
The World [CB]s Just Realized They Have No Economic Cover, Panic Sets In - Episode 2299a

@00:03:45 on china
@00:13:07 we need to place tariffs on china we

[DS] Playbook Used Against Them, Think Warp Speed, Looking Glass Was The Signal - Episode 2293b

@00:03:14 he understands that it came from china
@00:12:08 this he knew it was coming from china

Operators Are Standing By, Some Will Exit Early, Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 2286b

@00:28:01 pompeo he has been going after china

The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:28:32 we know that china russia they have

Watch The Comms, Playbook Known, The Architect Was Just Exposed - Episode 2278b

@00:14:14 and they're also colluding with china
@00:24:22 china
@00:24:45 china they have satellites with direct
@00:37:39 russia and china have weaponized their

WTO Is The Next Globalists Organization To Fall, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 2277a

@00:03:59 into other countries like china and many
@00:11:24 china
@00:11:40 of the china tariffs so it looks like
@00:12:08 china practices the world trade
@00:12:11 china shows
@00:12:18 china phase one pact

How Do You Push The Economy Forward, You Let The People Keep Their Money - Episode 2275a

@00:10:03 placing the tariffs on china building
@00:10:13 them about tariffs about china
@00:11:01 certain countries like china or others

People Are Breaking Free Of The Narrative, For The First They Can See Clearly - Episode 2274b

@00:15:42 the surgical mask that's made in china
@00:20:28 leaders in india and china weeks after

Part 2 Of The Movie Coming This Fall, [Zero-Day] Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2273b

@00:04:19 iran china and others
@00:40:04 russia china and iran
@00:41:27 the problem china russia iran
@00:42:21 china russia and iran this is why we saw

Patriots Have Known All Along, The Exposure Will Destroy The [DS] -Episode 2271b

@00:22:06 china virus especially when compared to

Middle East Countries Prepare To Decouple From The Petrodollar - Episode 2270a

@00:05:22 against china
@00:05:24 trump also placed tariffs on china to
@00:05:42 away from china because
@00:05:59 move out of china

Get Ready The Economy Is About To Change So It Benefits The People - Episode 2269a

@00:09:19 the focus on china
@00:09:27 china
@00:11:15 china
@00:12:16 in china he was able to bring the troops

It’s All Happening, Follow The Logs, Go Back To The Beginning For The End - Episode 2266b

@00:18:34 had actually died from the china virus
@00:36:00 china now remember what does china do to
@00:36:12 china is behind the blackmailing
@00:36:44 so he can go after china can biden go
@00:36:49 china can biden do anything
@00:37:21 outsider to go after china to stop this

deleted Trump Exposes The Invisible Enemy Hidden In The Dark Shadows,[DS] Panic - Episode 2265b

@00:12:23 phony ballots going to come from china
@00:22:17 with a brief update on the china virus
@00:25:32 many of them are in line with china and
@00:25:47 intelligence evidence that china is
@00:26:29 definitely correlates to china
@00:26:44 i was being invited to the u.s china
@00:27:25 china made a list
@00:28:40 china now we know the deep state players

Ratcliffe Coordinating With Durham To Declassify More Docs, [Knowingly] - Episode 2263b

@00:05:30 china so i'm going to continue to keep
@00:05:49 china are significantly greater plus
@00:14:37 the china coronavirus are attributed to
@00:15:47 related to the china coronavirus

Grenell Reveals The Globalists Plan To The World - Episode 2261a

@00:10:14 shipped off to china
@00:12:18 china
@00:12:24 trump placed tariffs on china

The Economic Plan Was Just Presented, It Has Begun, Nothing Can Stop This Economy - Episode 2258a

@00:07:37 on china bring back 1 million
@00:07:41 manufacturing jobs from china tax
@00:07:46 from china so what we were talking about
@00:08:05 from china he wants to allow 100
@00:08:18 outsource to china hold china fully

Trump Ready To De-couple From The Globalist System, While Making America Great - Episode 2257a

@00:09:01 listen if china doesn't want to make a
@00:09:04 maybe we'll just decouple from china now
@00:09:09 to decouple from china
@00:09:11 because remember china was set up as the
@00:09:25 in china
@00:09:33 why would trump decouple us from china
@00:09:43 china
@00:09:43 the money goes to china china then
@00:10:06 do we need to import from china
@00:10:20 in line with china anymore he could
@00:10:24 from china and i believe this is the
@00:11:49 will be able to import from china don't

Silent Majority Wielded It’s Power, Purple Messages, [KC] Pleads Guilty - Episode 2254b

@00:17:37 the president of china
@00:17:41 deep state within china
@00:17:50 china right now
@00:18:31 china we see a purge going on here in

The US Economy Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [CB] Panic - Episode 2253a

@00:00:58 india china middle east hawaii and many
@00:01:57 china
@00:02:00 china was set up
@00:02:17 china
@00:02:25 china
@00:02:52 the united states it's not china yet
@00:04:52 away from china china's supply chains
@00:04:59 he weakens china he weakens the
@00:05:30 it was from china so he separated us
@00:05:35 china once again this is all being done

[CB] Fighting To Stay Alive, Trump Ready To Shift Oil Production - Episode 2252a

@00:02:30 china and other areas that hurts the

11.3 Verifies The First Marker, LP/KC “Viva Le Resistance” - Episode 2250b

@00:20:16 china same with
@00:25:52 camel laugh and china joe will lie lie

Economy Right On Schedule, Did You Catch What Trump Said - Episode 2249a

@00:03:57 jobs place tariffs on china

Right On Schedule,This Is Just The Beginning,Time To Kick The Economy Into Overdrive - Episode 2247a

@00:11:30 chains in china
@00:11:49 we removed that operation from china

Marker, Watch The Water, Elections Secured, [DS] Plan Failed - Episode 2245b

@00:08:42 north korea who's controlled by china
@00:09:02 and china because
@00:09:15 there saying that china would prefer
@00:09:21 care about what china wants what do the
@00:09:30 what the uk wants or china wants but we
@00:09:34 china reconcile that now we know the

It Has Begun, The People Will Now See A Different Economy, A Peoples Economy- Episode 2245a

@00:10:27 time goes on he placed tariffs on china
@00:10:31 he broken up the supply chains in china
@00:12:39 china and other countries slowly

The [CB]/[DS] Economic Plan Backfired, Watch What Trump Does Next - Episode 2244a

@00:03:21 oh you know what china has
@00:03:28 and that is the china manufacturing

It’s Show Time, The Swamp Is Being Exposed For All To See, My Fellow Americans.. - Episode 2243b

@00:16:07 they work with china they work with the
@00:16:57 china and everything else i believe this
@00:21:43 looks like a huge fire wuhan china

It’s Time, The [CB] Took From The People, Now Trump Is Taking From Them - Episode 2243a

@00:12:38 especially those manufactured in china

[CB] Moves To Destroy The Economy, Economic Playbook Known, Next Phase - Episode 2242a

@00:09:47 this is why he penalized china and put
@00:09:50 pressure on china

Action Taken, Taxes Are Now Targeted, Pushing The [CB] To Insolvency - Episode 2240a

@00:02:55 the supply chains in china they're being
@00:02:58 is moving out of china right now many
@00:03:01 have moved out of china what does that
@00:03:04 mean china is being weakened
@00:03:40 they are produced in china a lot of the
@00:03:46 produced in china

Here It Comes, Trump Just Kicked It Off, Tax Holiday? - Episode 2239a

@00:05:46 in china why why are they doing this
@00:05:53 that decided to move out of china europe
@00:05:56 that are in china they are moving out
@00:06:28 company that is looking at china right
@00:06:39 because china was slated to be the next
@00:06:43 now with companies moving out of china
@00:06:46 it continually weakens china it weakens

The Setup Is Complete, Is This About A Virus Or The Election, Delay Playbook Known - Episode 2237b

@00:16:16 is over there china now with this whole
@00:32:49 that would allow americans to sue china
@00:33:00 china is fantastic but people now are

Defense Production Act Activated, Infrastructure & Manufacturing Incoming - Episode 2236a

@00:09:10 when the china virus landed on our
@00:10:00 of china
@00:14:04 breaking up the supply chains in china
@00:14:15 out in china we don't need our

The Economy Is About To Change, Everything Was Just Set In Motion - Episode 2234a

@00:12:15 why was russia why was china why was

Payroll Tax Cuts On Deck, Market, Gold & Silver Positioned - Episode 2233a

@00:01:39 place tariffs on china
@00:02:59 he placed tariffs on china
@00:03:22 the supply chains in china which
@00:03:25 china this is why he's not looking for a
@00:03:29 he has the upper hand remember china was

Message Received, Flags Out, Treason, Sedition Arrests Coming Soon - Episode 2232b

@00:16:09 regarding china
@00:16:18 said that china will be printing
@00:17:32 and it had to do with china
@00:18:21 china how do we know that all these work

The Economic Hammer Was Just Dropped, Funding Shifts Away From Globalist System - Episode 2232a

@00:14:18 to where china china had the
@00:14:23 had all this based in china because we
@00:14:25 know what china was supposed to be
@00:14:30 china
@00:14:31 china would then take those funds to
@00:14:42 china is going to be weakened china will
@00:14:58 europe is going to be struggling china

NG Positioned In Cities, EAS Tested & Ready, It Has Begun - Episode 2230b

@00:12:20 they've been pointing at china now the
@00:12:28 with china so they're trying to make
@00:12:48 obama now think of china what have they
@00:12:52 is remember this is the china was the
@00:13:00 looking at china or
@00:13:02 talking about china but now we have
@00:13:07 that are looking at china now it seems
@00:33:44 china-russia iran fake takedown hacks of

The Foundation Is Strong, Patriots Prepared For This Economic Moment - Episode 2230a

@00:03:30 system was based out of china
@00:14:37 china where we pay

Judy Shelton Gets Green Light, Setup Almost Complete, Watch Gold - Episode 2229a

@00:02:28 he plays tariffs on china we negotiated
@00:08:20 of the usd coupling from china trump is
@00:09:08 china now what has he done to china he
@00:09:12 has weakened china now in the beginning
@00:09:16 tariffs to force companies out of china
@00:09:19 couple of companies moved out of china
@00:09:38 supply chains in china they started to
@00:09:43 china was hit and everything came to a
@00:09:51 decided to move out of china
@00:09:55 ok we are continually weakening china
@00:10:06 china right now why because as more and
@00:10:08 more manufacturers move out of china
@00:14:21 that can go up against china he's
@00:14:24 creating this ring around china to go up
@00:14:29 against them remember china was slated

It Has Begun, People Are Demanding Change, Do You See What’s Happening - Episode 2226b

@00:10:14 and he went off on china and
@00:11:07 to take money from china

V For The Economic Recovery, Must Be The Pent Up Demand - Episode 2226a

@00:09:17 china he was hitting the eu he's still

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:11:01 allies russia iran and china allies us
@00:11:05 politicians corruption china u.s.
@00:11:19 denominator china russia and iran closed
@00:15:42 china hiding their funds and everything
@00:15:52 laundering money through china and trump
@00:16:09 because china impose oppressive security

The Truth Is Coming Hard & Fast, Law & Order, There Is No Escape - Episode 2224b

@00:11:26 trump has been pointing to china after
@00:11:32 back to china now we know why the deep
@00:11:34 state is pointing us away from china to
@00:11:39 know what they've been doing with china
@00:11:42 long time that china was slated to be
@00:12:26 values and once again china has been
@00:12:37 been selling china military secrets so
@00:13:18 china now everyone understands what
@00:13:20 china is all about now very

MSM New Talking Point, Recovery Fizzling, Think Mirror - Episode 2222a

@00:12:06 countries out of china at the same time

Flynn’s Declass Planned Perfectly, [DS] Feeling Pain, Paid For Dossier Confirmed - Episode 2221b

@00:14:50 going to take his place and china they
@00:30:11 propaganda hid the truth to shield china

Door Opened, [DS] Tricked & Trapped, Operation Legend Active - Episode 2220b

@00:27:57 again in china and now scientists are

It Begins, China Supply Chains Ready To Be Broken Up, Transition Moves Forward - Episode 2220a

@00:00:42 china supply chains ready to be broken
@00:13:48 china now remember
@00:13:52 the supply chains in china all the
@00:14:08 over to china that was going to be the
@00:14:23 and china had all the manufacturing
@00:14:32 been attacking china
@00:14:34 attacking china with trade renegotiating
@00:14:43 in china are they saying oh
@00:15:13 china
@00:15:27 in china including companies
@00:16:19 in china why
@00:16:27 everything into china and now it is

Darkness Is Being Driven Out By Light, Connecting The Dots, [DS] Empire Will Fall - Episode 2219b

@00:19:18 china a lot of professors a lot of
@00:19:27 there are certain other aspects of china
@00:19:57 china related to counterintelligence
@00:20:15 inside by blackmail maybe china is one
@00:24:17 china with pigs now they're on to the
@00:24:26 outbreak in china but don't worry it's

We Were Told The Battles We Would Face, People Are Rising Up For Freedom - Episode 2218b

@00:17:33 trump tweeted this out kovat 19 china

Jackson Is The Key, Message Was Sent Again - Episode 2218a

@00:15:25 had to end up in china and other

Crimes Against Humanity, How Deep Is The Rabbit Hole, Patriots Turn - Episode 2217b

@00:14:26 tweeted this out new china virus cases
@00:14:40 refuse to say that china virus deaths
@00:21:53 in china they were instructed to remove

Trump Is Ready To Reset The Balance Of Economic Power, Wait For It - Episode 2217a

@00:08:37 based out of china is it 100% out of
@00:08:41 based out of china now the senate has
@00:08:53 supply chains in china wow these things
@00:09:12 executive orders on china bringing what
@00:09:36 dealing with china and what we need to
@00:09:48 experiencing today with china is the
@00:09:53 china was slated to be the next world
@00:10:08 pretty much in china the supply chains
@00:10:10 were out of china because everything was
@00:10:14 states to china and the balance of
@00:10:22 moved to china and other nations because
@00:10:41 china because he knew that's where
@00:10:55 look everything is based out of china
@00:11:17 move out of china they can move into
@00:11:55 going to china trump now with a snap of
@00:12:11 dealing with china and what we need to
@00:13:45 based out of china there's gonna be the
@00:14:19 moved back tore out of china right now
@00:15:03 needed a way to go up against china with
@00:15:37 power away from china away from the

Trumps Sends Last Warning To [DS]/MSM, Flynn Confirms, Silent No More - Episode 2216b

@00:31:22 this terrible plague from china and now

The [CB] Time Is Coming To An End, The Push Back Is Coming - Episode 2215a

@00:16:42 tariffs on china oh it's the pendant

The Economy Bounces Back, MSM/[CB] Economic Narrative Push Fails - Episode 2214a

@00:10:26 supply chains in one area like in china

The 16 Year Plan Has Failed, The [DS] Worst Nightmare Has Come True, We The People - Episode 2213b

@00:12:02 i become more and more angry at china
@00:26:42 for sale china russia iran syria islamic

It Has Begun, The USMCA Is Now Online, Watch What Happens Next, Nothing Can Stop This- Episode 2213a

@00:06:05 majority of them were in china trump has
@00:06:27 have a bid now to reduce china
@00:06:32 supply chains are in china actually i
@00:06:40 china and they're starting to realize
@00:12:07 different countries including china most
@00:12:10 of it to china and then some other

Enough Must See, You Are Being Presented With The Gift Of Vision, Time To Act, Soon- Episode 2212b

@00:13:04 going to be transferred over to china
@00:13:07 of china that is the hub the base of the
@00:13:21 selling the secrets to china it wasn't
@00:19:49 workers on pig farms in china and should

“We Have Entered An Important New Phase & Have Done So Sooner Than Expected”:Powell- Episode 2212a

@00:10:07 chains in china have been broken up
@00:10:09 actually the manufacturing in china
@00:11:55 states into china because china was

Stand At The Ready, Fireworks, Backchannels Are Important, Tick Tock- Episode 2211b

@00:09:06 the supply chain in china didn't he
@00:38:19 china a new strain of flu that has the
@00:38:24 identified in china by scientists in

They Didn’t Expect This, The [CB] Economy Is Being Dismantled - Episode 2211a

@00:03:49 we see happening out in china we see
@00:03:52 china they've been caught in this
@00:04:10 interesting out in china

[HT] Access Closed, [DS] Panic, The Final Stage Revealed From The Beginning - Episode 2110b

@00:07:27 five visits to china now that is very
@00:07:49 traveled to china at least five times
@00:17:18 haiti access closed north korea china
@00:35:53 china

[DS] Foot Soldiers Are Being Taken Out, Year Of The Boomerang - Episode 2209b

@00:07:11 purisima ukraine china how they been
@00:14:01 investigations tied to china he said
@00:14:14 than china he also claimed that the
@00:14:21 ties back to china every 10 hours he
@00:24:10 especially china are they going to print
@00:24:34 china successfully duplicates clones
@00:25:03 deep with brackets bold plus china
@00:25:12 and china will try to take back the

Message Received, Gold Is The Standard, New Standard Is Coming - Episode 2208a

@00:04:06 tariffs on china this is why he we

Hunting Party Formed & Ready,Narrative Shifts,Treason,Sedition, There Is No Escape - Episode 2207b

@00:06:09 been dealing with china they've been
@00:06:10 receiving payoffs from china they made a
@00:06:12 lot of money from china of course we had
@00:06:21 with china and it turns out that federal
@00:10:47 then he mentioned china with this entire
@00:10:51 pandemic and he called it the china flu
@00:11:26 something racist about china but china
@00:11:36 there was this new virus and china let
@00:11:49 about what trump is calling china or

The Economic Battle Is On, [CB] Members Are Wealthy Elite, Reconcile - Episode 2207a

@00:03:54 from china mask manufacturing from china
@00:04:01 china here back to the united states
@00:06:49 tariffs on china to renegotiate the u.s.

It Has Now Been Unleashed,Patriots Know The [DS] Playbook,Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2205b

@00:29:11 news eliminate re ukraine china family
@00:39:32 example what happens if china
@00:39:54 tell us that china and other foreign

Other Nations Are Now Pivoting Towards The US, The Plan Is Working - Episode 2205a

@00:04:03 to have all the supply chains in china
@00:05:00 with trump right now on china
@00:05:06 relationship with china
@00:05:18 happening with china with the supply
@00:05:37 relationship with china
@00:05:43 to china and they might be
@00:09:08 chains in china

Watch Gold, The Next Economy Is Taken Shape - Episode 2204a

@00:02:40 china
@00:06:19 just e couple from china this is what he
@00:06:35 decoupling from china thank you let's
@00:07:19 completely from china now how would they
@00:07:24 chains moving manufacturing out of china
@00:08:17 soon we won't need china the only reason
@00:08:20 we were connected to china because it's
@00:08:29 country to china and to many other
@00:08:48 to make a deal with china now he has
@00:11:40 china now saying listen you know

Patriots Setup Hidden Traps Everywhere, [DS] Continues To Fall Into Them - Episode 2203b

@00:21:06 individuals especially from china and

This Is Not About The [CB] Economy, It’s About The Transition - Episode 2202a

@00:07:54 pressure on china with tariffs he was
@00:12:21 breaking up the supply chains in china

[DS] Worst Nightmare, A United People, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 2201b

@00:08:29 happening with china because again the
@00:08:33 one direction while the deep state china
@00:08:45 china so these are america's leading
@00:12:26 china build their military up over time
@00:21:42 china saying that there's 27 new cases
@00:21:44 we're gonna have to lock down china this

It’s All Happening, Next Phase Of Economic Plan Set In Motion - Episode 2200a

@00:08:40 t coupling from china by bringing

Trump Ready To Remove Another Globalists System - Episode 2199a

@00:07:28 china brazil they begin they began

Do You See What Is Happening, Message Sent, Message Received - Episode 2195b

@00:19:29 with china how do you limit test

The MSM/D’s Economic Narrative Has Begun, Economic Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2194a

@00:14:27 pressure on the eu on china on any other

You Can See The Economic Transition Happening In Real-Time - Episode 2193a

@00:03:38 countries mainly china what trump is
@00:05:40 brought it back from china take he's
@00:05:44 taken the supply chains out of china
@00:10:09 over to china
@00:10:47 powerhouse it was china all the supply
@00:10:51 chains were in china what did the united
@00:11:09 china was built up because china was
@00:11:23 lot of the companies that were in china
@00:11:35 happens to china the rest of the world

Trump Is Ready To Add The Next Piece To The Economic Puzzle - Episode 2191a

@00:08:15 idea to move out of china to move into

Sometimes You Need To Show The People, [CB]s Do Not Work - Episode 2188a

@00:07:32 chain in china he's bringing back
@00:07:37 the supply chain in china all of this is
@00:07:45 kong because china wasn't allowing hong
@00:08:24 putting pressure on china and they can't
@00:08:35 trump is continually weakening china on
@00:08:39 purpose because remember china that was
@00:09:12 breaking up the supply chains in china
@00:09:27 waiting for china to give him a call and
@00:11:14 phase one trade deal of china was made
@00:12:45 people economy actually china is losing

[DS] Deploys All Assets, Trap Has Been Set, Flynn’s Calls Released, No Deals - Episode 2186b

@00:11:15 china or the radical left democratic
@00:15:13 with china and they're in line with many
@00:35:54 power they're cutting off china they got

Trump Accelerates US Economic Plan, Strings Have Been Cut - Episode 2186a

@00:04:37 even with china but during this pandemic
@00:04:47 bank of china and realized where this
@00:04:58 remember he kept on saying that china
@00:05:27 to have a deal with china maybe there
@00:05:32 there's no reason why because china now
@00:05:47 chains are being moved out of china
@00:06:13 everything in china in europe we're
@00:06:19 remember china was the manufacturing
@00:06:24 there now it isn't china has been
@00:06:35 because of what china is doing in hong
@00:07:10 cutting the strings to china he's
@00:07:14 weakening china even further what do you
@00:07:25 what is happening in china and hong kong
@00:07:39 out of china and each time this happens
@00:07:42 it weakens china now why does he one a
@00:07:47 week in china remember we all knew that
@00:07:50 china was going to be the new hub of the
@00:07:55 knew china was being set up to be either
@00:08:03 was being moved into china trump came
@00:08:12 system in china trump came along he cut
@00:08:16 the strings to china
@00:08:19 he's been weakening china since he came
@00:08:27 china is in trouble not the us
@00:09:07 to have companies move out of china and
@00:09:53 move out of china this was all set up on
@00:10:59 entire system and weakening china at the

Trump Signals Next Phase, Huber Enters The Ring, Game Over Jack - Episode 2185b

@00:16:41 first i want to talk about china they
@00:16:53 be independent and china they're
@00:17:25 suggestion that china could set up its
@00:17:33 like china they are pushing their agenda

New FBI Docs Show Obama Administration Spied On Trump And The Senate - Episode 2184b

@00:23:32 was first identified and where china
@00:24:52 from china and
@00:24:59 weapon in china used it with deep state

US Imports Record Amount Of Gold, Tables Turned On The [CB] - Episode 2184a

@00:15:30 moving out of china china's being

“The Transition To Greatness Has Started”, Behold The Magic Wand - Episode 2183a

@00:14:02 out of china and they want to come back

[DS] Panicking, Fear Creeping In, Narrative Lost, Shadow Presidency Exposed WW - Episode 2182b

@00:19:15 of impeachment coordinate with china to
@00:19:33 senate held january 15th china phase 1
@00:21:45 remainder of china was locked down for
@00:22:06 did the rest of china remain locked down
@00:24:48 in india and china weeks after trump's
@00:25:36 deal that he was making with china

Americans Want An Economic Nationalist Overhaul, The Economic Awakening - Episode 2182a

@00:06:02 everything was based out of china
@00:08:07 have our supply chains all in china they
@00:08:15 and moved out of china i mean really if
@00:08:24 acetaminophen they are created in china

[DS] Event Has Failed, People See The Truth, The People Are Ready - Episode 2181b

@00:29:34 outbreak china has no more credibility

Panic Sets In, The Economy Is Moving In The Wrong Direction - Episode 2181a

@00:04:51 renegotiate the trade deal with china
@00:08:57 united states he's weakened china
@00:09:05 of china and i'm talking about their
@00:09:14 weaken china their entire economy was
@00:09:29 right now they're gonna watch china
@00:09:31 they're gonna watch china as it's
@00:09:41 no i think china is going to make the

Treason Runs Deep With The [DS], Ratcliffe Next DNI, Buckle Up - Episode 2180b

@00:02:42 are using it like costa rica like china

When Do Birds Sing, [DS] Corruption Is Exposed, [DS] Using PAN[DEM]IC For Cover - Episode 2179b

@00:09:04 eric schmidt helped china build its
@00:09:06 surveillance system that allowed china
@00:19:29 of covet 19 which is china the origin
@00:19:36 how long was the remainder of china
@00:20:12 personnel in china who attended the
@00:20:56 verse china lockdown naan mahaan days

First Economic Wave Ready, Next Wave Coming - Episode 2179a

@00:09:26 away from china broke up the supply
@00:10:34 broken up the supply chain in china for

FISA Is The Start, Think Chess, When Do You Attack The King, Think Optics - Episode 2177b

@00:11:34 into china
@00:11:41 china
@00:11:56 you think it was just china or do you
@00:20:59 those were either sold or given to china
@00:21:13 to russia and china or sold them
@00:21:45 this would help china it would help

Countdown Is A Go, We Are At Week 3 Of 10, Boom Weeks, Incoming - Episode 2176b

@00:22:10 out of china too same thing with
@00:27:15 number two if china interferes with the
@00:28:00 number four if china caught tampering
@00:37:46 gonna have to retaliate against china
@00:38:26 china morning post reports that lu den
@00:38:33 department confirmed china had ordered

We’re Back, You Must Show Them, Only Then Will People Have The Will To Change - Episode 2175b

@00:12:47 china our watchdog agency will continue
@00:26:59 how do you delay usa china trade
@00:30:29 china travel narrative early on why did
@00:38:49 states took it away from china now let's
@00:39:30 lot of other things out of china and
@00:40:07 out of china
@00:44:15 china

“The Days Of Globalists Have Come To An End”, A New System Is Being Born - Episode 2175a

@00:09:28 chains in china there's a reason for
@00:09:30 that china was slated to be the next
@00:09:55 looking at the supply chains in china
@00:10:01 out of china now apple is moving to
@00:11:15 entire world that saw this china is
@00:11:22 he just did with china do you think
@00:11:29 don't need to speak to china right now
@00:11:40 out of china
@00:11:41 yes there was a time that china was in
@00:11:47 move out of china are they in control
@00:12:03 this all plays out now because china is
@00:12:22 already moved out of china back into
@00:12:26 manufacturers move out of china and move

The World Economy Is About To Be Reconfigured, WTO Director Resigns - Episode 2174a

@00:07:16 our products from china anymore what
@00:11:41 supply chains in china when he went

Optics Are Important, It’s Time, The Economy Is Coming Back Online - Episode 2173a

@00:12:48 apples already moving out of china and

Trump Just Projected The Next Phase, All Trade Deals Will Be On His Terms - Episode 2172a

@00:02:33 are in china if something happens to
@00:02:36 china we have problems
@00:02:43 well everything's happening in china
@00:03:35 production from china to india now
@00:03:54 out of china and they were going to need
@00:04:16 they're out of china and they're
@00:04:23 china now think about it trump he
@00:04:28 with china now china was holding back
@00:04:58 talking about china and others they know
@00:05:16 now in working with china in making any
@00:05:26 doing right now he's telling china you
@00:05:48 everyone is looking at china china is in
@00:06:07 china not a good thing this is why
@00:06:15 apple moving out of china now very

The People Are About To Find Out What Treason Looks Like, [Obamagate] - Episode 2171b

@00:14:20 china origin city of cova 19 wu han
@00:14:27 how long was the remainder of china

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:31:13 china
@00:31:23 china on lockdown
@00:31:26 not many china extend january 24 to
@00:31:41 china state council announced on january
@00:33:00 businesses says u.s china
@00:33:06 historic trade deal with china signed
@00:33:09 china loses billions in clawback

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:17:01 creation of the republican china task
@00:17:07 china and he's going to look into what
@00:17:12 investigation into china now let's get
@00:32:21 source of hcq china china using hcq to

Trump Knows, That’s Why We See The Push To Open The Economy - Episode 2168a

@00:09:36 companies out of china and breaks up the
@00:13:30 greater than china by far greater than

Targets Have Been Painted, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End - Episode 2167b

@00:08:43 that this all originated from china and
@00:08:55 china is out there and they're saying
@00:14:17 they're saying it originated in china at
@00:29:38 china trade & investment office listen
@00:30:25 with china and q has shown as pictures
@00:32:37 china and of course she's gonna say i
@00:33:15 china with one project worth worth less
@00:33:31 toward china expanded in january 1995

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:10:15 thing with china with cv 19 you think
@00:10:19 he's going to push a war with china

Economic Timing, Everything Is About To Change, Watch The Main Street Economy - Episode 2166a

@00:12:34 need to move supply chains out of china
@00:12:43 china which means he has control of the

Storm Is Coming, You’ll Love How This Movie Ends - Episode 2165b

@00:26:01 almost like in china where they get a
@00:28:02 banning china from the us also they only
@00:28:13 saved by by early ban of china into our
@00:30:49 going from there to china i'm also going
@00:31:16 investigation of cova 19 in china
@00:31:26 bold people's republic of china did the

Did You See What Trump Did, Supply Chain Shift - Episode 2165a

@00:03:43 wait a minute we produce a lot in china
@00:04:14 moving the supply chains china they
@00:04:27 out of china but we need to remember
@00:05:05 getting the mass from china we're
@00:05:54 don't have to look to china to do it
@00:07:29 go back to china and say okay let's work
@00:07:41 china and he can bring in other topics

Boom Week Ahead, It’s About To Break, Enjoy The Show, For Humanity - Episode 2164b

@00:11:59 exact day january 15th china signed the

Fed Independence Is Now Gone, How Do You Reset The [CB] System? - Episode 2164a

@00:12:35 for the second phase of the china trade

The 7th Floor Is No More, Trapped & Caught, The Truth Must Be Shown To The People - Episode 2163b

@00:07:46 china here we have human trafficking
@00:17:03 with china how do you limit test
@00:27:47 int think cia think double agents china
@00:27:59 from informants china crippled us spying
@00:28:11 in china so q is saying they still have
@00:28:35 many trips to china post
@00:47:18 he was dead china sent a medical team

It’s Going To Happen, Think Taxes, Next Economic Push Coming - Episode 2163a

@00:03:09 trade deal with china think about what

Times Up, Be Ready, All The Walls Are Falling Down On The [DS] - Episode 2161b

@00:12:09 network china was largely correct and
@00:12:11 the u.s. was wrong china was correct but
@00:24:07 does china communication secure with dnc

Control Of The [CB], Is Control Of The Economy - Episode 2161a

@00:12:43 everything out to china and other places

Timing Is Everything, Drip, Drip, Then The Flood, Prepare For Information Warfare - Episode 2160b

@00:06:33 owes money to the bank of china and joe
@00:06:44 china and he push this lie and we come
@00:07:01 to the bank of china does joe biden
@00:23:11 on with china first they tried to say oh
@00:23:16 from china
@00:23:16 yay did all the foreigners from china he

It Has Begun, Those [Knowingly] Who Tried To Remove POTUS, Treason - Episode 2159b

@00:06:31 jong-eun china sent a medical team off
@00:06:39 because remember china had control over
@00:07:20 china and it seems that the mainstream
@00:07:26 shut down the travelers from china he
@00:07:29 let people from china into the united
@00:07:36 china travel restriction tens of
@00:07:40 in from china it wasn't as it is
@00:08:38 they're in china doesn't matter if
@00:17:19 problem china russia iran fake takedown

Precursor, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Relevant Events Are About To Unfold - Episode 2158b

@00:34:12 china decided to dispatch a medical team
@00:34:21 dispatch a team now remember china the
@00:34:44 is why china is rushing out there to try
@00:37:46 north korea and over kim now china is

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:36:58 korea iran russia china all of these
@00:37:07 talking about iran russia and china and

[DS]/MSM They Know What’s Coming,The Entire Event Is Going To Be Turned Upside Down - Episode 2155b

@00:17:27 seems that china has been supplying
@00:21:17 to china trump came out and says another

It Was A Scam, "You Will Find Out What I Am Going To Do", Tables Are Turned - Episode 2153b

@00:20:21 pointing towards china not russia
@00:20:24 towards china and he's saying that
@00:20:27 china maybe knowingly and there's that
@00:26:29 china 3.7 million has been approved
@00:28:34 he cut off dependence on china removed
@00:29:45 china broad attention that this pandemic

Globalists Supply Chains In The Process Of Being Removed, The Change - Episode 2153a

@00:05:21 war today say with china
@00:08:44 deals he's placed tariffs on china
@00:08:53 china and with this event he was able to
@00:10:06 they set up shop say in china they know

We Are Ready, Countdown Ended, Indictments Coming - Episode 2152b

@00:02:37 china deze reason for de
@00:06:12 zoenen investigation on master china
@00:13:08 protest in china verdeling
@00:20:26 is why you zaal er zijn bed china'
@00:20:51 herinneren picasso online moet china'

The Economy Will Not Crash, The Foundation Has Been Built - Episode 2152a

@00:07:12 china and japan that also comes online
@00:09:44 out of china shaking up the supply

[DS] Has Been Blocked, [Renegade] Is On Deck, The First Will Send A Shock Wave - Episode 2151b

@00:24:39 entire coronavirus came out of china and
@00:24:46 being produced from china that they've
@00:25:08 about china china has just announced a

Think Leverage, The Economic Plan Was To Get Leverage Over The [CB] - Episode 2150a

@00:04:59 china signless in the supply chain this
@00:05:11 companies to move out of china maybe
@00:08:05 talking about the who china and the
@00:10:19 like china which means he will have

Facts Will Be Presented, We Are Ready, Think Barr, Durham FISA - Episode 2149b

@00:12:53 us-china trade negotiations shelter
@00:13:36 from the laboratory that was in china
@00:20:21 says who and china have enjoyed a long
@00:21:03 the who for a second by the time china
@00:21:26 which china has blocked from cooperating
@00:21:35 infect huge numbers of people china had
@00:22:08 contained in china why didn't they do

Prepare Yourself, The Patriots Are Going To Show Us A New Economic Reality - Episode 2149a

@00:03:30 go up against china he's going to show
@00:04:34 china most of them might even come back
@00:10:50 or in china or other places where he can
@00:11:12 companies to move out of china we need

“The Truth Is Learned, Never Told”, Countdown To Treason, Blackout Coming - Episode 2148b

@00:09:41 from china into the u.s. back in january
@00:10:01 china travel ban and governor's cuomo
@00:22:03 china should he make the arrest now no
@00:24:40 sanctions on china starts pointing
@00:24:43 everyone towards china and away from

At What Stage In The Game Do You Play The TRUMP Card? - Episode 2147b

@00:04:38 ties to china you think he's setting
@00:07:56 country let's say china is china now and
@00:12:23 banned china long before people spoke up
@00:12:31 banned people from china coming into the
@00:13:41 reported in china the wuhan institute of

The Patriots Are Removing The Economic Blocks The [CB] Setup - Episode 2147a

@00:04:55 was china
@00:04:56 we had the supply chains in china he's
@00:05:22 china japan is moving their
@00:05:24 manufacturers out of china other

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:10:17 china we know that china has this type

Patriots In Control, Think, Fed, Manufactures, DPA, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 2146a

@00:02:49 push companies out of china and bring
@00:04:50 companies to move out of china maybe
@00:05:03 corporations out of china either back
@00:05:30 companies out of china either back here
@00:06:08 move them out of china he has total
@00:10:02 what china just did they took like five

deleted Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain - Episode 2145b

@00:08:32 tracking coronavirus outbreaks in china
@00:10:20 january 15th trump and china signed the
@00:23:09 the public on china the economy border

Patriot Stand At The Ready, The Start - Episode 2144b

@00:15:47 about china about spying and everything
@00:15:53 china as the biggest threat to united
@00:16:00 technology china is a very serious
@00:16:13 know china is very dangerous think about
@00:16:28 from he says china it's a territory
@00:16:35 they have all eyes now looking at china
@00:19:40 china spends 42 million trump he's

Soon The World Will Understand, The Truth Will Shock The World - Episode 2143b

@00:09:18 lot of manufacturing coming out of china
@00:18:03 to the d people's republic of china
@00:32:32 do you terminate potus china trade
@00:32:47 do you terminate h biden ukraine china

deleted Public Will Learn, Rule Of Law Returns, Bigger Than You Can Imagine - Episode 2142b

@00:15:56 away from china and move it into india i
@00:18:21 corrupt they're in bed with china the
@00:18:52 very china centric we will be giving
@00:18:58 to china early on why do they give us

Trump Is Saving The Best For Last, The Economic Bazooka - Episode 2142a

@00:02:13 deal signed with china he made other

The Patriots Control The ESF, The [CB] Establishment Has Been Cutoff - Episode 2140a

@00:01:49 powerhouse when after china had them

deleted Coyotes On The Run, Operators On Site, Deep, Safe - Episode 2138b

@00:04:40 from china into the us because if we

deleted Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last - Episode 2137b

@00:04:32 china iran syria iraq you name it
@00:06:19 is china concealed the extent of the
@00:06:25 part of this china has concealed the
@00:06:57 china concealed extent of virus outbreak
@00:07:13 china everyone was out there saying that

Trump Moves Ahead With The Economic Plan, Next Phase Coming - Episode 2136a

@00:01:59 when you hear them talk about oh china
@00:02:15 coronavirus crisis could establish china
@00:02:28 it into china have trying to become the
@00:02:35 china all the supply chains and

Message Sent [P], Panic Everywhere, Puzzle Almost Complete - Episode 2133b

@00:14:09 mentioned this before that the us china
@00:14:32 conversation with president xi of china
@00:14:39 our planet china has been through much
@00:14:48 the us and china must unite to fight the

Patriots New The Playbook, Economic Stage Is Now Set - Episode 2131a

@00:03:31 placing tariffs on china they're still

Keys Open The Door, Blind Justice Under The Law Will Return, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 2130b

@00:08:10 southern china is a time bomb now
@00:08:26 with this it says the china virus worth
@00:08:38 towards china then q says wu han
@00:09:07 in the same location now think of china
@00:09:40 separate china related cases and on
@00:10:16 in china may suggest a high ccp virus
@00:10:20 death toll china requires all citizens
@00:11:17 with the post delay us-china trade
@00:11:20 negotiations china prefers biden
@00:12:27 the china virus pandemic but speaker
@00:16:45 of technology w ut in china and if you
@00:16:59 university of technology in china and

Do Not Fear, Look For Message, Dark To Light, Operators Ready - Episode 2128b

@00:17:19 taiwan and his taipei and environs china
@00:19:34 kim to china represents something vital

Pill Hard To Swallow, Unsealed Much Will Be Revealed, Watch The News For [RC] - Episode 2127b

@00:06:17 very interestingly china they have
@00:06:36 province in china now we know there's a
@00:14:10 that it's the china virus this is all
@00:19:14 we know that china and russia the u.s.
@00:20:06 china seek you cancel now medical and
@00:20:22 have a video in china in chongqing china
@00:21:15 exercise and then the next line china
@00:23:26 we have something happening in china and

Trump Just Revealed The New Economy Is Going To Be Incredible - Episode 2127a

@00:04:35 trade deal with china working out other

It Has Begun, Message Sent, We Are Now Ready To Spring Forward - Episode 2126b

@00:09:47 this is to get everyone looking at china
@00:09:57 everyone to stop using the word china
@00:10:00 virus to stop saying china this trying
@00:10:04 away from china trump continually brings
@00:10:07 them back to china because he wants
@00:10:10 everyone looking at china not russia
@00:10:14 corruption was china is where the
@00:10:34 everything in china why in the world do
@00:10:44 pharmaceutical supply chain from china
@00:10:49 china for pharmaceutical manufacturing
@00:11:11 purchased from china or products with
@00:11:14 created in china create transparency in

The Shift From The [CB] Establishment Back To Main Street Is Happening Now - Episode 2126a

@00:10:28 from china and asia trump then
@00:11:55 is not good to be using china supply
@00:12:05 production in china now what is
@00:15:06 with china we're in line with russia and

One By One All The Exits Are Being Blocked WW, Hold, Wait For It - Episode 2125b

@00:09:06 january 21st shut off travel from china
@00:09:37 democrats using china communist talking
@00:09:48 in china now i'm not saying all the
@00:13:11 it's the china virus now remember
@00:13:20 say china it is not the people it is the
@00:13:34 everyone is looking at china now and i
@00:13:50 from china and trump continually brings
@00:18:01 tweeted this out developing china
@00:18:36 remember china was slated to be where
@00:18:49 china they're going to be the loser when
@00:19:15 china is going to be made weaker the
@00:28:13 he didn't say we're at war with a china

Trump Just Dropped The Economic Hammer, It Has Begun - Episode 2125a

@00:02:42 was being set up in china weakened china
@00:03:07 right now china is going to emerge
@00:03:26 is not a good idea to have china as the

Red/Green Castle Ready, Clock Activated, Stage Is Set - Episode 2124b

@00:03:16 that they dealt with ukraine with china
@00:03:55 father's term china guitar south africa
@00:22:54 everyone looking right now china q has
@00:23:02 is this china is our true enemy now is
@00:23:05 it the people of china no it's the deep
@00:23:09 state players in china it's the central
@00:23:12 bank establishment in china
@00:23:20 at this and saying he had china and
@00:23:22 china just made a threat where they said
@00:23:33 china saying whoa wait a minute because
@00:23:54 china and how do you show the people

All Procedures In Place For The Economic Transition, Big Shift Coming - Episode 2124a

@00:11:18 states recently china made a threat
@00:11:47 russia is now looking at china and
@00:11:53 have our supply chain in china because
@00:12:15 back to the us or move out of china and

deleted It’s Time To Unveil The True Enemy Of The People, Shutdown, Messages Received - Episode 2123b

@00:07:53 decision to ban travel from china was
@00:08:11 trump banned travel from china and saved
@00:19:53 gain-of-function china iran italy are
@00:20:16 treatment is important china released

Patriot Operation In Full View,The 16 Year Plan Being Reversed, It’s Happening - Episode 2122b

@00:11:57 china they were nowhere near the 21
@00:16:32 where the state dominates china iran

It’s Time To Show The People, Patriots Pivot Towards The [CB] - Episode 2122a

@00:02:09 of this country into china that wasn't

Countermeasures In Place, Think Emergency Alert System - Episode 2121b

@00:03:57 word again china chinese bonds through a

Green Castle Online, The Stage Must Be Set WW, Times Up, Patriots Ready - Episode 2120b

@00:22:22 the south china sea coastal riverine
@00:27:14 that the storm has arrived think china

The [CB]s Were Just Setup, Gold Positioned, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2120a

@00:08:49 china what is he doing he's removing
@00:09:16 ventilators from china he's doing this

It’s Time, The Storm Is Here, The Call Goes Out, Message Sent, Ammunition Spent - Episode 2119b

@00:03:41 actually china right now they're in full
@00:12:54 in china stores are opening up again

Trump Is Getting Ready To Shift The Economy, Watch The 17th - Episode 2119a

@00:11:08 on china changing the supply chains

Silent Running Tactics Engaged, Protective Measures Are In Place - Episode 2118b

@00:23:01 researchers in china temperature plays a

Wait Time Is Over, Trump Makes His Move On The Economy, Watch The News - Episode 2118a

@00:05:07 depend on china trump because of this
@00:13:04 china into other countries remember he

The Days Of Silence Are Now Over, [DS] Fell Into The Trap, It’s Time - Episode 2117b

@00:11:53 renegotiated europe now rethinking china
@00:12:08 longer dependent on china new trade

Kansas Sends A Message, Renegade Will Pay The Price - Episode 2115b

@00:18:34 selling secrets to china and many other
@00:24:53 reporting plus china may soon lift the

Did You Catch What Is Happening With The Economy, Watch Precious Metals - Episode 2115a

@00:06:21 companies out of china but what we're
@00:06:46 moving out of china
@00:09:10 out of china he needs companies to come
@00:09:26 companies move out of china he's going

Timing Is Everything, What Does An Economic Transition Look Like? - Episode 2114

@00:04:04 states to be competitive with china and
@00:04:09 on china itself trump renegotiated the
@00:04:55 the phase one trade deal with china and

[DS] Took The Bait, Sets The Stage, Patriots Ready, Watch The News For Next Event - Episode 2113b

@00:12:37 secrets to china iran in many other
@00:14:12 mentioned that the death rate in china
@00:14:25 coronavirus in china actually in china

Patriot’s Economy Proves To Be Resilient, Did You Catch The Economic Strategy - Episode 2113a

@00:01:47 china there are reestablishing different
@00:09:36 remember how china was producing the
@00:10:10 something we shouldn't allow china to do
@00:12:26 everything out of china and if you
@00:12:53 drugs out of china with a snap of a
@00:13:41 china now yes trump he could have used
@00:13:46 on china but that was a very slow

[DS] Pushes 16 Yr Plan, When Is The Right Time To Use The Trump Card? - Episode 2112b

@00:16:00 russia china britain france and that are
@00:16:27 iran or china or russia so everything
@00:16:38 starting to see in china that the number

Manufacturing Shift Confirmed, This Is The Greatest Economic Transition Of All Time - Episode 2112a

@00:07:51 back to america they're leaving china
@00:08:24 home that's not only done in china it's

[CB]’s React To Markets, Trump Does What He Does Best, Goes After The Fed - Episode 2111a

@00:06:59 trump is placing tariffs on china it
@00:07:09 companies move out of china re-establish
@00:07:19 framework for phase two of the china
@00:07:28 china they're rethinking everything
@00:07:37 china was the hub of the globalist
@00:08:04 out of china now we need to remember
@00:08:08 placed tariffs on china trump forced
@00:08:12 companies out of china a lot of company
@00:08:28 been shutting down in china because a
@00:08:32 manufacturing plans out of china to
@00:08:41 manufacturing plants in china remember
@00:08:46 tariffs on china they told us that
@00:09:00 billions of dollars from china from the
@00:09:36 first product that is sold in china it
@00:10:06 because of china and the manufacturing
@00:10:08 plants in china because a lot of them
@00:10:36 tariffs with china this is just helping

Trump Moves Pieces In Place, It’s Going To Be A Very Hot Spring/Summer - Episode 2110b

@00:02:35 see businesses in china
@00:23:22 companies move out of china they're

The Economic Transition Confirmed, Right On Schedule, Trump Hits The Fed - Episode 2110a

@00:02:46 trade deal with china because china was
@00:08:48 no purpose now if we look at china right
@00:09:10 you look at china we can see that the
@00:09:13 official not china non-manufacturing pmi
@00:09:15 we see the official china manufacturing
@00:09:17 pmi we see the official china
@00:09:27 china that has to do with manufacturing
@00:09:39 remember china was the central bank
@00:09:49 and manufacturers out of china with this
@00:10:58 to what he said about china biggest
@00:11:02 china would have overtaken us in this
@00:11:21 confirmed that that china was supposed

We All Knew, Durham, No Report, Just Indictments, Panic WW - Episode 2109b

@00:14:29 china and spread to various countries
@00:18:18 relying on china for our critical
@00:23:34 deals thank god i had tariffs on china

Future Topic Coming Into Focus, Wait For It, Timing Is Everything - Episode 2108b

@00:14:58 this coronavirus that started in china
@00:15:01 that came out of china that spread to
@00:29:08 economic report in china we have apple
@00:29:16 china they're saying that wow the eight
@00:29:19 the outbreak in china has come down

BJ Faces Off With The EU, Watch The Economy, It’s All About To Change - Episode 2108a

@00:12:16 across china we also had a out of china
@00:12:20 that china has changed the course of the
@00:12:26 saying in china they thought it was

Trump Countered The [DS], The Great Betrayal Is Over, America No Longer For Sale - Episode 2106b

@00:01:48 and this all started out in china the
@00:20:08 china forcing companies out of china
@00:33:28 the videos coming out of china the only
@00:33:34 china is if they wanted you to see it

Trump Just Sent A Message Of What Happens Next With The Economy - Episode 2106a

@00:01:50 especially with china by implementing
@00:02:06 trump hits china with tariffs
@00:02:20 trump starts a trade war with china cnbc
@00:02:23 may 20 19 increasing tariffs and china
@00:02:57 deal with china he's working on the face
@00:03:10 dependent on china he was made fun of
@00:03:26 on china what happened well he prevented
@00:03:39 china over the past couple of years now
@00:03:43 beginning place tariffs on china force
@00:03:46 companies out of china break the supply
@00:04:00 pulled out of china due to trump's
@00:04:05 companies that pulled out of china
@00:04:14 with this event happening in china how
@00:04:50 retail stores in china the other stores

Drip, Drip, Pieces Of The Puzzle Come Together, The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2105b

@00:27:15 they started it in china because that is
@00:28:27 garden to say okay look at china i'm
@00:29:26 china this was the hub of the central
@00:29:32 china to a halt this would affect europe

Who Has The Economic Magic Wand? Wait For It, Watch India - Episode 2105a

@00:07:19 china they're in trouble
@00:07:43 china and other outlying areas they are
@00:08:38 gonna leave china and other nations
@00:09:47 china many m many of them have moved out
@00:09:50 of china many m have moved into other

The Battle Has Begun Between The [CB] & The Patriots Economic System - Episode 2104a

@00:04:34 happening out in china and yes there's
@00:08:24 side of this what is happening in china
@00:09:12 remember trump's tariffs on china pushed

[CB] Lost, No Moves Left, Get Ready It’s All About To Kick In- Episode 2103a

@00:01:50 watching right now in china that is also
@00:02:15 of this china on the other hand is
@00:02:35 in what is happening in china now
@00:03:26 phase-one trade deal in china and we
@00:03:57 trying to have china back off this way
@00:04:08 now slung because china backed away
@00:04:20 telling china you must honor your trade
@00:05:18 time as the trade deals with china
@00:06:40 usmc a the china trade deal the other
@00:11:01 usmc a deal the china phase one deal

New Study Shows [CB]’s Aid Disbursements Coincides With Offshore Bank Deposits - Episode 2102a

@00:02:00 china this was done on purpose now
@00:04:56 entire event in china is going to work
@00:05:03 the supply chains are in china a lot of
@00:05:22 are in china a lot of them moved out
@00:06:10 china is doing exactly what you would

The Globalist Days Are Numbered, Trump Is Changing The Global Economic Landscape - Episode 2101a

@00:02:27 in china manufacturers businesses those
@00:02:48 should not stay in china companies now

Trump Counters Obama, We Found The Magic Wand You Were Talking About - Episode 2100a

@00:05:49 yeah even with this new event from china
@00:10:44 trade deal with china phase one going at
@00:12:36 and goods to china and other countries
@00:12:48 an example i want china to buy our jet

[CB] Economic Plan Exposed, Patriot’s New Economic Plan Is Unstoppable - Episode 2099a

@00:04:25 china this is not what they've been
@00:07:39 this trade deal and remember china they
@00:07:58 us-china phase one deal there is a
@00:08:47 clause which allows china to back out
@00:08:55 allows china not to purchase these goods
@00:09:21 why china why would this start in china
@00:09:26 because china is the hub of the central
@00:09:30 bank globalist system china ships out
@00:09:38 out to many other countries china has
@00:10:02 shifted away and into china until trump
@00:10:14 america they can go up against china and
@00:10:18 not china the people themselves i'm
@00:11:40 oh it's trump's trade war with china

Optics Are Important, Barr’s Delayed Testimony Confirmed, Traps Are Important - Episode 2097b

@00:14:51 telling us look at china look at china
@00:15:00 china now we've been seeing many
@00:15:06 secrets to china we've seen colleges now
@00:15:13 from china we've seen other corporations
@00:15:24 boards in their businesses from china
@00:15:31 opposite happened it came from china
@00:16:00 china based companies
@00:16:39 china to misappropriate
@00:17:07 it seems that china is the place to look

[CB] Panics, Judy Shelton Offered A Glimpse Of Draining The [CB] Swamp - Episode 2097a

@00:12:08 the china tariffs think about everything

Patriots Maneuver Barr Into Position, The Second Act Begins, [I]ndictments - Episode 2096b

@00:03:27 china hmm
@00:03:31 about china lately not much about russia
@00:03:35 but a lot about china a lot of
@00:03:38 individuals selling secrets to china a
@00:03:44 from china harvard professors receiving
@00:03:48 information from china
@00:04:22 china iran guitar russia and saudi

The [CB] Makes Their Move On Trump’s Nominee, Patriots Ready To Return Fire - Episode 2096a

@00:07:35 and put in place tariffs on china to
@00:10:39 like he did with china is it going to
@00:10:49 they depend on china the u.s. sends its
@00:10:53 wealth over to china china uses that
@00:11:00 trump placed the tariffs on china europe
@00:11:06 less of the u.s. wealth through china

Another Economic Disaster Avoided, New Transitional Economy On Track - Episode 2095a

@00:03:30 with tariffs with the leverage on china
@00:08:10 deal with china and the phase 2 coming

[CB] Last Desperate Attempt To Bring Down The Economy Has Just Failed - Episode 2094a

@00:04:24 viral outbreak that began in china now
@00:06:32 china could hurt economic growth the
@00:10:46 so they started it off we're in china of
@00:10:50 course because china right now is the
@00:10:55 other areas if they can hit china and
@00:11:48 sheet of china he is strong sharp and
@00:12:06 discipline is taking place in china as
@00:12:12 working closely with china to help the

It Was A Trap, Barr Assessing RG Ukraine Info, Rudy Has The “Insurance File” - Episode 2093b

@00:09:23 this wasn't russia it was china and
@00:09:30 it's not russia it's china that's where
@00:10:00 are controlling china remember china was
@00:10:34 were being sold to china now down at the

Trump Prepares To Cut Foreign Aid Budget, Ready For EU - Episode 2093a

@00:11:04 agreement with china the uk trade deal
@00:13:28 they're worse than china they have no

The First Arrest Will Send A Shock Wave Around The World, Panic In DC, Justice - Episode 2092b

@00:18:19 says communist china has a list and
@00:18:49 between china and our individual states
@00:19:03 us-china governor's collaboration summit
@00:20:26 china they labeled each of you friendly
@00:20:36 someone in china already has many of you
@00:20:48 that competition with china is not just
@00:21:06 that have sold out to china and there's
@00:21:16 governors are friendly to china
@00:21:58 korea iran russia china mx why is this
@00:22:55 taking the funds from china he has the

IMF Deputy Director Resigns, Patriots Economic Leverage Increases - Episode 2092a

@00:07:08 mca he made trade deals with china
@00:09:59 they went to mexico they went to china

The Silent War Is Being Fought In The Shadows, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2091b

@00:07:26 iraq ukraine china all facts are backed
@00:23:37 iran china allies no they're not allies
@00:23:42 corruption china us paul corruption
@00:23:55 iran common denominator china russia and
@00:24:09 ukraine iran china russia many of these
@00:35:35 on to post 38:42 and says why is china
@00:35:52 china about a hundred and fifteen
@00:35:57 both from sources in mainland china in
@00:36:15 charged in three separate china related
@00:36:28 aiding the people's republic of china

The [CB] Just Made Their Move On The Economy, Trump Countered With Message To Xi - Episode 2091a

@00:01:00 was before the china virus outbreak with
@00:04:50 up in china for in all places just china
@00:05:29 started in china that was a hub and
@00:05:58 to disruptions in china that spill over
@00:06:10 china that are very fragile and it could
@00:07:11 is happening out in china and this is
@00:07:17 president xi of china he is strong sharp
@00:07:41 discipline is taking place in china as
@00:07:50 working closely with china to help now
@00:11:36 corporations manufacturers in china are
@00:11:55 they placed tariffs on china they used
@00:12:02 china once they move out of china it's
@00:12:16 leave china
@00:12:25 force more manufacturers out of china
@00:13:28 deal with china he needs time to make

Follow The Pen, The Gloves Are Off,Trump Comes Out Swinging - Episode 2090b

@00:19:57 china and remember this individual was
@00:20:21 secret technology to china was doing it
@00:20:38 china with ukraine and the rest of the
@00:20:48 tweet today china is implicated in about
@00:20:58 china and about 60% of all federal
@00:21:08 look at china that's where everything is
@00:21:13 about china the central bank the
@00:21:16 globalists were setting up china to be
@00:21:22 the secrets were being sold to china
@00:21:41 china has been the problem
@00:22:05 happening in china this is what they've
@00:24:07 to his dealings in ukraine and china

[CB] System, Why Interfere While They Are In The Process Of Destroying Themselves- Episode 2090a

@00:04:09 de dief en countries dat depend on china
@00:04:26 kunt u wapening in china
@00:04:46 up with china en de silk road and give

The Stage Is Set, The Next Phase Of The Economy Is Going To Be Glorious - Episode 2089a

@00:00:57 before the china virus outbreak with so
@00:01:47 trade deal with china renegotiating the
@00:05:54 having a problem with it yes china is
@00:06:20 look what's been happening with china
@00:10:20 planning to do we know that china right

Trump Receives The Economic Ammunition He Needed, Boom! - Episode 2088a

@00:00:57 recently and this was before the china
@00:02:42 in china black will likely have some
@00:03:53 establishment what is china doing right
@00:04:27 times and what else is china doing as
@00:04:51 as china does this as they release the
@00:05:24 what china is doing right now
@00:09:10 pressure on china the central bank the
@00:09:15 people in china and they forced
@00:09:18 companies out of china some went to
@00:12:50 with china you can see how this
@00:14:56 talking about china is now pushing
@00:15:05 happening out in china and that is going

Message Sent To Fed, [CB] Plan Backfires In China - Episode 2087a

@00:00:43 backfires in china now before we get
@00:00:57 recently and this was before the china
@00:03:06 bankers plan out in china it seems that
@00:04:22 china a lot of companies have moved out
@00:04:54 china has a problem apple has a problem
@00:05:16 production in china until february 10th
@00:05:34 uncertainty over us vers china trade
@00:05:54 leverage against china to make a new
@00:06:23 china using their supply chains are now
@00:06:39 our manufacturing out of china now once
@00:06:46 nice cover for china now their system
@00:06:55 china because of this because a lot of
@00:07:00 the u.s. sent the wealth over to china
@00:07:03 china then bought the products in europe
@00:07:08 reversed china wasn't getting the wealth
@00:07:19 donations into china millions upon
@00:07:58 that companies within china they are now
@00:08:09 companies start to move out of china we
@00:09:54 china to bring the world into a

Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

@00:15:51 china and we've been tracking all of
@00:16:24 china and he sent e-mails back and forth
@00:16:57 actually he did travel to china with the
@00:17:12 secrets were sold to china and this

EU/[CB] Loses, Manufactures Questioning China - Episode 2086a

@00:00:44 questioning china let's get into the
@00:04:35 phase 1 trade deal with china he is now
@00:05:15 china right now we see many different
@00:05:23 putting a lot of pressure on china they
@00:05:26 don't like that china has made a deal
@00:05:35 with china it benefits the united states
@00:05:38 it does not benefit china it doesn't
@00:06:19 in china is that all the companies like
@00:06:32 they're questioning china saying maybe
@00:06:37 we shouldn't be here in china now
@00:06:39 remember trump placed tariffs on china
@00:06:46 out of china now it forced many country
@00:06:51 companies out of china into other
@00:07:19 their agenda to punish china and to
@00:07:50 china is it safe to be there should we
@00:08:11 companies move out of china it's very
@00:09:28 an economy they're worse than china they
@00:09:57 have china which is not abiding by what
@00:11:00 of the patriots needed help from china

They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Public Ready For The Next Drip - Episode 2085b

@00:18:00 he was involved in china and many other
@00:29:13 very low even in china about 212 people
@00:31:36 following working closely with china and

US First, Then China, Now Trump Pivots To The EU - Episode 2085a

@00:00:41 first then china now trump pivot to the
@00:04:59 to be shifted over to china we were
@00:05:18 trade deal with china why would he make
@00:06:43 tariffs on china to reestablish a trade
@00:06:47 deal with china why would he do all this
@00:07:54 had to finish china first referring to
@00:09:40 trump placed these tariffs on china

Senate Trial Created A Trap, [DS] Didn’t Even See It Coming - Episode 2084b

@00:18:41 virus is in china now in the first
@00:21:08 and china and he wrote a paper and he's

[CB] Push Just Backfired, Patriots Saw It Coming, Economic System Protected - Episode 2084a

@00:03:31 trade deal with china the trade deal
@00:07:54 against those individuals in china
@00:08:04 they created an event in china and this
@00:08:28 released it in china on purpose because
@00:08:31 china was the hub of the central bank
@00:08:42 china down guess what comes down with it
@00:09:40 china what's happening well everything's
@00:10:05 shouldn't be in china anymore maybe we
@00:10:09 should move ourselves out of china so i
@00:10:26 china and these companies will start to
@00:10:33 china jobs will come back to the us or

BREXIT Confirmed, [CB] Using Same Economic Playbook, See The Pattern - Episode 2083a

@00:07:55 situation which i believe china already
@00:11:42 to china
@00:11:42 trump placed tariffs on china a lot of
@00:11:45 the business moved out of china they
@00:11:56 go against china yes they can destroy
@00:13:35 deals with china central bank deep state

Those Who Are Protected Are No Longer Protected, Nobody Is Above The Law - Episode 2082b

@00:25:00 bank and within china we know there are
@00:25:03 still bad guys we know china was slated
@00:25:50 happening here the bad guys in china and
@00:26:02 now did it come from china we don't know
@00:27:58 china already has a vaccine they just

[CB]s Are Panicking, The Global Economy Is Failing, This Event Will Not Cover It Up - Episode 2082a

@00:04:20 if china enacts quarantine throughout
@00:05:12 with china well the economic damage
@00:05:26 dependent on china will also feel the
@00:05:40 china was the hub for all of this and

We Are Watching A [Tribunal], Do You See The Pattern, We Know The [DS] Playbook - Episode 2081b

@00:29:26 close communication with china
@00:29:35 have offered china and president xi any
@00:29:48 what is the central bank doing in china
@00:29:54 think they started in china it was done

These Individuals Are Strategically Positioned To Usher In The New Economic System - Episode 2081a

@00:13:47 working with china they're working with
@00:14:13 banks they're in deep in china and you
@00:14:16 can see what they've been doing in china

The [CB] Trying A Last Ditch Event To Distract From Their Failing Economy - Episode 2080a

@00:05:40 is making a deal with china phase one
@00:05:46 other trade deals with china and when he
@00:06:30 about where it started in china
@00:06:43 system in china they were moving
@00:06:50 to china and other countries china was
@00:07:15 happening it started out in china and
@00:07:33 start it in china this will have an
@00:07:44 tariffs on china and then increase them
@00:07:51 went into china china took that and they
@00:08:01 when trump placed the tariffs on china
@00:08:08 its knees because china they were not
@00:08:22 europe if china has an pandemic it
@00:08:32 an economic problem in china what does
@00:09:05 system crashing it hit china first it
@00:09:10 spread throughout china actually there's

[JC] Now The Target, [DS] Event Distractions, [-Cruz] Important Marker - Episode 2079b

@00:13:31 half dollars from china to invest when
@00:19:31 media now of course it's out in china
@00:20:32 china has been working very hard to
@00:30:46 provided china and russia the ammunition
@00:31:00 purge its government and oligarchs china

The China Phase I Trade Deal, Hits The [CB]/Globalist Hard - Episode 2079a

@00:00:40 china phase one trade deal hits the
@00:01:52 trade deal with china but was very
@00:02:03 aspect that the u.s. made with china but
@00:02:28 agreements with china this was just
@00:04:02 action falls on china for example under
@00:05:23 document china shall prohibit the
@00:05:44 submitted if china fails to deliver the
@00:05:59 questions about whether china will have
@00:06:22 stopped calling china a currency
@00:06:47 placed on china to get the deal did they
@00:06:55 no what is china have to do now they
@00:07:41 to china one way or another he just hid
@00:07:53 very long period of time china was
@00:08:02 individuals helping china steal the
@00:08:18 he's been doing here in china is he's
@00:08:46 gonna get better trade with china this

BREXIT Is A Go, The Patriot Economic Plan Accelerates - Episode 2078a

@00:11:17 with a phase 1 deal with china we're

Trump Ready To Reveal Hidden Secrets, [DS] Walked Right Into It, There Is No Step 5 - Episode 2077b

@00:30:56 coronavirus because china is out there
@00:31:09 the places in china where it is it
@00:33:03 china because was this a setup to allow

Trump Points Finger At Fed, Ready For The Next Economic Move - Episode 2077a

@00:02:26 trade deals with china with japan with
@00:04:32 trump is saying it is worse than china
@00:04:55 business with then china he tweeted out
@00:05:04 deal with china is that it will bring
@00:05:06 both the usa and china closer together
@00:05:35 and i still believe that china russia
@00:05:50 that china they're having a very
@00:05:59 now china is faltering now china and
@00:06:22 it's what they've done and now china is

IMF Panics & Makes A Prediction, US Will Decline, Global Economy Will Accelerate - Episode 2075a

@00:01:35 trade war and tariffs with china that's
@00:09:31 don't want him to make a deal with china
@00:10:29 with china there'll be other bilateral

BJ Ready To Begin Trade Talks With US,Trump Ready To Push Plan - Episode 2074a

@00:01:31 first phase of the china trade deal we
@00:03:46 things this will go up against china
@00:03:51 china is part of the global system now
@00:03:58 china that we're working with the
@00:04:33 about china in just a moment but first i
@00:07:21 deal with china trump didn't add the
@00:07:24 extra tariffs on to china because of the
@00:08:13 you see the phase to china trade deal
@00:08:30 see the trade deal with china with amina
@00:09:33 have really hurt china the central bank
@00:09:40 remember china they were taking on a lot
@00:09:51 states and someplace else like china
@00:09:54 where china was going to have the
@00:09:56 manufacturing china was going to be able
@00:10:04 china was being touted as the next
@00:10:11 being sold to china to build up their
@00:10:28 has put a block on what china and i'm
@00:10:36 bank within china what they wanted to do
@00:10:57 boost growth china they needed the deal
@00:11:04 deal with china why didn't the us need
@00:11:08 the deal with china because trump has
@00:11:13 in north america china sees this china
@00:11:29 china then into europe their system is

It’s Time Judy, The Stage Is Set To Implement The Economic Plan - Episode 2073a

@00:08:47 trump places on them when after china to
@00:11:07 have the phase one of the china trade

[CB] Just Admitted What They Are Doing, Economic Optics - Episode 2072a

@00:01:30 moving forward we know that the china
@00:01:40 by trump now the china deal is very very
@00:04:09 are out there never thought that china
@00:04:12 would agree because remember china was
@00:04:34 the china deal it was signed he said one
@00:04:39 all so good for china and our long-term

Phase 1 Completed, Next Move Coming, Watch How The Transition Takes Shape - Episode 2071a

@00:02:22 deal with china this is just the
@00:05:07 further tariff hikes now in return china
@00:06:15 natural gas and crude oil so china is
@00:06:35 china is buying crude oil and natural
@00:07:07 deal with china with the signing we mark
@00:07:42 china this is something that far beyond

US/China Deal Will Be The Final Nail In The Globalist Economy - Episode 2070a

@00:00:41 us-china deal will be the final nail in
@00:03:49 is made with china it will not benefit
@00:04:08 trade reform between the us and china or
@00:04:14 china fails to accept the necessary
@00:04:26 label of currency manipulator from china
@00:04:39 comes just days before china and the us
@00:07:09 the trade deal with china is made the

Trump Sends Economic Message, Did You Catch It - Episode 2069a

@00:01:57 phase-one deal with china and we know
@00:03:30 just with china but with other countries

[CB] Panics, All Eyes On Them When The Global Economy Implodes - Episode 2068a

@00:02:45 people they're worse than china they
@00:09:57 saying before that trump and china they
@00:10:12 tariffs were not placed on china but the
@00:10:33 into china china took those funds and
@00:10:42 china will receive a lot less which

Brexit Passed, Trump Readies The Country, Watch What Comes Next - Episode 2066a

@00:07:35 china asia or the eu now the goal of the
@00:12:03 and the global system includes china and
@00:12:12 been hitting china with tariffs moving
@00:12:20 corporations are moving out of china

France Gives Warning, Trump & The Patriots Now Pivot To The EU- Episode 2064a

@00:02:39 model to china it's the eu right now
@00:02:43 has made a deal with china phase one
@00:04:59 finished and the china phase one almost
@00:06:23 unlike china the eu is very vulnerable
@00:06:47 from china because the way it worked
@00:06:51 purchase the goods from china china when
@00:07:05 china is not getting those funds anymore

The [DS]/D’s Are In The Dark, Moves & Countermoves, Checkmate - Episode 2062b

@00:31:30 china also has energy connections with

Patriots Have Countered The [CB] & Wall Street, The Economy Has Shifted - Episode 2062a

@00:02:06 china nothing is working well that is
@00:02:58 move out of china we're starting to see
@00:03:38 sourced from china william sonoma has
@00:03:41 made commitments to leave china and his

Trump & The Patriots Sent A Message, [DS] Event Countered - Episode 2061b

@00:20:37 harder the same thing with china and i
@00:20:41 think china is starting to come to their

[DS] Pushing Events To Block Declass, Operation/Replace Remove, Proclamation Set - Episode 2060b

@00:04:05 purisima from ukraine from china and
@00:05:30 in a scheme known as the china hustle
@00:24:20 so he did this to china and they're
@00:24:29 information on ukraine china and

Economic Stage Set, Pieces In Place, Here It Comes - Episode 2060a

@00:02:49 china because remember they were brought
@00:02:51 into china for a specific reason he knew
@00:02:57 moved out of china
@00:02:58 it would hurt china think about the
@00:03:20 china he needed to stop the flow of
@00:03:24 china china then using those funds to
@00:12:23 i believe that russia china and many

[CB] Goes After BJ, Trump Prepares The Next Phase Of The Economic Plan - Episode 2059a

@00:06:48 china is going to happen in january and
@00:06:58 phase 1 trade deal with china on january
@00:07:06 of china will be present at
@00:08:07 china and many other nations to be the
@00:08:24 of the china deal and moving forward

[CB] Globalization Has No Future, A New Economy Is Coming Into The Light - Episode 2058a

@00:07:04 see already with the china trade deal
@00:08:45 course china doesn't want to give

Something Big Is About To Happen With The Economy, [CB]/MSM Try To Counter - Episode 2057a

@00:04:09 places tariffs on china we're going to
@00:05:14 south korea japan china phase one the
@00:06:49 and we also have the china phase one
@00:07:04 china
@00:09:16 same thing china is doing where it
@00:09:25 moved over to china because remember

We Are About To See An Economy That We Have Never Seen Before - Episode 2056a

@00:07:03 out in china right now they do a lot of
@00:07:14 china here in the united states because
@00:09:13 with china bringing back the rare earth
@00:09:18 processing remember china produced 97%
@00:09:30 what compete against china against the

FOIA Documents Reveal The Fort Knox Gold Mystery - Episode 2055a

@00:07:42 putting pressure on china actually out
@00:07:45 in china we are seeing an abnormal
@00:07:53 china the money in china is leaving the
@00:08:03 has tariffs on china manufacturers
@00:08:11 plan investors in china fear another
@00:08:49 controls china has an artificial gdp
@00:09:37 putting pressure on china where

Future Proves Past, It’s Time For Justice, Harvest Begins - Episode 2054b

@00:22:01 in china in this province coincidence i

[DS] Warning People Not To Look, Patriots Getting Ready To Drop The MOAB - Episode 2052b

@00:26:54 good talk with president xi of china
@00:26:55 concerning our giant trade deal china
@00:27:08 china and hong kong progress now when
@00:27:34 of a negotiated ransom the us-china

Something Big Is About To Happen,Think Admiral Rogers, Think Brennan - Episode 2051b

@00:12:53 china their endgame was to have a war

Sacrifices Made, The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World - Episode 2050b

@00:34:18 to china they were back channels with ho

Did The [CB]s Make Their Move To Save Their Economic System? - Episode 2050a

@00:01:48 to make a deal with china because if
@00:01:54 with china their system completely
@00:02:01 china this is how they designed it this
@00:02:25 deal with china very soon we know that
@00:02:31 to be a deal with china very worried
@00:02:35 about trump making a deal with china now
@00:02:47 because of the trade war with china
@00:03:19 trump putting pressure on china they
@00:03:24 into china china into europe to keep the
@00:03:31 created china to be a manufacturing
@00:04:03 have sent someone to china to try to
@00:08:24 the china and the us have been in touch
@00:12:42 in november met with xi jinping in china
@00:13:06 be a deal made with china we can't
@00:13:22 china to make his deal because this
@00:15:15 leverage over china

The Founding Fathers Warned Us, The [CB] Must Go - Episode 2049a

@00:08:53 look at the yuan dynasty of china the

[DS] Narrative Disintegrating, RG Drops A Carpet Bomb - Episode 2047b

@00:24:54 phase one of the china trade deal 1.3

Patriots Use WTO Ruling To Put Pressure On EU, [CB] System Targeted - Episode 2046a

@00:06:16 ahead and he made the phase 1 deal china
@00:06:58 the non-tariff issues and china pledges
@00:07:21 businesses within china these are the
@00:07:30 know this we know a lot of times china
@00:07:41 pressure on companies inside of china
@00:07:45 and trump doesn't necessarily want china
@00:08:02 from china
@00:08:07 where we were linked with china that's
@00:08:16 decouple us from china and he would like
@00:08:21 to have companies moved out of china

Obama Sends Message, Flynn Exactly [30], [GS] Makes His Move - Episode 2045b

@00:19:56 refers to china i would believe and in
@00:20:48 engine for china the need for symbolism
@00:20:57 which is china right behind him so obama
@00:21:28 young people in your life equals china
@00:21:30 young love construction china they love
@00:22:13 was in china and this was in the tech
@00:22:20 julian says did the fire in china cause
@00:23:41 obama is sending messages out to china

BJ Has The Backing For The BREXIT, Trump’s Economy Gains Strength - Episode 2045a

@00:02:19 about china we'll be talking about the
@00:05:44 states that the china trade deal was
@00:06:02 fold to china just to make the deal well
@00:06:10 street journal story and the china deal
@00:06:21 deal with china they have agreed to many
@00:06:55 does the phase one deal do well china
@00:07:40 terrorists yes this is what china wants
@00:07:58 china itself i believe it's what the
@00:08:01 central bank system has set up in china

Another Win By The Patriots, The Economic Storm Grows Stronger - Episode 2044a

@00:01:28 don't believe these hits on china is
@00:01:30 actually against china but against the
@00:02:46 with china is getting very very close
@00:02:51 big deal with china they want it and so
@00:03:31 deal where china is stepping up to the
@00:03:43 now why is china looking to make a deal
@00:03:46 well this week china reported that the
@00:04:00 epidemic and it's costing china around
@00:04:14 tweeted out that the us and china have
@00:04:38 that china is suffering a slow death by
@00:05:00 there why is china
@00:05:09 what effect does this have on china what
@00:05:34 deal with china where the u.s. drops all
@00:05:38 holding hands with china saying
@00:06:04 china moving into other countries or
@00:06:30 actual goal of trump with this us-china
@00:06:38 us critical manufacturing within china
@00:06:42 right now we are dependent on china and
@00:07:26 china
@00:07:31 united states and china yes that's part
@00:07:38 has nothing to do with china it has to
@00:08:31 china and the united states because
@00:08:43 states and china their system implodes

There Is Another Storm That Is Brewing, The Economic Storm - Episode 2043a

@00:04:29 tariffs with china are another part of
@00:05:11 have china so they're gonna have to move
@00:08:28 i believe china is also working with
@00:08:52 china to shift everything away from the
@00:08:58 china is in line with russia and trump
@00:09:01 is in line with russia and china to work

Bait Taken, Trap Set, Carpet Bombs Incoming, Then The MOAB - Episode 2042b

@00:03:45 all the china deals specifically now

Just Like That, USMCA On Deck, Economic Plan Set - Episode 2042a

@00:03:11 manufacturers out of china manufacturers
@00:03:22 leverage against china against the
@00:10:08 him additional leverage against china
@00:11:53 with tariffs many companies out of china

Patriots Are Pushing To Make The WTO Obsolete - Episode 2041a

@00:05:08 for allowing china to retain its special
@00:09:33 make a trade deal with china trump
@00:10:38 loaning china funds and this is why

The [DS] Crimes Will Be Publicly Answered Soon, Sheep No More - Episode 2040b

@00:21:22 nato china russia japan and the entire

Trump Restructuring US Economy, Biden - Attacks On Fed Abuse Of Power - Episode 2040a

@00:05:31 to china he tweeted out the following
@00:05:38 china can this be possible
@00:05:40 china has plenty of money and if they
@00:05:49 money to china well they don't want
@00:05:51 china creating their own currency that
@00:10:42 can use out in china to keep their
@00:10:48 china china then takes that those funds
@00:11:01 everything into china but this is how
@00:11:15 manufacturers are moving out of china
@00:11:25 operational they don't want china to

Manufactures Are Coming Back To The US, [CB] Tries To Push Against The Plan - Episode 2039a

@00:02:02 country push him out of china and even
@00:05:35 like china is going to waive some
@00:05:44 time the exports to china have increased
@00:05:52 phase one and i believe that trump china
@00:06:04 many manufacturers out of china and it's
@00:06:07 not against china itself it's against
@00:06:27 china trump right now is putting a lot
@00:06:38 don't make a deal with china the whole

Patriots Needed Time, USMCA Gives It To Them, Brilliant - Episode 2038a

@00:09:17 out of china that is why trump right now
@00:09:26 are moving everything off to china or to
@00:09:43 of china they're moving into are the
@00:11:24 china maybe some back to the united
@00:11:56 would allow us to compete with china and

Trade Deals Negotiated, Trump Preparing For The Economic Transition - Episode 2037a

@00:03:49 globalists now with china we know that
@00:03:53 trump he placed tariffs on china and
@00:07:10 like china we understand that this is
@00:07:57 with china the whole thing's going to
@00:08:05 fall apart because it's based on china
@00:08:10 states and china then selling their
@00:08:13 goods to europe and china purchasing
@00:08:24 going to get those funds from china
@00:12:57 they're worse than china

The Swamp Is Being Drained, Justice Marker, Disinformation Necessary, Event? - Episode 2036b

@00:23:49 adam schiff china long beach port
@00:24:04 beach ports ownership by china was
@00:24:15 wh bush bill clinton china ascension to
@00:24:28 criminals china was using long beach
@00:25:02 owned by china dick cook sold his
@00:25:08 from the richest man in china wang yong
@00:25:36 the sale of his company to china former

[CB] Panic, EU & WTO Ruling, Trump Moves Forward Against The [CB] - Episode 2036a

@00:02:05 when we look at china we can see this
@00:02:09 we also understand that china is not
@00:03:09 this is to put pressure on china put
@00:03:17 system this goes way beyond china and we
@00:03:30 with china in some ways it might be
@00:06:12 specifically china don't want to give up

Trump Lets Us Know That The Economy Is About To Change & It Will Be Far Greater - Episode 2035a

@00:03:09 tariffs on china he decided that he was
@00:03:38 moving closer to china the brazilian
@00:05:35 deals with china and he's also talking
@00:06:16 places the tariffs on china you're gonna
@00:06:44 targeted by china and he's absolutely

New Evidence Gathered In Rome, Get Ready For The Knock Out Punch - Episode 2034b

@00:04:40 many deals with ukraine with china

Pelosi Boxed In, This Is Not A Trade War, It’s War On The [CB] - Episode 2034a

@00:04:59 especially china he needed to bring back
@00:05:07 china he's been doing that he's reducing
@00:05:32 which they were moving to china think
@00:05:37 about everything that china has been
@00:05:41 that had been moved to china think about
@00:05:43 manufacturing that's been moved to china
@00:05:52 china and when i say china i'm talking
@00:09:29 bringing manufacturers out of china or
@00:11:28 if china and the us don't make a deal

[CB]/Globalists Send Warning, Trump Counters With The MOAB - Episode 2033a

@00:01:29 he doesn't make the china deal the
@00:01:41 because he didn't make the china deal
@00:02:41 and china there will be no negotiation
@00:02:58 everything to china this is why china
@00:03:06 powerhouse this is why china has been
@00:05:31 trump's 2017 tariffs against china did
@00:05:59 were to move manufacturers out of china
@00:06:02 to force business away from china if
@00:06:07 china right now is suffering a slow
@00:07:01 with the trade negotiations with china
@00:07:08 status with china was the final
@00:07:28 intent to reach a trade deal with china
@00:07:33 goal is a reset a global reset and china
@00:07:46 talking about is that china is going to
@00:08:07 supply chain without china
@00:08:27 the actual goal of trump's us-china
@00:08:34 u.s. critical manufacturing within china
@00:09:02 china the manufacturing the financial
@00:10:23 make the trade deal with china well the
@00:11:04 us-china trade conflict could be even
@00:11:11 this why would be why would a china us
@00:11:40 us and china create potentially greater
@00:11:51 everything into china they were linked
@00:12:38 everything to china they're shifting it
@00:13:28 and you see china declining declining

Trump’s Economic Plan Is Brilliant, It Will Shake [CB]s/Globalist To The Core - Episode 2032a

@00:01:43 china is to shake the central bank
@00:09:07 about how trump is using china and this
@00:10:59 is the economic breech that drains china
@00:11:39 china an alternative in mexico and
@00:11:49 with beijing phase one of the us-china
@00:12:04 for the u.s. agricultural sector china
@00:12:59 the us-china future instead there will
@00:13:02 be a decoupling of the us-china
@00:13:13 alliance who depends on china who
@00:13:17 depends on the u.s. funds from china
@00:13:30 china and shifts everything to canada
@00:13:42 in china europe falls apart the
@00:14:39 china that is the biggest thing now yes

Patriots Leading [DS] Down The Path, IG FISA Is The Primer, It’s Time - Episode 2031b

@00:20:44 partnership with the bank of china and
@00:26:48 continues clinton's server china relay

Trump And The Patriots Getting Ready To Spring The Economic Trap - Episode 2031a

@00:10:49 phase of a trade deal and china is out

[CB]s Biggest Fear Is About To Come True, The Economic Awakening - Episode 2029a

@00:08:36 they're worse than china how they don't

Confirmed, Senate Was The Target, Hello, Here We Go!, Patriots Turn - Episode 2028b

@00:20:19 secrets for china now this was a chinese
@00:20:46 to china remember their entire plan and
@00:20:52 bankers was to move everything to china
@00:20:57 off to china because they were going to
@00:21:11 china now very interestingly out in

It’s Happening, [CB] Structure Change Coming - Episode 2028a

@00:02:42 and china right now what are they gonna
@00:02:53 for china because more companies would
@00:02:55 move out of china
@00:03:07 china and we can see that trump has this

[CB] Trapped By Their Own System, Patriots Prepare For Next Move - Episode 2025a

@00:06:22 it's not china federal reserve is
@00:06:30 than china and they have no clue what

Did You See What Trump Did, He Countered The MSM & The [CB] - Episode 2024a

@00:05:59 they're worse for the u.s. then china
@00:08:55 manufacturing trade with china eu and

It’s All Happening, Congress Has Been Economically Warned - Episode 2022a

@00:05:06 regain access to china
@00:05:12 poultry farmers regain access to china
@00:05:23 consumers china is an important export
@00:05:35 to china helping the farmers and now
@00:05:41 we're getting word that the china deal

Trump Unleashed An Economic Secret Weapon To Boost The Economy - Episode 2021a

@00:08:08 if trump places these tariffs on china
@00:08:33 tariffs on china the mainstream media

Have The Patriots Completed The Setup Of The [CB] To Push An Audit? - Episode 2020a

@00:08:20 they're worse than china now through the
@00:08:28 worse than china then they must be

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:11:03 and more millions taken from china and
@00:30:04 engagement in china so google bought
@00:30:31 believe and placed into china and it's
@00:30:48 american company and placed in china for

[CB] Backed Into Corner, Patriots Are In Control, Next Move Will Be Interesting - Episode 2018a

@00:04:49 that there's going to be a china trade
@00:06:23 trump has been pushing china so hard he

Brilliant, Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, Think “Coup” - Episode 2017b

@00:17:50 you see the china fire situation up

Perfectly Coordinated, The [CB] Took The Trade War Bait - Episode 2017a

@00:02:48 gonna be talking about china this is all
@00:02:51 being done on purpose china last week
@00:03:39 imf says an interim uist china trade
@00:04:11 deal if he has a signed deal with china
@00:04:16 was waited for everything to go to china
@00:04:39 china essentially we're sending china
@00:04:52 us-china deficit means
@00:04:54 china has less dollars to distribute as
@00:05:14 trump makes this new deal with china no

Message Sent, Caught The Swamp, They Never Thought She Would Lose - Episode 2016b

@00:23:11 calls or somebody called from china if i

Optics Are Very Important, The Setup, The Takedown - Episode 2016a

@00:11:03 believe this is why china and this was
@00:11:11 only one that can remove tariffs china
@00:11:18 the translation it's not that china is
@00:11:29 trump china they will agree to phase out

US/China Send A Message To The [CB], All Part Of The Plan - Episode 2015a

@00:00:40 episode is us china send a message to
@00:08:09 outlets out there saying that china and
@00:10:22 these nations and i do believe china
@00:11:28 china why would he do this he's doing
@00:13:01 system and i do believe that china in

MSM/[CB] Go All Out To Stop Trump From Cutting Rates Again, It Will Fail - Episode 2012a

@00:04:15 everyone that the china phase 1 trade
@00:09:09 this phase one part of the china deal
@00:10:03 the us and china will be made there'll

Patriots Getting Ready To Turn The Global Economy - Episode 2010a

@00:06:47 all down and we can see with china trump
@00:06:52 has the upper hand here china right now
@00:07:08 and china right now they are hurting
@00:07:23 placed on china and right now china is
@00:09:48 what it's china do they built cities

The Patriots Are Establishing A Narrative For The Ultimate Removal Of The [CB] - Episode 2009a

@00:04:16 tweeted out the following china and the
@00:06:47 disadvantage china is not our problem
@00:06:59 china is not our problem the federal
@00:07:19 said this where he said china is not the
@00:07:25 reserve is a bigger problem than china
@00:07:29 and a lot of people think that china is
@00:11:24 is a bigger problem than china or any

MSM/[CB] Now Pushing To Regain The Economic Narrative, Blocked By The Patriots - Episode 2007a

@00:05:11 china been challenged for what it is a
@00:05:21 with china trump the patriots they

The [CB] Just Realized They Have No Way Out Of This - Episode 2006a

@00:06:30 deal with china were ahead of schedule
@00:06:38 the china deal and we'll call it phase

The Patriots Have Timed Everything Perfectly, Economic News Coming Soon - Episode 2005a

@00:05:33 needed to put pressure on china and the
@00:05:39 united states or push them out of china

Did You Notice What Is Being Done Economically, Many Are Overlooking It - Episode 2004a

@00:07:08 we know that phase 1 of the china deal
@00:07:19 china well it looks like they have
@00:07:49 yes we have won again against china and

Schiff Hits An Impeachment Roadblock, [DS] Feeling The Pain, Next Wave Coming - Episode 2003b

@00:05:03 deals in ukraine and china related to
@00:05:42 china and now here we are in romania so
@00:07:38 policy ukraine china romania places
@00:07:43 corrupt individuals ukraine china

Trump Reverses The Dynamic, Sets A New Economy In Motion - Episode 2001a

@00:07:39 china trade deal is on track for
@00:14:20 lower in essence much like china the
@00:15:04 doing with china trump right now he is
@00:15:10 china he simultaneously diminishes the
@00:16:03 specifically china they don't want to

Attacks Will Intensify, Who Holds All The Cards? The End Is Near - Episode 1999b

@00:21:50 china without a license in violation of
@00:21:59 technology to china now we're starting
@00:22:06 of china individuals that are dealing in

The [CB]s Didn’t See This Coming, Within The Agreement Is The Economic Plan - Episode 1999a

@00:05:41 but has limited recourse just like china
@00:09:35 doing with china where he's pushing them
@00:10:36 his trade war with china that has sent
@00:14:43 deal with china is it gonna be this year

MSM Manipulates Economic Numbers, Trump Controls The Economic Narrative - Episode 1997a

@00:10:38 manufacturers move out of china as best
@00:11:00 tweeted out that china has already begun

IMF [CB] Right On Schedule, The Economic Trap Has Been Set - Episode 1996a

@00:10:33 deal we got through phase one china
@00:10:43 china the us has the leverage with food

The [CB] System Is Collapsing, IMF Prepares, Patriots Will Counter - Episode 1995a

@00:06:27 of the trade deal with china their trade
@00:06:37 trump the patriots and china work out

Fear Is Flushing The [DS] Out, The Only Way Forward, Expose, Transparency & Truth - Episode 1994b

@00:23:34 with china helping the farmers but in
@00:25:19 biden china big development traitors

Phase One Of The Economic Deal Completed, It’s Happening - Episode 1994a

@00:02:18 pressure on china every time they didn't
@00:02:24 more pressure on china and as you can
@00:02:54 announcement of phase 1 of the us-china
@00:03:17 mechanism the us and china are hopeful
@00:04:13 and china as we know they have the
@00:04:17 protests happening in china they also
@00:04:30 imports that china demands so they're
@00:05:45 to get involved china has made across
@00:06:20 because they knew eventually china would

Impeachment Coming Apart, WB Revealed?, [DS] Is Trapped - Episode 1993b

@00:03:00 everyone know that ukraine and china are

[CB]s Push Fear, Deal Close, Economy About To Change - Episode 1993a

@00:09:27 at china trade talk meeting warmer
@00:09:41 about china deal is that the fact that
@00:10:08 the question is why is china warmer
@00:11:01 partial china deal now think about what
@00:11:07 partial china deal the market is going
@00:11:21 implement tariffs on china and since he

Bombshells Dropped, HB, BO Missing? IG FISA Report On The Way - Episode 1992b

@00:03:37 dealings in both china and ukraine in
@00:11:04 minorities in china so we can see that

The Patriots Just Foiled The [CB] Economic Plan, Patriots Taking Back The Economy - Episode 1992a

@00:04:26 china trade talks are coming up china
@00:04:41 mean china is increasingly finding
@00:05:11 china signal it might import as much as
@00:05:39 that the us and china they are now going
@00:05:58 expensive to stay in china once they
@00:06:01 move out of china it's too expensive to
@00:06:19 big day of negotiations with china they
@00:07:08 of china
@00:07:45 agreement in 2012 giving china control
@00:08:24 administration allow china to have the
@00:08:35 china was supposed to be the main
@00:08:43 completely lopsided towards china the
@00:10:20 import-export trace from china mexican

The [CB] System Is Coming To An End, Patriots Accelerate The Plan - Episode 1991a

@00:02:26 he still has one ongoing with china we
@00:05:43 dollar china iran venezuela and the

Economic Message Received, Sets The “Gold Standard” - Episode 1990a

@00:10:11 issuance with china and japan barely

The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b

@00:08:48 dollars from the china despite no

This Economic Move Is Being Done In The Shadows,Transition Economy Being Built - Episode 1988a

@00:06:16 placed tariffs on china to push
@00:06:19 companies out of china maybe into other

The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] - Episode 1987b

@00:12:20 that trump asking china and ukraine to
@00:22:16 corporation of china a chinese

Panic Sets In For Brennan, Schiff In Trouble, This Is Just The Warmup - Episode 1986b

@00:05:05 just china
@00:09:30 ukraine and china it's many other
@00:16:45 now brought in china and other countries
@00:17:24 they scam just like they scammed china
@00:17:34 probably why china so many years has had
@00:17:38 a sweetheart deal with china rips off
@00:17:47 probably why china has such a sweetheart
@00:26:59 something about biden in china oh wait i

The [CB] Of [CB]s Just Hit The Panic Button, Patriots Just Hit The Globalists Hard - Episode 1986a

@00:07:24 aircraft to the eu australia china korea
@00:08:45 monetary fund china russia us chamber of
@00:09:41 you think is gonna happen with china why
@00:12:35 hurdle is china and guess what he will
@00:12:39 conquer china they will submit once they
@00:12:53 within china that don't worry things we

Fear, Panic Sets In For The [DS], They Will Never Try This Again, Targets Locked - Episode 1983b

@00:10:44 with the bank of china only days after
@00:16:38 ukraine and china deals made by the
@00:25:37 china ministry of state security so what
@00:25:51 them in china his arrest exposes and
@00:28:48 china and they're doing this and rudy

[DS]/MSM Scrambling, Patriots Getting Ready To Strike Again - Episode 1980b

@00:27:48 trump was sentenced for spying for china
@00:28:04 people's republic of china he's going to
@00:28:22 preparing to board a flight to china

[DS] Failed Again, Think Mirror, More Panic & Pain Coming, Next Wave Begins - Episode 1979b

@00:09:31 china 1.5 billion they bought the
@00:12:09 to china in december 2013 on air force
@00:12:14 office to china for a total of 1.5
@00:12:17 billion is there any doubt that china
@00:14:14 from ukraine and china and they're
@00:21:32 easily taken out of ukraine and china
@00:25:11 why has giuliani been mentioning china
@00:25:31 this is clowns revealed in china and
@00:26:08 biden's son 1.5 billion deal with china

The Shot Across The Bow, The IMF Should Cease To Exist - Episode 1979

@00:04:26 and this is why china is now extending
@00:04:37 the election and china is starting to
@00:04:39 realize this and china is now extending
@00:04:45 talks china is on a meat buying spree
@00:04:54 of trade talks next month now china had

Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped - Episode 1976b

@00:09:48 foreign business dealings ukraine china
@00:14:46 ukraine and in china he knew nothing

The Establishment Admits They Lost The Economic Narrative - Episode 1975a

@00:06:33 tariffs against china it didn't have the
@00:07:06 remember when china produces the product
@00:07:52 out of china but the everyday person

Right On Schedule, Attacks On [CB] Continue, Economic Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1973a

@00:09:38 now trump is warning china right now

Restructure Hint, We Will Never Again Be Under Their Control - Episode 1972a

@00:07:59 it he mentioned is the is china or the
@00:08:27 comparing them to china
@00:08:29 actually they're much worse than china
@00:11:54 china or the fed where the fed is

[CB]/[DS] Economic Plan Blocked, Plenty Of Oil - Episode 1971a

@00:09:54 producer prices in china shrank most in

D5 Avalanche, Could Gouge The Landscape, Take Cover, Incoming - Episode 1969b

@00:14:10 china and i'm sure there's a lot more
@00:14:12 than just ukraine and china now jim

We Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Economic System & A Birth Of A New One - Episode 1968a

@00:01:04 taken on china in a trade war that's a
@00:02:51 china most likely soon with russia why
@00:10:33 decided to delay the china tariffs until
@00:10:41 he's willing to work with china and
@00:10:45 china now is willing to work with him
@00:10:52 initiating a rapid exodus from china
@00:11:07 of china lu he and due to the fact that
@00:11:10 the people's republic of china will be
@00:11:46 that china well they're feeling it and
@00:11:52 have companies move out of china into
@00:12:19 destination is long no longer china and
@00:13:08 that china will be buying large amounts

Placeholder Filled, Flynn Free Next, The World Is Waking Up, Attacks Intensify - Episode 1967b

@00:04:45 china other 2010 187 that's in brackets
@00:05:08 media china hacked hillary clinton's

In One Simple Statement The Patriots Just Countered The Recession Push, Brilliant- Episode 1967a

@00:03:54 manufacturing back and hitting china
@00:03:57 hard remember they set china up and this
@00:04:11 of the central bank economy china and
@00:04:28 out in china and other countries now
@00:04:40 china and it is working
@00:04:43 trump says the supply-chain of china is
@00:04:50 what he said about china doing very well
@00:04:53 with china and you probably saw the
@00:05:05 breaking up the supply chain of china
@00:05:17 china wants to make a deal we'll see
@00:05:22 deal for this country china has been
@00:05:35 make any excuses for the fact that china

The Next Economic Move Is Being Prepared, Watch Gold - Episode 1966a

@00:07:56 think about china russia and many of the

Trump Knew, Boris Makes His Move, Gold Will Destroy The [CB] - Episode 1965a

@00:07:24 the list to russia china france and all

Right On Schedule, Recession Cancelled, Global Trade Reset In Progress - Episode 1963a

@00:06:14 there is no recession china is eating
@00:06:27 china having worst year in decades talks
@00:11:22 idea that trump is doing with china this
@00:11:41 out of china remember their plan was to
@00:12:00 china and many of the countries out
@00:12:06 were purchasing from china and china was
@00:12:19 with china now the mainstream media they
@00:13:03 small part and china big part as the
@00:13:39 impact is doubled china has less income
@00:13:52 china is going to buy something guess
@00:14:04 because china devalued their currency
@00:14:19 china buys less and that now exhibits in

Confirmation, The Swamp Is Being Drained, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 1962b

@00:19:26 actually reminds me of china but they're

The Patriots Take Control, The [CB] Will Follow Instructions - Episode 1962a

@00:05:58 winning trade war with china in dollars
@00:09:48 china has gold russia has gold and there

[CB] Exposes Itself, Stealth Moves Bring Down The [CB] System - Episode 1961a

@00:05:59 china this week to undercut trump's
@00:06:03 current trade negotiations with china i
@00:06:57 trump is doing to china is not lost on
@00:11:44 certain factions within china that are
@00:12:14 there's problems between china and the
@00:12:26 china that has to do with the deep state
@00:12:53 the companies out of china which the
@00:12:57 moved into the country of china and to
@00:13:00 other countries surrounding china now

The [CB] Begins To Project, Without Debt The System Collapses - Episode 1960a

@00:06:43 refineries now in regards to china the
@00:06:56 operatives in china we've seen it in
@00:07:20 in our negotiations with china well i'm
@00:07:39 what happens to china when i went deal
@00:07:44 china supply chain will crumble and
@00:07:56 cleaners by china that want need to get
@00:08:01 after china trade practices remember the
@00:08:32 agenda and china those individuals that
@00:08:47 china it's going to fail it will not
@00:08:56 going to be awful for china but again
@00:09:20 china they're gonna
@00:09:38 trump is right china they're gonna be
@00:09:48 happens so china has to say okay we give
@00:16:48 that china russia

Desperation Sets In, See Something, Say Something, Brace For It, Incoming - Episode 1959b

@00:22:15 they're being removed now out in china
@00:22:43 china censors people remember google
@00:22:56 doing this for china even though they
@00:23:03 was going to be used not just in china
@00:23:50 now think about china for a second if
@00:24:06 were trying to take what china has and
@00:25:38 the china chatter and making every

[CB]/MSM Around The World Are Struggling, The Economic Movement Cannot Be Stopped - Episode 1959a

@00:11:07 gonna be lieu leaving china now they
@00:15:54 around 700 why do you think china and
@00:16:10 going to happen russia and china they

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:22:17 now we can see out in china the protests
@00:22:30 looks like china might be in trouble

Confirmed, Companies Leaving China, Behold The New Economy - Episode 1958a

@00:00:46 china behold the new economy let's get
@00:01:08 they're working so hard to push china to
@00:01:13 push tariffs on china so corporations
@00:01:21 be in china now remember the deep state
@00:01:34 other countries mainly it was china then
@00:02:03 it china or is it the american
@00:02:06 corporations that are in china think
@00:02:46 that are in china that are in other
@00:03:20 tariffs on china on august 23rd he
@00:03:30 move their operation out of china now
@00:03:33 china expert frank z believes that when
@00:03:51 pressure on china china's economy is
@00:04:29 china yes they do bad things but this is
@00:05:21 china has succeeded which it is
@00:05:39 moving out of china and he was speaking
@00:05:53 will be leaving china and doing business
@00:05:56 elsewhere now once they're out of china
@00:06:04 lot of the manufacturing out of china
@00:06:22 if you look at chinese government china
@00:06:33 things outside of china but they've
@00:06:46 companies are going to be leaving china
@00:06:52 13% of companies will be leaving china
@00:07:07 13% of the companies moving out of china
@00:07:20 move back into china once these
@00:07:24 companies are out of china hopefully
@00:08:24 pressure on china they made it easy for
@00:08:27 china everything that he's doing is the

MSM/[CB] Plan Just Failed, Watch What Happens Next - Episode 1956a

@00:11:45 china in other countries they're gonna

The Chosen One, The First Wave Is About To Hit - Episode 1955b

@00:29:06 potus looked east toward china and said

The [CB] Is Making Itself Obsolete, & It Cannot Be Used In The New Economy - Episode 1955a

@00:09:36 dealing with china and all those people
@00:09:43 trump on how to deal with china remember
@00:10:18 getting on china from people who have
@00:10:27 china this has never happened to them
@00:10:44 created the deals with china they were

The [CB] Is Doomed, They Just Showed Their True Colors - Episode 1954a

@00:05:45 trump he wants to make a deal with china
@00:05:57 time to push countries out of china now
@00:06:13 the united states into china and many
@00:06:58 powers to block china trade now the law
@00:11:01 with china is hurting the economy and

We Are Watching The Reset Of The World Economy - Episode 1953a

@00:01:45 on between china and the united states
@00:02:21 china trade is slowing and they blamed
@00:03:49 of china companies are coming back to
@00:04:17 russia and china right now russia took
@00:04:25 china has been using all of this fiat
@00:05:15 frankly i think that china i don't know
@00:05:37 china the vice chairman of china came
@00:09:01 china

The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many - Episode 1952b

@00:07:10 taking on trade with china little did i

The Panic Is Real, The [CB] True Agenda Is Revealed - Episode 1952a

@00:05:35 additional tariffs on china the
@00:05:40 on two hundred fifty billion in china
@00:06:00 years china and many other countries has
@00:06:11 to it a year to china with no end in
@00:06:17 china to get so far ahead a fair and
@00:06:31 trading relationship china should not
@00:06:44 goods and products from china currently
@00:06:53 and products from china that was being
@00:07:08 corporations out of china that's the
@00:07:18 to be lopsided giving china the benefit
@00:07:31 company should think about leaving china
@00:07:32 and maybe moving out of china into
@00:07:58 of china under 1977 law and when we look
@00:08:29 presidential powers china etc try
@00:08:52 china more like iran and order sanctions
@00:12:04 china supposed to purchase agricultural
@00:12:08 looks like trump is showing china listen

Panic, Message Evergreen, Public Discovers Illegal Surveillance - Episode 1951b

@00:20:57 entities one of them being china so if

Economic Optics Are Important, Trump Signals The Reset - Episode 1951a

@00:08:30 fed or china and we all know the answer
@00:08:59 with china over many years they have
@00:09:09 we don't need china and frankly we would
@00:09:16 stolen by china from the united states
@00:09:26 alternative to china including bringing
@00:09:45 deliveries of fentanyl from china or
@00:09:56 years is much larger than that of china
@00:10:15 companies that are in china who think
@00:10:23 china there's sadly mistaken remember be
@00:10:36 china and many others remember their
@00:10:54 going to be china the imf or whatever
@00:10:56 they were going to use china had the
@00:11:02 moved out to china because it was
@00:11:34 you stay in china
@00:13:12 need china we don't need them anymore
@00:13:41 the united states to china and then we
@00:13:44 had to purchase the goods from china

Ammunition Used, Failed, Wait For It, Military Timing - Episode 1950b

@00:17:16 china and many other countries start to

Did You Catch It, Recession Narrative, It’s Happening - Episode 1950a

@00:15:05 with china china's been grifting off
@00:15:22 potential trade war with china could
@00:16:17 china china put us in the recession what

Message Decoded, Public Rollout Of Declass, Complete Transparency - Episode 1949b

@00:26:23 iran or north korea or china or any of

[CB]s Around The World Are Panicking, Think Mirror - Episode 1949a

@00:06:15 the following doing great with china and

Future Proves Past, Distractions, Timing Is Everything - Episode 1947b

@00:30:15 in china we see the protests in hong

Investigations By OIG Completed, Facts Dominate, [DS] Scrambles - Episode 1946b

@00:06:27 were they doing in china well here it is

Operation Yellow Hammer, Patriots Taking Back The Economy - Episode 1946a

@00:08:41 china eating tariffs helping targeted
@00:08:59 china moving forward lowest unemployment
@00:09:27 happens is the first middleman in china
@00:10:16 and it gets hit with in china they
@00:10:19 absorb it this is why china is
@00:10:36 gonna move out of china they are now

Drip, Drip, Prepped And Ready, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1945b

@00:09:21 established without a doubt that china
@00:09:29 there's no question china was involved
@00:09:34 publicly claim that china hacked clinton
@00:09:48 hacked by china she was selling secrets

The Era Of De-Globalization Is Upon Us, Nothing Can Stop It - Episode 1945a

@00:11:42 said there is nothing that china and the

[C] Before [D], It’s Getting Ready To Blow - Episode 1944b

@00:07:24 and his son hunter in ukraine and china

What You Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The [CB] Economy- Episode 1944a

@00:02:38 using tariffs to put pressure on china
@00:02:47 should we stay in china and pay the
@00:02:53 should we move out of china into another

Trump & Boris Trapped The [CB], Boom - Episode 1943a

@00:06:32 place on china they decided to delay
@00:06:55 a gift from china prices not up no
@00:07:00 china would be spending fake news won't
@00:07:27 statement by liu he about china making
@00:08:11 china this scenario appears to be the
@00:09:00 china china will be the focal point with
@00:09:09 going to move in on china and he's going
@00:09:14 to trap and corner china into making
@00:09:34 blame china this is what he tweeted out
@00:09:37 we're winning big time against china
@00:09:45 have come down china is not our problem

The [CB] Is Being Prepped To Be Nationalized - Episode 1940a

@00:09:04 china is adding great stimulus to the

The [CB] System Is Unravelling, Trapped By Their Own Debt - Episode 1939a

@00:05:57 might not make a trade deal with china
@00:06:12 with china with these tariffs what
@00:06:16 china self-destructs corporations move
@00:06:22 out of china maybe into other countries
@00:06:41 doesn't want china to have a gorm
@00:06:44 china is trying to hold out they're
@00:06:55 china they're hoping that everything

The Economic Control Is Unbelievable, Bet You Didn’t See This Happening - Episode 1938a

@00:05:12 cut rates our problem is not china we
@00:05:17 into the us while china is losing

How Do You Make A [CB] Obsolete, This Is How - Episode 1937a

@00:03:17 trump is doing with china trump right
@00:03:22 china and the tariffs now we know that
@00:03:24 china is retaliating through devaluing
@00:03:32 they have left remember china doesn't
@00:04:10 carries two important risks for china
@00:04:27 china a currency manipulator this is the
@00:04:52 china and can open the door to future
@00:05:06 china which would crash
@00:05:15 maneuvering to place china in a corner
@00:05:31 relationship between america and china
@00:06:00 china worse china has long had quasi
@00:06:09 to operate in china they are forced to
@00:06:23 license to operate in china american
@00:06:52 to america does america do this to china
@00:07:20 china they're looking to increase
@00:07:42 china in the corner to make them do what
@00:08:04 them is to to get china to say okay we
@00:08:41 rates our problem is not china we are
@00:08:46 the us while china is losing companies
@00:09:33 if you notice he's not blaming china
@00:12:34 happening with china it's all happening

Don’t You Just Love It When The Economic Plan Comes Together, Golden - Episode 1936a

@00:03:03 about china about bilateral trade
@00:03:43 with china and lou dobbs showed a chart
@00:04:27 imported by china are an immaterial
@00:05:30 china the entire establishment got it
@00:05:42 the timing is right it's time for china
@00:05:53 china and other parts of the world is
@00:06:13 he's imposing tariffs on china to force
@00:06:19 china and hopefully bring them back to
@00:12:40 now we have china devaluing think about

Think About The Economic Plan, Put It All Together What Do You See - Episode 1934a

@00:04:00 stopped china trade practices with the
@00:04:28 reworking the trade deal with china now
@00:05:50 it in many ways including with china you
@00:05:53 may have read a little bit about china
@00:06:40 now trump went on to say that china has
@00:06:52 china he's using tariffs as leverage and
@00:07:01 china deal see it's not working it's
@00:07:38 went to china yes some went to other
@00:08:21 moved to china and some other countries
@00:08:24 but mostly china now trump the patriots
@00:08:34 united states or move them out of china
@00:09:06 deal that quickly with china if he did
@00:09:17 china using it as leverage
@00:09:20 pushing countries out of china into some
@00:09:30 out of china it will be too expensive to
@00:09:34 move back into china think about that
@00:09:40 china is using tariffs and companies are
@00:09:43 moving out of china how do you bring
@00:10:11 pushing the companies out of china this
@00:10:24 china they know that companies will be
@00:10:34 companies just leave china and many more
@00:10:53 deal with china or maybe he'll wait a
@00:11:01 companies move out of china than
@00:12:06 china as the focal point to let everyone
@00:12:19 they're watching what happens with china
@00:12:24 them and trump is using china as

Slam-Dunk Positioned, Expectations Are A Distraction From The Goal - Episode 1933b

@00:20:49 placing tariffs on china they're trying

The Economy Is Now In Position, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1933a

@00:05:01 working on the trade deals with china
@00:05:31 capital evacuation from china companies
@00:05:34 leaving china companies coming back to
@00:06:05 china remember he's dealing and
@00:06:09 negotiating with china to benefit the
@00:06:13 china is looking at what is going on
@00:06:18 realize trump is going to win china has
@00:08:11 end with china since december of 2018 no
@00:08:23 another 10% on china think about what's
@00:10:52 china creating new bilateral trade

What, You Thought The Economic Plan Was Going To Be In A Straight Line - Episode 1932a

@00:07:18 china of 68,000 tons of soybeans for the
@00:07:35 soybean purchased by china since a five
@00:07:56 to make a deal with china they're not
@00:08:17 returned from china where they had
@00:08:23 deal with china three months ago but
@00:08:25 sadly china decided to renegotiate the
@00:08:57 goods and products coming from china
@00:09:08 positive dialogue with china on a
@00:09:14 will be a very bright one so china
@00:09:33 trump is out there telling china and
@00:09:36 showing china that we mean business this
@00:09:47 china that's not negotiations
@00:10:20 china where they're making these
@00:10:48 places tariffs on china it's going to be
@00:14:51 make the deal with china to make other

Boom-Rates Cut, Projection, This Is Not A Coincidence - Episode 1931a

@00:05:00 china and eventually go after the fed
@00:05:32 now the china talks right now they seem
@00:06:07 give away anything else but china has

Are You Ready For The Economic Fireworks, It’s Show Time - Episode 1930a

@00:06:55 insisting that china has purchased us
@00:07:01 soybeans have been shipped to china
@00:07:10 beans cotton pork and sorghum china
@00:07:13 china agreed earlier to narrow its multi
@00:07:46 china
@00:08:11 possible china monitoring muller
@00:08:12 hearings possible china analyzing
@00:08:21 china was looking at the entire
@00:09:15 tweeted out the following china is doing
@00:09:27 problem with china they just don't come
@00:11:14 position with china light heiser's
@00:11:20 non-negotiable think of china like a big
@00:11:44 china lake of economic value into
@00:12:24 trump is putting pressure on china
@00:12:27 letting china know we are in control
@00:13:15 bring it out of china into what trump
@00:13:28 of this and china they are trapped
@00:14:00 the european nations with china because
@00:14:20 you can see that eventually china is

All Pieces In Place, Full Control Of Economic Narrative Has Arrived - Episode 1929a

@00:03:08 eu and china will further lower interest
@00:04:49 and for china until now the us has been

Trials Begin Shortly, All Will Be Exposed, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1928b

@00:15:31 state players dems in china discussing a
@00:36:39 spreading to china post 3527 refers back

The [CB]’s Just Tipped Off The World Into What Happens Next - Episode 1928a

@00:02:49 for manufacturing in china now we know
@00:02:54 with china we know that he's placed
@00:02:56 tariffs on china we know that this is to
@00:03:00 force companies out of china maybe into
@00:03:21 are made in china make them in the usa
@00:03:35 if you make them in china you're going
@00:04:22 the us trade position with china now
@00:05:44 tariffs with china plus the u.s. u.s.

Manchurian Candidate,Stealth Bomber,Special Package Delivery - Episode 1927b

@00:09:51 china if there is a problem we will find
@00:23:04 caps muller hearing yes china is
@00:23:14 says possible china analyzing likelihood
@00:23:25 possible china taking steps think
@00:23:31 of 2020 yes china does not want to deal
@00:23:35 with trump china wants to go back to the
@00:23:38 way it was hugh says possible china in
@00:23:57 china promising that everything will go
@00:24:02 of office possible china in secure comms
@00:24:14 china we will go back to the way it was
@00:24:30 says possible china put extreme
@00:24:42 sean-o if a missile china pressured

Placeholders, Patriots Positioning, Blocks Removed, Locked And Loaded - Episode 1926b

@00:04:02 china if they could do that to a child

The Economic Landscape Is Changing, [CB] On The Defensive - Episode 1924a

@00:11:27 billion dollar china replacement money

Message Relayed To [DS], All Exits Are Now Blocked - Episode 1922b

@00:27:18 everything because we know that china

Rate Cuts Coming, Right On Schedule,[CB] Takes The Bait - Episode 1919a

@00:10:21 us and china think about that for a
@00:10:26 between the us and china the entire
@00:10:47 deal with china now are they gonna make
@00:12:42 monetary fund china russia us chamber of
@00:14:37 emlyn trump and china iron out the trade

The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom - Episode 1917b

@00:27:26 haiti north korea china russia cuba

Globalists Plan Shutdown, Trump-Fed Using Antiquated Policies, Boom - Episode 1917a

@00:01:57 take for instance china now trump he's
@00:02:02 been working on this trade deal china is
@00:02:43 we want and china first of all they've
@00:03:11 really drive the ship for china but what
@00:03:55 by china is exactly what trump would
@00:04:16 now are departing china the belt and
@00:04:30 china not the u.s. not the consumers in
@00:04:44 products a previous promised china
@00:05:47 leaving china we'll be getting into that
@00:06:01 companies wanting to leave china for
@00:06:05 companies are leaving this is why china
@00:06:16 terrorists from china with possibly much
@00:06:20 by china devaluing and pumping not by
@00:06:28 which china is working because one of
@00:06:39 of the united states and into china
@00:06:52 china and some are coming back to the
@00:07:01 moving production out of china to
@00:07:56 to united states and out of china
@00:07:59 because the plan was to have china as
@00:08:05 was selling the secrets to china
@00:08:20 china was gonna be the dominant power

Trump Sends Economic Message, It’s Not What You Think - Episode 1915a

@00:04:57 mexico has not been revealed china is
@00:05:40 china sells a product for 10 bucks its

Power, Control, Everything Has Shifted, Stealth Bomber Incoming - Episode 1914b

@00:15:47 china and she received gifts will guess
@00:19:21 brackets bold china is not a threat

Proof Of The Magic Wand, Restructuring Process Has Begun - Episode 1914a

@00:06:26 some issues to deal with with the china

Storm Has Arrived, Now It’s The Patriots Turn, It’s Happening - Episode 1912c

@00:21:08 is so soft on china biden son 1.5
@00:21:12 billion deal with china coincidence

This Time It Is Different, Watch How The Economic Plan Unfolds - Episode 1912a

@00:04:53 japan europe south korea mexico china is

Independence Day Message Sent & Received, Countermeasures In Place - Episode 1908b

@00:12:42 tariffs on china they ban huawei and
@00:13:46 china development bank and huawei signed

The Impossible Has Been Eliminated, The Economic Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1908a

@00:03:21 ramp up in china very interestingly we
@00:03:26 see that the people of china they are
@00:06:01 has sent rice to china now think about
@00:06:08 sending rice to china china grows rice
@00:06:55 trading history american rice in china
@00:07:10 american soybeans to china so i guess
@00:07:15 where china was going to purchase some
@00:07:41 peter navarro has reengaged with china
@00:08:30 that china has never negotiated nor
@00:08:45 position themselves to have china bow to
@00:09:01 enforceable trade agreement with china
@00:09:13 agreements the trade plan with china
@00:09:34 that china is following through and i do
@00:09:37 believe once china follows through they

Get Ready, Trump Just Made Another Move, Economic Restructuring Coming - Episode 1907a

@00:08:50 incentives placing tariffs on china
@00:15:19 that china russia australia is going to

It’s Happening, Power Returned To The People, Truth & Transparency - Episode 1905b

@00:03:10 with china almost complete black sites

Watch How The MSM Tries To Control The Economic Narrative, Big Fail - Episode 1905a

@00:07:55 instance the trade talks with china now
@00:08:03 g20 that he's going to allow china to
@00:09:12 announced the us and china would restart
@00:10:13 compliance is where china recoiled
@00:11:13 agreement with china before and again
@00:11:36 nations are going to follow with china
@00:11:38 and they're going to reign in china

History Was Just Made, Watch Everything Fall Into Place, Panic Everywhere - Episode 1904b

@00:25:37 china and north korea just like a master
@00:25:48 in to china while the sun was getting
@00:25:49 1.5 billion investment from china where

Trade Deal In The Works, Time To Get Rid Of Federal Taxes, Boom - Episode 1904a

@00:01:34 was to have a deal with china trump and
@00:02:13 china resumes ag purchases likely maybe
@00:03:10 meeting with president xi of china
@00:03:16 existing tariffs that we charge china
@00:03:19 while we continue to negotiate china has
@00:03:41 china as our relationship with them
@00:03:55 currently being charged to china
@00:04:18 negotiations it's no longer china china
@00:04:25 china paid certain politicians off to
@00:04:49 has the leverage and now china will be

Economic Messages Deciphered, Their Plan Stopped, New Economy Readied - Episode 1903a

@00:08:02 south korea and china and the us were
@00:08:17 has been set so this deal between china

Trump Accelerates The Attacks On The [CB] As He Prepares The Country - Episode 1902a

@00:02:53 yes china has a lot of issues the us has

Here Come The Booms, Great Awakening, Patriots Fight, Placeholders Next - Episode 1901b

@00:22:35 and the deal is done with china guess

The New Economy Was Just Announced, Did You Catch It - Episode 1901a

@00:06:00 when china and the united states make a
@00:06:32 out is the following china gets 91

The People Have Spoken, This Is What They Want From The Economy - Episode 1900a

@00:04:46 between the us and china for decades
@00:04:49 china has been taking advantage of the
@00:04:58 self-interest in china have argued that
@00:05:05 china is bearing the burden of these
@00:05:07 tariffs china has had to lower its
@00:05:35 imports from china
@00:05:36 this demonstrates that china is actually
@00:05:48 china this is important for two reasons
@00:05:54 national security and second china is
@00:06:10 financial grip of china no longer should
@00:06:13 america play second fiddle to china it
@00:06:26 tariffs on china now there are 600
@00:07:14 behind trump with china and this is the
@00:07:48 central bank has done now if china has
@00:08:02 china and this is just the beginning the

[DS] Took The Bait, Now It’s The Patriots Turn - Episode 1898b

@00:03:13 dealings in ukraine and china now biden
@00:03:52 ukraine in china after he's elected well
@00:04:09 something went on in china let's recap a
@00:05:04 china and other institutions so the

People Around The World Are Connecting The Dots, [CB] Days Are Numbered - Episode 1898a

@00:06:28 the talk talks between the us and china
@00:06:58 before the g20 meeting and china has
@00:12:08 it has to include china it has to

The Stage Is Set, Independence Is The Key, Well Played Patriots - Episode 1897a

@00:06:07 to get out of china they're gonna be
@00:06:42 were going to be moving out of china and
@00:07:00 we'll be moving out of china now very

The [CB] & [DS] Pushing Recession, Rate Cuts Won’t Help, Think Mirror - Episode 1895a

@00:11:16 trump boxed in china right now i do
@00:11:37 help from china

The Economic Reset Plan Is Working, Next Phase On Deck - Episode 1894a

@00:05:52 china is now well over a year old and
@00:07:02 making trade deals with china and many
@00:07:10 china well
@00:07:40 china well it's not doing well it's
@00:08:00 companies and essentially cut off china
@00:08:17 with china china does not believe in
@00:08:33 of the plan to force china into making
@00:09:50 china strongest leader in decades and
@00:10:28 trump has boxed in china boxed in
@00:10:33 the deep state and now china is in a
@00:10:36 lose-lose situation and china never
@00:11:00 good for china itself moving forward

Trump Just Activated The Economic Reset, It Has Begun - Episode 1892a

@00:04:13 landscape of us-china trade
@00:05:12 was gonna be going after china he had to
@00:05:17 to have china be the manufacturing china
@00:05:36 placed tariffs on china and china
@00:05:49 he went and before he went after china
@00:05:52 so china they're going to try to hold
@00:08:16 the quote from the south china post the
@00:08:22 china retaliatory tariffs will now
@00:09:19 away from china what are we seeing i
@00:09:36 zone that is now china why do you think
@00:10:03 business as things go forward china
@00:10:17 pull out of china and invest in these

Trump Just Dropped The Economic Hammer, It’s Time - Episode 1890a

@00:02:43 china is similar
@00:08:58 china now like i said before i do
@00:09:33 tariffs china will go ahead and make the
@00:10:07 applied he predicted the us and china
@00:10:19 said the china deal is going to work out
@00:11:06 ridiculous he said now china is just
@00:11:21 say they pump a lot of money into china
@00:11:31 think about it if china is stimulating

What You Are Witnessing Is A Coordinated Effort To Block The Truth,This Will Fail - Episode 1888b

@00:18:43 trump suspended tariffs against china
@00:18:52 china walked away from their promise and
@00:18:58 the tariffs against china were

[CB] Reverses Policy, It Happened Exactly As Planned - Episode 1887a

@00:07:30 trump is placing tariffs on china making
@00:08:02 china they're really having no effect on
@00:08:34 tariffs so if china is putting out an
@00:09:02 the following china is subsidizing its
@00:09:09 china for other countries including the
@00:11:24 way china has lost trillions of dollars

[DS] Moves To Hide The Evidence From Public, Countermove Already In Place - Episode 1885b

@00:17:29 curtail the problem china russia iran

[DS] Cornered, This Why The [DS] Will Be Exposed - Episode 1881b

@00:13:31 business with china
@00:13:32 he doesn't want trump in there if china

[DS], MSM Continue To Knock The Economy, Big Fail - Episode 1881a

@00:08:58 with the trade talks with china and
@00:09:03 he said china would love to make a deal
@00:09:18 china to leave the country and locate in
@00:09:22 china is subsidizing products so the
@00:09:35 doing very well with china and i do
@00:09:37 believe that china well they're kind of
@00:09:46 they're going to have to deal with china
@00:10:24 once there's a deal with china the
@00:15:54 china russia the united states of course
@00:16:15 think about how much gold china russia
@00:17:09 good for china the central bank is not

The Age Of Enlightenment Has Arrived, Plan Executed, It’s Time - Episode 1877b

@00:27:42 which we can see by this tweet china not
@00:27:52 believe that china and south korea they
@00:28:02 and there's also censorship in china so

Boom, Another [CB] Jab, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1877a

@00:09:22 china and russia we're gonna lump them

The Setup Is Complete, The IMF & The Fed Take The Bait - Episode 1876a

@00:05:19 trying to make a deal with china is he
@00:05:32 china to give now very interestingly
@00:07:29 because he knew that china was gonna
@00:08:21 because of the us-china trade war it's
@00:09:39 now with china these trade tensions it
@00:10:19 to make a deal with china i wonder why
@00:10:49 a deal with china one way or another the
@00:12:59 china he's going to need the help of
@00:13:30 china does we know that india does we

The Establishment Is Now Threatened, The Economic Structure Is About To Change - Episode 1874a

@00:15:37 a deal with china now he doesn't care
@00:17:53 ready to open new talks with china if

We Are Now In The Build Up Phase, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 1873b

@00:02:05 ukraine and china that he had business

IMF Begins To Panic & Then This Just Happened - Episode 1873a

@00:09:29 following china will be pumping money
@00:09:44 we win in any event china wants a deal

Declass Right Around The Corner, Patriots Control The Timetable - Episode 1872b

@00:10:04 to deal with china and trump was trying
@00:10:07 to get a better trade deal with china
@00:10:30 interests in china that may be harmed by
@00:19:55 no-win situation we know that china and
@00:20:02 russia and china would come to the aid
@00:20:08 china they really don't want to be

Trump Readies The Economy, Transition Coming - Episode 1872a

@00:11:37 percent in china negative 49 percent the

The World Begins To Reject Globalism, Next The [CB] - Episode 1871a

@00:06:50 states with china and russia as
@00:11:01 bank because you're going to need china

The Call Is Loud And Clear, Those Who Committed Treason, Go Directly To Jail - Episode 1870b

@00:26:35 there and he is begging russia and china

Trump Positions The Economy To Out Maneuver The [CB], Change Is Coming - Episode 1870a

@00:02:17 that the china trade talks while they
@00:02:53 china do not make a deal it's going to
@00:07:54 ready to make a deal with china
@00:08:18 war between the united states and china

[DS] Tries To Out Maneuver Trump, This Will Fail - Episode 1869a

@00:03:09 to work rework a trade deal with china
@00:03:47 china to wait don't make a deal is this
@00:10:13 tariffs for leverage on the china trade
@00:10:31 of why he tweeted this out china is
@00:10:40 ripping off america now china they
@00:10:51 said that china backed off a little bit
@00:12:39 to make a deal with china they don't

Trump Traps The [CB], This Is What Control Looks Like - Episode 1868a

@00:10:07 tweeted out the following china will be
@00:10:22 china wants a deal he's now out there

Timing Is Everything, The Economic Plan Behind The Plan, Brilliant - Episode 1867a

@00:02:00 about the trade deal with china he
@00:02:03 tweeted out the following china buys
@00:02:21 china many companies are leaving china
@00:02:29 economy than china and have
@00:03:12 deal with china and i believe there's a
@00:03:46 negotiate with china is a very bad thing
@00:03:50 this is coming out of the south china
@00:04:25 by trump china has no choice if they
@00:05:21 remember g is leader of china trump is
@00:06:00 know that china they cannot sustain a
@00:06:09 china if the u.s. decides to go to south
@00:06:16 from china anymore
@00:06:17 what happens to china well their gdp
@00:06:52 production out of china by summer
@00:06:59 minimize the impact of the us-china
@00:07:08 strategically maneuvering around china
@00:08:28 with china my respect and friendship
@00:08:47 china on trade since the ridiculous
@00:09:10 now remember china was being set up to
@00:09:15 reversing this china is pushing their
@00:09:21 the global system 1 and tpp china was
@00:09:41 he said china will be pumping money into
@00:09:57 we win in any event china wants a deal
@00:10:02 hmm he's using china as the weapon to
@00:10:37 wanted the response from china to
@00:10:56 also benefit china because once the deal
@00:12:28 china realizes that this system is not
@00:12:32 remember china has been purchasing a

Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC - Episode 1866b

@00:17:45 ukraine to china and many other people

MSM, [DS], [CB] Didn’t See This Coming, Trump Has Shadow Trade Deals - Episode 1866a

@00:05:10 discussed yesterday the china trade deal
@00:05:32 central banks china the elite everywhere
@00:05:51 friends in china that china will be hurt
@00:05:57 leave china for other countries to
@00:05:59 expensive to buy in china you had a
@00:06:22 china will be hurt badly if you don't
@00:06:28 forced to leave china for other
@00:06:39 alternatives to china trump already laid
@00:06:47 be with china remember they broke the
@00:06:54 dollars in two hours from china buyers
@00:08:15 that china was going to be a problem and
@00:08:20 pressure on china and he knew he was
@00:08:25 plan just in case that china talks
@00:08:28 didn't go well now do i think the china
@00:09:52 out of china into these other countries
@00:10:06 before that china trade talks so right
@00:10:21 terrible we need to have china no we
@00:10:26 that china might push back on the trade
@00:13:14 elite still even in china yes
@00:13:51 china there was shadow deals that were

The Battle Begins, MSM Begins To Protect The [CB] - Episode 1865a

@00:02:49 been no deal with china china came to
@00:02:56 basically china left now the question is
@00:03:03 they left because china was trying to
@00:03:18 china and have them renegotiate all
@00:04:46 china there was this 150 page draft
@00:05:36 fighting china they're fighting us
@00:05:38 politicians or beneficiaries of china
@00:05:59 self-interest if china can gain economic
@00:06:08 think about it who had deals with china
@00:06:12 that big of a deal but china is a really
@00:06:20 government who have interest in china
@00:06:25 investments with china he's listening to
@00:06:43 finally i think that china felt they
@00:07:26 china might say ok we've given it some
@00:07:54 they they're done in an hour and china
@00:08:27 because out in china they're already
@00:08:29 saying because of these tariffs on china

It Begins, [CB] Projecting, Getting Ahead Of What Is Coming - Episode 1864a

@00:06:27 the china trade deal and the tariffs and
@00:06:51 with china continued in a very congenial
@00:06:58 the united states by china of 25 percent
@00:07:13 dollars the us only sells china
@00:07:27 farmers in large amounts than china ever
@00:07:36 continue to negotiate with china in the
@00:07:48 more than china buys now we would have
@00:07:55 anything else china would greatly slow
@00:08:03 relationship with china for a very long
@00:08:27 trump puts these tariffs on china the
@00:08:39 because when you place tariffs on china
@00:08:45 china may be that product is 20 cents
@00:10:55 a deal with china but even if they do
@00:12:32 them once the china trade deals are all
@00:14:10 started out with china they injected a

Get Ready For The Fireworks, Power Returns To The People - Episode 1862b

@00:02:47 was out there and she called on china to
@00:35:50 information to china this is why trump

The Economic Power Continues To Shift, Did You Catch It - Episode 1862a

@00:01:56 china now a lot of people think that no
@00:01:58 china was never gonna be the next
@00:02:02 to china but actually it really was
@00:02:04 secrets were being sold china basically
@00:02:30 taken away from china and as you can see
@00:03:05 trade with many countries europe china
@00:06:19 trump says china is coming to washington
@00:06:27 reason for the china pull back in
@00:06:46 china has just informed us that they
@00:06:59 us not good for china and i believe all
@00:08:08 and i do believe that china will make a
@00:08:44 port to china it was a sweetheart deal
@00:08:57 there's no way that china is going to be
@00:09:24 china state-owned costco to sell the
@00:09:30 concerns so it looks like china was
@00:10:38 our own ports china shouldn't be

The Economic Strategy Is Working Perfectly, Watch Everything Flip - Episode 1861a

@00:07:31 are continuing with china and the
@00:08:26 impose more tariffs on china in an
@00:09:04 okay listen china is not agreeing i'm
@00:09:20 he knew china was going to react to this
@00:09:23 he knew china wasn't going to budge well
@00:10:27 change with china
@00:10:29 all of a sudden china is going to start
@00:11:25 seen an erosion of commitments by china
@00:11:53 china sent through a new draft of an
@00:12:27 of opinions the u.s. first china trade
@00:12:32 of cultural clashes each time china
@00:12:36 takes aggressive action red dragon china
@00:13:23 mirroring the behavior of china while

Trump Goes Head To Head With The Dragon And Is Winning - Episode 1860a

@00:05:28 china getting rid of the wars all of
@00:06:51 on trade with china we lose about five
@00:07:10 moved to china why do you think all of
@00:07:24 dragon it's china xi jinping and trump
@00:08:00 deal with china was structurally
@00:08:12 china has been paying tariffs to the us
@00:08:29 additional goods sent to us by china
@00:08:40 product cost mostly borne by china the
@00:08:45 trade deal with china continues but too
@00:09:50 because he knows china will never
@00:10:44 wants from china and trump actually has
@00:11:07 remember that china controls north korea
@00:11:31 controls him right now and china well to
@00:11:51 wants and china to save face to get a
@00:12:09 china than china is for the us and
@00:12:39 and once trump does this china will
@00:12:50 meaning that china will henceforth need
@00:13:03 allocate capital to china could mean all
@00:13:16 it helps china when china's gdp rises it
@00:13:26 states they help china and china they
@00:13:39 this so china well they have no place to
@00:13:50 and is going to put pressure on china
@00:13:56 absorbed by china and they are taxed
@00:14:34 is going to use this china understands
@00:14:38 this china realizes that they want a
@00:14:46 was to shift everything over to china to
@00:15:04 trump is using all of this against china
@00:15:07 and china well they have no other place

Economic Control Coming Back To The US, [CB] Admits They Help The Wealthy - Episode 1859a

@00:01:36 have the us-china trade talks going on
@00:10:29 china has been paying tariffs to the us
@00:10:52 by china remain untaxed but will be
@00:11:03 borne by china the trade deal with china
@00:11:11 so china is pushing back trump is using
@00:11:25 within china
@00:11:29 china they're the ones who receive the
@00:11:41 china it doesn't mean it's gonna go up
@00:11:48 purchases that product in china they pay
@00:12:17 put back on china not not on us here in

Patriots Are On The Hunt, Gloves Are Off, Placeholders Active - Episode 1858b

@00:30:46 started getting along with russia china

Boom, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, This Is Control - Episode 1858a

@00:11:51 deal with china tariffs are not gonna be

You Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard,Offensive Begins May 2019 - Episode 1857b

@00:16:19 and china and there are current
@00:16:25 said that china is no threatening he's
@00:16:30 worry about with china they're not a
@00:16:35 even need to look at china at all biden
@00:16:38 said the following china can't even
@00:16:44 between the china sea and the mountains
@00:17:09 china biden and his son had dealings in
@00:17:15 china and he doesn't want anyone looking
@00:17:19 over at china but guess what we're all
@00:18:59 candidate for president call on china to
@00:19:27 russians is china so why should russia
@00:19:38 ask china to back us i here by tonight
@00:19:41 ask china that's right and not only that
@00:19:44 china if you're listening why don't you
@00:21:04 should have china go and hack into the
@00:21:11 want china to fix the elections and we
@00:21:55 calling for china to do these things was
@00:22:00 state operatives within china to go
@00:39:02 the people's republic of china by the
@00:39:16 china nothing to see here and i believe

[CB] Falls Right Into The Trap, Did You Catch It - Episode 1857a

@00:03:09 it's happening in china we know it's
@00:08:03 know that russia china india and many

Trump Has The MSM, [DS] Right Where He Wants Them, Economically - Episode 1856a

@00:04:01 china because they reintroduced stimulus

Right On Cue, It’s Happening, Boom - Episode 1855a

@00:08:55 tweeted out the following china is
@00:09:38 letting us know that china is
@00:09:52 keep the system alive that's why china

Trump Baits The [DS], Worked Like A Charm, It’s Happening - Episode 1854b

@00:05:15 he's going to work with china to help
@00:05:28 china where they made millions and
@00:06:25 the china investigation comes out into

[DS] In [CB] Resisting, Trump Pushing For Change - Episode 1854a

@00:14:06 but soon once the china deal is made and

The [CB] Restructuring Is Now Taking Shape - Episode 1853a

@00:10:00 many countries out there like china

Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

@00:16:25 and is useless considering china india
@00:16:46 china or russia and again there were

[CB] Slowing Growth Narrative Falls Apart, The Economic Plan Is Working- Episode 1852a

@00:02:35 be a deal in china tariffs eventually
@00:09:41 like it's imports and exports by china
@00:09:50 pakistan singapore china is by far the
@00:09:58 china is having the problem it's not
@00:10:30 is going to make a deal with china
@00:10:49 product that's coming in from china it's
@00:11:02 china that purchased that product that
@00:11:19 for china and the middlemen there so
@00:12:45 china has been using the central bank's

Barr Knows It All, Pain, Panic, Something Big Coming In Weeks - Episode 1851b

@00:22:50 were the foreign agents well china and

Fed Losing Control, Jobs Returning, Restructure Coming - Episode 1850a

@00:09:00 we see that the trade talks with china
@00:09:09 heading out to china in may and the
@00:09:30 know what comes after this once china is

All Exits Blocked, Plan Executed, Transition Coming - Episode 1849a

@00:08:16 like russia china the us and many others

How Do You Destroy The [CB], You Use The Weapon They Fear The Most - Episode 1844a

@00:02:21 rates so he's getting it from china
@00:02:24 china is preparing new stimulus packages

Trump Boxed In The Fed, Controls The Economic Narrative, Next [CB] [PANIC] - Episode 1842a

@00:10:32 trillion debt and china has blasted from

Patriots Mount Offensive On [CB], [CB] On The Defensive - Episode 1841a

@00:01:09 wars with china and you have the perfect

Panic In DC,Mueller Report Incoming,Criminal Referrals Just The Beginning - Episode 1837b

@00:25:11 china russia and cuba access has been
@00:27:12 financial proxies china russia will have
@00:27:46 to iran which means china russia would

[CB] Panic, Independence Questioned, Congress Lost Control Of Fed - Episode 1837a

@00:05:56 china he is stopping what the central
@00:07:07 china with the eu if the eu still exists
@00:07:56 close to making a deal with china and

Have You Been Listening To The Economic Clues? - Episode 1836a

@00:01:06 with brags in the trade wars with china
@00:02:34 china is pushing stimulus we have a
@00:05:08 with china
@00:05:19 china and he has until what the election
@00:05:39 tariffs just to make sure that china
@00:05:54 tariffs his trade deal with china has
@00:11:31 you think china and russia why do you
@00:12:05 why wasn't china or russia loading up on

Countries Are Beginning To Weaponize Gold, [CB]s Panic - Episode 1835a

@00:02:01 lot of gold china russia india many
@00:09:59 think about russia and china they've
@00:14:28 the uk this is why china and russia have

[DS] Trapped, Their Move Was Just Blocked, No Place To Hide - Episode 1834b

@00:02:39 with china think about all the things
@00:23:16 mess up the trade deal with china saying

The Economic Patriot Plan Activated, On Schedule, Did You Miss It? - Episode 1834a

@00:05:53 war between the us and china isn't ready

America For Sale, Ukraine & China In The News, News Unlocks - Episode 1833b

@00:00:41 for sale ukraine and china in the news
@00:02:48 with china and this is the real story
@00:05:40 out there we know in the case of china
@00:06:00 no background in china hunter biden has
@00:06:04 no background in china not only does
@00:06:44 back then tells us biden / china big
@00:06:59 six four biden ford / china very
@00:07:20 collusion they're bringing up china
@00:07:32 doing in ukraine and china and this is
@00:07:55 money go from china and starts bringing
@00:23:43 that china and russia they are supplying
@00:26:09 china where they come together and they
@00:28:29 going on with biden with china with

Structure Change Coming, Players Are Being Positioned - Episode 1833a

@00:05:23 making new trade deals with china why is
@00:13:11 2019 they had china push stimulus the

Confirmed [DC] Panicking, [DS] Attending Group Therapy To Deal With It - Episode 1832b

@00:14:44 for china why didn't you go to trump to
@00:19:06 the way that story of china sending
@00:19:12 when they said that china was sending
@00:19:21 backs this up at all and china is
@00:19:44 seem like china and russia the building

[DS][CB] Pushing Economic Disaster, Patriots Creating A People’s Economy - Episode 1832a

@00:12:59 rising we know they're using china right

They Thought They Were Safe, Nobody Could Touch Them, They Were Wrong - Episode 1831b

@00:00:59 belarus china egypt north korea turkey
@00:21:13 china as id and the question is who is

Confirmed, Patriots Shutdown The Recession - Episode 1831a

@00:02:02 reports ago we talked about how china
@00:10:52 system alive remember china china
@00:11:53 into the system and that was china now
@00:12:03 that's impossible china is gonna be
@00:12:37 because of what china did they injected

4am Talking Points, Comey Coded Message, [DS] Frenzy - Episode 1830b

@00:23:49 about china i mean google is building a

Are The [CB] Systems Compromised, Something Strange Is Happening - Episode 1828a

@00:14:26 in coordination with russia china and

[CB] Panic, They Are Vulnerable And Exposed, New Economy Forming - Episode 1827a

@00:08:43 can see that the talks with china

[DS] Exposed, The World Will See How The [DS] Navigates Around The Laws - Episode 1826b

@00:10:24 out russia in north korea he said china

The Patriots Strategically Box In The Fed - Episode 1826a

@00:07:42 somewhere in china so we're never going

Keep An Eye On The Sword, Nobody Walks Away From This - Episode 1824b

@00:18:09 china stepped in north korea was ready

Dark Clouds Have Been Lifted, Everything Moves Forward - Episode 1824a

@00:03:34 make deals with china with north korea
@00:06:24 china and i do believe that trump xi
@00:06:52 china but north korea and many other

Marker Reached, Death Of Globalization Accelerates - Episode 1819a

@00:11:27 decker makes toasters in china these
@00:12:59 over china leverage we can use to
@00:13:03 china steals up to 600 billion in an
@00:16:33 bilateral trade agreements china russia

Narrative Fight Coming, It’s Time To Unite & Take-down The True Enemy - Episode 1818b

@00:26:55 nightmarishly implemented in china that

The Founding Fathers Knew The Secret Of The Central Bankers - Episode 1818a

@00:05:26 ohio close the plant in china or mexico
@00:07:12 now close a plant in china or mexico
@00:07:28 united states into mexico into china and
@00:15:11 secrets to china that were stealing

Promises Soon To Be Kept, Justice Is Coming, [DS] Cannot Stop It - Episode 1817b

@00:17:20 china work that google is doing in china
@00:17:55 work in china knowing that there is that
@00:18:20 work in china that directly or
@00:30:53 china sentencing is set for september
@00:31:47 in china so it looks like huber is doing

BASEL III Activates Gold, Gold Will Bring Down The Fed - Episode 1817a

@00:16:03 russia china india turkey many other

The First Wave Will Bring About Unity & Change, T [-6] And Counting - Episode 1814b

@00:10:33 china to investigate the blackout and
@00:32:29 fbi contradicts trump claimed that china
@00:33:06 emails have been hacked by china this is
@00:33:15 china
@00:33:29 tweeted out report just out china hacked
@00:34:01 intelligence for china let's continue q
@00:34:50 servers were hacked it means that china
@00:35:15 how did china get the information were
@00:35:24 the emails were sent to china
@00:35:39 saying that china hacked the server they

T [-7] And Counting, Prepared And Ready, Be Vigilant - Episode 1813b

@00:34:18 and the uk joined china indonesia
@00:36:56 to curtail the problem china russia iran

The Economic Setup Is Complete, Well Played Patriots - Episode 1813a

@00:05:28 gonna be joining up with china their
@00:10:33 a much bigger problem than china and

Remember The Message, Gold Is The Key - Episode 1810a

@00:09:53 saying listen once the china trade deal

Dark To Light, But Something Is Lurking In The Shadows - Episode 1809b

@00:12:07 lot of trouble now russia china many
@00:21:23 then mentions china let's continue with
@00:23:12 reorganization was true china china
@00:23:16 china china china china all bold caps
@00:24:17 brackets all bolt caps china underscore
@00:24:24 all bold china underscore dragon fly
@00:35:56 think china
@00:35:58 why won't china allow facebook
@00:39:56 did china let him out of the country
@00:40:00 well because china didn't want to bring
@00:40:07 china they were stealing a lot of stuff
@00:40:12 didn't want the eyes turned toward china
@00:40:20 really should be china china china so
@00:40:32 china grant access to travel with the

How Do You Bring Down The [CB], Stealth Mode - Episode 1809a

@00:10:37 for them china right now they just added
@00:10:52 look over time china is continually
@00:14:31 china right now once the brexit goes

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:16:17 it could be made up to china it could be
@00:16:54 work with china i work with this country

Trump’s Plan For The Economy Is Bigger Than We Thought, Did He Outsmart The [CB]? - Episode 1808a

@00:02:04 with china because we need to have our
@00:09:47 china they have a government control 5g
@00:09:51 network and china has achieved the
@00:09:58 china is the dominant actor in the
@00:13:37 have 5g china they're prepared for the
@00:15:38 all pull away russia china the united

War-Like Posture Activated, Backchannel Operational, Countdown Continues - Episode 1807b

@00:23:33 search engine in china now according to
@00:24:27 it all built and ready to go in china
@00:24:38 search engine for china and say they are
@00:24:49 q says did the fire in china cause
@00:25:02 in china and it looks like they moved

Something Strange Is Happening With The 100 Bill, Gold Brings Down The Fed - Episode 1806a

@00:06:40 do believe china russia and the united

The World Is Telegraphing An Economic Message, Do You Hear It - Episode 1804a

@00:12:05 united states most likely into china or
@00:13:47 but we know that russia and china
@00:13:59 system china has and russia has then we
@00:14:16 europe russia china they all have their

Bringing Down The [CB] Is Now In Motion - Episode 1803a

@00:10:22 the china trade deals they are moving
@00:10:30 us and china might not have the most
@00:12:03 only dealing with china right now
@00:12:08 and and who are beneficiaries of china
@00:12:38 gave in to china but you have to

T [-21], Big Happenings Are Going To Take Place, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1802b

@00:22:20 venezuela we see china and russia they
@00:22:32 steps to back maduro and right now china
@00:24:39 i believe that china russia japan and

Trump Has Complete Control Over The [CB], Structure Change Coming - Episode 1802a

@00:06:25 china which looks really darn good right
@00:12:59 why do you think china russia india

Collusion, Investigations, Hoaxes Failed, Patriots Turn, DECLAS - Episode 1801b

@00:18:03 up a tweet by trump about the china

Mueller Report Coming, [DS] Losing Narrative, Big Name About To Drop - Episode 1800b

@00:12:47 russia china they've been sending aid to

Trade Deals, Tariffs Delayed, Xi, Complicated Economic Changes Coming - Episode 1800a

@00:01:54 economy and with china with the brexit
@00:04:22 china we have the brexit we have europe
@00:04:50 with the china deal now it looks like
@00:05:02 progress in our trade talks with china
@00:05:30 very good weekend for us and china
@00:05:33 he continued china trade deal and more
@00:06:10 china right now they are working with
@00:08:53 trump is working on deals with china now
@00:08:56 china just recently took their stimulus
@00:09:24 against them so we have china working
@00:09:37 china is stimulating their economy to
@00:10:08 themselves from the eu china open up the
@00:11:05 into the into the dollar china is
@00:11:47 stimulus in china that can't last that
@00:12:29 you have china
@00:12:43 price is moving up but china they
@00:13:13 be worth absolutely nothing china right
@00:14:57 china or g jinping the leader of china
@00:17:11 china and russia they're not really that

It Began With The BREXIT, It Will End With The [CB] - Episode 1799a

@00:06:45 working on the trade deal with china and
@00:07:03 bringing china to the table strategy is
@00:07:17 china on trade will continue today i'll
@00:08:04 deal with china
@00:08:14 why don't they want a deal with china
@00:09:07 in china the mainstream media the deep
@00:10:17 trade deal with china and the u.s. once
@00:10:30 deal with china they can't blame it on
@00:11:34 with china

Stealth Moves, Enough Evidence, Ready To Prosecute, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1798b

@00:03:42 russia china and many others we know the
@00:05:20 well russia and also china

Trump Was Brought In To Drain The Swamp & The Economic Swamp - Episode 1798a

@00:06:48 tensions between the us and china about

The Economic Attacks Begin, Countermeasures In Place - Episode 1797a

@00:06:33 know that china has started up the money
@00:08:57 we see china right now they have
@00:09:52 and china kept on saying no we can do
@00:09:58 china the pboc they affirmed that they
@00:10:44 playing field with china remember we're
@00:15:53 better trade deals with china this is

The Economic Shift Is Now Complete, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1796a

@00:02:53 china because the trade negotiations are
@00:10:03 the system and this is why china started

Barr & Placeholders Activated, S/M Blackout, Think EAS - Episode 1795b

@00:20:04 to curtail the problem china russia iran

Report, The US Has Been Inoculated Against Recession Risk, Control - Episode 1795a

@00:09:53 they've just taken china and they have
@00:10:05 china they're talking about a trade deal
@00:10:52 listen we'll give china a 60-day

The Stage Has Been Set, Trade Deal Close To Completion - Episode 1793a

@00:01:36 jinping of china working out trade deals
@00:01:48 supposed to move to china they were
@00:01:59 was lopsided to make china more powerful
@00:02:04 make china the leading manufacturer
@00:02:27 are with in russia they're in china
@00:06:23 china has also seen a decline in vehicle
@00:06:41 it increasing because china has
@00:06:54 passenger vehicles in china increase
@00:07:49 trade deal with china it seems like it's
@00:07:56 returned from china where the meetings
@00:08:05 states by china in the form of trade
@00:08:18 and calls on china trade deal and more
@00:11:27 great scenario actually china right now
@00:12:20 printed a lot of currency china has
@00:12:30 china right now is creating a lot of
@00:12:39 remember china is the manufacturing

Phase III, Rats In DC Panicking,Pain,Event Warning [10] - Episode 1792b

@00:11:27 someone in china early today thanks q

Next Phase, Xi & Trump, Coordinate The Transition - Episode 1792a

@00:04:18 china the united states a little bit of
@00:04:24 and trump's and china right now is a
@00:04:32 everything off into china those behind
@00:04:37 china up and i think g and trump right
@00:04:44 g and the good guys in china want war or
@00:05:17 pressure on those individuals in china
@00:09:38 gonna iron out a trade deal but china to
@00:09:47 all of a sudden china unleashed a
@00:10:15 that china does china looks like they're
@00:10:42 edge so what did china start to do here
@00:11:15 nothing compared to what china reported
@00:12:14 china fell it would have brought the
@00:12:27 if china fell the united states would
@00:12:45 the printing presses in china and trump
@00:12:55 time china is helping out in their way

Panic, [CB]s Go Full Fear-mongering, Gold Is About To Be Weaponized - Episode 1789a

@00:08:30 been posting this so what has china just
@00:08:49 took on 59.94 million ounces china has
@00:08:59 from the dollar china right now is
@00:09:20 between russia china and the us
@00:09:22 remember russia and china they've been
@00:10:45 the central banking system russia china

Message Sent To [DS] & Anons During The SOTU, Patriots In Control - Episode 1785b

@00:20:34 russia china other nations he's ending
@00:25:36 with russia china and other nations i

Next Piece In The Plan, The World Bank Swamp Is About To Be Drained - Episode 1784a

@00:14:18 have quite a bit of gold russia china

[Old Guard] Exposed, The Truth Overshadows The Propaganda - Episode 1783b

@00:16:47 create jobs according to the south china

Remove The Globalist Systems, Then Control The [CB] - Episode 1783a

@00:12:16 know for a long time that russia china
@00:12:35 russia we have china and europe they all
@00:12:59 really set up to be china most likely
@00:13:17 venezuela iran and europe china the
@00:13:41 organization the imf the fed china

Follow The Watch, The World Is Watching, We Know Everything - Episode 1782b

@00:18:10 opposition leader is offering china

It Continues, Next Phase Of Transition, Energy Independence, Boom - Episode 1782a

@00:03:31 ford because those in china who were
@00:03:37 china they were going to be the next
@00:08:15 that russia and china
@00:08:38 going to use the gold in china but now

[CB] Show Their Hand, Gold Will Bring Them Down - Episode 1781a

@00:05:16 why throughout europe japan china why is
@00:05:48 of these jobs same thing in china it's
@00:06:28 now is that china japan other entities
@00:06:41 about china japan and many many other
@00:07:22 the us china and japan they have both

Fed Controlled,We Can’t Wait,Future Generations Will Suffer - Episode 1780a

@00:08:07 china they are going to begin the
@00:08:35 both sides china does not want an
@00:09:11 china increase 25% on march 1st so all
@00:09:17 and china
@00:09:34 had it weighted towards china there was
@00:09:39 were gonna move everything to china at

Leverage, Clean Up, Resetting The [DS] World - Episode 1779b

@00:03:49 north korea the deep state in china and

Is Trump Using The [DS] [CB] Economic Plan Against Them? - Episode 1778a

@00:05:39 remember he also made a deal with china
@00:07:48 countries china was receiving all the
@00:08:35 this we see that china russia india and
@00:09:17 we see that china was a big part of this
@00:09:24 were planning on china of they were
@00:09:35 china this is why they're in trouble
@00:09:44 china to be the next powerhouse and the
@00:10:00 completely damaged remember china had
@00:10:03 the ability to bring down our jets china
@00:10:20 was in motion to have china as the
@00:10:28 introducing tariffs against china
@00:10:30 calling china out having them look into
@00:10:51 towards china now trump is trying to
@00:11:00 happening here is that russia and china
@00:11:27 russia and china they are getting rid of
@00:11:40 china they've been dumping their dollar
@00:11:44 gold russia and particularly china a
@00:13:56 and china and many other countries would
@00:15:07 china russia in many other countries
@00:15:15 would struggle a little bit china and
@00:15:28 that china and russia they've been
@00:16:44 china russia we could see how this could

Trump Is Hitting At The Heart Of The [CB] [DS], One Piece At A Time - Episode 1777a

@00:07:50 countries china is doing it the u.s. is

[CB] [DS] Planned Reversed, Patriots Are In Control - Episode 1776a

@00:11:42 actually we see china they've launched

[CB] Just Telegraphed They Are Trapped - Episode 1775a

@00:14:16 been doing here placed tariffs on china
@00:14:18 making new trade deals which china was
@00:14:23 lot of the stuff over to china because

Control, The Important Ingredient That The [DS] & [CB] Don’t Have - Episode 1773a

@00:08:29 china they refuse to take their offer
@00:08:44 structural reforms that china had
@00:08:54 china confirmed that liu would travel to

The [CB] Are Quietly Being Maneuvered Into Their Own Destruction - Episode 1770a

@00:03:20 trump is doing what china is doing and
@00:04:06 other countries china does the same

Leverage, Timing, The Economic Patriot Plan Has Been In Plain Sight All Along - Episode 1769a

@00:05:22 national security now already with china
@00:05:28 china we know that trump has been
@00:05:32 the horizon well china came out and they
@00:05:54 china has offered to increase us imports
@00:07:26 trade war against china the move
@00:07:30 spreading and trump trade war with china
@00:11:13 government send foreign aid to china

The Swamp Is Everywhere, Housing Cleaning, We Will Not Be Silenced - Episode 1767b

@00:17:49 making with china all the different

[MSM] [CB] Narrative Shift, Coverup - Episode 1767a

@00:12:51 china out in russia it's everywhere and

As Predicted, Right On Schedule, Next Move Will Not Be Propaganda - Episode 1764b

@00:20:41 china have completed their mission so
@00:20:44 the person heading to china must be
@00:21:01 an airport in china this is the shanghai
@00:21:49 2277 showed a mercedes in china and this

Carpet Bombs Just Dropped, Incoming Booms, Timing - Episode 1763b

@00:18:32 china and under this cue says the
@00:18:38 senior us officials arriving in china
@00:18:44 the shanghai china pudong international
@00:18:59 say he's going to china
@00:19:06 know she has been involved with china or

Gold Is The Key, Patriots Have The Fed Scrambling - Episode 1763a

@00:10:46 said the slowdown in china specifically
@00:11:15 either the us economy or china that
@00:14:35 china russia
@00:15:24 the big countries china russia this is
@00:16:05 confidence there china russia the us

[DS] Just Got Played, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1762b

@00:26:41 korea the united states china they are

The [DS] [CB] [MSM] Didn’t See This Coming, Patriots In Control - Episode 1762a

@00:07:02 throughout europe united states china
@00:07:25 fell 19% in 2018 in china europe is
@00:10:40 global growth slowing he thinks china
@00:12:32 with china and everything else

[DS] Distraction Incoming, Patriots Ready And Waiting - Episode 1760b

@00:23:24 this all around here we see out in china
@00:23:26 the us delegation is there in china we
@00:23:57 rebuilding with the help of china and

Did Trump Just Expose The [DS] [CB] Economy With One Tweet? - Episode 1760a

@00:04:41 in china and yes the us sales of new
@00:05:29 outside of the uk in china throughout

Confirmed, Government Was Run By The [DS], Clock Is Ticking - Episode 1759b

@00:22:32 how did china locate cia assets within
@00:22:36 china 187
@00:32:42 military back to global superpower china
@00:32:56 reign iran deal paris accord china trade

Structure Change Is Coming, Phase I Begins - Episode 1759a

@00:09:11 trade delegation has arrived in china
@00:09:23 good call with president xi of china
@00:15:05 shooting for this is why russia china
@00:15:45 know that the us china russia many other

How Do You Know The Plan Is Working, Panic Pushes Fear - Episode 1758a

@00:06:39 funds we know that china was investing

Do You See What Is Happening, If Not You Need To Get Prepared - Episode 1756a

@00:10:31 percent in three months we see china
@00:11:37 from the tariffs we are charging china
@00:12:05 especially with china because you have

It’s Just Getting Started, Enjoy The Ride - Episode 1755b

@00:22:25 closed haiti closed north korea china

Panic Is Setting In, It Has Begun, The Issue Raised, Soon The Call - Episode 1753a

@00:04:26 in talks with china in removing the
@00:04:47 gesture china they lifted the us rice
@00:05:22 president xi of china deal is moving
@00:05:35 now remember china right now went ahead
@00:05:45 china also rolled back
@00:05:48 the retaliatory auto tariffs so china is

Power Of The Wand, It Has Begun, Finger Pointing - Episode 1751a

@00:04:17 going to meet those individuals in china
@00:05:07 trump taking on china he is
@00:05:15 china because they saw no option only
@00:05:20 the cunning to take on china wall street

The First Alarm Is About To Ring, The Clock Is Ticking Down - Episode 1750b

@00:12:47 to rebuild syria china is not coming in

Flynn Signals Dark To Light, [DS][CB] PANIC - Episode 1749b

@00:16:29 china they're helping other countries

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:22:30 closed north korea closed china russia
@00:29:40 military secrets intel to china and

Stores Are Stockpiling Goods To Prepare For The Transition - Episode 1747a

@00:10:53 working out a deal with china and he

The Strategy That Is Being Used To Dismantle The Fed Is Over 100 years Old - Episode 1746a

@00:08:20 in coordination with china and russia
@00:08:28 that china will be in the process of

Right On Schedule, Fed Takedown Proceeding As Planned - Episode 1745a

@00:08:18 is making a deal with china and they're

Setup Almost Complete, Gold Is The Weapon To Bring Down The Central Bank - Episode 1743a

@00:11:48 around us paris is burning and china way

Boom, Control Narrative, Plan Moving To Next Phase, Structure Change & Fed - Episode 1741a

@00:04:26 plummeted right now in november china
@00:05:09 18 percent in november so china is
@00:05:14 following today china just announced
@00:05:28 very well china wants to make a big and
@00:05:48 tariffs in china placing tariffs we're
@00:06:04 slowing growth is slowing china just
@00:06:16 tariffs from china what will come out of
@00:06:43 anymore it's not trade with china
@00:10:27 china is accumulating gold russia is

Confirmed, US Has Gold, Gold Will Bring Down The Fed - Episode 1740a

@00:12:03 we're gonna be using gold and then china
@00:12:45 happens to gold boom up china is holding

It’s Time, [DS] In Process Of Being Removed, Court TV Back, Coincidence? - Episode 1739b

@00:07:20 with china and this kinda reminds me of
@00:07:36 china to react against each other
@00:07:39 because if trump makes a deal with china
@00:16:47 in china and it just so happens it was
@00:16:50 the google facility in china this is
@00:17:04 hub in beijing china and you can see the
@00:17:20 censored search engine in china so let
@00:17:30 now to launch a search product in china
@00:17:45 china now according to the intercept
@00:18:09 censored search engine in china how do
@00:18:28 gave access to china and china already
@00:18:38 already completed china was given access
@00:18:41 and china launched it themselves
@00:18:47 launch it it was china who did it
@00:18:50 qed says will china be announcing a
@00:19:05 sudden china comes out and says listen

Fed Backed Into A Corner, WTO Next On The Chopping Block - Episode 1739a

@00:10:48 right now we see right now that china
@00:11:01 so china right now they are purchasing
@00:11:29 china and many other countries were
@00:11:40 china to account for not opening up its
@00:12:29 with china
@00:12:30 remember china was being molded to be
@00:12:42 that we are seeing trump do to china
@00:12:50 done to make china the next world power
@00:13:02 china now not with xi jinping but with
@00:13:05 others within china that were part of

Economic Structure Change, Ready And Prepared - Episode 1738a

@00:03:12 other countries especially china because
@00:03:14 china was going to be the next
@00:08:34 with china and we'll be talking about
@00:10:16 with china watch for some important
@00:10:48 is coming out with a deal with china and
@00:14:28 the cfo of huawei trying to pit china
@00:14:35 hoping that maybe china would do
@00:14:45 news coming out of china xi jinping

Panic Is Off The Charts, No Escape & No Deals - Episode 1737b

@00:17:18 which he did not we also see china their
@00:17:48 and they're trying to do it in china

Central Banks WW Are Worried That Gov & The People Are Turning On Them - Episode 1737a

@00:03:32 trade deal with china trump has been
@00:03:42 that with china with russia and the rest
@00:04:21 had a trade deal made with china well
@00:04:37 someone someone from china ming ones oh
@00:04:46 very large electronic company in china
@00:04:56 ways to put china and the u.s. against
@00:05:51 deal with china xi jinping is on the
@00:06:03 they're trying to put china against the
@00:06:08 against china so there are individuals

US, Europe, China, Russia & Others Prepare For The Transition, Tick Tock - Episode 1735a

@00:00:42 episode is us europe china russia and
@00:02:01 united states included europe china
@00:02:40 would have been most likely china
@00:03:51 this is what china this is what russia
@00:09:47 this is a statement from china the teams
@00:10:31 russia and china they've been preparing
@00:10:35 long time actually china most likely was
@00:10:57 china trump is maneuvering around the
@00:11:05 payment system china has set up a
@00:11:09 payment system china has set up the
@00:11:36 china and russia than they do with the
@00:12:16 china and russia they've been planning
@00:12:48 states if you can push it out of china

Very Strong Signals Being Sent, The Plan Is The Ultimate Plan - Episode 1733a

@00:02:02 trump has been tweeting out about china
@00:02:15 a real deal with china and this is all
@00:02:32 deal either now or into the future china
@00:02:38 signals being sent by china once they
@00:03:05 china once they returned home now
@00:03:20 believe that was going to be china
@00:04:03 saying they're a worse threat than china
@00:05:24 why he's working now to deal with china
@00:09:15 now with china making a deal making sure
@00:09:18 that china is going to be purchasing our
@00:09:23 and china will also be shipping products

Trump Did It, This Is The Icing On The Cake - Episode 1732a

@00:08:20 negotiations with china have already
@00:08:42 deal with china is actually possible if
@00:08:47 china is supposed to start buying
@00:09:25 china one that does all the many things
@00:10:03 with china now behind the scenes
@00:11:38 deals with china now the deep state now

BREXIT Exposed, CB’s Are Cornered, Prepare For Impact - Episode 1731a

@00:06:03 is a great thing for china and all think
@00:06:06 about what he just said here china and
@00:06:42 russia china they've been moving away
@00:07:29 bank now what has russia and china been
@00:07:32 doing now in the beginning china they
@00:08:19 know that china and russia they've been
@00:10:29 iran russia china the european nations

Boom, [HR[D]C] Panic, Dec 5, Another Whistleblower, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming - Episode 1730b

@00:20:46 last pic chongqing china hire regency
@00:21:33 that china is greater more urgent
@00:21:38 china wants to crush us and so many of
@00:21:59 china put up a video this is mike pence
@00:22:02 he's talking about china how china is a

Xi And Trump On The Same Page, The Take Down Of The CB Has Started - Episode 1730a

@00:06:40 they agree to keep the us-china trade
@00:07:07 actually wanted now remember china the
@00:07:09 entire country of china is not against
@00:07:54 between china and the us or a certain
@00:09:46 move to china and the imf was going to

Trump Warns DECLAS Bad, Something Public Should Not See, Start The Clock - Episode 1729b

@00:07:49 hyatt regency in chongqing china and the
@00:18:56 unsecured allowed china china and other
@00:19:18 over to china to allow them to become a
@00:19:52 and russia has superior technology china

We Know, Locked And Loaded, All In Place, Picture Worth Many Sentences - Episode 1728b

@00:23:23 regency in chongqing china
@00:24:08 china in this hotel because as we know

Trump: “[Fed] Much Bigger Problem Than China”, Blames [Fed] For Everything - Episode 1727a

@00:00:46 china blames fed for everything now
@00:09:54 fed is a much bigger problem than china
@00:10:03 china who's been stealing our military
@00:10:21 china who is not working in the best
@00:14:37 with china and russia to weather this

Establishment Giving The Fed An Out, Trapped By Trumps Trade Policies - Episode 1724a

@00:10:38 january 1st of 2019 if china doesn't
@00:10:45 these trade deals against china and he
@00:11:02 states over to china eventually this is
@00:12:29 trump is succeeding in making china pay
@00:13:04 five percent is china so did this

Fed Panic Begins, Division & Chaos, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1723a

@00:06:52 china hopes to meet the u.s. halfway in
@00:06:55 addressing trade issues china says
@00:07:11 what we see china doing right now is the
@00:07:19 global trade agreements i mean china and
@00:07:24 for bilateral relations china and
@00:07:29 china argentina will sign five-year plan
@00:07:32 for future cooperation china and panama

[D]ec 5, It All Begins, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1722b

@00:06:55 south korea the united states china and

Think Projection, Time Is Up, Haiti Op Underway [C]? - Episode 1718b

@00:21:10 access closed in with korea china russia
@00:23:00 china africa looking at russia and china
@00:24:17 through their northern border with china

Bringing The [CB] To It’s Knees, Use Transparency - Episode 1716a

@00:02:20 china making deals with oil making deals
@00:04:14 germany france china maybe maybe not
@00:05:15 states and china and it is collapsing

[EF] Revealed In 45, EO Is The Key - Episode 1715b

@00:06:16 against the us china and russia but it

Fed Rolling Back Tests, It's All Being Rolled Back - Episode 1715a

@00:10:40 ones china russia the us and there are

Let The Economic Collapse Proceed, Central Banks Begin To Panic - Episode 1714a

@00:11:02 can get china if you can get russia

Next Phase Of Operation Put Into Motion, Behold The Power Of The Plan - Episode 1713b

@00:03:59 to protect itself from the us china and

Is This Beginning Of The End Of The Central Bank Currency System - Episode 1712a

@00:02:54 making deals with china and they're
@00:09:06 looking at china and russia to basically
@00:09:12 towards russia and china and they've
@00:11:25 china than we do with the united states
@00:12:27 around because of russia and china it
@00:12:32 china and saudi arabia linking together

Nobody Noticed, The Setup Is Perfect, The Spotlight Shines Bright - Episode 1709b

@00:11:16 looking to do this in china so we see
@00:11:22 looking at russia and china why because
@00:13:25 china and iran now in may of last year
@00:13:36 office china was able to learn the
@00:14:20 happened in china it happened in iran

The Numbers Add Up, Stay Strong, Divided No More - Episode 1708b

@00:07:31 japan china india and italy and

Trump Just Boxed The Fed In, This Is How - Episode 1708a

@00:11:25 slowing japan growth is slowing china
@00:15:02 never seen before but russia china india

Will The US Sanction The Central Banks Payment System? - Episode 1706a

@00:08:58 in southern china they're considering
@00:11:38 china into russia into india and many of
@00:12:12 shipped to china and india the majority

Why Are We Here, Who Has The Power, [DS] Cannot Stop The Awakening - Episode 1704b

@00:10:22 at china not russia and we know that
@00:12:58 united states was taken over by china on
@00:13:54 china all

Watch How The Central Bank Tries To Hit Back To Regain The Narrative - Episode 1703a

@00:12:35 and if russia china they all chime in at

Moves And Countermoves,Truth Not Revealed, Breaking Down The Strategy - Episode 1697b

@00:19:38 china and iran and russia into the mix
@00:20:30 about it china has been purchasing
@00:21:02 away to china and the others that the
@00:21:51 happening right now with russia china

This Is How Manufacturing Is Coming Back To America, Flip The Narrative - Episode 1697a

@00:05:33 companies in china ever brights global
@00:07:13 developing countries china was a
@00:08:32 ultimate goal was and today china is the
@00:09:00 unfair trade practices that china has
@00:09:14 china has been built up over time
@00:09:55 server and how china many others have
@00:10:11 what china and others behind the scenes
@00:10:22 and china is able to produce and to
@00:11:00 at china about how they've been stealing
@00:11:09 to build china up really what he's doing
@00:11:18 manufacturers know what china was up to
@00:12:42 continually saying that china is dealing
@00:12:47 china itself it's those individuals the

It Begins, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1696b

@00:22:31 china
@00:22:32 remember china has been stealing our
@00:22:43 pact with china and russia and the inf
@00:23:12 china needs to be brought into the mix
@00:23:19 between the us russia and china this is

The Economy Has Just Turned, & So Are Countries - Episode 1695a

@00:12:08 russia and china they pledged to reduce
@00:13:07 financial system so turkey china india

Countries Around The World Are Already Transitioning Their Economies - Episode 1694a

@00:03:28 it's coming from china and russia where
@00:10:26 would be transitioned to china and this
@00:11:14 china just like it did during world war
@00:12:06 russia china a lot of the bric nations
@00:12:12 long time russia and china they have
@00:12:33 very little bit of debt right now china
@00:14:26 reserves were china dumped all their
@00:15:18 russia and china they have a huge amount

Futures Proves Past, Listen To The Past - Episode 1693a

@00:08:16 look at what's going on with china you

Biggest Threat & To Independent, Goodbye [Fed] - Episode 1692a

@00:04:46 see that china their passenger car
@00:08:05 it's almost like what china did they
@00:09:50 or anything like that china actually is

DECLAS Timed, Foreign Allies Object To DECLAS,??? - Episode 1690b

@00:15:23 get into war with russia and china and

Warning To Trump, Unwise To Mess With The Central Bank - Episode 1690a

@00:05:49 we know that russia and china they've
@00:06:40 transaction and china and russia have

Alice, Wonderland, Panic, New Playbook - Episode 1689b

@00:23:41 country and russia china is pulled in

Swamp Being Drained, Hint Of A Time Line - Episode 1687b

@00:08:50 china is responsible they've been
@00:10:50 these chips within them from china china

Rates Raised, Market Drops, Who's In The Kill Box, Coincidence? - Episode 1687a

@00:01:45 minuchin he's out there warning china
@00:01:58 out and dismissed the idea that china is
@00:02:10 continually says no china is doing this
@00:02:24 was out there saying that yes china is
@00:12:54 china turkey iran india syria brazil

Logical Thinking, Justice Will Be Served, Steps Need To Be Taken First - Episode 1686b

@00:04:23 regime change china right now is
@00:04:53 in each country china right now is
@00:08:46 it's a mercedes in china and it said
@00:09:12 province in china and you can match this
@00:10:11 city in southeastern china guang zhou is
@00:11:21 and then q1 would say goog and china
@00:11:24 which is google and china gave us
@00:11:33 china now i'll read the article in just
@00:11:46 china dragonfly which would blacklist
@00:12:36 engine to china after a noisy departure
@00:12:58 users for google he also called china
@00:13:17 bank was setting up china to be the next
@00:15:47 caps china so look at russia don't look
@00:15:51 at china then gave a youtube link where
@00:15:56 about china we q showed us this before
@00:16:10 inside roads to china are being closed
@00:18:21 and all the provinces in china pointing
@00:19:17 it was some place in china and it says
@00:19:33 people's republic of china shenzhen is
@00:20:07 that everything went right back to china

As The World Decouples From The Fed Note,The Transition Is Happening Quietly - Episode 1686a

@00:10:11 russia they've created theirs china has
@00:12:48 taking shots at china trump keep takes

Confirmed, Contradict The Fed, Economy Collapse Blame The Fed - Episode 1685a

@00:04:38 trade war between the us and china and
@00:05:33 now we know that china they are in on
@00:05:45 agreements puts tariffs on china try to
@00:05:57 to make all these deals china they're
@00:06:03 system think about what china has a huge
@00:06:07 amount of treasuries and china has
@00:06:30 know that china has been propping up
@00:06:49 this and we know that china when the
@00:07:19 risks are because of china and the

Trillions Wasted On Scams,Waiting Is Over,The Pain Is About To Be Unleashed - Episode 1684b

@00:03:55 state along with those in china they
@00:04:40 moved out to china was because the
@00:05:04 and we know that china and russia are on
@00:05:07 duplicated everything out in china and
@00:05:12 out in china this allowed the chinese to

Hit Job Failed, New Playbook Introduced, New Deep State Narrative Coming - Episode 1683b

@00:04:41 secrets to china they know everything
@00:12:34 do not look here brackets china all caps
@00:12:41 about china it's about 30 43 minutes
@00:13:04 administration's policy towards china
@00:13:05 that china has been stealing our secrets
@00:13:08 china is the threat of course this is
@00:13:10 the deep state within china it is not
@00:13:27 russian narrative but china threatens

History In The Making,Ready For Arrests, Tribunals & Pain - Episode 1682b

@00:18:05 china so these are a lot of pictures and
@00:18:17 about how china inserted a small chip
@00:18:57 subcontractors in china one official
@00:19:15 china which by some estimates makes 75%
@00:20:27 this country into china they had deals
@00:20:30 with china they were setting them up to
@00:21:27 easier because now china has the ability
@00:22:38 darpa china china china post 809 clowns
@00:22:42 revealed in china other 2010 187 sold

Was The End Of The Petro Dollar Just Announced By The President? - Episode 1682a

@00:05:27 because we see china russia many other
@00:06:15 trade i mean russia and china have been
@00:06:33 with china so this is the beginning

It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

@00:07:52 that china they are the biggest threat
@00:07:56 to united states china was stealing our
@00:08:14 of this china is the one who's hacking
@00:08:29 china infiltrated us corporate and
@00:10:00 china managed to pull off the most
@00:10:23 steal information china was one of those
@00:11:38 is unimaginable post 1958 q says china
@00:12:09 china cia spies espionage they knew what

Sting Operation Active,The Coverup,Comms Active - Episode 1680b

@00:06:49 china or russia or any other country put

Like Clockwork, Why Is The Fed Subject Of So Many Conspiracy Theories? - Episode 1679a

@00:08:20 dollar this is why china and russia have

Central Bankers Scramble, Protect System, Push Tariff Narrative - Episode 1677a

@00:05:59 would be china emerging markets and they

DECLAS On Its Way,Red October,Presidential-Alert For Clear Comms - Episode 1676b

@00:10:34 china and from the close-up you can see
@00:10:59 because it is in china i don't know if
@00:11:23 car in china let's move on to post 2277

Distraction, [SWAMP] Fighting Back, Remain CALM - Episode 1675b

@00:23:37 there and he is saying that china is

The Transition Is In Process, It's All Going According To Plan - Episode 1674a

@00:11:26 tariffs on certain countries like china

Confirmed,Globalists Plans Rejected,Next,Reject The Central Bank System - Episode 1673a

@00:09:40 to china they were going to set up a
@00:10:11 companies to pull out of china and come
@00:11:22 going to have because china has the belt
@00:11:35 not going to be so hard for china for a
@00:12:19 market now china has been importing
@00:12:32 with the belton road china will have the
@00:12:41 changing in china the united states will
@00:12:53 everything off to china and it took many
@00:13:06 said hey look look at china look at the
@00:14:55 on china trump pointed to the loss of
@00:15:11 system is in dire need of change china

Plans Are In Place To Take Down The Entire Central Banking Apparatus - Episode 1671a

@00:07:25 it seems that russia china brazil india

Confirmed, #Ourguy Is Working With Trump To Destroy The Central Bank - Episode 1670a

@00:09:02 ranging from china to germany have

Everyone Is In Place, Tick Tock, Deep State Running Out Of Time - Episode 1669b

@00:02:29 chili dit de post en zuid china om
@00:10:43 oasi including in china council to the

The Message Has Been Sent,Globalism Is Over,Everything Is About To Change - Episode 1669a

@00:09:01 in the united states europe china and
@00:09:59 states are in china which has printed by
@00:13:03 every time trump talks about china he's
@00:13:06 not talking about china the country he's
@00:13:19 china to allow china to become the next

PANIC, FEAR, Red Lines, Hidden Messages In Tweets - Episode 1668b

@00:27:11 trade war with china well it would fit
@00:27:16 that china was interfering with our
@00:27:56 state they are in china they held
@00:28:58 north korea and china by this deep state

Faith In The Central Banks Economic System Erodes, Countries React - Episode 1668a

@00:08:26 russia china and many others they've
@00:09:15 japan we know it was in china
@00:11:18 and the pushback from china this is to

Plan Is On Track, Central Banks Begin To Panic - Episode 1667a

@00:03:10 reply was 2 plus en richting de china
@00:03:17 china was wissen de by most of de
@00:04:52 white shiny staf toen china
@00:10:59 measure biljoen tarief van china naar
@00:11:11 en beacon cee'd uit china russia

The Central Bankers Have Already Picked A Date For The Crash - Episode 1666a

@00:08:59 china would plummet and the crash will
@00:12:45 china and russia have been preparing the

It's Happening, Get Ready For A New Economic System - Episode 1664a

@00:14:37 and china and russia don't cooperate
@00:16:47 devalued russia and china have been

The Deep State Prepares Counter Narrative, Truth Will Win - Episode 1664b

@00:27:08 out china is speaking out syria is now

The Economic Crisis Is On Schedule - Episode 1663a

@00:14:20 russia china remember they were set up
@00:14:30 especially china the central bank
@00:15:46 this is why russia china india and the
@00:16:01 confident in our new system china has
@00:16:04 the manufacturing china has all the

We Are Watching A Coordinated Economic Takedown Of The Old System - Episode 1659a

@00:08:21 china and he's criticizing certain
@00:09:26 tariffs are all about now china and
@00:09:58 everything out into the china russia
@00:12:43 china and other countries for certain
@00:13:35 manufacturing here and china and russia
@00:13:57 russia and china it's all being done at
@00:15:50 backed by gold and china right now is

Surveillance Initiated,Tracking,Desperate People Do Desperate Things,Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1658b

@00:07:51 russia and china they're gonna be
@00:08:05 gas into china china will pay for this

The Public Has The Right To Know, It's Time To Expose The Lies - Episode 1656b

@00:21:53 and uranium to china russia example one

The Dirty Little Secret Was Released To The Public, Part Of The Plan - Episode 1656a

@00:09:32 exchange in china what do we see well we
@00:10:07 china is exhibiting signs of serious

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:06:13 into a war with china russia and we were
@00:06:30 china that's what it looks like they
@00:07:47 china remember it was set up in the past

The Globalists System Is Being Taken Apart One Piece At A Time - Episode 1653a

@00:10:32 and what china is actually doing right

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b

@00:10:32 from china because of our major trade
@00:10:36 same time we also know that china is
@00:11:08 the us-china trade disputes and other
@00:14:47 a new link new york times china cia
@00:25:10 shall we play a game china access to
@00:25:17 mcculloch discovered that china link
@00:25:49 as 2015 that china accessed hillary's
@00:26:07 china so it looks like she's a white hat
@00:27:44 access to her server china bought access
@00:27:58 exploited by china and which allow them

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:19:32 clowns revealed in china other 2010
@00:19:54 china hacked hillary rodham clinton
@00:22:45 of a new york times article china cia
@00:22:52 killing cia informants china crippled us
@00:24:05 china hugh said mortified question mark
@00:24:45 spy equals bridge to china a
@00:25:07 china pay-for-play access let's move on
@00:29:56 secrets now china made backdoors into
@00:30:02 our military electronics between china
@00:31:30 out of the united states and into china
@00:33:34 propaganda to demonize russia and china
@00:33:49 events but they wanted to bring china up
@00:34:10 be china and everything would be moved
@00:39:03 got hacked by china next move better be
@00:47:45 access and secrets to china and other

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:28:19 and it was china hack clinton's private
@00:29:44 don't we take a look at china

As The US Approaches A Death Cross,The Good Guys Prepare The Economic Transition - Episode 1649a

@00:04:08 and this is not just the us it's china
@00:07:32 china but
@00:13:59 work out a deal with china so we can see
@00:14:26 china is making a lot of bilateral trade

The Plan To Remove The Central Bank Is In Motion - Episode 1648a

@00:11:33 china and the rest are going to have to

To Know Your Enemy,You Must Become Your Enemy,Appear Weak When You Are Strong - Episode 1647b

@00:17:57 tougher trading stance with china i do
@00:18:10 relationship with china is resolved in

Are The Good Guys Sending A Message To The Central Banks? - Episode 1647a

@00:04:53 seeing the tariffs with china this is
@00:05:04 it with china this is being done on
@00:05:07 purpose and yes china is in on this
@00:05:29 after the deep state russia and china

The World Is Now Preparing For The Economic Transition - Episode 1645a

@00:08:17 china and russia they have been doing
@00:08:47 do business with china the african
@00:08:54 business with china they're moving away
@00:09:00 with china than they do with the us and
@00:09:08 want to use the dollar china is building

And Now, The Feature Presentation, Sheep No More, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1643b

@00:12:54 china has called out fake news a couple
@00:13:02 and we know that china really doesn't
@00:13:11 invited and right now china is out there
@00:13:24 put out there and in july china and the

The Battle For the Economic Collapse Narrative Is Heating Up - Episode 1643a

@00:07:47 china they've recreated the payment

Deep, Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, It Goes A Lot Deeper Than You Think - Episode 1640b

@00:06:13 looks like with russia and china and

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:32:36 north korea access closed china access
@00:35:05 mexico china and other countries all

The Central Bank Has Taken It's Foot Off The Pedal,We Are Coasting To The Collapse - Episode 1638a

@00:03:53 the past at the credit impulse and china
@00:06:21 a lot of people think well china needs
@00:07:37 have china say we are the reserve
@00:07:58 currencies russia china india syria iran
@00:08:54 deal with china we deal with the yuan
@00:09:29 see that russia china they're dealing
@00:15:02 china along with the united states the

The Show Has Just Begun, Welcome To The Swamp - Episode 1636b

@00:09:59 the country but china right now china

The Central Banks Dollar Is Becoming An Unreliable Tool For International Trade - Episode 1636a

@00:06:47 country i think china russia and many of
@00:08:51 happen once russia does china is going
@00:08:58 china and all of a sudden countries are
@00:09:10 reserve we deal with china with you one

The Economic Structure Is Being Dismantled To Make Way For The New One - Episode 1635a

@00:10:30 is what they've been doing in china
@00:10:35 have it restarted in china of course
@00:10:43 china does china has all the trading
@00:10:47 china has this and they were looking to

Rothschild Just Revealed The Plan And Placed The Blame - Episode 1634a

@00:11:48 he pointed out to the us-china trade war

The Setup Is Complete, Next Phase Is Coming - Episode 1632a

@00:16:53 china has been amassing

Don't Just Trust The Plan, Watch The Plan Unfold, [DeClas], Ring, Ring - Episode 1631b

@00:10:43 china would get involved and you can see

Staged Events, Scare Tactics Deployed, They Will Not Succeed - Episode 1629b

@00:09:39 with china they're trading letters back

Exposing The Truth Comes With Pain, Confusion & Proof, Divided Becomes One - Episode 1627b

@00:06:20 deals with china russia the united
@00:26:00 connected to china through both that and

The FISA Push Is Here, It Will Bring Down The House - Episode 1626b

@00:08:41 economic deals with china economic deals

Is This Really The Recovery Or Is This The Move To A New System - Episode 1626a

@00:11:48 russia china system and it's based on
@00:13:02 economic deals with china than we do

The Storm Is Raging, Those Who Follow Understand What's About To Happen - Episode 1625b

@00:10:00 china russia or iran where they're
@00:11:06 the three countries china russia and
@00:30:09 darpa china china china with kill
@00:30:21 occurred in china well you put up a link
@00:30:25 new york times china suddenly reversed
@00:30:36 why did shut china suddenly reverse
@00:30:39 their course the more you know china
@00:30:47 planning to run to china and escape he

The Central Banks Globalization Plan Is In Jeopardy & The Elite Are Angry - Episode 1622a

@00:04:18 gold and they haven't stopped china has
@00:05:11 and this area was china they've been

Calls To Declassify Grows Louder, Deep State Panics - Episode 1621b

@00:22:44 china kind of helped mold the entire

A Week To Remember, Dark To Light - Episode 1620b

@00:11:15 china and russia have been saying that

The Deep State Is Surrounded, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1619b

@00:12:00 kristopher ray he's saying that china

This Is How The Central Banks Are Covering Up The Next Collapse - Episode 1619a

@00:09:35 eight point eight percent in china and

Boom, The Entire Plan Has Been Taken To The Next Level - Episode 1618b

@00:16:09 public now i think china russia they

The Guilty Are Screaming Louder And Louder, There Is No Escape - Episode 1617b

@00:04:44 with china and russia they are becoming
@00:12:45 areas and russia china they've been

We Have Hit The Point Of No Return, Be Prepared - Episode 1617a

@00:10:38 imports of furniture made in china
@00:10:53 foresee a time when china would become a
@00:11:24 from china would help level the playing
@00:11:52 not anticipate china was going to become

Tick Tock Here Comes The Truth, The Deep State Is Scrambling - Episode 1616b

@00:15:48 russia and china the becoming braver and

An Unprecedented Wage Stagnation Hits As IMF Warns Of Economic Downturn - Episode 1616a

@00:08:23 know this is china and many other
@00:08:43 there are tariff penalties on china
@00:08:45 china is turning around and placing

Expecting A Call Soon, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1614b

@00:13:47 remember russia and china they're still
@00:14:17 background that is russia and china so
@00:14:44 that russia is involved we know china is

The Central Banks Agenda To Bring Down The Economy Has Been Exposed - Episode 1613a

@00:01:22 down and we understand that china has
@00:03:24 billion-dollar office deals china wanted

The Economy Just Hit The Wall, Everything Is About To Change - Episode 1612a

@00:05:18 china and of course they're blaming this

Has Q Given Us A Timeline Of Events, It Could Play Out This Way - Episode 1611b

@00:12:38 trump you know tweeted that china might

Warning The Wave Of Inflation Is About To Hit - Episode 1611a

@00:04:26 out in china we know that trump has been
@00:04:51 continually pushing tariffs on china
@00:04:56 penalties on china and xi jinping has
@00:05:39 would think that china would be on the

The Fed Goes All Out & Removes More Data To Shape The Economic Collapse Narrative - Episode 1609a

@00:08:54 china we have russia we have the us with
@00:09:35 breaking down china already understands
@00:16:06 believe that russia and china and the

The Fed Takes The Next Step, Hides It's Information From The Public - Episode 1608a

@00:12:01 china and everything else and with
@00:12:15 saw trade rifts between the us and china

Justice Will Be Served, Behold The Full Power Of The Storm - Episode 1603b

@00:02:49 russia and china using their own

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:32:18 see that this is china airway 737 and of

IMF & China Prepare For Financial Shocks And Economic Panic - Episode 1602a

@00:01:05 is imf and china prepare for financial
@00:10:59 which is china a sign that some members
@00:11:44 china state council should be ready to

It's All Happening Under The Radar, Big News Will Be Coming Soon - Episode 1600b

@00:14:00 u.s. it's going to be with russia china
@00:14:05 china and russia they have economic
@00:18:29 at russia and china we see in the middle

The Fed Just Released Big News Regarding The Collapse, But No One Noticed - Episode 1600a

@00:08:38 out and said things about china about

It Just Happened, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 1599b

@00:06:52 china because right now europe is
@00:07:21 closer to russia moving closer to china
@00:07:26 sanctions on russia and china individual
@00:07:33 know something china and russia the
@00:08:39 see putin we see china north korea south

The Central Banks Unleash & So Does Trump, It's Going To Get A Lot Worse - Episode 1598a

@00:07:31 the eu is charging 10% china 25% but
@00:07:36 china as of july 1st is going to be

It's All Starting To Happen At The Same Time, Beware The Crash Is Coming - Episode 1597a

@00:08:35 eighty point five billion now china
@00:09:51 that there were problems is why china

The Central Bank Moves To Control The Collapse Narrative - Episode 1596a

@00:06:55 is pushing tariffs on china eu and we
@00:09:06 we see china they have cut u.s.
@00:09:17 the many years china has been investing

The Next Recession Is Going To Be Horrific - Episode 1595a

@00:08:09 china and many other countries have been

All Connections, Scams, Corruption, It's All About To Explode - Episode 1594b

@00:17:44 europe and china through shell

How Do You Destroy The Central Bank System? Destroy The Currency - Episode 1594a

@00:15:45 are selling off treasuries japan china
@00:15:57 china and japan are island at 300
@00:18:55 like china and parts of europe have been
@00:19:09 together germany and china and

Missles Fired, Missles Stopped, Evil Is Knocking - Episode 1591b

@00:10:49 plan with china russia syria the united
@00:22:27 same as china god save us and it looks
@00:24:45 hacks which they sold to china and they

Info Release Will Shatter The Deep State, Dark To Light, Confirmation - Episode 1590b

@00:01:26 deal with china with the zte phone where

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:19:41 import-export trace from china to long

IMF, The Global Economic Outlook Is Getting Darker And Darker - Episode 1589a

@00:04:48 china the credit impulse gauge is down
@00:11:38 china is doing and the central banking
@00:12:37 just the u.s. but i believe russia china
@00:12:47 system china right now is working with

Boom, Full Speed Ahead With The Plan, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1587b

@00:19:35 everything is changing china didn't
@00:19:38 bring troops into africa china was

Wealth Inequality Just Hit The 1929 Great Depression Levels, Now What? - Episode 1587a

@00:15:40 and we know that china and russia most
@00:16:50 compared to china that this can't work

The Agenda 'Break World Order’, Elite Meet To Counter - Episode 1586b

@00:06:28 the zte company in china this is chinese
@00:08:31 occurrence in china at the us consulate
@00:08:34 in china and we're getting information
@00:14:12 china

The Move Away From The Euro Has Begun, Italy Looking At Parallel Currencies - Episode 1586a

@00:06:24 this is why we see china they're pushing
@00:16:04 more countries move to china russia
@00:17:23 out in china out in russia it's all

Putin Is On To The Deep State, Calls Out Soros - Episode 1585b

@00:11:24 russia china many other nations the
@00:11:43 that russia and china they're becoming

World Leaders Are Worried About The Global Economy, The World Is On Fire - Episode 1585a

@00:01:22 their gold and we know that china and
@00:01:55 same thing with china and the same thing

Going Deep Down The Rabbit Hole, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1584b

@00:15:41 national defense information to china
@00:15:57 information to china and of course this
@00:16:16 charges of spying for china so we see

Central Banker Warns Of Evaporating Dollar Funding, Global Turmoil Could Follow - Episode 1584a

@00:10:11 china they are ramping up efforts to
@00:10:36 yuan china has been increasing the share
@00:10:42 china russia have an investment fund
@00:10:49 want to work with china only in the yuan

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:13:20 russia turns towards china move away
@00:13:38 russian china they're gonna trust their
@00:13:43 they're moving towards russia and china
@00:19:34 plans to china or to russia or mueller

It Has Begun, It’s Accelerating, It’s Just A Matter Of Time - Episode 1583a

@00:11:27 dollar now we talked about china we
@00:12:12 africa is with china not the united
@00:12:42 borrowed from china they want to bill
@00:13:36 iran is dealing with china in any other
@00:14:35 this is being moved towards china do you
@00:14:51 eventually even china i think they have
@00:15:18 the united states china it's not united
@00:15:21 states against china their act both of

More Bear Market Indicators Were Just Triggered, Red Alert - Episode 1582a

@00:06:25 system same thing with china same thing

The Pieces Are Falling Into Place, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1581b

@00:04:30 that russia and china they're holding
@00:04:41 so we can see that china and russia

The Global Economic System Is Being Setup To Crash - Episode 1581a

@00:01:41 even china right now the president of
@00:01:44 china is saying that blockchain is a
@00:01:47 technological revolution and china is
@00:07:31 with china europe can
@00:07:38 with china but everyone now what is this
@00:10:38 china russia iran and the rest of the

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:21:29 know that russia and china they're going

Mnuchin's Name Moves Up On The List - Episode 1580a

@00:13:25 doing with china with the zte phones

Control Is The Name Of Game, In The End, Who Will Have The Control - Episode 1579b

@00:02:08 see commerce with china
@00:02:24 is most likely going to be china because

The Pieces Are Being Rearranged To Trap The Deep State - Episode 1578b

@00:04:19 there china was there russia was there
@00:04:49 closer to the russian china economic
@00:05:32 paracel islands in the south china sea
@00:05:41 provoke china we also heard that kim
@00:12:12 china and the rest we see all of this
@00:13:03 orchestrated by china it's being

We Are All Looking In The Wrong Direction, The Collapse Is This Way - Episode 1578a

@00:07:34 iran china they're looking into the

The Transition Away From The Dollar Has Just Become Easier - Episode 1577a

@00:05:53 china where 80% of the currently mined
@00:11:11 china just introduced the petrol you
@00:13:25 in dollars for trade with china it
@00:13:37 china will allow you want to fall versus
@00:16:37 towards a transition china will be

North Korea Summit Has Been Canceled, Or Has It? - Episode 1576b

@00:19:09 what is happening here russia china
@00:19:19 what at all actually russian china been

Is The FDIC Preparing For Another Credit Crisis? - Episode 1576a

@00:04:31 about trade with china especially with
@00:04:47 china and i think he was put into this
@00:10:05 that's why russia and china have been
@00:11:27 china and russia they've been creating

Proof That Central Bank Fiat Currency Is Dying - Episode 1575a

@00:11:42 china and russia they have created
@00:13:42 reason why russia and china have been

The Economic System Is Breaking Down World Wide - Episode 1573a

@00:01:38 is all debunked china did a report on it
@00:11:52 different location locations china is
@00:13:05 shipped him over to china over to the

The World Prepares As The Dollar Is Pushed To The Side - Episode 1572a

@00:01:49 from the dollar we know that china
@00:05:59 see that with china introducing the
@00:07:32 china russia turkey venezuela syria iran
@00:09:13 right now works with china and russia
@00:09:16 and china russia say listen only sell

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:17:26 to china and we see the european nations

Get Ready A New Currency Is Coming - Episode 1570a

@00:01:20 know that russia china syria venezuela
@00:02:27 china you name it wherever there are
@00:02:37 going to move away now russia and china

Trust The Plan, The Plan Is Not Going To Be Straightforward - Episode 1569b

@00:05:46 china now this is total we talked about
@00:05:49 this before where china would then take
@00:17:37 russia china and everything else but i
@00:17:53 china is also working with all these
@00:19:17 with with russia and china so we can see
@00:21:12 towards russia and china getting rid of

We Have Gone Full Circle, Deep State Pushes Agenda - Episode 1568b

@00:07:56 towards russia and china now again is
@00:08:00 because again china and iran they have a
@00:08:05 russia and iran and we know that china
@00:08:15 trading with china now it looks like
@00:08:32 doors for business with china completely
@00:10:50 have iran moving to china and russia we
@00:11:17 look towards russia and china this
@00:12:01 china and it looks like other european

The Move, Forcing It All Out Into To The Open, Here Comes The Pain - Episode 1567b

@00:06:21 moving closer to china and russia now if
@00:07:15 china has also launched a freight train
@00:07:37 china has also launched a long-distance

Deep State Reboot, Donations Restarted To Regain Control, Will Fail - Episode 1566b

@00:06:05 with china he meets with xi jinping
@00:06:22 syria right now china has been getting
@00:06:27 closer and closer to syria china is
@00:06:54 at iran china and ran the two countries
@00:07:29 china to russia to the new economic
@00:21:33 collection building eight darpa china
@00:21:36 china china basically if if you ever

The Cycle Has Ended, We Will Soon See The Collapse Of Each Sector - Episode 1566a

@00:02:00 china russia india germany repatriated
@00:08:00 report that china had where they said

No Time Left, Time To Move Away From The Dollar - Episode 1565a

@00:06:19 russia and china they realize that this
@00:07:13 note is dead and it's time that china
@00:17:33 china and russia they already understand

Evil Has Lost Control, The Deal Silenced Everyone - Episode 1564b

@00:07:23 china are on the other side here and if
@00:13:36 and then go into iran china russia

Connecting The Dots, The Plan Of Plans Is Now In Motion - Episode 1563b

@00:01:54 traveled to china via air koryo this
@00:03:22 china and a lot of these middle eastern
@00:07:34 peon nations will move closer to china
@00:24:07 iran where he knows china and russia
@00:27:10 china they back iran it would be

Pop, There Goes The Bubbles, It's All Coming Apart - Episode 1562a

@00:10:09 it just so happened to happen and china
@00:11:38 deals with china now during that period
@00:11:42 these deals with china to get cheaper

The Day Of Reckoning Is Approaching, Signs Are Everywhere - Episode 1561a

@00:04:13 additionally china and singapore

The Message Is Clear, Warnings Have Been Issued - Episode 1560a

@00:05:35 us-china trade talks

Apple, Planes, And The Mysterious Shipment - Episode 1559b

@00:19:29 financial team is in china trying to

Warning, The Petro Yuan Will Change The World As We Know It - Episode 1556a

@00:11:38 continue to expand with china and india
@00:12:32 when we talked about oh maybe china will
@00:13:34 everything all out to china to other

The Setup Is Almost Complete, Preparing To Move In On The Deep State - Episode 1555b

@00:07:58 the bigger countries like russia china

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:11:52 and china into this war and have a great

The Pension Crisis Is Much Worse Than We Thought, It's A Disaster - Episode 1554a

@00:13:54 the winners that's why china and russia

They Feel Threatened, Deep State Changes Tactics, Next Move Could Be Huge - Episode 1553b

@00:10:46 been seeing lately that russia and china
@00:15:47 state north korea iran russia china mx

The Central Bank Experiment Failed, Germany Moves Closer To The Silk Road - Episode 1553a

@00:11:04 russia and china because russia and
@00:11:07 china they are full of promise they see
@00:11:51 going to be looking at russia and china
@00:12:07 this is why you can't move to china this

Mission On Track, Rogue Nuclear States Have Been Targeted - Episode 1552b

@00:14:41 kim jung-eun has visited china they're

The Creation Of A New International Trade Currency Will Damage The Dollar - Episode 1552a

@00:05:16 and false we see that russia and china
@00:06:09 in his country china is now working with
@00:06:26 now countries and we know that china is
@00:06:38 india china south africa and they're
@00:06:52 signed an agreement with china to set up
@00:07:06 also see that china is creating the belt
@00:08:28 agreements just like china is doing is

North Korea Complete, Phase II, Operation Search & Destroy Clowns - Episode 1551b

@00:23:45 with china and it makes no sense that

Warning To All, The Establishment Reveals The People Are Liable For The Debt - Episode 1551a

@00:12:14 nervous about what china and the united
@00:12:19 china in the u.s. they need to resolve
@00:12:36 i believe that china and the u.s.
@00:13:57 working with china pushing the central
@00:14:15 same thing with china they pretty much
@00:15:49 towards china china basically has been

The Fed Just Did It Again, Recession Is Right Around The Corner - Episode 1550a

@00:06:40 with china and russia to do this just
@00:06:45 china in north korea in syria and iran i

Sleeper Cells Activated, Bad Booms Incoming, Threat Real - Episode 1548b

@00:10:06 russia involved and china it never ever

The US Is Being Prepared For An Economic Collapse Transition - Episode 1548a

@00:07:04 china and he looked at the tpp now there
@00:10:13 the big picture us china and japan these
@00:12:58 out that russia and china they're
@00:13:34 buildings now this is the bank of china
@00:13:50 who and the how so the where is china
@00:13:57 more specifically the bank of china in
@00:14:36 all happens as china purposely weakens
@00:15:07 others have visiting china in this area
@00:15:19 is trump saying that china is

Was This Part Of The Plan, Dump Treasuries To Destroy The Central Bank Economy - Episode 1547a

@00:17:08 countries now dumping treasuries china
@00:17:37 see that trump is working with china
@00:17:40 working with with china on the trade
@00:17:56 into the world that russia and china

Phase I To Destroy The Dollar Might Have Been Launched Today - Episode 1546a

@00:11:01 said china and russia they are
@00:11:26 was the following now he accuses china
@00:11:36 not acceptable he said that as china and
@00:11:47 again are russia and china devaluing
@00:11:54 china yes russia not really and i think
@00:15:37 the east right now this is why china has
@00:15:52 china and this is why the one belt one

The US Is In The Beginning Phase Of Joining China's Trade System - Episode 1544a

@00:10:21 economic dominance instead of china
@00:10:32 and pretty much leave china out of it
@00:12:39 member states including china and russia
@00:12:55 subordinate member state with china
@00:13:04 china russia the one belt one road their
@00:13:27 china and this is what is happening

Enjoy The Show, The Deep State Is In The Process Of Being Duped Again - Episode 1543b

@00:16:16 china i mean why would he wait for syria

The Strike Group Is The Show, Trust The Plan, A Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1542

@00:03:51 that was going on russia china united
@00:04:04 the forbidden city in china where a

China & Russia Make Their Move, Slowly Shifting The Global Economy - Episode 1541a

@00:01:05 is china and russia make their move
@00:11:21 especially china and russia they've been
@00:11:39 skyrocket and they know this now china
@00:13:13 china probably the petro yuyuan russia
@00:13:31 and china they are slowly shifting the
@00:14:28 go back in time and say yeah china is
@00:14:36 go back in time and say yeah china is
@00:14:47 china is not gonna have manufacturing
@00:14:50 well they have that you can say china is
@00:15:02 and yes china is building the belton
@00:15:35 china might be importing us cars now

Deep State Actions Coverup, Exposing Plan, NK Playbook ++ - Episode 1540b

@00:24:07 we know trump is working with china he

Indicators Are Off The Charts Signaling A Recession - Episode 1540a

@00:05:33 that russia china and many other
@00:16:00 to go and it was going to be in china

The Deep State Is On The Move, Countermoves In Place, Prevent At All Costs - Episode 1539b

@00:10:26 scenes in the forbidden city in china we
@00:10:34 south china sea and everyone's thinking

A Bad Oman Has Been Spotted In The Market, Fed Positions Itself, Market Crash Push - Episode 1539a

@00:12:20 role in this this is why russia china
@00:12:55 china venezuela and yes there's going to

There Is A Silent War Being Waged Behind The Scenes - Episode 1538b

@00:08:07 look at obama when was he in china what

The Economic Collapse Fight Has Just Gone To The Next Level - Episode 1538a

@00:13:12 the trade standoff with china and other
@00:13:49 not only trade with china it's everybody

The Wall Is Much More Than Just A Wall - Episode 1537b

@00:07:47 wanted was war with russia and china to
@00:21:05 systems were kept wide open russia china
@00:21:18 information to be stolen by china and

China Mentions The 'Nuclear Option' We Could Dump Treasuries - Episode 1537a

@00:01:05 episode is china mentions the nuclear
@00:06:51 country to other areas like china this
@00:07:47 the collapse of the system now china is

This Is Not About A Trade War, It's About Crashing & Resetting The Economic System - Episode 1536a

@00:07:59 with china that war was lost many years
@00:08:25 doing we lost the war with china a long

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:20:26 place starting a trade war with china to

Fiat Currency Has Led To The Collapse Of Almost Every Economy, The Dollar Is Next - Episode 1535a

@00:06:14 a currency in china copper back china's
@00:06:20 became scarce china began to make iron

Operation Bolton Distraction Is A Go, Deep State On The Move - Episode 1533b

@00:06:29 coming true we see china right now is
@00:07:10 certain countries and china they're
@00:15:10 no he was working with china russia for
@00:19:50 china and russia they want the deep

Liquidity Crisis Headed Our Way,The Economic Warning Signs Are Everywhere - Episode 1533a

@00:07:32 china
@00:08:13 and angola two nations which like china
@00:08:21 suppliers of crude oil to china along
@00:12:43 we've been losing our grip china has

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:11:04 trip to china the trip to china was very
@00:11:19 to china in person well there are two
@00:11:30 secure so he made the trip to china
@00:25:42 iran we have the same problem china
@00:25:48 to have war with china and russia yes

Brace For Impact, It's Not If, But When The Economy Collapses - Episode 1532a

@00:02:21 the past we were up against china we
@00:04:27 move this and start it up in china and
@00:10:49 is that with china with the us with
@00:12:15 is why china has introduced the petrol
@00:12:34 china had to build up their
@00:12:35 manufacturing china how to amass a huge
@00:12:38 amount of gold china how to duplicate

Counterattack A Go, The Deep Empire Is About To Fall - Episode 1531b

@00:07:13 this armored train over to china why is
@00:07:16 he going to china is he talking about
@00:07:29 how had to travel to china i don't know
@00:07:47 to go to china in person and it looks

Central Banks Are Now Panicking - Episode 1531a

@00:10:07 be dumped we see that china and russia
@00:10:23 compared to what china and russia have

Boom, The Plan Is In Motion, One Piece At A Time - Episode 1530b

@00:12:58 greece austria portugal china and other
@00:17:03 with iran right now russia china backs
@00:17:09 russia and china what we have we had an

Clock Activated, Stage Set, Wait For The Boom, Boom, Boom! - Episode 1529b

@00:11:17 approach the situation now china they're
@00:16:31 a different way to get to china for this

Petro Yuan Futures Launched, Economic System Shook, Control Narrative - Episode 1529a

@00:14:52 and we see right now once china is able
@00:15:04 china remember is the world's leading

Everything Is In Play, Bail-outs, Bail-ins, It's All Coming Down - Episode 1528a

@00:09:20 against china for the trade law
@00:09:28 china well they're looking maybe to
@00:09:38 the deal between china the us russia is
@00:10:27 lot less dollars out there china because
@00:10:43 tariffs on the us exports to china they
@00:11:27 treasuries now china has a lot of
@00:11:30 treasuries before this if china just
@00:11:46 okay we're placing tariffs china could
@00:13:53 what china does if they make they're not
@00:14:06 china and then trump most likely will do
@00:14:09 something else and then china will say

March Madness, Hold On The Deep State Is About To Push Their Agenda - Episode 1525b

@00:06:46 happening with china with north korea
@00:12:49 russia to china

Trumps Policies Are Pushing The Fed To Break The System - Episode 1525a

@00:04:37 same time china and others are buying
@00:08:23 china dumping treasuries we see china
@00:08:34 been all moved out to china we see what

The Global Economic System Has Been Put On Notice, Prepare Yourself - Episode 1524a

@00:07:04 the entire system this is why china

The "Plan" Is In Motion, Trust It - Episode 1523b

@00:13:36 with russia with china

The Globalist Economic Structure Is Slowly Being Dismantled - Episode 1523a

@00:10:38 we can see that china is liquidating
@00:15:55 what is happening in china they're

It Has Begun, These Conditions Preceded the Last 7 Recessions - Episode 1521a

@00:13:31 russia china the united states trump
@00:14:39 china china i from what i'm seeing is

This Is What The Central Banks Are Really Afraid Of - Episode 1520a

@00:03:22 this country into china and other asian
@00:06:38 is what china and russia have been doing
@00:06:55 been created out in china is controlled
@00:07:18 next move along with china and the

The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce Might Be More Than One Event - Episode 1519b

@00:11:09 kim jong-eun russia was there china was
@00:13:34 again china wants north korea south
@00:14:25 on a china the un syria everyone signed
@00:19:50 russia china what they're doing out

Why Are The Central Bank Officials Screaming And Yelling? - Episode 1519a

@00:04:04 and yelling and china already said
@00:14:24 over to a new location most likely china

The Game Is Being Played Out In Front Of The World, Do You Want To Play? - Episode 1518b

@00:13:10 completely fake because china russia

It Has Already Begun, The Central Bank Begins To Defend It's Actions - Episode 1518a

@00:03:28 now china and of course what they're
@00:03:33 disastrous but actually china is out
@00:03:38 china
@00:03:39 quite often you jinping and china is
@00:03:54 world china does not wish to fight a
@00:03:57 trade war nor will china initiate a
@00:04:04 ahead of time and right now china is not

Get Ready For The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce, It's Not What You Think - Episode 1513b

@00:07:56 out and again russia china there behind
@00:08:52 china because they know what is going on
@00:13:50 mexico china and other countries all

As The Economy Collapses, Those In Power Are Taking Sides - Episode 1513a

@00:14:25 be a crypto system we know that china
@00:15:11 i don't think china they're going to

Confusion Is Part Of Their Plan, Who Has The Ultimate Power? - Episode 1512b

@00:05:17 china now and the
@00:07:37 china russia south korea all having

Rothschild Dynasty Is Being Passed Onto The 7th Generation, 200 Years Of Family Rule - Episode 1512a

@00:10:19 you look at china who has all the
@00:10:34 trade with every single country china
@00:10:45 line with china it means that they spoke
@00:10:58 care if it's china russia they don't

Are The American People Being Played? If So This Will Not End Well - Episode 1511b

@00:12:38 meaningless russia china have their own
@00:12:40 payment system russia china they trade
@00:15:11 with china we see for oil we see
@00:25:34 and china wanted and that's exactly what

The Deep State Will Do Anything At This Point To Reach Their Goal - Episode 1509b

@00:09:14 china they've been calling for peace
@00:11:23 weapons actually the us russia and china

Yes, The Purge Is Real - Episode 1508b

@00:07:36 and china they have the free freeze deal
@00:09:21 north korea was russia it was china
@00:17:33 in china or any of these other countries

The Next Economic System Expands West, Will The US Join The New Trade System - Episode 1506a

@00:10:52 china and through 33 member community of
@00:11:11 this is not only because china imports
@00:11:55 that china is putting a lot of money
@00:12:41 system could reject it china and russia

The Transition To The New System Has Already Begun, People Don't Know It Yet - Episode 1505a

@00:09:39 duplicate the systems out in china and
@00:09:41 russia when china and russia were

Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b

@00:02:39 at china saudi arabia and the rest of
@00:06:26 so russia china saudi arabia or any

As The Old Economic System Breaks Down, A New One Is Born From The Ashes - Episode 1504a

@00:03:24 russia and china and many other
@00:04:08 china probably is going to fold and look
@00:07:28 been moving everything out to china
@00:07:30 manufacturing this is why china has been
@00:08:39 the market to drive prices up china was
@00:08:50 have left and china now is reversing and
@00:12:31 from this we know that china russia
@00:12:41 china 70 countries are on the one belt
@00:13:31 reportedly paid a visit to china where a
@00:13:33 people's bank of china is supervising

The Retail Apocalypse Picks Up Speed, This Will Not End Well - Episode 1501a

@00:09:29 country well china has already done this

The Agenda Is Set, The Dollar Will Begin To Lose It's World Dominance- Episode 1500a

@00:02:58 its reserve status and china is getting
@00:03:04 what china is doing with their petrol
@00:03:31 now china china has surpassed the us as
@00:03:46 the demand of the people of china now if
@00:06:36 can give you gold this is why china has
@00:07:52 dollar reserves china is now the biggest
@00:07:55 importer of crude in the world if china

Central Banks Are Preparing To Take Control Of The Blockchain - Episode 1499a

@00:07:22 currency or they're trading with china

Everything Is Not What It Seems, It's All Happening Behind The Scenes - Episode 1497b

@00:08:21 china threat a group of about 2,200
@00:08:32 heading to china now all they're doing
@00:08:46 this is the counter china really 2,200
@00:08:48 troops is going to counter china by
@00:09:29 peace discussions with russia and china
@00:09:57 where russia and china and the us are
@00:12:04 the double freeze plan that china and

The Economic Propaganda Begins, The Take Down Process Is In Progress - Episode 1497a

@00:07:12 that debt this is what china is doing
@00:07:47 gonna happen here where china now is a
@00:13:55 which is china manufacturing everything

The 'Wet Work' Continues, Russian Plane Crash Might Not Have Been An Accident - Episode 1496b

@00:08:03 we have south korea china russia and now
@00:13:02 china and russia's plan and the deep

Financial Pundits Are Calling It, They Are Saying Expect The Crash - Episode 1494a

@00:07:42 interesting is that china already
@00:09:20 countries reject the dollar now china
@00:10:50 further china already their credit

The Stock Market War Is On - Episode 1493a

@00:08:11 road to join the trade system with china

The Deep State Sent A Message, This Won't End Well - Episode 1491b

@00:12:13 china their malware their techniques and
@00:12:19 pushing the idea that china is building
@00:12:22 up troops on the border the china-north
@00:12:26 korea border and china is out there
@00:14:52 believe is china right now and again we
@00:15:16 confidence that's why china has been
@00:15:34 china is also creating their petrol you

Did The Deep State Just Threaten The US With An Event? - Episode 1490b

@00:09:13 this i mean china is right there there's

Chaos Is Their Tool, False Flags Is Their Weapon - Episode 1489b

@00:11:40 have turkey we have russia we have china

Is The Deep State About To Activate The Sleep Cells? - Episode 1488b

@00:09:27 russia china the u.s. to get rid of the

The Crackdown Begins, Central Banks Move To Control Of The Economic System - Episode 1488a

@00:01:25 east china we understand that they're
@00:01:58 back up the dollar we see that china is

Everything Is In Motion, The Agenda Has Been Set - Episode 1486a

@00:10:24 happening china right now they are

The Economy Was Just Nudged Into Collapsing, This Was Done On Purpose - Episode 1485a

@00:10:19 china is cracking down china has made it

Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 1481b

@00:11:21 the scenes russia china turkey and syria
@00:12:09 with it on trump and china trump will do
@00:12:12 more to make china look respectable
@00:12:16 international community than china could
@00:13:25 russia and china to have this done what

We Are Near The 'End Game' The Entire System Is About To Come Down - Episode 1480a

@00:09:43 war with china with south korea and this
@00:11:39 think about it china just downgraded the
@00:13:16 everything to china or he's going to try
@00:13:28 time with china and russia where all
@00:14:07 prepared for this transition china is
@00:14:22 out in china and we don't have to wait

The Hawaiian Alert Was Not A Drill, It Was A Planned Event - Episode 1479b

@00:08:45 turkey putin the united states china
@00:10:23 working together the us china and the

The Cabal Begins Operation 'Wetwork', Time To Cover Their Tracks - Episode 1478b

@00:12:41 china syria the united states they were
@00:17:21 russia and china are doing and this was

Everything Has Put Into Place To Slow The Collapse To Prepare For The Transition - Episode 1478a

@00:12:55 china they're continually accumulating
@00:13:46 was united states now china and russia
@00:14:28 china well they still have the private
@00:14:32 western central bank in china and we
@00:14:57 states and china they turn on the
@00:15:32 know china is setting up the one belt

The Economic Agenda To Bring The Economy Down Has Begun - Episode 1476a

@00:03:57 there now everyone thinks well china
@00:05:36 wait for china to build anything up it
@00:07:44 but china looked at it and said with a
@00:07:54 preparation to be moved over to china to

Deciphering Fiction From Reality Will Push 'We The People' To Take Charge - Episode 1475b

@00:10:30 and china into the talks in vancouver
@00:11:53 gaps caused by any efforts by china to
@00:12:01 what china is helping us with russia is
@00:12:06 up for some of what china is doing now
@00:12:50 that what china takes back russia gives
@00:13:29 so china and russia can work together

China Dumps Treasuries As The Central Bank Begins The Campaign To Collapse The Economy-Episode 1475a

@00:01:04 episode is china dumps treasuries as the
@00:09:05 know it today and we can see that china
@00:09:18 china the central bank does not care
@00:10:32 now china we see them dumping treasuries
@00:10:57 the us and china enter a trade war china
@00:11:05 trade war and i think china is gonna end
@00:11:14 transitioned to over to china there's no
@00:11:17 reason for china to have treasuries

Q Anon, A False Flag Attempt Is Headed Our Way - Episode 1474b

@00:10:11 this country or russia or china north

The People Are Going To Be Shocked, 30%-50% Fall In Net Worth Dead Ahead - Episode 1474a

@00:08:41 interesting is china they decided to
@00:09:04 right now that china is saying that yeah
@00:09:46 the west to the east and now china is
@00:10:02 at china and they are now making the
@00:10:21 but as the debt grows and as china
@00:11:04 infinity now china is looking at this
@00:14:09 doing in europe to work with china and

Everything Is Being Put Into Position For The Next Big Event - Episode 1473b

@00:06:10 china they were not invited and they
@00:06:25 russia or china involved in this why
@00:06:38 the meeting to russia and china but we
@00:07:16 states russia china the cabal they don't
@00:15:07 china is on the back end talking to iran
@00:16:01 fight now once russia and china see this
@00:17:56 nato russia china syria the kurds up in

Countries Pivot Away From The Dollar As The Central Bankers Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 1473a

@00:03:31 right now and china is the reserve
@00:05:41 trade deficit with china has continued
@00:06:13 that russia and china they have together
@00:06:24 moving the system over to china it
@00:06:47 system and the reason why china and
@00:09:02 for china to become the reserve currency
@00:11:44 looks like goal it looks like china and
@00:13:23 countries and this is why china and

Are The American People Being Prepared For A Nuclear Pearl Harbor? - Episode 1471

@00:07:34 and china they don't like this this is

To Convince The Public This Is What The Cabal Does - Episode 1470b

@00:14:29 russia and china and remember this is

Control The Currency, Manipulate The Economy Then Collapse The Economy - Episode 1470a

@00:20:23 china and russia have a lot of gold

Russia Knows Who Attacked Their Bases In Syria And It's Not Turkey - Episode 1469b

@00:11:17 talks russia and china are now moving in
@00:11:23 that north korea south korea japan china
@00:18:33 is because china russia the united

Economic Indicators Off The Charts, Has The Date For The Collapse Been Decided? - Episode 1469a

@00:11:26 payers like china russia central banks
@00:16:45 we know that china russia india that

Through The Darnkess We Can Now See The Light - Episode 1468b

@00:07:45 russia and china right now agreed to

Something Devastating Is Headed Our Way, Which Is A Good Thing - Episode 1467b

@00:14:23 know they're setting up shop in china

If You Look Behind The Curtain, The Economy Is Breaking Apart - Episode 1467a

@00:10:01 closer to russia and china away from the

The Old Wag The Dog Distraction Being Used On The Cabal, But Why?- Episode 1466b

@00:07:53 and now russia stepped in with china and

The Economy Is In The Process Of Being Re-Worked For The Transition - Episode 1466a

@00:19:18 going to work well we know that china is
@00:20:09 china this is why he's been meeting with
@00:20:41 already out in china and russia that's
@00:21:21 and have china and the rest of the
@00:21:57 china have the payment system this is
@00:22:29 china combined can back the system i'm

He Who Controls The Creation Of Currency Controls The World - Episode 1465

@00:07:34 china is still part of that central bank
@00:07:56 bank of china said that it encouraged
@00:13:38 russia and china is backing this the
@00:14:07 on the 9th and now we see china and
@00:19:14 it's not from russia it's not from china

This Could Be The Year That Justice Is Served - Episode 1464b

@00:17:08 now progressing the way china russia yes
@00:18:01 great time for the u.s. to join china
@00:19:01 ram and russia and china

It's All Closing In Aournd The Cabal, Only Option Left Is.. - Episode 1463b

@00:08:33 that russia and china they're calling
@00:12:55 region and once again russia china iran

The Economy Is Deteriorating And It's Spreading Quickly - Episode 1463a

@00:11:58 china because futures trading would
@00:12:15 country's key long-term goals and china
@00:13:07 why didn't china begin training futures
@00:14:01 and remember china is creating the

The Cabal Didn't Expect This To Happen, Next Event Locked And Loaded - Episode 1462b

@00:06:55 remember china russia have for months
@00:07:41 really the plan of the us russia china
@00:17:39 china and iran he says that yes there

The Financial System Will Break, You Cannot Recover From A Fake Recovery - Episode 1462a

@00:14:46 the east we see that china and russian
@00:16:22 out in china the pboc

This Is It, The Events Have Started, The Push Is On To Take Back Control - Episode 1461b

@00:14:39 they tried protests in china they tried
@00:17:15 their agenda we see china now is moving
@00:17:19 into a pakistan china has survey teams
@00:17:33 china and russia are moving in

The Central Banks Make Their Move, This Is How They Are Doing It - Episode 1461a

@00:03:17 manufacturing facilities since china
@00:03:19 since china joined the world trade
@00:10:29 central bank in china central bank in

The Cabal Initiates The First Event, Let The Games Begin - Episode 1460b

@00:06:31 they were transferring fuel now china is
@00:11:08 tried this with russia and china already
@00:11:44 iran is working with russia and china
@00:11:52 and china they're making economic deals
@00:15:09 china back it up
@00:18:06 most likely not it looks like china and

The Economic Tranisition Is Nearing Completetion Before The Crisis Hits - Episode 1460a

@00:06:24 china we see nations like russia and
@00:06:51 understand that russia china this is
@00:06:58 they need and when you look at china and
@00:07:40 now china has been doing the same thing
@00:08:50 china and russia now on a high level the
@00:09:43 petrol yuan we see that china and russia

Russia Presents Evidence Against The Cabal & Repeats Their Call - Episode 1459b

@00:17:40 and china backs them so what are they

So It Begins, The Central Banks Will Not Stop Until You Are Convinced - Episode 1459a

@00:09:09 china and russia they're still part of
@00:12:47 know that the china and the brics
@00:12:56 that russia and china they've been
@00:13:06 the us but it's in china everything that
@00:13:13 pretty much the same that's in china now
@00:13:24 world war two now russia and china have
@00:16:18 and china have been purchasing gold this

It's All Happening At An Accelerated Pace, Will The Event Be Triggered? - Episode 1458b

@00:09:16 buying technology from russia and china
@00:18:02 see that they're getting china and

The Draining Of The Swamp Nuclear Option Has Just Been Initiated - Episode 1457b

@00:08:49 the south china sea you know okay you
@00:09:12 situation in the south china sea even
@00:09:24 about the south china sea so as you can
@00:20:54 to someplace else and that is china this

The Economic Collapse, Transition Revealed, Just Look At The Clues - Episode 1457a

@00:12:59 saying that china they're going to take
@00:13:20 world's largest crude oil importer china
@00:13:40 dollar in trade with china china is by
@00:14:36 and china are mentioned in this document
@00:14:49 china threat to the u.s. dollar they
@00:14:55 dying they know that russia and china
@00:15:06 china as revisionists powers rivals and
@00:15:43 china india brazil south africa are all
@00:16:20 the russian china partnership plan to be
@00:16:59 high-speed railway the china laos
@00:17:43 corridors connecting eastern china with
@00:18:22 china and the european report points to
@00:19:16 china and russia they are competitors
@00:20:40 falling apart china russia other

The Neocons, Cabal Push For An Event In Ukraine, A Plan Within A Plan - Episode 1456

@00:08:49 china this is why they've been
@00:24:27 war with china or russia they would have
@00:24:34 by the actions of china and russia
@00:24:50 border of china and russia right up to

It Has All Come To This Moment, What Happens Next - Episode 1455b

@00:07:46 when russia or china or any other

Desperation Is Setting In, The Cabal Is Trapped - Episode 1454b

@00:07:46 when russia or china or any other

Looks Like It's A Go, Be Prepared, Something Big Is About To Happen - Episode 1453b

@00:05:17 we see why now the u.s. is giving china

The Doomsday Event Has Started, This Is Their Warning - Episode 1452b

@00:06:37 russia as a china and the central
@00:07:18 china they are going to be the
@00:10:42 whatsoever russia and china and the
@00:18:07 russia or china this is going to be
@00:18:19 russia china at that time things have

The Transition Begins, The World Economic Structure Is About To Change - Episode 1452a

@00:15:57 and remember china introduced a petro
@00:16:32 to help china push the one for
@00:17:57 dollars and it will be out in china
@00:18:17 you know and makes a deal with china or

The Cabal Continues To Push Fake News, But The Real Strategy Is Going To Shock Them - Episode 1451b

@00:06:05 russia and china because this is where
@00:06:29 already done this with china and russia
@00:06:39 china they knew this was going to happen
@00:08:36 cause right now we see russia and china
@00:16:57 we see that yes russia and china they're
@00:17:24 china and russia they're they already
@00:20:48 china everything's gonna be

The Economy Is Rapidly Deteriorating, Look Past The Illusion And You Can See It - Episode 1451a

@00:09:47 china has the petrol yuan which is
@00:13:12 system in russia and china creating the
@00:13:15 payment system in russia and china

The Move From West To The East Is Almost Complete, Be Prepared For The Next Phase - Episode 1448a

@00:12:27 out in the east we know that china has
@00:12:32 seeing right now is that china has
@00:13:09 internationalization now a former china
@00:13:37 that has to be china and they're saying
@00:13:41 in this former china division chief at

Propaganda Is Leaked Before The Cabal's Main Event - Episode 1447b

@00:07:00 open to discussion now we have china we
@00:12:02 and china now this was done on purpose
@00:12:34 and china and the middle eastern
@00:14:46 gonna pivot towards russia and china and
@00:15:42 russia or china maybe they'll try to

The Battle Accelerates, The Truth Is Being Forced Into The Open - Episode 1446b

@00:09:55 sitting no russia and china south korea
@00:12:28 russia and china have moved into that
@00:15:10 all being shifted over to china and

Hold On To Your Seat The Entire Economy Is About To Change - Episode 1446a

@00:12:17 this means that china is going to be
@00:12:49 goes on and we understand that china is
@00:13:01 they're moving towards china and i'm not

The World Is About To Change And Those Who Are Sleeping Better Wake Up - Episode 1445b

@00:05:56 china right now they haven't a joint air
@00:09:31 china to handle the situation and it
@00:11:31 looking towards china and this was

Countries Begin To Challenge The Petro Dollar, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1445a

@00:17:27 this is why russia and china have been
@00:20:32 china they realize this they know that

Did The Arab League Just Threaten The Petro Dollar With A Move To The Petro Yuan - Episode 1444b

@00:06:32 gonna move towards russia and china
@00:07:23 towards russia and china to administer
@00:07:47 towards russia and china now we see a
@00:12:09 is russia china iran turkey they're
@00:13:00 over to china and russia this has been
@00:13:15 they've been setting up china for a very
@00:13:18 long time yes china is part of the
@00:13:23 china russia on the other hand they've

Central Banks Are Ready To Fight To The End To Protect Their Economic System - Episode 1444a

@00:09:00 ze toe china komodo which were believe
@00:09:08 to china komodo is

US Has A New Plan For The Middle East, Russia Waits For Plan - Episode 1443b

@00:04:31 systems up and running this is why china
@00:07:07 russia and china have moved in now
@00:11:36 russia and china will push this and they
@00:12:02 but russia and china do we see the

Central Banks Want To Replace The US Dollar With A Single Global Super-Currency - Episode 1443a

@00:04:54 hits and we see that china russia iran
@00:05:07 know that china and iran and russia

The Global Reset Has Begun - Episode 1442b

@00:03:39 economic partner is china which imports
@00:06:02 china russia even the us and i'm not
@00:06:21 russia and china they're not gonna let a
@00:08:06 and bring in russia and china and
@00:08:28 china is moving in lebanon you can see
@00:12:10 russia and china are now calling the
@00:12:27 russia and china they're controlling the
@00:12:48 now by russia and china iraq is dealing
@00:12:50 with russia iraq is dealing with china
@00:12:52 iran is dealing with russia and china
@00:13:00 dealing with russia and china russia and
@00:13:03 china are continually speaking out
@00:13:05 against the united states china and
@00:13:35 china and russia right now they're
@00:15:20 means is that as russia and china get
@00:15:45 china takes their investments and put

Is The Middle East Ready To Explode Or Is There Something Else Happening? - Episode 1441b

@00:09:17 syria russia china and all of them are
@00:12:52 with china with syria and the rest of
@00:15:34 and china they are gaining ground in the

The Manufacturing Situation In The US Is Much Worse Than Originally Thought - Episode 1441a

@00:02:34 this was china and other asian nations
@00:03:07 from china hit an all-time record high
@00:04:01 nations such as china have become so
@00:04:09 china joined the world trade
@00:06:23 see russia and china this is why they've

Begin The Countdown, The Cabal Just Signalled They Are About To Do Something - Episode 1440b

@00:09:16 one the plan behind russia china the
@00:15:09 now remember china and russia have
@00:15:14 infrastructure china and russia are
@00:17:00 and china are making their move into the

The Neocons, Cabal Give A Little Push To Get An Event Started - Episode 1439b

@00:06:24 deals with russia and china and trade
@00:08:49 don't believe russia and china is going
@00:08:50 to allow this russia china the u.s. they
@00:11:21 of china and this is going to be

Something The Cabal Never Saw Coming That Will Shatter Their Entire Plan - Episode 1438b

@00:11:05 along with russia china south korea they
@00:11:13 china and russia came up with a plan you
@00:14:01 china with the central banking system

The BRICS Establish A Gold Trading System To Reduce The Reliance On The Dollar - Episode 1438a

@00:01:14 recently russia china and many other
@00:01:38 bric nations russia china india south
@00:02:16 trading systems out in china they
@00:02:32 major gold producers namely china russia
@00:02:44 physical gold namely china and russia so
@00:03:00 the people bank of china referred to
@00:04:41 russia and china this is still the
@00:05:57 influence russia and china have been
@00:07:30 russia or china now there is oh they're
@00:07:33 a whole trading system in china now
@00:10:09 just so happens that russia china and

The Plan For North Korea Is In Motion, It's Not What You Think? - Episode 1437b

@00:09:04 looks like the strategy of russia china
@00:10:33 about the cabal china is very worried

The Cabal Is Firing Everything They Have, The End Is Approaching - Episode 1436b

@00:09:13 with north korea they want china to stop
@00:09:19 china and russia are saying yeah this
@00:10:01 why would china send troops in now they
@00:10:27 now china came out and said yeah this is
@00:10:41 me why would china all of a sudden send
@00:13:34 attacks from north korea china and
@00:13:47 from the growing threat of china and
@00:14:04 now russia and china they're not going
@00:14:27 over time russia china they've been
@00:16:33 korea has done nothing and china and

The Cabal Has Entered The Second Stage Event, The Setup Is Almost Complete - Episode 1435b

@00:04:00 right now is that russia china and the
@00:04:23 let's say the us or they hit china or
@00:04:41 china the u.s. this secret allegation
@00:07:43 russia china the u.s. tillison trump
@00:07:50 china and they've been playing the cabal
@00:10:09 russia and china the us the the the
@00:13:41 china duplicated the swift system in
@00:15:14 or iran russia or china doesn't really

The Cabal's First Stage Of The Event Has Just Been Initiated - Episode 1434b

@00:06:49 china russia even the united states yes
@00:10:34 china they have the one belt one road
@00:11:20 their system in china and we see right
@00:11:57 it's not i'm not saying that china and

Hundreds Of European Banks Are In Trouble, This Is Going To Be A Disaster - Episode 1434a

@00:12:06 payment system is out in china
@00:12:09 manufacturing is out in china there's
@00:12:25 establish it someplace else like china

The Central Banks Are Ready To Make A Move On Gold, It's Not What You Think - Episode 1433a

@00:05:03 about this before in other reports china
@00:05:43 russia india and china in south africa
@00:06:04 emerging first of all in india china and
@00:06:33 gold in the past we know that china has
@00:07:22 countries of china and russia to do and
@00:07:36 shop in china now they've been keeping
@00:07:40 the gold level very very low so china
@00:08:09 said that china would not have enough
@00:09:49 the united states over to china and

Something Big Just Happened, Everything Is About To Change - Episode 1432b

@00:03:27 looking at russia china and now the
@00:05:03 and russia china and the rest were out
@00:12:02 china and russia and they're really not

The Economic System Is Quickly Changing, Will The US Be Left Out? - Episode 1432a

@00:06:23 first well china is now where japan was
@00:10:06 is changing we know china russia and in
@00:11:03 a stable syria is crucial to china

Time Is Running Out For The Cabal, Tick-Tock - Episode 1431b

@00:14:44 russia and china they see what's

Is There A Stock Flash Crash & A Bond Bubble Implosion Coming In 2018? - Episode 1431a

@00:05:26 purpose it was shipped over to china and

It Has Now Turned Into A Head To Head Fight With The Cabal - Episode 1430b

@00:04:39 assets closer to china that was their
@00:05:00 china and keeping them controlled this
@00:05:31 deals with china and i believe the
@00:07:55 we understand that china russia japan
@00:11:27 special envoy coming from china going

A Closer Look Into How We Were Tricked Into Believing The Economy Has Recovered - Episode 1430a

@00:06:24 happening here china is a very big part
@00:06:34 lot of china investment and there's many
@00:06:40 is that china is now pulling out because
@00:07:52 inflation is starting to tick up china
@00:08:06 gold plus we know that china the central
@00:08:10 bank is moving towards china to become
@00:08:20 manufacturing in china and we know that

The US Issues A Travel Warning For This Holiday Season - Episode 1428b

@00:02:06 like they're going after china right now
@00:08:07 and china actually stepped in and said
@00:13:30 get china and russia involved in this

Are The Globalists Moving Forward With Their One Currency Agenda? - Episode 1427b

@00:08:01 say that trump when he visited china the
@00:08:23 that united states and china are
@00:08:40 china is going to be sending an envoy
@00:08:55 with china trying to build our economic
@00:15:55 china and the rest are gonna go to the
@00:16:37 the united states enemy china is not the

Déjà Vu, We Are Seeing The Same Signs Now As We Saw Back In 2008 - Episode 1427a

@00:06:41 purchasing a lot of gold russia china

US Government Issues A Warning Against North Korea's "Hidden Cobra"- Episode 1426b

@00:05:40 is going to make deals with china
@00:13:29 korea from syria from russia or china
@00:14:43 china they're gonna stop this actually
@00:14:44 russia and china they're gonna try to

It Has Begun, Russia And Syria Are Now Asking The US To Leave Syria - Episode 1425b

@00:06:21 happening russia and china they're going

The Latest Report Indicates The 1% Got Wealthier After 2008 - Episode 1425a

@00:12:06 they're pivoting towards china and
@00:12:14 be moving towards china moving towards

It's On, The Cabal Goes All In To Push The Next Event - Episode 1423b

@00:07:40 china they didn't fall for it
@00:11:10 involved in this and then china involved

The Economy Declined Further And Nobody Noticed, Get Prepared - Episode 1423a

@00:10:27 they might even bypass china as the
@00:10:40 because we know that china russia india
@00:11:29 to the east to china and they realized

The Event Is Moving Forward, Is The Cabal Ready To Pull The Trigger - Episode 1422b

@00:04:17 actually moved towards china where they
@00:04:25 china sea with absolutely no problem and

It's All Happening At Once,Meanwhile Wisconsin Prepares For Power-Grid Collapse - Episode 1421b

@00:07:41 their chemical report and china is out
@00:08:17 flags all over the place and china is
@00:09:16 this is what china and russia are trying
@00:09:31 people to look at and china and russia
@00:11:59 russia china doesn't really make a
@00:16:05 or it was russia or it was china it

French Central Bank Chief Suggests Eurozone Needs To Be Ready For A Crisis - Episode 1421a

@00:02:01 china might step in and bail them out
@00:05:54 see that china well they are not the
@00:06:16 the people's republic of china and this
@00:06:26 mainland china owns about 1.2 trillion

Layer By Layer The Cabal Is Being Exposed To The World - Episode 1420b

@00:10:41 china and russia these sanctions are not

The Cabal Is Ready To Take Action, Something Big Might Happen Soon - Episode 1419b

@00:06:20 down russia china do-dirty
@00:07:11 china they wanted to get into north
@00:07:19 china the question is why were they
@00:08:15 saying china what the main central

First The Petro-Yuan Now The Petro-Ruble, De-Dollarization In Full Force - Episode 1419a

@00:11:23 past is that china which is part of the
@00:11:39 is that russia china they've been moving
@00:12:36 of china russia and most of eurasia plus

Something Big Is Happening That Hasn't Happened Since 2011 - Episode 1417b

@00:08:06 with north korea china russia and the
@00:08:13 what russia china trump and many others

The Walls Are Closing In On The Cabal, They Are Now Covering Their Tracks - Episode 1416b

@00:13:43 and china because you know why they're

If All Goes As Planned, Everything Is About To Change 8 Weeks From Now - Episode 1415b

@00:10:05 with north korea and yes russia china

There Is A New Economic World Order Which Will Transform The World - Episode 1415a

@00:10:27 next ten years china will spend two
@00:10:42 from the map is that china has no
@00:11:07 problem because what china is doing is
@00:11:23 see that the first test train from china
@00:12:04 initiative is going to place china at

Desperation Has Set In, The Cabal Is Pushing All Agendas - Episode 1414b

@00:08:33 russia knows china knows do-dirty knows
@00:09:40 of the jcpoa alongside its ally china

The Cabal Is Distracting The World From The Real Investigation - Episode 1412b

@00:16:56 have a discussion between china russia

It Has Begun, The Corporate Media Pushing The Agenda Of A Crashing Economy - Episode 1412a

@00:17:31 china they're integrated and they still

Here It All Comes, The Truth And The Event All At The Same Time - Episode 1409b

@00:08:51 what china and russia are doing the

The US Is In Worse Economic Shape Than China & Russia, What Your Not Being Told - Episode 1409a

@00:01:07 worse economic shape than china and
@00:05:17 china now america's 27

Mop Up Operation: Is The Cabal Destroying Records? - Episode 1408b

@00:07:35 china are there they're pushing their
@00:09:06 to each other this is what china and

The Next Stock Market Crash Is Going To Drop Like A Rock - Episode 1408a

@00:08:30 china and cyber terrorism well that's

The IMF Lays Out The Global Financial Crash Scenario - Episode 1407

@00:01:18 china china does have an house a housing
@00:01:32 of homes in china and a lot of people
@00:02:24 out in china because what is happening
@00:02:27 here is property sales in china while
@00:02:55 cities and different areas within china
@00:08:50 that russia china japan and other
@00:12:55 bank system out in china along with
@00:14:06 very long time we have china now and

The US Just Admitted Something That They Never Admitted To Before - Episode 1406b

@00:05:20 russia china south korea they're having
@00:08:56 invest in syria so we have china we have

Did Russia Just Issue A New Eurasian Currency? - Episode 1404a

@00:09:58 end we see that china russia the central
@00:10:43 china is also working with the belton

The Truth Is Starting To Slowly Leak Out, The Cabal Worries Begin - Episode 1403b

@00:08:20 us russia china they're all in talks
@00:08:31 through china they're like the
@00:08:50 endorsed the russian china double freeze

The Pentagon Is Worried That A Cyber Attack Could Cause A Stock Market Crash - Episode 1402b

@00:03:26 now china and russia they're continuing
@00:03:54 will not cooperate in what china and

The Cabal Is Going All Out, Next Event Imminent - Episode 1401

@00:08:21 korea russia china the us they are
@00:10:02 end well at all and i think china and
@00:11:16 and china are definitely moving into

What Is The Real Agenda Of Refusing To Recertify The Iran Deal - Episode 1400b

@00:03:09 china they've been monitoring the entire
@00:03:57 so russia china and the rest of the
@00:11:22 like china we see that corporate media

Russia And China Just Did Something That Will Be A Blow To The Dollar - Episode 1400a

@00:01:05 episode is russia and china just did
@00:05:48 china and russia they are continually
@00:06:04 against china against russia we see that
@00:06:08 china has established a payment versus
@00:06:43 china central bank and we see right now
@00:07:00 major blow now china is going to be
@00:07:59 know that china and russia are already
@00:08:13 russia turning towards china and they
@00:09:52 between the two countries china and
@00:09:59 it we saw that china was making

The Cabal Is Scrambling, They Are Losing Control - Episode 1399b

@00:06:41 that that russia and china they're fully
@00:07:03 russia china south korea north korea
@00:09:08 china and russia and these countries
@00:09:12 that are working with china russia they

Has The Cabal Already Planned The Lights Out Event? - Episode 1398b

@00:08:32 operation in south china sea remember
@00:08:48 paracel islands in the south china sea
@00:09:57 towards china we see right now russia is
@00:11:57 situation china is taking control of the
@00:14:26 you know move everything to china

Russia Calls Out The US For Simulating Fighting In Syria And Iraq - Episode 1397b

@00:11:15 russia and china they are gaining in

De-Dollarization Continues, More Countries Pivot Away From The Dollar - Episode 1397a

@00:01:58 to put restrictions we know china has
@00:02:33 about china is very nervous about it the
@00:10:34 we have russia we have china we have

The Cabal Just Hit A Brick Wall, Here's What Happened - Episode 1396b

@00:10:55 have russia we have china all talking to

Something Just Happened In The Market, Red Alert, Red Alert - Episode 1396a

@00:05:55 australia sweden hong kong china

The Economy Has Hit Stall Speed, It's Not If But When The Economy Crashes - Episode 1395

@00:09:19 talks going on between russia china the
@00:12:16 and china and at this point the united

Saudia Arabia Pivots Towards Russia And Away From The US - Episode 1394b

@00:04:11 is dealing with iran china and russia we
@00:04:35 pushed china russia they're going around
@00:05:13 this and how china is building up their
@00:06:20 in china because this is what they're
@00:16:03 because if they don't the eu china

Inflation Warning, Inflation Will Hit Like A Tidal Wave - Episode 1393a

@00:08:27 reports about china where there'll you
@00:08:46 sanctions and china started to doing the
@00:08:53 payment system here in the west china

Russia And China Continue To Hoard Gold To Prepare For The Dollar Collapse - Episode 1392a

@00:01:04 the episode is russia and china continue
@00:06:52 understand that russia and china they
@00:07:22 china is doing the same thing where
@00:08:32 their own currency china introduced the
@00:08:39 the markets out in china and we see that
@00:10:56 china wherever it's going to be and

The IMF Says The Block Chain Could Displace The Fractional Banking Model - Episode 1391a

@00:11:45 now right now china and russia they have
@00:12:06 central banking system now china will
@00:12:08 handle you know the manufacturing china
@00:14:02 bankers are getting ready china and

The Cabal Pushes Propaganda That North Korea Might Attack The Financial Sector - Episode 1390

@00:08:47 g jinping of china we know that china
@00:12:28 russia and china they are out there and
@00:12:32 syria and it looks like china right now
@00:12:57 long time ago and russia and china are
@00:13:22 they work to negotiate with china and

The World Is About To Change And Most Are Completely Unaware Of This Fact - Episode 1388b

@00:07:01 iran and russia and china the middle
@00:10:03 closer to china and russia they'll be

The Clock Is Ticking Down, Is The Cabal Ready To Make Their Next Move? - Episode 1387b

@00:03:50 area but the problem is is that china
@00:04:21 have a base now china has a base and it
@00:04:23 looks like china is making deals with a

Russia Is Now Calling On The US To Leave Syria - Episode 1386b

@00:06:57 concerned but china russia who border
@00:15:52 know that china and russia they have

GCHQ Warns Of A Category 1 Cyber Attack Coming Soon - Episode 1384b

@00:06:23 right now there are talks going on china
@00:08:58 these things it's not helping china
@00:13:41 russia we were hit by china we're

Is The US Getting Prepared To Leave Syria? - Episode 1383b

@00:03:51 talked about sanctions on china and
@00:03:59 may impose additional sanctions on china
@00:04:10 very very worried about what china is
@00:05:14 start a war play sections on china try
@00:05:28 you think is going to happen with china
@00:05:32 china they're gonna work with russia
@00:10:16 along with china and the united states
@00:14:06 is dying china already knows the system

The West Begins To Panic Over China's OBOR Trade System - Episode 1383a

@00:02:50 they used to remember china right now is
@00:06:02 quite a bit and how china they are
@00:06:24 china this is why they're out there
@00:06:26 saying that for years china merely
@00:06:34 very long time but china is really
@00:06:54 performance china has soared from 10
@00:07:16 times as large that would mean a china
@00:07:27 china is doing right now they are
@00:07:57 now is china is going to be transforming
@00:09:42 china and again all of this is not going
@00:09:45 to hurt china it
@00:09:57 sanctions on china guess what the store
@00:10:12 becoming very very afraid of what china
@00:10:30 about is accelerating and china is
@00:11:22 matter of time before china russia the
@00:13:24 china because again the yuan is part of
@00:13:30 is along you know going along with china
@00:13:33 the business going along with china and

Behind The Scenes, The US, China And North Korea Are Talking - Episode 1382b

@00:01:07 china and north korea are talking let's
@00:02:58 china they all do the same thing they
@00:07:18 they're talking with china with russia
@00:07:45 talks going on we see china and russia
@00:08:08 see that russia china china they push
@00:11:33 russia and china right now even though

The Entire Economic Recovery Is One Big Myth - Episode 1382a

@00:10:04 with venezuela we see this with china we
@00:10:20 china with the belton road they're
@00:11:14 understand russia china and all the
@00:12:05 prepared this is why russia and china

The Cabal's Desperation Level Is Off The Charts, What's Next? - Episode 1381b

@00:10:43 and believe me china and russia they're
@00:13:08 venezuela syria iran china russia and

The US Pushes Trade War With China Threatening The World's Trading System - Episode 1381a

@00:01:06 trade war with china threatening the
@00:10:28 they're looking to go after china and of
@00:10:35 china and north korea and we could see
@00:10:47 economic sanctions on china well it's
@00:11:04 than it hurts china because it just
@00:11:06 forces china and russia and other
@00:11:14 tire system down well china is now
@00:13:49 china right now and it looks like to me
@00:14:11 sections on china and we stop them from
@00:15:03 products in from china by stocking the

The Global Debt Crisis Is Much Worse Than We Are Being Told - Episode 1380

@00:10:40 going to see china and russia well
@00:10:52 the attack and if russia and china see
@00:12:08 completely now remember russia and china
@00:12:18 countries then right now china has

Last Ditch Effort, The Cabal Pushes The Event Of Events - Episode 1379b

@00:04:27 all happening at the same time china
@00:09:12 the united states china russia everyone
@00:16:46 iraq like syria iran china russia and

GDP Is Revised Much Lower As Economic Indicators Worsen - Episode 1379a

@00:07:52 especially from china because now

Financial Institutions Call For A Market Crash In The Next 3-8 Months - Episode 1378a

@00:11:03 brics we've been talking about china

Truth Bomb Just Exploded But Is Anyone Listening - Episode 1377b

@00:04:30 sanctioned russia china they are bank
@00:04:38 sanctions on china now we mentioned this
@00:04:47 cut off trade with china now this would
@00:04:57 trade deficit with beijing china also
@00:05:19 from china
@00:05:25 swift payment system now remember china
@00:05:39 china and russia at this point i don't
@00:05:46 possibly can to force china into backing
@00:08:35 through russia and china they want to
@00:13:20 coming from everywhere else and china
@00:14:06 right now is that china russia they are

Hold On, The Entire Globalist Economic System Is About To Come Apart - Episode 1376b

@00:08:21 remember russia and china they want
@00:08:59 russia and china we see that the iraqi
@00:12:37 iran russia and china the cabal is
@00:16:44 is very small compared to what china and
@00:17:58 now not saying that russia and china
@00:18:27 bringing china in this is why the fed
@00:18:35 like china because they're taking their

Debt Level Hits 20 Trillion, Was The Debt Clock Just Removed? - Episode 1376a

@00:08:49 like venezuela south korea russia china
@00:11:15 china russia they've been accumulating a

The Middle East Has Fallen, Now What Happens To The Dollar? - Episode 1375b

@00:01:15 neem ik een china die
@00:02:08 bank of china en de noord is een border
@00:15:02 brics russia china en rsi de cursus this

Warning: Economic Breakdown Headed Our Way - Episode 1375a

@00:01:14 we talked about how china how they were

North Korea Can Withstand An Embargo, Is The Cabal Finished? - Episode 1374b

@00:04:11 china with south korea they want some
@00:05:40 it doesn't work now china they are
@00:05:59 china and russia because eventually what
@00:06:05 wanted to have a war with china and
@00:12:17 for if russia and china are able to

De-Dollarization Continues As More Countries Separate Themselves From The Dollar - Episode 1374a

@00:08:53 the oil yujuan gold triad in china right
@00:09:18 we know iran has working with china and
@00:10:19 when we said that china and russia
@00:12:23 country we buy the products from china

Central Banks Decide That Discontinuing Stimulus Will Collpase The Economy - Episode 1373a

@00:11:38 states it's russia it's china and many

Is It All Coming To An End, What Else Does The Cabal Have Up Their Sleeve - Episode 1372b

@00:07:25 corporate media saying that china might
@00:09:14 china which is which would destroy the
@00:09:56 russia and china and basically what's
@00:10:01 with russia and china and moving away
@00:12:38 except for russia and china and syria
@00:12:50 now russia and china they're detaching

It Begins, Central Bank Shake-Up & The Control Of The Fed - Episode 1372a

@00:09:49 and preparing everything in china and

The White House Expands Cyber War To Include Banks & Wall Street - Episode 1371b

@00:05:06 and putin china they all understand what
@00:05:35 most likely russia and china will veto
@00:08:46 do business with north korea china and
@00:08:52 very dependent on china because if he
@00:09:03 china is north korea's largest trading
@00:09:08 trade was clearly aimed at china but
@00:09:10 china is also the largest trading
@00:09:21 if trading stops remember china is the
@00:09:40 on china it's not the other way around
@00:09:54 it will affect china because they will
@00:12:53 north korea or china or maybe even

BRICS Prepare For The Death Of The Dollar By Widening Membership - Episode 1371a

@00:08:10 that china is looking to have a yuyuan
@00:09:59 manufacturing is in china right now and
@00:10:56 it looks like china and russia they are
@00:12:09 once again i'm not saying that china and
@00:12:13 china is still part of the central
@00:12:25 to china they don't care what country

The North Korean Agenda Is Being Pushed, How Far Will It Go? - Episode 1370b

@00:04:24 and china are out there saying that
@00:04:37 russia and china are saying listen all
@00:06:38 china and russia i mean they're
@00:07:03 but china and russia they're still
@00:07:55 china and russia they'll stand by for a
@00:15:33 in today's world china russia as usual
@00:15:59 and right now russia china they're not

De-Dollarization Begins, China Readies Yuan Base Crude Oil - Episode 1370a

@00:01:05 episode is d dollarization begins china
@00:01:47 discussed we see china is out there
@00:06:02 east and we know that china and russia
@00:06:12 world's top oil importer china they are
@00:06:47 commodity contract in china open to
@00:07:15 basket of the sdr s china accumulating
@00:09:20 forever china is not doing anything
@00:09:22 think about what china has been doing
@00:10:05 who has the manufacturing china who has
@00:10:09 the gold china so you can see what the
@00:10:23 china because they knew the dollar only
@00:11:25 china they have the manufacturing they

Putin Warns The World Of A Major Event That Might Unfold - Episode 1369b

@00:06:49 now russia and china they already have a
@00:11:49 have china and russia join in and get

Russia & BRICS Go After Excessive Domination Of Reserve Currencies - Episode 1369a

@00:09:20 russia china the other bric nations they
@00:09:39 ahead of the ninth brics summit in china
@00:10:54 working within china russia kind of
@00:11:12 started talking about china how their
@00:11:45 that area because china has the
@00:11:47 manufacturing china has the gold russia

Armstrong's Cycle Analysis Predicts A Major Event This Fall - Episode 1368b

@00:05:52 and right now china they back sanctions
@00:07:09 china and russia they have their
@00:10:41 russia china they always knew what was
@00:11:44 korea we know that china and russia
@00:11:56 border of russia and china and there
@00:13:38 system is going to be in china we're

The Cabal's Agenda Is Starting To Backfire, What's Next? - Episode 1367b

@00:06:48 now china and russia they are set to
@00:07:23 with the united states and with china
@00:07:37 we see china russia the bric nations
@00:07:55 forward and china and russia and the
@00:08:52 to be moving closer to russia and china
@00:08:55 egypt is moving closer to china and
@00:09:06 seeing here china russia they are
@00:14:06 setting up shop in china that is the

The Ugly Truth Of The Economic Disaster That's Headed Our Way - Episode 1366a

@00:05:13 china and we can see that the everyday

Warning From The U.S. Infrastructure Council, 9/11-Level Cyber Attack Imminent - Episode 1365b

@00:09:58 in this bill amazing now china they are
@00:10:42 maduro we see that china and russia they

Syria Is Slipping Through The Cabal's Fingers - Episode 1364b

@00:03:50 russia and china why because they
@00:08:34 region and russia and china start to

It's Starting To Look Like The Central Banks Are Nationalizing The Economy - Episode 1364a

@00:12:15 it could be china it doesn't really
@00:12:40 china this is where they've it looks

It's So Quite You Can Hear A Pin Drop, Is Something About To Happen? - Episode 1363b

@00:08:26 going to be turned over to china to
@00:10:07 russia and china are there and the us
@00:10:16 to stop china and russia from working
@00:10:21 not worked at all china and russia
@00:11:00 china out of the area by having a lot of
@00:16:05 iran is working with china iran is

Germany & The US Strangely Broadcast Messages About Gold Holdings - Episode 1363a

@00:15:36 with china and russia every single
@00:17:07 an insurance policy china and russia

The United Nations Issues A Warning For The US - Episode 1362b

@00:08:58 north korea china and russia
@00:09:04 and entities in china and russia alleged
@00:09:13 provoke china and russia we can see that
@00:09:41 russia and china that doesn't do

The Old Economy Is Giving Way To A New Economic System - Episode 1362a

@00:11:29 being run by the brics and china
@00:11:42 are in control of this new china economy
@00:12:28 china has all this manufacturing they go
@00:12:33 china has a lot of gold and they set up
@00:12:41 now china yes they are creating this
@00:14:10 china was introduced the yuyuan
@00:15:27 i don't think china system is going to

Last Nights Message, Was It To The Cabal? - Episode 1361b

@00:09:44 united states work with russia and china
@00:10:57 see him work with russia and china on

It Begins, China Pulls West Investment Dollars & Redirects It East - Episode 1361a

@00:11:07 system and we know that china well they
@00:11:41 in china says you know something let's
@00:12:45 sanctioning china certain companies it's

Beware Of The Red Swan And Negative Interest Rates - Episode 1359a

@00:04:24 know that china has been creating their
@00:04:30 know that china over the many years have
@00:05:01 huge amount of debt yes china is inhuman
@00:05:18 and we can see that if china or when
@00:05:20 china decides to stop investing in the
@00:07:10 impulse coming from china now if they
@00:07:39 is that china and their debt has grown
@00:08:19 a return this is what china has been
@00:08:52 china right now realizes this and they
@00:09:01 benefit china it's going to benefit all
@00:12:26 china is pulling back we're going to see

The Elite's Agenda Is In Full Swing, What Happened To Common Sense? - Episode 1358b

@00:24:20 and china help us than the united states

The World Is Changing And Nations Are Waking Up To What's Really Going On - Episode 1357b

@00:11:04 world is changing china russia they are
@00:11:23 russia and china they are really going
@00:14:10 that china and russia they're both going
@00:14:18 china and we're going to see a lot of

The Elite Push Their Latest Agenda, Divide And Conquer, But It's Failing - Episode 1356b

@00:09:42 swift and this is being done in china in
@00:11:33 with china and russia where he wants
@00:16:03 with north korea china and russia

The Elite Move Ahead With Their Agenda, The Chaos Has Just Begun - Episode 1355

@00:05:55 china and russia they're trying to calm
@00:06:17 freeze everything now china to try to
@00:06:32 wipe north korea off the map but china
@00:06:38 states and basically china they've
@00:06:54 north korea into working with china
@00:11:11 trying to control china and russia in
@00:11:55 that russia and china they're working

A New Currency Emerges As The Old Currency Withers Away, Welcome To The Transition - Episode 1355a

@00:06:22 that he wants to know what china has
@00:06:58 some of the information to china and we
@00:08:29 in china we have many other corporations
@00:08:41 china and it's going to affect walmart
@00:08:49 course china does not like this.what
@00:08:55 remember once again china does hold all
@00:18:17 completely china russia iran syria and

The Pattern Is Complete, The Game Is Always Played In The Month Of August - Episode 1354b

@00:12:17 new dialogue china is out there saying
@00:12:36 so does china that north korea is not
@00:16:30 china that's one of the reasons why
@00:17:52 of the south china sea island the
@00:18:01 china sea yes there is a ship named
@00:18:04 after mccain and we can see that china
@00:18:21 and once again china is sitting back and
@00:18:39 russia and china they're not on high
@00:20:08 china to calm the situation down but

What Is The End Goal Of The Deep State? - Episode 1353b

@00:11:09 north korea with south korea with china
@00:13:29 china and russia try to work something

Behind The Scenes, Plans Are Being Formulated - Episode 1352b

@00:13:36 guess who got its way china and russia
@00:13:56 russia and china took control of the
@00:14:03 china is getting its way on north korea
@00:14:56 china and russia they're trying to take
@00:20:56 their north korea russia and china they

Russia Says It's Ready To Cut Their Dependence On The US Dollar - Episode 1352a

@00:10:37 for a second china is working with many

Russia & China Are Now Teaming Up To Counter The Deep State - Episode 1351b

@00:01:06 russia and china are now teaming up to
@00:09:52 we have china and russia in the middle
@00:11:39 and china right now they're putting
@00:12:00 united states japan china and south
@00:12:22 china sea and then through dirtay down
@00:12:26 we just talk to china why do we need in
@00:12:35 did he spoke to china and trying to
@00:14:59 china same thing so the only actual area
@00:17:18 china and russia they're teaming up
@00:17:40 iran has done this with iraq china has
@00:17:46 with saudi arabia russia and china are
@00:17:50 with syria i mean china already has
@00:18:03 russia and china very quietly very
@00:18:43 that russia and china are doing it is to

New Report Finds The Economy Never Recovered, It Is One Big Illusion - Episode 1351a

@00:14:19 have been china it must have been

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1350

@00:02:03 seeing is that china well at this point
@00:02:16 now now the united states and china they
@00:02:54 power while 32 percent named china as
@00:02:57 the top dog which means that china is
@00:03:31 china has the manufacturing base where
@00:03:34 china is part of the sdr system where
@00:03:37 china and russia have been accumulating
@00:09:05 china they are telling north korea right
@00:09:49 can see that russia and china right now
@00:20:10 how fast can russia and china work in

The Economy Breaks Down As The Transitional Shift Is Quietly Being Implemented - Episode 1348a

@00:12:57 to launch trade war with china and
@00:13:13 china who do you think is going to be
@00:13:49 in china now if the united states goes
@00:14:00 and china decides to follow through and
@00:14:34 hurt china china has the rest of the
@00:15:08 china produces they can outlast the
@00:15:33 from china he's going to force everyone
@00:15:39 because he knows china is going to

The Bad Guys Believe They Have The Upper Hand, Wait For It... - Episode 1347b

@00:11:06 china and russia just like in syria
@00:11:10 china and russia are on the other side
@00:12:15 this is happening we have both china and
@00:12:27 china have made at the united nations
@00:14:43 now china they've officially opened

The Bad Guys Plans Are In The Process Of Being Ripped Up - Episode 1346b

@00:11:03 now china is out there saying listen
@00:11:10 tensions themselves china and russia
@00:15:58 not russia it's not china it was the

It Is Becoming Extremely Hard To Ignore The Facts, The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 1346a

@00:12:35 together we'll bring china russia even
@00:14:50 russia or china or other countries

The Economic Euphoria Has Reached New Heights, When It Crashes... - Episode 1345a

@00:16:21 china russia been trading without the
@00:16:41 gold stores actually china well their

The Bad Guys Are Cowering In The Corner As The Good Guys Clean House - Episode 1344b

@00:13:15 he's looking towards china saying oh
@00:13:27 going to fire a missile into china fired
@00:13:46 just blame china is not doing it and
@00:17:12 brazil russia india china and south

Are The Elite Getting Ready To Go All Out? - Episode 1343b

@00:10:56 china and russia screw the us so what

Our Way Of Life Is About To Change & Many Are Not Prepared For This - Episode 1343a

@00:05:10 with china with india with the imf with
@00:07:40 china stopped using the dollar russia
@00:07:46 china now they're having trade without
@00:07:52 now is in negotiations with china and
@00:09:19 china the silk road the belton road
@00:14:18 basically set up shop in china they'll

The Fed Delays Raising Rates As It Waits Patiently For The Economy To Collapse - Episode 1342a

@00:09:47 most likely to china which they're going
@00:09:50 we also need to remember that china is
@00:10:23 we can't have manufacturing out in china

A Strategic Move By Russia Has Just Been Played, Check! - Episode 1341b

@00:15:12 state keeping china and russia in check
@00:22:22 now the rest of the world china is going

The Central Banker Transition Is Happening Quietly In The Background - Episode 1341a

@00:01:48 teaming up with china to basically
@00:13:20 we talked about how the imf how china
@00:13:32 manufacturing has gone over to china
@00:13:34 china is a manufacturing powerhouse and
@00:13:40 the corporations dictate what china
@00:14:04 moved from the us over to china now
@00:14:17 remember china and russia they've
@00:15:21 the emerging markets and china and again
@00:15:24 china has the silk road a lot of
@00:16:44 care if they're based in china or if

The Corporate News Propaganda Is Masking What's Really Going On - Episode 1340b

@00:14:08 in the east china sea and they're saying
@00:14:50 china or russia had any type of plane

Countries Are Ramping Up On Gold Purchases As The Dollar Takes A Dive - Episode 1340a

@00:04:39 china pushed one more time and it looks
@00:08:57 endgame russia is looking at this china
@00:09:15 with russia and china and we also see

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1339

@00:21:16 towards russia china and iran now while
@00:21:24 countries china quietly well they were
@00:21:44 to russia and china and ran and iran to

Multiple Warnings Broadcasted, Is Something Being Planned - Episode 1338b

@00:08:50 korea and china we're trying to solve

Taking The Fight To The Next Level, Going After The Elite's Dark Money - Episode 1337b

@00:10:05 trying to push this agenda china russia

Central Banks, Banks Are Preparing For The Economic Transition - Episode 1335a

@00:09:10 just from china were in the mid 20
@00:11:08 import the import price index from china

The Crack Down Continues, These Individuals Need To Be Investigated - Episode 1333b

@00:16:09 this was all done now china is out there
@00:16:30 and we see already that the china arab
@00:16:47 russia china they're already making
@00:18:17 now again russia iran syria china

The Takedown Of The Elite Is About To Begin - Episode 1332b

@00:16:49 we can see that china russia they have a
@00:17:08 china trying to get something started in
@00:17:12 something in the south china sea all
@00:17:23 right now it is renamed the south china
@00:17:33 in the south china sea and instead it's
@00:17:46 name and china said yeah just because

The Elite Are On The Run, Lists Are Being Compiled - Episode 1331b

@00:11:01 now china they have deployed troops to
@00:11:14 out of there and they accepted china
@00:11:17 instead and right now china they
@00:11:43 this is a strategic location for china
@00:12:12 china is setting this up and it they're

The Bad Guys Are Grasping At Anything, Their Time Is Almost Up - Episode 1329b

@00:15:16 but against china against russia well
@00:16:35 that china is there we know that
@00:16:38 complete disaster in that area now china
@00:17:01 this is why china is out there saying

The Bad Guys Are Now Being Outed As More Evidence Pours In - Episode 1328b

@00:19:16 agenda now china they are reducing all
@00:19:38 china and russia they're going to be
@00:22:34 russia and china and we can see it with

The Next Economic Crisis Will Crush The Working Class, Jobs Will Be Scarce - Episode 1327a

@00:05:56 emerge for example china has registered
@00:09:00 this in china we see this in a lot of

If Congress Passes This Amendment It Will Change Everything - Episode 1326b

@00:08:50 we're going to discuss is that china and
@00:09:04 china to try to calm the situation down
@00:09:13 china with china saying listen china has
@00:09:19 china and russia well they're working
@00:10:27 china and russia so in a roundabout way
@00:10:38 and china move forward with what you're

Did You Feel The Shift With China, Russia & The US? - Episode 1324b

@00:01:06 did you feel a shift with china russia
@00:08:40 china and russia they've urged north
@00:09:02 trade between china and north korea grew
@00:09:07 for china working with us but we had to
@00:09:30 across the border with china we
@00:13:05 china by itself tried to negotiate a
@00:13:27 well japan south korea china and russia
@00:13:49 narrative but you would think that china
@00:14:06 actually china being pushed into this by
@00:14:35 council he wants russia yes and china to
@00:14:47 want because russia and china they're
@00:14:56 russia and china they published the
@00:15:04 what they say is russia and china will
@00:15:24 china and they state the following to
@00:16:04 effect is that china can count on russia
@00:17:13 mercenary armies but china and russia
@00:20:08 now china and russia they are calling
@00:20:45 china they want this to happen they want
@00:25:21 north korea but we can see that china
@00:25:37 does not want they don't want china and
@00:27:02 hopefully the plan with russia and china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1323

@00:09:04 china turkey united states and do we
@00:09:36 telling china telling japan telling
@00:10:21 perhaps china will put a heavy move on
@00:11:44 to hit china it would be great to have
@00:16:23 we see that china we
@00:16:37 where china and russia have continually
@00:16:49 china he wants russia he wants a

The Fate Of The World Does Not Lie In The Hands Of The Elite - Episode 1322b

@00:06:23 his decision to approach china as a
@00:06:35 united states was in the south china sea
@00:06:37 saying that china they're building these
@00:06:54 we're going to deal with china and he
@00:06:56 dealt with china and china says sure you
@00:07:00 inside the south china sea you can fish
@00:07:07 china sea to spin jain --is one belt one
@00:07:14 china has also pledged to assist
@00:07:33 he's teaming up with china because he's
@00:08:05 china japan he's called the leaders to
@00:08:24 he wants china wants the philippines
@00:08:44 paracel islands in the south china sea
@00:08:52 islands trying to provoke china still
@00:09:11 it out in the south china sea and we can

It's All Falling Apart, The Entire Illusion Is Coming To An End - Episode 1321b

@00:09:32 region including japan china like
@00:17:51 that china is developing and we know
@00:18:08 instead of what china was doing and we
@00:18:38 disrupt china-pakistan economic corridor
@00:18:40 and this is the cpac cpec china-pakistan

The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1320b

@00:13:19 china that encourage further economic
@00:13:41 russia china and many other countries
@00:14:10 china russia they understand
@00:15:58 iran eventually into china then into
@00:16:34 taking back their country we see china
@00:17:00 going to have regime change in china
@00:18:50 make an economic deal just like china

The Silence Is Deafening, Indicators Point To An Event On The Horizon - Episode 1319b

@00:09:40 along their plan was to go into china

The World Is Being Distracted On Purpose, Here's Why - Episode 1318b

@00:14:39 you have china you have iran you have
@00:20:58 china well they're not going to like

Start The Countdown, The Summer Months Are The Elite's Time To Create Havoc - Episode 1317b

@00:07:16 now the u let the us has lumped china in
@00:07:36 downgraded china status moving it from
@00:07:43 penalties china is joined by iran north
@00:12:58 and this is why china and russia we're

The Plan, The Plot & How The Deep State Is Being Out Maneuvered - Episode 1316b

@00:13:23 with china working with russia working

Even The Fed's Indicators Just Collapsed, This Is Not Good - Episode 1316a

@00:13:25 china they're showing signs that their
@00:13:50 it's going to be coming from china and
@00:14:08 is coming from china but they're already
@00:14:09 setting it up so china and these other
@00:14:21 china used this to their advantage now
@00:14:24 remember china took on a lot of gold
@00:16:26 going to point to china in the emerging

With Every Passing Day The Deep State Is Losing Control, The End Is Approaching - Episode 1314b

@00:08:58 when he was tweeting about china not
@00:10:55 this and basically provoke china provoke
@00:17:58 china to stop all of this and we can see

Those In Government Just Revealed Their True Agenda - Episode 1313b

@00:19:40 and china to help with north korea it
@00:19:42 has not worked out at least i know china
@00:19:49 doesn't trust china no this was about
@00:19:58 death of otto röhm beer well again china
@00:20:05 doing that while china they've responded
@00:20:07 china has played an important and
@00:20:14 saying no china is still our friend and

Setup Initiated, The Central Banks Are Close To Pulling The Plug On The Economy - Episode 1312a

@00:07:34 china now the company's new ceo jim
@00:07:39 the company's focus production to china
@00:11:59 to be inverted now china

We Are Headed To A Situation Where One Spark Could Cause World Wide Devastation - Episode 1311b

@00:08:26 states and it looks like trump and china
@00:09:00 that china tried their best and it
@00:12:52 making deals with china and russia and
@00:13:06 up of brazil russia india china and

The Elite Can't Wait, The Event Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1310b

@00:04:56 china where they'll be trading their gas
@00:05:40 looking towards china they're looking
@00:10:29 china there and they are having drills
@00:12:45 working with china and this is not how
@00:25:38 with iran with china with russia moving

Are These The Only Options The Elite Have Left, If So It Won't End Well - Episode 1309b

@00:09:08 russia india china south africa they're

The Hunt Begins, The Strategy To Take Out The Elite - Episode 1308b

@00:11:16 strategy not just him but china russia
@00:12:04 they can calm the situation down china

The Next Economic Crisis Is Going To Leave The Majority Of People In Shock - Episode 1307a

@00:13:24 platform and testing field for china and

In An Act Of Desperation All Agendas Are Pushed, Prepare Yourself For The Big One - Episode 1306b

@00:07:12 and china with other countries and
@00:11:01 were turning towards russia and china

The Criminal Empire Has No Where To Go, What's Their Next Move - Episode 1305b

@00:13:12 that the trump administration china they

The Trap Has Been Set For The Criminal Empire, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1304b

@00:13:25 looking at china because they understand

Everything Is Not What It Seems, The Shift Has Begun - Episode 1303b

@00:06:31 teams along with russia china the

Plans Are Now In Full Swing To Locate And Expose The Criminal Empire - Episode 1302b

@00:17:41 working with china and we can see how

We Are Now At The Tipping Point, The Economic Contraction Picks Up Speed - Episode 1302a

@00:08:48 be moving some of their work to china

The Plan Is In Action To Dismantle The Middle East, The Big Rotation Has Begun - Episode 1300b

@00:07:51 the deals with china everything is being
@00:09:59 china and a significant break with the
@00:10:36 president we can see china we can see
@00:11:48 china and we can see right now there is
@00:13:02 iran who deals with iran russia china
@00:15:27 right yes russia the us china iran
@00:16:12 in russia or china but in ran it looks

We Just Had A Bank Bail-In, Anyone Paying Attention - Episode 1300a

@00:12:06 a deal where china would invest in us
@00:12:21 allow china to vie to devalue their
@00:12:32 like he made deals with china with
@00:12:48 especially with especially with china
@00:12:50 and we know that china has been using

It Has Begun, The Elite Are Not Holding Back - Episode 1299b

@00:08:50 with china and what is happening right

The Last Stage Of Popping The Bubbles Has Begun, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1299a

@00:16:00 been receiving from china the oil that

With One Simple Meeting Trump Did The Unthinkable - Episode 1298b

@00:02:22 like china russia and many others they
@00:12:30 to attack its rivals russia and china

IMF Warns, US Economy Uncertain As China's Credit Growth Poses A Risk - Episode 1298a

@00:11:56 it's going to start in china and then

It Is All Coming To An End, The Elite Are Terrified - Episode 1297b

@00:05:53 it you can see that like russia china

The Main Agenda Of The Bilderberg Secret Meeting, Trump - Episode 1295b

@00:16:51 place for russia and china just like the
@00:18:03 we know china we know russia trying to
@00:18:24 now of course china russia trump they're
@00:22:05 order the near east china nuclear

Trump Moves Forward To Prepare America For The Transition - Episode 1294b

@00:10:35 russia he's working with china he's
@00:13:27 states is trying to work with china
@00:13:39 administration believes that china is
@00:14:13 china after the negotiations and they
@00:14:27 china china is trying to set up deals
@00:14:52 china is saying listen test your
@00:17:49 protected now for china for russia their
@00:22:20 with china to remove this powerful

This Is Why The Dollar Empire Is About To Fall - Episode 1294a

@00:10:52 funding crisis in china or an emerging

Trump Has Turned The Tables On The Deep State, He Is Now Going After Them - Episode 1293b

@00:06:12 with china because we could see things
@00:13:01 he's going with china on the one belt
@00:13:04 the one road system and looks like china
@00:13:10 looks like china russia north korea and
@00:15:47 closer and closer to china and russia
@00:15:49 and we can see that russia and china

The Entire System Is Ripping Itself Apart And It's Going Unnoticed - Episode 1293a

@00:14:06 china they've been amassing a huge

The Plan Continues To Unfold, Next Phase Has Been Launched - Episode 1290b

@00:08:24 plans for the middle east china will now
@00:08:59 to set up and have and integrate china
@00:12:15 china or russia and the main topics for
@00:14:05 encircle china this was the plan from
@00:14:12 states he's working with china right now
@00:17:05 russia and china they share the same
@00:17:29 china russia syria they're looking to

The Push Is On, Free Money For Everyone As The System Breaks Down - Episode 1290a

@00:14:58 it works in their favor now china they
@00:15:13 china is ridiculous i can't believe
@00:16:12 this is exactly what china has done
@00:16:14 actually not just china other countries
@00:16:22 has been but china has been acquiring

It Is All Unraveling And This Is Why Everyone Should Be Nervous - Episode 1289b

@00:12:26 into the south china sea and it's
@00:12:33 south china sea now once again china is
@00:13:04 the south china sea we can see it in
@00:15:45 china there is no threat there but he's

We Are Now Witnessing The Total Break Down Of The System - Episode 1287a

@00:16:54 china we're not going to get the oil

The Central Bankers Make Their Move To Control All Currencies - Episode 1286b

@00:09:07 moving it towards china and russia and
@00:09:37 philippines and china they're moving
@00:09:45 china and
@00:09:52 navigation in the south china sea that
@00:09:57 the nations all around china there they
@00:10:02 all be using the south china sea and all
@00:10:07 china was trying to control the area and
@00:10:15 right now and china has always said

How Do You Prepare The Country For An Economic Collapse, Like This - Episode 1286a

@00:20:25 cheap products from china don't depend

The Bubbles And Illusions Are About To Be Popped - Episode 1285b

@00:12:07 china he's working with north korea he's
@00:15:16 in a china shop he doesn't know what

The American People Are Being Distracted, If They Only Knew - Episode 1284b

@00:17:24 china has signed more than 130 bilateral
@00:17:43 russia he's working with china he's
@00:19:13 afterwards he's working with china north
@00:23:17 work with china he understands this he
@00:25:29 china all of this has to be set in place
@00:25:35 china russia and the rest to put all of

The Coup d'état Has Begun Which Will Divide America - Episode 1283b

@00:10:20 sailing ships into the south china sea
@00:10:22 saying that china was creating these
@00:10:31 china to basically say hey we don't
@00:10:42 together and encircle china and then we
@00:11:17 with china he's been getting other
@00:11:27 for a code of conduct in the south china

The Battle Will Only Get Worse, The End Will Be A Disaster Either Way - Episode 1282b

@00:14:56 pressure off of china and russia and of

Desperation, Panic Has Set In, The Take Down Has Begun - Episode 1281b

@00:17:52 trump is like a bull in a china shop he

Everyone Needs To Start Worrying About The Economic Apocalypse - Episode 1281a

@00:10:25 would lose their sovereignty and china
@00:10:33 china they have been preparing for the
@00:10:58 really boost what china was trying to do

The Central Banker, Deep State Secret Weapon, The 'Kill Switch' - Episode 1280b

@00:07:11 it isn't china it's here inside the
@00:17:27 china atm machines frozen hospitals went

China's Belt & Road Will Push The Petrodollar To It's Doom - Episode 1280a

@00:11:15 battle is now we see that china russia
@00:12:13 realize that china well they're starting
@00:12:46 china and russia india and other
@00:13:17 continental landmass from south china
@00:13:27 china has put its money where its mouth
@00:13:49 and both china and russia they agree
@00:16:28 many individuals this is why china

Is The Deep State Holding The World For Ransom? - Episode 1279b

@00:13:44 the meantime we can see china south
@00:14:03 we see china right now they are going to
@00:14:09 south china sea and remember these
@00:19:46 to patch china was also hit very

It Begins,A Bill Has Been Passed To End Income Taxation On Gold And Silver - Episode 1279a

@00:14:28 countries like china and russia india
@00:14:43 it's going to fail this is why china is

The Deep State's Government Dark Secrets Will Destroy The Fabric Of United States - Episode 1278b

@00:14:57 between china and the united states the
@00:15:12 wanted and we need to remember china
@00:15:48 china and russia
@00:17:23 china is working with north korea this

The Last Act Of A Central Bank,Pillage The People & Leave Them Destitute, We Are Here-Episode 1278a

@00:07:51 to be supplying china with us b for the
@00:08:00 crazy about cooked poultry from china
@00:08:15 gas to china and beijing will also
@00:08:22 services in china now this is very
@00:09:17 behind the plan this is why china was

Next Phase Of The Plan Will Be Chaotic On Purpose - Episode 1277b

@00:15:13 north korea he's working with china he's

The Plan Has Been Revealed And Everyone Needs To Brace For The Impact - Episode 1276b

@00:04:54 been working with russia china yes north
@00:08:19 from china
@00:08:32 going to be joining not just with china
@00:09:37 china doesn't want the thaad system
@00:11:41 to china right now and why are they
@00:11:45 talking to china
@00:11:55 to join and china invited them
@00:12:12 china is getting prepared to do
@00:12:50 with china north korea and the deep
@00:14:55 south china sea saying that we're still
@00:15:02 south china sea and we don't care what
@00:15:05 china says well the reason why they're
@00:15:20 because he has a deal with china and he

Trump Confirms, The Economy Will Be Brought Down & It Will Be Chaotic - Episode 1276a

@00:12:03 china all the things that we're
@00:12:37 china that's going to come to a

Are Forces Being Put Into Place Outside Of Venezuela For Regime Change? - Episode 1275b

@00:15:42 fake you know china was amassing 150,000

Central Banks Prep For The Collpase By Shifting The Narrative - Episode 1274a

@00:15:41 finger at iran syria china and they will
@00:15:58 actions or from china or from maybe even

Something Big Is About To Happen And This Fake Film Might Be Part Of It - Episode 1273b

@00:11:38 point where the united states china
@00:12:21 threatening china and saying listen we

The Fed Confirms, Next Economic Crisis Massive Stimulus Planned - Episode 1272a

@00:10:26 event in china well things are rapidly
@00:11:00 problem in china
@00:11:13 seeing is the interbank rate in china
@00:11:42 china insurance regulatory commission is
@00:11:53 china that bank wmp issuance crashed 15
@00:12:16 something is happening in china and
@00:12:19 china is the country that propped up

Russia Pushing For De-Escalation Zones In Syria To Shutdown The Deep State - Episode 1271b

@00:16:26 china and what's very interesting
@00:16:49 when we heard that china was building up
@00:18:51 u.s. protects south korea and china well
@00:19:31 encircle china put up these missile
@00:19:36 china to protect the united states from
@00:19:53 from china and russia and we know that
@00:19:57 china and russia they have these nuclear
@00:20:24 cut them off he's trying to bring china
@00:20:33 encircling china to bring those nations
@00:20:38 let's work with china let's have drills
@00:20:42 with china let's use the south china sea
@00:20:52 from the encirclement of china and

The Economy Is Rolling Over Which Will Result In A Catastrophe - Episode 1271a

@00:05:36 overseas in china and other areas

Intelligence Reports Indicate The Deep State Is Pushing Their Agenda - Episode 1270b

@00:14:09 they're surrounded by russia china south
@00:14:23 if they fired a missile into china or
@00:16:42 it looks like the philippines and china
@00:17:19 cozying up to china and do-dirty
@00:17:28 state in the south china sea where they
@00:17:34 china well that has completely died down
@00:17:46 that china is giving north korea one

Kim Jong Un Said Something Which Will Leave Many Scatching Their Heads - Episode 1269b

@00:08:41 north korea very interesting now china
@00:13:13 know that china and russia well they

Trump Is About To Do The Unthinkable - Episode 1268b

@00:14:30 china he's speaking to duterte and he
@00:17:12 was encircling china he was getting all
@00:17:15 the asian nations around the south china
@00:17:18 sea surrounding china and setting them
@00:17:50 decades and china is allowing the
@00:17:56 fishing ships in the south china sea
@00:18:04 the south china sea is disappearing so
@00:18:19 china sea the chinese president is going
@00:18:24 going to help and russia and china are
@00:18:39 south china in south korea and if this
@00:18:50 china in the south china sea he stopped
@00:20:04 looking at assad russia china they're
@00:20:12 china they continually veto the un

The Strategy For North Korea Is Unbelievable - Episode 1267b

@00:02:10 wishes of china and it's highly
@00:03:42 russia china they didn't pick up any
@00:11:33 the south china sea which is completely
@00:11:39 china sea saying that we have the right
@00:11:44 everyone together to and circle china
@00:13:14 cozying up to china china right now has
@00:13:35 surrounding china where they're going to
@00:13:39 the south china sea and talking about
@00:13:44 that china and russia well they're back
@00:15:08 china they're taking this approach which

The Confusion With Trump, How Will It All End? - Episode 1266b

@00:29:07 china we know for sure that he's with

There Is An All Out Push To Get The Main Event Started - Episode 1265b

@00:13:07 in korea is deteriorating and china and
@00:14:47 they're not in the south china sea
@00:18:19 see china get involved because this is

Do You Feel It, Something Just Changed - Episode 1264b

@00:14:45 and they were showing china russia you
@00:15:50 far behind russia and china and just a

The Stock Market Has Gotten So Big It Has Now Passed 2007 Market Bubble - Episode 1264a

@00:14:20 this whole time we see china we see
@00:15:00 we can see that russia and china

The Covert Plan Is Working In Conjuction With The Collapse Of The Economy - Episode 1263b

@00:12:52 countries united states russia china
@00:15:30 china make a big deal about it
@00:16:35 gotten now china they have launched
@00:16:44 into the south china seas and again
@00:16:48 china is building up their navy they're
@00:17:03 south china sea
@00:17:11 why russia and china they've been

Central Bankers Tricks Are Now Being Used Against Them To Bring The Economy Down - Episode 1263a

@00:11:50 think china and russia have been
@00:12:26 backing china loving card-carrying

Either This Is A Secretive Plan That Will Benefit America Or Prepare For The Worst - Episode 1262b

@00:25:28 had propaganda that china was bringing
@00:26:10 us russia china south korea australia

The Election Economic Surge Has Faded,Data Shows Something Horrific Is Headed Our Way- Episode 1262a

@00:04:29 and it was china which saw a forty six
@00:04:50 thing coming out of china and we need to
@00:05:15 again entirely due to china now we've

The Event Of All Events, The Day When The Lights Go Out - Episode 1261b

@00:04:15 states provoke china provoke japan
@00:04:52 warning china of catastrophic
@00:13:37 and china the allies the us-israel

It Has All Come Down To This, The Last Battle Between Good And Evil - Episode 1260b

@00:11:08 afraid of april 25th because china has
@00:11:48 media so they said this about china not
@00:16:24 china says it's going to sign an iran
@00:16:42 nuclear power and if china is in there
@00:17:55 we had russia or china flying their jets
@00:21:48 where china is warning of a nuclear test
@00:23:10 china right now to set this completely

Billionaires Are Now Terrified Of Major Correction This Summer - Episode 1260a

@00:07:58 currency china russia and many other

US Sniffer Plane Scans North Korea, Be Prepared For The Next Event - Episode 1259b

@00:07:50 fire projectile missiles into china and
@00:17:52 japan also the united states china on
@00:19:13 north korea he wanted china to help out

The Deep State Is Getting Desperate, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1258b

@00:08:34 china sea with china but the corporate
@00:09:30 down to the south china sea the middle
@00:11:38 was launching missiles in china i mean
@00:12:34 game going on right now and russia china
@00:13:04 he is playing them right now china is
@00:13:15 china says that there's a pattern and it
@00:14:07 russia china the administration here in
@00:14:44 troops were going into syria china was
@00:18:08 china of course they're joining the

Are The Deceivers Being Deceived By Their Own Game? - Episode 1257b

@00:12:46 north korea fired missiles into china

Deep State Is Ready To Initiate Operation "Cyber Event" To Push Their Agenda - Episode 1256b

@00:12:24 china to work out some type of deal to
@00:14:16 china to deal with north korea and again
@00:14:22 where he says okay china is not a
@00:14:33 going to be working with china now what
@00:14:40 the deep state wants they wanted china
@00:14:48 pushing china and then you have to think
@00:14:50 why do they want china to deal with
@00:17:52 into china most likely this is why china
@00:17:56 and of course china also purchases coal
@00:17:58 and things like that they want china to

Trump's Covert Plan Against The Deep State Is Going To Make America Great Again - Episode 1255b

@00:06:41 would in turn put both china and russia
@00:17:34 stopping terrorism it's russia china
@00:20:28 great confidence that china will

The Deep State Ups The Ante And Pushes Their Agenda With This Simple Move - Episode 1254b

@00:09:18 speaking to you jinping of china and he
@00:09:24 wants china to work on the issue of
@00:09:40 that well it would be great if china
@00:11:57 russia and china they're going to see
@00:15:20 to russia to china look what we have and
@00:21:55 of these players russia china and north

The Trap That Was Set For The Deep State Is About To Be Sprung - Episode 1253b

@00:07:03 he spoke to the president of china and
@00:07:08 about how the president of china was out
@00:07:17 is speaking to the president of china
@00:07:32 media where china they are building up a
@00:08:01 now we know that china doesn't really
@00:08:06 states wants china involved they want to
@00:08:09 have china calm the situation down in
@00:08:12 north korea and if china can't do this
@00:22:44 call to the president of china because i

We Are Watching A Deadly Game Between Good And Evil - Episode 1252b

@00:08:59 here because china allegedly has brought
@00:09:11 is saying that china is threatening to
@00:09:19 bottom line china is not attacking
@00:16:50 and remember russia china they don't
@00:17:15 there's no way china they're not going
@00:17:43 china they're gonna do whatever they

The Deep State's Next Move Will Shock The World - Episode 1251b

@00:03:17 this now china they are deploying right
@00:03:45 pull china into this war that's what

The Deep State Is Now Pushing Their Agenda To Bring The World To War - Episode 1249b

@00:19:45 about russia and china they forget about
@00:22:42 russia and china and some of their

The Deep State Is Going All In With Syria - Episode 1248b

@00:21:20 middle east and the south china sea
@00:21:32 syria let's provoke china

The Fed Just Hinted That The Stock Market And The Economy Might Be On Shaky Ground - Episode 1247a

@00:09:21 value and we're seeing china we're
@00:13:06 china and the federal reserve when asked

The Shift From The Dollar To Global Gold Trade Has Begun - Episode 1244a

@00:11:21 why china has been amassing a huge
@00:11:39 system china has also worked on that
@00:11:54 trade turnover between china russia
@00:12:21 this precious metal in china the gold
@00:12:36 markets in other words china and russia
@00:12:53 russia and china which of course will
@00:13:07 spoke about china creating its own
@00:13:46 china is never going to be led into the
@00:14:17 that china and russia have been trading

Countries Begin To Prepare, But Preparing For What? - Episode 1243b

@00:17:26 china they've been preparing their
@00:17:54 where we're headed china realizes this
@00:17:59 and china realize that we're heading

Banks Are Secretly Reporting Cash Transactions To The Police - Episode 1242a

@00:12:43 purchasing gold why do you think china

While American's Were Sleeping The Surveillance State Is Almost Complete - Episode 1241b

@00:19:28 in russia which will then drag in china

The Deep State Places Assets In The Middle East, They Are Ready To Make A Move - Episode 1239b

@00:14:14 they tried it in china they tried in all

The Elite & Ultra Wealthy Are Preparing For Something Big - Episode 1238b

@00:16:18 and we see people in china people in

Russia Is Ready To Split Away From The SWIFT System - Episode 1237a

@00:07:02 many times before the russian china bric
@00:07:19 this we knew that russia and china and
@00:08:16 realized and what china has realized and
@00:09:28 china has created many different markets

The Narrative Has Been Set For The Collapse And The Next Event - Episode 1236b

@00:11:30 china and north korea and combine them
@00:11:35 been saying to china control north korea
@00:11:38 because their ultimate goal is china and
@00:11:40 then from china it is russia so the

The Deep State Sends A Subtle Message During Comey Hearings - Episode 1234b

@00:08:19 russia or china only someone trying to
@00:12:40 telling china
@00:12:42 to control north korea why would china
@00:12:51 this on china because they're trying to
@00:12:56 really want is war with china with
@00:13:24 so tillerson is out there saying china

The Market Chaos Has Begun & Will Continue As We Push Towards the Economic Crisis - Episode 1234a

@00:10:08 united states and china and right now
@00:10:11 the united states and china that are the
@00:10:40 trillion with china and as a result of
@00:11:10 china has a big surplus for the united
@00:11:16 state-owned firms china then could
@00:12:05 for china well those could be replaced
@00:12:10 china will suffer a setback and us
@00:12:52 normally made china so a trade war would
@00:13:20 jobs to china setting china up because
@00:13:29 with china listen we'll move all
@00:13:54 moving everything off to china and then
@00:13:57 having china manufacture all these

Ex-CIA Prediction Coming True, Soros Signals The Troops For The Spring Event - Episode 1232

@00:10:52 down and we can see that china well
@00:11:05 china saying to the u.s. and north korea
@00:11:11 china you need to do more to stop north

The World Is One Poke Away From A Major Disaster - Episode 1231b

@00:18:11 north korea the us china japan and
@00:18:30 going to drag in russia china iran syria

The Deep State/Neocons Have Taken Control Of Foreign Policy - Episode 1230b

@00:17:01 working really closely with china and is

The Central Bank/Deep State Started The Countdown For The Next Big Event - Episode 1229b

@00:09:34 to be russia north korea china players
@00:20:36 blaming north korea from blaming china

The Rothschild Are The Controlling Party, Have They Orchestrated It All? - Episode 1228b

@00:12:16 china right now well they're preparing
@00:12:33 korea and it looks like china
@00:12:38 understand there's a war coming china
@00:12:59 watch and see how this is now china is
@00:13:16 australia and it's all encircling china

US Government Down To It's Last $66 Billion, Which Will Only Last Until Memorial Day - Episode 1228a

@00:05:33 range we know china has been pushing the
@00:05:36 credit market up and china right now
@00:07:01 china they are suffering the worst start
@00:07:39 that the growth of china is slowing and
@00:14:18 the credit impulse is below zero china

The Deep State Pushes Their Agenda To Have Trump Removed And Replaced With Pence - Episode 1227b

@00:14:42 should be done right now china is out
@00:14:50 russia and china they understand this

The Elite Are Prepped And Prepared For The Economic Crisis - Episode 1227a

@00:11:53 about what is happening in china in pass
@00:12:22 know that china has been continually

The World Is On The Brick Of Something Disastrous - Episode 1225b

@00:09:51 we talked about how china came out and

It's Not Going To End Well, We Are On The Path To A Collapse - Episode 1225a

@00:17:37 situation very carefully now china is
@00:17:58 freeze up and that goes back to china so

Time Is Running Out, Systems Are In Place And The World Is About To Very Get Chaotic - Episode 1224b

@00:09:28 china and india because i happen to
@00:15:27 china and they're trying to convince

The Government Allows You To Think Your Free, Is The Gov. The Enemy Of Freedom? - Episode 1223b

@00:07:52 syria north korea russia china everyone
@00:10:06 russia china and the others whoever
@00:16:27 now china is out there and they are
@00:16:38 collision and china is proposing right

The Central Bank Is Ready & Prepared To Trigger The Economic Crisis - Episode 1223a

@00:16:21 the economy now russia and china they
@00:16:44 that russia and china well they see gold
@00:16:49 financial system china has reportedly

Phase IV Of The Deep State's Plan Is Now Being Executed - Episode 1222b

@00:08:07 north korea iran china well most likely
@00:18:40 china they object to the fad missile
@00:23:51 drag russia into it it will drag china
@00:24:09 different countries china russia iran

The Deep State Has Just Been Setup, Get Ready For The Awakening - Episode 1221b

@00:20:45 towards china well i mean should try to
@00:20:58 push china that was the whole purpose of

The Deep State Is Positioning Itself, Something Big Is About To Unfold - Episode 1218b

@00:17:55 their sam missile system and china has
@00:22:12 china and russia they vetoed the

Has The Date Been Set For The Great Economic Collapse? - Episode 1218a

@00:09:31 we lost 60,000 factories since china
@00:10:54 that russia north korea china whatever

One Thing Has Changed, The Deep State Moved Up It's Time Table - Episode 1217b

@00:01:27 deal went through now russia and china
@00:02:08 for north korea it is for china it is
@00:06:17 russia and china while they vetoed that
@00:06:37 with and china and russia said
@00:06:48 ukraine and why russia china bolivia
@00:07:07 blasted russia and china disgracefully
@00:16:20 russia north korea iran china took it

Is The Deep State Pushing The US Into A Nuclear Confrontation? - Episode 1216b

@00:10:34 why china step back where they said you
@00:18:18 arsenal making deals with china and
@00:19:48 but those countries like china like

Just When You Thought Everything Was Going To Be Fine, This Happened - Episode 1215b

@00:03:25 china we know that cnn well only about
@00:11:27 north korea and china now the question
@00:14:49 has a drill in the south china sea
@00:14:51 provokes china when the united states
@00:14:59 and china had a drill in the gulf of
@00:15:28 nervous if russia china iran syria any
@00:16:15 already russia and china are making

More States Are Now Bypassing The Fed With Gold Legislation - Episode 1214

@00:14:08 that china has pulled back they stopped

A Truth Bomb Just Went Off & It Annihilated The Fantasy Of A Strong Economy - Episode 1212a

@00:11:27 saying is that china well they have been
@00:11:38 china china is pulling back now and what
@00:11:47 creation and without china in the credit

Be Prepared, Spring Is Coming & Plans Are In The Works For The Next Event - Episode 1211b

@00:16:24 right now we see that china coming from
@00:16:33 deploy sam batteries on the south china
@00:17:20 the united states help china get these

White House Leakers In The Process Of Being Exposed - Episode 1209b

@00:17:04 nuclear weapons now we can see china
@00:17:11 north korea because china right now
@00:17:33 of north korea's exports to china so
@00:17:58 they're gonna try to pull russia china
@00:18:10 south china sea even though we know that
@00:18:14 china said you know these are our
@00:18:31 provoking china right now they sent the
@00:18:44 china sea to start sailing in this area
@00:18:52 china in this area this is why this is
@00:23:35 enemy north korea is the enemy china is

Ex-CIA Says Deep State Planning 'Operation American Spring' For May 2017 - Episode 1208

@00:04:15 receiving money from china and it's
@00:04:32 that same thing with china when you see
@00:05:06 funds from russia and china now how many

The 'Deep State' Soft Coup Is Now In Progress To Take Full Control Of The Country - Episode 1204b

@00:06:06 seeing china and if we look back in time
@00:19:45 missile into the pacific towards china

The TPP Has Been Rewritten, Shrouded In Secrecy & Is Worse Than Before - Episode 1204a

@00:05:46 them their power and why china fears
@00:06:54 companies like china they're going to
@00:07:55 people say well china is going to be the
@00:08:05 china but really it really comes from
@00:13:35 now interestingly they left china out of

Is Obama Creating An Army Of Agitators To Go Up Against Trump? - Episode 1203b

@00:16:08 out in china we see that trump has taken
@00:16:19 china is very upset about this because
@00:16:25 about the whole south china sea and we
@00:16:33 this entire area back to china and took
@00:17:31 with iran with china with north korea
@00:18:24 provocations up in the south china sea

Germany Receives Gold Bars From The Fed, But The Bars Have Different Labels - Episode 1203a

@00:05:55 blame now we know that japan china and
@00:06:26 china russia but they're trying to
@00:07:02 gloss over the fact that china japan and
@00:07:08 treasuries actually china has been

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1202

@00:16:01 towards china to the marshall islands

The Deep State Is Now Formulating A Plan For The Next Event - Episode 1201b

@00:11:07 looking at it is going towards china and
@00:11:25 provoking china we saw this happen i
@00:12:44 china sea and we know from the cairo
@00:12:50 the u.s. did help china get their
@00:12:54 territory back in the south china sea
@00:13:02 this area to the south china sea and we
@00:13:08 encounter between china and united
@00:13:43 china just like the united states was
@00:14:01 having china fly close to the planes and
@00:14:15 you imagine a china or russia was flying

A New Report Projects The West Will Become The New 'Third World' - Episode 1201a

@00:10:55 going to honor the one china policy and
@00:11:19 type of provocation with china and he's
@00:11:38 before and it's not just china and
@00:17:23 know that china and russia they've been

Something Dark Is Looming And It's Headed Our Way - Episode 1200b

@00:21:06 russia china dumping the dollar selling
@00:21:55 with china we see martin armstrong is

China, Russia And Iran Are Dumping The Dollar And Increasing Gold Purchases - Episode 1200a

@00:00:59 episode is china russia and iran are
@00:09:03 china was indeed the catalyst for the
@00:11:50 that russia china and iran they are well
@00:11:56 russian china they're no longer purse

As We Approach The Economic Crisis The Government Will Start To Breakdown - Episode 1199b

@00:07:13 in the south china sea where the united
@00:07:25 been pushing the agenda to provoke china
@00:07:31 trying to do is encircle china and then
@00:08:07 said that china should not be allowed to
@00:08:19 political solution and china is saying
@00:08:40 that japan had a return to china all
@00:08:48 spratly islands to china in 1946 the
@00:09:10 now the u.s. actually helped china and
@00:09:27 to see that china is taking over this
@00:09:47 china about this and trying to head yes
@00:10:10 did well china is in the right within
@00:13:30 they don't support al sham china is
@00:18:16 production in syria china didn't ask

The Economic Crisis Is Going To Be Alot Worse Than Originally Thought - Episode 1199a

@00:06:15 on china but it's not gonna work and

Everything Is Almost In Place, The Economic Crisis Is About To Begin - Episode 1198a

@00:01:31 created parallel systems china russia
@00:01:41 should have other currencies china

Another State Is Dumping The Fed Dollar & Making Gold & Silver Legal Tender - Episode 1197a

@00:13:37 china but that's at the beginning stages

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1196

@00:11:39 to move in the south china sea we don't
@00:11:55 saying that china should not be allowed
@00:15:56 to the source now we see china is

The Elite Shift Into Overdrive As Tensions Around The World Are Rising - Episode 1195b

@00:19:20 really building with iran with china
@00:20:04 north korea iran china all the players
@00:22:41 syria north korea china ukraine i mean

Now We Know Why The Doomsday Clock Was Pushed Closer To Midnight - Episode 1194b

@00:11:58 because of the threat of china north
@00:17:44 iran and china and we see right now the
@00:21:44 china sea to really ramp this up because
@00:21:52 pushing the agenda with china
@00:22:25 and they're moving towards china they're

The Central Bankers/Elite Push Their Agenda To Bring About Chaos - Episode 1193b

@00:13:29 and china they realized how he feels
@00:15:04 right now one of the areas is china and
@00:15:20 activities in the south china sea the
@00:15:58 to block 8 china from supplying its
@00:17:20 military bases surrounding china and is
@00:17:33 be pointed to china which a lot of them
@00:17:40 on china questioning the one china
@00:18:19 of america's allies because china is the
@00:18:38 washington and closer with china so we
@00:19:10 iran and china and he could start a war

Something Was Buried In The 2017 NDAA Which Former President Obama Signed - Episode 1192b

@00:16:49 nuclear attack against russia and china
@00:17:45 china it looks like it's going to be
@00:17:47 china at this point because we can see
@00:17:57 they're moving towards china now they
@00:18:02 same they understand that russia china

Iran Is Getting Ready To Dump The Dollar & The Reason Is Unbelievable - Episode 1192a

@00:09:31 from china they're keeping their cash

Obama Comes Out Of The Shadows And Challenges Trump - Episode 1191b

@00:15:58 elite they wanted china and circled that
@00:16:23 about provoking china and they were
@00:16:32 they went and spoke to china without the
@00:16:36 us and china said you know something
@00:17:25 world war and we know that china always
@00:17:53 think they've been surrounding china why
@00:18:16 north korea and china now we see russia
@00:21:49 russia and china out of it because their

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1190

@00:19:50 up a war with china with iran they're
@00:20:10 than china or russia where the elite are

The Conflict Between The Elite And Trump Is Like A Ticking Time Bomb Ready To Go Off - Episode 1189b

@00:22:36 eastern europe to the south china sea to
@00:22:44 deploying their troops china is not
@00:23:22 russia did look what china did now we
@00:24:06 china poking north korea over and over

Get Ready The Storm Is Approaching And It's Almost Upon Us - Episode 1189a

@00:11:00 currency from china and spending in here
@00:11:11 why because china just implemented

Warning: Deutsche Reports Global Economy Is About To Rollover - Episode 1188a

@00:07:55 creation by china which just got

Are The Elite Trying To Push Trump Into A Heated Showdown With China? - Episode 1187b

@00:01:03 trump into a heated showdown with china
@00:18:45 he's starting a trade war with china now
@00:19:17 china in the south china sea and maybe a
@00:19:43 the south china sea so they're going to
@00:20:02 that russia will defend china they'll

Trump's Truth Bombs Are Pushing The Elite's Propaganda Out Into The Open - Episode 1186b

@00:02:46 that the china proposed free trade area
@00:10:00 completely now china is moving out of
@00:10:05 the south china sea and moving out of
@00:11:59 that china well they're telling the u.s.
@00:12:11 south china sea and again this is the
@00:12:15 south china sea
@00:12:16 it's almost like china coming into the
@00:12:29 gonna have talks with china we're gonna
@00:12:40 now we can see that china well they're

There Is A War Going On But It's Not Between The U.S. And Russia - Episode 1185b

@00:08:36 out there we have ceos from china here
@00:10:36 countries except for russia and china
@00:13:52 china and the south china sea and we see
@00:14:01 and we will make sure that china doesn't
@00:14:08 words in the south china sea so we can

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1184

@00:22:49 china and of course what they're going
@00:23:00 in or north korea or china and they

China And Other Countries Are Dumping U.S. Reserves At An Accelerated Pace - Episode 1182a

@00:00:59 episode is china and other countries are
@00:10:20 we see right now that china well they
@00:11:00 mark and it was china six month in a row
@00:11:06 china slashed its holdings by 215

CECNB: Authorities Just Found Something In D.C. Days Before The Inauguration - Episode 1178

@00:05:08 gathering in the swiss alps but china
@00:05:34 this point that china still might become
@00:08:27 china and russia well that will depend
@00:09:42 china sea area now the uss carl vinson
@00:11:19 china now i'm not saying russia and
@00:11:20 china they're perfect that they're not
@00:11:37 his own central bank china on the other
@00:12:35 world now russia and china well they're

US Government Spins The Decline In Retail To Keep The Illusion Of A Strong Economy - Episode 1177a

@00:15:13 trade wars with china and he brought
@00:15:32 aluminum prices china has increased
@00:16:12 up trade wars with china let's talk

UN Warns Of 'Imminent Danger' And Escalation In The Middle East - Episode 1176b

@00:11:26 we see china they were doing a routine
@00:11:30 military exercise china deployed of at
@00:11:58 it look really good like china was doing
@00:20:59 have the south china sea with china and
@00:21:40 provoking china we're hoping they were

The Deep State Got Caught Peddling Fake News To Discredit Trump - Episode 1175b

@00:16:19 russia and china are in this area

UN Arms Treaty Sitting In The Senate As Another Event Coincidentally Occurs - Episode 1171b

@00:13:57 some from russia china north korea now
@00:14:24 mean that it was russia it was china
@00:14:27 just because you see russia and china

The Elite Are Pushing For A Lights Out Scenario - Episode 1169b

@00:08:30 the same china north korea syria iran
@00:10:26 russia china they're always talking
@00:18:07 know china the us britain and only two

Tech Analysts Say Big Cyber Attack Headed Our Way In 2017 - Episode 1168b

@00:11:42 he's moving closer to china and now he
@00:12:12 encircling china remember they've been

The Central Banks Have Positioned The Economy To Collapse - Episode 1165a

@00:10:50 china it doesn't really matter as long

We Might See Multiple Events In The Month Of January 2017 - Episode 1164b

@00:10:57 do it we see out in china china is
@00:11:27 that china is showing off saying listen

Erdogan Points Finger & Accuses The US-Led Coalition Of Supporting The 'IS' - Episode 1163b

@00:06:47 closer to china the countries are going
@00:06:55 our military if china and russia
@00:07:27 china russia

The Elite Are Provoking China To Escalate The Chances Of A Conflict - Episode 1162b

@00:01:01 episode is the elite are provoking china
@00:04:04 china and pushing really hard now coming
@00:04:14 south china sea man-made islands to
@00:04:30 china originally ship to han an island
@00:04:33 in south china sea might be moved to the
@00:04:43 think this is going to happen and china
@00:05:03 carrier on the south china sea and the
@00:05:27 story right now no so china was having
@00:05:32 drills in the south china sea near their
@00:05:52 they're trying to paint china in a
@00:07:53 deals with russia and china they're

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1161

@00:05:23 that russia china and other countries

The Elite's Plans Are Failing, Next Plan, An All Out Event - Episode 1157b

@00:04:23 them now out in the south china sea we
@00:04:28 see that china well it has returned the

The Elite Just Sent A Message To Russia - Episode 1156b

@00:03:43 see inch and the south china seen with
@00:03:46 china where the us had this drone that
@00:04:06 making a really big deal and china said
@00:04:20 surveillance in the south china sea when
@00:04:33 like the one sees by china because right
@00:04:50 saying well how dare china take our
@00:05:17 and of course if russia or china said
@00:05:38 happening out in the south china sea and
@00:05:41 china is saying that well we don't know
@00:06:13 give china heads up you're placing a
@00:21:17 russia trying to push china into war and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1155

@00:11:16 bye-bye us we are going towards china
@00:11:30 states and closer to china and he went
@00:11:42 it we know on friday china captured a
@00:12:15 provocation purposes and china says you
@00:12:28 picked it up and china has accused the

Obama And The Elite Will Try To Bring War Upon The People - Episode 1154b

@00:15:26 south china sea and this is coming from
@00:15:39 unlawfully by china and they're saying
@00:15:49 south china sea it's a sovereign
@00:16:02 china guess what the united states is in
@00:17:01 bringing in china because they had the
@00:17:11 losing australia and they encircle china
@00:22:40 because of what russia did china will
@00:22:47 likely in the south china sea yeah we'll
@00:23:41 russia because of china or at war you

Beware The 'Quad Witch' , It Has Arrived, Prepare Accordingly - Episode 1154a

@00:09:48 all of this is happening china they are
@00:09:53 dumping treasuries not just china
@00:11:14 biggest seller was china which sold a
@00:11:26 held since 2010 and it wasn't just china
@00:11:35 rumored to be the venue where china

Operation Mop Up Is Now Under Way - Episode 1148b

@00:15:57 location russia and china are in

Everyone Is Going To Experience The Mother Of All Events - Episode 1147b

@00:04:51 that yes this is absolutely true china
@00:09:01 about that we see that china they
@00:09:11 ceasefire most of the time china just

US Government Preparing To Rescue Intelligence Officers In The Middle East - Episode 1145b

@00:11:05 and russia china on monday veto the un

Is The Market Flashing The Hindenburg Omen Warning? - Episode 1144a

@00:18:42 is offered to trade with russia china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1143

@00:17:29 china is coming in and they are working

Foreign Intel Agencies Prepare To Cyber Attack Russia's Financial Institutions - Episode 1142b

@00:12:30 spokesmen to china to talk about
@00:12:39 conflict with the support of china as
@00:12:57 economically and china and russia have
@00:13:18 we can see right now china and russia
@00:13:41 an end where russia and china the brics

Jill Stein's Vote Recount Is Not A Vote Recount, It's Something Much Worse - Episode 1138b

@00:12:12 and closer to russia and china and he's
@00:12:28 maybe china we see ukraine is out there
@00:13:37 provoke russia north korea china syria

Central Bankers Are Quietly Discussing Taxing Withdrawals From ATM's - Episode 1138a

@00:11:17 blaming it all on china blaming all on

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1137

@00:07:58 peninsula we see china was flying their

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1136

@00:09:49 and china maybe he'll join the shanghai

America Is Divided More Than Ever, Just What The Elite Want - Episode 1133b

@00:12:09 states moving closer and closer to china
@00:12:20 encircling of china is not working at
@00:12:33 to deal with china they are an economic
@00:14:10 china and we can see that many of these

Foreign Central Banks Are Dumping US Treasuries At An Alarming Rate - Episode 1130a

@00:13:01 sellers not surprising china we see

Obama Warns That Populist Uprising Could Trigger A World War - Episode 1129b

@00:11:10 south china sea we see that the central
@00:12:04 us and china they've never been members

The Financial Nightmare Begins After The Election - Episode 1122a

@00:08:23 russia north korea china whatever they

Everything Is Now In Place For The Deep State To Manipulate The Election - Episode 1121b

@00:16:50 china that's how you know it's a lie

The Pentagon Is Using A 'Slush Fund' To Mobilize Forces On Russia's Border - Episode 1118b

@00:13:42 us and siding with china and we can see
@00:14:31 they want to encircle china and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1114

@00:03:16 equipment orders on sale basis in china
@00:07:11 on in the south china sea we are seeing

US Government Is Now Executing Operation Get It Started - Episode 1113b

@00:09:08 all have to do with the south china sea
@00:09:19 encirclement of china and of course this
@00:09:37 has made deals with china
@00:09:48 need you to help me to speak to china i

Bonds Are Signalling Something Big Is Lurking In The Shadows - Episode 1112a

@00:13:22 fingers oh it's china oh it's the

US Government Enters The Dark Cyber Realm, Begun the Cyber War It Has - Episode 1107b

@00:11:04 warships they're out in the south china
@00:11:09 navigation throughout the south china
@00:11:24 their destroyers out in the south china
@00:11:35 claimed by china to taiwan and vietnam
@00:11:51 this is all being done to provoke china
@00:11:56 i mean look what china did with the
@00:12:20 countries should be talking to china not
@00:13:09 it didn't work out china is ville is

Countries Are Quietly Dumping Treasuries And Buying Their Own Debt - Episode 1107a

@00:11:08 china is continually also adding gold to
@00:11:38 russia and china they are making deals

The Next Event Is Building And Ready To Explode Like A Volcano - Episode 1105b

@00:06:02 south china sea now what's very
@00:06:10 about the south china sea and the right
@00:06:29 china and the philippines they decided
@00:06:38 president of china and the china said
@00:06:42 the south china sea we will give you
@00:06:51 china sea no problem and you'll be able
@00:07:27 china
@00:07:56 need to provoke china in this area and
@00:08:24 their ships into this area and china is

Will The US Move From DEFCON 3 To 2 After The US Cyber Attacks Russia? - Episode 1104b

@00:07:32 encircling china and we see right now
@00:08:24 in the south china sea because they're
@00:09:11 going on china does realize what's going
@00:09:56 other side is china and russia and

EU Prepares For 'Dark Scenario' Cyber Attacks That Could Blackout Europe - Episode 1101b

@00:13:48 preparing for war with china and russia
@00:14:19 united states is in the south china sea
@00:22:11 happen russia china they're all going to

America Is About To Change Forever - Episode 1100b

@00:10:40 location to encircle china and what
@00:13:20 saudi arabia's looking at china looking

US Government/Central Bankers Are In The Process Of Forcing Russia Into War - Episode 1098b

@00:09:35 likely china just like the thaad system
@00:09:40 korea but also for china and we can see
@00:09:43 that russia and china they're realizing
@00:10:43 purchase one from china by the nato

US Government Makes The First Move To Take Back The Middle East - Episode 1097b

@00:02:43 making sure that china and russia stay
@00:04:35 and all around china we see right now a
@00:10:48 there china already has a warship headed
@00:10:55 now that russia and china they are
@00:17:06 china north korea syria iran there

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1096

@00:06:21 it's part of the encircling of china so
@00:08:05 that is actually there for china and

CIA Can Predict Social Unrest 3 To 5 Days Before It Happens, Really!! - Episode 1095b

@00:08:03 right now that russia and china are

Obama's Illusionary Recovery Is Being Ripped Apart - Episode 1095a

@00:12:45 china they're creating the silk road and
@00:13:23 game between the us and china now
@00:13:29 response to what russia and china are

The US Government Is Working On An "End Game" Plan Behind Closed Doors - Episode 1094b

@00:20:43 include russia or china because their

The US Government/Central Bankers Are Very Close To Closing Down Our Society - Episode 1093b

@00:06:04 for russia china pakistan india and iran
@00:06:31 china are in there working with the
@00:16:06 they didn't want china because their

US Government Is Now Ready To Take Everything To The Next Level - Episode 1092b

@00:14:55 strategic they need to encircle china
@00:17:03 russia places sanctions on china places
@00:18:15 need the encircling of china so already
@00:18:26 further tensions in china this is what
@00:18:41 docked there now this is to show china
@00:24:34 even russia or china we don't know yet

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1090

@00:08:34 so russia and china set up their own
@00:08:39 physical gold market in china we can see
@00:14:35 china in that direction because we're

The Perfect Storm Is Approaching And When It Hits It Will Be Devastating - Episode 1089b

@00:08:43 china and we can see already that out
@00:09:41 encircles china and they don't want to
@00:11:31 south china sea ashton carter says
@00:11:51 they need to contain china and what

The Senate Rejects The President's Veto, The Stage Has Been Set - Episode 1087b

@00:22:25 because russia china north korea you
@00:22:36 improve this economy russia china north

FBI Confirms That The Big Event Is Coming To The US Very Soon - Episode 1086b

@00:22:16 attack from russia north korea china now

US Government Desperate In The Middle East & Moving Closer To Creating A Major Event - Episode 1085b

@00:05:07 china just like they're sanctioning
@00:05:28 korea they can play sanctions on china
@00:05:50 russia and china and moving away from
@00:06:04 china and he added that the times where
@00:06:32 different countries in the south china
@00:06:33 sea to be as one to encircle china and
@00:09:12 provoke russia china north korea and all
@00:25:24 on russia china north korea because as
@00:26:00 and this is where russia china north
@00:27:19 china doesn't matter what the player

The Elite Are Ready To Create Chaos Across America - Episode 1083b

@00:19:54 serious south china sea ukraine north

Will The October Surprise Be More Shocking Than Everyone Expects? - Episode 1081b

@00:07:33 the south china seas and they're losing

The Central Banks Have Prepared The Economy For A 50% Market Collapse - Episode 1079a

@00:11:39 china right now there you want is
@00:11:42 included in the sdr basket china has
@00:11:50 along with it because remember china
@00:12:41 system to the next remember china and
@00:13:02 system has been built by china and

People Are Beginning To Be Herded Into Deradicalization Centers In Europe - Episode 1077b

@00:24:28 in russia china north korea and we can

The US Government Is Prepared And Ready, It's Almost Go Time - Episode 1076b

@00:08:03 look where me amar is it is near china
@00:08:17 surrounding china so we've had sanctions
@00:19:18 russia china they're on one side north

The Clock Is Ticking, The Control Of The Internet Will Shift To A Foreign Power - Episode 1075b

@00:08:56 provoking china in the south china sea
@00:09:04 military assets in circle in china
@00:09:09 encircling china and we can see right
@00:09:33 through the south china sea and right
@00:09:51 secretary to seek weapons from china and
@00:17:41 the south china sea already one country

Central Bankers Transition Into The Next Currency Is Almost Complete - Episode 1075a

@00:11:15 saying that china was upping their
@00:11:24 prices and things like that china came

The IMF Is Warning Governments About Rising Discontent Among The People - Episode 1074a

@00:13:29 he is filing a complaint against china
@00:13:54 three crops in china and puts us farmers
@00:14:47 china in a certain way and he's also

CDC Is Now Deploying Rapid Response SWAT Teams - Episode 1073b

@00:08:39 encircling of china we see rodrigo
@00:10:21 it in the south china sea we're seeing
@00:12:34 now china has announced that they're
@00:12:37 going to be having a russian china navy
@00:12:44 ever and the south china sea and we can
@00:13:25 surrounding countries russia and china
@00:13:27 they are there in the south china sea
@00:13:44 russia three countries in china all
@00:13:56 planes on this area to provoke china
@00:14:13 this is the south china sea back in 1947
@00:14:17 china told the world they were taking
@00:14:42 the us wants to provoke china and they

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1072

@00:08:41 korean nuclear test and of course china

US Government Agenda, Provoke, Provoke and Provoke - Episode 1071b

@00:05:43 china sea and then we have north korea
@00:06:39 with this is that japan china they never
@00:08:40 china they condemned the nuclear test
@00:08:50 country and china and russia are

DHS Reports That Hacking The Elections Is Nearly Impossible - Episode 1070b

@00:05:07 in the south china sea the united states
@00:05:24 the south china sea to remove themselves
@00:05:34 the south china sea remains unchanged
@00:05:39 the south china sea should be solved by

The US Government Just Militarized The CDC - Episode 1069b

@00:12:43 he is pushing and provoking china now
@00:13:04 presence in the south china sea on a
@00:13:37 south china sea and we can see right now
@00:13:49 south china sea because we can see that
@00:15:57 china north korea with the people be
@00:16:51 people understand that china russia
@00:21:22 against china russia north korea and
@00:21:30 talking about china and russia and this

Obama Provokes Russia With A Cyber War - Episode 1068b

@00:03:33 threatening china threatening china for
@00:03:44 south china sea now remember the united
@00:04:28 area it's like china selling their ships
@00:04:52 every right to do so because china is
@00:05:20 islands selling through the south china
@00:05:23 sea china is going to react this is what
@00:07:18 the south china sea we see russian
@00:17:16 this information about how china north
@00:17:57 korea might even be china to do

The Central Bankers Are Preparing For The Inevitable, The Entire System Collapsing - Episode 1068a

@00:12:37 now they're called the bricks china
@00:13:28 with china china is trying to play both

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1066

@00:03:59 in china and he arrived in china for the
@00:04:52 in china there was no staircase for
@00:05:04 arrival in china china is actually
@00:05:12 right now that china russia and north
@00:05:35 provoking china at every turn but we can
@00:05:41 see that china and russia they're trying
@00:06:07 treasuries we understand that china is
@00:06:23 total choad china now holds about 1.2 4
@00:06:26 trillion and us treasuries china ceased
@00:06:40 china has collected about 2.2 trillion
@00:06:57 with the surplus dollars china has been

Washington Propaganda Warns Of Putin's October Surprise - Episode 1063b

@00:01:15 have it in russia and china but we see
@00:10:44 war with china and what they're doing at
@00:11:07 north korea russia china as long as they
@00:21:35 have china who's been hacking our

The Propaganda For The Perfect Storm This Fall Is Now Being Pushed - Episode 1061b

@00:08:53 is provoking you know china russia north

Turkey And The US Government Ground Invasion Was Planned 2 Years Ago - Episode 1058b

@00:06:28 or china is the better choice no but
@00:07:14 try to stop us in the pacific china

US Government And Turkey Begin Carving Out The Exclusion Zone - Episode 1057b

@00:07:10 now china has begun construction of a
@00:07:53 units and the reason why china is
@00:08:12 china and russia in africa and we have
@00:10:19 poo putin russia china trying to calm
@00:18:51 to have syria and russia and china now

While No One Was Looking The US Just Setup An Exclusion Zone In Northern Syria - Episode 1056b

@00:06:29 why they're so involved is because china
@00:09:32 to calm it down china does the same

Hacked Documents Shows Obama/Soros Behind The Refugee Crisis In Europe - Episode 1055b

@00:11:13 they're saying that china is out there
@00:11:43 area and make it look like china is
@00:11:45 about to do something because china
@00:11:55 notice china russia they're trying to
@00:19:07 china is out there and they're saying
@00:21:02 and it seems that china india and other
@00:21:28 russia china now india they're invited

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1054

@00:07:14 takes place just five days after china
@00:07:38 russia and china moving in and the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1053

@00:08:52 never does we see china they are having
@00:08:56 drills in the south china sea now we see
@00:09:58 in syria china has now joined syria and

The Storm Is Approaching And It Looks Like It's Going To Hit This Fall - Episode 1051b

@00:07:40 now in the south china sea we see that
@00:07:46 bankers japan they are provoking china
@00:08:03 islands and east china in the south
@00:08:05 china sea and that japan is out there
@00:08:46 isn't that what china is doing selling
@00:08:58 china sea and they're protecting their
@00:09:09 but the south china sea shared by many
@00:10:02 to provoke china to do something they

Will The US Dollar Begin It's Collapse This Fall? - Episode 1051a

@00:09:56 in the same period last year so china
@00:10:27 china to issue sdrs we know that the you
@00:10:40 approving china to issue sdrs now this
@00:10:51 entity giving permission to china to do
@00:11:07 this fall think about it china the yuan

China Enters Into The Middle East Arena - Episode 1050b

@00:00:40 episode is china enters into the middle
@00:12:42 that iran russia and now china which is
@00:13:15 china and syria's militaries and have
@00:13:27 have china and russia and iran now in
@00:14:10 situation since china has joined in on
@00:14:23 know china and russia have been trying
@00:15:02 with china and russia get rid of the

While No One Was Looking, The US Government Carves Up Syria - Episode 1049b

@00:04:10 makes a deal with russia or china and

The Central Bankers Are Preparing A Wealth Tax & Greece Is The Guinea Pig - Episode 1049a

@00:13:20 russia and china they are continually

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1048

@00:08:18 is happening now out in the south china
@00:08:28 they're trying to provoke china china
@00:08:30 realizes this and china and russia they
@00:08:39 that russia and china they've been
@00:08:58 circling china setting up the troops the
@00:09:09 china they have launched their 11th
@00:09:56 china has these type of systems and what
@00:10:11 can hit those targets in china we see
@00:10:52 all different areas china russia
@00:15:27 control of china they want the leaders
@00:16:18 revolution in china is going to fail

The Clock Is Ticking Down To A Major Event - Episode 1047b

@00:09:33 it looks like china or russia they're
@00:10:27 attacked the financial system china just

US Government Just Went Into Overdrive Pushing War - Episode 1046b

@00:14:14 and china have stepped in and said

The US Government Economic Recovery Propaganda Has Been Exposed - Episode 1046a

@00:03:12 in greece we see that china they have
@00:03:34 china and russia are doing right now
@00:03:54 see the opposite happening with china

Phase II Of The August Event Has Begun - Episode 1045b

@00:05:49 china are involved and we see that south
@00:07:00 it's china north korea russia and we see
@00:07:15 pointed them towards china they're in
@00:08:12 pointing towards china because when war
@00:08:54 we're reaching a point where china
@00:09:38 to provoke china and one of these times

The Wealthy Prepare For The Financial Crisis By Constructing Panic Rooms - Episode 1044b

@00:05:13 war china north korea russia you know

The Entire Economy Is Getting Ready To Hit Rock Bottom - Episode 1044a

@00:03:15 on three continents including china

US On The Verge Of Complete Failure In The Middle East, The Petrodollar Is Doomed - Episode 1043b

@00:05:31 countries this is where the oil is china
@00:05:46 wherever russia or china are this is
@00:05:59 go now of course russia china they're
@00:06:35 korea right now is telling china to stop
@00:06:40 north korea they're trying to put china
@00:06:42 in the middle of this because china came
@00:06:55 towards china so south korea of course
@00:07:09 trolling them they are telling china to
@00:07:15 doing now they're trying to make china
@00:07:30 need china in the mix and this is why
@00:07:42 japan and china have reported there was
@00:09:04 lithium there's a lot of copper china
@00:11:00 closer to iran to russia to china and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1042

@00:10:36 drilling platform near the south china
@00:11:25 propaganda to provoke china to make the
@00:11:29 world think that china is getting ready
@00:11:38 china and we know that there was the
@00:11:48 countries that are encircling china
@00:12:02 preparations for war against china
@00:12:05 because as we know china refused to
@00:12:20 rand corporation tiled war with china
@00:12:35 war with china and you have to remember
@00:12:52 china the rand corporation in the us

There Are Signs That The US Government Is Preparing To Lockdown America - Episode 1041b

@00:06:13 weapons test russia and china they
@00:08:46 south china sea where the united states
@00:09:02 these areas well china russia could do
@00:19:51 knows this china knows this and the u.s.

Election Systems To Be Treated As Critical Infrastructure During A Cyber Attack - Episode 1040b

@00:07:02 and they're provoking north korea china
@00:15:36 russia china they have sided with iran
@00:22:00 and china we see ukraine heading towards

Obama Authorizes 30 Days Of Bombing - Episode 1039b

@00:05:30 provoking china and north korea all at
@00:05:39 getting into a war with china russia

The US August Event Has Begun, Be Prepared For More - Episode 1037b

@00:12:50 hours before signing a deal for china on
@00:12:53 a nuclear power station china says that
@00:13:22 war with china with russia with north
@00:13:26 korea and we can see out in the china
@00:13:36 south china sea this area is a naval
@00:14:02 global supply chain the south china sea
@00:14:22 road the south china sea is strictly
@00:14:36 it's illegal for china to occupy this
@00:14:39 area china doesn't recognize it remember
@00:15:12 china coming to the united states and
@00:15:24 south china sea they're trying to
@00:15:26 provoke china the trying to cut off
@00:15:31 the trade area trying to make china
@00:15:34 angry they want china to do something
@00:15:50 it's at its end china russia they're the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1036

@00:10:26 china now there were b-52 bombers
@00:10:51 encircle china and they want to bring in
@00:11:00 encircling china and we can see what is
@00:11:07 provoking china just like north korea

US Splits The Proxy Armies In The Middle East To Bypass The UN Resolution - Episode 1034b

@00:07:12 south china sea we see russia and china
@00:07:43 china sea provoking north korea
@00:07:45 provoking russia broken china we see
@00:07:50 moscow and china they're warning the
@00:09:57 keep russia and china out of the area

US Will Now Use Sanctions Against Those Countries Using Cyber Attacks - Episode 1032b

@00:01:08 russia china north korea and they're
@00:02:26 surrounding of korea pointing to china
@00:09:21 russia and china as in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1030

@00:08:41 bull in a china shop now we can see that

DHS Is Enforcing The Consitutional Free Zone, A Violation Of The Constitution - Episode 1029b

@00:09:17 encirclement of china is taking place
@00:09:25 the naval encirclement of china well
@00:09:52 japan encircling china russia and north
@00:10:09 of the islands around china and we can
@00:10:40 is they're provoking china and they're
@00:12:18 south china sea we see the acceleration
@00:22:38 north korea china russia to all the same

US Turning Up The Heat All Around The World To Get WWIII Started - Episode 1028b

@00:16:59 russia and to china to its sanctions
@00:19:40 china as you can see they accelerated
@00:19:53 china does not own these islands you can

Is The Turkish Coup Being Used For Something Much Bigger? - Episode 1025b

@00:25:33 russia china north korea you name it

US Using Events To Bring Forces Together For The Next Push In The Middle East - Episode 1023b

@00:05:35 china and all the other nations they
@00:05:47 china they're setting up their defense

US Backed In A Corner, What Is The US Government's Next Move In The Middle East - Episode 1022b

@00:09:06 head-to-head with russia or china
@00:21:53 pushing for a nuclear war and china

US Signs Off On Expanding Military Forces Used By UN Troops - Episode 1021b

@00:08:59 absent from all of this is russia china
@00:12:03 because we see china there we see the
@00:14:54 south china sea tensions they are
@00:14:59 frigate china is warning that they're
@00:15:13 china to the extreme they're doing this

Another US Gov/Central Bank Failure, South Sudan Is On The Brink Of A Full Scale War - Episode 1020b

@00:09:24 china they like to start some type of
@00:09:37 push russia or china but it looks like
@00:11:08 trying with china now we know the u.s.
@00:11:16 what china is doing in the south china
@00:11:55 activity in the south china sea that
@00:12:11 china didn't take part in this tribunal
@00:12:28 two china made claim to this area and
@00:12:33 now the tribunal ruled that china
@00:12:58 is being done to provoke china they
@00:13:02 would like china to do something they
@00:13:07 most likely china will not do anything
@00:15:34 china they're all also in south sudan
@00:15:42 china has sent peacekeepers to the
@00:16:26 wherever china is wherever russia is

Obama And The UN Are Now Forming A Global Police Force In The US - Episode 1019b

@00:06:56 they've tried with china they're
@00:06:58 continually still provoking china trying
@00:09:10 pushing china in the south china sea

US Government Laying The Ground Work For Postponing The Election - Episode 1017b

@00:03:01 likely this is for china russia and
@00:05:16 or china or north korea to bring in

US Government Has Lost The Narrative Of A Recovered Economy - Episode 1017a

@00:11:57 collapse china continues to devalue the

Putin Explains To Reporters The West Is Pushing For A Nuclear War - Episode 1016b

@00:17:13 they will not stop i mean putin china
@00:19:06 china surrounding russia provoking all

US Gov Travel Warnings In Europe & The Middle East, Is Something About To Happen - Episode 1015b

@00:07:33 copper russia and china are there it's
@00:09:33 the south china sea encircling china
@00:19:48 china sea into eastern europe and to the

NATO Is Now Supplying AWACS Support In the Middle East - Episode 1014b

@00:10:31 out in the pacific the south china sea
@00:10:39 been provoking china and we can see
@00:10:46 try to provoke china a little bit at a
@00:11:23 east china sea so they locked on created
@00:11:27 this incident and blamed it on china and

Obama Offers Peace, War, Ultimatum, To Putin - Episode 1011b

@00:06:11 do the same thing with china they're

US Travel Warnings In Turkey Have Been Extended To The End Of July - Episode 1009b

@00:10:29 china for russia and all this is for

Brace For The Storm, Economic Collapse, War On The Horizon - Episode 1008b

@00:10:28 being pushed out there china and russia
@00:10:37 china is looking to go back to a gold
@00:17:22 know there's no russian aggression china
@00:19:34 russia and china during all of this

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1007

@00:12:14 joe biden has been warning china to
@00:12:21 doing at this point out china is saying
@00:12:25 agree and they're putting this on china
@00:12:31 if you china don't put pressure on north
@00:12:48 you this is what he's saying to china so

US Pushing To Send More Troops To The Middle East, Mission Creep? - Episode 1005b

@00:07:23 it's going to build over time now china
@00:07:31 we see according to putin that china and
@00:07:50 the nuclear reactor that china and
@00:09:07 russia china their weapons they're not

Power Grid Down, When The Lights Go Out - Episode 1003b

@00:11:21 see that in the south china seas they
@00:11:50 china sea more troops are being
@00:12:25 country now think about at this if china

Time Is Short, The Economy Accelerates To The Downside - Episode 1003a

@00:04:29 exports to china have plummeted to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1001

@00:11:17 and attack there's russia and china

The Economy Continues To Deteriorate As The Real Estate Bubble Pops - Episode 1000a

@00:15:53 happened oh it was china it was russia

State Department Officials Say Now Is The Time To Attack Assad - Episode 1000b

@00:12:56 provoking russia their provoking china

DHS Issues A US Advisory Alert Until The End Of This Year - Episode 999b

@00:05:36 their doorstep if russia or china took
@00:07:42 china and the south china sea so we see
@00:07:58 south china sea and provoking china all

China Is Dumping Treasuries And Now US Stocks - Episode 999a

@00:00:42 china is dumping treasuries and now us
@00:10:57 china they have been selling treasuries
@00:11:05 it turns out that china is not just
@00:11:23 as china proceeds to liquidate a
@00:11:39 that china they have been selling stocks
@00:12:39 just not china there are many other

John Kerry: U.S. Patience With Syria & Russia Is Running Out - Episode 998b

@00:16:19 pacific provoking china we see ukraine

More Special Op Teams Arrive In The Middle East To Assist The US In War - Episode 997b

@00:15:42 to say it was russia was china it was

Breaking Down The Event In Orlando - Episode 996b

@00:01:15 russia with china with north korea with
@00:02:09 afghanistan russia china are in
@00:02:53 system to the swiss system china has

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 995

@00:05:48 south china sea and we know that the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 994

@00:04:30 provoking china provoking russia
@00:05:59 we have to remember russia and china are
@00:06:16 now very interestingly china realizes

Counting Down To The Main Event This Summer - Episode 993b

@00:24:28 of russia china cyber attacking bringing

Confirmed, The Economic Collapse Accelerates, Personal Tax Receipts Implode - Episode 993a

@00:11:57 us gets into war with china the us could
@00:12:04 cancel the treasury's that china owns
@00:12:11 assets that china owns were gonna take

DHS Has Been Training And Preparing For A Major Event- Episode 992b

@00:08:05 u.s. is deliberately provoking china now
@00:08:23 the border of china now the u.s. is out
@00:08:29 in an unsafe manner and china is saying
@00:09:02 like if china was flying a spy plane
@00:11:33 understand that russia china north korea
@00:21:58 going to happen is that russia china

It Begins, The Yuan Goes Global As China Grants US First Investment Quota - Episode 992a

@00:00:43 china grants us first investment quota
@00:12:22 russia and china they are building a new
@00:12:45 well china is going to take the next
@00:12:52 want to go global and we see china is
@00:13:26 the u.s. does with this because china is
@00:13:54 in this direction and china is

Economic Indicators Are Now Signalling The Collapse Is Well Underway - Episode 991a

@00:12:59 to seek china import ban and we're going

Time Is Ticketing Down, Indicators Are On Track - Episode 990b

@00:10:49 locations like china hoping to do
@00:13:27 trying to provoke china the trying to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 989

@00:17:11 offensive against russia against china
@00:17:24 telling china they're at risk at self
@00:17:37 what they want is they want china to
@00:17:45 south china sea now we'll try to go
@00:18:05 china sea now this sounds like a threat
@00:18:15 wait to see what china says

US Has A Secret Plan In The Middle East - Episode 988b

@00:03:30 this in russia and china in north korea

US Government Preparing The Next Phase Of The Offensive In The Middle East - Episode 986b

@00:08:37 china same thing north korea we see the
@00:09:57 provoking china in the south china sea
@00:10:05 same russia north korea syria iran china
@00:10:14 china they're looking to launch an air
@00:10:18 china sea and they're saying that this
@00:10:46 shouldn't be allowed in the south china
@00:10:47 sea what china is doing they went around
@00:10:59 and we can see right now that china is
@00:11:15 china to do this remember it's a
@00:11:43 china sea same thing with north korea

A Glimpse Into The Future Of What The Economic Collapse Might Look Like - Episode 986a

@00:09:34 dollar-based securities china is doing

US Issues Major Travel Alert Until Aug 31, 2016 - Episode 985b

@00:02:39 at a time when russia and china are
@00:02:58 the people that russia china and all the
@00:10:45 maneuvers in asian in the south china
@00:10:51 continually provoking china not stopping

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 984

@00:06:42 and china they're going to start
@00:07:26 the east with russia and china they're
@00:11:54 into key positions around china in
@00:12:22 aggression they encircle china they

Daytime Military Drills In Tampa Used To Condition The American People - Episode 982b

@00:24:56 close to china we also have to realize

It Begins, Countries Are Now Closing Surrounding Airspace Around Libya - Episode 981b

@00:00:52 now out in the south china sea we see
@00:00:57 are in the south china sea and of course
@00:01:10 that china says is theirs and if we go
@00:01:35 china and they're continually selling
@00:01:41 provoke china but we have to look back
@00:01:48 done the same thing as china but in a
@00:01:51 different way china after world war two
@00:01:58 that this is part of china the other
@00:03:12 world that china shouldn't be doing
@00:05:48 russia listen if russia or china was

Confirmed, The Entire Economic System Is One Big Manipulation - Episode 980a

@00:12:18 the economy to its knees now china is

CENTCOM Commander Secret Meeting Will Escalate The US Agenda In The Middle East - Episode 978b

@00:01:02 china they want to separate themselves
@00:01:15 and we see it china has imposed
@00:01:46 side of the us on the side of china
@00:01:51 they're doing because russia and china
@00:02:05 they're hoping they can get the china
@00:02:07 they get china that hope then get russia
@00:02:09 but we see russia and china they're very
@00:07:11 to encircle china so obama is out there
@00:08:25 arm vietnam as an anti china ally rather
@00:23:03 multiple cities russia and china they

Tidal Wave Of Economic Indicators Continue To Show The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 978a

@00:11:01 going to use it now russia and china
@00:11:19 china had become russia's biggest oil
@00:11:25 shipments to china hit a record high
@00:11:31 biggest crude exported to china and we

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 977

@00:07:42 countries actually this is why china and

US House Of Representatives Votes To Give Power To The President To Wage War - Episode 975b

@00:03:46 pay for covert operations we know china
@00:06:30 russia we seen it with china and now
@00:06:33 we're seeing that with china in the air
@00:06:42 china sea if we notice it's in the area
@00:07:39 doing this in the south china sea
@00:07:45 china sea area they're doing it to
@00:08:00 other country how many times has china
@00:08:22 wouldn't that make more sense of china
@00:18:16 so they say oh north korea oh china

IMF Makes A Push To Take Control Of Iran's Banking System - Episode 975a

@00:12:27 at the us iran is looking at china and

Countries Are Selling Off US Debt At The Fastest Pace Since 1978 - Episode 974a

@00:16:15 russia china brazil and many other

Central Bankers Continually Suppressing Gold Before The Economy Collapses - Episode 972a

@00:08:44 other countries like russia china india
@00:09:49 china is quietly cornering the market
@00:10:00 china who's been purchasing a huge
@00:10:09 have china that's been purchasing the

FBI Warns Nation-State Cyber Attacks Are Targeting US Gov. & The Private Sector - Episode 970b

@00:17:20 infrastructure china has been hacking in

The US Gov & The Central Bank Are Out Of Time, The Economy Is Done - Episode 969a

@00:05:53 we're seeing right now is china is
@00:06:42 china they're loading up on it other

US Disregards International Law To Provoke War - Episode 968b

@00:07:31 china and we see right now both putin
@00:07:50 of tit-for-tat in the south china sea in
@00:08:06 working with china and russia at this

It's Begun, Countries Are Moving Away From The US Dollar By Loading Up On Gold - Episode 968a

@00:02:11 haven this is why russia china and many
@00:10:55 we know the china russia they've been

Obama Boost Efforts On All Fronts By Creating A New Caliphate In The Northern Syria - Episode 967b

@00:08:56 provoke china by using other nations in
@00:08:58 the south china sea area we see the uss
@00:09:19 the foreign nations such as china and
@00:11:34 encircling china at this time and i

DHS Prepares For A Bioterrorism Attack With A Drill In NYC Subway System - Episode 966b

@00:10:48 china china saying listen we're going to
@00:22:31 didn't invite china russia into this
@00:23:21 it's north korea we say it's china and

TTIP Will Be Used To Protect Corporations And The Banking System - Episode 966a

@00:04:05 already see russia china and many other

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 965

@00:03:09 illusion now we see russia and china
@00:03:55 seeing is russia and china and other

US Forces Are Building Up More Troops In The Middle East For The Offensive - Episode 962b

@00:19:25 korea when they said china and all the
@00:20:12 north korea russia china that's how you

US Is Using Peace In The Middle East To Prep For War - Episode 961b

@00:03:59 must be written by america not china or
@00:08:06 china sea and we see that three
@00:08:36 there to provoke china once again and
@00:08:46 we're going to see it happen with china
@00:20:07 or china their cyber attacking the power

The US Government / Central Bankers Are Now Preparing To Unleash The Economic Crash - Episode 961a

@00:09:37 is the same now out in china
@00:09:55 china manufacturers for western
@00:10:20 we're seeing it in china we're seeing it

US Has Lost Control Of The Middle East & The Fate Of The Petro Dollar Is In Jeapordy - Episode 960b

@00:12:07 the pacific we see china they are
@00:12:43 trying to see trying to provoke china
@00:12:45 and china is saying okay you want to
@00:13:03 china says okay then we don't want your
@00:21:33 happen is countries like russia china

US Government Warns Congress, Puerto Rico Needs Bailout Or We Are All Doomed - Episode 960a

@00:08:57 some of their assets china is unloading
@00:11:04 including china japan germany south
@00:13:38 they're headed to china and they've been
@00:14:42 russia china and the other bric nations

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 959

@00:04:48 are warning china germany japan not to
@00:10:37 to provoke russia china iran syria into

EU Police Carried Out Exercises For Civil Unrest In Germany & Other EU Countries - Episode 958b

@00:12:23 this happens russia or china they
@00:21:36 country like north korea china but

US Government Making Preparations To Protect Itself When The People Revolt - Episode 957b

@00:08:22 complete disaster for them not for china
@00:11:28 major offensive now in the south china
@00:11:30 sea china is out there saying listen we
@00:11:57 problem with us in the south china sea
@00:11:59 china will work with south east and asia
@00:12:03 nations to make the south china sea a
@00:12:21 area pushing the idea on china if the
@00:12:33 to china so china at this point is

The World Goes On High Alert As The US Pushes For WWIII - Episode 956b

@00:09:49 energy customers like china and they'll
@00:11:50 there's a huge buildup encircling china
@00:11:58 and eventually go to war with china and
@00:19:57 russia china they wanted to join and the
@00:19:59 us would not accept russia or china now

US Continually Positioning Assets For A Middle East War - Episode 955b

@00:09:44 provoking china at the same exact time
@00:11:19 with a new report and i mentioned china
@00:11:27 point they're trying to provoke china
@00:11:29 they've already encircled china with all
@00:11:43 what china is doing and if you go along
@00:11:52 continually poking china continually

We Are 3-4 Months Away From A Gigantic Event That Will Spark War - Episode 954b

@00:08:31 russia or china or north korea had a
@00:15:31 closer to russia and most likely china

US Government Economic Recovery Is One Big Manipulation - Episode 954a

@00:10:51 right now we see russia and china
@00:10:57 whole new level right now china is going
@00:11:16 producer so we see russia and china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 953

@00:07:28 like they're doing to china in the
@00:09:41 countries china north korea russia iran
@00:09:51 china is saying hey listen we don't want
@00:10:09 war they want it to lead to china so
@00:10:11 china right now they're bringing some
@00:10:18 get the war started with china they
@00:10:36 and china realizes this and there are
@00:10:38 reports that china is bringing in

New Report Shows The US Is Preparing For Mass Civil Disobedience - Episode 952b

@00:12:11 that china and russia are developing

US And The Coalition Forces Are Waiting For The Green Light To Carry Out Plan "B" - Episode 951b

@00:11:44 not to get involved in any of this china
@00:13:14 gonna be going after china north korea

US Exerts Pressure On Saudi Arabia As They Move Away From The US Financial System - Episode 950b

@00:15:40 treasures they've done it with china
@00:16:44 deals with china we're going to keep the

China Is Now On Course To Shift Away From The Dollar - Episode 950a

@00:00:41 episode is china is now on course to
@00:11:09 the dollar now china has been doing this
@00:11:17 own payment system china is making their
@00:11:20 own payment system china is starting the
@00:11:38 that china has announced their you on
@00:12:09 china is slowly chipping away at the
@00:12:16 based commodities that china wants most
@00:12:24 we see that china needs less dollars at
@00:12:57 time goes on we're going to see china

US And The Coalition Forces Next Step, All Out War In The Middle East - Episode 948b

@00:05:28 close to china and they're gonna
@00:05:34 drones in the south china sea and we see
@00:06:22 the world that china actually did
@00:06:37 started with china north korea iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 947

@00:04:02 and we see china right now making

War Plans Are Being Drawn Up For WWIII - Episode 946b

@00:13:04 patrols in the south china sea they're
@00:13:11 weapons they're trying to provoke china
@00:14:07 china or any other nation had ships in
@00:20:42 europe encircling china making deals in

The Fed Is A Potential Threat To The Financial Stability Of The US - Episode 946a

@00:08:59 first 2016 the china central bank
@00:09:20 hosted by china this year
@00:09:23 and china will start to use both the us

Obama And The FCC Are Now Pushing To Control The Internet - Episode 945b

@00:02:18 saudi arabia china and many others that

US Ships In Military Assets & Prepares The Next Phase When The Ceasefire Collapses - Episode 944b

@00:05:55 going to be for china for russia and if
@00:06:21 to bring in china into these certain
@00:06:23 topics but what happens is china really
@00:06:43 china russia north korea syria iran and
@00:20:03 the islamic state get rid of them china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 941

@00:14:48 the islamic state or russia or china has
@00:15:12 and now china russia stepped in and they

Turkey And Saudi Arabia Setup Chemical Weapons Facilities On The Syrian Border - Episode 940b

@00:07:47 with iran russia and china and we know
@00:08:13 especially or iran or russia or china

US Government Is Strategically Positioning Military Assets In Syria And Iraq - Episode 939b

@00:02:37 attacking china as we know and many of
@00:07:56 ready now out in china russia will be
@00:08:13 ballistic and cruise missiles so china
@00:08:19 pacific area on down by the south china

It Has Begun, Counting down To The Next Event - Episode 938b

@00:10:22 wait and see now china they are going
@00:10:40 and have china come in and join in on
@00:10:46 china saying you know something we're
@00:10:57 we can see right now china is trying to
@00:16:29 billion in 2015 then china then saudi
@00:16:53 out in china and the south china sea we
@00:17:09 surrounding china we see in eastern

The Planned Leaked Panama Papers Are Being Used By The West To Push Specific Agendas - Episode 937b

@00:01:42 about putin it's about china and they're
@00:06:39 in china in latin america in iceland
@00:20:16 china they wanted to happen in russia

US & Turkey Shift Plans And Destabilize Relations Between Armenia & Azerbaijan - Episode 936b

@00:02:30 drill of course this is to provoke china
@00:02:49 security crisis in the south china sea
@00:03:32 china sea something happening in the
@00:04:28 china and we know by doing this they're
@00:22:43 hit the power infrastructure china might

Central Banks Admit When The World Suffers They Thrive And Profit - Episode 936a

@00:10:43 china russia and make them look evil
@00:12:35 russia demonize china demonize any other

There Are Critical Areas That Are Now Setup To Push The Call For War - Episode 934b

@00:08:24 with china with russia with syria with
@00:12:02 they are completely encircling china and
@00:12:06 the influence of china and russia are

Checkmate, Putin And Assad Out Maneuver The US In Syria - Episode 933b

@00:00:53 china sea the u.s. is continually
@00:00:56 provoking china and this is coming from
@00:01:07 in the south china sea and it views such
@00:01:32 china and china is not budging and we
@00:01:39 provoking china in this area because you
@00:01:42 have to remember they need china russia
@00:02:12 china was in the gulf of mexico or right
@00:02:39 after they encircle china with mitt
@00:02:48 contain china so you can see why these
@00:09:15 look to russia and china to help to
@00:19:30 back to north korea russia and china

Italy Threatens Airstrikes As The UN Unity Government Sneaks Into Libya - Episode 932b

@00:06:23 enemies russia china north korea iran

The World Economy Is Drifting Into A Full Blown Collapse - Episode 931a

@00:05:01 the kingdom lost ground in china south
@00:05:11 russia's exports to china have more than
@00:05:20 crude exported to china in four months

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 929

@00:04:16 will be focused on china on russia north
@00:14:05 china is not playing along with this and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 928

@00:05:21 china has said absolutely not the g77 in
@00:05:27 china affirmed their solidarity with

The Plan To Cover Up This Economic Collapse Has Been Put Into OverDrive - Episode 926b

@00:16:57 china every day we hear about china how
@00:17:09 china is building a great wall of sand
@00:17:12 in the south china sea and what he's
@00:17:38 dominate the coastal waters of china
@00:17:57 everyone be hold my god china is right

It Has Begun, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 925b

@00:07:49 to ukraine we see china right now is
@00:08:10 china is seeking to become more involved
@00:08:33 china russia every time nato the united
@00:09:00 said we're encircling china they decided
@00:12:07 china and russia and at this point it

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 923

@00:02:06 monthly tally on record and china the

Fear In The Economy Reaches An All Time High - Episode 922a

@00:04:44 seven percent in january china is down

US Stockpiles Military Assets Near China To Respond To Threats By Russia And China - Episode 921b

@00:00:44 near china to respond to threats by
@00:00:46 russia and china let's get into the
@00:04:37 for aggression from china and russia us
@00:04:58 and china now we know that china is
@00:05:16 worried about china expanding their
@00:16:26 okay if we get into war with china

US And The Coalition Forces Push The Puppet Gov Into Libya To Begin The Offensive - Episode 920b

@00:15:11 taken strategic steps with china and
@00:17:14 asia and to china via the silk road and
@00:20:47 for satellite attacks are saying china
@00:21:20 us more money why would russia and china

Everything Is Awesome Right Before The Entire Economy Collapses - Episode 920a

@00:14:05 russia china islamic state north korea

Turkey Invades Syria And Digs In To Create A Safe Zone - Episode 918b

@00:09:05 eventually that this will bring china
@00:09:18 conflict with china and we know their
@00:12:15 china are this is where the united
@00:12:23 all these other locations where china is

US Agenda During The Geneva Talks, The Partitioning Of Syria - Episode 916b

@00:08:26 and china are saying we'll wait a minute
@00:08:37 china and russia are saying that this
@00:08:41 will also point to china and this most
@00:08:44 likely will start an arms race and china
@00:08:58 something and you're hoping that china
@00:09:04 and china say no we condemn any tests
@00:12:04 china syria and any other brics country

The Manipulated Markets Are Used To Hide The Economic Collapse Are Breaking Down - Episode 915a

@00:11:09 country and china is going to control
@00:11:22 that china construction bank will
@00:11:36 this is the first time that china will
@00:11:53 china is taking control of the silver
@00:11:55 prices china will be taking control of
@00:12:05 china purchased a lot of precious metals

NSA Chief Warns 'Black Energy' Malware Will Bring Down The Power Grid - Episode 914b

@00:06:47 china france russia united kingdom the
@00:19:18 everyone knows it's china it's north

All Is Quiet And Calm Right Before The Next Big Event - Episode 913b

@00:03:07 china because of what's happening in the
@00:03:15 provoking china in the pacific preparing
@00:19:46 not going to be china because we know
@00:19:56 china have absolutely no reason to do
@00:21:19 and said we're going to encircle china
@00:21:27 missile systems all around china they're

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 911

@00:07:24 fight china to fight russia once war

US Deploys Strike Group Armada To The Pacific To Provoke China - Episode 910b

@00:00:43 to the pacific to provoke china now
@00:05:53 north korea but for china so those talks
@00:08:16 to south china to the south china sea
@00:08:19 and they're going to provoke china by
@00:08:34 contested waters of the south china sea
@00:08:36 to push china into doing more provoking
@00:08:43 china so what we're seeing right now is
@00:08:46 the u.s. is provoking china in the

As The Economy Collapses The US Economic Statisical Manipulation Is Expanding - Episode 910a

@00:11:11 know china is going to be releasing more

US Gives The Green Light In The Middle East, Plans Are In Motion - Episode 909b

@00:12:58 area we know they're encircling china in

Time Is Short, Get Your Affairs In Order Now, Before The Economic Collapse - Episode 909a

@00:12:56 from seven countries including china
@00:14:18 to remember that china is going to

US Propaganda Begins, US Concerned About Syrian Government Attacks On Civilians - Episode 908b

@00:06:15 russia china north korea iran syria they
@00:06:47 philippines near the south china sea
@00:06:52 to provoke china plain and simple and
@00:06:55 the united states already sworn china of
@00:07:02 move on the south china sea how dare
@00:07:07 china if this is absolutely true which i
@00:07:34 propaganda so even so let's say china
@00:07:49 china now if you were a country and you

Financial Bubbles Begin To Pop All Over The World - Episode 907a

@00:11:34 dollar china is preparing for the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 905

@00:06:15 china were coming up nothing with the

Is The US And The Coalition Forces Preparing To Use Tactical Nukes In Syria? - Episode 904b

@00:01:13 same its north korea to china to russia
@00:11:16 like russia china north korea if you

US Is Now Shipping A Massive Amount Of Arms To The Middle East - Episode 903b

@00:12:59 of what china is doing on the islands

Warning, Something Major Is About To Happen In The Middle East - Episode 902b

@00:12:35 a very big deal about china and the
@00:12:44 there now they're saying that china has
@00:13:28 every detail for china they're giving us
@00:13:44 encircling china bringing in more
@00:13:59 china sees this happening now just
@00:14:29 definite but china does have every right

More Countries Are Turning To Their Own Currencies As The US Economy Disintegrates - Episode 902a

@00:15:34 right now we know that china russia
@00:15:36 already do this we know that china has

Peace Agreement Reached By Russia And US On Syria, Is It Really Peace? - Episode 900b

@00:10:33 provoking russia to provoke in china and
@00:10:44 russia in china they're surrounding and
@00:10:48 circling china moving a based in japan
@00:11:02 china into doing something and this is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 899

@00:04:26 the world where russia china and other
@00:05:18 positions we see it happening with china
@00:15:22 korea china russia iran syria the bric

Syria Peace Talks Have Been Cancelled Again, While The US Bombs Libya - Episode 898b

@00:05:48 many of the countries now china is
@00:05:56 continually provoking china and north
@00:06:30 korea while china is out there and
@00:12:24 china we see it with russia what are
@00:12:44 navy because of what russia and china
@00:12:59 russia and china have these missiles
@00:13:01 that can travel very very for china has
@00:14:12 once again technology that china and
@00:14:21 russia and china their fighter jets are
@00:18:36 us state department is accusing china
@00:18:40 really well china and russia were not
@00:19:13 iraq what they're really saying is china

Turkey Trying To Use NATO's Article 5 To Legalize War With Syria - Episode 897b

@00:11:51 russia china the united states united

The US Goverment Recovery Just Went Down The Drain - Episode 897a

@00:14:14 china goes live with their you wan base

A No Fly Zone Plan Is Now Being Pushed Hard In Syria - Episode 896b

@00:09:02 russia just like they're doing to china

The Economy Is Hanging By A Thread And It's About To Break - Episode 896a

@00:10:22 released by eurostat we see china they
@00:10:39 tons were net exported directly to china
@00:10:48 were net exports to china so what we're
@00:10:55 from the west to the east china is

The US Has No Other Alternative But To Push A World War - Episode 895b

@00:21:26 could be coming from china or russia in

US Now Escalating The Syrian Crisis To The Next Phase - Episode 894b

@00:17:54 russia and syria and of course china now

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 893

@00:05:07 russia china iran we're at war in syria

The Ceasefire Agreement Is A Ruse To Launch The Next Plan In Syria - Episode 892b

@00:04:17 pacific where they're encircling china
@00:04:19 and they're containing china just like
@00:04:29 be pointing north korea and to china we

US Government Intends To Boost Surveillance On The People - Episode 890b

@00:12:43 china does it russia does it and north

Countries Are Faking Their Stats To Keep The Economic Recovery Illusion Alive - Episode 890a

@00:17:37 china the system in russia now does this

As The Economic System Crashes We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments - Episode 889b

@00:10:10 it pointing towards china just like the
@00:10:43 they're encircling china now out in

US, Italy And The Coalition Forces Are Discussing The Plan For Libya - Episode 888b

@00:10:31 all the same it's russia it's china it's

Obama Pushes Recovered Economy With Manipulated Statistics - Episode 886a

@00:14:39 states to china to russia and this is

Syrian Peace Talks Are Now Suspended, Next Move Most Likely An Event - Episode 884b

@00:08:12 china flew their jets into korea's air
@00:08:41 korea and china overlap because beijing
@00:08:56 china didn't acknowledge it so everyone
@00:09:20 provoke china just like they're doing in
@00:09:30 poking poking at china little by little
@00:18:08 china in this war most likely it's going
@00:18:18 against russia china iran north korea
@00:19:48 lose in this area and if china joins in

Indicators Are Flashing Red, Be Prepared For A False Flag Event - Episode 882b

@00:06:34 right now with china and their weaponry

The Economic Facts Are Pointing To An Economic Collapse - Episode 882a

@00:16:33 most likely iran russia china will say

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 881

@00:02:28 provoking china the us navy has sent a
@00:02:36 china sea the uss curtis wilbur sales
@00:03:12 war it's going to be china north korea

IMF Wants To Impose A Wealth Tax To Pay Down The World Debt - Episode 879a

@00:10:29 china it's because oil is very low it's
@00:14:12 celebrating brazil russia india china

The Economic Collapse Is Now Spreading To All Sectors Of The Economy - Episode 877a

@00:07:09 investors like china as the wanda values

US And Turkey Prepare Troops In Syria For The Next Event - Episode 876b

@00:23:20 to war with china and north korea this

China And Russia Are Preparing For A Bankrupt US Financial System - Episode 876a

@00:00:41 episode is china and russia are
@00:09:01 right now and china and russia realized
@00:10:24 president z of china met with iranian
@00:10:42 supply china and we know that china most
@00:10:53 own currency and i'm sure china is
@00:11:19 russia and china they know full well
@00:11:55 states over to china and everything is
@00:13:06 including china because they're still

The Economic Recovery Illusion Has Fallen Apart As More Companies Layoff Employees - Episode 874a

@00:12:37 hundred other countries from china to
@00:13:10 move away from the united states china

US And The Coalition Forces Are Now In Position To Push This War Into Overdrive - Episode 873b

@00:23:47 china and eventually use their currency
@00:24:32 using north korea china russia syria

Time To Worry, Financial Talking Heads Not Forecasting A Global Collapse - Episode 873a

@00:10:21 believes it's china but again if we look
@00:14:21 imf and china they are readying digital
@00:15:09 but you can see they are prepping china
@00:18:48 china is contained all of this is

The US Government Is Ready Light Up The Middle East - Episode 872b

@00:11:23 with china burma thailand they have some
@00:12:08 all the same china russia north korea
@00:13:10 the end it's all about fighting china in

FBI Puts Out Warning Of A Lone Wolf Attack At The Super Bowl - Episode 871b

@00:10:27 states russia china france britain and

The Economic Collapse Is Happening And The Next Phase Is The Event - Episode 870b

@00:05:04 china to stop its export of
@00:05:13 lumping china into this they don't they
@00:05:16 want china to break away from north
@00:12:49 by russia and china a lot of the
@00:12:54 and doing business with russia and china
@00:13:06 russia and china because they realize
@00:19:16 like china this is why we don't have

The Global Economy Is Collapsing All Around Us And It's Going To Get Worse - Episode 870a

@00:07:59 largest weekly drop recorded since china
@00:08:15 a us treasury bond this is why china is
@00:12:59 with china because then realize at this
@00:13:10 russia and china this will be the next
@00:13:42 china and russia are making economic

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 869

@00:14:45 remember wherever russia and china are
@00:15:38 sure china and russia aren't in these

Military Assets Are In Place We Are Just Waiting For The Spark To Push The War Agenda - Episode 867b

@00:08:16 disputed islands of china of course this
@00:08:20 is going to be used to provoke china and

As China Dumps More Treasuries The Economy Continues To Slide Into The Abyss- Episode 867a

@00:00:41 episode is as china dumps more
@00:13:44 china are decoupling from the dollar
@00:13:59 china instead of going through different

Russia Making A Move To Decouple Its Economy From The US Dollar- Episode 866a

@00:07:45 the uk in china
@00:07:48 remember china is dependent on the
@00:11:46 move that russia china and a growing
@00:12:20 increasingly into china and asia via the
@00:12:33 dollar for oil sometime next year china
@00:12:57 china the other emerging emerging

The Entire Economy Is Collapsing Except For Unemployment - Episode 865a

@00:04:08 china and here in the united states
@00:14:58 financial markets and china the
@00:15:02 commercial bank of china through its
@00:15:13 50 million ounces of gold so now china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 863

@00:16:47 china are trading not using the dollar

US Government Has Been Moving All Military Assets In Place To Start WWIII - Episode 862b

@00:08:45 and have them point to china and have
@00:08:55 pacific which is a ring around china to

The US Gov Is Planning The Next Event That Will Shock The People Into War - Episode 861b

@00:12:43 will be pointing towards china and of
@00:12:46 course china came out and said well wait
@00:12:50 china security and we can see at this
@00:13:18 have weapons pointing towards china now
@00:13:56 korea they waited for china to work it's
@00:14:23 provoke china just like they're doing it
@00:14:40 provoking north korea russia china
@00:16:13 north korea with iran and china and
@00:21:24 could be russia could be china could be

The Clock Is Ticking Down To The Economic Collapse, Act Now And Prepare - Episode 861a

@00:01:26 slowdown in china as well as dry as the

US Government Bringing All Players Together For WWIII - Episode 860b

@00:17:40 china russia and the other bric nations

The Perfect Storm Is Forming In The Economy And It Will Crash Hard - Episode 859a

@00:15:01 this is why china which is now a
@00:15:18 europe was destroyed well now china has
@00:15:21 the manufacturing china has been setting
@00:15:25 up bilateral trades china has been

US Gov Creates Chaos With Iran And The Middle Eastern Countries To Bring About War - Episode 858b

@00:07:51 in china china is now building a second
@00:08:21 understand that china russia they
@00:08:48 and this is why we see russia and china

Economic Collapse Rears Its Ugly Head In The New Year - Episode 858a

@00:16:22 china and remember china is dependent on

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 857

@00:16:46 with russia and china and north korea
@00:20:43 reports that china has a ship there and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 856

@00:17:07 russia china all together for this next

US Government Uses Propaganda To Convince The World They Brought Peace To Syria - Episode 855b

@00:09:30 deposit of china russia and china let
@00:09:35 and russia and china are in this country
@00:14:37 now china could say that launch of the
@00:14:44 towards china in the pacific that's an

IMF Now Admitting Economy Not Going To Improve In 2016, Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 855a

@00:10:17 economic slowdown in china they're all
@00:12:09 including china russia they will all

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 852

@00:03:19 understand that china is pushing their

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 851

@00:03:50 other currencies we know that china and
@00:15:54 have planned something in china to start

The Trade Wars Have Begun, US Provokes China With Additional Tariffs - Episode 850a

@00:00:44 provokes china with additional tariffs
@00:11:31 demand for steel and the greater china
@00:12:44 placing this tariff on china the measure
@00:12:56 war shot it will be up to china to
@00:13:12 treasuries and the question is if china
@00:13:48 china and what

US And The Coalition Forces Are Moving Troops Into Position For WWIII - Episode 849b

@00:03:57 russia and china because they turn back
@00:10:55 joining the efforts to provoke china

The Economic Indicators Are Reporting A Collapsing Economy - Episode 849a

@00:10:53 china they were ordered by an american
@00:11:07 to find china fifty thousand dollars per
@00:11:15 impose your rules on our country china
@00:11:46 their gold reserves china is doing the
@00:12:09 china because we know what's happening

The Central Bankers Are Now Making The Last Preparations As The Economy Collapses - Episode 848a

@00:10:57 china's largest crude oil supplier china
@00:11:11 and we can see that china is basically
@00:11:30 see russia's doing this we see china is

US Government Is Covertly Preparing The Next Wave Of Attacks In Syria - Episode 846b

@00:09:14 there to look at it united states china
@00:11:55 continually provoke china japan may send
@00:12:00 warships to china and we know that the
@00:12:18 they can use to patrol the south china
@00:12:24 provoke china the prime minister also
@00:12:55 islands in the east china sea stretching
@00:13:09 right now to provoke china they're
@00:13:14 hoping china does something remember
@00:13:26 the pacific trying to provoke china this

Congress Passes The Spending Bill With Hidden Sections Which Obama Is Ready To Sign - Episode 846a

@00:11:52 reset and he said that china understands
@00:11:57 if russia was the fall china would be
@00:12:31 china and russia are creating their own
@00:12:46 going to china and right now most likely
@00:13:14 exactly the exit strategy of china and

US And Saudi Arabia Are Building An Army To Invade Syria - Episode 843b

@00:00:59 getting ramped up with russia with china
@00:12:11 to sell destroyers to taiwan china is
@00:12:19 and pushing china if you noticed ashton
@00:12:26 the islands around china they're pushing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 841

@00:14:43 understand that china and russia they

US Government Now Ramping Up For War In Ukraine And The Middle East - Episode 839b

@00:08:31 the countries that are surrounding china

The Wealth Confiscation Phase Is Almost Complete, Next Phase The Big Reset - Episode 839a

@00:11:51 the global reset and russia china the
@00:13:35 oh look china has manufacturing oh look
@00:16:20 product in you one only in 2016 china
@00:16:34 month for china in terms of the pace of
@00:16:37 reserves the people's bank of china

The US Gov Is Preparing For Another Event - Episode 837b

@00:09:51 provoking russia and china i mean
@00:10:00 provoking china in the pacific around
@00:10:38 the south china sea under the agreement
@00:10:56 provoke china and they're going to ramp

The Economy Is Almost Ready To Collapse - Episode 837a

@00:12:27 countries like russia and china they're
@00:12:47 china and russia up to a hundred billion
@00:12:55 and russia and china are saying you know

Obama Is Pushing The Authorization For War Not Against ISIS But Russia - Episode 836b

@00:08:22 likely fighting china fighting russia in
@00:08:26 ukraine fighting china in the pacific
@00:12:29 they're looking towards russia and china

The Global Economic Collapse Is Here - Episode 836a

@00:12:58 companies foreign investor which china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 835

@00:04:13 collapsing and we know that russia china
@00:04:45 russia and china they signed a mammoth
@00:04:51 china back in 2014 and we know that they
@00:05:23 russia and china are decisively paving
@00:05:48 why russia and china have been

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 834

@00:11:54 china has some ships in the area the
@00:12:21 now china is on board with this saying

The San Bernardino Shooting Is Following The False Flag Mass Shooting Script - Episode 833b

@00:09:24 then china of course syria and iran and

The Economy Has Come To A Screeching Halt, The Global Collapse Is Upon Us - Episode 832a

@00:13:55 now china on the other hand isn't going
@00:14:39 right now is that china believe that the
@00:15:04 has no effect and china right now
@00:15:38 china sees it as a brilliant opportunity
@00:16:00 this that china understand
@00:16:12 negotiators because china knows that it
@00:16:25 pretend that china is appalling air
@00:16:38 that's because china understands as the
@00:16:49 we have russia and china who are saying

US And The Western Coalition Forces Are Now Bringing Troops Into Syria To Push WWIII - Episode 831b

@00:08:33 china russia are in afghanistan this
@00:20:46 syria putin and china will run down the

BRICS Banks Will Begin Borrowing In The Yuan To Bypass The Dollar - Episode 831a

@00:14:03 understand right now that china there

The Race To A World War Is On - Episode 830b

@00:07:40 china are in this country we know

IMF Approves The Reserve Status Of The Chinese Yuan In 2016 - Episode 830a

@00:13:15 usable standard the imf says china is
@00:14:35 agreements with china now i'm not saying

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 828

@00:02:52 wan remember china is going to be
@00:06:44 the united states now china in africa
@00:06:55 has a base there as well now china has
@00:07:13 russia and china are this is where the
@00:07:17 seeing right now china has signed a
@00:07:28 moves signals that china is shifting

It's Time To Seriously Prepare For The Economic Collapse - Episode 826a

@00:11:03 petro dollar we see china on the other

The US Push For War Is Now Appearing On All Fronts - Episode 825b

@00:14:05 there provoking china continuously well
@00:14:22 the child the south china sea tokyo will
@00:14:29 forces to the south china sea this is
@00:14:52 is really going to provoke china and
@00:26:20 china russia europe trying to kick off

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 824

@00:08:08 involved they want china they want

U.S. More Concerned With Assad's Removal Than ISIS - Episode 823b

@00:07:33 china and they're setting up the
@00:09:04 wherever china and russia are that's
@00:09:17 of reach from china and russia because
@00:09:20 as we know china is helping build their
@00:10:22 us russia japan china they're all set to
@00:24:23 their fictional enemies of russia china

US Creates Atmosphere In Syria To Start The Next Global War - Episode 822b

@00:06:41 of china the threats of russia again
@00:23:53 hostage well this was to bring china

Private Western Central Bankers Instruct Obama To Veto The Fed Transparency Bill - Episode 822a

@00:05:53 their equipment and we know china has
@00:13:58 peter schiff is saying that china is

Russia Prepares For U.S. Gov 'Operation War' By Increasing Military Assets In Syria - Episode 821b

@00:14:43 continually provoking china he's calling
@00:14:55 into china to provoke them and this is
@00:15:06 them towards saying china shouldn't be
@00:15:18 china come out and said listen we're
@00:15:46 countries to provoke china this is the

U.S. Just Shifted To Plan '?' To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 820b

@00:04:57 and now we see out in china there is
@00:05:14 know that china is getting ready to have
@00:05:32 concerned of china of china having their

IMF Ready To Accept The Chinese Yuan Into The SDR Basket To Challenge The Dollar - Episode 819a

@00:07:13 stopped china by instructing the imf not
@00:08:30 likelihood of this happening well china

The European Refugee Crisis Was Created To Bring About Chaos And War - Episode 817b

@00:05:46 and what we're seeing is china is also
@00:06:11 be now china is already in there and
@00:06:37 business and of course wherever china
@00:10:37 now out in the china sea we understand
@00:10:41 provoking china we know they send a
@00:10:57 officer said the following if china
@00:11:22 the provocations towards china this is
@00:11:29 they want china to respond because we

US Provokes Russia With Trident Missile, Russia Leaks Nuclear Torpedo, Check - Episode 816b

@00:04:14 provoking these countries like china we
@00:04:28 south china sea and basically they
@00:05:53 especially china and russia to let them

Russia Takes The Next Step Launches Crude Benchmark To Bypass The Dollar - Episode 816a

@00:11:15 industry to put pressure on china and
@00:11:58 with china and other nations using their
@00:13:21 see china and russia continually making

WW III Is A Private Western Central Bank War, Not A War Of Freedom Or Democracy - Episode 815b

@00:04:41 or north korea or china and we need to
@00:05:04 iran syria brazil argentina china russia
@00:09:38 they're talking about russia or china or
@00:09:58 this illusion that russia and china are
@00:10:05 and china will attack because the us and
@00:10:13 china do respond now either this is
@00:17:01 always blaming it on china north korea
@00:21:26 in war russia china will try to use

US Is Pushing A Nuclear War With Russia And China - Episode 814b

@00:00:43 russia and china now before i get
@00:10:00 fleet to the pacific to encircle china
@00:10:05 this to contain china now we see them
@00:10:34 but russia and china are not going to
@00:10:45 russia is the cause china is the cause
@00:11:14 realizes this china realizes this putin
@00:12:20 russia to stop china and maybe north
@00:12:29 to our china and russia and this is the
@00:20:54 china to notice this the reason why they
@00:21:21 their muscle they were showing china and
@00:22:40 to do now the question is is china and

US Gov/Central Bankers Are Running Out Of Excuses Why The Economy Is Crashing - Episode 814a

@00:12:48 trade numbers have come out of china try

Launch Of A US Trident Missile Is Meant To Provoke China Further - Episode 813b

@00:00:42 meant to provoke china further let's get
@00:07:58 or china does it even though they're
@00:16:13 resurgent russia and the rise of china
@00:16:22 the idea that russia and china north
@00:17:00 united states provoking china in the
@00:21:48 china because when you look at it it
@00:21:54 marshall islands they wanted china to
@00:22:12 21st 2015 the report entitled china
@00:22:19 navy capabilities china is building a
@00:22:43 and we have to remember china sail their
@00:22:54 provoking china this was another stage
@00:22:57 of provoking china the most important
@00:23:05 killing ballistic missiles china is
@00:23:33 message to china provoking them making
@00:24:11 make it look like china russia north

Russia & China Are Now Creating A Separate Gold Market Away From The Dollar - Episode 813a

@00:00:40 episode is russia and china are now
@00:12:17 whatsoever now russia and china they are
@00:12:39 but one that china russia and others of
@00:12:48 china led new silk road project and the
@00:13:23 china in this field adding that just
@00:13:32 magadan region so china and russia at
@00:13:58 a lot of this where russia china many of
@00:14:17 russia china do all this and they revile

US Government Says Full Recovery, Then Why Can't 94 Million People Find A Job? - Episode 811a

@00:12:40 breakdown now china is pushing forward
@00:12:55 now we see china we see london we see
@00:13:04 spread right now because china is
@00:13:14 that russia china they are the answer to
@00:13:30 china russia and what they're setting up

DHS Wants To Implement A Domestic Terrorist Color Coded Alert System - Episode 809b

@00:13:17 now are obsolete why because china and

FED Pushing Negative Rates As The Economy Collapses Further - Episode 809a

@00:14:19 utter disaster now china came out with
@00:15:44 i talked about russia and china doesn't

The Countdown Begins, The Push To Invade Libya Is A Go - Episode 808b

@00:07:21 cuba because wherever russia or china is
@00:09:09 encircle china which they've been doing
@00:09:22 already provoking china and right now
@00:09:31 patrol any south china sea so every
@00:09:37 china and they're just hoping that china

Obama Is Waging War In Syria Without Authorization From Congress - Episode 807b

@00:09:06 going into europe now out in china we
@00:09:15 prove a point and also to provoke china
@00:09:17 and china now is basically flying their
@00:09:46 is deliberately provoking china and they
@00:10:02 we understand that china has been
@00:10:06 china has deals with russia they
@00:10:14 in london and we know that china has
@00:11:59 everything every time russia or china or

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 806

@00:04:07 north korea russia china and we know the
@00:04:16 islands to provoke china and there was
@00:04:45 and if we go back in time china back in
@00:05:39 contain n encircle china now we know the

US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b

@00:16:14 country china and russia right now are

Economic Bad News Continues As The Economy Slides Into A Deep Depression - Episode 805a

@00:15:46 and we need to go and stay with china or
@00:15:49 work with china a little bit more we're

US Needs Ground Troops In Syria To Push The Agenda Of Removing Assad - Episode 804b

@00:09:18 where china created to the spratly
@00:09:33 china and they're going to discuss what
@00:23:51 with china and russia and north korea

China Puts Pressure On The Dollar, Sets Up Yuan-Denominated Exchange In Germany - Episode 804a

@00:00:40 episode is china puts pressure on the
@00:20:58 now china and germany they are setting
@00:21:12 chinese the china financial at futures
@00:21:38 outside of the mainland china so we can

The Next US False Flag Event Is Waiting For The Green Light For The Go Ahead - Episode 803b

@00:15:30 miles away and china didn't do anything
@00:15:34 and china actually came out and said we
@00:15:53 is coming from china and they know
@00:22:25 the economy china their whole entire

US Forces Will Begin Direct Action In Syria And Iraq, War III Is Upon Us - Episode 802b

@00:07:51 china this is all being done on purpose
@00:07:56 the question is why well they want china
@00:08:24 you continually do this until china
@00:08:38 then report on what china did of course
@00:08:48 oh china shot across a us vessels bow or
@00:09:01 china is attacking the united states
@00:09:10 not just with china this is with russia
@00:17:18 that china russia north korea are going
@00:17:29 the idea that russia china north korea
@00:17:40 focused on russia and china maybe north
@00:20:54 to say that if or when china disrupts
@00:22:11 and china could hit the power

US Gov Has Lost The Economic Manipulation Game, The Economy Is Sliding Into The Abyss - Episode 802a

@00:13:38 purchased a stake in the china-led aiib
@00:14:07 to look towards china they're going to

US Is Losing Control In The Middle East As More Countries Turn Towards Russia - Episode 801b

@00:06:51 see right now china is the leader in
@00:07:18 china russia will control it and they
@00:09:54 the artificial islands built in china so
@00:10:24 they're doing this to provoke china into
@00:10:42 to wait and see i'm hoping china is

Alarm Bells Are Ringing Louder And Louder That The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 801a

@00:14:38 was back in nineteen seventy eight china
@00:15:40 think iran is now leaning towards china
@00:15:54 to do is go with russia and china and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 800

@00:10:08 iran china north korea and we had
@00:11:17 like russia now china it makes it more

Putin Warns The US Is Provoking A Global War - Episode 799b

@00:20:20 different nations like russia iran china
@00:21:27 russia and china and that means they

US Government Surpressing Oil Prices To Keep The Economy From Collapsing - Episode 799a

@00:14:44 they're pushing fear oh my god china
@00:15:36 don't think china cares that much at
@00:15:50 that china yes has a currency that is

US Proxy Army Is Now Moving From Iraq To Syria To Fight Russia - Episode 798b

@00:12:02 sanctions china north korea syria iran

The US Gov Revised The Entire Economy To Give The Illusion We Are In A Recovery - Episode 798a

@00:15:46 russia doing business with iran china
@00:16:25 china i don't think they're going to
@00:16:30 all now russia and china they are
@00:17:00 that china and russia they're really

China Issues Offshore Yuan Bonds For The First Time To Challenge The Dollar - Episode 797a

@00:00:41 episode is china issues offshore you wan
@00:14:53 number one supplier to china but what's
@00:15:37 china they are around the world megan
@00:15:47 system propped up china has issued its
@00:16:12 china the move is expected to help you
@00:16:48 remember china has set up bilateral

Russian Bombing In Syria Pushes The 'IS' Into Libya - Episode 795b

@00:04:05 ships into the south china sea to
@00:04:09 provoke china this is what they're
@00:04:15 hoping china does something do i think
@00:05:02 encircling china they're provoking china
@00:13:59 later on to say ah it was china it was

US Gov Is Bankrupt And Inflates Bubbles To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 795a

@00:14:37 on china and if these oil prices go up

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 794

@00:04:08 best they can china realizes and russia
@00:04:20 treasuries anymore and what china has
@00:08:41 like coming from russia or china or
@00:08:49 missiles from russia china they can

Officials Claim The Cyber Attacks On The Electrical Grid Are Intensifying - Episode 793b

@00:05:39 because china and russia have these new
@00:16:32 information that china north korea and
@00:17:02 state russia china north korea no i

Petrodollar Doomed Russia And Iran To Corner The Mideast Oil Supply - Episode 793

@00:10:42 china coming in saying listen we'll help

Obama Keeps Troops In Afghanistan For The Upcoming War - Episode 792b

@00:13:05 china and russia are located in
@00:17:41 near china and of course the news
@00:17:46 reports are saying that china will open
@00:18:15 actions of china i don't think they're
@00:18:45 time to go to war china right now is

Russia And Syria Are Preparing A Major Push To Retake The Country - Episode 791b

@00:14:21 in egypt they tried in china russia
@00:17:48 we see that syria iran russia and china
@00:22:37 and he's saying that china russia north
@00:23:45 contain china everyone call me crazy

U.S. Government Objective: Provoke Nations Around The World To Start The Next War - Episode 790b

@00:08:08 russia and china are in these countries
@00:17:04 the enemy they're out in the south china
@00:17:07 sea provoking china all at the same time

The Bombing In Turkey Used As The Excuse To Bring NATO Troops Into Turkey - Episode 789b

@00:10:09 ready to send ships to china to provoke
@00:10:13 china into doing something it's a us
@00:10:38 china will react and we'll have to wait
@00:10:43 to see what happens hopefully china
@00:11:02 china russia and north korea syria iran
@00:12:20 poking at china hoping these two powers
@00:19:08 make deals with russia china and they're
@00:19:15 china we see germany and france they're
@00:23:14 last few weeks china has launched its
@00:23:28 china has created the cips the china

US Using Psyop Propaganda To Explain What's Happening In Syria - Episode 787b

@00:06:18 are selling their ships into the china
@00:06:21 south sea to provoke china china is
@00:06:45 of china couldn't they have discussed
@00:07:16 been fighting china and russia in all
@00:08:12 problems just like when china all of a
@00:08:16 blamed everything on china but we're
@00:13:56 china north korea iran syria is not

FBI Wants Everyones Face And Fingerprints In Their Database - Episode 786b

@00:07:37 not with china and russia there it's in
@00:08:48 islands in the south china sea within
@00:09:04 purpose to provoke china instead of
@00:09:10 with the president of china couldn't
@00:10:17 the u.s. is going to provoke china in
@00:11:45 different players which is china russia
@00:12:00 china started this war wow i can't
@00:24:28 china and this is where we're headed

U.S. Government Financial Numbers Are Manipulated To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 786a

@00:16:12 huge is coming now china they are going
@00:16:42 of china announcement it launched to
@00:17:59 12 different nations they left out china
@00:18:07 this is to remove china and the bric
@00:18:19 now of course china is out there trying
@00:18:26 to divert trade to china and the other

US Spreading Propaganda To Provoke Russia Into An Incident That Will Spark War - Episode 784b

@00:09:02 china but his return trip took a bit
@00:18:31 china north korea syria iran brazil
@00:18:49 china and russia has right now the f-35
@00:20:42 china in the south china seas about
@00:20:55 notice to provoke china just like they
@00:28:24 forces it could be china could be iran
@00:30:18 has china russia and iran working with

China's Yuan Is Now Number Four In Most Used Global Currencies - Episode 784a

@00:13:27 is something to look at now china they
@00:14:30 and china and the other bric nations

BIS Acknowledge That Central Banks Rig Markets, Warns About The Global Debt Bubble - Episode 783a

@00:08:57 is to put a lot of pressure on china and
@00:17:33 in this china and the bric countries

Current Economic Collapse News Brief – Episode 782

@00:01:51 with increasing exposure to china for
@00:02:01 decline china is australia's top export
@00:02:11 know the economies are struggling china

There Are Many Unexplained Anomalies In The Latest Oregon Shooting - Episode 781b

@00:24:28 china then is going to join in you know

Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b

@00:10:50 with which is russia china north korea
@00:12:30 china russia and now it looks like
@00:19:20 right now we understand that china has

6 Out Of 6 Fed Surveys Confirms The US Is In A Recession And Headed Into A Collapse - Episode 779a

@00:14:10 know right now that china is in
@00:15:32 china is continually buying gold and
@00:15:45 china right now is the fifth in world
@00:18:02 especially china at this point we see

US Officials Report Cyber Attacks Are Getting Worse And Could Lead To A Catastrophe - Episode 778b

@00:02:02 blaming it on russia north korea china
@00:09:37 lithium copper and guess what china and
@00:17:55 in there china is on their way they
@00:19:25 this deal that obama struck with china
@00:19:44 that china is continually cyber attack
@00:21:04 they're setting up these states china
@00:23:32 this to china we're going to lower their

China And Other Countries Are Discussing A Reset Of The World’s Financial System - Episode 778a

@00:00:40 and the title this episode is china and
@00:18:38 worse now china we understand is
@00:18:55 not to accept china into the basket and
@00:19:12 confirmation that china is discussing a
@00:19:55 doing china right now is talking to
@00:20:23 china has been accumulating gold china

Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World - Episode 777b

@00:11:35 in africa china and russia are n
@00:11:50 countries china and russia are doing

More Economic Indicators Are Signalling An Economic Collapse Is Headed Our Way - Episode 777a

@00:08:36 the system china china has been
@00:10:00 to get their money out of china that is
@00:20:09 whatsoever we see china might be
@00:20:29 at this point we see that china is
@00:20:35 possibly can and as china brings this in
@00:20:51 that's moving into china is not going
@00:21:08 china does things they're not going to
@00:21:55 into china and we can see at this point
@00:22:01 that russia china india and other
@00:22:42 was restarted china and russia they

Putin Pushes For Peace In Syria At The Same Time Obama Pushes For War - Episode 775b

@00:11:43 china are making economic deals with
@00:18:23 they're talking about china full ready
@00:24:38 of china z jinping was here to talk
@00:24:54 course the president of china saying we
@00:25:12 china or use a server in china for the
@00:25:37 need to blame this on china on north

Hope Fades Away As The Economy Continues To Collapse - Episode 775a

@00:13:57 fed i'm talking about ecb china central

Pentagon's War Plans For Russia Shows A NO Win Scenario For the U.S. - Episode 774b

@00:12:53 states was spying on china and china
@00:13:05 were spying on china the united states
@00:13:08 would do the same exact thing if china
@00:22:23 russia china and western powers and it
@00:25:28 seeing china allegedly has ships on
@00:26:56 war china would follow their forces

The Economy Is Not Improving, Regional FED Survey Flashes Collapse - Episode 774a

@00:18:10 deals with russia china they realize

NATO Assisting Ukraine To Prepare For A Dirty Bomb Attack - Episode 773b

@00:13:26 russia china this is no longer a fight

Economic Growth Slows Further As The Economic Collapse Accelerates - Episode 773a

@00:12:54 and the old system and russia china

U.S. Is Now Pre-Positioning Nuclear Weapons In Germany - Episode 772b

@00:01:29 was recently discovered and china was in
@00:08:55 korea china you name it it was them and
@00:09:21 china russia north korea

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 770

@00:03:08 they're making deals with china russia
@00:05:52 particularly greece however china and

History Is About To Repeat Itself, The Fed Just Made The Same 1927 Mistake - Episode 769a

@00:04:48 people the investors in china who are

U.S. Warning: All U.S. Citizens Still In Libya Must Leave Straight Away - Episode 768b

@00:10:41 backing the south china who's backing
@00:16:43 korea pushing for war with china and

The FED Just Gave Proof The Economy Is Not Recovering - Episode 768a

@00:05:03 remember china is a manufacturing

U.S. Government Admits U.S. Troops Are Officially On The Ground In Syria - Episode 767b

@00:08:19 to be russia china north korea iran

The Economic Indicators Show We Are Headed For A Big Crash - Episode 767a

@00:04:00 with china dominate in the aussie

The Economic Indicators Show NO Sign Of A Recovery - Episode 766a

@00:11:01 emerging economies and china the tidal
@00:11:07 in china threatens to surge into a huge
@00:11:17 markets in china bad things one the
@00:12:24 saw this happen china how to devalue the
@00:12:34 to help the situation china then we'll
@00:13:29 blame to china the emerging market

The Financial Bubble Is About To Burst Which Will Signal The Economic Collapse - Episode 765a

@00:01:14 doing what china is doing i mean even
@00:10:03 going to be china china is going to
@00:10:06 bring down the global economy china is
@00:10:13 the central bank it's going to be china
@00:11:27 gold to india and china because there's

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 764

@00:08:56 to china and what's especially notable
@00:09:06 sales to china in you one not the dollar
@00:09:09 the you one now just as china has moved
@00:13:38 north korea they blamed china they
@00:16:08 enemies are russia china north korea
@00:16:38 russia provoking china making up that

The World Is Now On The Edge Of World War III - Episode 763b

@00:05:59 china russia north korea and there are a
@00:21:00 russia china they were getting nervous

US Propaganda Being Used To Push The War With Syria And Russia - Episode 762b

@00:14:00 near russia which is near china which is
@00:14:33 provoke china this is what we are seeing
@00:16:04 cold war because of china and russia the
@00:26:48 to war with then look at china there
@00:27:56 china the islamic state these are the

The Economy Is Continually Showing Signs Of Collapsing - Episode 762a

@00:14:33 finger at china they'll point the finger

China Now Dumping Dollar From Oil Trade For Yuan - Episode 761a

@00:00:41 this episode is china now dumping dollar
@00:15:38 are you know the treasuries that china
@00:16:49 the slack now we know china they are
@00:17:02 of august china added fifteen point nine
@00:17:27 at it economically china right now is
@00:18:01 greater oil market openness in china in
@00:18:14 so what do we see here we see china now
@00:18:50 blaming china for everything that is

U.S. Prepares Troops And Puts Pressure On Greece To Block Russian Flights To Syria - Episode 760b

@00:17:58 states went into syria china russia said
@00:24:12 might do or china might do something
@00:24:40 thing on russia or china and they're
@00:25:03 to blame this on russia and china
@00:25:07 chemical plant in china chinese province
@00:25:36 something happens in china something
@00:25:41 happened in china something happens in

China Accelerates Dumping Of Treasuries As Elite Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 760a

@00:00:41 china accelerates dumping of treasuries
@00:03:03 emerging markets in china now of course
@00:03:06 they always bring china into this
@00:11:48 with the weather with china because when
@00:11:52 china was doing well they blame china
@00:11:56 when china was not doing well they blame
@00:11:58 china when the trip monday dollar was
@00:15:30 you need to get ready and we see china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 759

@00:04:57 and this is why china has been
@00:08:21 it is china russia iran syria north

CENTCOM Secret Docs Reveal Coalition’s Carnage Of Civilians In Iraq & Syria - Episode 758b

@00:07:07 now we know that china they've had their
@00:08:24 china in international waters but no one
@00:09:04 enemies are china russia north korea
@00:09:20 going to go on a wart with china right
@00:09:28 they are saying that china is building
@00:09:34 china is building a lot of military
@00:17:58 china they should allow russia in on the

FAA Warns Military Exercises Will Create Airspace Outages Over Va,NC,SC,Ga and Fl - Episode 757b

@00:17:35 better we understand that china has
@00:18:30 that china has five navy ships off the
@00:18:45 flying drones near china but as soon as
@00:18:48 china is in international waters near
@00:19:04 see russia and china are showing listen
@00:19:16 china and the us right now and we look
@00:19:21 at their armed forces we see that china
@00:19:30 china has about 13,000 us 7,000 battle
@00:19:33 tanks 6,500 us 2,700 submarines china
@00:19:38 has 70 us has 73 combat aircraft china
@00:19:43 has 2500 us has 3600 destroyers china

JBIC is Leaning Towards Dumping The Dollar With Russia - Episode 757a

@00:02:31 already started that process with china

US Military Training Events Spread Across Europe In Preparation For War - Episode 756b

@00:21:53 china and the shen gong area we just saw

The Next Economic Collapse Will Be So Horrific It Will Be Talked About For Decades - Episode 756a

@00:01:43 china it's chyna's fault china's doing
@00:16:42 pointing the finger at china as the
@00:16:52 china is not the cause it's a symptom of
@00:17:59 nations like russia china brick systems

Homeland Security Is Drawing Up Plans To Deal With A "Cyber Pearl Harbor" - Episode 755b

@00:05:54 provoking china and we're already at war
@00:05:57 with china in africa and now we've seen
@00:06:00 the explosion another one in china i
@00:06:10 from the explosion in china because in
@00:06:33 china and then we had an explosion in
@00:06:44 war because wherever russia and china is

Russia Drafts A Bill That Will Eliminate The US Dollar From Trade - Episode 755a

@00:06:57 in europe the markets were down china
@00:07:12 blaming everything on china just like we
@00:07:40 right now china starting october 15th
@00:08:33 china is trying to delay as much as they
@00:14:20 at china south korea put out their
@00:18:39 china and many other the bric nations
@00:18:54 energy alliance with china and they're
@00:19:18 oil china needs the oil they're also

Ukraine Reignites With Protests And Riots - Episode 754b

@00:13:23 the u.s. it's because of china china's
@00:13:44 guess what it was built by china and
@00:15:02 going into africa because china and
@00:15:17 they're telling you this is what china
@00:15:19 is doing but china is building their
@00:15:48 china has been rocked by another blatt
@00:21:50 blaming china for this economic meltdown
@00:21:56 sanctions on china against those
@00:22:39 and they're blaming china with no proof
@00:23:33 was china it was russia and right now
@00:23:37 they're pointing the fingers at china

The Petrodollar Unwinding Will Decimate The Economy - Episode 754a

@00:01:45 blaming everything on china now we
@00:02:02 china right now now of course as time
@00:02:18 blame china right now because they're
@00:02:49 china at a quicker pace because of
@00:03:43 just here in the united states in china
@00:11:02 happening with china and we look what's
@00:11:09 china might be letting the air out of
@00:11:22 that china is devaluing is to use this
@00:14:33 pushing the blame over to china because
@00:15:51 china has been purchasing tons of gold

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 753

@00:03:51 great extent by china and if they go
@00:04:03 way before china this is not all chyna's
@00:04:07 fault and i'm not taking china side i'm
@00:04:21 meaningless and all of a sudden china
@00:06:15 propaganda telling everyone it is china
@00:06:19 say china started it and look russia
@00:06:52 disaster has started china greece it's
@00:06:58 russia china and many other nations have
@00:17:30 china these are the bad people because
@00:17:39 china they're finally going to say we're

US Is Committed To Removing Assad Once The Take Over Of Syria Is Complete - Episode 752b

@00:15:44 assets i mean china and russia they're
@00:20:55 china they didn't include russia to join

Former Adviser To Ex UK Prime Minister Warns Public To Start Prepping - Episode 752

@00:02:04 continually blaming china for pretty
@00:05:12 what cnn is saying really well china
@00:05:22 the products come from china because
@00:05:36 coming completely the fault of china no
@00:12:09 united states china they're not doing so
@00:14:33 end cash we know that china right now is
@00:16:33 form a household so what did china do
@00:16:36 china is accused of devaluing by a small
@00:16:47 stock market decline it wouldn't china
@00:16:59 reserve currency over time china has

As The Collapse Approaches The US Government Pushes The Gun Control Agenda - Episode 751b

@00:12:16 we see susan rice is flying out to china
@00:12:37 also the president of china is visiting
@00:12:47 pacific area to provoke china so more
@00:12:55 and china says okay we're going to do
@00:13:13 contained china in the pacific us has no
@00:13:36 making deals especially russia china the

China Warns US, It Has Begun Dumping Treasuries - Episode 751a

@00:00:39 and the title this episode is china
@00:05:28 worse i mean china right now they're
@00:05:36 the gold will be the winner now china
@00:05:44 past two weeks alone china has sold a
@00:05:54 currency regime china has sold as much
@00:06:02 first half of the year china is warning
@00:06:16 to happen so china had dumped a record
@00:06:24 belgium china has likely sold somewhere
@00:06:33 this is absolutely true china has
@00:07:10 happens when china liquidates all of its
@00:08:18 to infinity never ending and china right
@00:08:39 and they're going to use china right now
@00:20:19 country which is china china's economy
@00:20:24 china is to blame for all the ills of
@00:23:28 an ounce why do you think china and

The Market Crash Is A Small Glimpse Of The Economic Disaster Heading Our Way - Episode 750a

@00:02:57 already starting the blame game on china
@00:05:16 mean tumbling stocks china melting down

World War III Will Be Used To Cover Up The Central Bank Economic Collapse - Episode 749b

@00:03:48 right now and they're blaming china for
@00:05:48 said china russia they're preparing for
@00:06:22 who's in south america russia and china
@00:17:11 happening we see the explosions in china

The Economic Carnage Felt Around The Globe Will Only Get Worse - Episode 749a

@00:09:07 they're blaming this on china remember
@00:09:15 because of china this is why this is
@00:11:11 that's right it was russia and china and
@00:11:37 we see china russia iran other
@00:12:36 china or russia the petro dollar system

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 748

@00:09:47 provoking china russia north korea iran
@00:10:57 with north korea or china arrested
@00:12:29 pacific area to what china has and if we
@00:12:32 look at this we see china has about 70
@00:12:46 at around 68 large combatants china has
@00:13:06 we can see that china with a total of
@00:13:28 they're comparing what china has
@00:13:53 they're containing china we see there
@00:13:59 warehouse in china and i believe these
@00:14:02 explosions are messages to china
@00:14:14 caused by china yes they're blaming
@00:14:16 everything on china saying this is why
@00:14:38 this point we know china and russia had
@00:15:41 africa we're fighting china right now i
@00:15:49 other different areas china is on one

US Pushes War Against Russia, North Korea And China To Cover-Up The Collapse - Episode 747b

@00:00:43 russia north korea and china to cover up

We Are At The Point Of No Return, The Economic Collapse Is Here - Episode 747a

@00:03:00 stocks in four years we see in china the

US Pusing War, Meanwhile Russia Is Preparing For War - Episode 746b

@00:06:33 two along with china israel north korea
@00:07:29 relationships with china north sudan is
@00:09:52 countries china russia north korea

Pentagon's New Law of War Manual Justifies War Crimes And Censorship - Episode 745b

@00:01:00 have this with china and what they're
@00:01:21 with china all along now russia has
@00:12:02 washington so right now china came in
@00:12:36 china and they decided that yeah china
@00:13:00 landlocked ethiopia china is going to
@00:13:20 sized ports so china can bring in ships
@00:13:30 remember wherever china is or russia is
@00:14:00 the other african countries where china

IMF Pressured To Put Off China's Yuan Reserve Status For One More Year - Episode 745a

@00:15:07 2016 and we can see right now china is
@00:15:45 all of a sudden china deviate d values
@00:15:50 stock market in china start to fall and

The US Has Zero Grain Reserves As The Global Economy Deteriorates - Episode 744a

@00:14:08 korea china greece poland morocco

Russia Supplies Syria With MiG-31 Jets To Protect Syrian Air Space - Episode 743b

@00:17:34 china out of the picture and now putin

The Economic Collapse Approaches, The Market Doomsday Clock Is One Minute To Midnight - Episode 743a

@00:18:28 that russia and china they're going to
@00:18:43 and russia and china they know this are
@00:18:52 russia and china and other emerging
@00:19:08 china and many other countries have been
@00:19:19 produced in 2014 china produces over 450

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 742

@00:14:39 russia will be sucked into it china will
@00:14:46 china they're not yemen they're not iraq
@00:15:31 understand russia and china they have

US Places B-2 Bombers In Guam To Provoke China - Episode 741b

@00:00:43 to provoke china let's get right into
@00:00:57 relationship with china they have a lot
@00:01:02 those countries that russia or china are
@00:01:27 because they don't want china and russia
@00:05:15 continually provoking russia and china
@00:05:33 course china looks at this and says okay
@00:06:02 security of china this is what the
@00:07:03 are hoping they're hoping that china or
@00:08:17 the weaponry of china and russia are in
@00:08:34 from russia and china they don't have to

Americans Are Feeling The Economic Collapse As More People Turn To Food Banks - Episode 741a

@00:04:48 in europe in china russia they all
@00:05:08 gold china is buying gold and they're
@00:22:30 an economic war right now china is
@00:22:45 the us imports more goods from china
@00:22:55 billion in goods from china versus a

US Might Send Troops To Iraq, While The No-Fly Zone Is Implemented In Syria - Episode 740b

@00:07:38 china in the pacific because we all know
@00:18:12 state china russia north korea iran

The Collapse Of The Economy Has Just Been Taken To The Next Level - Episode 740a

@00:07:44 see that china did this to boost their
@00:11:37 and that's war we see china devalued the
@00:13:20 russia china working together by passing

Ukraine Pushing Hard To Re-Start The War In The South Eastern Region - Episode 739b

@00:16:57 that china russia north korea are behind
@00:17:05 china of accessing the private emails of
@00:17:29 say yes china russia they hit our

The Evidence Is Clear The Collapse Is Upon Us - Episode 739a

@00:17:04 right now and we understand that china
@00:17:17 have been happening in china things have
@00:17:39 is why china and russia had been
@00:17:47 china came out today and said they're
@00:18:48 and we compete with china in almost none
@00:18:53 our trade with china is our raw
@00:19:08 china would like to deep egg from the

There Are 4,000,000 Fewer Jobs For Americans Aged 25 to 54 Than In December 2007-Episode 738a

@00:11:25 will collapse and russia china right now
@00:12:40 agreements with china this is why we see

US Congressman Believe Assad Guilty Before UN Investigates - Episode 737b

@00:19:05 lately it's been china and now here we
@00:20:47 they're going to be blaming russia china
@00:22:26 to say it was russia or china because

False Flag Botched As Four Men Caught Smuggling Uranium In Ukraine - Episode 736b

@00:16:34 china going around the world making
@00:16:44 we see and out in the south china sea
@00:17:13 is the united states provoking china
@00:17:50 ground we see now in the south china sea
@00:17:53 they're continually provoking china and
@00:25:31 china is saying we are not responsible

The Economic Carnage Continues Layoffs 34% Higher Than Last Year - Episode 736a

@00:07:40 they're provoking china they're pushing

US Government Prepares To Launch A Large-Scale Operation In Syria - Episode 735b

@00:05:33 ready to wage war and china is the enemy
@00:05:43 china now we talk about afghanistan
@00:12:55 know they're trying it in china and

Will Russia Support Assad Against The US Proxy Armies? - Episode 734b

@00:17:20 russia or china to help out if this is a

Every Day The Economic Collapse Rears Its Ugly Head - Episode 734a

@00:11:47 continually taking it on china russia
@00:11:58 we understand that china with this low

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 732

@00:02:51 china the shanghai composite index has
@00:10:39 china russia north korea and other
@00:11:19 the propaganda was that china was
@00:11:33 against china for this historic data
@00:11:39 they're using this to say yes china is
@00:12:07 they've been provoking china out in the
@00:12:09 south china sea they've been vokoun
@00:12:25 in the world and why would china steal
@00:13:35 china this was russia all they have to
@00:14:10 time period and eventually china most

US Government Is Flat Broke And The Fall Out Will Not End Well - Episode 731

@00:16:27 turkey and china right now they want to
@00:16:34 china want to give up the dollar and
@00:17:01 many countries with china where they're
@00:17:22 look how many bilateral trades china has
@00:23:06 players it's china russia iran north
@00:23:47 you it was china it was north korea was
@00:24:05 russia china iran north korea to do any
@00:24:33 boom we're in war china they hold the
@00:34:17 whatsoever we see china and russia they
@00:34:53 near the china-russia border so we're
@00:35:51 of nato they're dealing with china
@00:38:24 china to fight terrorism and they

Now Is The Time To Prepare, The Economy Is Not Recovering - Episode 730

@00:29:30 likely to the s400 china is out there
@00:29:37 militarizing the south china sea by
@00:29:50 provoking china in the pacific they're

The Economic Indicators Are Flashing Red, We Are On A Verge Of A Collapse - Episode 729

@00:18:33 islamic state russia china north korea
@00:31:29 resolution china is backing russia
@00:37:14 from china heard again right now is
@00:37:17 visiting china he's going to hold talks

Ground Troops Are On The Ready To Enter The Safe Zone In Syria - Episode 728

@00:18:56 china created the aiib they created the

The Next Phase For The Push Into Syria Is Now Taking Place - Episode 727

@00:33:05 china but they haven't done that

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 726

@00:14:56 organization and wherever china and

US Government Is Now Ready To Make Its Move On Syria – Episode 724

@00:05:24 tried to go to china we tried to go
@00:30:46 bankers they go wherever russia or china
@00:30:54 those countries where china or russia
@00:38:48 help china should help they should work

The Economic Data Points To A Major Collapse Headed Our Way - Episode 723

@00:02:48 the backing they went to china it didn't
@00:25:46 this time but we see china and russia
@00:26:11 political risk china has up their gold
@00:31:47 told us where containing china in the
@00:37:43 russia china to fight against the

It's Starting To Feel Like 2008 All Over Again, The Year Of The Collapse - Episode 722

@00:07:57 also sent similar loan request to china
@00:08:09 stream gas pipeline china and iran they
@00:09:02 and china or iran to help out the only
@00:22:09 to make a decision and we see from china
@00:32:12 join up with china and russia there's a
@00:32:23 course russia and china they know what

The Economy Sinks Lower As The Layoff Bloodbath Continues - Episode 721

@00:14:13 believe happened in china where they're
@00:27:12 relationship to china then there were
@00:27:43 they'll try to push china out and this
@00:27:52 goes into a country wherever china is
@00:28:17 have lithium they have copper china and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 720

@00:05:47 that's what's changed we see china right
@00:05:54 china has now sold a record of 96
@00:06:09 doing china has already dumped a record

What's The Real Agenda Behind The Chattanooga Shooting?- Episode 719

@00:14:00 57 nations approved the china-led asian
@00:15:10 jun 17 2015 russia and china announced
@00:16:16 economy of china or make it look like do
@00:16:39 they be blaming china they be blaming
@00:16:46 what they were doing against china

US Government/Central Bankers Recovery Outlook Has Been Quietly Cut By The White House - Episode 718

@00:21:46 and join the fight and china is out
@00:22:05 into china and they're worrying about
@00:22:13 time because we understand that china
@00:22:20 has set up bases all around china this
@00:23:05 russia china north korea iran syria yeah

US Government Is Ready To Push Agenda To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 717

@00:27:42 investigation china is now backing

The Economy Turns The Corner And Slides Deeper Into The Collapse - Episode 716

@00:29:22 russia china syria iran
@00:30:30 china and russia have been making deals
@00:44:01 doing to china trying to destroy their

Greek Gov Is In The Process Of Selling Out The People In Favor Of The Central Bankers - Episode 715

@00:31:44 china it failed they tried in venezuela
@00:31:57 korea russia china iran syria these are

Greek People Take To The Streets To Protest The Austerity Deal - Episode 713

@00:08:42 china and espionage they could have just
@00:08:44 yeah was china they hit our financial
@00:09:13 it's going to be from china north korea
@00:31:18 china and russia are there and this is
@00:33:33 it's the same players russia china north

Russia Ready To Help Greece, All They Need To Do Is Ask - Episode 712

@00:07:26 money now china and russia they are
@00:19:34 been nervous about china who knows maybe
@00:19:37 the united states was hitting china at
@00:20:12 something's a little off here but china
@00:20:34 china and trying to bring down china
@00:35:03 we see china is being contained we see

The Economy Is In A Death Spiral, Prepare For The Big Event - Episode 711

@00:15:14 china right now they're completely
@00:15:20 to be the winner and we know china
@00:35:59 russia wouldn't include china wouldn't

U.S. Government Wants Assad To Step Down Or Else, War - Episode 710

@00:11:00 just have to follow it now out in china
@00:11:10 the bank of china the people's bank of
@00:11:14 china has injected about eight point two
@00:11:48 and watch what is going on in china
@00:13:08 the breakdown of each country china is
@00:23:53 china the brick system turning away from
@00:24:14 china because they understand they need

Central Bankers Now Pushing For Bail-Ins In Greece - Episode 709

@00:16:18 with china and other countries will put
@00:16:37 they are making deals with china
@00:31:00 borders russia china and russia are in
@00:41:28 north korea china and other countries

The U.S. Driven Fake Economy Is Ready To Collapse - Episode 707

@00:40:22 china perfect timing
@00:40:34 every nation that borders china to
@00:40:37 confront china we see that the libyan

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Ready To Cover Up The Economic Disaster - Episode 705

@00:34:24 russia we can beat china again china and

Greece's Economic Disaster May Spread To Other Countries - Episode 704

@00:19:40 pushing russia pushing china and other
@00:20:27 china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 703

@00:16:19 china china turned over the first batch

All Indicators Point To An Event Occurring In The Next 100 Days - Episode 702

@00:15:12 definitely china who did something and
@00:17:23 iraq or it could be used to say china or

The Countdown Begins To A Major Offensive In Ukraine And Syria - Episode 701

@00:17:26 russia china there in afghanistan and
@00:17:32 and china and away from the united
@00:17:38 we're going to sign the china-led bank
@00:36:12 together we see china right now we'd
@00:41:19 islamic state russia china has inserted
@00:41:53 attacking the islamic state china russia

NATO Now Positioning Troops Into Iraq Under The Guise Of A Training Mission - Episode 700

@00:14:19 china now is working with london to set
@00:14:25 the gold prices and china is saying that
@00:41:28 cyber attacks from china russia that we
@00:41:49 islamic state china and russia this is
@00:41:58 databases is very worrying because china

U.S. Government Getting Ready For The Economic Collapse With War- Episode 698

@00:27:37 asia pacific to contain china so we see
@00:27:48 being created to contain china and we're
@00:28:17 contain china and to eventually join the

Greece Takes Another Step To Become An Equal Member Of The BRICS - Episode 696

@00:03:16 china the bric nations might be talking
@00:26:02 russia china any other nation iran syria
@00:28:20 what russia and china are doing they're
@00:30:30 that russia or china are putting

Greece Makes The First Move, Debt Is Illegal And Odious - Episode 694

@00:15:19 fine we see china and australia they
@00:15:37 australia and china stands about 160 160
@00:15:40 billion annually under the china the
@00:15:43 china australian free trade agreement
@00:15:49 access to china and prove its
@00:16:07 goods exported to china so again
@00:16:10 china russia making deals all around the
@00:17:00 china around the world pushing away from
@00:18:02 they're looking east to china to russia
@00:18:12 bank of china will become the first
@00:18:27 this point in time that china is the
@00:18:43 know that china has amounted a lot of
@00:19:55 china are completely d dollar rising and
@00:20:00 gas in yuan and china will be settled
@00:20:14 china china pays gas prom in yuan
@00:20:28 together china via both the settlement
@00:21:32 china the brics nations the aaa ib and
@00:23:31 telling us that china russia north korea
@00:23:37 database that was china from sony that
@00:33:06 relationship with china there's a lot of
@00:33:08 oil there wherever china and russia are

The U.S. Government/Central Bank Illusionary Recovery Is Collapsing - Episode 693

@00:01:50 they're looking towards china and the
@00:15:24 china understands as the entire brick
@00:15:33 didn't invite russia or china you know
@00:15:36 what russia and china doesn't care
@00:16:13 china is continually dumping us
@00:16:16 treasuries china dumps record of 120
@00:17:43 outright lies both russia and china were
@00:30:50 still have no evidence that china
@00:31:12 expecting more china attacks why is this

IMF In China To Review The Reserve Status Of The Yuan - Episode 692

@00:00:42 china to review the reserve status of
@00:14:28 the imf is now visiting china as part of
@00:14:41 the imf says yes we are in china we are
@00:15:05 we can't let this happen china is waging
@00:17:26 that china has attacked for the second
@00:28:43 scenarios of russia attacking china is
@00:29:02 that's happening in the south china sea

U.S. Government Mobilizing Forces In Ukraine For The Next Offensive - Episode 691

@00:21:37 china and russia cozying up to the
@00:31:08 china russia they're continually

U.S. Military Assets Are Now PrePositioned For The Upcoming War - Episode 690

@00:26:46 they're getting ready to encircle china
@00:37:54 china they're doing whatever they
@00:37:59 china they don't want the yuan renminbi

The U.S. Petrodollar Is Dying, Behold The Birth Of PetroYuan - Episode 689

@00:10:06 with china with you want and remember
@00:11:01 bypassing the dollar russia and china
@00:11:32 hyperinflation here china wants to put
@00:11:51 yuan denominated loans china and russia
@00:12:06 of its crude sales to china in rememb ii
@00:12:19 driven china and russia closer together
@00:13:26 and they blamed it on china and of
@00:14:39 china and they're saying because this

U.S. Preparing For War In Ukraine And Syria Which Might Lead To WWIII - Episode 688

@00:10:23 and encircling china because the players
@00:10:32 players russia china north korea iran
@00:37:27 russia and china are waiting on the

US Government's Recovery Has Turned Into The Biggest Economic Collapse - Episode 686

@00:16:56 china russia india and other nations are
@00:17:59 from the export-import bank of china to
@00:21:50 close ties with china united states
@00:29:49 many different areas and china will be
@00:38:58 that they are on track we see that china
@00:39:23 definitely was let me say china this
@00:39:25 time it is china now again these are
@00:39:53 their agenda here is one to blame china

US Government & Kiev Preparing For The Next Major Offensive - Episode 685

@00:11:02 with china and russia not the united
@00:22:38 they have to contain china we know
@00:23:06 to spratly islands in the south china
@00:23:23 they're continually encircling china

EU Orders 11 Countries To Enact Bail-In Rules Within Two Months - Episode 684

@00:21:26 china a lot of countries have hubs where
@00:38:28 china this is what it's all about i mean
@00:39:30 economic deals china making economic
@00:45:53 that russia and china would back them

U.S. Provokes War Around The World As The Economy Crashes - Episode 682

@00:25:32 relationship to china they use boko
@00:30:16 weaponry to this area to contain china

De-Dollarization Continues, Russia Hints BRICS SWIFT Alternative Might Be In The Works - Episode 680

@00:10:39 trade with the e eu india china tunisia
@00:13:19 trades with china using the yuan
@00:23:01 islands where china built their own
@00:23:50 whatsoever and we can see that china is
@00:24:11 there pointing towards china where
@00:24:18 placed missiles pointing towards china
@00:24:42 on purpose their provoking china and
@00:24:54 committee has added a china sea
@00:25:15 the south china sea as part of an
@00:25:30 all the allied countries around china
@00:25:53 china and to bring in defensive and
@00:26:03 they're continually provoking china

US Economy Worse Than Originally Thought, US Government Readies For A National Crisis - Episode 679

@00:02:29 greece has been talking to china we
@00:02:43 in china in the tourist sector are
@00:03:01 looking at china and russia it seems
@00:38:40 defend the philippines against china
@00:38:53 china this is why they are setting up
@00:38:57 bases all around china encircling china
@00:44:19 syria china we understand norad is

IMF Gives The Chinese Yuan The Green Light To Become A Reserve Currency - Episode 678

@00:07:40 up to china and russia we see venezuela
@00:09:10 currency basket with this move china
@00:21:39 russia and china we see nato we see
@00:36:29 china to make it seem like ah they have

US & NATO Discussing Troop Deployment To The Middle East - Episode 677

@00:16:25 nervous about we see china is still
@00:16:29 making deals around the world china and
@00:17:04 american country china is in south
@00:18:23 what's going on but china and russia
@00:18:27 around the globe china and paypal have
@00:19:17 is because it's cheaper for china to
@00:19:39 china of suppressing the value of its
@00:29:55 brazil russia india china and south
@00:30:10 we see china is unveiling new military
@00:30:16 china has mailed a new defense strategy
@00:30:35 we know they are they want china to do
@00:33:04 they are saying that china is doing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 676

@00:04:26 china they have just announced the
@00:06:12 they've held secret meetings in china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 675

@00:06:48 preparing for russia china the more
@00:07:13 for china and russia they're saying the
@00:07:52 popping up surrounding china sixty

FBI Warns Of A Major Cyber Attack On The U.S. - Episode 674

@00:19:57 russia china and the other nations they
@00:22:39 provoking china in the spratly island
@00:22:56 islands to china and they're not abiding
@00:23:09 china and they're there and they're
@00:23:18 far they can push china now we're going
@00:29:13 season for russia for china for north

The Economic Indicators Are Now Showing Signs Of A Collapse - Episode 673

@00:16:27 this and he does believe that china does
@00:24:01 what's going on in china and north korea
@00:24:29 and eventually that is war china is
@00:32:11 is provoking china in the strata island
@00:32:17 ships surveillance aircraft and china is

U.S. Control Over The Middle East Is Fading Which Will Push War Forward - Episode 672

@00:07:04 collapse in china 25% plunge in 2014 and
@00:24:56 that china might buy the russian mistral
@00:25:16 ability to sell weapons to china due to
@00:25:29 interpretation and china does purchase
@00:25:36 these ships cannot be sold to china
@00:25:41 ship's the china unless they get
@00:25:45 china make a deal russia definitely
@00:36:00 china north korea syria the islamic
@00:36:50 with china or russia economically to
@00:37:07 china in the pacific the middle east

U.S. Economic Anomalies Point To A Complete Economic Meltdown - Episode 671

@00:29:08 themselves against china and north korea
@00:29:21 to contain china north korea
@00:37:35 it in china and it just couldn't take
@00:38:30 happened in china they push they push
@00:45:09 china they basically indicted these six
@00:45:24 continuing the propaganda that china is
@00:45:35 same we understand that china russia

U.S. Slides Back Into A Recession Towards A Major Depression - Episode 670

@00:17:57 provoking china they're starting to
@00:32:16 thought happened in china they were
@00:43:25 russia china north korea because they've

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 669

@00:05:40 going to challenge what china is trying
@00:05:42 to do there and of course china sang you

The Economic Recovery Illusion Is Over, U.S. Government Recovery Collapses - Episode 668

@00:17:48 china and russia are continually making
@00:17:51 deals all around the globe china is
@00:18:15 with china so as to ensure the security
@00:18:21 china is also making a currency swap
@00:18:47 falling apart china has made 24
@00:19:05 see china is making deals with brazil
@00:19:24 right now china is brazil's biggest
@00:19:27 trading partner china is currently the
@00:19:50 that china they are continually
@00:20:37 financial system if china would convert
@00:20:54 they did that china then could
@00:21:08 states that china could have easily
@00:37:34 basically protect that area from china
@00:37:45 because of china we're just sending it
@00:38:11 it's into the pacific to contain china
@00:38:19 provoking china they're going to maybe
@00:38:53 go to russia it will go to china and you
@00:45:15 north korea iran syria china hit our

U.S. May Retaliate With Real Weapons If Cyber Attacked - Episode 667

@00:03:29 the russia china help out with their
@00:33:24 we have the problem with china rising
@00:34:12 with china and the concerns that we have
@00:34:37 are containing china and you can see
@00:34:40 they're provoking china in that area
@00:40:54 north korea china russia iran the syrian
@00:42:37 other cyber attacks from russia china
@00:43:01 figure it out and with russia and china
@00:44:26 the u.s. is already at war with china
@00:44:45 is already at war with china and russia
@00:45:31 china attacked us with the islamic state
@00:46:09 started between russia china the middle

As The Economy Falters The U.S. Escalates The Push For War - Episode 666

@00:40:16 pacific around china south china sea and
@00:40:26 of china where they've been construct
@00:40:38 provoke china and this is what they are
@00:40:48 china because they know when this war
@00:41:08 near the south china sea so we can see
@00:41:12 the per the the provoking of china is
@00:41:26 region they're provoking china for
@00:41:55 naval forces now as china continually
@00:42:08 is set up to provoke china this is
@00:46:31 with sony pictures with china cyber
@00:46:50 came from north korea it came from china
@00:47:10 china north korea advanced state actors
@00:47:49 blaming the attacks on russia china

The Economy Continues To Spiral Into A Full Blown Collapse - Episode 665

@00:37:31 china and the people are not buying it
@00:38:02 of china and we can see this is exactly

IMF Prepares For Greece Default, Russia And The BRICS Bank Ask Greece To Join - Episode 664

@00:03:02 brazil russia india china south africa
@00:12:41 see this coming right now we see china
@00:13:35 because china russia are starting the
@00:40:05 china is making deals with djibouti we
@00:40:10 djibouti and we can see that china right

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 663

@00:05:42 we'll just go look at china will just go

The Economic Recovery Is Pure Propaganda, Prepare For The Collapse - Episode 662

@00:17:47 china this is why they're placing
@00:17:51 russia and china right now they're
@00:18:06 with china they've launched a
@00:18:49 russia and china right now they have
@00:19:08 on the continent china will invest about
@00:19:20 china connecting the two countries
@00:19:27 which is aimed at tying china with
@00:30:09 china is also in these countries so we
@00:39:02 russia china the un said listen slow
@00:41:42 and they're very concerned about china
@00:41:52 that china manipulated internet traffic

Former Treasury Secretary Reports New Financial Crisis Will Happen Again - Episode 661

@00:19:59 that china is looking to build their

The Economic Storm Has Reached The U.S. And It Will Wreak Havoc On The World - Episode 660

@00:20:27 china they are making their own
@00:21:12 time china right now is one step closer
@00:21:27 forward china the world's largest gold
@00:37:26 at china for missile systems now they're

The Economy Is In Free Fall And The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Big Event - Episode 659

@00:08:15 china we're looking at the aib we're
@00:08:28 and we can see that china has been
@00:08:55 to push the tpp we need to contain china
@00:24:01 china and somalia have signed a new
@00:24:11 this year part of the agreement china
@00:24:25 development programs china will continue
@00:24:46 so wherever china is and russia the
@00:25:20 china is already in there and they're
@00:32:36 happen now china is very worried about
@00:32:54 of war between china and japan obama is
@00:33:09 about containing china this is exactly
@00:33:25 will have china contained at this point
@00:33:28 now we see china they brought two
@00:33:33 china they were seen passing through the
@00:33:45 remember china is not a state that is
@00:34:47 china bringing in troops and military
@00:38:49 syria so will russia and china and right
@00:46:46 russia and china as the cyber attack on
@00:47:09 say russia and china

U.S. Government/Saudi Arabia Start The Invasion Of Yemen - Episode 658

@00:08:12 this point we see china is continually
@00:08:53 this is why china and russia decided hey
@00:24:06 into this country china is there they
@00:33:40 we are on to them now out in china we
@00:33:48 china and what we are seeing is that
@00:33:55 revising us grand strategy towards china
@00:34:09 by the rise of china and this process
@00:34:26 stopped china is not an imperialist
@00:34:57 relations in asia that exclude china and
@00:35:25 are threatened by china because the
@00:35:40 excludes china and for which obama is
@00:35:47 basically leave out china completely but
@00:35:50 we have to remember china and russia are
@00:36:12 strategy of this is to contain china and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 657

@00:13:04 is russia it is iran it is china and

The U.S. Economy Continues To Collapse With Q2 GDP Forecast Another Disaster - Episode 656

@00:19:26 china went ahead ended along with russia
@00:19:34 refinery in russia's far east china and
@00:19:49 the world why china and russia are
@00:20:06 made by russia and china and we see the
@00:34:04 very very soon we see that china and
@00:39:36 fleets in the far east to contain china
@00:44:44 together china is also there and iran

NORAD Is Now Training For An Aircraft Attack On D.C. - Episode 655

@00:12:49 understand that china created the aiib
@00:13:06 participant in the china-led asian
@00:13:26 world bank we can see that china russia
@00:31:41 number six in china ranked at the 12th

The U.S. Gov/Central Bankers Are Blaming The Entire Economic Collapse On The Weather - Episode 654

@00:16:05 and china right now they signed and
@00:16:09 approved a deal that china is going to
@00:29:40 trying to provoke china china knows this
@00:30:01 china now has come out against japan's
@00:30:05 intention to patrol the south china sea
@00:30:23 and to provoke china this is what
@00:31:25 same china russia north korea brazil
@00:37:24 saying that we have china contained
@00:37:56 completely encircling china we also see
@00:43:26 provoking china in the pacific we

The Economy Is Collapsing, Martial Law, War Are On The Horizon - Episode 653

@00:14:02 system is slowing down but china and
@00:14:56 get into because china is there they
@00:15:19 see right now that china is maneuvering
@00:29:31 are surrounding containing china we
@00:29:59 china sea the new bilateral defense
@00:30:32 provoking china and now we see their
@00:30:41 japan that japan and china are fighting
@00:31:06 more advanced weapons containing china
@00:31:32 north korea russia china iran syria and

U.S. Government Will Use Out Of Control Protests To Declare Martial Law - Episode 652

@00:23:42 china so basically japan and the us are
@00:24:45 this to china provoking provoking
@00:26:33 they're going to end up provoking china
@00:45:55 china north korea north korea and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 651

@00:10:38 not from china it's an inside job they

Countdown To A U.S./Ukraine Major Offensive Against The South Eastern Ukrainians - Episode 649

@00:11:41 and china and this is exactly what we
@00:28:22 with china with iran and other countries
@00:29:18 china out in the pacific because we have
@00:29:36 surrounding china containing them obama
@00:29:40 use that word word that china is
@00:30:57 or china it will not end well we see

U.S. Government Switches To Phase II, Operation Restore Yemen's Puppet Government - Episode 648

@00:05:51 collapse in china after a 20-percent
@00:18:47 that china is continually purchasing
@00:19:22 that is the case china would therefore
@00:20:02 actually china might be the leader in
@00:31:28 are now pivoting towards china towards
@00:32:36 they're looking towards russia china the

The U.S. Economy Is Collapsing And The IMF Is Moving To Plan B - Episode 647

@00:13:07 by china that it had secured the
@00:14:59 said why are they doing this well china
@00:16:22 japan china germany france uk italy
@00:17:37 russia and china making more deals
@00:17:39 between each other russia and china will
@00:18:39 gold china is continually buying gold
@00:29:19 making deals with china making deals
@00:30:00 making deals with the brics with china
@00:40:42 a complete ceasefire china is calling

Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646

@00:02:09 we'd like to go with russia with china
@00:08:24 china again they're making deals all
@00:08:27 over the globe china is expected to
@00:08:40 china-pakistan economic card or card or
@00:08:59 that china russia they're spreading
@00:21:37 of money on weapons and russia china
@00:23:36 systems to countries like china there

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 645

@00:11:32 russia's going out and china they are
@00:15:54 when we start this war russia china and
@00:17:26 anymore because these countries china
@00:18:43 as we know and from the actions of china

European Central Banks Dumping Greek Assets Ahead Of The Greek Exit - Episode 644

@00:03:10 talking to china and the bric system and
@00:11:20 russia we see china they are setting
@00:12:27 nervous about what china is doing with
@00:12:34 they're worried that china and russia
@00:12:36 now have their own payment system china
@00:12:56 china because we are concerned that
@00:13:01 china might influence growth around the
@00:20:32 venezuela from brazil from china and
@00:36:56 russia it will be from china it will be

Countries Around The World Are Now Dumping The Petrodollar - Episode 643

@00:10:32 see that china is no longer the biggest
@00:10:41 holds more than u.s. debt than china
@00:10:46 government bonds compared to china which
@00:10:55 thirteen point six billion while china
@00:11:33 understand that china is basically
@00:11:44 we know that china isn't talks with the
@00:11:47 imf china plans to push for you want to
@00:11:59 matter said china may encourage 100
@00:12:15 with china set to push for the you want
@00:13:02 imf's sdrs so we can see china is
@00:13:11 as china continually pushes for the yuan
@00:22:27 the same north korea china russia brazil
@00:27:15 they're gonna contain china this is what
@00:27:31 russia and china have i mean right now
@00:35:55 is russia it is china because as we can

NY Fed Preparing For The Economic Collapse - Episode 642

@00:41:22 pivoting towards china there containing
@00:41:26 china and us military strategies such as
@00:41:33 against china and simulate potential air
@00:42:22 year named china as a major threat
@00:42:32 after china china now is helping iran
@00:42:44 now iran is making deals with china iran

U.S. Fascist Government Wants Complete Control Over The People - Episode 641

@00:19:07 the 50 billion china-led infrastructure
@00:19:21 activities china reportedly have
@00:38:20 of these countries we see china sign the

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Preparing The Next Event To Push War - Episode 640

@00:04:38 china has created the aib the us didn't
@00:05:00 china-led asian infrastructure
@00:06:46 they don't want china their currency to
@00:07:23 away the power of imf to china and
@00:07:33 control and we see what china did they
@00:24:13 war with russia and china not just
@00:25:00 of russia and the j-20 out of china and

U.S. Economic Recovery Illusion Is Falling Apart - Episode 639

@00:31:52 countries russia china india and others
@00:32:05 made five or six trips already china

The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Economic Collapse And War - Episode 638

@00:13:54 around the world we see russia and china
@00:14:02 central bankers are making more china
@00:14:22 we can see right now that china russia
@00:14:55 china the aiib bank and towards russia
@00:15:34 let's use our own currencies china is
@00:17:17 we can see russia and china are making a
@00:28:30 in europe they're encircling china sixty
@00:29:08 we see china doing the same thing moving
@00:44:41 china cyber attacking the islamic state

The U.S. Gov/Central Bankers Have Pushed The Middle East War To The Next Level - Episode 637

@00:11:15 china doing they are pushing agreements
@00:11:37 china the brick system the aiib all
@00:21:23 this now china is hoping that the us
@00:21:33 are there to provoke china when the time
@00:22:50 started and right now we see that china
@00:23:17 position on the south china sea and
@00:23:28 is known that china has reached
@00:23:35 will of china and these countries on the
@00:24:13 encircling china we see it happening in
@00:29:25 time and russia again with china instead
@00:29:58 china is doing the same thing we see the
@00:33:02 china iran's largest trade partner and
@00:34:02 normally iran to china why would they
@00:35:14 china france and germany and it's
@00:35:43 players are the same russia china north

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Surface In U.S. Cities - Episode 636

@00:22:44 russia right now along with china
@00:27:28 contain and control china and we can see
@00:28:24 they need to contain and control china
@00:29:31 the united states france russia china
@00:32:04 about nuclear now china is calling out
@00:32:21 civilians china also hopes that all
@00:38:30 like russia and china they have weapons
@00:42:14 calling for a ceasefire putin and china
@00:42:17 russia and china right now so russia and
@00:42:22 china are trying to calm the situation

China's Infrastructure Bank Enrollment Closed And The U.S. Is Left Out In The Cold - Episode 635

@00:10:18 and we see the government of china close
@00:11:24 states and going towards china with
@00:11:57 concerned about how china was encrypting
@00:12:09 china or russia or any other country is
@00:12:45 give china and the emerging markets more
@00:12:54 forced china and russia to create a
@00:21:53 going with china with the bric system
@00:40:39 evacuating all their people china is

The U.S. Government Recovery Looks Like An Economic Collapse - Episode 633

@00:19:33 we can see right now china russia
@00:20:19 china-led infrastructure bank we know
@00:21:23 business right now from russia or china
@00:21:39 russia china and other nations are
@00:31:16 where russia and china have a very close
@00:32:15 military ship earlier in the day china
@00:32:32 ships left the east china port city on

As The Economic Collapse Accelerates, War Is On The Horizon - Episode 632

@00:16:26 economy improves now china and russia
@00:16:39 silk road that once linked china central
@00:16:47 economic development between china
@00:17:04 yeah we can see that china russia many
@00:17:37 china russia the other bric nations this
@00:18:08 about china is trying to get you on
@00:18:19 know the us government sees china as
@00:18:24 don't want the china denominated aiib
@00:18:32 and we know that china has been in talks
@00:19:05 china and they didn't go to washington
@00:19:50 on the i'm on imf and china only has
@00:20:05 treasury secretary jacob lew said china
@00:21:00 banking system of china the brick system
@00:21:37 this the imf will be left out and china
@00:24:44 they realize along with russia china
@00:25:17 the same with china the same with north
@00:36:47 china and they're going to see this as

The Economic Collapse Is Happening Now, It Just Wasn't Announced Yet - Episode 631

@00:17:14 countries joining the china-led
@00:17:48 plained that china is not using it
@00:17:58 they want china to use some of american
@00:18:05 they'll join the china-led
@00:18:13 china is using their own encryption the
@00:22:50 russia china north korea syria and he
@00:23:03 china who cyber attacked this company
@00:23:11 sanctions on china and it makes it

The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630

@00:23:50 with china the nigerian government said
@00:25:32 venezuela close relationship to china
@00:36:34 say which encircles china china is

U.S. Backed Saudi Forces Ready For Ground Operation In Yemen - Episode 629

@00:19:32 china and they're going to continually
@00:20:08 this time now china they're planning to
@00:20:37 same time why china is in there doing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 628

@00:01:44 rating agency in china has them at
@00:02:31 is now looking to join the china-led
@00:02:40 and join the china-led infrastructure
@00:03:12 china create bilateral trade agreements
@00:08:01 has a close relationship with china and

U.S. Now Providing Lethal Aid To Ukraine, Major Offensive Soon To Follow - Episode 627

@00:17:54 you know the the making deals with china
@00:19:55 foreign companies operating in china are
@00:21:05 they're very angry about this and china
@00:21:34 everywhere and this is why china and
@00:30:29 these countries because wherever china
@00:30:47 close relationship with china and they

The Middle East War Will Eventually Lead To World War - Episode 626

@00:06:41 we see that china started the brick
@00:07:11 in china the exchange-traded fund is
@00:08:06 pacific and circling china troops in
@00:08:43 starting to d dollar eyes we see china
@00:08:58 start cooperation with china on its
@00:09:21 china to help us out and this is going
@00:09:30 or china actually it's a benefit to them
@00:18:50 the asian version of nato and china is
@00:19:00 because it could be used against china
@00:41:27 love to get in uganda china is there and

U.S. Gov Loses Control Of Middle East, Ready To Push Authorization For War - Episode 625

@00:12:23 join up with the china-led
@00:13:15 china we will do this on our own and

The US Gov Continually Manipulates The Economy To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 624

@00:19:56 right now russia china they're
@00:20:05 china and russia are pushing this new
@00:25:29 china they want to bring in more
@00:26:28 lithium russia china are in this country
@00:34:29 believe that russia china north korea

US Gov Preparing For The Economic Collapse With Massive Military Drills In The U.S. - Episode 623

@00:07:42 russia china the islamic state syria
@00:10:19 china-led asian infrastructure the
@00:13:57 led by china are looking to offer
@00:14:47 plants and as we can see russia china
@00:22:51 military assets from china they might
@00:23:07 ahead and doing this we see china shift
@00:24:07 are encircling china keeping them
@00:39:15 china iran they've been told no you

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 622

@00:04:06 china to add their currency to the
@00:04:14 understand that china has been making
@00:10:50 lithium copper deposit china and russia
@00:19:41 russia and china with destabilization
@00:20:11 russia in china venezuela brazil

The Countdown Begins To The Next False Flag To Pass The Authorization For War - Episode 621

@00:13:46 china-led bank if it could guarantee a
@00:14:34 we can't go off to china we can't go off
@00:15:44 their own payment system china went out
@00:22:19 to go wherever china or russia are
@00:22:25 natural resources and we can see china
@00:23:02 of a sudden civil wars break out china
@00:23:11 south sudan china supports in north
@00:23:17 are fighting and china has been involved
@00:23:25 and we can see that china has been
@00:23:27 protecting their investment and china
@00:23:38 happening in nigeria china and nigeria
@00:24:01 china is their friend they've been
@00:24:27 china right now is in many different
@00:25:30 closely related to china and russia and
@00:25:39 this country and we can see that china
@00:26:22 that china is continually giving loans
@00:26:58 because china is making a deal in
@00:27:14 south america again wherever china is at
@00:27:33 fighting china yes it's the sudanese
@00:28:10 on the other side and china is on the
@00:38:08 help out with the situation china to
@00:41:47 countries that china and russia are in

US Gov/Central Bankers Hyping Propaganda To Invade Syria - Episode 620

@00:13:18 i mean russia and china
@00:13:30 start processing payments for china
@00:13:52 that russia china they're making
@00:32:40 china until they actually get a war
@00:32:43 started and we can see russia china
@00:33:14 look like russia china iran north korea
@00:44:14 we don't know how russia and china are
@00:44:27 russia and china are not just going to

US Gov/Central Bankers Using A False Flag To Push The Authorization For War - Episode 619

@00:07:59 china has made deals all around the
@00:08:20 imf in talks with china because they're
@00:08:54 which rivals the world bank now china is
@00:09:56 demonizing russia china north korea iran
@00:28:45 remember wherever russia and china is
@00:44:08 information and why would china want to

China Dumps US Treasuries While European Allies Join China's Development Bank - Episode 618

@00:00:37 episode is china dumps us treasuries
@00:01:48 go with russia go with china they're
@00:10:21 china russia the other bric nations
@00:12:54 and we can see that russia china they've
@00:13:11 moving in the direction of china i mean
@00:13:13 china has been making deals bilateral
@00:13:24 start with uk joining the china-led
@00:14:27 china actually they're containing china
@00:15:14 china continually is dumping the us
@00:15:51 china did this on purpose this is why we
@00:15:57 we have to realize that while china is
@00:16:13 bonds that russia china and other
@00:17:45 strengthen the cooperation with china
@00:17:52 sector since china now has dropped a lot
@00:18:07 with china and we see the united states
@00:28:46 china we see with north korea iran syria
@00:30:19 now china now has surpassed germany to
@00:30:39 supplying arms china is also supplying
@00:30:50 is that china is growing and we can see
@00:31:04 european allies moving towards china and
@00:31:28 in china and now we kind of understand
@00:31:35 containing china because they knew
@00:31:38 eventually china would start to grow
@00:45:46 russia china the islamic state and we

Kiev Is Skirting Around The Minsk II Deal To Buy Time To Push War - Episode 617

@00:23:13 brazil china russia north korea they've
@00:25:19 south america and china and russia and
@00:27:57 russia and china are in afghanistan

UK To Join China-led World Bank To Protect Itself From The Collapsing Dollar - Episode 615

@00:00:33 is uk to join china-led world bank to
@00:05:38 china is in talks with the imf to become
@00:06:23 china is also the ringleader behind both
@00:07:46 constant accommodation of china and this
@00:08:16 been making deals with china they're
@00:16:05 could come from china it could come from
@00:25:17 pacific we see china is telling japan
@00:25:39 needs assistance and china right now is
@00:26:08 in to ukraine and china is saying listen
@00:32:27 china according to president obama they
@00:32:29 contained china we know we have many
@00:32:39 islands all japan all around china to

Talks Underway With China & The IMF To Endorse Yuan As A Reserve Currency - Episode 614

@00:00:34 china takes the next step
@00:01:11 having or talking with russia and china
@00:04:27 with russia or china to help out the
@00:14:04 currency and we see that china and the
@00:14:40 their official reserves china would need
@00:14:50 member countries china said the yuyuan
@00:15:24 and we understand that china they might
@00:15:36 china could actually be holding as much
@00:15:51 simon hunt strategic services china
@00:18:00 turnover between russia and china in
@00:18:05 the bank of china signed a cooperation
@00:18:18 is why we see china coming up with their
@00:37:31 nations that encircles china and it's a
@00:37:38 to china and they don't want this
@00:43:02 korea yes it was china it was russia it

US Is Now Broke And It Is In Worse Fiscal Shape Than Greece - Episode 613

@00:01:02 go with russia or china and we knew
@00:19:48 i think russia and china are going to
@00:20:03 has been ratified by russia by china

De-Dollarization Continues, China And Russia Prepare To Drop SWIFT - Episode 612

@00:00:33 the d dollarization continues china and
@00:02:00 russia they've been talking to china
@00:12:51 even china is out there and they knew
@00:14:08 system china is doing the same exact
@00:28:00 country would it be okay for china to
@00:37:47 now china looks like they are now
@00:40:03 those countries that russia and china
@00:43:13 along with china along with russia to

IMF Deputy Director Calls For De-Dollarization In Emerging Markets - Episode 611

@00:00:55 talking to russia and china specifically
@00:11:45 china and russia for bilateral trade to
@00:12:40 probably in the u 1 given that china
@00:23:11 realize eventually russia china once the
@00:24:15 always the same players russia china
@00:29:09 all around the world in russia in china
@00:30:53 there same with argentina russia china
@00:41:24 did with china in the pacific they
@00:41:28 encircled china and even obama said it
@00:41:30 is he's doing this to contain china

U.S. Gov. Tells US We Are In Recovery, But Why Does It Feel Like An Economic Collapse? - Episode 609

@00:00:57 to russia china the bricks and they
@00:38:13 a treaty with china and russia and when

China's Renminbi Is On Its Way To Becoming A World Currency - Episode 608

@00:14:51 months we've been talking about china
@00:15:10 many countries china has been involved
@00:16:08 of china is more than seventy percent
@00:16:11 republic of china and this is very
@00:16:17 going on here it means that china is
@00:16:44 mainland china and 100 outside of it

The Illusionary Recovery Is Now Giving Way To The Economic Collapse - Episode 607

@00:17:35 see now out in china they are creating
@00:17:45 came out and criticized what china is
@00:17:48 doing and china
@00:18:14 states and china was out there and
@00:18:24 counterterrorism intelligence as china
@00:18:40 in china will be carried out strictly in
@00:19:39 china to do it the way the united states
@00:19:46 regime change in china now russia is
@00:20:14 are trying to do in china in russia
@00:29:30 russia's the enemy china is the enemy

US Gov Is Using The NDAA To Indefinitely Detain Those Who Commit A “Belligerent Act" - Episode 606

@00:03:19 moving over to russia china the brick
@00:29:29 when china and russia start using the
@00:31:45 what they are doing china is out there
@00:31:56 to look at the situation russia china
@00:33:21 is getting ready china is getting ready

US Gov Can't Stop Illicit Trade In Oil In Libya, Ready To Mount An Offensive - Episode 605

@00:29:45 trying to do it in china and they need
@00:39:56 fighting china and russia all over the
@00:46:14 their trying it in china the trying in

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 604

@00:16:08 russia china venezuela argentina they're

US Gov/Central Bankers Preparing For The Final Stage Of The Economic Collapse, WWIII - Episode 603

@00:02:33 plan to go with russia or china or the
@00:19:02 system we see russia and china making
@00:35:48 we see china is now siding with russia
@00:38:08 the dollar and eventually china most

US Gov/Central Bankers One Step Closer To Closing Down The Internet - Episode 602

@00:01:20 try to make deals with russia or china
@00:05:05 russia it was north korea it was china
@00:11:32 understand russia brazil india china
@00:12:17 the russian china brick system work in
@00:30:22 on the wall so does china and we see
@00:32:45 countries china north korea russia iran
@00:33:08 bases encircling china because they know
@00:33:14 containing china and the question is why
@00:35:39 china has cyber espionage they've been
@00:37:10 russia and russia china iran and north
@00:37:16 top nation-state cyber threats china
@00:38:13 china north korea iran syria and they're

U.S. Is Now In The Final Stages Of Having Its Society Closed Down - Episode 601

@00:16:00 operating systems and we see china has
@00:38:39 military deals around the world china is
@00:44:37 china
@00:45:04 countries that are evil russia china

US Gov Controlled Islamic State Expands Into Middle Eastern Countries To Provoke War - Episode 600

@00:03:30 with china but what happened here and we
@00:34:45 the pacific encircling china he knows

DHS Using Fear And A False Flag Event Because Their Budget Is In Jeopardy- Episode 599

@00:01:29 negotiating with russia and china and
@00:02:20 china but
@00:27:03 encircle china they understand this the
@00:37:51 continue doing this same with china on

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 598

@00:01:54 this whatsoever i mean china russia

US Gov/Central Bankers Preparing For A Major Offensive In Mosul Iraq - Episode 597

@00:07:32 korea russia china enough to start a war
@00:14:20 is why they have a pivot to china and
@00:17:12 already in place what does china have
@00:17:51 russia and china it didn't work out and
@00:19:59 now china bought nearly half of these

Obama Says That The Economy Is Poised For A Great Year As The Economy Collapses - Episode 596

@00:12:41 media is trying to say china they have
@00:14:20 agreement with china in the near future
@00:14:53 russia china north korea to get into the
@00:33:51 months ago turkey was looking at china
@00:34:01 china and nato said listen they would
@00:34:09 them but it looks like now china will
@00:34:34 alliance warning decided to choose china
@00:34:48 china and again if things go down the
@00:36:24 encircling china because we have to
@00:36:28 it's russia china and we see out in the
@00:45:30 russia it was china it was north korea

As The Collapse Accelerates US Gov/Central Bankers Provoke WWIII - Episode 595

@00:02:14 they going with russia china or with the
@00:18:29 seek russia and china instead are making
@00:19:04 throughout europe in africa china has
@00:47:32 china its north korea because they've

Ukraine Violates Ceasefire, Army Disintegrating, Is There Another Coup Being Planned? - Episode 594

@00:02:32 to china and give the people confidence
@00:02:58 now again russia or china could step in
@00:03:15 is russia or china then you most likely
@00:03:28 out here we have russia we have or china
@00:04:12 the backing of russia and china it might
@00:10:06 jobs now russia and china they plan to
@00:10:31 see china russia india they're all
@00:11:12 back in october of 2014 china is
@00:12:00 russia is in uganda china is in uganda
@00:16:03 wouldn't and this is why china russia
@00:21:46 discovery and wherever china is that an
@00:22:13 u.s. is competing with china or african

Major Offensive In The Middle East Being Prepared By US Gov/Central Bankers - Episode 593

@00:01:27 russia or towards china the ecb is kind
@00:03:52 russia north korea china iran syria
@00:10:13 these countries because wherever china
@00:11:10 relationship with china and nigeria and
@00:18:18 said china nine percent said i ran an
@00:25:00 side russia china and they're getting

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 592

@00:04:35 as china india japan and russia obtain
@00:08:04 wherever china is and russia this is

US Gov/Central Bankers Getting Ready To Limit Free Speech - Episode 591

@00:01:06 china looking at euro trying to decide
@00:02:19 and china
@00:02:39 them more debt china might do the same
@00:06:38 no official figures for china since 2009
@00:35:18 of line make a deal with china or russia

US Gov/Central Bankers Trapped, Will Use Ukraine Peace Deal For War - Episode 590

@00:00:59 decides to go with russia or china they
@00:11:53 hand china on the other hand they're out
@00:12:06 other china is in nicaragua making deals
@00:34:56 that russia gets involved with china
@00:45:46 china the islamic state attacked the
@00:46:14 need to go get china we need to go get

Authorization For War: Phase 1 Complete , Next Phase For Central Bankers War - Episode 589

@00:01:53 you out china right now is saying the
@00:02:21 into china china heard this and they
@00:16:11 china and russia they are pushing an
@00:19:04 north korea in iran in syria in china
@00:19:18 countries china is doing the same thing

Obama Wants Military Force Against The Islamic State (Syria), War Is Coming - Episode 588

@00:01:49 russia we can turn to china or maybe
@00:02:05 they'll actually go for russia or china
@00:13:32 about russia and china and i say russia
@00:13:34 is doing all this or china is uh pushing
@00:15:47 are fighting for it once again now china
@00:16:01 regions china has set up 14 offshore you
@00:39:17 pivot to asia the encircling of china is

US Government/Central Bankers Talk Peace In Ukraine, But Their Message Is War- Episode 587

@00:17:34 see china and the bricks system all
@00:17:39 zealand they're making deals with china
@00:17:52 with china and russia and china they're
@00:19:01 buying a lot of gold china has been
@00:20:13 exchange standard would be immense china
@00:47:10 cyber attacks will say it's china it's
@00:47:51 north korea it was china it was russia

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 586

@00:08:19 up with oh russia china north korea iran

The Economy Is Collapsing And The U.S. Gov's Manipulated Numbers Will Not Stop It - Episode 585

@00:19:04 now china and russia they've been making
@00:19:42 china is helping venezuela we see china
@00:23:33 countries russia china north korea iran
@00:24:01 business with china and this would hurt
@00:24:04 china along with north korea now out in
@00:36:20 now blamed on china they're saying that
@00:38:44 russia china iran syria and many other

U.S. Oil Suppression Used To Put Pressure On Russia To Abandon Support For Assad - Episode 583

@00:08:42 russia india china and south africa and
@00:21:57 china so nigeria decided you know what
@00:22:50 process right now in china and russia
@00:23:49 it in china with the umbrella revolution

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Economic Recovery Is Based On A Big Lie - Episode 582

@00:18:47 china also realizes this and what
@00:18:55 belt one road project china has dealt a
@00:19:32 which connected china europe via central
@00:19:34 asia the bangladesh china india meinem
@00:19:39 china and pakistan through kashmir and
@00:19:42 maritime silk road providing china with
@00:20:22 this many many times china has been
@00:20:34 troops russia and china have been
@00:33:30 in china and russia and in venezuela and
@00:42:05 russia and china join in because they

Warning - The Islamic State Plotting Something Bigger Than 9/11- Episode 581

@00:32:10 where you see things going on in china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 580

@00:06:31 wherever china and russia are they need
@00:07:29 states out china is very closely related

The Economic Collapse Is Closer Than People Think - Episode 579

@00:03:53 china and we'll have to watch to see how
@00:23:16 dependence on the dollar china has been
@00:23:22 china they have outpaced the us for
@00:23:30 investment flowed into china than the us
@00:23:37 position it has held since 2003 china
@00:24:42 regime change in china regime change in
@00:31:38 russia and china making deals all around

Central Bankers Can't Stop The Economic Collapse Instead They Will Cover It Up - Episode 578

@00:01:38 china to russia listen if we need help
@00:01:57 russia so right now russia china the
@00:31:36 trying to do in china and russia right
@00:38:15 military superiority to china and russia
@00:38:59 by china and russia and they're out

False Flag: The Islamic State Threatens Obama As They Prepare An Attack On America - Episode 577

@00:06:24 making deals with china to spur economic
@00:06:42 russia china the brick system seems to
@00:27:48 in china and russia and we see the thai
@00:41:28 that russia and with korea china they're

U.S. Government Preparing To Blame Russia For The Economic Collapse - Episode 576

@00:43:02 syria and china have the ability to
@00:43:06 now we have all the players russia china

U.S. Gov/Central Bankers Are Accelerating War To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 575

@00:09:39 doesn't believe it russia china doesn't
@00:09:52 difference between the brush a china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 574

@00:00:58 doing that we see china doing it and now
@00:01:48 with china bilateral trade agreements
@00:02:04 have all been making deals with china
@00:02:20 china has a huge foothold in africa and
@00:18:11 china they are being contained and

The Islamic State Sets Up New Brigade To Bring Terror To The West - Episode 573

@00:24:50 they're trying it in china they're
@00:36:33 to china every place and actually russia

Central Bankers Lose Control Of The Middle East, Yemen Government Falls - Episode 572

@00:02:42 towards china towards russia they're
@00:13:50 is out there and he is saying that china
@00:28:50 we can see that kiev they owed china
@00:28:53 about three billion dollars china paid
@00:29:04 they want to refund china is demanding a
@00:29:13 in advance by china and we can see right
@00:29:18 they owe russia money they owe china
@00:43:50 are the same north korea russia china

Switzerland De-pegs From EU And Joins China With An Offshore Yuan Trading Center- Episode 571

@00:00:41 china with an offshore yuan training
@00:21:22 china and switzerland they are going to
@00:21:54 with china one of the nation's biggest
@00:22:01 a free trade agreement with china
@00:22:14 deal to be signed on wednesday china
@00:22:35 future rememba clearance china is
@00:23:14 agreements with china i mean we're
@00:23:36 with china right now forget euro we see
@00:35:34 china they want it in russia and this is

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Push Agenda, Ukraine Offensive Has Begun - Episode 570

@00:14:53 understand that china and russia
@00:15:38 countries right now are looking at china
@00:32:58 then we have in africa china and the
@00:40:17 to fight against russia china north

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 569

@00:04:51 know russia and china they have been
@00:04:55 world china and russia are looking to
@00:06:22 doing in russia china ukraine and many
@00:08:22 with china let's go along with russia
@00:15:52 the pope china and the united states
@00:16:10 put china dropped the dollar they
@00:16:31 were filled with reports of china
@00:16:46 against china in the south china sea us
@00:16:59 in the south china sea and these were

Countries Are Isolating Themselves As The Western Central Banking System Collapses - Episode 568

@00:02:35 bilateral security agreements with china
@00:08:35 watching china and emerging markets take
@00:16:57 they're looking at china they're looking
@00:34:09 away from europe with china and russia

U.S. Upgrades Doomsday Planes As The People Realize The Economy Is Collapsing - Episode 567

@00:18:08 russia china and other countries like
@00:24:16 government is cozying up to china they
@00:25:06 wherever russia and china is because
@00:32:47 china we see the buildup in eastern

The US Retail Industry Is Collapsing And So Is The Economy - Episode 566

@00:11:19 the bait they went to china trying to
@00:21:45 and china they're becoming closer and
@00:21:50 china now are closing a twenty billion
@00:21:59 and social programs china is the main
@00:22:04 can see that china and russia they are

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 563

@00:15:20 china is out there they have condemned
@00:15:24 the attacks but china says the world is
@00:15:35 to such attacks in countries like china
@00:15:41 from a china spokesperson even after
@00:15:43 china officially determines their
@00:16:05 agendas terrorism is happening in china

The U.S. Government/Central Bankers Are Prepared For The Economic Collapse Are You? - Episode 558

@00:10:56 regime change in china regime change in
@00:14:58 against china and of course we know this
@00:16:17 even russia and china they spy on all
@00:21:51 china are there and guess what they are
@00:22:50 buildup in iraq at this time now china
@00:22:58 missile destroyers china commissioned
@00:23:15 china to further press its territorial
@00:23:19 south china sea and to use its navy as a
@00:23:30 bases encircling china and about sixty
@00:23:59 china is building up their forces the
@00:38:33 be russia north korea iran syria china
@00:41:19 like china russia have been purchasing

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 557

@00:06:04 that russia and china they're becoming
@00:06:16 trying to have a regime change in china
@00:07:11 lying with china and it looks like the
@00:07:31 want this country to cozy up to china or
@00:21:09 russia they're provoking china iran

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 556

@00:04:31 we know russia china
@00:04:46 and china are the united states has to
@00:09:06 china we see iran we see syria and of
@00:18:51 syria and china and you can see right
@00:19:05 place sanctions on china after that
@00:19:13 china now again it is very difficult to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 555

@00:02:40 war with russia north korea china iran
@00:18:05 korea iran syria china russia and others

U.S. Government Telling Lies To Push The War Agenda - Episode 554

@00:21:29 why china russia are there they have a
@00:24:27 they're doing in china what they've done
@00:24:39 umbrella protests in china but the
@00:25:04 russia or china or in the middle east
@00:26:12 thing happened in china you only saw a
@00:36:25 so right now we have china cyber

al-Qaeda Threatens "Lone Wolf" Attacks On Airlines As AirAsia Goes Missing - Episode 553

@00:12:01 they are trying this in china with the
@00:12:20 out there making deals with china they
@00:22:29 understand that china and russia are
@00:34:04 targeting china beijing had decided to
@00:34:15 korea obama is also threatening china
@00:34:35 china and just today in the corporate
@00:34:54 encircled china obama was out there
@00:34:56 saying this is there to contain china we

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 552

@00:06:34 government out of china and replace it
@00:16:55 attacking we have china that is cyber
@00:17:28 to be syria iran north korea china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 551

@00:02:58 we're also seeing is that china and
@00:03:06 continually doing this of course china
@00:03:17 2015 and if we really look at this china
@00:03:30 imf and now china is really acting like
@00:03:34 the imf to the bric nations china offers
@00:04:19 implementing started monday china is
@00:04:29 china is promoting usage of the you want
@00:04:44 analysts say china will not hold its
@00:04:54 efficient china won't stop you want a
@00:04:58 emerging market currency china is
@00:09:43 of china is not part of this and we can
@00:15:11 know china is bankroll bankrolling the
@00:15:19 central america for china and russia as

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Push The Economic Recovery By Manipulating The Economy - Episode 549

@00:29:21 this area and it seems that china is
@00:29:31 afghanistan is meeting with china and
@00:29:44 china has three strategic goals in
@00:30:07 continuing with the war and china and
@00:30:19 toward china and russia and not the
@00:30:25 can see that china is has the go-ahead
@00:30:38 back by china that aims to rival
@00:39:25 eventually china and what they can do

DHS And FBI Issue A New Alert, Threats From Terrorist Could Be On The Rise - Episode 538

@00:19:51 china and north korea are out there and
@00:20:14 memory bringing charges against china
@00:28:36 pacific china is being surrounded and
@00:28:45 that this encircling of china is meant
@00:29:12 china and this is coming from a tiny
@00:29:14 taiwanese defense official china a day
@00:29:26 affairs and that china is firmly opposed
@00:29:37 in the pacific near china surrounding

False Flag Warning - Islamic State Reports Radioactive Bomb Is Already In Europe - Episode 537

@00:04:39 along with russia along with china along
@00:05:06 making deals with china because they
@00:42:07 like they're demonizing russia china

Full Time Jobs Disappear As The Economic Collapse Approaches - Episode 534

@00:15:38 china has overtaken the country and this
@00:15:42 international monetary fund china now
@00:16:27 the government of china at this point
@00:30:16 the afghanistan region now china is
@00:30:26 address china said it will pursue closer
@00:30:29 ties with moscow china is determined to
@00:30:59 in its trade with china also russia they

DHS Warning, Islamic State Attacks Can Come At Any Time - Episode 531

@00:05:31 make a big stink about china for example
@00:05:38 owed to china but this would rock global
@00:14:54 russia china north korea's cyber
@00:18:27 up in communist china lili tang williams
@00:22:14 china we're seeing it from syria we're
@00:34:53 be coming from china it could be coming

FBI Warns Of Islamic State Targeting Military Via Social Media - Episode 530

@00:10:54 in time now china is making deals all
@00:11:24 dollar by curbing inflows china is
@00:11:35 where china is making deals and they are
@00:11:48 ourselves let's make a deal with china
@00:22:47 china russia they are pretty much
@00:24:15 they're doing it to china in the pacific
@00:30:53 the world just like china they've been
@00:41:47 we understand that russia and china have

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 529

@00:05:42 we understand russia and china they're
@00:05:47 seems like that china is backing russia
@00:05:55 all around the world and since china is
@00:06:01 right now has supplied china with s400
@00:06:05 air defense systems to china and the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 528

@00:02:30 in russia and china and the eurasian
@00:17:29 be coming from russia china it could be

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 525

@00:06:33 chili from china from argentina and
@00:10:42 oil china and russia are there they are

White House Trying To Use Immigration To Postpone The Economic Collapse -Episode 524

@00:02:58 we understand that china has been making
@00:03:13 right now china and new zealand they're
@00:03:18 cooperation the formation of china new
@00:03:29 coming from z said at the ceremony china
@00:03:48 for 2020 and like i said china has been
@00:04:20 russia and china they're trading
@00:04:31 want between china and russia have
@00:04:43 between china and russia and bilateral
@00:05:25 protests inside china they're trying to
@00:05:50 government they are trying this in china
@00:22:49 and we also understand that china and
@00:24:10 they're encircling china and in eastern
@00:26:20 starting to cozy up to china and russia
@00:31:15 seeing this inside of china right now
@00:38:35 likely will see russia and china being
@00:39:02 know russia and china are waiting on the

NSA Warns China or Russia Have The Ability To Cyber Attack The U.S. Infrastructure - Episode 523

@00:00:39 china or russia have the ability to
@00:00:50 look china or russia could cyber attack
@00:02:58 russia or china or it could be north
@00:03:02 it looks like they're going after china
@00:04:39 china some of the physical attacks are
@00:14:12 states and china agreed to extend the
@00:19:44 being demonized china being demonized
@00:39:59 they are giving us a warning that china

U.S. Now Calling Libyan Rebels The Islamic State To Invade Libya Again - Episode 522

@00:10:12 countries such as china and it looks
@00:20:00 leaving later on now in china they are
@00:20:54 what china is doing is they're going
@00:21:25 war and china and russia they are making
@00:22:25 wherever russia and china are this is
@00:36:42 has pretty much worked with china to
@00:37:07 country link up with russia or china we
@00:39:40 state it is from russia it is from china
@00:40:06 iraq with russia and china listen

DHS & National Guard Preparing For Mass Rioting In Ferguson - Episode 521

@00:03:27 china over here we're trying to
@00:04:50 russia and china north korea they're
@00:11:04 remember that china and the eurasian
@00:11:28 you one is being pushed by china to
@00:11:40 bank of china in frankfurt has become
@00:12:07 bank of china in frankfurt so the one is

Islamic State Provokes Obama To Send In U.S. Ground Forces - Episode 520

@00:06:15 or china cyber attacking the power grid
@00:08:43 non-stop now china right now is ready to
@00:09:04 one of the major economic reforms china
@00:09:11 now china has also signed the deal with
@00:09:14 australia china and australia have
@00:09:29 china will get greater access to
@00:09:33 ministers from china and australia
@00:09:59 exports china will not incur tariffs
@00:10:10 china is continually making deals all
@00:21:52 china we see that type of propaganda
@00:34:37 russia they don't want one with china
@00:39:01 been china or russia but they have no
@00:39:07 think yes it is russia and china and
@00:39:16 realizes that it is coming from china or

Russia And Egypt Are Proposing Peace In Syria, Central Bankers Want War - Episode 518

@00:13:28 couple reports back china russia they're
@00:13:59 ruble and this is exactly what china is
@00:31:06 place that russia china even the islamic

False Flag Warning - Attacks On Power Grid Could Leave Parts Of Country In Darkness - Episode 515

@00:05:51 personally doing now it looks like china
@00:06:03 china development bank for investment in
@00:07:11 and china and all the bric nations is to
@00:09:21 china and he's trying to push the tpp
@00:09:47 corporations and china doesn't really
@00:10:18 one from china it is the first time
@00:10:37 much doesn't include russia or china on
@00:10:40 tpp china is the only country excluded
@00:10:44 china sees the signal from that action
@00:10:55 poor the leaders of china and south
@00:11:16 china to be a partner in underwriting
@00:11:34 china successful now they really don't
@00:11:39 urged china to stop using cyber theft
@00:11:48 countries we look to china to create a
@00:11:58 business leaders china on the other hand
@00:14:24 blame china they want to blame any other
@00:24:25 encircling china we also see troops in
@00:28:43 monitoring stations in china for use in
@00:29:08 china now as we know in the middle east
@00:33:19 that russia china iran syria the islamic
@00:36:19 russia they're talking about china yes

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 513

@00:14:31 from china they're not really sure at
@00:14:49 or china is going to be responsible for
@00:15:36 blame it on russia or china and of
@00:15:52 players are always the same russia china

The Government's Manipulated Job Numbers Will Not Stop The Economic Collapse - Episode 512

@00:09:13 already heavily involved with china and
@00:13:42 to do with russia north korea with china
@00:13:51 looks like russia and china they have
@00:13:58 china the so-called western route it's a
@00:14:11 the alki with link western china and
@00:14:23 now that russia china and all the bric
@00:22:16 countries and make sure that china and
@00:37:09 same playbook they're doing it in china
@00:38:37 china iran and syria and they're pushing

Central Bankers Are Pushing Ukraine Into War Again - Episode 511

@00:14:43 now china they are going and they just
@00:15:03 china is continually stepping up and
@00:18:15 of course as we know china has stepped

Why Are Countries Training Armies To Control Mass Riots? - Episode 510

@00:09:25 strike back at iran strike back at china
@00:10:46 world that's in china it is in eastern
@00:11:04 demonization that russia china north
@00:21:48 country china is really doing the same

Are The Central Bankers Pushing Ukraine To Start The War Again? - Episode 508

@00:16:41 what do we know well it's either china
@00:17:56 is that china has made a deal with
@00:18:04 from china exim bank to finance a three
@00:18:26 see why oil china russia it is the same
@00:18:33 now china has unfilled an anti drone
@00:21:08 eastern europe around china because they

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 507

@00:09:33 china and russia on one side we see the

False Flag Warning: DHS Reports Black Energy Malware Found In Energy Control Systems - Episode 506

@00:01:36 war with russia with china with north
@00:13:06 at china and they're saying to
@00:13:16 the china-led new asian infrastructure
@00:13:32 economic and trade ties with china so it
@00:13:44 ourselves and go with china and that
@00:19:03 whatever she wants now china has
@00:19:17 work on the disease in liberia china has
@00:19:35 china is setting down medical staff from
@00:20:03 in africa we know that china is on one
@00:32:12 together with china and say listen let's
@00:33:54 russia north korea china syria iran and

U.S. Warns That Americans In The Middle East Might Be Attacked By Al-Qaeda - Episode 505

@00:07:42 it looks like china is making a move
@00:07:45 china is going to open bank card
@00:07:51 china will open the bank card clearing
@00:13:13 ebola here it looks like china now has
@00:13:49 of russia and china to fight deadly
@00:14:10 to help in these areas now because china
@00:18:45 competitor in africa is china the cdc
@00:22:32 looks like china will deploy its first
@00:22:53 missions china has plans to build an
@00:28:41 towards china right now for weapons
@00:28:46 enforced by the west china maybe iran's
@00:28:54 are looking towards russia and china for
@00:33:14 from china it is coming from inside from
@00:35:48 and china where they will hit the

False Flag Coming To The U.S. And The Government Is Now Putting Out Warnings - Episode 504

@00:16:51 that china is pumping in billions of
@00:25:52 russia and china were already involved
@00:41:00 and china but it could be anybody but

People Of Libya On The Verge Of Capturing Oilfields, Central Bankers Making Their Move - Episode 503

@00:14:53 it looks like china made an announcement
@00:15:13 global reserve currency china is also
@00:15:21 announcement by china foreign exchange
@00:16:21 in china they're trying to gin something
@00:16:32 that china is taking steps to stop this
@00:38:41 china and russia are that's where
@00:39:09 government of china and china right now
@00:40:50 towards china to help with any type of
@00:41:09 going towards china and as we know china
@00:41:37 understand that china has set up

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 502

@00:08:36 countries where china and russia are and

Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status, Central Bankers Preparing A Major Conflict - Episode 501

@00:09:17 china has launched their world bank then
@00:09:35 of the bank after china among other
@00:10:22 revolution going on in china they're
@00:16:58 is that mmm china just signed a string
@00:17:19 interest-free loans from china announced
@00:17:24 we're seeing here is that china again is
@00:17:27 in malley wherever china and russia are
@00:23:34 did not want iran syria russia china
@00:33:58 of china and the other nations realized

Canada's False Flag Event Used For Different Agendas - Episode 500

@00:09:01 they realize it china realizes they're
@00:09:48 but during this time it seems that china
@00:10:14 china is trying to fill all of its
@00:27:16 china are on the other side and you know
@00:28:28 china is making deals in the oil energy
@00:31:59 china syria once the united states tries

Government’s Secret Black Book On How Individuals Are Placed On The Terrorist List - Episode 499

@00:10:39 in china and india surged again and gold
@00:27:53 and we can see china russia north korea

Italy Starts Movement To Leave The European Monetary Union - Episode 497

@00:01:21 looking at china to make deals to spur
@00:33:32 or china the eu decides to put more

Is The Ebola Crisis The October Surprise? - Episode 494

@00:01:25 natural gas and we understand that china
@00:07:02 deals with china trying to pretty much
@00:07:12 see italy making deals with china and
@00:28:07 china is getting ready to go live with
@00:29:33 russia china and russia signed natural
@00:29:39 china on currency swaps bricks to create
@00:33:44 china understands russia understands the
@00:38:44 china russia they are going to be
@00:39:06 it will be blamed on china since they

U.S. Chemical Weapons Mysteriously Appear In Iraq - Episode 493

@00:07:23 situation very very carefully now china
@00:07:31 china has made deals with greece now
@00:07:33 china has made deals with italy because
@00:07:58 looking at china and other countries to
@00:09:26 in the long term and again russia china
@00:24:56 and again wherever china or russia are
@00:30:37 see well china and ethiopia have signed

De-Dollarization Continues With Iran And Russia Creating A Joint Bank - Episode 491

@00:00:45 not stopped where russia and china have
@00:02:12 they are continually provoking china
@00:02:17 region to encircle china we see
@00:05:57 deals with china trying to revitalize
@00:07:06 signing up with china right now to help
@00:08:09 china russia iran they're all heading in
@00:08:16 china and russia have signed a
@00:08:35 extended if both russia and china agree
@00:08:46 russia and china is already nearly 90
@00:10:52 that far i think china and russia will
@00:16:15 china is spending a lot of money in the
@00:19:59 china and russia have been making deals
@00:39:05 china and say let's look they just hit
@00:39:41 china it's going to be from the inside

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 490

@00:00:41 russia and china because of the
@00:00:53 payment system with china creating their
@00:00:58 swift system and we see china making
@00:02:18 discoveries we understand that china
@00:19:53 china they really wreak havoc on the

Will Ebola Be Blamed For the Collapsing Economy? - Episode 489

@00:02:27 and china are doing everything they
@00:02:29 possibly can to bypass the dollar china
@00:02:49 exchanges open up opening up in china
@00:08:25 china to issue to issue remember
@00:16:23 countries we have china and russia on
@00:23:06 china russia and other countries have
@00:29:30 china and the united states is on the
@00:29:32 other and wherever russia and china are

False Flag Warning: Khorasan Terrorist Group Is Back And A US Attack Is Imminent - Episode 485

@00:07:42 with china to set up its international
@00:08:07 right at this point with china and other
@00:31:56 getting russia and china right now
@00:32:59 china this is where the cyberattacks are
@00:36:43 syria we can then see russia and china

Manipulated Unemployment Rate Drops As The Economic Collapse Accelerates - Episode 483

@00:21:54 havoc in china to try to derail what
@00:21:58 china is trying to do and try to break
@00:22:00 china apart and have it not go forth on
@00:34:40 blaming this all on russia or china or

Ebola In U.S.,Will It Be Used To Declare Martial Law? - Episode 481

@00:19:02 resource discoveries and china and
@00:26:08 in china and if they are successful in
@00:26:17 why they're doing this because china
@00:26:29 central bankers now see china as the
@00:27:17 against china and we can see that the
@00:28:41 philippines china taiwan vietnam china
@00:28:54 china and these exercises are to contain
@00:28:58 china and they're looking at the

Is The U.S. Government Meddling In The Hong Kong Protests? - Episode 480

@00:01:03 remember china is on the verge of
@00:02:00 right now china is out there and they
@00:15:49 now and with china singapore this will
@00:24:28 of course china and russia are there in
@00:24:32 china and russia are and what's very
@00:26:38 statement to make now china is out there
@00:26:48 hong kong protest china has
@00:31:08 china this is why they have the pivot to
@00:31:12 china right now and they have them
@00:31:14 contained because they realize china is
@00:31:37 make a deal with china right now to
@00:38:34 or china to convince you that we have to

Central Bankers/US Government Can't Stabilize Syria Without Removing Assad - Episode 479

@00:09:19 making deals china is making out out
@00:15:41 and they're trying it in china we can
@00:16:08 agenda in china at this point we saw
@00:23:46 funding to foreign militants now china
@00:23:53 heard much about china being out there
@00:24:04 islamic state in parts of syria china
@00:36:39 clearinghouse for china china was making

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 478

@00:04:18 china and russia on one side we see the
@00:04:32 agenda you have to remember china
@00:04:44 contain china trying to keep them out of
@00:04:55 wherever china and russia are this is
@00:07:40 china the other bric nations know

Iraq Reveals Troops And Equipment Start Arriving To Speicher Base In A Few Days - Episode 477

@00:23:41 china is bringing in more troops into
@00:23:47 have china on one side where they're
@00:30:00 know china and iran have very good
@00:30:03 relations and china and iran are going
@00:30:51 frigate so we can see right now china is

Central Bankers/U.S. Government Troop Buildup In Iraq To Occupy Syria - Episode 476

@00:02:51 they've made deals with china they are
@00:03:35 money from china or taking the money
@00:03:51 started making deals with china and
@00:14:45 because china has a very good
@00:16:10 there china is sending an additional
@00:16:30 fighting russia china in all these
@00:16:39 really picking up and china is really
@00:16:50 now they're pushing to fight china and
@00:33:17 then is attacked china has very good

Boots On The Ground, Army Is Deploying A Division Headquarters To Iraq- Episode 475

@00:12:32 understand that china and russia are in
@00:22:56 agenda for war and china and russia they
@00:38:42 in russia and china and then we will be

U.S. Allegedly Strikes ISIS In Syria, What's The Real Agenda? - Episode 474

@00:05:33 going on now china is out there and
@00:05:38 support sanctions against moscow china
@00:05:45 russia and china believe the sanctions
@00:18:57 location china is there helping the

U.S. Coalition Falling Apart, Countries Say 'No' To Syria Strike- Episode 473

@00:08:18 russia provoking china provoke in north
@00:11:33 the us dollar now it looks like china is
@00:12:41 now done in china which is going to have
@00:12:54 turns out the pboc in gold china using
@00:13:13 goal china has brought on a lot of gold
@00:13:55 like china is doing pretty much the same
@00:24:35 it's a sovereign nation russia china
@00:26:45 china russia so he's deciding that you
@00:38:34 pretty much containing china containing
@00:39:06 china decided to cyber attack us and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 472

@00:02:29 situation well china is looking at this

Preparing For War On Lies To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 471

@00:15:59 united states and china and all the
@00:17:12 with this situation we see china is
@00:20:46 china is in there senegal guinea liberia
@00:26:06 china russia the other bric nations they
@00:26:23 china is building a their own operating
@00:27:24 china really wanted to do it they would

U.S. Accuses Assad Of Breaking The Chemical Arms Pact With Chlorine Gas - Episode 470

@00:04:42 nation russia china have already given
@00:17:23 these countries because china and russia
@00:17:29 to push out china and russia if they can
@00:29:17 blaming it on china and of course as we
@00:29:21 different nations china russia north

Central Bankers Ready To Attack Syria Under The Pretext Assad Unleashed The Islamists - Episode 468

@00:05:35 china china was going to pretty much
@00:06:32 trade with china and we can see how this
@00:06:52 gold exchange now opening up in china so
@00:16:00 on to ebola looks like china is now
@00:18:30 we have china in argentina the bric
@00:19:07 china is out there and they are working
@00:19:22 cooperation so china and russia right
@00:19:41 happening because russia and china are
@00:19:55 friendly with china and russia then they
@00:21:06 this to each one of these nations china
@00:21:23 china in the pacific provoking russia in
@00:38:32 after russia and china because
@00:38:55 joined in by china now the problem is as
@00:39:08 china have been saying don't bomb syria

UK And France Moving To The Next Reserve Currency The Chinese Yuan - Episode 467

@00:08:54 countries are looking towards china and
@00:09:06 goes down and the people's bank of china
@00:09:13 of china as a clearing bank for the
@00:09:42 china stepped up at the plans to
@00:10:50 see right now that china is really
@00:15:01 deals with china and russia the united
@00:17:56 china is or russia the united states
@00:23:11 also have to remember china is creating
@00:37:43 have russia china the bric nations on

U.S. Syrian Rebels & U.S. ISIS Agree On A 'Non-Aggression' Pact - Episode 466

@00:07:00 this a lot all over the place now china
@00:07:13 china mongolia and russia the chinese
@00:07:29 china mongolia russia economic corridor
@00:07:43 together and again china russia making
@00:12:14 also know that china has a huge amount
@00:12:16 of interest inside of nigeria now china
@00:12:34 form between iran syria russia china and
@00:20:39 have a problem because china and russia
@00:27:18 country like china and north korea or

U.S. Free Syrian Army & U.S. Created Islamic State Working Together To Remove Assad - Episode 464

@00:13:54 efforts where china russia and china are
@00:14:39 protecting itself china is protecting
@00:14:52 to contain china and they see that you
@00:19:10 fighting pretty much china down there
@00:19:13 china is on one side united states
@00:19:15 central bankers on the other and china
@00:19:29 announced to the public yet china began
@00:20:11 now china is moving in with forces and
@00:20:19 china bringing in more troops into this
@00:20:46 china it is russia so it's going to
@00:25:09 course as we know russia china north
@00:29:00 law including china he said so we can
@00:35:23 china they understand the dollar their
@00:35:39 with china making arrangements with
@00:39:57 that russia and china are on the other
@00:41:32 blame it on china that will give them

Russia & China Looking To Conduct Half Of Their Trade In Yuans And Roubles - Episode 463

@00:00:36 this episode is russia and china look in
@00:00:44 and china are definitely pushing this as
@00:01:01 and china at the bric nations decided at
@00:01:14 the brick regime here russia and china
@00:01:50 africa right now china has a very big
@00:01:53 footprint in china we have kenya is a
@00:02:10 down there and they don't want china in
@00:02:20 stasis and circling africa to keep china
@00:02:27 united states is encircling china in the
@00:02:34 saying yes we are going to contain china
@00:04:36 deals around the world china has been
@00:12:39 and china have been discussing on new
@00:13:00 china may execute up to half of their
@00:13:06 saying that china has lifted the
@00:13:32 russia china the two heavyweights and
@00:18:03 area china is very nervous about coming
@00:18:21 china is that is where united states is
@00:18:52 seems like it is working now china is
@00:18:58 rice who is visiting china right now and
@00:19:27 they're trying to do is provoke china
@00:19:36 need to provoke china into doing
@00:19:58 china

Obama Planning For A Western-Backed Coalition No-Fly Zone Over Syria - Episode 462

@00:05:24 really to look that way where china and
@00:05:42 addition argentina claims china supports
@00:06:09 over to the bric nations china is
@00:17:05 china is and right now the economies of
@00:18:43 country and of course as we know china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 461

@00:13:37 china did it and there's really going to

CB Propaganda: ISIS Establishment In Libya, Lebanon and Yemen Is Now Imminent- Episode 459

@00:18:37 pacific they had been circling china
@00:18:39 containing china we see in eastern

Will The Missing Libyan Jetliners Be Used For The False Flag Event ? - Episode 458

@00:30:52 a sovereign nation russia and china back
@00:39:19 countries back assad like china they
@00:39:23 haven't said anything about china but

The 60 Day Countdown Begins, Will This Lead To The False Flag Event? - Episode 457

@00:07:21 now it looks like china and russia
@00:07:56 now china russia the other bric nations
@00:10:47 understand that china has been pumping
@00:14:32 back in a couple of reports china had a
@00:31:22 going to include china north korea iran
@00:33:59 of the world particularly china and even
@00:34:25 border in china so you can see what
@00:34:34 have china we have russia we have north

False Flag Warning: Expert Reports 'Imminent' ISIS Threat To The U.S. Power Grid- Episode 456

@00:01:16 china and this is going to cause all
@00:04:38 away we know that russia and china they
@00:13:15 that wherever china is in africa that's
@00:18:07 china north korea iran syria and other

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 455

@00:06:41 come to a screeching halt and keep china
@00:07:28 forces and of course china is right
@00:16:29 country taking the money but again china
@00:16:44 to get together with china and just say
@00:17:43 and china are on the other side and they

U.S./Ukraine Pushing Russian Invasion Propaganda - Episode 453

@00:03:26 provoking china by flying planes right
@00:14:43 china is and i mentioned this before but
@00:30:00 problem is it's russia and china and

Central Bankers Will Attack ISIS and The Assad Regime - Episode 452

@00:04:19 they're making deals with china trying
@00:06:05 ago back in june we had china and russia
@00:06:30 announced that china and russia are
@00:13:05 china continually pushing their agenda
@00:13:17 very close to china sometimes within
@00:13:25 china saying you know you need to back
@00:13:49 china to do something we see it already
@00:13:56 china without telling the full story of
@00:14:02 trying to convince everyone that china
@00:14:04 is the enemy china is the enemy look
@00:14:44 happening once again out in china and

Central Bankers Sending In Drones To Map Out Targets In Syria - Episode 451

@00:01:39 china they're pumping in billions of
@00:20:01 have to remember china and russia
@00:33:05 problems in this russia and china are on

Libyan Government Overrun, Central Bankers Prepping Invasion Of Libya - Episode 450

@00:08:49 preparing for this war now we see china
@00:09:13 china is going to unveil domestic
@00:09:21 on microsoft's operating system china
@00:15:14 they can pretty much put off china and
@00:15:17 what they're trying to do and china is
@00:21:14 said this many many times before china
@00:23:52 now we have to remember russia and china
@00:31:57 in africa we know china is there we know
@00:32:00 the united states is wherever china is

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 449

@00:06:59 to russia now we understand out in china
@00:07:08 ukraine provoking in china provoking in
@00:07:35 this area got very close to china and
@00:07:59 surveillance on china the ministry
@00:08:33 distance from the us craft china urged
@00:09:02 pivot to asia they want to contain china
@00:09:04 they want to continually provoke china
@00:09:10 encircling china now since this incident
@00:09:17 states is saying that china is becoming
@00:15:40 syrian electronic army china or russia

The Countdown To The False Flag Event Has Begun - Episode 448

@00:19:05 the war starts from china when the war
@00:38:38 china is there and this is going to turn

U.S. Preparing To Bomb Syria, FAA Shuts down Airspace To American Planes - Episode 445

@00:03:01 and china and of course iran and syria
@00:03:10 china and this cannot happen and we also
@00:23:42 china have been making deals with greece
@00:25:56 russia and china they're going to have a
@00:26:19 china to europe from terrorist attacks
@00:26:37 china russia kazakhstan kazakhstan chad
@00:35:58 china they're saying a hacker group in
@00:36:01 china was able to steal social security
@00:36:10 persistent threat hacking group in china
@00:36:43 tell you right now it is not from china
@00:36:51 not just that russia and china have been
@00:38:29 happening in the area where china has
@00:40:28 that china has been cyber attacking and

DHS Is Now Preparing For 'Anti-Government' Violence - Episode 442

@00:08:33 russia china are separating themselves
@00:09:33 payments with china and other strategic
@00:09:40 china central banks have agreed to

False Flag Warning: ISIS Dispatching Terrorists To The United States - Episode 441

@00:12:28 trades with china who've been putting
@00:12:39 are russia china the bric nations they
@00:35:54 they might even bring russia in or china

Are The Riots In Ferguson Part Of The U.S. Agenda For Martial Law ?- Episode 440

@00:26:30 china that's really what's happening
@00:27:40 containing china containing russia it's
@00:39:05 oh china just you know cyber attack or
@00:39:42 in china for example making it appear
@00:40:08 up in china and
@00:41:04 russia china syria iraq they hit the
@00:44:07 china into doing something listen

Central Bankers/US Government Are Now Preparing For Bail-Ins - Episode 439

@00:05:56 china would join in and the whole thing
@00:22:42 the escalation of the south china sea
@00:38:09 starting to spread now china sent in
@00:38:37 sierra leone and we can see again china

Ebola, Civil Unrest, Open Borders And War As The Economy Collapses - Episode 438

@00:02:52 are containing china trying to provoke
@00:02:55 china into doing something we have
@00:04:48 and look at china and sign 19 deals with
@00:04:51 china to help stir the economy and right
@00:09:37 china and russia so in december 2013 the
@00:10:19 total trade china has currency swap
@00:12:16 here now in china it looks like they're
@00:12:37 food and the goods they need now china
@00:12:46 inciting tensions in the south china sea
@00:13:55 claim regarding the south china sea and
@00:13:59 china and the association of southeast
@00:14:08 south china sea this is coming from the
@00:14:32 to take a hard-line stance against china
@00:14:45 the agency added the south china sea
@00:14:52 all the countries china russia the other
@00:15:06 and china they made another agreement
@00:15:44 so russia and china are coming together
@00:17:51 china went to hong kong and it really
@00:18:20 making russia and china and all the
@00:30:28 situation here china is going to assist
@00:30:31 the west in africa china will send
@00:30:41 the first time that china has offered
@00:30:49 down there because china has a very big
@00:30:54 spread to nigeria and of course china

Central Bankers/US Government Set The Stage For The False Flag Event - Episode 436

@00:03:55 together with china and the other bric
@00:04:16 china is going to be part of it and we
@00:13:14 event now russia and china they're
@00:13:22 protect ourselves so russia and china
@00:13:43 china currently right now 75% of
@00:13:46 payments in russia and china trade
@00:16:01 china is planning to build lighthouses
@00:16:05 on five islands in the south china sea
@00:16:19 the south china sea and of course this
@00:16:50 to asia to encircle and contain china we
@00:18:15 china fruits and berries apples pears
@00:18:20 china and serbia so we can see right now
@00:19:21 components from china now right now they
@00:19:25 from china but what they're doing is
@00:19:50 from china we do work with china
@00:33:55 forces in africa where china is and many

The Central Bankers/US Government Push To War Is Now In Overdrive - Episode 435

@00:17:07 are many other countries zuma said china
@00:17:30 that china has really been ramping up in
@00:17:59 wanted to move into because china has a
@00:20:26 china is reviewing its military posture
@00:20:36 and you can see why china is doing this
@00:20:40 think here but china and russia realize
@00:20:52 contain china they understand that the
@00:20:58 china there they had think-tank reports
@00:21:14 demonize russia and china they need to

Central Bankers/US Government & NATO Are Setting The Stage For War - Episode 434

@00:02:16 riya china most likely syria iran and
@00:02:37 china north korea iran syria they're all
@00:18:32 with china and that is switzerland the
@00:18:38 agreement with china enabling the two
@00:18:55 similar agreements with china every seam
@00:20:44 bilateral deals with china to ramp up
@00:22:29 point now it looks like china is pushing
@00:22:51 it china has removed products by

Propaganda Warning: Terror Groups Could Be Building An “Ebola Dirty Bomb” - Episode 433

@00:15:42 rising africa wherever china is because
@00:15:45 china is doing that right now they're
@00:15:53 get in there they need to contain china
@00:16:04 trying to contain china in this region
@00:17:00 because right now china has a huge
@00:17:07 china kenya is a clearinghouse for the
@00:17:24 maneuver and wherever china is that's
@00:18:46 and copper and guess what china is there

High Probability Of An Event In August While Congress Is On Vacation - Episode 432

@00:03:10 pacific with china japan came out and
@00:03:20 we're going to name them china got
@00:03:24 can't do this it's in the china south
@00:03:28 is back in china and they want this
@00:17:08 pretty firm with china as beijing pushes
@00:17:17 he's telling everyone that yes china is
@00:18:19 with china as manageable that means
@00:18:30 states will retaliate against china
@00:18:33 china is engaged in territorial disputes
@00:18:38 china sea and frequently discourages
@00:18:43 issues one thing i will say about china
@00:19:01 need to pretty much contain china we're
@00:19:04 containing china in africa
@00:19:06 we're containing china in the pacific
@00:21:04 syria and iran that is russia and china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 431

@00:04:58 with china right now or any other
@00:08:31 continually provoking china and here we
@00:08:43 islands in the east china sea gc any
@00:08:58 china is out there protesting this sign
@00:09:07 this is being done to provoke china the
@00:09:19 their containing china in central africa
@00:10:29 china russia the bric nations they
@00:15:45 wants russia china to stop de dólar

Are The Central Bankers Using The Ebola Scare To Declare Martial Law? - Episode 430

@00:01:33 making deals with china and the bric
@00:01:35 nations and china has loaned billions of
@00:20:51 rattling china right now and they have a
@00:21:13 of china should the sino-us relationship
@00:21:21 said china had become more proactive in
@00:21:38 states wherever china is that's where
@00:22:32 against china if relations seem to break
@00:22:40 pivot to asia was to contain china the

The Central Bankers Have Prepared A Special Event To Cover Up The Collapse- Episode 429

@00:03:56 brics they're also dealing with china
@00:03:58 china is pumping billions into their
@00:04:05 and looking towards the brics and china
@00:13:17 russia and china if they try and or
@00:13:22 china will back syria if they try to do
@00:13:35 china are going to be there there have
@00:30:29 remove china cyprus britain and malta

You Must Believe The Propaganda, We Are In A Full Recovery - Episode 428

@00:21:23 into these countries because china works
@00:21:43 nigeria because wherever china is that's
@00:21:47 because they do not want china to get
@00:21:53 countries and again china is pumping in

Central Bankers Continually Pushing War As The Economy Falters - Episode 427

@00:19:05 pivot to asia surrounding china with
@00:39:20 hackers inside the government of china
@00:39:42 successful and look china is the evil
@00:40:09 demonize china at the

Is The White House The Target Of The Next Terrorist Attack?- Episode 426

@00:01:01 be russia china north korea iran syria
@00:20:05 to remember china is pumping in billions

The Next False Flag "We're Coming For You, Barack Obama" - Episode 425

@00:07:44 doing bilateral trades with china we see
@00:08:05 bank of china reached a currency swap
@00:30:56 course russia china north korea and this
@00:38:02 into the mix to bring china into the mix

The Economic Collapse Death Spiral Has Begun - Episode 424

@00:08:28 funds it is foreign nationals from china
@00:19:26 with china and other bric nations is
@00:37:59 china and south africa are among 29

False Flag Warning: U.S. Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks From Terrorists - Episode 423

@00:06:15 have to remember china now is pumping in
@00:06:26 they're making deals with china and
@00:27:03 and china they're looking to get
@00:27:25 china and russia are trying to say
@00:28:45 are already surrounding china they're

Economy Is Collapsing As So Is The False Flag Event - Episode 422

@00:09:47 purchases just like china because
@00:10:35 and pushing and pushing china has just
@00:11:30 now china is there making more deals
@00:13:52 china also is saying that their banks
@00:15:54 why because china is on the other side
@00:31:39 is episode 3 13 and the title is china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 420

@00:02:30 placing everything surrounding china and
@00:08:59 them just like china is

Central Bankers Are Now Using The Malaysian Airline False Flag To Start WWIII - Episode 419

@00:10:11 russia so we have china contained with
@00:11:17 finished putin russia and china and
@00:16:21 everything here get together with china

Was Malaysian Airliner Brought Down By A Missile To Start A War With Russia? - Episode 418

@00:05:21 products from china that are just
@00:10:20 russia india and china they are much
@00:11:45 china they're want their goal back
@00:16:03 china is also they are pumping in
@00:16:08 china is the united states central

Central Bankers Are Now Defending The Reserve Status Of The Dollar- Episode 417

@00:02:14 worried because china is making
@00:02:30 that china and russia is going to be a
@00:25:36 that will point to china the president's
@00:25:40 china they started up in ukraine and now

Is FEMA Preparing For Martial Law Over The "Mass Exodus" Of Illegal Aliens? - Episode 416

@00:02:10 making deals with china they signed
@00:07:23 deals with china and this is continually
@00:20:38 of greece and china and china on crete
@00:20:50 they've made about 19 deals with china
@00:21:06 moving towards china they're making
@00:23:08 ready to do now china is out there
@00:23:13 stay out of the south china sea dispute
@00:23:35 territorial advances in the south china
@00:23:43 china is very clear about this and we
@00:23:52 of china they talked about it and the
@00:26:01 many of them are china spain us finland

Islamic State Terrorism, Iran And Syria Are Now Prepped For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 415

@00:18:50 russia china a lot of the european
@00:21:27 amount and of course china is very

The Central Banker/U.S. Government Recovery Illusion Is Now Falling Apart - Episode 413

@00:12:44 bilateral trade deals with china with
@00:16:02 to remember china russia europe they're
@00:17:26 china alienating france the obama

Is The FED Signaling When The Economic Collapse Will Occur? - Episode 411

@00:03:56 resources and china was there so we can
@00:14:00 there he was meeting with china and the
@00:14:22 between china and the united states will
@00:14:48 in china who were committing cyber
@00:14:58 they're encircling china right now so we
@00:16:01 with china over the next 12 months
@00:17:08 china becoming clearing houses and now
@00:31:09 that china is attacking and targeting us
@00:31:16 i would china want to target us think
@00:31:46 to make us understand that yes china is
@00:34:23 is get together with china and dump the

Central Bankers Now Provoking War Everywhere To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 410

@00:04:57 china on one side and we have the united
@00:05:01 other provoking china we have the
@00:05:07 they're encircling china with military
@00:33:26 like china so you can see what they're
@00:33:33 going to be north korea iran syria china
@00:33:55 russia they already blame china they're

Petrodollar Becoming Obsolete As The U.S. Police State Surfaces - Episode 409

@00:00:41 with other countries like china russia
@00:08:09 down in africa because china is down
@00:11:33 bilateral trades at least china did and
@00:26:04 china is in there making deals and we're

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 408

@00:00:39 and as we know we see china we see
@00:01:20 china does not need to use the dollar

U.S. Planning Operation To Air Strike Iraq And Syria To Take Out Assad - Episode 407

@00:11:10 trying to provoke china they're trying
@00:11:22 also see that china has been making
@00:11:46 you wanna remember and now china has
@00:11:51 korea south korea and china have agreed
@00:12:02 understanding between china central bank
@00:28:57 have china russia and the other bric
@00:31:37 who is there again china china is in
@00:31:41 algeria china and algeria established
@00:31:48 all the relationships china has built
@00:31:59 major supplier to china in 2013 algeria
@00:32:06 its military cooperation with china and
@00:35:39 they went into afghanistan because china

The Economic Recovery Propaganda Is Complete, Next Step The Economic Collapse- Episode 406

@00:14:01 between russia china india and south
@00:14:49 planning we are discussing with china
@00:16:01 china must be done in you one or euro
@00:16:47 looking to china to help them out of the
@00:17:03 they were going towards china in that
@00:23:30 the country kick out china capture the
@00:23:36 remember china is has a huge footprint

False Flag Event On Schedule, Syrian Electronic Army Allegedly Cyber Attacks Reuters - Episode 405

@00:04:51 surrounding china this has been prepared
@00:06:19 bilateral trades with china setting up
@00:25:27 and china now it looks like the prime

U.S. Concerned ISIL & al-Qaeda Planning Attack By Aircraft, False Flag Alert! - Episode 404

@00:01:14 china north korea iran and many other
@00:01:27 missile bases encircling china sixty
@00:01:33 china we see eastern europe is building
@00:04:49 around the world i mean china has been
@00:13:34 of moves away from the us dollar china
@00:16:37 so you can see china is doing this
@00:21:44 island facing towards china and this is
@00:21:47 part of the encircling of china and we

Central Bankers Are Preparing For The Next Step, War!- Episode 402

@00:18:59 asia where they're encircling china and

Central Bankers Propaganda: Syria Is Playing A Game Of Shadows - Episode 401

@00:05:20 agreements with russia and china they
@00:07:42 they're looking at china to bail them
@00:11:42 can see china already is saying you know
@00:23:20 already making plans with china to
@00:23:30 see china also doing this with other

The Next False Flag Event Will Be 'Far Deadlier' Than 9/11 - Episode 400

@00:15:57 course i do because wherever china is
@00:16:01 they cannot let china get the natural
@00:16:55 nigeria and china they are buddy-buddy
@00:16:57 china is bringing in billions and
@00:17:12 piece of this they don't want china

US Dollar At Risk As The Middle East Tensions Increase - Episode 398

@00:01:18 remember that china plays a major role
@00:02:09 propped up and we can see already china
@00:03:48 else and they turn to china to help them
@00:11:53 we know russia and china are making a
@00:12:03 have the money china doesn't have the
@00:12:41 pipeline to china the national wealth
@00:12:56 russia with china ust bill ust bills the
@00:13:00 pipeline to china can't be targeted by
@00:25:13 because we have to remember china has a
@00:25:51 russia and eventually china eventually

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 397

@00:01:21 options and right now the china prime
@00:02:02 this effort right now china appears a
@00:02:24 do they go they're going to china and
@00:02:27 they're making deals with china and
@00:02:30 greece making deals with china to do all
@00:03:02 countries are turning towards china
@00:13:49 and they're posting remarks like china

Central Bankers Are Making Plans To Air Strike Syria, False Flag Alert - Episode 396

@00:03:27 china has a huge amount of investment
@00:11:41 completely bypass the dollar china would
@00:12:04 intermediary china has long had direct
@00:20:55 china and china only they're making a
@00:21:13 of deal happening with china now since
@00:29:09 china china staying back right now not

Central Bankers/US Government Strategic Plan For The Middle East - Episode 395

@00:12:04 to realize that russia china are the
@00:14:32 nations are making deals with china all
@00:14:41 kenya was making a deal with china to
@00:14:59 seems like every single time china is
@00:26:37 energy agency expects china to become
@00:41:51 waiting on the other side china and

Iraq Is In Chaos And The U.S. Attack On Syria Is Inevitable - Episode 394

@00:06:33 falling apart now china is building up
@00:06:44 china launched domestic banking units
@00:42:24 china found materials that could be used
@00:42:33 containers on a merchant ship from china

Iraq's Popular Uprising Shadowed By U.S. Terrorism Propaganda - Episode 392

@00:05:49 amount that was being sold by china so
@00:05:51 right now we see that belgium china and
@00:34:22 have we have russia and china we also

Central Bankers Are Planning A "Kinetic Strike" To Protect The Dollar Collapse - Episode 389

@00:05:12 reserves china russia and many other
@00:26:16 china is there china is in many
@00:26:22 china is that's where the united states
@00:33:13 regions wherever china is they need a
@00:33:28 was signing the deal with china to

Operation Disarm America Is Being Pushed Forward - Episode 387

@00:01:56 making deals with china and russia to
@00:25:37 out of hand now china is taking now a
@00:25:52 resources they can't let china get their
@00:25:54 hands on it so they are there also china
@00:26:06 china now africa's biggest trading
@00:26:30 china and it completely bypasses the
@00:26:42 the pentagon said china was marketing
@00:27:01 china is that for the united states is
@00:27:04 basically we are kinda at war with china
@00:27:08 united states central bankers and china
@00:27:14 on to say that china uses arms sales as
@00:27:36 difference is that china is actually
@00:32:56 china has the ability to jam this early

As The Dollar Collapses Bankers Are Taking Measures To Protect Themselves - Episode 386

@00:02:59 whatsoever and of course russia china
@00:03:22 and they're looking for china to really
@00:03:29 using the dollar whatsoever china has
@00:03:43 world now we also see that china and
@00:24:31 countries are provoking china they're
@00:36:28 forgot and of course china is out there

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 385

@00:01:05 the world with china and russia at this
@00:01:22 happening with china with their economy
@00:02:14 growing economy of china and the
@00:03:41 agreements with china there are a lot of

Companies Dumping The Dollar For Renminbi As The Trading Currency Of Choice - Episode 384

@00:00:45 the world is that china is making
@00:00:54 see russia china north korea iran syria
@00:01:04 this is that china has been making deals
@00:01:17 trade agreements with china uk is new
@00:02:17 encircling china they are now also
@00:15:51 china first us importers can slash the
@00:15:54 cost of imports from china by agreeing
@00:16:30 dollar and bilateral trade with china
@00:16:33 china ranked second behind the u.s. also
@00:16:43 it goes on and on and on china is
@00:17:33 getting rid of them china right now is
@00:23:41 with eastern neighbors like china and
@00:23:50 china and you can see all these deals
@00:24:37 deals china is doing it by making deals
@00:26:10 china russia north korea iran syria some
@00:26:19 china or russia it seems like there
@00:30:12 on chiney china is developing a new
@00:30:24 forces build-up china also is developing
@00:30:46 merv's the report also said china has
@00:31:00 that china new generation of mobile
@00:31:31 strategic forces more lethal china along
@00:31:38 internet china has been a major promoter
@00:32:20 report up saying that china is advancing
@00:33:32 china they're bringing in f-16 military
@00:33:47 china building up and placing missiles
@00:34:29 peering into china the particular radar
@00:34:41 west coast facing china defense news

Russia And North Korea To Launch Ruble Transactions Which Bypasses The Euro/US Dollar- Episode 383

@00:00:56 this time and we see china and russia
@00:09:01 bank this is why china russia and other
@00:09:08 bypass the us dollar this is why china
@00:12:42 in north korea and again russia china
@00:14:44 china their inching toward another gas
@00:14:48 contract russia and china could soon
@00:15:14 sign another one at this time now china
@00:15:28 named the five people in china which is
@00:16:06 china is lashing out at google apple and
@00:16:24 nsa china state media has announced that
@00:16:32 cybersecurity of china so now china of
@00:25:06 coming from russia and china and this is
@00:27:47 they're almost equal to china and russia
@00:34:12 with china with syria with many of the
@00:34:18 bric nations with china at this time

U.S. Boosting Military Assets In Europe To Counter Russia - Episode 382

@00:01:06 china they encircle china they have a
@00:01:20 nuclear launch from russia and china
@00:04:06 china you know attack the financial
@00:06:42 wherever china is that's where the
@00:28:48 that china is uh not pushing forward and
@00:28:54 have to remember china is in afghanistan
@00:29:15 china handle it just like in africa
@00:29:19 china is in all these countries nigeria
@00:29:28 keep china in check because china you

Warning: Two Weeks To Prepare For A Possible Cyber Attack On Bank Accounts - Episode 381

@00:04:35 renminbi china is out there making deals
@00:04:47 china and china is continually doing
@00:05:03 world encircling russia and china and
@00:06:18 see china we see russia and other
@00:08:11 right now now russia and china like we
@00:08:19 russia and china have agreed to set up a
@00:08:58 railways and china railway
@00:10:04 central banks russia and china are
@00:10:15 earlier this year estimated that china
@00:10:27 china and south africa and long been
@00:19:56 out there saying that china poses a huge
@00:20:23 they've been circling china bringing in
@00:20:34 sorry containing china and also we have
@00:21:06 facing north korea and china and they
@00:21:15 china at this time and there's also a
@00:21:36 nuclear attack against russia and china

Is The U.S. Planning A 'First Strike' Nuclear Attack On Russia And China - Episode 380

@00:00:39 and china and when we look at the bigger
@00:00:47 over the world specifically for china
@00:01:14 china we see from poland romania they're
@00:01:29 china and there are documents out there
@00:01:39 china we're going to get into that a
@00:07:13 be disturbed dispersed to either china
@00:07:23 concerned over china hoarding the gold
@00:07:52 china is doing is they're purchasing the
@00:08:08 china is hoarding the gold and does not
@00:08:23 anything to counter china on this the
@00:08:28 china is putting pressure on washington
@00:09:29 china and south africa are expected to
@00:09:50 and world bank and we see china
@00:10:05 with china with yuyuan which would
@00:10:49 china and russia they're making deals
@00:10:52 with each other china is making deals
@00:14:02 factors higher demand in food from china
@00:15:42 has nothing to do with china demanding
@00:21:28 china are moving toward a formal
@00:21:32 by russia and china the main message is
@00:21:35 that china russia relations have reached
@00:21:51 importance is the agreement that china
@00:24:26 china is getting nervous and they see
@00:25:18 nuclear attack on russia or china and
@00:29:08 likely china and all those missile
@00:29:39 while right now they're encircling china

Is The U.S. Preparing A Full Military Strike In Libya? - Episode 379

@00:27:17 and he's out there saying that china has
@00:27:23 asserting its claim in the south china
@00:27:28 provoking provoking with china right now
@00:27:47 zoo doing something but china realizes
@00:27:55 china and make it look like china's the
@00:29:03 china is that's where the private wasn't
@00:29:18 can see every place china is that's
@00:32:49 understand that china and russia there a
@00:33:43 to china and russia which have been
@00:34:46 growing alliance between iran china and
@00:34:52 russia china arc and they're very

Directive Outlines The President To Use Military Force Against Domestic Unrest - Episode 378

@00:10:08 have paper and ink and we see that china
@00:10:37 central africa and again wherever china
@00:22:59 becoming closer together blaming china
@00:23:18 doing this well of course china that is
@00:23:58 china to contain them and i've been
@00:24:16 encircle in russia and china and
@00:24:34 china with the cyber attacks cyber
@00:24:56 china would actually do any of the cyber
@00:25:12 and that is sanctions against china to
@00:27:14 not going to allow china to take these
@00:27:20 at it wherever china is that's where
@00:27:25 china is there what are they doing well
@00:27:34 lot of natural resources there china is
@00:27:49 they're all that china is helping them
@00:28:06 you can see wherever china is that's
@00:29:32 pushing the china gas deal forward they
@00:29:38 pipeline the russian china gas project
@00:30:25 china in the ruble and you want they are
@00:38:34 china and russia and china or russia now
@00:38:49 iran along with china and russia brought

It Begins, The U.S. Positions Military Assets In The Mediterranean - Episode 377

@00:19:34 know that china is there pumping
@00:21:19 doing the same in china because they
@00:24:59 understand wherever china is that's
@00:25:31 a clearinghouse china is pumping in
@00:40:44 most likely syria china russia that

U.S. Pushing The Syrian Agenda, Now Training Paid Mercenaries For The Event - Episode 376

@00:01:49 and china then join in and we can see by
@00:04:05 here and you know russia and china are
@00:04:09 china are creating this security pact
@00:04:34 russia and china have been making deals
@00:12:48 pretty much came out and said china was
@00:13:05 like china just doesn't go ahead and use
@00:13:18 been happening is is that china has been
@00:13:21 stopping business us business in china
@00:13:35 do business in china and what we're
@00:13:50 including the people's bank of china and
@00:14:10 losing business in china ibm microsoft
@00:15:28 understand that china and russia they've
@00:15:37 china now is pushing the agenda forward
@00:15:43 of gold pricing and china has approached
@00:16:35 on the international exchange china
@00:16:46 china the international exchange is the
@00:24:57 going to say that china attacked vietnam
@00:25:44 russia and china are making deals all
@00:26:36 encircling china because china is a
@00:28:03 is buddy-buddy with china china's
@00:29:16 cohort operations china is also in
@00:32:53 place china is that's where the united
@00:33:04 china in the pacific area and the united

Russia And China Are Now Working Together To Organize The Global "de-dollarization" - Episode 375

@00:00:36 china are now working together to
@00:00:40 we can see that china has been making
@00:00:53 and china have both in purchasing a huge
@00:01:58 and china to create a reserve system to
@00:02:23 see that once china starts to really
@00:07:52 russia china and all the bric nations
@00:09:00 china and russia they are totally
@00:09:13 china have reached an unprecedented
@00:10:05 china to look for other financial
@00:10:51 in china where he was saying that yes
@00:20:39 afghanistan because china is there they
@00:23:25 getting close to that date now china
@00:23:57 state-owned chinese companies china has
@00:24:14 espionage china is fighting back saying
@00:35:57 russia has serious back china and russia
@00:36:53 that's where china is most of the states
@00:37:05 kenya china has made deals all around

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 374

@00:05:23 created this deal with china and they
@00:05:40 about russia china buying up the
@00:05:55 looks like china might become russia's
@00:05:59 biggest gas consumer china could replace
@00:07:01 china and of course we understand this
@00:09:51 north korea philippines japan china all

Former NSA Chief: More Terrorist Attacks On The Way, Be Prepared For A False Flag - Episode 373

@00:02:15 much void all those contracts with china
@00:13:53 pulling away from the dollar china
@00:14:05 dying you want is rising china has made
@00:14:47 do now china is ready to replace eu
@00:15:25 can't do business here china is going to
@00:25:40 these other countries do china russia
@00:30:45 china and all the other countries it's
@00:38:29 africa because wherever china is that's
@00:38:36 want china to take control of these
@00:39:51 china russia the bric nations are all

As The Dollar Dies The Next Event Will Rise - Episode 372

@00:01:25 russia china they are definitely making
@00:01:50 the world we can see that china has been
@00:01:57 globe russia and china finally signed
@00:02:15 that is not involved with china with
@00:20:31 western banking system so is china so is
@00:21:08 purchasing physical gold china is doing
@00:21:40 now russia made a deal with china and
@00:21:47 you ones and they already started china
@00:21:54 afghan banks and again china has a huge
@00:22:21 china financial magazine
@00:22:25 china central bank pen made some rather
@00:23:12 percent and we can see russia and china
@00:23:20 pan pointed out that china has signed
@00:23:44 1 not to mention two banks in china and
@00:34:58 we have to remember china and nigeria of
@00:35:01 the buddy-buddy china has been pumping
@00:35:36 china is in chad also china is in
@00:35:44 wherever china is that's where the
@00:36:26 been going on now china is calling for a
@00:36:49 then into iran russia and china now will
@00:38:14 nuclear plants china is making deals all
@00:38:29 can see that what russia and china is
@00:41:42 china block resolution to refer syria to
@00:42:02 looks like russia and china completely

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 369

@00:04:00 works from china and russia so we're
@00:04:06 we're going to see that russia and china
@00:10:11 china and we can see how this can could
@00:14:17 china and russia are backing iran and

Central Bankers Are Maneuvering To Cover Up The Economic Collapse With WAR - Episode 368

@00:00:59 islands we have china and vietnam china
@00:01:05 protesting because china is now drilling
@00:03:13 china is there pumping in billions of
@00:03:32 china to build a rail rail link to all
@00:03:41 happen they're not going to let china in
@00:07:20 would turn to asia in particular china
@00:15:47 don't want it either now china is out in
@00:15:52 the disputed south china sea and many
@00:16:28 china and there this is a flashpoint
@00:16:35 they're having protests against china
@00:21:10 syria central africa out near china in
@00:21:19 and encircling china and russia at this
@00:23:28 blame this on china they provided the
@00:23:38 right now is china saying whoa whoa whoa
@00:24:06 us china and the china north industries
@00:24:49 were trying to implicate china and syria
@00:24:59 central bank it's north korea china
@00:30:57 china and russia into the fold because
@00:31:28 making deals with russia and china and

U.S. Pushing The Syria Agenda, Be Prepared For An Event - Episode 367

@00:23:29 about china making the deal with kenya
@00:23:53 china is and whenever they're making a
@00:25:35 deals and of course china is there

Interview With Dahboo7 - 5.15.2014

@00:11:58 all the way from china down through the
@00:12:01 south china sea into the indian ocean
@00:12:17 wartime situation china is going to have
@00:12:21 china sea they're not going to be able
@00:13:03 had to get on board so china gets mad at
@00:13:30 all over the region china has only been
@00:14:42 the region the china has is north korea
@00:14:47 surrounding them plus china continued to
@00:23:22 china but it's just amazing to me how we
@00:34:18 technology from china and it seems like
@00:34:52 all of china you know i'm saying like
@00:35:12 take out china i mean do it from your

Russia Gives The Green Light To "De-Dollarize" The World - Episode 366

@00:01:04 to go out and make deals with china
@00:04:27 looking at at this time china the
@00:11:24 china and they are going to push this
@00:11:29 gold for many many years just like china
@00:11:32 china has been purchasing a lot more
@00:12:44 see in africa right now that china set
@00:16:07 understand that china is making deals
@00:16:16 africa and china is pumping in billions
@00:19:57 own rating agency china starting their
@00:23:58 they are encircling china containing
@00:24:01 china as president obama says and making
@00:24:38 many bases surrounding china and if you

False Flag Warning: Iran Has Been Sending Chinese-Made Chlorine Gas To Syria - Episode 365

@00:38:27 they're implicating china and syria
@00:38:55 syria china and iran are all involved
@00:39:11 and china will back iran and syria so we

Why Is The U.S. State Department Shipping Explosives To Unknown Locations ? - Episode 364

@00:13:04 places ago china russia a direct threat
@00:21:14 russia and china at this time russia and
@00:21:16 china are finally ready to sign this
@00:21:27 gas to china that has been ten years in
@00:21:33 signature now down in africa china is
@00:22:03 bank of china will provide ninety
@00:22:08 china is taking the us dollars bringing
@00:22:17 china is that's where the united states
@00:22:36 this us dollar but china has been making
@00:22:59 building china is down there

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 363

@00:04:52 doing this because china is there
@00:04:59 natural resources and wherever china is
@00:13:39 launched by russia china north korea

Recession, Depression, Economic Collapse Dead Ahead- Episode 362

@00:18:28 vietnam china united states is there
@00:18:31 japan china united states is there
@00:18:34 central africa china united states is
@00:19:02 problem everywhere and china is out
@00:19:34 encircling china the pivot to asia sixty
@00:19:57 south korea is right next to china japan
@00:19:59 right next to china there's about 40,000
@00:20:59 around china more troops are coming in

As All Eyes Are On Ukraine Something Big Is About To Happen In The Middle East -- Episode 361

@00:29:13 realize that they are the creditor china

Manipulated Unemployment, Housing Declines And Geo-Political Risk Equals Collapse -- Episode 360

@00:16:57 an important partner of china in the
@00:17:01 continent china and nigeria have
@00:20:53 they did in the pacific with china and
@00:29:11 calling in china russia brazil venezuela

Mission Accomplished, The Economic Recovery Is An Illusion -- Episode 356

@00:02:39 japan china area over the senkaku
@00:19:36 all include russia north korea china
@00:24:35 and our goal is not to counter china our
@00:24:37 goal is to contain china why is china
@00:24:59 china and squeeze them and push them
@00:25:05 and they encircle china just in case
@00:25:12 they are ready to go into bringing china
@00:37:44 making deals with china they made a deal
@00:37:46 with china the building this whole
@00:38:16 embracing china and russia and there's a
@00:38:22 china has been making deals with uk

As NATO Builds Its Forces The Economy Is On The Brink Of Collapse -- Episode 355

@00:03:10 a fight with china at this time because
@00:04:04 we see china making deals with about 23

FED Blames Bad Economy On The Weather, The Economy Is Recovering "Not" -- Episode 354

@00:18:28 economic collapse now china is going to
@00:18:37 bank china may pass the us and become
@00:18:58 what's happening china is making deals
@00:40:27 maybe russia china but right now it

Central Bankers Are Running Out Of Time As The Economic Collapse Accelerates -- Episode 353

@00:27:44 not on russia itself and of course china

The Economic Recovery Is Falling Apart, Be Prepared For An Event -- Episode 352

@00:01:26 the other nations like north korea china
@00:15:13 china and other foreign nations have
@00:17:22 come to it japan's a diff china should
@00:19:31 asia this is the encircling of china in
@00:19:53 the pacific we are encircling china we
@00:20:34 against china throughout the
@00:31:52 and china they're going to have naval
@00:32:10 propaganda saying that oh my god china
@00:36:55 china north korea syria iran they will
@00:40:14 china north korea iran or syria it

The Central Bankers Hope War Will Mask The Economic Collapse -- Episode 350

@00:16:34 this time with russia and china but it
@00:17:31 and closing gas export deals with china
@00:17:50 this now china was just out there the
@00:18:00 of china aims to set up global payment
@00:18:06 china to make gold oil futures you want
@00:18:08 denominated the people's bank of china
@00:27:56 does russia china iran syria it seems
@00:30:28 china and this is all in preparation for
@00:32:40 china to counter snp but they're taking
@00:33:34 the us dollar china and russia they are
@00:34:30 with china to persuade them to dump the
@00:34:46 happening is russia and china are

The Central Bankers Give The Green Light To Provoke War -- Episode 349

@00:31:54 china this was all preparation for world

Police State Rising To Control The People During The Economic Collapse- Episode 348

@00:25:43 which china also claims sovereignty so
@00:26:05 japan is out there and china that's why
@00:26:12 directive is to provoke china let's see
@00:26:51 stand china is supporting the rebels and
@00:43:42 belonged to the china arms manufacturer
@00:43:47 nor rinko so they're implicating china
@00:44:42 up we have two chemical attacks china is

As The World Economies Collapse The Shadow Of War Is Upon The World -- Episode 347

@00:23:57 is the encircling of china they've been
@00:24:05 war breaks out china is a threat and
@00:40:54 iran israel would join in russia china
@00:41:35 actors like syria and iran russia china

The Central Bankers Are Pushing War To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 346

@00:03:01 in between china and japan we have syria
@00:03:46 china now they're encircling russia and
@00:15:41 now china has decided to go dark in
@00:15:58 this time going forward china can
@00:16:12 china is importing one of the reasons
@00:16:15 why china could be encouraging more
@00:16:25 china wants to keep the trade a secret
@00:22:55 deals with china india north korea iran
@00:33:27 government now china
@00:33:33 time china intend to invest a massive
@00:33:42 is partnering with china and two major
@00:33:51 deep water port china will look into new
@00:33:58 the region and china will abandon a
@00:37:47 china is dumping the treasury bonds it

Is The CIA Pushing The War Agenda In Ukraine? -- Episode 344

@00:17:35 east china sea the new outpost will be
@00:17:42 china but controlled by japan in the
@00:17:44 east china sea so again here we are we
@00:17:51 and china united states and russia

US/Russia De-escalation Agreement Is A Distraction, The War Agenda Moves Forward -- Episode 343

@00:09:57 the solar company from china the
@00:20:34 to india through northwest china and
@00:20:47 hydrocarbons both in china and in india

The Next False Flag Is A Go As The FED Says Healthy Economy Is Within Reach -- Episode 342

@00:12:34 india china and south africa have made
@00:21:48 now china is planning to militarize
@00:21:53 china is planning to increase its
@00:22:15 on this are us russia and now china
@00:22:41 which surround china now we have the
@00:34:53 over in china north korea iran syria

Is Ukraine Slipping Into A Civil War Which Will Lead To A World War? -- Episode 341

@00:14:32 china and this is why they had to switch
@00:15:09 treasury so china dropping russia
@00:35:41 russia china

As The Conflict In Ukraine Escalates A False Flag Event Looms -- Episode 340

@00:09:59 now china and russia now are pretty much
@00:10:04 buying huge copper mines china and
@00:10:18 and china is buying a huge peruvian
@00:10:46 china has been doing this with their
@00:10:58 been making deals with china india north
@00:29:09 china create their own rating agency
@00:32:55 remember if russia or china had a
@00:33:33 if the uk if china or russia was around

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 339

@00:07:27 during a 2011 trip to china and applying
@00:13:28 and right now russia china and denmark
@00:19:19 buy oil and russia and china are now

The Government Is Now Waging War On The People's Rights -- Episode 338

@00:11:13 russia china
@00:13:33 china and south africa and you can see
@00:26:36 need it because china is moving in they
@00:26:45 you one china has been pumping in
@00:32:57 china could have cyber attack the bank

UN Is Preparing To Censor And Tax The Internet -- Episode 336

@00:25:40 and china are making a deal and they're
@00:25:55 natural gas supply deal with china that
@00:26:00 negotiation russia's gazprom and china
@00:26:32 china now we understand that nato is

Dollar Is Dropped As Countries And Central Banks Declared Their Holdings In Yuan -- Episode 334

@00:19:25 surrounding china they're doing the same
@00:25:07 see that it's not just russia china is
@00:26:57 25 percent or lower why because of china
@00:27:36 always include russia and china and this
@00:27:53 mainland china australia hong kong
@00:29:27 over the china and russia won't be there
@00:29:38 russia and china are leaning efforts to
@00:29:45 hill russia and china and other major
@00:31:07 russia and china are trying to push and
@00:31:34 at this time and china and russia are
@00:34:19 china forward we understand that the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 333

@00:21:48 china iran syria north korea and we see
@00:22:46 make the move they want china to make
@00:23:19 china we have missiles point in the
@00:23:24 where basis surrounding china we have i
@00:24:39 china because i've said this many times
@00:25:04 making deals with china making deals
@00:26:08 they're doing china is doing the same
@00:26:55 across the globe with china making deals
@00:27:30 with china they have how clearing house

The Economic War Has Begun Which Will Lead To WWIII -- Episode 332

@00:03:43 russia and china north korea india iran
@00:27:42 china provoking russia provoking north
@00:27:54 the u.s. is warning china not to try a
@00:28:03 says the china should not doubt the us
@00:29:08 threat to china at this point now in
@00:31:47 with china has deals with russia at this
@00:34:36 china india north korea and now they're
@00:35:34 single day because right now china has
@00:44:33 to bring russia into this to bring china

Disarming The American People Using Mass Shooting False Flags -- Episode 331

@00:12:04 its trading partners including china and
@00:12:36 with china they're making deals with
@00:13:31 china is doing the same thing across the
@00:13:48 deals with china using the you want or
@00:22:01 north korea with russia with china they

As The War Drums Beat Louder, DHS Prepares For Domestic Terrorism- Episode 330

@00:32:05 they're making deals with china they're
@00:35:35 the same thing they did in china with
@00:35:37 the pivot to asia surround china
@00:36:59 now with russia china iran and india

Russia And China Make Another Move That Threatens The Dollar -- Episode 328

@00:00:40 reported what china was doing and making
@00:10:23 situation because china is making their
@00:10:34 looking to china to help with their
@00:18:54 north korea syria russia china however
@00:19:37 russia and china yes there's some
@00:19:55 their story now china as we know is in
@00:20:00 africa and you know the china peep the
@00:20:03 china government is helping the rebels
@00:20:14 china is also creating already has
@00:20:57 either the people's republic of china
@00:21:53 point china is really pushing and making
@00:22:00 clearing house and we can see china has
@00:26:35 russian side i'm not on the china side i
@00:29:08 we understand that china and russia are
@00:29:19 that china is slated to be the next
@00:29:42 china along with making a direct threat
@00:29:58 china bypassing the dollar making trade
@00:30:11 bypassing the dollar china on the other
@00:32:47 china and it is a complete direct threat
@00:43:56 to china with this technology and now

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 327

@00:09:22 are in talks with india and china and
@00:11:40 attack in china quite a bit i mean they
@00:11:50 they're blaming it on china which
@00:11:55 china is saying that they're hacking
@00:12:02 china has long singled out the united
@00:12:16 that china is completely pushing and
@00:13:03 russia china north korea iran syria all
@00:13:28 that china
@00:14:00 bank of china agreed to cooperate in the
@00:14:13 sign agreement bank of china expanding
@00:14:25 people's bank of china to make london a
@00:16:42 and remember they are china is making
@00:16:58 before they allow china to be the

The US Atlantic Coastline Goes On High Alert To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 326

@00:13:00 china it really doesn't matter because
@00:20:04 china already buying gold hand over fist
@00:21:36 not holding it china is not holding it
@00:23:18 was argentina brazil china egypt india
@00:23:20 iraq pakistan south africa and china so
@00:24:45 everything internal dealing with china
@00:33:34 been building up china right now i am

The Economic Recovery Illusion Is Losing Steam And The Collapse Is Quickly Approaching -Episode 325

@00:18:32 was illegal but russia vetoed and china
@00:30:09 happening because china has set up a
@00:30:32 resources in this area and china has
@00:32:10 china out trying to keep the us dollar
@00:32:25 iran with north korea with china and

US Intelligence, al-Qaeda Using Syria As A Launching Pad To Plan Attacks On The US -- Episode 324

@00:30:28 doing it with china north korea iran
@00:40:47 russia we see china making deals with
@00:41:44 this russia china also a cyber threat we

As The Economy Implodes The President Is Concerned Over Exploding Nukes In NY -- Episode 323

@00:22:25 making deals with china north korea
@00:24:19 thirty one percent and in china it's up
@00:24:34 deal with china
@00:28:12 it's china its north korea it's iran so
@00:28:30 making deals china is out there making
@00:28:33 deal in china it's just made a deal with
@00:28:34 israel israel and china move forward
@00:28:47 between israel and china is moving
@00:29:01 and this goes on to say i think china is
@00:29:07 outside china and yes we do see this
@00:31:57 has been making deals with china the

World Focused On Russia While US & NATO Buildup Military Assets Near Russia -- Episode 322

@00:02:05 happen in china it doesn't really matter
@00:07:10 with china with india with north korea
@00:07:32 gas and oil to china and they would
@00:11:34 emerging economies like china will give
@00:12:44 china the imf's third-largest member and
@00:15:54 of the time it's china on the other side
@00:18:06 course china is worried about you know
@00:32:36 know exactly it's coming from china well
@00:32:38 now china is demanding an explanation
@00:32:58 leaders of china as well as chinese
@00:41:10 russia and china so i ran right now is
@00:41:12 part of russia and china in cyber
@00:42:14 iran fits in with china and russia so we

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place -- Episode 320

@00:18:47 china it makes no difference at this
@00:22:40 we'll do this with china we'll do this
@00:22:55 energy deal with none other than china a
@00:24:32 because they've made a deal with china
@00:25:06 china and all these other countries they
@00:38:27 army and from russia and from china this

Tensions Rise As The U.S. Imposes Laughable Sanctions On Russia -- Episode 319

@00:15:38 go down now china is making a no
@00:15:48 china have been strengthened with a deal

The Fed Will Continue With The Economic Recovery Illusion -- Episode 318

@00:32:26 well of course it's going to be china

The Next False Flag Seems To Be Right On Schedule -- Episode 317

@00:18:55 with human rights they say china
@00:19:07 and right now iran and china are
@00:33:23 syria it leads to russia and china and
@00:33:29 china iran and syria it's all the same

The Perfect Economic Storm Is Now Forming And It Will Collapse The Economy -- Episode 316

@00:11:13 china or in any other nation
@00:12:37 happening with china we understand the
@00:20:29 afghanistan is a huge copper mine china
@00:28:21 basically teamed up with china and other

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 315

@00:05:04 in a strategic location china is there
@00:05:52 china right now is pouring in billions
@00:06:04 there's china now yesterday i reported
@00:06:16 it's russia or china i'm going to say
@00:06:37 engage china for bilateral trade and
@00:07:19 impose sanctions and again china and
@00:07:40 so that went down the toilet china
@00:07:52 again as soon as russia veto to it china
@00:08:04 again china already stated that they're

The Next False Flag Will Blackout Most Of The Country -- Episode 314

@00:12:46 understand that china has been dumping
@00:13:16 so the question is is it china is it
@00:23:09 russia and china could say you know what
@00:23:24 china could go hog-wild they can start
@00:23:29 conventional submarines to china if the
@00:23:43 and china you know could purchase
@00:24:44 with china with iran with syria and it
@00:24:58 government of iran the china is a direct
@00:29:45 again china is also doing the same thing

China And Russia Warn U.S. That Sanctions Would Trigger Unforeseeable Consequences -- Episode 313

@00:00:36 this episode is china and russia warned
@00:21:52 now and again china who is siding with
@00:22:00 whoa be careful here and china now is
@00:22:16 again china holds a lot of

Is The Devaluation Of The Dollar Unavoidable? -- Episode 312

@00:12:12 leave china is there they have a huge
@00:12:15 copper mine china is pouring in billions
@00:12:24 mine the copper and again china also
@00:13:42 the united states and russia and china
@00:17:00 like china india north korea do the same
@00:26:05 the support of iran and china so why
@00:31:11 treasury bonds china is threatening we
@00:31:14 see right now that china has already
@00:31:29 the dollar system china the united
@00:31:46 bonds by russia and china would send

U.S. Electrical Grid Attacks Could Wipe Out Power Across The Country -- Episode 311

@00:29:35 have the japan-china skirmish going on

Libya & Ukraine Crisis Might Ignite The Dollar Reset -- Episode 310

@00:27:32 they're teamed up with china they have
@00:28:46 along with china so there are more and
@00:36:36 so does china and if they impose
@00:40:52 syria or iran or china but right now it
@00:41:03 china and russia anyhow if they play
@00:41:11 china backing them if they blame it on
@00:41:13 china or russia we're at war with russia
@00:41:15 and china so it all fits into the same

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 309

@00:03:02 he's leaving office and right now china
@00:03:09 point and you have to remember china is
@00:03:20 china said on saturday that it will work
@00:03:25 china will work with the international
@00:04:27 leave afghanistan alone if china is
@00:14:01 again if putin china all these countries
@00:16:50 russia or china wanted to collapse the

FED Repeats, It Would Take A Major Economic Disruption To Curb The Taper -- Episode 307

@00:14:39 china whatever country they're going to

Russia Warns U.S., Capable Of Zero Economic Dependency On The U.S.- Episode 306

@00:29:46 china russia north korea iran syria but
@00:31:32 surrounded china with bases and missiles

Iran And Russia Might Combine Forces To Launch Cyber Attacks On The U.S. Economy -- Episode 305

@00:02:43 have been coming from russia and china
@00:35:41 china hold a lot of treasuries and of
@00:36:05 encourage everybody including china to
@00:36:38 because you have to remember china holds
@00:43:34 north korea china whatever country they

Russia And The U.S. Face Off Over The Ukraine -- Episode 304

@00:02:54 and then we have russia and china on the
@00:13:13 that goes with russia china north korea
@00:26:11 now china is taking the side of russia
@00:32:08 am not on russia side i'm not on china
@00:38:25 russia china syria iran north korea

China Says U.S. Economy Is Fake And Nothing Backs The Dollar -- Episode 301

@00:00:35 of this episode is china says us economy
@00:00:39 we understand that china has been making
@00:11:11 now as the title says china says us
@00:11:18 dollar and you know china really let the
@00:11:25 was complaining to china about all sorts
@00:11:31 china of having financial problems and
@00:11:41 representatives from china stood up and
@00:13:07 dollar is collapsing china fully
@00:26:21 china china is making some moves now we
@00:26:43 is china is planning an
@00:26:57 and china and basically what's happening
@00:27:01 is china is positioning itself for
@00:27:38 military assets now we see china moving
@00:27:47 china has also signed a security and
@00:28:41 world we have china now setting up
@00:28:47 parts of the world we have china making
@00:36:27 on itself i mean you can see that china

Will The Boomerang Effect Stop The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 300

@00:14:18 other reports that you know china is
@00:15:06 position to surround china because the
@00:33:01 naval drill with china and india russia
@00:33:12 china and member states of the
@00:33:19 all or three putin china north korea
@00:33:42 military ties with china russia is
@00:33:51 northern part of the east china sea and
@00:34:45 happening china is seeing what's
@00:44:05 syria or iran or china or russia

High Probability Of A Major Event With Syria -- Episode 299

@00:20:35 that iran is making the deal with china
@00:20:37 and now china iran once this deal goes
@00:20:41 through china will be the biggest
@00:20:57 now iran is making deals with china and
@00:21:12 china and north korea and believe me the

Russia Warns The US And NATO Of War -- Episode 298

@00:21:23 trade ties between iran and china
@00:21:33 forget countries like china that's stood
@00:21:37 like china to be one of iran's main
@00:21:42 happen all over the world where china is
@00:21:54 china is unloading their us dollars and
@00:22:12 been been making a deal with china syria
@00:22:35 of relations with china has always been
@00:22:45 china has been making deals all across
@00:30:12 japan and china are going back and forth
@00:30:24 been pivoting to asia surrounding china
@00:36:21 other country who is backed by china who
@00:36:27 china that caused this and this is why

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 297

@00:05:45 propaganda to demonize china they use it
@00:05:59 what they're seeing now is china not
@00:07:31 now but they have to demonize china
@00:07:37 up in war with china and russia because
@00:14:15 with japan and china or here because
@00:14:21 will get involved china will get

Fed Says It Would Take Something Big To Stop The Taper- Episode 294

@00:30:41 with china japan is now considering
@00:30:48 potential or with china japanese
@00:31:06 china started a war with japan it would
@00:31:27 also plan for war with china because
@00:31:37 breaks out with syria russia and china

China And Other Nations Are Now Dumping Treasuries -- Episode 293

@00:00:34 title this episode is china and other
@00:16:31 time now we understand that china holds
@00:17:52 these treasuries because right now china
@00:18:19 this is what china is worried about they
@00:30:41 are all making deals with china and
@00:30:53 making deals using the yuan in china
@00:31:44 china china has been pumping in billions
@00:32:08 they do not want china there to south
@00:32:22 resources from china and russia and of
@00:32:26 you're no longer going to go to china
@00:33:42 china for special mention it
@00:33:45 specifically criticizes china for its
@00:33:57 against china is to place it in the dock
@00:34:12 provocations and pressure against china
@00:34:26 and acts as a buffer for china on its
@00:34:41 strategic partnership around china again
@00:35:22 this they have been surrounding china
@00:35:28 will be going to war with china and

A Military Strike In Syria Will Spark World War III -- Episode 292

@00:01:52 august of 2013 russia and china back
@00:14:43 dollar from collapsing and again china
@00:14:54 see all the propaganda against china
@00:15:02 from china but i don't believe the war
@00:15:04 will start in china i believe it's going
@00:15:09 spread into russia into china into many
@00:23:23 this moves forward and china says
@00:24:52 are backed by china okay and this sudan
@00:38:33 china are backing syria iran has a pact
@00:39:02 china have been preparing because they
@00:40:09 trace this to china and i repeated this
@00:40:42 and the source has been traced to china
@00:40:52 before the g20 nations including china
@00:41:00 china north korea syria and they are

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 291

@00:08:04 they provoked china they provoke russia
@00:10:01 iran it was making deals with china it
@00:12:57 china and russia and there's many other
@00:13:13 accept china's declared east china sea
@00:13:34 continually provoked china and
@00:22:29 because of north korea because of china

Americans Have Lost Hope As The Economic Collapse Accelerates -- Episode 290

@00:20:42 come down dramatically china appears to
@00:29:54 reason for this is because china is
@00:29:59 keep drawing at bay because china is
@00:30:47 from china and russia they'd understand
@00:32:02 to push china back we understand the
@00:32:11 and china is pumping in billions and
@00:33:09 russia and china back syria back iran

We Will See More Layoffs As The Economy Begins To Collapse -- Episode 289

@00:18:44 china how they're becoming the next
@00:19:34 mainland china are coming back heavily

As The Dollar Collapses We See The Rise Of The Yuan -- Episode 288

@00:09:36 this russia seeing this china seeing
@00:10:05 august 24 2012 china eyes ways to
@00:10:09 broaden the yuans use china aims to turn
@00:12:26 april eighth 2013 china australia reach
@00:12:31 currency deal australia and china have
@00:12:49 preparations underway for france china
@00:12:57 currency swap agreement with china is
@00:13:16 china kicked off its you won clearing
@00:13:28 d13 china uk sign currency swap deal
@00:13:31 china and britain have reached a three
@00:14:20 21st 2013 china fires a shot a shot
@00:15:08 here now februari 12 2014 china pushes
@00:15:14 cash and plastic china is developing its
@00:15:45 remember china is still purchasing tons
@00:15:56 central bankers have with china they the
@00:16:28 we are now in the end game now china is
@00:16:48 agenda of china and we can see that
@00:17:17 international use china has become
@00:17:23 chime at this time china has been
@00:17:30 investment ties between china and africa
@00:38:04 attacks cnn and they said oh china is

US And China Are At War But The World Doesn't Know It Yet -- Episode 287

@00:00:38 china are at war but the world doesn't
@00:08:03 if we look at china they did a record
@00:21:13 because china is in afghanistan they're
@00:22:03 understand that china is there and if
@00:22:06 you notice right now wherever china is
@00:22:37 china is on one side the u.s. is on the
@00:22:40 other if you look in sudan china is on
@00:22:51 this terrorist attack on the mall china
@00:23:01 they understand that china is there and
@00:25:53 russia china north korea this is why we
@00:27:55 have a pact with china and russia so if
@00:28:05 okay now we understand that china has
@00:29:07 happening right now is that china is
@00:29:16 china more so than the u.s. china has
@00:29:33 right now is that china is located in
@00:29:52 china in all of these countries we are
@00:30:11 war with china right now the only thing
@00:30:21 understand that china and uganda have a
@00:32:59 syria iran north korea russia china

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 285

@00:17:18 russia and china backs syria and if we

The Countdown To The False Flag Event Begins -- Episode 282

@00:27:45 electronic army we've been seeing china
@00:28:39 look china has been attacking russia has
@00:38:07 china and they will use the petrol you

China Is Now Challenging The Western Oil Conglomerates -- Episode 281

@00:00:35 the title of this episode is at china is
@00:00:41 china is setting itself up to become the
@00:10:09 tomorrow now we understand that china is
@00:10:31 people in china they want everyone to
@00:10:42 valuable so china right now is
@00:11:20 dollar china has also come out and said
@00:11:47 understand that china is setting up the
@00:13:19 open a window for china to control
@00:14:38 what's happening now china is on the
@00:16:04 at this time because china is making
@00:16:29 been demonizing china because they know
@00:16:33 with china because they are a direct
@00:35:53 remember russia and china are backing
@00:36:33 to get into china because that is the
@00:41:14 minh izing china and this is going
@00:42:25 cyber attacks from china from north

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of Collapsing -- Episode 280

@00:24:18 and china and not for a ram now china is
@00:24:22 preparing a new adiz in south china sea
@00:24:31 china sea a draft plan for the adiz has
@00:24:39 china sea and you can see what is
@00:24:48 u.s. is going to provoke china now with
@00:32:11 russia and china and elsewhere a

Will The False Flag Event At The Superbowl Get The Green Light ?- Episode 278

@00:27:47 it will not because russia and china

US Intel Suggests An Attack On American Soil Is Now Intensifying -- Episode 277

@00:12:29 because china is a threat to the dollar
@00:16:49 they're provoking china the provoking
@00:17:32 their demonizing china because in

As The FED Tapers The US Reports Syria Might Have Biological Weapons -- Episode 276

@00:23:55 it has a huge copper mine china is in
@00:25:04 iran syria russia china all of these
@00:30:04 cyber attacks come from china and
@00:30:12 of 2013 from china and it is steadily
@00:30:51 from china is really hard to believe but
@00:31:01 understand that china is becoming the
@00:31:07 continually mentioning china that we're
@00:31:09 going to build things better than china
@00:31:13 china and he was continually going on
@00:31:27 the world china is making deals all over

Another Country Sells Off US Dollars To Diversify Reserves Into The Yuan -- Episode 275

@00:05:39 china has already said it doesn't see it
@00:07:58 china was making a deal with kenya to be
@00:09:12 you want they're making deals with china
@00:12:33 china is in there helping the afghan
@00:14:15 location keeping china and check in

Alert: High Probability Of A False Flag Event -- Episode 274

@00:15:34 with china with the us with north korea
@00:26:11 now russia and china are signaling the
@00:26:19 drills china and russia are solidifying
@00:26:25 mediterranean sea china is going to
@00:26:47 china in africa in the middle east japan
@00:44:56 china saying they've been cyber

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 273

@00:09:25 at war with china just the larger
@00:13:12 putting up messages about china which
@00:14:17 their demonizing china they're

Is There A Threat Of Terrorists Using A Dirty Bomb In The U.S? -- Episode 272

@00:10:55 africa you see the us fighting china the
@00:11:01 china and you look around the world in
@00:11:06 fighting china and provoking and this is
@00:11:10 what we are seeing and because china
@00:14:45 neighboring china iran south asia and
@00:14:56 what they are doing now in china we
@00:15:02 defense zone set up and china said
@00:15:11 east china sea and the zone is purely
@00:15:17 china is saying well we already saw what
@00:15:38 chinese instructions china has said it
@00:15:50 be provoking china to do something
@00:16:24 china and now the us air force plans to
@00:16:52 the region against china so we can see
@00:26:10 out there saying breaking china dumps
@00:26:14 all bonds declare south china sea closed
@00:33:35 begun in china art cashin of ubs is
@00:33:39 warning that the credit markets in china
@00:33:40 may be broken news that china

As The Economy Collapses, War With Syria Escalates -- Episode 271

@00:06:24 china who are purchasing these homes and

Are Currencies Going To Be Reset In 2014? -- Episode 270

@00:15:50 three and these countries russia china
@00:16:32 is the us russia france china and the uk
@00:16:59 verbal war between japan and china and
@00:18:30 about china if peace and stability were
@00:31:32 we can see that that china right now is
@00:32:46 china is already pushing for this at
@00:34:10 been used for collateral for china and

China Makes Another Move Which Threatens The US Dollar -- Episode 269

@00:00:35 the title of this episode is china makes
@00:00:43 china has already sent up the red flares
@00:01:09 within the country we see china going to
@00:01:30 has made deals with china saudi arabia
@00:01:33 has made deals with china egypt has made
@00:01:35 deals with china north korea russia iran
@00:01:42 making deals with china because they
@00:09:02 we understand that china is making its
@00:09:15 china already if you look in africa and
@00:09:19 china is always on the opposite side
@00:09:43 are supported by china because they're
@00:10:00 china for quite a while at this quite a
@00:10:09 threatened by china and the u one
@00:10:23 is what they're doing china on the other
@00:10:25 hand and i'm not for china and not for
@00:10:33 china has been making deals they've been
@00:11:15 china the western banks are selling
@00:11:35 rid of it and the china banks are coming
@00:11:38 in and taking over china merchants
@00:11:55 division to china international united
@00:12:00 china is pushing forward we see what is
@00:12:04 happening right now now china what they
@00:13:14 currency china russia north korea all
@00:13:28 deals with china they see the writing on
@00:13:57 from china right now they have to use
@00:14:07 with china and say okay now we're going
@00:26:15 all the people there now in china they
@00:26:27 central bankers us government and china
@00:26:58 china millions of chinese internet users

Terrorist Warning In Sochi, The 'Black Widow' Suicide Bombers On The Loose -- Episode 268

@00:06:33 soon now china is very upset with the us
@00:06:52 technology from china a measure
@00:24:07 backed by china and then they have the
@00:28:14 purchase oil making the deal with china
@00:28:38 be six times the reserves in china hmm
@00:29:05 propaganda with north korea now china
@00:29:13 drills in the mediterranean china and

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 267

@00:02:02 crash hit now we understand that china
@00:02:25 like that more debt than china and right
@00:02:29 now we understand that china said they
@00:03:02 and we can see what china is doing right
@00:09:52 three now china right now is building
@00:09:59 entirely by china and it is being
@00:10:10 have out there now was built by china
@00:13:27 china russia syria iran all these
@00:19:37 building with china tensions are

The Government Will Now Stop Spying And We're Not Lying This Time -- Episode 266

@00:20:13 at a war with china so this is going to
@00:20:26 ships back there russia and china are
@00:20:42 military air and sea dominance to china
@00:21:20 security concerns regarding china north
@00:23:25 syria it looks like or china right now
@00:27:56 that cyber attacks by china are
@00:28:08 goes on to say that china may be waging

Experts Are Warning The Threat Of Al Qaeda Endangers The Homeland -- Episode 265

@00:13:34 debt than china and i know it's been
@00:13:37 around the news saying china has been
@00:13:46 at this over the last three years china
@00:14:12 china and in from november until january
@00:14:37 and what this shows me is that china is
@00:35:48 coming from china that they're coming

Why Is DHS Mapping Radiation In Baltimore ? -- Episode 264

@00:12:49 china china is moving forward and they
@00:13:07 and right now china is continuing its
@00:13:11 bullion market china has granted
@00:13:16 banks for the first time china is
@00:18:14 were in china russia the eu india saudi
@00:20:39 demonizing china they're demonizing
@00:21:05 attack oh china yes china was the
@00:22:02 have china on the other side which
@00:22:08 to take their country back and china is
@00:22:28 libya we have the china on one side
@00:23:10 in on this where they're provoking china
@00:23:35 threats from china within the last year
@00:23:50 warships because they're feel that china

Exposing The Economic And Housing Recovery -- Episode 263

@00:02:19 that russia china
@00:30:50 quo at this point and of course china is
@00:31:06 provoke china because eventually the
@00:31:28 china or whatever other country that you
@00:32:20 provoke china to try to get them to do
@00:32:22 something and you know china has created
@00:32:29 they've been provoking china trying to
@00:32:45 giving some reasons for the china and us
@00:32:56 china currently the world's
@00:33:05 within the next decade in addition china
@00:33:14 resnick argue that china will seek to
@00:33:35 china and united states in the east asia
@00:34:02 towards china the fourth reason is most
@00:34:09 states while relying on china for
@00:34:19 china now it might not start with china
@00:34:21 but it will end up with china and russia
@00:36:41 status quo in the meantime china is
@00:37:54 officials call for china to further
@00:38:10 own and again china is out there making

Are The Chinese Waging War To Seize The Zhongye Island From The Philippines -- Episode 262

@00:03:18 remember that right now china has been
@00:03:56 have to remember that russia china north
@00:25:43 controlled by china and chinese pumping
@00:25:49 libya china was pumping in billions of
@00:27:11 start a war and china is going to be
@00:27:15 involved but china is the main target at
@00:27:21 threatened by china because of the you
@00:27:54 right now china is testing a high-speed
@00:28:33 mark an advantage for china to
@00:28:51 there was a report that says china is
@00:28:55 planning to seize the south china sea
@00:29:20 working china intend to take back the
@00:29:35 south china sea philippine military is
@00:30:05 south china sea continues to put
@00:30:17 about provoking china to do something
@00:30:20 china created an defense a defense area
@00:31:26 surrounding china and north korea and
@00:31:41 sophisticated weapons and china and
@00:32:50 report about china suppose plan to seize
@00:33:11 to let everyone know that china is about
@00:33:23 china has been building include
@00:36:16 china and it seems like that's what

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 261

@00:10:18 china russia north korea but again those
@00:10:54 understand that china is down there and
@00:10:58 alleged the china is learning african
@00:11:04 the african nations china is accused in
@00:11:41 now china has pledged to double the aid

Unemployment Is Down And Terrorism Is On The Rise -- Episode 260

@00:13:28 we're making deals with china we're
@00:14:02 try to do now china has just become the
@00:14:24 around 3.5 7 trillion making china
@00:21:31 innovation in china and other nations
@00:24:14 china sea in south china sea will only
@00:24:25 military cooperation if china is to be
@00:24:30 strategy of not confronting china
@00:24:32 directly and hoping china will change
@00:25:10 asian nato to counter china when that

The Economy Is A Complete Illusion And It's Ready To Collapse -- Episode 259

@00:17:02 purchasing gold china is purchasing gold
@00:23:20 syria russia china north korea all of
@00:30:33 it's china it's syria it's russia and we
@00:32:34 there because we have china on one side

Are Countries Preparing For Martial Law? -- Episode 258

@00:22:22 regime in sudan and china is supporting
@00:22:27 and china has a huge amount of
@00:22:34 talks because china is losing money and
@00:22:41 happened in in libya at the time china
@00:22:57 puppet regime china was forced out the
@00:23:21 countries we're looking at china or

More Drones Needed To Keep The US Dollar From Collapsing -- Episode 257

@00:07:58 on china stocks and they're shorting
@00:08:05 everyone is buying the china stocks they

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 255

@00:07:45 china is trying to persuade taipei and
@00:08:54 and they are worried and they see china
@00:09:40 surrounding china they have bases around
@00:10:01 china is pumping in billions of dollars

The People Are No Longer Believing Their Governments, This Is How It Begins -- Episode 254

@00:28:46 china will open up a high-speed rail
@00:28:57 state media in a sign that china remains
@00:31:30 dealing with russia and china they're
@00:33:48 that time that they were that china
@00:33:51 that's who they were blaming china was
@00:34:16 very very difficult to do for china and

The Government Is Coming For Your Guns, Taxes And Your Rights -- Episode 253

@00:19:41 see with russia we see it with china all
@00:22:29 asia we can see china making preparation
@00:22:52 all around the world and right now china
@00:24:32 happening with china we need the ability
@00:26:02 done by the fbi to provoke china it was
@00:27:50 threats are coming from china iran syria

Is A False Flag, War And The Economic Collapse Coming In 2014 -- Episode 252

@00:04:41 guess russia and china are not listening
@00:04:53 gold in 2013 what did china do well
@00:04:57 china bought 2,200 tons of gold for the
@00:05:08 all of 2013 outside of china china does
@00:06:21 just like russia and china because they
@00:34:54 are coming from china now at the same
@00:42:18 russia and china batch backing syria and
@00:43:37 the clearing house for china for the you
@00:43:52 secure the country because china is
@00:45:34 forward we understand that china already
@00:45:46 dollars we see china making a swap deal
@00:45:50 with england we see china using the you
@00:46:00 oil china is now pumping billions of

Governments Are Pushing Their Agenda By Using Terrorism -- Episode 251

@00:20:48 work against china when war breaks out
@00:21:00 to constrain china with its current
@00:21:15 liberation army china has been preparing
@00:21:20 strategy for years it has led china to
@00:21:38 capable of competing against china alone
@00:24:28 of china because of north korea any one

Interview With Dave Hodges (false flag, war)

@00:10:53 with our allies over russia and china

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 250

@00:03:03 with china right now the united states
@00:03:14 remember that china said they don't see
@00:03:28 dollars and both russia china and other
@00:03:43 china congress on the white house are
@00:03:47 triggering an economic fight with china
@00:03:51 and china is coming out in the same well
@00:04:05 and what china is doing all around the
@00:04:13 that china has been making deals with
@00:07:51 the same as china and of course the eu
@00:10:11 china is making their move the united
@00:10:33 largest copper mind china is already
@00:17:11 russia china whatever country you would

DHS Is Bringing In Terrorist By The Bus Load -- Episode 249

@00:25:38 china set back off of becoming the next
@00:25:42 reserve currency and every place china
@00:28:03 going because china is there and again
@00:28:08 into the infrastructure of china so of
@00:28:49 ceasefire with rebels china has is on
@00:30:54 china and russia and making deals to
@00:40:42 because we can see from china and russia
@00:40:45 where he won and china has been making
@00:41:14 china that was already an incident with

Is DHS Preparing For The Economic Collapse And Martial Law? -- Episode 248

@00:25:23 treasury bonds we see china making a
@00:26:30 china is there and us is being evacuated
@00:26:34 china just said they want their workers
@00:26:39 china and the us if you really want to
@00:26:42 call it china is backing the rebels the
@00:26:47 now china is pumping in billy
@00:26:55 the clearinghouse of the yuan and china
@00:27:17 china national petroleum corporation
@00:27:47 goes on to say that china which has a
@00:28:00 china is highly concerned about the

America Is On The Path Of Becoming A Police State- Episode 247

@00:04:10 course in sudan china is also in africa
@00:04:21 china is in sudan they are backing the
@00:04:53 they're paying them off and china is
@00:22:21 china
@00:22:34 out we have to understand that china
@00:22:54 strategic partner china has complete
@00:24:58 china is backing them it just so happens
@00:25:18 mall at the same time in kenya china was
@00:26:26 third largest copper mine china was also
@00:26:39 creating opium and selling it to china

U.S. Pivots To Asia And Africa For The Upcoming War -- Episode 246

@00:00:43 china they have moved missiles they have
@00:00:52 setting up bases which encircle china
@00:00:54 and we understand that china has set up
@00:23:29 and occupy the area china is already
@00:25:32 china and because they know the us
@00:25:40 the u.s. is in circling china with the
@00:25:45 pivot to asia and right now china is
@00:25:52 right now china they are modernizing the
@00:26:02 china says they need to do this to
@00:27:06 battle groups that this is china right
@00:27:20 high nine islands and south china the
@00:27:55 following reasons why china has building
@00:29:02 happening right now china is positioning
@00:29:12 positioning their military assets china
@00:29:58 are in world war three now china is
@00:30:14 china has declared it is building a
@00:30:49 now now south korea and china dust off a
@00:31:41 reported that china also has a
@00:31:53 north korea china also has some type of
@00:32:19 collapse of north korea where china and
@00:37:06 china north korea iran syria any country
@00:40:34 out there saying now china north korea

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 245

@00:11:00 that china is pumping in trillions of
@00:11:23 control this area and china has proposed
@00:11:44 what is happening that china is becoming
@00:12:20 on now of course china is outraged at
@00:13:25 surrounding china they're setting up

The Insiders Are Now Preparing For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 244

@00:13:41 is happening china is buying it like
@00:14:02 they don't see it benefiting china and
@00:14:36 is china doing right now well the china
@00:16:07 towards china this is why we're having
@00:16:12 states is encircling china this is why
@00:16:16 you see reports coming in that china is
@00:25:38 they're going to provoke china they're

The White House Security Barriers Are Being Upgraded For 365 Days A Year Protection -- Episode 243

@00:08:56 already understand that china has
@00:33:11 china they blame it on north korea
@00:33:30 see we told you it was china see we told

False Flag Event Is A Go, Tapering To Begin In 2014 -- Episode 242

@00:17:51 to get out of what syria did what china
@00:24:45 the us was trying to provoke china into
@00:25:20 it with russia and especially with china
@00:25:24 because china is making deals making
@00:27:47 prepping for world war 3 china the
@00:28:01 provoke china because they need a war
@00:28:11 try to provoke china and china set up an
@00:34:12 action committees and hackers from china
@00:34:38 this on china because they want everyone
@00:34:46 could be china could be iran could be

"Lone Wolves" Will Be Spreading Terror Throughout The U.S. Says A U.S. Congressman -- Episode 241

@00:02:15 china has been making deals all around
@00:02:39 course china has set up a red flare
@00:03:11 bed with china and russia and making
@00:03:16 russia and china egypt has made a deal
@00:03:24 to make a deal with china to purchase
@00:25:10 right in front of our faces now china
@00:26:07 concerned about what china is doing
@00:29:57 making deals with russia china iran
@00:37:00 you'll say oh yeah it was china oh yeah

NSA Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy -- Episode 240

@00:21:45 eight billion dollar loan from china and
@00:23:40 missiles china is you know carving out
@00:24:06 china because china is slated to become
@00:24:35 and china has deals with many different
@00:24:48 china is a threat to the central bankers
@00:25:27 south china sea new aide is up to 18
@00:26:41 accompanied by blunt criticism of china
@00:26:45 zone over parts of the east china sea
@00:26:51 china sea peace and stability in the
@00:26:54 south china sea is a top priority for us
@00:27:05 china which then will lead to russia
@00:28:52 directly at china for the plot the nsa
@00:31:38 was from china it was from iran i mean
@00:31:41 right now they're saying is from china
@00:32:06 making deals with china and the central
@00:32:47 china is a threat how many people

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 239

@00:05:15 china all net area we understand that
@00:05:18 china is already in afghanistan helping
@00:07:08 country's dealings with china following
@00:07:20 engagement with china and kim thought
@00:07:32 investment of china in north korea right
@00:08:08 china russia and iran and i don't i'm
@00:08:51 north korea to make any deals with china
@00:09:23 crazy and he's making deals with china
@00:12:07 russia and to iran and to china and
@00:15:22 they blamed on china this one they're

Iran Makes A Move To Replace The U.S. Military Presence In The Middle East -- Episode 238

@00:08:43 war with china and russia they can
@00:09:46 on iran syria russia china north korea
@00:22:21 chinese worship in the south china sea
@00:22:30 government issued protest to china in
@00:22:42 and again china put up the air defense
@00:23:48 ballistic missiles fired from china or
@00:29:45 other countries like russia and china
@00:35:18 united states russia china all moving

Economy Is Collapsing, War Is coming, Beware Of Wolves In Sheep's Clothing -- Episode 237

@00:06:04 china to have people live in them it's a
@00:25:44 into asia encircling china japan is
@00:26:14 china make a move russia and china
@00:26:31 dollars china is making a deal with
@00:27:11 trade deal with china they're allowing
@00:27:44 the chine the china threat in the
@00:27:52 as concerns grow over china japan will
@00:27:59 in its south west area over china and
@00:28:30 congress are working on a china war plan
@00:28:40 plan specific to china especially after
@00:28:46 defense zone over the east china sea
@00:29:39 nation such as china it is clear the
@00:34:32 u.s. also has the problem with china
@00:40:53 need to already even china if they

The US-Iran Deal Has Now Been Exposed -- Episode 236

@00:14:11 also shook hands with china to get eight
@00:14:24 making more deals with china and right
@00:15:05 stock market between china and singapore
@00:16:17 china and north korea all these without
@00:19:25 korea and china and this is what they're
@00:21:06 foreign web resources so far only china

US Going After Other Countries To Report US Hidden Assets -- Episode 235

@00:12:47 talking to other nations like china and
@00:13:26 are making the same move china is
@00:14:12 copper mine china is there helping the
@00:16:48 singapore we have to remember china and
@00:17:26 doesn't make sense now china is holding
@00:18:14 and china is going to be involved iran
@00:18:51 start the war with china and other
@00:20:10 strength of china uss plumbing the
@00:20:22 nature nature from china okay now the

The Push For War With China Is Now Escalating -- Episode 234

@00:00:37 war with china is now escalating and if
@00:01:51 encircling china which is the pivot to
@00:03:26 is china why china because china is
@00:04:25 they can to provoke china into doing
@00:06:49 treasury bonds and china right now is
@00:36:31 china and russia russia with military
@00:36:33 assets and china with trading with the
@00:36:48 remember that china is pouring in
@00:38:00 in an overlaps part of china and japan
@00:38:06 china it is not and it seems like this
@00:38:10 was a move to provoke china in a way and
@00:38:21 is to try to provoke china into doing
@00:38:36 saying that the china japan war could
@00:38:44 the economic situation in china is
@00:38:51 worsen in china an unnamed diplomatic
@00:45:02 that china is importing gold and they
@00:45:51 was episode 2 30 that china and
@00:47:46 deal with china to become the

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 233

@00:02:50 understand that china is making their
@00:02:56 reserve currency in china is now making
@00:21:14 china because that is the main threat

Unemployment Down, Stock Market Up, Gold Down, Taper Time ? -- Episode 232

@00:03:42 market the rest of the world like china
@00:04:04 bonds china is rejecting buying new
@00:04:50 why they're making deals with china and
@00:14:56 this is why china is a threat to the
@00:15:07 china because again if you do not have a
@00:28:38 the threat is china and there is a
@00:28:58 china saying that they don't see the
@00:29:11 the us dollar the china saying that
@00:29:16 china making deals with the uk australia

White House Reports Stolen Radioactive Material Posed No US Threat -- Episode 231

@00:15:37 china to get eight billion dollars and
@00:15:49 they went to china to get this money now
@00:15:54 speaking about china we understand
@00:15:59 this in my other reports china says
@00:16:34 that china and has made an agreement
@00:17:15 what china has said is that we are going
@00:17:38 china is no longer purchasing well
@00:18:09 buying the t-bill refused by china but
@00:26:13 end game and they understand that china
@00:27:37 circling china you see china setting up

Are Institutions Dumping Billions Of Dollars Of Stocks Before The Collapse? -- Episode 229

@00:04:40 we all know that china is making a run
@00:24:27 russia and china making deals all over
@00:24:34 is making deals with north korea china
@00:25:13 understand that china has set up the air
@00:25:23 provoking china is also provoking and
@00:25:58 and south china sea which is highly
@00:26:06 the east china sea so what they're
@00:26:28 to say that china focused on the
@00:26:32 in the east china sea however according
@00:31:21 china are backing syria and iran and

Alert: UN Sealed Evidence Could Be Used To Strike Syria -- Episode 228

@00:10:46 foreign nations and china already gave
@00:31:22 states is pushing and encircling china
@00:31:51 vessels in seas close to china and this
@00:32:04 happening right now china is building up
@00:32:32 suggests punishing china for continued
@00:32:43 to impose sanctions on china a u.s.
@00:32:48 against china warning congress that
@00:32:57 us-china economic insert security review
@00:33:10 role in asia the report accused china of
@00:33:24 china which has steadily ramped up its
@00:33:39 happening because china has already

China And Japan Tensions Could Lead To A False Flag Event -- Episode 227

@00:00:55 china right now we understand they put
@00:01:00 bankers are trying to provoke china
@00:01:02 right now in china is making their move
@00:01:09 treasuries no longer benefits china so
@00:02:07 deals with china to use the you one just
@00:08:01 going to happen and china already
@00:18:54 we're making deals with china we're
@00:19:08 china put up the air defense zone and
@00:19:30 japanese starting to provoke china and
@00:19:41 china is set up this air defense zone as
@00:20:11 to move to strike china or to you know
@00:20:41 area of the east china sea and they
@00:20:51 provoking and trying to get china to do
@00:21:02 right now china russia north korea iran
@00:22:10 china and they're trying to you know
@00:25:31 has been coming out of course china
@00:31:45 this unfold now it could even be china

Tensions Between China and Japan Are Building -- Episode 226

@00:00:37 china and japan are building and we
@00:01:50 see in japan and china japan now is
@00:12:21 this report china and japan there are a
@00:18:24 course china france and russia and
@00:18:47 in russia and to china to make sure that
@00:18:59 china making and russian of course to
@00:21:54 setting up bases encircling china china
@00:22:51 to china and we understand all this now
@00:22:54 china has set up an air defense zone and
@00:24:02 currency what is china done well they
@00:24:14 benefit china at this time so they'll no

The Illusion Of An Economic Recovery And An Iranian Peace Deal (Part 1)- Episode 224

@00:16:15 out now over the weekend china has
@00:17:17 territorial dispute in the east of china
@00:18:13 happening in china and japan south korea

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 223

@00:01:08 russia china turkey saudi arabia and
@00:01:37 report that china has raised red flags
@00:13:05 playing out now china is increasing its
@00:13:40 china sea between south korea and taiwan
@00:14:05 the pacific because china russia north

Major Event A Go, Full Steam Ahead With Recovery Campaign -- Episode 222

@00:02:16 bets they are looking to china and to
@00:03:04 china making sure that all the bases and
@00:03:09 in place we see russia we see china
@00:03:11 china building up their military right
@00:04:15 china has made a deal in kenya and it
@00:12:23 china could be any of these countries
@00:21:41 something china ok is not taking on any
@00:29:02 now we understand that china is building
@00:29:32 we are already that china now has
@00:37:15 class as china as a world-class cyber
@00:37:24 this up just like they did with china
@00:37:49 china is a master of cyber attacking
@00:37:55 in the likes of in league with china

The US Dollar Has Just Lost The Reserve Status -- Episode 221

@00:02:21 treasury bonds china just set up a red
@00:03:07 you know china just is now telling
@00:06:25 of this report china no longer sees the
@00:06:44 reserves it no longer in china
@00:07:11 china will help the everyday chinese
@00:07:17 to china now get this from future us
@00:09:01 ervil's china is the only country in the
@00:10:16 have been in circling china this is why
@00:10:28 susan rice warns china to curb their
@00:10:49 unusually forceful language china must
@00:18:17 asia where the us and circling china and
@00:18:20 we understand that china is building up
@00:19:34 understanding of how many weapons china
@00:21:15 all along now since china right now
@00:21:44 pacific the us-china economic and
@00:21:59 seeing they know that china has been
@00:22:12 we have to remember china is building
@00:23:06 this goes on to say that the us-china
@00:26:59 the red flare that china has just sent
@00:29:15 do this china just gave the signal they
@00:29:36 china saudi arabia's making deal with
@00:30:07 their encircling china do you get the
@00:40:18 we understand that china is already

FED Taper Signals A Major Event Going Hot -- Episode 220

@00:18:40 directed against china and they're
@00:19:00 maintain this circle around china
@00:19:04 because they understand china is a huge
@00:19:21 china has a new long-range nuclear
@00:19:35 to diversify and encircle more of china
@00:20:06 china with a chain of small
@00:20:08 bases and military ports china is
@00:20:23 china is slated to be to be the next
@00:25:57 private western central bank china does

Preparations For The Next False Flag Are In The Works -- Episode 218

@00:21:09 of this and what is china doing well
@00:21:17 african nations and right now the china
@00:21:33 budget for major project china has about
@00:22:22 interesting about this is that china is
@00:23:56 were also making deals with china and we
@00:31:31 getting involved it will expand china

GridEx II Results Are Trickling In, Prepare For A Blackout -- Episode 216

@00:18:48 china and other other middle east
@00:19:33 their bets with china and russia right
@00:24:25 syrian electronic army and maybe china

FBI Reporting That 'Lone Wolves' May Be Planning Attacks -- Episode 215

@00:09:02 deficit gap with china posted on record
@00:30:08 made deals with china which they're

Is The Economy Really Collapsing? -- Episode 213

@00:26:45 with china to purchase their missiles
@00:27:37 more plans against china and this the
@00:27:52 with china and what would it the title
@00:28:15 against china the us military buildup in
@00:28:33 china militarily and we are seeing this
@00:28:39 nato allies have been encircling china
@00:28:47 china and the cbs the cbs a report
@00:28:52 explicitly identified china as the chief
@00:30:04 an event that a war with china extends

al-Qaeda Threatening America On Veterans Day -- Episode 212

@00:18:22 saudi arabia is talking to china we
@00:21:45 u.s. is encircling china and they're
@00:21:52 what china is doing right now is they're
@00:22:03 with japan's over the east china sea a
@00:22:24 now we can see that china is positioning
@00:22:37 bases and syrup and encircling china at
@00:22:45 china on that side of china and we can
@00:24:42 iranian sources are reporting that china
@00:24:51 purchases which allows china to avoid
@00:25:14 iran so what do we see now we see china
@00:25:29 sanctions and right now china has agreed
@00:26:04 been supplying china and other asian
@00:26:49 what china is or is making deals all

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 211

@00:07:05 the east china sea may see the world's
@00:07:27 generation or china will back down
@00:07:40 should china cross the line or go japan
@00:07:59 encircling china and you can see this is
@00:14:44 upset making a deal with china we see

Don't Be Fooled By The Smokescreen, The Economy Is Collapsing -- Episode 210

@00:25:18 neither does china neither does north
@00:32:52 against china so what is happening right
@00:33:30 north korea and china
@00:35:03 mainly set against china and it can pose
@00:35:14 threat and again it is provoking china
@00:35:22 definitely encircling china with bases
@00:38:45 coming from china but that's again that

NATO Is Pushing East And Russia Heeds The Warning -- Episode 209

@00:28:08 with china and they are looking to get
@00:38:35 they understand that russia and china
@00:38:46 has been in circling china they deployed
@00:41:13 you know russia and china would be
@00:41:32 china are holding war games close to the
@00:41:45 at this time and russia and china both
@00:41:58 over the place and i mean we see china
@00:42:37 china are thinking about these things

I Command You, The Economy Is Recovering -- Episode 208

@00:11:36 seeing that china is continually making
@00:11:46 singapore china is seeking a greater
@00:12:23 clearinghouse for china for the african
@00:12:55 reserve unit and now china which has the
@00:16:43 by making deals with china just in case
@00:24:42 the pacific they are encircling china ok
@00:24:47 so now on the other side of china they
@00:25:13 try to complete the circle around china
@00:33:22 would normally sell for but in china
@00:33:29 review commission called the us-china
@00:34:10 encircling china using a lot of
@00:34:28 ready for a war with china eventually
@00:34:43 they've realized that china has been
@00:34:57 impose sanctions on china because of the
@00:35:14 able to do i'm sorry i with china they
@00:35:35 implement sanctions against china well
@00:35:51 setting the stage for war with china all
@00:36:13 aid well russia and china because they

Are Mass Shootings Training Everyone For Martial Law? -- Episode 207

@00:20:52 know that china and russia are having
@00:21:45 military drills right near china they
@00:21:49 were also following china around with
@00:22:20 china says american military and the
@00:22:49 china which is encircling china right
@00:31:42 resources and in afghanistan china all

Do You Feel It? That's The Economy Imploding On Itself -- Episode 206

@00:06:31 make deals with china that's why china
@00:06:37 kenya to be the clearinghouse for china
@00:26:09 saying that north korea china russia
@00:31:34 china are all well aware of this fact

Disarming The American People One Event At A Time -- Episode 204

@00:29:33 minister will turn to china or russia
@00:29:56 china and russia egypt is looking at

The Economic Recovery Has Now Been Exposed As Nothing But Propaganda -- Episode 203

@00:13:29 manager and he's saying china is
@00:22:44 and that is world war 3 china right now
@00:23:31 china is retaliating against the us
@00:23:44 right off the coast of china so now
@00:23:46 china decided to take their naval ships
@00:23:58 is saying is that china appears to feel
@00:24:08 in the east china sea by sending
@00:24:21 island chain and china has built up in
@00:24:54 is encircling china right now and we can
@00:26:24 china now because they understand the us
@00:38:51 and china in stage 2 the remaining one

The World Economy Is Collapsing Right In Front Of Our Eyes -- Episode 201

@00:02:54 free trade agreement with china and we
@00:03:04 agreement with china chinese are
@00:03:11 interest and we can see that china and
@00:03:14 iceland and china and many other
@00:34:51 russia and china are making deals and
@00:37:39 china contributed to a major cyber type
@00:37:59 propaganda to china right now and this

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 199

@00:09:17 deals with china because they understand

Soon DHS Will Be Raiding Everyone's Home -- Episode 198

@00:10:45 seeing in china right now is that they
@00:11:32 making deals with china because they
@00:11:36 oil to china right now and they can see
@00:12:34 we can see them making deals with china
@00:12:57 that is china and we're going to see a
@00:13:24 dollar we're seeing china with russia
@00:13:27 china with iran china with north korea
@00:13:29 and china with brazil and we can see
@00:27:27 china and we're seeing a lot of these
@00:34:24 deal and go along with china right now

The Economy Is Now Showing Signs Of The Collapse -- Episode 197

@00:16:42 most of their oil sales are now to china
@00:17:06 china and and move away and just protect
@00:22:47 china since 2009 the two countries once
@00:22:54 territorial claims in the south china
@00:23:03 is world war 3 with china so what is
@00:23:24 protect them in the region from china
@00:23:34 u.s. is encircling china with different
@00:24:26 to keep at bay china which seeks to
@00:24:56 turkey was taking the deal with china to
@00:25:40 side and turkey has now turned to china
@00:25:48 have to remember china has been making

Is The Next False Flag Event A Nuclear Explosion? -- Episode 195

@00:10:07 we understand that china and russia
@00:10:55 the right thing no but we can see china
@00:12:27 is happening right now we can see china
@00:12:49 countries are encircling china right now

The Power Grid, NASDAQ And All Have Glitches -- Episode 194

@00:17:26 we see china doing well china is making
@00:17:42 flag events like in kenya and china is
@00:18:06 iraq and pakistan china is actually
@00:18:14 of these nations and right now china is
@00:18:49 china sixty percent of us and naval
@00:18:58 encircling china this is not by accident
@00:19:14 are getting ready for a world war china
@00:19:25 many other natural resources and china
@00:19:41 troops and china oil giant cnpc pumping
@00:20:19 will be in the war with china so what
@00:28:22 mentioned that china is making a two

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 193

@00:12:56 china is making a deal with uganda a two
@00:13:45 east during the 70's it seems like china

The Government Is Pushing Mobile Free Gun Zones -- Episode 192

@00:06:32 its output from its china plants by
@00:11:26 china has already downgraded the us and
@00:11:42 bonds just as a safety net now china is
@00:12:04 china has just entered into a very large
@00:12:16 dollar china signed a major currency
@00:12:21 china has made an agreement with kenya
@00:12:23 to be a clearinghouse for the yuan china
@00:12:32 from the us dollar china is purchasing
@00:12:53 one later on and what is china doing now
@00:12:58 well china is now going to purchase jp
@00:25:02 china iran syria north korea brazil it
@00:33:38 china is making deals and moving forward

They Are Now In The Process Of Preparing The Next Event -- Episode 191

@00:21:50 circle around china because they
@00:21:54 going to be china and russia and they
@00:22:07 outside of china and right now the
@00:22:36 china because they understand when world
@00:23:23 clearer now again russia and china
@00:23:31 do and this is why russia and china are
@00:23:52 to remember russia china brazil they're

The World Is Preparing For The Dollar Collapse Are You? -- Episode 188

@00:17:25 now is china at the same time is making
@00:29:19 because they understand that china is
@00:36:21 also see that china now is out there in

Will The President Execute The 'National Catastrophe' Executive Order ? -- Episode 184

@00:10:20 this china now is saying listen you
@00:10:31 bonds and what china is doing they just

Many False Flag Drills In A 6 Week Period, Coincidence? -- Episode 183

@00:29:41 bases which encircle china and they are
@00:29:52 happens and war breaks out with china

Plans Are Set And The Clock Is Ticking To The Next False Flag -- Episode 182

@00:19:18 when the collapse occurs now china is
@00:19:41 disputes in the east china sea and south
@00:19:44 china is urging them to refrain from
@00:20:12 china which encircle china they are in
@00:31:31 iran syria china russia whatever country

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 181

@00:07:03 signing the deal with china to become
@00:13:55 states was luring china and russia in a
@00:14:31 russia and china the goal is to show who

Is DC Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event Of Epic Proportion? -- Episode 180

@00:27:33 countries like china iran and other

The Government Shutdown Game, Whats The Real Agenda? -- Episode 179

@00:28:14 deals with china and that is something
@00:28:21 yuan for china to bypass the dollar now

The Dark Of Night Gives Cover To Prepare For The Next False Flag -- Episode 178

@00:17:45 propaganda with china china last we
@00:18:15 that pressing china to explain its space
@00:18:18 weapons would upset us-china relations
@00:18:53 the propaganda with china and north

al-Qeada Handing Terrorist Baton Over To al-Shabaab -- Episode 176

@00:03:13 gold stockpile same as china they've
@00:03:24 gold and china and russia have been to
@00:03:40 world number two china understands that
@00:04:11 see china and i see other nations but i
@00:24:05 realize that china is moving into that
@00:24:14 is right next to russia and china and
@00:24:31 china just in the off chance that the
@00:24:55 bases that encircle china right now and
@00:26:13 we understand that china and russia

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 175

@00:21:50 the agreement with china and we can see

"We're Not Some Banana Republic, This Is Not A Deadbeat Nation" -- Episode 174

@00:16:37 and bases circling china because they
@00:16:56 china with japan and they understand
@00:22:37 and just made an agreement with china to
@00:23:26 for all african nations china is making

Osama bin Laden Is Out And The White Widow Is In, The New Face Of Terror -- Episode 173

@00:22:20 now russia and china are holding
@00:30:26 meantime russia and china are out there
@00:32:04 the dollar china is now setting up a
@00:32:11 clearing house outside of china and this

Alert -- One Step Closer To The Big Event, Be Prepared!! -- Episode 172

@00:18:02 biggest copper deposits china is making

Warning -- High Probability Of Something Big Happening Very Soon -- Episode 170

@00:14:55 and china is extremely upset and
@00:15:57 philippines all around china and that
@00:16:00 they called encircling china and they're
@00:16:22 china have drills and we're seeing this
@00:26:39 which were discovered in 2012 china is
@00:27:54 deal with china and b because of the
@00:28:16 also understand that that china has

The FED Sees No Bubbles And Is Not Forecasting A Recession, Déjà vu -- Episode 168

@00:01:03 in china they introduced five gold and
@00:01:19 china is purchasing tons and tons of
@00:01:27 been talks and rumblings about china
@00:19:12 department has accused china of
@00:20:12 you know into china into other countries
@00:20:31 government says oh we know it was china
@00:20:59 know exactly it's coming from china and

FED Says No Taper -- We Need A War, Gun Confiscation And Control Of Internet First -- Episode 166

@00:23:57 now china has come out within the h 6 k
@00:24:45 us has been encircling china with many
@00:26:29 now making deals with china and they're
@00:27:08 the us dollar and in the meantime china

The Government Is Using A Serious Crisis To Pass The Gun Bills -- Episode 165

@00:29:00 if china makes a move and they say it's
@00:29:13 into an attack china so we can see what
@00:35:51 hacker group that is out of china and
@00:36:32 we have the u.s. blaming china on

The False Flag To Remove The 2nd Amendment -- Episode 164

@00:23:49 comes where china and japan are
@00:26:06 china is making deals with russia
@00:27:09 have to remember china and russia have
@00:27:32 natural resources and china and russia
@00:31:13 encircling china right
@00:31:40 country could be china could be iran

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 163

@00:05:00 china is selling their treasury bonds

The Build Up To The Horrifying False Flag Event -- Episode 162

@00:19:37 people do something ok now the china
@00:19:50 china is saying
@00:20:05 in the east china sea and this is from
@00:20:22 attack and defend allies and china is
@00:20:35 not become a problem between china and
@00:20:38 the united states and china hopes that
@00:21:21 between russia us china syria iran and
@00:21:39 setting up bases which is circling china

The FED Says Tapering Is Necessary And It's Going To Be Painful -- Episode 161

@00:12:46 why china russia and many other

War Or Not To W..., What Was The Question? -- Episode 160

@00:15:43 and china takes aside which will be on
@00:23:48 encircling china at this point and
@00:31:56 russia and china back syria and this has
@00:34:22 submarine and a landing ship china has

US Government Screw Up Or A Distraction -- Episode 159

@00:29:59 was china they can blame it on whoever
@00:31:24 point china russia other foreign nations

Russia To USA, 'Check' Your Move -- Episode 158

@00:26:57 because russia and china are backing

Current Economic Collapse -- "News Brief" -- Episode 157

@00:15:01 around them china has been selling the
@00:15:39 and china
@00:15:56 does china has sent over ships to that
@00:16:19 china gets involved they can say well

"No" Vote From Congress, High Probability Of A False Flag- Episode 156

@00:14:10 statement that china made to the us and
@00:14:43 what do we know we know that china is
@00:15:32 to remember that china and russia are
@00:16:52 as a reserve currency china and russia
@00:33:08 china russia any other country that is

Tension Builds Between The US, Russia And China -- Episode 155

@00:00:40 china and we can see tension is
@00:00:47 us are bringing in more ships and china
@00:08:08 globe china and russia agreed to terms
@00:08:18 russia and china is close to being
@00:08:36 making china and russia are making these
@00:11:48 there's warnings from china there's
@00:25:42 older in this brainwashing china is now

Government Officials Promise, No Boots On The Ground In Syria- Episode 154

@00:03:09 trade grabs with china and eu rise to
@00:03:52 trade deficit with china and the eu rose
@00:11:25 that china is in getting increasingly
@00:11:43 and it also went on to say china has
@00:12:09 bases and encircling china i discussed
@00:12:23 bases and circling china because we know
@00:20:28 in china will then join in and this is
@00:35:08 getting involved china is you know
@00:35:11 giving warnings china is building
@00:35:17 encircling china things are starting to

This War Will Not Be Like The Others, It Will Be Catastrophic -- Episode 153

@00:14:43 bank of america is pulling out of china
@00:14:50 like 1.5 billion dollars out of china
@00:30:16 iran is on high alert china i mean
@00:33:41 russia and china have another plan

It's Not "If" The US Attacks Syria, It's "When" -- Episode 152

@00:35:02 understand the u.s. is encircling china
@00:35:05 because they understand that china will

Special Report: Attack On Syria Will Engulf The Entire Region -- "News Brief" -- Episode 151

@00:04:08 increasing drills china japan india we
@00:07:24 china has been accumulating massive
@00:07:32 gold and china is ben n russia have been
@00:10:49 deposits there china is making a play
@00:22:27 been hitting russia north korea china

High Probability Of A Major Attack On The Financial System -- Episode 150

@00:09:55 okay now china is making a move to buy
@00:10:15 china builds up its access to global
@00:10:49 china is making deals all over the world
@00:10:59 currency and now china is making deals
@00:11:31 likely making china the world reserve
@00:12:59 the reserve currency because china right
@00:15:00 encircling china with bases one of them
@00:15:13 whole plan is to circle china because
@00:21:01 ever leave that country china is already
@00:21:14 going to allow china to come in and take
@00:24:13 remember russia and china backs syria
@00:37:09 time russia will get involved china will

There Is No Turning Back, War Is On The Horizon -- Episode 149

@00:12:14 china telling them to stop spying and uh
@00:12:49 china we have the uk building the
@00:12:52 propaganda against china and we have the
@00:13:02 propaganda against china that is one
@00:13:08 against china but what else do we have
@00:13:12 here very odd that china reports that
@00:13:37 china into doing something at this time
@00:29:58 standard time today and britain china

Alert: High Probability There Will Be A War Powers Act False Flag -- Episode 148

@00:15:07 now china and russia are warning that if
@00:15:40 so we can see that russia and china like
@00:19:35 get out of hand with russia and china

Warning: The War And Economic Collapse Cannot Be Stopped -- Episode 147

@00:00:41 way syria russia iran china are all
@00:34:19 and/or china whatever country they're

What Does Taper,Glitches,Cyber Attacks,False Flags And War Spell,Economic Collapse -- Episode 146

@00:29:39 might talk about china becoming the
@00:30:24 2014 we also understand that china japan

Special Report: The War, The Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 145

@00:05:53 purchases china-japan other foreign
@00:11:41 reserve currency and china becoming the
@00:22:06 agreement with russia and china that

The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

@00:12:11 countries making deals with china and
@00:12:14 russia to bypass the us dollar china
@00:18:46 china are backing syria and if the u.s.
@00:18:56 going to get involved china is going to

Computer Malfunction Halts The Market, A Cyber Attack Would Decimate It -- Episode 143

@00:06:41 there to cover china we have the u.s.
@00:07:07 encircle china and general halbert hawk
@00:07:27 idea behind it is to ring china with us
@00:07:48 like china is going to be the next
@00:10:23 china so you can see where the war is
@00:19:43 states and they list here that china and
@00:25:42 bonds china has reduced it to one point

The Thunder Has Been Called Down And Now It's Here -- Episode 141

@00:16:11 with countries especially china and
@00:16:40 china russia brazil all these other
@00:40:09 going to say is that syria iran or china

Governments Are Strategically Positioning Themselves For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 140

@00:12:24 because again russia and china back
@00:22:05 on mainland china are the largest owners
@00:30:58 and china are dumping their treasury
@00:32:31 russia and china and just recently you

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 139

@00:10:01 soldiers in because russia and china

Warning: The Countdown To The Economic Collapse Has Begun -- Episode 138

@00:06:13 currencies mostly china is doing this
@00:11:36 japan and china having a conflict over
@00:11:42 russia and china backing syria we see
@00:11:54 exercises with china and russia we see
@00:12:13 place now china has launched a four day
@00:12:19 china sea that coincide with the
@00:25:55 these are being blamed on china russia
@00:32:53 starting to see is that china and japan
@00:33:05 and china and japan led an exodus from
@00:33:25 net foreign selling of treasuries china

Governments Keeping The Illusion While The World Collapses -- Episode 136

@00:27:08 problems we have the build-up of china

Confusing FED, Preparing For War With Syria Without US Troops -- Episode 135

@00:23:46 the global debt crisis china and the
@00:25:40 china iran russia syria are going to
@00:26:28 china russia any one of these countries
@00:30:35 russia and china do not have to get
@00:30:39 china won't get involved because they'll

Unemployment Down, FED Ready To Taper, Economic Collapse Avoided? -- Episode 134

@00:19:30 and china are backing syria and this is
@00:20:41 is right near china we're seeing china
@00:23:31 is building the propaganda that china is
@00:32:17 iran china whoever is going to be at
@00:36:58 china syria iran north korea are cyber

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 133

@00:00:40 it looks like greece and china are
@00:00:48 greece is allowing china to come in and
@00:00:55 here the china development bank signed a
@00:01:17 know greece is assisting china to get
@00:01:20 involved in europe's economy and china
@00:01:54 meanwhile china on the other hand is
@00:02:33 the eurozone while china on the other

High Alert As The Terrorist Threats Continue -- Episode 132

@00:17:46 china making deals all over the place to
@00:38:27 nations like china north korea syria

Scare Tactics, Bribes And Assassinations All Failed Onto Plan "Y" -- Episode 131

@00:08:46 bankers they all know this china knows
@00:24:18 because of russia and china backing them

Markets Down, Gold Smacked Down, Terrorists Threats, War On The Horizon -- Episode 130

@00:03:31 doing okay let's move on here now china
@00:04:17 make china the largest consumer of gold
@00:04:26 china buying gold and everything
@00:06:02 by passing the dollar china has been an
@00:14:04 could be china at this point and now to
@00:20:38 backed by russia and china and this is
@00:26:52 and the backing of russia and china

Military Strikes Behind The Terrorism Threats -- Episode 129

@00:23:19 report that china offers next step in
@00:23:27 the people's bank of china published an
@00:23:49 china is making deals all over the place
@00:24:00 china made initial move against the
@00:24:19 reserve currency we have china on the
@00:25:48 dispute over an island between china and
@00:26:45 in the east china sea with china and
@00:27:45 a base right near china to help with the
@00:29:15 really bad and russia and china do have

Terrorism, Distractions, Spying And The Removal Of The Peoples Rights -- Episode 128

@00:18:40 occur now china is you has opened up the
@00:18:52 china chinese built ports open this week
@00:19:07 the next reserve currency china is
@00:20:16 china and russia we know that they are
@00:20:20 drill in off the coast of china near
@00:20:58 also seeing china and russia russia with
@00:21:37 it and this goes on to say that china is
@00:23:02 operating and china on the other hand is
@00:28:54 russia and china are backing these

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 127

@00:05:54 point where syria or china or iran
@00:07:10 china knows everyone knows that the only

Warning: Possibility Of A False Flag Event In The Next 30 Days- Episode 126

@00:09:43 this economic collapse now china were in
@00:09:58 disputed islands in the east china sea

High Probability That Something Is About To Happen -- Episode 125

@00:16:00 many natural resources to china to
@00:19:32 with china and south korea and they want
@00:21:03 country so let's use an example if china
@00:23:35 protect them against china and north

Inflation Check, GDP Check, Employment Check, We Are Ready For The Collapse -- Episode 124

@00:03:15 couple jobs get outsourced to china or
@00:12:24 drills we see russia and china having
@00:12:31 together russia and china backing syria
@00:21:52 against china and hint now let's move on
@00:36:08 propaganda to demonize china with china
@00:36:26 paint a picture that china is the bad
@00:36:34 to remember china is making deals with
@00:36:42 china is hoarding gold to back their
@00:36:49 be the next reserve currency china is
@00:37:05 demonize china at this point so when the
@00:37:09 time comes to use china as the country

Don't Worry The President Will Fix The Economy, Round 2 -- Episode 123

@00:25:56 and the us government know that china is
@00:28:13 create an arc around china and what they
@00:28:41 china for any type of serious incident
@00:29:37 china have their assets in position in
@00:35:34 trillion dollars from china but somehow

Pedal To The Metal, WWIII Is Starting To Accelerate To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 122

@00:15:36 fleet have a drill we have china
@00:15:51 china and japan and we have the syrian
@00:22:43 dollar right now china is making deals
@00:25:32 access to the china sea area and the
@00:38:27 attacks now they're blaming on china
@00:38:29 because china is slated to be the
@00:38:30 reserve currency china is is hoarding
@00:39:38 china russia north korea the philippines
@00:40:49 wouldn't it be perfect to have china
@00:41:12 china or blame it on syria or blame it

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 121

@00:08:42 china is making their move to tap in to
@00:09:41 other natural resources plus if china is
@00:13:14 in china are backing syria and iran

Economic Collapse Is Like Preparing For A Natural Disaster -- Episode 120

@00:12:45 belorus china all increased their gold
@00:13:00 to it to its holdings china doesn't
@00:16:36 between russia and china syria and
@00:17:43 what china is doing which is very
@00:17:56 officials from china and australia have
@00:18:03 meeting in beijing china is making deals
@00:18:05 with russia china is making deals with
@00:18:07 iran china is making deals with syria
@00:18:10 china is making deals with north korea
@00:18:12 china is making deals with i think

You Will Be Watched, Recorded and Tracked During The Economic Collapse -- Episode 119

@00:12:12 calls from people in mainland china i
@00:12:38 now talking about china china's you one
@00:12:50 reports in china and russia suggest that
@00:12:52 china is continuing to consider backing
@00:12:59 media reports the people's bank of china
@00:14:03 just china that they're coming from
@00:14:05 china and i said this before when you're
@00:14:33 last server that was used is in china
@00:14:46 world and eventually bounce it off china
@00:14:57 china is the the country that is doing
@00:16:35 continent china not only has the world's
@00:17:06 for this war china is preparing and
@00:20:53 it's right next to china and what

Fake Economy, Military Drills And War Spells Economic Collapse -- Episode 118

@00:12:52 here now china unveils they're going to
@00:13:22 china coast guard integrates the

The Economic Collapse Is Like A Tornado It Destroys Anything In Its Path -- Episode 117

@00:18:38 japan and china north korea south korea
@00:19:14 russia and china are backing them and he
@00:29:18 source of cyber attacks than china this

What Do You Need To Make An Economy Collapse, DEBT!!!- Episode 116

@00:24:49 china are backing iran and syria this
@00:26:48 drills off the coast of in china with
@00:28:24 enough japan and china are disputing
@00:28:36 and china so we have drones over there
@00:28:38 in northern africa china and other
@00:38:44 we are already at war it's china it's

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 115

@00:10:27 china backing syria and iran we see
@00:10:31 china and japan disputing over the
@00:10:52 china now india making a deal with iran
@00:20:22 a cyber attack from china and people at

In The Dark Of Night The Government Prepares For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 114

@00:11:43 around iran around china everything is
@00:13:17 50,000 troops near its border with china
@00:13:47 border between india and china known as

Remember It's Always The Opposite Before The Economic Collapse -- Episode 113

@00:13:24 spending like china today and facing
@00:17:30 reason to prep okay now china is sending
@00:18:11 to get in and even china is because
@00:18:23 central bankers and china knows this
@00:18:59 more japan to deploy ships after china
@00:19:05 china is drilling for oil near the
@00:19:13 china and this is the island that
@00:19:48 off the coast of japan and china in this
@00:20:12 bankers and other governments like china

High Probability Of The First Part Of The Collapse In The Fall -- Episode 112

@00:37:21 say it's coming from china russia iran

Nobody Can Tell You What The Economic Collapse Is, You Have To See It Yourself -- Episode 111

@00:08:36 high in china and india and china gold
@00:08:42 say gold premiums in china remain high
@00:08:50 of china and premiums in india remain
@00:19:21 china and japan really have no claim on
@00:19:35 relations with china over existing
@00:19:57 china russia and the us and iran or and

The Economic Storm Is Surrounding The Government And There Is No Escape -- Episode 110

@00:03:24 china are backing syria and iran now
@00:16:18 philippines close to china and we're
@00:16:25 and we are positioning all around china
@00:17:54 and china wants a piece of this there is
@00:27:21 now with australia with china with

Dave Of X22 Report Interviews Gregory Mannarino

@00:25:27 place i think that china wants the

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 109

@00:03:12 rating agencies now china and i think
@00:03:57 here now china is making a deal with
@00:04:43 that china gave nigeria 1.1 billion
@00:04:48 week and in return china can expect more
@00:08:16 start to gobble up all the gold china
@00:09:26 with china with russia with japan now
@00:10:51 they're doing and china is not convinced
@00:10:56 and how can you assure china how can you
@00:11:04 relationship with china and general qui
@00:11:27 a strong and emerging responsible china
@00:12:02 china doing their exercises near japan
@00:13:17 because russia knows what's coming china
@00:13:28 us know that china has been attacking
@00:15:14 the battle china russia australia india
@00:15:30 they're starting to trade with china
@00:23:48 on china russia syria iran whoever they

Government Not Ready For The Collapse, More Stimulus Needed -- Episode 108

@00:13:42 syria or china now the syria that's
@00:13:50 that russia and china are backing syria
@00:18:16 the dollar and trade with china without
@00:18:27 china and as the united states the
@00:23:47 and china are backing syria and iran and
@00:23:59 china is doing something and they will
@00:34:19 blame china they also blame syria and
@00:37:35 comes they can say ah it was china ah it

The Government Is Working In Stealth Mode To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 107

@00:10:47 china and japan are fighting over this
@00:11:22 force with china without the u.s.
@00:13:12 happens to syria and china and russia
@00:35:54 this on china russia syria iran wherever

We Are Headed For False Flag Events, Economic Collapse And WWIII (Part 2)- Episode 106

@00:05:11 trading hub china radio the us and
@00:05:46 long run china will eventually become
@00:05:54 bundesbank reported this china has huge
@00:06:10 their systems and russia and china right
@00:06:21 in line and get on board with china at
@00:06:53 china comes in russia comes in other
@00:07:50 contain gold lithium copper etc china is
@00:08:43 especially the copper china is making
@00:25:47 russia china and north korea of cyber
@00:26:01 china north korea and we might as well

We Are Headed For False Flag Events, Economic Collapse And WWIII (Part 1)- Episode 105

@00:23:53 if something happens russia and china
@00:24:13 russia and china are doing it and

The Economic Collapse Is Starting To Heat Up -- Episode 104

@00:04:14 done here and basically in china the us
@00:04:28 china radio
@00:04:30 and the china radio international
@00:04:41 china has been buying gold like crazy
@00:05:22 bundesbank is saying that china is going
@00:18:14 problem russia is and china are backing
@00:26:08 are made up of china russia brazil india
@00:26:46 china as being the next reserve currency
@00:26:51 china has been buying gold hand over
@00:36:09 china or russia or syria right now
@00:36:13 they're making the case for china why
@00:36:16 china because they're going to be the
@00:37:55 blaming china for these cyber attacks
@00:38:26 country is china of course now we all

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 103

@00:00:46 with china-eu uk japan etc we are in
@00:01:10 with china-eu uk japan in full collapse
@00:11:26 about china becoming the world reserve
@00:13:11 basically china okay is making deals so
@00:13:18 this is what's happening china russia
@00:13:20 drop dollar in bilateral trade china and
@00:13:51 pacific as brazil signs china currency
@00:13:56 but no thanks australia and china to
@00:30:48 many people in telling us that china has

The Economic Collapse Has Been Contained, The FED Will Start Tapering -- Episode 102

@00:12:31 to china india and other countries so
@00:22:38 china it's near russia it's near the
@00:25:21 an island we also saw russia and china
@00:27:48 syria with iran and china and then they
@00:28:08 china will back iran also this is to me
@00:29:59 china and get all the countries into war
@00:30:28 china they have been basically hoarding

The Economic Collapse Independence Day -- Episode 101

@00:04:42 oil to china to russia to north korea
@00:21:22 china is buying oil from iraq and using
@00:21:55 portugal china and egypt fuel stock
@00:26:35 problem is russia and china back iran

Alert: False Flag Alley -- Episode 99

@00:09:32 move on here russia and china are
@00:09:39 reserves now russia and china know ok
@00:10:38 metals basically and china and russia
@00:14:52 selling it to china they are selling it
@00:17:10 doing drills with china in the sea of
@00:17:54 beating there's japan china russia syria
@00:21:55 that they're coming from china russia
@00:23:26 great power like russia or china and
@00:24:31 government are china and russia and

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 97

@00:11:36 does iran russia china and that's why i
@00:12:48 taking over an island of china very

We Have Turned The Corner And Are Headed Toward The Economic Collapse -- Episode 96

@00:41:26 states and the president of china
@00:41:30 between the united states and china by

Something Evil Is Coming This Summer -- Episode 95

@00:13:48 in the middle of china russia and
@00:19:06 attacking china and we will have a war
@00:19:15 come into play china will come into play
@00:19:17 that japan will fire at china and

Gold Slam Down Could Lead To An Horrific Event Days From Now -- Episode 94

@00:16:19 there and basically russia china they

It's Go Time For The Economic Collapse, Be Prepared! -- Episode 93

@00:07:02 china and russia wants their own rating
@00:07:36 scared and basically china and russia
@00:23:15 making deals using china china's making
@00:23:52 states just like china is buying oil
@00:32:33 out by china and the midwest and the

Everyone Needs To Prepare For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 92

@00:06:10 important russia and china to seal an
@00:06:39 to china will top hundreds of millions
@00:17:16 china was the worst performing region on
@00:22:37 huge problem australia with china india
@00:22:42 with china brazil with china are all not

The Economic Collapse Is Coming And The FED Is Screwed -- Episode 89

@00:12:17 is near sheer nonsense as china and
@00:13:06 to hook in china to this whole entire
@00:13:11 thing saying that you know china he's
@00:13:19 going to war with china because they
@00:13:28 did this and he worked for china and
@00:13:31 they're trying to demon 8 demonize china

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 88

@00:06:43 australia desai made a deal with china
@00:07:35 russia has a deal with china brazil has
@00:07:40 a deal with china these all nations are
@00:07:43 bipa india has a deal with china all
@00:12:03 number six russia and china both russia
@00:12:06 and china have warned the u.s. against
@00:12:56 care they don't care if russia or china

The Economic Collapse Is A Ticking Time Bomb -- Episode 87

@00:02:06 from china and a tens of thousands of

We Moved Out Of The Eye Of The Storm And Are Headed Toward The Economic Collapse -- Episode 86

@00:13:13 china and there is an article why
@00:13:16 america doesn't care of china hogs all
@00:13:23 but my main reason is if i was china and
@00:13:40 selling oil and if i was china how would
@00:14:27 same thing if i was china now let's move
@00:26:11 china for years and you know basically
@00:30:08 was china it was iran it was syria do
@00:32:47 going china is falling apart most of the

All Reports Are Pointing To A Major Event In July -- Episode 84

@00:07:53 that europe seek sanctions against china
@00:24:14 blame china or iran or sir whoever they

Right Before The Economic Collapse, Government Officials Indicate Everything Is Ok -- Episode 83

@00:12:42 it's near china it's near syria it's
@00:13:40 where it said us to blame china on nsa
@00:14:02 with china and i believe we're sending
@00:32:40 what happened china blew out france

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 82

@00:01:55 into the news right now china is
@00:02:36 america and we see china doing this all
@00:02:59 into america china and they but by and
@00:03:43 with china right now especially with the
@00:11:13 the china chinese currency will be the
@00:13:43 china is then is the new cold war we
@00:13:54 coming we're going to hit china china is
@00:15:30 it's china oh yeah i saw they said it

All Eyes Are Moved Away From The Economic Collapse -- Episode 81

@00:21:44 this and showing everyone that china is
@00:22:24 obama is meeting with china to discuss
@00:22:37 they're going to war with china i mean
@00:22:43 know that the war will be with china i
@00:22:45 believe the meeting with china is to
@00:22:54 china to stop trading with other
@00:22:59 because you know because they're china
@00:23:51 discuss china and russia backing iran
@00:24:15 building the case that china is going to
@00:26:51 china has cyber attacked us and they hit

If You Listen Closely They Are Telling Us The Economic Collapse Is Coming -- Episode 79

@00:07:42 panels from china and i'm sorry that
@00:07:54 impose solar panel duties against china
@00:08:01 it took china less than one day to
@00:13:28 started over in china and iran in syria
@00:14:32 now china is telling the u.s. well we
@00:14:58 prove that china is doing the cyber
@00:16:29 will be blamed on china or any other

First Sign Of The Economic Collapse, The Volatility Of The Market -- Episode 78

@00:16:40 welcomes china to steal military secrets
@00:16:53 china party's going to have them

During The Economic Collapse Nothing Feels Real Anymore - Episode 77

@00:28:39 on china or north korea or iran or syria

The Calm Before The Economic Collapse Part 1 -- Episode 76

@00:14:34 because we have china trading with

Bubbles, Bubbles The Economic Collapse Bubble -- Episode 75

@00:16:36 the united states is provoking china
@00:17:32 person sitting in a room in in china of
@00:17:50 china and
@00:18:02 convince us of basically china has been

The Economic Collapse Roller Coaster Ride -- Episode 74

@00:10:57 to say either russia syria iran or china
@00:25:23 war up with china iran see remember they
@00:25:37 started they're coming from china and if
@00:28:45 and pump and pump china is teetering

Don't Worry The Financial Collapse Has Been Contained, Trust Me -- Episode 71

@00:24:39 things like north korea china iran syria

The Financial Collapse Is Going To Hit Like A Tidal Wave -- Episode 70

@00:26:28 country they want to blame china north

The Economic Collapse Is Coming, The Economic Collapse Is Coming -- Episode 68

@00:28:31 exterminated china established gun

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 67

@00:03:22 oil and they're using china and you know

Raise The False Flag For The Next Event -- Episode 66

@00:27:13 this country from china from the syrians

Something Is Brewing In The Economic Collapse -- Episode 65

@00:12:40 it to iran china or something like that

I Can't Believe There's Going To Be An Economic Collapse -- Episode 64

@00:15:06 pakistan and china india continues to
@00:15:17 and china so you know basically it looks
@00:15:29 going to be india china the middle east
@00:23:28 iran china i mean they named every

No Matter Which Way We Turn The Economic Collapse Is Always In Front Of Us -- Episode 63

@00:09:28 near north korean air china near japan
@00:09:43 north korea we have china we have iran
@00:09:49 china as i say china web- ready said
@00:09:51 china we're all starting together and

The Art Of Distraction During The Economic Collapse -- Episode 62

@00:13:30 interesting though before it was china

The Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 61

@00:13:01 know pay china first red alert trillions

Moving On To Plan "B" For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 60

@00:01:45 the house passes hey china first act i
@00:02:37 foreign nations like china that holds

The Economic Collapse Warning Signs Are All Around Us -- Episode 59

@00:11:34 australia china russia india brazil iran

Media Blackout During An Economic Collapse -- Episode 58

@00:04:00 this on the x 22 site china and march
@00:12:39 need wars so we have china and japan
@00:12:49 the u.s. israel syria russia china iran
@00:12:58 the place and now china is coming out

Setting Up The Major Event For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 57

@00:03:27 they're blaming china for all the cyber
@00:10:39 bringing china into the picture and
@00:10:43 yes china is the country that is and the
@00:12:54 russia is backing syria china is backing

Promoting The Latest Cyber Attack For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 56

@00:21:46 report on china to directly assert that
@00:22:02 that china is behind these cyber attacks
@00:40:40 korea or china or russia we can get them
@00:41:58 china its north korea they can blame it

The Economic Collapse Code -- Episode 53

@00:02:01 the brink of collapse as china moves
@00:02:08 dollars to you on china persist in

The Economic Collapse And The Constitution -- Episode 51

@00:17:44 blaming it on china iran syria north

Confusion Before The Economic Collapse -- Episode 50

@00:22:19 they're blaming it on china iran the
@00:23:09 they told us it was china and before

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 49

@00:00:54 syria we're also seeing china and japan
@00:01:03 china has sent over 40 warplanes over
@00:07:55 different groups not just china not just
@00:08:03 china this one was iran this one was

Could We Be Wrong About The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 47

@00:27:04 ran back syria china russia back i ran
@00:27:07 and i ran back syria and china russia
@00:27:47 islands and we have china and japan and
@00:28:21 backing syria russia and china there

Full Speed Ahead To The Economic Collapse -- Episode 46

@00:09:56 and china right now we have a thousand
@00:10:09 completely to irritate china to say look
@00:12:29 board that's why you see the china-japan
@00:12:45 china happening because they are trying

Now You See Your Rights, Now You Don't -- Episode 45

@00:09:29 in line with china china is trading with
@00:10:03 that doesn't start it it'll be china
@00:23:42 doing now it was china it was north

The Economic Collapse Show Must Go On -- Episode 44

@00:05:19 a mad rush to buy gold in china right
@00:10:06 why north korea i mean it's a past china

Do You Smell It, The Stench Of The Economic Collapse -- Episode 41

@00:06:36 that they're doing china right now

Who Are The Domestic Terrorists During The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 40

@00:04:31 and we're seeing that china japan

Initializing The Economic Collapse With False Flags -- Episode 39

@00:02:43 china to get to iran to get to syria and

Gold, War, Cyber Attack, Black Out And The Economic Collapse -- Episode 32

@00:11:28 can start world war three now china is

War, False Flags And The Economic Collapse -- News Brief -- Episode 31

@00:06:03 the help of iran and russia and china

The Economic Collapse Reality, Believe It Or Not? -- Episode 30

@00:11:21 bankers to get iran china russia
@00:15:58 it all on north korea iran china brings

The Economic Collapse Just Hit The Wall -- Episode 28

@00:03:19 china iran russia japan it's going to

We Are In The Eye Of The Economic Collapse Hurricane -- Episode 27

@00:04:32 china you know mobile mobile
@00:05:05 china is going to be mobilizing russia

Red Sky In Morning Everyone Take Warning -- Episode 26

@00:09:57 china they don't want to use the dollar
@00:10:07 seen china russia the middle east all
@00:11:04 trading with the us dollar with china an

The Economic Collapse Revolution!! -- Episode 24

@00:04:44 with china and i think they moved on to

The Economic Collapse Is Breaking Through The Cracks!! -- Episode 23

@00:09:27 it's china but if you ever notice it's
@00:09:30 always from china it's always from
@00:09:55 now with china and russia backing syria

Will A System Failure Kick Off The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 22

@00:01:29 especially that it's china russia india
@00:01:53 mean right now china russia china and

Has The Economic Collapse Been Cancelled? -- Episode 21

@00:08:38 east china japan to get ready for a war

Warning: Bank Run Coming To Bank Near You! -- Episode 20

@00:05:34 with syria china and japan other middle

An Economic Storm Is Headed Our Way!! -- Episode 18

@00:07:07 pushing china and you know the united
@00:07:13 about the island and stuff and and china
@00:07:20 uneasy about this you know that china is
@00:07:58 seeing syria we're seeing china we're

Will Hyperinflation Suck Your Purchasing Power Away? -- Episode 12

@00:09:57 scale you know launched from china and

Out Of An Economic Collapse The People Rise Up! (Part 5) -- Episode 10

@00:04:56 for those countries you know like china

The Economic Collapse Will Be Much Worse Than We Think! (Part 3) -- Episode 8

@00:03:24 china japan the middle east it's all the

Still Don't Believe In The Economic Collapse, You Will (Part 2) - Episode 7

@00:07:41 about wars i mean russia and china you

The Economy Is Going To Collapse And That's A Fact- Episode 4

@00:08:06 america china japan and we keep

Proof The Economic Collapse Is Upon Us - Episode 3

@00:15:39 russia and china which is very

Alert!! Cyber Attack Event Is Imminent - Episode 2

@00:03:46 telling us that china was responsible
@00:03:58 now why did they include iran and china
@00:04:19 of russia and china we just haven't