The Next Event Will Rise - Episode 372

@00:20:34 india north korea iran syria brazil
@00:36:34 to be with russia and iran they want to
@00:36:49 then into iran russia and china now will
@00:38:04 power plants in iran so russia has been

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 369

@00:14:05 them the ability then to go into iran
@00:14:07 because we understand that iran has a
@00:14:13 or they need help iran would come to
@00:14:17 china and russia are backing iran and
@00:14:45 the iran interim agreement ends in july

Central Bankers Are Maneuvering To Cover Up The Economic Collapse With WAR - Episode 368

@00:21:54 out there saying that the iran nuclear
@00:22:46 infiltrate the banks of iran to place
@00:22:58 been demonizing iran all along saying
@00:25:01 russia iran syria brazil soon are doing

Russia Gives The Green Light To "De-Dollarize" The World - Episode 366

@00:01:06 india north korea syria iran and many

False Flag Warning: Iran Has Been Sending Chinese-Made Chlorine Gas To Syria - Episode 365

@00:00:36 episode is false flag warning iran has
@00:34:21 up now iran and pakistan right now they
@00:34:34 agreed to complete the iran-pakistan gas
@00:38:14 that iran has been sending chinese-made
@00:38:24 one statement they're implicating iran
@00:38:55 syria china and iran are all involved
@00:38:58 because we have to remember iran and
@00:39:03 into a war iran says they will come and
@00:39:11 and china will back iran and syria so we

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 363

@00:13:42 iran syria you know any country they

Dirty Bomb Material Seized In Ukraine To Be Used For A False Flag Event -- Episode 359

@00:28:43 iran which it really wasn't was put

Mission Accomplished, The Economic Recovery Is An Illusion -- Episode 356

@00:19:40 iran syria it doesn't really matter
@00:38:30 iran syria russia they're all now
@00:42:33 with syria and iran and now we have to

FED Blames Bad Economy On The Weather, The Economy Is Recovering "Not" -- Episode 354

@00:44:48 system if iran might have helped them

The Economic Recovery Is Falling Apart, Be Prepared For An Event -- Episode 352

@00:13:17 now now mohamed el iran who left i might
@00:25:01 russia and iran they they are making a
@00:25:04 10 billion dollar energy deal iran and
@00:36:55 china north korea syria iran they will
@00:40:14 china north korea iran or syria it

The Central Bankers Hope War Will Mask The Economic Collapse -- Episode 350

@00:27:56 does russia china iran syria it seems
@00:28:57 work it hasn't worked with iran it
@00:29:11 united states right now iran actually

The Central Bankers Give The Green Light To Provoke War -- Episode 349

@00:31:37 it wasn't for iran it wasn't for syria

Police State Rising To Control The People During The Economic Collapse- Episode 348

@00:26:18 right now with syria and iran and the

As The World Economies Collapse The Shadow Of War Is Upon The World -- Episode 347

@00:40:32 going to be very easy to get into iran
@00:40:44 china's back in them and iran would go
@00:40:46 to war with syria and if iran goes to
@00:40:54 iran israel would join in russia china
@00:41:18 iran again saying that they are a
@00:41:35 actors like syria and iran russia china

The Central Bankers Are Pushing War To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 346

@00:22:55 deals with china india north korea iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 345

@00:08:24 place not just for iran but i think for
@00:08:28 using iran to get this going because
@00:08:37 fear iran they fear that they're going
@00:08:46 and again iran hasn't you know attacked
@00:09:04 this iran envoy who was involved in the
@00:09:09 coup in iran in 1979 to remove this
@00:17:25 iran and for russia this is why this

Is The CIA Pushing The War Agenda In Ukraine? -- Episode 344

@00:18:00 iran so we can end north korea i don't

As The Conflict In Ukraine Escalates A False Flag Event Looms -- Episode 340

@00:11:02 korea iran syria saudi arabia to
@00:34:01 reminds me of iran where they keep

The Government Is Now Waging War On The People's Rights -- Episode 338

@00:11:10 of a sudden north korea syria iran
@00:32:50 229 days so iran or syria or russia or
@00:33:26 inserted something into the systems iran
@00:33:39 government agencies of suspected iran

UN Is Preparing To Censor And Tax The Internet -- Episode 336

@00:27:44 they're what iran did they picked a un
@00:28:24 states courtesy of iran and jay carney
@00:28:56 united states out from iran because they
@00:29:41 often to say that iran is doing
@00:29:47 the disintegration of the talks on iran
@00:30:07 government and blame iran for this or

Dollar Is Dropped As Countries And Central Banks Declared Their Holdings In Yuan -- Episode 334

@00:32:47 we understand that iran is supposed to
@00:32:58 money at this point iran has been unable
@00:33:12 on iran saying that they've really
@00:33:49 well the same thing with iran this is
@00:34:06 the banks of iran to put their natural
@00:34:15 this war agenda with russia iran syria

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 333

@00:21:48 china iran syria north korea and we see
@00:25:09 iran all by passing the dollar right now
@00:25:17 the dollar us has warned russia iran
@00:25:27 with iran to help with their natural
@00:25:33 has also made a deal with iran to supply
@00:30:08 what fits this story is iran and syria

The Economic War Has Begun Which Will Lead To WWIII -- Episode 332

@00:02:00 go into syria and iran and push russia
@00:02:29 from syria or iran they don't need us
@00:02:52 talks with the iran that aren't going to
@00:03:43 russia and china north korea india iran
@00:04:44 for russia it was never there for iran
@00:33:41 iran with the peace deal that they
@00:34:03 going to back iran in its nuclear talks
@00:34:11 that iran wants and we're going to have
@00:34:19 military ties with iran that we all will
@00:34:28 iran to purchase their oil for goods or
@00:34:43 iran may become moscow's number one
@00:35:08 supply iran with military equipment and

Disarming The American People Using Mass Shooting False Flags -- Episode 331

@00:12:41 deal with iran now they're making a deal
@00:13:36 brazil iran syria saudi arabia england
@00:21:58 started everywhere in iran in syria with
@00:27:41 of iran for the last 30 years has said
@00:27:44 that iran is creating nuclear weapons
@00:28:06 a comic energy was in iran they see no

As The War Drums Beat Louder, DHS Prepares For Domestic Terrorism- Episode 330

@00:03:08 syria and iran at this point because the
@00:32:15 deals with iran right now russia and
@00:32:19 iran said to make a deal for 20 billion
@00:32:36 talks between world powers and iran hmm
@00:32:40 what does russia buying oil from iran
@00:32:53 all has sanctions on iran but they're
@00:33:39 making plans with iran trying to force
@00:36:59 now with russia china iran and india
@00:38:19 will intervene in er in iran if the
@00:38:28 agreement with iran if israel is
@00:38:31 attacked by iran or israel is in a war
@00:38:34 with iran the united states is going to
@00:39:06 into their budget a war with iran and

Russia And China Make Another Move That Threatens The Dollar -- Episode 328

@00:19:03 be syria or iran because they've been
@00:19:09 to make the story from iran or syria
@00:19:11 because they've been saying iran has
@00:19:44 false flag event iran syria actually
@00:20:58 iran or merely to an increasing
@00:30:05 trade with iran syria north korea brazil
@00:30:20 korea iran syria russia france spain all
@00:40:50 terrorism related sanctions on iran and
@00:40:57 sanctions on iran due to nuclear but now
@00:41:02 to do with syria where iran is supplying
@00:41:21 iran because the only if you remember
@00:41:26 impose sanctions on iran
@00:41:29 is to strike iran at this time now it

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 327

@00:11:05 iran this is completely being set up we
@00:13:03 russia china north korea iran syria all

The US Atlantic Coastline Goes On High Alert To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 326

@00:12:56 it on syria iran north korea russia
@00:24:49 iran dealing with syria dealing with all
@00:30:27 israel's increasing threats against iran
@00:31:45 been telling us that iran right now has
@00:33:23 believes someone other than iran is
@00:33:48 really wanted to get into iran and this
@00:34:02 attack iran and the united states does
@00:34:10 them up and go to war with iran that is

US Intelligence, al-Qaeda Using Syria As A Launching Pad To Plan Attacks On The US -- Episode 324

@00:30:28 doing it with china north korea iran
@00:32:43 trade with iran as soon as the sanctions
@00:37:38 from iran but they keep on bringing up
@00:41:28 telling us iran top 10 cyber attack

As The Economy Implodes The President Is Concerned Over Exploding Nukes In NY -- Episode 323

@00:22:28 india brazil iran egypt syria and again
@00:28:12 it's china its north korea it's iran so
@00:30:55 telling us that iran is the top 10 cyber
@00:33:47 can blame it on iran a dirty bomb nuke
@00:33:54 could be blamed on iran who knows maybe

World Focused On Russia While US & NATO Buildup Military Assets Near Russia -- Episode 322

@00:02:03 this could happen in iran where it could
@00:18:35 now iran is out there and saying wait a
@00:18:59 banking system that's why iran is not
@00:19:04 iran and this is what happens every
@00:33:30 russia iran syria north korea they want
@00:38:49 that iran despite its agreement with the
@00:39:09 un inspectors were already in iran and
@00:39:21 warned that iran would not cooperate
@00:39:27 iran was aiding shiite rebels in bahrain
@00:39:33 palestinian militias iran will continue
@00:40:41 now they're bringing in iran iran for
@00:40:45 cyber attacking they brought in iran for
@00:40:53 iran first cyber security both
@00:40:59 ran a top ten cyber threat iran recently
@00:41:23 attacks could be traced back to iran of
@00:42:14 iran fits in with china and russia so we
@00:42:25 a now iran is saying that they're in the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 321

@00:19:09 they need iran on the central banking

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place -- Episode 320

@00:18:41 be syria could be iran it could be north
@00:24:28 iran iraq india the saudis
@00:26:26 iran but we know really why it was there
@00:38:14 iran right now saying that they were

Tensions Rise As The U.S. Imposes Laughable Sanctions On Russia -- Episode 319

@00:35:12 forces they're ready to strike iran
@00:35:17 iran and they understand they have to do
@00:35:21 they're talking peace with iran right
@00:35:41 again will israel just fly into iran and
@00:35:48 does occur and they will show that iran
@00:38:46 russia the iran deal the build up of

The Fed Will Continue With The Economic Recovery Illusion -- Episode 318

@00:38:30 against iran in 2014 they are preparing

The Next False Flag Seems To Be Right On Schedule -- Episode 317

@00:00:50 have the p5 plus 1 talks in iran but
@00:19:01 iran is violating human rights policies
@00:19:07 and right now iran and china are
@00:19:31 consisting of 30 pages iran exposes the
@00:33:25 iran if they go into ukraine it leads to
@00:33:29 china iran and syria it's all the same

The Perfect Economic Storm Is Now Forming And It Will Collapse The Economy -- Episode 316

@00:20:39 along iran and the russian states so
@00:39:19 replace the government of iran and if

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 315

@00:12:01 over now iran is out there saying and
@00:12:05 this comes out of the iran atomic
@00:12:18 like something is happening in iran
@00:12:30 natural resources of iran on the us
@00:12:36 get into iran and we can see the build
@00:12:49 and as we know iran and syria have a

The Next False Flag Will Blackout Most Of The Country -- Episode 314

@00:23:54 iran could go forward even though with
@00:24:02 arms sales to iran again russia could
@00:24:44 with china with iran with syria and it
@00:24:58 government of iran the china is a direct
@00:25:06 ukraine and russia backs syria and iran
@00:29:27 iran and russia they are finalizing
@00:32:19 attacks coming from iran from russia and

China And Russia Warn U.S. That Sanctions Would Trigger Unforeseeable Consequences -- Episode 313

@00:21:13 resembling those applied to iran should
@00:24:10 plus 1 deal with iran and obama today
@00:24:21 he extended the sanctions on iran for
@00:24:54 get into iran or do something else but

Is The Devaluation Of The Dollar Unavoidable? -- Episode 312

@00:13:49 we also understand that syria and iran
@00:13:59 iran they decided to create this
@00:14:08 nuclear power units in iran and we have
@00:14:11 to remember iran has never produced a
@00:25:29 plan is called geneva iran the united
@00:26:05 the support of iran and china so why
@00:27:43 that if crimea becomes russia iran will
@00:36:35 trying to put iran sanctions on this

U.S. Electrical Grid Attacks Could Wipe Out Power Across The Country -- Episode 311

@00:26:20 surprise because iran has been doing it

Libya & Ukraine Crisis Might Ignite The Dollar Reset -- Episode 310

@00:27:19 small country like syria or iran where
@00:40:52 syria or iran or china but right now it
@00:41:07 syria if they blame it on iran syria
@00:41:09 backs iran and they have russia and
@00:42:32 they're bringing in iran into the fold
@00:42:36 hook iran it to terrorists and bring

FED Repeats, It Would Take A Major Economic Disruption To Curb The Taper -- Episode 307

@00:14:36 either russia north korea iran syria
@00:30:46 korea iran they all have the same

Russia Warns U.S., Capable Of Zero Economic Dependency On The U.S.- Episode 306

@00:29:46 china russia north korea iran syria but
@00:43:01 iran over for over 30 years and guess
@00:43:06 effect on iran they created trade with

Iran And Russia Might Combine Forces To Launch Cyber Attacks On The U.S. Economy -- Episode 305

@00:00:36 title this episode is intel report iran
@00:04:24 up to why iran and russia or might be
@00:27:39 iran and russia are looking to improve
@00:39:58 and former intel committees head iran
@00:40:07 ran with some type of an attack iran has
@00:40:25 on intelligence iran has boosted its
@00:40:53 do we see now we have iran and russia
@00:41:24 to iran cyber program will grow
@00:41:26 exponentially as iran continues to
@00:41:44 with iran and russia combining their
@00:42:14 mentioned that iran and russia are
@00:42:29 this iran russia a propaganda out there
@00:43:31 will blame this on iran russia syria

Russia And The U.S. Face Off Over The Ukraine -- Episode 304

@00:13:16 iran syria brazil and all the other
@00:13:38 in the ukraine now with iran what
@00:13:52 iran has never had a nuclear weapon
@00:14:04 iran was evil because they didn't have a
@00:14:31 that nuclear science and iran follows a
@00:14:53 the banks of iran the imf was going in
@00:15:08 company can do business with iran at
@00:15:16 happen is iran will sell all its oil
@00:28:33 iran but again russia said since you're
@00:28:36 in this peace deal with iran why do you
@00:38:25 russia china syria iran north korea

China Says U.S. Economy Is Fake And Nothing Backs The Dollar -- Episode 301

@00:00:49 iran syria they're down in africa
@00:29:28 again they're trying to get into iran
@00:29:52 with iran yet because if they do we will
@00:30:14 saying we must pursue iran new talks
@00:30:21 pursue nuclear negotiations with iran
@00:30:32 likely if iran talks fail this is coming
@00:30:43 with new sanctions on iran they have a
@00:30:54 probably will not iran is has been
@00:31:10 to make iran say you know what this is
@00:32:57 korea and iran support global terrorism

Will The Boomerang Effect Stop The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 300

@00:33:23 syria iran they realize what's going on
@00:35:03 iran right now and this is what the
@00:35:11 analytical group is saying that iran has
@00:35:55 that iran is creating these nuclear
@00:36:08 have been saying that iran has three to
@00:36:30 attacking iran and right now the senate
@00:36:33 is reintroducing iran sanctions again
@00:36:55 and attack iran and right now a new
@00:36:59 measure to level harsh sanctions on iran
@00:37:53 and right now iran says organized
@00:44:05 syria or iran or china or russia

High Probability Of A Major Event With Syria -- Episode 299

@00:01:07 they would like to move into iran and do
@00:20:35 that iran is making the deal with china
@00:20:37 and now china iran once this deal goes
@00:20:42 trading partner with iran and again now
@00:20:49 relationship with iran and they are
@00:20:54 bilateral relations with iran so right
@00:20:57 now iran is making deals with china and
@00:21:09 russia we're seeing iran make deals with
@00:29:48 by russia they have a pact with iran and
@00:35:06 get into iran to keep the dollar propped

Russia Warns The US And NATO Of War -- Episode 298

@00:19:28 internet we want a separate system iran
@00:20:13 nations i mean iran is talking about
@00:20:40 trying to get iran to agree to the terms
@00:20:55 iran the imf is already looking into
@00:21:00 set interest rates in iran and
@00:21:12 using the us dollar but right now iran
@00:21:23 trade ties between iran and china
@00:21:29 energy projects in iran we will not
@00:21:34 with iran in difficult days and we would
@00:22:06 right now and right now iran has been
@00:22:41 republic of iran so we can see what is
@00:30:02 peace dale in iran we have forces in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 297

@00:05:48 to demonize iran they just they use it
@00:06:02 iran or syria or north korea is now
@00:12:42 it's the same in syria same in iran it's
@00:14:39 is coming okay now with iran we
@00:15:06 they want russia out of iran because
@00:15:09 iran is making deals with russia right
@00:15:43 that iran had agreed to discuss
@00:15:51 for iran nothing except iran's nuclear
@00:16:11 get into iran or they'll use a false
@00:16:16 understand iran and syria have a pact
@00:16:22 is a direct line into iran so we can see

Syrian Al Qaeda Operatives Training Americans To Carry Out The Next False Flag -- Episode 296

@00:22:41 point now iran is supplying weapons to
@00:22:49 remember that syria and iran do have a
@00:22:54 invaded or attacked iran would come to
@00:23:01 iran boosts military support in syria to
@00:23:05 bolster assad iran a stepped-up support
@00:23:18 see iran is definitely behind syria and
@00:23:22 they know that if they move into iran or
@00:34:22 into iran because there is a lot of oil

Fed Says It Would Take Something Big To Stop The Taper- Episode 294

@00:45:40 agencies this is why they have iran

China And Other Nations Are Now Dumping Treasuries -- Episode 293

@00:19:48 course if they get into syria and iran
@00:30:38 egypt are all met iran assyria of course
@00:30:47 get into syria and iran the dollar is
@00:35:48 to iran and this is why they have the
@00:35:50 peace talks with iran because they're
@00:35:53 they understand that iran has a lot of
@00:36:10 the us dollar to pay for the oil in iran
@00:36:39 see what is happening here because iran
@00:42:36 iran because they realize if they can't
@00:42:48 into syria iran and syria have a pact
@00:42:50 and they will have to move into iran so
@00:42:54 they need to continually demonize iran
@00:42:57 saying right now is iran hackers for
@00:43:25 will also be blaming this on iran if
@00:43:48 continually demonizing iran now of

A Military Strike In Syria Will Spark World War III -- Episode 292

@00:01:56 syria iran has a pact with syria that if
@00:26:15 we understand that in iran you know
@00:26:36 rates or iran is making deals with
@00:26:41 saying no one will do business with iran
@00:27:04 iran is out there and their leaders are
@00:27:48 have been saying that iran has been
@00:28:11 they've been saying that iran has the
@00:30:01 any military action against iran and
@00:30:12 against iran it will no doubt have no
@00:31:28 and again from all of this that iran is
@00:31:37 iran fails and again we have to remember
@00:38:33 china are backing syria iran has a pact

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 291

@00:06:28 trying to get into syria and into iran
@00:08:02 they provoke iran they provoke syria
@00:10:01 iran it was making deals with china it
@00:13:46 looking at syria we're looking at iran
@00:14:59 the same agenda in iran it's just being
@00:15:10 the imf infiltrating the banks of iran
@00:15:18 iran on their economic status and trying
@00:16:13 put it in a puppet regime but in iran

Americans Have Lost Hope As The Economic Collapse Accelerates -- Episode 290

@00:29:38 iran and syria to prop up the us dollar
@00:33:02 syria or iran or whatever country i
@00:33:05 think it looks like really syria iran at
@00:33:09 russia and china back syria back iran
@00:33:12 iran and syria has a pact with each

We Will See More Layoffs As The Economy Begins To Collapse -- Episode 289

@00:33:15 more tax in iran here and again we know
@00:33:52 want to get into iran and syria the
@00:34:05 iran and they'll try to bring down the
@00:34:11 they can to get into iran anyway they

As The Dollar Collapses We See The Rise Of The Yuan -- Episode 288

@00:09:37 this north korea is saying this iran
@00:29:07 understand that iran and the united
@00:29:27 full text of the recently son iran
@00:31:27 text of the recently signed iran nuclear

US And China Are At War But The World Doesn't Know It Yet -- Episode 287

@00:21:23 which borders against iran and the
@00:25:38 in peace talks with iran with their
@00:26:05 iran has a nuclear weapon oh they're
@00:26:12 they really need to get into iran to put
@00:26:44 iran does create some type of nuclear
@00:27:09 have russia there because iran is making
@00:27:24 government in iran if they have a chance
@00:27:31 up against iran and syria because if
@00:27:49 remember that iran and syria have a pact
@00:31:34 and in iran because they need to prop up
@00:32:59 syria iran north korea russia china
@00:34:48 get into iran if they can't make if they

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 285

@00:11:18 the place now we talk a lot about iran
@00:12:03 about iran right now the iran's supreme
@00:12:21 their end goal is to get into iran they
@00:13:10 they do not seek a regime change in iran
@00:14:03 get into iran there the illusion is of
@00:14:29 russia is there making deals with iran
@00:14:39 business with iran yet they are not
@00:14:56 that tries to do business with iran

The Countdown To The False Flag Event Begins -- Episode 282

@00:21:19 a lot about iran and how the piece tales
@00:21:30 this report out there about iran where
@00:21:44 iran us wishes won't come true at the
@00:22:04 wanted iran to give up major parts of
@00:22:13 accord will last for six months as iran
@00:22:48 an option in which iran eliminated every
@00:22:59 to infiltrate the banks of iran and
@00:23:32 iran to to coordinate all their economic

China Is Now Challenging The Western Oil Conglomerates -- Episode 281

@00:10:52 all countries australia uk iran russia
@00:14:22 they are making a play for iran right
@00:14:35 real agenda is in iran so we can see
@00:27:56 iran has been talking to russia and a
@00:28:02 iran is prepared to strengthen
@00:28:08 certain countries to disrupt iran russia
@00:28:39 the imf are looking at the banks of iran
@00:29:28 be able to go into iran into syria and
@00:29:43 know that iran could face a new
@00:30:56 business with iran right now us
@00:31:01 deal with iran that curbs its nuclear
@00:31:19 business businessmen are rushing to iran
@00:31:31 business with iran at this time because
@00:31:59 iran and this is what this is all about
@00:35:56 syria iran has a pact with syria that
@00:36:11 because iran is going to join the fight

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of Collapsing -- Episode 280

@00:23:56 iran they are now talking peace with
@00:23:59 iran and russia said to them you know
@00:35:17 forces allies of iran have infiltrated
@00:35:30 iran we understand they will use a false
@00:36:41 iran because they don't know if they can
@00:36:44 infiltrate the banks of iran put their

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 279

@00:16:04 their peace talks with iran are going on
@00:16:10 infiltrate the banks of iran imf is
@00:16:36 has already been into iran saying
@00:16:50 long-standing nuclear crisis with iran
@00:17:30 we're trying to talk peace with iran but
@00:17:48 and again if iran doesn't go along with
@00:18:41 a strike into syria or into iran

Will The False Flag Event At The Superbowl Get The Green Light ?- Episode 278

@00:19:44 listen they're talking to iran about
@00:20:09 worried about putin visiting iran and we
@00:20:28 because of iran and their nuclear
@00:20:35 being prepared for for iran and right
@00:20:49 for iran it's for russia of course we
@00:22:15 issue threats against the u.s. from iran
@00:22:25 iran and they're continually going on
@00:22:29 iran unveiled this week new
@00:23:04 next move will be moving in to iran
@00:23:11 they're going to move into iran at least
@00:27:22 nowhere with syria and iran is taking a

US Intel Suggests An Attack On American Soil Is Now Intensifying -- Episode 277

@00:00:54 syria and they want to get into iran to
@00:16:52 north korea iran syria you name it

As The FED Tapers The US Reports Syria Might Have Biological Weapons -- Episode 276

@00:23:53 to iran it bordered the states of russia
@00:25:04 iran syria russia china all of these
@00:26:52 netanyahu out there saying that iran is
@00:27:00 working out with iran does absolutely
@00:27:24 using the propaganda to demonize iran
@00:27:27 right now and you have to remember iran
@00:33:57 understand that syria iran they still

Another Country Sells Off US Dollars To Diversify Reserves Into The Yuan -- Episode 275

@00:07:09 brazil argentina indonesia india iran
@00:16:53 into this region now iran and north

Alert: High Probability Of A False Flag Event -- Episode 274

@00:27:46 afghanistan because that borders iran
@00:36:26 striking or attacking iran if the deal
@00:36:34 hold of the central bank of iran and put
@00:36:41 there with force and attack iran so i
@00:37:00 of us military attack against iran all
@00:38:45 find very interesting iran right now is
@00:40:05 officials that iran has the ability to
@00:45:42 get into iran and syria to prop up the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 273

@00:15:45 syria and they want to get into iran and
@00:17:52 currency we also see in iran
@00:18:13 iran and bypassing the dollar because

Is There A Threat Of Terrorists Using A Dirty Bomb In The U.S? -- Episode 272

@00:13:28 anchors it is on the it is between iran
@00:14:45 neighboring china iran south asia and
@00:17:56 with iran and we understand that the imf
@00:19:19 doing the same thing with iran but
@00:19:23 iran and that is through their banks and
@00:19:39 iran it's amazing they're talking about
@00:19:42 they're talking about striking into iran
@00:19:52 cannot put the central bank in iran
@00:20:16 military is poised to attack iran at any
@00:20:32 worried about putin going in to iran
@00:20:46 year from iran and the united states
@00:21:41 make deals with iran to start moving oil
@00:21:57 bypass american sanctions against iran
@00:27:43 past we heard iran is ready to build a
@00:30:38 with iran goes south they need a way to

As The Economy Collapses, War With Syria Escalates -- Episode 271

@00:34:53 countries now with iran we understand
@00:35:10 iran to get their natural resources on
@00:35:23 now the imf is set to visit iran later
@00:36:25 bank within iran this is their plan they

Are Currencies Going To Be Reset In 2014? -- Episode 270

@00:19:21 along and this is also the plan for iran
@00:24:43 that iran sanctions relief could fund
@00:24:48 terrorism against the us iran has been
@00:25:08 state department has designated iran as
@00:25:40 people so i mean then we look at iran
@00:25:55 false they've said that iran is going to

China Makes Another Move Which Threatens The US Dollar -- Episode 269

@00:01:35 deals with china north korea russia iran
@00:10:39 been making deals with iran

Terrorist Warning In Sochi, The 'Black Widow' Suicide Bombers On The Loose -- Episode 268

@00:28:13 they were making deals with iran to
@00:34:49 says iran must back syrian interim
@00:34:57 samantha power said monday that iran
@00:35:08 peace talks this week so they want iran
@00:35:30 need to get into iran and syria and put
@00:35:44 admitted that many details of the iran
@00:35:53 wonder what iran has to do to complete
@00:36:01 saying for over 30 years that iran is
@00:36:36 obama has not ruled out that iran would

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 267

@00:12:52 it is almost like iran what iran did in
@00:13:27 china russia syria iran all these
@00:14:10 lawmaker who says the iran sanctions
@00:14:18 so than iran this goes on to say ag a
@00:14:26 sanctions against iran have affected the
@00:14:34 problems for iran but they also cause
@00:14:39 sanctioning iran now yesterday in my
@00:15:00 iran and in syria we understand that

The Government Will Now Stop Spying And We're Not Lying This Time -- Episode 266

@00:14:01 syria and iran and replace those

Experts Are Warning The Threat Of Al Qaeda Endangers The Homeland -- Episode 265

@00:31:36 to continue with their spine now iran is
@00:31:49 sanctions on iran and the us sanctions
@00:31:52 against iran over its nuclear program
@00:32:27 actually had no bearing on iran and
@00:32:59 central bankers need to get into iran
@00:35:51 from syria and they're coming from iran
@00:35:54 but right now they they downplayed iran

Why Is DHS Mapping Radiation In Baltimore ? -- Episode 264

@00:25:27 or to get into iran who knows what

Exposing The Economic And Housing Recovery -- Episode 263

@00:29:06 reports before i reported that iran and
@00:29:11 russia was going to buy oil from iran
@00:29:24 iran and russia are negotiating an oil
@00:34:29 is vowing to strike iran and an
@00:34:36 vowed to target iran and this is what we
@00:37:20 with the chinese we see north korea iran
@00:38:32 back just like iran did in 1979 it put
@00:38:39 in iran was sold not using the us dollar

Are The Chinese Waging War To Seize The Zhongye Island From The Philippines -- Episode 262

@00:04:00 korea iran syria and other nations who
@00:23:59 iran they are on the other side where
@00:31:18 pointing pretty much at iran and russia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 261

@00:10:15 they would spread them into iran syria

Unemployment Is Down And Terrorism Is On The Rise -- Episode 260

@00:25:21 a deal with iran and they are
@00:25:26 would let iran lift oil exports up
@00:25:31 sanctions russia and iran sources close
@00:30:48 iran and this is how they are playing

The Economy Is A Complete Illusion And It's Ready To Collapse -- Episode 259

@00:23:15 central bank we look at iran doesn't
@00:25:27 states and it borders right against iran
@00:30:52 sanctions against iran and we can see

Are Countries Preparing For Martial Law? -- Episode 258

@00:21:17 negotiations between iran and six world
@00:21:38 all of a sudden iran how to shut it down

More Drones Needed To Keep The US Dollar From Collapsing -- Episode 257

@00:26:35 here trying to push forward a new iran
@00:26:45 iran act up from initial 26 who back the
@00:27:08 diplomatic relationship with iran and if
@00:27:12 you implement sanctions with iran the
@00:27:17 military strike on iran and we can see
@00:27:25 forward to have sanctions placed on iran
@00:29:32 into iran and replace a their bank with
@00:30:38 or iran and this would push the agenda
@00:31:06 fighting in syria and iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 255

@00:09:06 deals with iran syria making deals with

The Government Is Coming For Your Guns, Taxes And Your Rights -- Episode 253

@00:19:38 we see it with iran we see with syria we
@00:26:31 blamed on the chinese oh iran has
@00:27:50 threats are coming from china iran syria
@00:31:50 with iran remember the revolutionary
@00:33:04 to infiltrate the central bank of iran
@00:33:37 pitting al-qaeda against iran so we can

Is A False Flag, War And The Economic Collapse Coming In 2014 -- Episode 252

@00:23:17 group from iran and we can see that they
@00:30:39 fargo again and us suspects iran was
@00:33:22 was that iran was making a deal with
@00:46:36 the president making a deal with iran
@00:46:47 peace with iran because that's why you
@00:48:17 against iran and we have to remember
@00:48:28 will be a military strike on iran before

Governments Are Pushing Their Agenda By Using Terrorism -- Episode 251

@00:10:11 going on in iran and all of this is all
@00:22:22 to combat syria and iran and saudi
@00:24:25 because of syria because of iran because

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 250

@00:04:18 made deals with russia with iran with
@00:10:45 between iran and russia states now we
@00:17:08 be blamed on north korea iran syria

America Is On The Path Of Becoming A Police State- Episode 247

@00:04:24 rebels and i believe iran is also
@00:25:45 with iran to trade oil with north korea
@00:26:49 russia is an iran and we can see this

U.S. Pivots To Asia And Africa For The Upcoming War -- Episode 246

@00:24:37 washington's reproach him with iran and
@00:37:06 china north korea iran syria any country
@00:40:38 iran syria whatever country it is at

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 245

@00:13:39 iran you no longer need the missile
@00:13:45 what happens with iran this mission this
@00:14:11 against iran by overriding the
@00:14:31 in iran they are trying to separate them
@00:15:09 civil disturbance going on in iran and i
@00:15:18 move in and strike iran in a way because
@00:18:08 bomb from iran because of the

The Insiders Are Now Preparing For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 244

@00:25:40 going to provoke syria iran every
@00:25:59 major problems in iran right now the
@00:27:00 bit of a struggle right now in iran and
@00:28:26 some type of strike in iran something is

The White House Security Barriers Are Being Upgraded For 365 Days A Year Protection -- Episode 243

@00:28:01 sanctions against iran president obama
@00:28:20 strike against iran and we have to
@00:28:33 has been trying to get into iran and
@00:28:45 sold on the us dollar which iran is not
@00:29:57 iran iran launches a large-scale
@00:30:03 iran kicked off a series of large-scale
@00:30:35 american allies that iran is resurgent
@00:33:08 attacker was blaming it on iran the
@00:33:33 you it was iran they are to blame for

False Flag Event Is A Go, Tapering To Begin In 2014 -- Episode 242

@00:17:54 did what iran did what north korea did
@00:23:09 road here with iran and this is not
@00:23:34 is absolutely an illusion they want iran
@00:23:59 do business with iran we told them they
@00:24:07 iran looked at it and said hey wait a
@00:25:17 with syria they do it with iran they do
@00:25:47 know erected for iran and you're in
@00:28:47 with iran because we really want to get
@00:29:15 pessimistic about the iran nuclear talks
@00:29:30 that iran will accept western demands
@00:29:43 he is optimistic on new iran sanctions
@00:30:35 have here iran just increased its
@00:33:06 policies on both iran and syria risks
@00:34:46 could be china could be iran could be

"Lone Wolves" Will Be Spreading Terror Throughout The U.S. Says A U.S. Congressman -- Episode 241

@00:01:45 into syria and iran any way they can it
@00:02:25 australia russia north korea iran syria
@00:26:22 and iran or it you know they're talking
@00:26:38 companies can do business with iran
@00:26:42 western central bank set up in iran and
@00:26:46 those sanctions have to be upheld iran
@00:27:23 between the west and iran that would
@00:28:09 company can deal with iran which
@00:28:12 provoked iran to back out of the deal
@00:28:27 pushing iran and hopefully they want
@00:29:03 iran air defense force has been failed a
@00:29:57 making deals with russia china iran
@00:37:03 it was iran oh yeah it was syria and we

NSA Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy -- Episode 240

@00:19:29 iran is going to go back to the nuclear
@00:19:45 business with iran at this point because
@00:19:50 the central bank of iran fully to put
@00:19:59 company can do business with iran
@00:20:10 their way in to iran the revolutionary
@00:20:47 look iran pulled out they do not want
@00:31:38 was from china it was from iran i mean
@00:31:54 agreement with africa with iran with
@00:35:24 is why they have this iran deal they are
@00:36:03 iran they're letting them go full force
@00:36:24 bankers are looking for peace and iran

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 239

@00:05:09 between russia and iran and in that
@00:07:38 deal with iran for iran to supply north
@00:08:08 china russia and iran and i don't i'm
@00:08:55 make any deals with iran or russia the
@00:09:00 iran we saw that whole
@00:09:12 was done with iran trading their oil
@00:11:59 european area from iran because of their
@00:12:07 russia and to iran and to china and
@00:12:44 in peace talks with iran and they had
@00:12:56 iran and russia was out there since
@00:13:25 the central bank in iran and they don't
@00:13:26 want iran selling the natural
@00:13:36 corporate media is spinnin it that iran
@00:13:43 thing because again iran was testing
@00:14:17 blame it on iran and this is where they

Iran Makes A Move To Replace The U.S. Military Presence In The Middle East -- Episode 238

@00:00:35 this episode is iran makes a move to
@00:00:46 with iran of course they have the
@00:01:18 business that does business with iran at
@00:01:23 do not want iran to sell their natural
@00:01:50 the natural resources inside iran to
@00:02:21 set up iran to say hey listen they are
@00:02:39 iran and they'll make the case that they
@00:03:14 is happening with iran and what they
@00:09:46 on iran syria russia china north korea
@00:24:15 i talked about iran and we talked about
@00:24:53 business right now with iran because if
@00:25:01 right now iran said okay we are holding
@00:25:22 no problem with iran testing a ballistic
@00:25:42 has a problem with is iran doing
@00:26:45 if he put sanctions on iran right now
@00:26:52 iran is backing out now the us could do
@00:26:59 peace we wanted peace and iran decided
@00:27:05 backing out and see iran doesn't want
@00:27:34 implement new iran sanctions they are it
@00:27:44 sanctions for a run iran could be
@00:28:19 iran woke up rohini understood now what
@00:28:34 at the same time iran is saying you know
@00:28:45 here in the middle east and iran has
@00:29:29 iran is making the move to remove the
@00:32:25 this entire nuclear deal with iran is

Economy Is Collapsing, War Is coming, Beware Of Wolves In Sheep's Clothing -- Episode 237

@00:01:06 they really wanted to get into iran so
@00:01:13 trying to take over the bank of iran
@00:01:16 iran has been giving them a little bit
@00:01:29 currency so iran will need to trade all
@00:01:36 we'll see how this plays out and if iran
@00:03:38 approach with iran is a little different
@00:05:08 the powers in iran who's been they've
@00:30:25 iran it all has to do with central
@00:30:57 iran sanctions that congress wanted to
@00:31:20 that is the only way to get iran to use
@00:32:28 business with iran just yet why because
@00:32:46 reach out to iran at this time this is
@00:32:54 firms that sanctions on iran remain in
@00:33:09 iran now they can't do this because they
@00:34:41 perfectly with iran with no glitches
@00:35:09 to go in and strike iran and put them
@00:35:20 you know or the iran doesn't go along
@00:35:51 be it all depends on iran right now and
@00:40:50 bankers to strike syria or iran if they

The US-Iran Deal Has Now Been Exposed -- Episode 236

@00:00:35 title this episode is the us iran deal
@00:00:55 have been saying that iran is three to
@00:01:38 propaganda that iran is going to use a
@00:01:55 iran and now they can have discussions
@00:17:08 against iran and their nuclear program
@00:17:12 with iran russia wants to know why they
@00:17:28 and it was also being used for iran and
@00:24:18 dual-track policy on iran and we can see
@00:24:49 forward now we understand the u.s. iran
@00:25:15 diplomacy with iran that led to last
@00:25:27 deal among world powers and iran
@00:25:59 they were you know saying that iran is
@00:27:00 negotiations with iran indicates the
@00:27:09 is about iran developing nuclear weapons
@00:27:42 suggests iran in exchange for relief
@00:27:51 bank iran central bank was determined to
@00:28:22 imposed on iran so i ran reverses course
@00:28:31 27th reuters reported that iran had
@00:28:43 iran in world bank lending since 2005
@00:28:47 hmm iran moves central bank toward
@00:29:06 bankers working with iran central bank
@00:29:24 moving into iran and making decisions on
@00:30:03 iran on october 29th through november
@00:30:19 rent with iran to reduce sanctions so
@00:30:34 let the central banks back into iran and
@00:30:52 the talk of war with iran and now since
@00:30:59 into iran and are taking bits and pieces
@00:31:02 of control of the central bank of iran
@00:31:33 and now the iran is losing control and
@00:32:15 central bankers moving into iran and we
@00:33:10 iran and this is what they're trying to
@00:33:26 strike on iran to force them on the us
@00:33:57 iran now has a ballistic missile and
@00:35:02 they did with iran and get a puppet

US Going After Other Countries To Report US Hidden Assets -- Episode 235

@00:18:14 and china is going to be involved iran

The Push For War With China Is Now Escalating -- Episode 234

@00:00:51 because of iran but now the united
@00:00:54 states is in peace talks with iran and
@00:03:41 with africa iran syria brazil india
@00:04:31 original plan was to get into iran and
@00:24:32 with iran going through the peace
@00:31:16 us dollar iran is selling their oil not
@00:33:16 disapprove of the nuclear deal with iran
@00:33:23 with iran last month the poll shows the
@00:34:17 that they want peace with iran and the
@00:34:22 trust iran because of all the propaganda
@00:34:24 that has been out there that iran is
@00:36:05 major powers and iran in november 24th
@00:44:06 are hearing right now that iran is using
@00:48:05 the reserve currency iran syria north

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 233

@00:19:27 iran hagel is out there and he's saying
@00:19:30 that attacking iran is still an option
@00:19:38 towards iran i could still attack them
@00:19:52 romania that is pointing at iran the
@00:19:59 new peace resolution with iran there's
@00:20:31 talked with iran is an illusion this
@00:21:08 to get us into syria to get us into iran

Unemployment Down, Stock Market Up, Gold Down, Taper Time ? -- Episode 232

@00:29:19 iran africa pouring billions of dollars
@00:30:14 deal with iran and it looks like we're
@00:30:21 said that the iran deal won't affect the
@00:30:36 happening with iran because they are not
@00:30:45 talk this deal this resolution with iran
@00:30:59 into syria and into iran and this is
@00:31:16 allow them to move into syria and iran i

White House Reports Stolen Radioactive Material Posed No US Threat -- Episode 231

@00:27:52 making a deal with iran why do you need
@00:37:08 know they're saying that iran has enough

Are Institutions Dumping Billions Of Dollars Of Stocks Before The Collapse? -- Episode 229

@00:06:03 of peace with iran you know of course if
@00:06:14 you cannot work out a deal with iran
@00:06:29 making peace with iran again this is an
@00:27:20 with iran for peace but right now the
@00:27:25 islamic republic of iran shipping lines
@00:27:43 talks between iran and the six major
@00:27:49 iran the european union has banned the
@00:28:11 top iran general said the following the
@00:28:53 strike syria and iran and move in there
@00:31:08 and to remove the government of iran so
@00:31:21 china are backing syria and iran and

Alert: UN Sealed Evidence Could Be Used To Strike Syria -- Episode 228

@00:02:03 this in iran nothing has changed the
@00:02:44 they are using a strategy of having iran
@00:02:53 their plan to get into iran and we can
@00:08:37 dirty nuclear bomb from iran the
@00:29:40 again this goes along with syria iran
@00:34:08 korea russia iran syria brazil india
@00:36:21 country of iran to go forward but we
@00:36:43 the end of the day hayden said iran is
@00:37:00 put the pause button on iran so they do
@00:37:12 to get into iran if they are a complete
@00:43:17 else is going on here right now iran

China And Japan Tensions Could Lead To A False Flag Event -- Episode 227

@00:18:51 strike iran or get into syria where
@00:21:02 right now china russia north korea iran
@00:21:11 united states has been working with iran
@00:21:29 and iran is doing what you're what you
@00:22:32 facilities iran will maintain its
@00:22:41 central bankers agreed on and what iran
@00:25:54 syria or iran will do something and
@00:31:42 against syria and iran and we'll see
@00:31:48 to stay with iran and syria because this
@00:32:06 were trying to work out peace with iran

Tensions Between China and Japan Are Building -- Episode 226

@00:01:08 same they want to get into iran and
@00:01:16 illusion that they want peace with iran
@00:01:47 back their rhetoric against iran what we
@00:13:31 not get into iran they did not get into
@00:14:14 during this peace talks with iran with
@00:14:30 work it out iran just announced the
@00:14:36 announced late tuesday that iran has
@00:15:17 in iran this is a six-month trial period
@00:15:22 for iran nothing has really been set in
@00:16:23 strike iran and then after this deal if
@00:17:03 that this is a very bad deal with iran
@00:17:13 the agreement with iran neglected to
@00:17:18 we all understand that iran is
@00:22:25 and on the other side is iran and they
@00:23:26 years of saying that iran can develop a
@00:23:56 left now syria and iran these are the

The Illusion Of An Economic Recovery And An Iranian Peace Deal (Part 2)

@00:02:31 peace talks with iran we understand that
@00:02:40 for iran before it even started so this
@00:02:45 anyone knowing what was going on iran
@00:03:02 in nuclear pact that will allow iran to
@00:03:23 relieved some money for iran which is
@00:03:35 intentions that they want peace and iran
@00:04:29 over the skies near iran and that no
@00:05:33 iran forcing the saudis to pursue a
@00:05:37 with iran we were lied to things were
@00:07:33 of iran and their nuclear weapons so
@00:07:36 russia wants to know if the iran the
@00:07:38 iran dale is put into practice the
@00:08:08 relations with iran nothing has changed
@00:08:20 pointing towards iran they were saying
@00:08:24 iran reaching and having a nuclear
@00:08:38 there is peace with iran and agreements
@00:09:56 and allies have agreed to provide iran
@00:10:21 and if iran does not fully meet its

The Illusion Of An Economic Recovery And An Iranian Peace Deal (Part 1)- Episode 224

@00:18:06 we see what's happening in iran we see

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 223

@00:14:07 korea iran syria they understand what

Major Event A Go, Full Steam Ahead With Recovery Campaign -- Episode 222

@00:04:45 north korea making deals with iran to
@00:12:21 country did to us could be iran syria
@00:31:49 strike iran alone and the plan is set
@00:32:09 israel if israel is in battle with iran
@00:32:43 strike iran if and when the decision
@00:32:47 with iran at this time if war with the
@00:33:15 iran without military force and this is
@00:33:46 time if there is peace with iran or if
@00:33:49 there isn't peace with iran because we
@00:34:08 iran and the president was already out
@00:34:38 strike iran which will then lead to the
@00:37:26 just like they're doing with iran just
@00:41:10 now to add to this event of blaming iran
@00:41:17 they suspect iran behind the mortar
@00:41:25 believed to stem from iran the saudi
@00:41:33 and they believe that it is iran who is
@00:41:54 that iran is can create a dirty nuclear

The US Dollar Has Just Lost The Reserve Status -- Episode 221

@00:11:32 threats to iran syria and the list goes
@00:30:34 iran at the time that they actually
@00:35:37 to impose new sanctions on iran
@00:35:52 to move forward with a new iran
@00:36:39 impose sanctions against iran so we can
@00:37:01 that iran has the ability and the same
@00:37:26 round of negotiations between iran the
@00:37:43 by iran explained schwartz would have
@00:37:54 iran has repeatedly called for a world
@00:38:48 the us must act militarily to stop iran

FED Taper Signals A Major Event Going Hot -- Episode 220

@00:20:42 to get into syria and iran and this is
@00:21:56 location because it's right next to iran
@00:24:56 north korea or iran however the system
@00:26:00 not iran does not syria does not north

Do You Think It's Only The Job Numbers That Are Manipulated? -- Episode 219

@00:25:05 main focus is to get into iran and syria
@00:29:22 he's out there saying that iran has
@00:29:49 forward with the deal with iran they
@00:30:00 embassy bomb today and iran is out there
@00:30:24 in iran this is all to provoke them into
@00:30:43 because they want iran to pull out their
@00:30:48 troops from syria now we know iran has
@00:31:16 as the reserve currency and iran knows
@00:32:05 to strike iran in an effort to damage
@00:32:41 on iran because this will lead us to one
@00:32:53 strike iran so one or two things are
@00:33:06 iran if they go ahead with it obama will
@00:33:12 on iran him he was trying to you know
@00:33:15 make a deal with iran diplomatically but
@00:33:22 put more sanctions on there iran lashed
@00:33:39 not put sanctions on iran obama is out
@00:33:46 reasoning with iran and iran i'm in
@00:33:53 iran well the us now has to go to war
@00:34:45 putting out the propaganda that iran is
@00:36:36 they say oh it was iran it was al qaeda

Preparations For The Next False Flag Are In The Works -- Episode 218

@00:00:44 what's happening in syria iran we are
@00:01:00 trying to push piece on iran we have
@00:27:32 iran has built a secret nuclear site and
@00:27:43 iran and that this was among a number of
@00:28:04 from iran or from al-qaeda or from other
@00:28:41 understand they need to get into iran
@00:31:25 it's going to start out in you know iran
@00:32:22 possible attack against iran so israel
@00:32:42 are going to get ready to attack iran

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 217

@00:07:35 and iran this these peace talks this
@00:11:51 eventually come from iran ants and syria
@00:12:23 hackers from iran got in oh look we were
@00:12:27 trying to make peace with iran and they
@00:12:39 they believe that iran has the ability
@00:13:19 army iran of course it's really not them
@00:15:15 to iran saying that we any of their
@00:16:03 okay now we gotta go to attack iran and

GridEx II Results Are Trickling In, Prepare For A Blackout -- Episode 216

@00:10:38 blame is off the fed we will blame iran
@00:20:46 below on how iran will attain a nuclear
@00:20:55 deal with iran and this goes on to say
@00:21:36 the peace talks with iran and iran not
@00:21:52 frame of iran developing a nuclear
@00:22:01 believe that iran can have a nuclear
@00:22:28 still need to get into syria and iran to
@00:24:17 it's going to be a dirty nuke from iran

FBI Reporting That 'Lone Wolves' May Be Planning Attacks -- Episode 215

@00:27:12 want peace so bad with iran after 30
@00:27:38 on iran the president will only have one
@00:29:17 iran we might have to use some type of
@00:29:23 to senate acts with lee to pass new iran
@00:29:32 passage of a new round of iran sanctions
@00:29:56 of sanctions will convince iran to end
@00:30:03 understand that iran is joining the
@00:30:06 brick nation we understand that iran has
@00:30:27 he sort of dewey's the sanctions on iran
@00:31:04 a group came out and said that iran it

Is The Economy Really Collapsing? -- Episode 213

@00:21:59 was making a deal with iran to purchase
@00:23:42 iran moscow cairo and they are keeping
@00:30:41 iran we understand that they are going
@00:30:59 accusations that iran was to blame for
@00:31:24 secretary was it iran that gutted over
@00:31:59 to get into syria and iran to prop up
@00:32:34 peace talks with iran we just want peace
@00:32:44 understand if they have peace with iran
@00:32:50 rant to iran ever since they kick the
@00:33:16 iran and syria and they know this they
@00:33:32 make it seem like iran are the ones who
@00:34:56 trying to talk to iran about peace and
@00:35:07 need to go to war with iran at this time
@00:36:03 want a war with iran because they
@00:36:29 that iran has not lived up to their end
@00:36:46 emergency against iran so let's back up
@00:36:55 iran trying to diplomatically work out a
@00:37:06 emergency against iran for another year

al-Qaeda Threatening America On Veterans Day -- Episode 212

@00:19:52 into iran so even though we see this
@00:20:01 peace with iran this is a come this is a
@00:23:19 it right now and in iran we are seeing
@00:23:42 in iran so we're seeing high-level
@00:24:13 sanctions in iran making it seem like
@00:24:24 to think and we understand that iran has
@00:24:45 and iran have agreed to a unique method
@00:25:14 iran so what do we see now we see china
@00:25:19 iran who wants to be part of the bric
@00:25:26 in iran increases as obama eases
@00:25:37 refineries in iran how do you think this
@00:25:51 caused a string hold on iran because
@00:26:18 iran almost bankrupt are pretty much
@00:26:35 right now are helping iran to rebuild
@00:26:45 stake in iran
@00:30:23 iran right now but we know for a fact
@00:31:32 to get us into syria or iran we
@00:31:58 the united states if iran uses some type
@00:32:04 coming from iran or syria we understand

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 211

@00:11:09 peace with iran we have peace with syria
@00:14:55 they cannot get into syria or iran to
@00:17:08 scenario is iran they are trying to have
@00:17:14 now over the nuclear weapons iran is not

Don't Be Fooled By The Smokescreen, The Economy Is Collapsing -- Episode 210

@00:24:08 problem acquiring an atomic bomb iran
@00:24:21 turns out to be they've been saying iran
@00:25:03 arabia right now syria and iran do not
@00:25:43 with iran and this is a complete
@00:26:07 pressures on iran the obama
@00:26:11 on iran after the elections of iran's
@00:26:20 because iran is joining the bric nations
@00:26:47 was to squeeze iran's economy until iran
@00:27:33 does iran want well
@00:27:34 iran has told western powers that it
@00:27:54 that iran is losing nothing in the peace
@00:28:23 reporters that iran got the deal of the
@00:28:52 rush in and sign the deal with iran but
@00:29:09 that iran and the us are talking about
@00:29:18 israel comes out and says that iran just
@00:29:57 upset and we're relieving sanctions iran
@00:30:06 spin this well iran didn't have to
@00:30:31 breadcrumbs of iran using missiles to
@00:30:36 strike israel iran a month away from
@00:30:41 states not not having iran do anything
@00:30:53 at peace and all of a sudden iran came

NATO Is Pushing East And Russia Heeds The Warning -- Episode 209

@00:25:43 there saying that when iran gets its
@00:25:54 once iran achieves their nuclear weapon
@00:26:26 to get into syria and iran they are now
@00:26:52 the propaganda that iran is going to
@00:27:05 have been saying that iran will have a
@00:27:16 25 years ever since iran took back their
@00:27:31 country because in iran and syria they
@00:28:24 they want to get into syria and iran to
@00:28:55 they can't get into iran they can't get
@00:30:37 israel syria has a treaty with iran iran
@00:30:47 to iran russia is backing up syria and
@00:30:51 iran and here we go with world war three
@00:38:29 these just in case iran attacks which i
@00:38:39 syria and iran and they understand that
@00:41:15 involved you know iran would have gotten

I Command You, The Economy Is Recovering -- Episode 208

@00:14:14 their plan was to get into to iran and
@00:16:41 iran and they're also hedging their bed
@00:24:28 deal with iran to purchase
@00:26:00 north korea and from iran and from syria
@00:27:45 we just want peace with iran with their
@00:28:23 iran must go and this is all they see
@00:28:45 iran that they might say oh yeah the
@00:28:47 chemical weapons came from iran but now
@00:31:16 the stage for war with iran and syria
@00:36:09 us to get us in towards syria and iran

Are Mass Shootings Training Everyone For Martial Law? -- Episode 207

@00:24:55 goes with iran they are not selling
@00:26:42 get into iran because every an is the
@00:26:58 in iran just like in syria no difference
@00:27:08 elected government in iran and to
@00:28:08 guess they could pin it on iran but most

Do You Feel It? That's The Economy Imploding On Itself -- Episode 206

@00:26:13 iran syria all have the capability of
@00:27:01 they want to get into syria and iran to
@00:30:58 with iran selling its oil not using the
@00:31:12 to syria and iran you can count on it
@00:31:31 the disarmament program iran russia and
@00:31:56 war they will strike into syria and iran
@00:32:22 intelligence is imperfect and iran may
@00:32:31 should really go in and bomb iran at
@00:33:34 finger to iran or syria and all of a

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 205

@00:02:54 of iran or reporting that it is coming
@00:02:58 out from iran now iran wants to have
@00:03:53 iran is moving away and joining the

Disarming The American People One Event At A Time -- Episode 204

@00:22:35 direct access to iran so i ran see a bit
@00:22:45 have proof that iran is helping syria
@00:23:01 that is iran is helping syria this will
@00:23:06 allow them to move from syria into iran
@00:23:16 between iran and syria and israel and
@00:23:23 into syria and then move into iran and
@00:23:44 year alone and iran has lent syria more
@00:30:19 or iran either one it doesn't make a
@00:30:28 on they don't understand that iran is
@00:30:54 iran as a you know let us talk about
@00:31:10 looking to get into iran with a strike
@00:31:46 military force against iran the

The Economic Recovery Has Now Been Exposed As Nothing But Propaganda -- Episode 203

@00:14:53 get the war started out in iran in syria
@00:22:14 the middle east namely iran which is
@00:29:28 giving us the propaganda now that iran
@00:29:38 scenarios that i say either iran either
@00:29:45 iran but i don't think that's going to
@00:30:00 not work because iran has not started a
@00:30:16 the united states to go in to iran and
@00:30:55 going to war over and over there in iran
@00:31:57 hurting them badly and iran is looking
@00:32:18 time now we all understand it's not iran

The World Economy Is Collapsing Right In Front Of Our Eyes -- Episode 201

@00:34:58 projects with iran and that russia's
@00:35:06 gas project in iran and we understand
@00:38:13 cyber threat from iran official said
@00:38:16 iran has directed hamas and hezbollah to
@00:38:34 to attack iran because you know the
@00:38:40 saudi arabia all want to get into iran

Soon DHS Will Be Raiding Everyone's Home -- Episode 198

@00:13:27 china with iran china with north korea
@00:13:50 into iran that they like they wanted to
@00:25:00 if they will that they will attack iran
@00:25:07 they're saying is that iran is just a
@00:25:21 years that iran is around three to five
@00:25:35 sees that iran is not serious about
@00:25:43 nuclear iran is absolutely against
@00:25:59 u.s. to attack iran because their whole
@00:26:06 iran and we all know this now they are

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of The Collapse -- Episode 197

@00:27:07 this happen in iran back in the 70s
@00:28:19 iran like they're doing to all these

Is The Next False Flag Event A Nuclear Explosion? -- Episode 195

@00:26:14 and iran and now they're making the move
@00:39:17 the top of his lungs that iran could be
@00:39:35 the peace talks with iran and iran is
@00:39:50 understand that also that iran is not
@00:40:04 iran without the us
@00:40:08 israel that if they're fighting iran us
@00:41:56 syria or iran they can scream on the top
@00:41:59 of their lungs that iran is going to

The Power Grid, NASDAQ And All Have Glitches -- Episode 194

@00:21:17 russia is increasing its ties with iran
@00:21:25 arms transaction with iran which will

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 193

@00:09:20 iran have a treaty with each other will
@00:09:22 enable them to go into iran once iran or
@00:09:26 assad i mean assad asked for help iran
@00:09:34 green light to start fighting with iran

The Government Is Pushing Mobile Free Gun Zones -- Episode 192

@00:25:02 china iran syria north korea brazil it
@00:34:02 iran and syria and they couldn't do it
@00:34:10 iran the us relieving the sanctions on
@00:34:14 iran i discussed this in my other
@00:34:16 reports iran and syria are looking to

They Are Now In The Process Of Preparing The Next Event -- Episode 191

@00:02:56 foot closer to iran and this was their
@00:31:30 know iran is ready to nuke us and we
@00:36:16 to syria and to iran to keep the dollar

The World Is Preparing For The Dollar Collapse Are You? -- Episode 188

@00:16:23 into syria and iran these are the last
@00:16:33 get into syria and iran but don't worry
@00:30:08 strike on iran and what they're doing is
@00:30:23 time because we can't let iran have a
@00:30:36 about iran over and over and over that
@00:30:47 get into iran that's right iran is not

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 187

@00:05:05 would be able to blame syria iran for
@00:10:53 they can it's either with iran or back
@00:17:04 allow them to blame it on iran and then

Will The Government Sabotage The "Truckers Ride For The Constitution" -- Episode 185

@00:21:52 now that if iran sanctions are eased
@00:22:00 the sanctions iran will collapse it
@00:22:10 on iran without ensuring the guaranteed
@00:22:27 also an iran dissident saying that iran
@00:23:14 always iran they've been doing this for
@00:23:29 because they need to put iran on the us
@00:23:43 government back into iran and they need

Will The President Execute The 'National Catastrophe' Executive Order ? -- Episode 184

@00:21:21 syria or iran had troops in here and

Many False Flag Drills In A 6 Week Period, Coincidence? -- Episode 183

@00:24:09 then move into iran and that plan did
@00:25:19 are still going after iran and we have
@00:25:29 iran guess who is there to back them up
@00:25:37 will enable them to get into iran and
@00:25:46 to ordering air strikes on iran and you
@00:25:55 there saying that iran is heading toward
@00:26:15 israel fires a missile and iran fires
@00:26:45 iran from developing these type of
@00:26:56 they've been saying that iran was three
@00:27:21 there well we know the reason iran is
@00:27:41 the dollar propped up and syria and iran
@00:27:54 platforms to attack iran they include
@00:28:11 iran whenever they need to now russia
@00:30:53 that this group from iran could attack
@00:35:39 of weeks well the in iran

Plans Are Set And The Clock Is Ticking To The Next False Flag -- Episode 182

@00:24:08 other things now in iran they were four
@00:31:31 iran syria china russia whatever country
@00:31:39 likely it's going to be iran or syria at

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 181

@00:14:01 would be iran the main goal of israel he
@00:15:07 on the uae iraq syria libya and iran the

Is DC Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event Of Epic Proportion? -- Episode 180

@00:21:30 making threats against iran and they
@00:21:36 threat against iran despite terrains
@00:22:05 saying us won't be fooled into iran deal
@00:22:13 prospect of deal with iran secretary of
@00:25:08 we understand that iran and syria have a
@00:25:19 into iran and do the same exact thing
@00:25:22 because iran is the grand prize now we
@00:26:11 then move into iran and what's happening
@00:27:33 countries like china iran and other

The Government Shutdown Game, Whats The Real Agenda? -- Episode 179

@00:23:27 netanyahu okay is now saying iran
@00:23:44 today that iran is working on an
@00:24:27 making the deal with iran to purchase
@00:24:40 iran and place them on the us dollar as
@00:25:27 and to getting into iran which the us
@00:25:40 into iran right now israel is lining up
@00:25:49 anti-iran security pact with arab
@00:26:08 eventually try to get into iran and
@00:26:11 remove the government of iran and then

The Dark Of Night Gives Cover To Prepare For The Next False Flag -- Episode 178

@00:17:30 and iran and overthrow the government
@00:21:46 know making deals with iran and he head
@00:22:11 discussion with iran why and if you are
@00:22:31 threats of military action against iran
@00:22:55 consistency in dealing with iran to
@00:23:17 military strike against iran and they
@00:23:26 iran and the us lawmakers are still
@00:23:38 make deals with iran and you're trying
@00:23:47 you would not still make threats to iran
@00:23:54 the sanctions to iran and this is very
@00:23:58 confusing to iran one minute the
@00:27:47 about cyber attacks the iran cyber
@00:28:53 one is iran cyber warfare

al-Qeada Handing Terrorist Baton Over To al-Shabaab -- Episode 176

@00:03:01 into war with iran or syria because they
@00:24:38 brazil north korea russia australia iran
@00:30:07 peace talks with iran and everything's
@00:31:28 propaganda for iran and syria is going
@00:32:10 capture of an iran spy who was suspected
@00:32:53 has also come out saying that iran has

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 175

@00:12:50 and iran and that has not changed one
@00:15:12 to make peace with iran with their
@00:15:21 that iran is going to have a bomb you
@00:15:35 president made a phone kill to iran to
@00:15:56 makes no sense if iran who is being
@00:16:24 iran of hacking into the computers which
@00:17:00 came from last so if iran was supposedly
@00:17:59 is happening and that iran is hacking
@00:19:43 about his red lines and iran how they're

"We're Not Some Banana Republic, This Is Not A Deadbeat Nation" -- Episode 174

@00:25:33 propaganda with iran even though the
@00:25:37 know talking with iran i mean think
@00:25:43 telling us that iran is three to five
@00:25:58 saying that iran will have enough
@00:26:17 warning people that iran has nuclear
@00:26:48 with iran this is the low before the
@00:28:10 get into iran and also now take care of

Osama bin Laden Is Out And The White Widow Is In, The New Face Of Terror -- Episode 173

@00:30:44 iran north korea and they're making
@00:34:20 are trying to develop it iran is they

Alert -- One Step Closer To The Big Event, Be Prepared!! -- Episode 172

@00:22:58 and then get eventually into iran this
@00:25:21 to iran which is linked to you know the
@00:34:49 bank and then eventually move into iran
@00:34:59 is a plan to get into syria and iran

Warning -- High Probability Of Something Big Happening Very Soon -- Episode 170

@00:01:14 iran and i'm going to break this down
@00:18:44 syria or iran it doesn't make a
@00:18:47 iran is the grand prize this is where
@00:18:59 now coming out saying that iran is now
@00:19:33 the propaganda that iran is very close
@00:20:05 against iran
@00:20:07 and we understand that iran and syria
@00:20:09 have a treaty with each other that iran
@00:23:33 the war started in syria or iran and
@00:33:28 syria or iran listen everyone

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 169

@00:19:33 understand that they're saying that iran
@00:20:37 both iran and syria we have al qaeda

The FED Sees No Bubbles And Is Not Forecasting A Recession, Déjà vu -- Episode 168

@00:20:33 we know assyria we know it was iran they

FED Says No Taper -- We Need A War, Gun Confiscation And Control Of Internet First -- Episode 166

@00:21:19 started with syria or iran they don't
@00:21:26 started again iran is the grand prize so
@00:22:26 syria or iran or any country why does
@00:26:09 moving into syria and iran the dollar is
@00:31:04 it's even worse with iran very few
@00:31:14 iran when presented with a range of
@00:31:19 incentives to accepting that iran could
@00:33:43 iran and right now with assad there they
@00:35:30 pushing syria and iran and merging them
@00:36:09 army al khazim which is i in iran al

The Government Is Using A Serious Crisis To Pass The Gun Bills -- Episode 165

@00:31:24 new red line that iran cannot cross over
@00:31:30 argument over to iran again still
@00:31:39 is iran and netanyahu has his new red
@00:31:45 of uranium enrichment for iran number
@00:31:50 material from iran number three closure
@00:36:44 one for iran i believe is alka singh and

The False Flag To Remove The 2nd Amendment -- Episode 164

@00:21:25 about striking either iran or syria they
@00:21:50 iran it could be a nuclear bomb
@00:21:57 and they could say it was iran it could
@00:22:12 blame it on iran see they have nuclear
@00:22:32 shows that iran has nuclear weapons we
@00:23:58 this point and russia and iran are
@00:25:26 they need to get into syria and iran put
@00:26:17 over the place to buy pat iran forgot to
@00:31:00 missile attack from iran or other
@00:31:40 country could be china could be iran

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 163

@00:02:53 increase their oil imports from iran
@00:03:02 by the u.s. to try to hurt iran because
@00:03:22 from iran and it's bypassing the dollar
@00:03:35 bankers u.s. government wants iran and
@00:14:44 and iran for years and they will not

The Build Up To The Horrifying False Flag Event -- Episode 162

@00:12:10 iran general wesley clark came out with
@00:21:21 between russia us china syria iran and
@00:23:46 get into iran or syria right now dianne
@00:28:05 has to do with syria and iran and all

The FED Says Tapering Is Necessary And It's Going To Be Painful -- Episode 161

@00:26:29 then move directly into iran because
@00:27:37 can into syria or iran it doesn't matter
@00:27:43 really want to get into iran and they
@00:30:11 they move they might move it to iran
@00:30:35 see it from pataki calling on that iran
@00:31:55 lot of them are from iran and this is

War Or Not To W..., What Was The Question? -- Episode 160

@00:24:50 again that iran nuclear moves are now
@00:25:01 have been trying to get into iran for
@00:25:07 that iran is on the cusp of creating
@00:25:25 way iran has not attacked anyone in over
@00:26:00 goes on to say that iran says it is
@00:29:27 and iran and they've been trying to get
@00:31:44 have the ability to go into iran because
@00:31:47 iran and syria have a treaty with each
@00:31:49 other that iran would help out during
@00:39:12 intelligence said iran also has stepped

US Government Screw Up Or A Distraction -- Episode 159

@00:14:37 iran this right here is a plan just so
@00:25:05 reporting that iran is three to five
@00:25:24 it's from iran and this would enable
@00:25:28 them to start the war with iran and
@00:29:54 say it was syria say it was iran say it
@00:30:39 blamed on syria iran whatever country it

Russia To USA, 'Check' Your Move -- Episode 158

@00:15:58 they understand that iran has a treaty
@00:16:02 war into iran because this is their
@00:27:00 syria iran also has a treaty with syria
@00:35:45 the case that iran has many different

Current Economic Collapse -- "News Brief" -- Episode 157

@00:11:09 iran has always been the grand prize
@00:11:14 years plus to get into iran and right
@00:11:20 syria because they understand and iran
@00:11:24 and iran would come in and help syria
@00:15:42 iran and syria are going to hit back hit
@00:18:50 keep reporting on iran is making threats
@00:23:42 opportunity to go and iran now it could
@00:23:44 be a syrian iran joint force that did

"No" Vote From Congress, High Probability Of A False Flag- Episode 156

@00:00:59 attack on syria or iran and this will
@00:10:30 on syria or iran and this is how they're
@00:16:49 iran to put them back on the us dollar
@00:29:28 report out there saying that iran plots
@00:29:41 iran and again they were all using pay
@00:30:02 intercepted in order from iran to
@00:30:19 possible responses from syria iran and

Tension Builds Between The US, Russia And China -- Episode 155

@00:01:16 iran to control their natural resources
@00:01:53 the natural resources of syria and iran
@00:29:36 syria and now they're including iran
@00:29:45 iran is suspected of attacking the saudi
@00:29:51 30,000 computers iran has also thought

Government Officials Promise, No Boots On The Ground In Syria- Episode 154

@00:20:20 attacked syria and iran have a treaty
@00:20:23 iran will join in russia will then join
@00:29:02 trying to get into right iran and
@00:29:25 war started saying see iran does have a
@00:36:18 iran or russia and i can see this all

This War Will Not Be Like The Others, It Will Be Catastrophic -- Episode 153

@00:23:23 treaty with iran which is the grand
@00:24:06 precautions iran is uh now installing
@00:27:12 they get into iran then they want to
@00:30:16 iran is on high alert china i mean

It's Not "If" The US Attacks Syria, It's "When" -- Episode 152

@00:25:27 iran on the us dollar and they need to
@00:35:16 iran everyone understands what is going

Special Report: Attack On Syria Will Engulf The Entire Region -- "News Brief" -- Episode 151

@00:03:16 understand right now that iran is
@00:03:48 this for a very long time so iran is
@00:22:50 this in iran they implement they set off

High Probability Of A Major Attack On The Financial System -- Episode 150

@00:11:52 what we're seeing now in syria and iran
@00:12:39 u.s. does not take syria and iran and
@00:24:16 and iran the paid mercenaries are not us
@00:30:45 to syria or iran in retaliation for any
@00:31:15 or ally iran launched computer attacks

There Is No Turning Back, War Is On The Horizon -- Episode 149

@00:00:42 iran syria israel everyone is moving
@00:05:18 with syria and iran and bring in other
@00:16:53 cyber strikes from syria and iran former
@00:31:47 outside of syria and iran interestingly
@00:33:05 iran and syria for over 20 years they've
@00:37:39 iran to fire and attack a warship or
@00:38:01 on syria and iran to start the war so no

Alert: High Probability There Will Be A War Powers Act False Flag -- Episode 148

@00:15:46 now are backing iran and syria and they
@00:27:22 years to get into syria and iran they
@00:27:32 syria and iran trade oil in the us
@00:28:10 outside syria and iran the president
@00:29:38 and iran would have to get hit by some
@00:31:24 been trying to get into iran and syria

Warning: The War And Economic Collapse Cannot Be Stopped -- Episode 147

@00:00:41 way syria russia iran china are all
@00:18:41 and iran use the dollar as the reserve
@00:37:24 syria and iran is where everything is

What Does Taper,Glitches,Cyber Attacks,False Flags And War Spell,Economic Collapse -- Episode 146

@00:24:55 trying to get into syria and iran for
@00:25:00 that iran is going to have a nuclear

Special Report: The War, The Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 145

@00:14:06 have to remember russia backs iran and
@00:14:21 the prize for iran and we have to
@00:14:25 get into iran for over 20 to 25 years
@00:21:12 also see that iran has just come out and
@00:21:56 other countries into syria iran has an
@00:22:03 them iran and syria also have an
@00:22:13 and syria and iran need their help and

The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

@00:11:23 the grand prize iran to make them a
@00:12:18 russia north korea iran syria australia

Computer Malfunction Halts The Market, A Cyber Attack Would Decimate It -- Episode 143

@00:08:30 submarines iran is teaching their
@00:09:23 against iran and they were going to
@00:09:28 iran when the war broke out and this
@00:09:51 pointed toward iran and these weapons to
@00:09:56 be used for fighting iran when the us
@00:10:08 into iran because iran has a a like a an
@00:10:17 iran would be there to help them russia
@00:10:20 is also backing iran and syria same as
@00:13:40 which is iran where they can do the same
@00:19:29 now they're also showing that iran has
@00:19:47 russia and iran have the ability to
@00:24:58 iran or both makes no difference because

The Thunder Has Been Called Down And Now It's Here -- Episode 141

@00:40:09 going to say is that syria iran or china

Governments Are Strategically Positioning Themselves For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 140

@00:08:00 iran and syria has done where they do
@00:23:26 and these include russia iran bolivia
@00:32:28 nations like syria iran north korea

Interview With Ginny On EMP/Cyber Attacks Power Outages

@00:30:14 that is the target that it's iran that
@00:30:16 is to talk right the part iran this to
@00:30:25 east series number six in iran and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 139

@00:10:12 currency in syria and iran they will
@00:13:42 getting into syria and iran taking all

Warning: The Countdown To The Economic Collapse Has Begun -- Episode 138

@00:17:14 iran israel us government central
@00:17:17 bankers want to get into syria and iran
@00:25:57 syria iran they are starting the

Governments Keeping The Illusion While The World Collapses -- Episode 136

@00:27:16 north korea iran syria and many of these
@00:33:33 moving into iran and making a deal with
@00:33:36 a a nuclear cooperation with iran which
@00:33:48 israel to claim that iran is building a
@00:34:12 been saying that iran has been building
@00:35:59 and iran use the dollar as the reserve
@00:46:02 be iran syria some islamic muslim terror
@00:46:26 was down and look what syria and iran

Confusing FED, Preparing For War With Syria Without US Troops -- Episode 135

@00:12:44 that point move into iran which is the
@00:23:51 it is the hackers from syria and iran
@00:25:40 china iran russia syria are going to
@00:26:26 out that the country might be iran syria
@00:30:53 need to get into syria and iran to put

Unemployment Down, FED Ready To Taper, Economic Collapse Avoided? -- Episode 134

@00:19:03 see iran again they want to get the us
@00:19:06 into iran to implement the us dollar as
@00:19:15 going through syria because iran and
@00:19:21 goes to war iran will join in and
@00:23:47 north korea syria iran russia you know
@00:32:17 iran china whoever is going to be at
@00:36:58 china syria iran north korea are cyber
@00:46:55 syria and then into iran so we will be

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 133

@00:02:17 australia north korea iran syria brazil

High Alert As The Terrorist Threats Continue -- Episode 132

@00:21:31 convince iran to do the same that is the
@00:38:32 iran russia all the nations that are

Scare Tactics, Bribes And Assassinations All Failed Onto Plan "Y" -- Episode 131

@00:22:42 talked about iran syria and now egypt so
@00:23:01 same propaganda that iran has a new
@00:23:32 reporter that iran had been working on
@00:24:15 they cannot march in to syria or iran
@00:27:06 they tried a you know syria and iran are

Markets Down, Gold Smacked Down, Terrorists Threats, War On The Horizon -- Episode 130

@00:06:10 brazil and iran and syria all these
@00:21:42 eventually move into iran because iran
@00:26:48 israel moving into syria then into iran

Military Strikes Behind The Terrorism Threats -- Episode 129

@00:32:23 around you know syria iran and yemen

Terrorism, Distractions, Spying And The Removal Of The Peoples Rights -- Episode 128

@00:19:18 deals with iran syria north korea brazil
@00:22:29 into syria and iran they have already
@00:22:44 this in syria and iran the united states
@00:23:39 iran and what's funny is you know
@00:24:04 urging obama to toughen iran
@00:24:15 sanctions on iran saying washington must
@00:24:33 on its nuclear program despite iran
@00:24:40 israel that iran is pursuing a nuclear
@00:25:08 they have always said iran is three to
@00:25:27 iran despite laying out seven scenarios
@00:25:40 iran is much closer producing a nuclear
@00:25:54 forced iran to adjust a suspected
@00:26:00 iran is likely you know there they won't
@00:26:24 rumsfeld reports to congress that iran
@00:26:36 missiles especially from iran and north
@00:26:41 colin powell tells reporters iran had to
@00:26:50 2007 warns that a nuclear-armed iran
@00:27:30 bank in iran that's it that's it that's
@00:27:47 let's move on here iran to expand ties
@00:28:51 going into iran or syria is because
@00:42:00 iran and syria which is very interesting

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 127

@00:05:54 point where syria or china or iran
@00:06:39 iran the iran's foreign ministry
@00:06:49 increasing the sanctions against iran is
@00:07:07 meaningless and iran knows russia knows
@00:07:16 are going to be happy is if iran trades
@00:07:43 continuously says that there iran is
@00:08:06 iran is very close to making a nuclear
@00:08:30 iran and syria use the us dollar as a
@00:08:39 control over iran and syria and
@00:08:58 going to have peace with iran and syria

Inflation Check, GDP Check, Employment Check, We Are Ready For The Collapse -- Episode 124

@00:12:25 drills we see syria and iran working
@00:12:34 and iran we see israel having drills
@00:36:53 backing iran and syria went along with

Don't Worry The President Will Fix The Economy, Round 2 -- Episode 123

@00:23:07 iran which is also not trading in the
@00:23:37 iran also realizes that eventually that
@00:23:46 come to that region iran is again
@00:26:44 sanctions on iran and syria and to get
@00:26:53 different items and now syria and iran
@00:27:02 and the iran is going to give a credit
@00:27:29 there to provoke iran and syria into
@00:27:36 realize that iran i think the last time

Pedal To The Metal, WWIII Is Starting To Accelerate To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 122

@00:15:55 iran israel us type of war starting to
@00:23:14 now to take this one step further iran
@00:23:40 sanctions on iran ahead of the
@00:23:59 squeeze iran and trying to provoke them
@00:24:03 they're not going to do anything iran
@00:24:26 propaganda of iran having nuclear

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 121

@00:11:52 easing sanctions on iran what's
@00:12:15 government is letting the people in iran
@00:12:39 sanctions to iran to show good faith but
@00:12:50 into iran and to implement the us dollar
@00:13:04 syria to go right into iran because iran
@00:13:14 in china are backing syria and iran

Economic Collapse Is Like Preparing For A Natural Disaster -- Episode 120

@00:18:07 iran china is making deals with syria

You Will Be Watched, Recorded and Tracked During The Economic Collapse -- Episode 119

@00:17:44 stating that iran is five years out

Fake Economy, Military Drills And War Spells Economic Collapse -- Episode 118

@00:16:19 path into iran and stand the ability to
@00:16:23 start the war with iran to also set up
@00:16:32 iran in syria have a pact if they
@00:16:34 something happens they get into war iran

The Economic Collapse Is Like A Tornado It Destroys Anything In Its Path -- Episode 117

@00:17:26 going to move into iran and do the same
@00:18:33 all across the area where syria and iran
@00:19:11 then move in and go through iran and

What Do You Need To Make An Economy Collapse, DEBT!!!- Episode 116

@00:22:26 absolutely nowhere syria and rot iran
@00:24:40 with the u.s. going in to syria and iran
@00:24:49 china are backing iran and syria this
@00:28:34 east we have syria and iran with russia
@00:37:40 countries such as iran north korea and
@00:38:47 iran it's whoever they want this to be

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 115

@00:09:56 welcomes defense cooperation with iran
@00:10:08 republic of iran in different sectors
@00:10:27 china backing syria and iran we see
@00:10:52 china now india making a deal with iran
@00:10:54 and north korea making a deal with iran
@00:11:28 is trying to hold peace talks with iran
@00:11:39 government do not want peace with iran
@00:11:45 there they are looking to have iran and
@00:12:09 what we want you to do and iran and
@00:12:19 they'll do and allow peace is if iran
@00:12:42 iran and syria are not going to give in
@00:12:58 iran set to sign gas export deal with
@00:13:04 iran which has all these sanctions it's
@00:13:25 pipeline between iran and rat in iraq
@00:13:32 central bankers want iran and syria
@00:13:44 over iran and syria and reap the profits
@00:13:55 official stated that iran would receive
@00:14:18 why the central bankers need to get iran
@00:20:28 or they might say it's against iran at
@00:20:41 we're going to invades iran syria or
@00:20:44 iran and you know they might use this

In The Dark Of Night The Government Prepares For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 114

@00:11:43 around iran around china everything is

Remember It's Always The Opposite Before The Economic Collapse -- Episode 113

@00:16:00 iran barters 9 million of electricity
@00:16:13 put sanctions on iran and then making it
@00:17:02 additional sanctions were put on iran

High Probability Of The First Part Of The Collapse In The Fall -- Episode 112

@00:21:26 and iran it's starting to become
@00:23:00 is willing to accept and why iran is an
@00:23:53 have a direct path to iran but they've
@00:25:24 that we need to go into iran and syria
@00:37:21 say it's coming from china russia iran

Nobody Can Tell You What The Economic Collapse Is, You Have To See It Yourself -- Episode 111

@00:19:57 china russia and the us and iran or and
@00:30:05 hit iran and damaged the nuclear

The Economic Storm Is Surrounding The Government And There Is No Escape -- Episode 110

@00:02:03 india will be making payments for iran
@00:02:16 with iran in rupees from now on all the
@00:02:28 to get into syria and into iran if they
@00:02:46 and as we can see today iran is trading
@00:03:18 path of course to iran and there's only
@00:03:24 china are backing syria and iran now
@00:20:19 and iran and he knows eventually this
@00:20:37 and it says attack on iran is imminent i
@00:20:51 attack iran without the us so you know
@00:21:26 that iran is much closer producing
@00:21:33 in 1995 in 1998 tests show iran is bent
@00:22:07 especially from iran and north korea
@00:22:15 closed 2002 george w bush labels iran
@00:22:31 korea iraq iran not trading in the
@00:22:46 but north korea and iran stole our let's
@00:22:52 warns that a nuclear-armed iran could
@00:23:14 report states there is no sign that iran
@00:23:30 in there and said iran doesn't have a
@00:24:40 serious and they move on to iran but the
@00:27:24 russia with north korea with iran with

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 109

@00:04:33 iran and now they want to purchase oil
@00:14:50 syria to move on to iran they need to
@00:19:11 on iran with the stuxnet they were able
@00:20:30 we've seen this and iran to disable a
@00:23:48 on china russia syria iran whoever they

Government Not Ready For The Collapse, More Stimulus Needed -- Episode 108

@00:13:48 that to spread to iran and they know
@00:13:54 and iran and they still need to get
@00:18:51 iran that's what that's why we're trying
@00:18:53 to get to iran that's why we're trying
@00:23:43 israel to get to iran and send russia
@00:23:47 and china are backing syria and iran and
@00:33:00 breakdown of the entire system now iran
@00:33:46 creating an act of war on iran and of
@00:33:53 course the us officials say no iran is
@00:34:17 middle east and from iran they also
@00:35:07 that no iran is really attacking us and
@00:37:38 was iran and it will be very easy for

The Government Is Working In Stealth Mode To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 107

@00:11:59 targeting iran and israel of ballistic
@00:12:14 and the only odd man out here is iran
@00:12:19 the us government wants to get into iran
@00:12:39 at iran and these missiles can be fitted
@00:13:16 are backing syria and iran and the
@00:35:54 this on china russia syria iran wherever

We Are Headed For False Flag Events, Economic Collapse And WWIII (Part 2)- Episode 106

@00:26:03 add in syria and iran to this and here

We Are Headed For False Flag Events, Economic Collapse And WWIII (Part 1)- Episode 105

@00:20:47 right to iran and that will allow them

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Heat Up -- Episode 104

@00:17:59 get into syria will lead them into iran
@00:18:02 because iran has a pact with syria and
@00:18:06 it's it's a direct line to invade iran
@00:18:10 at this point because iran is going to
@00:18:17 syria and iran and basically putin knows

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 103

@00:13:24 iran
@00:13:33 iran russia replaced dollar with ruble
@00:13:40 exclusion zone will transact with iran
@00:14:24 once they get into iran trying to hold
@00:14:45 with iran to bypass the dollar and
@00:15:14 currency neither is iran and basically
@00:17:07 there and have a straight path to iran

The Economic Collapse Has Been Contained, The FED Will Start Tapering -- Episode 102

@00:27:48 syria with iran and china and then they
@00:28:08 china will back iran also this is to me
@00:29:53 and get us into war with syria iran

The Economic Collapse Independence Day -- Episode 101

@00:04:25 straight path to iran because iran
@00:04:32 prize is really iran they really want to
@00:04:39 because right now iran is trading their
@00:04:54 united states has put sanctions on iran
@00:12:34 that today turkey egypt iran iraq number
@00:26:16 into syria that gives us ties to iran
@00:26:35 problem is russia and china back iran

Alert: False Flag Alley -- Episode 99

@00:14:15 on iran because they have weapons of
@00:14:31 doing is since iran does not trade their
@00:14:43 bank they decided and right now iran is
@00:15:54 they do not want gold flowing into iran
@00:16:22 central bank in there and basically iran
@00:16:29 invaded iran will help and if iran gets
@00:16:35 into iran and this way they can take
@00:16:46 central bank in iran and we can see the
@00:17:59 iran the united states south korea north
@00:21:59 area iran or syria and basically they're
@00:26:44 we have been using cyber attacks on iran
@00:26:57 iran has come out and asked the atomic

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 97

@00:11:36 does iran russia china and that's why i
@00:13:22 and now iran and russia are holding

We Have Turned The Corner And Are Headed Toward The Economic Collapse -- Episode 96

@00:17:20 purchasing oil from iran which passes

Something Evil Is Coming This Summer -- Episode 95

@00:19:10 with syria iran which russia then will

Gold Slam Down Could Lead To An Horrific Event Days From Now -- Episode 94

@00:16:22 all know what's happening iran syria

It's Go Time For The Economic Collapse, Be Prepared! -- Episode 93

@00:21:59 iran and do the same thing there and
@00:22:17 north korea was making a deal with iran
@00:22:40 is to get syria and into iran that's
@00:23:23 iran syria north korea and they're all

Everyone Needs To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 92

@00:21:54 interest and it is a direct path to iran
@00:21:57 because iran has a a an agreement with
@00:22:07 goes to war iran would back them up and
@00:22:11 we are our main goal is to get into iran
@00:22:45 using the us dollar iran syria that's
@00:23:06 the midst of making a deal with iran of
@00:23:36 if they can get into syria and iran they
@00:23:40 because once they switch iran they put a
@00:23:45 choice but to buy the oil from iran in
@00:30:44 countries like iran making it so they're

The Majority Of People Have No Idea That The Economic Collapse Is At Their Front Door - Episode 90

@00:18:51 syria then invade iran and putin knows
@00:19:19 can set up a central bank and since iran
@00:19:22 and syria have a pact iran backs up
@00:19:25 syria and they're hoping that iran comes
@00:19:38 same thing in iran but the problem has
@00:32:16 that china has done this or iran has

The Economic Collapse Is Coming And The FED Is Screwed -- Episode 89

@00:09:44 when the iran part of the war starts
@00:09:59 a nuclear iran and this is what we've
@00:10:14 when they get into the war with iran and

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 88

@00:07:17 deal with iran to bypass the us dollar
@00:11:04 number five iran has a mutual defense
@00:11:17 banks tried to get into iran to switch
@00:11:42 they're not and basically to get to iran
@00:11:50 they knew if they get through syria iran
@00:11:53 and syria have a pact and iran would be
@00:11:59 syria then get to iran that that's what
@00:12:12 move to iran reports have indicated that
@00:18:01 elections in iran which is what a

The Economic Collapse Is A Ticking Time Bomb -- Episode 87

@00:26:27 on to the big kahuna which is iran now
@00:35:43 today cyber attacks hit iran gmail users

We Moved Out Of The Eye Of The Storm And Are Headed Toward The Economic Collapse -- Episode 86

@00:19:23 and the turkish people in syria and iran
@00:30:08 was china it was iran it was syria do

The Economic Collapse Is Held Together With Tape -- Episode 85

@00:22:07 what iran just did over here which is

All Reports Are Pointing To A Major Event In July -- Episode 84

@00:24:14 blame china or iran or sir whoever they
@00:29:22 muslim from you know iran or syria did

Right Before The Economic Collapse, Government Officials Indicate Everything Is Ok -- Episode 83

@00:12:45 near iran so it's right in that area and
@00:14:50 israel is saying that iran is cyber
@00:15:02 very hard to believe that iran is
@00:15:04 actually attacking israel iran has never
@00:15:49 war with iran because you have to
@00:15:59 if they are in a war with iran so you
@00:32:46 mean perfect iran blew out israel

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 82

@00:03:46 cyber attacks then backing iran and

All Eyes Are Moved Away From The Economic Collapse -- Episode 81

@00:23:51 discuss china and russia backing iran
@00:24:02 syria and iran and everything will be

If You Listen Closely They Are Telling Us The Economic Collapse Is Coming -- Episode 79

@00:13:28 started over in china and iran in syria

During The Economic Collapse Nothing Feels Real Anymore - Episode 77

@00:20:06 and iran and we do have a lot of
@00:28:39 on china or north korea or iran or syria

The Calm Before The Economic Collapse Part 1 -- Episode 76

@00:14:40 iran syria russia brazil india i mean

Bubbles, Bubbles The Economic Collapse Bubble -- Episode 75

@00:15:23 country and again syria and right iran
@00:15:31 and i know iran has been back 200 years
@00:22:19 in iran and they continually do this

The Economic Collapse Roller Coaster Ride -- Episode 74

@00:10:57 to say either russia syria iran or china
@00:22:57 attacks is so they can cyber attack iran
@00:25:23 war up with china iran see remember they
@00:25:30 skirmish with syria or iran they need
@00:28:19 syria and iran would be really ramping

The Economic Collapse Domino Effect -- Episode 73

@00:14:17 infrastructures reported from iran there
@00:14:38 you know from iran they're attacking the

Don't Worry The Financial Collapse Has Been Contained, Trust Me -- Episode 71

@00:24:39 things like north korea china iran syria

The Financial Collapse Is Going To Hit Like A Tidal Wave -- Episode 70

@00:26:30 korea iran syria doesn't really matter

The Economic Collapse Happens When You Least Expect It -- Episode 69

@00:14:23 and with syria with iran with israel

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 67

@00:12:29 entity like iran can devote to them

Raise The False Flag For The Next Event -- Episode 66

@00:06:01 preparing war with iran they're
@00:06:47 you know syria has chemical weapons iran
@00:07:43 in syria and in iran they want the
@00:27:15 from iran from you know russia it

Something Is Brewing In The Economic Collapse -- Episode 65

@00:04:14 with iran the united states will go in
@00:12:40 it to iran china or something like that

I Can't Believe There's Going To Be An Economic Collapse -- Episode 64

@00:15:33 countries like syria iran iraq libya
@00:23:28 iran china i mean they named every

No Matter Which Way We Turn The Economic Collapse Is Always In Front Of Us -- Episode 63

@00:09:43 north korea we have china we have iran
@00:12:18 reports about iran preparing something
@00:14:16 that iran has given the go-ahead to
@00:14:36 states has sanctions against iran iran
@00:15:20 iran hasn't hasn't started a war in 200
@00:16:22 the operational center in iran a sign
@00:16:56 iran yes because now you know it was
@00:17:04 now iran based hackers traced to the
@00:17:13 believed to be based on iran has started
@00:17:37 least one case where we think it's iran
@00:18:03 us officials are saying that iran is
@00:18:05 planning something iran is we think iran
@00:20:17 hear news it was iran it was iran people
@00:21:15 away it will bring us into war with iran
@00:21:39 because they have iran to blame they

The Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 61

@00:13:31 stop syria and iran and it's just not

Moving On To Plan "B" For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 60

@00:00:41 the war in syria iran they the boston
@00:01:08 syria or iran actually i've been asking
@00:14:43 they're linking this now to iran us
@00:15:01 iran so they are building this up
@00:15:16 out in iran syria and this whole area
@00:17:17 disbursement they can blame that on iran
@00:17:40 syria iran let's see if we can get them
@00:18:48 from the syria or iran or north korea

The Economic Collapse Warning Signs Are All Around Us -- Episode 59

@00:10:43 him out it's the same reason for iran
@00:10:47 why they want to go into iran also if
@00:11:34 australia china russia india brazil iran

Media Blackout During An Economic Collapse -- Episode 58

@00:12:49 the u.s. israel syria russia china iran
@00:19:14 they want to blame and iran north korea

Setting Up The Major Event For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 57

@00:09:51 41 nation war games in the gulf now iran
@00:10:02 to iran
@00:10:20 iran and they want to start world war
@00:12:46 iran united states because of this

Promoting The Latest Cyber Attack For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 56

@00:09:09 wars we see that iran syria and israel
@00:09:37 syria to get to iran and now with the
@00:09:44 israel's in a war with iran the american
@00:26:06 radical groups iran you know anything
@00:37:57 said that iran last year attacked five
@00:38:08 iran is capable of carrying out a larger
@00:40:35 blame it on iran or if we blame it on
@00:41:55 all different places it's iran it's

Everything Seems To Be Heating Up -- News Brief -- Episode 55

@00:08:01 now us official north korea iran
@00:08:08 us that both iran and north korea have
@00:09:07 troops into iran if it gets out of hand

Shhhh, The Economic Collapse Is Coming -- Episode 52

@00:25:17 opportunity namely syria and iran and

The Economic Collapse And The Constitution -- Episode 51

@00:14:13 for the central bankers to get into iran
@00:14:15 to take over iran but the majority of
@00:15:36 attacks on iran
@00:17:44 blaming it on china iran syria north

Confusion Before The Economic Collapse -- Episode 50

@00:22:19 they're blaming it on china iran the
@00:22:42 concern that iran is behind a string of
@00:23:02 iran to stop the hostilities with these

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 49

@00:01:34 iran attacks or something happens in
@00:07:59 iran but they're naming for each cyber
@00:08:03 china this one was iran this one was

The Biggest Event Of The Year, The Economic Collapse -- Episode 48

@00:07:11 will go to war with israel to fight iran

Could We Be Wrong About The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 47

@00:16:45 is attacked by iran the united states
@00:26:38 iraq we have iran which the sent the
@00:26:53 go to war if iran tax israel they're
@00:27:39 oil with iran and bypassing the dollar
@00:28:18 have chemical weapons i mean iran is

Full Speed Ahead To The Economic Collapse -- Episode 46

@00:12:39 syria iran united states thing happening

Now You See Your Rights, Now You Don't -- Episode 45

@00:07:28 bring us into iran and the senate just
@00:07:40 israel if they go into war with iran and
@00:07:48 is because we are going to war with iran
@00:09:26 iran bypassing the us dollar they were
@00:09:59 do it in iran syria with israel or if
@00:16:14 system that it's al qaeda with iran ties
@00:23:44 korea it was iran it is so easy to do

The Economic Collapse Show Must Go On -- Episode 44

@00:09:44 came out was that iran plans to export
@00:10:33 up with all these countries like iran

De Facto Martial Law, For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 42

@00:06:03 you know if they invade iran and it

Do You Smell It, The Stench Of The Economic Collapse -- Episode 41

@00:05:33 attack against iran so while the boston
@00:06:55 iran they're not waiting anymore all of

Initializing The Economic Collapse With False Flags -- Episode 39

@00:02:28 mean it might be iran but right now
@00:02:43 china to get to iran to get to syria and

Is It Really That Different -- News Brief -- Episode 37

@00:11:42 iran who knows but right now it's north

Gold, War, Cyber Attack, Black Out And The Economic Collapse -- Episode 32

@00:11:38 happens we won't be an iran is backing
@00:11:47 the really they want to get to iran i
@00:11:51 to iran and distort world war three all

War, False Flags And The Economic Collapse -- News Brief -- Episode 31

@00:00:39 is ramping up and iran has come out
@00:06:03 the help of iran and russia and china

The Economic Collapse Reality, Believe It Or Not? -- Episode 30

@00:11:21 bankers to get iran china russia
@00:15:58 it all on north korea iran china brings

The Economic Collapse Just Hit The Wall -- Episode 28

@00:03:19 china iran russia japan it's going to

We Are In The Eye Of The Economic Collapse Hurricane -- Episode 27

@00:05:10 heavier sanctions on iran now and you

Economic Collapse News From "The People" -- News Brief -- Episode 25

@00:08:23 north korea or iran are implicated in

The Economic Collapse Revolution!! -- Episode 24

@00:04:41 tried it with iran i think they tried it

The Economic Collapse Is Breaking Through The Cracks!! -- Episode 23

@00:09:49 middle east and iran because they were
@00:09:52 trying to get us into war with iran but
@00:09:58 and iran they have to bring them into

Will A System Failure Kick Off The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 22

@00:01:57 japan russia backing iran syria you

An Economic Storm Is Headed Our Way!! -- Episode 18

@00:08:03 obama saying that you know iran syria
@00:08:08 red line iran they're going to give them

As More Puzzle Pieces Are Added The Economic Collapse Picture Is Becoming Clearer -- Episode 17

@00:06:22 other i mean we have syria we have iran
@00:06:25 we have israel with iran and syria we
@00:06:28 have the us with iran and syria we have

Alert!! Cyber Attack Event Is Imminent - Episode 2

@00:03:37 reported that in the beginning that iran
@00:03:58 now why did they include iran and china
@00:04:10 ability to go to war with iran which
@00:04:39 invade iran you know and this this i